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Brett Spurrier


12 Trowbridge St Apt 3 Cambridge MA 02138 USA

(805) 807-6750

Personal Website:

Laboratory Website:
Green Energy Company Website:
Software Dev. Company Website:
Non-Profit Company Website:

Seeing how I am now enrolled in a PhD program at the wonderful New York University, I am at a lull for
seeking employment. However, I encourage constant collaborations in any of my fields of interest (not
limited too): cancer biology, structural biology, green-energy production, or software development.
Please contact me if you see an opportunity for collaborations.

New York University, School of Medicine – New York NY
June 2008 - Present – Doctor of Philosophy
Pursuing a degree in Structural Biology.
• Has not yet begun, so we’ll see.

Syracuse University – Syracuse NY

January 2004 - May 2006 – Master of Science
Degree in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in biological medicine.
• Studied the effects of cellular multinucleation as directed by microfilament directed anti-cancer
agents – results to be published.
• Studied Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems in conjuncture with alternative/renewable
• Modeled and simulated energy based control systems.

University of California, Davis – Davis CA

September 1999 - December 2003 – Double Bachelor of Science
Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering.
• Emphasis in system dynamics and energy flow bond graphs.
Brett Spurrier

Research Scientist | A u s h o n B i o S y s t e m s
August 2007 - Present
• Microarray printing design and studies.
• Immunohistology applications for “reverse-phase” microarray protocols.
• Collaborative efforts with Lahey Clinic (Boston, MA) for microarray studies.
• Organized collaborative efforts with Iwate Medical School, (Iwate, Japan) for biochemical
pathway kinetic studies.
• Quality control for microarray distributions.
• Quantitative proteomic analysis and investigation.

CRTA Fellow | N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e s o f H e a l t h – N C I
June 2006 – August 2007
• Investigated the signaling pathways and inhibitory properties of growth factors (EGF, IGF-1, and
TGF –β1) on specific cell lines.
• Use of high density "reverse-phase" protein lysate microarray assays for quantitative output.
• Use of laser-capture microdissection for DNA, RNA, and protein profiling.
• Common western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemistry assays.
• Development of mathematical kinetic models for “reverse-phase” microarray time study output
• Overall study of proteomics for cancer cell lines and tissue samples.
• Development of laboratory group dynamic website (
• Use of ASP.NET 2.0, SQL, and JavaScript to develop an antibody screening repository and
database called "Antibody Screening for Kinetic Modeling Database (ASK MD) – published in
PROTEOMICS (see publications).

Researcher | S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y B i o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t
August 2005 – May 2006
• Conceptualized, designed and built an ultrasonic system to exploit size difference with in vitro
leukemia cells.
• Mammalian cell culture agar assay experience. Hemocytometer and coulter counter knowledge.
• Immunofluorescence and immunohistology assays.
• Extensive literature review and data keeping.

Software and Energy Engineer | I n d u s t r i a l A s s e s s m e n t C e n t e r

January 2004 – May 2006

• Performed detailed energy auditing of mid-size facilities to help lower their energy costs by
reducing total energy consumption.

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Brett Spurrier

• Studied the feasibility of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) in facilities to help remove them from
the public utility grid to save money and reduce energy.
• Chief software engineer – wrote several thermodynamic analysis packages.

Research Assistant | C I P I C – U C D a v i s
June 2001 – December 2003
• Studied the differences of computed and theoretical Finite-Time-Discrete-Transformations of
spatial audio.
• Mathematically compared pinnae (ear) geometry to approximate sound transformations based
on geometry.

Teaching Assistant | U C D a v i s M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g D e p t .
March 2001 – December 2003
• Graded homework for Mechanics of Materials, Thermodynamics, System Dynamics, and Fluid
• Teaching Assistant for System Dynamics – Modeling and simulation of multiport systems.
• Worked for 6 different professors over the time span of 5 quarters, excluding summer quarters.

… Spurrier, B., Nishizuka, S., et al. (2007). Antibody screening database for protein kinetic
modeling. Proteomics 7(18): 3259-63.

… Nishizuka, S., Spurrier, B., et al. (2008). Quantitative protein network monitoring in response to
DNA damage. Journal of Proteome Research Feb;19(1):41-49.

… Nishizuka, S. and Spurrier, B., (2008). Experimental validation for quantitative protein network
models. Current Opinions in Biotechnology J Proteome Res. 7(2):803-8.

… Nishizuka, S., Spurrier, B., et al. (2007) Application of quantitative proteomic analysis for cancer
therapy using “reverse-phase” protein lysate microarrays. Japanese Journal of Cancer
Chemotherapies Feb;35(2):200-5.

… Spurrier, B., Honkanen, P., et al. Protein Array Technologies in Cancer Research. Biotechnology
Advances, Submitted.

… Spurrier, B., Nishizuka, S., et al. A lysate microarray protocol for quantitative experimental
validation of protein kinetic models by large scale sample collection. Nature Protocols

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Brett Spurrier

… Spurrier, B., Fondy, T., et al. Ultrasonic sensitivity of U937 monocytic leukemia cells as
compared to CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. Manuscript in Preparation.

… 2007 to Present - Founded and developed the U.S. Cancer Foundation ( to
secure small laboratory and individual scientist funding for the future of cancer research.

… May 2006 to Present - I am volunteering with Dr. Tom Fondy at Syracuse University, continuing my
employment research from a remote location. Average 8 hour per week.

… January 2002 to December 2003 – Volunteered 10 hours a week with Dr. Donald Margolis at the
University of California, Davis using bond graphs to model and simulate vibration systems. I worked
on the initial design that is used in the new model Corvette.


… PROTEOMICS September 2007 Podcast selection award. Interview published Wiley-PROTEOMICS

… Cancer Research Training Award 2006, 2007, 2008 – National Cancer Institute

… Intramural Research Training Award 2006, 2007, 2008– National Institutes of Health

… Extensive knowledge of “reverse-phase” protein lysate array protocols for sampling and printing.

… Definitive knowledge of ASP.NET 2.0, PHP, Atlas, Java, AJAX, Visual Basic, C\C++\C#, Matlab,
FORTRAN, LabView, Python, Perl, ACSL, and Rexx.

… Definitive knowledge of Microsoft Office products, Autodesk AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor,

Windows, Linux and UNIX.

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