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ABSTRACT by direct derivation from the Navier-Stokes equation

of motion of viscous fluids. W e find in this manner
In 1856 Henry Darcy described in an appendix to his that:
book, Les Fontaines Publiques de la Ville de Dijon, q = ( N 4 ( p / p ) [ g- ( l / p ) grad PI = WE,
a series of experiments on the downward flow of water
through filter sands, whereby it was established that is a physical expression for Darcy's law, which is valid
the rate of flow is given by the equation: for liquids generally, and for gases at pressures higher
than about 20 atmospheres. Here N is a shape factor
and d a characteristic length of the pore structure of
in which q is the volume of water cros~ingunit area in the solid, p and IL are the density and viscosity of the
unit time, I is the ~hickness of the sand, h, and h, fluid, a = ( N d 2 )(pip) is the volume conductivity o f
the heights above a reference level o f the water in the system, and E = [g - ( l / p ) grad p] is the impell-
manometers terminated above and below the sand, re- ing force per unit mass acting upon the fluid. It is
spectively, and K a factor of proportionality. found also that Darcy's law is valid only for flow
This relationship, appropriately, soon became known velocities such that the inertial forces are negligible as
compared with those arising from viscosity.
as Darcy's law. Subsequently many separate attempts
In general, three-dimensional space there exist two
have been made to give Darcy's empirical expression
.superposed physical fields: a field of force of charucter-
a more general physical fornzulation, with the resuit istic vector E, and a field of flow of vector q. The force
that .so many mutually inconsistent expressions of what field is more general than the flow field since it has
is purported to he Darcy's law have appeared in pub- values in all space capable of being occupied by the
lished literature that sight has often been lost of fluid.
Darcy's own work and of its significance. So long as the fluid density is constant or is a func-
In the present paper, therefore, it shall be our pur- tion of the pressure only,
pose to reinform ourselves upon what Darcy himself curl E = 0, E = - grad
did, and then to determine the meaning of his results where
when expressed e.rplicitly in terms of the pertinent
physical variables involved. This will be done first by
the empirical method used by Darcy himself, and then The field of fiow, independently of the force field,
must satisfy the conservation of mom, leading to the
Manuscript received in Petroleum Branch office on Sept. 12, 1956. equation of continuity
Paper prepared for presentation before Darcy Centennial Hydrology
Symposium of the International Association of Hydrology held in
Dijon, France. Sept. 20-26, 1956. and for dual publication as part div pq = - f ap/at ,
of the Dijon Symposium and in the Darcy Centennial Issue of
JourmL2 of Petroleum Technology. where f is the porosity, und t is the time. For steady
Discmaion of this paper is invited. Discussion in writing ( 3 rnotion ap/at = 0. and
copies) may be sent to the office of the Journal o f Petrolmbm
Technology. Any discussion offered after Dec. 31. 1966, should be
in the form of a new paper.


1 ) the fluid is also of constant density,
div q = 0 .
The two fields are linked together by Darcy's law,
Appareil d e s ~ r n a
de I'iroulernent den I'cau I
i ditcrninrr la lo1
i travcrs le sable

which is physically analogous to Ohm's law in elec-

Then, when E = - grad @,
q == - u grad @ .
By means of the foregoing equations the flow o f both
homogeneous and heterageneous fluids through porous
solids becomes amenable to the same kind of analytical
treatment as is already familiar in electrical and ther-
mal conduction.
The relation of Darcy's work to the development o f
a valid theory of the flow of fluids through porous
solids is somewhat analogous to that of Faraday to the
Maxwellian equations of electromagnetism. It forms a
solid experimental foundation for such a field theory,
and the errors attributed by various recent authors to
Darcy appear upon closer inspection to have been those
committed by the authors themselves.

In Paris in the year 1856 there was published by
Victor Dalmont as a part of the Libraire des Corps
lmptriaux des Ponts et Chausse'es et des Mines a mono-
graph by the French engineer Henry Darcy,' Inspector
General of Bridges and Roads, bearing the title:
Exposition et Application liques de la Ville de Dijon, Atlas, FIG. 3 ) .
Dans les Questions 1. This consisted of a vertical iron pipe, 0.35 m in
de diameter and 3.50 m in length (the figure shows 3.50 m
DISTRIBUTION D'EAU but the text says 2.50), flanged at both ends. At a
Ouvrage Termini5 height of 0.20 m above the base of the column, there
Par un Appendice Relatif aux Fournitures was placed a horizontal screen supported by an iron
d'Eau de Plusieurs Villes grillwork upon which rested a column, a meter or so
AU FILTRAGE DES EAUX in length, of loose sand. Water could be admitted into
et the system by means of a pipe, tapped into the column
A la Fabrication des Tuyaux de Fonte, near its top, from the building water supply, and could
de Plomb, de Tole et de Bitume." be discharged through a faucet from the open charn-
ber near its bottom. The faucet discharged into a meas-
For several years previously M. Henry Darcy had
been engaged in modernizing and enlarging the pub- uring tank 1 m square and 0.50 m deep, and the flow
lic water works of the town of Dijon, and this treatise, rate could be controlled by means of adjustable valves
comprising a 647-page volume of text and an accom- in both the inlet pipe and the outlet faucet.
panying Atlar of illustrations, constitutes an engineer- For measuring the pressures mercury manometers
ing report on that enterprise. were used, one tapped into each of the open chambers
The item of present interest represents only a detail above and below the sand column. The unit of pres-
of the general work and appears in an appendix on sure employed was the meter o f water and all man-
pages 590 to 594 under the heading "Determination of ometer readings were reported in meters of water meas-
the Law of Flow of Water Through Sand," and per- ured above the bottom of the sand which was taken as
tains to a problem encountered by Darcy in designing an elevation datum. The observations of the mercury
a suitable filter for the system. Darcy needed to know manometers were accordingly expressed directly in terms
how large a filter would be required for a given quan- of the heights of the water columns of equivalent water
tity of water per day and, unable to find the desired
manometers above a standard datum.
information in the published literature, he proceeded
to obtain it experimentally. The experiments comprised several series of obser-
A drawing of the apparatus used is given as Fig. 3 vations made between Oct. 29 and Nov. 2, 1855, and
in the Atlas and is here reproduced in facsimile as Fig. some additional experiments made during Feb. 17 to
18, 1856. For each series the system was charged with
'References glven a t end of paper. a different sand and completely filled with water.

