Assessing The Impact of The Fiscal Stimulus

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Assessing the Macro

Economic Impact of
Fiscal Stimulus 2008

Mark M. Zandi

121 N. Walnut Street • Suite 500 • West Chester, PA 19380 • USA • 866.275.3266 (inside the USA) • 610.235.5000 (outside the USA)
Assessing the Macro Economic Impact of
Fiscal Stimulus 2008

he president and Congress are the risks of recession and the need for Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan
quickly coalescing around a fiscal stimulus. The economy is indeed and Nevada. These states account for a
fiscal stimulus plan to shore struggling. Real GDP likely grew near 1% fourth of national GDP. Alaska, Arkansas,
up the flagging economy. As currently in the fourth quarter of 2007, and the Connecticut, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio,
envisioned, the plan is expected to cost economy appears to be contracting in Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia
at least $150 billion and include a sizable early 2008. The job market has stalled, are on the edge of recession. These
tax rebate, short-term tax incentives for Christmas sales were soft, and industrial states account for an additional 15%
business investment, and temporary production has gone flat. of national GDP. The large metro area
increases in unemployment insurance The threat of recession is evident economies of the Northeast from Boston
benefits and food stamps. This stimulus in the recent substantial increase in to Washington, D.C. are still expanding,
will not prevent a recession if one is unemployment. The jobless rate has but growth is slowing sharply, particularly
already on its way, as its benefits will not risen 0.6 percentage points from its around New York City, which is being
be realized until summer; however, it 4.4% cyclical low last March to 5% hurt by Wall Street’s travails. If these
could substantially mitigate the severity in December. Recessions are always economies begin to contract, a national
of any downturn. Under reasonable preceded by such a rise, and one has recession will have begun (see Chart 2).
assumptions, the stimulus will add 1½ never occurred without a recession The need for fiscal stimulus is
percentage points to annualized real ensuing (see Chart 1). Unemployment is reinforced by the possibility that
GDP growth during the second half of typically the catalyst for a recession spiral monetary policy has become less
2008. Employment will grow by an extra because increased joblessness undermines
700,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate consumer confidence and thus consumer
will be as much as a half percentage point spending. Businesses respond to flagging 
Regional economies are determined by Moody’s Economy.
lower by mid-2009 than would be the sales by cutting back investment and com to be in recession using a methodology similar to that
case without Washington's help. payrolls, and unemployment rises further. developed by the National Bureau of Economic Research
for gauging national recessions. Payroll employment and
Why stimulus? With a presidential A negative, self-reinforcing cycle begins. industrial production are the two principal indicators of
election fast approaching, policymakers A number of large state economies persistent, broad-based decline in economic activity. A list of
metro areas in or near recession is available on request.
have come to a quick consensus regarding are likely already in recession, including

Chart 1: Rising Unemployment Signal Recession Chart 2: State Economies in or Near Recession
Year-over-year % change in unemployment
Source: BLS
-20 In recession
Near recession
-30 Expansion
69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07

Moody’s • • • January 2008 

Chart 3: The Mortgage Securities Market Shuts Down Chart 4: The Federal Reserve Must Turn More Aggresive
Bond issuance, $ bil, annualized Federal funds future contract for Sepetember 2008
1,000 4.50
Alt-A 4.25
800 Subprime


400 3.25

Source: CBOT
01 02 03 04 05 06 07H1 07H2 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08

