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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 1: A Strange Beginning Or Finding The Book
by SamStone 7 Reviews
The paranoia of a group of magic users led them to create a living book
containing all their knowledge which grows with time. A neglected Harry Potter
stumbles across it and his life changes
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008/04/13 - Updated:
2008/04/13 - 8065 words
Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer by Sam Stone
Disclaimer: Don't own HP. JKR does that. KiKi and other OCs are mine though.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related terms and characters are the property of JK
Rowling. The use of copyrighted material is for non-profit entertainment purposes
only, and in no way constitutes a challenge to the existing copyright.
A/N: This story came to mind in the form of two questions: What would it have been
like for Harry to have learned of magic before Hogwarts a different magic? What
would it have been like for Harry if he had been in a different house? This story
explores an alternate view of Harry’s life and one of three choices.
This is a dark comedy. It will be funny but there will be parts that are rather dark
You have been warned.

The story is rated R for violence, language, and eventual sexual situations –my
stories are much darker than what Rowling has written. I’ve listed the story as
pulling from materials in Books 1-5, but the story is completely AU. Material from
Books 6 and 7 will likely not find its way into this story except the most useful of
threads; I have my own plot to follow and there will be no miracle cures.

Chapter 1: A Strange Beginning Or Finding The Book

Nothing in this life is free and there is No Justice In This World. So best make
your Own and benefit from it as well. This I do every day by blood and ash as my
witness. - Master Necromancer Harold Potter.
Harry was hiding in the one place that Dudley would never be caught in... the
library. He was barely in kindergarten, but he had already long since needed to read
at least enough to follow the cooking instructions. So he found out that he had an
escape in books.
This time he had decided to go deeper into the library. He had gone into the
basement as it was further away from the only part Dudley would ever willingly go
in... where the comics might be. The books here looked old and fragile. There was a
sudden sound and Harry spun in shock.
In most instances there would have been a minor moment where something fell to the
ground do to being startled. In this moment however Harry fell back and landed hard
on the ground. He looked and saw in the dim light a hidden cache similar to the one
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in his cupboard. He saw in there a very odd looking book. He pulled it out and saw a
strange name on it. 'Ye Arts Ancient and Ascendant' was what he saw.

The Book seemed mesmerizing and with a breath holding moment opened it. He would
most likely never find out that it was a primer of magic that had been lost across
various points in time space and realities. The Book as it was called by those who
ran across it was a very obscure artifact that seemed to defy reality. Its
appearance and name might change in what form it took, but the basics inside never
changed although the book accumulated more information as time went on in its
existence. Also the original authors being masters of their magic and having become
deified had poured enough security and selectivity into the Book.
This particular incarnation of the Book had solidified itself a few centuries prior
during the time of its last owner. Each section of the book contained in essence the
sum knowledge of the field involved and contained both long forgotten as well as
recently discovered knowledge. The kicker was that as the Book was crafted by a very
strange society it lacked any morality in its teachings, but required that the
learner either have or chose to follow a sense of ethics appropriate to whichever
Art they chose. To those that turned their back on the vows the Book required was
the Book forever denied. The knowledge had been sought out and various lesser works
contained mere hints of the totality of the information and wisdom written into its
For Harry the Book was written in a tight script flowing yet elegant even if it read
a bit antiquated similar to Old English in form. Despite the vast information stored
in the book it was at most an inch thick and bound with an old leather exterior with
a wrap tie to keep it closed. The title was carved into the thick hide of the
exterior and looked as if someone had poured considerable time into the complex
engravings decorating it.
The most shocking thing to his mind was that it mentioned the m-word. However that
was not mentioned until several paragraphs in as the skills were termed Arts. He
shuddered as he recalled what mentioning that word in the Dursley's would do. There
were several different topics mentioned in the book but one caught his attention.
The Art of Life and Death seemed shocking but his interest was caught the moment he
read that there was a way to call forth the spirit of the dead. He would be able to
find out about his parents.

Now while most would take what their relatives said about one's family with little
to no salt there had been that underlying unease that came with how little they ever
wanted to talk about them. It was almost as big a taboo as the m-word. There seemed
to be some resentment between his aunt and his mother. He wondered what it could be
that would cause such a serious case of sibling antipathy.

Harry had been gone for a while as he had read over the introduction to the book. It
was fascinating and wanted to get a better grasp for which topic would suit him. He
had long since promised himself that he would never be as simple minded as Dudley
was in anything even if he had to play the fool at school. He finally looked over
the other choices, but with the simple sentence his life was changed forever.
'Calling Forth of the Spirits Ancestral,' he had read and with it his determination
set in. 'Does that mean I could find out about my parents or more importantly hold a
conversation with them? I would give almost anything to know about them and why they
would have me placed with them if they died...'
Harry flipped to the part of the book that dealt with his chosen Art. That it seemed
like something that the Dursleys would despise only prodded him more. As no one
living was willing to tell him about his family, he had decided to turn to the dead.
There was so little he could get from newspapers and none of it agreed with what his
relatives had said about dying in a car crash as his father was an unemployed drunk.
'How could he have a car if he was unemployed,' Harry thought in disbelief. 'That
Petunia always calls mom a whore or slut seems off or I would have siblings. Though
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there was almost a tone that she hated that mom looked better than she did. Ah well
that is not relevant now... back to the book!'

"The first step on this path is the declaration," Harry read aloud with a sense of
conviction beginning to form. "In a circle draw forth in blood and ash these sigils
four. Stand within the circle and speak thy oath. Hmm have blood and there is some
ash near the furnace there. Might as well try this."
Harry quickly went and got some of the ash from the furnace and checking that no one
was around drew a circle with the ash. With a sigh he steeled himself and used the
small knife he found to prick his finger and mix his blood with the ash forming the
circle. He took a breath before drawing the pictures in blood on the floor. Four
symbols that seemed so beautiful yet terrifying at the same time. Part way through
he was kicking himself if it hadn't been for the layers of ash and other things that
could cover the circle when he was done he would find himself in trouble. Something
this unnatural would get him serious trouble with those people.
'Vernon would flay me alive if he knew about this,' Harry thought morosely. 'Still I
have come to far not to try. What is there to lose? If it doesn't work at least I
tried and at least there is no one here to see me look the fool.'
Harry walked into the circle and with the book clenched in his hand spoke the oath,
"By blood and ash I swear mine life to this path. I accept the gift of mine art and
the burden of mine art's duty. I accept the gift to give motion to the motionless
and the duty to bring rest to the restless. This I do so swear to do by mine blood
and this gift!"

Harry was not entirely prepared for what happened next. The circle shimmered and the
sigils he had drawn in his blood ignited in a mix or red and black flames. He felt a
throbbing in his head like the worst headache ever while his blood felt like it was
burning in his veins. Despite the pain he had learned to tolerate from the Dursleys
he fell to his knees as he bit back a scream. He never screamed for them and he
would not scream for this. He looked in front of him and saw that his scar which had
never done anything before in his life dripped blood and black blood at that.
Six drops struck the shimmering circle looking like black ink before flaring and
turning red and six times he felt the pain increase as the blood changed color. He
felt like bones he never knew he had snapped before being ground into powder before
melting and being reformed causing a change in their structure and length. His
muscles twitched and spasmed as they repaired themselves after tearing again and
again each time growing denser yet retaining a rapid reaction rate. His eyes were
burning as two of the drops had splashed his eyes while one had hit his lips before
he had unconsciously licked them. The blood mixed with the blood he drew as he bit
back the pain. When the blood trickled down his throat he felt a strange soothing
sensation. Then the sigils burned brightly and darkly before going out. The circle
was blown away as he exhaled sharply and lay panting on the floor.

"Book never said it would hurt like that," Harry grumbled as he looked at the book.
"Might as well see what else it says. What's this small print? Be warned if there is
any blood magic used that is harmful in its impact this ritual will expunge it as
well. Note this would be quite painful as the body has to force it out in addition
to restoring any damage the body had experienced such as injury, malnutrition and
birth defects. Wait the books in plain English now! How did that happen? Ah well I
need to get going or the Dursleys will have a fit!"
With that Harry took the book with him and made his way back to where he lived.
Along his way things looked different from they had before. There was a sharpness
that had not been present along with a clarity that he had not had before. The place
looked somewhat more and less crowded than it had been before. Unknown to Harry his
eyes had been lifted and he would never see the world as he had before. Eyes
repaired of any imperfections before being augmented to handle seeing beyond.
Harry hid the book when he got home as there was no way he wanted the Dursleys to
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take his book. When his relatives went to sleep he opened the book and hoped that
there would be enough light to read it. As odd as it was he wondered why it was
still light outside until he looked at the clock through the slits in the door. It
was late and they went to bed with the lights on seemed impossible. He blinked
several times as he noticed that his room seemed to be as brightly light as outside.
This was impossible as his room was always dark.

Well there was enough light for him to see so he opened the book and started to
read. He was so engrossed with the book he hadn't noticed the details that had been
fading over the years having gained an almost inhuman clarity. The topics in the
Book were many and that was just in his choice of Art and the requirements for some
of the skills were complicated. Each ritual required certain things but there was
one common theme.

'Blood,' Harry thought in shock. 'They all mention blood. Is it something that is
overlooked? Using blood in practically all the examples given either my own or
animal. Eww human blood rituals seem a bit sinister. Might as well start small.'
With that Harry continued long into the night reading the book and thinking over
what he needed to do the things in the book. He had come to far already to ignore
the book and he felt so much better. He drifted off still reading the book far later
than normal. The next day began as always with his aunt yelling to get up causing
him to snap awake and alert suddenly. He didn't notice until he had finished
breakfast and started on his chores that he was not as tired as he should be.
Soon enough a pattern developed where Harry would read the book at night and try to
scrounge up both the ingredients he needed and the time to perform his rituals. It
had been in the course of finding deserted enough areas that he had learned of his
other gift. He could talk to snakes. The first thing he did after bidding the snake
a good hunt was to go home and consult the book. It seemed that he had another
avenue to explore and there were even rituals that required this gift to use.

Time passed and Harry slowly worked his way through the rituals he had found. He had
been squeamish the first time he had to use blood other than his own and had settled
for some of the rodents he had found trying to infest his garden. Sure his aunt
claimed it as hers, but he did all the work. On the plus side he found uses for most
of the 'weeds' that his aunt had him remove. Who would know that what his aunt
considered pests would be rare enough ingredients for him.

He had found a snake and a cat that were rather hungry and they gladly ate his
rituals left over’s that was when the sacrifice wasn't reduced to ash to fuel the
spell. Thankfully most didn't do that and he soon had two friends. A snake he could
understand off the bat and a cat who he had named Trouble that he was learning to
He had managed to keep his gift contained and unnoticed until one day when Dudley
was playing with a new toy. A slingshot that Dudley was shooting rather haphazardly
coming close to striking him several times and if not for a few physical restoring
rituals would have been rather scarred up. Dudley hit a bird, a raven to be exact
and Harry having nursed several of the neighborhood's animals back to health after
one of his cousins rampages picked up the bird to nurse it back. The wing was
obviously broken, but he hadn't noticed the broken neck.
It was a simple spell he had used on Trouble whenever she had gotten injured because
of Dudley. Sure he had been half tempted to ask Mrs. Figg to look out for Trouble,
but it seemed far too troublesome to explain where she came from. He simply let a
few drops of blood flow into the birds body and let some of his power resonate with
it to speed up healing. He did the same to himself whenever Dudley did manage to
catch him with his gang.
The unexpected thing was when the bird started moving and there was no heart beat.
He had noticed something odd with the bird as it had fallen. The blurriness around
the living was missing leaving only the sharpness of the dead. He looked at the bird
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and all there was that same image and yet the bird moved. Wait there was something
else there...

"Motion to the motionless," Harry had murmured as the bird hopped to his shoulder.
"So that is what the book meant. I had best make sure Trouble doesn't try to eat

So Harry had three companions a snake, a cat and a bird. Shadow, Trouble and Night
did their best to help him when they could. Yet he still had to leave them outside
for the most part. Debating over it he used a small ritual to allow them to become
unnoticed and had fed them the three squirrels involved. They were his friends so he
had eventually rationalized killing animals for them. Between the four of them they
were doing a significant amount of pest control and there were far less calls for
that service in Little Winging.
Considering that Dudley had staked out the park, Harry had taken to the less
developed areas and spent time in the wild than deal with his family. The book was
quite useful in how to survive in the wild and besides his art he had focused on
those skills that would allow him to survive. He was not even eight and had already
had to perform rituals to minimize the necessarily needed food while maximizing the
efficiency of what little he got.
Harry recalled the first time he had filled a glass with fresh warm blood and the
ritual that had required him to drink it. His companions made sure none of the body
went to waste. Although Night did seem focused on the soft areas. It had been after
several of those rituals that Harry had noticed the first perhaps negative effect of
his art. He had fangs. Retractable none the less they were still fangs.

He just chalked it up to more weirdness in his life. Like all the specters he had to
deal with. The duty that he had finally understood when he put his first restless to
rest. Well he had tried. He had ended up with KiKi. A very young child's spirit that
had been killed or more accurately murdered. Somehow he had agreed to animate her
body in exchange for the man that killed her to pay. He had been too shocked when
little KiKi had tracked the man down and what followed. Unsure what she had planned
he had trailed after her. It was unpleasant to say the least.
It turned out that little KiKi had been violated before being murdered. Suffice it
to say that Harry had been out of it when she had jumped the man and disabled him
before starting to eat the man alive. He had just stood there white faced as the
infant like skeleton like being had started eating. The odd thing was that instead
of the flesh falling out or flesh growing back that the bones had expanded becoming
almost a skeleton shaped marionette in form. As it went on the bones went from pale
white to black as they became denser and yet she kept chattering the whole time.

Suffice it to say that Harry probably should have gone into therapy at that point.
It had been even more disturbing when his companions had joined in on the meal. They
did have personalities just lacked certain human social mores. So Harry barely did
more than blink and look on as Night started to peck at the struggling man's eyes.
It was the first time that Harry had seen someone die. He had been shocked when
there had been no restless when the man finally died well before his companions had
finished eating.
He had been well prepared to aid KiKi in going back to rest, but as she had been so
young when she had died that she had decided to stay. He had managed to keep his
other companions hidden but he would not manage with KiKi. He was sure that Vernon
would not take to having an animated skeleton in the house.
When he had gotten home he had been proven right. Sadly for Vernon it turned out
that not only had Harry's rituals made him hard to hit as well as resistant to
damage with a shorter healing time they had made him a bit less emotional. KiKi
however had not taken it well and seeing Vernon lifted by the smaller form before
being swung into a wall had been shocking. Suffice it to say that things changed at
that point.
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The Dursley House had not really changed over the years. Harry had moved into the
basement with his menagerie and he still picked the weeds that so aided his art. He
had changed in that he was dressed in clothes that fit him that were rather dark and
somber in appearance. Shadow was with him always and Trouble had grown somewhat.
If anyone was to have known him well they would say it was the eyes that changed.
They still sparkled, but there was a hidden depth and darkness there. As if he had
seen things that one his age should not, which had lead to an early maturity. He
still performed his rituals and with KiKi had delved ever deeper into his passion.
He didn't even concern himself about her diet or the others let alone himself.
There was no shortage of components for him even for the more disturbing of the
rituals he had learned. His relatives suspected that he was a killer, but if asked
he would deny and be telling the truth when asked if he ever murdered someone. Did
he allow people to die? Yes he did, but he always made sure that they were better
off dead. It had been rather shocking to find the number of abnormalities that dwelt
in his area. He had long learned that the adults in the area turned a blind eye to
almost anything that they didn't want to believe and yet gossiped about the least of
things. So was it any wonder that the suburban paradise he lived in was full of the
worst sort of the dregs of society. Child abusers and rapists tended to have a
drastically short life span. The wife beaters were almost lucky be comparison. They
had only had to deal with being mauled by wild animals. They lived just missing a
few parts and KiKi was still chipper.
So for a time his only friends were his animal companions and KiKi. That had sadly
made him rather unsocial in addition to Dudley’s effects on any school aged friends
he could make. He would finally make a friend one day in the form of Alice. He
thought back to how much of a near disaster it had been.
As many things in his life it was a sorry thing that started it off. Unlike the
adults he had learned to observe people and the sudden tenseness that the girl had
around people was disconcerting. The sudden change in clothing as well as the sudden
need not to be noticed drew alarm bells to his mind. He found her behavior far to
like his had been before. It had taken a rather consorted effort but he found out
and he had wished he was an adult and simply ignored it had it not been so

Little Alice seemed to have become the favorite niece of her Uncle John. He had done
some rather unappealing things but he had started off simply enough to methodically
condition her behavior so that his current as well as later intentions would be
readily acquiesce to. Her clothing had changed for two reasons both deserving of
letting KiKi play with the man. Longer clothing to cover the bruises without a good
reason such as a spanking and other marks that were he had feared from other tools
to condition her to accept his will and discipline as well as to make her look less
attractive so that others would not think to look at her for she was his in his
He had only the slightest of pangs of guilt for having used his gifts to coerce the
knowledge from her. He had felt a moment of disgust at his action as he could have
tried to coerce a spirit to know what had happened, but his sudden concern for
anyone in that situation had forced him to act. He had then promised her that the
situation would be handled as the adults never paid attention anyways.
'There was nothing anyone would do even without consent,' he had thought in disgust.
'Besides KiKi is getting both restless and hungry again. Better to kill two birds
with one stone as it were. Man already had her convinced that lying about it would
lead to less punishment than if anyone or at least an adult found out. Still best to
be sure not to be played in a game in which there is consent. There is a reason
there is a difference between doing what is right and doing what is good.'
Harry had followed Alice to where her uncle had commanded her to meet. He brought
KiKi with and the pair waited as loath as he was to do so. He just wanted to make
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sure he wasn't being used nor that he was betrayed. The book had far too much
information of what most would have considered perverse and immoral behaviors, but
who was he to judge if he had already tortured and killed people. The book had
drilled into his head about consent and desire being keys to magic as well as life.
The book had however been rather lacking in any moral guidance and had instead been
focused on magic as well as the ethics of magic. If it had really been a desire to
be hurt and more such as being humiliated by knowing she was being watched while
being punished than that would have been a different matter.
Harry had his ethics shaped by the book and the notion of morals destroyed by the
Dursleys. Morals were to him something that societies had invented to validate
themselves and their actions. A mere social control that he had no use for.

It turned out that the man had been planning on going further that day in his
actions. He had waited for longer than he had wished as he still had a somewhat
warped sense of ethics. He couldn't simply let KiKi eat the man because of what he
had been doing without proof even with Alice's confession. The adults had so many
stupid rules about such things that they had instilled in most people and then there
were the social conventions and not just the written laws.

Harry had to be sure that if he was caught that he had a rock solid reason for
killing the man as he had heard Vernon complain about lawyers and how they worked
the law. He only feared one thing worse than the Dursleys returning to form and that
was prison or an orphanage. Self defense should work and if he caught the man red
handed as it were then there was no way he would feel sympathy for the man. He lived
by some simple rules that had no real exclusions as something was either right or
not to his mind therefore as the man had broke them he deserved the appropriate

Harry had waited behind a tree in the deserted area where the man had planned to
meet Alice. He was truly offended considering that she was a year younger than him a
mere seven years old at the time. The man had gotten so far as to take her clothes
off when he had interfered.

"You know that really isn't the smartest of things to do," Harry had said from the
cover of the trees. "We don't like people like you. Oh don't be so surprised in
thinking that no one would find out. It probably would be simpler if you had chosen
to confess to the police. We don't have the same qualms in dealing with your kind.
Besides my friend has been quite restless ever since she killed her own murderer.
Why he even planned to do what you have been doing with her so I do think it is best
to let you reap what you have sown..."
The man was unprepared for KiKi. She had simply jumped down on the man from the
trees. Her little fingers had grabbed at his spine on the way down and with a snap
the man had fallen to the ground. KiKi had raised her hand and in an action that
raised Harry's eyebrows an ax had appeared in it. Alice had looked on in shock as
her uncle was systematically chopped up and eaten in front of her.
"He won't bother you or anyone else anymore," Harry had told her as he turned to
leave with KiKi following still carrying her bloodied ax. "I don't think you need to
worry about any one finding out what happened. You can just pretend none of this
"No!" Alice had shouted in shock. "I don't want to forget or it might happen with
someone else someday. Please help me. Show me how not to be afraid again. Teach me
to make them pay!"
For a time there was a silence as a struggle passed through his mind. The risks of
revealing more to someone versus the advantage of someone aiding him. It was so
tempting to have someone besides his companions to talk to. Besides there was the
fact that given the circumstances that she would try to solve things on her own.
‘Decisions… decisions,’ Harry thought with a slight twitch. ‘I have to ask myself is
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it worth it… then again there is the fact that I had before wished for anyone to
come and save me… perhaps it would be worth it?’

"Fine," he had said with a sigh. "But you must be sure about this. There is no going
back. You will do things that most would revile you as much as they would him for
what he did. Do you choose to do this of your own free will?"

"Yes!" Alice had again shouted full of emotion. "I never want to feel this weak

Harry had sighed again before he had looked at KiKi and walked to where the man had
died. There was still some blood soaked into the ground. He would need to be more
careful of that in the future. Normally they lingered long enough to clean the
sight, but he had wanted to go away and not have her look at him how he had feared
she might. She had wanted to be free of him but doubts of having someone he could
call friend perhaps looking at him like a freak like the Dursley’s still did if
concealed behind their fear was not something that he had wanted.
With a simple gesture at the ground where he had died a black flame spurted up
charring the ground quickly before vanishing without letting more than a whiff of
smoke rise as well as removing any evidence even CSI forensics could find. It was
interesting that the fire would completely erase all evidence even modern science
would find nothing even with all of the advancements they had. He looked her over
and tried to see if she had the dedication that it would take. How easy would it be
to ever find someone to work with in the future? There were so many rituals and
spells that needed more than one caster to make them work. She had accepted this so
he might as well tell her.

He had reached into his backpack and pulled out the book along with the dagger he
had worked so hard to make. He had calmly explained what to do and he watched on as
she took the same oath he had until she had added something unexpected to her words.
Words from the ritual right after it. One he had not performed. She had actually
pledged herself to him for his actions and in shock he had agreed without thinking.

He had berated himself for that a moment later as he had felt a bond form between
them. He realized that he was responsible for her as well as for her training. His
carefree life was gone as Alice had family that paid attention to her not like him.
Still they had trusted that man so they were obviously not too bright.

‘I wanted a partner,’ Harry thought to himself as he walked her home, ‘and instead I
got a minion. Not that having help is a bad thing just that in my shock I permitted
myself to allow Alice to tie herself to me. Power is tempting and now someone so
abused and betrayed trusts me like this. I have to restrain myself from talking
advantage of this in the future… I am just a kid and yet at times I feel as if I
have lived lifetimes. It would have been nice to have played as a kid once and yet
all that I have done has changed me so, and now I am going to guide Alice down this
path. Will I be able to keep her from my mistakes? Would she even want to? And yet I
think that things will be so interesting. To think that just wanting to know more
about my parents would lead me this far… how much further must I go to find out why
I can call some spirits and yet not theirs to me. Alice I promise that I will help
you and yet I know that you will help me in my ambition no matter how far I have to
go. I will help you to never have to feel as weak as you did before this.’
Time had passed after that and the pair had gotten into mischief and other assorted
things. Alice did however show no interest in boys or more accurately other boys.
She knew that she could trust Harry and he knew he could trust her. A friend, a
human friend, was a new experience for Harry. He had helped Alice slowly work her
way through the secrets he had learned and they both delved into some of the new
rituals that required assistance. The pair still managed to kill things. Harry
taught Alice how to hunt and they hunted wild animals along with their companions.
Alice took to the cynical nature of their art with a reverence. Animal sacrifices
were readily used to repair the damage and prevent any possibility of it happening
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in the future. She would not be weak. It had been interesting when she had first
drank her first taste of blood even if it had been animal blood still warm from the
kill. She had acted like the world's most sugared up child as she had careened
around the clearing. Harry had for the first time in a long time simply laughed.
There Alice had been practically bouncing around the trees giggling like mad.
What neither of them had expected was the effects the first time Alice and Harry had
shared blood or to be more accurate shared willingly given blood. It had been a
ritual to allow Harry to better know Alice and for Alice to better know Harry or
perhaps they would have better been able to understand the other and what made them
who they were. That it allowed them to always know exactly where the other was as
well as their condition had made them choose this particular rite. They were very
close friends at this point in time and had confided much in each other, but had
still found it hard to reveal some of their skeletons.
Harry had first sunk his fangs into Alice's willing throat before offering his own
blood for her to drink. The similarities to how vampires supposedly sired was
humorous to the pair at the time. It was more humorous as they were laughing and
cuddling without any social barriers between them. They would if described been
acting intoxicated and rather mellow compared to the usual sugar high they had
normally experienced.
Afterwards they would try to explain what it was they had felt but it was normally
described as you know and the just got it but for the life of them couldn't put it
into words. They had found that imbibing blood gave them a rush and they felt the
magic in the rituals flow through them. The sharing of blood was different. As Harry
had sunk his fangs in there was a rush of euphoria he had expected, but there was
more to it than that. It felt like Alice was pouring all of herself into him and in
a truly intimate manner allowed Harry to know her. Alice felt something of the same,
but also a firm knowledge that Harry was there for her now and always just as she
knew she would be there for him in whatever ways he would want or need.

The pair were practically inseparable after that fact and Harry took to spending
more and more time with Alice even being invited to visit with her family when they
went places. She had one strange cousin who was in no way related to that man.
Despite the fact that most people treated her as a bookworm the two never did. They
had in fact tried to slowly convince her of their ideals which would be a long time
in coming. Thankfully it seemed that there was little risk for what had happened to
Alice to happen to her although Harry had felt a slight foreboding with how she
respected authority and that someone in charge was always right. He just hoped that
Hermione's absolute trust in authority would not be broken as Anne's had by her
uncle. She seemed like to nice and innocent to have it ripped away.

So for a time the pair studied and practiced whenever they could. The time had
slowly caused Alice to become desensitized to the killings and was working her way
from animals small to large. It was odd how many inferior predators they had found
even among such a supposedly nice neighborhood. There was however a difference in
their animal victims. They were rather solemn when they did so and always thanked
the animal for its sacrifice even if they knew it was a part of life and its cold
clinical cycle.
The pair eventually expanded into a trio when they met Anne. It seemed that one of
the teachers was doing to her what her uncle had done to her. In all this time Alice
had never killed a person even though she had watched Harry administer justice to
those he had dealt with. She could not say that she had never tasted his kills fear
filled blood as they struggled. She had even grown apathetic to the sight of Night
pecking their eyes out while they tried to move. There just had been something about
them that had compelled her not to kill them as if in part she was not ready for it
as well as there was a certain something missing.
Anne was a bit different in her situation. The teacher had gotten farther than
Alice's uncle had managing to only technically avoid stealing her virginity by
sodomizing her. Anne had managed to kick the man several times as KiKi and the
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others had gone to work on him. It had been most therapeutic for her. Harry had felt
that she was more than ready in her attitude and feeling the same comradeship as he
had with Alice when they started had shared a glance with Alice before offering her
a place with them.
While he still struggled Alice and Harry inducted Anne into their number. Anne had
watched as Alice slit his throat before beckoning her to drink with her. After Anne
and Alice had downed several mouthfuls but before he had finally died, Alice had
carved out his heart before removing it. She had offered a half to Shadow before
giddily giggling offered a half to Trouble. Sharing was important after all.
Alice and Anne had eventually conferred and having borrowed the book looked for a
ritual to ensure no one took their virginities. There were ways but the simplest was
slightly personal and they were for a time unsure how to ask. The two had while
learning some of the art not delved deep enough to reach their goal. The spell had
utilized the blood of their menses to safeguard them. While they had shared blood
with Harry in the past and even had a few chaste kisses with him this was a rather
sensitive matter than Harry would have to drink that from the source while chanting
in his head to bind the spell in place.

The effects would be worth it though. Should anyone try to steal their virginities
in the future without their permission, though they tried not to think about the
fact that Harry could give his permission in their stead, would be struck dead and
their body would rise as a skeleton to do their bidding. It was vexing that they
didn't have the reserves to do that on their own.
Harry had reluctantly gone on with the ritual and despite the three being killers
had tried to comfort each other that it would not be that bad. It did however lead
to the knowledge that not all touching there was bad just the intent could be. That
was something that they had not really dealt with despite sometimes crashing into a
pile after some of the more draining nights after other rituals or simply falling
asleep talking. It was an odd moment as they realized they were still innocent and
ignorant in some ways. Sex was despite the things that had happened to them still
one of those areas. Something that would be more confusing when they grew up.
So the trio went about their activities as they put such thoughts out of their
minds. The group had formed a shared trust among them and they were slowly becoming
close friends. The girls helped Harry with his gardening which allowed them to get
several useful plants for free while he helped them with their studies both in
normal academics and more in their art.
The relationship between them seemed to work out and both of the girls had managed
to gain a familiar of a sort. Though KiKi and the other companions were annoyed that
they were banned from eating the same species as any of the new companions were. It
just wouldn't do to eat something that they conversed with even if they had done
things to their victims after talking to them. A companion was different than any
other animal in their opinion and they were able to converse with and understand
theirs, but not to the same level as Harry had done. The girls would likely chalk it
up to practice though they all had come to understand KiKi and her ways.

So Alice had managed to reanimate a stray dog most likely having some Doberman blood
and some other useful characteristics as it was a black short haired dog barely
older than a puppy she had found which she promptly named Mischief due to the
mischief he got into. KiKi had been most upset as the stray dogs she had found had
been some of the most tender of things she had eaten and it was so unfair to remove
a whole species off the list. Seriously she had chattered about it was bad enough
not to eat cats, snakes or birds and now no more dog. Still after several times of
being yelled at for being bad she finally stopped eating any dog she ran across. In
retaliation KiKi had gone after the small rodents that seemed to dwell about in
earnest. The squirrels in particular tended to not notice anything until she had
scooped them up and closed her mouth around them.
While that was happening, Anne had managed to raise a tom she named Trick. That
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Trouble seemed to be taken with the tom seemed humorous for them. Despite what they
had all done they were still kids. Thankfully Trick had eventually managed to not
look like KiKi had originally as a skeletal cat would have stood out. Now if only
Anne would stop trying to add things to give Trick more tricks. Like the time she
had added bird wings that she still wouldn't remove. Thankfully they were able to
blend in well with Trick's fur and thus the ignorant masses remained unaware of the
necromantic animate kitty hawk she had. That it had avoided other less desirable
interest being raised was a very good thing.
All of that changed near his eleventh birthday. KiKi had long since grown accustomed
to getting the mail and removing any he got. There were a few and the occasional owl
had dropped some off as well. Owls were rather intelligent enough to know better
than to tempt KiKi after the first few had gotten snatched and promptly were
snacked. Harry had hated to admit it but as he felt stealing was wrong he never took
any money that his victims didn't bring with them and they were besides scum also
cheap when it came to the pocket change they had on them. He had contemplated
raising a few and emptying their account, but that might lead to getting caught. He
did have more than himself to be concerned with nowadays.
So the three had taken to supplementing their money from yard work with some of the
potions and rituals as well as components they had gathered. Harry had managed to
learn enough to call spirits forth and had found out about the so called Wizarding
World that his book barely mentioned at all. It seemed they were rather small and
unimportant at the time. Still what the spirits had informed him of had been
interesting and while some ancestors could be called his parents still were elusive
to his call. A shame that none of his deceased relatives that he could call could
come up with a reason for that though he suspected that they had an idea yet were
unsure on how to tell him.

So he had gone to the Alley the spirits had recommended for one of his persuasion.
They had informed him that he most likely had an account at Gringott’s in Diagon
Alley, but he knew that a real bank would lead to a paper trail eventually. Now
while he and KiKi had managed to cower them into line he was unsure if that would
derail Vernon long if he spotted money. He was a greedy bastard and Harry felt
better safe than sorry. It had taken threats of physical violence to keep just
change from yard work after all.

So despite the well held belief that Harry Potter was secluded away and Dumbledore's
firm knowledge of him being as well informed as a muggle born, Harry had made many
sojourns to his Alley. Besides it was not like he had been troubled after the first
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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 2: Shopping again in Knockturn Alley
by SamStone 2 Reviews
A trip down the Alley shows why there are scarier things than Dark Lords.
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Harry - Warnings:
[V] [?] - Published: 2008/04/13 - Updated: 2008/04/13 - 4296 words
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Chapter 2: Shopping again in Knockturn Alley

Shopkeepers are quite easy to bargain with; they just need some... convincing - MN
HJP to one of his apprentices.
Knockturn Alley was believed to be the home of dark and evil magic and their users.
It was however not exactly the case. The alley tended to have things that were gray
legally as well as the shops that could not pay the exorbitant prices that renters
in Diagon paid. Sure there were the less desirables and questionable people there,
but even with the fact that most Aurors would make at most a cursory pass through
the alley that didn't mean that it was totally irredeemable.

At this moment however an eleven year old boy was once more walking down the alley.
Unlike the first time they parted with a suddenness that even the Dark Lord at the
height of his power didn't command. He would only kill you and maybe use the
Cruciatus on you for a while. That was a much preferable death than what the boy
brought. It didn't really matter what type of dark creature or being one was, they
had equally shuddered under the memories of that day.

Harry had been going down the alley for the first time with KiKi by his side as
usual. He was less than nine years old and as such seemed to be the perfect prey for
the inhabitants there. Oddly enough it had been hags that had first accosted him. He
barely paid attention to the ones selling fingers though he had frowned at how
little they were going for. He had even managed to start bartering and asking if
they would like some fresh ones.

Unfortunately one of the hags had taken that for the boy volunteering to lose a few
fingers, it was not like they couldn't be regrown after all. The poor hag never knew
what happened as KiKi had jumped on he and started chattering as her fingers started
to dig into the hag's neck.

"Bad KiKi!" Harry had yelled as he scolded his companion. "No eating people! You
know better you don't eat people unless they are trying to kill us!"
That had startled the hags but they had though the little thing a simple construct
so that led to their next mistake. Kiki had jumped down and was whimpering from the
scolding. It wasn't her fault the food seemed to want to come so close.

"Now boy don't struggle too much," One of the hags had said. "You wouldn't want your
pet hurt..."
"Fine KiKi," Harry grumbled. "Just don't create too much of a mess..."

KiKi had cackled before jumping on the hag. After that it was a rather sudden scene
of carnage. KiKi had managed to tear the Hag apart before starting to rip chunks off
to eat. KiKi was practically giggling in her own way as her hands sliced the muscle
cleanly off the bone. Sadly the Hag was paralyzed except for the screaming or more
accurately gurgling. Poor thing was being eaten alive.

Normally the inhabitants of the alley had some sense of self survival. Sadly one
took a rather unfortunate step toward the corpse and KiKi had sprung up and
effortlessly snapped the spine of the poor soul. When she started to gnaw the flesh
from the bones of the second victim the surrounding patrons tried to curse her.
KiKi was different from a Wizarding creature. Unlike Golems or lesser skeletons she
was not affected by blasting spells nor cutting spells. Unlike normal undead she was
unfazed by the fire spells. This of course was an important advantage compared to
normal necromantic constructions.
The last had caused Harry to mutter, "Right type wrong kind," before he shook his
head at the carnage around him.

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Pain curses and others had shown no effect even one of the scared sheep casting
Crucio had no effect. So why with one or at least two Unforgivables tried did one of
the fools try using the killing curse?
Harry just laughed at that before telling the crowd, "Now why would a death curse
work as KiKi is already dead? Ah well KiKi I know you are hungry but you really
should finish your meals instead of playing with them..."
KiKi had tilted her head before calling her ax to her. She cackled as she jumped
about dismembering the people who stayed there. Seeing that those intending to harm
them had left he called KiKi off. Sadly one of the more prominent vampires of the
area had been caught in the attack.

Harry had glided over to the figure with his dagger drawn. Everyone had been so
engrossed by KiKi induced carnage that he had been ignored. It was a stupid thing as
one of them was about to find out.
"You know I can understand KiKi being a bit excited," Harry told the shaking vampire
as he licked his own lips showing his own elongated fangs. "I am a bit peckish
With that the somewhat old vampire was drained of his blood before Harry ritually
carved out the heart. With a shudder he ripped the heart out where it began to beat
as the body dissolved into ash before flowing into the heart.
"Blood stones are so hard to come by," Harry said with a sigh. "Vampires are
normally so elusive as to avoid being hunted that it makes getting one so hard to
get. Still some more rituals I can do now..."

Suffice it to say that after that he was never bothered in the alley again. In fact
the denizens tended to treat him with a deference he wished his relatives would at
times without the fear aspect. The people who dwell in the alley respected his power
and that more than their fear was what drove their actions.

"Good day," Harry said as he came to the rather out of the way shop. "I have a
business proposition for you."

"So buying or selling?" the shopkeeper had asked as soon as he saw who it was as he
had no preference which unlike some of the snootier pure bloods would have induced.

"A bit of both," Harry answered honestly. "Some of the harder to find books and
tools to buy and some rather hard to attain items to sell. Dung seems to be rather
unavailable lately perhaps you might know why our resident fetcher is being so hard
to find?"

"Dung is having a bit more attention brought on him," the man admitted. "Seems that
Dumbledore is searching for something and is quite insistent on his focusing on this
item for him..."
"Dumbledore," Harry said with the same revulsion as the shopkeeper had said, "is far
too meddling and self assured for anyone’s well being. He cares for 'the greater
good' and sees us as nothing more than tools. The Light Wizards would never believe
their precious hero would do what he does. I have heard a new rumor that will be
most unsettling for us. Seems he likes to gather knowledge and leave none to the
family heirs if he can. Add to that he allows far too many pure and mixed blood
children to think they are merely from common muggle stock. Now while I care more
for ability than blood this is costing us valuable information..."
"How bad?" the shopkeeper asked in shock. "Surely not trying to steal family magic?"
"Several of my own families Grimores have been tracked down to his possession,"
Harry said with a snarl. "Thankfully they were not the more useful tomes for him.
They were safeguarded against the fool and those like him ever successfully casting
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them. Now as we both have little time to business. I need several of the more rare
daggers as well as some common ingredients."

"Which daggers?" the shopkeeper asked. "You tend to sell some of the more desired
ones as well as some of the more useful ingredients. So which are the ones you

"We travel in different circles so some things are easier for me to acquire while
the reverse is also true," Harry conceded. "The daggers have to be crafted quite
particularly. Obsidian carved without magic or muggle tools as well as goblin forged
daggers preferably with silver or copper inlaid. The common ingredients are harder
to find outside the more magical forests though I will need some more esoteric
parts. Re'em horn, Dementor’s bone, mermaid scales, werewolf fangs and bicorn hair
are the more pressing ingredients. The rest I can acquire from most potion stores."
"You do realize that most of those are rare if not restricted items?" the shopkeeper
asked as he looked about. "I wonder about why Re'em horn and not blood?"
"The blood is easy enough to get," Harry admitted. "The Horn is more noticeable in
acquiring. In exchange for several of the more inaccessible items. Bone, blood and
flesh of the less approachable species as well as several of the more rare
ingredients such as venoms and scales. So how in demand are Lethifold and basilisk
"You always do deliver," he said in shock. "So what I have in exchange for that with
some galleons in exchange? You neglected the books though..."

"They are far more dangerous for either of us to acquire," Harry admitted with some
reluctance. "My own collection is dangerous in its own although my main book would
most likely have the fools at the Ministry automatically sentence me to the Kiss.
Officially there is no copy and it never existed. On the plus side while the books
mentioned as reference materials exist they have no mention of the book so as long
as they are unable to read it there is no problem. The books I require are on the
more reviled of traditions. Blood magic, soul magic and the grand rites would cause
too much of a stir if it reached unwanted ears..."
He gulped at the topics as the Ministry had made most of those very hard to come by
and only a handful of the most ancient of families would have the clout to have one
found in their possession. What little he knew of the boy had long since given him a
sense that he was staying low so the Ministry or more likely Dumbledore could not
gain access to the clout he would wield when he came of age. A lost scion of the
Black was a possibility though some of the more ancient and most believed eradicated
families was a choice. He had hazard a guess that whichever line it was had most
likely spawned a few Dark Lords or at least truly powerful Dark Wizards in their

"So we need to just settle the matter of price," he said after composing himself as
it never do to give up too much. "Five hundred galleons and the parts in exchange
for the items you require."

They haggled a bit before settling on the small amount of a hundred galleons for the
items. He needed more difficult to acquire items in the muggle world for the more
intricate rituals they had been performing. Sadly a few of the items were not in,
but would soon be acquired so he arranged for delivery for those items. He knew that
some of the other ingredients would be difficult to acquire as they had to be given
of the creatures own free will or the effects would be disastrous. He had long since
learned the difference in intent in the nature of his magic.
A quick stop at the less restricted book stores, apothecaries and the more elusive
tailor led to a sizable dent in his petty cash reserve. However he had all the
things the idiotic list required as well as better quality in the items for less
than those overcharging mercenaries in Diagon charged. He had neglected the wand.
Anyone could make a wand with enough practice. The theory was rather simple and he
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had managed to read in the book how to make a tailored and perfectly suited focus.
The only problem was that he was so used to casting through a dagger that having to
learn wand movements seemed stupid to him. A simple and easily damaged if not broken
piece of wood felt cheap to him. He had listened to the other people who milled
about and knew better than to go into Diagon to the Ministry sanctioned and
regulated Ollivander's. He had been tempted to go to a wand crafter, but the few
that existed and the one in the alley were paranoid beyond even the whispered Mad
Eye. He still had his blood stone to allow his magic to work with some ease.

He had in fact thought of using some of the Dementor’s bone to fashion his wand. He
knew he wanted a multiform focus and that he would most likely work on it before
September. The difficulty was not just in enabling the forms, but in picking them.
As much as he might desire the services of a wand crafter there were issues that he
had with finding them. One had to be recommended by a customer and directed to them
there was also the fact that most of them were very expensive and far too many would
rat him out to certain parties and as much as he was desensitized to killing those
particular individuals would need far more effort to successfully get away with
their disappearance.

'What to pick?' he wondered as he window shopped. 'Concealable would mean a smaller

form than a wand such as a ring, amulet or bracer though I don't want to over limit
the power. I need a form that would allow for my chosen art. I also want one that is
good for mass use. Shame if I use multiple focus that there would be a slight
variance in the signature and those meddlesome minders at the Ministry would get me
on multiple focus charges since one needs a restricted license to have more than one
wand although they won’t track a relatives wand even if they are dead.'

Harry finally had decided that he should have variety and that perhaps he should
think about getting the other things for the girls. It was a shame that Hermione had
said that she was accepted to some boarding school, but there were still the breaks
to catch up on the actual practical work. He had been driving his two official
apprentices to the limits as he was unsure when he would have time off to teach
them. He hoped that he could find a way to bring them the next year.
"Elegant Enchantments," Harry said as he looked at the shop. "Perhaps there will be
something useful here after all."

There was a sole person in the shop. He was rather strangely dressed with clothing
that looked like he was thrown through a clothing blender and emerged covered in his
attire. The boots and gloves were black in color with a reptilian hide appearance
while bright red skin tight leather pants were accented with a brown rope belt and
the shirt if it could be called that was more an example of impressionist paintings
in motion as the colors moved about and changed into different forms and shapes. Now
above all of that was a leather collar complete with a short chain and it was
obvious that this particular person was so far out of the norm for the hidebound
wizards to be a breath of fresh air and for once Harry was grateful that Alice was
not here to see this person as she would most likely insist on keeping him and
calling him Dan. It was bad enough that he had to repetitively ensure that certain
individuals and their eccentrically dressed as well animals were kept far away from
‘We are all crazy in our own way,’ Harry thought with a slight smile. ‘Alice is just
a bit more odd in her form of crazy. Really trying to keep a little fuzz ball that
looks cute but is all teeth and stomach was a bit much especially when they are more
ravenous than KiKi. We would have run out of bodies way to quick.’
Harry could just imagine what happened if he said she couldn't keep him. She would
have most likely skulled Mischief if he hadn't been dead already and raised him to
keep her company when life prevented them from hanging out as it were. It had been a
near thing with the mime or the clowns though. He had to restrain her from clubbing
them to death with a baseball bat she had found so that she could create an army of
mimes and clowns to rule the world.
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Harry had been rather confused on why anyone would want to rule the world. Sure he
would admit to himself that it might be fun conquering the world but from all of the
paperwork he noticed the adults have to fill out it seemed way too much stress for
such little gain.
He was rather concerned that Alice might revert to even more child like behavior or
worse the conditioning her uncle had put her through. He had never been able to look
at lollipops, bananas or Popsicles the same after that. Child like kill and keep
pets like dolls was a lesser concern than that. She wasn’t even ten and he worried
about her causing normal males to gain Lolita complexes from the things she did when
she sucked any of those things.

He still shivered at what had happened when he had confronted her. She had responded
like her uncle wanted when he acted like he had. He had barely been even remotely
concerned about the future possibilities of such actions being too concerned at the
time with gaining enough power, skill and control to reach his goal of speaking to
his parents. It did make him wonder why Moldieshorts had to use that curse as it
made calling their spirits let alone reanimation or maker forbid resurrection a near
impossible dream. He had been able to call forth long dead spirits, raise a skeleton
and make it a near indestructible killing machine, but to talk to his deceased
parents there was a lack of success. At least he finally had learned why his
attempts had failed so far. Stupid curse to ensure the body and spirit rested in
His thought was derailed as it flicked back to what Alice and even Anne had tried to
do when he confronted them. Prevent a punishment by making the authority happy.
After Alice he had been prepared and was a near thing in stopping Anne before she
was on her knees. He was still embarrassed that he had been so shocked that Alice
had done that and he had been unable to stop her. The blood and such he had been
used to, but he was too shocked with physical contact to react.

Harry forced down the menace his thoughts were bringing. It would not do to menace
the strange man. Even if he was remembering his first consensual contact with caring
he experienced that had brought a rather long lost emotion to him again. He felt
shame for the simple fact he had been too shocked by the hug and kiss to respond
when she had pantsed him and then kept him distracted like she would her uncle. He
had jumped back and pulled her head back in shock, but it had been too late for
that. He had been shuddering from what she had done and had been hard pressed to
deal with the new sensations. They had been so different to the rush he had
experienced from his kills. The tingling seemed to rival when he had first drunk
blood and seemed to almost eclipse the euphoria of his first taste of human blood.

His shame in fact had prevented him from permitting himself to allow the girls to
thank him as they had been trained. As it was the three only cuddled, but he knew
that he would someday have to put the shame away as the two had point blank told him
that they had no interest in guys unless it was him. Every time the three were
together their hands wandered and he was certain that their hands wandered more when
the two had their sleepovers. The closest he had come to that again was the
protection spell and the monthly ritual to alleviate their unpleasantness. He
justified it with the fact that willingly given blood strengthened his reserves and
that blood was more potent than any other save those he would not permit himself to
sink to. The lifeblood of a virgin while being violated being one of the few things
he had no desire to imbibe regardless of what it offered. He already had the offer
of willing given blood of a virgin as well as when they eventually lose it.
He shuddered at the knowledge that it was inevitable. The life death balance of his
art would demand that eventually. The yearly rush had thankfully been constrained to
heavy petting as it were. A few more years and the lot of them would spend one night
a year rutting like wild animals regardless of how they felt about whoever they were
with. It was perhaps a small price to pay for the power they had gained and it was
not like any of the things they had done were physically unpleasant to experience
just perhaps a few years to soon even with how emotionally and mentally mature he
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"Yo," the oddly dressed shopkeeper said. "What can I do for ya?"
Harry grinned beneath his hood this one was amusing before asking, "What ya got?"
"Many a thing," he said with a smirk to his lips. "So many colorful and useful
things there are items of intrigue and enchantments useful to everyone are a few of
those things this shop carries. Baubles of basic protection as well as some would
call dreadful daggers if that is what you seek. For those interested in knowledge
there are several key items for those seeking the wisdom of the wise that were so
less constraining than certain people wish others to believe. So any of these things
call to you or at least tickle your fancy? We pride ourselves on finding anything
that our clients wish for as long as there is the coin for it..."
"Oh I have the coin for it," Harry replied with a smirk, "but how do I know that it
is worth the coin you want for what you provide? A few sample wares demonstrations
might better allow me to gage the coin value for the items available...."
"What else would one expect form a wise client?" the merchant asks in a mocking
tone. "We do specialize in already enchanted and enchanting items. And as one as
well informed as yourself understands why such a thing is a niche market. The masses
seem to find easily charmed spell crafted items to be so popular. True enchantments
last for generations while charms degrade after a certain time. Still some are more
concerned with the enchantments to assign a trinket to their lines. That is rather
expensive since the thrice corrupt ministry seems to only prefer grandfathered in
items to be permitted that use such foul magics to be made."

"Anything in a ring or bracelet maybe a tor if you have one," Harry asks after some
thought. "I do have a few ideas for what I want but to bind a shifting enchanted
item to my blood is a rather pressing matter."

"Someone that is interested in the more useful of tricks," he responds with a grin.
"Now this might be fun."
"I hope it will be," Harry said with a grin. "A shame the minders want us to ignore
so many useful and fun things..."

"So I see a multi is it," the shopkeeper said with a grin. "Don't be so surprised.
There is a rather hard to find wand crafter that makes them and I am still trying to
gain the methods of recreating something like that. So if you do come up with it
there are a rather select clientele that would be more than willing to pay for some
custom creations. Besides you do have a reputation in this alley."
"I guess that I do have somewhat of a reputation," Harry said with a grin. "So I
take it we can do some business than?"

"But of course," the clerk said. "I hope you don't mind that I cannot seem to decide
what I am called from day to day. Perhaps the closest I have come is to call myself
an Elegant Enchanter though some think me to have too much of an ego... So please do
tell what catches your fancy here?"
"Three rings of silver, three bracelets of platinum and three rather sharp daggers
curved if you would for a start," Harry said with a smirk. "I know that they need to
be a special mix if you know what I mean..."
"You know that most don't understand why certain enchantments stick to certain
materials better or worse than others," EE said. "It will be some rather pleasant
business between us. If you do get good at those skills I would be more than willing
to market some of them for you?"
"As a rather interesting man said," Harry began with a shark like grin. "This looks
like the beginning of a fruitful relationship..."
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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 3: Train rides and old friends
by SamStone 5 Reviews

A different trip with different outcomes.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Harry,Hermione -

Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008/04/13 - Updated: 2008/04/13 - 4621 words
Chapter 3: Train rides and old friends
Harry had made his way to the train station with little difficulty. The pocket money
he had made over the years as well as the less than scrutable dealings with Dung had
secured him ample money even without his touching the Potter accounts. That he had
several accounts in his own name made him glad that he had not officially gone to
Gringott’s Main Office even with the new vaults he had filled. Thankfully there was
a small branch in the alley as he loathed the adult nature of those in that alley.
The goblins seemed to respect him and he had quickly made his way to his

He had upon arriving at nine and three quarters simply looked at the barrier and as
he had for Knockturn seen where the door was. He was as always disappointed by the
idiocy of wizards. He was grateful that he was not really a member of their number.
He ignored the crowds that milled about wasting time and entered the train and made
his way to a compartment. He simply sat down and started to read the book as KiKi
chattered about as she explored the room. Time passed and a red headed boy came in.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" he asked. "All the others are full..."
"Hn," Harry said as he was more concerned with the book than the person encroaching
his space.
The Boy took that as an affirmative and sat down before saying, "The names Ron
Weasley so what's your favorite Quidditch team? Mine's the Cannons..."
Harry proceeds to ignore the rest of the rant until the redhead stops talking to say
simply. "Harpies," before turning back to his book.

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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
"You seem a bit too interested in that book," Ron says looking in disbelief at a guy
reading that much. "You planning on being in Ravenclaw or something?"

"No," Harry says before proceeding to return his focus to the book.
Ron continued to make small talk before the door finally opened revealing a somewhat
bushy haired girl.
"Hello my name is Hermione," Hermione said with a friendly smile. "Now I hate to
interrupt but by any chance have you seen a toad? I met a boy and Neville lost it
you see."

"No," Ron said irritated by the girl for some reason.

"Sorry Hermione," Harry said still reading his book. "So this is the boarding school
that you were accepted to well I guess that things won't be too bad..."
"I can see it now," Hermione said with dread and anticipation. "All those long
nights trying to catch up. So what are Anne and Alice going to do?"
"I left a copy of instructions and there are the Hols," Harry said with a sigh. "So
is there any reason that this Neville didn't ask someone to summon his toad? It just
seems so obvious compared to wandering and looking for it..."
"Why didn't I think of that," Hermione lamented. "I know I read up on them and

"The obvious slipped your mind," Harry finished still with his concentration mostly
on the book. "On the plus side there will be plenty of time to learn. So which house
are you aiming for?"
"Well I seem to be inclined to Ravenclaw," Hermione hedged. "Although there is
something for the other houses as well."

"Ron here seems to think that only Gryffindor’s matter and that his entire family
has been in it," Harry said with a resigned sigh. "Sadly if his views are shared by
that house neither of us would fit in. They seem to pride themselves in bold actions
that are quire reckless and look down on those who would work hard or put their mind
into it to succeed. Worse if anyone has any cunning than since he seems to think
that would be... evil. Quite the little biased boy we have here. I pity if he ever
meets our mutual friends. I don't think he would survive either of them."
"I can see that," Hermione said after giving Ron a more thorough look over. "Still
any one sorted into Slytherin would most likely have to accept that they would be
looked down on. Then there are the other issues..."
"Slytherin is the house for cunning and the ambitious that does not necessarily mean
evil merely more likely to do what is necessary though the Gryffindors seem as
likely to break rules, but for lesser reasons," Harry said with a smirk that
Hermione practically heard.
"Hey!" Ron shouted in indignation. "There is nothing good about those slimy
"Completely missed the point didn't he," Hermione said somewhat sarcastically.
"Youngest children seem to need to be the center of attention," Harry said. "OH wait
he isn't anymore that role is reserved for his only sister. You can see the issues
he has can't you?"
"A lost cause I take it?" Hermione asked. "Shame he seemed to have some

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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
"A new interruption coming our way," Harry said without looking at the corridor.
"Odd how KiKi hasn't gotten involved yet."

"That is odd," Hermione said as she turned her attention to the hallway. "I half
expected her to gobble that rat up..."
Three boys entered, and Harry recognized the middle one at once as he had seen the
ponce of a man swagger in Knockturn as if he had the world at his beck and call. He
had actually had several offers to kill the man and if it hadn't been for a lack of
opportunity would have likely done so. He was grateful that no one had spotted him
and that Hermione had controlled herself and not asked why he had never mentioned
that he Harry Potter was The Harry Potter. There could only be one Harry Potter on
the train after all.

“Is it true?” he said. “They’re saying all down the train that Harry Potter’s on the
train and this is the last compartment we checked. So it’s you, is it?”
“Yes,” said Harry as he glanced at the other boys over his book. "Not that it is
anyone’s business or something and you were..."

Both of them were thickset and looked extremely mean for their age. Standing on
either side of the pale boy, they looked like bodyguards. Not that Harry would care
about that even if they were werewolves. Compared to grown men they were not even
intimidating, but compared to how most saw him due to the loose clothes he wore that
failed to show any of the muscles he had gained it would be something others would
think. He appeared not to be terribly physically intimidating but he was far
stronger than he looked. He could most likely go hand to hand with a Master Vampire
and come out at least at a draw and that was without using any blood magic.

All of that led to a completely indifferent boy than the one that Malfoy expected.
This would lead to him making several mistakes in his plans. The first inconsistency
was that he would expect Harry as the Boy-Who-Lived to be familiar with the
Wizarding World, which while he was sadly was not in the same circles as the boy
would expect. Harry was familiar enough with their customs just didn't agree with
the bastardization that he saw them as. He was a traditionalist in the old ways and
not a traditionalist as the current pureblood elite would associate with the term.
The second was that he would care about a Malfoy or their ideals. Perhaps things
would have been simpler if there had been another mistake and Harry had let KiKi
have her fill of ignorant weak wizard flesh as it was things unfolded differently.

“Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle,” said the pale boy carelessly in his
attitude, noticing where Harry had glanced. “And my name’s Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.”

Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger while Hermione
merely kept her face schooled as to avoid looking the fool. Draco Malfoy looked at
him while ignoring the girl. She was far too busy at trying not to laugh at his
horrible Bond impression.
“Think my name’s funny, do you?" Draco asked before rounding on the boy almost
sneering his rebuke. "No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the
Weasley’s have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford.”
He turned back to Harry. “You’ll soon find out some Wizarding families are much
better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort.
I can help you there.”
He held out his hand to shake Harry’s, but Harry didn’t take it. There were several
things that would cause him to do so. Chiefly he didn't like anyone that reminded
him of Dudley before he had put that bully in his place. Secondly he had barged in
and without a by your leave interrupted his conversation with his friend. Lastly the
boy was ignorant and enthralled with his supposed affluence. Kid would last maybe a
moment if KiKi felt like playing. Completely unworthy of his time especially if his
magic was as weak as his will or body.
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
“I think I can tell who the wrong sorts are for myself, thanks,” he said coolly
ignoring the boy who seemed to be the center of attention. "Besides there are plenty
of the right sort that are a better fit than you would ever be..."
Draco Malfoy didn’t go red, but a pink tinge appeared in his pale cheeks. It was
obvious that he was not used to being ignored or slighted. Daddy's little rich boy
was used to getting his own way. He simply demanded something and it was given
regardless of circumstances.

“I’d be careful if I were you, Potter,” he said slowly as he tried to figure out how
to respond to this response. “Unless you’re a bit politer, you’ll go the same way as
your parents. They didn’t know what was good for them, either. You hang around with
riffraff like the Weasley’s, and it will rub off on you. So who are you girl?”
"Hermione Granger," Hermione answered without any timidity one would have expected
of her a few years back. "What do you want Draco Malfoy? It is obvious that you are
lacking in any of the manners one would expect of a pureblood let alone one
supposedly from a noble family..."

Unlike Harry's dismissive comment earlier this actually caused him to flush with
emotion before it turned to red. Who did this girl think she was the look that was
clearly discerned on his face. The red was obvious as he finally processed her last
"Granger," Malfoy said with a drawl. "I never heard of a family by that name. I
guess that makes you a mudblood."

“Say that again,” Ron said as he jumped up already pissed about the earlier comment
with his face having become as red as his hair. He may have not liked the girl, but
his mother would kill him or worse for not standing up in this situation. She might
actually make him skip desert.

“Oh, you’re going to fight us, are you?” Malfoy sneered.

"Why would we do that?" Harry asked as he glanced at the three boys. "Seems to be a
Gryffindor thing to do and I only see one in this compartment that is going there.
Besides it would be quite unfair. We outnumber you for one..."

"What do you mean there are three of you and three of us," Draco said as if stating
the obvious. "How does that make you outnumber us?"
"Well there is someone your overlooking," Hermione said with a smirk. "Though it
might be best if you just left. Wouldn't want to mess you up too much."
"Ron may seem a bit strange by our notions but at least he has the willingness to
act for what he believes," Harry said causing the boy to flush. "Still a fight with
us would only lead to you being injured. It wouldn't do for you to appear in a
manner which would humiliate your familial reputation. Oh I knew exactly who you are
from the moment I saw you. Lucius Malfoy's little spawn. A perfect physical as well
as personable duplicate of your father. If it wasn't for his uses far too many
friends of mine would have put him down for the weakling he is."
"Perhaps we should end the taint his line seems to have produced," Hermione said
with a sinister grin that almost caused Ron to flinch away from her. "No offense
Harry, but he is rather disappointing..."
"I know and his mother is a Black," Harry lamented while his eyes twinkled at what
he had just read. "Now this sounds interesting though. A nice little spell to break
bones where they have to heal the muggle way first. You can't even vanish the bones
and use Skelegro or there are consequences. Doesn't that sound rather fun?"
"As much as breaking every bone in his body is tempting," Hermione began to say as
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
her wand appeared in her hand carefully out of sight. "There just is no point as he
is as obviously outclassed physically as he is mentally. I merely wish to avoid
having a battle of fists with someone so soon after beating them so easily in a
battle of words and wit. Besides none of them move in a manner that says they would
be more than brawlers."
"It just isn't fun picking on the weak and helpless," Harry agreed sadly still
reading his book though if anyone had noticed there was a slight tension to his free
hand as the ring their sparkled darkly. "Personally I prefer to deal with my enemies
in a decisive manner that cannot be traced to me. Besides while your two friends are
strong for their age they are not very fast and I know that both Hermione and myself
would be capable of dealing with any of you. It is merely a matter of having to
explain why you are unable to depart from the train under your own power..."

"It would be ever so troublesome to explain away things in that case," Hermione
continued with a smirk her wand a snap away from cursing the boy. "Besides shouldn't
you be getting back to your seats. We are getting there soon and it would be so
un-Slytherin for you to show at the feast looking like that..."
"Like what?" Malfoy said before looking down and seeing his robes suddenly fray and
fall to the floor in pieces. "I'll get you for this! Crabbe Goyle we are leaving."
"I guess you two should change as well," Hermione said. "Now my dear friend no need
to look like that..."
"Like what?" Ron asked. "Besides why didn't you tell me you were Harry Potter!"

"What need was there to say," Harry said with a shrug still reading his book. "You
never did ask my name so I saw no reason to mention it besides I didn't feel like
being gawked at. Now Hermione why should I mention that I was The Harry Potter when
you knew enough to be able to put it together. Especially considering how much you
like solving puzzles. Besides you never said where you were going or we could have
gone to the Alley together and gotten our things. Alice and Anne are most likely
going to be coming along in the near future anyways even if I don’t think that they
would accept being in separate years. I was trying to find a way to mail some ideas
back and forth but was contemplating explaining owl or more accurately raven post to

"Alice was going to send Night with messages," Hermione stated in with a shudder.
"Well I guess it is better than having brought Shadow along would be or worse
Mischief, Trick or Trouble. I am surprised that none of them noticed KiKi..."
"Even Ron here didn't notice her and he has been in the compartment the whole time,"
Harry said with a sigh. "It just seems that I am going to be disappointed with our
classmates level of observation. Well that and why she didn't try to gobble Scabbers
up. She seems to like rats more than a cat does."
"I understand," Hermione said with a resigned sigh. "Still I had best let Neville
know. He seems an alright sort needs a bit of confidence though..."
"Considering what I heard about him it is understandable," Harry said as he placed a
bookmark in his book and set it down. "Now if you don't mind Hermione. We still need
to change and I am a bit unsure if Ron here would like changing with a girl here."
Hermione glanced at him and sighed before saying, "I do need to deal with some
things. Boy will need to lose those notions if he wants to hang around. Well that
and get used to the usual. I am surprised KiKi didn't ask about his rat as well.
Still I need to get going..."
"Later Hermione," Harry said with a wave as he looked at the window. "Hermione may
be a bit over focused at times, but when she talks about things like this it is best
to go along with it since she is more often right than not. So we best get changed.
It would not do to be sorted looking out of place. Besides what would your mother
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
That was more than enough to motivate Ron and soon Harry and Ron had taken off their
jackets and pulled on their long black robes. Why that might be unusual to do so
with a girl present Harry didn't want to consider. He chalked it up to a modern
Wizarding eccentricity. Now while Ron’s were a bit short for him as you could see
his sneakers underneath them, Harry however was dressed in a loose fitting pair of
trousers with a button down shirt that while looking similar to the standard uniform
moved just a bit differently. Someone more experienced would notice the oddness and
wonder what had been added to his clothes to do so.
He had been surprised that KiKi hadn't jumped for the rat when she first saw it.
Well that and she didn't injure the three idiots as that was something that she
would have done. He could just picture having to scold her for swallowing the rat.
It was a good thing that most likely he would not be sharing a dorm with the boy. If
things continued like that than he might get worried about his companion. He did
have to wonder if KiKi had eaten the toad though. No he would have heard the croaks
as she digested it in that case. He was worried that KiKi would have left the boy
catatonic and yet she was following him around completely unnoticed perhaps she had
learned a notice me not charm.
A voice echoed through the train: “We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes’
time. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school
Harry’s stomach would have lurched with nerves but the years of conditioning
prevented that although Ron, he saw, looked pale under his freckles with an obvious
nervousness in his features that the boy was doing nothing or nothing effective to
conceal. One would think that as the youngest brother of pranksters that he would be
a better actor than this. Perhaps that was why he tried to find a way to stand out
as he lacked the common sense that appearances mattered as well as the image one
thought of when they saw you. They joined the crowd thronging the corridor. Harry
however seemed to have no issues flowing through the crowd unnoticed even if they
were all looking for him. The same could be said for the chattering KiKi who was
looking over everything while trailing almost obscured beneath his cloak.
The train slowed right down and finally stopped. People pushed their way toward the
door and out on to a tiny, dark platform. Harry noticed that the others shivered in
the cold night air but he was used to it as well as cheating with the enchantments
he had spent far too much time weaving into his clothes. Then came a lamp bobbing
over the heads of the students which seemed out of place until he realized that the
other students were not as able to see in the dark as he was. After that Harry heard
a booming voice calling, “Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here!”

A giant of a man came into view with his presence almost obscuring the students
around him who continued to say, “C’mon, follow me – anymore firs’ years? Mind yer
step, now! Firs’ years follow me!”
'I wonder if he has giant blood in his veins,' Harry thought as he looked at the
man. 'His magic is rather like that of that giant's blood sample I finally got to
play around with. Although it seems less potent than a full giant would be.'
The students were slipping and stumbling as they followed him all save Harry and
Hermione who seemed to have an almost unnatural grace, they followed the huge man
down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. Harry had noticed the older students
going toward some carriages that were drawn by skeletal winged horses.
'Thestrals,' Harry had thought with a moment of giddiness trying to overcome him.
'It looks like this place might allow me to definitely further my studies and not
all of which would be on the school approved curriculum. Hermione might need
rescuing if their library is as good as I have heard.'
That no one seemed to notice KiKi as she walked among them was unsettling in that
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
the other students seemed too oblivious for their own good. Odd that they would go
down such a winding narrow path on the way to the school, but it was probably about
the image of the school.
It was so far on either side of them that Harry thought there must be thick trees
there which seemed to be almost crackling with the magic flowing in them. Nobody
spoke much on the way as most were too nervous and Harry didn't feel like talking to
anyone he didn't know and what he wanted to talk about was private anyways. Neville,
the boy who kept losing his toad, sniffed once or twice.

'While he seems nervous as all,' Harry thought as he looked over Neville more
carefully. 'There is potential there. I just wish I had spent more time on analyzing
auras in regards to magical instead or mental or physical potential, but I lacked
too few test subjects for that. Instead I focused on analyzing the auras of
components and animals and not people. Pity I will need to rectify that short coming
or I might underestimate an opponent.'
“Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec," he called out, "jus’ round this
bend here.”

There was a loud “Ooooooh!” by the first years as they turned to see the school for
the first time.

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a great black lake. Perched
atop a high mountain on the other side, its windows sparkling in the starry sky, was
a vast castle with many turrets and towers.

Harry was less impressed than most of them. However he was impressed not with the
physical presence, but with the magical presence of the place. It reminded him of
the long term effects in the areas where they had preformed rituals. However it
seemed different somehow.

'This area is even more saturated than the grove,' Harry thought as he looked at the
castle. 'However there is somewhere here near here where the magic feels wild like
the grove only far older unlike the castle which feels structured and ordered. It
feels like whenever we use the more complex of circles in out spells.'

“No more’n four to a boat,” the man called, pointing to a fleet of little boats
sitting in the water by the shore.

Harry and Ron were followed into their boat by Neville and Hermione. Harry had been
rather cold to Ron, but he kept following him like a puppy at times. Perhaps if he
was sorted in a different house he would be free from the boy. It was not that they
were cruel it was just that neither Harry nor Hermione could see being friends with
someone that closed minded.
“Everyone in?” shouted their guide, who had a boat to himself, much to the relief of
the students. “Right then – FORWARD!”
And the fleet of little boats moved off all at once, gliding across the lake, which
was as smooth as glass. Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle
overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on
which it stood.
“Heads down!” yelled the guide as the first boats reach the cliff; they all bent
their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that hid a
wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed
to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of
underground harbor, where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.
“Oy, you there! Is this your toad?” the man boomed, who was checking the boats as
people climbed out of them.

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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
“Trevor!” cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands. Then they clambered up a
passageway in the rock, coming out last onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow
of the castle.
They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around a huge, oak front door.
There were plenty of things that seemed out of place. Harry however was used to some
magic effects in his normal activities. However the amount that the wards of the
school were impressing on him were quite annoying. He was grateful that there did
not seem to be a ward geared against him as the amount of pressure that the building
has gained over the millennium was immense. He kept from wincing as he looked at the
layered wards in front of him. He had crossed a few on the way to the school proper,
but the strongest was up ahead.

'If I hadn't desensitized my sight and shields to as strong of a level of magical

pressure than I would have been seriously affected,' Harry thought as they waited
near the door being grateful not to have shown his discomfort with the situation.
'Now as I know there are ghosts here I need to keep my presence as low as possible
as most ghosts would rather run than come anywhere near me and as soon as I am
inside the school buildings wards I won't be obscured by them.'

“Everyone here? You there, still got yer toad?”

He raised a gigantic first and knocked three times on the castle door.
'Now this better not be a letdown,' Harry thought as he felt the wards try to scan
him and KiKi. 'Still there will be only one way to go from here. Onward!'

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 4: Welcome to Hogwarts
by SamStone 8 Reviews
Welcome and Sorting
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Harry,Hermione -
Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008/04/13 - Updated: 2008/04/13 - 9485 words
Chapter 4: Welcome to Hogwarts
The book had this to say about wizards...
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer

1. A magical subtype of humans with the ability to weave basic patterns with the use
of a focus almost always characterized with more power than sense.
2. A magical group most likely to do something incredibly stupid because they got
magic instead of sense even though they have the subtlety or an overgrown gryphon in

3. Dragon bait.
Suffice it to say that the original writers of the book really didn't think much
about them. Considering that since the first one cropped up they were more likely to
kill themselves than others that is not surprising. Why else would they still be
testing one of their own school's mottoes?
"Evenin' Professor McGonagall. Got another batch o' firs' years for yeh," Hagrid
said to her.

‘Minerva McGonagall,’ both Harry and Hermione thought as they thought on what they
knew of her. ‘Gryffindor graduated 1944. She specializes in transfiguration and is a
registered Animagus. Started teaching in 1956 and is the current Head of Gryffindor
and Deputy Headmistress. Thank you Hogwarts: a History.’
"Thank you, that will be all for now, Hagrid,” Professor McGonagall said, dismissing
him. She turned to look at the assembled first years as they entered. "In a few
minutes the sorting will begin, and you will be sorted into one of four houses. The
houses are Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin,” this last she said
with an almost imperceptible hint of a disgusted tone.
The two had detected it though and Hermione turned a slight bit in her annoyance
that everyone viewed the Slytherins as trash that was better dead. Now while Harry
was neutral in potential house matters he had a feeling that do to the more
prevalent and vocal views expressed that Slytherin was definitely not something to
consider with the bias. As fun as destroying their ideas would be he knew that they
all needed to keep themselves relatively low key and that would be hard enough with
the ‘Boy-Who-Lived’ nonsense.

"While in Hogwarts your house will be like your family,” Professor McGonagall said
again a subtle stress in the last word. “You will eat, sleep, and attend classes
with your housemates. Successes will earn your house points, while any rule breaking
will lose your house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points
will be awarded the House Cup. I'm sure you will be a credit to whatever house
you're in."

‘Not like I will be in your house,’ Harry thought as he noticed her gaze trail on
him. ‘I may look mostly like James Potter, but our personalities could barely be any

"The ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school."
She continued, telling the group to straighten themselves up. "I will return when we
are ready for you."
After leaving them to freshen up and make themselves presentable, the students
proceeded to mill about and various ideas were floated about how they would be
sorted. Some wondered if it would be a test of knowledge or magical power, while
others wondered if they had studied enough it that was the case. They were however
the least outlandish compared to Ronald Weasley who was telling and quite loudly the
story his brothers said about wrestling a troll. Hermione had tried to suppress an
eye roll at that while Harry almost wished they would. Getting troll parts or better
yet a live one had been a bother he had not yet dealt with.

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‘Stupid ministry restrictions,’ he thought as he heard even more insane ideas from
the other first years, ‘as all they seem to be in place to do is make things
difficult. First they add the reasonable sorcery restrictions and the often
circumvented under age magic and now regulating useful magical creatures that are
practically pathetic even with OWL level spells. I swear their magical creature
department is secretly run by preserves and farms seeking to control the trade of
When McGonagall came back into the chamber, she led them back out into the hall. Not
that Harry would admit any of them had taken the hint of what she meant as neither
the two she had glared at had corrected their presentations. Weasley still had dirt
on him while Neville looked rather like a kid dressed in the dark with his robes not
on right. The only ones that seemed to have preened somewhat was the ones Harry
could peg as Pure Blood Elite with their notions of their status in the world and
the need to give a certain image.
“Everyone get into a single file line and follow me up to the front of the Great
Hall,” she said looking sternly over them. “You will then line up against the front
wall and face the house tables.”

The door opened and the students made their way through the hallway into the Great
Hall. The pair glanced over the others looking over and mentally evaluating them.
While Hermione had not yet gained the habit, Harry tended to look through people as
he coldly analyzed and evaluated them wither they were potential foe or tool as well
as those who were little more than meat. He had the strong belief almost hope that
Malfoy and his ilk would cross the line just enough.

Harry and Hermione were looking over the entrance once McGonagall had let them in.
What was in front of them was unexpected and there was little that had prepared them
for the oddness of the experience. If only the sorting ceremony had not been as
crowded in secrecy than they would have been better prepared for what was to come.
The two looked things over as they craned their heads to see all of the sights in
the great hall.

Hermione had glanced to the ceiling and against her older inclinations resisted the
urge to comment on the ceiling as it showed the sky above. That would be something
her old self would have done. Thankfully she had gotten over the excessive need to
express her need to prove her worth with spouting off. Her school years before would
have been more hellish otherwise. It had been bad enough the teasing for being
bumped up a few grades. At times it amazed her that her friends had not been as
well. Still the unnatural maturity that they could show at times unnerved her at
first. Then she had gotten involved and the logic she had been so dependent on was
thrown out the window.

'To think that a few years ago I would have ridiculed this notion of magic,'
Hermione thought to herself with a sigh. 'To think the world is so much larger and
undiscovered than I had thought. Now we just have to wait to be sorted. Though I
wonder why no one talks about the ceremony although they do say the general
characteristics of the house. I know that even less than a year ago I would be
fretting about what kind of test and spazing about how unprepared I was even if I
had read all the books before setting foot here. No despite everything and how weird
my life has gotten I dare not think about going it alone. Still with Harry here at
least it will be better than before.'
'Wrestle a troll,' Harry though as he overheard Ron again talking about what his
brothers told him would be the test. 'That is so far improbable as to be near
impossible. To think that I willingly subjected myself to all those rituals and they
would result in cramming subjective years of experience into my mind. Puberty was
going to be a bitch with just that without Alice and Anne's antics. To think that
they are most likely going to be coming here next year as well, oh well those two
are entertaining even if they can be trying. Still when I am with my friends I seem
to be too emotional for my own good. I cannot let myself cross the line from killer
to murderer as it would cost me far too much. The information on this so called Dark
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Lord that tried to kill me shows his obsession with death. To think he would taint
himself and thus forever prevent him from learning the true Art. The only things
worse would be splitting a soul to anchor oneself or as unlikely drinking forcefully
taken unicorns blood. No from what the denizens of Knocturn think he would not go
that far still I can understand his obsession even if he has forever made it

The two were rather unprepared for what happened as McGonagall simply placed a
rather tattered hat on a stool before them. They were wondering how a hat even if it
had some enchantment to it would sort them. For a moment Harry had the notion to
reach in and try to summon something one of the companions to him and see their
reaction. He quickly squished it down. Until the temptation was gone he could not
allow excess emotions to cloud him. That in part was why despite his already budding
hormones he had limited his relations. He knew the moment he gave an inch in the
matter they would take a mile figuratively as well as literally in his case. He had
admitted deep to himself that he cared for his students and allies though only in
his own mind he called them closer than mere friends.
The two looked on wondering what would happen now that the hat was there. A mouth
appeared and the unthinkable happened. It sang.
"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep you bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in you head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friend,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends,
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!"
Hermione while curious had a sudden twitch to her eyebrow at the notion of a singing
hat. Talking would be somewhat normal considering, but to burst out into song like
some musical was odd. For some reason she felt the sudden need to dunk it in
something that would make it never talk let alone sing again. It did however cause
them to wonder if Wizards were tone deaf as the hall’s other occupants started to
After forcing down their urges and going over what they had just heard, the two
tried not to shiver in dread as they caught the notion of what the hat would do. A
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mind reading singing hat was not something they had been planning on. What little
mental security they had trained in against an unknown millennium old magical
artifact was not the best of odds. Still they took the situation differently.
'Lovely a mind reading hat,' Harry thought with concern. 'Still it most likely is
charmed not to reveal things or they would use it to probe people to find secrets.
Still the mental training should be enough to keep things hidden. Occlumancy is such
a joke compared to the mind arts outlined in the Book. Who would think that psychic
type power could be fueled by magic and yet from what I have learned that wizards
only know of such crude tools as Occlumancy and Legilimency to read the memories
with a variety of potions and charms to coerce.'
'A hat,' Hermione thought with amusement. 'I thought some sort of test to see where
our strengths and weaknesses are. General education at its worst and in regards to
magic. I must find a way to read more of the Book. A shame that the thing is
sentient enough to ensure the unprepared and unworthy is unable to delve to deep.
One can't just go looking for theory for the most part when it takes practical
skills to understand some things. It is infuriating at times being so close to what
could be called ultimate knowledge and being limited to what it doles out.
Considering that the library here is supposed to be the greatest in Britain and the
Book likely has a better and more comprehensive collection is disturbing, but at
least my quest won't be stifled by a sentient book.'
When the hat had finished singing, Ronald Weasley let out a loud sigh of relief,
then grumbled, "All we've got to do is try on the hat! I'll kill Fred. He was going
on about wrestling a troll!"

The two both wished they were just close enough to whap him upside the head. A
moment after that they suppressed the cold dread of having to be near him let alone
touch him. Avoiding Gryffindor became more than an objective, but a necessity as
they knew that was where that boy would go. They both knew that Harry despite his
vastly matured nature did have a limit and on that day if he had to room with that
boy someone would be thrown over a railing. It would most likely be Weasley though
faking his death to escape passed through Harry’s mind before putting it in the fall
back plans in his mind.
Professor McGonagall stepped forward again, this time holding a long roll of
parchment. She cleared her throat, then said, "When I call your name, you will put
on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted." She glanced down at the list, and
then began, "Abbott, Hannah!"
A blonde girl with pigtails bounced out of line to Harry's left. Cheerful and
energetic and far too saccharine for Harry’s taste was his thoughts on the girl.

Hermione made a few gestures quickly with her right hand. A simple message that made
Harry want to slap himself. He was antisocial and he would admit that but to even
imply he was acting like that or worse the Malfoy brat was just plain rude. What was
she thinking?
Quickly sending his own reply along with his belief in the girl’s future house he
watched Hermione try not to snort. He may come off as serious but he still had a
sense of humor. It was just an acquired taste.
She walked over and sat on the stool, putting the hat on. It fell down over her
eyes. A moment passed before the hat opened its mouth once more and cried out,
Hannah removed the hat and scurried over to the Hufflepuff table, whose students
were clapping and welcoming her.
Again a silent communication between them which if in English would have equated to
the following: ‘I was right’ and ‘Stop being a prat.’ From Harry and Hermione
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"Bones, Susan!" McGonagall said next.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat cried again. Susan got up and joined Hannah.
"Boot, Terry!"

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"

The two tuned out the next few names until it would soon be her turn. It was a shame
that they didn’t have closer last names as commenting on their fellow schoolmates
was almost like a signing version of Mystery Science Theater 3000. They were just
finding the stereotyping humorous and it was better than getting nervous.
“Granger, Hermione,” the witch who they had heard called Minerva McGonagall called.
Hermione walked up to the stool and put the hat on her head.

'Hello hat,' Hermione thought at the hat. 'I expect you to keep things private
between us...'
‘Of course Ms. Granger,’ the hat replied, ‘now let’s see what we have here… oh

‘Is there a problem?’ Hermione asked with a bit of annoyance to her mental voice. ‘I
don’t see what would disturb you so.’
‘I can see why you would think that,’ the hat replied. ‘It seems that things will be
a bit tricky. You do have the bravery that Godric favored though your ideals would
not fit in very well, loyalty that Helga adored as well, an ambition worthy of old
Salazar himself and the thirst for knowledge that drove Rowena to her greatness. It
would seem that you are a hard one to sort although from your memories your friends
will be as well.’

‘Still considering how the future Gryffindors and Slytherins act there is little
purpose for either of us there,’ Hermione replied ‘So don’t even start on how either
could lead us to greatness.’
‘Slytherin would lead to greatness the skills gained in surviving their hierarchy
would see to that,’ the hat said. ‘Still I concede your point on that house the two
of you while the true ideal of the house would not fit in how it is now. I so had
hoped to have a few more true Slytherins in the house. Now as for your arguments
against Gryffindor you do have the bravery required…’
‘but not the foolishness,’ Hermione retorted. ‘Considering that Weasley will most
likely be going there as well as his own biased views we would have to hide
ourselves as much as if we were in Slytherin.’
‘You do have enough of Rowena’s own fire for her house,’ the hat replied with a
grumble. ‘Yet you have as I said before the loyalty that Helga required.’
‘The reputation would be detrimental to our plans and while I am loyal it is to true
friends and sadly we would divide the house and thus break their fabled loyalty,’
Hermione said with a sigh. ‘It seems that there is really only one place for us a
shame that Slytherin has fallen so far…’
‘If you are sure,’ the hat replied, ‘than its best you’re in’ “Ravenclaw” ‘You two
will be a great interest to most here.’

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‘Thank you kind hat,’ Hermione responded before taking the hat off and giving Harry
a grin before walking to her new house.

The sorting continued as normal though some wondered what had taken so long to
decide and for a muggleborn as well. Though it could be said that since they were
raised without expectations of what house they would be in they had a slightly less
bias of a notion on their future. In the mean time harry became further convinced
that Slytherin was on a downward trend as Goyle was sorted their and soon Malfoy as

Finally McGonagall called out, “Potter, Harry.”

It was at that point that things went a bit wonky for most. They all wanted to see
him and rumors floated around. Ron Weasley was complaining loudly now that he had an
opportunity about how odd he was. It was mostly due to the oddness that was his life
that he reminded himself not to outright respond. He most definitely had not wanted
to let his gifts turn him into that which he still despised.
‘Hello Hat,’ Harry said with a smirk. ‘I take it that you will be silent about the
things that you learn from us or at least that is what Hermione indicated…’
‘I never reveal what I learn about students,’ the hat replied primly. ‘I would not
even do that if I could no matter how much certain people have inquired over the
‘Well that is good to hear,’ Harry replied with a slight change from smirk to little
smile. ‘So which house do you think I belong in?’

‘If I thought you wouldn’t cause problems I would let you go to Slytherin where you
could do some good,’ the hat said. ‘Still I know there is no way that you would let
me separate you from your friend. It is a good thing that Ravenclaw would as well
help you in your ambition without the bias that would prevent you from doing the
same if you were in Slytherin.’

‘So it is the obvious choice than,’ Harry thought with a sigh. ‘Knowledge is the key
to my ambition after all.’

‘Very well young Necromancer,’ the hat replied. ‘Since you truly understand the why
of where you are being placed may your search be fruitful in’ “Ravenclaw”

“You know I honestly think they were expecting something else,” Harry said as he got
up with a smirk at the shocked face of McGonagall. “Well I best get going now
shouldn’t I?”

‘I don’t think she would have been more shocked if I had been in Slytherin,’ Harry
thought as he walked over to Hermione. ‘Slytherin would have been a better fit, but
I don’t think our impulses would have been as controlled. We would have had plenty
of sacrifices though even if it would be slightly more difficult to explain away the
scions of the Pureblood’s vanishing like that.’
“Well Harry it looks like we are not going to be separated after all,” Hermione said
with a smirk as he sat next to her. “Not that being in different or even rival
houses would have stopped us…”
“Like we would let something like that come between us let alone our friends,” Harry
said with his own smirk. “Still just because we have friends elsewhere doesn’t mean
we shouldn’t give our classmates a chance now does it?”
“No,” Hermione agreed as while she wanted friends she still didn’t trust many people
anymore. “Still we don’t want people to take advantage of us now do we?”
“True enough,” Harry said as he looked them over. “At least here we shouldn’t be
isolated for our interests unlike if we were in other houses…”
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That had been one point the pair had firmly agreed on when they had been in school.
Neither would let themselves be used again. Hermione had all too often had people
act like friends for school advice and help only to be abandoned and Harry had the
whole issue with Dudley at first along with the rest of his gang. Still they had
changed over the years and were planning on both making clean starts even if the
other had not revealed that they were going to Hogwarts. Even if they were
practicing from the Book Hermione had been unsure what being a Wizard or Witch meant
as none of her previous studies had covered the situation.

Still there were other matters to attend to and Hermione looked up at the rest of
the Sorting as it would be a good idea to pay attention again. Despite wanting to
continue their conversation it would be a good thing to be aware of any potential
allies as well as enemies. She had admitted to herself that it was a shame that
those like Malfoy were placed into Slytherin. It seemed that while they would have
fit in the rest of the house had fallen to the ignorant and petty that lacked the
cunning to succeed in reaching their ambition.
‘At least Harry was honest about his ambition,’ Hermione thought as she watched the
last few students being called up. ‘Alice and Anne were as well. They wished for the
power to be able to protect themselves and I had a hard time accepting myself. How
can I count myself one of them if I have not yet truly blooded myself with them?
Life blood I have tasted and yet not made a kill. I fit was not for Harry permitting
me to have drank his already potent blood I would feel so much weaker. Anne is far
stronger than me and Alice is already being shaped by things. I am lucky that I even
have a fraction of his strength though my speed seems to be nothing to gawk at. A
good thing I didn’t allow the hat to sort me into Gryffindor or I would be with
Weasley. It looks like the last is being called. His mannerisms show him a Slytherin
and perhaps a counter to Malfoy. A shame to see the house as it has become.’
Still as soon as ‘Zabini, Blaise’ had been placed into Slytherin, Dumbledore stood
up. “Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our wonderful feast, I
would like to say a few words. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you.”

Harry looked over at Hermione, who was looking on with mild shock at the sudden
arrival of hundreds of pounds of food. Still he managed to conceal a sigh. She would
need a bit more experience in hiding her emotions he realized even though he knew
she had been working on her presentation.

“Hermione.” Harry whispered harshly. “Presentation.”

She looked up fighting off her blush and snapped her mouth closed. After that her
demeanor and stance changed causing a slight almost unnoticeable nod from Harry
before she tentatively reaching for a platter of chicken. She was aware that she
would need more protein in her diet than before. In addition to not wanting to here
a rant similar to when she had witnessed him informing Anne that she had no worries
about abnormal weight gain or other alterations to her form. It was true that she
had seen her little cousin eat almost as much as a teenage boy and show not a trace
of it in unsightly appearance. As loath as she was to admit that her younger cousin
was starting to mature before her.

Harry had loaded up his plate with his favorite foods. Still it was surprising to
Hermione when he gave himself a balanced meal which including plenty of vegetables
and other nutritious foods. Still his was heavy on meat as well as almost abstaining
from the things her dentist parents would have conniptions if she ate. While they
could subsist on practically blood and meat, the other foods would require less
energy to extract and process the necessary materials for their continued growth as
well as their enhanced immune system.
Harry felt a telltale caress to his mental shields. After a moment he noticed no
less than three different probes. Two were expected from his research and those were
from Snape and Dumbledore. He was left to wonder at the probe from or at least near
Quirrel though. He hoped that it was not more about his status. Given the man’s
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interest in vampires he could inadvertently cause problems.
Dismissing it, Harry had started to eat when a sudden thought made him look over his
shoulder to the Gryffindor table. There he saw Ron Weasley eating like a pig with
food all round his mouth as well as several blobs of gravy and potatoes on his tie.
He barely contained a shudder at that sight and hoped that Hermione had not seen
such a stomach churning thing. The boy would need to learn some manners or he would
likely die of old age having disgusted any and all future female friends.
‘It was like watching our companions feeding,’ Harry thought with a repressed
shudder. ‘It’s just more messy and with so little concern for all the waste.’

After the feast had been cleared away far too quickly in Weasley’s case Harry had
seen, Hermione had after not acted like most girls starving herself eaten enough to
gain some weight in the future. Plenty of meat and other physical building foods
though she had frowned at a lack of certain things. That had left Harry with a
single piece of slightly undercooked meat that he’d managed to grab off his plate
before it vanished. He rather disliked that after training the Dursley’s to keep
them from reaching near his food. He knew he needed a high caloric diet but there
was no reason to act like Weasley.
Turning he saw Dumbledore stood up to give his speech, “Welcome, everyone, to a new
year at Hogwarts. For our returning students, it’s a pleasure to see you again. For
our new students, welcome to the finest school of Magic in the world. There are a
few rules that I need to pass on to you. The Forbidden Forest, as it’s name
suggests, is strictly off-limits.” Dumbledore peered down his nose at the Weasley
twins. “Some of our older students would do well to remember this rule. Our
caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that magic is not to be used in the
corridors. The list of banned items has now reached a record two hundred and nine
items. The entire list can be seen in Mr. Filch’s office if you so desire.”
He straightened slightly, looking even more formidable yet maintaining a familial
rather than force induced authority. “A final notice. The corridor on the right hand
side of the third floor is strictly out of bounds to all students who do not wish to
die a most painful death.”
There was dead silence at this statement, except for Harry who snickered quietly and
rolled his eyes, earning an elbow to the ribs from Hermione. He shot her a glare at
that. It was not like most things would kill him anymore. He had made sure of that
especially since he was sure the Dursleys were cowed enough not to attack him.
Besides he knew that was like throwing a red flag at a bull daring someone to go
most likely a Gryffindor though he would eventually want to investigate it for any
item or knowledge useful to his goal.

‘Like I didn’t think they would try something subtle,’ he thought with a sneer being
barely repressed. ‘Considering they viewed me like an abomination or a vermin
infestation I am amazed that they hadn’t tried to poison me. Still it isn’t
necessarily paranoia if someone is out to get you…’
“Now, prefects, please lead your students to your dormitories. Schedules will be
handed out at breakfast tomorrow morning. Good night.”
Turning to the Prefect who they recalled absentmindedly having introduced herself as
Penelope Clearwater, the first years stood and gathered around her before they
started walking. Harry and Hermione followed the rest of the first years through the
corridors on their way to the Ravenclaw Common Room though they lagged a bit behind
observing everything on their way. Permanent memory enhancing rituals was a
necessity for Harry as he knew that the slightest error would cause any ritual he
used to have a greater chance at misfortune even death. Hermione on the other hand
had started with a near photographic memory and as long as an unnecessary trauma did
not occur that would force her to repress it there was little risk for her needing
to spend as long acquiring information. Thankfully both had at least rudimentary
Occlumancy with its added bonus for ease of searching and finding memories and thus
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information such as the route from the Great Hall to their common room.
They had proceeded to the west side of the castle and up several flights of stairs.
When they had reached the fifth floor they headed towards a tightly winding spiral
staircase. Unlike Hermione who only had books to go on, Harry had managed to track
enough ghosts and other spirits to get some idea of what the place was like. It had
been the lure of the massive information contained in the official library as well
as the rumored other private libraries that had permitted himself to acquiesce to
going there.

“Unlike the rest of the Houses, Ravenclaw students don’t have a single password to
remember,” Penelope said as they approached the top of the stairs. “Since this is
the house of the intelligent, each person wanting to enter has to be asked a
question. Now if you get it wrong, you have to wait until somebody else comes.”
The guardian of the entryway was a talking bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.
It could have been worse Harry supposed though a mirror or portrait might have been
more interesting.

The fifth year prefect, Penelope Clearwater, stood outside the door. “This is the
Ravenclaw Common Room entrance. Now as I said before you’ll have to answer the
portrait’s question to get in.” She looked toward the knocker. “Your question, fair
eagle?” She asked.
The Knocker spoke “Good evening. Your password is a riddle. ‘I have holes in my top
and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am

“A sponge,” Harry said without thinking.

The knocker crowed. “Pass.” The door swung open. The students ambled inside, to see
a comfortable room, decorated in blue and bronze, with lots of small couches and
tables. The room was wide being circular and very airy nowhere would it seem to
stifle learning with it’s decor. Looking up he noticed a domed ceiling painted with
stars, and walls with graceful arched windows that provide a spectacular view of the
surrounding mountains. There are bookcases, tables, and chairs, and opposite the
entrance is another door leading to the dormitories. Beside this door is a plinth on
which stands a life-size statue in white marble of Rowena Ravenclaw.

For a moment Harry wondered why not a portrait before realizing that most of the
founders were private people. Poking into ones secrets is quite annoying. Besides
having an imprint of a personality and never getting to enjoy ones existence even as
a portrait would be rather rude.

Penelope stood in the centre of the room. “Girls, your dormitories are on the left
hand side, while the boys are on the right. Your dorm rooms each have your name on.
Your trunks and other possessions should be in your room already.”

Harry nodded and after saying a quick goodnight to Hermione headed up the stairs.
Morning as always would come soon enough and with it meeting their head of house.
When he got in his dorm, he was delighted to see that Ravenclaw students each got a
single dorm room.
‘Privacy blessed privacy,’ Harry thought. ‘No roommates to worry finding anything
untowards. Still a few additional wards won’t hurt… well me anyways.’
With that Harry began to set up what wards he could until he added more
sophisticated ones when he had both the time and components. KiKi began to make
herself at home while he worked. In addition to that she started to rearrange things
to both of their likings. At least he had a place to hang out with some privacy.
Still he had heard an answer to his unasked question. Girls could visit boys but not
the reverse how strange.

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“Well KiKi,” Harry said as he settled into the bed. “This doesn’t seem so bad now
does it?”

KiKi chattered in agreement before settling down on a small comfy chair to sleep.
While she may not necessarily need to sleep it was better than being bored. Besides
it gave her a chance to dream of all the good things to come. Unknown to either was
while she slept, KiKi would absorb ambient magic to strengthen herself. Hogwarts
would be able to more than offset the lack of fresh meals for her.
The morning had come and the first years gathered in the common room. They saw the
prefects from the night before as well as their Head of House.
“Good Morning,” Professor Flitwick said. “My Name is Filius Flitwick and I will be
your Head of House as well as Charms teacher. If you need anything you can come to
me or the Prefects. Now as you can guess our house is a bit different in some ways
than the others. While most see us as bookworms and intellectuals that while true is
not the whole story. All the houses are driven by a need. Gryffindors are driven to
act, Hufflepuffs are driven to aid their friends, and Slytherins are driven to
ambition to succeed. Now for us it is different. We are driven by the need to know
and understand the world around us. For us there is really no useless knowledge
merely what we have yet to figure out how to apply. Now are there any questions?”
“Are there any overt restrictions on the books we keep in our own personal
libraries?” Hermione decided to ask. “By that I mean non conventional ideas and not
those that are restricted.”

“A good question,” Flitwick said as he nodded in approval. “For the most part what
you have in your libraries are considered private and sadly those of you without the
necessary ancestry will find a lack of protective loopholes. For instance the older
families have managed to get exemptions for research purposes what would otherwise
be forbidden. An important thing to realize is that knowledge is not in itself good
or evil, but how one uses it. In your later years there are several electives that
you would find interesting.”
“What kind of electives are there?” Terry Boot asked as he was interested in what
this would mean for him and his family business. “Is there anything also dealing
with the practical information as well as how to succeed in independent ventures?”

“Boot,” Hermione said as she turned to look at him with her eyebrow raised slightly.
“So you’re related to those Boots and are interested in seeing an expansion into the
Wizarding World. How interesting…”

“Bulk potion sales might be doable,” Harry said as he actually paid attention to the
boy. “However mass production is a bit more complicated than chemical vats as well
as the more traditional elements would be incensed I believe…”

“Yes there are business electives and other concerns,” Flitwick said as he wondered
what those two were interested in. “There is however a threshold to cross in the
private pursuits unless you are sponsored.”
“The patron system,” Harry said with a dismissive slight. “I take it is still more
in effect in the larger populous than I was aware. There are plenty of stores
willing to buy if you know where to sell so that is not a real concern Terry.”
“Is there any advice for us?” came a barely whispered question from the shy Su Li.
“Things to know to succeed as well as cope with things.”
“Yes there are things you should know for that,” Flitwick said as he looked them
over again. “There is besides the main Hogwarts Library and the Restricted Section
the Ravenclaw Library to aid your research. There are other sources for the less
accepted books outside Diagon Alley. I would advise not going to such places before
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your third year in which place there are several out of the way bookshops in
Hogsmeade for such services. Also most of the larger stores and ever the specialty
stores will accept owl orders as another means to access information while you are
His students took what they heard and started to think intently on it. Ravenclaws
were not bookworms, but they did collect and horde information though some would be
almost Slytherin in their control of that information. Still they needed to know
potential sources for the information that they would require. Knowledge was power
and while not all of them would become scholars there was no way that potentially
useful and future success enabling information would be lacking in locations to

“You will by the time you graduate have compiled your own notes and theories,”
Flitwick said as he saw their minds thinking. “Some of which should be added to the
Ravenclaw library. This will allow following students to better analyze and learn
from your lessons as you do from your predecessors. Now while I am cheerful that
does not mean that I cannot be serious. Unlike the other houses save the more
affluent in Slytherin, you have your own rooms for added privacy. As you grow up I
expect you not to cause situations that would require us to invade your privacy. Is
that clear?”
“Yes Professor,” came the mutual answer from the students some honest some not.
“Now than,” Flitwick said taking on a more jovial note the other students would
recognize, “there are a few more bits of advice and things to aid you in your time
here. First get to know your professors outside of normal lecture time. It is
amazing what simply talking allows for one to learn. Second there is a map so you
don’t get lost I advise you plan things accordingly so that you are not late and
give the wrong impression also you can ask your older housemates about things.
Lastly I advise looking over your timetables and being prepared for classes. Is
there any other things you need?”

“No Professor,” came the joined answer of the first years.

“Now than if you follow the prefects to the Great Hall there is plenty of time to
eat and talk before classes,” Flitwick said with a grin. “You will find that there
is plenty to talk and discuss about if you get there early enough. A final bit of
advice… please avoid the Gryffindor and Slytherin confrontations as they tend to…
escalate out of control.”
With that Flitwick released the first years as he handed out there timetables.
Looking it over the first years saw which books to grab before going to the Great
Hall and thus unlike the Gryffindors would not need to rush back for their books. As
the rest of the first years rushed ahead to get their needed books Harry and
Hermione lingered a moment longer.
“It does looks like we might actually fit in here,” Hermione said happy for that. “I
imagine that the other houses do something similar.”
“From what I have heard most do outside of Gryffindor,” Harry said as he followed to
the steps. “They actually get their timetables during their first breakfast and have
to dash back for their things. Not to sensible of them although I heard that they
need to rely on older students to find out where to go as most don’t check out or
buy Hogwarts: a History for the added useful information. I believe most of our
house will travel in groups to avoid Gryffs and Slyths trying to convince or coerce
some help on their homework. Weasley seems the sort for that considering some of the
things he said.”
“Yes he does seem the sort,” Hermione said with a sour look on her face. “Still
things are going to be a bit exciting no offense, but I tend to do better with a
structured learning environment though the library will likely be a second home for
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“I understand,” Harry said with a wry grin. “There is so much available material
that would take far too much money to acquire here that it would be a crime to
ignore the opportunity. I have a few ideas of which magical ideas to share though to
add to the House collection just as I am aware how much we will not add. A shame but
some would not use it as well as others.”

“As much as I prefer ready access to information,” Hermione began with a pout
starting to form, “I will admit that I see your point. The same holds for the
Restricted Section as those going in uninformed might cause irreversible damage to
themselves or others.”
“I swear at times I expect you to be more put out with the system and here more so,”
Harry said as he took a step further away. “You still planning on gaining some more
accreditation through the mail as well I believe. I think that as loath as these
magicals seem about it that muggle technology is going to be going in interesting
directions. Still we can continue this on our way to the Hall as we need to get our
books first.”
“Why is it that whenever anyone has a good discussion going that it must be
interrupted by life?” Hermione asked as she reluctantly headed to the stairs. “It
just seems that whenever we get to an interesting topic we need to go. It can be
quite frustrating.”
“Life is full of interruptions,” Harry said as he started to climb the stairs. “It
might get boring otherwise.”

Hermione just shook her head at that. Harry was Harry and as amusing as he acted in
public he could be quite engaging in private. Still she dismissed the more pleasant
distraction and quickly made her way to her room and to her shelves to get her
books. She shuddered at having to dig through her trunk to get to her things. As
tempting as a trunk with a library room had been it had been impractically priced
when she had gone trunk shopping. The enchanted backpack had been an indulgence that
she had realized would be worth it similar to good shoes.
With a quick flicking of her fingers to grab the needed books out of there subject
and title organized layout, Hermione added them to her backpack before grabbing some
additional parchment and a notebook to write additional ideas on. Inspiration and
ideas could occur anywhere and having something to jot them down before the elusive
thoughts slipped like sand through her fingers was not something she wanted.
‘I wonder if there is a magical equivalent to a pocket notebook,’ Hermione thought
as she closed, locked and slightly warded her door out of habit as she proceeded
back to their common room to meet Harry and the others before heading down to
breakfast. ‘A spell to transcribe and cross-reference notes would be useful. It does
seem a shame that high levels of magic tend to make electronics short circuit as
those electronic organizers seem to be an interesting idea something else to look
into. I may be magical but that is no reason to ignore the rest of the world. Why
else would I still be working toward my education for university? Still focused
magical education may be better than the way I have been learning with Harry in
general theory, but the practical might be different in practice and effect.’
“Ready?” Harry asked as Hermione reached the bottom of the steps. “We had best get
going than as the others are starting to catch up. Why do they take so long though?”
Hermione looked at him oddly before she noticed that even though they had gone up
last they were almost the first ones down. She looked down at her watch in disgust
at how childish it looked before a bit of surprise at how little time had passed.
Had they been moving that quickly or were the other students just that sluggish in
“Harry is it me or do they seem to move slower?” Hermione asked in confusion.

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“Hmm,” Harry said as he looked them over. “Remember that from what we read not a lot
of magicals are very physically active so there may be differences there.”

“That wouldn’t explain it though,” Hermione added still trying to figure out the
problem. “There has to be more to it. What aren’t you telling me Harry?”
“Ah that,” Harry said after a moments contemplation. “Despite being able to use
magic like they do we are a bit… different I guess you could say. What did you think
the magic we used before would result in? We are in a way in better physical shape
with a slightly noticeable improvement in our biological processes. Our muscles are
denser giving strength without an excess of bulk to slow us down while our nerves
process information faster allowing a quicker reaction time also allowing us to
analyze what we learn more efficiently. That also doesn’t go into the other subtle
yet additional advantages we have. In a way we are stronger, faster and smarter than
most. From what that computer obsessed teacher said we process information faster
though even if we had the same mental abilities we have subjectively longer to
access them.”
Hermione looked staggered at what he had just said. She had been so busy trying to
play catch up to her cousin and her friend that she had never really sat back and
thought about the beneficial side effects of what they had been doing. There had
also been the over pressing need to understand and learn that she had let the
ramifications slip.
“Think about it this way,” Harry said after letting her process the bombshell he had
dropped. “Now you see why I have been so protective of what I know. Consider that
the basics and their mere side effects are what more would the intended results be.
Now you understand the seemingly draconian security measures. What if those without
some self control had these improvements?”
“They would let the power go to their heads,” Hermione said after a moment’s thought
before an analogy hit her as well. “Harry is that why there is so much of a
superiority complex over muggles and the muggleborn?”

“While these magicals have some physical enhancements namely a slightly quicker
healing rate as well as a slightly lengthened life span that does not account for
the shear level of arrogance most of the older families seem to have,” Harry said
with disappointment clearly heard in his voice. “So much potential and they seem to
be living mostly on the accomplishments of the past. They seem a stagnant sort
unwilling to change anymore than necessary and when it is required thinking of how
to alter the situation to suit their magic instead of the reverse. Perhaps if there
is more innovation things will change, but we will see.”
“So many complications,” Hermione said with a sigh. “Still we had best get down to
breakfast. Who knows what this week will bring?”
“Indeed,” Harry said with a grin. “We may have a schedule, but there is so little we
know about our professors and fellow students. Maybe there will be pleasant
surprises. Either way we will have to write Alice and Anne about this. I am fairly
sure they will get a letter next year as both have shown signs that are like
accidental magic.”
“How about you write Anne and I write Alice?” Hermione asked as the rest finally
seemed to have finished filling in the room.
“Well she is your cousin after all,” Harry said with a conceding tone. “At least she
is nothing like the vapid fan girls or things would be weird even with the crush she
seems to have. Anne seems to be a bit more changed than Alice though.”
“How is it my fault that my cousin your good friend seems to be still crushing on
you,” Hermione asked with a giggle. “her knight covered in crimson?”
“Of course,” Harry said with a smirk. “No good deed goes unpunished after all. My
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poor obsessive minions seem to be getting clingier.”
“You know it is only proper for villains to have minions,” Hermione said with a
frown. “I think those two wouldn’t mind though. They like to act that scene out…”
“What jealousy,” Harry said in mock indignation before leaning in and whispering.
“So our little goody two shoes bookworm friend is all grown up and being bad. What
next wanting to experience the English vice?”
Hermione shuddered at that. She knew they were all certifiable in some way, but the
way Harry tended to shift from emotionless to playful could be disconcerting at
times. Although she would admit that he was far too good at dissecting a person
physically as well as mentally, Harry could always find the right buttons to press
to get the reaction he wanted. He only had problems that she recalled when Alice or
Anne was feeling a desire for more and even that was in trying to keep himself from
responding too much. It was disconcerting how well those two children could seduce
someone. The ones responsible may be dead, but she had long realized that their
actions had permanent effects on their eccentricities. Both of them had no shame in
sneaking into his or each other’s beds to wake them with a talented finger or
‘It had been unsettling to wake up from a dream to have that happening,’ Hermione
thought as her mind had gone into the gutter. ‘The time I watched the two
practically worshipping his blood covered form had been as disconcerting as much
from the scene as how it made me feel. And now of all times to ask me that question.
Still my responses are different than theirs even if it is ever so slightly less so.
Those two like to get in trouble just so he punishes them. Every time I see it is
more they are pressing for. He knows and they know that one night under the moon
with their blades dripping with blood they will get what they want. Still his
temptation is becoming more so with time. Bloody hormones!’
Harry was smiling at her she could tell with his breath far too close and teasing
for comfort. He was playing with her and she liked it! If they had been anywhere
else she was unsure how she would have responded. If they were in private she
believed she would have flirted back and lost control. As it was she swallowed hard
and tried to make herself look somewhat presentable and far less flushed or bothered
than she was.

“Maybe later,” Hermione managed to say as she felt her pulse still quickening before
letting a parting shot slip out. “After I’ve shown you how bad a girl I can be?”
Harry simply smirked and told her, “I’ll hold you to that,” before he leaned back
and looked at her.

He knew that he was slowly losing some of his resolve, but it was so much fun. He
had to admit that puberty with all its impulses was amusing and he knew if he pulled
even half the verbal banter with either Alice or more likely Anne he would find
himself post coitus before he knew it. Still playing was fun and as long as he never
acted like those animals he had dealt with he could eventually do more without
feeling any shame in acting like them. Not that he felt that emotion much anyways.

‘It is going to be hard enough focusing on classes as it is,’ Harry thought as they
finally descended to breakfast. ‘Noticing the older developing girls will catch my
attention though knowing that if I even hint that those two would do whatever with
whoever I say is quite heady. I don’t think I will be able to resist much longer and
Hermione seems almost as bad. To think at eleven I already have girlfriend issues
real ones not just kissing and holding hands. Oddly I think James and his friends
would be proud. Still despite being a bit less normal than most I still feel a bit
odd that two girls want to do that. Anne already offered to do willingly with me
what that man did unwillingly and quite unpleasantly she said. I don’t think that
with those two here next year either of us will be getting out of whatever they feel
like trying this time. Not that I really minded acting out that scene as Sir
Gallahad, but really Anne seems to want more already. That she is cleaning there
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already means that she knows that my protests will eventually die out and take them
like they want. I rescue who I think are two lovely girls and what do I get two
nymphomaniac sex fiends that want to be spanked and used, but only by me even if
they play well with each other.’
With a conscious effort Harry redirected some blood flow as he watched all the girls
walking around him. Those two fellow sociopaths were bad enough without the fangirls
wanting to brag about him using them. He just wanted to accomplish one simple dream
talk to his parents was it so much to ask that life not distract him no matter how

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 5: First Week Away and We Miss You!
by SamStone 9 Reviews

Classes and a confrontation

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/05/11 - Updated: 2008/05/11
- 14783 words
Chapter 5: First Week Away and We Miss You!
The Book had this to say on Black Skeletons: Unlike normal skeletons they are not
deadly damaged by blunt trauma and are like normal skeletons not susceptible to
fire. If it was not for the arduous and vile even for the most amoral of
necromancers, most would like one or more as their own better than golem enforcers.
The downside is remembering to keep them well fed and to cater to their
Time passed and while the pair made acquaintances there was little that they really
had in common with their housemates besides a desire to know and thus understand the
world around them. Classes had been as they had expected from what they had heard
from the older years. Still there had been some memorable moments in their time here
so far. Their first classes for the most part were normal well as normal as they
could be for Ravenclaws. The three that had stood out in the duo’s minds was their
first potion class, first charms class and flying. They had in fact had both sent
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rather large letters to Alice and Anne. They were aware that the two would get in
trouble without them there although it was Harry that they would actually listen to.
Night was unnatural in the speed he could travel at and it was simpler than waiting
on an Owl as their companions were connected enough to know when they needed them.
Harry was rather wary of the others familiars do to how most animals could feel the
death that lingered about them. He knew that they would most likely deal with
hostility from any ‘light’ magical creatures while the so called‘dark’ creatures
would be drawn to them even more as they grew older and their powers matured. It had
been a hope that there would be a charm to suppress that little problem though the
book hinted at a solution though how to become able to wield the Silver Fire was
something that was almost blatantly ignored. Perhaps when he had more experience
that part would be more accessible or he would realize what it was.

Charm’s class was something that the pair as well as the rest of their Ravenclaw
classmates was looking forward too. To be precise charms was the more exhaustive
breadth of magic available to use. As it was most of their fellow classmates would
have devoured books on theory as they were likely not allowed to practice active
magic such as charms, transfiguration, dueling and the like while potions was not a
violation of underage magic as that mostly tracked wands. There were exceptions in
Pure Blood Families as that was how they kept their status as powerful and skilled.
As it was with their Head of House they were wondering what they would learn. Still
most of them had researched him after finding out who would be teaching them and his
skill as a duelist and a charms master was legendary. He had been modest enough not
to go into it that first day, but a Ravenclaw was aRavenclaw and thus the library
was duly raided as well as other sources of information.

The Ravenclaws were the first ones there though it was a close thing with the
Hufflepuffs following shortly arriving in a unified group. They were all aware that
even if he was rather short physically that one could say that he was short

“Good morning class,” the professor said. “I am Filius Flitwick and welcome to
Charms. In this class you will learn the basics of charms as well as the basic wand

As there was no real rivalry between the two houses to distract them the lesson
started and got through the material far faster than most. Their head of house got
through the swish and flick along with a stressing on pronunciation in spells. As it
was Hermione was intently listening while Harry was trying not to twitch visibly.
‘Why would the movements be important?’ Harry thought in confusion. ‘I know why the
movements are important while drawing runes but swishing and flicking seems odd.
Even worse is the need to visualize and focus on a trigger word that must be spoken.
That would make them less likely to use silent casting. A pity since not knowing
what one is being subjected to makes counters harder.’
Suffice it to say most of the magic that Harry had worked with was either ritual or
intent driven. Rituals used formal syntax in their words to better describe and
focus the casters will to allow them to better define and control the results. Most
of the offensive magic was intent of action based so he thought the desired result,
drew his magic and let it form before releasing the spell. It was nice and simple
after practice. At the beginning spells took time and effort to cast. Still he
mostly used the flames and mental magic for the most part.
‘Wingardium Leviosa,’ Hermione practically broadcast causing Harry to twitch.
He was not used to the slight ability to tune into his friends general moods let
alone specific thoughts. The ritual had been done due to the idea that there was a
chance that the girls would be able to get into trouble and need help. It had been
part of why he had been suppressing the annoyance he felt when it had all began.
Unlike that wanker that called himself a dark lord, he knew that since he had
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subordinates that he had responsibilities to them as they had to him. Loyalty and
obedience from minion to master was as important as loyalty and protection from
master to minion.
Harry watched as Hermione clearly enunciated and waved her wand causing her feather
to float. He sighed and when everyone was preoccupied with levitating their own
feathers he merely flicked his wand toward the feather with his intent clear and
what he hoped was just enough magic let free. Still he made sure that he would not
get into the habit of vocalizing his spells even if he merely mouthed this one. He
recalled what happened when he did more than let his magic flow. It had been
unpleasant to say the least.
‘If I let too much magic out it would ignite the feather,’ Harry thought in
annoyance, ‘however if I don’t allow enough magic to flow nothing or very little
would happen. The same if I didn’t concentrate enough on what I want my magic to do.
This wand is far too precise to merely let my magic rush uncontrolled. Precisely
attuned to my own magic does allow for a better result. Still considering magic is
like any other muscle and grows through training and use I have to be rather
controlled when casting these simple spells or I might overload it and that would be
more of a disaster here than anywhere else. The ghosts would most likely feel it and
then they would tell someone.’
“Hermione,” Harry said as he watched her steering her feather about. “Could you try
saying the spell quieter? There is no reason to shout and it would be beneficial to
not get in the habit of shouting and sending so much magic in asingle spell.”
The look of disbelief in her eyes as that contradicted what the books she had said
so far had instilled was quite visible. This caused two reactions in Harry one being
that she would need to get a better ability to hide her thoughts and feelings with
the second being that she put far too much faith in the written word for someone
that was an experimenter. He had hoped that Hermione would want to use all of the
scientific theories and methods to do what he knew wizards had failed to do.
Quantify the ways of magic to better understand them. That would help him more than
just sorting the disassembled facts that the wizards had gained.
“Trust me, Hermione,” Harry said as he held her eyes. “Not all that is known is
written down and far too much is closely guarded. Far too much is hidden and
eventually forgotten. Just work on being quieter as it makes things easier in time.”

“Ok, Harry,” Hermione said as she nodded sharply and slowly repeated her casting
each time lowering her voice as a frown formed as it became harder at first. “It
seems to take far too much effort to use though.”
“That’s just disbelief,” Harry said with a small twitch to his face. “You have been
told just now that we have to pronounce things clearly and move the wand just so to
do the spell. Now think back and was any of that necessary for accidental magic?”

“No,” Hermione said with a frown as her face scrunched up just so.
Harry resisted the sudden need to say that it was cute. He was a guy and he knew
that he was letting his friendships distract him even if he enjoyed them. Still as
emotionally beneficial as he found having friends in contrast to the ostracizing
that the Dursleys had originally inspired, he was not really apeople person and with
his status in the Wizarding World he found that his normal reactions might cause
more harm than good. He was at times annoyed that the Dursleys had not stomped that
part out of him, the over caring protective part, instead of their attempts to at
the time break him into their servant in some sort of ugly stepson like role.
“See it is merely an ingrained belief that makes later usage of wandless and
wordless magic so difficult,” Harry said with as reassuring as he could in public
smile without killing his image as he was dreading the fan girls. “So with practice
the otherwise ingrained habits wont form.”

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“Thanks Harry,” Hermione said with a brilliant smile before turning back to her wand

Filius meanwhile had been going over the various pairs and had finally reached
theirs to see like most of the Ravenclaws that their feathers were floating in front
of them. He did prefer when he didn’t have the joint Gryffindor-Slytherin class as
their rivalry tended to be counterproductive to their education although the
Headmaster thought that pairing them up might ease the long instilled enmity.
“Well done Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger,” Flitwick said quietly as he watched them do
more than subtle up and down motions with their feathers. “I hope that you both are
enjoying class and your house.”

“Yes professor,” Hermione said with a smile at how much unlike the previous
ostracism she had receiver for her cleverness. “It has been an enjoyable and
educational class so far. Right, Harry?”
“I will admit that it is educational,” Harry said with a grumble. “I do hope that we
will move at a decent pace unlike previous education…”
“You’re just upset that they wouldn’t let us skip so many grades,” Hermione said
with a teasing tone. “Seriously Professor we have been trying to find things to
challenge us mentally for a while.”
“Is it my fault that most of my previous classmates had the mental capacity and
concentration of a sugar high chipmunk?” Harry said offhandedly. “Still it seems
that for the most part it was a good choice to come here though the information on
the other choices wasn’t that bad.”

His response had caused Flitwick to blink. He like the rest had never contemplated
that the boy in front of him would go to any other school of magic. He momentarily
felt a shiver of terror at what the boy in front of him would become if he had been
a Durmstrang student. He had noticed that already Harry showed a level of both
control and power above most of his other year mates. Though there was something
nagging at the edge of his non-human ancestry. He may act cheerful and prefer to be
that way, but beneath that exterior was a champion dueler who was not just a mere
teacher of charms but amaster of the field who could weave spells together in such
marvelous ways.

‘There is something about him,’ he thought as he watched the boy still

absentmindedly maneuvering his feather when it should take most of his classmates’
entire concentration just to keep it airborne. ‘I feel something that puts me on
edge. Not at all like young Remus, but it is something old and powerful. This bares
further investigation though I feel traces of it now that I look with Ms. Granger as
well. I best not insinuate anything to Albus though as he shows far too much of an
interest in the lad.’
Putting off his still trembling instincts he smiled at Harry and said, “It is good
to see that you are happy here. With time maybe there will be more interests
stimulating you here. One never knows what new things one can find.”
“Don’t worry about it, Harry,” Hermione said as she started to circle his feather
with hers showing that she was far more talented than she had thought.“We just grew
up a bit fast and were just forced to wait for our classmates to do so.”
“Says the girl whose parents let her devour as much of the public library as
possible,” Harry said with a slight pout barely formed. “Still having such resources
did keep us out of trouble.”
“Considering your stance on bullies that is a good thing,” Hermione said happy to
relax for the moment. “Still it was easier to avoid them at the time than handle

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“You had that choice,” Harry said with a hint of dark humor showing. “Too many of my
cousins friends were far too eager to pick on anyone they thought was weaker than
themselves. Still correcting them of that… notion was quite therapeutic.”
Hermione nodded her head at that, “Still it is nice not to deal with that here.”
“Yet,” Harry said with a sigh. “You are aware that there is still some prejudice
here to deal with. The Slytherins already have squared off against the Gryffindors
and they will drag the lot of us into their arguments eventually.”

“It seems that even with magic people are people,” Hermione said with aslight sorrow
there. “One would think that such a fickle gift would instill greater
“People are people,” Harry agreed. “Some are good, some are foolish, some are evil
and some intolerant and yet most still act like sheep in the end. Rally to a person
of will and follow without thought of why and justify their actions for a goal. The
greater good, preserving society and any other number of causes can cause the decent
to corruption. Tell me not the means to ones ends as they will speak of reason and
necessity to overlook all acts of brutality and control merely tell me what the ends
must justify. It is easier to sleep when one knows who one’s friend and one’s foe

Flitwick had merely noted that as he had stepped a bit from them that they had to
enter their own little debate. They would fit in well with his house he realized.
Though even with their fellow housemates there was far less debates on such matters
of philosophies when theories of immediate research was available. Sadly he wouldn’t
realize that was moist likely the source of his native cultures issues. Oh they may
debate the effects and importance of blood purity and the real effects of the dark
arts, but they were still more oft to accept might as right compared to others.
“Perhaps I prefer to believe a leader leads by showing the way one may go than
driving them where one wills,” Hermione countered long since placing the spell in
use to her lesser attention. “They say one can lead a horse to water but not make it
“Still if one makes the horse thirsty enough it will drink,” Harry replied with
amusement. “A person may be smart but has not all that history shown that masses
lack any intelligence greater than the least among them. Why else is there a Statute
of Secrecy? Look at all the violence caused by mere difference in the public media.
Riots on the streets for equal rights while others strike to preserve whatever edge
they have should prove that. People are selfish, cruel and deceitful. Most do not
admit that while it is callous that they do see everyone and everything around them
as means to ends and not ends themselves.”
“What of those that risk their lives for others?” Hermione questioned. “How can that
be in their own self-interest?”
“Do not start me on heroes,” Harry remarked. “While a heroic act is done to prevent
someone else from suffering, it is most oft that it is done in a way that the hero
feels liberated and that the one they save did not go through what they did.”
“Is that why?” Hermione barely managed to whisper. “I need to know.”
“While there are things even the most cold-hearted bastard should feel irritation at
allowing to occur,” Harry began to say. “There was something gained by acting even
unwanted. Still this is not the sort of thing to say in public.”
“I understand,” Hermione said as she thought over things. “We do need to talk about
this since it has been brought up.”
“I agree,” Harry said. “Still as I said this is not the place for it.”

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“Maybe after class?” Hermione asked as this was something she wanted to know.
Harry nodded at that and went back to the more aerobatic motions of maneuvering his
feather. Hermione blinked as she barely thought for hers to follow and it was.
‘We definitely have things to talk about,’ Hermione thought as ideas and theories
tried to resolve themselves in her mind. ‘I know that you don’t like the fanatic
loyalty Alice and Anne show you, but you still let them follow you and you still
teach them as well as me. I know and you know that we are attracted to each other
and there is that to deal with. Add to it the magic and it gets complicated without
the fact that my cousin and her friend would not only let you do any sort of thing
no matter how perverse or degrading to them, but actually want you to sate yourself
with them. Sure I will admit that fooling around has been educational and quite
pleasurable, but you seem to accept the relationship in such strange to me terms.’
Still immersed in her thoughts Hermione followed Harry back to the common room after
the class had ended. Unawares that she had written down the assignment or disengaged
the levitation spell, Hermione was moving on autopilot as her mind continued to sort
itself out in the background. The basics of memory recall used in learning
Occlumancy was busy parsing all the memory fragments into a composite understandable
whole. Things were starting to get more interesting and her mind and body were
already dealing with more shifts than puberty.
Potions class was something Harry was looking forward to almost as much as Hermione.
He had like the other teachers firmly investigated who would be teaching him and the
information on the man was rather skewed.

‘One of the youngest to gain his mastery is impressive,’ Harry thought with some
interest. ‘Still there is the matter that most student information on him is
inconsistent. It almost seems like he expects us to have learned everything before
hand and merely fine tune our practical abilities in class. Not that my potions
skills are not too shabby nor do I expect Hermione to be lacking in theoretical
knowledge as well as our Ravenclaw classmates. I am unsure on the Hufflepuffs
though. How much of their image is because they care more about helping their
friends succeed than being untalented. Still they didn’t appear too simple minded in
charms so it is difficult to tell where the stereotype for them came from.’

Professor Snape entered the classroom with his robes billowing behind him. His hair
had a sheen to it that was disquieting in its nature. Oddly enough his scent had
actually entered before him. The scent of plants and animals mixing with a head
aroma of fumes clinging to him. Oh he visually didn’t look like he was filthy
anymore than most wizards did. Hygiene was important to them at least those that
held themselves as elite. The presentation that Malfoy put on for example was one of
supposed to convey sophistication and class even if his condescending manner was
more appropriate of societal types a century or more ago. Still it was something
that anyone entering the Wizarding World would encounter the almost quaint charm to
the place.

That however did nothing to counter the known dangers present. Magic while atool
like any other was far more easily able to cause lasting harm. In part why Harry
already despised the pranksters he found. He might allow some humorous uses and
revenge potential, but most were far too likely not to think before acting. At least
the Weasley Twins seemed to have thought through their pranks and not been as
malicious as possible. How Ronald could be related to them or the older cool
brothers that they had heard about would puzzle Harry if he gave it too much
Professor Snape, like Flitwick, started the class by taking the register, and like
Flitwick, he paused at Harry’s name. However the reaction was entirely different.
“Ah, yes,” he said softly, “Harry /Potter/. Our new… celebrity.”
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That immediately set a tone for Harry. Now while he had suspected that the Head of
Slytherin had some bias against him from what he had learned, he had hoped that not
being in Gryffindor where his parents had been would have buffered him a bit. There
were also his expectations of the man being professional that seemed to have died a
fiery death.

“You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion- making,”he began.
He spoke in barely more than a whisper, but they caught every word and like
Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort.
“As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this
is magic. I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly
simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that
creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses ... I can teach
you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death –if you aren’t as big a bunch
of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”
More silence followed this little speech. Harry exchanged a looks with araised
eyebrow with Hermione who was on the edge of her seat and looked desperate to start
proving that she wasn’t a dunderhead. Harry could care less, he had been under the
tutelage of several spirits of famous and infamous potion masters and that plus the
studying he had done of his books made him very competent. That was without the fact
that he was a rising star in the underground potions business.
“/Potter/!” said Snape suddenly. “What would I get if I added powdered root of
asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”

Harry thought for a second to recollect what medieval monk had said about that. He
noticed that Hermione's hand shot into the air. He resisted a sigh at that. He had
hoped she had broken herself from that habit more.
“They make a sleeping potion,’ Harry replied calmly careful not to let amischievous
purr into his voice. “Very powerful, known as the Draught of Living Death, it has
been theorized that this is the drug the apothecary in Romeo& Juliet gave Juliet to
fool her family into believing she was dead.”
Snape’s lips curled into an unpleasant sneer before he replied, “That is too much

He ignored Hermione's hand that sank back down along with the rest of the previously
eager Ravenclaws. Harry wondered why he was acting this way without Gryffindors but
suspected a loathing not for himself and based on the stress of his last name with
his family.
“Let’s try again,” Snape silkily spoke sending shudders down the Hufflepuffs backs.
“/Potter/, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?”

Hermione stretched her hand as high into the air as it would go without leaving her
seat. Harry ignored the confusion of his fellow Ravenclaws and awe from the
Hufflepuffs that they were being ignored.
“To put shortly Potions Master Snape,” Harry began to say letting his voice imitate
the drawl the professor favored, “A bezoar is stone found in the stomach of a goat.”
“Didn’t you read everything in the book, Potter?” Snape sneered at him. “I guess
that doesn’t make you that good of a Ravenclaw
Harry forced himself to look into those cold eyes. He barely managed to keep his own
intentions from flashing though his eyes. He had just before this question been
scolded for being too long-winded, and now he was being mocked for not answering as
much as he possibly could. His contempt for the man’s professionalism was beginning
to aggravate him. He was however grateful that KiKi had decided to explore on her
own while they were occupied with classes. Otherwise he knew that he would have to
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make a damn good attempt at Obliviation of the rest of the room.
Snape was still ignoring Hermione’s quivering hand.
“What is the difference, /Potter/,” Snape asked, “between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?”
At this, Hermione stood up, her hand stretching toward the dungeon ceiling. The
other Ravenclaws while offended at being ignored would rather not gain the obviously
annoyed Potion Masters attention. They would volunteer information after the man
vented whatever it was between them.
“There is no difference /Professor/; they are same plant,” Harry said firmly meeting
the Professors eyes. “It also goes by the name of Aconite. Now is there any reason
why a supposed Potions Master of your caliber is initiating such a juvenile
Unfortunately for Severus Snape he chose at that instant to try to ascertain where
Potter’s spawn came up with enough information to answer his question. He neglected
that he was a Ravenclaw as well as being Lily’s son. Expecting, even if he acted
nothing like him a mini James Potter with the mental shields of an inebriated dwarf,
an easy entrance into his mind he sent his Legilimency probe at the boy.
This was a mistake that shocked him to the core. Normal people even without training
have some minor natural barriers to keep from receiving all the extra sensory
information that the human mind had adapted not to handle. It had been determined
that the human mind was not readily developed to handle let alone filter and process
telepathic signals. Legilimency was not so much a probe as truly creating an
extension that was of lowered intensity to allow such information to be acquired.
The stress of the technique was opening just enough and narrowing the connection to
one target. Snape had expected a minor barrier similar to effectiveness of a soap
bubble to great his attempt. What he found was something different.

In the moments between heart beats, Severus Snape found himself somewhere else.

‘Where am I?’ Snape thought in confusion at the bizarre place he found himself in.
‘I was just about to use Legilimency on the damn Potter brat.’

He looked around at the blood red sky and the black moon that hung ominously in the
air with black clouds passing around it. Looking down the ground before him was
black and appeared to be made of ash, dust and other things. Kneeling closer to
inspect the slight color difference in an attempt to ascertain where he was, Snape
noticed fine granules of white.
‘That texture,’ Snape thought in shock. ‘The ground is made of dust and ash with
ground bones mixed in. Where am I?’
Moving further across the black plains he came across what appeared to be some sort
of park. The trees were black and devoid of any leaves with a twisted gnarled form.
Amid the trees he saw small stones placed here and there. Kneeling before one of
them to get a closer look he moved some of the dry and brittle thorny black roses to
see what was there.
‘Tombstones!’ he thought in shock. ‘Is this some sort of graveyard?’
Looking closer he drew a gasp at the name on it… his mother’s. Turning to the side
he looked at the next tombstone and the name there shocked him more.
‘Lily!’ he thought in shock.
He quickly turned around and looked at the other names. Anyone he had even the
slightest inkling of positive emotion too was there. The ever calm professor
actually turned and fled as his memories of them flashed through his mind. He ran
until he felt himself growing tired. It never occurred to him to apparate as his
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normally rational mind was flooded with suppressed emotion for once the legendary
stoic facade that he had cultivated leaving him as well as his emotional control
leaving him as emotionally vulnerable as a child.
Looking around he found an empty field filled with sharp barb like pale grasses and
instead of tombstones there were grave markers. He looked at the first name and it
was his retched fathers. Surrounding it were more markers. Unnoticed he had pricked
his fingers and started dripping blood on the ground before him. As he read the
names he came across those that he had murdered as aDeath Eater. There were even
some of the ones he had not directly killed but knew he was responsible for. It was
a thing out of his most suppressed nightmares as his cold and calculating actions
had denied any guilt from what he had deemed necessary actions.

It was in that shocked and distracted state that he failed to notice the stirring of
the black soil. Silently rising out of the grainy ground were the forms as white as
the purest snows. In their empty eye sockets lit by crimson light a slowly dawning
consciousness was visible. Bleach white skeletons flowed out of the dead earth as it
parted as like water for them with only grains of ash like blackened volcanic sand
falling from them. Silently the still forms began to move with an eerie flowing
motion towards the traumatically rationalizing Snape. They would have been more than
able to have torn the unsuspecting man to pieces to water the parched land with his
sweet red blood if it had not been for one thing.
“Severus,” Came the moan of the form that had risen in front of him. “You were
always a disappointment.”
Looking at the skeleton before him his eyes bulged at the familiar voice before he
shouted in horror, “No!”

“Murderer,” came the words of the growing legion. “You betrayed me!”
Even in his disturbed and distracted state it did not take him long to focus and try
to reach for his wand. He had dealt with Infiri and other abominations created by
the Dark Lord. He was not some helpless muggle. Reaching into for his wand he was
suddenly struck by something. It was not there.
Now while he may be good at some wordless casting and minor wandless magic, Severus
Snape was not exactly capable of the level of hexes and curses to dispatch such
beings if they were normally transfigured objects. These however were far more
potent than that. It should come as no surprise that they soon had begun to verbally
and physically express their displeasure at their lot in life.
Soon enough Snape was beaten and bloody unable to move with the broken bones
incapacitating him. As it was the skeletons became more lifelike though their eyes
burned with a crimson light. Their nails however retained an inhuman sharpness and
soon scratching was turned to tearing as they flayed their betrayer alive. It was
fortuitous that Snape had fallen and watered the graves of his enemies with his
blood as what his loved ones ganging up on him the emotional scars would have been
After the skeletons had regained all their flesh they had slowed their actions down
allowing the animals that had gathered near the inevitable meal to get agitated in
wait. As they departed to return to their graves the animals took their turn. Real
meat was so rare here and it only rained blood when Harry fed. It had already been
too long in their opinion and they knew it would be far too long until the earth was
watered with the blood of the guilty.
As they worked their way in extracting their pounds of flesh, a figure that had been
watching from the shadows of the trees glided forward as the black sand seemed to
ripple. As the man walked something far larger was rising from the ground. The first
part to become visible was three skulls in a line mounted on a tombstone made of
bones held together with the sinews strung between.

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Harry was dressed in black robes with a sinisterly glowing crimson stone hanging
from his neck. He walked forward as a seat stirred from the ground and rose to meet
him as he sat down on the rising structure. With a sudden change the rest of the
powdery land flowed off of the throne. A sinister wind passed over the land. It was
He was looking down from a throne of bones with blood weeping from the skulls
mounted on it at the head arms and feet. The blood pooled from the throne and seeped
into the ground where the thorny roses grew. Before him was ableeding form watering
the black earth from all the cuts that marred it. The skin had been slowly sliced
and pealed from the shuddering body before the cuts had been inflicted. On top of
that the bones had been snapped and dislocated turning the human shape one expected
to what looked like a twisted deformed lump.

He was still alive even if most of the soft tissue had been pecked out by the flock
of ravens that were waiting again on the sinister trees. There was apair of black
cats licking at the blood that readily flowed from the man who wished he was dead.
There was the slithering of a snake circling him. It had previously been slithering
over roughly rubbing the open wounds raw with its passing. It was this sight that
Harry let himself take in of the man who had dared to try to violate his mind as
nothing more than a broken and battered sack of still breathing meat.
“Well now Snape,” Harry said with a look of disgust at the battered and mauled form.
“You thought you could enter here with impunity. How arrogant you are to think that
you are a master and superior in all things…”
“Potter,” Snape managed to rasp out. “Why are you doing this?”

“Are you deaf as well as oblivious?” Harry asked in a sneer. “I already answered you
and like the dunderheads you adamantly loath you ignore what you are told and
continue based on your false facts.”

It was at the foot of his throne kneeled two forms completely without any shame or
humiliation merely a visible sense of purpose. The forms were two girls dressed in
naught but a pair of black collars with two blades in their hands of which one was
of silvery metal while the other was as black as night and both blades was slick
with blood and saliva having barely been licked clean. Their lips were red stained
crimson with blood as was their pale flesh spotted with blood.

Despite what Harry had wished consciously it was his subconscious mind which had
carved the place and it was that which accepted and acknowledged the nature of the
relationship his minions had chosen to follow. It was the fact that the two had
imprinted on his realized images of Alice and Anne that had led in part to his
trying to keep them at arm’s length at time. He had in fact been forced to restrain
them from servicing him in any and every way they could think of. Their echoes did
allow him a better idea in how to avoid any of their overt and even subtle actions.

“You still don’t seem to get why I am annoyed with you,” Harry said with
disappointment clearly radiating from him. “You are a hypocrite of the highest order
so obsessed with your own petty games that you fail to see the real game let alone
its players acting all around you. A pity that I expected the youngest Potion Master
in centuries to be above such infantile behavior, but that cannot be helped it
seems. So to prevent you from doing anything so foolish in the future it is
necessary to impart such a demonstrative lesson on both the futility and fallacy of
your current actions.”
“What are you blabbering you imbecilic fool?” Snape managed to ask.
“As a teacher you should get the point of this,” Harry continued ignoring the man’s
idiocy. ”Still since you cannot seem to grasp such simple concepts Iwill explain it
in terms that a dunderhead like yourself can grasp. I am going to show you exactly
how your attempts to assault my mind as well as person are beyond your ability.”

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‘Now than,’ Harry thought. ‘What is your worst nightmare…? Well that was unexpected.
It does explain a lot though.’

Harry felt the sudden shift in the air as three female forms appeared near his
throne. The two women to his left were Alice Longbottom and Eileen Prince both
looking no more than early twenties. The two were dressed in what had to be both the
most conservative yet enticing clothes ever. A slightly modified school uniform that
clung to the skin while having teasing outlines of what was hidden to arouse the
senses was the outfit that was there.

Now the lady to his right and there was no way that one would ever think to not
refer to her as thus was an ethereal beauty with blood red hair flowing freely to
stop mid back. A red headed seductress dressed in skin tight black leather that only
accentuated the form of sensuality personified radiated pure lust inducing
sensations from any person that saw. Her eyes burned an intense green that drew one
like a moth to a flame.
It was through shear will that Harry was able to concentrate on the matter at hand
even if he suspected that his normal constraint would fail in the dream logic that
was prevalent here. Neville and Snape’s mothers were while not just pretty but
beautiful were like a flickering candle compared to the sensual bonfire that was the
form of Lily Evans.

‘For once I can understand why someone hates me,’ Harry thought as things clicked.
‘It explains Petunia’s petty actions though if mom looked anything like this any
earlier. Still finding out that Snape here went unprofessional because he lusted for
mum since they were kids and his worst nemesis is the lucky sod that she deigned to
be with would explain things. With me looking like James but with her eyes, it must
have been like a swift one to the boys. Still I am grateful that while it is their
images here that it is not Alice or Anne in the flesh. I know that considering how I
cracked so much that if this was in life things would have gone out of hand.’

Through all of this neither of the nude girls had moved more than to lick their lips
and trace their extended fangs. Oh their breathing may have altered and their bodies
responded but they were rather put out not to misbehave at this point as getting a
spanking before mutual oral satisfaction would not be in the cards. They were
aroused as the drops wettening the ground beneath them could attest. They for a
moment hoped their master would string the man up maybe by his entrails before
sheathing himself in their bodies and when he had sated himself they could perform
for him as they waited for him to claim them completely.
“Make sure that he cannot look away,” Harry said after a moment. “Remove his eyelids
and hold his head to see. Looking away would permit too much of achance to escape
his punishment.”
The girls nodded before vanishing to appear near Snape’s battered form. Alice
wretched his head up and pinned one of his eyelids back in preparation. With the lid
unable to move, Anne was able to slit the skin away to prevent him from looking
away. To prevent the blood from clouding his eyes they placed the blade upon them
and a hissing sound occurred as the blades heated up to cauterize the wound. They
were half tempted to cut his tongue out to silence him, but they suspected their
master wanted to hear his tortured cries.
While that had happened the three women had walked to the front of the throne before
kneeling in front of it. Alice was to the left with Lily in the center and Elaine to
the right. Their gaze was not on his face but at the junction of his legs as his
robes had parted to reveal his black outlining pants. While his face had shown no
interest in anything his other head was far less reserved.
“Master?” they murmured in question looking at him with hunger. “How may we please
Harry merely grinned and beckoned them forwards. He had no idea where the
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personalities were drawing most of their identities from but as this was for almost
all intents and purposes a dream he would treat it as such. It would be so relaxing
not to constantly stay in control, although he liked being in control of the
situations. He supposed it was an effect of the earlier years at the Dursleys. Still
he had a rather lucid wet dream to indulge in and it was doing such a good job in
unwinding his stress and wearing down Snape’s mental walls.

‘Pain the guy seems to be well used to,’ Harry thought as he watched the three
crawling forward towards him. ‘Emotional trauma to his self as well but he seems to
hate being made to watch this. So he grew up with mum and had athing for her
unrequited love. He also lusted for Alice since she was with Lily so much and almost
seemed to be experimenting together but despite his trying to catch them as much as
ah what’s this… my father and his friends in trouble. Odd that he wants his mother
there to watch him with them. Not an Oedipus image but he seems to have watched his
parents and was disgusted by his mother acting anything but prim and proper so this
doubly offends and humiliates him.’
When they were kneeling on the steps able to reach him, they nuzzled up against his
legs. Harry reached down and stroked their heads as they like cats rubbed against
him. Three lovely ladies kneeling before him while not aconcrete fantasy he had
experienced before seemed to be speaking to the part of himself he had to keep in
control of which was ironic as it was his impulses to control others as he had been
Drawing Lily’s head closer to his lap where she nuzzled against his ready bulge
before he said to the beauties before him, “My dear pets why don’t you see if you
can’t get some cream,” causing them to smile before he added an incentive, “and the
winner gets first ride. If you can’t get me off well there are other ways…”

That readily changed the smiles to smirks as the girls began to unbutton his pants
allowing them to access their new toy. Having three beauties working his erection
over was a new experience and his libido made note to do this again when Alice and
Anne were just a tad older and hopefully had breasts that could be rubbed so
enticingly against his legs and otherwise. None of them believed that they would be
able to not outlast him at least on this first game round.
Lily was the first to reach over and pull him out. She grinned saucily at him before
giving his head a kiss flicking her tongue as she did so. Slowly kissing her way
down she teased and tickled him until working her way back up and taking him first
into her mouth then into her throat. With a slow hip rising movement she drew back
all without losing suction or swirling her visibly moving tongue.
While Lily was trying to show how better head was with experience, Eileen and Alice
the older where not merely sitting there. They teased with fingers, lips and tongue
whatever areas they could reach. When the pair took a ball each while Lily started
humming made Harry very grateful that while none of them had been experienced that
they did tend to practice often.

With a frown Lily extracted her competitors from his nuts before reaching them with
her tongue while humming. After several terse movements of tongue and lip she did
what seemed almost inhuman in its flexibility and held him bait and tackle in her
vibrating mouth. When several long moments of that didn’t gain her his release, Lily
released with a pout and let Alice have a go. With asmirk she moved her clothes to
bare herself for more visual stimulation. Eventually one would win and then a new
contest could happen who could get him off harder and who would get off more.
Alice went around teasing each part she could. From licking along and trailing
kissed from head to root as well as tracing and tasting his sacks there was nothing
that she hadn’t tried including extending her tongue past his balls and flicking and
teasing there. As that hadn’t seemed enough Alice raised the ante again and freed
her tits and proceeded to slide him between them while capturing the head and
sucking and licking it to try to get him loose.

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Around the three went in an attempt to win both together and separately. On Lily’s
next round she wrapped him in her tits as well before deep throating him while
Eileen sucked his balls and Alice tongued where she could. While that went on
whenever one of them wasn’t using their mouth they were channeling whatever thoughts
would stimulate him as they talked describing everything they could think of to get
him to pop.

Finally Eileen was going again with Lily and Alice talking as they fondled her and
each other. They were running out of things to say to get him to go. The forfeit
hadn’t seemed bad until they thought of it. If they were unable to move before he
came he would get to take them to edge again and again until he came over their
frazzled nerves as they would be by oath unable to get release again till he said.

Eileen was on her last legs fifteen minutes each to get him to pop and this was the
last attempt. Her mouth was getting sore and her tongue was going to be unable to
speak clearly for a while. Grasping on straws she let him out of her mouth and
started stroking him.
“Why won’t you cum in my mouth?” Eileen asked switching her hands to hold her tits
around him. “Don’t you want to wash my mouth out? Severus’s filthy mothers mouth
out. It’s unclean and needs your cum to clean it out! Think how embarrassed he will

Oddly enough that was the thing to say. Feeling the sudden increase in hardness and
throbbing she took him into her mouth. While Lily and Alice teased his balls to make
sure that she got as much as she could. She kept him encased in her flush tits as
she felt him twitch their and flow into her mouth.

Eileen was grinning like a loon as she greedily coaxed as much as she could from his
spurting member. She had won and she was going to claim her reward. It had been
difficult what with Lily actually being able to not just deep throat him but pull
her lips to suck him balls and all, and that was not counting Alice being able to
flex her tongue. Lily would be enjoying that tongue while she went for her ride, but
she was sure she could coax her to clean her out while Lily took her turn.
So caught up in her thoughts she was unnoticed and still suckling him to full
hardness again before the others pulled her loose with a pop. They might not have
won a ride, but losing out on a taste of their new master was unacceptable. That
they would go to any lengths to convince her to share only sweetened the deal. Their
fingers caressed flushed skin and teasing bouncing slickened mounds that had only
recently been plowed before darting to the warm and moist openings that were readily
parted in their quest. Their tongues were busy trying to lap up and suck out every
drop that she would allow while being distracted.

So it was that Harry gasped as he was freed from her warm suckling mouth with a pop
only to groan at the sight of their almost glowing kneeling forms as they kissed and
swapped with hands wandering between his spread legs. He enjoyed the sight as he
tried to regain his senses from the drawn out climax he had experienced. Finally
seeing Alice and Lily roll to the side kissing leaving a panting Eileen reclined on
his leg gave him an idea.
‘I think she is ready,’ Harry began to think as a wicked grin formed on his face,
‘but it is better safe than sorry… well unless she really likes rough or raw sex.’
With that said Harry pulled the unresisting woman up and started to kiss her as he
kept raising her with his mouth going down her body. He nuzzled and licked at her
flushed tits as he made sure she was worked up. While he did that he slipped his
fingers into her to see how slick she was. That his hand felt like he had slid it
into a wash basin was the thought that crossed his mind. Snaking his hand back for a
quick taste he decided that he really wouldn’t mind a quick lick or too before
sliding into her besides this was just a mental thing and it was not like she was
more than the combined impressions he had with whatever Snape thought up so it was
no more than a simple sex toy just with some personality.
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Reaching his hand back to her slit he felt the ready warmth before sliding his hand
lower and with his other hand moved to trace her spine raised her up to mouth level.
The sudden shift threw her head backwards as she spun a moan of disappointment at
the lack of his hungry mouth tasting her bouncing breasts.
“What are you doing?” Eileen asked before his breath touched her lips. “Oh it’s been
way too long.”
With that said Harry teased and coaxed her to vocal pronouncements each causing
Snape to utter a new profanity as he was held looking on. Alice and Anne held him in
place wishing they could do more than rub their thighs together to ease the tension
they had building from the show. Keeping him from turning his head or eyes to
avoiding watching was sadly making a free hand unavailable to play with themselves
or each other.
After Eileen writhed enough on his tongue to satisfaction both hers and his, Harry
lowered her to where she was being held against his ready erection. The head was
touching her slit and her slow rocking in his hand rubbed themselves against each
other wettening him with her juices. With a look he lowered her down letting her
slide down on him until she was seated in his lap. Once there he began with again
tasting her flushed skin and suckling her stiff nipples.

Slowly he began to bounce her in his lap faster and faster. Feeling her tighten on
him he was happy that all the non penetrative experience had kept him from spurting
like the somewhat virgin he was. Still the oral preparation was different than the
first time he was inside a girl proper.

Still after being bounced to several clenching orgasms Eileen was in for achange and
voiced it as she panted letting Harry hold her in place, “Let me turn around and you
can have some real fun. I don’t normally do this but you made me too sore already.”

With that she sat with her back to him with his slickness nestled in her cheeks
before lifting herself up before positioning him to sink down on him. She slowly let
herself sink onto him letting him ease in to instead of her already red and sore
pussy into her merely fingered ass. Slowly she started to bounce on him as he
nibbled on her neck and worked her body over.

‘Those guys and girls knew what they were talking about,’ Harry thought as he could
do little more than hang on and enjoy the ride. ‘To think Anne wants me to do this
to her and I stopped her. What was I thinking? Oh yeah I didn’t want to hurt her too
Trying to focus herself, Eileen bounced and ground her ass down on his firm
penetrator. As she did she looked out and saw Lily and Alice engaged in lapping each
other’s snatch. She was berating herself for getting completely out of practice as
it wouldn’t be too long before she would need some ointment to do more than lie on
her side as either resting on her back would bother her ass or her front would rub
her raw mound.
When Eileen was unable to move and he had left her with some soothing heat, Harry
gently laid her down next to Alice as he drew Lily up to him. There was no need for
any more foreplay and Lily didn’t give him a chance before mounting him and ridding
him like a wildcat. Moving through positions with every time she tried to swallow
him with her grip but always keeping him seated, Lily moved from bouncing him with
his face in her tits to rubbing against him with his hands tracing her to even a
modified kneeling where she rocked down on him while he alternated fondling and
spanking her ass.
After a loud shriek after that last motion she turned back to look at him and said,
“Well there is something that James wanted but never got the chance to do. So hang
on tight you’re going to take one of mommy’s cherries.”

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With that she positioned him and slowly worked him into her ass.
When she got the head in she said, “Man and I thought your fingers felt good! To
think I never let Alice do more than tongue me what was I thinking?”
With a slow rocking motion Lily worked her son into her virgin ass. A sigh of
contentment at the new feeling of stretching was all that she did when she was
finally rested against him with his entire length buried in her. Slowly working her
new hole around him, Lily managed to make herself move until she shuddered and with
her body sucking inward coaxed him to spurt inside her.
As he had let Eileen down to be eased down with Alice’s probing tongue he placed
Lily where Eileen could reach her as he lifted Alice up to him. Instead of allowing
him to bounce her as Eileen had done at first she aimed him and impaled herself
right away. She frenzily rode him trying to make up for lost time even if she had
gotten Lily and then Eileen to suck and finger her to afew releases.
Like a woman possessed she moved on Harry while he bucked up into her. She felt like
she had been celibate for too long and while having a good romp with a woman was
nice there were things a guy did that a girl didn’t the same and vice versa. Alice
planned to have as many cums as she could before she went back to that place and was
going to do whatever it took to get them.

She kept at it till her pussy was sore and creamed in. Lifting herself on shaky legs
she spread her ass cheeks and Harry aimed himself as she sat down letting his cock
spread her ass open without any of the slow motions the others had used our
disheveled forms reclined on the throne with Lily and Eileen curled against him with
Alice leaning against him and still impaled between them. Harry’s hands caressed the
tender flesh of Lily and Eileen while Alice’s pussy still twitched and gushed in
view. Snape was in far less desirable shape as he had repeatedly struggled through
the entire ordeal he had been forced unable to look away to see. His face was
visibly hopeful that this torture was over. Having heard his mother calling out
anyone’s name let alone a Potter was disgusting to him the only thing worse than it
being his son was if it had been James himself having her act as loose and willing
as a Knut whore in Knocturn Alley.
Despite the almost all encompassing bliss he felt, Harry still had one more part to
the lesson. He had the man tortured by those he had despised and forced the man to
see the three women he loved in any form cavort for his pleasure. Amomentary flicker
of compassion for the poor retch almost made him decide to end it there, but the
shuddering of Alice around him changed his mind.
“Well Severus Snape how do you like your punishment so far?” Harry asked with his
emotions barely influenced by mirth. “I have to admit for a complete ass that you
have great taste in women and as for your lovely mother here” Here he teased her to
cum clutching his hand. “Well the only thing I think she failed at was drilling your
attitude out of you. Still there is one final bit of play, Girls!”
With that Alice and Anne vanished from the man letting his head fall down to smack
against the soaked earth. They appeared at the foot of his throne where he beckoned
them to arise. They crawled up the soaked steps getting their scent pressed into
their knees. Harry removed his hands from the slowly dozing pair and held them to
his first followers though the shear reverence and fanatical loyalty and obedience
was more to the line of a minion. They opened their mouths and gladly licked and
sucked his fingers clean of the juices found there.
When his fingers were clean he gently pet their heads before adding a slight amount
of force to bring them forward. Their faces rested at eye level with Alice’s gaping
slit and his balls gently resting beneath. The two began to lick and suck at the two
joined lovers desperate for more stimulation. If it had not been for the fact that
they had sworn their virginities to be taken by him they would have seen if they
could stick their daggers inside to ease their passion. Still they would have likely
stabbed Snape while humping trying to stretch themselves so it would have led to a
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punishment that they would have not liked most likely being spanked to orgasm and
nothing but being left on edge after that.

The two moaned into what they were trying to eat when his feet began to prod against
their sex. Anne’s squirrel actions caused shivers of delight to flow through him
while Alice was buried in her namesakes snatch. While that was going on there was a
slow stirring of ground near the sprawled and battered form of Snape. Harry had
barely managed to arrange things with the stimulation of Alice around him with
Anne’s mouth licking him closer to another release. As it was his hands were
caressing Alice and Lily’s spines stopping to cup their flushed butt before
returning to run from their neck back down.
The slowly moving ground revealed what seemed to be a platform under Snape. Suddenly
thorny vines sprung around and pulled his arms and legs to the side and dug into his
flesh shocking him out of his stupor to scream his refreshed agony. The platform
turned out to be an x shaped form that slowly inclined as it rose until Snape was
left hanging from it.
“Hmm,” Harry said as his attention was more pleasantly distracted with Alice
alternating grinding with slow drawn out movements. “You say something?”
“What the Hell are you doing to me now,” Snape asked heatedly as the thorns dug into
his flesh as his weight pulled him downward, “crucifying me for your amusement?”
“Not really,” Harry said mellowness from the repeated ball draining leaving him far
less spiteful. “That’s just to get you in position. Since I can’t kill you at the
moment witnesses and the like I had to… improvise. Now this will be rather painful.
Oh don’t give me that look. Yes this is worse so try to relax and just accept that
what goes around comes around. Really thinking that Ididn’t get enough of a read to
know your tastes, how deplorable. Although your fascination with my mother seems
strange to me. Perhaps when there is more time I can extract that seemingly more
secured information than your predisposition and predation.”

After the monument reached its height there was a sudden stillness and then Harry
closed his eyes. Wither it was out of the intensity of his feelings as he was being
milked by Alice’s grinding ass or Alice’s mouth sucking and licking his balls, or
the desire not to see what happened to Snape next he would never admit although he
did believe that the sudden unholy scream that came from Snape before it was muffled
ensured a more intense experience.

With his eyes shut as he came, Harry missed the sight of the thorny vines insert
themselves into the man he had hoped would be a respected Potions Master that could
help increase and improve his knowledge in the field. Considering the number of boys
he had glimpsed the man had buggered before removing any memory or trace of his
action there was little sympathy for the man having afist thickness of vines work
their way in. it was the smaller vine he never wanted to see doing what it did.
Working its way into his disgusting erection before the scream it caused resulted in
gagging the man. A jaw stretching set of wiggling vines occupied the man’s silently
screaming mouth.
Then they began to move inside the man after the thorns went rigid. Thankfully Harry
was distracted enough that he merely enjoyed the ready tongues licking him clean.
They had continued to hump his legs when his feet had grown still and the black
material was obviously soaked.
After what could have been an agonizing eternity as the group recovered with the
young Alice and Anne licking everyone and each other clean, Harry turned his sight
to the thankfully mostly obscured in vines form of Severus Snape. It was in that
moment that he missed several of the quieter things the women discussed.
“I hope you have learned your lesson?” Harry asked the blank eyed violated form.
“Ladies it’s been good. We need to do this again.”

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With that he extracted himself from them and with a few casual gropes, fondling and
appreciative spanks made his way down from his throne. Looking over the blooming
rose’s crimson of blood in color growing out of the man Harry smirked.
“Be gone!” Harry shouted and the world dissolved around them.
In the outside world nothing happened for the instance that the two’s eyes were
locked. Unknowingly the class held its breath in anticipation for what they did not
know. To anyone that had actually met the professor’s gaze it would shock and
frighten them. The pain that had momentarily subsumed all other reactions passed
before his eyes became cloudy.
Barely minimizing the shudder at the rapidly repressed and subsumed torture that he
had undergone, Snape turned sharply and brought the class to heel. He had an image
to maintain in addition to being a certified ass.
“The instructions are on the board,” he said barely keeping his voice from
breaking.“As none of you are Gryffindors I expect you not to make such mistakes as
those dunderheads come up with.”

With that said he turned and glided to his desk where he promptly began to go
through his other work. Ravenclaws at least read things and thus were informed while
the Hufflepuffs were diligent if not as intelligent as their classmates as well as
helping each other succeed. Either way it was far less likely he would need to run
interference as he would with his Slytherins forced to cohabitate his classroom with
Gryffindors. Besides he had to figure out why he suddenly felt this way. It was
worse than when he had started to fear the Dark Lord torturing then killing him.

Oddly at the same moment in Surrey, Alice and Anne’s eyes snapped open as they
suddenly began to breathe heavily as their bodies experienced what their dream
selves had gone through. They both realized that their master’s resistance was
crumbling. It was only a matter of time before he fulfilled all that they needed.
They hoped to push things ahead for when he returned for Christmas, but Anne was
more excepting that if that failed his birthday would be memorable. Maybe they could
get the last of Hermione’s prudishness out and cavort for him like they had seen
those women do in the dream while one of the lucky ones got to ride him until both
were sore. Leaving them on edge like that was cruel but there was a place to sate
the sudden rush of lust.

If that hadn’t resulted in the first of several chills rushing down his spine which
he ignored to complete his potion there was the matter that happened in St. Mungo’s.
Alice Longbottom while lacking cognizance had been awash in a dream. Thankfully the
monitors did not pick up the sudden brain activity in the pleasure center of her
mind spiking repeatedly. As it was she drifted off as her mind drew together a bit
more, however it was slightly altered by the fragment of the dream that remained.

Meanwhile Harry felt that despite all that his dream self did a bit more eager than
normal. Noticing that the verbal conflict had because of its intellectual nature
started Hermione on a slow burn, Harry realized that he would need to find a bit of
privacy and see about some mutual relief. If he didn’t Hermione would ambush him and
snog him until she felt better. If she was worked up enough his tongue would be too
sore to speak. That would be embarrassing… enjoyable… but embarrassing. Not to
mention attract too much attention too soon for their own good.
‘Smart girls are not just sexy,’ Harry realized. ‘They seem kinky enough to kill a
man. And Alice and Anne are both at least smart and already kinky. How will I
survive when the three chose to join forces to get some more time? I think I dislike
this increasing libido. My ambitions versus girls and sex, a few years ago it was so
simple and now I know I will have harder times focusing. Maybe I should look up if
sex magic could help. Kill two birds with one stone and all.’

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Flying lessons had also been interesting in retrospect. At the time he wondered what
made wizards in Britain choose brooms of all things. Most of the rumors and
acquaintances in Knocturn Alley had indulged his conversation over the years. Small
talk along with business was the usual compared to the straight forward manner of
‘A shame we are only learning to control a broom,’ Harry thought with asigh. ‘One
maybe two can fit comfortably and at our age Teleportation is impractical, Portkeys
are too regulated and the floo is too inconvenient. Why they don’t use carpets for
transporting families I don’t know. At least we don’t have the Gryffs trying to show
off here or the Slyths trying to intimidate the shier students. The Puffs at least
try to be friendly so there should not be too many worries.’

“Alright,” Madame Hooch said. “Stand beside your broom and say ‘Up’.”
“Up,” Harry said confidently barely blinking as the broom jumped into his waiting
hand before he had finished the word.
Harry raised his eyebrow as he barely managed to keep it from twitching as the broom
seemed more puppy like in its behavior. He let it float down before it rose up
almost wagging before butting up and rubbing against his hand. He wasn’t even
gripping it and it floated there as he traced the grain on the handle. If he was
anyone else he would have started freaking out by that point, but instead he had
calmly turned to Hermione in the hopes that she was both doing alright and also not
being as disturbed as he was with a broom acting like a long lost pet.

What he saw caused him to blink as he thought, ‘How? How can Hermione have trouble
with something so simple?’

Hermione’s broom was on the ground or more accurately almost trying to dig itself
into the ground.

“Why is this happening?” Hermione practically growled as she glanced about to make
sure no one saw this.
“Calm down Hermione,” Harry whispered as he noticed how her broom was handling.
“You’re scaring it. Think of enchanted objects like this as having rudimentary
intelligences not quite animal like but there as it is an animate object. To be put
simply you’re scaring it with your attitude. Relax and don’t order it think of it
like a companion animal like a horse or dog.”
“Up,” Hermione said after she calmed herself.

The broom gently questioningly rose to her hand. Hermione smiled at that. It was odd
to think that a broom would cower like a fearful animal but that was what it had

“See now that wasn’t so hard now was it,” Harry said letting a real smile show on
his face. “You need to remember that not everything is what it seems.”

They turned their heads as they heard Madame Hoch start to walk over and access
their grips.
“Ms. Jones a good grip there,” Madame Hooch said as she saw the professional grip
the girl had with none of the fumbled fingers or awkward positioning. “It shows
plenty of proper practice unlike some others…”
“Thank you Madame Hooch,” Megan said with a beaming smile while shyly speaking. “My
cousin has been giving me pointers.”
“As I suspected Ms. Jones,” Hooch began to say. “Do you have any interest in taking
after her?”

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Megan shyly smiled before nodding her head and saying, “Yes Madam Hooch. It looks
like she has ever so much fun. I just need to get into flying shape.”

Madame Hooch nodded and moved on. She liked it when the young showed real interest
and skill in her passion. Now if the young Potter was anything like his father. What
she saw shocked her.

‘A broom does not do that,’ she thought to herself. ‘A broom does not act like an
overly enthusiastic animal nor does it wag itself like that.’

“Mr. Potter,” Madame Hooch says sternly. “What do you think you are doing bewitching
a broom like that? That is nothing how a broom should act!”

Harry just looks at her and says cheekily, “Well it doesn't for you Ma'am, but it
does for me.”
“That is not what I meant Mr. Potter,” Madame Hooch says irritated. “I have never
made a broom act like that. Professionals can’t do that not even your father could!”

“Maybe it just likes me better…” Harry says with a dazzling smile.

Hooch shook herself as it seemed that he took after his father sometimes.
“Now mount your brooms,” she said as she looked around barely keeping herself from
The broom glides to his hand and he finds himself seated on it without effort. He
turns and gives Hooch a jovial grin. For some reason, being near the broom makes him
feel carefree.
‘Will I find flying to be what truly relaxes me?’ Harry thought as he looked around
slowly starting to hover.

Slowly the group begins to maneuver. Harry notices that Hermione is slowly getting
over her fear of heights well more so than when they had gallivanted through the

While that was going on Harry slowly started to make more Maneuvers. He was feeling
odd and acting so unlike himself. He was acting like a kid.

“Hey Madame Hooch,” Harry shouted before pitching his broom upward, “can’t catch
“Mr. Potter!” Hooch shouted before darting after the laughing boy grumbling,“You
seem just like your father right now.”
While the teacher darted after the laughing and rapidly swerving and veering Harry
all was not as well on the ground.
Michael Corner was not someone that Harry or Hermione liked although he was a bit
lower on their lists than either Malfoy or the Weasleys. While he was in their house
he was an ass. How he was in their house was a mystery to both of them. Maybe he
lacked something to be in Slytherin like a sense of self preservation or maybe even
style. He was a bully and not a very bright one.
“So Susan,” Corner said as he cornered the Hufflepuff with the others having floated
too far away from her. “It looks like we are all alone now. I think it is time to
finish that chat…”
Susan Bones looked around and saw that she was too isolated from her friends. She
couldn’t dart towards her friends without crashing into them. If she aimed to land
she would be even more trapped. Hannah was unable to see her if she tried to signal
for help. Corner was going to at least force her to do something for him and
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considering that he had seen her already there was a little dread in her mind.
Susan makes a sudden decision and veers away before tucking herself like aseeker and
shooting off. He would catch her but if she got far enough away she could delay him
hopefully until the class ended and she would have her fellow Puffs as backup. They
looked after each other after all. Still he was a silver tongued bastard and would
likely convince her friends that she was just playing.
As he was darting about with Hooch frustrated as he outmaneuvers her, Harry notices
something out of place. Now while he would never in any shape consider himself a
hero he did tend to have to psych himself out when there was one in trouble not to
go after them. He considered it a holdover from the Dursleys as they would never
think to help anyone unless there were witnesses and they would say how good they
were. They were hypocrites like that he had long ago realized.
His eyes widen as he sees where her flight path will take her. He had seen that tree
move before and ‘Hogwart’s a History’ mentioned it.
‘The Whomping Willow,’ he thought with sudden dread. ‘A Puff is darting toward the
single most dangerous area outside the forest. So something must have set her off.
This cannot be happening and Hooch is too far to get there in time. I hate acting
the Hero!’

“No time to play Madame,” Harry suddenly says seriously dropping all pretense from
before. “We got a situation on our hands. Wonder what caused it?Oh well not like it
matters at the moment anyways.”

“Mr. Potter,” Hooch manages to say before he shoots off far faster than the aging
broom could possibly handle. “Oh dear…”
It is a little known fact that while normal broom operations use a minute amount of
magic that they also normally can only handle so much magic flowing through them.
Magic however tends not to have a definition of normal when around Harry and his
Madame Hooch while shocked knew better than to summon someone on a speeding broom.
The shock would cause problems and the momentary suspension would in this case lead
to the Willow causing serious injury. There was also a chance of summoning her into
the path of a limb and while it was possible to heal, vanish and even regrow bones
there were some injuries that would still be fatal. She was also well aware that
there was no way that she would be able to get there in time and yet it seemed her
most likely one of her most favored students was doing so.
‘Come on,’ Harry thought desperately. ‘I need to get there faster!’

Now while Harry was by no reason one to act suitably heroic that did not mean that
he didn’t have the fatal flaw most heroes have around girls. Letting a girl suffer
was really not his thing. Besides which he knew that despite their odd friendship
Hermione would go off if he let something happen when he could prevent it. There was
also the fact that neither of them liked bullies.

Now while Harry had killed and tortured all of those involved had earned that action
by their own actions. It was simply a fact that those silenced were those that had
not truly understood the ramifications of their actions. Consequences are there for
any action and he would have to deal out some serious things to ensure this didn’t
happen again.
It appeared that he would not get there in time as the willow connected with Susan’s
broom. The sharp strike snapped the broom and threw her airborne into the approach
of more swinging branches. Harry was focused on what he needed to do and thus let
his body react. Spinning and twisting he avoided the branches that came his way
noticing how they were more intent on him than Susan. Still even if she landed
without being struck on the ground the branches would be able to get her before she
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got away.
‘Darting into this tree’s branches has got to be one of the craziest things I have
ever done,’ Harry thought as he twitched slightly flying between the rapidly
agitated limbs. ‘Well I am almost there just need to spin and catch her before we
get out of here.’

Harry managed to fly under her descent and grabbed her mid fall. He tucked her in
front of him and leaned over her to shield her from the swinging club like branches.
This served to press her against him between his arm holding her and the broom at
her back. She had wrapped her arms and legs around him to stabilize herself.
“Now hold on tight,” Harry said as his eyes darted about for a path. “We need to
With that Susan was pressed further against him as he pushed the broom even more.
The branches came close but he managed to dart and swerve around them as he shot up
and away from the tree. He pulled the broom out of the steep flight and leveled off.
After getting a long enough way from the rampaging tree, Harry slowly glided his
broom down to the ground where he set down Susan.
“It’s alright,” Harry managed to say in as assuring a voice as he could. “You can
let go now. We are on the ground.”
“Thank you,” Susan managed to say before falling to the ground sobbing.

“Mr. Potter,” Madame Hooch said sternly. “While your previous flying was reckless if
highly skilled, what you have just done was insane!”

“It is harder to do what is right than what is easy,” Harry said simply.“While I may
not be a reckless Gryffindor that does not mean that I would let someone that has
done nothing wrong die merely because it was easy.”

Madame Hooch settled her broom down near where he was as the rest of the class
settled down a bit further away. They were thankfully out of earshot for the rest of
the conversation. It had been bad enough with being yelled at like that and more so
the disappointment that seemed to practically radiate from her. He had long since
been as used to praise for his behavior outside the Dursleys as had Hermione. Still
he was aware that while he was not perfect he did at times try to be too perfect in
his success. It was just that after so much that he held himself to a higher level
of excellence than the mediocre levels his neighbors had.
“Before this I was tempted to advice Filius to see about getting you on the
Quidditch team early given your abilities,” Madame Hooch said with a stern look.
“Now I am unsure wither to recommend you given your blatant disregard for your own
Harry raised an eyebrow at that. He had wanted to blend in but this would make it
more difficult. Wizards however were very obsessed about their sport and it would
seem odd to be disinterested almost as much as the situation he was in now. Still
his physical enhancements could be troublesome. He knew that while he was several
times stronger and faster than a normal adult he was not as fast or strong as some
beings though he could enhance himself temporarily enough to match if not surpass
the strength that the groundkeeper Hagrid he recalled was capable of. It was a shame
that there were too many witnesses that he could not simply alter that many memories
at once. He mentally reminded himself to learn how to mass memory modify crowds. It
may come in handy if not necessary eventually.
“I always had fast reflexes,” Harry said after an uncomfortable pause.“Still we
should be more concerned with the cause of this than the meager aerobatic show we
put on.”
This however served to rattle Madame Hooch as when he had been in the air he had
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been so friendly and care free and here on the ground so analytical and logical in
his manner. The complete discontinuity between the two images was offsetting. It was
almost as much of a contrast as his fellow Ravenclaws had been shocked by.
‘It seems that he is completely different when in the air,’ she thought. ‘As upset
as I am with him for risking himself he did save a fellow student. There is also the
matter that letting such natural talent be ignored would be atravesty.’
“A concession than,” Hooch said reluctantly. “You promise to try out for the team
next year and I will neglect to inform anyone that you need to be punished for
flying off.”

“Agreeable,” Harry said with a slow nod. “I would prefer not to have preferential
treatment, but some people seem to make that impossible.”
“It’s good to see that you have a level head on your shoulders,” Hooch said with a
grin. “It would be a shame if someone with such natural ability squandered it. Did
anyone mention that your father was rather involved as achaser in his school years?”

“No one said that perse,” Harry conceded. “Still it will give me a better idea on
the man. A shame that the library seemed to gloss over it perhaps you might know a
bit more or someone that could direct me to more information on the matter?”
Hooch grinned at that before saying, “While I did know him we were more involved
with our mutual flying obsession at the time. I take it that even though most of the
other professors even though they either taught them or went to school enough to be
acquaintances have yet to tell you more than the minimum?”

“I know I look mostly like my father but with my mother’s eyes,” Harry said with a
far off look. “My father was somewhat gifted at transfiguration while my mother was
gifted in charms and potions. Even that much was an effort to gain. They appeared to
believe that I grew up hearing about them.”

“Well I guess since they have decided to leave you in the dark thinking your
relatives had informed you,” Madame Hooch began with a smile, “I guess it falls to
me to tell you about them. I first met Lily Evans and James Potter at their first
flying lesson…”

With that Harry found out more about his parents than his other searches had
resulted in. He had raided the library for information on his parents and received
the basics of their academic and extracurricular activities but that never really
told everything about someone. It was strange that while his father had been
McGonagall’s favorite student and Flitwick’s had been his mother there had been
something holding them back. The Transfiguration Mistress had a personality that he
hadn’t planned to see behind her professional visage and even her lion’s didn’t
really know much about her personally except that she lived and bled Gryffindor red.
Flitwick may have been more approachable as his head of house, but there was an
inkling he had when around him. It was as if he was circling an animal he was
hunting. He had noticed the subtle signs that inclined Harry to believe that while
the rest of the proper wizards were biased against anyone with nonhuman or
nonmagical blood there was a distinct impression that there was still some nonhuman
blood in the Charm and Dueling Master or at least enough to make him spooked similar
to any normal animal around them.
Based on those problems he realized that it was a bad thing to go to places like
zoos or farms. The woods back home had been different. The animals there knew it was
there hunting ground and that most of them were not in immediate need to run from
the predators pacing through. They had a more preferred prey anyways so there was
less chance of them being food. Normal dogs, cats and birds were somewhat skittish
around them. Harry had been thankful of that growing up as none of Marge’s dogs had
bothered him. Still it was interesting in Hogwarts as Mrs. Norris seemed hell bent
in not going anywhere near him.

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‘At least there is no worry about her leading Filch to me,’ Harry thought as he
listened to all the flying and Quidditch related things about James Potter.‘She is
so involved in telling me this that she isn’t censoring anything. She is already
dropped several names to investigate. Now if only I could find my mother’s diary
from after they went into hiding then I could sort through all the contradictory


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 6: Hallowed Night, Harrowing Fright
by SamStone 6 Reviews
Halloween celebrations... Necromancer style

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/05/24 - Updated:
2008/05/24 - 17601 words

Chapter 6: Hallowed Night, Harrowing Fright

The book had this to say on Halloween...
Halloween is in part a heavily confounded mess of a holiday. In the usual attempt to
integrate the pagans the church incorporated their holidays such as Winter Solstice
and Spring and Fall Equinox becoming the time to celebrate Christmas, Easter and All
Hallow's Eve respectively. Halloween as it is currently modeled after Seamen the
time when death grows in strength as the days shorten. As it is to celebrate also
the day most in the area figured the spirits of the dead from the previous year were
allowed to set their affairs in order. Regardless of if that is still true it is
also the strongest time of the year for Necromancers and those practicing death
magic. While one would think that the solstice would be at the peak and valley of
power cyclically oddly it is the Equinox that is the points.
Now for Necromancers it is when the buildup of life energies is peaked and thus
desiring balance needs to be released. Their powers are great this night enhancing
the body. This is especially necessary in those physically matured as they are
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compelled to sate their ancestral needs.
It can be summarized in later versions by this course statement by Master
Necromancer Harry Potter, "Great power always comes at great cost. So I get control
of the dead, the ability to speak to the dead and a greatly enhanced mind and body
all at the low cost of a night yearly of debauchery. That means Iget to shag a girl
or girls until I am sated and I get cool powers? You see why I protect the Book any
teenager would kill for that! No teenage angst, plenty of kinky sex and power so
where is the downside to this?"

It has been noted that Harry Potter was considered one of the best in the Art
eventually only rivaled by his students...

It was Halloween the time had passed quickly after their classes and they had
settled into a rhythm. They went to class and accessed the library both the Hogwarts
and the Ravenclaw library. Thanks to no one noticing KiKi they had managed to come
up with their own version of a notice me not charm. It worked better than
disillusionment as well as avoided the problems of invisibility spells and objects.
As they hadn't found a way to make the ghosts in the school forget they had managed
to find as much as they could in search of other archives and libraries. The
constant turn over from the DADA positions since some guy named Tom Riddle applied
gave access to a number of tomes they would not have found outside the restricted
section. As it was that section was slowly being combed over in the time they had.
For being restricted there was not much that the pair ever would consider overly
dangerous merely too advanced for the unprepared?

'If only we could find a way to memory charm or ensure the complete cooperation of
these Wizarding ghosts,' Harry thought with a disgruntled scooping of his breakfast.
'I know the lot of them would panic and reveal us if we did anything overt. Still
there are plenty of sources to still check out. Flitwick seems to be a veritable
fount of information on my mother and yet the other teachers who were there with her
seem to be reluctant to release any information. Still the library had enough
information on their school careers, but nothing more involved.'
"Hey Harry," Hermione said as she sat down next to him fidgeting slightly.

'Something seems to be off with her today,' Harry thought as he looked his friend
over before noticing that he was feeling somewhat apprehensive.'Halloween... I
should have thought of this. The book mentioned that this day is the day that
necromantic abilities as well as rituals are at their peak. It seems Hermione is
showing signs. I guess perhaps if we could only find something to perform tonight it
would be a good thing. Sadly I don't think we will be able to find a good victim
though if the situation comes up we had best take it. Worse comes to worse sneak out
to the forest before midnight.'

"Morning Hermione," Harry said as he looked over the rest of their housemates before
continuing quieter, "You seem a bit excited this morning..."
"Yeah," Hermione said with a bit of a flush to her face. "So any thoughts on
"The evening feast," Harry said with a shrug, "not really. Although I don't think I
will go. Bit too personal if you ask me..."
"Oh," Hermione said with a frown. "Just hang in the commons than?"
"Seems like a better plan," Harry said with a slight smile. "It just doesn't seem
right the emphasis they are putting on today."
After the awkward conversation the pair went to their classes. Everything seemed to
be going great even given the tone of celebration the rest of the school was in.
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Harry was split on the matter. He lost his parents and was sent to the Dursleys on
this day and on the other he was feeling the rush starting stronger than in previous
years. He knew that he would have to tell Hermione about this but not in front of
others. He hoped that neither Alice nor Anne was getting into too much trouble. The
pair was rather subtle in their messages though as they hinted at that they were
still live practicing while the pair was alone. Thankfully Hermione's subscription
to normal papers didn't show any suspicion on their activities. Not that anyone
noticed anything in Little Whining anyways as people seemed to pass through and no
one cared.

'Those two can be trouble,' Harry thought as they walked to charms, 'although with
Trouble and the rest keeping an eye on them this isn't as bad as I feared. Alice and
Anne are an evil voice away from Children of the Corn and Surrey is bad enough
without the obliviousness of Little Whining. I am amazed the Catholics don't use
that like the military used to use those Islands. Though given things I don't think
that would be unlikely. Hermione is lucky that neither of them have really played
with her yet. Those two could talk saints into sinning and why they love acting that
sketch form Monty Python out I don't want to know. I give it less than half the
summer before they convince Hermione that either they are bad so they need to be
punished or that she was bad and that they need to punish her. Like I need more
stimulation to my Hormones as it is! I know the moment I let them get away with more
will be a step away from losing control. While I like playing it is too distracting
to my ambition. Iwill find a way to talk to my parents and if I let them continue
this so soon that won't happen! If they convert Hermione I won't stand a chance I am
only male after all...'

Charm's was a simple affair or at least it should be. They were Ravenclaws and
unlike their other schoolmates had moved a bit quicker though it was still boring
for the more practically inclined students. Suffice it to say that things went
downhill soon afterwards.
"Harry," Hermione said with a sigh. "Can you believe that some people can't grasp
this yet?"

"Some people are just not determined enough," Harry said as he gathered his things
as she gathered hers. "Still some don't learn in the same way or speed as others."

The two of them were just about to leave the room when Harry saw two people he would
rather not glaring at each other on opposite sides of the door. Malfoy was to the
right and Weasley was to the left. While he knew that the two despised each other,
he wanted to avoid the situation that their two houses caused. Attention was not
something he wanted as it would merely slow his progress along with the
ramifications of it they found out would be. Sadly Hermione had been too focused on
what she was writing in her notebook. While she used the quills and parchments for
class work she still preferred notebooks for her own observations and brainstorming.
"Seriously," Hermione said without looking up. "Who couldn't grasp the simplicities
of the Levitation Charm by now? It's a simple swish and flick for crying out loud.
Can you believe that Professor Flitwick said some of his other students have not
only not managed already, but that they even caused their feathers to light on fire?
Really are the other houses so unwilling to read!"
While Weasley was turning read and looked about to go off, it was Malfoy that
reacted first.
"Really Granger," Malfoy drawled. "I wouldn't expect a bookworm know it all to not
understand things, but I guess that you can't help what your inferior mudblood brain
comes up with."
"Can't you see that no one likes you?" Ronald asked so irritated at her that he
didn't entirely hear Malfoy. "Who would want to be friends with you? I may hate
Malfoy, but I have to agree with him that no one likes you. You should just leave!"

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Hermione looked struck as she glanced around the gathered Gryffindors and
Slytherins. It was at this moment that she was truly grateful not to have been
sorted into either house. She had nowhere near enough experience to be able to hide
all the bodies. She knew that she couldn't allow herself to appear weak or the two
groups would take advantage of her. Weasley and his friends had thankfully not tried
to get her to as she had once done when she had been weak and helpless to do their
work for them.
"Harry," she managed to say without letting her emotions enter into her voice."I
need to do something so I will catch up with you later."
With that said she managed to keep her composure as she walked away. She knew that
if she hexed or hurt them that she would be the one in trouble. There was also the
fact that if she staid that Harry would have responded far more harshly. She needed
to think and could not do so there when her temper was so close to flaring. She had
long since admitted that she was passionate about her convictions and that while she
tried to be rational and logical there were limits to her willingness to reconcile
and compromise.

"You know that was about the dumbest thing either of you has done yet," Harry said
as he looked at them. "I advise you save yourself some problems and simply curse
yourselves enough to be sent very far away. Revenge is a dish best served cold after
all and even if you think she is a looser Hermione is more than willing to devote
the time to a well thought out pay back. Personally I hope that neither of your
mothers' finds out what you did for women are truly the more vicious of the sexes.
So a word of advice, Run. Run as far and as fast as you can because neither of you
are getting out of this unscathed. Still settle whatever matters you have in this
world as if your time is not short you will wish it had been..."

With that Harry left the stunned crowd gaping. He had never spoken that much to
anyone. Those that had been standing near either of the two had felt a cold creep up
their spines at the tone of his voice. Perhaps distancing themselves from them would
be good. None of them wanted to be either of them when their mothers found out. They
had heard from the older years how vicious the Weasley Matriarch was with her
howlers and they hoped not to be within range when she found out about this.
After he had turned the corner he followed the still discernible trail that Hermione
had left. Enhanced senses had been worth it and he followed the scent trail or
anger, frustration and sorrow. Twists and turns didn't slow him as the castles
architecture prevented drafts strong enough to dissipate the trail. He followed it
to its conclusion and was disturbed that it was a women's bathroom. There was no
other discernible scent outside and it would take hours for ascent to vanish
although with the shear saturation that Hermione was causing that was not likely
accurate. It was a shame that he lessened the amount of magic going to his nose or
he might have been prepared, but he didn't want the complications that were

Harry entered the room quietly as he looked around. Hermione would never allow
herself to let her image be like this in any other circumstance. She was distraught
and it showed. Instead of the aloft and self assured girl she portrayed there she
was with her hair frazzled and out of place with silent tears flowing down her
reddened cheeks. He knew what he needed to do. Having girls as his only close
friends had taught him that much.
There was no one else that they were aware of around and Harry and Hermione were
standing in the girl's bath room. Harry was gently rubbing her back as she let out
sobs. The two of them had learned to never let their public faces show this as
school kids were like animals and would pounce on the weak. Oh there would be
revenge for this and it was assured that those bastards would pay.
'To think that those two would agree on anything,' Harry thought darkly.'Malfoy and
Weasley went too far with what they said. Shame they are still just a little bit too
innocent or they would have made great kills.'
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Her sobs were so loud that they covered up the near silent tears of a young girl in
one of the stalls. Her name was Nymphadora Tonks and while two years older than her
had just discovered her ability to change forms. For the thirteen almost fourteen
year old things had gone to hell right quick. Despite knowing them for years the
boys had practically seen her now as nothing more than a living sex toy. They would
have probably treated her worse only if she was a Veela and she knew Merlin and
Morgana help anyone who was both.
"Shh Hermione," Harry said as he moved to hug her. "There is no way that we will let
those two get away with this. Malfoy was just being his usual ignorant self."

"I am not concerned with the inbred albino ferret," Hermione snarled between sobs.
"Weasley must pay."
"Perhaps it is time to show him that his brother's are not the only pranksters to
fear," Harry said as she leaned back against him. "You were only trying to help him
and that ignorant Gryffindor refused to follow your advice."

"Yesss," Hermione said her eyes flashing darkly as she licked her lips. "Death is
too good for him. He must suffer!"

"That's my girl," Harry said before growing stiff at what he said. "Now we just need
to come up with something... suitable."
"We must find some way to involve his mother," Hermione said with a dark
chuckle."Even the twins are scared of her..."

"Considering her behavior on the platform that is no surprise," Harry said with a
sigh. "A smotherer that one is. I can understand why the older boys moved as far
away as possible. I expect that if he gets in enough trouble he will get ahowler and
I do think that what he did to you is almost excuse enough for her to yell at him to
behave and apologize. Still there is so much more we can do..."

"A shame that it seems that the professors are far more likely to let things go than
properly deal with it," Hermione said with a sigh. "They take points and give
detentions but it just doesn't change their behavior only makes them work harder to
hide their actions."

"We wouldn't know anything about secrets now would we?" Harry asked with alaugh.
Hermione actually managed to giggle before deadpanning as she said, "Oh what would
us poor first year Ravenclaw's know of secrets."

Harry's retort was cut off as the door to the Bathroom burst open. The two didn't
even need to glance at each other as they sprang back out of the way of the wooden
splinters. They looked out of the corner of their eyes and saw the wood had managed
to become lodged in the wall. This troll is very strong they realized.
Harry however despite the danger smelled an opportunity and grinned ferally at
Hermione and gestured to the troll as he said, "Well it looks like necessity
provides for us..."
Hermione steeled herself and flicked her wrist causing her dagger to land in her
right hand. She grinned at the troll and almost madly laughed at it as it drew
closer. It knew something was not right prey did not ask this way. They either ran
or fought but they would always smell of fear not this strange scent. The troll was
confused why this female as he could smell was practically wafting of excitement and
happiness with a tinge of bloodlust. So distracted were the two they did not notice
Harry cast a quick spell on the doorway to repel anyone looking for them. To be
precise no one looking for anyone or anything in the room would think to look in
their and if they tried they would be compelled with something else on their mind.

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The troll swung its club as the girl came close. The girl seemed to float above in
her jump as the club moved beneath her with enough momentum the troll could not
change its direction. The club completed its arch missing the girl and narrowing
missing the girl huddled next to the toilet. The troll was at adisadvantage with its
club behind it. If it was fast enough it would be able to get the club back around
in time.

Hermione sprung from the crouch she had landed on toward the troll. The club of the
troll was slowly starting to move as the troll tried to move it fast enough to swat
the girl. Before the club had moved a foot of its swing the troll stumbled back
coughing. Blood was pouring out of its throat down its neck as well as down into its
lungs. The club fell as the troll fell to its knees as it tried to grab the girl.

Before the troll's hands closed around the girl she disappeared in a blur. Turning
to see behind itself the troll went wide eyed as the blade effortlessly sliced into
its back in an x shaped flash of metal causing its arms to go limp. The troll
continued to struggle before another sting of pain and it fell backwards its
hamstrings cut. Before it could crush Hermione as it fell she appeared in a blur in
front of it in mid air.

Hermione landed in a crouch atop the troll's chest. The blood was flowing quite
nicely and it would be unable to move. She took a moment to lick the thick syrupy
blood from the blade. She shuddered as her eyes became half lidded as she looked
down at the troll.
'It tastes even better than when someone else draws blood,' Hermione thought as she
knelt on the troll's chest. 'I can see why this is even more addictive than normal.
I can feel more of the troll's strength filling me. A worthy first sacrifice
She turned as she heard Harry clapping. She felt a slight blush cover her face even
if it was hardly noticeable from how flushed she was. He was proud of her. It was a
part of what drove her to succeed this feeling of pride first her parents and family
than her few friends.
"Well done Hermione," Harry said with a genuine smile as he looked at the slowly
dying troll. "I knew you had it in you. Do you mind?"

Hermione gestured toward the troll and grinned. Harry practically glided over to the
trolls head and bent to the flowing blood. He took his finger and ran it through the
running blood before bringing it to his mouth and licking it clean.
"It's thick with a bit of tang," Harry commented as if discussing a favored sauce.
"Bit more potent than ordinary, but it lacks the purity of vampire or even Veela
blood while also avoiding the excessive euphoria found with giants. Not bad at all
and it is a shame that we can't keep too much of it to savor later. Still we have
something more important than savoring the taste of your first kill."
Their attention was suddenly dragged to the demolished stall and the gasp that came
from there. In the shadows of the broken pieces there was a young teenager with hair
rapidly cycling through a number of colors as well as general form matters such as
her eyes changing to a number of odd shades as well as skin tones in addition to
seeming to grow smaller and larger in different parts. The two looked at each other
and their eyes expressed their concern at this new complication. They would have had
far more options if it had been Malfoy or Snape they at least were less likely to be
Harry looked at her hard trying to determine what to do before he asked, "So what
should we do about you then?"
"We can't have witnesses," Hermione said sadly as she looked at the girl. "So how
best to make sure no one finds out about this?"

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"Well do you have anything to say for yourself?" Harry asks the oddly changing girl.
"Or better yet any suggestions on how to handle things?"

"Um," the girl began. "I won't tell anyone."

"Was that a question or a statement?" Hermione asked as she looked the girl over
from where she was poised to carve out the troll's heart. "How do we know that you
won't tell?"
Tonks blinked at that as she thought, 'Now how do I convince them? This is so not a
good situation almost as bad as if those Snake boys caught me...'

"I," she said before thinking to herself, 'You can come up with something... Guess I
got to...' "Nymphadora Tonks do hereby swear on my magic not to reveal anything that
happened here without your permission." 'Shite I hope they go for it or I am
definitely buggered.'
"Is that good enough for you?" Hermione asked her friend firmly as she didn't want
to kill the girl or worse mangle her mind trying to remove the knowledge of what she
saw. "We are somewhat pressed for time."
"Me trust a wizard oath," Harry scoffed. "Still we are short on time. Girl, come
over here!"
"You don't need to be so mean Harry," Hermione said as she felt somewhat sorry for
the girl. "So why were you crying here?"

Tonks sniffed as she came closer to them before saying, "Found out I was
ametamorphmagus and now the guys want me to change for them."
"Bastards," Hermione growled. "Harry we need to help her. I know it is not the same,

"Fine," Harry said as he could tell Hermione was set on this and having someone else
to help. "I want a blood oath and pact though. She needs to understand what she is
getting into anyways. Might as well let her get used to the way we are."

"Blood oath and pact?" Tonks asked Hermione as Harry didn't seem that forthcoming.
"What do you mean by that?"

"Wizards," Harry scoffed. "I can't believe that they don't tell anyone that. Not
even the so called purebloods or even half-bloods seem to know anything anymore
while the while the muggle raised at least have some idea sometimes."

"Hey," Tonks said with indignation. "Mum just didn't like the whole rest of the
family being want-to-be Death Eaters so really didn't talk much about the
traditions. Now could you please explain what I need to do to get out of this mess?"
"Simple," Hermione said with a slight grin to the girl as she realized a sane female
friend might be a nice change, "come over here a bit closer. Now a blood oath is
simple and as the name implies needs blood."
Tonks looked a little queasy as blood was a more sensitive matter in the Wizarding
world than the muggle before managing to ask, "Right so what exactly happens? I
guess a mixing or sharing of blood to cement our agreement?"
Harry actually smiled at that as he thought, 'Perhaps there is more to her than what
we have seen so far.'
"Our time is short so we need to get this finished," Hermione said as she nicked her
finger and held it out to the girl. "Now go ahead and take a lick."
Tonks took a hesitant lick of the pricked finger before shuddering at the taste as
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she thought, 'Blood shouldn't taste better than chocolate.'
Hermione smiled as she said, "With this blood I offer my aid. Will you return this
offer with your blood and promise to keep our secrets?"
"Yes," came the almost drunk sounding agreement from Tonks.

"Now hand me your hand please," Hermione asked the dazed girl. "That's a good girl
this won't hurt just sting a little than it will feel much better."

Hermione took Tonks outstretched hand and gently pricked one of the fingers before
gently sucking some of the blood from the cut. Tonks had not even gasped at the
slight nick but had started to act strange as Hermione gently coaxed some of her
blood to flow from the wound. She had become flushed and her faster beating heart
sent more blood than necessary into Hermione's eager mouth. Knowing that the troll
had still managed not to bleed out but that it was getting close, Hermione
reluctantly released Tonks figure after giving the nick a quick flick of the tongue
causing it to stop bleeding. Tonks had sighed and shuddered when Hermione had

'That was unexpected,' Tonks thought as she struggled to regain her

composure.'Though it explains the look she gave me.'

"Now than Tonks," Hermione purred. "Repeat after me 'With the blood we have shared I
promise not to reveal anything I have been entrusted with on penalty of the Blood.'"

Tonks repeated what she said with a growing strength even if her breathing was
coming heavier again. Hermione was not unaffected either as the oath solidified. Her
blood had been saturated with necromantic and life energies from the rise of that
time of the year. While she was technically a virgin, Hermione was not exactly a
stranger to her body or its impulses. Then again Tonks was not used to the effects
of life energy coursing through her body and stimulating her nerves in such a

As it was Hermione managed to stay crouched on top of the Troll while Tonks had
grown flushed and was floundering around on the floor out of it. Hermione had closed
her eyes as she reveled in the sensations coursing through her body. She had a plan
for when the troll was gone and Harry was going to enjoy every moment of it. Now if
only she could work her way up to convincing him that they or at least she was ready
for things similar to what the bad men had tried far too soon she would be more
'At least I managed to convince him to help out when my monthlies start,'Hermione
thought with a sigh. 'It is a shame that my body needs to catch up to my mind in
that manner or I could already get that treatment. Still the safeguard against
accidentally or unwittingly having sex is useful. Now to get to work though I don't
think the poor girl will mind the side effects being so close...'
Hermione looked rather lovely to Harry as she started to slice easily into the
troll. With a careful precision she removed the flesh and bone in her way. She
looked happy as she looked at the still beating but slowing heart. As swiftly yet
accurately as she could she carved a few runes around the gaping wound before she
got down to the tricky part.
Hermione was having a hard time concentrating at this point as she was still feeling
a heady sensation snaking through her body that seemed to build with intensity as
the ritual progressed. Even without looking behind her she could tell that Harry was
looking at her with a challenging look. Was she worth the effort he had expended was
what she felt uncertain about for a moment before squishing it down. She would not
hesitate now!
"Your strength becomes my strength," Hermione intoned as she reached to touch the
pulsing heart. "With your hearts blood I take to bind it."
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After saying that Hermione yanked the heart out letting the blood resting in it
rhythmically pulse out on to her hand and onto her face. She greedily swallowed as
it flowed steadily. Having her fill she sliced the ties to the body.
'Now for the last part of the macabre scene,' she thought as she looked to the side
to see the effects on Tonks. 'It seems to be having a good effect on her if her
shuddering and silent scream is any indication. Now if Harry could make a blood
stone out of a vampire there is no reason I can't make a memento from my first true
With the no longer beating and bloody heart in her hand she pressed it to the
troll's skull before she said, "By Blood and Bones be bound."
It was a rather odd transformation that occurred after she said that. The troll's
body began to dissolve and flow towards the head with the extremities having
dispersed to dust and the blood around the room in general turning to mist and
heading towards the head which began to shrink. When it was over Hermione was
crouched on an undisturbed clean floor with a small skull fitting in her hand. The
only trace of blood or other evidence was that on her blade as the Heart and the
blood on her had been absorbed.
"Well done," Harry said with a slight grin and a nod of his head."Unfortunately that
last part is going to cause even the muddling of their senses to permit them to find
where we are. We need to clean up and get out quickly."

"All right," Hermione said as she looked at Tonks and then her blade. "Hey Tonks
come here a sec."

After a moment of her not responding she walked over and cradled the slightly larger
girl. The girl was in no shape to move from what Hermione could tell and her muscles
were showing signs of fatigue and strain. The fact that she positively reeked though
not at all unpleasantly was also evident as well as the visible stains of sweat and
other things. The girl needed a bit of strength to get her moving again.
"Looks like you need a little help," Hermione said with a grin as she gathered the
remnant blood from the troll and mixed it with her own. "Here you go."

Tonks while out of it reacted to the blood covered finger entering her open mouth by
suckling on it. Hermione blinked at the sensations her finger was experiencing
before cataloging it for later interest and activities. She watched as Tonks seemed
to recover somewhat and at least would be no longer catatonic. After she was a bit
more recovered she helped the girl to her feet.

"Come on Tonks," Hermione said as she looked around to see Harry finishing cleaning
the scene up. "We need to get out of here before the professors show up."
"K," Tonks slurred as while her strength had returned and then some she was still
not completely cleaned out. "Need talk later"
"Let's just get you back to the tower," Hermione said with a comforting grin."Hey
Harry a little help?"
"You just gained the additional physical strength of a troll and you need some
help?" Harry asked as he removed the last traces of them being there. "I take it
that the ritual is as draining as it looked. Fine I'll help as we do need to get
With that the two helped the recovering girl out of there. Barely having turned the
corner before the professors stopped dumbly at the bathroom having followed the
trail of the troll down the Hallways. Finding no physical trace of the troll they
moved on. Snape being the suspicious sort had lagged behind to cast a few detection
spells and he was sadly disappointed that there was no evidence that anyone had been
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there recently nor of any magic use. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had just
missed something important. Still he needed to help deal with the troll wherever it
had gone as whoever had tried to get into the gauntlet had not shown up.


While the two friends had been having their adventure, Alice and Anne were
entertaining themselves. The two were sticky and sweaty after what had happened. It
was a shame that the grass was sticking everywhere, but considering that their
clothes would have been ruined it wasn't so bad. Besides they get a bit naughty.
Despite what they had tried to convince themselves they liked a bit of rough stuff
and punishment.
They thought back to how they had gotten into this situation. It could have worked
out so much better. If only their victims had played nicer. They had seemed so
unlike their tormentors. Still they would have not let him do that to them. She on
the other hand would have been a different matter. They might have even let him go
if he had been just a little nicer.

They had started off into the woods to get away from people. They had felt asinging
in their blood. They needed to kill as much as KiKi ever had and they had been far
too near those that they would regret spilling the blood of. Besides the woods was
there place and it was more theirs than their houses seemed sometimes. In addition
to that something would be inquisitive enough to come close to sate their rising
blood lust so they could sate the other one as well.
"My child why are you out here in the middle of nowhere," the priest said as he had
turned as he noticed the two little girls dart into the woods."It's not safe in the

"There's no reason to follow us," Alice said as she looked at the man. "We play here
all the time."

"Really Father," Anne said as she moved just so. "We just wanted to play without
prying eyes."

'I must control myself,' he thought as he looked at the two. 'If I do anything here
I am unsure what will happen next. Despite some in charge the higher ups are more
than willing to silence those that they are aware would cause a loss of belief.'

He carefully managed to stop himself from licking his lips as they two cavorted
around. There was something off in the way they acted. The way that they held
themselves as well as the way that they touched themselves was driving his resolve.
He was well aware that this parish was a dumping ground and if the hierarchy thought
that they would get revealed an accident was likely. Still given the obliviousness
in the area he would have to be caught with himself in the act or in the girl for
something to happen here. He heard a distant footstep, but could not tear his eyes
away the two were laughing and moving.
"Father Jonathan where have you gone?" a woman said as she walked down the street.
"We need to get back." 'And I need to get some,' she thought. 'It is a shame that he
seems distracted when we could be having fun. Perhaps he found some willing
playthings for tonight.'
"I was simply trying to aid some lost sheep, Sarah," Father Jonathan said. "It would
be most inappropriate to allow such innocent ones to come to /harm/."
Looking at the girls she thinks, 'He's going to lose control again, oh well these
two could be more fun than the boy from last month. Now that was fun and he seemed
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to like it coming back for more like that. What a naughty boy and how much he liked
being punished for it!'

"I can see that Father," she said as she unlike him didn't stop himself from licking
her lips at the sight of them. "So how come you haven't offered to escort them home
safe and sound?"

"We simply wanted to play," Anne said as she purred and teased the all too willing
Alice. "Do you know how to play?"

Alice was barely able to not grab Anne's hand and shove it up her skirt. As it was
she managed to content herself with the hand stroking the front of her skirt and
tracing her front from face to exposed bellybutton. Anne was well aware of the look
in their eyes. The eyes were the window to the soul and it took far more effort to
try to hide what one really feels there than even masking the rest of the body.
'They so want to play,' Anne thought as she teased Alice. 'A shame that they don't
know the rules and yet I know that even with all the temptation facing me that Harry
will be the one for me or more accurately for us. Some of these older men have so
much to teach a shame that they have to die for us to learn. Why they seem to be so
greedy wanting what is only for Harry I don't know.'
Oddly Anne's thoughts were soon echoed in disappointment. Alice had willingly let
the man get her off with his fingers and hands while she had played with the woman,
Sarah. She admitted that the woman had some skill and had been about to do more than
use the indirect stimulation points when she had looked to what that old man
Jonathan had tried to do. Simply reaching over Sarah she let her hands flutter
causing the woman to go limp with her eye rolled back in her head as she scooted out
from the insensate twitching woman.
"You just couldn't accept playing could you," Anne said as she looked at Alice."We
were more than willing to play and have fun, but you just couldn't be satisfied with

"Besides that is what Anne likes," Alice said as she seemed to vanish from beneath
the man. "Really couldn't just take a blow and wanted to bugger on the first how

"You obviously didn't understand the rules," Anne said as she stalked before the man
now sprawled on his back on the ground. "You come to our place and violate our rules
on our night. Really shows a complete lack of manners on your part."
A flicker of darkness passed and the two vanished from sight as the clearing turned
as dark as a moonless night. The sounds of the animals started to sound and a rhythm
started in the swaying of the trees.
"Trick or Treat?" Came the pair of voices echoing across the clearing caused him to
shudder in dread. "Smell our sweats. Give us something good to eat."
"Witches," the priest said as he tried to get to his feet quickly. "Unnatural
temptresses no wonder you tried to lure me here."
"We didn't lure you anywhere," Alice said all around. "We were coming here to play
and you were more than willing to play."
"You should always ask the rules before the game starts," Anne said as she seemed to
appear behind him. "It's quite mean to try to change them in play."
He spun around hitting nothing but mist. He was looking over where he was far from
where a voice could carry.
'It had been a perfect place where no one could hear or see,' he thought. 'I guess
it still is just not for us.'
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"So which will it be trick or treat?" Alice asked sounding far less slight than she
had before. "Life or death dear Father is in your hands."
"I wouldn't really have minded if you had asked," Anne said sounding bemused. "Still
you should know to ask before you try to take something. So trick or treat?"
For some reason he thought neither answer would result in anything good still
afifty-fifty chance in this case wasn't bad.
"Do be ever so good to pick," Alice said as she suddenly appeared in front of him
with a very disturbing grin. "Which will it be trick or treat?"
"Treat," he answered as if it was obvious.
Alice grinned and nodded before he felt a sudden stinging sensation. He looked over
to see blood pooling from his arms and legs and he felt that maybe he might be able
to crawl away.
"How is this, a treat?" he asked shocked.
"It was a treat for Alice," Anne said looking at the blood almost salivating."So
what say you to me, trick or treat?"
"Trick," he answered thinking that if treat was bad how could trick.

"Goody," Anne said as she grinned at him. "Now you get to see a trick."

Night, Trick and Trouble materialized around the man. That they were black as night
and were capable of that kind of a sudden appearance chilled the man. He had already
suspected them as witches as unholy consorts of evil leading men like him astray.

"Stay away from me!" he shouted brandishing the cross hanging from his
neck."Unnatural servants of Satan, be gone!"
"Really old man," Alice said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Do you think your God cares," Anne asked with a smirk, "about a hypocrite like

"We are no more servants of your devil than you are a servant of your God,"Alice
said with a vicious grin. "If anything it is you serving the devil while we merely
deal out the punishments a just God would want."

"Now try to hold still," Anne said. "Oh and remember to scream. Your God should hear
your cries of remorse."
What followed was a brutal scene of carnage. The girls carved the man alive and the
companions eat of his still attached flesh. Arranging various still cooling parts
around the struggling man, the girls began to find a use for the man's death. They
knew Harry would be upset with them for wasting. Waste not want not and all that.
Why he might be so upset that he would not spank them before draining them dry as he
licked them to heaven.
"You got everything ready?" Alice asked Anne. "I don't think we will get another
idiot wandering in."
"He may be an idiot," Anne said with a smirk, "but he will at least be useful. It
was easier than trying to catch an animal. They are getting more skittish around
"A small price to pay," Alice replied. "Besides think how happy he will be when we
show him this far ahead of schedule."
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"Only here," Anne said. "I swear it's like a dumping ground. You know that the odds
of finding a fallen priest on this night of all nights are small."
"Don't look gift horses in the mouth," Alice said. "Shame we don't have anywhere to
keep his skeleton."
"You just think master should have a proper army," Anne sing-songed. "Still with a
source to direct us and help cover up we will be far ahead of things. The twisted
bone ritual is just an unexpected bonus."
"True," Alice replied. "We had best start. We will barely have time. He dies at
midnight and we have to get up early."
The two looked up at the sky seeing the moon shilling down on them as the clouds
parted. It was obviously getting later and they had spent too much time playing and
toying with the man.

"So true," Anne said. "The woman at least has a talented tongue to keep her."
Alice looked at the insensate woman and contemplated trying her out before returning
to task. They could play afterwards. So putting their play to the side they went to
work. Arranging themselves around the man they drew a circle of blood and ash from
some of the broken branches around using their fire.
"Oh sleeping ones," Alice said. "Here my call on this night."

The skies started to cloud over obscuring most of the clearing as the wind started
to blow again. The animals in the area went deathly silent and even the insects
ceased their motions. The sudden silence was amplified by a chill spreading through
as a sudden frost covered the area outside the circle.

"Lost ones we beseech thee," Anne said. "The veil thins to grant thee passage."

The entire clearing seemed to fill with specters. Young and old and in between
gathered there regardless of time, age, sex or social status. They did have one
common thing as they were all dead. Some were relatively normal looking except for
that fact while others were twisted in spirit as they had been in body. Some still
bore the marks of their death while others manifested the flaws that followed them
in death.
"The sacred time for you departed ones comes," Alice said. "We offer flesh and blood
to thee."

The somewhat transparent dead gained form as the Priest screamed as his flesh
literally began to dissolve joined with blood misting off. Muscles began to untwine
and fall like strings before breaking down. His visible nerves began to twitch as
blood pooled at his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. The soft tissue of those began to
bulge as the blood rushed there as well as cover the man in ashine reminiscent of
red sweat.
"A wretched one who preys on innocence," Anne recites. "Take this offering and gain
With that intoned the Father Jonathan screamed as blood redirected again this time
exploding from his groin where it had caused him to swell before exploding in a
bloody shower of gore before the mess cleaned itself by evaporating to more
screeches. He was left as something less than a zombie but more than askeleton in
appearance. The sinew and tendons were becoming visible even as the non critical
organs dissolved into liquid before they flowed down and around the bones.
"Grant us a tool forged by spirit," Alice shouts, "made of the bones of atwisted
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Now his bones began to twist and turn as they shifted amid the mangled flesh that
still remained. As ribs started to collect together revealing exposed withering and
decaying lungs, the bones began to melt and blend together becoming denser as they
did so. Soon the ribs had solidified into two prongs glistening in white. With what
should have been a soul rending scream that in no way fazed either of the girls, his
spine began to twist between the two prongs forming a central blade as well as
handle as from his legs a guard began to take form.
"Find in this act your rest granted!" Anne shouts. "No more to wander the mortal

As the priest was reduced to an elongated spine with arms and enough lungs and vocal
cords to scream, the gathered dead were starting to shimmer. They were solid and no
longer intangible as the wounds on their spirits faded in flashes of white fire. As
the bones that made up his arms were drawn like a suction to the spine, they shrunk
in size becoming smaller and smaller while the screaming head stayed at the end of
the flowing bones.

"Go now you to seek the wonders eternal!" Alice screams. "So it is said..."
The clearing was bathed in a glowing white light as the spirits were lit by white
flames caressing them. The priest's head began to shrivel and shrink as the screams
became more and more high pitched. The hands flowed along the stretched spine to
below the rib blades curving into a lower guard to protect the hands of the wielder.

"So mote it be!" the two girls shout together.

With that said the priests screamed as his head and spine contracted to form the
pommel of the handle of the blade. The sudden flash of white disoriented anyone that
would think to investigate. The clearing was clear of any signs of anything having
readily occurred or at least as far as their having been anyone other than the three
girls and the animals there.

The two younger girls turned their attention to the insensate woman who was
twitching with her eyes still rolled back in her head and a visible puddle forming
again from under her habit. They had neglected her and left her in afeedback loop
when Anne had slid away from her. The effect on the woman's mind would likely be
uncertain though it would be far more malleable than even atoddler's.

"So it seems you didn't disable her simply?" Alice asked as now with the man gone
she could fully examine the heaving shuddering woman. "You do realize that despite
her peculiarities the effect of that technique for such duration would lead to..."

"Stop trying to sound so old," Anne whined. "Why use long words when simple
do?Besides I don't see the point..."

"It would be obvious if he was here," Alice said with a sigh. "The rather useful
woman just had a religious experience level series of orgasms. You broke her so I
hope you can take care of her."

"Hey I am not that irresponsible!" Anne huffed in indignation. "Give me one reason
you think that."
"One you ask for only one," Alice said with a laugh. "You forgot to feed your
companion so long that he almost went after the first bit of flesh he smelled."
"I was busy," Anne tried to rebuff, "besides, what about the fact that you keep
interrupting my Harry time?"
"There is no way that he was ready for you to wake him up like that," Alice said
with a sigh. "It's been an uphill battle to get him to show us any emotion or
personal attention. I get the 'dults since they don't have a clue, but I am talking
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about us here."
"Tell me about it," Anne said with a pout. "I wake him up and get him ready and just
as I line up He goes off on me and him and issues. Men!"
"You're just irritated that while we may have gotten him to loosen up some he is
still too uptight," Alice said with a smirk. "While I understand your point trying
to surprise him into buggering you is a bit much for him. Stupid Dursleys so hope to
torture them more than just ruining their image."

"Truth!" Anne shouts in agreement bouncing about just accidentally bumping Sarah
enough to start her eventual return to reality. "Still while I may not be ready for
him to flip me over, lift my skirt and pound me here/." With that Anne cups her
mound and proceeds to show off and get herself nearly off."There is still /there to
think about."
With that Anne proceeds to shake her ass provocatively as she waggled it at Alice.
So involved were they that they didn't notice that Sarah began to awaken as her
shudders slowed. The first thing she saw was Anne with her skirt flipped up and
rubbing her cheeks before spreading them just a bit. Suffice it to say that since
Sarah was quite impressionable at the time that her actions are rather obvious.
With little fanfare, Anne soon found herself leaning against the kneeling Sarah.
Alice watched amusedly as Sarah readily tried to please the girl that had broken and
shaped her so pleasurably. It was a bit odd though it looked interesting to see an
adult practically worshiping one of their bodies instead of their self centered
views of using them for their pleasure.

"Hmm that feels nice," Anne said as she relaxed into the machinations. "Now only if
our dear master was here to take advantage of the situation."
"Only you Anne," Alice said with a laugh. "You have a horny woman who is very
submissive licking and kissing your ass and you are thinking how perfect it would be
that Harry was here to slide in after she licked you until you were good and wet
enough to enter! Still I didn't get a go at her so we might as well play since she
seems so agreeable..."

"Most definitely," Anne purred as Sarah took advantage of the leaning to lick her
slit before adding some more stimulation to her. "Hmm good with fingers and tongue
though she seems a bit more fervent than before..."
Anne cut off in a moan as Sarah began to work at her folds while glued to her tongue
delved back and forth probing between her eager holes. With Sarah being distracting
trying to please the girl she imprinted on, Alice found no resistance as she checked
through the woman's possessions and found what she had there to be enlightening. She
had planned a simple night of a ritual and then the night long sex until they
couldn't move. With someone to share attention with they might not go as crazy as
Harry had warned them about. They were annoyed at first that he wouldn't be there to
go through the rush with them.
'Well we have a toy to play with so I guess this Halloween isn't so bad,' Alice
thought as she positioned herself. 'Still I know that Anne isn't going to let Harry
not take her hopefully by Christmas. It seems a given event given how that dream
went. Now to play with Sarah here and later I can try her tongue out when she isn't
buried inside Anne.'
With that the clearing devolved into gasps and grunts from Alice and Anne as they
played. Sarah would barely get to rouse from her addled state before dawn rose the
next morning. She would be sore and tender for a while and have a hard time holding
things or talking. They had an inside source to get at a ready stream of sacrifices
or if they played by the rules some toys to vary things out with.

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The three had made it unnoticed to the Tower and after answering the question made
their way inside. Thankfully none of their fellow housemates were in their common
room having gone to their rooms to finish eating and studying instead of just
sitting around like Gryffindors or Hufflepuffs. Hermione was recovered enough to
walk mostly on her own, but the ritual while empowering had left her feeling
somewhat lethargic as her body had adapted to the enhancements. Tonks was however a
different matter.

So it was that while Hermione was still holding onto Harry as they ascended the
stairs, that he was carrying the metamorphmagus as she snuggled sleepily against
him. In fact she was acting a little bit drunk in her levels of lowered inhibitions
and had let her hands wander while they walked and despite her conscious notions
didn't mind which of her saviors she was touching or more accurately groping.
When the three made it to his room he set the remarkably limp form of Nymphadora on
the bed. Hermione started to do some stretches as soon as she could to make sure
everything was alright as well as prevent the excess tension from building up. The
alteration to bone, ligaments, tendons and muscles required stretching to let them
settle nicely or she would have cramped muscles that would move stiffly for a while.
As a speed fighter that would be detrimental as while the ritual had increased her
strength she was used to reacting fast and the slowdown would be bad when they went

'Something I can look forward to more now,' Hermione thought as she went through her
stretches having shed most of her clothes to allow more movement.'I finally made my
first kill and despite what my younger self would believe Ido not feel sadden merely
content though if it will be the same with a human Idon't know yet even if I have
watched people die. How nice it is that physical activities seem almost as calming
as studying or meditation, because my temper has been harder to control than when I
was younger. Still there is no way that I will let those two boys get away with what
they did. Though their idiocy is not enough that I don't think harry or the others
would simply arrange an accident for them. Still we need to talk with Tonks anyways.
To think that an older girl would crumple like that after such a slight experience
is offsetting as I don't think that I am that experienced though Anne seems to be
able to take a Harry treatment more and for longer. Something else to work on I
suppose. To think that males here are even more dysfunctional than muggles seems
strange and that Tonks almost thought it was normal for wizards to demand from
witches below their supposed station. How medieval can this place truly be? Although
with there at first quaint appearance it might not be that startling on second
thought. A culture truly held in isolation and yet still must react and act with
outsiders. It would be interesting to study if they were not so dangerous.'

As Hermione went about her inner thoughts while stretching out the kinks in her
movements and in part hope to work her kinks in action later, Harry was going over
several diagnostic spells to see what he could ascertain from Tonks. He had been
tempted to catalog Hermione's exposure and the effects of increased rituals and
their energies on her state, but to get a decent baseline for first effect had not
been something that he had been certain of. Ambient exposure as well as other things
had precluded it. Besides there was something about Hermione which had led him not
to categorize her as a potential research subject instead a fellow researcher into
the Arts.
"Tonks?" Harry questioned as he tried to get her more cognizant. "Are you feeling
coherent yet?"
"Mrmble," Tonks sleepily said as she slowly moved about the bed. "Wha's id?"
"We still need to talk Ms. Tonks," Harry said somewhat coldly. "As much as Iwill
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grudgingly admit that your oath has eased some of my concerns there are other issues
to discuss. Although it is mostly explaining things enough so that you don't
investigate things, get yourself killed or worse get us exposed. Wizards are far
from tolerant of anything they don't understand. I find them far too much closed
minded as muggles as times."
"D' we 'av to, m'trd?" Tonks slurred as she curled further into the bed.
Harry sighed as he turned to glance at Hermione before looking back at Tonks. As
much as he would prefer to have simply removed all trace of their actions from the
scene and her mind there was a compulsion that he felt to include the woman. There
was something there and it was quite unlike his feelings and instincts as well as
reactions as Alice, Anne and Hermione pried their ways into his life, there was
something different there and while not feeling like the familial bond between the
two it did feel somewhat similar.
'Though given the odds of the interbreeding in this community is there really
achance that anyone who is not of direct muggle decent has some common ancestors?'
Harry thought as he slowly lowered his guard and started to draw Tonks out of her
sleepy cuddling. Far too much information is held by the families and given how
tight lipped most sources seem to be outside of those wholly inaccurate books, there
is a chance that most of what I need is hiding in plain sight. Now to get Tonks to
be coherent enough to answer some questions and then I can hope to ride out the rest
of the night. Man that experience is so making my libido harder to control.'
With that thought he began a subtle and slow series of movements that might seem
like the beginnings of a rather sensual massage. Harry had learned that while a
simple shower and stretches eased his mind into things there was the fact that
physical sensations and as loath as he was to play with just anyone that a good
quick euphoric rush helped. His own head having cleared from flying almost as much
as the morning wakeup head. Still it was amazing how many areas and ways one could
caress, stroke and kneed a person to make them relaxed without going for the major
nervous centers let alone the pleasure centers of the body.

So as Hermione continued stretching in just panties, Harry slowly worked the tension
out of Tonks who was relaxing into the experience. The slow movements teased the
senses and eased the muscles while allowing the slow burn to continue to linger and
again grow. Do to all of his previous situations Harry had in general not been the
aggressor at least initially with any of the girls. He had drilled into himself to
never be like the Dursley's and the only trait he would ever admit to sharing with
them was a tendency to make the most out of a situation. The ready access to
Hogsmeade instead of the hassle of owl orders would be useful as well as a different
view on things.

'Why is it that despite how much he tries to act the cold hearted that he still can
deep down care about people?' Hermione wondered as she started to move from simple
if sensual stretches to contortions that would make most gymnasts if not
contortionists green with envy. 'Despite all that he has done, he still has some
compassion for the less fortunate though if it was from their own stupidity he tends
to be less inclined to involve himself. Still that doesn't mean that he can't be
callous and cold when the situation calls for it, and now to deal with the issues of
how best to work with the situation. There is still the issue of how much to tell
though given the oath we have there is little worry about that. She can't tell
anyone, but there is a chance that she would work against his goals. Halloween of
all nights to have another girl here will only lead to complications. Last year was
hard enough not being able to do more than squirm after getting him to paddle me
until I glowed before the four of us went down on each other. Tonks might be fun
though and if she can make my finger feel that erect what else can she do. Still
despite our needs I don't want to be like those boys and pressure her to just use
her as a sex toy; although thankfully Harry at least is free with mouth and tongue
so no more all night session leaving sore fingers for me.'
The series of calisthenics and contortions led to several positions that Hermione
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planned to utilize in the coming or cuming years as the case may be. Letting her
mind drift as her body moved was something that helped her relax and she was
grateful that unlike the other houses the private rooms made looking for closets
only when one wanted the risk to be caught to excite. Her mind was well used to
multitasking from her earlier schooling and letting her body go on auto as her eyes
did likewise allowed her conscious mind more room to analyze and process. That she
had been fanatic about learning things to improve memory retention and retrieval had
led to a more than photographic recall. So as her mind went through scenarios, plans
and ideas, Hermione's eyes observed as parts of her mind watched, critiqued and
dissected both Harry's technique and how Tonks reacted. It would be useful later to
compare techniques especially now that she was cognizant enough to ask for more.
"A pity that you two need to stop long enough to get this talk out of the
way,"Hermione said as she walked over and sat down next to the still panting
Tonks."So what do you really want to know?"
The first thought was thankfully not voiced by Nymphadora or nothing except
pleasurable and pleasant activities would have occurred. The second one was at least
somewhat thought out and didn't involve her getting more than teased to awareness
and a rosy afterglow. There had been the realization that there would be time for
that later and no matter how easily they had turned her on that she would regret
giving them an inch or they would take a mile.

"Why?" Tonks said after forcing her more interesting thoughts down for a little
while she hoped. "Why do that to the troll and more importantly how?"

"Well the troll was there and we took an opportunity," Hermione said snuggling next
to her sweaty and disheveled form. "I guess your own issues were distracting enough
not to pay too much attention to why I was there..."
"Weasley and Malfoy," Harry said simply still easing his hands to soothe
Nymphadora's frazzled nerves. "How those two plan to get anywhere I do not know?
Ignorant impudent and irrational to the extremes are the least of their flaws."

"You forget that they are both bigots and misogynists," Hermione said with afrown.
"We need to find out if the vast majority of the so called Pure Blood males in
society are so... foolish in their motions."

"Kipling?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Hermione said with a nod as she lay on her side next to them with Harry
sitting on Tonks with his hands moving. "Where wizards get the notions they have I
have to wonder. Considering that Wizarding society goes before the Victorian it
seems odd that they would fixate on such a period."
"From what I have heard it follows to a simple thing," Harry said as Tonks let out a
moan as she writhed under his attention. "A longer life and slower need to adapt
allowed those in charge to pass on their notions for longer. Add that it is normally
those who would be old if not retired are the ones shaping things it makes sense.
Someone slowly worked in a strange set of values and from the looks of things it was
in the Dark Ages and so a feudal system continues to this day."
"Yes," Tonks said in agreement. "That is exactly right. What mum taught me about
"Tonks isn't an old name," Harry replied. "So I take it pure blood mother and half
blood, muggleborn or even muggle father as they reckon things?"
"Yes," Tonks said with a pout as his hands stopped for a moment. "Mum was aBlack
though so there are certain advantages even if it will be a pain to get apromotion
or advancement in the Ministry due to not being a Pureblood or having a suitably
available Head of House. How mum succeeded with being kicked out of the family I
don't know. Still there is more promotion for skill as an Auror than in the other
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areas. So why did you do what you did and I don't mean because it was an opportunity
and like a Slytherin you took it?"

The two shared a look before saying in unison, "Our Art."

"Hmm... it looked like a ritual of some sort," Tonks said with a frown. "You do
realize that any ritual dealing with blood is considered Dark by the Ministry and
carries a hefty fine and time in Azkaban?"
"Wow they make an entire branch of Art illegal for unfounded reasons," Harry said
rather sarcastically. "Can you believe that Hermione? The Ministry calls one of the
most useful and socially necessary branches of magic illegal. What next legislating
anyone who uses enhancement rituals as non humans?"
"Well," Tonks shuddered. "Some of the more ardent Pureblood want that though they
want to be grandfathered in."
"So Blood Magic and most rituals unless sanctioned by the Ministry are illegal,"
Hermione said with a frown. "That means most of the more complex and useful magics
leaving more and more charms and simple spells. No wonder there are so few experts
in the higher arts. Potions less studied than it should be and alchemy practically
relegated to old timers."

"Dumbledore worked with Flamel though," Harry said after a moment. "Why the twelve
uses for dragon's blood are considered new when it was a mere rediscovery is
disconcerting now isn't it?"

"Ministry and other idiocies destroying information," Hermione said with a fire in
her eyes. "All it does is leave the people less prepared for things and it will lead
to a magical Dark Age as wizards and witches become more sedate and slow witted!
That the muggles are noticing real ghosts again and the like is an indicator to how
things are going..."

"You don't think..." Harry begins to say trailing off as the implications sink in.
"Considering their prejudices it is likely anything that is a rare ability will be
vilified and declared dark. Our art is most likely one of those covered..."

"What is your art anyways?" Tonks asked through the renewed haze of pleasure.

"Do you really want to know Tonks?" Hermione said as she let her hands wander to
join Harry's in their actions.
"Yes," Nymphadora said with a shudder.
"Well since you really want to know," Harry said with a shudder causing whisper. "I
might as well tell you as long as you don't panic..."

"Promise us that you won't panic," Hermione said as she caressed Tonk's face."You
can do that for us can't you?"

"Yes," Nymphadora practically purred. "I won't panic just keep doing that..."
"Well since you promised," Hermione purred as she trailed her caresses down her
sides. "We might as well tell you..."
"Our Art is quite powerful though it can seem callous at times," Harry said as he
worked at the small of her back. "It grants us a rather significant physical and
magical enhancement and that is just a side effect."
"There is the ways to gain knowledge and our allies to consider," Hermione said
having slid her hands under to knead at Nymphadora's taunt mounds. "To think all of
that for such a low price..."

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"Of Sacrifice," Harry said causing a shudder to flow through her rubbing her against
him. "A bit of blood is all it really requires. Life is a balance after all. So it
goes without saying that sometimes things need to die for others to live and
sometimes death happens without reason."
"It isn't really about death but life," Hermione said with her hands worked under
Nymphadora's shirt. "It is such a misnomer really."
"Still the more memorable aspects do deal with death," Harry added as his hands
finally reached to massage her perky butt. "To bring rest to the restless and motion
to the motionless is at times a burden, but it is so worth it. Think about it call
on ghosts for information or call the very forces of the dead to fight for you.
Though I feel there is just something about the name... Necromancy. It just gives a
happy feeling."
"You are saying that the two of you are Necromancers," Tonks said through the
teasing and touching the two were doing. "There hasn't been one in a while at least
in Britain. Oddly enough my mother's family, the Blacks, used to have quite a few
necromancers in the family. There was even a preference for anecromancer to become
Head of the Family regardless of line of succession."
"Black did you say?" Harry asked as something came to him. "Now where did Ihear that
"Not from most of the teachers," Hermione said with a frown. "It was in the books
about you though. Your godfather was Sirius Black, scion of the Noble and Ancient
House of Black, who despite and in spite of the family was sorted to Gryffindor
instead of Slytherin. He was disowned at least in some ways. According to that book
he was your parents Secret Keeper and revealed them to the self stylized as a Dark
Lord. It seems odd though..."
"Yes if my parents trusted him enough for that responsibility it makes little
sense," Harry said with a frown. "The name is familiar for another reason though
what was it?"
"I remember!" Nymphadora shouted in glee and pleasure. "Your grandmother was

"So since Sirius Black is either dead or in prison and as scion was next Head there
are more complications," Harry said with a feral grin. "If I recall if agodparent
dies without issue, their assets pass to their godchild. As for another family
member contesting there is a blood connection and the trump..."
"So our dear future Lord Black what do you plan to do with this
information?"Hermione asked. "More resources will make things even easier."
"You forget that it might make staying completely out from either the Ministries or
the Headmasters control more likely," Harry said with a smirk as Tonk's began to
shudder again. "I trust neither of them given the evidence that I have gathered.
Someone interfered in placing me there and made sure that any attempts by the muggle
authorities ended without change. Later information extraction revealed memory
charms and a piss poor attempt to sterilize the records as only the paper copies
were dealt with, but as the witnesses had no memories of what they witnessed the
cases were buried."
"Who would do that?" Nymphadora questioned while falling further and further under
their caresses. "It doesn't make any sense..."
"I suspect that whoever it was wouldn't believe that those people could act like
that," Harry said as he finally finished working down and then back up her legs to
massage her ass. "My main suspect is our beloved Headmaster as he likely did so
thinking that family wouldn't do that as it is anathema to do such in Wizarding
culture. He did likely wish to keep me from the threat of whichever Death Eaters
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managed to worm their way out of Azkaban. Sadly things could have been worse however
since getting those things settled requires going to Gringott's that merely means
that we will have to go during the Hols."
"Your thinking of taking her with you?" Hermione asked as she worked Tonks front as
Harry kept working on her behind. "So what little plan do you have in place now? I
can tell that you are thinking of something and it has to do with the practically
mewling witch between us..."
"A new Head could reinstate her mother and acknowledge the marriage thus freeing the
more restrictions from Tonks future," Harry said with a smirk. "Now while Nymphadora
here would be quite happy and it would give us a favorable connection that doesn't
mean that we would use it or her with so little regard."
"You are definitely becoming less of a callous and cold man," Hermione said as her
fingers moved to check on a suspicion. "We have a randy witch almost begging for
some fun and you actually are likely to not go cold shoulder on her."
"Well it is that time of the year," Harry said in explanation. "Although you have
helped me realize that all work and no play makes me cranky and unable to focus."
"True," Hermione said with a smirk as she caused Tonks to gasp before leaning close
and whispering in a purr, "So how far are you willing to go? We wouldn't want to be
like those prats now would we?"
'How could these two be anything like them,' Tonks thought in confusion as she felt
Harry ease up enough to form coherent thoughts. 'The prats would be more concerned
with how they can use me to feel better than how I feel. Considering that I have
gotten off more times so far than I have in a week, I feel a little more likely to
indulge in well... practically anything they want. Besides what upset me wasn't that
they wanted me to shift, but that they didn't care if Igot anything out of it. I'm a
teenager I want to experiment! Just means that those boys are never getting a date
let alone anything more. I want to try things with both of them and despite kissing
practice never had the same... umph as this. The thing is would they think badly or
would they accept me?'
As Nymphadora was struggling to answer as questions on how they would react to her
sudden decrease in inhibitions due to the heightened levels of trust and lust, Harry
and Hermione were trying to find a way not to simply tear all of their clothes off
and rut like wild animals. Harry himself had started to slowly grind against Dora's
perky rear while Hermione was trying to not shove her fingers to far into her as she
rubbed her soaked panties against Tonk's leg.

"Well it feels like your rear is rather relaxed," Harry said with a shudder as his
arousal slid between her covered cheeks. "Still it wouldn't do not to be thorough
and only massage one side completely. Hermione do you mind helping me turn our new
friend over?"
"Not at all Harry," Hermione purred as her hands found a good purchase to coax her
over. "It is hard to reach anything with her lying on her stomach so. It might have
been easier if she was partially inclined..."
"Next time," Harry chided as he ran his hands around her hips and waist while
sliding along her thrusting ass. "You do want us to continue don't you?"
"Yes!" Tonks shouted as Hermione's hands tweaked in rhythm.
"Well that sounds like agreement to me," Hermione said as she reluctantly withdrew
her hands. "Come on Harry let's give her a spin."
With that a quick spin had Tonks on her back with Harry seated with her legs to
either side of him while her head was resting against Hermione's panties. Harry
reached over her and gently worked his way down while this time Hermione went for
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the sensual massaging while his went towards the more sexual. Hermione caressed her
rapidly cycling hair and flushed face as Harry worked down her body. His hands
teased towards the exposed flesh of her breasts as Hermione's actions had left her
unbuttoned and bared.
Tonks for that matter was too out of it to notice that her head was wet from where
it was rubbing against the moist and quickly becoming transparent panties. All she
was aware of was Harry's hands and the sensations rushing and cascading through her
body. She felt a throbbing as he passed around her tits teasing the sensitized skin
near them but easing away as her panting increased. In her attempt to get more
attention to them, Nymphadora started to buck against him. This had the added effect
of grinding her head into Hermione's sopping sex.

Shuddering in a definitive climax, Dora was able to sigh at the contentment she was
awash in before a moan of loss as his hands moved away. As he started to add lips to
where fingers were before her sight was obscured as Hermione leaned over to add her
own lips and tongue to the teasing. With her distracted with Hermione's added
attention, Harry began to caress his way down trailing kisses from between her
swelling succulent shining and flushed feminine arousal forecasters.

Harry was having fun and putting all the experimental experience he had gained from
the girls in his life to work on exploring each and every area to find her new sweet
spots. It was nice to indulge in some heavy make out sessions without the worry of
being interrupted or as he still dreaded Anne waking him with his dick chaffed from
being impaled inside as unprepared hole. He may heal fast but having the skin almost
sanded off was a major off put to her incessant desire for him to bugger her if he
wasn't ready to shag them like the randy ladies they were.

'The odds of me making it through Christmas without either finding myself being
given a virgin pussy or ass is getting lower,' Harry thought as he approached the
only part of her unexposed body. 'I know that by next Halloween that Iwould be
unable to keep even this low of a level of control. Sex is rather enjoyable. No to
be blunt with myself it would be as the Red Headed Simpleton would say, 'Bloody
Brilliant!' Still as much as I enjoy it I know if I let myself get carried away that
while I would damn well love my life, I would not love myself as I would have put my
ambition, drive and goal on hiatus. If only they would wait a bit and just be
satisfied with some head!'

Stopping with his hands teasing the edges of her soaked and clinging panties, Harry
turned to look at Tonk's flush face partially obscured by Hermione's hair cascading
to tease Tonk's chest. It was a sight that the other boys that had bothered her
would almost give a hand to see. Part of him wanted to just pull her panties off and
see if he could drive her completely out of conscious thought.

"Tonks," Harry called her name to get her attention. "Do or die moment here. So mind
if I get a taste since you seem so excited?"

Tonks merely blinked in confusion. Someone was saying something to her, but it was
hard to focus around the growing throbbing in her chest and belly. Seeing that she
wasn't able to focus, Hermione smirked around the nipple she was teasing and went to
work. With a sudden cry Tonk's came as she felt a sudden sting and twist to her
Letting go of the shuddering woman's throbbing nipple Hermione asked, "Lovely Dora,
mind if Harry tastes you? He makes a point of it in the morning though normally I
get to him first and he has to wait for his breakfast while I savor mine."
It took a few moments for her mind to process what had just happened and then what
had been asked. Despite the fact that Wizards allowed women into societal positions
before the mundane that didn't mean that the society was as progressive and was
oddly Victorian in its mores which was at odds with its past. Now while Dora was
raised mixed there had been the fact that her mother was a pure blood and thus
unfortunately passed some of the conventions she had been raised under. It as normal
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for a girl to go down on a guy, but sadly the reverse was as rare as an open in
their world. The patriarchy was still there though wither it was worse than the
matriarchy had been and still was in other parts of the world was yet to be seen.
In the end it was one thought that would influence things. One moment of tossing the
general notions to the side would allow a radical shift. She had snogged before and
even let hands wander in a broom cupboard, but that was after a somewhat lengthy
period of time and it had never gotten to beyond being felt up as it were.
'If this so far feels this good,' she thought with a shudder of anticipation,'what
will it be like if there is more?'

"Please," Dora moaned as she felt his breath through her sodden panties."More."
With that finally settled, Harry went to work and slid her panties out of his way.
Skillful fingers and tongue worked at and around her sex. There was ateasing and
testing as her pulse raced and she shuddered again and again as Harry went about his
task with the same intensity as he would anywhere else. As he did so Hermione was
not idle and was working her lips, neck and tits over in a duet with Harry as each
tried to find a new trick and point to get her off harder and faster.
Finally after being left panting completely divested of clothing and flushed with
afterglow, Tonks was trying to catch her breath as the two had calmed abit to let
her recuperate. With much mutual kissing Harry worked his way back to sitting next
to Hermione at her head. They both worked to ease Tonks over her first romp with
them or at least the mostly foreplay part.

"Well Dora," Hermione said with a smirk as she ran her hands through the tussled and
cycling hair. "You don't mind if we call you that our Adorable Dora... now do you?"
Nymphadora Tonks was content and wouldn't mind what they called her even if it was
degrading at this point. She had at first had a minor trepidation of what would
happen even though she had orgasmed under stress before being carried to his bed. So
completely feeling mellow, the now christened Dora merely nodded which rubbed her
head against Hermione ever so tantalizingly.
"Great," Hermione said with a grin. "Now Harry has done a very good job in making
you feel very good. So you really don't think it's fair that while you got off
several times as a matter of fact that he just sits there with his balls aching now
do you?"
Explained like that it did seem she had been rather selfish though given Harry's
enthusiasm he had enjoyed making her cum. Some of the things she had promised to do
while his tongue was in play suddenly hit her. Causing her eyes to widen and she
licked her lips.
"Now while neither of us plan on prying to see how experienced you are," Harry said
looking at the girl he had just spent what had been a rather enjoyable time tasting.
"It would be nice to know if you plan on anything more or if you are going to just
lay there like a limp noodle while Hermione gets to enjoy all the attention you
worked up..."
"Either way works," Hermione said with a shrug. "Even if you said you would blow him
as well as see how far you could swallow him before letting him fuck those alterable
titties before spurting on them, that does not mean that Iwould be left out and
instead will get to get a repast from the source instead licking and sucking your
cum covered tits."
"My my my," Harry chided with a husky voice. "It seems our newest playmate likes it
when you talk dirty to her. She started dripping again when you described what
should happen. So Dora, are you a big girl or are you going to let an ickle firstie
beat you? Although I have to admit that Hermione is one kinky witch and if you
couldn't tell is as focused on pleasurable research as she is on schoolwork...."
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A long moment passed as her eyes drifted to his readiness and then to Hermione's
licking lips. Decisions, decisions, it was just so hard to decide. Considering the
fact that she had barely managed to make it through the day without one of the males
that now lobbed her into the even if she denies it she is a slut and can't say no
mindset from having grabbed her and disarmed her before forcing her to have them not
just demand a blow but fuck her face without a concern, is it any wonder that the
notion that she had a choice to wither she would lick his dick before some more
sexual things happened was daunting.

In the end she merely nodded and turned her head towards his lap. With practiced
ease Hermione fished him out and Tonks just stared at him. He was while not overly
developed a good deal more physically defined than most of the male population short
of the older Quidditch players. In fact she stared so long that Hermione had started
to slowly stroke him in front of her.
"Well time waits for no one," Hermione said before winking at her and twisting so
that she could reach his cock. "It would be a shame to waste a perfectly good hard
on like that."

So Tonks watched as Hermione contorted to kiss Harry's cock while her hand stroked
it. She saw as Hermione trailed kisses and demonstrated a variety of ways to use her
mouth and tongue to Harry's obvious enjoyment given his verbal moans and his bodies
shuddering. Wide eyed accessing as Hermione went from just teasing his head before
slowly swallowing him.

Backing off to observe the aroused Witch, Hermione smiled before asking, "Now didn't
that look like fun want a try? After that we can mix and match..."

With Dora nodding her head, Hermione moved so that Harry was within range of Dora's
mouth while working around so that both would be able to reach him. It had been
something she had planned to try instead of tag teaming and it would be interesting
to see what three could do though she would settle for two now. For a moment
Hermione pondered what she wanted to do later after Harry got some relief and for
her turn.
'Hmm,' Hermione thought as she watched Dora take her first attempts to suck Harry's
dick. "I don't want to overexert Harry's tongue so maybe have Dora see if she can
eat my pussy after she has sucked and tit fucked him. A shame that Iknow that if
Harry slides his dick into one of us that the rest will be upset until he does the
same. Though with her being two years older than me she is less likely to have the
issues of being torn up. Anne still doesn't get why he doesn't just do more than
slide his meat between lips or cheeks. If he can't get three fingers in then we
would be reamed too much and would need potions or worse medical help. If it
happened in the muggle world we would be in trouble unless we wait off for another
few years. A good thing that the Wizarding laws were never updated so Harry is at
the bare edge of legal and if we keep things undercover no one will know.'
In the mean time she whispered to them whenever she didn't have her mouth full and
was enjoying the shuddering her words caused both of them. So cataloging which words
and phrases made them hotter, Hermione worked through several notions and found it
odd that what Dora had feared also turned her on something fierce. Still she had her
voyeuristic fantasies as well though the threat of being found especially when he
eventually started shagging and given Anne's enthusiasm buggering them until they
were raw and sore.
'The side effects of the enhanced body would allow for more extremes in sensations
without being overwhelmed,' Hermione thought as she smirked as Dora was slowly
working her way down. 'Wonder why she doesn't alter her throat to accommodate? Ah
well given Harry's balls are tightening in my mouth it is best to ease off as I want
to see him rut between her breasts... considering I want to try that after a good
session of spanking and grinding before spraying my reddened ass, I might as well
see how it looks.'
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To distract Dora, Hermione quickly darts her hand to her sopping slit and stimulates
her to cause her to let him pop out of her mouth to shriek at the sudden orgasm.
Hermione simply smiled at Harry as he had slowly started to thrust upward as they
had been trying to get him down her throat. It was nice to see him throbbing like
that and the break would let him ease into a rhythm.

With an almost drunken stumble, Dora had crawled over Harry's now sprawled body and
proceeded to continue where she left off. With a wet pop she let him slide out of
her mouth before focusing for a moment. While she was new to people knowing she
could change that did not mean that she hadn't tried to change the parts she had
been apprehensive about. So while at fourteen she had enough curves to be eye
catching, Dora decided to add a bit more as Hermione was an early bloomer.

So Dora wrapped her tits around his wet cock and proceeded to bring him again to the
edge. Hermione looked on at the look of concentration and pleasure mixed on his face
as Dora slowly shifted into what could be described as a walking wet dream. There
had been minor shifts to draw attention to areas where she had been aroused by being
fondled to get more attention there, but this was more exaggerated as her curves
became more defined while her waist thinned as her hair lengthened for a second use.
Fitting her head to reach his dick as it slid so the head protruded from her
breasts, she took the head into her mouth and swirled her tongue around tasting it
while trying to inhale him from the obvious outline her cheeks made from the
suction. She continued oblivious to Hermione watching them with her hands distending
her soaked panties. She had when first seeing them wondered why they said Cute Cat
on the waistband. If she had been able to think about it as busy as she was then she
would have noticed the other phrase on the back, Kinky Kitten.

Hermione shuddered watching them as Dora leaned back and let him pop loose. Her eyes
were on the bobbing and twitching form of her favorite sucker as it spurted onto the
almost impossibly expanded mounds. She licked her lips as she waited for Harry to
lie back so she could join in. As soon as that happened, Hermione crawled between
them to quickly give Harry a lick clean before turning to the panting and glazed
With herself seated in Dora's lap, Hermione proceeded to kiss and lick her clean
much to Harry's enjoyment. So Harry simply reclined watching the entertainment of
Dora shuddering and shivering from the attention paid to her cum sprayed tits as
soaked panties rubbed against her own wetness.
'And I wondered why it was so difficult to not agree with girls,' Harry thought as
he licked his lips at the sight before him. 'This will make mornings and evenings
more spontaneous. Still with more of them there is a greater chance that I will end
up exhausted and dehydrated more often and sore in new ways. Iget a feeling I know
what will be the girls' Christmas present.'

Scooting away from her with a come hither look, Hermione reclined with her hand
tracing her almost completely as good as painted on panties. With a pout Dora
followed after as she wondered why the warmth moved away.

"Now delicious Dora," Hermione purred as she watched the personification of sex
crawl to between her legs. "We have been very good hosts, yes? So why haven't you
been a good guest and helped both of your hosts out..."
It took peeling her panties off and tugging them out of her twitching lips, but
Hermione got the point across and Dora got her face close enough to get a good
sniff. Warring with herself as she had already gone down on Harry and him on her
while Hermione had practically dry humped her while bring her off several times
while cleaning her cum splattered chest off, it started with a tentative lick before
being urged on.
Harry eyed the elevated ass that practically wagged side to side as she started to
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eat Hermione out. Seeing Hermione of all people using a girl's hair as aharness to
maneuver her while whispering what she liked in more and more explicit and foul
language was wearing on his resolve. Watching someone who played at being the
perfect school girl and role model swearing and saying degrading things while
commenting on how Dora likes to be treated since she was moaning so much into her
sopping slit as she tried to stretch her poor tight little twat with her eager
Harry would admit that at times he tried to over control his emotions and actions.
Now while it is possible for a man to turn down sex even if there is not the sense
of impending doom there was a limit. With shaking hands Harry crawled behind Dora's
upturned rear and decided to shock her a bit. So there he was kneeling behind her
swaying ass moving like a cat that was lapping some cream with his dick dangling
beneath and almost touching her slick slit. He barely managed to stifle a groan as
drips of her juices fell on his over eager arousal.
Slowly Harry raised his hand up and with a sudden movement spanked Dora hard. The
sudden shift lowered her slit to rub along his length while forcing her head deeper
into Hermione's sex. The muffled scream caused the tongue and mouth to almost
"Fuck!" Hermione shouted as she almost crushed Dora's head between her hand and sex.
"Do it again Harry! Her scream made me squirt!"
"Whatever you say Hermione," Harry said as he started sliding along her slit causing
her to moan into 'Mione's muff before kneading her round ass before beginning to
spank it in earnest. "She really seems to like that though you know that turnabout
will be fair play..."

"Of... course," Hermione moaned out as she practically fucked Dora's tongue. "You
can spank my ass while I get to eat her and we can alternate with whoever isn't
blowing you as well..."

"So you really like a good spanking?" Harry asked while giving her a thoughtful
look. "Wonder what other like games we can play..."
"Considering I seem to be almost hot enough to try everything and anything,"Hermione
trailed off with a shriek.

"Need to get someone to get us some toys than," Harry murmured as the visuals almost
made him shoot against Dora's silky smooth and taunt stomach.
"Now I think a bit more attention for our guest is in order," Hermione said with a
grin. "She has been a very good guest now and it would be rude not to ease
"So think you might like trying this position?" Harry asked as he felt his cock rub
Dora's slit and run over her exposed clit.

"If you remember to not be as soft with me," Hermione said before a slap was heard.
"Hmm seems Dora doesn't mind spanking at all."
With a grin the group moved about and Hermione got clit fucked while getting her
first direct taste at Dora. She knew that she would be stiff in the chairs in the
morning but it would be worth it. they slowly began to settle down into a mix of
oral, heavy petting and non penetrative fucking with a ready application of smacks
to the girls' reddened asses. Dora passed out as Hermione went for one last ball
draining blow of Harry who was dozing with Dora's still expanded tits as a pillow.
As all that had happened, none of them noticed the slight hum in Harry's magic or
the inaudible sounds of a different girl, no woman with the voice being too mature
and husky for that, shrieking as if experiencing a mix of their encounters. In an
empty limbo a redhead sex goddess shuddered as the blinding white light pulsed
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stronger around her. The lights reflected off the sheen of sweat and the copious
amounts of arousal dribbling down her legs. Her existence had been so much better
after the black light faded. She was glad that she was forgetting how much pain
those eternities had been. It reminded her of when she had almost crushed that dark
haired man's hand when she had been in so much pain. When that pain had ended though
there had been such a feeling of elation at the small form before her. A name for
the feeling came to her... Harry. Though she wasn't sure who that was exactly though
the name resounded with the white light.
'Whoever you are Harry,' she thought shuddering again as her voice screamed in
pleasure. "I will thank you when I see you...'

Things were not going as anyone had planned. Harry was not the golden boy of
Gryffindor and it left several major players confused in how to react. In his room,
Quentin Quirrell was placating his master on how dismal his troll had done in
distracting the rest of the staff from the stone. If there were as few students here
over the Holidays it would be an even better time to act as the Ministry was going
to be once more taking Dumbledore's time for social occasions. Yes Christmas would
be a good opportunity and with the likelihood that the Boy-Who-Lived would not be
here than there would be less attention paid to his movements.
As for the well meaning if hopelessly naive Headmaster well he was trying to see how
things would work out. The stone was safer here than Gringott's since no one could
enter without his invitation something the goblins could not provide. It was at
times like this he had wished things had gone so different so long ago. Why couldn't
his friend have understood that force never really fixed things it merely made one
new enemies. It was strange though that the portraits as well as the ghosts seemed
rather reluctant to inform him of small groups' activities. How could one boy no
matter how interesting affect them when it took almost a serious threat to cow them
Meanwhile two troublesome nemesis slept on unknowing the hell they had unleashed
upon themselves. One Gryffindor the epitome of pureblooded Light prejudice while the
other was a Slytherin the epitome of a dark Pureblood aristocrat with all of those
flaws. While the redhead was accustomed to the Twins pranks they were never truly
mortally emotionally mortifying. By the time the lovers were done venting their rage
at them, Ronald Weasley would wish his mother was the one punishing him as it would
have been at least less unpleasant. As for Draco Malfoy he unknowingly in his
arrogance would cost himself and his father everything.


Harry, why is a unicorn following you?" Hannah asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Harry said with irritation as the unicorn nuzzled
him affectionately. 'Maybe I should have let Riddle eat it,' he thought. 'Nah even
something this affectionate and cute doesn't deserve that.'
"But they only like virgin girls?" Susan asked in confusion.
"I know," Harry said with a sigh. "Still follows me though."
"I don't get it either," Hermione said as she wondered why it was following him as
well. "Still she is willing to donate some rare ingredients and this way there are
no problems."
"She," Harry said with a look of dread on his face. "I should have known..."
"It's not like your collecting strays or anything," Susan said before he gave her a

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"They just seem to follow me home," Harry said while blinking confusedly. "Then when
they feel better they act like I need all the help I can get. How... strange."

"Mr. Potter," McGonagall began before trailing off, "Is that a Unicorn?"

"Yes," Harry admitted with his head hung down. "Don't ask why it is following me as
I don't understand it either."

"Creatures from the Forbidden Forest are not allowed in the school," Snape drawled
as he appeared. "Fifty points from Ravenclaw."

The unicorn took one look at the man and aimed its horn at him.
"That probably wasn't the best of ideas," Harry said sagely as he looked at the man.
"Most definitely."

With that the unicorn willingly left Harry's side and tried to impale the evil man
that threatened him.
"Severus," McGonagall said as she watched in shock. "Stop antagonizing the Unicorn."
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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 7: Wakeups, Warnings and Welcomes
by SamStone 7 Reviews

The lovers wake, a warning to protect and a downward spiral starts

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Andromeda Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008/06/14 -
Updated: 2008/06/14 - 20478 words
Chapter 7: Wakeups, Warnings and Welcomes
It’s not about death… it’s about life – Alice Rose Clawson to Anne Marie Roberts on
the subject of Necromancy.

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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer

Mornings come far too quickly and in the case of the inhabitants of the current room
it came with certain problems. Tonks was groggy and she noticed that she felt sore
but good… very good actually. Then there was the warmth that was pressed around her.
With a startled moment her eyes popped open at the movement around her. She looked
dumbfounded as one of the firsties she recalled meeting before was bobbing her head
on a guy as well as the fact the guy was reclined using her tits as a pillow.
‘Alright,’ Tonks thought. ‘What the hell happened last night? Why am I naked with a
guy a cute one at that who is a few years younger than me lying on my chest? And
more importantly why is he being blown while he is on top of me and is that a finger
teasing me?’
Yes this was a very strange way to wake up for Nymphadora and coupled with the lack
of sleep due to other activities had not been overly aware of things. The lethargy
resulting from the acrobatics as well as excessive morphs had left her fairly
exhausted and while the night had been long her sleeping had been more rewarding
than normal.
“’mine,” Harry groaned out. “Who would have ever thought that you would go from such
a shy little thing to such a kinky kitten?”
Letting him pop out of her mouth Hermione replied, “You know what they say about us
quite ones. Besides you seem to bring the kink out and like my panties say I’m a
kinky kitten…”

‘Ok let’s see what I did last night,’ Tonks thought in dread trying to act still
asleep though with the continued stimulation that would be difficult. ‘Went and
cried in the loo because some boys found I could shift and started asking and the
like, I saw a troll killed before my eyes by an ickle firstie, I licked said
firstie’s fingers like some slut and came from it, I got off another time and was
carried to Harry ‘Bloody’ Potter’s room where the two engaged with each other as
well as myself in kinky sexual things but didn’t get proper shagged or buggered
though it was damn close, and now I spent the time after I passed out as his pillow
with his head nestled between my tits. To top all that off the girl I kissed,
sucked, fondled and more is currently going down on him while trying to tease me to
cum awake. Yes this is definitely not what I thought would happen yesterday. I was
afraid some of the boys would get me and be passed around like a few stories say
they do. But I liked it I really liked what they did with me and to me last night. I
probably wouldn’t feel as disgusted if he was a year older…’
“Hermione,” Harry shuddered out. “Are you trying to break what little restraints I

“Wha?” Hermione said letting him loose with an audible pop. “I have needs too you
know and I do like doing this, but you know and I know that we will eventually want
“Look at me and tell me you think you would be in any condition to be seen after
either of those things,” Harry said with a sigh. “This is a boarding school and the
gossip here while I don’t care about it personally would try to cause us too much
trouble that we would have to spend far too much time stomping out.”
“I am not the only one making plans for Christmas already,” Hermione said with a
smirk. “Though I wonder what your pillow will say and want by then…”
“We could always ask her,” Harry proposed, “Although I think a pleasant wake up
would help her deal with things…”
“Well let me get a snack and then we can both work on her,” Hermione said before
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diving back in.
“Sounds gooood,” Harry said as he bucked up into her mouth.
As Tonks listened to this she contemplated letting them know she was awake or let
them wake her up. So lost in that debate she didn’t notice when they two moved
around her. Harry had barely disturbed any air as he moved from her to hug Hermione
who was still teasing her. The two had looked at each other and noticing Tonks was
not really there Harry whispered a plan to Hermione. Nodding her head she made her
way up while Harry replaced Hermione in teasing Tonks awake.
Gently crawling to straddle Tonks, Hermione started to play with the aroused nipples
that were still hot from their shared body heat. It was a shame that she was unable
to use her mouth but that would ruin the surprise for Dora when she got her wakeup
kiss. She could feel Harry seated between Dora’s legs and the teasing way that he
was slowly building the girl up was felt between her legs as Dora moved beneath her.
It was so tempting to slide back enough to where they were touching and let him work
both of them over.
‘Perhaps we can do that later,’ Hermione thought as she started to tease and tweak
Dora more. ‘I can see why Alice likes playing with Anne so much now. It is so much
fun to see the expressions on their faces. Though I will admit that Alice can be
such a demanding bitch at times, she is still family and if it wasn’t for the fact
that she was so determined I would doubt we were related considering how non-bushy
her hair is. I guess there is some jealousy there but considering that I do get
Harry alone for most of this year I think she is being far too calm. I know what
Anne plans to do over Christmas and considering how good such explorations have been
so far I wonder if it will feel as good as she described. A shame that even with all
the play I am a hair to tight though I plan to stay that way.’
Harry meanwhile was doing his best to work Dora up with his part of the assault on
her erogenous zones. Soon enough given her panting and other responses, she would be
definitely awake though given her heart beat and other signs he wondered if she was
faking being asleep so that there would be no reason to regret the two working her
to cum awake.
‘I just don’t get girls some times,’ Harry thought as he teased closer to the moist
seeping slit in front of him. ‘Why can’t most of them be honest with themselves
about things though I know most guys lie to themselves to feel better as well it
seems an institution these turn of words and actions. Still Dora here is really
getting into things and I fear that as she is older that I will get jumped in quick
order and despite my constantly using my concern for the girls damaging themselves
by sex either too young or unprepared I am starting to feel the need for more than
just a hand job or head. Anne almost got me that day and if Alice had been sitting
on my face I wouldn’t have known before I was inside her. Still adding a cute older
girl is nice as it will bring variety and a way to get things relatively quick from
Hogsmeade without the risks of Owl post and there is the fact that by the time we go
we will likely have a Prefect in our control. Hermione was hinting that if given the
chance we should get someone to use to keep our activities under wraps. Ah well it
is morning and since Hermione got a snack I should be getting my pre breakfast snack
Tonks was laying there trying to act like she was asleep while a dripping wet girl
was fondling her tits with a rather talented boy between her legs. She could feel
Hermione’s wetness sliding along her skin as the girl moved on her while Harry was
slowing in his teasing and working her up faster. She felt an odd change in his
breathing and then snap.
“Fuck!” Dora screamed as she woke up clutching around his fingers with his lips
attached to her throbbing clit. “Morgana’s tits you’re making me feel so good!”
Hermione shifted to kiss Dora silent. Drawing a muffle of protest before she felt
the mouth pressed to hers open as a tongue darted into her mouth. Dora bucked with
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Hermione clamping her thighs around her as Harry kept his actions keeping her from
coming down. So shocked at her body’s response Dora did not at first notice more
about the tongue tasting her mouth as she merely thought there was some slightly
thicker saliva being painted into her mouth. By the time her mind could string
together what was happening she was arching up again and swallowed reflexively.
The cycle repeated as Hermione slowly slid lower until their sexes were joined and
Harry was licking both of them enthusiastically. He continued to lick at the two
until they broke their kiss and started to whimper. Overstimulation was never a good
thing. Besides Harry was in need of some relief again and it would be bad to leave
him worked up too long or things would get sore.
Resting her head on Dora’s panting and throbbing tits, Hermione sighed as she was
getting her breath back before turning her head and saying, “Harry I think we are
ready now…”
“Huh,” Dora managed to say before she shuddered at something poking at the space
between their liquid mixing mounds. “What are you up to now?”

“Just a bit more exercise than just my tongue and fingers Dora dear,” Harry said as
he slid between their slits. “Considering how tender you have been moving your jaw I
don’t think you would like me to get some relief that way.”

“You mean the fact that I have been massaging her mouth with my tongue and she still
barely winced when her climax washed any pain out,” Hermione said from where she
rested with her head happily supported. “What Harry means is that if he tried to
fuck your face you would barely be able to talk let alone cast a spell through
classes today.”

“How are you able to think clearly with him doing that?” Dora asked after clenching
him as he slid between both of their lips. “I have had trouble forming a string of
thoughts without being distracted all morning!”

“Practice,” Hermione answered as he started to thrust faster smacking into her still
slightly red ass. “Lots and lots of practice though it is so fun practicing…”
“And as they say practice makes perfect,” Harry said as he gripped Hermione’s hips
as she clamped down on Dora. “Besides it relieves stress and makes it easier to
think in class.”

“There is also the fact that in addition to our thirst for knowledge we have a
thirst for fun,” Hermione said with a shudder. “To think we started trading favors
as part of our competition…”

“Competition,” Dora said before howling when a twist in a thrust rubbed her just
right. “If it is anything like this I can see why…”
“Silly Dora,” Hermione said whispering into her ear. “As much fun as it is competing
to see who can get who off quicker, faster and longer, lately it has been a contest
of who can get Harry to go how far. At the moment none of us have gotten him to shag
us silly, but you seem to want it as well don’t you pet?”
“Yes,” Dora moaned as Hermione started to ask more and more depraved things.
Hermione whispered into her ear every single dirty thing she could think of and with
the way she had pilfered everything on a subject this was a lot. Due to the fact
that Hermione had gone into her sexual education with as much enthusiasm as possible
she had managed to find most of the common books on the subject though with the way
that the others as reluctantly as she had admitted at the time herself had responded
to Harry there had been a few less common books.
‘It is a shame that we would need an adult to get some of the more educational
books,’ Hermione mussed as she smirked as she worked every single kink she could
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think of to see which would get Dora more bothered. ‘Still there is enough
information to peg how Dora will fit in. she is responding so well to dirty talk,
name calling and some of the less vanilla notions. A nice common interest in
spanking considering how she reacted last night speaking of which…’
Hermione smirked and turned her head from Dora’s ear though her ear was close enough
to hear the string of delicious obscenities flowing from the Metamorphmagus’s lips
and shuddered under the gaze that bore into her when she met Harry’s eyes. Hoping
that he would get the point she waggled and thrust her ass at him. Frowning at the
smirk on his face she knew that he was ignoring her non-vocal request because he
wanted to both hear her beg and see how it affected Dora.
“Please don’t make me beg Harry?” Hermione pleaded trying to sound meek. “Just do
it, please?”
“I don’t know what you mean Hermione,” Harry answered with a smirk. “Here I am
fucking two women’s clits and you act like there is something more you want.
Whatever could you want at a time like this?”

“Making me beg while sliding your cock between two sopping wet slut’s slits makes
you want to cum all over us doesn’t it?” Hermione asked as she started to grind
herself into Dora’s twitching twat whenever she could. “Please master? Spank your
slave slut’s eager ass again! Show this eager little bitch who her master is by
making her feel it!”
“Since you begged,” Harry said as he moved enough to accommodate. “Who am I to deny
my toy her reward for being good?”

“Master can do whatever he wants,” Hermione sobbed wanting more. “This wet willing
witch just knows that master likes to feel an eager ass thrust back against his

“You know that I do,” Harry said as he let his hand slap Hermione’s ass with a sharp
resounding smack. “I may dislike punishing you as it takes time away from enjoying
things together, but spanking you isn’t a punishment since you enjoy it so much!”
“Good little sluts get spanked before sucking a cock until it spurts down their
greedy cum guzzling throat,” Hermione moaned out as she let herself enjoy the dirty
talk, “and if the slut does a good job in making him cum he will finger her until
she cums on his fingers while if she does the best she can he will lick her until he
is sated from her sweet juice flowing into his mouth!”
The two were letting themselves become more wrapped up in each other that they were
not paying as much attention to which words were driving Dora nuts. They did notice
that the words were making her squirm and writhe beneath them. There were also the
distinctive moans and groans as Hermione begged as well as the way that Dora became
more enthusiastically seeping when Hermione started to get firmly spanked.

Hermione started to feel the way his pace increased though Tonks was unable to
realize the importance of the change in the way his balls struck her. He was getting
close and Hermione wanted a big finish this time.
‘Decisions decisions,’ Hermione thought as she felt him throb against her slit.
“Which would be a more satisfying conclusion? Having master cum between us, in our
mouths, on our faces, on Dora’s tits or on my ass seems to be a hard one… each has
their advantages…’
“Can you feel it?” Harry asked as he brought his hand with a resounding swat to have
her grind her slit further around his thrusting dick. “Well I don’t think Dora gets
it yet so why don’t you tell her, mine?”
“Yours,” Hermione acknowledged before struggling to explain to Dora what was going
on. “Dora, pay attention now!”
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“Yes,” Dora gasped out. “Wha’s it?”

“He is really doing you splendidly isn’t he?” Hermione asked before kissing the girl
writhing beneath her. “Now Dora, Master is getting close to cuming again. Can’t you
feel his balls tightening and his cock start to throb so exquisitely against your
“I… do,” Dora stuttered as she again tried to squeeze what should have been sliding
inside her and not outside her.
“So where should master cum?” Hermione purred into the once more gasping and
grunting girl. “We got to taste him in our mouths before, but should he do that or
spray us and we lick each other clean?”
“Lick?” Dora asked in confusion.
“Lick it is,” Hermione said with a smile taking it as her answer. “So where do you
want to have him cum so we can lick his cum up? Should he cum on our faces and we
get to kiss each other clean, on one of our tits, spray my well rosy ass or should
he spray out between us covering us from tits to twat?”

“Us?” Dora asked in confusion still thinking about running her tongue over Hermione
tasting her as well as his cum.
“You heard the girl,” Hermione said as she felt him get closer and she leaned so
that he would be able to spurt without missing to where they were joined. “Cum
between us and you can watch us lick each other clean after making sure you can’t
cum on us anymore and that your cock is clean as well!”
With the decision made though he was grateful that he wouldn’t have to cum without
some flesh wrapped around him, Harry went into overdrive. He moved quicker and
Hermione felt his body smacking her already tender ass causing her to shiver in
increased pleasure. This in turn led to her rocking on top of Dora from the thrusts
and she had to clamp her thighs down on Dora to keep from being driven forward or
worse out of the way. Momentarily the thought to try this again with him also
alternating his thrusts into their pussies instead of just between them came to her

‘Well that and maybe try that idea of Anne’s,’ Hermione thought as she felt him grab
her ass hard and squeeze both of their pussies tightly around his cum spurting cock.
‘God this feels so good and soothing considering it’s like warm oil being sprayed on
my tender tits and twat.’
“Fuck,” Harry groaned as he held the squirming girls as he came. “You two feel

“Oh god,” Dora cried as everything flashed through her mind. “Cuming so much! Ah!”
“Ahhh!” Hermione shuddered from him squeezing her stinging ass and the soothing
warmth flowing between the two girls. “Don’t stop master just keep cuming!”
Taking a few slides to get most of his cum wiped onto the two panting girls around
him, Harry just relaxed against Hermione’s warm and tender ass. He was reluctant to
let up the grip that they had around him so he kept the pressure on the two grinding
them together. It was nice to feel their pussies sucking along his length and as
such was very reluctant to slide out more than necessary. Still one of them had
promised to lick and suck him clean so taking a great deal of effort he slowly slid
out from between them.
“That was great,” Harry said as he sat behind the two still moaning girls. “Now we
need to get licked up and cleaned up.”

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Slowly crawling his way around the two until he was seated near their heads, Harry
admired the view of the two pressed together. He realized in a few years most of the
males and a number of the females would do almost anything to see let alone enjoy
what he was at that moment. Sure his life had been hell but he got over it and mad
it hell for those responsible. He just had more people on that list now.
“So who wants the honors?” Harry asked as he ran his hands to caress their faces.
“Might as well let Dora have another taste,” Hermione said as she flopped to Dora’s
other side. “I don’t think she is up to much activity at the moment.”
“True,” Harry commented as he saw Dora roll her head to face him. “Well it looks
like she made her decision considering she opened her mouth and seems to think she
can reach me with her tongue from where she is.”
“Don’t tease her,” Hermione chided as she ran her hands along the cum pooling on her
body. “MMM… delicious as always. Wait a mo…”

With that Hermione scooped up the combined mix of all of them and took a taste.
After a shudder from that she let some drip into Dora’s mouth. She smiled as she saw
Dora lick her lips and swallow before a smile and her lips opened again hungry for
“So do you think that we taste divine together or what?” Hermione asked before
scooping some from Dora’s shivering body. “Not that I think Harry tastes bad
separately or either of us but the mix seems better.”

“I don’t think she really wants to talk right now,” Harry said as he scooted closer.
“See she moved her head to get my head in. So since she is willing…”
“All right and go ahead and let her savor licking you clean,” Hermione said as she
reclined alternating in cleaning herself and Dora off. “Lord knows that I enjoy it
and it would be rude cutting her off so soon.”

So Hermione moved her fingers over Dora’s slowly responding body while Harry moved
her limp head around his cock. While Dora may not be in control of her head’s
bobbing that did not mean that she was completely still and just letting him use her
mouth to wash his dick clean. In fact she was actively tasting him again and trying
to suck him empty some more.

“Well it seems that Dora is still eager for some more even if she doesn’t have the
stamina,” Harry said with a sigh as he moved her head as well as thrust into her
eager mouth. “Oh god she just shifted her tongue and it feels good. You will have to
have her lick you with this tongue. Fuck she is humming and her tongue is vibrating
as it moves!”
Hermione looked up from where she was seated between Dora’s legs having scooped her
body somewhat clean to see the sight before her. She had been starting to lean over
to start to lick Dora from her cum sprayed sex to her sweat slick supple and stiff
suckling centers when she looked up. Her eyes widened as she processed what Harry
said and decided to make sure Dora would be willing to try that tongue on her.
Hermione licked her way from around Dora’s snatch at an uneven pace while paying
attention to the effects it was having indirectly on Harry. After getting the area
around Dora’s deliciously engorged cunt licked clean she went to work on seeing if
any had run inside. That it allowed her to once more tap the sweet twat she had
savored while Harry had spanked and stroked her slit was a bonus.
“Well that was tasty,” Hermione said after slurping up the mess Dora made washing
her pussy when she came. “You taste good all by yourself but since it looks like you
are going to coax some cum directly out of him I will savor some of it decorating

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As Dora’s mouth was occupied she didn’t verbally respond, but Harry answered as he
could feel the moan that had brought out by saying, “Stop teasing the bitch and lick
her cum drenched body clean. She just moaned like I tripped and twisted her clit and
rubbed her slit just right!”
“You don’t see me complaining,” Hermione commented before starting to lick the cum
she left running along from the tip of her box to the bottom and valley of her
breasts. “Hmm salty and sweet with a hint of feminine flavor added. No wonder they
like it so much!”

Hermione licked her way up Dora’s body until all the cum was gone and only a trail
from her tongue remained as she approached Dora’s aroused areolas. She worked her
way around savoring her scent and flavor as she cleaned by licking and lapping at
Dora’s panting peaks. She could feel Dora’s reactions to her actions as well as
Harry’s enjoyment of her modifications to her mouth.
“Hermione,” Harry said panting in passion. “I can see why every hormone able male
thinks of a Metamorph as one hell of a sexual encounter. You have got to try this.
She opened her mouth enough to fit me not just down her throat, but… Fuck that feels
good! Oh right she managed to stretch enough to get even my balls inside to suck
lick and tease! Think how good this will feel!”
“Hmm,” Hermione murmured as she pulled back stretching Dora’s nipple as she kept it
trapped in her mouth before popping out and snapping back. “Now I am really looking
forward to seeing how she has improved when I sit on her face though I am tempted to
test that on my tits. If she can actually reach her tongue to your ass than Anne
will demand she sucks her while rimming her.”

“Yeah, Anne gets that way whenever something is involved on or in her ass,” Harry
said with a moan as he felt the suction becoming almost agonizing in its activities.
“Although you aren’t one to talk Ms. Spank Me or Swat Me as the case may be, I swear
if you could find a way you would have smuggled a crop in here.”

“If I had known you would be here I would have,” Hermione said as she let her
fingers keep Dora stimulated. “Only think better than being spanked is getting a few
swats with a crop!”

“Tell me about it,” Harry said as he ground himself into Dora’s eager face. “I miss
one time and you cum like you had someone sucking both tits with teeth while your
clit gets the same and something trying to spread your pussy and ass! Who would
think that spanking your pussy would make you squirt?”
“So I like some pain at least I don’t try to deny I like sex and believed I was only
making a girl cum on my face because it would keep them safe from rape,” Hermione
countered. “I am amazed that seeing this new slut of ours spurting with you stuffing
her mouth like that didn’t make you spray her sperm greedy mouth!”