V O L . 2 0 7 . 1956
By adjustment of the inlet and o~ltletvalves the water.
was made to flow downward through the sand at ;I
series of successively increasing rates. For each rate a
reading of the manometers was taken and recorded as a
pressure difference in meters of water above the bottom
of the sand. The results o f two of these series, using
different sands, are shown graphically in Fig. 2. In [I is the logarithm to the base e.]
each instance it will be seen that the total rate of dis- "Si la valeur h, correspond au temps t,, et h h un
charge increases linearly with the drop in head across temps quelconque t , il viendra
the sand of the two equivalent water manometers. I<
I(h + e l = / ( h a+
, el - - [t - t,] . . . . (I)
Darcy's own summary of the results of his experi-
ments is given in the following passage (p. 5 9 4 ) : "Si on remplace maintenant h +e et h,, + e par
"Ainsi, en appelant e l'epaisseur de la couche cie q,,e
d e sable, s sa superficie, P la pression atmospher- - et - , il viendra
.sk .sk
ique, h la hauteur de l'eau sur cette couche, on
aura P +
h pour la pression A laquelle sera soumise
la base superieure; soient, de plus, P -'- h,, la pres-
sion supportke par la surface infkrieure, k un coef- et les deux equations ( I ) et ( 2 ) donnent, soit la loi
ficient dkpendant de la perm5ahilitC de la couche. q d'abaissement de la hauteur sur le filtre, soit la loi
le volume dCbitC, on a d e variation des volumes debit& i partir du
temps t o .
"Si k et e Ctaient inconnus, on voit qu'il faudrait
deux expCriences prCliminaires pour faire disparaitre
qui se rCduit h k
de la seconde le rapport inconnu - ."
Translating Darcy's statements into the notation
quand h., = 0, ou lorsque la pression sous le filtre est which will subsequently be used in the present paper,
Cgale B la pression atmospherique. what Darcy found and stated was that, when water
"I1 est facile de dbterminer la loi de dCcroissance flows vertically downward through a sand, the volume
d e la hauteur d'eau 11 sur le filtre; en effet, soit of water Q passing through the system in unit time is
dh la quantite dont cette hauteur s'abaisse pen- given by
dant un temps (11, sa vitesse d'abaissement sera h , - h, h , - h,
Q=KA- , o r by -KA -; . ( 1 )
- dh : mais 13Cquation ci-dessus donne encore pour and the volume crossing unit area in unit time by
cette vitesse I'expression
- v = - ( h + e )
- -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
s e where K is a factor of proportionality, A the area of
"On aura donc cross section and 1 the thickness of the sand, and h, and
h, the heights above a standard reference elevation of
water in equivalent water manometers terminated above
and below the sand, respectively.
Writing Eq. 2 in differential form gives
OCTOBER 2 9 - N O V E M B E R 2 . 1 8 5 5 q = -K ( d h / d l ) . . . . . . . . ( 3)
Soon after the publication of Darcy's account of these
experiments, the relationship expressed by Eqs. 1 to 3
became known, appropriately, as Darcy's law.
It has subsequently come to be universally acknowl-
edged that Darcy's law plays the same role in the theory
of the conduction of fluids through porous solids as
Ohm's law in the conduction of electricity, o r of Four-
ier's law in the conduction of heat. O n the other hand,
Darcy's own statement of the law was in an empirical
form which conveys no insight into the physics of the
phenomenon. Consequently, during the succeeding cen-
tury many separate attempts were made to give the
statement of the law a more general and physically sat-
isfactory form, with the result that there appeared in
the technical literature a great variety of expressions,
many mutually contradictory, but all credited directly
"0 5 10 15 o r indirectly to Henry Darcy.
It has accordingly become recently the fashion, when
FIG. 2-GRAPHS COMPILEDFROM DARCY'STABULAR some of these expressions have been found to be
DATAON HIS EXPERIMENTS OF OCT. 29 'ro Nov. 2 . physically untenable, to attribute the error to Darcy
1855, A N D OF FEB. 17-18, 1856, SHOWINGLINEARRE- himself. In fact one recent author, in discussing a sup-
LATION BETWEEN FLOW RATE AND DIFFERENCESIN posed statement of Darcy's law which is valid for hori-
HEIGHTSOF EQUIVALENT WATERMANOMETERS. zontal flow only, has gone so far as to explain that
ometers, at an axial distance I apart, are connected by
flexible rubber tubing, we can determine the validity
of Darcy's law with respect to the direction of flow.
With the apparatus vertical and the flow downward at
a total rate Q, the manometer difference h? - h, will
have some fixed value ~ h Now, . keeping Q constant
and inverting the column so that the flow will be ver-
tically upward, it will be found that ~h also remains
constant. Next, setting the column horizontal, ~h still
remains constant. In this manner we easily establish
that Darcy's law is invariant with respect to the direc-
tion of the flow in the earth's gravity field, and that for
a given Ah the flow rate Q remains constant whether

the flow be in the direction of gravity or opposed to it,
or in any other direction in three-dimensional space.
This leads immediately to a generalization for flow
in three-dimensional space. At each point in such space
FIG. APPARATUS FOR VERIFYINGDARCY'SLAWFOR there must exist a particular value of a scalar quantity
FLOWIN VARIOUSDIRECTIONS. h, defined as the height above a standard elevation
datum of the water column in a manometer terminated
at the given point. The ensemble of such values then
Darcy was led to the commission of this error by re- gives rise to a scalar field in the quantity h with its at-
stricting his experiments to flow in a horizontal direc- tendant family of surfaces, h = constant. In such a
tion. scalar field water will flow in the direction perpen-
On this centennial occasion of Darcy's original pub- dicular to the surfaces, h = constant, and at a rate
lication, it would appear to be fitting, therefore, in- given by
stead of merely paying our respects to Darcy in the
q = - K grad h . . . . . . . . . (4)
form of an empty homage, that we first establish un-
equivocally what Darcy himself did and said with respect Continuing our empirical experimentation, we find
to the relationship which bears his name; second, try that when we change either of the fluid properties, den-
to ascertain the generality and physical content of the sity or viscosity, or the geometrical properties of the
relationship and to give it a proper physical expression; sand, Eq. 4 still remains valid but the value of K
and third, attempt to see how this fits into a general changes. In particular, by varying one factor at a time,
field theory of the flow of fluids through porous solids we find
in three-dimensional space.
The first of these objectives has already been ac-
complished; the second and third will now be given
our attention. where p is the density and p is the viscosity of the fluid.
Likewise, if we use a number of geometrically similar
sands which differ only in grain size, we find that
As we have seen heretofore, what Darcy determined where d is a length such as the mean grain diameter,
was that, when water flows vertically downward through which characterizes the size scale of the pore structure
a sand, the relation of the volume of water crossing unit of the sand.
area normal to the flow direction in unit time, to the
thickness of the sand, and to the difference in heights Introducing the results of Eqs. 5 and 6 into Eq. 4
of equivalent water manometers terminated above and then gives
below the sand, is given by the following equation: q = grad h ) , . . . . . (7)
K' d ( p / p ) ( -

in which K' is a new factor of proportionality contain-

ing all other variables not hitherto explicitly evaluated.
This remains, however, an empirical equation devoid of
where K is "a coefficient depending upoil the per-
dynamical significance since there is no obvious reason
meability of the sand."
why the flow of a viscous fluid through a porous solid
Questions immediately arise regarding the generality should be proportional to a dimensionless quantity,
of this result. Would it still be true if the water flowed
- grad h.
upward through the sand? or horizontally? What changes
would be effected in the relationship if some different This deficiency can be eliminated when we introduce
liquid characterized by a different density and viscosity the equation relating the manometer height h to the
were used? In what manner does K depend upon the dynamical quantities, gravity and pressure. At any point
permeability of the sand, or upon its measurable sta- P within the flow system, characterized by elevation z
tistical parameters such as coarseness and shape? And and manometer height h, the pressure is given by the
finally, what physical expression can be found which hydrostatic equation
properly embodies all of these variables?
The answer to most of these questions can be de-
termined empirically by an extension of Darcy's original from which
experiment. If, for example, we construct an apparatus h = (p/~g) +z , . . . . . . . . (8)
such as that shown in Fig. 3, consisting of a movable and
cylinder with a rigid sand pack into which two man- - grad h = -- ( l i p g ) grad p - grad z . (9)
Multiplying both sides of Eq. 9 by g then gives is a measure of the energy per unit mass, or the poten-
- g grad h = - ( l / p ) grad p - ggrad z . tial, of the water in the system at the point at which
. . . . . . . . . . . . (10) the manometer is terminated. A manometer is thus seen
With the z-axis vertical and positive upward, then to be a fluid potentiometer, the potential at every point
grad z is a unit vector directed upward, so that - g grad z being linearly related to the manometer height h by
is a vector of magnitude g directed downward. Designat- Eq. 14. Then, if we let E be the force per unit mass,
ing this by g, Eq. 10 becomes or the intensity of the force field acting upon the fluid,
we have
- g g r a d h = g - ( l / p ) gradp, . . . (11)
E = - grad @ = - g grad h = g - ( l / p ) grad p, ( 1 5 )
in which each of the terms to the right represents, both
in direction and magnitude, the force exerted upon and, by substitution into Eq. 12, Darcy's law may be
unit mass of the fluid by gravity and by the gradient of expressed in any of the following equivalent forms
the fluid pressure respectively; the fluid flows in the (Fig. 4 ) :
direction of, and at a rate proportional to, their re-
sultant, - g grad h. Hence the dynamical factor g has
evidently been concealed in the original factor K and
must still be present in the residual factor K'. Intro-
ducing this explicitly, we may now write
q = - ( N d 2 )( p / p ) grad @ = W E ,
q = - ( N J ) ( p / p ) ggrad h = o [g - ( I / P ) g r a d p l ,
q = - ( N & ) (pip) g grad h = (alp) [pg - grad PI,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)
q = ( N d 2 ) ( p / p ) ( - g g r a d h ) , . . . (12) o = [ ( N d ' )( p l p l l
in which N is a final factor of proportionality. Dimen- is the volume conductivity of the system. In the last
sional inspection shows that N is dimensionless, and a of Eqs. 16, the bracketed term
physical review indicates that no dynamical variables
have been omitted, so that N must be related to the [~g-gradp]=pE=H. . . . . . (17)
only remaining variable, namely the shape of the represents the force H per unit volume.
passages through which the flow occurs. Since shape When we compare Darcy's law in the form:
is expressed by angular measurement and angles are
q = oE = o grad Q, ,
dimensionless, [ L / L ] , then N must be a dimensionless -

