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The Obstetrics and Gynecology Interest Group would

like to invite you to our first meeting of the year!

 Join us for dinner as we listen to physicians and

residents answer questions regarding what drew them
to Obstetrics and Gynecology, and their journeys since,
and enjoy a dinner from City Barbeque, on us!!
 Ob-Gyn Shadowing will be introduced at the meeting,
along with signups
 Meet the students that make up the OGIG board for
2010-2011 school year
 And Gentlemen, don’t be shy!! We have a few male
physicians as well who are attending to share their
experiences with us!!

The Details:
 Where: Meiling 112
 When: September 22, 2010
 Time: 5:30- 7pm (or whenever the food or conversation ends )
 Please RSVP by replying to this email, so that we have an average
attendance number no later than September 20, 2010.
 Hope to see you there!

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