“Fuck,” Harry said as he realized and then did what she had just said. “She is
sucking me dry!”
“Like that would last long,” Hermione huffed as she turned back to lick her way to
resume lapping at the shivering toys body. “Be a dear and give my ass a swat when
her moth is free. I think since she got to suck you clean she might as well do the
same since I sucked her clean as well.”
“Sure,” Harry moaned as he felt the suction not letting up. “It might be a bit since
she is not going to give up for a bit. Damn can she suck I am still flowing!”
‘Like I said tell me when I can sit or better yet ride her face,’ Hermione thought
as she spread Dora’s lips wide and stuck her tongue inside. ‘Hope she doesn’t tear
me as I want Master despite his playful teasing to be the one who takes that though
I wouldn’t mind Dora licking him clean out of me if she can get over the blood
mixing in by then.’
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She zoned out as she drove her tongue to press against the barrier inside. It was
tempting to just tear it and lap the blood mixed with sweetness that would result.
Still Harry had dibs as the lead in their relationship. It had been a nightmare,
though a hot one, to keep from letting Alice top her. Her own younger cousin had
thought that she would let her just be thrown back and used! Admittedly if it had
been Harry she wouldn’t have minded. Still the spank off had been worth the
discomfort in sitting just to have both Alice and Anne pleasure her while Her Master
watched on. That it had been hot enough to almost release the spell protecting her
virginity so he could proper fuck only made it better even if it had led to him clit
fucking her for the first time.
A resounding slap brought her back to herself and she wiggled around until she felt
Harry position Dora’s head to kiss her sex. Her eyes bulged as she felt her whole
pussy surrounded by suction and a twitching tantalizing tongue sweeping her mound.
Harry had been right that this was an exquisite sensation and she realized why Dora
had broken down in the bath like that.
‘Any witch or wizard would love the self transfiguration without risking a mishap
mid coitus,’ Hermione thought as she ground herself against the vibrating flowing
appendage. ‘Given how much of a warning they needed with just looking at me the
wrong way. I know that Harry is going to have to actually verbalize his threat and
hope it doesn’t need to be carried out. Still given the advantages I can see why she
would be worried of compulsion spells, potions or worse trapping her in an oath
would be very serious risks. That she has such a submissive as well as kinky streak
would also lead to a possibly fractured personality if she normally represses. That
would be hell but given her personality let alone these tricks I wouldn’t let a
simple challenge like that stay in the way of keeping her!’

Harry just sat on the bed and watched the two ladies go at it. Even he needed a rest
and knew that if he didn’t get a few minutes that he would be feeling like he got
kicked in the balls from the overuse he had willingly done to his bits. So he got to
see the two very good looking girls buried in each other’s sex. He was certain that
Hermione was definitely writhing under the native abilities of that enhanced tongue.
He was grateful that for whatever reason she hadn’t been able to do that the night

‘The results would have been disastrous,’ Harry thought with a sigh of regret. ‘I
may be a killer, do things that are most often immoral, but really throwing a girl a
virgin at that and just fucking her without regard is just wrong. We didn’t do
anything too over the top and there is no way that it could be considered rape since
Dora was one hell of a willing participant. Still I give it until they are done and
one of them is soaped up before I can get it up again. Well Hermione is seriously
not holding back on riding Dora’s face. Ah nature how you blessed them with an
easier ability to cum often… a shame that the other issues need some comfort to get
Finally Harry noticed that they were working up again and that Hermione was in no
way ready to stop even if it would get them late to classes if they continued too
long unless they forgo the shower and just used a spell but that would not be as
much fun. Beside he wanted to see the two of them in the shower and spend some time
just exploring each other’s body. Hell even if Dora was too tired or needed some
time to deal he would have kicked his own ass for not just savoring the time and
casual comfort that would be available in the situation.
“Right,” Harry said getting close to the two who were too busy working themselves up
yet again. “If you two don’t stop teasing and cum, I am going to do something
As the two were oblivious to anything except their mouth, hands and their dribbling
cunts, they ignored the warning. Hell Hermione was so involved that she didn’t care
when the tongue slithered out at inhuman lengths to roam over some of her ass and
over her puckered hole. Well to be honest Hermione cataloged it as a challenge and
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responded likewise or as much as she was able. Ergo while Dora had part of her
tongue wormed up Hermione’s ass, Hermione returned the favor by doing what Anne had
willingly agreed to straddle Hermione pressing their pussies together and let her
grind against her while she brought a crop down on her. In simple terms while Dora
rimmed and tongue fucked her thankfully cleaned ass, Hermione slid a finger to

Noticing that the two were not just engaged in oral sex but shoving things into each
other’s ass, he had no conviction for what happened next.

“I did warn both of you little cunt gobbling cock hungry bitches that I would do
something drastic,” Harry said knowing that even if they didn’t consciously hear him
that Hermione would on some level be drawn to both his voice and tone as well as the
underlying message. “Hope you like the punishment…”
His last statement was rather sarcastic as he damn well knew that Hermione liked her
ass to be tender if not outright hurt. He did suspect the same of Dora considering
her reactions to when they had added spanking to the oral and digital stimulation.
Pulling back each arm, he swung them together with the girls’ asses between.

The audible crack was soon followed by a pop as their mouths broke free before the
girls responded. That there would be a very discernible handprint on each of their
asses would be a given. That their open mouths as they twisted from the sudden
change in stimulation was still very close to their previous position was a given.
“Fuck!” Hermione said as she felt herself cum hard spurting into Dora’s open mouth.

“Ghhg!” Dora screamed as she came instead of running or even gushing in a force like
a fountain up and splashing onto Hermione’s tongue.
“That was one of the hottest things I have ever seen,” Harry admitted as he looked
at the two convulsing girls. “Hey Mine I take it that Dora really cums from a very
hard spanking given by what I just saw. I wonder if she will cum as hard as you did
when you had that crop used on you.”
“Possible,” Hermione said panting as she shivered in post orgasmic tremors. “You
just couldn’t let us keep at it could you?”

“Not really given how late it is getting,” Harry said with a sigh. “We will barely
have time for a proper shower if we take too much longer…”
“So do you want to join us in the shower?” Hermione asked Dora as she lay there
panting. “We promise that we won’t go any farther…”
“What Hermione means Dora, is that neither of us is really ready to actually shag or
bugger yet and so there would be no real issues in the shower though we might get
sidetracked in cleaning each other,” Harry admitted. “We can understand if you need
more time to deal with things considering how this all sprung up on you.”

“I think I’ll go and shower elsewhere,” Tonks said as she knew that she needed to
get away. “I need to get some time to think by myself.”
“Well if you ever want to we wouldn’t mind,” Hermione said as she walked nude to
Harry’s shower. “Harry wouldn’t mind having another back to wash and I know he
wouldn’t mind some more attention when he showers…”
Closing her eyes and counting to ten slowly Tonks found the effort to say, “Maybe
next time I really need to get ready,” even as she cursed herself for implying there
would be a next time no matter how good she felt. As the two left to the showers,
Dora sighed and looked herself over. She was sweaty and thankfully not too sticky,
but that was more to having been licked somewhat clean.
“I still stink like a cheap Knocturn Alley whore,” Tonks mumbled as she went about
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grabbing her clothes and trying to look presentable enough to sneak back to her room
to shower off. “If I had let them talk me into joining them in the shower I would
have likely never left.”
Walking out of the room with a stagger as she realized how sore she was and that was
without being stretched. She needed a cold shower to calm down as her mind kept
going back to what they had done to and with her. Considering that she had feared
being grabbed and raped the day before she felt she was dealing well with her first
sex romp even if it had been with younger though more experienced people.

“I did everything short of being proper fucked and buggered,” Dora/Tonks said as she
let the frigid water wash over her. “And Hermione is such a sick, sick girl though
she does bring out the inner sick or should I say slut? She got me hot and bothered
with what she said and I damn well know she was analyzing things while she watched
my responses to all her dirty filthy words. I am lucky if she doesn’t tell anyone
all the things that she got me to agree to and admit about myself. I am lucky that I
didn’t shout half of it out. I practically promised to be their toy and when the
time came to take what virginities I have left! I know I should be disgusted that I
came and hard from her calling me a slut their slut at that. Their dirty little slut
begging them to suck his cock and stick my tongue into her dripping twat! Fuck! This
shower is not calming me down at all!”
Continuing to grumble that despite the almost ice cold temperature of the water that
she was getting hot and bothered again, Tonks sighed and didn’t notice as her hands
drifted as her commentary changed. She had her left hand not too fondly handling her
tit while her right was rubbing her still sore slit. Her mind was confused but her
body damn well knew what it wanted and it was not to repress herself again!

“Why did I do it?” Tonks asked herself. “I am a good girl and good girls do not act
like that. They never kiss a boy like that let alone a girl. Oh mum I don’t want the
hose again. I’ll be good. Don’t tell daddy what he caused. Yes mum I won’t touch
myself there more than necessary to keep it clean as it is dirty and wrong. Only bad
girls who get the hose do that. I am not a filthy animal. Good girls don’t do that.
A good girl only lies back and thinks of queen and country when she lets her husband
do that and only to have children. She doesn’t touch or let others touch that or
there. There is only to feed babies.”

In contrast to what she was saying, she had ended up on her hands and knees with her
hands still doing what she kept saying were inappropriate. She was working her
fingers not just along her slit but somewhat into it as her other hand was very
roughly handling her tit. Twisting and pulling on them in a manner that if her mum
caught her would lead to a very harsh punishment indeed. If only she didn’t respond
so negatively to being spanked she would have let her mum catch her and get to cum
once more from being spanked hard.
“But you loved it,” Dora said with a look of lust and disgust warring on her face.
“You haven’t felt that good since daddy in desperation to keep us in control took
that ping pong paddle and swatted our squirming naked ass again and again. He didn’t
even notice when we rubbed our gushing gash all along his knee. Mum knew what we
were doing and hauled us away after we kept screaming and shaking our ass to get
that paddle to strike everywhere! That bitch was just jealous since daddy wasn’t
doing his husbandly duties!”
Her face twisted as she shuddered before looking about to cry as disgust became
prevalent. She changed from a confident appearance to timid and shy. Still her hands
kept it up and her left hand moved from her tit to her tender backside. There was
however the fact that her fingers were no longer plunging into her slut but rubbing
the outside to show a difference in thought and acceptance.
“That’s not true,” Tonks countered. “Mum just didn’t want us to be bad. We would
have been no better than all those sluts and whores she complains about going out
and getting pregnant or worse walking around with their stuff dripping from their
uncovered holes. No she just didn’t want me to be like that or those naughty filthy
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deviants she told me to watch out for at school. They would do the most indecent of
things and let people do indecent things to them in turn! Their proper place because
they are sluts and whores are selling their filthy bodies on the street!”
Rubbing her red ass and in particular tracing the stinging handprint there, Tonks
shifted her mood once more. Her left hand was roughly groping her throbbing and
oddly firmer ass while her right was stroking two fingers inside butting against her
barrier while her thumb danced over the slowly swelling shrouded sexual peak.
“What like what we did last night or this morning?” Dora questioned out loud moaning
as her hand stoked the stinging slap from earlier. “We loved it when he kissed us,
we creamed when he touched us, we came when either of their tongues tasted us, we
were delirious in pleasure when we tasted either of them! Don’t even think we didn’t
savor it when he spanked us like daddy did. We fucking squirted like a good bitch
when he marked our ass that last time.”
As this went on she was no longer just stroking her ass and was spanking herself.
She shuddered and sprayed the wet floor of the shower when her hand slapped the spot
where his handprint was still visible standing out in redness on her rump resounded
and echoed around the shower. Her two hands met and both teased her sex until they
were both slickened with her juices. The hand reaching around her ass drew back to
tease her puckered hole.

“Admit it,” Dora said berating the prude that she was at times. “Despite his time
stoking his throbbing meat against our eager holes you wanted him to just take you
so that we were his! We would have spread this ass wide let alone parted our legs
and lips to have him fuck our other holes like he did our face. If we hadn’t been so
damn unable to move we would have done and gone as far as they would ever want!”

Her eyes closed as she thrust her fingers until she felt them rubbing against each
other separated by the thin wall between them. Images she had buried in those books
she had read and the ones she had completely ignored having stumbled across and read
here whenever she had heard someone move ran through her mind. Images of his cock
sliding inside her while Hermione lapped at their joined sex as well as the proper
forms that they had been so close to. Vivid dreams of lapping his cum out of her
pussy while he slammed into her alternating with wild fantasies of being the one
wedged between them.

Her fingers were a blur as they moved and if the room hadn’t had a silencing ward
added by one of the previous girls she would likely have been discovered and in her
current state uncaring what happened or who she serviced as long as the pleasure
flooding her never stopped. It wouldn’t have mattered if every girl in the tower
fucked her face leaving her there soaked with sweat and sex.

A final image appeared as she felt her body hum and throb as she panted like a bitch
in heat getting it from her stud. Dangling from the common room suspended completely
open to anyone to use. Her face drenched in sweet and salty liquid as well as her
holes running like rivers as she shuddered under his hand. He was not just spanking
her but bringing down various sharp stinging instruments along her ass and slapping
up against her weeping wet well used hole. Her mouth was muffled with the sweet
scent and taste of her. Her tongue worshipped and tried to taste every part of the
goddess before her. She was not just accepting her mouth and was bringing her own
discipline over her body. Where he was marking her below the waist, she left lines
and marks over her back and chest. She could feel the welts and openly bleeding
lines over her stomach and dangling swinging tits.
“Yes Master! Yes Mistress!” Dora shrieked as she arched and twisted around
undulating against her hands. “More give me more! Cum inside your slave slut! Drench
my mouth with your pussy mistress! Fill my used twat with your cum master! Did I
make you proud?”
In her fantasy they patted her head and ass as they withdrew and said in unison to
her, “We are proud of you! You served us well!”
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That drew a throat hurting scream from her mouth. Her back was curved backwards and
she almost had her legs curved to touch her head. Her fingers were buried as deeply
as they could. She felt her fingers stretch her suddenly thicker barrier so
unwilling to break that it hurt while her other fingers were completely buried in
her ass. One thumb roughly pressed against her throbbing clit while the other
pressed against the weeping wound she had inflicted in her striking his handprint
shaped welt.
Collapsing and completely unaware of her situation, Tonks slowly awoke to an
unpleasantly sore position though the still rippling waves of sensations washed away
most of her resistance to it. She blinked as she felt the shower pouring down on her
naked and sprawled form. Her eyes widened as she looked down through her seemingly
obscuring breasts to gaze in disbelief at where her right hand was. She did however
not remove it as her arm felt too tired to move. Craning her neck she saw her other
arm and gasped at where it was.
“Oh god what have I done now?” She asked herself still with her fingers inside her.
“Mum would have dragged me outside and sprayed me with ice cold water for this at
the least. Hermione said that nothing was wrong though. So who is right mum or the
girl that drew Her back out? How can it be so wrong to feel so good? If I write mum,
she will come here and send me to some isolated girls only school until she finds
out about her and then it is back home where she searches for ways to keep her away.
Mistress would just tell me to stop being silly and do as they say. I know that I
liked it, but it is wrong from the Talk mum gave me. Who can I ask? Wait the older
girls tend to go to the Prefects for advice on boyfriends and dating so is it that
different? Right when I get a chance to I will ask one of the female Prefects as I
know that a boy would just take it that I am a slut and push me to my knees and make
me blow him! Some of the other older girls might be like that Cho in second year, a
real witch’s witch she seems to be let alone seeming to be the type to take
advantage if given the chance. So that leaves Penelope the new Prefect. She didn’t
seem that bad and I just need to find some time to ask her…”

With that Tonks slowly and reluctantly extracted her fingers from her still
shuddering body. Flopping around enough to rinse some of the remnants off her body,
Tonks slowly worked her way from laying there to sitting under the water drenching
her body off. She shivered as the cold finally overcame the heat her body had been
generating. Very stiffly she got to her feet and sure she was rinsed off turned the
water off and proceeded to dry her soaked body off.

‘I wonder what those two were up to while I was here,’ Tonks thought to herself as
she reluctantly and slowly dressed. ‘They did say that they weren’t going to go
further, but I can just imagine what they did…’

Meanwhile as Tonks was trying to work herself out of the circular arguments that her
evening and morning of debauchery and delights had caused, Harry and Hermione were
in his shower cleaning up even after she had gathered as much of the evidence and
either swallowed or rubbed in the remains of that last near shag. Harry was standing
behind Hermione and despite what some would think was actually not trying to do
something overly sexual even if at his age being in the presence of a girl let alone
a naked and curvy girl would bring such thoughts to mind.
Harry was in fact massaging Hermione’s favorite shampoo into her scalp causing the
somewhat stiff girl to purr and moan in appreciation. Despite all of his activities,
Harry had rather dexterous and flexible fingers and thus was able to as rare as it
was give some of the most sinful of massages. That he was slowly working out the
tangles and frizzles that would normally detract from her appearance was not a cause
for concern merely satisfaction.
“So what do you think about how the night went?” Harry asked as Hermione began to
arch into his fingers. “I think all things considered it went rather well.”
“Better than it could have been though you know I should be able to get proper
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fucked by now,” Hermione grumbled before sighing as Harry worked out some more
tangles. “Still Dora seems like she will be a delight.”

“I will admit that Dora was delightful and delicious,” Harry said and she could
practically hear him lick his lips in appreciation. “And you know that until you
aren’t wincing when I slide more than a finger in you that I don’t plan to fuck you.
I know that if I had last night we would either have had to give you a rather
noticeable amount of blood to heal or let Pomfrey deal out a potion and she would
have scanned you.”

“We should have brewed some potions for muscle ache, soreness and blood loss,”
Hermione murmured. “Than those excuses wouldn’t hold. Though I will admit that given
how difficult it was not to go at it like animals in a rut last night would have
made it less memorable…”
“You mean despite any of your kinks that you want the first time to at least be
memorable and tender,” Harry said with a chuckle. “Sounds better than Anne
considering she stated that she planned on having me fuck her raw and then bugger
her until she was gaping and sore.”

“Anne gets off on being controlled,” Hermione admitted. “Now while I don’t mind a
bit of pain like spanking and maybe a bit more some of the games she wants to play
are… a bit extreme.”
“You mean where she plans on being suspended in rope where we will take turns
whipping, paddling and spanking between using all her holes while she has her
nipples and clit having circulation issues from clips,” Harry said as he began to
wash her back. “I will admit that Anne is a bit on the periphery of sexual standards
but if it is what she wants considering how she can use those puppy eyes I know that
scenes like that will happen though maybe not that extreme for a while.”
“Now we have Dora added to the mix,” Hermione said with a shudder as he massaged the
soap into her back. “Some of the kinks the girl has but doesn’t consciously realize
are almost as extreme. Despite her fear of being raped or used by people there was a
spark in her sexuality that wants to be used, displayed and even humiliated. Now she
is starting to associate her ability with her sexual fantasies. Changing form to be
someone’s ideal girl as well as enhance certain sensations.”

“I take it that all those screams of Yes were for the various naughty things you
were whispering into her ear,” Harry said as he started to work lower. “While she
was definitely raring to go some of the things really got her off and hard too.”
“I have a list and it will be fun to see which are real fantasies and which are
daydreams that the idea is hot but not the act,” Hermione said as she bent over
allowing him to start to clean and massage her well sore ass. “She likes being
spanked and I think she was shocked when you teased her there.”
“So we proceed with caution,” Harry inquired. “Work things slow and when it gets too
much welcome her back with open arms.”
“She is in shock about what happened and despite how much fun it would be to just
drag her back there is fun in the chase,” Hermione said with shudder as he finished
cleaning her out to head down her legs. “We want her to come to us of her own free
will… we will just be helping it along with some teasing…”
“Your definition of teasing and hers will be somewhat different,” Harry said as he
ran his hands to clean her feet. “She would think a snog, hug and maybe grope would
be teasing. You mean to at least feel her up to orgasm and get her to eat you out
most likely after going down on her…”
“True,” Hermione admitted as she leaned on him as he worked. “I think you teasing
her while I am under her skirt will be one of the last before that though.”

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“By the time we get to that point she will likely be horny enough to agree to almost
anything,” Harry said as he stood up and started soaping her front up. “It will be a
bit of fun if we leave her frustrated a few times before pouncing and getting her
“You just think that if she gets randy enough to accidentally masturbate in her
shower or worse one of the girls baths that she will be ready to beg for some more
direct relief,” Hermione said with a shudder as he started to scrub, tease and play
with her tits. “I do admit that I wouldn’t mind her in the showers at this point…”

“You are just missing having someone or someones lapping at your dripping wet pussy
while someone else holds you up by your tits,” Harry teased. “Or is it the fact that
you’re starting to grind against me your way of saying stop teasing and make me
“Yes you tease!” Hermione shouted as she drew closer. “As much as I love you playing
with my boobs, my cunt needs some attention!”
“Is that all?” Harry asked as he brought a hand from her right nipple to cup her
sex. “My naughty little pussy needs her pussy to be scratched?”
“YESSS!” Hermione shouted as his fingers quickly brought her to a knee weakening
climax. “Cuming so good!”
Harry held her against him with his fingers still teasing her gently as she sagged
against him. Slowly easing her through her stimulation Harry made sure that she was
still clean and moved them about to rinse off the soap and sweat from her rosy skin.
Hermione was more than willing to let Harry clean her up though she realized that he
was being neglected when she became aware of him pressed against her.
“Hope you didn’t think you didn’t needed to get cleaned,” Hermione said with a grin
as she eased herself from between him and his fingers. “You were doing enough moving
to need more than a rinse this morning…”

“I know I worked up a sweat and need to scrub off some, but it is so distracting
when I have you to scrub clean, dirty and clean again,” Harry sighed as Hermione
moved behind him and started to work his mussed up hair into shape. “Besides I like
watching you when you cum, the harder the better…”

“Silly boy of course you do,” Hermione said as she started to massage the shampoo in
as he leaned back into her hands. “You are a guy with a healthy libido and guys like
watching girls especially when they get off.”

“True,” Harry sighed as Hermione got his hair to flow instead of defying water and
gravity with its behavior. “Still I am glad that classes are not till later this
“Tell me about it,” Hermione said as she moved on leaving him with his head bowed
and water flowing over both of them. “Considering how we normally are when we wake
up this morning seemed a bit more… needy.”
“I wasn’t the one trying to flip all of Dora’s switches with your filthy mouth this
morning,” Harry said with a groan as she eased some of the sore muscles in his back.
“I’d offer to wash your mouth out with some cum though I think that some of the
things you said really drove her over the edge a few times. Still I noted that it
was getting you almost as or even more worked up than she was. So my kinky kitten
which of the things flowing from your mouth are the games you plan to play later?”
“Harry,” Hermione said as she kneeled while washing his legs and lower back. “It
wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you now would it?”
“True,” Harry sighed as she reached between for a moment to clean the front of his
legs and tease between. “Still it would be better to find out what kinks and squicks
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you have before in the heat of things doing something that ruins the mood.”
“What like patting my ass lightly when I ask you to spank me?” Hermione said with a
groan as she resisted lingering on cleaning his attention as she went by to scrub
his chest. “Harry we are all experimenting though I will admit that from what I have
read there is a number of things I am not inclined to do it is just that it is none
of the things any of us showed an interest in. Now be quite while I try to enjoy
having my way with you!”
“Fine,” Harry sighed as Hermione reached down and started to make the best of
cleaning her favorite hand warmer and sucker. “Just remember that if we get dirty
again we will likely lose all track of time and I don’t think we want a Prefect or
worse a teacher coming in here!”
“Considering how much of prudes most seem to be I can see that,” Hermione said with
a sigh as she added both hands to distracting him. “Although some of the lady
prefects seem to be delicious looking, so if we could get them distracted...”
Harry merely grunted as Hermione started giggling at her newest idea. Hermione was
doing her best to drive any thoughts from his head by sending all thoughts to his
other head. It was much simpler to just lean back and feel her perky nipples rubbing
against his back while her hand fondled and stroked him. Besides it was not like
Dora would be less likely to not be a Prefect within two years. It was a shame that
he really didn’t want to deal with more people knowing any of their secrets or
seducing a female prefect would give them some cover until Dora was a fifth year.

Due to the shower cascading over them there was little chance that Hermione would
accidentally wash her mouth out with soap, as such Hermione was teasing and tickling
his neck and face as she worked. She trailed little nibbles as she hugged him with
her hands occupied below. A shame that there was normally not enough time most
mornings to simply relax and just spend time like this. Feeling him start to get
close, Hermione started to pump faster using the watery soap to great effect.

“Hermione,” Harry said in warning as he didn’t want to wash himself afterwards.

“Don’t worry,” Hermione said turning him to rinse what little soap clung to him. “I
don’t plan to leave a mess…”

As soon as she was sure that there was no soap left on his dick, Hermione sunk down
as she turned him around enough to get to his front. With practiced ease she
swallowed him and went to work. Her right hand fondling and feeling his balls as
they slowly began to tighten up. Harry meanwhile was running his hand through her
water cascading hair as he tried to coax her to stop teasing and take him deeper.

“Gods you are something else,” Harry said as he felt Hermione draw him all the way
in. “I wish we didn’t have to go!”
At that point Hermione slid him back and let him spurt. This time she didn’t have to
share with Dora and relished in it as she knew that next year she would have to be
either sneaky or fight to get a spot with Alice let alone Anne there.
‘Anne has no qualms in doing anything related to sex,’ Hermione thought as she tried
to draw as much as she could. ‘Well considering her almost single minded fixation on
anal whenever she doesn’t have her mouth full was a good indication.’
“Well as much fun as it would be helping you dry off and get dressed,” Harry said
after he got himself under control. “There isn’t enough time to get you dry and wet
and dry again. We really need to do this on the weekends though.”
“Mmm,” Hermione said before smacking her lips. “Delicious as always and I agree we
need to spend more time just enjoying each other when we can…”
With that the pair sadly dried each other off with only the occasional instance of
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letting their hands wander. Hermione had wished that he would dry her off in such a
manner as she needed to be wiped or preferably licked clean, but as they reminded
themselves they had to go or things would be more suspect considering the Troll had
left no traces.
With only a few teasing touches they got their school clothes on. Despite the lack
of time they still managed to look presentable and in a very good mood grasped each
other’s arms and exited his room. Hermione ducked to her room to get the morning’s
books and Harry just leaned against the wall while he waited. With a thoroughly
mellow feeling the pair descended the stairs. It was sadly no to last.
The pair glided to the common room with their robes swirling around them in a manner
that seemed more intimidating than Snape’s billowing robes. They had showered and
come down to say hi to Dora before they left and to let her know that they were
there for her. What they saw immediately poured ice on the playful morning they had
and had hoped to continue.
“Now what do we have here?” Harry asked as he came to a halt in the common room.

“This is none of your business,” a seventh year boy said from where he was leering
at Dora. “Now as I was saying mind going with me to Hogsmeade or just for a tour of
the castle?”

“Really isn’t very bright enough to be here is he?” Hermione asked where she
casually fingered her wand. “A shame that the professor would be upset if a few
hexes we were practicing missed and hit you…”

“As I said none of this is your concern,” he said ignoring them as they were
underclassmen. “This is between me and the girl.”
“She has a name you know,” Tonks managed to growl at the man accosting her. “I am
not interested in you and I know why you seem to have an interest in me when you
called me a child not that long ago.”

“Why is it that most boys seem to ignore a girl until she gains some tits?” Hermione
asked looking at disgust at the man even if Dora looked simply edible in her school
clothes. “Harry is there any reason that you can think of?”

“I guess it is a difference between men and boys,” Harry said with a smirk.
“Couldn’t tell who was going to be a sight so since boys seem to only care for how a
girl looks and not a whit for more than that need a visual cue that a girl is ready
to date or for most of them if they can get them bothered enough so the randy little
things they have can get a bit of a feel. Let me make this clear I may be a first
year, but while I may not be a Slytherin that does not mean that I don’t know enough
curses to knock you on your ass. Still since this is your first attempt at stupidity
in my presence, I guess that a warning will suffice.”

In a blink Harry held the seventh year boy by his neck and was pinning him to the
wall. The seventh year wondered how the hell the firstie could lift him up let alone
slam him into the wall like he had done. That he was holding his throat in one hand
and one of the lights in the other led to the seventh year feeling his legs dangling
beneath him even as he struggled to draw breath. Now if he held any tighter he would
have likely passed out and it was difficult not to do so let alone keep his bladder
from loosening after the force of the slam hit him.
“Now take this as your one warning,” Hermione said from where her wand was poised
above his equipment. “Try this again and not even St. Mungo’s will save your little
“What my lovely lady friend means is that Tonks is under our protection and unlike
you we are more than willing to cause accidents that not even Pomfrey will keep a
straight face through,” Harry said not even looking bothered at the weight he was
supporting. “Now that doesn’t mean that we do not think that Tonks cannot handle
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herself it is just that we would rather not deal with covering up why she had to
feed you your own balls. Think on this for a moment, I am not a reckless Gryffindor,
a forgiving Hufflepuff or a slow calculating Slytherin, but a rather well informed
Ravenclaw. I know ways to make your life hell that a Slytherin would almost swear
everlasting servitude to learn. Now given that do you think that I will not use what
I know against you?”

“You should also take into account the rather useful public opinions that could be
turned to dissect your every action,” Hermione said with a sinister smile. “While
Harry here may not like the attention of his status that a Gryffindor would bask in
or a Slytherin would use to further themselves that does not mean that he is
unwilling to use it and any clout to keep his friends safe. So I take it that all of
you will be good little boys and spread the word before there is a sudden drop in
the number of you that are not singing soprano?”
“I get you,” he rushed out in fear of what an already acknowledged bibliophile would
have uncovered could do to his best friends. “We won’t do anything to her.”
“Good,” Harry said releasing the boy and letting him fall on his ass before dropping
to land on his feet. “I don’t want to waste time having to come up with plausible
deniability. Although it wouldn’t be that difficult to drop you boys in the
Forbidden Forest without a stitch of clothing or your wands, that does not mean that
I want to go to the effort despite the number of beings there that would leave no
evidence regardless of the Gryffindors blindness to the dangers there.”
“Now if I catch you doing anything,” Hermione said with a sweet smile. “Well you
would wish that you were on the receiving end of what you were planning to do as it
would be far less painful for you…”

With that dealt with, the two escorted the dazed Dora out of the common room. She
didn’t resist as they guided her down stairs and corridors and stopped in alcoves to
snog her on the way to breakfast. In the end a both frazzled and relaxed Tonks was
seated at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast. She just knew that the two would while
not pestering her would be well on their way to coerce her to stay with them with
constant snogging and petting to break her resistance down.
‘At least those two asked,’ Tonks thought as she wolfed down her breakfast. ‘It was
fun as well but I cannot allow myself to decide so soon. I will accept their
protection and when they need help provide it. What else happens will happen,
although being called Dora while begging to be spanked seems wrong and yet it felt
so good. Definitely need to talk to Penelope as soon as I can. Thank all things it’s
a Friday even if it’s a Hogsmeade weekend tomorrow.’


It was afternoon of the Friday after their night and morning of pleasuring and being
pleasured by Dora. It had become apparent that something was going on. The two hoped
that they had been as thorough in removing their traces in dealing with the troll as
well as their adventure with Dora. Besides it had to be something important if all
the first year Ravenclaws were meeting in the common and Professor Flitwick was
“Good morning I hope you are all doing fine this afternoon,” he said addressing the
gathered firsties. “As you may have heard there was no positive sign of the troll
that was spotted in the castle. Now as there is no evidence that it was here besides
a professor’s word it is likely that someone tried a prank of a troll and thus there
was no troll here. Regardless of the case it is certain that you need not worry
about running across a troll on your ways to class.”

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“I don’t believe that is all is it professor?” Padma Patil asked drawing the
attention of the rest.

“No there is not,” he said addressing them with a proud look. “Most of you are far
ahead of the other houses in your studies and as is the case if a class is ahead
enough the option of extra preparatory classes become possible.”

“I take it that these are to ease us into our third year electives?” Hermione asked
as a sudden surge of interest peaked. “The other option is non-compulsory classes
that would be useful.”
“The first one although later years there are other options available,” he informed
them. “The choices will allow you to determine which of the electives offered are
those that you would be interested in taking. The first one offered is Care of
Magical Creatures this Saturday with a different choice every week.”
“But that would only cover four choices in a month or some less often,” a shy
Ravenclaw names Su Li stated quite boldly for her. “Which other ones will be

“Ancient Runes and Arithmancy are the most likely although some would see if
divination or muggle studies would fit into their prospective career goals,” Filius
gently answered the shy girl in particular?”
“I take it that the first two are ones you would recommend as useful?” Padma asked
with a frown. “Divination is not the most precise or reliable of branches of magic
so there would likely be fewer interested although it is more that it is not about
certainties, but the likely events.”

“Yes there is that issues as well as the fact that as loath as I am to not show
decorum in a fellow professor that Professor Trelawney is rather eccentric in her
behavior,” the slightly short head of house admitted. “Some people invest too much
certainty in divination for their own good.”

“What about muggle studies?” Hermione asked. “What is the purpose for that class?”
“Muggle studies is supposed to educate you on muggles and how best to blend in as
well as other similar matters to learning about other cultures,” he said with a
sigh. “Now while some of you are muggleborn or even half bloods there is the fact
that the world at large and the Wizarding World are rather different culturally.
Sadly most of us do not leave often and thus things might not be as we see it.”
“Considering what I heard one of the upper years say about how inaccurate it is that
is also not a likely interest,” Padma said in thought. “The obviously career paths
would require most likely runes or Arithmancy with creatures for those cases where
it is likely to run into them and need a more complete grasp besides the information
that Defense should cover.”

“Yes traditionally most Ravenclaws take Arithmancy and Runes do to the greater job
prospects,” Filius told them before a sudden change of behavior. “There is another
option for those of you that have additional needs but that will be brought up next
year. Also there are mini courses for apparition and the like in the post OWL
“Professor,” Hermione asked as an idea sprung to mind, “is there any way to cover
more than Defense is at the moment? Considering you are a dueling master is there
anything to help in case we get into such a situation as the troll again?”
“In which area?” he asked them a sudden worry creeping into his thoughts. “Are the
spells and material not being covered at a good pace?”
“Actually,” Harry said with reluctance entering the conversation. “More along the
lines of avoiding spells and damage than the shields which are a few years from
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being covered practically.”
“Ah the physical aspects of dueling,” Filius said with a nod. “Most wizards ignore
that aspect or at best use some charms or potions to get around their limitations.
Lady Ravenclaw picked our tower for a reason as you might guess.”
“The steps,” Hermione said in realization. “They should provide enough exercise to
keep the body from getting too lazy. That we like to carry our books helps to build
strength in our arms, but what about reaction time and dexterity?”

“Dodging the actions of the rivalries,” Padma suggested. “Consider that neither the
Gryffindors nor Slytherins seem to notice collateral damage when they fight the
other houses need to either avoid the situation or be able to go around it without a
stray curse hitting.”
“Falling,” Su added with a blush as attention was brought to her. “One thing to do
is fall out of the path of the spells.”
“Could we add that to the rotation?” Hermione asked after a moment. “Maybe have an
afternoon on basics in case things escalate.”
“Considering that the staff believed that Mr. Potter here would be in Gryffindor and
his Slytherin nemesis would be Mr. Malfoy there so far has been no Gryffindor in
your year to step up to that that I know of,” Filius admitted. “Normally for every
year in every house, someone takes the lead for the boys and the girls and thus the
likely candidates to become prefects. Without a rival to contest those two houses
tend to turn their attention on influencing us with their notions.”

“Still doesn’t leave the upper year rivalries to try to add younger years to their
efforts,” Harry countered. “Typically they would likely start to intimidate the
Puffs since they view them as weak and easily cowed despite their mascot being a

“You see what most of them don’t than,” Filius smiled at him in a moment of pride as
well as hope that he would stop distancing himself so much. “The Hufflepuffs are
slow to anger but fierce when they need to be. Once provoked they are hard to turn
from their course of action.”

“There is also the fact that they tend to stand more united than other houses with
their fanatic loyalty to each other something that grows with time,” Hermione said
as historical facts from Hogwarts: A History came to mind. “Slytherins may appear to
the outside as united in solidarity but there is the long held belief of constant
struggles for leadership within the house. Practical exercises in leadership were
supposed to be the reasons for their actions.”
“Yes something of which no current or past Slytherin will ever officially comment
on,” Filius said with certainty. “What happens in the Snake’s Den stays in the
Snake’s Den is the maxim we have seen. The Gryffindors would pounce on them if they
had the slightest appearance of weakness.”
“Not that we wouldn’t in our own way,” Harry corrected. “I don’t believe if given
the option any of us would not readily utilize someone else’s information network if
given the chance. Despite the belief that we are not power hungry that does not mean
we do not seek knowledge just for its own reasons but also for the fact that
knowledge is power in magic doubly so.”
“A bitter truth some may not grasp,” Filius told them. “You wish to know and yet a
large portion of knowledge is held by the few and thus a tendency to barter in
information and favors to enlarge your collection where our Slytherin counterparts
do so to gain power and influence.”
“So why is it that such necessary interactions are not more publically discussed?”
Hermione asked in concern. “I already have heard of the patronage requirements for
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some information especially for information collected and horded by the old families
or the ministry. So at times it seems it will be about not just what we know, it
will be who we know and even what we know about who we know.”
“Normally you would if not raised magical discover those things closer to your OWL
year,” Filius said with a sad sigh. “For those of you not aware with the hording of
information and research opportunities, it is still the case as with artists in the
past to need a patron to support your research unless you are very financially well
off. Patrons gain prestige by sponsoring as well as an amount of money gained from
derived work. Some of the patrons will ask for things that seem excessive and thus
before you think to enter such a contracted relationship should read the contract
completely and analyze it. The repercussions can be dire if you do not…”

The students nodded their heads in agreement at that. Contracts especially magical
contracts should never be glossed over and simply signed or the consequences would
and had been at times dire. Family feuds lasting centuries had been at times a
result from such actions.
“Now are there any other questions?” Filius asked the assembled first years.

“Yes, is there anyone besides Professor Kettleburn to go to for information of Care

besides older students?” Hermione asked as she wondered who else to go to for
information on the subject. “It does seem to require a better hands on understanding
than the other options besides dueling.”
“Actually Hagrid the groundskeeper has a rather strong interest in the field even
back when he was a student,” Filius told them. “Though I will advise you that do to
his size he tends to not view the same things as dangerous.”

‘Considering what we consider dangerous there might be something interesting to

learn from this Hagrid,’ Hermione thought in interest though she felt a sudden spike
of annoyance at the man’s name from Harry even if it didn’t show on his face. “I
wonder why he feels so strongly on the subject. I might as well ask him when this is
“Now if there are no more questions,” Filius said with a look. “I advise you to
finish what you can while the commons will be quieter tomorrow as it is a Hogsmeade
weekend. If there is something that you are too embarrassed to owl your families to
send I would advise asking an older year to buy it for you while they are out.”

With that said the students left and went to their rooms or in Hermione’s case
joined Harry in his. She held his hand as they crossed the threshold. Harry had
while not having a master’s knowledge of the subject erected wards instead of simple
charms on the door. In addition to preventing quite forcefully anyone meaning harm
to him or his possessions entrance there were a very short ways of bypassing to gain
admittance. One was being willingly brought over the threshold while touching him
and an additional one for girls if not. She really never wanted to speculate on what
price the wards would demand for anyone not meeting those requirements and what
awaited any male that impeded his territory without invitation.

‘Not that I would mind stripping and entering that way,’ Hermione thought as she did
so anyways as soon as she entered his room. ‘Still the fact that unless he had
enough time or inclination to cum in or on me, I would be unable to cross the
threshold to leave except if like entering he was touching me while I crossed. It
might be fun to have Dora enter and be forced to wait for him. It would be exciting
being in such a loss of control considering what she confessed even if it was from
sexual duress. So many things to try later it is a shame that she is so indecisive
As it seemed that Harry was not overly eager to tell her what occurred, Hermione
simply let herself pass the time watching him strip. Whatever it was that involved
the groundskeeper was enough to get Harry visibly agitated and that was saying a
lot. If he had been born a girl his mannerisms would earn her a reputation as an Ice
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Princess or likely Queen and thus rarely showed what he was feeling unless he was
well and truly ready to drop down on someone like the hand of a vengeful god.
Considering that she was letting the view of said god distract her from her concern
was becoming her way of centering herself. The fact that he had moved methodically
and efficiently yet in a way that spoke of the ease in which he would have been able
to easily physically dominate most people tended to draw on her more submissive
‘That man was responsible for me being placed with those creatures,’ Harry
practically mentally snarled as he had learned of who had transported him to that
house. ‘I guess it is a good thing I didn’t find out before we met or we would have
needed a new groundskeeper!’

As Harry paced the room like a very irritated predator, Hermione was conflicted
between just enjoying the view and coaxing the issue out. A part of her wanted to do
whatever it took to help him vent wither it was enticing him to vent his
frustrations by hunting in the forest or an equally satisfying session of maxing
each other scream in pleasure if they could not make someone or thing scream in
terror and pain.

“Harry,” Hermione said as she wrapped her nude form around his as she attempted to
calm him down some. “Do you feel like telling me what this is about because if I
don’t know how can I help?”
“Mine,” Harry growled while he spun around before pinning her to the wall and
roughly kissing her.

“Master?” Hermione asked breathlessly as she panted from his attention. “As much as
I wouldn’t mind some games now you need more than just your mind taken off of this.
So tell me about who needs to suffer and we can then get to the interesting things…”
“Hmm so what should I do my pet,” Harry purred into her ear before starting to
distract her with kissing and nibbling a few of the more sensitive spots on her
neck, “should I tell you about what irritates me or just drown myself in making you
scream my name?”
“Master!” Hermione shouted as his fingers quickly made her shudder before her out of
focused eyes very difficultly gained clarity. “Please tell me so I can help? Whoever
made you this irritated must suffer!”

“Good answer, Mine,” Harry said as he let his body react naturally in stimulating
her pressed form as it calmed him some. “Turns out that Hagrid is the one who
delivered me to them under our oh so righteous headmaster’s orders…”

“So what do you plan to do?” Hermione asked as she surrendered her body to his
ministrations while her mind was split between the pleasures he was bringing her and
planning how best to aid him. “Do we know why that happened?”
“Blood wards,” Harry said with a laugh as Hermione’s body took his mind off how
close he had been to finding the part giant and seeing what things he could create
from his suffering and eventual death, “were supposed to make it so that any of the
delusional supremacist and his rabble would be unable to approach let alone harm me.
Great in theory but they take positive emotion and considering who were involved…”
“They would likely be as effective as tissue paper holding out a monsoon,” Hermione
realized as it became harder to talk while panting. “Still from what we know is
Hagrid someone that would be better off disappearing?”
“At first I realized that it is possible that he was doing what he did out of a
fanatic sense of loyalty,” Harry said as his hands were doing their best to make it
difficult for Hermione to think as well as spending time while she was talking
nibbling her sweet spots. “So given the man’s history, there is reason to believe
that he really does owe him at least not being in Azkaban.”
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“Azkaban?” Hermione questioned as her mind was being relentlessly derailed. “I know
that… from… somewhere!”
“Wizard prison,” Harry purred into her ear. “Better torture than most we could come
up with. Forced to relieve their most hated and painful memories every unhappy one
that is what the Dementors do…”
“Send him there?” Hermione questioned wondering if that was his plan or at least a
solution if killing would be too hard to cover up.
“Loose lipped man he is from what the rumors say with a bit of a fascination for so
called dangerous creatures,” Harry whispered into her ears. “If it wasn’t for how
much it would make me feel better that the person that of their own free will
resulted in my ending up somewhere I am certain my parents would have never wanted
me, he would likely not be worth the concern. Besides he is supposed to be an expert
in dangerous or dark creatures as well as one of the more experienced in the secrets
in the forest…”

“Black mail!” Hermione yelped in realization before he tried to distract himself in

playing her body like a well tuned instrument with her sounds and movements of
ecstasy his symphony.

“Brilliant as always my friend,” Harry purred his voice sending jolts of arousal to
further inflame her body. “Waste not, want not! Now it is time to stop wasting and
start having. Although my decadent darling, we should remember to ask our delicious
Dora for something from town as long as she is going out…”

“Definitely,” Hermione said as she thought of what she would be too embarrassed for
her parents to see being sent to her. “Might give her a bit more of a push…”
“I love the way you think,” Harry said as he lifted her into his arms and dropped
her on the bed. “So since you pushed me to tell you, I guess it was your way of
asking me to push things some more…”
If someone was able to eavesdrop on the pair it would be obvious that some rather
fun if painful at times experimentation was going on. That it was a very good thing
that Dora had not gone to their room that night as neither were in a state to
consider her reluctance. They would take her entering and thus lack of things
preventing their enjoying her body as tacit if not literal permission to explore the
things she had reacted positively too. As it was Dora was busy in her room after
getting some advice on her situation.


Tonks was confused and grateful that after classes left out that she had only been
kissed by the two. Not that it hadn’t been an arousing encounter to say the least as
she had been tempted to run off to her shower and it was certain once there get some
relief. There was the problem of her mother’s opinion on the matter and the sudden
almost mood killing flash of being dragged outside and sprayed with a hose before
being roughly washed inside and out for getting her body filthy like that.
‘’If mum could wash my mind clean she would have,’ Tonks thought with a shiver. ‘I
needed someone to talk to and a girl with some more experience to explain things to
me and help me work things out. I know that there was supposed to be something about
the Talk covered, but I had been sick during it. In addition to the fact that mum
told me everything that she said was appropriate for a young lady to know. Which now
that I think about it was not that much. Far too much on what would result in me
being dragged home and humiliated. Though part of me wonders what being dragged into
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the shower this morning would have been like. Focus Tonks!’
Caught up in her thoughts, Tonks made her way to the tower grateful that she didn’t
notice her two as she hesitantly acknowledged as lovers there. It would have been
too soon to do more than give token resistance if they had been there. She needed
advice and there were few choices as hers was a small year in the school. The years
boomed after and near the end of the war this was in part from panic driven sex and
then post celebratory sex that the adults and even some younger had indulged in.
however there had been a culture shift to traditionalism in that time and any of the
progressive measures of the past few decades had been reversed in social manners.
It was the social customs at least public that worried her as more of the mothers
raising daughters were again decrying the evils of sex in all forms and once more
the belief of sex as a duty for women to produce children became popular in both
camps. Even the Dark families were more patriarchal and women viewed as breeders if
of suitable class or useful for men to sate their lusts on while harsh punishments
for those that deviated again being proposed to retain the heritage and reduce the
contamination of the muggle filth over the years.
If the social traditionalists had been any more successful than Tonks would have
known that what she did was never to reach the light of day. Being publicly hosed
off like a bitch in heat would have been the least of her worries. That she would by
reputation be black listed as unfitting to work outside a brothel would have been a
likely outcome. Still teenagers were teenagers and regardless of the name when
hormones began to flow so too did clothing and propriety as it was just something
not talked about even in Victorian times.

‘Now I need someone to tell me not just what is appropriate but enough to understand
what happened,’ Tonks thought as she made her way to the fifth year girl’s prefect.
‘If Penelope doesn’t have some way to help me with this I would need to ask Katie,
Alicia or Angelina. There are too few girls in my year as it is!’

Knocking at the door, Tonks waited patiently to be admitted. There was a muffled
voice saying just a minute though there had been an odd buzzing sound.
A head popped up looking rather tussled and oddly familiar in its appearance to
Tonks. Penelope had her hair hanging loose and it was mussed up with her lips in a
slight frown.

‘Whatever I interrupted must have been important,’ Tonks thought before saying, “Um
we were always told to come to a prefect if we had an issue and well…”
Sighing Penelope tried to prevent her irritation from showing. She had gotten worked
up when she had met her sort of boyfriend even if it wasn’t official yet. Why he
felt it was improper to do more than feel her up she was not aware of.

“So what’s the issue?” Penelope asked in hopes to deal with the situation before
getting back to dealing with her tension. “Is it class related?”
“Not really,” Tonks conceded. “Well I sort of well…”
Sighing again and wanting to work out the headache that she felt was brewing
Penelope resisted snapping to spit it out and limited herself to say, “Just relax
and take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”
“I sort of got-kissed-breathless-by-a-guy,” Tonks stammered out.
“Ah need advice on where you can get some privacy,” Penelope said with a sense of
understanding. “So first boyfriend issues huh?”
“He’s not-my-boyfriend,” Tonks stammered out again blushing.

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“So you have some guy just kissing you and running away,” Penelope said with a
frown. “Any chance he is just shy and uncertain if you feel the same way?”

“He sure doesn’t kiss shyly,” Tonks blurted out before blushing. “Look there is
some… issues with him as a boyfriend.”
“Ah issues,” Penelope said with a sage nod. “So what he is older than you and you’re
worried about him wanting to do more than snog.”
“Not really,” Tonks said lost in reminiscing of the night and morning spent naked
and writhing under their expertise. “He said he wasn’t going to rush but that he was
seeing how far I was ready for.”

“Well older boys do tend to want more than just kissing and hugging,” Penelope tried
to console her with. “Some of them even want to do things a witch is not ready for.”
“Well he isn’t exactly older though maybe just more experienced,” Tonks hedged as
she thought, ‘Real understatement there. He already could get practically any girl
just with his fame and Hermione is with him though their relationship is weird.
Something mother would be very upset about.’
“So you have a younger man interested in you,” Penelope said with a frown. “Now
while it is normal for boys to be attracted to older and thus more mature women they
normally don’t mature as quickly emotionally as girls do.”
“He acts more mature than most of the boys I have met,” Tonks admitted. “The problem
is that I am confused. Mum said some things…”

“So could you tell me a bit about the talk your mum had with you?” Penelope asked
really wishing the girl had come after she had cum as it would make things easier to
be calm or at least mellow.

“Considering what a friend says I am confused on what mum meant,” Tonks admitted.
“She said it was very wrong to do things with boys and that they were dirty vile
things that were only interested in doing dirty filthy things to girls. She said
that it was wrong for a boy to touch me anywhere but a hug and that I should only
touch certain places enough to be sure they stayed clean and thus not filthy.”

‘Well fuck,’ Penelope swore to herself. ‘This is not going to be just a simple
conversation about where to go not to be caught and how to stay safe as well as keep
a boy from just taking her. I might have to explain things to her though if I
demonstrate… bad Penny! Don’t think about having a thirteen year old girl watching
you shove your wand inside until you cum on it as appropriate.’

“Well it seems that I need to tell you a lot of things,” Penny said as she sat the
girl down on her lap and wrapped her in a hug. “Now as you grow older you will
notice that certain… things feel better or at least different. Now normally you
should have got this from one of the older prefects but you were sick that day. All
right where should I begin?”
“Considering how unsure I am with what mum said considering what a friend of mine
said,” Tonks hedged and fidgeted as she wondered how much to admit to having done
and the worry that Penny would judge her as she knew her mother would, “maybe from
the beginning if it isn’t too much of a bother?”
“The beginning huh?” Penny asked wondering how much to tell the girl or just explain
things in a quicker manner. “As you get older things as I said feel better and
certain spots will respond with intensity varying from witch to witch. Now as you
have seen during puberty ones breasts begin to grow and they become sensitive to
stimulation. Also during this time… your mother did cover periods and the like?”
“Yes,” Tonks nodded in relief at skipping that part. “The one part there was no
conflicting information on. The rest is more or less two extremes in what are
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acceptable behaviors. My mother said that any touching in the sensitive places more
than to wash was bad while my friend said it was something to do often and if
possible with others namely any boyfriend you get although they need to learn what
makes a witch feel good and that a witch should explore enough to explain to her
wizard what feels good. Though she did say that it was somewhat irrelevant if it was
a wizard or a witch doing the stimulating and that both could be and most often
should be enjoyed…”
“Oh,” Penny said with a bit of relief. “Well it sounds like your friend has somewhat
of a less prudish notion. Though you shouldn’t just let anyone touch you or your
reputation would be ruined.”

“Because most boys talk though some girls are not above spilling secrets to their
advantage,” Tonks said as she nodded at that. “What if they wouldn’t talk and can
make a witch feel so good that she was willing to do almost anything and I do mean
anything for it to continue?”
“Than a witch in that situation would not have to worry as much about gaining a
reputation and could enjoy herself theoretically anyways,” Penny admitted with a
wistful look on her face. “It would be a wonderful thing even if it is just a day
dream. Boys always tell after all and even if one did trust another girl they would
risk gaining a different reputation.”

“So touching yourself isn’t really bad?” Tonks asked in confidence. “What about
other things?”

“Well considering that you told me that you kissed a boy and it made you feel good
what did you do when he left?” Penny asked with a saucy smile wondering what the
younger girl had done after her first time being aroused by a boy. “I take it that
there were some fumbled explorations.”
“Well considering that there was some very serious kissing involved,” Tonks shyly
admitted. “I may have done more than just that. Considering that after they left me
I tried to calm down with an ice cold shower…”
“That’s mostly better with boys,” Penny admitted as the image of the girl playing
with herself in the shower came to mind. “While it will help calm you down somewhat,
a girl takes more to get excited and when they do it stays awhile in that state. A
bit opposite of guys they get eager and go off quick while we take longer to get
excited but get to stretch that sensation out. Now relieving stress is a complicated
thing. Some witches prefer to tease their bodies until release or as it is called
cum. So what did you do after the shower didn’t cool you down? Let me guess you just
started touching yourself and fumbled around a bit…”

“Not quite,” Tonks said with a blush. “Considering that he got me really worked up I
sort of let the book I was rather embarrassed if I was caught reading it come into
“Ah a nice romance novel well that gives a bit of things to start from as otherwise
you likely would have started with trying to figure out by just caressing which
areas feel good and then repeating whichever felt stronger such as if you had
something rubbing your breasts or your legs rubbed your lips together as a starting
point,” Penny said with a nod reminiscing about where she had started. “I take it
that you did a bit more than play with yourself in that exploring than just feeling
your lower lips and the buds of your breast. Given the descriptions are usually more
poetic than course I take it that you teased your breasts and ran your finger along
your slit at the least. Most likely you even tried inserting a finger if you were
wet enough. That reminds me always make sure you are wet or use something to
lubricate or it will hurt. Boys tend to fumble around without that and it hurts like
hell especially if they touch a dry clit!”
“It wasn’t a romance novel it was a very dirty book full of what mum would say were
not just naughty but filthy disgusting things,” Tonks admitted with a shudder as the
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memories started to work her arousal to slowly begin to rise. “It described thinks
involving using the mouth for other things than kissing and not just teasing with
fingers but direct delights.”
“Well considering that you are young I will have to tell you that any boy or girl
that says that they do not indulge in such exploration is either a liar or rather
disturbed,” Penny said with a chiding tone. “It is perfectly natural and there are
several spells that your mother should have told if not taught you by now.”
“So it is definitely not wrong to touch myself if it feels good,” Tonks said as the
idea helped wear down her conditioning her mother had done to her. “Could you give
me some examples?”

“I was just getting to that you impatient thing you,” Penny said with a smile. “Now
one of the areas that you can find more pleasurable sensations originating is in
your breasts or as the boys will often call them your tits just like they would call
your sex other things…”
“You mean like pussy or cunt?” Tonks asked as she pressed her legs together rubbing
her lips together and nodding along. “The book called them that and said things
regarding oh what was that phrase. Oh yeah! It said, ‘After having his tongue
impaling her soaking cunt having lapped at her dripping juices and sucked her stiff
throbbing clit. He thrust his fingers into her warm wet twat and kept sucking her
clit until she shuddered and thrust herself against his fingers fucking her eager
hole.’ Is that what you mean?”

“Yes,” Penny said as she felt her slowly dimming arousal rekindle. “Now a girl will
like a talented tongue there but as it is a rare witch that can bend enough to do
that we get by with our fingers or with the right spell our wands. Now with a simple
spell a wand can be resized to give a girl as much stretching as she wants as well
as a second spell to cause it to vibrate quite nicely.”

“What about a spell that moves it inside the witch?” Tonks asked in interest as she
was lucky that her fingers had rested enough not to fumble with her wand. “Gripping
a wand would cause a cramp eventually.”
“Exactly,” Penny said having long since forgot the girl’s age or believed
inexperience. “Now most witches are rather squeamish in sliding something inside as
it can tear your hymen and many a wizard will refuse to consider a girl marriageable
if that happens.”
“So what do witches do if that option is mostly out?” Tonks asked in interest. “Is
it anything like what the book said? Do guys really like to place their cocks into a
girl’s mouth? Would a tongue really be as pleasurable inside a girl’s slick slit?”

“Oh yes!” Penny said with a moan at her arousal. “Now boys talk so listen here never
ever go down on a guy unless you are damn well got something to keep him from
blabbing like a fool. One of my friends ended up with all her dates thinking that
after a quick kiss and touch they could push her down and shove their cocks into her
mouth and after barely any time cum without warning them!”

“So don’t just suck a dick be sure there won’t be repercussions,” Tonks nodded in
agreement. “What about letting a boy feel your tits and twat?”
“Most of them don’t even try to do it right,” Penny groused as her hand drifted to
her lap. “The number of times a girl has to get herself off after the guy is to damn
many to count. Most barely, go until they feel they are about to spurt and then at
most cum on a girl’s face or her tits. Now while it can feel soothing most seem to
think that an encounter ends when they spurt! Given most guys here you will need to
learn those spells.”
“What about when I go home over the summer and the stupid restrictions?” Tonks asked
as the idea of going back to just dealing with her arousal until it slowly decreased
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seemed rather stupid at this point. “Are there any other methods to relieve my
frustrations that you could recommend?

“Well considering that while you may have a decent understanding it would be remiss
not to explain some things that you can do without a wand,” Penny said slyly as her
hand rubbed her skirt pressing it into her once more rising in arousal sex. “There
are a few options of which you may have experimented. Now do you want a visual to go
with the words?”
“Yes please,” Tonks answered as her eyes lingered at where Penny was tracing her
fingers. “There is a difference between pictures and in person…”

“Why you naughty witch you,” Penny chided as she reached to the hem of her skirt.
“You want a chance to see how it looks without a mirror!”
“A mirror might be interesting,” Tonks mumbled as she thought over watching her body
as if an outside observer. “Still some techniques do need to be demonstrated to
better grasp the principles and specifics…”

“All right since it will help lessen the explorations you need,” Penny said as she
pulled her skirt up exposing her shaved slit. “Now since you read up on this I still
should give a once over so you can attach a name to the specific part. Now this is
my slit, vulva or pussy lips as they are called. Now if you haven’t noticed when you
get aroused they swell up.”
“Uhuh,” Tonks said as she gazed at the second female sex besides her own she had
seen since elementary school. “They look fuller than mine.”

“Age and experience,” Penny said as she slowly spread her lips so that Tonks could
see inside. “Now the lips will spread open when a girl is truly good and excited and
as you can see moisture will flow allowing stimulation without excess friction
causing injuries. Now at the top you see that little bulge?”

“Yes,” Tonks said as she leaned close enough to smell and was tempted to taste her.
“That’s your clit right?”
“Got it in one,” Penny said with a grin as her fingers began to run along her slit.
“Now given the number of nerves on the outside a good number of girls will stay with
caressing their lips and when their clit is exposed playing with it. Now always be
sure that your fingers are moist as the clit does not produce its own moisture. See
what I am doing?”
“You are running your fingers to wetten them in your slit so that you don’t hurt
your clit,” Tonks said as she watched the prefect slowly begin to play with her
pussy in front of her. “What about um… fingering yourself?”
“Ah that!” Penny exclaimed as a minor shudder passed through her body at having the
opportunity to engage her inner exhibitionist as well as educate an impressionable
girl. “Now when you get your fingers good and moist you slide them in like so.”
With that said Tonks zoned out for a moment at the least as she watched Penny start
sliding a finger inside. She watched as another finger joined and she noticed that
they curled up and that Penny was panting with her eyes closed forgetting that there
was anyone there but her. As it was Tonks was not exactly willing to do more than to
rub her warm willing sex with her panties serving as the only barrier from doing as
Penny was at that moment. With her panties stretching as she slid her fingers along
and dipping to further wetten her panties with her juices, Tonks barely managed to
keep from closing her eyes and as Penny was doing loose herself in her own
“Does that really feel as good as it looks?” Tonks managed to ask as her fingers
teased her without doing more than stretching the soaked panties to be almost
transparent and skin tight. “I mean just feeling like this feels great, but fingers
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inside considering…”
“It feels good,” Penny said as her mind began to drift from reality to fantasy. “A
cock feels even better, but a guy can use his fingers and mouth as well. Still most
of the boys especially here would only give enough to make sure your cunt is wet
enough for them to fuck without chafing. Why they can’t seem to accept that girls
want to cum too I don’t know!”
“What if the boy would be willing to go until she cums and has to almost be begged
to stop as your pussy feels raw and in need of some soothing lotion?” Tonks said
with a shudder of her own. “Would it be alright to readily suck such a guy or let
him slide his throbbing dick between a girl’s aroused and warm tits?”

“If you find a guy that actually cares about your needs here don’t you dare let him
go,” Penny spun and told her firmly. “To damn many witches go to muggle clubs
because wizards are even less likely to do more than think about a girl in regards
to just cuming on their face, tits or mouth! Hell I know a witch who hooked up with
a muggle because he actually was willing to lick her pussy like she was the best
tasting thing ever. Most wizards will not do more than shove their pricks inside
your snatch or mouth before they start working to cuming. Some cum with barely any
chance for a girl to feel good! Just insert rut and spurt with no care for your

“So if a girl finds a guy that was discrete and more than willing to get a girl off
and often that she should do almost anything to keep him?” Dora asked as she felt
the rising passion in her body even as the part of her that her mother created
agreeing somewhat.

“Oh Morgana fucking her broom, yes!” Penny shouted at the thought worked her to a
panting frenzy her fingers plunging rapidly inside her. “If he was willing to eat my
pussy, I would be willing to even try something I heard about!”

“What?” Tonks asked with a slight smirk as she started to notice that her words were
driving the girl up the wall. “Do more than just suck him off maybe even let him
fuck your face shoving his cock into that tight throat of yours as you did more than
just let him passively use your mouth as a substitute for your excited and eager
little pussy, is that what you mean?”

“Fuck yeah,” Penny said as she had started to forget that Tonks was there from the
arousal she was in going so far as to grab her wand and practically bellow the
spells before shoving it into her twat. “I would suck him off after pounding my
pussy! If I met a man like that compared to that barely average minute man I would
let him bend me over and shove his cock in. If he actually ate me until I came I
would ride him until he came, sucked him hard and repeat until either he can’t get
up or I pass out!”
“Would you mind if he made you lick some girl as he fucked your eager hole?” Dora
asked whispering into the masturbating prefect’s ear. “Or even care that he ran his
dick along your slit if he just made you cum before having her suck you off as you
watched her and felt her moan into your snatch?”
“No!” Penny shouted as she worked her wand rapidly inside her to move it faster than
it could by itself while her other hand tore her blouse open and her hand went to
her tit with abandon. “If I met such a man, I would be willing to do whatever he
wanted! If I met someone that made me cum and was so good I would be willing to
crawl on my knees I would do whatever he wanted!”
“You would even kiss and touch a girl without regret?” Dora asked prodding more
information to damn well put her prudish side to rest. “Regardless of liking it or
not just because he likes watching you do so?”
“Fuck yeah!” Penny agreed as she started to thrust against the wand. “I would grab
on and let him do whatever it took to get him to keep me and keep me cuming! Oh
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merciful Circe I would bury my face in a girls twat for that!”
“Would you let him fuck you and cum on you for his pleasure,” Dora asked as her hand
played with her pussy, “or would you even resist when he eats you until you cream on
his face even if he fingers your ass?”
“Yes, Yes!” Penny agreed her eyes wide and her head thrown back. “If a guy ate me to
more than a single cum I would even let him finger fuck me before anyone discrete.”
“So your saying that if a girl is with a discrete guy, that as long as he is
discrete and he makes her cum she should do whatever it takes to make him happy,”
Dora asked as she noticed the bed being soaked under Penny’s pussy, “even if it
means sharing him and performing with another girl.”
“Fuck!” Penny said as she drove her wand into her and ground against it. “Anything
for that, anything! You ever meet a guy like that, drop to your knees and offer
whatever he wants. Hell if he wants to spank your ass, do that!”
“So if a guy was willing to eat you out to multiple orgasms,” Dora began rubbing
herself against the aroused girl. “Before playing with her until she passes out that
she should be willing to crawl naked and accept his commands for the benefit of so
many long hard knockout cums?”

“Yes!” Penny shouted as she fell back with her twat gripping the vibrating wand
sliding inside her. “The only thing better is if he lets you get there at your own
pace. Just don’t let a guy like that get away or think you are something to ease so
he would throw you away…”

“Right,” Tonks said as she clenched on her fingers before licking them and slowly
getting to her feet. “So I wasn’t wrong just don’t rush in and he shouldn’t dismiss
me as some eager girl that he would tire of. Well I guess that means that finger
fucking myself when he works me up might not be too bad. Still mum might find out. I
go too far and she would find out. I want to be a good girl and thus I should not
just drop to my knees just yet. If you had the number and intensities of orgasms
that he gave me, you would drop whoever got you worked up before I got here and live
in his room naked up for anything. Not that the notion hasn’t been so tempting just
sneaking in there and saying surprise. Just have to worry about mum and what her
reeducation would be. I think being hosed naked outside would be the least of the

She slowly eased the wand out of Penny and thought about whipping it clean or at
least onto the sprawled girl. Tilting her head and remembering that she had licked a
boy’s cock of after a girl had cum drenched it as well as lapping a pussy that
flowed into her mouth there was little hesitation in what she did next. Tonks licked
the still vibrating wand clean of Penny’s juices before a thought struck her. She
ran the wand over her slit and felt the vibration send a thrill through her body.
Shakily removing it from against her weeping wetness, Tonks smirked and placed it
against the still shuddering fifth year’s lips. Her lips parted and she worked the
wand with her cum coating it into the often times overly pleasant girl. Considering
that she had tried to burn Penny’s techniques in stimulating her pussy there was
little chance she would not do the same with the experienced techniques she was
currently learning.
“Still being a good girl doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy kissing them now,” Tonks said as
she kissed the older girls forehead while watching her clean and suck the wand as if
it was a real dick. “Well hope your cum induced sleep helps your stress out. I need
to go now.”
As she worked the wand from her lips, the girl murmured the spell to revert the wand
from its magical vibrating dildo form. Ever studious Tonks burned it into memory.
She knew that she would be using those spells often. She wasn’t ready to be a
naughty girl or as Hermione had stated being their sexy slut toy that enjoyed being
played with cuming form their using her.
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As she stepped out and closed the door to the sleeping prefect’s room Tonks said, “I
may not be ready for that but I will eagerly deal with the dilemma that kissing will


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 8: Hogsmeade Weekend and Hogwarts Reactions
by SamStone 7 Reviews
In the aftermath of the Troll most parties contemplate how things are going and
deal with things.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Andromeda Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/07/02 -
Updated: 2008/07/02 - 21638 words
Chapter 8: Hogsmeade Weekend and Hogwarts Reactions

Sometimes I think that a requirement for gaining the leadership of an organization

results in a complete lack of common sense. That the examples are more extreme in
the Wizarding world merely exemplarize that common sense is anything but and that
magic can be quite illogical at times. Given the issues that have made our attempts
to express ourselves and our interests it does show how magic seems to create either
shepherds or sheep. The sheep at least have some use while the shepherds are likely
to get all the sheep killed. – Hermione on the migraines the various leaders gave
before they had enough and squished the current shepherd trying to make them sheep.


Morning had come and the signs of the pair having cum long into the night were
evident in both their state of position as well as the state of the bed and the air
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reeked of their arousal. As it was it was a Hogsmeade weekend as they could not go
they were going to have to see if they could get a favor out of their Dora even if
she hadn’t completely accepted being theirs yet. As had become their habit since
Hermione rarely spent the night in her own room, the pair had out of convenience and
comfort started to strip when they entered the room and regardless of how far their
nightly escapades went they always awoke nude in each other’s embrace with various
signs of excitement and always feeling more rested than they had in their own beds
at their houses.
They woke and as they were unsure how long before the older years left for Hogsmeade
and they for their first extra class went about their day in while a longer manner
than most days was shorter than most weekend mornings. Hermione stirred first and
raised Harry with him soon losing himself in her favorite start to the day or second
as the case may seem. A short time of Harry’s lapping of his morning honey and the
pair went to the shower. Without the time constraint of a class as early they spent
some time just furthering their exploration and searches for sweet spots on each
other. It seemed with each day that they learned more about themselves and each
Dressed in casual clothes the pair made their way down toward the commons. Hermione
had half wanted to simply find her room and ask her there. Harry was certain that
action might set them back and with the back step they had dealt with the day before
they were unwilling to let things become more difficult to their plan. As it was
they managed to find her as she was entering to head to breakfast though as most on
a Hogsmeade weekend would take a lighter breakfast to enjoy some of the food in

“Hello delicious Dora,” Hermione said as she leaned into Tonk’s ear having crept up
quieter than a mouse. “How was your night?”
Memories of her night after leaving Penny’s room flashed through her mind. It had
been a major shock that she had done what she had and was scared that if Penny had
not been so lost in believing she was experiencing a waking wet dream would have
done far more. That Hermione popped up behind her and whispered in that voice she
had used so well to arouse her to being willing to try almost anything was a sudden

‘Bloody hell,’ Tonks thought as she tried to get her sudden racing heart under
control. ‘Last night was a shock but having that minx leaning in on me this early is
not good. If I hadn’t heard Penny saying what a wonderful dream she was having I
would have been seriously worried. Hopefully she passes last night off as some new
kinky dream or I am in some trouble. Still I am somewhat amazed that she hadn’t
simply decided to show me everything when she started to demonstrate how to best use
your fingers to cum. Part of this trepidation that I feel around these two is that
they were able to take me and I was eager! Sure they may not have penetrated me but
they used me just the same. Why mum did you try to make me feel that this was

“Really Tonks,” Harry said from the wall to her side. “It is rather rude to simply
ignore people who say hello. Now can’t you say good morning or at least hello like a
good girl?”
That caused Tonks to swallow harshly at the sudden way her stomach dropped at that.
A memory of her father with her bent over on his knees with her bare assed came to
mind. That had been what he said she should be. A good girl didn’t get her bare ass
spanked, but then again a good girl didn’t cum from her father spanking her ass
until it was red and inflamed. A shudder passed through her and she felt her body
begin to respond to the memories as well as Harry’s presence. Thankfully for once
neither of them commented out loud about her reaction.
“Good morning, Harry,” Tonks said with as much confidence as she could muster while
not trying to draw attention to either her reactions or give then any further
incentives. “Good morning Hermione. Did you have a good night’s sleep?”
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“Most definitely,” Hermione purred from where she was so close to embracing Dora.
“Then again I have been having the most fantastic nights here. So was your night
good as well?”
“It was quite pleasant,” Tonks said fighting a blush as she recalled her actions
both in Penny’s room and when she had returned to her bed and the exhausted sleep
that her further personal explorations had caused. “So what are you two up to on
this rather pleasant Saturday?”

“Well there is an optional class on Care for Magical Creatures offered today,”
Hermione said as Harry simply observed Dora’s reactions. “Ma… Harry thought it might
be useful to better understand proper animal care considering that we both plan to
have a slightly less than average companion with us next year.”
“Why go for the ordinary when there is the extraordinary to experience?” Harry asked
with a slight smirk as he noticed the subtle hints in Tonks actions. “So what about
you are you going to Hogsmeade?”

“Yes,” Tonks admitted but felt a sigh of contentment that there was one place that
the two couldn’t follow her for another two years. “I think it will be nice to spend
more time taking in the sights than I have in previous trips. There is so much to
explore that I might still be finding new things even in my NEWT year. So what is
your interest in the village?”
“Was wondering if you couldn’t post something in the village or purchase some things
that we are shall we say unwilling to risk being owled to us here?” Harry asked with
a knowing voice. “I assure you that it is only a simple business proposition and not
something of a more questionable nature…”
“Well that wasn’t what I expected you to ask me?” Tonks said with a faint hint of
disappointment tinting the air. “Although I suppose it is something easier to
answer. I just hope that you two aren’t doing anything illegal or too dangerous.”

“Ah but it seems that far too many enjoyable things are frowned on if not outright
illegal,” Hermione whispered into the shuddering girl’s ear. “It’s not like we are
asking you to strip naked and be led on a leash around the school now is it?”

‘Morgana’s ass fucked by a centaur,’ Tonks thought as the image Hermione invoked
came to mind. ‘I don’t know what scares me more that she thinks and tells me things
like that or that I seem to get wet and need a quick moment to get back together
when she does so. At least she didn’t start plunging a vibrating dildo inside her
without regards to my needs… what am I thinking? Calm down and as soon as they leave
go back to the room and Jill off some of this excess heat that is being brought up!
Now if they don’t try to seal this agreement with a kiss I most likely will be both
disappointed and relieved.’
“Really Hermione,” Harry chided from where he noticed the obvious signs that Tonks
was experiencing. “Hinting that Dora here wants someone to own her and that she is
interested in being led around like a pet teasing all the boys and girls that she
isn’t theirs to touch but allowing them to look to their little perverted heart’s
content. Really now for shame, even if they would be likely to use the image of her
nude body crawling along the hallways with her ass moving just so to fuel many a
Jack and Jill off session. Even if she does look tempting enough to hoist to ones
lips and eat that does not mean that you should embarrass her like this…”
It was obvious to Hermione that this was Harry’s attempt at teasing the girl who
they had gotten a hesitant nod to have as a willing kissing participant. Given that
with enough prods like this that it was likely that she would break down and beg
them for something more satisfying than her own fingers that it wasn’t that bad of a
plan. Still as amusing as it was working the girl up enough that she ran off to get
some relief from the excitement that they provided, it was not the eventual goal.
Hermione was while reluctant to not simply drag the girl to a room and tear her
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clothes off and ravage her slowly beginning to hope that Dora didn’t let the game go
to long before she accepted their help in her release. That was in part due to the
fact that both realized that until she was willing to come to them for her cums that
asking her to help with theirs would be counterproductive. Even if she was thinking
about the future situations such as Christmas and Anne’s plan to get them all
deflowered if not decherried in other ways.

‘Like I cannot see that if she wasn’t wearing panties she would be dripping on the
floor,’ Hermione thought as she watched with hungry eyes the body so close to hers
that she wanted almost nothing more than to wrap herself around her and drag her to
the ground for some mutual lingual explanations. ‘A shame that we are still both
technically virgins as I am sure that a good long screw would have screwed her head
back on straight. Still it is fun to get her worked up and teasing her is amusing in
its own way. Is it wrong that for once I want to say screw patience, now lick me
like yesterday morning again?’
“Harry,” Tonks said as she swallowed and resisted the urge to ignore the public
setting and just get a quick release. “I am not really that embarrassed considering
that it does a girl good to know that she is attractive even if the fantasy is not
that normal. Just try not to say things that are too extreme…”
“Like what?” Hermione whispered into her ear. “That I am tempted to see what color
your panties are and how that color changes from your arousal?”
“Not now Hermione,” Tonks chided the far to close girl while trying to get things
under control. “Now back to business! What is it that you two want me to get and why
don’t you just owl order it?”

“I don’t trust the school not to have at least some mail filtering in case something
excessively dangerous, rare or interesting let alone something on the banned list
would be confiscated,” Harry said as he watched Hermione move mimicking the girl
with only the slightest hairs of space between the two. “Add to that the matter of
our more developed relationship certain things are a bit less likely to be ordered
to be delivered here.”
Tonks merely blushed when he said relationship and tried not to stutter as
Hermione’s closeness once more impacted on her. The two were enjoying their game
with the slightly older and most definitely attractive girl, but it was going to get
late and if they didn’t want to miss breakfast and allow Tonks time to deal with the
frustration they oh so willingly created before heading even more distracted to town
they would have to cut it short. A true pity that they couldn’t take advantage of
the day, but such was life. The slow wearing down of Dora’s resistance was enticing
and they were well aware that they were already savoring what they felt was the
inevitable conclusion of her letting them in and the reverse as well.
“”It really is not that big of a deal,” Hermione reassured the girl she was so
enticingly not touching. “It is not like we are asking for an alibi while arranging
for the dark and light dimwit two to be seen in the astronomy tower before having…
an accident.”

‘I worry that I would go along with that already at this point,’ Tonks thought as
she felt the soft breathing of Hermione brushing her already flushed neck. ‘Malfoy
is an ass as well as that Weasley being a complete waste of space. More like that
one would result in this situation of the Lions and Snakes continuing for more
generations. As much as I dislike the drama of those two houses, it is nice not to
have to get involved in their idiocies. Still if I want to be a Prefect and
hopefully Head Girl than I need to deal with dimwits like those. If Cousin Draco was
a year older the ass would likely imply that being his mistress would allow for me
to remove the stain on the Black honor. The Weasley twit amazes me that he is
related to Charley, Bill or the Twins still with that rule stickler Percival around
there is a comparison of dogmatic obedience. At least they are not constantly
teasing or worse using very explicit euphemisms to explain things or telling stories
that are nothing but barely concealed descriptions of such acts.’
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“Yes it is best to have some level of trust before such a thing would ever enter our
minds,” Harry said with a very sinister spark to his eyes. “Still considering the
two consider each other their opposite rival and nemesis since neither managed to
attract more than indifference from me, it would be so fitting if they dealt with
each other and left everyone else out of their bizarre mating dance.”

Tonks turned a completely putrid shade at the thought of those two ever being
friends let alone anything more as she noticed that while both were obviously as
revolted and defiled by the thought it was obvious that something else was there.
The dark humor radiating from the pair made that certain. The Hermione seemed
suddenly filled with a feeling of satisfaction about the idea was quite horrifying.

‘Not going to think about it though it would work as a damn good thought to kill the
mood if these two get me wound up again,’ Tonks thought as she tried to drive that
image from her mind. ‘Though considering that those two are so concerned about
annoying the other… Maybe if it was a prank to make the school believe their
arguments were their way to divert attention from their feelings for each other…’
“Yes it would be definitely satisfying to see their families’ reactions,” Hermione
said with a sudden chill inducing voice. “Now there are a few things on the list to
get and a package or two to pick up but we are more than happy to provide the money
for you to purchase as well as a decent compensation for spending some precious time
working when you could be having fun. So do you want to seal the deal?”
That particular phrasing brought a sudden flip flop to Tonks’ stomach. It seemed
that the two while more than able to be serious at times liked to flirt with each
other and add her to the back and forth teasing. Considering that she had been as
prim and proper as possible after her trauma and thus seemed to hide her developing
body unconsciously, it was a nice change to have someone compliment let alone flirt
with her especially after the horrible job that seemingly most of the male
population had done when they found out about her gift.

“Seal it how? Tonks asked as she licked her lips in anticipation.

“With a kiss of course,” Hermione answered as she moved from behind her to where her
lips were barely avoiding touching Tonks’ cheek. “That is if you want to seal the
deal properly of course…”

“Ye,” was as far as Tonks got before her lips were silenced by a far less than chase
“Hmm,” Hermione said as she pulled away and curved back behind Tonks. “You taste a
bit spicier this morning and I like it. Now Harry, are you ready to do your part?”
“Of course,” Harry said with a purely predatory gaze that did nothing to settle the
already nervous girl’s body. “Now relax and enjoy…”
With that Harry kissed her. No to be more accurate the kiss was a conduit for Harry
to pour his lust directly into her as he let his passion out for a moment. Tonks
pressed herself against him as Hermione supported her as her knees trembled and toes
curled as she leaned in and responded to the kiss. Tonks felt Hermione’s tits
pressed into her back while the girl rubbed herself against her ass in addition to
Harry pressing into her and his arousal obvious against her heated skin feeling him
as if the cloth was not even there.
“Don’t think that I am done,” Hermione said indignantly spinning the girl between
them to kiss her again. “I may like to nibble a bit but a quick taste is not enough
right now!”
Hermione kissed Tonks feeling the girl burning as her body flushed and her pulse
quickened. She felt their warm wet sexes barely separated by their skirts and in
Tonks case a rather translucent and skin tight pair of panties. She felt Tonks jump
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against her as Harry obviously was pressed against her and like she had earlier
teasing the girl’s sensitive neck.

With great reluctance they pulled away from the panting girl before throwing them
into their own kiss. It was to that sight that the slumped and panting Tonks became
first aware. Knowing that if she stayed that the two would likely take her there and
then, she darted back to her room. As soon as she got there she noticed two things.
One was a roll of parchment stuffed between her tits and the other was that she
looked different.

‘Oh god I shifted when they were kissing me!’ Tonks thought in shock. ‘These clothes
are stretched and stink! Right a quick shower and a change of clothes and I should
be ready for breakfast and then town.’
So saying Tonks neglected to look at the list as she stripped before starting to
head for the shower. Her skirt hit the floor with ease while her blouse was
stretched from her shift. Her panties were even worse stuck to her skin and clinging
to her sex. That she couldn’t just slide them off and had to peel them off had been
embarrassing. She still noticed the fact that she was tender from where she had been
spanked hard. After a quick shower and feeling less stressed and smelly, she looked
over the list. Most of it was reasonable. The last few items that were made to sound
completely innocent were not.

‘Bloody hell,’ Tonks thought in shock. ‘A leash, collar and a plug for a tub as well
as a crop may seem innocent but with those two… damn just when I was relaxed those
two ensure I stay frustrated and flustered all day. Oh bugger me he wants me to get
a few items that are going to draw stares, restraints and the like as well as a
paddle in addition to the crop. At least the potions ingredients don’t seem to out
While Tonks dealt with the pair’s stimulation and sensations, the pair had
reluctantly parted as while they may have little care using Obliviation on anyone
who saw them doing more than kissing and perhaps a grope in the common was too much
of an inconvenience as a memory charm was easily detected the sooner to the event as
possible. No the pair had left the tower and after a quick wave got some relief and
mutual extra morning delights in a nook in the wall.

As they waited for Tonks to come down before heading out as well as heading to their
elective class, they reminisced on what they had just done and the steps forward to
what they had planned. Suffice it to say that they were both really hoping that
Tonks delivered what they had requested as they would really like to have more
options available.

‘Well that was exciting,’ Hermione thought as she ate her third breakfast. ‘Though
first breakfast went as expected, second was different as normally this would be
second breakfast. Still Anne is going to go wild to try that position. Sure
sixty-nineing is fun but being held like that was such a loss of control. Tonks
better come back with those toys! Some good sharp stimulation is needed as well as
some preparation for Christmas or it will hurt too much to be enjoyable.’

‘In-fucking-credible,’ Harry thought as he made a neat yet rapid devouring of the

food in front of him, ‘and I thought that dream of three girls going down on me or
the time I had Alice sitting on my shoulders while I ate her with Anne kneeling and
sucking me was hot. Neither of those seemed as hot as that well maybe the three
girls but really the feeling of Hermione supported by me and in complete control of
her like that! Now I see why Alice goes spare when Anne goes completely obedient and
I can’t believe I never noticed before well besides how hot Anne went when I was
involve in her being helpless while being ravished.’
With the two consumed with reflections and planning they could be forgiven for the
fact that they didn’t detect Tonks until her scent was practically on them. Sitting
next to the two Tonks ate her meal with a growing sense of concern over her shopping
trip. If any of the boys made the connection there was a risk of them thinking she
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was easy and taking her. Reminiscing on how it never seemed that there was any
negative gossip about Hufflepuffs she momentarily reminisced when the hat chose
Ravenclaw over Hufflepuff. The hat had said she would make a good one and that she
would really enjoy her time there.
‘I do wonder what the hat meant by that,’ Tonks thought as she unknowingly teased
with her motions. ‘Still if I don’t get them the things on the list they will likely
punish me and if I do they will likely ravish me. That could be either a win-win or
a lose-lose situation. If it hadn’t been for Penny I would have felt very ashamed
this morning. Still they are not making it difficult to even attempt to be
“So looking forward to the village?” Hermione asked Tonks between eating at a less
than model speed and amount. “Personally seeing what an entirely sole magical
village looks like is tempting and to contrast it to the alleys is an experience
that I sadly have to wait for. You would be nice enough to tell us some later,
wouldn’t you?”
“Sure I don’t mind helping out,” Tonks said suppressing the shiver under the
protective glare that Harry cast over the table, “although you really will need to
experience it to appreciate it.”
“That is an interesting and accurate observation,” Harry commented getting a sudden
neck snap form the rest of the house do to his chronic tendency to be silent with
any one besides Hermione and the teachers, “that is also true about other things as
well. Still we can look forward to a nice day outside learning while you go
traipsing about a village and explore to your heart’s content.”

“I do have to come back in time for the night you know,” Tonks chided to hide her
discomfort at the attention so soon after her shift. “Still it might be nice to have
someone to talk to things about.”

“We like talking with you to Tonks,” Hermione said with a slight smile. “You need
more friends than those Quidditch girls after all…”
“I think I may have a few new ones,” Tonks said with a blush. “It is a shame that my
year seems to be as small as it is, well not as small as the year between ours at
any rate.”

“Well you do need to get going soon,” Hermione said with a sad smile. “Just keep an
eye out alright?”
“Sure thing Hermione,” Tonks said when she stood to leave. “Now try not to go too
overboard with studying alright.”
“I am sure that I won’t go too overboard,” Hermione said with a laugh. “Still I do
tend to give anything I work on full attention.”
“I am sure you do,” Tonks said with a wistful smile of her own. “Now get going
before your late!”
“Same to you,” Harry said glaring at the table in his hope to get his point across.
“Stay safe!”
As the three parted the throat of a particular seventh year shuddered and he knew
that the Metamorphmagus was definitely off limits and hoped that some of the younger
and less observant boys would get the point. Sure a Metamorph was one hell of a
fantasy but the risk to being castrated at best and something far more unpleasant at
worst far outweighed that. Loosing ones balls and ability to extend the family made
one a useless thing in the world and having the entirety cut off without a numbing
charm was a thing to fear. Sadly he failed to notice how several of the fifth,
fourth and third year boys ignored the protective glare and thought they had nothing
to fear from a firstie even one who resulted in the vanishing of You-Know-Who.
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While most of the students were out of the castle either in Hogsmeade for the third
years and up and the younger years distracted with things such as the second year
Ravenclaws once more descending on the library like locusts now that there was some
free time and lack of people to fight to get what books were normally already in
someones hands, Headmaster Dumbledore decided to finally have time to meet more in
depth on the Troll or the complete vanishing of it.
“Severus, Minerva, Pomona, Filius,” he said gesturing for them to sit in the four
chairs provided in his office. “Sit down sit down. Now I am sure you all know why I
called you here today.”
“Of course Albus,” Severus said with a sigh of frustration. “There is however no
evidence that I have found for how a troll could have gotten in though evidence of
something with a troll’s strength wandering the halls that night is certain. Have
there been any other signs that you found to clear this up.”

“You seem rather terse than usual Severus,” Pomona said wondering what had got the
man riled up this time. “Is there something else that is troubling you?”

“Why Pomona one would think that a Hufflepuff like yourself would really care?”
Severus asked his voice dripping with sarcasm. “To be honest, I wonder why we sent
the students back to their common rooms when the Great Hall was a better place to
keep them safe irregardless of the fact that my students live in the dungeons where
the troll was supposedly spotted. Really now, why would I be irritable about that?”

‘Really questioning why I care,’ Pomona thought in sorrow. ‘A puff is a puff and we
now when one needs to get rough, but we like it better when one gets enough. So is
it any wonder that I feel worried that everyone is too tense. Some of my puffs will
need some more help to embrace their true Huffleslut selves.’

“I am sure that you are not implying that any of us were willing to send the
children to danger let alone their possible deaths over which house they are in,”
Minerva chided Severus. “I will admit that while we can be quite determined to win
our competition that does not mean that winning by the rivals dying would be
anything short of disappointing.”

“I am sure that is not what Severus means, Minerva,” Albus said trying to steer the
meeting back into order and his control. “Now as we have evidence of the Troll
somehow getting into the school it means we need to once more check for lost or new
passages into the school. Argus will be doing this and will need some assistance in
finding the more elusive passages. Now as it approaches nearer to half the year gone
is there any interesting things about the students of concern or interest?”

‘He always does this every year,’ Pomona thought with a wave of disgust at how many
promising students were pushed into what others viewed as their best intentions and
interest. ‘At least it shows why Hufflepuff stands united together although I will
have to admit to some of the first years as interesting. Two of the girls this year
so show much potential to be true Hufflepuffs and wouldn’t the rest of the staff be
disgusted by what that means. Susan and Hannah show those signs as well as being an
excellent pair although Megan already has so much potential given Gwenog’s
inclination and it was quite a good time. Still considering the sudden shift in
behavior after their flying lesson and what I was able to entice out of Xiomara, I
think that the pair are likely going to gravitate to having a somewhat exclusive
instead of the standard relationship of fun and games.’
“There are some that show a minor talent to be less than pathetic in the Art,”
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Severus began as was his usual demeanor on the matter. “As for the young snakes,
Malfoy appears to be the likely leader in the coming years although that is not
surprising considering his father’s instruction.”
“Ah anything on our most famous student,” Albus asked wondering if Severus had
finally put the enmity with James to rest, “and any chance that he takes after Lily
in the field?
The sour look and haunted eyes flashed before he regained control and said, “While
the boy is at least passing in ability, the rest of his skills in potions seem
influenced with practical experience. Experience that a muggle raised wizard should
not have. Despite his looking like his father I will reluctantly admit that he has
inherited at least some of Lily’s potential. That he seems unconcerned with acting
anything like Potter is at least an explanation of why he was not sorted into
“Severus,” Minerva said her eyes flashing in indignation. “What are you trying to
say about my lions?”

“They tend to rush in when they should think,” Severus said in a droll voice. “Far
too many of your students cannot and will not accept difference from what they
believe. Add to that they seem intent to attack my Slytherins does not lend me much
reason to sympathize with your students who are far more like jackals than lions.”
“Enough,” Dumbledore broke in interrupting the eternal argument between the two.
“Now Minerva is there anything about this year’s Gryffindors that are interesting
and any showing talent in transfiguration?”

“The Gryffindors this year I am sad to say don’t seem as promising as I had hoped,”
Minerva said with a disappointed sigh. “The girls so far are not very intellectually
interested in their studies nor are the boys that prone to either. Despite the
talents of the parents Longbottom does seem to lack the usual daring that most of
the house is known for. The youngest Weasley lacks the direction of his brothers as
well as a very low attention span. Sadly none of them show any real interest in
“So this year’s Gryffindors seem like more dunderheads than normal,” Severus said
with a resigned sigh. “I suspected as much as not a one seems even capable of doing
more than not melting a cauldron though Longbottom seems to be more likely to melt
or explode one. The girls will likely find some husband and either turn out a large
number of even more incompetent children or likely due to a lack of any usable
talent end up as workers in Knocturn or worse.”

“Severus,” Minerva said sharply. “We are to educate them not belittle them!”
“True Minerva,” Albus said while looking disappointed at Severus. “While you are
entitled to your opinions Severus some will disagree with you strongly to them.
While I find it a pity that most of the younger generation seems far too interested
in flashy instead of practical and useful magic that does not mean that they are
completely without talent.”
“One cannot take inferior ingredients to create a superior potion, Headmaster,”
Severus said with a scathing tone barely keeping civil and complacent with his role
as a subordinate. “I stand by my position on this year’s Gryffindors are the most
inept at potions that I have ever seen. What is worse is when I have to deal with
whatever mistakes their absentminded actions cause. On his first potion, Longbottom
put porcupine needles in while it was still on the flame! I do not get how I should
respect someone who fails to read and follow the simplest of instructions that even
Crabbe and Goyle followed without a problem. Now while they may be my Slytherins
they do need a bit more deft hand in bringing them to task.”
“My Severus it seems that you have a few students that seem to be disappointments,”
Pomona said with a sly purr. “While those two show a complete lack of natural talent
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in Herbology quite unlike young Mr. Longbottom that does not mean that they are
completely addled even if those two families tend not to be the brightest wand in
the box.”
“Yes we all know of the legendary and typical attributes of the Crabbe and Goyle
families,” Filius said with a slight chiding tone to his voice. “Now as we have
covered the other houses you will likely wish to know about my first years. They are
doing rather well though it seems that some of them will need time to adjust to
being so far from home. In particular there is the rather shy Su Li in this regard.
While my house may not be the most adventurous or confrontational of houses that
does not mean that they are completely willing to be walked over by either or your
houses, Severus Minerva. I take it that you wish for me to add my thoughts on young
Mr. Potter as well although Minerva did not give you a view on the boy in her
“Quite,” Minerva said as she looked at her colleagues. “Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger
show an extensive amount of theoretical knowledge on the subject though Mr. Potter
seems to have inherited his father’s skills in the field though Ms. Granger seems to
be a near second in class. The rest of the Ravenclaws are having similar results
though I fear most will never truly understand the magic to the same level as those
two do. I do find myself believing that they are both holding back in what they are
capable of. If I didn’t know better I would say that they both practiced extensively
the first year spells as they show little to know problem in using them. While Mr.
Potter is courteous in class he does seem to be quite distant from the rest of his
year mates save Ms. Granger. It would appear that they were friends before and seem
to have decided it was safer to keep that friendship than explore other people.”

“I agree that the two are definitely long term friends from before and that while
Mr. Potter I will admit has a very defined knack in charms there seems to be
something about the way that he weaves his spells that as loath as I am to admit it
puts me on edge,” Filius said with a frown. “I do get the feeling of being not
unlike a mouse being stalked by a cat when he is near. Have any of you noticed the
general space the other students pets give the both of them though Mr. Potter more
“I had noticed a feeling of unease when I was in my animagus form for my first
class,” Minerva said with a frown. “Though he obviously has experience in caring for
cats as he was more than willing to allow me to relax. Has anyone else noticed that
he rarely smiles and seems quite cold to anyone other than Ms. Granger?”

“Why must we focus so much on Potter?” Severus asked in part disgusted by the
renewed attention the boy was receiving. “While I have admitted he is passable in
skill there is no real reason for all the attention! Are you trying to make him as
big headed as a celebrity as I had first believed he would be? I will admit that at
times he reminds me too much of Sirius Black though lacking so far any inclination
to pranks. Still if we focus too much of the students attention on him he will
eventually despite his so far tolerable behavior get addicted to his fame and likely
use it for his own ends. His closeness to Ms. Granger seems to bring out a calming
“You almost sound like you are comparing her to Lily with the way that she kept your
own youthful mistakes from becoming as disastrous as some feared,” Pomona said with
a small smile. “Do you suspect that he has anywhere near the level of dangerous
spells and potions in his repertoire as you did as a first year?”
“I will rather reluctantly admit that I wonder why he is not in my house at times,”
Severus hedged as he felt the others circling him mentally in a manner quite like a
shark. “He is obviously driven to something and as loath as I am to admit it I have
concerns that he would go down the same paths of other similar students…”
“Comparing him to yourself again, Severus?” Pomona asked as she reveled in the
verbal banter with the normally close lipped Slytherin. “It would seem that you have
noticed that he is regardless of his wants a person that the public and people will
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pay far too much attention to. I am amazed that we have not been inundated by
requests from the Prophet as well as other media sources to interview him now that
he is no longer in seclusion.”
“I was actually more concerned if he had a growing following similar to some other
charismatic figures in the past,” Severus acidly replied. “Now perhaps you would
have heard of them Grindlewald ring a bell or perhaps even the Dark Lord? It is
known that both drew people to them and used their charisma to sway their followers.
I take it that is also your concern Albus? You wonder what effects the curse had on
him. It wouldn’t do to have one Dark Lord vanish to be replaced by one that is far
more charismatic and already has far too many gullible and impressionable children
willing to die or likely even kill for him! How much farther could
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named have gone if he had the same publicity and entrenched
loyalty that child has?”
“While I am somewhat I admit concerned over what the long term effects of the curse
have been,” Albus said slowly and in as reassuring a voice as he could, “I must
admit that no one has survived being struck by that curse. Oh others may have had it
intercepted but none have been struck and lived let alone reflect the attack back at
the caster. No I will say that I was worried enough to ask for a favor…”
“You had someone watching him?” Minerva said with a relived sigh. “I have been quite
concerned over the years but you always say that it was best that he grow up without
the fame twisting him. It is quite reassuring to know that if he was in any real
danger from any of the Death Eaters that managed to worm their way out that you had
someone to alert you.”

“So Filius is there a reason that you as well as Minerva feel somewhat apprehensive
of our young Mr. Potter?” Albus asked as he had yet to see the boy outside meals and
began to wonder about arranging a meeting.
His hopes of the boy being inquisitive in a Gryffindor enough manner to seek out
what was on the third Floor and thus chide and interact with the boy had not
occurred. He also had wondered if when he had heard about the troll if the boy would
deal with it, but due to his lack of presence had put that off. He had eventually
been able to infer that the boy had in a very Hufflepuff manner been consoling his
friend. He felt a sense of unease at the notion of a vengeful Potter unleashing his
rage in a prank on the two, but squashed it as the boy had shown no signs of taking
after his Gryffindor father in that manner.

Sadly his notions were not entirely inaccurate as while young Harry was not one to
use pranks as his preferred method of behavioral modification that did not mean that
the shear embarrassment that could be unleashed would not curb such behavior. Still
if he would listen to what Filius was about to say there might have been a chance to
change things from the path they were on. Sadly Dumbledore could not see that Harry
was far more entrenched in the true darkness than Tom had ever been. The main
difference was that while both would kill for their goals there was a measured and
meticulous manner to Harry’s efforts while Tom was far too loose in his applications
of pain and death to grasp the subtleties of life.
“It is hard to quantify Albus,” Filius said while deep in thought. “The closest I
could describe it was when one is confronted with a truly dangerous and powerful
magical creature. There is just something about the way that he and Miss Granger to
a lesser extent walk that sets me to edge. They move better than most duelists let
alone Aurors. If they had a decent number of spells they would be far more likely to
be able to dodge most spells. Surely you have noticed that as well Minerva that they
seem almost as graceful as you have been after…”
“My animagus transformation,” Minerva finished as some disturbing thoughts came to
mind. “While I may acknowledge that they both show far more talent and knowledge of
my art than most, there is no way that an eleven year old could complete that
transformation. Still there is something that makes me feel far more uncomfortable
around them when I am in my form. The best way I would say unlike Filius was the
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time I was first learning and was being chased by dogs as if they were less likely
to think of me as anything of interest yet something of use.”

“I still believe that you are putting too much attention on the boy,” Severus said
as he thankfully hid a wince. “While I may grudgingly admit that he is talented in
some areas, pointing that out would ostracize too many of the imbecilic hormonal
twits and I believe that is far from your goals.”
“While I admit that like most of you I held the belief that he would be a Gryffindor
like his parents I am grateful that he is in Ravenclaw and has at least one friend,”
Albus said with a sigh trying to get the meeting back on track. “It would not do for
him to waste his potential in the manner that I fear could have happened. So we are
left with a mystery to unravel though perhaps questioning him directly would shed
some light into the matter.”
“Mark my words Albus,” Filius said with an uncommon seriousness. “He may be as
intelligent and inquisitive as any other Ravenclaw, but he is far more driven than
any Slytherin or Gryffindor I have seen in many a year while as sad as I am to admit
it he has already shown a more than fanatic level of Hufflepuff loyalty even if it
is only to those he trusts. If only we could get some information on why he is how
he is to get a better grasp on how he will respond. He may be my student and thus
under my protection but he makes me feel that it is almost the other way at times.
He will learn and with the level of power he is already showing will likely be one
of the strongest as well as fiercest fighters of his generation. I know that none of
us care to discuss in house matters, but I will admit that while my house has had
few and far between the same problems that one of our students managed through sheer
will to intimidate everyone to be silent on what it is. From what little I was able
to gather our young Mister Potter has little love for bullies or others who misuse
their power or authority.”
“If there was an incident of such concern, why did you not bring it up earlier?”
Dumbledore asked in interest. “Surely if it was as important it would be necessary
in case the incident was repeated or crossed house boundaries.”

“Short of Verisiterum or Legilimency both of which are rather against policy and
most times law to use on minors there is no way to get the students involved to say
more than to avoid annoying let alone angering Mister Potter,” Filius admitted with
a very heavy sigh. “Suffice it to say the rest of the matter is being handled in
house and the Prefects are delighted that none of them had to explain to me why
points or detentions were given. Add to that some of the less desirable attitudes
still persisting have been squelched is rather comforting.”
Sadly the rest of the meeting began to delve into other matters. As it was nothing
about the Tonks incident was discussed or even inferred. In fact none of the heads
or even headmaster really knew what happened just that some of the Ravenclaws had
acted in an inappropriate manner and that the Prefects were considering what had
happened as punishment enough. Nothing more needed to be said of the matter and as
Albus had his assessment of the first years and Potter and his friend in particular
he was more than willing to let the meeting end so that he could let his mind drift
and reflect while sucking on his lemon drops. Even if any of them had been
interested to investigate as nothing had been actually done there would have been
nothing to do. Besides the laws were rather lax on what rights a non-pureblood woman
had even at the best of times. With that in consideration the most likely event
would have had no real repercussion save perhaps a mild rebuke. If the girl had a
patron or some other form of influence and protection, only then would things have
been considered to be done. Sadly it was still a time when without the protection of
someone else the half blood and muggle born women had to defend themselves. With
that in mind, is it any wonder that two of the most powerful females in history
seemed to be very skilled in combat and violently able to protect themselves even if
almost a millennium later they were considered a shy bookworm and a well meaning

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Hogsmeade was a quite village by muggle standards; however, it was a bustling town
by Wizarding ones. That was simply due to the rather disproportionate ratios between
magic users and non magic users. Now despite all that it would seem to be a rather
quaint looking village with simple houses and shops far away from prying eyes and
sufficiently protected from the mundane masses. There were several pubs, shops, and
other things of interest. It was a place that the magical could be magical without
any worry of being seen as magical. There was no need for concealment spells at the
shop entrances as the whole village was designed to keep them hidden.

Walking down the street was a rather nervous thirteen year old Nymphadora Tonks who
was thankfully mingled in a group of similar or near similarly aged girls. Her year
had a very small number of students compared to the recent years and it was shocking
that so little house division showed in the group well except Slytherin. There was
Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet from Gryffindor, as well as herself and Sarah
Fawcett from Ravenclaw and a shy girl named Siobhan McGivney from Hufflepuff. The
older girls were with their boyfriends leaving the third and fourth years to their
own devices although they wondered where Penelope Clearwater had gone off to and
with who.
‘Right just spend some time with the girlfriends,’ Tonks thought with some niggling
doubts. ‘If someone asks why I am buying what I am buying I can blame it on some
younger students being embarrassed to owl home and it will be the truth. A shame
that Katie is a year younger but I know Lina and Licia will drag her around and at
the least smuggle some butterbeer up for the girl.’
“So what do we plan to see this time?” Alicia asked the group. “I know some shopping
I need to do and I want to try some new clothes on.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Siobhan said with a smile. “There are never
enough clothes and combinations though charms to make them comfortable no matter the
conditions are rather worth it.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Angelina said with a grin as the clothes and some to tease
were always interesting. “Still need to stop and get something to drink later.
Anyone else need to shop for things to take back?”
“You plan to sneak some butterbeers back for Katie?” Sarah asked with a thought.
“Yeah a few of the second years ponied up some sickles for some things. Why most
firsties don’t ask I don’t know?”
The group stopped when they noticed that Tonks hadn’t moved after Sarah had said
that. Her sudden shift in behavior was disconcerting as the normally bubble gum pink
haired girl had a similar personality to her hair and was easy going. That something
caused her to stop was a very troubling notion for the group and even if Tonks was
the one who didn’t seem as interested in the boys yet didn’t mean that they were not
concerned about the girl.
“Tonks,” Alicia asked in concern, “is there something that you want to tell us?”
“Um,” she stuttered as she shuffled her feet in embarrassment. “A firstie sort of
asked me to pick some things up for him and well um…”
“Oh what firstie could get the unflappable Tonks so embarrassed?” Sarah asked
teasing her housemate. “Could it be that particularly intriguing one?”
“Sarah!” Tonks shrieked in irritation. “Just because he put a seventh year in line
without a spell doesn’t mean anything…”

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“Now look who’s acting all defensive,” Alicia teased. “So the legend himself huh?”
“Considering he already has a new nickname,” Sarah said with some amusement, “it is
not that unexpected. I heard that he got in a spat or two with some OWL level
students and came out with them disabled. Then again he did gain the moniker of the
Black Prince of Ravenclaw for his aloof manner and command of sufficiently
intimidating spells already.”
“He is a Black by blood,” Tonks admitted with a sigh. “He does act more like the old
time ones than the previous few. Still having a first year ask you to go and buy
things for them the way he did is just unsettling.”

“He does come off as a very dominant boy already,” Siobhan said as she thought about
the in house rumors about him. “As he is neither the Gryffindor’s Golden Boy nor the
Slytherin’s Silver Staff as some thought he would be, he does create a bit of
mystery. Personally I had expected him based on what little we know of things to
have been in one of those two houses. Still considering the rumors of his loyalty to
his friend I would say that he has a good mix of characteristics for future

“He is only eleven,” Angelina said in contemplation, “although he doesn’t act like a
kid most times from what I have seen. Not a bad body already and if he tones up and
matures he will likely have to beat off prospective girlfriends with a stick.”
The unknown sexual innuendo of what Angelina said caused Tonks to blush and fidget
for a moment. That drew the girls to her like sharks to blood. They had to know what
caused their outgoing but completely still seemingly asexual girlfriend to act like
that. Besides it was about the boy who if given how similar he looked to his parents
would be one very handsome man in a few years.
“Oh Tonks,” Alicia teased with a smirk on her face. “What did you see? Let me guess
he asked you to stop in for the money for what he wanted and you saw him shirtless…
so does it look like some are already suspecting? Will he be serious eye candy in a
few years?”
After Tonks had been fidgeting back and forth some more with a good deal of
blushing, Angela had enough and shouted out, “Spit it out already!”

“I saw him starkers!” Tonks blurted out as her hair and body took on a very crimson
red color. “Already got muscles that would be indecent for a teen Adonis and the way
he moves… It makes me think he is a jungle cat!”
“Well that is more than expected,” Sarah said with a sigh of disappointment. “Now
considering you saw him in the all together does he have a decent sized tackle?”

“Sarah!” Tonks sputtered in disbelief. “He is eleven! Just because his wand is
better described as a baton doesn’t mean you should perve on him! Besides he seems
to have a very attractive and attached witch already. Even if they were childhood
friends they seemed joined at the hips!”
“Ah Hermione,” Sarah said in understanding. “I am sure that she wouldn’t mind being
joined not necessarily at the hips considering she rarely goes far from him. He does
seem almost vicious in his protection of her. So is there any truth to the rumor
that he beat that seventh year just for leering at you?”
“Yeah he did,” Tonks said with a blush. “One of the most flattering things I guy
ever did for me. It made me feel safe if you know what I mean?”
“Ooh,” Alicia said with a grin as she teased and prodded the girl. “You got it bad.
Still considering that he doesn’t look eleven I can see why it would be so
“So we won’t tell anyone but expect some teasing that your shopping for things a
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younger guy wants you to get,” Siobhan said with a smirk. “Still it’s not like he
necessarily knows how to flirt or kiss so you shouldn’t be too concerned. Though the
way he acts at times…”
“True enough,” Sarah said as she thought about the way he had reacted to the school
viewing him as a celebrity and that some had attempted to stalk him only to wake up
in very embarrassing situations. “Still when he gets commanding it sends a thrill
through you. If he was just a little older, there would be no issue and it might be

As her friends went back and forth, there was Tonks practically glowing from how
bright her blush was. That she had barely managed to get dressed again in time after
practically spraying herself off when she had finished taking care of her
frustration was not helping her at the moment. She had been conflicted between being
amused, embarrassed and aroused from what some of the images the more perverted uses
for the some of the things on the list had inspired.
‘If it was only kissing and flirting, it wouldn’t be so embarrassing,’ Tonks thought
as she tried to stay upright as the blood rushed to her face as well as other areas.
‘Considering he could get almost any girl with his fame but that he hasn’t is
reassuring. Still with the fact that he knows enough about the female body to play
it like an instrument is troubling. I guess I feel better considering that he really
doesn’t just tease a girl and then wham he is fucking her and then dumps her
dripping cum in some dark room. Still those worries are for later as I really need
to try to avoid them seeing what is on that list and what I agreed to buy.’
“It might be fun teaching him to kiss,” Alicia said after a moment. “It would be
nice to not have to untrain a guy in how to kiss before teaching them the right way.
Where they get some of the ideas that they have on how to please a girl let alone
treat a girl I don’t want to know. At least we don’t go into our first kiss with
anything like that in mind.”

“He already knows,” Tonks absentmindedly replied. “I cannot believe he got me to

agree to this with just a kiss. One knee shacking toe curling passionate kiss I will
admit but still one kiss.”
“You kissed him!” the four shouted wide eyed before dragging Tonks to a slightly
secluded alley. “Tell us!”

“Ok, ok,” Tonks said as she tried to stand on her own feet after being moved about.
“So you want me to tell you about the kiss? What part? Where it made my legs feel as
limp as noodles? Maybe where my toes curled and my body arch into it?”

“Yes,” Alicia said with a very commanding voice. “Tell us how it was!”
“It was so good that when he asked me to do some shopping I agreed without looking
at what was on the list,” Tonks said with a blush. “Now I don’t want any of you
telling anyone about this!”

“We promise,” the girls agreed. “We won’t tell anyone!”

“Good,” Tonks said with a nod. “I still can’t believe that I was so embarrassed that
I went to Penelope for advice!”
“Why didn’t you come to me?” Sarah asked indignantly. “We are friends are we not?”
“Yeah,” Tonks said with a blush. “I just didn’t want anyone to know. It seems so
embarrassing. He is so young and you know how most boys are I just didn’t want to
become another conquest. You know most of the boys would have used that kind of fame
to see how many girls they could get on their back!”
“True,” Alicia said with a nod. “Fred and George likely would if they didn’t know
that if they ever told anyone they would either not be believed as people would
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think it a prank as well as the fact that we would make their lives hell.”
“So true,” Angelina agreed. “Still while they may be jokers at least they didn’t
even tell Lee about our rather heated first kiss.”
“Yeah it was so hot that I needed some time to cool down,” Alicia admitted. “You
know this would be better over butterbeer or maybe some Ogden’s.”
“True enough,” Siobhan said as she thought over things. “Definitely should be
somewhere with a silencing charm considering how some people gossip…”
“Lavender and Parvati may be firsties but they seem to have literally become the
main gossip sources for Gryffindor,” Angelina said. “They may seem nice but they
cannot seem to keep their mouths shut!”
“That will make them real popular with the boys soon maybe even next year,” Sarah
said with a frown. “Anyone else notice that the older boys are starting to look at
us more?”

“Yes though they seem to think that because we are younger and it would be a
privilege to date them that we should gladly service them,” Alicia said with a
frown. “I will admit that if Oliver was like that we would have seen how he liked a
bludger being lodged somewhere unpleasant. He is already going somewhat insane due
to having to train a seeker with barely any talent!”
“So you really did a good thing there Tonks,” Angelina said with a sad look. “Your
talent was bandied about pretty quick. I take it that he put someone who made a fool
of themselves about you in their place. So that was what that was about. Considering
some of the idiocies that the boys are starting to ask their girlfriends to do that
is a definitely very good thing.”
“Some boys just don’t know when to take a no,” Siobhan said with a sigh. “Thankfully
any guy doing that to a Puff would get the whole house on them so called man code or
not! Still even if he is a firstie he commands enough influence to keep you safe. I
even heard that Snape of all people doesn’t antagonize him since his first lesson
and it is pretty much common knowledge that he hated James Potter with a vengeance.”

“Still having to ask a boy two years younger for protection seems off,” Tonks said
with her head down. “I should know enough to handle a guy trying that. Hell we are
witches and shouldn’t have to think about that but it seems more like things are
going backwards ever since You-Know-Who fell! We had a female minister and now we
have all kinds of things that mum gripes about just quietly enough that I could
barely hear her! I don’t know about you but as much as I eventually want a family
there is no way that I plan to be a stay at home mother popping out kids whenever!”
“We here you,” Alicia said with a sigh. “It is like all the progress witches made
centuries ago are going backwards. I am amazed that there haven’t been reports and
studies run in the prophet about certain behaviors contributing to squibs as a way
to decry them.”

“Someone has been listening to too much of the parents conversations,” Angelina said
with a snicker. “Come on Lish we are young and should act like it. As Tonks here
seems to be embarrassed about what she was sent to get it is probably simple things
that she thinks we would think were being purchased for improper uses. Like we were
a teacher bickering about things.”
“So you are saying that we should let Tonks shop without us ribbing her?” Sarah
asked. “How decidedly kind of you or is it that you wanting to make some purchases
of your own without us digging?”
It was a blushing Angelina which answered, “I was being kind, but there are some
things that a girl wants to keep private…”

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“So true,” Siobhan said with a whimsical sigh. “Still as much fun as teasing could
be I need a drink. I am sure that you could do with one as well. Coping with the
atrocious manners in their attempts to entice one to date them is rather simply
cured by liquor though not before they ask you out or during the date as while they
might be virile they are not necessarily vigorous and satisfying. It is a shame that
proper whisky is hard to find, Ogden’s is all well and good but it doesn’t have the
same smooth flavor of proper whiskey.”
“Don’t worry, Lina, Tonks,” Alicia said with a grin. “Just don’t wander too much. It
may be a small village but you never know…”
“True enough,” Tonks said with a sigh. “As long as I have my wand or some leverage I
should be good. Still when this is over I think I really need to talk with you lot
over some things.”
“Ah you finally figured out that kissing was good,” Angelina said in a sage tone.
“Well it is about time! I thought you at least would be kissing last year so what
through you off?”

“I missed the school talk and mum’s was rather… intimidating,” Tonks admitted with a
sigh, “Just don’t say I am a bad friend as I was tempted to talk to you last night,
but all of you were busy.”
“True,” Sarah said with a slight smile. “I was rather busy and I know Alicia and
Angelina were as well. What about you Siobhan?”

Alicia and Angelina had blushed at the way that Sarah had said they were busy. Tonks
blinked at that wondering what the two had been up to. Siobhan had been rather hard
to fluster over the years and tended to tease far more than the others. So they all
wondered what she had been up to.
“I was regretfully busy,” Siobhan said without a hint of what, who or even how she
had been occupied. “Some house business is all I can say. I will admit that I was
rather… engaged for a while.”
None of them imagined it was what it had been and as a good Puff Siobhan would not
talk about it. That none of them admitted that everyone was a deviant or a pervert
in some manner could be part of that. The Wizarding world was an odd duck in the way
it denied certain truths that a few millenniums before hand was considered normal or
at least for Europe anyways.
“Like you will ever tell us what that means,” Sarah said with a forlorn sigh. “So
you want us to let you shop so that we don’t read things into it that are not there.
Considering that most boys can look at anything and think of a perverted use for
them is immaterial to if it is intended for that or not. So you got a proper version
of the Talk from Penelope. I wonder what she said care to tell us?”
“Not really,” Tonks said with a blush. “Let’s just say that it was informative and
it would have been almost as mortifying if mum had added those parts to the talk. I
guess in a way I am a late bloomer in such interests.”
“So you’re finally growing up?” Alicia asked with a grin. “Good for you at least you
didn’t get traumatized by your mum’s ideas of how to keep calm because of the
excitement of a date.”
“Just because it is less embarrassing for someone your own age or sooner to tell you
about those things is no reason to imply that your mum never had such issues or
still does,” Siobhan said with an amused smile. “I know I don’t plan to sit around
at that age and just tend house without some compensation…”
“You seem to have a better idea of what you want from a husband,” Angelina said with
a smirk. “So you are definitely going to make sure that any husband you get is both
good at such duties and willing to actually satisfy them often enough for your peace
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of mind.”
“Of course,” Siobhan said with a wry smile. “Any woman that does not is a fool or a
tool of a fool. While things are different back home than here a bit it seems that
at least most of us lucked out without the likes of certain mothers from
indoctrinating us to repress our needs and the issues of such repression. Now since
you don’t want to talk about the Talk you had with Penelope, we should let you go to
your shopping. I will admit that the rumor of the boy is already the talk in my
house. It is nice to see boys who are not complete idiots in such matters…”

With that Siobhan steered the group from Tonks so that she could go about her
shopping. She was well aware of what had happened and for a moment wished that the
girl had been sorted into Hufflepuff with her. If she had the Talk from her mother
would have been corrected and the current conflict she could feel of her friends
ideals would have been rendered pointless. It was a good thing that the Puffs were
few and far between willing to break the house rules. Still none of them were fool
enough to force themselves on a girl unless she was into that sort of thing. That
Tonks was a metamorphmagus had no effect on how tempting she had already been to
invite to a proper Puff party.

As Siobhan was contemplating this as the rest went their own ways, Tonks was
scouring the shelves in the apothecary. It was best to get the least of the
embarrassing items out of the way or at least that had been her thought. Trying to
find where she could get the common items that were so delightfully delicious in
their decadent implications was something she had wanted to put off.
‘The crop should be easily enough to find in a pet store as horses are still used
though most are magical,’ Tonks thought as she grabbed the various ingredients off
the shelf. “The leash and collar as well in the same store should work and seem not
too out there. It is what could be used as restraints and the paddle and plug that
would be difficult unless something for muggle studies would work…’

Having gathered the potions ingredients without looking at the prices she was rather
shocked at the amount but found that the bag had far more than enough. Oddly she
found a small card in there with a message to hand it to the Apothecary. Not paying
much mind to the little card she removed it from the bag and looked at it curiously.

“Um I was supposed to hand this to you,” Tonks said with a shiver of embarrassment.
“I don’t know why but he was rather insistent on it…”

“What’s this now?” the shopkeeper asked in irritation before his jaw dropped as he
read the card and double checked the sigil on it. “Merlin’s balls girl! Why didn’t
you bloody well say HE sent you? Still I wouldn’t think that a young girl like you
would be working for him, but considering how reclusive he is... right now here’s
your change back and let him know it was a pleasure doing business with the man.”
The blinking Tonks managed to nod her agreement before finding herself shooed out
the store with only the most minimal dent in her funds. She could barely hear the
man grumbling about something. Unknowingly she shifted her ears just enough to hear
what he had to say.

“Bugger me but that was a close thing,” he whispered shacking as he downed a rather
large amount of fire whiskey. “I almost overcharged one of the most preeminent and
powerful of the Knocturn underground potion experts. That he is known to brew things
that most masters consider difficult is a known thing. I wonder if Potions Master
Snape knows that one of his kiddies works for the man that consistently is heralded
as likely being better than him or at least will be in the near future. A shame that
he charges so much for his more refined potions or I would be able to stock a few
more than what I can get off my cousin. Not like anyone would try to double cross
him after what happened that time. I’d have been lucky to be a squib if he found out
I overcharged one of his couriers.”
‘This just gets more and more disconcerting,’ Tonks thought as she wandered over to
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the pet supply store. ‘I am in effect working for someone that obviously has enough
of a reputation to send people to cowering and they don’t even know what political
influence he will have in a few years. About the only thing mum taught me that
wasn’t messed up with her notions was the who’s who in the Wizarding World. At least
I know how he was able to intimidate a seventh year if he hangs in Knocturn enough
for the shopkeepers to tread that lightly in his regard.’

“Hello,” the sales girl at the counter said as she got into the store. “Is there
anything I can get you?”

“Ah yes,” Tonks said after calming herself at the girl’s sudden appearance. “Just
need a few simple things.”

“Oh,” she said with a slight peak of interest at Tonks actions. “What would those
‘I must not be flustered,’ Tonks thought before she turned to her and said, “A
collar for a pet with a leash attached and a… few training tools.”

“Hmm,” she said looking the thirteen year old over and reminiscing before giving her
a wink. “Of course, I take it you would like to look over the training tools? It is
ever so important to know how to discipline a pet…”
“Yes,” Tonks said with her head down and her face flushed. “I just wasn’t sure what
to say…”

“A newbie,” she said with a grin. “Names Jane by the way, so as there is no one to
overhear and judge what do you really need? It is nice to see more being themselves
and it is easier than getting similar things as those people are quite disconcerting
for a first timer.”
“Yeah I think he decided to see how flustered this makes me,” Tonks commiserated
with a sigh. “Not what I thought my first relationship would be but it is
“Ah so not shopping for your own but your owner,” Jane said with a nod before
looking at her again. “Not quite but soon enough anyways. So what did your darling
soon to be owner ask you to get? I swear more of the girls lately have been so
repressed that they could clench diamonds.”

“Tell me about it considering how good mum did in making me even more repressed,”
Tonks complained not even considering what and who she was talking to as she flushed
and flustered under the attention. “Still he knows how to get a girl excited even if
she doesn’t know herself. Oh right a ridding crop, a paddle and I’m rather
embarrassed at something to use as a plug.”
“Oh my, it seems that you lucked out and didn’t get one of the disappointing
unimaginative,” Jane said with a grin as she gave Tonks one serious looking over. “I
can see why he would want to get you flustered as it makes you look cute. Hmm… you
definitely got the skin tone to look very hot after a good spanking or paddling. Now
bend over a tad. Ah marvelous I can see why those are on the list. Why it looks like
he already gave you a good spanking!”
“Made me cum like crazy,” Tonks said lost in the memory and not even hesitated as
Jane maneuvered her to look her over. “Still I think he likes the chase a bit too
much though considering how difficult habits are to break…”
“Let me guess your mum wanted you to be a straight vanilla prude,” Jane said with a
sigh as she barely managed to keep from grabbing Tonks and fondling and groping her
available body before helping her from where she had been touching her toes with her
legs spread oh so. “That would be such a waste with a body as good looking and
responsive as yours! Why I can see the handprints still there man you are so lucky!
It is a shame that you hide yourself with those panties even if they accent you so
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well. Now right over here are a selection of good disciplining and instructional
tools, so what do you think of them?”

“Hmm,” Tonks leaning more to being Dora looked over the selection that had been not
in the main part of the store. “So much to choose from it is so hard to decide if
only I hadn’t been told explicitly what to get and not to get more than a few toys
for myself. Some restraints might be nice as well but he said to only get a paddle
and a crop that I would need to earn more.”
“Ah an experienced one than,” Jane said with a sigh. “If only I had found one in
school instead of most of those fumblers things would have been better. Now did he
say that or just imply that?”

“Imply,” Tonks said with a frown. “He did say only to pick up what was on the list
and to indulge myself a little with some of the left over gold; although he was
rather insistent on going slowly as he wants to make this whole thing an arousing
and frustrating seduction. That can be rather frustrating at times considering he
considers getting me worked up before leaving me flustered as a good way to get
things resolved.”

“Nice,” Jane said with a grin. “I take it that he makes sure you are worked up and
begging for release and then watches as you get off?”

“No he is more like get me worked up enough until I have to get myself off a few
times while his other pet gets to help him work off the heat from an encounter,”
Tonks admitted even as her leaning to Dora almost became more so apparent. “He wants
me to be completely and utterly committed and willing to do whatever he says and I
still have a few issues to work through. Stupid prudish habits mum ingrained.”

“Well that is likely the next step though,” Jane said with a frown. “Man your mum
must almost be bad as that Weasley woman. I swear she has the strangest notions that
I have ever heard of and that she is considered normal is scary. Considering that it
is as you said your first relationship there are more trust issues to work through.
Now you have the paddle and crop along with the standard pet gear so anything else
besides a plug?”
“No I think that will be everything,” Tonks said with a sigh as Dora was screaming
for some release. “Still if I don’t do this now I will likely chicken out later any
chance I could get two sets? I may not be ready for it yet but I can tell that
before the year is out that given how good he is at convincing me that it is a quite
pleasant and most definitely going to be pleasurable inevitability. I’d say more and
offer something but given how I seem to regress if I go too far in addition to the
fact that he was rather insistent that while he may let me play at some point that
he decides who I can and will play with.”
“I take it by that you wouldn’t really mind a trade in some mutual release if it was
not for that,” Jane said with a wistful sigh. “I was hoping… but I guess that
doesn’t matter at this time. So no touching of you or by you for me than, is there
any chance you want to wear the plug out?”

“Tempting,” Dora said as she shuddered at the thought mixed with what she believed
his reaction would be. “Still as much fun as being a bad girl and being punished for
it would be fun I have a feeling that if I did he would make sure I was rather
prolonged in suffering.”
“Hmm,” Jane said once more distracted with her thoughts on asking whoever her owner
was at a later time to play with her even if she had to trade time to do so.
“Considering what your master sounds like I take it that a chastity charm of some
sort would be a punishment at this point. When you get a chance bring him down and
we can talk some shop. Though I think he might be willing to send you for some
things in this catalogue. Do try not to let any of the professors see as I would get
in a large amount of trouble considering how oppressive they can be…”

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“I won’t,” Dora promised before smirking. “Promise on never having a proper orgasm
again that I would let that happen. Now if you will ring things up I have to send a
bit of post that can’t be sent from the school…”
“Say no more,” Jane said with a smirk of anticipation. “Wish I could give you a bit
more of a discount but I don’t think that your master wants to share with others
yet. Even if I would like to considering how delicious that you look, ah well only
thing that would make you more tempting would be if you were a part Veela or a
metamorphmagus. I have heard that with practice that they can do things that make
positions that one would normally need to be either a contortionist or willing to
vanish and regrow bones possible.”
“I thought it was for something like this,” Dora remarked before shifting herself
and letting a much altered tongue reach to swirl the air around her nipple. “I have
to admit that Master seems rather interested and appreciative of what it allows for
oral so far…”
“Bloody hell,” Jane said as she gazed at the very flexible appendage. “I can see why
he wants you from just your personality and base appearance but with the
possibilities with that. He better be powerful or one of the oh so proper sort will
want to see you disappear as their private plaything. Tell your owner that I
wouldn’t mind a go with you before and it would be nice to try without the worry
about self induced or otherwise induced transfigurations failing or reverting part
way through…”
“I will,” Dora said with a saucy smirk. “So any chance you could throw in some non
penetrative toys as my master wants to be the first so much he made sure I cannot
even insert anything more than a few fingers and rather shallow at that…”

“You bet,” Jane said in a daze. “Just ask if he would permit you to go down on me at
some later date ok?”

“Sure,” Dora said. “It might be fun seeing how limp and loud you can get. Still as
much as I would like to do so…”
“Yeah yeah just pass the message on,” Jane said as she added a few items and dropped
a few coins from the price. “Three galleons if you would as I said I would go lower
but that is barely above cost. Any chance you would let me place one of these on you
since you didn’t want the plug yet?”

“No as much as I would enjoy it getting through the rest of the day would be trying
like that,” Dora said with a sigh. “Still they seem simple enough to use just place
them against and let them work. Maybe the next shopping trip we can always hope.”
“Sure though there is a sales girl at Gladrags that might be willing to help you out
later,” Jane said as she placed the galleons in the register. “Ask for Emma and be
sure that you don’t mind or are allowed to have wandering fingers and hands as she
won’t work on someone without at least a feel. Still she does know how to conceal
toys the best that I have seen considering she has a butt plug inside that vibrates
along with some balls and a flat held on by her panties. I would say she also adds a
few charms to make things easier if you know what I mean?”
“No problem,” Dora said after readily paying the girl. “Still wish I could… but such
is life. Work your finger a bit sore thinking of me?”
“Definitely,” Jane said as she grabbed a toy from out under the counter, “I wouldn’t
mind if you watched, but your master needs you to do some more things and I would
like it much more to have you as a participant. So if you have a few fantasies with
me in them I wouldn’t mind…”
“Until later,” Dora said as she walked out the store. “Oh names Dora by the way and
hope you can have some fun and I would like to but well you know how it is…”

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“Until later and as often as well,” Jane said turning a sign to say that she was
occupied before ducking behind the counter and getting some relief, “is how I would
love to try that…”
Meanwhile as Jane worked her arousal out with a wide variety of toys, Dora headed
towards the Post Owl Office. As it was that she had already accomplished most of
what she had been asked to do there was little worry about this part of the day and
then she could go get a rather strong drink she hoped. Well either that or have
managed to agree to let Jane either slip one of the vibrators of plug under her
panties. Considering that she had been half ready to strip and play if it hadn’t
been for the notions that were keeping her more outgoing personality somewhat

‘I wonder if I can get Rose to give me something stronger than butter beer.’ Dora
thought as she looked to see Honeydukes before heading into the office. ‘Well
chocolate would help and maybe trying some of the toys out. At least I didn’t say I
would get new clothes and model them. Still considering that they might want
something special I might have to keep that in mind. If only my prudish side didn’t
conspire with my obedient little sub’s side or I could have gotten some relief with
Jane… ah well there is always later as I told her. Now to get these few things
posted and out to get that drink and some food!’
“Is there something in particular that you need Miss?” the counter boy said barely
keeping from openly gaping at how she looked. “We have a wide variety of owls to
deliver here as well as a drop if that is what you require.”
“A few letters to post securely and with utmost confidentiality,” Dora said as she
looked dismissively at the boy as he lacked any spark of interest even to her slowly
sinking lusts. “My face is up here boy and I am not above hanging you from the
rafters by your balls if you even attempt to complete that notion!”
“Yes Ma’am!” the clerk barked as he dragged his eyes from where they had been glued
to her chest and gulped while one hand instinctively covered himself from her
threat. “They’re the ones over there with the rune inscribed bands.”
“Good,” Dora said as she walked to the owls in question and snatched a few one for
each message. “Now if I even suspect that you looked at these by having the owls fly
back to you first I will do worse is that clear?”

“Perfectly clear ma’am,” The clerk said with his eyes wide at the beautiful but
decidedly dangerous girl before he went pale when he saw the wax seal on one of the
letters. “You were never here and there were no letters sent from here at this

“Good,” Dora said with a smirk reveling in being able to take her frustration out on
someone. “If I find out otherwise…”
“I’ll likely already be enjoying my uncle’s dungeon and life as a squib,” the clerk
said with shaking hands. “Man may not be known outside the alley but his reputation
does not lead one to much forgiveness. By the way names Eric, just ask for me when
you stop. The man was able to get one of the most powerful restorative draughts that
St. Mungo’s wouldn’t provide for someone like him. I owe him one anyways. Besides he
may not exactly be the most law abiding individual but he takes care of those around
him. Even the older purebloods get less respect there than him. So if you work for
him than you deserve that at least. Sides it’s not like a few of us didn’t move here
from the alley bit better chance without Aurors asking questions and all. Bloody
wish they wouldn’t seem to want a bit of a cut on things, but what can you do
they’re with the Ministry.”
“I see,” Dora said with a sigh. “I’d apologize but you know I wouldn’t mean it. The
boss seems to want me a bit off kilter for some reason and as you were an available
target I let myself vent a bit. Still that doesn’t mean that those were idle threats
just a bit less polite than I would try…”
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“I understand,” Eric said with a slight smile. “I used to do some deliveries to make
enough to pay for school. Uncle wanted something better for me and all that. Still I
won’t apologize when I say that you are attractive and that I wouldn’t mind
something a bit down the road. While you may be old enough there is the matter of
image the way things are with the tossers. Unless you are betrothed or less than a
halfblood such relationships are frowned on for your age. Still the rise of the so
called light and their new morality and legal pressures can be a bit annoying. Sides
there were only two places to get work around here, the Alley or here as Diagon
would never hire me even if I got the abilities.”
“True enough,” Dora said with a slight smirk. “Still considering that this was the
last business stop I might as well get on my way.”
“Ah not your first run considering how you handled yourself,” Eric said with a sage
nod. “Still a bit of pickup wouldn’t hurt. It’s a shame that the Sticks tends to
check more than the Head as they are a bit less stressful after a job. Wish I could
give you a name but Rosy keeps a tight leash on her place. If you stop in the Head
though, I’d ask for Erin as while he may be family he is discrete and keeps his head
down. Sides we owe a favor and easing things is no trouble at all.”
“I’ll think about it,” Dora said with a slight frown. “I did have some after
business plans for the Sticks, but a stiff one wouldn’t hurt.”
Dora glared at him at his snort although she had frowned right after when she
realized that she had let that slip. The double meaning of what she had said had
been amusing to both of them. Still she had an image to keep at this moment. While
she realized that her inner nature was not that suited for what she had been doing
acting like she was had been fun. With a sharp nod at Eric she turned and suppressed
a smirk as he ogled her with just a hint of fear as she walked away.
‘The drink would be good, but I wouldn’t mind a stiff one or rather his,’ Dora
thought with as she walked out of the office. ‘Still considering how self conscious
I was, it is nice to know that men think I am attractive without seeing me as just a
living sex toy. I know that the girls would feel proud to get attention like that
but can I keep control compared to my usual self around my friends. Now that is an
interesting problem. Hopefully they just chalk it into my no longer being mostly

As she exited into the street, Dora turned left to look towards the Three
Broomsticks before looking slightly to her right. It was a hard decision going
through her mind. Stop for chocolate or get some butter beer. At least those were
the obvious choices as part of her wanted to dart further down and .see if she could
get Erin to give her a good hard drink to wash the stress out well either that of
hope to convince herself to pop back to with Jane and loose herself in a writhing
pile on the floor with the girl.

With a very difficult step she turned to her right and walked slowly towards
Honeydukes. Chocolate would have to be good enough and she had a fair amount more
spending money than normal. A simple plan of to go in get the chocolate and meet the
girls for butterbeer was on her mind and that was exactly what she did. She
studiously avoided talking any more than necessary to the girl, Lisa, at the counter
and while indulging in a higher grade of chocolate than normal avoided any ideas
that she was commiserating breaking up that she had brought up.
On leaving the chocolate store she made a sharp right and headed to where her
friends were meeting her. Entering she waved at Rosy and after a quick moment sat to
wait nursing her butterbeer and nibbling her chocolate. As she sat there she felt
herself relaxing from the stress and excitement that she had been experiencing. The
chocolate had helped her to slip back to herself as while Dora found the chocolate
to be a somewhat poor alternate to release it did provide the same calm if to a
lesser extent.

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So when her friends showed up loaded down with bags from several places including
Gladrags it was to this sight that greeted them. Tonks was reclining against a wall
seat and had a few bottles of butterbeer polished off and wrappers from Honeydukes
with a small bit of food left on a plate. She was leaned back with a very relaxed
look on her face and the afterglow that was second only to a good hard climax was

“Tonks!” Angelina shouted with a stern look to her face as she got close enough for
the group to not be overheard. “Where the hell did you get the galleons for that?”

“Tip,” Tonks said acting very mellow and unconcerned about her friend’s behavior. “I
got more than enough to share if you want some. Now this is some seriously good
“Yes Tonks,” Alicia said as she went wide eyed at the chocolate that was worth
almost as much as the clothes in her bag. “We can see that.”
“Oh don’t be such a worry wart,” Siobhan said as she graciously took a small piece
of the exorbantly priced chocolate and sat with it gently and lovingly placed into
her mouth as her eyes closed in bliss and a moan of pleasure coming from her throat.
“That is definitely the best chocolate ever.”

“So I would say that your shopping went well if the tip was any indication,” Sarah
said as she eyed the bags around Tonks. “Still you aren’t going to tell us what you
did so there is no point to press.”

“Let’s just say that I met some people that can be helpful that I didn’t know,”
Tonks said with a contented sigh. “I really over did it and I hope you three don’t
mind helping me back up later as I feel like I won’t be really able to move. Too
tired and wore out to do more than stumble back…”
“Of course,” Alicia said with a grin as they soon relaxed with a butterbeer and a
taste of the heavenly chocolate. “Hmm you were right this is good. Still next time
we need to get you some new clothes since you don’t seem to be feeling like dressing
as prudish.”
“Got a name to ask for at Gladrags,” Tonks said with a sigh as she let the chocolate
melt in her mouth and slowly suckle it down her throat. “Does some very personal and
precise fittings…”

“Ah,” Siobhan said with a slow moan. “I heard there was but it is almost as hard to
find as the legendary stores hidden in Knocturn. There is supposed to be a wand
crafter as well as an unmatched tailor their and some of the shops are well worth
the risk of being accosted to get what is so hard to find outside the alley
especially for teenagers as the adults only alley seems to be less populated with
the rise of the new light.”
“Hidden Delights on Chamber Street in Corset formerly Original Alley is a myth as
much as there being an Alley called Sense that caters to exploring the reaches of
ones sensations,” Alicia said with a sad sigh. “Why do you think that certain muggle
stores are readily snuck into otherwise?”
“True enough,” Angelina said with a slight wry smile. “Still since it is annoying
switching from wand to other methods as mutual incompatibility can be trying…”
That got agreements from most of them except Tonks who wondered about that as there
were items that ran off magic instead of electricity to use. Maybe when she was more
secure in things she would lend a few of the new toys out but it was getting late
and they had zoned out with the chocolate longer than they had thought.
“Where does the time go?” Tonks asked with a sad sigh. “If we don’t move soon we
will be late.”

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“Fuck,” Alicia cursed softly as she noticed the time. “Your right we need to move.
Next time you will have some new clothes and I know you won’t mind showing them off
by then.”
“True,” Tonks said with a sigh. “Still I need time as it seems for every step
forward to being less repressed I tend to go a few back after the fact. Now we need
to move and I know I am more than a bit tipsy!”
“Right,” Siobhan said casting a quick spell on the group. “That’s the best I can do
but there is a potion to keep any problems tomorrow from being out of hand. We got
enough time barely to get back.”

With that the four friends stumbled as quickly as they could back to Hogwarts. Tonks
tried to keep the slight bit of dread she felt if her bags fell open from her face.
Though the little voice was fairly certain that she would be able to bribe her
friends silence with a few of the toys there given the way the conversation had
gone. Now her only worry was the final part of the job and if she was too buzzed and
aroused still to do something other than eagerly submit to or beg to join them that

‘Hopefully I hope I can resist enough to get to bed alone,’ Tonks thought as her
mind was teased by Dora’s lewd ideas for all the things she had bought for
pleasurable activities. ‘I know I am neither a slut or a sex toy no matter how
tempting not having to worry about regret and responsibilities makes either position
ease ones consciousness in objecting. No shame, no regret just a life of
satisfaction… oh how tempting that succumbing into such submission seems at times.
If it wasn’t for Harry that likely would be what I would have done with anyone if
they got me off with me being so repressed. A complete shift from repressing to
embracing sensory sensations of the most sensual and sexual would have occurred. How
is it that my inner deviant has a better vocabulary than me? Ah well I best get to
the Tower and drop these things off and plan to use some of the extras to keep
myself from plunging in as I know I would wake up even more split.’


Hermione and Harry had joined the gathered first year Ravenclaw students on the
slightly gloomy Saturday morning. An optional preparatory elective for the future
elective of Care for Magical Creatures was meeting. Defense was to cover the
dangerous creatures and how to handle them while Care was to deal with normal or
magically normal animals and how to react and handle them in situations as well as
basics of how to raise them. While people milled about they were unable to overhear
the conversation between the two as it was barely as loud as whispers.
“Well things seem to be going well today,” Hermione said with a sigh as she watched
the professor bring over a few cages of animals. “Still I cannot shake the feeling
that something is going to be odd here.”
“While we get along with our companions there is the fact that even mundane animals
are more aware of things than people,” Harry said with a sigh as he tried to stay
downwind of the cages. “Magical creatures appear to be even more in tune with their
instincts even if they get a greater cognitive potential.”
“You are practicing for those verbal exams already?” Hermione asked with a sigh.
“Have I told you how uncertain I was about coming here before I saw you were here as
well? Still I could have made mention of the name or cover name and we could have
put this behind us and gotten time to compare on information coming in.”
“I was unsure if they had noticed your magical potential,” Harry said with a wistful
look. “From my times exploring and gaining information before I had suspected you
had talent, but as potions were not something that I felt you were ready to become
as consumed with as our friends were there would be no proof. Despite what you may
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have heard there are other ways and methods of manipulating magic. Not necessarily
better but different. Once we are sure that we truly have a decent grounding in this
form perhaps we should investigate some other cultures information.”
“Su or Parvati?” Hermione asked with a glance at the girls. “Oriental magic may
differ and there may be further variety between Chinese and Indian traditions. Are
you forgetting that simple potion I brewed? Still there was significant difference
between that and what we are being taught here.”
“I will admit that the education has not been as well in class for that subject, but
it has been getting better,” Harry said with a smirk. “I do have a few years of
experiments in the field to give me a more practical foundation. It was rather
entertaining finding how many herbs that are treated as weeds by muggles were
actually quite useful.”
“Considering what I read in a Thousand Herbs and Fungi that is not that shocking,”
Hermione said as she had wondered about some of the simple experiments that just
playing with mixing plants could have caused. “Still I wish that you had actually
told me more about these things. I thought you were mostly brewing herbal remedies
instead of potions.”
“I told you that it was useful and profitable,” Harry said with a shrug. “Besides
you were a good deal harder to figure out than Alice was. Still you two are scarily
alike at times. Must be the mutual blood…”
“Don’t get started on the nature nurture argument again,” Hermione said with a huff
as they waited for the professor to continue his introductory speech, “besides while
I will admit to having gained a somewhat fond appreciation for blood there is no
evidence that blood decides everything!”
“Blood is life,” Harry said with a sage nod. “It is more than just the mixing of
proteins and other organic material in a liquid suspension with iron bonding oxygen.
To reduce it to the mere components shows a lack of the whole. You do recall your
first taste as it flows down the tongue and down the throat to settle the stomach in
a way that nothing else really does, do you not?”
“I remember,” Hermione admitted with a far off look and wistful smile on her face.
“It was different more sating than anything I had drunk before even if it was but a
few drops. It was intoxicating as well as intense in its flavor. Still human tastes
better than animal well normal animals anyways…”
“Magic flows in the blood,” Harry said with a shrug. “In magical creatures the magic
is more apparent and available than the mere spark that all living beings have. Well
at least now he is over his introduction.”
“Shh we need to pay attention now,” Hermione almost whispered as the professor
finally paid attention to them. “At least that explains why it was so potent that
Trailing off as she had to process what the professor was saying Hermione was struck
by a thought that the effects of the taste of blood might have lasting effects. Oh
troll blood was not likely to have the same lasting effects of drinking even diluted
Re’em blood, but there would likely be traces for a while still. A small part of her
mind was analyzing new prey to get a snack on. It was likely something to indulge in
at a later date. For a moment she wondered if Tonks was suffering through the side
effects that seemed to plague her after that first time that she had imbibed not
just human blood but Harry’s as well as Alice’s and Anne’s blood.
“Now today we have a few simple creatures for you to see,” Professor Kettleburn said
as he looked the first year Ravenclaws over. “None of them are too dangerous but are
not too common. Most of you grew up with puffskins and nifflers so these would not
be too different. There is however a pure Kneazle here as well as a few other common
as well pets such as Crups.”
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The students walked toward the cages to see the animals there. Common creatures that
were often found near Wizarding establishments and homes were what they saw. Crups
were a form of dog as well as Kneazles being a magical near housecat creature. Crups
were however known for their fierce dislike of muggles and their tails were useful
as potion ingredients.

“Now a few of you will be familiar with Hagrid, our groundskeeper,” he said as the
large man approached. “Now while I prefer to start with the simpler creatures.
Hagrid here is a hand’s on expert in the more unusual creatures mostly due to his
time in the Forbidden Forest. Some of you may want to talk to him on the more exotic

Most of the students were unprepared as they were focused entirely on the professor
and what he was saying. Now do to the wind and other things the pair did not get
much warning. That did not however mean that they were ones who were easily snuck up
upon. Harry heard something as well as felt a niggling sensation to their right in
the direction of the forest.
Hermione turned as Harry practically growled next to her. His eyes were an intense
shade of green and his entire presence screamed out to her that he was in edge. She
knew that with a flicker of movement he would be able to go from sitting to standing
in front of whoever was his target with his blades in hand before most could blink.
It took but a moment for her to focus and try to calm him down.
‘It wouldn’t do to kill in front of people,’ Hermione thought with a sigh as she
slightly squeezed his hand reassuringly. ‘I do hope that the inevitable
confrontation with Dumbledore is less trying. The sense of emotion that Harry is
emanating would sadly allow for him to be readily used. Still he is able to quickly
control himself… sadly I have still a ways to go in that matter.’
With that Hagrid came out of the forest looking to most as intimidating. He had a
very large hound following him and several large almost siege scaled crossbows on
him. He looked very much like a very large mountain man with unkempt beard and rough
yet very durable clothing. A few simple animals were in his hand as evidence that he
had been hunting in the forest. He managed to make it a ways closer without the rest
of the students noticing him.

“Ah yes students,” Kettleburn said as he looked behind them. “Now this is Rubeus
Hagrid, as most of you should recall from before your sorting…”
As the two were analyzing the man’s sudden appearance, they tuned out the rest of
the professors speech though they would be able to later go over their memories to
recall what had been said. To most of the students around they looked like they were
paying attention even if it was split between the two adults. Sadly they missed the
very subtle changes in Harry’s demeanor and posture.

‘Lovely,’ Harry thought with a repressed sigh. ‘The one person that I despise almost
as bad as the Dursleys, the Delusional Dark Twit and the Naïve Manipulator is the
person most likely to be able to if he was less uneducated readily recognize things.
If he wasn’t such a completely even more naïve and childlike man from what I have
found I would gladly see what a half-giant’s sacrifice would enable…’
“Harry,” Hermione whispered hotly in his ear. “Despite his faults and actions there
are too many witnesses in addition to him being very easy to verbally outmaneuver.”
“I guess you are right,” Harry said with a sigh as he thought over the two’s
interaction. “He does seem to be not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Still given
how close he seems to Dumbledore he may let some things slip. Any source of
information should be investigated and thoroughly drained of all pertinent
“We wait till the class is over,” Hermione said as they reluctantly approached the
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now open cages with the animals milling about. “I am sure that we can find some way
to work a conversation in by then…”

“I guess it is a workable and flexible plan,” Harry admitted barely managing not to
glare at Hagrid or the already sudden mood changing animals. “Now all we have to do
is get through this first.”

“It won’t be that bad,” Hermione tried to reassure as they drew closer and the happy
movements of the animals slowed down and they looked towards them with a feeling of
apprehension radiating from them. “I stand corrected.”
“I guess that means that you are getting further along than I had thought,” Harry
said with a sigh. “Animals tend to pick things up easier. They may not detest us but
they know that we are dangerous. It is a bit like being confronted by a wolf or bear
in the suburbs, they are not really expecting us and wonder what we are doing.”
“I don’t like the looks in their eyes,” Hermione said as she drew close to one of
the Crup puppies. “Will it always be like this?”

“We are not sheep nor do we act or smell like them,” Harry said with resignation.
“Our companions are different as they know we won’t hurt them on an instinctive
level. These are not as assured still even Kiki would likely hesitate before
attacking as there is nothing to gain and far too little mean on their bones to be
worth the effort to eat.”
“I tend to forget that from time to time as all I have ever seen Kiki have for prey
is small animals and well,” Hermione said with a sigh. “I guess I don’t think about
what she used to eat. If I do I chalk it up to societal issues. What is strange to
us is not strange to others…”
As Hermione trailed off, the pair had gotten very close to a now whimpering Crup
puppy. It was not barking or even growling at them and had curled up into as little
of a ball as it could. With as gentle a hand as she could Hermione reached out to
the puppy and began to try to coax it out. There was an unnatural acceptance on the
part of the puppy as it made no attempt to defend itself knowing that it was
pointless. As soon as Hermione’s hand came in contact with its fur, the puppy rolled
onto its back and spread itself out in submission with his belly bared in
supplication while his ears flat and tail limp behind him.

The other animals looked at the puppy in shock and understanding. Two predators were
here and despite their number knew it was hopeless. Perhaps they would be appeased
with the one and leave the rest of them or at least some of them alive. Still they
wondered why the two legs were not doing anything as they normally drove other
predators away. It was in part why they had accepted living with the two leggers in
their packs for protection and they wielded fire.

‘Maybe the Kneazle would know,’ one of the slightly more mature puppies wondered.
‘As much as we dislike them they are more able to understand the two legs.’
Sadly the Kneazle was while more than interested to investigate until it had
suddenly picked up on a subtle scent marking on the two where one had more than the
other and yet both were well marked. Two mates of some sort reeking of the wild with
Nundu and other dangerous predators scents lingering around them. The Nundu may have
been young by its scent but that did nothing to assay the uncertainty the
intelligent cat had.
‘If only the two legs would understand them,’ he thought with some concern as the
two acknowledged the Crup as their inferior, ‘as they seemed oblivious to anything
of importance as the older one and even large one are not showing any concern about
these two in their midst. Humans are far too much like the ill mannered and
impulsive tree rats. At least they are not doing more than seeing what is in what
they feel is their territory which it most likely will be. It is to the strongest,
cunning and agile that the control of the territory goes to. What mixes of scents
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are on them, feathers and fur of kin and rivals still the smell of food and prey
taken is stronger.’

As the Kneazle analyzed the two human predators who were investigating the lesser
predators in their territory, Harry was holding back from the pup while Hermione
greeted the pup similar to she had Mischief after a while. This thankfully calmed
the others there even if it was only slightly. They did not feel the burning gaze of
hunger on them from these predators. The Crup puppies while having an instinctive
hatred of muggles and had been used to hunt them were to the far too preoccupied to
notice Kettleburn actually submitting to the two as they passed through.
“Hello,” Hermione said as she squatted to look at the Kneazle at eye level. “Are you
well fed here?”
While the Kneazle was able to understand the two legs speech that did nothing to
explain what it heard when she spoke. As plain to the cat there was another sound
emanating from the girl and this one wasn’t the annoying gibberish it had already
learned to understand. The girl had spoken and he had heard the sounds readily in
the range of cats, dogs, birds and snakes.

“The two legs provide enough prey to eat,” he said to the girl. “How do you speak?”

“A gift,” Hermione said to the cat so quite that only Harry heard it as other than
her soothing the cat. “I take it that all of you are concerned that we are hunting.
We already ate and we do not hunt those who are under others protection. Just do not
find yourselves in the forest as although we tend to avoid eating those that we can
speak to that does not mean that if we were starving we would not indulge an
available meal. Still as there is plenty of prey around we have no reason to hunt
“Besides,” Harry said from where he had crouched with an unnatural grace. “You are
far too small and scrawny to do as more than a snack.”

“Why do you have the scent of the sickness breathers on you?” the Kneazle asked in
interest indulging its curiosity. “This is far from their territories as it is far
too cold over the short days for their habits.”

“Sickness breathers?” Hermione asked as she tried to quickly sort what would that
be. “Could you describe them?”

“Spotted ones, quick to move and their breath can bring sickness,” he described in
confusion. “How can you not know that you carry a scent of one?”

“Nundu,” Hermione said in realization before turning to Harry. “Did you know that
either Trick or Trouble were Nundu?”
“They were not before,” Harry said as he catalogued the changes that he had noticed
not just in the cats but their other companions. “It would seem that we are not the
only ones who are changing. As humorous as it sounds either Trick has some new
tricks or Trouble can cause more trouble so I see we will have more interesting
things to explore.”
“True,” Hermione said with a sigh. “Still we have a human source to tap for
information about the forest. Besides the rational distrust that you have of him he
has been here for a long time and thus should have overheard things that he might
not think is relevant.”
“I have no real interest in whatever the Old Man is storing there,” Harry said with
a dismissing tone. “Or at least is trying to make people think he is storing
something there. Most likely it is a trap for whoever he thinks is after whatever he
is using for bait and the thing is secure hidden elsewhere. While he may not be as
idiotic as most would be rulers, that does not mean that he wouldn’t make the same
mistake that is cliché in adventures.”
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“You never hide the source of your powers or your weakness in a desolate place,”
Hermione said with a frown. “Everyone readily believes that you would hide it in
some secure place and thus you likely keep it close to hand in plain sight and most
likely to be overlooked.”
“Yes there is that,” Harry said before turning to address the Kneazle. “Now is there
anything in particular you care to share or ask for? Despite what some of your
associates might feel we have no intention on killing and devouring any of you at
this time. As Hermione has said, we prefer not to eat prey that talks back as it
tends to interrupt the enjoyment of one’s meal.”
“You did say at this time,” the Kneazle said with a sigh at the modifier. “I guess
that is to be expected as I would say the same to a rat. I could never promise to
never eat them ever again as that would be foolish. So what do you two wish for me
to tell you as I am rather young by my kind’s standards? I could spend time like one
of the pups commenting on food or other such things, but the male there does take
decent care of us and it is a better life than being harvested for components though
I know the pups will have to regrow their tails often enough for those creations of
“Well there is what you have seen on some of the humans here,” Hermione said as she
no longer simply knelt there but was beginning to actively pet the cat. “The big one
is of interest to us. We will speak to him of course but considering how often he is
around your fellow beings there might be things he has let slip.”
“The short one is planning to leave in a few seasons,” he said with a feline shrug.
“Why you two legs do what you do is a mystery at times, still there is inclination
for the big one to take over but there is some sort of… complication, yes that’s the
notion. Something prevents the others from granting him what his abilities allow him
to do, such strange beings you two legs are…”

“Ah but to most two legs you are the same way,” Hermione replied with a slight smile
before turning to Harry. “So how do you want to handle this then?”
“As much as I would prefer not to interact with the man I see as the one secondly or
maybe thirdly being sent to those people,” Harry said with a sigh, “I guess we go
with a standard meet and greet. Though we will have to admit to a shared

“Considering the topic I would go with creatures,” Hermione said before turning to
the Kneazle and saying, “No offense meant.”

“None taken,” he said as he yawned and stretched some. “Now if you are done there is
a nice patch of sun I wouldn’t mind relaxing in…”
Turning away from the now curled up and sleeping Kneazle, the pair made their way
towards Hagrid. Hermione noticed that Harry was visibly trying to force his face
into an appropriate smile. It wouldn’t fool most people but she hoped that the man
was as innocent as he seemed. Part of her hadn’t cared and been more than
indifferent to doing anything than to just slit his throat and let his spilled blood
make amends for the blood his actions had caused to be spilt from her Harry.
“Hello,” Hermione said as the two drew closer to him as the other Ravenclaws had
wandered back to the professor. “My name is Hermione Granger and you would be Rubeus
Hagrid am I right?”
“Yep,” Hagrid said in a happy gruff, “Rubeus Hagrid, Gamekeeper and Keeper of Keys
at your service. So what can I do fer ya?”
“Well we were wondering what you knew about some of the more fascinating creatures,”
Hermione said as she gestured to Harry. “The professor said you were an expert with
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“Well now what creatures were you interested in?” Hagrid asked with a very wide
smile. “There are a lot of interesting creatures to tell the truth…”
“Well maybe you could start with some of the ones you think are interesting?”
Hermione asked with a smile. “Oh this is Harry…”
“Why I haven’t really seen you since you were a babe before you got in the boat!”
Hagrid said with a very obviously happy look on his face. “It’s good to see you
again Harry.”
Harry nodded his head in greetings before saying, “Yes well I wouldn’t know much
about that. Still if you have an interest in the more interesting beings then I
guess that you cannot be all that bad even if some of the older years come up with
“So what can you tell me about this pup here, Fang was it?” Hermione asked as Harry
stood next to Fang and started to pet him getting whimpers of pleasure from the dog.
“Huh seems that Harry learned a bit from Mischief than.”
“Mischief?” Hagrid asked with interest. “Oh Fang is a boarhound shame that he is
such a coward though for all he barks.”
“Ah Mischief is a friend’s dog bit small at the moment but will grow to be rather
comfortably sized with time,” Hermione said as she watched with a slight twitch to
her eyes as the dog which had originally had its tail between its legs whimpering at
his approach was now eagerly having his belly rubbed and not slobbering on him.
“Well he was named that because he just kept getting into mischief. Still he wasn’t
a bad puppy though a bit trying at times to keep from wandering about too much.”
“Ah reminds me of Fang when he was younger,” Hagrid said with a nod. “He seemed to
always like to wander off than one day he didna want to na more.”

“You must have a lot of experience in raising animals,” Hermione said trying to play
shy and get more information. “Was there anyone that seemed to need a gentle hand or
a bit of extra coaxing?”

“Aye,” Hagrid said eyes shining in reminiscing. “Fluffy seemed to be a right

blighter to calm down unless you play some music…”

‘Hmm Fluffy does seem to be a name he would pick for that dog,’ Hermione thought as
she went back to what she had heard from the chitterling of Kiki and her complaints
that dog was off limits as that would have been a large meal. ‘So it seems that
Hagrid is easy enough to trick information from and Harry is relaxing and being
unserious again so this has been worth it.’
“So what is Fluffy like besides that?” Hermione asked as she watched the dread fill
the man at what he had revealed. “It would be funny if he was a Cerberus like that
Greek myth with that similarity…”
“I shouldna mentioned that,” Hagrid flustered and bent a bit closer to her. “Wouldda
mind not a mentioning tha? Most donna know about tha…”
“Sure,” Hermione conceded with a barely hid smirk. “So what can you tell me about
the forest here? It looks like there would be a large number of beings that would
love to call it home? I wouldn’t mind a chance to explore when I was older. Might be
an interesting job travel the world and find new creatures…”
“Aye,” Hagrid said with a shine to his eyes. “Well the forest here may seem a bit
intimidating but I wouldna recommend going in there at your age. I have to keep
chasin those Weasley Twins out. They just canna get that it is a bit dangerous until
they know a bit more…”

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Hermione nodded along and listened patiently as Hagrid let the far more useful
information about the forest slip. Do to the more pressing information that she was
gaining; Hermione put the topic of Fluffy to the side as it was not a priority at
that point in time. So as the discussion seemed to be a rather long one Hermione
settled down and sat patiently while Harry turned Fang into a puddle of willing
cooperation. Any questions he was really asking him would be mistaken for the common
murmuring one does with animals and no one would really suspect that Harry was
grilling the easily cowed dog for information that Hagrid was intentionally leaving
out of the story.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 9: Downward Spiral and Deviant Dreams
by SamStone 2 Reviews

Tonks falls further while other plots unravel

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Andromeda Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2008/07/11 -
Updated: 2008/07/11 - 17517 words
AN: For some reason ficwad has issues with my html so I am not going back to find
all the italics in this one here as every other site I post to does not have that

Chapter 9: Downward Spiral and Deviant Dreams

Downward ever downward the path of decadent debauchery we go! Never more to restrain
our exaltation with remorse shall we be! Oh fear us ye who hate we proud in our
dreams that deviate from your docile dogma! For we shall live on embracing our lust
of life!-- Dora smashed out of her mind at her final parting with Andromeda Tonks.
Really I always knew that her mother’s denials would cause problems. Still even if
she did marry a more open minded muggleborn there was the twisting self hatred her
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own mother instilled. Personally I think that Andy is mostly jealous of being able
to do somewhat openly what she barely does in secret.-- Alice Longbottom on Andy
’the Randy and Handy’ Black.

After the nervous Tonks had delivered their orders, the pair had snogged her
senseless before retreating leaving the blushing Tonks to scurry to her room for
relief with her new toys that she had snuck past them. Since that day they had done
more than snog enough to get her worked up. Still they were grateful that she was
now willingly kissing them back and was more and more hesitant when they asked her
if she was ready for more.

The routine of go to class, find Tonks, snog her mad and leave when she gets
reluctant for more was pleasant and had led to them breaking in nooks and crannies
as well as unused classrooms and closets to sate their ramped up hormones while
Tonks bolted to her room to get relief. Still they knew that they would need to
buckle down in their somewhat overzealous sudden sexual spree. Well maybe not yet as
they were getting plenty of sleep and they were still ahead on classes as well as
spending the night devouring as much of the main library as they could. So until the
rest of the students even their own housemates caught up there was little reason to
rush to soon.
Kiki was wandering the halls at night finding things that no living magical could
easily find as well as gorging herself on the rats and other non safe prey she
finds. The inbuilt notice me not charm was a godsend and as she had a real magic
castle to explore was acting like the child she had never lived to be. Some would
wonder why the House Elves never mentioned her, but their mutual service made sense
to each and they passed without bothering each other besides the elves liked the way
that she removed the vermin similar to the wizards’ familiars. Mostly Kiki was
grateful not to have to follow them to classes as her boredom would have led to
people believing Peeves was willing to disturb classes when he would bother people
in the halls but never ever interrupt classes.

The increased activities of the pair led to an increased appetite and plenty of time
was spent trying to find the kitchens as the amount they were eating at meals was
becoming more noticeable. Given the odds of who had explored enough of the castle,
Harry had started to ponder how the Weasley twins pulled off their pranks and how
they avoided Filch. Harry knew how he did and was wondering how they did as well as
observing their pranks to see what ideas to add for the plan to use on Ronald ‘Foot
in the mouth’ Weasley and Draco ‘My Father’ Malfoy.
Harry was aware of rumors of certain hidden areas and things in the castle and while
he had no inclination to investigate the blatant trap on the third floor the known
fact that there had to be an entrance to the Kitchens was becoming more pressing
unless they started to go and hunt in the forest more than scouting the edges. Fang
had been rather informative on that as he had wandered enough with Hagrid to know
where the non safe areas were. It had not really surprised Harry that there were
giant spiders as well centaurs in the forest. Still if push came to shove and the
Weasley stake out didn’t lead to the kitchens and more food soon they would need to
do more than pick off the common prey animals to compensate their habits. If it had
not been for the knowledge of mermaids being in the lake there would have been
plenty of sea animals to snack on while not antagonizing the squid.
On the Dora-Tonks situation, it was as if each time they could tell the no was
becoming a yes or more likely the yes was going to stay one soon enough. Then they
might get to try the toys that they had the flustered and flushed girl buy for them
that while were overlooked by wizards and some witches something that the muggleborn
or raised might associate with sex or sexual activities and games. Tonks had
neglected to confess to the entirety of what her trip had been and the two had not
pressed for too many details yet.
All of that had passed through the waiting pairs minds or at least parts of it as
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each had a different view on the situation. While they enjoyed the games they were
playing, the time spent involved could be used more efficiently once the conflict in
their reluctant lover was resolved. A little more time on work than play would be
needed even if they were overcompensating for how often they had forgotten to play
with their work. Still the pair had some time to kill before dinner and thus they
were hidden in one of the numerous spots along the corridors waiting for their prey
so they could play...
“So what do you plan to do now?” Hermione asked as they waited at the end of the day
for Tonks to walk by. “We have been slowly working to get her more open and already
she is more than willing to snog one or both of us.”

“Have you ever wondered how the Twins pull off what they do?” Harry asked with a wry
smirk. “Ever notice how they never really get caught when it is important though
they let themselves get caught in little things.”
“It is an interesting question,” Hermione said after a moment’s thought. “So how did
they do it? We have an idea how the Headmaster is able to know what happens here,
but the twins seem unlikely to have the necessary capitol to gain the influence of
those involved.”
“They could tell when we were around and it took some effort but it turns out that
they have a map,” Harry said with a bit of humor in his eyes. “It shows people,
ghosts, animals as well as shows what the passwords to various areas are there is
however something that it does not pick up…”

“Kiki,” Hermione said with a start. “Somehow she doesn’t show on this map does she?”

“Oddly enough she doesn’t and with how good she is at not being spotted,” Harry
began with a positively diabolic grin.
“You were able to get reliable information on where the twins go and several
passwords and triggers that we hadn’t found yet,” Hermione said with realization.
“So what did you find out that was so useful?”
“House Elves,” Harry said with a purr in his voice. “Despite the work that Filch
does most of the unnoticed stuff is handled by House Elves. They cook, clean and
otherwise maintain the castle although it seems odd to have a human do a job like
mopping by hand except if potion residue was involved.”

“Something to investigate about Filch than,” Hermione said with a smirk. “A good
example of not just what you know or who you know…”

“But of what you know about who you know,” Harry finished with mischief practically
oozing from him. “There has to be a way to either create something similar or make a
copy of that map. The most useful thing at present is that we now know where the
kitchens are…”
“Popcorn?” Hermione asked in realization. “You think whoever is not actively winding
Tonks up should be able to enjoy the entertainment. Though I would prefer something
else when we finally give those two gits what they have coming to them!”
“It doesn’t have to be popcorn though it seems that it is a purely muggle thing the
poor dears,” Harry said with what actually sounded like pity in his voice. “Still
there is the fact that getting our hands on the map would make this game a bit
easier than again where is the fun without a challenge?”
“It would allow us to see what has been found by whoever made that map as well as
the twins,” Hermione conceded. “Though I do have to wonder about these House Elves…”
“They seem to be dependent on someone to serve to survive as well as function,”
Harry said as he thought over what he had found on the subject. “They are generally
found in the older families and are in part a sign of status as the family thus does
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not need to exert their own magic or muscle to maintain things. I had been tempted
to pick one up but given that the Potters were at least an established family that
there may be one somewhere and I am just unable to claim it as I am not officially
the head of family. Given the information though one should have appeared at the
Dursley’s long ago given how things were.”
“Perhaps they were informed that you were not ready and whoever it was guaranteed
that you were safe,” Hermione added in conjecture. “Considering what you said about
your accounts at Gringott’s…”

“That would seem reasonable,” Harry said as he turned to see Tonks coming down the
Hall. “So I think snog, snack and some more fun after that?”

“Works for me,” Hermione said as Tonks passed in the back of the group. “Still got
to snag our snogee…”
As soon as that left her lips Hermione smirked and reached out and snagged the still
daydreaming Dora. Dora’s eyes went wide as she felt a strong hand wrap around her
before her mouth was covered not with a hand as she had first feared but a very
tender set of lips pressing to hers. She blinked as she settled into the darkness of
the nook and felt a second pair of lips start to tease her cheek before nipping a
slow and gentle trail down her neck.

With her lips open in shock at first she had been unprepared for the sudden delving
of a tongue intent on tasting her mouth. Two different pairs of arms wrapped around
her in a hug. The soft lips wrapped around to rest on her hips after having copped a
quick feel of her ass before a definitely male presence was felt behind her. From
the feeling of a pair of excited extended nipples being rubbed against her the
person currently plundering her mouth to drive her from distracted to desirous was
‘Is there no where I am safe from these two?’ Tonks thought in shock as she
surrendered into the rising passion induced by the mutual kisses and teasing. ‘They
started with giving me chase kisses and asking if I was ready for more. To make
matters more difficult they did so when they got me worked up enough to almost beg
for them to make me cum! They keep grabbing me and kissing me to the point of
needing to get off and they just leave when I am almost ready to tear my clothes off
and just surrender to get some relief.’

“Oh delicious delectable Dora,” Harry whispered into her ear. “We know you like
this. We know you want more, but we really do need you to tell us what you want.
While it is entertaining watching you try to deny what you want and need you will
eventually admit that you cannot stay in denial.”

As her mouth was busily being shared with Hermione, all Dora could do was moan into
the kiss as their hands teased her clothe covered form always approaching but never
fondling her enough to grant release. So worked up was she in this current session
of the pairs mutual and separate encounters of pounce and persuade, Dora didn’t
notice that instead of her hands pushing away they were pulling Hermione to her. Her
right hand was fondling Hermione’s ass while her left was pressing her head to her
to keep their lips touching.
When Harry wrapped both of them into his arms, he pulled them close squeezing Tonks
between them and pressing their hips together while he ground into her flushed ass.
So far they had not directly touched her since that morning as they had allowed her
to set a pace and slowly drive her to the point of allowing more. There was no point
to the game if she surrendered immediately and let them take turns fucking her face
before cuming over her face and tits even if they would have enjoyed that the
anticipation was thrilling. Now as they were as worked up as she was, they proceeded
to take care of each other while Tonks was left to try to find a place to masturbate
to get some relief. Still when they did so when they didn’t have time they tended to
be less aware during class though they never showed how distracted they would rather
be unlike Tonks who was left high and dry or wet as the case was more often than
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‘She is coming along nicely,’ Hermione thought as she indulged in tasting her
current attractions lips and mouth. ‘Delicious Dora is even if I haven’t gotten to
sample her sweetness since that morning. She seems to be having some sweeter foods
and I can taste a rather significant increase in chocolate and fruit to her scent
and taste. A shame that I don’t think she is ready for me to flip her skirt up and
lick her to my hearts and her pussy’s content. Still Harry has been even more
intense after these sessions and with a ready supply from the kitchen there is some
more things I want to try…’
“Dora oh delectable Dora,” Harry purred into her ear as he finished trailing up to
tease what he had found to be a very sensitive spot behind her ears before giving a
playful nip to her earlobes causing her to make a moan easily heard even through her
joined lips as well as felt by both of them as she shivered and shuddered. “Are you
ready for some more this time? You seem to be rather eager to get one of our tongues
down your throat while one of us teases all these spots you seem to enjoy us
discovering. So are you ready for something more than kissing? Is your needy little
wet pussy ready to be petted like a good pet?”

‘Oh god!’ she thought in shock. ‘Hermione nearly made me soak my panties completely
earlier with her dirty talk. Hearing it from the Black Prince of Ravenclaw is
Hermione was barely able to cut off vocally swearing and pouting when she felt Harry
pinch her left ass cheek while Dora was still squeezing her right. That had been the
agreed on sign to let Tonks speak in something other than with her tongue dueling.
Just when she had been ready to spread the girls ass so Harry could grind between to
drive Tonks more into submitting or at least begging for them to make her cum before
they could get her to play with them.
As soon as she let Tonk’s lips free, Hermione darted her mouth and began to neck
with the older girl. She was going to make it damn hard for Dora to hide that
someone was interested in her and if someone else continued to sniff around their
girl there would be trouble. Still she was fairly certain only a complete hormone
addled twit would try something after what Harry did to that seventh year what’s his
name. Ah well as the boy had been sufficiently cowed by their actions it was
unimportant. If he however tried anything she would make sure that being castrated
would be the least painful physically, emotionally and socially of his problems.
There had been a faint smoke to Harry’s hands when he had almost crushed the fool’s
windpipe and it was something that they would need to look into.
“Oh lord! Yes!” Tonks emphatically said as the pair worked her neck over while both
her hands pulled Hermione’s ass to grind their covered sexes together.
“You want Hermione to make you cum don’t you?” Harry asked the aroused girl while
Hermione rubbed against her while making sure that a trail of hickies and love bites
adorned her right side of her neck. “Or would you rather have me finger fuck you
while Hermione watches you cum? You can even squirt on her face if you cum hard
“Yes!” Tonks said as she writhed between the two. “I can’t stand the teasing
“So which do you want to start with?” Hermione purred into her right ear. “His
fingers worming their way inside your dripping eager hungry little hole stretching
you while his thumb teases your stiff throbbing clit or having me slide my thin
lithe fingers inside you before tormenting your inflamed and engorged with arousal
slit with my tongue?”
“Or would you rather have Hermione burry her face in your seeping sodden slutty cunt
as she fucks you with her eager tongue before sliding her fingers to stroke your
pussy while she sucks your clit like you wants your throbbing tits to be?” Harry
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huskily breathed into her ears causing shivers to run through the panting girl.
“There is always the option for us to play with your tits and twat at the same time.
So tell us Dora darling how far and which way you want to cum?”
“I don’t care just let me cum!” Dora shouted in a whimpering begging voice. “It
hasn’t been the same since that morning…”
“You miss us more than you were willing to admit,” Hermione said as she teased
Dora’s face. “Still you only want us when we get you worked up. When we get you
ready the last few times you lied to us.”
“You said that it was wrong,” Harry said as his hand snaked between the two to pull
her against him. “That we were too young to know what we were doing was wrong.”
“Yet after we left you cried and ran to somewhere didn’t you?”Hermione asked as her
hands slowly slid under Dora’s skirt. “You went off on your own and tried to get
yourself off. It just wasn’t the same was it? You most likely fingered yourself
trying to stuff your sodden box with your fingers while your other hand was
“I masturbated in the shower that first morning and I came hard thinking about what
we did,” Dora admitted with a sob. “I tried to get myself off after you worked me up
every time these past few days. I only came with any intensity when I thought about
you both of you.”
“So you admit that you are attracted to us,” Harry said as he moved his hands to cup
her breasts through her blouse. “But will it last after you cum? You also never said
what you all did to yourself to make you cum since you wouldn’t admit you wanted us
to get you off!”
“I shoved two fingers into my twat while my thumb diddled my clit!” Dora shouted as
Hermione’s fingers teased the edge of her panties. “I teased my tits and even knelt
ass up and spanked myself while I yelled out what you did and what I wanted you to
do to me!”
“That made you cum like a firecracker didn’t it?” Hermione asked as she ran her hand
across Dora’s panty covered pussy. “You didn’t just like what you did then you
wanted more!”

“Oh god, yes!” Dora said as Hermione’s hand cupped her sex through her soaked
“You loved feeling your ass spanked!” Harry stated as he rubbed himself against her
skirt. “You came like a sex started slut when I bent you over and swatted your ass
until it was aching and red all over!”
“Fuck yeah I came like a good slut!” Dora cried as her fantasies and recollections
mixed. “Good sluts get to cum hard when their fucked, don’t they?”
“Oh yeah they do,” Hermione purred as her fingers felt Dora’s lips as they sucked
her wet and stretched panties inward. “You came hard so many times that night that
must mean you are a good little slut.”
“I am a good slut,” Dora churned as Hermione rubbed her panties roughly against her
aroused mound. “What else do good sluts do?”
“They suck their master’s cock of course,” Hermione said as Dora whimpered getting
closer and closer. “They do more than that as well.”
“What else should I do?” Dora mewed as she panted from their actions stimulating her
mind and body. “I have only sucked one cock though I wasn’t sure it would be like it

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“You cum when your master wishes you to,” Harry said into her ear. “You cum because
it is what I want as it makes me happy and your pleasure is my pleasure.”

“Master’s pleasure is my pleasure,” Dora murmured as her breathing became more

labored and her body flushed and sweaty from her excitement.
“Master makes us cum because he loves us,” Hermione said with a happy smile on her
face. “We love him and he protects us and pleasures us. Is it wrong that he finds
pleasure in our bodies?”

“No!” Dora shouted in vehemously vocal denial.

“Then let yourself go,” Harry commanded as Hermione kneeled in front of the girl and
barely had time to marvel at Dora’s aroused sex after peeling her panties down
enough and drew near enough to kiss it. “Cum!”
That was it and the girl could do no more arching forward and cuming hard. Hermione
closed her eyes just in time as Dora did more than dribble and sprayed the kneeling
girl. Shuddering against Harry, Dora continued to shout out her appreciation. Most
of it was disjoined but the most repeated words were Oh, God, Cuming and Master
although not necessarily in that order.
Supporting the shuddering girl as her knees had gone weak and barely managed to not
set her down onto Hermione’s tilted face, Harry slowly murmured reassuring words to
try to keep her from backsliding. Things had not gone to plan and they had only
hoped to kiss her and feel her up maybe shudder and soak her panties. There was the
risk of repression and regression now.

“Hmmm,” Hermione said from where she was smiling on the floor. “That was fun and
tasty too! Still we need to get some real food.”
“I know,” Harry said with a grin as he helped her up and kissed her. “I don’t think
that Dora here would like to be carried off in her present state.”

“We could go to the kitchens and get some food,” Hermione proposed as soon as she
felt calmed a bit and her face licked clean. “We will have to cram a bit to get to
cover those things you wanted to try. I know I have been focusing too much on the
wand magic and that even you don’t have enough time to practice both as extensively
as you would like.”

“You mean the fact that based on the letter my apprentices sent that they are
catching up quickly do to the lack of challenge at school,” Harry said with a sigh.
“The main problem is the portraits finding out as they are a bit harder to control
than the ghosts. I do have to admit that it is a very useful monitoring system and
most overlook it.”
“Like house elves,” Hermione said with a start. “Given the Victorian notions
servants are likely to not be heard or seen thus readily overlooked.”
“You forget that they cannot reveal their master’s secrets or disobey a direct
order,” Harry rebuked her with. “Thus they are not an ideal spy system although if
one could have a house elf among the elves than some information could be gathered.
It is something to look into in the future. Now for the time being some food to
quench our appetites and hopefully find some more about things considering what can
be overheard that would not be their master’s secrets.”
“You’re thinking of seeing if they gossip and if indirect information could be
gained!” Hermione practically screamed in realization. “How do we know that they
haven’t told the headmaster of our head of house things about us then?”
“Well there are some rumors about things that they cannot reveal for certain
people,” Harry said with a blush. “Now while I was not able to properly claim my
inheritance outside the main office of Gringott’s that does not mean that there was
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not some information acquired. One of them was an incident involving my family and
their house elves. Rumors indicate that a number of elves were sent here and do to
the circumstances that it is likely that at least one of the family’s elves is the
one cleaning up after us.”
“Well that explains the lack of professors questioning us,” Hermione said. “I take
it that there are some issues with privacy here as well?”
“Yes,” Harry admitted as they headed to the kitchens. “Still at least a part of
things is that what happens in private tends to stay private. No one likes to air
their dirty laundry and they are quite insistent on that here as a matter of image.”

The pair stopped at a painting that had an oddly interesting pear. Watching Harry
reach out and tickle it before a door opened, Hermione suppressed a groan. There
were far too many secret and hidden things in the castle to explore. The library was
daunting enough as it was to even attempt to get through most if not all of the
books. For a moment looking for rituals to either cut back more on sleep or allow
for improved mental clarity for a perfect photo recall passed through her mind. No
it would be too much like cheating doing that similar to wit sharpening or memory
enhancement potions for her taste.
“Welcome to Hogwart’s kitchen,” Harry said as he walked in with Hermione on his arm.
“See the elves are busy and happy.”
“Is there anything we can do for young masters?” one of the elves asked with a
hopeful look.

“I see that they are happy,” Hermione said with a warm smile. “So did you have
something in mind?”
“I take it that there is more available than what is just at the tables?” Harry
asked and when the elf nodded continued. “So what do you feel like and do you think
providing some new recipes would be a good thing?”

“Variety is good,” Hermione said with a thought. “Now what we need is something with
a lot of protein but lean so chicken for the meat and something flavorful that
compliments yet isn’t difficult to carry. Hmmm… Chicken with a mix of spices and
vegetables both grilled with a pasta something sweet in flavor served in a desert so
everything is there. Can you do that for us?”

“Yes mistress,” the elf said with a nod to the other gathered elves. “Anything else

“Yes,” Hermione said after a moment’s thought. “Do you have any juice besides
pumpkin and could you blend them together?”
“Yes mistress,” the elf replied with a bob of its head. “Which juices mistress?”
“Pomegranate, apple, cherry, raspberry, peach and orange for the main juices with a
slight bit of tomato, pineapple and white grape mixed,” Hermione said after a pause.
“Yes that would work well and a good mix of flavors and nutrients to be enjoyable.”
“It shall be done mistress,” the elf said before joining the others in their mad
“See happy,” Harry said looking at the elves and seeing them enjoying their work and
thus lives. “Still a shame that most let boredom set in with the tasks they
“Hmm,” Hermione said as she drank a sip of the provided juice. “Yes they are happy
and the juice is mixed quite well. Thank you.”
That brought a teary eye to the elf before returning to work with a new vigor. This
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one appreciated the work they did! The other elves seemed to keen under the praise
and their cooking went back to full swing.

“So since they are in need of more variety in food,” Hermione said as she watched
the look on Harry’s face as he cautiously sipped the juice before almost chugging
it. “Perhaps we should talk about our food being a bit more specific.”

“Your parents are sending mail worrying about the food and its effect on your
teeth,” Harry said in realization. “Well it is nice to see that some parents care.
Besides given what we have seen in the general fair of food there is a lot to be
“High energy food makes sense considering magic is physically draining in its use,”
Hermione said with a sigh. “Still eating without regard to more than filling the
belly is an offensive thing.”
“You just want to see if you can try new tastes,” Harry teased as the elves were not
going to talk anyways so like in private acted thus. “Still if enough eat like that
it is no wonder so many have such shoddy teeth and other problems. The Weasley’s
eating habits are quite offensive to everyone even his brothers.”
“I am actually amazed that the Twins didn’t see if the elves would be willing to add
things to food for pranks if they don’t really harm anyone,” Hermione said as she
digested the thought of the Twins only sneaking food from the kitchens and not
pranks into the kitchen. “Less stress in the school is a good thing.”

“We is not supposed to be doing that,” one of the other elves said. “Still masters
never said that we could not do so…”

“Well it seems that we have a better means of delivery now,” Harry said as the elves
brought the requested food over in addition to a tray of snack sand other similar
things. “You are all good and efficient elves.”

The praise worked as anticipated and all the elves actually blushed. It took
Hermione a moment to equate the reason for it. They were like any person whose
identity is based on another and in their case service to their wizard or witch
masters. Given how they acted Hermione wondered if she beamed like that whenever
Harry praised her. It would be interesting to have a picture of that if it was true.

After a quick discussion on the slight variety added to their daily meals, the pair
again thanked the elves and made their leave. It had been interesting and the
positives gained were worth it. Still the issues of balancing their objectives were
creating some stress again. If it hadn’t been for all of the endorphins, dopamine
and increased serotonin from the sex, it was likely that her hair would frazzle and
she would have worked herself to death.
‘So good,’ Hermione thought as she nibbled on some of the snacks with her body
having a sugar high from the sweets binge, ‘besides I can indulge with all the
exercise and not have to deal with becoming fat though if I don’t keep up with my
bodies demands I would become nothing but skin and bones and that just looks ugly.
Well that and the loss of curves would such as I was just getting used to them.’
As the two made their way back to the nook where they had left Dora to recover under
some serious notice me not charms, they were relaxed and grateful that it seemed
that Dora this time was out and would not regress. Hopefully the division between
Dora and Tonks would become less as it was scary to see how split their friend was
well more like willing plaything at times but still they felt attached.
“House elves rule,” Hermione said as she continued with her snacking binge. “To
think that I might not have accepted them if we hadn’t met, it seems that things
have become more clear at times.”
“I thought it would be more of the notion that people would like that sort of
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behavior as offensive to the notions of female self identity that you had pounded
into your head,” Harry said with a sigh as he nibbled on his own snack. “Add to that
most adults seem to not want to talk about sex and sexual matters properly without
sugar coating it or worse lying about how things are, is sadly a current part of the
culture. It just seems worse here though.”
“You mean the positively antiquated norms that you noticed though it seems that
Knocturn was more of an extreme than Diagon,” Hermione commented as she enjoyed her
ice cream mix. “It seems from what we learn that wizards are slower to change and
seem almost Victorian in their values.”
“Well given that one of the testers for OWLS is still alive and tested Dumbledore
when he was a fifth year it shows why they are slow to change,” Harry said with a
sigh. “Still changing quickly leads to other issues. It would be rude to walk in and
try to force them to change to conform to our views. I would prefer if they would
just let us be, but given how there is a rise in regulations especially if one is
not a so called pureblood that does not seem likely.”
“Sad but likely true,” Hermione agreed as she let her tongue do positively indecent
things to her ice cream which oddly seemed as practice for what she hoped Dora would
be ready to do. “Consider how little skin being shown they think is indecent, it is
no wonder though given their interest in lineage and other things.”

“You are still upset that while muggles constrained their nobilities, the wizards
seemed to keep a caste system in place,” Harry said feeling he was beating a dead
horse. “So what if the system sucks? It just takes time to change it and while you
may oppose the system in general there are aspects that make sense.”

“If for whatever logical reasons they were originally I don’t see the need to have a
patron for such matters,” Hermione said with a frown.”Not that I would have issues
with that with you sponsoring me, but I rather dislike the way it limits things.”

“One likely reason was evidence in the loss of aspects of culture that they see and
with those unwilling to at least view things without imposing what the people here
would see as bizarre foreign notions things would deteriorate,” Harry said as he
wrapped an arm to hold her closer. “Also having someone sponsoring you to make sure
you understand the culture and don’t give offense by being ignorant does hold value
if you view it as two different parallel cultures interacting.”

“You have been spending too much time with the dead to be so informed about such
matters,” Hermione said with a frown as they approached the edge of the silencing
ward they had placed before while waiting for Dora to pass bye. “A shame that we
can’t extract more information from the ghosts here…”

“True,” Harry conceded again irritated at the wards and the monitoring that would
alert people if they tried to be a little less than subtle in their enquires. “Still
we can ask although it seems that people don’t think…”

The two grew silent as the heard the muffled whimpering that was the opposite of
what they had expected. They had left Dora to awaken from the intense orgasm that
had left her asleep still shuddering as she was gently placed down on the cushioned
floor to recline against the also spelled cushioned wall. They did not expect
anything but a rather happy girl that might be up for going a bit further this time
or actually officially and without duress sexual accept their relationship.
“Oh Merlin what did I do,” Tonks sobbed as she had sat with her back to the wall and
her knees held to her body. “I let them touch me again. I was such a bad girl. Good
girls don’t gain pleasure from a girl kissing them. They don’t yell out at how the
like a girl touching them there. Bad Tonks! You have to be a good girl! Good girls
don’t do that to other girls.”
“Great,” Hermione said as she saw the complete one eighty their friend experienced.
“Just when I was hoping she would be willing to give instead of just receiving. You
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got an explanation for this?”
“You mean besides there being two dissimilar inclinations here,” Harry said with a
sigh as he looked at the girl who while looking like Dora was Tonks. “You may have
been too into your verbal stimulations but recall what she admitted…”
“Oh,” Hermione said as she scrunched her nose and a frown marred her face. “Tonks
repressed her first sexual stimulation and continued to do so leaving Dora at least
her personality when horny to over compensate for the repression that she was
suffering. This would be so much easier if you would just have shagged her silly or
better yet buggered her to submission until she got over her regressing.”
“Channeling Anne and her fixation huh?” Harry asked as he saw the completely
different body language radiating from their once and they kept hoping for again
lover. “I can get why a good shag would have been beneficial. The body would recall
even if the mind suppressed the reality of the experience. So why would it be better
if I had as you would say properly, sodomized the silly dear?”
“Anne told me why she is fixated with her ass and more accurately plotting to have
you hold her down and slam your dick into her ass until she was reamed and raw even
if she had to be torn up and bleeding,” Hermione said with a smirk as she tried to
let other thoughts than that Dora would not be up for some action to drive Harry
even more into accepting his libido and eventually having sex, fucking as well as
even making love even as she clenched around her preparatory toy. “If the twit had
asked her, she likely would have been on her knees with her cheeks spread and been
willing to have him take her with and without lubrication. She admitted that she
felt completely submissive in those moments but because of the man’s idiocy it never
went from nonconsensual to consensual encounters. Hell if he had actually tried
seduction as well as force there would have been no real problem besides the law.”
“Why do you think I was so cautious about the situation?” Harry asked as he looked
at Tonks with a frown. “Anne practically screams to anyone looking I like to be used
so please use me! The problem is most people that can understand her signals would
either be unwilling to do so because of the laws or prefer to take advantage of the
situation leaving her unable to cope without someone in control. Likely she would
have dated young but not as young as she was and likely gone with anything the guy
she was with wanted. Now while I may not be normal I do see that leaving her alone
would just be like throwing a bleeding person to the sharks.”

There were several moments of relative silence as all there was the two standing
there with Tonks sobbing on the ground telling herself how bad and naughty she was.
If either had been willing to believe this was a plan to get a good spanking things
might have happened quicker than either of the two already aroused teens would have
been already comfortable with. Part of Hermione wanted nothing more than to grab the
sobbing form of Tonks and grind her arousal against the girl until she was satisfied
while venting at the opportunity wasted by her regression. Well it was equally mixed
with the strong desire to once more flip her skirt up and yank her panties down and
watch as Harry spanked her before adding to the Metamorph her own plug.
She had hoped to do something of the sort or at least get a go at that herself. They
had such nice toys and she contemplated a few future ideas. It was a shame that
certain shops were even more of word by mouth than their mundane counterparts.
Hermione did not however know of Tonks current secret to a source of toys already
enchanted. If she had Hermione would likely have hung the girl and worked her over
so much that Dora would be unable and unwilling to allow her more prudish self to
ever regain control.
“You know despite what the available literature says that makes sense,” Hermione
said as things shifted into a clearer perspective even if it was as unwanted as it
was. “So how do we handle the Dora/Tonks situation?”
“Keep on what we are doing as it is working, slowly but working,” Harry said with a
sigh. “Tonks is up to kissing and hugging even with the whole girls shouldn’t with
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other girls besides maybe practicing thing. Dora however seems almost to the point
where she was ready to be stripped and willing to play.”

“Dora seems to have a set of kinks in regards to punishment,” Hermione said as she
looked at the girl and resisted the urge to simply yank her up and have her lay
across one of their laps before tanning that tart’s tender tush. “There are
definitely things to explore with that in the future. Alice did however say that
they have a new source for information I think it was supposed to be a surprise for
the Christmas though.”

“So they got someone with either a fake ID or got someone at least sixteen to get
into a sex shop,” Harry said after a moment’s thought. “Shame that Dora is unable to
come out for a while as Tonks would bolt if we tried to get her back into the horny
enough to take me now stage.”
“Pity,” Hermione said with a frown. “I take it that you don’t think kissing her with
more than a tongue involved wouldn’t spook her and set us back?”
“Unfortunately,” Harry said with a sigh. “I know you wanted to get back to having a
co girl for oral fun but Dora while ready is too easily pushed back by Tonks. It
will just take a bit more time.”

“We shouldn’t leave her here though,” Hermione said with a sigh. “It would be worse
if we had left Dora here without the current setup. Dora would have been likely to
do anything if she was randy enough. Still I almost wish the risk of alienating her
didn’t keep us from just punishing her back to rights…”

“We can test both of those ideas later,” Harry said as he knelt next to the sobbing
shimmery eyed girl even as she reeked of both shame and recent passionately willing
ecstasy. “Tonks come back to us Tonks. You just let yourself get a little over
eager. You didn’t do anything wrong and we are not upset with you nor do we think
badly about you.”

“You both called me a dirty slut,” Tonks whimpered. “I wanted to do dirty things
with you!”
“Tonks oh so wonderfully silly Tonks,” Hermione chided her comfortingly. “We didn’t
mean it in a bad way. Sometimes when people care about each other they say things
which don’t exactly mean what they seem to mean. I meant that you were having fun
and by saying those things it made you feel better which made us feel better.”
“It would be different if a stranger called you that,” Harry said hugging her on one
side while Hermione did the same to the other. “It was something private and
intimate between us. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t mean it has to be
“But mum says,” Tonks started to say before sniffling, “that only bad girls do
things like that. I don’t want to be a bad girl!”
“Now calm down and tell us what was bad that happened,” Hermione said as she
restrained herself from just teasing the girl enough to bring Dora back. “It felt
good didn’t it? I know I enjoyed what I was doing and Harry did as well. You were
just helping your friends to feel good.”
“That night I was a very bad girl,” Tonks said almost whispering she was talking so
quietly. “I let you touch me and I touched you there and even kissed you on your
mouth and there as well.”
“Calm down Tonks,” Harry said as she started to get worked up and not in the way
they wanted. “It felt good like getting hugged only much stronger, yes?”
“Yes,” she reluctantly admitted. “I don’t want to do bad things though…”

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“It doesn’t hurt us or you so why are they bad?” Hermione asked hiding her
frustration. “Did your mummy say it was bad to feel happy when you are hugged or
Tonks shook her head at that. There was something that she wanted to confess to. She
hadn’t told them all of what happened when she was in Hogsmeade or the options she
had gained let alone the fact that when she was out of class she readily used the
toys she had gotten to keep Dora placated. Before she could say something odd
Hermione held her finger to her lips keeping her silent.

“Shh, Tonks,” Hermione chided her. “Just listen to us will you. There is more to
being loved and loving someone than just hugs and kisses. Sometimes when two people
really race about each other, when they feel a need for comfort or even when they
just want to feel good again they do things. Do you really want me to never kiss you
“No,” Tonks admitted with a sad look at the thought of that. “I like being kissed by
both of you…”

“Good girl,” Hermione said before leaning in and giving Tonks a barely chase kiss.
“See that wasn’t bad and there is no reason for us not to do that again.”

“It may have seemed that we were doing bad or naughty things,” Harry explained to
the regressed girl softly, “but that was not the case. We were merely trying to make
you feel good again. We know that you have been trying to make yourself feel as good
as you did that day, but it wasn’t quite the same was it?”

“No,” Tonks said with a sad frown. “I don’t know why though.”

“The mind,” Hermione said as she rested her head against the other’s shoulder and
gently drew in and savored her scent. “The body knows what it wants and needs, but
at times the mind does not know why it is so. The mind as well realized the need for
closeness as well as the pleasures that someone else being with you and helping you
feel good provides.”
“Now stop being sad,” Harry said as he helped her up. “We understand that you went
faster than you were ready for still, but we will wait.”

“Just don’t think that we won’t try to figure out how far you want to go,” Hermione
said as she pressed herself against Tonks. “You can deceive yourself and others, but
you can’t deceive your body. We can tell when you try to deceive us and to us your
body is glaring in what it really wants and needs.”

“So dear friend,” Harry said as they helped her to maneuver the halls quickly and
unnoticed. “We will wait but we will help you accept what you want.”
“Yes darling,” Hermione purred as they approached the steps. “Now get some sleep.
Things will be clearer soon.”

After Tonks nodded in agreement, the two kissed her before letting her ascend the
stairs to her room. Hermione had been getting frustrated and had been tempted to
follow her to her room and get Tonks aroused enough to sit on her face since Tonks
had squirted on hers while she had been unable to get satisfactionately sated and
“Harry,” Hermione said as soon as Tonks was out of ear shot. “If this keeps up
longer I am going to jump you and to hell with making my first real time memorable
from tenderness and specialness just memorable in how exhausted and sated I am.”
“So I take it that there is no way that you think I would turn you down,” Harry said
with a frown before smirking. “Well in this case you are right and I curse and bless
you for helping with the easing of my libido. This would have been hell without you.
Think what would have happened…”
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“You mean getting so worked up by not having any release that you would have likely
bypassed the wards and made your way through as many girls as possible since most of
the witches here are as bad as the wizards in being lazy,” Hermione said with a
mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Why I do believe you would have simply returned
and after getting used to consistently bedding a girl would have found us far
agreeable. Just would mean that nothing would really have changed just that I would
have been more practiced on cunnilingus than fellatio.”
“So there is no point in wasting any more time since our only other current
participant is unwilling at the moment,” Harry said with a shake of his head. “Race
you to the bed? Winner rides the others face?”

“Deal,” Hermione said before the pair raced up the stairs. “Just remember to use the
crop a bit now that we have one.”
“What on your ass or your cunt?” Harry called his question out as he followed
quickly on her heals. “Randy thing you are but I don’t think you would be you any
other way…”
Win or lose the two would have to spend their worked up excitement since Tonks had
come back. Nothing had changed since they same had happened when they had only
gotten up to seek and go snog. The only difference was that Tonks was sleeping and
trying to get her two misaligned ideas to not clash. The two were sure that it would
be only a matter of time and they would have their Dora around. They may not have
seduced many but the constant flirting they had done as well as learning how to
tease and entice meant that they were certain that given enough time they could and
would have Dora as well as Tonks as willing participants and be grateful to having
been seduced.


Deep in the dungeons of Hogwarts, Severus Snape pondered things. Oh some might think
with the look on his face that he was pouting, but anyone who implied otherwise
would lose at least a hundred points and get to be his minion for a month scrubbing
cauldrons and potion lab with a toothbrush. Someone had been getting most of his
independent brewing contracts and even trying to sell some of the more adequate
students’ efforts was not helping him. Teaching did not pay well despite the
prestige as well as other incentives. Severus had long been under a variety of names
the lead potion supplier for Knocturn until a few years ago.
‘Who the hell is cutting supplies?’ Snape thought in confusion. ‘I know what their
sigil is but not who is behind the mask as it were. My profits are dropping
tremendously and someone is also providing ingredients that I was harvesting from
the forest! Add to that the Potter is skilled in potions and seems to be impervious
to Legilimency does not help matters!’
With his scowl increased in potency several times he glared at the glass of potent
alcohol in front of him. He needed to relax and the students were either more
incompetent than usual or more dangerous than normal. It was times like this that he
wished that he had chosen one of the vices of his Death Eater colleagues. He had
been in it for the power and potion potential that the Ministry had made difficult
to acquire. If he had the vices of Lucius or either of the Lestranges he would have
been more easily sated with a quick memory charm on one of the students.
‘As tempting as it is to just make something useful from the dunderheads as most of
them are about as useful as a Knocturn whore,’ Severus said as he downed the glass
with a sigh. ‘I am above such petty things. Really why anyone would think that I
would sink to needing a memory charm and a retightening charm is irritating. Like I
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need to sodomize one of the children before retightening their torn open holes! So
what if I have little interest in the inferior women that come through these halls.
Not a one compared to the fire that was Lily Evans. The woman could have made the
Dark Lord kneel at her feet if she had but chosen! Power, persuasion and passion
wrapped into one package. If she had but asked I would have chosen to serve her even
if she was with Potter. Still it seems that her son has inherited her will if
Granger is anything to go by. At first I thought it was like seeing myself all over
again with her, but it is he who is in charge with her as his assistant. I may have
tried to compete with Lily but there was something that was wasted on her being a
muggleborn. If she was even able to prove a trace of Wizarding Heritage she could
have ruled. The boy at least seems less inclined to such matters than what records
show the Dark Lord was. No at least I don’t need to worry about someone with her
blood taking his place.’

“Bibsy!” Severus called as a House Elf appeared. “Fetch my hangover potion and the
strong bottle.”
“Yes Professor,” Bibsy squeaked out as she popped out.

With a return pop the elf left the strong bottle of liquor its contents swirling in
an almost unholy manner with a very revolting colored potion. Severus was loath to
drink as his father had been an abusive drunk still given things a drink was easier
than any other method of relaxing that he had available. He let his mind drift to
what he hadn’t said in the meeting.
‘Potter is dangerous of that I am certain and it is a good thing that neither Filius
nor Minerva are overly fooled by his appearance,’ Severus thought as he savored the
most potent liquor that would not send his body to incompetency in his craft the
next day. ‘Perhaps there is more cause to savor the fruit of my labor or there would
be without the competition. I do have to wonder what Pomona was hiding because while
I may try to portray that house as nothing but lay bouts and meek sheep there is
strength in numbers and anyone to call Madame Bones either of those is a fool.’

While Severus worried about what hidden plots the head of Hufflepuff was involved
in, the lady in question was as common for the house recovering from some of the
eager attention of her students. Pomona was flushed and sated with a mix of male and
female students in the large bed she was laying in. it was a given that by their
third year at the latest that a Puff would be sexually active and without the
negative implications that other houses would have they were well learned in the
carnal arts and often treated such actions similar to others would any other form of
Where a Gryffindor would hug a friend the Hufflepuff would likely go down on them
and while a Ravenclaw may have amassed large encyclopedias of sexual and sensual
knowledge the Puffs would have learned hands on how to make one feel good and how to
readily find a person’s spots. There was a reason that Gryffindor and Slytherin had
been unwilling to duel while she had been present. Helga had managed to get the two
founders to put their rivalry aside and sate themselves with her at the same time.
Not that despite things she hadn’t dragged a resistant Rowena to her bed. It had
only taken a little nudge to turn the mind of the sharpest witch in the age to
devour the knowledge of the carnal delights much to the fours mutual delights.
It was a secret pride that most of the girls to pass through Hufflepuff were well
skilled in pleasing their lovers regardless of sex and that to those lucky blokes to
marry a Huffleslut they would never have the issues that came from the other houses
girls. Slytherins were too much for appearance but more often than not were as out
there in their kinks. Gryffindors tended to do risky attention drawing things that
if they were caught would end ruining their family in their societal standings.
Ravenclaws were while bookworms tended to be as kinky and passionate as possible to
balance out their studious nature.
Such thoughts tended to pass through Pomona’s mind as she drifted down the slowly
easing waves of her satisfaction. She saw the nuzzling forms of her prefects with a
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very eager third year resting her head on her thighs. A smile was plastered on her
face drawing a warm feeling to her chest that had nothing sexual about it. Some
would never understand them and thus why they were more loyal to each other than any
‘And they wonder why a Puff is a Puff for life,’ she thought with a sigh. ‘Hmm it is
nice that we like to rest like this. I wonder if any of them will wake up feeling
randy again. Still they talk better when relaxed…’
Seated around her, the rest of the recovering badgers turned to their sighing head
of house. As close as their sharing brought them their talking kept them feeling
close when no longer physically so. Still most of them pitied the other houses for
their repression. Some would try a boyfriend or girlfriend from the other houses but
most were too possessive for their tastes. Sharing was caring after all.
“Is there something you want to talk about Pomona?” Siobhan said from where her head
rested on her head of houses legs. “A worry shared is a worry halved after all.”
“It’s about the firsties,” Pomona said with a sigh as she felt hands gently comfort
her body as she rested form their exertion. “Albus wanted to know about them and
give a good report on them. I have as always neglected to inform him of Hufflepuff
only matters. He would not understand our ways and would worry and respond
“Ah I take it he is intrigued in the good Harry Potter more than he should,” Siobhan
said as she snuggled against her. “My friend in Ravenclaw had much to say on the
young man.”

“True enough Albus has an unnatural fixation on him more so than the fame and focus
from his survival would warrant,” she said as she let a moan at the multiple
massages escape from her. “Even given the eventual political clout that he will have
it seems excessive. Still I will do my best as I would for any other student. I am
more concerned with helping the new badgers into the den proper.”

“They will be open soon enough,” Siobhan said with a smile. “Some will take longer
to wish to give more comfort than a kiss or hug as it was for us before while others
will eagerly wish to aid each other sooner. You know that better than us why my
friend Tonks is finally seeing things and she is a third year!”

“Ah but she is Andy’s kid and she likely indoctrinated her to keep her from acting
like she did,” Pomona said with a content murmur. “I so hoped she would be here and
get the complete support that she needs especially after her gift was discovered…”
“Yes the first metamorphmagus outside the badgers in far too long,” the boy
recovering still inside her said with a shudder. “The hat should know better than to
allow the gifted to be reviled so especially a girl. The other boys have no respect
for any they would wish to lie with. I heard that Miss Tonks had to be protected
from unwanted advances by the Potter scion. A shame what the other houses seem to
“Yes it is a shame,” Pomona agreed with sadness. “One can only hope that her other
friends are as loyal as you Siobhan.”
“I understand why we are to address you when in class respectfully but to remove the
idea that a person is also a professor seems wrong,” Siobhan said with a content
sigh as she snuggled against her. “A shame that the other houses do not follow our
notions as things would be so much better.”
“Jealousy and pride were the fall always,” Pomona said with a slight frown. “As it
was during the founding it continues now. We are the house that is the happiest
while the others are driven and forget to live.”
“So true,” Siobhan said with remorse tingeing her voice. “Katie, Alicia and Angelina
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are driven to compete and be seen like any other Gryffindor while my dear friend
Tonks is driven to know even if it was less than some members of her house. To know
and understand is the raven’s way while to plot and beguile the serpents favor.”
“But to us the badgers do we stand united and together working low do we not shirk
our work nor do we turn our backs to one another,” the badgers said solemnly yet
enthusiastically together. “For our friends are our strength and to our friends are
our strength given!”
“A shame that the other houses become so divided,” Pomona said with a sigh. “May we
never be divided for our will is united!”

“A Hufflepuff is a Hufflepuff for life ever loyal ever willing to try!” her students
shouted in joy.
“You always make me proud of you,” Pomona said to her badgers. “I just hope the
coming troubles do not divide us as we have so rarely been in the past. So rare for
such a tragedy to occur Hufflepuff must always stand united!”

“So you are aware of the divides the others seek to bring to our house,” one of the
ladies curled with her head resting on her chest said with a sorrowful sigh. “We
need to keep the firsties and second years from this conflict that divides the
school more so than in many a year. Do any of the firsties seem overly potential?”
“I fear that the Slytherins scheming and the Gryffindors black and white views will
start to tear us apart,” Pomona said with a sob as her badgers held her shuddering
form. “The younger must be prevented from that or the effects will be dire. Though I
know you are hoping to share with them I see two with potential this year. Hannah
Abbot and Susan Bones already understand why we are loyal and if Susan is anything
like her aunt we will love her time here.”
That brought a grin to the reclining badgers. Amelia Bones was everything that a
badger should be as tenacious as she was loyal and more than willing to give her all
into whatever she was doing. That legends of her antics in the den persisted to this
day was also something that made them feel joy. Besides they all knew of what
happened to her parents and she was one of them and Hufflepuffs helped each other.
Amelia was a Puff and even if they craved physical companionship that did not mean
that she had slept her way to her position no it had been her ability as well as the
Hufflepuff network that had enabled her to do what no female in the other houses had
done since the current trend had started.
“When will they be ready for induction?” Siobhan purred as she asked stretching from
where she was cuddled. “I notice that they are already looking close and it is
likely that they have an idea of what being a Puff is about!”
“Quite right my dear,” Pomona said as she reached down and beckoned the girl to her.
“I am far too tired for such enthusiasm but I don’t believe any of you would not
like to help me be loved.”

“What true Puff would?” Siobhan asked as she kissed her with tenderness and care.
“Just relax and let us love you and each other…”
‘Such good friends,’ Pomona thought as she surrendered her body to the hands and
more of the caring badgers. ‘Oh Irma if only you had been something other than a
Raven what fun we would have had… still the Hawk eyed one is one of ours. Her
excitement in Harry was something else I left from my report though whatever actions
that drive us will see to how things develop! A shame that young Cedric is going to
Mara as he has come along nicely…’
Suffice it to say that the den was not just a place that they rutted like their name
sakes but actually drew comfort from each other. It was an odd thing that the house
had long since known to engrain in their members. None of them wished to have a time
where they were divided or worse shunned. While it lacked the lethality of such from
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ancient times a Puff was no island and most would go twitchy if they were alone to
long. Still others were wondering of things.

Madame Xiomara Hooch was reclining in her room having just finished polishing her
own personal broom. She took religious care of it and was one thing that she was
loath to share as most were disrespectful to them and took even less care than they
did their wands. It was part of her daily ritual from her younger years waxing the
broom in the nude as she did her wand tenderly and as often amusing with actions
that the students would find full of innuendo. She was grateful that she had not
needed to tell Dumbledore about Harry’s remarkable skills in flying as it would have
drawn more attention to the young man.
‘He is far too serious on the ground,’ Mara thought with a sigh as she gently evened
out the wax on her wand smoothing it in with a silk cloth. ‘If it was not for that I
would have seriously tried to convince Filius to get him on the team just so that he
could fly more. Still he is right in not wanting that attention as so much has been
dulled by him not being in one of the Rival houses. It was disconcerting that he
seems to already be developing like that and putting him in a locker room would
cause issues. The girls would peek to see him while the boys might be intimidated.
Still some extra lessons to improve his natural talent will be necessary as letting
any talent waste like that would be a shame! He already looks like James did when he
was almost a fifth year and drawing attention. I don’t think that the hormonal girls
will be able to think in a few years time. If I was not sure that he will likely
already be involved with Miss Granger by the looks of it I would not mind a go when
he is in peak form. Perhaps the pair will try when he is captain though…’

A sharp knock came from the door and Xiomara turned her head to the door. She was in
no rush to cover herself as she was relaxing polishing her wand lovingly as she
wished the students would. Besides if it was who was to arrive near this time than
there was no reason to robe to disrobe a few moments later.
“Who is it?” Xiomara asked as she worked the wax into her wand with long gentle
strokes. “I am just finishing up some necessities.”

“It’s Cedric, Cedric Diggory, Madame Hooch,” he said with a happy voice. “Professor
Sprout said I should ask about the schedule…”

“Oh do come in just close the door behind you,” Xiomara said returning to her wand
care. “Now what aspects of the schedule need to be addressed?”

Cedric stood there watching as the toned woman worked a wand in a very erotic manner
to his teenage mind. He was in fact despite used to the den rather distracted by the
sight in front of him. He just zoned out watching while Xiomara worked the wand as
he pictured him being in its place. It was not until he groaned with his eyes half
lidded that she turned to him. She looked over and saw he was at attention and while
not as well formed as his superior was at least not as bad as some of the other
houses produced.
“Well now Cedric it appears that you have a problem,” Xiomara said as she watched
the boy almost go off in his pants. “Can you focus on why you came here?”
“Madame Hooch,” Cedric croaked out as she continued now facing him.
“Call me Mara,” she said as she smiled slightly. “You plan on being captain soon so
what aspect of the schedule needed addressing?”
“Well Madame Hooch I mean Mara,” Cedric squeaked at her sudden glare. “Pomona said
to get some extra time for the pitch?”
“Ah so since she is likely quite busy with the captain you were sent,” Mara said
with a sly grin. “Do you know how time is decided?”
“First come first serve,” Cedric guessed as most of his blood was otherwise in use.
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“Close but not quite,” Mara said with a slight smile and a move of her hand that
caused Cedric to fall to his ass. “Well you seem to get the point even if you don’t
seem to get it. Whichever Quidditch captain gets me to cum first gets first choice.”
“Oh,” Cedric said before a quick flick left him divested. “Guess I better get to
work than…”
“Yes,” Mara said with a smile as he crawled towards her. “Now you just need to
convince me though if Harry gets Captaincy first he will have choice I am afraid…”
Mara cut off as he reached her and put his all into satisfying her. Pleased enough
not to tell him that his future competition was already better prepared, she just
lay back and let him please her. It might put him of his task if she told him she
snuck a peak while he was showering after some intense flying. His leadership skills
even if lacking enough social skills did lead her to believe that he would make
captain before fifth year. She already could see the potential to go professional
and the money let alone the others was not something that would concern him. She
knew he would need to fly to center himself and not forget to live.

‘Flying is freedom and I have to admit that the only thing better is this while
flying,’ Mara thought as she eagerly enjoyed the future Hufflepuff Quidditch
Captains actions. ‘I wonder who else Pomona will send me as I cannot get to the den
as often anymore. I wish Irma would just stop repressing herself as it cannot be
good for her…’

Meanwhile in her room, Irma Pince was fretting. Her books were being gone through
and yet whoever it was left them without harm so unlike most of the ingrates that
infested her library. They were not even the slightest hint of her wards let alone
anyone else’s wards being triggered. She felt a sudden desire to find who it was and
ask to aid her in drilling her appreciation into the inconsiderate and at times she
though illiterate students. That would make up for her worry that someone was able
to sneak in after hours and disturbing almost nothing pilfer and pillage her domain.

“Yes,” Irma said as she lovingly caressed her private register. “We will get those
fools who cannot respect you, my precious.”

Suffice it to say that it was a good thing that no student ever sought out her room
as they would be quite frightened by her even out of her domain. Still she suspected
that it was a Ravenclaw at work as a Slytherin despite supposed to being cunning
enough to do so lack the attention to detail to not be noticed. So with that she let
her mind drift to whom of the new Claws would be capable of it. That they seemed
likely to be able to get around the wards on the Restricted Section seemed to be
some concern to her and yet the level of respect calmed her ire for their impudence
to invade her sanctum.
‘Now who could it be,’ Irma thought as she let the list of frequent borrowers cross
through her mind. ‘Su Li is to shy even if she is respectful and she would ask
before borrowing. Padma Patil would be less likely as well given family connections.
Lisa Turpin as well has little reason. The two that stick out are the ones that the
heads seem interested in. Harry Potter and his shadow Hermione Granger have the
means and manner to do so.’
A sudden surge of irritation at the two passed through her. It thrummed through her
veins that one she had trusted would dare to impinge on her authority. She chalked
most of it to Harry Potter. He was quite and could blend in when he chose but the
way he moved reminded her far too much of the descriptions her books had of the
powerful to be at ease.
‘If it was not for the lack of pallor and his presence in sunlight I would think him
a vampire,’ she thought as she carefully placed her book to its specific spot. ‘He
moves like one or as close as any book described it. The hunger held in his eyes is
present though it seems to be growing in Miss Grangers as well. What would have so
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many similarities to the more ancient vampires without being one? In a few years
there will be problems from him I can feel it. I just hope that unlike his father he
does not try to do that in my stacks!’
As Irma pondered these things she never suspected the real reason as even in her
domain the books were hard to find and harder to understand. While her library had
survived the purges that governmental and other groups had done there were still
things that even her collection lacked in information. How little knowledge of
proper necromancy remained was a testament to the last millennium’s purges. Such
information had been hunted down by the fearful and greedy as a proper necromancer
was a very powerful foe even without the legions of dead to call forth.
‘I will find your secret,’ Irma thought with determination. ‘I have all the
knowledge not lost at my fingertips, I can access the Ravenclaw Private library as
well as my own and the Headmasters. You will not manage to stay unknown!’
Suffice it to say that Irma’s room was soon filled by cackling oddly mirroring the
Defense professor’s room. Things had not gone to plan and Quirinus Quirrell was once
more suffering under his master’s displeasure. It was lucky for him that his
passenger could not cast his former power onto him or he would have long since been
broken by the strain to his mind.
“I am sorry master,” Quirinus stuttered under the pain his master sent surging
through his body. “I cannot discover how the troll vanished from the castle.”
“You disappoint me Quirinus,” Voldemort said with his voice showing his displeasure.
“You know that I do not tolerate such failures. Now accept your punishment!”

“AHHHHHH!” he screamed as the man’s very blood seemed to burn inside him. “Master I
will not fail you again.”
“See that you do not,” he said his voice drawing shudders through his servant’s
shared body. “Already your frail body struggles to contain my power. We will need
more than simple potions at the rate you are going. Only one thing remains to sooth
the consequences of your incompetence… unicorn blood is our last resort as there is
no way that you can acquire freely given phoenix tears.”

Stealing himself at the slight queasiness at what his lord demanded he answered, “Of
course my lord it will be done. May your humble servant ask of your wisdom to gain
some insight?”
“What kind of master would I be if I did not instruct my servants no matter how
feeble they seem at carrying out my will,” The Dark Lord silkily chided. “Ask your
question and I will enlighten your ignorance. Perhaps it pertains to your mission.”

“Yes my lord thank you,” Quirinus sobbed in relief at his master’s mercy. “With the
troll unable to provide enough of a diversion I was only able to gain knowledge of
the first trap that I have not managed to enquire of the others. That leaves only
the dog which is obviously that half-breeds creature and Snape’s to be known. I
humbly ask your wisdom in how to acquire the knowledge to pass their safeguards.”

“Hagrid,” Slowly came the loathing voice of the self styled Lord Voldemort. “He has
had one dream beyond all others. His one obsession beyond the creatures he has
managed to stumble into enquiring is simply Dragons and in that I cannot fault him
in being intrigued by their raw power or unwillingness to serve. How easier my noble
mission would have been if my Death Eaters had been able to swoop down on dragon
back and way waste to the ignorant fools.”
“I humbly thank you my master but what of Severus my lord?” Quirinus asked
supplicating himself to his passenger. “He seems to be Dumbledore’s creature
following his commands like a dog?”
“He is my spy in the old fool’s ranks,” Voldemort said with conviction. “He knows
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the price of betraying me but even after all this time he waits gathering knowledge
and steering the children to our cause. Still if he betrays me he shall perish as
those that denounced me shall be dealt with in time as so too shall I reward those
who remained loyal.”
“You are as wise as you are powerful my lord,” Quirinus said in awe at his master.
“I fear that the Old Meddler will not be as easy to distract next time.”
“A muggle loving fool he may be, but not even he would not increase his vigilance,”
his master told him. “We will need to know how to get past all the safeguards as the
fool will not entrust us to whatever his is and it would take time to pierce. We
will strike when he is away…”

“Yes master,” Quirinus said. “What of the boy?”

“He has no interest to me at this time,” he said with a frown. “If he was not a
bookworm I would say he seems far too like me for my own interest. How one such as
he was not Slytherin I do not know though I believe he manipulated the hat. Perhaps
in time he can be trained to serve either way the stone is the priority. I shall
deal with my allies and enemies in the proper time!”
“Yes Master,” he said with fanatic devotion. “Your will be done!”
“As it should be my servant,” the Dark Lord whispered. “As it should be…”


Tonks was alone in her room trying once more to come to grips with what had
happened. She was torn on the matter. She had reveled in every moment of it and it
hadn’t been till she had been left to recover still convulsing in her climax that
she had started to feel the nagging of her mother’s beliefs. She had loved having
their hands tease and play with her body as it was far more fulfilling than the toys
she had hidden in her room. She was laying there alternating sobbing and shuddering
as she tried to right her hormone driven schism.

‘Why when we were so close did I recoil so?’ Tonks asked as she bucked against the
toy pressing against and vibrating her mound. ‘I know that if they had been back
even a few minutes sooner I would not have backed down so much even if I hated
myself for loving what they had done with and to me! I am amazed that I didn’t ask
them to grease me up like I saw Hermione was. Well that and that it would have been
intriguing to see her being stimulated like that while I was there. Why is it after
the fact that I regret not allowing things to continue on?’

As she lay there conflicted in thought her body continued to respond to the
stimulation. She had unknowingly unbuttoned her blouse and laid with it like a
blanket beneath her while her hair spread in a haze around her head. Her legs were
spread towards the two corners of the bed and her skirt was bunched up leaving the
only thing keeping her nude body from being completely exposed was her panties with
an obvious rectangular bulge that may be passed off if it hadn’t only been in her
front as a pad instead of the flat vibrating rectangle it was. Arranged to her sides
were other items of self stimulation each obvious yet shocking for a former
completely repressive prude.
“Why can’t I just let go?” Tonks moaned out as her right hand grabbed a feather and
teased herself with it. “I know that I loved every minute of it and if I didn’t let
this guilt and shame at that fact stop me I could be right now being driven to
several mind blowing orgasms. This is definitely not what I planned on today. Laying
here thinking about this even as my body craves their touch again and that I am
making poor substitutes with these toys!”
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Even as she was mentally dismissing the toys in question she was like a passenger in
her own body as it was once more consumed with need. As Tonks was busy with her
mind, Dora was busy in using her own body. Dora sadly saw very little of the
restrictions and resolutions from Tonks and was more than willing to take pain as it
brought her pleasure. So putting that notion to reality she added several
inconveniences to her form including to clips to snap around her aroused nipples
using her free left hand.
While her right hand teased her body with the feather, her left hand had after
adding the stinging clips to her tits grabbed one of the spare tools. Dora drunk in
the sensations of the feather contrasting to the sting of the crop coming down
randomly over her body. She was unaware of where either would be and reveled in the
disconnection as the sensations slowly brought her prudish side closer to her
willing wants. Red welts formed from her strikes and soon her stomach was warm as
well as her thighs and tits. She had reluctantly missed her twat as the vibrator
buzzed held by her snug panties.
Dora rode her waves of pleasure tinged with pain as Tonks had completely drifted
into a nothingness of contemplation. In his room Harry and Hermione were readily
indulging in several of the actions in her fantasies. Tonks unknowingly was lucidly
dreaming of their games. A passenger in her body as Dora kept her floating in the
sudden current of climaxes she was unable to look away at the actions of her once
and hopefully again lovers.
Tonks felt her resistance slowly wearing down as she watched Hermione kneeling naked
on his bed with her ass stuck in the air. She could make out the plug proudly being
waved from where it was wedged in her ass. She looked at Harry’s form flushed with
excitement and the muscles that would be able to put a large amount of force into
the crop in his hand. For a moment she agreed with her nymphomaniac alter ego in
wishing to be there as he brought his arm back and brought the crop down on the
already dripping girl. She could practically feel the anticipation that Hermione was

So involved with the scene she failed to notice the gagged and bound red headed
spirit watching with lust clearly in her eyes. The two watched on unable to either
look away or grant themselves release. The moans coming from Hermione were as much
pleasure and passion as they were from the stinging pain of the crop cracking on her
ass. That she did not flinch away and actually thrust back into the strokes was
something that intrigued the pair of aroused voyeurs.
“Oh god Master!” Hermione shouted as Harry brought the crop down between her cheeks
striking the plug in her. “More more just give me more!”

“As you wish Mine,” Harry said as he knelt behind her his arousal evident and
throbbing at attention. “Where should I strike you next? Where do you crave my

‘Man I have no idea where he gets the feel for this,’ Tonks thought as she watched
spellbound by the two’s interactions. ‘The two seem to always know what to say to
get their partner hotter.’
“Where else?” Hermione asked bending so that her stomach was curled and her sex
readily reachable. “You asked me earlier where I should not be neglected my cunt or
ass so stop neglecting me!”
“But of course my kinky kitten,” Harry replied sending a shiver of anticipation
through Hermione and the two watchers. “You wouldn’t want it any other way!”
With that a loud crack sounded through the room as the crop struck true and
Hermione’s eyes bulged from the strike. That was before her sudden shriek pierced
the air as the crop dug into her slit the tip landing with force to cause her body
to tense as the soothing flow of her juices ran down the crop to sooth the sharp
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pain of her sex. Harry watched the shuddering as the shriek of pain became a moan of
pleasure as her lips throbbed around the crop.

It always seemed that no matter how he thought that there were more hidden depths
and kinks to explore especially in his kinky kitten. He had grown to know what Alice
and Anne were like having at one time of the other delved into their minds and seen
their souls bared to his gaze. He knew them better than he realized he had known
himself. If he had supped that sweet release as deeply in any previous Halloween, he
knew he would have felt no reluctance in their inclinations and despite any
discomfort would have gladly taken them as they begged.
‘Oh Hermione what a dark dominant presence you bring out in me,’ Harry thought as
his gaze bore into her as his arm swung again and again into the oh so willing
strokes eagerly accepted by her body. ‘Anne will likely worship you for bringing
this side of me out to play. Still as sating as the sex has been and the magic here
sustains. We both will need blood to taste it flowing into our thirsty mouths
pulsing with the quickened beat of our preys’ excited hearts. So hard a line we walk
to be better than that which we hunted. The little animals will not sate us even
with the whole of the Hogwarts elves bringing in meat. The hunt sings in us and the
lure of challenges in the forest will draw us deeper.’
Panting heavily from the exertion though more from the excitement, Harry watched
Hermione slump to the bed with her ass and thighs red from his attentions. He knelt
there his arousal aching in its rigidness and he knee walked to her head. Without
resistance he soon let the ache be soothed by her mouth. For a moment he wished that
Tonks had stayed repressed for the night and that Dora would have been there to aid
and assist in their activities. He was so wrapped up in savoring his experience that
he failed to feel at least the two present spirits or their reactions to the scene
they were witnessing.
Tonks hung there gazing hungrily at them and vehemously loathing her unwillingness
to completely commit and submit. She had forgotten the other viewer that she could
see and the bound in bondage beauty was struggling to break free from the burning
desires growing inside her. Oh she of red hair and burning emerald eyes looked on at
the one she knew as Harry unconcerned of whatever relationship may have existed
between them before she had rode those waves in what seemed like an eternity ago. He
was her tie out of the nothingness. When he felt good she felt divine and she felt
the pleasure of his partners as well.

The only one watching them who was aware of all of this was trapped in her body
unable to be seen or interact with these deviant dreams. The nothingness was wearing
down any hesitation that she may have had. Whoever this boy was she hoped with every
fiber of her being that he didn’t cut back on his activities as she found her body
closer to her control and the shell more able to recall her life. She had loved her
husband and wanted to return to him even though her desire to see what had become of
her precious boy vied for dominance. The dream she had lived was a light in the void
of nothingness and numbness. Perhaps an exchange could be arranged…
After finding relief in his lover and pet’s mouth he drew her sore form to his and
held her tenderly. He had been at first uncertain of such actions as dealing out
punishments of pain resulting in such pleasurable rewards. It seemed counter
intuitive to his life at the Dursleys. One sought to avoid pain and where possible
embrace pleasant sensations. That his girls his precious one wanted him to vent his
frustrations on them even if it hurt had been a difficult idea at first, but now he
knew that sensations were different to different people.
With Hermione’s form curled against him, he was no longer consumed with his need.
Slow tender movements brought mutual relief and soon soothing liquid was worked into
the inflamed flesh. Slowly Harry drifted off with Hermione held against him his arms
holding her to him even as his hands tried to sooth the pain she had wished for. In
the deepest reaches of his mind he was grateful for the healing abilities they had
gained or he could feel the dread of one day going too far and permanently hurting
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‘Oh my Kinky Kitten,’ Harry thought as his eyes slowed their blinking. ‘We will need
a way to tell when we go too far. I don’t want to lose any of you. Without you three
what would I have become? Would I have long ago torn the Dursleys to shreds and left
she who abandoned me to bleed beaten and bruised marked forever with my rage so long
suppressed? If Alice had not refused to turn from me and demand to be trained, would
I have descended to complete apathy of everyone going so far as to readily break and
breed the whole of my sight to my purpose? My ambition will be met but I am loath to
become in so doing hated by the one I seek. Anne is so much like my devil’s advocate
asking me why I should not do as I will. I have the will but what gives me the right
to force my will on others. If I did that I would be no different than Vernon and
his ilk. I am no savior nor conquer for the masses. I will not be their hero or
their scapegoat villain.’

“I have much left to do,” Harry murmured determinately into her ear. “I will not die
until after I have done so. None of you will leave let alone die until that time.
Nothing will impede my ambition or my goal. Still that does not mean we cannot live
in the mean time. It does not do well to exist forgetting to live.”


In the castle there was a still present dissention in the staff the following week.
Snape had managed to avoid telling them that he actually was more intimidated by the
Potter boy than he had lately been with memories of the Dark Lord. Pomona had spent
a good deal of time talking to her Puffs as was normal but had barely managed to not
dance in joy at the changes that she had been entrusted to be quiet on. Still some
people were dealing with things in a very confused manner.

“Have I done the right thing Fawkes?” Albus asked his phoenix as he sat in his chair
and idly opened a lemon drop. “Family is important and no one would harm family it
is just not done! Severus was the exception!”
Fawkes trilled consolingly. His companion was sadly unwilling to accept that the
world was darker than he thought and that it seemed to grow darker with each passing
day. It was not as it had been before with filial loyalty above all others. For when
Albus had grown up it had become almost anathema to think of family fighting let
alone leaving a child in distress or not caring for it as if it was one’s own.
“I thought he would be so like his parents in the limelight seen by all needing
attention,” Albus said with a sigh. “Instead he is a Ravenclaw that seems to be so
often unseen. At least he didn’t end up in Slytherin or I fear he would have been a
second more charismatic coming of Tom Riddle. He shows no signs that I would expect
from that night as well as being an almost model student. A shame that Xiomara did
not see to encourage him to join the Quidditch team early or he could be better

Fawkes gave the avian equivalent of a raised eyebrow at his companion’s mutterings.
His human seemed to be going a bit out there lately. His obsession with this boy did
not seem to mean well given how strange he had gotten ever since the Grindlewald
debacle. If the man had checked on young Tom or realized how far Grindlewald would
go to get his ideals accepted than things would have been different.
‘Maybe I should investigate this human buy,’ Fawkes thought with another
disapproving trill as Dumbledore sucked more calming draught spiked lemon drops. ‘He
couldn’t be any more confused or confusing than my human though there is a strange
scent in the castle that seems familiar…’
With a flash Fawkes vanished in a burst of fire. This only seemed to make Dumbledore
more depressed. His grandfatherly visage faded completely as sorrow consumed his
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eyes and years of unshed tears poured from his eyes. Sobs of heart rending sorrow
escaped his throat. Everyone saw him as the great and powerful Dumbledore and they
rarely remembered how and what he had lost to get where he was.
“Why does everyone leave me,” Albus said his head cradled in his hands. “Mother,
sister, father and friend oh why do you leave me alone? I try so hard to make things
better to make a world without the sorrow we experienced! Why do they have to cause
such pain to each other? Is it not enough to have lost my sister and mother but to
fight my best friend and confidant?”

Suffice it to say that he had slowly built too much of a resistance to cheering
potions and was due to its sudden failing and lack of Fawkes prodding now in the
middle of a sudden bout of depression. It was lucky for them that neither Quirrell
nor Voldemort was aware of his temporary weakness. He was distraught enough to be
unable to notice the subtle tingling in the wards that signified some minor
problems. He had in fact become so dulled in his connection that he had not noticed
Voldemort enter the school nor the actions of several students over the years. He
would have sobbed harder if he was aware of his actions as well as lack of actions
had wrought.

Raised with the Victorian values in the time of his childhood he slowly had lost
most connection with the teenagers in his school. Oh he empathized enough with the
Weasley twins and other pranksters as that was normal, but the sudden shift in the
blatant aggression in regards to sexual matters would have offended him. Perhaps if
he had caught his sister with his friend he would have accepted such notions instead
he had little such interests at the time nor had his attempts to procreate met much
success. Some would think his lack of interest in women meant he was homosexual
instead of almost as asexual as Tom had become.

The tragedies of his youth led to a blinding belief in filial love instead of Eros
love. The philosophies he had learned while wandering in his youth and time
attending a muggle university had led to a strange set of notions that warred with
what he knew as truth with what was accepted truth and what he believed was true. He
knew better than to cry in front of others though a lone tear could be acceptable.
It was not done any more than one displayed their other emotions too much in public.
One may kiss chastely and hold hands in public but not more than that. He was so
wrapped up in his beliefs that at times he forgot how the teenagers of his youth got
around issues even if there was already an undiscussed once more potion to prevent
pregnancies. That the so called fertility potion was more times than not the counter
to a temporary sterility potion was never discussed anymore than the private matters
of the time.
As one tends to do they romanticize their past and Albus was no exception. He no
longer recalled that his brother had many a sexual escapade though it was in
different matters than today. Yes Aberforth had been young and while it was frowned
on to engage in sexual congress with a woman in a manner that could get one pregnant
alternatives had been devised. The more precocious brother had never confessed to
having as it was said at the time worshiping a girl’s alter to Venus before he was
at the time to risk Hera’s wrath. It was a given of the time that if in doing so
when he and the girl was at risk of getting a bun in the oven as the time implied
that one would have to get married. To avoid that situation, the British had
indulged somewhat in the French manner and sometime the Greek. It was a publically
repressed time sexually similar to the way imbibing libations were even more popular
during the twenties and the social stigma of drinking as a social disease.
Perhaps if Albus had viewed sex in a manner unlike Molly Weasley he would have long
since settled down raised grandchildren and been better occupied than trying to
control the degradation in the world that he saw. Albus rationalized all of the sex
necessary for all their children as Molly’s desire to have a daughter to raise even
in opposition or outright being regardless of the tendency of Weasleys to mostly
produce males even without illegal potions or charms. Most Weasleys in generations
past were often married to provide male heirs where the current generation had only
females in a family.
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That his mind was even functionally sane in any form was a miracle. Still dementia
had not sunk in not excessive memory loss. Sadly Albus Dumbledore was still weeping
like a child even as parts of his fractured psyche analyzed and cooped with things.
One part was a bigamist of the highest order viewing women only as breeding machines
and to ease the unnatural lusts they inspired while another dreamed of a world where
all could coexist in peace where magic made the world a better place. That his
better world resembled Grindlewald’s dream was best unsaid even if it lacked the
muggles as serf’s notion.

As he went through his unnoticed breakdown that the Hufflepuffs would have hugged if
not more to comfort him, Fawkes was heading toward the forest. He had been tempted
to find the potter boy but things were calling to him. He was a light creature or at
least a light aligned phoenix compared to the vengeful firebirds who laughed as they
burned people, animals and villages alike with their flames. The same could be said
of the unicorn’s darker relatives who had to be lured by virgin females before
killing them when they went to gore the girl. Still for every dark there was light
to the balance, although some were grey and only perceived by humans as one or the
other and thus classified by the Ministry as such. Still somewhere a snake that
equaled and was opposite to a basilisk existed one that likely could heal and the
same to counter the Nundu’s deadly breath. Wither either had been hunted to scarcity
or extinction was likely uncertain.
‘What could be causing this sense of a disturbance?’ Fawkes thought as he flew
toward the feeling. ‘What is it that leads me toward without letting me see where to
jump to?’

Regardless of his confusion Fawkes had a situation to investigate. Still he was not
the only one that could feel the shudder in the natural world. The old laws ruled
the world even if only some of them were acknowledged by wizards. Death existed for
a reason to ease the suffering of existence and slack the hunger of life. Life was
as bound to death as pleasure was to pain neither could exist without the other.
Those closely tied to it were aware of that the ties of blood, sex and death. Death
brings life and life needs death.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 10: Darkness Rising, Calls in the Dark and a Rising Witch
by SamStone 4 Reviews
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
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Andromeda Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/07/27 -
Updated: 2008/07/27 - 19161 words
Chapter 10: Darkness Rising, Calls in the Dark and a Rising Witch
Oh brothers and sisters revel in your life for even if we serve death we must not
forget to live! Never forget that death and life are tied and that we serve the
living and the dead—Necromancer Acolyte Alice Clawson to the All Hallows’ revel

Despite what you think you know you know nothing about anything. Life requires death
as much as procreation requires sex. While one does not need to procreate to have
sex one does have to kill to live wither it is plants or animals every breath costs
something its existence. Don’t even get me started on alternates as synthesized slop
is not the same anymore than your other strange notions to divorce people from the
truth of existence. – NA Hermione Granger to the consortium concern after the
Wizengamot went Crazy.


Once More Nymphadora Tonks was uncertain in how to handle things. Her last encounter
was confusing her in its intensity as well as its content. She had gotten used to
being kissed until she felt her body thrumming with need and her blood boiling with
passion waiting to be unleashed. She had gotten used to that her once and more often
admitted to herself as her future lovers had their hands wander her non sexual yet
still sensual parts of her body.
‘They went from little more than backrubs and friendly touching to fingering me
until I came screaming out my release,’ Tonks thought as she paced around her room.
‘Not exactly ready to go to any of my girlfriends and admit even half of what
happened let alone that I kissed a girl and I liked it. I’m not sure they would take
that being repeated or the other stuff yet. I know what they told me but telling
them anything about Halloween or the morning after is out for the foreseeable
future. That I seem to find myself having fleeting fantasies of practically everyone
of any possible physical interest around me is disconcerting enough without telling
my friends that I have had several wet dreams about them.’
With a huff Tonks walked around her bed and went to her drawers. She slid the drawer
out and looked over the small selection of toys that Jane had given her. As she had
asked there was nothing overly penetrative except the plug. She shuddered as she
realized that if she had it with her before that with the state she had been in she
would have likely suggested that they wetten it with her juices. That her more
sexual side thought have Hermione tease herself until she lubricated it even if it
took several climaxes to get it that moist before sliding it into her body while
Harry caressed her was almost as thrilling as it was intimidating.
‘Right like I can think I wouldn’t die of embarrassment if I told them that,’ Tonks
thought with a sigh as she set the massager against her skin. ‘I can picture the
look on their faces if they knew I wanted a guy to not only fuck me but bugger me
before another girl eats his cum out of me and more likely than not with someone
possibly them watching my humiliation as that only causes the steam to explode.’
If Tonks knew what Siobhan got up to on a daily basis, she would have been less
mortified at where such conversations could go. That her friend would have gladly
assisted in any acting out of her fantasies she had would have shocked her. So what
was she left to do? Who could she go to as almost all her friends were outside her
tower and Sarah was unavailable again with someone who she was being very quite on.
It was sadly getting far too near curfew to leave the tower even if she had a strong
inclination that her abilities would allow her to get out with only a warning and
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some compensation.
‘If I went to visit any of them it is likely that any prefect and most likely the
males if they caught me out of bounds would use their position to have me provide
them with relief,’ Tonks thought with a sigh. ‘That I am starting to fantasize about
Penny doing that to me is disconcerting almost as much as being in her place and
catching Harry or Hermione or even Merlin forbid anyone even somewhat physically
attractive or likely to satisfy. Still as long as they stay fantasies for the most
part I don’t think that I will regress even more. Still that I came like a Knut
whore when Harry talked about such situations or similar submissive ones where I am
passed around and used is part of why I regressed so easily not wanting to be a bad
girl like mum said. Yet when I was bad that time I felt so good…’

Making up her mind, Tonks went again to Penny for some advice. Her libido whispered
to her that she should have done more last time and why doesn’t she compensate Penny
for her time in a very pleasant and pleasurable way. That was soon followed by
recollections of what she had indirectly tasted like as well as how hungry she had
been from the perfumed scent that she had smelled from the other girls arousal. That
she knew that her libido if it got to strong would allow her less repressed or even
regretful side out to play.
‘So I know I need to talk to Penny and try not to let things degenerate enough for
my more willing side to come out,’ Tonks thought with a shudder as the images Dora
danced across her minds eyes made her knees weak and want to go to his room and just
get the whole seduction over and revel in the experience. ‘Still while Dora may be
as much as I hate my name accurately described as a nymphomaniac nymph that does not
mean that I will submit to her odd impulses to her regret. That the only reason that
part of me hadn’t buried our tongue into the flowing fountain that was Penny’s
rapidly stimulated sex was that she was pretty much passed out and thus would be
unresponsive. So self confession before I go in. I like boys. Harry is a good
example of that and he doesn’t act like a jerk. Okay now a harder one. I like boys
and girls. Yeah that is a bit shocking to admit to myself. Now the sticklers to all
this, I really do not regret a damn thing I did that night or morning. I just cannot
admit that out loud for fear still engrained by /mother/! I accept the fact that if
I am given an opportunity I will reciprocate for Harry and most definitely Hermione.
I do not think I am ready to do more than be present with Penny. I know that I do
not want to do such things at this time. Dora at least should be willing to
compromise in that it is only proper to serve our owners first instead of just
crawling before her and begging to eat her out!’

Her internal monologue drew to a close as she stopped before Penny’s closed door.
She was conflicted more so this year than in any previous year. She knew to the
depths of her being that if she had been found by anyone else that she would have
broken completely and already be passed around to earn her user some Sickles.
Without the oddly calming notion and the constraint of the oath they had gotten her
to agree to she felt that Dora would have been completely overcompensating and that
she would have been passed around like firewiskey at a party. Dora had been so hard
up that she would have gladly presented herself to anyone and done whatever they
wanted no matter how demeaning, disgusting or demented.
All this flashed through the flushed girls mind as she raised her hand to knock on
the door. Tonks was aware that Dora as loath as she was to admit it valued privacy
except when the idea of exhibitionism or voyeurism came into play. A sudden thrill
at the recollection that she had been brought to a very hard and messy climax for
Hermione’s viewing pleasure caressed her body. Things would become more hectic and
disconcerting in the future. Dora was currently teasing Tonks with the knowledge
that she planned on teasing Penny after she had been properly taken by her master in
all ways.
‘Right I can do this just knock on the door,’ Tonks thought with some hesitation
present. In her demeanor before she began to dwell on her own issues once more
‘Penny does not know what I have done let alone what I spent some time jilling off
to certain images of her and what acts we could do. I still suspect that Dora will
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want to come here and confess after master takes me. Oh there I go again completely
believing that it will happen… right I am trying to kid myself again. The conclusion
of this situation is as immutable as the sea. It will happen and from what little I
could recall of some of the post stimulation discussion that Hermione is very
frustrated at the fact that she has to wait for Christmas so master’s other
playthings can get a go at that time. That however does not mean that she plans to
do anything and everything short of being so wonderfully stuffed by him. It will be
like that night in its degenerative decadence of debauchery and where he slid along
our slits and between our ass cheeks this time he will slide himself inside. Is that
why I am so hesitant now knowing that Penny has some experience though based on her
need to get relief afterwards nowhere near as satisfying as my time has been? That a
part of me feels the need to show master off even if it means he takes some other
girl in front of me is troubling though all those images bring to mind the fact that
when he clit fucked one of us that he had us eat the other out. Guys are not the
only ones to brag and to rub it in some girls face that I am his even if most would
be possessive and have him as theirs is so tempting especially if they have to watch
and feel so deliciously jealous of how better I have it and how even better the
future will be!’
Drawing determination from that line of reasoning, Tonks rapped on Penny’s door. She
hoped that she was not disturbing her though she felt a sudden thrill at the idea of
catching Penny in mid motion. The wait for her to ask who was there seemed heavy to
her mind. Uncertainty if she was there or if she had let all this tension build up
for no reason suddenly troubled her. She came here for advice and while some of it
had been heavily influenced by the bliss crashing though Penny’s mind in mid
masturbation that did not mean that things were not true.

“Who is it?” Penny asked without the irritation present last time. “I am trying to
get a bit of a tough one dealt with…”
“It’s Tonks, Nymphadora Tonks,” Tonks said with as hopeful a sound as she could. “I
was wondering if I could come in and talk with you again. Your advice was real good
and well my other friends are unavailable at the time for a number of reasons.”

That drew Penny up for a moment as she recalled that there had been a discussion
though part of it seemed overwritten by a fantasy and a rather fulfilling wet dream.
She suspected that she had been worked up again and had as soon as the younger girl
left rapidly returned to her frenzied self fornication. She suspected as well that
her somewhat embarrassing habit of licking and sucking her altered wand clean
afterwards was the reason that her wand had been showing little to no signs of all
the use she had given it that night.
‘If I recall correctly she is in her first relationship,’ Penny thought as she set
her mind trying assignment to the side. ‘Ah to be young and naïve in love again.
Still Percy seems to be somewhat trainable though he seems to lack a desire for
public dates as much. Still he wants to take time in introducing himself and
acquainting himself with my family so that is good. Having a boyfriend that is
trained enough not to embarrass me when he meets the family is important. So the
standard so snogging and how far and quick to go without gaining a rep and spending
the rest of my time as a girl that is believed to spread her legs at the slightest
inclination talk is in order. Probably would be better to tell her the things I
thought of in that fantasy I had. I really need to keep a good eye on her as the
rumors were confirmed that she was a Metamorphmagus and that no matter how well
behaved any of the boys here are that they would be willing to be most unswerving in
initiating an encounter. Well only girl more likely to be at perpetual risk of
unwanted sexual advances being even legally ignored are Veela as they are largely
considered a creature who exists solely to be fucked.’
Turning her head to the door and after glancing around that nothing that would shock
or embarrass the girl was present she moved to the door. She opened the door and
took a look at the girl seeking her aid. She looked to have had a shower recently
and there was a just clinging flush to her that was more than that. The sudden
realization of what the girl had likely done after a very intense snogging session
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came to mind.
“Good evening Tonks,” Penny said motioning the girl to come in. “So more advice is
what you need. I take it that your girlfriends are either busy or in other houses?”
“Yeah and I sort of need some advice even if I think I might have come to a
conclusion on my own,” Tonks said with a slight smile as she sat on the other girl’s
bed. “It was rather embarrassing getting a corrected form of the Talk and I really
cannot thank you enough for countering all the intentional misinformation mum gave
“That is what I am here for,” Penny said with a slight grin. “It is a prefects duty
to help guide and assist ones fellow housemates and that is doubly so for us girls.
I know that having someone as a sort of proxy older sister helps as it would be far
too mortifying having to ask ones head of house or one of the other professors about
such things.”
“Yeah,” Tonks said shuddering at the notion of having to have asked Flitwick or one
of the female professors about such things. “It would be worse than getting the Talk
from both mum and dad. So how do I ask this?”
“Let me guess,” Penny said as she looked the girl over. “You just had a very heated
encounter and after getting some relief came for advice about it and most likely how
far you should go with a boy?”
“Um not quite,” Tonks said with a blush. “It sort of went a bit out of hand and well
hands wandered and I was so embarrassed afterwards…”

“Oh little Tonks got felt up until she came,” Penny said teasingly. “I remember the
first time I got some heavy petting and his hands felt so good rubbing my knickers…”
“Yeah,” Tonks agreed breathlessly as she remembered what happened. “It was very
good. I just am not sure if I handled the situation correctly considering…”

“Yes, you are a bit less experienced than most of your year mates,” Penny said with
a nod of thought. “Now as you may recall it is very important not to be involved
with a boy and let him go too far especially if he blabs. So you were unsure what to
do when his hands wandered and likely you were feeling so hot that you didn’t
protest too much if at all when he started to quench the need with his hands. So let
me get a good picture of this.”
“I was leaned against him and his hands ran across my body as he teased and kissed
my neck,” Tonks said red faced yet eager to tell someone that she was doing
something besides wearing her fingers out. “He was so eager and he seemed to just
know what spots would get me worked up. It was just so good.”
“I can tell,” Penny said with a grin as she recalled how fun just snogging and
caresses could be. “So where all did his hands go that they made you feel so good?”
“He let his hands get a good feel at these,” Tonks said as she hefted her once more
enlarged and impossibly perky bosom. “How he got his hands to unbutton my blouse and
remove my bra without me noticing until his thumbs were oh so teasing, I do not
“So your guy got to feel your titties up and was necking with you,” Penny said as
the image of the scene appeared in her mind. “Did you do that to them?”
“They just do that,” Tonks said with some confusion. “It does feel weird at first
but it makes them sooo sensitive!”
“You are such a lucky girl!” Penny started as she noticed the implication even if
things were starting to feel surreal again as it was so like that fantasy last time.
“So he caressed your titties and you came?”
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“Oh yeah,” Tonks said as her mind started to recall how good that made her feel and
was still unsure if her body had cum from that or had just started to thrum in
arousal at that time. “It just seemed to feel like it was one long drawn out wave of
“With your body that sensitive it must make it so easy to climax,” Penny said with a
slight frown. “As I said you are a lucky girl, I know a few girls that seem to take
forever to get to any of the fun stuff. It is almost a letdown as they do take so
long to get there but they get to stay there when they do. If only the boys here
were willing to spend more time than just enough to get you moist enough not to
chaff them. Oh I would spend so many galleons just for a guy that loved the game

“I take it your current interest is a bit of a minute man?” Tonks asked feeling some
sadness even as her body was seemingly getting aroused more so again. “He should at
least be willing to give some consideration to your needs if you are dating him. I
hope he is not one of those asses that only are interested in a girl for two things:
one their body and how good it makes them feel or what they can get if they are
known to be with the girl. One thing I agree with that prudish bitch about is I
don’t want a guy that wants me for status as while he may keep me in luxury it would
be so frustrating!”
“Yeah he does seem to have an overly developed interest in his future career,” Penny
said with a thought before her attention was riveted by the way that Tonks’ chest
seemed to move. “At least he doesn’t seem to be as much of an ass as that Malfoy
brat is even if that is not that much of a consolation. I guess I need to spend some
time teaching him that he has duties besides in public to any girl he is with as it
is quite rude to just wander off leaving me high and dry or more accurately wet and
“I hear ya,” Tonks said with a purr as her hands seemed to be acting out memories of
how he had teased her. “Still I can get why the guy I am interested in would do
that. Still he was willing to go when I said no so there is that…”
“You wanted him to ignore your protests and if he had given you just a hair more
play would have changed your mind,” Penny said contemplating what it would be like
if Percy was up to more than the mediocre level of attention that he did. “True we
want guys to stop when we say no but we want them to know when a no is really a
maybe and not a just go away but slow down a little bit. Wish the guy would do more
than prod along getting me excited before wanting a hand job or a blow.”
“Just give him some training and he won’t be an ass like most of the jerks,” Tonks
said with a sigh as her hands continued to move her breasts even as Penny seemed to
be fixating on the barely covered or concealed part. “Tell me he can at least make
your toes curl when he kisses you. Cause my guy oh the things he can do with his
tongue. I wish that I had been willing to ask for him to use that tongue elsewhere.
Oh how good it would have felt!”
“You do realize that most guys seem to have little interest once they get something
to touch their pricks,” Penny said with a sigh as she barely noticed that her hands
were teasing herself mimicking what Tonks was doing to her attention getting mounds.
“Well you can get them to maybe suck and play with your tits but most here seem to
think it is a very sick thing if they go anywhere else than a girls lips, neck and
tits with their tongue. Though there was this one guy that seemed to be so playful
that I had a hard time not burying his face into my pussy when he teased my belly
button! Oh it was so hard not to have imagined his tongue teasing me there like he
had just a few inches from where he had been!”
“At least you had some goes with a guy that was interested in reciprocating,” Tonks
said with a sigh. “Why he has to be more of a tease than a girl I do not know! Still
he seems to love making me want to go to him and ask for more. I will confess that
he seems quite good at getting me worked up and any trepidations that I have had
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seem to die after every time. At least this last time he got me so worked up that he
got me to cum before I could make myself able to tell him that we had to stop!”

“So lucky to get a guy that seems to both know what to do and willing to make you
cum not just see you as a more pleasurable way to drain their balls,” Penny said
with a sigh as she noticed the way that Tonks seemed to shudder every now and again.
“Still with how easy you seem to be able to cum I am quite jealous of you. Oh that
was a very difficult admission…”
“One of these days I need to find some time when my girlfriends are available for a
girls’ night in,” Tonks said as she felt another soothing and settling wave of
sensations wash over her more content body. “Talk about boys, drink some strong
drinks and generally relax would be so nice to do. Not that I don’t like talking to
someone I seem to see as a barely older yet experienced enough to give advice sister
or anything.”
Penny laughed at that. She would admit that some butterbeer or some stronger stuff
would have helped them to relax but it was nice even if she felt a twinge of
jealousy that she was living vicariously through the slightly younger girl. She
really would have to see about stamping out the delusions and other issues that
Percy had. Well that and help him be able to transfer his passing kissing skills to
other aspects. She was aware that he was not well trained enough to let between her
legs with his lips let alone his dick so she would work on his manual dexterity in
the near future.
‘Perhaps if I make it where he needs to get me to cum before I let him will teach
him a proper appreciation for me other than as a talking doll,’ Penny thought as she
contemplated how to get her love and sex life back to the level that the virgin in
front of her had. ‘I do need to ask her if she got to see if his fingers were as
skilled elsewhere than on her obviously trigger happy and readily stimulated bosoms.
Percy seems to think that a few quick rubbings is enough for me and it will be quite
disappointing if Tonks here gets a guy that can play her pussy like a fiddle or even
if she lucks out with someone almost addicted to eating a girl out.’

“Hey I didn’t mean that in a bad way,” Tonks grumbled as Penny laughed. “It’s not
like I tried to compare you to mum! At least you seem to know that a girl is
supposed to enjoy it more than think back and think of Queen and Country while the
jerk ruts around without concern to anything than trying to spray enough sperm to
get a girl preggers!”

That drew Penny’s laughter to a stop as she shuddered at the notion. She fervently
hoped to never get into such a situation in the future. If she did she knew that
most pureblood women tended to dalliance as much as the males after the matter of an
heir were dealt with. Oh it was not talked about of anything but how often she had
heard her own mother lament about the rest of her friends having such lackluster
husbands. That there were rumors that the more dark inclined females tended to
capture muggle men and women and use methods more lasting and complete than the
imperious to keep a flock of willing and eager sexual partners was not one she
wanted to think about. Still the notion of discrete sexual escapades was so
“That is something that I admit to having some worry about in the selection of males
here,” Penny said closing her eyes and trying to reach a nice state where such
worries are drowned out. “Still it seems that you got ahead of me there little
sister. My current candidate seems to have issues in thinking on the truly important
matters. He seems a bit young to be already planning on being married to the job.
Well that and needing way too much training to please me… so are you going to let
his hands wander more and make a discovery in what gets you off in addition to
having those oh so thankfully easily excited tits of yours fondled?”
“Yeah it is great and all being so easily able to get there but think how
inconvenient it is to be pointing in class like some of the boys do,” Tonks said as
she pressed her thighs together rubbing as she reveled in the sensations she was
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enjoying. “Besides his hands did wander and it was so damn… I just can’t seem to
describe it well…”

“Ah so your beau is skilled with his hands and teased your little cunt until you
spasmed on his eager fingers,” Penny said as her own hand drifted while Tonks also
let hers drift. “So this is the first time since this seduction and dating began
that he purposefully had you cum from his fingers. Don’t freak out or anything that
you were enjoying a skilled artist at work in pleasuring you. So did you

“I was a bit to limp to try and by the time I recovered I let my doubts overcome
me,” Tonks said as her fingers teased her sex. “He just seemed to know what to do
and whisper to get me off like a firecracker.”
“Oh so he found a few buttons to push to get your mind more excited while also
exploring where your sweet spots are,” Penny said picturing herself in the place of
Tonks with Percy’s image before flickering to this unknown man. “It sounds like you
went into shock from a very strong orgasm and it sounds like you plan on not denying
that you want him to do that again. So would you let your hands ease his straining
balls or are you willing to try something a bit more delicious?”
“Yeah if I hadn’t taken so long to recover that my doubts resurfaced I planned on
stroking him and letting him cum on my face or tits,” Dora said huskily her fingers
making squishing sounds that were echoed by Penny’s own. “Definitely wanted to see
the look on his face as his cream stuck the flesh he had so recently made oh so

“My little sister it seems that you definitely have your head on straight!” Penny
shuddered as she let herself picture the girl acting out just that. “You were half
naked and masturbated to one hell of a cum by what it sounds like. You should have
at least stroked one off for him after that. You must have soaked his hand cuming
that hard!”

“Oh Merlin!” Dora said as her fingers became frantic. “I didn’t just soak his hands
I actually squirted I came so hard!”
“Gods that must have been hot,” Penny said with a shudder. “Oh to have seen that I
think I would have creamed myself!”

“Hah! You probably would have been locking so close you got sprayed!” Dora teased as
she started panting her body flush and the warm feeling growing again. “Can you
picture it Penny kneeling so close you could almost taste it? And then just when you
think the image in front of you can’t get any hotter seeing a healthy young girl
writhing around as her body is being played like a violin the finally. Your panting
parched throat gets sprayed!”
“Fuck!” Penny shouted as she felt herself go. “That would be so hot!”
“Ah is big sister feeling her needy little slit trying to suck her fingers like they
were a cock wanting to feel it spray her insides,” Dora said her body heaving as she
watched her words affect her as theirs had her earlier. “Or are you thinking about
licking your parched lips as they are wettened with an eager pussy fountaining into
your eager and needy mouth? Why you would even suck his fingers clean or been
willing to have licked the fresh cum off wouldn’t you? You would have buried your
face to lick even quicker if it had been his cock plunging inside and getting to
taste the two of us together wouldn’t you?”
“Yes!” Penny agreed her peak rising again from Dora’s words. “It would have been so
“Just you wait Penny,” Dora said as she slowed her fingers playing with her slightly
over sensitive spots. “It will happen eventually. I wonder how eager you will be to
eat my pussy from his fresh cum or you likely would love me to writhe on that tongue
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as he shows that he is as good with his cock as his fingers as he plows your eager
cunt stuffing it with cum which I will then suck out while you do the same for me.”

Dora reluctantly wobbled from the bed as she saw Penny flop to the bed her fingers
still buried to the palm in her pussy. A moment she wondered if she could fit the
whole hand in there since she only saw the thumb outside and it was rubbing around
her clit. She really would need to figure out a quicker way to wash her panties as
they seemed to keep getting soaked.
‘Maybe I should go without,’ Dora thought as she contemplated how that would ease
such matters. ‘Well it would enable my lovers willing fingers to have quicker access
and I know that Hermione doesn’t wear any either. Then again she does have the
tendency to be direct in such matters. Now why do I get the sudden picture of Harry
taking her in the nooks and crannies that they have been using to seduce me? More so
why do I believe that before the school year ends that I am willing and eager to be
taken against any surface that they want. Yes he will likely be more than willing to
slide inside any of our eager holes by then. I guess the panties go as well as the
bra as it seemed far too readily removed. I wonder how Penny would jill off getting
to watch Harry mount me when I drop a quill. That seems like something to try at
some point in the future. So no panties for this girl unless I plan to have a toy
held snug without a charm…’
Dora slowly made her way from Penny’s bed to the door stopping only to hold her
slick fingers to her open mouth. She had enjoyed Penny doing that and while it was
not blatantly sexual any more than any other arousing sight it felt damn good. Oddly
enough Dora was willing to rewet her fingers before offering them to the dreaming
Penny’s lips to lick and suck clean. Finally while suckling on her finger she
watched as Penny shuddered and her finger withdrew with a whimper lying still next
to her spread legs.
‘I sucked her bloody wand off right after withdrawing it from her cunt,’ Dora
thought with a sensual smirk. ‘She sucked my finger clean so since I didn’t
reciprocate for him I might as well for her. Still I didn’t tell her that he had a
girl watching as I writhed on his fingers and that her fantasy was fulfilled by
someone. Odd that Hermione didn’t bury her lips to mine considering all that we had
done before…’

Reluctantly Dora left the room after licking Penny’s fingers clean and placing them
to her mouth so she might suspect she had licked her fingers clean. That she had let
those fingers brush across her damp and now uncovered sex was immaterial even if she
shuddered as Penny mumbled things thinking such naughty thoughts that she felt very
reluctant not to indulge in right there and now. She could see why more partners
might be very rewarding. Having her tits, lips, neck and cunt being ravaged at the
same time would be quite thrilling.
‘Thoughts and actions for later,’ Dora thought as she very reluctantly walked from
Penny’s door after closing it quietly. ‘Hermione did imply that he had other willing
toys. I wonder if they will be as prone to turning into complete sex starved sluts
at the mere inclination of sexual or sensual relations. Now there is an image for a
possible deflowering. Hermione sitting on my face while two others suck my tits
while my shrieks as he takes me is muffled as Hermione grinds her pussy against my
tongue. I do wonder if it will be like that even if it is far from how I dreamed it
as a little girl. Still considering how they implied one has a very strong fixation
on him taking her ass there is a chance that I will do so. Hmm sixty-nining with
Hermione after both of us get a belly full sounds a good way to start. Yes and both
getting a good spanking or even more before he slides unwaveringly into our eager
squirming hole!’
Dora was not going back for a while and was planning on using every toy she had at
her disposal when she got to her room. While it was likely that her seducer would
very willingly bring her to orgasm it was not likely that they would end the game so
soon and allow her to pleasure them. Likely they would perform for her and only when
she was completely willing to take any and all attention that they provided finally
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allow her to reciprocate fueled by all the extra energy and need that would be
burning through her body. Based on the toys they had for their own play she knew
that she would likely learn to love each one and thank them repeatedly for using
them and her so satisfyingly.


Kiki was wandering the halls of Hogwarts and as it was night there was no worry for
being bothered by the people that went there during the days. There were plenty of
things to eat even if the green skinned ones were grudgingly not food. At least he
let her eat a few meaty things every now and again. The inability of any of the
prefects of professors that wandered the halls to notice let alone track her was a
very amusing thing for her.
Why the two were spending so much time doing that left her quite confused. She had
seen the confused one heading to the other’s room and she stunk so much like her
master and his other willing servant did before they went and did that. Dismissing
it as some older person’s game that she felt no interest in she carefully had left
the tower and made her way in search of food and new things. This place had enough
secrets to distract her for a very long time.
Ignoring the kitchen and the green things that brought a seeming never ending amount
of food, Kiki bounced around the hallways jumping in a very child like manner
chattering that if the prefects of professors had heard would have frightened them
dreadfully. At least the complete asexuality that she had seemed to balance the over
sexuality that the others were going through if it had not been for that it would
take most of their years before they found anything of interest.

Passing the also rarely noticed green things, Kiki shook her head in disgust at the
over helpful beings. If it had not been for the one that served her masters she
would have had far too many to eat as they seemed to be almost as numerous as the
vermin she was snacking on. A poor stupid rat made the mistake of getting to arm
reach of the quiet yet still rapidly moving small and limber form. That was its last
mistake and both were gone with just a quick crunch echoing around the hall.

Kiki was not the most straightforward of thinking entities. Her personality and
mental state was a very young child and it would likely take centuries before her
mental state grew beyond the simple need-want-have stage. It was a very good reason
that Snape had never met her or his first impulsive attempt at Legilimency would
have had more dire and permanent effects than his ill-conceived attempt to violate
Harry’s mind. Kiki had taken a very firm hand to allow her to develop some sense of
subtlety and not just kill and eat anything and everything that she either did not
understand or annoyed her.
So where would she explore tonight was the closest thought passing through her mind.
Partially tempted to play with the big furry puppy or risk the anger of Harry if she
nibbled a few of the others’ pets. Why he hadn’t let her eat the not rat she was
unsure of but would ask if she remembered it. Suffice it to say that she had a very
short attention span and found it very satisfying that the green things would let
her butcher the meat.
That Harry would understand her chattering to be a rather disturbing children’s song
modification was part of why she liked wandering on her own. Personally she hoped
one of the oblivious would get hurt as Harry had never told her that she couldn’t
eat as it would be wasteful otherwise. The blond and red headed bad speaking boys
had been lucky that Harry had told her not to cause any accidents or both would have
plunged to their deaths before becoming dinner.
Her head snapped to the direction she felt the wave of power coming from him.
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Something was happening but felt a need not to follow him this time. Personally she
had hoped that many heads would have shared his bite with her. The greasy one would
have been delicious with the way his emotions would have seasoned his flesh. Why he
let that one go she was uncertain of. Perhaps it had something to do with the door
he slept on.
‘Eh it didn’t matter to her and oh there was another crunchy snack,’ Kiki thought as
she reacted. ‘Food come here food!’
Snag went her hand and with a sickening crunch the poor helpless creature was
crushed and quickly digested.

‘Hmm… meat! It was always good!’ Kiki thought or resembled to do so. ‘Meat, meat,
give me something good to eat. Grind it up and fry it, slice it up and grill it,
chop it up and bake it! Just give me some meat!’
Yes Kiki was more centered on her hunger than anyone even the human disposal known
as Ron. At least she had manners and didn’t let food fall out of her mouth like that
boy did. Well there was also the rather sadistic tendencies to carve her food up
alive or sometimes to the others at first eating and gnawing on the still attached
and sensitive parts. There was something about gnawing on ones leg bones while the
blood loss temporarily was rendered unable to grant unconsciousness. Her teeth were
more than able to slice through flesh as well as bone with remarkable ease.
Unknowingly even the ghosts felt a sudden irrational need to stay away from where
she went much in a similar manner to her master. It was that in part which had
allowed the three of them to wander so much without being discovered. The portraits
tended to be unable to locate them even if they were standing right there. A remnant
of the magic used to create them that their presence interfered with.
A new room soon came to view and Kiki remembered to draw where she was and how she
had gotten in. At least her ability to communicate through writing was well in
advance of her verbal abilities. Her drawings thankfully did not resemble anything
like the stick figures her living self had barely been able to draw. Turning there
was not much to the room.
‘A mirror was there and oh pretty,’ Kiki thought before becoming entranced by the
strange moving images in the mirrors surface.

Sadly the mirror would hold her attention for a little time at least. She didn’t
really have to worry about wasting away but not eating would drain her strength but
not do more than render her into an enchanted sleep. The visions that assaulted her
did not make too much sense to her.

She could understand her master having his goals reached but why was she granted a
form like theirs? Would she feel the same strange needs that they did? Why they were
not satisfied with blood and death and needed this other hunger to be sated? She
just could not understand why such a slight amount of physical effort made them feel
so good. Odd that they acted after a few moments as if they had drank enough fresh
blood to fill their bellies. She chalked it up to any other strange living person
thing as she became entranced by the sights before her eyes.


Even as the situation at Hogwarts twisted and turned, Harry’s two minions slash
apprentices were savoring the freedom that came without explicit instructions to
adhere to. Oh they liked the freedom that the opposite was as well but this let them
indulge their creativity. Besides Sarah was a great source of both knowledge and
items to explore with. There had been several things that they knew instinctively
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from their connection that their master had no interest in and were more than eager
to allow Sarah to fulfill those kinks and experiments.

Well that and the usual school age drama in who was running the kids in the town.
They didn’t have a section that normally was for the rich and often was on higher
hills than the common drudges lived in. Dudley was a few apples short of an orchard
and keeping him in line was a pain as well as the other rival factions. It was funny
that the one boy constantly discredited when he was younger had brought his fist
down on any idiot trying to organize a gang.

So Big D and his crew as they to everyone’s humor called themselves were kept down
by the two rival factions. Alice had inherited and expanded the group of informants
and couriers made of the girls that Harry had reluctantly kept out of Dudders way.
The other was a very disciplined and tight group that deserved to be called a crew
as they ran with a precision that union foremen would find efficient. Jonathan J. or
Johnny J. to his friends and John to his peers was a boy with a plan. He also had a
lock on the boys that already had gotten over or had very short times in the girls
were icky phase.
Unlike the disdain both had for Dudley, the two had a mutual respect for each other.
Their main contention was over two points: who ran the place and whose girls they
were. Yes John was rather annoyed that Alice had snagged every one of the ready and
willing girls and left only the very late bloomers uncounted. So when Alice had come
up with a two bird with one stone idea she had pitched it to the head of the
increasingly frustrated with their hands group. Alice had seized the opportunity to
allow Sarah to indulge in her more difficult to hide interests while getting some
more funds available.

It hadn’t been that they had been promised one of her new and still being broken in
playmates. She really didn’t think that they would have room to complain or more
likely time. Sarah had almost drained them of their strength with how insatiable she
had been without her former user’s pool of victims and Alice had felt a savage glee
that her rival had likely bit off more than he could chew. Add to that it sounded
like something that would be very arousing to watch and things had readily been
‘It does a bit of alright to have an even more willing tool,’ Alice thought from
where she lounged in the shadows watching Sarah debase herself while Anne was buried
between her own legs. ‘I know that I cannot act that submissive to anyone but Master
but watching the already debased slut beg for anyone to use her like this is
amusing. Oh it’s nowhere near rape or even our own traumas as she is throwing
herself with her entire being into it. That it is serving to create a control of the
rest of the boys is a good thing.’

That what she was watching was a gangbang by very young boys even if they were able
to have a completely useable hard on was dismissed as she observed the practical
applications. Sarah was while willing to accommodate any and every little kink that
the boys had more interested in the practical demonstration of as many sexual
practices, positions and techniques as she could provide for her mistresses. That
Alice felt a flush of arousal from knowing that it was her orders that caused this
was something she was uncertain of how to tell Harry.
“Now that is a scorching sight Anne,” Alice said as she held the girls head to her.
“You likely wouldn’t mind being in her place if master wished you to. Every way at
once seems to be pushing our little pet to her limits. If only you were able to see
it you would just cream yourself!”
‘Of course I would,’ Anne thought as her mouth was occupied. ‘That I want master to
do everything and anything that he wants to me is no surprise. A shame that there
isn’t a way for multiples of master to use me all at once… well that and that my
tits aren’t growing as quick as Alice though I know master will be very hard and
likely have such a time when he does claim my pert little ass.’

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“So why don’t I describe it to you?” Alice asked as she shuddered from Anne’s moan.
“Our little cunt licking, cum guzzling, cocksucker of a submissive sex slave is
getting it in all her holes! That’s right she is taking a cock down her throat, up
her ass and in her twat and that is not all! Why she even has someone sliding
between her tits with her hands jacking off two different cocks! How positively
degrading and they are touching her wherever they can! That’s right; can you hear
those slaps? That’s not just them fucking and their skin smacking into each other
but they are spanking and punishing her entire willing wanton whore body! Yeah she
could probably get those little dicks to do whatever she wants just to get another
go. Think about how they are not just as much as they believe using her body but
worshipping it!”
Suffice it to say that Anne was wishing that her master had not in his own way
forbidden them from stretching any hole but their mouth as she made do trying to
once more work more than a finger or two into her sex while she buried her tongue as
deep as she could into Alice. She had a simple dream that she wished for now after
all this time. Just being naked for her owner’s beck and call was what she seemed to
dream of more and more.
Alice just closed her eyes and reveled in Anne’s talented tongue. They would drop in
when the boys were done. Sarah was definitely having fun and there was no reason to
jump in and ruin it for her. So what if she loved and craved being used and drenched
in cum. It was her choice after all. Maybe she would see about Anne blowing them to
ease her cum dependence it was not as if Harry would mind as he wasn’t there to feed
Alice started to work her foot against Anne’s receptive sex and turned enough to
keep watching Sarah in her debauchery beneath them. Hanging out in a high branch was
cool and it gave them such a nice view. She sighed in disappointment at how quick
the boys shot the first few times, but chalked it up to a lack of discipline and
experience. Having her two submissives kneeling in the center of the boys as they
used mouth and fingers until the boys squirted their release on them seemed to be a
new idea that she would contemplate arranging.

‘Now to just feel out Anne for how hot and bothered it got her,’ Alice thought as
she ground the lapping girl’s head into her eager slit. ‘Still these boys would only
be available until September when we finally get to join our master. Hermione better
not plan on hogging him since she had him all this time alone!’

Letting Anne’s ministration wash the irritation at being separated from Harry from
her mind, Alice relaxed into it and turned to see what Sarah would be like after her
little inattention. Her eyes bulged at the sight that was clearly visible now. Sarah
was covered in the groups’ leavings and she was giddily bouncing on two different
cocks while sucking and stroking the cocks before her.
‘Yes Anne will love that double penetration I believe it is called,’ Alice thought
as she turned to Anne and said, “You should see Sarah down there. She is ridding two
dicks one in her cunt and the other up her ass while she gets her face fucked by a
circle of guys just grabbing her head and using her. Why she is even jacking any guy
that gets in range. You should see how soaked in their cum she is. Those boys are
going to be drained soon at this rate!”
Anne seemed to moan even louder as Alice described what she couldn’t see. That
Alice’s foot was rubbing against her didn’t help matters either while Alice was far
too preoccupied with the sight of Sarah’s sexual escapade as well as using Anne’s
mouth to get some relief. Anne was doing her best to get Alice off so that she could
move to see the action as well even if being held in place made her aroused
‘I wonder if master would like to watch this or if this is something that appeals
more to girls?’ Alice thought as she watched Sarah urging the boys on again. ‘I
wonder how much longer they can go. Some of them seem close to being unable to cum
anymore as their balls look to be visibly shrinking with such a short amount drained
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from them.’
Alice was grinding Anne’s eager mouth to her sex with plenty of bucking and writhing
against her friend’s talented tongue. As soon as Anne got her to cum and hard she
planned to flip the girl and clit fuck her while they both watched the debauchery
their toy was engaged in. they both new that Sarah was almost a sex addict as
certainly as they had their own addiction to climaxing wither it was from sex, blood
or violence didn’t really phase the pair.
“Come on Anne,” Alice said teasingly. “The sooner you get me to cum… the sooner you
get to watch Sarah getting creamed as she keeps cuming!”