shape factor whose value is constant for systems which with Ohm's law:
are either identically, or statistically, similar geo- i = a, E, = - o, grad V ,
metrically. By identical similarity is meant similarity
in the strict Euclidean sense: all corresponding angles where i is the current density, o, the electrical con-
equal, and all corresponding lengths proportional. By ductivity, E, the electrical force-field intensity, and V
statistical similarity is meant that two complex geo- the electrical potential, the physical as well as the
metrical systems which may not be identically simi- mathematical analogy between Darcy's law and Ohm's
lar on a microscopic scale are still indistinguishable as law becomes immediately apparent.
to shape on a macroscopic scale--for example, two
sets of randomly packed uniform spheres.
Now that we have achieved a complete physical state-
The term (---g grad h ) can also be written in the
ment of Darcy's law, it remains for us to define what
shall be meant by the permeability of the system.
- g grad h = - grad ( g h ) , . (13)
It will be recalled that Darcy stated that the factor
where gh represents the amount of work required to K is "a coefficient depending upon the permeability
lift a unit mass of water from the standard datum of of the sand." Following this it has often been the cus-
elevation outside the system to the height h of the water tom, especially among ground-water hydrologists, to
in the manometer. Then, since the additional work re- define the permeability of a system to be synonymous
quired to transport the water down the water-filled with K. But, as we have seen, the factor K is the
tube of the manometer to its terminus is zero, it fol- lumped parameter,
lows that
K = ( N d 2 )( p / p ) g,
gh = 4, . . . . . . . . . . . ( 1 4 )
comprising the geometrical properties of the sand, the
dynamical properties of the fluid, and even the accelera-
tion of gravity. Consequently, if K is taken as a meas-
ure of the permeability, it will be seen that the same
sand will have different permeabilities to different
During recent years there has been a convergence
of opinion toward the conclusion that permeability
should be a constant of the solid independently of the
fluids involved. If we accept this view, then it is seen
that the only property of the solid affecting the rate of
flow is the geometrical factor,
. OF FORCEPER UNIT MASS, E, TO which we may accordingly define to he its permeability.
THE PRIMARY FORCESg AND - ( 1 / p ) GRAD p; AND OF Then since N is dimensionless and d is a length, it fol-
THE FLOWVECTORq TO E. lows that the dimensions of permeability are [La];and


in any consistent system of units, the unit of permea-
bility is the square of the unit of length.
In practice the magnitude of this quantity, for a
given porous solid, is determined hydrodynamically by
flowing a liquid through the solid, and measuring all
variables except k, and then solving Darcy's law for k:

which, when the vector quantities are resolved into their

components in the flow direction s, becomes
9P . . . . . . . . . (18)
k =
pgs ap/as

It is found in this manner that for randomly packed,

uniform spheres of diameter d, the value of the shape-
factor N is approximately 6 X lo-'. Then, for a pack
of uniform spheres of any size, the permeability will Few permeability measurements are accurate to with-
be approximately in 1.3 per cent and, when several specimens from the
same formation are measured, the scatter is much
k = ( 6 X 10.') 8. greater than this. Consequently, for all ordinary com-
If d, for different packs, is allowed to vary from about putations, the approximate conversions:
10.' to lo-' cm, corresponding to the approximate range
of grain sizes from fine silts to coarse sands, the per-
1 darcy " 10-"m2,
meability will vary from about lo-" to 10" cm2, which 1 md 10." cm2,
is also approximately the range of the permeabilities of are more accurate than the permeability data available;
the corresponding clastic sediments. though if the data warrant it, the more precise conver-
In view of the fact that magnitudes of permeabilities sion can of course be used.
of rocks are remote from that of the square of any
unit of length in common use, there is some advantage DERIVATION O F DARCY'S LAW FROM
in having a practical unit such that most measured NAVIER-STOKES EQUATION
values fall within the range 1 - 10,000 practical units.
If such a practical unit is to fit into a consistent sys- Having thus achieved the desired generalization and
tem of measurement without awkward conversion fac- a proper physical statement of Darcy's law by an ex-
tors, then it must also be a submultiple of the funda- tension of the empirical method which Darcy himself
mental unit of the form: employed, let us now see if the same result can be de-
1 practical unit = lo-" fundamental units. rived directly from the fundamental equation of Navier
and Stokes for the motion of a viscous fluid.
In the cgs system with the fundamental unit the
(centimeter)', the optimum value of the exponent n
would be about 12, or In order to do this we must first distinguish between
1 practical unit = 10." cm'. the two size scales, the macroscopic and the micro-
Regrettably the unit of permeability used almost scopic, on which the phenomena considered are to be
universally in the petroleum industry, for which the viewed.
name "darcy" has been pre-empted, was defined origin- The macroscopic scale, which is the one we have
ally in terms both of an incomplete statement of Darcy's been using thus far, is a scale that is large as compared
law :'." with the grain or pore size of the porous solid. On this
scale the flow of a fluid through a porous solid is seen
as a continuous phenomenon in space. However, when
we are dealing with macroscopic quantities which have
and an inconsistent system of measurement. The per- particular values at each point in space, but which
meability k is defined to be 1 darcy when q = 1 (cm3/ may vary with position, it is necessary for us to define
cmz)/sec, p = 1 cp, and ap/as = 1 atmosphere/cm. more clearly what is meant by the value of a macro-
In the complete Darcy's law of Eq. 18, the factor scopic quantity at a given point.
pg,, except when the motion is horizontal, is of com- This can be illustrated with the concept of porosity.
parable magnitude to ap/as, and so cannot be ignored. Suppose that we are interested in the porosity at a
Consequently, since it is not practical to measure pg, particular point. About this point we take a finite
in atmospheres/cm, it follows that permeabilities, ex- volume element AV, which is large as compared with
pressed in darcys, cannot be used in a proper statement the grain or pore size of the rock. Within this volume
of Darcy's law without the insertion of a numerical fac- element the average porosity is defined to be
tor to convert pg, from cgs units into atmospheres/cm.
The only alternative is to convert permeabilities ex-
pressed in darcys into the cgs unit, the cm2. For this where AVr is the pore volume within AV. We then
conversion allow AV to contract about the point P and note the
1 darcy = 0.987 X 10.' cm',
value of 7 as AV diminishes. If we p l o t 7 as a function
which is within 1.3 per cent of the submultiple, 10." of a V (Fig. 5 ) , it will approach smoothly a limiting
cm2. value as AV diminishes until AV approaches the grain
or pore size of the solid. At this stage will begin to Next, consider the microscopic flow through a macro-
vary erratically and will ultimately attain the value of scopic volume element AV of sides Ax, ~ y and , AZ.
either 1 or 0, depending upon whether P falls within The void space in such an element will be seen to be an
the void or the solid space. intricately branching, three-dimensional network of flow
However, if we extrapolate the smooth part of the channels, each of continuously varying cross section. A
fluid particle passing through such a system will follow
curve of 7 vs A V to its limit as A V tends to zero, we
a continuously curving tortuous path. Moreover, the
shall obtain an unambiguous value of f at the point
speed of the particle will alternately increase and de-
P. We thus define the value of the porosity f at the
crease as the cross section of the channel through which
point P to be
it flows becomes larger or smaller. Such a particle will
accordingly be seen to be in a continuous state of accel-
eration with the acceleration vector free to ascirme any
possible direction in space.
where "extrap limn signifies the extrapolated limit as ob-
tained in the manner just described. Consider now the forces which act upon a hmall vol-
ume element dV of this fluid. By Newton's second law
By an analogous operation the point value of any
of motion
other macroscopic quantity may be obtained, so that
hereafter, when such quantities are being considered,
their values will be understood to be defined in the where dm is the mass of the fluid, a the acceleration, and
foregoing manner, and we may state more simply: T d F is the sum of all the forces acting upon the fluid
Q (P) =
lim - contained within dV. There are many ways in which these
forces may be resolved, but for present purposes it will
be convenient to resolve them into a driving or impelling
lim - force dF, and a resistive force arising from the viscous
Q(P) = . . . resistance of the fluid element to deformation, dF,.Eq. 27
then becomes
Q ( P ) '-Q ( A S , ,
- ]
AS-. 0 By the principle of D'Alembert we may also introduce
where the quantity of interest is a function of a volume, a force dF. = - dm a, which is the inertial reaction of

