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This course pack on managing industrial relations is basically

meant for students. It is concerned with the several factors and
issues that go to make up an industrial relations system. The
objective is to provide a broader outlook of the industrial
relation function. The focus has been on the developmental
aspects rather than on the more traditional control aspects of
the function. It also provides the reader with a framework for
analysis of industrial relations problems. This would enable the
reader to get a broad overview and a good feel of the several
related factors that should be considered for an understanding
of the industrial relations situation.

The students on completion of the course shall have a good

understanding of various aspects of:

1. Industrial Relations (IR) and Trade Unionism.

2. Collective Bargaining Process.
3. Grievance Redress Mechanism.
4. Industrial Conflict.
5. Workers Participation.





Sub. Code: MBA- HR- 304 Credits-03

Total Marks: 100 Minimum Pass Marks: 40%

Internal Assessment: 40 Marks University Examination: 60 Marks


Unit 1: Industrial Relations Strategy

Evolution of Industrial Relation; Industrial Relations; Relations Strategy; Future of
Industrial Relations in India.

Unit 2: Types of Unions

Historical Evolution and Aspects of Trade U696 nion in India; Approaches to Trade
Union, Types of Union, Functions of Trade unions.

Unit 3: Industrial Dispute Act

Functions of Trade Unions; National Level Federations; The Industrial,
Dispute(Central)Rules, Central ID Rules, 1957


Unit 4: Trade Unions Act 1926

The Industrial, Dispute (Central) Rules; Central ID Rules, 1957; The Trade Union Act

Unit 5: Wage Fixation Method

Concept of Collective Bargaining; Stages and prerequisites for collective Fixation;
Collective Bargaining as a Wage Fixation Method.

Unit 6: Collective Bargaining

Collective Bargaining as Wage Fixation Method; Types of Collective Bargaining and
Studies in Collective Bargaining; Approaches and Nature of Grievances; Causes,
Procedure and Grievance; Redress Mechanism; Case Study.

Unit 7: Disciplinary Proceedings

Judicial Approaches to Discipline; Disciplinary Proceedings; Domestic Enquiry and
Award of punishment, Nature of Conflict and its Manifestations, Labor Administration

Unit 8: Industrial Disputes Act 1947

Inter Industry Propensity for Strikes, Strike Patterns, Environmental Influence:
Arbitration, Conciliation, Adjudication, Unfair Labor Practices, Environmental Influence:
Arbitration, Conciliation, Adjudication, Unfair Labor Practices, Case Study, Industrial
Disputes Act 1947 Evolution and Nature of Participation, Prerequisites for Successful

Unit 9: Limitation of Participation

Degree of Influence and Involvement, forms of participation, and impact of participation,
Degree of influence and Involvement, forms of participation, and impact of participation,
Limitation of participation, Current trends in participation in Indian industries Case Study


1. Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India by Mammoria C. B. Himalaya

Publishing House;
2. Personal Management by Mammoria C. B. Himalaya Publishing House;
3. Industrial Relations & Labor Laws by Srivastava S. C. Vikas Publishing House;
4. Personal Management & Industrial Relation : R. S Davar, Vikas Publishing
5. Hand Book of Industrial Laws by Kapoor N. D. Publishing House Sultan Chand
& Sons;
6. Personal Management & Industrial Relation : Mittal Kumar- Anmol Publication;
7. Contemporary Industrial Relations by Ian J Beardwell; Oxford University Press


Unit No. Lesson No. Topic Page No.

1 Lesson 1 Evolution of Industrial Relations 1

Lesson 2 Approches to Industrial Relations 7
Lesson 3 Industrial Relations Strategy 9
Lesson 4 Future of Industrial Relations in India 22

2 Lesson 5 Historical Evolution and Aspects of Trade Union in India 27

Lesson 6 Approches to Trade Union 37
Lesson 7 Types of Unions 41
Lesson 8 Growth of Union 45

3 Lesson 9 Functions of Trade Unions 51

Lesson 10 National Level Federations 53
Lesson 11 The Indiustrial Dispute (Central)Rules, Central ID Rules, 1957 56
Lesson 12 The Indiustrial Dispute (Central)Rules, Central ID Rules, 1957 61

4 Lesson 13 The Indiustrial Dispute (Central)Rules, Central ID Rules, 1957 65

Lesson 14 The Trade Unions Act 1926 71
Lesson 15 The Trade Unions Act 1926 74
5 Lesson 16 Concept of Collective Bargaining 78
Lesson 17 Stages and Prerequisites For collective Bargaining 80
Lesson 18 Collective Bargaining as a Wage Fixation Method 84
Lesson 19 Collective Bargaining as a Wage Fixation Method 93

6 Lesson 20 Collective Bargaining as a Wage Fixation Method 107

Lesson 21 Types of Collective Bargaining and Studies In Collective
Bargaining 117
Lesson 22 Approaches and nature of grievances, causes, procedure
and grievance redress mechanism 120
Lesson 23 Case Study 126
7 Lesson 24 Case Study 127

Lesson 25 Judicial Approaches to Discipline 128


Unit No. Lesson No. Topic Page No.
Lesson 26 Disciplinary Proceedings 133
Lesson 27 Domestic enquires, Charge Sheets, Conduct of enquiry and
award of punishment 136
Lesson 28 Nature of conflict and its manifestations 139
Lesson 29 labour administration machinery 143

8 Lesson 30 lnter industry propensity for strikes, strike patterns 144

Lesson 31 Envionmental influnces: arbitration, conciliation,
adjudication,unfair labour practices 148
Lesson 32 Envionmental influnces: arbitration, conciliation,
adjudication,unfair labour practices 152
Lesson 33 Case Study 157
Lesson 34 Industrial Disputes Act 1947 160
Lesson 35 Evolution and nature of participation, Prerequisites
for successful participation 162

9 Lesson 36 Degree of influnce and involvent, forms

of participation, and impact of participation 165
Lesson 37 Degree of influnce and involvent,
forms of participation, and impact of participation 167
Lesson 38 Limitation of participation 170
Lesson 39 Current trends in participation in Indian industries 172
Lesson 40 Case Study 173


Learning Objectives 1 Primitive Stage


After going through this lesson you will be able to comprehend The families at this stage were self-sufficient as their needs were
the following limited. Hence, there was no problem of exchange of goods.
• What are Industrial Relations. Division of labour was restricted only to the family level. This
was mainly because men devoted their time to activities like
• How did the Industrial Relations evolve going through a
hunting, fishing and making of weapons, and women engaged
series of stages.
themselves in cooking, bringing up the children, agriculture and
• The changes brought about by Industrial Revolution and domestication of animals and doing other household chores.
its effects. In short, all the activities of the family were carried on either to
• How did we reach the machine age and modern factory produce or to procure products for family consumption. In this
system. manner a family was able to satisfy its needs, and the question
What are Industrial Relations? of exchange of goods did not arise.
In order to understand the emergence of Industrial Relations, In the course of time, some families started keeping the
it is necessary for us to study the process of evolution of animals rather than killing them. This led to domestication of
industry. animals. Animals were treated as a form of wealth, which could
be exchanged for other products required by the family. This
Evolution of Industrial Relations
gave birth to the barter economy.
The evolution of industry has been quite gradual. There was a
time in the history of human civilisation when there used to be The barter economy…Yeah! The term sounds familiar
no industrial activity. During hunting stage, man lived all by Is it something to do with exchange? or
himself. He used to go out for hunting and eat whatever he Some form of business?
could find, even flesh, fish, fruits and roots of trees. He used
tree bark, leaves and animal skins to cover his body. But he had To answer the questions barter economy may be defined as the
no fixed residence. After this, man entered into pastoral stage direct exchange of one commodity for another commodity.
under which he started domesticating animals to have an “The barter economy developed because of the increase in the
assured supply of milk, meat and skin. He lived near the banks number of human wants and inability of a family to produce
of lakes and rivers because of the availability of grass and water all the things required, by it. The exchange was direct and
for the animals. Gradually, man discovered a new use to which without the use of any common medium of exchange. Every
land could be put. He entered the agricultural stage. He began person used to exchange his surplus goods with the other
cultivating the land to grow food grains. Some people, who did persons for the goods required. For instance, a farmer, who had
not have any work, offered to work in the fields of others. Such plenty of foodgrains but no cloth exchanged a part of his
workers were paid in kind. The exchange of services for goods foodgrains with the weaver who had surplus cloth and needed
made the background for the evolution of industry. foodgrains. The main difficulty of the barter system was the
lack of double coincidence of wants and a common measure of
All this is fine but the next question, which comes to our mind value. Therefore, the exchange was restricted only to the goods
is- how did the Industry finally evolve? in which some families were surplus and other families were
Well we can classify the various stages in the evolution of deficient.
industry as follows:
2 Agrarian Economy Stage
1. Primitive stage Well by this time things changed a little. Many tribes settled
2. Agrarian economy stage down permanently at some place and began to sow seeds and
3. andicrafts stage. rear cattle on the land, which they shared in common. Agricul-
ture became the primary source of maintenance during this
4. Guild system.
stage. These tribes were self-sufficient as they produced
5. Putting out (or Domestic) system. everything they required. The division of labour confined to the
6. Industrial revolution. division of work between men and women of the tribe.
As you might know The Machine age started after industrial Eventually with the rise of private ownership of property
‘revolution in England which took place between 1760 A.D. inland and cattle, the tribe split up into families. Gradually,
and 1820 A.D. The first three stages represent Pre-machine age. human wants also became varied. These families were no more
Let us look at these stages briefly: self-sufficient. Moreover, some families concentrated on
occupations other than agriculture. This led to exchange of
goods for goods to satisfy needs of various families and the

establishment of village economy. The village became a unit of development of industry and commerce. It changed radically

economic self-sufficiency. Some families also started using hired the techniques of production and had an important impact on
labour. Later on, traders came into existence that purchased the the life of mankind.
surplus products of different families and sold them to those Industrial revolution was the result of the inventions of many
requiring these products. The difference in purchase and sale English scientists during 1760 to 1820. The need for inventions
price was their profit. Emergence of traders led to specialisation arose because of the increase in the demand of products due to
in different fields by different families. It was no longer widening of markets followed by the geographical discoveries
necessary to produce everything a family needed for self- of the late 15th and 16th centuries. It was beyond the capacity
consumption: of the industry using labour intensive techniques to meet the
3 Handicrafts Stage increasing demand. The inventors in England had set for
This is the next stage which we are going to discuss about themselves the task of finding ways and means to remove the
under this stage, artisans living in villages produced the hindrances in production faced by the producers and manufac-
products for the local population and got in exchange various turers. James Hargreaves made ‘spinning genny’ in 1764, and
things from customers. There was hardly any machinery. The Richard Arkwright introduced ‘water-frame’ in 1779. Thereafter,
craftsman used simple hand tools arid manual skills for many mechanical inventions came in quick succession such as
producing the goods. There was no division of labour at this ‘mule spinner’ by Crompton, and ‘power-loom’ by Cartwright.
stage. Thus, the organisation of industry was quite simple. The The invention of steam engine enabled man to drive the
craftsman was responsible for assembling various raw materials, machines by power.
and selling the goods produced by him. We see that the concept Industrial Relations largely emerged
4 Guild Stage during the Industrial Revolution.
The ‘guild stage’ is the next stage what we are going to talk Let us briefly deliberate on some aspects of Industrial Revolu-
about. Under this stage two types of guilds were initiated, tion which will help in our understand of the evolution of
namely, Merchant Guild, and Craft Guild. A merchant guild was Industrial Relations
an association of merchants engaged in trade in a particular We can sum up as:
locality. The purpose of a merchant guild was to enforce equality
1. There were a series of mechanical inventions by the English
of opportunity for the members of the guild, to protect their
interest, to avoid competition among the members and also to
regulate the conduct of its members by prohibiting unfair 2. Production in factories started with the help of machines
practices. A craft guild, on the other hand, was an association of run by mechanical power such as steam, oil and electricity:
the skilled artisans engaged in the same occupation. Thus, there Thus, setting up a factory required huge amount of capital.
were several guilds in a town. The craft guild regulated entry to This gave birth to two classes in industry, namely, capitalist
the craft, prescribed standards of workmanship and regulated and labour.
the conduct of the members. The guild system began to decline 3. Introduction of machinery led to mass scale production of
by the end of 15th century due to the narrow attitude of the standardized goods. .
guilds and the increasing rivalry among their members. 4. The modern factory system provided both direct and
5 Putting out System. indirect employment to a large number of people. The
At this stage, the intermediary between the producers and factories generated direct employment and trading in raw
consumers of goods came to play an important role. The materials and factors products gave indirect employment to
entrepreneur gave outwork to the artisans who worked in their traders and mercantile agents.
homes. The artisans still owned the means of production. The 5. Large scale employment in factories gave birth to labour
entrepreneur came at regular intervals, collected the goods and problems, which necessitated some steps by employers to
paid for them to the artisans. The artisans faced difficulty when create good human relations in factories.
the scale of production increased and there was a need for new Changes brought about by Industrial Revolution.
tools of production. The entrepreneur started providing raw The significant changes brought about by industrial revolution
materials and, tools to the artisans who produced goods and are listed below:
received wages on piece wage basis. That is why; this stage was
called the putting out system. During the beginning of 18th a. Development of engineering. Engineers were required to
century, the entrepreneur followed the practice of employing the design machinery for textiles, coal mining, etc. for making
artisans and getting work from them at their own premises. and repairing steam engines, and making tools and
The entrepreneur procured raw-materials and equipment, locomotives.
assigned work to the artisans, inspected the quality of products, b. Revolution in iron making. The engineers, who took charge
and found a market for his products. In other words, he was of important task connected with the industrial change,
the owner and manager of the production system. could succeed in their work only if iron was cast in large
quantities and was of fairly good quality.
6 Industrial Revolution
Industrial revolution during the later part of the 18th century c. Use of power driven machines. Power driven machines were
and earlier part of the 19th century had a vital influence on the used in industry. It began with cotton spinning and
weaving and, later on, spread to wool, silk etc.

d. Rise of chemical industry. The application of power driven vi. Standard of Living. Industrial revolution had a positive


machines in textile mills made it necessary to develop impact on the standard of living of the people. Factories
bleaching, dyeing, finishing and printing processes to keep produced goods of better quality and at cheaper rates for
pace with the output of textile mills. the consumption of the people. This improved their
e. Development of coal mining. Coal was needed to refine pig standard of living.
iron and cast it into the form in which it was needed by the Social and Politica1 Effects of Industrial Revolution
engineers. It was also needed for generation of steam Industrial revolution not only affected the economy but also
power. created certain social and political implications, which in turn
f. Development of means of transport. For regular supply of created the need for organization of workers and later paved the
raw materials, etc., to industry and for the distribution of way for trade unionism. Here let us discuss a few social and
goods produced by the factories, effective transport was a political effects of industrial revolution :
must. The development of the means of transport like i. Urbanization. Industrial revolution led to the
railways and steamships constitutes the most important concentration of population in towns because factories and
impact of the industrial revolution. other establishments were located in the towns. This gave
Above you have seen the changes brought about by the birth to the housing problem. Even now, lakhs of workers
industrial revolution so now going on a little further on the continue to live in slum areas in the industrial towns.
same topic let us discuss the effects industrial revolution had on ii. Rise of Individualism. People from the villages came to
the economic front. the towns to find employment. Their close ties with the
Economic Effects of Industrial Revolution village, land and family were broken. The industrial
Industrial revolution brought about the following economic revolution created conditions under which workers aimed at
changes: material progress by working in the factories. This led to the
disintegration of joint family life.
i. Large Scale Production. The industrial revolution made
mass production of goods possible by the use of power iii. Awareness of Rights. The industrial revolution gave birth
driven machinery in place of hand tools. to two classes, namely capitalists and workers. There was
economic inequality between the rich and the poor. Slowly
ii. Change of form of Ownership. Large-scale production
and slowly class-consciousness came in the minds of
increased the size of industrial enterprises sole
workers and they organized themselves in the form of
proprietorship concerns expanded into partnership firms
unions to fight for their economic, social and political
and further developed into joint-stock companies. The
evolution of joint stock companies was an important
outcome of the industrial revolution. iv. Poor Working Conditions. The workers were paid lower
wages and they had to work under poor working
iii. Specialization. Industrialization led to a craze for
conditions. There was no one to convince the factory
specialization in every field because of development in the
owners about the need of good working conditions so
means of transport and communication. Different parts of
long as trade unions did not protest. This was an
the country (and even different parts of the world)
obstruction in increasing the productivity of the workers.
specialized in producing or manufacturing different
commodities or parts. Specialization helped in reducing the
cost of production. v. Political Awareness. Industrial revolution increased the
incomes and standard of living of the people. The earning
iv. Rise of Capitalism. Cottage system of production was
people started spending more and more on the education
greatly replaced by the factory system. Under the factory
of their children. Press also progressed a lot to air the
system capital is the crucial factor. Large-scale production
grievances of the working class. These factors created
further increased the need and significance of capital. This
political consciousness among the people. The workers
gave birth to capitalistic economy under which there are two
demanded the right to form unions and to participate in
classes of people, namely, capitalists and workers. The-
the management of the industrial undertakings.
workers are purely wage earners dependent for their -living
on the capitalist employers. The capitalist system also After seeing the changes brought about by the industrial
increased the importance of money as a medium of revolution let us now try to examine how did we reach the
exchange, measure of value and store of value. Machine Age And Modern Factory System
v. Trade Cycles. Large-scale production accompanied by The industrial revolution took place in England and later on
capitalism gave birth to trade cycles having successive spread to other countries of the world. Since the industrial
periods of inflation arid depression. During the period of revolution, many changes have taken place in the industrial
prosperity, there is high level-of employment and sustained system. The present age is an era of large-scale production.
rise is prices. But during depression, there is large-scale Many big factories have come into existence and they employ a
unemployment decrease in demand and so on. Many weak large number of workers. They cater to the needs of the people
firms are eliminated during the depression period. not only in one country but also in many countries of the
world. Thus, machine age has facilitated expansion of interna-
tional trade and growth of multi-national corporations.

During the last 40 years or so, tremendous and rapid develop- earnings for innovating new products and ideas. Research

ment of science and technology has taken place. That is why, the and development activities have the effect of decreasing cost,
present era is known as ‘atomic age’, ‘space age’ and ‘electronic increasing quality and consumer satisfaction and raising the
age’. Some people also call this era as the phase of second standard of living of the people.
industrial revolution. In the present machine age, different
countries of the world are closely inter-related by very fast
x. Competition. There is cutthroat competition among the
means of transport and communication.
producers of goods in all capitalist economies. Economic
Features of Machine Age relations between different persons are based on contract
The main features of the present age, popularly known as rather than on custom and tradition.
machine age, are as follows: Now we can conclude that industrial revolution gave plants and
i. Large Scale Production. Modem factories carryon large scale machinery, which brought about factory system. Entrepreneurs
production to meet the demands of large number of established factories and employed a large number of workers
people. Production is carried on in anticipation of demand. to work in their factories. This gave rise to two classes, namely,
ii. Mechanization. The developments in the fields of science capitalist and workers and the term ‘industrial relations’ was
and technology have increased the degree of mechanization coined to create and maintain cordial relations between these
in the modern factory system. The efficiency of the factories two classes for the growth of industry. This was the real
has increased many times because of new innovations. beginning of industrialization.
iii. Automation. In many advanced countries like the U.S.A. As a result of industrial revolution, capital became a critical
and the U.K., automation has been introduced in the factor of production. With the technological advancements, the
production system. By automation we mean installation of use of out-workers (people working at their homes with their
one set of machines to run another set of machines. For own tools and machines) declined and employment in factories
instance, there is automation in oil refineries, chemical rose up tremendously. The owner of the factory provided raw
industrial units and food processing units. A small number materials, tools and machines and other means of production
of operators sitting in the control room control the entire in the factory premises and the workers offered their labour in
operation. return of wages. This led to the emergence of two distinct
iv. Management Information System. Introduction of classes on the industrial scene, namely, the capitalist class and the
management information system with the help of electronic working class. The capitalist class became more powerful as it
computers is another highlight of modem machine age. provided the most important input of production i.e., capital
The computers have vast memories. They can store huge in the initial stages of industrialization the workers were largely
amount of information and make available the required untrained, uneducated and unorganized ; hence didn’t receive a
information within seconds. They help in taking managerial fair deal at the hands of employers.
decisions at the proper time. In the early stages of industrialization, the trends, which
v. Specialization. There is greater specialization and division of dominated the scene, were:
labour. Many industrial units specialize in the manufacture i. Loss of freedom. Unlike working in their homes, where
of a small number of components or parts of different the workers had freedom in carrying out work the way they
products. Division of labour has facilitated the workers to liked it, in factories they were forced to work under strict
concentrate on limited operations. discipline. They had little say in matters of working
vi. Standardization. Standardization brings about uniformity conditions, rest interval, holidays, wages etc. They also lost
of quality and size, and facilitates large-scale production. their freedom of movement during working hours.
Nowadays, many organizations... whether production or ii. Unhygienic working conditions. The work environment
services based, are trying to get themselves standardized as in the factories was extremely unhygienic and unhealthy.
per International Standards called ISO certifications. Thus, Also it was largely in sanitary badly lit and ill ventilated; little
overall quality consciousness has increased in industry. attention was paid to the health and safety of workers.
vii.Growth of Industrial Areas. Concentration of industries in
certain regions of the country has given rise to the growth iii. Employment of children. Partly due to economic necessity
of industrial areas which offer special advantages in regard and partly due to pressure of employers, the workers were
to raw materials, power, access to market, financing, forced to put their children to employment. There was no
transporting, etc. difference in the hours of work and other working
conditions’ of both the child and the adult workers. The
viii.Expansion of International Trade. Mass production,
incidents of the shameless exploitation of child workers by
standardization of products, and improved means of
the employers were not uncommon.
transport and communication have increased the volume of
international trade among different countries. Since the workers were unorganized and had no bargaining
ix. Research and Development. Big industrial enterprises have power, the Governments in many countries intervened through
established separate departments for research and various1aws to check the exploitation of workers and to
development and they spend a considerable portion of their safeguard their health and welfare. Predominance of mass
illiteracy among the workers also stood in way of rise of trade

unionism. But gradually, with the initiative of social and timing work. His vision was that of improving efficiency


political workers, trade unions were formed to protect the through the application of scientific techniques .
economic, social and psychological interest of the, workers. The Daniel C. McCallim. Daniel C. McCallum tried to find
factors, which necessitated the growth of trade unions areas, solutions to managerial inefficiencies, which were plaguing the
follow: railroads at that time. His approach to run the railroad, was one
i. Commanding position of the capitalist or employer; of system, commonsense, reports and control. He insisted job
ii. Employment of large number of workers in factories; descriptions, made promotions on the basis of merit and
insisted that those in charge of specific operations were both
iii. Introduction of division of labour;
responsible and accountable for their successes and failures.
iv. Growth of a new class of technical and, professional
employees; Growth of’Trade Unionism
During the early period of industrialization, workers faced
v. Migration of labour from rural areas to urban areas;
several problems in the factories. They got lower wages and
vi. Rise of materialism; worked under poor working conditions. So they organized
vii.Monotony and boredom in jobs increase in accidents, etc.; themselves into trade unions to secure better wages and better
viii.Employment of children in factories; conditions of work. The basic philosophy underlying trade
unionism was through strength and collective support, the
ix. Payment of lower wages;
employers could be forced to listen to the workers and redress
x. Unhygienic working conditions in factories; their grievances. The weapons used included strikes, slowdowns,
xi. Lack of welfare measures for workers etc walkouts, picketing, boycotts and sabotage. Sometimes, even
Now the things were becoming complicated and complex. To physical force was used. Trade unionism influenced the
meet the above challenges, several management thinkers and personnel management in such fields of activity as the adoption
practitioners contributed to the thought on human relations in of employee grievance handling systems, the acceptance of
industry. The contribution of Robert Owen, Charles Babbage arbitration as means of resolving conflict of rights , disciplinary
and Daniel C. McCallum is worth mentioning here. Thus, we practices, the expansion of employee benefit programmes, the
are now going to talk about the role of management thinkers in liberalization of holiday and vacation time clear definition of
regard to the human relations in industry. job duties, job rights through seniority and the installation of
rational and defensible wage structures.
Role Of Management Thinkers
Robert Owen. Robert Owen was an outstanding pioneer of Because of influence of trade unions, several employers in the
management thought. He started a factory at Manchester of U.S.A. appointed Welfare Secretaries and also launched schemes
textile machinery and in 1800; he became the managing director for workers’ participation. They adopted paternalistic attitude
of Chorlton Twist Company. He carried out experiments in the towards the workers and invested on welfare activities for the
group of textile mills he managed during the period 1800 and betterment of workers. In several companies, personnel
1828 and introduced many social reforms. He also began departments were set up around 1910 to look after functions
cooperative movement in 1828 in Rochdale, England. like recruitment, training, motion study, record-keeping, welfare,
Robert Owen has been referred to as the father of personnel
management. Throughout his life, he worked for building up of Trade unionism in India developed quite slowly as compared to
a spirit of co-operation between the workers and the manage- the western nations. The main reason for the delayed start of
ment. He believed and practiced the idea that workers should be the labour movement is the difference in her economic set up
treated as human beings. He, made provision for reduced from those of the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. Though the
working hours, housing facilities, education of workers and foreign trading companies helped in the spread of trade and
their children, and a system of discipline combined with justice commerce in the country during the eighteenth and the first
in the factories being managed by him. He also took active part half of the nineteenth centuries, they were also instrumental in
in the introduction of British Factory Act; 1819.He was greatly destroying indigenous industries. They were more interested in
admired for giving human treatment to the workers. He selling goods obtained from their own country and not in
preached that personnel management pays dividends to the setting up production centres. It was only during the 19th
employers and is an essential part of every manager’s job. century, and especially during its second half, that a number of
Charles Babbage. Charles Babbage was a leading British factories were set up in Calcutta and Bombay-jute mills in
mathematician at Cambridge University from 1828-1839. He Calcutta and cotton textile mills in Bombay.
invented a mechanical calculator in 1822. He advocated work Industrial capitalism was well established in Europe during the
measurement, cost determination, and wage incentives in 18th and 19th centuries, but in India modern types of indus-
factories. He is best remembered as the inventor of the tries could be set up only during the middle of the 19th century.
‘analytical engine’, which was the for-runner of the modern Indigo plantations were the first to be started in 1831 followed
computer. In 1832,’Babbage published his famous book “On by a cotton mill in Bombay in 1853, the manufacture of jute in
the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers.” He stressed Calcutta in 1855, and the coalfields were connected by rail to the
the importance of division of physical and mental labours, port city of Calcutta. These developments paved the way for
suggested the ides of profit sharing, and began observing and development of industries in India.

The first indication of industrial unrest and earliest work mill workers in Ahmedabad in 1918 whose leadership was

stoppage came to the fore in 1877 on the initiative of weavers taken over by Mahatma Gandhi who turned it into a Satyagrah.
of Empress Mills, Nagpur. Though no trade union existed, the From this was born (in 1920) the famous Textile Labour
relations between employers and workers cannot be said to be Association of Ahmedabad.
peaceful. Evidence of short-lived strikes and their frequent Enactment of the Trade Unions Act in 1926 and formation of
occurrence is found at various centres such as Bombay and the International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.) gave a fillip to
Surat. “They ended in suppression of operatives... power on the trade union movement in India. The immediate result of
one side and ignorance and mildness on the other are the basis the formation of International Labour Organization was the
on which the present relations, and the relations are quiet, rest.” birth of the All-India Trade Union Congress in 1920. With the
Lock-outs were completely non-existent. This reveals the formation of I.L.O., immediate necessity was felt for a forum
unequal strength of the bargainers at that time. The powerless for election of the workers’ representatives to that organization
workers in mild disputes were intimidated, dismissed and or, at least, of an agency that could tender suitable advice to
victimized by the employers. In 1895, probably for the first Government regarding selection of the workers’ representatives.
time, the workers struck work at the Budge Jute Mill, as a result This necessity led to the formation of the All-India Trade
of which the mills suffered a loss of Rs. 18,000. Union Congress.
The passing of the Factories Act in 1881 awakened the working The Trade Unions Act gave legal status to registered trade
class towards a concerted approach. In 1884 about 5,000 unions and conferred on them and their members a measure of
workers presented a memorandum to the Bombay Factory immunity from civil suits and criminal prosecution. The Act
Labour Commission under Shri N.M. Lokhande. In 1890, the gave legal status to unions and enhanced their position in the
first labour association, viz., Bombay Millhands’ Association minds of employers and the general public. This Act was an
was established. However, till 1895, workers had very little class important landmark in the history of trade union movement in
consciousness and, therefore, they lacked the power of united India. The failure of the Bombay Textile Strike of 1929 and the
action. In 189':’ was formed the Amalgamated Society of economic depression of that period brought a lull in trade
Railway Servants c: India-consisting of Anglo-Indians and union activity. But industries faced the problem of effective
domiciled Europeans employed on railways and acted more as a handling of labour-management relations. The managements
friendly society than a combination for securing concessions. In declared lock-outs to resist pressure by workers while workers
1905, another organization was formed in Calcutta under the resorted to strikes to pressurize managements for higher wage
name of the Printers’ Union. The Postal Union was formed in and better facilities. The Government also intervened in many
Bombay in 1905. These organizations formed on the lines of cases to resolve the disputes between the management and
trade unions and may be considered as the pioneer organized workers. This is how the industrial relations system consisting
labour associations in India. Thus, it may be noted that there of three actors, i.e., management, workers and government,
were no strong organizations for concerted action. evolved.
Whatever trade unions emerged, they were of a purely local
character at the level of individual mills. The conditions of
labour were severely affected by the World War I and the unions
could not do much to improve the lot of workers. -
Though quite a number of workers’ organizations did spring
up during the early years of the twentieth century, legal recogni-
tion to the movement was not forthcoming readily. The first
organization-The Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants in
India and Burma-formed in 1897 was registered under the
Companies Act. Specific legislation for registration of trade
unions was enacted only in 1926. As a matter of fact, the
pressure exerted by the trade unions movement in the United
Kingdom facilitated this legislation. However, Mr. B.P. Wadia
initiated the process through introduction of an element of
militancy in the movement in India. The Textile Workers
Unions set up by him in Madras in 1918 as an immediate
success and through a number of strikes, he was able to get a
lot of benefits for the workers. But the employers retaliated by
filing a suit for damages against Mr. Wadi a and other leaders
and obtained court injunction restraining the union leaders
from interfering with their business. This led to focusing
attention to the need for legislation for protecting trade union
On the other side of the country, a new experiment on the
labour front was carried out. A strike was launched by the textile


Learning Objectives Wage labour is, alienated because of exploitation by the

After going through this lesson you will be able to comprehend capitalists. Alienation of a worker arises from the fact that he
the following. does not own the too1s with which he produces. Whatever is
• Theories and models of conflict for better understanding produced from the contribution of his labour is not exclusive
of the entire relationship of labour and management. creation (because of division of labour), it arises from the
appropriation of the surplus; finally, it arises from himself
• Differentiate between approaches of Industrial Relations
because his labour is no longer a form of self-expression or an
After having discussed at length the ‘evolution of industrial end itself, but a mere means to an end-the end being the wage
relations’ let us now enhance our knowledge and know more which is necessary in order to survive.
about the IR primarily starting with the ‘approaches to indus-
trial relations.’ 2 Human Relations or Neo-Classical Approach
This approach has its origin in the Hawthorne experiments
Approaches To Industrial Relations conducted by Elton Mayo, Roethilsberger, Whitehead, Whyte
Theories/Models of Industrial Conflict. and Homans, etc. According to this theory, conflict is an
The bases for conflict in industry are no diffident from those in aberration and not the natural state of human society. This
any other area of human endeavor. Most of social and psycho- aberration occurs when tendency of the industrial society is to
logical, economic and political factors underly every conflict treat worker as an isolated individual, and deprive him of all
situation. Thus, a broader framework of industrial conflict is control over his environment. This loss of mooring and
the complex of influences of socio-economic and political control is a major source of conflict.
factors. Means of conflict management or resolution must The core of human relations theory consists in the importance-
incorporate considerations of these dynamics. Some of the attributed to the small informal social groups as a source of
theories/models of conflict are presented below for a better human satisfaction. This satisfaction results from better human
understanding of the entire relationship of labour and relations through the encouragement in creating informal social
management. groups and better communic’1ition by providing not only
1 Classical Approach (Marxist Model) downward communication but upward communication also.
Karl Marx considered industrial conflict as a part of the broader The key to sound industrial relations lies in achieving better
social conflict between classes and used it to explain the human relations in the organisation. The major criticism of this
fundamental historical process of change and-development theory is that it treats the factory as if it were a self-contained
inhuman society. He was concerned with certain macro eco- and isolated social system. The sources of conflict lie as much
nomic processes and deep-rooted inequalities in society as a- outside the factory as within it, and the argument that all these
whole, and not with specific industries or firms. Marx divided strains can bee handled by the management through better
the society into two classes: (i) capitalists, who own the means of human relations within the factory is not convincing. .
production, and (ii) proletariat, who own nothing but their own Neo human religionists like Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor
labour power. These classes are antagonistic groups. Antago- felt that workers look for satisfaction of their needs from their
nism and conflict are o f the very essence of Marx’s conception employment. The motivators include both economic and non-
of class. The reasons for this fundamental antagonism lie in the economic rewards like appreciation of performance, knowledge
capitalist mode of production. of results, competition, etc:
The main drawback of the capitalist mode of production is the 3 Pluralistic Approach
exploitation inherent in the system of wage labour. Wage The pluralistic theory is based on the premise that the enterprise
labour implies that labour is-a commodity which is bought and contains people with a variety of interests, aims and aspirations;
sold like any other. Labour is bought at the cheapest price therefore, it is a coalition of different interests. Arthur Ross
possible and put to work on means of production owned by argued that we should view an organization as a “plural society
the capitalist. The work_r is paid a wage which is barely containing many related but separate interests and objectives
sufficient for his subsistence. This gap is the surplus value which must be maintained in some kind of equilibrium.”
which the capitalist appropriates. This appropriation of the
Given such views, conflict is not abnormal but quite natural.
surplus by the capitalist employer is not lessened rather
The capitalist is no longer a ruthless exploiter. He is willing to
increases, for the actual distribution of additional increments of
sit down and discuss terms with those who protest. Thus,
revenue is determined by the power situation. Workers with no
protest has become institutionalized and has lost its bite. Given
power may get nothing. There is no automatic distribution
the nature and distribution of power in industry and society,
based on a sense of equity. And, thus, the exploitation of the
both labour and management restrain each other to exercise the
worker by the capitalist increases.
exclusives of power. Rather, together they construct and

maintain rules and institutions for the regulation of conflict. . Since the problem of industrial relations is multifaceted as

Conflict cannot be wished away in this system. Arbitration, shown in the Figure above, the first step will be to diagnose a
mediation and adjudication emerge as the major regulators of situation in terms of the prevailing circumstance in the organi-
conflict, and strike becomes a weapon of last resort. zation and then to adopt a strategy of effecting changes at
Pluralism does not imply the inevitability of compromise and crucial points. Conflict in industry cannot be completely wiped
consensus in all situations. Fox argues that the aim of plural- out, it can only be contained with reasonable limits.
ism is to combine social stability with adaptability and 6 Gandhian Trusteeship Approach
freedom-this involves the assumption that on most occasions, Gandhiji’s views on industrial relations are based on his
conflict will be resolved by collective bargaining-the major fundamental principles of truth and non-violence and non-
institutional apparatus of the pluralist. possession. Out of these principles evolved the concept of
trusteeship on which his philosophy of industrial relations
4 Social Action Approach
The social action model has its origins in Weberian sociology. rests. This philosophy presumes the peaceful co-existence of
capital and labour, which calls for the resolution of conflict by
Under this model, the actors own definitions of the situations
non-violent, non-co-operation (i.e., Satyagraha), which actually
in which they are engaged and these are taken as an initial basis
amounts to peaceful strikes in ordinary parlance. Gandhiji
for the explanation of their social behaviour and relationships.
accepted the workers’ right to strike, but cautioned that this
This model points but the reciprocal nature of the relationship right is to be exercised in a just cause, and in a peaceful and non-
between social structure and behaviour. Social structure limits violent manner; and it should be resorted to only after
social action. Thus, a worker’s ability to take strike action or an employers fail to respond to their moral appeals.
entrepreneur’s ability to invest may be limited by his personal
and by more general economic conditions, and this will help to The principle of trusteeship propagates that the capitalist order
can be transformed into an egalitarian one. It does not recog-
determine the environment for similar decisions in future.
nize the right to property except to the extent permitted by
One of the most important features of the social action models society for its own welfare; the individual does not have any
is the attitude it adopts towards social theory. The social action right to hold or use wealth in disregard of the interests of
approach suggests that general explanations of social action are society; and the character of production is to be determined by
not possible simply because of the nature of the subject of social necessity rather than by personal whims or greed. The
social sciences-men do not react to the stimuli in the same way capitalist is expected to hold industry in trust for the commu-
as matter in the natural sciences. The social action approach has nity; and the workers should be treated as co-trustees with the
been contrasted with the systems approach while the systems capitalist employer.
approach regards behaviour as a reflection of the characteristics
The trusteeship theory implies that there is no room for conflict
of a social system containing a series of impersonal processes
which are external to actors and constrain them, the social action of interests between the capitalist and the workers. Though
wealth legally belongs to its owners, virtually it belongs to the
approach stresses the way in which man influences the social
society. If capitalists fail to pay minimum living wages to
structure and makes society.
workers, workers should appeal to their conscience. If this does
5 Systems Approach not work, they should resort to non-violent non-co-operation.
The systems approach views the industrial relations system as a As a pre-condition to this, two things are expected from
sub-system of the society or the total social system. The society workers: One is an awakening and other is the unity among
is seen as providing certain external influences and constraints them. By awakening among workers, Gandhiji meant develop-
but not as completely dominating industrial relations. An ing and nurturing faith in their moral strength and their
industrial relations system at any particular time is regarded as awareness of its existence which means that the workers should
comprising of certain actors, certain context and ideology which realize the fact that without their co-operation, capitalists cannot
bind the industrial relations system together through a body of work and when the workers resort to non-co-operation, their
rules created to govern the actors at the place of work and work exploitation by capital would stop.
community. The creation of rules is the central aim of the For putting the Gandhian concept of trusteeship into practice,
industrial relations system and the following guidelines should be followed:
Dunlop isolates three groups of actors-Workers, Management
a. The workers should seek redressal of reasonable demands
and the Government-who take part in the rule-making process. only through collective action.
b. The workers should avoid strikes as far as possible in
R= f(a,i,b)
industries of essential services.
Where R = Industrial relations system c. The strikes should be resorted to only as a last resort after
a = actors all other legitimate measures have failed.
i = ideology d. As far as possible, workers should take recourse to
b = body of rules voluntary arbitration where efforts at direct settlement have
FIG. 1 not succeeded.
(Chhabra T.N Pg.54 ) e. If they have to organize a strike, trade unions should seek
authority from workers to do so, remain peaceful and use
non violent methods.


Learning Objectives Second World War. Rule 81 A gave powers to the appropriate
After going through this lesson you will be able to comprehend Governments to intervene in industrial disputes, appoint
the following. industrial tribunals, and enforce the award of the tribunals on
• Different strategies related to industrial relations both sides. The BID Act was amended during the war years to
provide for compulsory adjudication in unresolved disputes.
• Disputes and how to settle it.
The BID Act was replaced by a more comprehensive legislation,
Industrial Relations Strategy viz., the Bombay Industrial Relations Act, 1946 (BIR Act), but
State intervention in the settlement of industrial disputes with the basic structure of the BID Act unchanged. At about
started with the Trade Disputes Act, 1929. The Act vested the same time, the Government of India placed on the statute
Government with powers which could be used whenever it book the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946,
considered fit to intervene in industrial disputes. It provided which provided for the framing and certification of Standing
for only ad hoc conciliation boards and courts of enquiry. The Orders covering various aspects of service conditions including
amending Act of 1938' authorized the Central and Provincial the classification of employees, procedures for disciplinary
Governments to appoint conciliation officers for mediating in actions and the like. In a way, this piece of legislation filled a
or promoting the settlement of disputes. The Act, however, void that existed in the Central industrial relations legislation.
was not used extensively, as the Government policy at that time
continued to be one of laissez faire and selective intervention at The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
the most. Where Government intervened, the procedure The emergency war legislation (Rule 81A of the Defence of
consisted of appointing an authority which would investigate India Rules) was kept in operation pending the enactment of
into the dispute and make suggestions to the parties for the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (the ID Act), which replaced
settlement or allow the public to react on its merits on the basis the Trade Disputes Act, 1929, from April 1, 1947, With
of an independent assessment. subsequent amendments, the I.D. Act still continues to be the
main instrument for Government’s intervention in labour
Provincial Legislation disputes.
While this was the position in the country as a whole, a more
purposeful intervention in industrial disputes was attempted in The I.D. Act provides for settlement of industrial disputes
one of the industrially advanced Provinces—the Bombay through conciliation and adjudication. The Act empowers the
Presidency. The Bombay Trade Disputes (Conciliation) Act, appropriate Government to appoint conciliation officers and/or
19342, introduced for the first time a standing machinery to constitute Boards of Conciliation to mediate in, and promote
enable the State to promote industrial peace. A permanent cadre settlement of, industrial disputes. It also empowers the
of conciliators was envisaged for settling matters which fell appropriate Government to refer disputes for adjudication by
within their jurisdiction. The scope of the Act was limited to an industrial tribunal. The Act makes a distinction between
selected industries. The experience of the working of the Act, disputes arising in public utility services and those in other
though in a limited sphere, led to the enactment of the industries and provides for compulsory conciliation and
Bombay Industrial Disputes Act, 1938 (BID Act). The impor- adjudication to resolve the former. Besides, the appropriate
tant features of this new Act were the provisions for (a) Government could constitute a Court of Enquiry to enquire
compulsory recognition of unions by the employer, (b) giving into matters pertaining to an industrial dispute. Restrictions are
the right to workers to get their case represented either through placed on strike/lock-out in public utility services, and
a representative union, or where no representative union in the during the pendency of conciliation and adjudication proceed-
industry/centre or in the unit existed through elected represen- ings. The procedures and machinery provided under the I.D.
tatives of workers or through the Government Labour Officer, Act have been modified from time to time in the light of the
(c) certification of standing orders which would define with actual working of these provisions, the decisions of the
sufficient precision the conditions of employment and make judiciary and the influence of the bipartite and tripartite
them known to workmen, (d) the setting up of an Industrial agreements.
Court, with original as well as appellate jurisdiction, to which The period 1947-50 witnessed some important developments
parties could go for arbitration in case their attempts to settle having a hearing on industrial relations, apart from a basic
matters between themselves or through conciliation did not change in the attitudes of employers and workers. The Central
bear fruit, and (e) prohibition of strike/lock-out under certain Government was made the appropriate Government for
conditions. This law was made applicable only to some disputes in Banking and Insurance, as these industries extended
industries in the Province. over more than one State/Province. The Trade Unions Act,
Shortly thereafter, the Government of India promulgated the 1926 was amended to provide for compulsory recognition of
Defence of India Rules to meet the exigencies created by the unions.1 The Labour Appellate Tribunal was set up. The work

of the tripartite bodies associated with the Labour Ministry The Third Plan did not suggest any major change in policy. It

started expanding. Comprehensive legislation was drawn up in emphasized the economic and social aspects of industrial peace
the form of a bill for putting industrial relations on a sounder and elaborated the concept that workers and management were
footing. partners in a joint endeavour to achieve common ends. The
voluntary arrangements agreed to in the Second Plan were
Plan Policies
strengthened by the Industrial Truce Resolution, 1962, adopted
The First Plan stressed the need for industrial peace for
in the wake of the Chinese aggression. The I.D. Act was
economic progress. While it wanted the State to arm itself with
amended in 1965 with a view to giving an individual worker the
powers for intervention in labour disputes, the endeavour had
right to raise a dispute connected with his discharge, dismissal,
to be to encourage mutual settlement, collective bargaining and
retrenchment or termination of service, even if the cause of the
voluntary arbitration to the utmost extent, and thereby to
individual workman was not espoused by any union or group
reduce to the minimum, occasions for its intervention in
of workmen.
industrial disputes and exercise of the special powers2. The
Indian Labour Conference which met as these recommenda- To sum up, the existing arrangements for the prevention and
tions were formulated, favoured the retention of powers by settlement of industrial disputes consist of (a) statutory
Government to refer matters to industrial tribunals rather than procedures and (b) voluntary arrangements. The former are
sole reliance on collective bargaining. The I.D Act was amended covered by the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and certain similar
in 1953 to provide for compensation in case of lay-off and State enactments. In essential details, the machinery provided
retrenchment. The working of the Labour Appellate Tribunal for under the various enactments consists of works/joint
(LAT) came up for criticism in tripartite meetings and a decision committee, conciliation, voluntary arbitration, and adjudication
was taken in pursuance of the strong feelings expressed in these by tribunals or industrial courts. Voluntary arrangements
meetings, particularly by the labour representatives, that the provide inter alia for recognition of unions, where no statutory
LAT should be abolished. provisions for it exist, the framing of a grievance procedure,
reference of disputes to voluntary arbitration, setting
The Second Plan envisaged a marked shift in the industrial
relations policy consequent on the acceptance of the socialist up of joint management councils, implementation of agree-
pattern of society as the goal of planning. It emphasized ments, settlements and awards and the setting up of
mutual negotiations as the effective mode of settling disputes. industry-wise wage boards.
Among the other recommendations in the Plan were demarca- Industrial Relations Machinery
tion of functions between works committees and unions, and As has been mentioned, the present machinery for the settle-
increased association of labour with management. The I.D. Act ment of industrial disputes comprises: (i) conciliation, (ii)
was amended in 1956. The LAT was abolished through this arbitration and (iii) adjudication machinery—tribunals, indus-
amendment and a three-tier system of original tribunals—viz., trial courts, etc. We propose to discuss in what follows the
labour courts, industrial tribunals and national tribunals—was salient features of some of these existing arrangements for the
brought in force. While the labour court would deal with certain settlement of industrial disputes and assess their working
matters regarding the propriety and legality of an order passed during the last twenty years with a view to evolving recommen-
by the employer under the standing orders, and discharge and dations for the future. The topics we have chosen for discussion
dismissal of workmen including reinstatement, the industrial are (i) collective agreements; (ii) conciliation; (iii) voluntary
tribunal adjudicates on matters like wages, allowances, hours of arbitration; and (iv) adjudication. The relative merits and
work, leave and holidays and other conditions of service. The demerits of adjudication and collective bargaining as also issues
national tribunal, to which matters similar to those adjudicated connected with the right, to strike/lockout form part of the
upon by a tribunal are referred, is appointed by the Central discussion.
Government to decide disputes which involve questions of
national importance and those which affect industrial establish- Collective Agreement
ments situated in more than one State. Except for the industrial relations legislation in some States
where arrangements for recognition of unions exist, there is no
The 15th Session of the Indian Labour Conference took note statutory recognition of unions for the country as a whole.
of these developments and the Second Plan recommendations Neither are there provisions which require employers and
and sought to evolve steps for their implementation. The Code workers to bargain in ‘good faith’. It is, therefore, no surprise
of Discipline3 was drawn up and arrangements were made to that collective agreements have not made much headway in the
educate workers through a scheme accepted by the tripartite. country so far. Nonetheless, there have been more of such
Complaints about non-implementation of agreements, agreements than is popularly believed.
settlements and awards were in the meanwhile disturbing the
industrial scene. On the administrative side, provision was Some historical factors have also come in the way of collective
made to examine such complaints and place the conclusions agreements having a greater share in maintaining industrial
thereof before a tripartite Evaluation and Implementation harmony. The Whitley Commission found that the only
Committee. The foundations were thus laid for a policy of attempt made to set up machinery for regulating the relations
giving to the parties themselves a greater share in ensuring between a group of employers and their work-people was at
better enforcement of agreements, settlements and awards. Ahmedabad. Though the assessment of the Whitley Commis-
sion was made soon after the Trade Unions Act, 1926 was

enforced, the situation did not change significantly in the period non-public utilities also. With a view to expediting conciliation


1931 to 1947. Since Independence, however, trade unions have proceedings, time-limits have been prescribed—14 days in the
been growing and agreements with employers have become case of conciliation officers and two months in the case of a
more common. The changing attitude of employers and the board of conciliation. A settlement arrived at in the course of
emergence of a new generation of employers and workers have conciliation is binding for such period as may be agreed upon
also helped. Legal measures, in spite of their limitations, have between the parties or for a period of six months and will
lent as much support to collective agreements as joint consulta- continue to be binding until revoked by either party. The Act
tions in bipartite and tripartite meetings at the national and prohibits a strike/lockout during the pendency of conciliation
industry levels. Even so, a sample study made by the Employ- proceedings before a Board and for seven days after the
ers’ Federation of India for the years 1956-1960 reveals that the conclusion of such proceedings. While the conciliation officer is
number of disputes settled by collective agreements during the given the powers of a civil court under the Code of Civil
period in question varied between 32 per cent and 49 per cent in Procedure, 1908 only for the purposes of compelling the
the units studied. production of documents, a Conciliation Board, like a Labour
Broadly, the agreements have been of three types: (i) agreements Court or an Industrial Tribunal, is in addition given the powers
which have been drawn up after direct negotiations between the of a civil court to enforce attendance of persons, examine them
parties and are purely voluntary in character for purpose of their on oath and call witnesses.
implementation; (ii) agreements which combine the elements The performance of the conciliation machinery as indicated by
of voluntariness and compulsion i.e., those negotiated by the statistics does not appear to be unsatisfactory. During the years
parties but registered before a conciliator as settlements; and (iii) 1959—66, out of the total disputes handled by the Central
agreements which acquire legal status because of successful Industrial Relations Machinery each year, the percentage of
discussion between the parties when the matters in dispute settlements has varied between 57 and 83. The remaining
were under reference to industrial tribunals/courts and could be disputes, it is reported, were settled mutually, referred to
considered sub judice, the agreements reached being recorded by voluntary arbitration or arbitration under the I.D. Act or to
the tribunals/courts as consent awards. adjudication, or were not pursued by the parties. While such has
Most of the collective agreements have been at the plant level, been the performance of the Central Industrial Relations
though in important textile centres like Bombay and Machinery, the success achieved in the States seems to be varied.
Ahmedabad, industry level agreements have been common. In some it is impressive; in others disappointing. During the
These have a legal sanction under the State 322 Acts and have to period 1965—67, the percentage of settlements reached in Bihar
be distinguished from others where no statutory sanction ranged from 51.0 to 86.0; in Orissa from 27.5 to 35.8 and in
prevails. Such agreements are also to be found in the plantation Assam from 65.5 to 92.3. In U.P., Punjab and Delhi, in the year
industry in the South and in Assam, and in the coal industry. 1966, the percentage of disputes settled during conciliation was
Apart from these, in new industries like chemicals, petroleum, 60, whereas in Rajasthan it was 40. In the southern region,
oil refining and distribution, aluminium, manufacture of conciliation is reported to be more successful in Kerala, where
electrical and other equipment, and automobile repairing, the percentage of disputes settled ranged around 80.1 Though
arrangements for settlement of disputes through voluntary statistics are not available for Maharashtra and Gujarat, the
agreements have become common in recent years. In ports and opinion evidence in these States shows that the machinery on
docks, collective agreements have been the rule at individual the whole has given a fair measure of satisfaction. It suggests
centres. On certain matters affecting all ports, all-India agree- that in many cases the success attributed to conciliation is due
ments have been reached. In the banking industry, after a series merely to the legal requirement to register the agreement. Also, a
of awards, the employers and unions are in recent years coming section of employers’ and workers’ organisations feels that
closer to reach collective agreements. In the Life Insurance many settlements reached in conciliation are over minor issues.
Corporation of India, except for the employers’ decision to As against this mixed reaction to the working of the concilia-
introduce automation which has upset industrial harmony in tion machinery, both employers and workers have expressed
some centres, there has been a fair measure of discussion across dissatisfaction over certain specific aspects of its functioning,
the table by the parties for settling differences. On the whole, such as the delays involved, the casual attitude of one or the
the record of reaching collective agreements has not been other party to the procedure and lack of adequate background in
unsatisfactory, though its extension to a wider area is certainly the officer himself for understanding major issues.
desirable. Delays in conciliation are attributed partly to excessive work load
Conciliation on officers and partly to procedural defects. The evidence shows
that delays occur in conciliation often for reasons which are
The aim of conciliation under the I.D. Act and under similar
beyond the control of the officer. Initially the parties supply
State Acts is to bring about a settlement in disputes through
scanty information and adjournments are sought to collect
third party intervention. The conciliation machinery can take
additional information. On occasions, proceedings are ad-
note of a dispute or apprehended dispute either on its own or
journed at the instance of one or the other party or even both,
when approached by either party. Under the I.D. Act, concilia-
to enable them to settle the matter. Since conciliation involves a
tion is compulsory in all disputes in public utility services and
good deal of persuasion and is a process of give and take
optional in other industrial establishments. Over the years, the
helped by a third party, such adjournments become inevitable
optional provisions appear to be acquiring compulsory status in

and have to be allowed. There are several cases, however, where also, in due course, improve the attitude of the parties towards

a party seeks adjournment and the other acquiesces in it the working of the conciliation machinery. We expect the parties
informally. And this causes some difficulty in sticking to the will be more willing to extend their co-operation to the
time-limit set for conciliation. While on the basis of the conciliation machinery as now proposed and working indepen-
statistical information we have, it is difficult to establish the dently of the :nor-mal labour administration. Apart from this
extent of such delays, it would be unfair to criticize the machin- basic change in the set-up of the conciliation machinery, there is
ery on this account. need for certain other measures to enable the officers of the
We feel, however, that the attitude of the panics to conciliation machinery to function effectively. Among these are (i) proper
is extremely important for the success or failure of the officers’ selection of personnel, (ii) adequate pre-job training and (iii)
efforts. Conciliation is looked upon very often by the parties as periodic in-service training through refresher courses, seminars
merely a hurdle to be crossed for reaching the next stage. There and conferences and for most of these, there is a good measure
is, therefore, a casualness about it in the parties and a habitual of support in the evidence.
display of such casualness conditions the conciliator also into Voluntary Arbitration
that attitude. The representatives sent by the parties to appear Voluntary arbitration as a method of resolving industrial
before him are generally officers who do not have the power to conflicts came into prominence with the advocacy by Mahatma
take decisions or make commitments; they merely carry the Gandhi of its application to the settlement of disputes in the
suggestions to the concerned authorities on either side. This textile industry in Ahmedabad. The BID Act and the BIR Act
dampens the spirit of a conciliator. We have been told by recognised voluntary arbitration along with the machinery set
employers’ and workers’ organizations alike that the conciliation up by the State for composing differences between employers
machinery is weakened because of its falling into this type of and workers. The policies recommended in the Plans specifically
disuse in recent years. Such disuse has hindered the officers in mention voluntary arbitration. The I.D. Act was amended to
acquiring a breadth of interest and depth of understanding in make a provision (Section 10-A) for joint reference of industrial
the disputes before them. disputes to voluntary arbitration. But apart from the statutory
Reverting to the other aspect of delays in conciliation, it is arrangement for recourse to voluntary arbitration, considerable
difficult to devise a yardstick for measuring the work-load of an emphasis is placed on this mode of setting disputes in official
officer and to prescribe work norms for him. Work norms pronouncements.
suggested to the Commission, such as 25 disputes of a general In spite of all these Governmental efforts, resistance to the idea
nature and 50 individual disputes to be completed in a month continues. The Code of Discipline (1958) reiterated the faith of
as proposed by one Stale, and 300 to 400 disputes per annum parties in voluntary arbitration and enjoined on employers and
as suggested by one of our Working Groups, if applied to the workers to resort to it on failure of other methods of resolving
number of cases dealt with at present in conciliation, would in differences. In view of the continued reluctance of the parties,
fact mean increasing the strength of the personnel manifold; more particularly of the employers, the matter came up for
and this may not be a practicable proposition. discussion at various tripartite forums; but barring stray efforts,
Among the other suggestions for improving the effectiveness the situation of indifference to the idea continued throughout
of conciliation officers are: (i) prescribing proper qualifications the period 1951—61. The Indian Labour Conference in August,
for a conciliation officer and improving his quality by proper 1962 reiterated the need for a wider acceptance of voluntary
selection and training; (ii) enhancing his status appropriately for arbitration. But, as” against the emphasis in the Third Plan
dealing with persons who appear before him; (iii) giving which considered that voluntary arbitration should be the
additional powers to the conciliator; and (iv) keeping him above normal practice in preference to recourse to adjudication, the
political interference. While (i) is a general point which runs Conference felt “whenever conciliation fails arbitration will be
throughout the administration, (ii) is a matter for a body like the next normal step except in cases where the employer feels
the Pay Commission the appointment of which we have that for some reasons1 he would prefer adjudication”. A
recommended for Central Government employees.1 No direct proviso, similar to the one which nullified in effect the opera-
evidence of the effect of (iii) and (iv) on the officers’ efficiency is tion of the need-based minimum2, was added to this
available and yet it would be prudent to recognize opinion resolution of the Conference also in the following words:
evidence in this regard and give satisfaction to parties on these The reasons for refusal to agree to arbitration must be fully
points. explained by the parties concerned in each case and the matter
We are in favour of a more basic rearrangement of conciliation brought up for consideration by the implementation machinery
work which will bring about a qualitative change in the set-up. concerned.”
We recommend that the conciliation machinery, in order to be the Industrial Truce Resolution, November 1962, while re-
free from other influences—and we reiterate that such influences emphasizing voluntary arbitration, specified certain items which
have not been proved before us—should be part of the were amenable to this way of settling disputes. These were
Industrial Relations Commission which we are recommending. complaints pertaining to dismissal, discharge, victimization and
This will introduce important structural, functional and retrenchment of individual workmen not settled mutually.
procedural changes in the working of the machinery as it exists
To make voluntary arbitration more acceptable to the parties
today. The independent character of the ‘Commission will
and to coordinate efforts for its promotion Government has
inspire greater confidence in the conciliation officers. This will
recently set up a National Arbitration Promotion Board

(NAPB) with a tripartite composition. The Board will review certain respects, a labour court/industrial tribunal has the power


the position, examine the factors inhibiting wider acceptance of of a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
this procedure and suggest measures to make it more popular. Any matter listed in the Second or Third Schedule of the I.D.
The NAPB is also to evolve principles, norms and procedure Act can be referred to an industrial tribunal/national tribunal,
for the guidance of arbitrators and the parties. It would look the authority for constituting the latter being the Central
into the causes of delay and expedite arbitration proceedings, Government. The Industrial Court under State legislation has,
wherever necessary, and also specify from time to time the type apart from adjudication functions, the power to entertain
of disputes which would normally be settled by arbitration in appeals against the decisions of the Registrar/ Labour Com-
the light of tripartite decisions. While we wish that the NAPB missioner/Labour Court/Wage Board constituted under the
will achieve its objectives, we are constrained to observe that respective Acts.
voluntary arbitration has not taken root in spite of the influen-
It cannot be denied that during the last twenty years the
tial advocacy for it in different policy making forums. Factors
adjudication machinery has exercised considerable influence on
which have contributed to the slow progress of arbitration, as
several aspects of conditions of work and labour-management
mentioned in the evidence before us, inter alia, are: (i) easy
relations. Adjudication has been one of the instruments for
availability of adjudication in case of failure of negotiations; (ii)
improvement of wages and working conditions and for
dearth of suitable arbitrators who command the confidence of
securing allowances for maintaining real wages, for standardiza-
both parties; (iii) absence of recognized unions which could
tion of wages, bonus and introducing uniformity in benefits
bind the workers to common agreements; (iv) legal obstacles;
and amenities. It has also helped to avert many work stoppages
(v) the fact that in law no appeal was competent against an
by providing an acceptable alternative to direct action and to
arbitrator’s award; (vi) absence of a simplified procedure to be
protect and promote the interests of the weaker sections of the
followed in voluntary arbitration; and (vii) cost to the parties,
working class, who were not well organized or were unable to
particularly workers.
bargain on an equal footing with the employer. As against these
With little progress made in collective bargaining, which pre- advantages, certain procedural detects and indeed fundamental
supposes the existence of a recognized union representing all criticism have been brought to our notice. On the procedural
the employees and a responsive employer, who together build plane we were told that adjudication is dilatory, expensive, and
up over a period an attitude of mutual trust and an acceptance even discriminatory as the power of reference vests with the
of bona fides on the two sides, it is perhaps not a matter for appropriate Government. Most of the analysis which has been
surprise that voluntary arbitration has so far had little success in made in detail with reference to conciliation applies to adjudica-
India. We feel that with the growth of collective bargaining and tion as well. On fundamentals, the objections are that the
the general acceptance of recognition of representative unions system of adjudication has failed to achieve industrial peace,
and improved management attitudes, the ground will be that it has inhibited the growth of unions and has prevented
cleared, at least to some extent, for wider acceptance of volun- voluntary settlement of industrial disputes and growth of
tary arbitration. The National Arbitration Promotion Board collective bargaining. We are of the view that while there are
may then have a better chance of success in the task of promot- certain procedural deficiencies in the present system which need
ing the idea. The NAPB should pay special attention to to be remedied, there is some substance also in each of the
preparing and building up suitable panels of arbitrators. fundamental objections mentioned above against the system.
Adjudication At the same time. we cannot help feeling that the disadvantages
The ultimate legal remedy for the settlement of an unresolved are overstated. Adjudication was not conceived to prevent all
dispute is its reference to adjudication by the appropriate work stoppages; the fact that Government may not refer a
Government. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, currently dispute to adjudication means that it should be settled, it need
empowers the appropriate Government to constitute a labour be, by direct action. Trade unions have certainly been growing
court, industrial tribunal or national tribunal to adjudicate in a during the period the adjudication system has been in vogue,
dispute. Association of assessors with a tribunal is permissible and where conditions were favourable, voluntary settlement of
for expert advice. disputes and collective agreements have been adopted in the last
twenty years.
Matters to be referred to a labour court under the I.D. Act are
broadly: the propriety and legality of an order of the employer, The moot point is whether adjudication inhibits collective
application and interpretation of the Standing Orders, the bargaining and is antithetical to it. It certainly represents the
legality or otherwise of a strike or a lock-out, and discharge/ availability of a third party to settle disputes. But the system, as
dismissal including reinstatement, as listed in the Second it has been applicable in our country, did not exclude bipartite
Schedule to the Act. Labour courts set up under State legislation agreements. The parties have not been eligible to have such
also deal with similar issues. Legal practitioners are permitted to third party intervention directly and hence it could not inculcate
appear before the labour courts or tribunals with the consent of in all cases a tendency to avoid mutual agreements. The
the other party and with the permission of the court/tribunal. infrequency of mutual negotiations cannot therefore be all
In the latter case, according to experience so far, the consent has accounted for by the system of adjudication as it has developed.
become a mere formality. Unlike the BIR Act, the I.D. Act does In fact, a major handicap has been the absence of a recognized
not provide for appeal against an order of the labour court. In bargaining agent. But these issues cannot be decided on the
basis of empiricism, as we have no means of ascertaining what

would have happened in the absence of adjudication. We have, same lime to remove the obvious defects in the system through

therefore, to analyze its efficacy on a broader plane and in terms suitable improvements/modifications to make it more
of its alternative viz., collective bargaining. acceptable. Four specific points made in this connection are: (i)
The place of collective bargaining as a method of settlement of the circumstances which necessitated the provision of compul-
industrial disputes has been debated in India since long, almost sory adjudication when the industrial disputes law was enacted
since the days of the Whitley Commission. The best justifica- in 1947, still continue; (ii) the parties, particularly unions, are
tion for collective bargaining is that it is a system based on still unprepared and incapable, because of organizational and
bipartite agreements, and as such, superior to any arrangement other weaknesses, to shoulder full responsibilities of collective
involving third party intervention in matters which essentially bargaining; (iii) immediate withdrawal of State intervention
concern employers and workers. This is recognized even in our through adjudication will lead to chaos in the industrial field,
system in principle, but in practice, there seems to be a prefer- which the country can ill afford; and (iv) there is always the third
ence for adjudication. party to the dispute, viz., the community; and the State, as
representing the community, must have the right to intervene
The evidence appears to favour the increasing adoption of
and compel the parties to submit to the decision of an
collective bargaining to settle disputes, and a gradual replace-
adjudicator. For reasons stated in an earlier paragraph, empirical
ment of adjudication. The desire for a shift to collective
data can be no guide to settle this controversy.
bargaining has, however, been tempered by a concern in some
quarters for avoidance of work-stoppages and of unwarranted The arguments in favour of either system cannot be settled on
disturbances in industrial peace; and in others, by the organiza- a theoretical plane nor on the basis of foreign experience. With
tional weakness of labour which cannot yet meet the reference to the latter, it could be said that the system adopted
requirements of effective collective bargaining. There is thus a in any country will depend on a complex of circumstances
general preference for collective bargaining with a built-in which cannot be easily classified. The figures (Table below) of
provision for arbitration in the event of failure of collective man days lost due to work stoppages per 1,000 persons
bargaining. The idea of leaving a certain area of disputes i.e., employed in mining, manufacturing, construction and trans-
public utility services and cases where national interests are port industries for two five-year periods, in three countries
involved—where adjudication should be permitted enjoys a which have a political democracy functioning and also a similar
large measure of support. The majority view appears to favour system for settlement of industrial disputes, seem to point to
the introduction of collective bargaining subject to the above the same fact.
safeguards, in the organized sector, while retaining third party TABLE: Man days lost due to Work-stoppages per 1,000
intervention in sectors mentioned earlier and where workers are Persons Employed
not organized and conditions of work and wages have yet to The variations are, indeed, striking. For Australia, comparable
reach a satisfactory level. figures for the two periods are 406 and 350 respectively. One
The advocates of collective bargaining argue that the present cannot on this basis accept collective bargaining, because the
system, although giving lip sympathy to collective bargaining, Swedish data are more favourable than the Australian; nor can
has only perpetuated adjudication; that adjudication, which was one accept adjudication, because Australia makes ;a better
expected to be a temporary measure till such time as labour showing than the U.S.A.
came of age and could bargain with employers on an equal Country 1955—59 1960—64(1) (2) (3)Sweden 21 6United
footing has failed to fulfill the expectations; and that it has, by Kingdom 346 242 U.S.A. 1366 722
the very logic of its functioning, inhibited the growth of trade
In finding a way out, we recognize that adjudication as it has
unions and made them litigious. The only way, it is argued, is a
developed in India has tended to prolong disputes; allegations
wholesale rejection of reliance on a third party for settlement of
of political pressures, though often without foundation, have
disputes and acceptance of collective bargaining with all its
been there. Discretion, though used by the appropriate
implications, including the right to strike/lockout. In suggest-
Government in a fair manner, may appear to the workers/
ing this, it is conceded that collective bargaining in the initial
employers affected to have been unfairly used. On the other
stages may give rise to industrial strife and work-stoppages on a
hand, collective bargaining as it has developed in the West may
somewhat larger scale than at present, but there is confidence
not be quite suitable for India; it cannot appropriately co-exist
that this is bound to be a temporary phase and the situation
with the concept of a planned economy where certain specified
will stabilize after an initial period of uncertainty.
production targets have to be fulfilled. Though we are not
Equally strong arguments have been urged in favour of convinced that collective bargaining is antithetical to consumer
continuing adjudication. It is staled that while adjudication has interests even in a sheltered market, we envisage that in a
its defects, it has by and large succeeded in bringing about some democratic system pressure on Government to intervene or not
measure of industrial peace in the country; that industrial to intervene in a dispute may be powerful. It may hardly be able
relations would have been worse, and work-stoppages longer to resist such pressures and the best way to meet them will be
and indeed, what is more important, conditions of work to evolve a regulatory procedure in which the State can be seen
would have been less attractive than what they are today, if in the public eye to absolve itself of possible charges of political
things had been left to be settled by collective bargaining. Those intervention. The requirements of national policy make it
who argue on these lines feel that the best course in the present imperative that State regulation will have to coexist with
situation is to carry on with the existing procedures, trying at the collective bargaining. At the same time, there are dangers in

maintaining status quo. There is a case for shift in emphasis and strikes. A suggestion has been made to us to circumscribe all


this shift will have to be in the direction of an increasingly such forms of agitation by suitably widening the definition of
greater scope for, and reliance on, collective bargaining. But, any strikes. We do not consider that legal restrictions alone will be
sudden change replacing adjudication by a system of collective of any help in reducing strikes or containing the new forms of
bargaining would neither be called for nor practicable. The labour protest. Unless the Government is prepared to take
process has to be gradual. A beginning has to be made in the effective action against illegal strikes, and Government may not
move towards collective bargaining by declaring that it will find it expedient to do so in several cases, a mere classification
acquire primacy in the procedure for settling industrial disputes. of concerted action on the part of workers/employers as illegal
It follows that conditions have to be created for the success of will only bring the law into disrepute. If, on the other hand,
this proposed change-over. An important pre-requisite of it is Government is to enforce penalties for an illegal strike/lock-out,
the grant of union recognition. We have to evolve satisfactory it is necessary to make the definition as simple as possible. New
arrangements for- union recognition by statute as also to create forms of labour protests should be treated as misconduct
conditions in which such arrangements have a chance to succeed. punishable under the service rules or under the standing orders.
Apart from this, we have to indicate the place which strike/lock- We would like to refer here to a form of industrial unrest,
out will have in the scheme we propose. Collective bargaining namely, ‘gherao’ which came to be increasingly resorted to in
cannot exist without the right to strike/lock-out. We discuss one part of the country in recent years. Our Study Group on
these two aspects but in the reverse order. Industrial Relations (Eastern Region) which examined this
problem came to a majority conclusion, one member dissent-
ing, that ‘gheraos’, apart from their adverse effects on industry
Conceptually, the right to strike/lockout is recognized in all
and economy of the country, strike at the very root of trade
democratic societies; reasonable restraint on the use of this right
unionism. We endorse this view and deprecate resort to gheraos
is also recognized. The degree of freedom granted for its
which invariably tend to inflict physical duress on the person(s)
exercise varies according to the social, economic and political
affected and endanger not only industrial harmony but also
variants in the system. For safeguarding public interest, the
create problems of law and order. If such means are to be
resort to strike/lockout and, in some cases, the duration of
adopted by labour for realization of its claims, trade unions
either are subject to rules and regulations either voluntarily
may come into disrepute. It is the duty of all union leaders
agreed to by the par-tics or statutorily imposed. This has been
therefore to condemn this form of labour protest as harmful to
the criterion underlying the earlier legislation for regulating
the interests of the working class itself. Gheraos cannot be
industrial relations in the country. In our current context, the
treated as a form of industrial protest since they involve physical
connected issues have to be viewed against the requirements of
coercion rather than economic pressure. In the long run, they
a planned economy.
may affect national interest.
Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, a distinction is made
The general view regarding strike/ lock-out as revealed in the
between a strike/ lock-out in public utilities and in other
evidence before us is that the right to direct action should be
employments. Industries such as Railways, Posts and Tele-
allowed following the failure of all the procedures available for
graphs, those which supply power, light or water and any
settlement of disputes, except in the case of specified indus-
system of public conservancy or sanitation are defined as public
tries/services wherein a stoppage of work may endanger public
utility services under the Act, and in respect of certain others
interest or affect the nation’s economy or threaten the security
enumerated in the First Schedule to the I.D. Act, the appropri-
of the State. Even those who are opposed to any State interfer-
ate Government is given the discretion to declare them as public
ence in industrial disputes concede this point.
utility services. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, makes a
strike (or lock-out) in the public utility service illegal if it takes The democratic ideals of the State prevent it from abridging
place (i) without giving to the employer a notice of strike within individual freedom, hut its socialist objectives justify the
six weeks before striking; (ii) within fourteen days of giving Government’s regulation of such freedom to harmonize it in a
such notice; (iii) before the expiry of the date of strike specified reasonable measure with the interests of the society. What
in any strike notice, and (iv) during pendency of conciliation seems called for, therefore, is a reconciliation of these two
proceedings—and seven days after the conclusion of such points of view, While we are not in favour of a ban on the right
proceedings. In industries in general, a strike or lock-out is to strike/lock-out, we are also not in favour of an unrestricted
prohibited during the pendency of conciliation, arbitration or right to direct action. In our view the right to strike is a
adjudication proceedings. Besides, the appropriate Government democratic right which cannot be taken away from the working
is empowered to issue an order prohibiting the continuance of class in a constitutional set-up like ours. Even from the practical
any strike or lockout in respect of any dispute when a reference point of view, we will not favour such a step. Taking away the
is made to a Court/Board/Tribunal. right of the workers to strike, may only force the discontent to
go underground and lead to other forms of protest which may
These provisions by themselves do not seem to have succeeded
be equally injurious to good labour-management relations. At
in curtailing work-stoppages;’ indeed they were not meant to
the same time, there are certain essential industries/services
prevent all stoppages. Annexure I gives data on work-stoppages
wherein a cessation of work may cause harm to the community,
due to industrial disputes since 1946. Labour has also devised
the economy or the security of the nation itself and as such,
new forms of agitation such as go-slow work-to-rule etc which
even this right may justifiably be abridged or restricted, pro-
fall beyond the purview of statutory provisions relating to

vided, of course, a specific procedure is laid down for remedies in each category enjoy certain privileges, as indeed they have

and redressal of grievances. Therefore, in such industries, the obligations. The Act further stipulates that in case no union has
right to strike may be curtailed but with the simultaneous the recognised status, workers can either elect their own
provision of an effective alternative like arbitration or adjudica- representatives or allow the Government Labour Officer to
tion to settle disputes. We do not wish to enumerate the speak on their behalf to the employer. Legislation in Madhya
industries/services that should be classified as ‘essential’; the Pradesh and Rajasthan has corresponding provisions for
listing of ‘essential’ industries should be left to the Parliament recognition. In Bihar, a tripartite committee decides how
to decide. recognition should be granted to a union.
It has been brought to our notice that there are instances The need for a provision for recognition of unions was stressed
wherein the leadership of a union has called for a strike without in the Second Plan.1 Because of the desire to go slow on
consulting the membership and sometimes even when legislation, recognition was provided for on a voluntary basis in
members were known to be against the strike. No statistical the Code of Discipline. According to the criteria in the Code, a
evidence is available to show how widespread this situation is. union claiming recognition should have been functioning at
It can be remedied only by providing for a compulsory strike least for a period of one year as a registered union and should
ballot before a call for direct action is given. One cannot also be have the specified membership. In case more than one union is
certain that once a dispute has gone on to the stage of a strike functioning in an establishment, the membership of all eligible
notice, the leadership will not be in a position to influence the unions is verified by the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)
bulk of their members to vote in favour of it. We are inclined if the establishment falls under the Central sphere, or the State
to think that our situation in regard to the effects that flow Implementation Officer/the State Labour Commissioner in
from cessation of work and consequent losses, direct and other cases, in accordance with the procedure evolved at the
indirect, warrants the imposition of certain restrictions on tripartite Standing Labour Committee. Once a union is
recognized unions before launching a strike. We, therefore, recognized under the Code, it is entitled to enjoy this status for
suggest that every strike should be preceded by a strike ballot, at least two years from the date of recognition. A union which
open to all members of the union concerned and that the strike does not observe the Code can be de-recognized.
decision must be supported by 2/3rd of members present and We have thus, over the last ten years, the experience of securing
voting. The notice of strike should contain a clause to show recognition for a union both on a statutory and on a voluntary
that such ballot has been taken and the requirement, about the basis. It shows that the former has distinct advantages. On this
needed majority has been satisfied. point there is a fair measure of support in the evidence before
In this connection, we would attach importance to the issue of us. It would be desirable to make union recognition compul-
a prior notice of strike/lock-out. At present, the law provides sory under a Central law, in all undertakings employing 100 or
for such a notice in case of public utility services only. We would more workers, or where the capital invested is above a stipulated
recommend its extension to all industries/services. size. A trade union seeking recognition as a bargaining agent
The present provisions in the I.D. Act about other restrictions from an individual employer should have a membership of at
on strike/lock-out and their regulation seem to meet the least 30 per cent of the workers in the establishment. If it is for
situation subject to some modifications that may be called for an industry in a local area, the minimum membership should
in the light of our other recommendations. be 25 per cent. Where more unions than one contend for
recognition, the union having a larger following should be
Recognition of Unions recognized.
We attach considerable importance to the matter of recognition
Serious differences exist, however, on the manner in which the
of unions. Industrial democracy implies that the majority
following of a union is to be determined: whether it should be
union should have the right to sole representation i.e., the right
by (a) verification of the fee-paying membership of the unions,
to speak and act for all workers and to enter into agreements
or (b) election by secret ballot. The issue has long been debated
with the employer. That the need for a provision for union
in Central and State Legislatures, tripartite forums and public
recognition has been realized is evident from the provision in
platforms, but without reaching unanimity. In the evidence
the BID Act and its successor the BIR Act and certain other
before us, we find support in every interest—Governments,
State Acts (Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan), the amendment
employers, workers and independent observers— to one or the
incorporated (but not enforced) in the Trade Unions Act, and
other procedure evenly balanced. Advocates of one method or
the Code of Discipline.
the other did not seem to recognize the ‘whip’ of their central
Since we will have occasion to refer to the scheme of recognition organizations. That is also the reason why the issue has acquired
outlined in the BIR Act later, we propose to mention it in some more importance.
detail. The BIR Act, 1916 provides for the classification of
Those in favour of verification of membership base their
registered trade unions as (i) Representative Unions (having a
preference on the premise that (i) it is the support of fee paying,
membership of not less than 15 per cent employees in any
stable membership of a registered trade union that alone
industry in a local area); (ii) Qualified Unions (5 per cent
should entitle it to the representative status, and (ii) a regular
membership in any industry in a local area); and (iii) Primary
check by a competent authority can satisfactorily determine
Unions (15 per cent of employees in an undertaking). Among
whether or not the membership claims are genuine. Regular
the unions in a ‘local area’, the order in which the unions will
paying membership ensures financial viability of a union and
get representation will be the same as indicated above. Unions

enables it to discharge effectively its other responsibilities. They But whether it is verification or secret ballot, the trend of the


concede that membership could be open to inflation and even evidence is unmistakably in favour of an independent authority
manipulation, but contend that the remedy should be to to deal with various matters relating to recognition. Such an
introduce a greater measure of vigilance in verification arrange- authority alone would be able to inspire confidence among the
ments, if necessary by entrusting them to an independent unions/parties and eliminate suspicions of favoritisms in this
authority They oppose secret ballot on the ground that it would vital area. Although State Governments, public sector employ-
introduce topical political issues about which a union may not ers and some others have suggested the continuation of the
be directly concerned as a union and create an election atmo- present arrangement, viz., verification through government
sphere, with some leaders making promises which they will machinery, they do not seem to object to the setting up of an
never fulfill. Workers in our country, according to this view, are independent agency for this purpose. Several study groups
not yet used to making a rational choice of what is good and including the Study Group on Labor Legislation and the
creative when confronted with demagogic slogans and rousing Industrial Relations Study Groups and a number of employers
of emotional sentiments which can be whipped up over any and trade union organizations have expressed a strong prefer-
industrial or non-industrial issue. Moreover, regular payment ence for the setting up of an independent authority to deal with
of union dues, on which verification relies, is itself an open these matters. As regards the basis for recognition, however, the
vote of workers in favour of a union which submits to Eastern and Western Region (Industrial Relations) Study
verification. Supporters of this line of thought question the Groups have favored secret ballot by all workers while the
appropriate-ness of the analogy of political choice through Southern Region Group has favored verification of member-
adult franchise, because there can be no ‘Government and ship. The Northern Region Study Group and the Study Group
opposition’ in the running of industry. Also secret ballot, in on Labor Legislation did not express themselves in favor of
this view, will give a severe blow to the trade union movement cither, but left the choice of method to the authority concerned.
itself. In the absence of any qualification prescribed for eligible Several Industry Study Groups have shown preference for secret
voters, there can be no incentive for workers to join a union. ballot.
The supporters of secret ballot, on the other hand, base their Much of the opposition to membership verification today is
case primarily on the ground that it is the most democratic way the outcome of fears of manipulation and interference by the
of expressing a choice. Membership verification as a basis for administrative authority fears which are not always unfounded.
selection of the representative union is considered unsatisfac- It is reasonable to expect that verification will become more
tory as it is at best an indirect method. When membership acceptable, if entrusted to an independent quasi-judicial
records and accounts of subscriptions received are often in an authority Similarly, election by secret ballot may find favour with
unsatisfactory state, and there are admittedly many questionable those who now oppose it, when an independent authority
ways of boosting membership claims, the task of verification, conducts it, strictly according to accepted regulations. The best
according to this view, becomes complex. There is the added course, therefore, seems to be to leave the choice of method, in
disadvantage of delay built into the procedure itself. Sampling any particular case, to the discretion of an independent author-
method. however, effective in other aspects of human activity, ity. We suggest that this task should be entrusted to the
should not be used in the sensitive area of union recognition. Industrial Relations Commission(s) proposed by us. The
Processes similar to those used in choosing the Government of Commission will have the power to decide the representative
a country are well recognized by workers; the basis of represen- character of unions either by examination of membership
tation in industrial democracy need be no different from that of records, or if it considers necessary, by holding an election
any other institution. In this view, the Indian worker is now through secret: ballot open to all employees.1 We are confident
grown up to know what is good for him and to make a rational that this proposal would be welcomed by all parties. the
choice. If he can be discerning in the choice of political leaders, it Commission would deal with the recognition work in its
would not be right to deny him the responsibility of choosing various aspects: (i) determining the level of recognition—-
representatives who will give him economic satisfaction. The whether plant industry, center-cum-industry—-to decide the
fear of wild promises and rousing of passions swaying the majority union, (ii) certifying the majority union as the recog-
worker can be exaggerated. Such false promises cannot be nized union for collective bargaining, (iii) generally dealing with
expected to win ballots all the time. other related matters. The union thus recognized will retain its
The Council of Indian Employers has suggested an alternative status for a period of two years and also thereafter till its status
which provides for verification as also election by secret ballot in is effectively challenged.
certain circumstances. According to this proposal, the member- Rights of Recognized and Other Unions
ship of the contending unions has to be verified by the A union recognized as the representative union under any
concerned authority and the majority union which should have procedure, should be statutorily given, besides the right of sole
at least 30 per cent membership is to be given recognition. In representation of the workers in any collective bargaining,
case, however, two or more unions have 30 per cent or more certain exclusive rights and facilities to enable it to effectively
membership, and the difference between the membership of discharge its functions. Among these are the rights:
any two of them is less than 10 per cent, a secret ballot of all
i. To raise issues and enter into collective agreements with
workers in the establishment should be arranged to determine
employers on general questions concerning the terms of
the most representative union.
employment and conditions of service of workers in an

establishment or, in the case of a representative union, in an members. It was argued by some that. the grant of this right

industry in a local area; might to a certain extent, reduce the strength of the majority
ii. To collect membership fees/subscriptions payable by union. When the majority union is recognized as the sole
members to the union within the premises of the bargaining agent on behalf of all the employees in the under-
undertaking; or demand check-off facility; taking, the question of some employees being represented by a
minority union should not arise in so far as general demands/
iii. To put up or cause to be put up a notice board on the
issues are concerned. However, in regard to certain matters of
premises of the undertaking in which its members are
individual rights and grievances and their representation, the
employed, and affix or cause to be affixed thereon, notices
opinion has been in favour of giving some rights, though of a
relating to meeting’s, statements of accounts of its income
very limited nature, to the minority unions. We recommend
and expenditure and other announcements which are not
that the minority unions should be allowed only the right to
abusive, indecent, inflammatory or subversive of discipline;
represent the cases of dismissal and discharge of their members
iv. To hold discussions with the representatives of employees before the labour court .
who are the members of the union at a suitable place or
places within the premises of office/factory/ establishment Our Approach
as mutually agreed upon; While we discuss the arrangements for the settlement of
industrial disputes when they arise, we must emphasize that
v. To meet and discuss with an employer or any person
real industrial harmony is possible only when conditions are
appointed by him for the purpose, the grievances of its
created for avoidance/prevention of disputes. While no
members employed in the undertaking;
procedure, however carefully worked out, can entirely eliminate
vi. To inspect, by prior arrangement, in an undertaking, any industrial disputes and conflict, frequent discussions between
place where any member of the union is employed; the employer and the representatives of workers will be of
vii.To” nominate its representatives on the grievance committee considerable assistance in reducing the areas of conflict. The
constituted under the grievance procedure in an system of industrial relations as it has developed since Indepen-
establishment; dence has kept avoidance of conflict/disputes as one of its two
viii.To nominate its representatives on statutory or non- basic objectives, the other being expeditious settlement of
statutory bipartite committees, e.g.. works committees, disputes when they do arise. The role of Government in
production committees, welfare committees, canteen pursuit of the former objective cannot be gainsaid. Emphasis
committees, and house allotment committees. On most of has been laid on the creation of the necessary atmosphere for
these points there is a fair measure of unanimity in the the development of labour management cooperation through
evidence before us. the adoption of a suitable institutional frame-work for joint
consultation, redress of grievances and the like. It is perhaps
We consider that industries, in which workers are organized on
true that these procedures which will be discussed in the next
an industry/area basis and in which collective bargaining has
chapter in detail were not as effective as expected and this
developed at the industry/area level, should maintain and
objective could only be partly realized. This is due as much to
encourage this practice of recognizing unions at the industry/
the absence of certain important factors, such as the existence of
area level. Such recognition may give rise to certain problems in
a united trade union movement and the provision for recogni-
regard to the circumstances in which it should be granted and in
tion of unions as to the emphasis laid on compulsory
regard to the rights and functions of plant-wise unions vis-avis
adjudication for the settlement of disputes. Whatever be the
the industry/area unions, particularly when the majority union
nature or causes of disputes, most of them can be amicably
at the plant level has no affiliation with the recognized industry
settled, given the goodwill and desire to come to a settlement
/area union. It has been brought to our notice that employers
on the part of the employers and the employees. It is in this
of units in which the industry level recognized union has no
context that we emphasize the adoption of procedures which
following, find themselves in a difficult situation when
will promote effective bipartite consultations and collective
confronted by the demands of the plant union, which they
bargaining between the parties.
cannot ignore. This situation can only be set right by a proper
demarcation of the rights and functions of the industry/area Industrial Relations Commission
recognized unions and plant-wise unions, and by ensuring that We have referred earlier to certain weaknesses in the working of
recognition at the industry/area level is conferred subject to the existing industrial relations machinery viz., the delays
certain well defined conditions. We consider that industry-wise involved, the expenditure, the largely ad hoc nature of the
recognition is desirable, wherever possible. We are, therefore, machinery, and the discretion vested in the Government in the
not in favour of recognition being granted to plant unions in matter of reference of disputes. There have also been allega-
an area/industry wherein a union has been recognized for an tions of political pressures and interference While many of the
industry/area as a whole. allegations may not be true, we cannot be oblivious to the fact
We now come to the related question of the rights to be given that in some cases the decisions of Government. though fair,
to the minority (unrecognized) unions. The view taken by the have not appeared to be so to the aggrieved parties. And this
Indian Labour Conference in 1964 was that minority unions aspect cannot be entirely ignored in training our recommenda-
should enjoy the light to represent individual grievances relating tions. The evidence before us is strongly in support of
to discharge, dismissal and other conditions of service of their reforming the industrial relations machinery, so as to make it

more effective and more acceptable. What is called for, therefore, vi. Judicial Members of the National Indus ~ trial Relations


is a formal arrangement which is independent in character, Commission, including its President, should be appointed
expeditious in its functioning and which is equipped to build from among persons who are eligible for appointment as
up the necessary expertise. We consider that it would not be Judges of a High Court;
enough to secure some of these improvements through vii.The terms and conditions of service and the age of
suitable modifications in the existing machinery . A more basic superannuation of the judicial members of the National/
change is called lor, and this can be ensured only through the State IRC should be similar to those of the judges of the
replacement of the present ad hoc machinery, by permanent High Courts.
machinery, which will be entirely independent of the adminis-
viii.The President of the National Industrial Relations
tration. We. therefore, recommend the setting up of an
Commission will be appointed by the Union Government
Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) at the national and
in consultation with a committee consisting of the Chief
State levels, for settling interest disputes, broadly covering
Justice of India, the Chairman of the Union Public Service
matters listed in the Third Schedule to the I.D. Act.1
Commission (UPSC) and the senior most Chief Justice in
The IRC would combine in itself both the conciliation and the High Court
adjudication functions. We believe that there is a definite
ix. The other members of the National Industrial Relations
advantage in having the conciliation machinery working within
Commission will be appointed by the Union Government
the IRC, since both will be concerned with ‘interest’ disputes
in consultation with the Chief Justice of India, the
though at different stages. An interchange of knowledge,
Chairman of the U.P.S.C and the President of the National
information and expertise can thus be ensured. We have also
Industrial Relations Commission;
recommended in an earlier section that all matters concerning
recognition of a union as a representative union for purposes x. In regard to the State Industrial Relations Commission, the
of collective bargaining should be entrusted to an independent President of a State IRC will be appointed by the State
authority. We consider that it would he advantageous to entrust Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of
this function also to the proposed IRC. It would obviate the India, the Chief Justice of the State and the Chairman of
need for creating another independent body. In addition to the the State Public Service Commission;
IRC, we also suggest the setting up of Labour Courts which xi. The other members (of a State Industrial Relations
would be entrusted with the judicial functions of interpretation Commission will he appointed by the State Government in
and enforcement of all labour laws, awards and agreements. consultation with the Chief Justice of the State High Court,
The set up of the proposed machinery will broadly be on the the Chairman of the State Public Service Commission and
following lines: the President of the State Industrial Relations
A The Industrial Relations Commission (IRC):
xii. The Conciliation Wing of the Commission will consist of
i. There should be a National Industrial Relations conciliation officers with the prescribed qualifications and
Commission appointed by the Central Government for status. In the cadre of conciliators, there will be persons
industries for which that Government is the appropriate with or without judicial qualifications. Those who have
authority. The National IRG would deal with such disputes judicial qualification would be eligible for appointment as
which involve questions of national importance or which judicial members of the Commission after they acquire the
are likely to affect or interest establishments situated in necessary experience and expertise. Others could aspire for
more than one State, i.e., disputes which are at present dealt membership in the nonjudicial wing;
with by National Tribunals.
xiii. The Commission may provide arbitrators from amongst,
ii. There should be an Industrial Relations Commission in its members/officers, in case parties agree to avail of such
each State for settlement of disputes for which the State services;
Government is the appropriate authority;
xiv. The Commission may permit its members to serve as
iii. The National/State IRC will have three main functions: (a) Chairmen of the Central/ Stale Wage Boards/Committees
adjudication in industrial disputes, (b) conciliation and (c) if chosen by the Government. for such appointment
certification of unions as representative unions.
xv. The functions relating to certification of unions as
iv. The strength of the National/State Commission should be representative unions will vest with a separate wing of the
decided taking into account the possible load on it and the National State IRC. The National IRC may, where it
need for expeditious disposal of cases; its membership considers necessary, get the following of the contending
should not exceed seven. unions determined by the State IRCs.
v. The Commission should be constituted with a person The procedure for the settlement of disputes would be as
having prescribed judicial qualifications and experience as its follows:
President and equal number of judicial and non-judicial
i. After negotiations have failed and before notice of strike /
members; the non-judicial members need not have
lock-out is served, the parties may agree to voluntary
qualifications to hold judicial posts, but should be
arbitration and the Commission will help the parties in
otherwise eminent in the field of industry, labour or
choosing an arbitrator mutually acceptable to them.

