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Native American Sacred Path

Study Group Interview

These questions are designed to help your instructors know where you are spiritually. Please
answer to the best of your ability.

1. Explain your interest in learning the Native American way.

2. How much do you currently know about Native American way of life?

3. How much do you currently know about Native American spiritually?

4. How do you feel this study group will benefit your personal life?

5. What do you seek to gain from this Native American study?

6. Is there a problem with studying more than one religious structure at a time? (explain your


7. How important, do you feel, is the possession of knowledge?

8. What makes a wise person a “wise” person

9. What is your greatest passion, the thing that makes you really happy, in life?

10. How often in life do you feel that you make mistakes or have accidents?

11. How do you relate your self-image (ego) on a scale from one (1) to ten (10)?

12. How does your self image (ego) affect your life?

13. Which spiritual symbol do you feel most “connected with”?

14. What is your past and current choice of spirituality?

15. In a few sentences, define your understanding of God/Higher Power?great Spirit.

16. How much time do you feel that you should devote to spirituality/prayers each week?

17. How much time do you devote to spirituality/prayers each week?

18. Do you feel that the Native American study is worthwhile for those who cannot devote their

lives to persistent study? Explain.

19. If you had to choose only one goal to fulfill in life, what would it be? And why?

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