an area, or a length, respectively. the mass dm to the acceleration a, and with this substitu-
tion Eq. 28 becomes
The microscopic scale, on the contrary, is a scale
commensurate with the grain o r pore size of the solid,
51.1tstill large as compared with molecular dimensions Of these forces, dF,, which is imposed from without
c r of tk.c motional irregularities due to Brownian or and does not depend primarily upon the motion of the
molecular movements. fluid, may be regarded as the independent variable. The
forces dl?. and dF,both owe their existences to the fluid
motion, and their effect is to impede that motion.
Let us next consider the steady, macroscopically recti- The relation of the separate terms of Eq. 29 to the
linear flow of an incompressible fluid through a porous externally applied forces and the fluid motion are given
solid which is macroscopically homogeneous and iso- by the equation of Navier and Stokes, which in vector
tropic with respect to porosity and permeability. We form may be written as follows:
shall then have the fluid flowing with a constant macro-
scopic flow rate q under a constant impelling force per P [g ( l / p ) grad PI dV = p (Dv/Dt) dV

unit of mass E, and in virtue of the isotropy of the - [ V ' V (1/3) VV.v] dV, . (30)
system, we shall have in which v is the microscopic velocity, and
q = a E , . . . . . . . . . . . (23) p = - (1/3) (ox + + a, o,) is the microscopic pressure
at a point. The a's are normal components of microscopic
where a is an unknown scalar whose value we shall seek stress.
to determine.
The expression Dv/Dt is the total derivative with re-
Then, choosing x-, y-, and z-axes, spect to time of the velocity v, and is equal to the accel-
eration a. This can be expanded into

q x = uE,,

qY = oEy . . . . . . . . . . . (25)
q . = uE, ,
where i, j, and k are unit vectors parallel to the x-, y-.
and z-axes, respectively, and the subscripts signify the
corresponding scalar components of the vectors.
Further, there will be no loss of generality, and our
analysis will be somewhat simplified, if we choose the
x-axis in the macroscopic direction of flow. Then
q = = i q x ; E= i E , ,
qr = q . = O ; E , = E, = 0 . I . . . . (26)


in which the term &/at signifying the rate of change of for a dimensionless factor of proportionality, provided
the velocity at a particular point is zero for steady motion. the flow field i . ~kinematically similar for different rates
The expression V.v, in the last term of Eq. 30, is the of flow.
divergence of the velocity; and for an incompressible fluid
this also is zero.
Since the flow being considered is the steady motion of Consider two flow systems consisting of two geometri-
an incompressible fluid, Eq. 30 simplifies to cally similar porous solids through which two different
p [g - ( l / ~ grad
) p] dV = p ( V V V )dV fluids are flowing. The criterion of geometrical similarity
- p (v'v) dV . . . (31) is that if I, and I, are any corresponding lengths of the
two systems, then for every pair of such lengths
l2/I1 = I,. = const . . . . . . . (38)
The criterion of kinematic similarity is that if v, and v2
Eq. 31 expresses the relation of the fluid velocity and are the velocities at corresponding points in the two sys-
its derivatives in a small microscopic volume element to tems, the two velocities must have the same direction and
the applied force dF,, acting upon that element. If we their magnitudes the ratio
could integrate the three terms of this equation with re-
spect to the volume, over the macroscopic volume AV,
and then convert the results into equivalent macroscopic Then, since the forces dF, and dF, acting upon a fluid
variables, our problem would be solved. In fact the inte- element are each determined by the velocities and the
gration of the first two terms presents no difficulty. The fluid density, or viscosity, and dF, is determined by dF,
total driving force on the fluid content of the volume AV, and dF,., if the fluid motions of the two systems are kine-

as obtained by integrating the microscopic forces dF,,, is:
F,, . j dF, = .S (pg - g r a d p ) dV
matically similar, all corresponding forces will have the
same directions and their magnitudes the same ratio
(Fig. 6 ) .
= ( p g - g r a d p ) f A V , . . . . . (32) Thus
where grad p is the volumetric average of the microscopic
grad p over the fluid volume f n v .
From the macroscopic equations, the driving force F, Since only two of the three forces are independent, we
is given by: need to consider the ratios of only the first two, and, by
F,, = p f A V E = p l g - ( l / p ) g r a d p l f n v . (33)
Then by combining Eqs. 32 and 33,
.S (pg - grad P) dV = (pg -
grad p ) f n V
indicating that for each system the ratio of the inertial to
the viscous force must be the same.
= P f A v [g - ( l / p ) grad P I , (34)
From Eq. 3 1
from which it is seen that the macroscopic grad p is equal
to the volumetric average, grad p, of the microscopic
grad p.
Integrating the inertial term:
F,, = JdF, = p J v.Vv dV
In Eq. 41 v.Vv expands into the sum of a series of
terms, each of the form u au/ax, which is a velocity
squared divided by a length. In Eq. 42 V'V expands into a
series of terms, each of the form a'u/ax2, which is a veloc-
ity divided by the square of a length. Then, since the
ratios of all corresponding velocities and of all corre-
sponding lengths of the two systems are constant, we may
Since there is no net gain in velocity with macroscopic choose any suitable velocity and any convenient length.
distance, each separate integral of the expanded form of We accordingly choose for the velocity the macro-
Eq. 35 is equal to zero, and we obtain for the volunle ele- scopic flow rate q whose dimensions are [ L Y - ' T-'], or
ment AV, [LT']. For the characteristic length we choose d, which
F : , = , I ' d F ; , = = O . . . . . . . (36) must be some convenient statistical length parameter of
the microscopic geometry of the system. With these sub-
Then, in virtue of Eq. 36, stitutions the first two terms of Eq. 39 become
.(' dF.. = p J'
V'V dV = - F,, . (37)
Ordinarily the evaluation of
and, by reciprocation, Eq. 40 becomes
(' O'V dV
would require a detailed consideration of the geometry
of the void space through which the flow occurs and of
the flow field within that space. This difficulty can be
circumvented, however. and the integral evaluated except
The dimensionless quantity (qd)/(p/p) is the Reyn-
olds number R of the system, which, as seen from its deri- g il/p) grad pl f n V =
~ [- - ,I' d ~ ,= Cf
. Nd' av,
vation, is a measure of the ratio of the inertial to the vis-
cous forces of the system. Our criterion for kinematic
similarity between the two systems thus reduces to the
requirement that which is the derived Darcy's law in the same form as
Eq. 16 deduced earlier from empirical data.