ii. After negotiations have failed and notice of strike/lock-out hearing the parties concerned transmit the case to the

has been served, cither party may approach the Commission National IRC which with thereupon try the said dispute.
for naming a conciliator within the Coin-mission to help viii. Where a dispute is brought before the National IRC, and
them in arriving at a settlement during the period covered the Commission after hearing the parties comes to the
by the said notice. conclusion that it may be desirable or expedient that the
iii. In essential industries/services, when collective bargaining said dispute should be dealt with by the appropriate State
fails and when the parties to the dispute do not agree to IRC it may remit the case to the said State IRC for disposal
arbitration, either party shall notify the IRC, with a copy to and on receiving the record of the said dispute, the State
the appropriate Government, of the failure of such IRC shall proceed to deal with it.
negotiations, whereupon the IRC shall adjudicate upon the ix. If the Commission substantially grants the demands in
dispute and its award shall be final and binding upon the support of which the strike was called and comes to the
parties. conclusion that the said strike was justified because of the
iv. 1 In the case of “Others” (non-essential industries/ refusal of the employer to grant the said demands, the
’services), following the failure of negotiations and refusal Commission while making its award may direct the
by the parties to avail of voluntary arbitration, the IRC, after employer to pay the employees their wages during the strike
the receipt of notice of direct action (but during the notice period.
period), may offer to the parties its good offices for x. In case a strike becomes necessary as a result of the changes
settlement. After the expiry of the notice period, if no sought to be introduced by the employer in the terms and
settlement is reached, the parties with be free to resort to conditions of employment of his employees and the
direct action. If direct action continues for 50 days. It will be Commission comes to the conclusion that the change(s)
incumbent on the IRC to intervene and arrange for was/ were not justified and the strike was justified, the
settlement of the dispute.’ employees with be entitled to wages for the period of
v. 1 When a strike or lock-out commences, the appropriate strike.
Government may move the Commission to call for the xi. If the demands in support of which the strike was called
termination of the strike/lock-out on tile ground that its are not granted by the Commission and it holds that the
continuance may affect the security of the State, national strike was unjustified, wages for the period of the strike
economy or public order, and if after hearing the with not be granted.
Government and the parties concerned the Commission is
xii. If the Commission holds that demands which led to the
so satisfied, it may for reasons to be recorded call on the
lock-out were justified and the lock-out was not justified,
parties to terminate the strike/lock-out and file their
the Commission in granting the demands may order that
statements before it. Thereupon the Commission shall
the employees should be paid their wages during the period
adjudi-cate on the dispute.
of the lock-out.
vi. (a) If a State IRC. is seized of any dispute and it appears to
xiii. If the Commission holds that the demands were not
the Central Government that the decision on the said
justified and the lockout was justified the employees will
dispute is likely to have an impact on similar industrial
not he entitled to claim wages for the period of the lock-
undertakings in other States, it will be open to the Central
Government to move the National IRC; to take the said
dispute on its file. When such an application is made the xiv. If during the pendency of the strike or thereafter, the
National IRC shall hear the parties concerned, and if it employer dismisses or discharges an employee because he
comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to take the case has taken part in such strike, it would amount to unfair
on its file. it shall call for the papers in relation to the said labour practice’ and on proof of such practice, the employee
dispute from the State TRC and shall proceed to deal with will be entitled to reinstatement with back wages.
and decide the dispute. xv. All collective agreements should he registered with the IRC.
b. Similarly if a State IRC is seized of any dispute and it xvi. An award made by the IRC in respect of a dispute raised by
appears to the National IRC that the decision on the the recognised union should be binding on all workers in
dispute is likely to have an impact on similar industrial the establishments) and the employer(s).
undertakings in other States, and if after hearing the parties B Labour Courts
the National IRC comes to the conclusion that it is In addition to the Industrial Relations Commission, we also
necessary to take the case on its file, it will be open to the suggest the setting up of standing Labour Courts which would
National IRC to call for the papers in relation to the said be entrusted with judicial functions of interpretation and
dispute from the State IRC and decide the dispute on enforcement of all labour laws, awards and agreements These
merits. courts with deal broadly with disputes relating to matters
vii. When a State IRC is possessed of any dispute, and during mentioned in the Second Schedule of the ID. Act, in respect of
the hearing it comes to the conclusion that the decision on the industrial relations issues brought to them.
the said dispute will have an impact on similar industrial
undertakings in other States and that it is desirable that the
dispute should be tried by the National IRC, it may, after

i. There will be a labour court in each State constituted of influenced our decision in making these recommendations is


judicial members only. The strength and location of such that the setting up of the Industrial Relations Commission
courts will be decided by the appropriate Government; with two wings will, in the long run, make negotiations
ii. Members of the labour court will be appointed by between the parties more earnest and serious and thus intro-
Government on the recommendations of the High Court. duce a new era of successful collective bargaining: We recognise
Generally, the Government should be able to choose from a that in the initial stages of the working of this scheme, mutual
panel given by the High Court in the order in which the negotiations may not always succeed; but we hope that where
names are recommended; this happens, sustained effort by the Commission’s conciliation
wing will materially assist the parties in reaching satisfactory
iii. Labour courts will deal with disputes relating to rights and
solutions to their problems amicably. If this process continues
obligations, interpretation and implementation of awards
for some time, the number of industrial disputes which will go
of either the National or State IRC and claims arising out
before the Comission for its adjudication will gradually decrease
of rights and obligations under the relevant provisions of
and that is the end which we have in mind. We have made these
laws or agreements, as well as disputes in regard to unfair
several recommendations in I the confident hope that the end
labour practices and the like.
would be achieved if the scheme which we have recommended
iv. Labour courts will thus be the courts where all disputes is accepted by the Government. These recommendations
specified in clause (iii) will be tried and their decisions constitute one integral scheme and, for their success, must be
implemented. Proceedings instituted by parties asking for given effect to as a whole.
the enforcement of rights falling under the aforesaid
categories will be entertained by labour courts which will act Notes -
in their execution jurisdiction in that behalf. Appropriate
powers enabling them to execute such claims should be
conferred on them
v. Appeals over the decisions of the labour court in certain
clearly defined matters, may lie with the High Court within
whose area/jurisdiction the court is located;
Unfair Labour Practices
Provision of legal protection to unions is a corollary to the
promotion of healthy industrial relations and recognition of
unions as the sole representatives of workers. It is, therefore,
important to write into the law provisions to prohibit and
penalise unfair labour practices, on the part of both the
employer and the recognised union. An attempt was made to
define these practices both in the Trade Unions (Amendment)
Act, 1947 (not enforced) and in the industrial Relations Bill,
1950. The Code of Discipline (1958) contained a reference to
unfair labour practices to be avoided by unions and manage-
ments. In February, 1968, the Government of Maharashtra set
up a Committee on Unfair Labour Practices’ to define activities
which should be treated as unfair labour practices on the part of
employers and workers and their organisations and to suggest
action to be taken. In its unanimous report presented to the
Maharashtra Government in July, 1969, the Committee listed
various arts of omission and commission which constitute
unfair labour practices. The lists are at Annexure II. These could
form a suitable basis for the enumeration of unfair labour
We recommend that the law should enumerate various unfair
labour practices on the part of employers and on the part of
workers’ unions; and provide for suitable penalties for commit-
ting such practices. Complaints relating to unfair labour practices
will be dealt with by the labour courts. They shall have the
power to impose suitable punishments/penalties which may
extend to de-recognition in case of unions and heavy fine in
case of an employer found guilty of such practices.
Having made these recommendations, we think it is necessary
to emphasise the fact that the main consideration which has



Learning Objectives have to depend on the objectives, values, structures available

After going through this chapter you will be able to compre- and the environment in which they have to operate.
hend the following:
We sum up with a Quotation:
• The current industrial scenario in India Its strategic importance extends beyond the limited frontiers of
• How the industrial scenario and the industrial worker are union-manage-ment relationship and overlaps with the future
going to influence the economy in the days to come. prospects for Indian democracy on one hand, and the basic
We link industrial relations with industrial development and concepts and assumptions of economic develop-ment on the
complexity of the work organisation. The earliest and simplest other. The set of strategic choices must be made in the midst
organisations had little industrial relations in the sense that we of economic and political difficulties that the country is
understand it today. But as organisations grew in complexity, undergoing.
size and number, industrial relations emerged. In this relation In relation to the future of industrial relations in India let us
let us now look into the ‘future of industrial relations in India.’ first get to know our Indian industrial worker.
Future of Industrial Relations in India The Indian Industrial Worker
The future of industrial relations in India can be reviewed from There can be no study of industrial relations without an
reports of the commissions constituted by the government for analysis of indus-trial workers, who are the prime-movers of
this purpose. From these, certain issues are emerging which are commerce and industry. Most recent studies point to the new
posing challenges to the three ‘actors’ in the system. industrial worker being more ‘adjusted’ to his work environ-
I. The first is the issue of strengthening collective bargaining ment than his predecessors. However, the simmering
by trying to determine a sole bargaining agent for dis-content among labour which now and again manifests itself
negotiations. The State of Maharashtra has already passed a in strikes and other forms of labour unrests, proves that the
law for the creation of a sole bargaining agency in every unit new industrial worker is still in a state of flux. He is not fully
and industry. Collective bargaining is advocated where the aware of his problems, his aspirations are his vague, and he is
parties involved have a fuller understanding. This will help unsure of his identity. The aim of this lesson will be to
to arrive at a speedier settlement of disputes, between characterise, from available data, the new industrial worker-the
themselves. varying influences on his life and, in turn, his own commitment
2. The second issue relates to the gaps that are occurring as a to industry.
result of the variations that occur in Central and State Owing to the increasing mechanisation of industry today, the
legislation as far as labour matters are concerned. In India, recruits to in-dustry have to possess the appropriate skill and
labour falls under the Concurrent List though NCL has qualification necessary for the job, unlike their counterparts in
made a recommendation for forming a common labour the past.
code which is yet to be adopted. Adoption of this In spite of the government’s commitment to rural develop-
recommendation will go a long way in solving some of the ment, the lot of the average farmer is still decidedly poor. As a
problems that India’s legislation process is facing. result, many of them have migrated to urban centres in search
3. Another issue is that of workers’ participation in of work. These constitute the ‘surplus’ work force “who are
management. India has already experienced the working of permanent and semi-permanent urban settlers with no
many forms of worker-participation schemes but none of nostalgic attachment to the romantic surroundings of the
them seems to have made any headway. The reasons for the Indian village. “ Studies of census reports indicate that between
failure of these schemes need to be probed into. 1961 and 1971, on an average, more than 2 million farmers were
The three ‘actors’ in the system need to take into account the moving out of their villages every year.
effect of their actions on the consumers and society in general, To say that the new industrial worker has a ‘traditional bias’
owing to the growing inter-linkages between industry and its which is responsible for his maladjustment, if any, is not true
environment. They have to evaluate and decide on the appropri- because of the fact that the majority of the work force, in any
ate alternatives in terms of the ‘strategy’ they are going to adopt case, have an urban background, while the ‘surplus’ work force
in managing the personnel and industrial relations func-tions. constituting the migrants from rural areas are not inclined to
The environment is fast changing and the pressures from leave their present jobs in the factories-nor is the ‘full hierarchy’
various groups involved are starting to get more vocal and of the traditional caste structure evident in the factory. In fact,
intense. The strategy chosen for the attainment of the goals will Slotkin concluded that the rural workers migrated because of
the inadequacy of their ‘traditional culture’. Systematic studies
of the Indian labour force have shown that factories attract

labour from all levels of traditional society (Morris, 1960; management. Sickness and social or religious reasons are the


Lambert and Vaid, 1968; Sheth, 1968; and Sharma, 1974). usual excuses given for being absent. A study by Pais of the
The new industrial worker’s educational background and cotton textile industry in Bombay on absenteeism shows that
aspirations are much higher than those of his predecessors. A there are a large number of badli force in these industries, and
study of industrial workers by Vaid revealed that 78% of them this factor contributes to the high rate of absenteeism in the
wished to increase their incomes. As has been already pointed industry. Bhatia and Valecha in their study on absentee-ism in a
out, a rural background does not inhibit them from entering large manufacturing plant conclude that chronic absentees have
industry. In fact, once they do, they prefer to stay on and greater indebtedness and are found more among those in the
improve their prospects. But is this an indication of the higher age bracket having longer length of service, and in the
worker’s commit-ment to his work or is it, as some researchers unskilIed and semiskilled work force. Managements are
indicate, actually an interest in matters such as wages, housing, generally quite helpless, especially with the increasing militancy
security and advancement in work rather than the fulfilment of of trade unions who use minor issues to prove their bargaining
their needs, e.g. ‘ego satisfaction’ or ‘self-actualisa-tion’? Sheth power. The new industrial workers are more “articulate,
feels that by imparting theories of ego satisfaction and self-- confident and capable” and aware of their rights. The factory
actualisation and putting forward schemes to hum anise system initiates changes in the attitudes and values of its work
working conditions, one may only be substituting “devices for force making them more “cosmopolitan, anticasteist, secular
the satisfaction of the actual needs”. and radical in their outIook”. The worker is also aware of his
high level of productivity and his tremendous power to cripple
True, the worker may not be aware of self-actualisation, and
ego-satisfac-tion may not be of primary importance to him, but
a study by Holmstrom indicates he is definitely moving As discussed earlier, workers today have greater aspirations than
towards the “concept of equality and free-dom of choice in his those in the past. Earlier, the mobility among workers was poor
work behaviour.” A recent study by Sharma’ states that for the and their aspirations undoubtedly low. The present trend of
workers in the organized sector, the nature of work forms one competitiveness could be because of greater skills and education
of the determinants of job-satisfaction. It is natural that a among workers. In an Indian enterprise workers are motivated
worker would prefer human working conditions. As it is, “the by the expectation of higher wages once they acquire more skills.
sheer alienation and drudgery of the worker’s machine- Vaid et al. found that superior technology contributes to better
dominated work at the factory is what makes his life dull, work adjustment. Lambert also found that the level of,
unrewarding and poor in a sense in which a school teacher’s is aspiration of workers varied from factory to factory but it was
not. Within the confines of an individual work situation over the highest in the most technically advanced factory. This new
which he has no control the worker will always be disoriented. class of labour with higher aspirations and greater awareness of
After all, in the present social structure, workers are in the final job security and wages is to be found in the most modern and
analysis ‘wage slaves’. Yet he is willing to work hard and accept technically advanced industries that demand greater skills.
the monotony of routine if it enables him to earn more and However, even earlier studies indicate that wages always played
make his life outside the factory better. Herein lies the problem. an impor-tant part in a worker’s choice of job. Vaid reports in
Industrial skilI alone is not of the greatest impor-tance-a his study that the workers’ current jobs gave them a better
committed labour force demands adjustment in both the income than any of the previous jobs and 45% of the total job
working and social environment. changes are due to the search for ‘higher wages’. Lambert and
Desai’s studies also indicate similar findings.
The idea of the industrial man in terms of committed labour
force has to be reconceptualised in the context of the uneven The rise of this new working class (though it does not domi-
development of the whole process of our industrialisation. nate yet it greatly influences the industrial labour force) has also
Mere wilIingness to work cannot boost the morale of a worker, necessitated changes in the method of operation of trade
unless he has the kind of socially accepted position required for unions, some of which are not even affiliated to national union
the industrial way of life. The Indian worker is deprived of federations, and yet are most ‘active and militant’. Ketkar feels
such a position (Sengupta) particularly in the areas of small in- that “the reason for the disproportionately high influence
dustrial activities. within which it works are the critical industries in the manufac-
turing sector as a whole. ... The new working class is not only
The number of mandays lost due to industrial disputes in
the wage leader in the sense that it sets the trends for higher
India during 1980 and 1981 is as follows: 1980-21,925,026; and
wages but also influences other workers in industry and even
1981-25,503,6541. What are the reasons for the high rates of
white-collar workers in their methods of struggle, styles of
absenteeism and the increasing number of mandays lost? If the
trade unionism, social habits, language, etc. In a definite sense it
worker is committed to his job, why does he stay away? Why is
constitutes the opinion maker within the working class as a
the labour force like a nuclear dump waiting for a match to set it
whole.” The workers’ awakening to trade unions is a fairly
recent phenomenon since older studies reported the workers’
Absenteeism has always been a major problem in the Indian general disinterest in trade union activities. Ashraf, in his study
industry. An official of Bharat Cooking Coal Ltd’s planning of workers at Kanpur, found socio-political consciousness and
department points out that often as much as 40% of the trade union affiliation to be interdependent. With the emer-
labour force stays away from work. Myers is of the view that gence of the new worker who is confident and aware, trade
absenteeism is encouraged owing to the lenient policies of the unions have come to play an important role. The trade union is

considered a protector in general terms. Thankappan feels that resort to settle his grievances and he usually supports it in a

“some of the most important events in trade unionism during crisis, sometimes in spite of his personal misgivings.
the last 5-8 years whether they are strikes or solidarity struggles
Profile of the New Worker
in support of other workers’ struggles, are directly related to the
The picture of today’s industrial workers emerging from most
initiatives taken by the new working class”. But are these strikes
accounts is in contrast to the one depicting the workers of the
warranted? With such strict government regulations, is the
1940s and 50s. This change is basically because of the growth of
worker truly underpaid? In spite of the fact that workers’ wages
industry, demanding more technological and industrial skilIs.
have increased, there has been an ‘erosion’ of wages owing to
This in turn means, the workers inducted into this kind of
the sharp increase in the consumer price index. The working
establishment would have a higher level of education as
class is aware of this and attributes “the stagnation or erosion
compared to those in the more traditional industries, say
of its standard of living directly to its increased exploitation at
textiles. These ‘new workers’ tend to be second or even third-
the hands of the employers. That is one of the reasons for the
generation workers, unlike the half-peasants who found it
militancy of even the better paid workers”, opines Thankappan.
difficult to overcome their parochial attitudes and chauvinism.
Is the trade union movement in India efficient enough to They realise their indispensability and bargaining power and are
handle the problems of workers? Most of the larger trade ready to move on and improve their educational qualifications
unions have definite political affiliations, and act or react to better themselves. Most often these new workers have jobs
according to political trends, the workers being mere pawns in in the critical industries and hence will not allow themselves to
the game. But the new worker seems determined not to be be exploited. Even though the trade union movement has not
used as a crutch by political activists. This is not always the case. proved wholly effective, without clear programmes or organiza-
With their new found power, trade union leaders often seek to tion, workers today are no longer docile, inarticulate and
put pressure on managements with no legalistic base to their diffident. They are definitely a class to contend with, who will
demands, aided as they are, often, by political clout. To add to intensify their efforts in the future and whose attitudes and
the already complex scene, there is the pressure of inter-union aspirations are of utmost importance to industrial peace.
rivalry with each union claiming sole bargaining rights. Some-
The new workers are definitely committed to the industrial way
times, to divide the workers and thus weaken them, rival
of life even if some are prone to look back with nostalgia and
unions are patronised by the management. The credibility of
reminisce about the clean environment of the villages. There
the trade union move-ment in Kanpur rated rather low, in the
seems an imminent need for the government, through
eyes of the working population, during the strike at Swadeshi
legislation and for managements, through discussions, to
Cotton Mills where “the trade union leader-ship proved to be
seriously consider issues that concern workers and work out an
ineffective in organizing the workers’ struggle for securing the
amenable solution. Most accounts of their daily life indicate the
very basic demand of the workers, for their very wage”.
poor quality of their living conditions, which seem to have a
Legitimate claims become mixed up with demonstrations,
greater impact indirectly on them as individuals than the
arson and looting and in this melee the workers’ demands are
drudgery of their jobs. There is definitely the need to improve
often forgotten, making the whole thing seem badly conceived
workers’ living conditions and provide basic amenities in order
and illegal. Mehta, himself a trade union leader, puts it suc-
to make their lives more meaningful. Mere revision of wages
cinctly when he says, “even with so much inter-union rivalry
and bonuses will not help to raise his standard of living or
there are hardly any ideological differences. It is more a scramble
improve his commit-ment, but rather drive him to the bottle or
for power.” If effective leadership is not forthcoming among
the gambling den in an attempt to escape his immediate social
trade unions in the future, the already prominent trend of
independent plant-based unions, which generally involve a large
number of workers, is sure to dominate the indus-trial The new worker is not an individual to be taken for granted.
relations scene. Workers unable to press their demands by legitimate means are
finding recourse in militant action and are being attracted to
In its March-April issue, 1979, Business India reported that
leaders with militant ideals. The key to the industrial relations
independent plant-based unions have been so successful in
scene in the country rests in the hands of the workers, and their
influencing other workers that the decline or stagnation of once
well-being and commitment is crucial to the progress of
powerful unions ,such as the CPI led AITUC and the Socialist
modern India. Mansara is not a typical example of the new
led HMP and HMS in the major industrial areas is directly
industrial worker. However, it is workers like him who form a
related to their influence. Ketkar, labour correspondent of the
majority of the indus-trial work force-greatly influenced by the
Economic Times, feels that labour is moving away from
new industrial workers who though in a minority, dominate the
politically motivated groups and “has begun to constitute itself
general trend of industrial practices.
as a new estate in society not under the tutelage of another class
or political party but on its own initiative”. This is primarily To Wana Mansara, a 55-year-old unskilled labourer working in a
because of the lack of effective leadership and corruption in factory in North Bombay, modern industrial life has given
trade union politics. Tulpule, however, feels that there is “ample precious little satisfaction. Mansara scarcely fits the image of the
leadership material” in the generation that has come into modern industrial worker. One look at his thin emaciated
industry in the last 15 years. Only if trade unions can prove their frame, soiled clothes and troubled eyes, convinces one that life
mettle will they last out the next generation though they have so far has had little to offer him.
ample scope as the worker really considers his union the last

“There is really nothing I can say about my daily routine,” break up the honest unions. That’s why there is violence. I was


Mansara says cynically. Mansara lives in a small 20' x 10' room in attacked because I refused to become a member of a rival union
one of the foulest slums in the eastern suburbs along with his which is a stooge of the bosses was stabbed three times by a
family of nine. His working hours are 7.15 a.m. to 3.45 p.m. rogue and the doctor had to put 18 stitches. My son, who also
Mansara has to be up before 6 o’clock and stand in a long queue worked in the factory was removed just because he supported
at the municipal tap for water although there are enough people Dr. Samant”, says Mansara in a Marathi which retains the
in his family who can perform that hour-long chore--his wife, flavour of a rural accent even after 24 years of exposure to urban
his 24-year-old daughter, his son-in-law, his 22-year-old son, life.
daughter-in-law, another son, age 14, and another daughter. All
Menacing Tool
of them and Mansara’s young grandson live in the hut. As
But what is so special about Dr. Datta Samant? Why does
soon as he gets dressed, Mansara sets out on foot for the
Mansara believe that Samant is an honest unionist? Mansara is
factory without any breakfast but with a lunch dabba in his hand.
somewhat offended that his leader’s integrity is challenged. His
He cannot afford to buy his lunch in the factory canteen
nostrils flare up. There is almost a menacing look in his eyes.
although it is subsidised. Mansara’s monthly wage works out to
But then, he controls himself and explains: “Look, I have been
less than Rs 600 which barely ensures the hand-to-mouth
in the Godrej factory since 1956. Do you know what the annual
existence of the entire family. In the factory where he has been a
increment in my daily wage scale was then?-12 paise. Dr. Samant
daily wage (bigari) worker for 23 years, his job is to load and
came to our factory in 1972 and the annual increment became 40
unload trucks with finished goods and raw materials and carry
out sundry errands.
“Before Dr. Samant, the union was led by several people. But
Boring and Bad we never know what agreement was signed by our union and
“My job is boring and bad. I’m glad to get off at 3.45 p.m.” when. We knew it only when the workers read it on the notice
says Mansara. “Then I go home and that is all. What else is board. Not so with Dr. Samant. Long before making any
there to do? Think about the stink in the slum? Well, it’s there. agreement with the owners, Dr. Samant tells us in a meeting
The quarrels over the municipal tap, traffic in illicit liquor, the what he is going to do. He never goes alone to the owner to
floods and the slush in the monsoons, the leaking hut and all make an agreement. We know he is honest. We know he is not
that? Well. . . that is life.” a chamcha of the management.”
Mansara feels that his brothers whom he left 24 years ago in Mansara is also bitter about the management’s attitude towards
Nasik district to till a few acres of dry land, are leading a militant workers. “If you are in favour of the management, you
“relatively better life”. But Mansara could not live in the village get all the facilities. If you fight for or assert your rights, then
because the land was not enough to sustain the family. So he God help you. Don’t you think I want to live in a better place?
came to Bombay in search of a livelihood and found a job at But I can’t because I can’t afford it. And I would never get the
the factory. Ever since then Mansara has lived in the hut which company’s quarters because I support Dr. Samant . . .”
he had built himself. “Today I have to pay Rs. 40 to the muni-
Mansara has many complaints against the management. He
cipal authority as rent for the land I occupy. Why should I have
recalls: “When I joined the factory in, 1956, the company was
to pay this rent? It’s absurd. The bloody municipal authorities
producing 26 refrigerators a day. I remember because I used to
have no right to ask me for rent. . . The whole thing is so
load them on to trucks. Today the company manufac-tures 222
refrigerators daily and sells them at much higher prices. And yet
Mansara’s bitterness and grievances are not confined to the our living conditions have not changed though apparently our
municipal authorities. As a scheduled caste turned Budhist, and earnings have increased. Even this increase is not at all propor-
a worker, Mansara feels he has had to suffer in-justice all his life. tionate to the increased production of the fac-tory. Why should
“People in my situation tend to, lose all hope in life, to give up, not I gain anything when the factory has expanded so much?”
to become, tame, submissive and fatalistic. Many of them take
“Really, what we need is leaders like Dr. Samant who can give us
to gambling and alcohol. But fortunately I’m free of such
justice”, Man-sara ruminates. “Management or the government
addictions and stilI have some control over myself. I can still
on their own wi1l never give any-thing to workers.”
Does it mean that good leaders are all that is needed? “Look, all
In fact, Mansara is a militant trade unionist and was the victim
leaders are not like Dr. Samant. . . Owners and big people like
of an assault in January by members of a rival trade union.
those in the government are angry with him not because he
Mansara, inarticulate and incoherent when speaking about his
instigates violence-in fact, he does not, big people do vio-lence
family and his house, suddenly comes to life while talking
to break him-because he cannot be bought or corrupted, . . .
about his union and removes the head cloth he dons like a
because he does not become their chamcha. . . So we need leaders
number of his fellow workers, to show a long raw scar on his
like him... and of course we must have our own organized
strength. Without a militant organization We’ll get nowhere.
“See this?” he asks with visible anger on his face. “This is the
“As long as there is injustice in society, we’ll have to remain
price I have had to pay for supporting Datta Samant and for
organized and vigi-lant to fight it, whether it is economic,
being with his association of Engineering Workers. Employers
political or social injustice”, says Mansara. In Mansara’s view
and the government loathe those unions which really are for the
while there is a great deal of social injustice in India, based on
workers. They only want unions they can pocket. They try to

caste differences, he has not experienced it since he left his

village, even though he is a neo--Buddhist. “I am never made

to feel that I belong to an inferior caste. All workers who work
shoulder to shoulder with me live in the same way as I do, treat
me as a comrade, a mate never thinking of caste. . . . But there
are castes amongst workers. Two castes: the chamchas, scaps,
blacklegs, who are a minority, and the rest who are in the majo-
rity. The first lot belongs to the upper caste and get many special
favours and advanta-ges. The people like me, the majority,
belong to the lower caste and life’s rough for us. But I’m happy
here. I would rather remain here.”
Notes -

LESSON 5: Unit 2

Learning Objectives iv. It includes federations of trade unions also.

After reading this lesson you will be able to understand the v. It achieves its objectives through collective action and group
following. effort.
• The need for trade Union and its effect in the Industrial Thus, a trade union is generally referred to as an organisation of
India since its evolution. workers. It is a voluntary, democratic and continuing
Trade unions. How are unions born? What do they do? To get organisation of workers to protect their socio-economic
all these answers and yet to learn many more attributes about interests. However, under law, the term ‘trade union’ includes
the trade unions let us first look into as to how the trade both the associations of workers and those of employers. Sec.
unions evolved. 2(h) of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 has defined union as “any
combination, whether temporary or permanent, formed
Historical Evolution and Aspects of Trade
primarily for the purpose of regulating the’ relations between
unions in India
the workmen and employers, or between workmen and
After discussing much about industrialization the trade union
workmen, or between employers and employers, or for
movement can be said to be an offshoot of industrialisation.
imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or
The growth of modern industrial organisations involving use
business, and includes any federation of two or more trade
of modern technology and employment of large number of
unions.” This definition is very exhaustive as it includes
the workers has been followed by growth in trade unions
associations of both workers and employers and the federa-
throughout the world. This phenomenon has not only been
tions of their associations. But in this book we will use the
observed in advanced countries of the world, but is also being
term ‘trade union’ in a narrow sense to mean the associations
witnessed in developing economies. “The emergence of trade
of workmen and their federations.
unionism is spontaneous and inherent in the growth of
capitalism. The origin of trade unionism lies in the Industrial Why do we need Trade Unions?
Revolution which disrupted the older way of life and created a Trade unions are essentially organisations for the protection and
new society forged by the shop, the factory, the mine and the promotion of the interests of their members in particular and
industry.” Trade unionism has become a vigorous force not workers in general. The primary functions of trade unions are
only in advanced economies like U.K. and U.S.A. but also in to protect the workers against the excesses committed by
developing economies like India. employers and to satisfy the needs of the workers. To be
What Is a Trade Union? specific, however, the trade unions generally pursue the
Dale Yoder has defined a trade union as continuing, long-term following broad objectives:
association of employees formed and maintained for the 1. Steady employment. Steady employment is something,
specific purpose of advancing and protecting the interests of which the employer by himself may not be able to
members in their working relationships. A trade, union is a guarantee to the workers. His ability to provide it is limited
continuous association of workers, which is formed with the by the state of the marl et, which in large part is beyond his
purpose of protecting the interests of workers. To quote Webb control. Achievement of this aspiration may thus involve
and Webb, “A trade union is continuous association of wage workers in political action, through their unions, for the
earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the maintenance of full employment. Thus, this objective
conditions of their working live” According to Flippo, “A stands for enough jobs with good pay.
labour union or trade union is an organisation of workers. 2. Rationalisation of personnel policies. The economic
formed to promote, protect, and improve, through collective security of an employee is determined not only by the level
action, the social ,economic, and political interests of its of wages and duration of his employment, but also by the
members”. management’s personnel policies in its selection of
From an analysis of the above definitions, the following employees for layoff, retirement, transfer and promotion,
features of trade union emerge: the assignment of employees to jobs, and in the
disciplining of employees. If the decisions of this type are
i. It is an organisation formed by employees or workers.
the result of subjective evaluation and capriciousness, there
ii. It is formed on a continuous basis. It is a permanent body is no security for the workers. If such decisions are,
and not a casual or temporary one. however, governed by statutory rules and rational policies,
iii. It is formed to protect and promote all kinds of interests- there is greater assurance of fair treatment and equal justice.
economic, political and social-of its members. The 3. Voice in decisions affecting workers. The workers may
dominant interest with which a union is concerned is, successfully pressurise for higher wages. He may achieve a
however, economic. satisfactory rationalization of personnel policies. But if the

vital decisions as to the scale and schedule of production, and on the environment of management. As Yoder wrote “

introduction of labour saving devices, the closing or Existence of strong trade unions is a precondition for industrial
relocation of plant etc. remain outside the effective influence peace-and stability of the industrial economy. Decisions taken
of workers, there is no real security for them. Each worker through the process of collective bargaining and negotiation
wants to know if the new machinery would reduce him between the employers and trade unions are bound to be
from a skilled operative to a machine attendant or a respected by both employers and workers. By insisting upon
member of custodial force. He wants to know what his payment of standard rates of wages for their members, trade
chances are for continued attachment to the company. What unions ensure efficient functioning of the industrial units. By
is “the success of the company” to him if in transferring organising fraternal functions, they improve the efficiency of
the plant from Delhi to Ghaziabad he is laid off? The workers. Effective trade unions are helpful in avoiding inarticu-
intervention of the union in such decisions of late unrest of workers involving extensive absenteeism,
management is the only way by which the worker is able to frequent job changes, fighting; wandering from one plant or
achieve any degree of control over the affairs that concern locality to another.
him. Trade unions can play an important role in the planned
4. Recognition and participation. Another objective that economic development of a nation. They can help in the
unions seek to achieve is winning recognition for the fact accelerated pace of economic development in many ways, more
that they are equal partners with management in the task of important of which are as under:
production. This equality is something more than the 1. By helping in the recruitment and selection of workers.
equality at bargaining table. It is an intellectual quality. That
2. By inculcating discipline among the work-force.
is, the intellectual faculties of workers are no inferior to
those of management. 3. By enabling settlement of industrial disputes in a rational
rather than erratic and chaotic manner.
5. Gaining legislative enactments. To provide legal
sanctions to its demands, the unions attempt to get these 4. By helping social adjustments. Workers. have to adjust
framed in the form of Acts so that they become permanent themselves with the new working conditions, the new rules
features of the contract between the employers and the and the new orders. Workers coming from the traditional
workers. For this purpose, unions may take recourse of society (agricultural economy) to the modern society
political action in terms of supporting any political party or (industrial economic) left to themselves may become
forming their own political party. personally disorganized, unsatisfied, and frustrated. Trade
unions help them in such adjustment.
6. Miscellaneous services. Modern trade unions also engage
in providing educational, medical, recreational and other 5. By creating a committed industrial work force.
facilities for the development and welfare of their members Criticism of Trade Unions
and their families, if they have sufficient funds at their Particularly the employers have subjected trade unions to severe
disposal. criticism. At times, they even resist the formation strong trade
Social Responsibilities of a Trade Union unions because of the following reasons:
Trade unions are a part of society and so they must keep the i. Increased Potential for Strikes. Trade union leaders serve
well-being and progress of the community constantly before the threat of strike to the management quite frequently to
them in the midst of their endeavors to help the working class. get their demands accepted. When a trade union fails to get
Unions have a stake in the success of national plans for its demand accepted by the management through collective
economic development, since these are formulated and bargaining and negotiations, it may adopt militant methods
implemented as much for maximizing_ production as for including a strike blockade or work stoppage. Thus, the
distributing the product in equitable manner. Unions have to potentiality for strikes is more in an unionised firm.
adapt themselves to changing social needs and rise above ii. Narrow Perspective. Lack of education makes the workers
divisive forces of caste, religion and language. It is only thus narrow-minded, and prevents them from taking long-term
that they can progressively become instruments for constructive views. Thus, anything, which does not result in an
purposes; in this context, some important social responsibilities immediate reward, becomes unattractive to them. This
of trade unions appear to be in the field of: attitude is responsible for many strikes and lockouts in
i. Promotion of national integration; industrial concerns.
ii. Generally influencing the socio-economic policies of the iii. Resistance to Change. Trade unions do _ not welcome
community through active participation in their rationalisation and improved methods of production for
formulation at various levels and the fear that some of the workers will be put out of work.
iii. Instilling in their members a sense of responsibility They often show resistance to introduction to changes in
towards industry and the community. work methods, procedures and working conditions.
iv. Fear of Increased Costs. All efforts of a trade union to
Aspects and Importance of Trade Unions
gain concessions from management in the form of higher
In the modem industrial society trade unions are a force in
pay, better working conditions, better retirement benefits,
them. No managers of working organisations can ignore “the
etc. for its members imply higher costs to management.
influence of trade unions on the behavior of their work force

Obviously higher costs, if not accompanied by increases in The existence of a union affects not only the overall organiza-


employees’ productivity, are not desirable for the tion, but also the management in many ways. For the personnel
organisation as it will not be able to face competition in the manager, the existence of a union means that all personnel
market in the long-run. decisions shall be subject to union’s checks and controls. Apart
v. Social Costs. When labour unions strike on flimsy from a union’s effect on policy making, there are several other
grounds, incalculable losses occur to producers, community areas, which are affected by the existence of unions. These are
and the nation. Strikes are harmful to the workers also as summarized below:
they have to suffer loss of wages and other benefits. 1. Union policy affects the structure of labour employed.
vi. Lack of Employee Commitment. In an unionised firm, Though this factor is related to management decision, yet it
the employees loyalty is often shifted from the organisation also affects the overall organization.
to the union. This can result in reduced employee 2. The existence of a union does affect the level of wages and
commitment, lower morale, resistance to change, and the terms of their employment. A union may not tolerate
sublimation of the organisations goals to those of the unjust attitude of management with regards to payments
trade union. of increments, overtime, promotion, paid vocations, leave,
vii.Artificial Scarcity of Labour. It is alleged that the labour holidays, insurance plans, pension plans, medical
unions may create artificial scarcity of labour by demanding reimbursement, etc.
that only union members should be employed. In such a 3. A union’s existence may affect the prices of the products
situation, an employer may prefer not to fill the vacancies manufactured by the rganisation.
because of fear of trouble by the union. AF, a result, 4. A union’s policy in an organisation affects the position of
employment gets restricted among ‘the most widely individual workers in the organisation. Generally it has a
accepted general policies of trade unions, the following are positive effect on the workers. -
5. It also affects industrial relations and industrial peace.
1. To bargain collectively and to expand and increase the scope
6. A union might also try to have control over scarce job
of the collective bargaining system.
opportunities. Generally, unions take the stand that a fixed
2. To maintain and expand the security and survival capacity proportion of new jobs should be given to the blood
o f unions and their ability to withstand attacks, and to relation of the existing employees of the organization .
back up demands with solidarity
The mere presence of the union restricts management’s
3. To gain and maintain exclusive control of labour supplies freedom of action in many areas. In dealing with labour
in particular labour markets as a means of enforcing unions, it is important for the -management to recognise that
union demands for what are regarded as appropriate improved union-management relations play a vital role in the
working conditions. success of an organization
4. To improve the economic status and welfare of union
Causes of Emergence of Trade Union Movement
members, increasing their earnings and relative share in
The trade unionism in one country is not comparable to that in
national income and their influence, both in employment
another country because of varying approaches, roles and
and in the larger societies in which they are members.
functions assumed by it from time to time. For instance,
5. To develop and improve the union’s programs, practices, Tannenbaum observed, “Machine is the cause and the labour
and techniques to be used in conflict and defence of the movement is the result.” Hoxie observed, “Trade union
organisation and in expanding its power. . appears as a group interpretation as the social situation in which
6. To represent member in the area of political action, workers find themselves, and as a remedial programme in the
identifying candidates and office holders who are friendly or form of aims, policies and methods.” Perlman came to the
unfriendly, lobbying and securing political concessions for conclusion that “Trade unionism arises from the job-conscious-
unions and their members. ness and scarcity of job opportunities.” According to Marx,
7. To maintain a strong organisation, democratically “Trade unions owe their origin to class struggle between the
controlled, but with enough internal discipline to capitalist employers and their workers. To get more and more
implement such policies as have been described above. profits, the employers exploit the workers, who because of their
common interest to get more wages, unite in trade unions and
8. To facilitate irnproved member understanding of union
then resist the employers,
policies and programmes and’ increase skills and
competence on the part of union officers by appropriate Aspects of Trade Unions in India
educational programs. Trade unions are a major component of the modern industrial
These major policies lead unions into a complex. assortment of relations system. A trade union of workers is an organization
programmes and detailed , practices-from preparing- negotiat- formed by workers to protect their interests, improve their
ing strategies to designing pressure tactics and to developing working conditions, etc. All trade unions have objectives or
cooperative programmes with management. goals to achieve, which are contained in their constitution, and
each has its own strategy to reach those goals.
Impact of a Union on Management

Trade unions are now considered a sub-system, which seeks to they had no unions. Small associations came up in Bombay (e.g.

serve the specific sub-group’s interest (i.e. the workers’) and also the Bombay Mill-hands Association) and in Calcutta.
considers itself a part of the organization, in terms of the The second phase of the Indian trade union movement falls
latter’s viability and contribution to the growth of the commu- between 1900 and 1947. This phase was characterised by the
nity of which it is a part. Therefore, there are trade unions of development of orga-nized trade unions and political move-
blue-collar workers, white-collar employees and also employers. ments of the working class. It also witnessed the emergence of
Trade unions came into being for a variety of purposes. militant trade unionism. The period 1900 to 1915 was the
Individual workers found it more advantageous to band preparatory phase for organized trade union movement. Later
together and seek to establish their-terms and conditions of the First World War (1914-1918) and the Russian Revolution of
employment. They realised that if they bar-gained as individu- 1917 gave a new turn to the Indian trade union movement and
als, the employer would have a better leverage, for an individual led to organized efforts on the part of workers to form trade
would not matter as much as a group in terms of the running unions. It was esti-mated that in 1920 there were 125 unions,
of the enterprise. Since a group’s contribution is much larger with a total membership of 250,000. In 1920, the first national
than an in-dividual’s, so are the effects of its withdrawal. Also, trade union organization (the All India Trade Union Congress)
an individual may not be able to organize and defend his was established. Many of the leaders of this organization were
interests as well as a group can. There-fore, workers saw the leaders of the national movement.
advantages of organizing themselves into groups to improve The third phase began with the emergence of independent
their terms and conditions of employment. India (in 1947), and the. Government sought the cooperation
Employers also found it advantageous to deal with a group, or of the unions for planned economic development.
a repre-sentative of a group rather than go through the process The working class movement was also politicised along the
of dealing with each individual over a length of time. lines of the political parties. For instance, Indian National Trade
With the changed political, social and educational environment Union Congress is the trade union arm of the Congress Party.
in terms of awareness of rights-the right to organize, the right The All India Trade Union Congress is the trade union arm of
to bargain, and settle terms and conditions of employment- the Communist Party of India and sub-sequently the socialists
labour or worker unions sprang up in order to protect and left to set up another national worker federation, the Hind
further worker interests. Additionally, the influence of political Mazdoor Sabha. The Centre of Indian Trade Unions organized
parties interested in acquiring a foothold in the labour move- in 1970, has close links with the Communist Party of India-
ment also provided the impetus for the formation of labour Marxist (CPI-M). Besides workers, white-collar employees,
unions. supervisors and mana-gers are also organized by the trade
In India, the foundation of modern industry was laid between unions, as for example in the banking, insurance and petroleum
1850 and 1870. This was also the period of emergence of the industries.
Indian working class. Indian enterprises started growing side by Why Unions Lack Cohesion and Power
side with the British ones in all spheres of the national The large number of federations and plant level unions to
economy. During this period of the growth of Indian capitalist some extent detract from cohesion and unity of trade unions.
enterprises, the working and living conditions of the labour It can be argued that it is of advantage to have big and powerful
were poor and their working hours were long. This was testified unions for they can behave like respon-sible and high level
by commissions like the Indian Factory Labour Commission agencies in the development of our economic systems. Large
(1908) and the Royal Commission of Labour (1931). In unions would also be in a better position to prospect and
addition to the long working hours, their wages were low and further the workers’ interests.
the general economic condition was poor in industries. In order
The strength of trade unions both in the UK and the USA has
to regulate the working hours and other service conditions of
been traced to powerful national and international unions. The
the Indian textile labourers, the Indian Factories Act was
role of the cen-tral organizations of labour such as the Ameri-
enacted in 1881. As a result, employment of child labour was
can Federation of Labour--Congress of IndustriaI
prohibited. This Act required the formation of a machinery for
Organisations (AFL-CIO) in the USA and the Trade Union
the inspection of factories. Another factor, which provided the
Congress (TUC) in the UK has been seen as one of largely
background for the Indian trade union movement, was the
securing the enactment of legislation and enhancing the legal
birth of the Indian National Congress in 1885. The trade union
status of trade unions and of influencing public opinion in
movement in India can be divided into three phases. The first
favour of organized labour. As national unions, their strength
phase falls between 1850 and 1900 during which inception of
in terms of number and finance makes them strong and viable,
trade unions took place. Guided by educated philanthropists
and this enables them to wield considerable amount of power
and social workers, the growth of the trade union movement
and influence in industrial relations at the national level. These
was slow in this phase. During this period workers possessed
federations also guide the policy formulation of the affiliated
no trade union in the true sense of the term.
unions, taking into account the national perspective, and thus
As a result of the prevailing poor working conditions and long act as a restraining influence. The kind of linkage that the plant
hours of work, many strikes took place in the two decades level local has with its apex body in the US is not the same that
following 18803 in all industrial cities. These strikes taught its counterparts in India have with their national level federa-
workers to understand the power of united action even though tions. Indian trade unions are characterised by a three-tier

structure, the national, the state and the unit level where while any 7 workmen to band together and form a union. What


the policy flows from the top downwards, the state level units would be the repercussions?
are generally more influential. The inter-relationship and • Changed method of reporting for the year.
meshing between the two has somehow not evolved into a fine
knit network, with the parts being greater than the whole in
quite a few instances. Owing to paucity of funds and dearth of (P) Provisional.
experienced trade union leaders these state committees tend to (E) Estimated, repeated the previous year figures in respect of
become mere co-ordination bodies for independent unions those states for which information was not recorded.
instead of being in themselves powerful bodies haying Sources: 1. Pocket Book of Labour Statistics, Labour Bureau,
democratic control. The existing pattern of trade union Ministry of Labour, Government of India, 1976, p. 122.
structure has created organizational problems at all levels. The
2. Indian Labour Statistics, Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour,
problem originates at the lowest level i.e. plant unions, which
Government of India, 1975, p. 167.
are so small in size that they cannot pay their dues regularly to
the state committees. Moreover, in the existing set-up owing to 3. Digest of Labour Statistics, Labour Bureau, Ministry of
the dearth of union organisers the same functionaries work at Labour, Govern-ment of India, 1961, p. 112. 4. Indian
the local as well as the state level. Labour Year Book 1979, Labour Bureau, Ministry of
Labour, Govern-ment of India: 1982, p. 74, Table 4.1.
Growth of Trade Unions
With the changed political atmosphere in the country and the Recognition of a Union
spreading of ideas about democracy socialism, the right to a There are two issues of concern here: The first is the issue of
living wage, leveling of inequalities, the building of a welfare recognition of a union per se, especially in a non-unionised
state and similar thoughts, there is no doubt that a steadily situation. The first question that arises is: Which union is one
increasing number of workers, particularly in the large metro- to recognise, or should more than one union be recognised?
politan centres, have begun to realise that a trade union Related to this is the problem of verification, the pro-cess by
organization is very essential for the protection and advance- which the contending unions’ claim to membership is cross-
ment of the working classes and their interests. However, this checked, to enable one to seek representative status.
realization alone cannot account for the vast expansion that has The two issues are related to: (i) the need to recognise a union;
taken place in the movement (Table ). The more important and (ii) the process to be employed for verification when a
factors that have led to this development are the creation of union stakes its claim, either in a new union situation or in
new central organizations, the growth of political parties at the multi-union situations. This problem arises because at the
national and regional levels, the encouraging labour policies of moment there is no uniform legislation available in all the states
the government after independence and the propagation of the and union territories with regard to the recognition issue. There
philosophy of trade unionism. have been attempts time and again at restructuring and
Certainly, one of the effects of this mushroom growth has streamlining the system but nothing has been effected so far. It
been the pro-blems at the plant level, especially in situations is only in states where the Bombay Industrial Relations Act is in
where more than one union exists. What is the manager to do force, e.g. Gujarat and Maharashtra, that there are elaborate
in such a situation? The law provides, as was noted above, for provisions regarding recognition. The Act classifies trade unions
into three categories:
TABLE Membership of Workers' Trade Unions 1. Representative union,
Number of Number of Membership Average 2. Qualified union,
unions of unions 3. Primary union,
Year registered membership
submitting submitting The basis of this classification is the
percentage of membership that a union has
unions returns returns per union
at the industry level (e.g. chemical industry)
1951-52 4,505 2,509 19,88,120 792 or at the lowest level, the primary union.
1956-57 8,478 4,370 23,73,000 543 The representative union should be able to
1961-62 11 ,416 6,954 39,60,000 569 muster 15% of the total number of
1969* 18,460 8,254 48,66,000 589 employees, employed in anyone industry in
1970* 20,282 7,692 48,50,000 631 a contiguous area. The qualified union
should have 5% of the employees in an
1971* 22.121 8,909 54,31,000 610
industry enrolled as members and finally the
1972* 23,882~ 8,011 52,77,000 659 primary union should have 15% or more
1973* 25,208~ 7,472 52,81,000 707 employees enrolled in a unit or a plant.
1974* 25,776 5,662 41,97,000 741 Therefore it is apparent that there is a scaling
1975* 24,554~ 56,211 41,29,000 734 down of numbers in terms of the status
accorded. The idea is to provide some basis
1976 (P) 28,910 (E) 8,589 (54.4) - 686
1977 (P) 29,390 (E) 8,286 (55.8) - 660

to assess the relative strength of a union seeking recognition. its income and expen-diture statements to the registrar of trade

unions on or before 31st March.

The Verification Process Under the Code of Discipline
In a situation where a union puts forth a claim to be recognised The union can spend its funds on salaries of office bearers,
under the Code of Discipline the Labour Department satisfies prosecution, defence, etc. for protecting its trade union rights, to
itself about the union’s representation. The department would provide compensation to members, Ievy subscription fees,
collect the following: publish periodicals, etc. More important, a registered union can
claim protection from being prosecuted for legitimate trade
1. Particulars of existing unions in the plant, registration
union activities. This protection is under Section 120B, subsec-
number and date of registration, whether the existing
tion 2 of the Indian Penal Code.
recognised union has com-pleted a two-year period, whether
any of the unions committed a breach of the Code of The issue that arises, therefore, is the distinction between a
Discipline as established by an enquiry of the recognised union under the Code of Discipline and a registered
implementation machinery. Within 10 days the aspirant union under the Trade Union Act of 1926. The former is a
unions and other existing unions wiII have to produce voluntary act and may well concern a representative union, while
documentary evidence to the verification officer in respect of the latter may not always cover a representative union, especially
the list of members who have paid subscriptions for three in multi-union situations where there are many small unions or
months out of the preceding six months. two or three factions. In the absence of any statute, the recogni-
2. Membership and subscription. tion of a majority bargaining union of the workers still remains
a cumber-some process.
3. Money receipt counterfoils.
Multiplicity of Unions
4. Books of accounts.
This plethora of onions, as Table 3.5 indicates, has led to
5. Bank account books (statements). problems at the plant level. In India, many of the unions are
6. A copy of the constitution of the union. general unions. In this environ-ment, a combination of factors
If there are two unions then both need to furnish the required seems to operate-the first being the demo-cratic principle of any
data. However, if the unions abstain from providing data, the seven members being able to form arid register a union. In a
verification officer, after giving 10 days notice, will go ahead with democracy, even a minority is given an opportunity to organize
the verification process and come to a judgement. and further its interests. The Trade Union Act of 1926, also
gives sanction to this principle of seven members forming a
The verification officer scrutinises the documents in the presence
union. Secondly, given the large number of trade union
of the union(s) submitting the above data. If both the unions
federations at the national and regional level, which are vying
have claimed any member then an explanation is called for. The
with each other for increased membership there is bound to be
muster roll of the firm will also be checked to ensure that the
disunity among the workers. There is no single federation to
names tally in terms of employment and union membership.
which all the other federations belong. The trade union leaders,
After this process of checking and rechecking, the unions some of whom are outsiders while others have come up from
concerned can themselves go through the verified list of within the trade union move-ment, have different approaches
members and notify their objec-tions, if any. Only specific to the problems at hand and hence there may, and does come a
objections will be considered. The objections will then have to parting of ways on many occasions.
be verified. In order to establish this, a systematic sample of
In multi-union situations at the plant level, the problem of
employees will be selected for personal interrogation. The
inter-union rivalry frequently poses a managerial problem.
proportion of interviews varies from a figure as high as 29% or
Disagreement among unions to technological change
a minimum of 100 when the number of names objected to is
rationalisation, automation or terms and conditions of
500 to 2% or 250 when the number is above 5000 or more.
employment cause work stoppage. Sometimes one union agrees
The verification officer will then submit his report to the while the other does not, for a variety of reasons. These rifts are
government as well as to the management of the firm. This also due to the rivalry among leaders, or to differences in
verification process is according to the Code of Discipline. strategy to be adopted or to differences in ideology. A clash of
However, since the code is not a statute, his findings have to be personalities and egos also plays its part.
accepted in good faith by both the management and unions
One of the effects of industrialisation, which has meant the
during their bilateral talks. Many agreements incorporate the
stepping up of the rate of capital formation, has been a strain
acceptance of such voluntary codes.
on the living standards of workers. This has been coupled with
Rights and Responsibilities of Registered Unions another side effect, i.e. job insecurity--a problem that workers
While the main clauses of the Trade Union Act of 1926, usually face in the initial stages of industrialisation. The growth
concern the forma-tion of unions, certain other features are also of unions in such cases has generally been to protect the interest
worth noting. Registration, which means ‘formal recognition of of the working class. The process of industrialisation itself
a representative body, also entails certain preconditions. A makes for increase in the rate of unionisation. In India this
registered union must allow membership to anyone over 15 process has not followed the pattern that existed in the
years of age and have 50% of the office bearers from within the developed countries. The merchant-craftsman’s stage of
industry. It must keep its books of account in order and send capitalism was bypassed and we had instead an abrupt transi-
tion from the agricultural pattern of production to the factory

pattern of production. In the process the emphasis on difficult to respond to these union demands as they are not


craftsmen and their skills got de-emphasised. This, when plant-oriented and thus outside the management’s control.
coupled with the low level of skill formation, not only meant a Multiple unionism also leads to multiple enrolment in unions
greater number of unskilled industrial workers, but, also as a and non--subscribing members, causing delay or failure to get
consequence, led to the growth of several general industrial recognition. This restrains a union’s bargaining power during a
unions and hence the pro-blems of inter-union rivalry. period of prolonged strife while the unions are squabbling
Another factor was the political linkage with unionisation. among themselves for dominance, the workers are deprived of
Unions through their collective action are organizations their wages and the plant suffers a loss of produc-tion. One can
concerned with the interest of a particular class. Hence they are say that the effect of multiple unions has by and large been
also concerned with the distribution of power. Since distribu- detrimental to the objectives of the trade union movement.
tion of power and decision-making is linked with the political Again, at the plant level, multiple unionism qualitatively
process, the interrelationship between politics and unionism is weakens the movement resulting in the formation of small-
part of this process which is perpetual. Both political parties sized unions without effective organization, a precarious
and unions have a vested interest in each other as the effect of financial position and an inability to achieve significant benefits
their actions and strength is of interest to each other. Unions or rights to the members through their own efforts. Collective
have a vital stake in the political process and the decisions that bargaining is not possible and there is greater dependence on
wiII change or restructure the balance of power within their government machinery in labour-management relations. This
society. constant power struggle and jostling for the position of being
The growth of the four major national federations can be traced the major trade union results not only in propaganda amongst
directly to the growth of the major political parties, which have fellow workers to gain support for a particular union but at
different ideologies and approaches to the distribution of times in violence and disharmony.
power and the role of labour in society. The ideological links The primary role of a union is to protect the workers and to
between these federations and the political parties are, therefore, channelise their efforts into more rational directions so that the
responsible for cleavages in the union movement. viability of the plant is also enhanced. The effect of having
Another phenomenon has been the role of the ‘outside leaders’ multiple trade unions both at the macro-and-micro-levels
in the union. This is partly due to the low level of education of serves only to weaken the workers’ power base while at the
the workers, their lack of opportunities to gain experience and same time negatively affecting the viability of the plant. A
therefore their dependence on a small elite of educated and variety of remedies have been suggested, which will be dis-
influential people. All these factors have led to the domination cussed later.
of the trade union positions by ‘outside’ leaders. The technical However, it must be noted that in spite of the foregoing there
demands in terms of understanding the voluminous and all- are many organizations where multiple unions exist and the
embracing legislation are formidable and a legalistic approach management does effect-ively negotiate, and conclude agree-
seems to be all-pervading. Therefore familiarity with the various ments. In many plants, workers are unionized-on a craft
pieces of legislation does play a part in getting things done. The basis-their special skills or training bonding them together.
social distance between the manager and the worker has also Multi-unionism is more a problem where general unions exist,
played its part. In a tradition-bound society which gives due for whom all categories can be organized in one general union.
deference to authority, the distance between the manager and
Union Leadership
the worker has been substantial. Politicians turned union
One of the most crucial factors in this sphere is the leadership
executives have therefore filled the gap.
that is pro-vided. The leadership provides the direction and
Detrimental Effect of Multiple Unionism goals for a particular union. The leader’s task is to make the
The large number of national federations at the macro level union effective, by improving the terms and conditions of
means that the ‘unit’ level concept has been considerably de- employment of the worker and also by being con-cerned with
emphasised. It leads to the diffusion of union power at the top the viability of the enterprise. The trade union organization
and therefore damages the political leverage of labour. It also based as it is, in many cases on individuals or the national
leads to inefficient efforts to change or introduce new legislation federations and their ideologies, has not been able to evolve a
in order to improve the lot of workers, which could have been professional cadre of leader-ship at the grass roots to the
possible if there was one cohesive body at the macro level. desired extent. In fact, quite often, a single union executive
Similarly at the micro or plant level the unions have an ‘extra- leader is responsible for running a large number of unions. “A
plant’ orientation of the unions which is inherent in their survey of trade union leadership in Bombay in 1960 showed
political groupings. This restricts their ability to judge a plant that one leader was president pf 17 unions and secretary of two
issue on its own merits without adding an ‘extra’ (political) more. Another was an office bearer of 20 unions. R. J. Mehta is
dimension to it. The different unions are unable to come President of the Free Trade Unions, which control more than
together to submit a common charter of demands as their 14 unions. This brings us to a consideration of the next issue,
differing ideologies make it impossible to take a united stand, i.e. outside leadership vs. internal leadership. In fact, the Trade
with each individual union seeking to gain more leverage for Union Act of 1926 makes a provision for this and allows for
itself from the particular situation. Managements also find it 10% of the leadership to be from outside the sphere of the
organization. An outside leader is one who is not a full time

employee of the organization, whereas the internal leader is organization. Funds there-fore are needed to pursue activities,

such a person. Many lawyers and politicians have been union which will in turn benefit the members who will then contrib-
leaders in the early part of their careers. The former President V. ute, not only financially but also in terms of their services and
V. Giri was one such example, so were former Central ministers sustain their membership. Activities resulting in something
like G. L. Nanda and Khadilkar. There are advant-ages and worthwhile will arouse the enthusiasm of the members and
disadvantages in both the systems. The ‘outsider’ leader has make them concerned for the allocation and proper utilisation
knowledge of industrial practices in comparable organizations of scarce resources. The divisive nature of Indian trade union-
and therefore has more experience when he comes to the ism bas also led to the dissipation of funds amongst a large
negotiating table to bargain. If he is a politician or a person number of organizations, with the result that there are many
with strong political links then he may be able to get some small unions without much financial backing and without
advantages either in terms of policy or in terms of implemen- much staff to do any substantial work. The generation of
tation of administrative action, especially if he belongs to or has funds has been wholly inadequate. In some cases, subscriptions
linkages with the ruling party. On the other hand his involve- are not collected promptly or are paid by members only when
ment with the plant level problems is much less as he is not on they have a problem. In the former case, the trade union
the shop floor to understand the intricate issues applicable to a management for fear of losing membership overlooks it. On
particular plant. Not being an employee of the enterprise or an the other hand, there are according to some trade union
insider, he lacks the required depth of understand-ing of local executives, shrewd members who do not mind paying sub-
issues and specifics. The outsider is a professional who has scription to more than one union in order to protect their
many units under his wing all of which demand his time, interest in times of need.
including the larger function of liaison. The insider would not One other mechanism employed nowadays besides the usual
only have greater know-ledge of the enterprise specifics but also collection is the special levy at the time of distribution of
have more time for sustained work, being concerned as he is bonus. Some national federa-tions and independent unions
with just one enterprise. Also, external issues and ideologies are often generate some reserves to pay at the time of strike as
not unnecessarily inducted, which could happen when outside strike fund or to employ research staff to keep abreast with
leaders are in control for whom ideology may be more im- current trends, but this is not the case with all unions. Table
portant than getting the best deal under the circumstances. TABLE
below givesIncome and Expenditure of Workers Unions
the financial position of trade unions.
No. of unions Average income-
The leadership role in a trade union has a variety of demands Expenditure
Income per annum per
placed on it. Not only does it require a certain amount of Year submitting
(in lakhs) (in lakhs) trade union in
technical knowledge of the nature of business of the particular
returns rupees
organization, but also a sympathetic understanding of the
1951-52 2509 50.84 45.32 2026.32
workers, their attitudes and their problems. A certain amount
1956-57 4390 80.17 71.81 1826.19
of commitment and empathy for a cause, even in uncertain
1961-62 6954 171.13 151.34 2460.89
condi-tions, is necessary. Till now the attraction for persons 1969 8254 340.71 299.98 4127.82
entering this occu-pation has been the possibility of a political 1970 7692 395.83 331.00 5145.99
career in the future. However, there have been some plant 1971 8909 426.91 408.55 4791.89
unions, which have been run very professionally and have at the 1972 8011 461.97 402.87 5766.69
same time been concerned with the viability of the firm or the 1973 7472 491.37 416.67 6576.15
enterprise as well as the good of the workers. The erstwhile 1974 5662 499.35 449.34 8819.32
Simpson Workers Union under the stewardship of 1975*(P) 9690 715.08 628.55 N.A.
Gurumurthy was an example, and TLA is an example of an 1976*(P) 8719 646.90 579.13 N.A.
industry level federation. . 1976**(P) 8177 711.75 611.54 N.A.

Trade Union Finances

If an organization is to grow, survive and meet the needs of its
rank and file members in terms of attaining their objectives etc. • Excludes J&K and West Bengal.
it needs money. For a variety of reasons, the finances of many
trade unions have not been very bountiful. It must be noted
• Excludes J&K, Kerala, Nagaland, Rajasthan and West
that to every general statement, there are a number of excep-
tions and so is the case with some financially strong unions. • Incomplete. Assam, Bihar, H.P., J&K, Kerala, M.P.,
Funds are needed for attracting and retaining competent staff Rajasthan, and West Bengal are excluded.
for, however idealistic the cause, people do need to survive. It is (P) Provisional.
only with competent staff that some of the objectives like Source: Indian Labour Year Book, Labour Bureau, Ministry of
research, comparative data generation, company studies, Labour, Government of India, Simla, 1979, p. 58, Table
presenting demands and resolving workers problems can be 4.04.
achieved. Again, funds are necessary for political lobby-ing; for
Many researchers have written about the woeful lack of funds
sending union representatives to the local bodies, state and
among trade unions resulting in poor organization, and hence
central legislatures. If inertia sets in, an organization will wither
the inability to cope with problems. Also, it is felt that there are
away or the rank and file will shift to a more active and useful
not enough field workers or union officials to cope with the

problems of workers and to protect their interests, especially at Education helps create awareness on the part of the workers in


the time of wage negotiations. the environ-ment around them. Many workers cannot afford
There are, however, some notable exceptions especially in-terms formal education or given the system as it exists, they are unable
of finan-ces. The Simpson Workers Union under the steward- to utilise it to their advantage. While the government too has
ship of Gurumurthy was an organization which built up worker education schemes, the trade unions in some cases have
substantial financial reserves besides ventur-ing into a variety of cooperated and added their own contributions to tailor it to the
pioneering worker welfare activities when Gurumurthy and his specific requirements of the workers. Such educational schemes
colleagues resigned from the stewardship of the Simpson are meant to enhance the worker’s knowledge of his work
Workers Union after 22 years he distributed a sum of Rs. 16 environment and to inform him fully about the issues that
lakhs among the 15,000 members of the union as ‘Union concern him, particularly with reference to his rights and
Gratuity’. responsibilities, procedures and systems that exist in the work
place for redressal of grievances, worker participation schemes
Two factors with regard to union finances are especially worth
and so on.
noting. First, craft unions, which are usually smaller in number
and composed of skilled workers, whose average earnings are Research
high, are usually better funded because of higher contributions. This is an activity, which is gaining significance only in recent
Therefore, they are able to provide better service to their years. Yet it is important for many reasons. The union negotia-
members. On the other hand, the bigger unions with less tors need updated infor-mation systematically collected and
contribution from their members (but the quantum of money analysed at the bargaining table, where the terms and conditions
is made up by the larger numbers) are able to organize more of employment of their rank and file are negotiated. They need
services, in terms of depart-ments etc. in their organizations. to back up their wage claims with knowledge of the industry,
Often, the large size itself provides the necessary momentum. productivity, and comparative industry practices. Therefore the
The range of services and organizations provides an attractive emphasis is much less on academic research and more on the
impetus for the merger of smaller unions with the larger ones. practical problems, especially those issues concerning the day-to-
day affairs of the union and its activities and union
Ancillary Functions of Trade Unions
management relations. Some of the research activities are: (i)
Besides their main function, which basically consists of
collection and analysis of wage data including fringe and
organizing workers and improving their terms and conditions
pension benefits through surveys of comparative practices. This
of employment, many trade unions provide a variety of
could also include data on working conditions and welfare
services to their members and sometimes to the commu-nity
activities; (ii) preparation of background notes and position
of which they are a part. These ancillary functions can be catego-
papers for union officials; (iii) preparation of background notes
rised into four groups: (i) communication; (ii) welfare activities;
etc. for court cases; (iv) collection and analysis of macro data
(iii) educa-tional activities; and (iv) research.
relating to the economy, industry, sectors etc; (v) maintaining
Communication contacts with other unions, research bodies and universities;
Many large unions publish a newsletter of a magazine. Their and (vi) to examine the current organization structure, proce-
main aim is to clarify the union’s policy or stand on certain dures etc. with a view to understanding its relevance to the
principal issues and also to pass on information about the current situation.
union and its activities. Much could be done to improve the This function could be carried out at the headquarters of the
contents and quality of such publications. There is a need to union or the central office but involvement of local officials to
professionalise such publications by hiring specialised persons gather data on local practices etc. would be useful.
to handle the activity. If necessary, these publications could also
be sold to generate addi-tional revenue to augment union Wage Policy of Unions
finances. However, the main function remains that of commu- It is often remarked that the only wage policy of unions is their
nication so that the rank and file are aware of the activities of demand for more and more economic benefits. Of course,
the union. unions do seek more for their members, and wage increases are
unquestionably the most common goal in negotiations.
Welfare Activities Nevertheless, such a. generalization can be misleading; union
Many unions provide a number of welfare activities to improve policy is much more complex.
the quality of the workers’ lives. Included in this sphere are the
As a part of the general policy to improve the living conditions
provision of housing, cooperative societies and in the case of
of workers, unions endorse a policy proposing rising real wages
TLA (Ahmedabad) it has ventured into the area of organizing
and living scales so that wage rates and earnings advance more
working or self-employed women and has even started a
rapidly than costs.of living. They may propose to relate wages
banking activity for this purpose. This separate organization is
to productivity and hence to ensure employee participation in
called the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA). Some
the increased profits. They seek to protect labour’s share of
unions also offer training in craft activity, especially for women,
income, to see that rents, interest, and proprietary and manage-
who can then supplement their husbands’ income with a
rial shares are not increased at the expense of workers. They may
cottage industry type of activity, such as sewing.
even propose that a larger overall share of income distributed to
Education workers, on the ground that such a changed distribution is

necessary to maintain purchasing power of workers, prevent

stagnation, and assure continued growth in the economy.

In some cases, union policy has been concerned with an
employer’s ability to pay. In others, policy has proposed to
ignore this consideration. Union policy has sometimes argued-
as”, for example, in the requirement of minimum wages-that
the economy will be better off without employers who are so
inefficient, that they cannot afford to pay. In the advanced
countries, most union officials and probably a majority of
members are keenly aware of the realities of competitive
business and favour a policy that protests the goose that lays
the golden egg. They seek to avoid wage rates that are likely to
have adverse effects on member’s employment. They under-
stand the economic facts of life and recognise elasticities in
demands for labour.
Notes -


Learning Objectives 9. Mahatma Ghandhi’s Sarvodaya theory.