effective in stimulating growth. The most and implemented through the political season—a time when refiners’ operating
immediate conduit between monetary process, making it difficult to put together margins rise with consumer demand. If
policy and the economy runs through a plan quickly enough to support a refiners’ margins return to their long-
the housing market. Housing is the struggling economy. Historically, the run historical norms, a gallon of regular
most interest rate-sensitive sector of the action often took effect well after the unleaded gasoline will sell for $4, up from
economy, and historically it would receive economy had recovered, making such just over $3 currently. Since every 1-cent
a quick boost from monetary easing. stimulus counterproductive. per gallon increase in gasoline prices costs
This boost will be much more muted This criticism should be at least consumers more than $1 billion annually,
today given the ongoing problems in the partially stilled by the relatively rapid Americans’ driving bills are set to increase by
mortgage securities market. Issuance of response of policymakers during and after $100 billion. That acts very much like a tax
bonds backed by subprime, alternative-A, the 2001 recession. Washington enacted increase; if households must spend more to
and jumbo mortgage loans has collapsed a tax rebate, extended unemployment drive, they have less to spend on everything
(see Chart 3). Save for conforming fixed- insurance benefits beyond the usual 26 else. The impact is even more pernicious
rate loans, which are only loosely tied weeks, accelerated depreciation for new than a tax increase, since tax proceeds
to Fed actions, lenders are unable and business investment, and imposed other typically finance government spending,
unwilling to extend mortgage credit at any smaller tax cuts and benefits. The cost whereas much of what is spent on gasoline
interest rate. was approximately $100 billion, equal goes to overseas energy producers.
The Federal Reserve may also to about 1% of GDP. While subject to The $150 billion stimulus plan can
be constrained in its response to the much debate then and afterward, this also be thought of as making up for the
economy’s problems because of concerns stimulus likely mitigated the severity of difference between current consensus
with inflation, which remains elevated that downturn. expectations this year and the economy’s
despite the weak economy. Commodity How big a plan? President Bush’s potential growth. While economists have
prices are at record levels, the exchange currently proposed fiscal stimulus plan quickly marked down their forecasts,
value of the U.S. dollar is falling, import is a comparable 1% of GDP, equal to just according to the Blue Chip survey the
prices are up and labor productivity under $150 billion. This is big enough consensus is for real GDP to advance
has slowed. Financial markets have to to provide a meaningful economic boost. less than 2% this year. Most economists
date been disappointed with the Federal Assuming the $150 billion is distributed have not assumed the passage of a fiscal
Reserve’s reticent response to events. this summer, and that just half is actually stimulus plan, and most put potential
Investors may be even more disappointed spent by year’s end, it would add well over growth at below 3%. If economists are
in coming weeks as they are pricing in a a percentage point to annualized real GDP correct about growth this year, then a
near 2% federal funds rate target by late growth during the second half of 2008. $150 billion stimulus plan would simply
this year, down from 3.5% currently (see How big a boost, of course, depends on put the economy back closer to its trend.
Chart 4). Well-timed and temporary fiscal the details of the stimulus plan. If economists are wrong, it is likely they
stimulus could jump-start growth and Another way to gauge the magnitude will have erred on the side of optimism,
give monetary authorities more latitude to and importance of the $150 billion and the economy is already in recession.
focus on longer-term inflation objectives. stimulus package is to consider the In that case fiscal stimulus would be
The use of fiscal policy to support looming potential increase in the cost of especially helpful.
a flagging economy has also regained gasoline this spring. If oil prices remain Tax rebate. The goal of a fiscal
credibility given its successful deployment near their current $90 per barrel, gasoline stimulus plan is to maximize the near-
in 2001. A valid criticism of fiscal prices will increase sharply once refiners term boost to economic growth without
stimulus is that it must be fashioned begin gearing up for this summer’s driving weakening the economy’s longer-term