Alice arched against Anne’s teasing tongue as she felt herself shudder and spasm
into the willing girls mouth. Her foot dug into her friends own sex and was soon
soaked with her own release. The pair panted as they recovered grateful to have not
fallen from their perch so near the hedonistic hidden revel that Sarah was indulging
with the less prudish or repulsive boys. There had been no way that they would have
let that pansy assed pack of cowards that hung with Dudley near their toy. Boy
barely measured for one and the other was that they preferred to give the lot a beat
down now that Harry was not there to tell them not to smack the whinny little
bitches around.
“Well it seems that motivated you,” Alice said with a sigh drawing her into a
steaming kiss. “Now turn around and let’s get a bit more fun…”
“Yes Alice,” Anne agreed swirling about while arching her ass and flipping her skirt
to bare her eager uncovered sex. “Do me like you wish master would!”

“Like I need an excuse,” Alice said as she pressed her sex into Anne’s own eager
slit. “Master is in for a Christmas to remember and don’t think I don’t know what
you plan to do for him. The fact that you already have our toy playing with this
plug when she eats you is a testament to that!”

“Hmm,” Anne murmured as she rocked back against her lover’s throbbing wet mound with
a smack sounding around them barely covered by the orgy beneath them. “Don’t knock
it till you tried it! So what if I want master to spread my cheeks and ram his cock
inside my ass to give it a good reaming? It makes you feel so good and so submissive
to him… Why do you think the slut down there is so into it? She gets stretched in
both holes while they cum all over her face and tits. It must make her feel so
submissive to be used so well!”
Alice turned to see Sarah eagerly speared by one of the males she had been just been
blowing before eagerly sucking the boy who had just cum in her ass back to hardness.
That she had impaled herself and been bouncing eagerly while one of the boys she had
been circle sucking had shuddered and shot down her throat before one of the others
eagerly took his place was not lost on her. If the two boys she was riding didn’t
cum at the same time she moved enough to let the other pop out and gave the other a
very quick ride as she waited for one of the eager boys to plug whichever hole was

“Yeah I can tell from how you moaned into me when I told you what she was doing,”
Alice sneered as she smacked their sexes together. “You really want master to set
something like that up for you don’t you?”
Looking down at Sarah eagerly bouncing around on two cocks while at least a good
half dozen were arranged around for her to suck and jack, Anne went gloss eyed at
the sight. That as soon as the two she was impaled on squirted inside her she would
hop up and two more would take their places while she sucked and fondled the males
either to return or stay erect unless they just started spurting than she would
shift them to spray over her chest and face. The euphoric look in her eyes made Anne
realize that no matter how degrading the scene may look that Sarah was loving and
enjoying every moment.

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“Oh yeah,” Anne said as she shuddered. “Only thing almost as good would be to have
every one of those prissy girls work me over before master takes me and makes them
watch while being unable to do anything!”
The two were so wrapped up in their own games that they missed the slowly dwindling
number of boys able to be revived by Sarah’s eager mouth and hands. Not that she
didn’t keep trying to coax some life back into their limp and drained dicks, but
their libido was willing while their balls were dry and their dicks starting to
chafe. Why even a few of them had collapsed weak kneed wincing at how sore their
eagerly used cocks and repeatedly unloaded balls were. They stumbled back when
Sarah’s eager sucking lips could no more draw any cum only shudders of sorrow that
they could not get it up again.

“Heh that at least would be possible,” Alice said with a grin. “It’s a shame that
master won’t break just anyone. Still whatever he does to those weak willed wimps
who thought they could own him will be damn good. I think when he is done that all
of us will be worn out afterwards. Awe; see the poor ickle boys seem to be tiring
out. Really now they have only been at it for such a short time and they are drained
and dozing. Not like master at all are they and they wonder why neither of us would
give them the time of day. At least the few girls who play can last more than a few
“Come on!” Sarah huffed in indignation as over half of the boys were dozing with
their dicks limp and dry. “Can’t you boys last a bit longer? That’s it you two just
because I can milk a man dry doesn’t mean that you two are finished yet! Come on
stop laying their while I ride you! That’s it good boys. Keep that up! You four get
back here your cocks still have some cum left in them I can tell!”

As Sarah bounced on the now panicking and panting duo rapidly meeting her movements,
she grabbed the four males that had tried to crash after they had crawled away from
her riding them. Dragging the four back she set them to task. One last ride and she
was done for and she was not letting the boys just turn over and sleep. Taking the
least limped of the four she set him to once more plowing her tits while the one
barely holding up was eagerly taken into her hungry mouth. That left the two that
she had grabbed by the balls to stand to the side as she jacked their weak kneed
bodies for one last spurt.

As soon as the dick in her mouth had enough hardness she went around the three suck
jack suck and repeat. The boy between her tits was holding on to her shoulders with
his legs on her shoulders as he tried to do more than twitch between the soaked
mounds. The two boys beneath her were doing their best to get the she devil off so
that they had time for their poor drained balls to recover. So they were using their
last bit of strength and stamina to slam their dicks up into her bobbing holes.

Sarah had no care if the boys died of dehydration after she drained them although
she would likely have vented her rage at their lack of finally in a very unpleasant
manner. Sarah had confessed to the pair that while he had taken a preference to anal
that he had no care what the gender of his plaything was. He had especially enjoyed
when she sodomized someone after he had been forced to recover. Personally she would
have held the poor dehydrated and drained balls boys to her mouth and hold them
their till she came down their throats.
‘Come on you six you have lasted this far but I want one last finish,’ Sarah thought
as her mouth was stuffed with a slowly throbbing member. ‘I can feel them getting
close if they time it right I will cum like crazy!’
So thinking, Sarah shifted her grips on the two in her hands while increasing the
suction on the three in her mouth, pussy and ass to match the pace of the boy
shuddering and getting closer as he rabbited between her heaving globes of heavenly
awe. Well that was what the boys had stuttered and called them when she had pulled
her blouse off leaving her in just a skirt. She recalled the smile she had at the
fact that regardless of their states before they had all stood to attention at the
mere sight of her chest being bared before them. She had barely held off a laugh
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when one had almost creamed his pants when she had pulled her skirt up to leave
nothing but a thin bit of elastic from their view as she turned about letting them
see every inch that they could.
“To think that those boys down there promised almost anything if not everything they
had for this,” Alice murmured into Anne’s ear as they watched the scene draw to a
close. “Think about what we can do with everyone in our class at our beck and call…”
Sarah was bouncing like a maniac and pushing the poor tired and worn boys’ bodies to
their limits. She felt another wave of orgasms starting to build in her body. The
strained boy’s cocks were starting to get worn out as were their bodies so Sarah
started to really try to draw the last shaking climax out of the few that remained.
The strained eyes and muscles showed as all the boys could mutter were insensate
grunts and moans as she worked them like a well tuned machine. The three wrapped in
her warmth were wide eyed at the suction drawing them back and the grasping of her
inner walls was turning their voices into keening.
‘Just a bit more boys,’ Sarah thought as the two in her hands bucked into her hands
as their legs trembled to remain standing. ‘I’m almost there and then you can
Snapping her head back she let the dick in her mouth pop out as she screamed out her
release. The rest were shuddering as they felt their balls tighten and start to flow
with what little they could provide. The two she was jacking bubbled weakly dripping
down to ease the friction of her hands movement. Smiling Sarah felt the spurt of the
boys so near her face. The boy she had been sucking let go throbbing in the air and
she let it splash against her face and into her mouth. The boy rutting in her tits
whimpered as instead of a forceful shot he dribbled up and on her tits before
falling down.
“Hmm,” Sarah said delighting in the finale of the cum-blasting she had savored.
“That’s good boys let it go. Ah right there you two stop fighting it and just flow!”

The two that she had a vice grip on with her muscles collapsed after arching up and
letting the last of their load empty into her hungry holes. They were suspended by
her grip on their shuddering cocks as her muscles milked the last of their cream
into her needy body. As she felt the sudden lack of release into her well used and
happily sore holes, Sarah released her grip on their cocks causing their bodies to
drop with an audible slurp.

“Well that was fun boys,” Sarah said drenched in cum and savoring the taste in her
mouth as she felt it swish there and in her snapped shut lower holes. “Do give me a
call when you are up for it again. So boss lady, done getting your own fun up there
or what?”
“Just a moment,” Alice said as she ground her sex against the quivering quim of
Anne. “We’re almost done!”

“Sure go on have your Sapphic sexual spree without me,” Sarah said teasingly. “All I
get are a few cocks that are worn out but could do with a bit more suction to make
sure I got it all and they didn’t leave any…”
Sarah smiled as she watched Alice ground her cunt as it gushed into Anne’s willing
lips. Their clits had not been as often to rub against in this position but both had
found their juices mixing. With the lack of sound from the panting boys, Sarah could
easily hear the two girls’ shout of release just before Anne fell forward and Alice
followed. The second cry from Anne as her clit rubbed against the tree as Alice
smacked into her ass brought a slow shudder to Sarah.
After a few moments of collecting themselves the two jumped down from the trees to
land in a crouch. The only sign to disturb the ground was the drips falling from
them. Anne looked intently at Sarah in all her cum covered glory and shuddered
thinking of being in her place. Alice looked at the boys and the fact that save for
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the last ones that their dicks had been drained dry. Thus she knew that Anne was not
going to go over and try to get the last drop sucked out of them as there was plenty
on Sarah and the last few had only the slight traces that had not been sucked into
her body except for the four that were the last to cum on her.
“Well now who looks the mess?” Alice asked as she smirked at the satisfied and
satiated smile gracing Sarah’s face. “You definitely had fun and the boys can attest
to having some fun as well.”
“You left some cum on and in them,” Anne said as she looked at the four glass eyed
forms lying around her crouched form. “Are you going to finish cleaning them up or
do you need a hand?”

“Don’t you mean lend a mouth?” Sarah asked her fellow submissive as she held out a
cum covered finger. “They could use a slightly different diet but they are not the
worst tasting I have had…”
Taking a lick and swirling it around to taste it before swallowing Anne answered
after smacking her lips, “Well they could be better. Master at least tries to eat
foods to make his cum taste good. Still wish to find a way to make it taste closer
to chocolate though…”

“Hmm now that would be perfect,” Sarah said with a sigh. “Sex to feel better and a
squirt of chocolate to enhance the experience would be interesting. Still you should
try pouring some chocolate syrup on em and licking them off sure there is no the
need for say the same amount of forceful licking as say peanut butter but it is
easier to clean up and not as much a pain if you don’t get it all. Still one of the
better tricks for girls is with cherries…”

“Yes training the tongue to be flexible enough to tie a cherry stem and all that,”
Alice said looking at the unmoving boys. “Can’t be much harder than learning to

“True,” Sarah said in agreement. “Still it’s not what I meant though. Imagine
stuffing an eager and wet twat with cherries and having to get them out just with
your tongue no fingers at all…”

The two tilted their heads at that ignoring the gasps of the boys wincing as the
verbal innuendo tried to get them to rise to the occasion. They both could agree
that would be fun and wondered if Harry would mind dunking for cherries. Alice did
have a sudden frown at the thought of what might happen with Hermione being alone
with him all this time even if both had written that they had not gone that far.
‘Still there is no reason to accept losing permanently,’ Alice thought with a sigh
as she barely restrained soothing her ass in memory. ‘It is just natural that we
compete. Master would like it if we change things up more. A shame that we cannot
drag Sarah with us as she seems the perfect little sex toy. At least she can keep an
eye on things here when we join Master at school. Now if we can compete with our
pets than Christmas might be more interesting…’
“What are you thinking about Alice?” Anne asked as she let the poor whimpering for
mercy boy’s cock out of her mouth as she licked the last drip she had drained from
him. “I don’t think that they are up to anything at this point. To drained to fuck
and too tired to suck.”
“I was not thinking about these boys although,” Alice began before stalking over to
the whimpering and pleading form of their leader as Sarah was ensuring that he was
drained by extra stimulation. “Hello John you had your fun and you best be able to
keep up your part of the agreement or things will be a far shade as unpleasant as
this was pleasant!”
“Eep! Alice what do you mean,” John said with a stutter. “There is nothing to worry
about its all here…”
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“It best be John or you’ll be paying similar to how you were playing if you get my
drift,” Alice said to the suddenly pale teen. “Oh and try to be a bit more
respectful John. I can still crush your balls if you get out of line.”
“Sorry Miss Alice,” John shuddered as Sarah worked him some more. “We counted before
to make sure.”
With that John handed off the rather substantial amount of money that the boys had
ponied up. It was a well known fact that coercion of any sort would lead to you
having to get your balls removed from your throat in this town. Well except the
idiots and they tended to either leave town of their own volition or just
disappeared. Even if there had been any reason to suspect Harry and his crew, most
would consider them as a necessary evil as they had curb stomped any attempt by Big
D and his boys to do more than bluster. Even after Harry the Ghost had gone to
school there was none of that going down as even Piers Polkiss had been hesitant to
do much after he was nutted airborne from a standstill kick.
It was in part to Alice backhanding the whale when he had tried to restart his ways
that had led to John as a rival leader to keep his head down. It hadn’t helped when
almost every one of the interested in fun girls had been roped into whatever she had
been planning. So when the Lady had offered them a chance to have a go with a girl
they had contemplated Alice deciding she was bored with some of the experience girls
and wanted to get something in return.
‘To think I thought she was going to rent a few of her girls out for dates,’ John
thought sweating a bit as Alice counted the money and Sarah kept him on edge again
most likely until she was done. ‘Her having a nymphomaniac adult sex slave eager to
get some young boys to service her slut desires was unexpected. Still as long as one
of the others doesn’t try to nick some of the cash we won’t be screwed. Hell my
older brother was telling me about the girl and that while she was worth a go that
her owner was not someone to owe and I know Alice is worse. Bro got his ass sold to
be buggered when he had a go without money… so I know that whatever Alice comes up
with will be worse.’
“Well John one of your boys seems to be having trouble with his math,” Alice said
with a frown. “What are you going to do about it than?”

“Fuck,” John whimpered as Sarah went from coaxing his balls to trying to give his
drained balls a reason to be sore that he was not going to like. “Alright, now which
one of you little tossers decided to nick some of the green? I’m not shooting the
breeze here, so you best know when the time to shut your gob is and when it’s not!
I’d say unless you lot plan to be buggered that you find the cunt and throw him up
as in case you failed to remember this is Alice who has been known to cut a man for
looking at her funny and one of you shits decided to take the gem out of her donut
by skimin’ a few quid!”
“We bloody well know who it is,” the boy with Anne’s nails a hair’s breadth from
slicing his balls off said. “Do any of us look to be able to think let alone nick
some quid? How short are we, as some of us can see about getting a bit of dole to
make up for it…?”
“And how do I know you won’t bug out as soon as you’re out of sight?” Alice asked in
irritation. “Here I was thinking of letting you lot have a go at this slut Sarah
again with Anne somewhat available and then you go and do this. Really now to keep
you from running all of you don’t expect to be getting your trousers back just yet.
If you can’t cough up enough you’ll be working off your debt…”
With that said, the boys scrambled as much as they could wiggle to their wallets and
scouring for any coin they could find. John had a firm idea on what would happen as
he started going cross eyed from what Sarah was doing to him. Just a few moments ago
he was whimpering as she tried to make sure he was good and clean as well as empty
of any cum in his balls, and now he was whimpering from the idea of having to pay up
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with his ass or if he lucked out being their toy for a bit and only if he was
extremely lucky going down on them. He really feared that he was going to get worked
over for them to vent before they ensured that his boys knew that he and in proxy
they answered to Alice.
‘Bloody hell I find who did this and I am giving him up for these two to use however
they want,’ John thought as he felt Sarah smirking as she teased closer to where he
knew his brother had been broken by. ‘If I beg, I might get by with them fucking my
face like I really loved doing to their slut. Worse case they bend me over and use
one of those strapons to ream my unlubricated ass. Though given the small bit I
overheard it might just be me having to suck their twats and as loath as I am to
think about it tonguing their asses.’

As John and Anne’s unnamed victim were unable to move do to the danger their bait
and tackle were in, they were sweating as they knew that they were close enough to
be the first to get shafted instead of shafting someone if it all went down the
drink. Alice was more than capable of dealing with them if they were in tip top
shape, but they were exhausted and feeling like their balls were about to fall off
and thus were not doing a damn thing to pretend if they were not responsible. The
situation was allowing Alice an unprecedented look at what a group will do when they
know one of them was going to be the cause for a major load of shit dropping on
‘Now let’s see if even if they come up short that the fool gets caught,’ Alice
thought with a quick licking of her lips. ‘As much fun as these boys being toys I
don’t think that John will deal with that too well and he is quite useful in keeping
another faction from forming. Symbolism is important to the sheep after all and I
likely will let him go with him doing a good job at licking me to climax while the
idiot might have a future as one of Surrey’s cocksuckers for hire…’
One of the boys seemed just a hair too nervous for his own good and when Alice
noticed she approached him and snagged his wallet. Letting out a whistle at the
amount that was there and shouldn’t have been the boy flinched in shock. He was
screwed. He knew it and he was too damn drained to even think to fight back.
“Well now John it seems like it is your lucky day,” Alice said with a smirk as she
kicked the boy hard to the ribs causing him to skid a few feet back and cough a
little blood up. “The soon to be spending the rest of his short miserable existence
in pain asshole is taking the rest of your boys places. Sarah, stop tormenting and
let him relax…”
Before he could shout at the idiot who had double crossed him, John was moaning as
Sarah coaxed the last drops of cum out of his body. He just lay there like a limp
noodle as he tried to recover from the delayed and drawn out shuddering racking his
body. Turning his head a bit he saw the poor bastard that had skimmed enough money
out of their payment to almost get them in serious trouble. At the look on Miss
Alice’s face, John was grateful that the bastard had been caught or it would have
been him getting the beat down.
‘I trusted you and this is how you repay me?’ John thought in shock in the boy he
had pulled out of getting a shakedown by Big D. ‘You fucking deserve it and I hope
you like your new life, cocksucker.’
John let his eyes partially close as the meaty thumps hit his ears. None of the boys
were up for a tussle with a squirrel and the two toughest gals in the town were
dropping a deserved thrashing to the idiot that got them almost killed or worse. The
fact that he was trying to pass out before they moved on from the punching and
kicking was really getting difficult.
The last thing he saw as his eyes closed was a scary knife in Alice’s hand. It was
damn creepy looking like it was made out of bleached bone and the shear presence of
doom radiating from her made him glad they had been at least friendly rivals.

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“Now this is going to hurt,” Alice said as she gave her weapon a quick swing.
“Remember that we were far enough that no one heard you scream in pleasure so no one
will hear your screams of pain…”
Suffice it to say that John was going to be seeing how long he could stay in Alice’s
favor as Jack had gotten one hell of an attitude adjustment. What she actually did
to him he never wanted to know. He would suspect any number of violent things but
Jack had not a single wound more damaging than a bruise though he walked sore and
was skittish around many a thing. The closest he managed to find out was that Jack
had spent time as a training dummy and he would never say anything more on it. John
thought he got off easy but he didn’t have a clue what sick things that Alice did to
him before having Sarah demonstrate every conceivable thing that they could ever
have an interest in.


While his two minions and servants in all ways indulged their sexual lusts as they
watched their toy eagerly being played with by the many boys that would afterwards
do whatever they asked, Harry was very reluctant to slip from his bed with Hermione.
He felt something bothering him and he could not shake it off. He turned to the
window of his room and opened it. Looking back he saw the sheet draped over her nude
form and fought to turn back. He knew that she needed sleep to heal from their game
and that he felt a very strong pull towards the forest.

‘I really wish that we hadn’t gone as extreme tonight,’ Harry thought with a sigh of
regret. ‘I feel unease at going out alone without someone with me this time.
Something else is roaming there that I can tell.’

Still even if he did not want to he felt a pull similar to when he aided ghosts in
crossing over. This was just another price that he had to pay. Swinging his legs he
crouched on the windowsill and looked down toward the ground. As much as he wished
he had purchased and snuck a broom in the height was not that bad. He could run down
the wall and brake enough not to be hurt or likely even land from a leap without
causing much if he cast a wandless cushioning charm.

Harry didn’t think and with a blink found himself crouched on the ground beneath the
tower landing as silently as a cat could fall from a tree. He blinked for a moment
before looking back where he had come from before looking to the forest. It did not
matter how he had gone from his window to the ground as he needed to go to the
forest. To anyone looking it would have been a figure appearing in a blur clothes
swirling in the air before vanishing in a blur again.
Harry found he was in the edge of the forest before he had thought to move. Detached
parts of his mind contemplated the speed he was moving at and the rate of energy it
was consuming. The method would burn like crazy but when speed was life it boosted
to beyond superhuman speeds. Well there was the fact that it seemed to almost ignore
the effect gravity should have had on his passage there was a rush as he used this
new skill. It was not quite a short distance teleport as he was aware of moving
though the intervening space just without most of the laws of physics seeming to
have applied.
‘Nice,’ Harry thought as he seemed to flow even faster than he had in the forests in
Surrey. ‘So close to flying without a charm or object as to be liberating. Now to
find whatever is calling me.’
As Harry did some sort of strange blurring jump from tree branch to tree branch, his
mind drifted over what could the pressing need be. Deeper and deeper he went passing
through areas of danger without more than a flicker of wind to mark his passage. In
addition the more attuned animals in the forest had drawn away as he had passed
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darting as far as they could or borrowing as deep as they could at his palatable
presence. Every single creature that was within range to detect the approach had
felt something primal and dangerous speaking of a predator far more capable than
them. Wolves had fled to their dens as birds flew away as silently as they could.
The prey species of deer and the like had scurried away at the first wave of danger
had flickered against their instincts.

Unnoticed as Harry was distracted far more than normal, a bird followed a bit behind
his wake. Both being drawn by instinct to do something even if neither knew what
they were about to do. Fawkes was likewise so intent on the call that he failed to
notice the dark magic lingering along his path. Not that phoenix hated dark
creatures exactly more or less those that they knew were impeding their goals. The
line between a light phoenix and a dark firebird was not very large after all.

‘What could this call be? It feels familiar, but I have not felt it in a very long
time,’ Fawkes thought as he flittered through the trees as the denizens tended to
scurry away in his passage almost as much as they had the first traveler. ‘Yes
whatever this is it has been centuries since I have felt it.’
While Fawkes trailed the accelerating necromancer, Harry was getting close to where
the call was coming from. He was aware at this point that the call was not coming
from a ghost or other necromantic creation, but it was coming from something alive
whose blood was singing of power and purpose. The faint whiff of the spilt blood was
in the air now and his eyes flicked to see the silvery blue trail on the ground. It
was not a lot mere drips nowhere near a lethal level of blood loss from what he
could see. Still the blood was strange in its scent.

‘What the hell is with the blood that it smells repulsive?’ Harry wondered as he
moved a small scattering of dust and debris flying from the branch as he kicked off.
‘I have never smelled something as nauseating in my life. It is as if the blood
itself is cursed and that to drink it is to invite a loss of epic proportions.’

Harry came to a standstill on a branch a little ways from a clearing. The blood was
more potent in the air and the buzzing in his body seemed to grow in intensity. His
gaze swept the clearing as he looked for the source of the irritation. Shockingly
the pale white stood out from the dark shadows that the woods cast. It was down on
its leg limping as one of its legs was slowly seeping a slightly less marginal
amount of blood as it had from its trail.

‘Ok a white horse… with a horn,’ Harry thought before his eyes widened in
realization. ‘Ok what the hell would hunt a unicorn of all things? Light or dark
they are as dangerous as practically anything else out there. The dark aligned ones
would gore any male to death and stalk a virgin female before doing the same. It
reeks of purity and light though so I doubt it got hurt trying to gore something it
was planning to eat like its counterpart would. So what is it that is after a
unicorn of all things? They are fast and few things are unaffected by the curse that
devouring one would cause.’

It was at that point a black cloaked form came stalking into the clearing clearly
following the unicorn’s blood trail. Its stance and behavior immediately suggested
it as the hunter. Sadly it did not seem to fit into a known category. That caused
Harry to have enough of a logic gap to override the instincts that had his hand
trembling to strike at the abomination before him. It offended him worse than the
pale imperfect imitations of Infiri compared to a proper construct.
‘Now what in the name of Morgana’s eager cunt is that?’ Harry wondered as he tried
to identify the whatever-the-hell it was. ‘Let’s see it is not an undead so it’s not
a vampire, zombie, ghoul, Infiri or the like. It does not radiate a cold aura
sapping all positive emotion so it is not a Dementor. It is too cold for a Lethifold
as well. It is not a construct as that would have its own flavor to its scent as
well as presence. It drinks blood based on its actions like a vampire or more
accurately has been drinking unicorn blood. Come on what use does that kind of
blood… ok almost as potent as phoenix tears even able to cure one of a complete dose
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of Nundu’s breath.’
The cloak thing drew closer to the no longer able to run unicorn. Its pitiful fangs
were bared as it approached. It lacked claws to grip nor any animal like predatory
behavior. The area that the thing had gone for was not one that anyone would strike
a pursuit prey on as it would not bring it down even if it was near a major artery.
As it started to lunge something unexpected happened.
Harry acted on instinct and a burst of necromantic fire flew past the thing cutting
it off from its forward movement. Its unholy scream was heard as even though the
strike was not dire it was obviously painful. Looking at contempt at the thing
Harry’s shadow covered form bowed its head to glare at the thing that had impeded in
his hunting grounds and hunted one of the silver ones.
“Leave,” Harry growled at the thing. “I will not warn you again or you will be my
Twitching in shock the thing made a look and saw only a shadow wrapped form exuding
an aura of pure predator. There was no good or evil to him he just was. A dark
predator that was going to slay whatever chose to wander into his territory.
“I warned you,” Harry began to say before he found the darker than night flames
wreathed around his hand.
The thing stood still eyes wide as the burning volley of death approached. It was as
startled as a deer caught in the headlights. It looked for a moment that it was over
and that it would soon be reduced to less than ash from the deadly flames.

“Move,” came a quite whisper with urgency from the things body. “Move I command
That seemed to startle the thing to moving and it jumped back barely managing to
avoid a direct hit with the black flames. Even though the fires barely connected
with the thing it screamed and screamed as it fell. That had hurt it more than it
could recall hurting. Even as Harry drew another shot, the thing snapped up
unsteadily and ran off as if it was scared to death.

“I will get you,” the whispered voice promised. “Whoever you are know that you shall
die at my hand.”

“Well that was unpleasant,” Harry commented as he dropped to the unicorn’s side and
out of instinct started to channel a white flame to cauterize the wound. “It seems
that you are not in that bad of a shape. Your bone is just unable to support your
weight and the blood loss is minimal.”
It was at this point as Harry crouched near its side with the white wisping flame
mere breaths away from the unicorn’s flesh that Fawkes flew into the scene. The
phoenix’s song crashed over the clearing causing the unicorn to twitch in response.
The two looked at each other in an amusing sort of way. Fawkes did not feel the boy
before it was evil per se more or less following his nature while Harry was looking
at Fawkes in interest of a phoenix in such a place as well as what it wanted with
the unicorn.
The two seemed to lock gazes for an instant to an outside observer. To the two
involved each was contemplating many things. They each shifted in their appearance.
Harry’s flame shifted from white to a sickly black while Fawkes drew himself up and
flames flickered around him. Each released a force pressing the few animals there
that dared to investigate to cower even further than they had before. Their eyes
were heavy judging each other and the situation.
The common enough thoughts between the two were: was this person an enemy and can I
defeat them. After that was the reasoning of what each was there to accomplish.
Unicorns while powerful magically and had blood with powerful healing properties
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were susceptible to wounds and certain types their healing would not handle. Do to
the still seeping wound as well as the way the unicorn was fading and becoming less
magical it was wounded not only physically but its magic itself had been injured.
“So,” Harry said after the two had sized each other up. “We both want the unicorn to
live. You even are willing to use your tears to heal it.”
“Yes,” Fawkes trilled causing a shudder to barely be suppressed by Harry. “This
situation is not to be tolerated.”
“I can see why you think that,” Harry said with a sigh. “There are not enough
unicorns left in the world and even I am loath to wish them anything less than their
survival. We may be at opposition in other matters but in this I believe you are
willing to set aside those differences.”
“For the sake of the unicorn,” Fawkes trilled his reply, “Yes I will set aside our
mutual dislike. Call the healing flame and I shall add my own strength to it.”

“For the sake of the unicorn,” Harry agreed as his hand was wreathed once more in
white flickering fire. “Brace yourself…”
The unicorn had but a moment before the flames came into contact with its body and
it seared the unnaturalness that hindered its healing. Fawkes cried into the fire
causing it to turn from a wispy white to a shining white flame. The unicorn was soon
having the flames flickering more than to the main wound and its legs seemed to
regain the gauntness that it had gained as its magic had been draining causing the
relatively immortal creature to wither and grow frail.

“I take it that we best part,” Harry said as the unicorn nuzzle him once before
turning to look at the sudden appearance of another pair of unicorns both bigger
than it was. “Our duties have both been released and I know we find each other’s
presence trying…”

“Yes,” Fawkes trilled in reply causing the unicorns to shine a bit brighter, “young
death touched that is what shall be. Not that your help is unappreciated but I would
prefer not to terry in each other’s presence.”

“Of course, oh phoenix,” Harry replied with a slight nod of acknowledgement to the
bird. “I wouldn’t want to trouble you with my lowly presence consorting with such
unsavory things…”
“Fawkes young death keeper,” Fawkes acknowledged. “It is not that your presence is
unappreciated, but your scent does try me.”

“Ah,” Harry said with a thoughtful nod. “It would be understandable that the scent
of blood and death would offend one such as you. Still I had best be off.”

“Yes one should not keep one’s mate waiting,” Fawkes replied with a humorous trill.
“What you think I as a phoenix have become so disassociated with living as to forget
the joys of such times. No young servant of death, a phoenix is of fire true, but is
not passion a flame as well? Do not seek to add human notions to such as us. We each
serve a part of natures order.”
“True enough,” Harry said with a grin. “My mate will be displeased when she finds
out I left our bed to go gallivanting here without her!”
“As it is with all good mates,” Fawkes agreed with the avian equivalent of a laugh
and shake of his head. “Ah to be young and willing to sport again…”
Harry let things go at that point as he had no desire to reminisce about the
phoenix’s love life or current lack thereof. With a jaunty wave he went back to
springing from branch to branch.

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‘I just know that Hermione will be annoyed,’ Harry thought as he saw the castle
approach. ‘Sure I may be in charge, but a girl always knows how to make a man feel
like he has done the dumbest thing possible. I have a responsibility to her and her
to me. Still I feel tired as if all that I have done lately used far more magic than
it should.’
As Harry got to the ground below the tower, he barely thought as he ascended the
wall. At first he was unsure if he had jumped, ran or some other manner moved from
the ground to be crouched at his open window. Realizing it was a matter to be
thought of and in depth when one was awake he looked on the site that greeted him.
Hermione was nude as always and the sheets clung to her form in a very visually
appealing as well as aesthetic way. It was a sight that he promptly made sure to
commit to memory. She just looked too cute for even his indifference to come into
‘Sleep,’ Harry thought as he slid under the sheets and wrapped himself around
Hermione. ‘Everything will be better in the morning and I can just hope that this
doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass later…’


“Let me get this straight,” Hermione said slowly the following morning her head held
in her hand a groan of disbelief flowing from her lips. “You went into the forest
alone in the dead of night and didn’t bring me with?”

“Well you were recovering if you recalls,” Harry tried to remind her, “or does the
fact that you had orgasmed from being caressed by a crop until your muscles were
sore and you were unable to do more than shudder not familiar? I seem to recall you
begging for more and seemed to really be into the session for you to forget that
unlike normal playing that healing would be more intensive than just flushing built
up acids!’
“You could have easily given me a taste of blood to get better,” Hermione grumbled
in irritation. “Instead you go gallivanting in the forest alone trailing something
you were unsure of what it was or how dangerous it was. Damn it Harry! Do you have
any idea how worried I was?”
Wrapping his arms around her irate form Harry slowly leaned his head to rest near
her and said, “Hermione I know that you worry and I know that you care for me but
sometimes we have to do what we have to do. I was just going to investigate
something and the next thing I know…”
“Things went downhill,” Hermione said with a pout. “At least tell me that something
useful came from the situation!”
“Relax I ended up with a bit of backup from an unexpected source,” Harry said as he
stroked her hair and back trying to calm her down some more. “Who would think that
Dumbledore’s phoenix is not a complete puppet? I don’t think that they will be
sharing too much time if his disgust at his companion’s mistakes is anything to go
“Well that is something,” Hermione said with a sigh as she leaned into the massage
that Harry was expertly using to relieve her tension. “Was there anything else of
“Yeah whatever it was out there ran like crazy from necromantic fire,” Harry said
thoughtfully. “Whatever it was seemed to be even odder than Peeves…”
“How so?” Hermione asked in interest even as she rubbed against his skilled fingers.
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“Oh that’s the spot. Hmm… it seems that a massage should be added to our schedule
besides the ones in the shower.”

“Oh and have you become so relaxed that you fall asleep leaving me to handle the
situation that caressing your body would cause,” Harry said trying to sound
offended. “Alright it would be almost as soothing giving a massage as receiving.
Still a good reason to see that Dora finishes her protesting, she does seem to be
more eager every few encounters. I think that it is fortunate that we are unable at
this time to reach her.”

“Yeah it would help having a second set of hands or do you think that Alice was not
going to try to get one soon,” Hermione said with a purr. “I give fair odds that
even if she didn’t tell us what she has been up to exactly that she has grabbed at
least one playmate. A shame that whoever it is will be left alone in Surrey next
year… still they can keep an eye on things from what she told me. Now was there a
reason that you neglected to mention that you were the default leader there?”
“It didn’t seem important at the time and while I was one of the leaders there was
at least one other that was a decent enough rival,” Harry said as Hermione slowly
moved to lie on her stomach. “John did a good job keeping the other boys in line
which only left Dudley and the few special needs buddies of his. Seriously Alice was
for the most part keeping the girls in line while I spent more time studying when I
was not trying to get both of them closer to a level to assist me in the more
complex magics. Well there was that entire potion brewing and ingredient harvesting
to bring in some money since the Dursleys even with the threat of grievous would
give me any more than they had to do. Even after I found out about Gringott's there
was no way that I would risk Dumbledore not knowing I was informed about magic
instead of being less informed than most muggleborns.”

“So it was something that didn’t seem to be a big deal to you so you… oh that’s the
spot!” Hermione groaned as his hands distracted her thoughts. “Where was I? Oh! Just
like that! HMM… that feels so good! Ah! Didn’t tell me?”

“Well I guess we know better than to try to have a conversation where you respond
when you’re being massaged,” Harry said with a sigh as he felt her muscles relaxing
even more as Hermione started to become very vocal with her appreciation of the job
he was doing. “Just relax and listen ok?”

“Hmm hmmm,” Hermione murmured in agreement as the heavenly sensations continued.

“All... right!”
“Good girl,” Harry murmured into her ear appreciatively. “Now it wasn’t something
that I kept secret I just didn’t bring it up still there are more important things
to think about…”
An inquisitive groan came from Hermione as she decided that it was far too difficult
to think let alone speak clearly under Harry’s skilled hands. That he was now
sitting nudged against her ass with her laying on her back legs and arms limp and
spread to the side was part of why he was focusing on talking. Mostly it was due to
the fact that he was barely apart from her and he kept chiding himself for going
completely sex mad and it was almost as bad as the time when he found Alice and Anne
had spent most of a weekend locked up with just food and water while they explored
each other. At the time he had been grateful that he hadn’t walked in on that as
some things can completely destroy ones control and that sight would have put him
behind more so than the current period of sex madness.
“Oh right,” Harry said in response to her noise of inquiry his hands now working
along her spine towards her lower back. “I think that I have been neglecting the
combat aspects of necromantic fire in a use besides evidence disposal. Whatever it
was, it seemed to run off like mad with just a glancing blow. Odd sound it made as
well. It wasn’t the sound of someone being burned would make but still hurt
something fierce.”

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If Hermione had been able to convince her body to do more than moan in response it
would be that a new area that they hadn’t thought to investigate had been realized.
It was a shame that they would need to get a place to test it and some sort of test
subjects. Maybe there was somewhere in the school that was even more secure from
monitoring that they could use? She made a note to ask the house elves the next
chance that she could or likely Harry would as she was in no way able to move. A
part of her wondered if this sort of situation would be ideal for their first
consummation of their odd relationship.
‘No I cannot think about Harry just entering me when I am so pliant especially right
now,’ Hermione chided while his hands were lifted to a new spot giving her precious
moments of clarity. ‘Still the idea has merit in the future and even if I don’t get
to try that first either Anne or Dora would love the complete submission that such a
state would give. To think that I am likely so relaxed that some of the more
shocking things that I read about would likely have a very minimal chance of causing
Before Hermione could get distracted by those notions, Harry’s hands were once more
working her limber and lithe body to an unresisting and pliable form. It was a very
good thing as if Hermione had been able to verbalize it she would have likely pissed
Alice off by getting the jump on her with Harry’s own restriction no longer
mattering do to her level of relaxation. It was a very good thing that Harry had
previous experience to control himself from two most likely nymphomaniac leaning
Still it was a good thing that their day had a good few hours for her to recover
from before making an appearance or things might have been harder to maintain. At
least Hermione when she recovered and recalled what had been told to her in that
soothing state would be able to itemize their close term objectives in more detail.
Harry wished to scour the school for all pertinent knowledge and that would require
sifting through masses of unrelated knowledge. That they now needed to search for a
place to practice properly was of pressing concern only offset by the unwinding that
their recent sexual and sensual interactions had with or without their future
participant being involved.
‘Still there is the matter of those two to deal with in a most public and
humiliating manner,’ Hermione thought as he slowed his approach to her often eager
ass. ‘Now if I could just move a hair closer and I could get a bit of friction from
more than his hands…’

As soon as Harry’s hands had reached her still slightly red cheeks, Hermione made
just enough of a movement to dissuade any proper discussion. With barely ignored
supplication, Harry put the matter to rest. There was time enough before they needed
to be seen for a bit of playing and it was not like they had clothes in their way at
the moment and Hermione was just so willing.
Suffice it to say that the two were very grateful for the speed boost that Harry had
learned the night before as they would have been very late to breakfast otherwise. A
sensual massage of a willing girl will do that to a guy especially when they focus
too much on giving their all to their recipient than they do the clock. As it was
they were barely dried off from the quick rinse they had and Hermione had a very
warm smile from the way her morning had started. Sadly the rest of the day would be
marred by the actions of a few idiots. Still they were able to look fondly at the
day as a whole.
They had time enough to accomplish their goals and regardless of how driven Harry
could be at times there was the simple matter that with any of his girls to watch
out for him there was little risk of Harry burning himself out. Drive was an
important thing but Harry crippling himself wither it was magically, physically,
mentally or emotionally was not something that Hermione could allow. She accepted
that each had responsibilities to the other in their relationship and while she felt
a pang of concern for her cousin being out of sight or more to her mind Harry’s
ability to safeguard there was no reason for letting this more pressing duty be
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shirked. The old saying may be all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, but
Hermione had seen several of the other students in the accelerated program burn out,
choke or otherwise crack under the pressure they put themselves or their parents put
them through.
‘What greater pressure would there be than the burning need to know that an orphan
has for a missing parent?’ Hermione wondered as they used a few simple tricks to
hide how much and how quickly they were working their way through breakfast. ‘No
greater fear of failure is the feeling of disappointment compared to having never
dared. To you my first true friend I have dedicated my all. Whatever is required I
shall do even if it is to crawl across the depth of the pains of the flesh, causing
the ground to be soaked in blood I have shed or even the disgust my family may have
for what I will do! I! Shall! Do! It!’

Unbidden Hermione had dug her nails into the palms of her hand. Unnoticed to most
she brought the bloody appendage to her mouth and confirmed to herself yet another
oath to him. She would bleed for him, do unimaginably cruel acts if it brought his
goal closer and she knew that without a shred of doubt that she would gladly kill
for him when he asked. She was as dedicated to her lord and master as Bellatrix
Lestrange was to hers only Harry would reward her and the anguish she would feel in
disappointing him was to her worse than any torture or punishment could be.
Alice and Anne had willingly shed blood for him offering it as well as their
pleasure and pain to his needs. They had with great joy killed whenever he had asked
and would as gladly do so again. Perhaps it was Anne who was the worst in terms of
her loyalty and willingness to serve. Neither Alice nor Hermione would so easily do
any act if he but asks it. No matter how degrading, painful or offending would Anne
refuse and would in fact do so gladly. It was something that would likely have
unnerved Harry if he was anyone else but he knew and they knew that there were
certain things that he had no interest in. It was perhaps fortunate that they would
have Sarah for home and Tonks for at Hogwarts until she graduated.

Little did the two know but someday they would be needed to protect those around
them similar to the way they had before coming there. Despite the many attempts to
sugarcoat the world to the children these were ones not fooled by such things. They
had many enemies surrounding them sometimes knowingly and unknowingly cooperating to
control them. Harry knew of three sides he would have to deal with someday: the
Ministry, the Death Eaters and Dumbledore’s own minions. Sadly for someone dedicated
to such a cold goal, Harry would find that many would flock to whatever protection
that they could find and at least he was more honest in what he required for those
in his service.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 11: The Dora proposition, dealing out promises and Dragon Problems
by SamStone 3 Reviews

Dora and Dragon issues are dealt with

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/08/10 - Updated:
2008/08/10 - 20184 words
Chapter 11: The Dora proposition, dealing out promises and Dragon Problems
Protection, loyalty and more pleasurable things were the things I would gain. All it
would cost was a simple thing… my absolute trust and willingness to serve and aid
them in Master’s ambition. So why was it so hard to accept? If I had known a bit
more about why Andromeda was worried I would have not had the problems that came
out. Dora confided to Anne when discussing the situation.


Tonks was contemplating things. It was afternoon, several days after she had woken
up in his bed and the subsequent actions as they tried to settle things. The two had
been strange to her in their normal behavior and had oddly been comforting when they
had first waked up that first morning. Well as well as satiating in there satisfying
her every sexual need at that time.

Afterwards she had found herself spending time with them and been in fact avoiding
the newly focused unpleasant lecherous stares of her housemates. It had been
disconcerting the way her two lovers she reluctantly admitted looked at her let
alone the way she felt herself respond to their looks. Still with some older female
perspective she started to come to terms. Her mental recap of the situation
continued with a sigh.

After trying to bury her body’s betrayal to submit to their games that first
morning, the two had taken time to pop in and grab her for a quick snog at the least
whenever they passed an unoccupied room, alcove or cupboard. Considering how close
she had been to offering herself completely to the two after the first heavy
snogging and petting sessions even after the very cold shower to drive the thoughts
of joining them in the shower especially after hearing some of the things she had.
She felt mortified that she had brought herself off in the shower thinking about
them even after the wakeup orgasm the two had given her. The only thing that had
come close after that to scaring her almost away was when they first let their hands
wander and brought her to a climax soaking the kneeling Hermione’s face. Thankfully
Penny once more provided a voice of reason even if she tended to be frustrated by
whoever she was trying to train in properly pleasuring her and thus prone to give
advice she was not quite ready to do such as resuming the sexual levels of that
first morning as well as getting ready for shagging and possibly writhing as he
buggers her for the first time.
‘That had been a very intense experience,’ Tonks thought with a sigh as she recalled
fondly everything that had occurred since her breakdown at her secret being
discovered. ‘Still I cannot think that any of the rest of the school would be as
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able to tease and arouse me to such a willing level of participation. Any of the
boys my age would likely have demanded that I blow them or at least jack them off at
this point while those two want me to willingly accept their affection and advances
by making each encounter either lead me to wish they had gone on to completion or
leaving me panting as they go off for their own release after bringing me off. The
later appears to be what they have worked up to now. Still on reflection…’

Looking back things had been odd in the pair’s seduction of her. She had been
divided between what her body wanted and what she socially felt acceptable. Still it
was inevitable that they would succeed. If they hadn’t backed off at first it would
have been a different matter. When they got her well and truly primed she had felt
her mind thinking differently. She was recalled of a muggle song she had heard about
how prim and proper a girl could be but get her worked up and the mouse went out and
the wild cat came out to play.
‘I am just grateful that none of the complete horn dogs saw me coming out of those
places with my hair and clothes mussed up so,’ Tonks thought in dry humor as she
worked on her Arithmancy and Runes assignments. ‘The boys seem to think that if I do
agree to ever go on a date that it is just pretention for sucking them off and maybe
feel me up for the younger years and the upper years were already watching me since
I kept enlarging my bust and showed a visibly tantalizing ass. What is the world
coming to when a firstie is more emotionally mature than third years or worse OWL
and NEWT students?’
Sure it was only the first year for those classes but the math was hard and
memorizing symbols and their meanings was not a readily prepared skill for her. So
engrossed in her work she had decided more space and the odd fellow classmates were
a good option to bounce ideas off each other. As it was she had ignored the
increasingly lustful glares given she was not covered completely in only her slowly
shrinking skirt and becoming too tight blouse. Each time she had been surprised
snogged or more often teased to orgasm while whoever made out with her had led to
her shifting more and more to wet dream form.

Given the current backwards trends in the Wizarding world there was a still
acceptable ability to take by force what you wanted especially from different social
status. The laws themselves favored purebloods over anyone else and males over
female unless the woman was from a higher status. Even in those cases it was more
the potential loss of status and station of the families involved. The wizards were
still in a property versus liberty rights mindset. Rape in that context was not
about violating a woman’s choice, but in denying the family its honor and profit
from future arrangements.
As such the more aware females had scampered to their rooms and that left Tonks in a
very bad place. Wizards were rather Hobsian in their notions and since she was from
a disinherited and disowned pureblood and muggle stock there was the fact that only
contentions might be if a muggleborn took her first besides this was Britain and
unlike their muggle counterparts they were maintaining very distant relations with
anyone outside the isles. Most thought the French mad that Veela were not treated
like the born sex toys and sluts they were.

A male metamorphmagus would have caused issues almost as bad as he could fake being
someone without the time limitations of Polyjuice and try out other people’s future
breeders. Females from this mindset were little more than living breathing and born
sluts and whores to be used by males for their gratification and to bear children to
whoever bought them. That certain female considered this normal and tried to find
who to sell their daughter off to. There were rumors that Molly Weasley was already
planning who to sell her daughter to and rumors speculated on one of the light side
‘Though if they knew what Harry was like how would they react?’ Tonks wondered as
she carefully drew the runes she needed. ‘He will be as soon as he gets to
Gringott’s the head of two families one light and one dark. Based on what I heard
like most girls she has fantasized about him though it is funny how he put those
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ideas to shame. If he weren’t so antisocial the school would be nothing but an orgy
while he is here. I shudder to think what would happen if he was in Hufflepuff.’

“Hello,” came the sound of a male voice drawing her attention.

Turning from her work she looked around to see she was the only female in the room
and the boys were pitching tents. Looking down she noticed that her thoughts had
barely been not visible. It was one of those moments that she cursed those two for
leaving her in nothing but a skirt and blouse.

“Now boys what is so important to interrupt my work?” Tonks asked as she felt for
her wand. “That means you Davis…”

“Aw we just wanted to play and since it is so obvious that you are feeling neglected
we might as well give you a seeing too,” Roger Davis said gesturing to the nipples
poking though her bloused. “Now be a good girl and get that blouse off. If you’re
going to advertise you might as well give us a look… besides we wouldn’t want to
have to cover any skin with clothes when it should be covered when we are done with
you Nymph…”

“Davis,” Tonks growled cutting him off. “I will hex you for even thinking about that
and it will be worse since I told you and your cock sucking friends to never call me
by that…”
“What’s the matter didn’t notice that your wand was nicked,” he said with a sadistic
smirk. “The only wand you need to know how to use is attached to a wizard and you
will be taking good care of our wands and no more of this shit about not doing your
job helping us relax.”

With a lazy wave of his wand he banished her blouse as he approached with his mates
being close enough to obscure if someone came in the door. He was practically
drooling at her tits being fully free. With one hand holding his wand he started to
fish his other one out. That it was him and several underclassmen such as Bradley,
Chambers and Carmichael should come as no surprise since the older years had the
sense that Potter was dangerous. This lot was as stupid as the one following Cho
Chang though given things the group would be using those as future sluts when they
grew tired of her.

Roger had actually gotten to almost close enough to touch her if his hand hadn’t
been so occupied wanking to the sight of her panicked breathing doing so distracting
things to her firm and fabulously likely F-cup breasts. What could Tonks say? She
had been splitting her thoughts between her work and memories of Harry holding her
against him as he necked with his hands under her blouse while Hermione was under
her skirt long since having lost the notion of panties having worth except to only
slow them a moment. That Harry had been slowly grinding his arousal into her ass had
only kept her more flustered.

“So all you little pricks think that this would make you men?” Tonks asked sadly.
“Gang up and remove a witch’s wand and get your jollies off. Really think that a
real man would think only about his pencil sized prick and nothing about a girl’s
feelings or enjoyment. One of these days a girl is going to take away your shriveled
little limp friend and I personally hope to be there to piss on you tosses.”
“So you think because you obviously have experience with cocks that you can insult
us,” Roger said with a savage snarl. “We were going to let you go with a quick suck
but now you will pay and you will enjoy it slut!”
“Really Davis,” A sinister voice practically purred in amusement. “Not very bright
are you? I mean a seventh year was lucky I merely slammed him against the wall and
left him with a lesson. To think that I didn’t castrate him and that he merely said
a few words as well as leered a bit too much although you will be very happy to know
that when I am done I will drop your battered beaten bodies with Madame Pomphrey. If
you’re lucky she might not make you eunuchs since you obviously lack the skills to
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gain a woman’s attention let alone keep it.”
“Potter,” Davis growled. “Stay out of this! Stick to your firstie slut before we
decide to teach you a lesson…”
“He is rather stupid for a Claw though,” Hermione said casually sauntering out of
the shadow by the door. “Considering you warned then already I really don’t see a
reason to get involved so while you give them a well deserved thrashing I plan on
helping Dora here forget about you and your rather miniscule member. Really wonder
if pure bloods select for limp shriveled dicks and that is why so many pureblood
women go after muggles or muggleborns as you have neither the ability nor skills to
be real men.”

With that said Hermione walked over and sat on the half naked Tonks lap and
proceeded to distract her from the sudden spot of violence about to occur. Harry
shook his head at Hermione’s actions though he would likely be quick and painful in
his rebuking of the idiots. Two girls making out and waiting for him and these mutts
seemed to think they could just take a girl. Well it would be rather brutal if he
didn’t oblige their stupidity.

“Now try not to scream too loud,” Harry advised them. “As while this will hurt a lot
I really don’t want those two pissed at me…”

With that said Harry proceeded to dispense such a scene of brutal violence that if
it wasn’t for the casual way that they had acted when they dealt with the troll that
Tonks would likely have been harder to keep distracted. As it was Hermione was
keeping Tonks so occupied that neither of them paid attention to the sounds of
breaking bones, missed hexes and other random acts of violence. That was due to the
fact that Hermione had a hand and mouth on her exposed chest while alternating where
her hands and mouth trailed.
As they kept going Harry leaned against the wall next to the crumpled form of Roger
Davis. It was such a shame that the boy had disappointed him though as he was the
ringleader of this little tragedy he would have to be punished worse though he was
sadly aware how much more difficult it would be to remove a human than the troll had
been. For a moment he contemplating dropping the fools in the forest to see if they
survived or not, but given the fact that he had broken their arms and legs there was
little chance of that.

“You know if you had minded your own business none of this would have happened,”
Harry consoled the whimpering fool at his feet. “Now this is going to hurt a lot…”
With that said, Harry unleashed his pent up irritation on the fools claiming to be
clever. It was amazing how much one could inflict without permanent damage. Still he
would make sure that they got the lesson across. The way the tower echoed with
unholy screams as the boys learned that there was an amazing amount of pain and
injury one could live through let alone walk away without permanent scars. That was
even without magic aiding the healing of the wounds taken into account.
So involved in administering his well measured wrath, Harry failed to notice what
Dora and Mine were doing. The already wishing for blissful unconsciousness boys were
soon wishing they could pass out as the myriad of hexes went to work at their
attempt to cream themselves from the shear levels of arousal the two ladies actions
provided. Some of the hexes were quite vicious in their parameters. If any of the
fools thought about one of his girls they while able to get aroused would wish they
had not as the burning and weeping blood from their members would be quite painful.
That once excited it would take a most humiliating for them act to remove the
effective blue ball producing secondary hex. So they suffered wishing they could
pass out as their most prized part hurt and their voices silent in throat bleeding
Hermione was however unconcerned with anything as Harry was handling them so she
could get to handle Dora. Oh yes Dora and Tonks were practically the same now. They
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both needed a good bit of TLC and she aimed to provide it. With her bosom exposed
and eager Hermione began to caress her while reassuringly lavishing kisses on her
exposed body. That anytime Dora altered her body the area stayed oh so wondrously
sensitive meant that she would be able to quickly bring her to what she planned to
be a very long and intense series of climaxes. Besides the slowly drying tears were
interspersed with whispers of complete surrender to her protectors that seemed to
make Hermione more aroused and aggressive with her actions. There was no regret
present in Dora at this time and she willingly welcomed their actions to her. Even
if they hung her naked in the common room and worked the crop over her form leaving
her hanging dripping in her and their fluids would she even feel inclined to dismiss
their attention.
They had loved the past few sessions where they had brought her to release
individually and together before gaining their own release as she watched on. That
Dora had eagerly spread her legs for their fingers and tongues had proved that she
was almost completely theirs even when Harry claimed his assets at Gringott’s proper
that Dora would be officially his vassal. The closest they had allowed the oft
frustrated at her inability to fully participate girl to have was licking fingers
clean. They wanted her completely and only then would they truly possess her.

Now while that may seem counterproductive and most would have used the young
Metamorph for their own pleasure with little concern for her pleasure, it was quite
a bit more controlling indoctrinating Tonks that while masturbation felt somewhat
pleasurable that the two made that seem like a pale chase kiss compared to a truly
passionate I just creamed myself form it kiss. With her complete willing surrender
to Hermione’s attentions regardless of everything going on around her things would
be different this time.

That Hermione was now grinding their uncovered sexes together as she made out with
the girl with their hands readily fondling each other was a testament to that. For
the first time since the morning of her dreaded shocked disgust at her wanton
actions, Tonks was not just receiving their attention but allowed to give attention
to one of the two who had so greatly crushed herself disgust. It sent a thrill
shuddering though her body as her fingers seemed to be alight with sensations even
as her own body was flushed and fully consumed with the pleasure of the skilled
hands working her into a frenzy of arousal.

‘Oh Merlin!’ Tonks thought as her tongue struggled to do more than surrender to
Hermione’s questing one. ‘It feels even better than when she is just working me
over! She feels so warm in my hands and oh my! She is grinding herself against me. I
can feel the heat and warmth of her arousal touching mine! No more just accepting
their attentions I am going to show them mine!’
Dora and Tonks had oddly enough finally compromised their divide. Oh it had been
close the past few times as the difference between the two became less in ideals and
wishes. Oh Dora had several intentions to spite her mother at some point in time.
Having her mother forced to watch unable to do anything as her master took her
completely and utterly as that woman watched was rapidly becoming a fantasy that she
was going to do right before she moved out. Well that and do everything her mother
said was improper for her to do while she watched as her own body betrayed her
prudish ideals.
‘Why she would marry a muggle born who was less likely to repress his actions does
not make sense,’ Dora thought as she thrust up against Hermione’s gyrating sex. ‘Eh
more important things at the moment though. Making out with Hermione while my
master, oh that thought makes me wet if not just cum from it, watches on is getting
me very turned on. Meh when he gets available I wonder if he is ready for me to pay
back all the attention they have lavished on me? Double teaming him with Hermione
will be fun again though I know that it would be most unpleasant to skip in front
and just have him take me here and now. Pity as it would truly show those fools that
I am taken!’
Letting Dora’s mouth free from her exploring tongue elicited a verbal moan of loss
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from Dora. That was replaced with a groan of satisfaction when she attached her lips
to her neck and started doing her best to drive the girl nuts with the spots she
very fondly recalled were there. Having a hard time meeting Hermione’s grinding Dora
found her hands grabbing a handful of eager ass as a grip to pull herself against.
Hermione rewarded the ingenuity even as she missed the feel of the girl’s hands on
her chest with a few playful nips to the aroused and sensitive skin of her neck.

“Hermione!” Dora shouted as she felt herself shudder in orgasm from her attentions.
“Don’t stop! I never want to stop again!”

Moving her hands from Dora’s even more sensitive and swollen orbs she grabbed the
perk ass and ground her whole body against Dora’s wanting and panting body. Her lisp
remained where they were and it would take more than makeup to hide the love bites
and hickies covering her neck. With their tits and pussies rubbing together as they
pulled themselves closer with their firm grip on each other’s asses, the two girls
lost themselves to their current experience. This was probably for the best as Dora
despite the sex and other things would likely have gone queasy at what Harry was
doing to the idiot that had pissed him off.
‘Silencing spells are one of the best things ever well and vanishing evidence,’
Harry thought as he looked at the very beaten form of Roger Davis and a few motions
to get the stiffness from the excessive use of brutal beatings delivered to him
before kicking him in the ribs again. ‘Ah fuck it magic makes things easier I just
need to not become so dependant that I don’t think of anything but a magical
solution. A good example is delivering a good ass kicking does wonders on the mood.’
Roger was sobbing from the pain he was in and winced as the sight of the two girls
going at it caused one of the curses to make him feel like his dick had just been
flayed and covered in salt with a good number of cuts seeping blood. He realized
that he had messed up but from his point of view he had dismissed a firstie even the
Boy-Who-Lived as a viable defender or claimant to any witch. That he knew that if
Harry asked he likely could have had at least a go with most girls or even women
considering how they acted even for the slightly less known Gildroy Lockhart or the
ease that the higher ranking purebloods could gain ready and willing bed warmers. If
he had ever met anyone that knew the boy currently resisting groin stomping him as
he didn’t want to get that on his boots, he would have known that an angry Harry was
only slightly less dangerous than an annoyed Harry and both would make you wish he
had just killed you. Considering that Harry viewed the Unforgivables as a crutch of
the weak and simple minded might have led one to know better.

“Well Davis I hope you learned something from this,” Harry said as he squatted
before looking to what was in his line of view. “One I am a possessive vindictive
cold hearted and brutal man, two I have no problem making your life hell, three you
look at one of my girls again and I will geld you in as painful a manner as
possible, four if that does not sink in I will let the girls give you a beating and
if you know anything women are far more vicious than men and lastly do try to
impress on your fellows that this is their only warning next time I won’t be as
nice. Now relax and just know that a rather vicious Geis was placed while you were
whimpering like a little pussy. So you won’t be able to tell anything about what you
see in this part. Oddly my kitten likes to be watched when I do things to her. Eh
not that I mind or anything but if you do fantasize about me in any shape or form
they won’t find your body. Buried alive and being eaten by insects if you want to
know. Now as soon as they are done getting warmed up, I plan to have some fun. So do
try not to distract or well I know Hermione was wondering if a beating bad enough
will be more than a bath in murtlap and other salves would allow the scars to be
prominent enough…”
During Harry’s declaration, Roger was rather wishing that they had stunned him and
left him to die somewhere. Each moment seemed to make him start to think that death
wasn’t as bad as it would end the pain. Sadly for him suicide in any manner was not
something that they would allow as it would allow him to escape his just punishment.
The flair of jealousy that he would never get a go at either of the girls before him
hurt almost as bad as the first few hexes. He contemplated knowing that he would see
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the scene before him and that he was completely helpless.
While Harry had his final part of his discussion with Roger, Dora and Hermione had
gotten more involved. Harry had missed Hermione latching onto Dora’s neck and
instead of simply nipping playfully as she ground their sexes together actually sunk
her fangs into the girl’s neck. The silent gasp and wide eyed exclamation that Dora
had done would have gotten his attention as immediately she had cried out Hermione
in a voice that would arouse almost any male. That the sensation dragged out the
orgasm that she was experiencing only made her hold on tighter as the pair rode
their climaxes together with Hermione assuredly giving Dora one hell of a ride.
After it became almost too much for her sensitive body, Hermione withdrew and
instead of passionately kissing Dora she instead lavished soft kisses along her
face. She moved her hand from where it had been kneading Dora’s ass to reassuringly
hug and caress the recovering girl. Her lips gave a soft kiss pressing her smile to
Dora’s flushed forehead that seemed more like a mother would give to reassure their
child that everything was alright compared to a passionate kiss searing their lips
together where they would literally try to pour their emotions into each other’s
mouth that such an intense yet intimate act should have resulted in. soft gently
kisses and caresses soothed Dora’s flushed and shining face while her other hand
traced reassuring patterns from her shoulders to the small of her back with only the
most gentle of soothing traces to the poor girls often reddened and still was perky
and at the moment lush and smooth rump.
To most who knew them, they were often cold and too many times were excessively
sadistic in their retribution and to those people if they ever saw how the two could
be when they were with each other afterwards of their own games it would shock them
deeply. For all their dark impulses and violent, bloody and often brutal actions,
Harry and Hermione were capable of being quite tender when the situation called for
it. The few of the whimpering in pain audience were stuck with the contrast of the
brutal and vicious beating that Roger was receiving with the now almost in contrast
to the wild passion fueled fucking they had witnessed were seeing a very tender and
almost perfect example of sensual acts that showed that while the two were very
sexual and enjoyed their union there was a deep emotional need that they were
Dora found herself with a very loving Hermione calmly caressing her and soothing her
in the aftermath. It was cuddling at some of its finest. That Hermione’s back was
wrapped with arm and legs holding her tight to the witch she had just soothed and
satisfied to the point that she had completely forgotten that she had almost been
forced to surrender to a bunch of hormonal boys to give them a blowjob, hand job and
likely a tit fuck as they were not completely likely to engage in shagging or
buggering at that time. Oh and they had planned to rub it in her face literally and
figuratively after spraying her face and tits with their weak and pathetic cum.
So considering that Dora had finally reciprocated in more than a kiss, is it any
wonder that as soon as she had the chance she had indulged in something she now felt
she had rather foolishly denied herself from for too long? Dora was aware that for
the past while after the seduction reached the point a little after Harry had once
more played her pussy until she came that she was on the receiving end of their
attention. She had been slowly worked to the point where in addition to kisses and
wandering hands teasing her above the waist that first fingers and then tongues were
used to make her slowly submit to them and each time reveling more so in the
pleasure the acts had brought her. She recalled quite well that night and the way
she had used her tongue to such effect and given how good both of their normal
tongues had been in drawing the shuddering sublime sexual delights from her body.
With that in mind she did what she had been slowly rationalizing and working her
mind to accept doing. Well after Hermione had left her completely naked and trailed
kisses from head to toe as her body rode the pleasure that was being lavished on her
body. It actually had taken Hermione’s deliberate attempts to have her orgasm back
to awareness by burying her eager tongue in the older girl’s sex. The panting girl
had as soon as her eyes focused and her mind cleared a moment yanked the blinking
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Hermione’s face to her and kissed her. It was unlike the past few kisses one of
promise and passion. Dora’s tongue swept as much as it could shifting to taste every
part of her lover’s mouth.
Pulling away with her tongue slowly slithering back from where it had stretched the
gap between mouths, Dora wagged it a bit before moving Hermione to the armrest of
the chair she was on. She slid to the floor as she drew Hermione to sit with her
legs spread in the chair. Her tongue was quick to bury itself and writhe inside of
her lover’s wet and ready slit. Lost in the task at hand and focused on only making
her lover feel at least half as good as she had made her feel, Dora was unaware that
the violence around her had ended. Hermione had been kept far too distracted to give
a care to what was happening around her.

‘It has been so worth the time and effort to seduce and keep her and that was just
with her personality!’ Hermione thought during a few moments of lull in the
worshipping Dora was doing to her body. ‘With Dora’s rather interesting talents
there are so many wonderful benefits and the fact that she has been able to go to
Hogsmeade for some business hadn’t hurt either. Oh yes this is one oops that has
worked out rather well perhaps almost as well as masters first one when he gained
Alice. If it hadn’t been for that, what would I have been like?’
Suddenly while Dora had latched her mouth to create a very strong suction on the
entirety of Hermione’s sex, she retracted her tongue from where it had been writhing
inside her entrance to slither down and around her bottom. She was startled at first
as her tongue felt something bar her passage to tease her mistress there. Reaching
her fingers around she felt what her tongue had noticed blocking her entrance. A few
quick tweaks with her fingers on the object in question provided for a very
pleasurable moan of appreciation. As her tongue was unable to enter without removal
of the obstruction she returned it to her hole after smacking the plug with her
‘So it seems that Hermione is getting ready for that already,’ Dora thought as her
tongue and fingers did their best to pleasure her. ‘Oh if only I could cast that
vibration charm silently and wandless! Ah well I can at least work it around while
my tongue is occupied with this tasty treat!’
“Dora!” Hermione shouted as she felt herself shudder and flow into the so already
talented metamorphmagus mouth. “You’re such a good girl!”

The purring that statement caused along with the way that her grip on Dora’s head
nuzzled her around set Hermione off again. That the entirety of her sex as well as
her ass was being teased was enough to remove any restraint in how she used Dora.
Her hands grabbed the head of her lover and held it tight to her sex. Her legs were
resting on Dora’s shoulders while Dora’s hands were under her ass where one was
twisting and thrusting the plug as she jerked around.
It was to this that Harry turned around and almost felt himself go from violent and
blood thirsty to very horny. He was so suddenly aware of the change of blood flow
that he dismissed the silenced scream and convulsion as his punishment reasserted
itself as he was unable to look away from the sight before him. Hell he would have
to be dead not to respond to how the two girls looked. Roger had felt like he almost
wished he had been castrated instead of suffering the pain he had been and that was
just when they had been making out and grinding where he could barely see Dora’s ass
or maybe the pair’s tits. The current sight made him wish he was old and less easy
to excite as his arousal was straining the charms torture more so.
“Damn,” Harry said as he watched Dora lap up the cream from another of Hermione’s
most assured orgasm. “Well Roger do try not to die here but I have something more
important to do than deal with your actions anymore. You do understand right?”
Roger just nodded at that. Well that and feeling jealous of the man who he knew was
going to be with those two sexy girls. A part of him was very disturbed that a first
year looked like that. It just wasn’t fair that none of the girls had looked like
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that for far too many years. If he had known he would have seen to training a few
when he was a second year or should have realized the slight oddness to Tonks looks
held such potential. Well that was before he fell back and shuddered as he tried to
knock himself out as his dick felt it was about to be inside a slowly constricting
“Ah good,” Harry said ignoring the obviously silenced scream of torture that was
visible on Roger’s face. “Hopefully someday you meet a girl and you aren’t such a
limp loser. Though who knows how warped your needs will be by then. I forgot to
mention a few of the more vicious curses but you will find out later…”
Dismissing the repeatedly trying to bludgeon himself into unconsciousness Roger,
Harry proceeded to approach the arousing and alluring sight before him. He walked
with a very obvious step to the chair where Hermione was being orally pleasured to a
very resounding exclamation. Having no desire to interrupt before there was a need
to do so especially as he saw Hermione start to visibly show signs of again
approaching climax, Harry settled to the edge of the chair’s armrest and draping an
arm around the chair behind her head proceeded to lean in and kiss the vocally
exclaiming girl’s willing mouth. That his free hand drifted to her currently
neglected shining and flushed firm and aroused tits with the almost glaringly
throbbing nipples was of course something he had begun to do as a matter of course.
‘It is so difficult to tell which girls’ body is more sensitive,’ Harry thought as
he continued his tongue duel with Hermione. ‘Dora seems to become almost dangerously
sensitive when she shifts and Hermione tends to have a very low threshold for
pleasure once she gets aroused. At least neither of them is like they say some guys
are where one quick climax and they are done or things would be leaving me high and
strained. How is it that when she gets like this that so many of her spots risk
becoming over sensitive to where it is painful? Ah well at least there is no more
worries of the stress of our ambitions killing us though this treatment seems to
come close at times.’

As soon as Harry moved from her lips to nibble her neck, Hermione exclaimed, “Oh
god! Mater! Dora! You are so good to me! That’s it Dora keep doing that! Master! I
missed this so much! Please tell me that we are never letting her go?”
Releasing his lips from where they were teasing her flushed and willing skin, Harry
smiled before he moved his right hand to caress her back and say to her, “Mine, you
know that I would never do that. I am quite possessive of what is mine and you both
are mine, mine to protect and use as I wish. You do recall that you both gave
yourselves to me. Besides this is Dora’s final acceptance. I admit the chase has
been fun but as much as you loved receiving the attentions that she inspired I know
you wish to have her. Remember though that you are mine and she is mine that will
always be true!”
“Yes master!” Hermione shouted as their attentions drove her to shuddering and
spasming again. “Yours! We are both yours… always!”

Harry’s reply was non-spoken even if it was quite vocal in that it was a growl
before he reclaimed her lips. Not satisfied with her current state of enjoyment,
Harry dove head in to adding his mouth to a neglected part of her body. Her one
completely ignored and in need of serious attention nipple. With a hand to caress
her back while one fondled her right tit, Harry added his mouth to her left tit that
was for a bit long to her left unmolested. Lips parted and flesh was soon being
suckled with an eagerness that made Harry’s own desire apparent.
Dora was aware of that as her eye could see the straining of his pants even as her
left hand teased the plug inside her lover’s backside. Her right hand had been
occupied more with cupping and feeling her ass as well as trying to pull herself
closer to Hermione’s willing and wet flower. Seeing the only man besides her father
she felt comfortable around and even there a sense of guilt that she had used her
own father to spank her into orgasm before her mother had found out there was little
reason now to act as unwilling to play again. Having for what seemed too long only
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been at their tender mercies in ravaging her willing and needing body there is no
reason for her to hold back in returning the favor.

Her right hand snaked back from where it was greedily kneading Hermione’s derriere
to cup his arousal. Dora had been so hard pressed not to rip his pants off and have
her way with him much to his enjoyment that now given the chance and no longer
denying her desires did finally start to completely embrace them. She started that
with reaching to feel his skin encased and highlighted erection where she ran her
fingers lovingly over the cloth covered form.

Her actions caused Harry to react as he bit off a moan causing Hermione to gasp from
his response. With her nipple captured in his mouth his teeth had been gently
nipping and the surprise caused a slight discomfort that was quite pleasurable.
Harry would never understand why the girls and soon to be women in his life liked
the sensations regardless of which side of the pleasure and pain line they fell on.
‘Just another mystery of life,’ Harry thought before he muffled another groan around
his mouthful. ‘How is it that my girls, as that does sound better in public than
minions, pets and slaves does, are so much into such a set of desires? Hermione
likes sensations giving and receiving them to the utmost as part of her need to know
and understand things, Anne needs to be controlled and does seem to parallel Dora in
some of her desires and lastly Alice poor sweat Alice so dark and defiled that most
would see that my actions the lesser of damnations to her soul. To think that I of
all people would have four girls to do my bidding completely and that for so many
years I refused to take advantage of their offer. Still hormones do make this libido
so hard to constrain and such desires are natural and it does seem to clear the mind
of clutter along with alleviating stress and other such impedances. Still getting to
feel and suckle a girls tit at my age would be quite the high point for most and
having a girl squeeze and fondle my… hmm dick and cock does sound a bit crude and
penis, member, erection and arousal all sound so clinical perhaps I need more
descriptive words to such matters and even calling it a tool, wood or any other
number of such words does not feel inspiring as much… ah yes Dora is fondling my
rigid rod while not that arousing in description is true in fact. Now I have to
wonder what effects her ability will have on her grip!’
Harry’s concentration was ruined quite nicely when Dora fished him out and started
stroking. Hermione on the other hand was too distracted with their attentions to
notice that Dora had redirected part of it even as Harry’s own hand had readily
taken Dora’s place in feeling her up. Their actions continued until Dora released
Hermione from most of her ministration as she felt Harry start to throb as he
approached release.
“Well Hermione,” Dora said even as her face remained rubbing against Hermione’s
weeping ready and parted lips while her hands teased both of them differently, “you
asked me so long ago where should master cum. So where should he cum this time?
Should he spray us both or do you think the two of us can see how each other now
compare in pleasing him?”
This was as unfair as when Dora had been asked such when she had been quite driven
out of her mind with lust and pleasure. However Hermione had spent a good deal of
time building a tolerance to the pleasures her body was more oft than not wracked
with. That did however little given to her recent string of gushing orgasms. That
Dora returned to alternating licking, nibbling and sucking her slowly becoming over
sensitized clit did not help the poor girl at all.
“Cuming,” Hermione said as she pulled Dora back to her suddenly spasming and flowing
snatch this caused her head to move enough to see what was happening. “Oh Dora you
do such a good job! Why I think I should sit on your face and ride that tongue of
yours when Harry mounts you. As it is I know that you must be going through some
withdrawal so since I feel so good right now you can get a mouthful. Just remember
to share!”
“Thank you,” Dora said with a beautiful smile to her face as she withdrew her
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attentions from Hermione and turned them completely to Harry. “So will you do it
master? Will you use my mouth and fill it with your cum? I need it so bad! It’s been
too long to go without!”
“Of course,” Harry said before returning to teasing the tit in his face.
The poor boys who had wished to have her do that to them were forced while in pain
to watch the scene that had transpired. Harry had two girls and one was the
shapeshifter they had been ready to allow to service their needs. That the first
year for some reason already had tits better than those in their class was thought
on before the pain made them wish they had not. They did have one common consensus
and that was Harry Potter was one lucky boy or man as they were not entirely sure
which he was.

The current very lucky boy watched as Dora smiled with her face inches from his
currently being stroked member. He was looking between that and the still flowing
and spasming slit of his friend and the almost connected string of juices between
the two. He would have said something about the sight but his mouth was far more
pleasantly occupied. He did however cause a tremor to pass through the still
shuddering body of Hermione from the sudden pleasure that Dora caused when she
simply parted her lips and slid her lips and then throat onto him.
‘Every day I realize how colossally stupid my unwillingness to take any of my girls
up on most of their offers was,’ Harry thought as he savored both the taste and feel
of the flesh in his mouth and the flesh of his being explored by another’s mouth.
‘If I had continued to completely obsess about my ambition and goal I would have
either burned out or gone quite far into things I would prefer not to meet them. Is
it wrong to willingly use the services my servants have offered? Anne has often
offered her body in any and every manner for me to find pleasure in and Alice is
almost as submissive at least to me. Still Hermione is a friend too and while I do
not feel the slight conflict from having saved the others from their lives with her
there is the matter of her willingness to in some ways challenge me that I find

Without hands to force her to move at any specific rate, Dora savored her attentions
as much as she had seemed driven to drive Hermione to oft fill her mouth with her
flowing offering of juices. Her tongue was able to once more explore and taste all
that she desired. She had been feeling more and more a need to turn things about and
where they had cornered her return the favor and drag them to quite corners where
she had them use her face as they had readily used their tongues and fingers to
drive her mad.
The poor bastards were suffering as the three let themselves blend together in their
passions. The last curses that had been laid on them would make the rest of their
teenage years a hellish proposition and would likely offend any who didn’t believe
in cruel or unusual punishment. The three were so involved with each other that even
if there had not been a silencing charm on their victims that any screams from them
would have been ignored as anything but background noise.
“Oh… god! Both of you make me feel so good!” Hermione shouted as hers was the sole
mouth currently unoccupied and their attention had finally reached critical once
more. “Cum with me!”
‘Too long,’ Dora thought as she felt her mouth get a sudden taste that she had been
without for too long. ‘Still considering that they have been making me feel heavenly
all this time and only now get to return the favor I feel a need to work us a bit
more even. I wonder what things I will experience this time when they lead me to his
room. So many things that we have done, so many to do again and yet so much more to
try. I know that there will be some pain mixed with the pleasure but considering how
it made me feel last time I don’t feel any trepidation to go forward.’
Her eyes closed as she felt Hermione shudder and Harry spasm inside her mouth. She
once more let herself merely be a passenger of her body as it rode a new wave of
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sensations that she had been having so much difficulty not succumbing to ask to
indulge in. her knees were going weak and if it wasn’t for the sudden support
holding her up even as she suckled she would have drawn her lovers into a tangled
Dora’s eyes opened even as she still felt her body humming with pleasure. She felt a
sense of joy and fulfillment at the sight of their faces and the flush and happy
look on it. This is only added on when both of them casually and almost naturally
stroke her hair affectionately.

“Such a good girl,” Hermione murmurs as her hand runs through Dora’s hair
reminiscently of petting Mischief. “You made both of us feel so good, right Harry?”

“Right,” Harry agreed as soon as he had released Hermione’s tit after a quick
nibble. “We are both proud of you. Now I don’t know about the two of you but a chair
is not quite right for more entertainment and games. The house elves are going to be
happy with the work but it’s rude to make a mess so publically.”
“True,” Hermione agreed even as she saw Dora almost start to close her eyes to nurse
on Harry. “Even if I would rather just savor this moment… Dora you really should let
him go unless you want to crawl up like that.”

Dora merely whined and stayed attached to him. The two just smiled at her and
continued to pet the girl even as her mouth and fingers gently caressed them. She
felt herself almost drift asleep as she was but the slight changes in their
movements when she started to do more than drift kept that from happening. As they
were not allowing her to sleep but continue her ministration, Dora basked in the
sensations that her actions caused.

“Well since she is so intent,” Harry said with a shrug as he rose while she
struggled to remain attached to him. “I see no reason not to have her crawl after
though if she causes any harm the punishment will be most unpleasant.”

“Like she would risk that being injured at this point and time,” Hermione said with
a scoff as she wrapped herself to him. “If you don’t mind I am going to enjoy a lift
and I know you aren’t done from before.”

“True,” Harry said as his hand held her to him resting on her ass while her arms and
legs were wrapped around him. “I wonder if it is possible to have you moan in tune
Harry stopped talking as he took the offered breast to his lips. He promptly tried
to test tone her moans even as his right hand was supporting her ass while kneading
it as his left was gently holding Dora’s head. He had not wanted to have her
accidentally harm that and even if he could heal it that was something he would
prefer not to deal with. A very small part of his mind was very grateful that Alice
and Anne had been around to prevent such disasters when Hermione had first decided
to experiment on him.
Slowly the entwined group made their way up the steps with careful measure even if
Dora would rather bite her tongue off than harm what was in her mouth. Hermione was
grateful for his hand as even if it was very stimulating she had no real worry about
spasming and falling to the ground with his arm there. Meanwhile the elves popped in
and cleaned while shaking their heads at the mess the boys made of themselves. Sadly
they cleaned with magic and not as much with cloths for the poor boys. While the
scrubbing charm cleaned it was a very good thing that the elves had not lifted the
silencing spell from them as it was most abrasive on their wounds.
Dora was crawling and her mouth was wonderfully occupied. That was all that she was
really aware about besides the luxurious feel of the hand in her hair. Her eyes were
closed and she trusted him to guide her. Oh she could hear Hermione’s noises of
pleasure from his attention and smell the scent of her juices but she was quite
content to savor her own happiness.
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In fact she had been still for quite some time lapping everywhere she could as she
heard Hermione’s moans become more repetitive before a shout caused her eyes to snap
open. She took in the sight of her master with Hermione glued and sliding along him
supported by his hand while she could see his lips holding her tit even as she moved
tugging it. Her eyes closed again as she felt herself coat her thighs once more.
When she had opened them again she was aware that Hermione had very reluctantly
moved from his embrace and was looking over some things.
‘Hermione has a crop in her hand,’ Dora thought still unwilling to part with her
prize. ‘Well it is going to take more than that to dislodge me now!’

Dora was quite right in that matter and while it took a while Hermione got her go at
both of her lovers. Harry just went along and played with them both. It was Dora’s
last coherent thought before the three devolved into reactions that was truly
‘You think that I am letting go is going to happen?’ Dora thought as she dove
forward after almost letting him escape driving herself to take him all the way
while wrapping her arms around him to hang on. ‘I went to damn long while you got a
go at him more than nightly. I am not going to let go unless you can make me pass

“She seems quite insistent,” Harry said before a groan as she tried to literally
swallow him whole. “Hermione she is going to be very stubborn now! Get some more
things to convince her!”

“Sure,” Hermione said even as her attempt to once more snap the girl’s mouth open in
shock was met merely with her snuggling closer to him while waggling her ass at her.
“It’s a shame that we can't get a toy box here. Remind me to see about getting some
more tools when we get a chance…”

“Right,” Harry said as his nails dug into her scalp. “Absence doesn’t just make Dora
fonder; it also makes her latch on like a limpet. As much fun as her taking all of
me balls included into her mouth is I don’t think she plans to let go even if I am
entirely spent!”

“We should have just ended this sooner and let her have a taste again sooner,”
Hermione said as she rooted around the things that she brought. “Still the game was
quite fun. Remind me to have her do that to me next time and that you remember to
pry her off when I get too sensitive.”
“Sure sure,” Harry said as his eyes started to cross. “Remind me to have something
long enough to lash her when she gets latched on.”

“No problem,” Hermione said as she came over with a few things. “Hope these help a
Following a quick biting to her dangling tits, Dora redoubled her efforts. The
sudden stings that jarred her almost dislodged her. She was in for one rough night
but she realized that she was churning more so from the actions. She heard Hermione
pass him something and then things went more stimulating.
‘Oh god!’ Dora thought as they turned up their intensity. ‘I am going to be sore in
the morning!’
She was quite right in that as once more the three strained the silencing charms
woven into the room. The house elves however were almost heard in their cackling in
how much work those three were providing them. A busy elf was a happy elf after all.
They may have cleaned the common up but there was his room and bath that would need
a lot of work. It was nice having such considerate masters again.

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Things were beginning to look complicated for the pair. They had as the other
Ravenclaws done attended the first optional Care class with Kettleburn and after
hearing again how talented Hagrid was decided to visit especially after the talk
that they had. It had seemed simple as heading down to his hut and discussing things
with him. That had been shot to hell not even moments after they arrived. It seemed
that what they had heard was true. Hagrid had somehow managed to get what he had
always wanted and somehow managed to get it to hatch.

‘A bloody fucking dragon was not what I planned on dealing with today,” Harry
thought as he leaped out of range of another breath of flame. ‘I was looking forward
to a very nice relaxing day and since Dora is just hanging and recovering some time
to reflect on how crazy we went. Not that she really didn’t get so damn excited and
I was worked up from a good spot of violence and then to see them like that… well
even Weasley would have realized that they were so hot even if he is a food,
Quidditch and chess obsessed above all else person.’
“Harry!” Hermione shouted as she skipped back to land on one of the tree branches
nearby. “We need a plan and we need it quick!”
“Right excuse me for not thinking a dragon of all things would be on the agenda for
a few more years and a Norwegian Ridgeback too,” Harry said as he utilized his speed
and quick reflexes to dodge the potent flames that were being sprayed at him. “Now
as much as I don’t feel inclined to be one for slaughtering them all this dragon is
really starting to piss me off!”
“Yes I can see that,” Hermione snarked back trying to alleviate the seriousness of
the situation. “So what do we have that would work on a dragon?”

“Well despite a dragon being rather resistant to standard magic there are a few
advantages that we have,” Harry said as he dodged a sudden tail flick. “Their hide
is strong against magic but the weak spot is the eyes although their skulls can be
crushed despite the resistance to such damage they have.”

“Like I think I am going to get a chance to cave the dragon’s skull in,” Hermione
sarcastically replied as she quickly banished a rock towards the dragon. “It would
take a good deal of force to squish its brain. So given what we know are our blades
able to go through its hide?”
“A good observation,” Harry commented as a quick flick of his arm sent his own ball
of fire to intercept the irate dragon’s next volley of fire. “The problem is getting
close enough to do so. Well that and that we have shit for wards to conceal us so
any random fool can get a feel and know what type of magic we are using!”

“Split time?” Hermione asked as a sudden wall snapped up to block the next flame as
Norbert drew too close to dodge at that range. “I distract and you get some wards up
or vice versa than we drop the hammer on him?”
“That will work,” Harry said as he shifted his wand to its stronger form to get this
done quick and yet still strong enough to work. “Hate to say it but you are a bit
more agile than me at the moment.”
“Well I am a girl,” Hermione answered. “I take it that since someone dropped a
dragon in our laps it would be most ungracious to waste the opportunity?”
“True enough,” Harry said as he worked his way to setting the quick and rough ward
into place. “It’s a shame to kill him though even if he seems a bit unstable.”
“Yeah almost as bad as the fact that they seem to react badly to Parsel,” Hermione
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said with a quick flick as she banished a barrage of high speed metal shards to keep
him occupied. “What you think I wouldn’t try to find any clue on the lovely gift you
shared with us?”
“Perish the thought,” Harry replied as he completed another quick anchor. “Remind me
to make a few anchor stones for any future time we need to do something like this. A
simple activate and deactivate rune set would allow for reusable containment wards.
Where is Kiki when you need her?”
“Yeah I wonder what the hell is keeping her from coming to aid us now,” Hermione
said as she snapped a quick overcharged Lumos to temporarily blind the dragon. “I
get the forest with you wandering so damn far in that it would take too long to have
gotten to your trouble seeking ass, but this is ridiculous being so close relatively
to the school.”
“Yet we are far enough that none of the professors seem to be noticing this,” Harry
said with a frown. “You would think that the schools damn wards would pick this up!
A bloody dragon this close would need to be repelled if not silenced. Could that be
part of why the forest is forbidden if the wards are less sensitive here?”

“Could be but not the point now,” Hermione said as she contemplated how much power
her cheap Ollivander wand could take as it was already warm and wisps of smoke were
coming from it. “Remind me to go get a better wand with you as this thing is
limited. Most likely it is supposed to develop to handle our power as we mature but
piss all for being ready when we need it!”

“Why do you think I went to a good shop?” Harry asked as he furiously weaved the
last part for the ward. “Right get back because I don’t think that wand can take
much more. Wards are going up so change up with one of the daggers. Things are about
to get a bit less one sided!”
Hermione moved at a sudden burst of speed that left her panting out of range of
Norbert’s attacks. It had been a tough decision who would do which but Harry had a
better chance to get the wards up and quick even if he had a new speed technique
that would have drained his magic like they were casting post NEWT level spells like
candy. That Hermione was feeling almost exhausted more form the speed burst than her
previous dodging shows that neither one had really been prepared for the drain of
that enhancement.

“Give me a minute,” Hermione said as she tried to recover her breath. “Fuck!”
At Hermione’s sudden shout Harry turned to see the dragon closing quicker than he
had though to her. Just as he prepared to blur with his blades to slice the dragon’s
throat open, a sudden black blur flew past scratching its eyes in its passage. Eyes
wide at the sudden staggering dragon it took a moment for him to recognize that Kiki
had finally shown up. Feeling a very odd mood settle in him, Harry chuckled a bit
before turning to the dragon.

“Bout time you got here, squirt,” Harry said feeling a less than dark humor bubbling
inside him. “Someone seems to have provided a dragon for our benefit so we might as
well make do!”
Kiki chattered happily at that. She hadn’t had a chance to try dragon meat or blood
yet. Something new was important after all. She had eternity and with her attention
span even a short time was even shorter to her thought process. So the boredom that
plagues all long lived beings was an unknown concern merely trying to find something
new. Besides she had been eating any rats that had foolishly wandered near her form
for a very long time to her at least. It would take time for her to remember to tell
them about the weird mirror.
“Thanks,” Hermione said as she got to her feet. “So we got a blind dragon do we have
a plan yet?”

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“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try this for a bit but didn’t have a chance,” Harry said
a truly dark grin settling to his face. “We got a circle. We got a sacrifice. We
just need to pin it down and get some blood!”
Hogwarts had been there for a while and it was amazing what had all died on its
grounds. Long ago Care involved what had been relatively common creatures and in
distant ages before apparition, Portkeys and Floo had been invented flight had been
the fastest form of travel. Winged Pegasus and other such beasts had been the steeds
of the day. The most difficult to even try to coerce were dragons. However do to how
valuable their bodies were as ingredients even their bones it was rare that one was
buried. Still such beasts had at times fallen to the earth and been buried. Harry
had become well versed enough in animating the dead that calling skeletons even of
magical creatures was while potentially draining not a difficult magic to perform.

With a shudder the earth was torn and the skeletal heads burst forth and grabbed the
flailing form of the living dragon. Blood flowed onto the ground from legs and tails
as the five heads drew it to the ground leaving only his head to flail about. The
blood flowed freely and the three were drawn to it and its intoxicating scent.
Mouths found themselves suckling the flowing blood until each had their fill.

“Oh god!” Hermione croaked as she pulled away before falling on her ass. “That was
just wow!”

The glassed eyed Harry replied, “Tell me about it. Damn what a rush!”
“So we got a dragon all trussed up here,” Hermione said her belly feeling full and
pleasantly warm. “It would be a shame to let it die just watering the ground with
its blood; so what are we going to do?”

“That is a tough one,” Harry said as he blinked a few times looking at the slowly
diminishing in struggle form. “Bone weapons are some of the best for us and we have
a dragon for that. Well more than one technically, still it is supposed to be
stronger with a sacrifice and not made from a skeleton. I still am unsure on what to
make though I think we know what type of weapon you will favor.”
“A whip,” Hermione said in realization. “What I wanted to use on Dora in your room
next time, realizing that it becomes obvious. Still seems a bit of a waste just for

“Ah but we have our bellies full of dragon’s blood and while it does not immediately
strengthen like Re’em blood it is used by normal wizards in very small doses in
strengthening, healing and other such potions,” Harry said with a very vicious
smile. “Recall how you were able to improve your strength from a troll? Now add what
we can gain from this dragon besides a belly full of blood and a weapon for you…”
“So a greater resistance to magic, more potency to our blood and magic and a few
other improvements,” Hermione said looking the not yet still dragon in a detached
analytical manner. “Yes this will be most beneficial. It is a shame that Dora cannot
learn such magics though we could perform rituals on her. So there is no idea the
weapon for you yet huh? We will need to work on that master as it is not wise for
you to be less armed than your servants.”
“True though I plan to explore the possibilities of necromantic fire as a more
flexible weapon,” Harry said with a sigh, “Sadly that requires facilities we do not
have yet. Perhaps I should ask the elves if they know of a room to train in that
would have enough privacy?”
“A thought my master that must be explored later,” Hermione said as she drew her
daggers. “Still you have your many formed focus that I believe you said can take the
form of a weapon so that must do for now. Were we harvesting some more before I
create my weapon?”
“Dragon parts are valuable,” Harry said with a frown. “A shame that it is illegal
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for most to raise them in farms though there are the preserves that tend to harvest
the more replenishable parts. Hide for combat robes are always popular a bit like
leather though much more spell resistant. I wonder, do you think I would look good
in leather?”
“If you wore leather pants properly we would have a problem,” Hermione said with a
snicker. “You do realize that most of the girls here seem a bit repressed though
from what Dora confessed they at least masturbate though rarely seeming to go
further in a relationship than most muggle high school students do. Still I think
you might like seeing us in leather as much as we would you though we likely would
not be able to get by in going to class in things other than this ridiculous
uniform. A shame that wizards seem to become rooted in Victorian values or things
would be quite a bit more enlightening. How they have destroyed so much of the old
magics seems to be intentional…”
“Yes that does sound like the ministry with their overregulation of anything that
they cannot easily understand or monitor,” Harry said with a scowl. “So we should
gather some things. A shame that I am uncertain if blood replenishing potion would
work or we could have a rather abundant supply of delicious dragon’s blood.”

“Yes a shame that,” Hermione said before taking blade to flesh and removing some
hide. “We should do something to prevent that head from moving more.”

“Yes but its head is quite dangerous and easily harmed killing the dragon,” Harry
said with a sigh as he frowned before trying something he had read up on as useful.
“Well that seems almost too simple.”

“Ah conjuring does seem useful if it didn’t fade eventually,” Hermione said as she
spared a glance at the now muzzled dragons head. “So why didn’t we do that to
immobilize it in the first place?”
“Not sure it would hold as well,” Harry said with a shrug as he joined her in
harvesting some hide and blood. “It is better than my first idea to have spikes
impale and grip the dragon down.”
“Yes that would be a bit less likely to have as firm of a hold,” Hermione said
speculating at the hide. “I wonder if a dragon hide whip would have any special

“It might although making a full set of tools as well as play clothes might take a
bit of hide,” Harry said with an almost giddy smile tugging on his face. “I say we
at least make some outerwear out of the hide and maybe we can see how good leather
looks on us over Christmas?”

“Yes that might be fun,”” Hermione said with a thought. “Yes skirts for access and
some pants for other times would be nice maybe even a vest would look nice.”
“Yes it would drive the idiots spare and most definitely work the Dursleys to
conniptions,” Harry said with a grin. “Since I am unsure what to do with them until
I can get emancipated or of age why shouldn’t we make their lives a living hell?
Considering that they seem obsessed with normality the only thing more they fear is
whatever unnaturalness they have becoming public knowledge.”
“Never thought to give their minds a look through or were you worried that whatever
you saw would make it difficult not to kill them to soon,” Hermione said a
thoughtful look on her face. “I do believe that I am uncertain if I like Alice’s
forays into being a madam even if she seems to need to dominate those around her and
that it seems that the children as well as the adults have a very large number of
tendencies that should make Little Whining as far from perfectly ordinary and
average as they appear to be.”
“I may blame Petunia more as she is my mother’s sister but considering how Vernon
and Dudley takes after the bully are it is possible that things are not what they
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appear to be,” Harry said with a sigh as he bottled another container of dragons
blood and set another section of freed hide down. “Oh Vernon and Dudley will die as
they were the instigators for the mess but what to do with my closest blood relative
remains to be seen. Ruin her completely most definitely but have her live wishing
and begging for death has its own appeal…”
“A shame she looks so ghastly,” Hermione said as she finished her side of the
dragon. “Otherwise you could give her to Alice for whatever purpose she comes to.”
“It would be funny if it turns out the Dursleys having issue in their lifestyle that
they covered up that I didn’t notice,” Harry said with a bitter laugh. “Still I
haven’t spent as much time observing them than was necessary. I do plan to repay
them pain for pain though.”
“I would expect no less of my master,” Hermione said with a theatrical bow. “Still
how much more can we harvest without killing the sacrifice?”
“Ah there should be the last of it,” Harry said as the dragon was gagged with
muscles exposed to the air and a good portion of its blood removed and stored. “A
shame that we cannot retain the heart strings as they seem to be quite often used in
wands. Still we don’t know if that would be a perfect match or not so get carving!”

Hermione knew that while carving runes to focus and ease the flow of magic was not
necessarily had to be done it did facilitate the ritual. She was rather glad for the
belly full of dragon blood as there was a lot of surface area to cover. Still it
left her with a slight bit of the jitters similar to the last time she had coffee
straight. Her hand moved steadily as she carved runes detailing what she wanted into
the muscles of the barely moving dragon.

‘Perhaps that little modification would work,’ Hermione thought as her obsidian
dagger cut through the muscle with no resistance. ‘It would be a shame to waste het
heart after all…’

Finally after far too much time and having to shoo Kiki from eating some of the
still living dragons flesh from where she needed to place runes, Hermione was
finished with the tedious task of turning a dragon into a well carved sacrifice. She
had barely registered the intermixing rune schemes that Harry had added to the
circle. He had already enhanced his sight once by his rebirth, but adding some of
the dragon’s senses to both of theirs would help. A shame that they could not at
this time add some of the more extravagant changes. Adding additional parts would be
useful though far too dangerous if they were not easily hidden from the close minded

‘Sharper surer weapons would be nice especially if they cannot be taken away,’ Harry
though in regret as neither of them had a proper plan for a dragon being sacrificed.
‘Still we will be better prepared if this situation falls into our hands again. I do
have to wonder what the bleed off will do for the rest of us. We didn’t perform
numerous experiments well not really and already our companions are more altered
than we suspected. Oddly I have not been sick even the slightest of things since the
change. Perhaps that is something to investigate when we have more time.’
“I offer this flesh to create out of its bones a weapon,” Hermione began to intone.
“Oh hungry ones I offer this to thee come and take your tithe. Life to the dead and
death to the living turn the cycles. Grant this lowly emissary this boon forged of
the bones of this great beast. Turn this malformed flesh to rights and allow its
spirit passage for its toll.”
“That which was lost to madness be restored,” Harry spoke his voice reverbing with
another presence. “Grant the mind a salve to the twisting its birth was done. Permit
the spirit to rest free of the insanity of near miss birth. One sought to preserve
this one’s life and merely condemned it to suffering led to madness and first it’s
suffering before leading to others in its rage. Pass on oh dragon your time was
short your torment great. Now accept the sweat peace and be gone!”
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Hermione had been unprepared for that and watched wide eyed for a moment as Norbert
she now knew was set to right before blissfully unaware of the pain his body had
been in passed on. Without a spirit the body does not continue long. Oh it may be a
shell having automatic processes but the soul is far more tied to the body than

“Twisted flesh now made right,” Hermione spoke the words coming to her mind barely
before they fell from her tongue. “Payment rendered for services claimed. Oh soul
granted peace, know that your flesh left behind does not go to waste. Change oh
bones from thy form to serve your new purpose. Supported your body in life now
support mine in death!”

The flesh dissolved from the dragon’s form. The blood itself however flowed toward
the glowing heart as the veins and arteries sucked the flesh dry of blood before
returning to their center. Several of the more useful parts that had not been
salvaged floated there instead of dissolving. The nerves long since gone meant that
even the soulless mind did not suffer as the rite continued. The bones however
seemed to move and flow as they started to grow denser and smaller in physical size.
Instead of one concentration there were seven. The legs, arms, wings and the tail to
head soon separated even as the bones between flowed to the nearest parts.
This was unexpected as Hermione thought only one weapon and that was a whip would
form. She knew deep in her being that the rest may not be hers to wield but belonged
to her master in part just as she did. The curved blades that the wings had become
were as elegantly beautiful as they were deadly. The legs and arms seemed to become
clawed gauntlets for arms and feet. She shivered at the ideas that sprung up on how
they could be used came to her mind. The main peace was a thing of startling beauty
as well as sinister in its potential.
‘I think I just came looking at that whip,’ Hermione thought with a whimper as she
rubbed her moist lips together. ‘It just looks so cool. The head became a very
intricate and engraved looking head, a very small bit of the neck to the shoulder
blades to grip with as a handle, and the length as vertebra able to contract to a
rigidity to use to pierce as well as loose enough to lash someone. Oh god! The bones
can be as smooth, jagged or sharp as I want. I can just see me using this and… fuck!
Those ideas definitely made me gush! Oh such things we will do!’

“Well that was definitely unexpected,” Harry said as his eyes had slightly widened
in shock before his nose twitched. “So seeing playful uses for our new additions
“Yes,” Hermione said as her face went a new shade of flushed from her blush. “You
have to admit that while this is most assuredly a weapon that there are non combat
uses for it. I seem to enjoy the crop so what about a whip?”
“You enjoy using it and having it used on you,” Harry corrected with a sigh as he
knew that his attempt to overly slow down their entertainment had taken a major back
step. “Although I think that you will need to work up to that. Maybe start with a
dragon hide whip and work up from there. Shame about the dragon as it did seem that
Hagrid was attached to it…”
“Actually feeling sorry for the half giant I know you contemplated venting some very
invigorating to watch violence on seems a bit of a change for you,” Hermione said
with a shudder as she started getting a feel for the whip now before her. “Not that
it is bad or anything but it does seem that he never grew up as it were so you seem
to lob him similarly to someone that did something stupid because an adult or other
authority said it.”
“Baa,” Harry intoned before chuckling. “Sheep, is that all there is in this world?
Still the other wolves don’t seem to know how to play very well… predator or prey
which will one be? Still ignorance is not an excuse though being misinformed does
things… not that I would ever consider that as having an effect on my plans for
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Dudley. At some time one must be held accountable for their actions for good or ill.
Still some would say we are ill and are acts quite unnecessary though given the lack
of concern on behalf of our victims it seems that the time for charades while
seeming to be over is not yet at hand.”
“The wizards,” Hermione almost spat in irritation. “So many of them are so content
in their supposed superiority that they have often come close to annihilation. How
many people have been violated in some form and a memory charm used to cover it up?”
“Ah but we would do the same,” Harry said with a sigh. “Think how things would be
different if I had simply made Tonks forget?”

“It did work out alright,” Hermione said with a smile. “Dora is a rather
invigoration playmate. Still while I can concede the need for secrecy, it is when
they let the instigators and perpetrators go believing nothing they did was wrong
that offends me. Some healing and memory magic and the muggle have no recollection
of what happened to them. That does not even consider that until relatively recently
they seemed to bait and hunt muggles. That word does seem rather offensive though a
name is needed that does not draw attention.”

“To do what is necessary can be a bitter thing,” Harry said with his head down.
“Still I can see that they don’t view them as people maybe highly entertaining
animals similar to how we would see monkeys in the zoo perhaps. That some seem to
think that a first generation magic user is merely a monkey who can actually mimic
what they deemed as real people does nothing to dissuade me from using the flaws and
fallacies of these people for my own ends.”

“At least you can be honest about it for a bit,” Hermione said with a slight pout.
“While I won’t try to force my views on them, they seem to have no such inclination.
Is all that they have really going for them accumulated and horded knowledge and the
hard won experience derived from it? Why would that make them feel superior? No
there is something more there that is hidden that we might not suspect.”

“Talents of sorts,” Harry said with a slight frown. “Gifts that normally are only
seen in families are an example of this. I did some research and certain abilities
are easier to learn if ones ancestors knew them. Not a genetic memory but an
impression that makes it easier to engrain certain skills or abilities. Although a
number of those abilities are annoyingly enough normally grandfathered in legally
for purebloods and such families. They do frown very much on muggle and half bloods
advancing into their world and yet are dismissive when they are forced to work for
less pay or leave this world behind.”
“So many things to deal with along the way,” Hermione said with a sigh as she
reluctantly stopped exploring her new toy and gathered the rest of the things along
with Harry. “Will they willingly accept what you will do?”
“Not likely,” Harry said with a spine shivering laugh. “Still they will accept and
they will stay out of the way if they continue to annoy me. For the moment we need
to work around their idiocies while using their fallacies to our benefit. I am on
this path and nothing will deter me!”
“They will either bend like the grass or break like the oak,” Hermione said with a
dark humor to her voice. “A new wind blows and it will clear a path through them if
they refuse to step aside.”
“Yes!” Harry said as the last of the things were gathered. “They will either move or
be removed! No obstacle will stand in the way!”
“If they refuse to stop hindering your ambition,” Hermione said in a cold terrifying
voice, “they will be destroyed! Nothing will remain and they will be as forgotten as
is possible! Not even ghosts will recall their existence!”
“As it should be,” Harry said as he drew her close to him as the pair was shrouded
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in darkness. “Still so many things to do and yet so little time to do them in
without losing all that is relevant to do them for.”

“Dumbledore,” Hermione snarled as any notion of him as a respected authority had

been crushed, bashed and ground into the earth for his actions to her master, her
friend and more, “would likely say something along the lines of ‘It does not do to
dwell on dreams and forget to live’, but what is existence without dreams? It is but
a pale reflection of life. He has lived for what a century and a half, but can he
say that for a century and a half he lived! No he seems far too intent in his games
and forgets everything around him. When the time comes may we kill him? I know by
that point at least you would be able to decisively crush him…”
“As I said those that stand in my way will move or be removed,” Harry said with a
sinister sound to his voice. “If he continues to be an obstacle he will be removed
just like all the others will be and I doubt any of them are capable of redeeming
themselves let alone feeling even the slightest amount of remorse for their
“So they will die,” Hermione said simply. “Snape, Dumbledore and those creatures…
they will cease to be!”
“Yes and they will do so in ways that will leave a testament to never cross us,”
Harry said with a very vicious smirk. “Still that naïve fool seems to think that
arrogant assassin has survived. Oh he doesn’t say it but his plots seem to take that
into account. Why the third corridor is out of bounds with a guard Cerberus means
something is there. Not that I have an interest in whatever he has there but it
seems to be a target.”

“He would target us for whatever he has planned for you,” Hermione said with a frown
as they finally proceeded to sterilize the area of their presence. “If he had any
inclination that you knew even a fraction of what you do he would likely try to send
you to Azkaban!”

“Yes it would make me malleable or he believes it would,” Harry said with a sigh as
he disbursed the anchors to the wards now that their boon was secured on their
persons. “He does seem quite confused though on what he believes. Naïve beyond
imagining needing to find the good in people and redemption to prove his beliefs
while full of self loathing for his manipulations for the greater good. Oh he may be
an Occlumens of some skill, but he dreams still and like anything else can be
scryed. Still his nightmares will be something to try to access one day. The fear
would be worth it to know what he most fears, most cherishes and most holds dear…”
“The better to crush him,” Hermione said with a smile. “He would take us away and
make us boring. Still it is a nice night and we have accomplished much. Perhaps we
should return to playing now that some work has been done?”
“A good idea even if playing seems to be more distracting when work needs to be
done,” Harry said with a slight pout. “I wonder how Dora will take to the new toys
we will soon have?”
“You like to watch almost as much as play,” Hermione said with a cat like grin.
“Perhaps now that there is another playmate we could entertain while you study?”
“It would be enjoyable even relaxing in certain amounts though given how you seem to
have accomplished what my two minions and their leads had not does become quite
vexing,” Harry said with a slight tugging of a near smile. “Still they will be most
appreciative of my new willingness to take what is mine. I do believe that Anne is
looking forward to that most assuredly.”
“You do say the most sincere of things,” Hermione said with a slight blush form the
compliment. “I do agree that Anne is looking forward to you taking what she had been
offering. Still we have a different offering to accept…”

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“Yes now that Dora has quite firmly attached herself to us the matter concerning the
Black Family will need to be addressed,” Harry said with a frown. “Gringott's will
be a very long thing I believe given from what little I could get out of them until
I claim my property from one of their main branches. A shame that doing so will set
some things into motion…”
“They would have to be set into motion eventually,” Hermione said as they approached
the entrance. “It does provide a more direct way of dealing with one of our thorns
at the very least.”

“It does at that,” Harry said as a predatory look passed his face. “Now let us away
to our willing toy and play. We are still ahead of the slow syllabus of this place
as well as rapidly approaching our normal education alone and with our
extracurricular arts interest developing at an acceptable rate. A shame that there
seems to be no spell to properly find what we need…”
“A fun thing to develop,” Hermione said as a still present bookworm notion almost
made her swoon in glee. “So much potential and yet so much left to do still…”


Once more the pair was in the forest and this time Hermione was with as he ventured
deeper into the forest. The incident with Norbert was somewhat fresh in their minds.
Still it had to be done even if they felt some regret in doing so. Unlike the troll
the dragon was at least marginally aware even I fit was for some reason rendered
less intelligent than a dog. After his late night jaunt into the forest Hermione had
been pissed and as irritable as could be.

‘It is not that I didn’t expect that. Still there was no reason to go off like
that,’ Harry thought as he landed with a crouch on a branch in one of the edges of
the numerous clearings and glens inside the forest proper. ‘Well this isn’t that far
from where the unicorn was that time. It’s not like we will run into that thing of
those unicorns again is it?’

“Please tell me that is not what I think it is?” Hermione asked as she pointed to a
mark on the ground. “Wasn’t the dragon after the troll enough odd coincidences?”
“I am afraid that it is,” Harry said as he looked more analytically at it. “Sadly I
believe that we have more players in this game. So who is it that has such a need
for unicorns?”
“Unknown,” Hermione said with a slight huff. “Still there has to be a reason for
them to do so…”

“Unicorn blood regardless of willingness in how it is acquired does act as a very

powerful restorative,” Harry said as his eyes widened in understanding. “Even mortal
injuries or incurable diseases can be survived with some of it and cured if enough a
lethal level to the unicorn is imbibed; however, if it is forcefully taken
especially if the unicorn dies than a cursed life is all that one gains.”
“So who do we suspect could be desperate enough for that?” Hermione asks as she
tried to narrow down who could be a likely suspect. “Please don’t tell me it is who
I think it is…”
“Most likely it is someone possessed by the shade of Voldemort,” Harry said as he
kept eyes alert for the hunter coming to its prey. “Well that is the most likely
individual that I could think of that would do that though why use such a method to
extend one’s existence at such a cost makes little sense. There must be something
that we are missing here…”
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“Could it be something temporary to extend life until a more permanent solution
could be found?” Hermione asked as her ears twitched just a tad from the sudden
silence descending on the clearing. “Given the fact that multiple attacks on
unicorns would mean that whatever it is still is degrading the body there should be
a solution that would require a no longer dependence on the blood. Why if he was so
obsessed with immortality did he not try to use blood magic to improve his body and
extend his life?”
“He is obsessed in a way with blood purity,” Harry said as he recalled some
conversations in the past. “Wither it is at the belief itself of the way it could
control his followers there is little difference in the end. I do know that his name
is not his name and lacking any means to properly find him it means little. He did
do some perverted form of blood magic. It was fixed so long ago that I forgot that
this scar once had such tainted blood magic used that it was expelled quite
“So I take it that neither of us is skilled enough to finish him than,” Hermione
said with a sigh of annoyance. “Why he couldn’t just have stayed dead after killing
himself I do not wish to know. There are already too many factions to have to
maneuver through as it is without adding a consolidation of his former supporters.
It is amazing what one can overhear if they do not suspect that the meek little girl
is a mudblood. A shame that they never mentioned their names…”
“As amusing as offing a few of the bigots would be, we have more important
concerns,” Harry said with a frown at his inability to permanently eliminate this
threat in the here and now. “As far as the major players are concerned there are two
sides at the moment: Dumbledore and the Ministry. With the Ministry being heavily
manipulated by Lucius Malfoy, there is little reason to not think that the moment
his master returns that he won’t have his hands on the strings of a number of the
Ministries less obvious but important offices. Monitoring for one as well as
transportation would ease their ability or quell their opposition. Still there are
rumors that Malfoy has been culling muggleborns, a practice that I find quite
counterproductive given the declining number of magic users in the world. Still
things are about to get interesting again…”
Before Hermione could respond the silence was disturbed by a whoosh of the cloaked
figure passing into the clearing below them. It was odd that wizards even with the
levitation charm and other flying methods still tended to not look above or below
them. One would think with the number of winged magical beings that it would take
less effort to look above for threats. Most would not look up even when they could
hear owls moving about as it was far too much effort to do so.

The pair watched as the cloaked being followed the trail of the blood from its prey.
Harry felt a moment of annoyance with himself for not having yet found a place to
practice the more destructive uses as well as figure out why there were so many
varieties of necromantic fire. It seemed to him that the black flame he had conjured
the last time resembled the Fiendfyre that he had read and heard about. From what
little he had read on the subject it was easy to cast but very difficult to control
quite contrary to most magic. A small part of his mind wondered if it was something
that a mortally wounded wizard would have used to kill of their killers.
‘For every legend or myth there is at least some grain of truth,’ Harry thought as
he forced himself not to be noticed despite the burning desire to destroy utterly
the thing that dared to impede him, ‘even among the nonmagical that is true. So how
far are the legends from the truth of what occurred? That does make for something to
think about during Binns prattle. Every time I am there I am tempted to just force
the man on as he seems to be quite unwilling to accept and move on.’
Both Harry and Hermione were as silent as could be with their bodies stilled and in
case something had run across them were masking their scent. It would not do to have
someone track that they had been into the forest as there was far too much to later
investigate to give the game up so soon. Oh the animals felt an unease near there
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vicinity but Voldemort and his hoist had long since corrupted or ignored their more
attuned senses. Perhaps another thing that modern wizardry was responsible for. It
was however something that the two would one day seek to find out from those without
the blinders of the current era.
“Foolish unicorn,” the raspy voice hissed from the cloak. “Did you really think that
you could elude me? There will be no escape this time…”
As Voldemort in his host body approached the unicorn, Harry decided to once more
interrupt the rather offensive being. Just moments before he could sink his teeth
back into the annoyingly quick and difficult to catch beast, Harry once again
blocked Voldemort’s path with a well aimed and destructive fire ball. Learning from
his previous experience in how painful and difficult to heal the mere proximity
wounds of this almost Fiendfyre was, Voldemort moved his host in an inhuman manner
ignoring the host as he suppressed its ability to scream even if it was in pain. The
pain was unacceptable as it would permit the bumbling host he was forced to use from
“You,” Voldemort spat with more loathing for this cloaked obscured figure than he
had shown to any in many years save Dumbledore. “Why do you insist on meddling in my
“You are a weak Abomination for one,” Harry said with a sinister humor coloring his
voice. “Besides you actually seem a challenge to kill. It is nice to have better
prey than these weaklings we keep coming across. That is what we seek!”

“Muggle or magical matters little to us,” Hermione added in a similar tone going
with the act, “though I do have to wonder if you were responsible for our past few
“What are you two creatures talking about?” Voldemort snarled at them. “I should
destroy you were you stand as you are obviously some sort of mongrel filth.”

“The wannabe speaks; how droll,” Harry snarks at the so called Dark Lord. “You
actually think that highly of yourself. I cannot say that it was unexpected as you
wizards seem to have delusions of competency.”

“Really master must you taunt the poor thing,” Hermione chides with little humor
showing through. “It would be far kinder to kill the thing like the sick thing it is
that waste time talking with it. Now though it does seem to not have grasped some of
our particular palate it should at least know how thankful we are that it has been
so good to provide for us a time or two. Really is it that difficult to comprehend
your little diversions! I must admit that the dragon was quite good though the troll
was at least useful I suppose…”

“You dare not to just interfere here but in my plans for that school!” Voldemort
shouted consumed with rage. “I don’t know how you got past the old fool’s wards but
I will show you the price for interfering with Lord Voldemort!”
A sudden swoosh of something through the air marked the arrival of a second volley
of fire at the former Dark Lord. Narrowly avoiding incineration the dark lord was
forced to move away from the two. He looked up to see them obscured though they were
even he could feel the barely constrained power emanating from them.
“You really talk too much,” Harry said as a much more lethal amount of black fire
swirled around him. “Now die! Be burned beyond ash you who impede my ambition!”
Realizing for some reason that this fire which had harmed him even within his host
was something to avoid and lacking a host of sufficient power to actually be
reasonable of both his survival and the completion of his objective resulted in a
change to the arrogant wizard forcing him to do something he loathed doing and
rarely had done for most of the previous campaign. Voldemort snarled at being driven
off. Few had ever done so and he was now determined to find who these two were and
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destroy them completely for his humiliation.
‘Who the hell is this?’ Voldemort thought in confusion. ‘Is this a rival after so
many years? I thought that I had culled any opposition or ensured they were bent to
my will!’
That the fire was following in a manner far too reminiscent of Fiendfyre for his
liking was spurning him to move faster. There were alternatives to unicorn blood but
they were far less potent. These things seemed to come out at night a bit like
vampires. Perhaps the dark lord wondered what they were to so closely resemble them
and yet seem more powerful and terrifying. He felt a dread that he had not
experienced in years. That fire had harmed him far more than most Aurors with all
their experience had. He had not felt as much as he was loath to admit it true fear
since he created his first artifact to ensure his survival let alone his first of
many rituals to enhance his own power. That however did nothing for the image that
he knew he had to project or his host may actually attempt to rebel.
“I care not for your ambition whoever or whatever you may be!” Voldemort said with
as much audacity as he could muster. “Who do you think you are to threaten the great
Lord Voldemort? You should be honored to tremble in my presence.”
“More talking,” Hermione said dismissively. “Are you sure that we shouldn’t make a
good example of him so that the old man can have a taste of fear? It just doesn’t
seem like this one is of any use. At least the past few to claim to be dark lords
had that something while this one seems to be little more than a somewhat skilled
and educated wizard with some dark knowledge. It is rather disappointing although
his follower’s antics were rather pathetic if you recall. Crucio here, Imperio there
and a dose of Avada Kedavra when they are done; I ask you where is the finesse the
art to their actions? No they are lacking of any of the understanding of a true
artist and merely use hammers and chisel where a rasp is needed.”
“Yes they are rather lacking in the proper understanding of expression preferring to
overwhelm the weak willed with simple curses lacking any of the subtle influence of
an artist,” Harry said looking almost pityingly at the self styled dark lord. “A
shame that he is slippery enough to run away but anyone who names themselves ‘Flight
from death’ cannot be anything but a coward…”

Voldemort knew that he was in trouble but his pride was warring with his survival
instincts that he had honed through the hell of his own childhood. Oh he was assured
that he could survive though suffering in pain for how long it took to recover was
not something he wanted to experience. He had been mostly numb since the
unimaginable pain of his defeat having only a hunger and will to survive to go on.
That whatever that was harmed his host as well as himself was disconcerting. There
were few things that should be able to harm him even in this weakened condition.
“I can understand how lesser beings like yourselves would misunderstand my name,”
Voldemort said his pride overcoming his instincts once more. “I am not afraid of
death as I have moved beyond it. That Potter brat and whatever his mudblood whore of
a mother did in combination has been a somewhat impressive act in that it was able
to reflect an unblockable curse, but I am not so easily vanquished. No one else has
been as feared by his enemies or as respected by his minions as I have been. My
enemies even now cannot bear to speak my name so great was their awe at my power.
You may be able to discourage me for a while but I will always succeed in the end!”
“Does he ever stop talking?” Hermione asked in amusement. “If either of us were mere
ordinary wizards at least one of us would have taken advantage of this dialog.
Perhaps this is why he seems to have his own hatred of the Old Man, he likely seems
to not come ahead of their verbal banter and is forced to use what meager skills he
has gained.”
“True,” Harry said before curving a barrage to herd the enemy. “A shame that he will
likely run off but there is nowhere near the amount of time to savor his destruction
even if I am tempted to see how he survived. It would appear that he did more damage
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than I had believed in this hunt. Now run little man and know that despite all your
power that you will fail. You and your followers will die and to make sure I spite
you so will your nemesis. Yes it will be far sweater to destroy your rival and
perhaps even take the Potter boy from the both of you. Yes it would be quite
fulfilling or maybe just let you two kill each other off.”
That throughout his speech Voldemort found himself dodging the moving living fire
was quite disconcerting. He knew that even Dumbledore needed more focus to cast and
manipulate such spells and it had been only the old fool’s knowledge and skills that
let their battles end in anything but his complete domination. His younger self
before his first murder would be disappointed in the manner in which his older self
had sought to establish himself. It was perhaps the most costly aspect of his
progression to his current state.

“The boy is mine to kill!” Voldemort shouted in shock at the audacity of someone to
claim his kill. “No one will stop that!”
“I rather find that hard to believe considering how weak you are,” Hermione
commented as she focused her magic and intent on the thing before her. “I know you
find that hard to believe even though you are so much as helpless as a rabbit to us.
Perhaps you will run away before we tire of this. I personally would prefer to have
plenty of time to see what advantages all these rituals I have heard you performed
has caused. A shame I do not believe that your host has been strengthened as much as
your previous body was. Why I believe that my master’s fire likely would consume you
as well as your host if you weren’t dodging so well!”
Slowly Harry had maneuvered Voldemort away from the clearing. He knew that whoever
his opponent was possessing would burn out the way things were going and with him
inside someone there was less that he could do that he would not be able to deal
with. Harry was torn between slaying his parent’s killer and the possible necessity
of the death being part of the ritual to restore them. The killing curse was a
dastardly thing and he was aware that something in the curse seemed to still a
corpse that had it used on well except if one used the bastardization that was
Infiri. It was perhaps one moment that he wished he had more knowledge of that
Unforgiveable. Besides while he was able to hurt him there was a chance that
repeated exposure could remove one of his better trumps against the thing.

“I grow tired of this,” Voldemort spoke with a glare as he finally seemed to be out
of his thorn’s ability to attack at the moment. “You have not heard the last of me!
I will return and you will suffer!”
With that Voldemort finally departed from the clearing. The two visibly changed
demeanors from their confrontation. Harry had been aware that the only thing more
dangerous than Dumbledore and the sheep finding out any of his less savory abilities
was for that thing to realize what he was. Silently the two dropped to the ground
and stood near to the unicorn.
“So what do we do now?” Hermione asked in concern of the still bleeding unicorn.
“You managed to drive him off once again and yet there seemed to be ample
opportunity to destroy him. So why did you not crush him as you obviously wish to do
“Let me tend to the unicorn as I answer you,” Harry said with a sigh as he
approached and drew the white fire once more. “I am unsure how much is needed as
last time a phoenix was here and added tears to this while this unicorn has more
grievous injuries.”
“So you are unsure on the effects that more of that particular fire has even if you
have determined that it can heal,” Hermione said with a sigh as she watched Harry
press the flames to the wounds where they visibly shrunk and sealed up even as the
blood outside was dissolved by the fire. “I guess that makes sense still you have
neglected the important part of my question. Why not finish him now when he is
obviously so weak?”
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“Lack of knowledge,” Harry admitted with a shrug. “I do not know entirely how he
survived the curse and while there are a few ways it leaves me uncertain which he
used and as I have never spent enough time to properly analyze the effect of these
fires I was unsure what effect they would have on him. I know his host would be
consumed, but would he be as well or merely freed to find a new host with only pain
as an effect.”
“So you need a place to experiment with the fire,” Hermione said with a thought.
“There has to be a place where we can do so in the castle. Still the only thing that
would be more helpful is a way to get home from here. Portkeys are a non issue as
the wards prevent those from use in the school as well as apparition and the floo is
not connected. Some sort of link would be quite useful.”
“There are a few that could work it is just beyond either of our abilities to create
such a thing at the moment,” Harry said with a frown. “Something else to distract
from the direct goal seems to be necessary. Perhaps it is time to truly scour the
libraries for traveling magic. Considering that there is a speed technique that I
will be working on there must be alternates to the current methods. Perhaps
something seemingly from folklore will hold the key to enabling us to move
undetected and unrestricted.”
“You know that Alice will be quite perturbed with us if such a thing is revealed to
be simple,” Hermione said with a laugh. “Think about it if we had such methods than
wherever we are is irrelevant as we can go wherever we need to. So from their point
of view…”

“There would be no reason not to visit,” Harry said with a sigh. “As if I was
looking forward to the obvious even if momentary setback that would cause with them
coming here to visit all the time, they would likely see about settling matters is
only a bit troubling.”

“Aw is big bad master afraid that his servants wish for some more direct
experiences,” Hermione teased with exaggerated acting. “Just don’t see why we have
to keep waiting though!”
“Oh so you wouldn’t really mind if I rip your clothes off and took you against some
of the trees here,” Harry said with a very savage smirk. “Hmm I think that you
probably wouldn’t but you really don’t want to win that way now do you?”

“No,” Hermione replied almost sulking. “I know that Anne will be the first that you
take up the ass but Alice and I are quite determined to be the first that you
properly deflower. Really considering that Alice sucked you off first and Dora was
your first tit fuck is it any wonder that we each want to be at least one of your
“Hmm so that is what the current tension was about,” Harry said with a slow chuckle.
“Still you know my position on future penetration and it is far likely that you will
win out before Alice or Anne will. Still this unicorn seems to be recovering
quickly. I wonder how Dora is responding.”

“Really considering how willing she is it is likely that she will come very close to
convincing you to do more to her,” Hermione said with a snort. “Still with that
restriction you put on there is a lot that you can still do to her…”
“We left her tied and suspended with several tools of pleasure and pain and still
you think she will want more,” Harry said with a thoughtful look as he brushed his
still glowing hands in soothing manners even though the wounds were practically
gone. “Don’t think that I don’t know that you plan to try your new whip on her even
if it might be enjoyable watching when I am not participating. Seriously you already
put clamps on her and she has marks over her from both of our attention and all it
did was likely leaving us with a puddle beneath her.”

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“Dora will never be satisfied until you take her in every and any way that you
wish,” Hermione said with certainty. “I know that she wants to be used and abused
with you taking her cunt and ass in front of us as well as cleaning you and us from
our encounters. It is just the way she is and we do in a way have a responsibility
to her needs.”
“So considering that the unicorn here is healed we should get back to her,” Harry
said as he removed his hand from the now blissfully healed unicorn. “Still it is
likely that she is enjoying her punishment or reward depending on point of view.”

“True though as much as she is enjoying it,” Hermione said as she turned from the
unicorn as she prepared to jump back into the trees. “I would prefer some attention
and games with her myself, besides I know that you have enjoyed her ability and its
uses so far.”
“True enough,” Harry said as he moved away and the unicorn shakily moved to its
feet. “I wonder though how much of what she can do can be trained.”
“The skills part will be fun,” Hermione said with a grin. “There are a number of
exercises that I was able to convince Alice to tell me about…”
“I don’t think I wish to know even though I definitely will enjoy them,” Harry said
as he sprung to a branch as the unicorn gazed longingly at him. “Now we have a
Metamorph to play with and I know that our nuisance will not return tonight.”
“So we best make the most of the time we have before returning to more research,”
Hermione said with a laugh as she landed on the branch he was on. “You know a little
while ago I would be horrified that there was research that I was able to do and not
doing it. This has been a very odd year so far with so many changes.”
Harry’s laugh as he darted towards the castle was her only answer. With a giggle of
her own, Hermione bounded after him. Neither of them noticed the almost complete
devotion that had slowly consumed the unicorn’s eyes. They would meet again one day
and she would be prepared to offer what she could to the one who she owed her life
to. Oblivious to that the two laughed and played on their way back to their waiting
toy. The fun had finally gotten Harry to become less serious sometimes though he was
still as obsessed as ever. Voldemort was smarting where he was and hoped that his
next attempt to get some unicorn blood would work or else he would have to subject
himself to the woefully less potent alternative. Even as his host writhed in pain
from the encounter, Voldemort was contemplating new plans to get the stone. That
this new thorn in his side so far seemed ignorant of his goal was a thankful respite
or he suspected the two would have snatched the stone from him before he got his
hands on it.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 12: Explorations and Epiphanies between Holidays
by SamStone 5 Reviews

Some things are resolved and various parties plot as the Yule approaches
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008/09/13 - Updated:
2008/09/13 - 17222 words
Chapter 12: Explorations and Epiphanies between Holidays

Why do we do anything? We have a need to know more, to see what is unseen and to
peer into what secrets exist. Curiosity was our birthright and what would life be
like if the first people had been content to just get up and have enough to eat and
a place to sleep? So many things would have been left to do. I hope that when my
time eventually comes that I can say that I lived a life regretting nothing that I
had done, merely what I had yet to do! - Hermione Granger on why she chose to

Wandering about the school had been an age long institution and while there had been
a lot of ground to cover there was the fact that he had help. Between what Dora had
discovered over her years already and the times they had ghosted the Twins, what
Kiki had found while seeking some food, and what Shadow had managed to discover
there was not a lot that hadn’t been discernable. Finding the kitchens had been
intriguing and the elves seemed readily willing to provide for students and guests.
So it was that with Kiki and Shadow being fed from the vermin that the elves
normally disposed of there were fewer worries about any of them getting overly
‘Can’t believe that no one asked the elves things,’ Harry thought in amusement as he
made his way to the statue the elves had described. ‘More proof that the Purebloods
are set in their ways that they dismiss their servants as having any relevance.
Though from what the shadier buyers have acknowledged the rest of the world isn’t
much better off. No matter where you go there is some sort of idiocy. The continent
seems to have restructured do to the upheaval of the Grindlewald situation while
British Wizarding still act like it is still the height of the Empire. Still
ignoring a source of information even from what they deem as lesser magical
creatures is another strike against this place and the Claws and Slyths more so.
Still if that fool Malfoy is an indication of what Slytherin has fallen to it is a
good thing that his ghost isn’t around or he would slaughter them all for their
blatant idiocy. Cunning and ambition does not mean evil and sycophant followers… far
from it actually. Still a room that can supply whatever you need or more likely as
well imagine should be useful.’
So Harry found himself in front of a statue of Barnabus the Barmy and following the
instructions of the elves paced back and forth three times while concentrating on
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what he needed. Within moments a door popped open and he headed inside. What he saw
left him with a giddy feeling he hadn’t truly felt for some time well except that
time when he had pretty much left that house a bloody mess.
‘Good times, good times indeed,’ Harry thought as he saw walls of books with racks
of tools and shelves of rare ingredients. ‘Now a room that I don’t have to
constantly clean is a godsend as there would be no worry of Police or Aurors
investigating things. In some ways I wish that those fools hadn’t gotten the message
with all these toys to play with. Still some of the more useful rituals seem to
require elaborate preparation and treatments to the sacrifices. Now if I could get
the place to provide victims it might make things too easy.’
With a focused thought a flesh bag model appears in the room, Harry grins as he
looks at what they can do now. Some of the things required exact carvings that had
to be done by hand and that would take practice. There were also spells that would
be very dangerous to be caught practicing. It was a sad fact that most wizards
lacked the creativity to truly appreciate magic and oddly ironic that what they had
deemed as muggle fiction would provide so many useful examples of magic which
included several more accurate theories and useful spells.

“Now let’s see how accurate the room did,” Harry said out loud with a smirk visible
on his face. “Hmm hey room can you respond verbally?”

“Yes,” A voice came from the room a rather generic voice. “What is it you require?”
“A running analysis of the spells used as well as a slightly more aware target,”
Harry said as he thought it over. “Oh and don’t grab anyone even if you can

“Alright,” the now female voice said. “Simulacrum altered to appear human. Limits of
physical form as well as realistic reactions have been enabled.”

“Sweet,” Harry said as a black flame appeared and flowed around his right hand. “Now
let’s see how flexible this fire really is…”
After he had said that, Harry focused on shaping the dark and seductive flame. It
flowed towards the ground and began licking the floor causing a wisp of mist as the
moisture their evaporated. Taking a few experimental motions, Harry began to swing
the black fire whip around to get a feel of it.

‘Part of me wonders why it picked that form,’ harry thought as he looked at her. ‘A
young version of Petunia does create issues. Do I really hate her more than the fat
man and piggy? I guess I do considering the Pig had the Walrus as his role model and
my only female relative proved to be as improperly trained as any bitch from Marge.
That woman can do nothing but ruin things and it is a shame that an accident can’t
happen to her until there is no way for those hypocrites to be unable to squeal. Her
precious little Ripper is luck that none of the companions wanted such a mangy
carcass to eat. Now to remember not to let my emotions cloud my judgment during this
as the only real risk with any ‘dark’ magic is that most are addictive in the
pleasure it causes the user while drawing on their negative emotions. I just got to
feel satisfaction but not feel sated.’
Steeling himself Harry snapped his arm back and swung forward. Sadly he had not
prepared himself for what the fire would do to living flesh as he had always used it
to remove any lingering physical evidence. What he saw caused him to go eyes wide in
shock and want to cover his ears.
A scream of such intense pain reached his ears as the simulacrum fell to the ground.
Moving closer he saw the shuddering form convulse in pure agony. Examining the wound
which had gouged the flesh away from where it had struck he was left in shock.
‘That had barely come into contact and did that,’ he thought in shock. ‘The wound
may be not the worst effect. Looks like something akin to the Cruciatus in effect.’
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“Room,” Harry prompted “Analysis of spells effects on subject?”

“Fire sublimed the flesh on contact although at lesser intensities it would

dehydrate before combustion,” she commented clinically. “Magical aura of spell
diffused into the nerves and stimulated the pain centers of the brain. Analysis
lower levels of the fire will cause near shock inducing pain while higher levels
result in instantaneous combustion of body. Fire is immune to normal measures and
resembles Fiendfyre in its nature as if it had not been pulled back it would have
continued to combust whatever it was created to destroy. Highly dangerous to undead,
dead and living flesh as well as having the potential to burn through normal and
most spell protected material. When exposed to normal fire it is likely to consume
the other fire. Due to the magical signature of the caster being present in its
creation it cannot directly harm the caster.”
“Well that is interesting,” Harry said looking at the shuddering not person. “Second
test will be to confirm lower level fire hypothesis. Third test will test against
less limited fire.”
As soon as he finished his statement, Harry let the flame curl back into a nebulous
blob flowing almost like a many shaded lave lamp around his arm. Taking a deep
breath and staling himself, Harry let a wave of the less potent fire land on the
simulacrum. It engulfed the body and destroyed all of the clothing covering its
anatomically correct form. He looked dispassionately as the screams came from her
and watched as the flames licked but did not damage the skin visibly although the
veins, arteries as well as muscles and bones beneath seemed more noticeable than

“Second test confirmed,” Harry dictated to the room. “Current subject is covered in
a pain inducing flame that so far has not consumed the body nor ceased its burning.
Estimates on mental trauma to the subject, if you would?”

“Subject is experiencing a minimum level of pain equivalent to near Cruciatus

levels,” she said dispassionately. “Currently the mental trauma is preventing the
subject from succeeding in a mental fight of flight scenario unlike what long term
exposure of the Cruciatus would cause. Pain levels are alterable as well as an
inability to escape the sensations. Subject will continue screaming until either
vocal cords are significantly damaged or dies.”

Frowning Harry considered an idea before saying, “Third test delayed for analysis of
contrary flame. Measure effects on subject.”
After saying that, Harry changed the fire from the black to a white flame. After
dispersing the black flames from her body he looked blankly at her as he let a burst
of white fire engulf the form. He was rather curious how the white fire would react
as it was considered good against spirits though it had been said to have some
restorative properties besides this was in a way venting since there was no way that
he would be able to kill the Dursleys for years yet.
“Subjects screams have been replaced with moans and other pleasure induced sounds,”
Harry commented. “Visible damage appears to have been healed. What effects are there
in its mind?”
“Subjects mind is being flooded with endorphins and elevated levels of dopamine,”
she replied. “Proposition of effects on spirits are yet to be tested though
simulacrum of spirit appears to be weakened while the physical is repaired.”
“Two simulacrum realistic behaviors,” Harry stated coldly wondering who would
appear. “Third experiment will be a heavy dose of black and white to see what
effects they have.”
“Acknowledged,” she said causing two more human looking females of all forms to
appear both recognizable to him.
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‘Hmm the one woman that I despise almost as much as Petunia,’ Harry thought with
suppressed glee. ‘To think that those two looked like that when they were younger is
amazing. To think that the two bitches in my near and extended family were actually
not as horrible looking perhaps it is true what they say beauty is skin deep but
bitch is to the bone.’

With a slow stretching motion this time Harry formed in his left the black flame and
in his right the white flame with both almost blinding in their intensities.
Dispassionately looking at his test subjects he threw the barrage at them. As soon
as the black flame struck the target screamed before being reduced to less than ash
meanwhile the white flames reduced the second target in a less visible manner.
Falling to the floor all appearances of higher level cognizance that had been
programmed dissipated as she fell to the ground screaming and thrashing in bliss. If
he had been any less jaded than seeing Marge reduced to ash before being completely
emulated and Petunia being rendered into a mindless husk contorted in ecstasy would
have made him turn and puke from the sight. Thankfully all the depravities of his
victims let alone the gore of what his sacrifices of them had jaded him just enough
though the smell would have been terrible if even the smoke had not be completely

“Subject one was consumed completely,” Harry commented before analyzing the effects
on the second subject. “The second subject does not to be physically harmed although
stress is discernable from the intensity of the sensations she is experiencing. What
are the effects on the surviving subjects mind?”

“Second subject shows no levels of psyche remaining,” she replied after analyzing
the situation. “Memory patterns remain present while all parts of the personality
matrix appear to be consumed. Subject is reduced to a blank personality state while
retaining all knowledge and skills. Query effect on spirits would be erasure as they
are composed of mental and spiritual components.”

“It would appear so,” Harry said looking shocked at what his experiment had resulted
in. “Two more targets to test effects of red and blue fire.”
“Acknowledged,” she replied. “Retain forms for next experiment?”

“No,” Harry said after a moment of thought. “Model the forms after Weasley, Ronald
and Malfoy Draco.”

‘This way I can vent at them before the prank,’ Harry thought with glee. ‘Shame that
they haven’t done something to warrant such effects though I plan to use the black
flames on Death Eaters. It would appear while the white is good against spirits it
can also be used to better effects than a memory charm in removing people without
killing while allowing them to be actually useful.’

“Acknowledged,” she replied. “Simulacrum will have personality matrix based on model
“Potter what the hell?” the pair asked in confusion.
“Just a preview of what is to come,” Harry commented to the two replicas. “Fourth
test consisting of effects of red and blue necromantic fire against simulacrums of
current pests is commencing… now!”
With a flash of motion he unleashed his fire upon the two and watched in barely
suppressed glee to see what the effects would be. The red fire flew fast and sure
and struck the form resembling that insult to Slytherins and he eagerly wanted to
see how the fire reacted. While that was occurring, the blue fire slammed the
diminutive Weasley like a boulder and threw him back as it engulfed him.
‘It will be interesting to see what its specific effects would be,’ Harry thought
with a truly vicious grin fighting to sprout on his face. ‘I still can’t believe
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that I never took the time just to let someone burn instead of sacrificing them.
Well I guess it could be considered wasteful and considering how limited things were
I am rather thrifty.’
As Harry watched the scene of fire engulfing two people on his kill if given a
chance or even a more than half assed reason, Hermione had entered the room silently
and watched curiously to what was going on. She had watched the forms appear and
felt a sadistic glee shoot through her at seeing the ignorant fools who had harmed
her Harry suffer. As amusing as it seemed he was her first real friend and despite
her cousin and her friend there was something about the dynamics of their
relationship that resounded deeply with her. As it was her need for control of her
life while it had lessened in the face of things had shaped her in certain ways. She
either had control of her life or she hoped that whoever had control of her was
worthy of it.
‘If things had been different,’ she thought as she moved to stand behind her master.
‘I would have followed anyone in authority even if they had given no reason for me
to do so. I was already becoming a teacher’s pet and if things had happened
differently I would have been in Anne’s position of even Alice’s. Still there is a
chance that if I had worn even the slightest hint more revealing clothes someone
would have paid attention and seen what I needed. It seems that I have accepted that
I either have to be in control or controlled. I need structure in my life to keep
sane and anyone who had paid attention to me could have easily influenced me and
owned me. To think that while I proclaim equality and equity that I need someone to
own me is quite ironic. Still when the time comes I plan to stand with my Master
when he enacts his vengeance. They will die it is as certain as the sun rising in
the east; it is merely the way and how fulfilling it will be to crush them… brutally
for what they have done. While He may have by his nature and will caused them to
cease their ways, it did not change their minds. If they had the chance they would
return to their old ways and I will never let that happen! We owe him too much and I
know that if it had not been for His orders that Alice would have gleefully
slaughtered them without a care. It seems odd that I can see that we are fanatics,
but is it wrong to feel so strongly about something?’

As they watched the sight before them the nature of the flames showed in a strange
way. The red fire was fire pure and simple; it simply burned like any other though
it may have been the odd way that it consumed that was the more interesting thing.
It looked as if the cells had aged as the life in them burned quicker before they
had been ignited. The girlish screams of pain echoed around the room giving Hermione
a rather intense feeling of satisfaction even if this wasn’t the real immature
inbred ignorant idiot.
“Sweet,” Hermione said as she watched the flailing and screaming form try to
extinguish the fire engulfing him. “It is a shame that isn’t the real one.”
“Hermione,” Harry said as she wrapped herself around him hugging herself against
him. “I take it that you came to see me and not the appearances of the idiot duo
being dealt with.”
“True enough,” Hermione said snuggling against him. “Though I feel rather excited
now and you seem to be as well…”
“Satisfaction is a good thing is it not in a job well done,” Harry said as he turned
to see the Weasley shaped target as he tried to ignore the sudden stirring that
Hermione’s hands were causing. “Besides it seems that no one really ever experiments
scientifically with any magic. A shame really don’t you think?”
“Yes indeed,” Hermione whispered to him as her hands found what she wanted to
handle. “It is a bit odd that the blue fire seems to be turning him blue though.
What do you think it is doing to him?”
“Considering that it is supposed to be a water elemental version of fire I wonder,”
Harry said with a groan as Hermione’s hands began to move firmer. “Though I also
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wonder what it is that you wanted… well besides what you are doing now?”
“Hmm,” Hermione said grinding herself against him while her hands were working him
over. “Kiki found something. I think it is something important considering how
entranced she was. Although some time watching for a moment longer wouldn’t hurt

“True,” Harry said as his eyes began to flutter. “It actually looks like it is
either freezing him or affecting the blood in his body.”

“Could it be based on intent and emotion?” Hermione asked as she looked around
Harry’s reacting form. “Considering that it is part of your magic and being
influenced by your current emotional state could explain that.”
“Possible,” Harry said as he moved between the straits he was in. “Either have uses
in the future.”
“As amusing as watching Weasley suffer is,” Hermione said as she moved one hand to
make things easier. “We should get going. Considering that Kiki of all people is
acting like she found a way into a secure prison for certain people does give the
impression that we should hurry.”

“Alright,” Harry said as he turned his attention to the partially burned and frozen
form of the epitome of a brash blind Gryffindor. “Maybe I they don’t shape up we can
do this to the real ones later.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Hermione said smirking against him. “Now finish it so we
can get going. I have something to finish of my own…”

As Harry turned his attention as much as he could from her hands on him, he looked
at the complete and utterly exquisite look of suffering that the near dead clone
had. The veins were either busting spurting blood or contracted as the blood inside
congealed as it got colder and colder. That the heart was still pumping even as the
skin was being frozen and burned causing the body to not bleed out yet was awe
inspiring. With a final look as he felt a sudden rush start to hum in his body he
finished it. The body had all the veins in it explode into a fine sparkling that
fell like snow from the shredded form as he felt an equally pleasurable explosion

“So what is so important anyways?” Harry asked as Hermione smirked as she stood up
flowing cat like to rest against him with her body moving to rub against him. “It
might be something that will help us as much as this place.”

“Not entirely sure,” Hermione purred as they left the room. “Though how did you find
this place?”
“The house elves are rather helpful,” Harry said with a smirk as the pair walked
without a sign that they passed down the corridors. “I think they are rather bored
too often. It seems to be that a busy elf is a happy elf.”
“So it is house elves that work here,” Hermione said leaning her head against him as
she molded to his side. “How interesting…”
“So what’s your thought on them then?” Harry asked wondering what his delightfully
inquisitive friend would come up with now.
“Considering how little was covered on them it is difficult to say,” Hermione said
as a look of concentration momentarily took the place of the content look that had
been there before. “They are unpaid and yet from what you have said so far seem
happy. If this had been before I probably would have thought to treat them in a
similar manner to indentured servants that are no longer chained. It seems that to
me now that I understand better that such a relationship can be symbiotic that
forcing them to change would be vehemously resisted.”
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“I can just see what your younger self would say,” Harry said with a grin as they
drew closer to their destination. “They don’t know what they want! They need to be
“I was rather likely to think that I would know better even without all the facts,
wasn’t I?” Hermione asked with a frown. “Well if I ever start to act like that again
I expect you to correct me quite firmly!”
“Yes Hermione,” Harry answered with a smirk. “I’ll be sure to punish you good if you
ever start to backslide. Now let’s see what got Kiki of all people acting like it’s
a house of kills.”

Entering the room they saw a peculiar sight. Kiki was standing before a mirror and
shittering excitedly. It was an old mirror and the dust that was undisturbed by
their passage looked like it had been there though there were some tells that things
were not what they appeared to be. The mirror had a presence to it that put Harry on
edge as he looked at the scene before him. Deciding that whatever enchantment was
present was likely focused on the mirror and not the frame he focused on the details
and in particular the inscription.
‘Who in the name of all things joyous would inscribe writing in reverse on a mirror
of all things,’ Harry thought as he processed the inscription. ‘"Erised stra ehru
oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi," which would be "I show not your face but your heart's
desire". Lovely a mirror that shows desires of all things. It would be odd that such
a potentially dangerous artifact would be here in an unused room and not behind an
unlocked door. This reeks of a set up.’

“So what do you think it is?” Hermione asked with a hint of something just at the
edge of her voice. “Considering it did get Kiki’s attention of all things it does
have to be something important…”

“As you can see it is a mirror and obviously enchanted,” Harry said after a slight
chuckle. “I take it that you already have a suspicion and that you looked at the
inscription? Of course you did and given how I know you would seek out information
on anything that would be useful. So since you know its proper name might as well
tell me what this mirror of desires is called…”

“Erised,” Hermione said with a snort. “Wizards make the most interesting things and
come up with the most boring of names….”
“Desire backwards how… disappointing,” Harry said as he shook his head. “Still it is
somewhat dangerous as the enticement to see ones heart’s deepest desire would be
quite dangerous. Why it isn’t in a safer place I do not know though there is more to
it than it appears.”
“A trick perhaps,” Hermione said with a frown. “What would there be a reason to use
such an artifact in such a time…”
“Despite the low levels of muckraker journalism in the Daily Prophet it occasionally
has information of some value between the lines whenever one looks around the agenda
of the staff,” Harry said with a frown. “Someone actually broke into Gringott’s and
yet the vault supposedly had been emptied sooner. Didn’t Dora say something about
that though?”
“Hagrid was seen there,” Hermione said as she looked at Kiki with a sad look to her
face. “Given what we have heard about him…”
“You mean besides the fact that he took me to Dumbledore to be placed with those
people,” Harry said with a rush of annoyance to it. “There are also the rather odd
circumstances of his situation. Expelled for no admitted reason though suspicions
were present at the time and yet he is taken on as an apprentice groundskeeper after
they snapped his wand. A naïve young boy with what is at least a half giant’s blood
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is expelled with a predisposition for keeping rare and dangerous beings.”
“So the common assumption that one of his pets harmed or worse killed someone seems
to be the case at least officially,” Hermione said with a frown. “Dora seems to be
somewhat close to him though she did hint that he doesn’t see some things as
dangerous as they are. A friend of the family it seems to be and given how much he
is under the Headmasters thumb…”
“Dumbledore pulled some strings even if he couldn’t keep him from being expelled,”
Harry said with a sigh. “Look the guy seems decent enough just too trusting for our
own good. Besides there was an accident a fatal one at that in the year in which he
was expelled. Moaning Myrtle most likely is the result and yet someone named Tom
Riddle got a Special Service Award in that year…”
“You think something doesn’t sound right about it,” Hermione said with a frown.
“Something to look into in the future as if there is something hidden about this
mirror to investigate although Tom Riddle seems odd for some reason…”
“Hidden?” Harry asked taking a closer look at the mirror. “Someone could hide
something in such a thing easily and yet one has to overcome the enchantments and
what their desire is… how tricky.”

“You want to see what your heart’s desire is though well besides Dumbledore,
Voldemort, Snape and the Dursleys dying in extremely creative and useful ways,”
Hermione said with a slight smile. “Still it most likely would require looking into
it to access whatever it is…”

“You girls have a bet going,” Harry said with a sigh drawing behind Kiki and raising
his gaze into the mirror. “So what is the current favorite?”
“Considering how things are going,” Hermione said with a purr. “You are using Tonks
as a high-backed chair while the three of us do the best to make you lose control.”

“Why do I think that if you four get together over Christmas that will be a likely
thing,” Harry said as he looked into the mirror. “Well you were somewhat right
considering what I see now although that may be in part to the fact that you
describe things so enticingly.”

“So tell me already,” Hermione said with glee. “Who is all there as I know that we
will be there and your ambition will be fulfilled.”
“Oddly enough it seems a rather content picture,” Harry said with a barely there
voice. “Mum is there looking happily at us and there is a rather enjoyable scene of
mutual gratification there. There is even a few discernable heads mounted on display
and you can already guess who they are. Oddly mum seems to want kids and grandkids,
how strange…”
“So besides revealing that little tidbit,” Hermione said as she once more stood
beside him and wrapped him into a hug. “Any idea what is hidden?”
“Something important,” Harry said as he frowned in concentration. “Considering this
thing acts on desires and shows it if I… ah there it is… hmmm.”
“Come on don’t leave me in suspense,” Hermione said with a pout. “What is it?”
“A stone of all things,” Harry said with a frown. “I cannot believe that the
defenses of this thing are that simple. All one needs to do is desire to see what is
hidden inside and then simply want to find it without using it. Who thought this up
a toddler?”
“Wizards are not really known for their logic, Harry,” Hermione said chidingly.
“Despite fiction most wizards do not work their mind that much.”

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“So,” Harry said as he reached into his pocket and whistled. “What to do with a very
nasty piece of sacrificial magic like this?”

“Sacrificial magic?” Hermione asked in interest. “I take it is not just some

enchanted rock than. Famous magical stones that are described similar… hmm… I don’t
believe anyone would actually place such a supposedly well hidden object in a school
of all places if it is what I think it is.”
“A Philosopher’s Stone,” Harry said with a sigh of disgust. “As I said, it is a
nasty piece of sacrificial magic that can extend life by turning liquids notably
water into the Elixir of Life as well as turn base metals into gold. You don’t want
to know what it took to make this thing…”

“Lots of people being killed I take it,” Hermione said with a frown. “Nicholas
Flamel is the only known creator and a friend of Dumbledore’s.”
“So he entrusted the key to his continued survival to a well meaning if naïve old
man,” Harry said with a sinister laugh. “The humor of the paragon of light
protecting such a dark artifact is quite funny. Immortality does require sacrifice
though of one sort or the other. Blood and death to make it and blood and death shed
by those seeking to take it. Quite an interesting thing to run across and so lightly
protected. A shame to leave it here under such mostly security through obscurity
methods though considering his wards on the Dursley’s it is no surprise.”
“So we are going to keep it at least for now?” Hermione asked in confusion. “Do we
really need it or are you planning to sell it back to Flamel?”

“Might as well study it and give it back after summer comes,” Harry answered with a
bit of glee. “Still if whoever is searching for this wants something…”
“What are you up to?” Hermione asks as he reaches into his pocket and pulled out a
simple marble sized stone.

“Assuming whoever is looking for this has some notion of what it looks like I might
as well leave a replacement although my money is on our neighborhood shade,” Harry
answered with a smirk. “That it will cause whoever drinks from the elixir it
provides to die in a most unpleasant manner is just a bonus. Besides I expect that
this will be placed somewhere in the forbidden floor and when whoever it is gets by
whatever similarly pathetic defenses there are tries to use this…”

“They will die,” Hermione said with a giggle before pouting, “But it is a shame that
we don’t get to kill them directly.”

“My you seem more and more blood thirsty now,” Harry said with a slight smile. “To
think you have yet to slit a human’s throat though given how you did on the Troll
there is little risk of us hunting in the forest.”
“I would rather have my first human kill be somewhat memorable,” Hermione said as
she looked around him and into the mirror. “Huh who would have thought?”
“I take it that you see just us in the mirror?” Harry asked at the odd reaction his
friend gave. “Or at least something like that…”
“Yeah it’s us or more like all of us,” Hermione said with a definitely perverted
giggle. “Though I do think it looks as good as I imagined it would so all that is
left is to see if it feels as good as I think it will.”
“Between the four of you I see that most of our time will eventually be spent
enjoying the most carnal of confections,” Harry said with a sigh. “I don’t know
about you but I don’t think Tonks will be happy with whatever you did to keep her
“Not necessarily,” Hermione said as the three left the room. “Who would have thought
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that she would like such a loss of control?”
“So true,” Harry said with a visible smirk. “But you have to admit that she is so
damn much fun to play with!”
“Oh yes and the delicious sounds and movements she makes when we do so is so
exciting,” Hermione said with a grin her body showing signs of where her thoughts
were going. “Remind me to bring our willing toy here to make use of the facilities.
Just imagine the possibilities!”

“Keep that up and we won’t get to the plan,” Harry chided as he realized that two
amorous and sexually willing and wanting women was more than enough to derail his
attempt to follow meticulous and methodical plans. “Revenge first and then
celebratory games Hermione. We let them stew and think they got away with it
“Sad but true,” Hermione said with a mysterious smile. “At least you have a way of
venting though with Dora, I guess that is true for both of us now…”

“Aw like you don’t like being on the receiving end of my attention,” Harry teased as
they proceeded back to where they left Dora stewing in her own juices. “Still those
idiots were a very good distraction and did allow me to vent even if you had a bit
more fun with your own way of letting some stress out…”
“Oh yes that was fun,” Hermione said with a disturbing giggle. “Now lover boy, I
believe if we don’t get started we will get distracted and ravish Dora and each

“Yes as enjoyable as that is we can do that with more focus after the plan,” Harry
said as they drew near the door. “At least there have not been any blatant fan girls
so far this year…”

“Or they are very good at being easily cowed,” Hermione said with a smirk. “Some
seem to be likely considering that it would take something of epic proportions to
remove the pedestal they exalt you to. Why you could easily have a cult willing to
do anything for you; still there is the matter of them being little better than
willing toys or if they have some use pets.”

“Like I have time to keep a gaggle of pet girls,” Harry said with a snicker. “No
that has always been Alice’s preference. Could always see what she does to them
although she would break them even more than Dora is. Not that you didn’t mind
putting someone in their place…”
“Considering how often such desires grew because of how no matter how hard I tried
they would think of me as a brain when I was younger is that any shock,” Hermione
said before she leaned against the door and gently tugged Harry close so that she
was pinned to the door with their lips too close not to kiss. “Hmm that’s always
good. Yes we all have our control issues. Oh! You just… Yes like that! Are so much…
Fuck Harry! Better at controlling us!”
“Hmm,” Harry said as he pulled back from teasing Hermione as she writhed between him
and the door. “I guess I do have issues of my own. I need to be in control where you
want to be as well and if not able to be in control of others have others control
you. Now I feel more in control of things having controlled your pleasure like that
and you are more relaxed knowing that no matter how you attempt to test your leash I
can still make you come, cum and heel as I please. Still I know that this just makes
it so that you will be better focused on the plan…”
“Yes Master,” Hermione moaned as she shuddered under his attention. “The plan will
be perfect!”
“But of course,” Harry said before capturing her mouth to silence her cry of
release. “We worked on it together…”
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As soon as Hermione was somewhat recovered though happily willing for more, they
entered the tower and proceeded to where Dora was. Both were no longer suffering
from distractions to the plan and any they had would be dealt with afterwards.
Ronald Weasley may be the brother of the Twins but they were while pranksters
lacking the same flair for mind games that the pair had honed or well all four of
them had in some form or other. Harry had long since learned to reduce his victims
to terror consumed shacking things more frozen by their fear than even a body bind
would account for. Malfoy had never had such issues as his father’s money had
provided him with everything he wanted when he wanted it. Neither would likely be
able to show their faces without being mortified after their revenge on the two was
complete. Oh it was not the permanent solution that both felt prone to do but a
contingency would be soon able to be enacted once Harry had claimed his inheritance
and resources. In the mean time a prank that would make the Twins green in envy
would have to do. They just would need to get the insensate Dora down and recovered
from her reward or punishment depending on one’s point of view.


After the two incidents of the stone and room, Harry had delved into the book again
and using the room tried to cram what he felt had been slacking in Hermione’s
training as well as his own. Still all work and no play made Jack a dull boy as they
say and as sex was frequent enough yet also was doubling as physical exercises there
was a need for mental diversions to ease the mental stress. Besides there was the
fact that unlike the fools that had accosted Tonks the other idiots had been
planning and had enacted verbal torment and as they were outside their house less
accessible for direct physical retribution. There was also the matter that they were
as thick as bricks in some matters. Pain was fleeting while embarrassment would

‘Who would think that such a solution would be so easy in practice as well as idea,’
Tonks thought as she looked over the things in the room. ‘There certainly seems to
be enough for the plan and now to go down the checklist!’

They had the supplies.

‘Check,’ Tonks thought with a bounce to her step. ‘It may have spent some time and
money to get them but it will be so worth it.’

They had a target. One that was a truly worthy target of their attention. Thinking
back there was the matter of the score her family had with the Malfoys and the
disaster to her life that Molly and her notions had caused. The harm that the fools
had tried to do to her friend or lover was not for consideration.
‘Most definitely check,’ Tonks thought as she smiled as she felt her thighs rub
together. ‘Ronald and Draco are definitely a worthy target for their actions.’
They had a plan and most importantly an alibi as well as someone to take the fall.
There was far too much danger if someone suspected them at this point in time. Still
the fact that they had a plan with so many measures brought some notions and
feelings to her and she knew they did to the others as well.
‘Assuredly check,’ Tonks thought with a shudder as she felt her juices flowing
freely. ‘I cannot believe how exciting and arousing it is knowing that we won't get
in trouble for this.'
Besides it wasn’t like the teachers wouldn’t suspect the two anyways than again
there was the fact that the two had tried to prank them again. The only saving note
for the pair was really the completely respectable ways that they dealt with the
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girls around them. That their pranks were far less malicious than they could have
been as well as never gotten a sinister act done by them as their pranks had been
all in good fun was a point in their favor.
‘Yes the Weasley twins claim to be the best pranksters since the Legendary
Marauders,’ Harry thought with a sinister grin. ‘Still I feel that those two are
becoming legends in their own minds without any competition. Though it was fun to
find out that Dora had spent a chunk of last year having a prank off with them and
no one would suspect a Claw. How… droll.’

“Is everything ready?” Hermione asked with a smile which promised worse than pain to
those her ire was directed at. “Because I really want to see them get what they
deserve already. If only we hadn’t been distracted so recently even if I know we all
have enjoyed it.”
“You enjoy the distraction,” Tonks countered wrapping herself around the slightly
shorter girl as Hermione rested her head back against Dora’s chest. “Besides revenge
is a dish best served cold. Add to that the time it took to get a good plan and
there you go…”

“I don’t have to like it,” Hermione huffed between the soothing comforts around her.
“Still think that dropping them in the forest and letting them go naked to see if
they survive is a good option…”
“Maybe later,” Harry conceded as he went over the plans one more time. “One can
never tell if they will learn their lessons or not so early. My main concern is that
while they are both useless sacks of flesh that they are merely the symptoms of the
world around us. Neither of them truly realizes that their actions have consequences
and it would be about as pleasant as killing a child for doing what they were warned
against like touching fire. Sadly the lack of pain that their normal idiocies should
have caused keeps them from a decent beating. Still consider how much worse
embarrassment is than pain from experience…”

That caused both girls to flush in a mix of arousal and reminisced embarrassment.
Tonks had spent a large part of her free time after completing her homework as
quickly and accurately as possible whenever not with her friends hanging about his
room. More often not that was literal as they tended to keep her suspended in a
harness for their use. Oh boy had they used her to exhaustion so many times. She was
grateful that a Metamorph could miraculously restore wounds and the increased side
effects of the rituals she had while not a participant had attended left her body
more able to take the full spectrum of their attention.
Hermione in a way thought the prank was a very good idea as it diverted his
attention from thinking of ways to kill Voldemort whenever he showed up again. She
knew that he knew that he was not yet up to the task at the moment. Still dealing
with school age opponents was safer and far less risky than mixing magic in trying
to kill something that was not truly living or even undead let alone truly dead.
‘Yes vengeance will be ours,’ Hermione thought with a smirk as the plans unraveled
before them. ‘Oh I will admit serving master in any and every way that he wishes
does remove some of the old hurt but vengeance is sweet when justice is served.
Perhaps considering what I have managed to pry from Alice they wouldn’t mind dealing
with those old tormenters of mine. Still with the academic competition in addition
to vying for master’s attention the past few years were definitely better than the
last. Since the wards seem fairly likely to alert Dumbledore if a student is truly
in mortal peril we need pranks that approach to dull the alert so when it is time
for them to die as there is no more entertainment value in their punishments. Still
this will embarrass the two who despise each other almost as much as we do each of
them. Perhaps if things continue and they fail to learn their lesson from this we
can do something truly creative in ruining their image, a social or character
assassination if one will. Yes have Malfoy so embarrass his family name that his
father must cast him out would be quite rewarding. Have everyone believe Weasley is
a hypocrite that hates those like himself a lying conniving bastard that he is.’
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“So are we all ready?” Tonks asked as she wanted some relief from all the hanging
and teasing that she had been suffering under. “Tomorrow Malfoy and Weasley become
so mortified that they cannot think to remain here over holiday and yet their
parents will be also humiliated. Still if only Ronald was somewhat tolerable like
most of his brothers…”

“Besides the Prefect who seems to need a good exam to see how far up his ass the
pole is lodged,” Hermione commented as she considered things, “what do we know about
the rest of them? There are the twins who seem tolerable if one is not a Slytherin
but considering how it seems to be where the current leadership is run by people
with the same ideals if lacking the blind stupidity of Malfoy there is some
understanding of that. So Tonks I mean oh wonderful Dora what do you know about the
famous redheads?”
“The twins are pranksters and truth be told would have likely agreed to do this on
their own,” Dora said after a moment her fingers gliding over Hermione’s skin.
“Percival needs a severe beating with a clue stick from what I heard some of the
other prefects say, Ronald as we know needs to be ball checked at any opportunity
for the good of all that live, Bill was cool from what I heard and he works at
Gringott's as a curse breaker so he is definitely skilled and a bit more
understanding of things than Ronald or his mother, and as for Charley he was likely
to be a Quidditch star but most suspect he ran off to the Dragon Preserve in Romania
not just because he was obsessed about dragons but to get away from his mother’s
crazy ideas.”

“So scale of one to ten where one is so crazy they need to die and ten is messed up
and living with it where would you feel they are at?” Hermione asked as she had
accepted that everyone was crazy as she knew people would call her, her master and
his other minions let alone most people in real life she knew. “Let’s start with the
ones that have some semblance of dealing and avoid the two plagues on the school.”

“Well I would say the twins are eight approaching nines given that their pranks are
not malevolent in nature but are designed to give a laugh and minimal long term
embarrassment,” Tonks said with her arms hugging Hermione around the waist with her
head tilted just so in thought. “Charley was cool and new it was better to run like
Bill had than stay longer than necessary with his mum but neglecting Quidditch given
how much he loved it even if he liked being around dragons would slide him down a
bit so I would say five maybe six. Now as for Bill he took a dangerous job but he
like Charley is an adrenaline junkie as it was and loves challenging himself and
having a mental as well as physical and magical challenge of his job would incline
me to say a nine.”
“So it is likely their mother’s influence that is the catalyst,” Hermione said
leaning into the hug as much as her hormones wanted her to have either or both of
her lovers ravish her as much as she could without doing so. “Any other family that
we need to know of that will come to interact with us. Bill seems likely once we
exhaust Hogwarts secrets though that may be a long time coming as a thousand years
of secrets are accumulated here with that room as a definitive example.”
“A curse breaker will be very useful though equally expensive given how dangerous
the profession is,” Harry said as he contemplated a way not to completely turn the
redeemable Weasley’s from future association. “Charley may be upset with us with
that incident with Norbert I believe he called himself or said that Hagrid referred
to him as. The Voldemort situation sadly has to wait as this distraction will aid in
removing the compulsions that I feel are my nature to their actions. Really there
will have to be some way to figure out who he really is as there is no records under
that name and scrying does not show him as that so magically he is not that.”
Tonks frowned at her master before saying, “I thought that we were here to deal with
the simpler problem before the majors occur, dear Master. Though it is odd that so
little is known that one might need to extract such information from one of his
followers as Dumbledore as his opponent would while having it have no desire to part
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with it.”
“Ah the cunning of a true Black,” Harry said with a sigh. “Yes that is a matter to
deal with as well. It is a pity that whatever methods to ensure his existence are so
either forgotten or restricted to make the surety of his end so uncertain. Though
how we go from Weasleys to shades I do not know. Still there is the fact that we
have all the things needed to complete a prank that will allow us some infamy and
likely a good in with the Twins. Just having Kiki follow them has been beneficial
yet I suspect that more will reveal itself in time.”

“Plots within plots,” Hermione said as she leaned into Dora’s caresses. “Perhaps you
should see about taking the chess masters’ places in this drama as their resources
would definitely be useful? No there would be far too many distractions and nowhere
near as pleasant or pleasurable as the current ones for that to interest you…”
“True enough,” Harry said with an odd look on his face. “I have no desire to become
either their Light Lord or their Dark Lord. Both sides seem far too close minded to
be useful though their inevitable struggle will free up security from any place we
need to investigate and infiltrate.”

“Things for a different time to think of, my master,” Dora said as she closed her
eyes and tried to rein her hands in as the kept drifting closer to temptation. “If
we do not return to the matter than things will be delayed more so and that is
something that will influence your other plans.”
“True,” Harry said with a sigh as his lately relaxed control on his impulses made it
even harder not to indulge himself with the temptation his two servants actions
caused as he forced down the sudden twitching and want to move and take them there
and then. “So the plan seems simple and as soon as it is dealt with I’m sure that
there will be time for proper redress of both your behaviors…”
“You know us too well,” Dora said with an impish grin. “A bit more and I would have
needed some punishment for being unable to listen from my session.”

“You would have been too tempting to let you go with a simple punishment,” Hermione
said fighting her own desire once more even if it was starting to outgrow her need
to make those two boys suffer for their actions. “At least you understand that
actions have consequences something that those two seem not to have learned or

“Given what things about Ronald I have learned he seems to barely be above fire hurt
in his behavior,” Harry said with a very sinister shine to his eyes. “Despite any
ideas that Molly Weasley is responsible for his idiocy in her coddling that the
twins have complained not in public about, one would think that considering how
often she has to punish him to attempt to instill some behavior it is likely that he
will need repeated treatments.”
“So he will likely be a ready target always sticking his ignorant and self righteous
nose into things,” Hermione said resting against Dora just so. “I guess that means
like a rather slow puppy repeated discipline is required. Still we can always use
the other ideas in those times.”
“Yes this is only embarrassing and nowhere near enough to cause even a very weak
willed person to even think to run away or kill themselves,” Harry said with a look.
“Still removing their mental filters on their thoughts and speech is also something
to try later.”
“So really making them compelled and looking like their nemesis house is only a
slight warning shot,” Dora said with a thought. “Still adding a charm to their robes
to add words describing them as well as their thoughts and actions is an adequate
start. I still wish we would just make the school think that their fighting is
really flirting even if such things are officially not done in the Wizarding World.”

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“Yes that would make a good follow up though having them unable to do more than
lovingly talk to each other regardless of what they say will make this even more
embarrassing,” Harry said a hint of prankster coming through. “While I may not have
concrete evidence the school records and from what some have said seem to indicate
that James Potter and his friends were pranksters.”
“It would be hilarious if it turned out that they were the ones that the Twins so
looked up too,” Dora said as she succumbed enough to make it difficult for Hermione
to think let alone speak. “Having the house elves add part to their food and drink
is quite conniving.”
“We did know that if we were in Slytherin that there would be little chance of
allies outside of Ravenclaw,” Harry said with a smirk. “Also the house conflicts
were quite uninteresting so we thought it best to avoid it as well as the suspicion
that it would cast. Well more of how it would impede my ambition but I know now that
it will never be a mere dream as I will accomplish it.”
“True enough,” Dora agreed as she reluctantly withdrew her hands attentions so they
could finish things. “I don’t want to sound demanding but if you would could my two
owners put me to bed wet and sated once we are done?”
“Yes there is enough time to play afterwards,” Harry said looking to his watch for a
moment, “And it is a good thing that Hermione is recovering quicker from things.”
“Yes,” Hermione replied as she eased herself from where she had almost melted
against Dora. “There is that and never think we will send you away our Dora.”

Putting her words to actions Hermione made sure that Dora knew that they liked her
and were keeping her. A quick crack from Harry and the two reluctantly drew apart.
The three snuck out and set the prank into motion. It would be more entertaining to
leave them trussed up in their beds with enlarged pictures of each other with
themselves in compromising positions but none of them knew yet how to enter the
other common rooms. Settling into Harry’s room the three proceeded to mutually
satisfy themselves even as Dora relished the pair ravishing her. One minor worry did
however plague Dora.
‘How will I ever tell Penny about this?’ Dora thought as she hung suspended and
confined her body sporting a variety of marks as the pair used her willing form. ‘No
jealousy even at the idea of Master with anyone else and I feel a need to brag and
show off that my master is so great. I think that I will refrain from such
confessions until master has truly taken me in every way and form. Maybe by then
Penny will have her man have his head on straight?’

While they were mostly left to their own devices without their master to keep an eye
on them, Alice and Anne were quite able to get into trouble and with an adult pet
they could get some of the things they had heard about but been unable to acquire so
far. The boys forking every cent they could for the slacking of their slut Sarah’s
sexual appetite was almost as profitable as potions well the ones that Harry let
them brew unwatched. By the time Harry went to Gringott's proper there would be
enough galleons to influence and fast approaching what some of the more skilled
managed to accumulate. Oddly that was without the added income of preventative
potions and the like.
‘So Hermione has managed to get master over some of his reluctance,’ Alice thought
as she read over the last rather encrypted letter from her relative slash rival. ‘I
do find it odd that her fair play wants her to not win without a chance for us to
compete. Still there are three with me and only two with her added pet. It is likely
I would win with sheer numbers as the girls wish for him to take them and yet I feel
driven to have him first even with a few firsts of my own.’
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“Alice,” Anne said as she entered the room looking quite worn out. “Is that a letter
from master? I mean things are great and all but master is master.”
“Actually it is from Hermione,” Alice said barely suppressing her rivalry with her
cousin. “It seems that master is no longer reluctant to enjoy our fellow servants
attentions. Though she does hint that she has likewise gained a true weapon and that
master has become even more powerful there is more concern in that we have more
competition for his affection.”

“Why would it be competition?” Anne asked as if her friend didn’t understand the
situation. “Master will do what he wishes and there are enough willing to entertain
while one waits for his attentions. I will give master one of his firsts as did you
so there is nothing to concern about and it is greedy to think otherwise.”
“He will be more at the wizards’ attention now,” Alice said with a sigh at her
friend and lovers unwillingness to see the matter properly. “He will claim his
inheritance and the trouble that goes with it. We will join him there next year and
who will run our master’s other matters while he is gone. It took far too long to
properly understand enough to keep things running while he is gone!”
“So you are worried about who will take over the business when you are out of town
for most of the year,” Anne realized as she wrapped her friend in a very
affectionate hug. “I guess that you didn’t really think about things than. Who will
we have here while we are gone? I cannot believe that you forgot about them?”

“Really who do we have here that can keep up the potions and ingredient gathering
for us let alone the other ventures,” Alice said leaning into her friend’s embrace.
“I may be able to pawn off the girls but not a one of them are aware of let alone
skilled in potions or ingredients. So please do tell who can run this while we are

“Most ingredients are not that difficult to gather here and you know it,” Anne
chastised her disappointed that her local boss didn’t seem to get things. “Potions
for the most part as you can tell from the books even squibs can brew and what
difference is there from muggles for such matters? You also forgot that most of the
black market brewers are itching for our master’s mark! Besides most are quite
skilled but without someone to get them recognized have little chance to do more
than sell potions on the cheap. Now consider that the school seems to be oblivious
to a lot of things from the previous letters than we could shift a number of the
brews that require ambient magic to work there and have the more herbalist ones made
by the toys.”

“Selling them like we have seems less complex than explaining magic to them,” Alice
said with a sigh. “You know that even the rituals we used cannot make one a wand
waver even if other aspects of magic can be done…”
“So you forgot those rituals as well,” Anne teased as her hands went to better uses.
“One cannot create a magical core without sacrifice and considering that there are a
number of those that intend our master harm that wouldn’t be noticed if they
“While killing the enemy to enhance our master’s slaves has merit,” Alice said with
a frown as she considered it. “You are overlooking things. Since Hermione received a
letter it is likely that they would notice a sudden group of wizards emerging. Still
the more applicable could be trained to brew herbal recipes and other things even if
we know master would likely press our healing to the limit if either of our groups
got into some of the shit that pompous ass Dudley thinks to get involved in. If it
wasn’t for the fact that cock sucker would rat out every other group in the area and
draw attention to him, we would have arranged for his blundering to be noticed.”
“A shame that we need those sacks of bones for the moment,” Anne said with a pout.
“I look forward to the day that he takes his pound of flesh for their actions. The
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Dursleys need to die or at least Vernon and Dudley do they are both idiots and seem
to like bungling about in petty crimes. Still Vernon seems to be able to keep
anything from sticking at the moment.”
“Right good at keeping his records clean,” Alice said her voice mimicking a show
they had watched. “A shame that the coppers can’t do a thing without evidence and
despite the almost obvious bit of money he’s been nicking he seems as honest and
wholesome as the rest of the degenerates here pull off. Bit of blackmail would do
wonders in ensuring that he keeps his notions to himself.”

“I wonder how long Petunia can go without given no signs of that between them,” Anne
said with a disgusted look on her face. “Be a bit easy to keep the two on a leash if
they sampled either of the wares as it were. Still it is something to worry about
later even if it will be moot in a few years so back to the point.”
“We bring enough money in that master can support himself and us without dipping
into his trust fund or family holdings,” Alice said with a frown. “Potions are
mostly legit and won’t cause enough of a scene to involve Aurors unless the
competition bribes a few to investigate. Also they don’t care what one does to
muggle unless it endangers there statute of secrecy and are quite willing to believe
a memory charm solves everything so there is little concern in our current ventures
although gaining control of a proper brothel wouldn’t be that disadvantageous. Sarah
will definitely allow us to more easily cull the most idiotic of the scum that dwell
“So why not train Sarah to keep an eye on things?” Anne asked as she started to coax
some time to distract. “She can keep an eye on the girls in addition to training
them to be more pleasurable in use. With things kept discrete and no risk of
pregnancy or disease most of our classmates are willing to admit that they are horny
and ready to get fucked! So what if they are likely to have of their own volition
started getting some suck money? We keep them safe and sound and they oddly don’t
even want to be paid! Sure they don’t know more than they need to but we have a
responsibility to them and that includes using them responsibly.”

“You are thinking of things that normally you wouldn’t,” Alice said with a frown. “I
take it that too little time for sex makes you think on such things. The adults are
as corrupt as they are seemingly concerned even if it is only with appearances. So
instead of their kids being in someone else’s pockets they will be in ours. Dudley
seems too likely to bring drugs and other things that the law would be interested
in. By the time he is a teen he will likely be pushing and trying to shake down a
bit outside our turf. If we could find some other pre Hogwarts kids or some squibs
we could get the potions to be a very big business instead of very expensive and

“Money is a concern only as far as it is needed to provide what we need as our

master wills,” Anne said as her hands were no longer attempting to innocently
persuade her friend. “Still allowing the idiots here to maintain their control is a
danger to our activities. Dudley lacks the intelligence not to draw in either the
police or a major gang, and either of which would result in danger to our master’s
objectives. The money we are making is merely a means to an end and should not be an
end in and of itself.”
“You have been spending too much time with people that debate such philosophies,”
Alice said with a frown. “Morality is the manacle of the weak and simple minded
easily led and quickly silenced. We have no need for such constraints as our master
is all that matters and his word is our only absolute. It is quite humorous that
after all that he has done that he has some notions of civility or courteous
behavior. No our readily actions in his behalf do not need such external
“And yet our master has a code of conduct and of ethics that he and thus we shall
adhere to,” Anne countered enjoying the lively discussion almost as much as she
would with their fellows or the older students that had some clues. “We should
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remember that and yet not forget that even if we are to all intents and purposes
tools for his ambition that he wishes us to be the best that we can and if it makes
us more useful to him than more so the better. Irregardless of the wizards and their
world, master already decreed that we are to be the best and given the way that he
inspired us to advance in school that regardless of my own willingness to do
whatever he wills even giving up what I may once have dreamed of doing. Hermione may
be less likely to completely subsume herself for his sake but she does in some way
wish to stand if not as an equal than that of a near equal. We know they both are
far ahead of our age group and that they will meet the requirements for University
and as it does in a way meet his ambition we must do so as well.”
“Considering that we are already a few years ahead of our peers you should realize
that even with the distractions that we will meet such requirements as soon as
possible,” Alice said with a moan as Anne once more sought to win the discussion.
“That these ventures will likely need to be washed from our involvement before that
point unless our little group of hanger-on does not decide to move on is something
that will eventually need to be addressed. Still for the time we have ready and
willing playmates of both genders and yet all other actions seem to pale compared to
even the briefest of our interactions with him.”

“I would think as someone who is a switch that you would understand,” Anne chided as
her fingers stroked her lover causing her to shudder in her arms. “Our master is the
light under which we bloom. It is as simple as that. He wishes us to excel and we
shall do so. He wishes us to challenge ourselves and we do so regardless of it being
magical or non magical education. He knew of our needs and regardless of his
previous indifference met them. He realizes he has tastes to indulge and we shall do
so. The matter of the sexual adventures of those under his protection only matter in
such matters. They wish to play and he does not decree that they do not therefore
they may and shall do so. Sarah is ours and as we are his it follows that she is as
well. He will require someone to run things while we are closer to attend to him and
thus she shall. She may be submissive to almost all of us but she was more than
willing to be in control when her previous master chose for her to do so.”

“So I am over thinking things and you are going to for my own well being distract me
from the stress I have allowed to accumulate,” Alice said in acceptance. “Still you
are hoping that there will still be some lingering frustrations for him to use you
to vent when he returns. This last part that Hermione seemed quite distraught to
send along even encoded mentions that the fool who dared to think he could strike
our master down has returned as a shade and that he was despite hiding it quite
irritated to be unable to end the dog. Oh yes he will assuredly have much
frustrations of his own to release.”
“I look forward to it,” Anne said as she stopped teasing and started to urgently
play her friends body. “For now though just relax and let Anne make you feel
Alice’s reply was a smile as her friend went to work and hands soon worked her
clothes off. As neither of them wore any undergarments this left Alice completely
bared to her lover’s touch. Anne quickly put fingers and tongue and even a few
things lying about such as a feather that had been shed by Night to use. No one that
was around paid attention to the jubilant and vocal explanations of the two as they
were likewise occupied and thus were also as vocally or not as they wished
exclaiming their pleasures; Sarah in fact was quite occupied with her current group
of students.
‘Perhaps those two are really ready for the advanced lessons,’ Sarah thought as she
turned her attention to her currently impaled students. ‘It is a shame that they
cannot do this exercise as they wish for our master to be the one to take their
remaining virginities. Still these eager girls are already learning how to do things
that would cause almost any male to pass out and flow out quickly. Still Christmas
will allow my mistresses to have a lesson on advanced muscle control with a live
male instead of these toys. The boys would likely be willing to do so but they are
still passed out from the advanced oral and hand skills lesson. Their future lovers
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will be pleased after they get their advanced lessons in.’
Sarah was left to listening to her mistresses cries of release as she waited for her
students to recover. The girls from learning how to control all of their inner
passages to control tightness and even ripple and milk and the boys from how to
receive that as well as proper lingual strength, dexterity and stamina. As they
would still be a while longer with the boys passed out with flaccid members and
soaked fingers and mouth and the girls with trying to draw their current toys into
themselves, Sarah turned to her own toys and proceeded to bring herself to edge and
draw it out before going eventually over and repeating. She was looking forward to
the new toy she had acquired and the use she would make of it once her lesson was


Meanwhile as the situations devolved both in Surrey and in Hogwarts the adults of
Hogwarts and the staff thereof were once more trying to come to grips with things.
The most distraught was one Quentin Quirrell. He was shuddering in pain as his body
once more attempted to overcome the seemingly untreatable injuries he had sustained.
‘What kind of magic was that?’ Voldemort thought in rage as he observed the
extensive damage to his host’s body. ‘Never before have I seen anything close to
that not even Fiendfyre seemed to be as destructive to my current state. Oh it
seemed more controlled and I do not recall seeing any spells or creatures that
controlled fire like that exactly. The Veela may be able to throw fire when they
sprout wings but control of that fire was normally less so. If there was a ritual
which granted that amount of control of fire wandless, I would have done so. I do
have to wonder what other powers they have and if there was a way to gain them as
well once I get a body of my own back.’

“Master,” Quirrell begged as he soothed salve onto the necrotic flesh. “Why won't
anything work on this? It is still spreading!”

“Enough with your wining Quirrell!” Voldemort chastised his servant even as he tried
to think how to punish him as the symbiotic pain irritated him. “When we have the
stone this will be dealt with! These interlopers thankfully do not know about the
prize or they would already try to gain it as well. Still there is the matter of why
there are no sufficient records on the stone to even make more than a failed
imitation. Despite all my exploration into such knowledge there is the fact that not
even that old fool has any idea what his mentor did to create that artifact. Even my
closest attempts to create things of such a nature at most could slow but not halt
the aging process. Perhaps that or one of the other things I left here for safe
keeping would at least delay this until the stone is acquired.”
“Thank you master,” Quirrell said with blind devotion and affection. “Your wisdom is
only overshadowed by your knowledge and power.”
“As it should be,” his master told him. “What good is power if one does not know how
to use it? It is meaningless as one would become a tool for others to use their
power. Knowing when to act is as important as knowing how to act my servant. Why do
you think we do not simply storm through the protections and take it by force?”
“Time, master, to overwhelm the obstacles which would draw the muggle loving fools
attention,” Quirrell answered like a good puppy even as the salve slowed the rot
still there. “You are more powerful than he by far my master, but he could delay
your pitiful servant until there is little chance for success. Still there is the
matter of why does he not destroy the stone if it is such a risk to him?”
“He may be a muggle loving fool but despite what he may claim he does in some form
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desire the stone as well,” Voldemort confided in his servant. “Why he does not take
what he can has always seemed foolish to me. The only reason for not doing so is
that he desires to prove his worth by creating his own stone.”
“A shame that even the barest inkling of how to create the stone was likely
destroyed by Flamel to prevent anyone else from having one,” Quirrell said with a
frown in thought. “What could it be to make it a true Philosophers Stone compared to
the near replicas?”
“Something I myself have pondered long and hard on,” Voldemort told him. “Whatever
secret it is remains solely with the Flamels and once I am restored that will be one
of the first things to extract from them!”

“You are most wise and powerful,” Quirrell said once more praised the spirit slowly
consuming him. “They will not be able to resist you and with their continued
existence at stake will surely yield what they have so jealously acquired to you.”
“Yes they have been reclusive for so long I wonder why that it is that they do so,”
Voldemort said more to himself than Quirrell. “There is more to it than their well
deserved paranoia of people wishing for their things. They have centuries of
accumulated knowledge that the other families cannot help but envy as well as what
they have kept safe from the Ministries purges. A source that I have yet to tap and
I will do so this time. Perhaps there is something to exchange if outright force
does not work.”
“What of Dumbledore’s library master?” Quirrell asked in a sudden thought. “He
studied under him so he may have some ideas as well whatever he felt was too
dangerous to destroy. He may be quite intolerant of what he deems as dark magic to
the public but he is far too proud to destroy information even if he was not a
“Yes though there is far more to the man than I had believed,” he spoke as he
realized that despite how well he could predict his opponents moves that there was
still something the man was holding back or did not even acknowledge anymore about
himself. “Where does he stop lying to himself when he lies to others I wonder or is
it more?”

“He is getting old master and is far too proud of his image to indulge in rituals
that would delay the complications of that,” Quirrell said as he contemplated it.
“Could he have started to become unraveled or worse having complications from
whatever incomplete attempt he made at acquiring the stone for his self? He is
getting old and even he will have to succumb to age considering his choices.”

“He could have a flawed stone or even a shard improperly used,” Voldemort mused as
he contemplated how the old wizard had continued to live even though he knew that
wizards lived longer than the muggle rabble and the more powerful would live
proportionately longer. “Something else to investigate but his rooms is far more
guarded than even this gauntlet. While I am powerful your pitiful body cannot handle
my power flowing through it. Although given that he was not the one to impede my
progress that does not mean that he could not add more encumbrances to our path…
What are you thinking you meddlesome old goat?”
Meanwhile Albus was in his chambers listening to his chamber music while blessed out
on lemon drops. Oh he never imagined that he would be so easily sedated by such
actions when he had been young and full of vigor. Perhaps he shouldn’t use as strong
of calming drops in his candies though it did help ease his temper even now.
‘It wouldn’t do to show the brats what I think,’ Albus thought under the calm of the
potions lacing his candies. ‘Yet it seems harder each day to keep my identities
separate. As much as I find shaping people to be entertaining, my more naïve mask
feels as if it will for a time consume me once more. Still having them all be tied
to me helps to keep things running without the paperwork that being minister would
entail. Still I miss the times of my youth and all the experiences of it even if I
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do vicariously relive it through the students. To think my friend would use such a
parting curse and they wonder why I didn’t kill him and instead imprisoned him to
suffer for his betrayal.’
His mind drifted over all the current plans and how they had devolved. Hagrid had
noticed that unicorns were being targeted and while there were a few decidedly
forgotten rituals that were require such an ingredient he did suspect that his old
student was using it to delay his departure along with whatever it was that had
worked that night. Oh he had suspicions but it was far too difficult to think while
the potions eased his over thinking mind.
‘Ah to be young again,’ he contemplated as memories of his past came to mind. ‘A
minor tweak to the pensive and I can relieve anyone’s memories and with them
extracted with Legilimency as the students had thankfully had no useful version of
it not even his manipulative Slytherins. Oh how Severus would hate to know that half
assed version he and that disappointment use are so easy to bypass if one knows how.
Now which memories should I use to wash away the troubles?’
It had been worth the effort to make memories more than mere visual as unlike some
of his predecessors he wasn’t that much of a voyeur until after his friends
crippling curse had struck. To live those things again was one of his greatest joys
left. It had been so difficult not to just Imperio some of the students to act out
what he missed doing. Those old urges from using lesser compulsions when he was
younger to arrange things had been getting difficult for so long.
‘I do think that Minnie would be quite cross if I could arrange her dreams once more
and did not do so,’ Albus thought as he reached for the special lemon drops and let
a piece of the drop touch the pensive and change. ‘At least her fantasies are far
less politically dangerous than mine. Now I might as well enjoy a reminiscence of
that rather wonderful season where all the things I liked to experience were done to
that lucky boy. Ah the times he had!’

He looked at the drop as he thought about the things he would once more get to
experience. It had been far too long since that curse had stolen from him of all the
things that he used to enjoy. Oh there were temporary things around it but even he
knew that his life would have been far easier if he had been one of the more able to
use the darker magics that were so frowned on. Oh he was able to occasionally allow
his darker aspects to indulge in some voyeurism of the students and other staff, but
he was well aware that no matter what he did that as odd as it was the Hufflepuffs
were immune to his spying.
‘The one thing I never got to experience was the supposed wilds that they do even if
I was willing and able to indulge with the other houses,’ Albus thought full of
glee. ‘To think that parents believe their children are anyways less adventurous
than they were. I still find that quite humorous as I reflect on it. Ah the good old
days when there was plenty of willing tail for me as they call it now before this
condition. Oh how daring the Gryffindor girls were and even some of the boys and how
much fun we had considering how thrilled they were when there was a risk. Still the
Ravenclaws tended to be so wild when they let loose and were even willing to part
with some knowledge in trade though sometimes they were willing to take knowledge in
trade. Hmm maybe I should see what antics the Slytherins are up to in their play. I
wonder how quickly Minnie would succumb to all the records and knowledge from all
the past Heads. Perhaps some of the recent head girl’s antics when she gives head as
well and something it was a shame to not be able to enjoy personally’
Considering how close he was to slipping up some days he rarely let even the more
permissible ideas pass when they were around. It had been something the heads had
been more than oft to indulge in. It was something that would never be recorded in
Hogwarts: a History, but since the times of the founders there had been the tacit
trend for Heads to play with the prefects regardless of if they were Head of
students, house or school. Still it had been some of the least likely to do so that
did. Something that was well hidden in Hogwarts and secret to anyone but the
Headmaster or Headmistress herself was the secret archives that were enchanted to be
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indestructible as well as for the inability to reveal it or either give it away or
prevent it from being passed on.

‘Perhaps there will be a time when even I can add the secrets of Hufflepuff
something that even the Hufflepuff Heads and professors since Helga herself seem to
be oath bound to prevent,’ Albus thought as he lifted the drop to place it in his
mouth. ‘Still there will be time for that later. Now to indulge in a rather pleasant
mini summer holiday…’
As Albus closed his eyes and he began to relieve another’s life. For once there was
a truly real smile on his face. It was most definitely something that even Minnie in
her most deviant would have been disgusted with. It was a summer of violent deviance
and blackmail to a level even his most reviled rivals would not stoop to. Sure it
paled compared to some of the removed from record events from the wizard wars. Oh
how he sought over those furiously guarded events. Still he might as well completely
embrace the gathering and breaking of so many people in such delightful ways. Soon
not even his former mentor would be able to keep his restoration from occurring.

Machinations were progressing nicely and while some were forced to contemplate
things there was a couple that were quite irate. Their most coveted and concealed
artifact had been hidden away by their most oft viewed as naïve and goody-goody
associate. They were currently trying to decide what to do with the current mess and
the fact that despite what the meddling fool had done and said they had not been
asked. Now despite what most thought they did not live alone and despite the modern
wizards having house elves as servants neither really cared for the odd things. No
they were quite grateful for the tendency of the government to be willing to
grandfather exceptions in and as they had kept the family since before the Statute
of Secrecy they had felt no reason to lose such useful and well used servants.

“Who does he think he is to take something from us?” Nicolas ranted to his wife
ignoring the scampering of their servants. “We took him in and trained him even
allowing him some credit for our work and this is how he repays us!”

“The head of both the Wizengamot and the Confederation, dear,” Perenelle chided with
a frown, “is who he is and that does give him quite some political power especially
here. Still he has allowed his positions to get to his head and that is quite
dangerous for us. If it had not been for the fact that he has proven most
untrustworthy in our more important secrets and the extenuating need for someone to
do what we needed at the time, we should have killed him when we had the chance even
if it meant that we would have to make ourselves more available to the people to
keep them in line. He has always coveted our power and prestige all this time. Still
that he has managed to get the Goblins to take our stone from us is quite
“Yes how he did that is most distressing as I find it hard to believe that they
would yield anything from us as willing as they would be for other clients,” Nicolas
said with a thoughtful look to his wife. “No he must have something to sway them
despite how certain they are not to gain our ire after the last time. Still I will
have to thank that manipulative little brat for how stupid he has been leaving the
sheep. How they can actually think is a mystery given the shoddy at best education
he has been providing for them. Still I know that he has been useful keeping us
mostly out of the spotlight as he has been and especially in either removing or
covering up our actions in some of the Goblin’s attempts to regain some of their
former glory.”
“He didn’t do that for us explicitly,” she said as she reclined on her chair while
being served some food while otherwise enjoying their servants’ services. “Still he
has been somewhat useful and we have been prone to tolerate his actions until this
point. I am still quite annoyed that he would do so without telling us and we would
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not have known if you had not gone to check on it. Still he has so little idea of
what it can really do and as he has no idea of its true nature there is little risk
of him destroying it and with all his obligations he has even less time to even gain
any understanding of it so our secrets are safe at this time.”
“Yes it is even more irritating that the Goblins failed to inform us of a break in
until after most of their investigations had provided little evidence of who entered
our vault,” Nicolas said still pacing and unlike his wife allowing his anger to
build instead of vent. “Acquiring even a fraction of the ingredients to recreate the
stone would take years. I guess my paranoia in maintaining a sufficient supply here
is a good thing.”
“If you had been paranoid enough,” Perenelle said with a frown quickly replaced with
a more pleasant look as she stroked the hair of the servant servicing her, “you
would have never let the stone out of sight and had an imitation placed in
Gringott's as that would have been the sensible thing to do, but no you had to
actually store the thing out of sight were any meddlesome person could eventually
find a way past the wards or a copy of the key and get it. Still at least you were
paranoid enough not to teach that close minded boob more than the most meager of
Alchemy’s secrets. Why he actually believed the two of you discovered the twelve
uses for dragon’s blood when we knew them all along.”
“True there was some fun playing with the man but while he made a good diversion
from any possible enemies he was far too short sighted to understand what we do or
even did,” Nicolas said with a frown as he watched his wife remove stress with some
of the more nubile servants. “Still the notion at Gringott's would have been a
trying thing to remember at times.”

“Oh stop pacing and relax so that we can think of how to best turn this latest
disaster to some benefit,” Perenelle said as she indulged in their all but official
slaves’ worship of her body. “We cannot simply appear at Hogwarts and express our
displeasure as it would have long reaching consequences more so for us that that
man. It would be quite trying to enter the castle with the wards he has access to.
Neither of us has a blood tie to bypass them and those that would are either dead or
well hidden. On the positive side even if he was to investigate the stone he lacks
the knowledge to properly discern how it works. Such knowledge was restricted to
only the most experienced of Necromancers and practitioners of Blood Magic neither
of which has been seen in any number for centuries do to a number of things…”

“The Ministry at least was useful in slowly limiting the number and types of magic,”
Nicolas said as he reluctantly sat down whereupon a servant proceeded to lavish
attention to relieve his stress. “Even if it was more for their own power it has
been useful as the complete lack of skill or intelligence of the past few so called
great wizards can attest to. Grindlewald was more of an exception than the last one
“Something that we suspect Dumbledore had a hand in,” Perenelle said as her hands
moved to the two slaves worshipping her upper body. “Still he has done quite the job
to cover up whoever it is that chose to call themselves Lord Voldemort. Perhaps he
tried to gain control of Hogwarts completely?”
“Perhaps,” Nicolas said with a grunt as he roughly used the female slave’s skull.
“Still since he claimed to be the heir if not just an heir of Slytherin leaves us
with a few people it could have been. The last family having any claim to that was
the Gaunt Family and they have barely managed to produce anyone stronger than a
squib in generations. Well there was also the matter of them tending to be as mad as
Hatters quite a good point of bad inbreeding they were as well as how to lose a
family fortune.”
“So we have to allow Dumbledore to keep our stone for a bit longer,” she said with
her eyes and face showing her satisfaction with the performance of the current
generation of their families’ slaves. “Still we will be able to get something from
his foolishness in this matter. At least the previous Headmasters were smart enough
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to know who to keep happy. I miss their gifts…”
“Yes it is quite different to have the notions of that man passing to more
generations of students,” he said as he held the well trained slaves head pinned to
him. “At least he does not seem to be as much of a fool as that self styled lord
thinks. Really why anyone would think that he actually cares for the muggles or even
muggleborn. It is a shame that unlike a few centuries back that they don’t use the
easily disposable for experiments let alone his unwillingness to send a few to earn
their education here.”

“True some of them were quite skilled,” she said her eyes closed and fluttering as
her memories enhanced her current experience. “Headmaster Black was one of the last
to show some decorum it seems to be a shame the way that family has fallen so far.
Really spending money so wastefully… dark or light lords come and go but we and the
institutions we create remain. Still it would seem that we will need to take a more
direct interest than we have needed to do for centuries. A shame that this gambit
has fallen short leading us to Dumbledore who in turn created this greedy and power
hungry adversary and one that we will need to deal with. At least knowledge that
would be dangerous to us is quite missing nowadays. We really should see about
retaining a new oracle now. Something seems to be stirring or so some of the rumors
seem to show.”
“Whispering of danger and dark magic being rediscovered without any proof is not
something we should worry about at the moment,” he said recovering from the
attention of the still cleaning servant. “It is a shame that detectors for such are
quite inaccurate though there are plenty of ways to prevent even scrying from
finding whoever it is. It did take some investigation but I think it is safe to know
that somewhere there is a necromancer out there again. Someone controlling something
like that could only know such magic.”
“Something to worry about than,” she said with a frown. “Considering what one
properly trained could do it is best that they do not find the stone. They would
know it for what it is and be most likely willing to blackmail us for something…”

“Considering whoever it is cares little for most concerns there is little worry of
any antagonization of us by this person,” he said with a thought as he considered
what he had been able to dredge up. “They already are amassing almost enough money
as the stone could produce in over a month! So there is no need for the stone for
that purpose and as you know that the elixir is modeled after something similar both
to the native processes of necromancers and vampires so what does that leave an
interest in us. As it is the loss of the stone even temporarily can be offset by
some of the things we know.”
“Yes there are a few pleasant alternatives that we can indulge in and it is not as
if our servants do not have enough loyalty after so long in our service,” she purred
as the servants pleasuring her seemed to have even more enthusiasm from her praise.
“It has been far too long since such magics were used by others though given how we
have trained our pets over the years it is far better than if we had left them out…”
“True,” he said with a sigh under the gentle cleaning of the servants tongue. “The
education in all matters has fallen far more so since Dumbledore’s machinations have
become less beneficial. Oddly enough he has had lest enjoyable interests as he has
gotten older quite unlike how I thought he would develop. I thought that he would
develop to enjoy life at some point given his formative years and yet he has become
obsessed with the greater good rather than the so called lesser goods. How worse
would it be if everyone subsumed their enjoyment for some higher purpose?”
“You mean like the other wizards and muggles have done,” she said while enjoying the
increased and enticing attention of their pets. “Still despite what we have tried to
influence of their societies I still prefer our solitude where we can enjoy things.
I will admit that I miss the parties from the Puffs and our toys do have a better
life than they would have been considering how even now those like them are
ostracized. Perhaps they are more so do to the changes since this so called
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revitalization of traditions. Traditions bah! They know nothing about them and are
recreating some twisted view of things. Still our attempts to create a society where
we can be free to indulge our appetites without being reviled does seem to be baring
some fruit even if it is only among muggles.”
“True oh that’s a bit sensitive pet,” he said as he caressed the gorgeous girl
worshipping his recovering sex. “It is a shame that despite our intentions that man
has reversed the trend among wizards. Still despite their current public image they
also wish for the world we want as even if they have to hide their appetites they
have some of them as well.”
“Oh yes!” she said as she climaxed while she dreamed of a world where they co do
this wherever they were without the idiocy of these artificially created social
mores going in their way. “Who would ever wish for a world without such joy? Oh look
their cuming from just pleasuring us!”
It was true he realized as the girl with him reached for a soothing potion to ease
the aches that overuse would provide. It had been one of the more useful potions in
his life. Besides what better purpose was there to extend one’s life if one did not
enjoy it. Oh they did indulge in what were considered the higher pleasures of the
mind but they also had known that they should spend plenty of time savoring the
gratification of the flesh. Speaking of which there was a soothing sensation to his
recuperating form and plenty of willing participants including his wife of so many
centuries and all the experimentation they had done with each other and their
willing companions were quite memorable. As tempting as it had been to just savor
the memories and the slightly pleasant sensations from her hands he should really do
more than just lay here when there was such opportunities.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 13: Winding down to Winter Solstice Part 1
by SamStone 1 Reviews
Revelations and discussions as those involve prepare fr the coming holiday
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Andromeda Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008/10/14 -
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
Updated: 2008/10/14 - 10127 words
Chapter 13: Winding down to Winter Solstice
The shortest night of the year while it is less energetic in certain matters was a
rather good time to enjoy the moonlight don't you think? - Harry on Yule and the
Winter Solstice.


"So everything is prepared than?" Sarah asked from where she was kneeling on the
floor and squatting on a double pronged box with a very blissful look on her face.
"Most definitely, pet," Alice said as she ran her hands through the woman's hair.
"So you're looking forward to this as well?"
"Yes mistress," Sarah said with a smile even as Alice absently caressed the
controls. "You both have been so good to me but even I know that Master needs more."
"True," Anne says from where she is seated with two other girls between her legs
while two were nuzzling and more her chest. "Still I know that it will be a holiday
to remember. I just hope that he enjoys it as much as possible. Still if it wasn't
for that man I would not know how to best please our master and yet be unable to
give him something before the others."
"I see," Alice said with a sigh ignoring the sudden yelp of Sarah as her body was
suddenly stimulated. "While his death removed him from harming others he did hurt
you so and yet you claim that to heal that slight having our master reclaim that
from you. It makes as much sense as most of our other notions at times. I myself
feel a bit irked not to be masters first in all things but I understand that it is
far better to share than bring his displeasure. We shared many firsts with him and
while I wish to be greedy I know it would not be fair to you or him. Loath as I am
to admit that Hermione bested me considering our rivalry this will be the one thing
she will do first for him while you will be another."

"Hmmm," Anne said as she reveled in the tongues and fingers increased vigor before
gasping. "Still I can see where you are coming from. I myself wished I could be the
first for myself as him but I will content myself with what I can do. Besides Sarah
will be quite entertaining in cleaning us up and that will be enjoyable in itself."
"Practice does make perfect in if we get better at this way of talking we would be
able to be practically ecstatic from his or one another's attention and no one would
suspect," Alice said before her face smirked at the change on Sarah's face. "Despite
our families being rather unavailable there is the fact that as amusing and arousing
as offending them by vocally exclaiming how wonderful it is to be fucked by our
master even more so where they cannot stop the activities that is little reason to
not make an effort to avoid falling into habits that would draw attention on us. Not
all of the police and other authority figures are as hypocritical or corrupt as the
ones we seem to find. It is inevitable that well meaning people would eventually
stick their over eager noses into things that are best left alone."
"Yes there is far too many that would see what we are doing as criminally wrong or
worse a sin against their morality or religion," Anne said with a soft sigh as a
gentle release was drawn from her body. "Still I wonder why they have to decide that
these things that feel so good are so wrong. Besides it is not as if we are doing
anything like those fuckers did to us as all involved in this are willing. Still I
do have to admit that Sarah is coming along rather well don't you think?"

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"True and she is still going to take a while before she is able to think coherently
or actively recall any conversation when she is in such duress even if she loves
every minute of it," Alice said before grabbing a rather interesting toy. "Still
perhaps after our most beneficial master has taken his own turns at our holes the
one who best pleases him will get a round on that. It does look like she is having
the time of her life well definitely comes close to her sessions."

"So true she does seem to be constantly peaking," Anne said watching the shuddering
nonstop orgasms that their pet was experiencing. "I wonder if we should try that on
some of the others as I do think that they will like it. Any idea what effects it
has on tongue or mouth when she is churning like that?"
"Yes I do think that the rest are willing and on the easy side at least the rest are
not as adamant as we are in who pops our cherries as they say on the playground,"
Alice said as she set the flat to vibrate as she watched the various changes to
their pet that tweaking the controls had. "We could always see what effects it has
and if their tongues or mouths vibrate from the effects. I wonder if a single dildo
would allow for a vibrating ass or cunt. Something to worry about later I think. We
will need to get better at thinking through orgasms and making sure that Sarah does
as well."
"Practice and training I would say for that," Anne said after grabbing a spare girl
and moaning into her mouth. "Still with our current allies being so eager to help is
there any way we can crush Dudley's Dummies?"
"That is so tempting if it wasn't for the risk of Dursley getting the authorities to
curious with their flimsy lies," Alice said with a sigh. "We need to either have
enough legal arrangements that there is no way that the system would require him to
go to a foster family. The only exception would be if we could get either ours or,
even as loath as I would wish it, Hermione's parents to do so. Still there is
something familiar about them; it makes me wonder what secrets they hide..."

"Master likely has a plan to render more of that dealt with," Anne said as she
started to think about the little things that were out of place. "I believe he plans
to gain control of both his parents' estate as well as his godfathers. That the
bitch has no notion of a will always seemed fishy to me. Any chance that whoever
picked the Dursleys violated the will?"

"Likely considering how bad the relationship between them was and how well known it
was," Alice said with a shudder. "I so wish they would indirectly ask for one of the
services we provide to get some leverage on them. Fear of violence is enough for the
moment but I would prefer more subtle control. Ideally blackmail or better yet
control of their finances in some manner either their mortgage or control of
Grunnings would be my desire. It would be quite fitting if it was his mother that
owned either or even better both of those things."
"Once they are completely contained we can get Dudley out of things permanently,"
Anne said with a vicious smirk before her fast shifted as she undulated around the
tongues pleasuring her. "If it wasn't for the coppers I would see about making him
desperate enough to go and get involved in some of the even less savory clients and
services. He won't be able to keep with the pence shake downs or reselling the cheap
stuff. Idiot that he is would likely do something to get some major inspector
involved. That boy would be dumpster dropped, river logged or even pig shit if he
tried his games anywhere near a major city let alone London. I heard there have been
some shakeups and there are still some players left."
"Ah let me guess either the less useless uncle or cousin has been a bit too free in
conversation after a few pints," Alice said with a thought. "I have heard a few
things and the self styled Big D would definitely get aerated if he tried to step on
some toes like he does here. There is going to be a throw down eventually because
that boy has got the brains of a maggot and the greed of a wanna be gangster. He has
no brains to do more than knock a few head around. That he would likely squeal like
a pig and get investigators as well as a risk for a yardie to get a few fakes to
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drop out of the woodwork when we would have to vanish is going to become more of a
concern if he gets even a taste of becoming a big boy. Best hope is that one of the
gangs at Smelting knocks him down and shows him that he would be lucky to be a thug
let alone running things."
"I get having a kick back and some fun but that boy is going to be causing a lot of
grief for us," Anne said with a sigh. "Shame he couldn't have an accident or
something. He is getting a bit cocky again and while the average footman is about as
aware of anything here as a drunk squirrel that doesn't mean that even there shear
unwillingness to believe half the shit that goes down here could go down does not
mean that a few that are not a few coins short of a bag won't get transferred here.
There are only so much that they could chalk up to boys being boys after all."

"True enough," Alice said as she contemplated things while savoring her current
entertainment. "Still his rents are useless and believe he is a perfect angel. So
far the bigger concerns have stayed out, but if they find an in with those idiots
than we will need to do some serious damage control either that or we will need to
do some major disposals. It is a shame that Sarah seems completely out of it or she
could give us some good advice or a list of who to trust and who to get in our
pockets. I wonder if Vern has something to do that could get him divorced or just
out of the way as he really is no more needed than the dumb-dumb. Boy is a thug pure
and simple as I said before and he is going to squeal like a rat at first chance. He
just doesn't have the minerals for this line of work."
"Funny Alice that was real funny of you to say," Anne said her voice full of
satisfaction and almost purring. "So think a few sessions of that will further our
little playthings resolve to keep watch while we are with him. I do rather feel some
attachment to our subordinates and they have been ever so willing. Still we have
almost half a year to get the mess sorted out. Now despite how willing and eager she
is for whatever we wish her to do, you will have to admit that she can do a good job
in keeping the boys and girls in line and not just with all the sexual and sensual
persuasive methods that she knows. So Alice should we show some of our pets how deep
the rabbit hole goes?"

"You have been waiting to use that haven't you?" Alice asked in a despondent voice
as she moans in irritation before the toys ministration altered the pitch. "Still I
had expected you to use the eat me, lick me line by now. That at least would have
gotten a groan out."

"It could be worse we could know someone that made a Sirius/ serious joke," Anne
said before shaking her head at the thought of anyone doing that. "Nah that would
take someone with a very pathetic sense of humor or a teenage boy to think it was
funny. Um is Sarah still cuming because I don't think I have seen her stop since you
switched that on?"
"Yeah she is spasming like she was," Alice said as she observed the sensual and
sexually enticing display of their pet, toy, sex slave contorting in either one
continuous or a series of orgasms. "Think we should give the girls a turn?"
"Yeah that would be something to try almost as much as being like that while our oh
so willful master uses us," Anne said shuddering again at the ideas forming in her
mind's eye. "Do you think she will collapse and faint if you switch that off?"
"One way to find out," Alice commented switching it off. "Damn would you look at
As soon as the vibrations stopped, Sarah slumped still impaled on the device soaked
with her juices. The two girls' eyes were wide open in shock as the woman passed out
with a sigh barely escaping her. The two looked closer and winced at the puffy red
skin surrounding her abused holes.
"Now that seems to have drained her completely," Anne said in interest. "How high
did you have that set?"
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"Definitely need to make sure not to forget when someone is on that when it is set
that high," Alice comments to herself. "Oh it was set all the way to max. No wonder
she is raw. Some cream should ease the soreness. Now I think a bit more on this as
it might be a bit too intense for them."
"Maybe set a time limit or something," Anne said as she licked her lips at the sight
before her. "We do have a few volunteers to see how they last singly and doubly and
some other variations as well."

"Considering that there is no way that we will get anymore business done today,"
Alice conceded reluctantly. "Pass one of your current playthings over and one of the
three goes on and we rotate them at least until Sarah recovers. Maybe let some of
the boys put some cream on her will quicken her recovery."
"Maybe," Anne said as she looked at her friend in interest. "So thinking of
unwrapping Sarah while on that and with a nice open gag are you. Don't be surprised
that was what your face was showing and we have some more activities to get to.
Darling as loath as I am to lose your tongues skilled ministrations go and hop on
for a reward. Now you take her place while you go over and give Alice a good
"Well you got this planned out," Alice said as she sat down on the girl's face. "Now
pet do a good job and get me off quicker than your friend does Anne and you will go
next. Oh yeah your tongue feels good keep it up..."

The two pairs watched as their friend soon was babbling deliriously under their new
toys movements. If it really worked to adjust a girls mind than maybe he wouldn't be
too upset if they managed to use it to make that woman show a proper deference and
not the slight terror she currently exhibited. She may look like an anorexic with
far too long limbs and a not too pleasant face quite at odds with the beauty they
had seen in the photos of his mother, but anything that eased his life was worth it
to them.


Morning had started and the three were as reluctant as ever to untangle themselves
from their entwined form. They had time before breakfast to get ready and play a bit
but it was the sudden recollection of what would be occurring that made them
motivated enough not to cut breakfast short with their morning romp. Well to be
precise it was in ways a hard decision for them. They could either continue
pleasuring each other with hands and tongues or they could see their two thorns
being mortally embarrassed in front of the school.
'I really wish there was a simple way to make people think we were in the hall or
classes,' Harry thought from where he was as muffled as the rest. 'Still I know that
Hermione and I have been keeping up on the schoolwork regardless of all these
distractions. Perhaps having such rewards for completion as well as our natural
competitions has helped us avoid hexing everyone that dares to impede our private
time. Still we have been taking a decent care of Dora and yet I cannot shake the
feeling that as flattering as her putting us in front of everything in importance is
that it would do us more harm than good regardless of the damage it would do to her
own possible future.'
Dora's thoughts were far less formed more or less focused on her tongue and lips
worshipping and swallowing the entirety of his morning attention while Hermione was
busy giving her an Aussie kiss while receiving one from Harry. Suffice it to say
there were no thoughts regarding schoolwork which she had been putting a bit more
off than usual or even the importance that their plans had with this day present in
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her mind. It was in fact a babbling of freeform perversity of perverted words
interspaced with exclamations such as Oh, God, Yes and Holy and normally involved
the more guttural words that would have led to her getting the hose. Well there were
also the derogatory situational and descriptive thoughts of herself and her fellow
lover in regards to their male lover and why being used by him was most likely the
best thing ever and why couldn't it be Christmas or close enough to give the last
restraint to him.
Hermione thankfully had started sooner and thus was able to keep one thought to her
mind. It in fact turned out to be a very important thought. Still considering the
grip of Dora's hips to her head and the rather daunting effect of Harry's teasing it
would still be a few moments more before she could verbalize it. Though her shouts
muffled by their direction into Dora's sex did bring the girl more excitement.
"Merciful God! I thought I was going to asphyxiate in there Dora!" Hermione shouted
when Dora's thighs slackened letting her lose before seeing the clock and its large
display showing what the time was. "Fuck! Dora you got to stop trying to milk him
dry we are going to be late! Master! Stop that! As much as spending all morning...
Making me Cum! Would be a good... thing! I still want to see those two being
Harry's disgruntled grunt was punctuated by a loud smack and Hermione hopping off
his head. His hands no longer involved with Hermione's body snaked into Dora's hair.
Despite the rest of her body being limp she was still holding on to him like a
leech. It didn't help matters that she had him buried down her throat as well as
being held by far more than just his short and curlies as he could lose the entirety
of his rather recently used parts if she chose to sharpen her teeth and bite. Oh he
was damn well aware of a way to regrow lost appendages but that was just not right.

"Dora!" Harry growled out when despite his grip she refused to let go. "We need to
go so let go!"

Dora however was rather unwilling to do so. Now while she did tend to be somewhat
well to be blatantly honest extremely submissive there were times when she would
disobey and this sadly was one of them. She was far too involved and out of it as
she mostly was doing things without thinking. She was in fact almost treating his
dick in a manner similar to a mother's nipple and she was not quite done yet with

"Master said to let go!" Hermione said as she rounded on the other girl. "You had
best let go or you will get a far harsher punishment than you have already earned."
When Dora refused to respond there was a flash of complete anger that consumed
Hermione. How dare she do this was as coherent as her thoughts were at that moment.
For the most part when around Harry her personality tended to the subservient and it
had only been with Dora that she had again had a chance to embrace her controlling
impulses. That someone they had spent so much time on already would behave as she
was doing had been a letdown to Hermione.
Hermione didn't even notice when she had her newish whip of dragon hide appear in
hand. She had yet to use it on anyone, well save one of the simulacrum to see what
it did to living flesh. In none of those times had she really been even irritated
let alone the complete pissed off mood she was in at the moment. If Dora had even
been at least somewhat aware of her surroundings outside of her mouth, she would
have stopped what she had been doing, but as it was her attention made her
completely oblivious to the towering inferno of rage that was Hermione Granger at
the moment.
Harry as it was had been trying unsuccessfully to pry the eye crossing suctioning
mouth of Dora from where they were securely fastened. As much as it was extremely
difficult to ignore the shudders and sensations that her actions were causing, they
had the more pressing priority of avoiding either their head of house, deputy
headmistress or even the headmaster's attention let alone any inquiry by their
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fellow housemates and prefects in particular. If it had been a weekend morning,
Harry likely would have been somewhat willing to just allow himself to relax and
enjoy the heavenly sensations that Dora's actions were causing; however, this was
anything but that type of morning and to complicate matters Dora was raising her own
wants over theirs which was unacceptable in their present relationship.
'Damn it Dora!' Harry thought in irritation as he failed to cut off a groan from the
swirling writhing tongue even as he focused on not being overwhelmed to complacency
by the techniques being used. 'There is a time and a place for everything and as
much fun as this has been this is not the time to get caught especially with you
glued to me in such a less than socially acceptable manner. Until I get to
Gringott's and get some things settled that meddler mother of yours would take you
away from us and this is just the sort of excuse that she would use.'

Hermione was barely aware of anything around her besides her anger and its focus.
This was supposed to be a sad thing for Dora; however, when Hermione first brought
her whip to bear in the audible crack that rent the air and left a very visible red
mark as it landed there was a lack of reaction. She expected Dora to gasp and
release him from her hold. It was for that reason that she was disappointed when all
Dora did was moan and shudder. She felt her right eyebrow start to twitch in
irritation as she saw Harry's eyes cross as well as stop grabbing her head to push
her away. It wasn't that he was giving in that she could tell but more taking
control of the situation. She had noticed his eyes focus before that as well as the
almost sadistic smirk that he sported. For a moment she wondered what he had done
before placing it out of her mind as she returned to her task. Even as she knew that
Dora had responded favorably to spanking and even paddles and the like there was the
fact that she did not think this was something that Dora had been ready for.

'Fine if you want to play it that way,' Harry thought as he used a few esoteric
meditative exercises to allow him to get one simple spell off. 'You tend to get off
when you get one of us off or if we play with you so why don't I simply block that.
Besides it will make sure that you don't just try to escape your punishment by
getting yourself off...'

If Hermione or Harry had been able to see into her eyes, they would have known that
Dora had not been entirely if at all there more than a passenger in the pleasures
enveloping her body. Despite all the at the times seemingly excessive play that Dora
had been able to indulge in there was simply too much built up need that was finally
being vented to keep even the basic of control. It was in a way there own fault for
having allowed Dora to be built up to the state she had been before there second
intense encounter. Well there was also the fact that she had not been a late bloomer
but had begun to have needs and desires early and all that had been submerged and
subsumed for too long. If this past while had been say over the summer where they
could have indulged until such times as all parties spent days or even weeks
consumed and consummating every carnal notion that they had, than none of the
problem would have occurred. Dora as it was at this moment was consumed and devoid
of rational thought as her mind had gone out and was merely a constant state of
pleasure and bliss.
'How dare she?' Hermione thought as her arms moved without conscious direction
laying red stinging lashes along Dora's exposed flesh. 'If she thinks her seduction
was frustrating, that will be nothing to how she will feel after this!'
Growling with her irritation, Hermione was relentless in her application of physical
punishment on their wayward pet. She worked her way from back to ass before working
up and down her kneeling legs. Paying no attention to the churning and almost
dribbling sex where Dora's arousal mixed with her sweat before flowing down her
thighs, Hermione was seeing red and the fact that she didn't notice the moisture
staining her whip nor the way it seemed to move unnaturally to play along the length
from Dora's puffy and ready sex to her aroused breasts when she gave an underhand
flick. As she turned her attention from the areas already warmed by her actions, she
turned her movements to Dora's underside in full. She went from left, middle to
right before working back.
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Hermione continued her actions until Dora reached her limits of concentration under
the effects of Harry's curse. She watched as Harry succeeded in extraditing himself
from her nursing mouth even if near the end he had no reluctance in spending the
arousal her efforts had somewhat forcefully on the mouth that had been so eager in
its attentions.

"So no time for slight play now," Harry said with a sigh looking at the insensate
whimpering form. "If only she had listened, we would have time enough for some
mutual play in the shower. Now to get ready in time we have to contend with far less
enjoyable charms."
"True," Hermione said curtly with the whip reluctantly tracing its way over their
pets form. "So what did you do to get her to snap out of it because even my rather
thorough attempt to persuade her otherwise was ignored?"
"A rather useful thing I had not planned on unless she really regressed or did
something truly disappointing," Harry said as a quick charm cleaned them of any
dirt, dead skin and sweat. "Considering that it is her first time losing her control
and forgetting what she agreed to it may be a bit harsh. Fine you don't need to give
me that look. It prevents her from gaining any release by herself and for the past
few minutes nothing would allow her to gain completion always kept on edge until it
became too much."
"I would normally consider it quite cruel," Hermione said with a look, "but I think
I will take it as appropriate do to her actions. She is healing quite nicely though.
I wonder why this whip didn't cause lasting harm considering its nature though it is
for the better even if I do wish that she felt the punishment linger."

"True enough that having her be uncomfortable sitting down let alone moving would
have an effect in reconditioning her," Harry said even as he started to get dressed.
"Still having to take her to the hospital wing let alone prevent anyone from
detecting her being to the gills on potions would cause other problems. I do think
that it is likely that the visible signs will fade while the tenderness will
"That should at least allow her to regain some control of herself," Hermione said
with a growl. "Still this is a good punishment for the moment considering how she
now seems to need to make up for the time she denied herself the experiences she so
craved. It won't be the last for this little mistake."
"Well she is our pet and I guess we should rub her nose in it," Harry said with a
stretch as he summoned his school things to his hand. "It was an interesting
experience though. I don't think that I would even be able to be that rough
normally. She really seemed to want us to use her more though I think that she was
more of a passenger in her body as it acted so driven. Still I don't think that I
want to know what else you plan to do in punishing her though if you don't start to
get ready I am more than willing to see how you respond to your own toys."
Hermione's eyes widened as she looked down at her nude form. She had let her anger
get to be much and now noticed that she hadn't been pulling her strikes at all, and
yet Dora was not a blood encrusted form with muscles exposed and skin lying on the
floor. The same could not be said for herself. Her body was almost painted with red
turning to brown along with other things. The only thing that the two of them had in
common was the sticky and now crusting stains from their own loss of control. For a
moment part of her wanted to throw herself to the floor and take the well deserved
punishment that she had earned from her own loss of control before being scrubbed
roughly clean, but that was quickly dissuaded when she realized that as well would
take too long even if they forgo her tasting her own whips.
"Forgive me this failing, my master," Hermione managed to plead as she dropped to
her knees in supplication with her whip coiled and set before her. "I let my own
control slip and have made myself a worse example to your pet as well as failing to
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keep from disappointing your trust in me. Do with me as you will. I will take
whatever punishment you think is appropriate for I have done worse than she as she
disobeyed an order while I put my own needs, wants and desires ahead of your will."
'This is an unexpected development,' Harry thought as he tried to think what to do
now as well as force down the want to run his hand through his hair to attempt to
distract himself. 'Still she is in a way disobeying me as well. Things were far
simpler when it was just Kiki and me, and yet I feel that I would regret it being
any other way than it is now.'

With a wave of his hand, Harry cleaned Hermione of the various fluids drying and
still dribbling down her kneeling form. He had however refrained from the particular
charm he had used and while he knew she wanted and needed something harsher and
longer than the spell merely went with one that roughly scrubbed her clean. With his
hand to the side, a twist of the wrist sent her whip back to its place. He would
have known that it would have needed to be cleaned and cared for more certainly and
completely if he had not noticed that it shed anything that would stain it when it
was placed away even if they could allow stains to seem to cling for impression and

Turning around after casting the same charm on Dora, Harry said, "Get dressed and
make sure you are both presentable. I will handle any additional punishments later
as there is no time to waste."
"Yes, Sir," Hermione said as she rose up and grabbed Dora to get the two dressed. "I
am sorry if this in any way ruins your plans."

"No, the plans are still fine," Harry said as he read over a note that he had been
thinking over. "Your behavior was no more out of place than if anyone else had
challenged either your place or my authority. Still it is a good enough reason to
see what your new limits are..."

"Thank you, master!" Hermione chirped as she yanked the clothes onto Dora's body
studiously making sure that while they looked normal that the changes to allow them
to easily and readily access their pet's body were there. "Still I think that you
will need to be quite firm with me as I know that the next time Alice and I meet
that we will likely have to settle things again."

"You will hold off on doing anything like that in front of others and settle your
matters privately," Harry said as he slowly went through a list of reports. "If the
two of you cannot learn to keep your struggles for dominance out of sight, than I
will see how you fare in a suspension harness."
Hermione licked her lips at that. It was tempting oh so tempting just to hang there
as he worked both of them or even all of them over. Complete helplessness and
submission to him at least was rather appealing. It was as appealing to her as
keeping Dora, Alice and Anne in their places. Sure she would rather have that after
she finally had him possess her completely and hopefully beating her rivals to that
goal. Well she was willing to concede one of the ways to each of them, but she
wanted one for herself.
As she had Dora dressed in her clothes, Hermione turned to her own attire. She
pulled her skirt and blouse on before she quickly tied her own tie on. Feeling
slightly vindictive she rubbed herself against Dora's tie and whispered a minor
charm to prevent others from picking her scent up even as it would stay strong
enough to drive their pet nuts. Part of her knew that Dora was acting out in part
for the same reasons that she was. They may technically be Harry's lovers but they
were not quite one of his women yet.
'At least I have less uncertainty for when I have to introduce Harry properly to my
parents as more than a mutual friend,' Hermione thought even as she wished it was a
weekend so they could have just stayed in. 'Dora will likely never be able to do
that and her mother will cause issues unless Harry gains control of the Black
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Family. Still we all hide things so I wonder what it was that they were hiding. Can
it be anywhere near as life changing as whatever it is my parents are doing? There
is more to it than what little I have overheard and as much of the talk as I have
had with mum.'
Hermione was a very curious child and she now was a bit more understanding of the
games her own parents played. Still something didn't add up and it was bothering
her. Something about their eyes reminded her of her comrades and yet that something
was still missing from her own eyes. A part of her wished deep down and unvoiced
that they had some of the same ideals and that they would definitely accept her
choice of a relationship. She still wanted them in her life and she had feared when
she had first learned of magic that she would someday do something that would
disgust them with their precious daughter. She never wished to do something that
would do that and yet was her mother's daughter and would follow her convictions and
her path to the end. It had been memory and mind magic that had turned her stomach.
It was far too close to rape in her mind to take that which is most personal from
someone; however, unlike physical rape, she knew that if it came to it she likely
would loath herself if she had to do so, but would do it regardless. To keep her
friends and family safe there was not much that she admitted deep in her mind that
she would not do.

Sighing Hermione gave Dora a quick and resounding swat to get her awake before
saying to her, "Dora we must head down now or people will ask questions. If you are
lucky our vengeance will sooth our disappointment in your behavior. As it is master
has something to tell you before we go down. So get up off your ass before I see how
uncomfortable I can make you sit for a while!"

"Yes, mistress," Dora said with a dejected look on her face as she stood up. "It is
just so hard not to ignore everything else and surrender to nothing but pleasure
after so long without."
"I understand and I am as loath to cut back on such pleasurable ventures
personally," Hermione said with a sigh as they moved to stand next to Harry. "Still
there are things that must come before our own personal gratification."
"You both have proven that I have allowed you both too much leniency and indulging
of your own inclinations," Harry said as he gazed at the two fidgeting witches.
"Dora as you have already mostly been punished you will not be returning here until
Hermione's punishment is over. That does not mean that you are not going to wish
that you were here. As it is you are neither permitted nor able to achieve orgasm by
your own actions and neither of us will be doing so until you both learn your

Both of them went still at that pronouncement. Hermione expected that he would work
her over for her actions after classes. He would put the matter out of his mind
until than to get through the day without causing an incident. Still Hermione
suspected that whatever he did to her would be even worse than this punishment would
be for Dora. He had emphasized that Dora had in some ways already paid in part for
her mistake.
"Yes master," both of the now contrite and downcast girls said. "We understand."
"Good," Harry said with a slight sigh. "Dora, you will be sitting away from us. Now
although I expect that while it does not make up for things, those two twits being
pranked will at least ease some issues. Hermione, you will still be next to me, and
we will continue as normal; however, I expect you to think on things and figure out
how to avoid such situations in the future. Now let us go. It is a shame that you
had to act out, both of you, or we would have had time for some playtime before
breakfast instead of spending it so."
The two nodded before following Harry out of his room. The day had been looking up
and then things had spiraled out of control. Each was in their own ways blaming
themselves for the downside of their morning. Hermione blamed herself for losing her
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control and letting her anger control her. As for Dora, she was being wracked by
guilt for failing them both and ruining the perfect morning they had. Harry even
though he had mostly avoided voicing it was blaming himself for not noticing that
they both needed him to be less lose in his control from time to time. He also was
blaming himself for not realizing that Dora was as she was slightly older more so in
the maelstrom of emotions and hormones than they were. How much longer could he go
until he took that last steps to assert his control as well as allow that remaining
experience be denied between them all? All their games were less settling in some
manners than others. He was well aware of the girls' plans and he knew that the
inevitable resolution was approaching.
'Feh,' Harry thought as he descended the stairs with two of his girls in tow. 'I
will accept what they offer, when I want, and not when they demand it. Still after
today we should get as much of our studies either back on track or further ahead; we
will soon be quite readily distracted over the holidays and when we return to do
Harry was well aware of their watching him as he moved and knew that he had done the
same when their positions had been reversed. He realized as he could literally feel
the hunger they were projecting at him. For a moment he contemplated how much he
would and did enjoy the view when they walked or better crawled up or down the
steps. He knew he had to put those thoughts away for the moment as other more
pressing matters had to be dealt with. Still he let himself picture the sight of his
girls crawling clad in only collars walking in front of him. He was grateful they
couldn't see his eyes or the twinkle as he realized that if they had done so even
his hesitation would have caved long ago.


The Great Hall was full of active students until a sudden hush fell across the room.
Something truly shocking had occurred. The current inhabitants had become somewhat
used to the spontaneous pranks that the Weasley twins had become famous for but this
was different. This was an epic but of spell work a bit more subtle than their usual
simple pranks. Oh their pranks were quite impressive mix of potions and charms but
normally they were short moments of embarrassment and that was quite different than
what the students and staff saw unfolding before them and for two in particular it
was as if a glove had been thrown down.
"What was that oh twin of mine?" one of the twins asked the other before turning to
look around. "I do believe that there is a joke a foot but I didn't do this and we
don't tend to prank solo so who did this. I will admit that it is quite well thought
out, but is it a worthy one?"

"I do believe that was a prank worthy not only of ourselves but them as well," the
other twin said. "Ronnikins has been growing quite embarrassing and who needs a
reason to prank Slytherins?"

"As you say Gred," Forge said with a look of admiration as they watched the mischief
that was unfolding. "We need to find out who did this as it would liven things up a
bit more."
"True But whoever they may be are quite good and did not claim responsibility for
this prank," Gred said with a moment of horror coming to his face. "My dear Forge I
do believe we will be having a problem?"
"Whatever could that be Gred?" Forge asked wondering what his twin for once had
spotted sooner. "Please tell me that McGonagall is not glaring at us and trying to
regain her temper?"

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"Sorry twin mine I cannot tell you that," Gred said with a shudder. "What are the
odds you think on us being blamed for this?"

"100%," Forge said as he realized the effect of the prank. "Whoever it was not only
pranked those two but us as well as no matter what we say no one would believe

"Fred and George Weasley, you are both in serious trouble!" McGonagall yelled to the
hall as she stood up. "A hundred points from Gryffindor and two weeks detention for
the both of you. Now get to my office right now. Your pranks have gone too far!"
The twins looked at each other and as they had realized no one would believe that
they had nothing to do with the prank for two reasons. One was that the Gryffindors
knew that they pranked their own and their brothers in particular. Second was the
fact that the mutual animosity between the Malfoy and Weasley family was known by
everyone baring the odd muggleborn and they tended to find out fairly quick. Yes
with those two things and the fact that they seemed to be the most active of
pranksters eclipsing any other currently in the school there was little reason to
believe otherwise.

As the two departed with the irate deputy headmistress in two there was a subtle
motion at the Ravenclaw table. One of the twins spotted it and his jaw dropped at
it. A Ravenclaw had toasted them as they were moving just barely quickly enough that
she hadn't boxed their ears yet. Disbelief soon filled his face at the obvious
challenge that had been offered from an unexpected source.
"Was that necessary?" Hermione asked as Harry sipped at the drink that was
thankfully not pumpkin juice. "You do realize that they will try to retaliate; so
why do it? I had thought that you were of the impression that we were becoming too
distracted from the plan."
"As much as I am motivated and driven I think that it would be nice not to focus as
intently on my goals as the end or what will I do once it is accomplished," Harry
answered with a sudden smirk. "Besides how better to start a conversation with those
two than to have them off balanced. Besides you as well wish to see yourself
challenged or life has no meaning. We are driven people and do our best when there
is a goal to overcome, a challenge to meet, or an adversary to dominate."

"I guess that you are right on that if I wasn't challenged in some way I would be
merely mediocre if it wasn't for a need to know and understand things," Hermione
said with a sigh sipping her own juice which was a rather careful mix of fruit to be
both nutritional, tasty as well as influencing in certain body chemical effects
while she knew that Harry's had been tailored similarly to increase her own
enjoyment of a certain activity. "Still conflict does lead to struggles to become
better and thus improvement either technological or biological occurs. Remind me to
see about some more in depth books on chemistry and physics. I wonder what
transfiguring can do to provide certain rather difficult to process materials."
"For which purpose would they be for practical use or for monetary gain?" Harry
asked in sudden interest. "We already have a sufficient pool of funds from our
previous ventures and that is without taking into the gold stashed at Gringott's or
the current added options that we have. Still it is quite costly to gain access to
certain literature to further things along let alone some of the components that we
will need. I take it you have an idea for more uses for this current situation?"
"Of course I do," Hermione said with a smirk even as she hid a wince from the
distant shouts of McGonagall at the twins. "Consider how horrible what little forms
of entertainment exist here. Now add the obvious fact that the twins have unlike
Ronald some measure of real ambition instead of wanting everything they could get
for nothing there is the fact that pranks here are a rather profitable business
given the competing joke shops here and in Diagon."
While Hermione was hiding her discomfort and Harry was well schooled in maintaining
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a facade over the years there were several of their fellow classmates discussing
things. This made the background dialog momentarily interesting as a number of
rumors and theories were generated by the students. The fact that some of the
professors had to resist cursing the boys for their current lack of even their
pathetic filtration on the stupidity of their statements was not helping.
Several of the Slytherins were doing a good job in concealing the fact that despite
the protection of their head of house and the influence of the Malfoy name and
fortune that most of the other years were very willing and eager to put the
completely lacking in subtlety brat in his place. That a number of the female
Slytherins were glaring with an almost physical force to castrate and silence the
idiot before their houses reputation plummeted further. Despite the fact that most
of the positions in government were held by Slytherins do to their ambition there
was a tendency by most not to trust them making reaching their ambitions quite
harder. There was a good reason that no one that was truly worthy of the house
seemed to be sorted there anymore.
Even the Gryffindors as often as they were to turn on their own seemed to become
more antagonized by Ronald 'Foot-In-The-Mouth' Weasley. Oh the boy was quite vocal
on things but even his piss poor sense of self preservation had kicked in and he had
yet to speak of his notions on women's place in society and Quidditch in particular
in front of the Chasers Three. They likely would have borrowed the twins' bats and
smacked some bludgers around at the boy or seen if they could pop the set he had.
That was without a doubt the fact that Percy was twitching and contemplating if his
younger sister would salvage the family reputation. He was barely restraining his
mumbles of irresponsible twins and unmannered baby brothers.

"Hmm it is likely there secret ambition," Harry admitted with a moment of interest
even as his eyes seemed to dance in humor at all the things that the rest were
discussing. "It seems to be that despite the fronts the two houses share that they
are quite the little powder kegs. Perhaps the two thought they could be the year
leaders in their respective houses. Just think how bad it would be if we had been
sorted into Gryffindor."

"We would likely have to socialize with the brain addled boy and deal with the
narcissistic albino thinking he was your rival," Hermione said with a shudder at the
thought. "Likely he would distract you with childish games and your grades would
suffer as well as practical experience. If we are lucky his complete unwillingness
to do more than the barest minimum and even that is pushing it will result in him
being either held back or transferred to some little local school for lesser
"As amusing as that would be that would mean the teachers would be stuck with him or
forced to explain how he was admitted as transfers would require grades and the lack
of an entrance exam always seemed off," Harry said a sadistically dark humor in his
eyes. "No at most he would be held back or someone would be required to tutor him.
Hopefully not one in his year or we might get picked."

"I think I want to either throw up or flay someone," Hermione said with a slightly
queasy look to her. "Why couldn't the hat have said, there are no brain here, now go
"Because he hasn't failed to sort ever and that would break tradition," Harry
answered with a slight glance to the dejected Tonks looking somewhat miserable as
she winced from the tenderness her bottom was experiencing. "He lacks the ambition
for Slytherin, the drive to know of Ravenclaw and the loyalty of Hufflepuff so the
hat used Gryffindor as a dumping ground. Why those two offend me by their mere
presence I do not know, but if they do not develop in some manner to something more
than wasted space something must be done about them."
"He does need an attitude readjustment," Hermione said with a slight darkness to her
eyes. "One would think that being pranked by the twins whenever he said something
stupid would have trained him somewhat but it seems he is quite the simple creature.
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He eats like an animal, sleeps while snoring like one and dreams of Quidditch and
chess with the odd bits of jealousy and delusions of competency. The only thing I
think either of us can agree with Snape is that boy is a menace who likely would
never open a book or take notes if the professors were not watching. Does he even
have any redeemable characteristics at all? I fear that if I had been placed in that
house someone would give the twit a potion to drug me or worked some subtle delusion
that arguing with people was a sign of passion."
"The sex might be good if it is from such passion," Harry said before he thought
better of it. "Never mind he likely would give as much effort to that as everything
else and leave whatever woman thinking what just happened. I pity whoever he gets
involved with in the future almost as much as Malfoy and the poor women they are
making suffer from their incompetence."
"Like any woman would touch such a crass menace without potions," Hermione scoffed
at the notion. "Hell he likely would be lucky if he was a quintuple amputee by the
time they were done!"
"Quintuple?" Harry asked before his eyes widened in understanding. "I see your point
though he should likely need to be rendered mute as well as something about his lack
of hygiene otherwise as well."

"I will agree with that a permanent silencing charm might have worked out better
anyways," Hermione said as she watched the professors try to reverse the spells on
the two prats fail over and over again. "Maybe next time we should put consequences
for trying to reverse the spells like they are doing well more so than currently..."

The two looked on as their pranks more embarrassing aspects came into play. Besides
making the two look ridiculous in their attire that had already impressed the twins
there were the more complex yet amusing aspects. Sure having Ronald dressed as a
rich yet effeminate man and Draco as a poor muggle punk was interesting and in some
ways humorous, but that was far less than the other aspect. Since neither seemed to
care about manners and appropriate behavior to either everyone or their inferiors in
the Malfoy scions case the prank was designed so that because they could not say
anything nice they wouldn't say anything at all. However their currently unspeakable
words were flashing visibly for all to see. Some of their current ideas about people
would likely get them cursed more by students and some staff if the twitching of the
professors' faces were anything to go by.

"Well it isn't that bad," Harry hedged even as most of the other students were
trying not to hurt themselves from laughing too hard or other such things. "Even
some of our fellow Ravenclaws are quite cracking up. Even the more straight laced
and up tight ones are acting better. Who would have thought that Penelope would act
like that?"
"It just goes to show that even the most seemingly emotionless individual has
something that stirs their humors," Hermione said with a slight smile as she watched
the reactions of the more seeming conformists getting twitched. "To justice served!"
"To justice served," Harry turned to toast his friend with none the wiser of the
slight red added to their drinks. "There is so much left to do still and yet so much
to enjoy in doing so. A shame that some people cannot control themselves well
"Yes a shame that," Hermione said with a sad look to the miserable looking Tonks.
"How long should she be punished though? Her only problem is the fact that she has
latched on to what she had been denied far too long. If we let her forget things
than problems will surface for both of us and that could be quite disastrous."
"I agree even if it seems cruel doing otherwise would be even crueler in the long
run," Harry said with a slight bit of regret. "I should have expected it though
considering her pervious behavior even if I tried to dismiss it as a more childish
thing than a true need. Attention sadly is something that we have to avoid for a
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good deal longer. Despite how offensive Andromeda's actions are to us they are
reasonable for their point of view while we would be viewed as the ones in the
wrong. Still with a few documents those issues will be corrected."
"So we need you to get to Gringott's proper without being intercepted by any of the
other factions," Hermione said with some resignation. "I take it you have a way
around the obvious plans that have been arrayed against you."
"Of course I would be a fool to do otherwise," Harry commented with a hint of pride
in his friends reasoning. "Still as much as Dora wishes to throw herself completely
to our needs, we cannot allow her to waste the opportunities that she has let alone
draw attention or authorities to us too soon."

"A shame as I think this will be almost worst than all the anticipation," Hermione
said with a hint of pity. "I guess it is a good thing that we have some schedules to
keep ahead as well as factor time enough for our interests. Perhaps after this
little lesson we should take a more personal and direct view on her studies. It
would not do to deny ourselves the potential by squandering it for mere

"My thoughts exactly," Harry said with a smirk that many a villain would have been
proud of. "We will see how this turns out but many more things will need to be
discovered. A shame that we cannot directly send a message yet though it would tip
both our and his hands which are something neither of us would benefit from. Still
we need to go to our classes regardless of how boring and slow the material is
covered. It almost makes one wish to skip a few grades here but that would cause
more attention than our real level in the official education system."

"As enjoyable as being ahead and sating ones need for understanding is, I see your
point," Hermione said with a sigh as they rose from the table once their plates and
cups were devoid of substance. "Even if some of our housemates would be jealous or
more likely envious there is no reason for them to know that we will both have
passed University courses before they pass their OWLS. It really is amazing how many
varied things one can learn about even just peripherally connected to your
"True," Harry said as they reached the hallway neither noticing the looks that Tonks
was shooting Penelope. "We will need to compare the relative histories and
archaeology considering how much of the knowledge we need is likely lost or amid
'To think that my parents seem completely oblivious to all these things,' Hermione
thought as they made their way to class. 'They do their best and they may be
somewhat open minded and yet I am quite reluctant to tell them things considering
how much bad experience he has with adults and other authority figures. To think how
close I came to being a statistic so unpleasant of one at that. I think holding off
most of those talks until I am older and less likely for them to believe in any way
am too immature to deal with the horrors of reality would be best. Do I fear them
rejecting me if I am no longer the naïve bookworm? I wonder at that...'

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 13: Winding down to Winter Solstice Part 2
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: - Characters: Andromeda
Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/10/14 - Updated:
2008/10/14 - 10203 words

Tonks looked up from where she was reluctantly doing her schoolwork in the common
room. Part of her was upset with them for sending her out, but the rest was grateful
that they had her own interests ahead of what theirs were with her. She had been
quite lazy in doing her schoolwork as her relationship had been stabilizing. It had
been the opposite of the all work and no play for a bit too long for her. Well
besides the hell that was her current punishment.

'That I suddenly seemed unwilling to do anything that made me unavailable for their
pleasure going so far as to risk my future prospects offended them,' she thought
with a sigh. 'Oh I am certain what my private life will be, but even if they can
afford for me to do nothing except hang around as a living toy... well that doesn't
mean that they want me to waste any opportunities I have. That I was so caught up
with the fun that I was starting to neglect my studies and that is dangerous to them
as mother no Andromeda would have had ample reason to get involved.'

Turning around she saw her friend Penny enter from her earlier patrolling. Her hair
and clothes were mussed and the frustration was as evident in the shining unshed
tears in her eyes. She knew she had been dating someone had in fact complained about
the complete lack of availability of good men as well as the current ones abysmal
skills and attitude. That in part had led her to accept her current odd
relationship. Oh she was partially pissed to be punished like she currently was but
if she didn't get the work done in time or better ahead of time there would be no
way that there would be time enough to enjoy all the things she planned to do over
'Lovely I wonder what the ass said to her this time,' she thought in annoyance. 'I
swear that when I find out whom it is that the prank on those two twits will seem
tame in comparison. Still meeting during patrol does not seem like her unless
whoever it is also is a Prefect. So what to do finish this task or let my friend
suffer... fuck it I may not be a Puff but she has helped me out and I owe her one at
the very least.'
With those thoughts in mind Tonks followed her friend to her room feeling a few
dregs of uncertainty at leaving her work aside, but friendship was more important.
Even if it resulted in a harsher punishment for her negligence, there was the fact
that she would not and could not permit herself to do otherwise; let alone try to
plead for lenience or mercy for her disobedience. She had been told to catch up on
her work or things would be dire. As much of her submissive streak that they had
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called out to her she realized she would bare it gladly to aid her friend and that
she would likely enjoy her punishments save disappointing her two owners was her
burden to bear.
Being so focused on her friend she had not realized that she had negligently waved
to banish her school matters to her room. It would have been most unacceptable to
leave them there in the commons like that and would have led to some inquiry that
would have gotten both of them into some trouble. It had been a spell that she had
unknowingly learned from repeated use by both Harry and Hermione to put their study
materials away and out of danger from various activities. If they had known it was
likely that they would have been quite proud of their pet even if she had defied
them. That all parties involved would be grateful for the excuse for a certain type
of activity was left unthought-of by all save Dora's more flittering subconscious
mind. That she had negligently summoned chocolate and ice cream as that was
something she had long used to sooth her aches before those two had introduced a
different way to feel better.
Arriving at her friend's door she stopped for a moment before rapping on the door
before saying, "Penelope, its Tonks. May I come in?"

"Leave me alone!" Came the shout of the sobbing girl from the other side of the
door. "I just want to be left alone!"

"Penelope," Tonks said gathering her courage to confront her distressed friend. "I
cannot just leave you wallowing after whatever the prat said. You need someone to
talk to and as I was available what kind of friend would I be if I just left you to

"Argh!" Penelope shouted in rage as even her well thought out counters seemed false
to her even in her frustrated rage. "Can't you see I just need some time to compose

"I hear what you are saying," Tonks said with a sigh as she tried to not just force
the door open in her frustration at her friend's antics, "but I don't believe you
know what you are trying to really tell me. You need someone at a time like this and
if necessary I will go and get more than just chocolate and ice cream. Look I may
not be a Hufflepuff, but even I know when a girl needs her friends to drag her out
of her funk!"

"You are being so stubborn!" Penny said as she realized that her friend was not in
any way, shape or form going to allow her to wallow in her misery. "Fine! Just
remember that I really have had a very bad day and that I am not in the mood to be
the best of company right now although I wouldn't really mind the chocolate..."

With that Penny reluctantly removed the excessive locking charms she had placed on
the door. After that the door swung open without Tonks needing to open it leaving
Penny to see her friend standing on the other side. Penny was able to see her friend
there and the visible presence of some comfort food. That she likely would have
slammed the door shut if those things had been missing was unsaid. Dora was however
trying not to show how much she wanted to find out who it was and see about first
introducing her knee than foot to the part they had been thinking with and then
after that much hexing and cursing to ensure that said male learned the lesson.
"No problem Penny," Tonks said with an understanding almost vocal hug being offered
to her friend. "Considering how much you helped me when I was having such troubles
it is the least I can do. Still its times like this that I wish that we had some
muggle stuff as this is the times when I wish that we had some movies to watch while
indulging in the comfort food. Something I really wish I could do with my mother but
the less said on that the better..."
Entering the room with chocolate presented outstretched to Penny, Dora entered the
room with determination showing in her steps. She knew that she would need to cram
her studies and work her ass off to get done before the train was due, but it would
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be worth it to help out her friend. At least that was her conscious and central
reasoning. Now as for Dora's own desires there was more to it. Since her
reawakening, Dora had been having a minimum of a few releases daily and this sudden
dry spell was very trying in its own way.
After looking at how miserable Penny had looked in the commons, she had squashed the
notion of cornering Penny and channeling her frustration to her own ends by her
almost Hufflepuff loyalty to her friends. It had been a very near thing though.
Still she knew that as long as she didn't have something stronger than butterbeer
with the chocolate and comfort foods that she should be fine. She didn't need to
finally taste what she had barely managed not to explore the past few times. At
least that is what she told herself as she stomped those thoughts out.

"Sorry for acting like that," Penny demurred after curling like a cat on her bed and
eating some of the chocolate. "It just has been a very bad day and that boy... well
he just was the last straw!"
"Wish you were an animagus like McGonagall," Tonks said as she settled down next to
her. "Then you could crawl into someones lap and just relax with a good petting. No
worries about school or boys..."
"Yeah," Penny said around the mouthfuls of chocolate she was eating in even if it
was not meant to be enticing fashion. "No worries would be nice. Eat when you wanted
to, do what you want to and get lots of attention. It would be the perfect life..."
"It would be nice not having any worries and being taken care of," Dora said with a
wistful smile as she reflected on her experience. "Still it wouldn't be all fun and
games. One could say that the good does out way the bad though. All that and merely
needing to behave like a good pet..."
"Why would you spank me if I misbehaved?" Penny asked jokingly. "What would you do
if I liked it?"

"Oh punishments for misbehavior would be a given," Dora conceded. "Still if you
really liked it than wouldn't it be more of a punishment if you weren't spanked?"
"I guess you would be right if that was someone's button," Penny said as she closed
her eyes and let the chocolate melt down her throat flowing from her warm moist
tongue until she didn't taste it anymore. "Morgana knows what I would give for
someone that could find mine and keep pushing them."
"Ah so there are more hidden depths to explore," Dora commented as she looked her
friend over. "A shame that you have yet to find a good boy or even girl if it came
to that to at least care more about satisfying you than their own wants."

"So true," Penny said with a nod. "I really wish that I could find this curse I
heard about."
"Do tell," Dora said as she leaned closer. "One never knows when certain information
could be useful though it seems that so far I have yet to become involved with
someone that would need more than even the lightest of hexes."
"Well I do hope that my knowledge and experience would help those that come after me
from avoiding the pitfalls that I have fallen in," Penny said with a frown as she
reflected. "A shame that I didn't listen and go to one of the older girls at first;
I guess I was a bit too shy at the time. Though considering that I have conceded a
bit of information that the professors and parents would be upset for giving, I see
no problem in giving a little bit more."
"What new nugget of wisdom is there today oh honorary wiser and more experienced
sister?" Dora asked as she started to enjoy her own chocolate which she neglected to
check had like Penny's a very tasteless amount of inebriating liquid mixed into it.
"I do hope it is as helpful as the rest has been. Still it is better than mum!
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Really lay back and think about queen and country when you get married. What was she

"Who knows exactly when we became more prudish than the muggles?" Penny asked in
response. "A shame that Binns is still around or we could get someone with more than
goblins on their mind. Some of the old magics looked quite fun to use from what
little I have been able to find outside the restricted section. Problem is that it
would ruin almost any girl's image to ask for permission to access such books. Hell
I have been tempted to find a group or someone to escort me into the less savory
areas where such books are available. Having to go to muggle stores to get such
things is quite annoying."
"I cannot wait till I can find a way to be completely outside mother's clutches,"
Dora said with a sigh. "Still I might be able to help you with that. I cannot
promise anything but there are some connections that I have acquired that are more
than able to acquire such things."
"So what do you want in trade?" Penny asked as ideas for ways to get that book came
to her mind. "Even among friends one doesn't do something without knowing that at
least a favor will be owed. Let's say I could ensure that the prefects avoided
certain areas at certain times would that be a suitable trade?"
"Yes it would be," Dora said with a grin at a way to get around sneaking about. "So
tell me what kind of curse you seem to be avoiding telling me about?"
"Ah considering what that ass did it is quite suitable," Penny said as if about to
tell a very important secret. "I would like a way for me to ensure that he doesn't
and any other future lover would keep leaving me high and wet. So a curse or jinx if
its applicable to prevent him from a few barely stimulating minutes before he pulls
his pants and leaves just because he already came would be nice."
"I may know of something like that," Dora said with a wince as she recalled the
curse she was under. "It prevents either male or female from achieving release when
certain limitations are set. I do think that I hope I never need to use something
like that so that a boy makes sure I get at least one cum out of an encounter."
"We all wish that and Merlin help any woman that gets one that actually seems to
enjoy pleasing a woman," Penny said with a remorseful sigh. "I know that if or more
hopefully when I can find or train a guy like that I would take almost anything even
some nasty spell damage to keep him in that circumstance."
"A shame that men like that seem rare and even rarer in our world," Dora said with a
pause. "Merlin, give me strength if I find one here. I likely would forget myself
and draw attention on myself if that was the case."
"I know I likely would," Penny confided. "Even in that case I would be grateful for
whatever he did not to let the word out. I may be shocked but if I risked such a
mutually beneficial arrangement I wouldn't even complain if I got spanked until my
ass was raw. It would teach me that risking a good thing by constantly doing it
would be a bad idea."
"Yeah I would likely do that to," Dora said not letting on that was the case already
for her. "So is there any other advice to help train and keep a good man?"
"Well first of all boys especially here seem to think that heaven is a hand job,"
Penny said with a snort. "Sure having a different hand does make it feel better, but
one of the most useful things in keeping a guy that I learned from some muggles is
the blowjob. Well that and almost all men especially our ages seem to be fascinated
by our tits. Let me rephrase that; all boys will most likely be drawn to three areas
of a girl's body, those being her tits, ass and legs as they look. Most of them
cannot seem to deal well with our most sensitive areas. So it is likely that using
one of those things will keep a guy or at least his cock interested. Now like hand
jobs there are a variety of ways to finish. Either letting him cum over your hand or
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more often on your face are both options. When your braless and letting them look at
as one short term interest called the twins you can do that or let them go on them.
It feels a bit like warm oil is sprayed on them. Though once your mouth is in play
you can add that as well. Now relax as there is a good deal more to this..."
Dora nodded her head and settled down to listen even as they both continued to savor
their chocolate. While some of it she had already experienced with both Harry and
Hermione, she realized that there was more to it and even if the pair were somewhat
experiences here was a ready source to expand on. Besides she was helping her friend
and getting the chance to be the younger sibling. Her life would have been so easier
if she had confided more in the Prefects when she had started.
In the course of their talk, Penny had moved about enough for her clothes to have
drawn up. This had shown her lack of certain attire in part in preparation for her
other segment of her post disaster date plan. She had been planning to mope about
for a while before driving it out of her system with some wand work. She had,
thankfully for the present Tonks, replaced her long period of sobbing with sniffles
and chocolate. As the two were commiserating about the lack of most of the men being
worth knowing let alone dating, Penny had the bad luck to have some of the slowly
melting chocolate fall from her spoon. Ss she moved it towards her mouth, the
chocolate had fallen off and landed to her shock, both at where it landed and the
effect it had.
Penny had been worked up from her date or sort of encounter with the man she still
wouldn't confide in to Dora. While her date had failed to do more than warm her up
for a proper encounter before creaming his pants in disappointment leaving her
unfulfilled and irritated, Penny was still somewhat at least physically and mentally
prepared or preparing for some stimulation. The sudden contact of cool to cold
chocolate ice cream to her warm skin would have normally caused a shudder, but this
time it landed against a part that was far warmer and caused far greater of a

"Allow me," Dora managed to say as her eyes were locked onto the sight. "It would be
a shame to let that go to waste..."
Penny was however expecting a sudden finger to scoop up the fallen chocolate and had
hoped that the finger would explore a bit. She was not ready for Dora to just as her
hand came in contact with her thigh extend her tongue to attempt to lick the
chocolate up. That Dora's tongue seemed to spread the chocolate around requiring
more time licking the area clean was doing a good job of suddenly distracting Penny.
"Oh!" Penny managed to say before blinking unbelieving at the sight before her and
thinking, 'This cannot be real. This is just another one of those odd dreams again.
Still it feels quite real, but so have a number of my rather enjoyable fantasies
"Don't worry," Dora said looking up as she reluctantly lifted her tongue from where
she was contemplating the mixing of flavors. "I'll just have to make sure that I get
all of it..."
Penny was unsure what she was referring to with that statement. Wither it was
chocolate or some of the other juices was not something that she was ready to
contemplate. All that mattered was that after the earlier disaster, she was likely
once more fantasizing about the third year that could do things that, sadly made her
have to defend herself lest she be oft used as a living sensual and sexual
plaything. Really the odds of any of these encounters being more than an overactive
imagination and her own need for someone to help her find some relief was unlikely.
Opening her mouth to encompass the entirety of the area the chocolate had been
spread across; Dora began to trail her tongue over the area while she applied
suction to aid in the cleaning. That it was causing Penny to make some rather happy
sounds was merely incidental even if it was rather enjoyable. Eagerly Dora moved her
tongue to find every drop of chocolate from around Penny's mound before she began to
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lick along the excited and parted slit.
"Oh! Dora," Penny said as the slowly approaching tongue stopped teasing her in its
approach, "that feels so good! Don't stop! Please don't stop!"
Taking this as a definite confirmation that Penny was willing for more than just
allowing her to have the chocolate that her friend had spilled, Dora started to
slowly work her way inside. Even as she was doing so, Dora had her eyes closed from
savoring the peculiar mix that was Penny and chocolate. Unlike some in this
situation, she hadn't just shoved her tongue inside Penny. In fact, Dora had been
treating it like a slowly deepening kiss even if her lips were spread far from being
able to place kisses along the way.

'Hmm,' Dora thought as she both tasted the mixing and stirred it more. 'Maybe next
time I should slowly approach with kisses as that would be almost more seductive?
Ooh I really should try this again and Penny does need a good washing off...'
Slowly she worked her tongue past the now open and willing lips to taste her friend
directly. Sure she had a taste when she had licked the wand her friend had used to
screw herself with clean, but it was not quite the same. Still this time she was
able to use both her own experience receiving and giving such actions to try and
explore this new part of their friendship. Besides Dora was well aware that she owed
her friend a very large debt as if it had not been for her advice she would have
still been resisting any attention. For a moment Dora was aware that if she had not
had her encounter with her keepers, she likely would have been so frustrated and
repressed that she would have done anything the first person to get her off said. It
would have made her recent disaster seem tame. So in a way she felt obliged to Penny
as well, Dora realized that she likely would have been willing and eager for any and
all sexual gratification.
'I can just see it now,' Dora thought as she realized how dangerous it would have
been. 'I would have been like the school broom with anyone and everyone taking me
for a ride. Now while the idea of near constant sexual contacts would have likely
resulted in frequent bouts of filthy fucking where I came like a Knut whore acted
like, I would have neglected everything until someone took possession of me. I guess
that it just happened without the dismal opinions and being tossed out of the house
that would have elicited.'

Even as she was thinking, Dora had started licking inside of Penny's wet and open
lower lips. She had traced along the whole of her friend's entrance even as she
teased up, down and around in slowly deepening circuits. Her arms had long since
moved to prevent Penny from accidentally clamping shut around her head. That it
allowed her hands to tease Penny was just an added bonus in her mind. Having learned
to tell more about reactions by body motions than just visuals, Dora was able to
focus on some of the other signs that Penny was truly enjoying her ministrations and
that, regardless of the fact that there was little to no chocolate that had escaped
her searching tongue, she should continue her actions.
"Fuck me!" Penny said more in shock than request when Dora's tongue started to dip
and dart inside her. "O... O... Oh!"
Dora however took that not as shock, but as a request for some more attention. Her
hands wandered over the exposed skin of her friend as she leaved caresses and fresh
shivers in her wake. Her mouth was attached to her friends bucking, writhing and
twitching form even as her tongue had long since lost any subtlety as it slithered
around the grasping embrace of her friend's sex. Dora was humming even as her tongue
vibrated inside the moving drawing enticement as it slowly started to require her to
swallow from how readily Penny was flowing.
"Yes!" Penny shouted as she tensed up under Dora's eager and overwhelming
ministrations. "It's been... too damn long! Making do with fingers and wand has
been... frustrating... especially when my damn dates... seem to have no staying
power or willingness for... more!"
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Penny had afterwards spent the past few minutes under enough ministration that, if
Dora had asked, she would have been rather hard pressed to recall she had been on a
dismal date let alone who it had been with. As it was Penny was for the first time
in too long not purely autoerotic in her stimulation, currently she was experiencing
far more stimulation than her vibrating and penetrating wand had been supplying her
with. Currently her mind was unable to form any coherent thoughts do to the thorough
fucking Dora's tongue was providing in addition to the blood being drawn there do to
suction as well as her arousal.

'God I wish I could be coming like this,' Dora thought as she felt her tongue
stretching Penny to accommodate it. 'Still I deserve the punishment I received as
much as Penny needs a reward for suffering so much. I do wonder why she doesn't just
convince the idiot to actually become useful. Really it was bad enough the last time
we talked with leaving after a quick grope and creaming of his pants without any
care for her, but it seems that he is likely someone that would go straight from
fondling to pathetic thrusts for a minute before wandering off.'
Dora was, while under her cursed punishment not able to achieve her own release
without someone else's helping, quite able to come close and had been wishing for
something to push her over. As it was, Dora was pouring her own needs into her
actions with Penny. That Penny herself had been having merely easing orgasms instead
of mind shattering ones had let Dora push her over and over again. Dora had become
used to giving and receiving until it physically hurt for more stimulation. It was
with this mindset that she kept driving Penny to quite verbal and animalistic cries
until all that was left of her friends ability to respond was shuddering and
squeezing down when she climaxed. Well there was one last hurrah though.

"Dora!" Penny shouted as she almost bucked her lover off her sex. "Morgana! Cuming!"
Dora only released Penny when she was whimpering do to oversensitivity from all the
direct stimulation she had been receiving. Once she had released her lips and
removed her tongue from her target, Dora slithered her way up while gently calming
Penny down. Sure she stopped to get a few responses from kissing, touching and
nibbling on her way up, but that was normal. As soon as she had reached close enough
to gently touch Penny's face, Dora gently and carefully touched her friends face.
She was still mouthing Dora's name even as she was panting as she recovered.

"Shush Penny," Dora said as she slowly traced the tears that had flown when her eyes
had started to water. "I wanted to do this..."
Dora stopped talking when she kissed her friend from where she was resting against
her. She gently pressed her lips to her repeatedly. Smiling at her basking and
flushed friend, Dora ran her hand through the tussled and sprayed about hair of her
newest lover. There was a time for passion and there was a time for just being
there. For these few moments comfort was more important than carnal need, even given
that Dora had been closer to wanting to have almost anyone grant her relief. Too
many months had passed without even a day or night without at least one orgasm and
typically a number of them. If it had not been for their earlier seduction and it
ramping her up and having to wait for any relief, she did not think that she would
have been able to go this long without any release.
"You're my friend, Penny," Dora said from where she watched the afterglow linger.
"If it hadn't been for you, I would have been in even a worse mess than I am now."
"What you mean?" Penny slurredly asked. "Hmm comfy...."
"You helped me out in undoing my mother's attempt to make me sexless," Dora said
before leaning over and kissing Penny gently even as her tongue darted inside. "I
found someone and they wouldn't be upset with this as you are a friend and you were
in need."
"Thank you," Penny said as she felt her friend nuzzle against her.
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"No, thank you," Dora said as she lay their next to her feeling the curse keep her
from coming down from her excitement.
Dora stayed silent as she lay there even as her fingers slowly caressed her friend's
body. As much as she wanted to crawl down, spread her legs and ravish her until she
called her name; Dora was willing to wait for her to recover. A little nap and they
would see where they were. Dora did shudder and sigh when Penny's hand mistook her
sex for her own.

'At least this will help me not to jump her later,' Dora thought as she closed her
eyes and allowed the fingers to play her. 'Well not jump her and fumble about like
an amateur. I wonder if she will be willing to let me fuck her since she was so kind
to offer.'


Nothing really was as it seemed and despite even how somewhat normal they seemed
even they had secrets. Surrey had lots of secrets and it was not just the deviants
that dwelt in Little Whinging that had a corner on that market. In a rather affluent
neighborhood there was a family with several secrets of their own.

The two in particular were worried about how their daughter would react to their own
hidden secret. Oh they were rather open to their daughter's newly understood gift,
but theirs was less wholesome in general. They already had thought of several things
to say to allow there open minded and far less stifled daughter to understand some
of their less than ordinary quirks. They were dentists after all and some of their
things while having potential for such use was more often used for their own

They were both aware that, despite things like women's liberation, the end of
slavery and other such social revolutions, things had not entirely changed over the
years. Despite all the best intentions people were xenophobic of anything outside
their comfort zone. Both had grown up in the turbulent sixties and seventies where
upheaval was common. The Cold War had not been the best of situations and despite
the most lack of direct war certain sentiments held. Anything deviant was taboo and
anything that brought inquiry could get one suspected of sympathy for the
opposition. Anyone with any inclinations that were not viewed as wholesome and
normal had been likely to be outed and mistook for enemy agents. Well not
specifically, but still it had not been as tolerant an age as some had been

Vincent had not been in the military despite what some people believed. No that
would have been too normal for him when he had been in his rebellious phase. Still
he had ended up through a series of bad incidents with a cover of official military
service and a government tab to go to college. He had, for reasons he would never
publically state, chosen to become a dentist. June had met him there and the two had
hit it off. It had been through a series of near death accidents that led to them
confessing to each other some of their inclinations.
While it had not been the official army or military for that matter, Vincent had
come to need structure in parts of his life. June had her own issues and oddly their
relationship grew from there. Oh they acted like normal couples to outsiders, but to
each other there was more to it than June running things. In short June was in
charge and more the better for them. It was still a time of hedonistic tendencies
without the jading of the rise of new sexual diseases. Still they had their own
demons to bear and deal with.
History had a way of repeating itself and the two had issues. They had been
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relatively unconstrained in their relationship and both had been oddly pleased with
the reactions they had to their experimentation. Still they eventually ran across
something that ruined their mood and led them down a new path. They were sensualist
and sensory explorers; however, they upon seeing a scene that set them to violence
embarked on a similar hobby as their daughter and her associates had done.
"So you thought you could escape?" June asked as she entered the room looking at the
disgusting man strapped to the chair. "You were starting to draw attention and lose
control of your vices again. Perhaps it would have been better to be caught by one
of the Inspectors. A shame you had to bring your depravity to our area."
"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" the man asked in confusion as he saw the
disguised woman. "I did nothing to you!"
"No, you didn't," Vincent admitted as he stepped out of the shadow with his own
concealed form. "Still you came a bit too close to causing harm to our daughter so
we will make this a bit more... special."
"You didn't do that good of a job in covering up your indiscretions I believe some
would say," June said with a drawl as she brought out a tray of tools. "Now you need
to understand a few things."

"Yes there are some things you need to get to grasp the situation," Vincent said
with a smirk showing through his mask. "You are in a sound proof room. No one knows
where you are and no one would miss you once you have disappeared. We are quite
professional so there is no risk that you would leave any evidence for people to
track this back to us.'

"What are you going to do," he asked in dread once he saw the archaic dental
equipment, "torture me for your own sick amusement?"
"No," June said before smiling nastily at the man. "That is just the bonus."

"Actions have consequences," Vincent said as he opened up a manila folder. "Your

actions in particular were quite damning: child molestation, abuse, trafficking and
murder to name a few just to start. Really should have not saved the evidence. Still
considering that you had branched out into selling films as well as gaining enough
of a source that certain people were quite offended by your actions. Really should
have picked your victims better."

"Yes, a snuff film featuring one of the less savory syndicate's beloved
granddaughter being a victim of repeated gang rapes before dying from both blood
loss and shock would have made your life less than worthless," Jane said with a
laugh. "Still you are a small fish and we do need a bit of closure."

"Bodies are a bit difficult to get rid of," Vincent admitted with a frown as he
grabbed a pair of pliers and tested it. "Well before we knew better that is.
Nowadays one either passes the body off as someone else and with some dental work a
corpse become quite the commodity though rumor has it that DNA sequencing will be
better able to identify things in the near future. It would be a bit late for you
regardless. Still one of the traditional methods work the best, a shame that one
needs so many pigs, but they do get the job done and the farmer saves on feed. It
does mean that we need to make sure that you don't carry something to make the pigs
sick or injure them."
"Yes," June said as he checked the security of the straps. "That would cause ever so
much trouble."
"You're insane," he said in denial. "You're both insane."
"Perhaps," June admitted with a cock to the head. "Regardless we will have our fun
done before then."

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"You really should know better than to insult a lady," Vincent said as he went to
work. "I do hope your screams can sooth what your actions have caused."

With that said Vincent began to remove some of his teeth without anesthetic. He
struggled from where he was strapped to the chair. He ignored the strong of insults
to both of them for a time before one in particular got his attention.

"I am no whore," June stated as she delivered a sharp jab to his kidneys. "Though
you were willing to do that to those under your guidance speaks ill of what little
decency you may have had. Be grateful that we are just starting and that my pet is
quite able to control himself otherwise you would be in far worse shape than you are
as yet..."

Once his insults and threats failed to elicit more than their ire, he turned to
pleading and begging. He had been able to whore out more than a few of his charges
after he had sampled them. Thankfully he had been unconnected to any of the major or
minor drug trafficking concerns and thus the few living victims had one less hurdle
in their attempt to reacclimatize to the world. Still even that sort had some
standards at the moment or the older families did. They had heard of some upstarts
making money by popping in and holding up dealers before giving them a fatal sendoff
so as not to have anyone identify them. Crime was a profitable business and more
than one agent of internal or external matters had kept their cover through such
methods. Rumors of some of the old KGB and NKVD infiltrators had used such to
smuggle arms, people and information about.
"Really the thing you must understand is that we would normally do this without
charge," Vincent admitted with a chuckle. "You could say it is our hobby and the
fact that for once we are being rather gratefully paid to see to your punishment is
a wonderful bonus."
"Yes we are being quite civil so far," June said with a glare. "Although you did
come to close for our peace of mind in targeting our daughter, and that is the only
reason that we haven't already removed appendages."

"Ah," Vincent said as he looked at the other tools there, "but the night is still

"Oh God!" was the last coherent thing he said before the pain began in earnest.

They were in a way quite displeased to have found that Alice as well as her friend
Anne had been far too close to being victims of other such people. Well that they
had been able to confirm anyways. The two did wonder who was removing the predation
from that area. This was the second such person they had found getting too close to
their daughter for their peace of mind. Honestly the second that they had dealt with
while some mysterious other had dealt with the one that got away.
June did wonder if her niece and her friend had been victims of someone already.
Though the way they were almost attached to that boy would need some scrutiny. It
was an odd thing for Hermione to make friends with a boy let alone one that seemed
odd like that one was. Thinking back most of the girls in the area had been
different to him. He was courteous to them, but didn't seek them out. Oddly she
wondered if he would be Hermione's first crush. She admitted to herself that she
could do worse. She did worry that her daughter took too much after her husband.
Vincent was a decent enough of a guy but even though she was in charge sometimes
missed her own experiences from the other side.
'I really will need to have more honest dialogues with her,' June thought as she
brought the hammer down on another of the man's toes. 'She seems an odd mix of the
two of us. She may like to lead, but she would almost as soon meekly follow as well.
Not that I love Vincent any less for not being the best to satisfy those needs, but
he is far too submissive to properly take me. I cannot just act submissive to
someone who is not that dominant even if some of the games are fun even when he does
things I know I am in control.'
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"So many bones to break," Vincent commented after once more preventing the man from
biting his tongue off. "Still I had best remove any more chances for you to cut that
tongue of yours. It wouldn't do for you to bleed to death or drown before we are
'It has been a bit too long since either of us indulged our violent tendencies so
unconstrained,' June thought as she contemplated adding amputations to the scene.
'We really need to look a club up for some play. As much as I need to be in charge
it has been too long since I had someone take me by the hair and satisfy those
impulses. At least Hermione will not have issues coming to us in any questions that
she has. I nearly got in a bad crowd growing up do to not knowing about things and
being too proper to ask my family about it.'

