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University of Strathclyde: Chemistry for bioscience!

Lecture Notes.

28th of September 2010.

What to understand?

 Atomic structure.
 Understand the relationship between different atoms and explain different reactivity.

Our main objective as Chemists is to UNDERSTAND THE PERIODIC TABLE and how it is made up. 

Reactivity of atoms and

Shape of molecules! molecules!


properties Forces in and between

Types of energy include: light, heat, chemical, electrical and potential. These are all simply inter-
converted! These are brought about how these molecules react:

Translational: Molecules moving in gas phase.

Vibrational: Vibrating atoms in a molecule!

Rotational: Energy of rotations in a molecule!

Electronic: Energy of electrons in a molecule. 

There are 3 different particle types:

Electron ( - charge) Proton ( + charge) SAME! Neutron ( No charge)

Mass= 9x10^-31kg (e-) Mass= 1.7x10^-27kg (p+) Mass= 1.7x10^-27kg (N)

Plum pudding model! (Easy model)
Particles randomly mixed and for every proton there was a subsequent electron! It did not define it
enough though...

Thus gave the GOLD FOIL experiment: Which included

 Bombard foil with α particles

 Most went right through but some were reflected back (1 in 8000)

So this indicates atoms are MOSTLY EMPTY SPACE. Their MASS is CONCENTRATED in the MIDDLE.
Their positively charge central core (nucleus).

It was later shown that their atom diameter was 10^-10m and nucleus diameter was 10^-15!

e.g. the football stadium!


Electrons! What are they doing man?
 Could be static? They can’t be still or they would be attracted to the nucleus.
 Dynamic? Revolve around nucleus but get tired and lose momentum: then fall into nucleus.

So; Rutherford’s gold foil model gave the idea of the nucleus but not what the electrons
were doing 

Quantised energy levels!

Max Planck: Idea that “radiant energy only emitted in discrete bundles of energy.”

So energy system is not continuously variable but has discrete energy levels! THE STAIRS.

The next advance –page 263-264.

Light emission spectrum of hydrogen!

 Done by passing electric discharge through hydrogen at low pressure.
 Spectrum had SHARPLY DEFINED lines at DEFINATE wave lengths (λ)
 Gas only emits light at these wave lengths (λ)

Infrared, visible and ultraviolet is paschen, balmer and lyman! 

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