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Equipment cost and Expenditure

Fixed Assets Cost

Items Price
1. Hardware RM20000

2. Software RM38000

Monthly Cost

Network,web advertising and utilities expenses

1. Streamyx Enterprise RM 618

2. Office Rent RM 200

3. Electricity RM 100

4. Telephone RM 100

5. Web Advertising RM1000

1. Section Manager &executive RM15000

2. General Workers RM 5000

Other expenditure RM 1000

Yearly Allocation
Advertisement (other medium) and other allocation RM10000
Revenue sources
Medical Package Revenue
Average package revenue is RM 500

Average one month sold 50 package, total package revenue = RM 25000

First year medical package revenue =RM300000

Conservative estimation, every subsequent year revenue increase by 10%, increase by

RM30000 each year

Affiliate Revenue
1st year affiliate fee is waived

2nd year, with 5 affiliates, monthly revenue RM100X5, yearly affiliate revenue = RM 6000

3rd year, increase to 10 affiliates, monthly revenue RM150X10, yearly revenue = RM18000

Advertising Revenue
1st year, Ad fee (posting at our site) is RM150, 5 Ad, yearly advertising revenue = RM 9000

2nd year, advertising fee increased to RM200, 10 Ad, yearly revenue = RM24000

3rd year, advertising fee increased to RM230, 14 Ad, yearly revenue =RM38640

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