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Our focus is on helping children

realize their potential and give


Be a Joy
for Every
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Helping Hands India is an initiative started by
Ms Nutan Kasliwal and Ms Monica Ferro on 8th
January 2007 with the express purpose of
reaching out to children who are gifted or are  
HHI gives need-based educational support with
a difference and follows a scientific approach
while dealing with children. HHI caters to the
needs of gifted children, and children who have
normal intelligence but are under-achievers
or/and hyperactive.
HHI is not a private tuition/coaching class. Our
teaching is not completely based on the School
Syllabus. It uses wider concepts to develop basic
academic skills in English and Math to bridge the
learning gap. The goal is to develop self
confidence in the child and make him/her an
independent learner who can tackle all kinds of
situations in life.
Activity-based Remedial Teaching :
  Our focus is on helping children realize their potential
and give expression to it in their own individual style. 
We will facilitate the process through various activities
that will be designed to develop the children’s
Activities at HHI are :
  Identification of gifted, adhd and normal children
with learning challenges,
Spoken English program for adults and children
Teachers training program
Consultancy to schools
Memory and concentration enhancement program
for children
Free lance counseling for schools
Educational, psychological and emotional support

Counselling :
  Once a child’s behavioral problems have been
identified, counselling sessions are conducted with the
child and his/her parents.  If needed, all the adult
family members involved in the child’s upbringing
including the grandparents, are counseled in family
sessions.  This ensures a family atmosphere conducive
to the best interests of the child.
  HHI believes in giving children freedom to develop, to
extend their faculties to the ultimate so that they
achieve the maximum they can, socially,
academically, emotionally …. The only limits are those
we place on them – so let’s set them free!
Support for Mothers :
  We believe that the mother is the child’s first and
most important teacher.  With English increasingly
becoming the medium of education, we have taken up
the challenge of equipping mothers so that they, in
turn, can provide their children with all the educational
support they need.  We conduct classes to enhance
mothers’ English skills, so that they can confidently
guide the child at home.  We also plan to conduct a
variety of workshops for mothers to enable them
develop their latent talents.
Super Saturdays !
  One Saturday a month is a free-wheeling Saturday,
when the children are encouraged to let their hair
down and indulge in a variety of creative activities.
Stories, drama, puppet-shows conducted by the
children, music, painting … there’s no end to the list of
things the children can do.  These times are not
merely fun, but also serve to draw the shy ones out of
their shells and become confident as they throw off
inhibitions and just be themselves!  Thus, these
Saturdays serve as a sounding-board for all the
children to try out and develop their skills.

2007 © Copyright Helping Hands India. All rights reserved.

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