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1.: In t.r ad ue t. i on :2 = S.e~ t't i, ng u,P

,3 ::: U I]j'~ la,le ~~ :i. n~::l'

4~ Mains conn~ction

5: Ptftpa[ing th~ plinth and su~~pl~tt~r 6~ chacging th~ bAaring

7': A,.s S ,e,~n:tb 1. :ii. n.g: t.h I~i d :r i. V'~

8: Fitting thft aem

9: Fitting th~ cartridge and autriqge~/paddl@

I~ - """t·,· -, --, !Io.,k, ... '" t ~

.... ' If.! 'I;.. ',-, 1, n 9 1~.1I-~,~' CI. am p l,'Olg' ';. r;. CHl 'g' ~;,.

Setting th@ paddle height rillinq the trougb

Sl~ing the tu[ntabl@ L~v@lling the turntabl~

CQ n ne c 't, i'Dlg

S,p'e~d cba,n,ge

T.'b,@' 'c:l,am"p'

P.l. a "I' :i. ng t hie ,e.l i t, e Eto c k

Cleaning trough fluid from records Emptying th~ trougb

S@tting v@rtical alignmant (Azimutb)


'W'Irr;:; ,Iii· .- .... ,¥,[~, - I~" - 'Q~I!"'~ : ~"~'~.::II glll,~ . r.; .. ~I '-l..l: ' "J ~,~ """ ~ "I~ !"" "~'~'",". a, -,

Bias and ~racking force ~~l~~·tl~cn-~ ~1~n7~~ ~ ll~d~·

£' ," ,~ 1_ '"_:_U_'~ rl~,~ l'-J,W~lll • ' __ l'""j

SitylU5, car e

,S PA'C 'i :E i,c ii, 't;, i,c n.

l' i'iIj ~

, y-

11~ 'll·""iI'iIi'

I~ '~'

l"'l 'II'

~I I.'

14 ~

15' ill,

I ,::.::_ ~,


2'" 1111


"'1·3. ' ii' '."">"i!!!!!'

2_' 4· i, ~i!


'.,~: I .. 1~1'4"~

'., 4= '!" 4il 'IjJ ~,

The £lit~ Rock turn~~blR is tn~ rAsult of years of resAarch car~ied ou~ at th@ C[anflAld Institute of TechDolggy~ UK, into thA :tl~ e e i,SA' ,['P.~'r: od uc t Iee o,f 9 c a,mo:p,h,cnl~ r e c o f'C s, ThJ. a inv~sti9ation 8ho~~d tbat the disc plaYAf should ~mulate tbft 0. r: :i_,~':i rra ,1 Ie u, t, t i ,n'g 1 a,'t, r:u'! 1 n ,a, 5, m"a:n" a t:"A" 51 ,a :5, ~o S ,S, i b 1 R', ''PI it h.i n t,be bound,5 o.'_ p:r ae t: :i,ca,l i 'ty,.. ,Insho e t",; tb.,a, pI ayft,f" ml us t ,be VA t'y s::t r 01, Ig) ,and. IP-xt,[@,m!~ly' r'ig 1d 'w. it-n, iJj, 1. Vi,DC'jJ,ti,on"a,l mla{cu~:s, e1 1m ilna,t,leg a'~,~d t,b:f!' pl.,i)t.'te,i[ ,~h!alu d r:ot"a't'~ as a,c,c.:u,r,a,t'~l'y' as 'plcssiblA w"i,tb, _h.'e miin,i ,rum of wow and flutter ana w~~h inaudablR noise (rumble)~

T. hie, 'p 'i le':k ..... IJ Pi e ,iI .: ,t !r L d 9 I@ m U :I,'t be r:1 QI .i d l!. Y _,~L ,0 un =' If! d i. n sue h, a W' la, ,r that it is fr@A to track tbe disc (including warps) aDd yet ta rig idly cOlJplRd 'to ,the d is'c" 'v':ia 'th,@ a,r;'m", ,pi inth a,nd pla't be:c:', ;il't ,a,ud, 'LO' f':r'@'q,uf!,'!! T'he w:b:olff: un i 't, mus,t, 't,hf!'n ble 8,CrOIU,S 't, i,e:,ij"l: ,Y' isolated from th~ ~nvifonment, so tbat unwanted exte~nal v'ib[.a,t i .. OID,Si do no. t 'lDliflu.@ncll' ,t,hft, :pl_[,a"Y'E!',r.' ",

rhese objectives havA b@~n achievedn the Elite Rock by the unique eonsttuc~ion of tbe platter and plinth, whicb arft bo~b s,ta.b,il.i.sred w i,'th h igb ,s:t,ceng t'h" itCH" iF!'PI@,fgy--,sto, "agi~ IGypsum ,a.nd 'th,'~ n Q v i@ 1. j flu: 'i'd, -- Id, ,a m ':p I~ rd, ~ n v' Po: (. 't, If! d b Ie, a r' : i' n,' g , 'W ", \ -' b t, h ~ p a<~ n ,t o f

:=r, ~ S pf! n, s i on 0' f 't,n A ,pl a t te: (' art i t;,s, e e, n t r e ,crf Ie) [ a vi t.y, f!. n S U 'f e s, 'v.'e '£"y stable, virtuallY rumb:~--f[~ft op@ration~

The un£qu~ fro~t-ftnd dampit 9 ~rrang~ment compeLsing, the fluid~ f i 11 A,dl 'It.t' 0 IU'g til ,andl ou t [ :i 9 9@ [" I :p,ad,d IIfr!, a ,E" r a, n;' Ie ,m, f!;,f;l, ,t e ,c'ol,m 'pllle~ tf! 1 Y' d la, m It= s QU't ar m,/ea C' t, t 'iagl,e: t' es"o.n,anCli\!S ,I) nd, ,l.'oc'ks t,h,e 'p i,(fk,-,u,p.' ae m to tti,I,!' ba,5Ui!/Fl:in'th a,:s,s'Ambl'l a ,filial h,elncf! 'tA:J! tbp.: 'dl~,SC, ,ji,t aud:i,Q 1[,~qU,'f!.fU: ilf:.l5 ~

Ilhe Q,a,sY' ..... to'-'adj I;I,S:'t", ,t .",g""rs,u!!'i!'d b,e ~ t" ..... dllt i,¥'A', ~ i~lsu,r'les p [~'C i.s,~,

sp!F.!'@,d c,gnt.~ol iUl.'d high lo'og '-"tAr. 'm, Cf.!'l.ia'bi 1 :''', ty,~

,Aic:Qusi't:lc i"so,1,,8,ti'on i:s a,'c',hi ie'vled by su,spp-na lng' the w'olo,lf! ma,:ss: of t",Iif!' "-,uro'-_"abl1e on 'th ['ep..,r Ii i" ["....."f .ill d , cia mpe.d" :sJ-Q,t'b.f! t i,c:-- ['ub:b@r' 'S u p:po, [' 't,s lr' s:Y' m miA' ,t, it :i e a.11 ":1' a 'Ie' ,[I:' a ftg'lF! d ia, f 0 u.n!d 'I;: hf! e P.: n t r '9=,0 f'-g c a,'V i 't:,' 01 f the co"mp!'·et;1! as.,SI~mb,l~',.,