Working over the sobbing man, Vincent started to twist, break and mangle the teeth
as he yanked them out. The sudden jerking of the pliers caused him to let out a
shriek of pain. As soon as he was back to sobbing, June brought her hammer back to
break another toe. So a pattern of tooth, sob, toe, sob and repeat began. Once he
ran out of toes, June went to the fingers with glee as they splintered and
puncturing the skin. It was painful and bloody, but it was not fatal or able to
knock him out.
So the two worked their way through his available teeth fingers and toes, each
timing it right to extend his suffering as well as their entertainment. Even with
slowing things down to twist and wrench his teeth out in as painful a manner as
possible while June worked through each bone in his digits, they soon ran out of
their first choice in administration. There were more than enough bones for June,
but Vincent had run out of teeth. The man almost counted himself luck and believed
they were done when he had a moment of reprieve.
'OH god!' he thought sobbing as he could not move to say anything do to the damage
inflicted on his mouth. 'I don't want to die, but I don't want this to go on. Why
can't they be like most killers and be done with it when they slit or break a neck,
shoot or stab the heard or brain, crack a skull or something else at least somewhat
quicker and less painful. Dying by slow blood loss is becoming likelier and they are
making sure that I do not pass out.'

"Now this is going to be quite painful," Vincent said before the silence was cut off
by a quick whirl as he turned to face him, "but we need to make sure that you don't
get any more infections than necessary. It wouldn't do to have people investigate
why the local butcher had an outbreak in his pork."
His gurgling scream of pain was mixed with the sound of the dentist drill cleaning
out the now empty sockets. It was such a soothing sound that June sat back and
listened to it almost drifting off from how it relaxed her. It was a shame that they
couldn't keep a copy of an audio recording of this. It would have been a nice
relaxation tape. Her current one of a few demonstrations was good enough she
supposed. A shame this was too delicate or she would have spent the time working
some of his other bones over. Soon they would have to be careful not to cut things
'He is quite lucky that his eye missed Hermione,' June thought as she listened to
her husband's musical performance for her. 'I do believe we would have seen how far
dismemberment he could live through if that was the case, although it would have
been a therapeutic family bonding torturing him together. Still I don't think we
should introduce Hermione to this just yet. Perhaps explain a bit more about our
lifestyle considering she is at that age.'
"Beloved," Vincent said as he reached down and pulled June into a hug. "As much as
you enjoyed my performance, I would like to see you happy in your playtime. Besides
it is always fun to see you enjoying your art..."
"Of course, my darling one," June said with a flourish as she turned to the man.
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"Now I do hope you appreciate all the effort we are taking here. Normally we would
just extract your teeth and break most of your bones. Sadly this time is going to be
a bit more agonizing..."
Twirling her hammer in her hand as she let it spin around effortlessly, June went to
work bringing her arm to deliver a full length arm stroke down onto the man's right
forearm. As his arm was secured to a stiff arm rest there was nowhere for the force
to be dissipated except into his arm. The site where she brought the hammer down was
immediately bruised even as the bone underneath snapped under the force applied.

"One," June said with a smirk visible through her mask as she twirled the hammer
like a baton. "One less victim for you at least."

With that said, June let the hammer twirl to land in her left hand. Once she closed
her hand around the handle of the hammer she raised her left art up and brought it
down on his right forearm. She watched as the blow landed between the bones with
force to pulp the muscle and it was the expanding muscle that injured the bones.
There was a savage glee emanating from June at this.

"Two," June said almost giggling in glee. "Twice you came too close to a member or
our family."

On it continued as she counted off bones with the ribs in particular being damaged
in ways that didn't damage the lungs to prolong the game; snapping the legs,
demolishing the shins and dislocating the thighs were some of the more memorable
moments for June as she went to work. Still each motion was measured and each action
designed to extend the cathartic game, June had long practiced her craft and was as
good at this as dentistry. For a moment she recalled the last time anyone had called
her cursed birth name.
'Juniper,' June thought in disgust. 'What the hell were those proto hippie beatniks
thinking with that name? The only kids I knew had it worse were... what Moonbeam and
Sunflower? Happy feely peace lovers would let fuckers like this walk or maybe go to
jail. They didn't get that some people need to be removed from existence and yet not
go so far as to purge or cleanse with those issues. I get the distaste for violence
after the war, but to go so far as denying that violence is a resort was too far in
one extreme.'

Vincent was watching this as he marveled at how gorgeous June looked like this. The
last time he had seen her this pissed was when they had been separated for a time
with work preventing them from meeting. She had ended up going into an alley and he
had taken the same to try to catch up to meet her in time. A dumb wannabe punk had
been planning a snatch and grab, but made the mistake of voicing his plan to have a
little fun with the pretty rich lady. The poor bastard hadn't stood a chance. That
was the last time he had gotten to watch her beat a man to death. It was odd that
instead of clutching himself in sympathy when she ground her heals into his just
repetitively rabbit kicked groin, which he had almost moaned out at the passion he
had seen.

That she had turned from her victim and taken him into a searing kiss had not helped
matters at the time. Still both of them knew that even if the coppers were less than
interested in investigating what the disrespectful concerns did to one another,
someone would be interested in why the boy got offed and even if it would have been
ruled a crime of passion neither wanted to have that bandied about. They both knew
that she had issues and that working them out would be complicated. Neither of their
pasts had been that good and each had enough emotional baggage to almost ruin any
relationship or at least any normal one.
'Christ on a crutch,' Vincent thought with a wide eye as he reminisced and compared.
"I thought she looked like a dark queen back then. Now she looks like a dark goddess
that could make a man cream himself with a look. It's a shame that we have to be in
such form concealing clothes but better not take any chances.'

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He was right that even if the clothes they were wearing covered their skin it was
clingy enough to make some things out. Still he was more entranced by the way she
was moving and how the sap was responding. She had already worked through his arms
and legs as well as his ribs. It was a shame that they couldn't do this in some way
to leave the spine accessible at the moment. Still in spite of that June was not
quite done yet.

"Bit more old man," June confided to the wheezing form. "I really wanted to see what
this will do."

As soon as she stepped back from her whispering, June brought the hammer down a bit
close to one of the few neglected areas, his groin. She made care to avoid the soft
tissue for the moment and did a left right with a spin to each side to break as much
of his pelvis as possible. She went in a slow pattern demolishing the available
space until all that was left was the finisher. The number of nerves there were many
and a hammer would bruise and liquefy the muscle with enough force.
It was gruesome, but June finished emasculating him to a pulp. She did think that he
was lucky that he hadn't shown any interest in Hermione at the time. He had been
more eager with the even more dissocial and ostracized. Sure she had been somewhat
of a loner, but they showed up in her life more than some parents did. Well it was
more that while Hermione was a late bloomer she had done a fabulous job in not
showing her development off like some of her peers.
"Don't worry," June said as Vincent moved and unstrapped him before letting his body
fall to the floor. "It is almost over..."

As soon as he was set on the ground with his back exposed, June struck with a flurry
of moves. It was like firecrackers exploding as she rapidly cracked and smashed her
way down the spine. A whispered thought passed through her mind as she felt a sudden
thrill of hope that she could someday share this with her daughter. For some reason,
she realized that she had never felt a need to interrogate her daughter as well as
niece's mutual friend. A part of her recalled dimly that she had been somewhat
relieved with the knowledge that her little girl was not alone at boarding school.
'Though now that I think about it,' June thought as she turned her mind to some of
the inconsistencies she now recalled, 'there is something about him that is somewhat
unsettling. Oddly enough the number of our marks has practically gone to zero in
Little Whinging. The way that he walks as well as how Alice and her friend Anne do
as well... Could it be that they have embarked on this path as well? Alice seems to
take after me in a way with how Anne reacts to her presence and yet they both act
somewhat passive to Harry. He went missing and she started to act confident. Now all
I have to do is to figure this out without risking their reactions. Meh I can think
about this and decide how to best investigate this when they come home for
Christmas; I still have a little bit more play time with the stiff and then I can
work out with a different stiff.... Heh... heh... I do hope that I don't have to
deal with Hermione shrieking in indignation when she realizes that unlike some,
Vincent is not one to stray and actually satisfies me.'

In part to banish the distraction from her enjoyment, June returned to her game.
Vincent was ignoring the odd humming and rather horrible attempts to rhyme that his
love was doing. He loved her and she was musical in the bedroom, but she could not
sing unless she was very excited. He didn't know why but that seemed to sooth her
keening warbling into a honey like sweetness. She could cackle, laugh and do other
horrifying things and sound damn sexy when she did so, but unless she was in the
middle of something blatantly sexual her singing voice was like cats screeching.
Sadly they had learned firsthand that Hermione was the same way. He shuddered as he
recalled the nightmare that was the school recital. They had both reluctantly agreed
with the teachers that Hermione could perform in such things with an instrument. At
least with an instrument, their darling daughter was not tone deaf. He also knew
that the one way that June had gotten through any singing would not work for
Hermione or would get them in trouble for even suggesting it.
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'Sure our daughter has a great singing voice,' Vincent imagined saying. 'Oh what's
the secret you ask? Why all we have to do is have this vibrator set on low and she
is good to go. Prudes would have us locked up and the key chucked in the sea if we
even joked about that. Personally I am damn glad that June is around for such
conversations as while I may not be that squeamish about such things there are
things as a father that I do not want to know. It will be bad enough reconciling the
normal fatherly impulses with our lifestyle without other complications. Still
regardless of what choices she makes in the future, I can only hope that she is
happy like any other parent hopes for their child; however, I would be more than
willing to grab anyone that truly hurts her for our own restitution.'
Having made her way through most of the bones present in the human body, June took a
step back to survey her handiwork. It was a gruesome sight to most, but she felt the
soothing comfort of satisfaction as she looked at the battered form before her. I
very small part of her whispered that they should have hung him in the dungeon and
flayed the flesh off, but she squished that down. It would be far too easy to
accidentally kill someone, have them pass out in that circumstance, or do something
else to sadly cut short the game. She made a mental note to look up magical healing
methods to allow her to truly find the limits of the scum's resolve.
"So I think this was a very therapeutic time," June said with a sigh as she
stretched and did some slow motions to cool down so she wouldn't cramp up. "Still if
you had touched our family we would need to pump some expensive medicines in you to
stretch this out appropriately. Well that and to cauterize the wounds so you didn't
die of blood loss too soon. Oh yes one last thing..."

That last thing was enough to cause him to gargle before spasming in pain once more.
Sure she had broken every bone in his body, repeatedly stomped his groin and pretty
much made him a broken bruised near corpse, but she had neglected one area in her
methodical working over of his body. As that spot was the only one not still
throbbing in some sort of pain, that spot was also now the most sensitive in
addition to it being rather sensitive in the first place.

Taking a step back, June had given almost a running kick to the spread-eagled body
going right between the legs and striking low before twisting up. The spot with some
of the more numerous nerve clusters was struck with even more force than any of her
hammer strikes. Considering that June could get a decent hang time whenever she had
nutted the odd overeager suitor let alone any less well intentioned person, there
should be little shock that he slid a bit when she hit that oversensitive bit of
skin before almost shoving her shoe too far in her swing. It was only though the
years and the number of brutal things that Vincent neither shivered nor felt his
stomach even quiver from the sight.

"Well that looks like it is it," Vincent commented as he felt the last spasms of the
man or body before him as he was pretty much a goner at this point. "Clean up and
disposal and then what?"

"What else?" June asked with a laugh. "I can see how eager you are and you can tell
I am as well. Once he is gone, I plan on seeing how long it takes before neither of
us can move."
"Sounds like a plan to me, mistress," Vincent said with a grin. "Glad that laundry
is tomorrow..."
"Laundry is always tomorrow, pet," June said as she removed her blood splattered
clothes. "We have always needed to change the sheets and I do believe that tonight's
are going to be quite pungent and soaked."
Nodding his head at that, Vincent went off to dispose of all the evidence. It
wouldn't do for either of them to get caught especially now that it would worry
Hermione. Still he was going to be busy tonight. He wondered if life could get any
better. He had a loving wife and lover who met his somewhat eccentric needs and a
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daughter with a bright future on her hands. He ignored the rather comfortable home
and lifestyle they could afford as that was just window dressing. Part of him, well
the part that was not influenced by the instinctive who could ever be worthy of my
daughter impulse, hoped that Hermione would be in as happy and enjoyable a
relationship as he was.
Vincent made his way to the location and dropped the paralyzed but barely alive man
there. As he was unable to be moved, the man was quickly eaten alive by the pigs.
For a moment he wished that they could have buried the man alive with maggots and
the like to feast on him, but that would have raised chances of him surviving. He
did have a very passionate woman to get back to and as the owner appreciated some
extra feed for his animals there was little worry. He knew the man did the same when
he got rid of his own loose ends, but as neither infringed on the others interests
they were happily coinciding. He even recalled helping a few yardies fake some
bodies for the man. He was a bit brutal but they both knew better than to do
anything to get in the man's debt.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 13: Winding down to Winter Solstice Part 2
by SamStone 5 Reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: - Characters: Andromeda

Tonks,Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/10/14 - Updated:
2008/10/14 - 10203 words

Tonks looked up from where she was reluctantly doing her schoolwork in the common
room. Part of her was upset with them for sending her out, but the rest was grateful
that they had her own interests ahead of what theirs were with her. She had been
quite lazy in doing her schoolwork as her relationship had been stabilizing. It had
been the opposite of the all work and no play for a bit too long for her. Well
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besides the hell that was her current punishment.
'That I suddenly seemed unwilling to do anything that made me unavailable for their
pleasure going so far as to risk my future prospects offended them,' she thought
with a sigh. 'Oh I am certain what my private life will be, but even if they can
afford for me to do nothing except hang around as a living toy... well that doesn't
mean that they want me to waste any opportunities I have. That I was so caught up
with the fun that I was starting to neglect my studies and that is dangerous to them
as mother no Andromeda would have had ample reason to get involved.'

Turning around she saw her friend Penny enter from her earlier patrolling. Her hair
and clothes were mussed and the frustration was as evident in the shining unshed
tears in her eyes. She knew she had been dating someone had in fact complained about
the complete lack of availability of good men as well as the current ones abysmal
skills and attitude. That in part had led her to accept her current odd
relationship. Oh she was partially pissed to be punished like she currently was but
if she didn't get the work done in time or better ahead of time there would be no
way that there would be time enough to enjoy all the things she planned to do over

'Lovely I wonder what the ass said to her this time,' she thought in annoyance. 'I
swear that when I find out whom it is that the prank on those two twits will seem
tame in comparison. Still meeting during patrol does not seem like her unless
whoever it is also is a Prefect. So what to do finish this task or let my friend
suffer... fuck it I may not be a Puff but she has helped me out and I owe her one at
the very least.'

With those thoughts in mind Tonks followed her friend to her room feeling a few
dregs of uncertainty at leaving her work aside, but friendship was more important.
Even if it resulted in a harsher punishment for her negligence, there was the fact
that she would not and could not permit herself to do otherwise; let alone try to
plead for lenience or mercy for her disobedience. She had been told to catch up on
her work or things would be dire. As much of her submissive streak that they had
called out to her she realized she would bare it gladly to aid her friend and that
she would likely enjoy her punishments save disappointing her two owners was her
burden to bear.

Being so focused on her friend she had not realized that she had negligently waved
to banish her school matters to her room. It would have been most unacceptable to
leave them there in the commons like that and would have led to some inquiry that
would have gotten both of them into some trouble. It had been a spell that she had
unknowingly learned from repeated use by both Harry and Hermione to put their study
materials away and out of danger from various activities. If they had known it was
likely that they would have been quite proud of their pet even if she had defied
them. That all parties involved would be grateful for the excuse for a certain type
of activity was left unthought-of by all save Dora's more flittering subconscious
mind. That she had negligently summoned chocolate and ice cream as that was
something she had long used to sooth her aches before those two had introduced a
different way to feel better.

Arriving at her friend's door she stopped for a moment before rapping on the door
before saying, "Penelope, its Tonks. May I come in?"
"Leave me alone!" Came the shout of the sobbing girl from the other side of the
door. "I just want to be left alone!"
"Penelope," Tonks said gathering her courage to confront her distressed friend. "I
cannot just leave you wallowing after whatever the prat said. You need someone to
talk to and as I was available what kind of friend would I be if I just left you to
"Argh!" Penelope shouted in rage as even her well thought out counters seemed false
to her even in her frustrated rage. "Can't you see I just need some time to compose
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"I hear what you are saying," Tonks said with a sigh as she tried to not just force
the door open in her frustration at her friend's antics, "but I don't believe you
know what you are trying to really tell me. You need someone at a time like this and
if necessary I will go and get more than just chocolate and ice cream. Look I may
not be a Hufflepuff, but even I know when a girl needs her friends to drag her out
of her funk!"
"You are being so stubborn!" Penny said as she realized that her friend was not in
any way, shape or form going to allow her to wallow in her misery. "Fine! Just
remember that I really have had a very bad day and that I am not in the mood to be
the best of company right now although I wouldn't really mind the chocolate..."
With that Penny reluctantly removed the excessive locking charms she had placed on
the door. After that the door swung open without Tonks needing to open it leaving
Penny to see her friend standing on the other side. Penny was able to see her friend
there and the visible presence of some comfort food. That she likely would have
slammed the door shut if those things had been missing was unsaid. Dora was however
trying not to show how much she wanted to find out who it was and see about first
introducing her knee than foot to the part they had been thinking with and then
after that much hexing and cursing to ensure that said male learned the lesson.

"No problem Penny," Tonks said with an understanding almost vocal hug being offered
to her friend. "Considering how much you helped me when I was having such troubles
it is the least I can do. Still its times like this that I wish that we had some
muggle stuff as this is the times when I wish that we had some movies to watch while
indulging in the comfort food. Something I really wish I could do with my mother but
the less said on that the better..."
Entering the room with chocolate presented outstretched to Penny, Dora entered the
room with determination showing in her steps. She knew that she would need to cram
her studies and work her ass off to get done before the train was due, but it would
be worth it to help out her friend. At least that was her conscious and central
reasoning. Now as for Dora's own desires there was more to it. Since her
reawakening, Dora had been having a minimum of a few releases daily and this sudden
dry spell was very trying in its own way.

After looking at how miserable Penny had looked in the commons, she had squashed the
notion of cornering Penny and channeling her frustration to her own ends by her
almost Hufflepuff loyalty to her friends. It had been a very near thing though.
Still she knew that as long as she didn't have something stronger than butterbeer
with the chocolate and comfort foods that she should be fine. She didn't need to
finally taste what she had barely managed not to explore the past few times. At
least that is what she told herself as she stomped those thoughts out.

"Sorry for acting like that," Penny demurred after curling like a cat on her bed and
eating some of the chocolate. "It just has been a very bad day and that boy... well
he just was the last straw!"

"Wish you were an animagus like McGonagall," Tonks said as she settled down next to
her. "Then you could crawl into someones lap and just relax with a good petting. No
worries about school or boys..."
"Yeah," Penny said around the mouthfuls of chocolate she was eating in even if it
was not meant to be enticing fashion. "No worries would be nice. Eat when you wanted
to, do what you want to and get lots of attention. It would be the perfect life..."
"It would be nice not having any worries and being taken care of," Dora said with a
wistful smile as she reflected on her experience. "Still it wouldn't be all fun and
games. One could say that the good does out way the bad though. All that and merely
needing to behave like a good pet..."

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"Why would you spank me if I misbehaved?" Penny asked jokingly. "What would you do
if I liked it?"

"Oh punishments for misbehavior would be a given," Dora conceded. "Still if you
really liked it than wouldn't it be more of a punishment if you weren't spanked?"
"I guess you would be right if that was someone's button," Penny said as she closed
her eyes and let the chocolate melt down her throat flowing from her warm moist
tongue until she didn't taste it anymore. "Morgana knows what I would give for
someone that could find mine and keep pushing them."
"Ah so there are more hidden depths to explore," Dora commented as she looked her
friend over. "A shame that you have yet to find a good boy or even girl if it came
to that to at least care more about satisfying you than their own wants."
"So true," Penny said with a nod. "I really wish that I could find this curse I
heard about."
"Do tell," Dora said as she leaned closer. "One never knows when certain information
could be useful though it seems that so far I have yet to become involved with
someone that would need more than even the lightest of hexes."

"Well I do hope that my knowledge and experience would help those that come after me
from avoiding the pitfalls that I have fallen in," Penny said with a frown as she
reflected. "A shame that I didn't listen and go to one of the older girls at first;
I guess I was a bit too shy at the time. Though considering that I have conceded a
bit of information that the professors and parents would be upset for giving, I see
no problem in giving a little bit more."

"What new nugget of wisdom is there today oh honorary wiser and more experienced
sister?" Dora asked as she started to enjoy her own chocolate which she neglected to
check had like Penny's a very tasteless amount of inebriating liquid mixed into it.
"I do hope it is as helpful as the rest has been. Still it is better than mum!
Really lay back and think about queen and country when you get married. What was she
"Who knows exactly when we became more prudish than the muggles?" Penny asked in
response. "A shame that Binns is still around or we could get someone with more than
goblins on their mind. Some of the old magics looked quite fun to use from what
little I have been able to find outside the restricted section. Problem is that it
would ruin almost any girl's image to ask for permission to access such books. Hell
I have been tempted to find a group or someone to escort me into the less savory
areas where such books are available. Having to go to muggle stores to get such
things is quite annoying."
"I cannot wait till I can find a way to be completely outside mother's clutches,"
Dora said with a sigh. "Still I might be able to help you with that. I cannot
promise anything but there are some connections that I have acquired that are more
than able to acquire such things."

"So what do you want in trade?" Penny asked as ideas for ways to get that book came
to her mind. "Even among friends one doesn't do something without knowing that at
least a favor will be owed. Let's say I could ensure that the prefects avoided
certain areas at certain times would that be a suitable trade?"
"Yes it would be," Dora said with a grin at a way to get around sneaking about. "So
tell me what kind of curse you seem to be avoiding telling me about?"
"Ah considering what that ass did it is quite suitable," Penny said as if about to
tell a very important secret. "I would like a way for me to ensure that he doesn't
and any other future lover would keep leaving me high and wet. So a curse or jinx if
its applicable to prevent him from a few barely stimulating minutes before he pulls
his pants and leaves just because he already came would be nice."
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"I may know of something like that," Dora said with a wince as she recalled the
curse she was under. "It prevents either male or female from achieving release when
certain limitations are set. I do think that I hope I never need to use something
like that so that a boy makes sure I get at least one cum out of an encounter."
"We all wish that and Merlin help any woman that gets one that actually seems to
enjoy pleasing a woman," Penny said with a remorseful sigh. "I know that if or more
hopefully when I can find or train a guy like that I would take almost anything even
some nasty spell damage to keep him in that circumstance."
"A shame that men like that seem rare and even rarer in our world," Dora said with a
pause. "Merlin, give me strength if I find one here. I likely would forget myself
and draw attention on myself if that was the case."
"I know I likely would," Penny confided. "Even in that case I would be grateful for
whatever he did not to let the word out. I may be shocked but if I risked such a
mutually beneficial arrangement I wouldn't even complain if I got spanked until my
ass was raw. It would teach me that risking a good thing by constantly doing it
would be a bad idea."
"Yeah I would likely do that to," Dora said not letting on that was the case already
for her. "So is there any other advice to help train and keep a good man?"
"Well first of all boys especially here seem to think that heaven is a hand job,"
Penny said with a snort. "Sure having a different hand does make it feel better, but
one of the most useful things in keeping a guy that I learned from some muggles is
the blowjob. Well that and almost all men especially our ages seem to be fascinated
by our tits. Let me rephrase that; all boys will most likely be drawn to three areas
of a girl's body, those being her tits, ass and legs as they look. Most of them
cannot seem to deal well with our most sensitive areas. So it is likely that using
one of those things will keep a guy or at least his cock interested. Now like hand
jobs there are a variety of ways to finish. Either letting him cum over your hand or
more often on your face are both options. When your braless and letting them look at
as one short term interest called the twins you can do that or let them go on them.
It feels a bit like warm oil is sprayed on them. Though once your mouth is in play
you can add that as well. Now relax as there is a good deal more to this..."

Dora nodded her head and settled down to listen even as they both continued to savor
their chocolate. While some of it she had already experienced with both Harry and
Hermione, she realized that there was more to it and even if the pair were somewhat
experiences here was a ready source to expand on. Besides she was helping her friend
and getting the chance to be the younger sibling. Her life would have been so easier
if she had confided more in the Prefects when she had started.
In the course of their talk, Penny had moved about enough for her clothes to have
drawn up. This had shown her lack of certain attire in part in preparation for her
other segment of her post disaster date plan. She had been planning to mope about
for a while before driving it out of her system with some wand work. She had,
thankfully for the present Tonks, replaced her long period of sobbing with sniffles
and chocolate. As the two were commiserating about the lack of most of the men being
worth knowing let alone dating, Penny had the bad luck to have some of the slowly
melting chocolate fall from her spoon. Ss she moved it towards her mouth, the
chocolate had fallen off and landed to her shock, both at where it landed and the
effect it had.
Penny had been worked up from her date or sort of encounter with the man she still
wouldn't confide in to Dora. While her date had failed to do more than warm her up
for a proper encounter before creaming his pants in disappointment leaving her
unfulfilled and irritated, Penny was still somewhat at least physically and mentally
prepared or preparing for some stimulation. The sudden contact of cool to cold
chocolate ice cream to her warm skin would have normally caused a shudder, but this
time it landed against a part that was far warmer and caused far greater of a
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"Allow me," Dora managed to say as her eyes were locked onto the sight. "It would be
a shame to let that go to waste..."
Penny was however expecting a sudden finger to scoop up the fallen chocolate and had
hoped that the finger would explore a bit. She was not ready for Dora to just as her
hand came in contact with her thigh extend her tongue to attempt to lick the
chocolate up. That Dora's tongue seemed to spread the chocolate around requiring
more time licking the area clean was doing a good job of suddenly distracting Penny.
"Oh!" Penny managed to say before blinking unbelieving at the sight before her and
thinking, 'This cannot be real. This is just another one of those odd dreams again.
Still it feels quite real, but so have a number of my rather enjoyable fantasies
"Don't worry," Dora said looking up as she reluctantly lifted her tongue from where
she was contemplating the mixing of flavors. "I'll just have to make sure that I get
all of it..."

Penny was unsure what she was referring to with that statement. Wither it was
chocolate or some of the other juices was not something that she was ready to
contemplate. All that mattered was that after the earlier disaster, she was likely
once more fantasizing about the third year that could do things that, sadly made her
have to defend herself lest she be oft used as a living sensual and sexual
plaything. Really the odds of any of these encounters being more than an overactive
imagination and her own need for someone to help her find some relief was unlikely.

Opening her mouth to encompass the entirety of the area the chocolate had been
spread across; Dora began to trail her tongue over the area while she applied
suction to aid in the cleaning. That it was causing Penny to make some rather happy
sounds was merely incidental even if it was rather enjoyable. Eagerly Dora moved her
tongue to find every drop of chocolate from around Penny's mound before she began to
lick along the excited and parted slit.
"Oh! Dora," Penny said as the slowly approaching tongue stopped teasing her in its
approach, "that feels so good! Don't stop! Please don't stop!"

Taking this as a definite confirmation that Penny was willing for more than just
allowing her to have the chocolate that her friend had spilled, Dora started to
slowly work her way inside. Even as she was doing so, Dora had her eyes closed from
savoring the peculiar mix that was Penny and chocolate. Unlike some in this
situation, she hadn't just shoved her tongue inside Penny. In fact, Dora had been
treating it like a slowly deepening kiss even if her lips were spread far from being
able to place kisses along the way.
'Hmm,' Dora thought as she both tasted the mixing and stirred it more. 'Maybe next
time I should slowly approach with kisses as that would be almost more seductive?
Ooh I really should try this again and Penny does need a good washing off...'
Slowly she worked her tongue past the now open and willing lips to taste her friend
directly. Sure she had a taste when she had licked the wand her friend had used to
screw herself with clean, but it was not quite the same. Still this time she was
able to use both her own experience receiving and giving such actions to try and
explore this new part of their friendship. Besides Dora was well aware that she owed
her friend a very large debt as if it had not been for her advice she would have
still been resisting any attention. For a moment Dora was aware that if she had not
had her encounter with her keepers, she likely would have been so frustrated and
repressed that she would have done anything the first person to get her off said. It
would have made her recent disaster seem tame. So in a way she felt obliged to Penny
as well, Dora realized that she likely would have been willing and eager for any and
all sexual gratification.

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'I can just see it now,' Dora thought as she realized how dangerous it would have
been. 'I would have been like the school broom with anyone and everyone taking me
for a ride. Now while the idea of near constant sexual contacts would have likely
resulted in frequent bouts of filthy fucking where I came like a Knut whore acted
like, I would have neglected everything until someone took possession of me. I guess
that it just happened without the dismal opinions and being tossed out of the house
that would have elicited.'
Even as she was thinking, Dora had started licking inside of Penny's wet and open
lower lips. She had traced along the whole of her friend's entrance even as she
teased up, down and around in slowly deepening circuits. Her arms had long since
moved to prevent Penny from accidentally clamping shut around her head. That it
allowed her hands to tease Penny was just an added bonus in her mind. Having learned
to tell more about reactions by body motions than just visuals, Dora was able to
focus on some of the other signs that Penny was truly enjoying her ministrations and
that, regardless of the fact that there was little to no chocolate that had escaped
her searching tongue, she should continue her actions.
"Fuck me!" Penny said more in shock than request when Dora's tongue started to dip
and dart inside her. "O... O... Oh!"
Dora however took that not as shock, but as a request for some more attention. Her
hands wandered over the exposed skin of her friend as she leaved caresses and fresh
shivers in her wake. Her mouth was attached to her friends bucking, writhing and
twitching form even as her tongue had long since lost any subtlety as it slithered
around the grasping embrace of her friend's sex. Dora was humming even as her tongue
vibrated inside the moving drawing enticement as it slowly started to require her to
swallow from how readily Penny was flowing.

"Yes!" Penny shouted as she tensed up under Dora's eager and overwhelming
ministrations. "It's been... too damn long! Making do with fingers and wand has
been... frustrating... especially when my damn dates... seem to have no staying
power or willingness for... more!"

Penny had afterwards spent the past few minutes under enough ministration that, if
Dora had asked, she would have been rather hard pressed to recall she had been on a
dismal date let alone who it had been with. As it was Penny was for the first time
in too long not purely autoerotic in her stimulation, currently she was experiencing
far more stimulation than her vibrating and penetrating wand had been supplying her
with. Currently her mind was unable to form any coherent thoughts do to the thorough
fucking Dora's tongue was providing in addition to the blood being drawn there do to
suction as well as her arousal.

'God I wish I could be coming like this,' Dora thought as she felt her tongue
stretching Penny to accommodate it. 'Still I deserve the punishment I received as
much as Penny needs a reward for suffering so much. I do wonder why she doesn't just
convince the idiot to actually become useful. Really it was bad enough the last time
we talked with leaving after a quick grope and creaming of his pants without any
care for her, but it seems that he is likely someone that would go straight from
fondling to pathetic thrusts for a minute before wandering off.'
Dora was, while under her cursed punishment not able to achieve her own release
without someone else's helping, quite able to come close and had been wishing for
something to push her over. As it was, Dora was pouring her own needs into her
actions with Penny. That Penny herself had been having merely easing orgasms instead
of mind shattering ones had let Dora push her over and over again. Dora had become
used to giving and receiving until it physically hurt for more stimulation. It was
with this mindset that she kept driving Penny to quite verbal and animalistic cries
until all that was left of her friends ability to respond was shuddering and
squeezing down when she climaxed. Well there was one last hurrah though.
"Dora!" Penny shouted as she almost bucked her lover off her sex. "Morgana! Cuming!"

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Dora only released Penny when she was whimpering do to oversensitivity from all the
direct stimulation she had been receiving. Once she had released her lips and
removed her tongue from her target, Dora slithered her way up while gently calming
Penny down. Sure she stopped to get a few responses from kissing, touching and
nibbling on her way up, but that was normal. As soon as she had reached close enough
to gently touch Penny's face, Dora gently and carefully touched her friends face.
She was still mouthing Dora's name even as she was panting as she recovered.
"Shush Penny," Dora said as she slowly traced the tears that had flown when her eyes
had started to water. "I wanted to do this..."
Dora stopped talking when she kissed her friend from where she was resting against
her. She gently pressed her lips to her repeatedly. Smiling at her basking and
flushed friend, Dora ran her hand through the tussled and sprayed about hair of her
newest lover. There was a time for passion and there was a time for just being
there. For these few moments comfort was more important than carnal need, even given
that Dora had been closer to wanting to have almost anyone grant her relief. Too
many months had passed without even a day or night without at least one orgasm and
typically a number of them. If it had not been for their earlier seduction and it
ramping her up and having to wait for any relief, she did not think that she would
have been able to go this long without any release.
"You're my friend, Penny," Dora said from where she watched the afterglow linger.
"If it hadn't been for you, I would have been in even a worse mess than I am now."
"What you mean?" Penny slurredly asked. "Hmm comfy...."

"You helped me out in undoing my mother's attempt to make me sexless," Dora said
before leaning over and kissing Penny gently even as her tongue darted inside. "I
found someone and they wouldn't be upset with this as you are a friend and you were
in need."

"Thank you," Penny said as she felt her friend nuzzle against her.

"No, thank you," Dora said as she lay their next to her feeling the curse keep her
from coming down from her excitement.

Dora stayed silent as she lay there even as her fingers slowly caressed her friend's
body. As much as she wanted to crawl down, spread her legs and ravish her until she
called her name; Dora was willing to wait for her to recover. A little nap and they
would see where they were. Dora did shudder and sigh when Penny's hand mistook her
sex for her own.

'At least this will help me not to jump her later,' Dora thought as she closed her
eyes and allowed the fingers to play her. 'Well not jump her and fumble about like
an amateur. I wonder if she will be willing to let me fuck her since she was so kind
to offer.'


Nothing really was as it seemed and despite even how somewhat normal they seemed
even they had secrets. Surrey had lots of secrets and it was not just the deviants
that dwelt in Little Whinging that had a corner on that market. In a rather affluent
neighborhood there was a family with several secrets of their own.
The two in particular were worried about how their daughter would react to their own
hidden secret. Oh they were rather open to their daughter's newly understood gift,
but theirs was less wholesome in general. They already had thought of several things
to say to allow there open minded and far less stifled daughter to understand some
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of their less than ordinary quirks. They were dentists after all and some of their
things while having potential for such use was more often used for their own
They were both aware that, despite things like women's liberation, the end of
slavery and other such social revolutions, things had not entirely changed over the
years. Despite all the best intentions people were xenophobic of anything outside
their comfort zone. Both had grown up in the turbulent sixties and seventies where
upheaval was common. The Cold War had not been the best of situations and despite
the most lack of direct war certain sentiments held. Anything deviant was taboo and
anything that brought inquiry could get one suspected of sympathy for the
opposition. Anyone with any inclinations that were not viewed as wholesome and
normal had been likely to be outed and mistook for enemy agents. Well not
specifically, but still it had not been as tolerant an age as some had been
Vincent had not been in the military despite what some people believed. No that
would have been too normal for him when he had been in his rebellious phase. Still
he had ended up through a series of bad incidents with a cover of official military
service and a government tab to go to college. He had, for reasons he would never
publically state, chosen to become a dentist. June had met him there and the two had
hit it off. It had been through a series of near death accidents that led to them
confessing to each other some of their inclinations.
While it had not been the official army or military for that matter, Vincent had
come to need structure in parts of his life. June had her own issues and oddly their
relationship grew from there. Oh they acted like normal couples to outsiders, but to
each other there was more to it than June running things. In short June was in
charge and more the better for them. It was still a time of hedonistic tendencies
without the jading of the rise of new sexual diseases. Still they had their own
demons to bear and deal with.

History had a way of repeating itself and the two had issues. They had been
relatively unconstrained in their relationship and both had been oddly pleased with
the reactions they had to their experimentation. Still they eventually ran across
something that ruined their mood and led them down a new path. They were sensualist
and sensory explorers; however, they upon seeing a scene that set them to violence
embarked on a similar hobby as their daughter and her associates had done.

"So you thought you could escape?" June asked as she entered the room looking at the
disgusting man strapped to the chair. "You were starting to draw attention and lose
control of your vices again. Perhaps it would have been better to be caught by one
of the Inspectors. A shame you had to bring your depravity to our area."

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" the man asked in confusion as he saw the
disguised woman. "I did nothing to you!"

"No, you didn't," Vincent admitted as he stepped out of the shadow with his own
concealed form. "Still you came a bit too close to causing harm to our daughter so
we will make this a bit more... special."

"You didn't do that good of a job in covering up your indiscretions I believe some
would say," June said with a drawl as she brought out a tray of tools. "Now you need
to understand a few things."
"Yes there are some things you need to get to grasp the situation," Vincent said
with a smirk showing through his mask. "You are in a sound proof room. No one knows
where you are and no one would miss you once you have disappeared. We are quite
professional so there is no risk that you would leave any evidence for people to
track this back to us.'
"What are you going to do," he asked in dread once he saw the archaic dental
equipment, "torture me for your own sick amusement?"
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"No," June said before smiling nastily at the man. "That is just the bonus."

"Actions have consequences," Vincent said as he opened up a manila folder. "Your

actions in particular were quite damning: child molestation, abuse, trafficking and
murder to name a few just to start. Really should have not saved the evidence. Still
considering that you had branched out into selling films as well as gaining enough
of a source that certain people were quite offended by your actions. Really should
have picked your victims better."

"Yes, a snuff film featuring one of the less savory syndicate's beloved
granddaughter being a victim of repeated gang rapes before dying from both blood
loss and shock would have made your life less than worthless," Jane said with a
laugh. "Still you are a small fish and we do need a bit of closure."
"Bodies are a bit difficult to get rid of," Vincent admitted with a frown as he
grabbed a pair of pliers and tested it. "Well before we knew better that is.
Nowadays one either passes the body off as someone else and with some dental work a
corpse become quite the commodity though rumor has it that DNA sequencing will be
better able to identify things in the near future. It would be a bit late for you
regardless. Still one of the traditional methods work the best, a shame that one
needs so many pigs, but they do get the job done and the farmer saves on feed. It
does mean that we need to make sure that you don't carry something to make the pigs
sick or injure them."
"Yes," June said as he checked the security of the straps. "That would cause ever so
much trouble."

"You're insane," he said in denial. "You're both insane."

"Perhaps," June admitted with a cock to the head. "Regardless we will have our fun
done before then."

"You really should know better than to insult a lady," Vincent said as he went to
work. "I do hope your screams can sooth what your actions have caused."
With that said Vincent began to remove some of his teeth without anesthetic. He
struggled from where he was strapped to the chair. He ignored the strong of insults
to both of them for a time before one in particular got his attention.

"I am no whore," June stated as she delivered a sharp jab to his kidneys. "Though
you were willing to do that to those under your guidance speaks ill of what little
decency you may have had. Be grateful that we are just starting and that my pet is
quite able to control himself otherwise you would be in far worse shape than you are
as yet..."

Once his insults and threats failed to elicit more than their ire, he turned to
pleading and begging. He had been able to whore out more than a few of his charges
after he had sampled them. Thankfully he had been unconnected to any of the major or
minor drug trafficking concerns and thus the few living victims had one less hurdle
in their attempt to reacclimatize to the world. Still even that sort had some
standards at the moment or the older families did. They had heard of some upstarts
making money by popping in and holding up dealers before giving them a fatal sendoff
so as not to have anyone identify them. Crime was a profitable business and more
than one agent of internal or external matters had kept their cover through such
methods. Rumors of some of the old KGB and NKVD infiltrators had used such to
smuggle arms, people and information about.
"Really the thing you must understand is that we would normally do this without
charge," Vincent admitted with a chuckle. "You could say it is our hobby and the
fact that for once we are being rather gratefully paid to see to your punishment is
a wonderful bonus."

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"Yes we are being quite civil so far," June said with a glare. "Although you did
come to close for our peace of mind in targeting our daughter, and that is the only
reason that we haven't already removed appendages."
"Ah," Vincent said as he looked at the other tools there, "but the night is still
"Oh God!" was the last coherent thing he said before the pain began in earnest.

They were in a way quite displeased to have found that Alice as well as her friend
Anne had been far too close to being victims of other such people. Well that they
had been able to confirm anyways. The two did wonder who was removing the predation
from that area. This was the second such person they had found getting too close to
their daughter for their peace of mind. Honestly the second that they had dealt with
while some mysterious other had dealt with the one that got away.
June did wonder if her niece and her friend had been victims of someone already.
Though the way they were almost attached to that boy would need some scrutiny. It
was an odd thing for Hermione to make friends with a boy let alone one that seemed
odd like that one was. Thinking back most of the girls in the area had been
different to him. He was courteous to them, but didn't seek them out. Oddly she
wondered if he would be Hermione's first crush. She admitted to herself that she
could do worse. She did worry that her daughter took too much after her husband.
Vincent was a decent enough of a guy but even though she was in charge sometimes
missed her own experiences from the other side.
'I really will need to have more honest dialogues with her,' June thought as she
brought the hammer down on another of the man's toes. 'She seems an odd mix of the
two of us. She may like to lead, but she would almost as soon meekly follow as well.
Not that I love Vincent any less for not being the best to satisfy those needs, but
he is far too submissive to properly take me. I cannot just act submissive to
someone who is not that dominant even if some of the games are fun even when he does
things I know I am in control.'

"So many bones to break," Vincent commented after once more preventing the man from
biting his tongue off. "Still I had best remove any more chances for you to cut that
tongue of yours. It wouldn't do for you to bleed to death or drown before we are

'It has been a bit too long since either of us indulged our violent tendencies so
unconstrained,' June thought as she contemplated adding amputations to the scene.
'We really need to look a club up for some play. As much as I need to be in charge
it has been too long since I had someone take me by the hair and satisfy those
impulses. At least Hermione will not have issues coming to us in any questions that
she has. I nearly got in a bad crowd growing up do to not knowing about things and
being too proper to ask my family about it.'
Working over the sobbing man, Vincent started to twist, break and mangle the teeth
as he yanked them out. The sudden jerking of the pliers caused him to let out a
shriek of pain. As soon as he was back to sobbing, June brought her hammer back to
break another toe. So a pattern of tooth, sob, toe, sob and repeat began. Once he
ran out of toes, June went to the fingers with glee as they splintered and
puncturing the skin. It was painful and bloody, but it was not fatal or able to
knock him out.
So the two worked their way through his available teeth fingers and toes, each
timing it right to extend his suffering as well as their entertainment. Even with
slowing things down to twist and wrench his teeth out in as painful a manner as
possible while June worked through each bone in his digits, they soon ran out of
their first choice in administration. There were more than enough bones for June,
but Vincent had run out of teeth. The man almost counted himself luck and believed
they were done when he had a moment of reprieve.

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'OH god!' he thought sobbing as he could not move to say anything do to the damage
inflicted on his mouth. 'I don't want to die, but I don't want this to go on. Why
can't they be like most killers and be done with it when they slit or break a neck,
shoot or stab the heard or brain, crack a skull or something else at least somewhat
quicker and less painful. Dying by slow blood loss is becoming likelier and they are
making sure that I do not pass out.'

"Now this is going to be quite painful," Vincent said before the silence was cut off
by a quick whirl as he turned to face him, "but we need to make sure that you don't
get any more infections than necessary. It wouldn't do to have people investigate
why the local butcher had an outbreak in his pork."
His gurgling scream of pain was mixed with the sound of the dentist drill cleaning
out the now empty sockets. It was such a soothing sound that June sat back and
listened to it almost drifting off from how it relaxed her. It was a shame that they
couldn't keep a copy of an audio recording of this. It would have been a nice
relaxation tape. Her current one of a few demonstrations was good enough she
supposed. A shame this was too delicate or she would have spent the time working
some of his other bones over. Soon they would have to be careful not to cut things
'He is quite lucky that his eye missed Hermione,' June thought as she listened to
her husband's musical performance for her. 'I do believe we would have seen how far
dismemberment he could live through if that was the case, although it would have
been a therapeutic family bonding torturing him together. Still I don't think we
should introduce Hermione to this just yet. Perhaps explain a bit more about our
lifestyle considering she is at that age.'

"Beloved," Vincent said as he reached down and pulled June into a hug. "As much as
you enjoyed my performance, I would like to see you happy in your playtime. Besides
it is always fun to see you enjoying your art..."

"Of course, my darling one," June said with a flourish as she turned to the man.
"Now I do hope you appreciate all the effort we are taking here. Normally we would
just extract your teeth and break most of your bones. Sadly this time is going to be
a bit more agonizing..."

Twirling her hammer in her hand as she let it spin around effortlessly, June went to
work bringing her arm to deliver a full length arm stroke down onto the man's right
forearm. As his arm was secured to a stiff arm rest there was nowhere for the force
to be dissipated except into his arm. The site where she brought the hammer down was
immediately bruised even as the bone underneath snapped under the force applied.

"One," June said with a smirk visible through her mask as she twirled the hammer
like a baton. "One less victim for you at least."
With that said, June let the hammer twirl to land in her left hand. Once she closed
her hand around the handle of the hammer she raised her left art up and brought it
down on his right forearm. She watched as the blow landed between the bones with
force to pulp the muscle and it was the expanding muscle that injured the bones.
There was a savage glee emanating from June at this.
"Two," June said almost giggling in glee. "Twice you came too close to a member or
our family."
On it continued as she counted off bones with the ribs in particular being damaged
in ways that didn't damage the lungs to prolong the game; snapping the legs,
demolishing the shins and dislocating the thighs were some of the more memorable
moments for June as she went to work. Still each motion was measured and each action
designed to extend the cathartic game, June had long practiced her craft and was as
good at this as dentistry. For a moment she recalled the last time anyone had called
her cursed birth name.

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'Juniper,' June thought in disgust. 'What the hell were those proto hippie beatniks
thinking with that name? The only kids I knew had it worse were... what Moonbeam and
Sunflower? Happy feely peace lovers would let fuckers like this walk or maybe go to
jail. They didn't get that some people need to be removed from existence and yet not
go so far as to purge or cleanse with those issues. I get the distaste for violence
after the war, but to go so far as denying that violence is a resort was too far in
one extreme.'
Vincent was watching this as he marveled at how gorgeous June looked like this. The
last time he had seen her this pissed was when they had been separated for a time
with work preventing them from meeting. She had ended up going into an alley and he
had taken the same to try to catch up to meet her in time. A dumb wannabe punk had
been planning a snatch and grab, but made the mistake of voicing his plan to have a
little fun with the pretty rich lady. The poor bastard hadn't stood a chance. That
was the last time he had gotten to watch her beat a man to death. It was odd that
instead of clutching himself in sympathy when she ground her heals into his just
repetitively rabbit kicked groin, which he had almost moaned out at the passion he
had seen.
That she had turned from her victim and taken him into a searing kiss had not helped
matters at the time. Still both of them knew that even if the coppers were less than
interested in investigating what the disrespectful concerns did to one another,
someone would be interested in why the boy got offed and even if it would have been
ruled a crime of passion neither wanted to have that bandied about. They both knew
that she had issues and that working them out would be complicated. Neither of their
pasts had been that good and each had enough emotional baggage to almost ruin any
relationship or at least any normal one.

'Christ on a crutch,' Vincent thought with a wide eye as he reminisced and compared.
"I thought she looked like a dark queen back then. Now she looks like a dark goddess
that could make a man cream himself with a look. It's a shame that we have to be in
such form concealing clothes but better not take any chances.'

He was right that even if the clothes they were wearing covered their skin it was
clingy enough to make some things out. Still he was more entranced by the way she
was moving and how the sap was responding. She had already worked through his arms
and legs as well as his ribs. It was a shame that they couldn't do this in some way
to leave the spine accessible at the moment. Still in spite of that June was not
quite done yet.

"Bit more old man," June confided to the wheezing form. "I really wanted to see what
this will do."

As soon as she stepped back from her whispering, June brought the hammer down a bit
close to one of the few neglected areas, his groin. She made care to avoid the soft
tissue for the moment and did a left right with a spin to each side to break as much
of his pelvis as possible. She went in a slow pattern demolishing the available
space until all that was left was the finisher. The number of nerves there were many
and a hammer would bruise and liquefy the muscle with enough force.
It was gruesome, but June finished emasculating him to a pulp. She did think that he
was lucky that he hadn't shown any interest in Hermione at the time. He had been
more eager with the even more dissocial and ostracized. Sure she had been somewhat
of a loner, but they showed up in her life more than some parents did. Well it was
more that while Hermione was a late bloomer she had done a fabulous job in not
showing her development off like some of her peers.
"Don't worry," June said as Vincent moved and unstrapped him before letting his body
fall to the floor. "It is almost over..."
As soon as he was set on the ground with his back exposed, June struck with a flurry
of moves. It was like firecrackers exploding as she rapidly cracked and smashed her
way down the spine. A whispered thought passed through her mind as she felt a sudden
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thrill of hope that she could someday share this with her daughter. For some reason,
she realized that she had never felt a need to interrogate her daughter as well as
niece's mutual friend. A part of her recalled dimly that she had been somewhat
relieved with the knowledge that her little girl was not alone at boarding school.
'Though now that I think about it,' June thought as she turned her mind to some of
the inconsistencies she now recalled, 'there is something about him that is somewhat
unsettling. Oddly enough the number of our marks has practically gone to zero in
Little Whinging. The way that he walks as well as how Alice and her friend Anne do
as well... Could it be that they have embarked on this path as well? Alice seems to
take after me in a way with how Anne reacts to her presence and yet they both act
somewhat passive to Harry. He went missing and she started to act confident. Now all
I have to do is to figure this out without risking their reactions. Meh I can think
about this and decide how to best investigate this when they come home for
Christmas; I still have a little bit more play time with the stiff and then I can
work out with a different stiff.... Heh... heh... I do hope that I don't have to
deal with Hermione shrieking in indignation when she realizes that unlike some,
Vincent is not one to stray and actually satisfies me.'
In part to banish the distraction from her enjoyment, June returned to her game.
Vincent was ignoring the odd humming and rather horrible attempts to rhyme that his
love was doing. He loved her and she was musical in the bedroom, but she could not
sing unless she was very excited. He didn't know why but that seemed to sooth her
keening warbling into a honey like sweetness. She could cackle, laugh and do other
horrifying things and sound damn sexy when she did so, but unless she was in the
middle of something blatantly sexual her singing voice was like cats screeching.

Sadly they had learned firsthand that Hermione was the same way. He shuddered as he
recalled the nightmare that was the school recital. They had both reluctantly agreed
with the teachers that Hermione could perform in such things with an instrument. At
least with an instrument, their darling daughter was not tone deaf. He also knew
that the one way that June had gotten through any singing would not work for
Hermione or would get them in trouble for even suggesting it.

'Sure our daughter has a great singing voice,' Vincent imagined saying. 'Oh what's
the secret you ask? Why all we have to do is have this vibrator set on low and she
is good to go. Prudes would have us locked up and the key chucked in the sea if we
even joked about that. Personally I am damn glad that June is around for such
conversations as while I may not be that squeamish about such things there are
things as a father that I do not want to know. It will be bad enough reconciling the
normal fatherly impulses with our lifestyle without other complications. Still
regardless of what choices she makes in the future, I can only hope that she is
happy like any other parent hopes for their child; however, I would be more than
willing to grab anyone that truly hurts her for our own restitution.'
Having made her way through most of the bones present in the human body, June took a
step back to survey her handiwork. It was a gruesome sight to most, but she felt the
soothing comfort of satisfaction as she looked at the battered form before her. I
very small part of her whispered that they should have hung him in the dungeon and
flayed the flesh off, but she squished that down. It would be far too easy to
accidentally kill someone, have them pass out in that circumstance, or do something
else to sadly cut short the game. She made a mental note to look up magical healing
methods to allow her to truly find the limits of the scum's resolve.
"So I think this was a very therapeutic time," June said with a sigh as she
stretched and did some slow motions to cool down so she wouldn't cramp up. "Still if
you had touched our family we would need to pump some expensive medicines in you to
stretch this out appropriately. Well that and to cauterize the wounds so you didn't
die of blood loss too soon. Oh yes one last thing..."
That last thing was enough to cause him to gargle before spasming in pain once more.
Sure she had broken every bone in his body, repeatedly stomped his groin and pretty
much made him a broken bruised near corpse, but she had neglected one area in her
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methodical working over of his body. As that spot was the only one not still
throbbing in some sort of pain, that spot was also now the most sensitive in
addition to it being rather sensitive in the first place.
Taking a step back, June had given almost a running kick to the spread-eagled body
going right between the legs and striking low before twisting up. The spot with some
of the more numerous nerve clusters was struck with even more force than any of her
hammer strikes. Considering that June could get a decent hang time whenever she had
nutted the odd overeager suitor let alone any less well intentioned person, there
should be little shock that he slid a bit when she hit that oversensitive bit of
skin before almost shoving her shoe too far in her swing. It was only though the
years and the number of brutal things that Vincent neither shivered nor felt his
stomach even quiver from the sight.

"Well that looks like it is it," Vincent commented as he felt the last spasms of the
man or body before him as he was pretty much a goner at this point. "Clean up and
disposal and then what?"
"What else?" June asked with a laugh. "I can see how eager you are and you can tell
I am as well. Once he is gone, I plan on seeing how long it takes before neither of
us can move."
"Sounds like a plan to me, mistress," Vincent said with a grin. "Glad that laundry
is tomorrow..."
"Laundry is always tomorrow, pet," June said as she removed her blood splattered
clothes. "We have always needed to change the sheets and I do believe that tonight's
are going to be quite pungent and soaked."

Nodding his head at that, Vincent went off to dispose of all the evidence. It
wouldn't do for either of them to get caught especially now that it would worry
Hermione. Still he was going to be busy tonight. He wondered if life could get any
better. He had a loving wife and lover who met his somewhat eccentric needs and a
daughter with a bright future on her hands. He ignored the rather comfortable home
and lifestyle they could afford as that was just window dressing. Part of him, well
the part that was not influenced by the instinctive who could ever be worthy of my
daughter impulse, hoped that Hermione would be in as happy and enjoyable a
relationship as he was.

Vincent made his way to the location and dropped the paralyzed but barely alive man
there. As he was unable to be moved, the man was quickly eaten alive by the pigs.
For a moment he wished that they could have buried the man alive with maggots and
the like to feast on him, but that would have raised chances of him surviving. He
did have a very passionate woman to get back to and as the owner appreciated some
extra feed for his animals there was little worry. He knew the man did the same when
he got rid of his own loose ends, but as neither infringed on the others interests
they were happily coinciding. He even recalled helping a few yardies fake some
bodies for the man. He was a bit brutal but they both knew better than to do
anything to get in the man's debt.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 14: Christmas Part 1: Holiday Departures
by SamStone 6 Reviews
The gang heads home and some interesting discussions occur.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Percy,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2008/11/09 -
Updated: 2008/11/09 - 19832 words
Chapter 14: Christmas Part 1: Holiday Departures


There comes a time to know when to do things directly and when to be subtle. This
happens to be a time when both are needed to confuse. – MN HJP to Dora regarding the
current plan.


Christmas means many things to different people and to one who was out of the
ignorant and indifferent actions of a supposedly well meaning elder placed with
people who were so hypocritical and run by their own misconceived self worth a time
where he would spend more time just being with his surrogate family. Oh his sort of
family knew that some things were already coming to a head even if some of their
long term plans were still a ways off. Harry was aware that his girls had some plans
of their own and he knew that in certain matters it was far easier to go along with
their plans.

‘Really why they put so much into a matter they already consider inevitable is quite
confusing,’ Harry thought as he descended the stairs to the common room alone for
once as both of his fairer sex friends were getting their necessities ready. ‘Oh I
do look forward to this last bit of drama between the lot of us, but I do have some
business interests that need to be met before the pleasurable part of break can
begin. Finally being able to resolve the dilemma at Gringott's proper as well as the
matter of Dora’s familial needs is a bit more pressing than finally experiencing the
last forms of sexual and sensual relations that I have yet to undergo with my
property. A shame that her mother seems to be so odd though considering how some of
the society relate to their children there is little concern for it being more odd
than not. Still regardless of Sirius Black’s status he is technically as good as
dead and settling the Black Family matter will be quite beneficial besides opening
doors for Dora. A way to bring Malfoys to task is always welcome after all. Still
with the availability of that cabinet sheer chance allowed me to acquire from the
room the future will be a bit easier to travel with although I would prefer not to
be limited to the single destinations. Perhaps we can dissect the spells without
damaging the cabinet… eh something to contemplate later.’

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Harry’s thoughts were interrupted not with the hoped arrival of his girls though the
exact proper term for their relationship was one he tended to avoid thinking about
as well. He turned to see several other people that were heading home instead of
staying here for the holidays. It was a time for family after all. For a moment the
notion of an early sample of their future being applied to the ones who had failed
so much in their relation to him crossed his mind. No these were unimportant people
here and with the room there was less reason to simply practice more than
psychological torture on his fellow schoolmates though after the whispered rumors
that Davis and his ilk had spread there was little need for that.

“Potter,” Roger said with the terror still fresh in his mind.
“Davis,” Harry said dismissively.
“Are you two boys done posturing yet?” Penelope asked as she saw the two and the
tension that spiked in the room. “I would rather not have to deal with any
situations this close to the holidays and either having detentions during or right
after the break is not something any of us want to deal with.”

“Course not Penelope,” Roger replied trying to flirt with the disinterested girl.
“We wouldn’t want to cause any trouble.”

“As much as I am loath to ever agree with Davis,” Harry said once more making the
boy feel even more like a brat, “there are times and places for such matters and I
would rather prefer to relax as I wait for my friends to get ready to go.”

“Thank you Harry,” Penelope said with a smile even as she thought, ‘It is nice that
he is so reasonable. If he continues to be this way even without losing his somewhat
aloof manners and cold disposition, he will be rather use to women throwing
themselves at him for reasons other than his fame. Still he is maturing nicely both
physically and mentally if not socially. Hermione is a lucky girl considering how
enough of the less mature girls would likely do almost anything to secure his
fortune similar to whatever plays they would make for any of the other prominent
heirs. He does have manners and doesn’t act like the Malfoy brat at least.’
“It was no problem Miss Clearwater,” Harry said with a very slight smile and slight
inclination to her. “I do prefer not to cause either a scene or inconvenience any of
the lovely ladies around. It seems a shame that some of my contemporaries lack such

“You are such the gentleman,” Penny said with a giggle again wishing that any of the
males closer to her age had half the manners that he did. “If only fate were not so
cruel as to have us born so far apart, we could be something. Alas it cannot be for
only a fool would stand between you and your most faithful friend. I must morn and
lament the sad lot I have been dealt in this life.”

“Ah alas our time cut short,” Harry said a real smile tugging on his lips. “Behold
as two descend from the heavens to grace us poor mortals with their presence…”
Penny was open mouthed as the two descended the stairs. She had seen Tonks in the
all together, but there was something about the way that she looked that made her
want to whimper. It didn’t help that the firstie next to her looked almost the same
age if not closer to her own. Besides the both were not in any way dressed in the
form hiding robes that they had to wear when attending classes.
‘Oh my ready body,’ Penny thought as she tried to memorize every visible inch of the
pair. ‘To be with one is wonderful, but both would be heavenly. There is no way that
anyone her age should look like that. Dora is bad enough in being every hormonal
teenager’s wet dream without a honey haired seductress walking next to her when they
both have their legs showed off like that. I am amazed that Roger hasn’t creamed
himself and passed out considering that I get soaking wet just reminiscing about our
first mutual encounter. Oh my; was it intense when we woke up and Dora drove me out
of my mind over and over again.’
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Dora ignored Roger, even as she wanted to stomp him until he died, and turned to
Penny and said, “Hello Penny, do you like the new look?”
“You look great,” Penny said smiling at her friend and contemplating some alone time
with her again. “I didn’t know you two were friends.”
As Harry and Hermione were watching the discussion between their pet and their
prefect, Davis was rather lewdly looking the two over. Penny was right in that he
was very affected by their clothing or lack thereof. Now with the curse they had put
on him, Roger Davis was riding a very agonizing line between arousal and
excruciating pain. If he was aware of anything that the three had done let alone
with what Penny and Dora had gotten up to he would have died from the stimulation.
As it was, the innuendos the two were about to engage in made him grateful that the
layers prevented the seeping blood from showing. It had been a very well thought out
curse on their part and he likely would suffer it for the rest of their life.
“Oh we are good friends,” Dora said with a smile between her different lovers.
“Besides I feel somewhat responsible and it will be good practice in a couple of
“Ah planning to be a Prefect already,” Penny teased her friend even as part of her
wanted to ogle both of them. “Still from what some of the teachers say, these two
are rather likely to be picked for their year. Both of you have been a credit to the
house unlike some people.”

At Penelope’s glare, Davis scoffed before he retreated at a look from the rest. He
was smarter than to talk about what those three were up to; considering he was
grateful that he hadn’t been gelded that came as no surprise. Even as much as he
wished he could get even with those three, he could now tell that they had at least
one prefect in their confidence or would soon so that made things less certain. It
was complicated enough with how the two were almost teacher’s pets with how some of
them doted on the two, let alone what Potter’s fame and charisma could have resulted
in. Since he had not been seen much before coming to Hogwarts, there were a lot of
people that would easily take his word for things out of gratitude.
Davis was well aware of these problems and seen firsthand how quick the tides could
have turned against him. His boys had come close to disclosing almost everything and
setting him up to take the fall for all of their actions. He had seen what some of
the boys that had tried to convince the girl to cooperate when Potter had not been
around had undergone. She was even more vicious than he had been. Luckily they had
enough favors owed that they hadn’t needed to go to the hospital wing to get the
wands removed. None of them wanted to be at whatever nonexistent mercies that the
nurse would have. There were rumors that even they didn’t want to get involved in.
“Thank you, Miss Clearwater,” the two first years said with a smirk at the prefect
before Hermione approached her and added a little more. “I’d also like to thank you
on both our behalf’s for looking out for Dora here. We were quite worried that with
her other friends being busy and mostly in other houses that there was a lack of
someone to keep her safe. A prefect should have enough authority to keep the more
subtle yet stubborn from getting into trouble.”
Penny blushed at the praise the two were giving to her. She really didn’t want to
tell them why she was likely to be even more protective of Dora than most of her
other charges. It never really entered her mind that the two were the ones that Dora
had questioned her about. Sure they looked at least thirteen if not more mature
physically, but it was rare that a girl would go for a younger male at their age
unless they found enough material to work with and were willing to spend longer
training them to not be as disappointing as most of the males around them were.
“She is my friend and it would be wrong to let things happen that I could prevent,”
Penny said before leaning over and whispering to Hermione, “Truly it is good for her
to have more friends and it would be good for her to be friends with the both of
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you. Harry is a very good example of how I wish more of our schoolmates let alone
housemates were. Sadly, I fear far too many are like Roger, and he is considered the
less perverted type of male here.”
“Why thank you for the glowing praise, Miss Clearwater,” Harry said from where the
two girls had flanked him. “It is always good to see our mutual friends happy. A
shame that some of my fellow males, well one would be remise to call them gentlemen,
but that is sadly the closest to it save to call them boys, would be in such a way
lacking in their regards to you and the rest of the more gorgeous sex. Still it
depends what one means by pervert though, if they were at least somewhat respectful
of your needs and wants than it wouldn’t be so bad. Now would it?”
“Perhaps,” Penny said with a slight smile and nod. “It would be nice to be able to
date a boy without him neglecting any of my concerns unless it gets him something.
Still there are enough friends to spend time with regardless of the lack of suitable
dates. It does seem that you two have got your heads on straight and are able to
have such a close and secure friendship. I do hope that neither of you take what you
have for granted. Still a girl likes to know that she is attractive. It looks like
you will be quite the heartbreaker regardless of what you wish. It is nice to see
that there will be some positive role models even after I leave. It will be nice to
have mentored someone though.”
“I look forward to that,” Tonks said as she looked at her friend as she knew who the
last was referring to. “Still with Hermione here there is little worry that Harry
will ever turn out like Davis. It would be such a shame for so much potential to
degenerate into the likes of him. Besides I think I already see who the prefects for
their year will be.”

“Oh yes they would make the perfect representatives for Ravenclaw,” Penny said with
a nod of appreciation as she reviewed what she knew about them. “They both have some
of the more academically minded professors thrilled with the opportunities that they
will have in their fields. It is a shame that there is not as many willing to delve
into the more esoteric and interesting aspects of magic let alone life. I have the
feeling that the two of you will be quite sought after for many a field when you
graduate regardless of the Potter family standings.”
“Yes there is that as well,” Harry said with a soft sigh. “Still there are enough
ideas to keep us occupied years from now. I just do not ever see me settling into an
administrative role in the future. Sure there will be things to manage but I hope I
never have to spend all my time overseeing instead of doing. There is just still so
much left to know, if you know what I mean?”
“Of course she does,” Hermione agreed as she had researched their past and current
Prefects as well as Head boys and girls. “It is something that most of our house has
in some way or form. We need to know and understand things. Still we need to get
ready soon. It would not do to miss breakfast before we leave. I hope you have an
enjoyable holiday. I know that we are planning on that.”

“Of course,” Penny said with a nod to the group with a slight smile at seeing such a
happy group that she could find comfort in their being well. “Perhaps we will meet
on the train? I have to do a few patrols of it and I would prefer not to intrude if
you wanted some privacy.”
“If you feel like stopping in and talking, we have no problem with that,” Harry said
after a quick look over his girls. “While we will likely be sharing a compartment,
Tonks will likely want to spend some time with her non house friends. This year
would have been annoying if we had ended up in different houses…”
“I can understand that,” Penny said as she moved aside to allow them to soon depart.
“There are stories about childhood friendship nearly destroyed do to house divides.
It is one reason that people tend to group with similar interests as they fear to be

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“True enough,” Hermione said with a sad sigh. “We will see you on the train. In the
mean time we need to have something to tide us over on the trip home.”

As Penny watched them depart, she was able to reminisce about that wonderful morning
with Dora and all that had been settled between them. The conversations had been in
depth for more than just a discussion in their analysis of their techniques in
ravishing each other. Though Penny felt like reminiscing about that with a good
amount of time teasing and enjoying her body, she knew she would need to get down
for breakfast as well.

‘Why do you make things so complicated Dora?’ Penny wondered as she made her way for
a quick change in her room. ‘Sure you seem to be the best lover I have ever had, but
even the fantastic job you did to screw my brain out there are limits. If this
continues, I am not sure I will be anything more than a sex addict that even Davis
would find easy. As wanton as I was when Dora ravished me, I find myself reluctant
to do anything but that at times. Who else have you driven to madness with your
needs? Or was it that you were serious in the punishment whoever your masterful
lover is? Was this your reason for being so passionate? I don’t regret it, but I
know that far too soon I might be far too conflicted to resist loosing myself to do
what I must.’


The train ride was normally a time for reflection and spending relaxed times with
ones friends. Penny however was a Prefect and it was only through a rather excessive
number of favors that she as a mere fifth year avoided the drudgery of patrolling
the train for the whole duration. There was a lot for her to contemplate. The
increased interest in the Boy-Who-Lived was but one of those. She had some heavy
things on her mind she vaguely recalled someone saying. For someone not as
interested in muggle culture as her that was a relatively trendy notion. Unknown to
her even the more aware of the non muggle born were decades behind most things as
their muggle counterparts. Still it was better than the Victorian ideals currently
espoused by the Wizarding World Leadership. Certain things were better for them than
their muggle counterparts, but some things had been reversing more so do to the loss
of families and the constant attacks on what they viewed as their culture by
Still there were many debates in the various compartments on the train, oddly enough
a large number were again contemplating the enigma that was Harry Potter. He was a
celebrity do to his survival, but was well on his way to being famous for his
actions already as a first year, and those were just the known actions that he had
done. He had thrown them for a loop when he had been sorted into Ravenclaw. The
Slytherins option would have easily been exploitable to label him as dark and
dangerous and yet he had that same aloof manner at times. He was not a Gryffindor
and yet was more than willing to jump head first into action if he saw something
that offended him. His almost Hufflepuff devotion to his few and they were very few
friends was a given from what they had observed. Already the team of Harry Potter
and Hermione Granger were already rising to the ranks of information brokers as well
as rumors of other ventures.
Rumors that had been easily dismissed pegged them as the ones responsible for
defanging Slytherins Silver Serpent and declawing Gryffindors Golden Boys. That most
members of their own houses had slowly been beginning to think of ways to get them
out of their problems was not something that needed to be told. The two were brats
that seemed insistent on furthering the split in the school and making things
difficult to any that did not join a side. It was unfortunate that the positive
rumors around the dark haired boy were growing and for him in how much they were
doing so among the female portion of the school. He had enough worries without
groupies, fan girls or whatever one wanted to call them.
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A discussion of one of the very exuberant members of one of the Harry Potter Fan
Clubs was currently occurring. Now unlike the vast majority of would be stalkers,
they had both met him and even, if not having long meaningful conversations to
measure any compatibility, had at least talked to him. In fact, one of them had
often been required to repeat word for words the nom almost mythically romantic
moment when he personally saved her life.
“Oh Hannah, tell me about it again?” Susan Bones asked when they had managed to get
settled in the compartment. “You were so lucky!”
“I was wasn’t I?” Hannah asked back with a sigh. “Still I wish I had been aware
enough to kiss him! Then things would have been perfect.”
Susan giggled in response before smiling whimsically at the way her friend was
almost sedated from the recollection of that experience. Oh she tried to explain to
her friend how romantic it was even peripherally to have seen it, but it was
something that they both knew words did not express. Sure he seemed a bit of a bad
boy with his attitude, but he didn’t tolerate what others that tried to be that did.
He seemed to be rarely inclined to interact with others outside of Hermione who she
had learned had been a childhood friend and it seemed likely to become more in the

“Yes, it would have,” Susan agreed as she watched her friend come back to herself.
“So I think I know who you plan to be your first true kiss, not that a lot of girls
are also thinking likewise.”

“So true,” Hannah said with a shake of her blond hair as she lay back on the seat
with her knees pulled up as her shoes rested on the cushion next to the door.
“Despite all the stories we have heard, there is a palatable… intensity about him
when he decides to act. Normally you just want to get lost in his eyes, but when he
is like that you don’t just get lost in them. You practically feel like you are
drowning; it is that potent. It is so hard to describe…”

“Tell me about it,” Susan said with a sigh at how it bothered her that Hannah
couldn’t find a way to describe it. “You have tried, but I guess that you are right
that it is something that one has to experience to understand. Still you have come
close though.”

“If he had asked me to do almost anything I would have,” Hannah admitted with a
sigh. “And it was not just saving me. I think that if he told me to take a broom up
and dive back into that tree that I would have. When he looked at me I wanted him to
tell me to do something. I didn’t want him to ask me anything at that moment. You
heard some of the older wizards talking about Vela allure right?”
“Yeah, Auntie Amelia talked about it one time,” Susan said with her face scrunched
up in confusion highlighting her adorable appearance even as that made her look
almost too cute in Hannah’s eyes as she fought the urge to scream out cute and hug
her friend like a stuffed toy. “It is like a wizard looses all sense of reason and
would do whatever he could do to impress her. That they would readily duel to gain
her favor, or even do foolishly reckless things even possibly fatal to do so. Why do
you ask?”
“It was like that or perhaps more so,” Hannah answered as she moved to rest her head
on her arm. “There was something when he looked at me that made the world feel
different. It was as if I had been in perpetual drizzly fog and then the sun came
“Why couldn’t something like that happen to me?” Susan asked as she let her mind
drift to what she would do in such a romantic scene. “Still it would be better if he
talked more to you.”
“He didn’t need to,” Hannah said with a sigh as she replayed the feeling being
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pressed to him had caused her. “His eyes said it all. He may be indifferent to
everyone else but her, but for a moment however brief it may have been; he looked at
me with concern and caring. He may not be as physically expressive of his emotions
as we Hufflepuffs, but he cares in his own way. I know that if someone like Malfoy
or the Weasley git was picking on someone that he would do something!”
With a sigh, Susan walked over to her friend and lifted her up from where she was
sprawled. Carefully she sat down and let her friend rest against her. If it was
something the two had embraced about being Hufflepuffs, it was the casual comfort
they shared with each other. Sure they may have been prone to hug each other and
confide in each other about their problems, but that led them to have less stress
than the other three houses. They could see the stress that their fellow schoolmates
had and each exasperated their house in their own way. The Slytherins constant
political fights led to uncertainty as each tried to survive the social wars of
allies, neutrals and enemies at each opportunity. The Gryffindors seemed to be
driven to fight the Slytherins because they were the ‘evil’ house when it was more
often they were driven to it by the Gryffindors and their issues. Last but not
least, the Ravenclaws were far too likely to go crazy in their quests for knowledge.
“A shame that so many seem to be like that,” Susan said as she soothed her friend.
“Still you got saved by someone that was not a git, and to make matters better if
even for a moment you got to be saved by a heroic knight. It is nice to see that
there are boys like that in the world. It is something that Auntie complains about
more often now. So since he handled it, there was no reason to call the house to
help out.”

“A Hufflepuff is never alone,” Hannah said with a sigh. “When you mess with one of
us, you mess with all of us!”

“That’s right!” Susan agreed pulling Hannah closer in a hug. “Although why the
Slytherins seem to like picking on us, I do not know. Still they never mess with us
when we are in groups; I guess we just have to never get separated. Besides if they
did more than taunt than we would react.”

“So true,” Hannah murmured under Susan’s care. “Still the other houses tend to
overlook us as we are not out there being confrontational…”

“Someone has been studying more,” Susan teased her. “Then again we are hard workers
who know when to keep working.”

“Hmmm,” Hannah said as she drowsily talked back. “I think he is too. He just seems
so determined…”

“Just rest, Hannah,” Susan said as her eyes started to flutter. “You’re safe here.”
“He said the same,” Susan with a yawn, “and then he looked at me and I just sobbed
in relief.”

“I would be too,” Susan whispered as a sudden thought was voiced by her. “Still I
wonder why nothing came of that…”

Soon the two were drifting off together in each other’s arms. They were friends and
they trusted each other. Still Susan had a number of questions to ask her aunt when
next they met. Far too many things were not adding up. If her friend could almost
die like that, Susan was worried about her other friends as well as what would
happen if a real hero was not around. A shame that the Gryffindors constantly
claimed to be heroes when they were quite often the instigators and left innocent
bystanders caught in there conflicts.
While that was going on, Penny was making her rounds on the train. Thankfully she
hadn’t had any disastrous encounters in the course of her patrol. Still with the
increased hostility of the two warring houses, she did not think that would last for
too long. The train did have more than enough of the instigators on it, and it would
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only be a matter of time before one of them was no longer content to leave their
rivals, enemies and victims alone. That the Weasleys all were on the train for some
odd reason was strange. She had thought that they were originally staying at the
school, but when for some reason she had heard that they were going to visit one of
their brothers there was a moment of wonder at the sudden change. With the presence
of Malfoy and his allies as well as the Weasleys on the train, Penny was very much
aware that, lacking the mediating of teachers as well as the sanctity of the common
rooms, that they would have at least one confrontation.
‘If those two houses would cease there useless squabbling they might actually
accomplish something,’ Penny thought with frustration at the reoccurring conflict
that seemed to be with a life of its own. ‘It would explain why they tend to marry
either Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws unless they are in an arranged marriage. All that
passion wasted on such petty things while generations of witches are left
frustrated; it is enough to drive many a witch to dalliances with a few muggle men
if not turn them to seek for the other team as it were. I should really see about
finding a fall back if Percival keeps up his current idiocy. It is unfair to Dora to
use her as stress relief, instead of letting my finger and wand ease the buildup
that those brief encounters have caused. Still it had been the best I have had for
too long. Shame I have to keep focused or I could spend all this wasted time
reminiscing on better occasions. It wouldn’t do for one of the less desirable to get
ideas. At least unlike muggle girls, a witch has some way to resist an overly
amorous and unwanted caller. Still the creation of the memory charm is disturbing, I
find it to be especially as even as it seems that whatever the original reasons; it
is now and for too long been used to cover up indiscretions and especially with
muggles. It would cause quite the stir if far too many muggleborns were really half
bloods who were someones forgotten dalliances results. Still how many shoddy memory
charms led women to either suicide or atoning for a sin they never really remembered
having committed.’
Having managed to work herself up to a state where the air was permeated with her
ire, Penny managed to cow most of the usual troublemakers just by passing by. While
Hogwarts motto referred to a dragon, it was a little known fact that it had been one
of the female founders that it also referred to. The muggle idiom was to leave
sleeping dogs lie; however, it should have also been one that most knew with that
being: when a lady was in a mood, one should deal with it and when that mood hits to
either not be there or to go unnoticed.

Now that left unsaid that if one was in a relationship with their significant other
in that mood, one should do whatever they could to sooth the ire that had been
raised; however, Percival was not the brightest wizard that had ever been. He had in
fact managed to miss every single lesson on how to sooth an angry witch that his
parents interactions should have taught him. The case in point was made clear when
the two crossed paths in the midst of their patrol. Considering that the quick
prefect meeting before the patrols had started had been rather disastrous, one would
hope that Percival would have learned his lesson, even if it was solely for the
survival of his future fatherhood potential.
“Hello Penny,” Percy said when she came close in her march even as he ignored the
severe display of irritation practically emanating from her. “You never answered if
you were doing anything over the holidays…”
“I am spending time with my family, Percival,” Penelope said in irritation as her
wand was a quick twitch from her fingers. “Why do you inquire?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere,” Percy said even as he recovered
from wincing from the stress she put on his name. “There is the Yule Ball to
Penny started twitching in fury at that. He hadn’t asked to meet her parents or
offer to introduce her to his. He had basically asked to be seen at a social event
with her, and that was not the kind of thing she was in the mood for. This was not
about her, but what being with her might mean to his image.
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‘Now how best to deal with this little shit,’ Penny wondered as she began to
contemplate hexes or even curses to use. ‘Maybe I should just cut them off…’
Her thoughts were interrupted by Percival as he took her silence as agreement to
kiss her. He may be a lousy boyfriend, an anal retentive prefect and an all around
prick, but he had at least managed to become a more than passing kisser. It was one
of his few redeeming points; now while they were becoming less compelling daily,
they were still enough to pull her from the one wrong action and her wrath be upon
you state that she had been in.
When Percy had backed off, Penny was flushed and it was no longer with rage or
irritation. She had been willing to tolerate a number of his flaws. Now if he
managed to actually stop being as unconcerned with her own needs as well as actually
have the balls to admit anything about them, she would have been more interested in
exploring their relationship. Still as with every encounter she had with him, she
felt her hopes go up as his hands explored and quickly drive and excluded her
irritation from her mind.
‘Ok, let’s see how it goes this time,’ Penny thought with a sigh as his hands
started to reach under her clothes, ‘and maybe this time I won't to seek release
with Dora afterwards. Well at least he doesn’t just maul about or cream himself when
his hand brushes my thighs.’
As they were no longer in the direct line of the walkway, Penny readily accepted
Percy’s interest. The nagging voice in her head was however quite insistent that she
might agree with him if he actually got her off first or at least once before
leaving. It would be a small consolation, but she did want the attempts at a
relationship work. Still there were other concerns in her life besides her would be
Soon enough, Penny was leaning against one of the walls as she allowed his hands to
stir her passions. She eagerly reciprocated and let her hands wander as their
tongues dueled between their joined lips. Soon enough she moaned into his mouth as
his fingers actually started to build her towards release. Smirking into their kiss,
Penny let her hands drift under his clothes as well. Her left hand was fondling his
backside while her right was teasing his front.

Deciding to do everything possible to make sure that he didn’t finish too soon,
Penny was taking care not to overwhelm Percy this time. She planned to back off
whenever he got too excited so that there was more time and thus opportunity to
peak. She was tempted from time to time just to find a modified body-bind charm so
that he couldn’t move or cum until he finally got her off.

Still he was doing a good job so she slowly stopped paying attention to how he was
starting to throb more in her hand. He was starting to be less meticulous in his
kisses and caresses, and as she was quite enjoying it, she was more than willing to
enjoy things. Besides the odds of him just going off when she was so close was
patently ridiculous. Penny felt herself starting to pant into his mouth as she
thrust back against his fingers.
‘A little more,’ Penny thought as she felt she was getting there as her face was
flushed and her heart was throbbing and her body was humming. ‘So close… just a
little more…’
Penny felt her body drawing ever closer to release as the slow clenching of her
muscles matched the beating of her heart. Her hand had moved slightly so that she
could easily stroke Percy as he was actually doing a good job with his fingers with
the exception of seeming to still be ignorant on what his thumb should be doing.
Penny was aware that her thumb was no longer resting on his vein so she was no
longer able to get that clue on when he was coming to close. Her other hand was
massaging his lower back to thighs and was sadly not close enough to his balls to
notice them start to contract.
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“Oh, Merlin!” Percy shouted as he broke the kiss while he twitched and spurted
before quickly falling to dribbling on Penny’s still moving hand. “You’re so good to
me Penny!”
‘Ok,’ she thought while attaching to his neck once her lips were freed as his
fingers were still sliding inside her and yet his thumb still seemed to miss her
clit. ‘You can do it Perce. So close…’
Penny was still slowly working his softening member up until it went and slipped
from her fingers. She started to contemplate cleaning her hand and him up without
charms this time since he actually seemed to be going to pay attention until she
came. Penny was contemplating how to thank him if he did so.
‘Oh Perce,’ Penny thought as she felt the warmth of release approaching. ‘I thought
it would take more to actually train you. Just for this, I think I am going to
actually go farther. Maybe next time you can see how long you last in my mouth
before cuming there and on my tits. Just don’t you dare fucking stop, or I will find
a spell to make sure you live a damn long time with blue balls…’

Just as Penny felt she was there, Percy pulled his fingers from her slick folds and
wiped them on her thigh. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek as he walked away.
She stood there dumbfounded at what was happening. She felt her rhythmic
contractions around a now empty space with a slight dissipating heat where he had
kissed her cheek. Hell her lips were still moving as if his neck was there.

“Later beautiful,” Percy said as he gave a wave to the blinking girl as he believed
he left her speechless with his attention even as he vanished his cum from his pants
and her hand. “I got to get back to patrolling…”
Shock. That was what she was in. There was no way that this was happening. Not after
what had been occurring. This was just a nightmare brought on as she drifted on his
fingers as she soaked them. That had to be it. I mean why else would her current
boyfriend just walk off after covering her hand in cum. I mean he could have at
least waited for her to have a taste and see if that got him hard again. She swore
that this had to be one seriously messed up dream where no matter what she did, he
was barely more than a minute man.

“Argh!” Penny shouted as Percy left. “That... that… Boy! I try and I try and he just
can't seem to get it! He gets me worked up and just scuttles off after I try to keep
him from spurting like a complete virgin. He has no control and no concern after he
cums! Please Morgana be merciful and send me some help!”
Mere moments later, Dora sees the distressed prefect sobbing in irritation on the
ground. Sure she planned on going to see her master, but her friend needed her. She
already was willing to accept whatever punishment for being late earned this time.
She had before and would willingly do so again. Besides the muttered descriptions
were something she really didn’t want to know. She did pick up on castrate, flay and
make the bastard stop going off like a hair trigger. She really did not want to know
how Penny could not get a good man let alone lay when she was so nice. It just
defied the natural order of things.
“Penny?” she asked as she squatted next to her friend and touching her shoulder to
get her attention before tilting her head to look eye to eye. “What is wrong love?”
“That boy!” Penny said with a sob. “Why is it he has to keep disappointing me?”
“You still won't tell me who it is so I can give him a good hexing,” Dora said with
a sigh at her friend’s predicament as the air hung with her lingering arousal. “So
what are you going to do now? I sure hope it isn’t just sit there and cry about what
a disappointment your current intended is. So tell Dora what it will take to make
things better.”

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“I don’t want to keep using you like this,” Penny admitted reluctantly. “Still every
damn time he stops before I cum. Is it so damn much to ask that he gets me off first
or at least before he leaves?”
“No love,” Dora told her with a sad look on her face. “You just wish that he would
be considerate. So just lean up against the wall there and Dora will make it all
“Thanks,” Penny said as she leaned against the alcove and once more concealed by the
quick charms from earlier. “Ah, now that’s the stuff! Suck my pussy, Dora!”
Dora would have responded but she was far too busy with her mouth driving Penny
crazy. Considering how worked up Penny was, Dora was fairly certain that she would
not be getting any reciprocation from her attention. There were a few things more
important to her than her own release, and that was that her friends were happy.
‘I really need to find out why the idiot seems to have such odd notions,’ Dora
thought as her tongue ruthlessly and rhythmically prodded Penny’s oft neglected
center. ‘Still it was nice to hear that she is no longer going any further than he
does. I wonder what he will say if she ever tells him that he has to do a better job
or he has to wait till she has her fun first. Well that and do something to get him
to properly ravish her.’

Turning her attention to her work, Dora was planning on how to best apologize for
being late again. Well that was before she decided she wanted to try something new.
A little maneuvering and she had no worry that Penny would pitch over part way
through as her legs were seated on her shoulders while her hands were able to tease

Penny was no longer able to form coherent thoughts let alone words. She had no idea
where Dora had learned to do this, and frankly she no longer cared. Still she was
tempted to find out so she could thank them. A vindictive thought lasting a few
moments passed through her mind where she tied Percy down and made him learn to do
this. A few similar ones passed through her mind and they were mostly on things to
do to retrain Percy from being Percival and how to drive it through his skull that
the notions his mother had instilled in him in this matter were wrong.

With the two of them aware of Tonks visiting her friends as well as possibly seeking
out whomever it was she was not telling them about for a quickie, Harry and Hermione
were left alone and undisturbed in their own compartment. They were both reading
several old and decidedly well cared for books. The train ride would provide ample
opportunity to study without Tonks or others bothering them. It had been a sudden
surge of people trying to enter his chambers that had made them add a few temporary
wards to the door to keep idiots away.
“So how do you think we both have been advancing in our search?” Hermione asked even
as she turned a page in her book. “There is a rather large amount of data to sort
through before we can be sure of what is truly required. Still an informed opinion
would be useful…”

“Our practices have allowed you to at very least catch up with where Anne was,”
Harry said as he seemed to rapidly read, analyze and cross-reference his own books
contents. “As for myself, I had hoped to have further analyzed and perfected the new
avenue that necromantic fire has provided. The basic fires seem to be simple enough,
and yet there seems to be some mystery in what this almost legendary or even mythic
silver flame is capable of. I can find records of what it can do and yet even the
book seems adamant in remaining mysterious in this information!”
“Who would have thought that a somewhat aware book would require something to
release information,” Hermione commented as they heard the thump of yet another
unwanted being repulsed from the door. “Do you have any idea how many more people
will need to get repelled?”

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“Not too sure how many will try considering that our rooms in Ravenclaw are quite
secure unlike most of these compartments,” Harry offered as the muffled curses of
the most recent smacking by the wards occurred. “Still it is frustrating that this
in particular seems to elude such an easy solution, I can get the Book to give
definitive information on almost any subject otherwise that is interesting and yet
it seems quite adamant about this. The only thing that it is even close to
restricting is information on true resurrection instead of revitalizing. It seems
that it is a good thing from the tangled and sparse information that Voldemort still
exists at this point. As with raising a significant undead, a significant sacrifice
will be required for a resurrection. Still that thrice be damned killing curse seems
to prevent necromantic revitalization though certain so called dark arts will allow
a similar creation.”

“So there was more to the killing curse than it would mean from its surface
observation,” Hermione said as her eyebrow rose at a certain passage. “I do believe
that is to be expected, and it would appear that we will need to delve into more
than conventional or restricted information. Considering the ties that the Black
Family has with the Art, would it be possible that there would be such information
in their library?”

“It is possible,” Harry conceded as he found something that seemed to make things
click. “Now this is odd…”

“What is?” Hermione asked in interest as another meddler actually tried to force the
compartment door open. “Hmm how long will this one last I wonder?”

“Not long,” Harry said as the specifically winy voice started to shriek. “It is
Malfoy after all. Still I suspect that Ronald would try soon as well. Those two are
definitely not the sharpest tools in the drawer. Oh right the oddness; well it would
appear that there are unconfirmed reports, but enough to indicate the kind of
necessity for someone to gain the Silver Flame.”

“Really as much as listening to Malfoy repeatedly electrocute himself is,” Hermione

said even as the distinctive sound of Malfoy wetting himself again sounded from the
hallway, “there are more important things to hear. So what is this certain kind of
need than?”

“Due to being technically dark, there is a need to be balanced,” Harry said with an
awed sound in his voice. “What few bits of slightly more than speculation shows is
this, a purely light creature donating a piece of themselves of their own free will;
now that is difficult considering that normally any light creature would likely be
distrustful by our presence. I guess that it is a good thing that neither of us have
been called to Dumbledore’s office and that his familiar does not loiter in the
great hall. Even if I did get my hands on such material it must actually not just be
freely given, but given to me personally. I cannot ask for it nor can I trick
whoever into it let alone bargain for it in exchange for any service.”
“That would make it difficult and sadly far too many people take a dim view of the
Art,” Hermione said with a sigh as the sound of Malfoy’s minions dragging him off
were heard. “Have you had any luck in removing the difficulties that curse will
“Well it thankfully cannot dissipate a construct, but it can prevent one from being
summoned,” Harry said as even the muffling charm did little to conceal the laughing
over the Malfoy scions appearance. “It does give an idea of what creatures are
necromantic constructs. Vampires, zombies and Dementors are unaffected by that curse
for instance. This may be useful though, don’t you think?”
“Yes, it could be quite useful but would likely need to be kept quite or the sheep
would revolt,” Hermione said as she twitched at the shriek of stalkers wondering
where their eye candy was passed by. “We already know that if they find out about
certain gifts most would think the only reason that ass went after you was as a
future threat to his power and not as their savior. Still such abilities will be
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useful especially if the goblins are less than amicable in their business matters.”
“Everyone knows things or they think that they do,” Harry said with a slight
chuckle. “Goblins may be greedy and willing to off their own to get ahead, but they
do tend to stick to the letter of their agreements. It’s not necessarily their fault
that the Ministry makes them have so few choices. Still I do hope that there have
been no breaches, it would be bad for the Goblin Nation otherwise…”
“How would it be so?” Hermione asked in interest. “I still don’t get why wizards are
willing to entrust their entire financial matters to a group that they have
repeatedly and even recently had armed conflicts with. That just does not make sense
to me. Considering that there are far too many things that are restricted or
considered obvious, I must ask is this one of them?”
“In some ways it is to those that deal with goblins,” Harry said as he almost
absentmindedly absorbed the text in front of him. “Goblins do have odd notions of
things to most people’s beliefs. This does make some interactions difficult. Their
sense of ownership for one among many is an example of this. Goblins do; however,
hold an almost unimpeachable regard to contracts and completing them to the letter.
From what I have gathered, there is an agreement and despite the persecution and
loss of necromancers in general; they will keep to it. Now it turns out that
necromancy has been intertwined in several of their ventures. To be blatant, their
more profitable ventures have almost always been with a joint necromancer effort.
Sure there are taught necromancers out there, but they are unable to reach the level
that I will be able to do. Besides most of those are those that are closer to
druidic or shamanistic leanings. Now while calling on the spirits or the dead is not
solely a necromancer’s pervue, there is a higher difficulty and cost for those that
do so without that gift.”

“So do you plan to use that in your concerns at Gringott's?” Hermione asked as they
heard a few louder confrontations outside the compartment again. “Hmm… it would
appear another unwanted attempted visitor approaches again. Remind me to see if a
modified muffling charm to filter out his horrible speaking would be a good seller.
I do think most of his own housemates would be willing to spring to block him out or
given the rumors cut out his snoring at the least. A very good thing we didn’t end
up in that house or we would have had roommates to contend with.”

“Yes that is a very good thing and if I had to share my room with him it is quite
likely that he would have been suffering from amputation for all the attempts to
‘borrow’ my possessions,” Harry said with a twitch at the noise the youngest male
Weasley made. “I do hope that he eventually injures his voice to be silent for some
time. Perhaps next time make it were if he cannot say anything intelligent he cannot
talk considering that preventing him from insulting anyone did not work.”

“Something to consider for next time indeed,” Hermione said as she almost wished he
would be skilled enough to get the door open so she could curse him again. “I do
believe that it is likely that when he is older and no longer able to claim he is a
child that he must be held assuredly for his actions. He and Malfoy both seem to
think that anyone cares for their opinions. A shame that their little duel did not
occur and that one did not at least result in time spent under the tender care of
dear Pomfrey.”
“Yes, that would have been nice,” Harry said with a slight smile. “Do you think
anyone that we wouldn’t mind visiting will show though?”
“That would be what,” Hermione asked as she thought about it, “Gred, Forge, Dora and
Penny? That is not a very long list though some of our housemates are not too bad.”
“The ladies are not that bad you mean,” Harry countered as he thought about the boys
in his house. “Thankfully they are intelligent enough that overt force has not been
needed too often. I do have to admit that unlike the Gryffindors that most of our
housemates are not the stalker type, especially in our year.”

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“Image does play a decent role in that,” Hermione admitted as she reveled in the
sinister specter that he played at. “That a number of the girls are either shy or
not yet ready for such in any seriousness does come into play. A number of the older
years especially the second year girls do give me reason to pause.”
“Considering that any relationship with a Wizarding raised girl would leave many
uncertainties,” Harry offered with some annoyance showing in his voice. “Groupies
and gold diggers are the least of our worries. Wizarding law has some of the most
convoluted mess there is. Thankfully a few interesting things stuck out if you
remember; although I would like to get them confirmed when at Gringott's as to their
continued applicability.”
“Yes, I can see where those points would be useful,” Hermione said while in part
disgusted by those laws. “Only thing I can agree with is their consent laws or at
least how they were originally written. It was far better than muggle women at the
time being little more than property; first of their father’s than of their
husband’s. Still it seems the general age of consent for female’s remains as twelve
though the caveats on vassals and similar ties make things simpler.”
“If it has not been struck from the laws you mean,” Harry said with a slight teasing
to his voice. “Though there are some rumors of marriage contracts and those involved
being little more than their future husband’s chattel. I thought you would be
offended because it is not a willing servitude.”
“It would be offensive for that reason though given what you and the elves say,”
Hermione said with a sigh, “it is not that bad in some matters. Hard to believe what
happens to unbound elves though. That has to be worse than death…”

“Is it any different than any other terminal condition?” Harry asked as the question
brought a shudder to her spine. “Still the archaic laws do provide us with a way to
protect what is ours.”

“Yours you mean, master,” Hermione said honestly with a respect that was entirely
freely given. “I cannot begin to imagine what life without you would be like. It
would hardly be called living though. Still this protects all of us from some of the
less savory purebloods, I shudder to think what would happen if they were still able
to claim we lowly mudbloods as their serfs or slaves. That if that wanker had
succeeded, I likely would have been some purebloods slave, pet or toy is a harrowing
thought. They wouldn’t care for me at all. Not like you do and despite how you act
to others; you do care for us.”
“I find that most purebloods are the worst sort,” Harry said with disgust
practically oozing from him. “The best way to judge someone is not how they treat
their superior but their inferiors. Truer words have been spoken on the character of
“Dora will show up soon,” Hermione said with a sudden certainty. “We had best
remember to all be presentable when we disembark from the train though. I would hate
to tip your hand before securing things.”
“Yes,” Harry said with a slight nod. “Dora will need something to tide her over
while I deal with the Black matters. She does want to spend some time talking with
her other friends though…”
“True,” Hermione agreed with a bit of longing in her voice. “Perhaps we should get a
slightly better detailed schedule in the future?”
“I see how it is,” Harry suddenly said with a hint of teasing. “Someone is worried
about either having too little Harry time or too much where we lose any future
“As if you could tell me that you would be able to completely suppress your own
needs,” Hermione almost scoffed at the notion. “I find that highly laughable.
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Balance is far too important for your own well being to do that.”
“Just because it is a given for us to indulge in sensual and sexual pleasures does
not mean that I have no care in the matter,” Harry said with a hint of teeth showing
more. “I would prefer to be better than some pathetic fledgling vampire that
enthralls any passing women before shagging her before he feeds on her. Just because
I can do something does not mean that it is the best thing or even the right thing
to do at that moment. Now to set your mind at ease, my dear pet, I know what you are
planning for Christmas. I know that Alice and Anne have their own desires to be met
that day. Business will have to come before pleasure though. Now considering that we
need to keep ahead that means that there will be no excessive play while we are on
the train. Just content yourself with the knowledge that when the time comes that I
will do what you have all but begged for.”

“You don’t have to be cruel about it,” Hermione said almost pouting. “I know Dora
will likely be content to suckle you while you continue to read. Once things are
settled, I can tell that she will want you to take possession of her in as many ways
as possible.”
“I thought that was a given,” Harry said with a sigh of frustration. “It is still
amazing that I have managed to avoid any of you ladies wiles as much as I have. I
know that Anne has this need to cleanse herself and for some reason considering her
past wants me to be the one of all you girls to be sodomized by me. Considering that
I have, so far, managed to use the justification that I don’t want to harm any of
you from doing either that or outright shagging the lot of you. Irregardless of
healing magics, I will not do such a thing at this time.”

“Considering some of the things we already like, I can see why you added that
qualifier,” Hermione said with a smug grin. “You just lucked out in having girls
that are so willing to do so many different things. You can at least say that your
life is boring. Now if only you didn’t have this need to make sure that we are not
torn up internally, we could have been properly reaffirming your dominion.”

“I do have to wonder which of your parents that you really take after,” Harry said
with a shudder. “Still I don’t think that you would like to find out whatever they
have been up to…”

“I am not a child and I can proudly say that while I have no inclination to see them
intimate,” Hermione began as she was so worked up into a tirade that she placed a
bookmark, as she would never dog ear a book, to keep her place and set her book
down, “that I can say that I am glad that they care for each other as much as they
do. Besides what they do is there business not mine and I will not act like those
immature brats that ignore that my parents are people with their own needs too!”

“Did you know that you are positively entrancing when you get worked up?” Harry said
as he placed his book, likewise marked, down so he could gaze at her with the sudden
hunger and need that her current state was causing. “I do hope that I can see you
get worked up like this on any number of causes; because if it had not been for that
one circumstance, I would have you pinned to the seat and be thoroughly ravishing

“We have done a fair bit of studying haven’t we?” Hermione asked with a flush face
and eyes lit with her emotions that could cause almost any man to envy him for being
the recipient of it. “I do wish that we could do that right now, but I do expect a
proper ravishing later. Now in the mean time, there is the fact that we have been on
the train how long and yet to do anything naughty on it…”
“Why I do believe that is an invitation,” Harry almost purred as he pinned her with
a long and hungry gaze. “Does my naughty little Kitten need some attention?”
“Why don’t you come over here and put that tongue of yours to a better use,”
Hermione replied as Weasley once more was slammed away from the door even after his
friends had left after the first few jolts. “Your kinky kitten needs you bad, sir!”
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With a growl, Hermione was against the cushions with a very eager Harry kissing her
thoroughly. He knew that they needed to find a balance between work and play again,
but he was willing to accept that he needed a bit of playtime with all the business
that would need to be dealt with before they could enjoy and celebrate the holiday.
While things unfolded elsewhere on the train, Dora had finished her discussion with
her friends and it had been nice. After that, Dora had run into Penny. Thinking back
it had been a good thing even if she had been let wound up from it. She had thus
decided to seek out her future and she hoped to have it officially, Lord and Lady.
‘At least that would be the case in polite society,’ Dora realized with a flush of
contentment. ‘Still in private, they will treat me like I need and want to be
treated; however, I have a slight worry that even if the embarrassment would make me
cum like mad, that I will be mortified when my friends find out. They do tell me
that I should be more outgoing socially, but there is a difference between dating
and having fun, and being the pleasure pet for two underclassmen especially when
they are a sort of couple. Still it is nice to spend some time with them…’
Dora realized a bit more as she made her way down the train in search of them. Some
of these were rather profound to her and some were not as much. Still each one was
necessary in their own manner, and she could reflect on her life better with them to
allow her to understand the wonderful changes she was having in her life.
As she did not exactly know which compartment they were in, Dora had stopped and
knocked on a few that were likely with those being the ones not claimed in the
previous years or now vacant from formerly being claimed by seventh years. This left
her with the ones claimed by the first years and thankfully as houses did tend to
gather near each other she would just need to find the area the first year
Ravenclaws claimed. Oh she was aware that there would be spillover as the train was
like the Library, a neutral ground where those in various houses could once more
intermix with those friends in other houses much like she had done with her friends
in their exception to the house clustering tendency compartment.

Poking her head in on one of the unlocked compartments she saw a pair of first year
Hufflepuffs. She recognized one of them as being related to Madame Bones from the
few times she had been a tag along when either of her parents went to the Ministry.
She smiled for a moment at the now dozing pair. They seemed to be rather close and
given the ruffled clothes been doing something fun. As she was leaving, Dora
overheard the mutterings of a very strong crush from the other.
‘So that is Hannah Abbot,’ Dora thought as she recalled the incident. ‘Well
considering she lucked out and was personally rescued by Master, I don’t feel bad
for her crushing on him more than others. Besides it is not my place to decide who
he is with. Still I hope that I don’t need to search through too much of this train.
Though I hope that my friends are not gossiping in why I chose to go look for
something. I know that they wouldn’t buy even for a moment an excuse of needing to
go to the bathroom, especially if I do not return before we get to the station…’

That she had confessed that she had some other friends she wanted to talk to had
been daunting for her. Thankfully she had avoided anything which would have
implicated that she was planning to find one of her lovers to scratch an itch or
more oft than not servicing one of them. The encounter with Penny had been helpful
in it had eased one of her concerns while frustrating as she looked back on it.
As she checked the unlocked compartments, she suspected it would have been
embarrassing and got her hexed to disturb those seeking some privacy in
intermingling. Still the number of houses mixing made her smile. She was grateful
that she had not encountered any of the nastier factions and that none tended to
drift from whatever compartment they eventually claimed. There had been the obvious
compartments with the Slytherin first years as well as the Gryffindors. They had the
Hufflepuffs as a bit of a buffer between them; however, Dora knew that they would
get into some fight before the trip was over. It always happened although it
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depended on the situation at the school on how confrontational it got. The holiday
would tend to make them less prone to more violent hexes, and that was something she
was thankful for.
Stopping at a compartment a little past the last where she had shuddered at the
trampy beauty makeover she had witnessed, Dora turned to knock on the door. It was
rude to just open the door and head in and one thing that her lovers had seemed to
show a fondness for was manners and courtesy when in public. Sure Harry and Hermione
were sarcastic, but they had their own standards of civil behavior.

“Yes,” Came the voice from inside the compartment. “Who is it?”
“Tonks,” Dora said in answer with a sigh as she tried to place the name. “Do you
mind opening the door?”
In answer the door opened and she saw who was inside. They had yet to change out of
their school attire unlike some people. She glanced at the house crest and was
relieved that she had managed to find the right area.

“Thanks,” Dora said with a smile. “I wasn’t sure if I made it into ‘Claw territory
yet. Sorry for disturbing you.”

“It’s alright,” Su Li said shyly. “Not to be rude, but was there someone you were
looking for?”
“Yes, there is,” Dora said to the shy girl. “Although thinking about it, I probably
should just look for a rather warded compartment. I just was rather reluctant
considering that the Lions and Snakes seem to be agitated for some reason.”

“Oh,” Padma said as she thought about it. “I heard Weasley and Malfoy along with
their associates make their way further down the corridor. They were rather unhappy
when they came back. They were not really quiet in their sulking though.”

“Thanks and that does help,” Dora said with a nod as she realized what that meant.
“So I should be off. I hope you both have a good holiday and all.”
“You’re welcome,” Padma said as Dora departed the doorway. “Well that was odd. I
wonder why she was looking at me like that.”

“Could she have run across your twin?” Su asked as she considered what would set the
girl like that. “Parvati does have some odder habits…”
“Especially with her already trying to attract boys,” Padma groaned as she closed
the door. “I really am worried what could happen…”
Dora sighed as she heard what the two said as she went to the next compartment. The
door was open and she glanced in. It was Morag McDougal, Lisa Turpin and Mandy
Brocklehurst along with Megan Jones inside. They were chatting amicably and a pang
of sympathy for friends and acquaintances in different houses passed through her.
With a sound of a thump down the corridor, she knew she was getting close and walked
swiftly towards her goal. So focused was she that she paid no attention to whatever
they were talking about.
Now while it was good to spend time outside of Hogsmeade and the odd gatherings as
limited as the damn Gryffindor/Slytherin feud allowed with her friends in other
houses, she had been feeling very needy again even with the Penny encounter. Besides
she knew in the depths of her deviant decadent desires that she would soon be under
her seemingly too prudish and controlling mother’s tender care. It would be a hell
almost as bad if not worse than her recent punishment had been.
‘I really hope she doesn’t get even the slightest hint of what I have been up to,’
Dora thought as she walked down the corridor to where she knew her owners were since
she was close enough to tell from the obvious signs. ‘I just know that it would end
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badly even if I know that they would take me from there at the first opportunity.
Still somewhere I want to know what drives her to do what she has done. Do you fear
me doing something that you did and whatever disaster it may have had to your life?
Regardless I have made my choice and will stick to it! Even if it was that you made
a mistake in who it was that you trusted, I have made a far better choice and when
he takes his legacy; I will gladly serve him. I have been more cared for under their
tender mercies than you have for the past too long.’
Dora had been unknowingly working herself into a thundering and passionately
headlong experience. She was letting her frustrations as well as her bubbling
emotions consume her. The quick encounter with Penny had only managed to stoke the
fire that had been building ever since she suffered listening to her girlfriends
discussing their own relationships. That she had someone that would take her into
their arms and make slow sweet sensual bliss until she surrendered to
unconsciousness or drive her to the heights of pleasure or even the depths of
depraved decadent sensations of delirious dark passions without regard for her
overtaxed body was something she needed. She needed one of those things now and she
really didn’t care which it would be. Hang her from the ceiling and ply her with
sensations or coax her into a thousand deaths of subtle bliss, she didn’t have a
care as she knew one of those was her soon to be experience.
Looking at the slightly singed and repeatedly battered form of Ron Weasley slumped
across the hall from a door; Dora immediately knew she had found their compartment.
With a slight rap on the door, she waited to be called in. With a sigh, she opened
the door without incident and saw the two in a heated embrace. Blinking at the lack
of sound emanating from the now open door, Dora crossed into the room and closed the
door behind her.

As soon as she had crossed the threshold, Dora heard the no longer silenced moans.
Licking her lips in appreciation of the sight before her, she without hesitation
removed her clothes before folding them and placing them on an unoccupied seat. For
a moment she was unsure of how to react now that she was there. Did she immediately
join them or politely wait as she asked for permission? It was a momentary and
difficult question for Dora to have to answer.
Dropping to her knees, Dora crawled next to the pair. From her position, she saw
Hermione’s skirt flutter up as she moved against him. It revealed that they were
doing a bit more than dry humping. She was actually watching them do everything
short of penetration. For a moment she was disappointed that they were facing each
other as otherwise she could have been able to readily aid both of them.
Her first attempt to get their attention was ignored. She was in a way almost like
furniture or a companion; always there and thus not immediately alerted to her
presence while they were playing. With a sigh, Dora gave in and joined them.
Kneeling between Harry’s legs, Dora stuck her head under Hermione’s skirt and
proceeded to kiss and lick their touching heated flesh.

The pair blinked as they broke their kiss to the sudden moan of Dora’s added
assistance. Hermione was burying her head against him while Harry looked down to see
Dora’s head draped with Hermione’s skirt. As he felt Hermione cling to him, he made
a decision do to being in the position that they were in. As he was unable to move
enough to pull Dora to where he could add a hand to include her, he moved his right
leg such that his ankle at least was under her skirt and pressed against her.
Harry was well aware that Hermione was not going to be willing to move from her
straddling and sliding. Still he was able to move his leg enough that he felt the
vibration from Dora’s enjoyment. The three continued to move until Hermione arched
her back and let lose a triumphant shout as she climaxed from both their attention.
“Well done, Pet,” Harry said to Dora as he felt her lapping at both of them. “Now as
I know both of you quite well, Hermione never is satisfied with a single cresting
and just needs a moment to come off this one. You are quite the same way as well; so
I have a rather interesting spin to try.”
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“Hmm,” Hermione murmured as she let Dora’s attention prolong her wave. “Dora is here
and likely wants a goodbye go. Well more than just from your foot rubbing her until
she soaked your pants. So what is your plan?”
“Why suspending Dora between us as we both drive her nuts of course,” Harry answered
with a smile. “So one more time with her tongue until the matter with Gringott's is
settled for each of us…”
“And one more time rubbing her swollen lips until they sooth any friction away,”
Hermione answered with her own smile. “Only problem is that means we have to make
her stop what she is currently doing.”

“Yes, there is that unfortunate bit,” Harry agreed as neither of them wanted to move
from where they were at the moment. “Still the sooner we can extract her the sooner
we can ravish her.”
“Just a little longer,” Hermione said as she felt Dora slither her tongue between
them. “Remind me to see what her tongue can do inside after you properly fuck me and
cum inside.”
“I will,” Harry promised as the thought was one he was finding difficult not to
force ahead of schedule. “Still I guess you can come up now Dora. You can lavish
your tongue and lick us clean later.”
“Yes, sir,” Dora said after retracting her tongue and kneeling on the seat next to
them. “So who is taking me first, sir?”

“First I think we both need to give you a kiss,” Hermione said before turning and
capturing her lips in a searing kiss. “Hmm… we do taste good together especially on
you. Now give the girl a kiss, please.”

“Of course,” Harry said before giving Dora a toe curling and arousing unto wetness
kiss. “Now Dora, I think that Hermione should rest her legs while you give her a
good licking. She was bouncing a bit you see and I was just sitting here. So get
yourself in position and have your legs spread. I may not be penetrating you and you
best not do that to Hermione either.”

“Of course not, sir,” Dora said as she tried to look contrite as she moved to stand
so she was the distance of waist to head from Hermione’s lap. “I know that you are
the only one that may take our virginities. I do ask that you let me do what
mistress wants and lick and suck and tongue fuck her clean after you spray her
insides with your cum, sir.”

“I have no problem with that,” Harry said as he reluctantly stood while Hermione
scooted off his lap. “Now I think since you have been quite good and patient that we
give you a thorough ravishing. It is a shame that healing charms would leave traces
or we could see about properly accenting that lovely ass of yours.”
“Yes, sir,” Dora agreed as she bent over with her legs spread and her face mere
inches from Hermione’s spread and glistening sex. “Anytime you are ready, sir. Oh,
sir; there are plenty of things that feel good but won't leave lasting marks!”
“You have a point,” Harry said as he set his attention to rest against her warmth.
“Now put that mouth to better use!”
With a nod, Dora fastened her lips to Hermione’s lower lips. She shuddered even as
her tongue flicked around the parted lips as she felt Harry slide along her length.
His hands were holding her hips firmly and she felt him pressed against her legs and
the warmth there and against her sex. She knew if her legs did give out that his
grip would keep her suspended, and part of her wanted that so she could feel
completely helpless in their grip. She already felt Hermione threading her fingers
into her hair as she ground her face in between Hermione’s spread legs.
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‘Oh… My!’ Dora thought as she felt herself held firm by her lovers. ‘I am in for one
hell of a ravishing. I almost want to do this in front of mum when they take me away
to spite her for being so controlling. Only thing that would be better is for Master
to be buried inside and something sliding inside as well…’
Dora felt the pair excitedly using her even as they aroused and excited her.
Hermione was riding her tongue while Harry was sliding his heat to sear and aflame
her own wet and parted slit. She was torn as she thrust back and forth trying to
maximize both and their pleasure as well.
Her legs left the ground and she was held aloft by his hands. She felt like she was
floating as he kept his pace up and was driving her tongue shallowly into Hermione’s
responsive folds. Her suction was held even as she wished she had time to try to
split her tongue. Two tongues were better than one from experience when they both
sucked him and they both lapped at one of their cunts.
‘I really think the only thing that could be better than that,’ Dora thought as she
slithered her tongue around the opening of Hermione’s petals, ‘would be even more
tongues. I think if I can ask for that for my Christmas present than it will be
heavenly. Yes, a tongue swirling around each tit and delving inside my cunt while
someone else is trying to use their tongue to fuck my throat; I really do think that
would be as close to heaven as I can have at this time. I just don’t know if I am
ready to be shagged, buggered and throat fucked at the same time. While I can admit
that it would be intense, I am unsure if I can handle that without passing out. It
just wouldn’t be any fun to be limp and unable to thrust back after all.’

So caught up in things and thoughts, Dora barely swallowed in time to keep from
choking. With her lips surrounding Hermione’s sex, she had no choice as the suction
and seal made her have to gulp quickly or have to release her lips. Dora did doubt
that she could have done that as Hermione had a very firm grip as she ground herself
against Dora’s tongue.

“Gods, Dora,” Hermione said as she rested for a moment with Dora gently lapping at
her. “You are getting very good at that. Harry, are you ready to give our pet a good
mouth cleaning?”

“Considering that so far I have almost slid into Dora’s wet and ready pussy several
times already,” Harry remarked as he had to shift lest Dora’s body pull him inside.
“I would say that is a given. Still considering how much she seems to be dripping
and how often her cunt tried to inhale my cock, I think that she has been having
some fun of her own.”

Reluctantly staggering back and letting his erection stop sliding and almost
entering her twat, Harry looked at the two as Hermione affectionately ran her hands
through Dora’s hair. With a sigh, Hermione tugged and pulled the reluctant Dora from
where she was latched onto her already glistening and pouting with how swollen they
were pussy lips. Harry sighed as he stopped himself from giving her upturned and
wagging ass a quick spank to tell her to turn around. Instead he reached between her
legs and slid two fingers easily into her and curled them towards his palm. Using
that as a grip, Harry pulled Dora to start to circle towards Hermione.
‘I am tempted to laugh at how Dora is lengthening her tongue to try to keep
contact,’ Harry thought as he felt a rumbling laugh try to bubble out. ‘Still it is
odd to see Hermione push her away with a leg with that much reluctance showing in
her eyes. I just know that if we could find a way to not need classes, that we would
almost move her in to a room and do nothing but entertain ourselves all day. Still
that does sound like a goal I could shoot for after my ambition is dealt with. Bring
mum back, crush all that would ruin my life such as Voldemort, Dumbledore and the
Ministry, and retire after ensuring enough returns to live very comfortably and
revel in the pleasures to explore every day. Well it is a bit better of a dream than
say dedicating myself to killing all of Voldemort’s followers after ruining them
financially, socially, mentally and physically. I might just do that for, what was
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that phrase I heard on the Telly? Ah yes, shit and giggles was it. Hermione does
have a dream in addition to aiding mine. Perhaps we can work on that considering how
fast some things seem to be developing. It is a shame that Voldemort is a necessity
until I know how to get around the dilemma that the killing curse causes. If he had
used any other curse, I would have had no hesitation and likely would have solved
the problem already. I do wonder where those odd thoughts I had when Snape tried to
violate my mind came from. Some hormonal induced fantasy that I should not feel any
identity to; at least I hope it was.’
His thoughts were driven from his head as Dora snapped her tongue from trying to not
leave Hermione’s body. That it had suddenly swung around and wound around his
standing and glistening with her juices, was a momentary eyebrow raiser. It was
actually its attempt to emulate a complete enclosure that was strange. Sure she had
done something similar when it was inside her mouth, but this just looked very odd.
That she was trying to reel his cock into her open and drooling mouth added a new
layer of bizarre to their life.
Hermione had touched his hand as it was inside Dora when she slid hers to take his
place and continue pulling her towards her. The odd gymnastic activities that they
seemed to get into when they were romping were starting to make her very
appreciative of the increased flexibility they had. Dragging the circling girl
toward her, Hermione contemplated trying to stand with an arm and a leg supporting
her. With a sigh, she waited for Dora to be moving closer before she stopped using
her leg to push Dora’s head towards Harry. Considering that she was now going mouth
ward ho to his position had taken care of that.
Once Dora was open mouth aimed to swallow him, Hermione stood up and pressed herself
against the wagging ass in between her legs. With a sudden thrust, she ground her
sex into the older girls; that it suddenly slid Harry into her was a pleasant bonus
for Dora. Once more she moved back and forth between the two as they worked to time
their thrusts. This time however Dora was aware of her difficulty in thrusting back
or following forward when they both pulled back.

The two were looking at each other as they found their pleasure in their joined
lover. It was odd in a way that for a moment, there was nothing but themselves and
Dora little more than an intermediary. Shaking their heads, they turned more of
their attention to the still needy girl. A slight shifting of their bodies and their
arms were able to fondle Dora’s body. As much as they wanted to do something that
would linger and allow Dora to reminisce on this encounter, they knew that they
could not do so.
That is not to say that they really wanted to parade Dora about with it obvious to
the world that she was theirs. Sometimes Hermione wanted to have her wander the
dorms in nothing but a collar, having a property of tag on it, with all the love
bites and marks visible. Well she really was Harry’s and so was Hermione, but the
specifics really didn’t matter. Hermione was in a way finding her own Anne to her
Alice. She was aware that the complication in the group dynamic was stable for the
moment, but that the two of them might try to gang up on her again.
‘Dora does have the ability to have any marks linger for however long she wants,’
Hermione thought as she contemplated on having her go home properly marked and
claimed. ‘Still those would be visible when she goes to her base form, and that is
something that would tip her mother off. I know that given how often Master doles
out a good spanking, that he was hard pressed not to leave it a rosy red color, and
I find myself having similar thoughts. How I managed not to scratch up her back,
neck and head I am unsure of now, when I want to do more than feel up her wagging
tail. Hmm… now that is something to try in the future. I wonder if partial animagus
transformations would be possible. Ooh Dora! You just had to go and start nibbling
with those quivering lips.’
Hermione stopped her internal debate as she started to grip and grind faster and
harder against Dora. A momentary thought, to try having Dora shift her clit and
enlarge it like her tongue or more like that was currently along with her tits
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swinging about like that, passed through her mind while she ran her sex from peak to
apex along Dora’s own slit. That she was rubbing their clits against each other
whenever possible as well as running them between each other’s paths was only adding
to her excitement.
As for Harry, he was having his hands full with her weight resting on her
ridiculously enlarged tits. That Dora was swinging with her arms wrapped around him
while squeezing his own backside was exasperating things. He had been drawn into her
throat while her tongue practically milked his cock; that he could see her tongue
stretching her caved in cheeks was not helping him not be visually aroused even
more. He was sorely tempted to move and let her support her front weight with her
back killing breasts, and to return to having a nice grip so he could resume being
in control of the pace of fucking her throat.

All of them were aware that Dora was going to lengths to make this encounter as mind
blowing as possible. Dora was aware that she was going to be forced into celibacy
for a period of time and was trying to stock up on memories as well as orgasms.
Hermione was aware that she was almost fucking Harry through Dora as her thrusts
were about as energetic as she planned her virgin ride to be. Harry was aware that
Dora was using a number of tricks to both increase his sensations, but to maximize
how much he ejaculated. He had a feeling that he would be drained both physically
and mentally from this, and to be at the point where further activities would cause
pain from tenderness as well as having drained his balls.
It took some maneuvering, but Harry managed to get enough of a grip to join the
double ended pounding that Hermione was giving her. Dora was once more suspended by
her two lovers’ sexes. The only thing in her mind that would be better was if both
ends were being penetrated. Well, there were also them having a rougher hold than
they were currently and the lack of lingering sensations from hands and tools. Still
Dora was barely thinking as she responded to their attention. It was only through
practice at making automatic reactions to things that her body was responding
instead of locked up under the sensory bliss she was experiencing.

Suddenly the two thrust forward and stilled. She felt the reciprocating beat under
their skin. She felt it as Harry throbbed and flowed into her. With some effort, she
moved her head enough to stop letting him flow down her throat and to fill her
mouth. Dora was aware that both of their thighs were coated with their flowing
wetness. It had mixed where they were joined and sprayed each other when their most
recent and climactic climax occurred.

It took some effort to untangle from Dora’s octopus like limbs, but with some
caresses and comforting words they managed to extract themselves from her shivering
and shuddering form. Sure they had both cum, but Dora seemed to be one of those
lucky ones where their orgasm was enhanced and extended when their partner found
release with them. They had slowly lowered her to the floor, but had succeeded in
not placing her ass up, or they were sure that the compartment would be having a
very soaked and ground in stain.
They had continued to caress her lightly as she calmed down. Harry and Hermione were
aware that Dora was so out of it that they would need to clean themselves off. While
they could use a spell, that would be less fun. Even if Dora had done her best to
lick him clean, Hermione was left with almost enough to cake her inner thighs and
legs. They had actually alternated in using Dora as a seat and trying something new,
a standup sixty-nine. Still the two soon found themselves cuddling on one of the
benches as they watched Dora come down from her experience.
It was a nice sight to watch. Dora as she slowly stopped panting and her eyes start
to show signs of thinking again. As it was, Harry was there with Hermione resting
her head against him while sitting in his lap. With the both of them smiling at her,
they tried to describe the look of Dora at that moment. Her hair was sprayed and
mussed up. Her skin was flushed and shiny. Both sets of her lips were puffy and
swollen in a sexy manner. The smile was alluring and compelling as it danced with
mirth. In a simple name, Dora looked well and properly ravished.
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‘If Penny saw me now,’ Dora thought as she started to come back to herself, ‘she
would think that I was one lucky bitch. Gods was that fucking awesome or was that an
awesome fuck. All that’s left is to enjoy my recovery…’
Now after the thorough ravishing that Dora had just received, she lay there
recovering as nude as the day she was born. She felt that this encounter more than
made up for the short encounter with Penny, where all they had time for was Dora to
tongue fuck her until she was too tender to do more than hobble the rest of her
rounds. Still Dora took time to bask in the afterglow and contemplate on how to make
it better next time.
‘Next time I think master will take me,’ Dora thought in anticipation. ‘Sure I have
to wait until they get things settled at Gringott's, but it will be worth it. It is
a shame that I cannot be their pet all the time during school. Still I will take
every opportunity to serve them and the pleasures that doing so gives me. I do
wonder if I will be as sore as Penny was after he takes me. Given what they have
said about Anne, I should really see about that trick. Twin tongues might be useful
after all.’

“Well Dora,” Hermione purred at her. “You definitely look better now. I hope that
tides you over until we call for you. Just think if things go to play you will be
spending all of the holidays nude and ready to serve.”
“Still, was there a reason that you were so aroused this time?” Harry asked as he
sat next to the nude Hermione as he absentmindedly sent cleaning charms at their
clothes and air freshening charms to slowly reduce the scent they had left. “You
said you were just talking with your friends. Perhaps there was talk about a
prospective significant other for you, they could be talking about that as well as
discussions regarding who it is they are dating and all those sorts of gossip. That
does sound plausible, does it not Mine?”

“It does for the most part,” Hermione said as she looked over Dora with half lidded
eyes. “Did you notice a slight difference in how she tasted when we kissed her?”
“Do you think that our Dora has been playing with others again?” Harry asked as he
saw her fidget under their gaze. “It would appear so. Now what should we do and why
were you left in such need?”

“I admit it,” Dora said with her head bowed down. “I saw a friend in need and
considering her sort of boyfriend left her hot and bothered, I willingly chose to
help her reach her denied release.”
“I take it that there is a reason that you keep doing this,” Hermione said with her
voice a mix of disappointment and understanding. “You must really care about her as
a friend to repeatedly do so. Sir, I know I would do the same in her place and that
you did the same for us when you needed to do so. Please…”

“I see,” Harry said with a sigh as he weighed the situations in his mind. “You will
continue to do so and it is something that has to be discussed. So considering all
we have offered you, what do you think we should do about this situation?”
“I failed to inform you about it,” Dora said kneeling and speaking with sincere
repentance. “I will accept any punishment that doing so requires; however, I ask
that you permit me to continue to do so and I will gladly as always take whatever
punishment you feel that I need.”
“So you would do this even if we told you not to,” Hermione said as she looked over
the squirming girl over. “You would do it even if it meant being suspended and used
as a plaything for whatever we wanted including trying out my whips on.”
Dora nodded at that and shuddered as she said, “Yes, Master, Mistress. I would do so
and accept without hesitation my earned punishment.”
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“This does create a problem,” Harry said as he maneuvered so that Hermione was
napping on his lap where he could run his fingers through her hair. “This
relationship is based on trust far more so than any ordinary relationship, and yet
you tell me that I cannot trust you. This is a very difficult dilemma indeed. You
will also be unable to completely give your time to us do to this obligation.”

“You could treat it similarly to Quidditch practice and club meetings,” Hermione
offered from where she snuggled against him, “as an extracurricular obligation that
Dora offers something in compensation for doing. I take it that you are not
comfortable telling us which friend it is you are helping.”
“Yes, mistress,” Dora said with a fidget. “The situation is complicated with the
fact that I owe her for her advice helped me decide to join you.”
“A very good friend than,” Harry said as he contemplated what to do. “From your
point of view, she is directly responsible for the opportunity you have now and thus
in a way you feel obligated to help her through her own difficulties. I take it that
this is in part of why you were less affected by your recent punishment. Is she
aware that you are in a relationship?”
“Yes,” Dora admitted instantly. “She is however not aware of whom it is with and I
did admit that I would be doing something in penance for doing as I have done. She
has however offered compensations for this matter.”
“What would this compensation include?” Hermione asked in interest as she absently
reached up and traced Harry’s face. “Did she perhaps offer her own body to our uses,
something she is in a position to offer to ease our situation, or any other things
along those lines?”
“She was rather happy that I am in a relationship where sir cares about me far more
than her current trainee does,” Dora admitted with a somewhat cute scrunch to her
face as she thought on it. “She told me that if I ever had the chance at even
someone like Master that I was to take it with both hands on not let go. I am trying
to do this, but I know that I owe her.”
Harry looked at Hermione and tried to discuss things as nonverbally as possible.
With the knowledge of eventually having someone with Legilimency to interact with,
Harry had spent time learning a variety of mental defenses. While it did not allow
telepathy, the methods combination did allow the sending of mental pictures where
many flavors such as emotion could be added to it. To Dora, she was watching the two
stare at each other in a moment that seemed to last forever as she worried that they
would keep her or not. Her mother had left her a nagging pit of doubt in herself and
life in general. Her greatest fear was to be alone. To her developing mindset, it
was better to experience agonizing pain than to be alone. For these two, her closest
of friends to shun her would almost be worse than dying.

“We have come to a conclusion,” Hermione said from where she was. “Do you freely
accept whatever punishment that we give you in this as all matters?”

“I do.” Dora said as she fervently hoped that they did not, especially after that,
merely tell her to be gone from their presence and never bother them again. “As you
command so it shall be!”
“Your punishment will be two fold,” Harry said as he ignored her and paid attention
to Hermione as they lovingly caressed each other. “You will not indulge in certain
actions with her. You will not be penetrated by her save kissing. You will not
engage in anything that is our sole providence. That includes any actions that blur
the lines of pleasure and pain, and that means that despite your seeming love of
spanking that she is not to spank you.”
“If she desires any of these actions,” Hermione said from where she was ignoring
Dora. “She must tell you and she must meet us to discuss compensation. You are ours
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to do with as we please, to love, to ravish, to punish, and to experience as we
chose. Do not forget that ever! As you have stated a need to keep this confidential,
after most if not all encounters you are to come to us and let us taste her
“While this is nowhere near what we are able to do to you,” Harry said with the
barest of movements to let his foot rest on her. “We find it to be sufficient at
this time. Now the cost for every encounter will be that you bring her flavor to us
and that you will spend a night in suspension on edge. The price for having
neglecting to tell us of this will be a very brutal session when we call for you.”
“We are being quite reasonable as it is,” Hermione said as she closed her eyes to
indulge in the kind care that Harry was providing. “You have disappointed us and we
were tempted to release you back to the boredom and loneliness we saved you from.”
“Do not disappoint us again,” Harry said with a sudden glare that instead of making
her sob had her smile at the attention. “While we were willing to grant you time for
your personal reasons in the past, you will need to clear any in the future.”

“The first part of your punishment is a repeat of before,” Hermione said as she
opened her eyes half way to look at Dora. “It is however amended. You are neither to
bring yourself to relief nor to allow any other to do so until we tell you
otherwise. You will practice both your morphing and your muscle control. You will
also be the last to get any attention when we do call for you. We find this to be a
small price to pay for your breach of trust.”

“Now until we have to get dressed,” Harry said as he leaned back pulling Hermione to
lie against him. “You will be my pillow and you will tell us some things. No names,
but you will let us get a feel for you some more.”
“Yes, sir,” Dora said as she scrambled to prop herself against the wall next to the
window. “I will, sir.”

“I like that,” Harry said as he set his head between her two breasts. “Comfortable
still it needs something more. Dora, either cast a slight vibrating charm or have
them vibrate; I do not care which. That’s better. Hermione, anything you want?”

“Not right now,” Hermione said from where she was resting on him with his arms
wrapped around her. “Dora, I think that you better learn to morph your arms and legs
to hold a position for a while.”
“For what reason, mistress?” Dora asked as she tried not to moan and soak the seat
from the stimulation that her body was under.
“I think we will see how good of a footstool you make,” Hermione said as she let the
kinky visuals pass in her mind. “Of course it wouldn’t be any fun without some
add-ons. I think dangling some weights from your nipples and clit will make things
more complicated.”

“You’re feeling quite devious,” Harry said from where he was sandwiched between the
two witches. “Next you will have her do that while sitting and moving in my lap.”
“What a wonderful idea,” Hermione said as she felt Harry’s attention as his fingers
left soothing caresses to her exposed body. “It is for things like that that we love
you. Now let’s just rest as Dora entertains us with more stories of her life…”
The two drifted off for a time as Dora told them more about her life before
eventually starting to tell Wizarding children’s stories. The three spent time like
this until they started to approach the station. It was a reluctant trio that pulled
their cleaned and aired out clothing on. Dora was grateful that unlike when summer
holidays would come that she didn’t have to drag her trunk with her. She was however
mortified that she had forgotten to grab a pair of panties as her mother would
suitably punish her for going bare if she found out. Still a quick charm and they
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were ready to depart their compartment.
They walked out together from the train. Both ladies were sad that they were unable
to walk with Harry’s hand doing more than being entwined in their arms. They really
wished that they could have Harry either wrap his arms around their waist, or better
yet under and around their skirts where he was hooked inside them. It was something
that anyone in a happy relationship wanted; they wanted to shout it to the heavens
and to everyone around them. Still all things must come to an end.
The group meandered from the poorly hidden platform into King’s Cross proper. It was
a shame that things required that their lift was unable to enter the platform to
join them. Harry was grateful that he had not needed the Dursley’s assistance in
such a routine affair. The two were well aware that Dora would have to soon leave
their company for a time. They both wished that they could have dragged her with. It
would have been quite useful to avoid the Tonks altogether, but it was not to be.
‘I wish I didn’t have to go,’ Dora thought as her eyes darted about with hope.
‘Please be dad that picks me up and not mother.’

“So who do you think will all make it?” Hermione asked as she pondered who all would
be there. “I wonder if those two will show up.”

“Hmm,” Harry said as he scanned the crowd as he watched Malfoy ignore them in favor
of greeting his mother. “It is possible that they will. Do you think they could have
talked their way into coming here? That is something that I am unsure on how your
parents will handle.”

“Yes, it will make some things easier,” Hermione said as she frowned at the thoughts
being brought up. “Still having my cousin here next year will be interesting…”
“Why is it that the two of you have to be so confrontational from time to time?”
Harry asked as he noticed someone give them the once over at how close they were to
Dora. “Hey is that your mum?”

“Yes,” Tonks said with a sudden foreboding. “I don’t like the way that she is
looking us over.”

“She does seem to have issues, but that would be apparent already,” Hermione said as
she felt ill at ease with Dora’s mother’s body language. “Just let us know and we
will be there quick.”
“Definitely,” Harry confirmed as he wanted to glare the woman to back off. “Still
give us a bit and things will be settled. You are ours and I am not letting you away
this soon.”
“Agreed,” Hermione said with a firm gaze. “And don’t you dare forget it!”

Reluctantly the two said goodbye to Tonks as her mother approached. They would have
given her a proper sendoff, but they were well aware of the trouble that would cause
their friend. Still they had plans in motion to secure their Dora’s safety and well
being. They watched as Andromeda mostly ignored them before ushering Dora away. The
two looked at each other as they headed towards the exit.
“That was rather uncomfortable,” Hermione stated to Harry as for most of the past
moments she had the sudden urge to bludgeon Andy before running off with their Dora.
“Hopefully we can get Dora to visit even if we have to neglect to mention that you
are there.”
“It seems that might be necessary,” Harry said as he interlinked his arm with hers
and proceeded to cross the threshold. “Now all we need to do is to find your
“True,” Hermione agreed as she started scanning the station proper for her parents.
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“I do miss them and I know that I would have been really homesick if you hadn’t been

“What are friends for?” Harry asked with a real smile. “Oh! Hello Mr. and Mrs.
“What have we told you, Harry?” June said with a slightly fond smile as she knew the
boy had been good for her daughter and seemed like a good candidate even with the
competition with her niece. “It makes me feel old and you wouldn’t want that now
would you?”
“Beside every time I hear someone say that, I think they are looking for mum and
dad,” Vincent said with a shudder. “Those two can be right scary at times let me
tell you. I am amazed that June was willing to cooperate with them at any point
considering how they met.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” June teased him. “Besides the baby pictures were quite

Hermione was torn at being mortified and snorting in laughter at the behavior of her
parents. She settled with giggling even if she was normally not one to do so. A part
of her was sad at the fact that Harry would not experience that, but that was offset
by the knowledge that her parents no matter how easy going they could be would never
let her miss that. She even knew that they planned to take photos of all the rest of
her firsts that they could. They would have wanted one of her first kiss but they
had not been there as well as they had both neglected to mention it. Oh they had
hugged and kissed each other on the cheek in front of them, but then so had they
with Alice and Anne. Still that was not that strange among kids and as most would
do; her parents had dismissed it as not being life altering.
‘If by that point I have anything to be embarrassed about as to be effected,’
Hermione thought as she pictured the composed Harry not being affected by the
pictures of how she had been before they had met, ‘I wonder what could do that as I
doubt the pictures would already. Perhaps it is more so my parents being parents
when I am a teenager. Hmm now that I think on it, I seem to have become even more
accelerated in my physical as well as mental even if it is harder to keep the
emotional surges under control. Though this is something to inquire on, were we to
now develop quicker and sooner do to our actions? We are already being mistaken for
third years at a distance and that would put us at thirteen or fourteen. I guess I
am grateful that unlike some of the other houses Ravenclaw does not have group
showers or I would have been self conscious before. Not that I might worry about
unwanted attention do to certain things.’

“Why do I think that is something to be disappointed in the future?” Harry murmured

to Hermione causing her a momentary pang of guilt and a sudden rush of annoyance at
the Dursleys for avoiding such a thing through their actions. “Sure I have some
inkling to my parents leaving my baby pictures at Gringott's, but I am lacking most
childhood pictures. Perhaps we should take pictures more when we are about?”

“That would be nice,” Hermione said as she watched her parent’s byplay. “Something
we will need to look into when we are out doing things. Take the whole group for
some experiences…”
“True,” Harry admitted even as he realized that they had been letting fun outweigh
their work recently in stark contrast to the overworked stress he had been heading
to. “Still I don’t think any of us are that socially inclined to know what kids our
age normally do. Even Alice and Anne are in gifted classes, and that does not give
one much chance to socialize with peers since they are so hard to quantify.”
“Maybe we are cramming too much in too little time?” Hermione asked as she thought
things over. “We should really see the sites some time. It is odd considering how
often I go with them to other places, but that we seem to have missed our own
places. Although I will admit that libraries are somewhat of an exception to that.”
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“So how much longer will they be involved without noticing us?” Harry asked quietly
as the two were a sight to see compared to the oddness that was the Dursleys or some
of the other neighbors. “I am grateful that we are able to spend a bit more of the
holidays together this time.”
“True there is the fact that I do want to spend time with my parents and we have
been spending some time growing more familiar than before,” Hermione said with a
sigh as she started to notice her parents listening even as they continued their
mutual teasing. “Before it was more of a difficulty to get my own Harry time I guess
you could say…”
“Alice wasn’t that bad,” Harry tried to justify. “Though I guess it helped that I
was the first boy who was not related to her that wasn’t a bully or similar brat.
You two are quite similar and I realize that my life would be a good deal less
colorful without either of you in it.”
“Such deep thoughts so young,” June said as she turned her attention to the two.
“Why couldn’t you have been like that?”

“Hey,” Vincent said in mock outrage. “I grew out of it!”

“Yes, that we barely knew each other until later was entirely your own fault,” June
said with a slight and almost too subtle glare. “Still the past is the past, and
even if it seems that Hermione has managed to avoid such mistakes, we should still
get going. London traffic is always a bit excessive at this time of day. Did either
of you have something to do while we were here?”

The two looked at each other as they mentally weighed things. As much as they wanted
to hit Diagon, there were complications to that if either of the adult Grangers came
along. The least of which would be keeping them safe while the worst that they knew
of was keeping the proper image to ensure the goblin cooperation, and that was
without the complications of explaining where Harry got the money he currently had.
Still there were things they could do before they headed home.
“Now that you mention it,” the pair said with a slight grin. “There were a few stops
we wouldn’t mind making…”

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 15: Christmas Part 2: Yule Business
by SamStone 5 Reviews
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
Gringotts meet and greet goes how one would expect... violently

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008/11/27 - Updated: 2008/11/27 -
19611 words
Chapter 15: Christmas Part 2: Yule Business

Do you have any idea how useful that art is? Well we have been known to offer more
than platinum rates for someone with those skills. Last I heard some of the foreign
postings tended to still offer all the amenities. Hell’s bells that last one had
more money, power and partners than some of the kings. – Goblin Courier Swiftknife
on Necromancers.


A little after the pair had been dropped off at Alice’s house, they managed to round
up Alice and Anne. After a very frustrating discussion of business matters, the
group got themselves prepared. Well it had been a mix of business and pleasure as
each of the girls briefed the group on their aspect of their joint business
ventures. He had also met their proxy, Sarah. That she had managed to acquire
control of several fringe clubs and ventures was a useful way to increase their
‘Feh,’ Harry thought thinking back. ‘She has helped the girls find plenty of prey to
cull, and she also allowed them to avoid what I had first worried I was getting into
with Alice’s original situation. Free will and consent are too damn important. Never
thought I would have some ventures in exotic entertainment or providing fool proof
preventatives for the masses. Well I also didn’t think that the girls would mellow
any apprehension by a three headed blowjob while the remaining girl gave her report.
It was damn effective though. I didn’t even stress when they mentioned what my fan
girls had been up to. Now that is a scary prospect having the girl gang that I was
guarding practicing to be connoisseurs of the sensual and sexual arts.’

As it was, Harry had enjoyed the encounter and the increased money would allow him
to leverage some of the things he had so far found on his list to complete both his
ambition and his objectives. Still he was seriously thinking about having all
meetings having some relaxation during it; even if it was merely some food and
drinks, it would be an improvement on what he had overheard Vernon bitching about
with his meetings. Part of that was the notion that Dora would likely not have a
long report and that reclining while having her attentions if just enough to calm
and not excite was an enjoyable one. For a moment he had thought about reversing the
situation, where after a satisfactory report setting Dora loose as a reward, but he
squished that after a moment in his mind’s eye. The girls would enjoy it and the
bits of what they had been doing with the girls he had protected gave him a very
good indication that they would do so.
‘I do worry what they will do to the school next year,’ Harry thought as he raided
his closets for appropriate attire. ‘Alice can be a force of nature as can Anne when
they set their sights on something. I would have expected Alice to do something more
to get my less than readily given attentions before; however, I had believed she
would have been far more direct in bringing my rival to heel. As it was, Anne was
the one to have developed some dependencies, and now I know that her own further
degradations have led to her needing more deprivations to satisfy her wants and
As he was searching his closets, the girls were still nude as they went over
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appropriate outfits. They would need the proper attire and equipment in case
anything went wrong. Even if some wizards did not think of it as such they were all
armed so what issue was there in carrying another weapon or several. It was with
those thoughts that they were trying to mix intimidating and appealing. Each of the
three was planning on a penetrative encounter after the bank matter was handled;
therefore, they were planning for any situation that might occur in either event.

The three had agreed on black as it was sexy and intimidating. Hermione was met with
approvals on her no longer seeming to have to cover herself with what would get in
the way of their later fun and provided little protection; however, the three had
talked about and Harry studiously blocked out their discussion on finer garments and
which might be more appealing other than as little and as accessible as possible.

Thinking on it, Harry was sure he didn’t want to pay attention to the discussion and
the competition that Alice and Hermione were doing as they continued to prepare. He
really didn’t want to get distracted even if it would be enjoyable until after the
Gringott's meeting. He was aware that he should be able to get more funds to expand
and locate the rare and restricted ingredients he would need. The thrice blasted
ministry had to monitor several things that he had yet to find common alternates to
replace. The money that the clubs, potions and other ventures were producing was
good, especially with the packaging of a combined potion pill that would prevent
pregnancy and other issues. With a quicker potion to test that none of the clients
or servers had any disease and those with the money among the clients were quickly
cleaned, the girls had with Sarah rapidly removed the more tedious issues of such

‘At least they know better than to get mixed in the more dangerous businesses,’
Harry thought as he pulled the pants he had decided on. ‘I don’t think getting
involved in the illegal drug trade would be profitable and safe enough even if I
have less disinclination to do so with the potions trade. At least there I can use
magic openly to cow those who would betray or otherwise bother my business.
Considering that the girls went through with Sarah and arranged for Verisiterum to
see why they joined the trade, I have little room to object with them finding most
were desperate for money and being kept has been better than becoming one of the
freelancers or those under a less mindful patron. Simple rules at least that they
gave the workers: no drugs, no rape, keep themselves safe and attractive, and report
any difficulties to be dealt with. Moving them into other ventures might not be too
difficult if it wasn’t for the fact that most are refined under one of the previous
owners. Here I am not even twelve and I have at least one escort service and adult
club to ensure the operations of. As long as they keep all activities consensual, I
have no problem with them skirting any of the more idiotic laws just that they make
sure not to get the officials involved.’

It was something that Harry had drilled ruthlessly into himself as well as his three
followers. He did not wish to become anywhere the monster in human form that he had
so long been ending. He didn’t really care what someone found pleasurable and
exciting so long as it did not unwillingly harm the participants. He found that
Hermione and the rest seemed somewhat inclined to mixing some physical discipline
into their games and thus was in no position to criticize the hedonists that sought
to explore sensations.
‘Besides our sacrifices offer themselves to us by their own actions,’ Harry thought
as he tested the silk shirt, magical and reinforced of course. ‘Still there is what
is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, what is moral and what is
immoral, what is legal and what illegal, as well as what is ethical and what is
unethical to consider. The legality of things is no proper judge considering certain
prohibitions are in the face of common sense. Morality is in ways no more than what
the social harpies seem to want as law but not often succeeded in doing. As for the
others, they are more for philosophers and religious scholars to interpret as
sometimes good guys do evil things and vice versa; therefore, I am more inclined to
develop a sense of ethics and what rules I chose to live my life by. I do not
murder, I kill. I do not rape, though I may seduce. I do not lie when I can bend the
truth. I protect those that I must not just those who deserve it, and yet will
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readily strike those who seek to harm my protected regardless of what some think is
the response.’

As he started to button his shirt, Harry noticed the girls were getting there in
their own dressing. He was grateful that he had been so caught up in his own
thoughts as he clearly heard the advice that Sarah was giving the three mostly
undressed ladies. He had no need to do anything with her and her own needs were
being met so that was a non issue in their mostly business relationship. For the
most part, Harry consigned her to a role of his vassal’s vassal. He had read up
enough to know better than to even imply they were his minions, even if they were,
in the company of the light wizards and witches or those that automatically believed
a minion had to serve someone sinister.

Oh he admitted, he could be quite sinister to whoever crossed him, but he was quite
aware that he, while lacking some social graces do to his childhood, was someone who
had a somewhat archaic notion in regards to certain behavior and respect among them.
Still he was often whispered about as a quiet and cold boy, but remarkably polite
and helpful. That image had been useful in originally curtailing the Dursleys
original propaganda against him. He was loath to tolerate bullies and had ended up
with what would have likely spontaneously turned into a harem or at least a communal
relationship without magic.
‘Of all the things in higher education that we have studied,’ Harry thought as he
gave himself a look over before being grateful for the draining before as the three
were quite enticing already, ‘I find that philosophy to be the most intriguing for
debate. Science is, like magic, a way to analyze and predict the world, while
history is the records, wither true or not, of what is believed to have occurred,
mathematics a static and true description of things, and thus it is that while
people discuss what is true in all of them; only in philosophy and such studies are
their true conflicting truths. Even though Hermione and I are in Ravenclaw, I do not
believe that most especially the muggle born or raised would find it possible that
we will be able to complete not just our comprehensive education but be close to
graduate or post graduate while simultaneously reaching the same in the magical
fields. Even if Alice and especially Anne are prone to more oft to be distracted by
their needs, the four of us are driven, and we are more so than others. I have to
find a way to accomplish my goals while amassing sufficient knowledge as well as the
wisdom to properly, efficiently and effectively utilize it when my inevitable rivals
have at least half a century if not more on me. Complacency is for sheep and any
sheep is ready food for a wolf; none of us can afford to be that, especially with
the way things are going…’
The girls were mostly dressed now. They like Harry were in a mix of leather and silk
if not lace. The black silk ribbons around their necks were enough to almost make
him reconsider and simply have Christmas early. When Sarah dropped something
subtlety and none of them squatted and instead bent over flipping their skirts up as
they did, he really was tempted to give in to his more base urges and act next
Halloween a few months early by coupling and losing themselves in a decadent bit of
debauchery. That Sarah was arranged with her legs spread and attached to a double
pronged pole was very distracting.
“Ladies,” Harry said as he took several deep breaths to regain control. “If you are
ready, we should go now. Whenever you are done decorating the festivities that is…”
The girls giggled and Sarah moaned at that. Alice quickly added a suspension to keep
Sarah from falling off, while Anne added some excessive decorative and likely
stimulating chains. Hermione was looking on with an artful eye and approval at how
they had set the scene up.
“The release phase is ‘Catharine Ridding a Horse,” Alice whispered before kissing
Sarah and giving her a swat. “A bit long, but you shouldn’t manage to accidentally
say it as likely as the last few…”
“We’re ready, Sir,” Hermione said with Alice and Anne moving to flank her. “Anything
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else we should do before?”
He looked them over and saw them pulling their robes over and concealing the sight
that would have sent many a wizard to aneurism. As amusing as it would be to have
them unrobed and trailing after him with their heads held proud at being paraded,
that was not the image for the day. When he was ready to completely crush his
opponents, he would use that to confuse and awe the sheep.
“No,” Harry said with a repressed sigh as he watched Sarah respond to the situation
they put her in. “We will be taking the path from one of the less savory areas to
the bank. Do not hesitate to respond to any threat against us; however, I expect you
to limit yourselves to less than lethal or crippling or even maiming actions unless
the threats do otherwise.”
“Yes, Master,” the three said in unison. “As you command so it shall be.”
“We have an image to hold when among the sheep,” Harry said as he was reluctant
about this next part. “Our companions will not be coming with unless they are able
to completely conceal themselves. Sadly this means only Kiki will be going with us.
Shadow, do be a dear and keep an eye with the others on this house. I have the
feeling that someone might investigate while we are out.”

Despite their animal forms, the group heard the acknowledgements from their non
biped friends. They were not disturbed that it was actually a series of hisses,
chirps, yowls and barks. They were however wondering why Kiki was chattering
animatedly as if she would get to slate her bloodlust. They had their other lusts to
sooth that one, while Kiki could not do so and thus was even more bloodthirsty.

With a gesture, they stood close before kneeling and touching his robe. Kiki managed
as always to be childlike in her gently gripping his arm. With his other arm, Harry
reached in and pulled out the most likely illegal or at least unregistered Portkey.
Even if they had not sent a message for his underage magic especially his accidental
apparition years ago, Harry was not taking a chance that no one not even Dumbledore,
the ministry or any of the still free death eaters were able to detect his comings
and goings.
“Elegant the Enchanter,” Harry said with a smirk as he felt the tug and the world
spin around him.

“My, if it isn’t one of my better customers,” Came the greeting as they appeared in
the store. “I take it that you need to make a statement with that attire. It is
quite flattering on the four of you. Do be a dear and bring your lady friends back
for a proper fitting? I would be ever so grateful for more people to properly use my
skills on.”
“Of course,” Harry agreed as he wondered if his attire would be as impressive as the
shopkeeper could do. “It is so much better than the common and boring attire one can
gain at Madam Milken’s or even that still unstylish Gladrags.”
“I would expect nothing less,” the clown like man said with a bow. “If you find any
more seeking unique apparel than please send them my way…”
“I will,” Harry promised before taking a thinking pose. “Any chance a private
fitting could be arranged elsewhere. Some of them are a little unable to fit in if
you catch my meaning.”
“For you that would be no problem,” he said with a laugh. “None of your
acquaintances are likely to settle for the inelegant trash that is hawked elsewhere
unless they have no choice.”
With a nod, Harry left the shop with his ladies trailing behind. They were in
Knocturn proper, and the place was more often trafficked than the official alley.
The inhabitants parted for him and some gave nods and other signs of greetings. Be
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polite had been a bloodily reinforced behavior. Those that knew his reputation and
had unsuccessfully tried to intrigue him in their wares were quick to remove
themselves from his way. The hags and others hawking things including themselves
knew better. They suspected that he declined not out of any disinterest in their
sex, but that he likely was able to have better even when he had not been seen
frequenting the higher class brothel down the alley.

As they passed closer to the more reputable alley, the alley seemed to become more
sinister and intimidating in its presence as well as less visibly attractive.
Hermione contemplated it as a way to keep the ignorant out. Alice was likely one to
approve of keeping the meddlers out. She had done some of that to keep her girls or
more they thought Harry’s waiting and eager girls out of trouble. Anne contemplated
doing something like that in Surrey and watching Dudley and his pathetic crew piss
themselves before running like the scared cowards they were.
As they moved, the group cut a path from where they entered Diagon Alley. Concealed
in black robes with the hoods obscuring their faces, there was enough of an air that
those few loitering along the alley cleared a path as they walked. The human eyes of
the crowed would miss a number of details about them. They failed to notice anything
concealed by the robes, though the shadows about them did aid in concealing several
of their darker artifacts. The ministry would have tried to send them to Azkaban for
the bone weapons let alone the blood stone Harry wore.
Gringott's bank was a place that do to its economic necessity was oft frequently
traveled to as the officially sole place to access ones funds even if there was a
somewhat smaller branch in Knocturn Alley. Despite what most had imagined one Harry
Potter had yet to enter this particular location as he had been aware that certain
circumstances would make his retrieval of his funds to be quite difficult. The lack
of his vault key or keys for one and the complication of why they had not been in
his possession would have caused quite a stir.
Still he was no shy little boy to cower at the ornate and opulent doors that were
created to inspire awe and a sense of prestige and power in the goblin run bank. He
did not allow the subtle magic enchanted into the Gringott's motto to draw even the
slightest of his interest. His attire spoke of refined power and calculated cunning.
Dressed in black from his silk shirt to pants even going so far as black leather or
perhaps even dragon hide topped off with a black cloak that immediately led to
recalculations as the cut and appearance came from only one selective shop among
those aware of such matters. Goblin eyes were sharper than human in certain respects
and they easily made out the complex pattern of silver woven into the design before
their eyes were drawn to the red stone proudly and predominantly displayed on the
entering man’s chest. While they may not by sight know what it was, it screamed of
power and not just monetary.

The two goblins that had stood at the sides of the doors to the entrance had been
chosen for a few reasons. One they were quite good at discerning intent as well as
power and danger of anyone approaching. Two the person was armed with more than a
wand and as they had been well trained to detect the approach of certain metals
realized that either this was a very important client or someone that would be far
more dangerous to stand in the way of. They could tell that while the individual had
no intentions to cause problems that whoever it was would not hesitate to remove
anything or anyone that impeded their passage. That whoever was following was
dangerous but eclipsed by the leader of the group was not something they would
likely have told any of the human clients.
‘This one is a warrior through and through,’ the goblin on the right thought. ‘We
would be dead before sounding an alarm. Several daggers are on their persons not
counting anything that has stronger wards than we can detect. Best we can do is to
let them pass and then sound a ‘be on immediate standby alert’.’
The other goblin was a somewhat less senior goblin and yet was able to detect one
thing the other had not. His eyes widened at the implications of what his senses
were telling him.
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‘Goblin blades and they have been used as well as treated with something very
potent,’ he thought as he covered his twitching from human but not necessarily
goblin eyes. ‘To think that some of the clan chiefs thought being able to detect our
blades would be a waste for a keeper of the gates, it just goes to show that
sometimes the chiefs are too distant to be aware of what the common goblin needs to
know. Still there is something about the way that they move that reminds me of… oh
just what we need that maniac here to find out something. Just got to hope that
whatever the keeper of the vaults has been doing doesn’t come to bite us back on the
ass, well unless I get to sample some of the rival clans. So where is that killing
machine of his? Not that I think he would need it as he moves even better than that
vampire he destroyed.’

None of them paid much attention to the two guards as they passed. Their eyes
however had been clearly showing a quick analysis of how rapidly, efficiently and
almost effortlessly they could have negated the guards if they so chose. None of the
group had felt a need to hide their less than typical human thoughts. They rarely
voiced the fact that whenever they passed anyone who was not part of their group
that they had immediately analyzed and contemplated methods for termination as they
passed. It had become almost as instinctive as breathing to them. All that meant for
the goblin guards was that they showed far less or even little contempt for the
group passing through.
The other goblins watching saw the changes in the guards and were though long
practice not inclined to panic. They waited for the group to make their way to a
teller to ask for whatever service was that they wanted. To them there was no more
or less. They had no reason to panic as for due to several hard won treaties they
had regained a portion of their autonomy unlike some of the other magical beings.

The group was patient in the way they stood in line and waited to be called on. Oh
they knew that there was a tendency for those in such roles as his were used to
preferential treatment. Goblins were tempted to hope they could levy serious fees on
them and they would do so willingly as well as gladly take whatever money they could
from over naïve muggleborns. They were greedy underhanded fighters that made up for
the lack of killing things by committing other harmful behavior.
“How may Gringott's help you today?’ the teller asked barely refraining from
sneering at them. “Look up funds, arrange transfers or some other such

The goblin did leave unsaid how much they might charge for such things. Oh there was
a time when they had gladly let foolish upstarts claim vaults after paying the piled
up fees and they were practically empty. They had bankrupted a few who had spited
them over the years in that way. Especially when it was lines that were prestigious
and yet little to know things were left in the high prestige vaults. They had almost
played that trick on a young half blood a little less than half a century ago. That
boy had unfortunately been prone to a few secrets that he had used to keep them from
ruining the lackluster line he had been from.
“Inheritance to start off with,” Harry said holding off his smirk before saying
quieter. “Maybe even some rather substantial deposits…”
“How substantial?” the goblin asked almost as quietly. “Far too many think that a
mere thousand galleons is a fortune let alone substantial.”
Harry smirked as he let a small representative of the level of wealth he had
independently acquired be seen by the goblin. It was simply one proper bar of metal
worth even more than the gold that they favored. He enjoyed seeing the greed shine
in the goblin’s eye. There was something about getting a goblin to be mesmerized by
shiny valuable that made him feel just a bit proud.
“Would making that in profits in less than a month be considered a substantial
deposit?” Harry asked with a bit of interest. “I do believe I would consider it to
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be. Still some of my more profitable ventures are expanding let alone some services
that could be exchanged.”

“I do believe that you would be capable of substantial investments and profits,” the
clerk said with a nod. “The inheritance offices are that way.”
“Thank you,” Harry said with a nod to the goblin as they turned to go that way.
“After I see how things have been handled so far there may be need for more

The goblin started at that. The veiled promise of increased profits was almost as
good as blood for them. Besides he had a bar of the only metal they knew was more
valuable than gold and like it was a very precious metal. Despite what wizards would
say there was more metal of value besides gold that could not be conjured or
lastingly transfigured. Still they had secured and proofed all their metal for their
coins and safeguarded them, it would not do to let the wizards or worse muggles
cause economic dangers with their greed. Some of them thought that was there job.
As they passed down the corridors, the goblins that were going about their day were
busy with their tasks and yet without really thinking about it seemed to move out of
the marching group. They did pay attention to the various names and titles along the
office doors. One could tell which goblin and this which families they represented
from how ornate the doors were. At the end of the corridor was a very ornate door
with several gold plaques, the title both in goblin and several human languages was
Keeper of Records of the Lines. The name was Grimtooth the Platinum Fist.
“Greetings, Honored Keeper Grimtooth,” Harry said with a slight inclination as he
entered the room. “I must ask for a few moments of your time to set some rather
pressing business to order. I will be brief as we are both rather heavily
“And what does a young child have need in my records?” the goblin asked in interest.
“You would not have been directed here unless there was something to accomplish and
such things are normally covered by one of the tellers until one is of age.”
“I have been informed that there is a sizeable amount of galleons invested in a few
accounts here,” Harry said with a calculated drawl. “The circumstances of the
proceeding period have left some uncertainty in some matters.”

“As you are underage by current Wizarding custom,” the goblin began, “You would
likely have access to a trust vault at this time and a family vault when you are of

“Ah,” Harry said with concern. “Someone didn’t go through proper channels as some of
the paperwork seems to be missing in some areas and I already have made discrete
inquiries into both the Ministries and the Muggle records. I merely wish to ensure
that a certain meddler hasn’t managed to do more than retain possession of my keys.”
“Ones keys should only be in the possession of oneself or their guardian if they are
under aged,” Grimtooth replied with a frown. “Still as you are Hogwarts age,
normally one would receive a trust key to help them begin to learn to understand
“Ah but from several sources there is precedent as I am the sole remaining member of
a family to initiate some things,” Harry said with a smile playing on his lips. “I
would prefer to be aware of what responsibilities I will eventually have to deal
with. Now is it so difficult to see what things I have inherited and when which
level of access to those things will occur?”
“No it is not,” he admitted with a scowl. “Still most are reluctant to let a goblin
have their blood for confirmation.”
“But I am not most people,” Harry said as he held out his right hand. “How much is
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required for this?”
“A few drops at most,” the goblin admitted as he brought out a small bowl and set it
on a stylus with quill and parchment. “Now just let a few drops fall and we will see
what we will see, Mister?”
“Potter, Harry Potter,” Harry said with dark humor shining in his eyes. “I do
believe from the official records that there should be significant resources and
that at least this way I can find whatever incompetent was listed as my guardian as
I have never seen them since they arranged for my childhood dwelling.”
“I see,” he said as he watched the blood react in the bowl as the Quill started to
write. “You should have had a trust key in your possession also you should have had
a reading of your parents will at eleven. I take it that neither of these things
“No, neither of those things occurred nor have I had an official communication from
Gringott's or even any mail save from Hogwarts,” Harry answered as the goblin seemed
to watch the names being written and grow pale. “I can understand that someone
likely was sorting my mail, but there lack of any forwarding while I am dwelling in
the muggle world is quite odd. Considering the awe that the wizards and witches
show, I find it odd to not have received any birthday, Christmas or other cards let
alone the odd letter of any sort.”
“That is quite irregular, Mr. Potter,” he said with a bit of interest as he tried to
cover the emotions that the current results were producing. “Were you aware that you
are named as primary heir and next patriarch of the Blacks as well as sole heir of
the Potters?”

“I was aware through some channels of the Potter inheritance existing with some
chance to being somewhat affected by the current state of the Black Family,” Harry
admitted. “Still primary heir when I was not the blood heir of the main line is odd,
is it not?”

“There are two reasons for that,” he said with an inclination of the head as he
tried not to panic at what was still transcribing considering the number of items.
“One being that your godfather has no issue and was the heir. The second was that
you are a closer relation than any other of Black Blood.”

“So that would explain that,” Harry said with a sigh. “Is there a reason that I was
not summoned to hear my parents’ last will and testament?”
“Yes,” he admitted as he looked over at the ledger on the side. “It would appear
that whoever your magical guardian is, that they have ensured that you cannot view
it until you come of age. That is most strange.”
“What about the Black matter?” Harry asked in interest. “What affects are there to
the current heir residing in Azkaban and most likely for life?”
“Effectively dead,” he admitted reluctantly. “As he was not invested as the Head do
to his incarceration and the previous head is deceased, there is the chance for
another heir to claim the headship.”
“What requirements are there that you are aware of?” Harry asked in interest. “I
have heard some things from one of the cast out branches and am interested on what
is needed.”
“The Blacks are an old family,” the goblin said. “Possession of a familial gift as
well as a lineage test would suffice.”
“That would be enough to be acknowledged as a member of the family,” Harry said with
a hint of irritation. “I am inquiring if the test I heard for irrefutable and
unchallengeable instatement as Head of House Black still remains.”
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“You are more informed than you have showed so far,” Grimtooth chided him with
barely concealed fangs. “As practice of that art outside of certain grandfathered
families or under an apprenticeship to such is quite readily met by immediate action
by the Ministry, it is not often that one would do so. No one of Black blood can be
trained in that art and thus claim through training to meet that requirement. They
do have several tomes on the subject; however, I can confirm that if one of Black
blood demonstrates the ability as more than skill but as a gift than that clause
comes into effect. Do you realize what you are insinuating and the dangers as well
as stigma such a thing would cause?”
“I do,” Harry said with barely a whisper. “I chose to do more than let my gift
dwindle and die do to the closed minded hypocrisy that consumes this society. What
proof must I offer to meet this requirement?”
“All of Black blood, no matter how far from the source, has a fraction of the
abilities,” he said with a distant look to his eyes. “The Black Flame is something
they are known for possessing regardless of the lack of those born to their
founder’s art. Do you have proof of your skill in the art?”

“Would the blood stone upon my neck be good enough?” Harry asked slowly with a feral
grin. “Perhaps my students and their own humble tools would suffice.” With that
Alice showed her bone blade as proof. “Still there is my more impressive
development. Kiki if you would…”
Kiki came into view causing the goblin to gasp in shock as his face contorted in

“Black skeleton,” he whispered in awe mixed with terror and respect. “That is more
than enough to meet the Black guidelines. The stone, a flame besides the black, or
even calling a spirit would have been enough, and this goes far beyond that, Lord
Harold of the House of Black. I take it you wish to hear his will as well as your

“Yes,” Harry said with a nod. “I wonder why he would keep me his heir if he betrayed
my parents. It is something that I hope this testament answers.”

“That is something that has been speculated on by all those who are aware of it,” he
said as he made a motion. “Now while that is brought as is the Black ring there are
a few other things to settle.”
“I take it that something other than what was suspected came up with that little
test,” Harry said with a sigh. “I hope that there were no unforeseen effects from
Halloween. So is there anything besides that to discuss?”

“Yes there appears to be some confusion on who should have next inherited some of
the families assets after the main branches died off,” he said as he barely
repressed his shudder at the amount of money involved and misallocated. “Some
prominent families as they were believed to be the closest claimants seized some
assets from the extinguished families. It is rather disturbing that a number of them
were quick to use these funds to make some rather large donations to the Ministry in
the wake of that event.”
“I see,” Harry said as he realized the complications this could cause. “That could
be useful. Do they have sufficient funds to cover the reclamation of those funds?”
“Not all of them and even those that do would need to liquefy some assets rather
quickly,” Grimtooth said with a toothy grin. “A shame that some families failed to
secure their holdings and made such poor investments; don’t you think?”
“Yes, it is a shame that they might find themselves destitute and homeless after
having spent so wantonly,” Harry said with a feral grin of his own. “Still one
should not feel too bad for those that seem unprepared for the consequences of their
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actions. Do they have any businesses that might be useful to acquire?”
“Several prominent and prosperous ones,” he said though a slight humor was present
to his voice. “They have dealings in services and commodities some of which would be
less desirable in polite society. Though as both Potter and Black accounts have
similar or less politely inclined ones there is not much to say about it. Still some
would look down on having businesses even as profitable as some of these are.
Wizards seem to have a strange notion on propriety even if they are readily
infatuated with the gold they gain.”

“Are any of these businesses dealing with acquisitions including potions ingredients
and brews?” Harry asked in interest as that had been providing a reasonable profit
for himself. “Also are there any prominent businesses in need of investments either
in Diagon or preferably Knocturn.”
“Yes there are some already in your inherited portfolios,” he said with a sly look.
“Also there are rental properties some of which give discounts to renters in
exchange for profits as they were investments before the properties were acquired or
freed from previous leases.”

“So I can see my businesses expanding,” Harry said with a nod. “That is good to
know. Now what are the businesses that would be politically disadvantageous if they
were publically linked to me?”
“Ah sharp of you to notice that,” he said with a bit of respect present. “Among the
various holdings are things most polite society or the pureblood elite would frown
at being associated with. There is however the investments in both the magical and
muggle world that are, while not strictly illegal, close to being so. One of these
is several clubs and even a few brothels. Oh the muggle ones are careful to skirt
around illegality through a series of things, but the magical ones are outside of
those prohibitions.”

“Is there a reason for that?” Harry asked in interest as the idea of zoning
businesses as Wizarding to avoid certain laws came to mind. “The more I can keep
legally grey at worst the better. Why things have so many complications for legal
matters is another thing that does not make sense.”

“In part, it is due to the legal separation between the two worlds,” he said in a
savored breath. “Several things are illegal for muggles but legal for wizards and
there vassals to do. Among these are the rather lax guidelines that remain for what
authority Heads have over their houses members, There is also the fact that unlike
the muggles, wizards tend to either marry young or be betrothed young this also
includes young witches marrying wizards far older than themselves. Those instances
tend to be due to familial obligations that are passed until there are both sexes
available in a given generation.”

“What of the age of consent of minors?” Harry asked in interest as he felt a sudden
dread approaching. “I find it a bit odd to believe that they would require a young
witch below a certain age to consummate a marriage let alone other such things.”

“There are not a lot of legal issues with that matter,” he said with a calmness that
made him grateful that he was holding up so well to Potter’s students’ gazes. “In
the end it comes to status in a way. There is however a tendency not to require the
consummation of a marriage before it would be fruitful and the witch has had her
first menses. On average the earliest a witch is permitted to engage in sexual
congress is twelve, there are however exceptions to that.”
“These exceptions would be?” Harry asked in dread as he thought, ‘Oh this is very
bad. I accept the inevitable, but they might be a bit miffed if they could have
legally consummated our relationships.’
“Vassals in general are completely under the authority of their lords,” he said as
he savored the fear the boy had from the witches. “As such at whatever age that one
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can be properly claimed magically, the lord can do whatever they wish to their
property. They do have to keep to their obligations and terms of service. There is
however the difficulty those non purebloods have, that being that there is a
distinct disadvantage legally in such matters. The muggleborn without a patron is
likely to be unable to find a job in the magical world regardless of any outside
marriage skills they have. Halfbloods have less of a problem with that though
females do require a patron unless their own head of house sponsors them. Most if
they get desperate do not read what contracts they sign and more often than not end
up indentured servants either to a family or a brothel.”

“I see,” Harry said with mixed annoyance at the magicals and dread that the girls
would claim dues for having not properly ravished them already. “I take it that at
least there is already a holding or will be acquired that does so among the invested
businesses. Are they purely magical or are muggles similarly ensnared?”
“While it is not common, muggle women can be still legally entered into magical
contracts,” the goblin said with indifference. “With the use of a blood quill to
sign such a contract the muggle is unable to break the contract or they die. Some
purebloods are known to trick muggleborns and the occasional muggle into a situation
where they would sign such a contract. As it is, the business you have inherited
does not have any such affected at this time. Most of them are muggleborns or
disinherited witches that are in need of money and availing themselves does support
them as unlike muggles they are kept free of disease and as visually appealing as
“So there is no real risk of problems from this,” Harry said as he recalled the
briefing on the junior escort service that Alice had been running and realized that
as long as it was their choice that it was no different than dating a rich man to
get things. “I will of course need to go over their records to see if they could be
better utilized elsewhere. I hope that at least one of these establishments is more
refined than crass in nature. I find the deplorable condition of the illegal variant
to be quite distasteful. Now how much longer will it take for the wills and the ring
to reach us?”

“It should have been here already,” He said in irritation as he wondered what was
diverting his meeting. “It would appear that there is a problem with the Potter
accounts. The manager is quite insistent on the will not being released without
certain circumstances. I do hope that those were outlined in the will or it will
cause him quite the problems.”

“Than what of the Black testament and ring,” Harry inquired. “It is likely that
whatever argument will be rendered moot if I am invested officially as Head. Perhaps
there is something in the testament to explain the oddities in the inquiry?”

“Yes that will work,” Grimtooth said as he scribbled out an order. “So I take it
from both your lack or disgust with the issue and the repeated interests in Potions,
how you have accumulated as much wealth and influence as you have?”

“I had thought that obvious by now,” Harry said as he leaned back into the chair as
the rest stood and drew closer to him. “Is the requirements to gaining a lordship
still the same as I have read?”
“A specific amount of property holdings under a minimum number of tenants,” he
hedged in interest. “While muggle lordships must be sanctioned by the crown, magical
lordships require a specific number of magical vassals in addition to any tenants.
Still it would appear that you did inherit a peerage and that the line managed to
have exceptions to being dissolved on the lack of a male heir. So you do qualify for
your current status more than twice over.”
“Useful but the attention that some pay to any of the peerage would be problematic
at this point,” Harry said as a goblin entered and bowed to them in turn. “It seems
that when time is money that Gringott's still delivers, and most definitely worth
the gold and platinum for the services.”
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That causes the courier goblin to barely shake in trepidation at the amount of
importance being discussed. Wizards and goblins rarely referred to more than silver
and gold matters. Platinum maters were rare and the amount of business during such a
venture could reshape entire clans and factions. For a moment, he felt terror of
what would have occurred had he even been held up let alone dawdled in getting to
the meeting. Unlike wizards, goblins were more than willing to devour their own in
addition to stabbing them in the back or front. It was in fact quite common to feast
on the roast of one’s enemies when one won and especially when one disposed or
replaced a superior. It was just the way that things were done.
“Your ring, your lordship,” he said as he motioned for the messenger to hand over
the items. “This will cause quite the stir among some of the clans. I do wonder
which faction will profit from your ascension.”
“Whichever is best suited to improve profits of course,” Harry answered as the ring
slid on to his finger before igniting in black flames before settling. “Now that was
a nice safeguard, and a shame that it could not be used to remove any rival if they
attempted to usurp my interests. I guess it is a good thing that unlike Wizarding
children that goblin young are smarter than to slip something out without checking
it. Otherwise we could have had a nice roast with this courier if he had. Pity, I
had been looking forward to try something new. Still if whoever is holding things up
keeps on doing so, I believe that they are practically volunteering to compensate us
with a few pounds of flesh.”
“Yes,” Grimtooth said with a feral look at the still prostrated goblin. “I do
believe I would wish to do so as well. Now, onto the testament… Well that is

“I take it something unexpected is there,” Harry stated in interest even as he

flicked his eyes to the concealed Kiki who was almost salivating at the waiting
goblin. “So is there a reason written there in why he didn’t eject me if he betrayed
my parents?”

“It seems that he was quite paranoid and given the times it is understandable,” he
said with a look. “He was a Black and he knew that it was unlikely that he would
live long enough or remain able to produce an heir. It is interesting in that
magically he set several provisions in case things went wrong. Your parents’ death
and his incarceration, while not exactly planned, do still allow his plan to
continue. He lists you as his heir and in the event that he is unable to assume his
ascension passes all rights and privileges as well as duties granted at ascension to
you. He seems quite insistent in the language he used. It is the fact that his
wishes in your placement seem to be ignored as it refers to what should happen
should he be unable to take care of you.”
“It will be enlightening if similar things are found in my parents will,” Harry
asserted. “Still I wonder why someone is so reluctant to release that information.
There must be something quite disruptive if this is the case.”
“Yes,” he said as he turned to the courier that was still waiting to be dismissed.
“You go to the Potter Manager and bring him here.”
“Yes sir,” the courier replied before dashing off. “It shall be done, Platinum
“So who is the Potter Manager and why would he be so reluctant to provide what his
services require?” Harry asked in interest. “It would be a shame to have to withdraw
the Black holdings and when things settle all of the rest of my holdings. Perhaps
this goblin will have something to say to explain himself, because if he does not
than I am quite prone to seeing what gains a goblin’s sacrifice will bring. At the
very least, I am quite prone to asking for either flesh or blood in compensation for
this irritation. I do think that compared to a dragon that a goblin warrior while
formidable would be less of an immediate threat.”
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“Yes, I am inclined to agree,” he said with a snarl at the audacity this subordinate
was causing. “I do hope that whichever clan or faction he belongs to has something
to say on his behavior.”
“Yes it would be nice,” Harry replied as he looked at the others as he assessed how
ready they were. “It would be a shame if this goblin has let whispers of potential
gain blind him to his responsibilities. Hermione, I wonder what your inclination is
to this?”

“I believe we are agreed on this matter,” Hermione said with a gaze at each of her
partners. “All obstacles are to be dealt with. Besides I wish to see what can be
gained from such a willing sacrifice. You also have yet to find a worthy enough
sacrifice to forge your weapon as does Anne.”
“True,” Harry admitted as he turned to the high ranked goblin. “I do hope that this
manager has something to justify his actions. It would be a shame for the agreement
to be so carelessly abandoned…”

“Yes,” he said as he recalled why the Goblin Nation had made treaties with the
necromancers of old and were quite willing to hire even the barely more than
mediocre ones. “Griphook has much to answer for. I do hope that once this has been
satisfactionately handled to continue a business relationship with Gringott's and
the Goblin Nation.”
“The Goblin Nation has yet to behave anywhere near as discourteously as the wizards
have,” Harry said as he looked at his students and followers carefully. “I look
forward to the platinum such ventures will gain the both of us.”

A new goblin came following the courier from before. He was standoffish and seemed
quite displeased to have been brought here. He gazed around the room and wondered
why he a very important account manager was here. He knew that the current heir was
both uninformed and unable to lay claim to his accounts, and thus he could still
proceed in using his control to improve both his own standing as well as that of his
clan and their faction. He almost hoped that it was a fool attempting to claim his
account. The past few attempts had added a god amount of gold to his own accounts as
well as the added bonus of fresh human meat.

“Ah, Griphook,” he said turning to the admitted goblin. “Is there a reason that you
seem reluctant to come here? You have kept us waiting and time is money after all.”
“Why have I been summoned here, Grimtooth?” Griphook inquired in hope of crushing
another fool who tried to wrestle his benefits and bonuses away. “I have important
matters to attend to. The accounts under my discretion need focus to grow them to
their potential limits.”
“One of your account holders wishes for you to disclose the nature of their
holdings,” he said with a smirk at the self righteous goblin. “You were also
summoned do to questions on one of your accounts.”
“I do not see how that can be as the current heir’s guardian wishes for certain
things to be followed,” Griphook said in disdain. “Besides the Potter scion is not
of age to claim the family vaults or have much control on investments. You do recall
that the ministry forced those changes when a less than financially reliable heir
ascended and proceeded to bankrupt his account do to reckless spending. There are
also the other limitations placed on releasing that account.”
“And who would this guardian be?” Harry asked in interest. “The muggles who are
legally unable to access Gringott's funds of a wizard or someone else who has never
been in my life?”
“Those records are sealed until you come of age, child,” Griphook said upon seeing
the scar prominently on the hoys head do to the lighting dispersing the shadows
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concealing his face for a moment. “Now sir, why have I been called when a minor, who
cannot claim their family vault nor do more than advice on what to invest in, is
present? I do not appreciate my time being spent for such lost profits.”
“Why have you failed to supply a summons to hear the will of the Late Lord Potter?”
he asked in interest. “He should have heard it before or upon his eleventh birthday.
As it is, I must wonder on these recent actions.”
“The will is sealed until he is of age by his guardian,” Griphook answered. “He is
limited to access to a trust vault and the family vault is bared save to refill the
trust vault for him. If that is all, I have some calls to make.”

“Ah then you haven’t heard have you,” Grimtooth said with a smirk at him. “I would
think that your rival would have informed you. The Blacks have a new Head and as all
heads are emancipated and declared of age, young Potter is of age. So do be quick in
bringing the will here before our client seeks other aid.”
“How could he claim the Black assets,” Griphook asked with his gaze accusing at
Grimtooth. “The account is to be frozen due to the family being either dead or in
“Did you think I was not aware of the Black payments and gains?” he asked the now
putrid looking goblin. “Narcissa Malfoy nee Black along with her spawn receives a
stipend. In fact, no evidence of a trial has passed through my office nor has a
claim by Mrs. Malfoy as proxy and regent for young master Malfoy occurred. Does that
not seem odd to you, Griphook? To accept only a stipend when a claim should be

“If they don’t wish to claim it yet than that is their choice,” Griphook said. “Now
what is this about being declared Head and of age come from. As he is not legally
able to claim either title yet, where do you come from declaring him to be so?”

“”He meets the requirements to ascend to Head of House Black,” Grimtooth rebutted.
“As you say that he must be of age to see his parents last will and testament, and
as he has been declared to be so, do be quick and bring that document.”
“The Heir is unable to see those documents until he is declared of age and claimed
his title,” Griphook said with finality. “Now as he does not meet the requirements
to do so, I will be leaving now…”

“Not so fast Griphook,” Grimtooth cut him off. “You seem quite insistent on this.
Does this not sound odd to you, Lord Black?”

“It does indeed,” Harry said with a gaze at the goblin. “It almost seems as if you
are hiding something, something from a client. That does indeed sound odd to me that
an account manager is keeping important things from the account holder. Perhaps it
would be best to get a new one if this one has such… questionable habits. Why one
would almost think that he was conspiring to defraud a client. It would be a
terrible precedent and who knows what the ramifications would be…”
“How dare you,” Griphook asked as he snarled in rage, “you ignorant child, to
question me?”
“I am a legal adult and more than a match for a gluttonous fool who thinks he can
feast on the gold of others,” Harry said with a glare. “Still I am not without
information; therefore, it is only fair to give fair warning. I am not a child, you
unblooded coddled nestling, and I am more than prepared to put more than mere words
and gold on the line.”
“Insolent child,” Griphook roared in rage. “I am a blooded warrior of the Goblin
Nation! You have no chance against me in combat. I should kill you for your insult,
you who should have dribbled out of your slut of a mother’s ass!”

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“Do not even ask for ‘peace’ in this matter, Grimtooth,” Harry said as he glared at
Griphook who seemed to miss the way he was being visualized in a variety of certain
deaths. “Let our disagreement be settled in an appropriate way, in the Arena. Your
blood will quench this distaste your actions have caused. I look forward to carving
you like the overfed and weak prey that you are. I have more than enough evidence to
call challenge anyways.”

“So it would seem Lord Black, Account Manager Griphook,” Grimtooth said with a mix
of interest and disappointment. “I do hope you realize what you have gotten yourself
into, Griphook. You risk far more than you realize…”
“I understand that I am putting an upstart wizard child in its place,” Griphook said
with a glare at Harry. “Today we will see the power of goblin Might! I should thank
you brat for practically giving my clan, my faction and myself all your gold!”
“One shouldn’t count their coins before they are minted,” Harry chided as he
resisted cackling at how easily Griphook seemed to take the challenge. “One never
knows when they will be short of what they thought they had…”

The group moved as Swiftknife was sent to spread word to the couriers outward. This
was something that didn’t happen every day, and besides the wizards were too lazy to
show up at this point in time. Most of them were asleep with their bellies stuffed
and the odds of any of them popping in when they could be enjoying the occasion were
negligible. They had best hope that they didn’t trip the wards to announce their
presence. It was time for a good spot of violence after all.

The challenge had been given. Goblins unlike the humans still had trial by combat.
The ministry had removed it when several weak purebloods had perished after dueling
half bloods of formidable power. That was not the official reason, but it was the
most likely one as well. Goblins at least were still warriors enough to maintain
their fighting traditions and even if it had trickled to the world at large, the
Goblin Arena was still a sight to see. Similar to the Roman Coliseum, the goblin’s
arena had plenty of seating space and similar to others private and important areas.
The stage would allow for many a variety of situations for the ritual combat.
It was a goblin eat goblin world though and one could gain glory for themselves and
gold for their clans as well as further their factions in the arena. With the
dangers of Ministerial interference, the goblins only other sole recourse was the
machinations in the Gringott's bank and its subsidiary structures. There was no
advancement outside Gringott's and the Arena. They could not work for other
companies nor could they still hire themselves out as mercenaries; the closest that
they had was Gringott's security and the odd contract that wizards would take from
the bank for goblin security.

“This trial by combat has been called,” Grimtooth announced to the crowd after
bowing to their ruler and the heads of the clans in descending order, “to settle the
matter between these two. Griphook of the Goblin Nation stands to fight unto the
death to prove his freedom from the following charges brought to him by this young
Lord: impeding the execution of a will of an old family, willfully covering up the
contents of said will, conspiring with a human to do so, investing and seeding
control of said accounts to said human, and plotting to defraud both the accounts
under his control and their rightful owners. His challenger is a blooded warrior and
head of one of the noble houses. He came to bring significant profits to Gringott's
and to further several factions and clans if not the whole of our nation. He is the
Head of the House of Black by right of blood, power and the sought after gift.”
That caused a sudden silence to wash over the crowd who had been grumbling or
cheering for the fight to start. To do such a thing was one matter and oft to lead
to ones death; however, for one to be caught in such actions was even worse. For a
goblin to conspire with a wizard in such a manner was disgraceful, it was a given
that normally the goblin would end up dead. That they had been doing so against
someone with power that would aid the Goblin Nation was dangerous. They were goblins
and even the youngest was aware of the more prominent Wizarding lines and what their
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familial gifts were. Wands were barred from such fights and wizards were rarely
masters at wandless magic in the more recent years; therefore, it was normally
considered impossible for a wizard to either issue challenge or attempt to win it.
“This is going to be interesting,” one of the younger warriors said with a smirk.
“The chiefs have been going on about what one of them can do for ages. Think that
little runt Griphook has a chance?”
“Against a Black and a necromancer at that,” his neighbor said in disbelief. “I
don’t think the odds are very good, but the brat is young. I wonder what that
faction is thinking of risking a Black Necromancer of all things.”

“Profit is profit,” another said looking over the arena. “Still to risk so much for
so little is not a wise move. Did you see the group that was following him? He has
to be skilled and trained enough if he is taking on students at the least. One never
knows what they will do, the matron always mentioned them as being able to be faster
than vampires, stronger than trolls, and able to do both their own battle and
calling their minions. Some can even delve into blood and the soul to dangerous
levels, while others can delve into the immaterial to see what was and what can be.
I was on a tomb raiding and one of the rookie curse breakers came close to getting
us all killed. One of the priests had a bound spirit to animate some nasty golems,
and you know what a pain that is. It shrugged off the weapons and spells like they
were nothing. The guy deactivated it and if it hadn’t been than we would be short
more than a few teams.”
“I had heard about that,” he replied in interest. “Still one of them coming up
anywhere in Europe is a pain as the ministries seem to restrict them. Elsewhere is
not as bad trying to find one, though most are trained and not born. That there is a
black necromancer and while any of that family can learn some of the spells that
does not allow them to be like that one is unless they are born and dedicated to it.
Does anyone else think this is going to seriously restructure the factions?”

“Whoever is backing Griphook is going to be in serious investigation,” another said

as he saw the two combatants move to stand and face each other. “You know that most
necromancers that rent their services out charge in platinum and not gold. Having
one aligned with a faction would be quite profitable.”

“True,” he said with a smirk. “Although I can see someone trying to remove an
untrained one if it risks their faction’s position. Not saying that was what
happened, but still doing something like this and what the little Knut thief was
doing was foolish. The families don’t care what we do to halfbloods, but mess with
their money and they would make the last concessions look tame…”
They stopped talking as the scene began to settle. They did want to hear what the
two would say to each other. The verbal banter of these fights was almost as amusing
as the fights themselves. At least unlike the last arrogant wizard who tried to
fight without a wand, this one should at least put up a fight. That the Black family
was known to wield something akin to wandless Fiendfyre was a known to the old
families, and the other magical races; however, it was not known to the muggleborns
do to the fact that far too many at one time had been jealous of the magic inherent
in certain bloodlines. Short of rituals some magic just did not come in the reach of
average wizards. The gifts of the families and magical races were just those things
that were something that the luck of birth resulted in.
“You are going to die, human filth,” Griphook said as he drew his blade from its
sheath. “For too long our faction and clan has suffered the irrelevance of wizard
and goblin alike. Your death will cleanse me of the shame you try to force on me!”
“If you had done your job and let yourself not be swayed by the words of a
meddlesome old man, than you could have profited from things,” Harry said as he
looked at the goblin as he let his daggers slip into his hands. “Still the time for
words have passed, you dwarf armed fey fingered spawn of a human’s bitch and a
troll. Now prepare yourself for your life’s blood will be spilt this day!”
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“Now that your barbs are dealt with,” the proceeding goblin said. “Fight!”

With their fight started, they began to move. The pair was rather quick to attack
each other. Griphook started to move forward to cleave the boy in two. He believed
that he could in one swing defeat the boy and thus he can dismiss his threat to him,
his clan and his faction. Goblins were far quicker than normal humans and it was
this fact that often equalized the rapid offensive magic that wizards preferred to
the slower yet more potent spells of the goblins.

Harry had moved into a slide under Griphook’s swing. Unlike a normal human, he was
fast enough to dart between his legs before the sword had swung even below his
shoulder. Griphook felt a moment of uncertainty that something was wrong before his
eyes widened when the human in his path blurred away. He staggered as he felt blood
suddenly gushing from his slit stomach. The next thing he knew was that his legs
collapsed under him. He swung his head to see that the ground was disturbed.
‘The boy sliced me and then blurred around to cut my legs into uselessness,’
Griphook thought in shock. ‘I didn’t even land my swing! What the hell is he?’

“Now, Griphook,” Harry said seeming to materialize in front of him. “Don’t be like
that. You should just understand that actions have consequences…”

“Shut up human!” he snarled from where he was sprawled on the ground. “You think
that you can beat me like this? I am a goblin warrior and no human brat will defeat

“You seem to be under the impression that I am a mere human,” Harry said as he held
out the two daggers for Griphook to see. “Do you really think that a mere human
could gut you let alone cripple you? I am a necromancer and it seems you have
forgotten what that means…”

“You are probably some half breed or jumped up on potions,” Griphook said
dismissively. “There are potions mere wizards brew to grant them speed to try to
match that of goblins…”
“You really are a piece of work,” Harry said with a laugh. “Here you are facing
certain death and you are still so arrogant. Oh by the way, that was vampiric speed.
It’s amazing what one can get if they can find an old enough vampire to sacrifice.
Now be a good little traitor and die!”
“You can't scare me!” Griphook said with irritable certainty. “I don’t need my legs
to kill you. Just get close enough and I will finish you!”

Harry stalked forward with a laugh as the bloodstone around his neck started to
pulse with his heart beat. It was obvious when one got used to magic users that they
tended to keep their magic constrained as the more powerful one was the more they
were apparent in their power. It was a subtle pressure for most and it took people
getting to the level of Dumbledore, Voldemort and the like to have a physically
manifesting aura. The black flicker that surrounded Harry was enough to start to
change Griphook’s mood.
“I really don’t think that you believe that anymore,” Harry said as he started to
allow numerous fire balls and shapes to swirl around him. “Still you should accept
that you will be compensating for the interference that you caused. It would be
rather wasteful to simply destroy your body when it can be put to use; a shame that
I must disappoint the crowd with this. Still the loss of your flesh for the purpose
of giving your meaningless life value is not that terrible of a loss…”
Griphook was now actually showing his fear as he tried to scrabble away from his
approaching killer. With his lower legs crippled, his speed was quite limited and
was hampered even more so with his intestines spilt out and trailing as he moved.
Sure he was swinging his sword to keep him back but it was a futile effort and he
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knew it. Still he was quite determined to survive. Which would bend first, his pride
or his survival?

It was not until Harry had smacked the sword from his shacking hand that Griphook
was forced to accept his position. Still it was clear in his eyes that he was in a
situation. Harry smirked as he saw the realization form in his eyes. He savored the
air with a deep breath and tasted the pungently sweet smell of fear now pouring off
the goblin. Harry’s smirk turned feral at how intoxicating the goblin’s terror was.
There was something more than decadent in the inhuman’s pheromones. His teeth were
bared down at Griphook and the clear sharp fangs visible in his open mouth.
“No!” Griphook shouted as he wiggled back even as he wished he could cry out from
the pain but he was too proud to do that even now. “Stay back!”
“Blood which is the source of life,” Harry spoke solemnly as he approached, “Flesh
that is consumed to live, Soul that drives and effects, and the mind that directs
all actions; consume the blood oh spirits and grant surcease for the actions of the
damned. Flesh made twisted by the wicked tongue, be sloughed off. Let this damned
soul know not peace or absolution. Let this defiler and oath breaker serve loyally
in death where he failed to in life. Twisted sleepers feast on this dog’s lifeblood.
Bones blackened by the dark passions be sanctified in this sacrifice.”
“Agh!” Griphook gasped as the spasms started to wrack his body. “Stop it!”
“With this blood spilled of this unworthy foe,” Harry intoned as he stepped over the
pooling organs to rest against Griphook’s chest and placed his dagger to the
goblin’s throat, “let his fate be known. Value of precious metals more than honor in
life let the bones be changed. Silver, gold and platinum are the metals known.
Change now the bones to what the soul so yearned. Valued more than metals noble they
shall be. Immortality in agony you shall be. So it is declared, so mote it be!”
The unholy screams that poured from Griphook were chilling even to the battle
hardened goblins. Only a small number were able to visibly repress the horror at
what was happening in front of them. Griphook was gurgling blood as it ran freely
towards the ground. Once it had hit the sands of the arena, the blood flowed into a
complicated pattern surrounding the two with Griphook’s soon to be corpse at the
center. The blood flowed away leaving marks that turned black as they were ignited
in fire. The sight suddenly became more horrific as Griphook suddenly was skinned
alive with his parted skin pealed as one piece off of his flesh looking for all the
world like a suit that just needed to be sown shut.
As Griphook still had his lungs and some of his vocal cords even thought his throat
was slit, he was still able to sputter out a few words at his killer.

“No, I don’t believe my mother was the bastard offspring of a troll and a house
elf,” Harry said as he blinked at the still coherent and in agonizing pain goblin.
“Although I can see from a temperamental standpoint that comparison may be accurate.
I also don’t think she liked being violated by thorny vines. Remind me to see if I
can find that curse for the next person that says something like that. I will of
course try to find a way for your trapped soul to experience that.”
Griphook was unable to move as his bones had already undergone the transformation.
That would soon be evident by the flesh that started to fall off the metallic bones.
They were a dull dark yellow in color. When the sloughed off flesh started to
combust, the metal showed no signs of melting or softening. The same could not be
said for the organs of Griphook’s dissolving body. The metal did a good enough job
transferring heat as the smoke rising from the soon ignited organs showed.
“Well that was unexpected,” Harry commented with a smirk as Griphook’s eyes and
several other organs were boiled until the sudden pressure caused the cells to
burst. “You really should have been careful in what you said about my mother. I mean
your eyes and that pitiful shriveled thing you called your dick, even if the near
boiling blood increased if from the size of an infant house elf, just were flash
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heated until they popped like microwaved carrots. Sure I think being stuck with a
rose plant growing out of you with its thorny vines violating you would have been
more appropriate given what you said, but this will do for now.”
Some of the goblins watching were spellbound at the shear brutality that the human
was inflicting. It was a sight to behold and damn was that guy worth every coin they
had to cough up to see this. Sure it was mandatory and they had to pay and the
better seats required more money, but it had been worth it. Still there were those
that complained.

“I cannot believe that a Goblin warrior could go down that easy,” one of them said
as he looked in disgust at the poor showing. “Make the human lover suffer for
putting up such a poor showing. Things like this would make my mother flay the flesh
from my bones, especially if I thought to beg like that!”
“No kidding,” one of the others said. “Kid didn’t even use magic until he had the
weakling on the ground like a downed boar. Wonder what the effects those flames
would have in a fight.”

“You do realize this is a born necromancer down there and kicking ass like the old
days,” another said in awe. “Those guys used to be epic; I mean you all heard about
them tearing entire battalions of warriors apart, and then they raised them and sent
them loose. Mark my words. If we get this guy allied with us, things are definitely
going to get a lot better…”
“Matrons preserve us,” the guy next to him said. “I am glad I am not down there. Any
of you think that his clan and or faction might try something?”

“Could they really be that stupid?” the awe shocked one said. “He moved at least as
fast as a master vampire and you know how much of a pain they were the last time we
fought them. If he is anywhere as strong as he acts, it would be a bloodbath.
Besides he has what three students at least, and if they are anywhere as trained as
the guys working in Egypt are, then they are some serious heavy hitters. Sure they
may be short, but then again we goblins don’t exactly tower over our opponents…”
Once the flesh was completely consumed, Griphook’s metal skeleton started to compact
and flow into a smaller form. Once it stopped it had formed into an almost tablet
shape of something that looked like a dull gold. One could clearly see something
resembling a head and body in its form. It was moving, but the rippling of the
surface of a goblin thrashing in pain was quite visible. Suddenly the tablet snapped
in half straight down the middle.
Harry laughed when that happened startling the goblins before he said, “Now that is
ironic. You wished me split in half and now you are…”
The two halves moved from the ground to float next to his arms. They slowly settled
against his arm from hand to elbow. With a sudden shiver, the tablets shifted in
form to encase his arms. Still they continued to shift their form even as the
surface danced with the horrible motions of Griphook’s trapped soul. Harry was there
in a crouch on the ground with his arms wide with the daggers clear in his hand.
‘This is unexpected,’ Harry thought as he stared at where Griphook’s body had been.
‘I was expecting something like the short sword that Alice showed me. I didn’t think
a goblin would produce anything as complex as that dragon did. I really thought it
would be a skull shaped hammer or something. Still I best stand up and take a look.’
Rising up as the crowd was still shocked into silence, Harry gave a wave to the
crowd. Most of them were hiding their fear at the power he had showed. Some were
directing their furious rage at him from where they were. It was likely that several
of Griphook’s compatriots were there. Still as much as he would prefer and knew it
was safer not to take his eyes from those surrounding him, Harry had to see what his
new tools were like. He really liked weapons and he would have to examine and test
them or he would have problems using them to their fullest.
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So here Harry was standing in the center of a coliseum with the one who had tried so
willingly to steal from him dead, dismembered and turned into something useful.
Looking down to his arms he noticed the gold like gauntlet that went from his hand
to his elbow. A twisted skull formed the hand piece while blades ran down the length
of his arm before stopping where the blade protruded from near his elbow. Sharp
teeth shaped rings acted like brass knuckles and with a twitch of a muscle a blade
shot forward. It may look like a singularly hooked blade but he noticed that it
looked slightly odd. With another application of a thought inquiry, the hooked blade
shifted to look like a bone shaped forearm including goblin shaped fingers with
talons on the end.
‘Now this is interesting,’ Harry thought as he imagined moving the parts of the arm
and they did as if they were another arm of his own. ‘I come here to settle matters
and get into a fight and after all that get my weapon out of the deal. Well it is
not what I was expecting, but neither was Hermione getting a dragon ensemble
including a tail whip that can become a lance or that disturbing triple bladed sword
of Alice’s let alone the spine chain blade portion of it. Now personally I thought I
would get something like a hammer but this is nice and I can definitely do close and
distance damage with this. Now I just need something to test this on.’
“Winner of the challenge and new Lord of the Houses of Black and Potter,” the goblin
announcer declared to the gathered assembly, “is Necromancer Harry Potter.”
“Good fight,” one of the goblin chiefs said with a toothy smirk. “It has been too
long since we have seen proper combat here that is sure.”

“May your enemies’ blood weep upon the ground,” another said with a slight
inclination of acknowledgement to him. “A most profitable venture and investment you
bring to these caverns.”
“And may your gold grow under your influence and your rivals taste as sweet as your
speech,” Harry said with a somewhat sinister smile. “Perhaps now that the overly
ambitious and too weak to ensure his holdings has been dealt with there will be more
mutual benefit for both groups. I suppose it is a shame to have denied his rivals
some meat but this is the price of bending let alone breaking an accord with my

“Yes there are so few to be skilled in your particular art,” a goblin that from the
iconography was in charge of the curse breakers and tomb raiders said. “Barely
anyone capable of discerning if one is truly dead or not have remained and those few
who are able to do so can do little more than get the traces of a place to reveal
even some of their secrets.”

“To mutual profits for all concerned,” Harry said before turning to the side and his
eyebrow rose in annoyance. “I take it that someone was prepared just in case…”

Harry had trailed off at the massive creature that had shambled into the arena. He
had faced an adolescent at best dragon and a fully grown mountain troll in addition
to the smaller yet swifter vampires and yet the shambling form of twisted flesh was
something quite unexpected. It was despite its size neither troll nor ogre and was
as odd as it seemed reminiscent of a book he had read with Hermione when she had
insisted that some epic fantasy would entertain. That he had contemplated using some
spells from the book or trying to derive some of them had not been something he felt
had been appropriate to bring up.
“What is the meaning of this?” the lead goblin questioned as he recalled how
difficult it was to take down and how to draw it to a standstill had taken a group
of goblin warriors to do. “Who dares to interfere in this matter? The clans
interests have been settled so who dares to let loose this challenge in the arena?”
“Griphook was a credit to our clan and letting some human child tear him apart in
such a manner was an insult we could not bear,” One of the clan heads said. “All
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goblins may be warriors but few have had a chance to truly test their mettle and
Griphook had been forced to such minor roles for this humans holdings. Is it wrong
to be paid according to one’s proper ability?”
“Lovely,” Harry muttered before addressing the gathered goblins with a vicious
smirk. “I thank you for allowing me to have such a good test of the weapon your
greed has caused. Perhaps after this fight is settled you can join your traitorous
clan mate in his fate.”
As he held his right arm aloft, they could see the twist of magic on the face on the
gauntlet. It moved from stationary to a scream of unimaginable suffering. Unlike his
apprentices weapons where the soul of the victim had passed on, the poor and
reckless goblin had been bound to be slowly dissolved yet still remain in
indescribable agony. Well there was the fact that whatever Harry used it to do would
make him feel the like from being stabbed, sliced, crushed and impaled to other such
agonizing moments.
“You would cost us a necromancer and the profits such a business relations would
have for such an unimportant slight?” the head chief asked the chief of Griphook’s
clan. “Unlike the weak willed that try to claim such a title this one has the power,
knowledge and skill to back it up. Once he deals with this challenge do not expect
any aid from any other clan or the nation as a whole. You and your clan wished to
start a blood feud than you can deal with the consequences. Perhaps he will be
willing to share some of the feast from his battle with your clan.”
The chief turned to the arena. Their clan had one hope and that was that the boy
died. If he lived they would die. This was not that bad of a gamble as a number of
them were likely to have been replaced as it was. Factions in the nation vied for
power all the time but rarely was a clan entirely exterminated. It had happened when
their leader allowed a clan to risk their lives to gain glory in battle or die
removing their chance to usurp more power.

‘There really was no choice,’ she thought in worry. ‘Griphook was our chief means of
gaining gold and thus prestige. Now with him dead our rivals and even nominal allies
would have readily turned to devour us. The risk was great but the Potter and Black
fortunes would have aided us let alone some of those who contracted us.’

The creature before them was at least as resilient as most young dragons to physical
damage and the thick rough hide was quite resistant to spells. With a snap of his
arms downward, Harry willed his gauntlets to change. The arm blades emerged with a
sound and they were sharp and sure. Unlike the troll this creature was quite quick
and agile. So it was that Harry was forced to move out of its rapid rush. He moved
to gain enough space to act. The creature had a massive cutter in its hand. It was
with his own agile and inhuman speed that he managed to get the weapon out of his
attacker’s hand. That their combined actions lodged the two meter or more blade hilt
deep into the wall was a testament to both their physical power.
‘Well this needs to end and I think I have just the plan,’ Harry thought as he
noticed the creature looking for its weapon. ‘Without the added reach of that blade
there is some more openings I can use. Still since I have the opportunity I might as
well test this new toy out.’
His left arm snapped to aim at the abomination of magic before him. The creature was
turned with its back facing him and had started to move to extract its weapon from
the wall. With a flick of his right arm several blades emerged and he did not
prevent the sudden noise of their doing so. This caused the creature to turn towards
the sound. Its eyes widened as the left arm blade suddenly flew toward it and
pierced into its flesh just missing its heart. So stunned was it that it barely
resisted as it was pulled toward the boy that it had tried to cut into little
‘Well that part works,’ Harry thought as it flew toward him as the world seemed to
slow down as he felt his heard instead of racing move to a very sedate yet steady
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rhythm. ‘Now to deal with the instigator after this is finished. I don’t know
entirely what it is but it looks like someone took an ogre, troll and some other
things and fused the flesh together. I am amazed that I didn’t frenzy and try to
tear it apart considering how I felt at first. Perhaps those emotion control and
meditation training was better than just allowing me to analyze things quicker.’
Harry had long since stopped wondering about how the little changes made things
easier especially how he tended to have a very hyperactive analytical thought
process when under combat situations. There had been other things that had been more
distracting at the time and for the most part chalked it up to something to not
worry about. So that he seemed to have ample time to contemplate things over the
course of very few heartbeats was something he was starting to consider part of his
normal nature instead of something else odd about him.

Everyone that looked on seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace to his perception even
as the thing slowly was pulled toward him. He moved his right arm letting the blades
that had been retracted extend. He moved his arm almost as if to guard his face. To
those watching it looked as if he had moved his arm and blades had suddenly been
conjured from his gauntlet. The blades were quite long and sharp as each was at
least as long as a short sword. As the thing reached to range of retaliating he
moved again. Before it had time to think to move more than slightly, Harry’s arm
swung across cutting it from shoulder to hip.
The sheared off piece flew around him to smack into the wall behind him. The
remaining chunk was imparted enough momentum to begin to fly back from where it came
before a snap of his arm sent the airborne remnant of a corpse to strike the ground
with enough force to cause a very loud thud. With a twist of his hand a fountain of
gore shot out from where the chain rested as the blade altered to make sure that
there was no chance it was able to survive headless as the blender like arm bones
reduced the flesh around the grasping blade. The complete silence of the crowd
followed as they watched on as how quick things had changed.

With another unnecessary motion of Harry’s left arm unnoticed the blade mangled most
of the inside before shooting up and out before spraying the blood off as it
followed the chains motions backwards. Looking over the two pieces of meat, Harry
turned to gaze at the gathered observant as well as the spectators. The sharper eyed
goblin warriors noticed that his weapons were clear of any blood lingering on them.
The less observant were rather loudly discussing things and the arguments of various
factions were coming to a head.

“So you thought to win your claim in such a manner?” the head asked the now cowering
chief. “It would have been able to assuage the loss of your representative, but both
of your ploys failed. You are weak. You made deals with wizards who would as soon
kill us all as breath. You shame our nation and people with the way you defied our
laws. So what should I do with you?”
“That their entire clan would stoop to such poor form let alone performance is
appalling,” one of the senior goblins said looking sinisterly at his long time
rivals. “Besides they should have known better than to conspire with wizards at
least this necromancer has some shred of understanding. There has always been and
always will be one such punishment for such abominations…”
“No,” she said with her eyes wide in realization. “We have worked too hard for
“But all gold tarnishes with your touch,” the head said with a sinister laugh. “What
say you necromancer? Could you do with some goblin blood? You have earned it with
your prowess after all. Just don’t be greedy…”
“I have no problem with that,” Harry said with a bloodthirsty grin of his own.
“Still it would be a shame for my apprentices to be denied such a feast let alone a
chance to test their skills against worthy prey, a shame that wizards and muggles
seem to have become such poor sport. I do hope that these offerings will be at least
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as enticing as the last.”
“Well said indeed,” he said with a growl of appreciation. “It does this old
warrior’s blood good to see such skill again. I do hope that your apprentices are
better than most have been.”
“But of course,” Harry said with a bow. “Send in the damned and let us spill some
blood and eat well this night.”
“No,” came the pleading of the doomed. “Not like this…”
The members of the seditious group were quickly rounded up and threw to the arena.
They were joined by three cloaked girls. Well the goblins could tell they were
females by their scent, they were off put by the way they walked as it was not of
mere brood mares as instead they were of warriors. The goblins looked in
appreciation as weapons were drawn even as the doomed tried to die well.
Hermione drew her twin blades while Alice let her chain sword lash about. Harry
grinned at the poor disorganized mob that was trying to figure out who to attack
first. Poor Anne had yet to get a weapon all her own. It was a simple enough of a
difference for the goblins to act on. They might as well pick off the easiest. That
at least was what they were thinking when they moved to engage her. Despite not
having as impressive a weapon as the others, Anne still carried two blades and that
would likely be more than enough.
When the rushing goblins drew close enough, Anne struck with the precision and
efficiency that had been drilled into her. Her nightmarish training before and after
meeting Harry had ingrained muscle memory into her and with that came a desire to be
as efficient as possible in all her actions. If she had moved without care, she was
punished for wasting her limited stamina. Sure she had a pain tolerance, but she was
efficient in her ways. When she had first initiated what she viewed as the proper
actions her master sought, she had managed to reduce him from a rage to blinking in
shock before cuming on her hands. She had learned to maximize the effects of her
actions while preserving her stamina.
The goblins that moved to strike her as the weak link were unaware of this. The
first goblin fell gurgling and bleeding out, and he was soon joined by others. It
was not until the goblins drew back at the sudden pooling of blood and bodies near
the supposedly helpless child that things changed. With a simple jerk, Anne had
freed the jaw of one of the goblins. With a detached look to her eyes, Anne moved
her hand to pluck and throw the teeth as they were more numerous than her blades.
Goblins like humans had certain vital areas and a number of them were shared.

‘Heart, neck, brain,’ Anne clinically thought as her range of death increased.
‘These are the easy strikes. Unlike humans, Goblins’ other immediately fatal areas
are more protected. Their rib cage has a gap for the heart but not for the other
kill shots. These will do for now. Your blood will feed the ground, your flesh will
feed us, and your bones and souls will be our tools. For daring to try to kill my
master, your deaths are due!’

Some of the goblins that had not directly gone at the perceived weakest link had
managed to see this and were quite shocked. None of them had expected such a thing
from a practically unarmed opponent. Sure she had two daggers, but she was small and
human; however, there mistake in being distracted was quite fatal. The momentary
loss of concentration allowed for the others to strike as well.
“O,” was as far as one of the straggling goblin had said before a blur left him to
fall down to see his legs still standing.
Harry let his new weapon loose upon the throngs of the dying. He watched with a
smile as Alice used her chain sword to create a wave of death as she spun and
skipped like a bouncing top. He felt a moment of pride as Hermione went loose with
her two blades swinging to slice and stab as she went. He really did a good job with
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them he realized even as we started using his longer range to herd the goblins into
his students kill zone. He felt his face twitch in amusement as Anne pouted when the
goblins refused to get close enough to be easy targets. She was running out of teeth
now. He saw the look that passed between Hermione and Anne. With a laugh Hermione
sent one of her blades to cross the path to Anne; however, Hermione chose the path
that also resulted in the blade flying through a group of goblins so that when Anne
caught the handle and drew it to a halt, that the blood still clinging to the blade
sprayed off.
“Well they are having fun,” Harry said as he looked at the dwindling number of
goblins. “Hmmm… even Kiki is getting into things as well. A shame that our prey so
rarely gathers like cattle like this; it is quite amusing though.”

Turning his attention to the altered and drastically diminishing odds for the
goblins, Harry watched as Hermione had, after releasing her whip, used that in place
of her discarded blades. One he noted was in Anne’s hands while the other was
impaling a number of goblins to the wall. He did notice that he was barely thinking
about deploying his hooks as they seemed to respond more to his thoughts and
awareness than to his arm motions. He really would need to analyze the fight
afterwards as he seemed to barely need to flick his attention to the target before
it was hit either in the head or the heart where it was ripped off or destroyed.
“Oy,” Alice said looking about. “Are any of them still moving?”
“Not here,” Anne said with a pout as she looked at the corpses now littering the
area. “Any your way, Hermione?”

“No,” Hermione said blankly as her mind had shut off when the numbers seemed to
grow. “Are there any over there, sir?”
“No, there are not,” Harry said in disappointment. “Well that was bracing, so back
to business, and a decent snack.”

“Well we did seem to provide the meat,” Alice said with a shrug before licking some
of the blood. “Add that we brought some drinks as well, and it tastes good too.”
“True,” the others seemed to come to the same conclusion.

The group had moved from the arena once all their opponents were dead. They would
talk to the new account manager as well as Grimtooth and get to enjoy the roasted
meat they now smelled was cooking. It was a shame that Griphook had done what he
had, but the past was the past, and they could only go forward from here. Still
there were some more things to discuss now that the matter was settled.
“Now as I was saying before that,” Grimtooth said as he chewed on the still bloody
bit of flesh torn off from Griphook while they did the same. “It seems that someone
made sure that you couldn’t see your parent’s last will and testament until you were
declared of age and claimed your title. There are a number of additional businesses,
properties and other assets. Do you really wish for a complete list at this time?”
“No,” Harry said after swallowing some of the seared goblin meat. “I believe based
on what you have said so far it would take far too much time. Just add those lists
to a portfolio we can look at later. Considering the disaster that whoever claimed
to be my guardian wrought with the traitor, I feel a need to ask were the
individuals that I currently reside with listed as designated guardians in that
“No, they are not,” Grimtooth said as he scanned over the list. “In fact, it
explicitly states that you are not to go there even if the house is in your name as
well as the business that Mr. Dursley works for.”
“Well that solved that,” Harry said with a smirk. “I was planning to acquire those
things anyways. Anything of note I should know about whoever was unable to live with
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before this?”
“Several were dismissed because of death or other disabling events,” Grimtooth said
with a raised eye twitch. “However, that is not the strangest part. That would be
that you were placed there before the will was read and before most if any were
rendered unviable. There are a few that were available but were never informed…”

“So who placed me there against my parents’ will?” Harry asked with an edge to his
voice. “I really must know who would go to such lengths to meddle in my life.”

“Albus Dumbledore,” Grimtooth said as he double checked against some of the other
documents. “It would seem that he is making quite the mess for himself. Now while
you could press charges for these things, he is not likely to be convicted.”
“Something to deal with at a later time than,” Harry commented as he tried to draw
things to a close. “With this I will be of age and thus outside of age restrictions
in certain matters such as licenses, correct?”
“Yes,” Grimtooth said as he was used to the question. “The only thing outside is
regarding drinking and such in muggle establishments as it covers that in the
magical world as well as Apparition and Portkey licenses which are normally issued
at seventeen and after Ministry tests.”

“And my students?” Harry asked about in interest. “It would be good to know what I
can teach them. I see that both head rings also double as multi destination
permanent Portkeys.”

“They are under your supervision and thus considered in training,” Grimtooth said
with a sly smirk. “It would be of note that international licenses do not have most
of the age limits that the British ones do, and the British Ministry must accept the
internationals. Most for Apparition and underage sorcery are at the teacher’s

“So they don’t have to worry about that and when I believe they are able they can
take their tests regardless of age,” Harry thought as a minor article on age and
maturation of magical power and control crossed his mind. “I know that it is mostly
irrelevant, but what age do we show on a detector?”

“Why?” Grimtooth asked in wonder. “It has no effect on things here and as they are
part of your house in some matter it does not have an effect.”
“There are some interest in what effects certain magics have on such things,”
Hermione piped in after getting a nod from Harry. “Now while it is possible to
detect if one has a sufficient magical strength for certain spells, some are advised
to not utilize until one is older…”
“I still don’t see why it would matter,” Grimtooth said as he looked over the
clients. “Still considering that you wish to see what your ages are detected at…”
With that said, Grimtooth used a minor bit of goblin enchantment to read what their
real biological ages were. He really didn’t want to think why these people wanted to
know. He did for a moment wonder if they looked that different than they should. He
never really was one for judging human’s aging. They aged quite different from
goblins after all. So what if they were possibly a few years more developed than
they should be. What concern of it was theirs?
‘Humans were odd,’ Grimtooth thought as he looked over the readings before saying to
them, “By these readings you are fourteen approaching fifteen, Lord Potter Black.
The others all range between thirteen and fourteen…”
He trailed off as the current Black Necromancer wilted under the glares of his
girls. He really should have never allowed such an inquiry. He could tell what they
were thinking. He himself had wondered what effects some of the magic they used had
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on their bodies let alone the communing with the spirits of the dead. It did allow a
lifetime to be experienced in a moment after all. That it allowed them to perceive
what even the obliviated dead did not recall had been helpful. He had been thankful,
no grateful, that most of their life memories faded. He really didn’t want to have
the memories of husbands, wives, friends and enemies and what they all did and

‘They are going to be ravenous when we get home,’ Harry thought as realization set
in. ‘It is bad enough that there is practically no age limit for them do to their
vassal or the master-apprentice relationships, but with the age of consent for
witches being twelve and then if not engaged or betrothed or similarly involved, I
now have to accept that they will want to make up for lost time and not time
waiting. I really need to find a way to cut the need for sleep even more. The only
other options are temporal manipulations and even I am leery about risking the
structure of time just to cram more things in. I am sure we could always find a
recent spirit and get a bit of knowledge and drill it into our heads so that it
As Harry tried to find ways around what he was sure they were planning, Alice and
Anne were conferring nonverbally with Hermione. Considering what they had learned
from the actions that their sexually active associates had told them, Alice was
seriously pissed that she could have been doing more. She had been trying with
Anne’s recently toned down help to get him over the hump to accept things. Anne was
irritable in that, while she had managed to find a temporary fix until she was once
more able to get her choice addiction, she had been legally permitted to have her
first choice. Hermione had felt a minor tinge of irritation. She had been able to
indulge in sexual games and such things more so since the resistance and flood of
his restrained libido had been when she had been mostly his sole choice.

Still Hermione realized that the devastation that had barely been prevented with
their obsessions in their newfound pursuit would pale in comparison to what was to
come. She already had dedicated herself in her mind when he had been the first boy
not to make fun of her. She did plan that he would be her first in everything and
her only save with his other girls. He had opened her eyes to a whole new world and
she would never turn her back on that. It had been a terrifying moment when she
realized what could and likely would have happened if he had not chosen to become
her friend. She would have found someone and would have hung on no matter what. At
least with Harry, he was concerned about her well being and happiness.

Alice was feeling a twinge of jealousy. She realized that she could have been his
first in everything, but would settle for him being her first in most things. She
knew that Anne was coping the same way. Her friend was far more broken and twisted
by her experiences than she had been. She had been willing to tease her master’s
rival, while Anne had done more. It was a problem that she had thought she had
solved. While the both of them had become dependent on a number of climaxes in their
day, Anne had been further down the path of emptiness. Her rapist had been quite
thorough in breaking her. It had only been a matter of time before she had become
twisted in her thoughts and heart.
‘It would have been somewhat like kidnap victims do,’ Alice thought as her mind
drifted over the things she had planned. ‘Anne was already almost to the point where
she was addicted to his actions. If it had been a few more months later, she likely
would have been so brainwashed she would have believed that he loved her and did
that to show her his love. If she hadn’t imprinted as much as she had on Harry, she
would have considered me to not love her because I haven’t sodomized her. I think
from time to time that she equates sex with love far more than I do. I love sex
true, but there is more to things than just a mind blanking cum. Still finding out
that we are physically maturing faster does explain how we haven’t fallen into the
quagmire that geniuses get in certain things. Hermione is already been twitching
because I managed to get her to promise to not really go further without one of us
to do the same. Still I bet she managed to find some loopholes in that. It was only
fair that if He wouldn’t fuck us before she left, that she couldn’t fuck him while
he was away. Still it was worth the concessions and the distance negotiations were
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worth it. After this go round, I do believe that when they both return for the
summer I will be in a better chance to get to be his second. Third is better than
fourth, but being his right would be better than his left.’
Anne was processing this through her twisted mind. Oh she knew that she was in some
ways even less sane than the others. She had been barely able to suppress her
irritation when she had realized that eating Alice out was lacking sucking and
milking her master. Her actions after Sarah’s gangbang that they had watched had
proved that to her. A very small part of her had been miserable that she had done so
while being also eased that her stomach was more at ease afterwards.
‘It would have been easier if either master or either mistress had left some
orders,’ Anne thought as she silently giggled. ‘Playing is fun, but without sir to
play with there was no sucking-cream-time. Alice needed her cream; it makes things
better, yes it does. They didn’t taste anywhere as good, but it helped. Felt in
control when I did so, but it not the same. Things would be better if he had just
taken me like he should. Have to wait a little longer, but master will take me
proper and maybe fill me.’
Sadly at times Anne was more childlike than others. She tended to regress to the
innocent plaything role that her far too close to complete breaker had caused. At
least her mind was less out there than Kiki was. They all knew and learned to direct
her more psychopathic and unaware ways. The group was functional if not sane by
societal standards. Harry had become saner with the group, while Anne needed someone
to impose order. Hermione and Alice were alike in that they were torn by the
conflicting need to be in control and controlled. They were dysfunctional and yet
they functioned smoother than the sane people. They were in some ways seeing the
world reversed where they were the few sane people in an insane world.

Still with all their issues, Harry was pretty accurate with his sense of doom from
the girls. He could practically picture what they were thinking. He didn’t need to
be a mind reader to do so. It was just common sense. Grimtooth blinked at the look
that they had sent him. It was one he knew well and any involved male should know.

‘Wait until we get home,’ Alice, Anne and Hermione thought. ‘Mha… Mha…ha’
‘I am doomed,’ Harry thought as he settled back to hear the rest of the things. ‘I
can only hope that there are enough things for the girls to look over to let me cram
a meal in before they settle things…’

“Now where was I?” Grimtooth said with a look over his ledgers and the ones the
clerks had removed from the now deceased account manager’s office. “There are a
number of properties that the Potter account adds and some rare artifacts. Now most
of this can be discussed with your new account manger later, but some irregularities
are here. The important thing is that a number of items seem to be unauthorized in
being loaned to a certain individual…”
“I take it that he would notice if they went missing,” Harry said with a sigh at the
new headache the meddler had introduced. “Maybe reclaim the unnoticed ones and find
some way to charge him for borrowing them without permission. I really don’t want to
know what he has been doing with them.”
“It shall be done,” Grimtooth said before striking a bell causing a goblin to come
in and kneel. “Swiftknife, send this request to the other account managers that have
Dumbledore acting as either their guardian or their proxy. He seems to like
accumulating things belonging to other families. Now Lord Potter Black, I must bid
you good day. While it has been profitable, there is more left to do…”
“I understand,” Harry said as he rose and with a nod the rest did as well. “It has
been worth the investment for the gains today, but I as well have other business to
attend to. May your enemies die begging for mercy, and your hands have all their
work bring gold if not platinum for their efforts.”

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Grimtooth gave a partial bow as he stood as well and replied, “May your fortunes
grow under your watch, your rivals be driven to weakness by word of your deeds, and
your enemies corpses a testament to your power.”
With their farewells said, the group left to return home. It had been a busy but
productive day. Harry could really only hope to survive the night. He was silently
grateful that none of the others would be there. He had a feeling that Dora would be
trying on her own let alone the seeming horde he had gained in the past. He had been
unsure wither he had been their communal male protector or boyfriend in the past.
They did have one advantage over the fan girl witches in that they knew him. He
would be able to likely wave his gang off as they had consistent access to their own
lovers and sex partners so they couldn’t just say they were alone. It was part of
why he acted so distant to most at school or he would have to worry about who snuck
into his bed. It was bad enough that next year he wouldn’t know which of his girls
would be there or who would be playing with some witch and said witch possibly
showing up as well.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 15: Christmas Part 2: Yule Business
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Gringotts meet and greet goes how one would expect... violently

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008/11/27 - Updated: 2008/11/27 -
19611 words
Chapter 15: Christmas Part 2: Yule Business
Do you have any idea how useful that art is? Well we have been known to offer more
than platinum rates for someone with those skills. Last I heard some of the foreign
postings tended to still offer all the amenities. Hell’s bells that last one had
more money, power and partners than some of the kings. – Goblin Courier Swiftknife
on Necromancers.

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A little after the pair had been dropped off at Alice’s house, they managed to round
up Alice and Anne. After a very frustrating discussion of business matters, the
group got themselves prepared. Well it had been a mix of business and pleasure as
each of the girls briefed the group on their aspect of their joint business
ventures. He had also met their proxy, Sarah. That she had managed to acquire
control of several fringe clubs and ventures was a useful way to increase their

‘Feh,’ Harry thought thinking back. ‘She has helped the girls find plenty of prey to
cull, and she also allowed them to avoid what I had first worried I was getting into
with Alice’s original situation. Free will and consent are too damn important. Never
thought I would have some ventures in exotic entertainment or providing fool proof
preventatives for the masses. Well I also didn’t think that the girls would mellow
any apprehension by a three headed blowjob while the remaining girl gave her report.
It was damn effective though. I didn’t even stress when they mentioned what my fan
girls had been up to. Now that is a scary prospect having the girl gang that I was
guarding practicing to be connoisseurs of the sensual and sexual arts.’
As it was, Harry had enjoyed the encounter and the increased money would allow him
to leverage some of the things he had so far found on his list to complete both his
ambition and his objectives. Still he was seriously thinking about having all
meetings having some relaxation during it; even if it was merely some food and
drinks, it would be an improvement on what he had overheard Vernon bitching about
with his meetings. Part of that was the notion that Dora would likely not have a
long report and that reclining while having her attentions if just enough to calm
and not excite was an enjoyable one. For a moment he had thought about reversing the
situation, where after a satisfactory report setting Dora loose as a reward, but he
squished that after a moment in his mind’s eye. The girls would enjoy it and the
bits of what they had been doing with the girls he had protected gave him a very
good indication that they would do so.
‘I do worry what they will do to the school next year,’ Harry thought as he raided
his closets for appropriate attire. ‘Alice can be a force of nature as can Anne when
they set their sights on something. I would have expected Alice to do something more
to get my less than readily given attentions before; however, I had believed she
would have been far more direct in bringing my rival to heel. As it was, Anne was
the one to have developed some dependencies, and now I know that her own further
degradations have led to her needing more deprivations to satisfy her wants and
As he was searching his closets, the girls were still nude as they went over
appropriate outfits. They would need the proper attire and equipment in case
anything went wrong. Even if some wizards did not think of it as such they were all
armed so what issue was there in carrying another weapon or several. It was with
those thoughts that they were trying to mix intimidating and appealing. Each of the
three was planning on a penetrative encounter after the bank matter was handled;
therefore, they were planning for any situation that might occur in either event.
The three had agreed on black as it was sexy and intimidating. Hermione was met with
approvals on her no longer seeming to have to cover herself with what would get in
the way of their later fun and provided little protection; however, the three had
talked about and Harry studiously blocked out their discussion on finer garments and
which might be more appealing other than as little and as accessible as possible.
Thinking on it, Harry was sure he didn’t want to pay attention to the discussion and
the competition that Alice and Hermione were doing as they continued to prepare. He
really didn’t want to get distracted even if it would be enjoyable until after the
Gringott's meeting. He was aware that he should be able to get more funds to expand
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and locate the rare and restricted ingredients he would need. The thrice blasted
ministry had to monitor several things that he had yet to find common alternates to
replace. The money that the clubs, potions and other ventures were producing was
good, especially with the packaging of a combined potion pill that would prevent
pregnancy and other issues. With a quicker potion to test that none of the clients
or servers had any disease and those with the money among the clients were quickly
cleaned, the girls had with Sarah rapidly removed the more tedious issues of such
‘At least they know better than to get mixed in the more dangerous businesses,’
Harry thought as he pulled the pants he had decided on. ‘I don’t think getting
involved in the illegal drug trade would be profitable and safe enough even if I
have less disinclination to do so with the potions trade. At least there I can use
magic openly to cow those who would betray or otherwise bother my business.
Considering that the girls went through with Sarah and arranged for Verisiterum to
see why they joined the trade, I have little room to object with them finding most
were desperate for money and being kept has been better than becoming one of the
freelancers or those under a less mindful patron. Simple rules at least that they
gave the workers: no drugs, no rape, keep themselves safe and attractive, and report
any difficulties to be dealt with. Moving them into other ventures might not be too
difficult if it wasn’t for the fact that most are refined under one of the previous
owners. Here I am not even twelve and I have at least one escort service and adult
club to ensure the operations of. As long as they keep all activities consensual, I
have no problem with them skirting any of the more idiotic laws just that they make
sure not to get the officials involved.’

It was something that Harry had drilled ruthlessly into himself as well as his three
followers. He did not wish to become anywhere the monster in human form that he had
so long been ending. He didn’t really care what someone found pleasurable and
exciting so long as it did not unwillingly harm the participants. He found that
Hermione and the rest seemed somewhat inclined to mixing some physical discipline
into their games and thus was in no position to criticize the hedonists that sought
to explore sensations.

‘Besides our sacrifices offer themselves to us by their own actions,’ Harry thought
as he tested the silk shirt, magical and reinforced of course. ‘Still there is what
is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil, what is moral and what is
immoral, what is legal and what illegal, as well as what is ethical and what is
unethical to consider. The legality of things is no proper judge considering certain
prohibitions are in the face of common sense. Morality is in ways no more than what
the social harpies seem to want as law but not often succeeded in doing. As for the
others, they are more for philosophers and religious scholars to interpret as
sometimes good guys do evil things and vice versa; therefore, I am more inclined to
develop a sense of ethics and what rules I chose to live my life by. I do not
murder, I kill. I do not rape, though I may seduce. I do not lie when I can bend the
truth. I protect those that I must not just those who deserve it, and yet will
readily strike those who seek to harm my protected regardless of what some think is
the response.’
As he started to button his shirt, Harry noticed the girls were getting there in
their own dressing. He was grateful that he had been so caught up in his own
thoughts as he clearly heard the advice that Sarah was giving the three mostly
undressed ladies. He had no need to do anything with her and her own needs were
being met so that was a non issue in their mostly business relationship. For the
most part, Harry consigned her to a role of his vassal’s vassal. He had read up
enough to know better than to even imply they were his minions, even if they were,
in the company of the light wizards and witches or those that automatically believed
a minion had to serve someone sinister.
Oh he admitted, he could be quite sinister to whoever crossed him, but he was quite
aware that he, while lacking some social graces do to his childhood, was someone who
had a somewhat archaic notion in regards to certain behavior and respect among them.
Still he was often whispered about as a quiet and cold boy, but remarkably polite
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and helpful. That image had been useful in originally curtailing the Dursleys
original propaganda against him. He was loath to tolerate bullies and had ended up
with what would have likely spontaneously turned into a harem or at least a communal
relationship without magic.
‘Of all the things in higher education that we have studied,’ Harry thought as he
gave himself a look over before being grateful for the draining before as the three
were quite enticing already, ‘I find that philosophy to be the most intriguing for
debate. Science is, like magic, a way to analyze and predict the world, while
history is the records, wither true or not, of what is believed to have occurred,
mathematics a static and true description of things, and thus it is that while
people discuss what is true in all of them; only in philosophy and such studies are
their true conflicting truths. Even though Hermione and I are in Ravenclaw, I do not
believe that most especially the muggle born or raised would find it possible that
we will be able to complete not just our comprehensive education but be close to
graduate or post graduate while simultaneously reaching the same in the magical
fields. Even if Alice and especially Anne are prone to more oft to be distracted by
their needs, the four of us are driven, and we are more so than others. I have to
find a way to accomplish my goals while amassing sufficient knowledge as well as the
wisdom to properly, efficiently and effectively utilize it when my inevitable rivals
have at least half a century if not more on me. Complacency is for sheep and any
sheep is ready food for a wolf; none of us can afford to be that, especially with
the way things are going…’
The girls were mostly dressed now. They like Harry were in a mix of leather and silk
if not lace. The black silk ribbons around their necks were enough to almost make
him reconsider and simply have Christmas early. When Sarah dropped something
subtlety and none of them squatted and instead bent over flipping their skirts up as
they did, he really was tempted to give in to his more base urges and act next
Halloween a few months early by coupling and losing themselves in a decadent bit of
debauchery. That Sarah was arranged with her legs spread and attached to a double
pronged pole was very distracting.

“Ladies,” Harry said as he took several deep breaths to regain control. “If you are
ready, we should go now. Whenever you are done decorating the festivities that is…”
The girls giggled and Sarah moaned at that. Alice quickly added a suspension to keep
Sarah from falling off, while Anne added some excessive decorative and likely
stimulating chains. Hermione was looking on with an artful eye and approval at how
they had set the scene up.
“The release phase is ‘Catharine Ridding a Horse,” Alice whispered before kissing
Sarah and giving her a swat. “A bit long, but you shouldn’t manage to accidentally
say it as likely as the last few…”

“We’re ready, Sir,” Hermione said with Alice and Anne moving to flank her. “Anything
else we should do before?”
He looked them over and saw them pulling their robes over and concealing the sight
that would have sent many a wizard to aneurism. As amusing as it would be to have
them unrobed and trailing after him with their heads held proud at being paraded,
that was not the image for the day. When he was ready to completely crush his
opponents, he would use that to confuse and awe the sheep.
“No,” Harry said with a repressed sigh as he watched Sarah respond to the situation
they put her in. “We will be taking the path from one of the less savory areas to
the bank. Do not hesitate to respond to any threat against us; however, I expect you
to limit yourselves to less than lethal or crippling or even maiming actions unless
the threats do otherwise.”
“Yes, Master,” the three said in unison. “As you command so it shall be.”
“We have an image to hold when among the sheep,” Harry said as he was reluctant
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about this next part. “Our companions will not be coming with unless they are able
to completely conceal themselves. Sadly this means only Kiki will be going with us.
Shadow, do be a dear and keep an eye with the others on this house. I have the
feeling that someone might investigate while we are out.”
Despite their animal forms, the group heard the acknowledgements from their non
biped friends. They were not disturbed that it was actually a series of hisses,
chirps, yowls and barks. They were however wondering why Kiki was chattering
animatedly as if she would get to slate her bloodlust. They had their other lusts to
sooth that one, while Kiki could not do so and thus was even more bloodthirsty.
With a gesture, they stood close before kneeling and touching his robe. Kiki managed
as always to be childlike in her gently gripping his arm. With his other arm, Harry
reached in and pulled out the most likely illegal or at least unregistered Portkey.
Even if they had not sent a message for his underage magic especially his accidental
apparition years ago, Harry was not taking a chance that no one not even Dumbledore,
the ministry or any of the still free death eaters were able to detect his comings
and goings.
“Elegant the Enchanter,” Harry said with a smirk as he felt the tug and the world
spin around him.
“My, if it isn’t one of my better customers,” Came the greeting as they appeared in
the store. “I take it that you need to make a statement with that attire. It is
quite flattering on the four of you. Do be a dear and bring your lady friends back
for a proper fitting? I would be ever so grateful for more people to properly use my
skills on.”

“Of course,” Harry agreed as he wondered if his attire would be as impressive as the
shopkeeper could do. “It is so much better than the common and boring attire one can
gain at Madam Milken’s or even that still unstylish Gladrags.”

“I would expect nothing less,” the clown like man said with a bow. “If you find any
more seeking unique apparel than please send them my way…”
“I will,” Harry promised before taking a thinking pose. “Any chance a private
fitting could be arranged elsewhere. Some of them are a little unable to fit in if
you catch my meaning.”

“For you that would be no problem,” he said with a laugh. “None of your
acquaintances are likely to settle for the inelegant trash that is hawked elsewhere
unless they have no choice.”

With a nod, Harry left the shop with his ladies trailing behind. They were in
Knocturn proper, and the place was more often trafficked than the official alley.
The inhabitants parted for him and some gave nods and other signs of greetings. Be
polite had been a bloodily reinforced behavior. Those that knew his reputation and
had unsuccessfully tried to intrigue him in their wares were quick to remove
themselves from his way. The hags and others hawking things including themselves
knew better. They suspected that he declined not out of any disinterest in their
sex, but that he likely was able to have better even when he had not been seen
frequenting the higher class brothel down the alley.
As they passed closer to the more reputable alley, the alley seemed to become more
sinister and intimidating in its presence as well as less visibly attractive.
Hermione contemplated it as a way to keep the ignorant out. Alice was likely one to
approve of keeping the meddlers out. She had done some of that to keep her girls or
more they thought Harry’s waiting and eager girls out of trouble. Anne contemplated
doing something like that in Surrey and watching Dudley and his pathetic crew piss
themselves before running like the scared cowards they were.
As they moved, the group cut a path from where they entered Diagon Alley. Concealed
in black robes with the hoods obscuring their faces, there was enough of an air that
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those few loitering along the alley cleared a path as they walked. The human eyes of
the crowed would miss a number of details about them. They failed to notice anything
concealed by the robes, though the shadows about them did aid in concealing several
of their darker artifacts. The ministry would have tried to send them to Azkaban for
the bone weapons let alone the blood stone Harry wore.
Gringott's bank was a place that do to its economic necessity was oft frequently
traveled to as the officially sole place to access ones funds even if there was a
somewhat smaller branch in Knocturn Alley. Despite what most had imagined one Harry
Potter had yet to enter this particular location as he had been aware that certain
circumstances would make his retrieval of his funds to be quite difficult. The lack
of his vault key or keys for one and the complication of why they had not been in
his possession would have caused quite a stir.

Still he was no shy little boy to cower at the ornate and opulent doors that were
created to inspire awe and a sense of prestige and power in the goblin run bank. He
did not allow the subtle magic enchanted into the Gringott's motto to draw even the
slightest of his interest. His attire spoke of refined power and calculated cunning.
Dressed in black from his silk shirt to pants even going so far as black leather or
perhaps even dragon hide topped off with a black cloak that immediately led to
recalculations as the cut and appearance came from only one selective shop among
those aware of such matters. Goblin eyes were sharper than human in certain respects
and they easily made out the complex pattern of silver woven into the design before
their eyes were drawn to the red stone proudly and predominantly displayed on the
entering man’s chest. While they may not by sight know what it was, it screamed of
power and not just monetary.

The two goblins that had stood at the sides of the doors to the entrance had been
chosen for a few reasons. One they were quite good at discerning intent as well as
power and danger of anyone approaching. Two the person was armed with more than a
wand and as they had been well trained to detect the approach of certain metals
realized that either this was a very important client or someone that would be far
more dangerous to stand in the way of. They could tell that while the individual had
no intentions to cause problems that whoever it was would not hesitate to remove
anything or anyone that impeded their passage. That whoever was following was
dangerous but eclipsed by the leader of the group was not something they would
likely have told any of the human clients.

‘This one is a warrior through and through,’ the goblin on the right thought. ‘We
would be dead before sounding an alarm. Several daggers are on their persons not
counting anything that has stronger wards than we can detect. Best we can do is to
let them pass and then sound a ‘be on immediate standby alert’.’
The other goblin was a somewhat less senior goblin and yet was able to detect one
thing the other had not. His eyes widened at the implications of what his senses
were telling him.

‘Goblin blades and they have been used as well as treated with something very
potent,’ he thought as he covered his twitching from human but not necessarily
goblin eyes. ‘To think that some of the clan chiefs thought being able to detect our
blades would be a waste for a keeper of the gates, it just goes to show that
sometimes the chiefs are too distant to be aware of what the common goblin needs to
know. Still there is something about the way that they move that reminds me of… oh
just what we need that maniac here to find out something. Just got to hope that
whatever the keeper of the vaults has been doing doesn’t come to bite us back on the
ass, well unless I get to sample some of the rival clans. So where is that killing
machine of his? Not that I think he would need it as he moves even better than that
vampire he destroyed.’
None of them paid much attention to the two guards as they passed. Their eyes
however had been clearly showing a quick analysis of how rapidly, efficiently and
almost effortlessly they could have negated the guards if they so chose. None of the
group had felt a need to hide their less than typical human thoughts. They rarely
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voiced the fact that whenever they passed anyone who was not part of their group
that they had immediately analyzed and contemplated methods for termination as they
passed. It had become almost as instinctive as breathing to them. All that meant for
the goblin guards was that they showed far less or even little contempt for the
group passing through.
The other goblins watching saw the changes in the guards and were though long
practice not inclined to panic. They waited for the group to make their way to a
teller to ask for whatever service was that they wanted. To them there was no more
or less. They had no reason to panic as for due to several hard won treaties they
had regained a portion of their autonomy unlike some of the other magical beings.
The group was patient in the way they stood in line and waited to be called on. Oh
they knew that there was a tendency for those in such roles as his were used to
preferential treatment. Goblins were tempted to hope they could levy serious fees on
them and they would do so willingly as well as gladly take whatever money they could
from over naïve muggleborns. They were greedy underhanded fighters that made up for
the lack of killing things by committing other harmful behavior.
“How may Gringott's help you today?’ the teller asked barely refraining from
sneering at them. “Look up funds, arrange transfers or some other such

The goblin did leave unsaid how much they might charge for such things. Oh there was
a time when they had gladly let foolish upstarts claim vaults after paying the piled
up fees and they were practically empty. They had bankrupted a few who had spited
them over the years in that way. Especially when it was lines that were prestigious
and yet little to know things were left in the high prestige vaults. They had almost
played that trick on a young half blood a little less than half a century ago. That
boy had unfortunately been prone to a few secrets that he had used to keep them from
ruining the lackluster line he had been from.

“Inheritance to start off with,” Harry said holding off his smirk before saying
quieter. “Maybe even some rather substantial deposits…”
“How substantial?” the goblin asked almost as quietly. “Far too many think that a
mere thousand galleons is a fortune let alone substantial.”

Harry smirked as he let a small representative of the level of wealth he had

independently acquired be seen by the goblin. It was simply one proper bar of metal
worth even more than the gold that they favored. He enjoyed seeing the greed shine
in the goblin’s eye. There was something about getting a goblin to be mesmerized by
shiny valuable that made him feel just a bit proud.

“Would making that in profits in less than a month be considered a substantial

deposit?” Harry asked with a bit of interest. “I do believe I would consider it to
be. Still some of my more profitable ventures are expanding let alone some services
that could be exchanged.”
“I do believe that you would be capable of substantial investments and profits,” the
clerk said with a nod. “The inheritance offices are that way.”
“Thank you,” Harry said with a nod to the goblin as they turned to go that way.
“After I see how things have been handled so far there may be need for more
The goblin started at that. The veiled promise of increased profits was almost as
good as blood for them. Besides he had a bar of the only metal they knew was more
valuable than gold and like it was a very precious metal. Despite what wizards would
say there was more metal of value besides gold that could not be conjured or
lastingly transfigured. Still they had secured and proofed all their metal for their
coins and safeguarded them, it would not do to let the wizards or worse muggles
cause economic dangers with their greed. Some of them thought that was there job.
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As they passed down the corridors, the goblins that were going about their day were
busy with their tasks and yet without really thinking about it seemed to move out of
the marching group. They did pay attention to the various names and titles along the
office doors. One could tell which goblin and this which families they represented
from how ornate the doors were. At the end of the corridor was a very ornate door
with several gold plaques, the title both in goblin and several human languages was
Keeper of Records of the Lines. The name was Grimtooth the Platinum Fist.
“Greetings, Honored Keeper Grimtooth,” Harry said with a slight inclination as he
entered the room. “I must ask for a few moments of your time to set some rather
pressing business to order. I will be brief as we are both rather heavily
“And what does a young child have need in my records?” the goblin asked in interest.
“You would not have been directed here unless there was something to accomplish and
such things are normally covered by one of the tellers until one is of age.”
“I have been informed that there is a sizeable amount of galleons invested in a few
accounts here,” Harry said with a calculated drawl. “The circumstances of the
proceeding period have left some uncertainty in some matters.”

“As you are underage by current Wizarding custom,” the goblin began, “You would
likely have access to a trust vault at this time and a family vault when you are of

“Ah,” Harry said with concern. “Someone didn’t go through proper channels as some of
the paperwork seems to be missing in some areas and I already have made discrete
inquiries into both the Ministries and the Muggle records. I merely wish to ensure
that a certain meddler hasn’t managed to do more than retain possession of my keys.”
“Ones keys should only be in the possession of oneself or their guardian if they are
under aged,” Grimtooth replied with a frown. “Still as you are Hogwarts age,
normally one would receive a trust key to help them begin to learn to understand
“Ah but from several sources there is precedent as I am the sole remaining member of
a family to initiate some things,” Harry said with a smile playing on his lips. “I
would prefer to be aware of what responsibilities I will eventually have to deal
with. Now is it so difficult to see what things I have inherited and when which
level of access to those things will occur?”
“No it is not,” he admitted with a scowl. “Still most are reluctant to let a goblin
have their blood for confirmation.”
“But I am not most people,” Harry said as he held out his right hand. “How much is
required for this?”

“A few drops at most,” the goblin admitted as he brought out a small bowl and set it
on a stylus with quill and parchment. “Now just let a few drops fall and we will see
what we will see, Mister?”
“Potter, Harry Potter,” Harry said with dark humor shining in his eyes. “I do
believe from the official records that there should be significant resources and
that at least this way I can find whatever incompetent was listed as my guardian as
I have never seen them since they arranged for my childhood dwelling.”
“I see,” he said as he watched the blood react in the bowl as the Quill started to
write. “You should have had a trust key in your possession also you should have had
a reading of your parents will at eleven. I take it that neither of these things
“No, neither of those things occurred nor have I had an official communication from
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Gringott's or even any mail save from Hogwarts,” Harry answered as the goblin seemed
to watch the names being written and grow pale. “I can understand that someone
likely was sorting my mail, but there lack of any forwarding while I am dwelling in
the muggle world is quite odd. Considering the awe that the wizards and witches
show, I find it odd to not have received any birthday, Christmas or other cards let
alone the odd letter of any sort.”

“That is quite irregular, Mr. Potter,” he said with a bit of interest as he tried to
cover the emotions that the current results were producing. “Were you aware that you
are named as primary heir and next patriarch of the Blacks as well as sole heir of
the Potters?”
“I was aware through some channels of the Potter inheritance existing with some
chance to being somewhat affected by the current state of the Black Family,” Harry
admitted. “Still primary heir when I was not the blood heir of the main line is odd,
is it not?”
“There are two reasons for that,” he said with an inclination of the head as he
tried not to panic at what was still transcribing considering the number of items.
“One being that your godfather has no issue and was the heir. The second was that
you are a closer relation than any other of Black Blood.”
“So that would explain that,” Harry said with a sigh. “Is there a reason that I was
not summoned to hear my parents’ last will and testament?”
“Yes,” he admitted as he looked over at the ledger on the side. “It would appear
that whoever your magical guardian is, that they have ensured that you cannot view
it until you come of age. That is most strange.”

“What about the Black matter?” Harry asked in interest. “What affects are there to
the current heir residing in Azkaban and most likely for life?”

“Effectively dead,” he admitted reluctantly. “As he was not invested as the Head do
to his incarceration and the previous head is deceased, there is the chance for
another heir to claim the headship.”
“What requirements are there that you are aware of?” Harry asked in interest. “I
have heard some things from one of the cast out branches and am interested on what
is needed.”

“The Blacks are an old family,” the goblin said. “Possession of a familial gift as
well as a lineage test would suffice.”

“That would be enough to be acknowledged as a member of the family,” Harry said with
a hint of irritation. “I am inquiring if the test I heard for irrefutable and
unchallengeable instatement as Head of House Black still remains.”
“You are more informed than you have showed so far,” Grimtooth chided him with
barely concealed fangs. “As practice of that art outside of certain grandfathered
families or under an apprenticeship to such is quite readily met by immediate action
by the Ministry, it is not often that one would do so. No one of Black blood can be
trained in that art and thus claim through training to meet that requirement. They
do have several tomes on the subject; however, I can confirm that if one of Black
blood demonstrates the ability as more than skill but as a gift than that clause
comes into effect. Do you realize what you are insinuating and the dangers as well
as stigma such a thing would cause?”
“I do,” Harry said with barely a whisper. “I chose to do more than let my gift
dwindle and die do to the closed minded hypocrisy that consumes this society. What
proof must I offer to meet this requirement?”
“All of Black blood, no matter how far from the source, has a fraction of the
abilities,” he said with a distant look to his eyes. “The Black Flame is something
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they are known for possessing regardless of the lack of those born to their
founder’s art. Do you have proof of your skill in the art?”

“Would the blood stone upon my neck be good enough?” Harry asked slowly with a feral
grin. “Perhaps my students and their own humble tools would suffice.” With that
Alice showed her bone blade as proof. “Still there is my more impressive
development. Kiki if you would…”
Kiki came into view causing the goblin to gasp in shock as his face contorted in
“Black skeleton,” he whispered in awe mixed with terror and respect. “That is more
than enough to meet the Black guidelines. The stone, a flame besides the black, or
even calling a spirit would have been enough, and this goes far beyond that, Lord
Harold of the House of Black. I take it you wish to hear his will as well as your
“Yes,” Harry said with a nod. “I wonder why he would keep me his heir if he betrayed
my parents. It is something that I hope this testament answers.”
“That is something that has been speculated on by all those who are aware of it,” he
said as he made a motion. “Now while that is brought as is the Black ring there are
a few other things to settle.”
“I take it that something other than what was suspected came up with that little
test,” Harry said with a sigh. “I hope that there were no unforeseen effects from
Halloween. So is there anything besides that to discuss?”

“Yes there appears to be some confusion on who should have next inherited some of
the families assets after the main branches died off,” he said as he barely
repressed his shudder at the amount of money involved and misallocated. “Some
prominent families as they were believed to be the closest claimants seized some
assets from the extinguished families. It is rather disturbing that a number of them
were quick to use these funds to make some rather large donations to the Ministry in
the wake of that event.”
“I see,” Harry said as he realized the complications this could cause. “That could
be useful. Do they have sufficient funds to cover the reclamation of those funds?”

“Not all of them and even those that do would need to liquefy some assets rather
quickly,” Grimtooth said with a toothy grin. “A shame that some families failed to
secure their holdings and made such poor investments; don’t you think?”

“Yes, it is a shame that they might find themselves destitute and homeless after
having spent so wantonly,” Harry said with a feral grin of his own. “Still one
should not feel too bad for those that seem unprepared for the consequences of their
actions. Do they have any businesses that might be useful to acquire?”
“Several prominent and prosperous ones,” he said though a slight humor was present
to his voice. “They have dealings in services and commodities some of which would be
less desirable in polite society. Though as both Potter and Black accounts have
similar or less politely inclined ones there is not much to say about it. Still some
would look down on having businesses even as profitable as some of these are.
Wizards seem to have a strange notion on propriety even if they are readily
infatuated with the gold they gain.”
“Are any of these businesses dealing with acquisitions including potions ingredients
and brews?” Harry asked in interest as that had been providing a reasonable profit
for himself. “Also are there any prominent businesses in need of investments either
in Diagon or preferably Knocturn.”
“Yes there are some already in your inherited portfolios,” he said with a sly look.
“Also there are rental properties some of which give discounts to renters in
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exchange for profits as they were investments before the properties were acquired or
freed from previous leases.”

“So I can see my businesses expanding,” Harry said with a nod. “That is good to
know. Now what are the businesses that would be politically disadvantageous if they
were publically linked to me?”

“Ah sharp of you to notice that,” he said with a bit of respect present. “Among the
various holdings are things most polite society or the pureblood elite would frown
at being associated with. There is however the investments in both the magical and
muggle world that are, while not strictly illegal, close to being so. One of these
is several clubs and even a few brothels. Oh the muggle ones are careful to skirt
around illegality through a series of things, but the magical ones are outside of
those prohibitions.”
“Is there a reason for that?” Harry asked in interest as the idea of zoning
businesses as Wizarding to avoid certain laws came to mind. “The more I can keep
legally grey at worst the better. Why things have so many complications for legal
matters is another thing that does not make sense.”

“In part, it is due to the legal separation between the two worlds,” he said in a
savored breath. “Several things are illegal for muggles but legal for wizards and
there vassals to do. Among these are the rather lax guidelines that remain for what
authority Heads have over their houses members, There is also the fact that unlike
the muggles, wizards tend to either marry young or be betrothed young this also
includes young witches marrying wizards far older than themselves. Those instances
tend to be due to familial obligations that are passed until there are both sexes
available in a given generation.”

“What of the age of consent of minors?” Harry asked in interest as he felt a sudden
dread approaching. “I find it a bit odd to believe that they would require a young
witch below a certain age to consummate a marriage let alone other such things.”

“There are not a lot of legal issues with that matter,” he said with a calmness that
made him grateful that he was holding up so well to Potter’s students’ gazes. “In
the end it comes to status in a way. There is however a tendency not to require the
consummation of a marriage before it would be fruitful and the witch has had her
first menses. On average the earliest a witch is permitted to engage in sexual
congress is twelve, there are however exceptions to that.”

“These exceptions would be?” Harry asked in dread as he thought, ‘Oh this is very
bad. I accept the inevitable, but they might be a bit miffed if they could have
legally consummated our relationships.’

“Vassals in general are completely under the authority of their lords,” he said as
he savored the fear the boy had from the witches. “As such at whatever age that one
can be properly claimed magically, the lord can do whatever they wish to their
property. They do have to keep to their obligations and terms of service. There is
however the difficulty those non purebloods have, that being that there is a
distinct disadvantage legally in such matters. The muggleborn without a patron is
likely to be unable to find a job in the magical world regardless of any outside
marriage skills they have. Halfbloods have less of a problem with that though
females do require a patron unless their own head of house sponsors them. Most if
they get desperate do not read what contracts they sign and more often than not end
up indentured servants either to a family or a brothel.”
“I see,” Harry said with mixed annoyance at the magicals and dread that the girls
would claim dues for having not properly ravished them already. “I take it that at
least there is already a holding or will be acquired that does so among the invested
businesses. Are they purely magical or are muggles similarly ensnared?”
“While it is not common, muggle women can be still legally entered into magical
contracts,” the goblin said with indifference. “With the use of a blood quill to
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sign such a contract the muggle is unable to break the contract or they die. Some
purebloods are known to trick muggleborns and the occasional muggle into a situation
where they would sign such a contract. As it is, the business you have inherited
does not have any such affected at this time. Most of them are muggleborns or
disinherited witches that are in need of money and availing themselves does support
them as unlike muggles they are kept free of disease and as visually appealing as
“So there is no real risk of problems from this,” Harry said as he recalled the
briefing on the junior escort service that Alice had been running and realized that
as long as it was their choice that it was no different than dating a rich man to
get things. “I will of course need to go over their records to see if they could be
better utilized elsewhere. I hope that at least one of these establishments is more
refined than crass in nature. I find the deplorable condition of the illegal variant
to be quite distasteful. Now how much longer will it take for the wills and the ring
to reach us?”
“It should have been here already,” He said in irritation as he wondered what was
diverting his meeting. “It would appear that there is a problem with the Potter
accounts. The manager is quite insistent on the will not being released without
certain circumstances. I do hope that those were outlined in the will or it will
cause him quite the problems.”

“Than what of the Black testament and ring,” Harry inquired. “It is likely that
whatever argument will be rendered moot if I am invested officially as Head. Perhaps
there is something in the testament to explain the oddities in the inquiry?”

“Yes that will work,” Grimtooth said as he scribbled out an order. “So I take it
from both your lack or disgust with the issue and the repeated interests in Potions,
how you have accumulated as much wealth and influence as you have?”
“I had thought that obvious by now,” Harry said as he leaned back into the chair as
the rest stood and drew closer to him. “Is the requirements to gaining a lordship
still the same as I have read?”
“A specific amount of property holdings under a minimum number of tenants,” he
hedged in interest. “While muggle lordships must be sanctioned by the crown, magical
lordships require a specific number of magical vassals in addition to any tenants.
Still it would appear that you did inherit a peerage and that the line managed to
have exceptions to being dissolved on the lack of a male heir. So you do qualify for
your current status more than twice over.”
“Useful but the attention that some pay to any of the peerage would be problematic
at this point,” Harry said as a goblin entered and bowed to them in turn. “It seems
that when time is money that Gringott's still delivers, and most definitely worth
the gold and platinum for the services.”

That causes the courier goblin to barely shake in trepidation at the amount of
importance being discussed. Wizards and goblins rarely referred to more than silver
and gold matters. Platinum maters were rare and the amount of business during such a
venture could reshape entire clans and factions. For a moment, he felt terror of
what would have occurred had he even been held up let alone dawdled in getting to
the meeting. Unlike wizards, goblins were more than willing to devour their own in
addition to stabbing them in the back or front. It was in fact quite common to feast
on the roast of one’s enemies when one won and especially when one disposed or
replaced a superior. It was just the way that things were done.
“Your ring, your lordship,” he said as he motioned for the messenger to hand over
the items. “This will cause quite the stir among some of the clans. I do wonder
which faction will profit from your ascension.”
“Whichever is best suited to improve profits of course,” Harry answered as the ring
slid on to his finger before igniting in black flames before settling. “Now that was
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a nice safeguard, and a shame that it could not be used to remove any rival if they
attempted to usurp my interests. I guess it is a good thing that unlike Wizarding
children that goblin young are smarter than to slip something out without checking
it. Otherwise we could have had a nice roast with this courier if he had. Pity, I
had been looking forward to try something new. Still if whoever is holding things up
keeps on doing so, I believe that they are practically volunteering to compensate us
with a few pounds of flesh.”
“Yes,” Grimtooth said with a feral look at the still prostrated goblin. “I do
believe I would wish to do so as well. Now, onto the testament… Well that is

“I take it something unexpected is there,” Harry stated in interest even as he

flicked his eyes to the concealed Kiki who was almost salivating at the waiting
goblin. “So is there a reason written there in why he didn’t eject me if he betrayed
my parents?”
“It seems that he was quite paranoid and given the times it is understandable,” he
said with a look. “He was a Black and he knew that it was unlikely that he would
live long enough or remain able to produce an heir. It is interesting in that
magically he set several provisions in case things went wrong. Your parents’ death
and his incarceration, while not exactly planned, do still allow his plan to
continue. He lists you as his heir and in the event that he is unable to assume his
ascension passes all rights and privileges as well as duties granted at ascension to
you. He seems quite insistent in the language he used. It is the fact that his
wishes in your placement seem to be ignored as it refers to what should happen
should he be unable to take care of you.”

“It will be enlightening if similar things are found in my parents will,” Harry
asserted. “Still I wonder why someone is so reluctant to release that information.
There must be something quite disruptive if this is the case.”

“Yes,” he said as he turned to the courier that was still waiting to be dismissed.
“You go to the Potter Manager and bring him here.”
“Yes sir,” the courier replied before dashing off. “It shall be done, Platinum

“So who is the Potter Manager and why would he be so reluctant to provide what his
services require?” Harry asked in interest. “It would be a shame to have to withdraw
the Black holdings and when things settle all of the rest of my holdings. Perhaps
this goblin will have something to say to explain himself, because if he does not
than I am quite prone to seeing what gains a goblin’s sacrifice will bring. At the
very least, I am quite prone to asking for either flesh or blood in compensation for
this irritation. I do think that compared to a dragon that a goblin warrior while
formidable would be less of an immediate threat.”

“Yes, I am inclined to agree,” he said with a snarl at the audacity this subordinate
was causing. “I do hope that whichever clan or faction he belongs to has something
to say on his behavior.”

“Yes it would be nice,” Harry replied as he looked at the others as he assessed how
ready they were. “It would be a shame if this goblin has let whispers of potential
gain blind him to his responsibilities. Hermione, I wonder what your inclination is
to this?”
“I believe we are agreed on this matter,” Hermione said with a gaze at each of her
partners. “All obstacles are to be dealt with. Besides I wish to see what can be
gained from such a willing sacrifice. You also have yet to find a worthy enough
sacrifice to forge your weapon as does Anne.”
“True,” Harry admitted as he turned to the high ranked goblin. “I do hope that this
manager has something to justify his actions. It would be a shame for the agreement
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to be so carelessly abandoned…”
“Yes,” he said as he recalled why the Goblin Nation had made treaties with the
necromancers of old and were quite willing to hire even the barely more than
mediocre ones. “Griphook has much to answer for. I do hope that once this has been
satisfactionately handled to continue a business relationship with Gringott's and
the Goblin Nation.”
“The Goblin Nation has yet to behave anywhere near as discourteously as the wizards
have,” Harry said as he looked at his students and followers carefully. “I look
forward to the platinum such ventures will gain the both of us.”

A new goblin came following the courier from before. He was standoffish and seemed
quite displeased to have been brought here. He gazed around the room and wondered
why he a very important account manager was here. He knew that the current heir was
both uninformed and unable to lay claim to his accounts, and thus he could still
proceed in using his control to improve both his own standing as well as that of his
clan and their faction. He almost hoped that it was a fool attempting to claim his
account. The past few attempts had added a god amount of gold to his own accounts as
well as the added bonus of fresh human meat.
“Ah, Griphook,” he said turning to the admitted goblin. “Is there a reason that you
seem reluctant to come here? You have kept us waiting and time is money after all.”
“Why have I been summoned here, Grimtooth?” Griphook inquired in hope of crushing
another fool who tried to wrestle his benefits and bonuses away. “I have important
matters to attend to. The accounts under my discretion need focus to grow them to
their potential limits.”

“One of your account holders wishes for you to disclose the nature of their
holdings,” he said with a smirk at the self righteous goblin. “You were also
summoned do to questions on one of your accounts.”

“I do not see how that can be as the current heir’s guardian wishes for certain
things to be followed,” Griphook said in disdain. “Besides the Potter scion is not
of age to claim the family vaults or have much control on investments. You do recall
that the ministry forced those changes when a less than financially reliable heir
ascended and proceeded to bankrupt his account do to reckless spending. There are
also the other limitations placed on releasing that account.”

“And who would this guardian be?” Harry asked in interest. “The muggles who are
legally unable to access Gringott's funds of a wizard or someone else who has never
been in my life?”

“Those records are sealed until you come of age, child,” Griphook said upon seeing
the scar prominently on the hoys head do to the lighting dispersing the shadows
concealing his face for a moment. “Now sir, why have I been called when a minor, who
cannot claim their family vault nor do more than advice on what to invest in, is
present? I do not appreciate my time being spent for such lost profits.”
“Why have you failed to supply a summons to hear the will of the Late Lord Potter?”
he asked in interest. “He should have heard it before or upon his eleventh birthday.
As it is, I must wonder on these recent actions.”
“The will is sealed until he is of age by his guardian,” Griphook answered. “He is
limited to access to a trust vault and the family vault is bared save to refill the
trust vault for him. If that is all, I have some calls to make.”
“Ah then you haven’t heard have you,” Grimtooth said with a smirk at him. “I would
think that your rival would have informed you. The Blacks have a new Head and as all
heads are emancipated and declared of age, young Potter is of age. So do be quick in
bringing the will here before our client seeks other aid.”

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“How could he claim the Black assets,” Griphook asked with his gaze accusing at
Grimtooth. “The account is to be frozen due to the family being either dead or in
“Did you think I was not aware of the Black payments and gains?” he asked the now
putrid looking goblin. “Narcissa Malfoy nee Black along with her spawn receives a
stipend. In fact, no evidence of a trial has passed through my office nor has a
claim by Mrs. Malfoy as proxy and regent for young master Malfoy occurred. Does that
not seem odd to you, Griphook? To accept only a stipend when a claim should be
“If they don’t wish to claim it yet than that is their choice,” Griphook said. “Now
what is this about being declared Head and of age come from. As he is not legally
able to claim either title yet, where do you come from declaring him to be so?”
“”He meets the requirements to ascend to Head of House Black,” Grimtooth rebutted.
“As you say that he must be of age to see his parents last will and testament, and
as he has been declared to be so, do be quick and bring that document.”

“The Heir is unable to see those documents until he is declared of age and claimed
his title,” Griphook said with finality. “Now as he does not meet the requirements
to do so, I will be leaving now…”

“Not so fast Griphook,” Grimtooth cut him off. “You seem quite insistent on this.
Does this not sound odd to you, Lord Black?”

“It does indeed,” Harry said with a gaze at the goblin. “It almost seems as if you
are hiding something, something from a client. That does indeed sound odd to me that
an account manager is keeping important things from the account holder. Perhaps it
would be best to get a new one if this one has such… questionable habits. Why one
would almost think that he was conspiring to defraud a client. It would be a
terrible precedent and who knows what the ramifications would be…”

“How dare you,” Griphook asked as he snarled in rage, “you ignorant child, to
question me?”
“I am a legal adult and more than a match for a gluttonous fool who thinks he can
feast on the gold of others,” Harry said with a glare. “Still I am not without
information; therefore, it is only fair to give fair warning. I am not a child, you
unblooded coddled nestling, and I am more than prepared to put more than mere words
and gold on the line.”
“Insolent child,” Griphook roared in rage. “I am a blooded warrior of the Goblin
Nation! You have no chance against me in combat. I should kill you for your insult,
you who should have dribbled out of your slut of a mother’s ass!”
“Do not even ask for ‘peace’ in this matter, Grimtooth,” Harry said as he glared at
Griphook who seemed to miss the way he was being visualized in a variety of certain
deaths. “Let our disagreement be settled in an appropriate way, in the Arena. Your
blood will quench this distaste your actions have caused. I look forward to carving
you like the overfed and weak prey that you are. I have more than enough evidence to
call challenge anyways.”
“So it would seem Lord Black, Account Manager Griphook,” Grimtooth said with a mix
of interest and disappointment. “I do hope you realize what you have gotten yourself
into, Griphook. You risk far more than you realize…”
“I understand that I am putting an upstart wizard child in its place,” Griphook said
with a glare at Harry. “Today we will see the power of goblin Might! I should thank
you brat for practically giving my clan, my faction and myself all your gold!”
“One shouldn’t count their coins before they are minted,” Harry chided as he
resisted cackling at how easily Griphook seemed to take the challenge. “One never
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knows when they will be short of what they thought they had…”
The group moved as Swiftknife was sent to spread word to the couriers outward. This
was something that didn’t happen every day, and besides the wizards were too lazy to
show up at this point in time. Most of them were asleep with their bellies stuffed
and the odds of any of them popping in when they could be enjoying the occasion were
negligible. They had best hope that they didn’t trip the wards to announce their
presence. It was time for a good spot of violence after all.
The challenge had been given. Goblins unlike the humans still had trial by combat.
The ministry had removed it when several weak purebloods had perished after dueling
half bloods of formidable power. That was not the official reason, but it was the
most likely one as well. Goblins at least were still warriors enough to maintain
their fighting traditions and even if it had trickled to the world at large, the
Goblin Arena was still a sight to see. Similar to the Roman Coliseum, the goblin’s
arena had plenty of seating space and similar to others private and important areas.
The stage would allow for many a variety of situations for the ritual combat.
It was a goblin eat goblin world though and one could gain glory for themselves and
gold for their clans as well as further their factions in the arena. With the
dangers of Ministerial interference, the goblins only other sole recourse was the
machinations in the Gringott's bank and its subsidiary structures. There was no
advancement outside Gringott's and the Arena. They could not work for other
companies nor could they still hire themselves out as mercenaries; the closest that
they had was Gringott's security and the odd contract that wizards would take from
the bank for goblin security.

“This trial by combat has been called,” Grimtooth announced to the crowd after
bowing to their ruler and the heads of the clans in descending order, “to settle the
matter between these two. Griphook of the Goblin Nation stands to fight unto the
death to prove his freedom from the following charges brought to him by this young
Lord: impeding the execution of a will of an old family, willfully covering up the
contents of said will, conspiring with a human to do so, investing and seeding
control of said accounts to said human, and plotting to defraud both the accounts
under his control and their rightful owners. His challenger is a blooded warrior and
head of one of the noble houses. He came to bring significant profits to Gringott's
and to further several factions and clans if not the whole of our nation. He is the
Head of the House of Black by right of blood, power and the sought after gift.”

That caused a sudden silence to wash over the crowd who had been grumbling or
cheering for the fight to start. To do such a thing was one matter and oft to lead
to ones death; however, for one to be caught in such actions was even worse. For a
goblin to conspire with a wizard in such a manner was disgraceful, it was a given
that normally the goblin would end up dead. That they had been doing so against
someone with power that would aid the Goblin Nation was dangerous. They were goblins
and even the youngest was aware of the more prominent Wizarding lines and what their
familial gifts were. Wands were barred from such fights and wizards were rarely
masters at wandless magic in the more recent years; therefore, it was normally
considered impossible for a wizard to either issue challenge or attempt to win it.

“This is going to be interesting,” one of the younger warriors said with a smirk.
“The chiefs have been going on about what one of them can do for ages. Think that
little runt Griphook has a chance?”
“Against a Black and a necromancer at that,” his neighbor said in disbelief. “I
don’t think the odds are very good, but the brat is young. I wonder what that
faction is thinking of risking a Black Necromancer of all things.”
“Profit is profit,” another said looking over the arena. “Still to risk so much for
so little is not a wise move. Did you see the group that was following him? He has
to be skilled and trained enough if he is taking on students at the least. One never
knows what they will do, the matron always mentioned them as being able to be faster
than vampires, stronger than trolls, and able to do both their own battle and
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calling their minions. Some can even delve into blood and the soul to dangerous
levels, while others can delve into the immaterial to see what was and what can be.
I was on a tomb raiding and one of the rookie curse breakers came close to getting
us all killed. One of the priests had a bound spirit to animate some nasty golems,
and you know what a pain that is. It shrugged off the weapons and spells like they
were nothing. The guy deactivated it and if it hadn’t been than we would be short
more than a few teams.”
“I had heard about that,” he replied in interest. “Still one of them coming up
anywhere in Europe is a pain as the ministries seem to restrict them. Elsewhere is
not as bad trying to find one, though most are trained and not born. That there is a
black necromancer and while any of that family can learn some of the spells that
does not allow them to be like that one is unless they are born and dedicated to it.
Does anyone else think this is going to seriously restructure the factions?”
“Whoever is backing Griphook is going to be in serious investigation,” another said
as he saw the two combatants move to stand and face each other. “You know that most
necromancers that rent their services out charge in platinum and not gold. Having
one aligned with a faction would be quite profitable.”

“True,” he said with a smirk. “Although I can see someone trying to remove an
untrained one if it risks their faction’s position. Not saying that was what
happened, but still doing something like this and what the little Knut thief was
doing was foolish. The families don’t care what we do to halfbloods, but mess with
their money and they would make the last concessions look tame…”

They stopped talking as the scene began to settle. They did want to hear what the
two would say to each other. The verbal banter of these fights was almost as amusing
as the fights themselves. At least unlike the last arrogant wizard who tried to
fight without a wand, this one should at least put up a fight. That the Black family
was known to wield something akin to wandless Fiendfyre was a known to the old
families, and the other magical races; however, it was not known to the muggleborns
do to the fact that far too many at one time had been jealous of the magic inherent
in certain bloodlines. Short of rituals some magic just did not come in the reach of
average wizards. The gifts of the families and magical races were just those things
that were something that the luck of birth resulted in.

“You are going to die, human filth,” Griphook said as he drew his blade from its
sheath. “For too long our faction and clan has suffered the irrelevance of wizard
and goblin alike. Your death will cleanse me of the shame you try to force on me!”
“If you had done your job and let yourself not be swayed by the words of a
meddlesome old man, than you could have profited from things,” Harry said as he
looked at the goblin as he let his daggers slip into his hands. “Still the time for
words have passed, you dwarf armed fey fingered spawn of a human’s bitch and a
troll. Now prepare yourself for your life’s blood will be spilt this day!”
“Now that your barbs are dealt with,” the proceeding goblin said. “Fight!”
With their fight started, they began to move. The pair was rather quick to attack
each other. Griphook started to move forward to cleave the boy in two. He believed
that he could in one swing defeat the boy and thus he can dismiss his threat to him,
his clan and his faction. Goblins were far quicker than normal humans and it was
this fact that often equalized the rapid offensive magic that wizards preferred to
the slower yet more potent spells of the goblins.
Harry had moved into a slide under Griphook’s swing. Unlike a normal human, he was
fast enough to dart between his legs before the sword had swung even below his
shoulder. Griphook felt a moment of uncertainty that something was wrong before his
eyes widened when the human in his path blurred away. He staggered as he felt blood
suddenly gushing from his slit stomach. The next thing he knew was that his legs
collapsed under him. He swung his head to see that the ground was disturbed.

