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4MBA7A6 Information Management

2009/10 Semester 2
Comments on assignment answers:
Overall: a wide range of answers, from excellent to not so good.
Stronger answers discussed more than one side of an issue, answered the question set
and gave examples that linked theories and frameworks to real situations
Weaker answers relied on regurgitation of standard ideas.
Executive Summary. Some good summaries. But many poor summaries were written,
where the student should have read P.5 of the assignment, to identify what an exec
summary is.
Q1: Often not quite so well done. Most tried to improve either the time to availability
of data or the quality but the question asks to examine the impact of the time to
availability of data on the overall quality. When we investigate the impact of A on B,
we usually change A (hopefully insulate other factors) and observe B, i.e. change or
improve the time to availability of data and observe the performance in terms of
Q2: Most had a good discussion on application of JIT techniques to the health care
services although the work did not seem very “critical” – need analysing the
challenges, difficulties or weakness of these techniques in some circumstances. Some
did not notice the question asked “beyond the used of health information technology”.
Q3: Generally well done, showing understanding of capacity management. Weaker
answers often did not analyse demand fluctuations in details and apply capacity plans
Q4: Generally well done, showing understanding of information needs in the specified
areas. Weaker answers did not give specific examples, or link text-book generalities to
specifics from the case provided or the working world.
Q5: Often not quite so well done. Weaker answers often emphasised tactical details,
without building up the required strategic impact for the organisation. Stronger
answers showed understand of strategic issues, in terms of information management
and the organisation’s overall position.
Team work commentary:
In class Presentations: Mostly good presentations – certainly all achieved better than a
‘Pass’. The commonest issue, was students’ trying to force too much info into the 15
minute time period, some with too many or too busy slides; some simply with rather
fast talking. But, again, overall a good standard of presentation.

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