After going through this chapter you will be able to compre-
The Marxian Theory
hend the following.
Karl Marx was the founder of “Scientific Socialism” popularly
• The relevance of the different theories of trade union known as Communism. In the eyes of Marx, the organised
Approaches to Trade Unionism labour movement is an intermediate step in the class struggle,
Trade unionism is the child of industrialization, which caught the fight for power by the proletarian class (workers) to
momentum after industrial revolution in England during the overthrow the capitalist class (bourgeois). Karl Marx traced the
mid nineteenth century. The evolution of the trade unions has origin of trade unionism to the growth of industrial capitalism.
been interpreted in different ways by different authorities. Their And in his views, trade unions represent a prime instrument of
views are expressed in the form of ideologies, approaches, class struggle between proletarian workers and capitalists. To
theories, etc. The purpose of such approaches and theories has Karl Marx, the trade union is an “organising centre.” Without
been to explain the basic motivating factors behind union organisation, workers compete with each other for available
growth and bargaining policies. Unions engage in a wide variety employment. Trade unions developed out of the attempts of
of functions, ranging from organization of workers to the workers to do away with this competition for the purpose
maintaining and protecting their rights. of obtaining at least such contractual-conditions as would raise
them above the status of bare slaves. The labour organisation
John T. Dunlop has been of the view that a useful theory of
provides the locus of the working class towards a change in the
trade unionism must provide answers to the following
structure of the society, and it was to be the center , for
organising the working class for its political emancipation.
i. What factors lead to the organization of a union? According to Marx, with the emergence of trade union move-
ii. What conditions are favorable to bring a union into ment, the decay of capitalism would be inevitable.
existence? Trade unions are essentially political institutions, a means of
iii. What different patterns of growth and development in consolidating the workers’ position on a parity with, and
different industries and different geographical areas are eventually superior to, that of any other member of the
found in the unions? community. The motives which drive workers into joining trade
iv. What are the ultimate goals of the unions? How will these unions are economic insecurity, political exploitation and social
affect the political, economic and social structure of the degradation. The labour movement is a collective movement on
country in the long run? To these, Arthur D. Butler added an international scale in which the interests of the workers are
two more questions, namely: identical and always in opposition to those of their masters.
v. How do unions decide which goals to seek through Webbs’ Theory of Industrial Democracy
collective bargaining? When a union knows it cannot win Webbs’ theory is the classic statement of the assumptions,
everything at a particular bargaining session, how does it purposes and methods of labour organisation. The husband-
decide whether to fight harder for wage increases or wife team of Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb were dominant
for a better grievance procedure? leaders of the labour party in Great Britain during 1920s and
vi. How do unions decide which techniques to use in 1930s. According to Webbs, trade unionism is an extension of
accomplishing their goals? What determines whether democracy from the political sphere to that of industry and to
unions will select economic or political methods? overcome the dangers of managerial dictatorship. This function
of representing and protecting the working class is not just a
The questions are inter-dependent and the answer to one will
temporary-obligation, arising from the current state of modem
determine answer to others. To answer these questions, the
industrial development, nor does it lead eventually to the all
following theories of labour movement might prove useful:
embracing ‘dictatorship of the proletariat of Marx and Engles.
1. Marxian class struggle theory. They rejected emphatically the “classless society”. Webbs as
2. Webbs’ theory of industrial democracy. “fabian socialists” saw a different outcome in the evolution of
3. Cole’s theory of industrial unionism. political form. In their analysis of the causes of trade Union-
ism, the Webbs’ placed major emphasis upon the adverse
4. Hoxie’s theory of business union.
effects of competition. In the “Higgling” market the ruthless
5. Tannenbaum’s anti-technology theory. struggle for commercial and industrial survival based on
6. Common’s pragmatic approach. comparative prices, with its long chain of pressures extending
7. Perlman’s theory of scarcity consciousness. from the consumer through the retailer to the wholesaler to the
manufacture, is to be found the explanation of the workers
8. Kerr and Associates’ protest theory.

misery. Trade unions perform greatest service in the capitalist , Hoxie’s theory of Business Union

free enterprise society by lifting from the individual employee Robert F. Hoxie explained the origin of trade unionism in
the heavy pressure of competition over wage rates, hours and terms of group psychology. According to him, workers who are
conditions of work. Webbs talked of the class struggles as “the similarly situated economically and socially, closely associated
long drawn-out battle of interests between capitalist employers and not too divergent in temperament and training will tend to
and manual working wage earners. develop a common interpretation’ of their social situation and a
In order to improve their members economic status, the common solution of their problems ofliving.23 This means
unions seek to require each firm to pay at least a minimum rate that to understand the nature of trade unionism one has to
of wages and to provide minimum working conditions, in take into account not only environmental conditions but also
terms of hours, sanitation, safety, etc. Further, to Webbs, trade temperamental characteristics of the workers concerned. Thus,
unionism may extend democracy to the industrial sphere. It differences in group psychology cause different types of unions
may equalize the bargaining power of labour and capital.18 to appear.
Hence, it would be possible to establish uniform rules, which Hoxie’s greatest contribution to the theory of unionism was to
they called as common rules, in respect of wages, working classify labour organisation according to their functional
hours and working conditions, etc. operations and to identify the principal types to be more
According to Webbs, trade union movement is not an instru- common. The main types of trade. unions according to Hoxie
ment of revolution to overthrow the capitalistic order. In fact, were five, Business, Uplift, Revolutionary, Predatory and
they saw the solution of class conflict in equality of bargaining Dependent. A fundamental type is the result of a “common
power and collective negotiation. They did not think it necessary interpretation of the social situation” which produces agree-
to accomplish complete overthrow and liquidation of business ment among the group as to the problem forcing its members
class. It was merely to eliminate industrial autocracy and replace and the kind of remedial programmes, which will solve it. To
it with industrial democracy. Hoxie, trade unionism was a pragmatic, shifting grass-roots
movement. He rejected implicitly the assignment of a fixed
To improve the economic status of the working class and to
basic “Cause, economic or political or historical, as the explana-
infuse industrial democracy, Webbs advocated the methods of
tion of workers’ combination. This amounted to a denial of
mutual insurance, collective bargaining and legal enactment.
the class struggle theory of Marx or Cole and brought him close
According to them, the special function of the’ trade union is
to Common’s environmental adaptation theory without the
the democratic administration of the industry.
latter’s underlying class commitment.The five types of unions
Cole’s Theory of Industrial Unionism and Control of described’ by Hoxie are as follows:
Industry 1. Business Unions. Also known as ‘Bread and Butter
Cole’s views of the proper function of organised labour and its unions’, These unions are trade conscious rather than class
role in the world of the future were clearly stated in “The World conscious. They accept the existing economic system and
of Labour.” published in 1913. As a socialist, he visualized that aim at bringing about improvement in the wages and
in future-the goal of labour as something more than the working conditions of their members. Collective bargaining
Webbs’ representation of the interests of workers and some- is the usual method followed by these unions with heavy
thing less than the Marxian dictatorship of the proletariat. It reliance on strike as a weapon.
was the “control of the industry” by the true producers, the
2. Friendly or Uplift Unions. Such unions are essentially
workers, in partnership with the State. The theory of producer
idealistic in viewpoint. They may be trade, class or society
control, which Cole endorsed with some qualification, was the
conscious. These aspire to elevate the moral, intellectual and
“syndicatist” dogma of ownership and means of production.
social life of the workers. To realise this aim, these unions
The principle of union development necessary to this end’ ’tis
advocate use of political methods such, as setting up of
industrial unionism, of which he has been one of the leading
cooperative enterprises, profit sharing, mutual insurance,
etc. They are law abiding and employ the methods of
Like Webbs, Cole had no doubt about the assumption that collective bargaining for securing benefits for the workers.
(trade Unionism exists to carry on the class struggle. He said
“the class struggle is preached not on the ground that it is
desirable, but on the ground that it is monstrous. 3. Revolutionary Unions. Such unions are extremely radical
both in view point and in action. They are distinctly class
and irrefutable fact.” The class struggle is established in our
conscious rather than trade conscious. They reject private
social institutions, and it is only by means of the class struggle
ownership of productive resources and the wages system.
that we can escape from it. This in turn implies great power,
Their weapons are either political action or direct action in
which can be attained only through universal membership of
the form of strikes, boycotts, sabotage and violence.
the labour class in trade Unions and improved Organisation.
Collective bargaining is also used in so far as the main aim is
Cole gave the intermediate and ultimate stages of the class
not overlooked. Their aim is to overthrow the capitalistic
struggle and remarked, “the control of industry may be the
system and install socialistic system.
future destiny of the trade unions, the direct control of the
whole national life is most emphatically not for them. 4. Predatory Unions. Unions of this kind do not subscribe
to any ideology. Such unions are characterized by their

ruthless pursuit of immediate ends. Their methods include together in a single competitive era and cycles of property and


collective bargaining, secret bribery and violence. depression, which Common found to have a positive correla-
5. Dependent Unions. A dependent union is parasitic in tion with the rise and fall of union activity. The outcome of
nature relying upon the support of the employers or other Common’s theory of labour unionism is non-revolutionary
labour groups. Unions of this type appear in two forms- and implies non-acceptance of capitalism which fell considerably
company union and union label union. The former short of even the Webbs’ expectations of political evolution.
depends entirely on the employer for its support and does Perlman’s Theory of Scarcity Consciousness
not really represent the interest of the workers in so far as it Selig Perlman (1888-1959) was the inheritor of Common’s
is not opposed to the interest of the management. The intellectual leadership in labour economics at Winconsin School.
second type depends upon the union label being imprinted Perlman wrote extensively on the labour: movement, being the
on the products made by the union members. author of “A History of Trade Unionism in United States”
Hoxie predicted that with the rise of union power, collective (1922)-and “A Theory of the Labour Movement” (1928)
bargaining would develop into a form of industrial democracy among others. According to Perlman, unionism developed
and bring an end to the profit system. because of the workers’ scarcity consciousness, which arose in
the minds of the workers because of the fact that their eco-
Tannenbaum’s Anti-Technology Theory
nomic position cannot improve beyond that which is barely
The machine is the centre of gravity in present-day industrial
sufficient to cover minimum essential of an ordinary standard
community-what land did for the noble in the days of feudal-
of living. Out of this scarcity consciousness grew a job-
ism and what the competitive market and free bank connections
conscious unionism, a unionism “which controls the job
do for the merchant, the factory does for the workers.,,24 It is
opportunities. The union establishes certain job rights which it
the dominance of machine that gave rise to trade unionism.
then rations among the members through regulations applying
Frank Tannebaum, a Professor of History of Columbia
to overtime, seniority, etc.
University, U.S.A., saw the emergence of trade union move-
ment as labour’s reaction to the dominance of the machine in Kerr and Associates’ Protest Theory
modern industrial society. The industrial revolution destroyed Kerr, Dunlop, Harbison and Myers observed that labour
the older way of life and left the individual industrial worker to protest is inherent in industrialisation. Organised from of
the mercy of the employer “who became the catalytic agent that protest, according to them, is labour organisation. The-nature
crystalised the workers into a self-conscious group. The workers and role of such organisation depend upon the
became completely dependent upon the machine and the industrialisation process, the industrializing elite and the specific
employer degraded them and made them insecure. The trade culture and environment of a country. These authors used the
union movement aims at control over the machine so as to more general term “labour organisation” in place of trade
overcome insecurity. Thus, according to Tannenbaum, the union. One of the universal responses of labour force to
emergence of unionism is spontaneous and inherent in the industrialisation is protest against it, because “industrialisation
growth of capitalism. It reflects the urge of the human beings makes a universal demand; it requires a-basic change in relation-
to have control over machine. Tannenbaum saw the labour ship between man and his work and inevitably also between
movement ultimately displacing the capitalistic system by man and his cultural setting, and the new recruit to the indus-
industrial democracy. trial labour force resents the imposed discipline.” The worker
often finds his work distasteful and his compensation never
Common’s Pragmatic Approach
commensurate with his contribution. The type of labour
Common advanced a theory of labour. movement based on a
organisation that develops in a country is related to the type of
set of basic premises which are mostly environmental factors.
industrializing elite; there are certain universals, and the
That is why, his theory is also called “environmental theory of
diversities which can be explained in terms of strategies of
labour movement.” The basic premises of his theory were
industrializing elites and cultures and environments;
Marxian, although the conclusions, being those of careful
observer and a restrained reporter, would hardly have satisfied Mahatma Gandhi’s Sariodya Theory
the German revolutionary philosopher. According to Mahatma Gandhi, unions are not anti-capitalistic
Common regarded the labour movement in America as delayed organizations. They are in the least degree political. Their main
and thwarted by a number of factors, the first of which was free aim is to increase their internal strength to work conscientiously
land. Ranking next as a major influence upon. the labour and to take from the employers no more than that what is
movement of the nineteenth century was the tremendous “rightfully due to the workers.
expansion of markets, the third factor is effect of the new Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy is’ based upon the “Sarvodaya”
competition upon labour movement, which were much like as principles of Truth, Non-violence and Trusteeship, in which
described by the Webbs. It is the function of manufacturer- class harmony prevails. He considered trade unions as essentially
employer to drive hard wage earners to their first conscious reformist organisations and economic institutions, which must
combination with others of their class in trade unions and away be organised the basis that capital and labour are not antagonis-
from the-guild like associations of earlier days. The fourth tic but ate supplementary to each other. He observed: “My ideal
important influence of great importance has been immigration, is that capital and labour should supplement and help each
with its influx of races, nationalities and languages, thrown other. They should be a great family living in unity and
harmony; capital not only looking to the material welfare of the

laborers but their moral welfare also-capitalists being trustees of Thus, it would be evident that Gandhlji insisted that strikes

the welfare of the labouring classes under them. should be undertaken only after adopting the legitimate means
Gandhiji felt that trade unions should not only undertake the of settling disputes. These means in his views were (a) the
functions concerned with improving the economic conditions moral appeals to the conscience of the employers to concede to
of workers, but must also try to raise their moral and intellec- their just demands and (b) when moral appeals failed, resort to
tual standards and should bring about an all round voluntary arbitration. Gandhiji would not like the parties to
development through internal efforts. They should also declare strike or lockout without first trying to refer the dispute
undertake programmes for teaching supplementary occupations to an umpire who would give a decision on the dispute, which
to their members so that uncertainty of employment during would be binding on the parties. Broadly speaking, the origin
strike period may be reduced to the minimum. - and growth of trade unionism is the result of the increased
complexities of economic structure. Industrial Revolution
Regarding the aims and objectives of trade unionism, Gandhiji
made it all the more essential to organize workers to protect
observed, “Trade unionism is not anti-capitalist. The idea is to
their economic rights and secure better working environment.
take from capital labour’s due share and no more, and this, not
Thus, trade unionism is the child of industrialization born out
by paralyzing capital but by reform among labourers from
of the stresses and strains of Industrial Revolution.
within and by their own self-consciousness; not again through
the cleverness of non-labour leaders, but by educating labour to Individual workers have little bargaining power arising due to
evolve its own leadership and its own-self-restraint, self-existing various factors such as their dependence on employers for their
organisation. Its direct aim is not ill the least degree political. Its livelihood, lack of reserve funds and the Perishability of the
aim is internal reform and evolution of internal strength. The labour. But when they unite, their bargaining power is strength-
indirect result of this evolution when, and if, it even becomes ened, and these handicaps are reduced. Trade unions are an
complete, will naturally be tremendously political. important indication of social unrest and social progress-which
are the result of large-scale industrialization. Further, some
It should be noted that Gandhiji was never against strikes as
non-economic factors too have influenced the growth of trade
such. He had himself led some strikes in Ahmedabad and
unionism in any country. As Pigou has observed, “The
declared that strike was an “inherent right of the working men.
conditions necessary for the growth of organized action among
for the purpose of securing justice, but strike must be consid-
the workers are the differentiation of separate wage earning
ered a crime immediately the capitalists accept the principle of
class, some stability of status within that class and some power
of intercommunication among members;” Common national-
Strikes could Succeed if the following conditions are ity and language, uniformity in the work performed by
fulfilled: considerable members, improvement of education, and
a. The cause of strike must be just and only for redressal of political activities also influence the growth of trade unions. The
genuine grievances that strikes ‘should be organised. role of State in giving support to the trade union movement
b. Workers should go on strike only after the capitalists have can’t be undermined. In most of the countries, the govern-
failed to respond to moral appeals and only as a last resort ments have passed laws for the registration of trade unions and
after exhausting all other means of persuading the to grant immunity to the trade union leaders against criminal
capitalists to concede to their just demands. proceedings in the course of their genuine trade union activities.

c. Strike should be resorted to after a ‘fair notice’ being given

to the employers.
d. There should be practical unanimity among the strikers.
e. Strikes should be peaceful and non-violent, i.e., the workers
should refrain from assaulting or abusing capitalists or their
agents and also avoid violence against the non-strikers.
Gandhiji as violence considers even damaging capitalists’
Gandhiji did not favour unions taking part in political activities
for two reasons. First, because the workers were not enlight-
ened, and second, because the political parties exploit the
workers for their own ends. Regarding sympathetic strikes, he
advocated that such strikes should be organised in sympathy of
workers who were seeking, for a just cause after exhausting all
other means of settling disputes and there following the non-
violent path. He, however, disapproved strikes organised by
workers doing essential services. He conceded that “One had
every right to lay down conditions of service (but) the laying
down of conditions is not an absolute right. Even if such an
absolute right would be permitted, it might not be proper to
use it under certain circumstances.”


Learning Objectives educated and working at jobs, which involve utilisation of their
After going through this lesson you will be able to analyze the mental capabilities to a greater extent. The members of these
following: groups usually seem more inclined towards management than
• Characteristics of different Unions and their applicability in blue-collar workers.
the Indian industries. At one time because of their professional skills and social
Now that we have closely examined the approaches of the trade standing they were better paid, and had better terms and
unions and have understood the concept of trade unions we conditions of employment, including more perquisites and
move on to the different types of trade unions. fringe benefits. However, of late, blue-collar workers, especially
the highly skilled categories, who are in greater demand, have
Types Of Union higher wage incomes and perhaps better union protection and
To begin with we will first discuss Craft and General Unions. job security. This is not only because of the efforts made by the
This type of union is more prevalent in developed western unions but also because of the socialist orientation of the
societies, where the industrial way of life has had a longer government, which has been manifested, in its labour legisla-
history. A craft union is built around a certain specialized skill, tion.
which has necessitated a special type of training. Craft unions are
The white-collar workers are concentrated in the fields of
therefore open, to members of a certain trade/ skill, like Air
commerce, transport, storage and communication. The workers
India’s navigator’s union. On the other hand, a general union is
engaged in different occupations that fall under this category are
open to all members irrespective of their skills cutting across
professional, administrative, executive and managerial workers,
trades/ skills and could include unskilled, semi-skilled, and
clerical and related workers, sales staff, farm managers, technical,
skilled workers.
supervisory and other workers engaged in trans-port and
Closed Shop/Union Shop communication services or in sports and recreation facilities,
In such situations the union makes employment conditional artists, musicians.
on union membership, one variation being that employment is
Regardless of the group’s position in the organization structure
routed through the union, where it acts as a labour supplier
of an industry, they are linked with their employers by being
and, in another, once employed, an employee is required to join
associated with that part of the productive process where
the union.
authority is exercised and decisions are taken.
Check Off It has been found that white-collar unionism is expanding.
The check-off system is a practice where the management These wor-kers have begun to fight for better pay scales, more
collects an employee’s union dues, as a wage deduction and fringe benefits, internal promotions, etc. following the method
gives a lump sum amount to the union. This is a facility that of agitation and litigation. Their strong points are a large
ensures totality of collection of union dues, with no excuse for membership, sound finance, internal leadership.
employees to desist from paying for one reason or the other, as
Today, trade unions wield a lot of power. The trade union
it could happen in a voluntary system. Such a facility is provided
leaders play an important role so much so that they “influence
only to a recognised union.
vital channels of pro-ductive and strategic functions. Economic
Blue-Collar and White-Collar Workers and social decisions affecting working class people are taken by
A distinction is made on the basis of the level and status of the the Government in consultation with the leaders of the trade
employee for membership of the unions. All shop floor union movement.” For instance, the trade union leaders
workers (part of the produc-tion system who operate machines participate in the meetings of the Indian Labour Conference,
and related systems) are termed blue--collar workers, and all con-sultative bodies, wage boards, etc.
clerical or office staff, who do not work on the shop floor are Another recent development as far as white-collar unions are
termed white-collar workers. concerned is the militancy among workers. They realise that by
White-collar workers or non-manual workers form a distinct exerting pressure on employers through union power their
social group characterised by divergent socioeconomic back- demands will be met sooner.
grounds, levels of education, manner of speech, social customs Table White-Collar Workers
and ideology. They are paid on a monthly basis unlike their
blue-collar colleagues, enjoy longer holidays and different Sample of occupational groups
privileges as compared to the blue-collar workers. But the most Numbers
important feature is their nature of work. Professional, technical and related workers
The white-collar worker is usually involved in a desk job or 4,083,300
providing services over the counter. They are generally better Administrative and managerial personnel 670,300

Clerical and related workers Source: Indian Labour Statistics, Labour Bureau, Ministry of

5,231,600 Labour, Government of India, Simla, 1976, pp. 169-181.

Sales workers Some of the important trade unions of white-collar employees
are the All India Bank Employees Union, the All India Defence
Employees Federation, the National Federation of P&T
Service workers Workers, the Confederation of Central Government Employees
3,614,500 and the Indian. Federation of Working Journalists. All white-
Farm sectors, supervisors and workers collar unions are independent in that they are not affiliated to
any central trade union organization. Their leadership is largely
Production, transport and communication
Agricultural Labour
Agricultural labourers are those whose main source of income
Workers not classifiable by occupation is farm wage employment. According to the agricultural labour
1,290,500 enquiries, an agricultu-ral labourer is one who is employed not
Source: International Labour Office, Year Book of Labour only in crop production but also hired in employment in other
Statistics, Geneva, 1977, p. 222. agricultural occupations such as dairy farming, horticulture,
In the post-Second World War period, there has been a raising of livestock, bees, poultry, etc.
tremendous increase in the number of white-collar workers in Agricultural labour consists of two such categories (Chart)
India moving to the growth of industries, increase in the namely (i) landless agricultural labour; and (ii) small cultivators,
number of banks, insurance com-panies, commercial offices whose main source of income, due to their small holdings, is
and increase in the number of government and semi-govern- wage employment. Landless labour is again divided into: (i)
ment offices. According to the 1951 census the number of permanent labour attached to a cultivating house-hold; and (ii)
per-sons engaged in non-manual operations was 23 million out casual labour. Casual labour in turn consists of three groups:
of a total working population of 139 million. In 1961, out of cultivators, share croppers and households.
188 million workers 28 million were white-collar workers. Chart
According to the 1971 census the population of India was 540
million of which the total working population was 180 million, AGRICULTURAL LABOUR

(32.92%), white-collar workers being 31 million. Table above

gives the occupational distribution of white-collar workers. Landless agricul-
White-Collar Unions tural labour cultivators
In India unionization among white-collar workers began as (Those who mainly work on
early as 1897 and in 1897, the National Union of Railway men their own
of India and Burma was formed. However, unionization farms but who also work as
among the workers did not have any signi-ficant growth before wage
the Second World War. Since 1947, the growth of unionization Permanent Casual earners in agricultural and related

among white-collar workers has been due to inflation, the labourers labourers activities. This is more so

realization of effectiveness of collective bargaining, etc. with marg-

inal cultivators. Because
Of the 31 million white-collar workers, 1.1 million are union- their land
ized and there are 1,448 trade unions of white-collar workers resources are not capable of
(Table). provi-
TABLE Membership of registered trade unions in certain Culti- Share- House- ding then income
industry groups in India. throughout the
vators croppers holds year so they take up wage
Number of Membership
emplo yment during the
unions sub- in lakhs lean season.)
mitting returns (for 1971)
It has been found that agricultural labour forms some of the
Commerce 593 most dep-rived and underprivileged segments of Indian
society. Some of the difficulties are that:
Transport, Storage,
1. Their wages are low,
Communication 147 2. They perform difficult tasks,
3. They are faced with irregular employment,
Services 708
226 4. They lack social security,
5. They do not have assets of great value,
Total 1448
10.59 6. Their working and living conditions are poor,

7. They are illiterate and thus exploited by the employers, an employer’s spokesman and de it has also ventured into


8. They borrow funds from their employers to support the welfare-oriented activities for the workers like the Family and
family which leads to their becoming bonded labour. Health and Dairy Development Project in the Nilgiris.
Though the wages of casual labourers are better than the other Table below gives the break up of the total population and the
groups, their job prospects are uncertain because they do not get working population in the several categories. The table below
work throughout the year. gives a break up of the various occupational categories of the
working population.
According to the Rural Labour Enquiry (1963-65), the wage
employment of the agricultural labourer is 247 days a year. Table: Classification of India’s Population and Workers in
Because of this low span employment the casual labourers face Organized Industry
acute hardship. 1. Labour Force Structure 1960-1980 (in percentage):
Their poor income is obvious by the fact that a large percentage Agriculture Industry
of them fall below the poverty line-82% of the marginal Services
farmers in Orissa, 79% in Madhya Pradesh, 75% in Uttar
1960-1980 1961-1980
Pradesh, 69% in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, 68% in
Rajasthan and Mysore, and 66% in Gujarat are living below the
poverty line. About 50-60% of agricultural labour fall into this 74.0 62.2 11.3 17.2 14.7
category. 20.6
Faced with these problems they need improvement in two India
directions. One hand, wages and working conditions need to be 2. Population of India (in millions):
improved and on the other, there is the necessity of finding job 1981 1971
opportunities and obtaining benefits to which they are entitled. 1961
Thus there is a need for organizing agricultural labour to
Population 685 548
safeguard their interests.
In this regard it is felt that there is a strong case for the union-
Workers (main) 223 180
ization of, agricultural labour, but progress in this direction is
not very satisfying. According to the 1971 census, agricultural
labourers numbered 47.49 million, the membership of their Main workers as % to
unions submitting returns was 93,000 which show poorly total population 33.4% 32.92%
organized agricultural labour is some of the constraints 43%
that come in the way of organizing this group are that they are 3. Employment in Organized Sector (in millions):
scattered, often dependent on their landlords, their lack of Cent. Govt. State Govt. Quasi Govt. Total Pvt. Sector G.Total
cohesiveness because of their diverse cultures and the illiteracy
among them. 1980 3.18 5.48 4.34 15.08 7.23
As such, formation of trade unions by the unorganized and
illiterate agricultural labour could lead to class conflict. Hence it 1981 3.20 5.75 4.55 15.48 7.40
is proposed that in order to solve these problems rural labour 22.88
cooperatives be organized instead of trade unions, whose 1982 3.25 5.85 4.81 15.95 7.55
objectives could be to bring the agricultural labourer the fold of 23.49
some organization similar to trade unions. This would have in Sources: 1. ILO World Labour Report, Geneva, 1984, p. 5.
advantages. Local leaders who know the problems of the 2. Statistical Outline of India, 1984.
labourer and could therefore provide the necessary leadership as
Tata Services Ltd., Bombay, p. 30, 132.
well would run their co-operatives. Efforts have been made in
this direction in Kerala and Gujrat. Note: In the 1981 Census, ‘Main Workers’ were defined as
those who were engaged in any economically productive activity
In India, a distinction is made between agricultural labour and
for a minimum 183 days during the year preceding the date of
plantation labour. The latter have been within the pale of
special legislation and have organized trade unions, which
protect and further their interests through collective bargaining. Table: Economic Classification of Main Workers, 1981*
Some of the plantations are those of tea, coffee, rubber and Total main % distribution Workers
cardamom and they are generally considered an industry. They (in million)
have been well deve-loped and organized since colonial times. Cultivators 92.5 Cultivators 41.6
The United Planters Association south India (UPASI) located at
Agricultural labourers 55.5 Agricultural labourers 24.9
Coonoor is an example of an industry--level employers
organization, which among other things negotiates industry- Livestock,forestry, etc 5.0 Livestock,forestry, etc 2.2
wise -agreements with trade unions covering plantations in the Mining and quarrying 1.3 Mining and quarrying 0.6
southern states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Besides Household industry 7.7 Household industry 3.5
settling the terms and conditions of employment and acting as

Other industry 17.4 Other industry 7.8

Construction 3.6 Construction 1.6

Trade and commerce 13.9 Trade and commerce 6.3
Transport, commn, etc. 6.1 Transport, commn. etc. 2.7
Other services 19.5 Other services 8.8
Total 222.5 Total 100
• Based on 5% sample data of the 1981 Census & excludes
Assam statistical out line of India 11984 Total Securities ltd.
This data will provide a useful background to understanding
the process and extent of unionisation, which is discussed
Notes -


Learning Objectives At times, an employee joins a union under group pressure;

After going through this lesson you will be able to compre- if he does not, he often has a very difficult time at work. On
hend: the other hand, those who are members of a union feel that
• Of how the trade unionism spread in India and why. they gain respect in the eyes of their fellow workers. They
can also discuss their problems with the trade union leaders.
Growth Of Unions
viii. Background factors. Historical background factors also playa
Why do Workers Join Unions? part in the disposition of employees to join a union. For
Workers or employees join trade unions for a variety of reasons those who have been raised in a working class
though they may not be conscious of their motive of joining neighborhood where one’s father and indeed all the
unions. These are as follows: working members in the community belong to the union
i. Economic benefit. Every employee wants to increase his acceptance of the union as a normal part of the
income and to have better working conditions. But the employment life seems natural.
individual employee has very little bargaining power in You ca refer the following information related to the V.V. Giri
comparison with that of his employer. If he joins the National Labour Institute research center for many of the
union, the union will take care of his economic interests related issues. See the following:
because the union has great bargaining power to get its
demands accepted by the management. Notes -

ii. Platform for self-expression. The desire for self-expression

is a fundamental human drive for most people. The union
provides a mechanism through which employees can make
their voice heard by the top management. Union serves as a
via media of communication between the employees and
the top management.
iii. Check on arbitrary actions of management. The employees
may join the unions to ensure a just and fair dealing by
management on the basis of a predetermined policy, and
through collective strength restrain the management from
taking any action which may be irrational, illogical,
discriminatory or contrary to their general interests.
iv. Security. The employees may join the unions because of
their belief that it is an effective way to secure adequate
protection from various types of Hazards and income. In
security such as accident injury, illness, unemployment, etc.
For example, trade unions ensure compensation to the
injured workers under the Workmen’s Compensation Act
and secure retirement benefits for the workers and compel
the management to undertake welfare services for the
benefit of the workers.
v. Employer-employee relations. Another reason of
employees joining some union may be the broader
realisation on their part that unions fulfill the important
need for adequate machinery for proper maintenance of
employer-employee or labour-management relations.
vi. Sense of participation. The employees can. Participate in
management of matters affecting their interests only if they
join trade unions. They can influence the decisions, which
are taken as. a result of collective bargaining between the
union and the management.
vii. Sense of belongingness. Many employees join a union
because their fellow workers are the member of the union.


NLI Research Studies Series is the most important medium for disseminating the outputs of the research projects
undertaken by the Institute. They are circulated to all the leading National and International institutions/organisations
dealing with labour studies. The publication serves as as a means to obtain the feedback on the research being undertaken
by the Institute from renowned scholars and practitioners.
Recent Publications under NLI Research Studies Series

No. : 033/2002
Title : Labour Contracts and Work Agreements in Tea Plantations of Assam

Author : Kalyan Das


The study compares the profile of workers in the large tea estates vis-a-vis that of their counterparts in the small-scale
plantations. Based on the interactions with workers in four plantation estates and fourteen small tea gardens, the paper
analyses the labour recruiting mechanisms, socio-economic backgrounds, work history profiles and the evolution of various
enactments and agreements in the plantation sector. Further, the study assesses the working and living conditions, health and
sanitation aspects, wages and employment benefits and the degree of mobilisation of workers in the plantations.

The efficacies of the provisions in the Plantation Labour Act, 1951 and Assam Plantation Labour Rules of 1956 are also
examined in the study. It is observed that the provisions of Plantation Labour Act, 1951 and the bilateral agreements
between workers representative and employers association have ensured well-being to the workers in the estate sector.
However, this is not so in the case of unorganised small-scale plantations sector. Thus, it is concluded that there is an urgent
required need to extend social and economic security to the workers of the emerging small-holding plantations in Assam

No. : 034/2002
Title : Organising and Empowering Rural Labour: Lessions form Kanheepuram in Tamil
Author : Babu P. Remesh

The essay by Babu P. Remesh titled “ Organising and Empowering Rural Labour: Lessions form Kanheepuram in Tamil
Nadu” is based on the author’s experience of coordinating an action-research project in Tamil Nadu. The study forms the
part of an integrated project of the National Labour Institute of Organising Rural Labour of Effective Participation in
Development, which was carried out in four states viz., Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.
The essay by Babu P. Remesh titled “ Organising and Empowering Rural Labour: Lessions form Kanheepuram in Tamil
Nadu” is based on the author’s experience of coordinating an action-research project in Tamil Nadu. The study forms the
part of an integrated project of the National Labour Institute of Organising Rural Labour of Effective Participation in
Development, which was carried out in four states viz., Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.

The methodology of the project is based on holding Rural Labour Camps, a unique approach of participatory action-
research and worker conscientisation that has been designed and refined at the Institute , over the past few decades. The
essence of the method is to develop self-action for sustainable development, which inter alia aims at capacity building
among rural workers through: (a) awareness generation on relevant socio-economic and legal issues; and (b) leadership
development via organization building.

Apart from discussing the learning from the Kancheepuram experience, the paper provides a detailed account of the
temporal changes in the organinsing tactic of Rural Labour Camps. The process of holding camps as well as the attitudinal
/behavioural transformation of the campers are also discussed at length. Most importantly, the author has made an earnest
attempt to critically analyse the outcome of the project, to suggest possible measures for strengthening the contemporary

No. : 035/2002
Title : Child Labour in Chrompet Leather Manufacturing Units of Tamil Nadu
Author : J. Jeyaranjan

The study, Child Labour in Leather Manufacturing Units, is a collaborative effort of the National Resource Centre on
Child Labour at the V.V. Giri National labour Institute, NOIDA and the Institute of Development alternatives, Chennai.
This is one of the series of studies conducted on child Labour in Hazardous industries.
The findings of the study show that there is no gender selectivity in child labour. Adults earn wages that are only
marginally higher than what the children earn. Irrespective of the experience, skill and family size and requirements the wage
payment system remains insensitive and relatively inelastic. Children contribute 20 to 40 per cent of the family income. The
labour in the leather industry is defined by the caste location. While market forces predominantly govern all other aspects of
the industry, the labour is drawn exclusively from the most downtrodden section of the Tamil Society. As heads of 60 per
cent of the households are engaged in leather work, the study establishes the incidence of child labour in leather flaying as
an intergenerational phenomenon.

No. : 036/2002
Title : Trade Unionism in South Indian Film Industry
Author : S. Theodore Baskaran

The essay, Trade Unionism in South Indian Film Industry, forms a part of the research activities carried out by Shri
Theodore Baskaran at the Roja Muthia Research Library, Chennai for the Integrated Labour History Research Programme
of the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute. This project primarily aimed at indexing, documenting and preserving the source
material relating to the trade union movement in South Indian Film Industry, to enrich the regional collections acquired in
the Archives of Indian Labour. The Roja Muthia Research Library was identified as the appropriate organisation to entrust
this unique assignment, as it is the world's largest collection of Tamil film magazines and due to its established reputation in
conservation of sources on social and cultural history.
Trade union activities in film industry of south India have been slow and spasmodic. However, the events connected with
labour activities were reported in the magazines and the discourse on the subject was reflected in the trade journals and film
magazines. Theodore Baskaran's essay effectively utilises these source materials, to portray the growth of trade union
movement and related activities in south India. The study warrants scholarly attention not only due to the fact that the trade
union movement in film industry in South India is a rather unattended area, but also because of the simple but scholarly
narration and analysis adopted by the author.

No. : 037/2002
Title : Migration, Social Networking and Employment: A Study of Domestic
Workers in Delhi
Author : Neetha N.

Domestic service is a major and growing informal sector activity in the urban centres. The conditions of work in
domestic service are deplorable with long working hours, low pay and absence of job security. Women from certain
areas or regions with specific socio economic backgrounds are found concentrated in this informal sector occupation.
This has been seen as an outcome of the transformations in class relations and developments of new styles and patterns
of living. Of late, the demand for domestic workers has increased, with the changed life styles of the middle class. On
the supply side, employment in domestic service appears to be the only promising option for many of the disadvantaged
groups or sections that are faced with limited opportunities. Notwithstanding the growing importance of the occupation
in the urban informal sector in India, no comprehensive data is available on the magnitude and pattern of domestic
work, migration aspects, recruiting systems, working conditions and so on. The essay by Neetha, Migration, Social
Networking and Employment: A Study of Domestic Workers in Delhi, fulfills this long felt requirement.


The essay, through a detailed micro-empirical study of a few worker-settlements and placement organisations provides
a detailed understanding on the work arrangements and employment aspects of domestic service in Delhi. The essay also
invites rethinking on the conventional migration theories. It is argued that female migrants are powerful agents in
building and maintaining social and personal structures pertaining to migration and in the survival of the family in the
city. Further, it is established that social networking is the mechanism through which domestics (re)construct and
maintain cultural and social identities, which are otherwise lost in the urban living.

No. : 038/2002
Title : Study of Child Labour in the Zardosi and Hathari Units of Varansi

Author : J. John & Ruma Ghosh


In India, millions of children enter the labour market at an early age as part of the family’s subsistence strategies.
Although the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 bans the working of children in some listed
occupations and processes, yet there are several studies which indicate the incidence of child labour in the prohibited
occupations and processes. Besides, studies have also indicated that there are many hazardous occupations and processes
which are still not included under the CLPR Act due to lack of any comprehensive data. The present study therefore
focuses on one such industry – the zardosi and hathari (embroidery) industry of Varanasi, in which although a large
number of children are involved at a very early age, yet no comprehensive data is available on the magnitude and pattern
of working.

The present essay, through a detailed micro-empirical study of the worker settlements provides an understanding of the
structure and functioning of this industry and delineates the factors that perpetuate child labour. The study looks into the
demand as well as the supply side factors and argues that the organisation of production through subcontracting and
home based production lies central to the existence of child labour in this industry. The study reveals that the strong
kinship and neighborhood networks in which the industry operates, makes it doubly easy for the entry of children at an
early age.
• List of Other Publications under NLI Research Studies Series

001/2000 Labour Market Institutions in Globalized Economy: Some
Issues in the Indian Context
— C.S.K. Singh
002/2000 Dynamics of Labour Market in Kerala
— S.K. Sasikumar & S. Raju
003/2000 Women and Labour Market: A Macro Economic Study
— Neetha N.
004/2000 Mode of Payment of Minimum Wages in Bihar
— Navin Chandra & Nikhil Raj
005/2000 Payment of Minimum Wages in Kind and Perceptions
Regarding the Mode of Payment
— S.S. Suryanarayanan & Rajan K.E. Varghese
006/2000 Minimum Wages and Mode of Payment:
The Case of Punjab
— Ruma Ghosh
007/2000 Rural Wages: On Developing an Analytical Framework
— Babu P. Remesh
008/2000 Employment in Food Processing Industries
— S.S. Suryanarayanan & B.V.L.N. Rao
009/2000 Determinants of Rural Wages: An Inquiry Across Occupations

009/2000 Determinants of Rural Wages: An Inquiry Across Occupations


— Babu P. Remesh, J. Jeyaranjan & A.C.K. Nambiar
010/2000 Adverse Sex Ratio and Labour Market Participation of
Women: Trends, Patterns and
— Neetha N.
011/2000 Children of Carpet Looms: A Study of Home-based
Productions of Carpet in Uttar Pradesh
— Nikhil Raj and Ravi Srivastava
012/2000 Child Labour in Slate Industry of Markapur in the Wake of
— K. Suman Chandra, R. Vidyasagar and Y. Gangi Reddy
013/2000 Child Labour in Moradabad Home-Based Industries in the
wake of Legislation
— Ashish Ghosh, Helen R. Sekar
014/2000 Child Labour in Bulandshahar District of Uttar Pradesh
— Tapan Kumar Pachal
015/2001 Outline of a History of Labour
in Traditional Small-Scale Industry in India
— Tirthankar Roy
016/2001 Gender and Class: Women in Indian Industry, 1920-1990
— Samita Sen
017/2001 The Politics of the Labour Movement: An Essay on
Differential Aspirations
— Dilip Simeon
018/2001 Child Labour in Home Based Lock Industries of Aligarh
— Helen R. Sekar, Noor Mohammad
019/2001 Child Labour in Diamond Industry of Surat
— Kiran Desai, Nikhil Raj
020/2001 Gender and Technology: Impact of Flexible Organisation and
Production on Female
Labour in the Tiruppur Knitwear Industry
— Neetha N.
021/2001 Organisational Structure, Labour Relations and Employment in
Kancheepuram Silk
— Babu P. Remesh
022/2001 International Labour Migration from Independent India
— S.K. Sasikumar
023/2001 Cine Workers Welfare Fund in India
— M.M. Rehman
024/2001 Child Labour In Knitwear Industry of Tiruppur
— J. Jayaranjan
025/2001 Child Labour in the Home Based Gem Polishing Industry of
— Kanchan Mathur, Ruma Ghosh
026/2001 Unorganised Workers of Delhi and the Seven Day Strike of
— Indrani Mazumdar
027/2001 Death of an Industrial City: Testimonies of Life Around
Bombay Textile Strike of 1982
— Hemant Babu

— Hemant Babu

028/2001 Child Labour in the Home Based Match Industries of Sivakasi

— R. Vidyasagar, Girija Kumarababu
029/2001 Migration in the North Eastern Region during 1901-1991 and
Environmental Considerations: A Case Study
Deforestation of Assam
— Pushpam Kumar and Suresh Agarwal
030/2001 Women Weavers of Saulkuchi The Silk Town of Assam
— OKD Institute
031/2002 Cash and in-kind Modes of Wages Payment in
__ C. S. K. Singh
032/2002 Child Labour in the Knife Industry of Rampur
__ Ashish Ghosh & Helen R. Sekar


Learning Objectives Methods Of -trade Unions

After going through this lesson you will be able to comprehend In order to achieve their goals; trade unions may adopt any or a
• Of how the trade unions in India functions combination of the following methods:
To attain the objectives, the trade unions generally perform the 1. Method of Mutual Insurance.
following functions: 2. Method of Collective Bargaining.
i. Collective bargaining with the management to settle terms 3. Method of Legal Enactment/Political Action.
and conditions of employment 4. Method of Direct Action.
ii. Advise the management on personnel policies and practices. Let us now briefly look into these methods so as to know what
iii. Taking up the individual and collective grievances of the these methods really speak of.
workers with the management
1 Mutual Insurance
iv. Work for achieving better say of workers in the When we talk about ‘mutual’ it relates that this method
management of affairs of the enterprise which influence the consists mainly of welfare activities, conducted by trade unions
lives of the workers directly. for their members. Activities like medical aid, educational loans,
v. Organising demonstrations, strikes, etc. to press the recreational activities, cooperative societies, credit facilities,
demands of the workers. sickness aid, etc. come in the form of mutual insurance or
vi. Education of workers and their children, mutual aid. These amenities and aids are provided out of the
funds that its members contribute in the shape of membership
vii. Welfare and recreational activities for their members.
subscriptions and donations, etc. Thus, the effectiveness of this
viii. Representing of worker in various national and method is directly dependent upon the income of trade unions.
international forums. . The Indian trade unions have lagged far behind their counter-
ix. Securing legislative protection for the workers from the parts in U:K. and U.S.A. in taking recourse to mutual insurance
Government. primarily because of their poor financial position.
The functions performed by the trade unions may be broadly 2 Collective Bargaining
classified into three categories, viz., (i) militant functions, (ii) Another prevalent method used by trade unions for improving
fraternal functions, and (iii) political functions. . the economic and social conditions of their members is
Militant Functions. The chief purpose of the trade unions is collective bargaining. This is essentially a bi-partite method
to secure better conditions of work and employment. The under which trade union as a representative organisation of
unions also endeavor to secure some share in productivity gains workers bargains with the employers over the various issues
and a greater share in the management or even control of such as terms and conditions of employment, wages, bonus;
industry. When the unions fail to accomplish these ends by the hours of work, working conditions, welfare facilities, etc. and
method-of collective bargaining and negotiations, they adopt enter into agreement, called collective agreement, with the
imitational methods and put up a fight with the management employer.
in the form of strike, boycott, gherao; etc. - a situation that Since individual worker is a weak bargainer, the method of
often turns into fierce antagonism. collective bargaining is preferred. Bargaining may be made at the
Faternal Functions. A trade union is a fraternal association or local level (i.e., a factory or a plant), at the regional level or at the
a mutual-benefit organisation supporting the members out of industry or national level.
their own funds during the period of work-stoppage due to a The process of collective bargaining is bi-partite, that is,
strike or lockout. It also provides financial assistance to the between employers/management and the trade unions. It
members during the period when they are unfit for work should be free of external agencies as government. However,
because of illness or employment injury or when they are for various reasons, the bargaining power of the union is weak,
temporarily unemployed. which they have secured by statute and bargaining is often done
Political Functions. Many trade unions seek to improve the in courts. For this reason, we have in India judicially controlled
political status of the union, the leader, and the union mem- bargaining rather than free bi-partite collective bargaining. There
bers. They contest political elections and try to acquire political are certain prerequisites of free collective bargaining. Which
power. In many countries, some strong labour parties have include mutual recognition and the will to bargain and come to
grown up e.g., in the United Kingdom, many times, labour settlement. Since unions are weak and there is no uniform law
party has been in power. In India, such activities of trade for the recognition of a representative union, collective bargain-
unions are not important, though sometimes they have been ing has not made much headway in India.
successful in influencing the labour policy of the government.

3 Legal Enactment/Political Action

Under this method, trade unions engage in political action for

securing working and living conditions for the workers.
Exerting pressure for getting progressive labour laws passed by
the legislature and to get them enforced properly does this. For
getting protective and pro-labour legislation passed by the
legislatures, the unions send competent representatives of the
workers to the Legislative Assembly and the Parliament.
Unlike mutual insurance and collective bargaining, which are
designed to benefit only the trade union members or employ-
ees of a particular plant, region or industry, political action is
intended to benefit the working class in general.
4 Direct Action
When the trade unions fail to achieve their goals by the
methods described above, they resort to direct action. It is
manifested in several forms like strikes, gheraos, bandhs, etc.
Since this method is harmful to all concerned in terms of loss
of production, - loss of wages, scarcity or non-availability of
goods, etc every effort should be made to avoid the use of this
weapon in the armory of trade unions. What is required is
cooperation and not conflict.
Under the diversity of objectives and methods of trade unions,
which ones can be said to be “legitimate and which others,
‘illegitimate’? There is no objective standard by which- one can
judge the legitimate functions and methods of trade union in
general. Trade unionism is essentially a pragmatic movement,
which constantly reshapes its organisation structure, reformu-
lates its policies and objectives and reexamines and evaluates its
methods, keeping all the time in its view the welfare of the
working class as its goal.
Notes -


Learning Objectives The general council consists of the president, seven vice-
After going through this chapter you will be able to compre- presidents, a general secretary, a treasurer and not more than five
hend the following: secretaries and mem-bers elected by the AITUC on the basis of
• Where lies the place of national level federation in the the total affiliated membership of unions in each state, roughly
context of Indian Trade Unionism at the rate of one representative for every 5000 members.
The working committee consists of all office bearers of the
Unionisation: Law and Environment
AITUC as ex-officio members and 35 elected by the general
Two factors are relevant to the process of unionisation in India.
council by a system of cumu-lative voting.
They relate to trade union law and to political parties and their
labour strategy.The Trade Union Act, 1926, states as follows: The general session of the AITUC meets once in two years, the
general council meets once a year, and the working committee at
Any seven or more members of a trade union may, by subscrib-
least twice a year. The General Secretary and his administrative
ing their names to the rules of the trade union and by
staff at the national and state levels carry out the day-to-day
otherwise complying with the provisions of this Act with
operation and implementation.
respect to registration, apply for registra-tion of the trade union
under this Act. Objectives
Undoubtedly, this provision in labour legislation has contrib- The major objectives of AITUC are:
uted to the formation of many unions as the data on the • To establish a socialist state in India and the nationalisation
number of registered trade unions shows. Needless to add, of the means of production, distribution and exchange as
there are many more unregistered trade unions. far as possible.
Another factor to be taken note of is that the major political • To improve the economic and social conditions of the
parties such as the Congress, Communist, the CPI and the working class, by securing better terms and conditions of
Socialist each has a federa-tion at the apex or national level to employment.
which unions at the plant and state level are affiliated. • To safeguard and promote the workers’ right to free speech,
The organization pattern of a trade union federation is usually freedom of association and assembly and the right to strike.
three-tiered. Units exist at the plant or shop, state and the Methods
national level. We shall now examine the three levels in some For the furtherance of these objectives the means to be adopted
detail. by AITUC are to be legitimate, peaceful, and democratic, viz.
National Level Federations legislation, education, propagation, mass meeting, negotiations,
Historically, four major federations have been in existence and demonstrations, and as a last resort the staging of a strike.
have estab-lished a national network of federated unions. They
Membership and Finance
are the All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), Indian
The source of funds is: (i) an annual contribution of Rs.15 for
National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), United Trade Union
unions with 500 members and less; (ii) affiliation fees at the rate
Congress (UTUC), and Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS). The
of 5 paise per member with a minimum of Rs.20 for unions
UTUC has to a certain extent merged with the Centre of Indian
with a membership above 500; (iii) a delegate fee of Rs.12 per
Trade Unions (CITU) and therefore we shall examine the CITU
delegate; and (iv) any other levy which may be fixed by a two-
thirds majority of the General Council. The levy is fixed at the
All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) rate of Rs.5 per 1000 members.
This national federation was established in 1921. Ideologically it Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
is linked with the communist philosophy and therefore This union was organized in 1947 with active support and
espouses a more radical approach, as compared to some of the encouragement from Congress leaders. It wanted to bring
other federations, in attaining the workers’ interests and goals. about a peaceful and non-violent solution to industrial
In 1979 it had a total of 1,307,471 members. disputes.
Organizational Structure It has a total membership of 2,388,451 which makes it the
The organizational set up is as follows: (i) The affiliated unions largest national federation.
(unit/local level); (ii) provincial bodies (state level); (iii) the
general council including office bearers (which incorporates the Organizational Structure (See Chart )
working committee of the general council); and (iv) the The basic pattern of organization in the INTUC is the industry
delegates to the general or special session. level federation. In other words, units are grouped together for
the purpose of negotiating the terms and conditions of
employment, such as wage rates hours of work and other

related fringe benefits and working conditions at the industry Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)

level which are to be implemented at the lower level. This This national federation came into being in 1948. It had an
method enables a perspective being taken for the entire industry, affiliated membership of 852,558 in 1979. This federation
rather than a piecemeal approach unitwise. The regional espouses the socialist philosophy and has linkages with socialist
branches and the councils provide the support services. The parties. However, there has been a division within the socialist
apex body, which is representative of the federation, takes an ranks with the emergence of the Hind Mazdoor Panchayat,
overall point of view, regarding the broader issues, such as another federation with socialist leanings.
environment, legislation and governmental policies, and gives
Organizational Structure
directions to the regional branches.
The general council is composed of the president, not more
Chart Organizational Structure of INTUC than five vice presidents, a general secretary, not more than two
secretaries, a treasurer and other members representing various
industrial sections. The office bearers are elected at the annual
General Council
Working Committee and Other
Committees Objectives
Assembly of Delegates
The main aims of the Hind Mazdoor Sabha are:
State Level • To promote the economic, political and social interests of
Regional Branches and Council the workers and to improve their terms and conditions of
Industry Level Federation • To form a federation of unions from the same industry or
occupation at the national level.
Unit Level • To promote the formation of co-operative societies and to
foster workers’ education.
It seeks to establish a society in which there is an opportunity
The method employed shall be legitimate, peaceful and
for the development of individuals and the eradication of anti-
social concentration of power in any form and therefore to
nationalise industry. The main objectives are: Membership and Finance
The membership of HMS is open to all bonafide trade unions,
• To ensure full employment.
including federations of trade unions. The general council of
• To secure greater participation of workers in the the Sabha has authority to accept or reject any application.
management of enter-prises.
The collection of funds of HMS is carried out through: (i)
• To secure complete organization of all categories of workers affiliation fees of 5 paise per member per annum subject to a
including agricultural labour. -To organize workers on an minimum of Rs. 20; (ii) a delegate fee of Rs. 3 per delegate; and
industry-wise basis. (iii) any other levy that may be fixed by the general council.
• To improve the conditions at work and to provide various
Centre of Indian Trade Unions (ClTU)
social security measures.
This is a national federation which was established in 1971 as a
• To develop among the workers a sense of responsibility result of the split in the AITUC which was a sequel to the split
towards industry and the community. in the CPI a new centre, the Centre of Indian Trade Unions
Methods (CITU) emerged owing to its allegiance to the CPI(M). In 1979
The means to be adopted for the furtherance of these objectives it had 817,805 members.
are to be peaceful through due process of law and negotiations. Objectives
Membership and Finance It is animated by the goal of organizing workers to further their
Any organization of workers accepting the constitution of the interests in economic, social and political matters.
INTUC and with a subscription rate of not less than 25 paise Organizational Structure
per month is entitled to affiliation with the INTUC provided it The organizational set-up is as follows: (i) central committee
is not affiliated with any rival organization or any of its (national level, general council, including office bearers); (ii) a
executive committee members are not members of a rival state committee (state level); and (iii) affiliated unions (unit
union. All the unions affiliated to INTUC and belonging to the level) (the Primary unions).
same industry are required to join the corresponding industrial
The General Council consists of the president, four vice-
federation, e.g. the Indian National Textile Workers Federation,
presidents, the general secretary, not more than four secretaries,
the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen, etc.
and the treasurer. Mem-bers are elected by CITU on the basis of
Every affiliated organization is required to pay the Congress an the total affiliated membership of unions in each state, at the
annual affiliation fee at the rate of 10 paise per member on its rate of one delegate for every 500 members. The general council
rolls subject to a minimum of Rs.15. of CITU meets once in two years, and the state committee at

least twice a year. The general secretary and his staff at the state whole. Hence all the textile mills who are members of the Mill-


level carry out the day-to-day operations and administra-tion. owners Association and workers who are a part of TLA are
governed by this agreement. By and large, the majority of both
the categories are covered by these agreements.
To further its objectives the methods to be adopted by CITU
are legislation, demonstrations, agitations and intensification of Local Units
the class struggle. Many Indian unions are not affiliated to an industry level
Membership and Finance federation and in many cases may not have any affiliation to the
Any union can be affiliated to CITU by paying a subscription national federation. They are thus independent local unions
(affiliation fee) of 20 paise per year per member (minimum of centred around a particular plant or a multi-plant organization.
Rs. 40 per union if it is small). Each union applies to the state These plant firm-wise unions embrace all employees of a plant/
committee, which after scrutinising recommends its acceptance unit irrespective of occupational groups. They vary in numerical
to the central committee. strength from small units to medium and large ones. In some
cases, in times of crisis, they do seek the assistance or guidance
The funds of CITU are derived from: (i) the affiliation fees of of the larger federations or other large unions in related
20 paise per member per year to a minimum of Rs. 40; (ii) the industries. At times many union functionaries may have
delegate fee of Rs. 5 per delegate; (iii) any other levy that may be political loyalties but no union affiliation to a natio-nal labour
fixed by the general council. federation. Such political loyalties may be to a particular regio-nal
Other National Trade Unions party or to a certain ideology. Typically, the union has a presi-
Besides these three federations at the national level, there are dent, a secretary, a treasurer and some committee members.
others like the United Trade Union Congress (UTUC), the Membership is on the basis of employment and payment of
National Labour Organization (NLO), the Bhartiya Mazdoor dues. At certain times of the year extraordinary collections are
Sangh (BMS), and the Hind Mazdoor Panchayat (HMP)-an off- made, as at the time of disbursement of bonus. These unions
shoot of the Socialist Party. Some of these have stronger are more concerned with specific issues regarding the workers
regional affiliations than a national coverage. and their terms and conditions of employment in a particular
Industry Level Unions
We will now examine the pattern of an industry level union-the Notes -
Textile Labour Association, Ahmedabad (TLA). Though TLA
has diversified into an unorganized sector, its strength and
major contribution has been in the textile industry.
The Textile Labour Association was formally launched in 1920
and is substantially influenced by Gandhian philosophy in its
trade union activities. It started as a craft union, with the
warpers informally negotiating a wage increase. Subsequently it
grew into a confederation of several craft unions (occupational
groupings functioning under the aegis of TLA). With the pas-
sage of time, the craft unions, and the confederations have all
merged into one single entity: The organizational structure
reveals the pyramidal type of organization with a federation or
the joint representative board of the vari-ous occupations being
formed on the basis of member strength. The Textile Labour
Association has a shop steward system, where the union
functionary on the shop floor takes an active role with regard to
the rights and interests of the worker. There is also a com-
plaints cell where grievances of workers vis-a-vis their job roles
are recorded and followed up. Moreover, there is another cell
which takes up employee claims and problems with regard to
the operation of the ESI scheme. Many welfare activities are
conducted including the setting up of a special cell for women.
Of late it has ventured into organizing the workers in backward
rural areas in what is termed the unorganized sector. Their
approach is non-violent, i.e. peaceful strategies are adopted to
further their objectives. Consequently the textile industry in
Ahmedabad has an industry level union. Similarly the mill-
owners also bave an industry association to represent them in
all matters concerning nego-tiations with TLA. These two
organizations mutually agree to the terms and conditions of
employment, including welfare, leave, etc. for the indus-try as a



Learning Objective: officer in charge of the industrial establishment shall be the

The study of this lesson will help you identify: ‘employer’ in respect of that establishment; and
• Of how different industrial disputes can be settled with the ii. In relation to an industry concerning railways, carried on by
help of the Central Govt. rules. it under the authority of a Department of the Central
You know this lesson is fully with the Acts. You can pick up Government,-
these Acts on the basis of the given chapters as is shown below: a. In the case of establishments of a Zonal Railway, the
General Manager of that Railway shall be the ‘employer’ in
Chapter: Preliminary
respect of regular railway servants other than casual labour;
Section 1: Title and Application
b. In the case of an establishment independent of a Zonal
1. These rules may be called the Industrial Disputes (Central) Railway, the officer in charge of the establishment shall be
Rules, 1957. the ‘employer’ in respect of regular railway servants other
2. They extend to Union territories in relation to all industrial than casual labour; and
disputes and to the States in relation only to an industrial c. The District Officer in charge or the Divisional Personnel
dispute concerning- Officer or the Personnel Officer shall be the ‘employer’ in
a. Any industry carried on by or under the authority of the respect of casual labour employed on a Zonal Railway or
Central Government or by a railway company; or any other railway establishment independent of a Zonal
b. A banking or an insurance company, a mine, an oilfield, or a Railway.
major port;or Chapter: Procedure for Reference of
c. Any such controlled industry as may be specified under Industrial Disputes to Boards of
Section 2(a)(i) of the Act by the Central Government: Conciliation etc
Chapter: Preliminary Section 3: Application
An application under sub-section (2) of section 10 for the
Section 2: Interpretation
reference of an industrial dispute to a Board, Court, Labour
In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal shall be made in Form A
or context- and shall be delivered personally or forwarded by registered post
a. ‘’Act’’ means the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of to the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of
1947); Labour and Employment (in triplicate), the Chief Labour
b. “Chairman” means the chairman of a Board or Court or, if Commissioner (Central), New Delhi, and the Regional Labour
the Court consists of one person only, such person; Commissioner (Central), and the Assistant Labour Commis-
sioner (Central) concerned. The application shall be
c. ‘’committee’’ means a Works Committee constituted under
accompanied by a statement setting forth-
sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act;
a. The parties to the dispute;
d. ‘’form’’ means a form in the Schedule to these rules;
b. The specific matters in disputes;
e. ‘’section’’ means a section of the Act;
c. The total number of workmen employed in the
f. In relation to an industrial dispute in a Union territory, for
undertaking affected;
which the appropriate Government is the Central
Government, reference to the Central Government or the d. An estimate of the number of workmen affected or likely
Government of India shall be construed as a reference to to be affected by the dispute; and
the Administrator of the territory, and reference to the e. The efforts made by the parties themselves to adjust the
Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Regional Labour dispute.
Commissioner (Central), Assistant Labour Commissioner Chapter: Procedure for Reference of
(Central) shall be construed as reference to the appropriate Industrial Disputes to Boards of
authority, appointed in that behalf by the Administrator of Conciliation etc
the territory;
Section 4: Attestation of Application
g. With reference to clause (g) of section 2, it is hereby
The application and the statement accompanying it shall be
prescribed that-
i. In relation to an industry, not being an industry referred to
a. In the case of an employer by the employer himself, or
in sub-clause (ii), carried on by or under the authority of a
when the employer is an incorporated company or other
Department of the Central or a State Government, the

body corporate, by the agent, manager or other principal Chapter: Arbitration Agreement


officer of the Corporation;
Section 8: Attestation of the Arbitration Agreement
b. In the case of workmen, either by the President and The arbitration agreement shall be signed-
Secretary of trade union of the workmen, or by five
a. In the case of an employer, by the employer himself, or
representatives of the workmen duly authorised in this
when the employer is an incorporated company or other
behalf at a meeting of the workmen held for the purpose;
body corporate by the agent, manager, or other principal
c. In the case of an individual workman, by the workman officer of the Corporation;
himself or by any officer of the trade union of which he is a b. In the case of workmen,by any officer of a trade union of
member or by another workman in the same establishment the workmen or by five representatives of the workmen
duly authorised by him in this behalf: Provided that such duly authorised in this behalf at a meeting of the workmen
workman is not a member of a different trade union. held for the purpose;
Chapter: Procedure for Reference of c. In the case of an individual workman, by the workman
Industrial Disputes to Boards of himself or by any officer of a trade union of which he is
Conciliation etc member or by another workman in the same establishment
Section 5: Notification of appointment of Board, duly authorised by him in this behalf:
court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal Provided that such workman is not a member of a different
The appointment of a Board, Court, Labour Court, tribunal or trade union.
National Tribunal together with the names of person constitut- Explanation - In this rule “officer” means any of the following
ing the Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National officers, namely-
Tribunal shall be notified in the Official Gazette. a. The President;
Chapter: Procedure for Reference of b. The Vice-President;
Industrial Disputes to Boards of c. The Secretary (including the General Secretary);
Conciliation etc
d. A Joint Secretary;
Section 6: Notice to Parties to Nominate
e. Any other officer of the trade union authorised in this
behalf by the President and Secretary of the Union.
1. If the Central Government proposes to appoint a Board, it
shall send a notice in form B to the parties requiring them Chapter: Arbitration Agreement
to nominate within a reasonable time persons to represent Section 8-A: Notification Regarding Arbitration
them on the Board. Agreement by Majority of each Party.
2. The notice to the employer shall be sent to the employer Where an industrial dispute has been referred to arbitration and
personally, or if the employer is an incorporated company the Central Government is satisfied that the persons making
or a body corporate, to the agent, manager or other principal the reference represent the majority of each party, it shall publish
officer of such company or body. a notification in this behalf in the Official Gazette for the
information of the employers and workmen who are not
3. The notice to the workmen shall be sent-
parties to the arbitration agreement but are concerned in the
a. In the case of workmen who are members of a trade union, dispute.
to the president or Secretary of the trade union; and
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
b. In the case of workmen who are not members of a trade
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
union, to any one of the five representatives of the
Tribunals and Arbitrators
workmen who have attested the application made under
rule 3; and in this case a copy of the notice shall also be sent Section 9: Conciliation Proceedings in Public utility
to the employer who small display copies thereof on notice Service
boards in a conspicuous manner at the main entrance to the 1. The Conciliation Officer, on receipt of a notice of a strike or
premises of the establishment. lockout given under rule 71 or rule 72, shall forthwith
Chapter: Arbitration Agreement arrange to interview both the employer and the workmen
concerned with the dispute at such places and at such times
Section 7: Arbitration Agreement as he may deem fit and shall endeavour to bring about a
An arbitration agreement for the reference of an industrial settlement of the dispute in question.
dispute to an arbitrator or arbitrators shall be made in form C
2. Where the Conciliation Officer receives no notice of a strike
and shall be delivered personally or forwarded by registered post
or lockout under rule 71 or rule 72 but he considers it
to the Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of
necessary to intervene in the dispute he may give formal
Labour (in triplicate), the Chief Labour Commissioner
intimation in writing to the parties concerned declaring his
(Central), New Delhi, and the Regional Labour Commissioner
intention to commence conciliation proceedings with effect
(Central) and the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)
from such date as may be specified therein.
concerned. The agreement shall be accompanied by the consent,
in writing, of the arbitrator or arbitrators.

Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties 4. The party raising a dispute may submit a rejoinder if it

of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, chooses to do so, to the written statement(s) by the
Tribunals and Arbitrators appropriate party or parties within a period of fifteen days
from the filing of written statement by the latter.
Section 10: Conciliation Proceedings in Non-public
utility Service 5. The Labour Court,Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the case
Where the Conciliation Officer receives any information about may be, shall fix a date for evidence within one month from
an existing or apprehended industrial dispute which does not the date of receipt of the statements, documents, list of
relate to public utility service and he considers it necessary to witnesses, etc., which shall be ordinarily within sixty days of
intervene in the dispute, he shall give formal intimation in the date on which the dispute was referred for adjudication.
writing to the parties concerned declaring his intention to 6. Evidence shall be recorded either in Court or on affidavit
commence conciliation proceedings with effect from such date but in the case of affidavit the opposite party shall have the
as may be specified therein. right to cross-examine each of the deponents filing the
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties affidavit. As the oral examination of each witness proceeds,
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, the Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal shall make
Tribunals and Arbitrators a memorandum of the substance of what is being
deposed. While recording the evidence the Labour Court,
Section 10-A: Parties to Submit Statements Tribunal or National Tribunal shall follow the procedure
The employer or the party representing workmen or in the case laid down in rule 5 of order XVIII of the First Schedule to
of individual workman, the workman himself involved in an the Code of Civil Procedure,1908.
industrial dispute shall forward a statement setting forth the
7. On completion of evidence either arguments shall be heard
specific matters in dispute to the Conciliation Officer concerned
immediately or a date shall be fixed for arguments/oral
whenever his intervention in the dispute is required.
hearing which shall not be beyond a period of fifteen days
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties from the close of evidence.
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, 8. The Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the
Tribunals and Arbitrators case may be, shall not ordinarily grant an adjournment for a
Section 10-B: Proceeding before the Labour Court, period exceeding a week at a time but in any case not more
Tribunal or National Tribunal. than three adjournment in all at the instance of the parties
1. While referring an industrial dispute for adjudication to a to the dispute:
Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, the Central Provided that the Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal,
Government shall direct the party raising the dispute to file as the case may be, may for reasons to be recorded in writing,
a statement of claim complete with relevant documents, list grant an adjournment exceeding a week at a time but in any case
of reliance and witnesses with the Labour Court, Tribunal not more than three adjournments at the instance of any one
or National Tribunal within fifteen days of the receipt of of the parties to the dispute.
the order of reference and also forward a copy of such 9. In case any party defaults or fails to appear at any stage the
statement to each one of the opposite parties involved in Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the case
the dispute. may be, may proceed with the reference ex parte and decide
2. The Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal after the reference/application in the absence of the defaulting
ascertaining that copies of statement of claim are furnished party:
to the other side by party raising the dispute shall fix the fist Provided that the Labour Court, Tribunal or National
hearing on a date not beyond one month from the date of Tribunal, as the case may be, may on the application of
receipt of the order of reference and the opposite party or either party filed before the submission of the award revoke
parties shall file their written statement together with the order that the case shall proceed ex parte, if it is satisfied
documents, list of reliance and witnesses within a period of that the absence of the party was on justifiable grounds.
15 days from the date of first hearing and simultaneously 10. The Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the
forward a copy thereof to the other party. case may be, shall submit its ward to the Central
3. Where the Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, as Government within one month from the date of oral
the case may be, finds that the party raising the dispute hearing/arguments or within the period mentioned in the
though directed did not forward the copy of the statement order of reference whichever is earlier.
of claim to the opposite party or parties, it shall give 11. In respect of reference under section 2A, the Labour Court,
direction to the concerned party to furnish the copy of the Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the case may be, shall
statement to the opposite party or parties and for the said ordinarily submit its awards within a period of three
purpose or for any other sufficient cause, extend the time- months:
limit for filing the statement under sub-rule (1) or written Provided that the Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal
statement under sub-rule (2) by an additional period of 15 may, as and when necessary, extend the period of three months
days. and shall record its reasons in writing to extend the time for
submission of the award for another specified period.

Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties


of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators Tribunals and Arbitrators
Section 11: Omitted Section 17: Summons
The Conciliation Officer may hold a meeting of the representa- A summons issued by a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal
tives of both parties jointly or of each party separately. or National Tribunal shall be in form D and may require any
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties person to produce before it any books, papers or other
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, documents and things in the possession of or under the
Tribunals and Arbitrators control of such person in any way relating to the matter under
investigation or adjudication by the Board, Court, Labour
Section 12: Omitted Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal which the Board, Court,
The Conciliation Officer shall conduct the proceedings expedi- Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal thinks necessary
tiously and in such manner as he may deem fit. for the purposes of such investigation or adjudication.
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators Tribunals and Arbitrators
Section 13: Place and Time of hearing Section 18: Service of Summons or Notice
Subject to the provisions contained in rule 10A and 10B, the Subject to the provisions contained in rule 20, any notice,
sittings of a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National summons, process or order issued by a Board, Court, Labour
Tribunal or of an Arbitrator shall be held at such times and Court, Tribunal, National Tribunal or an arbitrator empowered
places as the Chairman or the Presiding Officer or the Arbitra- to issue such notice, summons, process or order, may be served
tor, as the case may be, may fix and the Chairman, Presiding either personally or by registered post and in the event of
Officer or Arbitrator, as the case may be, shall inform the parties refusal by the party concerned to accept the said notice, sum-
of the same in such manner as he thinks fit. mons, process or order, the same shall be sent again under
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties certificate of posting.
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
Tribunals and Arbitrators of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Section 14: Quorum for Boards and Courts Tribunals and Arbitrators
The quorum necessary to constitute a sitting of a Board or Section 19: Description of Parties in Certain Cases
Court shall be as follows: Where in any proceeding before a Board, Court, Labour Court,
i. In the case of a Board-Quorum Tribunal or National Tribunal or an Arbitrator, there are
Where the number of members is 3 2 numerous persons arrayed on any side, such persons shall be
described as follows-
Where the number of members is 5 3
1. All such persons as are members of any trade union or
ii. In the case of a Court-
association shall be described by the name of such trade
Where the number of members is not more than 2 1 union or association; and
Where the numbers of members is more than 2 but less than 5 2 2. All such persons as are not members of any trade union or
Where the number of members is 5 or more 3 association shall be described in such manner as the Board,
Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, National Tribunal or
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
Arbitrator, as the case may be, may determine.
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
Section 15: Evidence
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
A Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal
Tribunals and Arbitrators
or a arbitrator may accept, admit or call for evidence at any stage Section 20: Manner of Service in the Case of
of the proceedings before it/him and in such manner as it/he Numerous Persons as Parties to a Dispute.
may think fit. 1. Where there are numerous persons as parties to any
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties proceeding before a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, or National Tribunal or an arbitrator and such persons are
Tribunals and Arbitrators members of any trade union or association, the service of
notice on the Secretary, or where there is no Secretary, on the
Section 16: Administration of Oath principal officer, of the trade union or association shall be
Any member of a Board or Court or Presiding Officer of a deemed to be service on such persons.
Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal or an Arbitrator
may administer an oath. 2. Where there are numerous persons as parties to any
proceeding before a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal

or National Tribunal or an arbitrator and such persons are same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of

not members of any trade union or association, the Board, Civil Procedure, 1908, when trying a suit, in respect of the
Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, National Tribunal or following matters, namely-
Arbitrator, as the case may be, shall, where personal service a. Discovery and inspection;
is not practicable, cause the service of any notice to be made
b. Granting adjournment;
by affixing the same at or near the main entrance of the
establishment concerned. c. Reception of evidence taken on affidavit; and the Board,
Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, or National Tribunal may
3. A notice served in the manner specified in sub-rule (2) shall
summon and examine any person whose evidence appears
also be considered as sufficient in the case of such workmen
to it to be material and shall be deemed to be a civil court
as cannot be ascertained and found.
within the meaning of sections 480 and 482 of the Code of
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties Criminal Procedure, 1898.
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
Tribunals and Arbitrators of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Section 21: Procedure at the First Sitting Tribunals and Arbitrators
At the first sitting of a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or
Section 25: Assessors
National Tribunal, the Chairman or the Presiding Officer, as the
Where assessors are appointed to advise a Tribunal or National
case may be, shall call upon the parties in such order as he may
Tribunal under sub-section (4) of section 7-A or sub-section (4)
think fit to state their case.
of section 7-B or by the Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties National Tribunal under sub-section (5) of section 11, the
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the case
Tribunals and Arbitrators may be, shall, in relation to proceeding before it, obtain the
Section 22: Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, advice of such assessors, but such advice shall not be binding
National Tribunal or Arbitrator may proceed ex parte on it.
If without sufficient cause being shown, any party to proceed- Notes -
ings before a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, National
Tribunal or Arbitrator fails to attend or to be represented, the
Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, National Tribunal or
Arbitrator may proceed as if the party had duly attended or had
been represented.
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators
Section 23: Power of entry and Inspection.
A Board, or Court, or any member thereof, or a Conciliation
Officer, a Labour Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or
National Tribunal in this behalf may, for the purposes of any
conciliation, investigation, enquiry or adjudication entrusted to
the Conciliation Officer, Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal
or National Tribunal under the Act, at anytime between the
hours of sunrise and sunset and in the case of a person
authorised in writing by a Board, Court, Labour Court,
Tribunal or National Tribunal after he has given reasonable
notice, enter any building, factory, workshop, or other place or
premises whatsoever, and inspect the same or any work,
machinery, appliance or article therein or interrogate any person
therein in respect of anything situated therein or any matter
relevant to the subject-matter of the conciliation, investigation,
enquiry or adjudication.
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators
Section 24: Power of Boards, Courts, Labour Courts,
Tribunals and National Tribunals.
In addition to the powers conferred by the Act, Boards, Courts,
Labour Courts, Tribunals and National Tribunals shall have the


Learning Objective: The representatives of the parties appearing before a Board,

The study of this lesson will help you identify: Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal or an
• Of how different industrial disputes can be settled with the arbitrator shall have the right of examination, cross-examina-
help of the Central Govt. rules. tion and of addressing the Board, Court, Labour Court,
Tribunal or National Tribunal or arbitrator when an evidence
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties has been called.
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Tribunals and Arbitrators Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts,
Section 26: Fees for copies of awards or other Tribunals and Arbitrators
documents of Labour Court, tribunal or National
Tribunal. Section 30: Proceedings before a Board, Court,
Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal
1. Fees for making a copy of an award or an order of a Labour
The proceedings before a Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal
Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal or any document filed
or National Tribunal shall be held in public. Provided that the
in any proceedings before a Labour Court, Tribunal or
Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal may
National Tribunal shall be charged at the rate of Re.1 per
at any state direct that any witness shall be examined or its
proceedings shall be held in camera.
2. For certifying a copy of any such award or order or
document, a fee of Re. 1 shall be payable. Chapter: Remuneration of Chairman and
Members of Courts Presiding Officers of
3. Copying and certifying fees shall be payable in cash in
Labour Courts and Tribunals etc
4. Where a party applies for immediate delivery of a copy of Section 31: Travelling Allowance
any such award or order or document, an additional fee The Chairman or a member of a Board or Court or the
equal to one-half of the fee leviable under this rule shall be Presiding Officer or an Assessor of a Labour Court, Tribunal or
payable. National Tribunal, if a non-official, shall be entitled to draw
travelling allowance and halting allowance, for any journey
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties performed by him in connection with the performance of his
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, duties, at the rates admissible and subject to the conditions
Tribunals and Arbitrators applicable to Government servant of the first grade under the
Section 27: Decision by Majority Supplementary Rules issued by the Central Government from
All question arising for decision at any meeting of a Board or time to time.
Court, save where the Court consists of one person, shall be Chapter: Remuneration of Chairman and
decided by a majority of the votes of the members thereof Members of Courts Presiding Officers of
(including the Chairman) present at the meeting. In the event Labour Courts and Tribunals etc
of an equality of votes the Chairman shall also have a casting
vote. Section 32: Fees
The Chairman and a member of a Board or Court, the
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties Presiding Officer and an Assessor of a Labour Court, Tribunal
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, or National Tribunal wherever he is not a salaried officer of
Tribunals and Arbitrators Government may be granted such fees as may be sanctioned by
Section 28: Correction of Errors the Central Government in each case.
A Board, Court, Labour Court, Tribunal, National Tribunal or Chapter: Remuneration of Chairman and
arbitrator may at any time correct any clerical mistake or error Members of Courts Presiding Officers of
arising from an accidental slip or omission in any proceedings, Labour Courts and Tribunals etc
report, award or decision either of its or his own motion or on
the application of any of the parties. Section 33: Expenses of Witnesses
Every person who is summoned and duly attends or otherwise
Chapter: Powers, Procedures and Duties appears as a witness before a Board, Court, Labour Court,
of Conciliation Officers, Boards, Courts, Tribunal or National Tribunal or an Arbitrator shall be entitled
Tribunals and Arbitrators to an allowance for expenses according to the scale for the time
Section 29: Right of Representatives being in force with respect to witnesses in civil courts in the

State where the investigation, enquiry, adjudication or arbitra- b. How their membership is distributed among the sections,

tion is being conducted. shops or departments of the establishment.

Chapter: Representation of Parties 2. Where an employer has reason to believe that the
information furnished to him under sub-rule (1) by any
Section 34: Notice of Change
trade union is false, he may, after informing the union, refer
Any employer intending to effect any change in the conditions
the matter to the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)
of service applicable to any workmen in respect of any matter
concerned for his decision; and the Assistant Labour
specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Act shall give notice of
Commissioner (Central), after hearing the parties, shall
such intention in Form E.
decide the matter and his decision shall be final.
Chapter: Notice of Change Chapter: Works Committee
Section 35: Omitted Section 42: Groups of Workmen’s Representatives
Omitted. On receipt of the information called for under rule 41, the
Chapter: Representation of Parties employer shall provide for the election of workmen’s represen-
tatives on the Committee in two groups-
Section 36: Form of Authority under Section 36
The authority in favour of a person or persons to represent a 1. Those to be elected by the workmen of the establishment
workman or group of workmen or an employer in any who are members of the registered trade union or unions,
proceeding under the Act shall be in Form F. and

Chapter: Representation of Parties 2. Those to be elected by the workmen of the establishment

who are not members of the registered trade union or
Section 37: Parties bound by Acts of Representative unions, bearing the same proportion to each other as the
A party appearing by a representative shall be bound by the acts union members in the establishment bear to the non-
of that representative. members:
Chapter: Works Committee Provided that where more than half the workmen are members
Section 38: Constitution of the union or any one of the unions, no such division shall
Any employer to whom an order made under sub-section (1) be made:
of section 3 relates shall forthwith proceed to constitute a Provided further that where a registered trade union neglects or
Works Committee in the manner prescribed in this part. fails to furnish the information called for under sub-rule (1) or
rule 41 within one month of the date of the notice requiring it
Chapter: Works Committee
to furnish such information such union shall for the purpose
Section 39: Number of Members of this rule be treated as if it did not exist:
The number of members constituting the Committee shall be Provided further that where any reference has been made by he
fixed so as to afford representation to the various categories, employer under sub-rule (2) of rule 41, the election shall be
groups and classes of workmen engaged in, and to the sections, held on receipt of the decision of the Assistant Labour
shops or departments of the establishment: Commissioner (Central).
Provided that the total number of members shall not exceed
Chapter: Works Committee
Provided further that the number of representatives of the Section 43: Electoral Constituencies
workmen shall not be less than the number of representatives Where under rule 42 the workmen’s representatives are to be
of the employer. elected in two groups, the workmen entitled to vote shall be
divided into two electoral constituencies, the one consisting of
Chapter: Works Committee those who are members of a registered trade union and the
Section 40: Representatives of Employer other of those who are not:
Subject to the provisions of these rules, the representatives of Provided that the employer may, if he thinks fit,sub-divide the
the employer shall be nominated by the employer and shall as electoral constituency or constituencies, as the case may be and
far as possible be officials in direct touch with or associated with direct that workmen shall vote in either by groups, sections,
the working of the establishment. shops or departments.
Chapter: Works Committee Chapter: Works Committee
Section 41: Consultation with Trade Unions Section 44: Qualification of Candidates for Election
1. Where any workmen of an establishment are members of a Any workman of not less than 19 years of age and with a
registered trade union, the employer shall ask the union to service of not less than one year in the establishment may if
inform him in writing- nominated as provided in these rules be a candidate for election
a. How many of the workmen are members of the union; as a representative of the workmen on the Committee:
and Provided that the service qualification shall not apply to the first
election in an establishment which has been in existence for less
than a year.

