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What information is in a SEED?

Rice gnome
DNA Technology
Information capacity
= 466 million A/T/G/C
= 466*2/8 MB
= 116.5 MB.

Stored in nucleus
= 2.5 µm radius
= 65.45 µm3
Pen Drive
Size of a cell:
= 0.025X0.03 µm13 USB connector
2 USB mass storage controller device
Required space for 116.5 MBpoints
3 Test
= 733 X103 µm3
4 Flash memory chip
5 Crystal oscillator
Space ratio for storing 116.5 MB:
Flash 733 ×1073 Write-protect switch
Nucleus 65.45 8 Space for second flash memory chip
≈ 11,198
• Rice cell nucleus is 11 thousand times more compact than flash memory
• Human nucleus has 1.6GB information and is 1.57 lakhs time more compact than
Flash memory of similar capacity
• We have not considered other functionalities of a Nucleus !
• E.g., a nucleus can reproduce itself autonomously
Is it wise to say that
Man created Flash memory
NUCLEUS is created in a
natural/random process without a

Where is the Creator?
Where is the
owner of this

The fish need to know what pond is first?

Where do we live? A simple view
Solar System Universe !!

Milkyway Galaxy

Galaxy Cluster


Earth Planetary system

Planet Star
How large is the Universe?
1 Light-year = 9,460,730,472,580.8 km ≈ 10 trillion km!
The distance light travels in 1 year.
Light takes: Where to go from earth?
8 min 20 sec Sun the nearest star.
14 hour Voyger 1, the most distant space probe covered this distance in 30 years.

4.22 year Proxima Centauri, the nearest known star other than the Sun.

26 thousand yr. • Farthest

Center space
of Milky way, ourprobe.

2.5 million year • Speed:

Andromeda aboutlargest
Galaxy: 17km/sgalaxy in our galaxy cluster
Milkyway Galaxy
3.14 million year • Distance
Triangulum from
Galaxy theearth, as on object visible to the naked eye
most distant
May, 2008:
1.2 billion year Sloan Great
• 16 Wall,
billiona km
giant wall of galaxies, is the largest known structure in the
• 14 light hour
46.5 billion year Distance from the Earth to the edge of the visible universe, which has
diameter of 93 billion light year. This is longer than the age of the universe
93 billion year? The universe beyond visible universe, which is 46.5*2 = 93 BLY.

• What we see in the night sky is the past – 1 year to 1
million year old picture of the visible universe!
• The Visible Universe is a well designed system in
perfect harmony.
– Cosmic objects are orbiting/moving in their own path.
– In a regular manner
– In a fixed speed
• Creator created all these from nothing (Big Bang)
• Creator is not within His creation.
• The fish now atleast knows that the thing he lives in
is a Pond !
Is death the end?
• What is death?
– NDE: clinically dead then comes back to life
– Coma: clinically alive but has no consciousness for long time.
– So scientifically we don’t understand death!
• Death is the end of our body.
• What about our soul, the element that is constantly speaking within us!
– How much do we know about the soul?
– Can we prove that the soul also dies?
• Hence, we don’t understand death neither we can prove it to be the end.
• If death were the end then there is no meaning of life!
– Why are we doing all the hard work?
– Why are we honest then? Why do we build?
– Go enjoy the life! Get money in whatever means you can.
– Why do we take children? They become just burden. Look at the West.
Science & Religion a simple view
• What is science?
– Systematic knowledge of what we can comprehend
– Shows what we don’t know as well – the frontier
– Rejects anything that is not provable though it exists

Facts : proven knowledge

of what we can Science
comprehend. E.g.
Newton’s law of motion.

Hypothesis/Theory: not
proven or fully
understood; e.g. Darwin’s
theory, Cancer research

Science without Belief: we feel but can

religion is lame, not explain with our Religion
current knowledge; e.g.
religion without Soul, Life, Death

science is blind.
Major Religions

Name %
% Date
Origin Scripture
Hinduism 14%
14% ∼∼1500
1500BC BCUpanishad,
Gita, Mahabharat
Messenger Book from
Christianity 33%
33% 30 ADBible
30 AD Bible
/ Prophet Creator ?
Islam 21%
21% 622AD
622 ADQuran,
A Book from the Creator?
• Expected properties of such a Book:

– Immense intelligence of the Creator should be reflected.