 Moody’s • • • January 2008

households spending two-thirds of their
Table 1: Fiscal Economic Bang for the Buck
One year $ change in real GDP for a given $ reduction in federal tax revenue or increase rebate within six months of receiving a
in spending check. Moody’s’s estimate
of a tax rebate’s potential stimulus is
Tax Cuts closer to these later estimates. A majority
Non-refundable lump-sum tax rebate 1.02 of households save little, and have modest
if any net worth. They likely have very
Refundable lump-sum tax rebate 1.26
short-term financial-planning horizons—
indeed, not much further than their next
Temporary tax cuts
paycheck. Any tax benefit they receive will
payroll tax holiday 1.29 almost certainly be spent quickly.
Across the board tax cut 1.03 The president has seemingly decided
Accelerated depreciation 0.27 to separate the debate over a fiscal
stimulus plan from the issue of whether
Permanent tax cuts to make the tax cuts passed early in his
Extend alternative minimum tax patch 0.48 presidency permanent. Under current
Make Bush income tax cuts permanent 0.29 law, those tax cuts are set to expire at
Make dividend and capital gains tax cuts permanent 0.37 the end of the decade. Indeed, making
Cut in corporate tax rate 0.30 them permanent would provide very
little economic stimulus at this point.
Spending Increases Some households would spend more
Extending UI benefits 1.64 freely given the certainty of their lower
Temporary increase in food stamps 1.73 future tax rates, but most do not have the
financial resources to do so. The benefit
General aid to state governments 1.36
of making Bush’s tax cuts permanent
Increased infrastructure spending 1.59
would also be mitigated by their impact
Source: Moody's
on long-term interest rates. Bond
investors holding government debt with
prospects. This requires that the thus get either no refund or only a partial maturities that extend for decades are
plan be implemented quickly; that its one. Taxpayers would likely receive highly sensitive to policy changes that will
benefits go to those hurt most by the checks beginning in mid-June, as the IRS have long-run implications for the federal
economy’s problems; and that these processes 2007 tax returns. The checks fiscal situation.
benefits not damage longer-term fiscal would be mailed over a period extending While the president’s non-refundable
conditions. Yet given the number of into August. tax rebate would help the struggling
political constituencies involved, these The president’s favored tax rebate economy, a refundable rebate would
requirements may not serve as more plan would provide a measurable be substantially more helpful. In a
than a rough guide for the stimulus plan quick boost to the economy. Based on refundable tax rebate—favored by most
currently being fashioned. simulations of the Moody’s Democrats—all households would
The most significant part of the macroeconomic model, every dollar lost to receive the same size check regardless
proposed plan will be a tax rebate. The the Treasury from the rebate would generate of how much they owe in income taxes.
president favors a “non-refundable” rebate slightly more than one dollar in GDP within For example, at a cost of $100 billion,
that would be based on the elimination of one year (see Table 1). Given that the every U.S. household could receive a
the 10% income tax bracket for this year. president’s rebate would cost around $100 $900 check. The extra boost would come
The maximum rebate would be $800 for billion, it would add a bit more than $100 via the spending of very low income
an individual filer and $1,600 for joint billion to GDP by mid-2009. households, who will not receive a non-
filers. Those who do not earn enough There is significant debate about the refundable rebate since they typically do
to pay income tax would get no rebate economic efficacy of temporary tax cuts. not owe income taxes. Moreover, higher
(hence the “non-refundable” designation), Survey-based studies of the 2001 tax income households who are more likely
and many with lower incomes that pay rebate concluded that only about a fourth to save their rebate check receive less
some taxes will get only a partial rebate. of the rebate was spent; the rest was under a refundable plan.
Over half of all U.S. households would saved or used to pay down existing debt. Investment incentives. The fiscal
More recent data-based studies found stimulus plan will likely also include
the 2001 rebate to be more potent, with tax incentives to stimulate business

A good review of the various potential tax and spending investment. This is not a particularly
elements of a fiscal stimulus plan are provided in “Options effective way to boost near-term economic
for Responding to Short-Term Economic Weakness,”
Congressional Budget Office, January 2008. 
The tax rebate could be issued earlier if it were based on

The need for fiscal stimulus to be timely, targeted and 2006 tax returns, but this would clearly create another set
temporary is very nicely described in “If, When, How: A of issues.
Primer on Fiscal Stimulus,” Douglas Elmendorf and Jason 
See “Consumer Response to Tax Rebates,” Matthew 
See “Household Expenditure and the Income Tax Rebates
Furman, The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution, Shapiro and Joel Slemrod, American Economic Review, of 2001,” Johnson, Parker, and Souleles, American Economic
January 2008. Volume 93, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 281-396. Review, Volume 95, No. 6, December 2006, pp 1589-1610.