Now let us specialize the two systems by making

The direct derivation of Darcy's law from fundamen-
d! = 4, p2 = PI, pz = p~ , tal mechanics affords a further insight into the physics of
which is equivalent to requiring the same fluid to flow the phenomena involved over what was obtainable from
through the same porous solid at velocities, q z and q,. the earlier method of empirical experimentation. It has
However, when these values are substituted into Eq. 44, long been known empirically, for example, that Darcy's
we obtain law fails at sufficiently high rates of flow, or at a Reyn-
q.!= 47 , olds number, based on the mean grain diameter as the
characteristic length, of the order of R = 1.'
indicating that, in general, when the same fluid flows
At the same time one of the most common statements
through a given porous solid at two different rates, the made about Darcy's law has been that it is a special case
resulting flow fields cannot be kinematically similar. of Poiseuille's law; and most efforts at its derivation
However, since dF, is proportional to q 2 and dF, to q, have been based upon various models of capillary tubes
then as q is decreased dF, diminishes much more rapidly or of pipes. It also has been known since the classical
than dF,. Consequently there must be some limiting value studies of Osborne Reynoldsvn 1883 that Poiseuille's
of q = q * , or of R = R * , at and below which the inertial law fails when the flow makes the transition from laminar
force dF. is so much less than the viscous force d F , that to turbulent motion, so the conclusion most often reached
the effect of the former is negligible as compared with the as to the cause of the failure of Darcy's law has been that
latter. For flow in this domain we may then write the motion has become turbulent.
From what we have seen, this represents a serious mis-
dF, = - dF,,; interpretation and lack of understanding of Darcy's law.
and the force ratios become In the Darcy flow each particle moves along a continu-
ously curvilinear path at a continuously varying speed,
and hence with a continuously varying acceleration; in
the Poiseuille flow each particle moves along a rectilinear
whereby kinematical similarity is maintained for all rates path at constant velocity and zero acceleration. There-
of flow q < q * . fore, instead of Darcy's law being a special case of Poi-
seuille's law, the converse is true; Poiseuille's law is in
fact a very special case of Darcy's law. Another special
With this result established let us now return to the case of Darcy's law is the rectilinear flow between paral-
integration of dF, over the volume element f n V . lel plates.
Consequently deductions concerning the Darcy-type
j' d F , = p [i J V'U dV + j .f V ' V dV flow made from the simpler Poiseuille flow are likely to
fhv f nv f nv be seriously misleading. The deduction that the Reynolds
+ k J ~ ~ w d V ]. . . . . . . . (47) number at which Darcy's law fails is also the one at which
f nv turbulence begins is a case in point. We have seen that the
In virtue of the fact that, by our choice of axes, q, and cause of the failure of Darcy's law is the distortion that
q, are both zero and there is no net flow in the y- or z- results in the flowlines when the velocity is great enough
direction, the last two integrals to the right are both zero, that the inertial force becomes significant. This occurs at
and Eq. 4 7 simplifies to a very slow creeping rate of flow which, for water, has
the approximate value of
J dF, = i [ L J V ' u d V . . . . . . . ( 4 8 )
f nv f nv
From our earlier discussion, so long as the flow remains
kinematically similar for different rates, the quantity V ' U , corresponding to R* = 1, when d is the mean grain
which is a velocity divided by the square of a length, is diameter.
related to the macroscopic parameters by Thus when d = lo-' cm Darcy's law fails at a flow rate
q s 1 cm/sec.
Since this represents the threshold at which the effects
where CY is a dimensionless constant of proportionality for of inertial forces first become perceptible, and since tur-
the element d V but has a different value for each different bulence is the result of inertial forces becoming predom-
element of volume. inant with respect to resistive forces, it would be inferred
Substituting Eq. 4 9 into Eq. 48 then gives that the incidence of turbulence in the Darcy flow would
occur at very much higher velocities or at very much
higher Reynolds numbers than those for which linearity
between the flow rate and the driving force ceases. That
this is in fact the case has been verified by visual obser-
vations of the flow of water containing a dilute suspension
where 1/ N is the average value of a over f~ V. of colloidal bentonite through a transparent cell contain-
Substituting this result into Eq. 37, we obtain ing cylindrical obstacles. This system, when observed in


polarized light, exhibits flow birefringence which is sta- isotropic system, would also be the average value for a
tionary for steady laminar flow but highly oscillatory volume.
when the motion is turbulent. Observations of only mod- To attempt to do this in detail would be a statistical
erate precision indicate that the incidence of turbulence undertaking beyond the scope of the present paper. As a
occurs at a Reynolds number of the order of 600 or 7 0 0 , first approximation, however, we may simplify the prob-
or at a flow velocity of the order of several hundred times lem by assuming:
that at which Darcy's law fails.
1. That all the gaps are equal and of width 2 x ,
where 7 is the average half-width of the actual
In both procedures used thus far, the factor N has gaps.
emerged simply as a dimensionless factor of proportional- 2. That through each gap the velocity profile sat-
ity whose magnitude is a function of the statistical geo- isfies the differential equation
metrical shape of the void space through which the flow a 2 ~ / a y 2= a2u/ay' = - c . . . . ( 5 5 )
occurs. For systems which are either identically or sta-
tistically similar geometrically, N has the same value. 3. That the total discharge through the averaged
Beyond this we have little idea of the manner in which gaps is the same as that through the actual
N is related to the shape or of what its numerical magni- gaps.
tude should be, except as may be determined by experi-
The velocity profile for the averaged gaps can then be
ment. Let us now see if the value of N, at least to within
obtained by integrating Eq. 55 with respect to y. Taking
an order of magnitude, can be determined theoretically.
a local origin of coordinates at the middle of the gap,
Since we have already seen in Eq. 50 that 1/N = u, and integrating Eq. 55 twice with respect to y, we obtain
where a is the factor of proportionality between the
macroscopic quantity q / d 2 and the microscopic quantity
u = - Cy2/2 + Ay + B , . . . . . (56)
v Z u ,it follows that in order to determine the magnitude in which A and B are constants of integration. Then,
of N we must first determine that of the average value of supplying the boundary conditions, u = 0 when y =
V ' U . For this purpose, with the fluid incompressible, the & A, gives
macroscopic flow parallel to the x-axis, and the inertial -
O = - c A ' / ~ % A ~ + B
forces negligible, only the x-component of the Navier-
Stokes Eq. 3 1, from which
A = o ; B = c ~ ' / ~ .
Substituting these into Eq. 56, we obtain
needs to be considered. When this is integrated with re-
spect to the volume over the fluid space faV, it becomes
as the equation of the parabolic profile of the aver-
aged velocity across the averaged gap.
The mean value, u,
of u across this gap is given by

Of the three integrals to the right, the first, which rep-

resents the expansion of the fluid in the x-direction, is
zero; and from symmetry, the last two, both being the .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . (58)
integrals of derivatives with respect to axes at right angles
to the flow, are equal to each other. In consequence, Eq. Then, replacing C by ( 1 / 2 p ) ( ~ g -
, ap/ax) from
Eqs. 55 and 54, we obtain
-u = ---
5 3 is reduced to the simpler form:
[~.-(l/~)ap/axi . . . . (59)
6 P
This can be converted into terms of the macroscopic
in which a'u/ay2 is the average value of a3u/ay3throughout
the macroscopic volume element. Solving this for a2u/ay'
velocity, q,, by noting that for a macroscopic length
of line 1 normal to the flow direction
then gives -
q, 1 = 211 ZA,

Our problem now reduces to one of attempting to

q. = 21.4 ( Z A / l ) =
uf , . . . . . . (60)
determine the average value of a'u/ay2 for the system in where f is the porosity.
terms of the kinematics of the flow itself. If we extend any
With this substitution Eq. 59 becomes
line through the system parallel to the y-axis, this line will
pass alternately through solid and fluid spaces. At each
point on the line in the fluid space, there will be a particu-
lar value of the x-component u of the velocity, which will or, more generally,
be zero at each fluid-solid contact, but elsewhere will have
finite, and usually positive, values giving some kind of a
velocity profile across cach fluid gap. If this profile for
each gap could be determined, then we could also com- which is a statement of Darcy's law that is valid to
pute a2u/ayzat each point on the line and thereby detcr-
mine a'u/ay2 for the line, which, in a homogeneous and
the extent of the validity of the averaging approxima-
tion used in its derivation.
VOL. 207, 1 9 5 0
In this, it will be noted that the geometrical factor -= n-/ S 1
a/S' = area of hemisphere
---- - 2nr' -
(f/6) A' represents the permeability, so that area of diametral plane n4
k z (f/6) x2= N; X' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (69)
or Introducing this result into Eq. 67 then gives
N , - r f/6 . . . . (63) -x = 2 f / P .
. . . . . . . . . . (70)
where N,- is the shape factor corresponding to as the A method for measuring /3 has been described by
characteristic length of the system.
Brooks and Purcell,' but for present purposes the data
on randomly packed uniform spheres, for which ,f3 can
be computed, will suffice. For such a system, with n
The mean half gap-width 1 along a linear traverse spheres per unit volume,
can be determined in either of two ways. The most ob- area of spheres -
- n.4.rrr3 --3
- (1-f)
vious way is by direct observation by means of microme- = total volume n 4nr' r
ter measurements along rectilinear traverses across a - -
1-f' 3
plane section of the porous solid.
Of greater theoretical interest, however, is an indirect
method due to Corrsin.' Instead of a line, let a rec-
tangular prism of cross-sectional area S2, where 6 can where d is the sphere diameter.
be made arbitrarily small, be passed through a porous Then, introducing this result into Eq. 70, we obtain
solid which is macroscopically homogeneous and iso- for packs of uniform spheres
tropic. This prism will pass alternately through solid
segments and void segments. Let n be the number of
each which is traversed per unit length. Then the num-
ber of intersections with the solid surface per unit and
length will be 2n, and if a is the average area of the
solid surface cut out by the prism at each intersection,
the total area per unit length, dp, will be

In order to compare the value of N;, correspond-

If a parallel family of such prisms is made to fill all
space, the number per unit area perpendicular to the
ing to the characteristic length x,
with N,, correspond*
ing to the sphere diameter d, we must first establish
axis of the prisms will be I/F2, and the solid surface in-
the relation between N;:and N1.This can be done by
tersected per unit volume will be
noting that, by definition,