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‘The boy sliced me and then blurred around to cut my legs into uselessness,’
Griphook thought in shock. ‘I didn’t even land my swing! What the hell is he?’

“Now, Griphook,” Harry said seeming to materialize in front of him. “Don’t be like
that. You should just understand that actions have consequences…”
“Shut up human!” he snarled from where he was sprawled on the ground. “You think
that you can beat me like this? I am a goblin warrior and no human brat will defeat

“You seem to be under the impression that I am a mere human,” Harry said as he held
out the two daggers for Griphook to see. “Do you really think that a mere human
could gut you let alone cripple you? I am a necromancer and it seems you have
forgotten what that means…”
“You are probably some half breed or jumped up on potions,” Griphook said
dismissively. “There are potions mere wizards brew to grant them speed to try to
match that of goblins…”

“You really are a piece of work,” Harry said with a laugh. “Here you are facing
certain death and you are still so arrogant. Oh by the way, that was vampiric speed.
It’s amazing what one can get if they can find an old enough vampire to sacrifice.
Now be a good little traitor and die!”
“You can't scare me!” Griphook said with irritable certainty. “I don’t need my legs
to kill you. Just get close enough and I will finish you!”

Harry stalked forward with a laugh as the bloodstone around his neck started to
pulse with his heart beat. It was obvious when one got used to magic users that they
tended to keep their magic constrained as the more powerful one was the more they
were apparent in their power. It was a subtle pressure for most and it took people
getting to the level of Dumbledore, Voldemort and the like to have a physically
manifesting aura. The black flicker that surrounded Harry was enough to start to
change Griphook’s mood.
“I really don’t think that you believe that anymore,” Harry said as he started to
allow numerous fire balls and shapes to swirl around him. “Still you should accept
that you will be compensating for the interference that you caused. It would be
rather wasteful to simply destroy your body when it can be put to use; a shame that
I must disappoint the crowd with this. Still the loss of your flesh for the purpose
of giving your meaningless life value is not that terrible of a loss…”
Griphook was now actually showing his fear as he tried to scrabble away from his
approaching killer. With his lower legs crippled, his speed was quite limited and
was hampered even more so with his intestines spilt out and trailing as he moved.
Sure he was swinging his sword to keep him back but it was a futile effort and he
knew it. Still he was quite determined to survive. Which would bend first, his pride
or his survival?
It was not until Harry had smacked the sword from his shacking hand that Griphook
was forced to accept his position. Still it was clear in his eyes that he was in a
situation. Harry smirked as he saw the realization form in his eyes. He savored the
air with a deep breath and tasted the pungently sweet smell of fear now pouring off
the goblin. Harry’s smirk turned feral at how intoxicating the goblin’s terror was.
There was something more than decadent in the inhuman’s pheromones. His teeth were
bared down at Griphook and the clear sharp fangs visible in his open mouth.
“No!” Griphook shouted as he wiggled back even as he wished he could cry out from
the pain but he was too proud to do that even now. “Stay back!”
“Blood which is the source of life,” Harry spoke solemnly as he approached, “Flesh
that is consumed to live, Soul that drives and effects, and the mind that directs
all actions; consume the blood oh spirits and grant surcease for the actions of the
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damned. Flesh made twisted by the wicked tongue, be sloughed off. Let this damned
soul know not peace or absolution. Let this defiler and oath breaker serve loyally
in death where he failed to in life. Twisted sleepers feast on this dog’s lifeblood.
Bones blackened by the dark passions be sanctified in this sacrifice.”
“Agh!” Griphook gasped as the spasms started to wrack his body. “Stop it!”

“With this blood spilled of this unworthy foe,” Harry intoned as he stepped over the
pooling organs to rest against Griphook’s chest and placed his dagger to the
goblin’s throat, “let his fate be known. Value of precious metals more than honor in
life let the bones be changed. Silver, gold and platinum are the metals known.
Change now the bones to what the soul so yearned. Valued more than metals noble they
shall be. Immortality in agony you shall be. So it is declared, so mote it be!”

The unholy screams that poured from Griphook were chilling even to the battle
hardened goblins. Only a small number were able to visibly repress the horror at
what was happening in front of them. Griphook was gurgling blood as it ran freely
towards the ground. Once it had hit the sands of the arena, the blood flowed into a
complicated pattern surrounding the two with Griphook’s soon to be corpse at the
center. The blood flowed away leaving marks that turned black as they were ignited
in fire. The sight suddenly became more horrific as Griphook suddenly was skinned
alive with his parted skin pealed as one piece off of his flesh looking for all the
world like a suit that just needed to be sown shut.
As Griphook still had his lungs and some of his vocal cords even thought his throat
was slit, he was still able to sputter out a few words at his killer.

“No, I don’t believe my mother was the bastard offspring of a troll and a house
elf,” Harry said as he blinked at the still coherent and in agonizing pain goblin.
“Although I can see from a temperamental standpoint that comparison may be accurate.
I also don’t think she liked being violated by thorny vines. Remind me to see if I
can find that curse for the next person that says something like that. I will of
course try to find a way for your trapped soul to experience that.”

Griphook was unable to move as his bones had already undergone the transformation.
That would soon be evident by the flesh that started to fall off the metallic bones.
They were a dull dark yellow in color. When the sloughed off flesh started to
combust, the metal showed no signs of melting or softening. The same could not be
said for the organs of Griphook’s dissolving body. The metal did a good enough job
transferring heat as the smoke rising from the soon ignited organs showed.
“Well that was unexpected,” Harry commented with a smirk as Griphook’s eyes and
several other organs were boiled until the sudden pressure caused the cells to
burst. “You really should have been careful in what you said about my mother. I mean
your eyes and that pitiful shriveled thing you called your dick, even if the near
boiling blood increased if from the size of an infant house elf, just were flash
heated until they popped like microwaved carrots. Sure I think being stuck with a
rose plant growing out of you with its thorny vines violating you would have been
more appropriate given what you said, but this will do for now.”
Some of the goblins watching were spellbound at the shear brutality that the human
was inflicting. It was a sight to behold and damn was that guy worth every coin they
had to cough up to see this. Sure it was mandatory and they had to pay and the
better seats required more money, but it had been worth it. Still there were those
that complained.
“I cannot believe that a Goblin warrior could go down that easy,” one of them said
as he looked in disgust at the poor showing. “Make the human lover suffer for
putting up such a poor showing. Things like this would make my mother flay the flesh
from my bones, especially if I thought to beg like that!”
“No kidding,” one of the others said. “Kid didn’t even use magic until he had the
weakling on the ground like a downed boar. Wonder what the effects those flames
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would have in a fight.”
“You do realize this is a born necromancer down there and kicking ass like the old
days,” another said in awe. “Those guys used to be epic; I mean you all heard about
them tearing entire battalions of warriors apart, and then they raised them and sent
them loose. Mark my words. If we get this guy allied with us, things are definitely
going to get a lot better…”
“Matrons preserve us,” the guy next to him said. “I am glad I am not down there. Any
of you think that his clan and or faction might try something?”
“Could they really be that stupid?” the awe shocked one said. “He moved at least as
fast as a master vampire and you know how much of a pain they were the last time we
fought them. If he is anywhere as strong as he acts, it would be a bloodbath.
Besides he has what three students at least, and if they are anywhere as trained as
the guys working in Egypt are, then they are some serious heavy hitters. Sure they
may be short, but then again we goblins don’t exactly tower over our opponents…”
Once the flesh was completely consumed, Griphook’s metal skeleton started to compact
and flow into a smaller form. Once it stopped it had formed into an almost tablet
shape of something that looked like a dull gold. One could clearly see something
resembling a head and body in its form. It was moving, but the rippling of the
surface of a goblin thrashing in pain was quite visible. Suddenly the tablet snapped
in half straight down the middle.
Harry laughed when that happened startling the goblins before he said, “Now that is
ironic. You wished me split in half and now you are…”

The two halves moved from the ground to float next to his arms. They slowly settled
against his arm from hand to elbow. With a sudden shiver, the tablets shifted in
form to encase his arms. Still they continued to shift their form even as the
surface danced with the horrible motions of Griphook’s trapped soul. Harry was there
in a crouch on the ground with his arms wide with the daggers clear in his hand.

‘This is unexpected,’ Harry thought as he stared at where Griphook’s body had been.
‘I was expecting something like the short sword that Alice showed me. I didn’t think
a goblin would produce anything as complex as that dragon did. I really thought it
would be a skull shaped hammer or something. Still I best stand up and take a look.’

Rising up as the crowd was still shocked into silence, Harry gave a wave to the
crowd. Most of them were hiding their fear at the power he had showed. Some were
directing their furious rage at him from where they were. It was likely that several
of Griphook’s compatriots were there. Still as much as he would prefer and knew it
was safer not to take his eyes from those surrounding him, Harry had to see what his
new tools were like. He really liked weapons and he would have to examine and test
them or he would have problems using them to their fullest.
So here Harry was standing in the center of a coliseum with the one who had tried so
willingly to steal from him dead, dismembered and turned into something useful.
Looking down to his arms he noticed the gold like gauntlet that went from his hand
to his elbow. A twisted skull formed the hand piece while blades ran down the length
of his arm before stopping where the blade protruded from near his elbow. Sharp
teeth shaped rings acted like brass knuckles and with a twitch of a muscle a blade
shot forward. It may look like a singularly hooked blade but he noticed that it
looked slightly odd. With another application of a thought inquiry, the hooked blade
shifted to look like a bone shaped forearm including goblin shaped fingers with
talons on the end.
‘Now this is interesting,’ Harry thought as he imagined moving the parts of the arm
and they did as if they were another arm of his own. ‘I come here to settle matters
and get into a fight and after all that get my weapon out of the deal. Well it is
not what I was expecting, but neither was Hermione getting a dragon ensemble
including a tail whip that can become a lance or that disturbing triple bladed sword
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of Alice’s let alone the spine chain blade portion of it. Now personally I thought I
would get something like a hammer but this is nice and I can definitely do close and
distance damage with this. Now I just need something to test this on.’
“Winner of the challenge and new Lord of the Houses of Black and Potter,” the goblin
announcer declared to the gathered assembly, “is Necromancer Harry Potter.”
“Good fight,” one of the goblin chiefs said with a toothy smirk. “It has been too
long since we have seen proper combat here that is sure.”
“May your enemies’ blood weep upon the ground,” another said with a slight
inclination of acknowledgement to him. “A most profitable venture and investment you
bring to these caverns.”
“And may your gold grow under your influence and your rivals taste as sweet as your
speech,” Harry said with a somewhat sinister smile. “Perhaps now that the overly
ambitious and too weak to ensure his holdings has been dealt with there will be more
mutual benefit for both groups. I suppose it is a shame to have denied his rivals
some meat but this is the price of bending let alone breaking an accord with my
“Yes there are so few to be skilled in your particular art,” a goblin that from the
iconography was in charge of the curse breakers and tomb raiders said. “Barely
anyone capable of discerning if one is truly dead or not have remained and those few
who are able to do so can do little more than get the traces of a place to reveal
even some of their secrets.”

“To mutual profits for all concerned,” Harry said before turning to the side and his
eyebrow rose in annoyance. “I take it that someone was prepared just in case…”
Harry had trailed off at the massive creature that had shambled into the arena. He
had faced an adolescent at best dragon and a fully grown mountain troll in addition
to the smaller yet swifter vampires and yet the shambling form of twisted flesh was
something quite unexpected. It was despite its size neither troll nor ogre and was
as odd as it seemed reminiscent of a book he had read with Hermione when she had
insisted that some epic fantasy would entertain. That he had contemplated using some
spells from the book or trying to derive some of them had not been something he felt
had been appropriate to bring up.

“What is the meaning of this?” the lead goblin questioned as he recalled how
difficult it was to take down and how to draw it to a standstill had taken a group
of goblin warriors to do. “Who dares to interfere in this matter? The clans
interests have been settled so who dares to let loose this challenge in the arena?”

“Griphook was a credit to our clan and letting some human child tear him apart in
such a manner was an insult we could not bear,” One of the clan heads said. “All
goblins may be warriors but few have had a chance to truly test their mettle and
Griphook had been forced to such minor roles for this humans holdings. Is it wrong
to be paid according to one’s proper ability?”
“Lovely,” Harry muttered before addressing the gathered goblins with a vicious
smirk. “I thank you for allowing me to have such a good test of the weapon your
greed has caused. Perhaps after this fight is settled you can join your traitorous
clan mate in his fate.”
As he held his right arm aloft, they could see the twist of magic on the face on the
gauntlet. It moved from stationary to a scream of unimaginable suffering. Unlike his
apprentices weapons where the soul of the victim had passed on, the poor and
reckless goblin had been bound to be slowly dissolved yet still remain in
indescribable agony. Well there was the fact that whatever Harry used it to do would
make him feel the like from being stabbed, sliced, crushed and impaled to other such
agonizing moments.

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“You would cost us a necromancer and the profits such a business relations would
have for such an unimportant slight?” the head chief asked the chief of Griphook’s
clan. “Unlike the weak willed that try to claim such a title this one has the power,
knowledge and skill to back it up. Once he deals with this challenge do not expect
any aid from any other clan or the nation as a whole. You and your clan wished to
start a blood feud than you can deal with the consequences. Perhaps he will be
willing to share some of the feast from his battle with your clan.”
The chief turned to the arena. Their clan had one hope and that was that the boy
died. If he lived they would die. This was not that bad of a gamble as a number of
them were likely to have been replaced as it was. Factions in the nation vied for
power all the time but rarely was a clan entirely exterminated. It had happened when
their leader allowed a clan to risk their lives to gain glory in battle or die
removing their chance to usurp more power.
‘There really was no choice,’ she thought in worry. ‘Griphook was our chief means of
gaining gold and thus prestige. Now with him dead our rivals and even nominal allies
would have readily turned to devour us. The risk was great but the Potter and Black
fortunes would have aided us let alone some of those who contracted us.’

The creature before them was at least as resilient as most young dragons to physical
damage and the thick rough hide was quite resistant to spells. With a snap of his
arms downward, Harry willed his gauntlets to change. The arm blades emerged with a
sound and they were sharp and sure. Unlike the troll this creature was quite quick
and agile. So it was that Harry was forced to move out of its rapid rush. He moved
to gain enough space to act. The creature had a massive cutter in its hand. It was
with his own agile and inhuman speed that he managed to get the weapon out of his
attacker’s hand. That their combined actions lodged the two meter or more blade hilt
deep into the wall was a testament to both their physical power.
‘Well this needs to end and I think I have just the plan,’ Harry thought as he
noticed the creature looking for its weapon. ‘Without the added reach of that blade
there is some more openings I can use. Still since I have the opportunity I might as
well test this new toy out.’
His left arm snapped to aim at the abomination of magic before him. The creature was
turned with its back facing him and had started to move to extract its weapon from
the wall. With a flick of his right arm several blades emerged and he did not
prevent the sudden noise of their doing so. This caused the creature to turn towards
the sound. Its eyes widened as the left arm blade suddenly flew toward it and
pierced into its flesh just missing its heart. So stunned was it that it barely
resisted as it was pulled toward the boy that it had tried to cut into little

‘Well that part works,’ Harry thought as it flew toward him as the world seemed to
slow down as he felt his heard instead of racing move to a very sedate yet steady
rhythm. ‘Now to deal with the instigator after this is finished. I don’t know
entirely what it is but it looks like someone took an ogre, troll and some other
things and fused the flesh together. I am amazed that I didn’t frenzy and try to
tear it apart considering how I felt at first. Perhaps those emotion control and
meditation training was better than just allowing me to analyze things quicker.’
Harry had long since stopped wondering about how the little changes made things
easier especially how he tended to have a very hyperactive analytical thought
process when under combat situations. There had been other things that had been more
distracting at the time and for the most part chalked it up to something to not
worry about. So that he seemed to have ample time to contemplate things over the
course of very few heartbeats was something he was starting to consider part of his
normal nature instead of something else odd about him.
Everyone that looked on seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace to his perception even
as the thing slowly was pulled toward him. He moved his right arm letting the blades
that had been retracted extend. He moved his arm almost as if to guard his face. To
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those watching it looked as if he had moved his arm and blades had suddenly been
conjured from his gauntlet. The blades were quite long and sharp as each was at
least as long as a short sword. As the thing reached to range of retaliating he
moved again. Before it had time to think to move more than slightly, Harry’s arm
swung across cutting it from shoulder to hip.
The sheared off piece flew around him to smack into the wall behind him. The
remaining chunk was imparted enough momentum to begin to fly back from where it came
before a snap of his arm sent the airborne remnant of a corpse to strike the ground
with enough force to cause a very loud thud. With a twist of his hand a fountain of
gore shot out from where the chain rested as the blade altered to make sure that
there was no chance it was able to survive headless as the blender like arm bones
reduced the flesh around the grasping blade. The complete silence of the crowd
followed as they watched on as how quick things had changed.
With another unnecessary motion of Harry’s left arm unnoticed the blade mangled most
of the inside before shooting up and out before spraying the blood off as it
followed the chains motions backwards. Looking over the two pieces of meat, Harry
turned to gaze at the gathered observant as well as the spectators. The sharper eyed
goblin warriors noticed that his weapons were clear of any blood lingering on them.
The less observant were rather loudly discussing things and the arguments of various
factions were coming to a head.
“So you thought to win your claim in such a manner?” the head asked the now cowering
chief. “It would have been able to assuage the loss of your representative, but both
of your ploys failed. You are weak. You made deals with wizards who would as soon
kill us all as breath. You shame our nation and people with the way you defied our
laws. So what should I do with you?”

“That their entire clan would stoop to such poor form let alone performance is
appalling,” one of the senior goblins said looking sinisterly at his long time
rivals. “Besides they should have known better than to conspire with wizards at
least this necromancer has some shred of understanding. There has always been and
always will be one such punishment for such abominations…”
“No,” she said with her eyes wide in realization. “We have worked too hard for

“But all gold tarnishes with your touch,” the head said with a sinister laugh. “What
say you necromancer? Could you do with some goblin blood? You have earned it with
your prowess after all. Just don’t be greedy…”
“I have no problem with that,” Harry said with a bloodthirsty grin of his own.
“Still it would be a shame for my apprentices to be denied such a feast let alone a
chance to test their skills against worthy prey, a shame that wizards and muggles
seem to have become such poor sport. I do hope that these offerings will be at least
as enticing as the last.”
“Well said indeed,” he said with a growl of appreciation. “It does this old
warrior’s blood good to see such skill again. I do hope that your apprentices are
better than most have been.”
“But of course,” Harry said with a bow. “Send in the damned and let us spill some
blood and eat well this night.”
“No,” came the pleading of the doomed. “Not like this…”
The members of the seditious group were quickly rounded up and threw to the arena.
They were joined by three cloaked girls. Well the goblins could tell they were
females by their scent, they were off put by the way they walked as it was not of
mere brood mares as instead they were of warriors. The goblins looked in
appreciation as weapons were drawn even as the doomed tried to die well.

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Hermione drew her twin blades while Alice let her chain sword lash about. Harry
grinned at the poor disorganized mob that was trying to figure out who to attack
first. Poor Anne had yet to get a weapon all her own. It was a simple enough of a
difference for the goblins to act on. They might as well pick off the easiest. That
at least was what they were thinking when they moved to engage her. Despite not
having as impressive a weapon as the others, Anne still carried two blades and that
would likely be more than enough.
When the rushing goblins drew close enough, Anne struck with the precision and
efficiency that had been drilled into her. Her nightmarish training before and after
meeting Harry had ingrained muscle memory into her and with that came a desire to be
as efficient as possible in all her actions. If she had moved without care, she was
punished for wasting her limited stamina. Sure she had a pain tolerance, but she was
efficient in her ways. When she had first initiated what she viewed as the proper
actions her master sought, she had managed to reduce him from a rage to blinking in
shock before cuming on her hands. She had learned to maximize the effects of her
actions while preserving her stamina.
The goblins that moved to strike her as the weak link were unaware of this. The
first goblin fell gurgling and bleeding out, and he was soon joined by others. It
was not until the goblins drew back at the sudden pooling of blood and bodies near
the supposedly helpless child that things changed. With a simple jerk, Anne had
freed the jaw of one of the goblins. With a detached look to her eyes, Anne moved
her hand to pluck and throw the teeth as they were more numerous than her blades.
Goblins like humans had certain vital areas and a number of them were shared.
‘Heart, neck, brain,’ Anne clinically thought as her range of death increased.
‘These are the easy strikes. Unlike humans, Goblins’ other immediately fatal areas
are more protected. Their rib cage has a gap for the heart but not for the other
kill shots. These will do for now. Your blood will feed the ground, your flesh will
feed us, and your bones and souls will be our tools. For daring to try to kill my
master, your deaths are due!’

Some of the goblins that had not directly gone at the perceived weakest link had
managed to see this and were quite shocked. None of them had expected such a thing
from a practically unarmed opponent. Sure she had two daggers, but she was small and
human; however, there mistake in being distracted was quite fatal. The momentary
loss of concentration allowed for the others to strike as well.

“O,” was as far as one of the straggling goblin had said before a blur left him to
fall down to see his legs still standing.
Harry let his new weapon loose upon the throngs of the dying. He watched with a
smile as Alice used her chain sword to create a wave of death as she spun and
skipped like a bouncing top. He felt a moment of pride as Hermione went loose with
her two blades swinging to slice and stab as she went. He really did a good job with
them he realized even as we started using his longer range to herd the goblins into
his students kill zone. He felt his face twitch in amusement as Anne pouted when the
goblins refused to get close enough to be easy targets. She was running out of teeth
now. He saw the look that passed between Hermione and Anne. With a laugh Hermione
sent one of her blades to cross the path to Anne; however, Hermione chose the path
that also resulted in the blade flying through a group of goblins so that when Anne
caught the handle and drew it to a halt, that the blood still clinging to the blade
sprayed off.
“Well they are having fun,” Harry said as he looked at the dwindling number of
goblins. “Hmmm… even Kiki is getting into things as well. A shame that our prey so
rarely gathers like cattle like this; it is quite amusing though.”
Turning his attention to the altered and drastically diminishing odds for the
goblins, Harry watched as Hermione had, after releasing her whip, used that in place
of her discarded blades. One he noted was in Anne’s hands while the other was
impaling a number of goblins to the wall. He did notice that he was barely thinking
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about deploying his hooks as they seemed to respond more to his thoughts and
awareness than to his arm motions. He really would need to analyze the fight
afterwards as he seemed to barely need to flick his attention to the target before
it was hit either in the head or the heart where it was ripped off or destroyed.
“Oy,” Alice said looking about. “Are any of them still moving?”

“Not here,” Anne said with a pout as she looked at the corpses now littering the
area. “Any your way, Hermione?”

“No,” Hermione said blankly as her mind had shut off when the numbers seemed to
grow. “Are there any over there, sir?”

“No, there are not,” Harry said in disappointment. “Well that was bracing, so back
to business, and a decent snack.”
“Well we did seem to provide the meat,” Alice said with a shrug before licking some
of the blood. “Add that we brought some drinks as well, and it tastes good too.”

“True,” the others seemed to come to the same conclusion.

The group had moved from the arena once all their opponents were dead. They would
talk to the new account manager as well as Grimtooth and get to enjoy the roasted
meat they now smelled was cooking. It was a shame that Griphook had done what he
had, but the past was the past, and they could only go forward from here. Still
there were some more things to discuss now that the matter was settled.

“Now as I was saying before that,” Grimtooth said as he chewed on the still bloody
bit of flesh torn off from Griphook while they did the same. “It seems that someone
made sure that you couldn’t see your parent’s last will and testament until you were
declared of age and claimed your title. There are a number of additional businesses,
properties and other assets. Do you really wish for a complete list at this time?”

“No,” Harry said after swallowing some of the seared goblin meat. “I believe based
on what you have said so far it would take far too much time. Just add those lists
to a portfolio we can look at later. Considering the disaster that whoever claimed
to be my guardian wrought with the traitor, I feel a need to ask were the
individuals that I currently reside with listed as designated guardians in that

“No, they are not,” Grimtooth said as he scanned over the list. “In fact, it
explicitly states that you are not to go there even if the house is in your name as
well as the business that Mr. Dursley works for.”

“Well that solved that,” Harry said with a smirk. “I was planning to acquire those
things anyways. Anything of note I should know about whoever was unable to live with
before this?”
“Several were dismissed because of death or other disabling events,” Grimtooth said
with a raised eye twitch. “However, that is not the strangest part. That would be
that you were placed there before the will was read and before most if any were
rendered unviable. There are a few that were available but were never informed…”
“So who placed me there against my parents’ will?” Harry asked with an edge to his
voice. “I really must know who would go to such lengths to meddle in my life.”
“Albus Dumbledore,” Grimtooth said as he double checked against some of the other
documents. “It would seem that he is making quite the mess for himself. Now while
you could press charges for these things, he is not likely to be convicted.”
“Something to deal with at a later time than,” Harry commented as he tried to draw
things to a close. “With this I will be of age and thus outside of age restrictions
in certain matters such as licenses, correct?”
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“Yes,” Grimtooth said as he was used to the question. “The only thing outside is
regarding drinking and such in muggle establishments as it covers that in the
magical world as well as Apparition and Portkey licenses which are normally issued
at seventeen and after Ministry tests.”
“And my students?” Harry asked about in interest. “It would be good to know what I
can teach them. I see that both head rings also double as multi destination
permanent Portkeys.”

“They are under your supervision and thus considered in training,” Grimtooth said
with a sly smirk. “It would be of note that international licenses do not have most
of the age limits that the British ones do, and the British Ministry must accept the
internationals. Most for Apparition and underage sorcery are at the teacher’s
“So they don’t have to worry about that and when I believe they are able they can
take their tests regardless of age,” Harry thought as a minor article on age and
maturation of magical power and control crossed his mind. “I know that it is mostly
irrelevant, but what age do we show on a detector?”
“Why?” Grimtooth asked in wonder. “It has no effect on things here and as they are
part of your house in some matter it does not have an effect.”
“There are some interest in what effects certain magics have on such things,”
Hermione piped in after getting a nod from Harry. “Now while it is possible to
detect if one has a sufficient magical strength for certain spells, some are advised
to not utilize until one is older…”

“I still don’t see why it would matter,” Grimtooth said as he looked over the
clients. “Still considering that you wish to see what your ages are detected at…”

With that said, Grimtooth used a minor bit of goblin enchantment to read what their
real biological ages were. He really didn’t want to think why these people wanted to
know. He did for a moment wonder if they looked that different than they should. He
never really was one for judging human’s aging. They aged quite different from
goblins after all. So what if they were possibly a few years more developed than
they should be. What concern of it was theirs?

‘Humans were odd,’ Grimtooth thought as he looked over the readings before saying to
them, “By these readings you are fourteen approaching fifteen, Lord Potter Black.
The others all range between thirteen and fourteen…”
He trailed off as the current Black Necromancer wilted under the glares of his
girls. He really should have never allowed such an inquiry. He could tell what they
were thinking. He himself had wondered what effects some of the magic they used had
on their bodies let alone the communing with the spirits of the dead. It did allow a
lifetime to be experienced in a moment after all. That it allowed them to perceive
what even the obliviated dead did not recall had been helpful. He had been thankful,
no grateful, that most of their life memories faded. He really didn’t want to have
the memories of husbands, wives, friends and enemies and what they all did and
‘They are going to be ravenous when we get home,’ Harry thought as realization set
in. ‘It is bad enough that there is practically no age limit for them do to their
vassal or the master-apprentice relationships, but with the age of consent for
witches being twelve and then if not engaged or betrothed or similarly involved, I
now have to accept that they will want to make up for lost time and not time
waiting. I really need to find a way to cut the need for sleep even more. The only
other options are temporal manipulations and even I am leery about risking the
structure of time just to cram more things in. I am sure we could always find a
recent spirit and get a bit of knowledge and drill it into our heads so that it
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As Harry tried to find ways around what he was sure they were planning, Alice and
Anne were conferring nonverbally with Hermione. Considering what they had learned
from the actions that their sexually active associates had told them, Alice was
seriously pissed that she could have been doing more. She had been trying with
Anne’s recently toned down help to get him over the hump to accept things. Anne was
irritable in that, while she had managed to find a temporary fix until she was once
more able to get her choice addiction, she had been legally permitted to have her
first choice. Hermione had felt a minor tinge of irritation. She had been able to
indulge in sexual games and such things more so since the resistance and flood of
his restrained libido had been when she had been mostly his sole choice.
Still Hermione realized that the devastation that had barely been prevented with
their obsessions in their newfound pursuit would pale in comparison to what was to
come. She already had dedicated herself in her mind when he had been the first boy
not to make fun of her. She did plan that he would be her first in everything and
her only save with his other girls. He had opened her eyes to a whole new world and
she would never turn her back on that. It had been a terrifying moment when she
realized what could and likely would have happened if he had not chosen to become
her friend. She would have found someone and would have hung on no matter what. At
least with Harry, he was concerned about her well being and happiness.
Alice was feeling a twinge of jealousy. She realized that she could have been his
first in everything, but would settle for him being her first in most things. She
knew that Anne was coping the same way. Her friend was far more broken and twisted
by her experiences than she had been. She had been willing to tease her master’s
rival, while Anne had done more. It was a problem that she had thought she had
solved. While the both of them had become dependent on a number of climaxes in their
day, Anne had been further down the path of emptiness. Her rapist had been quite
thorough in breaking her. It had only been a matter of time before she had become
twisted in her thoughts and heart.

‘It would have been somewhat like kidnap victims do,’ Alice thought as her mind
drifted over the things she had planned. ‘Anne was already almost to the point where
she was addicted to his actions. If it had been a few more months later, she likely
would have been so brainwashed she would have believed that he loved her and did
that to show her his love. If she hadn’t imprinted as much as she had on Harry, she
would have considered me to not love her because I haven’t sodomized her. I think
from time to time that she equates sex with love far more than I do. I love sex
true, but there is more to things than just a mind blanking cum. Still finding out
that we are physically maturing faster does explain how we haven’t fallen into the
quagmire that geniuses get in certain things. Hermione is already been twitching
because I managed to get her to promise to not really go further without one of us
to do the same. Still I bet she managed to find some loopholes in that. It was only
fair that if He wouldn’t fuck us before she left, that she couldn’t fuck him while
he was away. Still it was worth the concessions and the distance negotiations were
worth it. After this go round, I do believe that when they both return for the
summer I will be in a better chance to get to be his second. Third is better than
fourth, but being his right would be better than his left.’
Anne was processing this through her twisted mind. Oh she knew that she was in some
ways even less sane than the others. She had been barely able to suppress her
irritation when she had realized that eating Alice out was lacking sucking and
milking her master. Her actions after Sarah’s gangbang that they had watched had
proved that to her. A very small part of her had been miserable that she had done so
while being also eased that her stomach was more at ease afterwards.
‘It would have been easier if either master or either mistress had left some
orders,’ Anne thought as she silently giggled. ‘Playing is fun, but without sir to
play with there was no sucking-cream-time. Alice needed her cream; it makes things
better, yes it does. They didn’t taste anywhere as good, but it helped. Felt in
control when I did so, but it not the same. Things would be better if he had just
taken me like he should. Have to wait a little longer, but master will take me
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proper and maybe fill me.’
Sadly at times Anne was more childlike than others. She tended to regress to the
innocent plaything role that her far too close to complete breaker had caused. At
least her mind was less out there than Kiki was. They all knew and learned to direct
her more psychopathic and unaware ways. The group was functional if not sane by
societal standards. Harry had become saner with the group, while Anne needed someone
to impose order. Hermione and Alice were alike in that they were torn by the
conflicting need to be in control and controlled. They were dysfunctional and yet
they functioned smoother than the sane people. They were in some ways seeing the
world reversed where they were the few sane people in an insane world.
Still with all their issues, Harry was pretty accurate with his sense of doom from
the girls. He could practically picture what they were thinking. He didn’t need to
be a mind reader to do so. It was just common sense. Grimtooth blinked at the look
that they had sent him. It was one he knew well and any involved male should know.
‘Wait until we get home,’ Alice, Anne and Hermione thought. ‘Mha… Mha…ha’

‘I am doomed,’ Harry thought as he settled back to hear the rest of the things. ‘I
can only hope that there are enough things for the girls to look over to let me cram
a meal in before they settle things…’

“Now where was I?” Grimtooth said with a look over his ledgers and the ones the
clerks had removed from the now deceased account manager’s office. “There are a
number of properties that the Potter account adds and some rare artifacts. Now most
of this can be discussed with your new account manger later, but some irregularities
are here. The important thing is that a number of items seem to be unauthorized in
being loaned to a certain individual…”
“I take it that he would notice if they went missing,” Harry said with a sigh at the
new headache the meddler had introduced. “Maybe reclaim the unnoticed ones and find
some way to charge him for borrowing them without permission. I really don’t want to
know what he has been doing with them.”
“It shall be done,” Grimtooth said before striking a bell causing a goblin to come
in and kneel. “Swiftknife, send this request to the other account managers that have
Dumbledore acting as either their guardian or their proxy. He seems to like
accumulating things belonging to other families. Now Lord Potter Black, I must bid
you good day. While it has been profitable, there is more left to do…”
“I understand,” Harry said as he rose and with a nod the rest did as well. “It has
been worth the investment for the gains today, but I as well have other business to
attend to. May your enemies die begging for mercy, and your hands have all their
work bring gold if not platinum for their efforts.”
Grimtooth gave a partial bow as he stood as well and replied, “May your fortunes
grow under your watch, your rivals be driven to weakness by word of your deeds, and
your enemies corpses a testament to your power.”
With their farewells said, the group left to return home. It had been a busy but
productive day. Harry could really only hope to survive the night. He was silently
grateful that none of the others would be there. He had a feeling that Dora would be
trying on her own let alone the seeming horde he had gained in the past. He had been
unsure wither he had been their communal male protector or boyfriend in the past.
They did have one advantage over the fan girl witches in that they knew him. He
would be able to likely wave his gang off as they had consistent access to their own
lovers and sex partners so they couldn’t just say they were alone. It was part of
why he acted so distant to most at school or he would have to worry about who snuck
into his bed. It was bad enough that next year he wouldn’t know which of his girls
would be there or who would be playing with some witch and said witch possibly
showing up as well.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 16: Christmas Part 3: Hedonistic Holiday
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Christmas consumation

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [?] [Y] - Published: 2008/12/14 - Updated:
2008/12/14 - 21021 words
Chapter 16: Christmas Part 3: Hedonistic Holiday

Live like you are going to die and you hopefully will live without regrets. On
second thought, just don’t have regrets as that are most of what the damnable ghosts
seem to complain about. Why there were these two ghosts at Hogwarts that were such
drama queens, one was called Moaning Myrtle and she did that all the time moping
about how horrible her living time was that she had no joy in her non living time.
The same could be said about the Gryffindor’s ghost, Nicolas. He seemed to have to
complain about not being properly decapitated. Now if there is nothing else I have a
party to get back to. N.A. the pestering reporter before going off for a good
romp .

They had made it home afterwards. Harry had a very large portfolio to look over and
would likely foist some of that off on what he judged to be his new minion or his
new minion of one of his minion. There had been no way that he was going to listen
to the whole damn list of assets down to the last Knut. He was aware that the
results of the scan that he had Grimtooth perform would be causing complications in
his near future.
Thankfully there had been something to drink on returning. The things that had
happened after had left him a bit parched. He had three girls in a shopping area and
they were well aware that he had more than sufficient funds for a spree. Still they
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had made it home safe and sound and a number of shopkeepers having a windfall day so
it wasn’t a total loss. As soon as his arms were unloaded, he looked down at his new
toy. They were just so appropriate now that he thought about it.
With his arms free of the numerous things they had bought, Harry had made a quick
beeline for the kitchen. He was well aware of the one drawback to his being further
developed in the art. It was still illusive, but he suspected that vampires had been
some failed experiment in necromancy either an alternate resurrection or a way to
instill necromantic abilities completely was his guesses. As it was, Harry had
learned that outside of sacrifices that he still had a minor craving and need for
blood. Thinking back he had been gorging on the relief he provided to his girls. He
suspected that was part of why they all had developed more than they should have and
had actually aged somewhat. Their minds had been expanded with knowledge and in ways
warped by the contact they had allowed some of the ghosts to do.
With a glass of blood mixed with a not very potent wine, Harry made his way from the
kitchen to the living room. The drapes were drawn and the place had a festive look
to it. There was a tree decorated with charming and innocent ornaments, lights
hanging here and there and was that fairies dancing in the tree and actually hiding
as light bulbs. He really should have known better, he supposed than to not realize
that as this house was slowly becoming more magical in its presence that those
magical beings would start to show up. Still he had a relaxing drink in his hand and
would let his body recuperate from what had occurred as well as save up some stamina
for later.
So here he was reflecting on what had happened after leaving Gringott's. He had been
very mindful to find some sustenance as he had judged the looks the girls had been
giving. They had stopped for a quick ice cream, chocolate and as much as possible
for the girls, while he indulged in a banana split, or he had tried to. That had
been a trying thing and he had thought the poor owner would have heart palpitations
from what the girls had done. The closet desires of a Victorian world were not for
the faint of heart. Still that was just to tide over while he had to suffer the
unholy indignity that they foisted off on him next.

‘Shopping,’ Harry had thought in dread when they returned to the store they had
portkeyed to. ‘This is going to be hell...’

Now at home, he realized that he had been right. Proper things and proper tailoring
had been done as well as some other impulse purchases. He was grateful that none of
them had managed to track down any toy stores. That could have been a disaster in
the making, and as it was so far they had nearly accumulated far too much things to
shrink and still carry. Now as they had managed to burn off the snack, they had to
stop for dinner. A rather heavy in calories meal it had been. There had been far too
many courses of food for his well being. Oh he wasn’t worried about his weight or he
was in the fact that the food would barely prevent him from going into shock from
‘So here we are,’ Harry thought as he sat on the comfy chair in the living room as
he had managed to avoid helping them put their purchases away. ‘No way out of this.
So I had best be prepared. Let’s see, all the girls are on the potion. Check. I had
plenty of sustenance to survive. Check. I avoided being jumped when they were trying
on their clothes or putting them away. Check. They have a plan so that none of them
get jealous of each other. Check, for the love of everything, check!’
He was aware that the girls were ready when he heard the sudden muffled shriek from
upstairs. It seemed that they were allowing their supposed chaperone and watcher to
stop being on edge. Sure it had been a hellish punishment, but he was certain that
it had been necessary. Still Harry suspected that before the holidays was over; he
would need to reestablish his position over his girls. He was aware that things were
drawing to a head and he saw Sarah as Alice’s way of one upping Hermione and trying
to be his second. Their competition was amusing at times and they were both driven
girls. Sometimes their competition was quite enjoyable. He was aware that this
holiday if not over the summer that Alice would have Sarah arrange some
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entertainment with his somewhat platonic girls.
‘I do believe that they will start off with something to both arouse and relax me,’
Harry thought as he barely focused to summon a few necessities. ‘If I had less of a
reflex time, they would likely do something to pass the time. Still Alice does seem
to be having a birthday bash planned. I wonder what reasoning that the rather
thoroughly involved girls will use to try to pull something. Before I had the
safeguard that Alice and Anne had seniority in such matters; now with that is gone,
I am unsure how to handle them. Weasley or Malfoy would likely just fuck them and
forget them, but they have been more than acquaintances and somewhat friends for a
long time. That they were willing to indulge in some matters is one thing. From what
I can determine from the results at Gringott's, human blood and others have an
effect in accelerating development in practicing necromancers. I suspect that a born
vampire would be quite the same. Menstrual blood and that little right even on
muggle girls seems to have been beneficial to both parties. They got the discomfort
or pain replaced with a sharp and satisfying orgasm and we got some very potent
blood to augment and more often it seems supplement if not outright replace the
blood from our prey. They are either getting smarter or being whittled down too much
for our needs. Now while it is a good thing, human blood is quite enhancing save
magical blood. It has helped to push their and my own development to handle more. So
without me taking a cut, Alice and Anne have been rapidly increasing in certain
matters. Ah they are coming down now. I wonder what will happen now and if it will
be a repeat of relaxing me before we went out. Now that was as good as I imagined…’
When they came down the steps, Harry was grateful for all the training and its
effects in his composure. He knew that most males would have either creamed
themselves at the picture or suffered from excessive blood flow issues. As it was,
he was keeping from snorting in shock and doing more than feel the sudden tightness
to his pants. He suspected that they would be removed quickly. His eyes roamed over
the three appreciatively. With the change in wardrobe, he was fully able to notice
the changes from his original mental images of all three. They were in color
contrasting miniskirts, a bit too short ones at that, and very sheer t-shirts that
made it clear that they had no bra with the same clarity that the skirts flaring
proved there were no panties either. They were however not dressed in high heels or
anything of the sort and for that he was grateful. They already looked a bit too
close to some of the older girls that had either already been in sexual
relationships or been offered modeling contracts or videos.

“You know if I let you go out in that,” Harry began as he felt the sudden impulse to
bend them over and ravish them each as often as possible, “I would have to put a
number of people into the hospital or more likely the morgue. So while I really
appreciate this, if you wear those in public I will be forced to chain you to my bed
and only let you leave in appropriate attire…”

“Considering your favorite attire for us would be nude save a collar how would this
be bad,” Hermione said as she came to a stop with a bounce. “Besides if we are
chained to the bed than we know you know that we are there to be ravished or
possibly fucked to exhaustion. Still you might consider letting us wear things like
this when you feel like showing us off. We are yours after all…”

“So we should make an impression,” Alice said as she pulled Anne to press against
her as her hands wandered over her to his entertainment. “Besides as you are male
you know that all men like to look; however, that is all that they will be able to
do. There are plenty of other willing girls in the area if that is what they want.”
“We are yours, master,” Anne moaned out from Alice’s caresses. “Your pleasure is
ours and whatever does so is our greatest desire. Still we each wish to have
something special with you…”
“To be blunt, sir,” Hermione said as she felt herself trembling from excitement and
need. “You know that certain matters should be resolved. For all the pleasure our
actions have brought to you and to us, there is far more that could be explored. You
have held back because you didn’t wish to harm us. We plan to completely be enjoyed
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by you this time. As you heard we have been old enough for some time, and we have
decided that you are hurting yourself by denying you the pleasure of all of our
bodies. Our tongues, mouths, fingers and pussies have been explored by you to some
extent. You have yet to sheath yourself in more than our mouths and we wish to
rectify that today.”
“How interesting,” Harry said as he tried not to simply press matters as he was
savoring the game. “Your blunt would be so classy. I take it that if you had let
Anne inform me of that part that she would have said I have neglected to fuck you
however I wish as is my right. That I have yet to stretch your cunts wide with my
cock before spraying your needy holes with cum; I daresay that Anne would state that
she is quite worried that I have yet to show her I care by bouncing her in my lap
with my dick sheathed in her eager ass. I am aware of these things and I placed the
requirement of being stretched enough for two fingers for a reason. I know that none
of you would have refused if I even gave an inclination that I wished to use your
bodies in some manner; however, none of us was totally prepared to heal the damage
that could occur if you were unready. Leaving Anne already having been taken up the
ass before, the rest of you are virgins in all save your mouths. Still I was
anticipating one of you eventually coming to me, stripped naked and crawling before
begging that I take complete possession of you. I am not disappointed and am rather
proud that you three managed to last this long. I had suspected that Anne at least
would try to impale herself while I was asleep or at least try to do so again. Now I
expect you three to make this memorable both for yourselves and for me. So I expect
a good show. Now regardless of how much you three managed to arouse me, I will be
checking if you are sufficiently able to be spread for me. Regardless when I am
playing with you, you will have at least an orgasm or two to make sure that you are
both stretched and lubricated enough. You are mine and I do not wish for you to be
forced to deny any needs or wants I have do to your injuries. Now do the three of
you understand all this?”
“Yes, sir,” the three said immediately with absolute certainty and conviction. “As
you say, it shall be…”

Now the three were at a quandary at what to do. This was in a way their big show,
and so it was little concern that the three glanced at each other. They would need
to come up with something to do. Just stripping off and laying back as they waited
for him to mount them and pound into their spread sexes before spraying their
insides with his seed. Still they hadn’t asked for permission for some things, but
this was not a time to do and ask for forgiveness in place of permission. Still some
proprieties needed to be observed.
“Sir?” Hermione asked taking the lead for the three. “May we discuss among ourselves
how to best make this memorable?”
“You may proceed,” Harry told them with a slight wave of his partially full glass.
“You three are individually physically attractive enough to entice and that is
complimented by those sharp and brilliant minds of yours; therefore, I wish to see
what you three can come up with when you put your minds to it. I do hope that
whatever you do afterwards is satisfactory for all of us. Just don’t leave Sarah
unable to think for tomorrow. We have a use for her besides her body after all…”
“Of course, sir,” Hermione said with a bow as the other two nodded in agreement.
“Intelligence is useless without having a grounding of understanding in a field and
from what Alice has gotten Sarah to admit she will be useful in furthering your
business operations. You do realize that she will want something in exchange. She
has been able to get some of her needs met, but…”
“She is far more used to a constant usage,” Harry said before savoring some of his
drink while savoring the way they were dressed. “Something to discuss later although
I suspect if she could find a way to ensure complete deniability she would gladly
either whore herself out or be taped. Maybe a combination of the two, but that is
for later. Get things settled quickly or I may call her down to keep me ready for
when you are done with your discussion.”
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“Yes, sir!” they said with a squeak of terror at the thought.

The three moved into a huddle to discuss things. None of them wanted him to call her
down as regardless of how unlikely it was that she could get down the stairs that
she would do so. She would likely do more than just give him head if she was given
the time to do so. She may have experience enough to sour their master and require
them to spend time training to please to get an opportunity again. It was bad enough
that the girls that had followed him like a puppy and would have already bared
themselves for practically any use he would make of them were getting harder to keep
off. He could have had a one man orgy with time watching the girls pleasure
themselves for his viewing pleasure. It was in part only due to their being his
apprentices that those girls hadn’t more actively surprised him with a quick suck
and fuck.
“So what do we do?” Anne asked her two more dominant female partners. “You heard him
he does have options besides waiting for us now that he is ready.”
“A bit hypocritical considering that we have been ready for him to assert his
rights,” Alice said with a sigh. “You do want him to exercise his masterful duties
though. I am certain we all agree on that?’
“Yes,” the others said before Hermione asked, “So any ideas on how to go about this?
I don’t know about you, but I think it unlikely that we will manage to hold out for
more than a striptease and some sucking him to make sure he is ready and wet

“Those sound good to me,” Anne readily agreed. “So who gets to suck him?”

“Seniority,” Alice tried to gain an edge quickly.

“Skill,” Anne disagreed as she knew she had spent more time doing so.

“How about a compromise,” Hermione proposed. “We do a combined strip and we all suck
him like earlier.”
“That was fun,” Anne said with a grin. “I think he came more and longer that time
than any other time before.”

“So who gets to swallow?” Alice asked in interest. “I don’t know about you Hermione,
but it has been too long between and I know Anne wants some of his cream.”
“Yes,” Anne chirped in while rubbing her belly. “It’s so yummy and you have been
“A contest than,” Hermione offered. “See who gets him to bust a nut gets first go.”

“Acceptable,” Alice said as Anne nodded rapidly. “You do realize that I will likely
“You forget that I have had a few months to get to know each and every subtle thing
that gets him hot and bothered,” Hermione said with a sultry smile. “Besides you got
to be his first for oral so is it wrong that I want to be the first cunt he gets a
piece of?”
“I don’t mind,” Anne said with a lopsided smirk. “Just so long as I can be his first
piece of ass…”
“Fine,” Alice agreed. “You may think me greedy, cousin, but I have been forced to
wait longer than you relatively speaking of course.”
“Yes,” Hermione said with a nod. “You waited longer for him than I even though I
have waited longer for any than you.”
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As the three moved out of the huddle, Harry asked them with a mirthful smile, “So I
take it you three have come to an agreement then?”
“Yes, sir!” the three ladies chirped with a stretch to emphasize each of their own
more developed and thought attractive areas.
“Pity,” Harry said with a smirk. “If you three had taken longer I was tempted to
simply tie you up and flip a coin a few times to see who I would take my pleasure
That sent a shiver through them at the thought of their master simply taking control
and being completely at his mercy. For a moment each of their submissive sides tried
to yell out at the missed opportunity and Hermione herself had to crush the sudden
urge to disrobe them all of their clothes while holding the others for him to subdue
before allowing herself to be trussed up. It had been a few moments later a close
thing since she had started to draw a breath to shout that out before she could
catch herself.

“You can always do that whenever you wish, dear master,” Hermione said with a bow
emphasizing her breasts. “Still I ask that you allow us to entertain you this time.
I am sure that you will find our actions quite pleasing…”

“Then proceed,” Harry said as he sipped from his glass bringing it almost to empty.
“I trust that you three can make this memorable enough that not even an Obliviator
could take the memory from us.”

“Yes, sir!” Hermione said with a sudden salute that was quickly mirrored by the
others. “You heard the master. Let’s put on a show to drive saints to sin!”
‘Note to self,’ Hermione thought. ‘Get a uniform of some sort as it definitely made
him jump a bit. It does have potential for role play.’

With that the three began to slowly move about to the sudden music from the stereo
in the background. It was not club music nor was it one of those cheesy songs that
had no soul to it. There was a rhythm to the song and the words were a suitable
contrast to the dance they were giving. Harry had been thinking of some things to
enjoy in life since he had started planning past his ambition. He had been able to
borrow and the circle of girls had circulated music first in tapes and then the new
things. So Harry was wondering what they would pick considering their individual
preferences. He had expected Anne with her REM addiction to pick one of their songs
while Alice had some interest in the punk revival scene with her odd decision that
they as a group would see Bad Religion.

‘I wonder who picked such a romantic singer,’ Harry thought as he heard the first
bars of Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” start. “I was thinking that they were going for
pure sex appeal instead of seduction. Still means that I might get dragged to that
club with… what were their names? Ah yes, Lords of Acid was it. They are positively
decadent with their blatant sexuality. I would love to go just to ruffle some of the
sensibles sensibilities. Now I can see that Anne is going to want to do this again
with her choice while Alice is the same way so that leaves Hermione as the one who
picked the song. Well considering that I could have been hearing Anne belting out
about “Losing My Religion” or Anne doing a pole dance to “21st Century Digital Boy”,
I think I got off easy for Hermione getting her choice. I dread what Dora will pick
though I think I will along with our eager voyeurs like the act. Still it could have
been worse; Hermione could have chosen “Holding Out For A Hero”… I guess I can be if
the situation calls for it.’
The slow beat allowed for languid and sensual motions that emphasized how limber and
lithe the three were. They swayed to the music and let their arms flow about without
the fumbling one would expect. They did not just remove their own clothes suddenly
with fumbling awkward hands, but tended to slowly tease away a piece of one of their
dance partners clothing while they moved close where they touched and brushed
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against each other.
‘This might not be as simple as I thought,’ Alice thought as she felt Hermione of
all people manage to leave Anne panting with desire without touching any of her hot
spots. ‘Still we can have some fun and regardless, this time I will get a good
seeing too and most assuredly more than a mouth full of cum from the matter.’

As things progressed they contemplated things. Hermione was the one that had finally
managed to convince the others that she would be going first even if they doubted
that her sudden improved skills to allow her to win. There were some interactions
she was willing to share with her fellows, but even if she had been the last to join
there was no way that she wouldn’t be the first at something. Even if he had been
and would be her first and only for any male interest, there was no way that she
would not offer something of her own to him. A part of her dreamed of where they
would be only each other’s without anyone else, but she knew that her own desires
would cause strife even if he had such control.
‘He really liked when we did this before,’ Hermione thought as she danced with her
friends and they slowly undressed with as much teasing and arousal as they could
cause. ‘He may be our master, but he is still a man. What man would not be aroused
by us, three, and the show? Still I have to admit that when he looks at us like
that, that I like it, I really like it… perhaps we should do this more often. I will
have to see about working it into the schedule. Maybe the mornings where we have
history of magic, as no one would really notice if we just didn’t show up. Three
lovelies and their tongues worshipping his cock would likely cause the dogs at
school to cream themselves just picturing them in such a situation. Still there is
just something about the back and forth that is amusing…’

The girls gathered the folded clothes and placed them on the nearby table before
settling into a kneeling position. They were facing him with their heads down and
eyes gazing to his bulge. Harry himself was looking at them appreciatively. They
were completely bared with their knees spread and their arms holding behind their
backs. He let his eyes rove over the skin and the curves completely revealed to his
“I hope our dance pleases you, sir,” Hermione purred causing vibrations to cause her
tits to move enticingly. “May we proceed in the rest of the preparations in
pleasuring and being pleasured by you, our most wonderful master?”

“You may,” Harry said before finishing his glass and setting it down. “Do not stand,
crawl to me…”
Obeying his order, the girls halted their rise and instead went to their hands and
knees and crawled towards him. This allowed their bodies to flex and move and flaunt
their taunt tight muscles. Their bodies were the definition of predatory elegant
beauty as their form fit their function to perfection. There was not a hint of their
earlier baby fat nor were they disproportionate in muscle growth to distend their
naturally enticing curves.
‘It was like watching prowling jungle cats,’ Harry thought as he watched them crawl
with a heavy dose of sauntering and seduction influencing their movements. ‘I have a
feeling I know what they are going to do next and if it is like their session to
relax me before Gringott's I will be definitely pleased…’
The girls crawled to him and positioned themselves between his spread legs. They
rubbed their heads against his legs oddly again reminiscent of their cats trying to
get attention. When Hermione rubbed closer than his thigh, he ran his hand through
her hair appreciatively and she smiled. She reached over and proceeded to extract
him from his pants. With her practice from other times and when she could not use
her hands as they were otherwise occupied, Hermione proceeded to pull his buttons
open with her nimble lips. While a zipper was faster, they had agreed that getting
that caught would be a bad thing.

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As she did that, Hermione poked her tongue between the buttons and tapped his
straining to escape arousal. Her competitors were busy nuzzling his legs and feet as
they tried to get some attention for themselves. They had nuzzled with not just
their faces, but as much of their skin as possible. Anne even had the daring to
slide her pussy against his feet. While Hermione had been focused in extracting his
dick, Alice had a sudden realization.

“Sir?” Alice purred in question while he ran his hand along her back to fondle her
ass and brush her already soaked cunt. “May we remove your shoe?”

“You may,” Harry said even as Anne was running her slit against his pants with her
ass thrusting back thrusts. “Anne, help her before you stain my pants.”

“Yes, sir,” the two chimed together before setting out to do so. “Thank you, sir!”
While they had his attention, Hermione had gotten the last button to pop open and
had barely dodged his cock when it readily slid out the opening. While Hermione had
yet to get the top and most prominent button open as she had gone bottom to top, she
took advantage of her having this opportunity and before he had time to get used to
the air on his point having let her mouth wrap around him. She was intent on getting
him good and ready as well as cleaning off a quick first creaming.

While Hermione was taking Harry as deep into her throat as possible, Anne and Alice
were removing his shoes and socks. He didn’t see that they were removing the laces
with their mouths or that they were stroking his legs with their hands while
nuzzling with the rest of their bodies. He was able to feel what they were doing and
he lifted his feet so they could tug his shoes off and soon after his socks. Harry
let the last button pop free as Hermione had nudged it loose.

When he felt a tug to his pants, he lifted up slightly to allow them to tug his
pants off even while Hermione was still encircling his cock eagerly. With his legs
no longer clad, they were soon being touched and rubbed against by the eager moving
girls. Hermione however was not content to let her prize out of her grasp or gasp as
it were. They kissed their way up his legs until their heads were parallel with
Hermione’s bobbing and twisting head. Do to their position they were not able to
supplant Hermione from where she was latched on, but they were able to get beneath
her and add their own actions to pleasuring their master.

With his eyes crossed in pleasure from the three tongues working him over, Harry
reluctantly pulled Hermione free when she had but the head in her mouth and he
blinked as her tongue tried to maintain contact. With her hair held in one hand he
kept her back while pulling Alice’s lightly to let her go.

“You each get a turn,” Harry said as he hissed in pleasure from Anne’s redoubled
efforts. “Hermione stop being greedy and let your cousin have a shot.”
“Yes, sir,” Hermione reluctantly capitulated. “How may I please in the meantime?”

“Help Anne out,” Harry said as he let her hair go before she went back down and
worked alongside Anne. “Good girl… Oh! That definitely feels good… I wish I could
see it as it feels great…”
Harry trailed off as the two girls were tongue dueling around his balls and it was
quite arousing. That Alice was swirling her tongue and sucking hard enough to deform
a bottle was just an added bonus. She moved up and down with heavenly suction while
her tongue licked every inch not in her throat or outside her lips. He didn’t even
wonder how she had improved her oral skills to put some of the adult entertainers in
his employ to shame. He was just too busy enjoying it. Still there was no way that
he would think not to give Anne her own try.
“Ease off Alice,” Harry said as he pulled her mouth from his slick arousal. “I know
you are as hungry as the others, but you didn’t allow Anne a try yet…”

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With a pout, Alice pulled away and kissed Anne as she took her place. Personally she
wanted to see how Anne worshipped his cock, but she would content herself with
trying to be better than Hermione in their back and forth. Hermione may have been
catching up with the familiarity with his body, but they had years to discover every
spot that drove him wild just as he had the opportunity with them.
Anne smiled at him before licking her lips and kissing his throbbing head. She
wanted to make him feel every ounce of her loyalty, dedication and lust for him.
Even if he had avoided her attempts to sanctify her ass with his cock and purge it
of the taint her abuser had given it, she had to find a way to show her appreciation
and lavishing her adoration and worship on his cock until she was blessed with her
body being able to serve and satisfy him than so be it.

With being slightly smaller even if she looked closer to fourteen with tits that
when accentuated allowed for sixteen to eighteen to be passed for, Anne was like the
others blossoming early even if the ramifications of some of their games had led to
them being prematurely matured. Her body was still a fair bit on the petite size and
thus her mouth as well as her other orifices was exceptionally tight. That she
looked delightfully sinful with her lips stretched around his cock or one of the
girls’ tits was something that was in part why she had been a ready target for
sexual advances. Well that was without her ass having been filling out as well as
her tits being more than mouthfuls leaning to handfuls on her frame.
Harry was shuddering as she slowly kissed her way up and down as well as licking and
nuzzling his length. She barely took his head into her mouth and swirled her tongue
around while sucking as avidly as she could. It took a while for her to slowly feed
his cock down her throat, but it was worth it he realized. He was lucky to fit
inside despite how eager she had been in any chance she had before.

Slowly Harry pulled her lips from around his head as he said with a sigh flush with
arousal, “Oh Anne! You really missed this, and last time was nowhere near long
enough for you. Don’t worry there will be plenty of time to enjoy over the holidays.
Now Hermione gets a second chance. I really didn’t give her as long as I have each
of you two.”
“Yes sir,” Anne purred as she went and kissed Hermione after trailing along his skin
to where her lips were. “You get another try. He really seems to be getting close…”

“Thanks, darling Anne,” Hermione said as she kissed Anne again before she reattached
her lips to his skin. “I will get him to cum in my mouth and we can share it
together, since you both have been considerate…”
Hermione rose up and with a wink opened her mouth and swallowed him in one motion.
She resumed a very enthusiastic blowjob. She didn’t notice when Anne moved to suck
his balls in her mouth while Anne smirked and licked what skin she could beneath his
mouth stuffed balls. Harry wasn’t expecting it, but he knew that Anne had a tendency
to not just like her ass played with so she did try to lick, tongue and suck their
ass at least every now and again.
The combination of the three mouths and tongues licking his skin in those three
sensitive areas was enough without Hermione putting her whole effort into it. He let
himself go when Hermione had just the head in her mouth. Thinking back he realized
that they had been so into it that he had not noticed that those between his legs
had been rubbing their aroused nipples against his skin nor when one of the girls
had slid his spit wettened member between their tits.
‘Oh yeah that was good,’ Harry thought as he lay back while the three girls shared
the mouthful they had coaxed from him. ‘I think I drifted a few times from the
sensations they were providing for me. I likely won't notice things for a few
He hadn’t noticed their playing until he found that Hermione was now seated on his
lap. She was savoring the mouthful from earlier even if she had shared with her
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fellow servants. She was elated that she would be his first in this as well as her
first. Sure he wasn’t trying to fuck her mouth with his tongue, but his mouth had
found that spot on her neck and his hands were doing the best to fondle her driving
her arousal up. He seemed to move from her exposed and aroused tits to message her
ass with his left while his right worked her other side down to her pussy and back.
There was just something about the way Harry had gained so much experience in
finding her different hot spots that this position left most of her body open to his
perusal and allowed her to savor the time to show off how well he had learned her

“Oh, Harry,” Hermione moaned out when he started to slowly sink his fingers inside
her. “You know just how to make a girl feel good…”

She could feel his smirk on his lips against her neck. Her mouth had started to form
nonsensical words when he had started sawing into her and rubbing her clit. Her eyes
barely managed to swerve over to Alice and Anne even if they were not entirely
focused. She felt a thrill from the hungry looks they were shooting at both of them.
This was her first for him and would be the one thing she would be able to console
herself at being his first as. Hermione knew and savored that knowledge even as she
knew that he would be her first and only as she felt no inclination to other males.
They just lacked that spark and Harry was the one that seemed to inflame her
passions from their completely original neutral state. She had been oddly concerned
when even the socially enthralling males in popular culture even caused a stirring
let alone a normal crush.
“I like making you feel good,” Harry said when he released her purring and flushed
skin from his nibbling lips. “Besides you look amazing when you are aroused and the
face you make when you cum is so gorgeous. Still having an audience does seem to
make you feel even more excited doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” Hermione said as she started panting under their gaze. “I’m just a little
exhibitionist slut. Your little exhibitionist slut…”

“Oh my, Anne,” Alice said from where she was watching the two. “It looks like my big
cuz is cuming from our watching her. I think she will cum even harder when we watch
her pop her cherry on his cock.”

“I know I will,” Anne said as she really wished that they hadn’t agreed not to aid
them when Harry sheathed himself for the first time in each of them. “Besides you
seem to cum harder when people watch you as well. I guess that is something else you
two have in common.”
“Oh we really do have things in common and one of those things will be something we
share in common in those places soon,” Alice said as she watched Hermione shudder
and cum on his fingers. “Hey cuz, do you cum hard when he gives your ass a good
seeing too?”
“She sure does,” Harry said as he suddenly raised his left hand and added a quick
spank to Hermione’s writhing form. “See how her face changes and if you look just
right her pussy quivers and clenches just so. Well there is also the way that her
ass twitches when I spank her and the way her breathing changes. Why one can even
draw out her cum if you time it right…”
“Harry!” Hermione shrieked as Harry spanked her while he felt her cum over his
pistoning fingers. “Sir! Cuming so hard!”
“Wow,” Alice said as she saw her cousin orgasming while sitting in their master’s
lap. “She really has gotten over things. To think the girl that was once my prudish
cousin is now orgasming in front of us and is going to be ridding cock like our
friends do. It is a shame that she has had him all to herself these past months, but
we have had him for years previously so I guess it is only fair…”
“So you got over that thing you two have had issues with,” Anne said as she washed
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half lidded at the scene in front of her. “And here I was thinking you were pissed
that anyone, save our master, actually topped you. Well considering how hard you
came down on Sarah that is…”
“Why must you bring that up?” Alice asked with a sigh even as she watched her cousin
being driven to orgasm while being spanked until her ass was glistening red.
“Besides there is simply the fact that Master is the one in charge. If he wishes for
her to be in control than that is his choice. We are alike and eventually he will
put her in her place and she will cum like crazy from that as well.”

“Ah it looks like she is coming down now,” Anne said as Hermione wrapped herself
around him while moving so that she was poised up and ready. “Just think how hot it
is watching and that Hermione has come so far.”
“She hasn’t stopped cuming yet,” Alice said as she watched Harry nuzzle her panting
chest and neck. “Lucky bitch gets to get first ride…”
“True,” Anne said with a sigh. “Still at least you get to go next.”

“There is that,” Alice said with a sigh. “At least we are able to move unlike some

“Even if we can't cum at the moment,” Anne said with a sigh. “You know we could be…”
The two looked at each other at that. They had recalled how Sarah had responded to
being unable to move and forced to hold herself on edge as she was kept there. When
they had seen the frustration of that, it had been arousing in its intensity as well
as the way she came like crazy when she could. They were in a ways worse off as they
were at the moment unable to climax and yet aroused by the sight.
“Yeah we could,” Alice said with a sigh as she turned back to the two. “However, we
would be missing that!”

“A very good point,” Anne said as she saw the two and the way that Hermione was
moving. “It looks like they are getting ready to continue. It seems that master has
gotten even better in drawing a girls cums out…”

The two were watching Hermione as she was writhing on his hand while he was still
spanking her to her continued pleasurable moaning. Still her spasms were starting to
die down even as she was becoming more flustered with her release. Her hair was
loose and her head was tossing side to side. They could see Hermione shift so that
they could see his fingers being drenched in her cum as it flowed from inside. That
they saw her lips spread and his fingers were moving inside as something they both
found arousing. They both felt a moment of jealousy that Hermione was currently
under his complete attention, but they dismissed it as more or less their own wish
to be there in her place.

“Damn that was good,” Hermione said as she rested against his hands. “My god! I can
still feel it and I really don’t want you to stop, but I really want you inside!”

Harry pulled his face from her panting breasts where he had been nuzzling, licking
and suckling them to reply, “I don’t want to either as you look and feel so good,
but I know how much we both want this. Besides can't you feel it?”
“Wow,” Hermione said as she let her hand cup him. “To think that I will finally feel
this inside…”
“Well you did get two fingers inside and that was my requirement,” Harry said as he
massaged her warmed ass. “I did set that since I didn’t want any of you three to
hurt yourselves even if the three of you seem to enjoy some punishments. You know
that both Alice and Anne are more used to knowing that certain things leave trauma
just not physically, but that some of our prey’s victims have caused such harm and
the lingering damage was difficult to heal.”
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“It is rather touching that you care so much for our well being,” Hermione said
before she sighed as he moved his fingers from inside to taste them before she
positioned herself and moved his dick to her just fingered hole. “Now I think it is
high time that you got a reward for all of this…”
With that said, she slowly sunk herself down. Stopping when she had his head
spreading her lips, Hermione sighed as she felt herself being stretched more than
his fingers had. It had been a long time coming and she was supremely satisfied with
how good things had been and how glorious things were going to be. She was wondering
how long she had been looking forward to it, but now that it was here she was well
aware that she was struggling not to rush into it and simply impale herself and wait
for the pain to pass before riding him until she came and came when he finally
sprayed himself deep inside. Now as it was she was trying to savor it and slowly let
him fill her up.
“Ooh,” Hermione moaned as she felt him spreading her and start to stretch her. “Now
I know why everyone that knows is rushing into it. This feels even better than your
fingers were before…”

Hermione continued to lower herself until she bumped into an obstruction and winced.
She had him part way inside and butting against her hymen. She was feeling something
perhaps a sense of trepidation. There was the realization that this was the moment.
One lunge and she would be no longer considered a virgin and it would be to Harry
that she gave it. To her first friend, lover, lord and master was she going to give
what every girl had been conditioned to believe was her greatest offering. She was
giving herself to her only. She was his and as soon as this thought crossed her mind
she smiled down at him.

“Gods, Hermione,” Harry said as he looked at her partially impaled on his dick. “You
look great and you feel so good!”

“Just wait my darling master!” Hermione chirped as she slowly ground herself
stretching her hymen. “Soon enough you will feel something to put our throats to
“Considering how good that feels and this does so far,” Harry said as he massaged
her ass. “I think that we will all enjoy this.”

Anne was watching and felt her hand twitch. There had to be a way to get them to
stop tormenting this with their play. If he hadn’t told them to stay than she would
have likely let one definitive slap to drive Hermione down onto him occur. She was
able to tell that Alice was twitching with that idea as well. The two were aware
that Harry likely would do so soon. Considering how they had seen Hermione go wild
from being spanked, they suspected that he would give her a wailing to do so and
that she would like it. They did however notice that Hermione was panting and
showing signs of approaching orgasm.
“So close, sir,” Hermione moaned out as she felt herself still not either orgasming
or tearing her cherry. “I’m going to cum all over your cock and it will slide right
in. You are going to fill me up and stretch this tight little hole!”
“So you want to cum on my cock?” Harry asked as he stroked her ass. “I think I will
enjoy that and more so when you cum when I am all the way in. Now you do realize
that when you cum, my fingers feel like they are being sucked on and pulled inside.
With that in mind I am rather happy that you are the one doing this. If Alice had
been first or even Anne, I do believe that neither of the involved would be able to
savor this and make it any better than most so called first times. Your self control
is commendable even as I can feel that we both are struggling. I myself feel so
tempted just to hold you there and buck up into you…”
“I know,” Hermione said as she shuddered as she felt herself drawing closer and it
being harder not to slam herself down like all the times she had ground against him
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in the past. “Just wait a moment longer and I will… be… there!”
Suddenly Harry felt Hermione’s pussy contract around the part of his dick inside
her. In that moment, he felt himself wish that he wasn’t so compulsive in his
control of himself and others. Still when she was cuming around her he decided to
stretch her orgasm out and once more gave her shuddering ass a hard smack. That was
enough to cause her to lose control and suddenly drop her weight onto his cock.
“Shit!” Hermione snapped as she felt herself suddenly speared and her cherry popped.
“Spank me again sir! I need the distraction quick!”
“Of course,” Harry purred as he felt her cum around him before starting to resume
spanking her. “You were right and I think I would prefer to have more time inside
since this feels so good on my end.”
Hermione’s orgasm was spurred back on to full by her master spanking her already
sore ass. That she was being stretched by his cock was an added sensation that she
was savoring. Their audience was rather enjoying the show as well. They noticed that
Harry was spanking her grinding ass while his other had moved to run along her back
as he leaned forward and latched onto her neck while her hands were roaming over his
chest. There was the fact the two were locked in a sensual embrace even if they both
were barely restrained from shifting into outright dirty rough sex.

“Fuck!” Hermione shouted as she threw her head back and screamed out as she clamped
down again and again around his member. “Damn! Cuming! Hard! Sir!”

“That’s a good girl,” Harry said as he let her tit loose as he consoled her. “Just
relax now. You came real hard and I know it feels good to both of us.”

Hermione slowly eased her breathing and shuddering as she settled down in his lap.
Her eyes had closed and she was no longer arched backwards, but was resting against
his chest. Her face was practically glowing and the smile was somewhat goofy. As it
was, Hermione was slightly moving around feeling very good. She felt as if she had
been on the receiving end of one of their marathon romps. She was aware she was
sore, but she was also feeling numb to it.
“You are so right,” Hermione said as she purred in satisfaction. “Still I am not
giving up my turn yet, unless you tell me to, because I really want to feel you fill
me up with cum.”

“I agree,” Harry said as he caressed her back. “You did win and the prize was not
just being fucked, but you did say that the winner would get fucked until I cum
inside ones just fucked hole. Besides I think I want to feel you cum on my dick
“I want that too,” Hermione said as she slowly lifted herself up and groaned as she
felt him sliding out as she stopped before letting his head pop out. “Now just sit
back sir and let me ride you until you cum!”
“Considering how good this is feeling,” Harry said as he closed his eyes as he
forced himself not to drive into her pussy. “I do believe so. Although I do as your
master reserve the right to screw you silly later.”
“Yes, sir!” Hermione chirped before sliding down onto him. “MMMh… That’s what I
With that Hermione began to rise and fall on him with abandonment. Her arms were
thrown around his neck as she bounced in his lap. There was no lack of passion as
his hands caressed her back to ass while his head was nuzzling every bit of
available skin in his reach. As for Hermione, she was moving like a crazy woman
gyrating and writhing as she fucked herself on his dick. When Harry wanted her to
spurn her on more, he let his hand return to a rhythmic smacking.

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The two watched as Hermione was no longer making whole words and yet continued a
string of emphatic proclamations. They both realized that they would be getting the
same treatment soon and were grateful for that. They had loved when he had tongue
fucked them to exhaustion. There was hope that it would be far better. Anne had more
experience in such matters, but even she had barely had a few less than orgasmic
sensations from it. Still even those had been starting to be addicting for her
before that time. As it was, Anne had been inducing her orgasms anally and been
confused on why the sensations she and not her abuser had been so strong at the
time. Still the two were somewhat glass eyed as they watched the two lovers move
from slow tender loving onto having Hermione riding his cock like a cowgirl.
They watched as the two moved through three similar positions. Hermione went from
facing him and his hands on her back and his mouth on her chest to leaning against
him. She writhed against him pressing her back against his chest while he caressed
her front from her face to her thighs with special attention paid to her erogenous
zones. His lips traced from her ear to her shoulder much to her enjoyment. The only
problem for Hermione was that she was unable to have her ass spanked let alone
whipped. The compensation was his hands were able to freely roam as well as easily
play with her exposed, spread and impaled cunt. Hermione had orgasmed around him
once in each position already.
The next shift was when Hermione placed her legs down and leaned away with his hands
able to caress her ass again. It was a much modified girl on top with influences of
doggy. As with the normal variants of this line up, Harry was able to seem to be
deeper as well as access to most of her front and back sides. Still watching
Hermione bobbing her ass on his cock was seriously driving him to previously
unexplored heights of arousal and pleasure. With her ass once more practically
wagging for attention he decided to return to it, but this time with a bit more
“You are so passionate,” Harry said as a paddle flew into his hand. “I think you are
ready for something more extreme again. I don’t think you will need to be put on
hold from the more extreme games.”

“Yes, sir,” Hermione said when she felt him press the paddle to her already warm
cheek. “Will you show my fellow slave sluts what more you have learned about
pleasure and pain?”

“Sure,” Harry said as he pulled the paddle back before letting a room resounding
crack. “I wonder if they would cum just from watching this if they had permission…
not that I would give it at this point. Something to try later though; now Mine I
expect you to cum a few more times for me…”

Hermione’s answer was a moan as she moved and was paddled randomly. She was unsure
how long she would last before she came around him again, but she knew that before
he went to fuck her cousin that he would leave a load in her thankfully too
stimulated to notice the pain cunt. She started to jerk more when he moved from her
left breast to her pussy to her right breast and around again with his left hand.
She was aware that her body would be marked and sting the next day, but she recalled
it being a good ache. It was something she wanted as further proof that she was just
as dedicated to things as the others.
After Hermione clamped down and froze once more cuming around his cock, Hermione was
limp enough to almost fall off. Harry lifted her and moved her so that she was
seated in the chair. Her last fuck as she was starting to grow lethargic would be
one where he completely controlled the coupling. With her limp legs around his head,
he plowed into her upturned sex. His arms were gripped around her hips and he moved
rapidly inside her. He was feeling a sense of reasserted control once he was on top
“Mine,” Harry said as he started to move enough to cause the chair to start to move.
“So close. I can feel you are getting close again.”

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Her somewhat limp head snapped up and she growled out, “Than cum inside me! Wanna
feel you. So close…”

“Mine,” Harry growled out before grinding into her and nuzzling her neck.
“Yours!” Hermione gasped as she felt twin sensations of penetration with one being
his teeth sinking into her neck while he came inside her. “Always yours! Cum inside
your good girl’s hungry cunt! Fuck!”
The two stilled their movements even as their internal muscles moved in concert.
Hermione was aware that he was throbbing and spurting inside her while he was aware
that her eager sex was suckling his cock like her mouth had so many times before.
Their eyes were closed and the intensity of their bodies’ reactions was sublime.
They heard their hearts pounding like jackhammers in synch. Hermione was vaguely
aware and yet feeling light headed and flowing on a river in her mind. She was aware
that she was being filled by him even as she was draining into and onto him. She
felt her own juices flooding out while her heart was pumping her own life blood into
her cuming master’s mouth.
‘For some reason being fucked makes even this feel better,’ Hermione thought as she
felt like giggling and laughing as she felt a bit like that time she had gotten a
wee bit tipsy on some stronger wine. ‘It’s not like this is the first time though
most of the time it was after or during a pussy drenching licking before. Alice has
got to try this…’
As for Harry, he was riding his own wave of pleasure. He was at first unaware of the
addition to the both of them. He did not notice the small mark form on her body;
however, he noticed when he suddenly felt a strange sensation. He felt like he was
orgasming again and continuing to do so. He was soon out of it as he rode both his
own and Hermione’s climax in tandem. He was suddenly awash with everything he knew
of her. For that moment as their bodies were locked in completion, Harry knew her
completely. He knew every thought, emotion and their very reasons. So intent was he
in viewing completely his newest student, second newest lover and seemingly closest
to be his equal in her entirety in mind, body and soul that he did not see what was
floating above the white expanse their selves spent an eternity joined in pleasure

Above Harry and Hermione’s joined forms was the figure of a red haired nude woman.
She had the same marks that Hermione had from their love making. The rough play that
left tender skin behind was visible. Her legs were drenched with the fluid she had
released as she had received sympathetic orgasms and feelings from his lover. Her
mouth was open and her head thrown back in ecstasy. Her own body seemed to mirror
Hermione’s in the results of his attentions. Her rolled back eyes had gentle tears
of happiness as once more she was no longer alone in the emptiness.
Without noticing the other silently orgasming in bliss woman, the two faded away as
their eyes opened and locked together. The look they shared said more than words
could say. Her eyes held nothing but pure and complete loyalty, love, trust and joy
as she beheld the one who was her everything. All other things paled in comparison.
Her rivalry with her cousin, her previous lack of social skills, her own
insecurities, and more were as nothing when she looked into his eyes. They held a
strength that she seemed to drink up with absolute acceptance. She was his, to
protect, to teach, to love, to drive to madness in a sea of sensations; all that and
more she saw. She saw the unstoppable will to complete his ambition. She was able to
glimpse the cold and calculating mind that she had brought happiness to. It didn’t
matter to her if she was not his one and only even as she knew that he would be
hers. She saw the acceptance of her own needs and that she did bring something to
the group. She was not just some brain to be picked nor a body to readily and easily
sate his ignored needs with.
“Wow,” Hermione said as she breathed in his scent. “That was just… wow…”
“I know,” Harry said as he kissed her on her neck where he had been just attached
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before kissing her forehead tenderly. “This is one of those moments…”
“Yeah,” Hermione said with her eyes half lidded. “Stay inside me for a bit longer,
“Sure,” Harry readily agreed even as he half turned his head towards their two
drooling and dripping watchers. “Anne, get over here!”
“Yes, sir!” Anne said as she struggled to stand before just crawling over. “How may
I serve?”
“While I don’t wish to remove myself from Mine here,” Harry said as he moved his
right hand to caress her face. “I will eventually need to do so. In the mean time
you can put that tongue of yours to some use before licking us clean.”
“Yes, sir,” Anne happily chirped before burying her tongue and face to where the two
were joined.

They could not see what she was doing, but Alice could and she was enjoying it even
as the two shuddered visibly from Anne adding her skilled tongue to pleasuring their
joined forms. They felt her lapping around Hermione’s pussy around the bottom where
their skin was not touching and lap up the moisture they felt escaping from between
them. Hermione was in a position where she was able to somewhat slump in the chair
without worry of simply splashing the floor or even the chair when he pulled out.
“Maybe next time we should have her doing that while we are moving,” Hermione
contemplated as she moaned from the sudden tongue moving against her flushed skin.
“I think you would like it.”

“I would,” Harry admitted even as he moved just a hair back to allow Anne more room
between them. “Oh, you really don’t want me to withdraw, do you?”

“Not really,” Hermione said somewhat mellow as if her cunt had not just tried to
suck him back completely. “Although Anne seems to be able to lick at a bit more
“True,” Harry said as he was contrasting the feel of Hermione, the air and Anne’s
tongue. “Still going to have to finish pulling out though…”

“Pity,” Hermione said with a sigh. “I was kind of hoping for another few goes, but
that would be greedy of me.”
“Not necessarily greedy, but just a bit concerned for your own self,” Harry said as
he eased a bit more out. “Personally I was tempted to just keep at you until you
were too sore for more, but making Alice wait would be rude.”
“It would,” Hermione said with a shudder as Anne was able to circle around and
lapped under her still exposed hood. “Hmm I think I was right before. Next time I am
in your lap with my back to you, Anne can lap at us while I move. It would be a
different and enjoyable experience.”
“Yes it would,” Harry said as he moved so that just his head was inside her while
Anne lapped the exposed skin of their mingling juices. “That is for next time
though. Anne, pet, when I pull out have your mouth open and finish cleaning me off
before seeing how clean you can get Hermione with your tongue.”
The agreement sound sent vibrations from where she was moving her tongue. As soon as
his head popped free, he found it suddenly engulfed in Anne’s mouth. He let her
swirl her tongue around for a bit before giving a few thrusts into her readily
accepting mouth. He was watching her face and Hermione’s body sigh as he saw her
stretched sex. Harry felt a thrill to know that he caused that. For a moment he
contemplated arranging the three post coitus and seeing and comparing how their just
fucked bodies looked before dismissing it for later.
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“Now lick her for a bit,” Harry said as he pulled his dick from her eager, warm and
inviting mouth. “Show how thankful you are that Hermione here convinced me to push
things forward a few years…”
That set Anne off and she tried to convey her gratitude for aiding their plan and
preventing its further delay. She proceeded to give Hermione a very tongue enthused
greeting. That it allowed her to seek out every drop of her far too rationed
favorite drink was just a very beneficial occurrence. She had needs and with their
master away some had been getting difficult to fulfill. Even Alice had been getting
hard pressed for lack of certain things. The scene that both had witnessed had been
quite thrilling and it left a bit to contemplate and as Anne was now involved this
left Alice to ponder on the event.

Alice was watching as Anne cleaned the two off. Some of the activity she had seen
before when Anne had sucked his dick clean when he came and when she had seen her
cousin top her favorite toy. Still there was the fact that she could see his cum
pooling inside of Hermione, and getting it there had been fun as well. It had been a
sight to see Alice realized, and one that she wanted to experience rather quickly.
Now here Alice was laying there as she contemplated how she wanted her first proper
fucking to be. Would she seat herself on his prick and impale herself like she had
seen Hermione do before riding him like she was driven, lie down and let him slide
between her legs, or perhaps on her knees like a bitch in heat.
‘We could always try those later,’ Alice thought as she stretched and felt the
lingering heat from a willing tongue. ‘Considering that he let her have so much
control, maybe I should pick a position to allow him to show why he is the master
here. For some reason crawling around on my knees does seem tempting, I also read
that it would allow for more contact what with the position and angles it allows. I
know that Anne will likely pick it for that reason as well as the ease of access to
her ass. He could give a girl a wicked paddling while still driving her to the

“Good pet,” Harry told Anne as he tan his fingers through her bobbing head’s hair.
“Get it clean of any cum, but also make sure it is good and wet. Both of you are
visibly wet, but it is better to have a bit too much moisture than suffer with
friction burns.”

“She looks so happy doing that,” Hermione commented as she watched Anne’s actions.
“I almost don’t want her to resume eating me out, but regardless of how I like
watching I would like her tongue back… Not to be greedy or anything…”
“But Anne can spend her time reaching some cream while Alice is all alone waiting
for a good fuck,” Harry said before giving Anne’s face a few good minutes of throat
fucking with Hermione watching appreciatively of the girls skill. “Good job, pet.
Now go and see if you can get the rest our of Hermione while I go and see about
Alice and if I can make her pass out with a cunt full of cum for one of you two to
suck out later…”
“Thank you, sir,” Anne said when he pulled his dick from her mouth before giving
Hermione’s slit a quick kiss. “Now just relax miss. Anne is going to make you all
With Hermione taken care of and the edge off his arousal from their earlier game,
Harry walked over to Alice who was still gazing at the two and their actions. Well
to be honest he swaggered with his arousal moving and suddenly being in her sight
causing her to smile at it as it approached. He realized that he had been, despite
what some watching him at school would think even the lovely Dora, getting ahead on
his schedule even if he had started to spend time playing instead of always working
to his ambition.
‘Is it really my ambition still?’ Harry thought as he watched the adoring gaze that
Alice was giving him. ‘I have almost become certain that it is merely inevitable to
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reach my goal. Still I have goals after I achieve my ambition, and I realize that no
matter how cold I was in my devotion to my own interests that I have in fact become
attached to these girls more so than one would think for saving them from the
situations they were in. Considering I started this to know my parents do to those
ignorant bigots denying me even that ore even being considered a person. A small
part of me wishes that I am not able to have anything about my actions be something
that would make my dead mother disappointed in me, and yet I have done things that I
worry would disgust her.’
Unnoticed, Lily’s spirit was watching and had been receiving the same sensations and
pleasures that his lovers had been. If she had been able to reach out and speak to
him, she would have grabbed him and hugged him while refuting any possibilities that
she was disgusted and anything less than proud of him and his actions. That she was
unable to realize that it was her son, but that she had been an eager recipient of
his experience and her entire being craved something apart from the endless void.
Her emptiness had been eased when the sensations had come and her dwelling on her
remaining fantasies had been refueled when she had seen the two lovers appear in her
void. She had been shocked when she had suddenly been able to see something. It had
been months since she had been gifted with that erotic heavenly vision and her
respite it had brought her. She wondered why he was hesitating even when she saw the
loving if lust filled gaze the two were sharing. A moment she had a vague memory of
a girl that was once friendly to her becoming spiteful, but she dismissed it from
her mind when she saw his walk and how close he was now. Those thoughts could be for
later. She would need to commit this to her memory to sustain her in this empty
hell. A heartbeat had passed, and she wondered what could distract the positively
determined male when he had a willing and needy female in front of him.

‘Still when I see how Petunia so easily forgave let alone ignored anything her
precious Dudders did,’ Harry thought as he stopped near Alice’s sprawled and spread
form. ‘I am reminded that a mother’s love is unconditional it seems. Now I did find
a few things in that diary that would make me think my mother would approve and that
she had some odd notions, though with how damaged it was I am unsure. Still I know
that my mother cared for her friends and I feel compelled to help my friends even if
they are my willing servants, pets, lovers and as much as it would have offended
Hermione a few years ago as my happy sex slave sluts. Still my mind has been
processing and understanding their emotions more which is something I lacked before.
I need to see if some of the rituals did have an effect on empathic abilities. I
should not be able to so accurately read Alice and Anne considering it has been a
few months since we were apart though the closeness does explain why I knew what
Hermione wanted…’
He found it disconcerting that from time to time his mind had been running
accelerated, and that in mere moments his brain processed things as if he had hours
to contemplate it. That this moment when he gazed at her all ready and wanting, he
knew exactly what she wanted him to do was something he could appreciate. He really
didn’t want to ever understand why they craved what they craved and was willing to
accept knowing what they needed as long as he was able to keep them happy. He just
would never get why they wanted him to do that though that book on role playing and
other sexual games had helped.

“Hello, Alice,” Harry said as he crouched down next to her before his eyes widened
when her gaze and open mouth moved to engulf him once more. “That’s a fine greeting
there, my little horny bitch. I don’t think you can get any of my seed there since
your fellow cum hungry slut did such a good job sucking it clean. Once you are done
getting a taste of cock again, I am going to flip you over and take you like the
needy bitch in heat you are, my naughty pet!”
Alice groaned around his cock at that. Harry had been unknowingly doing more with
his forays into the mental arts. It had been something one of the spirits that he
had called of his ancestors had stumbled upon and it had aided him in his hunts
since their fear had sung to him as her arousal was singing to him now. He was aware
that his words would enflame her arousal and so would his next actions even if he
didn’t grasp why the girls liked spankings, paddlings and even whippings. He just
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knew that it would almost be enough to make her mouth potent enough to distract him
from doing anything else for a bit, but it would be enough to grant her a release no
matter how short and sweet.
With that, Harry reached over and ran his hand over her wet and spread slit. The
sudden hitch to her breathing and moaning around him was enough to spur him on more.
Her disappointed groan around his cock was soon replaced with a humming moan when he
brought his hand down with a slap. He proceeded to continue her treatment as he
fought the urge to grab her head and fuck it like he had earlier. He continued until
she snapped her head back and let him pop out when she reached an orgasm from his
rough handling of her sex.
“You are my naughty little pet,” Harry said affectionately while massaging her cunt.
“You came from that and you still want more.”
“YESSSSS,” Alice hissed out even as she tried to turn over.
“Not now,” Harry purred at her as he moved to her side and placed his other hand
under her ass. “You just wait a moment or two more, and I will take you like you
want…” He slid his fingers along her slit and into her wet hole. “I just want to
make sure that you are ready, although I think waiting a bit longer will teach you
some things…”

So Harry proceeded to finger her until she met his requirements for entrance. When
she did so, he flipped her over and scooted back to get a look at her. The momentary
lack of attention was enough for her to start waggling her ass at him. He felt no
rush as he licked his fingers of her juices before slowly crawling behind her eager
ass. He had just been spanking her slit and felt her ass needed some color and thus
gave her wagging ass a few quick slaps.
“Easy now you hot eager girl,” Harry said as he ran his dock along her slit before
putting it against her entrance. “I know you want this, but you should remember your

“Yes sir,” Alice said as she felt him start to spread her open. “I am your naughty
little bitch in heat that needs a good screwing!”

“That you do,” Harry murmured as he slowly sunk himself into her heat. “Now this is
going to hurt and I know you like that so…”

He didn’t really give her a warning and just speared forward. Her shriek was a mix
of pain and pleasure. He just knew that she wanted it to be that way. She didn’t
want to have any control when he took her and take her as a possession. No slow
measured probing thrusts were required. Alice wanted a claiming where she was taken
roughly and without care and where she was treated horribly and fucked like a bitch
in heat. He would have stopped or at least slowed from her painful cries if he
hadn’t felt her body responding in blissful rapture at his actions.

‘I cannot believe she has been cuming since I first tore her open,’ Harry thought as
he felt his own body almost pass out from the pleasure he was feeling. ‘I knew that
Alice had some very deep dark desires, but this almost feels ridiculous. Yet I can
feel Hermione’s gaze on me as I take her cousin roughly while I can feel her body
clenching around me. I know that when Anne is done eating her out that she will be
worked up from this. I just hope that the improved healing doesn’t mean that I need
to have them on potions tomorrow and that a warm bath and a full body massage is
enough to ease the pains.’
Even as he was concerned that his actions might cause serious damage, Harry was
completely physically consumed by the act he was engaged in. Hell he was aware that
Alice was rocking against him even after her arms went limp and she was scratching
her tits on the carpet hard enough to cause rug burns. He kept to the same basic
motions of fucking her like a dog taking his bitch. Still even that would get
monotonous and he eventually moved one of her legs to better move.
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He kept his relentless rutting of her cunt up through it all. He felt his own
stirrings even as he felt ejaculation less orgasms while he moved inside her
churning heat. He noticed vaguely, as he felt himself lurch to a stop inside her as
his body seemed to flow out his spasming prick into her sore and used pussy, that he
had been moving his hands to torment her needy flesh. He let her held leg fall to
the ground as he covered her and pulled her to him while he bit her neck closer to
her collar as he felt the second wave of his release inside her.
So caught up was he in his release, Harry completely missed the imposition of the
emptiness or the sudden appearance of the red haired goddess now sporting red tits
and cunt to match her reddened ass. So it was little wonder that he did not even see
her thighs were soaked as if she had been fucked to orgasmic unconsciousness. Hell
he didn’t even notice that her pussy lips mirrored Alice’s clinging to his when he
gave a few short and sharp thrusts.
“Damn Alice,” Harry said with an almost breathless sigh as he winced trying to
extract his securely held cock. “That was one animalistic fuck! Now as much as I
would like to just go to sleep buried inside your welcoming grasp, I still have one
more sex starved girl to see too…”
With his gaze meeting hers as he slowly knee walked his way back from Alice’s
spasming lips, Anne found herself whimpering impatiently. She had just seen her two
friends and sometimes lovers being on the receiving end of a mind blowing fucking.
She had watched as Hermione had sat in his lap and been fingered to orgasm before
she impaled herself on his cock where she proceeded to ride him until she went
crazy. Oh there had been the touching and biting when she clamped down and he came
inside her, but that was not the main point. She had then watched as her secondary
dominant went and ended up with him mounting her like a bitch in heat wanting to be
fucked into submission and she had been.
That had been intense to watch, but now she was waiting. Sure he had allowed her to
lap his cum from Hermione, but there was something about being his primary concern;
when he was focused on you solely, that was so much better. Ok, she would admit that
when he had fucked her face she had felt warm and had been starting to get there,
and when she had been tongue fucking and fingering Hermione’s cum filled pussy she
had been the recipient of a minor spasm; however, that was nothing compared to what
was about to occur.

From what Alice had seen, Harry had languishly crawled to behind her upturned and
waiting ass. With Anne wiggling her ass invitingly, he let his hand give a quick
sharp smack before kneading the flesh and then proceeding to repeatedly and randomly
do so again. Hermione was watching the scene from where she had curled up on the
chair after he had moved to Alice. As for her, she was laying on her stomach with
her own ass a rosy red and a slight dribbling from where he had cum inside her.
Still as they were recovering still, Harry placed most of his attentions to the
still aware and participating Anne.
As his hands were caressing and playing with her, Anne was eagerly pressing against
his attentions. She let a low moan out when he started to run his fingers along her
slit. Around her lips his fingers ran encircling her warmth. It was a slow approach
to her due to a few factors. One Anne was slightly younger being the youngest, two
was her being a bit more petite than the others, and three was the still lingering
memories of what she had been through before. So he was slowly increasing his direct
foreplay if for no other reason than that he could do so.
As it was, Anne started practically purring when Harry started to run his fingers
against and slowly inside her slit. He felt the moisture there and slowly started to
worm a finger inside her. Despite her arousal and the wetness provided, Harry was
finding it difficult to get a finger inside her. He was bent over and was stroking
from her underside to near her bellybutton. Her ass was resting against him while
his hands were teasing her body. As he moved to have his left hand caress and tease
her body, he had his right slowly stroking and spreading her juices as he tried to
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work one finger inside. With his thumb resting above her clit, he started to let the
moisture flowing from her sex to lubricate both the finger working inside her and to
moisten his thumb. Once his thumb was moist, Harry let it touch her aroused clit
while he continued his slow stroking and spreading inside her hole.
‘Despite any of the pain games that we have played,’ Harry thought as he tried not
to wince at the constriction his finger was feeling. ‘There is just something wrong
in just placing my dick to her cunt and shoving in. I am not some heartless bastard
who doesn’t care for those who have placed their trust and well being in them.
Besides I told them and practically promised them that I would not ‘hurt’ them or
more accurately harm them. There is a difference between harming them and
stimulating certain sensations. I know that if I didn’t put that restriction on two
fingers working inside without risk of real harm that one of these two would have
restarted their attempts sooner. Still for some reason I worry that when she cums
that I will have to heal my finger for the crushing grip. I will admit that this
feels far more warm and exciting than even when one of the girls demonstrated their
oral skills on my finger before my cock.’
Harry was after starting to play with her clit to slide his finger inside her much
to her verbal pleasurable responses. Hell, he could feel her body churning against
and around him. He was sliding his finger inside her and had felt her still present
barrier. Slowly he worked his finger in a rhythm while his thumb kept her twitching.
While he was doing that, he was feeling her dangling yet still firm tits that swayed
with their motions. His erection was resting against her and he felt himself have to
stop from maneuvering her to where he would be able to rest his eager head against
either of her holes.

‘Damn does Anne seem ready,’ Harry thought as he felt himself start to rub against
her while his fingers played her body faster as he heard her panting increase. ‘Well
except for the fact that I can barely move one finger around that is. For her
current state, I can hope that she relaxes a bit when she cums. There is no way that
she will let me go without a proper fucking since both Hermione and Alice got
screwed and creamed inside. I can just hear her trying to go a step further if I
cannot fit inside her right now. She came close before I left to once more attempt
to slide my dick up her ass, and considering how determined she had been than
compared to now there is no way she won't unless she actually can't fit at least two
fingers inside…’

Harry doubted that since, even if it had been a good long while, Anne had been bent
over and sodomized. For some reason that experience had left her with a fixation
there, and it had been only through cunning and luck in unison that Anne had not
managed to make it where he went from oral to anal with no in between. If it hadn’t
been for Alice’s original actions, he would have been surprised; however, he
considered being too shocked at the girl that he rescued proceeding to tugging his
pants off before getting fingers and mouth around his cock to be a valid excuse.
There had been no reason for him to expect that to happen; therefore, he did not
feel too much regret in that incident anymore. As it was he was more concerned that
they would ensure that from this summer on that he made up the lost opportunities.
That he had heard them discussing what the other girls had gotten up to, had not
helped him any in that endeavor.
“Damn Anne, girl,” Harry said as he felt her clamp down on his finger and the
telltale response of her orgasming and hard occurring. “You came hard then didn’t
you? Ouch glad that I am not in there as you are too damn tight!”
As he could not remove his fingers from the vice like grip and vacuum that Anne’s
cuming cunt was producing, Harry was unable to move far, but do to the reactions
that her release caused he was unable to stop from sliding against her shuddering
body. He vaguely realized that if he had been sheathed inside her that all he could
do would be to grind against her. He felt his left hand was being rather rough on
her tit even as he ground his hand into her mound as he pulled her against him. Part
of him was regretting not feeling her tight twat milking his cock as it spasmed into
her, but he pushed that aside as he had similar kinds of thoughts in the past.
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Even as he felt her still shuddering around his finger and flowing on his hand he
heard her say, “Thank you, sir!”
“You are my good girl,” Harry whispered into her ear. “Yes, you are Anne. So keep
cuming for me!”
“Yes, sir?” Anne shrieked as he felt her lock up on the outside while internally
trying to suck his finger into her and tear herself open.
He hadn’t known why he had done that just that it had felt right and he felt her and
could literally taste that as what she had needed. Still when she was on her opening
spasms, Harry had felt the need to try to see if that added finger would be
possible. Try as he might even as she went loose and panting in his grip, she was
still too tight for that. He felt that he would have to tell her even if she had
felt his second finger slide down her slit instead of entering her.
“Anne,” Harry said from where her weight was resting on her knees and his arm as
hers had hung loosely when she had stopped clenching down around him. “I have some
bad news. Even if you came a lot, you are still too tight for me to get more than a
single finger inside, and that means…”

“I am too tight for you to force open with your dick,” Anne said with a hint of
sadness. “Please, sir, there is something else you can try…”
“You cannot expect me to believe that you think your ass is less tight than your
twat,” Harry said with a sigh of exasperation. “Fine I will try, but I might as well
put that cum of yours to use…”

“I don’t mind,” Anne said as she sighed when he removed his finger from her still
twitching hole before moaning when he moved to prod her other hole. “I have been
waiting for this for too long after all…”

Anne trailed off when she felt him shift and set his straining ready rod to slide
along her length while starting to worm a finger into her squirming ass. Even with
the amount of fluids covering his finger, he was shocked at how easily it went in
with so little restriction. He had read about it and had heard that there should
have been a need for Anne to relax her muscles that normally kept things inside.
That it had parted readily and that Anne had eagerly thrust back to help drive his
finger into her while rubbing her slit along his length.
“Fuck it,” Harry unintentionally vocalized his thought as he felt his arousal
overtaking some of his control. “I’m going to make you cum on me so that I’m slick
enough to give this eager hole a good probing…”
He had started to thrust meeting Anne’s own as he started to rapidly slide his
readily accepted and eagerly wanted finger inside her receptive passage. Harry had
been realizing that with each encounter he was feeling a bit more needy in driving
himself into their willing bodies until they came screaming his name. He was more
than willing to do so with the amount of reception they had for the idea. It was in
part why he had felt some anxiety in allowing Alice to get her go before Anne;
however, he knew that Anne was the one that would be even more accommodating. It was
from that knowledge that he knew that even if he had placed his cock to her overly
tight sex and slowly or not forced his way into her before fucking her without
concern that it was likely that she would cum like crazy from it.
As it was, Harry was rapidly sliding along her arousal coming a few times close to
more than robbing the outside of her opening. While Anne was rocking back against
him, she was spending some time moving up and down against the two probing actions.
Her shivering and wild responses to his actions only served to spurn him on. That he
merely groaned in acceptance when he felt a second finger easily join in probing her
was expected. He had already been certain that it was inevitable that he finally
succumbed to Anne’s anal desires; he had just thought that he would do so later. He
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knew that it was likely that the others would be intrigued, and if Anne responded as
much to his dick in her ass as she was his fingers, that they would soon be
requesting to try it as well.
“Oh Fuck!” Anne shouted as she came drenching his sliding cock and rhythmically
constricted around his probing fingers. “You are making me cum so good!”
Taking a few deep breaths as he stilled himself, Harry savored the feeling as he
licked his lips in anticipation. He withdrew his fingers and noticed the lack of
anything clinging to them. He realized that Anne must have been using that potion
than which cleansed the body and left one squeaky clean which was somewhat useful
for anal endeavors. Still he thrust a few times and twisted to make sure that he was
good and slick.
“Anne, pet,” Harry said with a purring tease to get her attention. “Reach back and
spread yourself. It seems that you won out in the end.”
“Yay,” Anne said as she did thus that and thrust back eager for more attention.
“Your fingers felt so good, so please purify my ass. I’m sorry that I don’t have it
to offer as one of my virginities…”
“Don’t worry,” Harry said as he positioned his head to hers slick hole. “When you
can take at least two fingers up that needy cunt of yours, I will be more than
willing to pop that cherry at least.”
“Good,” Anne said from where she was with her chest to the ground and her head
turned to look at him. “Now no more talking and fuck me proper.”

Harry did not reply and did just that. He sunk into her willing and eager ass. He
felt his eyes close in bliss as he felt his dick wrapped in her warmth. He found
himself soon resting against her ass with his dick buried completely inside her.
Savoring the position he was in, he reached around and fondled her tits and pulled
her with them to move her against and away from him. Sure she didn’t have the size
of say Dora or Sarah, but for her age she was decently sized and more than a handful
which was better than the few girls that hadn’t gravitated to him over the years. He
didn’t know why the harder he pulled them the tighter she got around him, but he
suspected that she was a bit more into that side of the coin than he had thought.

“You really want me to fuck you proper?” Harry asked as he ground himself to the
root inside her already quivering hole. “Sure you don’t want me to draw it out and
make you beg to cum?”
“Please sir,” Anne panted out as she tried to move but could not with his grip.
“Stop teasing me. I may love feeling you spreading me open as much as you can, but I
need it sir. You are finally inside me and I need you to possess me. Take me hard
and pound me until you cum and fill me up, sir!”
“Now why should I do that?” Harry asked in a teasing voice as he savored the new
feeling as he compared it to his other experiences. “You are so tight and warm, so
why should I move? Is it maddening feeling me spread you and yet not moving even as
I feel the racing of your heart?”
“Oh god,” Anne said as she tried to squirm to move to do something. “Stop teasing
me; I beg of you again, sir. I need this. Hermione needed to spear herself and ride
you while Alice needed you to mount her and take her like you did. Please sir, I
need this. I need you to drive into me and cum. I know I will cum like crazy because
it is you doing so…”
“You know if you had gone first,” Harry remarked as he slowly eased back to her
obvious reaction. “I probably would have done that within moments. Hermione really
lucked out when she decided to be on top. I know that I would have been like I was
with Alice although I would have been a bit less restrained still. So I was thinking
this time to stretch things out and savor it a bit. I think the thing you three seem
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to mistakenly believe is that there is any way shape or form that I am not in
control. If I want to slowly screw you, that is my choice. The same can be said if I
choose to bend you over and fuck you raw. Hermione and Alice understand this a
little while you seem to be the other way more so. You need someone to control you.
Alice does a good job when I am not around and those two are quite torn. They like
to be controlled as well as be in control. I however have difficulties if I am not
in control. So since it is my decision, I think I will screw you slow until you can
find a good way to ask…”
With that said Harry continued to slowly and excruciatingly move inside her. He was
deciding to do what he knew was the opposite of what she was craving at this moment.
She wanted him to pound into her as well as treating her roughly. He could feel her
quivering and exasperation that he hadn’t been either wailing on her ass or
practically torturing the rest of her body. It was a long and drawn out experience.
He was actually loosing himself in the sensations as he tried to stretch it out and
draw the maximum intensity of duration in his movements. As tempting as it was to
actually slide all the way out, he maintained at least some penetration. He was
unable to clearly determine what she was exactly saying, but with the tone as well
as her body’s responses he was getting an idea.

‘And here I was considering Hermione when she was biting her lip trying not to drive
herself rapidly to orgasm when she was on top to be trying,’ Harry thought as he
continued the long and slow strokes even as he felt Anne try to force a change in
rate. ‘Still this is similar to a slow languid blow, and I think that Hermione
figured out that was more fulfilling than a quick drain. I don’t think that if we
had started this sooner that I would be able to not just go on instinct and hump
like a dog until I cum. I guess that patience was a reward in this case. I really
should pay attention to what Anne is whimpering. As much as drawing this out is fun,
I think that my own restraint will give soon enough…’
Unnoticed as he was consumed both by the sensations and his thoughts, Anne had been
starting a slow and lengthy set of pleading, bribing and swearing for some relief.
She was going crazy as she had been on edge most of the night and so far every time
she got close he seemed to not go that bit faster or harder to get her to cum. She
really wanted that and part of her believed that if she came that would cause him to
cum inside her and that was what she wanted. She had not had a soul inside since
that night when he rescued her, or at least properly as she had managed tongue and
fingers to ease the strange emptiness that had developed. She had hated the bastard
that had driven her to that point. He had raped her and slowly she had craved the
actions. She needed sex far more than most. If she hadn’t attached herself to him,
she suspected she would have been less well off than the girls. They at least were
able to set dates in who they let in their bodies; Anne suspected that if she had
been left alone that she would have been doing tricks just to ease her addiction.

“Oh god, sir,” Anne tried to plead again as she felt herself teetering on the brink.
“Please let me cum!”
“Why should I do that, my little toy?” Harry asked as he continued to slowly saw
into her inviting hole. “You did say you wanted me to enjoy you so why should I cut
short this experience?”
“Holding back all the time isn’t good for you,” Anne tried to reason. “I can tell
you want to let go and pound my ass, sir. So please stop playing and do it!”
“Well considering that you asked so nicely,” Harry said as he held his stoke to keep
just the head in. “I see no reason not to. Now try not to pass out…”
With that Harry slammed all the way in before pulling back suddenly. The fast
strokes were jarring and Anne was feeling her ass getting penetrated and smacked
with each thrust. She was thrusting back as hard as he was and her moans of pleasure
resounded around the room causing the somewhat dozing post coitus girls to focus on
the scene before them. They could not see Anne’s eyes as they rolled back in her
head even if they could hear the constant string of expletives or rather the same
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one in so many ways.
“Fuuuuuuuuuck,” Anne groaned out. “FuCKKKKKKKK…
If any of them had been interested in certain shows starting to be aired overseas,
they would have compared it to the way a series of annoying children’s characters
expressed themselves solely with their name. The sudden occurrence of what she had
been wanting and needing had temporarily reduced Anne to being able to say one word
even with a near infinite number of nuances. The speed and force of their coupling
was loud and was now in no way possible able to be considered lovemaking as it had
become the perfect example of pure animalistic fucking.

“Damn good ass,” Harry growled out as he rapidly sawed back and forth with body
slamming force. “Why I didn’t let you sheathe this tight ass around my hard dick way
back then seems like the dumbest idea I ever had. I think that you started cuming
the moment I stopped teasing… I do have to wonder now if your cunt will be as
sensitive to this type of fucking…”
While Alice was still drooling both from her mouth and cunt, Hermione was aware
enough to start to appreciate the intensity the two were showing. She started to
feel a ready desire to have Harry fuck her like that even if it was not in her ass
like Anne was being. She watched wide eyed when Harry pulled all the way out before
flipping Anne over and putting her legs above her head and gripping her hips started
to go even faster inside. She watched as Anne went into strong orgasmic spasms with
her head snapping around and words no longer forming from her lips.

Hermione shuddered in sympathetic orgasm as she watched Harry bury himself and grind
while she saw the tell tale signs of him ejaculating. She watched half lidded as her
pussy was drenched again and licked her lips when she saw him agonizingly slowly
pull himself from her grip. With him seated slightly to the side, she saw the gaping
hole dripping his cum and her cunt drooling her arousal. She knew that if she could
move she would be there and was unsure if she would hesitate if he even implied that
she should suck his cum out of her hole.
“Sarah,” Harry finally decided to call. “Get down here right now!”

“Yes, sir!” Sarah replied before stumbling her way down the stairs before coming to
a kneeling position before him. “How may I serve?”

“Clean Anne out and turn her around a bit,” Harry said as Anne started murmuring
causing him to raise his eyebrow in shock of what her murmured request was. “When
she is able, clean Alice out and then bring them upstairs. I would have you suck me
clean first, but even in this state Anne doesn’t want to let me go yet…”
“She told me she wanted to taste you after you claimed her,” Sarah said as she moved
the girl where she promptly opened her mouth and started mouthing when she smelled
his cum. “Now if you don’t mind I have a bit of an exercise to perform, boss.”

“Sure you do that,” Harry said as he was distracted by Anne swallowing him and
starting to nurse his dick clean while he saw Sarah kiss the approach to her cum
filled ass. “I think Anne misses her replacement pacifier. I wonder if she takes a
cum covered finger or even a dildo to nurse on to help her sleep…”
They descended into silence as they reveled in their sensations. Eventually Harry
slowly pulled his tongue cleaned dick from her nursing lips. He slowly stood and
walked over to Hermione. When he got there he reached over and kissed her longingly.
“Damn Mine,” Harry said as he hugged her nude form to him. “You look like you are
about to pass out and sleep some more.”
“One more time, sir,” Hermione said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take
me to bed and one more time at the least. Take me good and hard and let me pass out
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soaking wet and satiated. If at all possible let me pass out and sleep with you
still spreading me. Please sir?”

“For you my little lovely,” Harry said as he lifted her to him where she wrapped her
legs around him. “It will be a pleasure. Sarah! When they are good and clean, I want
you to carry them up and then place them in bed with us.”

“Yes, boss man,” Sarah said after removing her cum covered tongue from Anne’s
asshole. “Don’t worry about me. I think my holes are a bit too sore anyways. Besides
they are right, your cream tastes great. Any chance you can fill a few bottles so we
can have some when you are gone?”
“I will think about it,’ Harry said as Hermione nuzzled against him with her wet
cunt pressed against his arousal. “In the mean time I think they would prefer I give
them some directly and this little wildcat needs some more play time.”
With that he carried Hermione up the stairs and set her on the bed. Without fumbling
or anymore foreplay he slid into her waiting pussy. Unlike before he wasn’t making
love to her in slow languid strokes but trying to drive her into orgasm with as much
speed and force as possible. Still to spice things up he moved positions after every
hard climax she had but continued with him on top until his legs started to feel too
much lactic acid build up and just short of cramping roll over and let her ride.

While she was riding him to another window shaking climax, Sarah carried her two
younger lovers into the room. She set them down one on each side of him where they
sleepily wiggled toward his warmth. They were too out of it to notice that their
fellow lover was riding his cock like a pro. Hell he had even summoned the ridding
crop that Anne had been planning on having him use when he took her ass, but she had
been too busy to remember.
Now that Sarah thought about it, they had forgotten all about the toy chest, but she
realized they had plenty of time to explore which toys they liked using and being
used on them. She pondered which she would get to have the master use on her. Well
she also contemplated which she might get to borrow for her own games as well as how
much fun watching all of them explore and get to indulge her voyeuristic appetite.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Sarah got to watch the two moving with such life.
That had been something the broken that her former boss had favored lacked. These
girls had passion and that spark even if they were submissive to him. They would
follow orders, but they were not empty shells who were of little stimulation than a
rubber doll. She watched as their meeting thrusts grew frantic and they came loudly
and mutually. She smiled at them as his face showed a sudden realization.

Harry was content he realized as he regained his breath. He had spent the rest of
the time after they had gotten home joining with his girls properly. It had been a
mix of slow and tender lovemaking and rough and raw fucking, but now as he was lying
back in bed with them around he was able to reflect calmly on things. Alice was
curled up against him on his right while Anne was likewise on his left. As for
Hermione, she was nestled on top of him and he felt the slight caresses their still
joined bodies had.
As for Sarah, after they had let her out of her harness and turned the machine off,
she had collapsed to the floor panting as she was allowed to come down from her mind
shattering breaking. It had been shocking that she had been able to make her way
downstairs. Sure it had been a reward of pleasure, but it had gone on too long that
even Harry had been well aware that she looked worked over until she was raw and a
red tender and sore body followed. When he had reclined on the bed when Hermione had
collapsed on top of him, she had at first wincingly crawled to the foot of the bed
and prepared to sleep there. She had been unable to block the soreness when it had
not been forced from her mind by her discipline in following orders. It had taken a
bit, but she was curled around near there feat like any other pet. It was obvious
that her arousal and thus the slight numbness to her soreness had faded. If they
were too sore the next morning, he would have to remember to drink some of those
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medicinal potions.
‘Life is good,’ Harry thought as he felt the two his arms were resting on nuzzle him
affectionately. ‘Things are for the most part going to plan, and there are plenty of
things to look forward to. With ownership of both Grunnings and Number Four, I have
gained a significant deterrent to any reoccurring drama from the Dursleys. As much
as it would simplify things, I cannot simply dispose of them at the moment.
Dumbledore, that meddling old man, will still believe me to be living there;
however, he is likely to investigate more if we don’t play up the proper Ravenclaw
image. As much as I like knowledge and its pursuit, I know that there is more to
utilizing information than just acquiring it. Now that I have the means to
economically destroy Vernon, I am hesitant to use it for the complications it will
cause. From what little I have ascertained from some of my portfolio, I also now
have a trump to use against the Malfoys. Weasley, the younger, is an annoyance while
the twins are livable and their prefect brother is a sycophant that could be easily
swayed with the right persuasion. Yet more things to plan for, but I now have the
means to indirectly coerce people into easing the things I need to accomplish my
Letting his hands move from where they were resting on Alice’s leg and Anne’s thigh
where they had been slowly moving along the lengths of exposed skin with the
occasional kneading of their still stinging asses, Harry closed his eyes as he let
his fingers ease downward. He could feel it as he moved his hands. He had marked
them with far more than the impulsive bite that had been overwhelming in its raw
need when he had felt himself cum inside them with a roar. He had noticed the odd
darkening of skin on their bodies, but he had thought it merely to have been a
bruise from grasping too tightly. It had been oddly fitting now that he thought
about it. It was neither the sigil he had used as his underworld alter ego nor the
mark of either of his houses. It was, on reflection, his own personal mark. It fit
him perfectly and yet resembled the Black Family in its own way. They had chosen the
grim as their mark while his seemed to be a serpent of black flames coiling around a
fist that resembled his when he clenched it with his new personal weapon.

‘It is interesting that it seems to confer with it a better awareness of what

condition they are in,’ Harry thought as he felt the niggling sensation of
contentment, satisfaction and fulfillment flowing from his lovers to him. ‘I suspect
that it goes both ways though how closely it resembles any other form of bonding or
binding magic I am unsure on. What similarities this has with Voldemort’s Dark Mark
is something to investigate in the future; however, I believe it is likely a
bastardized and twisted from this. I find it unlikely that he would wish to be as
sympathetically aware as this seems to provide. A way to bypass Occlumancy, a
locator, a summoner, and a way to inflict punishments is likely what he was trying
for with the possibility of using his followers as an extra power source.’

He was well aware of the slight motion that Hermione was sleepily doing with herself
still having him sheathed inside her warm embrace. He still felt the need to let his
fingers roam over his other girls. He couldn’t quite place why he seemed to be so
possessive all his life, but he mostly blamed it on the Dursleys and their original
way of keeping him broke. He had nothing and was thus nothing. So whenever he
managed to get something, he kept it with a fierce need. Most wouldn’t like it, but
if asked he would say they were his, end of story. So he felt no reason not to let
his hands wander soothingly or otherwise on their forms. Hell he was practically
able to feel their submission to his wants through the marks. Besides they hadn’t
been the quietest when they mentioned the positions they tended to sleep in wither
touching or nuzzling each other.
‘There is still Dora’s situation to completely resolve,’ Harry thought as he felt
his eyes resist opening while his fingers were running along their still moist
slits. ‘She will be coming over and she will likely wish to play catch up. Anne is
willing to accept things at the moment, but I know she will find a way to meet my
requirement before the holiday ends. It seems so bizarre that she is able to stretch
enough for two fingers up her ass, but not her cunt. She went wild though when she
finally managed to get me to take her. Silencing charms are something that will need
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to be strengthened when they join us next year. Alice will want me to prove my
position for everyone and I suspect that there will be some problems from some of
the girls I took under my wing over the years. Regardless of what they have been up
to, most people would gladly wish an encounter with their first crush or some sort
of thing. That is something to deal with later…’
The rest of them were neither asleep nor awake. His fingers and slight motions
against Hermione’s movements had caused the girls to start to stir from their half
aware state. He was well aware that his fingers were sliding along their slits and
that where Alice’s was puffy and sore, Anne’s was simply slightly swollen with
arousal. He didn’t need to think about what Hermione’s was like as she was still
grinding it around him. Her head was resting on his shoulder and he could literally
drown in her scent from where she was.

Now that he thought about it, the room was quite soothing with the mixed scents and
he could smell their personal scents penetrating the sheets around them. That all of
them were nude under the sheets, save Sarah who was on top of the covers for some
strange reason, was not the important part, but that they were all likely to not
wish to move from where they were. Hermione was not going to let him push her off
and even in her sleep was twitching enough to prolong his current state. Alice and
Anne had moved somewhat in their snuggling and had n arm around his shoulder while
the other ran across his thighs. Still needs must and all that.
“Hermione,” Harry whispered as he felt her nibbling her lip while slowly snuggle
grinding him with her arms around touching the others trying to hug him. “Love, you
need to wake up now. If you keep this up, you won't be able to move enough to enjoy
things tomorrow…”

“Then you can be on top,” Hermione muttered. “Hmmm… Alice and Anne really looked
nice as you drove into them. Can't believe that Anne came like that… might have to
try that later… not ready to let you out again. I felt empty…”

“It’s alright,” Harry said as he felt Alice move her hand from his leg to stroke
Hermione’s back reassuringly. “We are all here with you right now. In the morning
everything will be alright and we can try some more things, okay?”
“M’kay,” Hermione murmured as she rippled around him. “Sleepy now. Wanna try wha de

“Sure thing,” Harry agreed as he felt the sighs and shuddering of his other two
bedmates responses to his caresses. “Now let’s get some sleep, tomorrow is a big day
after all…”

Harry was aware that tomorrow Dora would be over and that between that and going
over the large portfolio that he had acquired from Gringott's he would be stressed
for time. Dora would really want to catch up and there was all the play time that
the rest wanted to make up for. He felt a twitch develop when he felt more than a
finger slide inside Anne. He realized that he would have no choice tomorrow then. He
had promised them when they had started that as he didn’t want to accidentally harm
them that he would not penetrate somewhere if he couldn’t get at least two fingers
inside. He had been shocked earlier when he couldn’t get more than one inside Anne’s
eager snatch; he felt a momentary groan that so far none of them had tried cheesy
He could just imagine if he had heard or used eager beaver. Well since it’s an eager
beaver let’s feed it some wood. Something along those lines would have been bad. As
he drifted off with his fingers inside both of the slightly younger girls, he was
amused at the feelings that being squeezed by three different girls at the same time
caused. He knew that if and when Anne found out that he would be sliding something
else inside her. It had been shocking that she had been too tight to get more than
the one in and yet she had been persistent in trying. Even with an orgasm and
soaking his hand, he had been unable to squeeze more in and had after much of her
pleading actually tried to probe her other opening. While Anne was submissive, she
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had jumped at the opening his earlier words provided. Just because she had not been
stretched enough to have her cherry torn that did not mean that her once taken ass
was as over tight.
‘I just know that while we will get things done that these new avenues will distract
more,’ Harry thought as he felt his breathing slow as he felt their heart rates slow
and they drift off into a deep restorative sleep. ‘Anne will try to find an original
position to try as will Dora. With her here, I suspect that Hermione will show her
off and that Alice will try to compete with what she will convince if not order Anne
to do. They will want to be equal in whatever things we play. So that means that
since Anne got her early Christmas present of being sodomized, she will be inspiring
them to try it as well. The working girls will want to give something to their
bosses though and that is what gives me a slight worry. While I do not regret
keeping them safe from Dudley and my other rivals, I do not have the time to
properly greet each of them. Hmmm… it does seem that my mark allows Legilimency
without eye contact. So Alice plans to eventually move the ones old enough to
legally do so into legitimate adult entertainment permanently or until they chose a
different profession. I guess if it is what they wish to do than I have no problem
with it. All more money means is that I can better support them and further my other
goals. All that has to be dealt with later… M’tired…’

As he drifted off, things moved around him. Sarah stirred long enough to lovingly
look at her proper owner and she made a decision to help him regardless of him
accepting the help he needed. She set her head back down and started to return to
sleep. The three women now curled around him were sleeping and dreaming of things to
do when they woke. Of their oft absent parents, Hermione’s were the ones least
likely to have any problem with how things were going. That June had wished she had
started when she had first met and knew she wanted Vincent as hers likely factored
into it. The other parents were unlikely to be as open minded in believing their
children were anywhere near mature enough to understand things. Oh those that had
met Harry would likely wonder why he had so many girls circling him and the tangled
nightmare when he did decide to date and the effects on what they believed were
solely young girls crushing on him. Still all of that were things to deal with


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 4: Business Discussions and Personal Matters
by SamStone 4 Reviews
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
Wakeups, meeting the Tonks, a goblin discussion and claiming Dora

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Andromeda Tonks,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009/01/18 -
Updated: 2009/01/18 - 23390 words
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 4: Business Discussions and Personal Matters

Why put business before pleasure when one can do both? Why I know that it can mix
badly, but in our lives there is the simple truth that our business is a pleasure
and pleasure is our business. – Mistress Sarah to an AVN interviewer.
Morning came with a shout, and that was literally as well as figuratively as Harry
woke to the feeling of the sudden sensations engulfing his fingers and his groin. He
barely paid attention to the warmth and moisture on his foot. He was suddenly from
deep sleep with him floating in a sea of peace and contentment as he saw a red
haired goddess in rapture screaming his name and various epitaphs of honor to
feeling his balls tighten and his still sheathed arousal throb and spray into
Hermione who was slowly moving in her sleep. He watched as Alice and Anne were
shivering awake in orgasm around his surprisingly inserted fingers.
He realized the only reason that he hadn’t snapped up and held Hermione to him as
they both came awake was that his arms were quite caught between his other girls’
legs. Looking down he noticed that Sarah had been pressing against his foot and
soaked through the sheet as she had rubbed herself against him in her sleep. He knew
a few years or even months back that her actions would have annoyed him, but now he
didn’t care about that notion. He was aware that his own hormones would need to be
sated more often and that he enjoyed such activities. Still they would have business
to attend to before any or too many pleasurable activities occurred.

‘We really went crazy last night,’ Harry thought as he basked in the feeling of
three girls creaming themselves because of his actions while he felt his balls drain
painfully into an eager cunt. ‘I think that some of my body once more aches in ways
I didn’t know. I haven’t felt this drained since Halloween morning. I think I can
pass off on more full contact sex for a while. Those three are drained, but Dora and
Sarah will want a turn. That also leaves Anne wanting me to pop her last cherry and
those two will as well even if I got different ones yesterday. Still I think we can
get Sarah to go over some of the portfolio while we go over some of the other
business information. Now all I have to do is to rouse them from their post orgasmic
Harry removed his fingers from the girls soaked holes and brought them to his lips
to lick clean. With his arms free, he ran his hands soothingly over Hermione’s back
though he let his left to rest on her ass. He gave her ass a few soothing squeezes
as he started to rouse her from her blissful state. He wasn’t entirely aware as he
didn’t notice that he was feeling her response not just physically to his actions.
“Good morning Mine,” Harry purred into her ear. “I need you to get up even if I
don’t want you to do so. We do have to accomplish something outside of sucking and
fucking today.”
“Can't we just stay this way for a while longer?” Hermione asked as she really
didn’t want to move as she was sore and sated which she realized was a state she
wanted to wake in always. “Sarah can always read things to us or hand them to us and
we can stay connected…”
“Now as tempting as it would be to be sheathed inside yours or one of their holes,”
Harry said as he teased his finger along her flowing fluids and used that to tease
her other hole. “I think that we would become distracted especially if it was a hole
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that one of you three has not yet had stretched and filled. You seem to forget that
business should come before pleasure as these are some rather delicate issues to
still be addressed. I like that addition from yesterday.”
“What addition?” Hermione asked in interest before turning a bit to see Anne’s ass
and the surprise addition there. “How did we get tattooed?”
“Marked actually,” Harry corrected as he felt something strange with in his mind’s
eye. “It seems to be a bit more than just physical though well now that I focus on
it. I think knowing more about you and what you are not or cannot say is a good
thing. It almost explains the way I was able to read the three of you yesterday. I
just knew which buttons to push even if you were unaware of them.”

“There seems to be something on this end to,” Hermione replied as her face scrunched
up in concentration even as her mindscape flashed in her own mind’s eye showed an
addition that made her wish he would just flip them over and take her. “It seems to
be both ways though on our side it is more on how to better serve you from what I
can discern. I would say it has some similarities to what the house elves have with
their masters as it should allow us to know what you need us to do before you have
finished the thought.”
“So what was it that changed in your mind that made you suddenly have a spike of
arousal?” Harry asked even as he radiated amusement and attention along the link. “I
think that this will be useful and that having such beautiful sculptures in my mind
is interesting.”

“Statues,” Hermione mumbled with a blush at him always being able to see her and
that it likely reflected her exact state though perhaps only the skin. “I guess that
fits although mine is somewhat daunting to admit to… oh fine a complete temple full
of replicates of myself and my fellow girls with you as the central focus.”
“I wonder if the others will be the same way,” Harry mussed before he smirked and
tried to send a quick jolt to the two not completely awake. “Yes it is similar in
theme though. How interesting… I can completely bypass any protections added to your
minds by yourself or others. I can literally be god in your minds… this is useful,
but the temptations are quite perilous. I think that this might even allow me to
directly pour information into and copy it from your minds. That would be useful in
decreasing the study time we would need.”

“We could readily learn what Dora has as well,” Hermione realized with a start
though she felt a shudder of arousal at the complete control he now had of them. “A
shame that most people’s minds are so cluttered that trying to simply copy their
knowledge would require so much sorting.”

“Something we could do with any of the so called former Death Eaters that we get a
chance with,” Harry said with a sudden thrill of the benefit that would give as it
seemed even better than what he had contemplated before. “Snape would be useful for
something at all. A shame that it would likely snap a mind other than one linked if
it was rushed.”
“A shame is right,” Hermione said as she realized that he was going to need her to
lift herself loose as her fellow vassals were coming down from the jolt he had sent
them to snap them from the bliss they had been basking in. “I think the meddler
would have been a good choice. So you really want me to stop massaging your cock
with my tight little pussy… Remind me to torture whoever decided to prevent you from
getting all that information earlier when you could have leisurely processed it.”
“Yes, I can see why you feel that way,” Harry said as he now saw the two recovered
from the jolt and were looking at him for direction. “Hermione you will remove
yourself and Anne will clean me while Alice cleans you out before we take a shower.
Sarah! Get up and get things ready and have that portfolio sorted by types of assets
when we are done with the shower. A light breakfast would do to start…”

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“Yes, sir,” the girls said as they snapped to follow his orders.
So as Harry resumed pondering what would all need to be dealt with in regards to
that portfolio the size of Hermione’s light reading books, the girls went about the
tasks that he had assigned. Sarah got up from where she had been curled around his
feet before padding downstairs nude to put on a light breakfast and start sorting
that monstrosity. Hermione lifted off and plopped down where Sarah had been and let
her legs stay well parted as it would make things easier. Anne just moved from his
side enough to curl around and swallow him to lick and suck him clean. Alice sat up
before leaning over to crawl over to Hermione. Soon enough Harry was letting the
sound of the girls pleasuring them act as a mental white noise even as a good
portion of his own mind was split between analyzing Anne’s technique and savoring
the sensations.

‘Sometimes I really think that the mental enhancements are more trouble than they
are worth,’ Harry thought as he let most of his focus drift back to his mindscape to
see exactly what the hell their little impromptu ritual had resulted in. ‘I really
think I don’t have male friends because they would be scandalized that I can think
and even do complex mental processes while I get a blowjob that would make them
drool. So what did this thing do in more than a once over. Ok I have nude statues
that have an overlay of what they are wearing. It shows every single detail of their
skin including the lingering marks from my attentions. Now let’s see what is there
at the base. Ok status monitors of everything about them physically, mentally and
emotionally. The back drop also allows me to see their mindscape without going there
and the thing allows me to… Bloody Hell! Direct access like I thought, but no damn
distance limitations! Access not just to their mind but there body to the extent I
can see let alone feel what they do when I wish. I can induce anything the mind can
do, including supposedly involuntary muscle controls. No one outside of us ever
learns about this. Bloody Dementors kiss for even possessing knowledge that
something like this would be a distinct possibility!’
As Harry drifted in his mind, his body was readily responding to Anne’s tongue. He
drifted back as he heard Alice licking Hermione to who knows how many number orgasms
while he felt his awareness snap to sudden and complete attention. His body being on
automatic had responded to the oral stimulation that Anne had been providing. He had
managed to come back to himself just in time for the distant sensations to be
relived right before he added a dose to what she had licked clean before. His nose
twitched while he was being coaxed to fill her mouth.

“Good girls,” Harry breathed out as he felt Anne teasing the last bits he was able
to surrender at the moment from him. “Alice I do believe that Hermione is quite
cleaned out and Anne you did quite the job as well…”
“Thank you, sir,” the two murmured with various tones of pride.

“Now we just need to get a quick shower in,” Harry said as he pulled the sleepy girl
to him and helped her rise from the bed. “And no Hermione we will not be having a
session in the shower… at least not this morning. The food is getting quite close to
being done and I would like for us to get through the tedious business first so that
we can spend our time in both productive and enjoyable matters.”

“Work first,” Hermione said with a nod as Alice helped her from the bed, “and play
later. If we went with our base desires we would never get anything done… well
nothing that was not pleasurable.”
“True,” the three agreed before Harry added, “Still there will be time for all kinds
of activities later. I take it that you three have your own ideas on celebrating or
should I say christening today?”
Their answering nods were not unexpected. Still the four made their way to the
showers and managed to get out with only some distractions with their fingers. They
were young after all and even Harry knew he had been pressed not to just take each
of them against the walls. Sure he was fairly certain that they had almost all the
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time in the world to indulge, but he would prefer to get things dealt with so that
he could spend time later as he pleased. Food with business would soon follow and
the food would be a needed fuel to both analyze and debate what to do about the
monstrosity of legal and business paperwork.
‘That word leaves a distaste in my mouth,’ Harry thought as he stood under the
shower head while three pairs of hands scrubbed him all over. ‘Paperwork is the bane
of all organizations. I guess that is what we are in a way. The business ventures
started so that I could afford things to further my studies as well as better choice
in food than the things that the Dursley’s deemed 'good' enough for me to subsist
on. At least in the beginning that was the case, and now it is a life of its own. My
people are dependent on the businesses to bring in a profit to support them, but the
ventures seem to generate more money than I thought they would even after taxes.
With the proper forms most of the taxes are grandfathered out do to some legal
loophole that magical businesses and properties have. Still haven’t dug up the
specifics, but it seems that even the shadier ones have so little taxes that I also
will be able to fleece the damn thieves for taking money for taxes that I didn’t
have to pay. Well there is also whatever I can get the goblins to bleed out of
Dumbledore’s accounts before whatever legal problems I can cause to alleviate his

Closing his eyes while he savored the sensations that his lovers were stimulating
over his body, he reflected on how far his plan had come and yet how far it was yet
to go. It was a shame that the thrice blasted killing curse complicated matters as
it almost seemed to be designed to seal a corpse from true necromantic influence
even on the spirit; however, it seemed to allow the piss poor imitation that wizards
created to be utilized easily. Still there was the matter that curse prevented
immediate decay as there was no damage to the corpses. He would have to find a way
to get around the complication that still caused to his plan. If that arrogant
bastard had simply used any other spell to end his mother’s life, he would not have
hesitated to destroy that weak abomination of a ghost.

“Hmm,” Harry murmured as his eyes were closed while the girls scrubbed his back,
chest and legs after Anne had joined in the scrubbing of his hair. “This is quite
relaxing. I think we should do this whenever we get a chance. Perhaps the only thing
better would be swimming or playing in a tub. I know that I like giving as well as
receiving this type of intimacy. Oddly this seems far more personal than most of
what we have done.”

“It is what it is,” Alice said with a smile even as her hand began to clean her most
often favorite part. “Perhaps we have been too focused on taking what pleasures we
can by indulging in our lusts; however, I expect that you realize that we love you
in a way that most people cannot understand.”

“We are who we are,” Anne said while she scrubbed his back soothing his muscles in
his lower back before drifting lower. “We accept that we feel things deeply more so
than some do. As it is, we find our happiness in the ways that we do because it
makes us feel. We crave feeling that we are alive even if it is in pain. That the
pain seems to make the pleasure we experience greater is an added bonus.”
“Live without regrets and know no fear,” Hermione said as she ran her soap covered
hand over his lithe muscles down to his stomach. “Love truly, madly and deeply,
because there is no other way to love that is not otherwise shallow in some way. Is
our relationship something most would object to? Yes it is, but it is what we need
as well as want. Without it, our lives would be but a pale shadow of what it is now.
We give you our loyalty, our perseverance and even our bodies because you gave us
purpose. A purpose far greater than we would have otherwise and you reward us so
well for doing what we can.”
“How odd it is that you are finding so much joy in tying your own happiness to my
purpose,” Harry said with a sigh under their ministrations. “To think that after all
I have been through that I could form any connection with anyone… it just seems that
even the most damning of bigots cannot extinguish even that basic human need. I had
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thought myself bereft of almost any humanity and I was more than willing to
sacrifice what little I believed I had left as well as any other happiness in the
pursuit of my goal. That you three would tie your own purpose and being to reach
mine, is a very uplifting thing.”
“You still are not ready to speak of love,” Alice said with a sigh as she resisted
getting her own morning snack no matter how tempting it was. “You care for us that
much we can see and you will admit. Our love for your is a far greater and thorough
tie than others. Still we do respect you even as much as we love you, and as for
fear, I will admit, it is not you that we fear, but to disappoint you…”
“You have to understand that our relationship is as necessary to us as breathing,”
Hermione said with a gaze as she scrubbed the areas approaching where Alice’s hand
was playing. “This new addition merely allows you to better utilize us and for us to
better aid you. Most of those in live cannot imagine living without their love, but
for myself I know that without you my world would be as bereft of the sun.”
“That I am better able to know what you need to improve your ability to serve as
well as reward or punish you is something that you seem to ignore,” Harry said as he
gave up on the shower being anything like short and simple. “Not that any of you
three seem to have any complaints in that matter. I think that considering how you
three progress in your studies exactly how much I will reward or punish you. It is
odd that you find the line between the two to be so blurry. Most would consider me
whipping you until you collapse in agony a punishment while you seem to see it as a
similar reward to being pleasured to collapse.”
“We feel,” Anne said as she let her hands drift to soap his refilling balls. “Do you
wish that you did not, that we could not offer you such pleasure with our bodies?
You need to do more than to exist, our master. Sate your passions with our flesh and
live! You deserve to truly live than merely existing. If you had merely saved us and
walked away, we would have merely existed as broken toys waiting for someone with
less concern to take us up. Likely we would have sought you out to thank you and
offer ourselves to you because you did not take us just because you could and thus
are worthy to possess us. Ironic that we wish you to take us forcefully, is it not?”
“To some it would be,” Alice said while completely abandoning pretending to be
cleaning his erection and actively and unquestionably stroking him for her share of
direct fulfillment. “However, to us it is simply how things are and should be. Anne
still desires you to take her lat virginity as we do as well even if it is not the
same type. I do not know of my cousin, but considering how exuberant Anne was when
you claimed her ass; I suspect that we will cum like craze when you take that last
part of us to possess as yours. Likewise I know that Anne will be driven out of her
mind when you claim her proper. We all have a need to be owned, to be used and at
times abused. Is it bad if it is what we want, need and desire? I don’t think it is
nor do the rest of us.”

“Still we have business to attend to,” Hermione said as she caressed his chest while
her friends manipulated his cock and balls. “Breakfast and then the pressing
business brief. Still competition does drive us…”

“Summer,” Harry said as he felt the sure signs of his release approach and barely
restrained grunting in doing so. “Whichever of you reaches the furthest in your
studies gets a session entirely out of one of your fantasies. Whatever other
competitions that you choose to indulge in will have similar rewards as well as a
day or at least night of sexual and sensual experience until exhaustion claims you
for your birthdays? Yes, that would be a suitable reward…”
“Thank you, sir,” Alice chimed along with the others before dropping to her knees
and bringing her mouth near her moving hand encircling his throbbing member.
Placing a kiss to his head, Alice parted her mouth to let her tongue tease him while
Anne coaxed him to ensure that a bit of his recovery would be added to her snack.
Hermione leaned against him while he was stimulated with the others hands. She let
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her hands run through his hair while laying his head to suckle her already scrubbed
clean breasts. This was but a soothing respite to delay the business at hand. They
knew that short of whatever unwinding they could do during or between debating the
business discussions that there was little to know chance to play until later.
With a sigh, Harry let himself fill Alice’s mouth while Anne kneaded him to
stimulate more production and release. He was aware that Hermione was letting him
relax in her grasp. He didn’t need to have been able to discern their emotions let
alone thoughts to realize that they were likely to do something that would make him
grateful that they were drawing out both his release as well as his pleasure in it.
With his mouth slowly eased from its teasing, Harry let a purring sigh release from
his lips before he said, “You three really do take quite good care of me. If the
business was not so important I know that I would readily see how much we can do
before necessity required we withdraw from the water. I suppose that you have an
idea of how to do so Hermione?”
“Considering that my fellow slaves are quite distracted and unable to pry their
mouths from serving and servicing your body,” Hermione sighed as he moved to run his
hand down her back while she pressed against him. “I will readily state my idea. It
is one that I believe you will approve of when there is more time. I think that we
would like to have you make sure we are clean and not just using your fingers, but
to use your cock to ensure we are cleansed…. A bit odd considering that we would be
dripping something other than water.”
“So true,” Harry said while he felt his release slow to a halt even as he heard
Alice making noises as she savored her full mouth. “I would like to do so right now,
but considering the amount of material to cover before this evening…”

“Dora plans to come over and give herself to you completely as her Christmas
present,” Hermione said with confidence. “You were expecting that as well as that
Sarah will desire to be used by her new master. She may find fulfillment with a
mistress, but she seems to need a male to control her at least once and a while.”

“I can tell that you are having your own struggles with just standing here in my
embrace,” Harry said as he felt Anne trace her tongue to join Alice. “Regardless of
riding me to your pleasure as well as a time on our fingers now, you still haven’t
had your own morning snack before breakfast. When you three are done, we will head
to the kitchen to eat.”

“Thank you sir,” Hermione said before kissing him longingly with passion. “You
already knew what to say before…”

“And now I can almost play you three like puppets to draw out the complexity and
intensity in any encounter,” Harry said as she joined the others in their play. “It
almost seems cheating to be so gifted. At least it is better than someone using
passive Legilimency to twist someone to do what they want…”
Harry trailed off as he let himself both receive and view their attentions. He knew
that any other man would kill to be in his place most of the time. As it was he was
well aware that the entertainment that Dora and Hermione alone had provided would be
something they would envy. With his other two willing slaves, he was likely to be
grateful that the four of them could be discrete enough to not completely state what
they were doing.
Thankful that they didn’t lose themselves in their own desires again, Harry walked
from the shower to towel off along with the girls. Well they dried each other as
there was no need to dry their own selves when they found satisfaction in doing that
for each other. Harry paid no mind to the fact that they had been kissing each other
open mouthed as he was well used to them having done that before. Still he felt a
need to press matters before they dressed just in case someone came over; he didn’t
really care what Sarah was dressed as there was less issues there and she could be
quickly be sent out of view if that was necessary.
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“My pets, there are a few things I think will help with the boredom that the dry
business concerns will result in,” Harry said with a smirk as he summoned a few
things he knew was in the toy box. “Alice you really should realize that I would
find out what you had added to the toy box. So considering you two saw how much Anne
came from her anal experience, do either of you object to these?” When they shook
their heads he showed what was in his other hand. “So I take it that these will be
appreciated as well.” They nodded again. “Sorry Anne, but there is no way that I
will be letting you put these in before I put myself in. the same is not true for
you two.”
Regardless of her pout about not getting the second item to alleviate the
seriousness and boredom that listening to the various assets as well as liabilities,
Anne readily placed grabbed the first item he had provided. The others gladly took
both and smirked at Anne not having the second.
“The only way you could make this worse was if they vibrated,” Hermione commented as
she shivered while she let Alice stuff her with the balls. “They are oddly soothing
considering how well you used that area. So Anne, ready to help with the next one?
Alice you can slide Anne’s in and I can slide yours in or do you object?”
“No,” Alice said which prompted Anne to say, “Oh yeah…”

Harry didn’t look away while they inserted the boredom alleviators. He didn’t feel
compelled to correct Hermione that they did indeed vibrate and a few other tricks.
He had added the charms when he noticed that they had batteries and a simple sink
would work to power them. Hell, he knew that they would likely be able to work off
of their own ambient magic so there would be no degradation of the charms over time.
That he could trigger similar effects was beside the point; however, he quite
enjoyed the fact that he could pass them off as purely technological if it came to

‘I know that Alice and Hermione will enjoy the effects those vibrating balls will
have,’ Harry thought with a slight smirk as he watched Hermione bend over and Anne
worm the toy into her backdoor. ‘Hermione was contemplating using one of those, if
not on herself, than on Dora, so I see no problem in getting them to try it now.
Anne does seem to be quite stimulated with anal, but I have the feeling that driving
that into her with a crop would make her even more responsive… right damn hormones
had to come in a burst and it will be a while before I have anywhere near the
control of my emotions and my libido as before. Some clothes to cover while we go
over the Potter and Black accounts will be good even if they wouldn’t mind light sex
games during the discussion. I do believe that we will need to stick to business
before play or we will far too easily just play and skive off the work.’
“OOhhh,” Hermione moaned out as Anne played with the plug she had just finished
properly easing her open. “This is better than a finger…”

“Just wait until master sinks his cock into this tight little hole of yours,” Anne
practically crowed. “It will feel even better! All those nerves being stimulated
feels so good. Though I do hope that you don’t mind if I ask if I can suck his cum
out when he fills your ass up. So may I?”
“Really Anne,” Alice chided from where she was contemplating her own preparation.
“You have barely managed not to state that you want that almost as much as you
wanted him to not just fuck your ass, but to possess it and ream it as hard, fast
and as rough as he wishes. Besides we know you have a fixation on asses. You already
almost beg to lick and suck any of our asses and you think we don’t expect you to
jump on the chance to do that with an ass stuffed with our master’s cum?”
“When you put it like that,” Anne said with a sigh as she reluctantly stopped
playing with her new toy, “I guess it was a given. So you ready for your own plug?”
“I believe so,” Alice said as she bent to touch her toes while spreading her legs
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just a bit. “Do be gentle dear cousin…”
“I will,” Hermione purred as she took the slick bit of rubber and sunk it into her
cousin and rival’s ass easing the opening so that their master would be able to more
easily sink into them later. “Though, be a dear, cousin mine and remember to be far
less gentle when it is Anne’s turn… she does like it that way after all…”

“Of course,” Alice said as she wiggled a bit to get used to it. “You would like that
our dear plaything. Considering that you came loud enough to allow me to focus for a
moment when he rammed himself in and speared your eager hole, I see no reason not to
see if it is only our master that gets you to cum from such an entry.”
“You are one to talk, Alice,” Anne purred as she resumed teasing Hermione physically
and Harry visually. “I heard you when you asked our lord to take your cunt hard and
fast without any of the slow spreading stretching that Hermione enjoyed when she
sunk her sex on his stiff and sturdy cock. I am sure that you can reach right over
and plug my hole without me letting up on driving this lovely girl’s arousal up with
some more play…”
Harry was rather tempted to either summon a whip to speed them along or to close his
eyes in exasperation and excitement. He once more felt that they would be the death
of him. Now unlike the other twits who seemed to wish to do so, he was fairly sure
that he would find his death not with fists or being stuck with a knife, but with
being stuck inside their moist and sweet twats, teasing and alluring mouths or
seductive and tight asses. Yes it was a good way to go, but could they at least try
to kill him by overload of pleasure after he accomplished his goal. Was it really
too much to ask for?

“You three do know that it would be best if we actually got the work done,” Harry
said with a sigh of long suffering. “I would prefer it if we got the work done
sooner so that we had longer to play. I will say this I was quite tempted to punish
you for dawdling, but I know you would enjoy it too much for it to be a punishment.
So if you three are not somewhat dressed in five minutes I will ensure you three
don’t have any more climaxes until everyone else is passed out. Do you understand
“Yes, sir!” the three shouted out as they bolted at his pronouncement.

The three were back well before the five minutes were up and dressed somewhat
respectfully. Skirt and blouse with simple sandals, he noted while he looked at what
he had clad himself in, simple pants and shirt both in black. He didn’t even think
about the usual lack of intimate apparel on their bodies as it was normal now. That
the material was designed to be both comfortable and look enticing was something he
had accepted once they were happy to have allowed him to get used to.

“Well you made it back in time,” Harry said with a smirk. “I guess I know how to
properly motivate you still. Now food then business, and if you three are well
behaved through this ordeal we can play a bit after…”
“Thank you, sir,” the three said with a curtsy of all things. “We will be on our
best behavior!”
With that the four made their way to the kitchen where Sarah had a table set with
their favorite breakfast foods. To the side was the portfolio broken down into
categories, and Sarah was dressed in nothing save an apron. On second look when she
bent to get something from the oven, Harry noted that she had her own accommodations
in place. He saw the more complex toys inside her do to them being transparent as
well as the clips instead of piercings in several places. This did allow Harry to
note as well as notice that Sarah was likely more of a pain slut than his other pets
were. He had a suspicion of it from the way she had responded to her constraint the
day before.
“Good morning, Sarah,” Harry said as he entered with the girls following and
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chirping their own greeting. “How are the tasks coming along? Breakfast smells and
looks good so far.”

“Good, sir,” Sarah said as she checked the quick bake light and fluffy breakfast
from the oven. “Breakfast is coming along well and I was able to sort some of the
business matter while some of the food was cooking.”

“That is good news,” Harry said as they sat down and looked over the food. “How much
more needs to be done yet for both?”

“For breakfast, sir,” Sarah said as she set the platter she put the moist and crispy
baked croissant combination on the table. “There are still the omelets left as the
pancakes, waffles and grilled breads are done with the leaner meats you requested
being grilled. As for the rather long list of assets and liabilities, I have to
confess that I only managed to get the assets sorted. Some of the assets are
liabilities at the moment as it seems that some are not being rented and are just
sitting for some reason.”
“Well that is something at least,” Harry said as he barely moved to get some juice
when his cup was readily filled. “We still will need to find out what has been going
on with those accounts for the past ten years and that is a bit of build up to sort
through. Finding out who are the main investors both in and with is something to go
over after a general overview of what we have to work with will still need to be
“Yes, sir,” Sarah said as she worked on finishing the omelets before placing them on
the table and stopping at attention. “It will be done as soon as possible, sir. Is
there anything else sir?”

“Yes, you may give us a general overview while eating,” Harry said as he noticed the
slight waver in her voice. “After we have heard the briefing, you can assist while
we discuss things.”

“Yes, sir,” Sarah said with a hungry look at them. “Thank you, sir. Where should I
start sir?”
“Businesses,” Harry said with a nod as he ignored the fact she would rather be
serving him differently or more accurately servicing him. “It would be best not to
be competing with one’s self as that would be wasteful.”

“The list is rather exhaustive and is it necessary to go over each partial

investment or just the outright ownerships,” Sarah stated as she started sorting the
business stack searching for where to start, “I mean no disrespect, sir, but there
are a wide number of investments with less slightly than outright ownership down to
very small investments. Both the Blacks and the Potters had invested heavily in
diversified interests while also having a near monopoly in specific areas. There are
also the businesses that your maternal grandparents left you that seemed to have no
access for Petunia Dursley or any of her descendants. I find that a bit odd, but one
should expect sometimes for there to be complications in the family.”
“Outright ownership and then partners should suffice as the rest are like
diversified stocks from what it sounds like,” Harry said with a gesture for her to
continue. “Perhaps start with a categorical view to know what sectors and segments
we are now invested in to start…”
“Yes, sir,” Sarah said as she scanned the summary and detail documents. “Investments
in a number of rental properties both in London proper and other near metropolitan
areas from the Blacks, a number of working lands from the Potters including food and
fabrication material, and the Evans were invested in a number of shops with a
tendency towards an early attempt at consolidating a holding concern. As for the
direct businesses, the Blacks as well as Potters had a number of grey area
businesses including two somewhat competing clubs as well as the high-end service
establishments. They also seemed to have investments in Diagon and Knocturn Alleys
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with a few joint ventures. Most of the rental properties are with individuals and
concerns each family had a partnership with. The two families did have specialized
clubs for adult pursuits though they were for different client segments. They both
are legal relatively speaking and seem to be often hired to train youngsters to
better perform and respond in society as well from either the Golden Son and the
Silver Moon for the Potter and Blacks respectively. The Evans family was less
established than the other two, but they were more prone to invest in ground floor
developments. Sorry sir, but there is a lot to go over and while those are the main
points some of the partnerships are quite interconnected.”

“I see,” Harry said as he tried to picture the two near blood brothers coming from
two rivaled, yet willing to cooperate in ventures, families. “Are there any
investments in well known businesses that might be beneficial or damaging if they
come out?”
“Investments in partnerships in some of the perpetual businesses in both alleys as
well as a number of investments in rising companies,” Sarah said as she glanced over
the list. “The Evans did get into a few of the now developing communications and
technological concerns as well as proven performers. None of the investments save
the Black ones have too much risk in negative publicity and even those are soothed
by the connections and debts that the co-investors seem to have. To be blunt, sir,
none of them have a risk of being revealed or of causing issues. Despite the
reputation of the Black family they managed to not lose too much money in bad
investments, but the stipends to married daughters of the family were not wisely
“Well that is somewhat of a relief,” Harry said as he realized that they would need
a more in depth view at a later date. “Now a very general overview in sterling or
galleons I do not care, but a summary would help to see where we stand overall.”
“Liquid investments are respectable at several million pounds though it varies as
some is reinvested,” Sarah said as her eyes widened a bit at the big numbers. “The
long term investments are significantly more well into the hundreds of millions if
not more though some are tied up in properties and other hard assets. Suffice it to
say that with the three families investments consolidated there is enough value to
rank in the high upper class at a minimum. It is somewhat humorous that the Potter
family remained invested in clay, pottery and other consumable materials though a
number of it is in art and decorative creations.”

“So we have more than enough capital to invest in things,” Harry said with a
slightly feral grin. “Would it be possible to economically eviscerate our current
“That’s brilliant,” Hermione piped in as she realized how some would take death over
financial annihilation. “If they are too secure in other methods that could allow
for other openings.”

“Due to the joint ventures as well as the loans given,” Sarah said smirked in
appreciation. “The Malfoys are well open along with most of their associates to such

“Excellent,” Harry said barely managing not to cackle at the prospect. “I was hoping
to have more than what my research had showed in the arraignment between the two
families. Dissolving the marriage would be useful for several reasons, but having
even more economic troubles will make it easier. I really dislike both the father
and his clone like son.”
“He does tend to rub people the wrong way,” Hermione said as she contemplated things
between savoring the breakfast of her choice. “Still there are people that are more
irritating there even if only a few. Now while Percival is a self conceited and
delusional prat of a prefect and Ronald is a close minded hypocrite with the
attention and intelligence of a garden slug having the table manners of a locust,
there are the twins to counter any claims that the Weasleys are entirely deserving
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being completely broke financially as well as their current social falling. Dora had
a few good things to say about Bill and Charlie as well as the twins. It just seems
that there were two nuisances that developed in the family.”
“Yes, Percival is a nuisance with his adherence to the letter of the law in regards
to things there,” Harry said with a hum of concentration. “It would make him better
at bureaucratic jobs, but have little to no flexibility for reality outside of rigid
structures. The Malfoys will eventually be dealt with just as the Dursleys will be
dealt with. It is just not yet the right time to do so.”

“Sarah could be useful to ensure the proper things are handled sequentially,”
Hermione offered with a look at the close to begging woman. “Did you not say that
she has been quite useful recently, Alice?”
“Yes, she has been quite useful and well rewarded for her work,” Alice said with a
smirk to the horny hedonist forced to hold and wait for one of them to take her.
“Besides the obvious uses, she has been quite the selling point. That she enjoys her
work is just a bonus.”

“Ah but has she been rewarded recently,” Hermione said while watching the struggling
woman nibble her lips as she tried not to shout out her pleading for someone to give
her a good seeing to. Well, sir, she has done a good job in getting the business
sorted so far and with more than adequate speed; do you think she should be rewarded
for being such a good little secretary slave? If she has been good maybe you could
either reward her or have us do so…”

“Why Hermione,” Harry teased with a bit of a smirk, “It almost seems as if you want
me to bend this woman over and ravish her or at least watch some of you playing with
her while she drives you to a mind blowing mouth twistingly verbally foul and
ecstatic climax. Why one would think that you want to have me make you three sit on
her face and hands while I explore her lower holes…”

“Yes, sir,” Hermione groaned out at the visuals in her mind. “That would be so
“I could if I wanted to,” Harry said as he watched Sarah pant a bit more and drip
some more of her arousal to the floor. “But should I? Well my sexy little slave
slut, what do you think? Should I take your needy body right here and now? Have you
truly earned it?”

“Whatever sir wishes,” Sarah answered as she had the feeling that if she had told
him that she had earned it he would likely keep her on edge. “I would love to be
graced with the pleasure of being fucked and used however you wish, but only you
know if you believe I have earned it regardless of how this body craves some
“You really do know your place,” Harry said as he reached over to the needy woman to
pet her head. “Well my darlings, I think that we should have a bit of fun with this
willing little thing…”
Setting the food aside, the group proceeded to use the willing woman to her repeated
and obvious pleasure while satisfying their own. Harry bent Sarah over the table
with her ass up where he easily and swiftly entered her. While he occupied one end,
the girls arranged themselves to use her fingers and lips. They moved after a time
when they wanted to try something different though they did tend to sit on her back
so that their master could add his tongue to tease one so to prevent shifting from
hand to other hand.
When Harry let himself loose in her willing cunt, Alice and Anne moved about to
clean each of them while Hermione remained with Sarah’s head buried in her slit.
While Harry was enjoying the two girls moving between his dick and her holes, he was
well aware that when Anne started to make sure Sarah was prepared that he should
savor the moment with Alice before he was placed to claim Sarah’s next hole.
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‘Not that I mind,’ Harry thought as he ran his hand over Alice’s bobbing head.
‘Still there is the fact that our damn hormones and libidos seem to be rising faster
than I have ever heard of. At least once we are sated for a time we can finish the
rest of the discussion. I do wonder which other businesses we have investments in as
it already seems that finding the money to further my goals will not be the problem,
and instead that finding the materials and information will be the last hurdle. I
mean the odds of that self styled Lord Voldemort gathering enough followers for me
to use as a sacrifice as well as a vessel to sacrifice along with his wand seems
farfetched and yet it is a method the fool could possibly use to attempt a mockery
of a resurrection… Feh! I will deal with it later as I would rather enjoy this bit
until the fool and the necessary components are found. Still a shame that he had to
use that curse or none of these complications would have been necessary…’

With his thought cut off as his eyes shuddered with the sensations Alice was
providing as she moved her vacuuming mouth from tip to base, Harry found it
difficult to think straight as even the ritual enhanced multiprocessing ability of
his mind just pretty much agreed to divert most of its attention to the heavenly and
almost religious experiences that were being brought to his body. That Alice was
merely trying to ensure that he was hard, clean and slick was immaterial to the
professional level of sensuality that she was putting into the act. Now sure it was
not exactly up to the level of say Dora with her modifiable mouth, but it could
compare with a few of the very expensive sensualists of which Harry did not know
were in his employ.
As it was, Harry’s eyes snapped open when he felt the sudden loss of her mouth
around him. His growl of irritation changed to a sigh of pleasure as he felt his
cock sink into his well experienced slave’s ass. He blinked when he came to a stop
and looked about. He saw the girls had returned to their positions around her and
realized he hadn’t instructed them not to do so. With a slight shrug, he began to
slide in her welcoming hole. He marveled at the ease of his movements before his
breath was caught when she clamped down on him as she had similarly done when he had
been screwing her cunt.

“You are a good fuck, Sarah,” Harry groaned out as he fucked her ass with rapid and
audible skin smacking each other. “You have got to teach the others this lovely
trick. I mean girls she seems to know how to change how tight she can be where she
goes from loose to enter to almost as tight as you three have been…”

“OOO,” Hermione echoed from where she was grinding Sarah’s face to her pussy. “I can
think what that might be like for both sides involved. Just think about it…”
“Being stretched,” Alice said from where she was practically being fisted. “While he
feels so wrapped, it would be exquisite.”

“Yeah it would be great,” Anne said from where she was experiencing one finger and
thumb in her twat while the other three probed her already reamed ass. “Might make
master really give a girl a seeing to as well…”
“Later,” Harry cut them off as he shook the table with his strokes. “Sarah, see
about distracting them until I am done at least…”
The mumbled, “Yes sir,” was felt by Hermione and she stopped paying attention and
soon was joined by the energetic groans, moans and howling as Sarah used her tongue
and fingers to drive the three out of their minds with mouth and hand soaking
climaxes. Harry worked himself fast and hard with his hands kneading and tormenting
the willing slave girl’s ass.
Feeling a bit of contemplation, Harry considered pulling out and spraying the marked
ass he was handling. Then he thought about how they would react to spraying inside
Sarah again. With his mind made up, Harry drew to a stop and ground against her as
he felt his balls contract and flow spraying into her sucking hole.

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Smacking her ass before slowly withdrawing Harry remarked, “Now that was a very
enjoyable piece of ass. Alice, Anne, I have to commend you on this find. Now if you
ladies would clean things up, I think I am going to get a bit to eat while you take
your own turns using her. She rather loves to be used from what I can tell.”
“Yes, sir,” the three girls moaned as they reluctantly slid off Sarah’s somewhat
limp fingers and mouth.
He stood there while he felt their lips and hands suck, scoop and lick up the mess
their last fuck had caused. With how Sarah had tried to suck and keep his release
inside, he had ended up with not a lot clinging to him although her juices had left
a visible sheen. Still they had soon had him clean enough to wander away to grab
some food.
He was a bit hungry after that and while his back was turned to them he heard what
was occurring. It would take a few moments to gather enough food, but it would be
worth it; he really didn’t want to pass out from exhaustion or dehydration in the
middle. Still he could hear them finish licking and lapping the woman’s poor filled
hole clean before a few faintly familiar sounds of belt like fastening occurred.

‘It seems that the girls have done her before,’ Harry thought as he heard the sound
of rubber sinking into slick flesh occurred. ‘I know that Dora did her other lover,
but not the reverse and that none of my little playthings have had a real cock or a
fake stretch them open. I wonder if it will be as arousing to watch as when Dora and
Hermione play.’

Settling down to recover from the claiming of the practically muggle slave, Harry
turned to watch the sight before him as he snacked on a bit of the food going by.
Sure he dipped the fruit and bread in one of the added sauces, but who wouldn’t with
the situation before him. It was an intoxicating flavor he realized and the fruit
did cause them to start just so when he drew it along the fresh marks or the groan
when the cool fruit met their heated skin especially their drooling lips.

‘Still while I find that their blood and juices seem a far better flavoring to this
brunch,’ Harry thought as he felt his arousal stop being overly tender and just less
than ready. ‘I must admit that my girls seem to throw the best entertainment. I had
not really thought that all that stimulation would not cause problems, but it seems
that Sarah rather enjoys having all her holes stuffed and being what was that
phrase… ah yes air tight. Pity is that it only leaves her hands or… hmm she does
have a rather fuckable pair.’
Once he had finished his food and double checked that his dick was neither likely to
need to be bathed in soothing balm or his balls becoming painfully drained again,
Harry returned to the reward in front of him. He smirked before giving the already
heady girls a quick attention getting smack.
“Well ladies I think there is something else that Slave Sarah can provide for me,”
Harry said as he gazed over their rutting forms. “Considering you lot are occupying
all of her holes that still left her hands and…”
“Her tits!” Hermione shouted out in realization before stilling to grinding. “Sorry,
sir. I just think that we would like to see you do that once considering you came in
each of her holes already.”
“Yes,” Harry said as he approached where Alice was seated with Sarah’s head in her
lap. “That just means a little change…”
“Yes sir,” the three non preoccupied girls said. “Should we switch?”
“Not really,” Harry said as he slid to sit on her stomach. “Although Hermione and
Anne might switch places to stay in the same hole or switch which one they are

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The two girls looked at each other whole Alice moved to sit on Sarah’s face where
her tongue returned to probing her holes. A quick rock, paper, scissors decided who
would resume in which of the already repeatedly fucked holes. They would have a bit
more time to play before they expected their guests to arrive.
‘Now was I forgetting something,’ Harry wondered as he slid along the sweat slicked
skin as he leaned to kiss Alice. ‘Oh my I did forget something with all this. I do
hereby reinstate, Andromeda Black into the family along with her daughter Nymphadora
Tonks… I think this time will take a while to coax a spray out.’

With his other pressing business relieved, Harry resumed his part of the claiming of
Sister Sarah. They would need a shower after this again, but it had been worth it.
They had plenty of time considering how difficult it had been to find what scattered
information to further his inevitable success. He didn’t know that each of these
times taking his pleasure when he could instead of relentlessly single mindedly
pursuing his goal was easing his task. He didn’t know of his repeated voyeur and
sympathetic orgasm induced watcher. So it was unsurprising that he didn’t know that
the other woman he had that was linked to her while normally unable to feel what his
lovers did was actively watching in her trapped mind.

She had been a voyeur since he had brought her mind into his when he had punished
the fool who had dared to intrude in his mind. So two incorporeal women watched as
the woman beneath their attentions shuddered and screamed with her mouth muffled
without him knowing; both of them had long forgotten most of their lives, but they
held on in their own way to their link to more than the emptiness of their sensory
deprivation existence. The watcher felt a bit of jealousy as her companion shuddered
in sympathetic pleasure. She really wished that she could feel more like that. Who
knew what the future would hold though?


“So what do you think is going on with Nymy lately?” Ted asked Andy. “She has been
acting odder this past summer and yet she seems to have made a few more friends.”

‘She can't be regressing,’ Andy thought in absolute certainty. ‘Still there is so

much that I cannot see her even thinking of doing now. She was acting like a muggle
whore and even though I married a muggle born there are things that no daughter of
mine will do.’

“Dear?” Ted asked as he wondered what had his beloved in such thought. “You are
spacing out again…”
“I think she is just growing up and finally making some more friends,” Andy said
with a sigh. “I keep worrying that she might fall into the wrong sort…”

“Yet your mother considered me the wrong sort,” he said with a slight chuckle.
“Still I have an idea on the sort you really mean. She is our daughter and she won't
just fall into being used like that!”
“But she is a half blood and you recall what the boys treated girls like that,” Andy
said with a shudder. “The only ones who had more risk were…”
“Mudbloods like me,” Ted said with a sigh. “You think I was happy with what was
happening? Do you know that it was only thanks to the Obliviators that those so
called elite pure blood men didn’t get themselves killed? Why do you think almost no
muggleborn girls stay and most muggleborn men like me marry muggle, muggleborn or
half blood girls? Because the risks aren’t worth it, and love, while enough is hard
when one worries about their family being killed or worse.”

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“I know that you weren’t happy with how things were,” Andy said with a slow
comforting gesture. “If it was possible I would have preferred that she was not in
any way forced to deal with such things, and it hurts me at times that I worry that
they might take advantage of certain aspects of muggle ideas for their own gain.”
“I can see considering that social norms there are almost worse than Victorian in
values,” Ted said as he reflected that while he had tried to accept certain parts of
the thing when he had joined this world there were things he didn’t like. “What
would be considered almost scandalous there in clothing is considered to be overly
modest here. As a father, I am rather worried that clothing choices might give the
wrong impression here let alone there. Still I know that our little pumpkin will
eventually find someone and bring him home to meet us, but I hope that is a while
away still. I guess we should content ourselves that as you said she is making more
friends and at least she hasn’t gotten involved in any of the girl gangs that seem
to be forming lately. There are rumors that even more girls are starting to date and
do other things far sooner than I would like my little girl to do so.”
“Her being at a boarding school and remembering what we did then does not ease
matters,” Andy admitted with a shudder as she relaxed against him. “I just don’t
want her to get caught in the games that go on there. I would worry more if she
hadn’t been a Ravenclaw as most of them at least managed to avoid the politics that
Slytherin tended to or the risks the Gryffindors take. At least she is likely not
ready to be coerced into a closet or the Astronomy Tower.”
“You worry what will happen when word spreads of her gift or for the time more
likely her curse,” Ted said as he tried to soothe his troubled wife. “As a guy, I
know what they will think and eventually ask her. The only way her time there would
have been worse was if she had active Veela blood. That she could easily make
herself older or appear older and able to engage in older activities is something I
really don’t want to think about. Still I trust that we have raised her to be smart
enough and wise enough not to get used like that. Sure there is the risk of
mistakes, but she is a teenager and she will make them; all we can do is to try and
help her minimize the consequences.”

“At least we as witches have had ways to minimize those for a while,” Andy said with
a groan as his hands helped her forget some of her worries. “It seems that even
magic as an equalizer to you men being more often physically stronger than us has
been becoming less important of late. From history, it seems that witches rights are
in the decline and I worry that the Death Eaters and their sympathizers are trying
to make it even easier for any girl that is not a pureblood or even those who are
but are related to blood traitors to have less rights and to be once again for sex
and breeding.”

“Yes, we both are worried for her,” Ted said as he wrapped her into a full body hug,
“But she will eventually want to explore things and we will have to be prepared for
that when it happens. She will go through her first crush, her first boyfriend and
eventually her first lover. Part of me wishes that whoever it is will be the same
and that he will treat her well.”
“Although as her father you will immediately disapprove of any male hanging around
her,” Andy said somewhat approvingly. “So far she has been safe as school, but even
with her friends there might come a time when the boys are no longer swayed not to
“And because of us she has no family of standing to ask for assistance,” Ted said
with self loathing in his voice at what her love for him had cost her and their
daughter. “Loath as I would be to ask any of the rest of your family for assistance
“Mother hated you as did my aunts,” Andy said with a sob. “Still we do what we must
to survive. If only…”
“Sirius hadn’t betrayed the Potters and become the new Head,” Ted said with a sigh.
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“He didn’t seem the type to do so and considering how he acted to things then…”
“He couldn’t have been sent to Azkaban without proof,” Andy said with her eyes
filled with tears of sorrow. “Regardless of how the administration let known Death
Eaters and their sympathizers walk away. Still we looked and any record of the trial
is closed like most of those at the time. If only… things could have been better.”

“At least we don’t have to look to a Lord Black causing us problems right now,” Ted
said as he ran his hands comfortingly above and below her clothes. “We may be
successful, but I know they would find a way around us simply paying off the debt.”
“Yes that is a worry if any of my sister’s spawns ascended to rule the family no
matter how few remain,” Andy said with a shudder as she unleashed her pent up sorrow
and frustration. “Thankfully it is unlikely that Bella has no known progeny and that
Narcissa’s son seems far more Malfoy than Black. Considering he has been groomed to
be almost a perfect clone of his father…”
“He would show no hesitation in exploiting Nym if he knew,” Ted said with his own
signs of worry. “He would not care that they are cousins and would likely whore her
out as well as use her for whatever plan and pleasures he thinks of. You recall
seeing him when we were out. He was a spoiled arrogant brat that believes he can buy
anything and eventually anyone he wants.”

“Best hope would be if Sirius has a will for an heir apparent and scion for House
Black,” Andy said with a frown as she contemplated on who it could be. “Regardless
of his betraying the Potters he had not and is now unable to renege his status as
Godfather and as he had no issue and the boy has Black blood…”

“So you are saying our daughter’s only chance for a familial protector would be for
the most famous boy in the world currently to decide to befriend her?” Ted asked in
dread. “At least they are in the same house although with the age difference it is
unlikely that they are friends.”

“We could petition him,” Andy said as her eyes closed and she surrendered to the
sensations that Ted was evoking as he tried to chase both their fears away.
“Unfortunately, I believe that it is likely that his mail is filtered if not
completely censored. He also lives with muggles and from what Dumbledore said no one
can find him without him telling us. So while he is not under the Fidelius he is
well hidden from both those who could help as well as harm him…”

“We could always look up public records,” Ted suggested as he felt a smile that his
distracting was starting to work for both of them. “Remember that most of our world
is either ignorant or unwilling to think that muggle are more than slightly
intelligent animals. It is a shame that they so easily dismiss things that could
help them out.”
“Brilliant!” Andy said as she spun around in his embrace. “We can do that while Nym
is at her friend’s house!”
“Of course, my darling,” Ted said as he kissed her gently. “It is a very good thing
that she doesn’t know how to get around the underage restrictions, yes?”
“Oh yes!” Andy growled out as she flicked the doors locked and the room silenced.
“Now I am going to ride you, lover…”
Sitting in her room, Dora was contemplating when she could leave for her master’s
side. She sighed when she heard the tell tale quite of a silencing charm from her
parents room. She would need a bit of relief soon, but her punishment sucked a lot.
Still didn’t mean that she couldn’t do some things to ease the situation a bit. She
had been somewhat shocked at what the somewhat innocent items she had procured for
them could be used on. Still she had accepted that part of her yearnings and needs
as their plaything was that there was nothing that was off limits to their wants.

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‘So a little later in the day and I will be there,’ Dora thought as she pondered the
slick bit of rubber in her hand. ‘I cannot fault my parents for their own needs, but
mother should have given a better reason for what she did. She broke me after all
and the only good thing to come out of it was that master put me back together as he
wanted. He will take me as he wishes and possess me completely. As my mouth, hands
and tits have been no stranger to his cock so too will my other holes. I will be
having a very long session as no class or outside meals will need a public
appearance. To be nude and available for them seems a dream now. Still I can get
myself ready while my hypocritical prudish mother gets her ride. A shame that was
the only part I heard of whatever they were discussing…’
She let a moan out as she eased the rubber inside while her other hand teased her
eager sex. In a few more hours she knew she would be completely possessed, used and
utilized by her beloved master. It was a shame that she could not be public about
it. Her very being wished that she could be paraded down Diagon with a collar and
leash for all to see. She didn’t care about what anyone really thought, but she was
aware that for the moment her parents considered her too young to make such
So while she killed time getting herself ready before heading to rinse and clean her
body for her master to enjoy, Dora ignored the obvious coming from her parent’s
room. She had to be quick as she was unsure how long they would be riding. So
cutting her self-administered foreplay down, Dora went to the quick and fast
release. Her mind fantasizing on what her master would do to her as well as what he
may call for her to do. She was aware that her master had other playthings and that
she might entertain them as she had Hermione, but there was something when she did
so that made her happy.

With shaky knees, Dora wobbled to the shower with her thighs wet with her arousal
and release. Part of her gait was due to her ass having something inside it as she
was not used to it. Still after a quick and hot shower with scrubbing inside and
out, Dora padded her way to her room where she slipped on a knee length skirt and
blouse both that were classy and stylish without being anywhere near slutty enough
to offend her mother. A momentary sigh escaped as she clenched her cheeks and felt
the cleaned and reinserted toy move about. She felt a need to have more things
either inside or otherwise tormenting her with teasing sensations.

‘Some of the other things I saw in their toy box as well as what they had me buy
would be nice,’ Dora thought as she double checked her packed clothing for her time
away. ‘It is a shame that they would likely be visible, and I have no desire for
seeing what mother’s reaction to things being fastened to stimulate my nipples and
clit would be. Thankfully the plug is not as obvious even if it will make driving
over a stimulatingly difficult occurrence.’

Making her way to the kitchen while she strained to hear her parents showering and
the slight muffle as they recast a silencing charm, Dora poured herself a glass of
warmed cider. She knew better than to grab the adults’ only one as it had more of a
kick to it than butterbeer. So she was left to wait and cursing herself for not
getting their phone number so she could be talking to them as she waited for her
hypocritical mother to stop screwing her father so they could go. If this was them
being late to pick her up, she wouldn’t care since she would be getting the same
pleasuring, but at this moment she was stuck anticipating and trying not to reek of
her frustration and fantasies.
“Really they could be somewhat more considerate,” she mumbled as she sat down and
nursed the warm soothing drink. “Instead they are rutting like a horny teen like me
should be doing while I have to wait to get there to get a good romp in. About half
the time I want master to claim his title so he can tell them to bugger off, while
the rest I feel that I would miss being here. Being a teen is so damn confusing…”
Settling down to wait, Dora had to try to think unsexy thoughts as her mind drifted
to her inevitable consummation of her loyalty, lust and love for her master. She
just knew now that her place was with him whither it was at his feet, side or bed
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mattered little to her. If she had known that her aunt had the same devotion to her
lord, things would have made more sense to her. That she would have sympathized and
likely emulated her aunt in her quest to find out what had happened to her master if
she thought hers was lost was something that she would likely dismiss as obvious.
It was to a relaxed and almost meditative daughter that her parents finally arrived
to see after their own activities. Dora barely managed not to wrinkle her nose at
how little of their activities they had cleaned off as regardless of having been in
a shower they were still lingering enough for her to smell. If this had been a few
years later she would have wished she could have just Apparate to there. She really
would have to find a way to get there without requiring her parents as
transportation. Part of her had wondered if she would have to be side along
apparated if they were a true pureblood family.

Instead as the Tonks family was situated among muggles, they had several things that
were not found in a pure blood house. They had a car to go places and thus it was by
car that they transported their beloved daughter to her friend’s house. Andy did
wonder why they had not met at the station, but there were plenty of understandable
reasons for that.

So here Dora was sitting in her parent’s Mercedes as she tried to not show exactly
why she wanted to visit this particular friend’s house. Normally she could floo to
her friends on the network, but this was her only friend not on the network. It was
possible that they could get added, but there were rumors that she had discovered
about certain people that having such access to here would be bad for.
‘Ok Dora,’ she thought as she tried not to wiggle her ass for some relief as to tip
off her parents to her state. ‘Regardless of the fact that your parents had at least
two romps while making you wait for them to drive you to where you likely will be
nude and fucked often, you need to not hump your ass against the seat while
clenching your thighs trying to get off. While daddy would likely miss the obvious
as he sees me as his little girl, mother would turn us around and drag me somewhere
private to hose me down and berate me for being a horny bitch thinking of nothing
but getting mounted by a or any stud.’
Looking at her mother glancing at her in the mirror, Dora barely managed not to
glare at the hypocrite. A very sinister part wanted to parade her mother and her two
faced ideals for the world to see. Well there was that as well as having her
tormented while Dora got relief; however, she was well aware that some of her
impulses were out of the norm and that some of her fantasies were both illegal and
to most immoral. Sure the idea of humiliating her mother and revealing her own
deviant was very tempting, but there was no way that she would go through with some
of the sick ideas she later felt revulsion in. Now just because Dora had driven
herself to orgasm with the image of her mother being transfigured partially into a
bitch in heat before begging any passing stud make or dog to mount her and take her
before filling her needy cunt with their cum, was no reason to carry it out.

Dora did realize reluctantly that the more she had been repressed the more extreme
her fantasies, desires and needs had become. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to
her master from saving her before she had gone off the deep end. If she had lasted a
few years before she had rebelled, Dora concluded that she would have subsumed her
time in fucking in every way possible including damn near every form that was
illegal as well as immoral. It was the sudden shudder at the images of what she did
thankfully not desire that eased her mind somewhat.
‘I could have placed myself in that fantasy or worse,’ Dora thought as she tried not
to make herself sick from the images that she was suddenly seeing. ‘If I had snapped
on my own, I would have likely become the school if not town and village bike or
broom depending on the place. Sure I seem to have accepted my having sexual desires,
but at least I didn’t begin to walk into other boys or girls bedrooms to fuck them.
I think that having a master to decide those things is helping, or I think I would
have gone after more girls than Penny as well as welcomed Davis and his friends’
attentions. If I hadn’t had an attachment to him, I would have likely resisted but
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given in and as scary as it seems begged for more. At least with Harry as my master
I don’t have to worry about being whored out… well unless I ask; however with his
possessive nature, he will likely deny any of those things if it was a guy and only
maybe allow another girl. The exception would be Hermione and anyone else that he
considers as much a possession as the both of us.’
On the plus side, Dora had started to think of things other than the numerous ways
and means of pleasuring and being pleasured that she would be experiencing a little
while after they let her out of their sight. The odd glances that her mother was
sending to her were for once not about her constant fears about her daughter and her
emerging sexuality, but with how she was actually quite in the car ride. She had
thought that Nym would be bouncing around about visiting her friend and telling her
all about it. For a moment, Andy was worried that her excessive protective actions
had stunted her daughter’s development.
“Hey,” Andy said turning her gaze to softly watch her daughter. “You really didn’t
tell us much about this friend of yours…”
Dora started at her mother’s question. That was not what she wanted to talk about as
she knew she might say something that would insinuate the type of relationship that
they shared or worse. So she steeled her resolve and focused on the non sexual
aspects of their friendship and the pertinent information to get through the moment
of parental interest.
“Well for starters we are in the same house,” she started off with keeping silent on
that they tended to share the same bed. “Hermione was raised muggle and from our
talks was scheduled for more accelerated schooling before choosing to go to
Hogwarts. I do know that she is well on her way in reaching her preparatory
schooling for University level studies. In addition to her being there, her cousin
and her friend will be there. There will be adult supervision there so there is no
worry about us doing something too dangerous or improper…”

“You know we know you would never do that,” her father told her as he turned down
the next street. “Besides getting into the typical mischief that a slumber party
would do, we have no worries for you doing anything that you would regret. Well at
least until you get a bit older. As your father I am a bit prone to worry about such
things, but it is a bit early for that. You do realize that when you do eventually
bring a boy home to date that I will have to give him a talk, right?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Dora replied even as she tried not to worry too much about what the
two men in her life would do when they met each other. “I guess that means that when
I do decide to bring a boy home for you to meet that he has a certain level of…
mettle to not be scared off. Although if a boy scares that easy, I guess that he
wouldn’t be worth dating let alone hugging or kissing.”
“Too right,” Ted said with a nod. “I may have been scared spit less meeting your
mum’s parents, but I did it anyway… Not that they ever approved…”
“Looks like we are here,” Andy said after shooting a glare at Ted for that last
barely said bit. “So we get to meet your little friend now…”
As the car pulled up, the parents saw the scene before them with two girls playing
while an adult kept a somewhat watchful eye on them. They couldn’t see the silence
charms on the room upstairs of the way that the two in the room were going at
things. As it was, they saw the two playing in the snow with a proper amount of
bundling to alleviate some of their concerns. Most of the rest were eased with the
sight of a warm beverage and a change of clothes for after playing in the snow being
As they stopped the car on the cleared driveway, the three exited and made their way
towards the house. The two had turned to watch as the car came up and when Hermione
was sure who it was had along with her cousin bounded towards them with a grin.

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“Dora!” Hermione shouted as she engulfed her friend in a hug. “It is so good to see
you. These must be your parents. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Tonks. Oh
how rude of me not to introduce you. This is my cousin Alice.”
“Hello,” Alice said from where she was before joining the hug. “Hermione has told me
so much about you…”
“Thanks,” Dora said with a blush in the hug and mutual smiles. “OH right these are
my parents, Ted and Andromeda Tonks.”
“Nice to meet you,” the two said together with a glance at each other. “We should
get inside since you are not really suited to stay outside.”
“Right,” Dora said with a look to her parents before glancing around the street. “It
wouldn’t do to stick out like sore thumbs…”
Her parents were shocked that their little girl would chastise them and comment on
their failing to blend in, but they followed the three to the house where the lady
helped the girls get out of their snow gear and pass out the warm drink. There was
both warm cider and coco for the girls and themselves to drink. After some polite
things were said and the parents seated with the girls at the kitchen table which
was oddly extremely waxed to a shine, the Tonks family decided to get a bit more
“So you haven’t introduced yourself,” Andy said as she sipped the slightly over warm
cider. “Considering neither of the girls called you mum, I must wonder who you are.”

“I guess you could call me a caretaker,” she said with a sigh as she relaxed with
her own cider which had been carefully prepared without alcohol this time. “My name
is Sarah by the way and the Clawsons hired me as they tend to spend quite a bit of
time away. A pity that it takes so much work to keep everything going, but they
thought having someone to keep an eye on things would be useful.”

“I see,” Andy said as she glanced at Ted to see how he was handling things. “Well it
is good to see that they thought ahead and considering that you are already trusted
with one additional girl, I will trust for a while that you are up to dealing with

“You are unsure of things and would prefer to talk to the Clawsons first,” Sarah
said with a smile of understanding. “Sadly they had to handle some business today.
It seems as if one can never have enough time.”
“And yet you act as if we would leave our daughter here when we don’t know you?” Ted
asked as much as stated while wondering why he was slightly distrustful of the woman
before him. “We would need to know at least as much as one would about a babysitter.
Of course you do understand our concern in this matter?”
“Dora here is your little girl so of course you worry about her,” Sarah said with a
nod as she contemplated what to say. “I am quite experienced in dealing with
children and have at times been tempted to apply myself for more than a teacher
role, nanny or live in governess. I do act as a substitute teacher from time to time
and other things.”
While the adults hashed out the particulars of Sarah’s qualifications, Hermione,
Alice and Dora were talking about things from where they were seated. Dora’s parents
were ignoring them in their discussion as the three tended to drift to giggling in
their whispers. Sure they were playing catch up to see what had happened in the
short time separate. Dora had an idea or inkling of what would happen, and a part of
her was sad that she had not been able to be there when her master took his other
pets for the first time.
‘At least I will be able to relish in being seen when he claims me,’ Dora thought as
she giggled with the distinctively coded and cleaned gestures the others were
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making. ‘I do want to see this exquisite mark though. I wonder where mine will be
and if I can eventually wear it proudly. Still when he claims his rights I wonder if
he will let us wear collars in public… right the attention might be bad.’
“So Dora,” Alice started with a twisted teasing in her eyes and voice. “Any thoughts
on what kinds of games we can play later?”
Left unsaid was that Anne was playing the game they wanted to be at the moment. That
had been something that had taken a good bit of innuendo laced subtlety to
communicate to each other, but the three had practice of doing so though not
specifically with the three of them. Alice had long since learned how to pass
messages to the rest of the group without explicitly telling them things. Really the
innuendo was something that had colored their discourses among the girls at least
for ages, and while Harry had been one of the original few males not deemed a
complete jerk at the time, there was the fact that the three sided factions of the
kids in the area had polarized things.
Hermione had spent a good chunk of time catching up on how to sound completely
innocent while describing things of the toe curling sexual nature, and she had
gladly practiced their discrete communications with their Dora so there was little
worry that Dora would not be able to tell them what they were interested in knowing.
The way the girl had practically alternated from squealing and drooling when they
had described things colorfully and discretely had not been lost on them. Not that
they had been much better as they tended to want to drift off with the images of
what their master and Anne were up to.
‘Lucky bitch,’ the three had thought in unison before they snapped back to right and
they watched as Dora pondered on things.

“Well I do know a few that we can play,” Dora began before she giggled and leered at
the others just a bit. “Aurors, Handlers and Healers…”

The other two looked at each other and giggled at that. It didn’t take them even a
moment to translate what Dora had proposed. Oh sure it would sound as innocent as
could be as a magically inspired cops and robbers, zoo and doctor, but considering
that these three girls were sensually and sexually active to some varying degrees
that was not the case. Aurors would have a capture and constrain situation, Handlers
could be one playing a near human or not animal, while Healers would be at a minimum
the full exploration of the body that normal children playing doctor would do. Kids
were precocious and curious after all. That was something that most parents seemed
to forget along with exactly what they got up to at that age.
“Well that does sound fun,” Hermione said as she gave a contemplative look to her
two playmates. “At least you didn’t think of playing school considering this is a
break from the constant studies; however, I think that might be almost as much fun
as some other things. There are plenty of games that we can play and just think next
year we can all play together and not just on the holidays…”

They all grinned at that before they noticed that the adults had paid a bit of
attention to the last bit. Neither Ted nor Andy had been aware that Hermione’s
cousin was also a muggleborn witch, and it showed at the looks that they had given
“I am in the know as it were,” Sarah said with a wave at them as to dismiss the
worries of the Statute of Secrecy. “I have been for a while, and while it was
unexpected that I would luck out and find a family with a friend as well as cousin
that are gifted, it has been helpful.”
“Yes, I can see that,” Ted said with a sigh. “That was something that we were
concerned about especially if they had any… accidents.”
“That would be a valid concern,” Sarah said with a grin as she closed her eyes and
savored her drink. “Oddly enough this area is known for being completely normal and
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ordinary, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Thankfully everyone wishes to
appear as such, regardless of the truth of the matter, and thus anything out of the
ordinary is dismissed. Some of the more blatant beasts and beings could be more
thoroughly dismissed from thought without help here. Regardless this area is quite
safe from outside influences. Some of the more protective influences are present
here so worries about certain individuals reminiscing on former activities are very
“So this is a good area to live and raise one’s family,” Andy said in interest of
the matter. “A bit further from the city, but then one gains things in compensation.
So there have been no known incidents unlike some other areas.”

“How direct do you wish me to be, Andromeda?” Sarah asked in half interest as she
glanced at the girls who had resumed their own huddled giggling. “What with the
children present…”
“We wish to ascertain how safe our daughter is while here,” Ted said with a sigh.
“There have been rumors that certain slippery individuals have resumed baiting
“Ah the idiots that managed to buy their way out of their rightful prison sentence
acting up again,” Sarah said with a suddenly vicious smirk. “There has only been one
failed attack in this area, and while it went unnoticed by the Ministry there was no
lasting problems for those here. Though I would think they would have been quicker
to respond considering…”

“Considering what?” Andy asked in sudden interest even as she glanced to check that
the girls were not paying attention to their conversation. “Why would they have a
reason to respond quickly to this area?”
“Ah yes, most wouldn’t think to check elementary school records,” Sarah said with a
bit of humor coloring her face. “So to simplify things let us just say that a
certain young man of interest went to elementary here and lives in the general
vicinity. So taking that in to mind, I wonder why the Aurors never showed up. I
guess it was for the best since the miscreant in question seemed to have removed
himself from worldly concerns. No one is sure how, but we have the lowest rate of
crime in the country. A little thing like an armed miscreant spouting near racist
propaganda and trying to cause havoc just doesn’t go well here. Even the ordinary
variety of the sort seems to understand that everyone here would prefer to live and
let live as it were.”
“I see,” Ted said as he realized who she meant. “So he lives near here, but there
are some other things keeping this area safe… or at least safe for the ones who
don’t cause trouble.”
“Yes there is that along with the simple matter that the less peaceful people either
move away or possibly disappear,” Sarah said with a shrug. “So the area is very safe
from those that would harm people here. Though as a matter of fact, he went to
school with the girls and he seems to be quite the little charmer. Well mannered and
while sometimes distant, he seems to be one that would act if it was necessary to
help people. A shame that his cousin is the current brat that tries to be the bully
in the area.”
“So what little we had heard about his family was accurate and yet you say that he
grew up to be kind and caring,” Andy said in interest. “Is there any chance that we
could speak with him?”
“Considering the friend of friend’s parents instead of being gawkers or the like,”
Sarah said with a thoughtful look. “I suppose it is possible, but he is likely
visiting some of his friends in the area. It seems odd that a number of children
that were unable to go to that school still had enough skill for some areas, but
that is not the point. It is unlikely that he would be available currently, but
there is a chance that a meeting could be arranged later.”
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As the adults discussion changed to grilling the adult chaperone about the local
celebrity, the girls were trying to find a way to get out of the room to play or at
least be less discrete in their discussions. As it was the innuendoes were becoming
rather heated as the girls were discussing what they had done and wanted to do as
well. Still there was the fact that their verbal discourse and mental stimulation
were making things complex as they were one lingual barb from changing to an oral
debate to settle their flushed state.
“Mum!” Dora managed to squish the urge to jump the two to turn to her mother even as
she squirmed in need. “Any chance we can go and play? It has been nice talking and
all, but staying here is a bit… boring. Besides we have no toys out here…”

“Sure,” Andy managed to say before resuming her discussion with Sarah. “Just don’t
get into any trouble.”
“Really now,” Hermione said as she tried to look affronted when she was being
massaged from the inside. “We are only going to be playing with some toys and some
normal games. Come on you two let’s go to the playroom…”
With that the three girls trooped out before heading to the playroom. It was the
ordinary one quite unlike the other room or what was going on in the bedroom
upstairs alluded to. There were ordinary children’s toys as well as the shelf loaded
with dolls and accessories. Even the toy box was completely able to pass even the
most perverted of adult’s inspection for contraband or even naughty possibilities.
The irony that they were in this room to talk about their physical relationship was
not something that the girls were bothered by.

“So now that we are out of prying eyes and eavesdropping ears,” Dora said as she
blatantly squirmed her ass around while clenching her thighs. “What exactly have you
four been up to while I was stuck at home?”

“Ah to cut it short,” Hermione said while pulling Alice in to her lap and showing
off her slick slit before stuffing her fingers inside. “Master took both of our
lovely cherries and it was so good. Why we even have a bit of a new toy inside as
you can see. Sadly Anne was a bit too tight until this morning, but she managed
something we hadn’t yet. Somehow she took his cock into that little ass of hers
though. If we both hadn’t been so well fucked at that point, we would have been
likely to jump him right then it was so arousing.”

“Oh, yes,” Alice moaned out when Hermione re-stuffed her with the slick eggs that
had been moving so deliciously inside her. “You should have seen how she rode him
before I got my go. It was everything I wanted. He had me on my knees and spanked me
before sinking inside. Afterwards while I recovered, we both watched the lucky bitch
shriek and shake when he claimed her willing rose. She is getting one up on us right
now considering she will have had him in all her holes.”
“Lucky bitch,” Dora agreed as she felt a pang of not jealousy but appreciation for
the girl. “I guess I have a lot to catch up on. So which should I hope our master
decides to use first?”
“While we don’t know from experience yet,” Hermione drawled as she rolled the balls
forcing Alice to be unable to answer. “Given the difference in feelings, it depends
how submissive you want to be. Since we all have a bit of preparation for that, I
would say that having him pop your cherry before you get your ass reamed is more
consistent. It will be easier after a few cocks in cunt cums and you would be less
likely to tense up. That is the main risk we have to worry about as it would hurt
and not in the fun way…”
“There is less reason to rush into it,” Dora said with a sigh as she watched her
lover drive a different girl to body spasming relief. “I take it that the new toy is
for after he opens an eager cunt to make sure one remembers it?”

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“Most definitely,” Hermione says before she nibbles the squirming and near howling
girl’s neck. “Now why don’t you give the horny slut here a proper tongue fucking and
then we can move onto more things while we wait for your parents to leave so we can
go on up. If you get the two of us off real quick, we will give you a good seeing to
until he is free to claim you right and proper…”
With that Dora closed the gap between their seated forms and dived tongue first into
the open and inviting lips. They could play some games later as Dora really wanted
to make up for the time apart. As it was, Dora wormed her morphed tongue inside and
swirled it along with the eggs around the suddenly gushing space.
‘Heh! Let’s see how this little trick I used on Penny works out,’ Dora thought as
she drove the girl insensate before lowering her head to satisfy her lover. ‘I don’t
know how long until the rents need to see us, but if I luck out they might bugger
off and I can just play the night away…’


“So what was your opinion on the young Lord Black?” Gnarl-axe asked as the rest of
the low level clerks, runners and trainee guards meandered around the still
bountiful banquet of Clan Bone-Eaters’ dead. “I think the higher ups seem quite
interested in the man.”
“If I hadn’t seen him fight like that I would have laughed at you calling such a
young human that,” Sharp-tooth said with a laugh. “They were all blooded warriors so
I think that he did a very good job training his vassals and he was quite impressive
in and of himself.”
“You worked with those idiots a time or two,” Swiftknife said as he savored the
charred flesh of a fallen Clan Chief as it tasted like pure bliss to the young
courier. “Still he was very impressive when he was meeting Master Grimtooth.”

“Ah you were there then so how was he impressive?” Gnarl-axe asked in interest. “We
saw his skills in battle and they were formidable.”

“Platinum,” Swiftknife said reverently. “He had bars of them and he made that much
on his own.”

“Impressive,” Sharp-tooth said in appreciation. “If he was that successful with so

little capital, I expect him to make his manager quite the profits. I wonder how
long he took to make that much.”

“A month,” Copper-claw said. “He admitted that he made a bar of platinum in net
profits and he invests heavily in his businesses. So he had to make a minimum from
what I heard of ten bars a month in profit.”
“I thought he was dangerous from what the two stuck on door duty said,” Skull basher
said as he mingled. “He didn’t even use half the weapons those two had picked up on.
Word has it though that some of the Retrieval Managers in Egypt are already
submitting requests for his time at Preferred Rates.”
“He could have done a lot more damage before we could have stopped him,” Swiftknife
said thoughtfully. “He did have a black skeleton and three apprentices. Two of which
had their own bone weapons. You saw how much damage they did with those and that was
before he did what most of us thought would be almost impossible.”
“He slayed the Abomination,” Skull Basher said reverently. “You recall how many
groups of warriors it took to subdue it. Recall that even the legendary smiths’
weapons barely drew blood while that necromancer’s weapon tore it apart like it was
a bunny!”

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“I think a number of our clans were a bit shocked that the Bone-Eaters would think
that they could get away with something like that,” Swiftknife said with a shudder
as he recalled how much damage that group had done and with barely any of the
legendary magic used. “They barely used any of their arts either. They could have
raised every one they slayed and bound their spirits to fight as well. You all saw
that realization of those flames. There were reasons that the Black’s were not
treated like the rest of the bloodless sheep.”
“Enough,” Copper-claw said in frustration. “We get that those four could have done a
lot more damage! Now we have a very good chance to gain some prestige and profit for
our involvements. I for one would rather not have someone who built from nothing to
ten bars of platinum a month decide to crush any ventures we make. Still tearing
even that weak clan to pieces like that should emphasize the point… they are
dangerous and better to work with them than against them. All four were blooded
warriors and three of them had proper necromancer weapons. I shudder to think what
that innocent looking one will do with the bones she gathered. She was dangerous
enough just throwing teeth; I almost shudder to think what having that as a launcher
would cause.”
“It would fit,” Skull Basher said though he had a slight frown of disappointment. “I
would have preferred if one had a good war hammer, but one cannot be too picky…”
“That one had a set so there is the chance that one will get such a weapon,”
Swiftknife said with a nod. “They were dangerous enough just with their knives. It
went ridiculous when they started letting loose. If they went all out there was
little chance that most of us would have made it out alive if not crippled at least.
We will simply have to find ways to make ourselves invaluable to them in our own
specialties as they are to us with theirs. I do think that with them allied at any
level that we will not have to put up with the insults the wizards and their
factions hurl like breathing.”
“So we will see about getting our associates to profit on this to further our own
ends,” Gnarl-Axe said with a glance to the others. “This can only end in gold
flowing, blood spilling and plenty to eat. This is a good time to be a goblin… now
will the other groups flock to a third banner instead of the two extremes that they
have been?”

“Yes a good time to be alive and profiting,” Copper-claw said with a nod to the
rest, “and a much better choice than any of the other three. We can never trust the
ministry or the Light and Dark Lords not to stab us in the back or worse.”
“Yes, the necromancers at least admit that they consume their fallen enemies like
civilized beings such as us do,” Swiftknife said with a bob. “How can the humans
think we will trust them or any other race that would lie about such a simple truth?
It would be wasteful to just leave their flesh to the scavengers, worms and the
“So true,” Skull Basher agreed with a slight look as if he had a rather unappetizing
bit of plant replace the slow roasted meat in his mouth. “Still it is odd that they
seem to try to claim that they do not and that they seem to need to profess that it
is uncivilized and savage behavior. How odd the humans are if they cannot admit a
truth of all beings.”
“Is it any odder than their mating habits?” Copper-claw asked with a goblinesque
shiver. “They put such strange manners into such a simple matter. Is it really true
that they have such horrible senses that they cannot tell who is compatible as well
as the most likely to be a suitable mate?”
“They cannot tell when someone is attracted with their weak sense of smell,”
Swiftknife said with a factual tone. “Every other species can smell when a female is
interested in mating, but they are dull to so much around them. At least the wizards
have a somewhat understandable ideal form for their species unlike their muggle
counterparts. Better developments to birth and support children instead of the weak
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brittle thing they are choosing now. You saw what some of the muggleborn brought in
those magazines. They pick bodies that are almost starving with such horrible
“Something else our future necromancers seem to have well in hand,” Gnarl-Axe said
with a laugh. “Those four are a group of that I am certain. It is nice to see
someone spit in the face of their vaunted traditions. Wizards seem to have better
luck than sense! I am amazed that they haven’t died off from their limited breeding.
Why they don’t even seem to breed more when they are the strongest. Such strange
beings they are…”
“Of that we can be all agreed,” Copper-claw said with a nod of mutual agreement form
the rest. “Now as much as savoring this meal is, I know we all need to get back to
work. I don’t think any of us would like to be the next course…”
With another nod and a glance at each other, the group broke apart to resume their
duties until their shifts ended. They would pass messages along their factions and
clans, but they were discrete and less likely to cause issues. Swiftknife ended up
getting called to run a very urgent message. It seemed that their recent guest was
stirring things up again.
‘So what does this action do?’ Swiftknife thought as he heard the news. ‘Why would
you bring two witches into your Family and recognize a marriage after so long? What
do these actions as Head mean? This just means that we will have more to do…’


Night had fallen and the ladies were settled in the bedroom. They had managed to
avoid the problems that the meeting between the Tonks and their adult slave Sarah
could have spawned. As it was the girls were nude and had trussed Sarah once more
into a harness. That Dora was soaking wet, from watching this session that blurred
the lines between punishment and rewards as well as pleasure and pain, was merely an
added bonus. Still Dora was kneeling next to the scene with her own as up in

‘All this watching has been fun,’ Dora thought as she whimpered in need and desire,
‘but I really wish any of them would pay some direct attention to me again. Sure
having been kept on edge has been arousing, but that they seem insistent on me not
being allowed to climax until the master claims me is quite distressing. They could
have at least whipped me to a puddle of cream and then be completely relaxed to ease
into any hole.’
Harry was reclined on the bed with his back on the headboard as he watched the two
continue their tormenting teasing of Sarah. He wondered how long Dora would last as
Anne was curled against him while her head rested on his thigh. He ran his right
hand through her hair gently as he rested his head against his left. With a slight
tilt of his head, he looked over the content and sated form of Anne. She had been
worked over while the girls had played and it had not been solely her first
stretching of her sex when he sheathed himself in her untouched sex.
With the others playing and spending time acting their own age, Harry had the
opportunity to truly individually delve into the explorations that she needed. Alice
and Hermione were switches as the term went. They could be either submissive or
dominant in their relations; however Anne was a very submissive person who seemed to
only dominate as a way of submitting to someone. First she had been willing to aid
in the conquest and claiming of Sarah, and now the fact she would have readily added
her own hand to break, claim and mold Dora.
‘Such an interesting life I have,’ Harry thought as he smirked when Anne moved
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enough to just suckle him in her sleep as he watched the show. ‘Well if that squeal
of happiness is any indication, Dora really wants some attention. I really should
thank the Dursleys one of these days. I mean if they hadn’t driven me away from
friends and totally divorced them as anything but the cruel vindictive hypocritical
bastards that I have to occasionally cohabitate a house with; I would have never
found the Book or set myself on this path. I can almost see it now. I would have
been either dead of abuse, starvation or suicide, or I would have been completely
broken and moldable to someones will. Well there would be the small chance of going
crazy and killing the Dursleys in a rain of blood and gore. Hmmm… I probably will
end up doing that anyways, or the girls will torture them and not for their own
needs. Why the girls like to be dominated and find some pain to be highly
pleasurable, I do not know, but I plan to enjoy and revel in it. Still they are more
than enough, but I know that Alice and Sarah plan on offering a few of my working
girls up for service. I just don’t plan on that happening any time soon.’
While Harry had his thoughts wandering while he enjoyed the slight nursing like
suckling of his reviving erection, Hermione and Alice had turned to Dora and trussed
her up next to Sarah. They had worked the healthy and athletic seeming former Sister
over to a thigh soaking climax and had left her on edge when they had turned their
attention to the glass eyed whimpering and wanting to beg Dora. Harry watched
appreciatively as they moved her into a hanging harness where her feet and hands
dangled above the ground.
‘It is almost like a swing,’ Harry thought as he reflected on the sights before him
and compared it to the romp he had finished with Anne. ‘I think I should try that
with Anne next time and maybe have Hermione play with Dora while Alice plays with
Anne while I use Sarah to keep myself warm and ready. I still need to think about
how I should handle Dora’s claiming. I know she is neither like the other three nor
the slave that Sarah is. I did feel something when I reinstated Dora and her mother
into the Black legacy after they had left, but before I had finished with Anne. I do
think that Anne was doing a good enough job to make it difficult for me to notice
much going on around me, but I knew better than to reinstate them when they were in
the same house.’

“Master, may we entertain you with some play with your toys?” Alice asked as she ran
her hands appreciatively over Sarah while Hermione tormented Dora as she kept easing
back before she could find release. “Unless you wish to play with some of us

Harry looked over the two as he contemplated what to do now. He knew that Dora had
come over with the expectation of losing all of her remaining sexual innocence or at
least penetrative inexperience. Still he was comfortable and he did wonder how
competitive the two could get with the ideas drifting in his head.

“No, I think I will watch for now,” Harry said as he ran his hand through the
sucking girl’s hair. “I think a competition is in order for the moment. How fast can
you two get your current toy to shriek in ecstasy I wonder?”

“Yes, sir,” the two chirped as they turned to their aroused playthings. “You heard
the master. You are getting to cum quick and hard!”

Relaxing as he had been since he had finished his second claiming of Anne much to
their mutual satisfaction, Harry watched the second show as the two showed their
knowledge of each of their current toys hot spots. He may be a teenager
biologically, but even with all those hormones and their own enhanced physiologies
there were limits and he had been rather active with all of them recently. So he
relaxed with a slow loving nursing on his recovering manhood while he watched the
two demonstrating that as Alice and Hermione were parallel in some matters as well
as the two playthings. Oh he had some investments in Dora, but he realized that a
part of her needed certain activities to be happy.
It was interesting to see Hermione trying the new toys to Dora’s screams of
enjoyment. That he also found the playing that Sarah seemed to enjoy being also as
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entertaining was beside the point. In the end the impromptu contest was decided in
who had spent more time in exploring their pain slut’s pain triggers. Harry didn’t
find it too surprising that Hermione had pulled through and managed to whip Dora
into cuming quick, hard and loudly. The problem had been that Alice had not had as
much time to find the quickest ways to drive Sarah mad as she had spent more time on
keeping her on the edge.

“Well done, Mine,” Harry said with a smirk even as he felt a slight bit of precum
flow into Anne’s nursing mouth. “Still a good show, Alice, even if you had an unfair
handicap, or did you forget that sometimes it is harder to cum again than the first
in a while. Oh well it does not matter as I have some things to do now. Now Alice be
good and see to it that the both of you are ready for when I am done giving Dora
here a good seeing to as she has yet to get that yet… Oh and you were right in the
Smirking Hermione and sighing Alice replied, “Yes sir,” before they moved to the
When they got there, Harry kissed each of them passionately, and then he cheated a
bit to get them to quickly cream on his fingers before he disengaged from Anne to
rise from the bed. He did give each of them an affectionate caress after he licked
his fingers from their juices; therefore, he did not feel bad for once more leaving
them mostly to their own devices. Besides it was not as if Anne would not suckle
anything that approached her lips right now, so he saw no problem in their playing
with each other while he gave Dora the seeing to that she wanted so badly.
“Well Dora,” Harry said as he stood behind the two even as he set a few things to
Sarah’s recovering form, “I think that this is what you have been looking forward
to. All those times you came so close to losing yourself, and now it is time. I do
think that you felt that change earlier. You and your mother have been reinstated
into the Black Family and oddly enough I am now technically your Head of House as
well as your acknowledged Lord and Master. So is there a request that you have for
me, my pet?”

Dora was already quite out of it from the repeated approaches before Hermione had
whipped her to orgasm. As it was now, she was trying to think straight while
twisting to see both what Alice and Hermione were doing as well as what her master
was doing to the other bound slave. Her wide eyes watched what he was doing as each
action seemed to bring a moan of pleasure or a one of pain. She had heard of what
had happened to the woman previously, but Dora seeing it was an entirely different
matter. She knew that the dangling weights suspended from the woman’s tits and pussy
lips had to hurt, but she could see that it was exciting the woman.

It was thanks to that sight that Dora barely managed to cry out, “Fuck me!”
She really should have known better, but Dora had neither reoriented from her orgasm
nor calmed down in her arousal from her situation. So focused on her master, she
failed to notice what the three on the bed were doing; therefore, she would miss the
beginnings of Anne aiding Alice in preparing Hermione for what Dora would hang
limply after being fucked by her master would be forced to watch.
“You are a demanding little thing,” Harry commented as he ran his hand over her
already glowing ass before dipping to her dripping sex. “Still I know how to handle
Any verbal response was purely incoherent as he took his time to explore her wet and
willing core while adding his hand to her already lined ass. It may have been
originally a small part of her possible sexual identity, but that she had achieved
her first orgasm in life from a spanking had been a turning point. It had not been
something she had done that had resulted in her first assent to the heaven of the
flesh, but at the actions of another to punish her that colored her views.
Since that start, she had added more things to her interests. Now that she had her
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owner, they were now exploring her desires and finding her kinks. He had been quite
right in that he knew how to handle her. Dora was aware that she was turned on by
being bound, punished and teased; therefore, she was used to such things as well as
being touched, licked and sucked to orgasm while also returning such attentions. Her
entire time since she had arrived up to this moment could be considered foreplay,
and as she felt herself clench around his sliding fingers, that he was finally
finished with the preparatory play and was ready for the winning of the game.
As she felt herself spasm and cum over his fingers, Dora felt a moment of
anticipation. She had requested that he fuck her, but she had at this moment failed
to realize or contemplate where he would fuck her. That he had stopped spanking her
to tease her plug made her wonder for a moment. She didn’t focus on much but the
sensations and the sight of Hermione having her own plug toyed with before slick
fingers started to tease them both there.
Moaning as she felt the wonderful fingers leave her pussy even as the other hand’s
remained exploring her ass, Dora was not prepared for her master to pull her by the
fingers curled inside her to swing back and slide along his cock. That the shock was
still there on the next swing when she felt her eager lips spread as his dick dipped
into her damp hole should not have been too surprising. She felt him slide himself
into her slowly as she swung until she winced when he bumped against her barrier.
“Last chance, my darling Dora,” Harry said as he strained not to simply yank her
back and sheath himself entirely in her wet, warm and welcoming cunt. “You have to
say it…”

Delirious on the edge of relief with her pussy just starting to be stretched did not
make for a very coherent Dora. With Harry sliding just a bit inside her, she slowly
tried to focus on things.
‘What did she have to say again,’ Dora thought as she tried to rock back to impale
her eager twat before her eyes cleared for a moment and she practically shouted,
“Master, claim me. Fuck my eager holes. Please sir, I am yours…Take me now…”

She started to trail off as she felt her body swing forward and trail into
incoherent phrases as he pulled her back. This was not a gentle experience as the
sudden pain was sharp and he didn’t give her time as he moved her hanging form to
fuck her rapidly. None of that mattered to Dora as her body responded quite
forcefully and favorably to his attentions regardless of how others would.

His free hand moved around her body as she felt her mind crawl into that place where
pain and pleasure lost all distinction and Dora reveled in the sensations. When he
added weights to her nipples, she moaned and thrashed about as it drove her further
out of her mind. His fingers would randomly caress or carelessly grope, pinch, twist
and torment her body. What would be something her mother would have told her as a
hellish torture was something that Dora was finding herself craving even more, and
she was being quite vocal about it. Through this entire thing, she seemed to lose
control of some of her form as she rippled inside and out. Her head thrashed about
even as her tongue tried to reach either the scene in front of her or either of
their two rocking bodies.
Dora howled in rage when she felt him barely squirt before he forced himself back
and then out of her quivering, quaking and quite gushing quim. His face was twisted
as he continued to orgasm without letting himself continue to spurt even as his
hands continued to drive the Metamorph to howling and violent releases.
“Since you have been such a good girl for me to use,” Harry said as he visibly
strained not to resume pounding her exquisitely pleasurable cunt. “I think you
deserve a bit of a reward. It is ironic that the last would be near first for this…”
As he trailed off, he moved his hands to spank and then open her ass cheeks. He
maneuvered her suspended ass until his cock rested against her untapped hole. He
knew that the plug had not been in use anywhere near enough for the girls to overly
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ease entrance, but considering that he was practically drenched in her juices as
well as having spread it to feel out her remaining hole there was not much worry
there. His only hesitation was wither he should skip her ahead of the others or not.
With a look that the three on the bed were quite occupied, Harry plunged forward and
into Dora. He had no intention of taking too long as he was aware he still had
nowhere near enough experience to continue holding off that distinctive duality of
orgasming and ejaculating. He was somewhat skilled enough to keep the combined
action from occurring, but not very good yet on orgasming without feeling his balls
tighten and his cum spurt out either into or onto someone. He really wanted to take
more time with all of them, but her was feeling quite compelled to go to the bed and
sink into Hermione’s wagging ass and drive into her until she was spent before doing
the same to Alice.

Harry originally had intended to that before finishing in Dora, but with her there
helpless mewing to be fucked was there a choice; especially when she had
spontaneously seemed to have some speech problems as she didn’t seem quite sure
where she wanted to be used more. Oh he realized he had no intention to spend
himself to exhaustion when there were still two girls left to be driven to stupor,
but it was quite difficult since Dora could make her insides inhumanly pleasurable.
He was aware that the others would not be able to reverse contour their holes to
perfectly grip and move around his thrusting cock, but he knew he liked them and
cared for them and maybe when he was completely spent freely admit that there was
more there. Fine at that point he would admit that he loved each of them in a
specifically twisted way, but that just meant that he was more than willing to drive
them out of their minds with whatever twisted, nasty thing he wanted or more like
they had yet to specifically state.

Harry came back to his bearings as he held her hips and felt himself start to throb
and his balls tightening up. For some reason he didn’t know why, he didn’t want to
cum inside her now stretched ass, but to finish his release inside her still flowing

As he let the head slip between her lips and just rest on the bare entrance of her
tunnel, Harry leaned over and felt himself smirking as he nipped at her neck before
he barely whispered instead of shouting into her ear, “Now my dear fuck toy of a
slave slut, I am going to spray this nice and eager hole with some cum and you will
be left here hanging while I go and tap each of those asses there just like I did to
you. How does that make you feel to know that you are nothing but a slave to my
needs and desires?”
“Yours!” Dora shrieked as she tried to draw him into her deeper. “Always yours… to
use… to please… it is my greatest pleasure!”

“Cum around me and pull my cum into you,” Harry said as he felt himself start to
have to fight back from just burying himself to the hilt and letting his balls drain
into her waiting womb. “Do that and you will always be mine, to use and abuse as I
“Yes, sir!” Dora shouted as she tried to give him a suck with her cunt. “Cum inside
your plaything’s needy cunt!”
With enticement like that, how could he not? So he felt his eyes shudder closed as
he was sucked into spurting into her while he sucked her flushed skin into his mouth
before biting it. The sudden shock as she felt her body lock up even as her sex
seemed to suck his cum from the barely inserted head drove her to a silent scream.
Once he felt Dora no longer sucking anything from him, Harry extracted himself and
gave her a quick hard smack that sent her spinning before he staggered to the bed.
He knew he had been acting strange lately, but he had a suspicion that he had
finally decided to enjoy things instead of hurtling towards his destiny.
If he had been told what Dumbledore thought it was, he would have laughed, but the
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two did have a few common ideas. Voldemort would be dealt with and Harry would then
be able to fully lead his life; however, they differed since Harry decided that
Voldemort would die permanently and he would gladly use the things death to
resurrect his mother. From what little he had been able to find, she had been
someone to know. Also Harry planned to currently live his life as well as he could.
‘Live long and prosper,’ Harry thought with a snort as he recalled the short bit he
had seen on the little screen. ‘I would prefer to live well and prosper. The long is
already taken care of for the most part. Now to see how well this feels to be so
swell. Right getting laid seems to make me as giddy as a happy drunk so I might as
well see if the girls get to the horny drunk from all the sex. The plans and plots
can last a little while. After a good romp, I should have happy enough emotions to
buffer the Dementors when I see about the Black issues there; however, that is
putting the cart before the horse as I had best get back to as Dudley in his best
wanna be would say ‘Tap that Ass’. One must have priorities after all, but I think
that treating my girls the way they want and need is a bit more important than
offing some contained criminals and possible traitors. Still I have the feeling that
any of the male role models I can't remember would be having epileptic fits if I
passed up on these things anymore…’
The next thing Harry recalled, he was balls deep sunk into Hermione or more
accurately giving her a very good seeing to. That he could tell that it was pushing
her submissive buttons was something that he made a quick mental note to do whenever
she needed or felt the need to be topped. She may have this need to top the other
girls, but she seemed to go near insane when he topped her off let alone placed her
somewhere near bottom.

‘A bottom likes having a Dirty Bottom,’ Harry thought as he tried not to laugh at
the horrible puns and jokes that seemed to spring to mind lately. ‘Fuck if I am not
four sheets to the wind from all the getting about. Did Hermione just say that? Oh
she is so the naughty, nasty and needy thing when she really gets worked up. Her
mouth is rather working slyly and all that oral practice has an added affect on
other lingual matters that are cunning but also limber as well.’

It was a very good thing that Fawkes had not chosen this time to drop off the
unsigned package from Dumbledore as the phoenix would have lightly been reduced to
convulsions at the conflicts that it would be feeling. None of the people here were
light and yet they were not necessarily evil even if they did what could be
considered evil. The poor bird would have been unable to comprehend the fact that a
human would like pain as it went against its nature while its counterpart would have
shrugged and just gone along with it.
So while the fire phoenix was far away from this insanity, the poor raven that was
not a raven anymore watched its companions engage in their odd matings. Humans were
just odd like that, but really why the girl seemed to be making such happy and
pleasurable sounds from having the males penis inserted not into the normal one, but
the other one was quite confusing.

The cats and dog were a bit less disturbed, but watched as their human counterparts
seemed to enjoy this play as much as they did hunting. As for Shadow well he was
just curled up near the vent as he watched the repeat of what he had seen other of
the mammals do. The male was mating and otherwise with the females in descending
order of authority and proving his dominance. Why humans like the other furry things
did this was not for it to guess.
Eventually Harry felt Hermione go limp and he went down with her. The sudden change
was enough to push him past his resolve and soon found himself releasing into her
willing body. A bit dazed from it, he had no resistance as he was led cock in mouth
by Anne to Alice. He was well aware that Anne would resume with Hermione what she
had been doing with Alice, but he was rather fucking wasted from all the fucking he
had been doing.
‘I wonder if that is where the phrase came from,’ Harry thought as he felt Anne lay
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her head against Alice before moving herself to let him free. ‘I think I prefer this
method of getting mellow to Vernon and his drink. It sure does feel more enjoyable…’

Harry didn’t notice he made a sound quite similar to a drunken giggle as he watched
Anne set things up. Looking down he saw he was resting his penis against her
sphincter. Why those exact words were in his mind, he had neither the knowledge of
nor did he care to contemplate at this point. Swiveling his gaze up, Harry saw Anne
resting her head watching and waiting. He could see the trail her tongue left when
she had released it to drop onto the slick opening.

Considering that Alice was willing and that Anne had spread her open for him and was
watching in anticipation, Harry felt no compulsion not to ease his way in. When he
heard Alice whimper for him to do so, he sunk his way slowly in. He was aware that
it was slick and tight as well as being oh so warm.
All of them were quite out of it and would have likely been slumped cuddled about if
they had been normal. As it was, Anne was describing things about what he should be
doing and how she liked watching what he was doing. So he continued to do what he
was doing and his eyes had drifted a bit as he did so. His eyes didn’t really open
until he heard the distinctive lack of Anne trying to verbally make him either hard
or spurt, and instead it was replaced with a slurping sound.
Turning his head away from the slow sawing he was doing inside Alice, Harry saw Anne
spreading Hermione open and repositioning her to get at his earlier release.
Shrugging, he continued his rhythm until he felt Alice drift off after squeezing him
almost painfully and pulling him further inside. His eyes snapped open as he felt
himself flow into Alice. Her only response was a whimpered sigh.

Seeing everyone else was busy, Harry managed to stagger away and towards Dora. When
he had gotten anywhere near her lashing tongue, he had the distinct sensation of
having his member wrapped with a tongue as she swung and pulled her mouth to him.
Letting his hand run through her hair as she licked and sucked him clean and back to
full readiness, Harry spent a few moments or possibly minutes being slid inside her
welcoming mouth.
Reluctantly and not completely aware of why he did so at first, Harry managed to
withdraw himself from her willing lips to spin her around. His sudden sheathing
himself in her barely tried hole was accompanied by Dora’s happy noises. Using his
hands he once more swung her body to slide his length within her eager entrance.
Time was like an illusion to him during this, and he had no idea how long he moved
them in rhythm. It ended when he felt an almost painful release into her once more.
Pulling himself out before spinning her once more around, Harry let her lips sooth
the ache he was starting to feel. After he felt painfully unable to rise to the
occasion again, Harry extracted himself once more from Dora and stumbled to the bed.
They would let the two down in the morning as they were all too tired to do anything
else at this point. Morning would come soon enough and a return to more business
than personal matters. Part of his mind knew that he needed to get through the
complete brief on his holdings, but he was aware that they were all too often to be
distracted by these urges. It was fun though.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 4: Business Discussions and Personal Matters
by SamStone 4 Reviews

Wakeups, meeting the Tonks, a goblin discussion and claiming Dora

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Andromeda Tonks,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009/01/18 -
Updated: 2009/01/18 - 23390 words
Chapter 17: Christmas Part 4: Business Discussions and Personal Matters

Why put business before pleasure when one can do both? Why I know that it can mix
badly, but in our lives there is the simple truth that our business is a pleasure
and pleasure is our business. – Mistress Sarah to an AVN interviewer.


Morning came with a shout, and that was literally as well as figuratively as Harry
woke to the feeling of the sudden sensations engulfing his fingers and his groin. He
barely paid attention to the warmth and moisture on his foot. He was suddenly from
deep sleep with him floating in a sea of peace and contentment as he saw a red
haired goddess in rapture screaming his name and various epitaphs of honor to
feeling his balls tighten and his still sheathed arousal throb and spray into
Hermione who was slowly moving in her sleep. He watched as Alice and Anne were
shivering awake in orgasm around his surprisingly inserted fingers.
He realized the only reason that he hadn’t snapped up and held Hermione to him as
they both came awake was that his arms were quite caught between his other girls’
legs. Looking down he noticed that Sarah had been pressing against his foot and
soaked through the sheet as she had rubbed herself against him in her sleep. He knew
a few years or even months back that her actions would have annoyed him, but now he
didn’t care about that notion. He was aware that his own hormones would need to be
sated more often and that he enjoyed such activities. Still they would have business
to attend to before any or too many pleasurable activities occurred.
‘We really went crazy last night,’ Harry thought as he basked in the feeling of
three girls creaming themselves because of his actions while he felt his balls drain
painfully into an eager cunt. ‘I think that some of my body once more aches in ways
I didn’t know. I haven’t felt this drained since Halloween morning. I think I can
pass off on more full contact sex for a while. Those three are drained, but Dora and
Sarah will want a turn. That also leaves Anne wanting me to pop her last cherry and
those two will as well even if I got different ones yesterday. Still I think we can
get Sarah to go over some of the portfolio while we go over some of the other
business information. Now all I have to do is to rouse them from their post orgasmic

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Harry removed his fingers from the girls soaked holes and brought them to his lips
to lick clean. With his arms free, he ran his hands soothingly over Hermione’s back
though he let his left to rest on her ass. He gave her ass a few soothing squeezes
as he started to rouse her from her blissful state. He wasn’t entirely aware as he
didn’t notice that he was feeling her response not just physically to his actions.
“Good morning Mine,” Harry purred into her ear. “I need you to get up even if I
don’t want you to do so. We do have to accomplish something outside of sucking and
fucking today.”

“Can't we just stay this way for a while longer?” Hermione asked as she really
didn’t want to move as she was sore and sated which she realized was a state she
wanted to wake in always. “Sarah can always read things to us or hand them to us and
we can stay connected…”
“Now as tempting as it would be to be sheathed inside yours or one of their holes,”
Harry said as he teased his finger along her flowing fluids and used that to tease
her other hole. “I think that we would become distracted especially if it was a hole
that one of you three has not yet had stretched and filled. You seem to forget that
business should come before pleasure as these are some rather delicate issues to
still be addressed. I like that addition from yesterday.”
“What addition?” Hermione asked in interest before turning a bit to see Anne’s ass
and the surprise addition there. “How did we get tattooed?”
“Marked actually,” Harry corrected as he felt something strange with in his mind’s
eye. “It seems to be a bit more than just physical though well now that I focus on
it. I think knowing more about you and what you are not or cannot say is a good
thing. It almost explains the way I was able to read the three of you yesterday. I
just knew which buttons to push even if you were unaware of them.”
“There seems to be something on this end to,” Hermione replied as her face scrunched
up in concentration even as her mindscape flashed in her own mind’s eye showed an
addition that made her wish he would just flip them over and take her. “It seems to
be both ways though on our side it is more on how to better serve you from what I
can discern. I would say it has some similarities to what the house elves have with
their masters as it should allow us to know what you need us to do before you have
finished the thought.”

“So what was it that changed in your mind that made you suddenly have a spike of
arousal?” Harry asked even as he radiated amusement and attention along the link. “I
think that this will be useful and that having such beautiful sculptures in my mind
is interesting.”

“Statues,” Hermione mumbled with a blush at him always being able to see her and
that it likely reflected her exact state though perhaps only the skin. “I guess that
fits although mine is somewhat daunting to admit to… oh fine a complete temple full
of replicates of myself and my fellow girls with you as the central focus.”
“I wonder if the others will be the same way,” Harry mussed before he smirked and
tried to send a quick jolt to the two not completely awake. “Yes it is similar in
theme though. How interesting… I can completely bypass any protections added to your
minds by yourself or others. I can literally be god in your minds… this is useful,
but the temptations are quite perilous. I think that this might even allow me to
directly pour information into and copy it from your minds. That would be useful in
decreasing the study time we would need.”
“We could readily learn what Dora has as well,” Hermione realized with a start
though she felt a shudder of arousal at the complete control he now had of them. “A
shame that most people’s minds are so cluttered that trying to simply copy their
knowledge would require so much sorting.”
“Something we could do with any of the so called former Death Eaters that we get a
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chance with,” Harry said with a sudden thrill of the benefit that would give as it
seemed even better than what he had contemplated before. “Snape would be useful for
something at all. A shame that it would likely snap a mind other than one linked if
it was rushed.”
“A shame is right,” Hermione said as she realized that he was going to need her to
lift herself loose as her fellow vassals were coming down from the jolt he had sent
them to snap them from the bliss they had been basking in. “I think the meddler
would have been a good choice. So you really want me to stop massaging your cock
with my tight little pussy… Remind me to torture whoever decided to prevent you from
getting all that information earlier when you could have leisurely processed it.”
“Yes, I can see why you feel that way,” Harry said as he now saw the two recovered
from the jolt and were looking at him for direction. “Hermione you will remove
yourself and Anne will clean me while Alice cleans you out before we take a shower.
Sarah! Get up and get things ready and have that portfolio sorted by types of assets
when we are done with the shower. A light breakfast would do to start…”
“Yes, sir,” the girls said as they snapped to follow his orders.

So as Harry resumed pondering what would all need to be dealt with in regards to
that portfolio the size of Hermione’s light reading books, the girls went about the
tasks that he had assigned. Sarah got up from where she had been curled around his
feet before padding downstairs nude to put on a light breakfast and start sorting
that monstrosity. Hermione lifted off and plopped down where Sarah had been and let
her legs stay well parted as it would make things easier. Anne just moved from his
side enough to curl around and swallow him to lick and suck him clean. Alice sat up
before leaning over to crawl over to Hermione. Soon enough Harry was letting the
sound of the girls pleasuring them act as a mental white noise even as a good
portion of his own mind was split between analyzing Anne’s technique and savoring
the sensations.

‘Sometimes I really think that the mental enhancements are more trouble than they
are worth,’ Harry thought as he let most of his focus drift back to his mindscape to
see exactly what the hell their little impromptu ritual had resulted in. ‘I really
think I don’t have male friends because they would be scandalized that I can think
and even do complex mental processes while I get a blowjob that would make them
drool. So what did this thing do in more than a once over. Ok I have nude statues
that have an overlay of what they are wearing. It shows every single detail of their
skin including the lingering marks from my attentions. Now let’s see what is there
at the base. Ok status monitors of everything about them physically, mentally and
emotionally. The back drop also allows me to see their mindscape without going there
and the thing allows me to… Bloody Hell! Direct access like I thought, but no damn
distance limitations! Access not just to their mind but there body to the extent I
can see let alone feel what they do when I wish. I can induce anything the mind can
do, including supposedly involuntary muscle controls. No one outside of us ever
learns about this. Bloody Dementors kiss for even possessing knowledge that
something like this would be a distinct possibility!’
As Harry drifted in his mind, his body was readily responding to Anne’s tongue. He
drifted back as he heard Alice licking Hermione to who knows how many number orgasms
while he felt his awareness snap to sudden and complete attention. His body being on
automatic had responded to the oral stimulation that Anne had been providing. He had
managed to come back to himself just in time for the distant sensations to be
relived right before he added a dose to what she had licked clean before. His nose
twitched while he was being coaxed to fill her mouth.
“Good girls,” Harry breathed out as he felt Anne teasing the last bits he was able
to surrender at the moment from him. “Alice I do believe that Hermione is quite
cleaned out and Anne you did quite the job as well…”
“Thank you, sir,” the two murmured with various tones of pride.

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“Now we just need to get a quick shower in,” Harry said as he pulled the sleepy girl
to him and helped her rise from the bed. “And no Hermione we will not be having a
session in the shower… at least not this morning. The food is getting quite close to
being done and I would like for us to get through the tedious business first so that
we can spend our time in both productive and enjoyable matters.”
“Work first,” Hermione said with a nod as Alice helped her from the bed, “and play
later. If we went with our base desires we would never get anything done… well
nothing that was not pleasurable.”

“True,” the three agreed before Harry added, “Still there will be time for all kinds
of activities later. I take it that you three have your own ideas on celebrating or
should I say christening today?”
Their answering nods were not unexpected. Still the four made their way to the
showers and managed to get out with only some distractions with their fingers. They
were young after all and even Harry knew he had been pressed not to just take each
of them against the walls. Sure he was fairly certain that they had almost all the
time in the world to indulge, but he would prefer to get things dealt with so that
he could spend time later as he pleased. Food with business would soon follow and
the food would be a needed fuel to both analyze and debate what to do about the
monstrosity of legal and business paperwork.

‘That word leaves a distaste in my mouth,’ Harry thought as he stood under the
shower head while three pairs of hands scrubbed him all over. ‘Paperwork is the bane
of all organizations. I guess that is what we are in a way. The business ventures
started so that I could afford things to further my studies as well as better choice
in food than the things that the Dursley’s deemed 'good' enough for me to subsist
on. At least in the beginning that was the case, and now it is a life of its own. My
people are dependent on the businesses to bring in a profit to support them, but the
ventures seem to generate more money than I thought they would even after taxes.
With the proper forms most of the taxes are grandfathered out do to some legal
loophole that magical businesses and properties have. Still haven’t dug up the
specifics, but it seems that even the shadier ones have so little taxes that I also
will be able to fleece the damn thieves for taking money for taxes that I didn’t
have to pay. Well there is also whatever I can get the goblins to bleed out of
Dumbledore’s accounts before whatever legal problems I can cause to alleviate his

Closing his eyes while he savored the sensations that his lovers were stimulating
over his body, he reflected on how far his plan had come and yet how far it was yet
to go. It was a shame that the thrice blasted killing curse complicated matters as
it almost seemed to be designed to seal a corpse from true necromantic influence
even on the spirit; however, it seemed to allow the piss poor imitation that wizards
created to be utilized easily. Still there was the matter that curse prevented
immediate decay as there was no damage to the corpses. He would have to find a way
to get around the complication that still caused to his plan. If that arrogant
bastard had simply used any other spell to end his mother’s life, he would not have
hesitated to destroy that weak abomination of a ghost.
“Hmm,” Harry murmured as his eyes were closed while the girls scrubbed his back,
chest and legs after Anne had joined in the scrubbing of his hair. “This is quite
relaxing. I think we should do this whenever we get a chance. Perhaps the only thing
better would be swimming or playing in a tub. I know that I like giving as well as
receiving this type of intimacy. Oddly this seems far more personal than most of
what we have done.”
“It is what it is,” Alice said with a smile even as her hand began to clean her most
often favorite part. “Perhaps we have been too focused on taking what pleasures we
can by indulging in our lusts; however, I expect that you realize that we love you
in a way that most people cannot understand.”
“We are who we are,” Anne said while she scrubbed his back soothing his muscles in
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his lower back before drifting lower. “We accept that we feel things deeply more so
than some do. As it is, we find our happiness in the ways that we do because it
makes us feel. We crave feeling that we are alive even if it is in pain. That the
pain seems to make the pleasure we experience greater is an added bonus.”
“Live without regrets and know no fear,” Hermione said as she ran her soap covered
hand over his lithe muscles down to his stomach. “Love truly, madly and deeply,
because there is no other way to love that is not otherwise shallow in some way. Is
our relationship something most would object to? Yes it is, but it is what we need
as well as want. Without it, our lives would be but a pale shadow of what it is now.
We give you our loyalty, our perseverance and even our bodies because you gave us
purpose. A purpose far greater than we would have otherwise and you reward us so
well for doing what we can.”

“How odd it is that you are finding so much joy in tying your own happiness to my
purpose,” Harry said with a sigh under their ministrations. “To think that after all
I have been through that I could form any connection with anyone… it just seems that
even the most damning of bigots cannot extinguish even that basic human need. I had
thought myself bereft of almost any humanity and I was more than willing to
sacrifice what little I believed I had left as well as any other happiness in the
pursuit of my goal. That you three would tie your own purpose and being to reach
mine, is a very uplifting thing.”
“You still are not ready to speak of love,” Alice said with a sigh as she resisted
getting her own morning snack no matter how tempting it was. “You care for us that
much we can see and you will admit. Our love for your is a far greater and thorough
tie than others. Still we do respect you even as much as we love you, and as for
fear, I will admit, it is not you that we fear, but to disappoint you…”

“You have to understand that our relationship is as necessary to us as breathing,”

Hermione said with a gaze as she scrubbed the areas approaching where Alice’s hand
was playing. “This new addition merely allows you to better utilize us and for us to
better aid you. Most of those in live cannot imagine living without their love, but
for myself I know that without you my world would be as bereft of the sun.”
“That I am better able to know what you need to improve your ability to serve as
well as reward or punish you is something that you seem to ignore,” Harry said as he
gave up on the shower being anything like short and simple. “Not that any of you
three seem to have any complaints in that matter. I think that considering how you
three progress in your studies exactly how much I will reward or punish you. It is
odd that you find the line between the two to be so blurry. Most would consider me
whipping you until you collapse in agony a punishment while you seem to see it as a
similar reward to being pleasured to collapse.”

“We feel,” Anne said as she let her hands drift to soap his refilling balls. “Do you
wish that you did not, that we could not offer you such pleasure with our bodies?
You need to do more than to exist, our master. Sate your passions with our flesh and
live! You deserve to truly live than merely existing. If you had merely saved us and
walked away, we would have merely existed as broken toys waiting for someone with
less concern to take us up. Likely we would have sought you out to thank you and
offer ourselves to you because you did not take us just because you could and thus
are worthy to possess us. Ironic that we wish you to take us forcefully, is it not?”
“To some it would be,” Alice said while completely abandoning pretending to be
cleaning his erection and actively and unquestionably stroking him for her share of
direct fulfillment. “However, to us it is simply how things are and should be. Anne
still desires you to take her lat virginity as we do as well even if it is not the
same type. I do not know of my cousin, but considering how exuberant Anne was when
you claimed her ass; I suspect that we will cum like craze when you take that last
part of us to possess as yours. Likewise I know that Anne will be driven out of her
mind when you claim her proper. We all have a need to be owned, to be used and at
times abused. Is it bad if it is what we want, need and desire? I don’t think it is
nor do the rest of us.”
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“Still we have business to attend to,” Hermione said as she caressed his chest while
her friends manipulated his cock and balls. “Breakfast and then the pressing
business brief. Still competition does drive us…”
“Summer,” Harry said as he felt the sure signs of his release approach and barely
restrained grunting in doing so. “Whichever of you reaches the furthest in your
studies gets a session entirely out of one of your fantasies. Whatever other
competitions that you choose to indulge in will have similar rewards as well as a
day or at least night of sexual and sensual experience until exhaustion claims you
for your birthdays? Yes, that would be a suitable reward…”
“Thank you, sir,” Alice chimed along with the others before dropping to her knees
and bringing her mouth near her moving hand encircling his throbbing member.
Placing a kiss to his head, Alice parted her mouth to let her tongue tease him while
Anne coaxed him to ensure that a bit of his recovery would be added to her snack.
Hermione leaned against him while he was stimulated with the others hands. She let
her hands run through his hair while laying his head to suckle her already scrubbed
clean breasts. This was but a soothing respite to delay the business at hand. They
knew that short of whatever unwinding they could do during or between debating the
business discussions that there was little to know chance to play until later.

With a sigh, Harry let himself fill Alice’s mouth while Anne kneaded him to
stimulate more production and release. He was aware that Hermione was letting him
relax in her grasp. He didn’t need to have been able to discern their emotions let
alone thoughts to realize that they were likely to do something that would make him
grateful that they were drawing out both his release as well as his pleasure in it.

With his mouth slowly eased from its teasing, Harry let a purring sigh release from
his lips before he said, “You three really do take quite good care of me. If the
business was not so important I know that I would readily see how much we can do
before necessity required we withdraw from the water. I suppose that you have an
idea of how to do so Hermione?”
“Considering that my fellow slaves are quite distracted and unable to pry their
mouths from serving and servicing your body,” Hermione sighed as he moved to run his
hand down her back while she pressed against him. “I will readily state my idea. It
is one that I believe you will approve of when there is more time. I think that we
would like to have you make sure we are clean and not just using your fingers, but
to use your cock to ensure we are cleansed…. A bit odd considering that we would be
dripping something other than water.”

“So true,” Harry said while he felt his release slow to a halt even as he heard
Alice making noises as she savored her full mouth. “I would like to do so right now,
but considering the amount of material to cover before this evening…”
“Dora plans to come over and give herself to you completely as her Christmas
present,” Hermione said with confidence. “You were expecting that as well as that
Sarah will desire to be used by her new master. She may find fulfillment with a
mistress, but she seems to need a male to control her at least once and a while.”
“I can tell that you are having your own struggles with just standing here in my
embrace,” Harry said as he felt Anne trace her tongue to join Alice. “Regardless of
riding me to your pleasure as well as a time on our fingers now, you still haven’t
had your own morning snack before breakfast. When you three are done, we will head
to the kitchen to eat.”
“Thank you sir,” Hermione said before kissing him longingly with passion. “You
already knew what to say before…”
“And now I can almost play you three like puppets to draw out the complexity and
intensity in any encounter,” Harry said as she joined the others in their play. “It
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almost seems cheating to be so gifted. At least it is better than someone using
passive Legilimency to twist someone to do what they want…”

Harry trailed off as he let himself both receive and view their attentions. He knew
that any other man would kill to be in his place most of the time. As it was he was
well aware that the entertainment that Dora and Hermione alone had provided would be
something they would envy. With his other two willing slaves, he was likely to be
grateful that the four of them could be discrete enough to not completely state what
they were doing.

Thankful that they didn’t lose themselves in their own desires again, Harry walked
from the shower to towel off along with the girls. Well they dried each other as
there was no need to dry their own selves when they found satisfaction in doing that
for each other. Harry paid no mind to the fact that they had been kissing each other
open mouthed as he was well used to them having done that before. Still he felt a
need to press matters before they dressed just in case someone came over; he didn’t
really care what Sarah was dressed as there was less issues there and she could be
quickly be sent out of view if that was necessary.
“My pets, there are a few things I think will help with the boredom that the dry
business concerns will result in,” Harry said with a smirk as he summoned a few
things he knew was in the toy box. “Alice you really should realize that I would
find out what you had added to the toy box. So considering you two saw how much Anne
came from her anal experience, do either of you object to these?” When they shook
their heads he showed what was in his other hand. “So I take it that these will be
appreciated as well.” They nodded again. “Sorry Anne, but there is no way that I
will be letting you put these in before I put myself in. the same is not true for
you two.”

Regardless of her pout about not getting the second item to alleviate the
seriousness and boredom that listening to the various assets as well as liabilities,
Anne readily placed grabbed the first item he had provided. The others gladly took
both and smirked at Anne not having the second.

“The only way you could make this worse was if they vibrated,” Hermione commented as
she shivered while she let Alice stuff her with the balls. “They are oddly soothing
considering how well you used that area. So Anne, ready to help with the next one?
Alice you can slide Anne’s in and I can slide yours in or do you object?”

“No,” Alice said which prompted Anne to say, “Oh yeah…”

Harry didn’t look away while they inserted the boredom alleviators. He didn’t feel
compelled to correct Hermione that they did indeed vibrate and a few other tricks.
He had added the charms when he noticed that they had batteries and a simple sink
would work to power them. Hell, he knew that they would likely be able to work off
of their own ambient magic so there would be no degradation of the charms over time.
That he could trigger similar effects was beside the point; however, he quite
enjoyed the fact that he could pass them off as purely technological if it came to
‘I know that Alice and Hermione will enjoy the effects those vibrating balls will
have,’ Harry thought with a slight smirk as he watched Hermione bend over and Anne
worm the toy into her backdoor. ‘Hermione was contemplating using one of those, if
not on herself, than on Dora, so I see no problem in getting them to try it now.
Anne does seem to be quite stimulated with anal, but I have the feeling that driving
that into her with a crop would make her even more responsive… right damn hormones
had to come in a burst and it will be a while before I have anywhere near the
control of my emotions and my libido as before. Some clothes to cover while we go
over the Potter and Black accounts will be good even if they wouldn’t mind light sex
games during the discussion. I do believe that we will need to stick to business
before play or we will far too easily just play and skive off the work.’
“OOhhh,” Hermione moaned out as Anne played with the plug she had just finished
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properly easing her open. “This is better than a finger…”
“Just wait until master sinks his cock into this tight little hole of yours,” Anne
practically crowed. “It will feel even better! All those nerves being stimulated
feels so good. Though I do hope that you don’t mind if I ask if I can suck his cum
out when he fills your ass up. So may I?”

“Really Anne,” Alice chided from where she was contemplating her own preparation.
“You have barely managed not to state that you want that almost as much as you
wanted him to not just fuck your ass, but to possess it and ream it as hard, fast
and as rough as he wishes. Besides we know you have a fixation on asses. You already
almost beg to lick and suck any of our asses and you think we don’t expect you to
jump on the chance to do that with an ass stuffed with our master’s cum?”

“When you put it like that,” Anne said with a sigh as she reluctantly stopped
playing with her new toy, “I guess it was a given. So you ready for your own plug?”
“I believe so,” Alice said as she bent to touch her toes while spreading her legs
just a bit. “Do be gentle dear cousin…”

“I will,” Hermione purred as she took the slick bit of rubber and sunk it into her
cousin and rival’s ass easing the opening so that their master would be able to more
easily sink into them later. “Though, be a dear, cousin mine and remember to be far
less gentle when it is Anne’s turn… she does like it that way after all…”
“Of course,” Alice said as she wiggled a bit to get used to it. “You would like that
our dear plaything. Considering that you came loud enough to allow me to focus for a
moment when he rammed himself in and speared your eager hole, I see no reason not to
see if it is only our master that gets you to cum from such an entry.”
“You are one to talk, Alice,” Anne purred as she resumed teasing Hermione physically
and Harry visually. “I heard you when you asked our lord to take your cunt hard and
fast without any of the slow spreading stretching that Hermione enjoyed when she
sunk her sex on his stiff and sturdy cock. I am sure that you can reach right over
and plug my hole without me letting up on driving this lovely girl’s arousal up with
some more play…”

Harry was rather tempted to either summon a whip to speed them along or to close his
eyes in exasperation and excitement. He once more felt that they would be the death
of him. Now unlike the other twits who seemed to wish to do so, he was fairly sure
that he would find his death not with fists or being stuck with a knife, but with
being stuck inside their moist and sweet twats, teasing and alluring mouths or
seductive and tight asses. Yes it was a good way to go, but could they at least try
to kill him by overload of pleasure after he accomplished his goal. Was it really
too much to ask for?

“You three do know that it would be best if we actually got the work done,” Harry
said with a sigh of long suffering. “I would prefer it if we got the work done
sooner so that we had longer to play. I will say this I was quite tempted to punish
you for dawdling, but I know you would enjoy it too much for it to be a punishment.
So if you three are not somewhat dressed in five minutes I will ensure you three
don’t have any more climaxes until everyone else is passed out. Do you understand
“Yes, sir!” the three shouted out as they bolted at his pronouncement.
The three were back well before the five minutes were up and dressed somewhat
respectfully. Skirt and blouse with simple sandals, he noted while he looked at what
he had clad himself in, simple pants and shirt both in black. He didn’t even think
about the usual lack of intimate apparel on their bodies as it was normal now. That
the material was designed to be both comfortable and look enticing was something he
had accepted once they were happy to have allowed him to get used to.

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“Well you made it back in time,” Harry said with a smirk. “I guess I know how to
properly motivate you still. Now food then business, and if you three are well
behaved through this ordeal we can play a bit after…”
“Thank you, sir,” the three said with a curtsy of all things. “We will be on our
best behavior!”
With that the four made their way to the kitchen where Sarah had a table set with
their favorite breakfast foods. To the side was the portfolio broken down into
categories, and Sarah was dressed in nothing save an apron. On second look when she
bent to get something from the oven, Harry noted that she had her own accommodations
in place. He saw the more complex toys inside her do to them being transparent as
well as the clips instead of piercings in several places. This did allow Harry to
note as well as notice that Sarah was likely more of a pain slut than his other pets
were. He had a suspicion of it from the way she had responded to her constraint the
day before.
“Good morning, Sarah,” Harry said as he entered with the girls following and
chirping their own greeting. “How are the tasks coming along? Breakfast smells and
looks good so far.”
“Good, sir,” Sarah said as she checked the quick bake light and fluffy breakfast
from the oven. “Breakfast is coming along well and I was able to sort some of the
business matter while some of the food was cooking.”
“That is good news,” Harry said as they sat down and looked over the food. “How much
more needs to be done yet for both?”

“For breakfast, sir,” Sarah said as she set the platter she put the moist and crispy
baked croissant combination on the table. “There are still the omelets left as the
pancakes, waffles and grilled breads are done with the leaner meats you requested
being grilled. As for the rather long list of assets and liabilities, I have to
confess that I only managed to get the assets sorted. Some of the assets are
liabilities at the moment as it seems that some are not being rented and are just
sitting for some reason.”
“Well that is something at least,” Harry said as he barely moved to get some juice
when his cup was readily filled. “We still will need to find out what has been going
on with those accounts for the past ten years and that is a bit of build up to sort
through. Finding out who are the main investors both in and with is something to go
over after a general overview of what we have to work with will still need to be

“Yes, sir,” Sarah said as she worked on finishing the omelets before placing them on
the table and stopping at attention. “It will be done as soon as possible, sir. Is
there anything else sir?”
“Yes, you may give us a general overview while eating,” Harry said as he noticed the
slight waver in her voice. “After we have heard the briefing, you can assist while
we discuss things.”
“Yes, sir,” Sarah said with a hungry look at them. “Thank you, sir. Where should I
start sir?”
“Businesses,” Harry said with a nod as he ignored the fact she would rather be
serving him differently or more accurately servicing him. “It would be best not to
be competing with one’s self as that would be wasteful.”
“The list is rather exhaustive and is it necessary to go over each partial
investment or just the outright ownerships,” Sarah stated as she started sorting the
business stack searching for where to start, “I mean no disrespect, sir, but there
are a wide number of investments with less slightly than outright ownership down to
very small investments. Both the Blacks and the Potters had invested heavily in
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diversified interests while also having a near monopoly in specific areas. There are
also the businesses that your maternal grandparents left you that seemed to have no
access for Petunia Dursley or any of her descendants. I find that a bit odd, but one
should expect sometimes for there to be complications in the family.”
“Outright ownership and then partners should suffice as the rest are like
diversified stocks from what it sounds like,” Harry said with a gesture for her to
continue. “Perhaps start with a categorical view to know what sectors and segments
we are now invested in to start…”

“Yes, sir,” Sarah said as she scanned the summary and detail documents. “Investments
in a number of rental properties both in London proper and other near metropolitan
areas from the Blacks, a number of working lands from the Potters including food and
fabrication material, and the Evans were invested in a number of shops with a
tendency towards an early attempt at consolidating a holding concern. As for the
direct businesses, the Blacks as well as Potters had a number of grey area
businesses including two somewhat competing clubs as well as the high-end service
establishments. They also seemed to have investments in Diagon and Knocturn Alleys
with a few joint ventures. Most of the rental properties are with individuals and
concerns each family had a partnership with. The two families did have specialized
clubs for adult pursuits though they were for different client segments. They both
are legal relatively speaking and seem to be often hired to train youngsters to
better perform and respond in society as well from either the Golden Son and the
Silver Moon for the Potter and Blacks respectively. The Evans family was less
established than the other two, but they were more prone to invest in ground floor
developments. Sorry sir, but there is a lot to go over and while those are the main
points some of the partnerships are quite interconnected.”

“I see,” Harry said as he tried to picture the two near blood brothers coming from
two rivaled, yet willing to cooperate in ventures, families. “Are there any
investments in well known businesses that might be beneficial or damaging if they
come out?”

“Investments in partnerships in some of the perpetual businesses in both alleys as

well as a number of investments in rising companies,” Sarah said as she glanced over
the list. “The Evans did get into a few of the now developing communications and
technological concerns as well as proven performers. None of the investments save
the Black ones have too much risk in negative publicity and even those are soothed
by the connections and debts that the co-investors seem to have. To be blunt, sir,
none of them have a risk of being revealed or of causing issues. Despite the
reputation of the Black family they managed to not lose too much money in bad
investments, but the stipends to married daughters of the family were not wisely

“Well that is somewhat of a relief,” Harry said as he realized that they would need
a more in depth view at a later date. “Now a very general overview in sterling or
galleons I do not care, but a summary would help to see where we stand overall.”

“Liquid investments are respectable at several million pounds though it varies as

some is reinvested,” Sarah said as her eyes widened a bit at the big numbers. “The
long term investments are significantly more well into the hundreds of millions if
not more though some are tied up in properties and other hard assets. Suffice it to
say that with the three families investments consolidated there is enough value to
rank in the high upper class at a minimum. It is somewhat humorous that the Potter
family remained invested in clay, pottery and other consumable materials though a
number of it is in art and decorative creations.”
“So we have more than enough capital to invest in things,” Harry said with a
slightly feral grin. “Would it be possible to economically eviscerate our current
“That’s brilliant,” Hermione piped in as she realized how some would take death over
financial annihilation. “If they are too secure in other methods that could allow
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for other openings.”
“Due to the joint ventures as well as the loans given,” Sarah said smirked in
appreciation. “The Malfoys are well open along with most of their associates to such
“Excellent,” Harry said barely managing not to cackle at the prospect. “I was hoping
to have more than what my research had showed in the arraignment between the two
families. Dissolving the marriage would be useful for several reasons, but having
even more economic troubles will make it easier. I really dislike both the father
and his clone like son.”
“He does tend to rub people the wrong way,” Hermione said as she contemplated things
between savoring the breakfast of her choice. “Still there are people that are more
irritating there even if only a few. Now while Percival is a self conceited and
delusional prat of a prefect and Ronald is a close minded hypocrite with the
attention and intelligence of a garden slug having the table manners of a locust,
there are the twins to counter any claims that the Weasleys are entirely deserving
being completely broke financially as well as their current social falling. Dora had
a few good things to say about Bill and Charlie as well as the twins. It just seems
that there were two nuisances that developed in the family.”
“Yes, Percival is a nuisance with his adherence to the letter of the law in regards
to things there,” Harry said with a hum of concentration. “It would make him better
at bureaucratic jobs, but have little to no flexibility for reality outside of rigid
structures. The Malfoys will eventually be dealt with just as the Dursleys will be
dealt with. It is just not yet the right time to do so.”

“Sarah could be useful to ensure the proper things are handled sequentially,”
Hermione offered with a look at the close to begging woman. “Did you not say that
she has been quite useful recently, Alice?”

“Yes, she has been quite useful and well rewarded for her work,” Alice said with a
smirk to the horny hedonist forced to hold and wait for one of them to take her.
“Besides the obvious uses, she has been quite the selling point. That she enjoys her
work is just a bonus.”

“Ah but has she been rewarded recently,” Hermione said while watching the struggling
woman nibble her lips as she tried not to shout out her pleading for someone to give
her a good seeing to. Well, sir, she has done a good job in getting the business
sorted so far and with more than adequate speed; do you think she should be rewarded
for being such a good little secretary slave? If she has been good maybe you could
either reward her or have us do so…”

“Why Hermione,” Harry teased with a bit of a smirk, “It almost seems as if you want
me to bend this woman over and ravish her or at least watch some of you playing with
her while she drives you to a mind blowing mouth twistingly verbally foul and
ecstatic climax. Why one would think that you want to have me make you three sit on
her face and hands while I explore her lower holes…”
“Yes, sir,” Hermione groaned out at the visuals in her mind. “That would be so
“I could if I wanted to,” Harry said as he watched Sarah pant a bit more and drip
some more of her arousal to the floor. “But should I? Well my sexy little slave
slut, what do you think? Should I take your needy body right here and now? Have you
truly earned it?”
“Whatever sir wishes,” Sarah answered as she had the feeling that if she had told
him that she had earned it he would likely keep her on edge. “I would love to be
graced with the pleasure of being fucked and used however you wish, but only you
know if you believe I have earned it regardless of how this body craves some
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“You really do know your place,” Harry said as he reached over to the needy woman to
pet her head. “Well my darlings, I think that we should have a bit of fun with this
willing little thing…”
Setting the food aside, the group proceeded to use the willing woman to her repeated
and obvious pleasure while satisfying their own. Harry bent Sarah over the table
with her ass up where he easily and swiftly entered her. While he occupied one end,
the girls arranged themselves to use her fingers and lips. They moved after a time
when they wanted to try something different though they did tend to sit on her back
so that their master could add his tongue to tease one so to prevent shifting from
hand to other hand.

When Harry let himself loose in her willing cunt, Alice and Anne moved about to
clean each of them while Hermione remained with Sarah’s head buried in her slit.
While Harry was enjoying the two girls moving between his dick and her holes, he was
well aware that when Anne started to make sure Sarah was prepared that he should
savor the moment with Alice before he was placed to claim Sarah’s next hole.
‘Not that I mind,’ Harry thought as he ran his hand over Alice’s bobbing head.
‘Still there is the fact that our damn hormones and libidos seem to be rising faster
than I have ever heard of. At least once we are sated for a time we can finish the
rest of the discussion. I do wonder which other businesses we have investments in as
it already seems that finding the money to further my goals will not be the problem,
and instead that finding the materials and information will be the last hurdle. I
mean the odds of that self styled Lord Voldemort gathering enough followers for me
to use as a sacrifice as well as a vessel to sacrifice along with his wand seems
farfetched and yet it is a method the fool could possibly use to attempt a mockery
of a resurrection… Feh! I will deal with it later as I would rather enjoy this bit
until the fool and the necessary components are found. Still a shame that he had to
use that curse or none of these complications would have been necessary…’

With his thought cut off as his eyes shuddered with the sensations Alice was
providing as she moved her vacuuming mouth from tip to base, Harry found it
difficult to think straight as even the ritual enhanced multiprocessing ability of
his mind just pretty much agreed to divert most of its attention to the heavenly and
almost religious experiences that were being brought to his body. That Alice was
merely trying to ensure that he was hard, clean and slick was immaterial to the
professional level of sensuality that she was putting into the act. Now sure it was
not exactly up to the level of say Dora with her modifiable mouth, but it could
compare with a few of the very expensive sensualists of which Harry did not know
were in his employ.

As it was, Harry’s eyes snapped open when he felt the sudden loss of her mouth
around him. His growl of irritation changed to a sigh of pleasure as he felt his
cock sink into his well experienced slave’s ass. He blinked when he came to a stop
and looked about. He saw the girls had returned to their positions around her and
realized he hadn’t instructed them not to do so. With a slight shrug, he began to
slide in her welcoming hole. He marveled at the ease of his movements before his
breath was caught when she clamped down on him as she had similarly done when he had
been screwing her cunt.
“You are a good fuck, Sarah,” Harry groaned out as he fucked her ass with rapid and
audible skin smacking each other. “You have got to teach the others this lovely
trick. I mean girls she seems to know how to change how tight she can be where she
goes from loose to enter to almost as tight as you three have been…”
“OOO,” Hermione echoed from where she was grinding Sarah’s face to her pussy. “I can
think what that might be like for both sides involved. Just think about it…”
“Being stretched,” Alice said from where she was practically being fisted. “While he
feels so wrapped, it would be exquisite.”

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“Yeah it would be great,” Anne said from where she was experiencing one finger and
thumb in her twat while the other three probed her already reamed ass. “Might make
master really give a girl a seeing to as well…”
“Later,” Harry cut them off as he shook the table with his strokes. “Sarah, see
about distracting them until I am done at least…”
The mumbled, “Yes sir,” was felt by Hermione and she stopped paying attention and
soon was joined by the energetic groans, moans and howling as Sarah used her tongue
and fingers to drive the three out of their minds with mouth and hand soaking
climaxes. Harry worked himself fast and hard with his hands kneading and tormenting
the willing slave girl’s ass.

Feeling a bit of contemplation, Harry considered pulling out and spraying the marked
ass he was handling. Then he thought about how they would react to spraying inside
Sarah again. With his mind made up, Harry drew to a stop and ground against her as
he felt his balls contract and flow spraying into her sucking hole.
Smacking her ass before slowly withdrawing Harry remarked, “Now that was a very
enjoyable piece of ass. Alice, Anne, I have to commend you on this find. Now if you
ladies would clean things up, I think I am going to get a bit to eat while you take
your own turns using her. She rather loves to be used from what I can tell.”

“Yes, sir,” the three girls moaned as they reluctantly slid off Sarah’s somewhat
limp fingers and mouth.

He stood there while he felt their lips and hands suck, scoop and lick up the mess
their last fuck had caused. With how Sarah had tried to suck and keep his release
inside, he had ended up with not a lot clinging to him although her juices had left
a visible sheen. Still they had soon had him clean enough to wander away to grab
some food.

He was a bit hungry after that and while his back was turned to them he heard what
was occurring. It would take a few moments to gather enough food, but it would be
worth it; he really didn’t want to pass out from exhaustion or dehydration in the
middle. Still he could hear them finish licking and lapping the woman’s poor filled
hole clean before a few faintly familiar sounds of belt like fastening occurred.

‘It seems that the girls have done her before,’ Harry thought as he heard the sound
of rubber sinking into slick flesh occurred. ‘I know that Dora did her other lover,
but not the reverse and that none of my little playthings have had a real cock or a
fake stretch them open. I wonder if it will be as arousing to watch as when Dora and
Hermione play.’

Settling down to recover from the claiming of the practically muggle slave, Harry
turned to watch the sight before him as he snacked on a bit of the food going by.
Sure he dipped the fruit and bread in one of the added sauces, but who wouldn’t with
the situation before him. It was an intoxicating flavor he realized and the fruit
did cause them to start just so when he drew it along the fresh marks or the groan
when the cool fruit met their heated skin especially their drooling lips.
‘Still while I find that their blood and juices seem a far better flavoring to this
brunch,’ Harry thought as he felt his arousal stop being overly tender and just less
than ready. ‘I must admit that my girls seem to throw the best entertainment. I had
not really thought that all that stimulation would not cause problems, but it seems
that Sarah rather enjoys having all her holes stuffed and being what was that
phrase… ah yes air tight. Pity is that it only leaves her hands or… hmm she does
have a rather fuckable pair.’
Once he had finished his food and double checked that his dick was neither likely to
need to be bathed in soothing balm or his balls becoming painfully drained again,
Harry returned to the reward in front of him. He smirked before giving the already
heady girls a quick attention getting smack.
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“Well ladies I think there is something else that Slave Sarah can provide for me,”
Harry said as he gazed over their rutting forms. “Considering you lot are occupying
all of her holes that still left her hands and…”
“Her tits!” Hermione shouted out in realization before stilling to grinding. “Sorry,
sir. I just think that we would like to see you do that once considering you came in
each of her holes already.”
“Yes,” Harry said as he approached where Alice was seated with Sarah’s head in her
lap. “That just means a little change…”

“Yes sir,” the three non preoccupied girls said. “Should we switch?”
“Not really,” Harry said as he slid to sit on her stomach. “Although Hermione and
Anne might switch places to stay in the same hole or switch which one they are

The two girls looked at each other whole Alice moved to sit on Sarah’s face where
her tongue returned to probing her holes. A quick rock, paper, scissors decided who
would resume in which of the already repeatedly fucked holes. They would have a bit
more time to play before they expected their guests to arrive.
‘Now was I forgetting something,’ Harry wondered as he slid along the sweat slicked
skin as he leaned to kiss Alice. ‘Oh my I did forget something with all this. I do
hereby reinstate, Andromeda Black into the family along with her daughter Nymphadora
Tonks… I think this time will take a while to coax a spray out.’

With his other pressing business relieved, Harry resumed his part of the claiming of
Sister Sarah. They would need a shower after this again, but it had been worth it.
They had plenty of time considering how difficult it had been to find what scattered
information to further his inevitable success. He didn’t know that each of these
times taking his pleasure when he could instead of relentlessly single mindedly
pursuing his goal was easing his task. He didn’t know of his repeated voyeur and
sympathetic orgasm induced watcher. So it was unsurprising that he didn’t know that
the other woman he had that was linked to her while normally unable to feel what his
lovers did was actively watching in her trapped mind.

She had been a voyeur since he had brought her mind into his when he had punished
the fool who had dared to intrude in his mind. So two incorporeal women watched as
the woman beneath their attentions shuddered and screamed with her mouth muffled
without him knowing; both of them had long forgotten most of their lives, but they
held on in their own way to their link to more than the emptiness of their sensory
deprivation existence. The watcher felt a bit of jealousy as her companion shuddered
in sympathetic pleasure. She really wished that she could feel more like that. Who
knew what the future would hold though?


“So what do you think is going on with Nymy lately?” Ted asked Andy. “She has been
acting odder this past summer and yet she seems to have made a few more friends.”
‘She can't be regressing,’ Andy thought in absolute certainty. ‘Still there is so
much that I cannot see her even thinking of doing now. She was acting like a muggle
whore and even though I married a muggle born there are things that no daughter of
mine will do.’
“Dear?” Ted asked as he wondered what had his beloved in such thought. “You are
spacing out again…”
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“I think she is just growing up and finally making some more friends,” Andy said
with a sigh. “I keep worrying that she might fall into the wrong sort…”
“Yet your mother considered me the wrong sort,” he said with a slight chuckle.
“Still I have an idea on the sort you really mean. She is our daughter and she won't
just fall into being used like that!”
“But she is a half blood and you recall what the boys treated girls like that,” Andy
said with a shudder. “The only ones who had more risk were…”
“Mudbloods like me,” Ted said with a sigh. “You think I was happy with what was
happening? Do you know that it was only thanks to the Obliviators that those so
called elite pure blood men didn’t get themselves killed? Why do you think almost no
muggleborn girls stay and most muggleborn men like me marry muggle, muggleborn or
half blood girls? Because the risks aren’t worth it, and love, while enough is hard
when one worries about their family being killed or worse.”
“I know that you weren’t happy with how things were,” Andy said with a slow
comforting gesture. “If it was possible I would have preferred that she was not in
any way forced to deal with such things, and it hurts me at times that I worry that
they might take advantage of certain aspects of muggle ideas for their own gain.”

“I can see considering that social norms there are almost worse than Victorian in
values,” Ted said as he reflected that while he had tried to accept certain parts of
the thing when he had joined this world there were things he didn’t like. “What
would be considered almost scandalous there in clothing is considered to be overly
modest here. As a father, I am rather worried that clothing choices might give the
wrong impression here let alone there. Still I know that our little pumpkin will
eventually find someone and bring him home to meet us, but I hope that is a while
away still. I guess we should content ourselves that as you said she is making more
friends and at least she hasn’t gotten involved in any of the girl gangs that seem
to be forming lately. There are rumors that even more girls are starting to date and
do other things far sooner than I would like my little girl to do so.”
“Her being at a boarding school and remembering what we did then does not ease
matters,” Andy admitted with a shudder as she relaxed against him. “I just don’t
want her to get caught in the games that go on there. I would worry more if she
hadn’t been a Ravenclaw as most of them at least managed to avoid the politics that
Slytherin tended to or the risks the Gryffindors take. At least she is likely not
ready to be coerced into a closet or the Astronomy Tower.”
“You worry what will happen when word spreads of her gift or for the time more
likely her curse,” Ted said as he tried to soothe his troubled wife. “As a guy, I
know what they will think and eventually ask her. The only way her time there would
have been worse was if she had active Veela blood. That she could easily make
herself older or appear older and able to engage in older activities is something I
really don’t want to think about. Still I trust that we have raised her to be smart
enough and wise enough not to get used like that. Sure there is the risk of
mistakes, but she is a teenager and she will make them; all we can do is to try and
help her minimize the consequences.”
“At least we as witches have had ways to minimize those for a while,” Andy said with
a groan as his hands helped her forget some of her worries. “It seems that even
magic as an equalizer to you men being more often physically stronger than us has
been becoming less important of late. From history, it seems that witches rights are
in the decline and I worry that the Death Eaters and their sympathizers are trying
to make it even easier for any girl that is not a pureblood or even those who are
but are related to blood traitors to have less rights and to be once again for sex
and breeding.”
“Yes, we both are worried for her,” Ted said as he wrapped her into a full body hug,
“But she will eventually want to explore things and we will have to be prepared for
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that when it happens. She will go through her first crush, her first boyfriend and
eventually her first lover. Part of me wishes that whoever it is will be the same
and that he will treat her well.”
“Although as her father you will immediately disapprove of any male hanging around
her,” Andy said somewhat approvingly. “So far she has been safe as school, but even
with her friends there might come a time when the boys are no longer swayed not to
“And because of us she has no family of standing to ask for assistance,” Ted said
with self loathing in his voice at what her love for him had cost her and their
daughter. “Loath as I would be to ask any of the rest of your family for assistance
“Mother hated you as did my aunts,” Andy said with a sob. “Still we do what we must
to survive. If only…”
“Sirius hadn’t betrayed the Potters and become the new Head,” Ted said with a sigh.
“He didn’t seem the type to do so and considering how he acted to things then…”
“He couldn’t have been sent to Azkaban without proof,” Andy said with her eyes
filled with tears of sorrow. “Regardless of how the administration let known Death
Eaters and their sympathizers walk away. Still we looked and any record of the trial
is closed like most of those at the time. If only… things could have been better.”
“At least we don’t have to look to a Lord Black causing us problems right now,” Ted
said as he ran his hands comfortingly above and below her clothes. “We may be
successful, but I know they would find a way around us simply paying off the debt.”

“Yes that is a worry if any of my sister’s spawns ascended to rule the family no
matter how few remain,” Andy said with a shudder as she unleashed her pent up sorrow
and frustration. “Thankfully it is unlikely that Bella has no known progeny and that
Narcissa’s son seems far more Malfoy than Black. Considering he has been groomed to
be almost a perfect clone of his father…”
“He would show no hesitation in exploiting Nym if he knew,” Ted said with his own
signs of worry. “He would not care that they are cousins and would likely whore her
out as well as use her for whatever plan and pleasures he thinks of. You recall
seeing him when we were out. He was a spoiled arrogant brat that believes he can buy
anything and eventually anyone he wants.”
“Best hope would be if Sirius has a will for an heir apparent and scion for House
Black,” Andy said with a frown as she contemplated on who it could be. “Regardless
of his betraying the Potters he had not and is now unable to renege his status as
Godfather and as he had no issue and the boy has Black blood…”
“So you are saying our daughter’s only chance for a familial protector would be for
the most famous boy in the world currently to decide to befriend her?” Ted asked in
dread. “At least they are in the same house although with the age difference it is
unlikely that they are friends.”
“We could petition him,” Andy said as her eyes closed and she surrendered to the
sensations that Ted was evoking as he tried to chase both their fears away.
“Unfortunately, I believe that it is likely that his mail is filtered if not
completely censored. He also lives with muggles and from what Dumbledore said no one
can find him without him telling us. So while he is not under the Fidelius he is
well hidden from both those who could help as well as harm him…”
“We could always look up public records,” Ted suggested as he felt a smile that his
distracting was starting to work for both of them. “Remember that most of our world
is either ignorant or unwilling to think that muggle are more than slightly
intelligent animals. It is a shame that they so easily dismiss things that could
help them out.”
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“Brilliant!” Andy said as she spun around in his embrace. “We can do that while Nym
is at her friend’s house!”
“Of course, my darling,” Ted said as he kissed her gently. “It is a very good thing
that she doesn’t know how to get around the underage restrictions, yes?”
“Oh yes!” Andy growled out as she flicked the doors locked and the room silenced.
“Now I am going to ride you, lover…”
Sitting in her room, Dora was contemplating when she could leave for her master’s
side. She sighed when she heard the tell tale quite of a silencing charm from her
parents room. She would need a bit of relief soon, but her punishment sucked a lot.
Still didn’t mean that she couldn’t do some things to ease the situation a bit. She
had been somewhat shocked at what the somewhat innocent items she had procured for
them could be used on. Still she had accepted that part of her yearnings and needs
as their plaything was that there was nothing that was off limits to their wants.
‘So a little later in the day and I will be there,’ Dora thought as she pondered the
slick bit of rubber in her hand. ‘I cannot fault my parents for their own needs, but
mother should have given a better reason for what she did. She broke me after all
and the only good thing to come out of it was that master put me back together as he
wanted. He will take me as he wishes and possess me completely. As my mouth, hands
and tits have been no stranger to his cock so too will my other holes. I will be
having a very long session as no class or outside meals will need a public
appearance. To be nude and available for them seems a dream now. Still I can get
myself ready while my hypocritical prudish mother gets her ride. A shame that was
the only part I heard of whatever they were discussing…’

She let a moan out as she eased the rubber inside while her other hand teased her
eager sex. In a few more hours she knew she would be completely possessed, used and
utilized by her beloved master. It was a shame that she could not be public about
it. Her very being wished that she could be paraded down Diagon with a collar and
leash for all to see. She didn’t care about what anyone really thought, but she was
aware that for the moment her parents considered her too young to make such

So while she killed time getting herself ready before heading to rinse and clean her
body for her master to enjoy, Dora ignored the obvious coming from her parent’s
room. She had to be quick as she was unsure how long they would be riding. So
cutting her self-administered foreplay down, Dora went to the quick and fast
release. Her mind fantasizing on what her master would do to her as well as what he
may call for her to do. She was aware that her master had other playthings and that
she might entertain them as she had Hermione, but there was something when she did
so that made her happy.