Explanation: A workman who has put in a continuous service ineligible for membership under rule 44 or (b) the


of not less than one year in two or more establishments requirements of rule 47 have not been complied with:
belonging to the same employer shall be deemed to have Provided that where a candidate or an attesting person is unable
satisfied the service qualification prescribed under this rule. to be present at the time of scrutiny, he may send a duly
Chapter: Works Committee authorised nominee for the purpose.
Section 45: Qualifications for Voters Chapter: Works Committee
All workmen, who are not less than 18 years of age and who Section 48-A: Withdrawal of Candidates Validly
have put in not less than 6 months continuous service in the Nominated
establishment shall be entitled to vote in the election of the Any candidate whose nomination for election has been accepted
representative of workmen. may withdraw his candidature within 48 hours of the comple-
Explanation: A workman who has put in a continuous service tion of scrutiny of nomination papers.
of not less than 6 months in two or more establishments
Chapter: Works Committee
belonging to the same employer shall be deemed to have
satisfied the service qualification prescribed under this rule. Section 49: Voting in Election
Chapter: Works Committee 1. If the number of candidates who have been validly
nominated is equal to the number of seats, the candidates
Section 46: Procedure for Election shall be forthwith declared duly elected.
1. The employer shall fix a date as the closing date for receiving 2. If in any constituency the number of candidates is more
nominations from candidates for election as workmen’s than the number of seats allotted to it, voting shall take
representatives on the Committee. place on the day fixed for election.
2. For holding the election, the employer shall also fix a date 3. The election shall be held in such manner as may be
which shall not be earlier than three days and later than convenient for each electoral constituency.
fifteen days after the closing date for receiving nominations.
4. The voting shall be conducted by the employer, and if any
3. The dates so fixed shall be notified at least seven days in of the candidates belong to a union such of them as the
advance to the workmen and the registered trade union or union may nominate shall be associated with the election.
unions concerned. Such notice shall be affixed on the notice
5. Every workman entitled to vote at an electoral constituency
board or given adequate publicity amongst the workmen.
shall have as many votes as there are seats to be filled in the
The notice shall specify the number of seats to be elected by
the groups, sections, shops or departments and the number
to be elected by the members of the registered trade union Provided that each voter shall be entitled to cast only one vote
or unions and by the non-members. in favour of any one candidate.
4. A copy of such notice shall be sent to the registered trade Chapter: Works Committee
union or unions concerned. Section 50: Arrangements for Election
Chapter: Works Committee The employer shall be responsible for all arrangements in
connection with the election.
Section 47: Nomination of Candidates for Election
1. Every nomination shall be made on a nomination paper in Chapter: Works Committee
Form ‘G’ copies of which shall be supplied by the employer Section 51: Officers of the Committee
to the workmen requiring them. 1. The Committee shall have among its office bearers a
2. Each nomination paper shall be signed by the candidate to Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Joint Secretary.
whom it relates and attested by at least two other voters The Secretary and the Joint Secretary shall be elected every
belonging to the group, section, shop or department the year.
candidate seeking election will represent, and shall be 2. The Chairman shall be nominated by the employer from
delivered to the employer. amongst the employer’s representatives on the Committee
Chapter: Works Committee and he shall, as far as possible, be the head of
Section 48: Scrutiny of Nomination Papers
2A. The Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the members on the
1. On the day following the last day fixed for filing
Committee representing the workers, from amongst
nomination papers, the nomination papers shall be
scrutinised by the employer in the presence of the
candidates and the attesting persons and those which are Provided that in the event of equality of votes in the election of
not valid shall be rejected. the Vice-Chairman, the matter shall be decided by draw of a lot.
2. For the purpose of sub-rule (1), a nomination paper shall 3. The Committee shall elect the Secretary and the Joint
be held to be not valid if (a) the candidate nominated is Secretary provided that where the Secretary is elected from
amongst the representatives of the employers, the Joint
Secretary shall be elected from amongst the representatives

of the workmen and vice versa:

Provided that the post of the Secretary or the Joint Secretary,

as the case may be, shall not be held by a representative of
the employer or the workmen for two consecutive years.
Provided that the representatives of the employer shall not
take part in the election of the secretary or joint secretary, as
the case may be, from amongst the representatives of the
workmen and only the representatives of the workmen
shall be entitled to vote in such elections.
4. In any election under sub-rule (3), in the event of equality
of votes, the matter shall be decided by a draw of lot.
Chapter: Works Committee
Section 52: Term of Office
1. The term of office of the representatives on the Committee
other than a member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall be
two years.
2. A member chosen to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for
the unexpired term of his predecessor.
3. A member who without obtaining leave from the
Committee, fails to attend three consecutive meetings of
the Committee shall forfeit his membership.
Chapter: Works Committee
Section 53: Vacancies
In the event of workmen’s representative ceasing to be a
member under sub-rule (3) of rule 52 or ceasing to be em-
ployed in the establishment or in the event of his ceasing to
represent the trade or vocation he was representing, or resigna-
tion or death,his successor shall be elected in accordance with the
provisions of this Part from the same category, group,section,
shop or department to which the member vacating the seat
Chapter: Works Committee
Section 54: Power to Co-opt
The Committee shall have the right to co-opt in a consultative
capacity persons employed in the establishment having
particular or special knowledge of a matter under discussion.
Such co-opted member shall not be entitled to vote and shall be
present at meetings only for the period during which the
particular question is before the Committee.

Notes -


Learning Objective: Chapter: Miscellaneous

The study of this lesson will help you identify:
Section 58: Memorandum of Settlement
• Of how different industrial disputes can be settled with the
1. A settlement arrived at in the course of conciliation
help of the Central Govt. rules.
proceedings or otherwise, shall be in form H.
Chapter: Works Committee 2. The settlement shall be signed by-
Section 55: Meetings a. In the case of an employer, by the employer himself, or by
his authorised agent, or when the employer is an
1. The Committee may meet as often as necessary but not less
incorporated company or other body corporate, by the
often than once in three months (a quarter).
agent, manager or other principal officer of the corporation;
2. The Committee shall at its first meeting regulate its own
b. In the case of the workmen, by any officer of a trade union
of the workmen or by five representatives of the workmen
Chapter: Works Committee duly authorised in this behalf at a meeting of the workmen
Section 56: Facilities for Meeting, etc. held for the purpose.

1. The employer shall provide accommodation for holding c. In the case of the workman in an industrial dispute under
meetings of the Committee. He shall also provide all section 2A of the Act, by the workman concerned.
necessary facilities to the Committee and to the members Explanation.- In this rule ‘’officer’’ means any of the following
thereof for carrying out the work of the Committee. The officers, namely:-
Committee shall ordinarily meet during working hours of a) The President;
the establishment concerned on any working day and the b. The Vice-President;
representative of the workmen shall be deemed to be on
duty while attending the meeting. c. The Secretary (including the General Secretary);
d. A Joint Secretary;
2. The Secretary of the Committee may, with the prior
concurrency of the Chairman, put up notice regarding the e. Any other officer of the trade union authorised in this
work of the Committee on the notice board of the behalf by the President and Secretary of the Union.
establishment. 3. Where a settlement in arrived at in the course of conciliation
Chapter: Works Committee proceeding the conciliation officer shall send a report
thereof to the Central Government together with a copy of
Section 56-A: Submission of returns the memorandum of settlement signed by the parties to
The employer shall submit half-yearly returns as in Form G-I in the dispute.
triplicate to the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central)
4. Where a settlement is arrived at between an employer and
concerned not later than the 20th day of the month following
his workmen otherwise than in the course of conciliation
the half-year.
proceeding before a Board or a Conciliation Officer, the
Chapter: Works Committee parties to the settlement shall jointly send a copy thereof to
Section 57: Dissolution of Works Committee the Central Government, the Chief Labour Commissioner
The Central Government, or where the power under section 3 (Central) New Delhi, and the Regional Labour
has been delegated to any officer or authority under section 39, Commissioner (Central) and to the Assistant Labour
such officer or authority may, after making such inquiry as it or Commissioner (Central) concerned.
he may deem fit, dissolve any Works Committee at any time, by Chapter: Miscellaneous
an order in writing, if he or it is satisfied that the Committee
Section 59: Complaints Regarding Change of
has not been constituted in accordance with these rules or that
Conditions of Service etc.
not less than two-thirds of the number of representatives of
the workmen have, without any reasonable justification failed to 1. Every complaint under section 33-A of the Act shall be
attend three consecutive meetings of the Committee or that the presented in triplicate in Form ‘I’ and shall be accompanied
Committee has, for any other reason, ceased to function: by as many copies of the complaint as there are opposite
parties to the complaint.
Provided that where a Works Committee is dissolved under
this rule the employer may, and if so required by the Central 2. Every complaint under sub-rule (1) shall be verified at the
Government or, as the case may be, by such officer or authority, foot by the workmen making it or by some other person
shall take steps to re-constitute the Committee in accordance proved to the satisfaction of the Labour Court, Tribunal or
with these rules.

National Tribunal to be acquainted with the facts of the of the receipt of the names and addresses under sub-rule

case. (1), the list of workmen recognised as protected workmen

3. The person verifying shall specify, by references to the for the period of twelve months from the date of such
numbered paragraphs of the complaint, what he verifies of communication.
his own knowledge and what he verifies upon information 3. Where the total number of names received by the employer
received and believed to be true. under sub-rule (1) exceeds the maximum number of
4. The verification shall be signed by the person making it and protected workmen, admissible for the establishment,
shall state the date on which and the place at which it was under section 33, sub-section (4), the employer shall
signed. recognise as protected workmen only such maximum
number of workmen:
Chapter: Miscellaneous
Provided that, where there is more than one registered trade
Section 60: Application under Section 33 union in the establishment, the maximum number shall be so
1. An employer intending to obtain the express permission in distributed by the employer among the unions that the
writing of the Conciliation Officer, Board, Labour Court, numbers of recognised protected workmen in individual
Tribunal or National Tribunal, as the case may be, under unions bear roughly the same proportion to one another as the
sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) of section 33 shall present membership figures of the union. The employer shall in that
an application in Form J in triplicate to such Conciliation case intimate in writing to the President or the Secretary of the
Officer, Board, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal union the number of protected workmen allotted to it:
and shall file along with the application as many copies Provided further that where the number of protected workmen
thereof as there are opposite parties. allotted to a union under this sub-rule falls short of the
2. An employer seeking the approval of the Conciliation number of officers of the union seeking protection, the union
Officer, Board, Labour Court, Tribunal or National shall be entitled to select the officers to be recognised as
Tribunal, as the case may be, of any action taken by him protected workmen. Such selection shall be made by the union
under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section and communicated to the employer within five days of the
33 shall present an application in Form K in triplicate to receipt of the employer’s letter.
such Conciliation Officer, Board, Labour Court, Tribunal or 4. When a dispute arises between an employer and any
National Tribunal and shall file along with the application as registered trade union in any matter connected with the
many copies thereof as there are opposite parties. recognition of ‘protected workmen’ under this rule, the
3. Every application under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) shall be dispute shall be referred to any Regional Labour
verified at the foot by the employer making it or by some Commissioner (Central) or the Assistant Labour
other person proved to the satisfaction of the Conciliation Commissioner (Central) concerned,whose decision thereon
Officer, Board, Labour Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal shall be final.
to be acquainted with the facts of the case. Chapter: Miscellaneous
4. The person verifying shall specify by reference to the Section 62: Application for Recovery of Dues
numbered paragraphs of the application, what he verifies
1. Where any money is due from an employer to a workman
of his own knowledge and what he verifies upon
or a group of workmen under a settlement or an award or
information received and believed to be true.
under the provisions of Chapter V-A or Chapter V-B, the
5. The verification shall be signed by the person making it and workman or the group of workmen, as the case may be,
shall state the date on which and the place at which it was may apply in Form K-1 for the recovery of the money due:
verified. Provided that in the case of a person authorised in writing
Chapter: Miscellaneous by the workman, or in the case of the death of the
workmen, the assignee or heir of the deceased workman,
Section 61: Protected Workmen
the application shall be made in Form K-2.
1. Every registered trade union connected with an industrial
2. Where any workman or a group of workmen is entitled to
establishment, to which the Act applies, shall communicate
receive from the employer any money or any benefit which
to the employer before the 30th April every year, the names
is capable of being computed in terms of money, the
and addresses of such of the officers of the union who are
workman or the group of the workmen, as the case may be,
employed in that establishment and who, in the opinion of
may apply to the specified Labour Court in Form K-3 for
the union should be recognised as ‘’protected workmen’’.
the determination of the amount due or, as the case may
Any change in the incumbency of any such officer shall be
be, the amount at which such benefit should be computed:
communicated to the employer by the union within fifteen
Provided that in the case of the death of a workman,
days of such change.
application shall be made in form K-4 by the assignee or
2. The employer shall, subject to section 33, sub-section (4) , heir of the deceased workman.
recognise such workmen to be “protected workmen” for the
purposes of sub-section (3) of the said section and Chapter: Miscellaneous
communicate to the union, in writing, within fifteen days Section 63: Appointment of Commissioner

Where it is necessary to appoint a Commissioner under sub- computing the money value of a benefit, the Labour Court may


section (3) of Section 33-C of the Act, the Labour Court may issue a Commission to a person referred to in rule 63 directing
appoint a person with experience in the particular industry, trade him to make such investigation and to report thereon to it.
or business involved in the industrial dispute or a person with
Chapter: Miscellaneous
experience as a judge of a civil court, or as a stipendiary magis-
trate or as a Registrar or Secretary of a Labour Court, or Tribunal Section 67: Commissioner’s Report
constituted under any Provincial Act or State Act or of a Labour 1. The Commissioner after such local inspection as he deems
Court, Tribunal or National Tribunal constituted under the Act necessary and after reducing to writing the evidence taken by
or of the Labour Appellate Tribunal constituted under the him, shall return such evidence together with his report in
Industrial Disputes (Appellate Tribunal) Act, 1950. writing signed by him to the Labour Court.
Chapter: Miscellaneous 2. The report of the Commissioner and the evidence taken by
him (but not the evidence without the report) shall be
Section 64: Fees for the Commissioner, etc.
evidence in the industrial dispute and shall form part of the
1. The Labour Court shall, after consultation with the parties, record of the proceedings in the industrial dispute; but the
estimate the probable duration of the enquiry and fix the Labour Court or, with the permission of the Labour Court,
amount of the Commissioner’s fees and other incidental any of the parties to the industrial dispute may examine the
expenses and direct the payment thereof, into the nearest Commissioner personally before the Labour Court
treasury, within a specified time, by such party or parties and regarding any of the matters referred to him or mentioned
in such proportion as it may consider fit. The in his report or as to his report, or as to the manner in
Commissioner shall not issue until satisfactory evidence of which he has made the investigation.
the deposit into the treasury of the sum fixed is filed before
3. Where the Labour Court is for any reason dissatisfied with
the Labour Court:
the proceedings of the Commissioner it may direct such
Provided that the Labour Court may from time to time direct further enquiry to be made as it shall think fit.
that any further sum or sums be deposited into the treasury
within such time and by such parties as it may consider fit: Chapter: Miscellaneous
Provided further that the Labour Court may in its discretion, Section 68: Powers of Commissioner
extend the time for depositing the sum into the treasury. Any Commissioner appointed under these rules may, unless
2. The Labour Court may, at any time, for reasons to be otherwise directed by the order of appointment-
recorded in writing, vary the amount of the a. Examine the parties themselves and any witnesses whom
Commissioner’s fees in consultation with the parties. they or any of them may produce, and any other person
3. The Labour Court may direct that the fees shall be whom the Commissioner thinks proper to call upon to give
disbursed to the Commissioner in such installments and evidence in the matter referred to him;
on such dates as it may consider fit. b. Call for and examine documents and other things relevant
4. The undisbursed balance, if any, of the sum deposited shall to the subject of enquiry;
be refunded to the party or parties who deposited the sum c. At any reasonable time enter upon or into any premises
in the same proportion as that in which it was deposited. mentioned in the order.
Chapter: Miscellaneous Chapter: Miscellaneous
Section 65: Time for Submission of Report Section 69: Summoning of Witnesses, etc.
1. Every order for the issue of a Commission shall appoint a 1. The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of
date, allowing sufficient time, for the Commissioner to 1908) relating to the summoning, attendance, examination
submit his report. of witnesses and penalties to be imposed upon witnesses,
2. If for any reason the Commissioner anticipates that the shall apply to persons required to give evidence or to
date fixed for the submission of his report is likely to be produce documents before the Commissioner under these
exceeded, he shall apply, before the expiry of the said date, Rules.
for extension of time setting forth grounds thereof and the 2. Every person who is summoned and appears as a witness
Labour Court shall take such grounds into consideration in before the Commissioner shall be entitled to payment by
passing orders on the application: the Labour Court out of the sum deposited under rule 64,
Provided that the Labour Court may grant extension of time of an allowance for expenses incurred by him in accordance
notwithstanding that no application for such extension has with the scale for the time being in force for payment of
been received from the Commissioner within the prescribed such allowances to witnesses appearing in the civil courts.
time-limit. Chapter: Miscellaneous
Chapter: Miscellaneous Section 70: Representation of Parties before the
Section 66: Local Investigation Commissioner
In any industrial dispute in which the Labour Court deems a The parties to the industrial dispute shall appear before the
local investigation to be requisite or proper for the purpose of Commissioner, either in person or by any other person who is

competent to represent them in the proceedings before the The notice of lock-out or strike in a public utility service to be

Labour Court. submitted by the employer under sub-section (3) of Section 22,
shall be in Form N.
Chapter: Miscellaneous
Section 70-A: Preservations of records by the Chapter: Miscellaneous
National Industrial Tribunals, Industrial Tribunals or Section 74: Report of Notice of Strike or Lock-out
Labour Courts. The report of notice of a strike or lock-out to be submitted by
1. The records of the National Industrial tribunals, Industrial the employer under sub-section (6) of section 22 shall be sent
Tribunals or Labour Courts specified in Column 1 of the by registered post or given personally to the Assistant Labour
Table below shall be preserved, for the periods specified in Commissioner (Central) appointed for the local area concerned,
the corresponding entry in column 2 thereof after the with copy by registered post to-
proceedings are finally disposed of by such National 1. The Administrative Department of the Government of
Tribunals,Industrial Tribunals Labour Courts. India concerned,
TABLE 2. The Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) for the Zone,
———————————————————————— 3. Chief Labour Commissioner (Central),
Records Number of years for 4. Ministry of Labour of the Government of India,
which the records shall be preserved 5. Labour Department of the State Government concerned,
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and
----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 6. The District Magistrate Concerned.
i. Order and judgements of National Chapter: Miscellaneous
Industrial Tribunals,Industrial Tribunals Section 75: Register of Settlements
or Labour Courts. 10 years The Conciliation Officer shall file all settlements effected under
ii. Exhibited documents in the above this Act in respect of disputes in the area within his jurisdiction
mentioned Tribunals or Courts 10 years in a register maintained for the purpose as in Form O.

iii. Other papers. 7 years Chapter: Miscellaneous

————————————————————————— Section 75-A: Notice of lay off
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the 1. If any workman employed in an industrial establishment as
records of the National Industrial Tribunals, Industrial defined in the Explanation below section 25A not being an
Tribunals or Labour Courts, connected with writ petitions, industrial establishment referred to in sub-section (1) of
if any, filed in the High Courts or Supreme Court, or that section is laid off, then, the employer concerned shall
connected with appeals by special leave, if any, filed in the give notices of commencement and termination of such
Supreme Court shall be preserved at least till the final lay-off in Forms O-1 and O-2 respectively within seven days
disposal of such writ petitions or appeal by special leave. of such commencement or termination, as the case may be.
Chapter: Miscellaneous 2. Such notices shall be given by an employer in every case
irrespective of whether, in his opinion, the workman laid-
Section 71: Notice of Strike off is or is not entitled to compensation under section 25-
1. The notice of strike to be given by workmen in a public C.
utility service shall be in Form L.
Chapter: Miscellaneous
2. On receipt of a notice of a strike under sub-rule (1), the
employer shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Section 75-B: Application for Permission for Lay-off
Conciliation Officer having jurisdiction in the matter. under Section 25-M
1. Application for permission to lay-off any workman under
Chapter: Miscellaneous
sub-section (1), or for permission to continue a lay-off
Section 72: Notice of Lock-out under sub-section (3) of section 25-M shall be made in
The notice of lock-out to be given by an employer carrying on a Form O-3 and delivered to the authority specified under
public utility service shall be in form M. The Notice shall be sub-section (1) either personally or by registered post
displayed conspicuously by the employer on a notice board at acknowledgment due and where the application is sent by
the main entrance to the establishment and in the Manager’s registered post the date on which the same is delivered to
Office: the said authority shall be deemed to be the date on which
Provided that where a registered trade union exists, a copy of the application is made, for the purposes of sub-section (5)
the notice shall also be served on the Secretary of the Union. of the said section.
Chapter: Miscellaneous 2. The application for permission shall be made in triplicate
and copies of such application shall be served by the
Section 73: Report of Lock-out or Strike
employer on the workmen concerned and a proof to that

effect shall also be submitted by the employer along with shall be sent to the Central Government, the Regional Labour


the application. Commissioner (Central), the Assistant Commissioner (Cen-
3. The employer concerned shall furnish to the authority to tral), and the Employment Exchange concerned, within 3 days
whom the application for permission has been made such of the agreement.
further information as the authority considers necessary for Chapter: Miscellaneous
arriving at a decision on the application, as and when called
Section 76-A: Notice of, and Application for
for by such authority, so as to enable the authority to
Permission for, Retrenchment.
communicate the permission or refusal to grant permission
within the period specified in sub-section (5) of section 1. Notice or, as the case may be, the application under sub-
25M. section (1) of Section 25N for retrenchment shall be served
in Form PA and served on the Central Government or such
4. Where the permission to lay-off has been granted by the
authority as may be specified by that Government under the
said authority, the employer concerned shall give to the
said clause either personally or by registered post
Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) concerned, a
acknowledgment due and where the notice is served by
notice of commencement and termination of such lay-off
registered post, the date on which the same is delivered to
in Forms O-1 and O-2 respectively and where permission to
the Central Government or the authority shall be deemed to
continue a lay-off has been granted by the said authority,
be the date of service of the notice for the purposes of
the employer shall give to the Regional Labour
sub-section (4) of the said section.
Commissioner (Central) concerned, a notice of
commencement of such lay-off in Form O-1, in case such a 2. The notice or, as the case may be, the application, shall be
notice has not already been given under sub-rule (1) of rule made in triplicate and copies of such notice, or as the case
75A, and a notice of termination of such lay-off in Form may be, the application, shall be served by the employer on
O-2. the workmen concerned and a proof to that effect shall also
be submitted by the employer along with the notice or, as
5. The notice of commencement and termination of lay-off
the case may be, the application.
referred to in sub-rule (4) shall be given within the period
specified in sub-rule (1) of rule 75-A. 3. The employer concerned shall furnish to the Central
Government or the authority to whom the notice for
Chapter: Miscellaneous retrenchment has been given or the application for
Section 76: Notice of Retrenchment permission for retrenchment has been made, under sub-
If any employer desires to retrench any workman employed in section (1) of Section 25-N, such further information as the
his industrial establishment who has been in continuous service Central Government or, as the case may be, the authority
for not less than one year under him (hereinafter referred to as considers necessary for arriving at a decision on the notice
‘workman’ in this rule and in rules 77 and 78), he shall give or, as the case may be, the application, as and when called
notice of such retrenchment as in Form P to the Central for by such authority so as to enable the Central
Government, the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) and Government or the authority to communicate its
Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) and the Employ- permission or refusal to grant permission within the period
ment Exchange concerned and such notice shall be served on specified in sub-section (4) of Section 25-N.
that Government, the Regional Labour Commissioner
Chapter: Miscellaneous
(Central), the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central), and
the Employment Exchange concerned, by registered post in the Section 76-B: Notice of Closure
following manner: If an employer intend to close down an undertaking he shall
a. Where notice is given to the workman, notice of give notice of such closure in Form Q to the Central Govern-
retrenchment shall be sent within three days from the date ment, the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), the
on which notice is given to the workman; Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central), and the Employ-
ment Exchange concerned, by registered post.
b. Where no notice is given to the workman and he is paid one
months wages in lieu thereof, notice of retrenchment shall Chapter: Miscellaneous
be sent within three days from the date on which such
Section 76-C: Notice of, and application for
wages are paid; and
permission for, closure
c. Where retrenchment is carried out under an agreement 1. Notice under sub-section (1) of Section 25-O of intended
which specifies a date for the termination of service, notice closure shall be given in Form QA and served on the
of retrenchment shall be sent so as to reach the Central Central Government either personally or by registered post
Government, the Regional Labour Commissioner (Central), acknowledgement due.
the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central), and the
Employment Exchange concerned, at least one month A copy of such application shall be served simultaneously by
before such date: registered post on the President or Secretary of registered trade
union(s) functioning in the establishment and a notice in this
Provided that if the date of termination of service agreed upon regard shall also be displayed conspicuously by the employer on
is within 30 days of the agreement, the notice of retrenchment a notice board at the main entrance to the establishment for the

information of all the concerned workmen at the same time Chapter: Miscellaneous

when applications are served on the Central Government. Section 79: Penalties
2. The notice, or, as the case may be, the application shall be Any breach of these rules shall be punishable with fine not
made in triplicate. exceeding fifty rupees.
3. The employer concerned shall furnish to the Central Chapter: Miscellaneous
Government to whom the notice of intended closure has
been given or the application for permission to close down Section 80: Repeal
has been made such further information as that The Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1947, are hereby
Government considers necessary, for arriving at a decision repealed:
on the notice, or, as the case may be, the application, and Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so
calls for from such employer. repealed shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the
Chapter: Miscellaneous corresponding provisions of these rules.

Section 77: Maintenance of Seniority List of

Workmen Notes -
The employer shall prepare a list of all workmen in the
particular category from which retrenchment is contemplated
arranged according to the seniority of their service in that
category and cause a copy thereof to be pasted on a notice board
in a conspicuous placed in the premises of the industrial
establishment at least seven days before the actual date of
Chapter: Miscellaneous
Section 78: Re-employment of Retrenched Workmen
1. At least ten days before the date on which vacancies are to be
filled, the employer shall arrange for the display on a notice
board in a conspicuous place in the premises of the
industrial establishment details of those vacancies and shall
also give intimation of those vacancies by registered post to
every one of all the retrenched workmen eligible to be
considered therefor, to the address given by him at the time
of retrenchment or at any time thereafter:
Provided that where the number of such vacancies is less than
the number of retrenched workmen, it shall be sufficient if
intimation is given by the employer individually to the
seniormost retrenched workmen in the list referred to in rule 77
the number of such seniormost workmen being double the
number of such vacancies:
Provided further that where the vacancy is of a duration of less
than one month there shall be no obligation on the employer
to send intimation of such vacancy to individual retrenched
Provided also that if a retrenched workman, without sufficient
cause being shown in writing to the employer, does not offer
himself for re-employment on the date or date specified in the
intimation sent to him by the employer under this sub-rule, the
employer may not intimate to him the vacancies that may be
filled on any subsequent occasion.
2. Immediately after complying with the provisions of sub-
rule (1), the employer shall also inform the trade unions
connected with the industrial establishment, of the number
of vacancies to be filled and names of the retrenched
workmen to whom intimation has been sent under that
Provided that the provisions of this sub-rule need not be
complied with by the employer in any case where intimation is
sent to every one of the workmen mentioned in the list
prepared under rule 77.

Objective regulating the relations between workmen and employers or

The study of this lesson will help you identify: between workmen and workmen, or between employers
and employers, or for imposing restrictive conditions on
Chapter: Preliminary
the conduct of any trade or business, and includes any
Section 1: Short Title, Extent and Commencement federation of two or more Trade Unions ; Provided that
1. This Act may be called the [* * * ] Trade Unions Act, 1926. this Act shall not affect-
2. It extends to the whole of India [* * * ]. i. Any agreement between partners as to their own business ;
3. It shall come into force on such date as the [Central ii. Any agreement between an employer and those employed
Government] may by notification in the [Official Gazette], by him as to such employment ; or
appoint. iii. Any agreement in consideration of the sale of the goodwill
Chapter: Preliminary of a business or of instruction in any profession, trade or
Section 2: Definitions
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
In this Act, the appropriate Government’ means, in relation to
Trade Unions whose objects are not confined to one [State], the Section 3: Appointment of Registrars
Central Government, and in relation to other Trade Unions, the 1. The appropriate Government shall appoint a person to be
[State] Government, and, unless there is anything repugnant in the Registrar of Trade Unions for each State.
the subject or context, -
2. The appropriate Government may appoint as many
a. “executive” means the body, by whatever name called, to Additional and Deputy Registrars of Trade Unions as it
which the management of the affairs of the Trade Union, is thinks ft for the purpose of exercising and discharging,
entrusted; under the superintendence and direction of Registrar, such
b. “office-bearer” in the case of a Trade Union, includes any powers and functions of the Registrar under this Act as it
member of the executive thereof, but does not include an may, by order, specify and define the local limits within
auditor; which any such Additional or Deputy Registrar shall exercise
c. “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made under and discharge the powers and functions so specified.
this Act; 3. Subject to the provisions of any order under sub-section
d. “registered office” means that office of a Trade Union, (2), where an Additional or Deputy Registrar exercises and
which is registered under this Act as the Head Office discharges the powers and functions of a Registrar in an
thereof; area within which the registered office of a Trade Union is
situated, the Additional or Deputy Registrar shall be
e. “registered Trade Union” means a Trade Union registered
deemed to be the Registrar in relation to the Trade Union
under this Act;
for the purposes of this Act.]
f. “Registrar” means -
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
i. A Registrar of Trade Unions appointed by the appropriate
Government under Section 3, and includes any additional or Section 4: Mode of Registration
Deputy Registrar of Trade Unions ; and 1. Any seven or more members of a Trade Union may, by
ii. In relation to any Trade Union, the Registrar appointed for subscribing their names to the rules of Trade Union and by
the State in which the head or registered office, as the case otherwise complying with the provisions of this Act with
may be, of the Trade Union is situated] ; respect to registration, apply for registration of the Trade
Union under this Act.
g. “trade dispute” means any dispute between employers and
workmen or between workmen and workmen, or between 2. Where an application has been made under sub-section (1)
employers and employers which is connected with the for the registration of a Trade Union, such application shall
employment or non-employment, or the terms of not be deemed to have become invalid merely by reason of
employment or the conditions of labour, of any person, the fact that, at any time after the date of the application,
and “workmen” means all persons employed in trade or but before the registration of the Trade Union, some of the
industry whether or not in the employment of the applicants, but not exceeding half of the total number of
employer with whom the trade dispute arises ; and persons who made the application, have ceased to be
members of the Trade Union or have given notice in
h. “Trade Union” means any combination, whether temporary
or permanent, formed primarily for the purpose of

writing to the Registrar dissociating themselves from the h. The manner in which the members of the executive and the

application. other [office-bearers] of the Trade Union shall be appointed

and removed ;
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
i. The safe custody of the funds of the Trade Union, and
Section 5: Application for Registration
annual audit, in such manner as may be prescribed, of the
1. Every application for registration of a Trade Union shall be accounts thereof, and adequate facilities for the inspection
made to the Registrar, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the account books by the [office-bearers]and members
of the rules of the Trade Union and a statement of the of the Trade Union ; and
following particulars, namely-
j. The manner in which the Trade Union may be dissolved.
a. The names, occupations and addresses of the members
making the application ;
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
b. The name of the Trade Union and the address of its head Section 7: Power to call for Further Particulars and
office ; and to Require Alteration of Name
c. The titles, names, ages, addresses and occupations of the 1. The Registrar may call for further information for the
office-bearers of the Trade Union. purpose of satisfying himself that any application complies
with the provisions of Section 5, or that the Trade Union is
2. Where a Trade Union has been in existence for more than
entitled to registration under Section 6, and may refuse to
one year before the making of an application for its
register the Trade Union until such information is supplied.
registration, there shall be delivered to the Registrar,
together with application, a general statement of the assets 2. If the name under which a Trade Union is proposed to be
and liabilities of the Trade Union prepared in such form registered is identical with that by which any other existing
and containing such particulars as may be prescribed. Trade Union has been registered or, in the opinion of the
Registrar, so nearly resembles such name as to be likely to
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions deceive the public or the members of either Trade Union,
Section 6: Provisions to be Contained in the Rules of the Registrar shall require the persons applying for
a Trade registration to alter the name of the Trade Union stated in
Union A Trade Union shall not be entitled to registration under the application, and shall refuse to register the Union until
this Act, unless the executive thereof is constituted on accor- such alteration has been made.
dance with the provisions of this Act and the rules thereof Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
provide for the following matters, namely-
Section 8: Registration
a. The name of a Trade Union ;
The Registrar, on being satisfied that the Trade Union has
b. The whole of the objects for which the Trade Union has
complied with all the requirements of this Act in regard to
been established ;
registration, shall register the Trade Union by entering in a
c. The whole of the purposes for which the general funds of register to be maintained in such form as may be prescribed, the
the Trade Union shall be applicable, all of which purposes particulars relating to the Trade Union contained in the state-
shall be purposes to which such funds are lawfully ment accompanying the application for registration.
applicable under this Act ;
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
d. The maintenance of a list of the members of the Trade
Union and adequate facilities for the inspection thereof by Section 9: Certificate of Registration
the [office-bearers] and members of the Trade Union ; The Registrar, on registering a Trade Union under Section 8,
e. The admission of ordinary members who shall be persons shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form
actually engaged or employed in an industry with which the which shall be conclusive evidence that the Trade Union has
Trade Union is connected, and also the admission of the been duly registered under this Act.
number of honorary or temporary members as [office- Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
bearers] required under Section 22 to form the executive of
Section 10: Cancellation of Registration
the Trade Union ;
A certificate of registration of a Trade Union may be withdrawn
ee. The payment of a subscription by members of the Trade or cancelled by the Registrar-
Union which shall be not less than twenty-five naye paise
a. On the application of the Trade Union to be verified in
per month per member] ;
such manner as may be prescribed, or
f. The conditions under which any member shall be entitled
b. If the Registrar is satisfied that the certificate has been
to any benefit assured by the rules and under which any fine
obtained by fraud or mistake, or that the Trade Union has
or forfeiture may be imposed on the members ;
ceased to exist or has wilfully and after notice from the
g. The manner in which the rules shall be amended, varied or Registrar contravened any provision of this Act or allowed
rescinded ; any rule to continue in force which is inconsistent with any
such provision, or has rescinded any rule providing for any
matter provision for which is required by Section 6:

Provided that not less than two months’ previous notice in Section 14: Certain Acts not to Apply to Registered


writing specifying the ground on which it is proposed to Trade Unions
withdraw or cancel the certificate shall be given by the The following Acts, namely-
Registrar to the Trade Union before the certificate is a. The Societies Registration Act, 1860 (29 of 1860),
withdrawn or cancelled otherwise than on the application of
b. The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912). [* * *] and
the Trade Union.
c. The Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), shall not apply to
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions any registered Trade Union, and the registration of any such
Section 11: Appeal Trade Union under any such Act shall be void.
1. Any person aggrieved by any refusal of the Registrar to
register a Trade Union or by the withdrawal or cancellation
Notes -
of a certificate of registration may, within such period as
may be prescribed, appeal-
a. Where the head office of Trade Union is situated within the
limits of a Presidency town [* * *], to the High Court, or
b. Where the head office is situated in any other area, to such
Court, not inferior to the Court of an additional or
assistant Judge of a principal Civil Court of original
jurisdiction, as the [appropriate Government] may appoint
in this behalf for that area.
2. The appellate Court may dismiss the appeal, or pass an
order directing the Registrar to register the Union and to
issue a certificate of registration under the provisions of
Section 9 or setting aside the order for withdrawal or
cancellation of the certificate, as the case may be, and the
Registrar shall comply with such order.
3. For the purpose of an appeal under sub-section (1) an
appellate Court shall, so far as may be, follow the same
procedure and have the same powers as it follows and has
when trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908,
and may direct by whom the whole or any part of the costs
of the appeal shall be paid, any such costs shall be recovered
as if they had been awarded in a suit under the said Code.
4. In the event of the dismissal of an appeal by any Court
appointed under clause (b) of sub-section (1), the person
aggrieved shall have a right of appeal to the High Court,
and the High Court shall, for the purpose of such appeal,
have all the powers of an appellate Court under sub-
sections (2) and (3), and the provisions of those sub-
sections shall apply accordingly.
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
Section 12: Registered Office
All communications and notices to a registered Trade Union
may be addressed to its registered office. Notice of any change
in the address of the head office shall be given within fourteen
days of such change to the Registrar in writing, and the changed
address shall be recorded in the register referred to in Section 8.
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions
Section 13: Incorporation of Registered Trade Unions
Every registered Trade Union shall be a body corporate by the
name under which it is registered, and shall have perpetual
succession and a common seal with power to acquire and hold
both movable and immovable property and to contract, and
shall by the said name sue and be sued.
Chapter: Registration of Trade Unions



Objective: during that year and of the balance at the credit of those
The study of this lesson will help you identify: funds at the commencement of that year ; and
• Rights, liabilities and regulations of registered TU k. Subject to any conditions contained in the notification, any
• Penalties and Procedure other object notified by the appropriate Government in the
Official Gazette.
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Registered Trade Unions Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Registered Trade Unions
Section 15: Objects on which General Funds may be
Spent Section 16: Constitution of a Separate Fund for
The general funds of a registered Trade Union shall not be Political Purposes
spent on any other objects than the following, namely- 1. A registered Trade Union may constitute a separate fund,
a. The payment of salaries, allowances and expenses to office- from contributions separately levied for or made to that
bearers of the Trade Union ; fund, from which payments may be made, for the
promotion of the civic and political interests of its
b. The payment of expenses for the administration of the
members, in furtherance of any of the objects specified in
Trade Union, including audit of the accounts of the general
sub-section (2).
funds of the Trade Union ;
2. The objects referred to in sub-section (1) are -
c. The prosecution or defence of any legal proceeding to which
the Trade Union or any member thereof is a party, when a. The payment of any expenses incurred, either directly or
such prosecution of defence is undertaken for the purpose indirectly, by a candidate or prospective candidate for election
of securing or protecting any rights of the Trade Union as as a member of any legislative body constituted under [* *
such or any rights arising out of the relations of any *] the Constitution or of any local authority, before, during,
member with his employer or with a person whom the or after the election in connection with his candidature or
member employs ; election ; or
d. The conduct of trade disputes on behalf of the Trade b. The holding of any meeting or the distribution of any
Union or any member thereof ; literature or documents in support of any such candidate or
prospective candidate ; or
e. The compensation of members for loss arising out of trade
disputes ; c. The maintenance of any person who is a member of any
legislative body constituted under [* * *] the Constitution
f. Allowances to members of their dependants on account of
or of any local authority ; or
death, old age, sickness, accidents or unemployment of
such members ; d. The registration of electors or the selection of a candidate
for any legislative body constituted under [* * *] the
g. The issue of, or the undertaking of liability under, policies
Constitution or of any local authority ; or
of assurance on the lives of members, or under policies
insuring members against sickness, accident or e. The holding of political meetings of any kind, or the
unemployment ; distribution of political literature or political documents of
any kind.
h. The provision of educational, social or religious benefits for
members (including the payment of the expenses of 2-A. In its application to the State of Jammu and Kashmir,
funeral or religious ceremonies for deceased members) or references in sub-section (2) to any legislative body
for the dependants of members ; constituted under the Constitution shall be construed as
including references to the Legislature of that State.
i. The upkeep of a periodical published mainly for the
purpose of discussing questions affecting employers or 3. No member shall be compelled to contribute to the fund
workmen as such ; constituted under sub-section (1); and a member who does
not contribute to the said fund shall not be excluded from
j. The payment, in furtherance of any of the objects on which
any benefits of the Trade Union, or placed in any respect
the general funds of the Trade Union may be spent, of
either directly or indirectly under any disability or at any
contributions to any cause intended to benefit workmen in
disadvantage as compared with other members of the Trade
general, provided that the expenditure in respect of such
Union (except in relation to the control or management of
contributions in any financial year shall not at any time
the said fund) by reason of his not contributing to the said
during that year be in excess of one-fourth of the
fund ; and contribution to the said fund shall not be made
combined total of the gross income which has up to that
a condition for admission to the Trade Union.
time accrued to the general funds of the Trade Union

Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of Section 21: Rights of Minors to Membership of


Registered Trade Unions Trade Unions
Any person who has attained the age of fifteen years may be a
Section 17: Criminal Conspiracy in Trade Disputes
member of a registered Trade Union subject to any rules of the
No office-bearer or member of a registered Trade Union shall
Trade Union to the contrary, and may, subject as aforesaid, enjoy
be liable to punishment under sub-section (2) of Section 120-B
all the right of a member and execute all instruments and given
of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), in respect of any
all acquittance necessary to be executed or given under the rules :
agreement made between the members for the purpose of
furthering any such object of the Trade Union as is specified in Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Section 15, unless the agreement is an agreement to commit an Registered Trade Unions
offence. Section 21-A: Disqualifications of Office-bearers of
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of Trade Unions
Registered Trade Unions 1. A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for
Section 18: Immunity from Civil Suit in Certain being, a member of the executive or any other office-bearer
Cases of a registered Trade Union if-
1. No suit or other legal proceeding shall be maintainable in i. He has not attained the age of eighteen years ;
any Civil Court against any registered Trade Union or any ii. He has been convicted by a Court in India of any offence
office-bearer or member thereof in respect of any act done involving moral turpitude and sentenced to imprisonment,
in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute to which unless a period of five years has elapsed since his release.
a member of the Trade Union is a party on the ground only 2. Any member of the executive or other office-bearer of a
that such act induces some other person to break a contract registered Trade Union who, before the commencement of
of employment, or that it is in nterference with the trade, the Indian Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1964, has been
business or employment of some other person or with the convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude and
right of some other person to dispose of his capital or of sentenced to imprisonment, shall on the date of such
his labour as he wills. commencement cease to be such member or office-bearer
2. A registered Trade Union shall not be liable in any suit or unless a period of five years has elapsed since his release
other legal proceeding in any Civil Court in respect of any before that date.
tortious act done in contemplation or furtherance of a trade 3. In its application to the State of Jammu and Kashmir,
dispute by an agent of the Trade Union if it is proved that reference in sub-section (2) to the commencement of the
such person acted without the knowledge of, or contrary to Indian Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 1964, shall be
express instructions given by, the executive of the Trade construed as reference to the commencement of this Act in
Union. the said State.
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Registered Trade Unions Registered Trade Unions
Section 19: Enforceability of Agreements Section 22: Proportion of Office-bearers to be
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the Connected with the Industry
time being in force, an agreement between the members of a Not less than one-half of the total number of the office-
registered Trade Union shall not be void or voidable merely by bearers of every registered Trade Union shall be persons actually
reason of the fact that any of the objects of the agreement are engaged or employed in an industry with which the Trade
in restraint of trade : Union is connected :
Provided that nothing in this section shall enable any Civil Provided that the appropriate Government may, by special or
Court to entertain any legal proceeding instituted for the express general order, declare that the provisions of this section shall
purpose of enforcing or recovering damages for the breach of not apply to any Trade Union or class of Trade Unions specified
any agreement concerning the conditions on which any mem- in the order.
bers of a Trade Union shall or shall not sell their goods, transact
business, work, employ or be employed. Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Registered Trade Unions
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
Registered Trade Unions Section 23: Change of Name
Any registered Trade Union may, with the consent of not less
Section 20: Right to Inspect Books of Trade Union than two-thirds of the total number of its members and
The account books of a registered Trade Union and the list of subject to the provisions of Section 25, change its name.
members thereof shall be open to inspection by an office-bearer
or member of the Trade Union at such times as may be Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
provided for in the rules of the Trade Union. Registered Trade Unions
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of Section 24: Amalgamation of Trade Unions
Registered Trade Unions

Any two or more registered Trade Unions may become Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of

amalgamated together as one Trade Union with or without Registered Trade Unions
dissolution or division of the funds of such Trade Unions or
Section 27: Dissolution
either or any of them, provided that the votes of at least one-
half of the members of each or every such Trade Union entitled 1. When a registered Trade Union is dissolved, notice of the
to vote are recorded, and that at least sixty per cent of the votes dissolution signed by seven members and by the Secretary
recorded are in favour of the proposal. of the Trade Union shall, within fourteen days of the
dissolution, be sent to the Registrar, and shall be registered
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of by him if he is satisfied that the dissolution has been
Registered Trade Unions effected in accordance with the rules of the Trade Union,
Section 25: Notice of Change of Name or and the dissolution shall have effect from the date of such
Amalgamation registration.
1. Notice in writing of every change of name and of every 2. Where the dissolution of a registered Trade Union has been
amalgamation, signed, in the case of a change of name, by registered and the rules of the Trade Union do not provide
the Secretary and by seven members of the Trade Union for the distribution of funds of the Trade Union on
changing its name, and, in the case of an amalgamation, by dissolution, the Registrar shall divide the funds amongst
the Secretary and by seven members of each and every Trade the members in such manner as may be prescribed.
Union which is a party thereto, shall be sent to the Registrar, Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
and where the head office of the amalgamated Trade Union Registered Trade Unions
is situated in a different State, to the Registrar of such State.
Section 28: Returns
2. If the proposed name is identical with that by which any
other existing Trade Union has been registered or in the 1. There shall be sent annually to the Registrar, on or before
opinion of the Registrar, so nearly resembles such name as such date as may be prescribed, a general statement, audited
to be likely to deceive the public or the members of either in the prescribed manner, of all receipts and expenditure of
Trade Union, the Registrar shall refuse to register the change every registered Trade Union during the year ending on the
of name. 3lst day of December next preceding such prescribed date,
and of the assets and liabilities of the Trade Union existing
3. Save as provided in sub-section (2), the Registrar shall, if he
on such 3lst day of December. The statement shall be
is satisfied that the provisions of this Act in respect of
prepared in such form and shall comprise such particulars as
change of name have been complied with, register the
may be prescribed.
change of name in the register referred to in Section 8, and
the change of name shall have effect from the date of such 2. Together with the general statement there shall be sent to
registration. the Registrar a statement showing all changes of office-
bearers made by the Trade Union during the year to which
4. The Registrar of the State in which the head office of the the general statement refers, together also with a copy of the
amalgamated Trade Union is situated shall, if he is satisfied rules of the Trade Union corrected up to the date of the
that the provisions of this Act in respect of amalgamation despatch thereof to the Registrar.
have been complied with and that the Trade Union formed
thereby is entitled to registration under Section 6, register 3. A copy of every alteration made in the rules of a registered
the Trade Union in the manner, provided in Section 8, and Trade Union shall be sent to the Registrar within fifteen
the amalgamation shall have effect from the date of such days of the making of the alteration.
registration. 4. For the purpose of examining the documents referred to in
sub-sections (1), (2) and (3), and Registrar, or any officer
Chapter: Rights and Liabilities of
authorized by him, by general or special order, may at all
Registered Trade Unions
reasonable times inspect the certificate of registration,
Section 26: Effects of Change of Name and of account books, registers, and other documents, relating to a
Amalgamation Trade Union, at its registered office or may require their
1. The change in the name of a registered Trade Union shall production at such place as he may specify, in this behalf,
not affect any rights or obligations of the Trade Union or but no such place shall be at a distance of more than ten
render defective any legal proceeding by or against the Trade miles from the registered office of a Trade Union.
Union, and any legal proceeding which might have been Chapter: Regulations
continued or commenced by or against it by its former
name may be continued or commenced by or against it by Section 29: Power To Make Regulations
its new name. 1. The appropriate government may make regulations for the
2. An amalgamation of two or more registered Trade Unions purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.
shall not prejudice any right of any such Trade Unions or 2. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the
any right of a creditor of any of them. foregoing power, such regulations may provide for all or
any of the following matters namely :-

a. The manner in which trade unions and the rules of trade no such office-bearers or person, every member of the


unions shall be registered and the fees payable on executive of the trade union, shall be punishable with fine
registration; which may extend to five rupees and, in the case of a
b. The transfer of registration in the case of any registered continuing default, with an additional fine which may
trade union which has changed its head office from one extend to five rupees for each week after the first during
State to another; which the default continues :
c. The manner in which, and the qualifications of persons by Provided that the aggregate fine shall not exceed fifty rupees.
whom, the accounts of registered trade unions or of any 2. Any person who wilfully makes, or causes to be made, any
class of such unions shall be audited; false entry in, or any omission from, the general statement
d. The conditions subject to which inspection of documents required by section 28, or in or from any copy of rules or of
kept by Registrars shall be allowed and the fees which shall alterations of rules sent to the Registrar under that section,
be chargeable in respect of such inspections, and shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five
hundred rupees.
e. Any matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
3. Every notification made by the Central Government under Chapter: Penalties and Procedure
sub-section (1) of section 22, and every regulation made by Section 32: Supplying False Information Regarding
it under sub-section (1), shall be laid, as soon as may be Trade Unions
after it is made, before each House of Parliament, while it is Any person who, with intent to deceive, gives to any member
in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be of a registered trade union or to any person intending or
comprised in one session or in two or more successive applying to become a member of such trade union any
sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session document purporting to be a copy of the rules of the trade
immediately following the session or the successive sessions union or of any alterations to the same which he knows, or has
aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in reason to believe, is not a correct copy of such rules or alter-
the notification or regulation, or both Houses agree that the ations as are for the time being in force, or any person who,
notification or regulation should not be made, the with the intent, gives a copy of any rules of an unregistered
notification or regulation shall thereafter have effect only in trade union to any person on the pretence that such rules are the
such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; rules of a registered trade union, shall be punishable with fine
so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall which may extend to two hundred rupees.
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously
done under that notification or regulation.
Chapter: Penalties and Procedure
4. Every notification made by the State Government under Section 33: Cognizance of Offences
sub-section (1) of section 22 and every regulation made by 1. No court inferior to that of a Presidency Magistrate or a
it under sub-section (1) shall be laid, as soon as may be after Magistrate of the first class shall try any offence under this
it is made, before the State Legislature. Act.
Chapter: Regulations 2. No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this
Act, unless complaint thereof has been made by, or with
Section 30: Publication of Regulations the previous sanction of, the Registrar or, in the case of an
1. The power to make regulations conferred by section 29 is offence under section 32, by the person to whom the copy
subject to the condition of the regulations being made after was given, within six months of the date on which the
previous publication. offence is alleged to have been committed.
2. The date to be specified in accordance with clause (3) of
section 23 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), as
that after which a draft of regulations proposed to be made
will be taken into consideration shall not be less than three
months from the date on which the draft of the proposed
regulations was published for general information.
3. Regulations as made shall be published in the Official
Gazette, and on such publication shall have effect as if
enacted in this Act.
Chapter: Penalties and Procedure
Section 31: Failure to Submit Returns
1. If default is made on the part of any registered trade union
in giving any notice or sending any statement or other
document as required by or under any provisions of this
Act, every office-bearer or other person bound by the rules
of the trade union to give or send the same, or, if there is


Learning Objective ‘most effective method of resolving industrial disputes. It


• The study of this lesson will help you: occurs when representatives of two groups (labour union and
management) meet and attempt to negotiate an agreement that
• Understand the rights and interest of the employee in the
specifies the nature of future relationships between the two. It
could be to determine employees wages and benefits, to create
Introduction or revise work rules, and to resolve disputes or violations of the
As we can put and all will agree that industrial relations (IR) is lobour contract.
inherently a bipartite relationship. Like in any other relationship The bargaining is collective in the sense that the chosen
IR too has parties to it. The parties to this relationship include representative of the employees (i.e. the union) acts as a
union and management, representing workers and employer, bargaining agent for all the employees in carrying out negotia-
respectively. Similar to other relationships, the union manage- tions and dealing with the management.
ment relationship is highly complex.
In the case of the corporation in which the paid professional
The complexity can be attributed to: managers represent the interest of the stockholders and the
Divergence of interests, board of directors in bargaining with the union leaders.
Perspectives, On the employee side too it could be collective in those
Expectations, common situations in which the companies have joined
Value systems and together in an employer association for purposes of bargaining
with union.
Goals of the two parties.
The ILO (International Labour Organization) Workers Manual
Consequently, there is immense possibility of misunderstand- defines collective bargaining as:
ing incongruence and conflict at any point of time in
organizational setting over the terms and conditions of Negotiations about working conditions and terms of employ-
employment. As the organizations find it difficult to survive ment between an employer, a group of employers or one or
and grow in an environment of conflict and misunderstand- more employers’ organizations and one or more representatives
ings, it is desirable that both the parties sit together to resolve workers’ organizations on the other, with a view to reaching
their differences and conflicts through mutual discussions and agreement wherein the terms of an agreement serve as a code
negotiations without the intervention of a third party. This defining the rights and obligation of each party in their
process of resolving the differences between union and employment relations with one another; it fixes a large number
management in the absence of any third party is widely of detailed conditions of employment, and during its validity
designated as collective bargaining. none of the matters it deals with can in normal circumstances
give grounds for dispute concerning an individual worker’.
Perhaps, Sydney and Beatrice Webb coined the term ‘Collective Thus, as opposed to individual bargaining, it relates to group
Bargaining’ in 1897. Probably, it means: ‘to bar the gains (of bargaining about wages and salaries and working conditions.
others), collectively’. The parties may be trade unions or their federations on the one
According to Harbinson, collective bargaining is ‘a process of hand and an employer or his representative or an employers’
accommodation between two institutions which have both association or federation, on the other.
common and conflicting interests’. It purports not to attain Flanders identifies the distinctive nature of collective bargaining
industrial peace at any price. Rather, it aims at the attainment of to be basically a political institution in which the rules are made
the commonly held goals of a free society. by trade unions of workers, employers and corporations/
Irrespective the causes of industrial disputes the consequences organizations. In fact, despite the divergence in their structures
are harmful to all and functions, trade unions have a common objective of
Stakeholders negotiation with the employer about a written agreement
Management embracing employment conditions as well as labour manage-
ment relationship on mutually accepted terms. Thus, collective
Employees bargaining is nothing but negotiation, administration and
Economy and interpretation of written agreement between the union and
Society management, which covers a specific period of time. It is a
As the famous saying goes ‘United we stand and Divided we procedure adopted by union and management to compromise
fall’. A dispute therefore needs to be settled as early as possible. their conflicting interests. Further, it is collective, because, it is a
Among the various available methods for resolving disputes group action involving two parties having trade unions or their
Collective Bargaining is one. And we can say it is probably the federations on the one hand and the employer or his represen-

tative or an employers’ association or federation on the other. It market place haggling by a group of workmen with an em-


is opposed to individual bargaining because it relates to group ployer.
bargaining about wages and salaries and working conditions of As we have already mentioned Flanders identifies the distinctive
the entire organization. It is a democratic process in the labour nature of collective bargaining to be basically a political institu-
management relationship as parties to this process discuss and tion in which the rules are made by the trade unions of
solve their problems across the negotiation table. workers, employers and corporations/organizations.
According to Dunlop and Healy, the system of collective Secondly, since the two aspects of administration and legislation
bargaining represents the extension of the democratic idea into are interlinked, there is a considerable degree of joint regulation
work organizations and it gives workers the feeling of participa- by both the parties, governed by the conventions and customs
tion in the affairs of their department and organization that prevail at the enterprise level.
through various committees.
Thirdly, collective bargaining is not merely an economic process,
According to Adams, collective bargaining is considered to be but more a socio-economic one. The values, aspirations and
the major function of trade unions. expectations also playa significant role.
Jones and Morris viewed that collective bargaining in all its
current complexities is the bread and butter activity of trade
unions, their life blood what their member regard as the reason
for their existence normal means of defending their interests
and maintaining and improving their living standard. More-
over, collective bargaining is a mutual obligation not
compulsion of parties to sign agreement in good faith on
wages and allied conditions of employment.
According to Leap and Crino, one primary indication of good
faith bargaining is willingness to compromise during negotia-
tions and the key for negotiation is to maintain a flexible
attitude and willingness to listen to proposals submitted by the
other side and to make counter offer on those proposals.
Further, it is a continuous and dynamic activity in the employer
and employee relationship because once the agreement period
expires, similar agreement or with different other demands
come up and the nature and duration of agreement may change
with the changing expectations, circumstances and position of
the parties. As, rigidity and arrogance on any party creates
bitterness and gap in any healthy and long lasting relationship,
collective bargaining brings flexibility and dynamism between
the parties in industrial relationship.
Salient Features of Collective Bargaining are:
1. It is a ‘group’ process, wherein one group representing the
employers and the other representing employees sit
together to negotiate terms of employment.
2. It is a process in the sense that it consists of a number of
steps. The starting point is the presentation of the charter
of demands and the last stage is reaching of an agreement,
or a contract, which would serve as the basic law governing
labour management relations over a period of time in an
3. Negotiations form an important aspect of the process of
collective bargaining, Le. there is considerable scope for
discussion, compromise or mutual give and take in the
collective bargaining deliberations rather than confrontation.
4. It is a bipartite process. The employers and the employees
are the only parties, involved in the bargaining process.
There is no third party intervention. The conditions of
employment are regulated by those directly concerned.
The concept of collective bargaining needs to be understood in
its proper perspective. It is not merely a replacement of the



Learning Objective objectives and conceals their real positions ‘until the proper
The study of this lesson will help you: times have reached. Further, the union representatives attempt
• Understand of how and in what levels the collective to pose of winning the management in the long run rather
bargaining can be done. than getting accepted in the current bargaining year.
Collective bargaining is generally structured and con- Early Stages
ducted at three levels: As Dunlop and Healy point out, neither group can normally be
• Plant level experienced to permit the new demand the first time it is posed.
Indeed, a new issue initially causes merely opposition Item the
• Industry level
other group but it may be less novel and seen less outrageous
• National level after the passing of one year. The opposite group may avail
Plant Level opportunity to think it over and visualize administrative
This is the basic or micro level unit, where negotiations are difficulties involving mutual diagnosis. Accordingly, proposals
conducted between the management of the plant and union(s) regarding a pension of a health and welfare issue made by
of the plant. Generally the unions are centered around the union representative may obtain a cool reception initially.
plant, with little or no involvement in other bodies. There are Explicitly, several years may be required before the management
many plant, level agreements but the pioneers, in this field, are is in a position to consider such issues carefully. There is a
Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. period of gestation involved in new contract demands.
Sometimes, despite the large number of initial demands,
Industry Level several new demands are introduced at any point during the
Several units in the same industry band together and form an ‘long period of negotiations prior to the [mal agreement. Some
association, which negotiates with a union having a similar of the demands by the union may be related to its apparent
status. The agreements are somewhat broader in scope and madness and used as ploys in a logical bargaining strategy. There
delineation than the plant level settlements that are very specific. demands should not to taken literally. Some management
The Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sabha negotiates with the mill- representation representative appreciates the strategic significance
owners of Mumbai on behalf of the workers, as it is the of the large number of demands and makes similar counter
recognized industry union. proposals.
National Level However because of theses exaggerated demands and similar
Here the terms of reference and scope are much wider though unrealistic counter proposals, the parties remain quite remote
such agreements are not so common in India. The representa- from each other in the initial stage.
tives of the trade union and the employer negotiate and arrive Indeed, in the initial meetings, it is not possible to reach
at a settlement, but given the industry-cum-region convention agreement because of presence of numerous invited guests
in India, such national level agreements are few. At some from the ranks of each group. Of course, the initial participa-
tripartite conferences convened by the Government of India, tion of rank and files as well as lawyers and consultants is of
certain specific issues have been negotiated and contracted, e.g. utmost significance from political and human relations
the Agreement to Rationalise Work Practices and manning and standpoints. These initial meetings have also utmost educa-
related issues, concluded in 1951 between labour unions tional significance for the bargainers. The presence of numerous
(INTUC) and management. factors does not refrain the bargainers to evaluate each other’s
Stages in Collective Bargaining general position and precisely assess the quality of the other
Sloane and Witney classify the contract negotiation process in side’s proposals are being taken seriously and which are simply
three stages including the early stages, the later stages and the introduced to establish bargaining position. It may be noted
final stages. Union representatives who propose numerous that time element is very crucial in negotiation process. Through
economic and non-economic demands initiate the negotiation experience and understanding of the tactics of the other group,
process. The management representatives, who do not have any the bargainers can effectively use the time principle. Indeed, they
prior experience in bargaining, visualize these demands as should know when to listen, speak, stand firm and concede,
unjustified. Some of the extreme demands may include when to make counter proposals, compromise and suggestion,
appointment of union officers in the board of directors and when to sue illustration or a funny story to resolve tension and
free transportation for all employees. The experienced manage- when to become deadly serous and take a final position.
ment representatives are not at all disturbed by these demands Later Stages
because they consider unions as “political animals” which throw As Sloane and Witney observe, after the termination of the
untenable but “pet” demands of the workers. One of the stage, both parties have adequate understanding of the overall
reasons of these unreasonable demands is that their real

climate of the negotiation process. The union tends to separately in an informal way and reach new agreements. The


understand the objectives of management while the manage- extremely insolvable issues may be entrusted to along-range
ment tends to realize what the union is proposing. Both parties joint study committee to solve subsequently.
end to determine to what extent t they have to go in the Accordingly, as Stevens observes, the approach of the deadline
negotiation, the maximum levels they will accept. At these later squeezes elements of bluff and deception out of the negotia-
stages, the skilled negotiators don not take extreme., rigid tion process as well as exerts pressures to bear with others
positions and tend to throw something on the table for changing the earlier unfavourable situation. Indeed the threat to
discussion without taking a defmite stand on a particular issue. strike or lockout tends to bring about conditions necessary for
A pattern of agreement seems to appear with the minimized an agreement. The deadline seems to foster positive attitudes
disagreement and offer of mutual concessions. They tend to and cause positive actions between the two groups. However,
understand each other’s ultimate goals buy evaluating the sometimes strikes take place, especially in situations where the
arguments and attitudes towards proposals on the bargaining union representatives feel that the package of settlement would
table. Through the process of counter proposal and compro- be refused by the rank and files. They may also happen where
mise, they finally reach a “package” of settlement representing the negotiators fail to evaluate the significance of concession to
the minimum and maximum levels acceptable to both groups. the other group and refuse to grant it. In some cases, in some
Frequently, the skied negotiators employ several techniques to cases bargainers do not give up initial position because of pride
determine the content of the alternative packages. Among, as well as in rare situations they desire a strike to provide an
these techniques are included trading points and counter outlet and accomplish allied objectives.
proposals. As regards the trading points, there are several Before the process of collective bargaining is initiated there
perquisites of this technique. First, attempt should be made to would thus appear to be certain preconditions without which
access the demands of the union from the quantities as well as collective bargaining cannot exist. Here we are going to view and
qualitative standpoints. The negotiators should visualize the discuss the prerequisites for collective bargaining.
points at which the group is very serious. For example, the
union representatives seem utmost concerned about reduction Prerequisites for Collective Bargaining
of work hours. Later on, they realize that the management 1. Careful thought and selection of the negotiation team is
cannot accept it and therefore, they withdraw it in return for imperative. The team should have a mixed composition,
wage increases and union shop. Thus, reduction of hours is including production, finance and IR experts. A person,
used as a trading point. Counter proposals relate it the compro- preferably personnel, should head it and industrial relation
mise in bargaining process. For example, if the union specialist of seniority who has an adequate brief to commit
representatives demand four weeks’ vacation with pay for the enterprise and take decisions, without frequent referrals
employees having three years of service with the company and to top management. For instance, many organizations have
one week for those having less than three years’ service. a vice –president personnel or director-personnel heading
Sometimes, several counter proposals are made prior to the the team with a brief to commit the organization up to a
attainment of a final agreement. certain amount which can be spread out depending on the
negotiating situation based on union demands.
Final Stage
In the final stages of the contract negotiation process, several 2. It is necessary for the management to recognise the union
strategies may be used to reach the agreement. For example, in and to bargain in more good faith, in unionized situations.
some situations, the mere silence may indicate a concession Unions as representatives of the workers’ interest are a
while in others the extent of stress on different points can growing phenomenon. This also puts pressure on the
provide a significant hint. They may suggest a position by citing union to formulae plans and demands in a systematic
statistics or by discussing a settlement in some other industry. manner. Strong union and progressive managements can
On the basis of these strategies, the parties may reach agreement help create an atmosphere of mutual confidence.
on even thorny issues on management rights, union security, 3. The necessity of having open minds, to listen and
the role of seniority and financial benefits. Frequently, prepara- appreciate the others’ concern and point of view and to
tion of an acceptable package involving these may become a have some flexibility in making adjustments to demands
complicated function. This may even lead to a strike deadline, made.
which frequently provides motivation to labour relation’s 4. The need to study adequately or do ‘homework’ on the
agreement. Both groups tends to reassesses their ‘final’ position demands presented, i.e. to gather data on wages and welfare
and balance their rock bottom demands as well as visualize the benefits in similar industries in the geographical area.
earlier bargaining position from a different standpoint.
5. Both the management and the union should be able to
Explicitly, in view of threats of strikes both group are willing to
identify grievances, safety and hygiene problems on a
promise as they are exposed to reality. Indeed, the stoppage of
routine basis and take appropriate remedial steps.
work may cause uncertainties and loss of income to the both
parties and accordingly, they are more keen to bridge differences 6. Trade unions should encourage internal union democracy
than before. This stage is characterized by new developments and have periodic consultations with the rank and file
because each side tends to offer new and generous final members.
proposals. The chief representative from each side may meet

7. Trade unions should equally be concerned with, both claim that they are undecided about benefits when the workers

leading up to a consistent concern for the viability of the themselves do not know what they want. Sengupta (1993 ) feels
firm and its product/services. that ‘the trade union movement, barring a few centres, is still
8. Strikes/lockouts should be resorted to, in the ultimate quite weak in India’ (p.6). Obviously, such disparity in power is
analysis. Periodic discussion may be necessary between the not conducive to collective bargaining.
management and the union to interpret the provisions of But even in the public sector units, there is a weakness of
the contract and clarify doubts. another kind . Excessive political interference and supervision
The above mentioned prerequisites are important for both the by the controlling ministries reduces reduces managements’
parties before they start with the process of collective bargaining. elbowroom and weakens them. Political links make unions
In addition to the above we shall also talk and examine the appear larger than they really are and intimidate managers of
other conditions prior to the process of collective bargaining. these undertakings. But the main blame may well lie with the
government, which did little to give bargaining the legitimacy
To begin with let us first talk about Parity of Power between
that it badly needed.
the two parties-management and unions should be more or les
equal in the matter of power or strength to achieve genuine Bargaining in good faith is another problem. It has been
bargaining status. A weak union, as already seen cannot force observed in several industries like ‘jute, that bargaining is never;
managements even to bargain, let alone achieve anything of undertaken unless employers can exercise a large degree of
substance for its members. But it holds equally well for the intimidation over the other side: Often; bargaining is taken
managements, and a weak management can surrender so many towards a deadlock, which is used as a pretext to close down the
things to powerful unions that the agreement cannot be plant. Bargaining is not done, therefore, in good faith. If
rightfully said to represent the results of a bargain. unions are at all able ,to force it on an unwilling management,
the employers’ intention may well be to engineer a stalemate
Bargaining In Good Faith is another aspect which the bona
and then declare a closure or lockout It is only when both the
fides of the bargaining parties have to be clear right from the
management and unions want to arrive at a settlement, that
start and the existence of hidden agendas can only hamper the
they will behave rationally. .
The other conditions necessary for bargaining to culminate in an
Bargaining may often result in a stalemate, with neither
outcome is the existence of deadlock-breaking devices. These
managements nor unions budging from their respective offers
exist, since strikes and lockouts’ are both legitimate industrial
or demands. Therefore there should exist Mechanisms To
activities. Except for certain restrictions on timing of strikes or
Break A Deadlock . The breaking of this deadlock can be
lockouts, there is considerable freedom for both unions and
achieved in two ways, either through an ultimatum like strikes
managements to make their position clear with regard to certain
or lockouts, or through third party mediation, like arbitration or
issues and try and break the rigidity of the other party by calling
a strike or. a lockout. At the same time, the existence of
Having talked about these conditions let us examine whether conciliation and arbitration also leaves the parties with options
these conditions exist or not. other than striking or closing. In fact, it is found that in recent
Parity of power does not exist in many enterprises. In the years, many of the negotiations end up in .he conciliation
MNCs, where union legitimacy was accepted from the start, officers’ chambers and emerge as Section 12(3) settlements
though not always with good grace, unions had a locus standi under the Industrial Disputes Act. But voluntary arbitration is a
vis-à-vis management. Consequently they had some power. In relatively weak process, since there is’ no standard body of
the public sector units, union legitimacy was never in doubt and arbitrators and few, if any, norms exist for dispute arbitration.
unions thrived in the PSU ambience, though there were other The large private sector organisations where bipartite bargaining
constraints. Collective bargaining therefore , flourished in these takes place relatively freely may find that they are unable to
enterprises. But there are sectors where management have compose their differences and appeal to the government to step
strongly and persistently resisted collective bargaining, just in, either by way of ministerial intervention or by way of
because it bestows the unions with legitimacy. There being no conciliation. Many of the outstanding disputes may get carried
statutory compulsion to bargain, employers have often refused over to the judicial sphere, ‘as has been happening m recent
point blank or in some cases tried to pre-empt union demands years. The deadlock-breaking strike or lockout is often not
by giving workers fairly large wage increases as a preventive possible in India because of the low sustaining power of
measure. In other sectors and enterprises, union existence itself workers and the government’s frequent interventions in the
was in doubt and collective bargaining made either a late start or process, by requesting the two parties to settle up.
is still in its infancy. In some sectors, like informal and small-
Another problem’, which keeps recurring in collective bargain-
scale export industries, collective bargaining if it exists at all, is
ing, is the bargainability of issues. Even in those sectors where
rudimentary, dealing only with basic wages. Government
collective bargaining has been accepted as a way of industrial
employees still have no bargaining.
relations” there still seem to be doubts about the issues which
Multiplicity of unions has further reduced union strength and can or should be bargained. Obviously, unions would like to
managements are only too easily able to play one union off bargain about as many issues as possible” since bargaining
against the other. Rival union demands weaken not only the establishes dual control over those issues. But managements
unions but also the workers’ case. Managements can rationally equally strongly would like to retain their control over as many

decisions as possible. A good example of this is the Bank of


Baroda strike in Calcutta in late 1987.
In this incident, the management of the regional office
,transferred some ‘TaI1ch employees on a Friday afternoon.
Saturday and Sunday were holidays at that time and employees
could not react. Earlier, there had been several representations
against ad hoc transfers in the bank. Except for a tribunal award
in the early 1950s and a 1981 circular of the bank management
laying down norms for non-executive transfers, there were no
proper guidelines for transfers. Banking had undergone major
changes in structure, clientele, purpose and location of branches,
and transfers had become a key issue. Unions wanted a
thorough discussion while the management continued to
maintain that transfer was a managerial prerogative and was not
negotiable. Several other banks had negotiated bipartite
corporate-level agreements on this thorny issue and achieved a
measure of peace. Bank of Baroda was not one of them. On
the Monday following the transfer order, a strike decision was
taken. A 50-day strike ensued, which was called off only at the
intervention of the Chief Minister. The main union involved
was the CITU-affiliated BEFI. But the Chief Minister’s
intervention actually” put the unions and management face-to-
face on the issue. They had to discuss the transfers and arrive at
an agreement, and transfer became negotiable, after a 50-day
The primary issue in this strike was the bargainability of transfer
as an issue. This was not a problem confined to the public
sector. Many private sector companies have also refused to
bargain on some specific issues from time to time, though in
the end, many of them have capitulated. In the Mico case
mentioned earlier, it was the issue of manning of machines.
The management refused to bargain on the ground that
manning and deployment were managerial prerogatives, a fact
disputed by the unions.
But in spite of the non-existence of some pre-conditions for
successful bargaining, or a minimal infrastructure in the form of
determination of bargaining agent, or compulsion to negotiate,
collective bargaining has been growing. In other words, it is
obviously the more preferred form of dispute resolution
‘among industrial enterprises. Even though the wage boards
gave decisions favourable to workers, both unions and
managements showed their preference for collective bargaining,
no matter how circumscribed it was.



