Consumer Motivation: Consumer Behavior: A Framework

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Chapter 5:

Consumer Motivation

Consumer Behavior: A Framework

John C. Mowen
Michael S. Minor
Ten Key Concepts
 Concept of Motivation  Opponent-process
 Consumer needs theory
 Operant conditioning  Optimum-stimulation
 Classical conditioning level theory
 Vicarious learning
 Reactance theory
 Perceived risk
 Consumer attributions
What is Motivation?
 Motivation refers to an activated state
within a person that leads to goal-
directed behavior.
 It consists of the drives, urges, wishes, or
desires that initiate the sequence of events
leading to a behavior.
 Motivation begins with the presence of a
stimulus that spurs the recognition of a need.
 Need recognition occurs when a perceived
discrepancy exists between an actual and a
desired state of being
 Needs can be either innate or learned.
 Needs are never fully satisfied.
 Feelings and emotions (I.e., affect) accompany
 Expressive needs involve desires by consumers
to fulfill social and/or aesthetic requirements.
 Utilitarian needs involve desires by consumers
to solve basic problems (e.g. filling a car’s gas
The Structure of Emotions

 Ten Fundamental Emotions People Experience:

 Disgust Interest
 Joy Surprise
 Sadness Anger
 Fear Contempt
 Shame Guilt
Some General Theories of Motivation
 Maslow hierarchy: physical, safety,
belongingness, ego, and self-actualiation
 McClelland’s Theory of Learned Needs
 Achievement motivation is seeking to get ahead, to strive
for success, and to take responsibility for solving
 Need for affiliation motivates people to make friends, to
become members of groups, and to associate with others.
 Need for power refers to the desire to obtain and exercise
control over others.
 Need for uniqueness refers to desires to perceive
ourselves as original and different.
Classical Conditioning
 A neutral stimulus,
such as a brand
name, is paired with
a stimulus that
elicits a response.
 Through a repetition
of the pairing, the
neutral stimulus
takes on the ability
to elicit the
 The conditioned stimulus (CS) is a
previously neutral stimulus which is
repeatedly paired with the eliciting
 The unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is an
eliciting stimulus.
 The conditioned response (CR) is the
response elicited by the CS.
 The unconditioned response (UCR) is
the reflexive response elicited by the
unconditioned stimulus.
Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned/Secondary Stimulus Unconditioned Response


Political Emotions

Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response

Requirements for Effective
 The neutral stimulus should precede in time
the appearance of the unconditioned
 The product is paired consistently with the
unconditioned stimulus.
 Both the conditioned stimulus and the
unconditioned stimulus are highly salient to
the consumer.
Applications of Classical Conditioning
 Applications: communications--advertising,
public relations, personal selling.
 Goal: identify powerful positive stimulus and
associate brand with it.
 Examples of powerful, emotion causing stimuli:
 beautiful, sexy people

 patriotic themes, religious symbols

 Music, beautiful scenes

 Also, negative stimuli can be associated with

 Credit card insignia may elicit spending

Operant Conditioning . . .
. . . is the process in which the
frequency of occurrence of a bit of
behavior is modified by the
consequences of the behavior.
 If positively reinforced, the likelihood of the
behavior being repeated increases.
 If punished, the likelihood of the behavior
being repeated decreases.
Reinforcement & Influencing
 A reinforcer is anything that occurs
after a behavior and changes the
likelihood that it will be emitted again.
 Positive reinforcers are positive rewards
that follow immediately after a behavior
 Negative reinforcers are the removal of an
aversive stimulus.
Secondary reinforcers . . .
. . . are a previously neutral stimulus
that acquires reinforcing properties
through its association with a primary
 Over a period of time, previously neutral
stimuli can become secondary reinforcers.
 In marketing, most reinforcers are
secondary (e.g. a product performing well,
a reduction in price)
A Punisher . . .

. . . is any stimulus whose presence

after a behavior decreases the
likelihood of the behavior reoccurring.
Extinction & Eliminating

 Once an operant  Extinction is the

response is disappearance of a
conditioned, it will response due to lack
persist as long as it of reinforcement.
is periodically
Schedules of Reinforcement . .

. . . determine if a behavior is
reinforced after a certain number of
repetitions or after a certain length of
time has passed.
Example. Slot machines use a variable
schedule based upon number of pulls of
Discriminative Stimuli . . .

. . . are those stimuli

that occur in the
presence of a
reinforcer and do
not occur in its

Example: point of purchase

display is a discriminative
Stimulus Discrimination
and Generalization
 Stimulus discrimination occurs when an organism
behaves differently depending on the presence of
one of two stimuli. Goal of differentiation is to
cause stimulus discrimination.

 Stimulus generalization occurs when an organism

reacts similarly to two or more distinct stimuli.
Goal of “knock-off” brands is to use stimulus
Shaping Consumer
Responses . . .
. . . is creating
totally new operant
behaviors by
behaviors that
approximate the
desired instrumental
Vicarious Learning . . .

