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Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care 6 E

by Carol Taylor, Carol Lillis, Priscilla LeMone

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Converted From Instructor Electronic Source - 11/11/2009

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
1)A nurse has decided to focus on educating the community about health promotion
and wellness. Which of the following would be an example of this? 1) _______
A)Holding classes on prevention of sexually transmitted disease
B)Teaching a class about home accident prevention
C)Initiating prenatal and infant care
D)Implementing an exercise class for clients who have had a stroke
2)A seasoned nurse who acts as a mentor for a new graduate is practicing which o
f the standards of professional performance? 2) _______
A)Leadership B) Collaboration
C)Collegiality D) Evaluation
3)The nurse is caring for several acutely ill clients during the shift. Which of
the following is an example of the nurse practicing the professional criteria o
f autonomy? 3) _______
A)Complaining to the supervisor about high acuity level and staff-to-client rati
B)Delivering medications and prescribed treatments in a timely manner
C)Communicating with peers when help is needed
D)Deciding to prioritize care according to client needs
4)In alignment with the contributions of Florence Nightingale, the Vietnam Women
's Memorial was established to honor which of the following? 4) _______
A)The image of the angel of mercy
B)Those who brought a human touch to the suffering and dying
C)Surgical advancements and the use of anesthetic agents
D)The memory of Ms. Nightingale
5)A practicing RN decides that attending an upcoming workshop about new pharmaco
logical treatments would benefit his or her practice. This RN is modeling which
of the standards of professional performance? 5) _______
A)Professional practice evaluation
D)Quality of practice
6)Nursing students offer free occult blood screening at a community health fair.
This activity would be an example of which area of nursing practice? 6) _______
A)Restoring health
C)Promoting health and wellness
D)Illness prevention
7)A nurse is working closely with a client regarding a chemotherapy regimen, pro
viding consultation, education, and direction for the client and the client's fa
mily. This nurse would most likely be certified as which of the following? 7) __
A)Nurse entrepreneur B) Nurse educator
C)Nurse practitioner D) Clinical nurse specialist
8)A client wishes to discontinue treatment for his cancer. Acting as the client
advocate, the nurse makes this statement to the client's physician: 8) _______
A)"The client is making his own decision."
B)"The family must be involved in this decision."
C)"The client would benefit from additional information about treatment options.
D)"Let's educate the family about the consequences of this decision."
9)A student nurse has set up study groups, complete with objectives and goals fo
r each session. This student is practicing which attribute of organization? 9) _
A)Specialized education B) Governance
C)Service orientation D) Socialization
10)The client questions information gathered from a website. Which of the follow
ing is the best response by the nurse to these questions? 10) ______
A)"Bring your information to the clinic so we can go through it together."
B)"Information from the Internet isn't accurate."
C)"Don't trust anything you haven't received from our office."
D)"We'll have to check this information with your physician."
11)The advanced practice nurse refers the client to physical therapy for further
rehabilitation. This is an example of which of the ANA standards of practice? 1
1) ______
A)Diagnosis B) Implementation
C)Planning D) Assessment
12)A nursing program utilizes nurse preceptors in some of its clinical experienc
es. These nurses are considered proficient in their clinical area. According to
Benner's stages of nursing expertise, these nurses would belong to which stage?
12) ______
A)Stage II B) Stage III C) Stage IV D) Stage V
13)The term patient usually implies that the person is: 13) ______
A)Seeking assistance because of illness.
B)Proactive in his or her health care needs.
C)Using a service or commodity.
D)A collaborator in his or her care.
14)The client recovered to a greater level that what was previously expected. Th
e staff nurse responsible for the client's care is following which of the ANA st
andards of practice? 14) ______
A)Planning B) Evaluation
C)Diagnosis D) Implementation
15)Public health and health promotion roles for nurses are components of nursing
envisioned by which of the following nurse leaders? 15) ______
A)Clara Barton B) Florence Nightingale
C)Mary Brewster D) Lillian Wald
16)Throughout the course of the nursing program, professionalism is exemplified
by the faculty. The student nurse practices professionalism by which of the foll
owing? 16) ______
A)Acquiring characteristics considered to be professional
B)Promising to uphold the standards of the profession
C)Learning about the influences of Florence Nightingale
D)Maintaining specific character and spirit
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
17)Organize these events in chronological order, beginning with the earliest (1)
and ending with the most recent (5):
_______ The Order of Deaconesses opens a small hospital in Kaiserswerth,
_______ The Knights of St. Lazarus dedicate themselves to the care of pe
ople with
leprosy, syphilis, and chronic skin conditions.
_______ Harriet Tubman provides care to slaves fleeing on the Undergroun
d Railroad.
_______ The Cadet Nurse Corps is established.
_______ Florence Nightingale administers to soldiers during the Crimean
War. 17) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
18)The nurse has assumed the responsibilities of case manager. Which of the foll
owing would these include? 18) ______
A)Evaluating performance of ancillary workers
B)Managing an acute hospital stay
C)Delegating activities to other nurses
D)Identifying areas of client concern or problems
19)Which of the following nurse leaders campaigned for the legislation that allo
ws nurses, rather than physicians, to control the nursing profession? 19) ______
A)Lavinia Dock B) Mary Breckinridge
C)Margaret Higgins Sanger D) Virginia Henderson
20)The community health nurse is working primarily with teenage mothers and thei
r children. The nurse recognizes that these clients have increased vulnerability
, mainly due to which of the following? 20) ______
A)Raising children without the support of family
B)Increased poverty
C)Normal difficulties of adolescence
D)Distance separation from their nuclear families
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
21)Principles recommended by the Institute of Medicine to address the problem of
insurance coverage include which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
__________ Health coverage should be for everyone.
__________ Families and individuals should have coverage they can afford.
__________ Coverage should be provided by private companies.
__________ Health coverage should be ongoing and uninterrupted.
__________ Hospitals should be financed through taxation. 21) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
22)A nurse is interviewing a client at a clinic near a shelter for the homeless.
Understanding the increased risk poor physical environment creates for this cli
ent, the nurse will focus on which of the following during the intake phase of t
he interview? 22) ______
A)Improper nutrition
B)Recent history of chills and body aches
C)Lack of social support
D)Few personal resources
23)The spouse of a client diagnosed with Stage I/II Alzheimer's disease must con
tinue to work full-time. The spouse tells the occupational health nurse that the
client has started to wander outside the house, forgets to turn off the stove a
fter preparing food, and tries to drive the car if the client finds the keys. Th
e nurse should recommend which of the following? 23) ______
A)Placing the client in an adult day-care environment
B)That the spouse consider early retirement
C)Considering increasing the client's medications to slow the progress of the di
D)Long-term care placement for the client
24)A group of nurses are working to open a clinic that focuses on health promoti
on. Which of the following is an example of a health promotion activity? 24) ___
A)Evaluating regional industrial centers for environmental pollution
B)Teaching biofeedback techniques for stress reduction
C)Providing immunization clinics
D)Teaching smoking cessation classes to adolescents
25)Healthy People 2010 has two primary goals. Which of the following is in align
ment with one of the goals? 25) ______
B)Opening a wellness clinic
C)Developing better insurance controls
D)Providing free screening to schoolchildren
26)The manager of a small clinic has cross-trained the nurses to not only provid
e basic nursing care, but also perform ECG testing, phlebotomy, and some respira
tory therapy interventions. This clinic is an example of which delivery model? 2
6) ______
A)Managed care B) Critical pathways
C)Patient-focused care D) Case management
27)A nurse has begun working in a hospital that provides services in all special
ty areas (medical, surgical, pediatrics, obstetrics). This hospital is classifie
d as which of the following? 27) ______
A)Short-term hospital B) Long-term care hospital
C)Specialty hospital D) General hospital
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
28)Which of the following factors have an effect on health care delivery? (Selec
t all that apply.)
