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Memorable adverts:

Common adverts which get

remembered are adverts which
either use music, comedy or
annoying phrases, that get stuck in your head. These are successful
because the public remembers the
Advertising lower prices: advert, which makes them go buy the product.
Story telling:
The public are These types of
always wanting a bargain. adverts produce min clips of each episode of the drama to a
permarkets tend to advertise by example of an advert which does this is Daz. These ty
week, which makes the public shop at the supermarket with
successful because the audience thegets
lower prices. These
engaged types
with the of adverts
advert are to know w
and wants
see what is best, but they don’t read the small print to find out its not as simple as that.
because the ending of each story is left on a cliff hanger which m

What makes TV

Some adverts use famous faces to help advertise their products. This is done so that the public relates to
celebrities with their product.
n’t like, then the product won’t be liked either. These adverts are successful with likeable celebrities because it m

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