With shaky knees, Dora wobbled to the shower with her thighs wet with her arousal
and release. Part of her gait was due to her ass having something inside it as she
was not used to it. Still after a quick and hot shower with scrubbing inside and
out, Dora padded her way to her room where she slipped on a knee length skirt and
blouse both that were classy and stylish without being anywhere near slutty enough
to offend her mother. A momentary sigh escaped as she clenched her cheeks and felt
the cleaned and reinserted toy move about. She felt a need to have more things
either inside or otherwise tormenting her with teasing sensations.
‘Some of the other things I saw in their toy box as well as what they had me buy
would be nice,’ Dora thought as she double checked her packed clothing for her time
away. ‘It is a shame that they would likely be visible, and I have no desire for
seeing what mother’s reaction to things being fastened to stimulate my nipples and
clit would be. Thankfully the plug is not as obvious even if it will make driving
over a stimulatingly difficult occurrence.’
Making her way to the kitchen while she strained to hear her parents showering and
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the slight muffle as they recast a silencing charm, Dora poured herself a glass of
warmed cider. She knew better than to grab the adults’ only one as it had more of a
kick to it than butterbeer. So she was left to wait and cursing herself for not
getting their phone number so she could be talking to them as she waited for her
hypocritical mother to stop screwing her father so they could go. If this was them
being late to pick her up, she wouldn’t care since she would be getting the same
pleasuring, but at this moment she was stuck anticipating and trying not to reek of
her frustration and fantasies.
“Really they could be somewhat more considerate,” she mumbled as she sat down and
nursed the warm soothing drink. “Instead they are rutting like a horny teen like me
should be doing while I have to wait to get there to get a good romp in. About half
the time I want master to claim his title so he can tell them to bugger off, while
the rest I feel that I would miss being here. Being a teen is so damn confusing…”
Settling down to wait, Dora had to try to think unsexy thoughts as her mind drifted
to her inevitable consummation of her loyalty, lust and love for her master. She
just knew now that her place was with him whither it was at his feet, side or bed
mattered little to her. If she had known that her aunt had the same devotion to her
lord, things would have made more sense to her. That she would have sympathized and
likely emulated her aunt in her quest to find out what had happened to her master if
she thought hers was lost was something that she would likely dismiss as obvious.

It was to a relaxed and almost meditative daughter that her parents finally arrived
to see after their own activities. Dora barely managed not to wrinkle her nose at
how little of their activities they had cleaned off as regardless of having been in
a shower they were still lingering enough for her to smell. If this had been a few
years later she would have wished she could have just Apparate to there. She really
would have to find a way to get there without requiring her parents as
transportation. Part of her had wondered if she would have to be side along
apparated if they were a true pureblood family.

Instead as the Tonks family was situated among muggles, they had several things that
were not found in a pure blood house. They had a car to go places and thus it was by
car that they transported their beloved daughter to her friend’s house. Andy did
wonder why they had not met at the station, but there were plenty of understandable
reasons for that.

So here Dora was sitting in her parent’s Mercedes as she tried to not show exactly
why she wanted to visit this particular friend’s house. Normally she could floo to
her friends on the network, but this was her only friend not on the network. It was
possible that they could get added, but there were rumors that she had discovered
about certain people that having such access to here would be bad for.

‘Ok Dora,’ she thought as she tried not to wiggle her ass for some relief as to tip
off her parents to her state. ‘Regardless of the fact that your parents had at least
two romps while making you wait for them to drive you to where you likely will be
nude and fucked often, you need to not hump your ass against the seat while
clenching your thighs trying to get off. While daddy would likely miss the obvious
as he sees me as his little girl, mother would turn us around and drag me somewhere
private to hose me down and berate me for being a horny bitch thinking of nothing
but getting mounted by a or any stud.’
Looking at her mother glancing at her in the mirror, Dora barely managed not to
glare at the hypocrite. A very sinister part wanted to parade her mother and her two
faced ideals for the world to see. Well there was that as well as having her
tormented while Dora got relief; however, she was well aware that some of her
impulses were out of the norm and that some of her fantasies were both illegal and
to most immoral. Sure the idea of humiliating her mother and revealing her own
deviant was very tempting, but there was no way that she would go through with some
of the sick ideas she later felt revulsion in. Now just because Dora had driven
herself to orgasm with the image of her mother being transfigured partially into a
bitch in heat before begging any passing stud make or dog to mount her and take her
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before filling her needy cunt with their cum, was no reason to carry it out.
Dora did realize reluctantly that the more she had been repressed the more extreme
her fantasies, desires and needs had become. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to
her master from saving her before she had gone off the deep end. If she had lasted a
few years before she had rebelled, Dora concluded that she would have subsumed her
time in fucking in every way possible including damn near every form that was
illegal as well as immoral. It was the sudden shudder at the images of what she did
thankfully not desire that eased her mind somewhat.

‘I could have placed myself in that fantasy or worse,’ Dora thought as she tried not
to make herself sick from the images that she was suddenly seeing. ‘If I had snapped
on my own, I would have likely become the school if not town and village bike or
broom depending on the place. Sure I seem to have accepted my having sexual desires,
but at least I didn’t begin to walk into other boys or girls bedrooms to fuck them.
I think that having a master to decide those things is helping, or I think I would
have gone after more girls than Penny as well as welcomed Davis and his friends’
attentions. If I hadn’t had an attachment to him, I would have likely resisted but
given in and as scary as it seems begged for more. At least with Harry as my master
I don’t have to worry about being whored out… well unless I ask; however with his
possessive nature, he will likely deny any of those things if it was a guy and only
maybe allow another girl. The exception would be Hermione and anyone else that he
considers as much a possession as the both of us.’
On the plus side, Dora had started to think of things other than the numerous ways
and means of pleasuring and being pleasured that she would be experiencing a little
while after they let her out of their sight. The odd glances that her mother was
sending to her were for once not about her constant fears about her daughter and her
emerging sexuality, but with how she was actually quite in the car ride. She had
thought that Nym would be bouncing around about visiting her friend and telling her
all about it. For a moment, Andy was worried that her excessive protective actions
had stunted her daughter’s development.

“Hey,” Andy said turning her gaze to softly watch her daughter. “You really didn’t
tell us much about this friend of yours…”
Dora started at her mother’s question. That was not what she wanted to talk about as
she knew she might say something that would insinuate the type of relationship that
they shared or worse. So she steeled her resolve and focused on the non sexual
aspects of their friendship and the pertinent information to get through the moment
of parental interest.
“Well for starters we are in the same house,” she started off with keeping silent on
that they tended to share the same bed. “Hermione was raised muggle and from our
talks was scheduled for more accelerated schooling before choosing to go to
Hogwarts. I do know that she is well on her way in reaching her preparatory
schooling for University level studies. In addition to her being there, her cousin
and her friend will be there. There will be adult supervision there so there is no
worry about us doing something too dangerous or improper…”
“You know we know you would never do that,” her father told her as he turned down
the next street. “Besides getting into the typical mischief that a slumber party
would do, we have no worries for you doing anything that you would regret. Well at
least until you get a bit older. As your father I am a bit prone to worry about such
things, but it is a bit early for that. You do realize that when you do eventually
bring a boy home to date that I will have to give him a talk, right?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Dora replied even as she tried not to worry too much about what the
two men in her life would do when they met each other. “I guess that means that when
I do decide to bring a boy home for you to meet that he has a certain level of…
mettle to not be scared off. Although if a boy scares that easy, I guess that he
wouldn’t be worth dating let alone hugging or kissing.”

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“Too right,” Ted said with a nod. “I may have been scared spit less meeting your
mum’s parents, but I did it anyway… Not that they ever approved…”

“Looks like we are here,” Andy said after shooting a glare at Ted for that last
barely said bit. “So we get to meet your little friend now…”
As the car pulled up, the parents saw the scene before them with two girls playing
while an adult kept a somewhat watchful eye on them. They couldn’t see the silence
charms on the room upstairs of the way that the two in the room were going at
things. As it was, they saw the two playing in the snow with a proper amount of
bundling to alleviate some of their concerns. Most of the rest were eased with the
sight of a warm beverage and a change of clothes for after playing in the snow being

As they stopped the car on the cleared driveway, the three exited and made their way
towards the house. The two had turned to watch as the car came up and when Hermione
was sure who it was had along with her cousin bounded towards them with a grin.
“Dora!” Hermione shouted as she engulfed her friend in a hug. “It is so good to see
you. These must be your parents. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Tonks. Oh
how rude of me not to introduce you. This is my cousin Alice.”
“Hello,” Alice said from where she was before joining the hug. “Hermione has told me
so much about you…”
“Thanks,” Dora said with a blush in the hug and mutual smiles. “OH right these are
my parents, Ted and Andromeda Tonks.”

“Nice to meet you,” the two said together with a glance at each other. “We should
get inside since you are not really suited to stay outside.”
“Right,” Dora said with a look to her parents before glancing around the street. “It
wouldn’t do to stick out like sore thumbs…”

Her parents were shocked that their little girl would chastise them and comment on
their failing to blend in, but they followed the three to the house where the lady
helped the girls get out of their snow gear and pass out the warm drink. There was
both warm cider and coco for the girls and themselves to drink. After some polite
things were said and the parents seated with the girls at the kitchen table which
was oddly extremely waxed to a shine, the Tonks family decided to get a bit more
“So you haven’t introduced yourself,” Andy said as she sipped the slightly over warm
cider. “Considering neither of the girls called you mum, I must wonder who you are.”

“I guess you could call me a caretaker,” she said with a sigh as she relaxed with
her own cider which had been carefully prepared without alcohol this time. “My name
is Sarah by the way and the Clawsons hired me as they tend to spend quite a bit of
time away. A pity that it takes so much work to keep everything going, but they
thought having someone to keep an eye on things would be useful.”

“I see,” Andy said as she glanced at Ted to see how he was handling things. “Well it
is good to see that they thought ahead and considering that you are already trusted
with one additional girl, I will trust for a while that you are up to dealing with
“You are unsure of things and would prefer to talk to the Clawsons first,” Sarah
said with a smile of understanding. “Sadly they had to handle some business today.
It seems as if one can never have enough time.”
“And yet you act as if we would leave our daughter here when we don’t know you?” Ted
asked as much as stated while wondering why he was slightly distrustful of the woman
before him. “We would need to know at least as much as one would about a babysitter.
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Of course you do understand our concern in this matter?”
“Dora here is your little girl so of course you worry about her,” Sarah said with a
nod as she contemplated what to say. “I am quite experienced in dealing with
children and have at times been tempted to apply myself for more than a teacher
role, nanny or live in governess. I do act as a substitute teacher from time to time
and other things.”
While the adults hashed out the particulars of Sarah’s qualifications, Hermione,
Alice and Dora were talking about things from where they were seated. Dora’s parents
were ignoring them in their discussion as the three tended to drift to giggling in
their whispers. Sure they were playing catch up to see what had happened in the
short time separate. Dora had an idea or inkling of what would happen, and a part of
her was sad that she had not been able to be there when her master took his other
pets for the first time.
‘At least I will be able to relish in being seen when he claims me,’ Dora thought as
she giggled with the distinctively coded and cleaned gestures the others were
making. ‘I do want to see this exquisite mark though. I wonder where mine will be
and if I can eventually wear it proudly. Still when he claims his rights I wonder if
he will let us wear collars in public… right the attention might be bad.’
“So Dora,” Alice started with a twisted teasing in her eyes and voice. “Any thoughts
on what kinds of games we can play later?”
Left unsaid was that Anne was playing the game they wanted to be at the moment. That
had been something that had taken a good bit of innuendo laced subtlety to
communicate to each other, but the three had practice of doing so though not
specifically with the three of them. Alice had long since learned how to pass
messages to the rest of the group without explicitly telling them things. Really the
innuendo was something that had colored their discourses among the girls at least
for ages, and while Harry had been one of the original few males not deemed a
complete jerk at the time, there was the fact that the three sided factions of the
kids in the area had polarized things.
Hermione had spent a good chunk of time catching up on how to sound completely
innocent while describing things of the toe curling sexual nature, and she had
gladly practiced their discrete communications with their Dora so there was little
worry that Dora would not be able to tell them what they were interested in knowing.
The way the girl had practically alternated from squealing and drooling when they
had described things colorfully and discretely had not been lost on them. Not that
they had been much better as they tended to want to drift off with the images of
what their master and Anne were up to.
‘Lucky bitch,’ the three had thought in unison before they snapped back to right and
they watched as Dora pondered on things.

“Well I do know a few that we can play,” Dora began before she giggled and leered at
the others just a bit. “Aurors, Handlers and Healers…”

The other two looked at each other and giggled at that. It didn’t take them even a
moment to translate what Dora had proposed. Oh sure it would sound as innocent as
could be as a magically inspired cops and robbers, zoo and doctor, but considering
that these three girls were sensually and sexually active to some varying degrees
that was not the case. Aurors would have a capture and constrain situation, Handlers
could be one playing a near human or not animal, while Healers would be at a minimum
the full exploration of the body that normal children playing doctor would do. Kids
were precocious and curious after all. That was something that most parents seemed
to forget along with exactly what they got up to at that age.
“Well that does sound fun,” Hermione said as she gave a contemplative look to her
two playmates. “At least you didn’t think of playing school considering this is a
break from the constant studies; however, I think that might be almost as much fun
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as some other things. There are plenty of games that we can play and just think next
year we can all play together and not just on the holidays…”

They all grinned at that before they noticed that the adults had paid a bit of
attention to the last bit. Neither Ted nor Andy had been aware that Hermione’s
cousin was also a muggleborn witch, and it showed at the looks that they had given
“I am in the know as it were,” Sarah said with a wave at them as to dismiss the
worries of the Statute of Secrecy. “I have been for a while, and while it was
unexpected that I would luck out and find a family with a friend as well as cousin
that are gifted, it has been helpful.”

“Yes, I can see that,” Ted said with a sigh. “That was something that we were
concerned about especially if they had any… accidents.”
“That would be a valid concern,” Sarah said with a grin as she closed her eyes and
savored her drink. “Oddly enough this area is known for being completely normal and
ordinary, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Thankfully everyone wishes to
appear as such, regardless of the truth of the matter, and thus anything out of the
ordinary is dismissed. Some of the more blatant beasts and beings could be more
thoroughly dismissed from thought without help here. Regardless this area is quite
safe from outside influences. Some of the more protective influences are present
here so worries about certain individuals reminiscing on former activities are very

“So this is a good area to live and raise one’s family,” Andy said in interest of
the matter. “A bit further from the city, but then one gains things in compensation.
So there have been no known incidents unlike some other areas.”
“How direct do you wish me to be, Andromeda?” Sarah asked in half interest as she
glanced at the girls who had resumed their own huddled giggling. “What with the
children present…”

“We wish to ascertain how safe our daughter is while here,” Ted said with a sigh.
“There have been rumors that certain slippery individuals have resumed baiting

“Ah the idiots that managed to buy their way out of their rightful prison sentence
acting up again,” Sarah said with a suddenly vicious smirk. “There has only been one
failed attack in this area, and while it went unnoticed by the Ministry there was no
lasting problems for those here. Though I would think they would have been quicker
to respond considering…”

“Considering what?” Andy asked in sudden interest even as she glanced to check that
the girls were not paying attention to their conversation. “Why would they have a
reason to respond quickly to this area?”
“Ah yes, most wouldn’t think to check elementary school records,” Sarah said with a
bit of humor coloring her face. “So to simplify things let us just say that a
certain young man of interest went to elementary here and lives in the general
vicinity. So taking that in to mind, I wonder why the Aurors never showed up. I
guess it was for the best since the miscreant in question seemed to have removed
himself from worldly concerns. No one is sure how, but we have the lowest rate of
crime in the country. A little thing like an armed miscreant spouting near racist
propaganda and trying to cause havoc just doesn’t go well here. Even the ordinary
variety of the sort seems to understand that everyone here would prefer to live and
let live as it were.”
“I see,” Ted said as he realized who she meant. “So he lives near here, but there
are some other things keeping this area safe… or at least safe for the ones who
don’t cause trouble.”

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“Yes there is that along with the simple matter that the less peaceful people either
move away or possibly disappear,” Sarah said with a shrug. “So the area is very safe
from those that would harm people here. Though as a matter of fact, he went to
school with the girls and he seems to be quite the little charmer. Well mannered and
while sometimes distant, he seems to be one that would act if it was necessary to
help people. A shame that his cousin is the current brat that tries to be the bully
in the area.”
“So what little we had heard about his family was accurate and yet you say that he
grew up to be kind and caring,” Andy said in interest. “Is there any chance that we
could speak with him?”

“Considering the friend of friend’s parents instead of being gawkers or the like,”
Sarah said with a thoughtful look. “I suppose it is possible, but he is likely
visiting some of his friends in the area. It seems odd that a number of children
that were unable to go to that school still had enough skill for some areas, but
that is not the point. It is unlikely that he would be available currently, but
there is a chance that a meeting could be arranged later.”

As the adults discussion changed to grilling the adult chaperone about the local
celebrity, the girls were trying to find a way to get out of the room to play or at
least be less discrete in their discussions. As it was the innuendoes were becoming
rather heated as the girls were discussing what they had done and wanted to do as
well. Still there was the fact that their verbal discourse and mental stimulation
were making things complex as they were one lingual barb from changing to an oral
debate to settle their flushed state.

“Mum!” Dora managed to squish the urge to jump the two to turn to her mother even as
she squirmed in need. “Any chance we can go and play? It has been nice talking and
all, but staying here is a bit… boring. Besides we have no toys out here…”
“Sure,” Andy managed to say before resuming her discussion with Sarah. “Just don’t
get into any trouble.”

“Really now,” Hermione said as she tried to look affronted when she was being
massaged from the inside. “We are only going to be playing with some toys and some
normal games. Come on you two let’s go to the playroom…”

With that the three girls trooped out before heading to the playroom. It was the
ordinary one quite unlike the other room or what was going on in the bedroom
upstairs alluded to. There were ordinary children’s toys as well as the shelf loaded
with dolls and accessories. Even the toy box was completely able to pass even the
most perverted of adult’s inspection for contraband or even naughty possibilities.
The irony that they were in this room to talk about their physical relationship was
not something that the girls were bothered by.
“So now that we are out of prying eyes and eavesdropping ears,” Dora said as she
blatantly squirmed her ass around while clenching her thighs. “What exactly have you
four been up to while I was stuck at home?”
“Ah to cut it short,” Hermione said while pulling Alice in to her lap and showing
off her slick slit before stuffing her fingers inside. “Master took both of our
lovely cherries and it was so good. Why we even have a bit of a new toy inside as
you can see. Sadly Anne was a bit too tight until this morning, but she managed
something we hadn’t yet. Somehow she took his cock into that little ass of hers
though. If we both hadn’t been so well fucked at that point, we would have been
likely to jump him right then it was so arousing.”
“Oh, yes,” Alice moaned out when Hermione re-stuffed her with the slick eggs that
had been moving so deliciously inside her. “You should have seen how she rode him
before I got my go. It was everything I wanted. He had me on my knees and spanked me
before sinking inside. Afterwards while I recovered, we both watched the lucky bitch
shriek and shake when he claimed her willing rose. She is getting one up on us right
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now considering she will have had him in all her holes.”
“Lucky bitch,” Dora agreed as she felt a pang of not jealousy but appreciation for
the girl. “I guess I have a lot to catch up on. So which should I hope our master
decides to use first?”
“While we don’t know from experience yet,” Hermione drawled as she rolled the balls
forcing Alice to be unable to answer. “Given the difference in feelings, it depends
how submissive you want to be. Since we all have a bit of preparation for that, I
would say that having him pop your cherry before you get your ass reamed is more
consistent. It will be easier after a few cocks in cunt cums and you would be less
likely to tense up. That is the main risk we have to worry about as it would hurt
and not in the fun way…”

“There is less reason to rush into it,” Dora said with a sigh as she watched her
lover drive a different girl to body spasming relief. “I take it that the new toy is
for after he opens an eager cunt to make sure one remembers it?”
“Most definitely,” Hermione says before she nibbles the squirming and near howling
girl’s neck. “Now why don’t you give the horny slut here a proper tongue fucking and
then we can move onto more things while we wait for your parents to leave so we can
go on up. If you get the two of us off real quick, we will give you a good seeing to
until he is free to claim you right and proper…”
With that Dora closed the gap between their seated forms and dived tongue first into
the open and inviting lips. They could play some games later as Dora really wanted
to make up for the time apart. As it was, Dora wormed her morphed tongue inside and
swirled it along with the eggs around the suddenly gushing space.

‘Heh! Let’s see how this little trick I used on Penny works out,’ Dora thought as
she drove the girl insensate before lowering her head to satisfy her lover. ‘I don’t
know how long until the rents need to see us, but if I luck out they might bugger
off and I can just play the night away…’


“So what was your opinion on the young Lord Black?” Gnarl-axe asked as the rest of
the low level clerks, runners and trainee guards meandered around the still
bountiful banquet of Clan Bone-Eaters’ dead. “I think the higher ups seem quite
interested in the man.”
“If I hadn’t seen him fight like that I would have laughed at you calling such a
young human that,” Sharp-tooth said with a laugh. “They were all blooded warriors so
I think that he did a very good job training his vassals and he was quite impressive
in and of himself.”

“You worked with those idiots a time or two,” Swiftknife said as he savored the
charred flesh of a fallen Clan Chief as it tasted like pure bliss to the young
courier. “Still he was very impressive when he was meeting Master Grimtooth.”
“Ah you were there then so how was he impressive?” Gnarl-axe asked in interest. “We
saw his skills in battle and they were formidable.”
“Platinum,” Swiftknife said reverently. “He had bars of them and he made that much
on his own.”
“Impressive,” Sharp-tooth said in appreciation. “If he was that successful with so
little capital, I expect him to make his manager quite the profits. I wonder how
long he took to make that much.”
“A month,” Copper-claw said. “He admitted that he made a bar of platinum in net
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profits and he invests heavily in his businesses. So he had to make a minimum from
what I heard of ten bars a month in profit.”

“I thought he was dangerous from what the two stuck on door duty said,” Skull basher
said as he mingled. “He didn’t even use half the weapons those two had picked up on.
Word has it though that some of the Retrieval Managers in Egypt are already
submitting requests for his time at Preferred Rates.”
“He could have done a lot more damage before we could have stopped him,” Swiftknife
said thoughtfully. “He did have a black skeleton and three apprentices. Two of which
had their own bone weapons. You saw how much damage they did with those and that was
before he did what most of us thought would be almost impossible.”

“He slayed the Abomination,” Skull Basher said reverently. “You recall how many
groups of warriors it took to subdue it. Recall that even the legendary smiths’
weapons barely drew blood while that necromancer’s weapon tore it apart like it was
a bunny!”
“I think a number of our clans were a bit shocked that the Bone-Eaters would think
that they could get away with something like that,” Swiftknife said with a shudder
as he recalled how much damage that group had done and with barely any of the
legendary magic used. “They barely used any of their arts either. They could have
raised every one they slayed and bound their spirits to fight as well. You all saw
that realization of those flames. There were reasons that the Black’s were not
treated like the rest of the bloodless sheep.”

“Enough,” Copper-claw said in frustration. “We get that those four could have done a
lot more damage! Now we have a very good chance to gain some prestige and profit for
our involvements. I for one would rather not have someone who built from nothing to
ten bars of platinum a month decide to crush any ventures we make. Still tearing
even that weak clan to pieces like that should emphasize the point… they are
dangerous and better to work with them than against them. All four were blooded
warriors and three of them had proper necromancer weapons. I shudder to think what
that innocent looking one will do with the bones she gathered. She was dangerous
enough just throwing teeth; I almost shudder to think what having that as a launcher
would cause.”

“It would fit,” Skull Basher said though he had a slight frown of disappointment. “I
would have preferred if one had a good war hammer, but one cannot be too picky…”

“That one had a set so there is the chance that one will get such a weapon,”
Swiftknife said with a nod. “They were dangerous enough just with their knives. It
went ridiculous when they started letting loose. If they went all out there was
little chance that most of us would have made it out alive if not crippled at least.
We will simply have to find ways to make ourselves invaluable to them in our own
specialties as they are to us with theirs. I do think that with them allied at any
level that we will not have to put up with the insults the wizards and their
factions hurl like breathing.”
“So we will see about getting our associates to profit on this to further our own
ends,” Gnarl-Axe said with a glance to the others. “This can only end in gold
flowing, blood spilling and plenty to eat. This is a good time to be a goblin… now
will the other groups flock to a third banner instead of the two extremes that they
have been?”
“Yes a good time to be alive and profiting,” Copper-claw said with a nod to the
rest, “and a much better choice than any of the other three. We can never trust the
ministry or the Light and Dark Lords not to stab us in the back or worse.”
“Yes, the necromancers at least admit that they consume their fallen enemies like
civilized beings such as us do,” Swiftknife said with a bob. “How can the humans
think we will trust them or any other race that would lie about such a simple truth?
It would be wasteful to just leave their flesh to the scavengers, worms and the
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“So true,” Skull Basher agreed with a slight look as if he had a rather unappetizing
bit of plant replace the slow roasted meat in his mouth. “Still it is odd that they
seem to try to claim that they do not and that they seem to need to profess that it
is uncivilized and savage behavior. How odd the humans are if they cannot admit a
truth of all beings.”
“Is it any odder than their mating habits?” Copper-claw asked with a goblinesque
shiver. “They put such strange manners into such a simple matter. Is it really true
that they have such horrible senses that they cannot tell who is compatible as well
as the most likely to be a suitable mate?”

“They cannot tell when someone is attracted with their weak sense of smell,”
Swiftknife said with a factual tone. “Every other species can smell when a female is
interested in mating, but they are dull to so much around them. At least the wizards
have a somewhat understandable ideal form for their species unlike their muggle
counterparts. Better developments to birth and support children instead of the weak
brittle thing they are choosing now. You saw what some of the muggleborn brought in
those magazines. They pick bodies that are almost starving with such horrible
“Something else our future necromancers seem to have well in hand,” Gnarl-Axe said
with a laugh. “Those four are a group of that I am certain. It is nice to see
someone spit in the face of their vaunted traditions. Wizards seem to have better
luck than sense! I am amazed that they haven’t died off from their limited breeding.
Why they don’t even seem to breed more when they are the strongest. Such strange
beings they are…”

“Of that we can be all agreed,” Copper-claw said with a nod of mutual agreement form
the rest. “Now as much as savoring this meal is, I know we all need to get back to
work. I don’t think any of us would like to be the next course…”

With another nod and a glance at each other, the group broke apart to resume their
duties until their shifts ended. They would pass messages along their factions and
clans, but they were discrete and less likely to cause issues. Swiftknife ended up
getting called to run a very urgent message. It seemed that their recent guest was
stirring things up again.

‘So what does this action do?’ Swiftknife thought as he heard the news. ‘Why would
you bring two witches into your Family and recognize a marriage after so long? What
do these actions as Head mean? This just means that we will have more to do…’


Night had fallen and the ladies were settled in the bedroom. They had managed to
avoid the problems that the meeting between the Tonks and their adult slave Sarah
could have spawned. As it was the girls were nude and had trussed Sarah once more
into a harness. That Dora was soaking wet, from watching this session that blurred
the lines between punishment and rewards as well as pleasure and pain, was merely an
added bonus. Still Dora was kneeling next to the scene with her own as up in
‘All this watching has been fun,’ Dora thought as she whimpered in need and desire,
‘but I really wish any of them would pay some direct attention to me again. Sure
having been kept on edge has been arousing, but that they seem insistent on me not
being allowed to climax until the master claims me is quite distressing. They could
have at least whipped me to a puddle of cream and then be completely relaxed to ease
into any hole.’
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Harry was reclined on the bed with his back on the headboard as he watched the two
continue their tormenting teasing of Sarah. He wondered how long Dora would last as
Anne was curled against him while her head rested on his thigh. He ran his right
hand through her hair gently as he rested his head against his left. With a slight
tilt of his head, he looked over the content and sated form of Anne. She had been
worked over while the girls had played and it had not been solely her first
stretching of her sex when he sheathed himself in her untouched sex.
With the others playing and spending time acting their own age, Harry had the
opportunity to truly individually delve into the explorations that she needed. Alice
and Hermione were switches as the term went. They could be either submissive or
dominant in their relations; however Anne was a very submissive person who seemed to
only dominate as a way of submitting to someone. First she had been willing to aid
in the conquest and claiming of Sarah, and now the fact she would have readily added
her own hand to break, claim and mold Dora.
‘Such an interesting life I have,’ Harry thought as he smirked when Anne moved
enough to just suckle him in her sleep as he watched the show. ‘Well if that squeal
of happiness is any indication, Dora really wants some attention. I really should
thank the Dursleys one of these days. I mean if they hadn’t driven me away from
friends and totally divorced them as anything but the cruel vindictive hypocritical
bastards that I have to occasionally cohabitate a house with; I would have never
found the Book or set myself on this path. I can almost see it now. I would have
been either dead of abuse, starvation or suicide, or I would have been completely
broken and moldable to someones will. Well there would be the small chance of going
crazy and killing the Dursleys in a rain of blood and gore. Hmmm… I probably will
end up doing that anyways, or the girls will torture them and not for their own
needs. Why the girls like to be dominated and find some pain to be highly
pleasurable, I do not know, but I plan to enjoy and revel in it. Still they are more
than enough, but I know that Alice and Sarah plan on offering a few of my working
girls up for service. I just don’t plan on that happening any time soon.’

While Harry had his thoughts wandering while he enjoyed the slight nursing like
suckling of his reviving erection, Hermione and Alice had turned to Dora and trussed
her up next to Sarah. They had worked the healthy and athletic seeming former Sister
over to a thigh soaking climax and had left her on edge when they had turned their
attention to the glass eyed whimpering and wanting to beg Dora. Harry watched
appreciatively as they moved her into a hanging harness where her feet and hands
dangled above the ground.
‘It is almost like a swing,’ Harry thought as he reflected on the sights before him
and compared it to the romp he had finished with Anne. ‘I think I should try that
with Anne next time and maybe have Hermione play with Dora while Alice plays with
Anne while I use Sarah to keep myself warm and ready. I still need to think about
how I should handle Dora’s claiming. I know she is neither like the other three nor
the slave that Sarah is. I did feel something when I reinstated Dora and her mother
into the Black legacy after they had left, but before I had finished with Anne. I do
think that Anne was doing a good enough job to make it difficult for me to notice
much going on around me, but I knew better than to reinstate them when they were in
the same house.’
“Master, may we entertain you with some play with your toys?” Alice asked as she ran
her hands appreciatively over Sarah while Hermione tormented Dora as she kept easing
back before she could find release. “Unless you wish to play with some of us
Harry looked over the two as he contemplated what to do now. He knew that Dora had
come over with the expectation of losing all of her remaining sexual innocence or at
least penetrative inexperience. Still he was comfortable and he did wonder how
competitive the two could get with the ideas drifting in his head.
“No, I think I will watch for now,” Harry said as he ran his hand through the
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sucking girl’s hair. “I think a competition is in order for the moment. How fast can
you two get your current toy to shriek in ecstasy I wonder?”

“Yes, sir,” the two chirped as they turned to their aroused playthings. “You heard
the master. You are getting to cum quick and hard!”
Relaxing as he had been since he had finished his second claiming of Anne much to
their mutual satisfaction, Harry watched the second show as the two showed their
knowledge of each of their current toys hot spots. He may be a teenager
biologically, but even with all those hormones and their own enhanced physiologies
there were limits and he had been rather active with all of them recently. So he
relaxed with a slow loving nursing on his recovering manhood while he watched the
two demonstrating that as Alice and Hermione were parallel in some matters as well
as the two playthings. Oh he had some investments in Dora, but he realized that a
part of her needed certain activities to be happy.
It was interesting to see Hermione trying the new toys to Dora’s screams of
enjoyment. That he also found the playing that Sarah seemed to enjoy being also as
entertaining was beside the point. In the end the impromptu contest was decided in
who had spent more time in exploring their pain slut’s pain triggers. Harry didn’t
find it too surprising that Hermione had pulled through and managed to whip Dora
into cuming quick, hard and loudly. The problem had been that Alice had not had as
much time to find the quickest ways to drive Sarah mad as she had spent more time on
keeping her on the edge.
“Well done, Mine,” Harry said with a smirk even as he felt a slight bit of precum
flow into Anne’s nursing mouth. “Still a good show, Alice, even if you had an unfair
handicap, or did you forget that sometimes it is harder to cum again than the first
in a while. Oh well it does not matter as I have some things to do now. Now Alice be
good and see to it that the both of you are ready for when I am done giving Dora
here a good seeing to as she has yet to get that yet… Oh and you were right in the

Smirking Hermione and sighing Alice replied, “Yes sir,” before they moved to the
When they got there, Harry kissed each of them passionately, and then he cheated a
bit to get them to quickly cream on his fingers before he disengaged from Anne to
rise from the bed. He did give each of them an affectionate caress after he licked
his fingers from their juices; therefore, he did not feel bad for once more leaving
them mostly to their own devices. Besides it was not as if Anne would not suckle
anything that approached her lips right now, so he saw no problem in their playing
with each other while he gave Dora the seeing to that she wanted so badly.

“Well Dora,” Harry said as he stood behind the two even as he set a few things to
Sarah’s recovering form, “I think that this is what you have been looking forward
to. All those times you came so close to losing yourself, and now it is time. I do
think that you felt that change earlier. You and your mother have been reinstated
into the Black Family and oddly enough I am now technically your Head of House as
well as your acknowledged Lord and Master. So is there a request that you have for
me, my pet?”
Dora was already quite out of it from the repeated approaches before Hermione had
whipped her to orgasm. As it was now, she was trying to think straight while
twisting to see both what Alice and Hermione were doing as well as what her master
was doing to the other bound slave. Her wide eyes watched what he was doing as each
action seemed to bring a moan of pleasure or a one of pain. She had heard of what
had happened to the woman previously, but Dora seeing it was an entirely different
matter. She knew that the dangling weights suspended from the woman’s tits and pussy
lips had to hurt, but she could see that it was exciting the woman.
It was thanks to that sight that Dora barely managed to cry out, “Fuck me!”

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She really should have known better, but Dora had neither reoriented from her orgasm
nor calmed down in her arousal from her situation. So focused on her master, she
failed to notice what the three on the bed were doing; therefore, she would miss the
beginnings of Anne aiding Alice in preparing Hermione for what Dora would hang
limply after being fucked by her master would be forced to watch.
“You are a demanding little thing,” Harry commented as he ran his hand over her
already glowing ass before dipping to her dripping sex. “Still I know how to handle

Any verbal response was purely incoherent as he took his time to explore her wet and
willing core while adding his hand to her already lined ass. It may have been
originally a small part of her possible sexual identity, but that she had achieved
her first orgasm in life from a spanking had been a turning point. It had not been
something she had done that had resulted in her first assent to the heaven of the
flesh, but at the actions of another to punish her that colored her views.
Since that start, she had added more things to her interests. Now that she had her
owner, they were now exploring her desires and finding her kinks. He had been quite
right in that he knew how to handle her. Dora was aware that she was turned on by
being bound, punished and teased; therefore, she was used to such things as well as
being touched, licked and sucked to orgasm while also returning such attentions. Her
entire time since she had arrived up to this moment could be considered foreplay,
and as she felt herself clench around his sliding fingers, that he was finally
finished with the preparatory play and was ready for the winning of the game.
As she felt herself spasm and cum over his fingers, Dora felt a moment of
anticipation. She had requested that he fuck her, but she had at this moment failed
to realize or contemplate where he would fuck her. That he had stopped spanking her
to tease her plug made her wonder for a moment. She didn’t focus on much but the
sensations and the sight of Hermione having her own plug toyed with before slick
fingers started to tease them both there.

Moaning as she felt the wonderful fingers leave her pussy even as the other hand’s
remained exploring her ass, Dora was not prepared for her master to pull her by the
fingers curled inside her to swing back and slide along his cock. That the shock was
still there on the next swing when she felt her eager lips spread as his dick dipped
into her damp hole should not have been too surprising. She felt him slide himself
into her slowly as she swung until she winced when he bumped against her barrier.

“Last chance, my darling Dora,” Harry said as he strained not to simply yank her
back and sheath himself entirely in her wet, warm and welcoming cunt. “You have to
say it…”

Delirious on the edge of relief with her pussy just starting to be stretched did not
make for a very coherent Dora. With Harry sliding just a bit inside her, she slowly
tried to focus on things.

‘What did she have to say again,’ Dora thought as she tried to rock back to impale
her eager twat before her eyes cleared for a moment and she practically shouted,
“Master, claim me. Fuck my eager holes. Please sir, I am yours…Take me now…”
She started to trail off as she felt her body swing forward and trail into
incoherent phrases as he pulled her back. This was not a gentle experience as the
sudden pain was sharp and he didn’t give her time as he moved her hanging form to
fuck her rapidly. None of that mattered to Dora as her body responded quite
forcefully and favorably to his attentions regardless of how others would.
His free hand moved around her body as she felt her mind crawl into that place where
pain and pleasure lost all distinction and Dora reveled in the sensations. When he
added weights to her nipples, she moaned and thrashed about as it drove her further
out of her mind. His fingers would randomly caress or carelessly grope, pinch, twist
and torment her body. What would be something her mother would have told her as a
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hellish torture was something that Dora was finding herself craving even more, and
she was being quite vocal about it. Through this entire thing, she seemed to lose
control of some of her form as she rippled inside and out. Her head thrashed about
even as her tongue tried to reach either the scene in front of her or either of
their two rocking bodies.
Dora howled in rage when she felt him barely squirt before he forced himself back
and then out of her quivering, quaking and quite gushing quim. His face was twisted
as he continued to orgasm without letting himself continue to spurt even as his
hands continued to drive the Metamorph to howling and violent releases.
“Since you have been such a good girl for me to use,” Harry said as he visibly
strained not to resume pounding her exquisitely pleasurable cunt. “I think you
deserve a bit of a reward. It is ironic that the last would be near first for this…”
As he trailed off, he moved his hands to spank and then open her ass cheeks. He
maneuvered her suspended ass until his cock rested against her untapped hole. He
knew that the plug had not been in use anywhere near enough for the girls to overly
ease entrance, but considering that he was practically drenched in her juices as
well as having spread it to feel out her remaining hole there was not much worry
there. His only hesitation was wither he should skip her ahead of the others or not.
With a look that the three on the bed were quite occupied, Harry plunged forward and
into Dora. He had no intention of taking too long as he was aware he still had
nowhere near enough experience to continue holding off that distinctive duality of
orgasming and ejaculating. He was somewhat skilled enough to keep the combined
action from occurring, but not very good yet on orgasming without feeling his balls
tighten and his cum spurt out either into or onto someone. He really wanted to take
more time with all of them, but her was feeling quite compelled to go to the bed and
sink into Hermione’s wagging ass and drive into her until she was spent before doing
the same to Alice.

Harry originally had intended to that before finishing in Dora, but with her there
helpless mewing to be fucked was there a choice; especially when she had
spontaneously seemed to have some speech problems as she didn’t seem quite sure
where she wanted to be used more. Oh he realized he had no intention to spend
himself to exhaustion when there were still two girls left to be driven to stupor,
but it was quite difficult since Dora could make her insides inhumanly pleasurable.
He was aware that the others would not be able to reverse contour their holes to
perfectly grip and move around his thrusting cock, but he knew he liked them and
cared for them and maybe when he was completely spent freely admit that there was
more there. Fine at that point he would admit that he loved each of them in a
specifically twisted way, but that just meant that he was more than willing to drive
them out of their minds with whatever twisted, nasty thing he wanted or more like
they had yet to specifically state.
Harry came back to his bearings as he held her hips and felt himself start to throb
and his balls tightening up. For some reason he didn’t know why, he didn’t want to
cum inside her now stretched ass, but to finish his release inside her still flowing
As he let the head slip between her lips and just rest on the bare entrance of her
tunnel, Harry leaned over and felt himself smirking as he nipped at her neck before
he barely whispered instead of shouting into her ear, “Now my dear fuck toy of a
slave slut, I am going to spray this nice and eager hole with some cum and you will
be left here hanging while I go and tap each of those asses there just like I did to
you. How does that make you feel to know that you are nothing but a slave to my
needs and desires?”
“Yours!” Dora shrieked as she tried to draw him into her deeper. “Always yours… to
use… to please… it is my greatest pleasure!”
“Cum around me and pull my cum into you,” Harry said as he felt himself start to
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have to fight back from just burying himself to the hilt and letting his balls drain
into her waiting womb. “Do that and you will always be mine, to use and abuse as I
“Yes, sir!” Dora shouted as she tried to give him a suck with her cunt. “Cum inside
your plaything’s needy cunt!”
With enticement like that, how could he not? So he felt his eyes shudder closed as
he was sucked into spurting into her while he sucked her flushed skin into his mouth
before biting it. The sudden shock as she felt her body lock up even as her sex
seemed to suck his cum from the barely inserted head drove her to a silent scream.

Once he felt Dora no longer sucking anything from him, Harry extracted himself and
gave her a quick hard smack that sent her spinning before he staggered to the bed.
He knew he had been acting strange lately, but he had a suspicion that he had
finally decided to enjoy things instead of hurtling towards his destiny.
If he had been told what Dumbledore thought it was, he would have laughed, but the
two did have a few common ideas. Voldemort would be dealt with and Harry would then
be able to fully lead his life; however, they differed since Harry decided that
Voldemort would die permanently and he would gladly use the things death to
resurrect his mother. From what little he had been able to find, she had been
someone to know. Also Harry planned to currently live his life as well as he could.
‘Live long and prosper,’ Harry thought with a snort as he recalled the short bit he
had seen on the little screen. ‘I would prefer to live well and prosper. The long is
already taken care of for the most part. Now to see how well this feels to be so
swell. Right getting laid seems to make me as giddy as a happy drunk so I might as
well see if the girls get to the horny drunk from all the sex. The plans and plots
can last a little while. After a good romp, I should have happy enough emotions to
buffer the Dementors when I see about the Black issues there; however, that is
putting the cart before the horse as I had best get back to as Dudley in his best
wanna be would say ‘Tap that Ass’. One must have priorities after all, but I think
that treating my girls the way they want and need is a bit more important than
offing some contained criminals and possible traitors. Still I have the feeling that
any of the male role models I can't remember would be having epileptic fits if I
passed up on these things anymore…’

The next thing Harry recalled, he was balls deep sunk into Hermione or more
accurately giving her a very good seeing to. That he could tell that it was pushing
her submissive buttons was something that he made a quick mental note to do whenever
she needed or felt the need to be topped. She may have this need to top the other
girls, but she seemed to go near insane when he topped her off let alone placed her
somewhere near bottom.
‘A bottom likes having a Dirty Bottom,’ Harry thought as he tried not to laugh at
the horrible puns and jokes that seemed to spring to mind lately. ‘Fuck if I am not
four sheets to the wind from all the getting about. Did Hermione just say that? Oh
she is so the naughty, nasty and needy thing when she really gets worked up. Her
mouth is rather working slyly and all that oral practice has an added affect on
other lingual matters that are cunning but also limber as well.’
It was a very good thing that Fawkes had not chosen this time to drop off the
unsigned package from Dumbledore as the phoenix would have lightly been reduced to
convulsions at the conflicts that it would be feeling. None of the people here were
light and yet they were not necessarily evil even if they did what could be
considered evil. The poor bird would have been unable to comprehend the fact that a
human would like pain as it went against its nature while its counterpart would have
shrugged and just gone along with it.
So while the fire phoenix was far away from this insanity, the poor raven that was
not a raven anymore watched its companions engage in their odd matings. Humans were
just odd like that, but really why the girl seemed to be making such happy and
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pleasurable sounds from having the males penis inserted not into the normal one, but
the other one was quite confusing.

The cats and dog were a bit less disturbed, but watched as their human counterparts
seemed to enjoy this play as much as they did hunting. As for Shadow well he was
just curled up near the vent as he watched the repeat of what he had seen other of
the mammals do. The male was mating and otherwise with the females in descending
order of authority and proving his dominance. Why humans like the other furry things
did this was not for it to guess.

Eventually Harry felt Hermione go limp and he went down with her. The sudden change
was enough to push him past his resolve and soon found himself releasing into her
willing body. A bit dazed from it, he had no resistance as he was led cock in mouth
by Anne to Alice. He was well aware that Anne would resume with Hermione what she
had been doing with Alice, but he was rather fucking wasted from all the fucking he
had been doing.
‘I wonder if that is where the phrase came from,’ Harry thought as he felt Anne lay
her head against Alice before moving herself to let him free. ‘I think I prefer this
method of getting mellow to Vernon and his drink. It sure does feel more enjoyable…’
Harry didn’t notice he made a sound quite similar to a drunken giggle as he watched
Anne set things up. Looking down he saw he was resting his penis against her
sphincter. Why those exact words were in his mind, he had neither the knowledge of
nor did he care to contemplate at this point. Swiveling his gaze up, Harry saw Anne
resting her head watching and waiting. He could see the trail her tongue left when
she had released it to drop onto the slick opening.

Considering that Alice was willing and that Anne had spread her open for him and was
watching in anticipation, Harry felt no compulsion not to ease his way in. When he
heard Alice whimper for him to do so, he sunk his way slowly in. He was aware that
it was slick and tight as well as being oh so warm.

All of them were quite out of it and would have likely been slumped cuddled about if
they had been normal. As it was, Anne was describing things about what he should be
doing and how she liked watching what he was doing. So he continued to do what he
was doing and his eyes had drifted a bit as he did so. His eyes didn’t really open
until he heard the distinctive lack of Anne trying to verbally make him either hard
or spurt, and instead it was replaced with a slurping sound.

Turning his head away from the slow sawing he was doing inside Alice, Harry saw Anne
spreading Hermione open and repositioning her to get at his earlier release.
Shrugging, he continued his rhythm until he felt Alice drift off after squeezing him
almost painfully and pulling him further inside. His eyes snapped open as he felt
himself flow into Alice. Her only response was a whimpered sigh.
Seeing everyone else was busy, Harry managed to stagger away and towards Dora. When
he had gotten anywhere near her lashing tongue, he had the distinct sensation of
having his member wrapped with a tongue as she swung and pulled her mouth to him.
Letting his hand run through her hair as she licked and sucked him clean and back to
full readiness, Harry spent a few moments or possibly minutes being slid inside her
welcoming mouth.
Reluctantly and not completely aware of why he did so at first, Harry managed to
withdraw himself from her willing lips to spin her around. His sudden sheathing
himself in her barely tried hole was accompanied by Dora’s happy noises. Using his
hands he once more swung her body to slide his length within her eager entrance.
Time was like an illusion to him during this, and he had no idea how long he moved
them in rhythm. It ended when he felt an almost painful release into her once more.
Pulling himself out before spinning her once more around, Harry let her lips sooth
the ache he was starting to feel. After he felt painfully unable to rise to the
occasion again, Harry extracted himself once more from Dora and stumbled to the bed.
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They would let the two down in the morning as they were all too tired to do anything
else at this point. Morning would come soon enough and a return to more business
than personal matters. Part of his mind knew that he needed to get through the
complete brief on his holdings, but he was aware that they were all too often to be
distracted by these urges. It was fun though.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 18: Christmas Part 5: Visits to the Vicious and Victims of Vigilance
by SamStone 10 Reviews

Fun games and heading back

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009/01/18 - Updated:
2009/02/22 - 21449 words
Chapter 18: Christmas Part 5: Visits to the Vicious and Victims of Vigilance

Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a self important bureaucrat! Now get
out of my way before I remove you. – HJP to the idiot impeding him at the ministry
when he resolved the Slytherin matter.

Waking up with three girls curled around him was something that Harry was starting
to consider normal. He stretched a bit and looked at the two dangling slaves. One
was still suspended by her arms while the other was in a swing. For a moment he
wondered what the hell he had been up to and why he felt a slight feeling of
discomfort in his body. Laying back and letting the sleeping girls snuggle against
him, Harry began to think back on the past few days. He had gone completely loopy
and had spent most of the past few days acting like a honeymooner. And by the feel
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of it he was experiencing it.
‘So what do we do now?’ Harry thought as he went through a mental checklist of his
and their states. ‘Most of the time after Gringott's was just fucking about except
that Sarah managed to get more direct information on the Tonks family and I
reinstated Dora and her mother into the Black Legacy while I was busy with Anne. So
have Sarah finish going through that hellish portfolio while I do what while the
rest of them recovers. Well I have been putting finding a way to Azkaban off…’
As he went through his plots, plans and pursuits, Harry let his hands run over his
girls. He felt a loathing to leave the bed and their attention. He sighed as he
realized that they had managed to overcome his defenses that the Dursleys and the
rest had resulted in. he was no longer holding himself apart from the world around
him; however, while he may have had interactions with people such as the girl gang
he had been the proxy head of that did not mean he had held them on even somewhat of
an equal footing in his mind. He had been willing to acquiesce to his rival in the
boys’ gang and their mutual loathing of Dudley, but he had considered himself
different from everyone else.
‘Alice started to wear my aloof manner from anyone,’ Harry thought as he reflected
on the way he had come to this path change. ‘Anne was someone that needed help and
she was so sincere in her willingness to join and practically proclaimed herself to
be my tool to use that there was little to resist at that point. Still I resisted
their sexual advances somewhat, but now I am no longer spurning their need for
physical affection. Hermione was a welcomed surprise and things developed oddly with
that. When I met her, I never expected her to become who she has become. I will
admit that their rivalry has been helpful. Dudley has been reduced to a non issue
and the rest of that family will be dealt with in the proper time. Still with all
that resolved, I guess I should deal with the Azkaban matter. The Lestranges should
be silenced and more information on Sirius Black will be needed. I should be able to
arrange a Portkey there and as the Head of the Black Family I most definitely have
the right to visit them. That I will be interrogating them is beside the point;
however, I believe that Sarah should find some clauses in the marriage contract to
claim their valuables. Bellatrix was born a Black and thus should be dealt with by a
While he was busy contemplating things, Anne stirred from her sleep. She was sore oh
so very sore, but she felt satisfied completely. Her head moved a bit to look at the
rest of her bedmates. She saw that her master was caressing them caringly, and that
her two friends were as sore and satisfied as she was if not more so. It had been a
good day, and reflecting on it she knew that this was but a short respite in the
plans and plots that her formulating and formidable master was devising.

‘He may not think so, but he really needed the past few days,’ Anne thought as she
snuggled her head closer to him. ‘All the stress he had been under was not good for
him, and even with the relief that Hermione and Dora were providing there was still
some built up. Sadly they get him for the majority of the rest of the spring, but
things will be more even next year. It was a bit odd to see him so soothed as to be
that mellow even if he was in the middle of screwing both of their asses.’

Normally Anne would have stuffed her mouth with him, but for some reason she didn’t
feel the need in either of them for that at the moment. It likely would be evening
before any of them was up for more than teasing and such play. It was likely that
they would be snoozing in the bath while he was gone as they tried to recover to
their previous states. Anne was aware that there were ways to quicken the process,
but she felt no pressing need to do so. It was just a lazy morning after all was
said and done, and Anne doubted that any of them really wanted to move too much.
Even Dora and Sarah in their dangling harnesses were quite spent and the lot of them
would likely soak their sore bodies and maybe massage each other. Oddly Anne felt it
likely that it would not become overly sexual with just a bit of sensual thrown in.
‘We must really be spent,’ Anne thought as she just absent mindedly ran her hand
along his leg with her head resting on his thigh. ‘Here I am not inches from his
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cock and I am content just to look. My jaw is sore and both my holes feel to tender
for more than light petting. Still a bit of relaxation never hurt us any and I do
feel a bit more controlled and less likely to act out of have a bit of fun. Why I
don’t think I would even cut and drain a salesman at this point… maybe a religious
nut or something.’
The house in particular and neighborhood in general tended not to have door to door
salesmen or other such sorts wandering about. The last time a hypocritical door
knocker tried to sell some spiritualism things had been a bit bad. Anne had been a
bit irritable that day and the man had been an idiot so he had been door slammed and
when he had refused to leave been dragged in and dealt with. Sure he had barely
gurgled before getting jacked and tossed to the companions for food, but as was
discovered he had been a serious deviant in their opinion so it didn’t really
matter. Why the area seemed to be a literal honey pot for degenerates to come to.
Luckily that he had been absent and that she had done a good job in reining back her
impulses or more attention would have been brought to the area even with the odd
people that made sure that no official looked too close in the area and that was
without Dumbledore’s own subterfuge in the area.
“Awake I see,” Harry murmured as he brought his hand to gently pet Anne’s hair. “We
did get a bit overboard yesterday. So don’t expect too much this morning…”
“Considering how I feel and likely they feel,” Anne said with a shuddering moan
under his attention. “I think we will take a rain check on that anyways. I am a bit
too smashed still otherwise I wouldn’t be able to talk right now.”
“Considering how you are and I have been more so lately,” Harry said as he looked
down amazed that he hadn’t risen this morning yet. “I can say that is
understandable. I believe it is a good thing that there is some business that I need
to deal with today.”
“True that does make things simpler,” Anne said as she nuzzled against his stroking
hand. “You do realize that almost any girl in the area would gladly welcome you to
their bed or elsewhere. We may be a bit violent, but you did a damn good job of
straightening things out around here. They are rather grateful and if it wasn’t for
that there is the fact that you seem to be one of the more attractive as well as
endowed of the men around here. If you get back to school without rolling one of
them, it will be a miracle, but don’t think that they will give up just like that.
As it is, I believe that they will try to schedule things in for the summer. In the
mean time, the rest of them are likely to stay back since they consider that Alice
has first chance at you anyways with me and the rest following.”
“You are rather mellow than normal,” Harry said as she practically purred into his
palm. “I think the connection has stabilized the lot of us. I seem to be less
distant and you seem to be less prone to random violence. On the other side, all of
you seem to be more prone to enjoying certain activities. Not that I mind of course,
but I didn’t expect for me to have the same level of enjoyment in providing those
experiences as you five do in receiving them. I can get why I need to be in control,
but the inflicting pain on anyone but those waste of space Dursleys was not
something I was thinking I would be inclined to do.”
“The violence is cathartic as Hermione would say,” Anne said as she noticed that
only the two hanging were anywhere near aware. “That is the reason that you seem to
enjoy it and we realize that we do things that should be punished. Since we don’t
agree with the sheep on things we gave that in part to you. You are our authority,
your words are to us law, and that is all that matters.”
“Still I need to get a bit clean and since you are awake,” Harry said as he slipped
upright and scooped Anne into his arms. “We might as well get clean together…”
With that Harry slipped from the bed and his feet softly landed on the floor. He
straightened up and started to carry the cuddling girl in his arms. She nuzzled
against him and he ran his right arm along her back. As they walked past the two
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still bound and slightly aware and aroused ladies, Anne looked at them quizzically.
If Harry had been looking at her face, he would have seen that she was being
thoughtful and considerate for her.
“Sir,” Anne said as she looked at the still needy girls. “I think a quick bit of
attention for them would make them feel better.”
Harry looked at them and he noticed their gaze at him. It was a hungry gaze that he
could clearly feel now. He saw that they still wanted at least one last bit of
attention and he wasn’t the sort to leave them hanging unless that was what they
wanted or what they needed at that time. With a bare thought he had an appropriate
tool in his right hand, and Anne moved her arms to wrap around his neck allowing his
arm more room. A few moments passed as the lash caressed the two until he saw them
shudder and once more flow before collapsing into sleep once more.
“You could have drawn that out more,” Anne commented as she watched the sleeping
women shiver as they dreamed still creaming. “Although I think I will prefer the
more time for myself that this provides.”

“You would and will,” Harry commented as he traced her back with the handle. “Still
that is for later, my willing one. We have plenty of time for that and we do need to
clean off and you need a bit of a soak considering you were too sore to do too much
this morning already.”
“Yes sir,” Anne said as she lifted her head up and kissed him on the lips. “I do
feel like I am missing a bit this morning.”

“Perhaps that can be alleviated later,” Harry said as he carried her into the
bathroom and leaned her against the tub. “In the mean time we need to get clean
before that soak, so no distracting me.”
“Yes, sir,” Anne said with a slight pout that turned to a sigh as he washed her sore
body all over before turning to his.

Anne for the most part just sat there as she was maneuvered and washed front and
back as well as in and out. It was nice to be cared for instead of providing the
care, but she had her own needs and eventually slowly she stood on her wobbly legs
to assist her master in getting his own self clean. For the most part she ended up
leaning on the wall while he stood near enough to scrub his back after lathering his
Once they were both clean, Anne sat in his lap as the tub filled with warm water.
The gentle cleaning he had done with the warm water and his soothing caressing
fingers had eased some of her strain. She had been rather wild and overexerted
herself when she had the time with him alone. It was likely that she had still been
running on arousal and adrenaline when the last of the night had occurred. Still
reclining against her master while soaking in a warm tub was doing wonders and his
hands were working the rest of her taunt muscles back to form.
“MMMMH,” Anne murmured as she felt her master’s hands soothing her belly to breasts.
“This is nice. So what were you planning to do while we recover and Sarah goes over
the rest of the business concerns before collating and compiling the information?”
“Well,” Harry said before he let his hands play a bit more. “I think I will deal
with something the Black Family brought up. It seems that the Lestranges might not
have kept their part in the marriage contract. Besides it gives me a chance to do
some exploring at Azkaban. I think it is a bit like an all you can eat buffet
considering no one really cares what happens to the lifers there.”
“There is more to it than that, I can tell,” Anne said as she tried not to respond
too much to his attention. “You don’t have to tell me, my master, but it would be
nice to know as how else can we help you…”

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“I would like to get the complete story from Sirius Black,” Harry admitted as his
fingers slipped to approach her still overly sensitive mound while he felt her rock
her ass against his slightly aroused state. “The official story and the wills in no
way mesh. There was also no evidence of a trial and that makes me worry what they
might do to people like us.”
“They seem to be quite formal in their ideas as well as biased in their views,” Anne
said as she scooted back a bit and rested her ass on his chest while his hands were
fondling her aroused breasts. “Now if you would sir, could I just rest with you
inside me; I am not asking to be fucked, but just filled for a bit?”
“You girls seem to be able to ask me for almost anything,” Harry said with a sigh as
he felt her arm fumble to align him. “All right my pet, but there will be no more
invasive play until I return, is that understood?”
“Yes, master,” Anne said before she eased herself down with a sigh. “It is worth it,
sir. Just hold me here, please.”
“Of course, my eager girl,” Harry said as he relaxed with her reclined against him
while he was completely sheathed inside her.
The two rested and probably would have stayed there until the water went cold if it
had not been spelled not to do so. Harry let his mind wander to the numerous things
he had to work on yet. He had his plan for Azkaban, his plan for Voldemort’s
inevitable destruction, for his mother’s resurrection, for the numerous people on
his to kill list and other such things to ponder on. In contrast, Anne was just
sitting there as he let her body relax and recover for the most part. She was happy
and warm inside and out with her mind for once almost completely empty and
blissfully content. Occasionally a thought formed in her mind, but mostly it was on
other things to try as well as the full feeling of being at peace.
As it was, Anne was the most disturbed of the young group. She had never thought
herself a child as long as she remembered and would always feel annoyed to be called
that. She had long since been used to the emptiness inside, but only so much blood,
sex and death could ease it. When she was with her master like she was now, it was
not just eased, but it was gone even for a short time. In part her obedience in the
past was from the fact that following orders filled that nagging pit.

So here she was dozing in the tub with her master gently trailing kisses up and down
her neck while he soothed and played with her submerged and slightly swollen breasts
that she had sunk her cute little butt down onto his arousal was immaterial to her
bliss or was it? Either way, Anne was pretty much acting on feelings and not any
attempt at rational thought. His ritual claiming of them had resulted in them being
able to tell where he was and in general what his emotional as well as physical
state was.

‘A way to better serve,’ Anne momentary thought as she leaned her neck to allow her
master more access, ‘and to live is to serve, no more no less…’
As for her master, Harry was able to do far more than they with the connection. He
could do things that literally allowed more control over them than the Unforgivable
Imperious Curse would provide. He could control their minds as well as bodies if he
so wished. If he had no experience with controlling the euphoria that power and
control gave, then it is likely that he would have been driven to megalomaniac
insanity from the level of control and power he now had over his girls.
‘Already they were willing to do almost anything for me,’ Harry thought as he was
warmed both by the water and the body pressed against him. ‘Even with my ambition
almost being considered an obsession, I still manage to feel that I must be worthy
of this level of trust that has been given to me. From what I have learned, neither
the Ministry nor Dumbledore or let alone Voldemort and his predecessors could have
been trusted to this level of control. They give their everything to me to allow me
to further my goals and they do so willingly. Those other leaders so carelessly
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waste their forces with such foolish actions. I loath to admit it fear that they
would even sacrifice themselves if I but said so. Anne here I can feel would gladly
slit her throat here and bleed to death if I wished it, and yet I know that I won't
ask for such a thing even if I had to bathe in willingly given blood to complete my
His internal debate was driven from his mind when she sent a tremor of pleasure
through him. She had realized that she had a loophole of a sort and exploited it as
she slowly drew her mind together enough to feel what he needed even if he didn’t
know what it was. She soon realized that he should be at his strongest when he
entered that isle and there was but one way she could think of it at that time. All
other methods would have required far too much time to allow things to be resolved.

“Master,” Anne managed to moan out. “Drink from me.”

“Anne,” Harry almost growled as he tried to chide her. “There is no need for that.
There will be plenty to sustain me at Azkaban.”
“And yet you would go there when you are not at your fullest power, master,” Anne
said with pleading whimper. “Sate your thirst and allow me mine, please sir.”
“Fine,” Harry said before he moved from his toying of her throbbing throat to gently
allow his teeth to sink into her willing flesh.
Anne did nothing to conceal or even quite the moan at his actions. In fact, she
would have likely died if her master had not chosen to release her from his grasp.
It was a little known fact that the distinction between a necromancer and their
creations was a fine one in areas. Like the vampires they had created, they could
draw sustenance from blood. It also allowed them the ability to use the same form of
magics that their creations had further refined. The magics or blood, flesh, bones
and spirit were there greatest accomplishments. It was amazing what each aspect
could do. From communing with the dead to learn of ancient knowledge, to perceive
the path that things would come, to draw strength from life, to command the dead to
rise, to reversing disease and injury, and more were things that they could learn.
“You taste so good Anne,” Harry almost slurred as he blinked his eyes to dismiss the
euphoria that his act had done. “I can see why the vampires get so addicted. Now I
had my drink and you said you wished to slake your thirst, I feel no reason not to
do so…or at least one of them”

Slowly he lifted her from his almost strained and throbbing erection. He looked down
and saw that it had recovered a lot from its earlier state. He set her down while he
rose to recline against the wall. Her eyes were half lidded and she looked as if she
had either just been screwed to heaven or drunk enough to be plastered. Her sudden
inhalation and near snort were not unexpected nor the way she scented his location.
“Good girl,” Harry managed to say as she gobbled him down like she was given a
frozen dessert in the desert. “Take your time. There is no need to rush as the
business can wait a little while…”
For a time less while, they remained master and pet locked in an intimate embrace.
In the end, Harry felt Anne suckle him dry as he continued to gently caress her hair
and face. He was aware that she was radiating happiness and contentment, and that
she had that feeling enhanced by the preceding acts. Even if her eyes were half
lidded and she was sort of waking sleeping, he was able to read her clearly.
“That’s my good pet,” Harry said as he stroked her hair affectionately. “Now go
sleep while I dress and when you feel more awake you can help the others with their
recovery. Do make sure the rest on the bed are recovered before you all clean and
prepare my bound pets.”
“Yes, sir,” Anne managed to say without a slur after she had released her nursing
source of sustenance.
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Harry summoned his clothes to him as she crawled to the bed and went to rest on it.
He looked at them all fondly before vanishing without a sound. He had unknowingly
given them a mental caress and they soon purred in their sleep as he left.
After a short nap, Anne slumped to the floor and crawled to pull some clothes on.
The rest were asleep still, but she was recovered enough to hear the incessant
ringing of the doorbell.
Quietly she padded her way down the steps to the door. Anne opened the door and
blinked at what she saw and heard far too early in the morning.

“Hello,” the door to door salesman managed to say before the door slammed in his
face with her giving him a sleepy glare. “Oh bother.”
He knocked on the door again.
“Miss,” he said through the door. “Are your parents’ home? Could you get them
Anne blinked behind the door and vaguely wandered when he would leave.
‘Don’t these people have any respect for time?’ Anne sleepily thought as she
contemplated opening the door and discreetly tossing the man to the curb several
meters from the door. ‘It’s too early for these kinds of things. I am half tempted
to make him go away or silence him.’

“Any chance I can interest you in a copy of the Watchtower, miss?” the nuisance
asked again.
‘That’s it!’ Anne thought in anger as she wretched the door open and stuck her head
out and looked both ways down the street while her head seemed to be nothing but a
blur of hair to the man. ‘Damn nuisance!’

“I say,” the man got out before he was yanked into the house and the door slammed
behind him. “Miss what are you doing?”

“Be quite nuisance,” Anne snarled before snapping her gaze up and diving into the
man’s mind. “Hnn. I guess you were a good choice after all. I am feeling thirsty…”

The disoriented man had no chance as he dropped to the ground in a blur of action.
He was paralyzed and rendered temporarily muted. He didn’t have time to do more than
try to scream as her sinister smile revealed inhuman teeth before they tore into
him. She put the inhuman suction she had worshipingly given to her master to a more
sinister purpose, and soon the man was as dry as a bone.
“Fucking nuisances and sickos,” Anne muttered as she licked her lips and mouth clean
before picking the corpse up. “I would have left you around for the others to get a
nibble, but master left me a bit thirsty still. I might as well give the pets their
food as well.”

With that, Anne carried the corpse down to the basement and the kennel.
“May the victims of your idiocies rest in peace,” Anne whispered as she gave a nod
to the companions who tore into the corpse with gusto, “as your flesh provides food
for the worthy.”
With a slight bow to the feeding friends, Anne resumed her morning tasks. It
wouldn’t do to let a simple interruption ruin the morning. For a moment, Anne
wondered why so many of that inclination seemed to come here and in the guise of
being pious at that. Not that it mattered in the end, but she realized as she yawned
as she padded up the steps that she could have made better use of the idiot if she
had been more awake. Still it was one more idiot not out there doing their idiocy
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and that had to be enough for now.


The island of Azkaban was a dreary place and that was without the effect the
Dementors had taken into account. There was a rickety looking boat dock that one
normally had to arrive from shore by; however, it was a well held belief that one
could neither Portkey nor apparate there. This was not the complete truth as there
were a few Portkeys and individuals that could apparate to that island. One of those
Portkeys happened to be popular in the ancient families rings or more precisely the
multi programmable Head’s rings.
Harry Potter appeared on the dock smoothly with his cloak concealing his features.
The small surge of magic that his arrival caused was not detected immediately by the
Warden nor was it by the Dementors scurrying in their feeding. It would take a few
moments for the affects of his presence and the responding resonance in Azkaban’s
wards to alert any of the watch. His particular Portkey lacked the crudity of other
types and his own magic tended to lesser the disturbances his presence caused.

‘So this is Azkaban,’ Harry thought as he started to head towards the prison. ‘I
have to say I can see why they are terrified to come here. The unnatural cold as
well as dreary nature would serve as a good deterrent.’

Ignoring the discomfort caused by the weather with ease as well as not feeling a
need to cast a charm to alleviate it either, Harry headed down the path from the
dock with his gaze swinging over the rocky and run down shoreline. The path was
steep towards the castle like prison, but it was far better than the steepness of
the rest of the cliff shore. The fog was only adding to the dreariness, but as the
dark had seemingly no effect on his vision he felt there was no reason to comment on
He did sometimes contemplate enhancing his vision more, but outside of adding a
thermal awareness he saw little point. It would make things far too easy to hunt
down if that was the case. He already felt the thrill being decreased by the
sharpness and perception he had as it was. He was well aware that his eyes had gone
from eventually almost being blind without wearing glasses to having inhuman levels
of visual perception.
Having made his way to the door of the castle without having made a discernable
sound, Harry silently sighed that no one had managed to notice him. He knew it was
difficult to remember to make noise already, but thankfully the normal bustle of
students made enough noise that so far no one had noticed the unnaturalness that he
walked with. So here he was standing here and having to decide what to do now. He
had expected more of the Aurors, but he was slowly realizing that ever since the
matter with the self proclaimed Dark Lord that the wizards had become quite over
It was perhaps a sign of a greater problem in the Wizarding World, but it really
wasn’t his concern at this time. There were more important and pressing matters than
the complete bureaucratic incompetency that seemed to predominate the wizards and
their actions. They seemed to lack either common sense or motivation. It was as if
they had once they learned to use some magic become almost overly dependent on it
and often summoned things than walk a few feet.
Harry blinked as he found the door was neither locked nor warded in any way. With a
sigh, he opened the door and entered. For a moment he wondered if he was becoming
paranoid as he constantly expected to be accosted here, but he was slightly
disappointed that he was not.

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‘This is the Wizarding World’s impenetrable and inescapable prison?’ Harry thought
in wonder. ‘I don’t see how with the piss poor security here. What do they do just
trust the Dementors to do all the work? Considering the antiquated notions that
Wizards have, I wonder if they will be even more uncivilizingly barbaric with the
rest of the prison given their attitudes for others such as muggles, muggleborns,
halfbloods and squibs.’

With a silent sigh of exasperation, Harry proceeded to follow the blatantly marked
path to the office. So far all he saw were Dementor patrols and the odd guard in the
distance snoozing. Harry saw it as further proof that a kindergartener with even the
least bit of common sense and slightly more magic than a squib could conquer them.
Hell if the person was a pureblood they would likely let him if they didn’t have to
think or do anything as long as it didn’t inconvenience them.

Walking down the hallways, Harry noticed the Dementors seemed quite skittish of his
presence. He was grateful that there were so few human guards even if he thought it
was a foolish idea. Dementors were here for the sole reason that the Ministry was
providing them with frequent and secure feeding. The creatures would have gladly
roamed about decimating entire villages in the past or cities in the present. They
were worse than other magical sentient predators in a way as they tended to have not
held their predations at bay.
‘I am rather glad that I learned the older methods of mental shielding as the
present one would only dull their effects,’ Harry thought as he ghosted down one of
corridors as he walked towards where he could get a list of the cells he needed to
visit. ‘To think that all the time spent practicing modern Occlumancy would make
someone more often easier to read even if it has enabled one to supposedly better
control their emotions. Snape seems to be an example of that and yet he still
responds so emotionally when he throws his tantrums.’
Coming to stop at the designated room, Harry gave a sharp knock to the door to
announce his presence. He was rather amused that the human guards had yet to notice
him and he was disappointed that no one had challenged him yet in his journey. It
didn’t say much for the state of Wizarding security that he could get this far
already with no attention; however, he felt a perverse glee that at least his gold
was in better hands. His vaults were oddly more secure than the one that someone had
tried to break into.

“Hello,” Harry said when he heard a mumbled response from the other side of the
door. “Here to visit a few prisoners.”
He was specifically neglecting to mention his plan to interrogate them with
Verisiterum and Legilimency probes. He was already briefed on the ones here who had
an effect on the Black Legacy. The Lestranges and Sirius Black in particular were
those he would be seeing. As loath as he was to go unaccompanied he was fairly
certain that he could handle things and he was fairly certain that he could summon
one of the animal companions or even Kiki if things went to plaid.

‘Plaid,’ Harry thought with a bit of humor as he waited for the sickeningly slow
guard to get off his lazy ass and get to the door. ‘Now that was a funny movie to
watch, and I really wish that the Dursleys hadn’t tried so hard to prevent me from
being sociable enough to have seen it in the theatres. Still this is getting
ridiculous having these Aurors being so slow and pathetic. If they were this bad
during the war, it is no wonder that it took the unexpected encounter with yours
truly to get out of the mess they made. Really with them being so pathetic if it was
not for the fact that he targeted me and mine, I would ignore him and deal with his
idiotic minions.’
Before Harry could ponder on the non sexual entertainments that he had been
enjoying, the door finally opened and the guard staggered out pissed to the four
winds and reeking of things Harry would rather not think about. Giving the male and
he would never think of him as a man a once over, Harry noticed the complete
slovenly appearance of the man as well as the stains littering his clothes that he
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would rather not notice. On the plus side at least he didn’t see a female prisoner
in the room from where he could see, or Harry would likely have been less than
patient with the man.
“Right now,” the man slurred as he got out and looked about. “Who did you want to
“Several of the lifers,” Harry said with a smirk apparent in his voice. “The
Lestranges and Sirius Black.”
“Why d-el would you want to see them?” the man asked in confusion. “Oh! One of their
victims’ families, huh… No problem than just try not to make a mess.”
“I will try,” Harry half heartedly replied as he resisted just ripping the
information out of the man’s mind.
Thankfully Harry was able to wave of an escort to the cells. He realized in part it
was about deniability for the human guards, but considering most didn’t consider the
inmates to be anything but bags of flesh for the Dementors to sap. Personally he
didn’t care one way or the other even if he was reluctant with the knowledge that
someone would possibly contemplate sending him here either for his actions or to
make him disappear for political reasons. Harry had a very good notion that most
wizards were even more heads in the sand than the muggles, and he found the level of
apathy lead problems to be quite irritating.
As he made his way down the corridors towards the maximum security areas of the
prison, Harry suspected that pot shots of spells were taken at the prisoners as the
jail seemed more medieval than the rest of the Wizarding world. He really didn’t
pass much care to the way that the Dementors seemed to scurry as much out of his
approach as the rats, bugs and other vermin. The prisoners didn’t even notice his
passing as unlike the guards that he didn’t make a discernable sound. Harry could
hear the gliding that the Dementors made, the scratching of the animals scampering
across the stone floor, and the distinctive tapping of the guards boots on the
He barely glanced towards the cells as he passed as he felt a moment of gratitude
that Anne had compelled him to drink from her. It had indeed fortified his reserves
and had allowed him to dismiss the concern of what she could have been doing while
out of his sight. Sometime when he had more time, Harry contemplated doing a culling
of the prison. The justice system as anachronistic and archaic as it was here was
created not to reform, but was to be so horrifying as to put the fear of the
ministry into curbing certain behaviors. That the elite purebloods for the most part
could just dosh out some gold and with a bit of creative storytelling avoid coming
here was something that further annoyed Harry about his current circumstances.
‘That so recently muggle hunting was not just allowed, but encouraged does not show
a lot of potential,’ Harry thought as he passed another muttering man claiming that
their lord would free them and that they would all pay for keeping them here. ‘Why
they didn’t even discriminate against those who should have been hunted and seemed
to consider the people unable to utilize magic in their manner as animals that could
talk. Considering house elves and other such and their actions towards them, that is
perhaps the most inaccurate understanding.’
After passing several cells of which he contemplated just slaughtering a few, Harry
managed to get towards the area indicated on his list. He barely restrained an urge
to see about finding any of his preferred prey and removing them from the prison by
ending their existence, but Harry knew he was somewhat pressed for time and that the
warden as pathetic as he had been would be a bit slower to think on that. He
suspected that he would have left what little of the man’s mind that was not already
rotted with excessive alcohol poisoning as mush from the thorough extracting he
would have needed to do.
The Lestrange brothers were curiously housed quite close to each other. Why that was
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Harry really didn’t want to know, and all he really felt at the revelation was that
he would be able to deal with both of them quicker as he would not have to waste
time traveling between their cells as much. He had much better uses for his time and
the conflicting information on the former scion of House Black might take some time
to sort through.
“Good day, Lestranges,” Harry said as he glided to a halt before their cells. “Now
unlike your previous guests, I can assure you that their amateur and emotionally
influenced exchanges will soon show a distinct difference between a true
professional and them or even the usual ministry lackey.”
“Just get it over whichever blood traitor you are,” Rastaban managed to say with a
glare. “Our Lord will rise again and he will reward us for our loyalty. Maybe he
will give us your family in compensation…”
“You two are some of the most pathetic of so called pure bloods,” Harry said with a
shake of his head. “I find it humorous that your young families seem to have to crow
on about their purity and ancestry when there are families far older whose blood
still sings with magic unlike the watered down trash that those like you are. Why
else would you lot have failed to ensure your families existence?”
“How dare you?” Rudolphus snarled at the dark dressed man before him. “What right do
you have to insult us and we were planning on that at a later time…”
“Yes, yes,” Harry mussed as he felt a sense of mirth in tormenting the two. “You had
the right set of priorities. Your line will end with you and all you did was act
like juvenile delinquents with just a bit of excessive muggle hunting while
diminishing the remaining lines. Bravo, how does it feel to have nearly ended what
you claim to have been protecting?”
“They were just blood traitors!” Rastaban snarled out in his rage at this man
insulting all they stood for and did. “By their actions they were no more worthy of
magic than any mudblood!”

“Personally I am neutral to the matter,” Harry admitted with a shrug at the two. “I
care more for the potential one has and the near squibs far too many pureblood lines
have become is just an insult to me. They refuse to do anything to strengthen their
magic and pick some of the most useless people to breed with. How can you be sure
that one of the uppity mudbloods that you despise is not really the descendants of
squibs who have regained their magic or more often than not one of your ilk’s spawn?
To be blunt you neither cared to look or investigate things to do more than sate
your petty muggle like actions. That your foolish associates continue to tend to
cull muggleborns and thus removed proof of your betters having regained their
ancestral magic is just another reason to look down on your inferior Nuevo Magus
people. That such new and young families can dare claim their lines to be older,
more noble or gifted than the real Old Blood is just insulting…”

“You’re…” Rudolphus starts to say before a slight gesture silences him and his
ignorant tongue.

“A member of a very old family,” Harry chidingly finishes. “I suppose I am. Now I
have some questions to ask and I highly doubt such upstanding self proclaimed
purebloods will be unable to recognize this…”
“Verisiterum,” Rastaban says in shock. “You can't do that to us. It has to be
administered by the ministry with proper orders.”
“You are rather foolish, aren’t you?” Harry mockingly questions before letting a
truly evil laugh wash over the pair. “Your houses may be young but even you two
should know that the older the house the more autonomy even from the ministry and
its meddling we have. Now do try to cooperate, or I might have to use force. Why
there is even the chance that my family is old enough to legally Imperio an animal
like you…”
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Using their fear and shock to their disadvantage, Harry quickly doses the one while
knocking the other out. It was a tossup in whom to start with, and being nearly
asphyxiated so casually would make Rudolphus more accommodating. Harry really didn’t
focus on his questioning as his mind was split three ways. One part of his mind was
active questioning him, a second was probing his mind, and the third was processing
what the others were going through while also cross-referencing what he already knew
about them.
Harry ended up pressing Rastaban until he was suffering mental stress and passed out
when he released his relentless Legilimency probe. He dismissingly turns towards
Rudolphus as he ignores the blood leaking from the man’s ears, nose, eyes and mouth.
He had been far less controlled in his assault than his retaliatory strike on Snape
all those months ago.
“How revolting,” Harry said as he glares at his next passed out subject. “If only I
had the time to properly express my annoyance and disgust with you two, but magic
lacks the methodical cruelty and I have nowhere near the time to properly show you
the muggle arts…”

Half tempted to kick the little more than a thug to consciousness, Harry thought
better and snapped a quick yet intense pain curse at the man. Harry blinked when the
man gasped and flopped about like a dead fish being resuscitated. Some days he
really wondered how the self proclaimed purebloods managed not to exterminate
themselves and the rest of the magical races as it was. It was as if whatever gave
them magic slowly rotted their minds to the point of near criminal stupidity.

“Wake-y wake-y ickle Rudy,” Harry tormenting teases the man as he darts his
attention about. “Rast-y didn’t play well so I get to play with you now!”
“What the fuck,” Rudolphus slurred as he for a moment thought he was at her mercies
before he saw the decidedly male figure in front of him. “Bella?”

“Hmm,” Harry purred at the downed man. “Close oh so close, but you got the wrong
Black; however, I think you might have preferred being on the receiving end of my
kin’s less than pleasant attention than my own. Well unless you are a closet
masochist that is…”

“A Black,” Rudy said with interest. “I was unaware of their being one of you left
with Regulus dead like the traitor he was and Sirius here as well. The guards seemed
quite happy to say that they had the last of that family as well as mine own…”
“I can see where they would say that,” Harry said as his voice sent a shiver through
Rudy. “Still I would say I am more of the ancestral Blacks than the rest of the
current crop has been. Since you like the rest of the modern Wizarding have
forgotten, I am a Black, a wizard of passion and determination who would as soon
char the flesh from mine enemies bones as well as ruthlessly crush their families
for sport. I have to admit that while we may share some common interests; however, I
do seem to prefer different sport to hunt than the weaklings and cowards you lot
targeted. My enemies will flee before me, their holdings claimed for mine own, their
last breathes will hear the lamenting of their kin as I send them before them, and
they will know what true terror is. Now Rudolphus Lestrange I wonder if you will
last as long as your dear brother has…”
“Rastaban,” he says as he turns to gaze into the other cell and sees what a sight
his once proud and powerful brother had been reduced to. “What have you done to
“Why nothing less than what I will do to you,” Harry said with a sinister purr. “I
do worry that you will be more disappointing than he was. You did almost faint and
did pass out so easily…”
His scream of terror was soon cut short as Harry almost effortlessly administered
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his dose. It seemed that with each moment and inquiry that he was more and more
disgusted with the two. It took a bit but he had the information he needed. So it
was while he delegated a portion of his mind to sort out the information and other
thoughts that Harry turned to the two unwanted bodies. Oh they were still alive and
not driven to madness, but he had so rarely the time to properly play and they were
there that he took the opportunity to do some live experimentation.

‘Besides there are a few ways to hide information from both truth serums and
Legilimency,’ Harry thought as he resumed his interrogation of the pair. ‘Besides
seeing their brother in such pain while they are being questioned is doing wonders
to see if there are any obscured or locked information…’
So he resumed his interrogation and thoroughly drained their pitiful minds of what
information they had. That he had used them to see what affects isolated red and
blue necromantic flames had was just a bonus for him, and in fact Harry was quite
grateful that he had practically the whole day between the two as well as Bella and
Sirius. He was aware that those two did have the more impressive reputation, but
these two were likely to have more real utilizable information. Harry was well aware
that unless Bella really was the mistress of Voldemort that she was less likely to
be entrusted with things. That the brothers had revealed that their traitorous in
law as well as Bella had been told to safeguard two of the Dark Lord’s treasures
seemed quite out of the ordinary. It was something that he would have to further dig
When he finished, Harry looked over the sight and was met with their moans of pain.
“Weak little shits,” Harry whispered as he listened to the rambling list of
embarrassing moment’s stream out of Rudy’s mouth. “Like I really care about how long
they wet the bed…”
Harry looked dispassionately at the pathetic waste of flesh that remained in the
cells. His experiment with the two relatively untested types of necromantic flame
had been a success. He felt a bit of satisfaction in dolling out the brothers’ due.
They had been fools, idiots, and hypocrites of the biggest sort. That they had been
so obsessed with other matters than actually fulfilling their duties was

‘To think that the purebloods wonder where their culture and society is going when
they seem incapable of understanding sustainable populations as well as the
dismissing of the need to continue their lines if they were so important,’ Harry
said with a sigh as he stretched and shook himself from where he had been locked
while he ran his experiment. ‘Ht things these two revealed under Verisiterum and
Legilimency was quite troubling. That neither made a point of keeping the standards
of the marriage is a bother. They were too interested in other things than the
continuation of the Lestrange line and both had little concern for Bellatrix.
Regardless of her actions these two idiots were quite likely to have just got
themselves killed if they hadn’t had magic to preserve them from their own
stupidity. Still the formalities should be observed.’
Harry glared at the two still barely living and suffering souls. The Dementors had
been quite attracted to the screams, but they were used to it and they had stayed
out of sight and out of range as they feasted on the terrible emotions that had
flowed like a river from the two as well as the fear and sweet terror from the
nearby inmates.
“I, the Lord Black head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, do find you to
be unworthy of the ability to fulfill your part of the marriage contract Rudolphus
Lestrange,” Harry spoke solemnly to the condemned pair. “I also find you, Rastaban
Lestrange, guilty of crimes against my house and under the terms of the marriage
contract seize the assets of the minor House of Lestrange for damages and
restitution for both your actions. You have failed to provide either an heir or for
the daughter of mine house an appropriate level of comfort as is becoming her
station. You have degraded and brought shame to my blood. You have kneeled at the
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feet of a false Lord. You have slain kin and scions destroying that which you claim
to be protecting. You two are no more than animals of poor breeding and like any dog
that attacks its master you both will be put down!”
With his piece said, Harry snapped his chain weapons into the cells. Each flew
unerringly and soon the blade shifted to hands to grasp the two brothers’ retched
hearts. His interrogation and invasion of their pitiful and retched minds had left
him with a new found distaste for the pure hypocrisy that the so called noble and
pure blooded Death Eaters expunged. They claimed to be the protectors of the purity
of blood and the sanctity of magical civilization when they were little but cowardly
bullies and abusers that were so drunk on their own power that they had no right to
have it. They sought power for entirely the wrong reason for their own comfort and
thought nothing of anyone except how they could further their own goals. Now while
Harry was in no way philosophically unwilling to use people and situations for his
own profit and advancement, he rarely would even contemplate the pure hedonistic
disinterest that these dogs had.
‘They rape, murder and do as they please with no concern for the consequences
because they have never truly been accountable for their actions,’ Harry thought as
he watched the sudden widening of the two’s eyes as they realized they were about to
die. ‘Even I am disgusted with their actions. Doing something just because they can
and what they had to do to gain their mark. At least my property, followers, lovers,
or call them what you will have better standards in their own actions and their
faith in me.’
It was perhaps the greatest testament between the two who could be considered for
the category of Dark Lord in how they differed in this one aspect. Voldemort was an
egotistical, self centered coward with a fear of death and seemed to revel in his
debasement of his followers, and Harry was a self reliant, proud, and slightly less
self centered with an almost unnatural obsession not with fearing death but
understanding it. That Voldemort seemed to need to lord his supposed superiority
over everyone while Harry simply let his actions speak for themselves was also a
rather distinct difference.

Still in the end there were some similarities. They were ambitious, cunning,
charismatic and enthusiastic researchers. They were also quite ruthless and had
little hesitation to remove either loose ends or problems. Unfortunately for the
Lestrange brothers, Harry was nowhere near as boring and apathetic in his execution

They had some resistance to the Cruciatus as it was there master’s favorite, but the
man had distained muggle methods even torture. A shame that one of the more
brilliant minds seemed to have most all of his creativity and comprehension to
completely abandon time honored and effective methods for mere spell slinging. Sadly
as most purebloods were fat, lazy and spoiled, they did not have much physical
strength nor had their time in Azkaban aided them in this.
While they were having their hearts squeezed by his weapons, Harry decided to finish
them and complete an experiment of his. He did have observations from the room of
requirements, but real live test subjects were better in this case. To Rastaban he
let the red flame streak into him, while he sent the blue fire into Rudolphus, and
then he watched to see what this method of delivery would do. He still had a curious
experimenters mind still and he so missed having time to simply discover things as
he had in his potion brewing and other explorations into matters that were not yet
Rudolphus was suddenly looking dry in appearance as he slowly shriveled as the blood
in his body concentrated and solidified even as his organs withered and his skin
grew taunt and leathery. As for Rastaban, he appeared to slowly dissolve as his
flesh was consumed in a drawn out burn. Through it all, Harry looked entranced as he
watched the two slowly die with their wails almost driving the Dementors to frenzy
with the bliss of their pain, suffering, fearful torture, and dying.

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“Well that was interesting,” Harry said before a slight yanking of his arms drew his
blade with their oddly glowing jeweled hearts to him. “I will have to see what these
little baubles do. In the mean time, I have a few more stops to make…”
With that, Harry turned and with barely a glare to the Dementors in his path made
his way to his next interrogation. They scurried as rats from a light as he
approached. The hum of dark and familiar magic made them wish not to raise his
interest with their mere existence. Whoever this was, they could feel no pull to him
and they were quite content not to try a more focused attempt to feed from him.

His silent march down the corridor to his next victim was accompanied by the sudden
silence of the inmates as each seemed to shrink back lest they gain this monsters
attention. Whatever could terrify Dementors was not something they wished to gain
the attention of, and as it was even with the effects of the magical leeching from
the Dementors there was still a palatable presence from the being as it approached.
The longer inhabitants were sensitive enough to feel more than one signature as he
passed. The odd harmony of the pulsing jewels beating as the hearts they once were
nagged at their most primal instincts to flee. As they were trapped they tried to
hide and be as still and silent as they could.

‘Now this is unexpected,’ Harry thought as he turned to gaze into the cell. ‘It
seems that the loss of her former husband was quite effective. Although now I wonder
at some of what I still have to process from extracting from his retched little
mind. There was more to this than I had at first believed…’
Bellatrix Black nee Lestrange nee Black was cowering in the corner of her cell. The
effects of the deaths of the Lestrange brothers were quite visible to him as he
looked. It was something to see the sight of a repeated murderer and rapist being
slowly tortured to death, and it was another to see the broken wreck of a once proud
woman who did some questionable if not unforgiveable things. Harry was now aware of
both what she had been accused of and what her husband and his brother had actually
witnessed her do.

“So the infamous Bellatrix of such terror inspiring actions and power,” Harry almost
purred as his gaze seemed to drive her further into the corner of the cell. “I have
to say you are not acting like I expected. Your husband already disappointed me and
yet here you are further disappointing me. How shameful of you…”

“Lord… Black,” Bellatrix shuddered and barely managed to stutter out.

“Why yes I am,” Harry said with a sinister smirk shuddering over her. “Now what were
you thinking or better yet your mother and aunt thinking in all this? The Lestranges
were a poor match in either of them and they proved to be completely lacking in
honor, power or intelligence. So I removed them. I will admit that it was nice of
them to be such useful sources of information and experimentation, but you already
suspect what happened…”

“You burned them alive,” Bella said with terror in her eyes at this man who seemed
at least as menacing if not more sure than the man she had been forced to bow and
kiss the hem of his robe. “You let them see the Black gift and yet…”

“I didn’t use the Black Flame on them,” Harry acknowledged. “Why would I limit
myself when I have more than the watered down aspect of our ancestor’s gift?”
“Necromancer,” Bella realized her eyes wide with realization and suddenly filled
with calculations as she tried to think her way out of this situation. “That would
explain how you were able to become the Lord Black. I had wondered who would since
Sirius is here and Regulus is dead. At least whoever you are is a better choice than
Narcissa’s son. From what I saw he will be more Malfoy than Black and that slippery
coward was never the brightest or powerful out there. He did do a good job of
keeping out of here.”
“He did at that,” Harry said with a frown. “It just goes to show how easy it is to
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ply the Ministry with gold. So what should I do with you?”
“You mean should you kill me for getting caught or not meeting some requirement you
have you mean,” Bella said with a sigh as she had calmed down and saw no reason to
be irrational in the face of almost certain death. “I have to admit that I was
disappointed that neither of those two men saw any inclination to provide an heir. A
shame that a once proud line died out do to their idiocy, but it cannot be helped I
suppose. At least with you, I know that the Blacks continue.”
“There is that,” Harry replied as he settled to discuss things with the woman.
“Personally it seemed counterproductive to kill of scions and heirs if one is
supposed to be preserving the purity of the magical world. There is also the seeming
lacking evidence to his claim of being the Heir of Slytherin. So who were the last
heirs of that line, do you recall?”
“Hmm,” Bella said as she thought back to her early days memorizing the who’s who in
the pureblood lines. “That does seem odd. The last that was heard was the Gaunt
Family, and they were reduced to less than the Weasleys. Poor, weak and ugly
described them, and that seemed quite the opposite to his appearance…”

“Yes something must have muted the negatives of that line with all its unrefined in
breeding,” Harry said with a sigh. “I can see breeding to strengthen the line and
reinforce certain traits; one does it with Crups after all, but letting the diseased
and otherwise lines spread their deformities and degeneration as it seems is quite
unwelcome. Look at the Crabbe and Goyle lines. They seem to have mediocre magical
power but some troll like physical abilities.”

“They tend to follow the Malfoys a bit too,” Bella offered in mutual commiseration
at the unimportant duo. “Just because Andy had to marry down, we got such wonderful
choices for husbands.”
“Yes, I suppose you both did,” Harry said with a sigh. “It is odd that her daughter
seems so gifted, but sometimes things work out in unexpected ways. Still I find the
whole notion of eradicating the muggles to be quite wasteful when they can be put to
better use. It is somewhat humorous that the Malfoys as well as our house profits
from using muggles and then Lucius wants to go and kill off a group that makes us
galleons like crazy.”

“I didn’t know that,” Bella said with a frown. “I suppose that could be one of those
family secrets since it would not bring honor or glory to the family in the
traditionalist circles.”
“And yet they provide necessary services that are often overlooked,” Harry said with
a dismissing sigh. “So what should I do with you? With your former husband deceased
as his brother, the Lestrange assets are now in your control for the moment. Letting
you rot here is a waste and yet you deserve some chastisement for your actions. I
suppose I could question you as I did them, but you are at least sensible enough to
behave so far.”
“It is not as if you could remove me legally at this time,” Bella said with a
downcast look. “I did do things that would earn some of my time here, if not life.
You could cast me from the family removing what I cherish and have been so proud of
or give whatever punishment and chastisement you wish.”
“True enough,” Harry admitted as he looked at her. “Hmm… You have some shields left
even with all the hammering the Dementors have done. Perhaps a new start, but it
will be quite painful…”
“Whatever my lord wishes,” Bella said with a sigh. “While it is important to remain
pure, loyalty to the family should have come first. I do wonder what Regulus learned
that caused him to hunt him down like a dog?”
“Something that would have likely tarnished his image among all his or at least most
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of his followers if I was to guess,” Harry replied. “I do suspect that the treasure
he left in your care was something unexpected. The memories of it that Rudolphus had
seem to indicate that at least. It was something more than enchanted, as if…
“Possession,” Bella said with a frown before she suddenly went wide eyed at what the
Dark Lord had sunk to. “He couldn’t have! It would have slowly driven him insane if
he made that many.”
“I had wondered how he could have become less than spirit, but more than a ghost,”
Harry remarked. “I guess that answers that and yet creates more complications. If he
was willing to go that far in addition to drinking unicorn blood whatever he has
become is less than human and will definitely have inclinations to the darker
passions or more so than before even.”
“I touched that!” Bella shuddered in disgust as her recollections of that hidden and
revolting bit of reading came to her mind. “What effects could that have had on me?
Did that make me even more devoted to him?”

“Something at least that can be dealt with,” Harry said with a smirk. “Were you
aware that while the Black Flame causes physical harm it can also correct mental
issues while the White Flame heals the body but can overly smooth the mind?”

“Hmm,” Bella said as she tried to see where he was leading. “Would that work?”
“It should,” Harry said in a short clip of certainty. “It would be the single most
painful thing you had ever experienced though, and there is a risk that your
personality might not survive entirely intact.”

“It is better than the Dementor’s Kiss or just rotting here,” Bella admitted. “I
will admit that your presence has made me more lucid than I recall being for quite
some time. I will admit that while I was not always the most responsible that I was
far less insane than before he died.”

“We all have our little bits of insanity,” Harry answered as he brought both hand to
face Bella. “Now while this will be the most painful thing you will likely ever
experience and that includes the Cruciatus Curse, I will tell you that the White
Flame has proven to be almost unbearably pleasurable. I am not sure what effects it
will have with the current state of your mind and body. Still some say a good orgasm
is almost a universal cure all…”
As he trailed off, Harry let the slow flow of power condense down his arms flowing
like water to pool into the palms of his hand where it began to shape itself into
two balls of rippling fire. The fire orbs were licked in slight surges reminiscent
of solar flares, and then they seemed to dance around each other before they
suddenly shot across the distance between the two with a stream of spiraling flames
seeming to defy any rational speed. The flames struck Bella and she was suddenly
lifted up and suspended by their force.
Bella had barely a heartbeat to draw a breath before she suddenly screamed from the
onslaught. It was as horrifying as it was captivating a sight to behold. For before
his eyes, Harry saw the unimaginably painful sight of flesh being consumed before
seeming to regenerate. The dead skin and hair were lapped up by the fire and it
seemed as if years were being repeatedly burned off Bella. The few nearby prisoners
cowered even further in their cells, as unlike the conversation; they could clearly
hear the sounds that were coming from someone they knew was not weal and for her to
do more than grunt from pain was unexpected.
While this went on, Bella was awash in sensations so intense she could barely form a
momentary thought. This pain was glorious in its severity and washed away any belief
in her deceased husband’s lord as being anywhere close to her proper Lord’s power.
That she was suddenly as consumed by the blast of pleasure went a far way to keep
her from doing more than shrieking her existence. As it was, Bella was oscillating
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between the two extremes and with each moment her madness was consumed as was her

None of the prisoners that heard her were clear headed enough to differentiate the
screams as even the ones in pain sounded close to the others. Regardless of anything
else, Bella would be completely loyal to her Lord Black, and this experience only
cemented his place in her mind. Eventually the madness was gone from her mind and
all that showed in her eyes was absolute loyalty mixed with lust and it was a look
he had seen in his girls, but there was something just a bit different to her eyes.

“Thank you, my master,” Bella managed to whisper out when he let her slump down when
he was finished. “Lord Black…”

“You are welcome, my Bella,” Harry said softly as he turned to head to his last stop
here. “I will see you soon…”
With that Bella slumped to blissful unconsciousness. Her mind was there or at least
the memories were there as her personality had been burned away of all the taint and
sickness her family and later husband had inflicted on her. She was someone new now,
but there were still some things the same. Some of her earlier behavior had been
restored and it would be an interesting contrast on the state the two Black ladies
were in after they had been broken, melted and reformed. As it was Harry was likely
not prepared for what his Dora had finally settled into anymore than Bellatrix had
been prepared for becoming Bella or possibly Bel.
After he had finished with Bella, Harry walked a ways away before taking a slightly
long deep breath as he let the magic he had called ease down. While he was somewhat
gaining experience in calling greater amounts of magic and controlling the flow as
he weaved his power and willed it into form, Harry was well aware of the fact that
even with the rituals, exercise and other factors that he was not yet in his
physical nor magical prime and thus while having greater amounts of magic than his
peers was as yet unable to sling it around as easily as more experienced wizards
could. It was something that he was working on and was in part why he had a very
appreciative reflection on his as yet untracked magical utilization.
‘Just more proof that the ones in power are more willing to do what they can to keep
it,’ Harry thought as he centered himself and reigned enough of his power down not
to be influenced by it. ‘Muggleborns are told that they cannot practice over the
holidays and the only truth of that is that the Ministry monitors the muggle areas
and that even the simplest of wards that are on a purebloods home would obscure
that. Still from what I have learned I am not underage and if the ministry tried
they would find themselves in quite the predicament. Now to deal with the one who is
most likely the one who betrayed my parents and yet the evidence gained from the
Lestranges make that seem quite fanciful in contrast. The lack of a trial is
intriguing and the fact he neither dismissed me as his heir nor any mention of
betrayal from him in my parents will.’
Sirius Black’s cell was to his right as he headed from his last encounter. While it
had not been as he intended, it did leave him with an extra dose of Verisiterum that
he could use in the future. It was the fact that he was silent in his approach that
he was intrigued by the sight before him.
“Well now this was unexpected, Padfoot,” Harry said as he tried not to laugh at the
sight of the notorious Sirius Black licking his own balls while looking like a
slightly malnourished grim. “You seem to be up to more surprises and I guess it is
lucky that you have mostly not had the Dementors coming with seeing people or you
likely would be in even worse shape.”
With a strangled pop, Sirius Black resumed his disheveled human form. He blinked at
the cold figure in front of him while trying to suppress the embarrassment he felt
from being caught in the act. At least he hadn’t been sucking himself or he might
have been more flushed even if he had been trying to lick himself clean.

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“So who are you?” Sirius managed to ask between coughs. “I take it that I will be
getting animagus suppressing restraints now.”

“Why ever would I do that?” Harry asked as he stretched a bit against the wall
across from the cell. “You cannot slip through the bars with that form and I am far
more interested in how you got here when there is no record of a trial only an order
to detain you while waiting for a trial. Such oversights are quite inconvenient, and
I am not one to fail to sort out such matters in my business ventures.”
“So you still didn’t tell me who you are,” Sirius said as he was wondering why he
wasn’t being stunned, chained and then interrogated, “or mentioned why I am of
interest to you.”

“Do you really need to know yet,” Harry said with a smirk. “I do not think so and
the matters are about both your family and your godson in particular.”
“I don’t care if I am stuck in here,” Sirius managed to say as for the first time in
years he drew magic besides for his change, “But if you have hurt Harry in any way,
I will find a way out and kill you.”
“Bravo Mr. Black,” Harry continued with the same smirk. “It is good to see you are
finally acting on your responsibilities in the correct priorities. As for Harry he
is far safer than your actions originally left him. Why before you ran off, you left
your godson in Dumbledore’s care and he promptly abandoned young Harry at Petunia’s
doorstep without even a few charms to safeguard him or informing them.”

“Oh Merlin!” Sirius said in shock before letting things slip do to that. “I never
suspected him to do that. Not even when I expected him to merely have to keep Harry
safe while I tracked that rat down.”
“Ah so you are fairly unconcerned that your leader left you here to rot, but more so
with the sorry state he placed your godson in, Harry said with a slight nod of his
head. “I guess it is a good thing that things worked out so far for young Harry. He
has a rather interesting amount of attention with the ladies already and doing quite
“Well that is a good thing even if a bit earlier than we started,” Sirius said
shocked and relieved that Harry at least inherited something from him more than
James. “So what house is he in, Gryffindor like his parents?”

“Ravenclaw actually,” Harry admitted with a sigh, “were he is surrounded by

intelligent and kinky little things already. It almost makes up for the Dursleys
originally trying to crush him completely.”

“I cannot get why Dumbledore would place him there though,” Sirius said in
confusion. “It was fairly common knowledge that her sister had gone middle ages on
Lily for being special. Wait you said something about leaving me here to rot…”

“Dumbledore is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and the British representative
and head to the ICW,” Harry said shaking his head in disappointment. “Do you really
think that he couldn’t have gotten you a trial or at least spent some time
investigating things?”
“I suspected he thought I turned Death Eater like most of my family did,” Sirius
said dismissingly. “I wonder if that is what Remus thought when we started
distancing from him…”
“Yes I just had a bit of a chat with your cousin and her associates,” Harry
commented with a slight snicker. “I don’t think they liked my visit. It was rather
unpleasant with their lacking any civility in their behaviors. It just goes to show
that breeding can be overcome by inadequate training.”
“They do have certain beliefs,” Sirius said with a shrug. “I can believe they were
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hesitant to even imagine anything outside of them.”
“True enough,” Harry said with a slow sigh. “Still that is in the past and there are
more important things to discuss.”
“Such as Mr. Mysterious?” Sirius asked with a sigh. “I can tell you have to be
someone important enough to get around the guards, but I am unsure who would have an
interest in either me or the Lestranges. Still there is little chance you are with
the Department, but you do seem to have their style…”

“Department,” Harry said as he quickly sorted through who Sirius could be referring
to. “Ah the Department of Mysteries you mean. I have no affiliation with them though
they would likely wish it to be otherwise. Now as for what I want to know… it is
simply… everything…”
Despite the time spent as Padfoot to ease the Dementors assault on his mind, even
the notorious Sirius Black would eventually weaken his mental defenses. Besides
there was the fact that Harry was quite accurate in that he wanted to know
everything. He needed something more than the official and somewhat unofficial
records and even he had a moment of irritation for not having pillaged Snape’s mind
when he had the chance. It would have taken too long as the man had been quite hard
to wear down as it had been and more to the emotional attach aspect had allowed
Harry his victory in addition to his own formidable training in that art.
He had managed to get Sirius open enough and had found that the subtler magics were
easier in this case than the force feeding of Verisiterum and Legilimency probes he
had used on the brothers. He had simply woven a rather useful enchantment into his
voice and coupled with his rising mental abilities was certain he would know truth
from lies. He was however finding his mind split in its attention. One part was
doing the subtle sophisticated psychological analysis while the other eagerly
prodded the almost lethargic and complacent form of his godfather.

He was now aware that he had some other things to do. Still considering the
circumstances it was likely he could not force a trial at this point without
exposing his current political state. He wondered if Dumbledore had some bizarre
psychology he ascribed to, but considering he was over a century old it was likely
considered antiquated or dysfunctionally biased. All he really knew was that he
would need to contemplate things as each bit of their discourse seemed to add merely
more questions than answers.

‘The deeper I dig the more I find scorch earth policy to be attractive,’ Harry
thought as more of the veneer of the Wizarding world fell away to his exploration.
‘They take the government to be corrupt to be as given as any third world
dictatorship. That they can even conceive to being the most civilized people in the
world is appalling. I suppose that I will be disclosing more of this than I would
like as some of this is quite less than germane in regards to us.’

It would be far longer into the day than Harry had imagined when he set out. He was
somewhat grateful for the earlier acts as they had topped his reserves than draining
them. He would not notice that he had missed lunch and that it would be near dinner
by the time he finished this interrogation. If Sirius had been guilty he could have
ended sooner and left the man a mental vegetable, but he already was finding a small
niggling desire to unleash their researching potential to that problem.


Arriving once more at the Clawson house, Harry contemplated what to do with what he
had learned. He would admit at least to himself that while the outing had not been a
complete failure that he was somewhat disappointed with what he had discovered. He
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did have a further loathing for the current system than he had before.
‘If they were willing to lock a man away without any proof,’ Harry thought as he
ghosted along the back steps to the door, ‘what would they do to us with what we
have done. I will admit that while we haven’t committed one of their Unforgivables
that we have done things that both sets of laws would find criminal. I guess it is a
good thing that there is a tiered legal system we can fall back on if we are ever
discovered. Still a few deaths in Azkaban would be glossed over, and now I have a
better reason to get to know Neville Longbottom. He may be quite skittish, but
considering his past that is not so hard to understand.’
With a nod of acceptance of his recent actions, thoughts and conflicts, Harry opened
the door and stepped inside. His trip to Azkaban had been quite informative as well
as productive; although, he now had to decide what to do with the way things were
going. As he looked around, he could say that he wasn’t too surprised by the sight
that greeted him as he entered.
“Well now it looks like some people were waiting for me,” Harry said as he drank in
the sight in front of him. “How have you been while I have been out? Have you been
playing nicely while I was away?”
“Master?” the girls managed to sound before snapping to him.

After a few moments of blinking, his question was met and it was as enthusiastic as
it was enjoyable. He was quickly mobbed by his girls, and while most of them were
wrapping themselves around him in a hug, there was the exception of Dora who
exuberantly made her joy at her master’s return known by suckling him as soon as she
could. That he continued to hug, kiss and touch the rest while she did so was not
unusual for them.
“I take it that you all have been good while I have been gone then,” Harry said
while his hands gave welcoming caresses to his family. “Anne it seems that they all
are presentable even if one is being a bit quick to action.”

“Yes, sir,” Anne said as she cuddled against his side. “We are moistly recovered and
your decision was as wise as it was welcome. As for Dora, I think she broke and then
rebuilt herself. Also unlike the rest of us, she didn’t have any real one on one
time with you lately.”

“I see,” Harry said as he caressed her bobbing head. “Not unexpected from what I
found in her aunt. Still the trip was useful and we have a few more leads and some
rather unexpected information.”
“So what secrets did you get out of them?” Hermione asked in interest from where she
was pressed to his right side. “It has to be something to get such a thoughtful

“It seems that the suspicions about Sirius Black were accurate,” Harry said with a
sigh even as Anne and Sarah joined in with Dora. “He was sent to Azkaban without a
trial and is in fact innocent of anything besides bad judgment in trusting
Dumbledore to safely raise me for what he believed would be the few hours it took to
capture Peter Pettigrew. It seems that Peter is like Black and my father was an
Animagus, a rat to be precise. He also managed to escape leaving but a finger and
the Aurors just chucked him away on circumstantial evidence after snapping his wand
on the scene.”
“That would be a very disturbing revelation,” Alice said from where she was leaning
against his other side. “You went there with the hope of settling matters and a new
target comes up. I take it that the Lestranges were more straightforward.”
“For the most part,” Harry said before smirking at her and capturing her lips in a
very enthusiastic kiss. “I also got to do a few live demonstrations to see what the
real effects were, and I have to say it was quite exhilarating as well as exciting.
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The brothers are quite dead and it will be quite some time before I can see Bella
recovering. It turned out that more of her legend was out of necessity to create an
image to keep herself safe after her aunt may she rot set her and her sister with
Death Eater husbands. It was quite shocking to find out that while the two boys
tortured our dear Neville’s parents to insanity that she was caring for him and
contemplating taking him for her own since her waste of a husband could not provide
a child.”
“That’s not all was it,” Hermione said with a slight pout as Harry had interspersed
his response with teasing Alice. “You must really have some shocking things in
addition to that or you would be a bit more…”

“Myself,” Harry offered before reciprocating his actions with her. “Now there were a
few things that would cause quite a bit of trouble. It seems that piecing it
together I found out how our dear problem survived.”
“I see,” Hermione said a bit breathlessly as she smiled a bit towards Alice. “That
would be useful information…”

Harry rendered her unable to continue as he resumed working her up. He was enjoying
his return and felt a bit more relaxed after his trip. Perhaps the magic he had used
had an effect on improving his mood, or it could have been the way he found
amusement in watching the feared Dementors scurry out of his way, but regardless he
was willing to enjoy things. Perhaps the discussion with his godfather had helped
him decide to spend more time enjoying his life than working on his plans, or it
could be the fact that he had entered a room of nude girls and they had immediately
welcomed him into their embrace. Still there would be time to lay out all that he
learned even if his group’s actions were very distracting.

“Will it have an effect on the plan?” Alice asked as she saw Hermione start to
surrender to his ministrations. “It is not like he is un-killable…”

“No,” Harry said as he released the flushed skin he had been nibbling from his lips.
“It just means he is temporarily revivable. He chose such a disfiguring method to
try to cheat death and there are a finite number of anchors he could use. I got a
lead on one from the interrogations though. Hmm make that more than three.”

“So anchors,” Hermione distractingly said as her mind tried to jump back to gear.
“You don’t mean soul jars do you, because that would be just stupid! Seriously it
would render the person unable to ever delve into the art and would make them prone
to degenerative mind and emotions especially the more emotionally driven magics.’
“Bingo,” Harry said with a smirk. “That wasn’t all. It seems that the dear Lestrange
brothers kept quite the interesting secret. It seems that one of their parents knew
who he really was. Now while they hadn’t told them his real name, they were quite
reluctant to part with the fact that he is in fact not a pureblood. I think that
would ruin most of the tacit support that he has going, but there is no proof until
we can get his real name and he has done quite the job to erase any connections with
who he was to whom he became. Still I suspect that our annoying meddler of a
Headmaster knows who he was as he likely either taught him or knows who did.”
“So a Slytherin half blood is the most likely one as he claimed to be Slytherin’s
heir,” Hermione began as his response gave her time enough to shake the fog of
passion from her mind for the moment. “That is something more for us to look into as
well as any recent evidence of Slytherin legacies.”
“To gain a clue on to that man’s identity,” Alice said with a nod of understanding.
“I think we should see about having some of the girls do some digging. It seems that
a number of them are familiar with the real world; odd that so many squib girls
ended up in that type of work.”
“It is not as odd as you think,” Harry said with a moment’s thought on the matter.
“They lack the necessary background paperwork for legitimate employment anywhere
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besides menial labor. They do have less than a dropout’s knowledge on the rest of
the world and even if they did they would likely fail the checks for better paying
jobs since they likely didn’t go to any official school. The purebloods really don’t
care if squibs disappear and often view them as worse than muggles or muggleborns
unless they actually get a magical child.”
“How cruel,” Hermione mussed while she snuggled against him. “So you have some more
to tell us and here we are holding you up…”
“True,” Harry said as he showed little outward appearances besides his eyes
slightly. “Though we could finish this talk either on the bed or cuddled on the
couch, I suppose…”

“Yes,” Alice said as she looked down to where the three females were cleaning him
off while sharing. “The couch wouldn’t be that bad and it seems that your newest pet
could use a bit more exercise…”
“We have been neglecting her haven’t we?” Hermione asked as she wrinkled her nose in
thought. “Anne did get to spend most of the day yesterday being screwed out of her
mind and we were otherwise occupied. Poor Dora got so little attention overall… so
how about just having her sit all full while you finish your tale, master?”

“Could work,” Harry admitted as he looked towards the couch. “Might as well start
With that said, Harry lifted Dora up and gently lowered her onto his just recently
cleaned and lovingly kissed arousal. He then proceeded to walk with Dora attached to
the couch where he sat down and she began to try to ride. Harry was feeling a bit
playful so he simply held her as she tried to bounce in his lap. When she continued
to squirm, Harry merely wrapped his arm around her waist and held her still while
bringing his right hand to squeeze her ass before starting to spank her wriggling

“Dora,” Harry chided. “I didn’t say you could move. So you will stay still while we
finish this business and if you can do this I will let you ride yourself to
exhaustion before I bend you over the couch and drive you out of your mind by
screwing both your holes. Otherwise you will spend the night trust up and completely
untouched while I spend my attention on those more able to follow my orders. Do you
understand, my Dora pet?”

“Yes, sir,” Dora said while shuddering. “Thank you, sir.”

“Good girl,’ Harry said while soothing her. “Now Hermione I believe you had
something more to ask, you as well Alice…”
“Yes, sir,” Hermione said with a sigh as the two sat down to his sides. “Three soul

“At the least,” Harry said with a shiver as Dora found a loophole. “Arithmetically
he would have likely gone for seven, but I am aware of three at the moment and
suspect a few others. One was entrusted to the Lestranges, one was stolen by Regulus
Black before Voldemort killed him, and the third was dealt with already.”
“How do you know it was dealt with?” Alice asked from her side. “He would have
secured them carefully if he had already lost one. There can only be a finite number
of them and even then it tends to have a cost in one’s sanity…”
“It seems that Dumbledore realized what the scar was and the ritual removed it,”
Harry said with a frown. “It would explain why learning some magic was like only
having to refresh something that was once learned. I suppose that the amount of
magic he put in was added to my own as well as whatever gifts he had at the time.
Perhaps I can find a way to better access those memories even if they were most
likely dispersed for the most part while an echo of the skills and training remain.”
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“Having a complete copy of his information would have been beneficial,” Hermione
said with a slight pout even as his hands moved to caress the pair as Dora struggled
not to move any more than she was. “At least there is no chance of him using it to
possess you, even if the odds were negligible do to the fortitude of your will. Your
personality and skills also mean that magic to influence the mind are likely
lessened even if you are more prone to living than existing.”
“By my will I exist,” Harry mused, “but by my passions I live?”
“Yes, sir,” Alice purred even as she looked to see the two submissives not impaled
on him kneeling at his feet. “For a time we worried that you would plan and forget
to live.”
“At least I am not consumed by dreams instead,” Harry replied with a smile as he
felt the two snuggle and rub against him in excitement. “The thing I wish I could
have ascertained was who he was and where he hid his pieces. That would have made
things less difficult, but I already have narrowed down that his wand will be
necessary to remove the safety that the killing curse does. Raising her as an Infiri
is not what I wish as it would not be the same.”
“More evidence to the origins of that Aramaic curse,” Hermione mussed before her
eyes started to dilate and her breathing hitch from his attentions. “’Let the things
be destroyed’ indeed…”
“Yes it seems designed to end life without pain in its original form,” Harry said
with a sigh as he reveled in the sensations he was in and causing. “I suspect that
the Death Eaters and modern wizardry does not use it correctly anymore than the
other Unforgivables, but that is a concern for a later day. Alice, I believe there
were some things that you wanted to ask as well.”
“Yes, sir,” Alice said with a shudder as she rippled invitingly on his fingers.
“Since the plan does not need to be changed, what were your plans for us and
yourself to accomplish before you return?”
“Further our research and skills in both the arts,” Harry said with a moment’s
thought. “There is also the Slytherin matter, the Unforgivables and their sources,
as well as the need for Anne to get a weapon of her own; however, I suspect that she
is planning on what will fit her better. In the meantime we have a few businesses to
run as well as other concerns. Hermione, I believe that Salazar Slytherin had a
misjudged trait.”
“Parseltongue,” Hermione replied with a purr. “It is something to think about as it
has to do something besides speaking to snakes and the vibrations.”
“Ah yes that,” Harry said as he momentarily twisted into a grimace of agonizing
ecstasy. “It wasn’t very common when the school was founded and it is even more so
now or at least officially.”
“Yes,” Hermione squeaked as she found release on his fingers. “It is considered a
family gift, though that might be more to its reputation. Anything you wish to
delegate to Alice before you drive her out of it?”
“Yes there is and a good job not loosing yourself pet,” Harry said with a smirk even
as he worked the two girls some more. “Alice I believe that in addition to
overseeing the continued ventures here there is the fact that someone will need to
be able to keep things up next year while we are mostly all gone.”
“I… was... training Sarah… for… that,” Alice huffed as she panted from her arousal.
“Though one of the girls might make a good replacement second for when we are away…”
“I see,” Harry said as he noticed that the girls were either working themselves up
or doing so again. “Dora you can move again.”
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“Yes, sir,” Dora said as she stopped trembling and started bouncing in his lap.
“Thank you sir.”
“You are welcome pet,” Harry said with a moan. “I will of course punish you for
moving without seeming to do so. Although teaching the others that trick will be
something you might enjoy.”
Dora’s reply was a shriek as she seemed to be driven after all that time on the
edge. Things degenerated as had been the case. This time it was Dora that got to
ride to her heart’s content. The others were still a bit sore even if they were
eager to resume playing. Dora did discover that a very good reason that Metamorphs
didn’t advertise was that besides the female ones being thought of as slightly less
than human and to be treated similarly to Veela that their particular self
transformations could effectively regenerate their bodies without the typical
deterioration of that and there was the inkling to shifting ignoring internal or
external ageing.
If Dora had been coherent enough to have realized this, she would have laughed and
cried as she repaired her strain and resumed her fun until she collapsed. As it was
Dora continued to do so until she blacked out. She did have to only share her time
with Hermione when they got back and once summer hit the ones remaining would try to
make up for the time apart. All this meant was that besides Sarah the group was
certain to be around for a while and even Harry had skimmed the parts that had
related to rejuvenation. One never knew when it might be a useful bribe or payment
to further ones goals after all.

There were so many better methods to avoid death that the fool’s gambit that
Voldemort had used was one of the less useful. It had in fact limited the being more
than he thought that it had. It was a shame that they would only discover once they
had a more complete picture of the past. They were busy, but they were finding
enough time to play so as to keep from forgetting what they worked so hard for.


The group would be parting soon with Harry, Dora and Hermione heading back to school
while the two younger girls would keep things in Little Whinging running smoothly
with Sarah’s help. That they were training some of the rest of the peripheral group
to be able to run things while they were at Hogwarts was a given. That they would
likely have to consent to allowing one or more of the girls to thank their master
for all he had done for them was something else entirely. Even with his cold and
antisocial demeanor, Harry still seemed to attract girls to him and if it hadn’t
been for the other boys already being established against Dudley’s crew there were
beliefs that Harry would have taken over completely and officially stomped Dudley
and his bumbling squad already.
‘Those nitwits are a bother,’ Alice thought with a sigh as she watched Anne finish
the last preparation of this experiment. ‘Dudley seems to think he is a big fish and
he is in this small pond, but he will bring some real sharks in and that would spell
trouble. Harry already has to worry about rivals, allies, nemesis and tagalongs in
regards to his magical ventures officially without those fools dragging any of the
big gangs and their business into the area. At least the Blacks were intimidating
enough that we don’t have to worry about drug peddling pimps moving into any of our
territory. That we can't let the limp shriveled dick and his so called hetero life
mate boys draw official attention is a pain in the ass and I don’t mean master
sliding his cock into it either. Offing his cohorts would be tempting, but too much
attention is being drawn here again.’
While Alice was contemplating removing their reoccurring problem, Anne was actually
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working towards her own weapon. Well her necromantic one that is. Goblin skulls were
arranged as she worked to fashion her creation ritual. The others had made theirs in
the act of sacrifice and this would be different. The material was already dead and
cleaned. Still there was enough blood that she had spilled and even collected just a
bit for this. If she ran out she would just see about getting a live goblin to try
again. It was a goblin eat goblin world so there was no shortage of terminated
goblins to acquire.
Anne slowly double checked things as she prepared to see if her plan would work.
Guttural chanting slurring into unintelligible and inaudibility soon came from her
lips. The unnaturalness of it broke Alice from her thoughts as she turned to the
sight before her. It was very strange seeing the collection of skulls animate and
seem to come to life for a moment even as they became fluid and flowed together.
Metallic bone skeletal faces swirled about in a cacophony of inhuman horror, but the
sudden presence of their damned victims’ soul echoes being drawn into the black
shadow light dancing around the swirling morphing metal amalgamation.
Alice was used to odd things and knew better than to even accidentally make a sound
that could break Anne’s concentration. Far too much of the advancing magic they were
learning had dreadful consequences for failure. It was one of the reasons it was
more an art than the science of wand magic. Still Alice watched with an appreciative
eye even as she knew that their master would descend as soon as the tell tale signs
of the ritual succeeding or failing passed. Personally she was hoping for it to be a
success as even though he was playing with the other girls, he would most likely
reward them for advancing so. Even if it failed, she was aware of the increased
attention of being punished.

‘Sometimes there seems to be a fine line between a reward and a punishment,’ Alice
thought with a slight smile as she saw the orgasmic bliss that Anne was riding. ‘It
does seem that Anne has lucked out though as if she truly went too far she might get
lost in the power and the passionate pleasure it can cause.’

Still Alice was happy for her friend and let her mind run through things while she
watched the experience. In the end the show ended and Anne was left with several
pieces of metallic bones that she soon snapped into place. Admiring the view of Anne
nude save the new accessories and the collar she had managed to convince her master
to allow her to wear, Alice looked over the additions. On her wrists were two
bracelets that looked closer to bands with a skull on each while she had similar
anklets and her face barely quirked as she saw Anne work out the mode
configurations. The anklets could shift to an armored spiked boots while the
bracelets lacked the sure intimidation of their master’s gauntlets one could not say
it was not impressive. The skull resting on each wrist was lined with sharp teeth
that could be extended or launched like darts. The activated states were able to act
as arm guards in a form of overlaid misshaped skulls before ending in a wicked oval
edge at her elbow.
“Now that is impressive,” Alice said as she gave a slow walk around her friend. “A
little bit more and it would make one hell of a fantasy outfit. Still I think the
look will allow us to push some of the more demanding girls’ attention away for
“Yes, I do think that our darling master will likely feel a bit like ravishing us
for this,” Anne said with a strange look to her eyes. “Still I feel so good right
now that the only thing better would be him; although, I do feel some calmness as an
aftereffect. That does not mean that part of me wishes to either offer my body to
serve him through service in both meanings of that. Oddly I think I would be as
content to be ordered to hunt down any who would cause him problems as to join with
him. I do believe that I will likely resume my slightly scattered thoughts when the
rush wears out even though I suspect that since this is an amalgam of magic that it
would foster a combat mindset. I do think that I will be held to a higher standard
than before now…”
“That you will,” Harry said as he glided down the stairs with the rest following in
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tow. “I am impressed with how far the both of you have come. I do think that we will
be doing some serious playing while Sarah recovers. She does not have the same
innate magic to quicken her healing and thus is sleeping with a few potions to
recover. Is there something else that I should be aware of?”
“Well,” Anne said with a very enticing stretch. “Besides wanting to test this out
you mean?”
“Yes, I can see you wouldn’t mind a live practice with your new toys,” Harry said as
he let his eyes linger over the evidence of the intensity of the ritual used.
“Unfortunately there seems to be a lack of idiots in the area. Why we even seem to
be short the seasonal irritants, so we will have to wait to find a few test
subjects. I will admit that I am somewhat impressed that you haven’t lost control
yet. That was a rather excessive amount of power you were riding…”
“Fine I wasn’t in as much control as I should have been,” Anne said with a sigh as
she glared at her sticky thighs. “Alice knew better than to interrupt and I should
have had you here for precautions. On the other hand, Claire was wondering about

“I see,” Harry said with a sigh. “So what does the friendliest and most considered
coolest babysitter in the area want now?”

“Besides to thank you for the services provided,” Alice suddenly interjected with a
smirk. “She has been somewhat popular with the girls and has turned down pretty much
any guys even though they are available and know better than to talk freely about
things. I think she was rather disappointed that she never got the chance to watch
you since those people liked to leave you with the cat lady.”

“If you hadn’t gone to a boarding school,” Anne said with a rocking giddy smirk,
“she even planned to find a way to underbid her just to get to see you

“Your earlier considerably antisocial behavior was quite the enticement,” Alice said
with a sage nod. “Though you are not necessarily what most would consider a bad boy,
I will state that you are more of what one would consider a bad ass and with your
decent looks and eye catching style there is little reason not to think you would
get fans. I wonder why you or Hermione hadn’t written about you having to avoid the
groupies and fanatics at that school.”

“You really need to just except a few facts, darling master,” Anne said with what
she thought was a sage look but just seemed silly. “Only a complete introvert would
miss the attention you have always gotten. I would suggest avoiding drawing
attention though you do have a tendency to rescue us when we seem like a damsel in
distress even if you mostly don’t care about other people. So accept that even if
you ignore them, you seem to attract the ladies to you.”
“I had been wondering about that,” Dora said with a thought from where she was
kneeling next to him. “I wondered why you hadn’t been deluged by fan mail and the
usual offers. Christmas and birthday cards at the very least along with proposals
for marriage or despite the social norms at least a few offers for some no strings
attached sex. To be rather blunt, sir, it is amazing that you haven’t woken up with
a number of the girls at school sleeping at your door since they couldn’t get into
your rooms.”
“I get it I really do,” Harry said with a drawn out sigh even as he habitually
caressed Dora and Hermione’s heads. “Now I know you lot are as eager to reward our
little success as I am. I was planning on seeing that both of you were sufficiently
sated to last a bit if not to the next holiday…”
With that said, a smiling and giddy Anne found her master pressed to her back. She
practically glowed under his attention and ministrations. He teased her exposed skin
while visibly sliding inside her to their appreciative audiences eyes. She was bent
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slightly at the waist so they could see clearly her master plowing her folds. A
strange idea struck her and she bent to grab her ankles. Both of their breath caught
at the subtle repositioning before Anne gasped when her new toys shifted to link her
arms and legs with her in this position.
“Unexpected,” Harry said as he continued to move, “but this is a bit different. I
think you three will enjoy the surprise aspects…”
“Oops I dropped a pen,” Alice said while Hermione nibbled her lips at the prospect.
“It looks enjoyable,” Dora said as she watched Anne’s upside down head flush more.
“Shame the girls at school squat more instead of bending. I wouldn’t mind dropping
something if he’s behind me like that…”
“Hmmm,” Hermione said before muttering. “Ooops! I dropped some books in the stacks…
heh… heh… heh…”
“Someone seems to be fantasizing,” Alice said giving Hermione a look. “Not that I
can blame her though. I think Anne is going to be very happy. Sore, but happy that
“Not even taking that bet,” Dora said from where she could see behind them. “Ooh
nipple weights! I think he is going to keep going for a bit before he moves to her
favorite hole.”
“You just want to lap his cream from her when he moves on,” Hermione said as she
started getting impressions of where this is going. “I don’t blame you, but I think
I have an idea where he is going.”

“Oh! Pray tell what that is?” Alice asked as Anne was driven through another wet
climax. “We can guess he is going until a certain point before taking his liberally
soaked with her cum cock and after draining a load moving to sink into her ass.”

“Yes that is a given concerning what Anne wants,” Hermione said with a smirk.
“However, I don’t think that she will be kept chained like that with her bent that
ways. In fact, I believe that Dora will get to lick her while master decides to have
us sooth and torment those already excited tits. You must admit that seems like what
they would do.”

“Agreed,” the both said as Anne seemed to splash her face when she came.
They watched while they felt their own moisture flow down their thighs. Hell! They
were so enraptured by the sight of Harry prodded her depths and reddened her eager
ass that they neglected to find their own release. There was just something that
made them unwilling to look away even when she sighed before letting a moan go as he
stretched her open and resumed exploring the potential of the new position.

“Ladies,” Harry said when he picked her up and carried her while still inside her.
“I think a bit of attention from you will help properly convey my satisfaction in
dear Anne’s success.”

Hermione’s look said ‘I told you so’ even as the three moved to join in. Still this
was fun and they would get turns of their own soon. In the mean time, Harry was
bouncing Anne on his cock while Dora lapped at her cum dripping cunt with the two
mistresses teased and tormented her already abused tits. This was her time after all
and after she was good and satisfied with her reward they could work on trying the
new toys out the old fashioned way.
‘This is Heaven,’ Anne thought as she felt her beloved master bounce her ass on his
unrelenting manhood. ‘My master and mistresses using and utilizing me to such
heights is more than I can ask for. Why anyone would think this is wrong is

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The group was now at the train station. Alice and Anne had tagged along to say
goodbye as well as see where they would be leaving from in the fall. It was the
unwanted people that they soon were unable to avoid that caused any problems. It
seemed as if fate was trying to compensate the missed meeting from September. For as
the group had entered the platform, the Weasley family was soon in their way.
“Hello dears,” Molly said causing Harry’s eyebrow to twitch for a moment as he
squished the sudden impulse of bloody carnage that her voice caused. “How have you
“Do we know you?” Hermione asked as she looked at them. “While we may know the
twins, the rest of you are of no interest to us.”

Molly blinked for a few moments and drew her breath to start a tirade. She was so
used to her verbally getting her way that she was unprepared for anyone to think of
cutting her off.

“Mrs. Weasley,” Harry said in such a way as to cause her to gasp and loose her
breath. “I do not know what you think you know, nor do I care to hear what you
believe. We have no willing interaction with any of your family save the twins as
they have at least a tolerable personality even if they tend not to contemplate the
ramifications of some of their pranks. I will admit that they are neither malicious
in their manner nor willing to overlook some of the unpleasant things that could
occur, but sometimes they forget that some tricks are more than bothersome and less
than humorous.”

The twins seemed to alternate from pride and confusion from his words while Molly
seemed to be flushed with irritation. While she was flustered and mentally trying to
sort out a proper verbal lashing, she failed to notice the shifting in her
children’s demeanor. Percy seemed flushed with anger while mixed with a pallor for
being found out. Ron seemed to be mimicking his mother and about to spew more
irrational verbal shit. As for the youngest Weasley, Ginny was having a hard time
not either fainting or drooling seeing The-Boy-Who-Lived up close. In fact, her body
language screamed that if given a moment she would squeal before throwing herself at
“Though considering how you respond to anything or anyone not conforming to your
beliefs we can see why your older sons moved as far away as they have,” Hermione
said with a calculating look at Molly and her brood. “You seem to believe that there
is no difference between mothering and smothering and seem to think that you can
walk in and suddenly do so to Harry. Neither he nor I need such as we are quite
happy with our families as it is.”

“Dears,” Molly managed to say while trying to emotionally guilt them. “”I was just
trying to help with you being friends and all…”
“The twins would never sick you on someone they liked,” Harry said with a sickening
laugh. “As for Percival and Ronald, we prefer to avoid them and their poor attitudes
whenever possible. I don’t know what you did raising them, but they both have
issues. Percival while ambitious seems to lack the social skills not to alienate
those that could help them, well unless they are teachers or other such adult
figures. He is the person that one would test their character with power and see it
goes to their head. The younger years are more intimidated than willing to seek him
out to fulfill his duties and I have heard that some of the students in the other
houses are wondering if he will last as a prefect let alone become Head Boy.”
“As for Ronald,” Hermione dragged out the name with loathing, “I find him to be an
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emotionally stunted child that seems annoyed that he cannot simply get by with
playing games, eating and sleeping. That he tried to convince some of our shier
housemates to actually write his homework is despicable. While you may be smothering
you seem to lack the maternal understanding of when to apply appropriate
punishments. Still I am amazed that you didn’t send a howler to intimidate him into
actually studying.”

“Ronald Billius Weasley,” Molly shrieked at her son. “Was there a reason that you
haven’t told me this? Do you realize how embarrassed I am now?”

“You really think this will straighten him out?” Dora asked Hermione in interest. “I
mean we could have waited a few more months and he would have either had to fail out
or repeat the year.”
“Dumbledore is against us skipping a grade as it is,” Hermione said with a sigh. “So
we know he will likely just give the boy remedial lessons since they are more than
acquaintances. As it is we can use the extra time to delve deeper into the various
libraries. Considering that the Crabbe and Goyle boys are doing similar there is a
chance that as long as they are so called purebloods that they will be retained. I
am amazed that more of the muggle raised or born are not failed out based on Snape.”
“He was a good motivation to self study potions if one wished to know anything,”
Dora commented as she watched the wincing of the annoying brat. “Too many of our
schoolmates don’t see potions as the fundamental that it is. Snape has done a
wonderful job in diminishing any potential Aurors, Healers and other skilled jobs
that need more than household potions. Still the competent brewers make money and
the increased demand is good for business even if it decreases the pool for

“When have they wanted innovation?” Harry asked as he watched Molly turn to Percival
as well. “Most wizards are becoming even lazier and closed minded. Well at least
those in England and the Continent as I have some interesting correspondences with
some to the east and west. Still he will eventually have to find his niche here or
like his successful older brothers move elsewhere.”
“I don’t see that happening,” Alice commented as she thought over the interesting
report she had garnered from the escorts. “Ministry jobs are more based on blood and
connections than actual skill, or at least the administrative ones are. There are no
muggleborn department heads and one is lucky to reach a certain glass ceiling as a
half-blood. Their children might do better if they marry purer, but outside of the
cover-ups of bastard scions there is little hope unless they are exceptionally
skilled enough to be considered a cadet house.”

“Given a few decades to centuries they will be no reason to stay here,” Anne said
with a frown. “They seem to get dumber and weaker with each generation; more
deviants to cull though.”
The last was said with a predatory shine as she swept her eyes across the assembled
magicals. It was true from what they had seen. More purebloods were producing squibs
which more of the families seemed to cull on their own. Too many of the elitists
were noticeably weaker physically, mentally, magically and morally than their
parents. That the remaining Dark Families were without knowledge of transferring
magic was the only reason that they hadn’t tried to increase the perpetuation of
muggle filth stealing their children’s magic.
‘If the Ministry ever found those rituals I see them likely breeding the muggleborns
before ripping their magic to give to their squibs if not themselves,’ Harry thought
with a swift gaze over the assembling Dark Families. ‘Voldemort was able to get so
far as he did in part to appealing to these people’s fear. Perhaps the reason that
those that know he was really a half blood descendent of Slytherin were willing to
put aside those factors. He would have likely done better if he had at least an heir
or two to continue the line. He did seem more concerned with his own power and
survival than really revitalizing this decaying world.’
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“What are you thinking about?” Hermione asked as she saw the emotions that she could
barely see under his mask. “Ah I see the Malfoy delegation is approaching. Is it me
or is the younger too stupid or hardheaded to learn even with Pavlovian
conditioning? It is eerily odd how similar those two are…”
“Too similar to get along and yet try to keep their hatred with minor differences,”
Harry said with a sigh as he watched the Weasleys notice their hated enemies. “This
will at least be somewhat amusing. For all their attempts at being civil socially,
they are no different than other people and if the situation calls for it would
gladly shed their presumptions of civility. If either suspected that they could
revitalize their families they would do whatever it takes. Malfoy already murders,
rapes and worse for his agenda. The Weasley family while more tolerant of muggles
are not that different.”
“Dehumanizing,” Hermione realized with a start as the two groups verbally bantered
with each other. “They don’t see my parents as people and they think I am barely
better. Like a monkey in the zoo being taught tricks. There is more to it than just
that though, is there not?”

“Got it in one,” Harry said with a sad look. “Even the Weasleys don’t really see
them as people even if they are not overly malicious in their dealings with them.
They would obliviated if it simplifies things without much concern. I even think
that it is in part due to their unwillingness to hire people that have more than a
very peripheral view of the greater world. I don’t think you have looked over the
muggle studies books yet, have you?”

“No,” Hermione admitted with a sigh. “I was tempted to take it to see what they
think, but I have the feeling I won't like it?”
“You wouldn’t,” Harry said with a shake of his head. “If I didn’t know better, I
would almost believe that those aware of them keep them ignorant of such matters.
You did notice the complete lack of mathematics, physics, chemistry and similar
disciplines here.”
“Yes, it seemed odd,” Hermione said with a distant look as she started piecing
things together. “Do they really care how things work or just that they can make
their life easier?”

“You got my main dislike about all our time here already,” Harry said with a smirk.
“There is no way that I would tell them about any of the more risky things. They
have no scientific knowledge greater than primitive gun powder and there seems to be
a reason for it. Can you imagine what would happen with their blasé practices and
high technology matters?”
“I see,” Hermione said with a wide eyed look and full body shudder. “So you think
someone in the government is making sure that they have no idea about things or is
it just their own belief in their superiority?”

“Could be both I suppose even though a government conspiracy is possible if

unlikely,” Harry said as he shuddered at what passive probes of Arthur produced.
“They are more sheep like than the normal plebs.”
“Fleece the sheep, squicks the meek and thumb the toffs?” Alice asked with a
humorous smirk. “It is nice and if anyone needs to be truly fleeced it is these
“Yes and we have a few more months to deal with while we try to further our own
agendas without squicking them too quick,” Harry said as he watched the older
Weasley barely constrain himself from the Malfoy elder’s taunts. “Still we should be
off. Alice, Anne, I expect you two to keep your studies up. Dora, Mine, let us go!”
With that the three parted from their friends and walked past the disturbance that
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the two families were causing. They ignored the puppy eyed look the youngest female
Weasley shot as well as the appreciative gaze from Narcissa. Regardless of the
crowd’s choosing to part, the group readily made their way onto the train. They were
heading back to school in a castle with plenty of secrets to unravel. They were not
the only ones trying to figure out things. As they traversed the train to claim a
compartment, there were plenty of people interested in trying to figure them out or
at least getting the courage to talk to them.
‘Why do I keep hiding when he passes?’ a pair of blushing Hufflepuffs thought before
returning to their compartment to lock the door and calm down from the incident.
They were not the only ones as the group had been dressed in casual clothes. A
number of the boys as well as girls were soon spending more of the trip daydreaming
and fantasizing than the usual catch up. That group seemed like a welcome change of
air to the stuffy society. Little did they know that it was just the beginning.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 19: Returns and Explorations
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Things speed up as they return to school

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [?] [Y] - Published: 2009/04/12 - Updated:
2009/04/12 - 19008 words
Chapter 19: Returns and Explorations
There is a time to play and a time to work. It is just our fate to have work be like
play. Only thing that might be better would be if we had a band.­- Alice to a
meddlesome reporter after the incident

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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
The train was its customary bustle and the distraction that the Weasley-Malfoy
argument was causing did provide suitable cover for them to find a compartment and
start erecting some temporary charms and sudo wards. The three of them were private
people after all and while Harry was aware that for the most part the girls wouldn’t
mind if he even went so far as to vanish their clothes in the great hall before
screwing them out of their mind in front of the whole assembled school that was
something they needed to advertise.
As it was, the three had already driven two interested Hufflepuff girls into their
compartment to get better acquainted. That the two were planning to gain enough
resolve to properly thank Harry for saving one of their lives was inconsequential to
the fact that they had already set their sights on him before that. It could be said
that Harry would have to be very careful in actually saving any female as they would
likely jump him for some serious making out if not outright sexual interactions. He
was just that way and that was without all the fan girls only being kept at bay by
his demeanor and his ability to cower people.
“Well back to the castle,” Harry said as he sat down on the bench while the two
ladies cuddled against him. “I wonder if those sheep will make it in time. It would
be funny if they didn’t…”
“That it would,” Hermione murmured from his side even as their smuggled associates
started to explore the compartment. “It is a shame that Alice, Anne, Trick, Trouble
and Mischief can't come with.”

“I think Night and Shadow should be enough,” Dora said as she watched the birds as
well as the snake stretch themselves out, and look about. “Most people would think
Kiki was overkill alone, but considering the trouble you two get into when I can't
be there to help… I worry you know. I may be yours, but it is not just a master
which worries…”

“Respect, loyalty and communication are two way streets,” Harry said as he watched
Shadow settle in to sunning on the trip. “It would be easier if we were all there,
but Kiki can't speak Parsel and I suspect that Salazar would use that for a trigger.
I wonder if he left any extra secret passages or overrides we can use….”

“Those would be interesting things to discover,” Hermione said as she watched the
incident outside seem to come quite close to leaving them behind. “It would also be
useful to have shortcuts that others do not know about in addition to the areas you
have already explored. Still there are far more things to discover than any normal
group of people could investigate in seven years, but there is something we should
see about looking into.”

“Any idea on the twins and how they do what they do?” Dora asked from where she was
snuggling. “If you found out you never told me, but it had to be a shortcut of some
sort to finding things.”

“So what did Alice pass to you?” Harry asked even as he watched Hermione flush. “My,
my, my, it must have been something to get that shade…”

“Master!” Hermione shrieked indignantly before turning to Dora. “I thought we told

you it was a map and it seems to have been left by the Marauder’s of all people. As
for what Alice gave me, it seems that unlike ordinary ventures that both the
Potter’s and Black’s had a condition in their adult entertainment. Fine basically it
allows our dear master to use the sex workers as he wishes and one of them is quite
the looker.”
“Hmm,” Dora said as she resumed snuggling after giving Hermione a look of
contentment when Harry’s hands wandered. “It has to be something considering I can
look however master wants…”
“There’s a picture and I must admit she is gorgeous,” Hermione said taking the
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picture out and fanning herself with it. “I don’t think any of us wouldn’t mind a
taste of that…”

“Ooh let me see,” Dora said yanking the picture out of Hermione’s hand. “Oh my! Now
that is a looker…”
“Just don’t,” Harry said with a sigh as he had focused on not looking at the picture
as he had a feeling that it would lead to pleasant distraction for too long. “So is
there more to this than a picture, Hermione?”

“A very good picture though,” Hermione said with a sigh. “Her working name is Lady
Desiree. She is somewhere in her early twenties with a very tight body. She has
confirmed high-level skills in massage, dance and seduction for the publically admit
able skills. She is a skilled sensualist with a near empathic ability to find ones
kinks and stimulate the mind as well as the body. She is known for having made a
very experienced client cream his shorts like a virgin seeing his first woman, and
that was just with the aural and not oral skills. In other applications, she is
known for being able to coerce even the most controlled to lose themselves readily.
So far not even the male escorts have managed to last more than fifteen minutes
before cuming so hard they felt their balls drained completely.”
“Well that sounds like a sterling reputation,” Dora said with a shudder. “So is she
muggle or magical?”
“Magical,” Hermione said with a whistle. “She however does not use magic in her
play. She did have an encounter where she convinced a client away from a Veela of
all things.”

“Impressive,” Harry said as he realized the level of natural charismatic beauty it

would take to overcome the Veela allure. “I take it that someone is planning things
and wishes to have a show?”

“Yes,” Hermione said with a smirk. “I think Alice wants to see you top her and
outlast her skills. It seems that she supposedly has a level of muscle control at
least on par with Dora here, but she is accomplished in stimulating the mind as well
as the body during an encounter. Still something to deal with later even if she
tends to be somewhat smug in having always beat the other girls in their games.
Seems some of the escorts consider the encounters a race to climax, but there will
be plenty of time for that later.”

“Oh yes plenty of time,” Dora purred as she contemplated tag teaming with that girl
for a moment. “Lover boy here seems quite prone to gaining the infatuation, lust or
almost rabid fanatical loyalty of the ladies around him. Not that is a bad thing,
our master, but sometimes we worry about having a proper amount of time to express
ourselves with you. It will get worse in coming years though how that could be I am
not sure.”
“The younger witches will have been repeatedly told bedtime stories about you,”
Hermione said with a sigh. “Think about being a generation of girls living Prince
Charming, and tell me you don’t think that would cause them to be at least slightly
more prone to letting you in their panties. The older girls and those from informed
families would know or suspect some of the Potter holdings.”
“So you would have come to Hogwarts as a rich, famous young wizard,” Dora said in a
caressing lyrically voice. “Now with you not being overly aware of it, if not
outright shock from what your conditioning at those people’s house was, some of the
gold digger types would have set about getting your future financial and political
clout to their cause. To make matters worse, their parents would see the social pull
of being the ‘Wizarding World’s Savior’ and sought about using that as well.”
“I see,” Harry said with a somewhat sinister chuckle. “I suppose they will be quite
upset by how little of that has gone to plan; still just because I could have almost
any female companionship I want, does not mean that I should. I find that the ladies
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I already have are both interesting and involving enough as it is. I suspect that
eventually I will have to deal with the adoring public, but you two will be a good
help to keep the mindless sheep away.”
Harry and Hermione were staring at each other and thus missed Dora’s slight flush
and downturned expression at that. Her extra-group relationships were something that
she was debating. She was starting to occasionally find herself fantasizing not just
about her other lover, but some of her female friends and if they wouldn’t mind some
play though part of her wanted alone time with someone even if it was not her
master. Her thoughts were interrupted by what she next heard.
“I am amazed that the Hufflepuff you saved hasn’t got the determination up to thank
you,” Hermione said with a smirk. “She was giving you a look of at least as much
adoration as that Weasley girl back there.”
“Yes, but it doesn’t matter unless either of them ever get the spine to do more than
ogle,” Harry said dismissingly. “That Weasley girl, Ginny I believe the Twins said
though they called her Gin-Gin I think, is likely more doomed than our dear timid
badger. I don’t think she will be able to get too close next year what with Alice
and Anne here as well.”
“So you think that cutie of a Puff will do something before then?” Hermione asked in
interest. “I suspect that she would likely try to kiss you breathless and make out
with you for a bit if you two were ever left alone…”
“Actually if she can get you alone with her friend there as back up,” Dora said as
she interjected herself into the recent discussion. “I think they would both thank
you as much as they can. At least from what I could pry from my friend in the house.
There are some things that are not told outside the house though, but while it is
not directly talked about there is a bit more openness in that house.”
“Lovely,” Hermione said with a slight bit of exasperation to her tone. “Do you think
that those two will have decided to fixate on our master being their first and if
that happens not being as puppy like as we all can tend to be?”
“They are Puffs,” Dora said as if that explained everything, which it could be said
it did. “Once they give their loyalty they are pretty much loyal to death. They keep
the world going even if most seem to overlook them. A bit like house elves I
suppose, but the world would be less live able without them.”

“They are also hardworking and determined,” Harry said with a groan of realization.
“Where a Slytherin would plan, a Ravenclaw research, and a Gryffindor would boldly
proclaim, a Hufflepuff will work diligently and determinately to get what they want.
So I think it is safe to say that I will at the least have a very passionate kiss if
not more from at least one of them.”
“Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot,” Hermione said with a bit of thoughtful facial
behaviors of her nose, cheeks and lips moving in what some might call a cute manner.
“It could be worse I suppose, and I believe Susan is related to Madam Amelia Bones
the current Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and in charge of the
almost redshirt even if they are red cloaked Aurors.”
“Trekkie,” Harry teased for a moment before he frowned. “They were a bit like that
against the Death Eaters weren’t they Dora? I mean I heard that a large number of
Aurors tended to get easily overwhelmed by the terror attacks…”
“Hmm,” Dora frowned as she thought back to what her parents had discussed either
having forgot about her or when she was supposed to have been out of earshot. “Most
of the rookie Aurors were little better than meat shields and tended to get killed
because the Death Eaters used lethal and hard to block spells.”
“Was there any reason that the Aurors as well as the so called ‘Phoenixes’ were so
unwilling to really harm the Death Eaters though?” Hermione asked in interest. “That
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never made sense to me, and it bothers me that even when threatened with death that
most purebloods were seeming to be unwilling to respond in kind. What kind of people
are they to have such a strange response to necessary violence or do they consider
themselves better than to resort to such?”
“I thought it was part of the purebloods looking out for each other,” Harry said
with a thoughtful look. “Most of the officials really didn’t care about muggles,
muggleborns and even non backed halfbloods from what I have heard. So as an informed
person what do you think on this Dora?”

“From what I overheard and my mother somewhat confided, you are right about most of
that,” Dora said with a sigh as Harry let his hands drift over both their bodies.
“The Ministry only cares about things that concern them and Obliviation of the
muggles is the typical response regardless of the situation. The general consensus
for muggleborns is as sad as it is that they are nothing but uppity mudblood animals
and should not think them above their station. Halfbloods are similar in some ways
to being treated similarly to the bastard children from so-called polite society as
the purebloods view it as having tainted the blood with a lesser class or to some
race or species. The ministry was loath to do things to dark wizards let alone the
Death Eaters as for the most part they picked on muggles and tried to coerce the
society to return to what is repeatedly called a better time. As long as the Death
Eaters refrained from attacking purebloods they didn’t care and most viewed their
cause with sympathy.”
“Lovely,” Hermione said before Harry tried to drive her frustration and irritation
out with some dexterous digital delights. “I guess I really lucked out when meeting

“That you did,” Harry said as he drove his own annoyance out by enjoying the show
that his ladies were experiencing. “I suppose that most were able to walk if they
didn’t explicitly announce their true affiliations. That they also likely gave
sufficient gold to convince the Ministry of their innocence was also likely to have
helped. So much to do still when we get back and in the future…”

“We will be there,” Dora said even as she started to sleepily drift off along with
Hermione as they sighed and felt their eyes droop in exhaustion. “Even if we must
pave the way forward with rivers of blood we will be there.”

“Yes,” Hermione said with a yawn as she likewise entwined herself around Harry and
started to doze. “Regardless of other things, we will follow you no matter what.”
“Thank you,” Harry said feeling a momentary burst of intense emotion at what they
had meant. “I suppose we can just rest for a time. We have been busy with something
or other for a while…”


When the train pulled into the station, the group had already started to move and
stretch. They had slept through the passing of a number of people that had been
looking for them. The pair of shy Hufflepuff girls had almost drunkenly scurried the
train in search of them. Penny had been searching for some relief after another
disappointing encounter with Percival. Even some Slytherins had passed in search for
them, and it was not just Malfoy and his associates. Harry while having not been in
the limelight such as being on the Quidditch team or being in Gryffindor or
Slytherin and their shared classes, that did not mean that he had not started to
gain a revised following. The stalkers that were originally planning on befriending
or at least gawking at the Boy-Who-Lived were not prepared for him to be anything
but a goody two shoes Gryffindor that would unthinkingly jump into danger.
As they made their way from the train towards the carriages, they separated a bit
and Dora made her way towards her other friends after a friendly and quite familiar
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hug goodbye. As for Harry and Hermione, they made their way to a carriage while
being arm in arm and side to side with their heads touching. Several eyes had been
following them as they made their way to the carriage, and at least one person had
started to walk towards them.
Over the past few months, there had been a number of rumors that had both been
squished and embellished about the pair. The most accurate rumors were the ones
inside Ravenclaw although some of the ones that the Hufflepuffs had acquired were
fairly accurate. Harry’s actions in the commons were quite clear to the house and
had drawn some attention from those ladies that had been unsure who to seek
patronage for protection from. Some of the house’s girls grouped together for mutual
protection as magic allowed far too many ways to gain control of others.

The two were strong enough and had managed to avoid the problems that the other
first years went into. Still their ability to avoid the horrible machinations that
Hogwarts had been reduced to, had resulted in the increased interests of those that
had barely made it through their first year unbothered. Slytherin was the worst
house for such things, but as it was natural for the house to have perpetuated a
cycle of internal and external political and social manipulations to create
practiced leaders well versed in power struggles. So far, there had been little
interest in gaining a patron outside the house and so far, none of the other houses
had a sufficiently powerful individual to align themselves with.
Hufflepuff was for the most part well able to police their own and yet they fostered
the cycle of training their own and mutual sensual and sexual congresses. Still
while most of the house would engage in their first discoveries with their own
housemates and most would willingly lavish their affection and attentions on their
more than eager to reciprocate head of house, there were some that had fixated on
someone outside their house. Still for these two young Hufflepuff maidens, they were
not exactly able to directly ask for what they want and yet they still approached.
Hannah and Susan managed to reach the same carriage as Harry and Hermione but were
unsure on how to proceed when they finally did so. They did however miss an even
meeker girl that had been hesitantly approaching. Her name was Su Li and so far, she
had managed to avoid having been claimed or worse. She was well aware that she
lacked the power on her own to keep even the weaker groups at bay. It was thanks to
her ability to be overlooked and disappear thanks to her shyness, but she was well
aware that it was unlikely to not be claimed or used by someone before the end of
the year.

“Hello,” Hannah managed to say when they drew close to the pair. “Do you mind if we
ride with you?”
“Hmm,” Harry said as he turned his gaze from the skeletal horses to look at the
girl. “Why would a pair of Hufflepuff girls wish to spend a ride in a carriage with
us? It does seem odd to me, does it not to you as well, Hermione?”

“We do share a few classes with them and I believe that one is familiar,” Hermione
said with a thoughtful look on her face. “Didn’t that one fall off her broom and you
caught her?”

“More like knocked off,” Susan muttered under his gaze. “I would have died and she
treats it like nothing…”
“I believe so though there were other circumstances,” Harry said as he gave Hermione
a look telling her to not press things. “So again why do you want to ride with us?”
Susan took a breath and glanced at Hannah trying to draw strength before saying, “I
wanted to thank you. I am sorry that it took this long to do so, but you will admit
that you are not the most accessible person here. You do have the tendency to be
somewhat intimidating to approach.”
“He can be at that,” Hermione decided to agree with her. “So why approach now and
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with a friend? It does seem as if you needed someone to provide some support to do
so. While I will admit that Harry is quite the presence, I had thought you made of
sterner stuff considering who raised you…”
“Oh, you know then,” Susan said with a subdued voice. “I had hoped not, considering
how some might treat me…”
“It’s all right, Suz,” Hannah said as she wrapped her friend in a warm and tight
hug. “I don’t think they would treat you any different than they have…”
“Truth,” Harry said, as he looked at the both of them with a bit of concern visible
in his almost glowing eyes. “Neither of us is going to judge you, and you already
know of my own familial problem.”
“Well that should ease things,” Hermione said at the two hugging and slightly
teary-eyed Hufflepuffs. “Also after they are done bonding there will be less worry
that either of you would pity the other. I wonder how long until they try to grab us
into a group hug?”

“About now, I would say,” Harry said even as the two seemed to blur before wrapping
them both into a firm embrace. “Still good to know that the information was
accurate, Hufflepuffs do tend to be more responsive physically with affection.
Susan, while I am not necessarily the most emotional of people, I can say that I can
sympathize with your situation even if I do envy you to have had a better family to
raise you.”

“Harry?” Susan asked in worry as she contemplated the one thing an orphan would and
did fear about their remaining family. “Please don’t tell me…”

“Then I won't,” he said with a sigh. “We may be somewhat more than acquaintances,
but I was never one to worry people.”

“Considering that you saved her life, she has a reason if not right to worry about
you,” Hannah said as she hugged him tighter. “I don’t think anyone expected for you
to not have as perfect yet secluded a childhood as possible. So I take it that all
the books and such written about you are inaccurate.”

“Oh they definitely were,” Hermione said with a teary-eyed sobbing sigh. “I had been
his friend for years and yet didn’t equate my friend with being the Boy-Who-Lived.”

“I do wonder where they get the fiction they sell as fact,” Harry said with a slight
moan as he felt none of the girls staying less than friendly with their hands. “Some
of the rumors seem quite outlandish, and that is without the confusion of me not
being their perfect Golden Gryffindor should have done. I really find the notion
that I have had frequent romantic flings to be quite inaccurate.”
“Ah tabloids regardless of being muggle or magical seem to be concerned solely with
how outlandish and thus sensational they can be,” Hermione said with a slight growl.
“Now while Harry here is not as quick to give his friendship, I can say that he
takes them seriously. Where some people get the notion that he is a playboy that
readily takes the odd witch or even muggle girl to bed, is quite preposterous, and I
know for certain that he is no male gigolo; although, I will admit that he can be
quite the Casanova if he sets his mind to it.”
The looks that the two girls gave the two they were embracing was something of
interest. There were plenty of rumors that the boy-who-lived had spent his childhood
in plenty of pleasant and playful pursuits. Did it really matter that the public
believed he played at the beach or among willing girls or women if neither was true?
As it was, they were being allowed a bit closer than the masses or their other
schoolmates. They could tell that Harry could very easily have been as much of a
womanizer as some of the more influential student’s currently. That he didn’t use
either his fame or frighteningly able to enthrall women was something that they
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“Considering that Auntie has had some woefully inaccurate things written about her
in the Prophet,” Susan said from where she had moved closer to snuggling her savior,
“I can see where that can be a problem. So we, ok I wanted to talk to you, but you
tend to be somewhat difficult to approach.”
“I can see where I can be,” Harry said with a look of amusement on his face, “but I
prefer that to having to kick off rapid fan girls, fame obsessed hanger-on’s,
stalker reporters, and the like. So since you’re here and have gathered up enough
determination to talk, what do you want to talk to us about, besides your
appreciation I can already feel…”
“Mostly that,” Hannah confirmed from where she had moved to snuggle Hermione while
Susan continued to snuggle and slither against Harry. “Although getting to meet the
two of you like this is nice to even if I did come mostly for moral support.”
“I can see that,” Hermione said humorously from her almost lapful of witch. “So
besides finding out that the most emotionally cold and distant couple are a pair of
cuddlers, what else do you want to tell or ask us?”

“This is nice,” Susan said almost sleepily. “Wake me when we get there…”

“I guess we can continue this later,” Harry said as he watched Hannah similarly
drift off while Hermione ran her hand gently almost petting down Hannah’s back. “I
suppose that we should have them talk with us when they are not so tense that they
drift off when the adrenaline wears off. I will admit that they are interesting.”

“That they are,” Hermione said as she smirked at the lazy purring emanating from the
snoozing Hannah. “I think that Susan is trying to become brave enough to ask for
something or offer something in exchange for saving her life. At the very least, I
suspect that she has as much of a crush on you as a fan girl would believe. You
saving her and not being condescending about it much did seem to help.”

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt,” Harry said with a slight glint of humor as he listened
to Susan and her sleepy declarations. “I don’t think her aunt, the Head of the DMLE,
would approve of her only family seeming to fixate quite vehemously on being a
willing companion and accomplice to those such as us. I do hope that she doesn’t
decide to rush in as much as everyone else seems to have done.”

“So you don’t plan to use her life debt to bind her to your will,” Hermione said
with a teasing grin. “I think she might be disappointed in that. I think she will
break before OWL year though and see about dragging you with her friend here into a
broom cupboard or somewhere else for some serious petting at the least. I think you
will have to worry about the bad boy image in a few years. As it is, I suppose you
will have to accept that they are at least haltingly ready for something.”
Looking at the two and their slightly feverish mumblings, the pair was clearly aware
of the fact that both were starting to have those kinds of dreams. Harry would
really rather not know how many ladies, both girls and women, fantasized about him
even if most men would relish in the ego stroke such would be. Hermione was rather
glad that Ravenclaw was not a house where they had to share rooms as she supposed a
silencing charm around the beds were used in other houses. She did suppose that the
shudder of glee, that her lover was lusted after and that he was hers or more
accurately that she was his, should be something that she should not find excessive
smugness from, but she still did.
“I suppose that you are right in that,” Harry said as he noticed the coaches
approaching the school. “So what odds are you giving me on getting out of the year
before these two get a bit too determined.”
“Considering that if it hadn’t been for the distraction of your shared bitter
pasts,” Hermione said as she shuddered at how close Hannah was coming to dry humping
the both to conclusion, “I suspect that Susan planned on at least something more
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than a slow drawn out explorations of lips, tongues and mouths. Hannah I suspect was
going to keep me distracted while Susan showed her appreciation. You must admit that
it wasn’t that bad of a plan…”
“True enough I suppose,” Harry said with a smirk as he realized they needed to wake
the two up. “So how do you want to wake them up? I think they would like either
method I can tell you are thinking about…”
“I would almost say that was cheating,” Hermione said with shrug as she began to
start to tease Hannah awake, “but I wouldn’t since it does allow for the reverse to
be somewhat true. It is a shame that the carriage ride wouldn’t have been long
enough to play with these two, but maybe on the train ride home?”

“Perhaps,” Harry said as he started his own slow steady shedding of slumber for
Susan. “Although it has as much possibility as Dora deciding to expand her playmates
or bringing her discrete friend, I still don’t give it very good odds. I just think
you wish to show that you can arrange things as well as Alice. You two will never
stop your rivalry will you?”

“It’s not as if you really mind,” Hermione said as she smiled at Hannah’s sleepily
panting. “Besides, you do benefit from it and these two seem like they will be fun…”

“Alright, I can admit that,” Harry said while Susan seemed to be mixing her dream
and reality in her drowsy mumbling. “Still I don’t think that their first times that
we know of should be on the short carriage ride to school. Well at least their first
times with someone besides each other, they were rather forward in their admittance
of what they had done even if they are not exactly completely aware right now.”

“Yes and here I thought I would get a girl-girl cherry,” Hermione said with a
pouting smirk. “Although, we can admit that I got Dora’s, but it seems wrong that we
both know that regardless of how shy they were today that if there had been time and
they had not worn themselves out psyching themselves to do this that they would have
tried for a turn at least. It is quite bizarre how girls scream about perverted boys
and the like when we are just as driven. I think it is just focused differently for
some even if when we are horny we would like nothing more than a good orgasm
regardless of it being by fucking, sucking or feeling. It does help one get through
the day after all.”

“Perhaps, but then again I think we should get these two their happy wakeup,” Harry
said as he smirked at how close they could see the two Hufflepuff girls were. “Would
wide eyed during a kiss work for you?”
“Oh yeah,” Hermione said before gently kissing Hannah.

Harry followed suit and his eyes shown as he enjoyed the sudden opened eyes while he
felt Susan moan into his mouth. He did not look away as he watched the emotions and
reveled in them. He could tell by the feelings he was getting from Hermione that she
was doing likewise with Hannah. He knew that at that moment that if he had just
lifted her up and adjusted a bit that he would be able to slide right inside. Susan
was not exactly all there yet and the amount of endorphins and other such chemicals
would have dulled the pain anyways.
He suspected that based on how moist his leg felt that with the added aroma of
arousal from Hannah that Hermione would have had little problem if she had gone
exploring. He was grateful that the robes tended to be quite spacious, as Susan had
been all but riding him for the past little while. Hermione or Dora would be able to
deal with that later, but he had the feeling that Hermione might decide to push
things a bit. He knew she was his in all meanings of the word, but even then, she
was a girl and they were not meant for males to understand.
‘Hopefully the rest of the game would be teasing the girls,’ he thought with some
measure of hope. ‘Regardless of how stimulated they are or how sexually eager they
are right now, I don’t think it would be prudent for Hermione to test their gag
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reflexes. I have the feeling that she might try to tease or tweak them a bit and
give me a bit of relief.’

Still he listened carefully as the pairs machinations came to a close. With her eyes
starting to flutter and eager sounds pouring from her lips into his, Harry gave her
the last bit of excitement and he gazed into her eyes once more. His arms were
holding her squirming and writhing form against his. Her skirt had long since ridden
up and he could feel her heat as she continued to flow as her shock had turned to
delight before being driven out by the drawn out pleasure.

Harry was reluctant to release her sweet lips even if he didn’t mind Susan sliding
her soaked panty covered slit against his eager arousal. There was however, the fact
that Hermione as well as himself had long since decided that he was never going to
be allowed to be so wasteful as to cream his shorts if he wore them. He had accepted
that so far all of his sexual partners were quite confident enough for either
internal or externally accepting his release. He never thought to explain it as
such, as they would be offended by the clinical and detached explanation.
With that in mind, Harry reluctantly released her lips before leaning into her ear
to whisper, “As much as I like this and I know that you are as well, I don’t think
there is time enough to continue where you are headed. Just think there are just two
layers of clothing between us and already you are eager for more.”

“Oh Merlin, Harry!” Susan moaned out as she continued to move against him. “I want
to so bad…”

“Of course you do Susan,” Hermione said from where she smirked as Hannah continued
to grind herself wantonly. “It is only natural after all. I will agree that it is a
shame that there isn’t enough time for you even if you just lifted up and let
yourself sink onto that nice hard cock you are rubbing against. As it is there is
barely enough of a moment to let Harry get some relief from your playing. Harry is
the sort that wouldn’t have a quickie for a girl’s first time.”

“Ah but you are busy with Hannah right now,” Harry said as he absentmindedly
squished the part of him that said to simply let his cock out and sink Susan’s slick
slit onto it. “Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing how appreciative we can be in
explaining our admiration for the other, but as you said I don’t plan on just having
Susan bounce a few times for her first time with me. It is those kinds of males that
do not deserve to keep the interest of their attractions. As it is, I wouldn’t mind
some relief, but there is no way that I would just use Susan here like that.”
“I,” Susan started to say before Harry shushed her.
“Hush you,” Hermione said with a communicating look at Harry. “It doesn’t matter
even if you might like nothing more than for Harry, your personal savior, to use
your eager little twat to catch a load of cum or two. If you want to do that later,
that is for you to decide, as while you would likely not last it would not be as
enjoyable if you both had some time. We have what less than ten but more than five
minutes to be presentable and get you some relief as well. Hmm, Susan, you and
Hannah might as well watch. There is no way that you are experienced enough to get
done in time…”
“Ah well, Susan,” Harry said, as he looked at her and her still somewhat bouncing in
his lap body. “I will need to move you out of the way so Hermione can get to work. I
think you might find it educational and something for you to work hard to try to
“Huh,” Susan said as she found herself suddenly getting an eyeful of Harry as
Hermione fished him out of the damp from her release pants.
“Oh my,” Hannah said as she caught sight of what her friend had been grinding
against. “You sure know how to pick them Suz. So what are you going to show us
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“Considering there is not much time,” Hermione said while using the almost puddle of
Susan’s juices to lubricate her hands, “just the basics of a hand and blow.”
The two looked on in interest. While the Wizarding world was a bizarre social
construction with as much Victorian influence as feudal and other influences, it was
publically rigid in social obligations. Girls were as interested in the differences
as were the boys and both had peeped at boys before. Mostly the two had done so with
any muggle boys around and the odd accidents in pools or ponds.

“Huh,” Susan said again still quite out of it as she stared at Harry and compared it
to the few peeps she had done. “Oh that looks like he is enjoying that, hmmm…”

“Pay attention, Suz,” Hannah said as she watched the fluid moving of Hermione’s
hands as she pumped him expertly. “Hermione is going to teach us a bit on how to
properly thank your hero.”
“Yes,” Hermione said as she continued to work him with her right while moving her
left to play a bit. “Now what I am doing is giving a hand job with attention paid to
both the shaft and his balls. Most other guys at this age will likely go off fairly
quick, but Harry here is an exception. He can last long enough to make you sore and
weak in the knees. Now there are various areas that are more sensitive and one can
vary the motion quite a bit along with speed to increase the pleasure this causes.
In addition to this method of getting a guy off, there is the next step on the
scale, a blowjob. Have either of you heard of that besides whispering?”

“No,” Hannah said with a frown. “Although some of the older girls did say that doing
so helped keep a boyfriend…”

“Hmm Susan seems to be too busy drooling at this cock that she could have had
exercising her dripping cunt,” Hermione said with a smirk as her voice seemed to
cause the girl to shudder again. “A blow job is quite simply using ones lips and
tongue to stimulate instead of one’s hand though that can be in addition to the
other. While doing so I will let Harry explain what I am doing. I will tell you that
the most sensitive part of a guy’s cock is the head here. Think of it as a moistened
clit for a guy in addition to other things and you can see why they like attention
to it…”

Hermione bent down and gave it a kiss before beginning to lick along his length. The
two looked on in interest as they tried to burn the scene into their mind.
“Now what Hermione is doing is teasing for the most part,” Harry said as she traced
her way down, around and up again. “I will say that it is enjoyable, but what she is
about to do is better.”

Hermione moved to lick his head letting the girls see her tracing the skin with her
tongue. She teased the slit and traced along the glands. The two Hufflepuff girls
were mesmerized both with Harry’s voice and Hermione’s actions.
“Hermione is currently working her way from teasing to the actual act,” Harry said
with a smile of equal mix pleasure and humor. “She has paid specific attention to
the more sensitive areas on the head or crown of my cock. In particular, the area
from where the skin bunches to the eye along the slit, and the added moisture helps
keep it from being too sensitive. “
“Like our buttons?” Susan managed to ask as she saw Hermione take his head into her
mouth and start sucking. “I wonder if that feels as good…”
“It does,” Harry said as he twitched and just kept from bucking into her eager
mouth. “Now this is the part that takes practice. Hermione right now is sucking as
you can see from her cheeks, but is also moving her tongue around to further
stimulate me. She is just about to take more in and she will keep the suction up.
Unfortunately, it takes practice for most girls not to gag when they start to have a
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cock head go into their throat. I will say that this is something any intelligent
male will enjoy. Oh, if I stop talking it is because I will be a bit distracted by
Harry trailed off as Hermione swallowed him and proceeded to keep a very tight
suction while bobbing with her tongue swirling about. Harry stopped giving verbal
descriptions when he noticed the two were no longer consciously paying attention to
what he was saying. Their bodies did respond so he took a leaf out of the girls
dirty talking playbook and mostly free word associated what Hermione was doing at
that moment with as graphic and vulgar as he could be.
It was a very good thing that Hermione had been practicing speed races with the
others over the holiday and competing with Dora in who can make Harry fill their
eager mouths the quickest. As it was, the two voyeurs were panting and once more
approaching their own releases. The carriage was already quite heady with aroused
girl and the distinct scent of Harry’s own arousal mixed into a stimulating blend.
The fact that they were both clenching their thighs and had become so entranced as
to not think about stimulating themselves was ego stroking.
There was something to watching two mostly uncovered girls panting in near orgasmic
arousal while one of his cherished lovers was trying to draw him through her lips. A
part of him wanted to have Hermione let him slip from her warm and enjoyable mouth
to spray all three of their exposed tits. He could see Susan would likely never have
problems as even the school robes would not conceal her already developed and
delicious looking and most likely distractingly taunt and double d when fully grown
pair. He could tell that they mirrored what Dora had used as the perfectly balanced
breast man sized and very sensitive nipple tits. He definitely wouldn’t mind if she
had offered those and been very hard pressed even with his current lovers to think
to turn them down.
Still, Harry was able to retch just enough of his mind to his current verbal assault
on their minds and how it made them twitch, moan and shiver. It was difficult but in
the midst of describing how smooth, warm and inviting Hermione’s eager mouth and
throat were, he decided to interject something to throw them over with himself.
“When close to cuming, pouring all that lovely cream from my throbbing cock,” Harry
said with pauses to groan from Hermione’s attention. “A sexy blowjob allows a few
choices. Hermione here can have me cum straight down her eager sucking throat, fill
her greedy cum hungry mouth, spray her horny flushed face with warm streams of white
salty sperm giving her a cum facial, or also give her tits a warm spray that she can
lick, finger to eat or massage in!”
The two watched wide eyed as Hermione first swallowed before letting a second spurt
go into her mouth. They gasped when she let him loose to spurt on each cheek before
aiming down. They licked their lips while squealing when Hermione let Harry spasm
and spray her moving tits, as she seemed to also find her release. The two girls
seemed to shudder from where they watched and just gaze at the panting and
practically glowing Hermione.
“Oh,” Harry said before he gave a drawn out groan as Hermione made sure to pump him
empty before giving a quick suck to be sure. “I should have said that you can also
do all of the above if the guy has a sufficiently large load built up. Well we all
got to cum, but it seems that Hermione got the best part of the fun.”
“Mmm,” Hermione said while swirling the cum in her mouth around. “Delicious as
always and I feel nice and warm afterwards. Would you two like a taste? Unlike some
other boys, Harry doesn’t taste nasty and gross with their horrible eating habits…”
Harry settled back while the two Hufflepuffs soon found themselves dazedly crawling
to Hermione. He watched Susan and Hannah quickly, yet thoroughly, lick Hermione
clean off. If their tongues and lips wandered a bit, Hermione didn’t mind at all.
She seemed to eagerly accept their attention as well as kiss and share a bit. He was
able to feel that Hermione was just as tempted to sneak the two to his rooms and
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properly ravish and taste them as well.
‘We probably would if I couldn’t see that they will be lucky to make it to their
beds before losing the ability to walk,’ Harry thought as he removed Susan’s juices
from his pants. ‘I don’t think they will be as forward if given a bit time to cool
off, and they will need time to rebuild their resolve. I don’t wish for them to
regret anything nor to spread rumors of what I am even partly up to. Still we can
help the two back as far as we can, but there is no way to enter their common room
nor to sneak them past ours with the state they are in. Any further fun will have to
wait for a better opportunity and I suspect that Hermione will give them some advice
so as not to pass out like a completely virgin guy right after a hand job.’
After the girls had gotten clean, Harry and Hermione sent several cleaning and air
refreshing charms around the carriage as well as at themselves and the girls. Still
Hermione was not done trying to push the envelope a bit, and since Harry hadn’t
tucked himself away any more than the girls had re-buttoned their blouses that gave
her a wicked idea. As tempting as she was to try to get Susan to ruffle him up a bit
with a short and aborted tit fuck, Hermione was willing to play the seduction game
once more.

“Don’t you two think you should give Harry a thank you as well,” Hermione said with
a seductive smirk. “I mean you both did such a good job cleaning me off and I saw
how much you both seemed to love tasting his cum…”
“What should we do?” Susan asked as she felt kind of bad for having not been an
active participant in making Harry feel good especially after he had made sure she
had her own release. “I mean we really enjoyed that and he made me feel good too!”

“Hmm you made me feel good as well, Hermione,” Hannah said with an appreciative
smile, “but Harry made me feel good and he didn’t even need to touch me to do so…”
“He is like that,” Hermione said with a smile at both of them while she tried to not
suddenly smirk at how they blushed. “Just wait until he is focused on you, it is
intense. Still I suppose I can show you how to properly thank him for things like
Both girls nodded and seemed to flush a bit more. Hermione knew that Harry was
watching all of them critically. He was her master and had a rather impressive
resolve, but even she was tempted to explore Susan and her developments. Hannah
while not to the same level did seem to have a perky ass that she felt some regret
for not having already done more than tease.
“Alright just repeat what I do,” Hermione said with a wink before turning to Harry,
gently lifting his cock up, and gave it a soft loving kiss. “Thank you, sir, for
allowing me to enjoy your wonderful cock.”
“You are welcome, Hermione,” Harry said as he reached and lovingly ran his hand
through her hair. “If there had been more time, I think we could have shown these
two some more things.”
“Thank you, sir, for allowing me to enjoy your wonderful cock,” Susan said along
with Hannah after Hermione had crawled back to watch before she added after a gaze
back to their teacher, “I also want to thank you for finding the play when you
kissed me worthy of being pleasured to release.”
“You both are welcome,” Harry said as he let a hand play with each of their
well-kept manes of hair. “I think Hermione appreciated that her performance also
brought each of you to such heights of pleasure. We will need to play again.”
“Oh yes indeed,” Hermione said as she crawled between the two kneeling girls and
reluctantly returned his cock to inside his pants. “There are so much more to enjoy.
Why you might even get to taste him directly or even get to know the bliss that
comes when he tastes both sets of lips!”
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“Hmm,” Susan sort of purred while Hannah sighed, “Mmm…”

“I think they both are looking forward to either or of those options,” Harry said,
as they seemed to doze under his fingers guidance. “Unfortunately, it will take some
time to build their endurance and stamina up.”
“Yes,” Hermione said as she used a bit of magic to button their blouses back up.
“That is true, but I think they will find it fun to do so. A shame that they are so
out of it already that we can't play with them more, but considering how new they
are they didn’t do too bad I suppose...”

“Yes, I can see where they could do with some training and practice,” Harry said as
with Hermione’s not really needed help they both were cuddling against him. “Still I
think you are seeing the possibilities with more participants again.”
“Yes, something to explore later,” Hermione said as she moved to Hannah’s side as
she knew Susan would prefer to be Harry’s main focus. “I think these two will be
quite interesting in playing.”
“Of that, I have no doubt,” Harry said as he noticed the carriage start to slow
down. “I wonder if Dora has had as much fun on the way back.”
“If she didn’t,” Hermione said with a shrug as she wrapped an arm to aid Hannah, “I
think she will be doing so tonight. I wonder how long until she brings her mystery
lover like Susan brought Hannah…”

When the carriage finally came to a stop at the castle, they helped the two sleepy
Hufflepuffs towards their common room. The entrances were not as secret as some
would think, but they had not spent time working on determining the exact location.
Harry wondered for a moment what they would use for a password, but on seeing a
group of first year female puffs promptly let it pass from his mind.

With an explanation that the two were quite tired, the two Ravenclaws passed their
newest interests to their housemates to get to their beds. As much as they would
prefer to have carried them to their beds, it would have caused a scene. Their dorm
mates were however treated to their sleepily mumbling wet dreams of altered versions
and accurate versions of their encounter and contemplated future experiences. In the
ramblings, several seeds were planted in furthering their own dreams and fantasies
of the young hero. That they seemed to fixate on some of what they had learned and
what Hermione had whispered could be easily understood.


Things after the carriage ride with the two young lady Hufflepuffs had settled
fairly well. Harry was well aware of certain things and was grateful that they had
been far less forward than any of his other girls had been. Still he was aware that
when they were ready that they planned to have their first time with Harry even if
their first explorations had been with each other. As it was, Harry was relaxing or
more accurately lounging along with Nym and Hermione as they went over their latest
batch of books. Kiki was wandering somewhere in her own explorations as was Shadow.
As they were interested in finding where the most likely numerous caches of
Slytherin’s were, they were suspecting that Shadow would find something before Kiki
as they were certain that Salazar had used his more often familial gift of Serpent
Speech to be the key.
‘Not that I don’t think Kiki will find anything useful given her previous success,’
Harry thought as he continued to engrave the at least OWL level transfiguration book
into his mind, ‘but that Salazar and his descendants were known for their use of
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that language as much as any familial line is known for something. Kiki will likely
find something in the forgotten parts of the castle though. As it is, one has to
wonder what things have been forgotten as well as why so much of the castle is
unused. Something to look into would be the changes in the population at some points
in time, well that and some different views for history as Binns and his Goblin
nattering is almost a waste of time. Still biased yet useful information, but I
prefer other ghosts to learning about what things were like in the past as they have
some emotion present to their speech.’
“Anything interesting in that book,” Dora asked as she sighed as she read her
Arithmancy book. “I could use something more interesting, than all… of… this… math!”

“Well it is a transfiguration book,” Harry said with a wave. “Not as overloaded with
theory as Arithmancy, but some of it can be frustrating. At least it makes up for
the mental strain with practical applications. Still I have to admit that
Transfiguration is a very useful skill, but there is the fact that if one lacks
creativity it can be rather a waste; however, if one does have creativity or a
decent enough imagination there are several beneficial uses. If you need something
just transfigure it and why use animation charms when you can grant a partial
animation transfiguration with a decent enough intelligence of its own. I do wonder
why no one seems to grasp the simplest of transfigurations to practical uses. I
would think that transfiguring some trash into animated soldiers would be one of the
most… simplest applications.”
“Wizards do seem to be lazy,” Hermione said with a shrug. “Has anyone else seen the
older years summoning things instead of walking across the room? If that does not
make them lazy, I don’t know what would. As it is, I do think that part of the
attention you have been receiving is that you keep yourself in better shape than
most of the Quidditch players, although how they work out when all they do is sit on
a broom is something I don’t know…”
“I guess it is a bit like horse riding,” Dora said with a whimper of exasperation at
the complexity of the equations. “They need a good amount of strength to hold to the
brooms and some arm strength for the balls or bats. Some of the professionals do
work a bit more towards a gymnast for the ability to contort and twist while riding,
but I still see your point. I suspect that as well as the attitude for a number of
witches having at least summer romances with muggle boys. So mister hero, what are
you going to do about the two wide eyed innocent little Hufflepuffs gazing
dreamingly at you?”

“They did talk to us on the way back,” Harry said with a dismissive wave. “I think
that they both have at least a crush, but that could always change…”

“You mean that they will fixate on you like all the girls back home,” Hermione said
with a bit of a smirk. “I think they have decided on whom they wish to explore their
first romantic or at least hormonal affections… well with boys at least. Did you
notice they look at each other almost as much as they do Harry?”
“Yes indeed,” Dora said with a sudden tension-lifting laugh. “I am guessing that
Susan has been talking praises of her personal hero and wants Hannah for moral
support and assistance. So are you going after them now or later?”
“You act like they will be inevitably with me,” Harry said with a shake of his head
and roll of his eyes. “I think that you ladies are enough to keep me occupied
without taking into account the pack at home. I will concede that at least with
those two there is more than the groupie vibe that I felt at the sorting. They think
that I was going to be their perfect little hero and would likely paint us all as
villains for what we have done already.”
“I don’t think so,” Hermione said with a frown as her multitasking thoughts
cross-referenced a few things. “Considering that it was muggles and that muggle
baiting as well as hunting was legal relatively recently they might ignore that. You
could always play up the vanquishing hero or knight at least if it came to that and
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that is without the lovely legal loopholes already available. Still the public is
sheep at times, and I can see some of the more… sensational reporters agitating
“Mother may have not wanted to tell me about it,” Dora said with a soft smile as she
recalled when her mother had been loose lipped, “but it was quite common for dear
grandfather to play with some muggles and even had a room set aside just for that at
the ancestral home. Well there is the fact that most of them were sorted into
Slytherin with the odd Ravenclaw until Sirius came around…”

“Only Black to end up in Gryffindor and he currently sits in Azkaban without trial
for a crime he didn’t commit,” Harry said with a growl, “and further proof that the
so called light led by that absentminded Dumbledore is as bad as the so called Dark
Wizards. They didn’t even give one of their own a trial and just let him be swept
away as a dirty little secret.”
“No different than anywhere else,” Hermione said with a verbal rumbling of her own.
“The powerful feel they are above the law and willingly hide anything that would
ruin their power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, it is said
and from the records those dabbling in the Imperious Curse seem to prove that out.”
“And yet we have a master that we willingly serve,” Dora commented with a thankful
distraction from her study even as she watched them multitasking far easier than
her. “So how does that concur with the previous evidence? Our master has total
control of us thus absolute power over us and yet he does not seem corrupted by it.
He could readily send us out to do acts for money and yet the only ones that do so
are those that wish to do so.”

“Willing to serve is the difference,” Harry said as he also pondered over the uses
from his own self-study. “There is also that they use fear or force to coerce
obedience. Despite what early classical tyrants seemed to think one did not need
fear to rule, and the bonds of loyalty more difficult to sever; therefore, it is
better to be loved than respected than to be feared for the benevolent adulation is
more sure a bond than terror and even more so the awe of the fanatic to their
leader. That I take no pleasure in the suffering of those who don’t deserve it or
the petty cruelties that would precipitate one on the path to megalomania is also
telling. Still both the Light and Dark Lord have their cults and far more willing
are they to act to what they believe is good either for the populous or their own
ends respectively.”

“Thus the difference between a master and a Master is made apparent,” Hermione said
with certainty. “For us, responsibility is a two-way street regardless of what
others may think. Perhaps it is best explained that one is best judged not on how
they treat their superiors but in their subordinates. Speaking of subordinates…”
The pair smoothly turns towards the sudden arrival of a slithering serpent. The
black snake smoothly slides along the way from the shadow to the bed where it
eagerly moves to slide along them. Both Harry and Hermione let a hand run along
their companion’s scales as they listen to the hisses with interest. For a moment
Dora ponders on it before recalling that they both had talked to the entire
menagerie of familiars when she had been at their house. Still she was grateful that
they had tended to reply to them in English than the chirps, barks, hisses and meows
of the companions. It would draw attention for one and the Slytherins would revolt
at a muggleborn speaking snake.
“It seems something has been found,” Harry said with a raised head as he broke
contact with his book and snatched a bookmark to his place. “To think that Slytherin
would have his secrets secured to his more famous gift seems to be fact and not
supposition any longer.”
“Considering that it was extremely rare in his time and more so after the ensuing
issues, he turned out to be quite clever in that matter,” Hermione said as she
mirrored Harry’s actions that Dora eagerly followed. “That most of them are for the
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most part command and not password driven is rather fortuitous…”
“He didn’t know if verbally passing down the phrases would occur,” Harry said with a
thought. “Killings were more common then and it was possibly that a descendent would
be orphaned and he wouldn’t wish his legacy to be lost. He was quite proud from the
records… well they all were, and it was not as if they didn’t earn it.”

“And for those of us that don’t speak snake?” Dora asked as the two smoothly moved
to dress. “Some of us would like to know what is so important that you would go
exploring after so much attention had been brought to bear…”
“Oh!” Hermione said as she wiggled her skirt on. “We kind of forgot since you and
Sarah are the only ones close to who doesn’t.”
“True enough,” Harry said as he buttoned his pants with a nod. “It seems we have the
location of the Salazar’s private chambers. I believe the general historical
consensus is that would be the legendary Chamber of Secrets.”
“Isn’t that supposed to have some horrible monster inside?” Dora asked as she tried
to catch up with their rapid preparation. “I don’t recall much about it even in
history, but I did see something in a book I secretly read at home. It was
interesting and not something I think mother wanted me to know yet if ever…”

“Monster, I guess some might call it that,” Hermione said with a shrug as she looked
over her appearance to note that her skirt was long enough and blouse sufficient in
case a prefect or teacher caught them coming or going. “So you have no idea what it
could be, Dora? It really isn’t that difficult to have deduced let alone having
Shadow describe it.”

“Salazar was a Parseltongue and thus his favored magical creature was a snake or
serpent I suppose,” Harry said as he smoothly finished buttoning his shirt even as
the quick and dexterous fingers movements caused Dora to lick her lips in delayed
anticipation. “Still considering there are so many kinds of magical serpents and yet
what could be so quickly called a monster…”
While Dora had a confused look on her face as she tried to switch her mental
processing to figure it out, Hermione beat her to the punch as she said after a
sigh. “It is a basilisk, Dora. Considering it is the King of Serpents although queen
might be more accurate in this case. Shadow said her scent is female so we should
use the correct pronouns and such I suppose.”
Sadly their calm demeanor was not entirely able to calm Dora down, and she sputtered
out, “A basilisk! Are you both insane?”

The glare they gave their pet caused her to shift in demeanor and body language
rapidly. Dora shifted back and forth similar to when her parents had caught her
doing something either wrong or improper.

Hermione walked over and lifted Dora’s face so she met her mistress’s eyes as she
told her, “Really pet, you need to trust us more; although, you would not have the
same protections that we would. We don’t have to worry about either her gaze or her
venom; however, we do have ways around that for you. The simplest would be not to
meet her gaze until we tell you to. It is not as if one cannot become immune to
one’s gaze after all.”
“We do care for you in our own way as you should well know by now,” Harry said as he
seemed to move to suddenly have her melt into his embrace while Hermione continued
to stroke her face gently. “We would not place you into danger unless we had it in
control or there was no other choice. While we know that most would consider us
sinister at best and villainous at worse, we are far more protective of those that
are either allied or serve us. Where the long string of Dark Lords fail, is that
they so carelessly waste their own servants, allies and possible allies. Now while
to some it may seem cruel, you should know by now that we are somewhat
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overprotective, myself in particular with the rest of my girls.”
“Yes, sir,” Dora said with a tear filled smile. “It is just some things still seem
too fantastic to handle, yet.”
“Good,” Hermione said before giving Dora a long drawn out kiss while Harry teased
her from behind. “It would be a shame if after all the effort we already put in that
you would balk so easily.”
“Now to the chamber,” Harry said after playfully nipping his way from her neck to
her ear. “We can always continue later or perhaps christen the chamber with some…

Dora’s moan and shiver drew a smile or was it a smirk to their lips. Despite all
they had done, there were still some ways in which they were still quite childlike
and one of those was that they truly liked to play still. Therefore, it could be of
no real surprise that they played their way to their destination even as they
managed to dodge any witness of their passing. Walking there was so boring, when
they could be having fun getting there. Therefore, while they weren’t skipping and
otherwise cavorting their way there as Alice and more so Anne would, that did not
mean that they were dull even if they were silent in their goings.
Dora was quite flustered by the time the almost tag like game ended. Her playmates
had been teasing and tantalizing her especially in the wake of their previous
flirting. Oh they had been quite quiet; although, they had whispered, fondled and
otherwise wound their pet up. It was just more fun that way. Oddly Dora was kept so
distracted that she never pondered morphing to the form of a prefect or such to
avoid trouble.

Dora blinked as they entered Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. She had thought that they
were going to some secret chamber though part of her contemplated the ways she could
be taken in just this room alone. A momentary thought of having Myrtle ogling her
longingly and with envy sent a sudden wave of arousal through her. She quickly
squished that in the same mental box as having her master and mistress pop into her
house and take her while her mother watched in mortification. Dora ignored the
nagging thoughts to do both when she could truly get away with it.

“Not what I expected,” Dora managed to say with her head full of distracting images.
“So where is the entrance or are we harassing a moping ghost?”

“Here to pick on poor Myrt… hurk,” Myrtle managed to say before being cut off.
“What is it with ghosts here being so talkative?” Harry asked as he dispassionately
strangled the whiny girl ghost. “Now Miss ghost, allow me to be perfectly clear; you
are not to tell anyone that we were here now or in the future or the results will be

“Really, Harry,” Hermione said with a sigh and a bored expression at the struggling
specter. “Do you have to torment the poor thing? You should just send her on or
“Tempting,” Harry said as he contemplated it. “So why do you stick around, girl?”
“I don’t think she can answer when you are doing that,” Dora said with a
disbelieving stare at the absurdity of affecting a ghost like that. “Maybe ease up
just a tad so that she can answer you…”
“I suppose,” Harry said with a bit of obvious indifference. “So answer my question…”
Myrtle was very aware of the unneeded and unspoken “or else” ending to his
statement. Now considering that there was practically no magic around anymore that
affected ghosts they had tended to become indifferent to being affected by the
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living. So it should come as no surprise that even with her personality and seeming
to be highly emotionally unstable at the time of her death that Myrtle answered as
quickly as possible.
“I don’t know who or what killed me!” Myrtle blurted out in a panic. “On top of that
I wasn’t exactly in the best frame of mind when I died! Are you happy now?”
“That will do,” Harry said as he looked around the girl’s bathroom. “So what is the
last thing you saw before you died, it may help for someone to answer your
While he had a fairly good idea what had been behind her death, there were still a
few things he wanted to double check. Who knows he might always discover something
more on his future victim slash supposed nemesis. He suspected that there was more
to things than he had already discovered and all the inconsistencies in his life as
well as the pure illogical coincident at Hogwarts.
“Yellow eyes,” Myrtle said before shivering in fear. “I looked towards those sinks
and then I died!”
“We get that, we really do,” Hermione said as she could tell Harry was resisting
silencing the sobbing ghost. “So is there anything else happen around the time of
your death?”
“Mmmmh,” Myrtle said with a far off look as she thought back. “Hagrid was expelled,
but from what I recalled it was over a spider. I don’t think that would have eyes
like that…”

“Well we know what killed you,” Harry said as he locked eyes on the symbol Shadow
had described. “It was a basilisk even if we don’t know who was controlling it.
Considering that whoever it was that did so was a parselmouth there is the fact that
the only known one recently was the self proclaimed Lord Voldemort. Now considering
that one is still around that leaves us with two options. One there was an unknown
speaker, two the person who killed you was that man as Rubeus Hagrid has shown no
signs of that ability.”
“So Hagrid was likely framed,” Hermione said with some interest. “I find it odd that
wizards would have such a thing with all the methods to assure it.”

“Considering that there is someone sent to Azkaban without a trial,” Dora said with
some trepidation at her master’s casual display of power, “what reason would there
be that a student could not have been railroaded I believe the muggle saying is?
Still considering the rumors from his student years, I can see where they would
think he would have a dangerous creature as he seems to think they are all
relatively harmless.”

“Considering that Hagrid is rather tall and I suspect resistant to physical as well
as magical damage, there is a reason he would think some things that most would
consider dangerous to be harmless,” Harry said absently as he watched Shadow
slithering near the sink with the serpent mark. “If he also has a proportional
physical strength, I suspect that the dangerous creatures are also ones that he
feels less likely to accidentally harm. Ah I almost forgot, Myrtle, I expect you to
be silent about our being here.”
“Of course,” she said before blanching at what happened next.
“Open,” Harry hissed at the sink causing it to move before saying, “Come along, and
be quite Myrtle…”
“Yes, sir,” Myrtle said before fleeing to cower as far as she could away from that
boy. “I saw nothing, heard nothing and will say nothing.”
Ignoring the cowering ghost, Harry and the girls approached and peered into the
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darkness of the hole. Shadow flicked his tongue out to taste the air. The two
necromancers in training looked into the darkness and saw things clearer than their
metamorphmagus friend could see. Still sliding down a dust, dirt and cobweb covered
slide was not something he wished to do. As much fun as they could have when washing
each other, Harry knew the girls preferred to share showers when there really wasn’t
a need to clean off besides sweat and sexual fluids with maybe a bit of playfully
drawn blood.
“Why do I think that there is no way someone like Slytherin would slide down into
his secret chambers?” Harry asked as he looked at the repulsively filthy chute. “It
just doesn’t fit with the man, right Hermione?”

“Right,” Hermione agreed while wondering why the appearance couldn’t have been an
illusion to sort out the weak willed. “Nothing about the man strikes me as childlike
so a slide seems quite odd. If it was to allow his serpent to more easily move, I
could see it, but a moving stairs seems more likely.”
“Think it is a command driven system?” Harry asked in interest at what his fellow
intellectual would discern. “I suppose there is only one way to be sure…”
He looked to see if anyone had come close to snooping about, and when he was sure
that there was none, he hissed, “Stairs.”
Hermione smirked as she said, “Well it looks like it is. I wonder what else has
simple verbal commands that we can use.”

“I don’t know, but I think we will find out,” Harry said as he stepped onto stairs
before smirking to hiss, “Down.”

“Nice,” Dora said as they joined their master on the escalator like stairs. “Shame
that the house elves haven’t found this. I think they would be practically orgasmic
at the idea of something needing this much cleaning.”

“Quite,” Hermione said with a twitching smile. “It would be as if master had a
project for us which truly utilized our skills.”
“Oh… yeah,” Dora said with a throaty groan and shiver. “Shame that my talents would
be more useful to an evil master than a neutral or good one, but what can you do…”

“Yeah if he was like that,” Hermione said as she kept her eyes scanning as they
descended, “He wouldn’t be master. Still, he would make that so called Dark Lord
look like an amateur.”

“Sheep,” Dora said with a firm nod. “The Wizarding World is mostly made up of them
and they are loath to do any more than they have to. I suppose they are beyond
apathetic and are more… content.”
“Could there be a more horrible fate?” Hermione asked with a shiver of revulsion.
“To settle to be merely content when one could be so much more; it disgusts me to
see people wasting their ability.”
“I am amazed that you didn’t hex the Weasley dimwits,” Dora said as she moved closer
to Hermione as she tried to focus her gift to improve her eyesight to see in the
dark passage. “The twins at least try to get a laugh out of you and are not
specifically malicious even if they are not as well thought out as they could be…”
“Almost there,” Harry said as he stepped off the stair as it sunk into the floor.
“Hermione help Dora, as I do not think she can see as well as us. Something for you
to try to improve, pet.”
“Yes, sir,” Dora said with a sigh as Hermione steadied her from pitching forward as
they stepped onto the chamber floor. “I guess I should work on the less used aspects
of my gift.”
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“You should, but it is something that we neglected to consider practicing,” Hermione
said as she looked around the entrance of the chamber. “Is that a decoration or a
“It looks like a door with snakes going around the hatch,” Harry said as he frowned
and thought of something. “Shield your eyes,” before hissing, “Lights!”
“Well that is better,” Dora said after blinking around the suddenly torch lit room.
“Still, I will practice enhancing my eyes to see in the dark and other things…”
“That could always come in handy,” Hermione said as she scrutinized the enormous
circular barrier. “I suppose that you have been receiving more encouragement for the
pleasurable uses than the purely protective, so it is no surprise that the more
exotic yet enjoyable applications are the ones you have more practice in.
Unfortunately, some might consider certain enhancements to be unfair and thus would
prevent us from being involved in certain things.”
“Madam Hooch would be beyond furious if Harry was prevented from playing,” Dora said
with a frown as she imagined the somewhat passionate woman going harpy for ruining
her plans. “”Still what they don’t know won't hurt us, and I don’t plan on telling
them anything anyways. So are we going forward?”

“Yes, I suppose it wouldn’t do to dwell here after searching for this place,” Harry
said as he ignored the Quidditch concerns as while he seemed quite relaxed when
flying, he was unsure if he wanted to be involved in such affairs. “Still you had
best put a blindfold or the like on as while a Basilisk can control their gaze that
does not mean that this one will not be doing so when it comes out. It is best to
err in the side of caution than have you drop dead on us. We just broke you in after
Dora didn’t look offended at what he said and his sense of humor was a bit strange
so it was understandable. Still the place was filthy and they would likely be
spending several hours scourgifying the place clean. It was a shame that the place
seemed to have house elf repelling charms or otherwise it would be as clean as the
rest of the castle. Still she tugged the blindfold on and part of her shivered at
the loss of control.

“Stop teasing her, please?” Hermione asked as they drew closer to the door. “I
suppose I should see if the thing discriminates against girls.”
“You might as well,” Harry said as he wondered if Slytherin would have cast off his
female descendants like that. “It wouldn’t do to be solely dependent on me to enter
here. Something could occur that you would need entrance when I was occupied…”
“So true,” Hermione agreed before focusing on the serpent image and hissing, “Open.”

“Well that answers that,” Dora said as she fought the shiver of Hermione hissing.
“The door is opening. I suppose I can get used to this.”
“Better to be flustered and frustrated than froze to death as a statue,” Hermione
said with a bit of humor. “I wonder why there was no password and simply the
“Simpler and easier to use,” Harry said with a look around the chamber and
specifically the light glinting off the skeletons of rats. “Long phrases do take
time to say and something could happen before you were done. It was most likely done
for convenience instead of security.”
The group entered the next chamber. The two non-blindfolded students looked around
while the blindfolded Dora tried not to contemplate the sudden excitement she was
experiencing and that it would not be indulged at present.

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“Well this is not what I expected,” Hermione almost lazily drawled in
disappointment. “I was expecting something more than another chamber with a
hideously done sculpture of the man himself.”
Harry shifted his head to the side while Kiki scurried up the wall like a mad
monkey. His friend, companion slash minion was odd at times and was very good at
being unnoticed. He supposed that she somehow had a talent for stealth magics, as
she seemed to be able to become as invisible as a Demiguise. He knew that Dora had
yet to learn the odd chattering and gestures that his first follower used, but he
knew that it would come with time. He worried that Susan would need a good deal of
ensnarement before they let her or Hannah into any of their real secrets.
“Hmm… I think Kiki is right,” Harry said with his own look to the statue. “The
artist just scaled things up or Slytherin had a smaller work done and then enlarged
it. It actually doesn’t look that bad from face view instead of our eye level.”
“I really am wishing I spent time modifying my eyes,” Dora said with a frown. “There
has to be a way to protect someone from a Basilisk’s glare besides being a
Parseltongue. I almost feel like I am a waste of space being here. I cannot even
look about and you both can gaze into these long hidden secrets…”
While Dora stood near the door, the others went out and about exploring. Kiki defied
gravity in crawling up the ceiling and along the roof of the chamber. Harry and
Hermione were darting about at near supersonic speeds. Shadow was silent as he
slithered protectively near Dora. The snake may not be a basilisk, but he was
heavily altered already. The most important one was that he seemed to have started
to develop something in addition to the multiple eyelids.

“Well there are some rooms off this side,” Harry said when they congregated back
near the statue. “I barely took a survey of them, but there is a full suite with a
private library. There wasn’t any relatively recent use as if whoever had looked
through the area was too self absorbed to go into depth. There were a few books out
from whoever was here last, but they were mostly on the more corruptive magics.
Whoever it was definitely had an overblown ego, but it had to be within fifty years
give or take a few.”
“Why was that?” Hermione asked in interest. “There is a potions lab, but whoever it
was had no sense of things and nearly ruined a good portion of the ingredients and
they were rare when this place was built!”

“They left a notebook with a date in the forties although it was a type that went
out of use and most were scavenged during the war or a little after,” Harry said
while almost growling at the fool wasting ingredients like that. “So we found
things, but little signs of the Basilisk. I don’t think it could last long on rats
without going into hibernation.”
“We really should see about acquiring a magical creature expert at some point,”
Hermione said with irritation coloring her interest. “Any leads on who it could be?”
“There were no records for a Gaunt here in that time frame and they were the last
known descendants of Slytherin,” Harry said with a snicker. “Not that it did them
much good as they had almost died out and were barely stronger than squibs. The last
ones were mentioned in the thirties and there was something of a scandal.”
“Is there anywhere that you could conceal a giant snake?” Dora asked as she wondered
what the place looked like. “Maybe a hidden chamber concealed in plain sight?”
“Not bad,” Hermione said as she gave the place a look over. “I doubt it would be
down one of the side tunnels, so where does that…”
“The statue,” Harry said as he realized what Hermione had noticed. “It could be, but
I doubt that it is simply on an open close order.”

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The pair contemplated how to open it. They even tried a number of possible
passwords, but so far they had no luck. For a moment, it seemed that they would only
have a partial success.
“Could you try to wake the basilisk and ask it for help?” Dora asked as she
contemplated squeezing her thighs together for some release. “I mean it would have
heard the password, right?”
“Brilliant!” the two necromancers shouted in joy inadvertently cranking Dora up
more. “Now how to do that?”
“Simple is likely best,” Harry said before turning and hissing towards the statue,
“Hello is there anyone there? Please, wake up?”
“Huh,” a slow sleepy voice hissed. “Who is there?”
“Is it not rude to ask who someone is without saying who you are?” Hermione hissed
her query. “We are but two speakers seeking information?”
“Ah,” she hissed after they heard her shaking her head to wake up. “That tells me
nothing, but since manners are quite important, I am known as Silver.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Lady Silver,” Harry hissed with a measure of respect. “I am
called many things but Harry will do. This is my mate, Hermione.”
“How interesting to meet two young speaking mates,” Silver said with a measure of
sleepy humor. “So what do you wish to interrupt my slumber for?”

“We have come to seek what the honored speaker left here, Lady Silver,” Hermione
hissed truthfully. “We have found much here, but still we wondered of tales of his
greatest treasure, you.”

“You flatter me, speakers,” she hissed in pleasure at their compliments. “It is nice
to be remembered for why the honored speaker chose me to guard this place. He was a
kind and thoughtful master; I have missed him. A shame that not all who speak are as
well behaved as you.”

“Since the honored speaker chose you to guard this place,” Harry said as an idea
formed in his mind. “I take it he meant more than just his personal places. It would
seem that a serpent of your reputation would be more ideal to defending this entire
place and the young here…”
“Truth,” Silver hissed in pride at her duty. “He chose me to safeguard this nesting
place and protect the hatchlings here as they learn. For the most part I was to keep
the place safe from outsiders and such threats.”
“But if he was away,” Hermione hissed with some curiosity apparent. “Who would
communicate with you? How were you to know who was to be here and who was a threat?”
“Before, when my honored master was here,” Silver hissed to explain with some
reminisced sorrow clear to them, “It was different. He presented the nest mates to
me so I could recognize their scents. Unfortunately, this did not continue, and
eventually no one called for me. In the time after that, I hunted those prey that
would harm the nest. I had learned the human speech to understand them even if my
master had not completed a way for those to understand me.”
“Thank you, Lady Silver for telling of this,” Harry hissed with reverence at the
knowledge they had been entrusted with. “Unfortunately, not all records remain and
we would prefer to see you while speaking with you. Do you know how to open the door
to your sleeping place?”
“Yes,” She hissed in response with some uncertainty in her tone. “I wonder why it
has been so long since one has come here. The last one was quite different from any
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before. How am I to know that you are like the master and not that one?”
“What proof do you require, Queen Silver?” Hermione hissed with irritation about the
disrespect to her master. “We are both speakers and have no ill intentions on this
nest; however, I will admit that we wouldn’t mind removing those that would destroy
it from within or without!”

“An excellent answer,” Silver hissed with approval. “Some wish to keep even those
dangerous to one’s nest, while others overly cull their nest mates. Some seek to
devour more than they can eat while others allow others to hunt their territory
bare. None of these are appropriate things as you both seem to know.”
“Thank you for your approval,” Harry hissed with real respect apparent in his tone
and manner. “Any chance you would be willing to tell us now so that we could speak
face to face? We can hear you and wish to gaze with awe on such an enlightened and
wise sage, you the Queen of Serpents, guardian of the nest and most precious
repository of understanding.”
“You truly speak with a tongue befitting Salazar himself,” Silver hissed in
amusement. “So solve this simple challenge for me, what would be both unexpected and
expected to do?”
“Ask him to speak to us,” Hermione hissed with her eyes wide in shock at the
brilliance of it. “He wasn’t arrogant and yet most would think he should be…”
“It is so simple that it is brilliant,” Harry said slipping to English in shock
before smirking and hissing, “Speak to me Salazar Slytherin, Greatest of the
Hogwarts Four!”

The sudden sound of stone moving on stone was heard. The pair felt a sudden rush of
pride at what they had done. With Silver’s help, they had managed to get the statue
to open.

“Here I come, speakers,” Silver hissed almost causing them to laugh or at least
giggle at the tone reminiscent of a celebrity. “Behold the most elegant and
ephemeral Queen of Serpents…”

Their breath caught as they saw her slither out of the opening. They both had a
momentary pang of regret that Dora could not see her yet.

“Magnificent,” Harry said as he drew close to her head. “I can see why you are named
that. You truly are a sight to behold.”

“That she is,” Hermione agreed while pushing down the urge to squeal in glee and
start cuddling the gorgeous creature before them. “Your scales are fabulous and the
way the light shines off them is dazzling…”
“Thank you,” Silver hissed in appreciation before almost shuddering in gratitude
when they touched her scales just right. “It is nice to be awake and about again.
Any chance you can open the passage to the forest? I wonder how out of control some
preys have become.”
“Do you have something in particular you like?” Hermione asked as she moved to
scratch that hard to reach spot. “It wouldn’t do to starve a gorgeous girl like
“Deer, goats and such size game are good,” Silver hissed her reply with a serpentine
grin. “I do prefer spiders though, but there was only one giant one before…”
“Well that is a good thing than,” Harry said with a smirk of satisfaction. “In the
past while, those spiders have blossomed into a highly voracious number. There are
more than enough to feed you for a while.”

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“Oh, goody,” Silver hissed with what they understood as cackling. “Spiders are so

“Well that is nice,” Hermione said with a smile. “You get food and the forest become
“You know only hearing one side of the conversation is weird,” Dora said with a
sigh. “It is only slightly better than hearing you lot hissing to each other. Don’t
mind me; I will just wait here until you settle things.”

“Who is this?” Silver hissed in question. “Oh, she smells of you. Is she your mate?”
“Of sorts,” Harry said with a sigh. “Human habits are a bit less straight forward.”
“So true,” Shadow hissed in amusement. “The humans find great pleasure in the act of
mating without thought to quickening their eggs. They are strange, but interesting
to talk with. These two do provide good hunting grounds. I hope I am not intruding
in your territory?”

“That can be a worry,” Silver hissed in mock contemplation. “Still I have no problem
with other’s hunting these places or I would have to compete with the hatchling’s
nest mates. Humans are strange keeping mixed nests with their companions. Still it
must be nice to have companions to talk with, but it has been so lonely here since
the last speaker was here. He was quite demanding and pompous. He was nothing like
the first. Now he was respectful without all that demanding…”

“You never said who your last master was?” Hermione asked in interest. “We have
heard of one who claimed to be the Heir of your first master, but his actions were
quite contrary.”
“I thought it was more that the humans had a few addled eggs who were also
speakers,” Shadow hissed in irritation. “The other humans then decided that all
speakers had their habits.”

“Fool he was,” Silver hissed in annoyance. “Why he tried to order me to harm the
hatchlings? The nerve of that man to tarnish the great one’s name is inexcusable!”

“Uh, what got her irritated for those of us poor souls who are not able to
understand?” Dora asked as she felt shudders of fear at the anger present in the
great serpents tone. “Any chance you can do something about that… oh and the being
killed if I see her eyes!”
“Any chance you could lessen your gaze?” Harry asked in interest. “It just wouldn’t
do for one of my mates to just drop dead even if she got to experience the privilege
of gazing your beauty.”
“I can lower the guard for that,” Silver hissed in agreement. “A shame he who raised
me didn’t get to complete those enhancements. He would be quite upset at what his
supposed heir did.”
“He hurt you,” Hermione said with sorrow present as she tried to comfort the
enormous serpent. “He tried to do such horrible things to and with you. I am amazed
that you didn’t try to escape…”
“You can take your blind fold off, Dora,” Harry said as he watched Hermione try to
cheer the hidden protector up. “We can work on the understanding thing. I mean
Silver can understand us, but it might take a bit of charms to translate.”
“Thanks,” Dora said before blinking to see and turning her gaze to Silver. “Oh wow,
you weren’t kidding she is gorgeous. Powerful, elegant and deadly; what more could
you ask for?”
“He what!” Hermione suddenly screamed in rage. “Why that no good bastard! Sir, he
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tried to have Silver attack students. How the hell did he get around the safeguards
Silver just told me about?”

“We knew that someone died,” Harry said with a sigh. “Her ghost is still haunting
the entrance, but it is puzzling how that happened. Could Myrtle have been so upset,
as to have contemplated withdrawing, and thus she was for a moment not been
considered a student, staff or guest?”
“That seems likely,” Hermione said with a frown. “I mean Silver could still petrify,
but it sounds like that asshole was plotting something.”
“He locked me up soon after,” Silver hissed with rage. “He did something abominable
when that girl died! I felt him forsake one of the master’s gifts.”
“What did this scum call himself?” Harry asked feeling dread at who he suspected it
was. “There has only been one publically known speaker and he mysteriously appeared
less than three decades ago…”

“He introduced himself saying, ‘I am Lord Voldemort, the Heir of Slytherin’,” Silver
hissed with a hateful sneer. “He may have inherited Master Salazar’s gift as a
speaker, but he spat in the face of his duties!”

“So since there is no record of a student by that name,” Hermione said as her mind
brilliantly realized something. “It means that it was not his birth name. No wonder
we couldn’t find more on him nor could anyone else!”

“At least we have an idea of who he might be,” Harry said with a sigh of irritation.
“Still I suspect he had as little of his real information available. He had to be
something else to drink forcefully taken unicorn’s blood!”
“He did what!” Silver roared as her hiss boomed and echoed across the chamber. “Why
that no good egg eater! What next will that egg addled fool do strike hatchlings in

“He did already,” Hermione said in a detached voice before pulling Harry into a hug.
“He purposefully struck hatchlings and egg swollen mothers. The worst of all was
entering my master’s nest and slaying his parents before trying to kill him as

Silver looked at Harry in shock. She was practically vibrating with rage at the
situation and her own impotence to resolve it. That hatchling would burn all the
nests in the world and think nothing of it. He had ordered her like a tool and she
still wished she could have struck the impudent brat.

“Yes, he came into my home and sought to end me,” Harry said before snapping back as
his form was soon highlighted with necromantic flames dancing about. “I will not
forgive his actions or the results. He took from me everything and I will take from
him the same. I will also get back what he has stolen from me! My ambition and goal
is to remove the block his foul magic cast to prevent me from seeking my mother. I
will speak to her again and I will bring her back!”
“Necromancer,” Silver hissed in respect. “You have much to do still to reach such a
goal. He used that curse to seal her soul from being reached, did he not? You may be
strong, but to overcome that curse you need something else. That boy ignored most of
the master’s records. He was upset that my master did not wish to cull some of the
hatchlings and nestlings here. For what reason, he never could properly explain…”
“Those who were not of solely magical parentage,” Hermione said in barely more than
a whisper. “He claims that Salazar Slytherin stated that only those born to long
lines of magic were deserving of it and that all others stole or tarnished that
power. For some reason, people now believe this and that they claim they are
following his noble legacy to strike them down. They even claim that they are lesser
creatures and little more than trained animals aping being people…”
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“Where could such madness come from?” Silver hissed questioningly as she felt a
rumble in her belly. “He only complained that those hatchlings born to nests that
might seek to destroy our nests. It would be best that their nests not know of ours
and thus the hatchlings raised in ours.”
“That is what we expected,” Harry said with a yawn. “It is getting late and you are
hungry and we are tired. Just let me open the barrier so you can hunt and we can go
to sleep.”

“A shame that we can't spend the night here,” Hermione said with her own sleepy
voice. “I wouldn’t mind just kipping in the bed, but I think that we would be
unlikely to remember to go about things if we stayed here.”
“True,” Harry said as he walked back after Silver darted out the passage. “We can
deal with it tomorrow or later today actually. Why is it that emotional activity is
more tiring than either mental or physical?”
“It just is,” Dora said as she almost staggered along. “Damn it! I think we are all
too tired to even play. Being blindfolded and helpless just works me up too much.”
“While we are too likely to just doze off at this point,” Hermione said as she
snapped her sleepy head up to try to stay awake. “We might be able to squeeze
something when we wake up, but since you are likely to sleep restlessly given how
worked up you are…”

“We can still see about easing you enough to sleep deeply,” Harry finished as he
wrapped his arm around Dora and under her skirt. “It won't be our usual unwinding,
but I think a bit of stimulation will help.”
“That would be great,” Dora said happily, as she shifted her steps to allow Harry to
plug her with his fingers. “I was constantly on edge thinking one of you would use
me while I was helpless if the search had been too disappointing…”

“It would have been fun,” Hermione conceded as they exited into Myrtle’s bathroom.
“Now let’s take the fast way back to our rooms so master can finish things.”

“Don’t expect more than a half asleep stuffing,” Harry said before they bolted down
the corridors like flickering shadows. “Likely we will do a sleeping slow screw
before we drift off, but since Dora seems so wired I have something planned for
“Ooh, what is it?” Dora asked with a moan from the jostling. “Have I earned a reward
for being a good sex pet?”

Hermione quickly answered the guardian’s question and they snuck in. Thankfully, no
one was there to see them enter the common room before blurring towards his room.
“Oh yes,” Harry said as he lifted Dora by her dripping sex as he proceeded to move
from the door to the bed. “I think you earned, in place of the hard fucking you
want, a good fisting…”
Dora squealed and shook even as she watched Hermione snuggle back against him and
slide herself full. She was grateful that she wouldn’t be permanently stretched from
it, but sometimes feeling almost as if she was stretched to bursting was a good
Dora eventually fell asleep after whimpering and struggling to pull herself off his
fist. She had wriggled down and snuggled his cum soaked arm into her breasts.
It would take a bit more than normal to wake her, but she thought it was worth it as
she passed out with a sigh. Their bed would once more require excessive house elf
action to clean when they left for class or possibly when they were in the shower.
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The elves were like that and they long since just ignored it.

“So what should we do now?” Hermione asked when they woke the following morning.
“You think there is more that we should look for in the chamber?”
“Possibly,” Harry said with a sigh as he felt his two lovers cuddling against him.
“There are plenty of areas that we didn’t have time to get to. I just can't help but
feeling there is something we have been missing, a nagging sensation that there is
someone plotting. Oh, I know that both Dumbledore and Voldemort are plotting, but
this feels more or less similar to someone trying to decide where they will stand in
regards to us.”
“You sure it isn’t just those two and there uncertainties?” Hermione asked as she
watched Dora snoozing still. “It could always be whomever Dora is helping having
issues, or something as simple as Snape trying to catch you up in potions.”

“I find that last to be very unlikely,” Harry said with a chuckle at the thought.
“He may despise me with every fiber of his being for being the son of his hated
enemy with the woman he was obsessed with, but I do believe he is even more cowed by
our encounter than he is by either of his masters. We will need to deal with him and
his associates eventually.”

“Pureblood supremacists deserve what they get,” Hermione said with a huff. “I still
think that one volume of his journal was quite humorous.”

“The man credited with being the greatest hero of Purity was willing to do what it
took to safeguard both the children and the world,” Harry said as his hand found
itself stroking the sleeping Dora. “I suppose it is a good example of no one
thinking they are the villains of the show. Even the Death Eaters give lip service
to a cause, so the Light doing the same is barely worth the shock. Only more
slippery a slope is those using the Greater Good. It does allow for lesser good and
lesser evil both could be done to further the Greater Good.”

“At least we are honest with ourselves and those we work with,” Hermione said with a
sigh as his other hand worked her over. “I have heard that Dumbledore seems to use
that reasoning though. He is respected enough that mostly the only opposition are
the Death Eaters and their sympathizers.”
“Robbing them of the Black funds, cornering the markets on certain goods and
services, and making them dependent on their own skills will help cripple them in
the future,” Harry said with a groan as the girl’s hands returned the favor. “I
think that Voldemort will be quite frustrated that we commandeered both the basilisk
and Slytherin’s resources. It is a shame that we can't claim the vaults and anything
else we could.”
“You can't claim them through trial by combat or compensation do to the
circumstances,” Hermione said with a moan as her legs moved to facilitate his
attentions. “It wasn’t a formal battle nor were you technically innocent since your
parents were actively fighting him. It would make things easier, but what can you
“I can still target his more affluent supporters and crush them economically,
magically and politically,” Harry admitted as he tried to resist cackling madly at
the thought of seeing his enemies broken physically, mentally, and financially
before ending them. “Malfoy is as vocal a supporter of Voldemort as the younger
Weasley is of Dumbledore.”
“You are thinking of using the twins to spread dissent among his future pool of
sympathizers and followers,” Hermione said with a shudder. “That is brilliant and if
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you can completely sway Susan there will be an ear into the DMLE and possibly subtly
shift her into a pliable and progressive state.”

“Susan who?” Dora asked after she woke up with a vocal cry. “I suppose it doesn’t
matter since my friend needs some TLC for a while. I so want to castrate the idiot
that so far has proven he is no where good enough for her…”

“Your friend should just tie him up and explain things to her crush,” Harry said as
he focused on driving Hermione to distraction. “If he hasn’t notice that he keeps
leaving his potential lover frustrated, he probably isn’t that into her. Still tying
him to the bed and making sure he doesn’t go off prematurely before she gets her
goodies is probably the easiest way to get over the situation short of telling him
to go fuck himself since that is all he seems to be able to do with her.”

“Cruel,” Dora said. “So very cruel, but I can't complain since he keeps leaving her
wound up and ready. It is sort of hard to say no to that.”
“Oh… fuck! That is true,” Hermione said as Harry’s nimble fingers brought her off.
“Damn you are good to us! Hey Dora any chance your lover is willing to play yet?”

“”No, although she seems to like the idea when she is horny as hell,” Dora said as
she pondered untangling enough to beat Hermione to doing more than a morning hand
job. “She really seems to like the guy, but he just does not seem to get that a girl
needs more than a few minutes of fingering to get off. Well present company excluded
of course. The asshole still hasn’t reciprocated her numerous blowjobs by doing more
than petting her. He just doesn’t get that what is good for the gander is good for
the goose!”

“Eh, that is close enough, I suppose,” Harry replied, as he felt the passion rising
in both of his girls. “Still, I don’t think that your girl is going to put up with
that behavior over the summer. Speaking of behavior, we got what about an hour at
least before we need to shower and be down for breakfast?”

“Something like that,” Hermione said looking at the clock on the wall showing both
the time and the usual Wizarding ideas. “Oh! We could always have a very short

“I am all for it,” Dora said with a very fond touch to her lovers arousal. “Think
there is any chance you can squeeze a somewhat quick fuck before I help my lover. I
think tasting you in me will help her decide to drop the quick shot…”
“We will see what we can do,” Harry said as the girls twisted their selves around
his arms while scooting closer to get his fingers more room to play. “In the mean
time, I think we will see how many times we can drive each other out of our minds
since there are no other pressing concerns…”
“Definitely,” the two chirped with identical smirks. “Now lie back and get ready to
blow your balls…”
The three proceeded to do just that before engaging in their version of a quick
romp. Dora had her wish and Hermione was similarly distracted even before he added
their normal toys. They ended up snagging a quick snack for breakfast. It had been
worth it and compensated for the night before and practically dropping to bed when
they had returned from the chamber. They hadn’t even had the time to christen it
Still, Harry couldn’t shake the feeling that there was someone other than the
regulars who were watching them. As he made his way to his morning class, he didn’t
notice the petite shy girl that seemed to disappear into the background. If she had
the intent to harm him, he would have likely noticed her. Her scent would have stood
out, but it blended into the usual mix of uncertainty and false confidence that his
housemates seemed to be saturated with. He had the somewhat apathetic attitude to
those around him. He could recognize most of them by sight, sound or scent; however,
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some seemed to be proverbial wallflowers or as memorable as a single grain of sand
at the beach.



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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 21: Sudden Servant and Secret Solicitations
by SamStone 2 Reviews
Some one comes out and jumps lines. Fate seems to come out to bite Harry in the

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione,Tonks - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2009/05/14 - Updated:
2009/05/14 - 22616 words
Chapter 21: Sudden Servant and Secret Solicitations

Prophecies are highly… Overrated. Far too many are obvious in retrospect and the
rest are devious in their real meaning- Hermione to Penelope after the Percival


Harry and Hermione were on the way to their common room after one of the less
interesting lectures had ended. To be precise they were irritated by Astronomy. It
was not that they didn’t understand why knowing the positions of heavenly objects
was important, but that they thought it was the height of idiocy to use such meager
tools to do so. It was one of the fields that they were seriously considering
sending a message and getting some useful equipment even if it was nonmagical in
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Considering that most of their classmates were not ones for nipping off and doing
some things on their way back or at least not yet, they were unconcerned that their
housemates walked a bit closer to them than normal nor were they paying as much
attention to their gazes as they would normally. The pair was distracted since they
considered the fact that they could have been spending the time in one of their own
study areas learning what they wanted to do. They ignored the somewhat studying
gaggle of second year witches as they gazed at their year mates approach. That most
of them scurried over to the up and coming debutants was none of their business.
They would only pay attention to the vapid fashion girls if they needed to do so.
They paid little mind to the shadow of the shy and silent girl following them
towards Harry’s room. For the most part they dismissed the girl as likely having
decided to visit some other boy for some reason or other. Considering the general
distance their housemates gave, they had paid no mind to the way that the girls
being pampered while sort of studying had glanced towards them before swiveling
their gaze elsewhere.
Both Harry and Hermione considered themselves apart of the residential idiocy that
even their house had been infected with in recent times. Power corrupts some may
say, but it was also true that the powerful tended to lord whatever supposed
superiority they had over those they felt were inferior to them. They had seen
similar thing in muggle schools where the ruling clique had peripherals and
want-to-be’s and hanger-on’s that scurried like servants and similar to keep them
well attended. So that similar things occurred among the magical were less likely to
give them pause; however, what would give them pause was the sexual under and over
tones of the dynamics. They both were aware that the magical world seemed a
hodgepodge anachronism of bizarre and convoluted law and social mores, and thus were
amused that a society that practiced near Victorian propriety in public also had
Romanesque debaucheries in private. The existence of potions to prevent muggle
diseases as well as prevent or facilitate pregnancies made some things quite off to

Even if one had asked his pack of girls in Surrey, they would not necessarily call
him a white knight. He was not one to go gallivanting in search of righting wrongs,
but if confronted with something he disdained he would intercede. He detested
bullies only a few shades less than other offences. Still the overly childish power
plays were none of his concern and thus he ignored them as long as they stayed out
of his concerns. In addition, if a girl wished to stay out of things, he did not
notice that he subconsciously let them slip from his mind for the most part.
If their little shadow had been accosted in front of them, they would have
interfered, but as it was, she was currently a nonentity to their current thoughts.
A swirling mix of rationalizing time wasted in study that could have been better
done else when as well as the precious time spent could have been on their personal
projects. A shame that Dora had spent the time elsewhere, but they did not begrudge
their pet her own time and needs.
The two had entered Harry’s room and set their things down, but before either could
undress, as was their preference something changed. No one had chosen to confront
Harry in either his room or the commons since the incident, and thus they no longer
expected anyone to do so now. That someone did so was odd to them and thus quite
“Excuse me,” the shy girl said from the door.
“Yes,” Harry said as he turned to look at the suddenly flinching and shifting girl.
“Is there something that you want?”
While he asked that, he wondered for a moment if a professor or something had wished
to talk to them and sent the girl as a messenger. After that moment, he realized
that they would have likely sent a prefect or something and not a rather timid girl
that looked close to fainting.
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“I was wondering,” she said a bit hesitantly. “If I could please come in and talk
“Ah yes,” Harry said before looking expectantly at her.
“Su Li,” she said timidly.
“Su Li,” Harry said as if tasting the name and thinking on to whom this girl was.
“You are in our year, yes?”
“Yes, sir,” Su answered respectively. “May I please enter sir?”

“Of course,” Hermione answered with interest in why this girl had come here. “Harry
here really dislikes being mobbed by fan girls and the like. That for the most part,
besides a desire for privacy, is why he doesn’t want to be bothered. You can
understand that can't you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Su said with respect and a nod of understanding. “I am sorry for
bothering you both, sir, ma’am, but if I may make a request?”
“You have been better behaved than most of our supposed peers,” Harry said with
interest in what this girl wanted. “Therefore, I do not see why we should not allow
such a well thought out and properly conveyed question. It is nice to see someone
here that understands how to behave. So do feel free to make your request; although,
I do not promise that it will be met, but it will be at least considered.”

“Thank you, sir,” Su said with a somewhat overly submissive and respectful bow
before sinking to her knees and taking a position of supplication. “I humbly ask
that you consider allowing this unworthy one to enter into service as, while I do
wish to seek your protection, I do not wish to insult you in thinking I would bring
nothing but this meager yet willing body to offer. No insult is intended, but there
are a host of more physically endowed and trained women than me who would willingly
and with great enjoyment and pride in seeking to bring you pleasure with their
“Go on,” Hermione said in interest. “Why do you seek my lord’s protection? You
already acknowledge that he has no need to seek mere bodies to warm his bed, as
there are more than enough willing and eager to do so. You also offer your service,
but besides your uninspected body and being in the house acclaimed for intelligent
learners, I wonder what can you offer? You must admit that it does leave us
wondering about you.”

“I see. Let me think a moment, wise lord and lady,” Su said as she contemplated how
to respond. “Why do I seek service under your lord and what can I offer him and you
if he wishes, for that I will admit that while I am not specifically trained in the
arts of pleasure I would not mind learning, and for what I can offer besides a
willing body, that too is simple. There are some connections among my family that
may be useful as well as some skills in the less practiced arts of the east. While I
am nowhere near your excellent level in potions, I have some familial knowledge of
potions and some rudimentary knowledge in alchemy as well as access to some
ingredients banned here. The why is more complicated though…”
“So you are more than a pretty face,” Harry commented getting a flush from the
petite girl. “It was not that I didn’t already know that you come close to
challenging our skill in potions at least in class, but you do have some unexpected
depths to you as well. I find that interesting as well as useful as the more
esoteric and less still explored parts of the magical arts hold more interest to me.
Any thoughts on these matters, my pet?”
“Of course,” Hermione said with a smirk as she moved to curl in his lap. “I find the
mental pursuits and sources to be interesting and I enjoy educated discourses. Still
you also offered your body, and we have yet to see much of it. Why don’t you let us
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see how you appear so we can judge the physical as well as mental services, you can
then explain things more.”

“Yes, mistress,” Su said without noticing her slip and smoothly began to remove her
clothes. “I hope that this one has some appeal…”
Harry and Hermione both gave an appreciative look as they watched Su remove her
blouse to reveal the pert yet attentive beginnings of her apparent adolescent
mounds. Their gaze swept down as they took in the firm yet flexible muscles they
could see under the skin. There was much that they could appreciate already and Su
was still developing. Harry was able to see clearly that despite the trepidation
that Su had that she was both aroused and drawing strength from some source of inner

While Harry was contemplating the few inconsistencies, Hermione had felt a shiver at
how pale Su’s skin was and contemplated on how well it would show any signs of
attention. It didn’t matter if her master or she were the ones to explore and enjoy
decorating the entrancing skin of Su, but Hermione wondered at the way it was
flawless. She even twisted around enough to see Su’s back and felt a sudden urge to
decorate the girl’s back with a few lashes before lapping the warm red marks that
she would cause.
“I would say you do,” Harry said as he watched Su shift about as she reached to
remove her skirt. “I think you will find my pet to be quite willing to show how
appealing she finds you already. Personally, I find that I wouldn’t mind exploring
your body as well as your mind. It is a shame that you so far have not displayed
your own brilliance, but I suspect that I know why. It is related to why me,

“Yes, sir,” Su said as she pulled her skirt leaving her nude as she had removed her
shoes when she had entered. “As the why is complicated, I will start with why you,
sir. Simply put, sir, you are the best and most understandable choice. If I
entreated any of the female concerns, I would be of little importance than a slave.
Already certain cliques among the girls have taken younger girls into their
protection and unfortunately put their comfort over better educating their
responsibilities. That you, sir, and the mistress have maintained your positions in
class as well as furthering your own studies show that while you may indulge in the
pleasures of the flesh that you do not put it and your own creature comforts above
all else. That is a few of the signs of a proper master, and you have not sent any
under your protection to be used by others.”
“True,” Hermione said while twisting to see both sides of Su’s supplicating form.
“Master would never do that and he does allow some freedom, but do stand and let my
master see that the rest of you is worth his attention.”
“Yes, mistress,” Su replied as she rose to stand with her legs still spread and her
arms at her side to allow his eyes complete access to her form. “I will endeavor to
do so. I hope someday to be worthy to serve him and thus be allowed to call him, my
master, but if I fall short, may I serve the master indirectly by serving you,
“Such doubts or is it the need to remain hidden to have been safe that is causing
this?” Harry said as he motioned for her to move about for his viewing analysis and
pleasure. “I see. One of the cliques would be whom you have been hiding from. I take
it that they put their own comfort and in particular that of their leader ahead of
their own and have likely been coercing others to their detriment by serving and
doing menial tasks. Still you could have gathered the other first year girls, but
this clique of other girls is of older girls and from your worries willing to sell
their own or is it trade their own bodies for their own benefit.”
“Yes, sir,” Su said with her head down even as her body responded to their gaze.
“There is a history between our families. The Li’s have long held our pride in being
the best at what we do. We may not be the leaders, but we have our pride in our
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service.” Her head snapped up and there was a fire in her eyes. “We have long been
the best assistants and aids that the alchemists, scholars, researchers and others
who delve deep into the ancient arts forgotten or forsaken in the west could ask
for. Our family gained from this that much is true. While we did not gain the raw
power and gifts that our masters have, they would not have use for weak, foolish or
ignorant aids! Over the centuries, we gained some advantages like other families. We
were stronger than some families in mind and body as well as graced with a beauty
they found accommodating. We were prized for our flawless skin that recovered from
what should have horribly disfigured us as well as resilience to damage and a
greater ability to accommodate their needs.”
“So you do understand the pride in service,” Hermione said with respect coloring her
amusement. “If our master didn’t want you after that, I would gladly have you for my
own. Although you would find that resilience pressed, and since if you didn’t know,
I can be a bit of a sadist and a bit of a masochist as well. Is there any other
changes that you have inherited?”
“You mean besides those improvements, mistress,” Su said with a proud smile. “We
have provided, due to the enhancements one of our masters who practiced blood magic,
a replacement for having to track down sacrifices as we recover from blood loss. The
downside was that vampires hunted us down and thus a number became successful
hunters. It was a two edged sword I suppose considering that while it did allow us
to not worry about death by blood loss, that we could be seen as very efficient
blood supplies.”
“That is useful to know,” Harry said with a look that showed appreciation as well as
interest in how useful that ability could be. “I can see where being able to take
more damage as well as recover from the trauma from wounds would be useful in that
expertise. If you don’t mind or it is not too personal of a family secret, would you
tell us which particular art of magic this master utilized blood magic in. I will
admit that the topic is interesting considering that all observations show that form
of magic aided my mother in saving my life…”

“I see, sir,” Su said with a slight sigh that did interesting things to her still
contorting form. “It is more that I was worried about certain preconceptions that I
have been informed most wizards have here. He was not just a practitioner and
scholar into blood magic and its secrets. He was in fact the last known born
necromancer in the East. Oh there are still those trained and practitioners of that
art, but they lack that certain something that those born to it have. The European
invasion into the Magical East had some lasting implications, as they seemed quite
insistent on applying their beliefs as their muggle counterparts were with their
religious doctrines. I wonder if that is why there are so many ghosts in Europe as
they lack someone to provide such a duty.”

“Now that is something you do not need to worry about either of us looking down on
you for,” Hermione said with a friendly smile gracing her face even as she felt a
sudden drain as she pushed her mind to further analyze the facts. “Neither of us
subscribe to most of the irrationality that seems contagious here. Hypothetically
what would your family’s reaction be if say you were to find a born necromancer and
enter into their service?”
“I don’t find that likely considering most of the lines either died off or the magic
being lost or the talent forsaken here,” Su said with a slight look of contemplating
confusion. “The last acknowledged line that had any traces of the gifts descended
from that would be the Blacks and they seemed to have become more concerned with
power than duty. It would be nice and the family would feel honored to once more be
called to service of one honored with such an important duty.”
“You are aware that certain families are aware of the burdens that particular gift
brings,” Harry said as he tilted his head and pondered where this could lead. “I
will concede that I have inherited a tome that is quite accurate in what the prices
for that gift are. You are aware how beneficial at least one of your blessings is in
regards to their service, but what about the less known one?”
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“Ah that,” Su said with a flush even as Harry and Hermione noticed the obvious signs
of her own arousal on her nude and limberly moving body. “We were affected by both
theirs and another’s usage of sexual magics. It is part of the enhancements. We heal
without marks eventually and retain a limberness, tightness and tautness regardless
of activities. So there is no real reason to worry as I would be able to take the
attentions, and I must admit that I would probably enjoy them.”
“You and your whole family need people to serve,” Hermione said in dawning
realization. “Your whole families pride is based on those you aid. It seems a bit
similar to a parent seeing their child succeed and seeing pride in what they helped
make. Get off the floor and come closer, I think you will need to be sitting for
this next bit…”
Su rose without hesitation and glided to sit next to the two. She wondered what they
would decide and was feeling some trepidation in not letting that one final secret
out even as she wondered why she had divulged so much even to her prospective
owners. It was something truly secret and part of why she had not been sorted into
Hufflepuff. She knew that like the rest of her family that once she gave her loyalty
it would be for life and even being sent away would do little to prevent her from
indirectly doing her best to further her sworn leader. It was a very well guarded
secret. It was one that even those they had sworn to serve would take to the grave.

“You seem quite determined to find the best choice in whom to pledge your support
to,” Harry said as he reached over and found her willingly and somewhat
enthusiastically welcoming his exploring hands. “I can respect that and I think
perhaps there is something that would ease your mind about this. You did come to us
and offer yourself almost on a proverbial silver platter and have been quite
forthcoming in your concerns and also being discreet in what you tell us. We did
have a somewhat unfair advantage with the wards I have placed. It is in part because
of that as well as your own determination and pride that I think a minor revelation
will ease your concerns on why we seem quite welcoming of this.”

Su had her head down. She was looking at where Hermione was rubbing herself against
his lap like a happy pet and part of her contemplated being in her place. She didn’t
even pay much attention to his hands even as they had started to inspect and tease
her aroused areolas. She was happily seated there while Hermione twisted about to be
close enough to be in Su’s face. Her legs were parted enough that Hermione easily
started her own explorations of the offering girl’s body.

“As master seems to wish to grant you knowledge of this revelation,” Hermione said
while whispering into the panting and responsive girl’s ear, “I find no reason not
to do so. You and the rest of this school know him as Harry Potter, the
Boy-Who-Lived, first year Ravenclaw and gifted student, but he is much more than
that. Look at your chosen master, The Lord Potter-Black, Born Necromancer, and

“Master!” Su said in shock as she snapped her eyes to seek confirmation in her
future master’s eyes. “I, Su Li of the House of Li, do offer my services completely
and with no hesitation. Do with me what you will. I am yours in mind and body. From
now until the day that I die and beyond, you have my loyalty and word to aid and
serve you in any way you need, wish or desire. So it is sworn, so mote it be, sealed
in the offerings of my blood!”
“So you are sworn so shall it be,” Harry said as he moved to rest his lips to her
flushed and aroused cheek while his enlarged fangs accented his voice. “I, Harold
James Potter, The Lord Potter-Black, Born Necromancer and Wielder of the Death’s
Flames, do accept your oath and offering!”
As soon as he said that, Harry sunk his teeth into her willing throat and suckled
her blood letting it cement their oath and bond. He continued to suck gently as he
savored her blood flowing into his eager mouth even as his and Hermione’s hands
continued to play with her offered body. One of Hermione’s hands was teasing an
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eager flushed and excited breast while Harry was teasing the opposite. As for their
other hands, Hermione was busy exploring her slick and parted lips while Harry
traced, caressed and fondled her pert yet developed ass.
“Thank you, master, for gracing your servant with your attentions and making her
cum!” Su cried out from their attentions even as they did not abate. “Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you! Yes! Use me and find your satisfaction with me!”
Finally, the pair released Su to allow her to recover after she was barely able to
do more than whimper and moan her thanks. Oh, they had not completely released her
and she found herself in their embrace while their hands stroked her as she calmed
down. She had been so happy that she wanted to enthusiastically jump into pleasing
her master and mistress. They had both made her feel so good and she knew that even
while they had enjoyed it that at least one of them had not found their own release.
When she was at least somewhat recovered, Su shifted to kiss each deeply and
passionately on the lips. She willingly allowed entrance when their tongues came to
her lips and moaned into it.

“Thank you, master, mistress,” Su said with a silky purr to her voice. “You will not
be disappointed with me. I will do my best to serve you in mind and body. May I
serve you now and alleviate your needs?”

“You may,” Hermione said before bringing her soaked fingers to taste how the new
girl tasted. “I think our master could use some relief.”

“Thank you very much, mistress,” Su said even as she moved back and down to where
her face was in front of Harry’s tented pants.

“No problem, dear Su,” Hermione said as she held out her still somewhat wet fingers
for Harry to sample as well. “I know that you will find him as tasty as I do and he
seems to think you are as well as I do.”

“I think that I might want more of a sample,” Harry said even as Su succeeded in
liberating his dick from his pants before engulfing it with her mouth. “I know you
will want a go with her, but since you got first taste I know you won't mind me
indulging a bit. You can play with her later and we can enjoy lovely Su here give an
interesting performance later.”

“You really do spoil us,” Hermione said as she resumed her previous fondling. “Just
let me make sure she is good and running before you see about making her eyes roll.”
“I will,” Harry said as he resumed his own altered caresses as he pet her head while
teasing the dangling and bouncing breast in reach. “I might as well see about
keeping you occupied when I am sampling. Therefore, my dear pet, I want you to get
yourself good and wet. Considering the way you have read our new addition so well, I
will let you have first crack at a number of things.”

“Just when I think you are spoiling me too much, you go even further,” Hermione said
with a found look even as she seemed to be trying to get Su to start gushing. “Will
you allow me to taste her after you give her a good seeing to, sir?”
“Considering how I am sure you will enjoy that, and I will get to watch you drive
this eager playmate out of her mind,” Harry said with a smirk as he watched Hermione
retract her dripping fingers from the spread and waiting valley. “I see no problem
in doing so, and I believe that Su here will get her first practices in eating a
tasty bird’s treat when it has a bit of additional cream.”
“Thank you, a shame that you will not be watching me,” Hermione said as she watched
Harry lift Su up and swivel her while she kept her lips glued to his arousal. “Just
think Su, master can have us do things like this!”
Su, while not able to see what was happening behind her, was able to hear it and
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being upside down and swinging her body like a partial pendulum to please her master
only seemed to add to the thrill. She really had lucked out in her choices. They
were quite creative when it came time to play, but she knew they were able to be
serious when the time came for it. She had stood hidden at the stairs when He had
burst into the Commons and showed both his displeasure and power. Thinking back, she
should have realized how he was able to do what he had, and she should have promptly
crawled and offered herself up while he showed his possession of both girls. The
others had been too out of it from the pain, but she realized that the
record-breaking girl and a metamorphmagus were worshiping the Wizard who had brought
his wrath to that place. That had led to her subconscious withdrawing even further.
What could she offer someone who was like that?
‘A lot it seems,’ Su thought as she tried to think while giving and receiving as
much pleasure as she knew how. ‘I suppose I knew then who I wished I could serve,
and now look at me. I am able to serve him and I think that things are going to go
Su lost her train of thought as she felt her thighs clamp around her master even as
he seemed to guzzle her liberally flowing juices. Even if her mind was unable to
keep a straight line of thought, Su had conditioned her body to keep working
regardless. Otherwise, she had learned things could go wrong with the advantages she
had and they could become real liabilities.

Now, while she continued to arch her back to pull back while maintaining a very
intense suction with her tongue darting around rapidly before crunching her abs to
swing back to take his cock as deep into her throat as she could, her mind was awash
with pleasure as her master lapped, suckled and tongued her flowing flower. A very
small yet growing part of her wondered why her mistress was not involved also. As
while the master had told her to prepare herself, she knew that, the mistress could
have worked her own body to readiness while the other tormented, teased, or even
punished her eager body.

Unfortunately, Su was kept occupied enough that she wouldn’t voice those thoughts
until she recovered the next day. Still she didn’t notice when she started to
shudder and climax every now and again at a faster rate.
Harry was smirking as he felt the delicious tremors his actions caused Su to pass
through her body and send shudders of pleasure through his body from what affect it
had on her reciprocation. He was paying the occasional mental glance to the state
Hermione was experiencing. This added to his information he gained from her scent
and sounds. He really wanted her good and worked up. Well actually, he wanted them
both in a similar state.

‘I think they are both about there,’ Harry said as he felt Su squeal and gush while
trying to swallow him. ‘Oh yeah Su is there and Hermione is just about ready to do
Harry let Su down and spun her about so she was resting on her knees with her ass
upturned. Hermione looked longingly at the aroused and awaiting parted lips where
she could see both the twitching entrance to their newest toy’s waiting hole, and
the throbbing clit bared at the top of the slit glistening with the aroused and
needy girl’s flowing juices. If she had looked down, Hermione would have seen her
own sex in a similar state save for her fingers sliding inside while her thumb
strummed her clit in slow circles.
“Go on,” Harry said with a husky growl as his face glistened with Su’s release. “See
how ready she is…”
Hermione was on the girl like lightening. She shifted the girl’s legs and pushed her
back down to raise her cunt for better access. She knew her master had wound them
both up. He had done the same to her in the past and they both had taken delight in
winding Dora up to the point of throwing any caution, inhibition or regrets to the
side. She wanted to say something, but he had made sure that she was so worked up
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she would be lucky to string along as many words as when he had tied her down and
punished her by teasing her until she was a panting monosyllabic begging cum hungry
She would have cursed anyone else to hell, if they called her that; however, she
realized now that if anyone called her a bitch; she would likely laugh and say that
she wasn’t a bitch that she was his bitch. One of those odd realizations, she
supposed as she realized that while she would most likely do whatever thing he asked
with whoever he asked that he wouldn’t ever let another male do so. Therefore, to
other men she was a bitch since she would find herself more often teasing and
tormenting them in the future. A slut would have fucked them, but she really
accepted that she was Harry’s and should only be with him and any female he allowed.
It was an odd thing that he just knew that no one would usurp his place in their
Harry was smirking as he moved from sitting to kneeling. While it had been fun for
Su to do most of the work, he wanted to see how Su reacted to being passive and not
in control while they ravished her. Besides there was a difference between sitting
while a girl bobs her head and fucking her face. It would be interesting to see her
Su had at first rocked her head freely even as he moved. She made a questioning
sound around his cock while it was down her throat. She wondered why he stopped her
before he started to control their motions. She gave a shrug and an 'oh' sound
before going with the flow. She was still getting to taste him and Hermione was
doing delicious things with their slits rubbing and moving against each other.

“Now Su,” Harry said as he held her head and kept control of the pace. “Time for
something different, oh and do keep doing the rest of what you have been doing…”
It was a definitive change and soon Su was locked between the two thrusting lovers.
She almost felt as if they were trying to fuck each other using her as a medium. She
could feel the mixture of her and her mistress’s juices rubbing and splashing
between them with every grinding thrust. She could feel the throbbing in her
master’s cock as it slid in and out of her suckling throat. She didn’t know how long
she could last and was determined to last until she had sucked him clean after he
filled her eager and hungry body.

“So,” Hermione said while grinding against Su before letting a sigh pass as she felt
her spasm splash Su once more. “Is her mouth good? I can tell you her pussy seems
eager to please and I think it will still be hungry for some meat…”
“Remind me not to let you watch those cheesy pornos,” Harry said while he stopped
and held Su still with her nose brushing his skin. “It will just degrade your sexy
talk. If you want to use innuendo, you should ask one of the professionals. Hmm… Her
mouth is good and you will get a chance to try it out later. I think she can do with
a treat now…”
“Yeah she does,” Hermione said before Su found herself locking up on the outside yet
shuddering on the inside. “Good pussy, have some cream…”
Harry shook his head while holding Su still so he could let his release fill her
mouth. The girl was in the middle of a hard cum and they decided to bath her in
their releases. It was a good reward, treat, or whatever you called it. He pulled
her head so that she was able to get a taste instead of just flowing down her
throat. He had listened to his girls in picking a few foods to make sure he wasn’t
bitter or sour tasting. They had told him that while cum was a bit salty, he already
had a good balance to be sweet and somewhat addictive to them.
Harry looked at her and smirked. She was eager and a very quick learner in class as
well as bed. He released his hold on her head to see what she would do.
Su was looking at her master with awe as despite having just filled her mouth that
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he was still ready and was going to claim her once her mistress stopped slowly
grinding their dripping snatches together. Still that didn’t mean she couldn’t revel
in tasting him as they had so enthusiastically done to her earlier. She had lost
track of how many times she had shuddered and flowed from his intense focus. Her
mind had swiftly and yet momentarily pieced together a fantasy for either a reward
or punishment.

‘Hmm which would it be,’ Su thought as she lovingly and reverently suckled him
clean, ‘Heaven or hell to be restrained and left to his attentions with solely his
lips, hands and tongue to torment me. Heaven to be brought over and over until I was
left whimpering from too much release or the hell of being brought close but never
over until I begged and pleaded whimpering for his blessing.’

Thrumming in satisfaction her body was slowly wiggling enthusiastically between the
two. She felt no need to break the silence and simply basked in their attentions and
her joy in returning it. She was in no position to speak and did wonder if she would
be quite not out of shyness but from how overworked her voice was. All she had to do
was to wait for either her master or mistress to decide what would happen next.
There was a sudden thrill that passed through her body, because of the freedom from
having to decide things and simply embrace her inherited need to serve, and Su
reveled and reeled in it completely.
“You are a natural,” Harry said as he ran his hands through her slowly moving head’s
hair. “You have already started to please both your master and mistress with
enthusiasm. Hermione you will be watching again and maybe I will have our eager pet
here taste you so she can compare flavors.”

“Yes, sir,” Hermione said as she flopped back before darting her hands to gather
some of their mixed juices. “Hmmm, it seems we taste good together. I wonder what a
mix of all three will taste like…”
“You can find out later,” Harry said as he gently lifted Su’s lips from him. “Su I
think you will like this and know that I normally don’t go as far in one’s first
session normally, but considering how eager you are and that I want to be sure that
you understand everything we gain from this part of our relations before the day to
day matters are settled. I don’t think that you would be able to relax into things
if you were not driven to the edge and would likely be distracted when we explain

“He is right you know,” Hermione said as she watched the adorable look on Su’s face.
“If we were to draw this out in the long and maddening seduction that our master
prefers, I doubt that you would be able to think clearly and that would affect your
work. You are more to us than just a willing and exuberantly active body to seek
pleasure in and with. If our lord and master just wished for that, he had ample
choices and opportunities even among the muggles. He is a power and can draw our awe
struck attentions with as much simplicity as a moth is drawn to a flame.”

“I see,” Su said while meeting her master’s eyes. “You can always seduce me later,
master. So please go ahead and claim me. Drive your cock into my wet cunt until it
pleases you so you cum deep inside, please sir!”

“How can you say no to that?” Harry asked before spinning Su around so that she went
from being cock in the face to cunt in the face. “You can't. It is as simple as
that. Besides her pussy tasted so good, you just want to fuck it…”
With that said, Harry placed his slick dick to her soaked and ready slit. He nudged
the head between her folds and into her entrance. He didn’t have a lot of resistance
due to her previous climaxes relaxing her and ensuring she was quite lubricated.
They both let a moan out as he sunk into her tight twat.
“Hermione,” Harry said getting the girls attention. “Play with her tits, be
distracting, and Su just focus on the pleasure.”

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“Yes, master,” Su said with a groan. “Thank you, sir!”
With that order, Hermione went about making sure was distracted as he claimed her.
He was unsure of her inclinations in what kinky things would bring her pleasure and
was also not going to ruin things if she was one of those poor unfortunate girls who
had an extra thick and painful to tear hymen. She was supposed to be enjoying this,
not gaining a phobia of sex being solely for the guy to feel good and the girl to
‘Timing would be everything,’ Harry thought as he crossed his eyes and finally
managed to sink to tap her barrier. ‘It may be more difficult to enter when she is
spasming in orgasm, but she will relax for a moment and increase in lubrication. I
just have to avoid her making me cum before then. Su is tight enough, that normally
she would have needed to be underwater or having used a baster with the thing loaded
with lubricant, to avoid rubbing her raw or worse bleeding. While a guy might find
the friction wonderful, the pain would be hellish until there was something even
blood to ease the travel.’
While Su was being fondled by Hermione and quite vocally shouting her pleasure at
their hands, Harry steeled himself and timing it for the moment she relaxed in her
spasm around his cock to stab through her barrier. He stopped and felt her spasms
try to force him back, but he held himself until she relaxed enough to resume slowly
sinking into her depths.
They both continued on until Harry felt his progress stop at another blockage.
Realizing what he was now tapping against, He began to slowly stroke backwards more
than his slow slight back and longer forward motions of before. This continued until
he was able to slide out until just his head was inside before slightly easier
sinking back to tap her depths. He stopped to grind against this last limitation.
“Su,” Harry said as he gently caressed her ass. “I am done with your preparation.
You are slick enough and I can move easily enough to give you a proper fuck. Last
chance to back out before I give your cunt a proper workout with a finally of
spraying my warm cum deep inside…”
“Just fuck me!” Su shrieked as she tried to once more slam herself on his cock.
“Slam your cock in my cunt, deep, hard and fast until you flood my empty for too
long womb. Hell, you can stretch my cervix and spray right in, just stop holding

“You heard the girl,” Hermione said with a smirk as she twitched the girl’s nipple
painfully causing her to howl. “Give it to her. Show her why you are our master…”
“Just for that,” Harry said as he started to pound Su’s pussy. “I think you will
have to wait for her to taste you. Oh you drove her wild enough that I won't make
either of you wait until after both your cunts are fucked and filled by me, but it
should make you remember that despite how much liberties I give you… I … Am … In…
His statement was punctuated with Su gasping and breathless from the force of his
lunges. Hermione was left wide eyed as she watched Su’s face contort and gasp a
silent shriek from the intensity. Then she saw her neck go limp before snapping up
with the next penetration.
Her master could be one cruel slave driver at times, but he always made sure a
punishment damn well convinced one not to ever do that again. She was so miserable
from the sudden realization of shameful disappointment that she barely put any
feelings into playing with Su before she sat back and tried not to either pout or
beg. So she had her hands twitching to touch someone, anyone, but that burning look
in her eyes kept them from even moving to ease her renewed passions.
He was well aware that Hermione was on the edge from the situation and that his look
encouraged her to refrain from her fingers pushing her over. The problem with people
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that found pleasure in pain was that most thought of discipline wasn’t really
punishment. They liked to be spanked and thus denying them that was a punishment.
Oh, he was really enjoying fucking Su and she felt so good when she came around him,
but seeing Hermione panting and shuddering on edge as she drunk in the sight before
her was adding another thrill.
Harry was enjoying the sporadic and multilingual stream of consciousness that Su was
able to speak whenever he slowed just enough to let the girl ease back from passing
out completely. Still, Hermione should have learned her lesson this time at least.
Besides he wanted to see if Su was as much of a natural at girls as she had been
with him.
“Su,” Harry purred as he ground against the slowly pulsing restriction. “Hermione
made you cum so nicely earlier, and you liked how you tasted; therefore, I know you
have been wondering how she tastes. Go ahead and taste her to your heart’s content.”
“Thank… you,” Su managed to gasp out as she felt his cock brushing at the entrance
to her very core. “Sir…”

Hermione lasted about a second from when Su pressed her lips to her gushing cunt
before howling in renewed release. Su lapped eagerly at her mistress’s sweet sex and
only let their lips be parted when Hermione could neither hold the girls head to her
while Su’s head tried to snap back to convulse and cry out her pleasure.
“Thank you, master” Hermione panted out as Su worked her lips to a panting orgasm.
“I have learned my lesson and thankfully accept my reward as well as my punishment…”

Harry nodded before losing himself in Su and letting the rest of the situation fade
out of mind. He was going to enjoy it and so help him he seemed a bit closer to
actually sliding past her tunnel into her depths. Su was so small and yet he really
wanted to grind his cockhead against her inner wall. Even with all the sexual acts
he had been experiencing, he knew that this night would be memorable for all of
them. He knew that Hermione would be very hard pressed to ever forget, and he
suspected Su would be the same.
For her part so far, Su knew that she would have had every single detail of this
night committed to memory. Well she did amend that except for the moments when she
blacked out from sensory overload she would remember this as being the best night in
her life so far. She was well aware that she had about as much control of her vocal
cords as any other thoroughly being fucked out of her mind girl could have. Still
being multilingual did have the problem of her drifting from language to language as
her master drove her into another wave of vocal shrieks as she clenched down on his
still thrusting dick.

“Oh… my… fuck!” Hermione shrieked out when she managed to snag Su’s flushed head to
muffle it in her boiling cunt. “Really… Master! You have to finish! I don’t think
either of us can go without a… Break!”
“Alright, I was finding it hard not to cum already,” Harry said as he thrust all the
way to settle inside Su’s spasming sex. “Damn! Does Su screw like a wildcat or what?
She is still pulling me inside. I think you will be doing some deep licking since
she seems to be trying to swallow it all.”
“Considering I think our ears would be ringing from her current cries if she wasn’t
being muffled into my pussy, I don’t find that hard to believe,” Hermione said as
she woozily rolled her head. “Give me a few minutes to recover before you decide to
make me shriek into her cum filled cunt, please? I think we are going to be too sore
to even get or give head tomorrow. I hope Dora makes sure she is shagged out as I
think even our lips and tongues will be hard pressed to do more than whisper or
maybe softly talk tomorrow. It will be worth it as things are clearer if you are not
waiting to be fucked out of your mind!”
“True,” Harry said as he tried to pull out and felt himself held firmly inside Su’s
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contracting cunt. “Is she easing up on your end at all, because I think I am
starting to feel like I am being milked like a dairy cow here, and why do I think
you are watching her tummy look like she binged on a bucket of ice cream?”
“Because that is what it looks like,” Hermione said with a sigh as Su’s lips seemed
to be only releasing whimpers instead of industrial strength vibrations from her
cries. “At least I am able to do more than almost sleep talk with inhibition. So
what did she do, draw you past her passage all the way into her core or something?”
“If you mean am I feeling that I am splashing and flooding inside her womb, I would
say yes,” Harry said with a shudder as he felt his eyes start to roll back. “It is a
very good thing that she came to us or I do believe that she would soon be steered
into very high priced escort service. With a bit of practice I believe she will put
that legend to shame.”
“Damn,” Hermione swore in shock. “And I thought that Dora or Suz would have been
high risk for being passed around. I guess she really lucked out.”
“I think all of us lucked out,” Harry said with a sigh, as he was able to start
easing out. “No one outside ever hears about Su’s heritage or any of her gifts. I
don’t want to have to become a feared tyrant just to be safe from worrying about
people popping out of the wood work to kidnap her.”

“Now that is what makes you different from all the other petty, self centered, power
hungry and heartless individuals out there,” Hermione said with a relived sigh as
she gently stroked the calming girl’s head. “You have some concern and investment in
us and not in immediate gains by using us up. Can you move her or do you have to
move as well?”

“As well,” Harry said before lying at his side so that Su was on hers as well. “I
think you had best be there as regardless of how she tries to prevent any escape,
she is going to be too over pressurized to keep everything inside.”

“Give me a moment to get over there before you finally withdraw,” Hermione said as
she leaned over to wriggle her way over, “I think she did a number already, but I
think we can squeeze the rest in and still get some sleep before classes.”

“No problem,” Harry said as he slowly fought against the suction trying to pull him
back into Su’s welcoming womb. “It will be a little bit anyways. Su is really
squeezing tight and it feels a bit like when one of you girls goes super Hoover.
Think she will be able to do more than twitch for a bit?”
“Considering that she is still reflexively swallowing and licking?” Hermione asked
as she stopped with her head level to where Harry was slowly sliding her off while
he pulled back. “I think you can have her clean a bit of your comingled cum while I
get a taste.”

“Yeah,” Harry said as he felt like he was pulling a cork out of a bottle with how
resistant he found it to get his cock out of her spasming sex. “Get your lips ready,
I think she will spurt a bit like a wine bottle…”

Hermione didn’t answer verbally, but placed her lips to brush their still linked
bodies. She placed a few kisses and licked at his exposed cock before setting her
lower lip to Su’s opening. With a quick lurch, Hermione had her lips fastened before
his cum could follow his cock out of Su’s cunt. She gently caressed Su’s cum swollen
belly while swallowing the flow as she nursed the girl’s tender twat.
With a sigh, Harry shakily scooted his way to Su’s face. He looked on with a moment
of amusement as the petite girls’ nose flared and her lips darted towards the scent
of cock or cream. He just sat there sighing as she gently suckled him clean once
more. He found his hands soothingly playing with her face and splayed hair. The girl
was proving to be quite interesting although he wondered where adding her to the mix
would cause. He hoped that the apparent lack of jealousy from the two circling
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Hufflepuffs would transfer to their newest playmate. Considering that their little
raven went from being talked to already getting oral as well as penetrative
intercourses while they were still working at oral could cause some jealousy if not
just envy.
When Harry finally came back to things, he noticed that Hermione was no longer
having a problem with being weak in the knees. It would be a bit different, but he
had wondered if the current position allowed more or less options than their usual
favorites. So he slowly lifted the sleepily using his cock as a pacifier girl’s lips
from his ready and soothed head before crawling to Hermione’s open legs.
“No place like home,” Harry said with a slightly drunk like laugh as he sunk himself
home. “Su, darling, as adorable as you are even half awake; I think you might want
to watch this.”
“Huh,” she said as she sleepily caressed her slowly shrinking belly and turned to
look at the voice that addressed her. “Wow! I wish I could have seen when you did
that to me. Did I look like that when you were sliding in and out of my flowing
entrance? Oh! She liked that. She made a happy growl. I guess those enhancements are
keeping me from wincing after you fucked my poor tight little twat raw…”
“So you are starting to be a bit less verbally shy with us,” Harry said as he
started to move a bit more quickly and forcefully inside Hermione. “That is a good
thing. So how much more do you want to experience tonight? As it is we will need a
bit of a drink if we go too much longer…”

“Well, to make sure that I am properly claimed, you would still need to cum in or at
least stretch my ass with your cock,” Su admitted with a bit of a blush from her
confession. She was somewhat embarrassed, as regardless of the fact that she was
naked while being tongue fucked with the girl looking for the cum from the man she
was talking to, she was a shy girl. “You could do that while I lick the mistress
clean like she is doing me. I wonder if all of this will eventually help me from
blushing so easily.”

“Who knows,” Harry replied as he found himself wanting to cum again. “I don’t think
that there will be time for too much more after that though…”

“Hmm,” Su said before she shuddered and sighed while she felt her body squeeze out
some more when she came. “I wonder if mistress Hermione will be content at that
point or will she be upset if you don’t screw her up the ass as well. I suppose I
should work on my sex talk. You did just make her squeal when you started to pound
into her after I said that.”
“Yeah that would be nice,” Harry said as he used Hermione’s leg as a grip and the
group seemed to slide a bit along the bed from his thrusts. “Just don’t put all the
play ahead of the schoolwork. I think we would be rather cross if you were taken
from us because you forgot to study…”

For a moment, it was quite of discourse as all the sound coming from the three were
panting, sighing, moaning and groaning. Su was entranced watching how
enthusiastically Hermione was at the furious fucking she was getting. The petite and
pondering girl was wondering if she had acted like that when she had lost control
when she had writhed beneath his thrusts. She wondered how long until she could spot
the tells he had for when he was approaching the point of no return. She recalled
that particular sensation as he had throbbed against her shuddering flesh and
wondered what it looked like to watch.
“Curl over pet,” Harry said as he felt the beginnings of the swelling form in his
tingling balls. “You recall what Hermione did when I came inside you… Oh, you were
out of it then. Ok, just place your lips near her slit. Now when I pull out, latch
on. Hmm… On second thought I think I might alternate…”
With Su’s mouth being adjacent to Hermione’s slit, Harry decided to try something he
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had contemplated practicing. He sighed, as he felt the characteristic sensations
with his cum readying to shoot out of his cock, and settled completely inside
Hermione. He shuddered and withdrew before plunging this time into Su’s open mouth.
He sighed again and released the strain of clenching his cock to hold his current
shot of cum. Down her swallowing throat it went before Harry pulled out from her
mouth to plunge a shorter distance into Hermione.

His eyes crossed with strain from stopping and feeling the pressure and tension from
this making him light headed, Harry continued on to slowly sink less and less into
each girl’s welcoming suction. He noticed that each time he did so he shuddered
harder from his delay. When he finally stopped, he felt his knees almost collapse.
The last few times had been enough to make him break into swearing quite vulgarly.
He looked to see the effects of cuming just inside Hermione’s lips where some had
struck her clit leaving it wet and shiny before turning to see Su with just the head
inside her mouth.
“Whoa,” Harry said while he felt Su tracing his head while her fingers stroked his
still tingly balls. “That was something else. Su, don’t forget to lap up Hermione. I
left some inside and I don’t know if it will stay spread out or start flowing
together. I think I am just going to rest a bit when you are done. After that
though, if you still feel up to it we can get the last circuit done.”
Harry started to relax while Su did her best to make sure he was done with this
circuit of their around their bodies sex race. She had admitted to not being
experienced, but Harry chalked most of the way things were to her being both a
natural and the effects of sex magic practitioners on her family. He wouldn’t really
mind waiting for morning to conclude the consummation of her servitude, but part of
him wanted to get it over with as there would be tension that might cause them to
lose focus.
He gave a sigh when she released his cock and plopped down to rest a moment. He
watched Su savoring his offering before licking her lips and smiling with

“Thank you, master,” Su said with a sultry purr. “Just rest up, while I lick
mistress clean, and then you can finish claiming me. I loved it when you pounded her
and she shouted her pleasure into your servant’s cunt as she savored your blessing.
Serving you both will be a pleasure; I hope you will find time to keep this one
occupied. I wonder if I will be allowed to service you while mistress reads to us
things. We could still learn and ease your needs.”
“Considering how well you have done so far, I don’t think that will be a problem,”
Harry said as he reclined to watch. “Now see about cleaning my pet up, and when I
choose to I will see about claiming your ass as well.”

Su nodded before burying her face into Hermione’s splayed sex. Harry smirked as he
watched the two girls lapping each other’s pussies from his cum. So far, Su was
proving to be quite the interesting playmate. Her mental faculties were well honed
and Harry knew that she would be quite helpful besides being one hell of a fuck.
Thinking back to some of what she said, he suspected that some of their other games
wouldn’t offend her either. He made a mental note to see if he could feel out which
kinks she liked.
‘A girl that has needed connections and knowledge literally falls into our laps,’
Harry thought as he lay there and watched the two girls playing. ‘Sometimes it is
better to be lucky than brilliant, and it seems that I have been both lucky and
brilliant in my plans so far. I wonder if I was conceived with that Luck Potion
being used. It is either that or one of my ancestors got the family gifted with
luck. Still while it is useful, I prefer to have contingency plans than to rely on
Harry yawned as he stretched. The nap had helped. Well it was more a meditative
trance, and he now knew that if he was tired that having girls playing with each
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other or themselves was something that helped. He blinked and realized that he
remembered everything clearly. He would have to try this again sometime.

“Well that was refreshing,” Harry said as he moved near Su. “Hermione is Su ready?”
He chuckled as Hermione gave Su’s ass a slight slap causing the girl to squeal into
her. Those two could be quite amusing already. As he watched, Hermione pulled Su’s
cheeks to the side.
“Su,” Harry said as he kneeled near the shuddering pair. “Wag your ass if you are
sure…” Seeing that he continued, “Alright, Su, now just remember not to tense up…”

Harry lined his glistening cock to Su’s ass. He saw that her earlier cum had flowed
to her entrance as Hermione had the girl’s ass cheeks spread wide to aid entrance
and viewing. He let a drawn out groan out as he slowly sunk into the girl’s hole. He
didn’t worry about the state it was in as he had seen Hermione use the finger tap
spell when the two had been lapping his cum from each other’s plowed pussies.
Therefore, he had no worry about having a filthy cock when he was done. He made a
note as he felt Su relax as he got his head past her constricting seal that he
should see if her family had made that potion or spell a natural state. It might be
something useful for them.
After giving a few slow thrusts to test her tightness, Harry started to slide a bit
faster and freer in her accommodating hole. It was tight and warm. Strike that, it
was very tight and her head felt quite closer to being in a hot tub than a summer
pool. Oh, Su was moist so he didn’t think they would overly chafe the other, but
even being mostly slick with pussy juice and spit there was plenty of friction.

“Oh Su,” Harry groaned out as he still somewhat slowly sheathed and withdrew himself
from her cock throbbing ass. “We are keeping you, even if it means bumping our plans
up to do so. You are pretty, smart and very eager to please. That you seem born to
be as sexually arousing and pleasing as possible is just a bonus. Damn your body
seems to be able to compete with even our pet metamorphmagus. You definitely were
right to worry, pet. You are one hot piece of ass with a heavenly mouth and a
delightfully wonderful pussy.”
Neither of the girls responded, as their tongues were too far buried inside the
other’s cunt, but Harry could feel Hermione’s emotion from what he said. She
definitely agreed that like their Dora, there was no way that they would let their
Su out of their sight. The only problem was that they would have to come up with a
good pet name for her. Well that and Su and Suz were quite close in sound. Having as
ear into the DMLE would be useful, and Susan was going to cause her problems almost
as bad as Dora had.

His contemplation was cut off as he felt an eye twitch at the sudden change. It was
something he had come to expect when he was screwing Dora’s ass, and thus was
confused that Su was able to do something similar. Hell Hermione was able to do
something close but she had to almost completely block out her physical sensations
to do it.

“Damn Su! You really are trying to make me lose control,” Harry said while he felt
his hips jerk faster as he started to move inside her with a bed jarring force.
“Fuck it! I can punish you with a slow screw later. Hermione, I think you both are
going to need something to sooth your throats because I am going to pound both your
asses until you’re barely able to whimper!”
With that shouted out, Harry seemed to suddenly cause a frantic pace of smacks to
fill the room as he worked the joined pair around the bed with his thrusts. He
barely noticed that Su’s screams were driving Hermione over the edge as if he had
put a hide speed vibrator to her aroused sex. Hermione was practically howling into
Su’s spasming slit adding to the girl’s fervor. Su by this point was flushed,
shuddering and squirming from the triple ended assault on her senses. Her only brake
in shouting her excitement into Hermione’s flowing cunt was to swallow to keep from
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getting close to drowning. Hermione was in a similar state as while her ass wasn’t
being pounded into that only left Harry using her and Su’s shoulder to grip the
A howl closer to that of a werewolf rang around the room when Harry arched his back
and ground himself as deep into Su’s spasming ass as he could. He didn’t know that
Su was brought out of her animalistic lust for one eternal moment when he warmed her
insides up. The moment ended when both her ass hole and cunt resumed spasming and
contracting around their invaders.