__________ Increased use of complementary and alternative medicine
__________ More knowledgeable consumers
__________ Increase in the number of elderly
__________ Decrease in chronic disease
__________ Technological advances
__________ Economics 28) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
29)A seasoned RN is especially competent in knowledge of the computerized charti
ng system in a facility and is able to assume the team leader role on a regular
basis. These two characteristics are the basis of which system? 29) ______
A)Case method B) Primary nursing
C)Differentiated practice D) Team nursing
30)A client has been recovering after an injury that left him partially paralyze
d. The client is a young adult and intent on living independently, as before the
injury. The best referral for this client would be to which of the following? 3
0) ______
A)Occupational therapist B) Paramedical technologist
C)Physical therapist D) Case manager
31)A nurse has just moved from a facility that utilized differentiated practice.
Which of the following delivery systems would most resemble this system? 31) __
A)Functional method B) Team nursing
C)Case method D) Shared governance
32)A client who is at least 65 years of age is asking the nurse how he will affo
rd his hospitalization, which has now been extended, involving extremely expensi
ve drugs. The best response by the nurse is: 32) ______
A)"Don't worry. I'm sure everything will work out OK."
B)"Much of your care will be covered by Medicare."
C)"I'll have someone from the business office come and talk to you about your bi
D)"You need to focus on recovering, not worrying about finances."
33)A client is being discharged following an extensive illness. The client conti
nues to require IV antibiotics, is not able to complete ADLs (activities of dail
y living) without assistance, and has no family available to assist in the recov
ery phase. The nurse should make a recommendation for this client to: 33) ______
A)Go to a nursing home.
B)Be discharged to an extended care facility.
C)Remain in the hospital until the antibiotic course is completed.
D)Stay in the hospital until the client is fully capable of self-care.
34)A nurse is working in a clinic whose emphasis is on cost control, customer sa
tisfaction, health promotion, and preventive services. This represents which typ
e of system? 34) ______
A)Case management B) Differentiated practice
C)Managed care D) Patient-focused care
35)A client is in the end stages of cancer. By which type of service would this
client best be served? 35) ______
A)Health restoration B) Palliative care
C)Acute care D) Rehabilitation
36)A client has just been referred to hospice care, and the spouse asks the hosp
ice nurse why the client needs the change in services. The best response by the
nurse is: 36) ______
A)"It's best for your spouse to be cared for at home."
B)"So we can see if there's any way to improve your spouse's life."
C)"Hospice care is cheaper than acute care."
D)"There is no need for acute care any longer."
37)An elderly client has no family in the same community, lives alone in a small
house, and is having greater difficulty with mobility due to advanced osteoarth
ritis. Cognitively, this client is alert, is able to manage her own business mat
ters, and does her own cooking, but does not enjoy "cooking for one." The home h
ealth nurse who visits has noticed that the client is losing weight and does not
have as much energy or interest in activities as on previous visits. The nurse
should recommend that the client: 37) ______
A)See a psychiatrist since the client appears depressed.
B)Consider moving to an assisted living facility.
C)Start thinking about long-term care.
D)Check out joint replacement options for the osteoarthritis.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
38)Nurses are directly involved in cost containing or cost control measures. Whi
ch of the following reasons are related to cost increases? (Select all that appl
__________ Rising numbers of uninsured
__________ Total population is decreasing
__________ Inflation
__________ Use of prescription drugs is leveling off 38) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
39)A clinic in a rural area depends primarily on the services of a nurse practit
ioner. The legislation that allows this opportunity is which of the following? 3
9) ______
A)Rural Health Clinics Act
C)National Health Planning and Resources Development Act
40)A new graduate nurse is looking for employment and is hoping to find a facili
ty that utilizes nursing personnel based on their educational preparation and sk
ill set. Which of the following systems implements this practice? 40) ______
A)Managed care B) Shared governance
C)Patient-focused care D) Differentiated practice
41)A nurse is helping to set up an elder social group at a local senior center w
here residents can come to play cards or participate in structured activities th
ree times a week. This nurse is working in which function of community? 41) ____
A)Social interparticipation B) Social control
C)Socialization D) Mutual support
42)A parish health nurse is working with a particular congregation in setting up
a support program for shut-ins within the congregation who are not able to come
to regular prayer services. In this capacity, the nurse is working in which of
the following roles? 42) ______
A)Counselor B) Educator
C)Facilitator D) Referral source
43)When completing a community assessment, the community health nurse will take
several aspects into account. What is the first stage of this assessment? 43) __
A)Identify the boundaries of the community.
B)Understand the major illnesses present in the community.
C)Learn about the people in the community.
D)Make sure resources are available in the community.
44)A nurse educator is explaining primary health care (PHC) and the extension of
its boundaries beyond traditional health care services. Issues related to PHC i
nclude which of the following? 44) ______
A)Low life expectancies and high mortality rates among children
B)Consumerism and governmental subsidies
C)Distribution and participation
D)Environment, agriculture, and housing
45)Nursing students are required to attend at least two community activities rel
ated to health and wellness. What resource would best help them identify the typ
e and time of these activities? 45) ______
A)Local newspapers B) Telephone book
C)Recreational directors D) Online computer services
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
46)Primary health care is incorporated into five major principles. Which of the
following apply?
