Psy. 101: Notes #1 Psychology: The Scientific Study of Behavior and Mental Processes (Empirical Evidence and Critical Thinking.)

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101: Notes #1

Psychology: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes (Empirical

evidence and critical thinking.)

Pseudo psychologies: Non scientific studies of psychologies.

Description: tells “what”

Explanation: tell “why” a behavior or mental process that occurred.

Prediction: Identifies conditions under which a future behavior is likely to occur

Change: Applies psychological knowledge to prevent unwanted behavior or to bring

about desired goals

Psychologist: Prescriptions (basically a doctor)

Psychiatrist: Analyzer of minds

Wilhelm Wundt: “father of Psychology”

Structuralism: Sought to identify the basic building blocks, or structures, of mental

life through introspection. (Titchener key leader)

Functionalism: studied how the mind functions to adapt organisms to their

environment. (James key leader)


Perspective: unconscious processes & unresolved past conflicts (Sigmund Freud)

Behavioral Perspective: Objective, observable environmental

Humanistic Perspective: Free will & self actualization

Cognitive perspective: thoughts perception

Neuroscietific: genetics

Mary Calkins: One of the first women in psychology, first femal president of APA

Maragaret Floy Washburn:

Ethnocentrism: Believing one culture is the same as all cultures

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