In addition, the total length of the void spaces per

unit length of line will be where k is the permeability of the system. Consequently
N; = N.,( 8 / P ) . . . . . . . . (74)
Then, introducing the value of 8/? f m Eq. 73
into Eq. 74, gives for a pack of unifonn spheres
Substituting the value of n from Eq. 66 into 65 and
solving for then gives
, - The value of N,, for well-rounded quartz sands,
screened to nearly uniform sizes, has been determined
by the author's former research assistant, Jerry Con-
Since f and /3 can be measured, the value of could ner. Using packs of different uniform sands with mean
be determined if ;/a2 were known. grain diameters ranging from 1.37 X lo-' to 7.15 X
The ktter can be determined in the following man- lo-' cm, Conner made seven independent determina-
tions of N,. The average value obtained was
ner: A homogeneous and isotropic distribution of the
internal surface S, inside a macroscopic space, implies
N, = 6.0 X 10.' . . . . . . . . . (76)
that if all equal elements riS of the surface were placed
with individual values falling within the range between
without rotation at the center of a reference sphere,
5.3 X 10." and 6.7 X lo-'.
their normals would intersect the sphere with a uni-
form surface density. Then, with the normals fixed Conner did not determine the porosity, but the aver-
in direction, if the surface elements were all moved age value of the porosity of randomly packed, uniform
equal radial distances outward, at some fixed radius spherical glass beads found by Brooks and Purcell' was
they would coalesce to form the surface of a sphere. If 0.37. Inserting this value of f, and Conner's value of
the prisms of cross-sectional area 6', parallel to a given N,,, into Eq. 75 then gives for the equivalent experi-
line, were then passed through this sphere, the aver- mental value of h$:
age value of a/S' would be N;=26.2Nd = 1.57 X 10.' . (77)
Comparing this experimental result with the approxi-
mate theoretical result of Eq. 63, it will be seen that
znd, when the summation includes one whole hem- N; (theoretical) -- f/6 = 4 . . (78)
isphere, N ; (observed) 1.57 X lo-'
Since our object at the outset was merely to gain behavior of a gas in small pore spaces, other than ex-
some insight into the nature of the shape-factor N pansion, is similar to that of a liquid.
occurring in Darcy's law, no particular concern is to It has been conclusively shown, however, by L. J .
be felt over the discrepancy in Eq. 78 between the ob- Klinkenberg8 that the two flows are not similar, and
served and the theoretical values. All that this really that, in general, k,, the permeability to gas based on
indicates is that the system of averaging required should the assumed validity of Darcy's law for gases, is not
be better than the oversimplified one actually used. For equal to k , , the permeability to liquids; and, in fact,
a more complete analysis, account needs to be taken of is not even a constant.
the frequency distribution of the half gap-width A, and In the case of the flow of a liquid through small
also of the functional relation between u and A. The
fact that our approximate analysis yields a result in er-
pores, the microscopic velocity v becomes zero at the
fluid-solid boundary; for gas flow, on the contrary,
ror by only a factor of 4 makes it appear promising there exists along the boundary a zone of slippage
that if account is taken of the variability of A and of
- of thickness 6, which is proportional to the length of
u as a function of A, much better approximations may the mean-free path of the molecules. Consequently the
be obtainable. gas velocity does not become zero at the boundaries,
and the frictional resistance to the flow of gas is less
DARCY'S than that for a liquid of the same viscosity and macro-
scopic velocity.
Our analysis thus far has been restricted to the flow
of incompressible fluids for which the divergence term, Since 6 is proportional to the mean-free path, it is
- (1/3) p V V v, could be eliminated from the Navier- also approximately proportional to l/p. Consequently
Stokes equation. For the flow of a compressible fluid, when the gas permeability, k,, of a given porous solid
this term must be retained, and with the flow parallel is determined with the same gas at a number of differ-
to the x-axis. ent mean pressures, the resulting values of k,, when
plotted as a function of l/p, give a curve wnich is ap-
proximately linear with l/p. Moreover, different gases,
having different mean-free paths, give curves of differ-
ent slopes. The limiting value of k , as l/p + 0, or as
p becomes very large, is also equal to k l , the permea-
of which the last two terms are equal to zero, leaving
bility obtained by means of a liquid (Fig. 7 ) .
In view of this fact it is clear that, in general, the
flow of gases through porous solids is not in accord-
ance with Darcy's law. However, from Klinkenberg's
data, at pressures greater than about 20 atmospheres
(2 X lo7 dynes/cm2, or 300 psi), the value of k , differs
from k , by less than 1 per cent. Therefore, since most
Here, azu/ax' represents the gradient of the divergence oil and gas reservoir pressures are much higher than
of the velocity in the x-direction, or the rate of the fluid this, it can be assumed that gases do obey Darcy's law
expansion. Should this term be of the same order of under most reservoir conditions.
magnitude as a2u/ay', and if the flow of a gas through
the porous system is otherwise similar to that of a liquid, FIELD EQUATIONS O F THE FLOW O F FLUIDS
then the viscous resistance to a gas should be greater THROUGH POROUS SOLIDS
than that for a liquid of the same viscosity. The establishment of Darcy's law provides a basis
upon which we may now consider the field equations
To compare the two terms a'~l/ax' and a2u/ay', it will that must be satisfied by the flow of fluids through
be noted that each is of the form: velocity/(length)'. porous solids in general, three-dimensional space. This
We have already seen that

indicating that the magnitude of this term is determined

by the fact that large variations of u in the y-direction
take place within the width of a single pore. Compar-
able variations of u in the x-direction, however, due to
the expansion of the fluid, occur only in fairly large
macroscopic distances. Consequently, we may write