__________ Focus on individual participation
__________ Appropriate technology
__________ Focus on disease management
__________ Equitable distribution
__________ Multisectoral approach 46) _____________
47)The ANA recommended several changes for health care reform. How many of them
have been implemented since 1991? 47) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
48)After a community was hit by a tornado, the nurses of the local Red Cross Cha
pter helped to make sure people had adequate food and clothing. Which function o
f community were these nurses focused on restoring? 48) ______
A)Social control
B)Distribution of goods and services
C)Mutual support
D)Social interparticipation
49)A nurse is working in collaboration with a group of health care providers in
a community clinic setting. They have defined a problem and now are focusing on
objectives and considering various viewpoints presented by the group. Which of t
he competencies of collaboration does this describe? 49) ______
A)Trust B) Mutual respect
C)Communication D) Decision making
50)Several nurses at the county health department are involved in planning commu
nity health. In order to create a plan that will be acceptable to members of the
community, who else should be involved in this venture? 50) ______
A)Members of the chamber of commerce and governing board of the community
B)Just the nurses at the county health department
C)Physicians and other nurses
D)As many people from the community as possible
51)A client is getting ready to go home from an intermediate care facility follo
wing surgery and a lengthy recovery period. Which item will the home health nurs
e focus on in order to determine effectiveness of the discharge teaching plan? 5
1) ______
A)Follow-up appointment dates
B)Activity restrictions
C)Signs of complications
D)Return demonstration of dressing change
52)When explaining the difference between community and population, the nurse ed
ucator uses which of the following as an example for population? 52) ______
A)A group of employees at a local plant
B)A grade school class
C)Commuters on the subway
D)Graduating nursing students
53)After implementing health promotion activities and plans to prioritize health
problems, the community must evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. W
hich groups would be involved in this process? 53) ______
A)Health care providers, consumers, community leaders, and politicians
B)Hospital and clinic personnel who administered health care needs
C)Those consumers who were directly affected by the services provided
D)Health care providers at the community level
54)A parish nurse is helping a group of new parents within the congregation find
appropriate health care providers within the community who specialize in infant
/child and family health care needs. This nurse is functioning in which of the f
ollowing roles? 54) ______
A)Health educator B) Integrator
C)Facilitator D) Referral source
55)The nurse is helping in discharge planning of a client who needs extensive re
habilitation and is on a complicated medication schedule. The nurse would want t
o include which of the following persons in this client's plan? 55) ______
A)Client's spouse B) Physician
C)Social worker D) Pharmacist
56)Several nurses are working in concert with other health care providers for a
group of individuals within the community who have complications of diabetes mel
litus and require extensive dressing changes and comprehensive education. The nu
rses and providers are working within the context of which of the following? 56)
A)Health education B) Collaboration
C)Health promotion D) Case management
57)A nurse case manager must be vigilant in protecting the client's health infor
mation. Because the nursing office is in a cluster of offices that share a fax m
achine, which action by the nurse ensures that HIPAA requirements are met? 57) _
A)Have the client sign a consent for information to be released.
B)Have sending agencies call ahead before any information is sent.
C)Take relevant information over the phone.
D)Do not utilize the fax machine; depend on the mail system.
58)A large community clinic provides health education, illness prevention, acute
care, screening, and rehabilitation and health promotion services for the chron
ically ill. In assessing the type of approach this represents, the community hea
lth nurse would identify this as which of the following? 58) ______
A)Wellness center B) Community-based setting
C)Integrated health care system D) Community outreach center
59)Several student nurses are compiling information about their community and wa
nt to understand more about services to maintain and promote health. What entity
would be most helpful to them? 59) ______
A)Chamber of commerce
B)Recreational directors
C)Public and university libraries
D)Teachers and school nurses
60)A nurse is completing a community assessment and must understand where the ma
in health facilities are located and how many residents in the community are wel
fare recipients. The best source for this information would be which of the foll
owing? 60) ______
A)County health department B) Police department
C)State census data D) City health planning board
61)The client is working to include his spouse in the treatment and recovery pro
cess of his illness. Which of Roy's modes does this exemplify? 61) ______
A)Interdependence B) Role function
C)Physiologic D) Self-concept
62)A nursing student would like to explore the meaning of spirituality among cli
ents and their response to spiritually centered interventions in nursing practic
e. The work of which theorist would be most beneficial for this student? 62) ___
A)Neuman B) Peplau
C)Nightingale D) Roy
63)The pediatric nurse implements Watson's assumption regarding a caring environ
ment by which of the following? 63) ______
A)Selecting games and activities that are age appropriate for the clients
B)Ensuring that a zone of professionalism is present between the nurse and clien
C)Allowing the clients to have choices, as appropriate, in their care
D)Providing all needs and cares to the nurse's clients
64)Nursing staff members from an acute psychiatric unit have been asked to estab
lish a nurse theorist they can easily identify with in their practice. Understan
ding the importance of developing a therapeutic relationship between themselves
and their clients, especially in this unit, which theorist would they most likel
y be drawn to? 64) ______
A)Dorothea Orem B) Florence Nightingale
C)Jean Watson D) Hildegard Peplau
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
65)Nursing students have been studying the "stability model" of nurse theorists.
This view can be described as which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
__________ Dominant
__________ Stress/adaptation framework
__________ Martha Rogers's theory
__________ Caring/complexity framework
__________ Callista Roy's theory
__________ Systems framework 65) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
66)The client is experiencing metabolic acidosis, a condition that involves the
body's pH level, carbon dioxide, and bicarbonate balance. According to Roy's mod
el, which mode is this client responding to? 66) ______
A)Physiologic B) Self-concept
C)Interdependence D) Role function
67)A client is being seen in the clinic for the final follow-up appointment afte
r an extensive course of rehabilitation. According to Neuman's model, which leve
l of intervention does this describe? 67) ______
A)Primary prevention B) Tertiary prevention
C)Secondary prevention D) Resistant prevention
68)When a client who had a stroke gives up all hope of any amount of recovery, t
he nurse solicits a visit from a former stroke client who has physical limitatio
ns but has since gone back to work and through adaptation, can function independ
ently at home. This nurse has fulfilled which role, according to Parse? 68) ____
A)True presence B) Synchronizing rhythm
C)Illuminating meaning D) Mobilizing transcendence
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
69)According to Orem's self-care deficit theory, people are assisted through whi
ch of the following methods of helping? (Select all that apply.)
__________ Balancing rest
__________ Teaching
__________ Supporting
__________ Guiding
__________ Preventing hazards to life 69) _____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
70)Nursing students are working with clients on a secured Alzheimer's unit. Most
of the clients are Stage II/III Alzheimer's disease. Which of the following typ
es of nursing systems, according to Orem's theory, would be appropriate for this
unit? 70) ______
A)Partly compensatory B) Wholly compensatory
C)Supportive D) Educative
71)Nursing students have been assigned to develop their own theory of nursing. W
hich of the following would they include in their theory, often referred to as t
he metaparadigm for nursing? 71) ______
A)Client, environment, health, and nursing
B)Organization, discipline, nursing, and client
C)Patient, facility, health, and nursing
D)Society, medicine, nursing, and biology
72)Nursing students must apply Neuman's systems model in the clinical area. Whic
h of the following would represent an intrapersonal stressor to a client? 72) __
A)Expectations regarding rehab
B)Family members who quarrel frequently about the client's care
C)Adverse reaction to medication
D)Inadequate health insurance coverage
73)A nurse has implemented the use of noncontact therapeutic touch. Which theori
st applied the concept surrounding this intervention? 73) ______
A)Florence Nightingale B) Rosemarie Parse
C)Martha Rogers D) Virginia Henderson
74)A nurse has been working with a difficult client and at one point, elects to
put aside the nurse's own beliefs and is able to experience a sense of true empa
thy for the client's situation. This is an example of which assumption, accordin
g to Parse's human becoming theory? 74) ______
A)Intersubjectivity B) Cotranscendence
C)Meaning D) Rhythmicity
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
75)Grounding nursing research among theories from other disciplines is argued to
be undesirable by some scholars. The reason for this is which of the following?
(Select all that apply.)
