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Chrionic Hep C Drug Therapy

Goal: eradicate the virus, reduce viral load, stop disease progression
Treatment – pegylated (long-acting) alpha-interferon (subq 1x/week), given w/ ribavirin (robetol Copegus)(orally 2x/week), has a
synergestic effect from combination, can be used as long as s/s of liver failure is not present
Side Effects for Rubvarin: avoid pregnancy or conceving during treatment. Causes anemia, anorexia, cough, dyspnea, insomnia,
pruritus, rash, teratogenicity. (interferes w/ normal fetal development).
Preventing Hep
Vaccines for HAV and HBV, hand washing and hygiene when handling food, for health care workers, frequent and correct hand
washing , universal precautions follow protocols for work-related exposure (splashes, needle sticks)
Preventing Viral hep for staff HCV and HIV
Ribavirin and alpha-interferon may be used, monitor liver function, lymphocyte count, rbc count, watch for drug interactions, with
liver damage. Hiv drug therapy may need to be changed b/c the liver can’t metabolize drugs well
Nursing care Goals with HCV and HIV
Goal is to relieve discomfort, resume normal activities, return to normal liver function without complication
Interventions for HEP
Jaundice – tread headache, itching, nausea
Nutrition – rest and diet helps liver cells regenerate, vitamin supplements (b complex and vit K), adequate cal needed to counteract
weight loss, IV fluids or tube feeds to maintain fluid/electrolyte balance, small frequent meals may help if nausea, adequate fluid
Teaching – prevention of transmission to family members
Rest – assess response to activity, provide rest periods, monitor skin, lung and heart function

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