:2 :: :SETT'IMG~ UP

B~fo~e proc~~ding~ pleasA r~aa thes~ instructions thoroughly so th~t you becomA campl~~ely familiar ~ith all aS~Rcte of your Elit~ Rock tu[ntable~ The unique d~sign an~ construction 't[ech_~ i[cru(!,S i hC'IO'[I;H) [' a t'!d i,n t hLs d @sl'i>gn. ,b,a'v!@' it !8IS,U l·t,@[d .i n, ,II ,d~ i s c

play~~ t~at~ wh~~ correctly a5s~mbled, shaule pIovid~ years of trouble-free servic~ of th~ bighfl5t quality~ The assembly i~ extrem~ly strong and robust: howeverr as with all precision i n"s,'t.[ ume:n'ts Ii i ncor :t'4!ct. as"s·~ ,g:[' m i,5--'1.);S'@ ean r',e'5U 1 t, in 1 e ss than O',p,t, i.lil um, :pe! r f'o[" m anc'[~ 0.1,[ I in e:x t.r.[@ n~ip'! c i rc u're,i:tiH'U~'A'S. ,. d,s l!h agl'R tiO[ [thlf! un i t,

'NC;t!f E,:: 1: f tb e tu:r n 't,:ei b 1 ,If is, ,t 0 be f i 't, t P.!O ·i n t[o ,t b, p. tim b,e'.r pl'!, n ·t, h and 1 tal,. i.·t b@'s,t 't .. Q c,lcunpl,@,tA a.1, ,s:p.!tt.,'in[g up :fi r se ,


C:,a f,e,fu.ll y unp,a,c k " :[e,m[ov:i:n,g' all t,h,e com POOR n t s a"nd E"f!'.plac:,'e t:he,

packaging in ~he box and atDr~ in a safe place~ so ~hat it may be :r: e .... 1jJ, s,[ed .~

NOTE::= G,u:aranltee [c:lai:ms cannoe b@ iiC.icept.e.d if the 'turn.t.'iab[~, 15

• _, . ..:::11 '. •. tit!."

:nOI;;. [@'t,u,r:neu ,1,:n, 1 t,s eO[,r'ec~ paCft.alg 10'g' .• ,

Chec::k, 'tbe name'-p[l,ate en ,the I'f!,ar [of' the ·'t,h" to e.n5'IJ,[,@ that, the v[ol'tag'A and ll.n.,a ..... freg.u[enc:y a:re [c(n:·['ec·t f'or y'o.iI~J;[, pcnii·er. sup'p'.lJ'~;

Lgcat,~ t:h.e, f'o11Dw :i,rl,g:: .....

iI,·~ pl,in·th/trough as,s,j2,mbl:y, b! .: 5 ub- pl a ·t, ·te: r ,.

C:-:'l~' 'nl' ·~.,t· [[.'@'i"" -'~ ,r ~ ., >miL. ,

Id~: d'I:i vie: b@'I, '.',

e:~, ou·tri'ggler./paddl,e, [ass,e,m.bly,

,f: appra[p['i.~ t.ely' d· '" lleal ([0' blan'k J iJj,tm ..... pl a,tie I' g: record clamp and wa5her~

h: arm mounting bolts (if n~cessary), i,: t.ouglh ,f,u i.d:.

]1: bea,r ingl oil,

:1(, = p,iJ.'dd,le .... f:i,xing a.dhA',s ive,

1: s·t.yl.uoS/r'e,c'!o[rd c:le'[aning flui.d t m; whl~e spirit (cleaning flui6}. D; four ·c~tton~buas·,

0; t~o aets of 2~5pm boltsj nuts and washers, p: ,fcJilJ:r' S,mm bolts (,al.["m ..... plat~~ f'[,

'1,:: th l'ee a,lle,n k[@,Ys C2, ," .3, & 4gBJ) [I' -

'1.7 ,: s p anne [ [a:nd

,s:, 't'w'o cable ·ti@,s '.

If thft timber plinth and lid is suppli~d. ch@ck tbat th~ f,ollolw'in:Q' pal"'t.:s rp,:re :i,nclud,ed.:: ......

·t :!!, t," mh~,r- 'po =·)1' I ,tii ·,t- ' ....

- - ._ - , ,;Ii"" ILI'rII

u e ac,ry.liic li[d, v: ~wo binges An~

w: four se~s of nuts i bolts~

Work on an adequate-ablft (covered witb a probective cloth). IOTE~ Tbe silicone fluid us~d i~ ~h@ 4amping~trough is basically harmless ana can be cleaned up with wbite~spirit cleaner~ If i~ is accidently spilt on carpets. or clotb~ng it

wi 11 Sl~'f! 'r.".:=ii,~' -, av ina f@'wda'vsl@aJ''U'l·''··g··lnlo.l'" 'Ii''' ~ e p- '1 t '5'-" '~, 0·'· ~I·l ~I no t

_ .._ ;!II ,r- U _'_:J!' I i ~ ! '_' e- _. ...:.... _'-':Ji" I . , ... I ".' . II ~. 1~·1m CjI] , .~ ~ _. -=. - 1 [ipll .'!W, I U. u:_

damag.e nolis~~d' ~~odwork as l~~ JL'S th~ basis ~f~ ~~st ~~·A·n·1

' . __ . _ Iii'" j tlll~ iI3. "n'y. __ ," .' [ If _"_ [l~ j 1 11.:1 . l .• ~ _' '\J.! iI:.. V. ,_) !I:lI!'I~U .[~l e ve

;Ii; ~ . ~ - '''' 1

'lour::n:i tu [,~ ,POI 1.:15,.b~sli' It, W' 1,1 '" b!Ow~v'~'[ II B",ij,:,., sOlmel P'OlitOU.S ~dJbs ta.nces

n, Ii;, a I e'~ [i;;. •. - b'" '" : m··,·' C 1 -','-, ,- ."~ 111 • '." ..... 'f" r. 0" C I·.·· - 'h.·" -. d'l~j II' - lo.

r;;" .~ !!.Ii ns, e.· " .-.le ... I ,fn, _:_ e ,E,~ .wJJ I. II!'!! a.'o 5, .1. Ji. 1 C Ol,n[r.;;, I', .... m Y[CID [' .~!!! ,iI If], [,~ lit w·a SdMI

, l~ Il00, iIio. d·;Ei" ,t - 'P' n e rii"'io ,t I A r' ,~, ..... !Jil 'p" .-. no'~' 'Ll! a' 't'- ,rn "'" I' 'f- f' I '. 'l~ d' n ...... S D" n' i!"" ,-'. A .n ,~

. _ ~_: lb; II. iI, .-', ~ I ~~, l.~ . ,~II I I , IU uP"'" U I :,' .• , g., I .' i '!I'Il I. . ~ I~ [i :.. r' [U! f. [~!~ !fW. ' . I... ! ~lil~' C IU . ~;~ " .

