Panj Abb

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Panj-aab: My brethren please

listen to us
Where water (aab) is means name, language, land, arts and culture. There water makes merry go, that
land is called Punjab. The land of five sisters

1. Beas (ancient name Vipasha)

2. Chenab(ancient name Askini,)

3. Jhelam (ancient name Vitasta)

4. Ravi (ancient name Irawati,)

5. satluj (ancient name Shatadru)

All these five sisters take birth in high and hygiene Himalayas, and then play in open fields of Punjab,
making this land of warriors full of joys. This, these have been doing since theirs births from pre
historical ages to today in space age. The Punjab has become food grain basket of nation due to
selflessness services of these unspoken sisters of Punjab. This Panj-aab (in Persian Panj means Five and
aab means water) has impact on every aspects of lives, in water land of Indian subcontinent (Punjab is a
geographical name to that land which is called playground of five sisters cutting across the physical
barriers).These daughters of Himalayas has never taken partisan consideration on physical barriers to
theirs services. This is an effort of abcnewsnetwork team in this part of world to make Pollution in
surface water (Rivers), a public debate in Punjabi’s society, in theirs heritage, these five rivers are the life
line of this joyful society. After so many years of services to theirs brethren, now they are praying for
survival because of following elimination threats by theirs own.

Water quality of rivers in East Punjab (Indian)

S.No. Parameter 1.Satluj 2.Beas 3.Ravi Ghaggar BIS (ISI)/ USEPA

1 Temperature 0C 16 16 14 16

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