__________ It detracts from developing nursing as a separate discipline.
__________ It makes nursing less relevant.
__________ It helps bring a broader perspective and insight to nursing.
__________ Other disciplines are not unique to the human condition. 75) _______
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
76)A student is caring for a client who contracted an infection following surger
y. The client is afebrile during the student's shift, but still receiving IV ant
ibiotics. This is an example of which level of prevention, according to Neuman's
model? 76) ______
A)Secondary B) Primary
C)Critical D) Tertiary
77)Nursing students who help to set up an immunization clinic are initiating whi
ch level of prevention, according to Neuman's model? 77) ______
A)Primary B) Educational
C)Tertiary D) Secondary
78)Nursing students are researching how cultural practices affect the dying proc
ess of terminal cancer clients. For their research, they most likely will explor
e which of the following? 78) ______
A)Stability models B) Critical theory
C)Grand theories D) Midlevel theories
79)A significant research study was conducted on surgical clients in Pennsylvani
a hospitals. Findings concluded that: 79) ______
A)Nurse-to-client ratios did not have a bearing on significant reduction in clie
nt mortality
B)Hospital size did not affect client survival.
C)Nurses with BSN or higher degrees were associated with lower mortality.
D)Years of nursing experience increased client survival.
80)A nurse researcher is testing the effects of a new dressing preparation on ce
rtain participants, while continuing to use older but more familiar products on
others. This is an example of which type of research design? 80) ______
A)Nonexperimental B) Quasi-experimental
C)Experimental D) Pilot study
81)A nurse educator has asked the question, "Do students who form study groups f
are better on the NCLEX® exam when compared to their peers who study independently
?" An example of a dependent variable would be which of the following? 81) _____
A)Number of students in a study group
B)Time between graduation and sitting for the NCLEX®
C)NCLEX® scores of both groups
D)Students' college GPAs
82)A nurse researcher is considering the use of various nonpharmacological distr
action techniques that have shown success for behavior control in troubled adole
scents. The criteria this researcher is considering is which of the following? 8
2) ______
A)Researchability B) Feasibility
C)Significance D) Interest
83)A nurse has defined the current research problem. What is the next step in th
e process? 83) ______
A)Formulate a hypothesis B) Select a design
C)Review the literature D) Define variables
84)A nurse practitioner feels it is important to participate in nursing research
. Which activity is most appropriate for this nurse's level of education and pos
ition? 84) ______
A)Critically analyzing and interpreting research for application to practice
B)Using research findings to develop policies and procedures
C)Participating in data collection
D)Helping to identify clinical problems in direct client care
85)A high school graduate is considering entering a nursing program that offers
a baccalaureate degree. Which of the following is the entity that accredits bacc
alaureate programs (or higher)? 85) ______
A)CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education)
B)NLN (National League for Nursing)
C)NCSBN (National Council of State Boards of Nursing)
D)NCLEX® (National Council Licensure Examination)
86)The student nurse is doing a literature review on evidence-based practice (EB
P). Which of the following demonstrates the student's understanding of EBP? 86)
A)Explaining EBP to fellow students
B)Trying to find other problems to implement EBP
C)Presenting a paper about EBP
D)Repositioning a client at risk for skin breakdown every 2 hours
87)A nurse researcher is using an instrument that provides similar results each
time it's implemented. This is an example of which of the following? 87) ______
A)Consistency B) Variability
C)Validity D) Reliability
88)If the RN has several LPNs on the shift to supervise, which of the following
responsibilities will fall to the RN? 88) ______
A)Evaluating the care provided to the client
B)Performing complex dressing changes
C)Administering scheduled injectable medications
D)Supervising unlicensed client care providers (such as a nurse's aide)
89)In evaluating a research question regarding the safety of pharmacological int
erventions used to stop preterm labor, the nurse looks specifically at the vario
us medications used and what effect, if any, they had on the baby. The nurse is
critiquing the research based on which dimension? 89) ______
A)Methodologic B) Presentation and stylistic
C)Interpretive D) Substantive and theoretical
90)The nurse researcher is considering whether the findings of a project may pre
sent uncertain results in the clinical area. The criteria this researcher is ref
lecting on would be which of the following? 90) ______
A)Significance B) Confidentiality
C)Variables D) Researchability
91)A group of nurses is researching how care providers of Stage I/II Alzheimer's
clients use prior coping skills in dealing with their current situation. Which
qualitative research tradition does this exemplify? 91) ______
A)Substantive dimension B) Phenomenology
C)Grounded theory D) Ethnography
92)The ANA's proposal for entry level for professional practice initiated debate
among nurses. Which of the following would be most at risk if the ANA proposal
were implemented? 92) ______
A)An RN with a BSN who is a staff nurse
B)An RN with an associate degree who has a head nurse position
C)An RN with an associate degree who is currently in school
D)An RN with a diploma who works overtime
93)Some nursing students have been given an assignment to develop a research que
stion from a quantitative approach. Which of the following would be an example o
f a quantitative research question in the clinical area? 93) ______
A)Does expression of client spirituality affect recovery time?
B)What dressing selections work best for a wound dehiscence?
C)How do siblings react to a new baby of a second marriage after divorce of thei
r parents?
D)What support do terminal cancer clients find least beneficial in hospice care?

94)A nurse researcher is testing the effects of a new dressing preparation on ce

rtain participants, while continuing to use older but more familiar products on
others. This is an example of which type of research design? 94) ______
A)Nonexperimental B) Quasi-experimental
C)Experimental D) Pilot study
95)A client has agreed to participate in a research study. Which of the followin
g would constitute risk of harm to this client? 95) ______
A)Suggesting that participation would greatly benefit the client's financial sit
B)Withholding information about the study
C)Providing the client's name as a participant in the study
D)Giving the client false information about his or her participation
96)A nursing instructor is researching the implementation of assigning study gui
des for homework points and the effect this has on the students' test grades. Th
e instructor reports group data for published research. This is an example of wh
ich of the rights in research? 96) ______
A)Risk of harm B) Right of self-determination
C)Right of full disclosure D) Right of confidentiality
97)A nurse educator has asked the question, "Do students who form study groups f
are better on the NCLEX® exam when compared to their peers who study independently
?" An example of a dependent variable would be which of the following? 97) _____
A)NCLEX® scores of both groups
B)Number of students in a study group
C)Students' college GPAs
D)Time between graduation and sitting for the NCLEX®
98)A significant research study was conducted on surgical clients in Pennsylvani
a hospitals. Findings concluded that: 98) ______
A)Hospital size did not affect client survival.
B)Years of nursing experience increased client survival.
C)Nurse-to-client ratios did not have a bearing on significant reduction in clie
nt mortality
D)Nurses with BSN or higher degrees were associated with lower mortality.