Learning Objective difficult to isolate. This data therefore serves as the base for
The study of this lesson will help you: negotiations to move on, coupled with other
• Understand of how collective bargaining concept helps in arguments by unions, particularly in boom and normal periods.
the fixation of wages. The engine plant of Amalgamations group in Madras did
A significant feature of collective bargaining is the wages that resort to a productivity type bargain many years back. In the
will be paid for the work done by the employees. The union’s plantation industry, work norms are established for each type of
concern as well as that of the management is the criteria utilized activity. The emphasis here is on achievements of targets. If the
in wage negotiations. In actual fact the union is rarely involved worker is fast and does not take the full time for scheduled
in setting the original job rates; management does this. The breaks and if he [mishes his assigned task early, then he does
union is actually involved in enhancing, or, at least, preventing a not have to wait; he may leave the work spot. The emphasis
decrease of wages. This factor is significant in determining the here is not on time spent, but on output and quality. The
union’s wage criteria and is to be taken in conjunction with the Indian Railways have also established a productivity base, taking
economic factors prevalent in the plant or the industry. The a base year as a norm and comparing subsequent years’ perfor-
major criteria used by mance with the base, to identifY variations and establish the
unions and management in setting wage levels can be classified productivity achieved. In fact the Government of India tried
as: (i) measures of equity; (ii) measures of need; and (iii) hard to propagate the concept of productivity-linked bonus, to
measures of contribution. However the most commonly used boost output and control inflation, especially at the time of
criteria are comparable wages, cost power. Only unions use the payment during the festive season.
living wages and purchasing power criteria as a justification for In India, collective bargaining as one of the methods of wage
their demands. To the management, wages are a cost and to the fixation has been adopted in many industries. Most of the
worker (union) income. Some concerns for management would agreements are at the plant level, though some significant
be in terms of saving by reducing workers or transferring industry level agreements have also been concluded. The
resources for technological improvements. The workers numbers of long-term agreements are also on the increase in
(unions) will constantly the range of two to five years. Since the Industrial Disputes Act
compare themselves with others in the same field. These issues 1947, which governs the relations between management and
are usually examined in the context of the commonly used workers of Industrial establishments, does not provide for
wage criteria referred to earlier. recognition of trade union as a sole bargaining agent, collective
bargaining has been more frequent in industries where there are
Another area of significance is that of productivity bargaining.
majority unions.
The concept of productivity bargaining has gained increasing
attention in the Indian industrial relations system. In such Apart from dealing with issues relating to wage matters,
agreements advantages such as higher wages or increased leisure collective agreements cover a wide range of aspects of employ-
are given to workers for accepting changes on established work ment from recruitment to retirement.
practices and organization of work itself, thus reducing/ The scope of collective bargaining agreements now covers issues
eliminating waste and leading to more effective working. such as:
Randle and Wortman state: “ Productivity usually refers to Wages Bonus
output in physical units per man-hour of work. It is a measure Overtime Paid holidays
of the relationship between the volume of goods produced
Paid sick leave Safety wear
and one factor of input-Iobour time.” However, labour is only
an input and there are several other variables such as “ more Production norms
efficient utilization of fuel, more economical materials; technical Hours of work Performance appraisal
improvements in machines; in organization and in processes; Workers’ participation in management Hiring
the skill and effort of the work force; the efficiency of manage-
Fixing of job evaluation norm and Modernization.
ment and the state of Lobour Relations”. Increased
productivity is usually reflected in increased ability to pay and Although the scope of collective bargaining is expanding, wages
therefore industries with high or increasing productivity are remain their main concern. The ILO in its comparative study of
generally able to pay high wages. Data shows that historically collective bargaining methods and practices in industrialized
productivity has been going up at the aggregate for the national countries notes that in many of the countries the terms of
level. Productivity data is computed both nationally and plant- employment settled across the table set a pattern in industries,
wise. Man-hour production over time is the basis for calculating i.e. the new terms are incorporated informally. In other coun-
the productivity, but as argued earlier Lobour’s contribution is tries, the terms settled across the bargaining table received a legal

sanction. For instance, in USA and Canada, the law enforces that down by it. These included prima facie establishment of a case


the union certified as the exclusive bargaining agent represent for Governmental intervention, as much as feasibility of
the interests of all employees in the bargaining unit, whether or enforcement, including the cost of such enforcement. Legisla-
not they are union members. Collective bargaining in most tion was also hinted at if the need was proved. That
industrialized countries has gained acceptance to such a great Commission was, however, more concerned with the problem
extent that it is regarded as synonymous with, or as constitut- of payment of wages. Unfair deductions seemed to be the rule
ing, an essential part of the industrial relation system. then, and special measures were needed to check them. A direct
result of the emphasis in the Whitley Commission’s report on
Wage Policy - Assessment and Issue
unfair deductions and the need to check them was the passing
In all countries, wage policy is a complex and sensitive area of
of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936. Among other observa-
public policy. This is because the relative status of workers in
tions of that Commission we would like to point out one
the society, their commitment to industry and attitude towards
which holds good even today. The Commission felt that the
management, their morale and motivation towards productiv-
problems of wages of the industrial workers should not be
ity, their living standard and in fact their way of life are all
considered in isolation; the prosperity of the industrial workers
conditioned by wages. Hence, a policy dealing with this crucial
and the community would have to advance simultaneously. In
problem cannot be simply economic, as it has to reckon with
this regard it observed:’ “Indian industry is not a world in itself;
the realities of multi-dimensional social phenomena, in which
it is an element, and by no means the most important element,
besides the worker and the management, the consumer and the
in the economic life of the community. Care must be taken,
society at large, and in consequence the State, are all vitally
therefore, to ensure that, in adopting measures for the better-
interested. Wage policy is a determinant of the shares of the
ment of industry or of industrial workers, the interests of the
rival claimants of the product of industry and national
community as a whole are not overlooked.”
dividend, but there may often be a conflict between its short
run and long run objectives as well as between private and social There were no significant developments in the field of wage
interests. There are, of course, theoretical generalisations or policy consequent on the Whitley Commission’s report. But
principles that may provide scientific guidelines for framing a towards the end of the thirties, ad hoc committees were
wage policy. Equally important in this context are the concrete appointed for settling the wage structure in some Provinces.
social facts that must be taken into account in its formulation at Active Government intervention started on an all-India basis
any given time. No principle of wage policy can ever be applied only during the Second World War. Additional payments in the
in vacuum and in disregard of the realities of a situation. Wage form of dearness allowance to workers for rise in prices and a
policy has to be pragmatic, though it does not follow that it has share in war-time prosperity through bonuses became more
to be unscientific and remain simply a matter of expediency. commonly acceptable than in the past. The Rege Committee
which surveyed the position prevailing at that time felt that in
In well-organised and developed economies, inter-relations
the matter of wage fixation the guiding principles, if any,
between wages and other factor prices can be worked out on a
appeared to be in favour of maintaining the status quo ante. It
priori considerations. In others with a large measure of
felt that the practice of thinking in terms of short term gains
regimentation, dogmatic solutions can be enforced. But in an
without adopting a scientific attitude in regard to wage fixation
economy in the process of development and with people
would be in the long run detrimental no less to labour than to
wedded to democratic institutions, the difficulties in framing a
industry. It also referred to the difference in the levels of wages
wage policy are manifold. It is in this setting that we have to
in agriculture and in industries and observed that such differ-
view the various issues connected with wage policy in our
ences should not be over-emphasised; they could be partly
justified because of the conditions under which the industrial
Early History workers were made to work and live. The fact that agricultural
For a long time, laissez faire operated in dealing with wage wages were low could not be a justification for keeping indus-
problems. But the beginnings of third party intervention are trial wages low as well1 The 1946 Programme referred to the
not all that recent as is popularly believed. Without Govern- following three elements of wage policy which are equally
ment being brought in, settlement of wage demands through relevant today:
third party intervention was accepted in Ahmedabad as far back
i. “the statutory prescription of minimum wages in sweated
as 1918 at the instance of Mahatma Gandhi. Ad hoc enquiry
industries and occupations and in agriculture”,
committees, without statutory backing, for settling specific wage
issues were not unknown either. Government’s intervention in ii. “promotion of ‘Fair Wage’ agreements”, and
the field of industrial relations came with the Indian Trade iii. “steps to secure for workers in plantations, a living wage”.2
Disputes Act, 1929; and in early days such intervention was Policy Statements Since Independence
mainly for regulation of wages. The Whitley Commission The next significant event of the period was the adoption of
which reported later, apart from giving a factual account of wage the Industrial Truce Resolution (1947) which was an aftermath
levels in different industries, referred to questions connected of the industrial unrest immediately prior to and after Indepen-
with minimum wages, standardisation, inter-sectoral wages and dence. The relevant portion3 of the Resolution states. “...The
incentives, and suggested surveys for collection of wage data. system of remuneration to capital as well as labour must be so
It—recommended a minimum-wage fixing machinery of a devised that while in the interests of the consumers and the
wage board type for industries satisfying certain criteria laid primary producers excessive profits should be prevented by

suitable measures of taxation and otherwise, both will share the To give effect to the recommendations of the CFW, the Fair

product of their common effort after making provision for Wages Bill was introduced in the Constituent Assembly of
payment of fair wages to labour, a fair return on capital India (Legislative). Though it was not enacted, the then Prime
employed in the industry and reasonable reserves for the Minister, the late Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, stated in the Parliament
maintenance and expansion of the undertaking”. in April, 1950: “Government are committed to the principles of
The Industrial Policy Resolution (1948) emphasised inter alia its fair wages as recommended by the Tripartite Committee”.2 The
intension (a) to fix statutory minimum wages in sweated Bill lapsed after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. It
industries and (b) to promote fair wage agreements in the more was not pursued in the Parliament later. The Constitution of
organised industries. To facilitate the former, the Minimum India which was adopted in November, 1949 included the
Wages Act, 1948 had already been passed. For the latter the securing of a ‘living wage’ to workers as one of the Directive
Government appointed the Committee on Fair Wages (CFW) Principles of State Policy. An important development at about
“to determine the principles on which fair wages should be this time was the setting up of the First Pay Commission
based and to suggest the lines on which these principles should (1946-47) which examined and reshaped the salary structure of
be applied”. the Central Government employees. The principles of wage
fixation enunciated by that Commission and accepted by
The CFW defined three distinct levels of wages, viz., living
Government influenced the wage fixing authorities when they
wage, fair wage and minimum wage. The ‘living wage’ according
dealt with cognate issues. It would also be not incorrect to state
to it, represented a standard of living which provided not
that the Pay Commission was itself influenced by what was
merely for a bare physical subsistence but for maintenance of
happening in the field of wages and salaries in non-Govern-
health and decency, a measure of frugal comfort including
mental employment. It is possible that this aspect off
education for the children, protection against ill-health, require-
inter-relationship will continue to have an impact on any policy
ments of essential social needs and some insurance against the
leading to remuneration for work.
more important misfortunes. The ‘minimum wage’ was to
ensure not merely the bare sustenance of life but the preserva- The First Plan, while cautioning against a general upward
tion of the efficiency of the worker by providing some measure movement of wages which would set in motion a wage-price
of education, medical requirements and amenities. It envisaged spiral, recommended that wage increases should be granted
that while the lower limit for “fair wage” must obviously be the mainly to remove anomalies or where the existing rates were
minimum wage, the upper limit was set by the capacity of the very low. It also recommended restoration of the pre-war levels
industry to pay. Between these two limits the actual wage would of real wages as a first step towards the ‘living wage’ through
depend on (i) the productivity of labour, (ii) the prevailing rates increased productivity. Factors like the need for reduction of
of wages, (iii) the level of national income and its disparities in income, the distance which wages of different
distribution,and (iv) the place of the industry in the economy categories of workers had to cover before attaining the living
of the country.* In the actual calculation of the fair wage, the wage standard, the need for standardisation, and maintenance
CFW observed that it was not possible to assign any definite of wage differentials at a level necessary to provide incentives
weights to these factors. The wage fixing machinery should were suggested for being taken into account in making wage
relate a fair wage to a fair load of work and the needs of a adjustments. These features were reasserted in the Second Plan,
standard family consisting of three consumption units inclusive but a shift in emphasis was introduced; it required that
of the earner. The capacity of a particular industry in a specified improvement in wages should result mainly from increased
region should be taken into account to determine ‘the capacity productivity brought about not merely by more efficient work
to pay’ and this in turn could be ascertained by taking a fair on the part of labour but also by better layout of plants,
crosssection of the industry in the region concerned. The improvements in management practices and the like. A wider
Committee recognised, “the present level of our national application of the system of payment by results, subject to
income does not permit of payment of a ‘living wage’ on safeguards like fall-back wages, protection against fatigue and
standards prevalent in more advanced countries”. But, according undue speed-up, was envisaged. But the more significant
to it this should not preclude the fixation of fair wages on contribution of the Second Plan was its recommendation that
different and lower standards. “At almost any level of the for settling industry-wise wage disputes, tripartite wage boards
national income, there should be a certain level of minimum which gave the parties themselves a hand in shaping the wage
wages which the society can afford; what it cannot afford are structure would be more appropriate. Two other developments
minimum wages fixed at a level which would reduce employ- in this period which deserve special mention are: (i) the
ment itself and thereby diminish the national income” recommendations of 15th Indian Labour Conference in regard
to the need-based minimum wage, and (ii) the report of the
The CFW recognised that the concepts laid down by it could
Second Pay Commission in respect of Central Government
not be viewed in any static sense; they would vary from time to
employees, whose recommendations about the need-based
time, depending on the economic and social developments in
minimum wage created a public controversy.3 The Third Plan
the country. The principle that luxuries of today become
generally endorsed the recommendations made in the earlier
necessities of tomorrow was implicit in this recognition. These
Plans in regard to minimum wage fixation, reduction of
recommendations have exerted considerable influence on wage
disparities, wage differentials and the like, but brought into
fixing authorities in the period under review.
sharper focus the role of productivity in improving the living
standards of workers. It observed “neither the exercise of their

organised strength in industrial conflicts, nor laws and the However, a part of the increased time loss could be attributed


intervention of the State can help the workers much in realising to the number of new units established in recent years and the
their aspirations. Their gains can arise only out of the strength consequent increase in industrial employment and improve-
and dynamism of the economy, the only enduring basis of ments in the methods of reporting mandays lost. Taking these
which is a rising level of productivity”.1 Thus, while the policy factors into account, we feel that loss of production through
in regard to wages as enumerated in the Plans remained more or wage disputes is not that significant. This statement should not
less the same in its essential features, a shift in emphasis be interpreted to suggest that we are indifferent to the possible
towards productivity in recent years is discernible. effects of work stoppages on production, nor do we wish to
minimise the serious consequences of a work stoppage in a key
Indicators of Assessment
sector which results in indirect production loss elsewhere.
Every aspect of wage policy cannot be evaluated in this section
nor is such an evaluation called for. Some aspects, however, Levels of living
figure in the detailed analysis in the following chapters. What is The level of living is a function of real wages. It has been urged
attempted here is an assessment of the general wage policy, and before us by the
in this, the first task is to identify the indicators for such workers’ representatives that the industrial relations machinery
evaluation. This is not easy since different indicators may not set up by the Government to settle wage disputes worked in
necessarily lead to the same conclusion, while firm data may not such a manner as to result in a restraint on wages. This has been
be available for some. We have, therefore, chosen the indicators so on account of the time taken in the judicial process or by the
which are intended to provide an overall view and tried to make tribunals in giving wage awards particularly when these were
our assessment as reliable and practicable within the limitations extended beyond their original period of application. While it is
cf the data available to us. The indicators selected by us are: (i) not possible to say what the precise impact of this aspect on
the state of industrial harmony; (ii) the changes in workers’ level levels of living has been, taking the period 1947 to 1966 for
of living; (iii) changes in productivity; (iv) the impact of wages which data have been analysed in the last chapter, it would
on prices; and (v) the share of wages in the value added by appear that real wages after a rise in the period 1947 to 1955
manufacture. (reaching in the process the 1939 real wage level in 1952, and
Industrial Harmony improving upon it thereafter) have been declining subsequently.
An index of industrial harmony is the number of mandays lost Part of the real wage increase between 1947 and 1955 was
owing to industrial disputes. Although the break-up of the fortuitous because of a tall in living costs. The net effect of the
total time loss is not available according to the causes of operations of the industrial disputes machinery on wages of
disputes for the whole period, it would not be unreasonable to factory workers has been that in 1965 the industrial workers at
assume that the trend in time loss would be considerably the lower levels were earning hardly a real wage corresponding to
influenced by disputes relating to wages and cognate issues as that of the year 1952. Evidence from the side of labour has
they constitute nearly 40 per cent of the total number of emphasised this fact. Some independent researches also
disputes even now. An appraisal of the trend in mandays lost corroborate this fall in real earnings. Wages of coal miners,
over the period shows that the loss was maximum between however, have
Independence and the First Plan which also happened to be the consistently improved since 1956. But this improvement is due
period when the real earnings of industrial workers were below to the initial low level of wages at which the miners worked
the 1939 level. On an average, 11.3 million mandays were lost prior to 1956. In plantations, the situation appeared to be
per annum between 1946 and 1950. The improvement in real somewhat better than in the case of factory establishments. In
wages brought about in the years of the First Plan seems to ports and docks and in some sections of white collar employ-
have had a salutary effect on industrial harmony; the loss was ments, workers did secure gains. On the whole, between 1952
on an average only 3.9 million mandays per annum. More than and 1965, while per capita real income has improved, the real
the absolute level cf earnings, it appears that it was the rate of wages of workers have, with few exceptions, at best not fallen.
improvement in real earnings which was significant. Between But the situation has deteriorated since 1965—66 due to a
the Second Plan and the first four years of the Third Plan, for further rise in living costs.
which we have reliable data, real earnings have been falling. The
Changes in Productivity
time loss was higher than what was witnessed in the First Plan,
Labour productivity and changes therein are difficult to measure
but much below that in the years prior to 1950. Provisional
and there are no reliable indices available in. this respect. A few
figures on real earnings for the two years thereafter show a
independent researches in the field in specified industries have
confirmation of this downward trend. The spurt in price level
generally been limited by the assumptions made and lack of
in 1967 eroded the real wage further. The years 1966 and 1967
availability of data and precision in operational concepts. Their
saw a deterioration in the industrial harmony with the time loss
results have not been generally acceptable. The main difficulty in
per annum averaging much higher than in the years between
measuring labour productivity arises owing to the output not
1956 and 1965.
being an exclusive product of labour. Capital, technology and
For a realistic appreciation of the industrial relations situation, it management—all contribute to it along with labour and these
is not enough to study only the trend in time loss over a period seldom remain constant. In consequence, increases in per capita
of years. It has to be related to the time worked. On this we do output cannot be attributed to labour alone, much less the total
not have reliable information to come to a definite conclusion. output. Valuation of the physical product presents another set

of problems. All that we have is information about changes in Trend of Evidence

output per worker at constant prices. These cannot, of course, In the evidence before us, every group, Government, employers,
be taken as indices of labour productivity. With these limita- trade unions or independent persons, agreed that wage policy
tions on understanding the changes in productivity, we notice should be geared to policies for economic development. Each
that for industries for which serial data are group, however, had its own notions of how development
available, value added by manufacture has increased from Rs. should be achieved. Employers emphasised that industrial
2,113 in the year 1952 to Rs. 4,621 in 1964.1 wages should have relationship with wages in agriculture as also
with the average per capita national income. Linking wages to
Adjusting the increase in net output for price changes during
productivity was another argument of theirs though in the
the period 1952 to 1964—and in this case it would be safe to
course of further discussion, they admitted such linkage to be
use the index numbers of wholesale prices (for manufac-
valid only for levels beyond the basic minimum wage. They
tures)—we find that production per worker has increased by
agreed that a subsistence minimum wage must be a primary
about 63 per cent between 1952 and 1964. A part of it must
charge on the employer, but the minimum as defined by the
have been contributed by labour whose real earnings have
CFW should have some relationship with the capacity to pay.
remained almost static during the period.
Employers also sense some dangers in the present arrangement
Impact on Prices of neutralising rise in prices by providing dearness allowance
An analysis of data in the Census of Indian Manufactures upto linked with consumer price index numbers. They feel the need
1958 and in its for a flexible wage arrangement, consistent with industry’s need
successor, the Annual Survey of Industries, for later years to raise resources out of its own surpluses, to meet at least a
shows that between 1952 and 1958, money wages as a percent- part of the cost of its expansion programme as suggested by
age of total output dropped from 13.7 to 11.4. Between 1960 the Government.
and 1964, on the basis of the new series of the Annual Survey Unions in their evidence emphasised restoration of the recent
of industries, the drop was from 10.9 to 9.7. The decline varies fall in real earnings as a first step and, eventually, raising of
from industry to industry but has been registered in all cases, living standards of workers through increases in wages
except in case of fair sized units in the match industry where commensurate with increases in productivity. Some of the facts
wage costs as a proportion of the cost of production have gone which have been brought out in the earlier section of this
up. Even after adjusting the gross output in 1964 for prices chapter have been mentioned in support of their demand.
(1952=100) and working out the share of wages to the output, Workers’ organisations do not recognise that their claim is
so adjusted, there is a fall between 1952 and 1964. antithetical to development. Fair wage to labour is an item of
Share of Wages cost. Resource requirements for the development of industry
Finally, one has to take into account the share of workers in the capital formation and return to entrepreneur in their opinion,
value added by should come after provision of fair wages for labour. According
to unions, planning in India, in spite of its operations for the
manufacture. And in this indicator, only two shares count: (i)
last 18 years, has not improved the per capita availability of
of employers and those who have provided capital in the
consumer goods to the common man. On the contrary, the
expectation of a dividend and (ii) of workers. The percentage
supply position has been such as to have resulted in a sacrifice
of wages to the value added by manufacture, on the basis of
by the working class. Income disparities have, likewise, not been
the CMI data, shows a decline from about 50 per cent in the
reduced nor is there any evidence in the current policies that they
period 1949-50 to about 40 per cent in 1958. This trend seems
will be kept under control. Some of the arguments used by
to have continued in the subsequent years as revealed by the
employers for shaping wage policy so as to deny to workers
data from the ASI. For instance, wages as a percentage of value
their proper share could, with equal justification, be used against
added declined from about 40 per cent in 1960 to 36.5 per cent
capital. Established social and economic relationship will have
in 1964, the latest year for which information is available. Even
to change if progressive wage policies are to be pursued; and
if the money value of benefits and privileges is taken into
national commitment to planning should amount to a change
account, the conclusion remains the same, though the decline
in the established social order. Administrative agencies have
then becomes less sharp.
lacked vigour in giving relief to labour even where beneficial
To sum up, we note that increases in money wages of industrial legislation has been enacted and suitable policies have been
workers since Independence have not been associated with a rise framed.
in real wages nor have real wage increases been commensurate
The State Governments have generally recognised the need for a
with improvements in productivity. Simultaneously, wage costs
change in wage policy. The relative emphasis which according to
as a proportion of total costs of manufacture have registered a
them is now in favour of labour should be modified and the
decline and the same is true about workers’ share in value added
interest of consumers should also be taken into account.’ While
by manufactures. Wage disputes under these conditions have
in this respect their evidence seems to go counter to that of
continued to be the single most important cause of all indus-
labour representatives, they are at one with labour in accepting
trial disputes.
that such beneficial policy measures as have been enunciated or
enacted have suffered for want of adequate implementation.
Government’s commitment to improve living conditions in the
country and to bring about a fair distribution of income and

wealth have been reiterated in a memorandum which we market imperfections in agriculture and cottage industries


received from the Cabinet Secretary in response to the leading to sweated labour, but it also tails to recognise the
Chairman’s request to the then Deputy Prime Minister and economic necessity of a higher wage in the modern
Minister for Finance and to the Home Minister for an authorita- organised sector to transfer labour from the traditional
tive statement from Government on some issues relating to sector. It is generally so in all transitional economies where
wages. It was also urged by the Government spokesmen that such ‘pull factors’ have to be built up. The disparity between
the scope of economic development to raise living standards industrial and other wages may not be due to the fact that
and to provide more employment in the immediate future was the former are disproportionately high, but because the
limited by resources. The same view was expressed by the latter are disproportionately low. It was for this reason that
Planning Commission. the Minimum Wages Act had to be enacted in 1948 to cover
We analyse at this stage some of the suggestions made in the the scheduled industries. In any case, agricultural wages have
evidence before us. A point is made that industrial wages been increasing in recent years; and in all areas, agricultural
should not be out of alignment with (a) per capita national labour is seldom available in the peak season on the
income, (b) wages earned in the agriculture/cottage industries, statutory minimum wages. But a certain amount of
(c) the general level of earnings of the self-employed, and (d) disparity between industrial wages and wages in agriculture
levels of productivity. This needs examination. or cottage industries is necessary and must continue for the
general health of the economy.
a. The main contentions of those advocating a linkage of
industrial wages with per capita income are that (i) wages at c. The earnings of the self-employed persons and wages of
any given time in any sector should not be out of gear with employees can bear no comparison anywhere. Their effort
average earnings as reflected by per capita income and (ii) and sacrifices are altogether different and so are their
wage changes over time should not be out of tune with working conditions. Their respective productivities and
changes in per capita income. The first contention fails to earnings cannot be related. Very often a self-employed
recognise that in any economy sectoral productivities are worker may be under-employed. His earnings, therefore,
bound to differ due to differences in skills, technology and cannot be taken as a criterion to determine the wages of a
capital and hence wage differentials are not only inevitable worker required to put in full-time work.
but based on sound grounds. It is of course necessary that d. The argument that wages be linked to productivity has
the extremes which reflect imperfections of the market and much to commend itself on principle. It is actually on this
inadequacies of measurement should be avoided. The basis that wage differentials have a justification; and on this
second contention would be valid if wages in each sector basis, industrial wages in general have to be higher than
were related to marginal productivity and the latter changed wages in agriculture or cottage industries. It may further be
at the same rate throughout the economy. In so far as this is conceded that wage changes beyond a certain level must
not so, wage changes cannot rightly be related to changes in reflect productivity changes. But it is the application of this
per capita income. Here again, it has to be recognised that principle in practice that presents difficulties as contribution
while changes in real per capita income reflect changes in to productivity levels and changes therein are not easy to
productivity of the economy as a whole, wage variations in measure. It may be hoped that efforts to solve these
any particular sector may not always be based on practical difficulties will be intensified and made to succeed.
productivity changes. A check against unsound wage Even then, productivity will be one of the factors affecting
increases may be provided by changes in per capita income. wages.
But this would ever remain a crude index and its limitations Our Approach
must be fully recognised in applying it to any specific case or We sought the assistance of the Study Group on Wage Policy
situation. which we constituted to sort out the issues connected with
b. The argument that industrial wages should be at par with wage policy and help us in framing our recommendations in
agricultural wages or wages in small-scale industries is this difficult area. The Group could not reach unanimity. The
apparently based on the assumption that marginal report it presented has two minutes of dissent, and rejoinders
productivity of unskilled labour is the same throughout the by its Chairman to each. We have carefully considered all these
economy. This is nowhere true, far less in our own views in leaching our conclusions. We believe that on an overall
economy, where marginal productivity due to surplus plane, issues concerning wage policy are inter-related with
labour in agriculture may be almost zero. The same applies broader economic decisions on the one hand and on the other
to workers in cottage industries and handicrafts. Apart from with the goals set for social policy. Wage rates and differentials
differential productivity, this argument ignores differences in have a functional role in sustaining and developing the structure
costs of subsistence of workers in agriculture and cottage of society and thus merge with other elements of economic
industries on the one hand and in the organised sector on and social policy.
the other. An industrial worker has to pay for many things The functional role of wages is evident, since wages are a price
the cost of which is simply nominal at the margin in his for labour as a factor of production. The prices paid for various
village home. There are similar differences in the disutility types of skills and labour inputs, therefore, influence among
of work or the effort that a worker has to put in, in other factors the pattern of allocation of labour. At the same
different sectors. Finally, this argument ignores not only time, these prices are also the incomes of wage earners and

provide the necessary motivation for organisation of economic constraint. On the other hand, in order to maintain the tempo

activity. If these factor prices are not in harmony with other and the pace of growth, consumption increases cannot be
prices in the system, the result is a disequilibria which may continuously postponed or kept in abeyance in a period of
manifest itself in deflationary or inflationary tendencies. In rising expectations and possible social tensions. In fact increase
either case, the ensuing consequences affect the stability of the in consumption may be necessary to sustain and improve the
economy. morale of workers and thereby the level of production and pace
It is this need for ensuring the stability of the economy which of economic growth. Wage earners expect to share in the gains
has led countries like Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, France and of economic development and growth. Commensurate with
the United Kingdom to adopt wage policies which are closely checks and restraints on consumption required for sustaining
linked with policies relating to incomes and prices. The main the growth process, the standard of living of the workers has
aim has been to ensure that wage increases and increases in to improve. A democratic society with ideals of social justice will
other incomes do not outstrip the growth in real national have to reconcile considerations of equity and fairness with
product. Wage increases inconsistent with the rate of growth of economic compulsions.
real output and productivity have been looked upon as a cause In our country, due to large additions to the working force, the
of wage-price spiral’. The emphasis on the practical measures effect of wage levels on employment has a particular relevance.
adopted for achieving this stability by the countries referred to With an inadequate rate of growth of the economy, the sheer
above has indeed varied according to the social and political number of new entrants to the working population exerts a
environments in which they operate. Although conditions are downward pressure on wage rates. Low wages, however, do not
different in our country in many respects, the experience does generate more employment in a less developed economy, since
indicate that the wage policy has to be framed taking into the latter is limited by scarcity of means of employment and the
account such factors as the price level which can be sustained, the rate of capital formation. But high wages may result in a shift in
employment level to be aimed at, requirements of social justice, favour of capital-intensive techniques and industries aggravat-
and capital formation needed for future growth. ing further the employment situation. To the extent this in not
In our context while an integrated type of incomes and prices done, high wages may reduce the surplus for capital formation
policy may hold out promise of fruitful and affect employment potential. There is thus a conflict
between the employment and wage goals. Its intensity depends
results, the limits in pursuing it have to be recognised. In
on the choice of techniques and industries in the course of
contrast with advanced countries, which have a predominance
planned development. We, however, believe that this conflict,
of wage employment, self-employment is dominant in our
even when the techniques are given and cannot be changed in
economy. The incomes and wages policy that may be formu-
certain sectors of the economy, is not such that it cannot be
lated has to take into account this structural feature of the
resolved. Technologically, our economy will have to be for long
economy and has to be in accord with the pattern of income
a dual economy with a large range of capital and labour
generation and distribution as envisaged in our development
intensive techniques. Wage policy should foster an appropriate
plans. Even so,the social basis of wage policy we have referred
choice of techniques so as to maximise employment at rising
to earlier may require consideration of wage policy as a distinct
levels of productivity and wages.
element of the incomes policy. We have to accept it as a distinct
entity in the overall framework of policies for economic growth. Wage policy should aim at a progressive increase in real wages.
Having said this, we recognise that each one of the consider- At the same time, any sustained
ations which have guided wage policies in other countries is improvement in real wages cannot be brought about without
present in varying degrees in ours too. Viewed thus, our wage increasing productivity. The real wages of any group of workers
policy will comprise a set of principles capable of being cannot be unrelated to their productivity unless inroads into the
consciously adopted to guide, by means of legislation or share of other groups are made. The urgency of improving
otherwise, actions of Government as also of parties vitally productivity levels to sustain increases in real wages cannot be
concerned. overemphasised. This in turn needs a widening and deepening
It is often argued that in all industrially advanced countries like of capital to raise technology on the one hand and investment
the U.S.A. the U.K., West Germany, Japan and the USSR, both in human capital on the other.
the absolute level of per capita wages and the share of labour in The wage levels will also have to recognise the dualism which
the national product were more or less stable or were declining reflects itself in different areas of wage employment. We have
during the initial period of economic development. But in all for instance the modern capital intensive large scale sector where
of them, the political and social factors at the time of develop- rewards will continue to be more attractive, both to capital and
ment were different from those obtaining in our country. The labour. We have also, side by side, small enterprises and other
growth of the economy certainly depends on the rate of traditional labour-intensive sectors, including agriculture. A
investment which in turn depends on the rate of savings. To uniformity in wage levels is either likely to affect the growth of
the extent wage incomes are consumption oriented rather than the latter if the wage level is high or make inequalities even
savings oriented, rise in wage levels signifies a corresponding more glaring if the level is low and fiscal measures inefficient.
diversion of a portion of the total national product from Wage differentials consequent on this dualism, i.e., simulta-
savings and investment to consumption. In certain situations neous existence of the modern capital-intensive sector and the
this can retard the process of economic growth and can act as a traditional labour-intensive sector, are therefore, inevitable and

desirable. But this does not necessarily mean that all existing cost of living further, giving rise to the well-known spiral in


differentials are scientific or based on differences in productivity. which wages and living costs push up each other continuously.
Steps should therefore be taken to standardise job classifications This last relationship or the feed-back mechanism is, however,
and reduce differentials, wherever necessary, to suitable limits on often exaggerated. Firstly, the increased purchasing power in the
a scientific basis. hands of the workers on account of compensatory payments
The determination of wages implies evolving and sustaining a for rise in cost of living forms a small part of the overall
wage structure which (i) permits a fair increase in purchasing power. Secondly, the elasticity of compen-
satory payments to changes in cost of living is generally less
remuneration to labour, (ii) permits a fair return to capital and
than unity so that the feed-back must taper oft. Money wage
(iii) strengthens incentives to efficiency. Apart from these intra-
stability, though important for price stability, is seldom a
industry wage-differentials, the inter-industry and inter-regional
necessary, much less a sufficient condition for it. On the other
wage differentials have a relevance. The latter may be due to the
hand, holding of the price line, particularly of the cost of living,
limitations of the market or on account of inter-regional
is an adequate condition for preventing increases in money wage
disparities in productivity due to differences in technology,
payments that are not related to increases in productivity. This
capital per worker or organisation. It is expected that with the
alone can prevent a fall in real wages. Hence, policies that hold
industries competing for skill in the country as a whole these
down living costs should form an integral part of wage policy.
will soon be eliminated. Inter-industry differentials likewise are
A successful implementation of such policies would not only
also unjustified except on grounds of local differences in
restrain increases in dearness allowance and compensatory wage
technology and capital per worker.
payments, but it would also lead to the stabilisation of prices
Obviously, a crucial issue in regard to the wage-structure is that of goods whose costs are sensitive to wages.
of the level at which it should be fostered. Here, the right of
Any wage policy, to be effective, has to take into account the
the workers for a fair standard, the claim of industry for
existing practices in regard to methods and modes of paying
expansion through its own surplus, the charges on the industry
wages as well as the machinery for wage determination. In the
for public revenues, the need of the economy for resources and
context of improving production and productivity, it will have
the need of the consumer to get supplies at stable and fair
to recognise the role and the feasibility of introduction of
prices, all become relevant factors. But we are clear about one
payment by results in particular lines of activity with necessary
point that the first claim is of the worker for a basic minimum
safeguards. The extent of prevalence of the system of payment
wage irrespective of any other consideration. Beyond this,
in kind and the existing practice of looking at the total wage as
however, in the determination of wage differentials the capacity
comprising different components like basic wage, dearness
to pay becomes relevant.
allowance and bonus have practical significance in wage determi-
These considerations highlight the need for a wage-regulating nation and regulation. Benefits and privileges in kind partake
mechanism that should deal both with wage structure and its the nature of substitutes for cash compensatory allowances.
level from time to time.
In the unorganised sector for the most part, adequate govern-
An area of wage adjustment which we would like to specifically mental or quasi-governmental machinery may be necessary to
mention, and which is dealt with in detail in the next chapter, is provide for minimum wage regulation according to conditions
in regard to adjustments in wage levels due to price changes. in different areas and industries, but more specifically to protect
Often enough, the growth process may lead to a rise in the the workers in weak position. Thus it may be that different
general level of prices and a change in the structure of relative institutional arrangements for wage fixation may be needed for
prices. In order to protect the real wages from erosion, the level different groups. In one case, it could consist of Commission/
of money wages has to be adjusted to price changes. The Boards for framing wage awards and suitable administrative
present practice in this regard has been to pay dearness or dear arrangements for supervising their implementation. In others,
food allowance over and above the basic pay to take account of both for reaching wage decisions and for enforcing them,
an increase in prices. It is possible that this practice of adjust- bipartite arrangements or collective bargaining between workers
ment of wage levels may conceivably lead to inflation. It is also and employers may be the most appropriate system. In still
possible that in an inflationary situation the mere maintenance other cases, a tripartite machinery may be appropriate. All these
of the real wage itself may entail monetary outlays on a scale can co-exist in the country depending upon the traditions and
which reduces the surpluses available for further investment. experience which are built up for utilising them.
Keeping living costs under check should therefore form an
The broad objectives of wage policy as outlined by us have to
integral part of wage policy. At the same time, social consider-
be looked upon as guidelines for instituting concrete steps as
ations do cast an obligation to mitigate through some
the economy moves from one phase to another. In each phase,
adjustment mechanism the hardships caused by price increases
the emphasis on different objectives may change. The main aim
at least in respect of the vulnerable sections of labour.
of a wage policy as we envisage it is to bring wages into
We would like to emphasise here that the existing system of conformity with the expectations of the working class and, in
neutralisation of a rise in the cost of living either through the process, seek to maximise wage employment.
dearness allowance or periodic wage adjustment can not fully
safeguard against a fall in real wages. Firstly there is a time lag; Review of Wages and Wage Policy
secondly neutralisation can seldom be cent per cent at all levels; Our terms of reference make only a tangential and incidental
and thirdly, the very process of neutralisation may push up the reference to the question of wages and productivity. They do

not form part of the central focus of the task that has been and the Government of India prepared a Bill on such disputes

entrusted to us. Even so, it cannot be denied that wages and in 1924. However, the Indian Trade Disputes Act 1929 pro-
productivity are among the central concerns of workers as well vided for setting up Courts of Inquiry and Boards of
as entrepreneurs. One seeks employment so that one can attain Conciliation for the settlement of industrial disputes. Some
a ‘decent’ or dignified standard of living. The wage or income provincial Governments assumed statutory powers to intervene
that one obtains from one’s work is therefore, what enables one in labour management disputes and established machinery to
to achieve a fair standard of living. One seeks a fair wage both to bring both labour and management together to settle such
fulfill one’s basic needs and to feel reassured that one receives a disputes. These developments made a significant contribution
fair portion of the wealth that one works to generate for society. towards the evolution of a wage policy aimed at protecting
Society, in its turn, feels that it has a duty to ensure a fair wage to wages. The first direct step in this regard was taken in 1936,
every worker, to ward off starvation and poverty, to promote when the Payment of Wages Act was passed.
the growth of human resources, and to ensure social justice With the commencement of the Second World War, the
without which continuous threats to law and order may Government assumed more powers under the Defence of
undermine economic progress. India Rules to ensure uninterrupted industrial production. Rule
But the resources to pay wages have also to be created. They 81A of the Defence of India Rules issued in January 1942 gave
have to come from the economic Government wide powers to make rules or issue special orders
viability and profit of undertakings. So those who run under- to restrain strikes and lockouts and to refer any dispute
takings are concerned with their capacity to pay the wages that including wage disputes to conciliation or adjudication. The
are considered to be fair both in terms of individual needs and broad features of these measures were later incorporated in the
the social responsibility to citizens. Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 and agencies like Conciliation
Officers, Industrial Tribunals, Labour Courts etc. were set up by
Our Constitution accepts the responsibility of the state to create
the Government to promote the settlement of industrial
an economic order in which every citizen finds employment and
receives a ‘fair wage’. One of the earliest decisions taken by the
government of free India was to set up a Committee to define In September 1946, the Interim Government announced a five-
a fair wage, and indicate the economic and legal means for year programme of legislative and administrative action in the
ensuring a fair wage to every employed citizen. An examination field which included: 1. Statutory prescription of minimum
of this question established the integral relation between the wages in sweated industries, 2. Standardisation of wages and
quantum of the fair wage and the capacity to pay the wage, and occupational terms in all major industries and the determina-
the need to balance and constantly upgrade both to ensure a fair tion of differentials in wage rates as between various
standard of life, social security and social justice. occupations in an industry, and 3. Promotion of “fair wage”
agreements wherever possible with due regard to the capacity of
Ever since then, we have made many attempts to define the
the industry to pay.
concept of a fair wage, a minimum wage, a floor wage, and a
living wage. We have also tried to identify how far the capacity to In December 1947, the Government convened a tripartite
pay can be allowed to determine the minimum wage, and at conference at which an Industrial Truce Resolution was adopted
what point the capacity to pay should be taken into account and unanimously. The object of the Resolution was to devise
should be regarded as the main determinant. The meandering measures to arrest rapidly deteriorating relations between labour
progress that we have made is reflected in the reports of and management and to increase industrial production.
Committees, Conferences, Commissions, and Judgments of According to this Resolution, “the system of remuneration to
the Supreme Court. They can also be traced to the Fundamental capital as well as labour must be so devised that while in the
Rights and Directive Principles specified in our Constitution interest of the consumers and primary producers, excessive
and the International Conventions we have accepted or ratified. profits should be prevented by suitable measures of taxation
We will therefore, begin our observations with a review of the and otherwise, both will share the product of their common
thinking and legislation on wages in our country, and the ideas effort after making provision for payment of fair wages to
and attempts at making wage differentials more equitable. labour, a fair return on capital employed in the industry and
reasonable reserve for the maintenance and expansion of the
A Brief History of Wages undertakings”.
As early as in the year 1860, Government of India passed the
The Industrial Policy Resolution announced on 6th April 1948
Employers’ and Workmen’s (Disputes)Act. This Act was an
emphasised (1) fixation of statutory minimum wages in
enabling measureand was designed to secure settlement of
sweated industries and (2) promotion of fair wage agreements
wage disputes by magistrates summarily. Along with this it also
in the more organised industries.
provided for penal sanctions for breaches of contract by
workers. In the year 1929, the Royal Commission on Labour This made it necessary to quantify or lay down clear criteria to
found that the Act had ceased to be used. The Government identify a fair wage. Therefore, the Central Advisory Council in
therefore, repealed the Act in 1932. its first session (November 1948) appointed a Tripartite
Committee on Fair Wages consisting of representatives of
Legislation for the settlement of industrial disputes including
employers, employees and Government to enquire into and
the setting up of Wage Boards was the subject of investigation
report on the subject of fair wages to labour.
by the Governments of Bengal and Bombay in 1921 and 1922,


Learning Objective deciding upon a minimum wage, tribunals and courts had
The study of this lesson will help you: largely been guided by considerations of the minimum needs
• Understand of how collective bargaining concept helps in of workers and of the capacity of industry to pay. It was
the fixation of wages. therefore of the view that the wage fixing machinery should
relate to a fair wage, a fair rate of work and that in case of doubt
Committee on Fair Wages whether the existing work-load was reasonable or not proper,
The Committee on Fair Wages defined three different levels of time and motion studies should be instituted on a scientific
wages viz; living wage, fair wage and minimum wage. The basis.
Committee felt that the living wage should enable the worker to
As regards the prevailing rates of wages, its observations were
provide for himself and his family not merely the basic
that, while prevailing rates of wages fixed as a result of proper
essentials of food, clothing and shelter but a measure of frugal
collective bargaining would bear a close approximation to fair
comfort including education for children, protection against ill
wages and should, therefore, be taken into account in fixing fair
health, requirements of essential social needs and a measure of
wages, the same could not be said of prevailing wages resulting
insurance against more important misfortunes including old
from unequal bargaining. The wage fixing machinery should
age. The Committee was not sure how it could aim at or
therefore make due allowance for any distortion of wages
approach this standard in the prevailing economic conditions.
caused by unequal bargaining.
It, therefore, analysed the basis for fixing a minimum wage, and
came to the conclusion that a living wage should be the target. It then referred to the question of the capacity of the industry
Even in advanced countries the general level of wages and the to pay. It first observed that the capacity would mean one of
capacity of the industry to pay had been considered relevant. In three things, viz. (1) the capacity of a particular unit (marginal,
India, the level of the national income was so low that it was representative or average) to pay; (2) the capacity of a particular
generally accepted that the country could not afford to prescribe industry as a whole to pay; or (3) the capacity of all industries in
by law a minimum wage which would correspond to the the country to pay.Ideas on this subject have varied from
concept of the living wage described in the preceding para- country to country. The Committee was, however, of the
graphs. Taking Indian conditions into consideration, the opinion that capacity should not be measured in terms of the
Committee was of the view that a minimum wage must individual establishment, but the main criterion should be the
provide not ‘merely for the bare sustenance of life, but for the profit-making capacity of the industry in the whole province.
preservation of the efficiency of the worker’. For this purpose The Fair Wages Committee was of the view that in determining
the minimum wage must also provide for some measure of the capacity of the industry to pay, it would be wrong to go by
education, medical requirements and amenities. It further the capacity of a particular unit or the capacity of all the
observed that its members were unanimous that the fair wage industries in the country. The relevant criterion should be the
should on no account be less than the minimum wage. It also capacity of a particular industry in a specified region, and as far
observed that while the lower limits of the fair wage must as possible the same wages should be prescribed for all units of
obviously be the minimum wage the upper limit should be set the industry in that region.
by what may broadly be called the capacity of industry to pay. As regards the measure of the capacity, there were two points of
This would depend not only on the present economic position view in the Committee itself. One view was that the wage fixing
of the industry but also on its future prospects. The Commit- machinery should, in determining the capacity of the industry
tee further recalled that between these two limits the actual to pay, have regard to: (1) a fair return on capital and remunera-
wages should depend on a consideration of the following tion to management; and (2) a fair allocation to reserves and
factors: a. the productivity of labour; b. the prevailing rates of depreciation so as to keep the industry in a healthy condition.
wages in the same or similar occupations in the same or The other view was that the fair wage must be paid at any cost,
neighboring localities; c. the level of the national income and its and that industry must go on paying such a wage as long as it
distribution; and d. the place of the industry in the economy of does not encroach on the capital to pay that wage. The Commit-
the country. tee was of the view that the main objective of the fixation of
It then went on to consider the first item, that is, productivity fair wages should not be lost sight of. The objective was not
of labour. It observed that in India collective bargaining had merely to determine wages which are fair in the abstract, but to
not so far been a potent factor in the determination of wages. see that employment at the existing levels is not only main-
That being so it was more than likely that at least in certain tained but if possible increased. From this point of view, it will
occupations and industries the workers were getting a wage be clear that the level of wages should be such as enables the
lower than the value of their marginal net product. It also industry to maintain production with efficiency. The Commit-
observed that the awards of industrial tribunals and courts had tee, therefore, recommended that the capacity of the industry to
made only a casual reference to the productivity of labour. In pay should be assessed by the wage board in the light of this

very important consideration. The wage board should also be industry level, and through Government controlled wage

charged with the duty of seeing that the fair wages fixed for any boards. Since there were not much regional variations, this
particular industry are not very much out of line with wages in system worked well for quite some time.
other industries in the region because wide disparities would In 1973 and 1978, Indian economy suffered two oil shocks.
inevitably lead to movement of labour and consequent During these years the actual growth rates of industrial
industrial unrest not only in the industry concerned but in other production fell far below the plan targets; unemployment rates
industries as well. doubled, new forms of workers’ protests such as hartal, go-
The Committee then considered the classes of workers for slow and gherao emerged. The number of strikes and the
whom, and industries in regard to which, fair wages should be number of mandays lost increased considerably. This culmi-
determined. It came to the conclusion that in the initial stages, nated into an all India Railway Strike in May 1974 that paralysed
in view of administrative and other difficulties, provision the entire economy.
needed to be made for the fixation of fair wages of only This period also saw the growth of independent plant based
categories up to the supervisory level. The Committee observed militant unions without any political affiliations. In order to
that in the written evidence received by them, there was share the monopoly gains of an industrial unit and productivity
unanimity of opinion that fair wages should be determined on increases as a result of technological changes, such unions were
an industry-cum-region basis. The Committee supported that organised on unit basis, and through their militancy, they were
view since it felt that it would not be feasible to fix wages on successful in obtaining much higher wages and other facilities
any other basis. for the workers. Slowly industry-wise wage boards and wage
The Committee then identified the criteria that had to be settlements took a back seat, and company-wise negotiations
considered in fixing wage differentials as: 1. the degree of skill, and wage settlements emerged. Though there are many
2. the strain of work, 3. the experience involved, 4. the training principles that are taken into consideration in wage determina-
required, 5. the responsibility undertaken, 6. the mental and tion in the unit-based bargaining system, the two main
physical requirements, 7. the disagreeableness of the task, 8. the principles are: first, the capacity of the industrial unit to pay, and
hazard attendant on the work, and 9. the fatigue involved. second, the bargaining strength of the trade union to negotiate
The Committee was of the view that the wage fixing authorities with the management.
should carefully go into the question of wage differentials after Sectoral Bargaining at the National Level
deciding on the weight to be attached to each of the above As has been said earlier, prior to the 1970s, Wage Boards
factors. It felt that it was not possible to advise the wage fixing appointed by the Government gave awards on wages and
machinery on what weight should be attached to each factor, as working conditions. The number of Wage Boards declined
it was a matter that would have to be evolved gradually on the from 19 in the late 1960s to two (one for journalists and other
basis of experience. The Committee also suggested that the for non-journalist newspaper employees) in the late 1990s. Since
wage board should try to evolve standard occupational nomen- the early 1970s sectoral bargaining at the national level has been
clature so that the work of classifying and assessing may be occurring mainly in industries in which the government was the
undertaken on a uniform basis throughout the country. dominant player. These included banks and coal, steel and ports
We have dealt in detail about the report of this Committee and docks. Fifty eight private, public and multinational banks
because it has influenced the principles of wage fixation, the are members of the Indian Banks’ Association. They negotiate
form of wage fixation machinery and other matters for a long long-term settlements with the All India Federations of Bank
time. The judiciary too has evolved many principles of wage Employees. There is one national agreement for the entire coal
fixation basing themselves on the criteria prescribed by this industry. In steel, there is a permanent bipartite committee for
Committee. integrated steel mills in the public and private sectors. Since
1969, this Committee, called the National Joint Consultative
Setting up of Wage Boards
Committee for Steel Industry (NJCS), has signed six long-term
The First and Second Five Year Plans gave importance to (1)
settlements. The 11 major ports in the country have formed the
laying down principles for bringing wages in conformity with
Indian Ports’ Association. They hold negotiations with the
the aspirations of the working class and (2) setting up an
industrial federations of the major national trade union centres
appropriate machinery for the application of these principles.
in the country.
According to them, the existing machinery for the settlement of
disputes, namely the Industrial Tribunals, had not succeeded in A feature of national-level sectoral bargaining is the presence of
giving full satisfaction to the parties and, therefore, they a single employer body and the involvement of the concerned
recommended authorities like Tripartite Wage Boards consisting administrative ministry from the employers’ side. In many
of equal representatives of employers and workers and an sectors, two to five major national centres of trade unions,
independent Chairman. Accordingly, Wage Boards were set up which have a major presence through their respective industry
for the following sectors: cotton textile industry, jute, planta- federations of workers’ organisations, negotiate. In banks, coal
tions, mines, engineering, iron and steel, chemicals, sugar, and ports and docks, often agreements have been preceded by
cement, railways, posts and telegraphs, ports and docks etc. strikes or threats of strike. It is only in the steel industry that
12.152 For quite some time, these Wage Boards determined the this has not happened during the past 29 years. Even though
wages and other remuneration to be given to the workers in industry-wide bargaining is not extended to the oil sector,
these industries. Thus wage bargaining mostly took place at the which was nationalised in the 1970s, the oil coordination

committees achieve a great deal of standardisation in pay and Rise in Real Wages


service conditions even if collective bargaining occurs at the firm A wage policy will also have to aim at a progressive rise in real
and/or plant level (for instance, Hindustan Petroleum Corpora- wages. Wage increases can come on account of increase in cost
tion Limited). Agreements in banking and coal covered 8,00,000 of living and improvement in standard of living. As a result of
workers each while those in steel and ports and docks covered increase in prices, there is an erosion in the wage levels in real
2,50,000 workers each. terms, and in order to prevent such an erosion, dearness
allowance is paid and it is linked to the consumer price index.
Wage Policy – Theory and Various Issues
There are various methods of linking the consumer price index
Wage policies have engaged the attention of politicians, with the dearness allowance and determining the extent of
administrators, and academic analysts for many years now. We neutralisation of price rise through payment of D. A. Some
have the classical theory of wages, insideroutsider models, and enterprises pay a fixed dearness allowance and also a variable
the efficiency wage theory - that have emerged in the USA, and dearness allowance linked to the consumer price index. Some
quite a few other models and theories. Perhaps it is also pay dearness allowance only linked to the consumer price index.
possible to visualise other criteria and models. But we have not The extent of neutralisation also differs from organisation to
gone into the advantages and disadvantages or compulsions of organisation.
all these theories because we feel that a self-contained and
In 1978, Government of India appointed a Committee on
detailed discussion of all these are beyond the terms of
Consumer Price Index Numbers under the chairmanship of Dr.
reference of our Commission. We have suggested elsewhere
N. Rath. After examining the method of constructing con-
that the Government should appoint a high level committee
sumer price index numbers that was being followed at that time
with technically competent people including economists, trade
by the Labour Bureau, Shimla, the Committee made a number
unionists, entrepreneurs, consumers, and establishments to go
of suggestions regarding collection of information for
into all aspects of the inter-related questions and to formulate a
constructing index numbers, the number of centres to be
national wage policy. It should have been done much earlier in
covered, coverage of workers, sample size design for family
view of the commitments in our Constitution and the
living surveys, selection of commodities, linking factors, etc. We
Conventions we have accepted. The need has become all the
are told that based on the recommendations of this Commit-
more important in the light of the new circumstances and
tee, the series were suitably revised.
changed factors that have emerged with globalisation and new
technology. The present series of consumer price index for industrial
workers for 70 centres, all India and 6 additional centres (on the
Growth in Inequality of Wages and base year 1982 = 100) is based on the working class family
Earnings income and expenditure surveys conducted during 1981-82.
There is increasing inequality in the labour market, and wage
These series were released w.e.f October 1988 index. As per ILO
differentials present among various groups and various sectors
Recommendation (Recommendation No. 170 vis-à-vis
of the economy. There are large interindustry and intra-industry
Convention No. 160 ratified by India in 1992) the Household
wage differentials. In different sectors of the economy, a worker
Expenditure Surveys should be conducted at least once in every
will be paid differently though he may be doing the same kind
ten years. But the work was delayed because of the delay in
of job. Even in the same industry, different units may pay
sanctioning the scheme. Now in 1999 - 2000, the surveys have
different wages for the worker who is having the same measur-
been conducted at 78 centres by the Labour Bureau, Shimla
able skills. First the differentials are found across a occupations:
through the NSSO. On the basis of this survey, new series are
the firms that pay professionals a premium over the market
likely to be released in 2003. Thus there is a considerable delay in
average also pay less skilled workers a premium over the average
conducting the survey and in constructing the new series of
in their occupations. Second, these differentials have a strong
index numbers.
tendency to persist over time, industries that pay premia in one
period tend to be found paying them in later periods. Therefore, the very purpose of linking dearness allowance to the
price index is lost. This is because the consumption pattern of
Different areas of wage employment will have different wage
the population undergoes changes, many varieties of items go
levels and we have to recognise this fact. We have the modern
out of the market and prices for them are not available, some
capital intensive organised sector of IT industry, petro-
items become obsolete, and since the index numbers have an
chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc., where wages and other
upward bias, the employers have to pay higher dearness
allowances are likely to be more attractive than in small-scale
allowance than is necessary.
industry and other traditional labour-intensive sectors such as
the unorganised urban and rural sector and agriculture. Though Therefore, it is necessary that the consumption surveys are
our efforts should be to reduce these wage differentials and conducted with fixed periodicity and new series of index
introduce some sort of standardisation, as the matter stands numbers are constructed every ten years. A suggestion has been
today, it is practically very difficult and these differences in made that there should be a separate legislation to ensure that
earnings of the workers in different sectors of industry are likely new index series are undertaken on the basis of fixed time
to continue. Much depends upon the capacity to pay and schedules. For this provision has to be made for necessary
profitability of these sectors. Any wage policy will have to take resources, staff components, cooperation from NSSO and State
these factors into consideration. Governments etc. The Commission endorses this suggestion
and would request the Ministry of Labour to move in the

matter. Apart from the organised sector, dearness allowance is Recommendations of the First National

also paid to workers in the unorganised sector as a part of Commission on Labour

minimum wages. Their dearness allowance is revised every six The First National Commission on Labour discussed this issue
months depending upon the movement of index numbers. and came to the conclusion that “a national minimum wage in
This is how erosion in the purchasing power of workers in the the sense of a uniform minimum monetary remuneration for
unorganised sector is prevented. For them too, it is necessary to the country as a whole is neither feasible nor desirable. If one is
assure revision of consumer price index at fixed time intervals. fixed, the dangers are that there will be areas which will not
afford the minimum if the minimum is worked out somewhat
Wages in the Unorganised Sector
optimistically. And if calculations are allowed to be influenced
If one is considering the problem of a wage policy from the by what a poorer region or industry can pay, the national
point of view of the national economy, one cannot restrict minimum will not be worthy enforcing”.
one’s vision only to the organised sector. A national wage policy
The Commission also pointed out the difficulties in construct-
must bring within its purview problems of workers in the
ing a national minimum wage because of the large variations in
unorganised sectors who are not unionised and therefore who
consumption patterns of persons in different regions, the wide
have no bargaining strength. In fact the entire emphasis of
variety of items used by them, regional price variations and so
Government wage policy should be on fixing minimum wages
on. In view of these, the Commission suggested that in
and implementing them for the workers in the unorganised
different homogeneous regions in each state regional minima
sector. Fixing a national minimum wage, fixing minimum
could be notified. The Commission recommended fixation of
wages for different jobs in the unorganised sector, revising these
such regional minima in view of the wide variation in rates of
wages periodically, linking them to dearness allowance in order
minimum wages fixed under the Act even within a small
to prevent erosion in real wages and the like assume much
geographical region.
significance in this context. Government has to set up a proper
machinery for fixing these wages and also ensuring that they are Recommendations of the Bhoothlingam
paid. Committee
Objectives of a Rational Wage Policy Government of India set up a Study Group on Wages,
What can be the objectives of a rational wage policy? There are Incomes and Prices, popularly known as the Bhoothlingam
many objectives, and we have to isolate and discuss them Committee in 1977. The Committee gave its report to the
separately. a) Do we need a national minimum wage in order to Government in 1978. This Committee did not agree with the
ensure that those who are employed in any region or in any recommendations of First National Labour Commission, and
sector of the economy are assured of a minimum income that said that “in our view, the real minimum wage can only be the
can buy minimum necessities of life for them? b) Do we need a absolute national minimum, irrespective of sectors, regions or
wage policy under which we have to secure as much employ- States below which no employment would be permitted”. This
ment as possible? Is it necessary to have a poverty level low Group also observed that in determining such a national
wage for this purpose? c) Do we need a wage policy as part of a minimum wage, several considerations had to be kept in view
total anti-poverty programme in which our goal is to remove and it had to be consistent with factors like (a) the per capita
poverty of the bottom classes of our society through the use national income adjusted after applying the participation rate (b)
of employment at a level of wages which removes such average national income per consumption unit and (c) per capita
poverty? d) Do we want to remove the differentials of wages of rural consumption expenditure. It could not also deviate too
workers in the organised sectors, and between the organised much from prevalent earnings in the small-scale sector and its
and the unorganised sectors? Is it possible to do so? e) Is it impact must not be such as to inhibit the generation of
possible to standardise wages in the same type of industry? employment. It recommended that the national minimum
Should we attempt to do so? f ) Should we give more empha- wage should be Rs.150 per month at 1978 prices, to be achieved
sis on prescribing wages for the unorganised sector, and leave within a period of seven years, starting with not less than Rs.4
the wages in the organised sector to be decided by collective per day for eight hours of unskilled work or not less than Rs.
bargaining? g) What can we do to ensure at least a minimum 100 per month and being revised every two years to achieve the
income to the workers in the unorganised sector? h) Can the goal. Thereafter the revision in the minimum wage should be
wage rise be linked to increase in productivity? i) Can we have a done every three years (as was also recommended by the
wages, incomes and prices policy? What is the practical shape it National Commission on Labour, 1969) in relation to the trend
can take, and what will be the machinery to enforce it? increase in per capita national income. This minimum wage was
to be applicable throughout the country for unskilled work for
National Minimum Wage every adult of 18 years or above, irrespective of sex, bringing up
Various Committees and Commissions have discussed the the statutory minimum wages wherever they were lower. State
necessity of introducing the concept of a national minimum Governments were to continue to have the freedom to fix
wage below which no employer should be allowed to engage higher minimum wages wherever they were lower. For the
any worker in the country. The advocates of a national mini- agricultural sector the Group felt that a desirable minimum rural
mum wage claim that such a minimum would have more household income would be a more meaningful concept
extensive coverage, and would make implementation easier and because of the irregular and seasonal nature of employment
effective because of its simplicity and applicability to all types of and unstable and varied sources of income. The minimum
employments in all parts of the country.

income to be aimed at should be such as to enable the bottom Accordingly, the Government issued guidelines in July, 1987 for


30% to come up roughly to the level of the next higher decile. setting up Regional Minimum Wages Advisory Committees.
It was placed at Rs.1800 per annum (1977-78 prices) for These committees renamed subsequently as Regional Labour
planning purposes. Policy measures should be directed towards Ministers’ Conference, made a number of recommendations
creating conditions in which the households of those who which included reduction in disparities in minimum wages in
work part time or sporadically, as well as landless labourers and different States of a region, setting up of Inter-State Coordina-
marginal farmers are enabled to earn the minimum within a tion Council, consultation with neighbouring States while
period of seven years. The measures were to include improve- fixing/ revising minimum wages etc.
ment of the productivity of marginal farmers through higher
Floor Level Minimum Wage
value crops and increasing opportunities for work with better
In the absence of a National Minimum Wage Policy, the Central
Government introduced the concept of a National Floor Level
Recommendations of the National Minimum Wage of Rs. 35/- per day in 1996 based on the
Commission on Rural Labour recommendations of the National Commission on Rural
In 1991, the National Commission on Rural Labour consti- Labour. The floor level of minimum wage was further
tuted under the chairmanship of Dr. C. H. Hanumanth Rao enhanced to Rs. 40 per day in August 1998. We were told that
made a strong recommendation for a national minimum wage this had been revised to Rs. 45 this year, and accordingly the
for rural labour. They deplored the wide variations in the Prime Minister had written letters to all State Governments. For
minimum wages prescribed for unskilled workers in agriculture the time being this has become a sort of national minimum
by various State Governments, and laid down the following wage. It can, therefore, be that till such time as a National
principles for fixation of minimum wages: a) the cost of living Minimum Wage Policy is evolved, this floor level minimum
relating to the minimum subsistence level for the worker and wage may be treated as the current national minimum wage.
his family of three adult consumption units, and b) the In view of the importance of the subject, our Commission
minimum wage will be the same for all employments feels that the Government of India should appoint an expert
The National Commission on Rural Labour thought that the Committee to study the pros and cons of this subject and
application of these principles would naturally bring about make suitable recommendations for the construction of such a
uniformity in the minimum wages throughout the country national minimum wage.
irrespective of the authorities notifying the wage. The Commis- Our Constitution gives us a mandate to assure ‘fair wages’ to
sion called this the basic minimum wage applicable for the the workers. We have endorsed this commitment in the
country as a whole, and no wage should be fixed or permitted International Conventions and Declarations that we have
below this level. This is to be distinguished from the minimum accepted. A Fair Wage Committee was appointed in 1948. In
wage which may be notified above this level under the Mini- spite of all this, we have not been able to determine a national
mum Wages Act by different State Governments. Differences in minimum wage. The diversities in the different parts of the
the wages arrived at on the basis of cost of living would be country and different regions in the same State, including
accounted for only by the differences in the comparative cost of unequal capacities to pay, have delayed the fulfilment of the
living between various regions in the country. The Commission promise in the Constitution. Some Committees have held the
felt that this approach will admit of minor variations. view that a uniform national minimum wage is difficult to
Recommendation by the National determine, and will be even more difficult to enforce every-
Commission on Self Employed Women where. Some members of our Commission hold the same
In 1987, the National Commission on Self Employed Women view, and feel that it may be impractical to suggest a national
and Women in the Informal Sector was appointed with Mrs. minimum wage. The general opinion in the Commission is
Ela Bhatt as the Chairperson. In its report, the Commission that the concept or commitment of a national minimum wage
recommended a reasonable wage of Rs. 500 for women can not abandoned on the plea that there are difficulties. It has
workers. The Commission did not call it a national minimum to remain an ideal or goal to be reached. We have recommended
wage, but it amounts to the same. that an Expert Committee must be appointed to study all
aspects, and make a recommendation that is practical and leads
The National Minimum Wage has been discussed on many to the goal even if it is in progressive phases. Till we reach the
other occasions in different fora. Because fixation of wages target, our immediate attempt should be to progress towards
depends on a number of criteria like local conditions, cost of the next phase, leading from a floor level minimum wage to a
living and paying capacity which vary from State to State and regional minimum and finally to a national minimum. In
from industry to industry, many difficulties have been pointed determining such a wage, the recommendations of different
out. The Indian Labour Conference held in November, 1985 Committees, the 15th session of the ILC, and the judgments
expressed the following view: “Till such time a national wage is of the Supreme Court should be used as guidelines
feasible, it would be desirable to have regional minimum wages
in regard to which the Central Government may lay down the Low Wage Policy
guidelines. The Minimum Wages should be revised at regular As is said earlier, now no one advocates a low wage policy, and
periodicity and should be linked with rise in the cost of living”. payment of the minimum wage as prescribed is legally binding
on the employers. But such a low wage policy was advocated by
a few economists and politicians in order to encourage employ-

ment in the country, and in order to keep industrial costs down. mum salary of the lowest Government employee rose from

The first Five Year Plan had also warned against any upward Rs.55 to Rs.2,060. b) During the same period, the pretax
movement of wages. Their theory was that if wages are low, maximum salary rose from Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 16,580, while the
more employment can be generated in the country, and costs of post-tax salary rose from Rs. 2,263 to Rs. 12,615. c) The
production of products can also be held under check. disparity ratio between the maximum pre-tax remuneration and
the minimum went down progressively from 54.5 (1948) to
Differentials in Wages
46.2 (1949), 37.5 (1959), 34.0 (1965), 24.8 (1970), 10.7 (1986)
What should be the maximum-minimum differential in wages and 8.0 (1996). d) The post-tax disparity ratio came down even
of employees of an organisation? more drastically from 41.0 (1948) to 6.1 (1996). The post-tax
It is difficult to lay down a clear cut criterion for fixing an ratios were naturally lower than the pre-tax ratios because of
appropriate ratio between salaries of the top management and progressive rates of taxation.
wages paid to the worker at the lowest rung of the ladder. In The falling disparity ratio was the result of a deliberate policy
general, the ratio seems to be high in a developing country followed by successive Commissions. This was probably in
where the level of higher education in many fields is not tune with the prevalent socialist ideas of the time. The ratios
commensurate with the needs of economic development and did not remain constant even in the intervening period between
where the general level of education of workers is not very high. two consecutive Pay Commissions. Thus the pre-tax ratio
Therefore, the unskilled worker is paid the minimum, and slipped from 10.7 (1986) to 8.0 (1996). This phenomenon is
managerial experts whose skills are rare are paid much more. explained by the prevailing practice of offering only partial
Sometimes, foreign experts are also hired, from countries where neutralisation for increased cost of living at the higher levels,
the general levels of pay are high compared to our country, and while there is complete neutralisation at the lower level.
they have to be paid much higher salaries than would be
warranted by the paying capacity of our country. Higher salaries International Comparisons
are thus fixed externally at the international level. Thus they get The Fifth Pay Commission had also collected data from various
completely out of line with the wages of purely local labour countries in order to know these differentials in wages. The
which is unskilled and which is abundant in supply. information received on maximum-minimum Government pay
scales in different countries was as follows:
It would be worthwhile to quote the example of China. In
China as well as in the erstwhile communist East European International Disparity ratios, 1995
economies bringing down maximum and minimum differen- Country Ratio Country Ratio Malaysia 3.0 Sweden 4.0 France 6.6
tial had been one of the important objectives of a wage policy. Indonesia 6.9 Australia 7.7 China 8.0 Thailand 9.0 Hongkong
Government of India had tried to fix a ceiling on managerial 40.0 Perhaps the disparity ratios are likely to be different for the
remuneration, and thus an effort was made to bring down the private sector enterprises in these countries.
differential in wages in private enterprises. But as a result of The Fifth Pay Commission had also carried out studies on
persistent demand and severe criticism, after the new economic remuneration paid to top management personnel in the private
policy of liberalisation, the ceiling on managerial remuneration sector. Their observations were as follows: a) The CEO in
was raised substantially in July 1993 and relaxed completely for private sector gets a pay packet which is nearly 50% higher than
profit making companies in February 1994. Companies were his counterparts in public sector undertakings and Government.
required to make disclosures for employees earning more than b) In addition to the salary, the CEO in private sector draws an
Rs. 12 lakh annually. But their number has increased consider- average performance related incentive which works out to 65%
ably over the years. Now under Schedule XIII of the of the basic salary. c) The CEO in private sector draws sundry
Companies Act 1956, companies can pay 100% increase in the allowances for club membership, credit cards, services, ameni-
maximum level of remuneration. Therefore, the clause has been ties, domestic servants, use of car, housing, free travel etc.
amended, and Companies need to give details of only such Thus there was, and even now there is a difference in the
employees as are paid over Rs. 24 lakh per annum. The trend is compensation paid to employees in the private sector and to
towards increased remuneration to top management and Government employees. It can be observed that the disparity
widening differentials. Apart from the removal of such ceilings, ratio ranges between 3 in Malaysia and 40 in Hongkong.
most of the top managerial personnel receive a share of 1 or 2
percent in the profits of the company. In addition to this they An OECD study on the salaries of senior functionaries has
also receive perquisites like free housing, chauffeur driven cars, reported that Japan, UK and Canada reward their senior civil
free club memberships, free international travel etc. In the servants better than Germany, USA, the Netherlands, Ireland,
absence of full data, it is very difficult to comment generally on Australia, France, Finland and Sweden. While the real incomes
the wage-differentials. But the general observation is that after of senior civil servants rose in the range of 20 to 40% between
the policy of economic liberalisation, these differentials have 1980 and 1990 in the case of Japan, UK, Canada, Ireland,
been further widened. Finland, Sweden and US, it fell in the case of Germany, the
Netherlands, Australia and France. Differentials between the
The Fifth Pay Commission appointed by Government of India senior and lower grades are clearly compressed in the case of
has discussed this issue while fixing maximum pay for Govern- Canada, Australia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, UK and
ment servants. The Commission had analysed the maximum US. Also substantial remuneration discounts for public service
and minimum disparity ratios of Government servants. Their vis a vis private service exist in countries like France, Germany
conclusions were: a) During the period 1948-1996, the mini-

and the United Kingdom. This information is for the year 1995 same place. This problem has been discussed in India since


and for Government servants in the respective countries. long. As far back as in 1922, the Bombay Industrial Disputes
The increase in the salaries of the Government employees as a Committee discussed this problem and again the Textile Tariff
result of the Pay Commission recommendations, resulted in Board did so in 1927. The Whitley Commission pointed out
pre-tax disparity ratio between maximum and minimum the need for adopting a common standard of payments for
remuneration reach the level of 10.7 similar classes of work in some of the leading industries. In
1934, a wage census was conducted by the Government of
Logic of Wage Differentials Bombay and it compiled data for standardisation. The Textile
What is the logic of this differential in wages? The chief factor Labour Enquiry Committee (1940) and Committee on Fair
determining the excess earning of trained personnel over Wage (1948) showed strong preference in favour of
minimum wage is the cost of investment in education, standardisation. The First National Commission advocated
including time spent on education, the excess earning being standardisation of occupational nomenclature and arrange-
meant to compensate for the investments and time spent in ments for a wage census on a regular basis because it felt that,
education. Secondly, in the case of top managerial personnel, that would assist in standardising wage rates
they have adequate technical experience of management, they
In the changed circumstances, with a variety of wage rates in
have to carry risks of business and are responsible to produce
different industries and in enterprises of the same industry,
results. Their job is more than full-time. Therefore, they are to
standardisation has become pretty difficult. This is because of
be paid higher salaries to compensate for the risks and for
the large variation in the capacity of each industry to pay and
sacrificing all their time for business. Such managerial talents are
different market conditions in which they operate.
rare to be found and therefore, they have to be adequately
compensated and retained. 12.196 How does it happen that a West Bengal Experiment
film star receives a remuneration which is so much higher than But because of the peculiar circumstances in the seventies, this
that of a street cleaner? Why does a foreman receive more than standardisation was brought about in the engineering industry
an unskilled worker, or an accountant more than a sweeper? in West Bengal. This was a unique experiment that is worth
These are stock questions to be found in economic text books. mentioning.
The answers given also are stock answers. Foremen and In the sixties, wages in major industries in West Bengal such as
accountants are few have to spend long years in training and jute, cotton textiles, plantation and engineering, wage fixation
unskilled workers and sweepers are available in plenty and they and revision in salary scales was done through awards of
need no training. This is the way the differentials in employ- industrial adjudication. Thus in the case of the engineering
ments are sought to be justified. The actual higher or lower industry, there were three omnibus engineering tribunal awards
wages depend upon the scarcity of labour in that category. namely that of 1948, of 1950 and of 1958. These were followed
The country needs to reward persons who have put in more by Wage Board recommendations for the engineering industry
efforts to acquire specialised skills, as long as better quality or in 1966. There was also a Special Engineering Tribunal Award
talent is sought to be recruited or trained. Moreover the which was known as the 7th Industrial Tribunal Award which
differentials will continue to exist when the intellectual capital of related to engineering establishments employing less than 250
a person, skills and experience acquired differ from person to employees.
person. This also differs from industry to industry. In a labour Around 1969, when the leftist government came to power in
intensive industry say cotton textile industry, where wages West Bengal, the image of West Bengal industry suffered a set
constitute 25% of the total costs, we see that wages per worker back. Those were the days of gheraos, strikes, sudden stoppage
are lower than in a capital intensive industry like petro-chemicals of work, frequent intimidation by workers etc. As a result, the
or fine chemicals. Again a small industry or an industry in rural State received a big set back in its industrial development.
area is not expected to pay the same wages and fringe benefits to Investors were not prepared to go to West Bengal and no new
workers as in large-scale industry. The capacity and profitability industrial projects were coming up in West Bengal. The
of such industries is much less, and the skills required from Government wanted to improve this tarnished image of the
workers in such small units are also less. We can hope that over state. It took considrable interest in settling labour problems
a period of time these differentials will narrow. and in ensuring investors that there would be no labour
Thus the differentials in wages are bound to persist and it is problems in the state. Most of the trade unions were controlled
difficult to eliminate them. Their differential ratio perhaps can by the leftist parties and, therefore, it was easy to convince the
be brought down by judicious wage policies to be pursued at trade unions and force them to be more accommodative and
the enterprise level. It is up to the management of the enter- less militant. As a part of this effort, the parties in power
prise to initiate action. almost forced trade unions in the State to come together and
As long as we follow a laissez-faire policy in respect of wages carry on negotiations with industry to have industry-wise wage
and both employers and employees are free to fix their wages, settlements. As a result, the first wage settlement in the
the Government will find it difficult to exercise strict control. engineering industry in West Bengal was signed in 1969. The
Government played a major role in bringing the two parties
As has been mentioned earlier, there have been differences in
together and forcing them to sign such a settlement. Following
the wages paid in different sectors. These differences prevailed
this settlement, four successive industry wise agreements
for the same skills within an industry itself and that too at the
through collective bargaining and intervention of the Govern-

ment were reached in 1973, 1979, 1983 and 1988. Most of the into through conciliation and/or registered with the appropriate

Federations of Trade Unions, and the Confederation of Indian government, the labour commissioners concerned are expected
Engineering Industries (CIEI) would sit and negotiate wages to ensure that the wages, benefits and other conditions are not
of all types of workers in engineering industries in West Bengal. lower than the applicable minimum wages and other standards
A good deal of preparatory work was also done by both unions laid down in labour laws
and employers.
Special Features of such Collective
Role played by the State Government Agreements
The State Government played a positive role in bringing about In any industry, some units are doing well and some are not
the settlements. All the meetings of negotiations were presided doing so well. While signing wage agreements on industry-wise
over by the Labour Commissioner and he acted as a conciliation basis, one has to take care of what is affordable to the least
officer. If there was an impasse in negotiations, there was profitable unit in the industry. Many times workers in more
political intervention and the Labour Minister as well as the profitable units feel that they are not given adequate remunera-
Chief Minister intervened to see that the negotiations were tion and facilities. This was one important reason why trade
successful. The State Government tried to bring both parties unions in such profitable units opted out, and signed indi-
together. It used its influence and saw that there was a reason- vidual agreements with managements of such companies. As a
able settlement. The State Government was also a party to the result, they got better remuneration and better facilities. As has
settlement and, therefore, this was a tripartite settlement. This been started earlier, workers in such prosperous enterprises were
was a unique experiment and, therefore, it has been narrated in able to wages that were described as disproportionate. They
detail. At no other place, according to our information, were were also able to share the monoply gains of such companies
such experiments carried out. Now we are told that this system because of the militant methods they followed.
of industry-wise negotiations do not take place, and unit-wise Following are the some of the special features of such agree-
bargaining is resorted to. ments: (a) A steep rise in wages not comparable to any other
Wage Determination through Collective sector of the economy. Unions were able to achieve better terms
Bargaining because of their bargaining power. (b) As a result of the steep
We have earlier refered to the elimination of Industry level Wage increase in wages, incomes of many workers became taxable.
Boards and the increasing trend of resorting to collective Unions then preferred a variety of allowances apart from rise in
bargaining at the individual plant level. Let us understand the wages. Some of these allowances were not taxable. One will
legal position of such agreements. There is no law at the thus find a variety of allowances being added to emoluments.
national level for recognition of trade unions. But some states Thus, as in the case of managerial personnel, workers too have
like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh have legal provisions for had the benefit of augmenting incomes through special
recognition. In some states like Orissa, West Bengal and allowances and perquisites
Andhra Pradesh, unions are recognised as bargaining agents Wages are generally defined as only basic wage, fixed and variable
through secret ballots. Under section 2(p) of the Industrial dearness allowance and not any other allowance and benefits.
Disputes Act, 1947 collective agreements can be reached with or Thus all the other allowances paid and monetary value of the
without the involvement of the conciliation machinery facilities provided by employers in the organised sector are not
established by legislation. While settelments reached in concilia- included in “wages”. But the value of all these allowances and
tion are binding on all parties, settelments arrived at, otherwise perquisites is substantial if one is to compute the total remu-
than in the course of conciliation proceedings are binding only neration paid to the workers.
on parties to the agreement. It is not binding on workmen who
Court Decisions
did not sign the agreement or did not authorise any other
The principles of wage determination have been greatly
workman to sign on his behalf. A collective agreement presup-
influenced by Court decisions from time to time. In many cases
poses the participation and consent of all the interested parties.
of wage disputes, the Supreme Court has given decisions which
When workmen are members of different unions, every union,
lay down some principles of wage fixation and these principles
without regard to whether or not it represents a majority,
later have become important factors in wage determination.
cannot, but be considered an interested party. Also, some
Here are a few important decisions.
workmen may not choose to be members of any union and
one or more unions may, for reasons of their own, not like to In the case of Crown Aluminium Works vs. their workmen
reach a settlement. Section 2(p), and 18(3) of the Industrial (1958 I LLJ 1), on the specific issue of capacity to pay, the
Disputes Act, 1947 deal with such practical difficulties by Supreme Court has said “There is, however, one principle which
making collective agreements binding even on indifferent or admits of no exceptions. No industry has a right to exist unless
unwilling workmen as the conciliation officer’s presence is it is able to pay its workmen at least a bare minimum wage. It is
supposed to ensure that the agreement is bonafide quite likely that in the under-developed countries where
unemployment prevails on a very large scale, unorganised
Unorganised Sector labour may be available on starvation wages.....
Collective bargaining is not common in the unorganised sector.
If an employer can not maintain his enterprise without cutting
In several cases bipartite collective agreements in the
down the wages of his employees below even a bare subsis-
unorganised sector have provided for wages lower than the
applicable minimum wages. Where such agreements are entered

tence or minimum wage, he would have no right to conduct his whereby it has directly imposed statutory minimum standards


enterprise on such terms”. on the scheduled employments.
In M/s Unichem Laboratories Ltd. vs. Their Workmen, [1972 – Components of Minimum Wages
I LLJ 576, 590, 591], the Supreme Court observed as follows:
In Unichoyi vs. State of Kerala, (1961 – I LLJ-631), the
“In the fixation of wages and dearness allowance the legal
Supreme Court explained what the components are that would
position is well established that it has to be done on an
make up the minimum wages and stated: “It is, therefore,
industry-cum-region basis having due regard to the financial
necessary to consider what are the components of a minimum
capacity of the unit under consideration.... Industrial adjudica-
wage in the context of the Act. The evidence led before the
tion should always take into account, when revising the wage
committee on fair wages showed that some witnesses were
structure and granting dearness allowance, the problem of the
inclined to take the view that the minimum wage is that wage
additional burden to be imposed on the employer and ascertain
which is essential to cover the bare physical needs of a worker
whether the employer can reasonably be called upon to bear
and his family, whereas the overwhelming majority of witnesses
such burden.... As pointed out in Greaves Cotton and Co. and
agreed that a minimum wage should also provide for some
others vs. Their Workmen, [1964 – I LLJ 342], (1964) 5 S.C.R.
other essential requirements such as a minimum of education,
362, one of the principles to be adopted in fixing wages and
medical facilities and other amenities. The committee came to
dearness allowance is that the Tribunal should take into account
the conclusion that a minimum wage must provide not merely
the wage scale and dearness allowance prevailing in comparable
for the bare subsistence of life but for the preservation of the
concerns carrying on the same industry in the region....”
efficiency of the worker, and so it must also provide for some
From an examination of the decisions of the Court, it is clear measure of education, medical requirements and amenities. The
that the floor level is the bare minimum subsistence wage. In concept about the components of the minimum wage thus
fixing this wage, Industrial Tribunals will have to consider the enunciated by the committee have been generally accepted by
position from the point of view of the worker, the capacity of industrial adjudication in this country. Sometimes, the mini-
the employer to pay such a wage being irrelevant. The fair wage mum wage is described as a bare minimum wage in order to
must take note of the economic reality of the situation and the distinguish it from the wage-structure which is “subsistence
minimum needs of the worker having a fair-sized family with plus” or fair wage, but too much emphasis on the adjective
an eye to the preservation of his efficiency as a worker “bare” in relation to the minimum wage is apt to lead to the
Minimum Wage - a Statutory Obligation erroneous assumption that the minimum wage is a wage which
A minimum wage was considered a necessary catalyst to advance enables the worker to cover his bare physical needs and keep
the social status of the worker even according to our ancient law, himself just above starvation. That clearly is not intended by
and treated as an obligation of the State the concept of minimum wage. On the other hand, since the
capacity of the employer to pay is treated as irrelevant it is but
In the Secunderabad Club vs. State of Andhra Pradesh case
right that no addition should be made to the components of
(1997- I LLJ 434), Mr. Justice Y. Bhaskara Rao adverting to the
the minimum wage which would take the minimum wage near
concept of minimum wages as laid down in the SUKRA
the lower level of the fair wage, but the contents of this concept
NEETI, observed: “It would be relevant to look at the
must ensure for the employee not only his sustenance and that
conditions governing wage, life and other social aspects of
of his family but must also preserve his efficiency as a worker.
workers, which are delineated in SUKRA NEETI, an ancient
The Act contemplates that minimum wage rates should be
treatise. The English translation of which is: ‘Wages to be
fixed in the schedule industries with the dual object of provid-
considered as fair must be sufficient to procure the necessities
ing sustenance and maintenance of the worker and his family
of life from out of the wages. The wage of an employee
and preserving his efficiency as a worker.”
should therefore be a fair wage, so as to enable him to procure
all the necessary requirements of life.’ (SUKRA NEETI II, 805- Industry-cum-Region
806) ‘By payment of very low wages, employees (of the king) The principles which govern the field have been laid down in
are likely to become his enemies and they are also likely to several judgments of the Supreme Court. One of the early
become plunderers of treasuries and cause harassment to the decision was a decision of the Supreme Court in French Motor
general public.’ (SUKRA NEETI II, 807-808) Car Company Ltd vs Their Workmen, reported in 1962 II LLJ
744, in which it was held that: “It is now well settled that the
Thus the concept of payment of minimum wages is inbuilt in
principle of industry-cum-region has to be applied by industrial
our society even before the introduction of the Minimum
court, when it proceeds to consider questions like wagestructure,
Wages Act of 1948. The principle that it is the duty of the State
dearness allowance and similar conditions of service. In
to ensure the payment of minimum wages has been recognised
applying that principle industrial court have to compare wage-
by the framers of the Constitution by incorporating Article 43
scales prevailing in similar concerns in the region with which it is
in the Constitution of India. Though this Article is included in
dealing, and generally speaking, similar concerns would be those
the Chapter on Directive Principles, and in its sweep contem-
in the same line of business as the concern with respect to
plates payment of ‘living wages’ to a worker, nevertheless, it is
which the dispute is under consideration.” It was also
the duty of the State to ensure that workers are paid minimum
obsevered that amongst the factors which must be considered
wages. The exercise to fix minimum wages thus is the responsi-
for the purpose of wage fixation were (i) the extent of business
bility of the State. It enacted the Minimum Wages Act in 1948,
carried on by the concern, (ii) the capital invested therein, (iii) the

profits made, (iv) the nature of the business carried on, (v) the Pretax profits of the Company

standing of the business, (vi) the strength of the labour force, In Unichem Laboratories Ltd. vs. Their Workmen, reported in
(vii) the presence or absence and the extent of the reserves, (viii) 1972 I LLJ 576, a Bench of three Learned Judges of the
the dividend declared and (ix) the prospects of the future of the Supreme Court referred to the earlier Judgment in
business and other relevant circumstances. Comparability would Gramophone Company Ltd. vs. Its Workmen, (1964 II LLJ.
also postulate that there must be comparability of size. 131), where the Court had held that: “When an Industrial
The Supreme Court in Greaves Cotton & Co Ltd vs Their Tribunal is considering the question of wage structure and
Workmen, (1964 I LLJ 342) held that where there are large gratuity which in our opinion stands more or less on the same
number of industrial concerns of the same kind in the same footing as wage structure, it has to look at the profits made
region, it would be proper to put greater emphasis on the without considering provision for taxation in the shape of
industry part of the industry-cum-region principle as this income-tax and for reserve. The provision for income-tax and
would place all concerns on an equal footing in the matter of for reserve must in our opinion take second place as compared
production cost and in the matter of competition in the to provision for wage structure and gratuity, which stands on
market. On the other hand, where the number of comparable the same footing as provident fund which is also a retirement
concerns were small in a particular region and the aspect of benefit.” This principle was quoted with approval by the
competition is not the same importance, the region part of the Supreme Court in Unichem Laboratories case.
industry-cum-region formula assumes greater importance. The Principles of Wage Fixation
Supreme Court in the Greaves Cotton case also observed that In Kamani Metals & Alloys ltd. vs their workmen, [1967 – II
the Industrial Tribunal while making a comparison must take LLJ 55]; (1967) 2 S.C.R. 463, the Court observed as follows:
into account the total wage packet for each category of factory “Fixation of a wage-structure is always a delicate task because a
workmen balance has to be struck between the demands of social justice
Financial Capacity of the Employer which requires that the workmen should receive their proper
share of the national income which they help to produce with a
The judgment of the Supreme Court in Ahmedabad
view to improving their standard of living, and the depletion
Millowners, Association vs. Textile Labour Association, [1966 I
which every increase in wages makes in the profits as this tends
LLJ 1], enunciates the considerations which must inter alia
to divert capital from industry into other channels thought to
guide the Industrial Tribunal in dealing with the financial
be more profitable. The task is not rendered any the easier
capacity of the employer to meet an additional burden occa-
because conditions vary from region to region, industry to
sioned by a revision of the wage structure. In this regard the
industry and establishment to establishment. To cope with
Supreme Court held as follows: “On the other hand, in trying
these differences certain principles on which wages are fixed have
to recognise and give effect to the demand for a fair wage,
been stated form time to time by this Court. Broadly speaking
including the payment of dearness allowance to provide for
the first principle is that there is a minimum wage which, in any
adequate neutralisation against the ever-increasing rise in the
event, must be paid, irrespective of the extent of profits, the
cost of living, industrial adjudication must always take into
financial condition of the establishment or the availability of
account the problem of the additional burden which such
workmen on lower wages. This minimum wage is independent
wage-structure would impose upon the employer and ask itself
of the kind of industry and applies to all alike big or small. It
whether the employer can reasonably be called upon to bear
sets the lowest limit below which wages cannot be allowed to
such burden.... What has been the progress of the industry in
sink in all humanity. The second principle is that wages must be
question; what are the prospects of the industry in future; has
fair that is to say, sufficiently high to provide a standard family
the industry been making profits; and if yes, what is the extent
with food, shelter, clothing, medical care and education of
of profits; what is the nature of demand which the industry
children appropriate to the workmen but not at a rate exceeding
expects to secure; what would be the extent of the burden and
his wage, earning capacity in the class of establishment to which
its gradual increase which the employer may have to face? These
he belongs. A fair wage is thus, related to the earning capacity
and similar other considerations have to be carefully weighed
and the workload. It must, however be realized that ‘fair wage’
before a proper wagestructure can be reasonably constructed by
is not ‘living wage’ by which is meant a wage which is sufficient
industrial adjudication vide Express Newspapers (Private) Ltd.,
to provide not only the essentials above mentioned but a fair
& Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors. [1961-I LLJ 339]. Unusual
measure of frugal comfort with an ability to provide for old age
profit made by the industry for a single year as a result of
and evil days. Fair wage lies between the minimum wage, which
adventitious circumstances, or unusual loss incurred by it for
must be paid in any event, and the living wage, which is the
similar reasons, should not be allowed to play a major role in
the calculations which industrial adjudication would make in
regard to the construction of a wage-structure. A broad and In Hydro (Engineers) (Private) Ltd. vs. their workmen, 1969 – I
overall view of the financial position of the employer must be LLJ 713-716], the Supreme Court further observed as follows:
taken into account and attempt should always be made to “It is thus clear that the concept of minimum wages does take
reconcile the natural and just claims of the employees for a fair in the factor of the prevailing cost of essential commodities
and higher wage with the capacity of the employer to pay it; and whenever such minimum wage is to be fixed. The idea of fixing
in determining such capacity, allowance must be made for a such wage in the light of cost of living at a particular juncture
legitimate desire of the employer to make a reasonable profit”. of time and of neutralizing the rising prices of essential

commodities by linking up scales of minimum wages with the is that the incomes policy asks the rationale of these differences.