“Oooh!” Harry said as he popped out and dropped to his slightly thrusting ass.
“Bloody hell, what a ride you are.”

His woozy head turned and he saw the perfectly untouched skin suddenly sporting his
mark. He absently felt a new addition to his mental park. A statue of Su was there
placed in subordination to the others. The statue did have an addition to it that
unlike the others was not found on the real girls. A choker the same color of jade
as his eyes adorned the statue’s neck.

Looking at the reality of the situation instead of the mental representation, Harry
barely managed to hear even as Su’s eyes snapped open to meet his with clarity for a
moment before being drowned in lust and rolling up her thought.

‘Eyes of Emerald Jade,’ Su thought before blacking out. ‘Mark the return in Silver

Reaching over to poke the out of it girl, Harry sighed and said, “Well I think that
was a definite agreement, one hell of a ride indeed.”

Looking to where Hermione was slowly losing her grip from the cumulative activities,
Harry noticed something to make him whistle in appreciation. He could barely believe
what he was seeing and his current mental state was too post-coitus bliss to filter
mouth to brain signals.

“Damn,” Harry said as he looked at the snapped shut yet red skin. “She came so hard
and yet she tightened her ass until nothing got out. Hell, she barely left any
moisture on me and definitely slurped any cum into her. I wonder how weird she will
think her cum enema in the morning will be…”

Yes, Su had managed to have helped him back to his pre-Dursley inclined emotional
state. He was half tempted to just snuggle against the two and sleep the weirdness
off. Hermione squirming her ass and taking her hands to make her expectations known
changed that. The girl was still unwilling to let the bodily but not mentally pussy
she was devouring free to make it any clearer.
With a shrug, Harry wobbly made his way around to where his primary pet alternated
waggling her ass out and grinding into Su’s animalistic lapping mouth. He was used
to sleeping buried to the hilt in one of the girl’s needy little holes. It would be
a sleepy screw, but that would have to be enough. He had learned to sleep while
doing pushups, pull-ups, sit-ups and the like so it really wasn’t that different.
Hell, he was aware of the sensations passing through his body, but he had been still
mentally climaxing even after he had stopped draining his tingly and approaching
sore balls inside Su.
He was half-awake and drifting in a mental sea of pleasure. He was able to just make
out that both Su and Hermione were in similar states. Well each had a slightly
different, not all there, personality. Su seemed to be puppy like while Hermione was
a playful kitten acting like it was in a patch of sun light. His own was bizarre in
an indifferent sort.
Harry roused to being more than half-awake when he sighed and shuddered. He had
stilled his slow rocking in his sleepy slow screw when his balls rested against Su’s
nose. He blinked as he felt his balls slowly flowing as they drained up into his
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twitching cock before streaming in a flow instead of the usual spray into Hermione.
‘How odd,’ Harry thought before his eyes fluttered close. ‘Very pleasant, but very
Hermione had slowly drifted to awareness during this and her own thoughts mirrored
his. She would want to see what he had just done looked like. Normally, he released
in a series of long and short shots as his cock twitched. This felt more as if he
had peed, but she neither had smelled that scent nor felt the burning of the acidic
wash. She wondered, which had felt better to her master, before drifting off.
They all had completely passed out with, if they were lucky, a few hours before sun
up. It was a very good thing that the pair could do with less sleep, but they could
help their pet through with a few doses of watered down pepper up potion. If they
had Binns class, they could have slept in as they could easily make themselves fade
to the background. Harry knew that there were less risks bringing in anyone, now
that they had two completely hidden places to work and play. Their seduction of Dora
had been less risky than it could have been, but even the secluded places they had
used to wind her up were somewhat readily discoverable.

Harry wondered what secrets that Su would bring to the dynamic. He wondered if she
would be able to help on the last thing he had been researching. He still suspected
that his life would be full of every answer producing even more questions. Her last
thought before he felt the magic connection form did leave him troubled. She was
still out of her mind now, even if her body was still nuzzling Hermione. She seemed
to have a very impressive automatic response system. He wouldn’t be too surprised if
she could roll out of the way while asleep or stunned.

‘All that aside,’ Harry thought from where he drifted off still sheathed in
Hermione’s ass where he could feel Su licking on the other side. ‘I do have to
wonder. Jade eyes and silver fire do seem to portend to something. It would be quite
humorous if Slytherin were the last Silver Necromancer. Even more ironic, if I can
become that and with the ability to speak Parsel that I could claim that house.’


Morning came and Dora entered and disrobed as was the communal Habit. She padded
across the room to the bed and cuddled against the bundle. It seemed larger than
normal, but as Usual it was Harry’s head that stuck out here and Hermione’s stuck
out there. How they always ended up with a comfortable comforter and soft sheets
around them when they drifted off nude and touching she wouldn’t know.

“Ok who is this?” Dora asked affronted at the third head poking out of the covers.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were looking for someone else? I thought you were
working on those two Hufflepuffs?”
“Eh,” Hermione said before she looked about. “She followed us home and Harry said we
could keep her… besides we are still working on those two, but this one was a bit
“So who is she?” Dora asked in interest. “I don’t recognize her. She looks cute
though and you should have told me there was someone here.”
“It didn’t matter at the time,” Hermione said with a yawn. “She showed up needing
help. Hmm should ask her if she wants to be nameless or not…”
“She wouldn’t mind,” Harry said as he causes Su to wake up with a squeal. “See she
is a good little minion. I don’t care if it makes me sound evil or dark, but it fits
her so well. So my little sexy minion, should I tell my sexy pet here your name?”
“Yes, sir,” Su groaned out as Harry teased her to shuddering again. “My name is Su
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Li. It is a pleasure to meet you, master’s sexy pet.”
“I guess I deserve that,” Dora said as she knelt near the bed and Hermione started
to pet her head. “So I can say that this master’s sexy pet is called Dora and in
public call me Tonks as only the master and mistresses can call me by my birth

“Well Dora or Miss Tonks in public, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Su said as she
purred from Harry’s attentions. “So what do I have to do to call you anything else?”

“Something simple,” Harry said as he looked at the two girls. “Now considering that
you had some satisfaction and you helped both of us rather to exhaustion, I think
that Dora needs some fun this morning since she needs to be distracted for a bit…”
“What?” Dora asked in confusion as she blinked and Su was sitting on her. “Why do I
need to be distracted?”
“You are happy but still perky this morning,” Hermione answered with a smirk. “I
really think that you are never truly satisfied unless you are stuffed by something
and since your interest is hesitant to meet the requirements to be permitted to
penetrate you, there is the fact you haven’t been stretched let alone filled with
something since you went to meet her. I think you like having her suck our master’s
cum from your cunt when you visit her…”
“Yeah, she doesn’t get enough and I had hoped it would convince her to cooperate,”
Dora said with a sigh as Su stroked her stomach and breasts as she sat on her. “I
can get why she doesn’t want it brandied about that she does some things since some
would judge her harshly. I think the main reason she hasn’t given in yet is that she
is embarrassed that she needs a girl on the side to get some true relief.”
Su looked confused at the girl under her and it was obvious to the rest that she
should get at least some explanation. Still, the girl was looking to be a very
useful associate and that was just what she brought to expanding their business
ventures and her engaging escapades the previous night. Hermione was right that Su
was like Dora damn sexy and fun, but there were more things in their needs than just
a fantastic fuck.

“Dora has a friend that is going through some stress,” Hermione said in explanation.
“She is trying to have a boyfriend but he always leaves her frustrated and Dora
feels that since her friend gave her the advice that resulted in our relationship
with her that she should help her friend. Master put a qualifier in that Dora may do
whatever she wishes to her friend, but her friend is not allowed to penetrate Dora
with more than her tongue or a few fingers. So Dora only had a rather abbreviated
dicking yesterday mostly so that she could go to her friend with her cunt stuffed of
master’s cum.”

“So Dora has been in some need since yesterday,” Su said as she traced the girl’s
standing and flushed with just a bit of swollen excitement breasts. “She got to feel
good, but she was lacking that full and stretched feeling that being fucked, fisted
or the like would provide. So what does her friend need to do to be allowed to
indulge more of Dora’s body?”
“Quite right,” Harry said as he watched the girl teasing Dora so deliciously. “Her
friend agreed that she would not penetrate Dora until she was willing to play with
us and specifically that she could not penetrate any hole besides Dora’s mouth until
she offered that hole to us. A bit steep it may seem, but from what Dora has said
the girl really does need a good dicking and not just being fucked with toys or
“While I may prefer not to have to share my master’s time,” Hermione said with a
grin. “I understand that he shouldn’t limit himself in some ways even if he has no
interest in the groupies and stalkers. Beside the fact that they would be likely
pathetic in providing anything more than a barely acceptable experience, they are
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far too needy and clingy. He could snap his fingers and girls would line up as
willing holes to be little more than cum buckets. They lack anything of value and
are not worth the effort to train up to some skill.”
“Yes, master does have the problem of being both famous and a celebrity among modern
witches and wizards,” Su commented as she tried teasing Dora a bit harder extracting
a moan of enjoyment from her seat. “I take it that you want me to ensure that Dora
is relaxed and make up for supplanting her opportunity for a good stretching and
pounding this morning?”

“So true,” Hermione said as she stretched a bit. “There is more to it, but you
should back off a bit so she can listen attentively…”

Su reluctantly eased up from the mewling girl and Dora seemed to calm down a bit
from her playing. Dora was while happy after her nights with her friend still in the
need for more. She would never tell the asshole boys, but they were right that the
little Nymph was quite the nymphomaniac. It was just that they would never be
welcome in her bed nor would her master ever allow let alone offer them a chance to
do so.

“Hmm that was nice,” Dora said as she calmed down and her eyes lost that lustful
fuck me now and I don’t care look. “So what were you going to tell me, master?”

Harry felt a sudden thrill at both how attentive Dora was and how wonderful she
looked when aroused. He gave himself a few moments to decide how best to tell the
girl things. She had gotten used to being fucked every morning by him, but Su had
managed to along with Hermione leave him barely able to rise to half mast. He was
less engorged than normal and barely doing more than laying long but not upright. He
wasn’t going to just go out and say that he had been fucked until his balls were
painfully empty and sated to half interest, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t just
tease her a bit.

“Su here is quite skilled at some things and since I feel like just watching this
morning,” Harry said with a smirk at the two and the slight pout on Dora’s lips
before adding twisting the knife a bit, “I think Hermione will enjoy it as well…”
“Yes indeed, dear master,” Hermione said as she slid to watch the two in front of
them. “Besides Su made sure that we stayed crazy wild last night that even all our
bodies are sore still. So I see no problem with her helping you. Besides we like to
see your face when you cum… hard.”
“Oh,” Dora said as Su started to work her fingers to renitence the metamorphmagus.
“I see. There is another reason though… right!”

“You got it, my pet,” Harry said with a laugh. “This is a great way to make sure
there are no difficulties that need to be worked out between you two. You each have
your roles in things and curbing any complications is important.”

“Master tolerates Alice and my own rivalry since it drives us to be better,”

Hermione said as she watched Su go to work on their pet. “Su here allows us to
further some things we needed to be done. You will likely wish for some proof of her
dedication and uses besides this later.”
Su nodded along in agreement. She did bring more to the table than just being a hot
fuck. Still, the girl would be more prone to listening if she was in the afterglow
of a good fuck and this she would see about getting the girl to cum hard and
hopefully be intense enough to prove her to be not useless in this aspect of things.
Not that Su wasn’t enjoying seeing how many fingers she could stuff into the girl,
but regardless of how much she was enjoying watching Dora’s o-face Su really wanted
to make the girl scream. Su noticed that Dora was quite responsive and wondered if
she could get the cute upper-class woman to shudder and drench her fingers as proof
that she had most certainly cum and hard at that.

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“She would likely wish for the same even if she is submissive enough not to demand
things,” Harry said as he watched Su practically sliding her hand into Dora’s
shuddering sex. “Su I have a challenge for you.”
“Yes, sir,” Su said as she smirked and worked her thumb along Dora’s engorged clit
while thrusting four fingers inside. “So what is my challenge, sir?”
“Since you are doing such a good job and we can tell with how much dear Dora is
dripping,” Harry smoothly said sending shivers of lust through her, “I want you to
try something with Dora here. I want to see how much she can really stretch…”
Dora was already shuddering at the embarrassment and arousal of her current
situation. She worried what he could mean since they had fisted her once and she had
ended up drenched looking wrung out and soaking the bed beneath her. She recalled
the times they had explored her limits and wondered where this was going.
“Oh my,” Hermione said with a wide eyed look. “You can't mean that can you?”

“Ah but Dora can take it and unlike a normal girl she won't remain permanently
stretched loose,” Harry said with a smirk. “Although, come to think of it, I believe
Su also has some resilience against that though less so than Dora would…”

“Yes, I would sir,” Su said as she slides her fist inside before dropping her lips
to suck at Dora’s near cock like aroused clit. “May I know how Dora can recover from
this as easily as you say?”

“Well it is something she doesn’t want spread about,” Hermione said with a smirk as
she watched Dora shake with pleasure as she howled about. “Make her cum like that
again and then ask her, she should tell you readily then.”
“Yes, Mistress that is a great idea!” Su chirps and drives Dora to curl around her
arm and head before she eases back. “Dora, master and mistress said if I get you to
cum hard like that you would tell me your proper name. Don’t worry I won't call you
it in public and you can pick what I call you besides Miss Tonks…”
“Nymph… Ah! Dora!” Dora shrieked out as Su resumed her ministrations when she seemed
not to respond. “My… name… is Nymphadora… Tonks! Fuck! Cuming… Hard!”

“Yes, you are,” Su purred as she felt Dora convulse around her hand. “So why would
you dislike your name besides immature boys calling you a Nymph given how delicious
you look?”
“I am a metamorphmagus,” Dora admitted as she came down drenching Su’s arm with her
release. “They think they deserve me to be there fuck toy! Only master deserves
“Understandable,” Su said with a nod. “I have an idea on what the master and
mistress wish for now. I warn you that it will be intense…”
“It should be,” Hermione said as she watched Dora already starting to look very
wrung out. “I might as well spell things out since master is trying not to pounce
the both of you. Dora, Su is going to stretch you by stuffing both her fists up your
cunt. I think that it should compare to being stretched by a very huge cock an
almost inhuman one and in a normal girl would ruin you for a normal cock…”
“So true,” Su said before moving her other hand to stroke Dora’s thigh. “You ready
for this, Dora?”
“Yes, Su,” Dora managed to groan out amid the shuddering she already was
experiencing. “Shove it in and stretch me wide!”
Without any further encouragement, Su sunk her other dainty fist into Dora. She
watched as Dora shuddered and gasped out of breath and seemed to flood the floor as
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she drenched Su’s arms with her gushing. If Dora had been normal, Su would have had
to remove her hands within a short time as it would have become too painful being
stretched like that without certain chemicals dulling such pain. As it was, Dora was
rigid and fluttering around Su’s arms even as she came hard and often.
Su didn’t just keep her fists inside and started to slide them inside the convulsing
channel of Dora’s coming cunt. She moved her hands inside both separately and
together much to Dora’s mind numbed bliss. She didn’t manage to make a sound since
she had shrieked when she started. She was too breathless in pleasure to form words
or even groaning or moaning her release.
Harry and Hermione were watching wide eyed and they snuggled a bit and let their
hands wander as they licked their lips in appreciation. It was one of the hottest
things they had ever scene and if they hadn’t been so sore they would have pounced
each other or likely Su at this point. As it was, they would be driving both of the
current eye candies to the edge of exhaustion once they were recovered. Still, Harry
was certain that the current enjoyment that Dora was experiencing would lower any
problems that they had for the foreseeable future between the two.
Su kept her fists going after Dora passed out. The look on Dora’s face when she
snapped awake in continued orgasm was one of such beauty that Harry was tempted to
have a camera take a picture of it or more likely have it repeated until a painter
among the girls could do it. Su kept things up and pistoning until Dora passed out
hard and squeezed her fists out of her churning cunt.
“That was so hot!” Hermione said as she watched Su lapping her fingers and hands
clean. “You can even see Dora’s pussy slowly shrinking from being stretched that

“I agree,” Harry said as he wished he was recovered for more than a half attempt
from the night before. “You definitely earned a place here and Dora is going to be
adamant about thanking you. She may have been stretched more than she ever has been
before, but you will definitely get to see what a Metamorphmagus’s tongue can do. I
think you will really enjoy her thanking you and most likely both of you will get
along smoother than otherwise…”
“I see, sir,” Su said as she moved to clean Dora from her explosive releases. “While
I will enjoy that when it happens, may I clean her sir or do you two wish to play
with either of us some more?”

“Such a hard decision,” Hermione said from where she was reclining with her head
resting on her hands. “Do you have a preference, dear master?”

“I agree that it is a difficult decision though if I was hard it would be more so,”
Harry said with a dejected sigh. “Lift her to the edge of the bed and we can have a
taste of some juice this morning before you get to guzzle some to sooth that parched
throat of yours. Afterwards, while you are enjoying the start with some morning
libations, we will be cleaning ourselves and we will allow you to clean our pet. She
is such a delightful plaything but she can be quite needy at times. With that dealt
with we should have time to get to classes without missing too much time to have
“Yes, sir!” Su chirped and lifted Dora to offer her slick slit for their sampling.
“I think you will find her magnificently flavored this morning. Have you been
tailoring her diet to improve it or was she naturally this tasty?”
“She is naturally that tasty for the most part,” Hermione said with a smirk before
dipping her mouth to guzzle from the fount of Dora’s flowing flower. “I see the
fruitier diet with better than pumpkin juice has been an improvement. Go on and try
it, master. She is delightfully full flavored with just a hint of tang to the
Su moved Dora’s mound to her master’s lips. He gently kissed Dora’s slit before
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slowly lapping her lovely liquid with a vigorous enthusiasm. Hermione watched as
Harry savored the sweet nectar flowing from Dora’s still dilated cunt. She knew that
Harry enjoyed their taste as much as they did each other and his even more so. The
only thing that came close to being as addictive was the fear filled flowing blood
of their fallen prey. It was odd how similar the looks of ecstasy were when he was
guzzling the life blood of the frightened fools and when he greedily gulped the
gushing juices flowing from their fuckable cunts.
“Mmmmh… mango,” Harry said with a giddy look. “I agree the sweeter fruits help to
improve the already delicious flavor that Dora here had. If only this was the
weekend and I could spend the whole day sampling each of your sweet tastes…”

“We would like nothing more,” Hermione said with a purr before saucily winking and
adding, “well besides being filled with your cock and left to feel your cream
swishing about inside us…”
“If you are done for now, sir,” Su said with a pleading look. “May I please have my

“Sure,” Harry said after leaning back and slurping a bit. “What I wanted one last
taste before we shower or maybe soak in a bath this morning.”

“Understandable,” Hermione said as she winced as she rose from the bed. “Yeah we
really need a soak. I know there are ways to shorten this, but I don’t think leaving
Dora or Su in a temporary coma would be beneficial…”

“True,” Harry agreed as he rose from the bed with a slightly more graceful glide.
“Stiff but not in the right place unfortunately, still we should be recovered later
for such things and we do have to turn some attention to writing out our assignments
even if we are ahead in the rest of the aspects of our classes.”
“No, Su,” Hermione said firmly even as Su shifted a bit. “Despite our position, we
are not like the clique in putting your needs to negligence. I worry that they might
push some of their followers and hanger-on’s too far where they would lose
everything, but you need never worry about that with us.”
Su shifted back and the pair walked towards the bath. The tub was quickly filled
with warm scented waters and Harry indulged his love in soothing her aches before
she returned the favor. He made a mental note to get more of the enhancement rituals
done sooner than later. Their physical regime could be trying at times. They were in
far better physical shape than most and it approached and surpassed in some ways the
ideal of human physique.

While their hands did wander, they were more sensual and loving affection than
sexual or lust charged. They may be early bloomers and magically spurred into
adolescence, but they were more than just sex friends. They were like the rest of
them broken in a way but stronger for it in the end. That didn’t stop them from
rubbing against each other of Hermione taking advantage of the water being warm
enough to increase the blood flow to return him to his usual rigidity.

“Just let me relax a bit, Harry,” Hermione said as she eased the bath soothing
erection to just rest inside her. “I may be too sore for a few more hours to do more
than just savor being stretched and filled, but that does not mean that I like to be
without your cock being inside me. The toys will be welcome if slightly maddening
with the sensitivity and tenderness.”
“I can understand,” Harry said with a sigh as there was little difference in the
warmth within and without and they were both soothing. “Being inside you is soothing
at all times, but I don’t think friction of any sort would be good now. It will be a
day that I am glad that I don’t have clothing that rubs too much.”
“So we just soak here and relax,” Hermione said with agreement and affection. “I
doubt that you will be able to cum much this morning, unfortunately. Now as much as
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I would like to walk about with those balls swishing your soothing balm inside me, I
think you should save that little bit before you go painfully low for Dora. She
didn’t get much attention from us yesterday with classes and you were intent on her
originally being so wound up that she sucked you wildly this morning. The Su
situation changed that but you did leave her wound up so she would be more
aggressive and insistent than normal with her friend.”

“So true,” Harry said as he just savored the two being close. “Besides both you and
Su did get a bit more than your daily fix, so I see no problem in giving Dora a
mouthful. Sadly, I think that I will barely have as much as a normal boys tablespoon
“Better than nothing,” Hermione replied as she lay back and sat still as he caressed
her sore and sated body. “You really don’t think that the sex will be enough for
Dora, do you?”
“No, Dora will not be satisfied that Su brings a fantastic fucking fun time to the
group,” Harry said with a small smirk. “She knows we want her for more than that and
would be quite annoyed if we had a girl around just for that. Hopefully, once Su
provides her other practical uses Dora will ease up and the two will get along.”
“They still will compete for time with you,” Hermione said with certainty. “But that
is a given among all of us. I am amazed that the other girls are not trying harder
to get your attention. I suppose they think they have the next seven years to try to
get your attention. I think they will be more forward in the coming years and it
will be worse once they discover your status economically and politically…”

“Sad but true,” Harry said as he though to try this again and recalled one of the
things he had heard of. “Remind me to try this again and see how good just being
milked by your pussy is. No thrusting just you working your cunt around to suck my
dick to flow into you.”

“I recall something about that occurring at a few of the older teenage girl’s
parties from the not too quietly whispered gossip,” Hermione said with a thoughtful
look. “The two were wrapped together so they couldn’t move and the girl just
clenched and the boy flexed instead of really moving. I just can't remember what it
was called, but it did sound fun.”

They drifted a bit as they thought about that and other things. Still breakfast came
far too soon, and they departed the tub and walked nude and red from the warmth to
the bedroom again. They saw Su had set Dora on the edge of the bed and was lapping
her like a cat with a bowl of cream. They had the same odd thought to try that
sometime as it sounded tasty and they had already gotten Dora to be half of a
flavored shot.
They came to a stop near Dora’s dangling head. It seemed that Dora had writhed about
and her head had moved to the side of the bed while her ass rested at the bottom
edge. They spent a moment looking at Dora and realized that yes Dora looked
delicious as always. Hermione had murmured when in the bath that maybe they should
have Su have a spray so that Dora would have something to suck clean and show Su how
good the girl was with her morphing tongue. Perhaps both would be useful.
“Hello pet,” Harry purred as her glazed eyes saw his somewhat recovered dick. “Seems
the bath helped…”
He stopped talking as Dora sunk her face on his cock as soon as it got in range. He
simply stroked her head as she responded to him being in her mouth. He could feel
the exquisite sensations that Su was causing as Dora was out of it and still riding
her waves of pleasure. He didn’t pay attention to Hermione as she knelt behind Su
and made sure the girl was slick enough for Harry to get his cockhead into so he
could spray or at least leave some sperm inside for Dora to search for.
Harry winced in a slightly painful sensation a Dora drained a good bit of his
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remaining seed into her sucking mouth and swallowing throat. He stumbled back and
his face showed strain as he throbbed as he held his remaining release. He made his
way next to Hermione where she grabbed him gently and lined him to Su before she
gave him a gentle push.
He groaned out as he sunk into the tight pussy of Su once more. He wasn’t sure how
long he could even rest in her as she was shuddering from her savoring of Dora’s
sweet juices. He just held himself deep as she squeezed him and he felt a shudder as
Dora gasped and swallowed to stop choking as Su howled into her cunt. He felt the
pressure straining to be released. He wasn’t exactly as versed in tantric methods,
but he vaguely recalled Su mention some exercises he could practice in the future.
In the end, he didn’t resist the pressure for more than the time it took to relish
her shuddering around him and the distinctive feel of her slicking him more. He was
lucky if he held off a full minute after she had started to ripple before he stopped
the contraction on his twitching tube and felt the pressure ease. With a shudder, he
sighed in contentment and felt the excessive restraint flow smoothly from his balls
and out his cock until stopping as he felt the faint tenderness begin again.
He eased his way out and gave Su’s ass a fond squeeze. He had wanted to do more than
just be sheathed in her warmth, but he would need that lotion as it was or his pants
would leave him bleeding. It had been worth it though.

“Well Su,” Hermione said with a smirk before swallowing and sucking his cock clean
again. “Sorry for the spurt and run, but Dora needed a taste and this way she has a
reason to search you for some more. You just might make it in time for breakfast if
you both are lucky.”

“Hopefully, Dora will be able to walk by the time she is done looking,” Harry said
with a smirk as he watched Hermione gently sooth some of that potion based lotion in
before she place him back in his pants and stood up next to him. “As much as I would
like to watch the two lick each other, we should get to breakfast.”

“True,” Hermione said even as she lifted Su up and set her so that Dora could reach
her just filled pussy. “I give her a moment before…” Dora suddenly snapped her head
up and buried it in Su’s folds. “Guess I was wrong it was less time.”

“Yep,” Harry said as he held his arm out. “So my delightfully desirable darling,
care to walk with me to breakfast?”

“But of course, my handsome and thoughtful lord and master,” Hermione purred as she
took his arm in hand. “I would be honored to accompany you to this morning’s repast.
I think the girls could use some time alone to settle things without us distracting

“That they can,” Harry said with a flirting smirk. “I think we both would like to
join them at a later date. In the mean time some food would be helpful. Perhaps we
should arrange for some to be sent from the kitchens for them?”
“That would be quite kind of us,” Hermione said as she watched the two and felt a
twinge of regret that they were still going at it and Harry and she were unable to
do so or ravish them in thanks. “They will need to talk things out after the
settling, but food would allow them to remain civil.”
“So we will stop to speak to the elves before heading down to the great hall,” Harry
said with a slight frown. “On second thought we will likely end up eating enough
there that we will have time to relaxingly walk to class.”
“How very true,” Hermione agreed as they reluctantly left the two to noisily bond.
“I think you will want some more mango flavored drink when we get there. It is a
shame that wizards seem so enthralled with pumpkin juice of all things.”
“True enough,” Harry said as they walked arm in arm down the twists and turns to the
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kitchens. “I hope we aren’t bothering them too much. They are quite fanatic in their
beliefs. I think we both respect how dedicated they are, but I find the typically
view of wizards with them offensive.”
“Hmmm,” Hermione said before letting her fingers brush the pear and the passage
opening. “I suppose it is better than it could be as they do need to serve or they
suffer. To think that I likely would have forced my own beliefs on them and I would
have been offended that they were neither free nor paid as I failed to notice that
either of those things would be as offensive to be for them as I would for them not
being so. I understand them better now, but they do rush to obey and gratefully
accept any punishment even if they didn’t deserve it.”
“Better to be in pain than to truly suffer and be forbidden to serve,” Harry said as
he turned to the elves that had approached to see what they wanted. “Good morning,
we were wondering if you could send some food to my rooms as a few guests were
unlikely to be ready in time otherwise.”
“Of course, young master,” an elf said before a few elves popped about and gathered
food to take. “And would you like your usual meals for yourselves and your friend?”

“Best send up another as well,” Hermione said in thought. “Does Su Li have a

preference; if so send that as long as it is within similar guidelines for our pet.”

“Right away,” the elf said as an elf popped away to his room to deliver the food.
“Would you care to sit or do you need to hurry?”

“We will sit if that does not overly inconvenience,” Harry said with a strong
authority. “It would be improper of us to interfere in performing your duties.”

With that the two sat down and ate their breakfast even as the house elves prepared
their morning tasks. After they had their fill, they took a relaxed stroll to their
class. Dora managed to drop Su off with them as she broke to get to her morning
class. Su entered in their wake and moved to sit closer to her master and mistress.
As no one had overly paid attention to her, her sudden change in seating was
Su was relaxed and did her best to focus her studies. She knew that soon enough she
would have to help them in other ways. She would have to send letters to her family
to do so, but it was necessary. If her suspicions were right, her master was the one
that they had waited so many centuries for. Despite their need to serve, they had
avoided the European rise and fall of dark and light lords. Back in Asia, they had
been prone to serving the odd rising power that was often considered a new Dark Lord
or Lady by the West. Her family would need to know these things and the inherent
issues that might result.
‘All in all,’ Su thought as she tried not to purr being in her master’s presence.
‘Life is very good. I can almost not wait to provide some other uses. Not that I
minded the mind numbing sex, but I want to be useful for more than that. Considering
that they are the only ones in our year and house that are better than me in both
Herbology and potions, I hope to prove useful in my knowledge of acquiring useful
ingredients besides opening a new market for their own business concerns.’


Even after Dora had admitted that Su knew some of what she was talking about even if
the two were still unsure of how to exactly relate to each other, Harry had decided
to bring Su somewhere where Dora was yet to be ready for. He didn’t think that Dora
was quite ready for the Forbidden Forest, and Su had expanded his distribution
network as there were several things that were hard to find outside of this forest.
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Oh there were other places, but they were far more remote and at least as dangerous
if not more so.

“Unlike the usual inquisitive students, we will be going far deeper into the
forest,” Harry said from where they were crouched on a tree just out of sight of the
outskirts of the forest. “You have a very good understanding of what is useful and
when it should be culled.”
“Yes, sir,” Su said from her perch. “The full moon makes fluxweed and similar plants
more potent. There are also some creatures that do not come out otherwise, but it
also makes it easier to see the night blooming plants at the risk of being more
easily spotted by visual animals. While that could be an advantage, most of the
animals known to dwell here are descent in scenting out predator and prey.”
“Personally I prefer the new moon as it is easier to be unseen, but you are right
there are plenty of plants or animals that require being acquired at this phase of
the moon,” Hermione said from where she watched the common creatures milling about.
“We have already scouted out several areas of useful materials. Thankfully they are
away from either the centaurs or spiders.”

“Spiders, mistress?” Su asked in interest. “I take it you don’t mean even the usual

“There is an Acromantula Colony in this forest,” Harry said with a frown. “Silver
has recently been able to cull their numbers. Her previous master was quite foolish
in confining her to rats and as such she spent far too long in hibernations. As
helpful as the added force would be, it would be far too detrimental to

“Yes, who would think a sixty foot plus serpent would scare away or accidentally
damage things in her passage,” Hermione said with a twitch as a deer bolted from a
larger than normal wolf. “Unfortunately, I have the feeling that those spiders will
be far more hostile than they are normally. They are thankfully very susceptible to
fire and cower from flame and light.”
“So they are somewhat expellable, but if one were to lose their wand would likely be
captured and eaten alive, mistress,” Su said with a look of understanding. “It is a
shame that they cannot be tamed as their webbing is quite useful. The closest I have
ever heard was rumors of a farm that had them under a number of control spells and
potions, but they still have a high mortality rate with workers being mauled and
eaten. Are there any particular creatures and plants you wish to work on tonight,

“Not especially besides checking our usual spots for acquisitions,” Harry said with
a distant look wishing Dora was up to night vision and telescopic so they could
better spot things. “Some of our previous excursions were interrupted, but the
factors have been dealt with for the most part.”
“We should go now,” Hermione said as she glanced back to the castle. “Hagrid will
have his patrols soon enough and Snape will do his acquisitions. We need to go
deeper because that man is greedy and damn near strips areas before moving on and
returning when they recover. The forest is large enough, but he tends to not care
about things unless they are useful as potions ingredients. Still there are areas
where he cannot and will not go. Those should have enough for us…”
Seeing Harry give a distinctive nod, the group sets off for deeper in the forest.
Moving among the branches was actually safer than the ground as there were more
ground than tree dwelling threats. The Acromantula were a notable exception to that.
Still it allowed them to bypass the normal animals and lesser magical animals in
their hunting of each other.
Time was passing quickly as they came to a smooth halt overlooking another of the
clearings they had earlier marked. So far things had been going too good, and the
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whole outing was feeling a sense of dread. The plants had been easy to acquire and
worryingly there had been no signs of predation by herbivores or the passing of
those hunting them. Something obviously had spooked the animals deeper in the forest
to change their usual patterns.
“Something is wrong here, sir,” Su said with a sigh to her minders. “When I went
into other places to collect supplies, there were always more animals present and
there have been none after we passed the outskirts. I would have expected to at
least spool some or see some milling about near the waterways at least.”

“Yes, there is definitely something going on,” Hermione said as she frowned at the
lack of tracks below them. “Something must be hunting more, but I don’t think even
Silver would cull so many of the prey species.”
“We are nowhere near the more predatory hunters’ territories, but it looks like
something has been seriously depopulating the prey,” Harry said as he swiveled about
in look for something. “There were few trails present and there are normally so
trampled to make following one to and from the water difficult.”

“That doesn’t sound like the wind, sir,” Su said as she started to spin around
looking for the sounds she was hearing. “Something is coming and fast.”

“Yes, it is,” Harry agreed. “It does not sound bipedal or quadrapedal though…”
“Could they have really spread this far now,” Hermione wondered in dread.
“Regardless I think we will need to fight soon. They are not going to let us go

“Of course not, mistress,” Su said with a hard glare towards the shadows around
them. “Remind me to thank you both profusely for the additional weapons. I think I
will need it now…”

It wasn’t unexpected at least entirely, but the clearing suddenly was swarming with
giant spiders. The Acromantula were quite at odds with their size in being very
fast. Then again, there was a good reason that they competed with vampires for food
outside of cities. They both drank their prey alive and held them while they did so.
It was ironic that both were wary of the other as well as being sensitive to light
and fire.

The Acromantulas clicked in irritation as they tracked about for the prey they
sensed. They were not on the ground like most nor did they feel them burrowing
beneath them; therefore, they had to be above. Unlike the vampires, the spiders were
not the most visual of hunters as their compound eyes were better at seeing movement
than details.
Still that did not stop the spiders from leaping into the trees in hopes of spooking
their prey to find them better. This clearing was just waiting for them to spin
their webs to gather more prey. The unmentionable one was hunting them once more,
and with their ancient enemy active they needed food to grow the swarm. Humans had
been spotted in the forest and while their father declined such fair in respect for
the one who raised him they were hungry.
The still forms of the three stayed that way until one of the spiders drew too
close. One moment they were looking for prey and the next they were dying, screaming
in pain and falling as something fast was attacking them.
Su was pretty still while her two dominant lovers were blurring about the clearing
in a display of why the goblins had been ready to bribe them to get their
association and cooperation. She tagged a few that came close while using the
corpses as shields from sight. She was faster than normal magic users and on par
with some experienced fighters, but still she could be tagged by a lucky spider. She
knew that while she was good she was nowhere near her cousin’s level.

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‘Like we will ever live down having a cousin be the inspiration for a muggle
fighting game,’ Su thought while suppressing a sigh before letting her sharp
poisoned blade slide easily through the nearest spider. ‘Still hearing muggles at
the arcades swooning at how cool she is, was somewhat warming. I suppose that I
can't stay on the defensive much longer…’
Su bounced to keep the stragglers from getting away as the pair stopped
assassinating the spiders and started going whole sale massacre on them. Su had to
clamp down her sudden desire to watch mesmerized as they worked. The entrancing
flames tore through their numbers while their weapons swept up those that tried to
Eventually, the scouting swarm was still. Limbs were strewn about, bodies were
charred to ash in places, blood drenched the clearing, and great gouges of earth
were chewed up before them. The clearing was silent save for the threes breathing.
Su didn’t know how long had passed, but she was beyond certain of her loyalties.
These two were beyond impressive. She now knew why her ancestors spoke so reverently
of having served one like them. The pride of seeing how far they would go sung in
her veins. To know that she aided them to their goals was almost orgasmic. This had
been her family’s path for so many centuries nay millennium that she felt the line
of her ancestors with her.

Suddenly, a lone scout sprinted from cover towards Harry. It didn’t even make it
half way there before it died from an unexpected source. It was not the swinging
blades from Harry, Hermione’s chain lance, the flames they both wielded, or even a
companion’s attacks that ended the last spider’s charge.

The spider fell skewered through by a gleaming white horn. A unicorn, considered the
most pure creature there was, had slain something in defense of a supposed Dark
Magic user. The two necromancers paused and their weapons and flames went back to
rest. The three humans stood looking at the unicorn in confusion.

“Now this is confusing,” Harry said as he stood still even while the unicorn
approached him. “You look familiar…”
“Isn’t that the unicorn you saved?” Hermione asked as she was uncertain how to
identify unicorns properly yet. “Well I guess that explained why it showed up.”

“She,” Harry said with certainty as he watched the unicorn just standing there
almost touching him. “The unicorn is definitely a she. I get why she would show up
and save us, but why stay around. Not that I mind though I would have thought that
unicorns would be repelled by us. I mean we may not be evil, but we are not exactly
the epitome of good, proper or moral behavior.”

“Sir, I may have an Idea,” Su said from where she was crouched blade sheathed and
looking on in amazement. “It may be a legend…”
“Do tell,” Hermione said as she watched the two literally stare into each other’s
eyes. “I would like to find some way to understand this.”
“Unicorns are pure beings if you will,” Su started to explain as she tried not to
tremble from what she realized this meant. “Most are familiar with the pure light
ones where they are attracted to innocence and virgin girls in particular. A unicorn
does have a very specific sense of honor from what is known about them. You saved
this one’s life and thus similar to wizards and witches feels that she owes you a
debt of gratitude at the least. There are similar legends in other powerful magical
beings or creatures if you will befriending a wizard or witch for a reason. I
suspect that she is going to offer a blessing of some sort. The most common was a
shed horn or being purified by it.”
“I don’t think that is the case,” Harry said as she seemed to be evaluating him as
if something more was there to be seen. “Her body language seems different than I
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would believe that case would be. Her horn is in no way coming close to me nor is it
appearing to fall off. It looks almost as if she is offering her throat to me…”

“Freely offered unicorn blood,” Su said with a reverent breath. “I suppose that
would be a more fitting offer. Unlike forcefully taken blood, it does not curse the
drinker to a half life. It is supposed to purify in a way the drinker as well as
ensure that they are protected. Like its counterpart, it will keep the drinker alive
even if they are a breath away. The necromancer our family once served said it was
the greatest honor to be gifted with it…”

“I see,” Harry said even as Hermione looked on with awe at the sight before her and
she wondered what would have been considered the greatest honor by the necromancer
that the Li’s were still so proud of. “Is that what you want, darling?”
The unicorn mare approached and nuzzled against the boy. She seemed to rub back
against his hands and whinnied in pleasure at the contact as well as that he had
accepted so far. Hermione turned and saw a young foal by the edge of the forest. It
seemed that Harry had done more than save a single unicorn that night.

“Go ahead, sir,” Su said as she knelt at the sight before her. “She wants you to…”
Harry needed no further prodding and he ever so gently let his fangs sink into her
throat. The silver blood that rushed into his mouth tingled the inside as it moved
and splashed about before he swallowed. He felt a sudden sensation as he stiffened
and tried not to jump back from the unexpected intensity he felt. He felt the silver
fluid burn down his throat before hitting his stomach like a hammer.

Harry suddenly felt light headed and his blood seemed to sing as the silver blood
seemed to flow out from his stomach to every part of his body. He didn’t notice the
sudden silver ring that glowed in his eyes for just a moment and neither did his
companions. From their point of view, Harry was holding on to the unicorn’s neck
with a near death grip. It almost looked to them as if he was being wracked by
something between pleasure and pain.

Harry felt as if he was being burned alive. He had not felt a change this painful or
potent since he had begun. He was suddenly wreathed with what seemed like black
light and the mare was glowing brightly and the clearing was soon abuzz with a
number of light creatures flittering about. Several dark creatures that should have
been driven off by the unicorn’s aura were congregating near the edges. The two
auras seemed to flow and blend around them.
The black and white lights were edged by silver light, and the dark creatures
entered the clearing and lay down amid the light creatures. For this occasion,
predator and prey put aside their difference to watch the rare if not thought lost
sight before them. Only the most ancient of creatures in the forest were even able
to recall their ancestors still speaking of this. The near immortal creatures were
familiar with this and rejoiced to see this occur once more. Unlike the humans, they
knew that necromancers were not inherently evil, but had their own duties to attend

The only oddities was the way the Acromantulas scurried further away in terror and
the phoenix trilling from near the school. The rest of the forest inhabitants passed
through and were engaged in a truce for the time. This was one of those times and
places where things were put to the side. A unicorn blessing anyone and especially a
necromancer after so many went to the limits without losing their gift hadn’t helped
The two glowing forms pulled away. Their auras were still flared, but it flickered
around them closer to the skin than it had before. The two believed to be opposite
beings bowed to each other in respect. Both had their purpose and duty in the world.
While Harry was a driven and passionate person, he was well aware of duty and its
importance. His reluctantly growing organization was a testament to it. Still the
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group was strange and yet felt right.
The foal came forward and rubbed against all three of the humans there. This group
was beyond their natural inclinations. It was odd the way that they relaxed together
for a time. The other creatures passed by and gave their own acknowledgements before
departing back to the forest.

“Now that was strange,” Hermione said as the three were left in the clearing. “I
don’t think any of us was expecting that…”

“I wasn’t,” Harry admitted as he noticed he felt a bit less serious and was feeling
quite mellow. “I think the effects will take a time to settle. I feel a bit sore but
in a good way.”
“Should we continue where we left off?” Su asked in worry at perhaps failing even
after the diverting spectacle she had witnessed. “Considering that we don’t know
exactly the effects…”
“It would be better to head back,” Hermione concluded as she noticed her master was
acting odd. “For all we know this will knock you out sooner rather than later. This
could have an influence on your magic so that it could be drained or supercharged or
worse alternating until this settles.”

“I suppose so,” Harry conceded and he stumbled a bit as he felt quite disoriented.
“I take that as a yes then. Best get back as quick as we can, Su, Mine some help…”

The two girls moved over to support him. Harry was very disturbed by the muscle
spasms and the loss of control he was having. His fingers were licked with the
different flames dancing about and his body seemed to shift about. His body had been
altered with that first ritual, but it had been far more painful than his students
had endured as the taint that Voldemort left had needed to be expunged.

“I suppose that this isn’t unexpected, mistress,” Su said with a sigh as she pressed
herself against his right side and his arm draped over her shoulder while hers was
along his back. “Higher rituals are more taxing on the body than lesser ones. While
this was less complex than most, there is no way that it was not a higher one. The
signs of alterations and enhancements are far too complete to be anything but such a
costly form of ancient magic. Normally one does preparations so as to reduce the
taxing on the body physically, mentally and magically.”

“You are right,” Hermione said from where she was mirroring Su’s position in holding
their master. “I suppose regardless of how strong we are that your family has
accumulated such knowledge that we have yet to fully see its depths even with our
own libraries. Still we should get him to bed as I don’t think this will be as quick
a ritual in results as our past.”

“No it won't, mistress,” Su said as they started to move at a decent speed along the
ground. “Thankfully he has enough experience that it shouldn’t keep him out of
things for too long. Unfortunately such things cannot be hastened with other magics.
This will have to be resolved naturally.”
“Lovely,” Hermione said as they reached the hidden entrance to the Chamber. “This
entrance will allow us to get back to the castle than trying to cut across the open
since our speed is restricted. Normally none of us would have problems crossing that
distance unseen, but with the way Harry’s magic is spiking and dropping so randomly
there is little doubt that most of the staff would be able to see things. I suppose
we could have brought an invisibility cloak or the like, but we normally don’t need
Su just nodded in agreement and followed down the secret tunnel down and deep
underground. She paid attention to the complicated and impressive runes carved along
the distance of the tunnel. She felt the wards caressing them and how welcoming they
were as her master seemed to trail flames that were drawn to the runes on the wall.
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Red, blue, black and red were the predominant flames cascading from his fingertips,
but every now and then one was tinged with silver mixed in.

They both looked worried as he became translucently pale and his skin seemed to be
shifting to an alabaster white that shined with some light as his blue veins seemed
to glow with silver light. His hair seemed to alternate with spiking from the magic
and laying smooth and softly as his hair seemed to spark with lightning flickering
between the strands. His half opened eyes glowed a mix of their usual jade and the
pupils were shining silver instead of the normal black while the whites seemed to be
red from blood. His fangs were extended and his voice was gravely as if his throat
was being scrubbed raw from within.
They managed to get him through the passage to the central chamber. They were so
concerned with him that they failed to notice that the passageway behind them was
decorated with elaborate symbols outlined in and glowing from the five necromantic
flames. They suddenly stopped as Harry seemed glued to the floor as a circle glowed
around them.
Harry snapped upright even as a pulse of magic pushed his lovers outside the circle
glowing beneath him. His hair defied gravity and his arms snapped up towards the two
serpent statues that line the chamber. He suddenly was suspended in the air and
floating on his back as if on water. His arms and feet were wreathed in necromantic
fire each a different of the four normal types. In the center of the circle beneath
him the five colored sign of necromancy glowed and the silver once more was filled.
Suddenly his head glowed with silver light and his eyes seemed illuminated with
silver fire.

As suddenly as it started, the shock ended and Harry was sprawled on the chamber
floor. All that was surrounding him in the circle was reduced to ash. He still
didn’t look that recovered, but the two girls went to him and carried him to the
bedchamber. They would need to sneak back to the dorms through one of the numerous
passages, but they should be seen before lunch. The two girls disrobed and joined
him in bed under the smooth soothing sheets.

They were cuddling his still feverish body. He was sleeping restlessly and bathed
the room in the many colored lights. They fell asleep and drifted in dreamless sleep
as they found their fellow girls cuddling his body in their minds. Each of them
holding tight to their master and offering whatever they could to assure his speedy

As he fitfully slept, Harry’s mind drifted between this and that. The girls in his
mind did not originally notice the sudden arrival of two more women into the bed of
their minds. They just welcomed the added warmth and comfort that was present. The
two that had showed up looked a bit haggard and the signs of excessive exercise were
present in their forms. They added an additional scent to the bed that complimented
the exhausted state some of them were in otherwise.

Both Alice the younger and older as well as Anne, Dora and Lily were mussed and
rather potent in their musk as the lot of them had been from the signs being driven
to the welcomed heights of bliss. The two not ghosts nor truly alive minds had been
recently exposed to intense sensations as they had appeared drenched in sweat and
thighs coated with signs of their extreme release. Alice the younger, Anne and Dora
showed signs of intense satisfaction from their own bouts with their lovers.
Su and Hermione showed no signs before they had arrived but they were in his mind
shuddering and shining with their reactive releases. This was likely why they didn’t
rouse inside his mind nor were being tormented by night terrors of his current
state. Their waking bodies were flushed and warm as they added their excited heat to
Harry’s slightly chilled form. They were drenching his thighs with their flow and
his arms were resting between and getting warm and wet as well.
Harry himself seemed to be emitting a wave of magic as well as pheromones and his
aura was becoming more reinforced. The girls had their hands wrapped around to warm
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his strained body. None of them were sure entirely what they would be like in the
morning, but the two suspected that Harry would be his usual excited self when he
woke. They did suspect that he would be thirst even though he had drunk so greedily
when that unicorn mare had offered.
Dora was snoozing with Penny and the poor girl was being wracked as her mind was
drowned with fluid fantasies of Dora and her master surprising her and taking her
over and over until she was a shattered slumped and spent witch. She dreamed of
being drawn into his arms and made love to so gently. She dreamed of being pulled
into a corner and just fucked against the wall. She dreamed of being taken in so
many places and ways that she lost count. She dreamed of many things and she would
be awed that so many were things that Dora and the rest had done. She passed out and
slipped beyond sleep when she dreamed of being bound, blindfolded and brought to the
brink of release with a mix of teasing and near torturous touching with hands and
tools before her dream self felt her body fucked in every way she had imagined and
some she had been scared of by merely hearing about.
The people keeping the girls company back in Surrey were roused and dreamed as they
sought release from the sudden arousal that surged in them. They were not the only
ones to suddenly have bouts of extreme need. The entirety of the female tower of
Ravenclaw woke to half aware searching for relief as well as the wing in St. Mungo’s
where Alice Longbottom slept. Those affected were plagued with sexually charged
dreams and would wake drenched in sweat and fluid in the morning.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 22: Springing Further Forward
by SamStone 9 Reviews
Further the plans go
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2009/07/23 - Updated:
2009/07/23 - 19907 words
Chapter 22: Springing Further Forward
Page 588
Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
For as long as I can remember, there was only one truth. Respect authority, but I
never questioned who the real authority was. – Hermione Granger to Su Li on her
reasoning’s behind why she chose as she did.

Harry had been busy practicing. He almost felt as if he was a beginner again as his
magic seemed quite chaotic as it tried to settle. He found he had to restrain his
magic so as to not overpower his wand work and his potions seemed to be more potent
and stable than they should have been. That hadn’t even brought into account the new
form of necromantic magics he had access to now. He had felt the silver and knew
that it was far more potent than any of the other forms. He did wonder what its
specific nature really was.
So he had started to practice again in the Room of Requirements. He had resumed his
drills with the dummies, and he had found that the silver flame was trickier to call
and even more difficult to control. Still, while it took time away from other
research he knew he had to not leave such an unexpected area unexplored. He had some
frustration from being unable to call forth a pure silver flame for any length of
time, but there were other things on his mind.
“This is so damn complicated,” Harry growled out as the silver shifted to black and
the effigy of Dumbledore screamed before collapsing in ash. “I just know that this
will be important! Besides I cannot stand coming so close and failing.”
“True, so very true,” Hermione said from where she was half watching him, reading a
new tome in advanced charms and going over the bulk potions brewing with Su and
Dora’s help. “Perhaps it is one of those forms of magic influenced by emotions more
or some other factor. There wasn’t much on it as it was.”
Su looked up from where she was working on Owl level healing potions and said,
“There isn’t much anyone can do to help. Even in my family there is barely more than
myths and legends in the specifics of the gift you received. I knew enough that it
was a very high honor, but the specific effects and enhancements are less known.
Some things are just not to be written down for some reasons, and there had to be a
reason that so little information is present. I do know from some very carefully
worded inquiries that Silver Necromantic Flames have some aspects in common with the
Black and the White Flames, but exactly how they differ; I do not know in
particular. I am sorry that there isn’t more that I could provide, sir.”
“It is alright, Su,” Harry said with a sigh as he reformed a new target. “I guess
this is one of those times when experimentation would be useful and necessary. There
just seems to be some other factor that I cannot grasp just yet. So how are the
potions doing?”
“Fine, sir,” Su said as she double checked the color, texture and thickness of the
exorbitantly priced healing draft. “I did manage to also get the line on people
wishing to acquire potent ingredients and it is merely getting them there with
security and stability that would be any concern, sir.”
“Night has been showing some new signs lately,” Hermione said as she moved over to
go over the messages from Surrey. “No ministry or other bird could intercept before,
but speed and carrying ability has been limited to some extent. While he is unable
to move exactly like a phoenix, he is able to travel through shadows including his
own now. It does seem to bypass wards similarly to a phoenix would and he now seems
to have gained the ability to carry far more than his weight should allow.”
“Well that will be useful,” Harry commented as he contemplated on trying to think of
a different mental state than his frustration had been providing. “Is there anything
else to be discussed while we wait for things before studying some more and then

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“Not really,” Hermione said as she continued to go over the rather long
communication. “It seems that business is doing well and that Dudley is being even
more restrained than one would expect. Sarah has some headaches from the mountains
of paperwork you left, but she has been getting enough relaxation with some
employees. Hmmm… Claire seems to be trying to be as forward as possible and it seems
there is a bit of competition with the girls there to see if they can get Alice,
Anne or even Sarah to recommend them to help entertain you. It looks like the summer
will be heavily mixed between work and play. In addition to Claire, Sarah is quite
adamant that there is a rather intriguing girl by the name of Judith that would be a
wild ride. You do seem to have the problem of attracting willing females without
really trying. The magically aware girls are starting a betting pool about wither or
not a Veela tries to trip you into falling into her or if they will just jump you.”

“Not too unexpected,” Dora said from where she was glaring at her cauldron with
annoyance present in her features if not her voice. “You are good looking, well
behaved and decent financially or most believe. All of those things do tend to make
one attractive for such interests. You also do come off as a protector and you did
get a lot of positive attention from the girls back in Surrey because of it. They
likely would have jumped you one day if they hadn’t thought that Alice and Anne had
dibs. Think about it as being able to fulfill a fantasy, they want to have at least
one go with you and since you have showed no problems with the girls you have been
with nor gone out and bragged they feel safe. That Alice, Anne or Sarah gave blow by
blow descriptions of how good the sex was even if they glossed over some of the
kinkier aspects would have excited them.”
“It is not too different than here, sir,” Su said as she went about moving to the
finished potions and bottling them for storage and transportation. “If a girl is not
serious about whom she is with, she would readily be interested in having an
intimate encounter with you. To young and not so young witches, you are more of an
icon than sports or music stars. There are a number of witches and muggle girls as
well that would have little regret for spending such close contact even if short in
time with a celebrity or otherwise famous person. It is simply the fact that you
haven’t been either roaming from girls bed to bed or having them come warm yours
that is making them feel more anxious. There are going to be some that are more than
crazy. While they would likely readily accept if you hiked their skirts up and just
plowed them against a wall, some will be obsessive to possibly think or love or lust
potions and charms.”

“Considering what the books said about you, I was shocked that you were that Harry
Potter and not just the Harry Potter Alice and I were in competition for,” Hermione
said with a frown. “People like that whiny Weasley would likely think that you are
drowning in willing wanton witches, because they see Quidditch starts surrounded by
girls and they fawn over them even the Harpies have men and women following them.”

“I guess it would be foolish and naïve to ever wish to be just normal Harry,” Harry
said with a self deprecating snort before he managed to get the Silver flame to last
for a while on the Petunia doll. “Now that was odd, but it will take a bit to
qualify the exact mental state to utilize it properly. There were only the slightest
hints of other fire in that last wave. Hmm, I really do wonder where they got all
those supposedly accurate information for a biography. I don’t recall building
sandcastles at the beach or even going to the ice cream parlors before hooking up
with the girls. It just wasn’t my thing I suppose and it seemed like something
frivolous that Dudley would be momentarily amused by…”
“A sad thing, sir that books can't be as reliable as one wishes as they are
influenced by who writes them,” Su said with a nod as she dutifully wrote the labels
for the latest potion batch. “Besides some things are stranger than fiction, but
people tend to be sheep like at times. They prefer to be comfortable than worry
about other things. Dudley seems like the sort to have a very short attention span
and will likely become no one of importance.”
“Considering that those people said such lies about your parents,” Hermione said
with a sudden flare of rage at not being allowed to help make the Dursleys suffer or
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better die in agony. “It will be quite ironic that their son is heading towards
being what they tried to portray both yourself and your parents as. I will admit
that finding books to be inaccurate was quite upsetting almost as much as finding
out what had been done and tried with my cousin and her friend. If it hadn’t been
for you, I would have likely developed a slavish devotion to authority figures for
finally stopping the harassment I went through. It could have been far worse…”

“Yeah it would have,” Harry said with a scowl as he tried to replicate the mental
state he had been in before. “Seems that one of your teachers had been planning to
try something, but died before he could.”
“I see,” Hermione said with sudden coldness. “It is a shame that I didn’t know or I
could have as they say killed two birds with one stone. While I don’t regret
anything I have done including the sacrifices, I will admit that I feel that Alice
and Anne to a lesser extent look down at me for not taking that final plunge...”
“It changes you,” Harry said with a look of concentration as he tried again with
doubles of the now deceased Lestrange Brothers. “It may not seem like much to some,
but there is something that happens then and it is heavily influenced by intent…”

“Intent is very important, mistress,” Su said as she started to gather the requested
potions for shipment. “In the older magics, this is more so the case than the more
modern forms. Spell casting by wand waving and incantations are less so affected;
although, the grey and dark arts are more prevalent on intent influenced spells.
Still there are some things that are not so readily accepted as truth, but despite
what people wish there is a truth out there.”

“And there is nothing more precious than the truth,” Hermione said with a sigh as
she started to realize what they were telling her. “It is a beautiful yet terrible
thing. I don’t plan to ever let myself become as twisted as some, but I know there
will come a time that I will have to kill a human. I just hope that I will take it
as well as I must.”

“You will,” Harry said with a firm of conviction as he looks on in shock at what
happens to his current targets. “It seems I understand some of this now. The intent
is far more important and this flame seems to affect the body, the mind and the
soul. Shocking that it seems to be far more flexible than any of the others and yet
I can feel there is a restraint to it. I doubt that it would ever let me harm the
true innocent and that such acts would be rather contradictory to the influence from
the unicorn…”
“That would make sense, master,” Su said as she finished assembling the package for
transport. “May I ask Night if he will deliver this, sir?”

“Yes, Su you may,” Harry said with a sigh as he called for someone in whom he had
nothing but apathy as even the hate had been drained out. “Hermione, I think we will
need to send a letter to the Flamel’s soon. I suspect it will need to be well
thought out and lacking in any attempts at intimidation. I don’t think I do well at
that at this time so some input would be appreciated. Given the oddness around
Quirrell and the legendary curse on the position, we can always hope that we get a
Wizarding equivalent to a wandering worker next year or having some other issues. It
would kill two stones for you.”
“A first righteous kill and cementing that all other authority figures are nowhere
near as trustworthy as you are,” Hermione said as she closed her book and thought on
things. “It would be ideal, but knowing our luck he would be some celebrity or
something. I think you would feel motivated if any teacher here did stuff like that,
but given the whole Sarah thing you are not trying to have a double standard. I take
it you don’t care about age but the way that they do not care about the willingness
or not of the involved.”
“Hmm given the way most witches are following him, I think that Gildroy Lockheart
would be a likely choice as it would also allow him to sell more of his books,” Su
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said as she thought on it as she watched Night carry the package to a shadow and
vanish. “I rather find his books to be barely well thought out bodice rippers, but
there is little of educational worth there. A former Auror or the like would be a
better education wise choice, but, since Lockheart is an honorary member of the
Defense League, I can see him having believable credentials.”
“He would be an interesting target,” Harry commented as he loathed the press
conscious man. “I wouldn’t mind feeding the photogenic and charismatic fame seeker
to Lady Silver though…”

They looked at him when he said that. There were a few people that Harry had that
particular tone for. Unfortunately, they suspected that Harry hadn’t found a way to
send a howler or other enchanted or more accurately cursed letter to the man. It
likely wasn’t for want of trying, but as much as someone that sounded that
self-centered there was a healthy paranoia any celebrity would need. The Wizarding
paparazzi were far worse than the muggle at times, but at least the wizards could
apparate away and keep them out with wards.

Dora had been quite proud of the progress she had been making with Penny. She had
been enjoying their time together more so than before as she had started to drive
the girl mad with her denied opportunities for more. She had enjoyed being the
master and mistresses plaything, but she realized that like them that she had found
a thrill on being on the other side of that kind of dynamic. Dora fondly recalled
watching Hermione being worked up as Harry took her dominantly and the way her
lovers had enjoyed that before they had jumped her and driven her mad.
‘I suppose that there is really not that much of a difference between us,’ Dora
thought as Penny yanked her into her room and started kissing her passionately. ‘I
think she is getting worked up enough to finally make a real decision for the most
part. She probably would go for glamour charms on both now and be willing to do a
lot already. Considering that she tries to suck any Harry leaves inside me when we
meet, I think she is rather more interested in at least a suck from someone that she
has pouted at being too good tasting compared to her attempted boyfriend.’

Dora took charge of the kiss and soon had Penny on the bed with her legs quickly
spread. She worked the girl a bit before trailing her way down and proceeded to try
to cave Penny’s head in with her lingual skills. Dora had long since explored every
bump and crevice of Penny’s sex and she could quickly morph her tongue for maximum
sensations. She had learned better than to try to talk to the girl when she was this
wound up, but she likely would have a chat once the girl had gone limp.
“I appreciate this so much,” Penny managed to sigh out when Dora let her rest for a
short time. “I still can't get that ass of a boyfriend to do more than light
petting! I don’t think he will ever be ready to return some oral pleasure and will
likely go for rutting! If he has anywhere as low a duration with penetrative sex as
he does with just a hand or mouth, I will be a very frustrated girl…”
Dora switched to caress the still shuddering sex of her friend after giving it a
kiss of appreciation. She gave a few visible swallows as she turned her head to look
at her friend’s panting face even if she lingered in watching the way her body
moved. Dora was quite enamored with both bodies male and female. Do to that, she did
tend to gaze longingly as the muscles moved from Penny’s panting and the way it
moved her aroused breasts.
“And I will be happy to help remove that frustration,” Dora said as she set her head
to rest on Penny’s warm thigh. “Any chance you are any more decided on that other
Her friend trailed her fingers gently through her hair as she seemed trying to
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decide what to say. Dora relaxed into Penny’s caress and waited for her friend to
answer her question. She had come close to almost convincing Penny in the heat of
the moment to swear to it, but had felt a bit deceitful to use the girl’s need for
release to get her to swear to go through with things. She had wanted to see how
Penny would be in other aspects, but Dora was well aware of how displeased Harry
would be.

“I am thinking about it,” Penny admitted with a sigh as she felt her breathing start
to be less strained. “I just don’t know how to go about it, and there is the whole
trying to work things out with the sort of boyfriend…”
Dora gently stroked Penny’s still flushed thigh and contemplated things. She really
wanted to do more with and for Penny, but she understood that she did want the whole
attempt at dating to work. From her descriptions of their encounters, Dora really
would have told her to dump him even when she had just been the confused Tonks.
Still it would take a few minutes to sort her thoughts and Penny petting her head
like that made the thoughts both more fluid to reach and that more difficult to hold
“So you have made some decisions,” Dora said with a slight purr as Penny really
seemed to bring the pet out in her lately. “You do want to do this but are
conflicted in that you think you might be somewhat steady or exclusive with this
guy. I won't force you or anything, but I might try to convince you since I just
can't see this working if he has so little concerns for your own needs. He hasn’t
done more than wind you up and I think that is a good indicator how he will be with
the rest of his sexual relationship. I don’t want you to get into a relationship
with a minute man on the outside. I have not been lying about things as you well

“I just don’t think that having a master and mistress is what I really want,” Penny
said demurely as if she half didn’t believe herself. “You have been pretty adamant
about how good your sex life is in comparison to mine. I rather feel better that you
don’t use their names as it shows you won't use mine. I will admit that I miss a
proper fucking with a nice hard cock and all the imitations seem to come so short of
the real thing. I just don’t think I will like some of what you asked…”
“What the fact that I seem to love getting it up the ass?” Dora said with a giggle.
“Don’t knock it until you tried it and more accurately tried it with someone who
knows how to do it right! So it’s not like you have to spread your ass and let him
give you a reaming or anything. I can understand why they put the constraints on
that they do. For a while I was completely sex crazy, and if they hadn’t taken me
firmly in hand I would have likely been used like a school broom. It is not that
different than normal dating as they do assert some of the same privileges. It was
with it though to give up some things to be with them.”
“They can say what you can do and you like it,” Penny said with a snort of
indignation and amusement. “I get that they are making allowance for our unusual
relationship since you say our discussions help clear things up, but that you gave
control on what happens to and with your body seemed extreme. I will admit that I
might have said I would do something of the sort in the heat of the moment, but most
of the time I worry too much about other things.”
“You worry about how it would affect your reputation and life,” Dora said with a
slight frown. “I get that, but as we have discussed it is quite easy to arrange
things so that neither you nor my other lovers know exactly who each other is. I
mean fucking you with a toy is one thing and so is lapping you, but you did admit
that you do miss being fucked proper. So is it really bad to get some delicious and
warm stretching in while also getting access to totally stretch and handle this
lovely and magically perfectly fit and snug cunt?”
“You have been making that argument and it is so hard to say no to it,” Penny said
with a slight frown of her own. “I will concede to taking that up if things don’t
work by summer…”
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“Why not get a sample over our short break?” Dora asked as she contemplated the lack
of class and other diversions and the time it would allow for a proper persuasion.
“You could come up to my room with a disguise and I bring him or them and see where
things go. I will say that you will be hard pressed to say no one he starts. Hell,
he can give the most toe curling massages that can take you from ‘just let me be’ to
‘get back here and pound me until I am limp’. He really seemed to like winding me
“Do you know how long it has been since I had a decent back rub let alone a
massage?” Penny asked with some irritation from the lack of boyfriend attention.
“While I will sympathize that you were wound up, you at least have gotten some
response. He may be a guy, but yours at least reciprocates. I think that boy would
likely turn his nose up if I asked him to give a kiss let alone a lick!”
A moment passed as Dora thought this over. Penny had just given her some more
ammunition in her quest to get her onto a proper guy, and if it was her master than
it would be better for both of them. Dora knew she wanted to cuddle Penny while
Harry alternated stretching them as he showed how good he was at sending a girl to
the small death. She would likely never tell Penny that he was just as good at
causing the permanent kind until it was far too late. Dora was just looking out for
her older sister/lover and letting her constantly be left frustrated by her current
beau was not looking out for her any more than letting her get used by the outside
world. Dora knew enough now that Penny would need a patron if her dreams were to
come true. Still there was a chance here to reel Penny in if not land her soon.
“Now while he lacks the flexibility of my own tongue,” Dora said with a smirk as she
saw Penny starting to take the bait, “you would be hard pressed not to grab his head
and kiss him before demanding that he fucks you when he gets started. He is very
good for a guy. I think he had a large amount of experience with that as it was. I
won't tell you more just that he was bugged for his massages during that time and he
seems better than those potions for making it far more than bearable…”

Penny looked thoughtful at that. Whoever Dora’s master was, he took care of his
girls and seemed to have been skilled and sociable enough to attract girls when they
were used to dealing with the boys think they have of they think the boys have
cooties stage. He had to be something to have got enough practice to be so good at
using his hands. Her friend had told her of some of the encounters, but like her own
relationship she knew that Dora refrained from names.

“I wouldn’t mind a massage during those times,” Penny admitted with a tinkling bell
like laugh. “Oh I admit I would like to meet this guy, but I don’t make any promises
on what will happen…’

“Of course,” Dora conceded with a smirk hidden by her hair. “Just remember you
didn’t promise what won't happen. When he is involved, you should better be prepared
for the unexpected…”

“I suppose you would know,” Penny said before pulling Dora up and kissing her. “I
still would like to see what you look like when you are being stuffed, but I don’t
know for sure if I can comply. It may happen and given what you said about your
master it is a possibility. At the very least I will get to see what you look like
when your sweet little pussy is stuffed and then filled with his cum.”
“Since you want to see me in that position, is it any wonder that I want to see you
in the same?” Dora asked as she leaned over before teasing Penny with fingers and
lips. “Now I think I will go for how you look stuffed if not sprayed with delicious
protein rich sperm…”
With that Dora proceeded to mount Penny and see about giving her a few more body
wracking bouts of pleasure. Still Dora was more concerned with Penny than her own
pleasure at this time. That did not mean that she was not going to get her own fun
out of this. While Dora felt the thrill of satisfaction and a few shudders of
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pleasure, they were pale imitations similar to a half worthwhile bit of self

Dora watched as Penny flopped about and thankfully didn’t fall asleep or pass out
this time. The girl was a friend, but it was just rude that she would act so like a
man at times. With Penny awake if not completely passionate, Dora crawled up and let
Penny rest her flushed head in her lap.
“You look so gorgeous when you are getting stuffed and stretched,” Dora said as she
gently teased Penny’s mussed hair. “It just makes your face shine and there is a
distinct look to it when you cum. Not that you don’t look cute when you are getting
your goodies, it is just that you look more ecstatic when your sweet pussy is being
stretched full.”
“You are so good to me,” Penny admitted sounding very mellow and content. “It is so
much better with someone here than doing this by myself, but still there is that one
thing missing…”
“Don’t you worry now, I will set things up and if you both click you will get that
missing feeling dealt with,” Dora said with a smile at the very amiable girl. “Now I
normally don’t ask this as you tend to get so worked up you don’t relax until you
pass out, but would you mind giving my poor neglected little muff a bit of
attention? I barely got what I consider a quickie now…”
“No problem,” Penny slurred looking for all purposes as if she had a few too many
shots of fire whiskey. “Least I can do for such a good friend; especially if you can
get this horny hottie a good round of loving.”

With that Dora just relaxed and let Penny drive her passions to elation. She just
had to arrange things and everything would work out. Harry would get a very hot and
eager girl to explore, and she would get to explore some as well. So far she was
plotting out the one thing she had been hesitant to have Hermione do with her. Sure
she had been double teamed, but that was different from being double stuffed. Dora
was trying to avoid pressuring Penny, but she really wanted to have a three way with
Harry and Penny. Besides there was the fact that Dora really believed that Penny
needed a good man or at least a firm and dependable cock in her life to be happy.

Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot had been growing closer to each other and to their
other lovers even if they hadn’t gone beyond petting, kissing and licking with the
couple that would likely be voted as hottest in the school before they graduated. At
least Susan no longer had to worry about being embarrassed with being an early
developer as Hermione had sported a pair and ass more similar to the fifth years.
Her discussions with Hannah post-orgasm as well as some talks with both Harry and
Hermione had left her without a worry at being either freakish or too naïve to
become the school broom. The discussions on friendship and loyalty had done wonders
for the non-sexual aspects of the dynamic the two were sharing with their Ravenclaw
‘The game was interesting,’ Susan thought as she wondered with her friend down one
of the many corridors in the school. ‘I will admit that there is more to it than I
would have thought. They are not acting like I had been told boys would with their
nonstop attempts to get inside my panties, but they seem more likely to get me to
beg, plead and demand that they do say instead. All the times that Harry could have
simply pulled me into a nook, hiked my skirt up, pulled my panties down or to the
side, and took me so eagerly seem to be difficult to count.’
She turned to her friend and finding a bit of privacy in one of those self same
nooks pulled her friend in and spent a few minutes kissing her until they both were
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breathless. As Gryffindor as Harry had driven their passions so far, Susan was just
not ready to sink to her knees in front of her friend and bury her face in her
succulently sweat sex. She could always do that in the privacy of the dorms and one
of their beds. That was not to say that their hands tended to wander when they were
kissing like mad, but neither of them were so wound up to be caught undressed even
partially just out of sight. They could always find an unused classroom and add some
locking charms and silencers before they got involved.
“So what has you so on fire?” Hannah asked as soon as Susan had drew back panting
and flushed. “As if I didn’t suspect…”
Susan closed her eyes and tried to bring herself back to control. She had learned
that her body tended to stay excited once she started and had spent an entire day
with Hannah lavishing her body with attention and wasn’t fully relaxed until she had
passed out from exhaustion. She had learned that somehow she was very easy to excite
and would stay that way despite the number of orgasms or lack thereof in the
Hannah had spent as much time teasing her friend about her massive crush on Harry as
she did on Hannah’s crush on Hermione and Harry as well. They both had enjoyed their
rondeviews with the pair and how they liked to drive them to needful and wild
passions. Still they each had centered on one of the pair as they had that first
distracting and addicting encounter.
“So true,” Susan said with a sigh as she pouted a bit at her friend. “I think they
are going to be driving us further soon. While I know we both love this game, I
suspect that they will be bringing it to a head soon. I think they wanted to make
sure that the anticipation was so intense that we would be so spent afterwards that
we would never think to betray them. I almost wish that the hat had sorted them into
our house so they could have some good examples of friendship and loyalty…”
“Ah, but they do in each other,” Hannah said as she leaned back against the wall. “I
get that someone has seriously hurt them before and that they are being cautious
with letting us in, but they really seem insistent on it being on their terms. I
think they might have control issues, but when they do take the lead I just don’t
feel like arguing. It just feels so natural.”

“They are natural leaders as my auntie would say and they are a bit more
intimidating than the professors can be when they want to be,” Susan said as she
wobbled back to rest on the opposite wall. “They have more charisma than one would
think when they put their minds to it. I am amazed that Witch Weekly so far hasn’t
gotten a picture of the two of them. Considering how it would sell pictures, I am
more shocked that they haven’t offered some serious galleons worth of rewards for
more pictures of him. Although I suspect that most here would stop if he gave them
that look…”

“Oh yeah,” Hannah agreed with a shiver at the thought of that look either being
directed at her or for her. “You heard what happened the last time someone tried to
mess with Hermione or that friend of theirs?”

“Harry can be quite frightening when he wants to be,” Susan said with a groan as she
fought against jumping her friend or hopping they would run across those two. “None
of the students would tell the professors, but it seems quite spread that messing
with him will get you stomped. He smacked down what a whole group of fifth years
“He is at that,” Hannah said with a thoughtful look. “You recall that time in
potions, I think that Professor Snape tried something and Harry stomped him good!”
“It could be,” Susan said as she thought over some of the things she had picked up
from her aunt. “It seems odd that he never tries to meet Harry’s gaze now. It almost
sounds like he tried Legilimency against Harry, but I don’t think that even with
being so confrontational that a Hogwart’s professor would stoop to that. It would be
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illegal and be difficult even for the Headmaster to cover up. It is almost as
illegal as trying to give Verisiterum to an underage student, but I can see a
possible reason given the things we hear about happening.”
“You really think it is true that some of the upper years have their way with
younger girls?” Hannah asked with a frown on her face. “I don’t think it happens in
Hufflepuff, but I can see why it could be a risk. It would be something additional
to being with Harry than just his good looks, wonderful hands and amusing

“He definitely could be someones protector,” Susan said with a sigh as her mind
flittered with thoughts of engaging ways to convince him and pay for his efforts. “I
just don’t know how long either of us will last as things are. I think that if he
hadn’t made me cum so hard I couldn’t think the past few times he drank from my
flowing folds that I would have outright begged for him to take me. I know that we
both want to feel him inside and Hermione involved somehow…”
“I agree, but I think that Harry will be with you first while Hermione makes sure I
understand the dynamics better,” Hannah said with a slight groan as she pictures
being held by Hermione while Susan gets Harry to let her ride his cock with them
just out of reach. “Nothing against you Suz, but Hermione is just more experienced
with her playing. She can get a girl to be held torturously on the edge and hold it
so long. I worry though that being completely with them might risk us, but then I
realize that they were making sure that we would work since they are likely to be
busy with each other at least some of the time.”
“I think they were making sure of us together and separately would work with them,
Han,” Susan said with a shudder at the whispered hope that either of them would find
them here and just push things further. “They don’t seem to give any part of their
trust easily, but they seem to be even more fanatically loyal to each other than
even we were and we have been friends for so long. I mean they put so much fear into
the boys that they won't say who it was that they saved. Also neither of them will
tell us who their mysterious other friend is. I suspect that they will never do so
until we are finally brought into their inner circle of trust.”
“It could be,” Hannah said in thought as she wished that they had learned enough
charms to make the nook they were in mostly secure. “Still I can't help shaking in
anticipation that today will be the day, if you know what I mean. I am amazed that
he isn’t being forced to wade through crowds of witches with wet waiting panties
just wishing they could jump him or more likely just be taken against a wall. He
could have likely told any girl on the train even the head girl to hike her skirt up
or drop to her knees and she likely would. What kind of wizard will he be with that
much of an iron will to control himself like that?”

“I suspect that he will have those kinds of problems publically before third year,”
Susan mussed as she didn’t find it at all implausible. “He already looks to be at
least that old and unlike the rest of the wizards he has a very developed body.
There is just something melting about being held as if you were weightless and
without a charm at that!”

“We better get out of here before you get me worked up too much,” Hannah said as she
poked her head out into the corridor. “You really think that they will be somewhere
near here today?”
“It’s very possible,” Susan said as she looked over her appearance as much as she
could without a mirror. “They don’t hide some of their movements and they do come
this way often enough.”
“So we just wander about and hope for them to bump into us?” Hannah asked as they
started walking down the corridor. “I would think going to their tower would be a
better idea…”
“Yeah, one would think if they didn’t seem to be better at maneuvering around this
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place than seventh years or the Weasley Twins,” Susan commented as she looked about
as they wandered towards where she was certain the two so on their thoughts were. “I
really hope they aren’t doing anything bad.”
Hannah came to a stop for a moment and looked at her friend. She noticed the worry
that was present in Susan. Her devotion to her aunty did make for some worries.
Having your maternal figure as the head of the DMLE, did make one prone to worry
about the system. She really didn’t think that those two could possibly be up to
anything dangerous or illegal at least to the level to risk Azkaban, but it seemed
that Susan did have such worries.
“Look, Suz, I really don’t think that they would be up to anything bad,” Hannah said
though she did frown as if contemplating the possibility before dismissing it as
impossible. “Besides even if they could be doing something against the rules, I
don’t think that they would do something illegal. Now stop worrying about it and
let’s go look for them!”
“Sorry, Han,” Susan said with a sigh. “I just worry and who knows what people
sneaking about could be up to!”

“I get that you worry really I do, but considering all he has done there seems
little to indicate any diabolic behavior,” Hannah said with a sigh as her friend
glanced at her oddly. “What I do spend some time in the library and it turns out
there is a decent fiction section there as well. It was just prone to longer words,
but the stories are far more interesting than some of the stuff we read when we were

“Ok, something else to look into,” Susan said as she started to walk down the
corridor again. “You are right in that there is little chance that Harry Potter of
all people is involved in anything illegal. Still he does have that menacing
attitude and it leaves a girl suspicious. I really don’t think that he is up to
anything, but the fact remains that with every day we fall deeper into his thrall…”

“You sound like he is some muggle mastermind villain,” Hannah said dismissively. “I
will admit that he could be evil given his bad boy attitude, but so far I don’t see
him acting like the more typical Slytherin bullies which one would think better
suited to such a role. He does act apathetic to both Ronald ‘The Human Vacuum’
Weasley and Draco ‘My Father will hear of this’ Malfoy. He doesn’t seem to care
about the house rivalries and seems inclined to do his own thing. I will agree that
he is addictive and enthralling, but there is little chance that he would be some
secretive villain. At worse, he could be an anti hero!”
“Yeah it just seems all that paranoia from aunty comes to play at times,” Susan said
as she reached around and hugged Hannah to her. “He shows no signs of being a dark
wizard, but even if he did I think he wouldn’t be as needlessly cruel as those aunty
mumbles occasionally about when she had a bit too much wine with dinner. They seem
to do something because they can without concern for others, and Harry seems to do
what he must with concern for others. Those are two entirely different things.”
“Just admit it,” Hannah teased. “Even if he was almost as evil as You-Know-Who you
would still be attracted to him. Given his protective leanings, we also have no
reason to believe he would demand things. You did read a bit too much from your
aunties private records about what things were like back then. He demanded his
followers do horrible things and they murdered, raped and tortured because they
could. Some say he even asked some of his followers to slay their own family!”
“I know it was horrible,” Susan said with a scowl. “I just cannot picture my savior
as doing anything like that… well unless it was necessary or they deserved it.
Oddly, I can picture him swooping down on death eaters and the like and slaying them
with a righteous fury. Even if it seems wrong to do horrible things, I think that
for some reason that if it came to it that he could do them for the right reasons.”
“We go from relaxing to philosophizing,” Hannah said with a giggle at the absurdity.
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“We have it bad for them and are really in need of some alone time with them.”
“I hear you,” Susan said with a whimper of need. “So any chance you think we will
find those two nearby?”
“It is possible considering that you said they spend a good deal of time this way,”
Hannah said as she watched Susan and the way she was walking. “I just hope that they
are not put off by us showing up and ruining whatever it is they are doing…”
They hadn’t noticed that Harry had appeared out of one of the dark shadows near
them. He had been in this area for the sole reason of keeping an eye on the general
production in the chamber and the utilization of the Room of Requirement and
traveling between them. He had been shocked to learn that he could make a door
almost anywhere from the room. They had at first thought that the room was limited
to exits on its floor, but that had turned out to not be the case.
With some effort, he had started to experiment and had very limited travel compared
to Night, but it was more than enough to traverse some parts of the castle. He had
started to use this area as it was within range of both and he had along with
Hermione set up a minor workshop in some of the unused office space. It allowed them
to have discoverable things if they were ever followed by a teacher or a student.
They did however keep Su and Dora away from the area as those two were doing far too
much in the grey legally brewing to be present in the cover. There was also the fact
that both Harry and Hermione were quite protective of their identities and realities
of their relations.
It was a cover and thus nothing blatantly illegal was there, but there was enough to
divert attention. They had even started a small brewing for the Weasley Twins as
while they were marvelous pranksters they did lack the level of intricacy that the
three potion geniuses had accumulated. Harry had been impressed with how the twins
were quite innovated, but disappointed that they had not realized the complications
of scaling production to meet demands.

“You’re not,” Harry said as he barely suppressed a smirk as the two girls jumped and
squealed in fright. “We were wondering when your curiosity would get the better of
you, but Hermione thought that you would try to catch us when we were walking and
not settled in. I personally was hoping you would muster the slightly Gryffindor
courage to find the Ravenclaw common room and seek entrance there. Still you are
both as determined as anyone would wish for a Hufflepuff, and you likely would have
done that if this less invasive method failed.”
“Don’t do that!” Susan said as she tried to catch her breath from how spooked she
had been. “Morgana! You scared a decade off of us easily!”

Harry just chuckled at that. Those two were at least less high strung than most
Gryffindors and the prat of a fifth year prefect for sure. Still didn’t mean that
they weren’t fun to tease, wind up and otherwise distract.

“Where would the fun be in that?” Harry asked as he turned to Hannah who was almost
hyperventilating and moved close to her and quietly whispered, “Now dear Hannah, why
are you so skittish? You both came looking for us and you found us…”
Hannah blushed and seemed hesitant to respond. It was something she was having a
moment of resignation to admit. She was right that he did pull off the dangerous bad
boy image as well as being able to be caring to those close to him. He also could
get a girl easily flustered.
“We need you,” Hannah admitted with a shudder at the thrill that passed from his
breath. “I just worried that you would be upset if we did end up disturbing you…”
“Well you needn’t worry about that,” Harry said with a smiling smirk before kissing
her cheek fondly. “We were both wondering when we could meet up again…”

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“Oh,” Susan said with a squeak as her friend was dazed from his attention. “So you
don’t mind that we came looking for you or hopefully both of you, well that is a
relief. So can we go somewhere nearby and visit a bit?” Susan leaned in and
whispered, “Also I think that Hannah needs to recover a bit. We have been wound a
bit tight and were missing you both…”
“Considering I was going to see if we could get you to visit and find a good place
to do so,” Harry said as he watched Hannah still being dazed and Susan flushed from
his being near. “I don’t think that will be a problem. It is just that some things
require a bit of space to work on. We are Ravenclaws and some forget that practical
knowledge is as important as book knowledge.”
Before they could think on things or really recover, Harry had gently took a hand
each and proceeded to lead them forward to where Hermione was. His attention had
gotten them dazed and he took advantage of it in moving them through a slightly
confusing series of turns to a room he had set up in advance. They did need a room
for the findable things that would not cause any real problems and serve as a decent
front. Besides there was the fact that the two they were currently slowly seducing
were quite precocious and would have eventually decided to initiate a meeting
“Oh,” Hermione said from where she was viewing a potion brewing. “So they finally
decided to see what we are up to then?”
“Yes they did,” Harry said with a slight smirk. “Although I suspect that it was more
the fact that they were feeling somewhat neglected and yet they didn’t want to
bother us if we were busy with other things…”

“That does sound like them,” Hermione commented as she moved to the next cauldron.
“Some of the students seem to want some potions that it would be annoying having to
spend time brewing or acquiring from either an older student or the price gouging in
Hogsmeade. So into that void we decided to meet with our potions skills, and things
have been profitable ever since. Why even the Weasley twins have decided to
outsource more of their prank brewing or at least what they plan to sell later.”
“Oh,” Susan said with a slight frown. “So that is what you two have been up to, and
here I was worried that you were growing tired with us.”

“Perish the thought,” Harry said from where he was reclining against the wall behind
them. “We still find you quite interesting and plan to do so for quite a while yet.
It was more wondering if you were growing tired of keeping things slow. I know that
you both have wanted to take things further, but we both have issues with letting
people in that far…”

“You are willing to lick our pussies, let us suck your dick and Hermione’s cunt, and
you don’t think that is letting us in?” Hannah asked in shocked disbelief. “You have
also kissed and hugged us which is far more intimate than some of the more
physically sexual stuff, but you seem reluctant to spread our thighs and plow either
of us or spread our ass cheeks and explore where the plugs you have us wear are?”
“We do have a bit more selective tendency for the more penetrative sexual acts,”
Hermione said from where she was working completely at ease with the topic and
discussion at hand. “Oral sex is less complicated since there are some friends we
have done so with. I think massages can be more intimate and Harry has spent time
with other girls only with his fingers soothing their aches. Some were muggle or
squib girls and his massages completely soothed the issues from those times.”
“Ah I see,” Susan said feeling a bit more understanding. “You are more open in the
things you have done with us with friends, but you have Harry reserve certain acts
for only close friends.”
“True or else I would be inundated by my fans both muggle and magical,” Harry said
with a sigh. “I had hoped to avoid that here, but the Boy-Who-Lived thing is still
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quite prominent. I had hoped that it would dim a bit and that being in Ravenclaw
instead of either Gryffindor or Slytherin would help with that. At least I have less
people staring blankly among the students.”
“Well you have to admit that you are attractive,” Hannah offered in explanation.
“You came here looking more mature and held yourself better than even the pure blood
scions, and as you are the Scion of House Potter you can't really expect to stay in
the background forever.”
Harry and Hermione looked at each other at that. He was fairly certain that Susan at
least would know about the heir apparent for House Black as well, and Hermione was
confused by the lack of mentioning something that the politically trained Susan
should have mentioned to her friend. Still neither had mentioned any of his real
legal status to the girls as it had been unnecessary to complicate it. Hermione
suspected that if the general girls in the school were aware of his coming into his
heritage legally and economically that they would have tried harder to get his
attention already.
“Hannah, hasn’t Susan shared some of the more intriguing issues that Harry has with
you?” Hermione asked in interest. “I would have thought that as networked as your
aunt is that she would have kept you informed of such things.”
“Oh,” Hannah said with a blush. “The House Black thing is not certain yet, but every
indication of legitimate necessity and procedure was there according to Suz.”
“Yes, convention does state that since your godfather’s will has not been changed
even with the situation that you would still inherit,” Susan said with a grimace at
the pointed looks the two were giving her. “However, it is likely that Narcissa
Malfoy nee Black would challenge on behalf of Draco Malfoy as the supposed last male
born with Black blood.”
“Ah,” Harry said with a nod before smirking. “I guess I will be disappointing them
then. It turns out that there is both enough and close enough at that Black blood in
my veins. There is also this other thing, but that really doesn’t matter…”
“Harry,” Hermione said with a sigh. “Stop teasing them.”

“What teasing?” Harry asked as he continued to smirk but moved to rest his head
looking towards the ceiling. “That is just something that they don’t need to know
yet, and as such I don’t feel a need to discuss it. I will say that there is no way
that Draco Malfoy will ever ascend to be Head of the House of Black. He is more
likely to be cast from the house and his parent’s marriage dissolved than that ever

“So you will have to worry about women throwing themselves after you for being the
future head of two ancient and noble houses,” Susan said with a slight grimace.
“Considering that any scion or even close in succession heirs to the families is
prone to political entanglements, you have the same problem as others, but you don’t
have the same level of complication that both family funds would bring at this
“Thankfully he doesn’t have a meddlesome person to enter him into agreements,”
Hermione commented with a slight smile of her own. “So since you don’t want to
involve long drawn out discussions and have satisfied yourselves with what we have
been up to, do you really want to spend more time talking or get to the playing that
you came seeking us for?”
The sudden change in demeanor was understandable. The two Hufflepuffs did in their
own ways owe him in more ways than one. While Harry had swooped in and saved Susan
in the air, he had also inadvertently saved Hannah more than once as he had caused
some questionable students to veer away from the two either when they had been
together or more often when they had been momentarily apart. It was hard at times to
tell which had the greater hero crush on him, Hannah for saving her friend or Susan
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for being saved. The two girls lost their shyness or at least forced it aside to
meet their needs.

“Can we play please?” the two girls said as they stood side by side and pleading in
a disgustingly cute manner.
“Sure,” Harry said as he moved to Susan and Hermione moved behind Hannah. “We can
always talk elsewhere and you both should spend more time in the library or we can
meet in the Great Hall or even outside for some walks…”

The two seemed to nod like they were not all there. The two Ravenclaws sent a look
at each other before they moved to give the girls a better form of being dazed. They
kissed the girls breathless and moved to two facing chair or closer to couch sized
seats. Susan was responding and writhing in his lap. Hermione had pinned Hannah
beneath her and was doing her best to drive the girl to distraction.
“Oh gods, Harry,” Susan said as they moved from crushing their lips to nuzzling her
face into his neck. “You drive me crazy!”

“What can I say?” Harry asked with a husky voice. “I find your determination sexy.”
“What don’t you find sexy?” Hannah asked when Hermione moved to teasing her ear.
“You like the intelligent type like Hermione here…”
“Actually he likes the fact that I am as adventurous as I am inquisitive,” Hermione
said as her hands began to wander more. “Or was that I am as kinky as I am studious?
It is so hard to tell sometimes…”

“Well I am a guy,” Harry said with a chuckle that seemed to rub Susan the right was
as she purred against him. “I will say that I like intelligent, determined and most
of all passionate girls. While you two may not be in Ravenclaw, you are not vapid
and do well enough in your studies. Susan is definitely determined with me and
Hannah I can see you are the same with Hermione. I can say that all three of you are
passionate and put yourselves completely into something once you have decided on
“You say the sweetest things,” Susan said even as she grabbed his hands and shoved
them inside her blouse. “Now please tell me if they taste any better and I will see
about tasting myself…”

Her talking was cut off as Harry started playing with her offered hand warmers. She
wriggled about his lap and she let out a moan as he moved to suckle one while he
moved his left hand to rest under her skirt. So Susan moaned as he worked her over
in what was rapidly becoming a very passionate petting session as his hands roamed
over her ass and tits while he kept nuzzling her tits were proudly being arched into
his face. That she was rubbing against him was just an added bonus.

Hannah was in no better position. Now while Harry was enjoying Susan writhing in his
lap, Hermione was dominating Hannah with her hand alternating from the girl’s panty
shredded mound to her breasts framed with her rapidly unbuttoned blouse. Hermione
had almost yanked them off with how quickly Hannah had found herself bared to the
girl’s forward advances.
“Morgana’s flaming cunt!” Hannah had shrieked when Hermione began to feel her up or
more accurately feel her insides. “That feels… good!”
“Of course it does,” Hermione smirked between nibbling the girl’s tit. “You are just
a needy little cunt so I am giving it a bit if attention…”
Hannah just decided to go with things and Hermione proceeded to show the difference
experience made as she was brought to a howling begging quivering and creaming mess.
Susan had mutually explored, but Hermione had spent enough time with a few other
examples and it allowed her to more quickly find Hannah’s spots and thus the girl
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was being quickly driven into a lustful state of release and relief between rhythms
of body thrashing need.

“Mmmmh,” Susan said as she sunk from his lap to nuzzle his legs and then used her
lips to release him from his pants. “Oh! Someone is really happy to see me!”
“Yeah you can see him winking at you,” Harry said as he felt his body calm a bit
from when he had been trying to tease her madly. “So why don’t you give him a kiss

Harry knew that was a rather horrible line, but Susan had practically walked into
it. Before he could say more, Susan took his offer up and gave his rising attention
a gentle kiss. That lasted about half a minute before Susan threw the teasing to the
side and proceeded to see if she could get him worked enough to be able to milk him
for her taste.
He was half tempted to spin her up so he could return the favor, but he had grown
used to her form of personal hero worship. At least she didn’t need his dick down
her throat to fall asleep. He had found out that once she had him in her mouth that
she would not let him go unless she had a mouthful. It could be a worse obsession
and he knew his could be far worse than hers was. He was planning to violate nature
in as blatant a way as possible. So he didn’t feel bad to acquiesce to Susan
suckling him with a blissed-out look on her face.
“Suz,” Harry growled out. “You are getting really good at this.”

He left unsaid that he could have easily changed his hand from caressing her bobbing
head to grip it and move her head as he wished. Still he was seated and he felt
little inclination to grab her head and buck into her throat let alone force her to
accept him fucking her face while she was being so pleasant. He could always do that
later and when he was finally sure that she wouldn’t be harmed doing so.

Susan moved her hand to play with his balls to both increase his pleasure and to
quicken his release. That it was supposed to increase the amount a guy came was just
a pleasant benefit. She really had gone too long in her view since she had gotten a
taste. Normally she would have taken the first few spurts down her throat or let
them pool in her mouth before having him spray her face and her throbbing for
attention tits. This time was different. He had been spending more time working or
with his other two lovers than the two already likely to be accosted and pressured
to date Hufflepuffs.
“Suz,” Harry once more growled as his lover tried to choke herself on his cock and
suck him empty. “Going to cum!”

She seemed to pay no attention to his words, but her humming and licking told a
different story. Her mind was detachedly aware of his responses, and Susan let him
slide out of her throat as he came close. Her right hand stroked him while his head
was inside her decadently outlining cheeks with her left fondling his tightening
ball sack.
Susan had a content look on her face as she greedily urged him to fill her parched
throat. She let him go with an audible pop that caught the two horny girls’
attention. They looked away from what they were doing even if Hannah had a flushed
and excited look on her face. They blinked at the pure satisfaction and near
religious bliss on Susan’s face before returning their attention to each other.
Hermione wasn’t complaining that Hannah had her fingers buried in Hermione’s eager
Harry came back to himself to see Susan kneeling with a grin that was disturbing in
its own way. He distractedly noticed that her skirt was soaked and the floor was
quite shiny beneath her. He had known that their make out and petting had gotten her
ready and revved, but he could now see the visible proof that Susan had actually had
an orgasm even if it wasn’t body thrashing from worshiping his dick with her mouth.
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It was unexpected that she was developing those directions in her sexuality, and as
he was not one to look a gift in the mouth even if he would inspect it as if it was
a Trojan horse that meant that he would welcome it.
“Well, well, well Suz,” Harry purred in contentment as he watched Susan with her
head back and he could see her slowly savoring and swallowing his seed. “It looks
like my little Hufflepuff damsel in distress came from that. While I like that you
enjoy playing and helping a friend or lover, I feel that I should ensure that you
receive sufficient attention.”

“Oh,” Susan said without losing her magnificent smile. “I will say that my pussy is
feeling neglected even if tasting you made it dripping wet. So are you going to
finally fuck my poor neglected cunt like you have Hermione?”
Harry reached out and traced her cheek gently for a moment before he sighed and
answered her, “Suz, you really shouldn’t rush into things. It took Hermione and me a
long time to get to that point. Would you really like me to be the kind of guy to
just grab a girl and use her without care for her?”

“No,” Susan said with a slight pout. “At least tell me that you are not dismissing
any chance for it?”

“I will admit that I have been very tempted to just sink into your sexual center,”
Harry said with a smile at her easing her trepidation. “I was so tempted the first
time we clit fucked just to worm my way into you, but there is no way that I would
be so inconsiderate. It could damage you if your body is not grown to a certain
point that would have lasting issues. Now since I have been neglecting you and your
sweet sex, I am going to return the flavor in tasting you. I won't dismiss that I
will at some time soon actually fuck you like you want, but it is not likely to be
too soon. You can always try to convince me though…”
Susan smiled at him and barely let an eep out as he flowed to kiss her before
hoisting her into his arms where he spun around and planted her in the seat that was
still warm from his body. Hermione noticed that Hannah let her eyes flicker to them
at Susan’s sound. She wouldn’t mind if Harry did finally decide that these two were
ready to be pounded by his dick.

As it was, Hermione knew it was not very likely, but she really was tempted to bring
both of these cuties in further. It was not just that she wanted to watch the four
girls playing while she was riding Harry or have them adding their attentions to
their games, but that she knew that Harry was very addictive and that once he was
inside them that they would be very reluctant to ever abandon or betray him.

‘Master could so easily enslave them,’ Hermione thought as she roughly teased one of
Hannah’s nipples. ‘Sometimes I think he is too nice for his own good, but if he
wasn’t like he is than he would not be himself. I think I will be moving so we both
can watch and I can see how close I am to playing Hannah like a fiddle with her
“Oh! My! Lord!” Hannah shrieked out as Hermione felt her up and drove her to gushing
over the dominating girl’s fingers. “I’m cuming so good!”
Harry gave a backwards glance as he heard Hermione drive Hannah wild. He looked back
to see Susan was gazing about wildly from him to the scene behind him.
“I guess that I let you think too much,” Harry murmured as he nuzzled the dazzling
girl’s neck. “You were nice enough to make me feel good and I like doing so with you
as well…”
Harry stopped talking or more accurately whispering into her ear to put his lips to
other uses. He simply trailed his way down her already aroused body. He paid
attention to the usual spots and the others he had spent time to find. Each girl had
their own spots just as he had some that differed from the typically addressed ones.
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There were spots that were typical and yet for some were just ho hum to a particular
girl, and that didn’t even take in tempo, pace and other things.

“Hmm,” Susan purred as Harry worked her back to a nerve wracking state. “You are so
good at that, but please stop teasing me…”
“As you wish,” Harry said before he gave her heated sex a kiss. “I was going to
taste you some more anyways…”
With that said, Harry dove into licking and lapping at her flushed and parted lips.
He dipped and dived with his tongue and all the while kept his hands moving to the
spots she had previously responded to. He was still feeling playful and did tease a
bit by going in a progressive manner from her oh that’s nice spots all the way to
eye rolling back and mind going blank.
While Susan proceeded to quite vocally crow about Harry’s eager lip service, Hannah
was getting as close to broke as Hermione would go. Considering neither of the two
had gotten to the point where a wand would tear their cherries, Hermione was
frustrated that she was unable to properly feel Hannah’s depths as she was well
aware that Harry did prefer to do that himself. That the girl would remember that
always anyways was little compensation compared to how he seemed to have dedicated
himself to making sure that the first time was as perfect as possible. Hermione had
yet to have an encounter with her lover that did not leave her happily sated and
satisfied regardless of the methods of reaching that place.
‘Not that I mind,’ Hermione thought as she felt her fingers trace that final divide.
‘Still Harry is Harry and yet at times it is hard to think of him as the same
person. There is Harry my friend and then there is Harry my master. Part of me, my
domineering part, wishes to explore this horny Huffleslut in front of me completely,
but the submissive side of me rebels at thinking of stealing something from my
master. Besides seeing Hannah’s face when she first feels him stretch her and then
cum over his cock will be a sufficient compensation. That master hasn’t forbidden me
from clit fucking her in mutual satisfaction does help.’

Hermione willingly let Hannah explore herself in return and soon Hannah was wide
eyed in shock at what she was feeling. Hannah was getting her first feel of a non
virgin cunt and this time she was shocked by her friend’s pussy accepting not just
her fingers but almost sucking her fist inside. Hermione was feeling very happy from
Hannah stretching and then fucking her with her hand, and decided to respond with as
much as she could without overstepping her master’s due.
While Hannah was shocked from both the intense orgasm she gave as well as received,
Hermione slid the girls fingers from her already needy pussy and set the girl in her
lap. She shifted things so that the girl’s plug rested against her clit. It would
provide some stimulation as she played the willing girl to drench her lap. Hermione
was well aware that Hannah would likely go for being bent over and ground to mutual
multiple pussy juice mixing orgasms. Hannah would likely glue her lips to Susan’s
snatch by that point. She knew the girl planned to be joined to her when Harry
finally did pop her. The girl would also likely be sucking Susan’s pussy out of the
two lovers’ cum when Harry convinced Suz to try something besides that plug up her
oh so spank-able ass.
“Now isn’t that better,” Hermione whispered as she lifted Hannah’s fingers drenched
in Hermione’s juices and licked them clean as well as her fingers with Hannah’s
release. “We can watch their show and have our own fun as well. As you well know his
tongue is heavenly and we are about to see sweet Susan get her mind blown…”
“Oh yeah,” Hannah said as Hermione resumed working her with her skilled hands. “His
tongue shouldn’t be able to move like that, but it feels so good…”
Hermione gave her a grin in reply. Harry had been good enough from soothing Alice
and Anne over that time before he had discovered Parsel required a tongue vibrate to
make those sounds. It allowed him to reach things with his flexible tongue and yet
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vibrate as well as a girl would have her wand. Dora’s metamorphmagus abilities could
do similar, but it would take Dora some painful training to keep the change and her
tongue undulating if she got over excited.
Hermione contemplated finding twins to do an accurate comparison in which was more
skilled in that area. That was something that they could do when the Patil twins
were older. Harry may be a dominant personality, but he wasn’t aggressive in
acquiring partners. He was also lacking in any tendencies to pressure anyone
unready. Hermione wouldn’t mind offering to help them when they did mature to being
interested in exploring their sexuality, and by that point Harry would hopefully
have enough of his ambition prepared so that they would not have to drown themselves
in studying.

It was not that Hermione was ever willing to give up her quest for knowledge, but
that exploring other things was an act she found vying for her attention. As it was
Hermione already planned that Dora would bring her girl in and Su had already
settled. She suspected that when Alice and Anne showed up next year that they would
pick a personal pet girl out of their year mates or possibly up to a third year.
Having Hannah as her personal plaything would still leave Harry with Susan and Su
when they were preoccupied.
“Oh… my… Harry!” Susan groaned out as Harry lapped at her freely flowing nectar.
“Suck my pussy! Make your hero worshipping horny cunt cum like a bitch in heat being
claimed by her stud!”
Harry growled into her folds as he tensed in control. Susan was picking up on
Hermione’s dirty mouth and Dora was already quite liberal in her language to spurn
him on. There was also something about her tone of voice that seemed to be speaking
not to him but to his cock directly. If it wasn’t for his need to make sure that his
secrets would be kept or end up in Azkaban next to his godfather, he would have
likely jumped up and kissed Susan with his lips drenched in her flavor before
sinking into her slick sex.

‘I best make sure she is too worked up to use that voice of hers,’ Harry thought as
he felt his cock throb and it send signals to his mind to just bury it inside
somewhere warm, wet and welcoming. ‘That will definitely be able to convince me to
frequently spend time inside her. I am somewhat relieved that she didn’t mention
anything else or I would have jumped her. A girl’s virginity is important, but even
the Catholics seem to count anal as no more badly than oral or masturbation. I
should be grateful that she didn’t say anything about her ass or I would have taken
it as an invitation and stretched her more than her plug or fingers have…’
Susan lost her attempts to string words together as Harry redoubled his efforts to
make her unable to verbally drive him to plough one of her unexplored holes. It was
not like he was really lacking in girls he had no conviction not to be plunging his
dick into. Hermione, Dora and Su were more than willing to do so, and Dora did hint
that her girl toy was a non-virgin and thus he would have as little reason to
hesitate more than he had with Sarah.
‘Suz is so lucky,’ Hannah managed to think between Hermione pushing her buttons to
keep her in a very near orgasmic to orgasmic state. ‘We both are with having two
caring people to help us discover ourselves and each other. The sex is fabulous
already, and I suspect that they will show us new heights and unexplored avenues of
Hannah was right in that observation. Once Harry had accepted them, Hermione, Dora
and Su would help expand their understandings and experiences. They would at least
have gone beyond vanilla sex and tried things. They would be lucky if neither of the
two had the same kinks as the others, but there were indications that it would be in
different levels for different things. The two Hufflepuffs seemed to have already
started to develop asses that cried out to be spanked.
It was actually to their best interests that the school uniform hid so much or the
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older years would have circled them like sharks. They were unaware that their
current lovers were like legendary sharks warding the littler and weaker predators
away. The girls Harry had acquired so far were too often happy and pleasured to
think of how things could be different. When one is in a state of heaven why should
they question it, and that was exactly where they were.
Susan was writhing in ecstasy as Harry was once again showing her that a guy could
be as good as a girl in lingual dexterity. Behind them, Hannah sat in Hermione’s lap
and was panting as she watched the scene before her in lust while Hermione fondled
her body and teased her neck, cheek, lips and the flushed skin between. This was not
the first time that the two were very willingly being enticed by the two Ravenclaw
lovers, but as with each time before things were going forward a bit more.

The two seductive seekers of knowledge were well aware that both Susan and Hannah
were very willing when they were sufficiently aroused, but neither of them was going
to push things too far just yet. Susan would likely begin to beg to be fucked like
she had since she stopped passing out too soon from these two more experienced
lover’s attentions. It was a measured game in a way, and Hermione was aware that
Harry could have already done more than the playing he had with the very willing
‘Susan has a few minutes at most before she recovers her breath to beg Harry to fuck
her,’ Hermione thought as she teased Hannah to incoherent gasps of pleasure. ‘As
much fun as it would be to see Harry screw both of these early bloomers, I think
this would make a good test. If they don’t tell about this, then they are
trustworthy enough for Harry to give them a good seeing to! They are still rather
excited at being clit fucked, but Susan really wishes to have Harry make her a woman
as some would say. Hannah I think wishes to have Harry do the same for her, but for
her to be sucking Harry’s cum from her best friends just stuffed and spunked
Hannah was watching the scene with anticipation. The past few times she had seen
Harry get Susan to writhe even more than she had with her own ministrations. When he
had fluidly moved to kiss Susan, she had seen his cock resting against the moist
slit of her friend as she watched his ass. She had felt a thrill and hoped to see
Susan get that wonderful dick pushed inside. She had been torn that her lips were so
far from her friend, but when he began to slide along her slit to her friend’s vocal
approval if some disappointment that he didn’t do more than tease her hole.

“Oh Merlin! Harry!” Susan sobbed in need as he leaned over and alternatively fondled
and suckled her already perky and filling out breasts. “Fuck me!”
Harry worked his way up from her breasts to trail kisses and slight nips as he went.
His hands continued to tease her as he went much to both her enjoyment and their
audiences. Susan was very well worked up. He could tell that she was physically
ready and emotionally ready for this, but there was one thing holding him back.

“I am, Suz,” Harry whispered in her ear. “Just don’t think that I am going to spread
your eager little cunt just yet though…”
“Please,” Susan sobbed again as he teased her opening with his cockhead. “Why can't
you just fuck me?”
Hannah was wondering that as well. Harry had her hot and bothered with her sex
parted and dripping with his cock having teased her entrance, and he didn’t sink
into her as she could tell that they both wanted to do. Besides there was no way
that she would be able to get her own turn until Suz had her go. She was going to
see if Hermione would bend her over and grind her while they watched Suz get a clit
rubbed by cock orgasm. She hoped that even if he didn’t stretch her that he would
not just spray her off and let some be inside so that she could taste them together.
It wouldn’t be the same as the blending if they had been fucking, but it would be
more than the muddling of being sprayed on.

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“Think of it as the last test of loyalty,” Harry purred into her ear as Susan tried
to not just buck forward and impale herself. “If we can trust you with this, then we
can trust you enough to do more. It is the reason we weren’t in your house as we
have issues with giving our friendship easily, and full sex changes things and we
don’t want that level of intimacy without an appropriate level of trust…”
“I understand,” Suz said as Harry teased her to the edge again. “All friendship and
any relationship must have a base of trust to work. We get that and we can tell that
when you do give your friendship and attentions that it will be completely and madly
in its intensity. Now speaking of intensity… Please stop teasing me!”
“Sure,” Harry said before he smirked and added teasingly, “Anything for a friend…”

Susan’s response was cut off as Harry went to work. Much to her delight, Harry was
no longer teasing her and was driving her to her happy place. Now while she was not
getting that last step that she wanted, Susan was still feeling a very good thing
happening. Hannah could tell as she had become well acquainted with her friend’s
manners and cues, still watching Susan getting a cock rub to satisfaction somehow
left her fingering lacking.

“Hermione,” Hannah moaned out while Hermione was expertly teasing her folds,
tormenting her left tit and suckling the right. “I need more…”

“Hmmm,” Hermione murmured around the suckling source she had been enjoying before
releasing it with an audible pop to ask, “So how much more do you need? Should I
bend you over on all fours and grind our sweet slick little honey pots while we mix
some sweet nectar for those two viewable and beautifully moving lovers to lap from
us, or do you want to get closer and add our tongues and fingers to heighten their
“Yes, please,” Hannah managed to say as Hermione played her like a fiddle leaving
her fingers soaked and the girl swooning in her lap. “I wish we could get close
enough, but the first is not that bad a consolation. Besides, we can get close
“You are just hoping Harry leaves some inside to see how they mix closer to
properly,” Hermione teased as she lifted the girl up and while keeping her fingers
inside and gripping moved the horny Hannah to rest on her spread knees on the floor
where they could both see things clearer. “I might not have a dick nor wish to
supersede Harry getting first shot, but I think you are going to like this and from
this angle we can see them moving better…”
Hannah opened her mouth to reply, but she only let out a moan as Hermione seemed to
warm her dripping arousal by pressing their heated and moist flesh together. For the
next while, Hannah was aware of the warmth and movement from their pressed bodies,
the wonderful wandering hands, and the warming sight before her. Hannah was well
versed that Harry was experienced and she loved to watch the sight almost as much as
being with either of them.
Her eyes locked as Harry lifted up and set his pulsing prick to the entrance of
Susan’s sex. She could see her friend’s spread open lips and waiting hole. Seeing
his prick angled down and framed by his drawn up balls was something that seemed to
increase her passion. She was well aware that she was moving with and against
Hermione’s thrusts, and that their pussies were linked with strings of sticky
juices. Her body hummed as Hermione worked her with her own practiced hands as
Hannah had learned that Hermione was a very intense study and had found several of
her spots she hadn’t discovered either with her own explorations or with Susan.
“Come on,” Hannah panted as she watched Harry seem to hold himself on the edge while
nudging just a bit into her best friend’s waiting sex. “Cum in her and I can lap it
Susan’s shout mirrored her thought as suddenly the occupants heard the normally
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quite girl scream out, “Come on Harry! If you won't stuff me at least fill me up!”
“Why do you think I am here and keeping you from just slamming your thighs forward
and stretching your waiting pussy?” Harry asked with a strained grin. “Since you
behaved so well, I decided on a compromise…”
The last was said with a drawn out moan as the girls behind watched the visible
signs of his cock spasm and the girl he was holding down sighed and shrieked as she
felt the warmth enter her. Hannah held herself still as she fought to keep a watch
on the scene in front of her and even Hermione had slowed to just unconsciously
grinding the girl.
“Wow,” Susan said sounding as if she was buzzed as she laid their panting and
feeling warm and happy. “That was great, and when you really slide that hard cock
into this eager cunt it will be even better. I almost find that difficult to
“Wow,” Hannah said with a look at the two and their still slightly joined forms.
“That looked wonderful and I am glad to hear it felt as wonderful for you.”

“Your friend is asking if she can lick the two of you clean,” Hermione replied as
she looked at them. “I wouldn’t mind, but could Suz tell me if we taste good mixed
as well?”
Susan just smiled at her friends. Yes they were all friends even if Harry and
Hermione had not completely let them into their lives, yet. She had that smile on
her face eve as she opened her lips and lent her tongue to lapping the combined
juices of her two female lovers. Hannah had given Harry a very quick suck before
letting him slide down her throat and drawing his slickened juices to a manageable
level. He was still glistening with Susan and her spit mixed, but the head was
cleaned off. As he stepped around, Hannah dove into Susan with a gusto far too
reminiscent of Weasley the Mouth that is as she slurped, licked and nibbled the
flushed and fluid drenched area.

Harry moved away to give Hermione a kiss from her gymnastic position near Susan’s
head. He could taste some of Hannah still lingering on his girl’s lips. He looked
over and saw that the little hottie from Hufflepuff was wagging her ass again. It
seemed that her being well ground by Hermione had not totally sated the girl.

“Hermione,” Harry whispered huskily into the slowly moaning girl’s ear. “I think
that Hannah needs some personal attention for a bit. Afterwards once Suz gets you
cleaned up a bit, I want you two to taste the mix of the four of us on her while I
give you some attention. I don’t think they will mind and they do like to watch…”

Hermione chose not to answer with words, but her growl of excitement was obvious in
its response. They had fucked in front of the two before and had the two lapping
both of them clean, but this just seemed a bit different and that was always a good
thing for the most part at least. Letting things fall into any real monotony or
routine would make things boring, and they were passionate in their drives either
intellectual or physical.
He leaned enough to give her a passionate kiss and managed to slide his cock between
Susan’s already attention attracting aroused and flushed mounds. The girl squealed
into Hermione who moaned into his mouth and while he wasn’t able to see it he heard
Hannah purr as Susan did more than just squeal. It was something that he found his
magic had helped with, as normal males take long practice and mental preparation to
approach being multiply orgasmic. The girls just seemed more prepared after their
fun was reached to achieve more and higher heights of pleasure.
He moved away causing Susan to grown in disappointment at the lack of attention.
Hermione merely gave him a look as Susan had gotten her nonverbal already. He seemed
to flow to suddenly appear kneeling behind Hannah’s waggling ass. He felt the sudden
scream of his libido, hormones and other inherited male directives practically
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demand that he just spear the waggling ass and pound it until he came filling her
receptive womb. Despite the lack of complete iron will since Halloween, he managed
to keep from doing that as he slid along her dripping and spread furrow.
“Well, Hannah seems to like this,” Harry remarked getting Susan to swivel her eyes
from where they were closed and she had been savoring oral attentions on both ends.
“You really thought that we would hold out on a needy friend, really what kind of
people do you think we are Suz?”
As her mouth as held against Hermione, all the girl could do was wave an arm about
dismissingly before Hermione pulled it to resume fondling her body. She shuddered as
Hannah went quite vocal if muffled in her sounds into her muff. They could all see
that Hannah was enjoying it and there was nothing wrong with friends having fun.
They lost themselves in their fun until Harry slid himself and nudged just enough in
like he had with Susan. He knew that the two Hufflepuffs relationship would be
strained if he jumped order with them. He had been half tempted to pull their plugs
and send them to their room with their asses having his cum splashing inside even if
he hadn’t explored them there yet.

“Hmmm, I wonder how you three will like this mix,” Harry said with a smirk as he saw
the two seem to recover and move. “I don’t think we ever tried mixing all four of us
together before…”
Hannah and Susan were suddenly sprawled on the floor and lapping each other.
Hermione had moved and gave him a smirk before sucking him clean and setting him to
sit down and watch. It didn’t take long before she spun around and sat in his lap.
With the bare minimum of movement, Hermione lifted up and placed him in position
before she sunk down.
“Ah,” Hermione purred as she watched the two friends playing. “Now that hits the

“It does,” Harry agreed as she settled to slightly moving in his lap. “I think that
if they pass this time things will get interesting.”
“By interesting you mean we get two girls as happy and friendly lovers and not just
as prospective pieces of ass,” Hermione said with a smirk. “I don’t think they would
mind either in the short term. Still I do want to introduce them to our pet…”

“As much as you want our pet to show us her friend,” Harry said with a slight bit of
teasing to his tone. “I do wonder if the three will deal well with each other or our
other friends.”

“You mean the plethora of girls back home that would gladly spread their legs if you
even hinted you were interested,” Hermione said with a slight giggle of how similar
his two world’s girls seemed to be. “It is not that different from here except that
they know you and what you did and not what you seemed to miraculously survive. Just
so long as you don’t go say saving damsels left, right and in-between will you have
that to worry about for a few years.”

“True enough I suppose,” Harry said as he watched the two not paying attention to
them and could relax his guard on his speech. “I think they are a bit like Alice in
Wonderland at the moment, but are they ready to really see how deep the hole is?”
“Perhaps,” Hermione conceded as she took time to enjoy the slow sensations compared
to the outright rutting previously. “We still are not throwing them into the deep
end just yet.”
“There is that,” Harry agreed as he enjoyed Hermione moving just so in his lap. “We
can't leave them here nor take them to our room tonight. So I was thinking sometime
over the short holiday if they actually pan out. Not that they haven’t given a sure
inclination so far, but it is better to hedge ones bets in such matters.”
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“Hmmm,” Hermione said as she noticed his gaze and how it seemed to watch their asses
writhe about. “You were tempted not to just leave a bit in their unfucked cunts, but
inside their virgin asses while their willingly accepted plugs kept them stopped and
topped full while they walk. I can tell, and I think they will like that, but
perhaps not tonight.”

“Next time, but before the culmination then,” Harry said as he watched them in
interest. “We will have to get them to their common room eventually, but I think we
should let them cuddle tonight. Well unless you don’t think they have earned it?”
“They have,” Hermione agreed as she watched the tenderness start to overcome the
girls’ passion as they settled. “I guess it is a good thing that you added that bed
“Yes it is,” Harry said as he sighed and felt himself drain almost emptily into
Hermione. “Let’s get them to bed. They were only half watching us though.”
“They still watched,” Hermione said as she was held tight as he stood up still
inside her. “Once they are in bed I want one last go.”
“Ah, we haven’t done that in front of them yet,” Harry admitted with a smirk. “You
want them to spend the night dreaming about why we gave them those plugs…”
“Yes indeed,” Hermione said as they two maneuvered to lift the connected pair while
they themselves remained connected. “This is interesting; remind me to try the
‘Cowgirl Position’ when we are on a swing. I think it will be interesting…”

Harry just snickered in agreement and the foursome made it to the bedroom. The girls
reluctantly moved to gaze at the pair. Hermione moved so that the girls each got a
different licking in. Hannah got to spend the time sucking him while Susan lapped at
the cum dripping cunt of Hermione. The two looked on as Harry withdrew the plug from
Hermione and set her in his lap. She was facing him and the girls watched as
Hermione spread her cheeks and Harry aimed.
The look on their faces as they watched Hermione skewer her ass on his cock was
priceless. That they could see how hard it made her cum would linger with them for
some time. Hermione had not just gushed she had sprayed them as she howled in
pleasure as Harry worked her tits hard and she had been bouncing roughly on him.

That image was burned into their minds as they drifted off once Hermione settled
down to snuggling still with Harry inside her. The day would come soon enough and
the two were contemplating on the level of excitement that Hermione had showed in
that encounter. They were a bit apprehensive of fitting Harry in there, but realized
that if he hadn’t just rammed into their unprepared cunts that he would not simply
bend them over and spear an unlubricated or warned ass.

The four dreamed of different things, but they all seemed to focus on the growing
family. Harry and Hermione were more detailed as they knew more of the future
group’s members. Hannah and Susan had a faceless yet beautiful collection of women
joining them in friendship and fun. They slept well and deeply that night. Elsewhere
things were different, but the future was mostly uncertain even if it seemed to be
heading for interesting times.

Nicolas was quite disturbed when a pitch black bird bypassed his wards and
dismissively waited for him to remove the letter hanging there. He noticed something
odd about the bird, but not even Fawkes had so arrogantly entered his domain. It
looked like a raven, but there was something there that was unsettling him about the
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“Now what could you have brought I wonder?” Nicolas asked as he absentmindedly
settled in to read while one of the slave girls resumed her head bobbing.
“Perenelle, get over here! Something important has come up and I don’t think we will
like it…”
Her growl tore across the somewhat quite home. Soon Nicolas saw the irate form of
his wife of so many centuries stalk into the room. Her glare would have caused
lesser men to run in fear, but he was used to her rages over the past several
centuries. The first time she had been regressed to near puberty had led to him
being grateful that they had long since gathered muggle servants and slaves. Her
tantrum had left a number of the male ones needing to have both their balls and
dicks regrown.

“What is it?” Perenelle hissed her question as she turned to look at her husband of
so long seeming to be his usual indulging self with one of the prettier slaves
giving him head. “I don’t see anything important here…”
“This bird got through our wards like they were not there and left this message
here,” Nicolas said with a growl. “Now if you don’t mind I am going to let some
aggression out on this bitch while you read that thing!”
Not giving Perenelle a chance to respond, Nicolas yanked the girl off his dick
before he spun her around and skewered her pussy forcefully upon which he began to
slam into the girl with no concern for how prepared she was or was not. As it was
the girls had been practically bred for their uses and lubricated readily. He took
his time slicking up while he fucked her until she soaked his cock. Withdrawing as
the lubrication had eased his passage too much for his rage; he withdrew and sunk
into her ass where he began to vigorously ream her.
“Let’s see what has you so wound up,” Perenelle said with a frown as she sat in his
vacated seat and spread her legs where a waved over pair of lips soon started to lap
as she began to read the letter.

The room fell into a quite only broken by the background of Nicolas trying to vent
his anger and annoyance on the random slave’s willing ass. He had been shocked that
the bird had managed to enter their home and had not been detained in their owl and
mail room. That it had made its way both through the filtering and redirecting wards
and then violated their private places was disconcerting. Nicolas was uncertain, but
he had a very unsettling feeling from the bird as if there was something about it
that needled his memories.
“I see,” Perenelle said after she finished reading. “Nicolas this is quite
distressing. Someone knows where our stone is, they know exactly what it is and how
it was made, and they seem quite amused that we would permit Dumbledore so close to
something he would either steal or destroy. They also seem quite amused that we are
so well protected and are entertained that we would toy with leaving that meddler
some crumbs while hiding our as well as the stone’s real natures. Whoever it was has
proven to be quite interesting as this bird of theirs pierced our wards with
impunity and seems completely apathetic to any threat we pose to it.”
She turned to see Nicolas being rather rough as he continued his rapid gyrations
even as the girl alternated whimpering and shrieking in ecstasy. She felt a
momentary bit of irritation, but given how much effort they had put over the
centuries to make their home more impenetrable than Hogwarts, Durmstrang, the
various Ministry buildings and the Goblin strongholds she could understand his
frustration. Not that her husband needed a reason to indulge his more unrestrained
appetites, but the stone and the elixir’s peculiar quirks had allowed them not only
to lengthen their lives but to enjoy the time. They had indulged in sex magic to
forestall both death and old age before they had deciphered the requirements for the
Perenelle could see where this mysterious person would find deviously deviant
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delight in mussing on Dumbledore’s reactions. She could understand that their piss
poor attempt for a student would be very put off if he ever discovered the stone’s
true nature. Dumbledore had been useful in attracting the recent Dark Lords to have
a more intriguing target and allowed them less uncertainty of others seeking the
stone or other things of their accumulated wisdom. They had horded their tomes to an
extent that a dragon could sympathize. Still there were issues with their
collection, the least of which were the various ministries seeking to control things
“I should have known,” She mussed as she opened herself to enjoy her current lover’s
attentions. “I suppose that being confronted with this would drive you a bit more
fervent in need. Too many things to consider and I do need some physical stimulation
to better my mental faculties. You, girl, see about some more persuasive play!”
Perenelle decided that instead of grumbling some more about Nicolas’s play to relax
and further enjoy her own. It had been something they had relished in utilizing that
the strange sense of clarity when the mind is in that particular euphoria. They had
tried with potions, elixirs and even muggle chemicals, but there was something
distinct that even the rush of other similar acts did not provide. It was more than
physical exercise and even the euphoria in dueling was not as cathartic or capable
of inducing that level of brilliant cognitive leaps. The closest thing they had seen
was the great performers loosing themselves in the show.

So Perenelle reclined and let her mind drift as each piece of the letter was
dissected, debated and derived while she let one of the eager and fanatically
subservient slave girls worship her body. They were trained well and the particular
practice could be sickening in its aspects, but the slaves were too loyal to ever
think to rebel and would escape to return to their service if given the chance. Some
would stay their whole lives while others were really indentured servants exchanging
their time for a favor. They had sponsored and educated a number of muggleborns and
some destitute houses and all in exchange for serving them in all ways. They had
spent the past six centuries enjoying their lives and furthering their own pursuits.

Her mind drifted in disjointed ways as she tried to deduce what happened as her eyes
were closed and she let her body feel the caresses and kisses traveling around her
body. Something about this was fairly familiar, but her mind was taking time to sort
through things. One thing she had been irritated with the vampires over the
centuries was that they were able to sort through their memories as quick as when
they were new even centuries or longer later. The latest group passing into service
had commented on some of the things at the muggle universities that seemed more like
a passing fad they had seen a few centuries prior.
She recalled the mechanical constructs over the years and how they had done things
such as telling the time, playing chess and performing shows. Oh the magical
variants had been more entertaining, but these programmable machines with their
ability to tabulate, calculate and cross-reference was a godsend that would make
things easier if there was a magical version. She rather wished she could recall
things in that way, but the best she could do was something like an index and table
of contents to her knowledge. It was frustrating, but she worked with what she had
and was not one to not use methods to facilitate things.
Oddly enough she was both approaching her peak of searching and feeling when she
heard Nicolas growl out his release before she noticed distantly a look on his face.
She let her passion and release carry her over as she let her mind drift in bliss
even as she felt her release soak the girl’s lips. She looked half lidded as her
husband ground himself as he shuddered and held the groaning girl as she went limp.
His face seemed to shift from euphoria from his orgasm to white shock and he seemed
to wordlessly mouth a word as he snapped his head to look at the bird still perched
“Holy fuck!” Nicolas said mixing his still twitching pleasure and dread. “The bird,
it is necromantic! We got a real one out there again!”

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‘Oh great,’ Perenelle thought as she blinked as the girl drew a string of pleasure
from her body. ‘This is going to complicate things, but at least there was no sense
of blackmail in the letter…’
She let Nicolas rant as the girl drew her into a concussive wave of intense and
overlapping releases. She decided to see about making sure that this particular girl
was not leaving anytime soon. Some women were just naturally gifted with skill, but
even they could become better with practice. She could always claim the girl in an
apprenticeship and thus keep her a bit longer. Nicolas never minded before and he
had done the same with some before as well.
“Yes,” she said as she stretched while the girl had slowed to gently kissing her in
adoration. “I get that there is one out there and as the bird does not have the
usual flaws that only means one thing. There is a born necromancer out there. Hmm,
it seems we overlooked something. The back of the parchment has a watermark seal as
does the spot for a sigil. It is complete Nicolas. There is the normal four, but
also the fifth is present.”
Nicolas seemed to be torn between a state of shock and wanting to vent at the terror
that had flashed through him. That was something that was legendary even when there
had been more necromancers around. It was something that was spoken by the few
necromancers they had known with reverent awe.

“Are you telling me there is a Silver Necromancer out there?” Nicolas managed to ask
as the shock had won out verbally while the venting was physical in his still
jerking movements inside the willing girl. “To make things more complicated that
they have a very good idea of what we had to do to make our stone, and that they are
either in possession of it or able to freely acquire it from under Dumbledore’s
“Yes that seems to be the case,” Perenelle said with a calm sigh. “At least we know
that they would not sell our secret out to Dumbledore or others as well as they
would have no interest in it anyways. I suppose we will still need to negotiate
something in exchange since we were too trusting that Albus wouldn’t seek it.”
“Yes, they have always been quite mercenary in business dealings,” Nicolas said with
a sigh as he felt the girl readily pushing him to slowly savor his current state.
“That means that whomever it is that they have at the least explored the four main
paths. They also will have to have delved into the secrets of life and death to a
fascinating degree. So who could it be that could get into Hogwarts and do this? I
doubt that the teachers would be likely as the only one to have changeover has been
the Defense position for the past several decades, and yet I find the prospect of a
student doing so to be quite difficult to believe.”

“True and as a most likely teenager they would have little antagonism to our
lifestyle,” Perenelle said as she contemplated some of the things they could offer
in exchange. “Still every necromancer we have ever met has been as sexual as any
vampire. I suppose that they will wish for some other things as they seem quite able
to entice people to be their sexual playthings and even the sinister ones can compel
as good as any vampire…”
“There is that, but also they can enthrall similar to vampires,” Nicolas said as he
recalled the many times he had heard of or seen either of the blood magic types
ensnare and bind people to them. “Given the link between the two that isn’t that
difficult to understand. It might not be that bad having them visiting with their
pets. It has been a while since we had some fresh blood from Hogwarts.”
“Like you are one to talk,” Perenelle said with a laugh. “You got me fresh out from
there and I haven’t left yet! Still it is possible that there will be a few and at
least one trained apprentice. So we should send a reply and keep it somewhat clear
and yet not blatant in content as that bird may not be easily intercepted, but the
letter itself could be summoned or the like. Whoever wrote this does have some wit
about them unlike the ramblings that most modern magic users seem to have fallen to.
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I suspect that they will wish to play with our pets and they might allow us the same
with theirs. You do recall the last time don’t you?”

“I do,” Nicolas said with a shudder as the thought was enough to entice him to
continue his entertainment. “The only time I recall having as wild a time was when
we entertained some Veela, a Metamorphmagus and that master less vampiress. The last
time we had similarly exhausting games was when you decided to see how muggle music
had change what three decades ago?”
“Hmm that had been interesting,” Perenelle said with a purr as she thought back to
the fun they had acting like youngsters among the positively Romanesque muggles
those years. “It was like something the older masters had spoken of when we were
young before this strange state befell the Magical World. It seems odd that they
have spent most of the time since the Statutes of Secrecies acting like the muggles
were when those were made. The old traditions and ways seem to have been mostly
abandoned. A shame that so much useful thing falls and it was odd to see muggles act
like when we were children…”
“Yes that is something that I feel Albus of all people should have done something
about,” Nicolas said with a slow sigh as he felt himself being drained dry this
time. “It seems as if the Wizarding Britain and most of Europe has become a strange
reflection of Victorian England. The traditions of old have been abandoned as you
said and it is beyond odd to see muggles trying to reclaim what culture we once had.
Oh they seem to try to sugar coat things like those films from what was that place?”
“Disney,” Perenelle said with a shiver of disgust. “They took perfectly proper
stories and butchered them with making them nice. You saw what they did with the
Story of Sleeping beauty and they wonder why the muggle children are running about
like they have been! Simplifying things down does nothing but make them less
prepared for reality. Some of those people are so naïve that they seem to want to be
nice to everyone and actually think that kindness and being soft does anything but
make you seem like weak prey! They actually want to rehabilitate their criminals in
places that are better than some of their homes! What kind of madness is that?”

“I know,” Nicolas said as he moved to sit while the girl gingerly moved to her knees
to suck him clean. “To make things worse some of them believe that if they do not
bother others that they will not be bothered. People will always do whatever they
can that they can get away with! Power is the one truth in life and as cruel as it
is one must understand that. While we may wish it to be otherwise, the powerful will
use the weak and all that one should worry about is that they do not overly prey
upon them…”
“Yes, the idealists are amusing to watch when they see their so called victims turn
on them,” Perenelle said with a smirk as the girl seemed willing to just nuzzle
while she calmed down. “Albus was such a disappointment since he seems to have
almost become a pacifist as of late. His willingness to allow almost all of the
Death Eaters to walk free does not fill me with confidence. Though it was odd that
only those outspoken that the recent clamant to the Dark Lord title and that Sirius
Black fellow went to Azkaban, but that still does not make me feel things are any
different than before. How odd is it that the recent purebloods are the ones that
are so outspoken on purity?”
“So you think they will be quite receptive to things than,” Nicolas said as he
relaxed while the girl slavishly cleaned him with care and devotion. “I suppose we
should as whoever it is knows enough, but it is better to try to get a conversation
going. Silvers at least are less prone to random killings and violence from what we
know. If it had been a necromancer coming from the Blacks then it would be a
different matter. That family would be likely to try to get their hooks into us by
any means necessary.”
“Yes, the Silvers were supposed to be quite different in some matters,” Perenelle
said as she reflected back on what she had managed to acquire from the encounters
over the centuries. “Supposedly they had a method far better than the Imperious and
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entirely undetectable at that to completely convert a subject’s behavior…”
The two turned their thoughts to how best craft a correspondence with this enigmatic
necromancer. They could always find a way to visit Hogwarts in such a way that their
wayward apprentice would be unable to bar them. Still they had to know more about
how one could pop up under Dumbledore’s eyes. Whoever it was definitely would not be
one of that man’s followers as their natures were quite opposite. At least they
would have less worry that either of them or their household would be at risk
compared to when they had been coerced to entertain some vampires.

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 22: Springing Further Forward
by SamStone 9 Reviews
Further the plans go

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2009/07/23 - Updated:
2009/07/23 - 19907 words
Chapter 22: Springing Further Forward
For as long as I can remember, there was only one truth. Respect authority, but I
never questioned who the real authority was. – Hermione Granger to Su Li on her
reasoning’s behind why she chose as she did.
Harry had been busy practicing. He almost felt as if he was a beginner again as his
magic seemed quite chaotic as it tried to settle. He found he had to restrain his
magic so as to not overpower his wand work and his potions seemed to be more potent
and stable than they should have been. That hadn’t even brought into account the new
form of necromantic magics he had access to now. He had felt the silver and knew
that it was far more potent than any of the other forms. He did wonder what its
specific nature really was.
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So he had started to practice again in the Room of Requirements. He had resumed his
drills with the dummies, and he had found that the silver flame was trickier to call
and even more difficult to control. Still, while it took time away from other
research he knew he had to not leave such an unexpected area unexplored. He had some
frustration from being unable to call forth a pure silver flame for any length of
time, but there were other things on his mind.
“This is so damn complicated,” Harry growled out as the silver shifted to black and
the effigy of Dumbledore screamed before collapsing in ash. “I just know that this
will be important! Besides I cannot stand coming so close and failing.”

“True, so very true,” Hermione said from where she was half watching him, reading a
new tome in advanced charms and going over the bulk potions brewing with Su and
Dora’s help. “Perhaps it is one of those forms of magic influenced by emotions more
or some other factor. There wasn’t much on it as it was.”
Su looked up from where she was working on Owl level healing potions and said,
“There isn’t much anyone can do to help. Even in my family there is barely more than
myths and legends in the specifics of the gift you received. I knew enough that it
was a very high honor, but the specific effects and enhancements are less known.
Some things are just not to be written down for some reasons, and there had to be a
reason that so little information is present. I do know from some very carefully
worded inquiries that Silver Necromantic Flames have some aspects in common with the
Black and the White Flames, but exactly how they differ; I do not know in
particular. I am sorry that there isn’t more that I could provide, sir.”

“It is alright, Su,” Harry said with a sigh as he reformed a new target. “I guess
this is one of those times when experimentation would be useful and necessary. There
just seems to be some other factor that I cannot grasp just yet. So how are the
potions doing?”

“Fine, sir,” Su said as she double checked the color, texture and thickness of the
exorbitantly priced healing draft. “I did manage to also get the line on people
wishing to acquire potent ingredients and it is merely getting them there with
security and stability that would be any concern, sir.”

“Night has been showing some new signs lately,” Hermione said as she moved over to
go over the messages from Surrey. “No ministry or other bird could intercept before,
but speed and carrying ability has been limited to some extent. While he is unable
to move exactly like a phoenix, he is able to travel through shadows including his
own now. It does seem to bypass wards similarly to a phoenix would and he now seems
to have gained the ability to carry far more than his weight should allow.”

“Well that will be useful,” Harry commented as he contemplated on trying to think of

a different mental state than his frustration had been providing. “Is there anything
else to be discussed while we wait for things before studying some more and then
“Not really,” Hermione said as she continued to go over the rather long
communication. “It seems that business is doing well and that Dudley is being even
more restrained than one would expect. Sarah has some headaches from the mountains
of paperwork you left, but she has been getting enough relaxation with some
employees. Hmmm… Claire seems to be trying to be as forward as possible and it seems
there is a bit of competition with the girls there to see if they can get Alice,
Anne or even Sarah to recommend them to help entertain you. It looks like the summer
will be heavily mixed between work and play. In addition to Claire, Sarah is quite
adamant that there is a rather intriguing girl by the name of Judith that would be a
wild ride. You do seem to have the problem of attracting willing females without
really trying. The magically aware girls are starting a betting pool about wither or
not a Veela tries to trip you into falling into her or if they will just jump you.”
“Not too unexpected,” Dora said from where she was glaring at her cauldron with
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annoyance present in her features if not her voice. “You are good looking, well
behaved and decent financially or most believe. All of those things do tend to make
one attractive for such interests. You also do come off as a protector and you did
get a lot of positive attention from the girls back in Surrey because of it. They
likely would have jumped you one day if they hadn’t thought that Alice and Anne had
dibs. Think about it as being able to fulfill a fantasy, they want to have at least
one go with you and since you have showed no problems with the girls you have been
with nor gone out and bragged they feel safe. That Alice, Anne or Sarah gave blow by
blow descriptions of how good the sex was even if they glossed over some of the
kinkier aspects would have excited them.”
“It is not too different than here, sir,” Su said as she went about moving to the
finished potions and bottling them for storage and transportation. “If a girl is not
serious about whom she is with, she would readily be interested in having an
intimate encounter with you. To young and not so young witches, you are more of an
icon than sports or music stars. There are a number of witches and muggle girls as
well that would have little regret for spending such close contact even if short in
time with a celebrity or otherwise famous person. It is simply the fact that you
haven’t been either roaming from girls bed to bed or having them come warm yours
that is making them feel more anxious. There are going to be some that are more than
crazy. While they would likely readily accept if you hiked their skirts up and just
plowed them against a wall, some will be obsessive to possibly think or love or lust
potions and charms.”
“Considering what the books said about you, I was shocked that you were that Harry
Potter and not just the Harry Potter Alice and I were in competition for,” Hermione
said with a frown. “People like that whiny Weasley would likely think that you are
drowning in willing wanton witches, because they see Quidditch starts surrounded by
girls and they fawn over them even the Harpies have men and women following them.”
“I guess it would be foolish and naïve to ever wish to be just normal Harry,” Harry
said with a self deprecating snort before he managed to get the Silver flame to last
for a while on the Petunia doll. “Now that was odd, but it will take a bit to
qualify the exact mental state to utilize it properly. There were only the slightest
hints of other fire in that last wave. Hmm, I really do wonder where they got all
those supposedly accurate information for a biography. I don’t recall building
sandcastles at the beach or even going to the ice cream parlors before hooking up
with the girls. It just wasn’t my thing I suppose and it seemed like something
frivolous that Dudley would be momentarily amused by…”

“A sad thing, sir that books can't be as reliable as one wishes as they are
influenced by who writes them,” Su said with a nod as she dutifully wrote the labels
for the latest potion batch. “Besides some things are stranger than fiction, but
people tend to be sheep like at times. They prefer to be comfortable than worry
about other things. Dudley seems like the sort to have a very short attention span
and will likely become no one of importance.”
“Considering that those people said such lies about your parents,” Hermione said
with a sudden flare of rage at not being allowed to help make the Dursleys suffer or
better die in agony. “It will be quite ironic that their son is heading towards
being what they tried to portray both yourself and your parents as. I will admit
that finding books to be inaccurate was quite upsetting almost as much as finding
out what had been done and tried with my cousin and her friend. If it hadn’t been
for you, I would have likely developed a slavish devotion to authority figures for
finally stopping the harassment I went through. It could have been far worse…”
“Yeah it would have,” Harry said with a scowl as he tried to replicate the mental
state he had been in before. “Seems that one of your teachers had been planning to
try something, but died before he could.”
“I see,” Hermione said with sudden coldness. “It is a shame that I didn’t know or I
could have as they say killed two birds with one stone. While I don’t regret
anything I have done including the sacrifices, I will admit that I feel that Alice
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and Anne to a lesser extent look down at me for not taking that final plunge...”
“It changes you,” Harry said with a look of concentration as he tried again with
doubles of the now deceased Lestrange Brothers. “It may not seem like much to some,
but there is something that happens then and it is heavily influenced by intent…”
“Intent is very important, mistress,” Su said as she started to gather the requested
potions for shipment. “In the older magics, this is more so the case than the more
modern forms. Spell casting by wand waving and incantations are less so affected;
although, the grey and dark arts are more prevalent on intent influenced spells.
Still there are some things that are not so readily accepted as truth, but despite
what people wish there is a truth out there.”

“And there is nothing more precious than the truth,” Hermione said with a sigh as
she started to realize what they were telling her. “It is a beautiful yet terrible
thing. I don’t plan to ever let myself become as twisted as some, but I know there
will come a time that I will have to kill a human. I just hope that I will take it
as well as I must.”
“You will,” Harry said with a firm of conviction as he looks on in shock at what
happens to his current targets. “It seems I understand some of this now. The intent
is far more important and this flame seems to affect the body, the mind and the
soul. Shocking that it seems to be far more flexible than any of the others and yet
I can feel there is a restraint to it. I doubt that it would ever let me harm the
true innocent and that such acts would be rather contradictory to the influence from
the unicorn…”

“That would make sense, master,” Su said as she finished assembling the package for
transport. “May I ask Night if he will deliver this, sir?”
“Yes, Su you may,” Harry said with a sigh as he called for someone in whom he had
nothing but apathy as even the hate had been drained out. “Hermione, I think we will
need to send a letter to the Flamel’s soon. I suspect it will need to be well
thought out and lacking in any attempts at intimidation. I don’t think I do well at
that at this time so some input would be appreciated. Given the oddness around
Quirrell and the legendary curse on the position, we can always hope that we get a
Wizarding equivalent to a wandering worker next year or having some other issues. It
would kill two stones for you.”

“A first righteous kill and cementing that all other authority figures are nowhere
near as trustworthy as you are,” Hermione said as she closed her book and thought on
things. “It would be ideal, but knowing our luck he would be some celebrity or
something. I think you would feel motivated if any teacher here did stuff like that,
but given the whole Sarah thing you are not trying to have a double standard. I take
it you don’t care about age but the way that they do not care about the willingness
or not of the involved.”

“Hmm given the way most witches are following him, I think that Gildroy Lockheart
would be a likely choice as it would also allow him to sell more of his books,” Su
said as she thought on it as she watched Night carry the package to a shadow and
vanish. “I rather find his books to be barely well thought out bodice rippers, but
there is little of educational worth there. A former Auror or the like would be a
better education wise choice, but, since Lockheart is an honorary member of the
Defense League, I can see him having believable credentials.”
“He would be an interesting target,” Harry commented as he loathed the press
conscious man. “I wouldn’t mind feeding the photogenic and charismatic fame seeker
to Lady Silver though…”
They looked at him when he said that. There were a few people that Harry had that
particular tone for. Unfortunately, they suspected that Harry hadn’t found a way to
send a howler or other enchanted or more accurately cursed letter to the man. It
likely wasn’t for want of trying, but as much as someone that sounded that
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self-centered there was a healthy paranoia any celebrity would need. The Wizarding
paparazzi were far worse than the muggle at times, but at least the wizards could
apparate away and keep them out with wards.

Dora had been quite proud of the progress she had been making with Penny. She had
been enjoying their time together more so than before as she had started to drive
the girl mad with her denied opportunities for more. She had enjoyed being the
master and mistresses plaything, but she realized that like them that she had found
a thrill on being on the other side of that kind of dynamic. Dora fondly recalled
watching Hermione being worked up as Harry took her dominantly and the way her
lovers had enjoyed that before they had jumped her and driven her mad.
‘I suppose that there is really not that much of a difference between us,’ Dora
thought as Penny yanked her into her room and started kissing her passionately. ‘I
think she is getting worked up enough to finally make a real decision for the most
part. She probably would go for glamour charms on both now and be willing to do a
lot already. Considering that she tries to suck any Harry leaves inside me when we
meet, I think she is rather more interested in at least a suck from someone that she
has pouted at being too good tasting compared to her attempted boyfriend.’
Dora took charge of the kiss and soon had Penny on the bed with her legs quickly
spread. She worked the girl a bit before trailing her way down and proceeded to try
to cave Penny’s head in with her lingual skills. Dora had long since explored every
bump and crevice of Penny’s sex and she could quickly morph her tongue for maximum
sensations. She had learned better than to try to talk to the girl when she was this
wound up, but she likely would have a chat once the girl had gone limp.
“I appreciate this so much,” Penny managed to sigh out when Dora let her rest for a
short time. “I still can't get that ass of a boyfriend to do more than light
petting! I don’t think he will ever be ready to return some oral pleasure and will
likely go for rutting! If he has anywhere as low a duration with penetrative sex as
he does with just a hand or mouth, I will be a very frustrated girl…”

Dora switched to caress the still shuddering sex of her friend after giving it a
kiss of appreciation. She gave a few visible swallows as she turned her head to look
at her friend’s panting face even if she lingered in watching the way her body
moved. Dora was quite enamored with both bodies male and female. Do to that, she did
tend to gaze longingly as the muscles moved from Penny’s panting and the way it
moved her aroused breasts.

“And I will be happy to help remove that frustration,” Dora said as she set her head
to rest on Penny’s warm thigh. “Any chance you are any more decided on that other
Her friend trailed her fingers gently through her hair as she seemed trying to
decide what to say. Dora relaxed into Penny’s caress and waited for her friend to
answer her question. She had come close to almost convincing Penny in the heat of
the moment to swear to it, but had felt a bit deceitful to use the girl’s need for
release to get her to swear to go through with things. She had wanted to see how
Penny would be in other aspects, but Dora was well aware of how displeased Harry
would be.
“I am thinking about it,” Penny admitted with a sigh as she felt her breathing start
to be less strained. “I just don’t know how to go about it, and there is the whole
trying to work things out with the sort of boyfriend…”
Dora gently stroked Penny’s still flushed thigh and contemplated things. She really
wanted to do more with and for Penny, but she understood that she did want the whole
attempt at dating to work. From her descriptions of their encounters, Dora really
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would have told her to dump him even when she had just been the confused Tonks.
Still it would take a few minutes to sort her thoughts and Penny petting her head
like that made the thoughts both more fluid to reach and that more difficult to hold
“So you have made some decisions,” Dora said with a slight purr as Penny really
seemed to bring the pet out in her lately. “You do want to do this but are
conflicted in that you think you might be somewhat steady or exclusive with this
guy. I won't force you or anything, but I might try to convince you since I just
can't see this working if he has so little concerns for your own needs. He hasn’t
done more than wind you up and I think that is a good indicator how he will be with
the rest of his sexual relationship. I don’t want you to get into a relationship
with a minute man on the outside. I have not been lying about things as you well
“I just don’t think that having a master and mistress is what I really want,” Penny
said demurely as if she half didn’t believe herself. “You have been pretty adamant
about how good your sex life is in comparison to mine. I rather feel better that you
don’t use their names as it shows you won't use mine. I will admit that I miss a
proper fucking with a nice hard cock and all the imitations seem to come so short of
the real thing. I just don’t think I will like some of what you asked…”
“What the fact that I seem to love getting it up the ass?” Dora said with a giggle.
“Don’t knock it until you tried it and more accurately tried it with someone who
knows how to do it right! So it’s not like you have to spread your ass and let him
give you a reaming or anything. I can understand why they put the constraints on
that they do. For a while I was completely sex crazy, and if they hadn’t taken me
firmly in hand I would have likely been used like a school broom. It is not that
different than normal dating as they do assert some of the same privileges. It was
with it though to give up some things to be with them.”
“They can say what you can do and you like it,” Penny said with a snort of
indignation and amusement. “I get that they are making allowance for our unusual
relationship since you say our discussions help clear things up, but that you gave
control on what happens to and with your body seemed extreme. I will admit that I
might have said I would do something of the sort in the heat of the moment, but most
of the time I worry too much about other things.”

“You worry about how it would affect your reputation and life,” Dora said with a
slight frown. “I get that, but as we have discussed it is quite easy to arrange
things so that neither you nor my other lovers know exactly who each other is. I
mean fucking you with a toy is one thing and so is lapping you, but you did admit
that you do miss being fucked proper. So is it really bad to get some delicious and
warm stretching in while also getting access to totally stretch and handle this
lovely and magically perfectly fit and snug cunt?”
“You have been making that argument and it is so hard to say no to it,” Penny said
with a slight frown of her own. “I will concede to taking that up if things don’t
work by summer…”
“Why not get a sample over our short break?” Dora asked as she contemplated the lack
of class and other diversions and the time it would allow for a proper persuasion.
“You could come up to my room with a disguise and I bring him or them and see where
things go. I will say that you will be hard pressed to say no one he starts. Hell,
he can give the most toe curling massages that can take you from ‘just let me be’ to
‘get back here and pound me until I am limp’. He really seemed to like winding me
“Do you know how long it has been since I had a decent back rub let alone a
massage?” Penny asked with some irritation from the lack of boyfriend attention.
“While I will sympathize that you were wound up, you at least have gotten some
response. He may be a guy, but yours at least reciprocates. I think that boy would
likely turn his nose up if I asked him to give a kiss let alone a lick!”
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A moment passed as Dora thought this over. Penny had just given her some more
ammunition in her quest to get her onto a proper guy, and if it was her master than
it would be better for both of them. Dora knew she wanted to cuddle Penny while
Harry alternated stretching them as he showed how good he was at sending a girl to
the small death. She would likely never tell Penny that he was just as good at
causing the permanent kind until it was far too late. Dora was just looking out for
her older sister/lover and letting her constantly be left frustrated by her current
beau was not looking out for her any more than letting her get used by the outside
world. Dora knew enough now that Penny would need a patron if her dreams were to
come true. Still there was a chance here to reel Penny in if not land her soon.
“Now while he lacks the flexibility of my own tongue,” Dora said with a smirk as she
saw Penny starting to take the bait, “you would be hard pressed not to grab his head
and kiss him before demanding that he fucks you when he gets started. He is very
good for a guy. I think he had a large amount of experience with that as it was. I
won't tell you more just that he was bugged for his massages during that time and he
seems better than those potions for making it far more than bearable…”
Penny looked thoughtful at that. Whoever Dora’s master was, he took care of his
girls and seemed to have been skilled and sociable enough to attract girls when they
were used to dealing with the boys think they have of they think the boys have
cooties stage. He had to be something to have got enough practice to be so good at
using his hands. Her friend had told her of some of the encounters, but like her own
relationship she knew that Dora refrained from names.
“I wouldn’t mind a massage during those times,” Penny admitted with a tinkling bell
like laugh. “Oh I admit I would like to meet this guy, but I don’t make any promises
on what will happen…’
“Of course,” Dora conceded with a smirk hidden by her hair. “Just remember you
didn’t promise what won't happen. When he is involved, you should better be prepared
for the unexpected…”

“I suppose you would know,” Penny said before pulling Dora up and kissing her. “I
still would like to see what you look like when you are being stuffed, but I don’t
know for sure if I can comply. It may happen and given what you said about your
master it is a possibility. At the very least I will get to see what you look like
when your sweet little pussy is stuffed and then filled with his cum.”

“Since you want to see me in that position, is it any wonder that I want to see you
in the same?” Dora asked as she leaned over before teasing Penny with fingers and
lips. “Now I think I will go for how you look stuffed if not sprayed with delicious
protein rich sperm…”

With that Dora proceeded to mount Penny and see about giving her a few more body
wracking bouts of pleasure. Still Dora was more concerned with Penny than her own
pleasure at this time. That did not mean that she was not going to get her own fun
out of this. While Dora felt the thrill of satisfaction and a few shudders of
pleasure, they were pale imitations similar to a half worthwhile bit of self
Dora watched as Penny flopped about and thankfully didn’t fall asleep or pass out
this time. The girl was a friend, but it was just rude that she would act so like a
man at times. With Penny awake if not completely passionate, Dora crawled up and let
Penny rest her flushed head in her lap.
“You look so gorgeous when you are getting stuffed and stretched,” Dora said as she
gently teased Penny’s mussed hair. “It just makes your face shine and there is a
distinct look to it when you cum. Not that you don’t look cute when you are getting
your goodies, it is just that you look more ecstatic when your sweet pussy is being
stretched full.”

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“You are so good to me,” Penny admitted sounding very mellow and content. “It is so
much better with someone here than doing this by myself, but still there is that one
thing missing…”
“Don’t you worry now, I will set things up and if you both click you will get that
missing feeling dealt with,” Dora said with a smile at the very amiable girl. “Now I
normally don’t ask this as you tend to get so worked up you don’t relax until you
pass out, but would you mind giving my poor neglected little muff a bit of
attention? I barely got what I consider a quickie now…”

“No problem,” Penny slurred looking for all purposes as if she had a few too many
shots of fire whiskey. “Least I can do for such a good friend; especially if you can
get this horny hottie a good round of loving.”
With that Dora just relaxed and let Penny drive her passions to elation. She just
had to arrange things and everything would work out. Harry would get a very hot and
eager girl to explore, and she would get to explore some as well. So far she was
plotting out the one thing she had been hesitant to have Hermione do with her. Sure
she had been double teamed, but that was different from being double stuffed. Dora
was trying to avoid pressuring Penny, but she really wanted to have a three way with
Harry and Penny. Besides there was the fact that Dora really believed that Penny
needed a good man or at least a firm and dependable cock in her life to be happy.


Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot had been growing closer to each other and to their
other lovers even if they hadn’t gone beyond petting, kissing and licking with the
couple that would likely be voted as hottest in the school before they graduated. At
least Susan no longer had to worry about being embarrassed with being an early
developer as Hermione had sported a pair and ass more similar to the fifth years.

Her discussions with Hannah post-orgasm as well as some talks with both Harry and
Hermione had left her without a worry at being either freakish or too naïve to
become the school broom. The discussions on friendship and loyalty had done wonders
for the non-sexual aspects of the dynamic the two were sharing with their Ravenclaw

‘The game was interesting,’ Susan thought as she wondered with her friend down one
of the many corridors in the school. ‘I will admit that there is more to it than I
would have thought. They are not acting like I had been told boys would with their
nonstop attempts to get inside my panties, but they seem more likely to get me to
beg, plead and demand that they do say instead. All the times that Harry could have
simply pulled me into a nook, hiked my skirt up, pulled my panties down or to the
side, and took me so eagerly seem to be difficult to count.’
She turned to her friend and finding a bit of privacy in one of those self same
nooks pulled her friend in and spent a few minutes kissing her until they both were
breathless. As Gryffindor as Harry had driven their passions so far, Susan was just
not ready to sink to her knees in front of her friend and bury her face in her
succulently sweat sex. She could always do that in the privacy of the dorms and one
of their beds. That was not to say that their hands tended to wander when they were
kissing like mad, but neither of them were so wound up to be caught undressed even
partially just out of sight. They could always find an unused classroom and add some
locking charms and silencers before they got involved.
“So what has you so on fire?” Hannah asked as soon as Susan had drew back panting
and flushed. “As if I didn’t suspect…”
Susan closed her eyes and tried to bring herself back to control. She had learned
that her body tended to stay excited once she started and had spent an entire day
with Hannah lavishing her body with attention and wasn’t fully relaxed until she had
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passed out from exhaustion. She had learned that somehow she was very easy to excite
and would stay that way despite the number of orgasms or lack thereof in the
Hannah had spent as much time teasing her friend about her massive crush on Harry as
she did on Hannah’s crush on Hermione and Harry as well. They both had enjoyed their
rondeviews with the pair and how they liked to drive them to needful and wild
passions. Still they each had centered on one of the pair as they had that first
distracting and addicting encounter.

“So true,” Susan said with a sigh as she pouted a bit at her friend. “I think they
are going to be driving us further soon. While I know we both love this game, I
suspect that they will be bringing it to a head soon. I think they wanted to make
sure that the anticipation was so intense that we would be so spent afterwards that
we would never think to betray them. I almost wish that the hat had sorted them into
our house so they could have some good examples of friendship and loyalty…”
“Ah, but they do in each other,” Hannah said as she leaned back against the wall. “I
get that someone has seriously hurt them before and that they are being cautious
with letting us in, but they really seem insistent on it being on their terms. I
think they might have control issues, but when they do take the lead I just don’t
feel like arguing. It just feels so natural.”

“They are natural leaders as my auntie would say and they are a bit more
intimidating than the professors can be when they want to be,” Susan said as she
wobbled back to rest on the opposite wall. “They have more charisma than one would
think when they put their minds to it. I am amazed that Witch Weekly so far hasn’t
gotten a picture of the two of them. Considering how it would sell pictures, I am
more shocked that they haven’t offered some serious galleons worth of rewards for
more pictures of him. Although I suspect that most here would stop if he gave them
that look…”

“Oh yeah,” Hannah agreed with a shiver at the thought of that look either being
directed at her or for her. “You heard what happened the last time someone tried to
mess with Hermione or that friend of theirs?”
“Harry can be quite frightening when he wants to be,” Susan said with a groan as she
fought against jumping her friend or hopping they would run across those two. “None
of the students would tell the professors, but it seems quite spread that messing
with him will get you stomped. He smacked down what a whole group of fifth years
“He is at that,” Hannah said with a thoughtful look. “You recall that time in
potions, I think that Professor Snape tried something and Harry stomped him good!”
“It could be,” Susan said as she thought over some of the things she had picked up
from her aunt. “It seems odd that he never tries to meet Harry’s gaze now. It almost
sounds like he tried Legilimency against Harry, but I don’t think that even with
being so confrontational that a Hogwart’s professor would stoop to that. It would be
illegal and be difficult even for the Headmaster to cover up. It is almost as
illegal as trying to give Verisiterum to an underage student, but I can see a
possible reason given the things we hear about happening.”
“You really think it is true that some of the upper years have their way with
younger girls?” Hannah asked with a frown on her face. “I don’t think it happens in
Hufflepuff, but I can see why it could be a risk. It would be something additional
to being with Harry than just his good looks, wonderful hands and amusing
“He definitely could be someones protector,” Susan said with a sigh as her mind
flittered with thoughts of engaging ways to convince him and pay for his efforts. “I
just don’t know how long either of us will last as things are. I think that if he
hadn’t made me cum so hard I couldn’t think the past few times he drank from my
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flowing folds that I would have outright begged for him to take me. I know that we
both want to feel him inside and Hermione involved somehow…”

“I agree, but I think that Harry will be with you first while Hermione makes sure I
understand the dynamics better,” Hannah said with a slight groan as she pictures
being held by Hermione while Susan gets Harry to let her ride his cock with them
just out of reach. “Nothing against you Suz, but Hermione is just more experienced
with her playing. She can get a girl to be held torturously on the edge and hold it
so long. I worry though that being completely with them might risk us, but then I
realize that they were making sure that we would work since they are likely to be
busy with each other at least some of the time.”
“I think they were making sure of us together and separately would work with them,
Han,” Susan said with a shudder at the whispered hope that either of them would find
them here and just push things further. “They don’t seem to give any part of their
trust easily, but they seem to be even more fanatically loyal to each other than
even we were and we have been friends for so long. I mean they put so much fear into
the boys that they won't say who it was that they saved. Also neither of them will
tell us who their mysterious other friend is. I suspect that they will never do so
until we are finally brought into their inner circle of trust.”
“It could be,” Hannah said in thought as she wished that they had learned enough
charms to make the nook they were in mostly secure. “Still I can't help shaking in
anticipation that today will be the day, if you know what I mean. I am amazed that
he isn’t being forced to wade through crowds of witches with wet waiting panties
just wishing they could jump him or more likely just be taken against a wall. He
could have likely told any girl on the train even the head girl to hike her skirt up
or drop to her knees and she likely would. What kind of wizard will he be with that
much of an iron will to control himself like that?”
“I suspect that he will have those kinds of problems publically before third year,”
Susan mussed as she didn’t find it at all implausible. “He already looks to be at
least that old and unlike the rest of the wizards he has a very developed body.
There is just something melting about being held as if you were weightless and
without a charm at that!”
“We better get out of here before you get me worked up too much,” Hannah said as she
poked her head out into the corridor. “You really think that they will be somewhere
near here today?”

“It’s very possible,” Susan said as she looked over her appearance as much as she
could without a mirror. “They don’t hide some of their movements and they do come
this way often enough.”

“So we just wander about and hope for them to bump into us?” Hannah asked as they
started walking down the corridor. “I would think going to their tower would be a
better idea…”
“Yeah, one would think if they didn’t seem to be better at maneuvering around this
place than seventh years or the Weasley Twins,” Susan commented as she looked about
as they wandered towards where she was certain the two so on their thoughts were. “I
really hope they aren’t doing anything bad.”
Hannah came to a stop for a moment and looked at her friend. She noticed the worry
that was present in Susan. Her devotion to her aunty did make for some worries.
Having your maternal figure as the head of the DMLE, did make one prone to worry
about the system. She really didn’t think that those two could possibly be up to
anything dangerous or illegal at least to the level to risk Azkaban, but it seemed
that Susan did have such worries.
“Look, Suz, I really don’t think that they would be up to anything bad,” Hannah said
though she did frown as if contemplating the possibility before dismissing it as
impossible. “Besides even if they could be doing something against the rules, I
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don’t think that they would do something illegal. Now stop worrying about it and
let’s go look for them!”

“Sorry, Han,” Susan said with a sigh. “I just worry and who knows what people
sneaking about could be up to!”
“I get that you worry really I do, but considering all he has done there seems
little to indicate any diabolic behavior,” Hannah said with a sigh as her friend
glanced at her oddly. “What I do spend some time in the library and it turns out
there is a decent fiction section there as well. It was just prone to longer words,
but the stories are far more interesting than some of the stuff we read when we were

“Ok, something else to look into,” Susan said as she started to walk down the
corridor again. “You are right in that there is little chance that Harry Potter of
all people is involved in anything illegal. Still he does have that menacing
attitude and it leaves a girl suspicious. I really don’t think that he is up to
anything, but the fact remains that with every day we fall deeper into his thrall…”
“You sound like he is some muggle mastermind villain,” Hannah said dismissively. “I
will admit that he could be evil given his bad boy attitude, but so far I don’t see
him acting like the more typical Slytherin bullies which one would think better
suited to such a role. He does act apathetic to both Ronald ‘The Human Vacuum’
Weasley and Draco ‘My Father will hear of this’ Malfoy. He doesn’t seem to care
about the house rivalries and seems inclined to do his own thing. I will agree that
he is addictive and enthralling, but there is little chance that he would be some
secretive villain. At worse, he could be an anti hero!”

“Yeah it just seems all that paranoia from aunty comes to play at times,” Susan said
as she reached around and hugged Hannah to her. “He shows no signs of being a dark
wizard, but even if he did I think he wouldn’t be as needlessly cruel as those aunty
mumbles occasionally about when she had a bit too much wine with dinner. They seem
to do something because they can without concern for others, and Harry seems to do
what he must with concern for others. Those are two entirely different things.”
“Just admit it,” Hannah teased. “Even if he was almost as evil as You-Know-Who you
would still be attracted to him. Given his protective leanings, we also have no
reason to believe he would demand things. You did read a bit too much from your
aunties private records about what things were like back then. He demanded his
followers do horrible things and they murdered, raped and tortured because they
could. Some say he even asked some of his followers to slay their own family!”
“I know it was horrible,” Susan said with a scowl. “I just cannot picture my savior
as doing anything like that… well unless it was necessary or they deserved it.
Oddly, I can picture him swooping down on death eaters and the like and slaying them
with a righteous fury. Even if it seems wrong to do horrible things, I think that
for some reason that if it came to it that he could do them for the right reasons.”

“We go from relaxing to philosophizing,” Hannah said with a giggle at the absurdity.
“We have it bad for them and are really in need of some alone time with them.”

“I hear you,” Susan said with a whimper of need. “So any chance you think we will
find those two nearby?”
“It is possible considering that you said they spend a good deal of time this way,”
Hannah said as she watched Susan and the way she was walking. “I just hope that they
are not put off by us showing up and ruining whatever it is they are doing…”
They hadn’t noticed that Harry had appeared out of one of the dark shadows near
them. He had been in this area for the sole reason of keeping an eye on the general
production in the chamber and the utilization of the Room of Requirement and
traveling between them. He had been shocked to learn that he could make a door
almost anywhere from the room. They had at first thought that the room was limited
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to exits on its floor, but that had turned out to not be the case.
With some effort, he had started to experiment and had very limited travel compared
to Night, but it was more than enough to traverse some parts of the castle. He had
started to use this area as it was within range of both and he had along with
Hermione set up a minor workshop in some of the unused office space. It allowed them
to have discoverable things if they were ever followed by a teacher or a student.
They did however keep Su and Dora away from the area as those two were doing far too
much in the grey legally brewing to be present in the cover. There was also the fact
that both Harry and Hermione were quite protective of their identities and realities
of their relations.
It was a cover and thus nothing blatantly illegal was there, but there was enough to
divert attention. They had even started a small brewing for the Weasley Twins as
while they were marvelous pranksters they did lack the level of intricacy that the
three potion geniuses had accumulated. Harry had been impressed with how the twins
were quite innovated, but disappointed that they had not realized the complications
of scaling production to meet demands.
“You’re not,” Harry said as he barely suppressed a smirk as the two girls jumped and
squealed in fright. “We were wondering when your curiosity would get the better of
you, but Hermione thought that you would try to catch us when we were walking and
not settled in. I personally was hoping you would muster the slightly Gryffindor
courage to find the Ravenclaw common room and seek entrance there. Still you are
both as determined as anyone would wish for a Hufflepuff, and you likely would have
done that if this less invasive method failed.”

“Don’t do that!” Susan said as she tried to catch her breath from how spooked she
had been. “Morgana! You scared a decade off of us easily!”
Harry just chuckled at that. Those two were at least less high strung than most
Gryffindors and the prat of a fifth year prefect for sure. Still didn’t mean that
they weren’t fun to tease, wind up and otherwise distract.

“Where would the fun be in that?” Harry asked as he turned to Hannah who was almost
hyperventilating and moved close to her and quietly whispered, “Now dear Hannah, why
are you so skittish? You both came looking for us and you found us…”

Hannah blushed and seemed hesitant to respond. It was something she was having a
moment of resignation to admit. She was right that he did pull off the dangerous bad
boy image as well as being able to be caring to those close to him. He also could
get a girl easily flustered.

“We need you,” Hannah admitted with a shudder at the thrill that passed from his
breath. “I just worried that you would be upset if we did end up disturbing you…”

“Well you needn’t worry about that,” Harry said with a smiling smirk before kissing
her cheek fondly. “We were both wondering when we could meet up again…”
“Oh,” Susan said with a squeak as her friend was dazed from his attention. “So you
don’t mind that we came looking for you or hopefully both of you, well that is a
relief. So can we go somewhere nearby and visit a bit?” Susan leaned in and
whispered, “Also I think that Hannah needs to recover a bit. We have been wound a
bit tight and were missing you both…”
“Considering I was going to see if we could get you to visit and find a good place
to do so,” Harry said as he watched Hannah still being dazed and Susan flushed from
his being near. “I don’t think that will be a problem. It is just that some things
require a bit of space to work on. We are Ravenclaws and some forget that practical
knowledge is as important as book knowledge.”
Before they could think on things or really recover, Harry had gently took a hand
each and proceeded to lead them forward to where Hermione was. His attention had
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gotten them dazed and he took advantage of it in moving them through a slightly
confusing series of turns to a room he had set up in advance. They did need a room
for the findable things that would not cause any real problems and serve as a decent
front. Besides there was the fact that the two they were currently slowly seducing
were quite precocious and would have eventually decided to initiate a meeting

“Oh,” Hermione said from where she was viewing a potion brewing. “So they finally
decided to see what we are up to then?”

“Yes they did,” Harry said with a slight smirk. “Although I suspect that it was more
the fact that they were feeling somewhat neglected and yet they didn’t want to
bother us if we were busy with other things…”
“That does sound like them,” Hermione commented as she moved to the next cauldron.
“Some of the students seem to want some potions that it would be annoying having to
spend time brewing or acquiring from either an older student or the price gouging in
Hogsmeade. So into that void we decided to meet with our potions skills, and things
have been profitable ever since. Why even the Weasley twins have decided to
outsource more of their prank brewing or at least what they plan to sell later.”
“Oh,” Susan said with a slight frown. “So that is what you two have been up to, and
here I was worried that you were growing tired with us.”
“Perish the thought,” Harry said from where he was reclining against the wall behind
them. “We still find you quite interesting and plan to do so for quite a while yet.
It was more wondering if you were growing tired of keeping things slow. I know that
you both have wanted to take things further, but we both have issues with letting
people in that far…”
“You are willing to lick our pussies, let us suck your dick and Hermione’s cunt, and
you don’t think that is letting us in?” Hannah asked in shocked disbelief. “You have
also kissed and hugged us which is far more intimate than some of the more
physically sexual stuff, but you seem reluctant to spread our thighs and plow either
of us or spread our ass cheeks and explore where the plugs you have us wear are?”
“We do have a bit more selective tendency for the more penetrative sexual acts,”
Hermione said from where she was working completely at ease with the topic and
discussion at hand. “Oral sex is less complicated since there are some friends we
have done so with. I think massages can be more intimate and Harry has spent time
with other girls only with his fingers soothing their aches. Some were muggle or
squib girls and his massages completely soothed the issues from those times.”

“Ah I see,” Susan said feeling a bit more understanding. “You are more open in the
things you have done with us with friends, but you have Harry reserve certain acts
for only close friends.”
“True or else I would be inundated by my fans both muggle and magical,” Harry said
with a sigh. “I had hoped to avoid that here, but the Boy-Who-Lived thing is still
quite prominent. I had hoped that it would dim a bit and that being in Ravenclaw
instead of either Gryffindor or Slytherin would help with that. At least I have less
people staring blankly among the students.”
“Well you have to admit that you are attractive,” Hannah offered in explanation.
“You came here looking more mature and held yourself better than even the pure blood
scions, and as you are the Scion of House Potter you can't really expect to stay in
the background forever.”
Harry and Hermione looked at each other at that. He was fairly certain that Susan at
least would know about the heir apparent for House Black as well, and Hermione was
confused by the lack of mentioning something that the politically trained Susan
should have mentioned to her friend. Still neither had mentioned any of his real
legal status to the girls as it had been unnecessary to complicate it. Hermione
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suspected that if the general girls in the school were aware of his coming into his
heritage legally and economically that they would have tried harder to get his
attention already.
“Hannah, hasn’t Susan shared some of the more intriguing issues that Harry has with
you?” Hermione asked in interest. “I would have thought that as networked as your
aunt is that she would have kept you informed of such things.”
“Oh,” Hannah said with a blush. “The House Black thing is not certain yet, but every
indication of legitimate necessity and procedure was there according to Suz.”
“Yes, convention does state that since your godfather’s will has not been changed
even with the situation that you would still inherit,” Susan said with a grimace at
the pointed looks the two were giving her. “However, it is likely that Narcissa
Malfoy nee Black would challenge on behalf of Draco Malfoy as the supposed last male
born with Black blood.”
“Ah,” Harry said with a nod before smirking. “I guess I will be disappointing them
then. It turns out that there is both enough and close enough at that Black blood in
my veins. There is also this other thing, but that really doesn’t matter…”
“Harry,” Hermione said with a sigh. “Stop teasing them.”
“What teasing?” Harry asked as he continued to smirk but moved to rest his head
looking towards the ceiling. “That is just something that they don’t need to know
yet, and as such I don’t feel a need to discuss it. I will say that there is no way
that Draco Malfoy will ever ascend to be Head of the House of Black. He is more
likely to be cast from the house and his parent’s marriage dissolved than that ever
“So you will have to worry about women throwing themselves after you for being the
future head of two ancient and noble houses,” Susan said with a slight grimace.
“Considering that any scion or even close in succession heirs to the families is
prone to political entanglements, you have the same problem as others, but you don’t
have the same level of complication that both family funds would bring at this

“Thankfully he doesn’t have a meddlesome person to enter him into agreements,”

Hermione commented with a slight smile of her own. “So since you don’t want to
involve long drawn out discussions and have satisfied yourselves with what we have
been up to, do you really want to spend more time talking or get to the playing that
you came seeking us for?”

The sudden change in demeanor was understandable. The two Hufflepuffs did in their
own ways owe him in more ways than one. While Harry had swooped in and saved Susan
in the air, he had also inadvertently saved Hannah more than once as he had caused
some questionable students to veer away from the two either when they had been
together or more often when they had been momentarily apart. It was hard at times to
tell which had the greater hero crush on him, Hannah for saving her friend or Susan
for being saved. The two girls lost their shyness or at least forced it aside to
meet their needs.
“Can we play please?” the two girls said as they stood side by side and pleading in
a disgustingly cute manner.
“Sure,” Harry said as he moved to Susan and Hermione moved behind Hannah. “We can
always talk elsewhere and you both should spend more time in the library or we can
meet in the Great Hall or even outside for some walks…”
The two seemed to nod like they were not all there. The two Ravenclaws sent a look
at each other before they moved to give the girls a better form of being dazed. They
kissed the girls breathless and moved to two facing chair or closer to couch sized
seats. Susan was responding and writhing in his lap. Hermione had pinned Hannah
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beneath her and was doing her best to drive the girl to distraction.
“Oh gods, Harry,” Susan said as they moved from crushing their lips to nuzzling her
face into his neck. “You drive me crazy!”
“What can I say?” Harry asked with a husky voice. “I find your determination sexy.”

“What don’t you find sexy?” Hannah asked when Hermione moved to teasing her ear.
“You like the intelligent type like Hermione here…”

“Actually he likes the fact that I am as adventurous as I am inquisitive,” Hermione

said as her hands began to wander more. “Or was that I am as kinky as I am studious?
It is so hard to tell sometimes…”
“Well I am a guy,” Harry said with a chuckle that seemed to rub Susan the right was
as she purred against him. “I will say that I like intelligent, determined and most
of all passionate girls. While you two may not be in Ravenclaw, you are not vapid
and do well enough in your studies. Susan is definitely determined with me and
Hannah I can see you are the same with Hermione. I can say that all three of you are
passionate and put yourselves completely into something once you have decided on
“You say the sweetest things,” Susan said even as she grabbed his hands and shoved
them inside her blouse. “Now please tell me if they taste any better and I will see
about tasting myself…”

Her talking was cut off as Harry started playing with her offered hand warmers. She
wriggled about his lap and she let out a moan as he moved to suckle one while he
moved his left hand to rest under her skirt. So Susan moaned as he worked her over
in what was rapidly becoming a very passionate petting session as his hands roamed
over her ass and tits while he kept nuzzling her tits were proudly being arched into
his face. That she was rubbing against him was just an added bonus.

Hannah was in no better position. Now while Harry was enjoying Susan writhing in his
lap, Hermione was dominating Hannah with her hand alternating from the girl’s panty
shredded mound to her breasts framed with her rapidly unbuttoned blouse. Hermione
had almost yanked them off with how quickly Hannah had found herself bared to the
girl’s forward advances.

“Morgana’s flaming cunt!” Hannah had shrieked when Hermione began to feel her up or
more accurately feel her insides. “That feels… good!”
“Of course it does,” Hermione smirked between nibbling the girl’s tit. “You are just
a needy little cunt so I am giving it a bit if attention…”

Hannah just decided to go with things and Hermione proceeded to show the difference
experience made as she was brought to a howling begging quivering and creaming mess.
Susan had mutually explored, but Hermione had spent enough time with a few other
examples and it allowed her to more quickly find Hannah’s spots and thus the girl
was being quickly driven into a lustful state of release and relief between rhythms
of body thrashing need.
“Mmmmh,” Susan said as she sunk from his lap to nuzzle his legs and then used her
lips to release him from his pants. “Oh! Someone is really happy to see me!”
“Yeah you can see him winking at you,” Harry said as he felt his body calm a bit
from when he had been trying to tease her madly. “So why don’t you give him a kiss
Harry knew that was a rather horrible line, but Susan had practically walked into
it. Before he could say more, Susan took his offer up and gave his rising attention
a gentle kiss. That lasted about half a minute before Susan threw the teasing to the
side and proceeded to see if she could get him worked enough to be able to milk him
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for her taste.
He was half tempted to spin her up so he could return the favor, but he had grown
used to her form of personal hero worship. At least she didn’t need his dick down
her throat to fall asleep. He had found out that once she had him in her mouth that
she would not let him go unless she had a mouthful. It could be a worse obsession
and he knew his could be far worse than hers was. He was planning to violate nature
in as blatant a way as possible. So he didn’t feel bad to acquiesce to Susan
suckling him with a blissed-out look on her face.

“Suz,” Harry growled out. “You are getting really good at this.”
He left unsaid that he could have easily changed his hand from caressing her bobbing
head to grip it and move her head as he wished. Still he was seated and he felt
little inclination to grab her head and buck into her throat let alone force her to
accept him fucking her face while she was being so pleasant. He could always do that
later and when he was finally sure that she wouldn’t be harmed doing so.
Susan moved her hand to play with his balls to both increase his pleasure and to
quicken his release. That it was supposed to increase the amount a guy came was just
a pleasant benefit. She really had gone too long in her view since she had gotten a
taste. Normally she would have taken the first few spurts down her throat or let
them pool in her mouth before having him spray her face and her throbbing for
attention tits. This time was different. He had been spending more time working or
with his other two lovers than the two already likely to be accosted and pressured
to date Hufflepuffs.

“Suz,” Harry once more growled as his lover tried to choke herself on his cock and
suck him empty. “Going to cum!”
She seemed to pay no attention to his words, but her humming and licking told a
different story. Her mind was detachedly aware of his responses, and Susan let him
slide out of her throat as he came close. Her right hand stroked him while his head
was inside her decadently outlining cheeks with her left fondling his tightening
ball sack.
Susan had a content look on her face as she greedily urged him to fill her parched
throat. She let him go with an audible pop that caught the two horny girls’
attention. They looked away from what they were doing even if Hannah had a flushed
and excited look on her face. They blinked at the pure satisfaction and near
religious bliss on Susan’s face before returning their attention to each other.
Hermione wasn’t complaining that Hannah had her fingers buried in Hermione’s eager

Harry came back to himself to see Susan kneeling with a grin that was disturbing in
its own way. He distractedly noticed that her skirt was soaked and the floor was
quite shiny beneath her. He had known that their make out and petting had gotten her
ready and revved, but he could now see the visible proof that Susan had actually had
an orgasm even if it wasn’t body thrashing from worshiping his dick with her mouth.
It was unexpected that she was developing those directions in her sexuality, and as
he was not one to look a gift in the mouth even if he would inspect it as if it was
a Trojan horse that meant that he would welcome it.
“Well, well, well Suz,” Harry purred in contentment as he watched Susan with her
head back and he could see her slowly savoring and swallowing his seed. “It looks
like my little Hufflepuff damsel in distress came from that. While I like that you
enjoy playing and helping a friend or lover, I feel that I should ensure that you
receive sufficient attention.”
“Oh,” Susan said without losing her magnificent smile. “I will say that my pussy is
feeling neglected even if tasting you made it dripping wet. So are you going to
finally fuck my poor neglected cunt like you have Hermione?”

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Harry reached out and traced her cheek gently for a moment before he sighed and
answered her, “Suz, you really shouldn’t rush into things. It took Hermione and me a
long time to get to that point. Would you really like me to be the kind of guy to
just grab a girl and use her without care for her?”
“No,” Susan said with a slight pout. “At least tell me that you are not dismissing
any chance for it?”
“I will admit that I have been very tempted to just sink into your sexual center,”
Harry said with a smile at her easing her trepidation. “I was so tempted the first
time we clit fucked just to worm my way into you, but there is no way that I would
be so inconsiderate. It could damage you if your body is not grown to a certain
point that would have lasting issues. Now since I have been neglecting you and your
sweet sex, I am going to return the flavor in tasting you. I won't dismiss that I
will at some time soon actually fuck you like you want, but it is not likely to be
too soon. You can always try to convince me though…”
Susan smiled at him and barely let an eep out as he flowed to kiss her before
hoisting her into his arms where he spun around and planted her in the seat that was
still warm from his body. Hermione noticed that Hannah let her eyes flicker to them
at Susan’s sound. She wouldn’t mind if Harry did finally decide that these two were
ready to be pounded by his dick.

As it was, Hermione knew it was not very likely, but she really was tempted to bring
both of these cuties in further. It was not just that she wanted to watch the four
girls playing while she was riding Harry or have them adding their attentions to
their games, but that she knew that Harry was very addictive and that once he was
inside them that they would be very reluctant to ever abandon or betray him.

‘Master could so easily enslave them,’ Hermione thought as she roughly teased one of
Hannah’s nipples. ‘Sometimes I think he is too nice for his own good, but if he
wasn’t like he is than he would not be himself. I think I will be moving so we both
can watch and I can see how close I am to playing Hannah like a fiddle with her
“Oh! My! Lord!” Hannah shrieked out as Hermione felt her up and drove her to gushing
over the dominating girl’s fingers. “I’m cuming so good!”

Harry gave a backwards glance as he heard Hermione drive Hannah wild. He looked back
to see Susan was gazing about wildly from him to the scene behind him.
“I guess that I let you think too much,” Harry murmured as he nuzzled the dazzling
girl’s neck. “You were nice enough to make me feel good and I like doing so with you
as well…”

Harry stopped talking or more accurately whispering into her ear to put his lips to
other uses. He simply trailed his way down her already aroused body. He paid
attention to the usual spots and the others he had spent time to find. Each girl had
their own spots just as he had some that differed from the typically addressed ones.
There were spots that were typical and yet for some were just ho hum to a particular
girl, and that didn’t even take in tempo, pace and other things.
“Hmm,” Susan purred as Harry worked her back to a nerve wracking state. “You are so
good at that, but please stop teasing me…”
“As you wish,” Harry said before he gave her heated sex a kiss. “I was going to
taste you some more anyways…”
With that said, Harry dove into licking and lapping at her flushed and parted lips.
He dipped and dived with his tongue and all the while kept his hands moving to the
spots she had previously responded to. He was still feeling playful and did tease a
bit by going in a progressive manner from her oh that’s nice spots all the way to
eye rolling back and mind going blank.
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While Susan proceeded to quite vocally crow about Harry’s eager lip service, Hannah
was getting as close to broke as Hermione would go. Considering neither of the two
had gotten to the point where a wand would tear their cherries, Hermione was
frustrated that she was unable to properly feel Hannah’s depths as she was well
aware that Harry did prefer to do that himself. That the girl would remember that
always anyways was little compensation compared to how he seemed to have dedicated
himself to making sure that the first time was as perfect as possible. Hermione had
yet to have an encounter with her lover that did not leave her happily sated and
satisfied regardless of the methods of reaching that place.
‘Not that I mind,’ Hermione thought as she felt her fingers trace that final divide.
‘Still Harry is Harry and yet at times it is hard to think of him as the same
person. There is Harry my friend and then there is Harry my master. Part of me, my
domineering part, wishes to explore this horny Huffleslut in front of me completely,
but the submissive side of me rebels at thinking of stealing something from my
master. Besides seeing Hannah’s face when she first feels him stretch her and then
cum over his cock will be a sufficient compensation. That master hasn’t forbidden me
from clit fucking her in mutual satisfaction does help.’

Hermione willingly let Hannah explore herself in return and soon Hannah was wide
eyed in shock at what she was feeling. Hannah was getting her first feel of a non
virgin cunt and this time she was shocked by her friend’s pussy accepting not just
her fingers but almost sucking her fist inside. Hermione was feeling very happy from
Hannah stretching and then fucking her with her hand, and decided to respond with as
much as she could without overstepping her master’s due.

While Hannah was shocked from both the intense orgasm she gave as well as received,
Hermione slid the girls fingers from her already needy pussy and set the girl in her
lap. She shifted things so that the girl’s plug rested against her clit. It would
provide some stimulation as she played the willing girl to drench her lap. Hermione
was well aware that Hannah would likely go for being bent over and ground to mutual
multiple pussy juice mixing orgasms. Hannah would likely glue her lips to Susan’s
snatch by that point. She knew the girl planned to be joined to her when Harry
finally did pop her. The girl would also likely be sucking Susan’s pussy out of the
two lovers’ cum when Harry convinced Suz to try something besides that plug up her
oh so spank-able ass.

“Now isn’t that better,” Hermione whispered as she lifted Hannah’s fingers drenched
in Hermione’s juices and licked them clean as well as her fingers with Hannah’s
release. “We can watch their show and have our own fun as well. As you well know his
tongue is heavenly and we are about to see sweet Susan get her mind blown…”
“Oh yeah,” Hannah said as Hermione resumed working her with her skilled hands. “His
tongue shouldn’t be able to move like that, but it feels so good…”
Hermione gave her a grin in reply. Harry had been good enough from soothing Alice
and Anne over that time before he had discovered Parsel required a tongue vibrate to
make those sounds. It allowed him to reach things with his flexible tongue and yet
vibrate as well as a girl would have her wand. Dora’s metamorphmagus abilities could
do similar, but it would take Dora some painful training to keep the change and her
tongue undulating if she got over excited.
Hermione contemplated finding twins to do an accurate comparison in which was more
skilled in that area. That was something that they could do when the Patil twins
were older. Harry may be a dominant personality, but he wasn’t aggressive in
acquiring partners. He was also lacking in any tendencies to pressure anyone
unready. Hermione wouldn’t mind offering to help them when they did mature to being
interested in exploring their sexuality, and by that point Harry would hopefully
have enough of his ambition prepared so that they would not have to drown themselves
in studying.
It was not that Hermione was ever willing to give up her quest for knowledge, but
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that exploring other things was an act she found vying for her attention. As it was
Hermione already planned that Dora would bring her girl in and Su had already
settled. She suspected that when Alice and Anne showed up next year that they would
pick a personal pet girl out of their year mates or possibly up to a third year.
Having Hannah as her personal plaything would still leave Harry with Susan and Su
when they were preoccupied.

“Oh… my… Harry!” Susan groaned out as Harry lapped at her freely flowing nectar.
“Suck my pussy! Make your hero worshipping horny cunt cum like a bitch in heat being
claimed by her stud!”
Harry growled into her folds as he tensed in control. Susan was picking up on
Hermione’s dirty mouth and Dora was already quite liberal in her language to spurn
him on. There was also something about her tone of voice that seemed to be speaking
not to him but to his cock directly. If it wasn’t for his need to make sure that his
secrets would be kept or end up in Azkaban next to his godfather, he would have
likely jumped up and kissed Susan with his lips drenched in her flavor before
sinking into her slick sex.
‘I best make sure she is too worked up to use that voice of hers,’ Harry thought as
he felt his cock throb and it send signals to his mind to just bury it inside
somewhere warm, wet and welcoming. ‘That will definitely be able to convince me to
frequently spend time inside her. I am somewhat relieved that she didn’t mention
anything else or I would have jumped her. A girl’s virginity is important, but even
the Catholics seem to count anal as no more badly than oral or masturbation. I
should be grateful that she didn’t say anything about her ass or I would have taken
it as an invitation and stretched her more than her plug or fingers have…’

Susan lost her attempts to string words together as Harry redoubled his efforts to
make her unable to verbally drive him to plough one of her unexplored holes. It was
not like he was really lacking in girls he had no conviction not to be plunging his
dick into. Hermione, Dora and Su were more than willing to do so, and Dora did hint
that her girl toy was a non-virgin and thus he would have as little reason to
hesitate more than he had with Sarah.
‘Suz is so lucky,’ Hannah managed to think between Hermione pushing her buttons to
keep her in a very near orgasmic to orgasmic state. ‘We both are with having two
caring people to help us discover ourselves and each other. The sex is fabulous
already, and I suspect that they will show us new heights and unexplored avenues of
Hannah was right in that observation. Once Harry had accepted them, Hermione, Dora
and Su would help expand their understandings and experiences. They would at least
have gone beyond vanilla sex and tried things. They would be lucky if neither of the
two had the same kinks as the others, but there were indications that it would be in
different levels for different things. The two Hufflepuffs seemed to have already
started to develop asses that cried out to be spanked.

It was actually to their best interests that the school uniform hid so much or the
older years would have circled them like sharks. They were unaware that their
current lovers were like legendary sharks warding the littler and weaker predators
away. The girls Harry had acquired so far were too often happy and pleasured to
think of how things could be different. When one is in a state of heaven why should
they question it, and that was exactly where they were.
Susan was writhing in ecstasy as Harry was once again showing her that a guy could
be as good as a girl in lingual dexterity. Behind them, Hannah sat in Hermione’s lap
and was panting as she watched the scene before her in lust while Hermione fondled
her body and teased her neck, cheek, lips and the flushed skin between. This was not
the first time that the two were very willingly being enticed by the two Ravenclaw
lovers, but as with each time before things were going forward a bit more.
The two seductive seekers of knowledge were well aware that both Susan and Hannah
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were very willing when they were sufficiently aroused, but neither of them was going
to push things too far just yet. Susan would likely begin to beg to be fucked like
she had since she stopped passing out too soon from these two more experienced
lover’s attentions. It was a measured game in a way, and Hermione was aware that
Harry could have already done more than the playing he had with the very willing

‘Susan has a few minutes at most before she recovers her breath to beg Harry to fuck
her,’ Hermione thought as she teased Hannah to incoherent gasps of pleasure. ‘As
much fun as it would be to see Harry screw both of these early bloomers, I think
this would make a good test. If they don’t tell about this, then they are
trustworthy enough for Harry to give them a good seeing to! They are still rather
excited at being clit fucked, but Susan really wishes to have Harry make her a woman
as some would say. Hannah I think wishes to have Harry do the same for her, but for
her to be sucking Harry’s cum from her best friends just stuffed and spunked
Hannah was watching the scene with anticipation. The past few times she had seen
Harry get Susan to writhe even more than she had with her own ministrations. When he
had fluidly moved to kiss Susan, she had seen his cock resting against the moist
slit of her friend as she watched his ass. She had felt a thrill and hoped to see
Susan get that wonderful dick pushed inside. She had been torn that her lips were so
far from her friend, but when he began to slide along her slit to her friend’s vocal
approval if some disappointment that he didn’t do more than tease her hole.
“Oh Merlin! Harry!” Susan sobbed in need as he leaned over and alternatively fondled
and suckled her already perky and filling out breasts. “Fuck me!”

Harry worked his way up from her breasts to trail kisses and slight nips as he went.
His hands continued to tease her as he went much to both her enjoyment and their
audiences. Susan was very well worked up. He could tell that she was physically
ready and emotionally ready for this, but there was one thing holding him back.

“I am, Suz,” Harry whispered in her ear. “Just don’t think that I am going to spread
your eager little cunt just yet though…”
“Please,” Susan sobbed again as he teased her opening with his cockhead. “Why can't
you just fuck me?”

Hannah was wondering that as well. Harry had her hot and bothered with her sex
parted and dripping with his cock having teased her entrance, and he didn’t sink
into her as she could tell that they both wanted to do. Besides there was no way
that she would be able to get her own turn until Suz had her go. She was going to
see if Hermione would bend her over and grind her while they watched Suz get a clit
rubbed by cock orgasm. She hoped that even if he didn’t stretch her that he would
not just spray her off and let some be inside so that she could taste them together.
It wouldn’t be the same as the blending if they had been fucking, but it would be
more than the muddling of being sprayed on.
“Think of it as the last test of loyalty,” Harry purred into her ear as Susan tried
to not just buck forward and impale herself. “If we can trust you with this, then we
can trust you enough to do more. It is the reason we weren’t in your house as we
have issues with giving our friendship easily, and full sex changes things and we
don’t want that level of intimacy without an appropriate level of trust…”
“I understand,” Suz said as Harry teased her to the edge again. “All friendship and
any relationship must have a base of trust to work. We get that and we can tell that
when you do give your friendship and attentions that it will be completely and madly
in its intensity. Now speaking of intensity… Please stop teasing me!”
“Sure,” Harry said before he smirked and added teasingly, “Anything for a friend…”
Susan’s response was cut off as Harry went to work. Much to her delight, Harry was
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no longer teasing her and was driving her to her happy place. Now while she was not
getting that last step that she wanted, Susan was still feeling a very good thing
happening. Hannah could tell as she had become well acquainted with her friend’s
manners and cues, still watching Susan getting a cock rub to satisfaction somehow
left her fingering lacking.
“Hermione,” Hannah moaned out while Hermione was expertly teasing her folds,
tormenting her left tit and suckling the right. “I need more…”
“Hmmm,” Hermione murmured around the suckling source she had been enjoying before
releasing it with an audible pop to ask, “So how much more do you need? Should I
bend you over on all fours and grind our sweet slick little honey pots while we mix
some sweet nectar for those two viewable and beautifully moving lovers to lap from
us, or do you want to get closer and add our tongues and fingers to heighten their
“Yes, please,” Hannah managed to say as Hermione played her like a fiddle leaving
her fingers soaked and the girl swooning in her lap. “I wish we could get close
enough, but the first is not that bad a consolation. Besides, we can get close
“You are just hoping Harry leaves some inside to see how they mix closer to
properly,” Hermione teased as she lifted the girl up and while keeping her fingers
inside and gripping moved the horny Hannah to rest on her spread knees on the floor
where they could both see things clearer. “I might not have a dick nor wish to
supersede Harry getting first shot, but I think you are going to like this and from
this angle we can see them moving better…”

Hannah opened her mouth to reply, but she only let out a moan as Hermione seemed to
warm her dripping arousal by pressing their heated and moist flesh together. For the
next while, Hannah was aware of the warmth and movement from their pressed bodies,
the wonderful wandering hands, and the warming sight before her. Hannah was well
versed that Harry was experienced and she loved to watch the sight almost as much as
being with either of them.
Her eyes locked as Harry lifted up and set his pulsing prick to the entrance of
Susan’s sex. She could see her friend’s spread open lips and waiting hole. Seeing
his prick angled down and framed by his drawn up balls was something that seemed to
increase her passion. She was well aware that she was moving with and against
Hermione’s thrusts, and that their pussies were linked with strings of sticky
juices. Her body hummed as Hermione worked her with her own practiced hands as
Hannah had learned that Hermione was a very intense study and had found several of
her spots she hadn’t discovered either with her own explorations or with Susan.

“Come on,” Hannah panted as she watched Harry seem to hold himself on the edge while
nudging just a bit into her best friend’s waiting sex. “Cum in her and I can lap it
Susan’s shout mirrored her thought as suddenly the occupants heard the normally
quite girl scream out, “Come on Harry! If you won't stuff me at least fill me up!”
“Why do you think I am here and keeping you from just slamming your thighs forward
and stretching your waiting pussy?” Harry asked with a strained grin. “Since you
behaved so well, I decided on a compromise…”
The last was said with a drawn out moan as the girls behind watched the visible
signs of his cock spasm and the girl he was holding down sighed and shrieked as she
felt the warmth enter her. Hannah held herself still as she fought to keep a watch
on the scene in front of her and even Hermione had slowed to just unconsciously
grinding the girl.
“Wow,” Susan said sounding as if she was buzzed as she laid their panting and
feeling warm and happy. “That was great, and when you really slide that hard cock
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into this eager cunt it will be even better. I almost find that difficult to

“Wow,” Hannah said with a look at the two and their still slightly joined forms.
“That looked wonderful and I am glad to hear it felt as wonderful for you.”
“Your friend is asking if she can lick the two of you clean,” Hermione replied as
she looked at them. “I wouldn’t mind, but could Suz tell me if we taste good mixed
as well?”

Susan just smiled at her friends. Yes they were all friends even if Harry and
Hermione had not completely let them into their lives, yet. She had that smile on
her face eve as she opened her lips and lent her tongue to lapping the combined
juices of her two female lovers. Hannah had given Harry a very quick suck before
letting him slide down her throat and drawing his slickened juices to a manageable
level. He was still glistening with Susan and her spit mixed, but the head was
cleaned off. As he stepped around, Hannah dove into Susan with a gusto far too
reminiscent of Weasley the Mouth that is as she slurped, licked and nibbled the
flushed and fluid drenched area.

Harry moved away to give Hermione a kiss from her gymnastic position near Susan’s
head. He could taste some of Hannah still lingering on his girl’s lips. He looked
over and saw that the little hottie from Hufflepuff was wagging her ass again. It
seemed that her being well ground by Hermione had not totally sated the girl.
“Hermione,” Harry whispered huskily into the slowly moaning girl’s ear. “I think
that Hannah needs some personal attention for a bit. Afterwards once Suz gets you
cleaned up a bit, I want you two to taste the mix of the four of us on her while I
give you some attention. I don’t think they will mind and they do like to watch…”
Hermione chose not to answer with words, but her growl of excitement was obvious in
its response. They had fucked in front of the two before and had the two lapping
both of them clean, but this just seemed a bit different and that was always a good
thing for the most part at least. Letting things fall into any real monotony or
routine would make things boring, and they were passionate in their drives either
intellectual or physical.

He leaned enough to give her a passionate kiss and managed to slide his cock between
Susan’s already attention attracting aroused and flushed mounds. The girl squealed
into Hermione who moaned into his mouth and while he wasn’t able to see it he heard
Hannah purr as Susan did more than just squeal. It was something that he found his
magic had helped with, as normal males take long practice and mental preparation to
approach being multiply orgasmic. The girls just seemed more prepared after their
fun was reached to achieve more and higher heights of pleasure.
He moved away causing Susan to grown in disappointment at the lack of attention.
Hermione merely gave him a look as Susan had gotten her nonverbal already. He seemed
to flow to suddenly appear kneeling behind Hannah’s waggling ass. He felt the sudden
scream of his libido, hormones and other inherited male directives practically
demand that he just spear the waggling ass and pound it until he came filling her
receptive womb. Despite the lack of complete iron will since Halloween, he managed
to keep from doing that as he slid along her dripping and spread furrow.
“Well, Hannah seems to like this,” Harry remarked getting Susan to swivel her eyes
from where they were closed and she had been savoring oral attentions on both ends.
“You really thought that we would hold out on a needy friend, really what kind of
people do you think we are Suz?”
As her mouth as held against Hermione, all the girl could do was wave an arm about
dismissingly before Hermione pulled it to resume fondling her body. She shuddered as
Hannah went quite vocal if muffled in her sounds into her muff. They could all see
that Hannah was enjoying it and there was nothing wrong with friends having fun.

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They lost themselves in their fun until Harry slid himself and nudged just enough in
like he had with Susan. He knew that the two Hufflepuffs relationship would be
strained if he jumped order with them. He had been half tempted to pull their plugs
and send them to their room with their asses having his cum splashing inside even if
he hadn’t explored them there yet.
“Hmmm, I wonder how you three will like this mix,” Harry said with a smirk as he saw
the two seem to recover and move. “I don’t think we ever tried mixing all four of us
together before…”

Hannah and Susan were suddenly sprawled on the floor and lapping each other.
Hermione had moved and gave him a smirk before sucking him clean and setting him to
sit down and watch. It didn’t take long before she spun around and sat in his lap.
With the bare minimum of movement, Hermione lifted up and placed him in position
before she sunk down.
“Ah,” Hermione purred as she watched the two friends playing. “Now that hits the

“It does,” Harry agreed as she settled to slightly moving in his lap. “I think that
if they pass this time things will get interesting.”

“By interesting you mean we get two girls as happy and friendly lovers and not just
as prospective pieces of ass,” Hermione said with a smirk. “I don’t think they would
mind either in the short term. Still I do want to introduce them to our pet…”

“As much as you want our pet to show us her friend,” Harry said with a slight bit of
teasing to his tone. “I do wonder if the three will deal well with each other or our
other friends.”
“You mean the plethora of girls back home that would gladly spread their legs if you
even hinted you were interested,” Hermione said with a slight giggle of how similar
his two world’s girls seemed to be. “It is not that different from here except that
they know you and what you did and not what you seemed to miraculously survive. Just
so long as you don’t go say saving damsels left, right and in-between will you have
that to worry about for a few years.”

“True enough I suppose,” Harry said as he watched the two not paying attention to
them and could relax his guard on his speech. “I think they are a bit like Alice in
Wonderland at the moment, but are they ready to really see how deep the hole is?”
“Perhaps,” Hermione conceded as she took time to enjoy the slow sensations compared
to the outright rutting previously. “We still are not throwing them into the deep
end just yet.”
“There is that,” Harry agreed as he enjoyed Hermione moving just so in his lap. “We
can't leave them here nor take them to our room tonight. So I was thinking sometime
over the short holiday if they actually pan out. Not that they haven’t given a sure
inclination so far, but it is better to hedge ones bets in such matters.”
“Hmmm,” Hermione said as she noticed his gaze and how it seemed to watch their asses
writhe about. “You were tempted not to just leave a bit in their unfucked cunts, but
inside their virgin asses while their willingly accepted plugs kept them stopped and
topped full while they walk. I can tell, and I think they will like that, but
perhaps not tonight.”
“Next time, but before the culmination then,” Harry said as he watched them in
interest. “We will have to get them to their common room eventually, but I think we
should let them cuddle tonight. Well unless you don’t think they have earned it?”
“They have,” Hermione agreed as she watched the tenderness start to overcome the
girls’ passion as they settled. “I guess it is a good thing that you added that bed
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“Yes it is,” Harry said as he sighed and felt himself drain almost emptily into
Hermione. “Let’s get them to bed. They were only half watching us though.”
“They still watched,” Hermione said as she was held tight as he stood up still
inside her. “Once they are in bed I want one last go.”
“Ah, we haven’t done that in front of them yet,” Harry admitted with a smirk. “You
want them to spend the night dreaming about why we gave them those plugs…”
“Yes indeed,” Hermione said as they two maneuvered to lift the connected pair while
they themselves remained connected. “This is interesting; remind me to try the
‘Cowgirl Position’ when we are on a swing. I think it will be interesting…”
Harry just snickered in agreement and the foursome made it to the bedroom. The girls
reluctantly moved to gaze at the pair. Hermione moved so that the girls each got a
different licking in. Hannah got to spend the time sucking him while Susan lapped at
the cum dripping cunt of Hermione. The two looked on as Harry withdrew the plug from
Hermione and set her in his lap. She was facing him and the girls watched as
Hermione spread her cheeks and Harry aimed.
The look on their faces as they watched Hermione skewer her ass on his cock was
priceless. That they could see how hard it made her cum would linger with them for
some time. Hermione had not just gushed she had sprayed them as she howled in
pleasure as Harry worked her tits hard and she had been bouncing roughly on him.

That image was burned into their minds as they drifted off once Hermione settled
down to snuggling still with Harry inside her. The day would come soon enough and
the two were contemplating on the level of excitement that Hermione had showed in
that encounter. They were a bit apprehensive of fitting Harry in there, but realized
that if he hadn’t just rammed into their unprepared cunts that he would not simply
bend them over and spear an unlubricated or warned ass.

The four dreamed of different things, but they all seemed to focus on the growing
family. Harry and Hermione were more detailed as they knew more of the future
group’s members. Hannah and Susan had a faceless yet beautiful collection of women
joining them in friendship and fun. They slept well and deeply that night. Elsewhere
things were different, but the future was mostly uncertain even if it seemed to be
heading for interesting times.


Nicolas was quite disturbed when a pitch black bird bypassed his wards and
dismissively waited for him to remove the letter hanging there. He noticed something
odd about the bird, but not even Fawkes had so arrogantly entered his domain. It
looked like a raven, but there was something there that was unsettling him about the

“Now what could you have brought I wonder?” Nicolas asked as he absentmindedly
settled in to read while one of the slave girls resumed her head bobbing.
“Perenelle, get over here! Something important has come up and I don’t think we will
like it…”
Her growl tore across the somewhat quite home. Soon Nicolas saw the irate form of
his wife of so many centuries stalk into the room. Her glare would have caused
lesser men to run in fear, but he was used to her rages over the past several
centuries. The first time she had been regressed to near puberty had led to him
being grateful that they had long since gathered muggle servants and slaves. Her
tantrum had left a number of the male ones needing to have both their balls and
dicks regrown.

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“What is it?” Perenelle hissed her question as she turned to look at her husband of
so long seeming to be his usual indulging self with one of the prettier slaves
giving him head. “I don’t see anything important here…”
“This bird got through our wards like they were not there and left this message
here,” Nicolas said with a growl. “Now if you don’t mind I am going to let some
aggression out on this bitch while you read that thing!”
Not giving Perenelle a chance to respond, Nicolas yanked the girl off his dick
before he spun her around and skewered her pussy forcefully upon which he began to
slam into the girl with no concern for how prepared she was or was not. As it was
the girls had been practically bred for their uses and lubricated readily. He took
his time slicking up while he fucked her until she soaked his cock. Withdrawing as
the lubrication had eased his passage too much for his rage; he withdrew and sunk
into her ass where he began to vigorously ream her.
“Let’s see what has you so wound up,” Perenelle said with a frown as she sat in his
vacated seat and spread her legs where a waved over pair of lips soon started to lap
as she began to read the letter.

The room fell into a quite only broken by the background of Nicolas trying to vent
his anger and annoyance on the random slave’s willing ass. He had been shocked that
the bird had managed to enter their home and had not been detained in their owl and
mail room. That it had made its way both through the filtering and redirecting wards
and then violated their private places was disconcerting. Nicolas was uncertain, but
he had a very unsettling feeling from the bird as if there was something about it
that needled his memories.

“I see,” Perenelle said after she finished reading. “Nicolas this is quite
distressing. Someone knows where our stone is, they know exactly what it is and how
it was made, and they seem quite amused that we would permit Dumbledore so close to
something he would either steal or destroy. They also seem quite amused that we are
so well protected and are entertained that we would toy with leaving that meddler
some crumbs while hiding our as well as the stone’s real natures. Whoever it was has
proven to be quite interesting as this bird of theirs pierced our wards with
impunity and seems completely apathetic to any threat we pose to it.”

She turned to see Nicolas being rather rough as he continued his rapid gyrations
even as the girl alternated whimpering and shrieking in ecstasy. She felt a
momentary bit of irritation, but given how much effort they had put over the
centuries to make their home more impenetrable than Hogwarts, Durmstrang, the
various Ministry buildings and the Goblin strongholds she could understand his
frustration. Not that her husband needed a reason to indulge his more unrestrained
appetites, but the stone and the elixir’s peculiar quirks had allowed them not only
to lengthen their lives but to enjoy the time. They had indulged in sex magic to
forestall both death and old age before they had deciphered the requirements for the
Perenelle could see where this mysterious person would find deviously deviant
delight in mussing on Dumbledore’s reactions. She could understand that their piss
poor attempt for a student would be very put off if he ever discovered the stone’s
true nature. Dumbledore had been useful in attracting the recent Dark Lords to have
a more intriguing target and allowed them less uncertainty of others seeking the
stone or other things of their accumulated wisdom. They had horded their tomes to an
extent that a dragon could sympathize. Still there were issues with their
collection, the least of which were the various ministries seeking to control things
“I should have known,” She mussed as she opened herself to enjoy her current lover’s
attentions. “I suppose that being confronted with this would drive you a bit more
fervent in need. Too many things to consider and I do need some physical stimulation
to better my mental faculties. You, girl, see about some more persuasive play!”

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Perenelle decided that instead of grumbling some more about Nicolas’s play to relax
and further enjoy her own. It had been something they had relished in utilizing that
the strange sense of clarity when the mind is in that particular euphoria. They had
tried with potions, elixirs and even muggle chemicals, but there was something
distinct that even the rush of other similar acts did not provide. It was more than
physical exercise and even the euphoria in dueling was not as cathartic or capable
of inducing that level of brilliant cognitive leaps. The closest thing they had seen
was the great performers loosing themselves in the show.
So Perenelle reclined and let her mind drift as each piece of the letter was
dissected, debated and derived while she let one of the eager and fanatically
subservient slave girls worship her body. They were trained well and the particular
practice could be sickening in its aspects, but the slaves were too loyal to ever
think to rebel and would escape to return to their service if given the chance. Some
would stay their whole lives while others were really indentured servants exchanging
their time for a favor. They had sponsored and educated a number of muggleborns and
some destitute houses and all in exchange for serving them in all ways. They had
spent the past six centuries enjoying their lives and furthering their own pursuits.
Her mind drifted in disjointed ways as she tried to deduce what happened as her eyes
were closed and she let her body feel the caresses and kisses traveling around her
body. Something about this was fairly familiar, but her mind was taking time to sort
through things. One thing she had been irritated with the vampires over the
centuries was that they were able to sort through their memories as quick as when
they were new even centuries or longer later. The latest group passing into service
had commented on some of the things at the muggle universities that seemed more like
a passing fad they had seen a few centuries prior.

She recalled the mechanical constructs over the years and how they had done things
such as telling the time, playing chess and performing shows. Oh the magical
variants had been more entertaining, but these programmable machines with their
ability to tabulate, calculate and cross-reference was a godsend that would make
things easier if there was a magical version. She rather wished she could recall
things in that way, but the best she could do was something like an index and table
of contents to her knowledge. It was frustrating, but she worked with what she had
and was not one to not use methods to facilitate things.

Oddly enough she was both approaching her peak of searching and feeling when she
heard Nicolas growl out his release before she noticed distantly a look on his face.
She let her passion and release carry her over as she let her mind drift in bliss
even as she felt her release soak the girl’s lips. She looked half lidded as her
husband ground himself as he shuddered and held the groaning girl as she went limp.
His face seemed to shift from euphoria from his orgasm to white shock and he seemed
to wordlessly mouth a word as he snapped his head to look at the bird still perched
“Holy fuck!” Nicolas said mixing his still twitching pleasure and dread. “The bird,
it is necromantic! We got a real one out there again!”
‘Oh great,’ Perenelle thought as she blinked as the girl drew a string of pleasure
from her body. ‘This is going to complicate things, but at least there was no sense
of blackmail in the letter…’
She let Nicolas rant as the girl drew her into a concussive wave of intense and
overlapping releases. She decided to see about making sure that this particular girl
was not leaving anytime soon. Some women were just naturally gifted with skill, but
even they could become better with practice. She could always claim the girl in an
apprenticeship and thus keep her a bit longer. Nicolas never minded before and he
had done the same with some before as well.
“Yes,” she said as she stretched while the girl had slowed to gently kissing her in
adoration. “I get that there is one out there and as the bird does not have the
usual flaws that only means one thing. There is a born necromancer out there. Hmm,
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it seems we overlooked something. The back of the parchment has a watermark seal as
does the spot for a sigil. It is complete Nicolas. There is the normal four, but
also the fifth is present.”
Nicolas seemed to be torn between a state of shock and wanting to vent at the terror
that had flashed through him. That was something that was legendary even when there
had been more necromancers around. It was something that was spoken by the few
necromancers they had known with reverent awe.
“Are you telling me there is a Silver Necromancer out there?” Nicolas managed to ask
as the shock had won out verbally while the venting was physical in his still
jerking movements inside the willing girl. “To make things more complicated that
they have a very good idea of what we had to do to make our stone, and that they are
either in possession of it or able to freely acquire it from under Dumbledore’s
“Yes that seems to be the case,” Perenelle said with a calm sigh. “At least we know
that they would not sell our secret out to Dumbledore or others as well as they
would have no interest in it anyways. I suppose we will still need to negotiate
something in exchange since we were too trusting that Albus wouldn’t seek it.”
“Yes, they have always been quite mercenary in business dealings,” Nicolas said with
a sigh as he felt the girl readily pushing him to slowly savor his current state.
“That means that whomever it is that they have at the least explored the four main
paths. They also will have to have delved into the secrets of life and death to a
fascinating degree. So who could it be that could get into Hogwarts and do this? I
doubt that the teachers would be likely as the only one to have changeover has been
the Defense position for the past several decades, and yet I find the prospect of a
student doing so to be quite difficult to believe.”
“True and as a most likely teenager they would have little antagonism to our
lifestyle,” Perenelle said as she contemplated some of the things they could offer
in exchange. “Still every necromancer we have ever met has been as sexual as any
vampire. I suppose that they will wish for some other things as they seem quite able
to entice people to be their sexual playthings and even the sinister ones can compel
as good as any vampire…”

“There is that, but also they can enthrall similar to vampires,” Nicolas said as he
recalled the many times he had heard of or seen either of the blood magic types
ensnare and bind people to them. “Given the link between the two that isn’t that
difficult to understand. It might not be that bad having them visiting with their
pets. It has been a while since we had some fresh blood from Hogwarts.”

“Like you are one to talk,” Perenelle said with a laugh. “You got me fresh out from
there and I haven’t left yet! Still it is possible that there will be a few and at
least one trained apprentice. So we should send a reply and keep it somewhat clear
and yet not blatant in content as that bird may not be easily intercepted, but the
letter itself could be summoned or the like. Whoever wrote this does have some wit
about them unlike the ramblings that most modern magic users seem to have fallen to.
I suspect that they will wish to play with our pets and they might allow us the same
with theirs. You do recall the last time don’t you?”
“I do,” Nicolas said with a shudder as the thought was enough to entice him to
continue his entertainment. “The only time I recall having as wild a time was when
we entertained some Veela, a Metamorphmagus and that master less vampiress. The last
time we had similarly exhausting games was when you decided to see how muggle music
had change what three decades ago?”
“Hmm that had been interesting,” Perenelle said with a purr as she thought back to
the fun they had acting like youngsters among the positively Romanesque muggles
those years. “It was like something the older masters had spoken of when we were
young before this strange state befell the Magical World. It seems odd that they
have spent most of the time since the Statutes of Secrecies acting like the muggles
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were when those were made. The old traditions and ways seem to have been mostly
abandoned. A shame that so much useful thing falls and it was odd to see muggles act
like when we were children…”
“Yes that is something that I feel Albus of all people should have done something
about,” Nicolas said with a slow sigh as he felt himself being drained dry this
time. “It seems as if the Wizarding Britain and most of Europe has become a strange
reflection of Victorian England. The traditions of old have been abandoned as you
said and it is beyond odd to see muggles trying to reclaim what culture we once had.
Oh they seem to try to sugar coat things like those films from what was that place?”
“Disney,” Perenelle said with a shiver of disgust. “They took perfectly proper
stories and butchered them with making them nice. You saw what they did with the
Story of Sleeping beauty and they wonder why the muggle children are running about
like they have been! Simplifying things down does nothing but make them less
prepared for reality. Some of those people are so naïve that they seem to want to be
nice to everyone and actually think that kindness and being soft does anything but
make you seem like weak prey! They actually want to rehabilitate their criminals in
places that are better than some of their homes! What kind of madness is that?”

“I know,” Nicolas said as he moved to sit while the girl gingerly moved to her knees
to suck him clean. “To make things worse some of them believe that if they do not
bother others that they will not be bothered. People will always do whatever they
can that they can get away with! Power is the one truth in life and as cruel as it
is one must understand that. While we may wish it to be otherwise, the powerful will
use the weak and all that one should worry about is that they do not overly prey
upon them…”

“Yes, the idealists are amusing to watch when they see their so called victims turn
on them,” Perenelle said with a smirk as the girl seemed willing to just nuzzle
while she calmed down. “Albus was such a disappointment since he seems to have
almost become a pacifist as of late. His willingness to allow almost all of the
Death Eaters to walk free does not fill me with confidence. Though it was odd that
only those outspoken that the recent clamant to the Dark Lord title and that Sirius
Black fellow went to Azkaban, but that still does not make me feel things are any
different than before. How odd is it that the recent purebloods are the ones that
are so outspoken on purity?”

“So you think they will be quite receptive to things than,” Nicolas said as he
relaxed while the girl slavishly cleaned him with care and devotion. “I suppose we
should as whoever it is knows enough, but it is better to try to get a conversation
going. Silvers at least are less prone to random killings and violence from what we
know. If it had been a necromancer coming from the Blacks then it would be a
different matter. That family would be likely to try to get their hooks into us by
any means necessary.”
“Yes, the Silvers were supposed to be quite different in some matters,” Perenelle
said as she reflected back on what she had managed to acquire from the encounters
over the centuries. “Supposedly they had a method far better than the Imperious and
entirely undetectable at that to completely convert a subject’s behavior…”
The two turned their thoughts to how best craft a correspondence with this enigmatic
necromancer. They could always find a way to visit Hogwarts in such a way that their
wayward apprentice would be unable to bar them. Still they had to know more about
how one could pop up under Dumbledore’s eyes. Whoever it was definitely would not be
one of that man’s followers as their natures were quite opposite. At least they
would have less worry that either of them or their household would be at risk
compared to when they had been coerced to entertain some vampires.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 23: Preparations for Meetings can be fun
by SamStone 5 Reviews

The Plot progresses and people plot

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:

Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2009/09/25 - Updated:
2009/09/25 - 15471 words
Chapter 23: Preparations for Meetings can be fun

Planning is one of the most important things there is; however, no plan comes
out perfectly. It is affected by allies and adversaries in unexpected ways;
therefore, one must adapt to these changes. It is thus little wonder that most
planning is actually creating the contingency plans. Such as this one…- Hermione
Granger had confided in the slowly yet fatally bleeding to death sacrifice.

Harry was sitting down on a couch he had conjured in the Room of Requirement. He
could have asked the room to do so, but conjuring was a useful skill in and of
itself let alone its utility in dueling and fighting in general. As it was, he had
things on his mind. They had sent a letter to the Flamel’s to see about things or at
least feel out any future interactions in that direction. It was not as if he needed
the stone to live after all, and he suspected that they had alternatives if the
stone was ever stolen or destroyed. It was some of the other aspects of it that
would be more difficult to replace. Making money and extending life was merely the
most known aspects of the stone, but there was little chance of creating one in the
‘The stone while useful for most is quite dangerous if one really understands it,’
Harry thought as he relaxed on the couch while Su was busy soothing him with
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Hermione and Dora entertaining in front of him. ‘Sure I could make something
similar, and all I would need to do is go to say a mass grave or the like.
Thankfully, similar items were destroyed in the past even if some survive in
fiction. Egypt did have a massive amount of necromantic knowledge and so do some
concerns in the East. I suppose I should worry about meeting Su’s family. From what
she said her mother Mei-Li is quite interesting although her cousin would be also
interesting to meet.’
That he was putting off meeting the Li Family for summer was a telling sign as he
planned to meet the Flamel’s before the end of the year. It was just finding
somewhere to meet that they could get to easily enough was a concern. That Night was
beginning to develop a greater ability to carry compared to his size might be
helpful. There was an indication that Night would be able to transport him similar
to how Fawkes, Dumbledore’s phoenix, transported that man. There were a few other
options as well to get places, but a secure route from Hogwarts to Gringott's would
be useful even if it did bring risks as well.
His mind was getting better at divorcing sensation and thought. Oh, he was well
aware of the wonderful sensations that Su’s actions were providing for him, but he
was able to have part of his mind working separately. It was a bit like those
complicated computers that he was tempted to indulge in. With Vernon having
complained about all of the changeover to electronic processing, and that was almost
a good enough of a reason just there if it wasn’t that magic tended to fry
electronics. The potential there seemed to be great and it would allow for more
diversity in their business ventures and give his scarily growing pool of minions
more varied work to do.

‘The more I get things dealt with the more things come about to deal with,’ Harry
thought as he let his hand roam Su’s head similar to petting affectionately any
other pet. ‘The Flamel's can be met at Gringott's before getting them into the
school as we could also meet the Li’s there for more discussions. So far, Susan and
Hannah will have convinced me before the mini-vacation of Spring Break; therefore,
they will want to finally completely consummate our relationship. I wonder how the
other girls deal with those urges or if what Dora says a number of girls will pair
up or at least experiment before doing so with boys. Dora also seems to be
indicating that a meeting with her luv will be likely at the same time. That this
girl is concerned about things is a good measure, and I am grateful that we didn’t
need to bring up the secrecy aspect. Still there are possibilities, but I will abide
by my pet’s need for secrecy even if the number of female prefects makes things
narrow to resolve. It was interesting that Dora was having dreams like that and at
first, I thought it would be with Hermione as a prefect punishing the head girl
Dora, but it is likely that it was also Dora as a Prefect and punishing her current
lover who will be a Head girl by then. Now that I think about it that narrows things
down even more…’
It was lucky that Harry shoved those thoughts aside for two reasons: the first being
that he did understand Dora’s friend’s need for secrecy, and the second being that
Su was about to be swallowing quickly. Even if he could think through it, he tended
to not be as multitasking mentally during his orgasms. He still had a small part of
his mental faculties processing things, but with the realization that
confidentiality was key in both directions there was little reason for his mind not
to intentionally block his own deductions from reaching the fairly straightforward
It was with fluttering eyes and a sigh of contentment that Harry unwound into Su’s
eager mouth as his attention was on her and not his other lovers cavorting in front
of him. He didn’t notice that they had started to slow their own pace from
passionate to friendly and would soon be relaxed enough for a conversation between
the four of them.
If he had met Su’s eyes, his more than rudimentary skills at Legilimency would have
seen things clearly. Su’s mind was a very ordered thing, and he didn’t even need to
look at the mental manifestation to see her beyond fanatical devotion that put his
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apprentices and pet to shame. Su was of the Li family and their house turned out
intelligent and dedicated minions.

Once upon a time, they had aided the greatest among the magical masters of the
world. They were thankfully the most secretive of families or any rising power would
have abducted them and raised them to be their personal minions. They were known for
their fighters, scholars, and merchants. Despite the changes of the past century,
Magical China was like the rest of Asia still ruled by the same families and not
even the threat of the mundane armies would pry them from their homes. The Party
never bothered them and they never sent a unified wave against them. That was
without the necessary service they had to keep the magical problems at bay.
“You are very good at that Su,” Harry said with naked approval in his voice. “Is
there anyone I should pay attention to when we meet your family?”
“Mmmmh,” Su sighed out as she rocked back and visibly appreciated his attention
before saying, “My mother as you know is someone quite prominent in the family and
the running of the house internally. As for my father, Li Wei-Shan, he is as is
traditional the one to deal with matters outside the house.”

“That is good to know,” Harry said as he let his head to rest on the couch. “Have
the Li’s had any dealings with the Flamel's?”

“Not directly as such,” Su said as she stayed in the supplication position. “We do
trade indirectly with them. They are very good with being reliable business
associates and they also have a very good relationship with the Goblins.”

“So a meeting mediated with the goblins would work,” Harry said as he contemplated
that, as Su remained waiting. “Do you have any advice on how to handle the other
matters that are vying for my time besides studying and playing?”
“Ah, sir, you keep us not just for our bodies, but for our minds as well,” Su said
with a slight look that seemed like a pout. “It is a shame that sometimes it feels
we have to neglect utilizing one to use the other. I will admit that having both
stimulated is quite pleasing for both sides, but I have been trying to catch up on
the physical side of things. So you wish for me to advice my most wonderful and
benevolent master on how to alleviate the complications that have come into play; it
shall be as you say, sir. Now which should I likewise contemplate, my honored lord?”

“Oh, it does seem that you have more wit to show,” Harry said with a slight smile.
“Considering your advice on the Flamel's was quite useful and there was your family
as well, I was wondering what thoughts you have on the girls?”
“From what I have seen of Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot, sir,” Su said with a leer.
“I wouldn’t mind a go at them myself, but it is likely not time to introduce more of
your vassals. Oh, there are many names for those in similar positions, and the
mistresses are your apprentices, but the easiest way is to be your vassals. It does
allow for more leeway in doing what we need to do. If you called us minions in
public, it is likely to cause some annoyances from the Gryffindor factions. Oh, it
would be far less than if we officially proclaimed ourselves your willing slaves,
but that would cause issues for most as they would see issues with what they believe
to be a half blood owning anything more than a muggleborn.
“Back to the matter at hand, sir,” Su continued as she felt a sense of pride in
serving her master this way. “There is a strong indication that Susan and Hannah
both would be inclined to be accepting of the more grey aspects of your business
matters. As for the more shady ones, you would need to frame the responses in an
appropriately acceptable to a Hufflepuff mindset way. It may be prudent to get a
more thorough evaluation of the psychologies of both Amelia Bones and her
associates. As from the briefings so far that Sarah has sent, you are legally in the
clear for most things you have done and what ones you are do not have any connecting
concerns. I would advice, sir, that you do consummate your physical and sexual
relations with both of them before the end of the year. They would be very
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cooperative after a few rounds of being fucked to submission.”
“I see,” Harry said as he thought on it some as he felt his own desires try to cloud
his judgment. “I must admit that I have been sorely tempted while in the heat of the
moment to simply claim them and proceed to drive them to such heights of sexual
satisfaction that they would be as loyal as puppies. This was so much easier a few
months or more ago as my own hormones were less wound up. Considering that the break
will provide ample time to entice both parties that will likely be the easiest time
to go forward on things.”

“Yes, sir,” Su agreed as she felt her submissive instincts war with her horniness.
“They are less likely to regret anything by this point in time and are old enough to
make their own decisions in such matters. As they have not blabbed on what
information you have entrusted them with, it is likely that the will be expecting
your next lengthy encounter to be spent resolving the sexual matters. As for Miss
Dora’s lover, there is the fact that she is persuasive enough to convince the girl
by then as well. Whoever she is, she is likely addicted to you or at least your cum
by this point and as Miss Dora has indicated that there is no relief from her
current supposed boyfriend there is a high chance that if Dora only blindfolded the
girl and brought the two of you to a room that she would gladly accept some real
“So you think that if Dora invited me to her room and the girl as well as myself
were properly prevented from seeing each other’s identity that she would spread her
legs and welcome me to stretch her cunt with a nice warm cock before leaving a
copious amount of cum for Dora to suck out from her,” Harry said as he noticed the
no longer subtle clues that Su was really worked up. “I take it that you think she
will likely also practically swallow me as soon as I am in the air since you are
also in a similar state?”
“Yes, sir,” Su agreed as she shuffled in lustful need. “I think you might also get
both girls to agree to even being not just double teamed but stuffed as well. Miss
Dora’s lover has been described as rather wishful in desiring to see Dora being
fucked dominantly and the desire to see her face as she is driven to orgasm from
something other than fingers or tongue even if she didn’t know that Miss Dora was
able to hear her say so. Miss Dora will likely love to be sandwiched by the both of
you and it is possible that Miss Dora will quite enjoy offering her lover’s sole
remaining cherry to you.”

“I swear that all of you girls like seeing me dominate other girls,” Harry said with
a smirk as he barely motioned to Su before she had skipped up and seemed to suddenly
sheath herself on his ready arousal. “Now no moving until I tell you otherwise.
Thinking on what you said, it is likely true about Dora and her possible own pet. I
don’t think she has gotten into any of the overly disturbing to outsiders play, but
it is possible that Dora’s normal desires will possibly scare this girl off at least
“Yes, sir, I can see that,” Su said as she struggled not to slam herself until
collapsing spent and still impaled with him inside her. “Miss Dora can be somewhat
extreme in her play, but it does sound like she takes a more dominant role with her
lover as she ravishes and controls the situation. The only downside for her has been
that she puts more effort in ensuring her lover is quite sated that sometimes she
passes out before Miss Dora is done. Oddly, this seems to be the problem the girl
complains to Miss Dora about. Although, that may be more to Miss Dora having had her
threshold for pleasure and pain expanded greatly.”
“Yes, Dora has become quite extreme in what she can take and wishes for,” Harry said
as he teasingly caressed Su’s spine as the girl twitched and seemed to struggle also
to not simply wring herself around him as that would still be moving. “It wouldn’t
do to scare any of the newbies off now would it? I suppose that means that neither
Susan nor Hannah would be ready to see Dora’s preferred sessions. It is also likely
that her girl is used to the little things, but not yet ready to see her dominant
being tied up and whipped and fucked to satisfied submission let alone the more
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intense things.”
“Her body as a Metamorph is quite flexible and it is not just shape and muscles that
can be affected, sir,” Su said with a pleading look in her eyes. “Although it may be
that House Black women like pain and House Black men can be quite physically
dominating. There is no way to tell outside searching the more personal records in
the familial library...”
“That is something that both you and Hermione would enjoy doing,” Harry proposed
before deciding to take some mercy for the almost vibrating girl. “Now you may move
internally only…”

“Yes, sir,” Su groaned out as she began to try to milk him with her muscles to
mutual satisfaction. “When will we get to see the Black Library?”
“Some time over the summer,” Harry replied as he settled back to enjoy Su’s actions.
“I think it would be safer to fulfill my bibliophiles fantasies there than in the
Hogwart’s Main library. We will also have to balance time hopefully with the
Flamel’s as well as your family. The twins seem quite insistent on getting some
input on their pranks over the summer as well. There is a downside to that though…”
“Ronald,” Su growled in irritation. “Sir, he is too much like Malfoy and yet they
can't see their similarities since they despise each other so much. I don’t think it
would be good to leave any of your family in close proximity to that boy for any
length of time. It would be rude to harm any of the host’s family, but that boy is
very difficult to avoid cursing. There is also that other concern you have as well…”

“Yes, dear Su,” Harry said with a sigh as his eyes closed to let him savor the way
Su was twisting around and pulling him inside her. “The Twins were rather blunt that
their younger sister is beyond even crushing on me. Since they are friends at least
somewhat, it would be bad form to be found with their sister jumping me. Thankfully,
it seems that while she is normally quite forward, she seems the sort to be actually
shy in my presence so that should alleviate that concern. I do suspect that if she
did try something she would have to go through you girls first. Yes, I think that
poor lonely Ginevra will likely get on either Hermione’s or Alice’s nerves soon
after they meet.”

“You are most likely correct, sir,” Su said as she felt her body respond to the
exercise she was doing. “Although I suspect that as Miss Alice will be in her year
that it will be likely Miss Alice who will come into conflict with the young naïve
girl. From what you have said, Miss Alice will break the girl of any supposed issues
that she has, but there is a possibility that she will not be sorted into Ravenclaw.
Until we know that it is mostly conjecture…”

Su trailed off as she put more effort into satisfying each other. The submissive
minion girl found herself purring as she felt her master fill her up before having
her satisfy him again by slamming herself back against him. By that point, the two
writhing girls were no longer being thankful and kind in their attentions and had
resumed their passionate play. Su crawled to them with Harry still inside her. The
four soon were a tangled mess with Harry and Su using the two writhing girls and
their free hole.
‘I suspect that this will be even more complicated in the coming years,’ Harry
thought as he stilled inside Hermione and the three girls lay there also recovering.
‘I suspect that if I had managed to completely suppress these impulses that on some
Halloween there would have been a spontaneous orgy and the inhibited and repressed
urges would have been quite intense. This is easier to deal with and I have to
accept that being driven has a price after all.’
He didn’t really feel too bad about the consequences so far and it had been far more
profitable than he had thought. He still had a ways to go before he could attempt to
resurrect or at least communicate with his parents. The real origins of the killing
curse made things difficult, but it was nothing that he would not be determined
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enough to see through. He did have to remind himself to spend more time with the
Longbottom boy. Neville if he recalled. Something was amiss with his situation as
much as his own had been.

“You think that will be enough?” Hannah asked Susan as she lay in her friend’s bed.
“I really wish that he would take more about us on faith.”
“You know that they are very private people,” Susan said as she lay there and
daydreamed about things. “They don’t talk a lot about their past, but from what some
digging I managed to get from my aunt there were issues there. It seems that Harry
was placed with his maternal aunt and her husband. They are definitely not people
that you would want to meet. I can see why he would be a private person with that
kind of a past…”
“I see, but he shows no signs of ever having been physically harmed or the mental
issues that cause some to drift to be sorted into our house where they can have
friends to support them,” Hannah said as she moved to rest her head on her friend’s
stomach where she began to trace patterns causing shivers from Susan. “Do you think
his accidental magic served to protect him? That would go a ways to explain how he
is so far in his skills magically. With that given, there does seem to be only two
choices that those abused take to as they develop. Either they will become a
protector or an abuser being the obvious ones, but Professor Sprout did say that
some boys, but more often girls become very needy and seek out a protector or at
least a person to alleviate the need to make decisions.”

“Auntie did say that occurred more often than not unless the victim was obliviated,”
Susan said with a sigh, as her friend seemed to wish to wind her up today to press
their mutual pleasures. “It would make sense if Harry did appoint himself as a
protector that those under his protection were not necessarily stemmed in rewarding
him. That would explain where he could get such a defined skill in pleasuring girls.
I suspect that with Hermione being as forward and outspoken as she is that Hermione
has at the least been his follower and he has become her protector as well as her
main authority figure. You do recall some of what the older girls and the professor

“Some girls will discover that certain things that seem counterintuitive to feeling
good will do so,” Hannah said as she recalled the meeting the female prefects in
Hufflepuff arranged when the girls had settled and they had all shown signs of
either being interested to learn or physically able to explore their bodies. “We
should not judge our friends on what brings them happiness unless it truly is
detrimental to another friend. While it may seem that something is unfriendly does
not mean it is not taken in a friendly way.”

“Hermione seems the sort to need someone to rein her in and there are those rumors
about some of the girls in Ravenclaw although each house seems to have different
rumors,” Susan said with a thoughtful look almost causing Hannah to stop teasing and
utterly distract her friend from her thoughts. “You can tell when they are together
that they deeply care for each other, and yet they seemed to hold something back
when we were watching. I suspect that they don’t want to scare us off…”
“No chance of that,” Hannah said as she moved and began to kiss her way down her
friends eager body. “Most of our year mates have already started to explore and it
is almost a given that there is no virgin Puffs by the end of their first year. The
rest of our housemates do tend to seem to be quite free in physically helping each
other, but your decision on who your and thus my first male lover will be might make
that complicated.”
“I don’t think it will,” Susan said as Hannah gently and friendly kissed her way
from between her beginning breasts to her bellybutton. “While I think Harry will be
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rather selective in who he is with, he likely does not force pure monogamy on his
lovers since there are at least two here and however many back in Surrey. It is
likely that the ones who would be permanent would have little to no interest in
other men, but Hermione shows that his lovers are as equal opportunity in seeking
his and a ladies attention. I don’t even think that potion set up is anything to
worry about after having thought over it. Nothing was illegal and as the future Head
of a Noble and Ancient House as well as being the current scion, there are enough
loopholes that could be exploited. It is a good thing that the louder in proclaiming
their status is actually those with the least standing.”

“Malfoy could do something if he could be declared the Black though couldn’t he?”
Hannah asked in somewhat concern as she rested her head while she traced Susan’s
ticklish spots. “Professor Snape seems likely to conceal anything his students do
and the Gryffindors responding as much as they do is not helping things any.”
“Thankfully those rivals overlook the other houses for the most part although the
Slytherins would make deals with a Claw far before they would a Puff,” Susan said
with a sigh as Hannah tried her best to both arouse and alleviate the stress her
friend was under. “As for the worry about Draco Malfoy, it could be dangerous if he
could claim those rights, but with Sirius Black still alive I don’t think that will
be a problem. He also isn’t the most aware, intelligent or cunning boy there is. You
did overhear that spoiled brats words don’t you about our house right?”

“Slytherin and Gryffindor seem to think we are meaningless in the scheme of things,”
Hannah said with a frown ever as her finger traced her friend’s waiting slit. “That
we don’t blatantly go forth and cause problems they overlook us. We are loyal and
hard working, but they think that we are addle-minded idiots, but Malfoy is an even
bigger idiot than most. He knows that his father talks of your aunt with grudging
respect, but Draco constantly spews out that Hufflepuffs are duffers. I suppose it
is good that he hasn’t begun bothering Hufflepuffs again…”
“He was too protected to deal with and short of traveling in very large groups with
older students as protectors there was not much we could do at the time,” Susan said
as she bucked and tried to convince her friend to stop teasing her and leave her a
puddle of well-sated witch. “With his father on the board and his influence in the
Ministry there was not much we could do without tipping the house’s hand. We are
badgers and while slow to anger will fight ferociously when provoked or to protect

“You do have your aunt as a card to play if he tried anything,” Hannah said with a
sad look before deciding to distract her by doing so to Susan. “Given the way things
have been going, both of us would have had to be someones plaything before we
graduated and this way we get a looker who cares and is great at sexing a witch up!”

“And here I was thinking you should be the friend that was supposed to talk me out
of this,” Susan said with a giggle even as Hannah played her well practiced spots to
mellow her friend out. “I think Hermione will likely close ranks soon in regards to
her man even if she does share him…”
“So the two of us, Hermione and whichever unspecified others already involved,”
Hannah said before stopping to taste her friend’s sweet slippery folds and see if
her friend was ready for her own actions and the preparations for her friend’s hero
and his hopefully soon deflowering of her. “I doubt that other girls won't try to
get at least a go once his reputation is not completely held to his chest as it is
now. You are likely right that Hermione and any other girl in her ranking will see
about maximizing their own time. Even we would feel some competition to get more of
his time, but we also like to spend time with each other and I definitely like being
with Hermione as well…”
“We are friends and can find a way to make this work,” Susan said firmly before her
resolved face shifted to one of sudden shock as Hannah worked her to a quick and
unexpected release. “Damn Han, that was intense. So is Hermione any better at that
or is that just something we both should practice like any other physical skill.”
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“How about both,” Hannah said while smiling at her friend. “Although I do think that
Hermione does have more experience and if we practice we will just get better at
things… Still I have the feeling that they will be quite an influence not just on us
but also on everyone. We may end up having to work rather hard to balance things and
their being so far ahead in their studies does allow them more time for things…”

“You think that one of their influences is that they will drive us to do better so
as to not disappoint them both as lovers and as students,” Susan said as her head
had been cleared and it felt easier to think after Hannah’s actions. “I suppose that
given his reputation and the likelihood that upcoming dark wizards and the next
possible dark lord will target him for that reputation that I should talk to my aunt
about getting some training in over the summers… I will of course make sure that you
are invited.”
“Your aunt was a Puff like us so there should be no problem with any of that,”
Hannah said before frowning a bit. “Harry lives around muggles and even if they are
in the know they would have underage monitors. That much at least is common
knowledge while the particulars are better kept in regards to where and explicitly
who than some of the secrets in the Ministry, but how will he practice or do you
think he has found one of the loopholes and they haven’t mentioned that they have to
“That is possible,” Susan commented as she ran her fingers through her friend’s hair
where it rested on her flushed thighs. “I do not put it past either of them to have
found any number of loopholes. There is the possibility that he could have even
gotten the goblins to be quite and become emancipated, but that is not something
that I see people allowing even if he is the scion and next Potter of House Potter.”

“Don’t be too sure of that Suz,” Hannah said with a laugh after she thought about
it. “Think of how he has acted here and pulled off already, and it does make it
likely that he has something up his sleeves and hidden in his pockets.”

“That does make sense even if we seem to be overly interested in checking something
in his pockets,” Susan said with a sigh as she felt her body slowly becoming calm
enough not to be hypersensitive. “So we have the fact that he is cute, well hung and
with plenty of prospect for the future, and the only downside is sharing which I
don’t think either of us consider being one. The fact that he would be well
compensated for all he has done for us so far. You know I almost wonder what would
have happened if our positions had been reversed.”
“I suppose things wouldn’t be that different,” Hannah said as she realized that it
could have been either of them that had gotten into that position even if it had
been odd to be Susan instead of herself. “Only way all of this would have been
better would be if they had been in our house. I will admit that the inability to
meet closer is irritating at times…”

“I suppose the fact that we could have had Hermione here as well if that was the
case didn’t really enter your mind,” Susan said with no hint of jealousy with pure
understanding to her tone. “Considering that you took advantage of our being
roommates, I might as well do the same. Who knows when things might require or even
facilitate such things in the future…?”
Susan moved so that she could reach her friends own responsive lips. She was a
Hufflepuff and her friend needed some attention right now. It didn’t matter that her
friend had put her needs ahead of her own, but Susan did feel grateful that Hannah
was very willing to clear her head. As it was, Susan knew that regardless of where
things were going that she loved how things were and how they appeared to be
progressing. It may be un-Hufflepuff, but while most of her fellow Puffs would be
likely to start physically being close with each other and consider that part of
normal friendship, Susan knew that Hannah and she would be more often with Harry and
his group than their housemates. It felt kind of wrong to let a divide from between
them and their fellow Puffs, but they were pretty sure that Harry did nowhere near
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trust anyone enough to let their entire house in to his personal space.
That they already had discovered that their older housemates tended to have rather
free flowing orgies wasn’t really a concern. Sharing Harry more than necessary was a
disinclination for them as it was a case of quality versus quantity. They were
Hufflepuff enough that they suspected that Harry would be with them at one of the
parties at least a few times before they graduated. They were well aware enough to
not be possessive like the rest of their house, and that things never went as
planned. Luckily, Harry had shown no inclination to political rule even if he was
more than aware it seemed to them of at least some of his future power and
Susan did have the feeling that if things had been different that Harry would have
been either a Gryffindor martyr or a Slytherin tyrant. His original fame as
The-Boy-Who-Lived could have easily been grown and he could have had most of the
younger generation as devoted fanatics as well as some of their parents and other
relatives. The exception of the Death Eater children and even they might have been
able to be swayed with sufficient power.
As the two drifted off in their conjoined embrace, Susan still had a very good
feeling in how things were progressing. While Harry had not taken the immediate
offering and simply took her and left her recovering, she found his well thought out
nature intriguing even if at the cost of romantic spontaneity.


Li Mei-Li was overseeing the normal daily running of the House of Li. Her husband Li
Wei-Shan was going over the various business proposals as well as checking which
family members had entered into contracts with who and for what reasons they had
done so. They both had received word about their daughter in Scotland. Her attending
Hogwarts had not been entirely unexpected, but that did not mean that they hadn’t
turned it to their advantage.
Li Su had sent back word before and it had sent the family and the elders especially
into a fevered state. So far, this one seemed to show the signs of being like their
glorious lord and master all those centuries ago. They were well aware that their
daughter had told her master about things and that she had to inform them of some
things as well. That the boy was already advancing into his art was astounding.
While her daughter had yet to witness any of the greater rituals, Mei-Li was aware
that Su had seen enough evidence of the power growing to the west. The state of his
companions was a very good sign. Having three students already was not unexpected.
The state of their development was another good sign. That the young master had
brought a metamorphmagus as they were called there into service was very telling.
The young lord was interested not just in their bodies, but he already showed signs
of making sure that the servants were well supported.
A little investigation by Wei-Shan had led to the discovery of a very rapid power
base for the young master. He had practically wrestled potions supplies and
production for the more profitable ventures. That he had convinced a number of
muggle girls as well as boys to serve him even in the manner that they were was
impressive. It was a very profitable solution to increasing his funds. Her husband
had discovered that the Goblins were quite impressed.
The most recent communications from them as well as the information from Su had
definitely led to hope that this was the master they had been waiting for all these
centuries since the betrayal in that distant land. Turning her attention to the
state of the various disciplines and specializations had left her with a sense of
pride. Su was well suited as a researcher and lab minion even if she was not as
suited for fieldwork compared to some of her kin. The girl’s master could likely
improve on that. Mei-Li was filled with pride at how suitable her daughter was.
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“Hmm,” Mei-Li had murmured when she saw an unfamiliar bird completely ignore the
wards around their home. “This bears investigating; of this I am certain…”
Padding her way from the garden towards the bird, she took a closer look at it.
There was something different about the bird that nagged at a memory she had from
the histories. The bird was just too black as if the light was being sucked in
instead of just being absorbed. It moved with a bit of strangeness. When it went
still on a perch, it was too still as if it did not need to move. The eyes however
caused her eyes to widen and have to cut off a gasp of shock.
“Now you are something I have not seen in a very long time,” Mei-Li said as she
stood near and circled the bird on the perch. “Now who could it be that would have
one such as you to deliver a missive. I suppose you would be the young Night that my
daughter has referred in passing.”
The raven shaped bird turned its head and cocked it before looking into the ladies
eyes. Letting out a caw of agreement, Night continued his study of the young
servant’s mother. Night had no doubt that the girl whom this lady resembled was one
of the master’s servants. Oh, the companions had benefitted from the relationship of
that they were all certain. Night for instance loved the improved freedom as well as
the opportunities for the juiciest meals one could want for.

“Well that answers that,” Mei-Li said with an inclination of her head. “I take it my
daughter asked you to bring us this or was it her master?”

Night looked at her for a moment. Unlike with the others, the former raven was
unsure how to communicate more exactly. The bonded were able to receive emotional
projections as well as understand their audible and non-audible communications.
Settling for a double bob would have to do until the messenger could determine a
better way to answer. Oh, while the rituals made them smart none of them were aware
of if the Li’s had gained any abilities to understand any of them.

“Thank you,” She said as Night held out the messages. “I see one for me and one for
my husband. I take it that you are waiting on a reply?”
Night gave a bob and caw of agreement. Watching as the lady took the messages; the
raven came to a complete stillness to wait. At most, there might be a snack while
waiting and that wouldn’t be so bad.

Despite the security of a being like that acting as a messenger, Mei-Li was as
paranoid as all members of their house had become. When they could be possibly
tricked into servitude to someone unworthy, it was not really paranoia as merely a
very necessarily developed sense of self-preservation. The past few centuries had
the family as individuals enter into service unlike the glorious days when the whole
of House Li was at the call and benefit of a true master.

Therefore, as even the youngest children were trained, she scanned the messages over
for harmful content. Normally some of that was dealt with by the wards and the setup
in the message tower. This messenger had bypassed that and that said a lot. She
didn’t doubt that this particular bird could have pierced or avoided their
protections. That it entered unnoticed spoke of that, but there was the slight feel
to it now that she had let her senses extend to search for such things.
The bird had drunk of her daughter’s blood, but it had been offered willingly. That
would have allowed even an ordinary postal bird to reach them. It would not have
kept them un-alerted to the bird’s arrival however. That was something that she
would have to talk to her husband about especially if it took outsider to correct.
The outermost package was sealed with her daughter’s personal sigil. The wax making
it up had been soaked with her blood and charged with her magic as a first stage of
security. Something had been added since her last missive and it had made her feel a
rush of pride at what her daughter had done. It took a certain level of skill to
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improve and add a new security feature to the tried and true enchanted wax.
Removing the outermost seal, Mei-Li turned to the letters inside. Her senses were
well tuned and her eyes showed none of her reaction to the interesting things
guarding the letters. Her daughter would at most at private cock an eyebrow and even
that would have been pressing. Their family was known for their stoicism and logic
in public. They rarely let any know that in the privacy of their bedrooms and
pleasure rooms that they were as passionate as they were controlled at other times.
Seeing a letter addressed to herself and one for her husband, she opened her letter
and started to read as she walked to his office. This was important and they had
things to discuss already. She had absentmindedly logged the protections on each
with a bit of approval at her daughter’s actions. She would serve her master well.
It was perhaps a childish dream to hope for a true master to be found for their
house. They had benefitted so much in the past under a proper lord.
They were servants and found that role to be what they found their solace in doing.
Even those running the family and the house in the absence of their master or any of
his descendents served in some ways. The elders and heads served the good of the
family with as much loyalty and dedication as any member served their masters. It
was just something intrinsic to their blood by this point in time.
“Honored Husband,” Mei-Li called out as she approached Wei-Shan. “Our daughter sends
word as does her master. He has a missive for you to read.”
“I take it that our honorable daughter has sent you a letter for you as well,” he
said as he finished filling out one of the tedium of his station. “It is good to see
that even in that land that she remembers the traditions. I take it that this is
important to read immediately?”
“Yes,” she said with a nod. “The messenger bird is waiting and it is quite

“And what could our daughter’s young master and relatively new to his art have
sent?” he asked in interest. “I take it that he has gotten some improvements to his

“I suppose as it was more of a daughter gushing to her mother about how good she had
things that it didn’t come across to you,” she said with a sigh of irritation. “This
master of hers has already several bonded companions, and from what I have seen that
they are well on their way to becoming powerful. The bird used to be a raven and
already it has to my discerning eyes begun to develop its elemental abilities.”
“I see,” he said with only the slightest widening to his eyes to convey his
impressed state. “That would be interesting in one so new to things. I take it that
you wish for me to read what was sent before you let me know more?”

“Of course,” she said with the slightest hints of amusement showing. “I will state
that from what I have already read before that this one is most impressive. If the
hints I have read are accurate, I might get to see something that would have the
children laugh before almost fainting in shock…”
“I wonder what that could be,” he said with a hint of teasing directed to his wife
of so many years and yet still they both felt at time the newness of youth. “I do
hope that the financial state of her young master isn’t the only thing. I must admit
that the discrete inquiry into Gringott's and other such ventures was most
illuminating. I must say that the businessman in me is impressed that he has managed
to acquire enough gold as well as platinum to impress the goblin nation.”
“Well if you have found that impressive wait until you read what this last letter
contains,” she said with a bit of teasing to her voice and body language. “It seems
that besides making at least a bar of platinum over a month in profits alone that
the expansion might make it more so. It seems that a core of potion brewers at the
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least is in the process of being created. His willingness to do some things that the
younger generations find squeamish is a positive. You recall that even the ungifted
and crippled can be enhanced or altered with rituals especially those done by those
like the first master…”
“I do recall that,” he said as he thought back to how even the ungifted among the
peasants had been gifted with something in exchange for their service by the one
they called their first master. “I also recall how those similar to the master had
been betrayed by some of their creations. Still some things are only accessible by
those gifted in the master’s art to that degree. I wonder if we will ever find one
as unto he who was gifted with the Silver Flames and who understood the balance in
creation, destruction, and change.”

“I wish the honored first master had left us with an explanation of how he did
that,” she said with a glance to the locked library. “This young master seems to
have acquired some tomes already and Su has sent for some she is authorized to read.
I do wonder what was not said to me as they are not necessarily my concern.”
He looked at the seal adorning the back of the letter. He was well aware of the fame
already flocking to that particular emblem. He noticed the way that his daughter’s
personal stamp was placed subordinate and seemed visibly dominated by her master’s
seal. Tracing his fingertips over the letter had left him with a very good feel for
the magics safeguarding it. That spoke well of the young one to him. He had secured
both the means of transportation as well as any means to safeguard the message
Wei-Shan opened the letter with a quick motion of his wrist. He felt the subtle
hints of magic having caressed him and searching for his identity. He had the
distinct impression that if he had been someone else opening it that he would be
dead or wished he were. Something had been added that his first cursory glance had
missed. It wouldn’t do to say anything about that at this time. It was likely that
his wife was testing him still as she had likely noticed her own had such a
protective measure.

‘Yes’, he surmised after letting the feel of the enchantment pass through his
awareness, ‘that was like her. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Life would be
boring otherwise.’

It seemed that the young master had gotten himself a Nundu as the enchantment had
been set to release a dose of Nundu’s breath into his lungs, skin and possibly into
his blood itself. Now that was a worthy method of security. The only flaw was that
if the enchantment had let it loose in an uncontained manner then it might
accidentally devastate more than just the intended recipient and that might cause
Something had been added to it as well a poison of some sort he realized as he felt
the poison not entering his body, but there as if part of a secondary protection. It
likely was set to be released if he disclosed the contents to certain people or to
ensure he signed in blood an oath of the same. Despite all of this while impressive
would take more to make him visibly show it.
“I suppose the gossip on Su getting an appropriate master has been out for some time
among the house,” he said before he dropped the letter in complete shock. “I take it
that your letter didn’t contain this information or you would be likewise in your
“I did wonder what it was that she hinted at,” Mei-Li said with an interested look.
“We taught her well enough to make it subtle to the point that I suspect something
major to be happening soon. The goblins were quite impressed when I asked if he
would be good for Su. That they managed to acquire the Philosopher’s Stone under
guard was very impressive. So what was it that caused such a shock, my beloved

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“How did Su describe her master,” Wei-Shan said with the shock still evident in his
voice, “physically as well as personally?”

“He was taller and more physically fit than the wizards there for his age and
appeared to be well on the way to full maturity,” Mei-Li said as she thought about
it. “She did mention that he was very well equipped, but that is probably not the
detail you are looking for. He was protective of his servants and she said his eyes
seemed to burn with a fire of his will and resolve. They were green at one point the
color of the Killing Curse, but she said that they had grown darker to a jade
“It would appear that the prophecy is in play,” he said with reverence in his voice.
“It seems that her master has eyes of Jade Fire and has discovered the Sliver Flame.
You know what that means. As it is, he is not demanding much of us. He wishes a
meeting at a point of time with us and one with the Flamel Family. That he wishes
for that to be at Gringott's is no real shock. I would say the most shocking thing
is the complete list of the companions and the new additions. Her master has drunk
freely given unicorn blood and entered into a compact with a thousand year old
basilisk. It is the name that catches me with something of significance. The
basilisk’s name is Lady Silver…”
“You don’t mean that prophecy, and that basilisk has returned,” she said with a
similar reverent voice. “If this means what I think it means, we will be able to
serve under a true and proper Lord and Master again. After all these centuries of
service under those who were trying to claim the masters’ title, we can finally
serve one like him again. We will have the world once more brought to task!”

“Yes,” he said with still a bit of fanaticism to his almost vibrating with
excitement form. “We will soon see where things will be headed. In the mean time, we
must compose letters to our daughter and I have a missive to send to the Flamel’s.
We should have realized when they started on things that we were headed for such
interesting time again.”

“I thought that our ancestors were rather fair with Perenelle considering what those
two had done,” Mei-Li commented as she contemplated what those two might be able to
add to things. “Still I suppose they may be useful for the young master…”

“Once we are completely sure of that, then we can act, in the mean time we will have
to see what will happen,” Wei-Shan said with a nod of his head. “So we will have to
make some arrangements with both. I wonder if it is past time to have one of the
younger members to train with the Flamel’s. That was a very useful thing and one we
have not done in quite some time. Perenelle was quite accommodating from what we

“In both senses of the word, you mean,” Mei-Li said as she let a bit of humor show,
as they were well and truly alone at the moment. “Yes, that is something that those
two have had plenty of time to become skilled in. I believe that the last request
Perenelle made was for one of our hunters to go there. We walked away with quite a
bit of lore, gold, and good will from that. That house does tend to the hedonistic
and perhaps even in excess, but they have kept their agreements on time so I think
none here would find fault with that. Perhaps send one for when the young master
goes with our daughter; I think that they will all find it entertaining…”
“Yes, by outsiders standards the Flamel’s are quite the sexual connoisseurs,” he
said as he recalled what he had read about them. “Then again we do have a very
extensive library in regards to magic related to such and we do practice a good
amount of such magics. Therefore, who are we to look at them differently for their
actions; I think the former heads would have preferred if they had utilized the life
extending methods from sexual magics than creating that stone. Unfortunately, they
did create it and thus we had a bit of contention in the past.”
“That Nicolas never realized that his wife spent of her own free will a century
entertaining our house is of some interest,” Mei-Li said with a bit of indifference
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of that fact. “There is still plenty told of the things she did at that time. It was
quite an interesting time to have been here from what some of the elders say as
well. It would do the sexual combat specialists some good to be humbled by being
sent there. Demons do differ in their methods than mortals in such things. She
surely would not mind and from what is known she showed and outlasted quite a few of
those that had been summoned.”

“Yes, that was rather perpetually recorded among the male head’s records as well,”
Wei-Shan had then said with a firm nod. “As it is, that should work out quite well.
So we prepare our letters before turning in for the evening?”
“I think you would prefer to see if this desk is still as sturdy as it ever was,”
Mei-Li said with a teasing look as she sat on the edge of the desk and his hand
caressed her thigh. “Later my love, first business, and then pleasure. A shame we
are not like them as I hear that Nicolas as well as Perenelle tends to dictate
things while being satisfied…”
“A pity,” Wei-Shan said with a sigh before he contemplated the use of a self-editing
dictation quill as well as how useful it would be right now, as while his daughter
wouldn’t mind the interspersed dialogue, it would be unprofessional to send to the
Flamel’s even with their reputation and behavior. “The last one finished has to hold

“Reading my mind again are you,” Mei-Li said as a parchment and quill appeared in
her hand. “It is good to see you acting your age again…”

His answering smirk told her all she needed to know. The letters were practically
flung onto the parchment at breakneck speeds and yet were as legible as any slowly
drawn characters. The letters done and Mei-Li smiling while she called for Night and
Wei-Shan acting disappointed while he called for his personal postal bird, the pair
concluded all the relevant business before putting his desk to severe and repeated
stress testing. Things would run smoother while Mei-Li was in a good mood, and
Wei-Shan was making sure that she would be in such a good mood.


‘Hmm wonder what this letter is,’ Nicolas thought as he reclined for his morning
absolutions. ‘What could the Li Family send their personal seal for? We normally
don’t converse directly lately…’
He was sitting in his opulent bath as some of the women about bathed him. He had
little worry that the letter would be smeared and thus tended to read news and
correspondence that is more interesting. That he could enjoy the hands that were
washing him, was a simple matter. He didn’t really glance over to where his wife of
so many centuries was likewise being pampered. It was something they both had taken
great pride in having risen from mediocrity and near peasantry to the opulent
comfort they had spent most of the proceeding centuries enjoying.
He recalled the time they clawed their way up and forged their connections. That had
allowed them to make a number of realizations as well as remove themselves from the
squalor that even the common wizards of the time had suffered under; with all that,
it was little to wonder why he was considering this a deviation from the norm. That
family was one that they had begun a long and profitable association so long ago.
They had been connected and he had originally wondered why they hadn’t become more
visibly prominent to the masses.
‘The Li Family was truly ahead of their time,’ Nicolas thought with adoration. ‘All
those centuries ago and they had managed to become the power behind the scenes. If
it had not been for them, we would not have been able to get a few of the
ingredients for the stone. Their relations to the ancient necromancers and other
such had allowed them to amass a library beyond compare. So why would they be
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writing us now?’
Opening the letter, Nicolas is met with a sudden shock. His face goes slack and he
begins to reevaluate a number of things that he knows. He was aware that the Li’s
tended to be fanatically loyal as individuals. That was something that he had
repeatedly tried to get from some of their dealings. A truly loyal aid was worth
more than a number of wishes even a large amount of gold.
“Perenelle,” Nicolas said in shock as he contemplated how this would affect them.
“It would appear that the Li’s have found someone of interest. They have a line on
the Silver.”

“Really,” She said from where she was deliciously sandwiched to her pleasure. “Is
there some specifics in there?”
“Yes, it would appear that he has found our stone and gotten it out from under that
meddlesome fools clutches,” Nicolas said as he moved to rest with his head on a
girls chest while his lap was quickly occupied. “They are asking about arranging a
meeting and with a Li pledged to them have utilized that family as an intermediary.
They are asking on where we wish to arrange this meeting. There are heavy hints that
the Goblins will be most accommodating.”

“That is not entirely unexpected if you think about it,” She said with a grunt. “The
goblins are most impressed by them in the past and would still be now. You recall
what kind of favors it took to create the stone in the first place. I don’t think
that this will cause us any problems. Now you can waste your attention worrying
about it, but I am going to enjoy things…”

“Fine,” Nicolas said before turning back to his own games.

He would have plenty of time to formulate a reply later. This new girl was quite the
find and if he were a century less experienced, he would have already gone off like
a kid. He supposed that they had become rather hedonistic in their time, but
considering how miserable life had been for them in the past they saw no reason not
to indulge now.
Meeting at Gringott's meant they would be in the neutral territory of the goblin
nation. They would have little worry about being attacked there. It was not that
there was much reason for this necromancer to do so anyways. He would have little
interest in the life extending aspects of the stone, as even Nicolas knew that even
the trained necromancers tended to be ageless after enough study.
At worst, they would be considered as possible test subjects to see what long-term
usage of the stone had done. As it was, that would not be a worry in the coming
meeting. They did also have some connections to the goblins and it was little wonder
why some of the sheep thought so as well. The belief that they could make unlimited
gold was ridiculous, as that would render it as valuable as any common ore. No, they
were able to generate enough funds to be without a care. The wards around their
palatial home were a testament to how useful money was at times.
‘Now how to formulate a reply,’ Nicolas wondered after he spent his rest inside the
vigorously milking girl. ‘The most useful thing for them would be to offer some
knowledge in exchange. Unlike the common wizards, he would have little need for
money if he were at the point where he has gained this unknown power. To gather the
ingredients for the kinds of rituals they favored would be financially profitable.
Whoever it is also has killed and thus they could have acquired funds that way. What
little direct information we gathered when they were more commonplace does indicate
that several kinds of familiars would be altered with long-term exposure. Almost all
of which are considered legends in the wild, and thus they would have readily
resupplied components that would be worth a very exorbantly high price.’
He shuddered at some of the myths that he had learned were real. Nundu being made
from other cats, Griffins that were able to travel in shadows, the true nature of
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the Grim, and many more things that he wished he didn’t know. They were masters of
rituals of life and death, with knowledge of bloodlines, and knew how to do things
that were unimaginable to Wizarding kind. They who had created vampires, Wither
servants or as some believed a way to distill the power in the blood, Nicolas was
unsure on.
There were some things he would rather not know about. He especially didn’t want to
know if the ancient rumor was true that there was a method to protect a basilisk
from the rooster’s crow. Bad enough he had seen what happened when a pissed off
individual set a pack of Nundu loose across Europe. Still, he would have to get that
letter written.
Making his way from the bath, Nicolas sat in his opulent chair where he was promptly
served and serviced. So inclined on his chair with a girl serving food and a girl or
two between his legs, Nicolas began to dictate a letter to be delivered to the
Ancient and Honorable House of Li. It would be delivered through Gringott's and he
was more than interested in finding out what they knew about the boy.
Nicolas had not forgotten the letter that had pierced their protections so easily.
The letter from the Li’s had been delivered to the proper place, checked and then
brought to him while in time for his morning absolutions. That bird had been
something he had found frightening as even Fawkes could be reasoned with at times.
How that bungler snagged a phoenix, Nicolas did wonder at times.
Still Nicolas turned to have some of the libraries books brought to him. That he had
a girl pleasuring him throughout was merely because he both enjoyed it and he found
it easier to recall things in those moments. With the Li’s involved, he was aware
that things could be either smoother or fall apart in the meeting. They would have
to prepare and perhaps see what little they could get from the goblins. Normally
they were quite secretive of any clients’ dealings, but some small facts could be
obtained as long as they would not cause the neutrality to be called into question.

He had a lot of things to do now. He would still make sure to enjoy his life. They
had no reason to put aside their lifestyle in the past nor would they in the future.
Dark lords had come and gone, and they were still here. He just suspected that the
upstart had some contingency yet to be unleashed. It seemed the style of the times
after all.

He did have to wonder what the Li’s were doing at this moment. It had been the one
thing he had always wished to so. The Li’s had in the course of their lives become
very hard to faze and he hadn’t seen one over the age of ten to have any moments of
shock. He had seen one of them at a muggle amusement park show a slight smirk. In
his younger years, he had seen a full smile, but that had been a teenage girl riding
a dragon-back.
‘What I wish I could see is one of them completely flustered,’ Nicolas thought as he
caressed the girl currently swallowing him. ‘It is not that they are emotionless
although I have seen them ruled by cold logic at times. They are quite passionate
and maybe we could see about having one stay here for a time again. Now that girl
was passionate enough to out sex a Veela…’
Perenelle was reclining a bit a ways. She was drawing her own conclusions on these
things. She had recalled what had happened the last time they had in anyway been at
a cross-purpose to that family. It had taken a good deal of effort over the
centuries to never get in that shape again. If it had not been for a number of
concessions she had never told Nicolas about they both would have been killed
centuries ago or worse.
It had been during one of their times apart to explore different things. She knew
that she had lucked out in not being their slave. She never told Nicolas about that
either or of her suspicions that the family had been the decedents of minions who
had likely been enhanced by the legendary and mythical ancients. There had been a
time when the wizards and their precursors had been knowledgeable to alter people
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and animals in new unimaginable ways.
The masters of rituals as the shamans, druids and the specialists of the
necromancers had been for a time capable of things that modern wizards would
consider god like. There had been a time when magic was wild and that age had
spawned so many things still wondrous to this age. What had been spawned by magic
itself and what those using it created were difficult to separate at times and thus
few were left to debate such things.
Perenelle did make sure that Nicolas never created another stone. It had been part
of the price and there were some matters to consider. She had heard about what they
had done if they were confronted with certain sorts. Some who sought other methods
to cheat death were hunted down. That was in part why that House was famed as
She reclined as she watched Nicolas move to enjoying his post work play. It was not
that she didn’t do similar. Her life since she had met Nicolas had been worth it.
Even the time indentured to the Li’s had been far better than the misery of her
early years. She had learned a few things in that time that she hadn’t shared and it
had taken her time to remember.
She really didn’t think that it would be best to inform Nicolas that the Li’s had
been looking for a born necromancer especially the mythical Silver. The fact that
she suspected the families progenitor had been in the service of such was something
that was now causing her to think in different ways now.

‘I take it that their creator might have instilled safe guards,’ Perenelle thought
as she moved to allow a few of the males to ravish her. ‘Perhaps even a blood oath
to bind them. More things that I don’t think Nicolas should know yet… Some pleasure
to drive such painful thoughts away is much appreciated…’

After the loss of a rather prominent clan of goblins, even if the nation as a whole
didn’t care about them there was much to be done. The death of Griphook and his clan
had been most beneficial to the nation as a whole. It had brought to them a new
necromancer and they had seen the ancient weapons of that art created before them.
The warrior blood within them had sung at the combat in the coliseum, but it was
their more mercenary ways that were singing in joy recently.
The Potter Estate had become a very lucrative and expansive holding. The inclusion
of the Black estate had been beneficial. The funds available as well as assets did
create a good deal of prestige for those administrating it or entering into
alliances and other arrangements.

Grimtooth had been sitting down to his new larger office and even Swiftknife had
been promoted as well. The quick reactions had led to much glory for them. It was
the current letters that were a concern. It seemed that certain parties were
interested in meeting at the bank for several reasons. One of the most important was
that it was under the neutrality of the Goblin Nation. Second was that it was in
part a business deal and being here would allow for things to be immediately carried
Grimtooth had received communications about the young Necromancer gaining a servant
from the House of Li. That had been impressive in its own right. That the house
proper wished to arrange a sit down with the Lord Potter to discuss some house
matters was something that was not too much of a shock. It was the current
correspondence that was disconcerting.
The Flamel’s were wishing to meet the boy. The Li’s were to act as intermediaries
and that was the least of the troubles. The fact that someone had dared to try to
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break into their security was offensive. That it had been successful even if nothing
had been stolen was immaterial. It was the principle of the matter that someone had
tried to do so. Reputations were important; however, it was something that the
Flamel’s wished to address.
‘Of course Dumbledore would do something like this,’ Grimtooth thought in
irritation. ‘It seems that not only has that meddlesome fool managed to create a
level of headaches in our own house, but he seeks to spread his future misery early.
Oh, when the time is right his actions will cause his little house of cards to fall.
His misuse of one of our clients possessions illegally removed from the client’s
vault is something that will be dealt with. No, not just the Potter and Black
holdings were enough for him he had to poke his nose in the Flamel’s business! We
like them since they like money and appreciate it as well as enjoying their
existence. Not much of a shock since they clawed their way to their positions in
life like any respectable goblin would have done…’
Thinking of Swiftknife, he seemed to appear before Grimtooth with a missive with the
Flamel’s seal and one with the House of Li.
“Message for you,” Swiftknife said with a smirk. “It seems that things are moving
sooner than expected…”
“If by that you mean our young necromancer seems to be gaining more allies, then yes
it is,” Grimtooth agreed with a bit of amusement. “I do wonder what they both are
doing directing letters here and to me.”

“Ah it seems that they were sent here with a particular attention to recipient,”
Swiftknife said with a bob of his head. “It seems that both are seeking to address
the goblin manager for a particular alias of the young necromancer. As a betting
goblin, I would think that he has managed to extract the Stone from whatever
safeguards that human came up with.”

“That is a distinct possibility and would likely be why we are being used as a
neutral intermediary between the two as that warrior is likely to have sent
something well protected to seek confirmation about if he had stumbled across the
stone that it was not a fake,” Grimtooth said with a goblin smile. “It did seem
foolish to move it here when they had it under their own layered wards and the other
assorted protections. Still we are considered to be the safest place to guard

“The humans especially the British think that Hogwarts is even more secured than
here,” Swiftknife said with a tone and shake of his head of disbelief. “I personally
find that hard to believe. While we respect each of the founders, I doubt anything
that Albus Dumbledore has interfered with to be untarnished. Look at how ignorant
they are of their own past and calling our revolutions to restore our rights as
rebellions are just another case of his meddling!”
“Yes, we are all aware of that; however, I would prefer to know what these three
parties are getting up to!” Grimtooth said as he growled and Swiftknife handed him
the letters. “Now let me read this in peace. When I am done I suspect we will have
much to discuss…”
Swiftknife waited while Grimtooth read the letters. His silence was telling as even
his schooled face did reveal some things about what he read in the letter.
Swiftknife was well aware that three prominent accounts were corresponding with them
as intermediaries. The Flamel’s, the Li’s, and the Potter’s were very prominent
The Flamel’s had become prominent over the years. At about six hundred years ago,
Nicolas had managed to carve out enough money to never be as poor as he had been. It
was a drive that they understood, and thus in part why there was little enmity
between the two. He took his knowledge and delved into several arts that were often
restricted to family grimories and secretive associations. Alchemy had existed in
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several forms since before even the Greeks. His creation of a Philosopher’s Stone
had let the nation to be very interested in things. The most known aspects were a
danger to their solvency as well as that of the wizards.
The House of Li was older than the bank and they had created enough contracts over
the years that for the east as they moved so did nations. Several of the clans had
business dealings with them from before the rise of the chief of chiefs. The Goblin
Nation knew that the House of Li had records and lore that were rare and some even
legendary. So it was not just in business that they held sway. The house also had a
legion of warriors of which a number were hunters who kept the peace with extreme
culling of magical creatures.
The Potters and the Blacks had carved themselves niches in each of their own
specialties. Unfortunately, the Blacks had not generated a necromancer until
recently. Without one, the family had lost some of their standing with the goblins.
The rest had seemed through stupidity and belief that purebloods had to act in a
certain way. That it was mostly those who barely met these requirements that were so
outspoken was little surprise to the goblins.
The Potters had some ups and downs, but even with the outright theft by the
so-called greatest light wizard of the age there had been too much for him to
destroy. Harry’s actions had reversed any of that and were rapidly raising the
reputation and that was before any other changes had happened. His business ventures
were more than most of the affluent purebloods made since they were often too
foolish than to live on the resources they had without expanding things. His potions
and ingredients had been very profitable, but the new ventures that had been created
by his servants were very impressive.

