Plant Poisons: Plant Poison Used Frequently As Homicidal, Suicidal and As An Abortifacients

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Plant poisons: plant poison used frequently as homicidal, suicidal and as an


1. Abrus precatorius(Gunchi,Rati) –seeds

2. Calotropis gigantia, Madar/ Aak- calotoxin, calactin
3. Datura stramonium-solanaceae-hyoscine atropine –seeds
4. Ergot- claviceps purpurea
5. Ephedra spp. Ephedrine
6. Rauwolfia serpentine-serpentine found in roots
7. Strychnus nux vomica-strychnin, brucine -seeds
8. Croton tiglium (Jamalgota, Croton)-crotin a water soluble toxalbumin-seeds
9. Capsicum annum-capsicum-fruits
10.Atropa belladonna- atropine and hyoscymine – seeds
11.Digitalis purpura(Foxglove).-digitoxin
12.Nerium oleander-Nerin
13.Argimone maxicana-seeds-berberine toxin
14.Aconitum napellus (metha zahar)-roots-aconitine
15.Cannabis sativa (Hemp, Bhang, Ganja, charus) cannabidol acidic acid,
delta-9 THC
16.Papaver sominiferum-mophine-capsule seeds.
Poison is a any substance(solid, liquid or gaseous), which is introduce in
the living body or brought into contact with any part thereof, will
produced ill health or death by its constitutional or local effects or both.

Bacterial poison note regarded as poison in this term.

Ideal homicidal poison; it may be cheap, highly toxic, tasteless, capable

of being administered easily by food or drink, sign and symptoms should
be resemble as natural deceased and should not be detected by chemical aconite, arsenic, organic compound of fluoride (rodenticide).

Ideal suicidal poison: it may be easily available, pleasant test, capable

of producing painless death. Eg Barbiturates, opium.

Stupefying: Datura, cannabis India, chloral hydrates

Classification of poison Poisons can be classified

according to chief symptoms which they produce

1. Corrosives
a. Strong acids : Inorganic acids- Sulphuric acid, Nitric
acid, HCl. Organic acid – carbolic acids, oxalic acids,
acetic acid, salicylic.
b. Strong alkali: Hydrates and carbonates of sodium,
potassium and ammonia
c. Metallic salts: ZnCl2, FeCl3, CuSO4 , Potassium
2. Irritants:
1. Agricultural
2. Inorganic
a. Non metallic. – phosphorous, Iodine, chlorine,
Bromine, Carbon tetrachloride
b. Metallic – Lead, Hg, Arsenic, Antimony, Cu.
c. Mechanical – Hair, diamond dust, Glass powder.
3. Organic
a. Vegetable- abrus precatorius , croton, calotropis,
b. Animal- snake venom, insects, cantharides.
3. Systematic
1. Cerebral
a. Central nerves system depressants- opioids, alcohol,
hypnotic sedative
b. Central nerves system Stimulants- cyclic
antidepressants, amphetamine, caffine,
c. Deliriant- Datura, belledona, hyocymus, cannabis,

2. Spinal – stricunous nox vomica

3. Peripheral – conium, curare

4. Cardiovascular- aconite, quinine, tobacco,

Hydrocynic acid

5. Asphyxiants- CO, CO2, Hydrogen sulphide.

4. Miscellaneous: food poisoning , botulism

Poisons Antidote

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