cost of living index cannot, therefore, be said to be alien to the But the effect of market forces cannot be ignored. An income
concept of a minimum wage”. policy based on rigid differentials may break down. This has
In the case of Killick Nixon Ltd. Vs Union (1975- II LLJ 53SC), been the experience even in the communist countries. Soviet
the Supreme Court has laid down certain considerations of Russia was not able to control such differences in remuneration
fixing wages. They are as follows: 1) Condition of the wage of different persons working in various sectors of its economy.
scales prevalent in the Company. 2) Condition of the wage level Income policy in the sense of controlling incomes of different
prevalent in the industry and the region. 3) The wage packet as a sectors of the economy and freezing the existing incomes may
whole of each earner in the company with all amenities and run into problems. The case for an incomes policy is strong if
benefits and its ability and potency to cope with the economic we use it in India as one important policy element in supplying
requirements of daily existence consistent with his status in a sense of proportion to the various competing groups, as an
society, responsibilities, efficiency at work and industrial peace. 4) important weapon of “high growth, higher distribution”,
The position of the company concerns in relation to other strategy of development, as a supplier of valuable guidelines to
comparable concerns in the industry and the region. 5) Pre- anomalies not only in wages but also in investments, prices and
emptive necessity for full neutralisation of the cost of living at profits, and as an instrument not only of rationalising wages,
the rock-bottom of the wage scale if at all just above the bonus and dearness allowance, but of the system of price
subsistence level. 6) The rate of neutralisation which is being controls, investment and taxation.
given to the employees in each salary slab. 7) Avoidance of huge As we said earlier, in 1977, a Study Group was appointed on
distortion of wage differentials taking into reckoning all wages, incomes and prices under the chairmanship of Dr. S.
persons employed in the concern. 8) Degree of sacrifice Bhoothlingam and their recommendations for a price, wage
necessary even on the part of workers in general interest. 9) The income policy were as follows: a) Wage policy has to strike a
compulsive necessity of securing social and distributive justice balance between ensuring minimum incomes for unorganised
to the workmen. 10) Capacity of the company to bear the labour and increasing opportunities for employment. This
additional burden. 11) Interest of the national economy. 12) policy must pay adequate attention to rationalisation of wage
Repercussions in other industries and society as a whole. 13) structure and ironing out anomalies. It should encourage
The state of the consumer price index at the time of decision. systems of incentives for higher productivity and better
14) Forebodings and possibilities in the foreseeable future as far performance. b) Incomes policy should cover all non-wage
as can be envisaged. incomes. The level of incomes of those below poverty level
We should also point out that the revision of DA is not the should be enhanced. Apart from progressive taxation, the
same as the revision of wages. emphasis should be on encouraging savings and investments,
discouraging ostentations and luxury and reducing disparities in
Price, Income and Wage Policy
consumption. c) The main objectives of prices policy should be
In the context of wage fixation, very often questions regarding
to maintain reasonable stability of prices while reasonable prices
price policy and income policy are raised. In fact it is advocated
can be assured to producers like farmers. Consumers should
that there should be an integrated price, income and wage policy
also be taken care of. Wherever subsidised prices are imple-
in a country. It is necessary to consider a number of questions
mented, efforts should be to see that the benefits actually go to
in this context. a) What could be the minimum wage and what
those for whom they are intended. Price system should serve
are the norms on which a minimum wage should be based? b)
the economic objective of growth and development.
Will the minimum wage be different or same for (i) agriculture,
industry and the service sectors (ii) organised and unorganised What is the scene like today? Economic conditions have
sectors (iii) urban and rural sectors (iv) different states and changed in the last few decades. We are no longer in a regi-
regions (v) between different employers in the organised sector mented economy or a semi-regimented economy, economic
c) What would be the criteria for determining differentials forces are now allowed to play freely. Government is not in a
between minimum and maximum wages, could the ratio be position to fix the incomes of workers or the management in
different for different industries? d) What can be the criteria for the organised sector; it cannot put any ceilings over the incomes
determining the maximum income? Should there be any of self-employed persons; price controls operate on a very few
relationship between maximum income and maximum wages? commodities.
e) Can there be any common policy for fixation of wages, In fact prices of some commodities like fertilisers, cooking gas,
income and prices in the economy? kerosene etc. are controlled through subsidies on their prices.
All these issues go into the making of a price, income and wage For foodgrains, higher prices are offered as a part of Govern-
policy. The Government has to take a position on all these ment monopoly procurement policies. The result is an
issues and attempt implementation and coordination of these overflowing stock of foodgrains in Government godowns.
policies. Both these policies have put considerable strain on Govern-
ment resources and Government is reconsidering these policies.
Take for instance differentials of wages and incomes. Differen-
But because of anti-poverty considrations, it has to continue
tials between different sectors of the economy are bound to
these policies. Will it be possible to control prices of all
exist in a dynamic society. As we have seen earlier, they are
commodities and services? For instance, it is not possible to cut
indicative of differences in skills formation, capital endow-
back the incomes of some categories of highly paid doctors or
ments, risk taking abilities, forecasting skills etc., only difference

lawyers or the selfemployed. Quite often their high incomes are that in fixing the need-based minimum wage the capacity to pay

earned only during certain phases of their working lives. It is should be taken into account
also not possible to control the income of a private business- In 1991, the Supreme Court, in its judgment in the case of
man. It can be done only through steep taxation. But the Reptakos Brett and Co. versus others, expressed the view that
experience is that if we have such steep taxation, businessmen the criteria recommended by the Indian Labour Conference
do not disclose their incomes and large business operations take 1957 may not suffice. It held that an additional component for
place outside the books. We thus come across the difficulties children’s education, medical requirements, recreation including
that the government is experiencing in controlling prices, wages festivals/ceremonies and provisions for old age and marriage
and incomes. The moot question seems to be whether we can should constitute 25% of minimum wages
have a free economy or an economy in which the state does not
The Minimum Wages Advisory Board (Central) in its 24th
want to exercise the functions of control, and at the same time
Meeting in 1991 recommended that minimum wages should be
formulate and implement a policy of wages, prices and
linked to productivity, and the appropriate Government under
the Minimum Wages Act may fix piece-rate wages wherever
Minimum Wages feasible.
The 15th Session of the Indian Labour Conference held on The Indian Labour Conference in its Thirtieth Session in
11th and 12th of July 1957 at New Delhi adopted a resolution September, 1992 expressed the view that while the tendency to
on the fixation of minimum wages. It was agreed by the fix minimum wages at unrealistically high levels must be
Conference that the minimum wage had to be need based, and checked, implementation of wages once fixed must be ensured.
had to ensure the minimum human needs of the industrial It felt that the implementation machinery, consisting of labour
worker, irrespective of other considerations. To calculate the administration in the States had been far from effective. It was
minimum wage, the Committee accepted the following norms desirable that workers’ organisations and non-governmental
and recommended that they should guide all wage fixing voluntary organisations etc., played a greater role instead of
authorities, including minimum wage committees, wage engaging an army of inspectors for this purpose.
boards, adjudicators, etc.: (i) In calculating the minimum wage,
the standard working class family should be taken to consist of Approach of the Pay Commissions
3 consumption units for one earner; the earnings of women, The Pay Commissions of the Central Government took
children and adolescents should be disregarded; (ii) Minimum different approaches for the determination of the Minimum
food requirements should be calculated on the basis of a net Wages for government employees. They were as follows: (i) The
intake of 2,700 calories, as recommended by Dr. Akroyd for an need based approach; (ii) Capacity to pay approach; (iii) Relative
average Indian adult of moderate activity; (iii) Clothing Parities approach; (iv) Job evaluation approach; (v) Productivity
requirements should be estimated at a per capita consumption approach; (vi) Living wage approach
of 18 yards per annum which would give for the average We are not suggesting that each of these was an exclusivisit
worker’s family of four, a total of 72 yards; (iv) In respect of approach. These various aspects have found mention and been
housing the norm should be the minimum rent charged by given varying emphasis in the report of different Pay Commis-
Government in any area for houses provided under the sions. The decision of the Pay Commissions on minimum
Subsidised Industrial Housing Scheme for low-income groups; wages was often determined by some kind of harmonisation
and (v) Fuel, lighting and other ‘miscellaneous’ items of between the first two i.e., the need-based approach and the
expenditure should constitute 20 percent of the total minimum capacity to pay approach. This was essential because a minimum
wage. wage which was found to be socially desirable was not necessar-
The Committee took note of the steps taken by Government ily economically feasible. Job evaluation and measurement of
for conducting (a) a wage census, and (b)family budget enquiries productivity was not found to be feasible by the earlier Pay
in various industrial centres. Commissions, and fair comparisons with the public and private
sector were also not conceded by them. On living wages they
As for fair wages, it was agreed that the Wage Boards should go
observed that a living wage was a desirable level towards which
into the details in respect of each industry on the basis of the
the State must endeavour to go.
recommendations contained in the report of the Committee on
Fair Wages. These recommendations of the Fair Wages The Fifth Pay Commission after comparing public sector and
Committee should also be made applicable to employees in the private sector employees, comparisons with State Governments
Public Sector. and considering the expectation of the employees tried to work
out a minimum wage for Central Government Employees of
Thus in 1957, the Minimum wage was evolved as a need based
the lowest cadre. The Commission used a modified version of
the constant relative income criterion and fixed Rs : 2440/- as
In 1968, some more criteria for the determination of minimum the salary of lowest paid employee of the Central Government.
wages came to be recognised when the International Labour This meant more than a three-fold jump in the basic pay from
Organisation listed three criteria for fixing minimum wages. Rs. 750/- to Rs. 2400. The Commission had estimated that this
These were (i) the needs of the worker; (ii) the capacity to pay of would mean an additional outgo to the tune of Rs. 294.1 crores
the employer; and (iii) wages paid for comparable work. In every year for this category of employees.
1969, the capacity to pay was explicitly admitted as a relevant
factor by the National Commission on Labour when it held

It is not necessary to describe the pressure that such a steep rise In West Bengal, when we enquired why the minimum wage law


in pay scales of Government Employees causes on the was not being enforced, we were told that both the Trade
Government’s Budget. Unions and the Government Department had agreed to the
below-minimum wage payments as both were agreed on
Minimum Wage vis-a-vis Government Pay
protecting the jobs of bidi workers. We have enough reasons to
Our Study Group on Unorganised Labour recommended that
believe that similar arrangements are entered into elsewhere too
the minimum wage prescribed by the Fifth Pay Commission
by the enforcing authorities and the representatives of workers.
for the lowest category of Government employees (Rs. 2400 +
We believe that any law that creates such a situation becomes a
Rs. 2100 DA = Rs. 4500/-) should be the minimum wage for a
mockery, if not a self-inflicted fraud. We, therefore, feel that we
worker in the unorganised sector. We could not agree with this
should legislate only what is capable of being put into practice
recommendation. It may be adviseable to repeat our arguments
at the ground level. Anything higher that is desirable will have
on this question from earlier paragraphs in our chapter on the
to remain an aspiration or an eventual goal, not a clause in the
‘Unorganised Sector’.
law. Any other course will breed disrespect, unconcern and
We fully appreciate the considerations that have prompted the contempt for the law and law enforcing authorities. We feel that
Study Group to make this recommendation. But we regret that the purpose of the law and highly desirable social goals can be
we do not find it possible to accept and endorse this sugges- better served by prescribing an adequate minimum wage, and
tion. Firstly, in monetary terms, the minimum wage that the providing for compulsory review of the adequacy of the
Study Group has recommended will approximate to Rs. 4500/- minimum to keep pace with aspirations, needs and the cost of
. Secondly, there are lakhs of people with very low incomes both living (and increasing levels of expectancy about higher stan-
in the rural areas, and in the urban areas, – perhaps just around dards of living to which the worker is entitled).
the amount that the Study Team has recommended as the
Almost all the Committees and Commissions are against a
minimum wage, who engage or employ others as domestic
subsistence level minimum. In principle, every committee
servants or in sundry services like those provided by dhabas
constituted in this regard has agreed with the standard con-
(eating places) in the rural areas. They may not be able to pay a
sumption units and calorie contents. However, the Wage
minimum wage almost as high as their own incomes. In such a
Boards after the Second Pay Commission (1957-59) have not
situation, if the law on minimum wages is observed or
found it possible to fix the need-based minimum wages
enforced in letter and spirit, many lakhs of workers will cease to
recommended by the Indian Labour Conference (1957). The
be employed. They will lose their jobs. An alternative scenario
Report of the Committee, set up by the first National Com-
will be that to protect their jobs or employment, domestic
mission on Labour, on the Functioning of the System of Wage
workers and others of the kind we have referred to earlier, will
Boards (cited in the Report of NCL, 1969) found it infeasible
agree to work for a sum of remuneration that is lower than the
because the need-based minimum would be beyond the
prescribed minimum wages. The worst development will be
capacity of the industry to pay and might result in the transfer-
when the custodians of law and order who are mandated to
ence of the burden to the consumer.
enforce the law on minimum wages and trade unions who are
committed to struggle for and protect the rights and real wages Sub-committee ‘D’ of the Standing Committee of Labour
of workers come to an agreement, outside the law, on a Ministers (1981) recommended that the level of minimum
remuneration or wage far below or appreciably below the legally wage should not be below the poverty line. The Report of the
prescribed minimum. Such a possibility is not a creation of our Committee of Secretaries of States (1981) has also recom-
imagination. In the course of the evidence tendered before us in mended that the minimum wages should be at such a level as
West Bengal, we were informed that the actual wage paid to bidi to take a family of 3 adult units of consumption above the
workers in West Bengal is much less (Rs. 35 per 1000) than poverty line, and the consumption basket should consist of per
notified minimum wage (Rs. 70 per 1000 bidis). capita per day requirements of 2400 calories in rural areas and
2100 calories in urban areas as well as clothing, shelter, fuel,
Disparity in minimum wages, lapses in the implementation of
light, education, etc. The Report of the National Commission
the law and enforcement, periodic nonrevision of minimum
on Rural Labour (1991) endorsed a similar concept of three
wages are among the factors that make a mockery of such an
consumption units.
Act. The State government of Bihar fixed Rs. 27.30 as the
minimum wage for agricultural workers in 1996, while an Variable DA and Price Adjustments
agricultural worker near Dhanbad received Rs. 20. A female Though there is no definition for the term minimum wage in
agricultural labourer in the same area received a daily wage of Rs. the Act, its section 4(1) states that the minimum rates of wages
15 and 200 to 250 grams of muri (puffed rice). In Fatehpur, fixed or revised by the appropriate authority for the scheduled
Ahrawa and Fulepur villages of Barh in Bihar, the agricultural employments shall take into account the following: (i) a basic
workers got as wages one kilogram of rice or flour and half a rate of wages and a special allowance at a rate to be adjusted at
kilogram of sattu for breakfast. In the Baruhi village of intervals with the variation in the cost of living index number
Bhojpur, in 1996, women got Rs. 15 and a breakfast comprising applicable to such workers; or (ii) a basic rate of wages with or
of 2 rotis, while men got Rs. 25, lunch and breakfast. Bihar, without the cost of living allowance, and the cash value of the
which has the highest number of inspectors exclusively for the concessions in respect of supplies of essential commodities at
agricultural sector could not enforce the minimum wages, set by concessional rates, where so authorised; or (iii) an all inclusive
the State government during this period.

rate allowing for the basic rate, the cost of living allowance and have authorities like the claims authority under section 15 of the

the cash value of the concessions, if any. Payment of Wages Act 1936 or section 20 of the Minimum
That means that the minimum wage consists of (1) a basic rate Wages Act 1948, or the authority under section 39 (2) of the
of wage (2) cost of living allowance, and/or (3) cash value of Bidi and Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act
concessions or (4) a combination of all the three components. 1966, at levels not higher than that of the Block or Panchayat
It also means that the cost of living allowance varies with Samiti. It also says that already some State Governments have
changes in prices. 12.255 The Minimum Wages Advisory Board amended the central laws to provide for appointment of claims
(1981) observed that it would be desirable to attach a variable authorities under the Payment of Wages Act and the Minimum
DA formula to the minimum wages so that it may be adjusted Wages Act at these levels, for example, Minimum Wages
as and when necessary to protect the real wages of the workers. (Maharashtra Amendment) Act 1975, and the Wage Laws
The Subcommittee ‘D’ of the Standing Committee of Labour (Rajasthan Amendment) Act, 1976. We agree that it is necessary
Ministers (1981) also recommended that the variable DA and important to take an effective settlement machinery down
should be an element of minimum wage wherever possible. to the local level.
The Report of the Committee of Secretaries of States (1981) The involvement and mediation of local bodies including
said that the DA might be revised once in six months based on village panchayats in the enforcement of the rates and payment
the average All India Consumer Price Index numbers of the of wages is important. The prevailing government enforcement
series 1960=100. The Gurudas Dasgupta Committee (1988) machinery cannot redress their grievances. The fixation of
recommended that the minimum wages should be linked to minimum rates of wages and the widespread awareness of
the movement of consumer price index (CPI) to account for these rates would become a great basis of protection to the
the cost of living. To protect the minimum wage from falling workers. The moment the rates fixed are known to the working
below subsistence level, the National Commission on Rural people, voluntary organisations and workers’ organisations and
Labour (1991) suggested that the cost of living element (DA) the public at large, they will mount vigil, and the implementa-
should be linked to the minimum wage and adjusted every six tion of the minimum rates will become easy. In cases of
months. dispute, the local bodies and panchayats can provide relief
through persuasion, mediation and Lok Adalats etc. to which
Revision of Minimum Wages
we have referred in our earlier.
The Minimum Wages Act stipulates that review/revision of
minimum wages in the scheduled employments should be
undertaken at intervals not exceeding 5 years. However, the first
National Commission on Labour (1969) recommended that the
period should be reduced to three years. At the 31st session of
the Labour Ministers Conference held in July 1980, it was
decided that the minimum rates of wages may be reviewed and
revised if necessary, within a period not exceeding two years, or
on a rise of 50 points in the CPI numbers, whichever is earlier.
The 36th Labour Ministers Conference held in May 1987 also
reiterated these recommendations. The Gurudas Dasgupta
Committee (1988) recommended a revision every two years or
on a rise of 50 points in the CPI. The Umbrella legislation
should provide a separate facility within the body to be
instituted for the unorganised sector workers, to undertake a
constant review of wages as and when needed, as for example
with changes in prices. We feel that the wages may be revised
after an interval of 2 to 3 years. It will be difficult to administer
if too frequent revisions take place.
The 31st Labour Ministers’ Conference had recommended in
July 1980 that both the Central and State Governments should
bring down the periodicity of fixation of wages from 5 years to
2 years and should link the variable dearness allowance. Despite
these recommendations, we are told that many State Govern-
ments have not been able to bring down the periodicity of
fixation of minimum wages from 5 years to 2 years while only
19 out of 32 states and union territories have been able to link
minimum wages to dearness allowance.
The Shramshakti report (pg. 100) proposes the panchayat or
block level administrative set-up for the execution of provisions
of different labour laws, especially on payments and claims, as
far as possible . The Report says that it would be necessary to


Learning Objective Orissa 42.50 -

The study of this lesson will help you: Punjab 69.25 151.32
• Understand of how collective bargaining concept helps in Rajasthan 47.05 60.00
the fixation of wages.
Sikkim (Minimum Wages Act, 1948 not yet
Non-Implementation of Minimum Wages extended and enforced)
A number of States that have reviewed and revised minimum
Tamil Nadu 35.00 115.80
wages in scheduled employments for which they are the
appropriate governments show disturbing results. In Sikkim, Tripura 20.63 45.00
the Minimum Wages Act is yet to be extended and enforced. Uttar Pradesh 42.02 70.62
Only 19 states/union territories have made provision for West Bengal 48.21 87.28
Variable Dearness Allowance as a part of the minimum wage
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 50.00 86.76
for a few or all of the scheduled employments. The wages vary
from state to state; the disparity is so wide that one has to Chandigarh 81.65 -
conclude that different appropriate Governments are following Dadar & Nagar Haveli 60.00 71.00
different criteria for the fixation of minimum wages. The Daman & Diu 50.00 60.00
adjustment of Variable Dearness Allowance is also very
Delhi 93.00 -
irregular. The lowest among the minimum wages, meant most
probably for unskilled workers, was below Rs.30 in some states Lakshadweep 46.80 -
and union territories, as on October 1, 2000: Rs.19.25 in Pondicherry 19.25 65.00
Pondicherry, Rs.20.63 in Tripura, Rs.21 in Goa, Rs.26 in Source: Ministry of Labour, Annual Report 2000-2001, p. 50.
Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka, and Rs.27 in Andhra Pradesh
An evaluation study conducted by the Labour Bureau, Ministry
(see Table12.16). The daily minimum wages for different
of Labour, on the implementation of Minimum wages in the
occupations vary widely within the States. The Table carries both
agricultural sector in selected States shows that agricultural
the minimum and maximum payment from among the variety
workers are not receiving full minimum wages in the surveyed
of occupation-specific wages fixed as Minimum Wages within
States. The surveyed States were Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra
each State.
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Gujarat. The situation is
Table: Daily Minimum Wages (in Rs.) as on 01/10/2000 similar in the low technology labour intensive sectors like
Centre/ States/Union Territories Min. Max. forestry, fisheries, cottage industries and artisanry, and in urban
Central Sphere 80.74 90.19 employments like vending and slum based and home based
Andhra Pradesh 27.00 63.19
Arunachal Pradesh 35.60 37.60 Need for Minimum Wages in the
Unorganised Sector
Assam 32.80 55.70
The character and nature of the informal or unorganised sector
Bihar 49.19 61.59 are undergoing fundamental changes. The movement is from
Goa 21.00 125.00 permanent to casual, contractual, temporary employment; from
Gujarat 34.00 92.40 establishment based to home-based production; from time-rate
to piece-rate work; male dominated to female intensive work
Haryana 70.30 74.30
situation; regulated to unregulated forms of labour. Mean-
Himachal Pradesh 26.00 51.00 while, the labour market, in particular, the rural labour market,
Jammu & Kashmir 30.00 – is experiencing the influx of casual labour from the traditional
Karnataka 26.00 74.03 subsistence occupations like forestry, fisheries, agriculture,
handlooms, etc. as a result of dispossession of assets, and the
Kerala 30.00 164.77
integration of these sectors into the market economy. At the
Madhya Pradesh 50.46 56.46 same time, researchers point out that the labour force is highly
Maharashtra 42.46 108.95 segmented due to factors like sectoral disparities, variations in
Manipur 44.65 55.00 skills, education, caste, religion, and regional and linguistic
differences. In such a situation, workers cannot be given
Meghalaya 50.00 –
minimum protection unless minimum wages are prescribed
Mizoram 70.00 – and enforced in the unorganised sector. 12.263 India signed the
Nagaland 40.00 – ILO Convention 26 of 1928 (Concerning the Creation of

Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery) as early as in 1955. India Union Territories

accepted the commitment to offer minimum wages to its 27. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 4
28. Chandigarh 44
The minimum wages are different for different industries. The
29. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 43
following table shows the number of schedules of employ-
ment each state government has notified. We feel that the state 30. Daman & Diu 72
government should specify a minimum wage for all unskilled 31. Delhi 29
category workers and these wages should be the same for all 32. Lakshadweep 9
industries. This is a need-based minimum wage and it has to be
33. Pondicherry 6*
the same for all workers irrespective of where they are em-
ployed. This has to be paid irrespective of the capacity to pay. TOTAL 1254**
Hence it is not necessary to fix different types of wages for * Also includes scheduled employments for which minimum
different industries or professions. In other words, we recom- wages have not been fixed yet.
mend that the distinction between scheduled and unscheduled **Includes 44 scheduled employments under State Sphere for
employment should be given up, and whatever the employ- which minimum wages have not been fixed yet.
ment, the notification should prescribe the same minimum
The irregularities committed under the Minimum Wages Act are
wage to all. Perhaps the Minimum Wage Committee may fix
on the increase. In 1997, 1,05,639 irregularities were brought to
the minimum wage for a region and then the Governments can
notice. This number went up to 1,41,913 in 1998. A study
notify these, and the minimum wage for the region can be
could be undertaken of such irregularities to find out why such
made applicable to all employments in that region.
large numbers of irregularities take place. On the basis of the
Table: No. of Scheduled Employments in Different States: study, either the law or practices, can be modified.
Sl.No. Centre/States/UTs No. of Scheduled
Procedure for Fixation/Revision
In Section 5 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, two methods
1. Central Sphere 44 have been provided for fixation/revision of minimum wages.
2. Andhra Pradesh 72* These are the Committee method and the Notification method.
3. Arunachal Pradesh 25 (a) Committee Method Under this method, committees and
sub-committees are set up by the appropriate Governments to
4. Assam 72*
hold enquiries and make recommendations with regard to the
5. Bihar 74 fixation and revision of minimum wages, as the case may be.
6. Goa 23 (b) Notification method In this method, the Government
7. Gujarat 49 publishes its proposals in the Official Gazette for information
of the persons likely to be affected thereby, and specifies a date
8. Haryana 50
not less than two months from the date of the notification for
9. Himachal Pradesh 24 taking the proposals into consideration.
10. Jammu & Kashmir 18 After considering the advice of the Committee/Sub-commit-
11. Karnataka 59 tees and all the representations received by the specified date, the
12. Kerala 46* appropriate Government will, by notification in the Official
Gazette, fix/revise the minimum wage in respect of the
13. Madhya Pradesh 36
concerned scheduled employment, and that will come into force
14. Maharashtra 62 on the expiry of three months from the date of issue of the
15. Manipur 5 notification. 12.268 We feel that the second alternative is better
16. Meghalaya 21 because it gives an opportunity to all concerned to have a say in
the matter. Mutual consultations and understanding the
17. Mizoram 3
difficulties and problems of both are possible in this method.
18. Nagaland 36
Productivity – Wage Relation
19. Orissa 83 Though we have been talking of the relation between produc-
20. Punjab 60 tivity and wage, the country has not yet evolved or adopted a
21. Rajasthan 38 policy of linking wages to productivity. We have not been able
to find an acceptable method of linking the two. As a result
22. Sikkim Minimum Wages Act, 1948 have
there has been a mismatch between wages and productivity in
not yet been extended and
the Indian Economy. According to a study made by Dr.
Pramod Verma, of the Indian Institute of Management,
23. Tamil Nadu 62* Ahmedabad, the wage index overtook the productivity index in
24. Tripura 9 1977-78 and wages have increased thereafter at a higher rate than
25. Uttar Pradesh 65 productivity. Wage is an important component of the cost of
product/services, hence the increase in wages without increase in
26. West Bengal 55*
productivity does make products uncompetitive.

Productivity in India In Table, we have figures of labour productivity growth in


Table compares India’s performance in recent years with that of India in the nineties in the manufacturing sector vis-à-vis in
the USA, the world economic leader with the highest levels of other countries from both the developing and the developed
labour productivity. For this purpose the national output has world. We have relied on the ILO’s latest key Indicators of the
been measured in terms of market values as well as after Labour Markets 2001-02. It is found that though labour
adjusting for variations in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). productivity in India has grown at a rate higher than that of
India’s Labour productivity is distressingly low, the GDP per many in the developed west (Germany 2.2, UK:2.0, against
person employed being as low as 1.39% of that in USA. GDP India’s 3.5, all percent per annum compound, during the
per person hour employed is even lower at 1.18 % obviously nineties), we have been lagging significantly behind our Asian
implying that the hours of work per person in India is higher competitors. For instance, China recorded a high productivity
than in the USA. growth rate, as high as 6.1% per annum (on the basis of official
figures). Taiwan and Korea also made rapid progress in
productivity, at 4.8% and 8.9% per annum respectively.
Labour Productivity Levels In India And Usa In 2000 (Us $)

Actual PPP Adjusted Indias Labour Productivity as percentage to USA’s

India USA I n d ia USA Actual PPP Adjusted GDP per person
1033 73888 5452 69193 1.39 7.90
employed GDP per person
0.458 38.52 2.42 36.08 1 .1 8 6 . 7 0
employed per hour GDP per person
501 51695 2696 48410 0.96 5.57
employed in Agriculture GDP per person
2110 85911 11267 8451 2.46 14.00
employed in Industry GDP per person
2116 70930 11833 66422 2.98 17.81
employed in Services
Source: Based on IMD (2001)

Country 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
USA 51148 51259 53222 54948 58276 61519 63161 65775 68168 72228 3.5
France 39798 40777 42309 42518 45924 48185 48461 51915 52657 53833 3.1
Canada 41360 40975 43118 45525 48348 48594 48191 50178 49709 51347 2.2
Germany 36791 37623 37238 36434 3845 7 40278 41686 42722 — — — - — — - 2.2
Australia 29655 30286 30932 32135 32140 32899 33187 33551 33596 38227 2.6
Taiwan 16766 18277 19114 20377 21569 23175 24548 24686 25102 26 857 4.8
Netherlands 38370 38407 38693 38854 42845 44890 45824 46289 47422 48439 2.4
Sweden 35746 36169 39393 42326 48970 50471 51647 55227 56325 58120 5.0
Japan 44695 45592 44462 43624 44220 47838 51071 53223 51662 53126 1.7
U.K. 31764 32814 35282 36622 38136 37763 37256 37562 37423 38648 2.0
Korea 12659 13548 14751 16152 27756 19413 21194 23644 25164 29824 8.9
(Rep. Of) 12659 13548 14751 16152 27756 19413 21194 23644 25164 29824 8.9
Indonesia 3651 3908 4145 4339 3950 4688 4918 4972 4947 4361 1.8
China 3644 2797 3148 3608 4167 5357 5070 5530 -------- -------- 6.1
India 2719 2481 2538 2702 2972 3328 3529 3526 3590 ------- 3.5
India as 5.32 4.84 4.77 4.92 5.10 5.41 5.59 5.36 5.27 ---- ---
% to US
Source: Based on ILO2002

Annual Compound 16. Switzerland 27.73 16. Switzerland 51,446

rate of Growth (%) 17. Sweden 27.02 17. Netherlands 51,342

Tables give the comparison of labour productivity amongst 18. Japan 26.69 18. Iceland 51,117
Asian countries. A comparison of labour productivity indices
19. U.K. 26.63 19. Hong Kong 50,971
of Asian Countries for the period 1988 to 1995 reveals that the
rate of growth in labour productivity has been highest in 20. Iceland 26.34 20. Sweden 50,262
Malaysia, followed by China, Singapore, Korea, Nepal, Hong 21. Israel 24.89 21. Japan 49,741
Kong, India, Pakistan, Japan, Phillipines and Iran. India’s 22. Greece 24.11 22. Israel 49,558
position is 7th among the 11 Asian countries. Average produc-
23. Taiwan 23.93 23. U.K. 48,811
tivity of the Chinese worker seems to be about 20 % higher
than that of the Indian worker. 24. Hong Kong 23.37 24. Singapore 43,056
Table: Labour Productivity In Asian Countries: 25. New Zealand 22.73 25. Greece 42,914
26. Singapore 21.66 26. New Zealand 42,571
27. Portugal 20.55 27. South Africa 42,040
SL.No: Country 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
28. South Africa 19.65 28. Korea 38,034
1. Malaysia 100 105.55 111.24 116.66 122.91 128.67 133.75 141.85 151.25
2. Republic 100 106.71 113.38 119.14 125.77 131.28 137.76 143.58 150.50 29. Argentina 18.49 29. Argentina 37,067
of China Ranking Country US$ Ranking Country US$
3. Singapore 100 106.10 111.24 113.34 118.61 121.85 133.21 141.66 149.53 30. Korea 18.35 30. Portugal 35,710
4. Republic 100 107.88 110.24 116.91 124.33 128.20 133.05 140.64 149.24 31. Slovenia 17.36 31. Slovenia 35,564
of Korea 32. Hungary 15.69 32. Hungary 31,182
5. Nepal 100 106.24 111.18 115.79 122.34 127.05 130.25 139.50 142.47 33. Czech Republic 14.38 33. Czech Republic 29,312
6. Hong Kong 100 105.99 109.10 113.23 117.23 125.03. 128.92 131.24 134.93
34. Slovak Republic 13.11 34. Slovak Republic 27,626
7. India 100 100.73 111.78 115.73 117.12 114.42 119.05 120.42 125.61
35. Poland 12.63 35. Chile 25,767
8. Pakistan 100 105.39 106.92 108.66 118.54 122.65 121.29 123.02. 125.29
36. Chile 11.48 36. Poland 23,618
9. Japan 100 104.40 110.13 114.06 116.18 116.24 115.25 116.20 117.97
10. Phillipines 100 103.27 107.90 107.82 105.10 101.32 101.25 102.66 105.53
37. Estonia 10.83 37. Malaysia 21,159
11. Iran 100 89.28 89.02 96.51 103.37 105.28 106.32 104.04 104.58 38. Turkey 9.96 38. Estonia 21,065
39. Russia 9.93 39. Turkey 20,663
40. Malaysia 9.64 40. Mexico 20,511
Comparison of Labour Productivity and Overall Productivity in
41. Brazil 9.33 41. Russia 18,104
49 countries:
42. Mexico 8.66 42. Brazil 16,493
43. Venezuela 7.29 43. Columbia 15,212
Labour Productivity (PPP) Overall Productivity (PPP)
Estimate: GDP(PPP) per person Estimate: GDP(PPP) per 44. Columbia 6.97 44. Venezuela 14,258
person employed per hour. US$ employed US$ Ranking 45. Thailand 5.59 45. Thailand 11,696
Country US$ Ranking Country US$ 46. Philippines 4.94 46. Philippines 10,694
1. Luxembourg 41.90 1. Luxembourg 73,999 47. China 3.47 47. China 6,884
2. Belgium 39.95 2. USA 69,193 48. Indonesia 3.14 48. Indonesia 6,660
3. France 73.72 3. Belgium 68,402 49. India 2.42 49. India 5,452
4. Italy 36.64 4. Italy 63,460
5. USA 36.08 5. Ireland 62,486 Tables are from the World Competitive Year Book 2001. They
6. Ireland 34.75 6. France 59,856 indicate the comparison of Labour Productivity (PPP) and
7. Denmark 34.72 7. Denmark 58,570 Overall Productivity (PPP) in 49 countries. The comparison
reveals that in India Labour Productivity as well as Overall
8. Norway 33.75 8. Norway 58,389 Productivity (PPP) are the lowest, i.e. we are in the 49th
9. Austria 33.19 9. Austria 56,389 position.
10. Germany 32.76 10. Canada 56,262 If we continue to be at the lower end of labour productivity
11. Finland 31.63 11. Germany 55,297 and overall productivity, we will not be able to hold our own in
12. Australia 30.97 12. Finland 54,497 global competition. Our companies will continue to incur losses
and there will be growing industrial sickness leading to the
13. Netherlands 30.45 13. Australia 54,174
closure of a large number of unviable units causing loss of
14. Spain 30.01 14. Taiwan 52,072 jobs to millions of workers. 4
15. Canada 29.75 15. Spain 51,731

We have therefore to make our industries competitive by utilisation of capacity, economies of scale, and improvement in


adopting suitable changes in the existing policies. labour management and skills. This is not an exhaustive list
and anything leading to more efficient resource management is
Wages and Productivity
identified as productivity gain. Much depends upon the
The wages in the organised sector are decided mostly by
innovative skills of the management and the willing coopera-
collective bargaining. Wherever necessary, the government
tion of workers.
intervenes in the wage determination process. The government
has been fixing minimum wages for different occupations and Relations between Liberalisation and
also linking these wages to dearness allowance. Productivity
An ideal wage policy should aim at a minimum wage and During the last two decades, several developing and socialist
progressive rise in real wages. But any sustained improvement economies that had followed highly interventionist and import
in real wages cannot be brought about unless it is accompanied substituting policy regimes implemented a radical policy shift in
by corresponding improvements in productivity. Hence linking terms of reducing government intervention and opening up of
of wages to productivity is of the utmost importance. There are their economies to international trade and investment. Some of
various misconceptions about productivity and therefore it is these economies have achieved rapid economic progress during
necessary to have a clear idea about productivity. the post-reform period. Therefore, it is generally believed that
developing economies benefit from free international trade and
The Seventh Plan (1987-92) summarised the objectives of a
flow of investment from developed economies, free flow of
wage policy as “a rise in the level of real income in consonance
technology, access to international markets and internal and
with an increase in productivity, promotion of productive
external competition.
employment, improvement in skills, sectoral shift in desired
directions and reduction in wage disparities”. An increase in competition puts a downward pressure on prices
and profits thereby providing a challenge to which firms have to
Single and Total FactorProductivity respond. They have to increase their technical efficiency, reduce
Productivity is the ratio of output to inputs and is a measure their costs, improve managerial efficiency, have higher productiv-
of efficiency of production. Productivity can be total factor ity of labour, better capacity utilisation and more innovations.
productivity or single factor productivity. Single factor produc- The resultant increase in the efficiency of use of resources can be
tivity refers to output per unit of an individual input such as interpreted as increase in productivity.
labour or capital. A commonly used measure is labour produc-
tivity which can be defined as – Output Labour Productivity= Liberalisation enables cheaper and easier access to foreign
____________ Labour units. technologies, global capital, imported inputs, and makes
possible greater international exchange of information.
Similarly we can define the productivity of capital or any other
input. It may be possible that labour productivity may be However, it is not an automatic process. A developing economy
increasing, as a result of infusion of more capital inputs, needs to have a certain level of human capital, and technological
therefore it is useful to look at the productivity of the entire and industrial endowments in order to reap the benefits of free
bundle of inputs. This is called Total Factor Productivity (TFP) trade and liberalisation. The ability to put new ideas and
and is defined as Output TFP = ___________________ technology into productive activities requires resources and skills
Entire bundle of inputs and right kind of incentives.

For technical reasons, we generally look at the Total Factor Post-Liberalisation Effects in India
Productivity Growth or TFPG. This is defined as the difference What is the effect of the policy of liberalisation on productivity
between the growth of output and the growth of inputs improvement in Indian industries? Have we gained as a result?
(suitably weighted). Researchers and academicians appear to be divided on this issue.
Thus TFPG is that part of output growth which is not The National Council of Applied Economic Research under-
explained by an increase in input use. In this sense, positive took a special study on “The impact of India’s economic
TFPG reflects technical change and any other improvements in reforms on industrial productivity, efficiency and competitive-
the management of resources. At the level of the firm, ness”. This study was sponsored by the IDBI, and the NCAER
improvements in productivity lead to lower costs and possibly had taken 3000 firms as the sample size. According to this
higher profits. The workers will also get a share in productivity study, there is some evidence that suggests that even the limited
gains in the form of higher wages or higher profit sharing reforms of the mid- seventies and the mid to late eighties
bonus or both. If we take the economy as a whole, increased engendered higher Total Factor Productivity Growth (TFPG),
productivity means lesser costs and proper utilisation of and that this was conducive for higher economic growth.
resources. There will be more goods available in the market at a Further, the available evidence also suggests that the positive
reasonable price, with enhanced income, workers will have impact of liberalisation on firm level productivity and efficiency
opportunities to consume more and of course a greater variety depend on factors such as the availability of long term finance,
of products to choose from. In the long run, this will ensure access to imported inputs and the ability to export.
higher standards of living to all. Thus, TFPG = (Growth of At the same time, the NCAER Study has drawn the conclusion
output) – (Growth of weighted inputs) In the short run, that productivity and efficiency of Indian industry during the
increased efficiency results from improvements in managerial nineties has been worse than in the eighties. The total factor
efficiency and organisational competence, innovation, fuller productivity growth rate during the 1990s is lower than during

the 1980s. NCAER has also drawn the conclusion that there are According to the table cited above, during the period 1978-85,

certain exogeneous factors that are relevant in this context. The India has experienced a decline in TFP in both organised and
study mentions the poor quality and slow growth of infrastruc- unorganised sectors at the All India level. The TFPG was high
ture facilities such as power, roads, ports, transport and in the pre-reforms period, but appeared to decline in the
communications acting as a serious drag on industrial produc- reforms period. During the entire period the growth of
tivity and growth. In spite of these factors some sectors of employment was higher in the unorganised sector, and this has
industry have recorded increased TFPG than others. resulted in lower labour productivity growth compared to the
Mrs. I.J. Ahluwalia4 , in her study observes that the improved organised sector.
productivity performance of the 1980s was a consequence of The growth of value added, employment and capital in the
policy changes of liberalisation, initiated in the mid 1970s. Her organised manufacturing sector in the country as a whole
cross country analysis indicates that both import substitution moved forward after the introduction of economic reforms.
and capital intensity have had a negative effect on productivity However, this growth was achieved with an inefficient use of
while output growth and scale have had a positive effect Mr. P. resources as reflected in the declining and negative total factor
Balkrishna and K. Pushpangadan5 have taken objection to productivity. This is the conclusion that the Study has drawn.
these conclusions. According to them establishing accelerated There is another angle to this. Murli Patibandla and B. V. Phani
productivity growth in the 1980s is contingent on the use of have addressed the issue of explaining industrial productivity
single deflation, a procedure which is flawed in principle. by micro level factors.8 They do not discuss whether the
According to them there is no credible option to double productivity has increased or decreased after the reforms.
deflation when working with value added as the output According to them, the studies that show increase in productiv-
measure in physical terms. Mr. B. Golder found that both ity at the aggregate level, are theoretically flawed. In any given
competition and greater availability of imported inputs had a industry, some firms could adjust more efficiently to the
positive impact on productivity.6 changed market conditions; and others who could not adjust,
All these analyses relate to the organised manufacturing sector remain inefficient and slowly die out. In the short run, the
of Indian industry. There are very few studies that have analysed inefficient remain or exist in the industry. In such a case, the
productivity trends in the small-scale or unorganised sector of average productivity of the industries may not show any
manufacturing industry in India. This is obviously because of increase owing to the existence of both efficient and inefficient
the inadequacy of data. firms. The opening up of the economy has certainly helped
J. Unni, N. Lalitha and Uma Rani have attempted an analysis of some firms who have more exposure to international trade.
trends in total factor productivity in both organised and They are open to the free flow of new ideas and technologies,
unorganised sectors of Indian industry.7 Following is their and as a result the idea gap is reduced. They have also the ability
summary table. to adjust to the changed market conditions.
4 Ahluwalia I.J (1991) Productivity and Growth in Indian Thus one can say that the policy of economic liberalisation has
certainly helped some Indian firms who have the ability to face
Manufacturing, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
international competition. They would always, try to reduce the
5 P. Balkrishnan & K. Pushpangadan: TFPG in cost, use the inputs more efficiently, try to innovate and such
Manufacturing. The 80s visited EP Weekly Jan. 26,2002 firms are likely to have more total factor productivity growth.
6 Golder B (2000): Productivity Measurement in Indian Indian industry can be efficient only if we have more firms of
this type in any industry.
Manufacturing: A Brief review A paper presented at the
We have already seen that wages in the organised sector are
workshop on Productivity measurement in India – Institute
decided mostly by collective bargaining, and much depends
of Eco. Growth, New Delhi Dec.20-22, 2000 upon the bargaining strength of the management and trade
7 Economic Reforms and Productivity Trends in Indian unions. Generally, the practice has been to revise wages,
Manufacturing: J. Unni, N. Lalitha, Uma Rani, E.P Weekly allowances of all types and other facilities given to workers every
three years. Now some enterprises are signing agreements for
October 13, 2001 P3914
five years. But this has been the recent trend. So far wage rises
Growth of Total Factor Productivity Labour Productivity in have not been linked to productivity and profitability condi-
Organised and Unorganised Manufacturing Sector in India tions. This had worked well because we were not facing
Table: competitive conditions. Now after the introduction of policies
Years Organised TFPG Labour Unorganised of economic liberalisation, these conditions have changed.
TFPG Labour ur Indian industry has suddenly become cost conscious and any
1978-85 0.26 4.2 14.57 7.6 effort to reduce cost and increase the efficiency of an
organisation are now welcome. As a result a large number of
1985-90 4 7.9 11.37 6.8
industrial undertakings are resorting to cost cutting exercises
1990-95 1.28 11.9 3.13 7.5 and are resorting to reducing the number of workers by
1978-90 1.13 5.9 2.66 1.1 resorting to VRS and outsourcing. This raises the question of
1978-95 0.1 7.8 2.47 3.1 the links between productivity or cost reduction and wages or
wage increases.

One extreme way of linking wages to productivity is to • Wages should aim at providing an adequate standard of


introduce a “share contract” system for giving compensation to living to workers.
workers. The share contract wage moves down with poor • Wage increase must take into account the company’s ability
earnings so that labour costs adjust quickly without resort to lay to pay and the performance of the employees.
• Wage must reflect the value of the job.
But this system will introduce a lot of uncertainty about the
• There must be variable components to accommodate
incomes of workers. Moreover, workers and their unions may
business cycles.
not believe the employers and the truthfulness and transparency
of their book-keeping practices. This will lead to disputes about • Wage increase must be commensurate with productivity
the profitability or otherwise of the company. Therefore, this growth.
practice of share contract does not seem practicable in a country The methodology to be applied for deciding the variable part
like India today. has to be negotiated and decided by mutual agreement by
We are still left with the question, how can wages and produc- unions and management, and will involve technical time and
tivity be linked? motion studies. There are various methods available and there
are also expert industrial engineers to undertake such studies
An ILO-National Tripartite Workshop (1996) observed that
and evolve a commonly acceptable solution. The local Produc-
there was no operationally effective mechanism for linking wage
tivity Councils do provide training to trade union leaders on
changes to changes in productivity or profitability. It was
greater details about these techniques.
suggested by the Tripartite Workshop that income stability for
employees in the organised sector should be ensured through The methodology to link wages with productivity will depend
full indexation of the basic wage while bonus and wage on the nature of the enterprise, and the formulae used can be
revisions should be related to productivity and profitability. determined by consensus between employers and the employ-
ees. The following are important for successful implementation:
Productivity of labour (net value added per worker) in the
organised sector was generally found to vary with changes in i. Wage reform at the macro level must be a tripartite effort
capital intensity and the ratio of salaried staff to total employ- among the Government, the Unions and Employers.
ees. In addition to productivity, wages were influenced by capital ii. There must be allowances for a phasing period, during
intensity, the ratio of salaried staff to total employees, the ratio which adjustments and changes could be made.
of wages to value added, and the consumer price index. iii. Real built-in wage increases should be tuned to productivity
Productivity Linked Wages growth.
If a productivity linked wage system is to succeed, it would iv. At the micro level, there must be satisfactory labour
need the involvement and commitment of all the parties, management relations and mutual trust and understanding.
particularly the employers and the unions in coming up with a v. There should be sharing of relevant information.
productivity linked wage system acceptable to all. As we have
The productivity wage system may be applied companywise.
pointed out, productivity emerges from an integrated approach
and hence all, from the top management to the bottom rung The typical characteristics of the system are:
of workers, should a share the gains from increased productiv- • Employee involvement
ity. Wages for various jobs reflect differences in skills and • Linkage of a portion of wages with performance at
provide necessary incentives for skill upgradation. The variable individual, group and company level
wage element can be determined with the participation of
• Improvement of work culture
employees at the individual, group, company, or national level.
• Recognition of job differentials and skill development.
In a productivity linked wage system, the wage structure will
consist of a basic wage and a variable component. The former Indian experience reveals that linkages between wages and
reflects the value of the job within the market, while the variable productivity can at best be partial. If the objective of the linkage
component provides the flexible linkage with a measure of is to limit inflationary pressures then wage increases should be
performance based on either the performance of the economy, restricted to improvements in labour productivity, making the
the company or the individual. The wage structure will then be: unit cost constant. The linkages can be used for making wages
Total wage = Basic Wage + Variable component (Depending more flexible in tandem with the market conditions. Wage
upon productivity) productivity linkage can also improve the economic performance
through paying higher wages or bonus for making extra efforts
The key elements of fixed and variable components include:
to achieve the performance goals.
• Basic Wage
Wage productivity linkages vary depending on the objective viz.,
• Annual Increment (wherever mentioned in the agreement) labour cost containment, wage flexibility, or worker motivation
• Contractual Bonus (where applicable) Variable component etc. When wage cost containment is the paramount concern, a
• Wage increases based on the productivity/profit sharing conventional measure of labour productivity is generally used,
formula. i.e., output divided by a measure of labour input. When wage
flexibility is the objective, and when the objective is worker
Basic Principles of productivity wage reform should include the
motivation, wages linked with productivity can take a number
of forms.

The most common method used involves worker incentive In juxtaposition, Madura Coats agreed for higher bonus

schemes, the traditional payment-byresults schemes (piece-work prospectively for the next three years, and ONGC started the
etc.) rating or performance appraisal systems. Motivation may practice of giving ad hoc fixed performance and productivity
also be enhanced through a variety of bonus schemes based on allowances.
measures of collective performance. Other performance Incentive schemes are increasingly being calculated on the basis
measures used for calculating collective bonus incentives are of pre-determined plant efficiency parameters. Eicher
based on quality, machine utilisation, or savings in raw materi- Goodearth scrapped its incentive scheme and introduced, in its
als, energy, or other costs. Increases may also be granted in place, Total Quality Allowance (TQA) based on 13 parameters.
anticipation of productivity improvements linked with changes Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. entered into an agreement whereby
agreed upon in work methods, as specified in so-called produc- the management would demonstrate actual working of a job
tivity bargaining. The feasibility of identifying suitable and time taken to complete a job in case there is a difference
performance measures will obviously vary with the circum- over the attainability of the standards prescribed.
stances of individual enterprises and groups of workers.
Bombay Mills have agreed to pay 4% allowance for 7 days
In the foregoing paragraphs, we have tried briefly to state some working, 3% allowance for working during recess period and 1.5
of the considerations that have been urged on the question of times the wages for working on holidays.
linking productivity and wages. We have not put forward any
Many agreements begin with opening paragraphs about
formula because the time and resources at our disposal did not
productivity, work culture and the role to be played by the
permit an exhaustive and satisfactory study, and because there
union and the management. The agreement that Bajaj Auto
was no specific mandate to us to propose such a formula.
entered into is an example:
Productivity Agreements “Productivity, Quality, Work Culture, Time Study And Ex-
Our attention has been drawn to the fact that, in a good pected Production Output.
number of industries now productivity agreements have been
“The Union and the Company agree that in view of the
increased competitive environment in the domestic and global
We have already seen that productivity is not merely labour markets, the company can survive, let alone prosper, only by
productivity. Labour productivity can be improved without gaining competitiveness and improving levels of production,
economising on the use of labour as an input. By seeking the productivity and ensuring better quality in all its operations and
co-operation and commitment of workers and by sharpening activities by means of maximum utilisation of plant, machin-
their skills and attitudes, employers can raise productivity ery, equipment, human and other resources at its disposal.
through better use of other resources. This is what some of Therefore, both the parties agree to achieve higher output and
these agreements have proposed to do. We shall cite a few of man/ machine utilisation by continuously reducing cycle time,
them. work simplification, up-to-date maintenance, upkeep of
The common interpretations of productivity in recent years machines and tools, toolings, gauges, fixtures, reduction in
include the following: consumption of consumables and energy and by use of
improved and latest technology. The Union and the Company
1. Waste reduction in all forms.
also agree to ensure continuous improvement in productivity
2. Working intelligently, not merely putting in hard work and quality in all the operations of the Company. Further, the
3. People will take action for productivity improvement only Company and the Union acknowledge that the conditions in
when they are convinced about the rationale and usefulness two and three-wheeler industry are fast changing due to
of the action. improvements in technology and the emergence of competitive
4. Positive involvement and commitment of workers and markets where the buyer dictates the terms and therefore it is
unions. absolutely imperative that higher quality products are to be
consistently produced at lower costs. “The Union agrees that
5. Change as a continuous process in terms of technology,
the company will continue to conduct time studies to decide the
materials, products, processes, etc.,
rate of production (output rates) and all workmen shall give the
6. Productivity is a multidimensional concept. It depends on production as per the output rates fixed by the Company. The
quantity, quality and features of products and the efficiency Union also agrees that these output rates may change from time
and effectiveness with which they are produced. to time by retime study, depending on changes in work
The productivity linked wages settlement by Southern India methods, raw material, jigs, fixtures etc10.”
Textile Association is a unique example of joint agreement of Similar provisions can be found in many agreements signed
systematic assessment of work loads and the principle of recently.
sharing by workers of 50% of the savings by the total category “In view of the globalisation of the economy leading to a
of basic workers. 30 Mills were party to the agreement. competitive environment the union and the company recognise
The TI Cycles entered into an agreement, during the period it the need to improve production and productivity”.
was faring badly, providing for DA linked to productivity “Survival in the demanding business environment calls for a
instead of inflation. After three years, however, the DA’s linkage greater degree of working together and sharing together to
with inflation was restored. INDAL’s Belur Unit links bonus bring about higher and higher degree of qualitative perfor-
not to profit, but to overall plant efficiency and output. mance”.

“Workers shall extend wholehearted cooperation for optimising team work, many agreements provide for tapering off the


performance of the company at all levels”. differences over a three year period. There are exceptions as the
“Purpose of the agreement is to increase the level of productiv- agreement in Mahindra and Mahindra and Larsen and Toubro
ity and to improve it further”. reveal. In Mahindra and Mahindra Limited, Igatpur Plant, Nasik
the agreement dated 24th April 1995 provides for increase in
“Purpose is to become more versatile, more flexible and more
effective working time by 10 minutes per shift/person: “The
innovative so that the company can be more competitive”.
Union and the workmen have agreed to work for 420 man
All these indicate that both managements and workers are aware minutes as Effective Working Time” per shift. In addition to
of the changed economic environment and the need for the above, the union and the workmen have agreed to carry out
working together to enhance productivity. work related activities such as filing of production/precontrol
Special Provisions in Collective charts, minor setting, minor maintenance including oiling,
Bargaining greasing and cleaning of respective machines, equipments and
Collective bargaining provisions in wage agreements have come jigs-fixtures etc., in each shift and for this purpose they will
to provide for an element on contingency based on individual/ work for an additional 10 minutes on average per shift. Thus in
group/organisational performance. They are manifested in one the first and second shifts of 480 minutes duration there will be
or more of the following ways: effective utilisation of 430 (420+10) minutes. It was agreed in
the agreement in Larsen & Toubro Limited, Powai Works,
a. managerial discretion in setting new norms of production/
Mumbai (30 December 1993) covering daily rated workmen and
monthly rated technical staff that “effective working hours for
b. Proportionate deductions if standard output is not the Day shift (General/First shift) shall be reduced to 45 hours
achieved; per week (from 48 hours). Flexi-time is yet to be introduced
c. two – tier wage agreements; through collective agreements. The problem that many
d. linking dearness allowance to cost of production rather than employers face concern utilisation of the agreed working hours.
to cost of living; In the past guaranteed overtime agreements were not uncom-
e. wage cuts/freezes in sick enterprises and mon. In recent years, agreements provide that such overtime
will be paid only if people are physically present. Interestingly,
f. arbitration. the thrust is on presence, not work. It confirms that in the past,
a. Managerial discretion in setting new norms: Several it was possible, due to norms established through collective
collective agreements provide for incentive schemes, but few bargaining, to claim predetermined overtime without being
attempt to link wages with productivity and/or bonus. Very physically present, let alone working, for the extra hours.The
few companies – Eicher Goodearth, in New Delhi, a pioneered main thrust of the agreements on working hours concerns
it in 1990 – withdrew incentive schemes altogether, clubbed punctuality and regularity in attendance. With the result, many
average incentives for the past three years with salary, and companies have begun to link payment of a variety of benefits
announced that workers must do what management asks them like canteen allowance, conveyance allowance, etc., to attendance
to do. on top of the attendance bonus. In rare cases even house rent
The agreement in Bajaj Tempo Ltd., Akurdi, Pune (19th April allowance and children’s education allowance are linked to
1993) provides that: employee’s attendance. A few firms have also given attendance
a. Union will be provided information regarding the issuance bonus if any employee does not avail any leave for the first
of new norms; three years; (a) from the company’s point of view a fresh worker
takes at least three years before he or she rises to peak perfor-
b. workers who fail to achieve the norms are liable for mance on the learning curve; (b) from the union’s point of
disciplinary action and denial of all allowances; and view, loyal, long serving members should have better reward
c. management decision with regard to work norms and than fresh employees who may or may not have joined the
work-load will be final and binding on all concerned daily union yet.
and monthly-rated workmen.
d. Linking dearness allowance (cost of living allowance)
b. Proportionate deductions if standard output is not to cost of production:
achieved: The agreement in Asian Paints Ltd., Cochin (Kerala) This is done on an exceptional basis in chronically sick compa-
provides that, “——wages agreed upon in this settlement are nies. For example, T.I. Cycles in Madras attempted this in 1984
for standard output………. and any persistent shortfall in the for a couple of years. Once the company began to earn profits
output will attract proportionate deduction in the wages payable the union requested the management to link dearness allowance
for the period.” back to cost of living index which the management accepted. In
c. Two – tier wage agreements: When existing collective quite a few sick companies dearness allowance was frozen for a
agreements are revised, some companies have created new limited period.
grades which start at a lower basic wage than is provided to e. Wage Cuts/freezes: Wage cuts and temporary freezes on
similar jobs/grades as per earlier statements. This does not employee benefits and allowances are common in sick compa-
seem to conflict with the Equal Remuneration Act in India nies deep in debt or facing funds crisis. Wage cuts upto 30% are
which is concerned solely with gender based discrimination. usually regarded as a trade off against job cuts. Freezes are
However, recognising the impact of such discrimination on considered as a temporary contribution to tide over a financial

crisis. In the Fifth round of wage negotiations in the public b. The international agreements or Declarations that we have

sector during 1993-95, nearly one-fourth of the 240 central accepted on the social need and responsibility for a fair wage;
public sector undertakings (CPSUs) did not have wage revision c. The reports of Committees and Commissions and the
agreements even though most of the existing agreements judgments of the Supreme Court on minimum wages, fair
expired on 31 December 1991. Such companies lost one round wages and related matters,
of wage revision covering the period 1992-96. The Sixth round
d. The economic link between a fair wage and the capacity to
of wage revisions covering the period 1997-2006 will also be
skipped in these ‘sick’ companies because of the increases in
wage cost. Wage cuts and freezes take place in the sick private e. The relation between the capacity to pay, prices, profit and
sector units too. productivity;
f. Arbitration: Wherever there is any dispute between trade f. The new methods that have emerged to promote as well as
unions and management on time study and work measure- to assess productivity;
ment, disputes are not settled through courts, but through g. The gradual withdrawal or weakening of the control of the
technical experts. In many agreements in the Pune region, these state in economic matters (including wage fixation) that has
disputes are referred to industrial engineers of the Poona followed globalisation;
Division Productivity Council whose decision is binding on h. The crucial and continuing importance of the quantum and
both the parties. This willingness to abide by the verdicts of regular payment of minimum wages in the vast and
technical experts is something new. dispersed areas of the unorganised sector where more than
In linking wages with productivity and in effectively implement- 90% of the working opulation are engaged, and where weak
ing such a scheme, the primary responsibility lies on the organization and poor public awareness further weaken the
management. Technology, processes and people are the major bargaining power of workers; i) The experience that all
sources of productivity. The scope of technology has extended social partners have gathered in this field in the last half
far beyond production, to cover materials, processes, packaging, century;
energy, maintenance, transportation, logistics, dispensing, j. The view that the diversity in conditions within States and
recycling etc. Secondly, various processes can also contribute to between States makes it necessary for us to approach a
productivity. Industrial Engineering, Operation Research national uniform minimum wage through effective
Technique, SQC, TQM, ERP, CRM, SCM and simple techniques enforcement of regional minima within regions in the
like Quality Circles all add up to improve productivity. The third States, and States in proximate regions;
factor is people. If they are handled properly people can unlock
k. The view that with globalisation, market forces will
the productivity latent in themselves.
increasingly influence wages; and
Such a change cannot be brought about without co-operation
l. The countervailing (opposite) view that globalisation and
between unions and management. The co-operation of
the consequent job uncertainty have made it all the more
workers is crucial in all efforts to increase productivity. It is the
necessary to ensure fair and just wages and social security
responsibility of the management as well as the union to
through the intervention of legislation and the machinery
bring about the culture of co-operation on which productivity
of the State and public bodies; The Government should
depends. The Government too has its share of responsibility
appoint a high power committee consisting of
to ensure the infrastructure that is needed to assure and
representative of Trade Unions, entrepreneurs, State and
improve productivity – roads, power supply, communications,
Central Governments, academicians, social activists, and
quick administrative responses, elimination of corruption,
other concerned and competent groups to study the
transparency and so on.
question of fair wages and minimum wages and make
Wage Determination recommendations on methods of determination and
Thus, the factors that are relevant to wage determination can be revision, quanta, methods of enforcement, relation to
briefly recounted: capacity to pay, the socially desirable linkages with
a. Recommendations of various Committees appointed by productivity, and other relevant matters.
the Government for the purpose.
b. Various judicial pronouncements and the principles
enunciated therein from time to time.
c. Capacity of an industry to pay.
d. Bargaining strength of the negotiating union of workers.
e. Regional wages prevailing in that region.
f. Prices, profits and productivity.
We therefore, strongly recommend that, in view of the
a. Constitutional commitments to a fair wage;


Learning Objective growth until the second world war. Even this growth during
The study of this lesson will help you: the second world war was not the result of management and
• Understand the types of collective bargaining unions’ influence but due to government efforts. There was not
much awareness of collective bargaining and its importance at
• Collective bargaining in India.
that period.
Types of Collective Bargaining Only after independence , there was considerable growth in
At the outset it should be stated that there is a great deal of collective bargaining. Trade unions gained importance after
variation in the collective bargaining practices ranging from an independence. From management’s side, there emerged a new
informal oral agreement to a very formal and detailed agree- class of managers, who saw the labour with sympathy and
ment. understanding. But Collective Bargaining process took place
Collective Bargaining takes the following forms: mainly at plant level and organization level unlike western
I. It may be a single plant bargaining, that is, bargaining may countries where the agreements are reached at industry level.
be between a single trade union . This type of collective Another flow of collective bargaining process in India is that it
bargaining prevails in the United States and India. is mostly used for basic monetary benefits. In recent years
II. It may be a multiple plant bargaining, that is, bargaining Collective bargaining is gaining momentum.
may be between a single factory or establishment having Causes for the Limited Success of Collective
several plants and the workers employed in all these plants. Bargaining in India
III. It may be a multiple employer bargaining, that is, Though, it is argued that collective bargaining has grown in
bargaining between all trade unions of workers in the same India due to the statutory provisions, voluntary measures,
industry through their federal organizations, and the Industrial Truce Resolution of 1962 and the amendments to
employer’s federation. This is possible both at the local and the Industrial Disputes Act , 1947, its success is limited. The
regional levels and is generally resorted to in the textile causes for its limited success are:
industry. 1) Problems with the unions: Collective bargaining process
In India, collective bargaining has been classified under four mainly depends on the strength of Unions. But still there are
categories. These are: not many strong unions in India. Indian unions are marked
with multiplicity, inter and intra –union rivalry, weak financial
I. Agreements which are negotiated by officers during the
position and non-recognition. Weak trade unions cannot
course of conciliation proceedings and are called settlements
initiate strong arguments during negotiations. There is usually
under the Industrial Disputes Act.
no unanimous decision among workers to be presented at the
II. Agreements which are concluded by the parties themselves negotiable table.
without reference agreements, however, are sent to
2) Problems with the Government:The government has not
appropriate sent to appropriate governments and to
been making any strong effects for the development of
conciliation officers.
Collective bargaining. The government has imposed many
III. Agreements which are negotiated by the parties on a restrictions regarding strikes and lockouts, which is an obstacle
voluntary basis when disputes are sub- judice and which are for the development of collective bargaining process.
later submitted to industrial tribunals, labour courts or
3) Legal problems: Now adjudication is easily accessable. As
labour arbitrators for incorporation into the documents as
such now collective bargaining process is losing its importance.
parts of awards. These are known as consent awards.
IV. Agreements which are drawn up after direct negotiation 4) Political Interference: Interference of political leaders in all
between labour and management and are purely voluntary aspects of union matters, has increased over the years. Almost
in character. These depend for their enforcement on moral all the unions are associating themselves with some political
force and on goodwill and co-operation of the parties. party or the other. And there are many such unions. To protect
their own unions, all political parties interfere into the matters,
Collective Bargaining in India creating inter union rivalries.
Collective bargaining in India grew at par with the growth of
5) Attitude of management: In India management have
Trade Unionism. Collective bargaining arrangements for the
negative attitude towards unions. They do not appreciate there
first time were made at Ahmedabad cotton textile industry. The
workers joining unions. As strong unions are must for the
main purpose of the arrangements was regulation of labour
collective bargaining process this attitude of management
and management relation ships. But there was no considerable
hampers the process.

Recommendations of the National Commission of management. In order to bring this to pass, the

Labour for Successful Functioning of Collective organizational set-up of a trade union will have to be
Bargaining. changed; and the later should adopt a constructive approach
National Commission of Labour in 1969 made the following at the bargaining table rather than the present agitational or
recommendations after considering the problem. litigation oriented approach.
(a) Government intervention in industrial relations particularly v. To ensure that collective bargaining functions properly,
in the settlement of the industrial disputes, should be reduced unfair labour practices should be avoided and abandoned by
gradually to the minimum possible extent. Compulsory both the sides. The negotiations between the management
adjudication of disputes should be used only as a last resort. and the recognized trade union will then be conducted in
the atmosphere of goodwill, which will not be vitiated by
(b) Trade unions should be strengthened both organizationally
malpractices, and neither side would take advantage of the
and financially by amending the Trade Union Act of 1926 to
other by resorting to unfair practices.
make registration of unions compulsory, enhance the union
membership fee, reduce the presence of outsiders in the union vi. When negotiations result in an agreement, the terms of the
executive and among the office-bearers and increase the contract should be put down in writing and the embodied
minimum number of the members in the respect of union in a document. When no agreement is reached, the parties
applying for registration. should agree to concilation, mediation or arbitration. If no
settlement is is arrived at even then, the workers should be
(c) Legal provision may be made either by a separate legislation
free to go on strike, and the employees should be at liberty
or by amending an existing enactment for :
to declare a lockout. To restrict this right is to inhibit and
1. Compulsory recognition of the trade unions and the very process of Collective Bargaining.
certification of unions as bargaining agents.
vii. Once an agreement is reached , it must be honoured and
2. Prohibition and penalisation of unfair labour practices. fairly implemented.
3. Bargaining in good faith by both employers and unions. No strike or lockout should be permitted in respect of
4. Conferring legal validity and legitimacy on collective issues which have already been covered in the contract; and
agreements. the trade union should not be allowed to raise fresh
Suggestions for the Effective Functioning of
Collective Bargaining viii.A provision for arbitration should be incorporated in the
agreement, which should become operative when there is
i. There must be a change, in the attitude of employers and
any disagreement on the interpretation of its terms and
employees. They should realize that Collective Bargaining
conditions. The disputes arising out of the agreement
approach does not imply litigation as it does under
should be referred to an agreed third party with a view to
adjudication. It is an approach which indicates that the two
arriving at a final and binding decision.
parties are determined to resolve their differences on their
respective claims in a peaceful manner relying only on their Indian Institute of Personal Management offered
own strength and resources; they do not look to a third the following suggestions
party for the solution of their problems. i. A truly representive, enlightened and strong trade union
ii. Collective bargaining is best conducted at plant level. The should come into being and should function on strictly
bargaining agents of both the parties should be determined constitutional lines;
to arrive at an agreed solution of their respective problems. ii. There should be a progressinve and strong management
The employers should be represented by the employers and which is conscious of its obligations and responsibilities to
the workers by their trade unions. Both should know which the owners of the business, to the employers, the
is the recognized union, incase there is more than one in a consumers and the country.
plant; and this union, recognized in the proper manner,
iii. There should be unanimity between labour and
should be the sole bargaining agent of all the workers in an
management on the basic objectives of the organization
and of the workers and a mutual recognition of their rights
iii. Employers and employees should enter upon negotiations and obligations.
on points of difference or on demands with a view to
iv. When there are several units of the company, there should
reaching an agreement . The trade unions should not make
be a delegation of authority to the local management ;and
or put forward unreasonable demands. Any refusal to
negotiate on the part of either side should be looked upon v. A fact finding approach , and a willing ness to use new tools
as an unfair practice. Rigid attitudes are out of place in a – for example, industrial engineering- should be adopted
collective bargaining system. for the solution of industrial problems.
iv. Negotiations can be successful only when the parties rely on The National Commission on Labour offered the
facts and figures to support their point of view. The trade following recommendations
union should be assisted by such specialists or economists, i. In the absence of arrangements for statutory recognitions
productivity experts and professionals, so that their case is of unions except in some states and provisions which
properly presented to the representative of the require employers and workers to bargain in good faith’, it

is no surprise that reaching of collective agreements has not


made much hgeadway in our country. Nonethe less the
record of collective agreements has not been as
unsatisfactorily as it is popularly believed. Its extention to a
wider area is certainly desirable.
ii. There is a case for shift in emphasis and increasingly greater
scope for and reliance on collective bargaining. Any sudden
change replacing adjudication by a system of collective
bargaining is neither called for nor is practicable. The process
has to be gradual. A beginning has to be made in the move
towards collective bargaining by declaring that it will acquire
primacy in the procedure of setting industrial disputes.
iii. Conditions have to be created to promote collective
bargaining. The most important among them is statutory
recognition of a representative union as the sole bargaining
agent. The place strikes/lock-out should have in the overall
scheme of industrial relations needs to be defined; collective
bargaining cannot exist without the right to strike/lock-out.

Notes -


Learning Objective grievance redressing authority, has to analyze the problem, find

The study of this lesson will help you understand: out the route cause of the problem rather than viewing it from
• Nature,causes and procedure of grievance. legal aspects and solve it based on humanitarian approach. This
approach of grievance redressal is known as clinical approach to
• Grievance redress mechanism.
grievance handling. Hence, a grievance may be viewed as
Grievance complex psychological phenomenon calling for human rather
Efficient grievance management is an important and integral than any procedural or legal action in its analysis and solution.
part of the human recource management. There are several
Characteristics of Grievances
aspects of HRM, human relations and industrial relations
A grievance may have the fallowing characteristics:
practices which generate feelings of discontent on the part of
individual workers. In fact, it is the starting point of the process a. Factual: The employer-employee relation ship depends
since further arguments and agreements emanate on the basis upon the job contract in any organization. This contract
of the agreement arrived at earlier. In this implementation of a indicates the norms defining the limits with in which the
collective agreement a number of problems-— grievances – employee expects the organization to fulfill his aspirations.
arise frequently and on account of this reason both manage- When these legitimate needs of expectations or aspirations
ment and workers show utmost concern to the collective are not fulfilled, the employee will be dissatisfied with the
agreement. If an individual’s grievances are unattended and job. Such dissatisfaction is called Factual Grievance. For
unresolved they will become collective disputes. Hence, there is a instance, when an employee is not given promotion, which
necessity of providing a procedure for redressal of individual is due to him, or when work conditions are unsafe,
grievances. grievances of employees relating to these issues are based
on facts. In other words, these grievances reflect the
A grievance is a sign of employee’s discontent with job and its
drawbacks in the implementation of the organizational
nature. The employee has got certain aspirations and expecta-
tions which he thinks must be fulfilled by the organization
where he is working. When the organization fails to satisfy the b. Imaginary: when the job contract is not clear-cut and does
employee need, he develops a feeling of discontent or dissatis- not indicate the norms defining the limits with in which the
faction. For instance, the employee expects proper employee expects the organization fulfill his needs and
implementation of the Central and State Government’s laws, aspirations, the employee develops such needs which the
collective agreements, company policies and management organization is not obliged to meet. Here grievances are not
responsibilities. A violation of any one among these cause based on facts. Even then the employee feels aggrieved.
dissatisfaction on his part. Thus, grievance is caused due to the Normally, the organization does not feel any kind of
difference between the employee expectation and management responsibility for such grievances and their redressal, because
practice. they are not only based on the wrong perceptions of the
employee but also on wrong information. However, such
The concept ‘grievance’ has been defined in several ways by
grievances can have far-reaching consequences on the
different authorties.
organization because the employees are likely to develop an
Some of the definitions are as follows:
altogether negative attitude towards the organization, which
Beach defines a grievance as ‘any dissatisfaction or feeling of
decreases their effectiveness and involvement in work.
injustice in connection with one’s employment situation that is
brought to the notice of the management’, whereas Flippo c. Disguised: In general organizations consider the basic
indicates the grievance as a ‘type of discontent which must requirements of their employees. Psychological needs of
always be expressed. A grievance is usually more formal in their employees such as need for recognition, affection,
character than a complaint. It can be valid or ridiculous, and power, achievement etc., normally unattended and ignored.
must grow out of something connected with company For instance, an employee complaining very strongly about
operations or policy. It must involve an interpretation or the working conditions in the office may in turn be seeking
application of the provisions of the labour contract. some recognition and appreciation from his or her
colleagues. Hence, disguised grievances should also be
Jucius defines a grievance as “… any discontent or dissatisfac-
considered since they do have far-reaching consequences in
tion, whether exposed or not, whether valid or not, arising out
case they are unattended and ignored.
of anything connected with the company which an employee
thinks, believes or even feels to be unfair, unjust or inequitable. Need for a Grievance Procedure
The above definitions indicate that a grievance may be factual or Grievance procedure is necessary for any organization due to the
imaginary or disguised and it is problem whether it is expressed following reasons:
or not, valid or not. When an employee presents a problem, the

1. Most grievances seriously disturb the employees. This may employees or the trade unions in an organization demand wage


affect their morale, productivity and their willingness to co- revision, such issue does not come under the scope of grievance
operate with the organization. If an explosive situation machinery and falls with in the scope of collective bargaining. In
develops, this can be promptly attended to if a grievance contrast if the workers of different departments submit to the
handling procedure is already in existence. management that there wage is not in accordance to with the
2. It is not possible that all the complaints of the employees award given by the Wage boards and if they ask the manage-
would be settled by first time supervisors, for these ment to correct the wage inequity such issues falls with in the
supervisors may not have had a proper training for the scope of grievance machinery. Thus, a grievance – (a) Has a
purpose, and they may lack authority. Moreover, there may narrower perspective; (b) Is concerned to an individual or a few
be personality conflicts and other causes as well. employees of different types. As such policy issues do not fall
with in the scope of grievance machinery.
3. It serves as a check on the arbitrary actions of the
management because supervisors know that employees are Causes of grievances related to interpretation of all personnel
likely to see to it that their protest does reach the higher policies: National Commission on Labour states that “
management. complaints affecting one or more individual workers in respect
of their wage payments, overtime, leave, transfer, promotion,
4. It serves as an outlet for employee gripes, discontent and
seniority, work assignment and discharge would constitute
frustrations. It acts like a pressure valve on a steam boiler.
grievances. The causes of grievances include the interpretation
The employees are entitled to legislative, executive and
of areas like placement, transfer, working conditions, promo-
judicial protection and they get this protection from the
tion, payment of wages, allowances, overtime pay,
grievance redreessal procedure, which also acts as a means of
victimization, medical benefits, housing facilities, increments,
upward communication. The top management becomes
granting loans, conditions of work, leave, seniority, safety
increasingly aware of employee problems, expectations and
measures, fines, conditions of work, suspension, break in the
frustrations. It becomes sensitive to their needs, and cares
service and the like.
for then well-being. This is why the management, while
formulating plans that might affect the employees – for The Causes of Grievances
example, plant expansion or modification, the installation The causes of employee grievances include:
of labour-saving devices.
1. Demands for individual wage adjustments,
5. The management has complete authority to operate the
2. Complaints about the incentive system,
business as it sees fit-subject, of course, to its legal and
moral obligations and the contracts it has entered into with 3. Complaints about the job classifications,
its workers or their representative trade union. But if the 4. Complaints against a particular foreman,
trade union or the employees do not like the way the 5. Complaints concerning disciplinary measures and
management functions, they can submit their grievance in procedures,
accordance with the procedure laid down for that purpose.
6. Objections to the general methods of supervision,
A well-designed and a proper grievance procedure 7. Loose calculation and interpretation of seniority rules, and
provides unsatisfactory interpretation of agreements,
I. A channel or avenue by which any aggrieved employee may 8. Promotions,
present his grievance,
9. Disciplinary discharge or lay-off,
II. A procedure, which ensures that there will be a systematic
10. Transfer for another department or another shift,
handling of every grievance,
11. Inadequacy of safety and health services/devices,
III. A method by which an aggrieved employee can relieve his
feelings of dissatisfaction with his job, Working conditions 12. Non-availability of materials in time,
or with the management and 13. Violation of contracts relating to collective bargaining,
IV. A means of ensuring that there is some measure of 14. Improper job assignment, and
promptness in the handling of the grievance. 15. Undesirable or unsatisfactory conditions of work.
Nature and Causes of Grievances Pre-requisites of a Grievance Procedure
A grievance is a problem and submitted by an employee or The efficiency of a grievance procedure depends upon the
several employees of different types. It may be concerning a fulfillment of certain per-requisites. These are as follows:
situation or likely to effect the terms and conditions of the
a. Conformity with Prevailing Legislation: While designing the
employment of one worker or several workers. If a problem is
grievance procedure due consideration must be given to the
related to and endorsed by all or majority of the employees or
existing statutory provisions. In other words, the existing
if trade union submits a problem as a general claim it falls
grievance machinery as provided by law may be made use of.
outside the scope of grievance procedure and generally comes
under the purview of the collective bargaining. Thus, if an issue b. Clarity: There should be clarity regarding each and every
is wider in scope or general in nature it will be outside the aspect of the grievance procedure. An aggrieved employee
grievance machinery. For example, if the majority of the must be informed about the person to whom a
representation can be made, the form of submission

(written /oral), the time limit for the redressal of grievance III. Failing to maintain proper records;

etc. Similarly, the redressing authority should be very clear IV. Resorting to an executive fiat instead of dispassionately
about what is expected from him, what measures he can discussing the facts of the grievance of the employee;
take, the limits with in which he should resort to an action
V. Communicating the decision to the grievance in an
improper way; and
c Simplicity: The grievance procedure should be simple. Every
VI. Taking a wrong or hasty decision, which the facts or
employee must understand different stages of the
circumstances of the case do not justify.
procedure, the forms to be filled up, and the witnesses
required etc. if there are too many stages in the procedure, Measures to Avoid the Errors
too many forms to be filled up, too much going around Managements should try to avoid the errors in the grievance
etc., the very purpose of the procedure is defeated. Instead procedure by following the measures indicated here under:
of resorting to the formal procedure an employee may 1. Helpful attitude and support of the management.
ignore it. 2. Belief on the part of all concerned in the practice of the
d. Promptness: The promptness with which a grievance is procedure.
processed adds further to the success of the grievance 3. Introduction of the procedure with the concurrence of
procedure. Since justice delayed is justice denied the employees and trade unions.
procedure should aim at rapid disposal of the grievances.
4. Following the simple, fair and easily comprehensible
e. Training: The success of the procedure also depends upon procedures.
imparting training to the supervisors and the union
representatives in handling grievances. 5. Formulating the clear policies and procedures of the
f. Follow-up: The successful working of a grievance procedure
depends upon a proper follow up by the personnel 6. Delegation of appropriate authority to the parties
department. The department should periodically review the concerned.
procedure and introduce the essential structural changes 7. Functioning of the personnel department in the advisory
making it more effective. capacity.
Basic elements of a Grievance Procedure 8. A fact-oriented and issue-oriented rather than employee-
The basic elements of a grievance redressal procedure are: oriented procedure.
A. The existence of a sound channel through which a grievance 9. Respect the decisions taken at all the levels.
may pass for redressal if the previous stage or channel has 10. Adequate publicity to the procedure.
been found to be inadequate, unsatisfactorily or 11. Periodic evaluation and review of the procedure.
unacceptable. This stage may comprise three, four or five
Grievance Interview
Despite the fulfillment of the above pre-requisites, there is
B. The procedure should be simple, definite and prompt, for some inherent impersonality in the procedure, which makes it
any complexity or vagueness or delay may lead to an insensitive to imaginary and disguised grievances. Hence they
aggravation of the dissatisfaction of the aggrieved should be supplemented or sometimes replaced by a good
employee. personal approach, i.e., the grievance interview. This also
C. The steps in handling a grievance should be clearly defined. facilitates the identification of the basis –whether factual or not.
These should comprise: Even when the basis is factual the grievance interview reduces
a. Receiving and defining the nature of the grievance; the magnitude of the problem and develops an understanding
between the aggrieved and the organization.
b. Getting at the relevant facts, about the grievance;
The effectiveness of the interview depends on the skills on the
c. Analyzing the facts, after taking into consideration the part of the interviewer. He must give a patient listening to the
economic, social, psychological and legal issues involved in employee and the employee should feel free to ventilate his
them; grievance. If the interviewer is competent in professional
d. Taking an appropriate decision after a careful consideration handling of the situation and well conversant with the tech-
of all the facts; and niques of interview he can draw the aggrieved to him and in the
e. Communicating the decisions, to the aggrieved employee. process of interview he can bring about an integration of the
D. Whatever the decision, it should be followed up in order employee’s objectives of the organizational objectives.
that the reaction to the decision may be know and in order The open Door Policy
to determine whether the issue has been closed or not. How to minimize/eliminate the source of an employee’s
Errors in the Grievance Procedure grievances?
I. Stopping too soon the search for facts; This question is normally ignored and prevention of grievances
is a neglected part of grievance management in a number of
II. Expressing the opinion of the management before all the
organizations. What is required is the development of sensitive
pertinent facts have been uncovered and evaluated;
feelers with in an organization for tapping the source of

dissatisfaction. In other words, the upward


channels of communication should be free from
blocks and hindrances. Unfortunately, in many
organizations there is a notion among superiors
that a negative content generates dissatisfaction on
the part of higher-ups and gives a negative feeling
about the concerned department. Hence an
endeavor is made for suppressing the grievances
and individuals are prevented from speaking out.
To overcome the barriers of upward communica-
tions some experts have suggested an ‘open door
policy’, which requires efforts and willing ness from
the individual’s superior. In other words there
should be a general invitation to all employees to
walk in at any time and speak over their grievances.
However this policy is workable only in small
organizations. Since the principle of management
by exception is practiced in large organizations, the
top level managements have time neither to look
after the innumerable grievances of their employees
nor familiarity with their work situation.
Grievance Procedure
The model grievance procedure suggested by the
National Commission on Labour has provided for the N.S Not Satisfied
successive time bound steps each leading to the next in case of All the above-mentioned steps may not be resorted to by a
lack of satisfaction. worker. In case the grievance arises on account of dismissal or
At the outset an aggrieved worker shall approach the foreman discharge of the worker, he can resort to the second step. In the
and informs his grievance orally and seeks the redressal of his later stage he can make an appeal to the dismissing authority
grievance. If it is not redressed to his satisfaction he approaches designated by the management with in a week from the date of
the supervisor who has to give to the complaint of the worker dismissal or discharge.
with in 48hrs. if the decision(answer)is not acceptable by the Thus, there is voluntariness in so far as the implementation of
worker or if the superior does not give any answer, the worker the model grievance procedure is concerned. But there is a great
can go to the next step. At the third stage the worker can, either need for providing a statutory backing to the grievance machin-
in person or accompanied by his departmental representative, ery since voluntariness failed to get the desired resulting in a
approach the head of the department who has to give the number of cases. Further, there is a need to introduce sugges-
answer before the expiry of three days. If the department head tion schemes which are helpful in overcoming the barriers in
fails to do so or if the answer is not acceptable by the worker upward channels of communication. In the western countries
given by him, then the worker can resort to the Grievance suggestion schemes have helped a lot in harmonizing the
Committee, which comprises of the representatives of relations between labour and management. In India also,
employers and employees. This committee shall communicate suggestion schemes have been success in some organizations
its recommendations to the manager with in seven days of the due to monetary rewards, establishment of suggestion
grievance reaching it. If there are unanimous decisions, those committees and dissemination of full information about the
shall be implemented by the management. In case unanimous suggestions received. Hence, the importance of suggestion
decisions have been not arrived at, the views of the committee schemes should be recognized and measures should be initiated
members shall be recorded and all the relevant record shall be for the introduction of such schemes.
placed before the manager for decision. The manager shall Certain Do’s and Don’ts in handling grievances:
communicate his decision with in three days. The worker has a
right to appeal against the managers decision. These appeals Do’s-
shall be decided with in a weak. If the aggrieved desires he can 1. Investigate the handle each and every case as though it may
take along with him a union official for discussion with the eventually result in an arbitration hearing.
authority. In case a decision has not been arrived at, at this stage, 2. Talk with the employee about his grievance; give him a
the union and management may refer the grievance to voluntary good and full hearing.
arbitration with in a week of receipt of the management’s
3. Get the union to identify specific contractual provisions
decision by the worker.
allegedly violated.
4. Enforce the contractual time limits.
5. Comply with the contractual time limits for the company to
handle a grievance.