Moody’s • • • January 2008 

Chart 5: Mounting State Government Fiscal Problems Expanding Increasing food stamp benefits also
Red states have announced budget shortfalls for FY 2009 UI and food has the added benefit of helping many
stamps. While low-income households ineligible for UI,
there will be such as part-time workers. It also helps
some resistance those who do not pay income tax and
from the Bush thus will not receive a rebate.
administration, it is Helping state governments. Another
likely the stimulus economically potent tool of the federal
plan will include government is aid to financially-pressed
some temporary state governments. This could take the
increases in form of general aid or a temporary increase
federal spending. in the Medicaid matching rate, to help ease
An extension the costs of health coverage. Such help
of benefits for appears unlikely in the current stimulus
unemployed plan, but this could quickly change in
workers who coming weeks if the economy’s problems
exhaust their grow more severe and widespread as the
regular 26 weeks legislation is being fashioned.
activity, but it will make any plan more of unemployment insurance benefits Fiscal problems are already
politically palatable and thus smooth its has been part of the federal government developing in nearly half the states.
quick passage. response to most past recessions, and an Fourteen states have announced specific
Included in the 2001-2002 stimulus expansion of food stamp payments also budget shortfalls in fiscal year 2009,
was bonus depreciation for new seems likely. Including these spending which begins this July, totaling close
investment and increased expensing of increases would assure more support to $30 billion. Tax revenue growth has
investment for small businesses. Under among Democrats for a stimulus plan and slowed sharply with flagging retail sales
bonus depreciation a business is able to thus facilitate its passage. and corporate profits. Income tax receipts
more quickly depreciate new investment Extending UI and expanding food are also sure to suffer as the job market
undertaken before a certain date. This stamps are the most effective ways weakens. California and Florida are under
lowers the firm’s tax liability, raises the to prime the economy’s pump. A $1 the most financial pressure, but states
after-tax return on that investment, and increase in UI benefits generates an as far-flung as Arizona, Minnesota, and
should thus induce businesses to invest estimated $1.64 in near-term GDP; Maryland are also struggling.
more quickly. Similar dynamics apply to increasing food stamp payments by $1 As most state governments are
small-business expensing. The economic boosts GDP by $1.73 (see table). People required by their constitutions to quickly
efficacy of these incentives grows if there who receive these benefits are very hard- eliminate their deficits, most are already
is a near-term expiration date. In the pressed and will spend any financial aid drawing up plans to cut funding for
current stimulus plan, the investment they receive within a few weeks. These programs ranging from healthcare to
incentives will likely include bonus programs are also already operating, and education and cutting grants to local
depreciation of 50% and a doubling in a benefit increase can be quickly delivered government. Local governments are
expensing to $250,000 on investments to recipients. having their own financial problems;
made before the end of 2008. The benefit of extending most rely on property-tax revenues, which
The economic bang-for-the-buck of unemployment insurance goes beyond are slumping with house prices. Cuts in
bonus depreciation is very modest (see simply providing financial aid for the state and local government outlays are
table). Indeed, of all the tax and spending jobless, to more broadly shoring up sure to become a substantial drag on the
policies considered, it provides the least household confidence. Nothing is more economy later this year and into 2009.
amount of stimulus. Such incentives offer a psychologically debilitating, even to Additional federal aid to state
limited boost because many businesses have those still employed, than watching governments will fund existing payrolls
difficulty quickly adjusting long-planned unemployed friends and relatives and programs; thus it will also provide a
capital budgets. Moreover, most investment lose benefits. The slump in consumer relatively quick economic boost. States that
is made by businesses with no tax liability confidence in late 1991, after the receive a check from the federal government
in the first place. Investment incentives also 1990-1991 recession, may very well will quickly pass on the money to workers,
complicate matters for financially pressed have been due in part to the first Bush vendors, and program beneficiaries.
state governments that base their business administration’s initial opposition to Arguments that state governments
taxes on federal tax law. extending UI benefits for hundreds of should be forced to cut spending that
thousands of workers. The administration has grown bloated and irresponsible,
ultimately acceded and benefits were are strained at best. State government