where I is a macroscopic distance. The ratio of the two

terms is accordingly

0 2 0 4 0 6 0 6 1 0 1 2 14

Then, since lL> > h', it follows that the additional FIG.7-VARIATIONAS A FUNCTION OF 1/p OF THE APPAR-
frictional drag caused by the divergence term is negli- E N T PERMEABILITY OF A GIVENSOLIDAS DETERMINED
gible, and this term may be deleted from the equation. BY THE DIFFERENT GASES.THE VALUEOF 2.75 MD, AS
We conclude, therefore, from this approximate analy- ( l / p ) TENDSTO 0, DIFFERSBUT SLIGHTLY FROM THAT
sis, that Darcy's law in its differential form is the OF 2.55 M D OBTAINED USINGA LIQUID(AFTERL. J.
same for a gas as for a liquid, provided that the flow KLINKENBERG,
API Drill. and Prod. Prac.. 1941).
problem is complicated, however, by the fact that the 0 A g = 0. Also
fluids considered may be either of constant o r of var- - 0 x [ ( l / p ) Opl = - O ( l / p ) x O p
iable density; that one o r several different fluids, either - (]/PIO x VP
intermixed o r segregated into separate macroscopic = - O(l/p) X Op.
spaces, may be present simultaneously; and that all de-
grees of saturation of the space considered are possible.
curl E = - O ( l / p ) X O p = O p X O ( l / p ) ,
The problem of dealing with such cases becomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (85)
tractable when we recognize that the behavior of each so that
different fluid can be treated separately. Thus, for a curl E = 0 when V p X O ( l / p ) = 0 . ( 8 6 )
specified fluid, there will exist at each point in space
Therefore, in order for the field to be irrotational, and
capable of being occupied by that fluid a rnacroscopic hence derivable from a scalar potential, it is necessary
force intensity vector E, defined as the force per unit either that O p = 0, corresponding to constant pres-
mass that would act upon a macroscopic element of sure, o r V ( l / p ) = 0, corresponding to constant den-
the fluid if placed at that point. In addition, if the sity, o r else that the vectors O p and O ( l / p ) be collinear,
fluid does occupy the space, its macroscopic flow rate corresponding to a coincidence of the surfaces of equal
at the given point will be indicated by the velocity vec- density and equal pressure.
tor q, the volume of the fluid crossing unit area nor- The second of these three cases is satisfied by a
mal to the flow direction in unit time. liquid of constant density, and the third by a gas whose
density is a function of the pressure only, such as oc-
W e shall thus have for each fluid two superposed
curs under either isothermal o r adiabatic conditions.
fields, a field of force and a field of flow, each inde- For the general case, however, of a gas for which p =
pendently determinable. The equations describing the f ( p , T ) , and the surfaces of equal temperature do not
properties of each of these fields, and their mutual in- coincide with those of equal pressure, then the sur-
terrelations, comprise the field equations of the system; faces p = const will also not coincide with the surfaces
these in turn, in conjunction with the boundary condi- p = const and we shall have two intersecting families
tions, determine the nature of the flow. of surfaces, ( l / p ) = const, and p = const, for which
Eq. 8 5 applies.
This is the condition corresponding to thermal con-
vection, and the fluid will have a convective circula-
We have seen already that the force per unit mas5 tion in the direction that will tend to bring the surfaces
is given by of equal density into coincidence with those of equal
E = g - ( l / p ) grad p , . . . . . (15) pressure, with the less dense fluid uppermost.
Hence, subject to the condition that either p = const,
and the force per unit volume by
o r 11 = f ( p ) ,
c u r l E = O a n d E = g r a d @ . . . . (87)
Either of these force vectors could be used, and either The value of @ at any arbitrary point P in space
is determinable from the other, but before choosing Fig. 8 ) is then obtained by
one in preference to the other, let us first consider the
properties of their respective fields, of which the most
important for present purposes is whether o r not the
field has a potential. T o simplify our analysis we will
+ ( P ) = @ ( P o )-
E, ds
make the approximations that
g = const, . . . . . . . . . . ( 8 2 )
and for chemically homogeneous liquids under the
range of temperatures and pressures normally encoun-
tered in the earth to drillable depths,
= const. . . . . . . . . . . ( 8 3 )
F o r gases, on the other hand, we shall h a w an equa-
tion of state
p = f ( p , 7') . . . . . . . . . (84)
where the integral from Po to P is taken along any path
3,Then by setting @ ( P o ) = 0 when z = 0 and p,, = 1
where T is the absolute temperature. atmosphere, we obtain
The vector E has a particular value at each point in
space and the ensemble of such values comprises its
vector field. The criterion of whether this field has a
potential, that is to say, of whether where p is now the gauge pressure, o r the absolute pres-
E = - grad a], sure less 1 atmosphere.
where is a scalar field, is whether the field E is irro- If the fluid is incompressible and chemically homogen-
tational, which can be determined from its curl. From eous, this reduces to the simpler form
Eq. 1 5 ,
curl E = curl [g - ( l / p ) grad p] For this case, if a manometer is tapped into the sys-
= 0 r: g - 0 X [(l/p)0pl. tem at the point P , the height h above the level z = 0,
to which the liquid will rise, will be
As is well known, the gravity field is irrotational
even without the assumption that g = const, so that
only for the special case of liquids of constant density,
then there is no advantage in using the latter in pref-
erence to the former, and henceforth it shall be dropped
from further consideration.
The generality of the field of force, as herein de-
fined, merits attention. The force vector E for any given
fluid not only has values in space occupied by that fluid,
but also in any space capable of being occupied by the
fluid. At a point in air, for example, the force E, for
water would be
E w = g - ( l/pw) grad P,
and since, in air, grad p is pairg, then

The field E for a given fluid thus extends throughout

all space of continuous permeability. When several
OF THE fluids are to be considered, then at each point in space
FIELDOF FORCEE. there will be a different value of E, for each separate
fluid, given by:
from which it follows that El = g - (l/p,) grad P , 1
in agreement with our earlier definition of @ in Eq. 14.
. . . . . . . . .

t. . . . (97)

E,, = g - (l/p,) gradp . ]

If the fluid is incompressible and chemically inho-
mogeneous, as in the case of water of variable salinity, The vectors E for the separate fluids of different den-
the density p will not be a function of pressure only, sities will differ among themselves, both in magnitude
and, in general, surfaces of constant density will not be and direction, but will all fall in the same vertical plane,
parallel to surfaces of constant pressure. For such a that defined by g and - grad p (Fig. 9 ) .
system curl E # 0, and no potential exists. Similarly the potentials of different fluids at the same
We thus see that, with the exception of cases of ther- point will be:
mal convection, and of inhomogeneous liquids of var-
iable density, the fields E for both liquids and gases
are irrotational and are derivable from a potential Q,.
Since E is a force per unit of mass, then is an energy
per unit of mass, and represents the work required to
transport the given fluid by a frictionless process along where p,, p,, . . . p,, are the variable densities of the sep-
a prescribed (p, T)-path from a standard position and arate fluids.
state to that of the point considered. Surfaces 9 = const Since the equipotential surfaces for the separate fluids
are accordingly equipotential surfaces, or surfaces of must be normal to the respective vectors E, then it fol-
constant energy of position, and the fluid will tend to lows that the equipotential surfaces of different fluids
flow from higher to lower potentials or energy levels. passing through a given point will not be parallel to
The field of force per unit volume, H, can he dis- one another, although they will all intersect along a line
posed of summarily. Since normal to the (g, - grad p)-plane.
H = pg - grad p ,
curl H = V X (pg) - v X ~p We have already defined the flow vector q for a
=VpXg+pVXg-VXVp. space which is entirely filled with a single fluid. For
But, since V X Vp and V X g are each zero, then a space which is incompletely filled with a single fluid,
or is occupied by two or more intermixed fluids, then
curl H = ~p X g . . . . . . . . (93) there will be two or more superposed flow fields, not
This is zero only when p is constant or when the sur- in general in the same direction, and a separate value of
faces of constant density are horizontal. The last con- q for each separate fluid.
dition never occurs except when the fluid is at rest or The principal condition which must be satisfied by
when the motion is vertical. Hence, for motion in any the field of flow independently of the field of force is
direction other than vertical, the field of the vector H that it must be in accord with the principle of the con-
does not have a potential except when the density of the servation of mass. Thus, if a closed surface, S, fixed
fluid is constant. For the special case of constant density, with respect to the porous solid, is inscribed within the
H = - grad II , . . . . . .. . . field of flow, then the total net outward mass flux of
where any given fluid in unit time will be equal to the diminu-
rI = p a = pgz p . . . . . . . . (95) tion of the mass of that fluid enclosed by S, assuming
that processes which create or consume the given fluid
is the energy per unit volume of the,fluid at any given are forbidden.
In view of the fact that the field E has a potential for This condition is expressed by
both liquids and gases under the conditions specified
above, whereas, in general, the field H has a potential
where q,, is the outward-directed normal component of
q, and m the mass enclosed (Fig. l o ) .
In the case of a space completely saturated with the In a space completely saturated by a aingle fluid,
given fluid, by dividing the integral (Eq. 99) by the the field of flow and the field of force are linked to-
volume V and then letting V tend to zero, we obtain gether by Darcy's law
lim 1 1 am
div pq = JiJ' pq,, dS = - -

v at ' which, in those cases for which curl E = 0, becomes

q = - u grad <I,. . . . . . . . . (105)
which is the rate of loss of mass per unit macroscopic
If the solid is isotropic with respect to permeability,
Eq. 100 becomes
- fv
volume at a given point. Then, since
(ap/at) . the conductivity u is a scalar and the flowlines and the
lines of force will coincide; if the solid is anisotropic, u
will be a tensor and E and q will then differ somewhat
in direction except when parallel to the principal axes
of the tensor.
which is the so-called "equation of continuity" of the
flow. If the motion is steady, then ap/at is zero, and Limiting our discussion to isotropic systems, by tak-
the equation simplifies to ing the curl of Eq. 105, we obtain
div pq = 0 . . . . ( 102)
When this is expanded it becomes Then, since the last term to the right is zero, this be-
curl q = - V U X V @ , . . . . . (106)
and when p is constant over space, corresponding to
the flow of a homogeneous liquid, V p = 0, and which is zero only when u is constant throughout the
field of flow. Therefore, in general,
d i v q = O . . . . . . . . . (103)
curl q f 0 , . . (107)
and this circumstance precludes the derivation of the
flow field from an assumed velocity potential, for, with
the exception of the flow of a fluid of constant density
and viscosity in a space of constant permeability, no
such function exists.
The flow of a given fluid through a porous solid
incompletely saturated with that fluid is equivalent to
flow through a solid of reduced permeability, because
the space available to the flow diminishes as the sat-
uration decreases. F o r saturations greater than some
critical minimum value, the flow obeys Darcy's law
subject to the permeability having this reduced, o r so-
called, "relative-permeability" value. Thus, with two
interspersed but immiscible fluids in the same macro-
scopic space,
q, = U U I El= U,, [g - (l/p,) grad el , . ,
qz = u,? E2= url [g - ( l / p J grad PI ,
where un and ur2 are the relative conductivities of the
two fluids.
It will be noted that, except for vertical motion,
E, and E, are not parallel. Consequently the two force
fields and flow fields will be, in general, transverse to
one another.
Pioneer work o n relative permeability as a function
of saturation was done on the single fluid, water, by
L. A. Richards" in 1931. Subsequently studies of the
simultaneous flow of two o r more fluids were initiated
by Wyckoff and B o t s e t , ' b n d by Hassler, Rice, and
Leernan" in 1936. Since that time many other such stud-
ies for the systems water-oil-gas have been published.
One flaw which has been common to most of these
tnultifluid experiments has been that the experimental
arrangements and their interpretation were usually based
FIG. 9-FORCE VECTORSE A T THE SAMEPOINTCORRE- upon the premise that the flowlines of the various
O F DIFFERENTDENS~TIES. components are all parallel and in the direction

