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MGT700 | Group Assignment 1: Case Study (Hy Dairies, Inc)

Case Study 3.1


Case Study Summary

According to the passage, Rochelle Beauport is a woman with different color in the
Hy Dairies Company. She had been offered a new position from assistant brand
manager to market research coordinator by Syd Gilman, the vice president of
marketing in Hy Dairies, for her successful effort of improving the sales of Hy ‘s
gourment ice cream. Syd Gilman rewarded her with the new opportunity of position
in order to give her new experience of working level and enhance her career in Hy
Dairies. Rochelle Beauport in other hand, enjoyed her former position better as it
seems to be more challenging and directly affected the company’s profitability than
the new position which was more towards backroom job. Since the new position was
thought not to be the route to top management in many organizations, Rochelle
thought that because of her differences, she has been place apart and unimportant to
the company. Even she felt reluctant, she did accept the offer. However, Mr. Gilman
did not realize that he actually had given Rochelle a wrong perception about the
whole situation.
MGT700 | Group Assignment 1: Case Study (Hy Dairies, Inc)

Discussion Questions

Question 1

Apply your knowledge of stereotyping and social identity theory to explain what
went wrong here.

The stereotyping occurs when people make a generalization, usually

exaggerated or simplified (and potentially offensive) that is used to describe or
distinguish a group. Whereas, social identity theory is a theory developed to
understand the psychological basis of discrimination.

According to the case study, what when wrong here is that, Mr. Gilman
misperceived that Rochelle would love his new position proposal as he also had gone
through the same position before he can became what he is today. Therefore, he
would like Rochelle to have the same opportunity by offering her the same position,
so that she can broader her experience and enhance her career. In this situation, Mr.
Gilman actually had failed to recognize Rochelle’s different self and social concepts.
With different background, social identity, work experiences and characteristics,
finally engaged them in stereotyping.
MGT700 | Group Assignment 1: Case Study (Hy Dairies, Inc)

Question 2

What other perceptual error is apparent in this case study?

The other perceptual error that is apparent in this case study is Halo Effect,
which occurs when one attribute of a person or situation is used to develop an overall
impression of the individual of situation. Like stereotypes, these distortions are more
likely to occur in the organization stage of perception. In this case, Rochelle, when
being proposed the new position of marketing research coordinator, came into
conclusion that Mr. Gilman was actually did not want her in the top management. She
felt that Mr.Gilman was trying to sideline her because of her different social identity.
Therefore, her reaction towards the good news was only a weak “Thank you, Mr.
MGT700 | Group Assignment 1: Case Study (Hy Dairies, Inc)

Question 3

What can organizations do to minimize misperceptions in these types of


In conflict situations, avoiding misunderstanding takes a lot of effort. Some

considerations that the organizations or Mr. Gilman can do are:

a) The first is active listening. The goal of active listening is to understand the
receiver as well as you understands yourself. In this case, Mr. Gilman should
pay close attention to what the Rochelle is saying. Ask her to clarify or repeat
anything that is unclear or seems unreasonable (maybe it isn't, but Gilman is
interpreting it wrong). Attempt to repeat her case, as she has presented it, back
to her. This shows that Mr. Gilman is listening (which suggests that Gilman
care what she has to say) and that Gilman understand what she has said or
feel. It does not indicate that Gilman agree with what she said, nor do Gilman
has to. Mr. Gilman just need to indicate that he does understand her.

b) Second, speak directly to the listener. This is not considered appropriate in

some cultures, but when permitted, it helps to increase understanding. Avoid
being distracted by others, or by other things going on in the same room.
Focus on what you have to say, and on saying it in a way that your listener can

c) Lastly, "speak for a purpose." Too much communication can be

counterproductive. For Example, before Mr. Gilman make a significant
statement, he should pause and consider what he want to communicate, why
he want to communicate that, and how he can do it in the clearest possible

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