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Enabling Business With IT at

The Indian Railways

Submitted By :
Anubhav Kumar (10ESPHH010019)
Sadab Alam (10ESPHH010005)
Bhaveshkumar Jain (10ESPHH010016)
Ragesh Nair (10ESPHH010008)
The Indian Railways (IR) is a truly great
It is a global giant that operates profitably,
and with relatively little government support.
Business Strategy and Role of IT
Background Of Indian Railways (IR) in early 2000’s
Need For IT
Rakesh Mohan Committee
IT recommendations of The Committee
IT initiatives by The Indian Railways
Details about some important IT initiatives of IR
Benefits Of IT
Performance of IR during the last decade
Future IT planning of IR
Vision of the IR Up to 2025
Business Strategy
A business plan defining:
The company vision;
The strategy and tactics that will enable the company to
reach those objectives;
The resources required, and how they are going to be
What the main milestones and steps are along the way;
Who is responsible for causing each step to occur;
What are the company's business risks and external factors
that need to be kept under review for indications that a
change in strategy or plan may be required.
Role of IT
Provides a means to increase the efficiency of the
organization. In the Railways also, this will be the
Two-fold role of Information Technology :
Role 1: an information highway
To provide information across the organization where
and when required.
Role 2: a personal productivity tool
To increase personal productivity at all levels.
Six Stages of IT Introduction (by Nolan)

Data Administration
World's second-largest Railway
6,853 stations
63,028 kilometers of track
37,840 passenger coaches and 222,147 freight cars
4.83 billion passengers and 492 million tons of freight annually
11 million passengers climb aboard one of 8,520 trains each
day, about 550,000 have reserved accommodations
Declared to be heading towards bankruptcy as per the Expert
Group on Indian Railways in 2001
Is today the second largest profit making PSU after ONGC
The Rakesh Mohan Committee
 Set up in 1998 to find ways of making private investment in
the cash strapped Railways
 Submitted the interim executive summary on the 17th of
February to the then Railways minister Ms. Mamata Bannerjee
 Report made recommendations on reform in the following
 Pricing strategy for Freight and Passenger services
 Restructuring the entire approach for Investing
 The various options open to the Railways to finance its investment
 Utilization of IT for restructuring the railway’s operations.
 Reinventing the entire organizational structure of the railways
The Rakesh Mohan Committee
The following were the chief recommendations of
the committee with regards to the application of IT
for Indian Railways: 
Freight Revenue Enhancement
Passenger Revenue Enhancement
Operational Cost Reduction
Initiatives to improve its Decision Making
Key IT Initiatives by Indian Railways
Passenger Reservation System (PRS)
TTE's Hand Held Terminals Project (HHT Project)
Unreserved Ticket System (UTS)
Automatic Ticket Vending Machines (ATVMs)
Integrated Coach Management System (ICMS)
Freight Operation Information System (FOIS)
Integrated Train Enquiry System (ITES)
Rake Management System (RMS)
Terminal Management System (TMS)
Parcel Management System (PMS)
ERP for Human Resource Management System
IT Projects of IRCTC
Benefits of IT
Reservations can be carried out anywhere at any point of time
Real-time information to citizens, freight customers and
The implementation of new strategies have led to
improvement in overall system reliability with an increase in
applications availability due to reduced downtime.
Cost Savings – provides low cost of ownership and requires
less maintenance
Time savings – reduction in time required to prepare
reservation charts by 50 %; reduces backup time; drastic fall
in the queue waiting time
Performance of IR
Future Initiatives
Crew Management System (CMS)
e-Payment of Freight
Associating with banks for the issue of e-Ticket from their ATMs
Initiatives are being taken  for booking tickets through call
Safety Systems (GPS, Embedded Systems)
GIS based Track Maintenance Systems
Vision and Roadmap Up to 2025 of
Indian Railways
Four Aspects of Vision 2025 :
 Commitment
 Planning
 Funding
 Resources
Roadmap for the Vision 2025 :
Period 1 (2005 to 2010) : Automation
Period 2 (2010 to 2015) : Synergy
Period 3 (2015 to 2020) : Global acceptance
Period 3 (2020 to 2025) : Integration
Thank You!
Passenger Reservation System
CMC Software company developed IMPRESS an online transaction
processing in 1985
IMPRESS became operational in 1987
The current software is CONCERT,
implemented by the Centre for Railway
Information Systems (CRIS)
At more than 1,400 locations and
more than 5,000 terminals
Handles more than 3,000 trains, involving more than one million
passenger transactions per day
Consists of 2.5 million lines of code, involving complex business logic.
Supports 1 million reservation/cancellation/modification transactions
and 10 million enquiries in a day
Passenger Reservation System
Response time of less than a second for
local transactions and less than three
seconds for network transactions
Supports both graphic user interface (GUI)
and character-based terminals
Designed as an open distribution system
Secured against intrusion by two-level
user authentications
Data encryption facility to prevent hacking
Substantial savings in transportation costs and in reservation time
Substantial reduction in cost per ticket issued, manpower savings, savings in
space required, less strenuous work, higher productivity and fewer errors
(Country Wide Network of Computerised
Enhanced Reservation and Ticketing )
1 64 KBPS  Integrates five Regional
Reservation Centres
Delhi Kolka
 Judicious mix local
Leased line
2 MBPS 1 64 KBPS
(x2) PRS
Leased ta
Leased Line6
1 2MBPS autonomy with uniformity
Leased line
of business rules.
Mum (x2)  Very complex Business
bai Leased