99)A group of nurses is researching how care providers of Stage I/II Alzheimer's
clients use prior coping skills in dealing with their current situation. Which
qualitative research tradition does this exemplify? 99) ______
A)Grounded theory B) Substantive dimension
C)Ethnography D) Phenomenology
100)If the RN has several LPNs on the shift to supervise, which of the following
responsibilities will fall to the RN? 100) _____
A)Administering scheduled injectable medications
B)Evaluating the care provided to the client
C)Performing complex dressing changes
D)Supervising unlicensed client care providers (such as a nurse's aide)
101)A high school graduate is considering entering a nursing program that offers
a baccalaureate degree. Which of the following is the entity that accredits bac
calaureate programs (or higher)? 101) _____
A)NCLEX® (National Council Licensure Examination)
B)NCSBN (National Council of State Boards of Nursing)
C)CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education)
D)NLN (National League for Nursing)
102)The student nurse is examining the dispersion of data in a research study. M
easurements would include which of the following? 102) _____
A)Range, variance, and standard deviation
B)Mean, range, and standard deviation
C)Measures of central tendency
D)Mean, median, and mode
103)After the data have been analyzed, the nurse realizes that the probability h
as a value of less than .05. This means that the findings are which of the follo
wing? 103) _____
A)Statistically significant B) Statistically insignificant
C)Chance occurrences D) Generalized
104)Several nurse educators are working together to promote articulation agreeme
nts between prospective nursing programs in their state. Funding for this type o
f program was made possible by which of the following? 104) _____
A)Pew Health Professions Commission
B)Colleagues in Caring
C)Brown report
D)Goldmark report
105)A nurse researcher is considering the use of various nonpharmacological dist
raction techniques that have shown success for behavior control in troubled adol
escents. The criteria this researcher is considering is which of the following?
105) _____
A)Feasibility B) Significance
C)Researchability D) Interest
106)A researcher is conducting a study involving only the single-parent families
of a school system. The sample in this situation is which of the following? 106
) _____
A)The school system B) Parents
C)Children D) Single-parent families
107)A nurse has defined the current research problem. What is the next step in t
he process? 107) _____
A)Formulate a hypothesis B) Review the literature
C)Select a design D) Define variables
108)A nurse researcher is using an instrument that provides similar results each
time it's implemented. This is an example of which of the following? 108) _____
A)Reliability B) Validity
C)Variability D) Consistency
109)A nurse is working in the school system with a group of students who are str
uggling with the death of a classmate. The nurse encourages the students to talk
about their friend, bring pictures, and share memories with each other. The nur
se also invites the deceased's family to come to the school and visit with their
child's classmates. This nurse is working in which of Swanson's processes? 109)
A)Knowing B) Enabling
C)Doing for D) Being with
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
110)According to Leininger's theory of cultural congruent care, which of the fol
lowing characterize the way that care should be provided? (Select all that apply
1. Care should be influenced by the organizational structure.
2. The client's familiar lifeways are preserved.
3. Accommodations should be satisfying to clients.
4. Nursing care must be repatterned to help the client move toward wellness. 110
) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
111)A nurse is evaluating how care is delivered at various hospitals. In the pro
cess, the nurse is able to identify a facility where caring in the emergency dep
artment is perceived differently than caring in the rehabilitation unit. This ty
pe of example reflects whose theory of caring? 111) _____
A)Boykin and Schoenhofer B) Ray
C)Roach D) Leininger
112)A new nurse has just started work on an oncology unit. One of the clients ha
s decided to discontinue treatment, even though he understands that his life wil
l be shortened extensively if he does. The nurse is having difficulty with this
situation and decides to approach a seasoned nurse for insight and a way to help
support this particular client. The nurse is exemplifying which of the followin
g? 112) _____
A)Patience B) Hope C) Honesty D) Humility
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
113)According to Mayeroff's philosophy of caring, which of the following ingredi
ents are necessary for this process? (Select all that apply.)
1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Humility
4. Professionalism
5. Courtesy 113) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
114)A nurse understands that certain activities are required for a healthy lifes
tyle. Which of the following is the best example of this? 114) _____
A)Exercising more on days when feeling "guilty" about a snack
B)Buying only fat-free foods and allowing absolutely no deviation from this
C)Balancing good nutrition and exercise in moderation
D)Exercising every day, at least for an hour and a half
115)A nurse has been working a 12-hour shift in a labor and delivery unit. A cli
ent was admitted early in the shift and is now ready to deliver. The client had
a difficult labor experience, was worried and anxious throughout, and had physio
logical problems with blood pressure as well as pain management. The nurse decid
es to stay until the delivery is over, after having it approved by her manager.
This nurse is exhibiting which of the following? 115) _____
A)Confidence B) Conscience
C)Compassion D) Competence
116)Compassion is often associated with caring. Of the following, which situatio
n is the best example of compassionate nursing care? 116) _____
A)The nurse takes time to understand the spiritual needs of clients.
B)The nurse has written procedures and policies in language that is both profess
ional and realistic.
C)The nurse has expert technical skills and has the most experience with critica
l care.
D)The nurse routinely gives back rubs to clients before they go to sleep.
117)A nursing student was involved in a very difficult situation with a client,
the client's family, and a physician. The student felt like she was caught in th
e middle and wasn't sure how to respond to some of the questions that were being
asked about care, treatment, and scheduling. Instead of getting her instructor,
the student fielded these questions as best she could. In order to help the stu
dent work through this situation, the nursing instructor might advise the studen
t to try which of the following? 117) _____
A)Guided imagery B) Reflection
C)Meditation D) Music therapy
118)A nurse is working in a busy intensive care unit. A client is admitted with
extensive medical problems and requires a ventilator. Because the nurse already
has two other clients assigned to his care, he requests that the nurse manager c
hange assignments so that appropriate attention can be given to this new admissi
on. According to Roach's six C's of caring, which one is the nurse emulating? 11
8) _____
A)Confidence B) Compassion
C)Conscience D) Commitment
119)A nurse is working with students on a medical unit. A client with respirator
y acidosis is being monitored closely, and the nurse is able to describe to the
students the pathophysiology surrounding this client's condition as well as spec
ific assessment findings. This nurse is demonstrating which type of knowledge? 1
19) _____
A)Empirical B) Creative
C)Aesthetic D) Personal
120)A nurse is emulating the characteristics of caring, as described by Mayeroff
. Which of the following is an example of knowing, in relationship to caring? 12
0) _____
A)Getting an extra blanket when the client says he is cold
B)Understanding the reason a client's lab values are elevated
C)Seeing that a client is withdrawn and sullen, and spending extra time when pro
viding cares or treatments
D)Seeing the connection between the pathophysiology of the cardiac condition and
treatment and giving the rationale for certain medications when the client asks

121)A nurse manager has been dealing with staffing problems and high patient acu
ity on the unit. The director of nursing has been sensitive to other issues in t
he past, so the nurse manager decides to approach her with these new concerns. T
his is an example of which aspect of caring, as proposed by Mayeroff? 121) _____
A)Knowing B) Courage C) Humility D) Trust
122)During a midterm evaluation, the nurse educator tells the students they need
to work on improving their aesthetic knowledge. A good way for the students to
accomplish this is to: 122) _____
A)Spend time in the clinical area with seasoned nurses.
B)Take better notes.
C)Study harder.
D)Read about the same topic from a variety of sources.
123)A nurse is working in an acute psychiatric unit. The nurse makes this statem
ent to a co-worker after reviewing a newly admitted client's medical record: "An
other client with bipolar disorder. We better be ready for a busy night." This n
urse is exemplifying which process of Swanson's theory of caring? 123) _____
A)Doing for B) Being with
C)Enabling D) Knowing
124)A nurse educator is teaching students about the philosophy of caring in nurs
ing and states that nurses can only be truly caring if they are true to themselv
es first. This action then emphasizes the importance of nurses knowing themselve
s, which brings about a process that allows the nurse to be with another person.
