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Marketing Strategy

 The fundamental groundwork of marketing plans

designed to reach marketing objectives.
 Integrate an organization's marketing goals, policies,
and action sequences into a cohesive whole.
 It helps provide a foundation from which a tactical
plan is developed which helps the organization to
carry out its mission effectively and efficiently
Components of a Marketing Strategy
Goals: What does the business propose to achieve? What
are its aims with respect to growth, profitability, and risk?
Product Market Focus: What are the products and/or
services that the business plans to sell, and to what specific
Value Proposition: How does the business intend to
attract customers? What benefits constitute its "offer" or
"value proposition" in the marketplace? The value
proposition is an edge a company have over competitors.
Core Activities: What are the primary value-adding
activities that the business intends to perform and how dies
it intend to perform them?

Nokia in India
 Nokia entered the Indian market in 1994
 The first ever GSM call in India was made on a Nokia 2110
mobile phone
 The telecom policies were not conducive to the growth of the
mobile phone industry
 Face tough competition from other powerful global players like
Motorola, Sony, Siemens and Ericsson
Brand Platform

User Friendly


The Nokia Edge

 launch of concept stores

 Range of Nokia handsets, mobile enhancements and
accessories, ring tones, graphics, games, software and
exclusive Nokia merchandise made sure the brand got top of
the mind recall
 Advertisements, focused on features like Indian language
inputs, colour screen, camera phone, one touch button for FM
radio or MP3 players.
 Sub-branding and segregating its phones using functionality
and pricing as key parameters - N-series and E-series
Positioning through product attributes

Innovative technology with human touch

Simplicity of complex design
Features enable utility

Phone shape = Curvy

Large display screen= & easy to hold
Eye into the soul

Soft key touch
pads= Friendliness
Brand Personality
 Friendly, Young, Reliable ,Versatile, Quick, Vibrant

 Nokia - lending personality to products

 Individual products - generic brand personality

 Only numeric descriptors are used for the products

Nokia’s Identity

User Friendly
Ease of Maintenance
Brand Image
 Ease of navigation

 Reliable, Durable

 Innovative 20%

 Pervasive 27%

Purchase queue
 Needs – Requirement, Psychological

 Choice – Brand image, Variety, Functionality

 Decision – Cost, Peer influence

 Purchase
DLF IPL Impact

 Nokia tied up with KKR as their presenting sponsor for IPL.

 Highest recall after DLF IPL.
 360 degree approach towards marketing and consumer
 Consumers buying select Nokia phones would win assured
gifts ranging from Nokia KKR branded phone accessories.
 ‘Nokia KKR T20’ game featured direct integration with Nokia
maps to help the consumer zoom into KKR match locations
and get match schedule.
 Strong synergies with KKR and Shah Rukh as a brand and
IPL as a platform
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