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Foodsphere, Inc. v. Atty. Melanio Mauricio, Jr.

AC No. 7199 July 22, 2009

Foodsphere, Inc. – corporation engaged in meat processing – manufacturer and distributor of

CDO canned goods and grocery products.

Atty. Melanio “Batas” Mauricio – writer/columnist of tabloids including Balitang Patas, Bagong
Tiktik, Toro and Hataw!, and a host of television program Kakampi Mo Ang Batas aired over
UNTV and a radio program Double B – Batas ng Bayan aired over DZBB.

June 2004 - Alberto Cordero complained about the quality of the CDO Liver Spread, found to
be sour and soon discovered a colony of worms inside the can. Bureau of Food and Drug
Administration Laboratory examination confirmed the presence of parasites in the Liver
spread. Cordero demanded P150,000 as damages, but Foodsphere refused to heed the
demand, instead offered to return actual medical and incidental expenses supported by
receipts. The offer was turned down and threatened to bring the matter to the attention of
the media.

Mauricio proposed to Foodsphere to settle the matter for P50,000, P15,000 of which would go
to the Corderos and P35,000 to his Batas Foundation, and directed them to place paid
advertisements in his tabloids and radio and television programs. Otherwise, he threatened
them to proceed with the publication of articles maligning, discrediting and imputing vices
and defects to Foodsphere and its products.

Foodsphere filed a complaint for disbarment and criminal complaints against Mauricio for
libel and threatening to publish libel under the Revised Penal Code.

Mauricio continuously attacked Foodsphere in his columns and radio and television

Atty. Mauricio was suspended from the practice of law for three years and warned that a
repetition of the same or similar acts will be dealt with more severely.


Rule 1.01 of Code of Professional Responsibility – refrain from engaging in unlawful,

dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
(He engaged in deceitful conduct by taking advantage of the complaint against CDO
to advance his interest – to obtain funds for his Batas Foundation and seek
sponsorships and advertisements for the tabloids and his television program).

Rule 13.02 of CPR – a lawyer shall not make public statements in the media regarding a
pending case tending to arouse public opinion for or against a party.
(Despite the pendency of civil case against him, he continued with his attacks against
complainant and its products)

Canon 1 of CPR – to uphold the Constitution, obey the laws of the land and promote respect
for law and legal processes.
(Also violated the lawyer’s oath to obey the laws as well as legal orders of the duly
constituted authorities)

Canon 8 of CPR – a lawyer shall conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and candor toward
his professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel.
(Rule 8.01 – a lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings, use language which is
abusive, offensive or otherwise improper)

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