Pop Up Jesus

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pop up Jesu: tau Trane Eft: Why hello everybody. We are so happy to see that you have all come out tonight. Now the reason | say we is not because | am a self-centered, egotistical, man who likes the arce in farce, a dummy with a name that rhymes with Devin. Nope. With that may | introduce myself Ed and my partner Ted. Tet: Wait I'm Ted and youwEd. Edt: That's what | said. Tet: (Pulls his pant out and looks down.) Ahh, you are correct. Underwear never lies. Eft: Not unless you lie down or wear someone else's underwear. Te Once | walked around all day calling myself Sally just because | put on my sister's underwear by accident. It was so embarrassing, but it did explain the wedgie. Ett: Well we are here to spread a message to everybody here. Telt: | like things you can spread, like butter, cheese, whipped cream. Ef: Peanut butter. Tett: (Very Serious.) That is disgusting. Who spreads their peanut butter? (Uncomfortable pause.) Et: Ted do you know what the message is about that we are here to give to these good people today. fet: (Thinks hard.) Nope. Ett I'l give you a hint. What does Ned say in Sunday School when he doesn't know the answer. Tee Jed can't a/enything because he ls mute. Ei: No. Not Jed—Ned. Tet: But you're Ed. Why do you ask me what you say? Eft | know I'm Ed. | asked about Ned. What does Ned answer when nobody has a clue what the Sunday School teacher is asking? Ted: (Looks down his pants for a moment.) Jesus! Ei: Yes Jesus. And where does Jesus live? Hle Te: Nazareth and he makes little wooden toy chariots for the all the boys and e LEE girls of the world. Hit: He used to live in Nazareth but he now lives in your heart. Ted: He's in my heart? Ett Yes. Tet: (Starts screaming and clawing at his chest.) Aaaaaaaaa. Get him out. Get him out! Please get him out. Et No. Figuratively. Tett: | don't care what his figure is! | don’t want any little man living inside of me! Ett It’s a figure of speech, not meant to be taken literally. Tett: So there is no little man living in my heart. Eft: That is correct. The reason we say he lives in your heart is because he loves you and cares for you. And he not only lives in your heart but in everybody's heart. Pam: (Walks by.) But he does live in your stomach Ted. Ted: Oh I'm not falling for that. (All of sudden a little Jesus puppet pops out of Ted’s stomach) Tett: (Screams.) Jesus: Kisses, kisses to everybody. (Blows kisses to the people.) One yo you and you. Kisses. Ett: (Talking over Jesus.) Well we better be leaving before we get banned.

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