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Purchasing plan is prepared as per the output from the marketing.

One of the most important aspects of inventory control is to have the items in stock at the
moment they are needed.


Multiple warehouse management capability

• Storage location management
• Types of material acceptance:
- Purchase order
- Production order
- Bill of materials
- Contract manufacturing
- Product for service
- Transfer order
• Types of material transfer:
- Production order
- Bill of materials
- Contract manufacturing output
- Product for service
- Transfer order
- Shipping ticket
• Types of transfer:
- Intra-facility
- Intra-warehouse
- Intra-stock location
- Material to material
- For job order
- Associated with purchase order
• Warehouse designation based on cost centers
• Manual or periodic inventory counts, and transfer of results
to accounting
• Complex warehouse management
• Lot ID and serial numbers management (manual or using
Barcode applications)
• Multiple inventory types:
- Available
- Quality
- reserved
- post-processing
- Transfer
• Special inventory types:
- lot
- Consignment
- empties
- Supply
- Individual customer stock
- hired objects etc.
• Management of stock-keeping units
• Management of remaining quantities
• Batch entries
• Quality assurance in goods entry
• Configuration of goods movements

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