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mTFP1 Fusion Expression Vectors

R etroviral infection of cells is an effective means of

stably inserting a gene of interest into a host cell.
The pCHAC retrovirus is successful in infecting most
mammalian cells, including human. These vectors
are suitable for most challenging fluorescent protein

A llele’s pCHAC fluorescent protein fusion ex-

pression vectors use efficient and unique tech-
nologies to get the best results for our product. The
pCHAC retroviral vector is based on the Moloney
Murine Leukemia Virus (MMLV) and contains LTRs
and packaging signals. These vectors can be used
to express a protein of interest as either an N- or
C-terminal fusion to a fluorescent protein by inserting
cDNA into the MCS, or for packaging a stand-alone
control retrovirus that expresses an FP in infected
cells. Allele uses the brightest FPs, in their respective
spectrums, to date: mWasabi, mTFP1, LanRFP and
LanYFP. These vectors result in remarkably high titer, Box 1 | Product List
108 TU/ml and higher.
FP Fusion Vectors

mTFP1 Properties
Characteristic mTFP1 TagCFP ECFP Cerulean
Cyan Cyan Cyan Cyan
Excitation Max
462 458 434 433
Emission Max
492 480 477 475

S afety issues (nm)

Retroviral vectors should be han- Quantum Yield 0.85 0.57 0.40 0.56
dled using NIH BSL-2 safety guide-
lines. For more information, please
coefficient 64000 37000 33000 35000
see Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories <4th edition>
which is available on the Web sites Brightness 54.4 22 13.2 19.6
of the National Institutes of Health at pKa 4.3 4.7 4.7 4.7

F or Research Use Only. Not for Diagnostic or Therapeutic Use. Purchase does not include or carry any right to resell or transfer
this product either as a stand-alone product or as a component of another product. Any use of this product other than the permitted
use without the express written authorization of Allele Biotech is strictly prohibited

Allele Biotech-Introducing Cost Effectiveness to Research

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