6. Determine whether all the procedural requirements, as 20. Trade a grievance settlement for a grievance withdrawal(or

dictated by the agreement have been complied with. try “to make” up for a bad decision in one grievance by”
7. Visit the work areas where the grievance arose. bending over backs wards” in another).
8. Determine if there were any witnesses. 21. Give long written grievance answers.
9. Examine the relevant contract provisions, and understand 22. Negate the management’s right to promulgate plant rules.
the contract thoroughly. 23. Deny grievances on the premise that “your hands have been
10. Determine if there has been equal treatment of employees. by the management”.
11. Examine the grievant’s personal record. 24. Agree to informal amendments in the contract.
12. Fully examine prior grievance records. Grievance Management in Indian
13. Evaluate any political connotations of the grievance. Industry
At present, there are three legislations dealing with grievances of
14. Permit a full hearing on the issues.
employees working in industries. The industrial employment
15. Identify the relief the union is seeking. (standing orders) Act, 1946, requires that every establishment
16. Treat the union representatives as your equal. employing 100 or more workers should frame standing orders.
17. Command the respect of the union representatives. These should contain, among other things, a provision for
redressal of grievances of workers against unfair treatment and
18. Hold your grievance discussions privately.
wrong full exactions by the employer or his agents. The
19. Provide the grievance process to non-union members as Factories Act, 1948 provides for the appointment of a welfare
well. officer in every factory ordinarily employing 500 or more
20. Satisfy the unions right to relevant information. workers. These Welfare Officers will also look after complaints
21. Demand that proper productivity levels be maintained and grievances of the workers. They will look after proper
during the processing of incentive grievances. implementation of the existing labour legislation. Besides,
individual disputes relating to discharge, dismissal or retrench-
22. Fully inform your own superior of grievances matters.
ment can be taken up for relief under the Industrial Disputes
Don’ts Act, 1947 amended in 1956.
1. Discuss the case with the union steward alone; the grievance However, the existing labour legislation is not being imple-
should definitely be there. mented properly by employers. There is a lack of fairness on
2. Make agreements with the individuals that are inconsistent their part. Welfare Officers have also not been taken for
with the labour agreement. protecting the interests of the workers in the organized sector.
3. Apply the grievance remedy to an improper grievance. In certain cases, they are playing a dual role. It is unfortunate
that the public sector, which should set up an example for the
4. Hold back the remedy if the company is wrong. sector, has not been implementing the labour laws properly.
5. Admit the binding effect of a past practice. In India, there is a Model Grievance Procedure, which has
6. Relinquish your authority to the union. adopted by the Indian Labour Conference in its 16th session
7. Settle grievances on the basis of what is fair. Instead, stick held in 1958. At, present Indian Industries are adopting either
to the labour agreement, which, after all, should be your The Model Grievance Procedure or procedures formulated by
standard. themselves with modifications in the Model Grievance Proce-
8. Make mutual consent agreements regarding future action. dure. In other words, at present the grievance procedures are
voluntary in the Indian Industry.
9. Bargain over items not covered by the contract.
10. Concede implied limitations on your management’s rights. Guiding Principles of Grievance
11. Argue grievance issues off the work premises.
The guiding principles under the model procedure:
12. Treat as “arbitrable” claims demanding the disciplining or
discharge of management members. 1. Conformity with existing legislation: A procedure should
form part of an integrated scheme which should promote
13. Commit the company in areas beyond your limits of satisfactory relations between employees and management.
responsibility or familiarity.
2. Need for simple and Expeditious Machinery: It was laid
14. Give away your copy of the written grievance. down that, as far as possible,
15. Discuss the grievances of striking employees during an a. A grievance should be settled at the lowest level;
illegal work stoppage.
b. No matter should ordinarily be taken up at more than two
16. Settle a grievance when you are in doubt. levels;
17. Support another supervisor in a hopeless case. c. Different types of grievance should be referred to
18. Refer a grievance to a different form of adjudication. appropriate bodies or authorities;
19. Overlook the precedent value of prior grievance settlement. 3. Workman Should Know Whom to Approach: For this
purpose, it should be essential for the management to

designate the authority or body to be contacted at various


Other Guiding Principles
i. When a grievance arrives out of an order issued by the
management, the order itself must be complied with before
the procedure is activated;
ii. The right of the worker’s representative on the Grievance
Committee to see a document and the right of the
management’ representative to refuse to show a document
of a confidential nature; in the later case, confidential
documents shall not be used against him.
iii. There is a time limit of 72 hrs with in which an appeal can
be taken from one step to another .
iv. Payment for the time that has been spent on the redressal
of the grievance.
v. In the event of the grievance arising out of discharge or
dismissal, the worker has the right to appeal either to the
dismissing authority or to a senior body, specified for the
purpose by the management, with in a week from the date
of dismissal or discharge.
Checklist to Evaluate, the Grievance
Management should evaluate the grievance procedure to know
its functioning through the following checklist.
i. Was the case handled in such a way that the parties involved
in it were able to identify, and agree upon, what was at
ii. Was the incident closed with a sense of satisfaction on the
part of everyone immediately involved in the original
iii. Was the case handled in a way which strengthened the line
authority, specially at the level immediately above that at
which dissatisfaction was first expressed?
iv. Did the solution result in a better understanding and a
better adjustment between the supervisor and his
v. As a result of this case, did this understanding spread
among others in the management and in the trade union
who were not directly involved in the original complaint?
vi. Did the solution contribute to the operational efficiency of
the organization?



Case: Organisational Discipline – A Goal 20th and 27th September. The suspension of Mr. A at ‘Z’ bus
Or a Means depot served as the potential ‘fuel’ for the staff, the officials of
A nationalized road transport corporation introduced an the corporation re-examined the whole case and withdrew the
incentive scheme for the bus crew (staff) so as to provide better suspension order served on Mr. A on 27th September 1983.
transport facilities to the maximum number of passengers as
there was no other transport agency operating on the same
route. Moreover, this would increase the revenue of the Q1.Was the conductor guilty of negligence of duty?
corporation. In accordance with this scheme, the corporate fixed Q2. Should the corporation officials ignore the pleas and
a certain amount of the level of revenue to each route as base evidences of the passengers traveling in that bus while
revenue. If the revenue earned by a particular trip was equal to imposing a penalty?
the base revenue, the conductor and driver of that bus would Q3. Should a genuine mistake call for the drastic punishment
be eligible to receive the incentive amount of one per cent of of suspension?
the base revenue. If the revenue exceeded the base amount the Q4. Should the disciplinary rules, be applied for the sake of
conductor and driver could get higher per cent on incremental mere discipline or should they contribute to the goals and
revenue as incentive bonus. objectives of a corporation?
In a bid to take advantage of this incentive scheme, the bus
conductors of almost all the routes started to overload the
buses exceeding double the seating capacity (i.e., 49 seating
capacity plus 49 standing passengers). This scheme had been
functioning successfully, benefiting the passengers, the bus crew
and particularly the corporation, as the cost of operation of the
bus did not increase in proportion to the increase in revenue.
Mr. ‘A’ had been working as a conductor in ‘Z’ depot of the
road transport corporation. He was on duty on 19th September
’83 on a route (R to K passenger bus). He had overloaded the
bus almost to double of the seating capacity. Mr. X – a
passenger of that bus did not purchase a ticket despite repeated
enquiries of the conductor, because the heavy overloaded
condition of bus and his illness. The conductor was unable to
count the passengers because of the overload. In this state, the
ticket checking officers stopped the bus, verified the tickets of all
the passengers and found that Mr. X had not purchased a ticket.
They blamed the conductor for not issuing the ticket and the
passengers for not buying the ticket. Then Mr. X in a written
appeal to the checking staff stated that he had not purchased
the ticket despite repeated enquiries by the conductor because he
was ill and the bus was heavily overloaded. He requested,
therefore, not to take any action against the conductor. The
ticket checking staff collected the ticket fare and penalty from
Mr.X and suspended the conductor ignoring the written request
made by Mr.X .Moreover, the repeated requests made by the
co-passengers of that bus was not paid any heed to.
The suspension of the conductor created an uproar among all
the bus crew of the depot (Z). The operating staff (conductors
and drivers) held a meeting on 19th September itself and
resolved to limit the intake of passengers to the seating capacity.
This decision was implemented with immediate effect. Conse-
quently, most of the commuters were unable to leave for their
destination. Passengers of almost all the routes experienced
many difficulties while travelling. Average revenue per day of ‘Z’
bus depot declined to Rs. 75,000 from Rs. 1,00,000 between


Case: Grievance Procedure VS. Collective

The Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation has
been providing passenger transportation facilities since 1956. It
has been extending its operation from one region to another by
nationalizing the private passenger transport companies on a
phased manner. Presently it is operating its services in 80% of
the routes in the State. It nationalized two routes in East
Godavari district in the State in October, 1988. Normally it
absorbs all the employees working in passenger transport
companies before nationalization and fix their wages at par with
the scales of similar categories of jobs.
The pay scales in the corporation are determined on the basis of
mutual agreement between the management and the recognized
trade union. The scales are revised once in three years. The recent
agreement came into force with effect from September, 1988.
there are two classes in the drivers’ category, i.e., Class I (drivers
working on long distance buses) and Class II (drivers working
in short distance routes). The pay scale of Class II drivers is
enhanced from Rs. 600-1200 to Rs. 900-1600 (with effect from
September,1988) in cocequence to the latest agreement . The
agreement further says that the pay scales of the drivers drawing
the scale of
Rs. 600-1200 will be fixed in the scale of Rs. 900-1600.
The corporation absorbed 10 drivers who were with the private
passenger transport companies upon the recent nationalization
of two routes. The personal department fixed the scale of these
10 drivers in the scale of Rs. 600-1200 and it rejected their plea
of fixing their pay in the scale of Rs.900-1600 saying that only
the drivers drawing the scale of Rs. 600-1200 are now eligible to
draw the new scale of collective bargaining machinery to resolve
employee problems. Then these drivers submitted this issue to
the foreman who is their immediate superior. The foreman told
them to raise this issue in collective bargaining with the help of
trade union leaders as it is a policy issue. These drivers ap-
proached the trade union leaders and persuaded them to solve
this issue. The trade union leaders included this item in the
draft agenda to the collective bargaining committee to be held in
January, 1989. but the collective bargaining committee deleted
this item from the draft agenda saying that this issue can be
settled through grievance machinery as only 10 drivers out of
3,000 drivers of the corporation are concerned with this issue.
Q1. Who is correct? The personnel department or the foreman
or the collective bargaining committee.
Q2. Where do you place this issue for redressal?
Q3. How do you redress this grievance?


Learning Objective employees follow rules unwillingly or actually disobey regula-


The study of this lesson will help you understand: tions.

• Aspects,causes and approaches to discipline Webster’s dictionary gives three meanings of the word ‘Disci-
Maintenance of harmonious human relations in an organiza- pline’, viz.,
tion depends upon the promotion and maintenance of i. It is training that corrects, moulds, and strengthens for
discipline. No organization depends upon the promotion and perfects.
maintenance of discipline. No organization can prosper ii. It is control gained by enforcing obedience, and
without discipline. Discipline has been a matter of utmost
iii. It is punishment or chastisement.
concern for all organizations. There are some people who
believe and state that maintenance of discipline is concerned This definition indicates the aspects of discipline, viz., Positive
with only higher echelons of an organization. But discipline is approach and Negative approach.
concerned with employees at all levels. Aspects of Discipline
Maintenance of effective discipline in an organization ensures There are two aspects of discipline, viz., Positive and Negative
the most economical and optimum utilization of various aspects.
resources including human resources. Thus, the objective of 1. Positive Aspect: Employees believe in and support discipline
discipline in an organization is to increase and maintain and adhere to the rules and regulations and desired standards
business efficiency. Effective discipline is a sign of sound of behavior. Discipline takes the form of positive support and
human and industrial relations and organizational health. reinforcement for approved actions and its aim is to help the
Need for Disciplinary Measures individual in moulding his behavior and developing him in a
Rules and regulations are essential to maintain peace, prevent corrective and supportive manner. This type of approach is
anarchy, regulate behavior of people and to hold the pieces called positive approach or constructive discipline or self-
together. Moreover, most of the employees prefer to work discipline. Posluve discipline takes place whenever the
under disciplined environment as fair rules protect the indi- organizational climate is marked by aspects such as payment of
vidual and the organization and enable the teamwork. Further, adequate remuneration and incentives appropriate avenues for
disciplinary measures ensures just and equal treatment to all career advancement, appreciation of proper performance and
employees, efficient two-way communication, encourages reinforcement of approved personnel behavior or actions etc.,
cooperation and builds team pride. Disciplinary rules regulate which all motivate employees to adhere to certain rules and
the behavior of the employees in an organization as the law regulations or exercise self control and work to the maximum
regulates the behavior of the people in the society. possible extent.
2. Negative Aspect: Employees sometimes do not believe in
Meaning and Definitions
and support discipline. As such, they do not adhere to rules,
Discipline refers to a condition or attitude, prevailing among the
regulations and desired standard of behavior. As such disciplin-
employees, with respect to rules and regulations of an organi-
ary programme forces and constraints the employees to obey
zation. Discipline in the broadest sense means”... orderliness,
orders and function in accordance with set rules and regulations
the opposite of confusion. It does mean a strict and technical
through warnings, penalties and other forms of punishment.
observance of rigid rules and regulations. It simply means
This approach to discipline is called negative approach or
working, cooperating and behaving in a normal and orderly way,
corrective approach or punitive approach. This approach is also
as any responsible person would expect an employee to do.”
called autocratic approach as the subordinates are given no role
Discipline is defined as “... a force that prompts individuals or in formulating the rules and they are not told why they are
groups to observe the rules, regulations and procedures which punished. Negative or enforced discipline connotes that
are deemed to be necessary for the effective functioning of an personnel are forced to observe rules and regulations on
organization.” account of fear or reprimand, fine, demotion, or transfer. But
According to Ordway Tead, discipline is “... the orderly conduct these are helpful in extracting just minimum standard of work
of affairs by the members of an organization, who adhere to from the employees since they work on account of fear they
do necessary regulations because they desire to cooperate have got. In fact, punishment, penalties, demotions and
harmoniously in forwarding the end which the group has in a transfers provide or establish a climate which demotivate and
view, and willingly recognize that. To do this their wishes must delead employees. Hence, such climate is not helpful for the
be brought into a reasonable unions with the requirements of accomplishment of group goals and for enhancing the morale
groups in action.” Discipline is said to be good employees on the part of employees. Therefore, “where the end is not
willingly follow company’s rules and it is said to be bad when accepted as necessary or desirable, where there is no common

aim between the discipliners and disciplined, discipline becomes The Red Hot Stove Rule


a mere frustration of human purpose, stunts development of Without the continual support and regard of the subordinates,
human personality, embitters human relation, for it is then a no managers can get the things done. But disciplinary action
denial of freedom to the individuals. against a delinquent employee is painful and generates resent-
But it has been felt that, “if employment relationship is good ment on his part. Hence, a question arises as to how to impose
in other respects, most employees can be counted on the discipline without generating resentment? This is possible
exercise of a considerable degree of self--discipline. They will through what Douglas Mc Grover called the “Red Hot Stove
respond to positive leadership and need not be threatened or Rules”, which draws an analogy between touching a hot stove
punished. In contrast, if the authority is exercised arbitrarily, or and undergoing’ discipline, when one touches a hot stove
if rules of conduct are unreasonable or if employees do not Undergoing discipline, when one touches a hot stove -
have sense of adhering to the rules and regulations, discipline is a. The burn is immediate.
threatened and if it is prolonged, it affects the organizational
b. He had warning. When the stove was red hot, he knew what
health. Any programme of discipline will be effective and
would happen if he touched it.
successful only when it is used to supplement and strengthen
self-discipline. c. The effect is consistent. Everyone who touches a red-hot
stove gets burned.
Objectives of Discipline
d. The effect is impersonal. A person is burned not because of
The objectives of discipline are: who he is but because he touched the hot stove.
i. To obtain a willing acceptance of the rules, regulations and The same thing is true with discipline. The disciplinary proce-
procedures of an organization so that organizational dure should start immediately after an omission is noticed. It
goals may be attained; should give a clear-cut warning regarding the extent or punish-
ii. To impart an element of certainty despite several differences ment for an offence. The same punishment should be
in informal behaviors patterns and other related changes in consistently given for the same type of offence. Irrespective of
an organization; status, different punishment should be imposed, i.e., it should
iii. To develop among the employees a spirit of tolerance and a be impersonal.
desire to make adjustments; Indiscipline
iv. To give and seek direction and responsibility; Indiscipline means disorderliness, insubordination and not
v. To create an atmosphere of respect for the human following the rules and regulations of an organization. The
personality and human relations; and symptoms of indiscipline are change in the normal behavior,
absenteeism, apathy, go-slow at work, Increase in number and
i. To increase the working efficiency and morale of the
severity of grievances, persistent and continuous demand for
employees so that their productivity is stepped up the cost
overtime allowance, lack of concern for performance etc. The
of production improved.
parties responsible for indiscipline in Indian industries are Trade
Constructive Programme of Discipline Unions and management: Politicized Trade Union leadership in
Some of the employees, for various reasons, deviate from the India encouraged and instigated indiscipline. Intra-union rivalry
expected standards of behaviour. Hence, it becomes essential to and inter-union rivalry are also major causes of indiscipline.
have constructive programme of discipline to deal with these ‘Similarly, management tactics like deliberate delay in discipline
violations. procedure, concealed penalties such as transfer to an inconve-
According to Walkins, Dodd, McNaughton and Prasow, a nient place at a short notice, maintenance of confidential
constructive programme of discipline to promote harmonious reports, withholding of pay and the level of sincerity, honesty
industrial relations should be developed around the following and commitment of superiors are also responsible for indisci-
essential elements: pline in India.
• Formulation of a set of clear and reasonable rules carefully Causes of Indiscipline
publicized and administered. The main causes of indiscipline are as follows:
• Impartial enforcement of these rules by means of i. Non-placement of the right person on the right job which
announced warnings and penalties, corrective in purpose, is suitable for his Qualifications, experience and training;
proportionate and uniform in their application. ii. Undesirable behavior of senior officials, who may have set a
• Supervisory leadership that is uniformed on disciplinary pattern of behavior which they expect their subordinates to
rules and procedures, but firm in the handling of follow; but ‘their expectations are often belied, and an
disciplinary matters, and itself a good example for employee infringement of rules follows;
behavior. iii. Faulty evaluations of persons and situations by executive’s
• An impartial and uniform procedure for investigation of leads to favoritism, which generates undisciplined
apparent infractions, whose procedure is subject to review behaviour;
by higher levels of management and includes a system of iv. Lack of upward communication, as a result of which the
appeal against disciplinary decisions that are considered thoughts, feelings and reactions of employees cannot be

conveyed to the top management. This may lead to Approaches to Discipline

aggressive or rebellious behaviour; The different approaches to discipline include,

v. Leadership which is weak, flexible, incompetent and i. Human relations approach,
distrustful of subordinates is often an instrument which
ii. Human resources approach,
makes for the creation of indiscipline among the
employees, particularly when a decision is taken in haste and iii. Group discipline approach,
withdrawn under pressure; iv. The leadership approach, and
vi. Defective supervision and an absence of good supervisors v. The judicial approach.
who know good techniques, who are in a position to The employee is treated as human being and his acts of
appreciate critically the efforts or their subordinates, who can indiscipline will be dealt from the viewpoint of values, aspira-
listen patiently to them who are capable of giving definite tions, problems, needs, goals behaviour etc. Under human
and specific instructions, and who believe in correcting their relations approach the employee is helped to correct his
men rather than in uprooting them: deviations. The employee is treated as a resource and the acts of
vii. Lack of properly drawn rules and regulations, or the indiscipline are dealt by considering the failure in the areas of
existence of rules and regulations which are so impracticable development, maintenance and utilization of human resources
that they cannot be observed and the absence of service under the human resources approach. The group as a whole
manuals and a code Of behaviour; sets the standards of discipline, and punishments for the
viii.The “divide and rule” policy of the management, as a result deviations. The individual employees are awarded punishments
of which friction,’ and misunderstanding are created among for their violation under the group discipline approach.
the employees which destroy, their team spirit; Every superior administers the rules of discipline and guides,
ix. Illiteracy and the low intellectual level of workers as well as trains and controls the subordinates regarding disciplinary rules
their social background; for example, there may be under- the leadership approach.
indebtedness, drinking habits casteism and other social evils In Judicial approach, in disciplinary cases are dealt on the basis
from which an employee may suffer, of legislation and ‘cote decisions. The industrial Employment
x. Workers’ reactions to the rigidity and multiplicity of rules (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, to a certain prescribed the correct
and their improper interpretation; procedure that should be followed before awarding punish-
ment to an employee in India. No other enactment prescribed
xi. Workers’ personal problems; their fears, apprehensions,
any procedure for dealing with disciplinary problems. But over a
hopes and aspirations; and their lack of confidence in, and
period of time, a number of principles regarding the basic
their inability to adjust with their superiors and equals;
formalities to be observed in disciplinary procedures emerged,
xii. Intolerably bad working conditions; gradually resulting from the awards of several Industrial
xiii.Inborn tendencies to flout rules; Tribunals, High Courts and supreme Court. Principles of
xiv. Absence of enlightened, sympathetic and scientific Natural Justice:
management; The principles indicated by the Supreme Court for proceeding
xv. Errors of judgment on the part of the supervisor or the against a delinquent employee are known as the “Principles of a
top management’ Natural Justice.” These include:
xvi. Discrimination based on caste, colour, creed, sex, language, a. The delinquent employee must be indicated in
and place in matters of selection, promotion, transfer, unambiguous terms about the charge leveled against him.
placement and discrimination’ in imposing penalties and b. The delinquent employee must be given an opportunity for
handling out rewards; conducting his defence, i.e., by cross examination of the
xvii.Undesirable management practices, policies and activities witnesses.
aiming at the control of workers; e.g., employment of c. The enquiry should be fair and the enquiry office should be
spies, undue harassment of workers with a view to creating impartial.
a fear complex among them, and the autocratic attitude of d. the evidence should be put forward in the presence of the
supervisors towards their subordinates. employee charged.
xviii.Improper co-ordination, delegation of authority and e. Punishment should be proportionate to the misconduct
fixing of responsibility and ‘ committed.
xix Psychological and sociological reasons, including
Industrial Employment (Standing
misunderstanding, rivalry and distrust among workers and
Orders) Act, (1946)
supervisors, an absence of fellow-feeling, a widespread
The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
sense of injustice, or apathy on the part of the
requires the employees the employees in “Industrial Establish-
ments” employing one hundred or more employees to define
in precise terms, the conditions of employment under them.
The States can extent the application of the enactment to the
‘establishments’ employing less then one, hundred employees.

The ‘establishment’ covered by the Act can have their own iv. Theft, fraud, or dishonesty in connection with the property


standing orders certify by the State Labour Commissioner or an of the company;
officer under hims called’ certifying these standing orders, inter v. Theft of another employee’s property inside the industrial
alia, define acts and omissions which amount to mis conduct, area or company premises;
are required to be in conformity with the Model Standing
vi. Causing willful damage to, or loss of, the employer’s goods
Orders framed by the respected State Governments. Until an
or property;
employer gets his own standing orders certified the establish-
ment stands governed by the Model Standing Orders. vii. Causing damage to a product in process or to any property;
viii.Sabotage of, or interference with, safety devices;
Omission and Misconduct
For instance, the Model Standing Orders under the Bombay ix. Disregard of any operational or maintenance instructions or
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders} Rules, 1959, specify carelessness in the performance of operational and
the acts and omissions as mis-conduct for which the charged maintenance jobs.
employee can be punished. These omissions and misconduct x. Non-observance of safety precautions and rules;
include: Willful insubordination or disobedience of any lawful xi. Taking or giving a bribe or any illegal-gratification;
and reasonable order of the superior, going on an illegal strike
xii. Acceptance of gifts from subordinates;
or inciting the workers for that willful slowing down of work,
theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with the employers xiii.Habitual late coming;
business or property or the theft of the property of another xiv. Absence from duty without leave;
worker within the factory premises, or taking or giving bribes, xv. Overstay when on leave without prior authorized
habitual absence without leave for more than ten consecutive permission;
days or overstaying the sanctioned leave without adequate
xvi.Absence from work without permission for more than ten
grounds or satisfactory explanation, late attendance, on not less
consecutive days;
than four occasions with in a month, habitual breach of any
Standing Order or any law applicable to the establishment, xvii. Leaving the work premises without authorized leave;
collection with the consent of the manager any money with in xviii. Entering or leaving, or attempting to enter or leave, the
premises of the establishment except as sanctioned by law for work premises except through authorized entrances and
the time being enforced, engaging in trade within the premises exits;
of the establishment habitual neglect of work or gross or xix.Assaulting or abusing or in any way insulting an officer of
habitual negligence, canvassing for union membership except in the company inside or outside the premises of the
accordance with any law or with the permission of the manager, organization;
willful damage to work in process or to any property of the
xx. Insubordination and indiscipline;
establishment, holding meetings inside the premises of the
establishment except in accordance with any law or with the xxi.Drunkenness, or coming to work under the influence of
permission of the manager, disclosing about the process of the drink;
establishment to any unauthorized person which may come xxii. Gambling on company property and company premises;
into the possession of the workmen in the course of his work, xxiii Fighting, or indulging in a riotous, disorderly or indecent
gambling within the establishment where it is prohibited, behaviour in the company premises, or indulging in any act
smoking or spitting on the premises of the establishment which is subversive of discipline;
where it is prohibited, failure to observe safety instructions xxiv. Smoking in prohibited areas;
notified by the employer, refusal to accept a charge-sheet,
ordered to other communication served in accordance with xxv. Sleeping while on duty
these Standing Orders, and unauthorized possession of any xxvi. Threatening or intimidating any employee inside or
lethal weapon in the establishment. No act of misconduct outside the company premises.
committed on less than three occasions within a period of one xxvii. Unlawful interference in the work of other employees;
year shall be treated as habitual. (Exhibit). Omissions and xxviii. Gross negligence of duty;
commissions constitute misconduct according to clause 14 of
the model standing orders. xxix. Tradiness, malingering, or slowing down on work, or
neglecting to perform it properly;
Omissions and Commissions
xxx. Striking work or inciting others to strike work;
i. Willful insubordination or, disobedience (whether alone or
xxxi. Collecting any money or canvassing the collection of it for
in combination with others) of any lawful and reasonable
any purpose in the company premises and during the hours
orders, rule or regulation;
of work without the written permission of the
ii. Refusal to work on a job or a machine which has been management;
assigned to him;
xxxii. Holding meetings in the company premises without the
iii. Refusal to accept or reply to a charge sheet within the written permission of the management;
prescribed period of time;

xxxiii. Distribution or exhibitions within the boundaries of the No disciplinary action can be taken for any act or omission

establishment, of any newspaper, notice, pamphlet or poster which is not misconduct.

without the prior permission of the management in writing;
xxxiv. Unauthorized use of the company’s quarters or land for
any purpose other than the lawful purpose of his own
xxxv. Subletting of the accommodation given to’ him by the
xxxvi. Conduct in private life which is prejudicial to the
reputation of the company;
xxxvii. Conviction in any court of law of any criminal offence or
an offence involving moral turpitude;
xxxviii. Approaching the higher authorities, either directly or
through any outside person for promotion or any other
personal favour or gain except through proper and lawful
xxxix. Giving false information about his name, father’s name,
age, qualifications, previous experience, etc., at the time of
his employment;
xl. Unauthorized communication of official documents’ or
information or the disclosure to any unauthorized persons,
including fellow-workers, of any information bearing on
the operations and business of the organization to which
he belongs:
xli. Writing of anonymous letters, or letters written under a
pseudonym, criticizing the management, or collecting
signatures or collective representations during working
xlii.Spreading false rumours or giving false information or
making defamatory statements (written or oral) which tend
to bring the management or its officers into disrepute;
xliii. Failure on the part of an employee to inform the medical
officer of the company of any case in his home of an
infectious or epidemic disease, such as cholera, small-pox,
diphtheria, cerebrospinal meningitis, plague, yellow fever or
typhoid, or any other dangerous or contagious disease;
xliv. Carrying on a money lending or any other private business;
xlv. Speculation in any commodity;
xlvi. Insolvency;
xlvii. Abetment of, or an attempt to commit, any of the acts of
xlviii. Breach of any of the rules applicable to the
xlix. Preaching or inciting people to violence;
a. Going on an illegal strike, either singly or with other
workers, without giving a notice of 14 days; and
b. Failure or refusal to wear or use any protective equipment
given by the employer.
Source: C.B. Mamoria, op. cit, p. 854-857.
Thus, the above list briefly indicates acts and omission on the
part of an employee which can be termed as misconduct.
Besides, the above list of acts and omissions, an employer may
consider certain other acts and omissions and get them certified.


Learning Objective other employees, consulting others before awarding punish-

The study of this lesson will help you understand: ment rate. No inherent right to appeal has been provided unless
• Disciplinary procedure the law provides it. In case the employee feels the enquiry is not
land action unjustified, he must be given a chance to make an
Disciplinary Procedure
Disciplinary procedures in Indian industries comprise of the
6. Follow-up: After taking disciplinary action, there should be
following stages
proper follow-up. The disciplinary action should not make the
1. Issuing a Letter of Charge to the Employee Calling upon employee repeat his mistake.
him for Explanation: When the management of the establish-
Section ll-A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, which was
ment comes to conclusion that an act of misconduct
introduced by an amendment in 1971 reads as follows:
committed by an employee warrants disciplinary action, the
concerned employee should be issued a charge-sheet. The charge “Where an industrial dispute relating to the discharge or
sheet should indicate the charges of indiscipline or misconduct dismissal of a workman has been referred to a labour court,
clearly and precisely, Explanation should also be called from the tribunal or national tribunal, as the case may be, is satisfied that
delinquent employee and for that sufficient time should be the order of discharge or dismissal was not justified, it may, by
given to the employee. Saving of the charge sheet may be either its award, set aside the order of discharge or dismissal as the
personally or by post. circumstances of the case may require, provided that in any
proceedings under the section the labour court, tribunal or
2. Consideration of the Explanation: When the delinquent
National tribunal as the case may be, shall rely only on the
employee admits, in an unqualified manner, about his miscon-
materials on record and shall not take any fresh ordinance in
duct, there is no need for conducting any enquiry further.
relation to the matter.”
Besides, when the employer is satisfied with the explanation
given by the delinquent action. On contrary, when the manage- Intervention by a Tribunal
ment is not satisfied with the employee’s explanation, there is Only under the following circumstances can the tribunal exercise
need for serving a show-cause notice. the right to consider the case
3. Show-cause Notice: In the show-cause notice, the employer • When there is a want of good faith;
provides another chance to the employee to explain his conduct • When there is victimization or unfair labour practices are
and rebut the charges made against him. Show-cause notice is used;
issued by the manager, who decides to punish the employee. • When management has been guilty of a basic error or
Besides, a notice of enquiry should be sent to the employee and violation of a principle of natural justice; and
this should indicate clearly the name of the enquiring officer,
time, date and place of enquiry in the misconduct of the • When the findings are baseless and perverse.
employee. Types of punishment
4. Holding of a Full-fledged Enquiry: The enquiry should be in When a delinquent employee is going to be punished, the type
conformity with the principles of natural justice, that is, the of punishment should be commensurate with the severity of
delinquent employee must be given a reasonable opportunity the omission or misconduct. Different types of punishments
of being heard. The enquiry officer should record his findings resulting from various types of omissions or misconduct are as
in the process of an enquiry. He may also suggest the nature of follows:
disciplinary action to be taken. 1. Oral Wamings: Whenever an employee commits minor
The important steps in domestic enquiry are: preparing and omissions he may be given an oral reprimand by the superior
serving the charge sheet supervision in grave cases. Obtain reply concerned. In such cases, the superior should enlighten the
to charge-sheet, selecting enquiry officer, conducting enquiry employee as to how to prevent their recurrence. Since repeated
proceedings, holding of enquiry in the free environment, warnings may bring down drastically the level of morale of the
recording findings, submitting enquiry officer’s report to the employee, oral warnings should be used sparingly.
disciplinary authority, decision of the disciplinary authority, 2. Written Warnings: Whenever oral warnings fail to achieve the
communication of the order of punishment. desired behaviour on the part of an employee, written warn-
5. Considering the Enquiry Proceedings and findings and ings, which are the first formal state of progressive discipline,
Making final Order of Punishment: When the misconduct of may be resorted to. Written warnings are also referred to as
an employee is proved, the manager may take disciplinary action “pink slips” which indicate that certain rights would be
against him. While doing so, he may give consideration to the withdrawn in case the employee continues his omission or
employees previous record, precedents, effects of this action on misconduct.

3. Loss of Privileges and Fines: If an employee leaves the work, employer must prove them. But discharge has acquired a

without taking the permission of the superior, he may not be meaning analogous to dismissal and an employee may be
allowed to select good tools and machine for himself and to punished by way of discharge also. In such case, discharge
move freely in the company. All these might have been the should not be regarded as discharge simpliciter’ but discharge in
privileges enjoyed hitherto by the employee. Further, if the lieu of dismissal.
contract of employment provides for imposition of fines by Thus, though both discharge and dismissal culminate in
the employer on the delinquent employee, the employer may termination of employment, discharge is regarded as some kind
resort to them. of punishment less severe than that dismissal. Discharge
4. Punitive Suspension: Under punitive suspension the requires either an advance notice or payment of money in lieu
employer prohibits the employee from performing the tasks there of, whereas there is no such requirement in case of
assigned to him and the wages are withheld or withdrawn dismissal. However, dismissal attaches some kind of stigma to
during the period of such prohibition. the employee concerned or casts a slur on him.
5. Withholding of Increments: This is a major punishment. The Role of Personnel Manager/
Under this method, the employer withholds the annual Supervisor
increments of the delinquent employee in a graded scale. In so far as maintenance of effective employee discipline is
6. Demotion: Under this kind of punishment, an employee is concerned, personnel manager has got a crucial role to play. He
reduced to a lower grade from the grade enjoyed by him earlier. has got numerous responsibilities such as advising and
Normally this method is resorted to when an employee is assisting top and, line management in determining and
promoted by mistake and he is not able to perform the job. developing an appropriate disciplinary procedure, assisting in
7. Termination: The employee’s service can be terminated in the communication the same to all employees of the organization,
following forms: seeing that the disciplinary policy conforms to the legal decisions
of the State, looking after the procedures laid down, looking
i. Discharge simpliciter;
after the disciplinary action as fair, and conforms with appropri-
ii. Discharge; ate principles of personnel management, training the
iii. Dismissal. supervisors and executives in dealing with disciplinary cases
Exhibit shows disciplinary actions for various offences problems, involving the trade union and the employees in
determining and implementing disciplinary procedures,
development of self-discipline and self-control on the part of
EXHIBIT the employees and winning over the confidence of employees
Disciplinary Actions for Various Offences in disciplinary policies and procedures.
First Second Third Fourth
Type of
Analyzing the role of personnel manager in regard to employee
Offence Offence Offence Offence
Offence discipline, the Indian Institute of Personnel management
Unexcused absence Warning Warning Suspension Discharge indicates: “In advising management whether to proceed with a
Unauthorized soliciting Warning Suspension Discharge
Theft Discharge - -
disciplinary case, the personnel officer must give careful thought
Carelessness Warning Warning Suspension Discharge to the likely repercussions on discipline and general relationship
Sleeping on the job Warning Discharge
Insubordination Warning Discharge
in the organization, Even when there is a prima facie case
Leaving work without
Warning Suspension Discharge
against an employee, it is to be ‘considered whether an enquiry,
Slowdown on
with all publicity and excitement that it causes, is advisable, or
Warning Suspension Discharge
production whether some other line of action might prove more effective
Willful damage to
Discharge - - in improving discipline for the future, such’ as consultation
Unexcused excessive
Warning Warning Suspension Discharge
with the trade union or the works committee in the hope that
social pressure may be brought on the delinquent to apologize
and not to repeat the offence.” Besides, it adds: “Because he has
Discharge and Dismissal to be familiar with the correct procedure and with tribunal
When the conduct of an employee is deemed to be incompress- rulings in disciplinary cases, the personnel officer is often felt by
ible with the faithful discharge of his duties and undesirable or top management to be the most suitable person to
against the interest of the employer to continue him in conduct an enquiry. He has the advantage of being removed
employment, dismissal will be justified. This is an extreme kind from the direct line of production, and he is also well known to
of punishment. But in case of discharge, an employer termi- both employees and union, It is generally he who makes the
nates the employment of delinquent employee either by giving preliminary investigation, and he may be asked to give his views
agreed advance notice or by paying money in lieu of such notice. on the enquiry report, even if he does not himself conduct the
In other words, in discharge, the reciprocal promises and enquiry.”
obligations are stated to be discharged. Termination of the Whenever employers go against the predetermined rules and
service of an employee IY not be on account of his misconduct regulations and commit serious mistakes or create serious
but may be for certain other reasons which do not cast a slur on problems to the organization and its interests, the employees’
him. This is referred to as ‘discharge simpliciter.’ In such a case, misconduct should not be condoned since it amounts to the
if the employee challenges the employer’s bona fides, the encouragement of misconduct which ultimately leads to serious

repercussions on the morale of the organization and its


discipline. Hence, where employees fell out seriously in adhering
to disciplinary rules and regulations, they must be given
punishment. Otherwise, they will not have any respect for the
management. At the same time, the personnel manager should
also make an endeavor to develop self-discipline on part of the
Emphasizing self-discipline, the American Management
Association states “Until human nature attain greater perfection,
the fullest measure of individual freedom of action can be
realized only within the framework of an expressed discipline.
In the social situation, this takes the form of laws; in industry,
it manifests in standard firmness in securing conformity, in
both instances it is wholly consistent with our democratic
approach. But the requirements must be fair, the reasons
behind them must be clear, and so far as possible, they must be
arrived at cooperatively, This is the road to self-discipline, this is
the aim of a wise leadership.”
Guidelines for Creating a Climate for Discipline
The personnel manager/supervisor has to handle the problems
or indiscipline based on management’s policies, trade unions
and industrial relations policies and practices. He should also
create conducive climate for discipline by following the guide-
lines such as: clearly laid down rules, regulations and procedures,
impartial decisions and consistent enforcement of rules, select
and award right punishment, verify the past records of the
offender, consider the precedents, make sure that action corrects
but not punishes, be sure that reprimand is necessary, be sure
the principle of just cause are observed.
Principles of Effective Discipline
Personnel manager/supervisor should,
a. have interest in the welfare of each employee,
b. View discipline as a corrective measure,
c. Not take disciplinary action unless it is a must,
d. Not administer discipline on routine basis,
e. Have all the facts and circumstances,
f. Give a fair chance to the worker to defend himself,
g. Discover the employee’s mind,
h. Maintain consistency in disciplinary actions,
i. Admit his mistake willingly,
j. Resume normal attitude and behaviour towards the
employee, and
k. Have the audit over the entire action and situation to correct
the employee.



Learning Objective 3. If, in a firm, standing orders are in force, then the wording
The study of this lesson will help you understand: of the charges should be in consonance with the wording in
• Domestic enquries in industry. the standing orders.
• Issue of charge sheets. 4. The proposed punishment may be mentioned.
• Conduct of enquiry and award of punishment. 5. It should call upon the worker to submit an explanation in
writing within a specified time or date.
Domestic Enquiries in Industry
The first and primary step is to carry out a preliminary investiga- 6. The charge-sheet should be issued under the signature of
tion before the employer holds a disciplinary enquiry in order to the disciplinary authority and not of the enquiry officer.
find out whether a prima facie case of misconduct is evident. 7. The charge-sheet should be properly served and there
Thus the enquiry should be the result of a preliminary investi- should be strict proof of issue and delivery so that later the
gation and should not be adopted merely as a matter of course. worker may not deny it. The following alternatives exist: (i)
when the workman is present, hand over and obtain
After the preliminary investigation is carried out and a prima
signature on duplicate copy; (ii) if he refuses to sign, then
facie case of misconduct is established, the following stages of
duplicate may be signed by the manager and two witnesses;
disciplinary enquiry should be followed:
(iii) deliver it to him by registered post; (iv) if the registered
1. issue and service of a charge sheet calling upon the charge sheet is returned unserved, then it should be
employee to sub-mit an explanation, displayed on the notice board, with a noting on it, as to
2. consideration of the explanation, when displayed, when removed, etc; and (v) in appropriate
3. giving notice of an enquiry into the charges in case of cases, the charge-sheet should be published in a local
unsatisfactory explanation, newspaper having sufficient circulation or coverage.
4. suspension with or without pay, pending enquiry (if Consideration of the Explanation
needed), The workman receiving the charge-sheet may:
5. enquiry into the charge; 1. Submit his explanation admitting the charge and ask for
• deciding as to who should conduct leniency -even if such an admission is unqualified and
unambiguous, the enquiry should be held before awarding
• deciding as how to proceed
the punishment. In such an enquiry, the enquiry officer need
• deciding about the order of examining witnesses not record evidence but should record findings on the basis
6 recording of findings by the enquiry officer, of the admission of charges in the worker’s presence and
7. punishment-decision, his signature may be obtained.
8. communication of punishment. 2. Submit his explanation refusing the charge-sheet. Then it is
to be care-fully examined, to find out whether the
Let us examine each step in detail.
explanation is satisfactory or not. A further decision about
Issue of a Charge-Sheet proceeding in the matter and a detailed enquiry is to be
As soon as misconduct is observed and confirmed through taken on that basis.
preliminary investigation a manager should frame a charge-sheet
3. Apply for an extension of time for submitting an
which contains charges or a description of misconduct, and an
explanation. If such an extension is reasonable then it
explanation should be asked for. A manager has to be very
should be given, so as to avoid future controversy.
careful in framing the charge-sheet because if the punishment
awarded is not in consonance with the charges it would be 4. Fail to submit his explanation, the employer may follow
invalidated. further pro-ceedings of enquiry.
The following points should be considered while framing the Notice of Enquiry
charge-sheet: The enquiry should be normally held within a reasonable time
of receiving the explanation.. Proper and sufficient advance
I. The charge-sheet should be properly worded and loose
notice should be given indicat-ing the date, time and venue of
language should not be used so as to create apprehension
the enquiry and name of the enquiry officer, so that the
and confusion in the mind of the concerned workman.
workman can prepare his case. It should also be notified that he
2. While stating the offence, the date, time and place of its should be ready with oral and documentary evidence on the
commission and all other relevant details should be given. date of enquiry and bring witnesses to prove his case.

In certain cases, the following steps may be observed instead of be first examined by the party which has called him (examina-


those previously mentioned: tion in chief) and then by opposite party (cross--examination).
• issue of show cause notice; The evidence may preferably be recorded by the enquiry officer in
• consideration of explanation; and a narrative form. .
• issue of charge-sheet and notice of enquiry. Order of Examination of Witnesses. In the presence of the
workman, first the management witnesses should be examined.
While framing the notice, care should be taken not to make a
Then fair opportunity should be given to the workman to
statement which would indicate that the workman’s case has
cross-examine the management witnesses. Documentary
been prejudged, e.g. statement that the explanation submitted
evidence should also be produced through witnesses and be
was false etc. should not be made.
made a part of the enquiry proceedings.
Suspension with or without Pay At the end of the recording of evidence given by a witness, he
Pending Enquiry if Needed should be asked to sign and then the enquiry’ officer should
Where the nature of misconduct is grave and serious, and if it also sign the evidence.
is in the interest of security and safety and maintenance of good After that the worker’s witnesses including the worker should
order and discipline in the establishment,-the worker may be be examined.
suspended with or without pay till disciplinary proceedings are
They can be cross-examined, and the records should be signed.
completed. A manager may suspend a worker even before the
charge-sheet is issued or an order of suspension may be given Expartite Enquiry. When the workman does not turn up for
along with the charge-sheet. In a case where standing orders the enquiry without notice or reasonable cause or refuses to
limit the period of suspension, the enquiry must either be participate or walks out then the enquiry officer may proceed to
completed within the period or wages should be paid for the hold the enquiry ex parte.
time exceeded. Findings of the Enquiry Officer
Conduct of the Enquiry At the conclusion of the enquiry proceedings, by applying his
mind to all the facts that emerged at the enquiry, the enquiry
Who should hold the enquiry? officer should decide as to whether the charges made are valid or
Enquiry Officer not along with reasons for his findings. He may or may not
Standing Orders may provide as to who should hold the recommend punishment. As far as possible he
enquiry. Other-wise, an assistant manager, or administrative should refrain from awarding punishment and leave it to the
officer, or labour welfare Officer may be nominated. Thus, he decision of the appropriate authority.
may be either a member of the management, or an outsider, or
an employer’s lawyer or the manager of another business, but Awarding of Punishment
not a person who is a witness or ~ho is himself involved in the This is a management task and punishment awarded should be
incident. He has to collect information and arrive at a conclu- based on the findings of the enquiry and past record of the
sion. He should not act as a prosecutor or an inquisitor. There employee. The gravity of misconduct should be taken into
should be no personal bias, otherwise the principle of natural account.
justice is violated. The enquiry officer has authority to give an Communication of Punishment
adjournment to the charge-sheeted workman. After a decision is taken regarding punishment, it should be
Request for Adjournment: If the workman concerned communicated to the concerned workman as expeditiously as
requests for further time on reasonable grounds then another possible. The letter com-municating the punishment should
enquiry date should be fixed and conveyed. contain:
Nominee of the Accused Workman: If the charge-sheeted • reference to the letter of charge issued to the employee; -
employee would like another employee to represent and assist reference to the enquiry;
him in the conduct of his defence, the enquiry officer should • reference to the findings of the enquiry;
allow this. However, it is left to the discre-tion of the manage- • decisions whether to punish or not; and
ment to allow a non-employee union official to act as a
• date from which the punishment is to be effective.
nominee of the workman at the enquiry.
When it is necessary to have the approval or prior permission
Interpreter: He may be needed when the workman is not
of the conciliation officer, court or tribunal for effecting the
familiar with the language of the enquiry officer.
order of punishment as provided under Section 33 of the
The enquiry officer should record preliminary statements Industrial Disputes Act, a slightly diffe-rent procedure is to be
pertaining to the date of holding the enquiry, persons present, followed. In such a case, the letter communicating punishment
statement of charges, state-ment that the enquiry procedure was should mention permission obtained or being obtained. This
explained to the workman. is so in case of prior permission. If the punishment is dis-
In the presence of the accused workman, witnesses should be missal or discharge and permission is yet to be obtained, then
examined one by one so that prospective witnesses do not the letter should mention this and the concerned workman
know what the previous witness has said. Each witness should should be placed under suspension. In cases where prior
approval is necessary the order of punishment is effective at

once be-cause only an application to the concerned authority for

‘approval’ is to be sent by the management along with the

payment of one month’s wages to the concerned workman.


Learning Objective supervisors), or it must be pertaining to any industrial


The study of this lesson will help you understand: matter
• Nature of conflict and its manifestations iii. A workman does not wages exceeding Rs. 1,000 per month;
Industrial Conflict
Though several measures are taken to manage human resources, iv. The relationship between the employer and the workman
satisfy the demands of employees and employer, disputes should be in existence and should be the result of the
between employees and employer take place due to conflict of contract and the workman actually employed.
interest between capital and labour. Profit maximization or Industrial disputes, means disputes relating to existing
wealth maximization goal of management and profit sharing industry. It must be a real dispute and the person regarding
or wage maximization goal of workers contradict each other. whom the dispute is raised and the parties to a dispute must
These diversified goals of management and labour result in have a direct or substantial interest.
dispute of interest and consequently industrial conflicts. These The term ‘Industrial Dispute’ has been interpreted and analyzed
disputes are also called ‘conflicts of interests’ or ‘conflicts of differently in different case situations by the Court. Some of the
rights.’ principles to judge the nature of a dispute were evolved by the
Industrial peace broadly implies the absence of industrial unrest courts as follows:
or the existence of a harmonious relationship or cooperation 1. The dispute must affect large group of workmen who have
between labour and capital. Industrial peace is a condition where community of interest and the rights of these workmen
labour and management work together harmonic towards their must be affected as a class in the interest of common good.
socially desirable goals. Industrial peace is not merely a negative In other words, considerable section of employees should
concept to industrial unrest. Industrial unrest is the result of necessarily common cause within the general lot.
the discontent of workers and management.
2. The dispute should invariably be taken up by the industry
Industrial conflicts can be classified into four groups, viz.: union or by an appreciable number of workmen.
i. Interest Disputes: These are the disputes that arise out of 3. There must be a concerted demand by the workers for
deadlocks in negotiations. redress and the grievance becomes such that it turns from
ii. Grievance Disputes: These are the disputes that arise from individual complaint into the general complaint.
day-to-day grievances. 4. The parties to the dispute must have direct and substantial
iii. Unfair Labour Practices: These are the disputes that arise interest in the dispute, i.e there must be same nexus
from acts of interference with the exercise of right to between the union which exposes the cause of the
organise acts etc. workmen and the dispute. Moreover, the union must fairly
iv. Recognition Disputes: These are the disputes that arise due claim a representative character.
to the recognition of trade union as a bargaining agent. 5. If the dispute was in its inception an individual dispute and
Definition of a Dispute continued to be such till the date of its reference by the
According to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Section 2 (k), Government for adjudication, it could not be converted
“Industrial disputes means any dispute or difference between into an industrial dispute by support subsequent to the
employers and employers, or between employers and workmen reference even of workmen interested in the dispute.
or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with By incorporating Section 2A in the Industrial Disputes Act,
the employment or non-employment or terms of employment 1947, a right has been given to the individual workman himself
or with the conditions of labour of any person.” to raise an industrial dispute with regard to termination,
For a dispute to become an industrial dispute, it should satisfy discharge, dismissal, or retrenchment of his service even though
the following essentials: no other workman nor any trade unions of workmen raised it
or is a party to dispute.
i. There must be a dispute or a difference - (a) between
employers and employers (such as wage-warfare where Industrial unrest, thus, takes an organized form when the work
labour is scarce); (b) between employers and workmen (such people make common causes for their grievances against
as demarcation disputes); and (c) between workmen and employers through manifestations of strikes, demonstrations,
workmen; picketing, morchas, gate meetings, gheraos, etc.
ii. It is connected with the employment or non-employment Features of Industrial Conflicts
or the terms of employment or with the condition of Features of industrial conflicts are as follows:
labour of any person (but not with the managers or 1. Many of the present-day conflicts are totally devoid of cost
benefit consciousness on the part of labour. Many of them

were long-drawn-out. e issue raised by the strikes and the employees and employers, terms and Conditions of

quantitative benefits even in the cases total success, show a employment including matters pertaining to:
lack of proportion to the disadvantage of labour. It is a. Dismissal or non-employment of any person;
though damage and loss to the employer rather than
b. Registered agreement, settlement or award; and
benefits for labour have been the objectives of the struggle.
c. Demarcation of the functions of an employee. I
2. Another significant trend seen in those conflicts is the
frequency with which management met, “labour pressure by ii. An industrial dispute which connotes any difference which
the management pressure of lockou-t.” has been fairly defined as is of real substances; i.e., a matter
in which both parties are directly and substantially
3. Most of the strikes are “political strikes”, i.e., they are not
interested; or which is a grievance on the part of a worker
caused by any industrial dispute as such. Among these are
which the employer is in a position to redress; or which is
included physical restraint bandh, gherao, dharna etc.) go-
such as the parties are capable of settling between
slows and work-to-rule. All these practices) show that the
themselves or referring to a adjudication.
dimensions of conflict in industrial relations are growing.
These are a cause of significant loss of mandays. A single iii. Disputes often arise because of:
day’s bandh cause a loss of nearly one million mandays. A a. The rapidly increasing population which has no
single day’s bandh may cause a loss of nearly one million opportunities for gainful employment; there is, therefore,
mandays in industrialized States like kerala, Maharashtra, no improvement in the standard of living of employees
West Bengal, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. who put forward demand for higher wages, which, if not
4. Another significant fact is that lock-ours account for a sizable conceded, often lead to strained industrial relations and
number mandays lost. Such lock-outs are more frequent in strikes.
the eastern region and may be due to: (i) employers’ reaction b. Rising unemployment.
to a turbulent industrial situation erupting in ‘gheraos, iv. The galloping prices of essential commodities, their
violence characterized by destruction of prop burning of shortages and/or non--availability, all these erode the value
vehicles, snapping of telephone wires or even stabbing of money, as a result of which the real wages of the
Murdering; (ii) a habitual reaction of the traditional or authori- workers go down. Existing inadequate and unjustified wage
tarian style\ management of labour intransigence (i.e., with a structure which has been chaotic, confusing and full of
view to teaching labour lesson by withholding employment). anomalies; and failure to pay the “need-based wage”; and
The average duration of lockout is much larger than that of a fixation of D.A. as per the price--index based on 1961- have
strike, as a lock-out represents an employer resistance and in created dissatisfaction among the workers, compelling them
India the employer has more resources to ride out a period of to demand higher wages.
stoppage.” v. The attitude and temperament of industrial workers have
Causes of Industrial Conflicts changed because of their education, their adoption of
It is not easy to identify a single factor as a cause of industrial urban culture and the consequent change in social values,
conflicts multifarious causes blended together result in indus- the growth of public opinion and progressive legislation
trial disputes. Deep seated and more basic causes of disputes enacted for their benefit. They are, therefore, very conscious
can be identified through in-depth probe, though sum of
Manifestations appear to be responsible for conflicts. The their rights and will not put up with any injustice or wrong
relative importance of the causes, when more than one present; done to them.
is often very difficult to gauge. vi. The trade unions often failed to safeguard the interests of
According to Mukerjee, “the development of capitalistic workers. The, reasons affairs are:
enterprise, which means the control of the tools of production a. Rivalry among, and multiplicity of, trade unions have
by small entrepreneur class has brought to the fore the acute destroyed the solidarity of the working class;
problem of friction between management and labour through
b. Non-recognition of some trade unions as “bargaining
the world.”
agents” of their members;
Causes of industrial conflicts may be grouped into four
c. Compulsory adjudication has made trade unions seem
categories, viz.:
redundant for the wages and working conditions of
A. Industrial factors; industrial employees can now be determined by courts,
B. Management’s attitude towards workers; tribunals, and wage boards;
C. Government machinery; and d. Trade Unions generally do not bother about any aspect of
D. Other causes. the lives of industrial labour except their wages;

A. Industrial Factors e. Trade unions leaders who are them selves’ industrial
workers have become an eyesore
“Under this category, some of the causes of a dispute may be:
f. Trade unions generally function on the basis of caste,
i. An industrial matter relating to employment, work, wages, language, or communal considerations, which ‘divide’ rather
hours of work Privileges, the rights and obligations of than ‘unify’ industrial labour.

g. Trade unions are unstable and ephemeral; c. The officers associated with conciliation proceedings have


a. Trade unions leadership aim at fulfilling ulterior motive very little training in handling the problems or disputes
leading to thwarting the attempts of trade union unity. which are referred to them.

B. Management attitude Towards Labour D. Other Causes

i. Management is not willing to talk over any dispute with Among these the following may be included:
their employees or their representatives or refer it to i. Affiliation of the trade unions with the political party. Each
‘arbitration’ even when trade unions want them to do so. political party, therefore, somehow, “engineers” strikes,
This enrages the workers. gheraos and bandhs to demonstrate its political strength.
ii. A management’s unwillingness to recognize a particular Invariably, the political party which is in power favors that
trade union and the dilatory tactics to which it resorts while trade union organization which is affiliated to it. Result:
verifying the representative character of any trade union have Labour Conflicts and Disputes.
been a very fruitfu1l source of industrial strikes. ii. Political instability, Centre-State relations, general
iii. Even when representative trade unions have been responsibility or all fronts are reflected in industry resulting
recognized by employers they do not, in a number of in industrial conflict.
castes, delegate enough authority to their officials to i. Other potential factors, such rampant corruption in
negotiate with their workers, even though the industry and public life, easy money, conspicuous
representatives of labour are willing to commit themselves consumption, permissive society, character crisis and general
to a particular settlement. break-down in the national morale have brought in their
iv. When, during negotiations for the settlement of a dispute, train debasement of social values and social norms - all
the representatives. Of employers unnecessarily and these can and have perpetuated all kinds of unrest,
unjustifiably take the side of the management tensions are including industrial unrest. “
created, which often lead to strikes, go-slow or lock-outs. Exhibit
v. The management’s insistence that they alone are responsible Causative Factors of Industrial Conflicts
for recruitment promotion, transfer, merit awards, etc., and
i. Industrial Factors
that they need not consult their employees in regard to any
of these matters, generally annoys the workers, who become Causes of industrial disputes under this category are:
un-cooperative and unhelpful and often resort to strikes. a. Industrial matters relating to employment, work, wages,
vi. The services and benefits offered by a management to its hours of work, privileges, rights and obligations of
employees do promote harmonious employer-worker employees, terms and conditions of employment.
relations. But a large number of managements have not b. Disputes often arise because of the population explosion
taken any steps to provide these benefits and services for and rising unemployment.
their workers. c. The increasing prices of essential commodities.
C. Government Machinery d. The attitude and temperament of industrial workers.
i. Though there is a plethora of enactments for promotion of ii. Management’s Attitude Towards Workers
harmonious relations, yet it is ineffective and unsatisfactory a. Disinterest of management to discuss with the workers and
in most cases due to: their representa-tives.
a. Their irrelevancy in the context of the challenges of present b. Management’s unwillingness to recognize a particular trade
industries climate/culture, as many have not been convinced union.
of their utility satisfactorily;
c. Unwillingness of management to delegate required
b. Incapability of understanding and answering imperatives of authority to its officials for the purpose of discussing with
development; trade unions. .
c. Improper and inadequate implementation by many d. Taking management side by the management officials while
employers. discussing the issues in collective bargaining.
ii. The Government’s conciliation machinery has settled a very e. Disinterest of the management in involving the workers in
negligible number of disputes because: decision-making.
a Both employers and employees have very little confidence in iii. Govemment Machinery
Though the Government enacted a number of legislations,
b. Both have become litigation-minded;
Government machinery is not successful in implementing
c. It is inadequate, for the number of disputes referred to it is the machinery due to:
very large and the personnel dealing with them is hopelessly a. Their irrelevancy in the context of the challenges of present
when thesis hopelessly inadequate, particularly because, in industrial climate.
addition to labour disputes, it is called upon to see to it that
labour laws are properly implemented; and b. Inability to understand and answer imperatives of

c. Inability to check employers in implementing labour laws.

d. A little confidence of employees and employers in

government’s conciliation machinery.
e. Inability of government’s conciliation machinery in doing
its job effectively.
iv. Other Causes
a. Affiliation of trade unions with political party and political
leadership of trade union.
b. Political instability, poor center-state relations etc.
c. Other political reasons like character crisis, values etc.

Manifestation of industrial conflicts is below:

Manifestations of Conflict

Manifestation of organized group Manifestation of individual

Conflict (union Management conflict) unorganized conflict

Manifestations Manifestation of Workers Management

Of unions management

Non-co-operation Unwillingness Unorganized Autocratic

With holding supervision
Of efforts

Arguments Termination International Over strict

Waste and discipline

Hospitality Demotion Labour Penalties


Stresses and Lay offs absenteeism

Tensions complaints Demotion

To negotiate

Resentment instances of
Absenteeism breaking of rules Lay offs

Work to rule
Strikes Lockouts
Morcha, Gherao

Loss of production



Learning Objective Other offices connected with the Central Labour Ministry
The study of this lesson will help you understand: are:
• The labour administration machinery. The Industrial Tribunals set up in different centres for indus-
tries for which the Central Government is the appropriate
Labour Administration Machinery government. There are eight such tribunals dealing with
In India both Central and State Governments enact and disputes in the central sphere in India (Ministry of Labour,
administer labour laws. The division of jurisdiction between 1981).
Centre and States is provided by the Constitution which makes
Wage Boards, Commissions, Committees of Enquiry, ESI
a distinction between matters within the exclusive jurisdiction
Corporations, the Central Board of Workers’ Education, Safety
of the Centre and the State and within the concurrent jurisdic-
Councils which are ad-hoc bodies. (note: Most of these have
tion of the State and Centre. It is the Centre which plays the
been dealt with elsewhere.)
main role in laying down laws, making provisions and the State
Governments with the assistance of their labour departments While the labour secretary is overall in charge of both policy and
are in charge of law enforce-ment. The Centre in addition has administration, the commissioner of labour in the states is the
the functions of coordination through a variety of offices. operative arm for the implementation of labour laws. He is the
Registrar of Trade Unions. In some states, he has the functions
The Ministry of Labour and Employment of the Central
of the State Director of the National Employment Service or
Government is the main agency for policy formation and
of the Chief Inspector of Factories. In the states where there is
administration in. all labour matters. Together with the State-
no separate authority for labour welfare, the Commissioner
Governments, the local bodies and the Statutory Corporations
(State) looks after this function.
/ Boards, it sees to the implementation of these policies and
the decisions of the Tripartite Committees. These four agencies Statutory Measures
are also responsible for the enforcement of the labour laws. The Since Labour falls in the Concurrent List, the State Govern-
Ministry of Labour and Employment at the Centre discharges ments are free to legislate their own labour laws. For example,
the functions entrusted to it through a number of Directorates Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and
which are described briefly below. Maharashtra have their own laws to resolve industrial conflicts.
1. Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET): For the states which have their own acts, the Industrial Dis-
DGET lays down policy for running of the employment putes Act, 1947 is applicable to industries no\ covered by the
exchanges and the industrial training institutes. It also runs State Legislations. In addition, the Defence of India rules114,
seven Central Training Institutes for craft instructors and two 118 and 119 govern industrial relations but they can be used
research institutions. only during an emergency by the government. Though the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 is a central Legislation, it is
2. Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (CLC) (Central):
administrated by the Central and State Governments in their
This is also called the Central Industrial Relations Machinery
respective spheres.
(CIRM). He has the following functions: administration of
labour laws; verification of membership of registered unions
for granting recognition under the Code to industries which
come under the purview of the Central Government; determi-
nation of membership of the central federations for
representation at national and international forums; supervi-
sion of implementation of the Code. But his main duties relate
to resolving disputes.
3. The Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS): It looks into
the working conditions and implementation of the Mines Act,
1952, and the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, in, mines other than
coal mines.
4. The Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and Labour
Insti-tutes: Provides advisory service to the factory inspectorates
of different states. Conducts research in problems relating to
safety, health, welfare and productivity. It runs a Central Labour
Institute and the Regional Labour Institutes.




Learning Objective Australia, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New

The study of this lesson will help you understand: Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom
• Inter industry propensity for strikes. and to United States. The propensity to strike of the industries
is measured in terms of high, medium-high, medium, medium
• Strike patterns.
-low and low categories as compared to the average value of the
Inter-Industry Propensity to Strike incidence of conflict in specific industries. Several hypotheses
We review below the four major studies that have been carried have been tested by the authors.
out in this field in various industries and countries. 1. The location of the worker in the society: The location here
Pandey and Pathak in their paper “Inter-Industry Conflict- refers to the nature of his work environment, his relations with
Proneness in India” have tried to analyze: the society of which he is a part, economic conditions and
i. trends in conflict-proneness in different industries in India; standard of living, etc. This variable influences the propensity to
ii. the extent and direction of variation in industries with strike and is, in turn, heavily influenced by the industrial
regard to four measures of conflict-proneness which are: environment. The nature of the industry creates a distinct
community in an isolated environment. This coupled with the
• Frequency of conflicts, nature of work breeds a very distinct and identifiable culture.
• Duration of conflicts, Such communities which are removed from the mainstream of
• Participation in conflicts, and activity are classified as a distinct “isolated mass”. The concept
• Loss due to conflicts. of ‘isolated mass’ is tested by miners, long shore men people
who work in the dock s and to a lesser extent, by textile
iii. the relationship, if any, between the abovementioned
workers, who are away from their own communities, social
measures of con-flict-proneness with a view to finding out
standards etc. and have peculiar grievances. Industrial hazards,
whether they move in the same or different directions.
severe depression, Un-employment, bad living conditions, low
Methodology and Findings wages, etc. are causes for disputes and therefore their propensity
The authors have made a study of the nine-year period, i.e. to strike is also comparatively higher.
1959-1967, Which is divided il1tO three periods, viz. 1959-61, ‘The integrated individual and the integrated group’ concept is
1962-64, and 1965-67. It covers 14 major industry groups in the in con-trast to that of ‘isolated mass’. It is used in a sociological
manufacturing sector as classified under the International sense and hence the propensity to strike is low or medium-low
Standard classification of industries, and two impor-tant non- (particularly in industries like railroads, trade, agriculture, etc.).
manufacturing industries, namely, mining and quarrying. Lately The workers in such industries play a role which integrates them
plantations have also been considered. better with the general community and hence the individual
The authors, by calculating the coefficient of variations for 16 grievances are less likely to be turned into a mass grievance.
industry groups during three periods as well as the average for 2. The character of the job and the worker: The nature of the
the nine-year period covering all these four measures, found job deter-mines the kinds of workers employed and their
that there is no systematic pattern in inter-industry conflict- attitudes, which again determines whether there will be an
proneness. By finding the mean values for each period, for each atmosphere of conflict or peace. Thus it is found that if the job
measure and seeing whether a particular industry falls above or is physically difficult and unpleasant, the propen-sity to strike
below the mean values, it was concluded that industries like tex- will be higher, of course, this hypothesis is not universally true
tiles, paper and paper products, leather find leather products and may be wrong in certain periods and in different countries.
were compara-tively more conflict-prone. To find the interrela-
Verma in his paper “Industries and Conflict in India: A
tionship between the four measures of conflict the coefficient
Statistical Analysis” has tried to study inter-industry differences
of correlation was tabulated over the nine-year period and it was
in conflict-prone-ness by taking 22 major industries. The study
found that these measures ‘are positively rela-ted, which let us
relates to three periods, i.e. from 1961-65, 1966-70 and 1971-73.
conclude that in actual practice structural and organiza-tional
The measure used is the number of man-days lost during these
weaknesses of union have very little adverse influence on the
periods in 22 industries. It was found that 12 out of 22
duration of conflicts and workers’ participation therein. The
industries are not very conflict-prone as their values fall below
data also reveals that the possibility of a quick settlement of
mean-values of man-days lost. The textile industry was the
conflicts tends to decline with the increase in frequency of
most conflict prone industry in the combined period of 1961-
73, folio wed by metal products, plantations, tobacco, mining
Kerr and Siegel in their study on “The inter-industry propensity and quarrying, machinery, food (except beverages) and transport
to strike-an international comparison”, which is based on and communication, in that order.
generalized groupings of industries of eleven countries-

Ross and Hartman’s study on “Changing Patterns of Industrial All these factors together, or some of them, or perhaps even


Conflict” reveals interesting findings on patterns of strikes over one factor could prompt a conflict situation.
4 major parts of the world-the North European Pattern An attempt has also been made here to study conflict in 19
covering Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK; the Northern major indus-tries over the period 1961 to 1976. This period is
European Pattern covering Sweden and Norway; the Mediterra- broken up into 3 sub-periods-1961-65, 1966-70, and 1971-76.
nean-Asian pattern covering France, Japan, Italy and India and The number of man days lost has been selected as a measure to
the North American sphere covering Canada and the US. The study conflict-proneness. Tables 9.8 a and b give the data on
authors concluded that white-collar workers are less strike- these industries. After finding out the average man days lost for
prone. As regards Mediterranean-Asian patterns, it was each of the three periods, and for the entire 16 year period, the
observed that strikes are widespread in this group, involving industries have been divided into high, medium and low
substantial proportions of union members and non-agricul- categories by com” paring actual man days lost in that industry
tural employees in most years. However, the average duration to the average number of man days lost.
of the strike is short. This particularly holds true for France,
The above analysis brings us to the conclusion that the textile
Italy and Japan. In India, strikes have continued for a longer
industry is the most conflict-prone industry. This is concluded
period than in other countries in this group. The pattern of
from the fact that in all the three periods as well as for the entire
strike activity in India prior to independence resembles the
(16 years) period the number
pattern in France, Italy and Japan but after that period the
resemblance is much less. With widespread participation and
moderately long strikes, the ratios of lost time in India have
been very high, in fact the highest in the world. TAB
LE Industry-wise Trends in Maydays Lost
These research studies give us an idea of the various patterns of 9.8 ('000)
conflicts among industries in different countries over the (a)
periods of time. Various factors lead to these variations in No. Industry 1 9 6 1- 6 5 1 9 6 6 -7 0 1 9 7 1- 7 6 1 9 7 7- 8 1 *

pattern of conflict propensity which can be generalized thus: 1. Plantation 1206 156 5560 1024
2. Mining and quarrying 1896 5147 6704 5253
1. The organization of unions: The nature of organization of 3. Food (except beverages) 2640 3725 3503 1576
4. Beverages and tobacco 6937 3341 4085 1884
unions may be responsible for a high or low frequency in 5. Textiles 7996 25793 31576 13950
conflicts in a particular industry. The variables that determine the 6.
Paper, paper products
a n d allied
relative frequency of conflict in an industry are the presence of Industries, printing and
427 1621 1902 2146
multiple unions, inter-union rivalry or even no unions at all; publishing
7. Leather and leather 173 153 830 205
also, whether the union is militant or weak. products
Rubber and rubber
8. 448 1170 2757 1399
2. Technology: Sometimes technology may be a primary or one products
Chemicals and chemical
among many causes contributing to the frequency of conflicts. 9.
Complex technology may evolve fear of change among Except petroleum and 939 2277 2978 2400
employees leading to resistance and conflict. N o n -metallic mineral
10. 1800 3909 6156 2424
3. Maturity of parties: This is an inherent factor leading to a
ll. B a s i c m e t a l i n d u s t r i e s
high or low propensity to strike. When parties are mature and and transport
Equipments 769 1618 5377 5694
objective, there are relatively fewer chances of conflict and even if Metal products (except
12. machinery) 2615 7591 4052 1141
they occur they are of short duration and most often resolved Machines (except
384 5265 59 49 5498
quickly. Their maturity also facili-tates recourse to institutional 1 3 . electrical appliances)
Electrical machine
means to resolve their conflict. 14. apparatus 601 2291 4274 2444

4. Equality of partners: This refers not only to equality in terms 15.

Transport equipment 614 1814 2134 3511

of representation of both parties but also to the strength of 16. Construction 418 1025 1312 1126
each party to bargain and negotiate. A strong trade union may Electricity, gas, water
17. and sanitation
force a weak management either to accept the demands or force Services 964 2077 2711 581
a strike situation. It could also be the other way round in case 18. Commerce 92 473 846 1028
of a strong management and weak unions. So, strength and Transport and
731 4996
19. communication 2
ability on both sides would bring about a concrete and speedy 1060
Total 31550 82442 54516
resolution of problems. 28
Average 1660.5 4339.1 5580.4 28693
5. Wage rates: This could also be the sole cause of conflicts,
when they are set too low or arc not consistent with the rate of
inflation, or in parity with other industries.

Table:Type of industry –conflict proneness Patterns

of man-days lost have been very high in this industry as

compared to the average values as a whole. The transport and Conclusion
communication industry (excluding workshops and metal The historical data on conflict patterns (refer earlier graphs and
products) are highly conflict-prone com-pared to others in the charts) points clearly to the fact that the industrial relations scene
higher category. in India over the years has not been very encouraging. There is
The industries with low conflict propensity as revealed by the no definite pattern towards the stabilization of peaceful
data are commerce, leather and leather products, paper and relations and this is particularly so after the Emergency, when
paper products, print-ing, publishing and allied industries. industrial conflict has become widespread.
This data, relating to conflict-proneness in industry provides Agarwala in his article has provided a model for the stages in the
material for further research and analysis. Why is the textile growth of industrial relations. It consists of five stages and
industry highly conflict- prone-it could be the working condi- describes the form of relations and the type of unions existing
tions, the low wage rates or even the militant unions and in each stage. The model is des-cribed below:
depressed market conditions. Many more factors could also be
involved and each category offers scope for separate analysis.

1. Formation stage Hesitation / Hostility Guilds and craft unions

2. Fighting stage Acceptance / Conflict Classical unions

3. Friendly stage Acceptance / Understanding Collective bargaining

4. Fraternal stage Friendship / Mutuality Consultation, participation

5. Fusion stage Joint effort / Inter-dependence Union-management cooperation

This compartmentalization of stages may not be water-tight Notes -


and some overlapping might obviously occur. It, however, does
give an idea as to how from the stage of hesitation and
hostility, the two parties (the union and the management) can
reach the stage of joint effort and interdependence.
The National Commission on Labour after studying the
conflict patterns and the legal machinery to cope with it has felt
that the present settlement machinery is inadequate and
ineffective. This is attributable to the delay involved, the
expensive ad hoc nature of the process, and the fact that dis-
cretion is vested in the government in matters relating to
referring disputes for adjudication.
Keeping in mind the shortcomings of the present dispute
settlement machinery, the recommendations of NCL and a
study of foreign experience, the Government of India in its
Industrial Relations Bill, 1978 provided powers and formulated
the procedures and duties of various authorities like conciliation
officers, arbitrators, tribunals, etc. under the proposed system.
In addition the Bill proposed many far-reaching structural
changes such as election of bargaining agent or representative
union. However, the bill has yet to see the light of day. The
government has, in the meantime, enacted the ID Amendment
Bill 1982, in order to bring about speedier resolution of
disputes. How far this will be effective is yet to be seen. In an
industrial society a state of harmony and goodwill between the
management and its workers is usually an objective. This is not
always possible where two groups exist, each with different
ideologies, goals and interests which may be in conflict. Conflict
is therefore inevitable and could also prove healthy in the sense
that it brings inherent problems to the fore. The cause of
conflict, the mechanisms to resolve conflict, and the outcome of
conflict, are all governed by each situation. On the one hand,
there are macro-level vari-ables-economic, social, political and
legal factors which contribute in their specific ways to a particular
situation. Yet on the other hand there are unit level or micro-
variables such as company policies, corporate attitudes to
personnel issues that could also contribute to a conflict
situation. We have seen in the Indian environment, the
structural limitations and the causes of conflict over a broad
time span. To what extent has conflict been resolved by
institutional mechanisms, which stand the test of acceptance
and credi-bility to be utilized and wanted, remains a question.
If institutional mecha-nisms do evolve to meet the changing
situation, then the manifestations of conflict are likely to find
other outlets.
Increasing population and unemployment, an unstable political
situation, growing alertness among the unorganized sectors
who are beginning to be aware of their rights, etc. are the
challenges faced by industries, which make the achievement of
the objective of industrial harmony all the more difficult. In a
less developed economy the tradeoff is between growth and
develop-ment, which is dependent on non-stoppage of work
and at the same time acceptance of democratic rights to express
one’s dissatisfaction either through strikes or lockouts in the
ultimate analysis. Industrial harmony, an elusive ideal, tries to
balance these opposites.



Learning Objective 3. Conciliation

The study of this lesson will help you understand: The main objective of a conciliation and arbitration is to reunite
• The settlement of conflicts. the two conflicting groups in industry in order to avoid
interruption of production, distrust etc.
Settlement of Conflicts
The methods of the settlement of conflicts generally include Conciliation is a process by which representatives of both
workers and employees are brought together before a third
Methods of settlement of Industrial conflicts party with a view to persuading them arrive at some sort of
settlement. Conciliation is an extension of collective bargaining
with third party assistance. It is practice by which the services of
Investigation Conciliation Voluntary a neutral third party are used in a dispute as a means of helping
compulsory the disputing parties to reduce the extent of their differences
and to arrive at an amicable settlement or agreed solution. It is a
process of rational and orderly discussions of differences
Arbitration/Adjudication between the parties to a dispute under the guidance of a
i. Investigation. conciliator.
ii. Mediation. Conciliation machinery consists of a conciliation officer and
iii. Conciliation. board of conciliations. The conciliator induces the parties to a
course of action. He plays the roles of an innovator, protector,
iv. Voluntary Arbitration. discussion leader, stimulator, advisor, face-saver. He acts as a
v. Compulsory Arbitration/Adjudication. safety value and a communication link.
1. Investigation The task of conciliation is to offer advice and make suggestions
This is conducted by a board or court appointed by the to the parties to the dispute on controversial issues.
government. It may voluntary or compulsory. If the investiga- Qualities of a Conciliator
tion is conducted on an application by either or both the parties The essential qualities of a conciliator include:
to the dispute, it is voluntary. If the Government appoints a
court of Inquiry to investigate into a dispute without the 1. Independence and impartiality are the two attributes which
consent of the parties, it is compulsory. Investigations do not every conciliator should possess. It is essential that he
aim at bringing about the settlement of disputes directly, but by should not only possess these qualities but be also ‘seen to
analyzing the facts they aim at bringing about an amicable possess them. He must be above suspicion; and both
solution. When the investigation is compulsory, the strikes and parties must have confidence in his integrity and neutrality.
lockouts are required to be stopped and employers should not He should be independent enough not to be or influenced
make any change in the conditions of employment. The result by others. He should be able to resist undue pressures or
of investigation has no serious effect on the disputes because persuasion from powerful employers or unions.
the general public is least bothered to make note of disputes. 2. Since conciliation, in certain case, means arduous work, a
conciliator should be physically and psychologically fit for
2 Mediation the rigors of his task. He must have a strong held
Another attempt to settle disputes is Mediation. In this
conviction of the importance and usefulness of
method an outsider assists the parties in their negotiations. It
conciliation, and he must like or learn to like the work. It
takes place with the consent of both the parties. The mediator
has been noted that “conciliation is an expression of one of
performs the messenger’s job for both the parties and he
the highest virtues which can be practiced - the desire to
neither imposes his will nor his judgment upon them. The
understand and be just to one another. Each time that one
main aim of mediation is the settlement disputes by bringing
attempts to resolve a conflict without force one renders to
about a voluntary agreement. There may be three kinds
men and enormous service in leading them in the path of
wisdom and of respect themselves and for each other.”
1. The Eminent Outsider;
3. A conciliator should never allow conciliation proceedings
2. Non-Government Board; and before him to constitute a mere formality or a step on road
3. Semi-Governmental Board. to arbitration. He must be able to offer to the parties
If mediation is conducted skillfully and sympathetically along inducements that will persuade them to prefer a settlement
proper lines, it can bring about the adjustment of differences with his assistance and to make serious efforts to reach
that might otherwise contribute to stoppage of work. agreement.

