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Tramadol Side Effects And Withdrawal

Side effects reported include impaired thinking and reaction time. Other effects include nausea,
constipation, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, vomiting, itching, sweating, dry mouth, diarrhea
and rash. The drug’s label warns that caution should be taken when driving or performing other
tasks that require alertness. Patients who stop taking Tramadol can experience withdrawal
symptoms that include anxiety, nausea, sweating, chills, tremors, diarrhea, hallucinations, trouble
sleeping and breathing problems.

Tramadol Warnings On Use/Signs Of Overdose

Tramadol can be habit forming. Warnings on the use of Tramadol say it should not be used by
patients who have been addicted to alcohol or drugs, or if they are currently intoxicated. Drugs
that should not be taken with Tramadol include other narcotic pain relievers, sedatives or
tranquilizers, street drugs or medicine for depression, anxiety or mental illness.

Seizures can occur with the use of Tramadol and risk may be higher in those who have had a
seizure disorder, epilepsy, head injury or a metabolic disorder. As with other opiate pain
relievers, Tramadol should be taken exactly as prescribed and should not be crushed or mixed
with liquid and injected. Inhaling or injecting it can cause life-threatening reactions, overdose or
death. Taking too much of the drug can be fatal, according to the manufacturer. Overdose
symptoms can include drowsiness, extreme weakness, shallow breathing, slow heart beat, cold or
clammy skin, lightheadedness, fainting or coma.

Tramadol Treatment Options

Numerous treatment options are available for those who are dependent on Tramadol or other
opiates. Medically-supervised detox programs may be helpful and have shown to be successful
for many people. Deciding to seek detox or rehab treatment can be a difficult one. Many people
who have developed an addiction to opiates delay treatment because of a fear of withdrawal

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