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Benjamin Carlos M.

II – Mendel
Mrs. Liza Rose P. Quinto

Geometric Problem

The length of a rectangle box is 12 inches more than its width and area is 35 square inches. What is the length and width?


The formula for the area of a rectangle is:

LW = Area

Since the length is 12 more than the width let the

width = x and the length = x + 12

Step 2: Write the quadratic equation using the

formula LW = A

x(x + 12) = 35

x2 + 12x = 35

x2+ 12x - 35 = 0

(x - 7)(x + 5) = 0

x -7 = 0 ; x + 5 =0

x -7 + 7 = 7 ; x + 5 -5 = -5

x = 7 ; x = -5
Benjamin Carlos M. Mercado
II – Mendel
Mrs. Liza Rose P. Quinto

Distance Problem

Benjamin Carlos M. Mercado
II – Mendel
Mrs. Liza Rose P. Quinto

Work Problem
Benjamin Carlos M. Mercado
II – Mendel
Mrs. Liza Rose P. Quinto

Number Problem
The product of two consecutive negative integers is 1122. What are the numbers?

Remember that consecutive integers are one unit apart, so my numbers are n and (n + 1). Multiplying

to get the product, I get:

n(n + 1) = 1122

n2 + n = 1122

n2 + n – 1122 = 0

(n + 34)(n – 33) = 0

The solutions are n = –34 and n = 33. I need a negative value, so I'll ignore "n = 33" and

take n = –34. Then the other number is n + 1 = (–34) + 1 = –33.

The two numbers are –33 and –34.

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