. r >~. ft.[ 'tiCI s,[e c·t i on ,17 ~.

For 220/240'~ op~ration~ connect to a suitablR mains ~uq as

fQI.llo'w's;: ....

'Bro'w:n I. ill] .' " il _, ,i' 'i' .. iii Iii '1-[ V'P.' (Ac'ti V~) Ii'

,81 U,@' 'i!!' 'iii ii 'iI! ., '!!I III, '!!I I!II! ~ ~ N','!u t . .['al. if

IG:[ e f! .nl I'e 1 . .1 [0' w .. ,. ~ '~I IG:[' 0 IJ rid ~ :E,a r 'th) Iii rb~ plu~. fuse sbou16 ~-. rated at ]A@

.I:OI~E: I:f 't.-I,le t,U( o·ta,ble i.:s, eo be, bOlilJl'U~!d .in ·t,b·e ,t .i:m:bel:E: :pl i,E] t'b, tbe mains-plug may have to be remov@d to allow th@ mal ~s-lead tbrough the hole in tbe plinth'!!'

,A '01 pin ,lug is ·f i.tte'd~·i;)[ 1.1QO,/-,:20V 6ID'l!:z lop,et',at:ji,o'o"Ii'

No·te = If it. is nl![ceS,5,Q,[Y ·to ch,ange fr.l@quer1Jc.y 0[[ V'IO!1·t8,g@, .p.l~las,e!

contact you~ Ellt~ dealer. -

Wipe: ·tll@ mi'a in b,e,aJr i .. Rgl-well ,a.:n.d !th,af't w'i'th t.isSIllf! to Ic.l@ar .any eontaminatlon~ Similarly, inspect and if necessary, cl@an ;be j au r.·.n,a.l tt! ,b,eI e.)1 In th.'e~ siu,b ...... p,l,·a t'lt,e'.[ (ltI,se a, ICO t, tc,n ..... b'l1d J .j!

Place the sub-01atter on ~be b@aring shaft and check fOf free t,Qlt,a,t'ion. by s,p!inn :i,D'g , sub-,i?- B'tte'(.~ 'It, :~d'llgu..o r'a.t,at,@ .~r.'eely.

1_.., l\f~ s· .: ~l us--=- '11" I'uG:-_ [1I!RD'm-' • RI.',I 1 'I:~ iii ,~I' "I,Q_ ttI!.iI[ IMI .. ,. £.&£11 I~ , .. _ ......

'W' i.'t h [c·l e and r Y' 'b.a nd s ,,, pI a ee tb e' be'~ ,to a,' 0 WI nd t.b F! mO .... or p,ull, f.!.y' ill nd .B,U.t-=-:p 1 a t ·te: r ,.

ICa,:r'lE!' f"u lly po s i ,= i,ci'1l! ' -b,e' pla, ,t, t,e'[ an :Sub- pia t. tiE'!' r ana c:hec: k th,iI t i't..

:i. 5, ,s·[e,et ·te,g C'[OI :r' [ ee ,tl ,Y"~l

ICa;rtne,c,·t, ,to 'thie pOI"~@.f Bu'p'p.l:y'" ,S,'. i:tcb 00, ,and 'c:,c €u:dt tha't ·th,l@ plat~e~ rota~es Smoothly~

Firmly attach th'~ plck~up arm~o ,be arm~p~at~ (ensuring that th,ft ·w.h i. t ~ s tic k,-: E on ·tt be pl.l ate' is 11 .. 11 CI e £. ZU1: ill, t,lI ,ra; [1,10; t.e ,t,h'f! f r on t)1 ,an,,g C,1iJlh'Rn ,aJ.P"P[OPC is,te]" p1u'9 in tine BE,m lea·a - If' tbp.' 1'_'la[d 1.51 11, .kef!. ty 't,D' t[D III [c'il, ,t n'ft' ,t II bl e' 011'3, w h 'i e ,n ': _. be t·. f' n till b.JL ~, is pI 8,.C e d II be no th e : @ad UP', ,S,OI ,t,;~ ,ail 'r.~ :l. t. ,1 i P. spa. I' al ,_ e,l 'N l·th t:b,f! la. t m po,s't 1& n,dl blf. n,d

T'b,1: ead the Br II 1 eard [15,,) 'throlul·gl:h, ·the ,-'( ~_.~blal'S_F.! cut,-,OU't, ,l,n the' :pl in'th .a.nd IO'u't 't"ft t:tu~ rea r' ol:f ·th@ .~-- :n,l. t., 'o[s,·i·t i.,o.n t,h~ ,e r m' .... ·.pla,'t,e

over th~ fou[ fixing hol~s and attach loos~ly with thA four bolts !i

Locate th~ outri~ge£ and paddl~ ass~mbly (th~ triangular piec~

w'i't.:h 't.hf! ,s,I]iI"a I] ,silv'e.r. tu,be.). ,f! t,hf!: t''':o 2,.,5I:itm h,~x""'h~a.,o bcl t.s, nuts

a:n!d w"ashe'.['s ~

'IOTEl: I! be' o III t if. ilg13 er as s ~'.n:Lbl y i:5, bo 1. tff![Q b,e t.w Poe'n ,th'e car t:t id'gl e and th~ h@adsbell wb@n using pick-up ca~tridqes 16mm high O[ [9 c,e'a.'t@:', ii)"n,d] OD tlo<p lof thlp' hleadl5hfri! 11 [wh.~n IUS i ng car t,:r' iClg e:5 l.e~EH5, ' 16:m [L b j,ig!h ~

NOTE 2: Th~re a[~ thrfle pair~ of mountinq holes in the

- .. [ ~- - ~... t ~ . ']1 ~ f'~ ...;;I' ~ fC f' l~ th- •. ""a rt.r 1" dg~ I:..·a'lt~

010"" '. ,&1919 ~,~ . 0 ,a ·,,_,ow . 10.,[' ~! 1 ''__.: e:r f!:n't ,a.t·m - eng ~ ~~~,S ,ana ~,:, 'i~. ,: ~ : '.'r;; iiJ'·. ~ - _'_'

holes-to~stylu5 dis~ances~ B@fore complftting the alignment, select the appropriatA pair of holes so that adjustment nlO~ can

~b t' O'..,jj' _ - _

~ .. IR op;i_ 1 m l.ea!:u, ill'

place a washer on each bolt and comple~e ~he assembly, ensuring ,th,at. t:~,'~ c,~[,-',aD9le lo<:f ,'the'Ula,[ o,u'tri9~g'e'[ is on thf!' .'fig;:ht hand Side of the beadsh~ll when view~d fEom tb~ front~

Mitb extE~m@ care, align th@ cart[idge in the conventional :m,a.nne[ ~

[T:i ca'h.t.en 'tJl'e a [m, ..... :pla't,e m,o''Unt'ing bo 1 'ts" ('@'-'[chp.'ck the a,11'g'nmen't

a ~ . ..; ·t:~ h llIDo 'n ,t·~·· i n b~: t'-~ A' n, -. ,t: '~ [p-, car ,t [:: ,~; g'.;jO' g:' . ,n m' ,;o"N., II' n, t,- l~ n £1' ~. 0'''- 1 t: \C! ,. 'bJl l:"-t~ h c .-::11 [ e· ~r -

