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Form 12. Legal System. Gap filling.

1.If you do something against the law, then you have______________a crime.
2.__________,when caught, are punished.
3. For _______________the punishment might be a fine but in the case of___________ people
4. The court ____________a person is innocent until proven____________.
5.A child who has not ____________the age of 10 cannot ___________________________.
6. Between the ages of 10 and 14 a child can be brought before a ______________regardless ___the
type of crime.
7. A young person can be asked to______________before a Juvenile Court.
8. Juvenile Courts exist to find possible ways of helping the ________to live_________________the
rules of the community.
9. The Magistrates’ Courts deal with ____________________and_________________.
10. More serious cases _______________by judges in the ___________________.
11.The jury is a body of 12 ____________chosen for each____________.
12. The judge decides ________________,________________the evidence for the jury,
and_____________the accused or passes______________.
13. Judges are___________from practising________________.
14. The jurors are_____________from among _______________who are on the electoral list, no
older than_______, and UK ___________.
15. _____________________, _____________________ and___________can be excused from jury
16. The object of a criminal case is to __________________________________.
17. The object of a civil case is to ________________________for a person who has been wronged.
18.The criminal justice system deals with crimes such as ___________________,__________,
___________________and so on.
19.The civil law covers business_____________the family, property, contracts and torts.
20. The injured party can decide for himself whether he wants the ______________punished or he
wishes for compensation.
21. Grave offences should be result in long__________________.
22. Alternatives to custody include______________,_______________and____________to crime
23.Every person is entitled to _____________________against violations with regard to his or her
life, health, personal freedom,______________and __________________.
24. All criminal trials have two parties - _______________and________________.
25. Defendants, unlike the prosecution, have a right of________________which is heard by
26. The highest court of appeal in England is _______________________.

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