The economic efficacy of investment tax incentives extended, but only after confidence had spending and employment are no larger
provided earlier this decade is examined in “A Retrospective
Evaluation of the Effects of Temporary Partial Expensing,” waned. The fledgling recovery sputtered today as a share of total economic activity
Cohen and Cummings, Federal Reserve Board, Finance and and the political damage extended and employment than they were three
Economics Discussion Series Working Paper No. 2006-19,
April 2006. through the 1992 presidential election. decades ago. Moreover, arguments that

 Moody’s • • • January 2008

Chart 6: Quick Fiscal Stimulus Would Support GDP... Chart 7: ...Lift Employment...
Contribution to real GDP growth, average annual % change Change in payroll employment, thousands
2.25 1,100
Likely stimulus 1,023
Likely stimulus 1,000
2.00 2.13 Optimal stimulus
Optimal stimulus
1.54 800
1.50 705
700 646
1.25 600
1.00 500 448

0.65 400
0.53 300
0.25 100
0.00 0
2nd half of 08 First half of 09 Dec-08 Jun-09

helping states today would encourage to know just when the projects will get to the economy during the second half of
more profligacy in the future also appear under way and the money spent. Also this year and early in 2009. Neither plan
overdone. Apportioning federal aid to complicating the use of infrastructure will prevent a recession if one has already
states based on their size (either by spending is the politics of apportioning begun, because they will not benefit the
GDP or population), rather than on the these funds across the country in economy until midyear at best. Yet they are
size of their budget shortfalls, would a logical and efficient way. Simply substantive enough to significantly mitigate
substantially mitigate this concern. allocating the funds proportionately the severity and length of any downturn.
Other options. Fiscal policymakers could very well result in some poorly Taking the president’s lead,
have a number of other options for designed projects being funded. Congress is most likely to pass a fiscal
providing stimulus, some of which have Making the current dividend income stimulus plan costing $150 billion. The
been used in the past, but have some and capital gains tax rates permanent plan will include a non-refundable $100
significant shortcomings and are thus not would also make for poor economic billion tax rebate; bonus depreciation
likely to be included as part of the current stimulus. The current 15% tax rate and increased expensing for small
stimulus plan. Most notable are spending that most investors currently pay is set businesses costing $25 billion; and
on the nation’s infrastructure and making to soon expire and tax rates will jump. an extension of UI benefits and an
the current tax rates on dividend income There is an argument that making them expansion of food stamps that together
and capital gains permanent. permanent would create some certainty account for the remaining $25 billion.
On the face of it, increased for investors who are currently very We assume the plan becomes law in
infrastructure spending appears to be a uncertain regarding the prospects for the March, and the tax rebate is issued
particularly efficacious way to stimulate stock and bond markets. Regardless of between mid-June and mid-August. The
the economy. The boost to GDP from a the longer-term benefits of taking such investment incentives and the expanded
dollar spent on building new bridges and a policy step, however, the near-term UI and food stamp benefits are assumed
schools is estimated to be a large $1.59, economic boost would be small. The to extend through mid-2009.
and who could argue with the need problems plaguing financial markets This plan will lift annualized real
for such infrastructure. The overriding are broad and deep and unlikely to be GDP growth by 1.5 percentage points
limitation of such spending as a part measurably affected by such a policy during the second half of 2008, and
of a stimulus plan, however, is that it change. Moreover, even under the best by 0.5 percentage points during the
generally takes a substantial amount of circumstances in financial markets, first half of 2009. (see Chart 6). The
of time for funds to flow to builders the impact of such a move has a small additional output growth translates into
and contractors and into the broader estimated economic bang-for-the-buck of nearly 450,000 more jobs by year-end
economy (see Table 1). It should be only $.37. 2008 than would be created without
noted that the economic bang for the buck Macroeconomic impacts. To assess the stimulus, and 700,000 more
estimates shown in Table 1 measure the the macroeconomic consequences of jobs by midyear 2009 (see Chart 7).
change in GDP one year after the spending fiscal stimulus, Moody’s Unemployment will be measurably lower
actually occurs; it says nothing about how simulated two different hypothetical as a result, with the jobless rate nearly
long it may take to cut a check to a builder plans. The first plan is the most likely half a percentage point lower by mid-
for a new school. Many infrastructure to become law given current political 2009 (see Chart 8).
projects can take years from planning to realities, while the second is an idealized
completion. Even if the funds are only plan whose objective is maximizing near-
used to finance projects that are well term economic growth, without regard to 
Monetary policy as measured by the federal funds rate is
along in their planning, it is very difficult politics. Both provide a measurable boost determined endogenously in the model based on a Taylor-
rule reaction function.

