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Judgment seat of Christ

Judgment seat of Christ
 Meaning. ‘Bema’- Elevated platform, ‘Reward seat
Mat 27:19, Acts 18:12
 Time and Place
I Thess. 3:13; Rev. 22:12, Luke 14:14; Eph. 5:27; Rev. 19:7, 8; Rev. 22:12
 New Jerusalem Heb. 11:10; John 14:1-3; Rev. 22:12; Rev.
21:2,10; Rev. 21:2; Eph. 5:27
 Judge and the Subjects Mark 9:33-34; Rom. 14:10-
12; John 5:22, 27
 Past -sinners Rom. 8:2-3.

 Present sons Heb. 12:5-10

 Future servants II Cor. 5:10; Luke 19:12-27; I Cor. 4:5; Luke

 Stewards- I Cor. 4:2; Luke 12:42-43; see also Matt.
13:52; Prov. 11:26
 Builders- Moses- so did he, Ex. 40:16; Num 12:7.
The glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle Ex. 40:34
 Athletes- I Cor. 9:24-27; Heb. 12:1; II Tim. 2:5; II Tim. 4:7
 Labourers- Matt 20:1-16
Judgment seat of Christ
Place of
 Revelation 2Cor.5:10 “ appear” 1Cor.4:5
 Rejoicing 1 Jn.2:28
 Reckoning Rom. 14:10
 Reward and Recognition 1 Cor.9:27
Testing By Fire 1 Cor 3:9-23, Prov 3:13-15
 Fire 
Holiness of God Heb. 12:29
 Discernment of Christ. Rev. 1:14
 Word of God Heb 4:12, Jer. 23:29

Maranatha Crown
Martyr’s crown
Overcomer’s crown

Soul winners crown

Shepherd’s Crown

The Bema
Incorruptible Crown – Overcomer’s crown 1Cor 9:25

Crown of Rejoicing – Soul winners’ crown 1Thes2:19

Crown of Life – Martyrs Crown Jam 1:12

Crown Of Righteousness- Maranatha Crown 2 Tim 4:8

Crown of Glory- shepherds Crown 1Pet 5:4

FINAL RESULT: Eph 5:27, Rev 19:8, Rev 4:10

FINAL RESULT: Eph 5:27, Rev 19:8, Rev 4:10

Glorious Church

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