. . . is the
phenomenon where
people observe the
actions of others to
develop “patterns of
Three important ideas:
 People are viewed as symbolic beings
who foresee the probable consequences
of their behavior.
 People learn by watching the actions of
others and the consequences of these
actions (i.e. vicarious learning).
 People have the ability to regulate their
own behavior.
Factors Increasing a
Model’s Effectiveness
 The model is physically attractive.
 The model is credible.
 The model is successful.
 The model is similar to the observer.
 The model is shown overcoming
difficulties and then succeeding.
Three Major Uses of Social-
Learning Theory
 A model’s actions can be used to create
entirely new types of behaviors
 A model can be used to decrease the
likelihood that an undesired behavior
will occur
 The model can be used to facilitate the
occurrence of a previously learned
Midrange Theories of
 Opponent-Process Theory
 Optimum Stimulation Levels
 The Desire to Maintain Behavioral
 The Motivation to Avoid Risk
 The Motivation to Attribute Causality
Opponent-Process Theory
. . . explains that two things occur when a person receives a
stimulus that elicits an immediate positive or negative
emotional reaction:
 The immediate positive or negative emotional reaction

is felt.
 A second emotional reaction occurs that has a feeling

opposite to that initially experienced.

 The combination of the two emotional reactions results

in the overall feeling experienced by the consumer.

 Explains addictive behaviors

 Explains priming—the effects of a small exposure to a

Optimum Stimulation Level
. . . is a person’s preferred amount of physiological
activation or arousal.
 Activation may vary from very low levels (e.g. sleep) to very
high levels (e.g. severe panic).
 Individuals are motivated to maintain an optimum level of
stimulation and will take action to correct the level when it
becomes to high or too low.
 Accounts for high vs. low sensation seeking people.
 Accounts for variety seeking
 Accounts for hedonic consumption—I.e., the need of people
to create fantasies, gain feelings through the senses, and
obtain emotional arousal.
The Desire to Maintain
Behavioral Freedom
 Psychological reactance is the motivational state
resulting from the response to threats to
behavioral freedom.
 Two types of threats can lead to reactance:
 Social threats involve external pressure from other people to
induce a consumer to do something
 Impersonal threats are barriers that restrict the ability to buy
a particular product or service
 Frequent in marketing: e.g., pushy salesperson
 Scarcity effects: scarce products are valued more.
Limited time offer, limited supply.
The Motivation to Avoid Risk
 Perceived risk is a consumer’s perception
of the overall negativity of a course of
action based upon as assessment of the
possible negative outcomes and of the
likelihood that these outcomes will occur.
 Perceived risk consists of two major
concepts - the negative outcomes of a
decision and the probability these
outcomes will occur.
7 Types of Consumer Risks.
 Financial
 Performance
 Physical
 Psychological
 Social
 Time
 Opportunity Loss
Factors Influencing Risk Perception
 Characteristics of the person—e.g.,
need for stimulation
 Nature of the task
 Voluntary risks are perceived as less risky
than involuntary tasks.
 Characteristics of the product—price
 Salience of negative outcomes
Six risk-reduction strategies
 Be brand loyal and  Seek out information in
consistently purchase the order to make a well
same brand. informed decision.
 Buy the most
 Buy through brand image
expensive brand,
and purchase a quality which is likely to have
national brand. high quality.
 Buy through store image  Buy the least
from a retailer that you expensive brand in
trust. order to reduce
financial risk.
The Motivation to Attribute
Attribution theory describes the processes through
which people make determinations of the causality of
 Internal attribution is when a consumer decides that

an endorser recommended the product because he or

she actually liked the product.
 External attribution is when a consumer decides that

an endorser recommended the product because he or

she was paid for endorsing it.
Augmentation-Discounting Model
 Discounting occurs if external pressures exist that
could provoke someone to act in a particular way - so
actions would be expected given the circumstances.
 The augmenting principle states that when a person
moves against the forces of the environment to do
something unexpected, the belief that the action
represents the person’s actual opinions, feelings, and
desires is increased.
 Fundamental Attribution error: One consistent
finding is that people are biased to make internal
attributions to others.
Applications of attribution

 endorsers: seek to get consumers to

perceive internal motives for making
 satisfaction: seek to get consumers to
perceive external reasons for product
 sales promotion: find ways to avoid
consumers attributing the cause of the
purchase to the sale rather than to the
excellence of the product.
Managerial Applications of Motivation
 Positioning/differentiation: use discriminative stimuli
distinguish one brand from another.
 Environmental analysis: identify the reinforcers and
punishers that impact consumers; identify factors that
influence risk perception.
 Market research: measure motivational needs (e.g.,
McClelland’s needs and need for arousal), measure risk
 Marketing mix: use motivational needs to design products
(e.g., safe cars) and to develop promotional strategy that
meets needs. Develop messages to influence consumer
attributions. Use in-store promotions to prime consumers.
 Segmentation: Segment market based upon motivational

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