Moody’s • • • January 2008 

Chart 8: ...And Lower Unemployment than would be current period, the real funds rate has
Change in unemployment rate, basis points case without the fallen from 3% to 1.25% and there has
Dec-08 Jun-09 stimulus, and been no fiscal policy response.
0.7 percentage Policymakers must act now to
points greater in shore up the unraveling economy. The
the first half of Federal Reserve has become much more
next year. Payroll aggressive, slashing the federal funds rate
-0.25 employment by 1.75% since the summer to a current
-0.29 is more than 1 target of 3.5%. Even more rate-cutting is
million jobs higher likely on the way. Various fiscal automatic
-0.42 by mid-2009 as stabilizers are now beginning to kick in as
-0.50 -0.46 a result, and the the economy falters. Tax revenue growth
Likely stimulus
unemployment is sure to soon slow sharply, and spending
Optimal stimulus rate is 0.7 on various transfer programs will quickly
-0.66 percentage ramp up. Even if the Bush administration
-0.75 points lower. and Congress do nothing in response to
The idealized the eroding economy, the budget deficit
stimulus plan will increase substantially.
Under our idealized stimulus plan, leads to 300,000 more jobs by mid- Doing nothing would be a mistake,
which we also assume to cost $150 2009 than in the most likely plan, and however. Fiscal policymakers have
billion, there is a refundable tax rebate an unemployment rate that is a quarter a window of opportunity to provide
worth $100 billion; $25 billion for percentage point lower. substantial help in a timely and targeted
increased spending on UI benefits and Conclusions. The U.S. economy way. A well-designed tax rebate this
food stamps; and $25 billion in state may not be able avoid a recession summer, plus additional help to
government aid. The tax rebate is issued in coming months; but with deft financially-pressed households reliant
this summer, and the extra spending is and aggressive monetary and fiscal on unemployment insurance and food
assumed to take place through mid-2009. policymaking, we can ensure that if the stamps would go far in boosting a
The key differences between the optimal economy suffers a downturn it will be flagging economy. The stimulus should
and most likely stimulus plans are the short and modest. be temporary, so that the resulting
refundable versus non-refundable tax Indeed, the last two recessions in larger deficit this year and next does not
rebate and state government aid instead 2001 and 1990-1991 were short and exacerbate the nation’s long-term fiscal
of business investment incentives. The mild by post-World War II standards, but challenges. A well-timed, targeted, and
refundable tax rebate is assumed to be only because of the aggressive monetary temporary stimulus could in fact cost
based on payroll tax rolls that are much and fiscal stimulus provided to shore the Treasury less in the long run, since
broader than federal income tax rolls; the up the economy. In the early 1990s’ a debilitating recession would severely
state government aid is provided to states’ downturn, the real federal funds rate fell undermine tax revenues and prompt more
via grants to their general funds. from 5% to 0%, and the federal budget government spending for longer.
The boost to GDP growth from deficit increased from 3% to 5% of GDP. What policymakers decide to do
the idealized fiscal stimulus plan is Early in this decade, the real funds rate or not do in the next few weeks will
substantial. Annualized real GDP growth fell from 4% to -1%, and the federal determine whether millions of Americans
is estimated to be 2.1 percentage points budget went from a surplus equal to 2% lose jobs this year, and will significantly
greater during the second half of 2008 of GDP to a deficit of 4%. So far in the affect the economic well-being of all of us.

 Moody’s • • • January 2008

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