4. Because of the nature of his work a conciliator must have option continues after his initial intervention; and, depending


the ability to get along well with the people. He must be, to on the shifting pressures on the parties he can sharpen or blunt
a certain extent, a specialist in human relations in the the need to make a choice.
relations between the parties when they come face-to-face, “The conciliator opens to the parties a variety of available
and in his own relations with them. He must be honest, options besides those they can think of themselves. By
polite, tactful, self-confident, even- tempered and patient in promoting their attitudes and discovering in what fields they
trying to accomplish results. He should have powers of may be prepared to show some flexibility, he gains perspective
persuasion, including a good command of language and of the issues in dispute and of alternatives possibilities of
facility of expression, and should be able communicate with settlement. These options may vary in number according to the
the parties in language they understand. nature of the issues involved; and they may be available in
5. Since a conciliator has to deal with different persons and has respect of a single issue or on combination of issues.
to preside over their joint meetings in conciliation “The conciliator controls the timing for the selection of option,
proceedings, he not only needs tact and ability to guide and the acceptability of which to the parties may vary from time to
control their joint discussions, but must also give an time. On the basis of his evaluation of the parties attitudes and
impression of expression, responsibility, dear-headedness the progress of the discussions, he can decide whether it is
and mature judgement. He must be to show others that he necessary to increase or shorten the time available for the
possesses enough common sense and practical-mindedness. selection of option; his contribution is to offer the options at
6. A conciliator should have a friendly personality, a sense of the particular moment, when they are most likely to win a
humour, specially for releaving tensions of joint positive response from the parties.”
discussions. A special alacrity of mind will enable him to The subsidiary role of a conciliator may be discussed under
grasp quickly and analyse rapidly the main elements of following heads:
As a Discussion Leader
7. A conciliator should be fully familiar with the law and
As a discussion leader the conciliator reduces irrationality and
regulations concerning industrial re/alions and the
antagonism between the parties. He guides them towards a
settlement of industrial disputes. He should be familiar
problem-solving approach to their dispute; he ensures that they
with the industrial relations system, e.g., the development
discuss their differences in as friendly a manner as possible; he
and structure of trade union and employers’ associations;
helps them to analyse their problem, always striving to keep the
the prevailing methods of collective bargaining; negotiating
analysis on rational ground; he identifies the elements of the
procedures and practices; the operation of agreed
problem, both for the parties benefit and for his own.
negotiating bodies set up by the parties; the main causes
and patterns of disputes; knowledge of personnel As a Safety Valve
management, functioning of trade union within The conciliator places himself in the position of alternative
undertakings, grievance and disciplinary procedures and target when he feels that the parties are in an aggressive mood.
joint consultancy machinery. By setting a substitute target, the parties can achieve an emo-
8. He should be well-trained in different aspects of tional release without direct and immediate damage to the
management process. He should have some knowledge of negotiations.
products and services, the production methods, practices, As a Communication Link
etc., knowledge about wage rates and other financial The conciliator fulfils an important function as a communica-
matters, incentive schemes; and the understanding of those tion link between the parties; serving as a communication link
factors, traditional outlooks and cultural, peculiarities, and may either constitute his main conciliatory effort or be a
of the way in which they affect labour relations. contribution to it. He not only works as a conduit through
9. He must have ability and versatility to form judgments. He which messages relayed from one side to the other, are passed,
should, therefore, acquire knowledge from personal but he also provides a thorough explanation and interprets the
experience and observation; besides getting knowledge in intention of the party.
social sciences, psychology, social institutions, group As an Innovator
behavior and cultural change. The conciliator acts as an invaluable source of new information,
Role of the Conciliator and new information the new thoughts, particularly in provid-
The conciliator is a multi-facted individual. His contribution has ing the parties with different views of the issues, with
been discussed by the I.L.O publication thus: alternative solution and possibly an entirely new approach.
“The conciliator induces the parties to a course of action. “ His As a Sounding Board
intervention in the dispute creates for the parties a situation He is often described as a “flying ambulance squad” appearing
different from the direct confrontation they had before. whenever or wherever a collision or conflict, which threatens to
The conciliator establishes for the parties a need to re-examine” disturb harmonious relationship occurs or his apprehended to
the positions in this new situation and to consider possible occur between the interests of the parties. He may indicate the
alternatives or options, The’ need to make a choice of possible parties which of their own arguments, defenses and supports
cannot stand under a rational searching enquiry.

As a Protector take recourse to the path of least resistance and make a

The conciliator plays a protecting role for making the parties report to the Government for reference of the dispute for
ready for collective bargaining positions by exploring alternative adjudication.
solutions during separate meetings. ii. Most of the conciliation officers are young, inexperienced
As a Fail-Safe Device and untrained who have no thorough training in the act of
The conciliator often assists a party which has overstated its mediation. They get both the parties together in the same
position to the extent or bluff or exaggeration of its reaction to room and ask each to state its position which just makes
some move on the part of the other; or taken a clearly unten- the situation worse. They are just rubberstamps and often
able stance to withdraw gracefully under the banner of reason. refer cases directly to adjudication. .
As a Stimulator iii. Conciliation proceedings are abused and misused by the
Sensing the need for positive action, the conciliator can provide parties. They often use the conciliators to find the position
necessary impulse; he makes a concise statement, supplies some and strength of each other and to feed wrong information
date, gives a hint or suggestion. He crystallizes changes of to each other. This often happens when the conciliator and
opinion, in course of discussions, by intervening at the the adjudicator are the same person.
appropriate moment and giving such ideas a concrete form. iv. It has been said that even when labour and employers reach
an agreement without the help of the conciliators “the
As an Adviser
written document is frequently initiated and approved by
The conciliator tries to remove misunderstandings regarding the
the State Labour Commissioner and this can then may be
other’s position, intentions and capabilities. He tries to see that
reported as settled through conciliation.”
such misinterpretations do not occur and that each side
thoroughly understands the others’ point of view, obtains a v. Conciliation is looked upon very often by the parties as
picture opponent’s strength and realizes its own limitations and merely a hurdle to be crossed for reaching the next stage.
weaknesses. There is, therefore, casualness about it in the parties and a
habitual display of such casualness conditions conciliator
As a Face Saver also into that attitude.
When a party knows from the outset or realizes during the
vi. Outside interference has been common in the working of
course of proceedings that it has a weak case and can hope for
this machinery, Manager grudge that political pressure is
little success in pursuing the dispute. The people concerned are
brought on them and conciliation machinery to settle the
often reluctant to admit defeat, because they feel that this will
issues in favour of workers. Unionists, on the other hand,
involve them in a loss of face, or prestige, with their members
quip ‘that political pressure is exercised to safeguard the
or with the public, In such situations, conciliator may device a
employers’ interest.
form of announcing settlement, which’ apparently make some
small concession to the party concerned but which in reality vii. The machinery is often partial and puts only half-hearted
gives it little or nothing. efforts to reach any settlement. Such things procreate a
failure orientation towards conciliation machinery both in
As a Promoter of Collective Bargaining:
the workers and the management. Often the Government
While intervening in a dispute he is not only concerned with officials and management as well as trade unionists have
obtaining settlement, but often he assists and promotes predicted that conciliation is ineffective in India. This works
collective bargaining and helps and guides the parties in the as an important tool in the hands of those who are
development of their relationship. opposed to conciliation intervention at the plant level.
Thus, a conciliator has to playa wide variety of roles. When a viii.The trade unionists are of the view that the machinery
strike or lockout is threatened it is his duty to advise the party favours management while taking decisions whereas
concerned on the legality of the proposed action and to use all managers feel that it is pro-union. They also say that, “some
his powers of pursuing so that at least the action can be of the Conciliation officers lack the requisite qualities of a
postponed while conciliation is going on. He makes all efforts conciliator and obvious of the necessary knowledge of
to persuade the parties against violent or disorderly behavior in industry, labour problems, labour laws and industrial
carrying out the proposed action which might lead to bitterness. relations and often look towards labour leaders and
He also tries to bring the parties together to negotiate before the management representatives for guidance. They are inept in
factory is shut down or any damage, to equipment or property the art of mediation. The indiscriminate reference of
is done. He also ensures that work is immediately resumed disputes to adjudication is also a contributory factor
when the strike or lock-out is terminated. towards inefficient working of the machinery.
Criticisms Against Conciliation ix. Finally, there are other impediments and problems facing
i. The work of conciliation is often delegated by the State the machinery which have made it bootless, viz., sincerity of
Governments to the officers of the Labour Department, efforts; interest in the working community, capacity to resist
who are already over-burdened and, therefore, cannot do external pressure; authority to enforce proceedings and get
full justice in the matter. In actual practice these officers act the decisions implemented, initiative, drive and tactfulness;
only “as post offices” and do little to conciliate disputes. and the physical distances involved in contacting the
They carry no conviction with the, labour and in many cases machinery and attending proceedings, etc.

Suggestions for Effective Functioning of


“To make conciliation more effective the National Commission
on Labour has recommended that, “Conciliation machinery
should be part of the Industrial Relations commission, which
will make it free from other influences... The independent
character of the machinery will alone develop greater confidence
and will be able to evoke more cooperation from the parties ...
Apart from this basic change which will introduce important
structural, functional and procedural changes in the working of
the machinery; other measures are: (i}proper selection of
personnel, (ii) adequate pre-job training, and (iii) periodic in-
service training through refresher courses, seminars and
Following suggestions may be offered for improving the
working of the conciliation machinery:
1. The first basic need for making the conciliation machinery a
success is to free it from the clutches of any political or
administrative interference. This can be achieved by
assigning the control, of machinery to some autonomous
2. The conciliation machinery should be invested with
adequate and more powers so that the parties could be
forced to arrive at a conclusion which is binding and not
only recommendatory in nature.
3. The mutual images of the parties towards each other need
be improved so that their negative conceptions may not
work like a self-fulfilling prophecy for the failure of
4. The parties should not treat conciliation machinery as a
more joy and ride and a sense of commitment towards the
resolution of dispute should be inculcated among them by
5. Conciliation should be introduced in all the industries in
spite of their being public utilities or otherwise.
6. The workload of the machinery should be periodically
assessed, if need be, the necessary staff should be
appointed so that it may not break down under the
unbearable workload which it is at present carrying.
7. The conciliation officers can be made more effective by: (i)
prescribing proper qualifications for a conciliation officer and
improving his qualities by proper selection and training, (ii)
enhancing their status for dealing with persons who appear
before them, (iii) delegating appropriate authority to these
officers, and (iv) minimizing political interference.”



Learning Objective 6. Awards are capable of implementation without any grudge

The study of this lesson will help you understand: on the part of both the parties at dispute and do not lead
• The settlement of conflicts. to further chances of litigation.
7. Since it is based on the consent of both the parties it helps
Voluntary Arbitration
building up a sound base for healthy industrial relations,
If the two parties to the dispute fail to come to an agreement,
mutual understanding and cooperation.
either by themselves or with the help of a mediator or concilia-
tor agrees to submit the dispute to an impartial authority, “It is popular because it is suitable and compelling. It is far
whose decision, they are ready to accept. The essential elements better than a costly work-stoppage, even though not wholly
in voluntary arbitration are: satisfactory from either parties’ point of views.
• The voluntary submission of dispute to an arbitrator; Disadvantages of Arbitration
• The subsequent attendance of witness and investigations; Disadvantages of Arbitration include:
• The enforcement of an award may not be necessary. 1. It deprives the labour of its right to go on strike - as there is
often a provision in the agreement that the trade unions
Essential Elements of Voluntary and workers will refrain from strike action during the course
Arbitration of the continuance of the agreements.
Essentials of voluntary arbitration are:
2. Judgement is often arbitrary all ill-advised as the arbitrators
• The voluntary submission of dispute to an arbitrator; are not well- versed in the economic and technical aspects of
• The subsequent attendance of witness and. investigations; industry.
• The enforcement of an award may not be necessary and 3. Arbitrators are often biased against labour and their award
binding because there is no compulsion. But generally, the is, therefore, usually not in favour of the labour.
acceptance of an arbitration implies the acceptance of its 4. Delay often occurs in arriving at the award and settlement
award - be it favorable or unfavorable; and of disputes. This leads to break down in the morale of
• Voluntary arbitration may be specially needed for disputes members.
arising under agreements. 5. Though arbitration is an essential element in the creation of
Advantages of Arbitration better labour- management relations, its availability may
Advantages of Arbitration include: lead to less dependence of negotiation and conditions
1. Since it is established by the parties themselves, arbitration imposed by a third party may be resented.
has the particular advantage of bringing the dispute 6. Too much arbitration is not a sign of healthy relationship.
settlement procedure down to the level of the parties to Parties who find it necessary to leave the disposition of
dispute. Workers and management tend to have greater disputes to third parties do so often because they they have
faith and full confidence in settlement machinery which is in not learnt how to solve their own problems, how to live
effect their own. with one another. Therefore, too frequent arbitration is not
2. Since arbitration is established by agreement, it is more only costly and time-consuming but it also promotes a
flexible than other procedures and can be adjusted to the hostile and rigid relationship between the parties.
views, desires and experience of parties and to the Reference of Dispute to Arbitration
circumstances of the undertaking or industry. Under Industrial Disputes Act, 194;
3. This procedure, operating on the level closest to the parties Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, a dispute may be
to disputes, has the advantage of enabling the arbitrators to referred to arbitration under following conditions:
acquire a much greater familiarity with the characteristics of a. An industrial Dispute exists or is apprehended in an
the particular industry or undertaking concerned than most establishment;
courts or tribunals. b. The employer and the workmen of that establishment
4. The procedure is relatively expeditious when compared to agree, in writing, to refer the dispute to arbitration;
ordinary courts or labour tribunals. It cuts down delays and c. Arbitration agreement is in the prescribed form and signed
results in prompt settlement of differences. by the parties to it in the prescribed manner;
5. It is informal in character and on that account as well as d. The agreement must be accompanied by the consent, in
because the disputes are handled by the parties themselves writing, of the arbitration or arbitrators;
often without recourse to lawyers, it tends to be less
expensive than other procedures.

e. The dispute must be referred to arbitration at any time ii. When there is a national emergency which requires that


before it has been referred to a Labour Court or Tribunal or wheels of production should not be obstructed by frequent
a National Tribunal; work-stoppages; or
f. The reference must be to certain person or persons specified iii. The country is passing through grave economic crisis; or
in the arbitration agreement to act as a arbitrator/arbitrators; iv. There is a grave public dissatisfaction with the existing
g. The arbitration agreement must set forth the issue/issues industrial relations or
to be decided by the arbitration procedure and a copy of the v. When industries of strategic importance are involved; or
agreements is forwarded to the Government and the
vi. Parties are ill balanced, Le., where the unions are weak, ill-
Conciliation Officer.
organized, and powerless and the means of production are
National Arbitration Promotion Board in the hands of the capitalists who are well-organized and
“To make voluntary arbitration more acceptable to the parties more powerful; or
and to coordinate efforts for its promotion the government vii. Where public interest and the working conditions are
appointed in July 1967, a National Arbitration Promotion desired to be safeguarded that regulated by the State.
Board with a tripartite composition. The functions of the Compulsory arbitration leaves no scope for strikes and lock-
Board are: outs and thus deprives both the parties of their very
i. To review the position periodically; important and fundamental rights.”
ii. To examine the factors inhibiting wider acceptance of this Model Principles for Reference of
procedure and suggest measures to make it more popular; Disputes to Adjudication
iii. To compile and maintain up-to-date panels of suitable The Indian Labour Conference (held in Chennai in July 1959)
arbitrators for different areas and industries and to lay down evolved a set of model principles for reference of disputes to
their fees; adjudication. These principles were:
iv. To evolve principles, norms and procedure for guidance of 1. All disputes may ordinarily be referred to adjudication on
arbitrator and the parties; request.
v. To advise parties, in important cases, to accept arbitration 2. Disputes may not, however, be ordinarily referred to
for resolving disputes so that litigation in courts is avoided; adjudication:
vi. To look into the cause of delay and expedite arbitration (a) Unless efforts at conciliation have failed and there is no
proceedings wherever necessary. further scope for conciliation and the parties are not
vii. To specify, from time to time, the types of disputes which agreeable to arbitration;
would normally be settled by arbitration in the light of (b) If there is a strike or lock-out declared illegal by a Court, or a
tripartite decisions.” strike or lock-out resorted to without seeking settlement by
means provided by law and without proper notice or in
Compulsory Arbitration / Adjudication
breach of the Code of Discipline, as determined by the
Where trade unions are weak the method of Compulsory
machinery set up for the purpose unless such a strike or
Arbitration is used. Compulsory Arbitration is utilized generally
lock-out, as the case may be, is called off;
when the parties fail to arrive at a settlement through the
voluntary methods. (c) If the issues involved are such as have been the subject-
matter of recent judicial decision or in respect of which an
In India, Compulsory Arbitration is enforced because collective
unduly long time has elapsed since the origin of the cause
bargaining was not used for regulating wages and other
of action; and
conditions of employment.
(d) If in respect of demands other legal remedies are available,
It may be said that compulsory arbitration may be at times and
that is, matters covered by the Factories Act, Workmen’s
under certain circumstances, necessary and desirable. The nature,
Compensation Act, Minimum Wages Act, Payment of
scale and timing of state intervention should be suited to the
Wages Act, etc.
needs of different occasions. The objective of state intervention
in the field of industrial relations should be to do social justice 3. Industrial disputes raised in regard to individual cases, that
and make the weaker party equally strong to enable it ultimately is, cases of dismissal, discharge or any other action of
to stand on its own legs and settle its differences through management on disciplinary grounds, may be referred to for
negotiations and collective bargaining. adjudication when the legality or property of such action is
questioned, and in particular:
Compulsory arbitration is one where the parties are required to
arbitrate without any willingness on their part. Anyone of the (a) If there is a case of victimization or unfair labour practice;
parties may apply to the appropriate governments to refer the (b) If the Standing Orders in force or the principles of natural
dispute to adjudication machinery. justice have not been followed; and
“Under compulsory arbitration, the parties are forced to (c) If the conciliation machinery reports that injustice has been
arbitration by the State when done to the workman.
i. The parties fail to arrive at a settlement by voluntary
method; or

The following principles are derived form the judicial judg- Three Tier System of Adjudication

ments: The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, provides three-tier system

i. The Government must be of the opinion that an industrial of adjudication:
dispute actually exists or is apprehended; 1. Labour Courts,
ii. Making a reference is an executive and administrative act and 2. Industrial Tribunals, and
not a judicial or quasi-judicial act; Government’s order 3. National Tribunals.
making a reference, therefore, cannot be challenged on the
These are adjudicating bodies who decide the disputes referred
ground that the Government has no material before it to
to by the appropriate Government and pass their awards.
come to the conclusion that the dispute exists;
The Labour Courts adjudicate upon disputes listed in Schedule
iii. Expediency of making a reference is a matter entirely for the
II of the Act.
Government to decide. Even if a dispute factually exists the
Government may not make a reference; the Government The Industrial Courts adjusticate upon disputes listed in
cannot be compelled by a Court to make a reference; making Schedule II or III of the Act.
of reference, thus, is not a duty or an obligation on the part The National Tribunals adjudicate upon the disputes which are
of the Government but a matter of discretion; of national importance, or the dispute is of such a nature which
iv. The Government may refer the dispute or any matter affects industrial establishments situated in more than one
appearing to be connected with or relevant to the dispute, State.
whether it relates to any matter specified in the Second Labour Courts
Schedule or the Third Schedule to a Tribunal for One or more Labour Courts may be constituted by the
adjudication; appropriate Government for adjudicating on industrial disputes
v. Where the Government is of the opinion that any relating to any matter specified in the Second schedule to the
industrial dispute exists or is apprehended and the dispute Act, and for performing such other function as may be assigned
involves any question of national importance or it is of to them.
such a nature that industrial establishments situated in Constitution
more than one State are likely to be interested in or affected A Labour Court shall consist of one person only. Such a
by such dispute, it may refer the dispute for adjudication to person: (a) is or has been a judge of a High Court; or (b) has
the National Tribunal - whether it relates to any matter been for a period of not less than 3 years a District judge; or (c)
specified in the Second or the Third Schedule; has held any judicial office in India for not less than 7 years. No
vi. Where the dispute relates to any matter specified in the person shall be appointed or continue in the office of the
Third Schedule is not likely to affect more than 100 workers, Labour Court if he is not an independent person; or he has
the Government may make a reference to Labour Court; attained the age of 65 years.
vii. It is mandatory upon the Government to make a reference The duties of the Labour Court are: (i) to hold adjudication
of disputes to Courts or Tribunals where: proceedings expeditiously, and (ii) submit its award to the
a. The dispute relatives to public utility service; (b) A notice of appropriate Government as soon as practicable on the conclu-
Strike or lockout has been given; (c) Where the parties to the sion of the proceedings. The Labour Court usually deals with
dispute apply in the prescribed manner for a reference and matters which arise in day-to-day working.
the Government is satisfied that the persons applying Jurisdiction
represent the majority of each party. The jurisdiction of the Labour Courts extends to adjudication
viii.The reference shall be made even if any other proceeding of following disputes relating to matters specified in the Second
has commenced but this mandatory power is subject to two Schedule (given under):
exceptions: 1. The property or legality of an order passed by an employer
a. the notice has been frivolously or vexatiously given; or under the Standing Orders;
b. that it would be expedient to make a reference. 2. The application and interpretation of Standing Orders:
An order of reference passed by the Government can be 3. Discharge or dismissal of workmen, including
challenged on the grounds: reinstatement of, or grant of relief to workmen wrongfully
1. That the order is void ab initio or without jurisdiction; dismissed;
2. Where the order of reference is made in both faith or is 4. Withdrawal of any customary concession or privilege;
mala fide; or 5. Illegality or otherwise of a strike or lock-out; and
3. The appropriate Government had no material before it; or 6. All matters other than those specified in the Third Schedule
1. It did not apply its mind to a material; or to the Act.
2. Has not taken into consideration certain vital facts and Industrial Tribunals
materials which it ought to have taken into account. The appropriate Government may appoint one or more
Industrial Tribunals for adjudication of industrial disputes
relating to any matter whether specified in the Second Schedule

or the Third Schedule. The matters which are in the form of more than one State are likely to be interested in, or affected by,


new demands and give rise to industrial disputes which affect such disputes.
the working of a company or industry are usually referred to an
Industrial Tribunal. Industrial Tribunal may be: appointed for a
National Tribunal shall consist of one person only to be
limited period on an ad hoc basis or permanently.
appointed by the Central Government such a person: (a) is or
Constitution has been a judge of a High Court, or has the office of the
A Tribunal shall consist of one or more persons. Such a person Chairman or any other member of Labour Appellate Tribunal,
(a) is or has been judge of a High Court, (b}has been a District for a period of not less than 2 years.
Judge for a period of not less than 3 years, (c) has held the If the Central Government so thinks fit may appoint two
office of the Chairman or any other member of the Labour persons as assessors to advise the National Tribunal in the
Appellate Tribunal for a period of not less than 2 years. proceedings before it.
The Government may, if it thinks fit, also appoint two persons Criticisms Against Adjudication
as assessors to advise the Tribunal in the proceedings before it. Adjudication or compulsory arbitration is criticized on the
The functions and duties of the Industrial Tribunal are very following grounds:
much like those of a body discharging judicial functions i. Resort to compulsory arbitration promotes and prolongs
although it is not a court. It has all the necessary attributes of a industrial disputes;
court of justice. It may create new obligations or modify
contracts in the interest of industrial peace, to protect legitimate ii. Compulsory arbitration undermines self-government in
trade union activities and to prevent unfair practice and victim- industry, i.e. it hampers the development of industrial
ization. The Tribunals are required to give award based on democracy;
circumstances peculiar to each dispute and they are, to a large iii. It takes away from the employers and union the
extent, free from restrictions of technical considerations responsibility of working out their mutual problems and
imposed on Courts. . transfer it to government created tribunals;
Jurisdiction iv. It kills collective bargaining and replaces it with litigation; it
Industrial Tribunals have a wider jurisdiction than a Labour allows the parties to avoid unpleasant confrontation of
Court. It has jurisdiction over any matter specified in the Second their difficulties, creating a dependency upon public
Schedule or Third Schedule. authority;
The matters specified in the Third Schedule are: v. By requiring even an air of compulsory labour it subjects
the workers to involuntary servitude;
1. Wages, including the period and mode of payment;
vi. It exposes. workers to arbitrary restraints and penalties
2. Compensatory and other allowances;
before trial and corrections;
3. Hours of work and rest intervals;
vii. It denies the working people the right to protect and resist a
4. Leave with wages and holidays; wrong and to strive peacefully for improvement in their
5. Bonus, profit sharing, provident fund and gratuity; conditions;
6. Shift working otherwise than in accordance with Standing viii.Decisions handed down through arbitration could be
Orders: coloured by political expediency. Thus, both employers and
7. Classification of grades; the unions would become deeply involved in political
pressures and efforts to win favours;
8. Rules of discipline;
ix. It means loss of personal freedom, loss of mobility, loss
9. Rationalisation;
of power of initiative, loss of hope and aspiration for self-
10. Retrenchment of workmen and closure of an betterment;
establishment;, and I, Any other matter than may be
x. The prohibition of strikes is not readily enforceable; fines
levied on the workers depreciate workers’ morale, cause
Eight Industrial Tribunals-cum-Labour Courts have been set showdown, lower productive efficiency, and imprisonment
up to adjudicate disputes in the Central sphere. Of these, three shuts off all productive possibilities.
are located at Dhanbad (Bihar), two at Mumbai ‘and one each at
Alexander Frey has criticized compulsory arbitration on the
Calcutta, Jabalpur and New Delhi. The services of Tribunals
following four main grounds:
and labour Courts set up by the State Governments are also
utilized by the Central 1ent as and when necessary. i. The minimizing effect which it exercise upon genuine
bargaining by disputants;
National Tribunals
ii. The absence of standards without which the adjudicator
The Central Government may be notification in the Official
cannot avoid being either arbitrary or reactionary;
Gazette, constitute one or more National Tribunals for the
adjudication of industrial disputes which in the option of the iii. Its tendency to increase rather than to diminish disputes
Central Government involve questions of national importance because of the probable reluctance of at least one of the
or are of such nature that industrial establishments situated in parties to live with the adjudicator’s order;

iv. The impracticability of enforcing judgements. well as disputes in regard to unfair labour practice and the

Suggestions to Make Adjudication
Effective viii.For settlement of disputes in smaller units or where
The National Commission on Labour has stated, “During the unorganized workers are involved, the Labour
last 20 years, the adjudication machinery has exercised consider- Commissioner should intervene.”
able influence of several aspects of conditions of work and
labour management relations. Adjudication has been one of
the instruments of wages and working conditions and for
securing allowances for maintaining real wages, for standardiza-
tion of wages, bonus and introducing uniformity in benefits
and amenities. It has also helped to avert many work stoppages
by providing an acceptable alternative to direct action and to
protect and promote the interests of the weaker sections of the
working class, who were not well organized or were unable to
bargain on an equal footing with the employers.”
i. The recognition of trade unions, by methods to be decided
by an independent authority like the Industrial Relations
ii. To bring about changes in the existing machinery,
permanent machinery, entirely independent of
administration, should replace the existing ad hoc
iii. This machinery - National Industrial Relations Commission
- should be appointed by the Central Government for
industries for which the Government is the appropriate
authority ... to deal with such disputes which involve
questions of national importance or which are likely to
affect the interest of establishments situated in more than
one state, that is, disputes which are at present dealt with by
National Tribunals;
iv. There should be an Industrial Relations Commission in
each State for settlement of disputes for which the State
Government is the appropriate authority, The IRCs at the
Central and State levels should perform three functions:
adjudication, conciliation, and certification of unions as
representative unions;
v. If negotiations fail and the parties approach the IRC, it will
help them in choosing an arbitrator, or after service of
strike/lock-out notice either party may approach it for
naming a conciliator. On the failure of collective bargaining
and when parties do not agree to arbitration, either party
‘shall’, in case of essential services/industries, notify the
IRC of the failure of such negotiation where upon the IRC
shall adjudicate and its award shall be final and binding
upon the parties. In other case, the IRC may offer to the
parties its good offices for settlement;
vi. If after the expiry of notice period, no settlement is reached,
the parties will be free to resort to direct action; if such
action continues for 30 days, it will be incumbent on the
IRC to intervene and arrange for settlement of industrial
vii. Labour Courts should be set up to deal with “disputes
relating to rights and obligations, interpretation and
implementation of awards of either the National or State
IRC and claims arising cost of rights and obligations, as


Case: All India Railway Strike, May 1974 problems relating to bonus, need based minimum-wage, parity
Indian Railways - the core of the nations’ system - constitutes in wages with other public sector employees etc., through the
Asia’s largest and World’s third largest rail system in terms of kil JCM. The convention also decided to solve them through strike
in terms of employment, and second largest, in terms of action, if they were not solved through JCM. But later it was
investment, public sector, undertaking in the country and is felt by the AIRF that Government utilized this opportunity for
spread geographically through the length and breadth of India. spending time, delaying its decisions and to put forth totally
With its wide network, the Indian Railways serve as a crucial unacceptable proposals. The NFIR working committee totally
instrument in the socio-economic transformation in India. disa
With a total capital of around Rs. 248,084 million as on 31st Unilateral decision taken by AIRF. In consequence, AIRF held a
March 1992, the gross revenue earnings of Rs. 141,137 million General Council meeting on 6th and 7th February 1974, at
in 1991-92, route length of 61,836 km. and employment of Nagpur and decided to hold a convention of all employees’
over 1. 76 million persons (including about 200,000 casual organizations (excluding NFIR) and other Central Government
workers), it is the largest enterprise owned and managed by the employees and Central Trade Unions. Accordingly, a National
Government of India, as a departmental undertaking. Convention of railway men was held on 27th and 28th
Railways in India are owned and managed by the Union February 1974, at New Delhi which gave birth to the “National
Government, except a few branch lines on the narrow gauge Co-ordination Committee for Railway men’s Struggle”
that are owned and managed by private companies and (NCCRS) and an action committee of NCCRS was also
municipal bodies. appointed. The leaders of AIRF, All India Trade Union
Congress, All India Railway Employees’ Confederation,
The Minister for Railways represents the railways’ interest in the
Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Centre of Indian Trade Unions, and
Parliament. The administrative and management responsibili-
all category-wise associations in Railways participated in this
ties of the railways vest with the Railway Board under the
convention. The convention formulated a six-point charter of
overall supervision of the Union Minister of Railways, who is
demands and urged the then Minister for Railways to redress
generally assisted by Minister of State and one or more deputy
them through negotiations by April 10, 1974.
However, the then Railway Minister convened a meeting with
Since the Government of India is the “employer” in this
the members of action Committee of NCCRS headed by
departmentally run public sector undertaking, the wage policy
George Fernandez, the then President of AIRF and the
of Indian Railways is linked to the wage policy of Union
representatives of NFIR on April 12, 1974, with the initiative
Government. Further, the Government-instituted Joint
taken by the then Labour Minister. As a result of the discus-
Consultative Machinery at national level is the body to discuss
sions in this meeting, it was decided that the Member Staff of
and resolve the issues of union Government employees and
the Railway Board should commence negotiations with the
employees of departmentally run public sector undertakings.
delegations from April 15, 1974. Accordingly, the Action
Trade Union Movement in the Indian Railways had its origin in Committee of NCCRS and NFIR held talks on April 15, 1974,
1897. Even then, it is as old as the labour movement in India. with the Member Staff. This meeting was closed, with the
The All India Railway men’s Federation (AIRF) was formed in Member Staff declaring on behalf of the Railway Ministry that
1924 with affiliation to the All India Trade Union Congress no demand could be conceded and that he did not have the
(AITUC) and was granted recognition in 1930. A rival federa- authority to negotiate.” Thus, “the negotiations reached their
tion - affiliated to Indian National Trade Union Congress dead end on the very day they commenced within a matter of
(INTUC) - was formed in 1948. Serious efforts were made to hours.” In consequence to this crucial and turning situation,
bring unity between the two federations. Consequently, these “the National Co-ordination Committee of Railway men’s
two federations merged into the National Federation of Indian Struggle called upon the railway men to go on indefinite general
Railway men (NFIR) in 1953. strike from 6.00 hours on 8th May 1974,” whilst the “NFIR”
But this unity could not survive long and the organization was expressed its regret rover the casual manner in which these
segregated into AIRF and National Federation of Indian negotiations were held.” In reply to its protest the NFIR was
Railway men (NFIR). Attempts made from time to time failed assured by the Railway Minister that “what had happened on
to achieve unity of the two Federations. the 15th April, 1974, meeting was not the last word and that he
Indian Railway administration solves the employee problem would himself meet the Federation in the afternoon of 18th
through collective bargaining, which is represented by perma- April, 1974.” Thus, the railway, management played one
nent negotiating machinery and Joint Consultative Machinery. federation against the other. NFIR felt that the strike decision
taken by NCCRS was a hasty step.
It was decided in the 49th Annual Convention of AIRF held at
Secunderabad during October 1973, to solve the long pending

Meetings between the railway administration and Action within the living memory, has brought about significant

Committee of NCCRS changes in the employee-management relationship besides

And NFIR were, however, held on 20th and 27th April 1974, decline in efficiency of railways. Though the Government did
which did not bear fruit. Even then, NFIR decided to settle the not concede to the demands of the employees, they had taken
issues through negotiations. As a result the general strike broke action against the employees who participated in the strike as
out at 6.00 hours on 8th May 1974, and went on up to 27th shown in the table. Dismissal of employees in connection with
May 1974. But NFIR did not associate itself with this strike, May 1974 strike is found in all the nine zones, but the number
due to rivalry between AIRF and ‘NFIR. However, it was felt varies between 521 and 3,507. Number of employees who were
that there would have been possibilities to settle the problems dismissed was highest in Western Railway (3,507) followed by
of rail men through negotiations, if the incident of 15th April Northeast Frontier Railway (3,336) and was lowest in Southern
1974, had not occurred. This strike was organized to achieve the Railway (521). However, 15,840 employees (or 94.18 percent to
following “demands: number of employees dismissed) were taken back by all the
nine zonal railways by the end of 1975. The percentage of
employees taken back to total number of employees dismissed
a. all railwaymen be treated as industrial workers with full was highest in North-Eastern Railway (98.91) followed by
trade union rights including the right to negotiate; South Central Railway (98.62). Number of employees not taken
b. The working hours of railwaymen shall not exceed eight back, by the find of 1975 was 979 or 5.82 per cent to the total
hours per day; number of employees dismissed, However, these remaining
c. There shall be job evaluation of all railwaymen through a employees were taken into service in 1978 during Janata Party
scientific system to be followed by their classification and regime. The Government met some of the demands later and
degradation with the need-based minimum wage as the the important issue of bonus was solved in November 1979.
wage for the lowest paid worker. Table
d. Pending the completion of job evaluation and Position of Employees Dismissed in Connection with the
reclassification, immediate parity in wages with those of Strike of May 1974
workers in the Central Government undertakings be
(ii) Total
Railway Total Number Percentage Total Number
Dearness allowance linked to the cost of living index with of Employees of Employees of Employees of Employees
full neutralization for every rise of four points in a six- Dismissed in Taken Back Taken Back not
month period be sanctioned; May 1974 by the End to the Number Taken Back
of 1975 of Employees by the End
Dismissed of 1975
Bonus at the rate of one month’s wages for the years 1971- Central 1,704 1,619 95.01 85
72 and 1972.73; Eastern 2,848 2,490 84.43 358
(iv) Northern 1,389 1,354 97.48 35
Decasualisation of all casual railway men and their Eastern
826 817 98.91 9
confirmation in service with all benefits given to them with Northeast
3,336 3,172 95.08 164
retrospective effect; frontier
Southern 521 492 94.43 29
580 572 98.62 8
Adequate and subsidized food grains and other essential central
commodities through departmentally run shops; and South
2,108 1,881 89.23 227
(vi) Western 3,507 3,443 98.18 64
All victimization cases should be withdrawn. 16,819 15,840 94.18 979
This strike was mostly responsible for the maximum
number of mandays lost (14.84 million) and maximum
number of man-days lost per thousand workers employed It is evident from this analysis that, the category-wise unions,
910,560.89) during the history of Indian Railways. The particularly the Loco running Staff Association had organized
mandays were lost in all the nine zonal railways. It has been strikes frequently during 1961-62 to 1964-65, 1970-71 to 1973-
commented that “the All India Railwaymen’s strike in May 74,1978-79,1979-80 and 1980-81. Strikes of this nature disturb
1974 upset the industrial relations developed over the the industrial harmony, besides affecting the productivity and
years…” efficiency. In addition the policy of railway administration has
During the strike period, though the Railways kept the wheels been to discourage the category-wise unions. Hence, it may be
moving according to plan, the performance of railways declined suggested that the category-wise associations and unrecognized
severely, Traveling public, basic industries, power houses, trade federations unions and should be made ineligible to use the
and the like suffered a lot. Productivity in railways declined in weapon of strike action and or any other suitable steps should
the year 1974-75 compared to that in 1973-74. This strike, be taken to avoid these frequent strikes.

The comparative study of number of mandays lost per


thousand employees due to industrial disputes in Indian
Railways and in different sectors of India gives the useful
conclusions which are presented in Table . It can be observed
from this table that, despite the all India strike in July 1960, the
mandays lost per thousand employees in Indian Railways
(719.49) were less than that of manufacturing sector (1,382) in
the year 1960. During 1966, no single man-day was lost in
Indian Railways, while the mandays 10stlper thousand workers
was 2,258 in plantations, 2,041 in manufacturing sector, 645 in
coal mining and 625 in mining. During 1970, the number of
mandays lost per thousand employees in Indian Railways
(245.28) was less than that of manufacturing (3,329), mining
(1,375), coal mining (1,191) and plantations (317). During 1971
to 1973 also, this figure in Indian Railways (varied between
34.66 and 233.72) was less than that of manufacturing (varied
between 2,328 and 3,231), mining (varied between 1,675 and
2,293), coal mining (varied between 1,639 and 2,502) and
plantations (varied between 476 and 2,116).
Mandays Lost Per Thousand Workers Employed in Indian
Railways and In Different Sectors due to Industrial

Year Manufacturing Mining Coal Mining Railways
1957 1,181 1,562 1,522 403 NA
1960 1,382 360 325 174 719.49
1966 2,041 625 645 2,258 -
1970 3,329 1,375 1,191 317 245.28
1973 2,971 2,079 1,897 476 233.72
1974 4,505 1,029 1,465 3,380 10,560.89
1977 3,761 2,406 N.A. NA 0.92
1979 N.A. N.A. N.A. NA 10.63
1980 N.A. N.A. N.A. NA 1,469.27
1983.84 N.A. N.A. N.A. NA 0.24

But during 1974, this figure was highest in Indian Railways (l0,
560.89) compared to that of manufacturing (4,505), plantations
(3,380), coal mining (1,465) and mining (1,029), which was due
to organization of all India strike in May 1974 in the Railways.
However, this figure was too less in Indian Railways (varied
between only 0.02 and 32.31) compared to that of manufactur-
ing (varied between 2,261 and 4,072) and mining (varied
between 272 and 2,406) during 1975 to 1978. Thus, this analysis
reveals that the incidence of strikes was very low in Indian
Railways (except in the year 1974) compared to the other sector,
viz., manufacturing, mining, coalmining and plantations.



Learning Objective Chapters V-A to V-C deal with lay-off and retrenchment of
The study of this lesson will help you understand: employees. There are also special provisions regarding closure in
• Objects of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. certain establish-ments, bar on unfair labour practice. Contra-
vention of these provisions was made penal. Chapter VI deals
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 with specific penalties for various kinds of breaches and
Introduction contravention of provisions of the Act.
Trade had been an important incident of society. It catered the Chapter VII being the last one deals with miscellaneous matters
need of people of the society in various ways. Even prior to special feature of which are rule making powers and its delega-
1947, trade had been enormously developed in the country. tion.
There were disputes between the agencies devoted to trade as
There are five schedules attached to the Act. The First Schedule
such. The British people at the helm of administration and
deals with industries to be declared as public utility service, the
legislation both gave an enactment named as the Trade Dis-
second schedule specifies matters within jurisdiction of labour
putes Act 1929. This Act remained in force till year 1947.
interests, the third one with matters within jurisdiction of
Certain short -comings were witnessed in the Act of 1929 in Industrial Tribunals. The fourth one is regarding conditions of
due course of time. The provision to institute a proceeding services for purposes of Sec. 9-A and fifth schedule is meant for
under that Act for settlement of dispute either by making a matters connected with Sec. 2.
reference to Board of Conciliation or to Court of inquiry, so as
In this way it is a self-contained Act and caters the need of
to bind the parties to dispute and thereby giving a finality of
industries, its employees, employers and the workmen. It is a
the matter between them. This defect was although removed by
progressive legislation for welfare of public.
incorporating Rule 81-A of Defense of India Rules whereby
such disputes were to be referred to an Adjudicator. It was not Object of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
sufficient as it short lived for six months more after 1st The object of the Industrial Disputes Act is to improve the
October. 1946, where after a permanent arrangement was service conditions of industrial labour so as to provide for
sought. Consequently Industrial Disputes Act. 1947 was them the ordinary amenities of life and by the process, to bring
enacted. about industrial peace which would in its turn accelerate
The Act of 1947 contains most of the essential principles of productive activity of the country resulting in its prosperity. The
Rule 81-A of Defense of India Rules. There were two new prosperity of the country in its turn, helps to improve the
institutions imported in the Act, one was the Works Commit- conditions of labour. The Act is not intended only to make
tee consisting of representatives of em-ployers and workmen provision for investigation and settlement of industrial
exceeding a strength of 100. The other were Tribu-nals. disputes but also to serve industrial peace so that it may result
Reference of disputes to Industrial Tribunal on the application in more production and improve the national economy. In the
of both parties or by appropriate governments, the award of present socio-political economic system it is intended to achieve
Tribunals was to be enforced within a period not exceeding one co-operation between the capitals and labour which has been
year. This Act of 1947 has also undergone several amendments. deemed to be essential for maintenance of increased production
and industrial peace. The Act provides to ensure fair terms to
Several amendments were made in the Act from time to time. workman and to prevent disputes between the employer and
At present there are seven chapters devoted to various matters the employees so that the large interest of the public may not
regarding industrial Disputes. There are various authorities suffer. The provisions of the act have to be interpreted in a
under the Act including Board and Tribunal Labour Courts to manner which advances the object of the legislature contem-
look after such disputes. Procedures, powers and duties of plated in the statement of object and reasons. While
authorities have been defined so as to implement the provi- interpreting different provisions of the Act, attempt should be
sions of the Act. Certain prohibitions have been imposed on made to avoid industrial unrest to ensure, industrial peace and
the strikes and lockouts and even financial assistance given to to provide machinery to secure that end. Conciliation is most
such strikes and lockouts were prohibited. The provisions important and desirable way to secure that end. In dealing with
relating to above matters are mentioned I to V. industrial disputes the Courts have always, emphasized doctrine
Constitution of authorities, Labour Courts and Tribunals of social justice, which is founded -on basic ideal of socio-
along with duties and pavers of such authority have been economic equality as enshrined in the preamble of our
mentioned in Chapters I to V. Prohibitions imposed on strikes, Constitution. While construing the provisions of the Act, the
lock outs, their financiers are dealt in the aforesaid chapters. Courts have to give them a construction which should help in
Procedure to implement the provisions of Act are included in achieving the object of the act.
the Act.

The priciple objects of this Act are as follows: 2. Granting a wage increase to workmen at crucial periods of


1. The promotion of measures to secure cordial relations trade union organization with a view to undermine the
between labour and management. efforts of the trade union.
2. Investigation and settlement of industrial diputes(for 3. To establish an employer’s sponsored trade union.
which machinery is provided). 4. To encourage or discourage membership in any TU by
1. Prevention of illegal strikes and lockouts. discriminating against any workman.
2. Provision of relief in matters of lay-off and retrenchment. 5. To discourge or dimiss workmen by way of victimization
due to the exercise of the employer’s rights, by falsely
Several authorities are named for purpose of investigation and
implicating a workman in a criminal case for misconduct of
settlement of diputes. They are:
a minor or a technical nature etc.
1. Works committees
By Workmen or Trade Union
2. Conciliation officers
1. To force workmen to become members of a trade union
3. Board of conciliation
2. For a recognized union to bargain collectively in good faith
4. Court of enquiry
with the employer.
5. Arbitration (voluntary)
3. To stage, encourage, coerce actions such as wilful go-slow,
6. Labour courts and to stage demonstration at the residence of the
7. Industrial tribunals employers or management staff members.
8. National tribunals
The Second Schedule (of the Industrial Disputes Act,
Matters within the Jurisdiction of the Labour Courts
1. The propriety or legality of an order passed by an employer
under the standing orders.
2. The application and interpretation of standing orders.
3. Discharge or dismissal of workmen including reinstatement
of, or grant of relief to, workmen wrongfully dimissed.
4. Withdrawal of any customary concession or privilege.
5. Illegality or otherwise of a strike or lockout and
6. All matters other than those specified in the third schedule.
The Third Schedule
Matters within the Jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunals
1. Wages, including the period and the mode of payment
2. Compensatory and other allowances
3. Hours of work and rest intervals
4. Leave with wages and holidays
5. Bonus, profit-sharing, provident fund and gratuity
6. Shift working otherwise than in accordance with Standing
7. Classification by grades
8. Rules of discipline
9. Rationalisation
10. Retrenchment of workmen and cloure of establishment
11. Any other matter that may be prescribed.
Some of the Unfair Labour Practices Listed by the Industrial
Amendment Bill, 1982
By Employer
1. Threatening workmen with discharge or dismissal if they
join a trade union (TU) or threatening a closure or lockout
if a trade union is organized.


Learning Objective b. The participation has to be at different levels of


The study of this lesson will help you understand: management: (i) at the shop level, (ii) at the department
• Nature of workers’ Participation in Management. level, and (iii) at the top level. The decision--making at these
different levels would assume different patterns in regard to
• Conditions for successful working of WPM.
policy formulation and execution.
Workers’ Participation In Management c. The participation incorporates the willing acceptance of
The concept of workers’ participation in management is responsibilities by body of workers. As they become party
considered as a mechanism where workers have a say in the to the decision-making, the workers have to commit
decision-making process of an enterprise. themselves to ensuring their implementation.
Definition d. The participation is conducted through the mechanism of
The concept of workers’ participation in management crystal- forums and practices which provide for association of
lizes the concept of Industrial Democracy, and indicates an workers’ representatives.
attempt on the part of an employer to build employees into a e. The broad goal of participation is to change basically the
team which work towards the realization of a common organizational aspect of production and transfer the
objective. management function entirely to the workers so that
According to Davis, “It is a mental and emotional involvement management becomes “Auto management.”
of a person in a group situation which encourages him to
Formal Vs. Informal
contribute to goals and share responsibilities in them.”
The forms of Workers’ Participation in Management depend
Within the orbit of this definition, a continuum, of men on the differences in the levels of management, the subject-
management relationship tan be conceived: matter of participation, the strength of the union and the
Workers’ Control à Joint Management à Joint Consultation pattern of industrial relations. The important forms in which
Work Place Consultation à Management Supremacy workers could participate in management are collective bargain-
In this continuum, workers’ control represents one extreme ing, joint decision-making, consultation and information
which suggests concentration of all powers in workers, and sharing. They may take the form of formal organizations like
management supremacy represents the other extreme, which Works Committees, Joint Management Councils or an informal
implies a zealous defense of managerial prerogatives. system, for instance, a supervisor consulting a worker before
taking any decision in which the latter is interested.
“Workers’ participation in management is a resounding phrase,
bringing the past and the future. It echoes the millennial vision Different Views
of nineteenth century thinkers while heralding the evolution of The scope, extent and the successful working of the participa-
new forms of industrial organization under twentieth century tive management depends to a great extent on the objectives
pressures. The word ‘workers’ participation’ is plentifully and the three important factors of the system of industrial
supplied with ideas, institutions and opinions.” “There are two relations, viz., the employee, the employer and the government.
basic ideas in the concept of workers’ participation in manage- The objectives as viewed by these three parties contradict with
ment: there are two groups of people in an undertaking each other in India. The workers expect that Workers’ Participa-
(managers and workers) and that there are two separate sets of tion in Management schemes will lead to the achievement
functions to be performed (managerial and operative). Manage- security of employment, better wages, bonus etc. The
rial functions are essentially those concerned with planning, employer’s interest is in the maximization of profit through
organizing, motivating, and controlling, in contrast with increased production and minimization of expenditure. The
“doing” or “operative” work. government expects the scheme to bring about closer associa-
Mamoria defines it as a system of communication and consul- tion between labour and management and industrial peace.
tation either formal or informal by which employees of an Viramani viewed that it is this variance in the objective of
organization are kept informed about the affairs of the participation as perceived by the three sectors that is responsible
undertaking and through which they express their opinion and for the unsuccessful functioning of schemes of participative
contribute to management decisions.. management.

Summary of the Definitions Objectives of Workers’ Participation in

a. The participation results from practices, which increase the
The main objectives of Workers’ Participation in Management
scope for employee’s share of influence in decision—
making at different tiers of the orgiansational hierarchy with
concomitant assumption of responsibility. i. To promote increased productivity for the advantage of the
organisation, workers and society at large;

ii. To provide a better understanding to employees about their also lend their full support so that the accepted policies


role and place in the process of attainment of could be implemented without any also lend their full
organisational goals; support so that the accepted policies could be implemented
iii. To satisfy the workers’ social and esteem needs; and without any resentment on either side.
iv. To strengthen labour management co-operation and thus 3. The experiment of labour participation in management
maintaining industrial peace and harmony. must be given a wide db; in order that the idea of
participation is ingrained in the minds of those who are to
v. To develop social education for effective solidarity among
implement the scheme. Lectures, discussions, film shows,
the working community and for tapping latent human
conferences, seminars and other methods of propaganda
may be fruitfully employed to create enthusiasm about the
vi. An ideological point of view to develop self-management scheme among the management as well as the workers.
in industry.
4. Participation should be real. The issues related to increase in
vii. An instrument for improving efficiency of the company and production and productivity, evaluation of costs,
establishing harmonious industrial relations. development of personnel, expansion of markets also be
viii.To build the most dynamic human resource. brought under the jurisdiction of the participating bodies.
ix. To build the nation through entrepreneurship and These bodies should meet frequently and their decisions
economic development. should be timely implemented and strictly adhered to.

Participation and Motivation 5. Objectives to be achieved should not be unrealistically high,

Participation provides greater autonomy for subordinates and vague or ambitious but practicable of achievement and clear
often leads to increasing motivation for: to all.
6. Form, coverage, extent and level of participation should
a. Participation permits a more balanced interaction pattern
grow in response to specific environment, capacity and
and, therefore, results in less resistance to innovation.
interest of the parties concerned.
b. It permits members of the group to unfreeze their
attitudes and engage in catharsis. 7. Participation must work as complementary body to help
collective bargaining, which creates conditions of work and
c. It permits leaders to reinforce their position. They enhance also creates legal relations.
their status both by taking a leading part in making the
decision and through inducing group members to abide by 8. Institutional participation should be discouraged but such
it. participation should be encourage through changes in
leadership styles, communication process, and inter-
d. It enables the subordinate to feel that an exchange personal and inter-group relations.
relationship has been set up since the boss listens to his
problems and permits them to be corrected. 9. There should be a strong trade union, which has learnt the
virtues of unit and self-reliance so that they may effectively
e. It may permit the subordinate to feel that doing the job take part in collective bargaining or participation.
well provides him an opportunity to demonstrate skills
which he values high, i.e., it provides him an opportunity 10. Multiple unions in one enterprise should be restricted by
for achievement from work.. legislative measures. Similarly, there should be no
multiplicity and duplicacy of bipartite consultative
f. It subjects the individual to certain group pressures to machinery at the plant level.
Implement the decision which the group participated in
making it. 11. A peaceful atmosphere should be there wherein there are no
strikes and lockouts, for their presence ruins the employees,
Essential Conditions for successful harms the interest of the society, and puts the employees to
Working of WPM financial losses.
The success of workers portion in management depends upon
12. Authority should be centralized through democratic
the following conditions:
management process. The participation should be at the
1. The attitude and outlook of the parties should be two or at the most three levels.
enlightened and impartial so that a free and frank exchange
13. Programmes for training and education should be
of thoughts and opinions could be possible. Where a right
developed comprehensively. For this purpose, “labour is to
kind of attitude exists and proper atmosphere prevails the
be given education not to the head alone, not to the heart
process of participation is greatly stimulated.
alone, not to the hands alone, but it is dedicated to the
2. Both parties should have a genuine faith in the system and three; to make the workers think, feel and act.” Labour is to
in each other and be willing to work together. The be educated to enable him to think clearly, rationally and
management must give the participating institution its logically; to enable him to feel deeply and emotionally; and
rightful place in the managerial organization of the to enable him to act in a responsible way. The management
undertaking and implementing the policies of the at different levels also needs to be trained and oriented to
undertaking. The labour, on the other hand, must also give it a fresh thinking on the issues concerned.
whole-heartedly co-operate with the management through
its trade unions. The foremen and supervisory cadre must

14. Progressive personnel policies should ensure growth of

individual workers within industry and proper policies

should exist for selection, promotion, compensation,
rewards and discipline.
15. Management should be prepared to give all information
connected with the working of the industry and labour
should handle that information with full confidence and
16. The workers should become aware of their responsibilities.
The leaders should initiate this in them. Similarly, the top
management should make the lower enhelons to show a
new attitude in the light of the new relationship.
17. The follow-up action on the decisions of the participating
forums should be ensured. The government may also set
up machinery to act as a watchdog for implementing the
18. Effective two-way communication is a must for the success
of the programme. The shorter is the time for
communication, the greater is the probability of correct


Learning Objective President is a nominee of the employer and the Vice-President

The study of this lesson will help you understand: is the Workers’ representative. The tenure of these bodies in
• The forms of WPM and their influnce and impact. two years. The total strength of these bodies should not exceed
20. The employees’ representatives have to be chosen by the
Forms of WPM employees.
The forms of Workers’ participation in management vary from
These committees functioned actively in some organisations like
industry to industry and from country to country. The impor-
Tata Iron and steel Company, Indian Aluminium Works at
tant forms are: Labour-Management Consultation and
Belur, and Hindustan Lever. In all these, the managements have
Co-operation, Joint consultation and Model of Participation
evolved joint committees independently of the statutory
(U.K). Union-Management Co-operation (USA),
Codetermination Scheme (West Germany), joint Management
Plan, Joint Decision-Making Model, Workers’ Control Model, Joint Management Councils (JMCs)
Self- management or Auto Management Scheme. The Second Five Year Plan recommended the setting up of
Forms of Workers’ Participation in Management are: joint councils of management consisting of representatives of
workers and management. The government of India deputed a
i. Works Committee;
study group (1957) to study the schemes of worker’s participa-
ii. Joint Management Councils; tion in management in countries like U.K., France, Belgium and
iii. Joint Councils; Yugoslavia. The report of the study group was considered by
iv. Shop Councils; and the Indian Labour Conference (ILC) in its 15th session in 1957
and it made certain recommendations:
v. Unit Councils.
1. That workers’ participation in management schemes should
Work Committees be set up in selected undertakings on a voluntary basis.
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1949 provides for the setting up
2. A sub-committee consisting of representatives of
of works committees as a scheme of workers participation in
employers, workers and government should be set up for
management which consist of representatives employers and
considering the details of workers’ participation in
employees. The Act provides for these bodies in every undertak-
management schemes. This committee should select the
ing employing 100 or more workmen. The aim of setting up
undertakings where workers’ participation in management
of these bodies is to promote measures for maintaining
schemes would be introduced in the first stage on an
harmonious relations in the work place and to sort out
experimental basis.
differences of opinion in respect of matters of common
interest to employers and employees. The Bombay Industrial Objectives: The objectives of Joint Management Councils are
Relations Act, 1946 also provides for these bodies, but under as follows:
the provisions of this Act they can be set up only in units which i. To increase the association of employers and employee
have a recognized union and they are called joint committees. thereby promoting cordial industrial relations;
The workers directly elect their representatives where there is no ii. To improve the operational efficiency of the workers;
iii. To provide welfare facilities to them;
Functions: These works committees/joint committees are
iv. To educate workers so that they are well equipped to
consultative bodies. Their functions include discussion of
participate in these schemes; and
conditions of work like lighting, ventilation, temperature,
sanitation etc., amenities like water supply for drinking pur- v. To satisfy the psychological needs of workers.
poses, provision of canteens, medical services, safe working A tripartite sub-committee was set up as per the recommenda-
conditions, administration of welfare funds, educational and tions of Indian Labour conference, which laid down certain
recreational activities, and encouragement of thrift and savings. criteria for selection of enterprises where the JMCs could be
It shall be the duty of the works committee to promote introduced. They are:
measures for securing and preserving amity and good relations i. The unit must have 500 or more employees;
between the employers and workmen and to comment upon
ii. It should have a fair record of industrial relations;
matters of their common interest or concern and endeavor to
reconcile any material difference of opinion in respect of such iii. It should have a well-organized trade union;
matters. iv. The management and the workers should agree to establish
Structure: The works committees have, as office bearers, a JMCs.
President, a Vice Presiident, a Secretary and a Joint Secretary. The

v. Employers (in case of private sector) should be members (TISCO), Indian Aluminum Company and Aluminum

of the leading Employers’ organization; and Industries of Kundara, TISCO agreed to establish a compre-
vi. Trade unions should be affiliated to one of the Central hensive scheme of joint consultation by an agreement with its
federations, units. Under this Scheme a three-tier system of consultation
was setup.
It was observed by the sub-committee that if the workers and
employers mutually agree they can set up JMCs even if these Workers Participation in Management
conditions are not met. Scheme of 1975
The sub-committee also made recommendations regarding Government of India on 30th October 1975 announced a
their composition, procedure for nominating workers’ represen- scheme of workers’ participation in management, which
tatives, the membership of JMCs etc. The details of these consisted of establishment of Joint Councils and Council as
aspects have to be worked out by the parties themselves. A draft part of its 20-point economic programme. The scheme
model was drawn up regarding the establishment of JMCs. envisages for establishment of joint -councils and shop councils
The sub-committee was later reconstituted as the “Committee in manufacturing and mining industries employing 500 or
on Labour-Management Co-operation” to advise on all matters more employees in public, private and co-operative sectors. I
pertaining to the Scheme. The scheme contemplated participation of workers in the
decision-making process in the matters relating to production,
Criteria for Selecting of Units for Setting
productivity, absenteeism, safety measures, general discipline,
up of JMCs
working conditions and welfare, and over-all efficiency of the
The sub-committee of the Fifteenth Indian Labour Conference
which selected 48 units for introduction of the scheme of joint
management council’ had laid down the following criteria for Important features of this new scheme are:
selecting the units: 1. All decisions of a Shop Council as well as of the Joint
In private sector, the industries selected were cotton and jute Council shall be on the edifice of the “Consensus and not
textiles, engineering, chemica1s, tobacco, paper, cement, mines by process of voting.”
and plantations. 2. It is non-statutory like JMCs and there is a clear-cut function
In public sector, industries included railway workshops and of these councils.
yards, posts and telegraphs, ports, shipyards, transport 3. “Consensus and time-bound implementation” are the
workshops, mines, printing and electrical undertaking; tools for arriving at decisions. Thus, the scheme tries to
i. The undertaking should have a well-established, strong eliminate the chances of direct interference by outside
trade union functioning. elements. The decisions are required to be implemented
within one month.
ii. There should be a readiness in the parties between
employers’ and workers’ union to try out experiment in a 4. The scheme provides for participation of workers at the
spirit of willing cooperation. shop floor level; otherwise the framework is not materially
different from that of WCs. and JMCs.
iii. The size of the undertaking should be at least 500 workers.
5. It provides for a two-way communication and an exchange
iv. The employer in a private undertaking should be member
of information between the management and the
of one of the leading employers organization; and similarly
the trade union be related to one of the central federations.
6. The very change in the nomenclature of the scheme from
v. The company should have a fair record of industrial
‘participation of workers in management’ to that of
‘participation of workers in industry’ makes it more
Functions: The following are the important functions of acceptable to employees as the latter are likely to offset some
JMCs: of their misgivings and apprehensions caused by the
i. To be consulted on matters like standing orders, former.
retrenchment, rationalization, closure, reduction of 7. The scheme hits at three principal objectives to which the
operations etc. reform of industrial democracy is directed, viz., recovery of
ii. To receive information, to discuss and offer suggestions. individual human rights at the, work place; consolidation
iii. To shoulder administrative responsibilities like maintaining of social and political freedom (to join a particular union of
welfare measures, safety measure, training schemes, working his own choice without any coercion); and the framing of
hours, payment of rewards. . new industrial system functionally suitable to the country’s
The tripartite committee originally prepared a list of 50
enterprises and later the target was raised to 150 to introduce
JMCs. It was found by 1966 that 124 JMCs were inexistence.
This number dropped to 80 in 1978 and a good number of
these were working. Some of the organizations, which were
successful with experiments of workers’ Participation are Bharat
Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL), Tata Iron and Steel company


Learning Objective i. In every industrial unit employing 500 or more workmen,

The study of this lesson will help you understand: the employer shall constitute a Shop Council for each
• The forms of WPM and their influnce and impact. department or shop or one council for more than one
department or shop, considering the number of workmen
(iii) Joint Councils employed in different departments or shops.
The joint councils are for the whole unit and its membership
remains confined to those who are actually engaged in the
organization. The tenure of the joint councils is for two years. (a) Each council shall consist of an equal number of
The Chief Executive of the unit becomes its Chairman. representatives of employers and workers.
Workers’ members of the council nominate the Vice Chairman. (b) The employers’ representatives shall be nominated by the
The joint council appoints the Secretary. The Secretary is management and must consist of persons from the unit
responsible for discharging the functions of the council. concerned.
The joint councils will meet once in four months, but the (c) All the representatives of workmen shall be from amongst
periodicity of the meeting varies from unit to unit, it may be the workers actually engaged in the department of the shop
once in a month, quarter etc. The decisions taken at the joint concerned.
council meetings are by the process of consensus and the (iii) The employer shall decide in consultation with the
management shall implement the decisions within one month. recognized union or the various registered trade unions or
The scheme was implemented by the major units of the central with workers, as the case may be, in the manner bets suited
and State governments. The government enlarged the functions to local conditions, the number of shop councils and
of the councils in 1976. departments to be attached to each council of the
(iv) Shop Councils undertaking or establishment.
The shop council represents each department or a shop in an (iv) The number of members of each council may be
unit. Each shop council will consist of an equal number of determined by the employer in consultation with the
representatives of employers and workers. The employers’ recognized union, registered unions or workers in the
representatives will be nominated by the management and manner best suited to local conditions obtaining in the
must consist of persons from within the unit concerned. The unit; the total number of members may not generally
workers representative will be from among the workers of the exceed 12.
department or shop concerned. The number of members of (v) All decisions of a shop council shall be on the basis of
each council may be determined by the employers in consulta- consensus and not by process of voting, provided that
tion with the recognized union. The total number of members, either party may refer the unsettled matters to the joint
however, may not generally exceed twelve. council for consideration.
The decisions of the shop council are to be taken .on the basis (vi) Every decision of a shop council shall be implemented by
of consensus but not by voting. Management has to imple- the parties concerned within a period of one month unless
ment the decisions within one month. The tenure of the shop otherwise stated in the decision itself and compliance report
council is for a period of two years. Members of the shop shall be submitted to the council.
councils meet at least once in a month. Management nominates
the Chairman at least once in a month. Management nominates (vii) Such decision of a shop council which have bearing on
the Chairman of the shop council whereas workers’ members another shop, or the undertaking of establishment as a
of the council elect the Vice-chairman of the council. whole will be referred to the joint council for consideration
and decision.
The number of shop councils to be established in an organiza-
tion are determined by the employer in consultation with the (viii) A shop council once formed shall function for a period of
recognized trade unions/workers of the organization. The two years. Any member nominated or elected to the council
decisions of a shop council, which have a bearing on another in the mid-term to fill a casual vacancy shall continue to be a
shop, will be referred to joint council for consideration and member of the council for the un expired portion of the
approval. term of the council.
(ix) The council shall meet as frequently as in necessary and that
Shop Councils at least once in a month.
Main Features (x) The chairman of the shop council shall be a nominee of the
The main features of the scheme of Participative Management management the worker members of the council shall elect
through Shop councils are as follows: a Vice-Chairman from amongst themselves.

Functions of the Shop Councils: The shop councils should i. Optimum production, efficiency and fixation of

in the interest I increasing production, productivity and productivity norms of man and machine for the unit as a
overall efficiency of the shop department attend to the whole.
following matters: ii. Functions of a shop council, which have a bearing on
i. Assist management in achieving monthly/yearly production another shop or the unit as a whole.
targets. iii. Matters emanating from shop councils, which remain
ii. Improvement of production, productivity and efficiency unresolved.
including elimination of wastage and optimum utilization iv. Matters concerning the unit or the plant as a whole, the
of machine capacity and manpower. respect of production targets; more specifically, task
iii. Specially identify areas of low productivity and take assigned to a shop council at the shop/ department levels
necessary corrective steps at shop level to eliminate relevant but relevant to the unit as a whole will be taken up by the
contributing factors. joint council.
iv. To study absenteeism in the shop/departments and v. The development of skills of workmen and adequate
recommend steps to reduce them. facilities for training.
v. Safety measures. vi. Awarding of rewards for valuable and creative suggestions
vi. Assist in maintaining general discipline in the shop/ received from the workers.-
department. vii. The preparation of schedules of working laws and of
vii. Physical conditions of working, such as lighting, holidays.
ventilation, noise, dust, etc., and reduction on fatigue. viii.Optimum use of raw materials and quality of finished
viii.Welfare measures to be adopted for efficient running of the products.
shop/department. (ix) General health, welfare and safety measures for the unit of
ix. Ensure proper flow of adequate two-way communication the plant.
between the management and the workers, particularly on (v) Unit Councils
matters relating to production schedules and progress in Encouraged by the success of the scheme in manufacturing and
achieving the targets. mining units, a new scheme of workers’ participation in
Joiny Councils management in commercial and service organization in the
In every industrial unit employing 500 or more workers, there public sector, having large-scale public dealings, was announced
shall be a Joint Council for the whole unit. The main features on 5th January, 1977. The Scheme envisaged setting of Unit
of the scheme of Joint Council may be as follows: Councils in units employing at least 100 persons. The organiza-
tions include hotels, restaurants, hospitals, air, sea, railway and
i. Only such persons who are actually engaged in the unit shall
road transport services, ports and docks, ration shops, school
be members of the joint council.
research institutions, provident fund and pension organiza-
ii. The council shall function for a period of two years. tions, municipal and milk distribution services, trust
iii. The Chief Executive of the unit shall be the Chairman of organizations, all financial institutions, banks, insurance
the joint council and there shall be a Vice-Chairman who companies, post and telegraph offices, Food Corporation, State
will be nominated by worker- members of the council. Electricity boards, Central Warehousing, State Warehousing
iv. The joint council shall appoint one of the members of the Corporations, State Trading corporation, Mines and Minerals.
council as its . Secretary. Necessary facilities for the efficient Trading Corporation; irrigation systems, tourist organizations,
discharge of function by the Secretary shall be provided with establishment for public amusement and training organizations
the premises of the undertaking/establishment. of the Central and State Governments. .
v. The term of council once formed shall be for a period of The scheme provides for unit level councils. These councils are
two years; if, however, a member is nominated in the mid- to eliminate, factors, which hamper operations and improve
term of the council to fill a casual vacancy, the member methods of operation.
nominated to such a vacancy shall continue in Office for the The main functions of the councils include creation of condi-
remaining period of the term of the council. tions for achieving optimum efficiency, better customer service
vi. The joint council shall meet, at least, once in a quarter. in areas where there is direct and immediate contact between the
workers at the operational level and the consumer, higher
vii. Every decision of the joint council shall be on the basis of
productivity, the elimination of pilferage and all forms of
consensus and not by a process of voting and shall be
corruption, and the institutions of rewards to be given to those
binding on employers and workmen and shall be
with proven ability in these areas.
implemented within one month unless otherwise stated in
the decision itself. - Main Features 0/ the New Scheme: The main features of the
scheme of workers’ participation through unit level councils
Functions of Joint Council: The joint council should deal with
would be as follows:
matters relating to:
i. A unit level council consisting of the workers and
management of the organization/service may be formed

generally in each unit, employing 100 or more workers to Main Functions: The main functions of the United Councils


discuss day-to-day problems and find solutions; but may be:
wherever necessary a composite council may be formed to i. To create conditions for achieving optimum efficiency, better
serve more than one unit or a council may be formed customer service in areas where there is direct and
department wise to suit the particular needs of an immediate contact between workers at the operational level
organization/service. and the consumer, higher productivity and output including
ii. Every unit council shall consist of an equal number of elimination of wastage and idle time and optimum
representatives of the management and workers. The actual utilization of manpower by joint involvement in
number of members should be determined by the improving the work system.
management in consultation with the recognized union, ii. To identify areas of chronically bad, inadequate or inferior
registered unions or the workers in the manner best suited service and to take necessary corrective steps to eliminate the
to the local conditions obtaining in a unit or an contributing factors to evolve improved methods of
organization, but their total number may riot exceed 12. It operation.
would be necessary to nominate suitable and experienced
iii. To study absenteeism and recommend steps to reduce it.
workers from various departments irrespective of their
cadre, affiliation or status, and not trade union functionaries iv. To eliminate pilferage and all forms of corruption and to
who may not be actually working in the unit. institute a system of rewards for this purpose.
iii. The management’s representatives should be nominated by v. The suggest improvements in physical conditions of
the management and should consist of persons from the working such as lighting, ventilation, dust, noise,
unit concerned. cleanliness, internal layout, setting up of customers’ service
points, etc.
iv. The management shall decide in consultation with the
recognized union or the registered unions or the workers as vi. To ensure proper flow of adequate two-way
the case may be in the manner best suited to local communication between the management and workers,
conditions. The number of unit councils and the particularly about matters relating to the service to be
departments to be attached to each council of the rendered, fixation by targets of output and progress in
organization/service. achieving these targets.
v. All decision of a unit council shall be on the basis of vii. To recommend and improve safety, health and welfare
consensus and not by a process of voting, provided that measures for an efficient running of the unit.
either party may refer the unsettled matters to the joint viii.To discuss any other matters which may have a bearing on
council for consideration. the improvement of performance of the unit for ensuring
vi. Every decision of a unit council shall be implemented by better customer service.
the parties concerned within a month, unless otherwise Performance Evaluation of the Scheme of Workers’ Participa-
stated in the decision itself. tion in management
vii. The management shall make suitable arrangement for the Number of public sector units implemented or initiated action
recording and maintenance of minutes of the meetings and of implementing the joint Councils increased from 472 in 1976
designate one of its representives as - a secretary for this to 545 in 1978. A Committee on workers’ participation in
purpose who shall also report the action taken on the management and equity was appointed by the Government in
decisions at subsequent meetings of the council. September 1977 to study all the issues relating to participative
viii.Such decisions of a unit council, which have a bearing on management. The committee after its in-depth study suggested
another unit of the organization/service as a whole shall be the outline of a comprehensive scheme and came to conclu-
referred to the joint council for consideration and decisions. sions on matters like the nature, structure, levels of
participation and their function, which may form part of a
ix. A unit council once formed shall function for a period of
scheme of participative management.
two years. Any member nominated or elected tot he council
in the mid-term to fill a casual vacancy shall continue to be a Though this theme was lauded with great fanfare, it has not
member of the council for the unexpired portion of the been effective in its working owing to the same malady from
term of the council. which the Joint Management Councils have been suffering, i.e.,
absence of commitment of both employer and employees.
x. The council shall meet as frequently as is necessary but at
Further, employees feel that this scheme is mostly oriented to
least once in a month.
maximization on production/productivity, optimum utiliza-
xi. The Chairman of the council shall be a nominee of the tion of capacity, better utilization of raw materials etc., without
management. The worker members of the council shall elect concerning much about the mean of the unit/plant.
a Vice-Chairman from amongst themselves.



Learning Objective share powers with employees to make the participative manage-
The study of this lesson will help you understand: ment a success. In this connection, managers in the public sector
• The reasons for limited success of WPM. would have to be bold enough to take some risks inherent in
the sharing of power. Further, it is felt by the parties concerned
Reasons for the Limited Success of that voluntary nature of participative management schemes is
Workers’ Participation in Management another reason for their ineffective functioning. In this connec-
Thus, it is felt that the ineffective functioning of various tion it is suggested that the Government should take effective
schemes of participative management has been mostly due to steps in providing necessary infrastructure, in addition to
absence of commitment and lack of interest in the schemes of providing necessary legislative framework for the success of the
participative management on the part of both the parties. But a participative management.
study conducted by Prof.Laxminarain reveals that both the trade
Public enterprises should provide a lead in making the scheme
unionists and managements covered in the study have much
of participative management a success to the private sector
faith in the potentiality and promise of employers’ participation
industries in the country, with their distinct advantage by
in management and a majority of them believe that it would be
providing training to the employees in production, planning,
successful if proper mechanisms are introduced. Further, both
techniques, management, decision-making, behavioral skills,
the employees and manager fully I appreciate the benefits of
financial area, organizational knowledge etc. This naturally calls
participative management such as increase in production/
for re-orientation of workers’ education and training
productivity, better understanding among managers, supervi-
programmes. The managers in public sector should not as the
sors and workers and help in strengthening industrial relations.
owners act in private sector industry in sharing authority, views,
Further, the trade unionists believe that employees are capable
information etc., and they have to take employees into confi-
of being an effective party to participative management as they
dence since all of them are the partners in the industrial
endeavor of public sector. Thus, the roles to be played by
a. Generally interested in participation at various level; managers and workers are challenging but not beyond achieve-
b. Desirous of sharing the responsibility; and ment in making workers participation a successful one.
c. Competent to effectively participate indecision-making at Various reasons have been assigned for the slow progress and
various levels. unsatisfactory working of the scheme. These include:
Despite the positive attitudes of both the parties about the i. The apathy and even hostility of the employers and the
conceptual framework of participative management, the workers; the former looked upon the bipartite bodies
arrangements of the participative management in public sector (Works Committees and JMCs) as substitute of trade
units are so far failed to deliver the goods. It is felt the existing unions, while the latter considered them to be their rivals;
system is not conductive due to inherent constraints due to — ii. Lack of a proper understanding between employers and
i. The inherent conflicts between employees and management; employees of the concept, purposes and benefits of the
ii. The general beliefthat the workers are inferior to scheme;
management; iii. Progressive employers, who have a long tradition of having
iii. The fact that the system is management dominated and due a healthy system of communication and consultation with
to; arid their employees, find the bodies to be superfluous;
iv. The view that managers are averse to share responsibility. iv. Workers indirectly participate in management through their
representatives. Their latent abilities and qualities have,
Further, it is also viewed that the ineffective functioning might
therefore, been largely unutilized;
be partly due to certain defects in contextual setting and the
mechanisms of participative management at micro level. v. The existence of a number of joint bodies - works
Workers feel that there is no seriousness on the part of committees, joint management councils, production
management in making the schemes of participative manage- committees, suggestion committees, canteen committees,
ment a success. In view of these defects, the author of the safety committees, etc., - has caused confusion and a
study suggested that, it is necessary to sell the concept to the duplication of effort as well as a waste of time and energy;
top management more vigorously and to change it with the vi. The absence of a strong trade union or the existence of
responsibility to implement the participative management more than one trade union and inter-union rivalry has made
schemes in all enterprises. Further, managers’ participation in the working of the scheme somewhat difficult;
management at top level is an important link in the participative vii. The absence of a proper education and training in the
approach down to the line. Additional managers should also principles of human relations, cooperation and

participation on the part of the workers’ representatives on


these bodies;
viii.Although the representatives of the central organizations
supported the scheme of national conference and
committee meetings, they have shown inadequate interest in
making their affiliates enthusiastic about it. In undertaking
in which employee-employer relations are not cordial and in
which arrangements for works committees, grievance
redressal procedure, and a procedure for the recognition of a
trade union are absent, the joint management councils
cannot be expected to function satisfactorily;
iv. Delay in implementating the suggestions and
recommendations of these bodies often leads to the
warning of the workers’ interest in such bodies;
x. The joint management councils were created without the
creation of a congenial and constructive climate for them,
which would ensure that each party would trust the other
and would respect its rights. As a result, they were used as a
platform form which, because of mutual distrust and
suspicion, charges and counter-charges were made about
delays in the setting up of the joint management councils,
about apathy and indifference, about the shirking of
responsibility and uncalled for or unnecessary interference in
labour matters by the State, towards workers, which means
the establishment of machinery for setting of grievances of
the workers; which means advance notice and often advance
consultation with workers or their representatives prior to
important management action which may affect them, it
means that workers through their representative can have an
effective voice in their working lives.



Learning Objective 1. There should be mutual trust, faith among all the parties
The study of this lesson will help you understand: concerned.
• The working of WPM in India. 2. There should be progressive management in the enterprise
and should recognize its obligations and responsibilities
Working of Workers’ Participation in
towards workers and trade unions.
Management in India
The highlights of the Indian experience, with regard to workers’ 3. There should be strong, democratic and representative
participation in management is that, the schemes have although union which should represent the cause of workers without
been initiated by the Government. Taking into account the neglecting the management’s interest.
economic, political and wotker/trade union situation in India, 4. There should be closely and mutually formulated, objectives
the Government’s initiative for participative management is for participa-tion by trade unions and management.
justified. The global experience also stands testimony to such 5. All parties concerned to participative management should
initiative. The trade unions in India who have demanded for feel that they should participate at all levels.
nationalisation of industry that culminate in people’s participa-
6. There should be effective communication between workers
tion in the economic activity have been conspicuous by their
and manage-ment and effective consultation of the workers
silence with regard to workers’ participation in the industrial
by the management.
7. Both the parties should develop a favorable attitude
‘There has been a phenomenal growth in number of units
towards the schemes of participative management.
adopted by JMCs in public sector (augmented from eight in
1958 to 140 in 1976). JMCs in some of the public sector 8. Management and Government should provide training to
undertakings, for example, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited all the parties concerned to prepare them for participative
have provided an appropriate forum for effective communica- management.
tion, and managements unreservedly furnished all facts and 9. Both the parties of anticipative management should be
information sought for, the unions have responded by conscious of the benefits of the schemes.
moderating their enthusiasm and exercising reasonable restraint
in demanding information, disclosure of which could be
detrimental to the interest of the organisation. Deliberations in
the JMCs are characterised by mutual understanding and a high
level of objectivity in the appreciation of problems without
acrimony or emotionalism.
But the working of the JMCs indicates that they have not been
successful both in private and public sectors. JMC was first
introduced in Hindustan Machine Tools in 1958 among the
public sector units but survived less than one year. The scheme
was also failed in other public sector units like Posts and
Telegraphs, Railways, Hindustan Insecticides, Indian Airlines
Corporation, Air India International and in Fertilizer and
Chemical Corporations.
It is often criticized by different quarters that the scheme of
employee participation in management did not make a headway
though it was initiated With much enthusiasm. The National
Commission on Labour observed that, “mental reservations
which operated against it are same both in the ranks of
management and among the workers”
Suggestions for the Success of Workers’
Participation in Management
The following are the prerequisites for the successful function-
ing of the schemes of workers’ participation in management.
Managements, trade unions and the workers should be
concerned with these prerequisites:


Case: South Indian Bank

South Indian bank was instituted in 1950. Most of the
employees joined as clerks with matriculation qualification in
1950s and in 1960s became the branch managers and regional
managers by 1988. Thus, most of the managers of the bank
either matriculates or graduates. These managers have been
performing various functions including marketing functions of
the bank like purchasing of deposits and selling of advances.
Top management of the bank had decided to employ candi-
dates with MBA (marketing) qualification as marketing
executives in 1986. The managers of the bank protested against
the managements decisions saying they could perform, with
their long experience, the marketing functions more efficiently
than MBAs. But the top management ignored the opposition
of the managers and employed MBA (marketing) candidates as
Marketing Executives. MBAs joined the bank in 1987 and
assured the responsibilities of purchasing deposits, selling
advances and recovery of advances.
The performance of the bank was poor during 1987 and 1988
especially in areas like deposit mobilization (by 30%) sanction-
ing advances(by 20%) and recovery of advances (by 40%). The
personal department, besides other departments of the bank,
was asked to find out the reasons for the declining performance.
The newly employed Marketing Exexcutives felt that the old
managers would not accept the new ideas proposed by them,
whereas the old managers opened that the Marketing Execu-
tives, thought very high of themselves and did not allow
themselves to share others’ experience and ideas. Both felt that
there were no special interactions between the two groups.
1. Do you think that the performance of the Marketing
Executives has fallen?
2. What is the problem in this case?
3. What do you recommend to solve the problem?


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