– His book should be unparallel in every aspect.

– There should be no errors (syntactical & semantically).

– His book should provide guidance for mankind.

• Religious scriptures are believed to be from the Creator.

• The one we investigate here is the Quran.

Some Facts about Quran
• Quran was revealed, part by part in 22.5 years, 1400 years ago in
• Entire Quran was memorized by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
and many of his companions before it was compiled as a book.
• Today about 10 million people bear the entire Quran in memory.
• Some characteristics:
– It is poetic / rhythmic & easy for memorization
– It prescribes a way of life in simple, straight forward manner.
• The Quran is composed of about 2000 different root words.
– About 1000 verse in Quran mentions scientific facts many of which
are discovered in last 100 years.
– It has some integrated error-checking mechanisms.
Some scientific facts in Quran
Verse Scientific fact
21:30, 41:11 Big bang and creation of the universe
79:30, 31:29 Spherical shape of Earth
25:61, 10:5 Moon has borrowed light
21:33, 36:40 Sun, Moon, Earth – all have rotational movement
36:38 Solar Apex: Sun is moving towards a fixed destination
34:3 Smaller particles than atom exists
39:21, 30:24 Water cycle
78:6-7, 21:31 Peg action of mountains
27:61, 25:53 Barrier between sweet and salt water.
20:53, 13:3 Male and female pairing in plants and fruits
23:13-14 Embryological stages
75:3-4 Uniqueness and reproduction of human fingerprints
4:56 Pain receptors in the skin
36:80 Production of Oxygen (fire element) from green tree
Numerical Compositions in Quran
text text

encode encode
Noisy Transmission Line
Transmitter Receiver
signature signature signature

Same if there was no

error in transmission

• In verse 16 to 31 of Sura 74, it has been mentioned that

– “… he had been stubborn to My revelations… he turned away in pride and
said: This is nothing else than magic from old; This is nothing else than
speech of mortal man. Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire! … Over it are
nineteen. And I have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and I
have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the
People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase
in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the
Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers
may say, "What symbol doth Allah intend by this?“ … “
Numerical Compositions in Quran
• There are many types of 19-based encoding in Quran
• The full encoding is not known yet
• We present example of three encoding types here:
1. Book wide checksum of 19
2. Chapter wide checksum of 19
3. Semantic reflection in word repetition
Example of Book wide 19-checksum

• This signature exhibits following properties:

– It has exactly 19 letters
– It occurs in the entire Book 114 (= 19X6) times
– Occurrence of each word in the entire book :
• ISM : occurs 19 times
• ALLAH : occurs 2698 (19 X 142) times
• AR-RAHMAN: occurs 57 (19 X 3) times
• AR-RAHYM: occurs 114 (19 X 6) times
Chapter wide checksum
• In Quran, many chapter starts with standalone letters.
• Repetition of these letters in corresponding chapter are
multiple of 19.
• Example:

– Sura 50. has letter 19) 57 ‫ق‬X3) times in it

– Sura 36. has letter 237 ‫ ى‬time and 48 ‫ س‬times; a total of

285 (19X15) times
Semantic Reflection in Word
• Repetition count of some words and their antonyms :
Word Occurs Antonym Occurs
Al-Hayat (Life) 145 Al-Maout (Death) 145
Al-Mala'ikah (Angles) 88 Al-Shayateen (Satan) 88

Al-Rajul (Man) 24 Al-Mar'ha (Woman) 24

Al-Salihat (Righteous deeds) 167 Al-Sayi'at (Evil deeds) 167

Al-Dunya (This World) 115 Al-Akhira (The Hereafter) 115

Al-Yisr (Facility, Relief) 36 Al-'Usr (Difficulty) 36

Al-Abraar (The Righteous) 6 Al-Fujjaar (The Wicked) 6

There are many more …

• We have discussed the following questions:
– Is there any Creator ?
– Is Death the end ?
– Is there any message from the Creator ?

Yes No
Is Death
the end ?

Ignore all the Acquire knowledge

signs of the on CREATOR &
CREATOR Hearafter

Enjoy Life? Live according to

the rules of the

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