Leased Leased
 Comprehensive
1 2MBPS (X 2)
Leased Leased
line Line
ai PRS
Mobile Ticketing
Web Ticketing
Kiosk-Based Ticketing
Centralized (Hybrid) Ticketing System
TTE's Hand Held Terminals
Project (HHT Project)
TTEs to be provided with a Handheld Computing Terminal (HHT)
Linked to the Central Reservation Computer through
a wireless network (GPRS provided by Bharat Sanchar
Nigam Limited)
The application software for the first phase has been
developed and internally tested
On-train testing has been conducted on New Delhi-Lucnkow ,
New Delhi-Amritsar and Kashi-Vishwanath Shatabdi
TTEs of the Amritsar Shatabdi route were given training and
hands-on practice in a workshop organised by CRIS.
Unreserved Ticket System (UTS)
UTS was started on 15th August 2002
Computerized unreserved tickets
to railway passengers from
dedicated counter terminals,
automatic vending machines, and
other venues
Cross-counter cancellation of tickets
issued from any station, and advance
booking of unreserved tickets up to
3 days
Also enables fare enquiries
Functioning at 2882 counters on 892
locations as on 2nd October 2007
Around 23,000 UTS are expected by
31st March 2009
Automatic Ticket Vending
ATVM is a part of the Unreserved
Ticketing System (UTS)
Passengers can book unreserved
tickets through ATVM by using
smart cards
Designed by CRIS using NXP’s
MIFARE DESFire technology
Based on the international ISO 14443A
Objective is to reduce queues at manual
ticketing counters and drive process
Integrated Coach Management
The ICMS modules are hosted on central servers located in
Accessed by remote locations via the Freight Operations
Information System (FOIS) network
There are 338 terminals from 196 locations connected to ICMS
Has 3 Software Modules:
Coaching Stock Management Module. It tracks status and
utilization of individual coaches
Punctuality Module. All reports produced manually are made
available online
Maintenance Module
Freight Operation Information System
FOIS is an online transaction processing
based application providing a 'track and
trace' solution for account of cargo,
freight and rolling stock assets
Assists managers for monitoring and
management of assets for optimum
utilization and providing timely information to
the customer for supply chain management
Comprises of two modules - Rake Management
System (RMS) and Terminal Management
System (TMS)
Has three-tier client server architecture using
RDBMS,  Middleware and Front-end
System generates more than 1200 reports
Rake Management System (RMS)
RMS captures the following events in
real time:
 Customer indents
 Wagon supply - date and time

 Departure after loading

 Running particulars - arrival/departure

at stations enroute with attachments or

detachments if any
Arrival at destination

 Handling and delivery at destination

Terminal Management System (TMS)

Deployed at around 500 locations

Expected to cover all major handling terminals to issue
online Railway Receipts (RRs)
Facilitates invoice based consignment tracking, instant
RR generation and track instances of
unconnected/wrongly delivered wagons.
Has provision for booking consignments from
customer centres.
Parcel Management System
Computerization of parcel services at
seven stations sanctioned in September
Software developed for the project by
 Full scale implementation completed at
New Delhi and Delhi stations in June 2007
Enables end to end tracking of parcels
(from booking to delivery) through
bar coding and automatic capture of
weight from electronic weighing machines.
ERP for Human Resource Management

Planning to introduce Human Resource Management

functions through IT platform
On a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis
The adoption of BOOT model will spare Railways from
making heavy upfront investments
This is the first software project for the Railways to be taken
up on a BOOT basis.
Help serve its 1.4 million employees and 1 million
pensioners in a better manner
The project has specially designed component on e-Learning
Integrated Train Enquiry System (ITES)
Based on Public Private Partnership (PPP) model
Assigned to IRCTC jointly with CRIS
IRCTC is responsible for implementation and management of the project
CRIS is responsible for Architecture and Technology and back end
integration with PRS and National Train Enquiry System (NTES).
ITES consists of four centres (North, South, East and West) to handle
Each centre consists of a Zonal Hub (Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and
Howrah) and a call centre
Enquiries  are accessible from all telecom service providers
Access to these services by making a local call  throughout the country. 
IT Projects of IRCTC

Web Based Rail Reservation

Launched in the year 2002
Sale of tickets has reached to 45,000 tickets
per day from few hundreds
More than 40 lakh registered users
Biggest e-Commerce site of India
Also designed a tourism portal  which
facilitates online booking of tourist trains,
cab booking, train booking and hotel booking

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