,IItIU ,_ [1F.i1i. , __ '~J_=_ ' .. oil '~'IL.. '_ _ _ III.. ", ~ ._. ~lU'~IIl': '':II~'' ·w "N.W ._.1!~L ~., [Ill

- ~ 1 d t h ~ .. '~h

C,cn.n,ec't;, t.!l~ie ~"e,!lrL,S,' [0 ·t.-_f!' c.,a l' t.r' lJ:;[g'@' tag .s',r g,bs e.["V ing 't, __ le' co c ,[ e c t

colour codin9~ Set the correct tra~king force (which can be low~r than that recommended by the manufactu~ftr du~ to improved ··'!Ii'"'a~'" '10' -i"I "'n- thol!'§o Ell~' t~, EO- _Ll I' ft ~ "'1;0 ally s - t the' b'l_" ale'!' ~'a' nt1~ e' ..... :!:Ii.· ... ~'III

1~1II.1·~In;J(· n·~, r"l,'- _",_'11;':1: "1:' . ~ P} .. ·~·:~,Ir\.,~ ,_;,(1J1l1,·l~ .. :." _. .... , .. @I' .. _. i:::,·J.- _""!"'~ \J' - I . [~~r~'Mr~r~,.

tOI z.ero: ana s@'t t,n.e a:r.m :p,a,:,;a,lle'l 'wi,t.b 't,:h@· r e ec r d surface:", Fo.'r final bias and arm height adjustment~ S@@ sections 21,22 and 23~

Secure the a[m cable to the plin~h at the cable exit, wttb the

[Affi'al~n~i~~ c~§kl~ .l~·e· b~,y·· ,t·¥~~d-1~~nn s·a···~~ tL~~,fth- ·'he It-O' ~-'18s' ~~n

' " IE lUi' . " [a:,iI""l1 '_--= y.U _'~L' \. ~ •. i, - .. " . 'IILII~ ~la .'::. I ;~I .1' I ~1!~ I ~ !l.11 [II.;, {~llI.iI a __ l~ _,_._ ,0;;, t. _,'''' ,.) rlUliu - . 'F;j r. ' :"'_.1 II ·t,ab and t,h,e:nce ,a;.[lo.und 'th'A Icabl.IQ 0; ICOlnn,18C t tt.i[e ,a,r:m '9,[ O'IJoa, (i,f app,r:op:r'iatle) [".0 t,b@, Ig'coundling s;cre"w ladja.c,e'.nt t,o 'the, [ca,bl.e [e,x .. l.tll

-;: . ,~. ~ "'111 ". '] .. -. . .... ...."~h·, ,t c. I" I -: h~·· .. , .. t 'i' "b'·· '1 't" ,. ·.d .... ..;; .. ~. ,- t . h' .',

.Fa [' t r a I, -."1 ._.Cu3s·@,n I"'u~ ,~; ~ it gu.'¥.~. .molJ.n ~ .1. "Ig .. : O~" ,au)l us .' t·~.'e

pos,i·tl.on lof ,the I(c:l.g,sed), tr~'u.g"~·· so 't,hat 'the a,['c desc"t'ibea b:y paddle, when Yi~wed from above, l~es as clos~lJ as possible to

t\..·~ ~- t~' -. .- f" 't· 1!.. t~· , ,.'. ':b nI'I,i·· h' t···~ .. 1... b~' l' ··t· . '1 . 1"

ue· c e' n 1 .r e D', .. .!J.le . ~ [ 0 ug .. ·., .& ,119,r· ,e [IJ Ii",,!j ~.e _" 0' .1 t m 0 5, ;-. is [e c u [ e . "Y ~

lilrQlTE: N,e"i tbe'r ,t:t.Ul!: p,a,del'p' no:[' out,[[ iggf![ s,b 01 U. I,d. t'o[llc.'b tbft t.l'ou,g:h wh:"'lst. playing .. ,

Adjust the position Df tb~ paddle in the Qut[igger so tbat, with the stylus ~esting on ~b@ ,sta~lonaryJ platter (without [ecg'Id) the p,a,ddle :ju,s't, E'eacbes ·t:nF.! batt,Qlm g,t thR trculgn g;V'e[' tbp.

'wblolrE: pl,ay'fng IS:I>A,fj"", 7',hlp" ~la~[c1~~,e :tS a 'tight lJush~fi1t :i,:n .'th'R ou,'tr ig'g'@r" BO["! ,t Ls be:st ad:) us·t~(][ b,y [ca.,t"~ :fu1'1"1' pu:s,,h in,g, ~.J:l,e' pa:[ddl~ or iou.'tr i gge1:[' I('as B.p.propr :l,·a tell" ,iI,lg:,a i.n5·1', 't,ti'A t [c,ug(h wi ,ttl ·t:h.ft sp,a n ne.r 'iii'

,. H,ft.I!i!',n, the c[o';['l'ect PO,S i t.i[on f'o'·~ t;be p,add:le :_I~as. b,e.en s:,st.lab.l isl1ie:g II

push the paddle up ~bout 3~m ~1/8·) ana apply a drop or two af

Sw'i,ng the ,t t!()ug'b, cl,ea:[

t k f'l .~ - -b-· -~

, :r QU,g iii I,'''''' ' _,' WI 1 ul 't,o -, :£":1 nc.a tJ:w,e

.~~ ·ftn 'o'f ,t~- ,t'·~~~~b'

~,,', .l~' ~V,r' .... 11., ~~~': II" ~u,~ "_: !!l1

I: 'f" ,,",III.. ~ ' .... W' I~'u--'nl ~ '~s' ~I:iln-:- ~8". ' .... ' f'-' 'Iii! 1- 1- 100000;,A "'~"i"I; 'f'" 11 'k, ',' f ' ct- -c,

_' l!.ii...!!1,~~ '-,iIi.!!I.;!I' "3 .,J ;10," WI, u~ 01;; ,',' "I" ~,u, I' .... ,!ILIr: 'u' £.Jen'e" 1. "S

da-~l~n~,n ~'l·l'll ~ft't-' -b~~ E-~~a-'l-~~~~ n~ "~t o"'v',e~-f~ll'~

'_ !111iII~f I II ':I In"_ '_, ' ["I~ I, I . ~--.J I I~ .. ..:., ':_"'~ gJ~UIIi uu ~IHIIU.-: . ...!Ij. . 1.. , ..•

The turntable i~ b@s~placed on a sturdy. level shelf. Tbe ~Sual,b[ack@t~d 18mm thick Sbel~ should ~e Supported direc~l~ b e: n~' a, 't,h, 'th e 'U,,11.1, t, t,o, :p:r. e v e~,n t, be ,nd, 1 [i,g,,~ Pro p r i e t r:'1 t u. rn t,a,bl e, ..... ta b 1 if! s

:m,a,y .b e g,s,ed '.' '

