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butt / bt;/ verb to hit or push sb/sth hard with your head

unveil /n'veil; / verb [vn] to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time
rebuff / rI'bf;/ noun(formal) an unkind refusal of a friendly offer, request or suggestion
gang 'up (on / against sb)(informal) to join together in a group to hurt, frighten or oppose sb:
infringe /in'find / verb (on / upon) sth to limit sb’s legal rights:
back: verb to give help or support to sb/sth:
outreach / 'atri:t / noun[U] the activity of an organization that provides a service or advice to
people in the community, especially those who cannot or are unlikely to come to an office, a hospital,
etc. for help:
acclaim / 'kleim / verb, noun praise and approval for sb/sth, especially an artistic achievement:
fractious / 'frks/ adjective making trouble and complaining
masterful / 'ma:stfl / adjective 1(of a person, especially a man) able to control people or situations in
a way that shows confidence as a leader
date 'back (to … ) | 'date from …to have existed since a particular time in the past or for the length of
time mentioned:
creep 'in / 'into sth to begin to happen or affect sth:
navigation / nvi'gein;/ noun [U] the movement of ships or aircraft:
plot (with sb) (against sb) to make a secret plan to harm sb, especially a government or its leader
poke 'fun at sb/sth to say unkind things about sb/sth in order to make other people laugh at them
in the interest(s) of sth in order to help or achieve sth:
strike sb (as sth) to give sb a particular impression:
solidarity (with sb) support by one person or group of people for another because they share feelings,
opinions, aims, etc.:
elicit / i'lisit/ verb[vn] elicit sth (from sb) (formal) to get information or a reaction from sb, often with

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