response to suitable impermeable barriers, will tend to
become completely segregated.
Once this segregation is achieved, for any further
steady motion of either of the fluids, the interface
will appear as an impermeable barrier. Across this in-
terface, neglecting minor pressure differences due to
capillarity, the pressure in the two fluids must be the
same. Then, in case neither of the fluids is in motion,
the interface will have to be horizontal, with the less
dense fluid uppermost, since this is the only inclination
of the surface for which the pressures on opposite sides
can be the same.
When either or both of the fluids is in motion, how-
ever, in a nonvertical direction, the vectors ( l / ~ , )grad p
and ( l / p , ) grad p will be inclined from the vertical,
and the corresponding equipressure surfaces will be in-
clined from the horizontal by the same amounts. At the
interface every equipressure surface in one system must
match that of the same value in the other.
- grad p. Since this is far from true, there is some ques- At the same time, the flowlines in each system must
tion of the degree of reliability of the results of such be parallel to the interface so that the (E,, E,)-plane
experiments. Even so, the existing evidence indicates must be tangent to the interface. Consequently the in-
that for saturations greater than some critical minimum terfacial surface and the flow patterns in the two sys-
the flow obeys Darcy's law in the form given in Eqs. tems must mutually adjust themselves until these condi-
1 0 8 . For saturations less than this limit, there should tions are simultaneously satisfied before a steady state
still be a general drift of discontinuous fluid elements in of flow becomes possible.
the direction of the field E, but with, as yet, no well- Of particular interest is the special case of this gen-
defined relationship between q and E. eral situation wherein one of the two fluids is in motion
The migration of petroleum and natural gas, through and the other is completely static. In this case the
an otherwise water-saturated underground environment, equipressure surfaces in the static fluid are horizontal
from an initial state of high dispersion to final positions and surfaces having equal difference of pressure are
of concentration and entrapment, constitutes an exam- equally spaced; whereas, in the moving fluid the equipres-
ple of the latter kind. sure surfaces are inclined downward in the direction of
the horizontal component of the flow. Their lines of inter-
section at the interface must accordingly be horizontal.
Although the present paper does not permit of th& Also, since the vector, grad p, lies in the same vertical
elaboration, practically everything that is now known plane as the vector E of the flowing fluid, it follows
concerning the flow of fluids in a porous-solid, three- that the horizontal component of the flow direction
dimensional space is deducible from the foregoing field must be parallel to the direction of steepest slope of the
equations. The equations for the flow of an incom- interface.
pressible fluid are of the same form as those for the If we consider a vertical plane parallel to the flow
steady conduction of electricity. Consequently the well- direction and perpendicular to the interface, then in this
known solutions to the electrical equations can be ap- plane the surfaces of constant pressure will appear as
plied directly to analogous situations in fluid flow. The lines of constant pressure, inclined in the flowing fluid
unsteady flow of a compressible fluid, when the force and refracting into the horizontal across the interface in
field is irrotational, is closely analogous, although some- the static fluid. Let the flowing fluid be denoted by the
what more complex, to the unsteady conduction of heat, subscript 1 and the static fluid by the subscript 2. Then
and the solutions of the heat equations can be adapted
along the interface in the direction of the flow
with some modification to the analogous fluid-flow
problems. (ap/as), = (ap/as), . . . . . . . ,109)
The fluid phenomena which are unique and have no In the static fluid
counterpart in other more familiar field theory are ( a p / a s ) ? = - pzg sin 8 , . . . . . . (110)
those involving multiple fluids. If we consider the flow and consequently depends only upon the density p,
of two immiscible fluids of unequal densities, such as and the angle of slope 0 of the interface, where 0 is posi-
water and oil, interspersed in the same macroscopic tive when the slope is upward in the flow direction.
space, we have seen from Eq. 9 7 that, in general, the
In the flowing fluid, since
force fields E, and E, of the two fluids will lie in the
same vertical plane, but will have divergent directions, E = g, - ( l i p , ) ( a p i a ~ ),,
that for the less dense fluid being upward with respect then
to that for the more dense. As a consequence the two ( a p / a s ) , = p,g, p l ~

fluids will drift in these respective directions, and, in = - p,g sin 8 +

p, (grad ~l),J .
Equating 1 10 and 1 I 1 then gives
p g sin B = p,g grad [I), 1
sin B - p, .
which, when solved for sin 8, becomes

sin B = - --- grad cD.1 . . . . (112)

g p2 - Pl
If the less dense fluid is flowing (Fig. 1 l a ) , p2 > p,,
the term to the right will be positive, and the interface
will tilt upward; if the more dense fluid is flowing (Fig.
1l b ) , p, > p2, the term to the right will be negative, and
the interface will tilt downward.
Eq. 112, derived earlier by Hubbert,","' is the funda-
mental equation pertaining to fresh-water - salt-water
relations along shore lines, and to oil-water and oil-gas
interfacial relations such as water or gas coning during
oil and gas exploitation. It is also the basic equation
governing the underground positions of oil and gas en- \ STATIC FLUID ( P I )
trapment. If the water is static, accumulations of pe-
troleum or of natural gas will occur beneath downwardly
concave impermeable barriers, with the oil-water or
gas-water interface horizontal. If the water is in mo-
tion, as often is the case, the oil-water or gas-water in-
terface will be inclined, and oil or gas may be trapped
beneath structures completely unclosed in the hydro-
static sense.
In paying our respects to M. Henry Darcy on this FLUIDFLOWS.
centennial occasion, we stated at the outset that it
should be our endeavor:
direction whatever with respect to that of the pressure
I. To show unequivocally what Darcy himself did gradient.
and stated with respect to the relationship which now
So far as we have seen no error of any kind with re-
bears his name, and to give his results a more general, spect to the flow of fluids through porous solids can be
but still equivalent, physical formulation. attributed to Henry Darcy; and the errors which have
2. To derive Darcy's law directly from the funda- been alleged by various authors during recent years
mental Navier-Stokes equation of motion of viscous appear on closer inspection to have been those com-
fluids. mitted by the authors themselves.
3. To develop, in at least their primitive forms, the
principal field equations of the flow of fluids through ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
porous solids.
Since this paper is the result of some 20 years of
These objectives have now been accomplished, and
intermittent reflection upon the phenomena encompassed
the result is that, despite a number of troublesome
by Darcy's law, the author is indebted to many people
complexities such as those arising from thermal con-
whose oral or written discussions of various aspects
vection and from waters of variable salinity, the field
of the problems involved have contributed to his own
theory of the flow of underground fluids is capable of
understanding of them. He is particularly indebted, how-
being brought into the same kind of a comprehensive
ever, to his current and recent colleagues who have
unification as that already achieved for the more fa-
been of direct assistance in the present study. These in-
miliar phenomena of electrical and thermal conduction.
clude: Jerry Conner who made an extensive series of
In closing it is pertinent to reiterate that Darcy's experiments verifying the author's earlier theoretical
empirical formulation: deductions; David C;. Willis who, in addition to reading
q = K (h, - h , ) / l , critically the manuscript and assisting in the design of the
which, as we have seen is valid for flow of a homogen- illustrations, has been of invaluable assistance in the
eous liquid in any direction, is physically equivalent to clarification of many difficult points; R. L. Chuoke and
the expressions: A. S. Ginzbarg who gave important mathematical assist-
ance; and R. H. Nanz who made an extensive series of
measurements of the gap-widths along linear traverses
through randomly packed uniform spheres.
From these it follows that fluids can and do flcw in any Any errors, however, are the author's own.

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