How To Double Firefox Speed

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How to Double Firefox Speed

Posted on Jason on March 19, 2007 // 134 Comments

Firefox is in my opinion the best browser ever made until now. It includes:
-improved tabbed browsing
-pop up blocking
-integrated Goggle search
-enhanced privacy controls
-built-in phishing protection
-online spell checking
-lots of themes, interfaces, and extensions/addons

Mozilla Firefox officially supports:

-Microsoft Windows
-Mac OS X

Unofficial Support:
-Free BSD
-XP Professional x64 Edition

Now here are some Tips&Tricks that can help you double the speed of Firefox.

1. Type about:config

in the address bar and then press Enter.

2. In the filter search bar type network.http.pipelining. Be sure the value field is set true,if not
double-click to set true.

HTTP is the application-layer protocol that most web pages are transferred with. In HTTP 1.1,
multiple requests can be sent before any responses are received. This is known as pipelining.
Pipelining reduces page loading times, but not all servers

support it.

3. Go back to the filter search bar and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests. Double-click

this option and set its value to 8.
4. In the filter search bar and type network.http.proxy.pipelining. Once opened double-click on
it and set it to true.

5. In IPv6-capable DNS servers, an IPv4 address may be returned when an IPv6 address is
requested. It is possible for Mozilla to recover from this misinformation, but a significant delay
is introduced.
Type network.dns.disableIPv6 in the filter search bar and set this option to true by double
clicking on it.


This preference controls if the application will interrupt parsing a page to respond to UI events. It
does not exist by default.
Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then
Boolean from the pop-up menu. Then:

A. Enter content.interrupt.parsing in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK

B. When prompted to choose the value for the new boolean, select true and click OK.

7. Rather than wait until a page has completely downloaded to display it to the user, Mozilla

will regularly render what has been received to that point. This option controls the maximum
amount of time the application will be unresponsive while rendering pages.

Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then
Integer from the pop-up menu.

A. Enter content.max.tokenizing.time in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK

B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 2250000 and click OK.


This option sets the minimum amount of time to wait between reflows. Right-click (Apple users
ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window, select New and then Integer from the pop-up

A. Type content.notify.interval in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.

B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 750000 and click OK.


A. This option sets if to reflow pages at an interval any higher than that specified by
content.notify.interval. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config
window and select New and then Boolean from the pop-up menu.

B. Type content.notify.ontimer in the New boolean value pop-up window and click OK.

C. You will be prompted to choose the value for the new boolean. Select true and click OK.

10. Notify Backoffcount

This option controls the maximum number of times the content will do timer-based reflows.
After this number has been reached, the page will only reflow once it is finished downloading.
Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and
then Integer from the pop-up menu.

A. Enter content.notify.backoffcount in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.

B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 5 and click OK.


You can interact with a loading page when content.interrupt.parsing is set to true. When a
page is loading, the application has two modes: a high frequency interrupt mode and a low
frequency interrupt mode. The first one interrupts the parser more frequently to allow for greater
UI responsiveness during page load.

The low frequency interrupt mode interrupts the parser less frequently to allow for quicker page
load. The application enters high frequency interrupt mode when you move the mouse or type on
the keyboard and switch back to low frequency mode when you had no activity for a certain
amount of time. This preference controls that amount of time. Right-click (Apple users ctrl-click)
anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the pop-up menu.

A. Enter content.switch.threshold in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.

B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 750000 and click OK.


Mozilla applications render web pages incrementally, they display what’s been received of a
page before the entire page has been downloaded. Since the start of a web page

normally doesn’t have much useful information to display, Mozilla applications will wait a short
interval before first rendering a page. This preference controls that interval. Right-click (Apple
users ctrl-click) anywhere in the about:config window and select New and then Integer from the
pop-up menu.

A. Enter nglayout.initialpaint.delay in the New integer value pop-up window and click OK.
B. You will be prompted to enter a value. Enter 0 and click OK.

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