'D"~iI 'n .... ' 'h- ';if!i n """" 'ISJo iCIi II"" '1' ~ a ,A :':il, 'n A' t- Ik- _ -, ' 1- " dl ,. - - _, t h - '

,p,,!I:.III, '_ II!!!, , _ ~ ,rlY''!ftI!~', ... , --. ,'~:,IU, 'g, ,,~ . ,11i.l"I~ a,r mi--. 're'a, ,1 n a. s m.OO:., arc"., clea,r' ,of

,a,OJ/' obs t,_,[ uc't;,i!o:n,s" :5;10 as t.e a ],low' 'the ,pI Ln tn. to move f r:e@l:~ on 'tbe suspen5ion~ K~ep th@ arm~lead cl@ar of hum fields. eg power

:sup':pl ,i,e,s e'te,~ -

"" 0 .1 e v' e 1. t.. h. e t. 'Ill_I' ,r,' :n_'~ • ,t, ,:.w,:o. 1- EL_,I" ',r, ,A ·m_· ',A,',-,. '!ii~ IIBi t- 'I.. 1 - t t ... 1 .' h t

,& - - ~ - _ """" ~.. ~ "'"' '1" """ '~"u,e P' "a., ". e r ana . 'OOSE!:n, 'L-e' '<W'O

nuts on tbe plintb top~ with tbe spanner provided~ .eplace tbe p'la't:t,ft,[ ,a.nd ("p'r,eferabl', w"i,t,h. 'tbie aila a,f a, sp-i rI t:-level). set t.he 'pI. i,n'th 1 @'v@l by' ,ac:j UJs;'t:i,ng' ,tbe 't; W'O' sc Jr-e,w' ...... mcrI.u;.ted :f~'et iI

When lev@l, £emove the plat~er and tighten the nuts~ Beplace t.he, pla, 't.-t,e.l" ',,"

,1,5:: CO'IIN'ECTI'BS,

CClnrU! c -t t,o :yol'u'r S'Y' s, tt,le'm, ,r' e.n.s,'u ,r ,i, ng th a, 't. .a,II con nee t,o,r s a,r'@ C.], e an ,a,oo t:i'g.h.'t;l' s'w'·i,'t,ch. Ion the PO"W,fJ-,[ 'tu,~n up tbe~ g',ain a.'n.d (w'1 th s t,y,l ua c:,l,e,a,r) ehee k; flO!:" ~hum 0[[ an:!' u.nwan't,ed, f n t,e [f e'I"enc@,.,

If hum is present, disconnect the ~ains-9round ~t the mains~ plugF ensuring tbat the p[e~amp alone is grounded~ A separate ground wire from the plintb Irou~d to the pie-amp may also ~ure ,b"g:m,;l1 Sbou ld ,th e l,'um, pC!: it S i:5 t, chec, k 'til a ,t ,the a [m .... ,c,a ble a nd pte k-

up cartridge are free from hum fi@lds~

11'0171': Do n,Q"ti; 'Dpe.:r:,~Jite 't,ne 't,uf':n,t;,a,ble w.i th t,ne' ma i"p,s-g'round c1: :i ,SIIC 10 IUl of! e 't@:ld, u n .I .. €!: ,5d$ t, b el u: n i, ,t, :i ,s: 9 I 0 IJ nd: ,e' d: V'i a t 'h e ,a r Pl 1 @a'ets a n.d


pre-amp. as it eould be elect[ically unsafe.

1£ iIIi' iE1""b'E"~'n ~ IlL t-'iii""!"E"

lU ;.' 1~"",Ei!~ ~DirUIl~·· I

1;"0' ,eba:n,lg"~1 s,peerd", peln~~~t~l~~'n', ~k~ ~~l-,t

1.1 F.".~ ~ .& .. l ,~I_, II!-JI[Il,~ U § I _.

" ", '1' 11 ' ,- -, 1'frIj, h --, ' '11 '~:

po,· eY'il ~"ll,Il,e~ ,sm"a· .:a:

d ~ -~ -"5 'D'III')IU

l!. aLm e t,e~ f 'iIt: ~ ,it\.&' ~h,

If ~he drive sorfac@s ~~l~l A-- f'l~~~~ ~'hA~~~~g-lh'lfv

,;ul." ,:~,C!M;,i!!I:n'e .~, .~~IU" IL., ,U;LY,Y',_,.,,I

stop the turntablR and witb Slean bandsr onto the appropriat~ v-groove on (fie motor

di,a,me't,f!'l": 'gi'v',es, ,3,).1/3 RPM a'fio ,t,h'e; ,lar:g'@!

with th~ ·&tylus/reco~d clean.E·~

NO~E: Speed i[regularities (wow & flutter) can bft caused by contaminat@d delve ~U[faCft5~

1· . '''1i ' .. ' ~u IE! c·- if' :io, 11.11 '10,

I I I,J ~ii! JLIII"D ._·~n,r

P 1 tJU'= If!! ,t ~lH~i 'p 1 ,a, s :1: 1i C 'W' ,a, 5 tu?~ [ g n ,t.o 't,:h e: e ~ n, t [' ,~ 'S ~ in, di l'R: ,8 :ruji iP u t ,t, h,~ [Iffl;C:'Q'[[O [0 n t'o, t:ne :p,l,aj't'te~'["i :P',Q'Sl,'t.:i'cUl, t..h~ el,amp OV'Ie't t,tla~ I:f1H:;o,rd G.nd 5cr~w the th@ th~@a6~d shaft into thA tapped cen~re~s~ifidl~~ ~rh;l~· ~A'lIA~~n it"h'~ r'o~-~~ e~;ll- ~I~n·lu ~l~nlh'·e'n 'the tbumb~~~'[~ew

n:_; ,.iLl . ~l 'Ll ,L,~u U'liliiJ ~~'''3 1._,' J[F; . - ~ YI~I~. YI ~ ~,~. -,,-' "I .~ _~ ~~ ~ ~ ~". ~'" '~ .. !!. _ _ . __ j _ _I "_it. l __ ~I_ QI~. -. _' _',

SO as t,[O :E'Q,[ 'I: e th~ :['e·'c 10 ltd i. n t,Q 'C,Q[:nl't"a:c: ,t 'W 'i, 'f.. hi th e' :p1 a ·t. te' t '.

~I[O ~'E, ,;: 1 M a, Ju~ ,5, U ,[' e' 't.b,a. 't, th.e p-l a t tie: (' ,t o'p ," ,5 'c'o' m ,p.l Pol ,aJt,l~t f. r PoNe. ,f' E>O Ii, dust befo[e positioning the reco[d~

:t;i'O'T'E:: 2, Do - no t OI'V~':[ _-t i.g'bte n. 't;,he c',liulru'p,~ ·as, ita:ma.g,e :m"a,y 'OI,c'lcal [' 't,o

the record-oi tb~ clamp. ~

l'Oi ,Iio' '~,iIi J",~·I .. 'ii.!I.;"!!1 ~"D iD.'I" 'I' Il~'E' 'm'~','IE!"

