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Genetic Engineering

This alters the DNA of a particular cell so that it can manufacture proteins to
correct genetic defects or produce other beneficial changes in an organism
Gene Therapy or Genetic
• Step 1: in genetic engineering is to isolate
the gene that is responsible for the
Step 2: is to clone (multiply) the gene.
Step 3: is to insert the gene inside the cell
so that it can work to alter bodily function.
Unfortunately Pattern Baldness appears to
be Polygenetic i.e. not just one but many
genes are involved in this condition.
Cloning/Stem cell therapy
Cloning/Stem cell therapy
Here either from the stem cells of the
plucked hair or
from the stem cells from the Biopsy
of the good quality
occipital hair (from the back of head)
are isolated and
cultured in laboratory and are then
injected in the pores
of the thinned out follicles of the
bald area.
This will strengthen the miniaturized
hairs and also produce new hairs
i.e. Hair Multiplication with the same
number of follicle

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