The educator is teaching the concept of caring according to whose theory? 124)
A)Ray B) Roach
C)Watson D) Boykin and Schoenhofer
125)A student asks the nursing instructor which of the different types of knowle
dge are important in the clinical area. The best response by the nurse is: 125)
A)"Ethical knowledge. Nurses must be able to identify principles and norms, hand
le conflicts, and be sensitive to sensitive issues."
B)"Empirical knowledge. You have to know the physiology of the problem before yo
u decide which interventions to use."
C)"A good nurse will have a mix of all four types."
D)"Aesthetic knowledge. A nurse must appreciate the special qualities of each cl
ient and the individual situation."
126)A nurse educator teaches students about caring nursing practice. Which of th
e following situations shows that the nurse is able to implement the whole idea
of caring? 126) _____
A)The nurse takes care of his elderly parents as well as providing care to his i
mmediate family.
B)The nurse makes lists every morning so the day stays organized and planned.
C)The nurse is a volunteer at church and school events.
D)The nurse is able to carve out time for a favorite hobby, at least once a week
127)A nurse practitioner emphasizes the importance of the staff engaging in acti
vities that help restore peace and balance between the mind and body. Which of t
he following might be an appropriate therapy for this? 127) _____
A)Bike riding B) Storytelling
C)Cake decorating D) Reading
128)A labor and delivery nurse wants to conduct research focused on the response
of new parents toward their babies. The approach the nurse would like to use su
ggests that caring is a nurturing process. Which of the following theorists is b
est in line with this research? 128) _____
A)Roach B) Benner C) Watson D) Swanson
129)A female client is being discharged after a lengthy hospitalization. The fam
ily is from a male-dominated culture. Before discharge instructions are given, t
he nurse should: 129) _____
A)Make sure instructions are understood by the client.
B)Make sure that the physician gives the instructions.
C)Ask the client when the best time for teaching would be.
D)Arrange for teaching when the spouse is available.
130)A client is the child of an African American father and Asian American mothe
r. The client has been exposed to cultural foods, traditions, and customs from b
oth parents throughout life. This client exemplifies which of the following? 130
) _____
A)Biculture B) Cultural sensitivity
C)Diversity D) Subculture
131)The nurse is evaluating the following goal: Client will select low-fat foods
from a list by the end of the month. The client, who is from a different cultur
e, has not been able to achieve this goal. The nurse should: 131) _____
A)Extend the time frame and give the client a longer period to achieve the goal.
B)Select a different goal.
C)Consider whether the client's belief system has been an influencing factor.
D)Make sure that the client understands the importance of the goal.
132)A new graduate nurse is moving from a small rural college town to a metropol
itan area to begin work in a county hospital. The nurse has had limited prior ex
perience with the various cultural groups that are served by the hospital. This
nurse is at risk for which of the following? 132) _____
A)Discrimination B) Prejudice
C)Culture shock D) Stereotyping
133)A client from a different culture than the nurse's has had numerous visitors
during his stay. In fact, there are visitors in the room at all times. In order
to address this in a culturally sensitive manner, the nurse should: 133) _____
A)Tell the client that he has to limit visitors.
B)Evaluate the benefits of family participation in the client's care.
C)Have the physician limit the number of visitors the client can have.
D)Question the family as to how they see their interaction with the client.
134)The nurse must complete a focused, physical assessment on a client after com
ing to the unit from another floor. Before performing the cardiac assessment, th
e nurse should: 134) _____
A)Take the baseline vital signs, then determine if cardiac auscultation is neces
B)Tell the client what the nurse is doing during the assessment.
C)Ask the client to stay quiet since the nurse will be listening to the heart.
D)Explain the procedure, then wait for permission to continue.
135)A client on a medical unit is a Jew who observes kosher customs. Which of th
e following food items would be appropriate to serve this client, assuming all h
ave been properly inspected and prepared? 135) _____
A)Fish, vegetables, and hot tea
B)Ham, baked potato, and fresh fruit
C)Hamburger, fruit, and milk
D)Cream soup, sausage, and toast
136)The nurse is working with clients from different cultural backgrounds than t
he nurse's own. Which of the following situations would illustrate prejudice on
the nurse's part? 136) _____
A)Taking general knowledge from literature and applying it to the situation
B)Bringing previous negative information and experiences into this situation
C)Understanding that all culture members will have the same beliefs
D)Making an assumption that all members of each culture are alike
137)A home health client participates in cultural health practices that the nurs
e feels may be detrimental to his health. In order to remain attentive to cultur
al sensitivity and provide appropriate cultural nursing care, the nurse should:
137) _____
A)Explain the right and wrong of the client's treatment and try to persuade him
to follow the scientific perspective.
B)Try to negotiate with the client by exploring his views and then provide relev
ant scientific information.
C)Have the client's physician explain the care to the client in a firm but gentl
e manner.
D)Validate the client's practices and understand that for this client, it may be
beneficial to continue with his preferences.
138)The school nurse is doing school screening on children, and checking for hea
d lice is part of the screening process. Before checking the head of an Asian ch
ild, the nurse should first: 138) _____
A)Put gloves on.
B)Ask the child to wait until last, to avoid embarrassing the child.
C)Make sure the child understands the reason for the contact.
D)Ask permission.
139)A client is brought to the emergency department, does not speak English, and
needs to have an emergency surgical procedure. The hospital has an interpreter
available to explain the procedure and help with the consent form. When the inte
rpreter arrives, the staff should make sure that: 139) _____
A)They ask the interpreter to translate as closely as possible the same words us
ed by the professional staff.
B)The staff addresses the questions to the interpreter, so nothing is missed.
C)The client's family is included in the process and exchange of information.
D)The interpreter uses words the client is familiar with for the best understand
140)A client makes the following statement: "I must be paying for all the wrongs
I did in my life, to have such a diagnosis as this." The nurse understands that
this client views health from which of the following beliefs? 140) _____
A)Holistic health belief B) Magico-religious belief
C)Biomedical health belief D) Folk medicine
141)The nurse is working in a clinic setting and is meeting a new client for the
first time. In order to convey cultural sensitivity, the nurse should introduce
herself in the following way: 141) _____
A)"I'm glad to meet you. You can call me Jane."
B)"I'm Jane, and I'll be your nurse today."
C)"I'm Jane Brown, and I'm a nurse here at the clinic."
D)"I'm Dr. Smith's nurse, Jane."
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
142)A nurse educator uses Madeleine Leininger's model and describes a formal are
a of study and practice focused on comparative human-care differences and simila
rities of the beliefs, values, and patterned lifeways of cultures to provide cul
turally congruent, meaningful, and beneficial health care to people. This is a d
efinition of _______________. 142) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
143)A nurse is taking an admission history from a client of a different cultural
group than the nurse's own. During the interview, the client averts her eyes an
d refrains from answering questions for long periods of time. The nurse should:
143) _____
A)Understand that this may be completely appropriate and take cues accordingly.
B)Have another nurse finish the interview, since there is something uncomfortabl
e the client senses.
C)Come back at a different time, when the client is feeling more communicative.