. __ !iD [II!I II!: &M-Il'~' _IDQ .& gl~ l~~\ Jl _I la~ Al

Swing the trough clear of th~ platter to change records and swing it ,s~cur~l~ clo~ed whilst playing~ Tak~ care not to put your finge[s in th~ trcu9h~ as fluid could be accid~fttly dropped ~nto the lecofd~ If fluid is accidently spilled onto a record~

_ _ . i ,- -

·SA"e s~,c"tllon 191~

Before opening th~ t[ough~ efiSUl~ that the paddle is cested in the t icih.t, ...., ,end 'of th@ 't[oUig'h~

:~'OT E, l: D'O fJ:Q't at ·tJ!':m. 'pit to e"pe::n 'tb,e ,t, :r.CHlJlig' b w',b:i:1 s't, pl.a:, :i ng '!!'

:M IOT.:8 ,2::: 'Dlo, f,U')' ,t p"l ,a c e t:b e ,ii, [' :m! i, n ,t, h, e :p 1 a y i D'g Pi Q S 'i t. ion 'Wi:il, ,t, hi t,:h, e ,t, [f!0 Ui'Q, b ,o(pe n irI W i t.:h,(HU t, f' ii" r: ,S t [e~l'f:!',a n' 'D,f' f: ,al 11 'it, [ ae e 5! ill f :f lu i. d ,~,

'flo - cl.'ea It :1: l.'u!:i,d, 'tJ],e' t.ns ,of the· pa,(h:1,l'R', s'i.mplly blo,'" :i.'t

our,t-, ,t-'~@'n ~'I~n- ~llre~n-

_ I. [' ~ ,~,W _;1111 _ '"I, ~~ ~,~ _ gJ'~'~I.

I t L.. - ·1 ~ iI",· l' - - . -. ,-. . -. '. ,iL, ". 'f . -, ,- . ih f-]-' I' "~I ,. '. i 1-1 ,J!' .. - ". ' ,..,_.. ,. d ," .'

- In' 'u Ie un" II!';., e, _' Y BV@ niL 0';, 't. ,f '0' ug , ..... , - - , U 1, u 5, it 1,,- ' __ 1. n 91 0 n I;. g ,a,·) 1, s, 'c: "

h'ul~~~lv ~l~'pA un -i'~· ~ :tl· ~~'U'~ ~:n-A It~~~n~ ~'li·~~n ~1~·~ 'B' 't_ii~~~~e· ~~

--:.II" ,,~, ~J ~J' ll~' ft .. ~. _. r 1111' ti [1-.11111 I~i _," ~"IQI! ~ Q _. _U ". I~l' ~1_1_ I~I __ I ~d~ll III- I !I!ir. .. LI. t. " J _ ~ ~~,""':"'_l W l~

I .... " ..... 't· "t';ii"'ii'n- - ~.- ~".:zil - 0" ~: ~ ill!- Aiil"jj,_..:J, iLj'~: 1Il-.. .. ~" ... v 'I, U" 'e'·I:c'liI"e··,~n'r',.;.1 [II"'!! =1 OB!'$in',ffi, iF."!!!I_ I~'~,a II"'liaio,li""'g-'''''..;i' 'm' ~'U

"""'" ""'" _ 1_.!i",.II , __ ' ,1i.iI! IU u m _. ilL ,~, !!i..,§: iIIiI'~ u: lI'!I!' ,ii;, ' !U, '""", 1!...iIi . ". g,;'. ;&. : "",,,,'!!iIi!' ,Ii; Ul "'"''- ~ ~ __ ~ iL ,!!!' ~',Ii,I,~ ,~. ~ """. ,Ii, U, ~ , ,M",'

'.~ "-,'., i ...... i .~-·,'f'-' "'1-1" ····1· i.·_:( ... ..;i ' ," <:t· '1' t_-' "",~ -'.'--1:- ··--:.,...'I·J1II"'····~ ':I;-~·a·'IiIo.· ~~~, 'ii",,;B;'I~,"';;1 kl:'-,

,now ue ,!;,.a, _,~,_ y p, ~,a'Ym:u" ~IIJ ... ".:__ ,1:5 recommen,!;.iI eu !I!o;,U, • 111;.. !!!.,!I;,L~, ~,~COI"u ue

til:.;., - - .... I' .. 'iilo.l-" .7'11'-"" .~..1 . ".'" ,t'IL.. c· "·,,,··,t '-"]1 ., ,--, . '. -:-' ~ . "; 't-_ .... ,· 'LI·· .. ···._It..,· '.'iIl 'j ... ·t'

_ u,QI It 0 U gl ~.,I;. ,,'I c ,,L ~,a D'e:u 'W l. i_ ~;ill a w @ 1_, e ._, f!.if,i,:n,!f.!' ,it ,ill' ,eg ~.@ 1' .. ,U,'" ~J"a'II:1, r,!;;, s ill' ,~'1 ,I'"", .. '.y ....

G: f i 'It. 't'y V P'I [e' 'tiC -

", I I,~, '.,~I·~"-·Il ]1_ _ .. " __ . ,'_ , .. [ .. ,!!!!l ... ' .. ,rtiI' .' J •• :-:- _ ••• _. :- '!'~' _ -.:-1 .. _, l.. ~ ., - '_ ._ .. __ j'_' ._~.

NO~E: 1 If a cgn~am1nated record 1& placed 1ft a sleeve, the

:f' 1" '"~ '~I '" ,'11'1- '1' .-" -. -, -"., "";1 .', ".' t-' ,11:.., - ,,'1;;."'-"1-' .AI ,.ill -,.'- ,-' ,-·..:31 ~"1-"~"'<i- 'Ii!::' '1'IIi II'" 'f··-'·~ .... ,-

_ ,Ullu W 1- ''-'' ,S'PI[' ea,Q o V,E! (; . -.~:~,e W".!liilJ,,-,e' 'U 1:5C ,iUl'YI ,~" e:'~¥,'If,; ""'!II!.!!! iii, . Q"~I§; l!!!

'iJIO' " 'mlC" '.. '911 II:" 'fil ,"" 't-: .. ' I~" ,-' , '.' - ." '.. '~, ,"', -". " i '. ,.. " .;::' ,~~ ". .' -. 'f:~'·'''' ", ,., I'· ~'I' -, ,-. 'if"' .;, .--:-', -:- :-', '" Iii" .. ,~ .. ~ .. ", f", .

