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Misperceptions About Ismaili History

One misperception of Hasan Bin Sabbah (aka The Old Man of the
Mountain) was called the “Garden Of Paradise”. In the Garden Of Paradise myth,
the Ismaliles were being attacked by the Saljuqs and Hasan Bin Sabbah sent his
wife and his daughter to a different fortress. His wife and his daughter lived in the
fortress independently and had a simple life. Juwayni who was apart of the
Mongols and apart when the Mongols inspected the old fortress before it was
destroyed there was no evidence that there was a secret garden there. But it only
included that Hasan Bin Sabbah’s discovery in the Alamut library. When Marco
Polo called the Ismailis assassins because they were using drugs to make Hasan’s
followers think they were in a paradise. The misperception was that there was no
evidence of the garden and it was just a cover up for Hasan Bin Sabbah.
Another misperception was about the Legend Of The Assassins. In the
Legend Of The Assassins it was know that Marco Polo had visited the city and
wrote about the assassins. He said that Hasan Bin Sabbah gave his followers drugs
to make them think it was paradise and Hasan could tell them to do anything he
wanted them to do. This made people think that Ismailis were bad people.

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