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Westmont High School


Those who can, do. Those who can do more,
volunteer. ~Author Unknown

October 30, 2010 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM 
MCCD provides therapeutic treatment for
children with disabilities using horseback riding
and interact with trained horses.
As you can imagine, it takes TIME to “winterize”
the farm & stables. They NEED help. If you are
willing to get dirty, work hard, and get involved,
please sign up for this trip.

If you are interested in going, the bus leaves WHS at 8:00 AM….sharp! 
Dress in WORK CLOTHES. If you have work gloves or a rake – it would be 
helpful to bring these items with you (but they are not required)! 
Student Name: _________________________________________ 
Parent Signature: _________________________ Date: __________ 
Parent Contact Information on October 30th: ________________________ 
Why the Horse? 
The horse's walk provides sensory input through movement, which is 
variable, rhythmic and repetitive. The resulting movement responses in the 
client are similar to human movement patterns of the pelvis while walking.  
The variability of the horse's gait enables the therapist to grade the degree 
of sensory input to the client and use this movement in combination with 
other clinical treatments to achieve desired results. Clients respond 
enthusiastically to this enjoyable learning experience in a natural setting.  
Physically, this therapy can improve balance, posture, and mobility. It may 
also affect psychological, cognitive, behavior and communication functions 
for clients of all ages. Clients who may benefit from therapy can have a 
variety of diagnoses: examples include Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, 
Developmental Delay, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Autism and Learning 
or Language Disabilities. 

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