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factor de friccion calculo de oerdidas por friccion

poice ville laminar swam f l d

f= #DIV/0! f #DIV/0!
re<2300 = ks g q Chw
blasws turbulento d 9.81
f= #VALUE! Re darcy weisback
Re>10^5 = colebrook hf= #DIV/0!
ni ku rodpe 1/(f)^(1/2)= #DIV/0! moody
f=1/(F^0,5) Err:502 e ò ks hf= #DIV/0!
Re (3,4^-6-2,3^4) d swam
f Re hf= #DIV/0!
carnier f hazen and williams
f #DIV/0! 1/f^(1/2)= #DIV/0! v= #DIV/0!
Ks hf=
d hazen and williams
Re hf= #DIV/0!
as por friccion

R(radio hidra a p(mojado)


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