,,,,,,.. -.' ,J! IY '.. ;it, ,Eil".IL, 1,' -.iI!: !!!;::!I:r a, ma 1!"'I!,1I11,Q,n ~ ,5 0,:11.. L e r iI . - :£:' Ie if;!: c"~_,,e,a,'11 ,.II, ng is IE!: ~ Y ,1.11: e, " c r

~"l~ 11 1"; 1 ..... " ..... - I-:;" .... ,,~"l· I ~.,~..:::i' ._, ...... ,. 't-· ,- ... ~,'Iff" ' .. 't-I · .. .;:iiil ,~,,~ '~',oi"!l"ii:!'i 'l"iln" .... ,l·1 -~.~I~: iFjO,n '!ii, 'n-·,Elil!b" '1 .. ·· n-·'n.ill,·['- .... ,'~ -1' -'"""i'iij· .. ·· "

~, ,_, , '!!i.;;. u,n, ~ ,;Ii,. :__. U, ,!II. y. C y n .'_,a, m J!.. n a. I. ,eu u ''''''~ ","",,~ " "Ii ~!!!.;; _ u,u ,iL, I 11;':::11' ,~, ,_ ,!liTo, n , ,,_ I ,'fji ~" [I;~, "'. e,

lif' l'·..:1:Ii~ - ~--t--- ...:::i -Ilo; ~-t

,,@.x,c:, lJu 1L,o'9' pO:!ij i~,ag"e:, pii.c,~a,g 1 091,;, ,~

'~o-;' .. DIU RiI!f!i'\ji'I"iIi"'i' 1m-;'H"iG" !!p'D.nO-I~H'

~I'.· _ [~~I~· [Jt ,~,_" "'i~j IA ,.~u .:_ U:_:_,

If th~ turntabl@ \5 to be t£ansport~a, it is n~c~ssary tD empty th~ t~ougb so as to p~event spillage~

g,em.lo'v'[e- the ,1 :i"d: f':r.o'm ·th,'~' t:['gug·b .... fl'u i!6 ,00 t,t .. l ft' a,no[ ,p.l,QC[B 'i t 'a'illl tb,!! table~ Dn5c~ew the trough ana POQ~ the fluid out from tb@ end into tbR bottle~ Use the Allen key to slowly scrape th@ fluid

[~iO:,IIli:I'III"Ii, 'It ~~, ~n'l' 'y.,' 1I"II,.a~i'_~'~~i[· y.' ~~ I' ",e'ml[f!'!iIV'e' ,liIootM!' ibll'lii).I:Lo ,~f'-' '~he f';;'l' i~,,,,,.ji,ia·J'" _ '. _ 1'" p ... ,a

.u .. '.'11 I l.l I 6. ~ U1 II, ,. Il,~ G: ~i ~II~ ~ g I I '. '!Lrv !II'! I ~._ _ ~ _. _ _ _ u .~. U I~ - - II'! _'" ~ ~ _ I!II'!I •. J I . ~

- - - _. - -._ - - - - - " J - I

o,:f ,f ial:ny &,P '1 l.l. [a g e. ,f ,E' em ithe iQ LlJ·t 5: i,a El!: II!

:1' f t,b.@~ 't,g ,r,':n ,t,CI,b,l,@ 'i, ,5, tOI D@ P,U.'C k'i!,dj a '~l ay ~ 't,:bo,r 10lUg b,I,' !C'"rp1' 8 'Ill tb e

trough witb tb~ wbi~e-spirit cleaner~

"1:1- ~ID~'I' u~, ''!l::II''E.''IR-:'!''''I'-·~',.L'' :IIi' 11', 'l'I~IIiiiiI'~I- i"fij' ~!,:III,.~"I. i·'i1'11"':H.:·'~1 ~_I'iI: 1I:IIIDI~J'.· ·_u I.~~:__. ~ ~~ ,nUI_I~g,n'ID ._.,£ tl,lng .!I~U.,.L. '0'

T: lbll~ ,to 101 :P' HI a II '11, 'it, i. n <ill :f a c R 01 :f ,to h ft e a ,I[' t. 'I: i!e g: e mi, 1J,81 ,to :b~' pl,el It' iii. 1. 1. p.~ 1 W· :il. ·t, h the r~cotd surface when vi~wed from thA f[oftt~ for correct ve: r ,to i ca.l ,al iig,r:nrn~D,'t.. 'T,O cl,tu~!'C k tho ts, pla.ce a. ~~Hn.a.ll ,m i rr o r on t.ll@.· p·l a t 't.e' ,E" a nc '9 'R n ,t l:~i' p 1. a C Ie 'to e s 't:y 1 u. S 10 n ,t hie RiLl. I" tt Q :r' iii fldi o bs;,@ E' 'v P, tJl~' r f! ,1 f'elc. t. lion of t.bie· 'ea ,I: t [ i,d glle '~I T,h.!9: "Ie r ,to .i.c,a.1 a .. l il; n.II',Lf!':n t, i 5 !C'OI' [' e' c't. Iwb,A',n 't .. h,e' IC'i). ,[ t,,:tt· lege' a:nd 'i,·ts [' ref lec:·t.icUl a r,e, p,a r.'allel,. If 'th ts is n 10 ,t ,t he' e ,ad~; 'e' r U :S 18' ·t tH!: ,a l' :Iml. ,a Ie jl U:5 t .ml 'F!: n 'to 5, 't.OI po u t. t h i 5, r i 19 :h t '. 1. :f' ,lit It) ad:j U.·s t. :m'e<ml.'t e: x: i s t:s eUl. Y (Ul if,' a, ["'m, tt :b,e:n pl,iu: e. s.h i.:m s 'tl n de r t. b e' a iI:' :DiIJ""'"

.... ,. -, ~ " ," 't;;, , ~'..,. iii- ,~~. - ;Ii;. ,iii - 1 ]'1 ,~ _. _ .. ,-. -. ~"- t h- .~

IU a 5 el~ a, m a ,!"Ii, 'e .1 '!I... IC'O t E' f! IC· '~ iIIj. '''' Ie I"'~ 1, Ie: Q .. _. a. _ 1 g :1i1, WIT '@ n 'I~ I' Q';[' a:1 1.R': U ' I"; , rii' .~, s'

'au') s·,t i:m po.r 't,a'o t I~

'2"~ , 'B' 'I' _, i~ '.~ IIDIQ R"e' -'''I'iU~ ~D",,"r'

,., '-~jli: II __ ~l ,~_UI ·.L~·~:Ia·_;D~ E'U,ft~~

B,:i a ,S , 0:[ ,iSrn.'t i ..... "s.k,'lEi. ~ :i.~n·g 'f e C C'f!: ,I' .i 5, th.e QIUI ,t W 8 .. f d .s, f 0'[' ,c:e ,iI.p'p,l i If!:d art t .. b'e: ,a r ,m b ,a. S,le' 't'OI C' iO un 'tie' I' ac t 'th,le Ln w· a :rrd pdtJl :~ - 'gre :n.e::~ a·t.edl bl:!' th,e: 'l~'n't~~~~~t~l'~n ~~ tb- s;~'r,',"l!ns ~n" t-·~@ ,[.~-~.~~ wh@nusiftA arms wl~b

.~ II J ~ tlLll l~ "- , _ W 1j~1l U' ,~, I I I ~ . _. ~" 1 ._ _ v. _, . 11IJ _!r. I ~ ~ ~ ,L U I' _-_ ._"_ _ 1 __ l _ J. - - ::;I" .