D)Leave the room and come back after having learned more about this particular c
144)A new graduate nurse is working in a busy emergency department of a hospital
, situated in a culturally diverse area of the city. In striving to be culturall
y sensitive, the nurse will: 144) _____
A)Try to learn about the attitudes toward health care and traditions of the diff
erent cultures in that area.
B)Possess the underlying background knowledge that will provide these clients wi
th the best possible health care.
C)Strive to be culturally sensitive, culturally appropriate, and culturally comp
D)Understand and attend to the total context of the client's situation, using kn
owledge, attitudes, and skills.
145)A client from a culture different from the nurse's has just been admitted to
a unit. The unit is busy and the nurse has limited time to complete the nursing
admission assessment. The best way for the nurse to show cultural sensitivity i
s to: 145) _____
A)Thoroughly explain the reason for asking many questions before beginning the a
B)Wait until there is adequate time to complete the assessment.
C)Break the assessment into shorter intervals and discuss general topics first.
D)Pick a time when the family is present and can help with the admission assessm
ent questions.
146)A community health nurse works with a variety of cultures providing health c
are services that include preventive care, acute treatment, and education. Of th
e following clients, which is most likely to use folk medicine? 146) _____
A)The client who speaks little English and does not have a job
B)A female client whose culture is one of male dominance
C)A Chinese client who has a small, family run business in the area
D)A family who has numerous relatives in a Spanish-American sector of the city
147)Before a client goes to surgery, he requests to have his spiritual leader pr
esent and pray over him. According to the HEALTH traditions model, which traditi
onal methods is the client invoking? 147) _____
A)Maintaining HEALTH B) Restoring HEALTH
C)Protecting HEALTH D) Changing HEALTH
148)Time can take on different meanings in different cultural settings. When a n
urse is teaching a client about a dressing change that should be done twice a da
y and the client is from a culture that is "present oriented," the nurse should
instruct the client to perform the dressing change at which of the following tim
es? 148) _____
A)At times that the client selects
B)At 10 AM and 4 PM
C)After breakfast and before going to bed
D)Whenever the client chooses, as long as it gets done twice daily
149)A family struggles with clear communication, and members of the family often
seek the help of other systems for personal validation and gratification. What
would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis for this family? 149) _____
A)Altered Family Processes related to communication patterns
B)Impaired Verbal Communication related to inability to communicate
C)Knowledge Deficiency (communication patterns) related to dysfunctional pattern
s of communication
D)Ineffective Family Coping evidenced by assistance from outside sources
150)A nurse is working with a particular cultural group in which it is not uncom
mon for grandparents to live with their married children and to assist with chil
d rearing and discipline issues. This is an example of which of the following? 1
50) _____
A)Traditional family B) Intragenerational family
C)Blended family D) Two-career family
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
151)A family member is hospitalized with an illness. Which of the following fact
ors will the nurse assess to determine the impact this illness will have on the
family? (Select all that apply.)
1. Nature of the illness
2. Duration of the illness
3. Cause of the illness
4. Financial impact of the illness
5. Effect of the illness on future family functioning 151) ____________
152)Which of the following is the purpose of a family assessment? (Select all th
at apply.)
1. Determine the level of family functioning.
2. Identify family strengths and weaknesses.
3. Provide legal guidelines for consent to health care.
4. Clarify family interaction patterns. 152) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
153)During a previous family assessment, the nurse realized that the mother did
most of the talking and was quick to make decisions, which appeared to be accept
able to the father. When one of their children is hospitalized, the nurse will:
153) _____
A)Make sure that both parents are involved in all decision making.
B)Allow the mother to make the decisions.
C)Make sure that the physician understands the family dynamics so parental conse
nt comes from the mother.
D)Include both parents in the decision making, but not be surprised if the mothe
r retains control.
154)A client is asked during an admission interview to describe her family. She
proceeds to list parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Th
is client is describing which type of family? 154) _____
A)Nuclear B) Traditional
C)Extended D) Blended
155)Two nursing students, both single parents, have decided to move into a large
r house. Part of their rationale includes providing support for studying and sha
ring responsibilities of parenting. This is an example of which of the following
? 155) _____
A)Intragenerational family B) Cohabiting family
C)Blended family D) Foster family
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
156)A nurse is conducting a family assessment and asks the following question: "
How, as a family, do you deal with disappointments or stressful changes that occ
ur and affect the members of your family?" The nurse is trying to identify _____
__________ . 156) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
157)The nurse is performing a family risk assessment. Which of the following fac
tors would indicate that this family is at risk of developing health problems?
157) _____
A)The family depends on two incomes with a limit on their health insurance spend
B)The family is a teenage mother and child. The mother is enrolled in parenting
classes at the high school.
C)The family is an elderly couple who are active in their retirement community.
D)The family belongs to the local synagogue and has family members still living
in Germany.
158)A nurse has been working with a family at the community health office and is
alert to signs of family violence. Which of the following would the nurse be mo
st concerned about, in this regard? 158) _____
A)The family's clothes are relatively clean, but the children usually have some
kind of dirt stain on their shirt or pants.
B)One of the children never speaks and seems "on guard" when in the presence of
a parent.
C)The family does not have a regular physician.
D)The baby always seems to have a cold.
159)A father of a family was killed in a motor vehicle crash. Which of the follo
wing would the nurse consider a "normal" reaction to this event? 159) _____
A)The family feels that their place in the community has been eliminated.
B)The family withdraws into seclusion during the grief process.
C)Family members become detached from extended family.
D)Family disorganization may occur.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
160)A nurse has identified a coping problem in a family that recently lost their
house and all of their belongings in a fire. The nurse will next assess the fam
ily's external support systems. These would include which of the following? (Sel
ect all that apply.)
1. Friends
2. Religious affiliations
3. Individual members of the family
4. Health care professionals 160) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
161)A nurse is conducting a family assessment as part of the process for service
s provided through the community. Of the following, which would provide the best
information in identifying existing or potential health problems? 161) _____
B)Family communication patterns
C)Cultural assessment
162)A nurse is conducting a family assessment and is focusing, for the moment, o
n the family members' communication patterns. Which of the following indicate th
at there are existing or potential problems with family communication? 162) ____
A)A few of the members just sit and listen.
B)All members are participating in the discussion equally, some quite vocally.
C)The verbal communication is congruent with the nonverbal messages.
D)Disagreements are not addressed among members, rather ignored by the person wh
o does the most talking.
163)Two nursing students, both single parents, have decided to move into a large
r house. Part of their rationale includes providing support for studying and sha
ring responsibilities of parenting. This is an example of which of the following
? 163) _____
A)Blended family B) Foster family
C)Cohabiting family D) Intragenerational family
164)During a previous family assessment, the nurse realized that the mother did
most of the talking and was quick to make decisions, which appeared to be accept
able to the father. When one of their children is hospitalized, the nurse will:
164) _____
A)Make sure that both parents are involved in all decision making.
B)Make sure that the physician understands the family dynamics so parental conse
nt comes from the mother.
C)Include both parents in the decision making, but not be surprised if the mothe
r retains control.
