2: Cell Structure: LM Salazar Human Anatomy & Physiology

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2: Cell

LM Salazar
Human Anatomy &
Story of the Coin
Once upon a time, there was a
general who was leading his
army into battle against an
enemy ten times the size of his
own. Along the way to the
battle field, the troops stopped
by a small temple to pray for
• The general held up a coin and
told his troops, "I am going to
implore the gods to help us crush
our enemy. If this coin lands with
the heads on top, we'll win. If it's
tails, we'll lose. Our fate is in the
hands of the gods. Let's pray
• After a short prayer, the
general tossed the coin. It
landed with the heads on top.
The troops were overjoyed and
went into the battle with high
spirits. Just as predicted, the
smaller army won the battle.
The soldiers were exalted, "It's
good to have the gods on our
side! No one can change what
they have determined."
• "Really?" The general
show them the coin--
both sides of it were
Life is
what you
make it.
• Cell – basic unit of biologic organization in the body
• Protoplasm (General/Collective Term)
– Aqueous colloidal solution of carbo, protein, lipids, nucleic
acids, salts
– Predominantly water
• Organelles – structures within the protoplasm
• Nucleoplasm – inside the nucleus
• Cytoplasm – outside the nucleus
• Eukaryotic cells – animal/human cell
• Prokaryotic cells – plant cell
History of the
Cell Theory
• Robert Hooke – built the 1st microscope to look
at a thin slice of cork
– Cellulae (tiny rooms) cell wall of cork
• Anton von Leeuvenhoek – observed pond water
in the microscope; saw tiny organisms which he
called animalcules
• Matthias Schleiden – all plants are composed of
• Theodor Schwann – all animals are composed of
Modern Cell Theory
• Cells are the basic unit of
organization of all organisms
• All organisms are composed of 1
or more cells in which all life
processes occur
• Cells arise only from preexisting
cells through cell division
• All of today’s cells are
descendants of the 1st cells.
Anatomy of a Typical Eukaryotic Cell
Cell Membrane
• Plasma membrane
• Made up of a double phospholipid
• Allows free passage of water
molecules through the cell
• Molecular arrangement of the cell
membrane is referred as the fluid
• Selective permeability
• Entrance/exit of molecules
• Main constituent – water
• Cytoplasm
• Nucleoplasm
• Components:
– Nucleic acids
– Enzymes
– Hormones
– Chemicals
• Control center of the cell
• Surrounded by a double nuclear
• Nuclear membrane – perforated
with pores that allow materials to
leave the nucleus and go into the
cytoplasm of the cell
• Chromatin – dark stained threads
of nucleic acids; become
chromosomes in cell division;
genetic material of the cell
• Nucleolus – site where ribosomes
are made
• Powerhouse of the cell
• Cellular respiration occurs – where food is
converted to ATP
• Cristae – inner folds of the mitochondrion
• Cells with high energy requirements = many
• Cells with low energy requirements = few
• Small structures in the
• Contain powerful digestive
• 3 different ways:
– Digest stored food
– Maintenance and repair of
cellular organelles
– Act as suicide agents in old
and weakened cells (autolysis)
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• Complex system of membranes that makes up
a collection of membrane-bound cavities
• Cisternae – channels
• Rough ER – have attached ribosomes – protein
• Smooth ER – no ribosomes
– Transportation of fats
– Synthesis of sex hormones
Golgi Apparatus
• Collection of flat-like cisternae that look like a
stack of pancakes
• Storage warehouse of the cell
• Compounds to be secreted by the cell are
concentrated and collected
• small granules distributed
throughout the cytoplasm
and attached to the rough
• Site of protein synthesis
Protein Synthesis
• Found at right angles at
each other near the
nuclear membrane
• Pair – centrosome
• Form spindle fibers
during cell division
• Guide chromosomes to
their daughter cells
Cilia and Flagella
• Cilia
– Short protrusions in the cell membrane
– Many (row upon row)
– Move materials across the free surface of the cell
• Flagella
– Long, hair-like protrusions
– Propels the cell
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