an,g le,d, 'he'algi:s he, 1.1. ·8·'lIi II i,8.s; a~n,l t, E' ack, i,rI;g' ,f:Q rc!e~ are Idlll e'c:t l'Y' .:i.n.'te: :[' __

related, an~ must be optimi~ed togekher a~ follows~

Set tbe tracking force to the ~artridge makel~s recommended v's..1 D'@<I ·t.he bl.B.s 't.,o :m i.d wa~l' a ndJ plalY 't.b.I~' :h i.,gb.e~s t. l.ev'@l .],0 I) B Z .i ,a t. e r 81 :cr~ 0 (hil a It i QI n. ,t, ,[ ae k ,. (Ul, ,a.·9 ololcf ·t. est a- :i.,5 is' 'I e 91 :1. :rJs ,S l 0 [ t h 'R Or~ofon test record)@ R~duce or incr~as@ the tracting fo[ce until only on@ chann~l ~L or B, is distorting, then adjds~ the bias so that tbe mistraeking is elimlnat~d ~

If ~he mlst£acklng 1s on-the [19b~ channel (modulated on ~b~ OIIUI t,F.l' [' ,s.:1 d if! lo<f 9 [[',oIO/Vle)1 tb.le'liil '·a lSI@) ·t~he bi , •. :s"",

If th@ mistraeking Is Oft tb~ l@it chaRnel (modulat@d on the .1 QJ1JR: :1;' B 'i la,p.: 01 ·tb e S'r'oe v 1e:)1 tbe:n aie:lc [·,e.a s'e: t~b.e· bi aa,

Bolt the binges to the t~ac of th@ plintb~ ensuring that the bo,l t: .... h~"ad5, a [':9 [on. , :i n.s id,@:.,

T,n, r'e ad! 't,n e ,I) [':m --1 ,e ,a,d (, s,~ a"nd t;,h'f! pO['w If.! ['''''"',1 A aid t,h,. [' 10 u'9 b it,h,e appropriate holes (the mains~plug may have to b@ r@movedJ and pos, i. ,t, :i.CHiI ·th.e: ,tu ['n,'tiabl,e' io'to 'th,lP.i pI i nth ,i,

~l~n 't~-h~ li~A ;o't,_ it,'h~l~ 'b~n-n--~'l~'t.--"~~~I~in-ft ~~~,t 't.~.a ·~t~~nn

~. t~~' ',,: ._rc ... ---.:. Y ~ II . lUI .1, ,~ ,'_.~ ·.~,~I~-l~,~ v ..:_,5. e"_[~I~lW ,~, ~'--"~l ~'IL"~~I"' I ,lIllI11~ I~._ 1~I~J,r

a, 09 ,1, ~ i, s a, to ,ttl e (' e Cli, ,[ ,ij :1 ,t :m a:y ,b~ ,b:e: 1. p f u 1 ,t 0' ope n th if! :h.i ngi e ..... sLo 't, 5, with a screwdriver whilst ins~cting-tbe lid~

The ,em.all e!s't. amou.:n't, 'o,f eon 1t,a,m in,a't, ion Q,t ehp., s,ty Lus wi 1..1. C,HU 5 e

qu, i, t"e ,m a [' k,ed CI e 9 [' edi ,il ,t, 1.101'"' 'i n. s o'u.rn:) 'q: u,a,l. it",. , a s a it 1t 0 n ,th e ,15 't,y] 'tUS

ll, :i, 'f' ts t be sit y 111.1 5 CHJ't 0 f 'the :r if! C 0, [' C 9 E' [QiO V'R ,[II T,',bu 5; le,a r 'Q' f u;.l • E' e gl u.l a ,['

IC 1 ;e'G ,n :i, ng: 1;$ fa ,s,s,@',n t .i. a 1 ;., ITI,he 'm, 0 s ,t, ,t:h OJ [' au.g·b 'II' a', t.o e 1 e an th.e! ,s't,y 1 'l!J ,s, Ls tlO use a: Clo't,'to,n·....,bud, :mc,.i.:s't"eo'f!:d w:i."t,b, 'the, M,sttylu:s,lr@cot'd c,l,ea'ne,[[., and gently brush forward, along ~h~ cantilever and under the stylus, with a slight forward. rotary motion~ ~he most stubborn contamination sits just behind the stylus~ fllling the gap

'i;.""i!II, ,t, !I·.'~' e' en' ' 5" t" 'vI' 'il'~ e ;_t' n- A n '~, 'A t' , 1:·' 1i' I~i ~::~',A !F" ,~,ft d~1 w~' : l~ 11 '0""" 10, k ... , ... e 'm .i["I;'I:i a,..::l' .._''U' 111-., 1" R '!idi ~: n g' ,

U!~I-,·nl .. - .. _, I -." !~~',Jl: .. ,~~1 , IU !~'~,Jdl, J~"_"~V"~~ II;I,IIH!!!},-' . __ ', _'~'L ~ ~'~, __ 'liiJ.'¥:!~Ul ~I.I: !i),n,~~.:al.JJI.~.

[Dr 'w'ipin,[g' 'with, [aJ. dr:,y, ..... ,b['u:sh or ,f'io'g['erll'

HOTE: Metbolated spirit~ alcbobol bas@d and p@trD~themical based solv~nts bave been recomR@nd.d in tbe past for s~Jlus cleaning~ but tbese a~Q unsuitable, as th@y can affect the

51, y n ,t 11. @ 't~:l, C :[' u b bile, :1" c an 't; i l'e v"e' ,r' s u ,s,P@ :n ,S l o n Ii C a 'IJ, s :in 9 :s e 'v'e' [' e

A~ft['~~~~'t~l~"'n- in sound and ultima't~el~u ~h'l~ t'~'t"a'l f'ailure of" 't~h:~

! [IWI, _ ":II " Q"U I§!!, ," -. IIi;oiI' [,_, , _' """ " ,", "", • ! _' _ '.I" ~,' 1I;ii;' '" U " ' ',' - _' ' ''', ~

, ... ,.~, .,.. ,b 'Ii!" ,,;j ·..:Jia~ ~Ig lL iL &;1 &UI~I~ ~

Properly clean and well adjusted equipment works well and

,.,;!li '1 l'~' ~ 't-' ,B, '-01 l:~i 'Ifi'o ,n'

:501 g,n,d So 9 f' e a ,t 1I,. 'it!ll!'!II!' "'Qi'O!y ::__ " . !eli' ,,,,",,_. ,II ~ [II,

'nl' i; IIf.'ii ..... h, ~ 'L ~ .. ~.

11:'"' I I .Ili.II~:~ I~I~,II! 'T 1"11.0

4,00 x '(:16 x 4·,4~.2 x.


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(: 2,1'10':l €l'~5lb)

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Walnut/Gold Ht~iD


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I~LI1:aR-'Ir,·L· .

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'~::rn'l"t" ·~n'¥'v,.-.j .--:Ql'~!~

F,[equ~,n'c'y' low,e['


100/120 V, ac only

."!r'c-a:. iiU T'~-L

!nDf.·-.~I~~1 .


'WIOw & ,Flut,'te,r'

A -" 'LA - - t-· 'n-

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,S, p@le: i f: i IC, f ~"a t,lJ.l"' ~ 5, Q :f' 't:n P. Ell, t"p" He c lie a :1" e p'C 0 't'e c t'ed 'U :nd:'B' r ",a, 'te,n, ,It, NOs.~

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