D)Allow the mother to make the decisions.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
165)A nurse is conducting a family assessment and asks the following question: "
How, as a family, do you deal with disappointments or stressful changes that occ
ur and affect the members of your family?" The nurse is trying to identify _____
__________ . 165) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
166)A father of a family was killed in a motor vehicle crash. Which of the follo
wing would the nurse consider a "normal" reaction to this event? 166) _____
A)The family withdraws into seclusion during the grief process.
B)The family feels that their place in the community has been eliminated.
C)Family disorganization may occur.
D)Family members become detached from extended family.
167)A nurse is conducting a family assessment and is focusing, for the moment, o
n the family members' communication patterns. Which of the following indicate th
at there are existing or potential problems with family communication? 167) ____
A)All members are participating in the discussion equally, some quite vocally.
B)Disagreements are not addressed among members, rather ignored by the person wh
o does the most talking.
C)The verbal communication is congruent with the nonverbal messages.
D)A few of the members just sit and listen.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
168)A family member is hospitalized with an illness. Which of the following fact
ors will the nurse assess to determine the impact this illness will have on the
family? (Select all that apply.)
1. Nature of the illness
2. Duration of the illness
3. Cause of the illness
4. Financial impact of the illness
5. Effect of the illness on future family functioning
168) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
169)A young adult has never lived away from his parents. He has difficulty makin
g decisions and feels unable to make decisions on his own. According to Freud's
theory of development, this person would be fixated at which stage of developmen
t? 169) _____
A)Anal B) Latency C) Genital D) Phallic
170)A 20-month-old child is a client on the pediatric unit of a hospital. The nu
rse notices that this child is lagging in stage 6 of Piaget's phases of cognitiv
e development. Which activity would indicate that this child is struggling at th
is stage? 170) _____
A)The child merely watches as the other children pretend-play.
B)The child does not cooperate with some of the treatments.
C)The child cries when the parents leave the unit.
D)The child wants the same toy to sleep with during naptime and bedtime.
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
171)Which of the following developmental tasks are part of Havighurst's early ad
ulthood age period? (Select all that apply.)
1.Taking on civic responsibility
2.Developing adult leisure-time activities
3.Getting started in an occupation
4.Relating oneself to one's spouse as a person
5.Managing a home 171) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
172)A client with an acute, serious illness has been hospitalized. Entering the
room, the nurse observes the client praying. The client states to the nurse: "I
don't know how people manage to get through difficult times without their faith.
It's where I get my strength." The nurse correctly associates this belief with
which theorist? 172) _____
A)Fowler B) Gilligan
C)Kohlberg D) Westerhoff
173)A nurse is working with a school-age client who is learning how to use a pea
k flow meter to monitor his asthma. The child has been frustrated at first, but
now is able to give the reason to use the meter on a daily basis. Remembering th
e growth and development characteristics of the adolescent, which of the followi
ng is an appropriate response by the nurse? 173) _____
A)"It's too bad if you don't want to use the meter, it's just something you'll h
ave to do."
B)"Think of using the meter as one of your daily chores."
C)"Maybe you could make a game out of the daily use of your meter."
D)"You should feel very proud for understanding and using your meter."
174)A nurse educator believes that teaching students without caring about them i
s an exercise in futility. This educator also believes that in meeting the stude
nts' needs, educators must also work to take care of themselves and care for the
ir own needs. This educator's ideals represent which of Gilligan's stages? 174)
A)Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 D) Stage 4
SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or an
swers the question.
175)Westerhoff's spiritual theory describes four stages of development. Put thes
e in order of when they occur in the life cycle:
__________ Owned faith
__________ Affiliative faith
__________ Experienced faith
__________ Searching faith 175) ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement o
r answers the question.
176)A parent tells the nurse that his child is quite creative and learning how t
o pretend with "almost anything in the house." According to Piaget, this child i
s descriptive of which stage/phase? 176) _____
A)Preconceptual phase
B)Concrete operations phase
C)Tertiary circular reaction: stage 5
D)Inventions of new means: stage 6
177)A nurse who is exploring the behavior of children and how they interpret rig
ht from wrong or bad from good would best be served by studying which of the fol
lowing theorists? 177) _____
A)Skinner B) Piaget C) Vygotsky D) Kohlberg
178)A parent questions the nurse about her 5-year-old who has begun to masturbat
e and question the parents about sexual differences among the child's peer mates
. The nurse, familiar with Freud's stages of development, responds by saying: 17
8) _____
A)"All children are curious, but make sure the child knows that this behavior mi
ght be offensive to others."
B)"You should probably consult a child psychologist if you're this concerned."
C)"This behavior is a normal part of your child's development."
D)"Let's make sure to ask your physician at the next appointment."
179)A parent brings a 16-month-old child to the clinic for a well-child checkup.
During the assessment, the nurse finds that the child cannot stand next to furn
iture and does not try to pull himself up from a sitting position. The child is
lagging in which of the following processes? 179) _____
A)Growth B) Development
C)Behavior D) Height
180)A nurse is working with the residents of an assisted living complex. When pl
anning care for the old-old stage, the nurse realizes that it will be important
to: 180) _____
A)Provide as much care to the residents as possible.
B)Make sure to provide safety measures as needed.
C)Maintain peer interactions and social groups.
D)Allow as much independence for the residents as possible.
181)A nurse educator is working with students and assisting them in addressing t
heir clients' spiritual needs. The educator understands that most traditional, s
econd-year college students are aware of their own spiritual development or work
ing to develop their own system of spirituality. Fowler describes this stage as
which of the following? 181) _____
A)Universalizing B) Mythic-lyrical
C)Individuating-reflexive D) Intuitive-projective
182)A client who has a terminal diagnosis has been using her time to help family
members deal with her impending death. Among her activities, she collected pict
ures for a scrapbook and wrote a journal of favorite memories for family members
to read after the client dies. According to Peck, this client is working throug
h which of the following developmental tasks? 182) _____
A)Body transcendence versus body preoccupation
B)Integrity versus despair
C)Ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation
D)Ego differentiation versus work-role preoccupation
183)A parent brings his child into the clinic for a well-child screening. He mak
es a statement to the nurse that the child is learning new words faster than he
can write them in the baby book. According to Piaget, this child is in which of
the following phases? 183) _____
A)Intuitive thought phase B) Concrete operations phase
C)Preconceptual phase D) Formal operations phase

17)2, 1, 4, 5, 3
21)Health coverage should be for everyone.
Families and individual should have coverage they can afford.
Health coverage should be ongoing and uninterrupted.
28)More knowledgeable consumers; Increase in the number of elderly; Technologica
l advances; Economics
38)Rising numbers of uninsured; Inflation
46)Appropriate technology; Equitable distribution; Multisectoral approach
65)Dominant; Stress/adaptation framework; Callista Roy's theory; Systems framewo
69)Teaching; Supporting; Guiding
75)It detracts from developing nursing as a separate discipline.; It makes nursi
ng less relevant.
110)2, 3, 4
113)1, 2, 3
142)Transcultural nursing
151)1, 2, 4, 5
152)1, 2, 4
156)coping mechanisms or family coping mechanisms
160)1, 2, 4
165)coping mechanisms or family coping mechanisms
168)1, 2, 4, 5
171)1, 3, 5
175)4, 2, 1, 3

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