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Creating the Database Tables
Create table LBOOK
(BookID Varchar2(5) Primary Key,
BookName Char(40) Not Null);
Create table LSTUDENT
(StudentID Varchar2(5) Primary Key,
StudentName Char(40) Not Null,
Course Char(20));
Create table LTRANS
(BookID Varchar2(5),
StudID Varchar2(5),
TDate date Default SYSDATE,
BookStatus Varchar2(1),
Constraint transstud FOREIGN KEY (StudID) REFERENCES lstudent(studentid),
Constraint transbook FOREIGN KEY (BookID) REFERENCES lbook(bookid));
A few noted SQL Queries
select lstudent.studentname as 'Student Name',lbook.bookname as 'Book Name' from
lstudent join ltrans on (lstudent.studentid=ltrans.studid) join lbook on
(lbook.bookid=ltrans.bookid) where ltrans.bookstatus='I' order by 'student name'
select studentname as 'BookNeverIssued2' from lstudent where studentid not in
(select distinct studid from ltrans);
select lstudent.studentname as studentName ,
lbook.bookname as bookName, count(lstudent.studentname) as 'NoOfTimes' from
lstudent join ltrans on (lstudent.studentid=ltrans.studid)
join lbook on (ltrans.bookid=lbook.bookid)
group by lstudent.studentname, lbook.bookname order by lstudent.studentname;
select s.bookname as 'Book Name', count(*) as 'NoOfTimes' from
lbook s join ltrans on (s.bookid=ltrans.bookid)
group by s.bookname having count(*)>1;
select bookid, bookname as 'Books Available' from lbook where not exists (
select bookid from ltrans where ltrans.bookid=lbook.bookid and ltrans.bookstatus

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