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Stephen Albert D.

Villena III – Beryllium

Be_B16 ` October 1, 2010

Physics Investigatory Report

TITLE OF PICTURE: Ornamental Pisaynon Plant

ASI CATEGORY: Brilliance
PRINCIPLE CHOSEN: Light waves (reflection)
 How much is the light intensity that is  To measure the amount of light
needed to produce reflection from the wall? intensity that is needed to promote
reflection on objects not conducive
for reflection (wall).
 At what weather will there be formation of  To determine how the light
the highest light intensity/glare that can be intensity of the sun affects the light
reflected from a wall? intensity reflected from the wall
given factors such as cloud
covering and rain.
 What is/are the necessary texture(s) on the  To compare and contrast at what
wall is/are needed to promote/avoid texture is suitable in architectures
reflection of light from wall? to avoid light refection/glare.
 What paint colors on the wall  To provide the color in which light
promote/avoid reflection of light? will be less reflected and apply it
on architectures to lessen glare
formation on wall.
 What light color promotes/avoids reflection  To determine how colors can affect
of light on wall? the reflection of a medium.

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