“It would appear that this will be resulting in a very interesting meeting,”
Grimtooth said with a vicious smirk. “It seems that the Flamel’s have been informed
that their disappointment of a student has lost their prized possession. Lord
Potter-Black has found it, but he hasn’t told them who he is preferring to meet
here. The Li’s have been informed about both their daughter entering into service as
well as something very important for us.”
“What would that be?” Swiftknife asked in interest. “The House of Li has not given
sole and absolute loyalty since their creator died…”

“Yes and it would seem that they have a prophecy of their own that they have kept
secret all these years and it pertains to our young necromancer,” Grimtooth said
with a shudder as he thought over the meaning of this. “It seems that young Lord
Potter-Black may have another name added to the list. He is a Parseltongue and while
that is not enough to claim it, there is still the fact that the debacle as an
infant very vaguely could be considered a magical duel. Besides that there was a
stipulation on who could gain access to the complete vaults. One had to be a
Parseltongue, as well as familiar with the Necromantic Arts. As the House of Black
was likewise founded by a necromancer and as any of Black blood could claim Heir
status if not Head if they were a necromancer or more specifically born with the
gift there was another house with such an addendum.”
“Is it that house?” Swiftknife asked as he pondered what could happen. “Monetarily
they are not that well off anymore since the foolish members seemed to have no
desire to bring in funds and had wasted their legacy… do you think he could turn
that houses fortune around as well?”
“No, those miserable wretches were never able to claim Lord Status,” Grimtooth said
with a savage grin. “While they were direct descendants, they were a bastard line
that let their pride stand in the way of things. They killed the last official lord
in an attempt to claim the house. Cursed they were on his death to a slow death of
madness and that their magic would wither and die for their betrayal. If a child so
cursed did spite their heritage, they would regain some of the family’s magic…”
“That would explain the activity within the Gaunt Estate recently,” Swiftknife said
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as he pondered on what it meant. “It is still active even though there is no heir
named, will filed, nor even a death notification. So not quite dead and yet at some
point in the past fifty years while meeting that requirement, this descendent did do
something that preserved them from death as well as forever bar them from a chance
to claim that lordship.”
“Yes, the Gaunt family seems to have been quite cursed with madness, death and
misery,” Grimtooth said with a vicious look. “They lost their money, their looks,
their respectability, and lastly their magic started to fade leaving the last
official descendent as barely more than a squib. That someone tried to claim those
vaults was not unexpected as people try to do that often enough over the centuries,
but it was that they were barely able to claim to be an heir even if they claimed to
be the Heir Apparent. I think the so-called purebloods would be quite disgusted to
know that they bowed to the son of a near squib and a potion induced muggle of some
standing. I do believe that he did manage to commit fratricide and thus as paranoid
heads made it so that their heirs did not kill them to claim their position had
likewise lost all opportunity at legitimate in the Wizengamot’s eyes at respectable
“So the young Lord Potter-Black may gain control of the Slytherin Estate due to
these things and his distant relative attempted to kill him,” Swiftknife said as he
realized something. “The young Gaunt likely had the spell rebound, not out of
prophecy like we suppose the White Bumblebee thinks, but that it rebounded do to
protections in the family magics. I suppose that we should offer the young lord an
opportunity to search out all his familial connections for a suitable fee…”

“Yes, he is a businessman first and foremost as he has put aside his desires for
vengeance to ensure things,” Grimtooth said as he recalled what they had compiled in
their clients profile. “Unfortunately, he is driven to a goal, an ambition as it
were. He has used that admirably, but even the well-developed patience he has is not
unlimited. At some point in time, he will act when it is most to his benefit. It
will be interesting to see how that goes.”

“Yes, we will profit from it as well,” Swiftknife said as he saw that Grimtooth was
writing the replies as he multitasked. “Unfortunately, we will barely have time
enough before then to make the best of the situation for ourselves and our clans. I
suspect that things will become quite violent before all is said and done. The
Wizarding populous of at least this country if not most of Europe will be distracted
enough that we might reclaim more than we have in a long time.”

“I have to admit that with this development as well, we are looking at something
different,” Grimtooth said as he sealed the first letter. “He will have to be
tested, but I see these three factions working together as well as more interesting
things from this. I wonder if this last dark lord worded his oaths from his
followers a bit too sloppily…”
“Oh, that would be a rout,” Swiftknife said as a goblin giggle slipped from his
teeth. “Imagine finding out that you were sworn to obey your enemy or lose your
magic and as that is their only thing precious to them would react badly. I still
suppose that as he is a necromancer he will find something useful for his other
enemies. I must think that if these things bear out that you might soon find
yourself even higher in your clan and the nation.”
“Yes, it will be that, but we have to wait until he arrives here to be sure,”
Grimtooth said with a thought suddenly hitting him. “There may be more to it than
that do to other factors, but we will see when he shows up for this business. It is
a shame that he has to be here personally to do this, but the waiting will allow us
to savor the changes more…”
Swiftknife just nodded in agreement before he took the two very important responses
and left with a salute. Things had already started to change and it looked as if
more would in the future. Three very important clients were soon to be allied in
some sort of way. Prestige, money, and personnel were moving to be at purpose with
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each other. Both of the goblins were looking forward to their own personal gain, but
there was more going on than even they or their clan leaders knew.

Neither of them suspected that the House of Li had left out very important details
in the letter. They did not hint that the young necromancer could be the heir of
their one true first master. The whole of that house would soon be at the command of
someone that had a rather large grudge and ambition to settle. If the Nicolas chose
to spite the boy, he would be in some serious trouble with not just Harry and his
Houses of Potter and Black, but Nicolas would be at the mercies of the House of Li.
Perenelle would likely keep him from such a moment of idiocy, but even she would not
be able to hide the complications that he had brought upon them this time.
Harry was hoping for a meeting with the Li’s before that, but timing was not a
certainty for him at this point. Su’s messages had likely gotten things smoothed
over, and his own missives likely would be returned with an appropriate response. He
had only the vaguest ideas of what things were already coming to a head. Dora had
asked to schedule a meeting with her lover to negotiate what would be allowed. It
was not quite certain of what had caused the change from the way things had been,
but he would likely consider it a nice diversion from the more serious business that
he was involved in at the current time.
Kiki had been exploring more and he was certain that Lady Silver was helping his
rather vicious and cruel servant to better hewn her own talents. He suspected the
overly cleaned areas were places were Kiki had brought her own sacrifices from the
forest. He was aware that their companions were growing restless and hungrier than
in the past. Things were changing and the reply from Gringott's was something that
he was in part waiting on receiving.

They had a lot to get in order before Alice and Anne arrived at Hogwarts in
September. Some of which required that he get things here into order. The companions
and Hermione as well as his own hunts in the forest were likely not to overly tax
the population. He was aware the Hermione had acknowledged that her path was set and
that she did not and would not back out now. Still Alice was somewhat reluctant to
allow her cousin any footing in their competition. Even if Harry had determined that
Hermione was the more stable and thus better choice for his second that did not mean
that the competition between the two was over for attention.

Everyone was plotting even if they would not call it that. The goblins plotted how
to gain glory and wealth from these coming changes. The Flamel’s were plotting on
how to best negotiate the return of their stone. The Li’s were plotting on how this
would improve their house’s standing. The House of Li was not alone in having
debates among themselves on how best to do so even Harry’s followers were plotting
things even if they shared the same dedication to furthering their master’s goal and
Hermione was plotting how to make herself better as well as how to get Harry better
advanced to his goal. Dora was plotting to get Penny laid among other things. Alice
was potting how to outcompete her cousin. Anne was even plotting on how to make sure
that things remained the way they were with the bonus of more Harry time. Sarah was
plotting how to make sure the family was safe from outside observation or
Even Hermione’s parents were plotting something. Vincent wanted to know more about
this boy around his daughter. June wished to know the same thing. Both worried that
their daughter would object to their night job. God help anyone that they found
going after their daughter or even their niece as these two would do their best to
ensure a very memorable death for someone that had. Still it was unlikely that
either of her parents would notice anything, as all of them were quite busy with
As for Harry, he was working his way forward and adapting as the situation called
for it. He sought time enough to work on his studies as well as fulfill his various
duties. He had begun to systematically search out and learn any relevant information
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from all of the libraries he had access to. He spent hours after Hermione and Dora
were passed out conversing with Lady Silver to learn the lore that had been lost
from written word over the past millennium. He sent orders out to vastly increase
the production of potions and ingredients out of Surrey. He knew that there was more
he needed to know to accomplish his goal. Unlike most muggles, there was not much
towards mass production of the particulars he needed to know. Knowledge was not
given for nothing unless it had no value. Among the magical, knowledge was jealously
guarded and it would take vast amounts of gold to loose many a tongue.
He had the combined libraries of the House of Potter and of Black to go through. He
had to visit the ancestral House of Black as well as their other home to access
those tomes, and the same went for his own father’s library. He suspected that he
would have to look among the vaults at Gringott's to see where his mother had hid
her won lore. He had been most eager to have Su send for what information she was
permitted to request. His own bargaining with the Flame’s would be over what of
their knowledge he could learn. There was more to it than that though.
With each thing he learned elsewhere, he could further delve into the knowledge
enchanted into the book. It was he was realizing a library condensed into one tome
of lore. It was however not without its flaws in what had been added to it.
Sometimes there were things that were completely outside of conventional thought
that had yet to be tried. The book also seemed quite protected from allowing him to
learn things that would be his own undoing. He would need a firm grasp of a wide
range and depth of knowledge, skill, and understanding to accomplish his ambition.
Still he had to settle the somewhat pleasant but distracting occurrences in his
life. He would settle things with Susan and Hannah before he departed for the train
home. He would at least have an understanding with Dora’s lover by then as well. He
was unsure if he should reveal his identity at this time, but it was possible to
trust enough with an oath in place. Giving the girl the summer to make her decisions
was a possibility. The Weasley twins had already offered houseroom for the summer
for them. How big of an entourage that would go with him he was uncertain of yet. So
many things to prepare and yet so many things that were fluctuating in what they
could result in having happen.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
Chapter 24: Penny Wise, Penny Foolish, Penny Lain
by SamStone 6 Reviews

Penny discovers some things and makes some choices

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters: -
Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2009/11/27 - Updated: 2009/11/27 - 30173
Chapter 24: Penny Wise, Penny Foolish, Penny Lain
Life is a complicated thing. You can go through all of it merely by motion and seem
to have everything planned out, and then life throws a bomb not a brick in the glass
house of order. – Penelope Clearwater to Hermione Granger right before her
seventeenth birthday dance as they played ABBA’s ‘Dancing Queen’. What happened next
would send shockwaves through society…

Penny was walking her rounds. She had once more ended up sharing a patrol with
Percival and was tempted to stick him to the wall or floor and just use him so that
he for once in their relationship satisfied her instead of just leaving her hot and
wet. The only consolation she had was that Dora was scheduled to meet in her room
when she got back. She was going to be ravished wildly and then Penny would tell her
that she agreed to the clandestine meeting in Dora’s room. She planned to have Dora
compromise and only have her master but not her mistress there. There would be no
way that Dora could keep an eye on things if her mistress was there to distract her
and Penny knew that her somewhat dry spell from cock would leave her more likely to
jump into things.
‘Percy, no Percival has become nothing but a disappointment,’ Penny thought as she
wandered the halls in search of students out of the commons and other things. ‘I had
fallen for him, but he is not the sort that I need. A minute man, with no concern
for myself other than his own short pleasure, and how I can be used as a
steppingstone to his ambitions at the ministry when we graduate, is not an
appropriate choice for me. That he paid no attention to the minor things I asked
for, such as eating a few things to improve his more recently putrid flavor for his
seed was almost one of the last straws. The complete and utter lack of orgasms from
fingers and his disgust at oral were the coffin nails in this relationship!’
Penny really didn’t break up too many of the couples that were snogging or otherwise
in her patrol, but she would tell them to clear out or find better hiding places
after she heard them sigh with release. She suspected that Percival would bust in
and sneer at the couples, but thankfully, she had never seen him do so. She wondered
if he would misuse his power more so if he ran across anyone that could be easily
coerced. There had to be a reason that he seemed so blissful with mere hand jobs and
the like. She had expected him to press for actual penetration and if he was getting
his itch scratched elsewhere, that could explain things.
“That irritating... prick!” Penny growled out as she contemplated for but a moment
doing as she had suspected Percival might and have a caught person service her. “I
really need to do something about this…”
Turning down a corridor she heard the tell tale sounds of moaning and other signs of
excitement. She was more irritated that the exploring parties didn’t use silencing
charms or those to discourage people looking for them. That normally meant younger
students as those in their OWL year and later knew better by then. Well, unless they
were really worked up.
“If you wouldn’t mind at least put up a silencing charm next time,” Penny said after
she had rapped loudly on the door. “I will be on my way. Be grateful that I while in
a foul mood would rather not bother people when they are not being harmful to others
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even if venting is tempting.”
She could practically hear the winces from inside the closet as well as the hastily
redressing of whoever was inside. That other people were getting to explore things
and she had ended up with the dead wait that she had was truly annoying her today.
At least she hadn’t blasted the door open on them, but she suspected that the other
prefects would have been less understanding.
Regardless of her own frustrations, Penny felt she would feel awful afterwards if
she took her irritation out on others. That would be far too like Percival for her

‘About the only thing he hasn’t done that would really set me off is trying to
coerce some of the younger years,’ Penny thought as she waited for whomever it was
to be done. ‘Well that or playing for the other team and leading me on like this. I
think I would be hard pressed not to see if that legendary castration spell exists
if it was both.’
After a few minutes, Penny was met by a sight that wouldn’t shock her. Her house was
thankfully not as separated from the others as was her boyfriend, even if the
useless possible cocksucker, who was very antagonistic to Slytherins. Unfortunately,
she couldn’t say or act like that while even sort of dating a Gryffindor.

She was trying to calm herself as she saw the particular flush on the reddish blond
girls face. The young Slytherin boy seemed to have at least gotten her a nice and
fulfilling release at the least. The girl’s normally curly hair was missed up in a
very telling way. Penny could almost see some of the moves that she had been doing.
It was assuredly obvious that the girl had not been just laying there thinking of
queen and country, and given the way that the girl’s hair was exceedingly wind
tossed there were several images almost making her regret not being a bitch and
taking advantage of the situation.

“Adrian Pucey and Marietta Edgecomb,” Penny said with a sigh at the two disheveled
and blushing teenagers. “I can understand your actions. Now as I said next time put
a silencing charm up! You best be grateful that I am not like some of the Prefects
or you would have a severe loss of points and numerous detentions if not worse!”

“Worse?” Marietta managed to whimper out under Penny’s glare of doom. “How could it
be worse than that?”

“While I can speak for some of Ravenclaw,” Penny said looking over at Adrian with a
glare that made him shiver with dread. “Others are more than likely to see what they
can get the people they caught to do in exchange for not being in trouble. I know
that a number of the boys would not be anything less than tempted to see how far you
would be willing to go to keep being caught hidden. Then again, some rumors would
see how cruel or using they would be for both of you… I suppose that Adrian would
have less risk though some might be willing to do things to you as well.”
“I am well aware that several would do such things,” Adrian said without raising his
eyes to meet hers. “Unfortunately, inter house encounters lack the options of intra
house meetings. I should have thought of those preventions, but we were so caught up
in things… I suppose we lucked out that it was you and not some of the other
Prefects or worse the Head Boy or Girl let alone a professor that caught us. I am
aware that if it had been one of my house’s prefects that Marietta would have gotten
used at the least.”
“Yes, I have heard such things,” Penny said with a sigh as she smacked her inner
pervert which was screaming to offer to cover for them in exchange for some playtime
with both of them. “Marietta, you need to be careful about these things. I don’t
suppose either of you would like being at someones mercy while the other either
watches or is coerced to aid things. There is a difference in choosing to do
something and having to do something. In addition, they likely would not have cared
for either of yours enjoyment and solely their own. Regardless some situations you
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both should have taken precautions from having to deal with.”
“Yes, Prefect Clearwater,” Both of them said as the shuffled back and forth. “We
will keep that in mind.”
“Now don’t let me catch you again,” Penny said with a slight smile. “Adrian, I am
sure that if I came by this hallway again that I would not notice anything amiss…”
Adrian nodded and mouthed the incantations and pantomimed the wand movements for a
silencing charm, locking charm and a less then pathetic version of the notice me not
charm. Penny let her smile widen for a moment at that. She felt a little bit better
for having helped them out.

“I am sure that won't happen,” Marietta said as she looked with relief at the
Prefect now that the complete level of how bad things could have gone hit her.
“Yes, Prefect,” Adrian said as he contemplated what to do to keep her good mood with
them. “Is there anything we can do to help you?”

Marietta gave Penny and Adrian a look. She supposed considering how accommodating
Penelope was being and that they were offering and not her demanding it wouldn’t be
too bad. It wasn’t as if Penny’s mentor hadn’t been rather open in advising girls
and she had heard that Penny was the same way.
“I suppose you could,” Penny said while trying to not look at them hungrily. “I
probably should do something considering you are out of bounds…”

She was still horny, but the revulsion she felt at doing things like Percival kept
her from dragging the pair with her back behind the door they had just been warming.
Part of her was tempted to see what they would do. Adrian was a good Slytherin and
was well aware that if it had been his own house’s prefects that things would have
been very bad. The boys might have used both of them and painfully while the ladies
would have possibly just gone for humiliating. Adrian was well aware that the boys
would have used him both ways and Marietta all three at the least and that the girls
would have left Adrian owing them and Marietta humiliated and possibly broken;
therefore, Penny was a very good choice to have been caught by.

“We could always do something to help you out,” Adrian said as he motioned Marietta
to follow his lead. “I ask again is there anything we can do to help and reduce our
Momentarily distracted by the enticing mental possibilities that a threesome with
willing participants could entail, Penny was unresisting as Adrian and Marietta came
close and began to tease her. The two started to do their best to entice the prefect
into joining them in exchange for her silence in finding them. Marietta was no real
surprise to those who knew her and the fact that she had supposedly been tag teaming
with Cho Chang for a while. As for Adrian, he was a guy and a chance with two girls
was an opportunity he would rather take with the sole exception of if he had to be a
pair of Slytherin girls’ boy toy, as they tended to play rougher than he liked.
Penny let out a moan as the two massaged, fondled, and kissed her as she rested
against the wall. So far, they hadn’t done more than feel her up through her
clothes, but given her rather frustrated state before hand Penny was not very
resistant so far. She was half-tempted to have a nice romp with them right here and
now. It had been far too long since she had a real cock inside her, but she recalled
what she had discussed with Dora.
“No, not right now,” Penny managed to moan out as she forced herself to think
through her arousal. “As much as I would love to play with both of you, I can't…”
“Why?” Adrian asked even as he ground his arousal into her flushed thighs while
Marietta seemed intent to get her out of her clothes. “You’re horny, we are horny,
and you obviously don’t mind playing…”
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“Two reasons,” Penny managed to say before Marietta had gotten her tits loose to
tease. “Oh that feels good…”
Penny got distracted when Marietta started to tease her tits. The girl knew her way
around a girl’s hot spots. She didn’t just go to the most prominent and had coaxed
Penny to glass cutting arousal. Penny tried to focus through this but she wasn’t
very successful.
She was kept distracted as Adrian began to tease her with his fingers. He ran them
outside teasing her along with Marietta until Penny was in a panting and distracted
state. Marietta had been envious of the older girl and instead of having developed a
dislike for the Prefect had a bit of a crush on her. She had contemplated trying to
make an encounter with the gorgeous girl and even if she did favor boys, her
encounters with her roommate showed her openness to explore. With all that in her
past, Marietta was more than eager to engage in some tit worship of the gorgeous and
responsive girl’s wonderfully delicious and elegantly firm breasts.
Penny closed her eyes and let herself just feel for a little while. Adrian made no
move more than he already had and thus Penny was not shocked out of her bliss.
Therefore, Penny and her two pleasure providers lost themselves in their
explorations. Penny was mostly moaning, groaning, and pressing herself against their
caresses. Adrian moved slowly and smoothly in his stroking and teasing without any
move that would suddenly surprise Penny. She wasn’t even startled when his fingers
stroked her wet and parted lips before slowly moving inside.
Penny was sighing and breathing heavy as they worked her closer and closer. Adrian
was moving his fingers faster and faster. Marietta was purring into Penny’s bouncing
chest. Suddenly, Penny threw her head back and her eyes snapped open. She pulled
them both close so they were pressed against her shivering body. Marietta had been
breathing heavy as well. Adrian continued his ministrations even as he felt his hand
being drenched as Penny gushed leaving her release on his hand, her thighs, and some
even hitting the floor. Adrian found his face being nuzzled against her right breast
while Marietta was moaning into her left. His eyes noticed that Marietta had her own
trail of release even if it was less prolific than Penny’s had been.
“Where was I?” Penny asked as Adrian slowly removed his fingers after her whimper of
oversensitivity. “Not that I really minded having an orgasm, but I did say I had two
reasons not to…”

“We get that,” Adrian said as he felt himself almost having creamed his pants from
the recent excitement. “Although you have to admit that you liked it and Marietta
seems to really have liked what she is doing.”

“Really, Penny,” Marietta purred after giving the breast she had been worshipping a
kiss. “I have wanted to do that since I first saw you topless. Can you really give
me a reason not to do what I first dreamed about, let alone giving Adrian a show
here or maybe more?”
Adrian kept his mouth shut and just savored being still pressed to her still flushed
chest. He knew that Marietta would have a better chance of convincing Penny than he
would. Marietta meanwhile had returned to praising the perfect and proud pillars of
femininity before her. She even let her fingers occasionally caress his face. He let
his fingers move to circle around her flushed sex. He was aware of the warmth his
fingers felt and the warmth so close to his separated only by his pants.
Penny was having a hard time deciding what to do in this situation. She knew one of
them really wasn’t good, but it was the other that brought her to try to halt
things. She hadn’t even noticed when her hands had moved to give the two a quick
grope and feel. She shuddered when Marietta moaned into her chest when she had
teased the girl’s soaked and spread sex. Penny gave a purred squeak as she got a
feel for his size and drew him closer to her. She was just so excited now.

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Adrian was aware that his excitement was drooling as well as that her fingers were
absently stroking along his length through his pants. He felt her tracing his length
with her fingertips before stroking him softly through the almost nonexistent pants.
He was panting now and he felt her hand’s warmth as it held and gripped his blood
swelling and pulsing prick.
He could barely notice that Marietta was likewise affected by the well-practiced
hand of Penny. The gorgeous girl was tracing his girlfriend’s needy slit. He felt
the tightness below as he watched them. He watched even as he wondered why he hadn’t
creamed his pants already. He saw Penny slowly stretch Marietta’s lips and begin to
probe inside much to the flushed girl’s bliss. His body had already begun to rock
longingly against Penny’s hand even as it moved up and down ever teasing with
fingertips while the palm and thumb flooded him with warmth.

Adrian wanted to move his lips to kiss her to worship her as Marietta was doing so
close to him. A part of him almost didn’t care if Penny’s fingers caused him to
spurt inside his pants or not as long as he could show his appreciation of the
goddess before him. Penny had been a very attractive girl and while completely
unrelated to the Veela she had gained through her encounters with Dora a residual
that affected her more so when she was aroused. If she had at this time moved her
fingers to their shoulders and pushed, they would both gladly sink to their knees
and replace Adrian’s fingers with their tongues.
Sadly, Penny was not aware of that, but was dealing with the increase to her
hormones and the lack of time to have her releases recently. She was aware that she
had a nice warm cock pressed to one hand and a warm wet pussy pressed to the other.
Her mind was overlaying Dora and her mysterious master over the two even if she more
often saw Marietta through the hormone induced haze. It was with Dora in mind that
she began her slow teasing stretching of Marietta’s sex.
Adrian watched with his heart pounding and his cock seeming to ejaculate without his
balls draining as Marietta’s lips spread and more fingers than he had ever managed
enter her. He had managed to get two inside her before she grabbed his cock and
demanded a good fuck. He felt the tremors as a third and then forth found their way
inside. Marietta had started to rock her hips. Adrian watched spellbound as his
girlfriend thrust back against Penny’s fingers as if they were his cock inside her.

Penny wanted to explore and her current girl toy wasn’t cooperating. Her solution
was to grip her inside while holding her soaked thumb just right to make her clit
ache. With a twist, Marietta let her lips loose and shrieked as she spasmed around
Penny’s hand. Her twist had moved to where she was strumming the right spot. Adrian
bit his lips even as Penny’s hand caused him to wish that her grip allowed his balls
to empty while likewise delirious that he seemed to feel his orgasm stretching
Marietta burrowed her face into Penny’s chest before sobbing and reverently kissing
anywhere she could. When Penny stopped holding her in place, Marietta felt her body
begin humping against the fingers inside her.
“Oh… oh… oh,” Marietta moaned out. “Please, let me kiss you, lick you, anything…”

“Not yet,” Penny said while dreaming that this was like when she had fantasized
about Dora begging for things. “I want to make you feel good for a while…”
Penny was somewhat delirious and she was driving Marietta out of her mind in
pleasure. As it was, Adrian wasn’t far behind in that department. He was rather out
of it and he felt as if he was just coming and coming some more. Penny moved her
hand against Marietta as she imagined she would when she was meeting Dora and her
master. Penny was trying in some ways to act that fantasy out at this point in time
by driving both of them to madness.
Adrian was pretty sure that if he was religious that he was in either heaven or hell
at this point in time. He felt the pulses that accompanied release and the euphoria
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of orgasm. What he didn’t feel was the flow from his balls, as they seemed to be not
letting a drop out even as they seemed to pulse with a rhythm that was confusing.
His vision had blurred and he was fairly certain that he had gone cross-eyed for a
while at least. He was able to see Marietta moving in a state he had previously had
to spend a very long time to get her to reach. He was barely aware of the madness
that was allowing his hand to move in a stimulating way.

Marietta was readily pressing her excited sex against Penny’s hand. The older girl
had found her fingers readily accepted into Marietta and that while the younger
girl’s snatch was less accustomed to being stretched as much as either her own, her
other partners and most definitely Dora’s own flexible yet magnificently gripping
fount of pleasure that Marietta was most assuredly excited enough for a number of
things. Still she could tease a few moments more.

“Oh... Morgana!” Marietta cried out in need before whimpering. “Please stop teasing
me and do it!”
That was all the approval that Penny needed to start things. Still she dragged it
out a bit with the slow sliding and slurping inside of Marietta.

“I just love it when you beg,” Penny said as Marietta was superimposed with Dora in
a begging and needy state. “Now get ready as you are going to cum so hard that you
will think you went swimming in the lake!”
Penny had started a very fast rhythm once she had found Marietta’s pussy to be
relaxed enough for her exploration. Her arm was doing all the movement and her
fingers were bunched enough that Marietta was unable to tell them apart from a cock
in size. That they were as warm as one was a vast improvement on the few toys she
had. Penny felt Marietta dripping enough to almost remove any resistance.
With a wicked smirk, Penny increased the pace of her hand. She could hear the
slurping and feel the juices being forced out by her actions. That was before
Marietta seemed to try to curl herself around Penny, as the girl seemed to be trying
to both suck her fingers inside as well as force them out. Her hand was soon
drenched well past the wrist as her fingers were firmly gripped inside.
It was a good thing that Adrian was so shocked and in awe of what he was seeing or
he would have said, muttered or moaned something that would ruin the mood. He had
seen Marietta orgasm. He had made sure that she did as often as he could, but he had
never had her spasm that hard or to drench someone like that. He could see the shine
from where all of Marietta’s juices were and how they were running down her thighs
and Penny’s arm. His head was spinning and he bit his lips as he felt his body

“Mmmmh,” Penny moaned out while licking her fingers clean of Marietta’s second
drenching release. “You had just asked me something before doing such a wonderful
job at distracting me…”
“Yeah,” Marietta said with a blissful look on her face. “You distracted us as well.
Morgana that felt good… please can I make you feel as good too?”
Adrian once more knew when to keep his mouth shut. He had just experienced something
he hadn’t before. As it was, he was wondering how he was standing let alone hadn’t
stained his pants from Penny’s hand. He could feel her firm grip still holding him
and that she was absently keeping him just on the verge of spontaneous ejaculation.
That didn’t mean that he wasn’t trying not to let his moans out especially as he
felt things. He was feeling the familiar sensations that accompanied his release but
he hadn’t felt the tension below drain.
“You already did,” Penny said as she felt Adrian’s cock in her hand while pressing
so close to her still tingling pelvis mere inches from her dripping opening. “I
would think that you would like to resume getting this decently sized cock
stretching your eager and responsive hole?”
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“Oh I would like that,” Marietta said as she looked at Adrian in confusion. “I think
both of us wouldn’t mind that, but as I said before I would love to do more. Any
chance we can?”
Adrian felt Penny let his cock out of her grip. He felt his eyes widen in shock as
he suddenly lurched and found her lips kissing his suddenly warm again cock. He
barely noticed that Marietta had pressed her pussy against Penny’s thigh where she
started to rub up against her like an overeager puppy. This was mirrored by her face
nuzzling the flushed and fancy able divine bosom before her.
Adrian was contemplating saying something. He doubted that it would help. Still, he
started to slowly try to distract her. His cock rubbed against her slit. He felt a
thrill in hopes that that his cock would be graced to feel her pussy drenching it as
his fingers had before. Marietta had begun to kiss as much of Penny’s skin as she
could while he saw the stroking of her nipple so close to him.
“Please?” Adrian asked before his eyes widening in shock. “Oh… Merlin!”

His epitaph was caused by Penny orgasming against his thrusts. He felt another
aborted explosion even as his head floated in orgasmic bliss. He was torn between
continuing what he was doing and praying that she allowed him free of his pants and
to fully embrace the exquisite sexual bliss he felt grasping and soaking his pants.
He stilled for a moment and he realized that he was so close to having sunk into her
open sex as much as his pants would allow. He felt her lips almost milking him.

“Please let us pleasure you completely,” Adrian whispered with his Slytherin sense
suppressed by the current situation. “Marietta wishes to kiss your lips and taste
your heavenly honey. As for myself, I would love to do the same as well as wondering
if I could please feel your pussy drain my poor cock and alleviate this torturous
bliss. Please let us make you cum until none of us can come anymore!”

“Oh Morgana, please can we?” Marietta asked fervently as she drenched Penny’s thigh
with her release. “You don’t really have any reason not to do you?”
Penny was able to draw herself reluctantly from her orgasmic haze. She came aware
that some boy had their cock propped at her entrance. Normally she would have
grabbed it and pulled him in, but considering her confused relationships and the
pants keeping him from having already sunk inside that was enough of a shift to snap
her from her hormone and lust driven state.
If it had just been Marietta, Penny would have likely just dragged the girl down and
thus they both would become tangled together. She was still technically with Percy.
He had stated in his own way that he believed that they were exclusive; however, his
words had stated mostly in concern to other guys being involved with her. With that
and his abysmal performance, Penny had felt no regret at the continued relationship
with Dora.

‘Now how to get out of this without compromising myself anymore,’ Penny thought as
she felt her body trying to betray her determination. ‘I must admit that I was
shocked that Dora was both as developed physically and able to comprehend things
already. I suppose since I wasn’t the earliest bloomer I have no room to talk.
Marietta seems to be interesting and part of me had a momentary flash of jealousy
when I realized that Percy would be interested in her not just for her body but her
connections as well. I suppose Adrian would be over the line in both factors. He is
a guy and in Slytherin and every Claw and Puff knows you shouldn’t mix company with
a Slyth and a Gryff.’
Penny had her thoughts interrupted when her body momentarily betrayed her. Adrian
stilled as he felt his body respond as well and yet he neither went soft nor stained
his pants. That was not to say that he would need a cleaning charm as Penny had
drenched part of his pants as well as almost being drawn inside her. Penny felt his
movement at her entrance as well as Marietta clamping her thighs to her legs while
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the girl shuddered and let a stream of juice flow as she achieved her own climax.
For a moment, they stilled and savored their own momentary bliss in the little death
of heavenly pleasure found in the flesh. It was, as Penny’s hand seemed poised on
his pant’s button that things seemed to shift. Marietta came to with a hopeful look
on her face. The girl wanted a good stuffing right now, but she was more than
willing to watch Penny getting her own well deserved fuck right now instead.
“Now where was I? Ah, yes… One, I don’t want to be like those prefects that simply
expect a romp for not punishing you,” Penny said after shaking her head trying to
clear it even as Adrian resumed grinding his soaked arousal against her dripping
opening while Marietta continued to suckle one nipple while teasing the other with
worship even as both were kneading her flushed ass. “Second and more importantly, I
am in a relationship of sorts. If it wasn’t for that, I would rather like to have
you sliding this early grown cock up my twat while Marietta here licks us both while
I see if she gushes, drips or squirts.”
“Oh,” they both said disappointed even if Marietta blushed visibly at what Penny had
proposed. “We were kind of…”

The two were flushed and confused after the rather already fulfilling sexual
encounter they had been experiencing. They both were feeling a bit insatiable and
yet they were a bit put off at annoying Penny after everything that had happened so
“Yes,” Penny said as she felt the two moving instinctively against her. “As I said
if it was not for that, we could be doing some more exploring. Unfortunately, I will
have to let the two of you deal with the rest of things by your selves or I might be
tempted to become completely involved. Now Adrian, as I have enough control again, I
think that you should see about giving Marietta a good seeing to. You have been
neglecting her even if I did enjoy playing with her…”

Penny moved to the side and watched as Adrian moved to Marietta. The first thing he
did was kiss her as she wrapped him in a hug. She could have left immediately, but
she stayed a short time. She watched with amusement as Marietta dropped to her knees
and fished him out.

He wasn’t that bad in size, as she had determined from her fondling. He was a bit
better than she had recalled for a boy his age, but he could always grow a bit more,
and he was already at Percy’s size in length if not a bit wider. Still she stood
still and found her approving of Marietta’s play as Adrian was finally able to get a
bit of the edge off. Penny had become so used to trying to delay Percy to last a
normal length of time that the poor boy was dealing with a very strong case of
throbbing balls.
Penny waited until Marietta had swallowed what had to be a bit more than normal with
ease as well as being guided against one of the walls with a seeming permanent
cushioning charm on it to make her way out. Ok, she waited until Adrian had sunk in
and Marietta wrapped her legs around as he pinned her to the wall before moving like
a man possessed.
“Right I guess I will leave you to it,” Penny said as she layered a few more spells
to keep the two unnoticed as she stood at the door. “Make sure that Marietta is good
and sated… Oh and Marietta see about making sure he isn’t overfull as I think I
might have kept him from draining his balls a time to many…”
Their response was a shriek as Marietta came and Adrian felt himself spurt inside
her. Penny didn’t notice as he looked down in disbelief that he hadn’t softened at
all. Marietta proved she didn’t mind as she let out a growl.
“More,” Marietta said as Penny left the room. “Do me more!”
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While Penny left the two seeming to be recouped and randy as all possible, others
were not as happily enjoying their attempts at conjugal visits. The astronomy tower
was normally a good choice, and if the professor caught them, they had little worry.
She was more than capable of bringing most of the males in the school to stand at
attention let alone the girls that would swoon and fall legs spread for her. With
that fact, most of the couples wouldn’t mind offering her lip, tongue or other
service in exchange for a place to explore. Unfortunately, sometimes the astronomy
tower was too full and one had to go elsewhere. There were plenty of broom cupboards
as well as unused classrooms. Unfortunately for some, the places closest to the
common rooms tended to be searched more often than those that are further away. It
was simply harder to sneak further distances and thus less likely to have people to
bust up.

Patricia Stimpson and Kenneth Towler were not having that good a time now. They had
been using one of the broom cupboards near their Common room as Ken had a bit too
many boys hanging in his dorm and guys couldn’t sneak to the girl’s rooms in
Gryffindor Tower. He suspected that the male prefects liked the better privacy. He
had even suspected that was why their current tormenter had become driven to be a
Prefect in the first place. Anyone having to room with Oliver Wood for any length of
time would need escape from the Quidditch fanatic.
There had even been bets going that Oliver could drive the love of Quidditch from
some by his intensity. Ken was certain of that when he had met the now prefect the
year before. If Percival the Prat at any time had enjoyed Quidditch, it was widely
held that his older and younger brothers’ interest as well as Oliver would have
killed it. Somehow, out of the mixture of cool or at least popular siblings, Percy
was a stickler for the rules and other such things. He had noticed that there were
two people in the world; those with power and those used by them. He didn’t want to
be used nor have his future be wasting away in a dead end job like his father done.
He had seen the privileges of power and wanted it.

The space from Oliver was also one of the reasons that Percy had driven himself to
become Prefect on his way to Head Boy. That Charlie and Bill had also done so was in
no small way apart of it. The twin’s arrival in his third year and thus his lack of
time away from their pranks only drove him further along this path. His accidentally
discovering a prefect similarly using their position to their personal benefit had
been one of his secret fantasies about likewise enjoying.

So on catching two second year Gryffindors out of bed, after curfew and engaging in
activities he acted quite Slytherin in taking advantage of the situation. He felt
little sympathy for the girl as she had already been doing some things he had
contemplated making Penny do. Oh, he had enjoyed her hands and lips, but for some
reason he hadn’t thought that, she would enjoy laying there as he stroked himself
inside her.
So, Percy was sitting on a chair in front of a desk in an unused classroom while the
girl’s boyfriend watch her suck him off. He felt such a thrill that he looked at the
nude girl bobbing her head along his length and he appreciated what he had realized
he had not gotten to enjoy with Penelope. He held her head as she almost choked when
he came. His eyes were torn from watching her and the boy shacking in impotent rage.
“Kenneth, do come here?” Percival asked as he caressed the still suckling while
crying girls face. “I see that Patricia here has gotten a fair bit of practice. You
don’t really mind if I practice some other things with her.”
Kenneth shook his head and wished that he could do something. He was a Gryffindor
for crying out loud, and yet his Prefect was doing this.
“Good boy,” Percival said with a smirk at her. “I don’t think I will be too gentle
so I think you will do to quiet her.”
Kenneth looked on in shock as Percival swiftly moved the sobbing Patricia to swallow
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him as he settled against her. This was humiliating. It hurt worse than before.
He was grateful to be so disoriented by the shock and Patricia trying to love him
even as Percival used and forcefully took his pleasure inside her. He was almost
outright crying as the horribly painful movements caused him to lose his self in
Patricia’s previously loving mouth. Percival was tainting everything they had done.
He felt her still as Percy found his release inside her. He hoped it was over.
He was proven wrong even as he felt he was rising again in his lovely girlfriend’s
mouth. He blacked out suddenly. He came to when Patricia gagged and screamed around
him. He saw Percival sodomizing her with her tears flowing onto his torn in conflict
body. He really didn’t want to know what that look in Percival’s eyes was nor the
taste in his mouth. It was bitter and he felt his jaw was sore.
“Merlin, Patricia,” Percival moaned out as he roughly handled the girl. “Your mouth
was great and your cunt was wet and warm, but your ass is even better!”
Ken was really hoping that Percival would leave them when he finished. He suspected
that Patricia wouldn’t be so lucky and that she would be in his grasp for far too
long. He had heard rumors about what some might have happen to them. His mother had
told him things, but he never thought something like this would happen to either of
them so young. They had gotten rather close as Patricia had Katie Bell as a roommate
and she hung with the Quidditch girls.
“I know how to make this better,” Percival said with an evil grin. “Oh, Kenneth you
will probably enjoy this, but I will more so…”

He pulled Patricia’s sobbing lips from his unwillingly hard arousal. Ken whimpered
at the loss even as he looked at his girlfriend’s face. He felt self loathing begin
to consume him from what they had been through. It was likely that neither would be
able to look at the other or either sex again with the same eyes. He knew that his
body missed the contact with Patricia even as he felt horrified that he had enjoyed
what she had been doing if not what she had been experiencing.

Percival held Patricia to him as he rose up and walked towards Ken. He was shocked
at what he saw of the state that his girlfriend was in. she was bleeding and her
skin looked bruised in so many places. He did feel his arousal staying firm as he
could gaze inside of her. He was confused that their tormenter had her spread open
for him to see before he lowered her until Ken felt the warmth he had been enjoying
earlier in the night returning again.
“Yes,” Percival hissed in pleasure as he watched Kenneth trying to fight the
pleasure the increased tightness caused. “You really should have tried this out with
her before so she would not be so uncomfortable. Still I am enjoying that you hadn’t
since it means that Patricia here is even tighter.”
Kenneth kept his mouth shut about that. Actually he was keeping it occupied trying
to console Patricia even as he felt her being impaled oh so pleasurably for him. He
did notice the increased tightness and as loath as he would ever be did agree with
Percival on that score. Patricia likely would have been eager if the prat wasn’t so
unconcerned with either of their own wants.
“Merlin, Tricia,” Ken moaned into her ear as he felt her own resistance having
crumbled and begun writhing and thrusting between them. “This guy may be a prick,
but he did have one good idea…”
“It hurt at first,” Patricia said between the groans and gasps at their movements.
“It still does, but it feels good as well.”
Ken just nodded in agreement. He didn’t want to tell her that Percival was using her
blood to make it easier now. He didn’t think about much just trying to enjoy it
while making sure that Percival didn’t make it ruinous for both of them. It wasn’t
as if this was their first time and hadn’t experimented with some things. They
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likely would have cursed the ass by now if he hadn’t banished their wands while
putting his behind a subtle ward that they couldn’t get through. Neither of them
wanted to know if that could be altered as they had cowed quickly when they realized
what it could be applied to do.
Ken thought it was over. He was delirious as was Tricia as despite how Percival had
tried to solely maximize his pleasure that they had both climaxed strongly from the
affair. Oh, neither of them wished anything but the worst for Percival, but they
were realizing that the experience if it had been done with their consent could have
been even better. Things might have turned out better if they weren’t so blissed out
in post coitus bliss.
“Morgana’s swollen twat, Ken, that was amazing,” Tricia said as she rested on top of
him with his arousal still somewhat firm inside her. “It was even better than when
you lubed me up and gave me a go.”
“Yeah, somehow you were even tighter and you moved like wild,” Ken said as they both
had forgotten Percival was there as soon as he had popped out of her. “I take it
that the double stimulation made it better for you.”

“Oh yeah,” Tricia said sounding as if she had downed a good deal of liquor. “It was
a lot better than when you tried a finger in either while you gave me a stretching…”

“You cheated me once but you won't twice,” Percival snarled before flipping them
over pinning Tricia under Ken. “I think the little slut will like this, but I doubt
that you will…”

The next thing Ken knew there was pain. Not even the soothing feel of Tricia’s
embrace took more than the edge off. He was very peripherally aware that Tricia was
bucking back into his forced movements. All he knew was that he was in pain and that
Percival was using him as little more than a wrap or toy.

“Oh yeah that’s the ticket,” Percival groaned out uncaring for what he was doing to
the pair. “Take it you two whores. That’s right you are both going to be my little
toys since that bitch hasn’t done any of these things for me…”
It was to such a horrifying sight that Penelope found herself witness. Her
ex-boyfriend was brutally using two of the second year students. They were sobbing
and showed worse signs of their bodies responding even as they hated what they were
experiencing. She could see that the girl at the bottom had responded quite well
from the puddle even if she felt a rage build up at the blood there.
“Percival Weasley we are through!” Penny bellowed out before banishing him off the
joined pair. “It is bad enough that you were cheating on me, but two use two
children under our supposed protection. You make me sick! If you are here in the
next ten seconds you will get to see if it is possible to castrate someone by
blowing their nuts off!”

Percival had enough self-preservation to run at that point. That he had managed to
snap off a spell she barely recognized at the room as he fled is the sole reason
that she didn’t finish her incantation. The spell had disoriented her and as she
swung her gaze over the room, it seemed to have removed the traces of Percival’s
actions or at least his part in it.
“Bloody Hell!” Penny said in disbelief at what her frown inducing diagnostics
revealed. “That utter bastard managed to have removed any admissible evidence as he
got out. So we are left with our word against his and he is such a brown noser and
supposed goody-goody rule abiding stick up the ass that McGonagall will never
believe either of us.”
The two looked at her with disbelief before noticing some things that had vanished.
“Thank you,” Tricia said with a sigh even as she settled back and let Ken rock
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inside her still. “I don’t think he was going to stop any time soon…”
“Yeah,” Ken said with a shudder even as Penny frowned and thought over before
casting a spell causing the boy to sigh. “Thanks that was really uncomfortable. Do
you think you can do that for Tricia as well? That ass made sure that, as well as
all of Tricia’s entrances, was used…”

“No problem,” Penny said with a sigh as she tried to rein her temper in, as that ass
would have witnesses that would be believed if she struck back. “I have to admit
that what he did shocked me…”
“You didn’t think he would be like that?” Tricia asked as she realized that this
girl had been his boyfriend. “I take it that he wasn’t like that with you.”
“No, he wasn’t,” Penny said as she plopped down on the chair that Percival had been
sitting in before. “He barely lasted a few tugs and sucks before wandering off and
he definitely didn’t seem interested in anything like this… I think it might have
been that he couldn’t pull something like this with me since I am in a different

“He is McGonagall’s golden boy,” Ken said with a near Slytherin sneer. “There would
need to be a lot of evidence for her to ever believe he would do something like
“I hope that we will be the first and last that he does this to,” Tricia said as she
contemplated driving the taint to their coupling regardless of having an audience.
“Ken, I think we need to do something to forget what he did…”

“And that would be?” Ken asked in confusion before she gripped his cock with her
cunt. “Oh! Um, Miss Prefect do you mind if we um try to wash away what he did with
more pleasant memories?”

“You two are planning on having sex to make sure that he didn’t ruin it for you,”
Penny said with a sigh as she realized that her soothing spell had also removed the
overexertion the two had been suffering from as well. “Lovely as if I didn’t need
more things getting me wound up.”

“But someone like you should have had someone better than that uncaring mini prick
anyways,” Tricia said as she coaxed Ken to resume plowing her. “You should have no
problems finding someone to scratch that itch. I mean I found Ken here and we work…”
“Yeah I do have a line on a guy, but as a female prefect I have to keep my nose even
more clean than the boys do,” Penny said as she tried not to watch Tricia as she was
driving Ken to move faster. “I think you will likely want to get another girl into
your mix as Ken there would like it and with a few tricks you can do something
similar to what you were before…”

“Being double teamed willingly would be nice,” Tricia said before she let out a
shriek even as Ken continued pleasuring her. “That’s it Ken! Keep fucking me! Make
me forget that ass… Oh Ken I think you deserve something to help you forget the
fudge packer as well. I think… you could do with… a second pussy to feed some meat
Penny suddenly didn’t like where this was going. It was bad enough the images that
the inter house couple had put in her head. She really didn’t need this added to
things. She wondered if life was just being cruel or tormenting in its temptations.
After she had managed to keep from being dragged into ravishing and being ravished
by the last couple this had to happen.
“Uh uh,” Penny said looking at them while shaking her head. “Sorry kids, but you
don’t get to fuck this pussy!”
“Awe,” Tricia said with a pout before Ken drove it out with a well forceful thrust.
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“But can't you admit that he deserves something?”
“Yes,” Penny hedged in admitting. “I just don’t agree to it being my pussy that he
gets to sink his cock into tonight.”
“Oh goody,” Tricia said with a slight smile. “That does leave some options open…”

“Do I even want to know?” Penny asks as she watches Ken suddenly still as he lets
himself go as Tricia wraps herself around him in her own release. “I suppose I
should preempt this by stating that besides having attempted to date that man, I am
in a rather complicated relationship with a rather lovely girl. Percival seemed to
have no conception of such relations and in the terms we had merely asked that no
non-familial affection was applied to other men.”

“Oh Pity,” Tricia said as she lay there running her hands down Ken’s back as he lay
still funny inside her. “Still since you are from what we saw through with that…
boy, I suppose that just leaves the girl you are with as a complication; however, as
she seems to have had no problem with you being with a boy, how is this any

“I don’t know, but it is,” Penny said with a frown, as she hadn’t noticed that she
had moved closer to better watch them. “I have to admit that you both are dealing
with this better than I would have…”
“The way I see it,” Tricia said as she found Penny almost face first leaning to
where they were joined. “Ken here is cleansing me of that boys touch. So, I plan to
have him everywhere that was sullied and maybe more. Now any chance we can help
cleanse you of anywhere he touched you as well?”

“Like he did anything I wanted,” Penny said with a snort of disbelief. “He became
disinterested after he came and that was rarely more than a hand job even though I
had hinted and almost outright offered more. It would be more interesting if you
offered to cleanse me of anywhere he hadn’t had the desire to explore… I still can't
believe all it took to make him interested was in having power over someone…”
“I see,” Tricia said while giving Penny a look over. “Is there any particular
actions that your girl doesn’t mind you doing with others?”

“Yes, is there anything we can do to lift your mood as well,” Ken said with a
shudder as he nuzzled Tricia as he drowned his pain in her embrace. “We have to do
something to thank you even if it is difficult to believe…”
“You both are thinking with your hormones, although I can't blame you there as I
have been doing the same lately,” Penny said as she watched Ken slowly making love
instead of his previous pounding to Tricia. “If I was completely single, I think I
would have taken you up on everything…”

“So,” Tricia sighed out as Ken tenderly moved with her, “you didn’t say what your
girl doesn’t mind. She did not mind if you were with your official boyfriend now did

“No, she didn’t mind that, but she was quite grateful that he was so inattentive
since she was quite willing to drive me mad at times,” Penny said with a giggle.
“Our limits were more on what I couldn’t do with her than prohibitions on my own
actions. She does have a guy that she is quite enamored with and she was trying to
set us up for a bit of fun. I am fairly certain that she wants me to cleanse my body
with her lovers rather impressive by descriptions weapon of lust. Considering she
can take my fist and still act like it was stretching her less than his erection
does leave me wanting to wait for that to be my most memorable fuck as it were.”
“So no chance I can talk you into letting Ken here give your pussy a stretching,”
Tricia commented with a few bits of vocal panting as Ken was doing a good job in
pleasuring her. “Pity, I would have rather liked to have been able to lick you
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clean. So any chance I can have you give this tender girl some post fun soothing?”
“I see you are incorrigible just like most of my girlfriends,” Penny said as she
looked on without noticing that her current position had hiked her skirt leaving her
viewable. “I don’t think I should stick around that long and from what you said that
Ken here will be giving your body a thorough seeing to. So anything else you want to
appeal to me with?”
“You did see what poor Ken suffered through right,” Tricia said after kissing him
and making him lose focus on anything he was hearing. “I mean as a girl I somewhat
suspected what he might try with me, but poor Ken wasn’t suspecting anything like
that especially from a Gryffindor! The best I can try to get done to him is hope the
Twins prank him! I think he needs something to completely suppress what happened to
him. So please I think he could do with a bit of sweetness to wash the salt away. I
think he might have blocked it out already and it would help when I try to clear the
last bit from him…”
“I don’t think that Ken here would mind what you are suggesting,” Penny said with a
bit of frustration, as she almost wanted to bang her head in frustration at her
whole night. “You want me to have Ken taste me while he is still loving you, right?”
“Yes, oh yeah Ken just like that, that is what I want to do!” Tricia cried out as
she began to move the pace the couple was in faster. “You can't tell me that you
aren’t interested as I can see you dripping in interest!”
Penny looked down and saw that she was indeed dripping or positively flowing at the
thought. Outside of Dora, she hadn’t had anyone eat her out since her relation with
Percival had started. Considering her earlier years that was rather disconcerting.
Given her worked up state, Penny was more or less trying to find reasons to talk
herself out of it. A different tongue exploring her again was quite tempting
especially with her seeming to be increasing arousal over the course of the night.

“While I might like that and possibly fantasize about being eaten while the guy
drives a girl while that does not mean that I will do so at the drop of a hat!”
Penny tries to put her interest as purely hormonal to the girl. “What next offering
a bit of ass play in exchange for using a trick to make you feel you’re getting
double teamed?”

“Oh that sounds marvelous!” Tricia almost squealed in delight at the thought. “I
have to admit getting stuffed twice was nice even if the jerk was too rough. So how
about we both eat you front and back in exchange for that?”
“You just don’t take no for an answer now do you,” Penny said before Tricia reached
over and practically had her cupped hand fill with Penny’s arousal. “Ok so my body
likes the idea, but that doesn’t prove anything!”
“MMMMH,” Tricia moaned in appreciation as she quenched her thirst with Penny’s
juices before offering some to Ken with a marked jump in his attentions. “I would
say that gushing as much as you can prove you are interested in the idea. Besides
even you have admitted that your lover wouldn’t mind if you do things like this…”
While Penny was torn in her response, her decision was practically immediately
determined when Tricia reached over and kissed her pussy directly. She found her
hips start to thrust towards the retreating lips. Penny tried to look like a
depressed puppy, but her flush didn’t really allow that to be apparent.
“Fine,” Penny sighed in defeat as Tricia move over and brought their lips to meet
with one of their face and the other a bit further south. “I see that you have tried
this before...”
Penny trailed off as her hips followed the sight grip the girl’s lips had on her
petals. Before she could blink, she felt both of their lips worshipping her flowing
honey pot. Penny lazily played with their hair while their heads nuzzled her lips.
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She let out a start of excitement when Tricia moved her so that she was bent over
Ken with her ass facing Tricia.

“Oh,” Penny said as she felt Tricia move from licking her lower part of her lips to
between and then teased her elsewhere. “This feels marvelous, you two. If you keep
this up I’m going to come!”

Penny’s head tilted back and her eyes fluttered while she moved with their questing
lips. This was something new for her, as while she had been played with in both
places, it had only been Dora who had been the only one to have the option to do
something similar to this since she hadn’t tried to have more than one lover at a
time. That would have caused her to agree to the bargain with Dora’s master, and at
the time, it was not something Penny was overly ready to accept.

‘If it feels even better than this,’ Penny thought with a gasp as she felt the
couple’s tongues dancing against each other through her thin membrane separating
them, ‘then I was a fool to have delayed as much as I have!’
Penny felt marvelous as she drenched Ken’s mouth and even felt some of her moisture
flow past to where Tricia’s tongue was. Her body was humming and she could feel the
both of them moving against each other even as their lips darted inside her. She
felt a sudden thrill pass through her and wondered what other new experiences she
would have soon.
Oh, she was no blushing virgin, but she had not been involved with a guy and someone
else before or even two girls down there at the same time. She could understand why
Tricia was conflicted in what she had experienced earlier. The act was pleasurable,
but not the means in which it was initiated. It seemed likely that if her ex had
asked instead of ordering that some of what he had done would have happened with
willing participants.
“You should see about trying this Tricia,” Penny said sounding a bit buzzed from her
climaxes. “I think you will be able to talk at least one of your girlfriends into
teaming up to play. Oh! Yeah just like that…”
Penny trailed off as she felt her body start to shudder and pour more of her nectar
into their swallowing mouths. She could see why Tricia wanted to have such a
pleasurable matter no longer tainted with Percival’s actions. She recalled how her
previous boyfriends had reacted when she had been tighter than normal. It made sense
that if there was less room to accommodate by say having her other hole stuffed that
they would get a more intense grip. Still she couldn’t just spend the whole night
being tongued until her knees went weak.

With a sigh, Penny extracted herself from between their lips. It had been tempting
to have them continue until Tricia needed to rest her stretched pussy upon which she
could have had Ken give hers a stretching as she kissed Tricia better. Penny felt
her more lustful side make a note to do something like that with Dora and her master
when they were all agreeable. She just had some more parts to deal with here before
she could search Dora out to wring her out and put her to bed spent.

“As much fun as I was having, I believe I agreed to something Tricia proposed,”
Penny said as she moved to kneel behind Tricia where she let the girl rest against
her for a moment with Tricia’s head nestled against her straining and oh so fuckable
and worship-able tits. “Now you said something about Ken fucking you while that ass
was stretching your responsive ass. I may not have a dick, but this should stretch
you almost as good… so do you want that, you horny sex addicts?”
“Oh, yeah,” the still rocking couple moaned out to Penny. “It felt incredible…”
Penny nodded at that. It seemed that while what her ex who she wished she could
curse appropriately had done something that embarrassed them, but it was his forcing
them and not that particular combination that set them off. Penny frowned as she
thought about something she had noticed before and if she was right she wished she
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could have had Percival’s mouth to have a scourgifying spell cast until he learned
better. She had wondered why Ken seemed so insistent on tasting as much of Tricia
and her as he could. It seemed that Percival had done something that she had managed
to not think about even with Tricia practically shouting what it had been.
With a whisper, Penny had Tricia shudder at the lubrication charm cast from her wand
tip seemed to slither inside her. With a well-practiced twist, Penny felt her wand
shift to her preferred state and the slight warmth that she had spent time working
out to not be too cold or too warm to the touch.

“Easy now,” Penny said as she ran the now phallic shaped wand between Tricia’s crack
and against her opening. “We don’t want you hurting yourself as I don’t think either
of you would like to tell Madame Pomphrey what you have been up to…”
“Yeah,” Tricia groaned out as she shifted a bit to better have Penny access her
hole. “Ken, you mind if I am on top for this?”
“No, Tricia,” Ken gasped out as he felt his legs starting to tire once he had
stilled from the shift. “I love when you’re like that…”
He was cut off by Tricia leaning forward and grinding against him while she
plundered his mouth passionately. This left her back completely free to Penny.
Penny teased Tricia with her wand causing her to smirk when certain things caused
her to moan into her boyfriend’s mouth. Penny looked down to see that her wand was
slick from all of her teasing and placed it to the seemingly too tiny opening.
Wiggling her wand until the widened head popped inside, Penny felt a smirk adorn her
face when Tricia released Ken’s mouth to let out a start.

“Oh, Morgana,” Tricia moaned out as she wiggled her ass back against Penny’s
penetration of her slick passage. “It feels even better this time. Fill me up! I
want to be stuffed! I want to feel you rubbing against each other!”

‘It is obvious that Tricia is forgetting this isn’t a real cock attached to me,’
Penny thought as she sunk the substitute for a cock into the welcoming sheath.
‘Although that might be fun, now how did that go again…?’

Penny let out a gasp of her own as she felt the sensations as her nominally wand to
dildo spell shifted. Her grip had been resting against her own drooling cunt. Now it
was nestled inside her while the barely recalled charm sent the sensations that she
would have felt if she was Dora and used her shift to change her clit into a
mini-cock. Penny was aware that it was not as flexible as flesh, but that the added
charms had made it warm like real flesh and textured like the real thing.

“Oh, Merlin!” Penny gasped out as she felt her stroke bottom out. “No wonder guys
like this!”
Penny felt her head feel a bit light headed even as her body had reacted on its own.
Tricia was jerking back and forth even as both Ken and Penny were trying to bury
themselves inside her. The triplet of thrusting joined bodies were moving faster and
more roughly with each passing moment as they each worked to drive themselves to
As Penny felt Ken throbbing against her, she leaned over and whispered into Tricia’s
ear causing her to gasp in excitement. What Penny had proposed seemed so exotic and
yet appropriate in the situation. Besides, she doubted that Ken would want that
shoved inside considering how painful Percival had been. Anyways, it was not as if
he had objected when she had requested that before he could do the same to her.
“Oh… Fuck!” Ken said as he suddenly bucked into Tricia when she gave him a quick
prod. “I’m not stopping! Bloody Hell!”
Penny would have likely said something similar if she hadn’t felt her breath knocked
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out, as she seemed to spray around the wand handle inside her. She felt the moisture
seem to sooth their joined union even as she felt the thicker mix churning out of
Tricia. There was the distinct feel of Ken’s spraying cream being mixed with
Tricia’s flowing juices. Penny could feel the pressure inside Tricia try to push
both of the buried shafts out of her.
They collapsed to a heap moments later even as the three felt aftershocks from what
they had done. Penny was now convinced that doing that to Dora might be even more
intense even if it cost her certain propositions to do so. If her patrol wasn’t over
soon, Penny wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t have found it difficult to resist offering
being the sandwiched one.
“Merciful Morgana that was intense,” Penny said as she plopped back even as she felt
the attached wand hum responsively. “I best get going as my patrol will be over soon
and if I stay much longer we will all get caught since I think I wouldn’t be able to
stop until you were both collapsed and still filling me.”
The noises the two made were part disappointment and part relief. Ken was starting
to wonder if he would need some salve in the morning to move. Tricia was thinking
the same and she could feel the faintest beginnings of soreness in her stretched sex
through the euphoria. She didn’t want to be dealing with that in the morning, but
Ken had one more thing to do before they turned in. Tricia felt that Penny had done
a wonderful job in fucking her ass to forgetfulness of Percival’s less impressive
stature, but Ken deserved to be the one to be splashing about inside her even as she
drifted off to sleep.
“Yeah, I think we won't be much longer with just the two of us,” Tricia said with
the slightest wince. “Any chance the path to Gryffindor will be free if we do one
last thing?”
“I suppose from prefects at least,” Penny said as she reflected it was unlikely that
a teacher would be in the area from here to their tower at this part of the night.
“I take it you want Ken to finish things off?”

“Yeah,” Tricia said as Ken lay beneath her regaining his breath. “Normally I would
likely be too spent to do more than have him cum on my tits even if they are nowhere
near your size…”

“Give it a few years and he won't be able to look at your face or at least not drift
to look when he is excited given how they have already started to come in,” Penny
said in a somewhat comforting manner. “So Ken you think you can get it up one more
time to leave Tricia here to walk with your cum splashing as she moves inside her
ass as well?”

“Give me a minute,” Ken said with a groan amidst panting. “I think that made me
almost drained me dry…”
“Well you do seem to have cum a lot from what is already flowing out of Tricia
here,” Penny said with a nod even as she saw exactly what was covering her still
shifted wand. “Yes, I think that if you cum much more you will have the opposite
pain than having blue balls. One more might be pushing it, but I think that Tricia
here will be rather insistent on it…”
“It’s not as if he hasn’t been cuming at least once in each of my needy holes as
well as giving me a nice spraying,” Tricia said as she wiggled around his still
half-erect dick. “I think I only will need to work on the public part of things to
have him well trained. He is a bit more eager to please than some of the stuck up
“What can I say,” Ken said with a wide lazy and almost spent grin, “you inspire me.
Besides, we have been friends for a while…”
The two drifted off into their own nonverbal looks while Penny felt her body begin
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to come down from the need to be fucked now state she had been in. Penny checked her
watch while the two moved tenderly and lovingly in comforting the other.

Penny had calmed down enough that she didn’t feel an overwhelming urge to bury her
mouth into their conjoined juices nor to stick her wand back into Tricia. Licking
her wand off was a bit more likely. Even though it had been there, Penny was for a
moment grateful that particular lubrication charm leaves the area clean.
While the couple moved about, Penny stated at her wand still partially stretching
her very moist sex with it covered in a combination of her own as well as that of
the pair in front of her. So entranced by the clinging mixture, Penny barely noticed
when Tricia slipped off Ken with a wet spurt before resting on her elbows and knees
with her hands holding her cheeks spread.
Glancing over when the couple moaned at their coupling, Penny twisted her wand out
with a wet pop of her own. Her knees were still feeling a bit too loose to leave
just yet and the twitches in her thighs were also not making Penny want to try to
stand let alone walk just yet. Besides, if she wasn’t going to lick both of them
clean, she could still get a taste while cleaning her wand and practicing for a
proper sized cock to be in her mouth again. If Dora was not exaggerating than her
current toy was about the size of her lover, and Penny would rather not choke when
things were getting wild.

So Penny licked her wand while waiting for her legs to regain their strength. That
she was peripherally aware that Tricia seemed to be cuming often while Ken was
working up for his last ejaculation of the night didn’t do much except alter her
licks to be more visually appealing. Despite the low burn of arousal she felt, Penny
wasn’t going to disrupt the two lovers. As it was, Penny was aware that Ken would be
lucky to wobble his way to bed and Tricia would be walking funny until she got some
soothing potions applied to her sore flesh. She would seek Dora as soon as she was

Penny focused on what she was doing as she felt her previous anger starting to
bubble up now that her body was no longer on the brink. Her wand was clean, but
Penny continued using to practice even while her fingers were teasing her still
flushed skin. First chance she could curse him with impunity, Penny would see about
making Percival regret his actions over the whole of the night. She would likely
have gotten in trouble if her earlier spell had connected.

Penny had her eyes closed and her mind was awash with a fantasy of Dora and her
master being the one to drench her wand. Her free hand traced her body up and down.
Her hands drifted south when she felt the need there. A new fantasy took place in
her mind. Dora’s fingers replacing her own, and her wand was replaced with his
seeming unyielding though responsive cock.
So Penny lost herself in that daydream, her fingers sliding inside as her ears heard
the sounds of Tricia being driven to drench the floor from Ken’s thrusting. She
wanted to feel that as well as watching Dora being ravished to exhaustion. Her mind
was so certain of what she was imagining she had stopped cleaning her wand and had
been treating it as if it was his cock while her fingers started to move as Dora’s
often did.
Two fingers were soon replaced by three as Penny moved headless of the roughness of
her arm moving her fingers inside her. Soon four were inside and Penny started to
act as if they were a cock pounding into her. With her wand sliding down her throat
and her fingers a blur as they went from fingertip to palm deep in almost the same
instant, Penny started to buck into her motions.
‘One,’ Penny thought as she lifted off the ground unnoticing the whimper as Ken
collapsed spent inside Tricia, ‘two, oh Morgana! Three, bloody fucking hell! Four,
Penny’s mind locked up and so did most of her body. Her legs and back arched off the
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ground while her arm moved like a jackhammer hitting a water main. Her nostrils
flared even as her grip loosened on her wand. Her grip stopping like a gag in her
mouth, Penny was still audible around that, as her pistoning fingers seemed to cause
her to gush repeatedly. Her orgasms blended together, but each peak was accompanied
by a fresh spurt spraying the ground in front of her. This kept on until her arm
tired and collapsed with her fingers inside until her muscle-clenching climax forced
them out.
Penny collapsed with a gasp the air driven from her lounges and her head turning
causing her to spit the wand out. The room spun and Penny blacked out joining the
collapsed pair in sudden unconsciousness.

Penny awoke mere moments later by the time on her watch. She noticed that her wand
had reverted when she passed out and with a swish cleaned herself off.
Penny looked at the puddle between her legs in shock. That had been one potent
fantasy to crank her up to that level. Turning to see the passed out pair, Penny let
off a quick cleaning charm and then enervated them.

“Right,” Penny said as she smoothed her clothes even as she felt that her sex seemed
tingly and ready still. “The Halls will be clear for a few minutes still so you
should be able to get back to your common room before a teacher comes through even
with how difficult it will be for you to walk. Nothing personal, but I would
appreciate it if you don’t bring this up. I think I will need to have a long
conversation with my girlfriend about dropping that tosspot. She never really liked
him anyways. I think you can find someone closer to play with as well. I might be
interested after the summer, but I got some things to straighten out before then. If
things work the way that they should, I likely won't be available for Ken here to
have a go with, but Tricia might be different. We will have to see about those
things much later…”
The pair nodded groggily at her and stumbled up. This was a situation when a
pepper-up potion would have been beneficial. They rather slowly managed to get their
clothes on with only a little fumbling.
Penny had found her eyes wandering over both of them again. Something was up with
her and she did realize that it had been a while since she had been stuffed with
anything besides a tongue or fingers.

‘This has actually been the longest stretch since I had started getting fucked that
I haven’t had a cock up my pussy,’ Penny thought with realization as she moved to
the side of the room so she would be less tempted to say screw it all and try to get
them recovered enough to drive her to exhaustion. ‘I mean yeah even tasting
Percival’s cock hasn’t been enough to scratch that need. I feel that desire lessened
after draining Dora after she comes in with a cunt full waiting…’
Penny shook her head and waited for the two Gryffindors to get presentable. Even the
slight stirring of air in the room seemed to bring her back to eagerness. She really
hoped they didn’t notice that she was dripping again as they were both knackered and
wouldn’t be able to help anyways.
“Thanks, Miss Clearwater,” Patricia said as she walked with a just fucked too much
gait. “You will let us know if we can help in the future, right?”
“Yeah,” Penny said with a shrug as she tried not to take the girl up there and then
on her offer. “I will keep that in line. Now keep an eye on your boy there, it
wouldn’t do for him to be ruined since he seems so well mannered already…”
“I will,” Patricia said with a well-sated smile. “Come on Ken, we need to get some
“Alright,” Ken said with a wince. “Just remember to use that salve before sleep. I
don’t think either of us wants to wake up feeling any sorer in the morning.”
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“Ok,” Patricia said even as she gave Ken a quick kiss. “Wish you could rub it in,
but I don’t think we could get away with it tonight.”
“I would love to,” Ken said with a shake of his head, “but you are right that we
will be unable to get away with that tonight. Later, Miss Clearwater… we really
appreciate everything, and if we can help you with anything at anytime you just have
to let us know…”
“I will Mr. Towler,” Penny said with a nod of her head as she slipped into her
prefect role. “Now you and Miss. Stimpson get on back to your common room. I have
kept you busy helping me too long and should have sent you back before curfew
“Yes, Prefect Clearwater,” the two Gryffindors said with a nod of their head as they
proceeded slowly and shakily back to their tower and thus their well needed beds.
Penny had bid farewell to the two staggering arm in arm lovers with a smile barely
hidden on her face. It felt good to have helped them out. The orgasms had been nice
as well. Now she just had to finish her patrol and then head back to Ravenclaw.
Still she did a quick once over to make sure she was prepared for the usual issues.
Percival wasn’t the only guy to charm and run. Her main concerns were if some of the
Slytherin Prefects or their head off house were about.
Her wand was clean and stowed in easy reach just in case. Her patrol was soon to be
over, and she still had to do one quick sweep and then she could go to bed. The few
months being the secret lover with the previous best student dueler in the school
had come with more than just lessons on how to please, be pleased by, and how to
keep a guy coming back for more. It had been a fling she really didn’t regret and he
had never forced her to do anything she hadn’t wanted to do. The tips had been worth
it and not just the ones about the bedroom. Oh she didn’t think she was anywhere
near a top dueler, but her wand work would be good enough to deal with schoolboys.

It had been one long and strange night. Unfortunately, her patrol gave her too much
time to reflect on the actions of her ex. Painful curses and embarrassing hexes
seemed to float through her mind as she felt the return of her earlier rage. She had
come close to blasting his bits off and then either cauterizing them painfully or
letting the brownnosing dick bleed to death. It was something she regretted, but
also something that she was sure would have bit her in the ass over.

‘A shame that I couldn’t think of a way for it to be an accident,’ Penny thought as

she noted that her previous encounter was well clear on her return pass. ‘I don’t
think I could get them to believe he tried to spell it better only to blast it off
before fainting from pain then dying of blood loss.’
Yes, that would have been a fitting end for him. Percival having tried to charm his
pathetic excuse for a penis to be something less than mediocre in size and short in
duration was believable. Unfortunately, he was decent enough if lacking power so
that it would be unlikely to botch it like that. If it had been an attempt at an
engorgement charm being on blood flow, Penny was certain that might be more
believable. Having him accidentally and suddenly miscast and thus cause too much
blood located there so that it swelled up before bursting from the pressure, was an
image that sent a dark thrill through Penny’s body. Her more vengeful part of her
psyche found those images sing to her rage even as the dark seductive and sadistic
pleasure that she believed it would cause send a thrumming sensation straight to her
most sensitive spots.
As it was, Penny knew that she was unable to properly deal with that boy. Her mind
was being consumed with a mix of memories as she walked. Her recent actions and what
she wished she had done to Percival seemed to dominate her thoughts. Anger seemed to
boil her veins even as the excitement of the other experiences caused other parts of
her body to be stimulated. Sick, cruel, and vicious dreams seemed to pass before her
eyes, as her walk seemed to reflect it.
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Penny did not walk, she did not saunter, and she most definitely didn’t plod down
the hall. She flowed with an eye-catching swagger. Her hair seemed to flutter in an
unseen wind. Her body screamed her confidence and superiority. Penny felt the rage
and arousal cause her magic to seem to flow through her body. Her muscles felt
better, her reflexes seemed a bit quicker, and her eyes seemed to glow with power.
Through all this, her mind and body felt too conflicting desires. Find Percival and
curse him until he broke and begged for mercy, and to find Dora and lose herself
with her. Oh and if at all possible, arrange for Dora’s lover to visit and take her
until she couldn’t move from the exhaustion.
Her gaze snapped over the pair of prefects starting their patrol. The shudder they
experienced seemed to brighten her smile even with as evil as it was. The pair
seemed to think it far too like Snape’s when he was about to go on a point draining
rant or worse detention for who knew how long. They really wanted to be elsewhere at
that moment. They went so far as to practically fly to the walls to make as wide a
path as possible for her to walk. So intimidated were they that they didn’t see or
smell how close to mindless lust Penny was.
It was best that they were not Slytherins or Gryffindors. Only Ken and Tricia‘s
behavior as well as her friendship among the girls kept her from turning on those
houses. Percival had done a good job at tainting her notion of boys from that house
similar to her encounters with Slytherin’s proud patriarchs. Even her house of
Ravenclaw had rather disappointing behavior from the guys and even some of the girls
if some of the cliques were to be believed. The only house that didn’t seem to be as
twisted was Hufflepuff, but Penny had her own suspicions of their own activities.

‘If it wasn’t for meeting those boys tonight and Dora’s lover,’ Penny thought as she
stalked up the stairs to Ravenclaw. ‘Percival would have finished what those
Slytherin’s bribed their way out of being responsible for doing. I like boys too
much to have been put off of them so young…’

The students milling about the entrance to the commons gasped as she approached. Her
mind was swirling and she absently answered the question before it was even started.
She knew that her housemates often cut it close to curfew if they didn’t get
permission to stay later until the Library closed or for some club or other. Some
even cut it close due to friends in other houses and other such complications. It
still seemed that her bed was still too far away.

‘I almost wish that I had someone to buy some fire whiskey off of right now,’ Penny
thought as people stepped back even as her hair flowed angrily behind her.
‘Something to help me forget some of these things…’

It wouldn’t do to dwell on how powerless she still could be at times. It was a

rather disturbing truth that Prefects had far more control over their own house than
others did. Slytherin house was a fairly large one for those instances. The
Slytherin Prefects protected their students from outsiders and their punishments.
All of those things were handled in house if it wasn’t a professor doing the
punishment. Point removal was offset by some petty excuse with points given either
by a Slytherin prefect or Snape or by the removal from the other house by Snape
during the day. It was rather disconcerting to know that the contest was rigged and
still have to compete anyways.
‘It wasn’t like the Slytherins punished them for the act either, but for the fact
that they got caught,’ Penny thought as her eyes swept the common room looking for
something before making her way up the stairs through the parted stragglers.
‘Something I wish I hadn’t overheard. That house does have to present a unified
front or the Gryffindors would be even more confrontational. I suppose they are as
much victims as perpetrators considering the ways of their house. Unfortunately, as
much as Snape covers for his students, Dumbledore protects him at least as much.
Also, the young Malfoy’s father is on the board of governors and the Slytherin
hierarchy is not shy in collecting and using favors. I don’t put it past the brat to
take too long in seeing how far his father’s power shields and provides for him. It
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makes him likely to rise far in their ranks unless he does something stupid…’
Soon enough, Penny had finally made it to her room. She had dropped into her bed
with a very frustrated growl. She had practically stormed through the common rooms
and been grateful that Dora had been lurking in that corner. She didn’t care why,
but she was grateful at the slight nod she had received when their eyes met. She
hoped that she would only have a little while before the girl managed to sneak into
her room.
What she had seen with her now most definitely ex was a testament to her rage. As it
was, Dora would be able to help her alleviate the frustrations that had resulted.
Besides, she could finally tell her lover that she was more than ready for her to
arrange a meeting as soon as possible. Considering that she doubted the Percival
would get any real trouble for what happened, she was in no mood to do anything that
would lead her to being tarred by the same brush by her fellow students.
“What happened Penny?” Dora asked even as she settled between Penny’s legs. “You can
tell me…”

“It has been one long strange night,” Penny said with a sigh as she unzipped her
skirt and removed her blouse. “I ran across a couple that was rather indisposed.”

“I see where that could get you wound up,” Dora said as she ran her fingers along
Penny’s thighs. “That does not explain the anger that you are still showing. I take
it that more happened then that?”

“You could say that,” Penny said with a sigh mixed with her current arousal and her
disappointment. “Let’s just say with those two it was very difficult not to suddenly
get involved. I probably shouldn’t have left them going at it still, but considering
my own actions I didn’t feel like being a hypocrite.”
“So you got a bit of a voyeuristic thrill,” Dora said as she added trailing kisses
to her actions. “Even if you had done more it really would not have been that much
of an issue. That would be for the simple reason that as you do know that I am in
another relationship and that they don’t mind sharing me in part. Neither of us
wishes to be a hypocrite.”

“True,” Penny said with a sigh as she felt the warmth of Dora’s kisses slowly
circling her sex. “I didn’t touch the guy directly, but I don’t think you would have
minded touching and being touched by the girl though. She seemed as much fascinated
with me as you have been at times. She did seem to have a case of tit envy being a
cover for being obsessed with them. Not that I don’t see her point.”

“Agreed,” Dora then said while her left arm had trailed to tease higher up Penny’s
body. “So it doesn’t sound that bad. I will admit that I am rather inclined to get
you a good seeing to with my most masterful master, but I don’t feel like being so
callous as to wish you to deny yourself what pleasures you find considering… your
current boyfriend.”
“Ex,” Penny hissed as her anger at him almost flushed out her current arousal.
“After what I caught him doing, he is an ex and is lucky to have been quick enough I
didn’t curse his bits off!”
“So something happened after the fun loving couple then?” Dora said with a frown.
“It had to be major for you to react like that…”
“That useless short shafted ass decided to use his position to coerce a couple of
his own houses second years to do things,” Penny said with a grown that turned to a
sigh as Dora did her best to make her suddenly relax. “Seems that having not gotten
the hint that I was interested in doing more, he took his sudden power trip to try
some things out. Neither of them were virgins or anything, but that dog was rough
with the girl to the point of having torn up both if you get me. Seems he got pissed
that the boy had gotten to every hole before he had so was a bit upset…”
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“I don’t like where this is going,” Dora said with a shiver. “I take it that he did
something at that point to get you truly seeing red. I mean you walk in to what you
think at first is him cheating on you and then you find out that he is forcing them
to do things… wait you said them?”
“Yeah as I got there he had just pulled out of the girls rather tore up ass before
he had flipped them over and decided what was good for her was good for the guy,”
Penny said before Dora tried to drive the image out of both their minds. “I still
cannot believe that he would stoop to such levels! Here I am with a pussy needing
some good meat and he goes and acts like that!”
Dora took a while to succeed and had to spend most of that with her fingers stroking
the still slightly shiny breasts while her tongue was at its max slithering inside
Penny. It was not that Dora minded sex and was in some ways a nymphomaniac. It was
simply that if she didn’t distract Penny at this point that she would likely get in
trouble along with her in dealing with the scum. Dora for a moment had wished that
the idiot had been someone less easily missed as she was fairly certain that Harry
unlike Hermione was feeling at least a minor withdraw from hunting and the rush that
blood especially life blood brought.
“So feeling a bit better now?” Dora asked once Penny had become too sensitive to do
more than affectionate kisses. “I take it that he didn’t get in trouble nor did you
get to curse him?”
“No,” Penny said with some disgust through her worn voice. “He ran before I could
get a spell off and he did a spell that made any evidence unreliable. With him being
such a brown nosing ass kisser, it would be a case of his word against anyone else
and as they were in his house some issues would crop up.”
“No pensive memories or Verisiterum for the underage,” Dora said with a sigh of
irritation. “So the guy walks off free and clear. Don’t you wish that you could do
something about it?”

“Yeah I do,” Penny said with a sigh. “But there is nothing that can be done at this
time. The ass is far too noticed and short of setting him up to be in an inter-house
fight there is not much that I can do on that; however, the two encounters did cause
me to make my mind up. Could you see if you can get that meeting as soon as

“Of course,” Dora said with a hidden smirk. “You made the right choice as I was
wondering when would work for you to at least meet him…”

“As I said, as soon as possible,” Penny said with a groan as Dora tested to see if
she was recovered enough yet. “Tonight made me realize I didn’t have a good
boyfriend and that I shouldn’t let his issues affect me. Oh alright, I will admit
that with all the things we do that I miss a nice warm cock being shoved so
wondrously into this hungry little pussy…”
“I knew that you would see things my way,” Dora said with a body shiver inducing
tease. “I wanted to talk to you about when to set things up anyways and I take it
that you still want to do this with you both masked?”
“Yes,” Penny shuddered out as Dora started to give Penny a good seeing to. “I don’t
think either of us would benefit if our identities get out. I doubt our meeting will
go as I imagined… I had believed that we would just chat the first time and see if
we were able to click. Now I think I will be lucky not to end up doing some things I
never have before…”
“So,” Dora said as her fingers were met by Penny’s bucking. “I felt the same way and
it worked out great! Now just relax and let me see you cum!”
Suffice it to say, Dora made sure that Penny was no longer thinking let alone
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worrying about all that had happened. Dora felt her more sadistic side wishing that
the fool could suffer an accident, but sometimes the saying was right and
anticipation would make it sweeter. Percival Weasley had unknowingly made himself a
person of interest when it had been his best luck to stay with his head down. He was
dead already. He just didn’t know it yet. It was merely a matter of who would be the
one to make the killing blow.

Penny was sitting in her room with a bit of anxiety and excitement. She was dressed
in a skintight blue lace number with a silk mask over her face to partially disguise
her identity.

In a little while, Dora would come in and escort her to her room where Dora’s master
waited. There they would have their talk and hash things out in person. She likely
would be wearing the partial mask all night even if she would be otherwise bared to
his gaze at some point in time. She had not succumbed to her long denied desires
with either of the couples she had run across a few nights back. Being allowed to
spend the following nights with Dora ravishing her had helped sooth some of the raw
hunger, but it did not solve all of it.
Penny knew that she was a relatively normal girl in her teenage explorations. She
had spent a fair bit of time being disappointed with Percival and being satisfied
thoroughly by Dora. Dora even with her abilities did lack one critical thing she had
been missing lately. Dora was so far unable to grow a better alternative than a
magical toy. Penny was well aware that even Percival’s lack luster performances had
allowed her to deal with her fixation.

So here, Penny was sitting with her body almost already displaying her desires while
she was waiting to be taken to Dora’s room where the meeting would find her hard
pressed not to get at least a taste of what he was offering in exchange. She was
aware that Dora was not technically being whored out as the girl had explained it in
different terms. Penny was her friend and thus allowances had been made in meeting
what Dora considered her requirements to be a good friend. That her friend
considered lending a helping hand or tongue to ensure her well-being was appreciated
if perhaps odd at times. It was the sort of thing one expected from the more
dedicated Hufflepuffs to be that accommodating.

Still there was something to be said about that level of friendship, and that was
that Dora was someone you wanted to be your friend as she was someone you could
count on when it mattered. Currently Penny was sitting with her rather enticing
outfit with a simple blue cloak next to her. As she waited, Penny went about a
typical exercise for her. Despite what some of the boys thought, polishing wands was
not just a euphemism for masturbation for both sexes. Stroking the cloth around to
polish her wand was a good way to spend the time and not thinking about what was
soon to occur.

“Hello Penny,” Dora said as she came into Penny’s room. “He is waiting, but first a
couple ground rules.”

“Ok,” Penny said as she slid her wand into a thigh holster. “Let me hear them.”
“First, no using real names,” Dora said with a sigh. “You want to keep your identity
private and so does he. Second, you both have masks on and they will stay on for the
night. He expects respect and it would be a bad thing to disrespect him. Third,
negotiations are open between the both of you. That means that you can bargain for a
wide variety of things. Fourth, do not think about trying to back out of a deal once
you are there. Despite being my friend, I will hold you down and help him administer
any punishments that you earn. It doesn’t matter if they involve corporal or even
sexual punishments. If I earn any, I expect you to sit there and watch, but I hope
that doesn’t happen. Do you agree to these rules?”
“Alright,” Penny said with a sigh after thinking about it. “I agree to these rules.
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So if we are not going by our names what are we going by?”
“Well considering your attire,” Dora said while looking her friend and lover over,
“I believe you will be going by Miss Blue. I will be going by Pet and my master will
be referred to as Sir at all times. If you forget to follow any of these rules and
any that you agree to there, I will personally hold you down while my master spanks
or otherwise punishes your cute ass. If it hadn’t been for my master and mistress,
both of our lives would be a lot more miserable. I think we would both admit that it
would be almost as bad as being that ass’s sex toy. Master at least makes sure that
I get to cum and cum and cum some more.”
“Ok, I would say that you are very dedicated to them,” Penny said with a sigh as she
bounced up off the bed before draping her cloak over her mostly nude form. “Still I
have wanted to meet your master anyways considering that he treats you so good.
Considering what I found out about things due to that shortsighted prick, I have to
ask this, is your master going to be able to protect you and help you once you
graduate? I don’t know if I asked that before…”
“Yeah,” Dora said with a sigh. “That is part of why his identity needs to be kept
secret. Certain people would make troubles considering he already has control of his
lordship. Some people would make problems and try to cause all of us too much
attention. I would have to say that you might be able to find out who he is at a
later date. I don’t think you would be willing to give a binding enough of an oath
on first meeting…”
“Even if I might if it’s after the first fuck,” Penny said with a self-deprecating
chuckle. “Yeah, I don’t think I will get out of meeting with Sir without being
ravished based on what you said of your master. As it is, I need a good fuck with a
good guy or at least not a total ass like Percival. No, I think we both would need
to think on it and see if we were mutually beneficial. It’s funny, but I found out
that unless you have a patron that you won't get a decent job if you don’t have a
dick. I don’t think it would be too bad if the dick I had to serve to get anywhere
were that wonderfully described cock of your master’s. So where are we going?”

“Sir is waiting in my room, Miss Blue,” Dora said while offering her arm. “We should
be going as it is best not to make him wait.”

“Yes, we should,” Penny said with a smile at her lover. “I think that I will enjoy
this. Now that the ass is my ex, I have no reason to turn down Sir’s offer. Besides,
I really wanted to see what your face looks like when you are stretched and pounded
to orgasm…”
“You will see that anyways,” Dora said as they headed to her room. “I suspect that
Sir would do that in front of you if you were hesitant.”

“Yes, seeing you driven mad with pleasure would be convincing,” Penny told her as
they approached her lover’s room. “So I suppose I had best mind my manners.”
“Well, unless you want to find out if you can orgasm from being punished,” Dora
teased her friend before opening the door. “Sir, we are here. Sir this is Miss Blue.
Miss Blue this is Sir.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Blue,” Harry said from where he was reclined on
Dora’s bed in naught but a smile, silk boxers, and his own silk mask in black and
silver. “Pet has told me about you though none of it would reveal your identity. I
take it by Pet arranging this meeting that some things have changed?”
“Yes, Sir,” Penny said with a sad smile. “Let us just say that he did something
unforgiveable that I saw. He was already a disappointment and if it hadn’t been for
Pet, I would have likely had an episode. To be quite frank Sir, if you hadn’t
permitted Pet to help me out, I would have been wound so tight that I would have
likely gotten into trouble for either violence or demanding sex.”

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“So what are you actually offering, Miss Blue?” Harry said as he studied the nervous
and aroused girl. “You have already enjoyed some of Pet’s attentions as it is. Since
you are her friend, I see no reason that she doesn’t help you as she has; although,
I do not feel that lending Pet out here should have so little in return.”
“Yes, Sir, I think I see what you are saying,” Penny said as she took her cloak and
handed it to Dora. “I have been greedy in taking time that you could be enjoying
Pet, and I have in a way used our friendship to my advantage. I do think that it is
somewhat cruel that you allowed Pet to ravish me and limit how much I could
reciprocate and thank my friend; however, Pet has explained some of it to me. I had
once given her the advice of if she had found a guy like you to do whatever it took
to hold on to you.”

“I see,” Harry smiled with a nod to her, as he understood now why Dora showed such
insistence on helping her friend. “Then I suppose in a way I owe you for allowing
Pet to come to her decision. So thank you, Miss Blue, for helping Pet come to her
decision. So should we get down to business and see what each other can offer?”
“I am aware, Sir, that you have as Pet’s master limited who can do what and how much
with her,” Penny said as she shot a look to Dora who was now completely naked save a
collar she wore proudly. “I am at this time no longer involved with any guy and thus
no longer hesitant to offer in exchange if you will allow me to ravish Pet in the
“I see, so you are offering your pussy to whatever I wish at this time in exchange
for being able to ravish Pet’s dripping cunt,” Harry said as he smirked as his words
sent shivers of lust through the girl. “Will this be a one night thing as that would
be rather disproportional? Really now, one night of enjoying your slick warm channel
in exchange for who knows how long in making Pet scream and cream in pleasure
doesn’t seem quite fair, now does it?”
“No, it doesn’t,” Penny said looking put out. “I thought it would more be a trial to
see if we enjoyed each other’s attentions first before agreeing to something
binding. How about we try things tonight and we come to an agreement before nights
“A good offer, I will admit,” Harry said as he gave a look before gesturing for
Penny to spin around so he could get a look at her. “I suppose it will work
tentatively. So you are willing to have me ravish you in exchange for?”

“If I could see you ravish Pet in front of me and allow me to ravish pet once we are
done with things,” Penny said as she struck a few poses for him. “I really want to
see Pet being driven to exhaustion. I will admit that there are a few things I
wanted to try if I ever had a guy and a girl available at the same time…”
“I see,” Harry said with a smirk as he noticed her panties were clinging already.
“That is acceptable. Now is there anything off limits completely and anything we can
try to convince you to try? For example, are you against being kissed on the lips,
being touched in certain areas, or particular acts you don’t like?”
“An example, Miss Blue, is that Sir does not now nor does he have any inclination to
water sports or the like,” Dora said from where she was going through her toy box.
“There is also the fact that most girls are quite against trying anal. So anything
like that you wish to state because otherwise Sir and I will be lobbing everything
as possible even if it takes a bit of convincing?”
“Well the ones you stated from what I know I don’t believe I would like either,”
Penny said as she licked her lips as her eyes wandered to the tent in his boxers. “I
will go for trying some things and I request being able to beg off if I don’t think
I will like it; however, I will accept that you may persuade me to reconsider. I
will state that I would like to have a taste of your cock and cum as well as being
stuffed. I know I have tasted your cum mixed with Pet’s, but I would like to see if
it is as wonderful directly.”
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“Acceptable,” Harry said as he motioned Dora to wrap herself around Penny. “Now do
you have any particular safe words for if we do something and you have changed your
mind? I don’t think you want us to stop if you meant to say ‘no don’t stop’ and all
you manage to say is ‘no’, but that is up to you. I would recommend against using
stop as well since you might mean ‘stop teasing me’ or ‘stop being so gentle’ or
things of the like.”
“Oh, now that is something I didn’t think about,” Penny said before leaning back
into Dora’s caresses. “Anything you would recommend, Pet?”
“I believe the traditional are based on red and yellow,” Dora said as she traced
Penny’s assets. “I personally don’t use them since my master is able to know when
something would be too much. I don’t foresee you getting into the more exotic sexual
plays, but you could use the traditional ‘ketchup’ and ‘mustard’ unless you have
something else in mind. It just has to be something you will be able to remember
when your mind and body is being wracked with sensations.”
“Ah, I think I will go with that,” Penny said before trailing off in a moan as Dora
was feeling her up, “but I would like to put any of those things on the need to be
convinced first, Sir.”

“I agree to your terms,” Harry said while motioning to Dora. “Now I am going to
watch while Dora helps you to the bed. I think that she will try to have you
stripped and slick by the time you get here.”

“Really Sir,” Dora said while cupping Penny’s breasts and sliding them almost to
spill out. “You don’t think I would deprive you of unwrapping this choice piece of
ass, now do you?”
Harry chuckled at that and beckoned them forward. Penny walked with Dora pressing
her hips to the girl’s ass. He saw Penny moaning as Dora fondled her still covered
chest. Even if he did see that her tits were tenting her bra as his dick was tenting
his boxers, Harry was very entranced with how Dora was bouncing her lover’s assets.
Penny sunk to the bed and soon his fingers joined hers in the exploration of her
body. Dora slid the bra down enough to have Penny showing. The way that the bra
there forced Penny’s supple nipples to strain upwards caught Harry’s attention. He
played with it before capturing the nub with his lips. Dora did the same while
unsnapping the bra leaving Penny in nothing more than her panties, her soaked
panties that is.
Dora was well aware of that as her other hand worked their way beneath the elastic
band to stroke her friends snatch. Harry’s hand was cupping her ass while she was
doing that. His hand soon joined Dora’s in being beneath her panties instead of on
top of them. He even lifted Penny up enough for Dora to ease her panties down her
legs. They shifted Penny backward so that Dora could pull the garment out of the
way. The three were sitting there making out with and feeling up Penny much to her

Soon Penny was lying on the bed as her lovers tilted her back so that they could
explore her body fully. She had been disrobed smoothly and she hadn’t noticed it
happening while they kept her revved up and responding. She had felt Sir kneading
her ass while Dora had stroked her slit. Her fingers had been gliding outside before
she noticed his hand lifting her up. The rest of their actions had not even broken
her rhythm as they worked her towards heaven.
Now Dora was on one side of her stimulating her perky breast while Sir was on the
other. That took a bit to get used to, but it was better to think of him as that
rather than what worry about what both of them risked by being discovered in this
situation. As it was, his fingers were currently stroking her rhythmically rising
body with a maddening yet arousing tease. Dora had moved hers to caress the area in
between. The teasing sent shudders of excitement through Penny’s already hot body.
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Harry had barely brushed along her slit before Miss Blue bucked and swallowed his
finger eagerly. He was aware that this might happen eventually, but Harry had
thought that it would be later in the year first. Dora was an attentive lover and
Miss Blue here was not one he faulted for wishing to explore further. Dora had been
on the giving end with this girl, but she obviously wanted to try some things out.
Considering what Dora had told him of the girls encounter recently, Harry doubted he
would have gotten through the night without pinning her to the mattress and
unloading inside her a few times. It was the combinations that he was unsure on
dealing with at this time.
“Pet,” Penny heard Sir say to Dora amid the thrashing as he held her inside just
right to convulse as she came hard even as he released her throbbing nip. “Miss Blue
here is getting rather wet, but I know that you wanted a good fresh comparison of
before and after…”
“Yes, sir,” Dora said after giving the whimpering Penny’s engorged and sensitive
breast a sharp suck and promising lick. “Don’t worry Miss, you will be getting your
belated servings of fresh meat soon…”

“Please,” Penny begged. “It’s been too long… I need it…”

“You just need to wait a bit longer,” Harry said while Dora had dropped to her knees
and started to make sure he was slick. “Unless you want to do what Pet is doing… No,
I think that will be better before Pet’s turn.”

Penny whimpered as Harry worked her gushing sex satisfactorily as she flowed over
his fingers and grasped onto him as she came.

“There, you’re both ready Sir,” Dora said as she let his eager cock out with pop.
“Now give Miss Blue the fucking of her life, Sir. She needs to know what a real man
can do to his lover…”

“Hear that Miss Blue?” Harry asked as Dora held his cock mere inches from her
dripping sex while he gave her lips a caress. “You are about to get your brains
screwed out, so anything to say about that?”

“Yes,” Penny said as Dora placed his head between her lips. “Fuck me! Pound me and
show me what a real lover man can do!”

“She definitely asked for it Sir,” Dora said as she tried to keep Penny from just
bucking and impaling herself with her own lust. Give it to her good, Sir, and you
won't regret it. She is quite the kinky needy little slut, sir. She just is one of
those that limit who she is herself with…”

“Well since you both asked so nicely,” Harry began to say before he thrust into the
mewling with need girl. “I might as well. Pet, you never said that she was still
this tight!”
“Miss Blue hasn’t had a read dick to stretch her needy cunt in a while,” Dora said
with an affirmative sound even if the nod was unseen as she was kneeling behind them
watching Penny getting stuffed. “I mean sure I have used some fingers and even my
hand a time or two, but it is not the same. I don’t even think her last boyfriend
ever took the time to do so. Her complaint was that he barely lasted through a hand
job and was done.”
“That would explain things,” Harry said as he began a very fast and loud rhythm of
fucking the girl beneath him. “I think she is really enjoying this…”
“Well you are fucking her relentlessly,” Dora commented as she watched Penny
shudder, shout, and shake from her release as he continued to pound her with her
flowing juices allowing him to move even smoother inside her. “I think she just
popped and is already drenching the floor with that last spray. You can manhandle
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her a bit more when she is like this and she will just come more instead of
switching off.”

“I see,” Harry said as he moved to maul her rocking tits. “Is what Pet said true,
Miss Blue?”
“Yessss,” Penny hissed out as his rough handling sent jolts of pleasure through her
body. “Just like that!”
“Since you like it so much,” Harry said as his fingers caused Penny to let out a
howl and she tried to buck him off as she arched off the bed. “Pet, get your mouth
over here and stop just watching there while you water the floor!”

“Yes, sir,” Dora snapped out as she dove face first into licking even as her fingers
staid buried and writhing inside her. “Sir, she is flowing like a fountain down
“Then lap it up,” Harry said before turning his mouth to tormenting and taunting
actions. “You know you will need the moisture later!”
Dora gave a lick of understanding before moving to lap at the visible flow being
driven out with his thrusts. He was right and the last time she had gotten him wound
up Dora had needed to practically be drowned to get rehydrated. As it was, Dora had
started working on having a hydration potion ready before her breakfast or she would
be drained compensating. It was simply a fact that sex was a very intense and
draining experience. A normal girl would be lucky to get away without needing an IV
drip to restore their body. Well his normal girls or would be girls as it were had
already planned ahead and would have several sports drinks, as they were called,
ready for such an occasion.
Penny was aware of sensations. A bolt of pleasure centered on her tits as well as
her pussy pulsing and shaking were all that she knew. Her body was being handled
roughly with howl inducing twisting and biting of her already swollen nipples. His
free hand move along her length before gripping her hip to make sure she couldn’t
get away. It would almost be considered rape from the shear roughness, but unlike
that act Penny was accepting it and welcoming it. That she seemed to move from peak
to peak without coming down from near orgasmic plateau likely figured into this.

Dora was lapping eagerly as Penny seemed to keep flowing like her previous
statement. Lick, lick, gush, and repeat was all that she saw. She had given up on a
normal tongue and was going more for the size she used when orally fucking Penny.
Ok, Dora had curved it a bit like a scoop so that Penny’s juices flowed into her
mouth. Dora liked her lover and friend, but Penny was very tasty. In fact, Dora only
believed that Harry and Hermione tasted as good especially together. She couldn’t
wait to slurp his load from her still flowing hole.

‘Penny can get her first taste of his cock and cum while I am doing that,’ Dora
thought as her shifted tongue moved from cheek to cheek. ‘Sure, it will have the
added flavor of her own juices, but you snooze you lose…’

Penny was just gone. She thrashed about under Harry’s thrusts and he had to put more
force into his hands. Dora just had more juice to swallow as Penny was relentlessly
being driven into the bed. Harry himself was savoring this, as Miss Blue was a new
pussy. She didn’t have the contortions of Dora or the magical alterations that
Hermione and even Alice and Anne had. Still he was realizing that each one was
different not just in looks and taste, but they felt different as well.
“Aw, is the little slut cuming too much?” Harry asked as he decided to taunt her
with even as he kept his stamina-draining pace. “Maybe she wants me to flood her
needy cunt with some cum? Well do you? I can see you do and you probably want Pet to
bury her tongue into this slick slit and slither her tongue all the way against your
wall like I am doing as well, right?”

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“Yes,” Penny managed to gasp out before her clenching orgasm passed and she thrashed
as the next one hit. “Fill me up!”

“Well since you asked so nicely,” Harry said before slamming down and pinning her as
he ground his entire length inside her cunt while his hands held her tits down
keeping her from knocking them both out of bed, “I might as well… here I cum… let’s
see if your cunt gets stretched some more!”
Harry was aware that his dick was throbbing and that his balls were sending a good
chunk of sperm at a very high velocity and strong force to spray into Miss Blue’s
womb. Yeah, he had felt the tell tale snap of her inner wall when he had bottomed
out. He also was aware that her pussy was pushing out her juices and doing a good
job of rinsing his balls. Dora’s tongue was flickering, but her breathing was coming
in a particular way that he had learned was a tell that she was about to cum hard.
‘She likely has her fist stuffed up her cunt,’ Harry thought as he felt his spasms
lose length and intensity. ‘Good thing to since I believe that Miss Blue here wants
to see Dora getting screwed just like she was. Dora is always ready it seems and
that does a bit to ease things. A shame that so many girls have a hard time getting
warmed up, but I guess that is a problem I won't have to deal with in my life. All
the girls I have been with got wet enough so I didn’t have to spend so much time on
foreplay. Not that I didn’t do that anyways, but it wasn’t necessary…’

“Well I think that was a good start,” Harry said as he staid buried inside Penny.
“So Miss Blue, I take it that you will want some repeat performances.”

“Oh, yeah,” Penny moaned out as his fingers were keeping her from crashing. “You
fuck like a god, Sir. Could you let my cunt rest a bit? I could clean you up and you
could fuck my face if you want?”
“Why not,” Harry said as he slowly slid out and Dora latched onto Penny’s gaping
slit. “It will give your pussy a bit of time to recover for the next few rounds…”

“Oh, it might be longer than that,” Penny said with as much of a frown as she could
manage. “Besides, doesn’t Pet deserve to get very nicely thorough good and hard shag
for bringing a new pussy for you?”

“I suppose,” Harry conceded as he moved to Penny’s head. “Now rest your voice a bit
and see about having a proper dick down your throat…”

Harry cut off as Penny did just that. He realized he should have picked a shorter
name for the girl, but Miss Blue fit since she came in just Blue panties and Bra
with a Blue cloak over it. After a few moments, he was tempted to find her ex and
throw him down some steps before taunting him at letting her go. Despite the lack of
recent experience, Miss Blue was a very good sword swallower. Oh, she wasn’t
anywhere near as magically inclined as Dora, but his pet did have a good advantage
of being able to manipulate her muscles with ease.
He stroked her face gently as he explored her mouth before seeing how far she would
accommodate. His eyebrow rose up when he felt her run her tongue to tease his balls
when he was pressing her nose to his pubic hairs. She was doing a nice job at
working him with her tongue as well.
“Pet,” Harry said calling Dora who was nose deep in Penny’s warm womanhood. “You did
well. A girl like this needs someone to appreciate her, and if her supposed
boyfriend couldn’t then it was a good thing she has a friend like you to help her
out. Now I am going to savor this for a bit and you can get your fill, and then I am
going to see how you enjoy some fun. After that, well we can always try some new
things. I do believe though that our agreement had something about one other thing…
Right, Miss Blue?”
“Yeah,” Penny said after giving his cock a quick kiss as she eyed it and answered
quickly so he would slide it back into her mouth. “If I wanted to explore Pet’s
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pussy I had to offer mine up. So I guess you won't mind us doing that in the future,
but if I want to try to tap her ass, I have to give it up as well. Could I see how
Pet reacts first? I mean I know a girl that likes it, but most of my girlfriends are
rather put off by it…”
“Yeah, some girls love it and some tolerate it if they aren’t completely dead set
against the idea,” Harry said as he let Penny swallow him again. “Still Pet likes it
and so do my other ones. I think you will change your mind after you see how Pet
reacts to getting reamed.”

Penny moaned around him in agreement. He was running his hands through her loose
hair while she bobbed her head along his length with a glee that she would have in
her younger years found surprising. Penny wasn’t sure if she would mind if he just
used her face at the moment. Something about him just seemed to make her feel
privileged to do this for him. Dora telling her that he could sponsor her when she
graduated really did help. Well he was attractive, confident and seemed to be a good
choice considering. She felt a shudder of revulsion at whom she might have had to do
this for just to be considered for a bottom floor job. It was gone as soon as it
started and she saw him look at her oddly.

“No pressure there,” Harry said with a pleasant sound as he looked at her, “unless
something else was bothering you?”

Penny tried to convey that it was something else in her eyes and his smile told her
that she had succeeded. She felt a thrill run through her before a moan from Dora’s
action drew a groan from him. Feeling him getting close, Penny took him to the balls
and started nursing.

“Getting close, Miss Blue,” Harry said as he felt Penny move her arm to hold him to
her. “Best make your mind up…”
‘That was considerate,’ Penny thought as she urged him to fill her mouth. ‘Best add
that he doesn’t taste bad from his pre…’

Penny felt his pulse increasing and the rising tide begin to crest. While he didn’t
say anything, he gave her a look that she took to mean he was willing to go with the
flow in how she wished to end the blowjob she was giving. It was nice having a guy
last long enough to savor things. Percival had almost caused her to forget things
with how much of a quick cast he was.

“Pick now,” Harry said as he closed his eyes and strained to hold back to the point
he felt not just the head but also his whole cock started to throb with need,
“because I am going to cum!”

Penny held him deep so that he flowed directly down her throat. It felt better for
him physically, but it lacked the mental after especially for guys that liked to see
a girl savoring his cream. So Penny pulled back allowing his cock to slide out until
just the head was inside her mouth. Penny made sure that the suction was tight and
her tongue swirled as he spurted again and again into her mouth. Finally, Harry
sighed and his release went from the forceful jets to dribble a bit into her mouth.

Penny gave a few strokes to clear his cock of any sperm lingering inside. Her eyes
had closed and she was treating his cum as if it was exorbantly priced chocolate to
be savored and appreciated and not just chugged like butterbeer. She held his ass to
keep him still inside her lips. Her tongue twisted and lapped at the head she was
‘More ways that Dora lucked out on,’ Penny thought as she planned to savor this
while he plowed Dora but good. ‘So her first male lover is well endowed, skilled,
cares about her pleasure, and has a diet that makes him taste yummy!’
Penny reluctantly let him out of her mouth though she trailed kisses as he moved a
bit. She laid back and smiled beautifully while letting him see that his cum was
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still inside her mouth. He watched her swallow some before letting her body respond
to Dora completely. She gurgled and shook as she flushed Dora with her release.

“Go on Pet, I know you want to,” Harry said as he moved to behind her. “Miss Blue, I
have to thank you, that definitely was well done. Now I think Pet should get some
attention because as you can see she is quite ready…”

Penny could see that quite clearly as the evidence was visible on Dora’s thighs as
well as how her lips were parted in anticipation. Dora climbed across her trailing
kisses on her belly before nuzzling her chest on her way up. Their lips met and they
kissed. Their tongues dueled for dominance as the contents of their mouths mingled.
It was not the same flavor as when she slurped Dora after Sir had filled her up
before sending the girl to her having been fucked but still horny for more.

Penny felt the shift as Dora moaned into her mouth. Her friend and lover’s sex had
been just touching her own when she felt the change. Her friend’s sex was spread and
she felt her recent lover’s balls slightly swing and tap her still parted and damp
core. Dora was lying on top of her while her master was starting to fuck the girl.
That had to be repeated in her head, she was being used for cushioning while her
friend and lover was getting a soon to be thorough drilling. In fact, Dora might
also have Sir ream her ass while lying on top of her. It would allow Dora to explain
why she liked that, and if she did, she might do the same. There was also doing what
those Gryffindors had convinced her to do with her wand. It was just something to
think about having Dora or herself stretched in both holes and to see if it did
cause a girl to cum like crazy.

“So Pet are you liking your reward?” Harry asked as he was fucking her such that her
cunt was rubbing Penny’s still excited slit. “I have to admit that your lover here
has a delightful little twat. Do you think she might decide to try some things out
“Hell yeah, Sir,” Dora said after letting her mouthful rest inside Penny’s lips.
“She has wanted to see me getting fucked to hell and back! So show her how I like
real cock and maybe she will have ideas now that you are permitting her to give it
to me Sir!”
“Sure,” Harry said as he settled into a good drilling speed. “Now I must be doing
too little since you are too coherent for this…”

Dora felt the change, as did Penny beneath her. Harry was going to give her cunt
such a screwing that Penny’s sex would have little need for her own lubrication and
likely, her ass would be slick for other things as well. Dora wanted Penny to get a
complete seeing to from Harry. The possibilities that Penny’s confession of
witnessing was in her mind as well. That is until Harry drove any thought from both
of them.
Penny was cuming and Dora had been cuming rather frequently and violently on top of
her. To be honest, her body felt soaked and not just from sweat. Dora had been
cuming and drenching her like an industrial sprinkler. Dora would need to do more
than spell the sheets clean. The mattress was probably soaked as well. Sure Penny
had not been having the same level of climaxes as her lover, but they were
sufficient that she was flushed and moaning. She could feel all of that juices mix
with hers with some getting inside her own heated sex while some of it ran down the
crack of her ass and seemed to alternate being sucked inside and dripping down to
the bed.
“That’s better,” Harry breathed out as he did his best to drive Dora and Penny out
of their minds. “You like watching Pet cum like a wild cat don’t you, Miss Blue?”
Penny just nodded in agreement. Her attempt earlier to languidly savor his cum had
been interrupted by reflexively swallowing during one of her more recent climaxes.
As it was there was the taste lingering but her voice was somewhat sore from the
screaming that she had been doing after that. Dora had been using her tits rather
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roughly and it had shocked her at first that she had drenched herself in sudden
climax from that. His pace was distracting her and she could tell that he didn’t
want a real answer. Her cunt wetting his balls as he did Dora enthusiastically to
her bliss was answer enough.
“You like feeling her cuming on your own soaked and stretched sex don’t you?” Harry
asked her as he felt Dora start to build too far and her coaxing of his own delayed
release. “Well, let’s see how you like feeling her sprayed cunt drooling into your
waiting hole!”

Yeah, Harry knew he was pushing things then. Penny was being pushed to her limits in
some ways already. She did have Dora using her tits as handgrips with twisting and
other things sending sensations to the girl. His verbal abuse was more do to passive
Legilimency and using to see what would push both their buttons, as Dora’s mind was
something he could easily access from a distance and effortlessly do so with skin
contact. He hoped that his girls would keep quiet about the touch Telempathy. It was
useful being able to get a reading even on shielded people with skin-to-skin
contact. Handshakes and the like would allow him to read most people and get a good

“Fuck Yeah!” Penny managed to shriek out as she felt Dora’s cunt seem to suddenly
push out some mixed cream to wash her lover’s abused hole. “Make Pet drench me with
both of your juices!”
Dora would have agreed, but her mouth was open and yet no sound came from it, as she
couldn’t draw enough breath to do so. Her body was clenching inside and out. Her
hands were leaving red marks on Penny’s overly blood gorged tits. Her pussy was
spasming as it tried to simultaneously suck Harry’s cum out of his dick while also
pushing his dick out of her quivering quim. Her frequently stretched channel was as
tight as ever even if she was flowing out with each almost frictionless stroke. Dora
was a bit too overwhelmed at this point to realize any of this.

“You really like feeling Pet spraying your cunt while hers tries to milk my dick and
drain my balls of cum, Miss Blue,” Harry said as he kept slamming back and forth
through his ejaculation into her hungry hole. “I think you want a turn with your
mouth there while she eats your pussy instead of pussy fucking like this. You were
quite excited slurping my dick when it was juice and my cum so it isn’t any real
surprise. Still I think I will see if I can make Pet cum so hard she blacks out…”

Harry went to do just that. Dora collapsed with her eyes rolled back in her head as
Harry pushed to her depths and let his cock flow into her womb while her pussy
soaked the cuming Penny’s cunt. He held there as he felt Dora sucking his cock dry
into her womb while she sprayed and drenched Penny with their juices mixing as their
clits ground together and their lips spread together. He was aware that Miss Blue
was cuming from her expression as well as how her pussy soaked his balls.

“You have to agree that Pet has one nice pussy,” Harry confided to Penny as he
ground against her wall. “She comes real hard as well. I am half-tempted to see if I
can get that look on your face, but I think I will enjoy this for a bit longer.
Besides I don’t think your pussy would be ready just yet…”
So, the two girls snapped back from paying attention as Harry rocked the two against
each other. He realized it wouldn’t take much effort to switch if he wanted to do
so, but Dora did deserve this since she had brought her other lover over to play. He
had to admit that this was almost as much fun as doubling up on driving Hermione
crazy, but it lacked that something special he had with his closer female friends
now lovers.
‘I can see that Dora feels for her,’ Harry said while he stopped using Dora’s cunt
to rub Miss Blue to distraction. ‘Besides I owe her one do to her helping Dora make
her mind up in things. I don’t think that Hermione would be too coherent if she was
my sole focus. I probably thought that already and likely would do so again. I also
think that Dora needs some other girls to advise her at times. Dora will need
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someone to go to besides Hermione about things and this girl has more normal
experiences than either of us. I feel fairly confident on whom this is, but I don’t
want to get into the habit of taking the information from either of their minds as
that I believe would make me feel too much like Snape. I think I can make them both
need to rest a moment with a bit more effort…’
Penny was panting on the bed with Dora on top of her doing the same. She could feel
him still inside of Dora slowly sliding inside her and thus rubbing their wet cunts
together. Her friend was resting her head in between her sweat soaked and flushed
mounds. At the end of every stroke, she could feel his balls bump the bottom of her
dripping slit. She had never been driven to climax while being someones pillow
before, but she was in part wondering what would happen next. The lovely feeling
from the fucking she had received as well as the post fuck slurping was slowly
receding even as she felt a bit of trepidation at what she was still waiting for to
‘They had just used me as a cushion as Sir pounded Dora even as their rutting caused
me to work my way to my own soaking climax,’ Penny thought even as she could still
taste him in her mouth even after the time he had spent slamming Dora against her.
‘Right got to remember to keep to the games names, Sir pounded Pet while Miss Blue
recovered underneath. It seems wrong to speak in the third person, but I don’t want
this to be cut short. I have until next fall to formally choose what to do. It seems
funny, but Pet lucked out with her Sir while I had almost got trapped by Percival. A
trial basis with privileges, but I will not be allowed to know his identity until
some time passes and I reveal my own. Still considering how mellow I feel from just
what we have done so far it will be worth it.’

“Mmmmh,” Dora purred as she lifted her head a bit, from where it was, before giving
each tip a quick bit of attention. “So you ready for more? I was interested in
trying that thing you mentioned seeing the other day…”
“Oh my, that would be interesting,” Penny said as she shuddered at the image in her
mind. “I take it you want to go first?”

“Yeah,” Dora said even as she luxuriated in the slow strokes her master was
delivering. “I don’t think your pussy has become rested enough not do I think I am
up to trying to lube you up for the second part…”

“Now what are you proposing, Pet?” Harry asked in interest after giving her a quick
spank to get her attention. “What has your deliciously responsive lover here been up
“Something we haven’t tried yet with your other playthings, Sir,” Dora said with a
grunt as he gave her a quick thrust before resuming his slow sawing motions before
giving her some random jumps. “I hope this doesn’t reveal too much about Miss Blue
here, but she ran across a pair of lovers and it ended up that a certain person whom
unfortunately will need to wait for more justice than some hexing do some things
that we would find offensive to them. To be precise he had the lady mount her lover
while using her ass for his pleasure. I know it might ruin the mood, but afterwards
she asked Miss Blue to stuff her cunt with her shifted wand while her lover
re-sanctified her ass. I may not have been ion the same position, but from what she
saw it sounded very satisfying.”
“I take it that you believe this would feel marvelous and give Miss Blue here
another example that being sodomized does not have to be humiliating and horrible to
experience,” Harry said as he contemplated things. “Well it is not much different
than my plan of having you cum on top of her while I give your ass a seeing to.”
“That would be fun too,” Dora said as she moved her hands from their grip on Penny
to spread her cheeks. “Go ahead sir and give my ass a few strokes…”
“Best be careful how you say things or we will see how much you have told your lover
about some of the games you like to play,” Harry teased her as he gave her right
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then left ass cheek a playful slap compared to her usual request to be marked.
“Well, Miss Blue, I am about to ream Pet’s ass here and you can see about refilling
her cunt with your wand after a few strokes or minutes so that you see a bit more by
example that it is pleasurable.”
“Alright,” Penny said as Dora moaned on top of her as Sir sunk into her lover’s
eagerly waiting hole. “I think you are right since that sounded like she liked it.”
“Yeah, it’s a different full feeling,” Dora said as he sunk into her slowly so as
not to shock Penny. “You do feel like you are being stretched more though and it is
even better for Sir here. From a guys point of view an ass is tighter and warmer so
it feels better. Your pussy gets more lubricated so while there is less pleasant
rubbing he can get a faster pace easier. It takes more preparation for this, but it
is different although it can be quite intense…”
Penny watched her friend rocking back into Sir’s slowly deepening thrusts. She could
feel the arousal dripping from her friend. She watched as the slow thrusts began to
be full in length as she could see his body touch hers.

“Do it Miss Blue,” Dora said looking at her friend in the eyes practically begging
her to shove that wand into her empty hole. “I want to feel both my holes being

That was all the encouragement that Penny needed and she soon had the wand morph
slickened with both their juices. She waited until Sir pulled Dora back while being
buried to the hilt in her. She saw Dora now that she was no longer resting on top of
her. Her lover was drenched and he began to screw her ass in front of her. She
watched as wand handle sunk into her pussy while Sir drives Dora to visibly splatter
her own reclined form.
“Well, Miss Blue,” Harry said as he ground into Dora causing her to visibly writhe
in his grasp, “Aren’t you going to help me aim? I don’t think Pet is ready to try
both in one hole at this time. She may be able to stretch more than any normal girl
could without potion or spell, but I think that might be too much…”
“Oh right,” Penny said as she had been absently playing with herself and the wand.
“Just place her so that I can aim at her properly. Should I buck into her or are you
going to lower her onto it?”

“There will be enough bucking later,” Harry answered as he recalled how difficult it
was not to do so when a nice warm pussy was above you. “Besides if Pet didn’t tell
you she likes not being in control at times…”
Harry walked Dora forward as she had been held up by him as he had been bouncing her
on his dick while her legs had tried to convince him to just ream Dora in front of
her lover. He looked down to see Miss Blue run the head of the toy along Dora’s slit
making sure it was definitely slick enough to enter before nudging the head into her
entrance. Harry pushed forward driving Dora onto the hard and filling toy.
“Morgana’s squirting cunt!” Dora said as she felt her eyes start to cross as twin
sensations of fullness and pleasure shot through her. “You have got to try this…
“Well that is a ringing endorsement I believe,” Harry said as he watched his friend,
lover, and sex toy go from blissful orgasm to oh fuck in record time while he also
was trying to analyze the way this felt different from normally drilling the
Metamorph’s willing ass. “I must admit that this is making Pet even tighter and I
can feel that toy barely being separated by Pet’s thin membrane of flesh. Now I
think I am going to see how many times we can make Dora go nonsensical…”
Penny thought that was a good idea and was unsure of how to go about it though. They
seemed to try different things. Varying being both buried to the hilt inside Dora or
alternating was a few of the simpler things they did to drive Dora to incoherent
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sounds. Having Dora hold onto her, while Sir drove the girl into her tool was
something that made Penny return the rough handling of tits. Penny tried to make
sure to remember that when worked up Dora could take far more handling than she
Harry was certain that Dora would be bringing this up with Hermione. He wouldn’t
mind and likely knew that Alice at the least would demand this. Oh, that had done
something similar to Sarah, but that was different if he recalled right. Regardless,
Sarah was taller and had more room to accommodate things than any of his other
minions. He didn’t include the girls that he was certain would be willing to warm
his bed and be the sheath for his flesh sword in that. Part of him was already
whispering how much fun it will be to watch Dora screw Miss Blue’s cunt while he
stretches her ass out. As much as he liked having two girls that he could exercise
his annoyingly strong hormones with in mutual satisfaction seeking ecstasy, there
did come times where his own need left them spent.
‘Something that seems the opposite of normal guys,’ Harry thought as he lifted
Dora’s ass onto his dick. ‘I know that there are ways to last and that tantric
thing, but I think we glossed over too many benefits in some rituals I did. Dora
will need something besides her Metamorph abilities at the rate we continue to grow.
She can do some things with her ability, but rituals will allow more. I think we
both have gotten quite attached to our willingly offering nymphomaniac sex toy. I
think I have one in mind, but it will require Kiki and Lady Silver to gather some
Acromantula to do so. Even with her legacy of the Black blood flowing in her veins,
Dora has a limit on the types of rituals she can perform as well as which ones can
be done for her. The boosts from that will be useful and it is simple enough that I
don’t have to oversee it. Besides, it will be good to see Hermione complete such a
thing on her own. Now back to enjoying this to my full concentration… well while
some part of my mind works things out while I am mostly submerging myself in
Harry let his concentration return to the wonderful sensation he was feeling. Dora
was very much in a constant state of thrashing between their thrusts and Harry found
himself smirking along with Miss Blue as Dora went rigid while spasming on the
inside when they both went to the hilt inside her. Harry was able to feel the
moisture dripping past and how it was doing a very good job of ensuring that Miss
Blue would be well lubricated by the time he moved on to plow her ass.

‘This is intense,’ Penny thought as she started to try to drive her toy linked self
to get them both just that much deeper into Dora. ‘’If I didn’t know that Dora was
hopelessly devoted to them I would think they had done something like this to her. I
stopped counting my own orgasms a while ago and I know Dora has had more than I
have. I guess that my impossible situation is one that she lucked into having. I
just hope that I am not as broken as I think this will leave Dora. I suppose that
Percival would have ended up with two willing fuck toys if he had done things right.
I already feel tempted to offer my identity without knowing Sir’s identity. Just the
thought of him cornering me in the hallways, pulling me to him, and taking me seems
to be more likely. I just don’t think I can be completely committed with these OWLS
coming up. Oh, sex to get unwound will be about as much as I can deal with
emotionally after that drama.’
The three writhing joined bodies began to move faster now. Penny was no longer
thinking about things and was bucking or more accurately thrusting up into Dora.
Harry was pressing down as he thrust into Dora’s accommodating behind. Dora was
jerking back and forth in an attempt to keep or get at least one of her holes filled
at all times. The three ended up with Dora pinned as they buried themselves to the
hilt inside her while Penny was arching up off the bed.
They held that position as Harry let loose into Dora’s bowels while the two girls
seemed to have a hose pouring out of their cunts. Their thighs were soaked in fresh
juice adding to their already slick skin. They stayed there as their bodies locked
in motion. At least they were on the outside, but as for inside their bodies it was
quite different. Still even that did not last and Penny soon found herself with the
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added weight of Dora and Sir partially on her.
Recovering there was time for some reflection; Dora had been on the receiving end of
being sandwiched between Penny and Harry or in their current play names Miss Blue
and Sir. Penny was aware that her wand handle was inside her cunt and her smoothed
length was inside Dora. The charms around it made it feel like flesh warm and
responsive. That it had sent the equivalent signals into Penny’s mind was something
that made her confused.
Something had changed now that she had time to think on it. Somewhere she had made a
miscast and it allowed the wand to send signals as if it was attached to her body.
She couldn’t recall when that had first happened. Her fellow girls would have taken
advantage to learn what made things feel good to keep guys or catch them if that was
the case. Still it didn’t matter and it would truly allow her to feel what fucking
Dora was like. Given that she was going to have her virgin ass taken by Sir, Penny
felt little worry that Dora would not allow her to see what that was like on the
other side. Maybe next time she would be doing that while Sir was drilling her own.
‘Things to think about while waiting to move,’ Penny thought as she felt the wish to
move and slide inside Dora through the delicious rippling she was doing. ‘I suppose
after seeing Dora cum like a slut from that, I no longer feel a desire not to
experience it at all. My only concern would be people thinking me a slut and thus
being almost required to do that at the drop of a hat in the future. After seeing
how things work out over these last months, I will see how to finally decide things.
Will I openly be his or will I merely be under his anonymous patronage in the

As soon as they had moved enough, Dora had begun slurping the transformed wand and
was going to be sinking it into Penny just as soon as both of their cunts were no
longer too sensitive it hurt. Harry was still slowly sliding inside her ass. He
could have used his cum to move faster, but Dora suspected this was to make sure she
would be worked up enough to pound Penny when it was time. She was going to wait
until he had already gotten Penny used to her ass being stretched before sliding the
wand dildo handle into her pussy before feeding it into Penny’s soon to be too
worked cunt to care.
“That was intense, Miss Blue,” Dora said as she decided to tease Penny with the wand
by sliding it through her sweat slick tits. “Just think in a few moments, Sir is
going to be the first dick to spread your ass open. Don’t worry, lover, you will
love it, and once you get used to it we will see how you like being double stuffed!”
“Oh Morgana that sounds good,” Penny moaned out as Dora ground their pussies
together while playing with her tits especially teasing her with something cock
shaped so close to her face. “Will you Sir? You are going to slip out of Pet’s
welcoming ass and be the first to claim mine, aren’t you?”
“I think I will,” Harry said as he savored his remaining time inside Dora. “Normally
I think I would make you beg and plead some more, but you both have been good girls
for me tonight. Besides, I want to see if I can make Miss Blue blow her mind since
Pet went off like crazy. I like being the first for some things with girls like you.
Mostly because I do my best to make sure that you will never forget the experience
and wish for repeat performances.”
“He definitely means that,” Dora said before letting a sigh out when he pulled
himself completely out of her. “The downside is that you are left wishing any other
encounter with anyone else would be as fulfilling. I suppose that makes up for the
upside of it being something you will never forget. He is very good at seeing to a
woman’s needs. I always go to bed worn out and satisfied when I am with him. He does
have more care than just about our bodies as he makes sure that we keep our studies
up and more often ahead. The only problem I think you will have is what I had when I
was away… you get used to being well fucked every night and when you don’t you get a
bit needy.”

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“Yeah it is not that I as a guy mind seeing to Pet and the other’s needs,” Harry
said as he rubbed against Penny’s opening. “I mean what guy would turn down having
that much sex. Eating pussy and having my dick sucked alone would keep most guys my
age preoccupied. I don’t think too many of them even at your age would think of how
exhausting it is seeing to that daily as well as however many rounds the girls want
stretching their cunts and drilling their asses until we collapse. Still considering
you seem very interested in this, I should warn you about the one minor complication
with this…”
“What is that?” Penny asked as she felt his head move back to slide between their
pressed pussies. “Oh that feels nice… are you making sure you are slick enough?”

“He is,” Dora said as she had also closed her eyes to savor feeling Harry sliding
between their joined slits. “Sir was trying to tell you about the one flaw we
magicals have in comparison to muggles in such an act.”
“It doesn’t seem like much if you are in a relationship,” Harry said as he ran his
hands along Dora’s back and backside. “For muggle women if they enjoy the act there
is the tendency to be more submissive to someone who has stretched their ass to
orgasm. For them they will tend to act more accommodating and servile if their
senses catch sight or sigh of their lover. It does have the flaw of making it easier
to dominate and abuse someone. Unfortunately, for a witch they can feel the magic
and the particular wizard or even witches magical presence including upon whom it
lingers. Which means that you will likely allow Pet to lead you in the bedroom more
often than not; however, you will likely have an idea on whom I am and whom I have
been with after this. If you wish to keep things secret, I would advise you to be
careful when we meet around the castle.”

“Unfortunately, Sir has left the fact that for normal wizards there is not as much
of a difference in magic,” Dora said as she alternated rubbing against his sliding
cock and his caressing hands. “The greater the difference in magical reserves is the
stronger the behavior. Sir is very powerful. This is not the first time I have been
his Pet nor will it be the last. Sir is my master in all things. He is my lord, my
master, my lover, my foundation, and without him, I fear I would be but a pale
shadow of even what I had been. He knows that we care for each other and is offering
a last way out. He is quite addictive in his prowess, but he despises people who act
in a manner similar to your ex. It is likely that you will feel drawn to him and
need to be aware of that if you wish to keep things secret for now. It would be best
to have time to make a decision, but it will be harder to choose anything that would
take you away from him if you do this. I will say that it will be very pleasurable,
but keep in mind that you will likely want to all but beg him to take you whenever
you cross paths.”

“I really want this and unlike the actions of my ex I feel no hesitation in doing
this even with your concern,” Penny said as she let a moan out as his rubbing caused
a minor tremor to pass through her body. “I will just deal with it, but I want you
to know that so far after all this I would like to arrange meetings when it is
convenient to both of us. Sir, I don’t think I could be attentive enough for what
little is left of the year. This may clue you in, but I have some important studies
this year. I would ask that you allow me to meet over the summer to see how things
work out. Now please Sir, I want to do this. It will bring all of us closer together
and even if I won't be able to help you publically, I will help you with all that I
can… I need to know… I need you to be the one to claim my anal virginity!”
“Well I would say that is a definitive answer,” Harry said as he slid his
well-lubricated cock from between their drooling lips and placed it back to Penny’s
opening. “Now Miss Blue, I have to say that I will make this a pleasure and Pet will
do her best as well. I would advise using the potion Pet has in her toy box in the
morning. You both will feel some muscle strain from this…”
Harry slowly worked his very well prepared cock into her equally lubricated opening.
This was different from how he had entered Dora with her ass facing him, but he
recalled that it was less stressful for a first time. He wasn’t forcing his way
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through, as that would sour things unless Miss Blue was prepared and was aroused by
such pain. Even with the amount of liquid reducing the resistance, it took a bit of
effort to worm the head of his dick past her tight ring of muscle.
“Oh my,” Penny said with a gasp as she felt him pop inside. “I see what you mean
Pet. It does feel different. It is not bad just... different. I suppose if he just
shoved in without care it would be… unpleasant.”
“Yep,” Dora said as she writhed between his hands and her warmth. “It would hurt
like hell unless he tore you up enough for some blood and then that would help
reduce the painful friction. If you are good and lubricated as well as relaxed, he
could have sunk all the way in one stroke. That feels good, but not on your first
go. Now I am going to make sure this toy is slick and not just sticky. I won't slide
it inside you until you are relaxed and accommodating enough for Sir to be moving
properly inside you…”
Penny nodded her head at that and felt her eyes fluttering at the sensations she was
feeling. Dora had decided to slowly and carefully play with her slightly red and
marked breasts while moving the wand to slide between their slits similar to how his
cock had been not long ago. The wand was rubbing their clits with plenty of pressure
and moisture so it was little surprise that both girls sighed and shivered as they
moistened the wand more.

The sudden relaxation from that orgasm allowed Harry to sink easier into Penny, as
she was not so unknowingly resistant. His hands were now running along both of the
girls exposed flesh. He let his hands wander from Dora to Miss Blue. Still with Dora
on top of her, he only really got to caress her sides and legs. The shudders did
feel wonderful to his dick, but he preferred the increased warmth and grip as he
ended up deeper inside.
“Pet, I have to compliment you,” Harry said as he felt his pubic bone resting
against Miss Blue’s own. “Your lover is one fine piece of ass. You really do feel
wonderful around me, Miss Blue. I think Pet assisting your orgasm allowed me to fill
you up easier. So what are your thoughts now?”
“So full,” Penny moaned out from both their attentions. “I can feel all those little
veins rubbing inside me. You were right sweet Pet, this is so good…”

“It is going to get better,” Dora said before kissing her lover with more affection
than lust. “Sir is going to show you what it feels like moving inside now. Just
think when you get used to that you will see if you like being stretched inside.
Besides, you have two examples of girls that love it that young you ran across
Gryffindor and me. You may not have said it, but it had to be one or things would
have been different…”
“What Gryffindor girl?” Harry asked as he started to slowly stroke inside Penny. “I
may not interact much with that house, but some of them seem alright. It is not as
if our house is perfect considering…”
“Mr. Davys was an example of that,” Dora said as she watched Penny’s face especially
how her face changed in response to her master’s attention. “I must admit that our
house is not perfect, but I don’t think any of them are. Gryffindor has its problems
in that McGonagall seems reluctant to do things and especially if one of her
favorites is suspected or if it involves either the prefects or staff. She has a
scarily blind trust in authority.”
“She does have the Weasley Twins and how their actions are detrimental to her
attempts to give the appearance of Discipline,” Penny managed to say before Harry
plunged back in. “I think if they had targeted you that you would have a different
opinion of them.”
“Yeah they have been more focused on Slytherin and anyone they saw as lacking a
sense of humor,” Dora said as she shifted and sunk the wand into her own ready
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passage. “You know I am half tempted to try being on the bottom with Sir almost
using you and this wand as a toy on me. Still I suppose I shouldn’t be greedy…”

“Yes, Miss Blue does deserve her turn,” Harry said even as he started to move such
that Penny was reduced to gasping and shaking. “We can always try that next time.
Miss Blue definitely wants some repeat encounters. So stop teasing her, Pet, and
let’s see if we can get her to cum as hard as you did before…”
“Yeah,” Dora said as she lifted up on her knees enough to spin the wand around and
place the handle into her eager hole and the slick length to rest at Penny’s
entrance. “I think the only time I will get her to cum like that by myself is if I
stroke her ass with this wand and morph my tongue to stretch her cunt. Hmm… I
suppose I could use two wands with one in each hand. Something I can try with her
Dora sunk into Penny after shaking her head to stop contemplating and start doing.
She hadn’t notice that her last bit she had said had barely been whispered to Penny
even if Harry did overhear her. Penny had those images in her head as Dora filled
her up while Harry stroked her backdoor to her pleasure. Then they started
experimenting on her as they had on Dora and her mind went blank.
Penny spent the rest of the time they were servicing her body to shuddering
thrashing and even still orgasms alternating being at climax and passing out. She
didn’t come back to herself completely until Harry ground in her and filled her up.
She collapsed on the bed limp and sore in all the right places. She woke up
momentarily to Dora stroking Sir and having him leave one last spray on Dora’s and
then her own tits. She started to doze as Dora sucked and licked her own tits clean
before turning to look at Penny’s cum and sweat coated body.

Dora kissed her master goodbye. He still had his mask on and she felt him not even
attempting to rise to the occasion again as he hugged her and they were pressed
together. She was tired, but she wasn’t going to waste things leaving Penny covered
like that. The sleeping girl sighed, moaned, and shuddered in her sleep as Dora
licked her clean. She was grateful that Sir had used that spell to ensure Penny was
clean inside before he had entered her. It didn’t take her long to clean her lover
up mostly. She stretched a bit as she sat next to Penny and looked at her fondly.

“Master gave us one hell of a seeing to,” Dora said as she felt the fatigue catching
up. “We also have some things to try the next time we get to play. If we had more
time, I think you might like a tongue lapping you when he takes your ass next time.
The wand was interesting, but it can't twist the same. Things are going to get busy
for both of us. I have some self-study to do and you need to cram for your OWLS.
Still master will likely have time to drill your holes and thus release your stress
as well. Maybe I can come up with a good after exams scene with my mistress as

Dora yawned as she lay down and snuggled next to Penny. The past bit of fun had been
nice. Her friend still had her mask on covering part of her face while it was
nowhere as clean as it had been at the start. They would both be sore in the morning
or they would until they dealt with it. Penny doing so with a nice topical potion
that Dora would massage into her skin and Dora would do so by shifting the sore
flesh to be rejuvenated. She really needed to talk to her master about a ritual to
toughen her up.
As it was, Dora could use her metamorphmagus abilities to heal wounds and repair
damages, but she had to concentrate to do so. It was kind of hard to do that when
being fucked out of your mind seven ways to Sunday. Still the previous night was a
good thing, Penny had gotten things somewhat settled. Her friend would be getting
laid when she needed and thus remove stress from her OWLS. Dora had felt a bit giddy
that she had brought a girl in and smirked in satisfaction that her man had ground
her friend to goo.
She looked over and saw the bits of her master’s release having stained Penny’s
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mask. Her friend would be excited if her previous experience was anything to go by.
It wasn’t the first time she had used something with her master’s scent or more on a
cloth near her nose. Then again, the last time had been a pair of panties she had
worn after being filled like a basted turkey. The combined juices would normally
have left them caked and stiff. The next morning, Dora had almost dislocated her
wrist from how needy Penny had been.

‘That had been one of the most intense encounters before this,’ Dora thought as she
moved her hands to be comfortable one on an available warmer that was soft and
supple and the other that was warm and moist. ‘Penny had gotten stretched and
roughly for good that morning. She came so hard I was afraid she would crush my
bones. Still she is my Penny and I don’t think I would have it any other way. Now
getting Hermione involved might be interesting. It’s not as if Penny didn’t do the
same with someone when the roles were reversed. To think that our perfect Prefect
had been mentored by her fifth year prefect when she was but in third, and that girl
became Head Girl this year too. It will be interesting if I become a Prefect when
she is Head Girl.’
Dora gave a yawn and her eyes felt so heavy. Dora felt her head settle so she could
almost taste her master’s offering on Penny. Her hands were occupied. If Penny
hadn’t been too tired and Dora admitted that she was as well, Dora would have
massaged those remedies in before sleep and kept her hand warm inside her friend.
Unfortunately, Penny had been stretched, pounded, and used to a very exhausted
satisfaction. With that, Dora merely slept while her right arm draped over Penny’s
waist and rested against the spread sex of her friend.

They both slept soundly and Harry went to bed after letting Hermione down from her
punishment. She was his friend that was true, but he was also her master. He carried
her bonelessly limp body to bed before curling next to her quite like how Dora was
in her bed with Miss Blue. The four of them were so spent that they slept without
worry of anything that they had on their immediate schedule. One night without
worrying and contemplating scenarios for how the meetings would go would be very
restful. He was too tired to contemplate things with any real attention.

Besides, Hermione would be helping Dora with a ritual on her own. He was sure his
most recently overseen student would do fine. He would likely arrange to do some
other things while she was doing that. Hermione would definitely have her head on
after that punishment. The whole time he had been out, Hermione had been suspended
and kept on edge of release.

Hermione and Alice were shockingly alike. He likely would have to punish her cousin
in the same manner only with more teasing while he was there. They were both
stubborn and proud women already. He liked that in them, but he really knew he had
issues with anyone trying to manipulate, control, or use him. He knew that made him
more likely to try to control others as well as himself. He allowed them to play
their games to a certain point, but Hermione had been starting to get some bad
habits in her head. With Dora’s lover’s situation being handled, Harry had his other
concerns to be dealt with when he was not worn out enough to sleep deep and
recuperating. The Flamel's, the House of Li, and his current Hufflepuff dilemma were
but the tip of the iceberg. He would eventually have to settle things with
Dumbledore and his minions as well as the so-called Dark Lord Voldemort and his
Death Eaters.
He was more than willing to shed blood and even bathe this wretched world in it to
accomplish his goals. Until he could do so, he would arrange as much control as he
could. He would destroy the Ministries, Dumbledore, and the so-called Dark Side
before he allowed them to ever control him. Never again would he allow himself to be
used, kept ignorant, or targeted with impunity. He was Harry James Potter-Black,
future Master Necromancer, Wielder of the Silver Flame, and he was no ones slave!
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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 25: Preparing with a Purpose
by SamStone 5 Reviews

Preparations, recovery and a ritual

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Tonks

- Warnings: [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2009/12/27 - Updated: 2009/12/27 - 25679
Chapter 25: Preparing with a Purpose
Why anyone would want to take over the world I will never know. Do you have any idea
how much paperwork it takes just to run a few businesses? Well you obviously don’t
since running anything larger would be a bother. HJP to a nosy reporter post

Penny awoke with a sigh of contentment. She was not alone in the bed she was waking
up in this morning. She could feel the warmth snuggled next to her under the covers.
She felt the slight weight on her face of a mask. She didn’t wear one to keep light
out and when she opened her eyes, she could see clearly through the eyeholes.
She blinked and took in a breath through her mouth and nose. The scent hit her. She
and the room reeked of sex. Taking a quick mental inventory, Penny found that her
breasts were sore and there was a slight bit of stickiness there. She felt sweat and
saliva with something lingering. A different scent then Dora or her own lingered on
her and the room in general.
Shifting slightly, Penny let a moan out at the soreness she felt. Her pussy was sore
and her whole groin had a pleasant ache to it. The tenderness in her ass was new,
but there was a sensitivity there that felt right. Her head had the pleasant
numbness of a good number of orgasms present. Penny let out a gasp as she recalled
exactly what had happened the night before.
“Wow,” Penny said even as she catalogue exactly how relaxed and sated she felt. “You
don’t go in for halves Dora. That was just… awesome.”
“Yeah, he is at that,” Dora said as she smiled lazily at her lover. “I have to admit
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that I almost don’t want to move or change. I like this feeling.”
“Unfortunately, we will have to get up eventually,” Penny said with a content sigh.
“I know I am going to need some salve after all that fun. It was worth it, but I
think I would have liked to wake in his arms. I have to admit that you were right…”
“About what,” Dora said with a smirk as she ran her hands along Penny’s tender and
relaxed yet also stiff body, “that my master is one good fuck, that anal is
interesting, or that your mid-orgasm declaration of what is worth taking for such
fun was spot on?”
“All of the above,” Penny let a moan out as Dora began to massage her well-used
body. “Thanks for setting last night up and the helping hand.”
“No problem that is what friends are for,” Dora said as she let her body morph her
own strain away. “So I take it you want to talk about things or at least let
whatever thoughts built up out?”
“Yeah,” Penny sighed as Dora summoned the oil like potion and began to rub it into
her friend’s worn body. “I think I will be a bit more loose-lipped with you doing

Dora slid the sheets off of their nude bodies and knelt with Penny’s legs between
her thighs. Her friend was resting on her side as both her front and backsides were
sore in a satisfied and sated way. Dora was able to reach most of her friend in this
position and let the slick hands knead her lover’s recovering body. She had already
massaged her friend a bit, but now she was working over her friend’s upper body,
especially her strained back and somewhat abused chest.

Dora was quiet for a bit, as her friend was rendered unable to verbally respond from
her therapy. She massaged the oil like viscous potion derived lotion into her
friend’s tender skin. She watched as it soothed away the red marks that the more
intense play had stung. Her right hand worked over the shoulder and upper back as
she felt the muscles loosen up and relax from the repetitive convulsions her
previous exercise had caused.
Letting her friend’s upper back and proud chest shine with the lotion as it worked,
Dora moved a bit lower soothingly rubbing both Penny’s taunt and firm stomach as
well as her lower back. This was something that was not done out of sexual desire
although it was a very sensual experience for her friend. Penny had been somewhat
celibate for a time and her body had softened from lack of certain activities.
Muscles had gotten out of shape, but Dora doubted that she wouldn’t need to do this
in the future. Her friend did deserver some happiness after all.

It was not as if she could deal with Percival herself or allow the risk it would
have on her lovers for them to handle it. Shaking her head, Dora turned to more
pleasant thoughts as she slid back down Penny’s body. Her friend was mostly half
asleep by this point. Her eyes were half lidded at the least and Dora had left her
skin shiny soothed and recovering in her wake. It was time to soothe the more used
areas of her friend’s body.
Dora was well aware of how wild that the three of them had gotten the night before.
She had felt her own body aching pleasantly from exertion and had even needed to
shift it better. Her lover didn’t have that option and had been without a good
stretching in a while as it was. Even her shifting for enhancing her fingers and
tongue hadn’t been the exact same kind of stretching. It was simply the fact that
Penny had been without more than fingers long enough to have tightened up even
without the exercises that the girl had been doing to be ready for that in the
“Well it is not as if you are already somewhat loosened,” Dora said with a bit of a
snicker as she felt how Penny was still stretched from her night of fun. “Although,
it might be the wrong lips that are loose at the moment, but I think you would
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prefer to have these loose than what having the others would cost. Still, I think
last night was a very convincing presentation to the benefits of things.”

“There is that,” Penny said while she allowed Dora to massage the sore inner muscles
that her adrenaline the night before had dulled the ache she was causing. “You were
right he was one hell of a fuck, but you are also spot on in not wanting to get into
a relationship after that jerk Percival. Considering I am so laid that I don’t care,
long story short I caught the ass cheating and they weren’t necessarily willing if
you get my drift. He was using his position to get some action. What pissed me off
was that if he had asked I would have likely ground him to the floor considering how
horny I have been. He had plenty of opportunities and from what I got out of them
that he seemed to have not been ready to walk off after his spurt unlike with me!”

“Idiot passing up a hot and willing girlfriend like you were proves he is a fool,”
Dora said as she alternated internal and external caressing to sooth her friend’s
worn body. “Still it might be that he has other issues. Considering he used his
position as prefect over them then it is likely that he doesn’t really get worked up
properly unless he is doing certain things and he would have likely not thought to
try to order you about…”

Dora trailed off not necessarily to allow Penny to think but more that her massage
was causing Penny to pant and flush once more. Her slick fingers worked the sore
muscles and caressed the still gaping sex and engorged clit and lips of her friend.
The rhythmic stroking worked Penny to a more frantic breathing. Dora smiled as her
friend stiffened on the outside yet spasmed around her friend. She kept it up until
Penny went limp and relaxed as she resumed the less sexual and more soothing

Penny was taking deep breaths as her friend helped the soothing spread through her
body. She could hear her friend not really talking but murmuring soothing words as
she came down from her plateau. She relaxed into her friends attending and caressing
hands as she let her body relax from the sudden climax she had been worked to
achieving. She felt the potions soothing her worn muscles and while the euphoria was
easing the strain that she had experienced, Penny knew that she likely would be
pantsed for more until the evening anyways. Her breathing calmed and she reveled in
the nice feeling stirring through her body as she thought over what Dora had told

“That could be,” Penny said while her body started to cease feeling sore as the
massage slowed down after her shuddering. “I think that might have put me off your
dominant master if he hadn’t made me cum more times in one night than I have in a
month. Still I think I need to soak a bit and see about working myself up to a
better performance in the future. I may not be in love or devotion as you are, but I
definitely am in lust and respect the man he is. After my OWL tests I think I might
see about setting things on a more official course. Maybe see about getting some
dates as I wanted over the summer, but I expect him to spend time with you as well,
as well as whomever else he is seeing. Sharing may be a pain, but it is better to
have some of the pie than none at all. Now help me to the tub so I can soak. Your
master as well as you gave me a very satisfying seeing to last night.”

“Sure,” Dora said and with a bit of effort managed to help her friend to the bath.
“Now just lie back and let me pamper you for a bit. I have to keep my part of the
bargain from last night so I will be out for most of the afternoon. I think that we
might have gone overboard a bit last night or should have done some more preparation
since you were worn down so easily. Still as it is you should be feeling a bit
better and it will give you some time to think.”
“Yeah just taking up the nice stress freeing sex is nice, but dedicating myself like
you will take some commitment and these classes are getting more demanding so I
might not have the time to properly repay all this in the near future,” Penny
rambled out as the warm water and scrubbing helped continue her body recovering
after the massage. “Summer would give me time to think and I can definitely give a
thoroughly examined reasoning by then. I guess we have to wear masks until then
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since I don’t want to get committed in a rebound even if it already seems
unthinkable not to hook up permanently with a guy as great as your master.”

“I understand and it took me a lot of soul searching to be sure that it was the best
decision for me,” Dora said as she added a few bubbly potions to the bath to help
her friend and lover recover. “Now as I said I am going to pamper you until I have
to leave. So relax a bit while I get some food to help you recover some, as real
food is more useful for rebuilding than potions. It seems odd to have the romance
after the sex, but I don’t think you will mind…”

“Mind, I suppose if it was that jerk I would, but you are my friend,” Penny said
with a sigh as the tub began to move the warm water so pleasantly around her.
“Fruits, chocolate and some cheeses would hit the spot right now.”
“Of course,” Dora said as she gave her friend an appreciative caress as she got up
to get what her friend needed. “I would normally offer something with protein but I
think we both guzzled enough of that last night…”
Penny’s laugh reached her ears before she reached the door. Dora realized that this
was something nice that she had now. It was a different kind of friendship than with
her other friends, but it was special in its own way. As much as she thought her
previously already hooking up and getting sexed up friends might benefit from a romp
with her master, Dora realized that adding too many people would cause a drop in
time for each of them after a point. Sure Harry, Hermione, and the other two were
enhanced and she had her own ways, but recovery time for others made some things
less crowded. It was nice that she could do things with Penny while the others were

‘I wonder if Hermione spent time with whomever it was she was evaluating or if
master was truly pissed about that little accident,’ Dora thought as she grabbed the
platters from the house elf and headed back to her room. ‘I suspect that master was
quite disappointed with her behavior yesterday. I will find out about it later
anyways. Hopefully it wasn’t too bad, but Hermione should know better since she has
been his for longer and did not seem to seek out punishments before…’


It was Saturday morning, the previous night he had spent with Dora and her lover.
Hermione was supposed to have spent time with Hannah and Susan either that or with
Su, but his newer apprentice had done something that had required the previous
night’s punishment. It was not that he was not expecting such a thing to happen, but
he had thought that her cousin Alice would have been the one that would wish to
stretch her boundaries.
‘I suppose it is a purely human problem,’ Harry said as he ran his hands over the
slightly marred skin. ‘I have no problems now with inflicting pain to bring pleasure
or proper discipline. I just had hoped that Hermione had been over her insecurities.
I don’t like having to do that even if I see a reason. I suppose considering how
close in personality that they are that the two cousins would have the same issues.
As it is, I hope that I don’t have to do the same for a while. They are both
stubborn and strong willed with a drive I respect. Unfortunately, Hermione had to
decide to push her boundaries yesterday. I appreciate the advice, but I cannot have
anyone behaving like that.’
He traced the slight scars that hadn’t faded quite yet. He hadn’t liked what he had
done, but he had accepted the need to keep discipline. It had not been that what
Hermione had done was anywhere near as bad as going directly to one of his enemies
and spilling all the secrets that he had confided with her, but it was far too
slippery of a slope to have start. Not even Alice had needed punishment that great
in some time. Hermione had been sloppy and had almost led suspicion to them all with
her vocal debate. She should have known better than to let her passion consume a
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discussion like that.
Harry was aware that he had spent a good part of the time while Dora got her lover
ready in disciplining Hermione. He had laid into her with an abandon he would not
have before the rituals had hardened her body. The pain had been to get her
attention. The real punishment had left her sobbing wishing for relief. While he had
been driving Dora and Miss Blue to exhaustion, Hermione had been worked to a
frothing state. He didn’t really like having to do what he did, but they both knew
that it was necessary.

“Morning, Mine,” Harry said as he slid next to her. “I hope that we don’t have to do
that for quite some time. Your momentary disobedience did cost you some, but I do
not plan on allowing you to shirk your responsibilities today.”
“Yes, sir,” Hermione said while seeming to shudder in need. “Please sir. I need…”
“I understand,” Harry said as he felt the remnants of her punishment return now that
she was no longer knocked out. “I have to admit that leaving you there like that was
rather difficult. Oh, not the leaving you mewling in need part as we both know that
you liked that, but you wanted to be punished and having you spend the whole night
on the edge and still not having released this morning is already distracting you. I
found it difficult not being inside while you were kept on edge and thus was unable
to enjoy your rhythmic contractions of need.”
“Please, master, stop torturing me, and just use me!” Hermione sobbed out as her
body had gone from asleep to let me cum damn it in barely a few moments. “I am sorry
for what I did. I never should have done what I did!”

“Yes, you should not have done so,” Harry said as he teased her as the charm resumed
preventing her from finding release either in sleep or climax. “I like that you and
Anne have some fire, but you must understand that my word is law. I cannot have you
doing things that reflect badly on me. You were told to not allow suspicion to form,
but this was one time when your belief that you might have known better could have
cost us. Things would have been complicated if it had been a staff member or
prefect. It could have been bad if you accidentally had done something to drive
Susan and Hannah from us. Amelia Bones is not someone any wise person attacks with
any impunity. I do not wish to have to do things to correct such sloppiness. If it
had been a professor, I may have had to indulge in modifying their memories or
otherwise securing things. It would have been tolerable with a ghost and could have
been disastrous if it had been one of the portraits. Now I am going to enjoy your
punishment for a bit now…”
Hermione whimpered in need as Harry sunk into her body. It was understandable that
her body was wound up and waiting for some release. Normally she would be at the
point where his mere head entering into her warm wet and waiting channel would have
caused her to orgasm already. Unfortunately, her punishment was preventing that as
the block kept her from reaching a climax but kept her on that plateau so close that
it was maddening.

Harry on the other hand was taking his time in savoring the moment. It felt good and
yet he preferred it when Hermione was repeatedly clenching and milking him. Still,
there was no reason not to make his point and if it involved seeing how long he
could spend filling and stretching Hermione then so much the better. Besides, he
hadn’t done something like this in a while and he had learned that Hermione needed a
firm hand from time to time. Maybe next time he would just drag her into a broom
closet and pound her ass hard.
“I might do that later,” Harry said as he shifted Hermione so that he could better
slam her soaked passage while giving her ass an appreciative slap. “Now I wonder how
you will react with a cunt full in your current state…”
Harry relentlessly plowed Hermione’s pussy with long fast strokes slamming against
her deepest point while she thrashed about. For once, this was in no way related to
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bringing his lover, student and follower pleasure but merely taking his own with her
embrace. Still, Harry was aware that the warmth and grip around him was also egging
him on to conclusion. It hadn’t been helping that he had been moving as fast or as
rough inside her as he had been. If Hermione hadn’t been as wet and flowing as she
was, Harry was sure that she would have been red and raw already with a possibility
of chaffed to the point of bleeding. Now that was something that he didn’t want to
do as in spite of this being a punishment that it was fundamentally against his
nature to harm his girls. There was a difference in hurting them since they tended
to like being hurt so good as it was.

While he had been driving himself to release even as he tried to draw it out,
Hermione had been shaking and sobbing with a good deal of begging. Her night had
been spent in a similar state without her master being present and that just made
this more agonizing. He was in most ways her first friend and baring Dora was her
only primary friend as Anne was Alice’s friend while the group of girls was more
interested in Harry instead of her own self so there was that as well. Still,
Hermione craved time with Harry even if it was being punished. There was also the
fact that things could have blown up or tipped their hand to the professors, which
would have been as equally disastrous.

Hermione felt her master bottom out and grind into her begging cunt. She was aware
that her normal crest of climax started before slamming down just before she
released. It was infuriating being so close she could taste it. Oh, her master
hadn’t deadened her body so she felt no arousal, but that was probably the only
thing that would be worse. Of course, the orgasm when he did let her cum would be
extremely intense. It was just so maddening when she knew it wasn’t a game.

“Please let me cum,” Hermione stuttered as she sobbed out while she felt him
throbbing inside with the tell tale feel of his own release approaching. “I can feel
you going to cum so let me cum with you…”
“Not quiet yet my disobedient, apprentice,” Harry said while continuing his
relentless body rocking thrusting. “Oh, I am going to cum inside your warm, wet, and
waiting cunt, but I don’t think you have earned the right to cum just yet. Why I
might even make you go the whole day yet before coming if you don’t behave.”
“Please, master,” She begged as he screwed her roughly. “Don’t do that. I will be
good and do whatever it takes for you to feel my punishment is fair!”

“I suppose I might let you cum when I am done with you,” Harry teasingly tormented
her. “In the mean time, I think I am going to see how full I can fill your cum
hungry twat while keeping you slick with arousal without the release you crave. Yes,
I think that will do for now…”
Hermione just nodded her head in agreement and accepted his actions. Well she was
bucking back into his thrusts and she would have cum long ago and several times by
this point normally. She was terrified of going even longer in this state. She
realized that she had no control and all the control she had in her life was an
illusion. An illusion his punishment clearly shattered.
Her mind was full of a mantra of four words slowly decreasing in length. Please let
me cum, please let cum, please cum, please, and cum. His pace was maddening and the
repeated approach to climax before being slammed back to approach again was driving
her mind of all rational thoughts. It might break her before he rebuilt her even
more loyal and strong. Her pussy was in pleasure but not bliss and no matter how she
moved could not cross that line. It was truly a mind-altering technique for pleasure
was far more difficult to resist than pain. The only thing that was more thorough in
its indoctrination was the combination, which Harry would discover during his next
visit to Azkaban.
“You are going to be my good girl, right Hermione?” Harry asked as all Hermione
could do was nod her head frantically in agreement. “Just remember good girls get
rewarded while disobedient girls get punished.”
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“Yes, sir,” Hermione said as she decided to refrain from longer words as it was
difficult enough to think of them let alone say them by this point, “bad… naught
Harry could hear the question even if Hermione was having difficulty matching words
up currently to form complete thoughts. As it was, he was using the teasing words
and time to lay out the simplified rule to hold his release back. It was driving
Hermione quite down and tearing away any resistance. That it would intensify his
pleasure and draw out things was just an added bonus.
He really would have to do a thorough deconstruction on the reasons for his behavior
in the near future. Ever since Halloween, he had found it more difficult to control
things. He had not expected to have Alice or Anne succeed in their attempts at
seduction for at least another year and closer to two based on his previous
resistance. Sure, they would try harder since his stop measure for eliminating the
discomfort of their monthlies could easily cross the lines to the sexual as it had
been a combination of massage and did involve them sitting on his face. It was odd
that he hadn’t gone sex mad when Anne had first surprised him by tugging his pants
open and sliding him down her throat. Since he had resisted after that point, he
should have been able to last a while before things spiraled out of control.
Ok, so his contemplating these things was in part to draw things out since he didn’t
want to let himself go into Hermione until her body was going to be sensitive when
she did have the endorphins taper off. He really didn’t want to have to do this
again or at least for a good while. Not the sex bit, but the punishment leaving one
of his with a tear stained face. Still, it was bothering him more than just
subconsciously that he had been overwhelmed by his hormones a good few years ahead
of schedule even if the goblins had told them that they were biologically detectable
to be older even if they were not chronologically older than they should have been.
“I suppose it depends on how you mean,” Harry said as he twitched a muscle to hold
back just a bit longer. “If you mean naughty girls like Dora is then they get fucked
like they need while if you mean disobeying in important things than that is
something different. Now if you mean bad as not sticking to the rules society says
we should while still resisting the temptations of idiotic bungling than that would
be similar. Being a good girl for me is not the same as being a goody two shoes
sheep. You already know that on some level…”

Her replies were whimpering and sobbing even as she frantically tried to make
herself climax as she moved into his motions. Since she had been led into his room
the previous day, Hermione had been disciplined harshly. Her master had not been
gentle with his application of pain producing implements. He had then made sure the
pain had gotten her good and worked up before placing a spell that made her unable
to reach a climax although it was nerve racking close. He had then proceeded to
attach several toys to keep her from dropping out of that hyper-aroused state. When
he returned while being heavily drenched with the scent of Dora and Dora’s lover, he
had given her a repeated administration of pain while she was still being
stimulated. After he had got the bed ready, he had let the part of the spell keeping
her from passing out release and she had slumped drained and still burning for
Her master had then woken her and talked with her before releasing the part that
held her mind numb from the sensations that had not been diminished even after
passing out. So now, here she was rocking her voice useless and trying to express
her emotions and apology while she felt him draw things out to make sure she got the
point. She could tell even in her current state that her master should have normally
flooded her by now.
“Now you are going to be a good girl or I can always call for Su,” Harry said adding
the extremely submissive girl to further drill the point into her mind. “She is
always eager to please and knows her role quiet well. I suppose leaving you like
this while I drive Su to heaven might make things abundantly clear.”
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Hermione’s eyes widened in concern and dread at that point, as she knew that Su was
one of the most submissive people she had ever seen. The petite oriental girl would
do anything for her master. She would have no problem if Harry used her as a chair
or used Hermione as a cushion while he screwed her mindless. Hell, Hermione was
certain that if he had her stand spread before them and whipped her brutally that
the girl would accept it with a smile on her face. That the girl would cum because
her master was finding her useful was beside the point. All this flashed through her
mind in a single heartbeat and left her with a single conclusion.

“I’ll be good,” Hermione squeaked out between ragged breaths, “Master!”

“That is good to hear, my good girl,” Harry said as he began to rock against her as
he held her tight to him. “I know that you would learn. Now take my cum, and I might
think about letting you… cum!”
“Yes, sir,” Hermione managed to slur out even as she felt him cum like a
high-pressure hose inside her. “Not going to let it out.”

Harry held her firmly against him as she ground back against him while he felt his
pressure release into her pulling depths. He felt a bit light headed similar to when
he had Dora suck him dry instead of just having a slight relief from the pressure.
Hermione would have likely passed out if the spell had allowed her as the not orgasm
but still extremely pleasurable sensation struck her wound up body.
“Now that feels really good for me,” Harry said as he savored the sensations he was
experiencing. “I think there is one more thing to do before I remove this part of
the punishment from you.”

“What is that master?” Hermione asked once her breathing had calmed some. “How can I
serve you?”

Harry heard the submissiveness in her voice and it made it abundantly clear that his
idea was a good one. Hell the last time Alice had started to get out of line when
they had been over for the holiday it had worked as a good enforcement and she
hadn’t been prevented from climaxing during it. He had been confided in by Anne that
it really did bring out the submissive nature especially if done right. Su was a
further example as even though the girl was almost the ultimate submissive and
fanatically loyal a minion one could ask for even Su had entered something of an
even more docile and puppy like state after a drawn out encounter of the truly
dominating kind.
“Well you were a good fuck and you do have some measure of a useful intelligence,”
Harry conceded as he tried to drive in how independent compared to her dependent
nature he was. “The rest of my collection has the same qualities but at least except
for Alice who seems to wish to be my chief servant the others are suitable sure of
their place and properly deferential and submissive to my wants and needs.
Therefore, you are left with a choice. You can either withstand my using your ass
until it is similarly taxed or I can call Su up and spend the rest of your
punishment before I head out with you watching as I drill her ass until she is
gasping and limp from the sheer number and intensity of orgasms. If it result in
that; however, you will realize that this punishment is far gentler than the
alternative. You will have this curse held on you until school lets out. You might
convince me to permit you a limited number of orgasms in that period of time, but
you would not be welcome in my bed nor would you be permitted to play with any of my
other toys. I will also have Alice take your place and allow the others to spend the
next year using you however they wish and it will be up to their discretion if you
have earned permission to be more than perpetually in need.”
Her master’s ultimatum hit her like an ice cold fish to the face. This was now a do
or die moment, and her entire world rested on her decision. Given what he had just
told her, there was little choice in the matter, but she also realized that if her
good behavior was not followed that his stated discipline would surely follow. Her
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life like that would be as much of a poor substitute as she could possible imagine.
The only thing that would have been worse was all that and being sent away to be
alone once more. To know that she had failed at life and that her cousin would beat
her was almost too much to bear.
“Your will be done, master,” Hermione said with her head bowed to her chest. “Use me
as you will. Life without you would be no life at all.”
Hearing the conviction I her voice made Harry smile. He had cut to the deep with his
demand, but he was aware that Hermione would be almost empty if that happened. It
was better to deal with this now before Hermione began to have anywhere near the
outburst it could have been. He was also aware that if he did send her away that she
likely would become clinically depressed so he really was hoping that would never
happen. Well she might also go completely bat shit crazy trying to gain his
approval. He really didn’t need the sudden attention of Hermione deciding that as
unlike his earlier followers she had yet to personally end a human life that she
should do something suitable extravagant to prove her dedication.
He shifted her forward and set her on the floor. Harry slowly let her tight grip
slide loose as he eased out of her. It was so tempting to just stay buried inside
her as her body felt so welcoming around him. Still, he slid out of her with a pop
and he looked at his soaked cock as it dripped some sticky clear with a hint of
sweetness liquid onto Hermione’s shuddering body. He placed the head against her
rosebud while giving her back and ass an appreciative grope.
“Do it, master,” Hermione begged as he was pressing the head just parting her
opening. “You made sure I knew that my pussy was for your pleasure first and
foremost. Now make me never forget who this piece of ass belongs to by reaming me
until you are satisfied!”
What could he say to that? Hermione had made it clear she wished her master to know
who owned her in body, mind, and soul. That he would be drained into her oh-so-eager
ass was a bonus for him. Besides, it made him feel better to know that he was not a
slave to his own lusts. That had been worrying him, but with the three ladies that
he currently had at his beck and call, there was not much stress unlike his
classmates who were left mostly dealing with their own urges. He also was aware that
Susan was raring for him to stop seducing her and make her one of his women.
Hermione was in a way precious to him, but he had to make it clear to her that even
with that he could do without her if she forgot things. Planets were dependent on
the sun not vice versa and he was the sun around which they orbited.
“Good girl,” Harry groaned out as he sunk into her ass with ease do to how
lubricated he was from cuming inside her pussy. “One down and one to go so just make
it through this and I will let you cum this time. You know I hate having to punish
you, but at least I didn’t pull out and cum inside Dora or something. I believe that
would have been even worse for you…”
She shuddered at that even as he ground his cock deep inside her. She could feel his
heat inside her even as he savored the warm embrace around him. Her eyes closed as
she reflected on how bad that would have been. To have her master screw her and then
pull out to cum inside or on some other girl would have hurt terribly. It would have
crushed her self-esteem to be considered that disappointing and unworthy. The only
thing that would have been worse would have been to be sent away. To lose having any
of his attention would be like condemning a flower to the slow death of being placed
in a sunless place.
“Yes, it would be,” she confessed to her master with body wracking sobs as the
thought almost chilled her out of her state of extreme arousal as it was so
terrifying. “That would be gut-retching in its torment. So please master, I will be
a good girl and eagerly enjoy your cock pounding my ass and filling it with your
cream like you sprayed your slave’s cunt…”
She felt his slow motions inside her as he pressed and ground into her. For a
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moment, Hermione wondered if she hadn’t been sincere enough in her pleading and that
he would pull out and leave her in need while going to Dora and letting her sate his
needs. She let out a sigh of relief even as her tears shinned on her face because
her master began to slide and stroke into her stretched ass. She could feel his
motions splashing his cum inside her now red from use pussy even if she couldn’t
feel how tender it was through her arousal.

“Just keep on being a good girl and I will enjoy your ass and leave it with soothing
cum often,” Harry told her as he started to move with more effort. “Still I plan on
taking my time in how long I pound your ass so you just need to last a bit longer
and you may cum when I am done.”
“Thank you master,” Hermione said as she slammed herself back against his cock. “I
won't let you down ever again. Now pound my ass like the master you are!”
Harry just smirked at that and did so. He knew enough that the girls tended to be
more accommodating after they had a good hard fuck especially when he reamed their
ass. Besides, he had been finding it difficult not to enjoy when the girls offered
so eagerly any particular pleasurable act. So why shouldn’t he savor a willing
encounter with one of his girls.
The chamber was soon silent from discussion as the only sounds heard were the
slapping of sweat covered flesh and Hermione’s sobs as she was kept on edge and
Harry’s moans as he approached releasing his orgasm and spurting into her thrusting
ass. Hermione was aware that her pussy was dripping still even as she felt the
contractions try to hold his previous ejaculation as deep inside as she could. Harry
was more aware of her ass being warm in his grip in addition to how steaming hot her
body felt beneath him. He did notice the warm liquid splashing his balls when they
slapped against her slit.
“Get ready,” Harry said even as Hermione seemed to vibrate as she felt his balls
draw up and his cock pulsed inside her. “Cum with me!”

“Hugh,” Hermione said as if she was gut punched while spraying his legs as her pussy
went crazy. “I’m coming, master! Thank you, master!”
Harry held her against him, as she seemed to try to drain him into her. His hands
were stroking her comfortingly as she sobbed out her release and joy at his finding
her punishment sufficient enough. She was happy of that Hermione was sure. She had
made things up to her master and he was no longer excessively disappointed with her.
“See now,” He told her as he stroked her face lovingly as he pulled her into his
lap, “that wasn’t so bad. It will all be better now.”

“Thank you, master,” Hermione said before he kissed her softly while he was still
buried inside her. “I am so sorry, master. I should have known better. Things had
been so easy that I got careless. I won't let it happen again. If I start to get a
big head, you should just drag me out of sight and give my ass a good reaming. I
feel so submissive now it is not even funny.”
“I will keep that in mind,” Harry said with a lazy smile. “I think you are a bit
fucked addled since I don’t think you are even noticing that you are still impaled
while in my lap.”
“I guess,” Hermione said with a drunk like giggle. “I am going to be so sore when
the euphoria from the endorphins wears off. I guess I should be grateful for the
“About that,” Harry said with a look that almost made her cold sober. “I think to
make sure that you have learned your lesson from this, I will have you heal as if
you were normal which means…”
“That my body is going to be aching,” Hermione sadly answered with a look of
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resignation. “I guess it will make me sympathetic for normal girls. I guess we will
need to clean up if we don’t want people to smell what happened.”

“Yes, we will and you will need to soak for a bit or it will hurt even worse,” Harry
said as he held her tight to him. “You will have a bit of soreness and you might
have a slight limp with difficulty sitting for a bit. Oh and you are not allowed to
use potions to ease things either.”
“I understand master,” Hermione said with her head down in supplication. “I will try
to be presentable so as to not bring undo attention to you, master. Now I think I
might need help getting there…”

“I believe that I will need to carry you since I can feel how limp those orgasms
left you,” Harry told her with a fond look. “Next time you want a rough and brutal
pounding and reaming ask instead of getting in trouble.”
“I will, master,” Hermione said as his hand reached under to support her. “I think
Dora might like trying something that intense in the future. I suppose it could have
been better if you had taken me while I was suspended. It is just something to think
about experimenting with on your girls in the future, master, nothing more than

“I see,” He told her while looking at her with an understanding gaze. “I know Dora
would have an interest and suspect that Alice might while Anne definitely will be
interested in such things. I suppose we will see where the other playmates fall in
the future. Everyone has their own interests and desires in regards to what really
gets their juices flowing. I am sure that there will be a way to have enough
playtimes in the future. Oh, we will be quiet busy this summer, but the stress from
that will require sufficient relaxation. There is a reason that normal jobs have the
hours that they do.”
Hermione nodded at that. Her voice was starting to feel sore and it was so relaxing
being held in his arms. She could almost just drift off and the day had barely
begun. She would definitely need the bath to be able to get her body to cope with
the required things scheduled for the day. She likely would end up sleeping the full
night away with how drained she was already. So much to do so little time she
realized, and her mistake had cut into both business and pleasure time.

With that discussion left for the future, Harry carried Hermione to the tub and let
her sink into it after he washed himself and then her clean of their night’s
exertions. Her head rested well above the water and he was toweling off even as he
heard her sigh as the water and the potions added to it eased her pain. She didn’t
fault her master, as she had been sloppy. It was not something she was prone to
doing, but she had let her faults return at what could have been the worst timing

“I hope you realize that I was not wishing to do something like that,” Harry said as
he spent the time to dry himself manually instead of using a quick spell, as he did
not want to become anywhere near as lazy as most wizards seemed. “Well at least not
when I couldn’t have been around to watch your punishment drive you to future
pleasure. I do think that you will be recovered well before I get back from my
errand as well as your first solo ritual performance. You might as well exercise
your mind while your body recovers even if that punishment was as much mental as
“Right you are, master,” Hermione said with a whimper as the warmth soothed the
aches in her muscles. “I don’t think I was this sore even after you broke the two of
us in that night. We have the necessary components for the ritual and it is one of
the few that we can use on Dora, since it seems that the family has some minor
abilities in the Art, but it resulted being at the cost of certain aspects of it not
being fully realized for most of them. Unfortunately, Dora cannot be inducted as we
were. A Black is born either to it or not as the case may be. It will be beneficial
to not have her so reliant on her shifting to heal things.”
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“Yes, that will be helpful,” he agreed with her even as he bent over to dry his feet
allowing Hermione to whimper at being too sore for another go at the moment. “I
wonder what affect the increased muscle strength will have on Dora. It is possible
that this ritual was the inspiration for that comic that Dudley became disinterested
in when the hero was no longer willing to use his power for his own gain.”

“It is called Spiderman,” Hermione said with a mild rebuke as she felt almost no
inclination to get on her master’s bad side after the nights punishment; although,
if it were getting another seeing to then that would be a different matter. “As for
the ritual, it is not that dissimilar to the ones we have done with the troll as it
will allow Dora to have an increase in physical abilities. Wither it is to the same
level as the comics is a different matter. As it is, we will be putting the
Acromantula infestation to a better use. While Lady Silver has been able to gorge
and re-attain a sufficient level of power, there are still far too many of those
spiders in the forest as they are ever expanding and hungry.”
“A very good point you have made, Hermione,” Harry said with a bit of pride in his
servant present in his voice as he put aside the disappointment in her actions. “It
seems that they appeared around fifty years ago and have slowly encroached on all
the other creatures there. At the very least, they have needed to be culled and it
seems that the people here are unwilling to do so. Considering that they do have an
issue with harming humans if not humanoid creatures I wonder why they seem to
believe the forest is some refuge for all the dangerous creatures. Something to look
into in the future; however, in the mean time, I plan to make good use of every
resource at our disposal. I expect for you to have this current assignment completed
by the time I get back. I have allowed the House of Black to sit too long without
proper leadership as well as permitting the resources there to linger without
“You will admit that the distance has prohibited such ventures,” Hermione said as
she wiggled her sore ass under the water for some relief. “Reliable transportation
in the Wizarding word comes in about three real methods, Floo, Apparition, and
Portkeys. None of which we had either access to or the ability to use unmonitored
for most of the time. While I believe that as a head of house, you have Portkey
creation rites there is the fact that would mean telling people that you are free.”

“That would complicate things as well,” Harry said as he looked at Hermione’s

ravished body recovering in the tub. “I suppose that you will spend the time while
Dora recovers prying out details of last night. Still it would have been nice to
talk about things instead of needing to be so strict. Still I think that the
punishment was in some ways a reward now that I think about it…”
“Ok, I will admit that a delayed orgasm is more intense, but that does not mean that
I want to spend an entire evening on edge like that,” Hermione said as her shifting
elicited a few slight aftershocks. “I hope that I don’t need something that extreme
to keep me in line for a while. As it is, I have always thought that Alice would
need to be disciplined harshly while Anne tends to respond sooner to corrections.
Yeah, Dora will be easier to pester after the ritual. Any idea when we can settle
things with Susan and Hannah? I have to admit that the game has been fun, but I
don’t think that they will be content for much longer. Susan at the very least would
have jumped you already if it wasn’t for her Hufflepuff loyalty.”
“That is something we can deal with during the short break,” Harry said as he slid
his pants on. “I don’t think that making them wait until after finals will work. I
just would prefer to have ensured that if things sour that there is nothing that
they can tell Susan’s aunt about that would cause us misfortune. Amelia Bones is a
very protective person. I suspect that if she had more of a budget that the Aurors
wouldn’t be so pathetic. It has worked to our benefit for them to be so incompetent,
but if they had actually been more than cops trying to be Special Forces most of the
drama from the war would have been averted.”
“It would have definitely prevented the rather lackluster actions of the bird club,”
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Hermione said with a frown, as she had been disappointed to have any attempt at an
authoritative role model dashed like that had been. “I cannot believe that you were
able to uncover all of that so easily. What was that man thinking? He led housewives
and young parents on a crusade to correct one of his own problems if what we have
learned is correct. He then gets most of them killed while chiding any that thought
of more appropriate and proportional responses. Is there any proof we can use to get
him locked away for senility or something?”
“Unfortunately not,” Harry said as he looked over his clothes to pick what would
make the best impression. “As for what he was thinking, I don’t think I want to look
inside his mind. Snape’s was bad enough as it was. It may be something that I will
have to do in the future, but it would be best to worry about such things in the
future. Now rest up, you are going to need your strength for the ritual, and your
punishment was quite draining on you.”
“Yeah it was, but at least I got to drain a little bit from you at least,” Hermione
said with a small smirk. “I think you enjoyed the way that my being so wound milked
you so satisfyingly. Still, it was frustrating being unable to cum while you found
your release before you removed that curse. I was so needy that you really let me
have it and was too drained to shrug off the strain.”
“I will admit that I did enjoy it and next time I think you will be better
restrained when discussing private matters in public,” Harry said as he picked out
the shirt and cloak like jacket to wear. “Besides, you never really mind when I give
any of your body attention let alone when it leaves your sensitive passages so
stimulated. I suppose we will eventually tell your parents as unlike Dora’s family
they seem to be worldlier. Dora’s mother seems to be someone who has issues. Still I
guess I will be seeing how far the apple falls from the tree…”

Hermione nodded in agreement and settled back as the heat had soothed her strained
muscles. Her master had punished her before leaving her hanging continuously halting
at orgasmic release while he was with Dora and her lover. She had been kept unable
to pass out and she had blacked out when he had removed that part of the punishment
as she had collapsed and slept until he woke her in the morning. He had savored and
used her churning needy body for his own satisfaction before allowing her to finally
lock up and blank out from the delayed orgasms hitting.

He had used the churning and spasms to have her needy holes milk him to a very
pleasurable conclusion. It probably would have been better if he hadn’t made her beg
and promise to be better behaved in the future. It was not as if Hermione had felt
bad that he had been fucking her to his pleasure, but more that she had gotten
conceited enough not to be mindful of things. Talking in their safe areas was one
thing, her letting words slip that could have been disastrous was something else.

‘It is mostly disappointment mixed with regret that I am feeling now,’ Hermione
thought as she looked at her master longingly. ‘I should have known better and if I
had remained that lax in as the security types would say operational discretion
things could have gotten very complicated. Susan may be in lust and crushing on
Harry, but she is also loyal to her aunt and making her choose could be disastrous.
I suppose I let my guard down, but master was quite stern and I don’t think I will
make that mistake for a while. My pussy and ass still feel it! Now all I have to do
while he is out is do a simple ritual for Dora. That shouldn’t be too difficult, but
then again I don’t want to be overconfident and arrogantly make mistakes either. I
was making the same mistake I was back in school when I was younger. I was starting
to believe that since I thought I knew more that I knew better… still all it cost me
was a night of discomfort and pain before master brought me to heel. I may not be a
dog even if at times I can be a bitch to people. I suppose Susan would have avoided
the whole situation with the loyalty that seems well ingrained already. It wouldn’t
be too bad being a bitch if it was being master’s bitch; why he might even let me
play with the puppies and the like!’
As her mind seemed to go down two tracks at once, Hermione was feeling the enhanced
healing being permitted to work its magic. Sure, her master had pounded both her
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eager holes, but this time she had been so worked up that she hadn’t been able to
handle it like normal. She had been worked over as if she was normal and had not
even had the minor enhancements from being a witch at any useable level. That most
likely had been the reason for the hanging about while on edge. It had made her body
burn through its safeguards until she felt things properly.
Hermione looked over to her master and part of her wanted to drag herself out of the
tub and have him do it again. The other part was aware that she had duties to attend
to and she could always rest on Dora while he alternated in exploring her body. In
the mean time he had things he had to do and as much fun as a spanking might be, she
would rather have her night end worn out and satisfied instead of squirming in need.
‘Now then there is still the fact that master can travel from here at ease now,’
Hermione thought as she felt her body protest at what it was wanting as it would be
a few hours at least to heal things up. ‘I suppose that is something else to
research now that we know it is possible. I guess that while the wards prevent most
methods there are still loopholes. I don’t think that the elves are capable of
transporting us through the wards or we would have done so already. Still there is a
chance that they could transport unconscious people, as that seems like something
that the pureblood parents would want their servants to be able to do. So much to do
yet this year and so many things to prepare for the rest of our time her, if I was
as I was a few years ago I would have already outlined my plans for OWL level
studies. So much that I would have been distracted with, but now I can focus better
even if it seems we have been hit harder with our hormones and emotions than others.
Still I will rest up a bit and I get to watch the poses and movements of my master
as he dresses. I suppose it is a nice little pleasure to enjoy while recovering.
Master really took me roughly this time but I don’t think I would have been any less
frantic after that torturous punishment. I guess the best thing I can do is make
sure that I don’t give a reason for that again.’
Hermione let those thoughts and her other trains of thought multitask through her
mind as a good chunk of her processing was in recovering and the constant
cataloguing of the strains she had been put through. She was making note to have
Susan see Harry in nothing but those pants and hopefully in a position to strain
them. She knew the developing girl would be even more hard pressed to not just tear
them off before impaling herself and pain be damned stretch herself until she passed
out. Something that she knew would need to be scheduled when they didn’t have
classes or too much monitoring of where they were. The coming holiday would be a
good time to see about making the girl cum from new things.

Sighing as he finished dressing while Hermione recovered and soaked off her exertion
even as he missed her slight pout at his no longer being as clearly ogle-able even
if she replaced not needing to undress him mentally with doing so, Harry realized
that he had things to do as much as he would have loved to have spent the day with
Hermione just massaging him with her warmth. His more ruthless and ambitious parts
of his personality disliked how easily his girls could distract him with fun. If he
let the girls around him have their way, he would likely be very happy and content
but never accomplish anything besides rendering the girls ruined for ordinary sex
and at some point, as they would have all been so exhausted pregnant do to
forgetting to use or reapply preventatives. No, as much as his hormones and pleasure
oriented behavior wanted otherwise, he had things to do.
Well to be accurate he always had things to do and Dora’s lover’s request had cut
into his time somewhat. Still his new plan would help out. It had taken time and
even if Night was not exactly a phoenix that did not mean that, the bird didn’t have
similar abilities. The problem had been while weight had not been a problem there
was the fact that his experiment on living things being transported had
complications. Oh, he had been able to send ingredients and the like through the
weird manner of travel that Night had gained; however, there was the fact that it
seemed to have spontaneously caused living things to drop dead.
‘Still with practice, Night was able to shield the living cargo from sudden death,’
Harry thought as he stood in the room of requirements with Night nearby. ‘My main
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problems since coming to Hogwarts were communication and transportation, and doing
so securely was the main concern. Normal owl mail was not secure enough, but Night
was a good option for communication. While I can commune with my bound servants, I
have to realize that it has issues even if it is secure. Having to enter a trance
like state to enter my own mindscape is an issue for the most part, as it would
leave me momentarily open. There likely is a way to communicate almost
telepathically while doing things, but there would need to be a way not to hear all
of their thoughts at once. Some enchantment to get into, but I don’t have time
enough to explore everything. I suppose I could try to minimalize the sex and such,
but considering that it is beneficial and even if I would never voice it to most, I
rather like it.’
Harry did a quick once over. With Hermione busy with Dora with that project and with
Kiki there as well, this was the perfect time to nip out to get some things done. He
had almost boringly asked the room to provide a method and it was depressing to find
one of a pair of cabinets. They were linked of course, but he would need to acquire
the other and coming out of it would tip the importance of it. He could always
acquire it after his stop. Beside he wanted to see what Night was doing. That he
suspected that it would be an ability he could acquire later was one of the main
“We best be off Night,” Harry said before the bird perched on his shoulder. “I know
where we are going, you have checked it out for me already, and you have scouted the
place out for me already so there should be no problems on that end…”
As soon as he trailed off, he seemed to fade to shadow from the room. As usual, a
house elf popped in to deposit more of the things the students had lost. The room
shifted to a crammed narrow isled cluttered mess. The elf placed the thing there and
left. As far as any of the elves were concerned, life was normal for them.
For Harry, a moment passed as the world blurred around him before he appeared in
front of a rather dilapidated looking house in London. Harry looked to the left and
to the right as he felt something try to push the location of the house from his
mind. Harry had encountered one of the typical ward sets that the purebloods used
for their London residences. A variation on the muggle repelling charm in that it
was able to make people not notice the place even if they were wizards. Mostly it
kept uninvited individuals from dropping in; however, it was rather useless against
Aurors and the like. It also had the fatal flaw in that it was less effective
against kin and as most so-called purebloods were related it was thus diminished in
some manners. That it was ideal to keep the uppity mudbloods in their place was
something that should have been a given.
“Lovely,” Harry said as he focused on the door and the particulars there. “It seems
that we have one last hurdle to use since the last owner died…”
Night gave a caw of irritation. Harry approached the door and the snake shaped
doorknob. He was half tempted to try Parsel on it, but was unsure if that would work
off hand. Still he let his magic build up and allowed it to flow freely. It would
not do to be unprepared here and need time to draw his magic to the fore. Faint
traces of black fire seemed to come into existence as his hand touched the doorknob.
He felt it searching his magic and came to a realization.
“I, Lord Harry James Potter-Black the Black of the House of Black, claim ownership
of this house,” Harry said as he felt his magic struggle to control the houses
wards. “I command the wards to obey!”
The resistance of the wards crumbled and they snapped to his control. He felt the
magic that was buzzing just beneath the surface of his skin and that some of it
flowed into the wards to strengthen them. He grabbed the doorknob and turned it.
Entering into the house, Harry looked around. There was a troll-leg umbrella stand
with what looked like a rather annoying tripping curse. A little further was a
curtain around a painting. As was typical in a magical environment, the painting was
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animate and a person was there. The woman and it was a woman seemed to be quite
irritated. His eyes glanced around the rest of the house.

Harry took a slight inhale of the house. It was dirty, filthy and stank of disuse.
He was confused by that when he noticed the scent of a living house elf.
“This will never do,” Harry said as he let his mind scan the wards. “I thought this
was supposed to be the ancestral house of Black not some muggle hovel!”
‘That ought to get the pureblood in the portraits attention,’ Harry thought with
glee as he felt the portrait start and try to worm her way into the wards.
‘Hopefully she calls the elf so I get its name since it seems quite crazy from the
“Identify yourself,” the portrait hisses. “Kreacher get over here!”
“Mistress calls Kreacher?” the pathetic looking elf says as it appears. “What can
Kreacher do for Mistress?”

“There is someone in this house,” she says even as she looks at the elf in full
command over it. “I, Walburga Black, Mistress of this house, command you to find
them and bring them to me!”
“That won't be necessary,” Harry says as he steps into view. “I have to admit that I
am rather disappointed with the way this house has been maintained; although, I am
unsure wither it is the elf’s fault or your own. What right do you have to claim
command of this house, Portrait? You were of a cadet house and married back into the
main. To make matters worse, it is weak fools like you that have brought shame to
this house.”
“Who are you to disparage me in my own house?” Walburga asked with a sneer. “How did
you get in here anyways? I do not know you…”

“You are quite senile for a witch, weren’t you?” Harry asked looking the pair over
with something approaching pity in his eyes. “I would think it obvious considering
that the wards heed my will. I am the Master of this house, the Black of Black, and
I will not allow any shortsighted traitor like you to continue to tarnish the
history and traditions of this house.”

“Do you have any proof of that?” Walburga asked with a sneer. “You may have been of
Black blood to get in here, but a child like yourself would never be named the

“Considering that I take after the traditions of the first Black?” Harry asked in
amusement as he let the Black flame form in his hand as well as stepping out and
then having his companion suddenly appear on his shoulder. “Your cadet branch may
have forgotten, but it was written into the laws of this house in regards to
ascension to head that one with the gift in full would be next to lead after the
current leader ceases to rule.”

“So one of the families has inherited the legacy,” Walburga mussed as she tried to
think of how this came to be. “From which child do you hail?”
“That is complicated as while I do have Black blood in the past, the more recent tie
I have is from one of your sons,” Harry said with a sudden frown. “I do wonder why
you would propose supporting this recent Dark Lord.”
“He was rather outspoken on preserving our culture,” Walburga said while trying to
place which son it had been from that this child was tied. “Besides, he opposed
Dumbledore’s downward spiral on our culture, our heritage, our rights and our very
means to defend us. We could not and should not have allowed things to degrade as
far as they did. How any of the families didn’t realize that the ministry was going
to restrict our heritage is a mystery. If it had not been for some heavy lobbying,
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they would have banned far too much of the families magic. At least the blood
traitors were able to see where their own interests laid in that matter…”

“I am not the most ardent advocate of the old man,” Harry said as he leaned against
the wall, “but there had to be a better choice. I mean that I have a very good grasp
of what this self-proclaimed Dark Lord did to his followers as well as his enemies.
Besides, he spat in the face of his own heritage among other things. I think one of
the things I find that he did that was the most repulsive is that he treated his
followers worse than house elves! I mean; really, what kind of leader curses his
followers when they succeeded just because he can? He tortured them with less care
than one would for a muggle pet!”
“He did what?” Walburga asked in rage. “He did that to my son!”
“Oh, he did that to the rest of the Blacks that followed him,” Harry said as he had
a slightly glazed look in his eyes. “I would think that his doing something that
none of the old families that are well versed in the dark arts would do would be
almost as shocking. He experimented in soul magic and splitting his soul in

“What?” she asked wide eyed in shock. “Anyone in the know about those magics knows

“Yeah,” Harry said with a bit of repressed violence radiating from him. “He did it
more than once that I know about, but the shocking thing was he did so when he was
sixteen. I mean the only thing he had going for him was being a descendent of
Salazar Slytherin. It was odd that no one seemed to remember that the last group
that claimed that was the Gaunt Family and they were practically squibs!”

“Yes, there was a bit of a scandal about that, but I thought that they died out in
the early forties,” she mused even as she wracked her memory construct for the
knowledge of that time. “The last of that line was sent to Azkaban over some muggles
and died not too long after being released. Where did you get your information from
if I may be so bold, young lord?”
“Right from the serpent’s mouth,” Harry said with a sigh as he contemplated on all
that Lady Silver had told them. “I also investigated what happened to the rest of
the Black Family. I suppose no one told you that the supposed savior of Wizarding
culture was doing his best to destroy it. How many lines have been lost do to his
actions? Proud, noble, and ancient families were struck down just because some kid
had a grudge with that meddlesome old man. It was never about preserving our world
but a scuffle between two powerful wizards. Dumbledore, may he rot being eaten by
wild dogs, was never the bastion of good and wholesomeness that he portrayed.
Unfortunately, he is still too popular to deal with in a permanent way.”
“I see,” she said slowly as she tried to figure things out now. “So you are not one
of that man’s yes men. I had hoped that Sirius would manage to stay away from him,
but he didn’t exactly see things clearly at times. Still, considering what rumors I
last heard than perhaps Regulus was on to something.”

“From what I was able to learn,” Harry said as he had managed to get a bit of
information from the ghosts over the years, “Regulus was killed by the supposed Heir
of Slytherin. He found something out that so disgusted him that he made a choice.”
“What was that?” she asked in interest. “What could have been so shocking that he
would murder my son? Tell me!”
“Mistress,” Kreacher said as he bowed to his mistress. “Kreacher may know what this
is about. Master Regulus entrusted me with an item. He did not order me not to tell
you, but he wished it to be a secret and only told when one of House Black had asked
about it. He charged me to destroy it if possible and safeguard it otherwise…”
“How interesting,” Harry said as he looked at the elf. “Kreacher, go get this item
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as both your former mistress and I wish to see it.”
Kreacher barely glanced at both before popping away to retrieve the item. Walburga
gave a slight inclination of approval at her elf. It was far more capable than some
elves she had the misfortune to have lingered too long. Why the elf that Narcissa
seemed to have to deal with was quite eccentric, still the Malfoys were not known
for properly rewarding their elves as the Blacks were. They did have the lesser
trained elves. It was a sad necessity to tie their families together, but the
Malfoys were on the rise while the Blacks had been declining, as of late it seemed.
They had needed to spend far too many galleons to secure their holdings.
“It is good to see an elf so properly devoted,” Harry said with a nod of approval at
the elf’s behavior. “He also appeared to be very good at knowing what his master or
mistress needs before they do, a true mark of a good elf. Now Walburga I suppose he
didn’t show it to you for some reason. It is likely to have protections and rather
heavy compulsions if I know that individual as well as I believe I do. “
“You were saying about this item that Kreacher is fetching, as well as more on this
dark lord that dared to slay my son,” Walburga stated with a rage that was more real
than her normal anger. “I wish to know more of this. He had promised the return of
tradition and to prevent the degradation that was spreading…”
“A lie to gain supporters among the wealthy purebloods,” Harry countered as he had
realized that Voldemort had picked the crusade that the wealthy would listen to in
order to gain their gold and manpower. “He had little care of the culture or the
beliefs around him save for how they would benefit him. As for how I know these
things it seemed he had little belief that serpents and especially thousand-year-old
basilisks were more than dumb animals to be used as he wished. It would appear from
what Lady Silver, Lord Salazar Slytherin’s own basilisk and guardian of his lore,
has to say on the matter. It seems that this dark lord was from the Gaunt Family as
I said before and they had little to no concern for their minions as well as having
wasted their part of the estate. It is amazing what one can overhear if one is not
believed to be intelligent enough. I suppose that some have used their animagus
transformations to achieve such things…”
“Yes, that is in part of why the ministry wishes to keep tabs on who has succeeded
in learning it,” she said as she pondered all of the upheaval that had occurred.
“You are a parselmouth then. I wonder where you gained that from, but it does not
matter I suppose. You are of the Black and yet have the gift of Slytherin as well.
You will be interesting. I can see that already young Lord Black. I suppose you have
a reason not to tell me what name you were born as then?”
“I have to be certain that neither the meddlesome ministry nor old man can access
such information,” Harry said as he looked about as the elf had appeared and waited
silently and as unnoticeable as possible to present his discovery. “I have
suspicions about some of my family, but I will say that Black blood flows in my
veins and it seems that both your sons discovered some secrets that brought them to
where they are. Voldemort slayed Regulus for his discovery and Sirius rots in
Azkaban innocent of the crime he committed while the younger families offered gold
for pardons. An over site I plan to correct as well as dealing with restoring the
family to prominence. The marriage with the Malfoys was mutually beneficial;
unfortunately, the Lestranges were a disaster. Neither brother cared for the
continuation of the family merely their own comfort. They have failed quite
splendidly in ensuring that their family was continued and seemed to lack the power,
will, or ambition to thrive. Voldemort has ruined both the Slytherin reputation and
house. I wonder what else he has ruined… I see.”
“I see what my lord?” Walburga asked in interest. “How has he ruined things is
something I would also like your opinion on?”
She kept quiet how he had a better chance to claim that house as well. The Gaunt
Family were not exactly well liked and their fall was one that some felt couldn’t
come too soon especially after ruining everything they had. Parsel was a
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prerequisite to claim the house and if he was the Potter boy like she suspected from
the way he had some favorable opinions of Sirius than he had a shot at having won a
trial by combat. As it was, she felt a bit of hesitation if he was that child, as
the mother was believed to be of muggle stock. His current actions and some of the
past actions of the Evan’s girl might complicate things. Sirius had lacked the gift
as had Regulus. Oh, they had as much as all Blacks did, but they lacked the raw
danger to her current existence. The echo in a portrait was as susceptible to the
magics of death as any ghost was. She had no inclination to be lost to this world
quite yet.

“The item that he used is the Locket of Slytherin,” Harry said with a frown at it.
“This means he likely has used other items of Slytherin or possibly the other
founders rendering them useless or worse to need to be destroyed to deal with him
permanently. I could burn his mind or his flesh, but I am unsure if I am able to
destroy the soul as easily at this point. To be precise, I am unsure of how to do so
at this time without the use of a Dementor. They do make useful servants I suppose…”
“I see,” she said as she further observed the young lord. “Contaminating relics
would be offensive especially one of a kind items, it is also something that I don’t
think most of the traditionalists would be in favor of doing. If I may be as so bold
my lord, but which of the flames have you developed? The family may not have had
access to more save the black, but the older members were educated about them. It is
similar to the lack of traditional knowledge at Hogwarts lately. Far too many of the
traditional magics have vanished since our attending let alone our elders...”
“Five,” Harry said with a bit of a thoughtful look. “Black, White, Red, Blue, and
Silver color wise I have accessed. I would not say that they are mastered quite yet.
The last I have recently gained and as such have yet to fully explore its abilities.
It does show some similarities to the black and white, but there is something
different to it.”
“I see. Well that is a bit more than I had thought,” she said with a bit of
contemplation. “Have you tried combining any of them yet?”

That was something she wanted to know, as it was something she had been a bit
obsessed about in her younger years. There had been legends of those that had
combined normal flame attacks with the Black Flame her family possessed, but there
was so little that had been discovered. There had been so much she had found in the
old journals, but she could not use the other flames and thus was unable to fully
test some of her suspicions.
“I have and it had some interesting results,” Harry commented as he considered what
to do with the abomination in front of him. “I wonder, the black causes physical
damage while also restoring the mind in a way it does so to allow the pain to be
inflicted more while the white causes mental trauma while it can repair even the
most grievous of harm. Combining them seems to be capable of snapping a personality
while also curing it from madness while doing the same to the body. Fiendfyre does
have some semblance to the black. It could have been a poor attempt to copy a gift
with ordinary magic.”
Walburga kept quiet as the young master deducted things. She really didn’t wish to
inform the young master of a way he could easily destroy her even as she wished the
abomination before her to be destroyed. She didn’t wish to know who his parents were
at this moment any longer. It was obvious that he came from strong blood and he had
likely enhanced himself in ways that while their blood could benefit that they had
been unable to utilize fully.
“Basilisk venom, Fiendfyre and the killing curse will destroy such things of that I
know,” Harry said with a far off look in his eyes as some of the peripheral
information he had acquired were pieced together in a frightening manner. “The
killing curse existed to prevent ghosts and animation of the dead. The creation of
Infiri was an attempt to duplicate such things and they work wonderfully on those
killed by that curse. Infiri are dreadfully susceptible to Fiendfyre as normal
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zombies and similar are readily destroyed by fire and the black flame doubly so. The
white repairs even as it harms… the black would likely be able to destroy this…
there has to be more to it… a combination could…”
Harry trailed off as he had conjured a flame and observed it while trying to see
what he felt had to be obvious. He recalled what had happened when he had combined
the black and white on Bellatrix. He felt a bit of hesitation to let the woman hear
about that right now. There had to be something about the silver that was unique
even if it seemed to have properties he already understood.

He let the flames swirl and flow around his hands. They moved as if alive and it
seemed similar to the forms that Fiendfyre took. Still he didn’t feel anything near
the supposed difficulty in directing it that one had with that curse. It was very
easy to cast but extremely difficult to control properly. He supposed that it was a
good thing that Kreacher had not presented the necklace to her.
‘The fragment likely did not wish to inhabit a house elf,’ Harry thought as he
watched the way the flames seemed to shiver as he let a bit of the silver mix
between the two others. ‘From what I know of him, he would never permit himself to
acquire such a form unless there was no choice. Besides, none of his followers would
listen to him if he did come back in that form. A Dementor or similarly intimidating
form, but they would never take the elf seriously…’

“I see. It seems so obvious now,” Harry said as he watched the form of silver swim
among the other flames also having their own creatures visible moving among it. “It
comes down to how a unicorn would affect something. They are creatures of purity of
either benevolence or malevolence. One is attracted either to the innocent as it is
pleasant or to devour it. They know if someone is to be trusted or not. Why it might
be even impossible to strike down someone who is fitting certain ideals, I see it
clearly, now that there was a cost to this that I hadn’t considered. Still this will
work, Kreacher do not move. I will do what Master Regulus wished and destroy the
abomination that resides there. Afterwards we can retrieve what he substituted for

“Yes, master,” said Kreacher as he stood with a slight tremble. “I will follow
master’s command to the end…”

Harry gave a look of approval at that statement. Loyalty was important and this elf
was willing to die to fulfill their master’s orders especially there death wish.
That was something that he could respect. The elf even suspected that he might be
destroyed to do so, but Harry could tell the elf thought it was better to die than
fail even if it meant his head could not be mounted on the wall as he had seen the
elf look at it with acceptance.

“Don’t move,” Harry commanded as he let the flame build and form a definitive
creature of glowing silver fire. “This will hurt, but do not drop the locket until I
tell you.”
He suspected that the possession might be able to reach out to something if it got
close. A containment circle would have been better but this thing had to be
destroyed now. He was unsure if it had gained any ability to influence creatures
around it, but he didn’t want to take a chance at it escaping.
A silver serpent with dragon influences rose up to strike. It leapt from the
floating twisting and ethereally attractive yet disturbing mass. It flew straight
and struck the necklace. A black cloud tried to escape, but the serpent coiled
around Kreacher and prevented it from escaping. The heat was intense and if it was
not for the fire resistant if not outright immune charms on the floor, it was likely
that the mass would have torn through the floor below and possibly the ground for a
ways beneath.
The flames licked the old decrepit elf and Harry could see the pain in his eyes. As
the serpent head chased the phantom within the fire, he could see the changes that
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occurred to the still determined elf. The rags that covered it had long since been
burned to ash before becoming even less than that. As it was, Harry was certain that
if the elf survived that it would be changed. He was amazed that it hadn’t been
consumed yet, but he had a feeling that whatever made the silver different had a
specific property that he was most grateful for being there.
‘It is possible that I am right and that the silver is incapable of harming innocent
people by whatever definition that it uses,’ Harry said with the slightest rise to
his eyebrow to indicate anything but the absolute concentration he was exerting. ‘It
already is unable to harm the wielder like the rest which is far better than the
Fiendfyre as it can consume the caster as easily as their enemies. I suspect now
that the silver would be unable to harm my allies or at least in no permanent
manner. It is possible that it would consume the Dursleys and leave some around them
unharmed. I suppose if a blade with such properties was used it would be unable to
kill the innocent and would become as dull as wood against them and as sharp as
possible against someone like our usual victims.’
Harry watched as Kreacher was obviously in pain as the black cloud tried to escape
from being devoured. He doubted that it would take much longer but he could feel
that there was little chance that the elf was going to be how it was before. The
shade of Voldemort was tiring and within a few moments, it ceased to exist. He felt
a bit of dark glee as it keened and wailed struggling in the serpentine maw.
The serpent still coiled and slithering around Kreacher look to Harry as if
wondering what to do next; it was obvious that while there was an intelligence
present that it was nowhere near as independent as the companions. With a nod of his
head, the serpent released Kreacher and returned to Harry. He saw that the dedicated
elf refused to fall.

“Kreacher, you have done well,” Harry said looking at the elf with respect. “Go and
recover, you have served the house well and fulfilled Master Regulus last wish.”

“Yes, Lord Black,” Kreacher said reverently and with a dignity that lacked the usual
idiosyncrasies of a house elf. “Your will be done…”
With that, the drained house elf disappeared with a silent pop causing Harry’s body
to shift in interest. Something had been changed with the elf, but he had seen the
fanatic loyalty the elf now had for him apparent in his eyes. It seemed to remind
him of the way that Bella had looked as the flames rebuilt her.

“It seems that the silver is far more complicated than I had thought,” Harry said as
the serpent slithered around him and amongst the flames dancing around him. “I will
return to discuss other things in the future. Do let Kreacher know that I require
this place restored to an appropriate appearance; however, I suspect the silver has
changed him and will be more appropriate than the elves have been. I wonder if this
will make the difference in curbing their own decay, but I suppose we will see in
the future. Come Night, we had best be off. Until we meet again, Walburga Black, be
“Of course, my lord,” she said as the new Lord Black vanished with the night bird.
“Your will be done…”

The Chamber of Secrets was more than it appeared to be. No Slytherin would be so
straight forward to have everything in some main chamber. They were sneaky and
cunning or at least they used to be. Even down a secret passage and past a locked
door the immediate chamber was not the real secret. There were a number of secret
passages and chambers off the main one and it was a true trove of useful things.
They had learned from Lady Silver that Salazar Slytherin was nothing like history
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had portrayed him. Even the purebloods of that era would have been disgusted with
their modern descendents actions. The basilisk and Kiki had in fact culled a number
of the Acromantulas in the forest among other things. In addition, they had gathered
ingredients to perform the old styles of magic.
“Are you sure this is everything?” Dora asked Hermione as they went over the
ingredients. “I mean I may not be an expert at these things, but I always thought
that these things were just superstition for the most part.”
“Ritual magic is ancient in origin,” Hermione said with the slightest twinge
remaining from her previous night’s punishment. “As all magic, it is derived from
intent and will. The methods are difficult to understand at first, but there is a
reason that the components are, while not necessary, a part of the sacrifice.
Symbolism is important as well. In the end, blood is telling and in a way more so
than the purebloods believe. There is a reason it is called the river of life…”
“I suppose you would know more of that than I would,” Dora said as she looked over
where she would be. “Mother was rather insistent on what little I learned of

“This is one of the oldest traditions after all,” Hermione said, as she looked over
the circle that Dora would be inside. “There were reasons why these things are
powerful. Wands allow for quick magic, but the traditional methods allow for more
powerful and profound magics. Most wand magic is easily dealt with if one knows how.
The investment beforehand allows for more permanence to be created. You will of
course have to be nude during this and you will likely be drenched in blood. For
this, you will have to strike at least one of the Acromantulas. This does have some
similarity to some of the older Celtic and Druidic traditions. Sacrificial magic
cannot be done solely for another without consequence. Other methods require a
shifting of costs. Decorating your body with permanent runes is an option, but not
one that is practical at your apparent age. It would create complications and they
are not so easily concealed.”

“I see what you mean,” Dora said as she stripped down and looked over the
preparatory potions. “I don’t think I would like to have my skin covered with runes
just yet. It might be different in a few years as long as I can pass most of them
off as muggle tattoos. I think when it would work as a way to rebel against mother
dearest at the appropriate time. It would need more research anyways, right?”

“Right,” Hermione agreed as she licked her lips in appreciation of Dora even in her
base form. “I suppose you could try morphing a few on to see how they look. Still
that is something for a different day, for now we will have to do some preparation.
The ritual that we performed was the basis for the subsequent ones; unfortunately,
that is not possible with you. It seems from what Harry has discovered in the
records is that the Black Family was founded by a necromancer as was the line of
Slytherin. This rendered the ritual that enabled us to learn the art full to either
be born with the ability or not. It does allow the lesser abilities to be learned
and the familial gift of black necromantic fire. Still this came at a cost; however,
this ritual is one that does not require that base. It is eased by it, and will
allow some flexibility in the future.”
While she had been talking, Hermione had been leering and licking her lips not just
in appreciation but anticipation as well. Dora’s base from was already something
that would stiffen the boys and make the girls drip. She had perky breasts that were
nice and supple with enough muscle and tone mixed with the curves to make Hermione
almost postpone the ritual to ravish the girl. The recovering Hermione was already
feeling the warmth from staring at Dora. She could just imagine how the girl would
look in some of the outfits that she had seen in that magazine. Hermione was aware
that Dora would look positively edible in a short skirt with boots with a tummy
showing corset and most definitely a collar showing her status on her lick and
nibble able neck. Now throw a leather jacket that could double for a blanket to
ravish her on whichever surface was available would be an added bonus. Now with
something to emphasize her already long and delightfully caress able, kissable, and
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arousing legs such as stockings or something more appealing than mere pantyhose,
Dora would be lucky not to cause spontaneous orgasms from her mere appearance.

‘Yes, that would be delicious,’ Hermione thought as she let Dora drift over to the
rancid smelling potions. ‘Dora already is going to be a looker for the rest of her
life and this will only make it more difficult not to ravish her. I suppose I should
feel some resentment that the master got to ravish her while I hung while in need
last night, but his using me this morning helped ease some of my worries. He could
continue if he lost us and while he would be diminished for a time that pales at how
broken we would be if he was lost to us.’
Hermione was well aware of that simple truth. Harry was not someone that you could
remain neutral to if you interacted with him. His antisocial persona was in part to
combat that affect. He would either be loved or hated to the extreme. She could
already see that the girls were looking at him longingly while the boys looked at
him in envy and it would get worse as he matured. The girls would become jealous
once they realized how close they were to him while the boys would look longingly at
them as Harry would in spite of intentions end up parading them around the school
and then society when they graduated.

Dora was already being groomed for that and her appearance when not covering up
would have required physical threats to curb people from being overcome with her
appearance. It was likely that this ritual would mean that Dora would have to morph
to a less appealing form in public as it improved things. In private, Hermione was
sure that Dora would have little worry of Harry not being willing and eager to
sample her willingly offered body. Her lover would likely spend hours cataloging the
changes and savoring them as well. Now thanks to her actions, Hermione would likely
not be able to watch Dora’s lover being claimed until the woman had no desire to
ever give Harry a reason not to see her.
Still, Hermione found it cute and adorable how Dora’s nose twitched at the pungent
aroma from the potions. The body shudder was also making the girl’s body bounce in
ways that made Hermione clamp her thighs tight to prevent herself from pouncing on
the nude and eye-catching form of her friend, companion, and often time’s intimate
bedmate. The only thing that would make Dora more ravishing would be if her body
developed and curved in a manner similar to Bella Black had before her family threw
her to the degenerates. Hermione had seen a picture of her along with the other
ladies that had been contemporaries of Harry’s red haired seductive goddess of a
mother. It was no wonder that Harry’s father had been obsessed with the girl that
could drive eunuchs to regrow their balls.
“Well that is good to know,” Dora said as she looked at the more disgusting than
normal potions having not noticed that Hermione was contemplating ravishing her
right there. “So I have to drink the potion, stand here, and sacrifice an
Acromantula that is trying to kill me. Are you sure I don’t need runes or something
drawn on me?”
‘That could be interesting,’ Hermione thought before trying to not imagine
decorating Dora along with how pleasurable it could be. ‘Still from the research
rituals do not require such things…’
Dora looked at Hermione as she watched the girl mull over her question. She agreed
with Harry that brainy girls were sexy and Hermione was as good an example as Penny
was in that regard. If she had Master Harry dress Hermione just right, she knew that
her master’s second would be able to make the boys incoherent. She could sympathize
with the former lonely girl in having had a lack of self-esteem before Harry had
come storming into her life. It was a way that they were both similar as well as
Harry had dragged her out of her own funk despite the friends that she had.
Besides, it was not as if their interactions were unpleasant and were both mentally
and physically stimulating. Hermione could hold her own in a battle of wits and
words with a healthy debate still having enough passion in it to stimulate those
around her. She wondered how the girl hadn’t been sought after she gave a truly
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passionate speech, as it seemed almost inconceivable to overlook her when she was
like that. She looked almost as if she had just been passionately wound up with her
hair loose and flowing wildly like that with her lips puffed up as if they had been
kissed long and eagerly. As good as her friend looked like doing that, Dora knew
that her face was more beautiful when she was in the throes of heaven. She had spent
plenty of time between her legs gazing at her face during those times to be sure of
Now if she could only convince herself that the high point of her life would be to
spend her life nude save a collar in his chambers for the rest of her life only
leaving when parading her to the world and having been taken until her body could
take no more as often as she could, then the girl move on with things. Yes, he had
freed her but it had unleashed the built up needs to a near obsessive level. She
doubted she would rest well if he hadn’t spent some time inside her body on any
given day. Dora supposed that she was sex obsessed bordering on being a nymphomaniac
at time, but most of the time she felt as if she was trying to make up for lost time
that her friends had spent having fun. Still, her dream was her dream and she knew
that having that to come home to would make anything bearable.
“Well, they would not be necessary, but it might make things easier,” Hermione said
as she thought it over and realized that it would be fun to do. “They wouldn’t be
permanent though… still it would constrain any of the more obvious signs. It would
likely feel more intense… I suppose that you might enjoy that since I know it can be
quite thrilling. As it is, this ritual will enhance your physical attributes such as
agility, strength, speed, and stamina. There may be other abilities that manifest,
but those are the ones I am sure of at this time.”

“It does sound like a sweet deal, but that makes me wonder why others don’t use such
magics anymore or at least talk about it,” Dora said before Hermione handed her the
noxious potion to down. “OK, the potions taste worse than any other I have had, but
then again I thankfully have never needed skellegrow. It could have been worse. If
the twins were just a bit more uncaring in their pranks, I probably would have made
a good target. Now all that is left is the runes then before starting?”

“Yes, even though they are not necessary they will limit anything that would act
like a contagion or make you visibly appear like a half breed,” Hermione said as she
took up the quill and potion to ink. “I suppose we could do permanent ones later but
that would likely require blood added to the mix. Odd now that I think about it, but
Voldemort’s mark is so much like a bastardized poor imitation. I suppose he could
have been inspired by such old magics. It was a shame that the Celtic method was
weak against the same thing as the Fae were. Still, we can use the lessons of that
to our advantage to safeguard this. The blood runes wouldn’t have those problems but
they would be permanent while these will fade to ash when this is done.”

Dora nodded as Hermione continued to draw the sets of containment and direction
runes. There were other ones that she had learned already that she added and not
just because they looked good on their toy. It would likely affect Dora’s animagus
form in some manner or add a form at the least. There was a possibility that Dora
would gain the ability to morph organs from the spiders as well. This was in part
why normal magicals had fallen out of favor of such magics, as they were powerful
but not necessarily predictable.
Dora tried not to get worked up as Hermione traced her still responsive skin with
the quill. A part of her wondered if it would feel better if it were a brush teasing
her skin. Hermione wasn’t exactly thinking by this point going more on intuition in
placing things. For some reason the shapes seemed to swim in her mind as she worked.
Her hand was constantly moving tracing a complicated pattern of symbols, signs, and
sigils on Dora’s skin. Curved and enticing shapes seemed to mix near her more
explicit areas. There was a web like weave cupping her breasts and sex while
highlighting her ass. There were other concentrations that formed on her shoulders
before tracing down to a complex weave on her elbows that led to a knot at her wrist
and ending on a circular seal on her palm. This was mirrored on her thighs down to
her feet although the shapes resembled web shaped stockings.
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The end result, as Hermione stepped back and broke her trance to observe her
handiwork, was that Hermione took a look and gasped at the elegant beauty that she
saw. Oh, she knew that her lover and her master’s plaything standing before her to
be gorgeous, but this time she saw Dora with more of an eye to how she would
eventually look. If it wouldn’t cost her having Harry whip her and leave her begging
to be taken, Hermione would have been tempted to just take Dora right there. The
only thing better would have been Dora being suspended and chained to the floor
while she drove her body wild with sensations.

“Now grab your blades and get ready to get drenched in blood and gore,” Hermione
said with an amused smirk. “Afterwards when you have recovered, we can see how long
you can stay tight while having both of my fists shoved inside. As it is, prepare
Dora was crouched with her knees spread allowing Hermione to get a view of how the
art enhanced Dora’s appeal. In the next moments a number of Acromantulas at least
Dora’s size were driven forward towards the circle. Lady Silver made sure that the
spiders were corralled into the path of their destruction. Hermione looked on as
Dora reveled in the slaughter as she hacked the spiders apart.
She looked glorious as she snarled and swatted at the spider that was out of her
reach. Her first rage induced access of her familial gift left charred spider in its
wake. The dismembered limbs littered within and without the circle. Her body was
drenched in blood and yet the marks that Hermione had applied were still visible and
had started to glow as the deaths mounted. Dora was high on bloodlust and it was a
grand thing that she didn’t have to remember what to chant for this type of ritual.

“Die, bleed, and scream,” Dora cackled as she carved her way through the swarming
spiders unknowingly looking as a spitting image of Bellatrix when she tore through
her own master’s enemies. “Come on and die!”

The large spiders started to drop in number. The floor near her was drenched in
blood and bits as a testament to the potion induced frenzy. The bits quivered as
some while mortally wounded were not quiet dead yet. Hermione had been freeform
declaring her chants as Dora weaved and waved through the sea of bodies. Dora was so
flushed with the endorphins that she didn’t notice the pain flaring with her heart
or the way the decorations pulsed as Hermione repeated her intent.

“Catch,” Hermione sent as she chucked one of the smaller spiders to Dora before
shouting out, “With blood flowing of the hunt let the gifts of the hunted be passed
to the hunter!”
Both blades catch the small almost large tarantula sized spider in its abdomen as
Dora gazes at it in a haze. Blood, venom, and silk spray from the small spider some
of it runs down her arms from the blades while some of the spray lands in her mouth.
Some had entered before as she had been drenched, but it is different this time.
Already coated in sticky fluids as well as standing in a pool of it that was drawn
into the circle, Dora was acting on instinct for most of this time.
With a roar, she jerks the ceremonial blades to the side causing the now plate sized
spider to explode into mushy flesh. The circle suddenly flares and the blood that
seemed to be a thin coating at its base bubbles and swirls showing exactly how much
had really been spilt. Dora had lost track when the larger ones had been driven
insane and then sliced apart. The pieces remaining outside the circle suddenly
dissolved into a blood thick paste and seemed to be slurped into the circle.
A rising tube of blood mixed with flesh rose around Dora. The artwork painted on her
body glowed, as it burned black such that it was easily seen through the thickening
gel around her. Her body had become buoyed in the blood filled magically confined
cylinder. Dora was floating as if in a pool but the fluid rose higher covering her
chest and rapidly bubbling past her neck. With a sudden rush, Dora was submerged as
it passed her chin and rose above her head. For a moment, her face felt the drops
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drip from above her head before it rushed and filled the bubble of air around her

Her mouth still open as she had been shouting her victory even through this all,
Dora reflexively swallowed and the blood gel rushed into her body. She felt the
blood as it coated and caressed her body. There was pain in the marks on her skin
even as the blood soothed it. She felt the fluid around her. It supported and cared
for her as she felt the aches from the brutal slaughter come into existence before
fading. Her lungs didn’t burn as she thought it should have and she was not drowning
even if it was strangely soothing having her lungs supported with the viscous liquid
‘Speaking or thinking about liquid inside, it seems to be like being underwater
without needing to breath,’ Dora thought as her mind cleared from the rage and
passion that had filled her. ‘I know some of this got to my stomach and I feel like
a fish I suppose. The liquid is filling my mouth and throat with some also seeming
to flow into my nose. There is a slight bit of sting around my nose as well as my
eyes and ears. It feels like it is mixing into the stuff there. Oh my, it seems
unlike the pool that some is trying to work its way inside and not just down my
throat or up my nose…’
Dora was suddenly feeling a strangely soothing form of violation happening. Her
lungs were already full and she felt that her throat was starting to burn as she
reflexively swallowed more of the blood suspension. There was a pressure building
around and within her body. She could feel the fluid covering her and filling her
insides begin to be joined as the thickening fluid seemed to worm its way inside.
She could hear her heart through the goo and feel the vibrations in the water in her

That was the least disturbing sensation. Dora felt the liquid around her become
thick yet still liquid and it seemed to wish to claim her as she had been claimed
before. For a moment, she wondered if this was some bizarre sex dream or if Hermione
had come up with something else or even if she had gotten so sex obsessed to have
even this dominated with sexual overtones. Dora felt a shudder go through her as the
gel teased her lower entranced and entreated access even as the fluid in her mouth
had gelled and slid down her throat.

Even as Dora felt some of the thick gel dribbling the more fluid blood into her
digestive track from the top, she was aware of the slithering goo rising the other
way as well as having parted her nether lips and starting to stretch her entrance
open while slithering inside. Dora was quiet aware that this was a bit more filling
than when Harry and Penny had impaled both her lower holes as her throat was also
being filled.

‘OK, I really need to talk to master about being such a sex addict,’ Dora thought as
her own excessive libido had altered the ritual. ‘I know I was supposed to be
drenched in blood and Hermione said that I may be in some sort of fluid cocoon for a
few minutes, but it seems that something about me added something unexpected. Now I
am getting a bizarre version of being airtight. I blame my subconscious for this,
but at least this stuff is cushioning me and dulling some of the excessive pain even
if it seems I want to be violated…’
Dora floated there as the gel slid inside her with the fluid working to keep her
breathing. Her muscles were a dull ache as they were broken down and rebuilt. Her
nerves were being altered to hander the rapid transfer required. Dora could feel her
bones ache and feel a very unpleasant sensation as the marrow rearranged itself to
be stronger but lighter with an increase in blood cell production. Her body was
thankfully flooded with endorphins as it was being stimulated or the cocktail of
hormones triggered would have likely been fatal.
Her lungs were burning even as the fluid soothed the irritation from causing her to
convulse. For a moment, inhumanly elegant additions formed connected to her body
before the runes flared and they dissolved back into the fluid. For a brief moment,
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Dora had four additional spider shaped arms as well as spinnerets formed on abnormal
parts of her body. Her metamorphmagus ability had gained a second template for that
image, but it was unlikely that she would take such a form. Inside there had been
similar temporary alterations.
As she settled in her suspension with her head limp and her eyes rolled back in her
head, Dora had felt the way some of the organs had stayed shifted. Her lungs were
larger as well as more efficient while her digestive tract had compressed even if it
was far more optimized for absorption than before. Her body remembered how to shift
both the silk spawning organs and the venom sacks she had momentarily had. The
muscles had become incredibly dense as the top of the suspension had become thinner
as more had been absorbed into Dora.

Her base form had been enhanced with flexibility, strength, and agility being
similar to the younger Acromantulas. Thankfully, her reproductive parts had not been
obviously altered even as the fluid had stretched her flat stomach to bulge almost
to the point of full pregnancy size. Her eggs had been altered so that the effects
would be hereditary as well as making them far less degenerative as well as
refreshed so they did not suffer the age issue. The sudden feeling that her biology
had been altered to have a controlled cycle and that she would only ovulate when she
wished barely crossed her mind as the muscles of her stomach began to tighten as the
excessive fluid inside was forced out through body twitching orgasms.
Her base form seemed to have become more mature in appearance. Her hair seemed to
have become a mix of dark purple and black that looked startling and grew to reach
the small of her back. Her face had lost the hints of adolescent and seemed to have
become sculpted just right a mix of elegance and sex appeal that would cause many a
boy to have a hard time tearing away even if it was to see her prominent yet not
disproportionately sexy mounds. Her lips had become full and seemed to puff as if
they had been freshly kissed with a very dark crimson color. Hermione felt a sudden
urge to dart through the mass and kiss her but it passed even if her breathing was
ragged with arousal.

Hermione let her eyes drag away from the flawless face framed with the smoothest and
silky hair where the eyes were trying to drown her in their depths to rake down past
the cheeks she felt she could spend hours caressing and kissing along the neck that
seemed to demand the same with some nibbling thrown in as well. She felt her eyes
flow over the sculpted shoulders that led to the similarly muscled yet softly
feminine arms before darting back to slowly and thoroughly appreciate the developed
and drawing flesh that beckoned her to suckle, caress and worship even without the
master driving into either of them.
“I think that Dora will be inspiring some tit worshippers if they ever see a hint of
them,” Hermione mumbled as she saw the eye entrancing orbs move with Dora’s pleasure
induced motions. “Her other female lover will likely try to suffocate them with
attention. Still I don’t think I would mind nursing on them anymore than I have
Hermione trailed off as while the liquid did obscure somewhat that she had been
seeing the flesh beneath quiet easily only with a pink hue to it. It was something
to think over later as it seemed the liquid had been more like a translucent near
transparent red silk veil over Dora from her perceptions. Oh, she couldn’t see every
hair on her body nor every dimple but it was nowhere near as concealing as it could
As Hermione gazed at her, Dora was not aware of all these changes, but she would
never have the issues of trauma from childbirth or difficulty in regaining her
figure. Her base form also lost all hair below her head save a decorative patch
above her sex. Her legs would never need to be waxed or shaved nor would any other
spot on her body. Any future children would have the same advantage in saving time.
Her muscles also had gained a particular combination of proteins that prevented
muscles from degrading. This meant that even if she was too drained to morph that
her default form would forever be in good shape with firm muscles and that her
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curves would never sag.
Dora had drifted into a pleasant fog as the fluid had stimulated and sensitized her
body. Slowly with each flare of the runes and contraction of her body, the thickness
of the goo was reduced as it was drawn into her body to replenish the mass and the
calories that had literally been incinerated through the change. The fluid became
thinner and more transparent allowing Hermione to see what was happening to Dora in
more detail.
“Well this is unexpected, but Dora does not seem to be suffering from it,” Hermione
said from where she had settled down to wait for this to finish. “I suppose it is
not too unexpected to believe that Dora would dream of being taken in all her holes
while her body was massaged and caressed everywhere. Lucky slut probably got her
lover to stretch her cunt while master drilled her ass before claiming Dora’s
lover’s ass. It does seem like what she would want. She does look like her base form
is more idealized and the muscles look like they are strong while the skin and
curves are soft enough to play with. I think that master will be pleased with these
Hermione watched the now mostly visible and arousing sight before her. Dora was
being taken in every hole and being stimulated thoroughly. She had never seen
something like that, although Alice had gossiped about how Sarah had done similar
things with being satisfied with multiple members sliding inside and outside her
body. As it was, Dora looked as if she had matured which would also help alleviate
some of her master’s worries. He really wished to allow himself no room to be
compared to those that had preyed on her cousin and her friend. Still Dora in the
throes of orgasmic pleasure was giving her a good idea of the changes her friend had

Well she would be able to analyze it better if her hand hadn’t decided to play a bit
while she watched. She saw Dora being stretched enough to have an outline on her
stomach and her throat was showing signs as well of the movement within. She could
see the sliding towards her friends parted cheeks, but Hermione could not see more
than that from her angle. It was obvious that Dora was doing more than just taking
it, as her friend seemed to try to thrust back against the motions.
“I so plan to show a pensive of this to some of the girls,” Hermione managed to say
as she wincingly sat to watch while her fingers worked the less tender yet sensitive
spots. “I guess I was right and you will have to tell me how it felt, and if it made
you feel anywhere as good as you seem to be right now. I suppose I could ask Sarah
the next time we go to Surrey, but I suspect she would try to hint at trying it and
I doubt I would allow a real dick that was not master’s inside me. Perhaps we can
try whatever substitute you used with your lover. You lucked out a bit at that as I
had hoped to be there when you unveiled this intriguing woman that would so catch
your attention. Still, I was sloppy and master was right to punish me. That does not
mean that I wish that it had not been necessary. We will have some things to discuss
when you are recovered. Oh my, that looked rather intense…”
Trailing off, Hermione decided that Dora was in no way going to remember any of the
conversation and that it would do her little good save vocalizing some of her
thoughts. Meanwhile, Hermione tried not wince at how body was inside while still
trying to ease the passions that Dora’s experience was causing. It was likely that
the girls would need to be drilled exhausted to pay attention if her master’s other
lovers were anywhere as needy as she had been feeling. Still, it had seemed to be
increased more than her classmates had even the older years that she could
practically reek of their unions in the halls. There was something seeming to
intensify and accelerate their physical needs and passions.
‘Something else that we would have to investigate over the summer,’ Hermione thought
as her fingers caressed her tender skin. ‘I just don’t know how we will have enough
time… I suppose my dear cousin will see if the vaults have a time turner or if we
can acquire one. Still something about that is bothering me, but even though master
used me and made me orgasm to exhaustion I doubt that I will be able to do more than
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leer and fantasize while Dora continues her rhythmic motions.’
Her mind, having spent the night in need of release, was no longer paying attention
to things even thought she was licking her lips in appreciation at the sight before
her, and thus she was as likely to think about things more deeply than the more
cocksure boys were when they were standing at attention. She could definitely tell
that Dora would have been a very perused and pursued girl if they saw what was under
her robes. It truly was a mutually beneficial relationship as Dora was kept safe and
the same would be true for Susan and Hannah. She didn’t feel worry if anyone tried
anything on Alice, as her cousin would make them regret it.
Anne would be difficult to curtail from her more baize ease in culling undesirables
and it was more complicated by her lack of definition in who met those requirements.
Hermione already had lost her belief in reforming repeat offenders, as they seemed
quite unwilling to change. It was that Anne seemed to have no compulsion in limiting
her carnage. It was better that telemarketers were becoming more common than their
earlier door to door nuisances as she suspected that Anne would be difficult to
restrain if they interrupted her.
Shaking her head at the thought of what Anne would do if she were in the middle of
getting some and how likely even Dora and she would feel the same way, Hermione let
her distracting thoughts drift away as she watched Dora seem to lock up during a
rather potent climax. She probably should have been keeping track on Dora’s number
of orgasms, as it would be fun to compete in reaching the most before becoming too
sore to continue. Still, Hermione planned to have her own release before Dora was
let loose from the encounter.

It would be hard pressed since her inner passages were still tender from the rough
and exhilarating poundings her master had done. Still Hermione was able to tease her
body and trace the flush flesh beneath her fingers. Combined with watching Dora as
she was driven over and over again to mind drowning climax, Hermione was fast
approaching from her panting and frenzied movements.

With Dora suspended with two shafts driving into her holes while her tits were being
squeezed and sucked even as her lips were parted for the thrusting length going down
her throat, Hermione furiously squeezed her aroused tit while her right hand rapidly
stroked the flowing flower of her still red lips. She managed to dart two fingers
inside while her palm rubbed her exposed clit to the sight of Dora suddenly seize up
with her eyes rolled back and her pussy seem to try to dissolve the gel inside her
with how much her juices poured out of her.
“Oh fucking heaven,” Hermione said as her fingers felt her fluid pour out while Dora
showed signs of the mother of all climaxes in front of her. “Come with me Dora!
Master is just going to love this and he may even ease up on my punishment some…”

Hermione trailed off as she felt her contractions force her fluids past her fingers
to drench her hand and spray on the floor in front of her. While she was doing her
best to cum on her knees, as Dora seemed to pass out from the strength of her own
climax, Hermione was being watched by Lady Silver as her fingers moved without care
for how over stimulated her passage was as she left a discernable puddle beneath
her. Dora was to the ancient serpent’s eyes being held up by the still moving
lengths of firm gel inside her. It had been a pity that her master’s self-proclaimed
heir had neglected such things. She hadn’t seen such a display for centuries.
Salazar Slytherin had been a consummate and meticulous researcher delving into
things that perhaps should not be known, but unlike the last of the Gaunt Line, he
had known that there were things to enjoy in life. The man had spent more time
between Helga and Rowena’s legs than Godric had with any of his lasses. She
suspected that Godric had spread the rumors that Parseltongue was evil since it kept
the ladies returning for repeat performances. Even if they called such things as
Norman compared to the modern French to describe it.
There had been a reason that the more beautiful women had serpent familiars instead
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of cats. Sure, a cat could cuddle with you and warm your bed somewhat, the birds
were able to send messages quiet well, but a serpent slithered and there was a
reason that the ancients gave phallic symbols a serpent image. Snakes didn’t have
voice boxes as all their sound was from vibration thus a parselmouth didn’t speech
with his throat, but with the vibrations of their tongue and lips.
Still she didn’t recall a ritual outside the sex magics of Babylon, Asia, and Egypt
that had any sight similar to what she had seen. Salazar had been a very well
traveled man even by the modern standards and there had been few methods of travel
at that time compared to the present. Oh, she was aware that humans did certain
things since they were pleasurable. She did like to bask in the sun and thus
understood humans finding their own pleasures. Still while she had seen Salazar when
he lapped between their thighs as well as slide inside them as well as behind them,
she had not seen someone that seemed as needing all three methods at once.
‘Something the young master will need to analyze in the future,’ she thought as she
watched on as Dora was supported solely by the shafts impaling her holes and the few
stings leading to the lengths groping her and exploring her mouth and throat. ‘I
suppose that considering how she felt a lack of such needed to be filled that there
is little wonder that she has thrown herself into exploring and making up for lost
time. It just would not do for young Harry to have to deal with her being needy all
the time even if as a human male he would have no disinclination to often copulating
with a female. Even Salazar knew when to play and when to work, but I fear that the
young changer will need an adjustment as surely as that other needed so recently. As
if, she could hide the scent of things from me. I suppose he will need to make sure
she knows her place in this nest. I believe Salazar said something about it and he
did spend some time adjusting them. Although why it required him copulating in the
other hole I suppose is a human or at least mammal trait. A shame that Godric didn’t
have that happen as he should have had a dog for his form…’
As the ancient basilisk queen pondered things, Hermione had long since left most of
her mind behind. There was her orgasm and Dora in her pleasures, and that was all
her world was except for the knowledge that her master existed and this occurred
because he chose it to be so. Oh, she was aware that it was her actions that
resulted in Dora being driven mad with pleasure in front of her, but her punishment
had reinforced the simple truth among them. Harry was in charge. Everything else
sprung from that central point.

If he chose to display it by dragging her into a nook and claiming any part of her
that was all right and proper with her. To be honest with herself, even as her
fingers were pulling and sustaining her own pleasure that Hermione felt compelled to
have Harry pull her into one of the numerous closets or empty classrooms and pres
her against the wall while sinking into her eager ass. She had read that there was a
tendency for women to be submissive after getting a proper reaming, but even her
previous encounters had not made her as deferent and submissive as she felt now.
‘All Dora needs is a crop in her hand or being used on that so eye catching ass and
one would be hard pressed not to cream their clothes at the sight of her,’ Hermione
thought as she felt the tell tale signs of approaching oversensitivity start to ease
her still blurred fingers rapidly sliding inside her slick sex. ‘I don’t think
either of us will be going on much longer as I can tell that my pussy is getting
tender again while Dora seems to be drawing those moving shafts into her body…’
As Hermione watched, the supporting thrusting shafts began to lose color and size
outside her body. Dora was now no longer suspended but resting on her tip toes in
the still glowing circle. Hermione could see clearly now all of the changes as the
barrier of fluid had become completely transparent while the shafts were still
somewhat transparent still. While they had been almost as hard to see through as
flesh before, Hermione was as she slowly slowed her attempts to make up for her
punishments deprived orgasms earlier now able to see somewhat through them.
She made a mental note to buy some transparent toys so she could see Dora stretched
in the future. Well maybe some others including her, she decided after seeing the
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ribbed length sliding inside Dora. She could see the slithering and stroking probes
were becoming almost as clear as glass or water while their bases seemed to become
slender even if the near heads and lengths remained impressive.
It wouldn’t be long now as Dora seemed to alternate being passed out and blissed out
even as Hermione slowed her pace to a gentle fluttering while her juices seemed to
still come out at a decent flow. Still, Hermione was savoring being allowed to
climax. This would have been unbearable if Harry had kept her on edge through this.
It had helped her decide to return to being more careful in things. She had let her
own self-assurance in knowing things almost compromise everything. Still she
wouldn’t be up to more than gentle things for a while as he had limited her healing
in such areas. If she was lucky, Hermione would get to spend the rest of the weekend
just reclining while Harry out all of Dora’s improvements.

“Lucky girl,” Hermione said as she watched Dora standing on shaking legs as the
thinning supports slowed their ravaging of Dora’s holes. “I suppose that you will be
raring to try out the new body once he gets back. Master is making me recover like
an ordinary girl so I won't get to have some rough and driving pleasure for a while.
You at least will have him in a good mood since he feels pleased with his business
at the House of Black. It seems that you look more like your aunt than your mother.
Although I will admit that Andromeda is quiet attractive, I suppose I can see why
she didn’t want you to stand out as most would use you as little more than a sex
toy… not that you would mind that if you were having as many orgasms as you have
been. I do believe that I will try you out for myself before the master gets back.
It would be quiet improper to leave you waiting. If we are lucky we can see if you
can ease some strain while I try to drown your face while he seeks to stuff you

Hermione was aware that her own hormones had increased to the point that she would
be spending a good deal of time not thinking with her head but with filling her
emptiness. Not that her master would permit her to be a mere vapid cum dumpster, but
he would definitely make sure that she helped sate his own needs in addition to her
own in both the physical and mental aspects. Besides, if he wanted a casual
encounter he could with his reputation almost just walk up to a girl and with little
said have her at the least swallow his cum eagerly if not have it spraying inside or
on her body. He was still a celebrity enough that with little effort the masses
would defer to him even if he for example sodomized the rather attractive astronomy
teacher in the great hall during dinner.

So having an almost lobotomizing need to get laid aside, Hermione was going to be
draining the library of its knowledge even while she wanted to drain Harry of any
stress. That was simply the way of things. Now getting him to take Susan and Hannah
in every way was something she would have to schedule for after the exams. It would
be a nice reward and encourage the Hufflepuffs even if they were hard workers by
nature to do their best. The Slytherins were not the only ones who knew when to
utilize incentives although some might call them bribes.
Dora rocked on her tiptoes as she alternated sinking against the invading prongs and
swallowing the one she was suckling. Hermione could see that there were two playing
with her well-endowed breasts with the tips shaped like mouths suckling on her
enlarged nipples. Looking around as Dora twisted, she could see that there was some
that had obviously been groping and spanking the eager girl’s ass even as she was
being reamed. Glancing at the scene with a closer attention to detail as she had
slowed to a calming caress of her own sex, Hermione noticed that Dora’s hands were
stroking what were now transparent lengths aimed at her although she couldn’t tell
if it was at her face or tits for sure.
Hermione looked on as her hands slowed and her own arousal was on a low sated
feeling. She could see that Dora was rocking faster now and her friend’s skin was
very flush. Now that she was calm, she saw that the moving things were pulsing. Dora
really had to be a sex addict to get this to turn out as it had. The pulsing drew
quicker and Dora seemed to be responding as well.

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‘It would be so Dora to have the goo cum all over her before it absorbing into her
body,’ Hermione thought as she stilled and felt the slowing flow still moistening
her hand while her other seemed to be doing no more than tracing her nipple while
supporting her breast. ‘I suppose it could be as bad as Sarah has it where the need
for sexual relief drives her to often call for being gangbanged then slurped clean.
Still it does keep the others from being frantic with need and the girls and boys
have rendered Dudley impotent among our age group. Sarah might even find prey to
hunt or places where the wild parties can help the rest of the sex crazed sate their
own lusts. The worst thing that could happen is that shallow bitch Petunia calls the
wrong group to scratch what itch her overweight and unsatisfying whale of a husband
does not meet. The gossiping hypocrite being turned into the secret whore of Little
Whinging would be a suitable ironic end. Vernon is something else entirely. That
bigoted waste of flesh needs something truly inspiring to end him. Otherwise, the
master should have just slit his throat like a hog, trussed him up, and roasted him
to feed to the companions. Dudley might live through things… maybe. It is up to the
master in the end after all.’
With half lidded eyes, Hermione watched as the ritual reached its climax and Dora
did as well. The slithering sudo flesh Dora had been stroking spurted at her even as
it consumed itself to do so. The same happened for the slowly stroking lengths
inside her. The fondling, groping, suckling, and teasing bits dissolved and
splattered on her skin.
With a swallow to clear her throat, Dora while her body was shaking and arching on
her toes let out a shout of ecstasy. It echoed around the chamber and the circle
flared with her shaking in time to her finale of climaxes. Two pairs of eyes watched
the scene. One in slow burning lust and the other with a clinical detachment in
regards to such human pleasures. Hermione felt a momentary disappointment that their
master had not been here to see the culmination, but she could make sure things
would be ready for his return.
The room was illuminated by the bright flashes of the circle. A sudden crescendo
flourish was culminated with a flare as the circle blazed almost blindingly before
the room suddenly seemed dark from the loss of that light. Hermione saw Dora there
panting and swaying dizzily. The runes on her body were no longer glowing red having
settled on an ink like black.

No one would ever say that Dora was not a wet dream come true. Hermione tilted her
head as she appraised Dora. The boys here would give every galleon they could to be
permitted to look at her and most would do anything if she would allow them to jerk
their pathetic cocks and offer their meager cum to decorate such perfect skin. The
girls would likely consider the same. Dora would need a crash course in brutal
offensive magic if she ever let her real self be seen in the halls with the form
unflattering robes let alone if they caught her in any muggle clothes especially
swim wear.
Hermione shook her head to clear her thoughts. She could see Dora’s legs trembling.
Lucky bitch had one hell of a day. Ok, she had one hell of a night and then day.
Good girls have orgasms enough to lose track while bad girls suffer. Hermione could
see that even if Master Harry hadn’t intended the lesson to be this that she would
learn from it. Now all she would need to do was get Dora a crop and plan to see Dora
use it on her lover while she and her master watched on, and that would have to wait
until summer at the earliest as neither Dora’s lover or their master were willing to
reveal their identities to each other just yet.
With a wet thump, Dora collapsed to the ground inside the circle as her legs lacked
the strength to support her through her orgasms. A sickening slurp followed as the
last of the fluid was sucked into her body through her orifices and skin. The runes
vanished into her skin next even if they had lingered long enough to have Hermione
contemplate on permanently decorating the exquisite skin before her eyes. It was a
tossup in which would be more appealing, the naked perfect skin, or the elegantly
adorned art drawn on her smooth flesh with the loving care similar to an artist
drawing their masterpiece on canvas.
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Hermione could see Dora resting on her knees and elbows with her thighs spread. She
watched as the flush and shuddering grew before Dora threw her head back and howled
as the bizarre experience ended with her body shining in sweat and her thighs slick
with her juices. She could still see both her holes spasming around the now missing
invaders as the openings seemed to slowly shrink even as her juices lingered on
Licking her fingers clean, Hermione slowly approached as she observed the changes to
her friend and lover. While Dora had not aged, her body had been given a crash
course in acceleration in her maturation. Dora had already been developed enough to
show signs of her adult beauty, but now she was a few years further by the looks of
it. The girl had gone from a young teen to a near adult in terms of size. Her curves
were now closer to Penny’s or more.
Hermione ran her hands over the young woman’s body. Her body was closer to a
gymnasts form although her breasts were nowhere near that small nor was her ass too
skinny. It was more that the overall muscle tone was there with enough softness to
be fun on top. The thorough examination of every inch of her body didn’t stop when
Dora’s body responded in her dazed state.
Hermione had found her fingers caressing her lover’s face as she kissed her way down
her head having nuzzled and inhaled the scent in her enviable hair. Time was lost to
her as she kissed those lips for how long she did not know. Her hands had trailed
down Dora’s neck eliciting shivers from the slightly dazed woman’s body. Eventually
Hermione released those lips with a gentle nibble and proceeded down trailing kisses
and nibbles following where her hand had earlier. Her eyes had seen the long black
and dark purple almost violet colored hair and with how it emphasized Dora’s face,
neck, and lips especially.
As her lips moved along neck to shoulder, her hands had started to caress the still
swollen with arousal mounds with the throbbing points. Hermione was aware that they
had some similarities to vampires and the urge to drink blood was one such thing.
She felt a desire to do more than nip along the pulsing vein on her lover’s throat.
A vision of their bodies pressed together while she did so flashed through her mind
before she closed her eyes and willed it from her thoughts. Hermione continued her
perusal of Dora’s new base form.

Her hands led forward as her lips spent time worshipping each of the perfectly
shaped, toned, and responsive mounds of flesh. As she had lost track of time while
kissing Dora’s crimson umber lips, Hermione was awash while nuzzling, licking, and
suckling at the seductively scented spots. She was amazed that Dora hadn’t sunk to
the floor completely and that she hadn’t flipped the girl over for easier access.
Still Dora was slightly on her side allowing her to move forward down her body.
Her hands had trailed to her lover’s thighs and slid around her cheeks. As tempting
as slipping between her thighs to cup her sex was, Hermione wanted a slightly
different position where she had more room to maneuver. It wouldn’t do to
accidentally smack her elbow into the floor or turn Dora over now would it? Besides,
Hermione was wondering how responsive Dora would be if while riding their master’s
cock that Hermione used a crop on this ass that demanded attention. It was either
that or kissing and fondling it to her heart’s content.
While her lips were attached to Dora’s now enviable breast, Hermione had managed to
slide her right hand around those hand-attracting cheeks to caress her from behind
while her left hand was reaching towards her lips. She would have to let the so
delightfully nurse able nipple loose before she properly explored Dora.
‘Well in a few more minutes maybe,’ Hermione thought while feeling lightheaded from
the scent Dora was creating in her arousal. ‘Dora just smells and tastes too good
for me to let her escape so soon, is all there is to it. I don’t think I could reach
her dripping snatch to taste her before my fingers lose their will to just gently
explore her though.’
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Dora was moaning in response to Hermione’s actions even if her mind was not coherent
since the religious experience level climax she had earlier. She could feel it all
and wished her body didn’t seem so limp and unmovable or she would have tried to
urge her on. She had gushed when her formerly sensitive but nowhere near this level
of intensity nipples along with her breasts were caressed and then sucked. Dora had
felt as if those nubs had become secondary clitoris in how intense the sensations
For Dora it was a blur after that point until she felt her right arm and knee rest
on the ground. She had been aware that fingers had been playing with her drooling
twat, but her eyes snapped open when her tight yet accommodating snatch was suddenly
stretched anew since those thrusting things had burrowed into her holes. She had not
noticed when Hermione had slithered behind her and then slid four fingers into her
newly toned box before starting a decent glide. She noticed it when a length longer
and wider than those fingers stretched and pushed into her.
Her moan sent a shiver of pleasure through Hermione. The girl could feel the grip
around her as she plunged inside her friend’s soaked and frothing passage. Her arm
was being rapidly covered in juices as they poured out and down her thrusting hand.
She could see and feel her responses. Dora was coming like a firecracker and that
left Hermione with a warm feeling in her belly that started to tingle towards her
own sex.
“Well everything seems to be working even better than before,” Hermione confided to
the drained woman even as she fisted the gushing cunt with abandon. “Your muscles
feel wonderful and I think you’re even more sensitive now. You filled out some and
while curvy, there is little worry of too much jiggling. You better be glad that the
robes are so unflattering or we would have to curse the little horn dogs away. I am
going to love giving your new body a ride and master is going to appreciate how
smooth yet tight you seem to have become now. I don’t think you even need to shift
things and could likely just sit there and grind while milking him with the way
these muscles are. We might need to do some muscle control exercises so you don’t
accidentally kill some people. I don’t think you would appreciate accidentally
killing your lover by your thighs clenching too tightly.”
Dora moaned as Hermione played with her half aware body as her pleasure drove any
rational thought from her mind. The first year was stroking her hand inside Dora’s
cunt and she just kept clenching and flowing from it. The girl that was as forward
as she was scary had no restraint in feeling every supple inch of Dora’s body
especially her not dangling tits. Hermione was certain that keeping the endorphins
flowing would ensure that Dora did not wake strained from the change. That it was
fun for her was a pleasant addition.
“Just as soon as you sleep off the rest of the subtler change, I think master will
be back by then and we can explore what has changed,” Hermione said with a nod as
Dora began to still and flow from pleasure to sleep. “By that point, I hope that the
last of master’s punishment has faded so I can enjoy things fully. We are never
going to let you go, Dora. May whatever god or gods they believe in grant them mercy
in the next life, for we will show anyone that tries to take you from us none.
Besides, if we let you go you would barely get passed anyone that hadn’t died of a
heart attack from seeing you before you were propositioned. Face it darling, you
were a cutie before, but now you will make Veela jealous…”

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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 26: A Purpose in Reaction
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Horror - Characters:
Harry,Hermione,Percy - Warnings: [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2010/02/13 - Updated:
2010/02/13 - 31373 words
Chapter 26: A Purpose in Reaction

There is a time to work, a time to play, and a time to plot all things in time. HJP
nee HJG on how they balanced things.

Uncertainty was not something that he liked. It was something that he had in a way
at the least had spent his entire life trying to minimize. Before when he had been
at the Dursleys and had not known better, he had been able to find some solace in
the certainty of things. Things had changed when he had discovered the book. It had
opened whole new venues of possibilities. As it was, he still had not even managed
to scratch the surface of the knowledge that repository had inside. It was perhaps a
bad thing that he had become somewhat obsessed and determined in his current course
of actions.
He had never thought to look for certain information in the unimaginable vast
collection within the deceptively small tome. He had at most skimmed those areas
outside of conventional magic and his chosen art. He had delved into potions since
it was such a fundamental craft. There were rituals of his art that required
preparatory potions after all. Still, he never had and he likely would not at least
for a very long time reach beyond the surface of the book’s daze inducing records.
It was an archive a repository that was unfathomable eons old. It was also as much
of a growing thing as any other living creation.
It would take decades if not centuries to properly delve into more than a few fields
recorded in that uncertain in form artifact. It did change to fit the era it was
used in so to better survive. It was far more dangerous than any official tome that
the wizards knew of in their history. It was designed to store knowledge and arrange
it in as easily accessed manner. If Harry had found it even a decade further in
time, it likely would have taken the form of an electronic device just as it had in
another era taken the form of a scroll. The outward appearance was more for ease of
use and secrecy than any other reason.
One of the areas that Harry had delved in some depth, besides magic and necromancy,
as well as specifically the basis of potions, was in the matter of the mind. He did
not want to turn out like the Dursleys after all. So in the course of his developing
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of his shields and organizing his mind he had created a failsafe guardian. It had so
far only been invoked in that capacity to deal with Severus Snape. He had been
confused that his guardian was in his mother’s unknown image, but he had long since
gotten used to his life being nothing out of the ordinary. He did think that most
would consider this to be some sort of insanity.
Why else would he be lounging in his mindscape while his guardian listened as he
went over the hated uncertainties that were bothering him? Sure, there was the fact
that he was in a way listening to the voices in his head, but he already was able to
have his lover’s voices in his head. He was somewhat grateful that he didn’t have a
need to have the imprint of their personalities wandering about in his head. It was
not that his minions did not have relevant advice, but that their actions were in
part confusing him as well as his ease in accepting some of the changes lately.

“I mean really,” Harry told her, as he reclined on the massaging heated couch, “I
don’t think any of us expected things to develop as they have lately. I personally
was in no way willing to compromise my drive with so many interruptions, not that
they are not rather enjoyable, but that I seem to have become a bit distracted with

“Well it isn’t exactly too unexpected after all,” she told him while handing him a
very sweet and refreshing glass of juice. “You had already noticed that you were
beginning to become exceptionally aware of the differences in the sexes. You were
also aware that the girls around you were doing more than crushing on you. I do
believe that your girls are rather driven on their own and that is even without your
influence; however, they are likely motivated by your own determination. Alice and
Hermione come to mind as being those most likely to take everything they do
passionately and their relationships with you are no different. I suspect that you
are more irritated that you succumbed this early as well as allowing what you had
considered inappropriate for your ages actions to occur.”
“Yeah, I mean I suspected that I would get caught in a girl chasing me situation but
I had thought that it would be more when I was a teenager proper,” Harry said before
taking a long drawn out swallow of the drink even if he technically didn’t need it
as none of this was really real. “I would rather have as much distance from those
animals as possible. I loathe people making decisions for me and it would be
hypocritical of me to make decisions for my girls without letting them have some
input. I may have a need to be in control of myself and them, but I would prefer not
to have to make decisions that were incorrectly analyzed.”

“You were rather relieved that the Wizarding world had the more antiquated age of
consent than the modern world,” she said with an amused expression on her face.
“Still I am sure that you had already factored in that the girls or at least Alice
would be quite determined to have you being the make she explored things with. Her
competition with Hermione merely facilitated their mutual desires.”
“If we were normal, I would feel hard pressed not to be disgusted with our actions,”
Harry said as he thought on the slippery slope his own ideals had slid. “We have
killed, tortured and committed any number of crimes that the police would salivate
at catching us or having evidence regarding. We could have tried to justify it to
ourselves with platitudes such as the greater good, necessity, or the betterment of
all. I suppose here I cannot truly lie to myself. We are killers and monsters of our
own sort. We act in a way that sets us apart from the rest of the masses and yet our
actions have undoubtedly made many of them safer. In regards to my falling into this
sexual addiction, I would say it is more fueled by my stress and need for
“Yes, that is something that your younger years didn’t help you in doing,” she said
as she held his drink near her where the moisture forming on the glass could slowly
drip onto her skin. “You have a bit of a problem with proper social dynamics of
friends as well as family now. It is not your actions in regards to your art that is
bothering you, but that you have let your physical relationships progress much
faster than you had planned. I will agree that those people left you with attachment
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issues and that the sexual contact does make things more complicated. The afterglow
does allow you to feel closer and less likely that you will experience the usual
“Ok, I will admit that part does alleviate the stress that my life has,” Harry said
as he once more drank from the proffered glass. “As it is, I think that I realized
that all of the girls wanted to reach a certain level sooner than I had planned. The
rituals in part make some sense in why we started wanting to further things sooner
than normal. Still, it came far sooner than I had anticipated. I had planned for
such things closer to our normal counterparts, but even they seen more willing to do
so younger than I had thought. I had expected petting to be reached at the earliest
next year, as it would fit with what I have read. There were some discrepancies in
some information and it has been proven that female puberty can be attained younger
do to environmental factors. Still I would prefer to have nothing in common the
filth we hunt or other such scum. There has to be something that I am not seeing in
how Hermione reached such a point while I find Alice doing so less unlikely…”
“It is possible that compressing lifetimes of memories would have an effect,” she
said as she contemplated things. “Still causing your bodies to accelerate at this
point does seem odd. It is more that your own reactions and Hermione’s have been
accelerated, as you were aware that Alice and Anne had already determined that you
would be the boy who claimed them. They would have eventually forced the issue and
they would have wanted more attention than alleviating their monthlies soon enough.
Hermione was already competing with Alice in who would get you first even if she
were unwilling to admit it to anyone. What other boy would she fantasize about after
having her first erotic dream? Oh, she may have picked an attractive actor or
something, but you were the realistic choice for her and you know it. Your women are
all determined in their own ways and they would get what they want. They are rather
like you that way. You will succeed in your ambition and I suppose that Alice has
already succeeded in one of her ambitions already.”
“I suppose she has at that,” Harry said as he realized that Alice had been quite
ambitions to go beyond child play before. “Still it was a few years sooner than I
had thought and the way that my control of my libido has been reduced seems to have
some connection. I had thought that the next time I was here that I would be
dissecting the summer conundrum.”

“How is it a conundrum?” she asked in confusion. “It seems rather straight forward
to me. You will settling things with the House of Li, get some training with the
Flamel's, and further some of your other studies. Now how is that a puzzle to be
Harry was quiet for a moment as he thought on all the things about the summer that
were bothering him. He hadn’t really had time to think on it as his current schedule
was keeping him busy and that was before Dora’s change from the ritual. She had gone
from cute and sexy to suddenly let me touching you, caress you and lick every inch
of your body, or better yet buried inside you somewhere with my hands doing
something to make you cry my name.
He had been expecting Dora to look a little bit older, but he hadn’t been prepared
for her to look so close to the teenage Bellatrix Black who would have never been
left without someone’s cock being inside her if she hadn’t been so good at curses.
The major difference in their appearance was that Dora had dark purple mixed with
her black hair unlike Bella who had hair so black it seemed to swallow the light
around her. He had sent Night there and Bella looked to be in her early twenties
while Dora now looked like a late teenage version body wise. There were differences
in that Dora had more muscle and tone to her body, but besides there eye color being
a few shades different and Bella having a slightly more triangular patch of hair
above her sex there was not much difference.
Walking into the sight of Hermione fisting Dora looking like that and it was little
wonder that it took no convincing not to try out Dora’s new base form. Her muscle
control had increased to crazy levels. It had been slightly odd to be buried in a
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girl’s ass while someone tried to jerk him off from the girl’s stuffed twat. Dora
had not complained when she surfaced from her orgasmic state to feel her master
plunging into her willing body. It had been wild and Hermione had found her head
pressed against the sudden outpouring of cum while Dora found her mouth suddenly
stuffed with a cum-covered cock.
Harry had spent his time down her throat staring at her face and torn between the
urge to see how much he could coat her face with his essence and seeing how much the
new Dora could swallow. The rational part of his mind wondered if Dora had gained a
potent pheromone to rival the charm of the Veela. Still he found his hands caressing
her face lovingly as he felt a fondness swelling in his heart. If it hadn’t been for
the emotional attachment he had with her, Harry was aware that he would have
succumbed to the urge to fuck her face even if Dora almost suffocated from the lack
of air do to her nose being forced shut against his flesh and her mouth unable to
draw air around his dick.
Still, he had managed to only make her pant through her nose while he unloaded his
balls down her throat. Whatever it was that day had spiked his libido almost as bad
as Halloween and Winter Solstice combined. He had barely let Dora suck him clean yet
slick with spit before he had pulled himself out, yanked Hermione out of the way,
spun Dora’s mouth to Hermione’s cunt, and thrust into Dora’s well fisted yet already
retightening hole. He had felt her suddenly grip and mold herself around him when he
had barely got half way inside, and she had become eye crossing pleasurably tight
before he felt his balls bump her clit.
He had lifted his head away to howl in ecstatic joy from how good he felt to see
Hermione thrashing under Dora’s tongue slithering inside her while Hermione had her
fingers not grasping or holding Dora’s face but caressing it as if it was a precious
and favorite toy. That had made him realize that he hadn’t been anywhere near as
rough as Dora liked. Hell, his hands were only gently caressing her ass and hips.
Still, he could see as he looked at her ass and his hands stroking spread her cheeks
that Hermione had left some moisture from when she had slurped his load out of
Dora’s ass. That wasn’t entirely strange, but he could still see the lick marks from
Hermione’s tongue as well as a slight parting of her opening and no signs of
Hermione having left any cum inside.
He was certain of that when his left thumb had felt around inside while he gave her
a good hard grope leaving marks like Dora loved. His right hand was held out towards
one of the alcoves and nice and supple black leather like crop flew into his hand
with a smile-causing thump before his fingers curled around the handle on their own.
Dora gave out a shriek into Hermione’s tongue stuffed pussy when he brought the crop
down to her new ass. Harry recalled how she had clenched unbelievable tight around
his thumb and dick almost causing him to spend his balls into her suddenly vacuum
suctioning warm embrace.
He hadn’t lasted too much longer after that although he didn’t try to move when he
repeated the orgasm-causing slap. He did try to draw it out by thrust for a while
settle and then strike. Still, he could tell that Dora’s tongue had alleviated
Hermione from being too sensitive for more than short length caresses. What followed
wasn’t too unpredictable, Harry recalled how intense he came inside Dora before
letting the still thrashing Hermione lick him clean at which point he maneuvered the
pair to allow Hermione to clean Dora up.
While he had tried to figure out what about Dora looking so demanding that he
immediately bury himself in her without finding anything out about the ritual, he
had barely reclined to recover and watch the two ladies slurping their cunts to from
what he could count were several intense orgasms before he felt the scene rekindle
his libido. Oh, he had noticed how Dora had changed in that her body seemed to have
become the most alluring beauty with a face that he could waste away the days just
looking at and caressing. In the short time between while his mind wasn’t demanding
he screw them both, he had noticed that Dora looked like Bella did from Night’s last

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He had been grateful that he had Hermione impaling her ass on him or he would have
likely called Night to transport him there. It would not have been as if the
Dementors would have cared, and he was aware that while her former husband and
brother-in-law were dead that Bella was looking as she had barely after she had
graduated Hogwarts. Perhaps his attraction to the two was in a way genetic as a
desire to reestablish and secure the House of Black, but he thought it was more do
to whichever shared ancestor they had showing through and that it was for that
ancestors looks that they had joined their blood together.
He had kept himself busy in part to prevent allowing the thoughts of entering
Azkaban to claim his property in the ancient manner. He was sure that neither of
them would have minded as he had found a residual awareness of her in the less
explored parts of his mindscape. Still, telling his minions that he was going to add
a relative who used to be a Death Eater was not something he had desired to do. He
was well aware that Bella’s rebirth had left her extremely fixated on him and from
what he had extracted from the Lestranges would be followed fanatically with even
more loyalty and obedience than Voldemort had received from her.
Shaking his head even as he felt the fond memories of what happened after he had
felt the undeniable firmness that his member had achieved, Harry turned to his ear
to talk to and deconstruct his complications. It would not be a good idea to have
sexual desires running rampant especially with his guardian in that attire. He would
just have to push down the barely suppressed memories and echoes of the pleasure he
had felt from draining his balls into the eager asses of the two linked licking
He really didn’t want to factor in what having sexual attraction to someone that
looked like his mother even though she had been gorgeous enough to be sought after
by anyone with the slightest appreciation of the female form regardless of gender.
He knew his father had been a lucky man to gain her affection, and that Snape had
been a foolish idiot to allow any wedge to come between them. The walking dead man
did make sense to him, but there was no way that he would live any longer than
required. The bastard had been willing to trade his life and his father’s life to
Voldemort in exchange for the Dark Lord granting Lily to be his to use as he wished.
He wanted to speak to his mum and not the representation in his head. It would
alleviate most of his issues if he had her to talk with, and she deserved the right
to have justice served in regards to her unnecessary and conspired end. Besides, he
really thought that if anyone deserved to off Snape it was the woman he had betrayed
so many times. Sure, Harry knew he had issues with his mother that were likely
unhealthy, but after dealing with Petunia and her problems that he knew of, he had
some concept of limits.

‘It would be wrong to use her as a substitute,’ Harry thought as he looked at his
mind’s inner representation of safety and offensive protection who was also a very
sexy and seductive red haired goddess who rivaled what Susan’s mother had looked
like in terms of shear demand to worship and ask politely to do so. ‘Besides, she
doesn’t have her memories even if she was willing to allow me to get the issues out
of the way. At least I have a few vague memories so I haven’t ended up breast
obsessed like some bottle-fed babies become. Still, I wouldn’t mind having more such
memories, but there is no way that I would force my mother, Lily ‘I can make you
cream your pants or skirt’ Potter, to do something like that against her will. I
suppose Dora wouldn’t mind playacting a few situations to deal with that even though
Susan likely will look at least almost as good before we graduate and possible
sooner if she continues to develop at her current rate.’
Realizing that he had been lost in thought as well as appreciating her body, Harry
shook himself and let out a sigh of resignation. He could feel her looking at him in
interest even as the glass he had her holding let a drop fall to splash dramatically
on the exposed upper part of her breast. He closed his eyes for a moment and
squashed the image of memories of being lucky enough to have nursed on tits that awe
inspiring which had been even more riveting as they had been swollen with milk. He
opened them again and worked on finding his tongue while the more kinky side of his
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libido was making suggestions and stating that what happened in here stayed in here.
When he struggled to push that down, his inner pervert had suggested having Dora
shift to look like her especially if she could trigger lactation. He then chided his
inner pervert with that being wrong since he didn’t plan on doing that with Dora
unless he was old enough to have gotten her pregnant and all the other nuisances
would be gone so as to not interrupt. His id conceded that as well as Dora was
sufficiently arousing that he didn’t want to ruin anything in regards to Dora and
his interactions, but that since this construct, which he should name and definitely
anything but Lily, was a part of his mind that any interactions with her were no
more wrong than any fantasy or self exploration.
That realization almost made him growl out loud, but he accepted that his life was
complicated and this was no more bizarre than anything else was. The only person
that could have made his life even more oddly interesting was that Luna girl that
the twins had mentioned. He had a feeling that knowing his luck something would
happen with the obviously traumatized and coping girl who would be starting here the
next year. With her in the same year as Alice let alone Anne, Harry knew that this
year would seem sane compared to the rest of them.

As he did this, she was watching him as his thoughts passed somewhat over his
features. Well not enough then for her to get the general sense that, he was going
over some memories that her question had wrought. It was not as if she was wasting
time waiting as it did give her a chance to see him and not the usual perceptions
that she had. Time was in a way meaningless for her as her existence was as passing
as dreams and as long as eternity at the same time. He was in essence her creator
and the god of this place. That he had entrusted her to help him meditate and
contemplate the troubles of his existence was rather telling.

Therefore, she waited as he thought on things even as part of her design maintained
and patrolled his mental defenses. It did seem odd that more often than not she
played the part of devil’s advocate and helped him accept the things he had to do.
Still, she knew that even when he succeeded that her purpose would remain and she
could take contentment in that. Her other needs, as even though she was a construct
she was still created in female form and of female function, had been sated as she
felt what his lovers felt and that would be enough. It was not in her nature or
place to seduce her creator.

‘Still all things come to those who wait,’ she thought as she watched he who made
her. ‘Even if I have to wait for him to succeed there is time enough. All things
will be in the fullness of time. Still it would be nice not to live vicariously
through his other loves…’
With that enigmatic smile, she waited as she took a secretive thrill in his gaze
especially how she could feel the passion and emotions behind them being directed at
her. While it may have made things simper for her to initiate things, it was not in
her nature to do so for such things. She was reactive by nature for the most part
and still learning as she went. He was barely over his sexual acts to this point and
the recent near animalistic claiming of Dora as she was now and rewarding Hermione
for her success. Even though he did create her, he would be lucky to understand her
especially the way her own thought patterns were developing.
She was a woman and thus thrilled at being seen as attractive. It would complicate
her primary directive if she just dissolved her apparel and spread her legs while
beckoning him to her. She did get a rather thorough ravishing, as the feedback from
Dora had been quiet intense. It was perhaps a pity that her creator was so strong
willed, as she was fairly certain that any other teenage hormonal influenced male
would have been already balls deep in ravishing her or at least having made out and
felt her up, which would have likely led to her having a chance to explore things
She who was could tell by his gaze that he was at least feeling attraction and lust
towards her form. If it were not for the fact that it would require some support for
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him, she would have likely been suckling him as he let things out. She really
enjoyed that when any of them did that to him, and she knew that he enjoyed it as
well. She supposed she had the advantage in knowing exactly why they liked it and
why the girls enjoyed it. So as he thought things over, she savored knowing that his
gaze was leading to the visible signs of his appreciation even as he passed off her
signs as being in part from the cool liquid having made her top rather transparent
and chilled.
“Considering all that needs to be done as well as wanted to be accomplished then add
in that there is no way that my girls will want to cut short time with me even
though they won't be away from me during the school year except during classes,”
Harry said as he tried not to pay attention to the constructs appearance as having
sex with his minds coping mechanism would be too strange even for him especially
since she resembled his mother who he had barely any memories of knowing. “It really
boils down to having too much to do and a finite period in which we are not
inconvenienced with the constraints of school. There are just not enough hours in
the day even over the summer to cram in everything that we have to accomplish as
well as want to accomplish. It is not as if one could suddenly have thirty two hour
days or something…”

“So it all comes down to time being too short to do what you need to do,” she said
with a thoughtful look even as the moisture from the cup seemed to drip and then
trace its way down her body. “You do recall that there are ways to cram more time in
a day don’t you? You already can do more thanks to the rituals that allow less sleep
to accomplish more. Think how little time you would have if you needed as much sleep
as Normals or Wizards. You also have ways to accelerate your acquiring of knowledge
and a better retention as well. What more ways do you need to efficiently utilize
your time?”

“Time,” Harry trailed off as he suddenly snapped up from the couch. “It couldn’t be
that simple could it? I mean that would be a solution and it would alleviate the
dilemma I had been having with Alice and their age. I mean it may be legal in the
Wizarding world, but I was not raised in it and thus at times have reservations on
some of the things that they do.”
“You know that you are being a bit random in your words,” she said with a look that
hinted at almost grasping what he was thinking. “I get that you would prefer if
there was proof that Alice was older and that you gave up on Anne being anything
other than herself as strange as she can be. Still there is something that I am
missing here. So would you care to elaborate so I can better understand things?”
“Time as I said is the question and also the solution,” Harry said with an almost
giddily mad look on his face. “Although it would permit Alice to try to cram in the
rather open ladies that are around us, but that is something I had factored in at
some point several years down the road anyways. Given the way that Hermione and
Alice compete, I already had plans for when they decided that showing off their man
to the others and letting them get a taste. So if we can add some more real time to
the summer than we can get more done. I mean it seems so simple in retrospect and
unlike normal wizards the years won't cut short our lives…”
“You are doing it again,” she said looking at him fondly. “You’re having a
breakthrough that will really shake things up. So why don’t you have the room
provide one then. I mean it does seem like a good solution during the school year
and all it would require is to show up at meals and classes since you managed to
dodge being drafted into the Quidditch team in spite of that stunt you pulled. It is
likely that your housemates will try to encourage you to join next year.”
“I suppose,” Harry said as he let his mind wander in the possibilities. “Still a
time turner would be nice although if the room can provide for it…”
“Hmm something about the room providing,” she said as she looked at him. “What have
you stumbled across this time, darling?”

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“I still can't believe that I didn’t see it before,” Harry said as he plopped down
with a sigh. “The room provides. It just seems so simple now that I think about it
and I really should have noticed the inconsistency. I suppose that I placed a rather
deep willingness in believing that all of the rituals could have added up to it. Oh,
I guess I should tell you. I hadn’t realized that when we were in the room it seemed
we always had time enough to accomplish things even if we should not have. It does
solve some of the problems, but I don’t think dragging Susan and Hannah inside to
allow them to grow up before they press for consummating our relationship will work.
Considering we have already been fiddling with time, I see no reason to stop over
the summer or at least this one.”
“You do have a point and it will allow you to prevent you and their burnouts,” she
said as she looked at him fondly. “They worry about you and while it is good that
you are ambitious and have goals that does not mean that you are pushing yourself
too hard. It is only a matter of time as it is inevitable that you succeed. In the
mean time, you will have to start planning for after you have accomplished your
ambition. I do not see any of you retiring and sitting on your asses in the future.
You will need to plan for the time after and make certain that things are in place.
It is a given that neither Hermione nor Alice will settle for anything less than
you, and Anne as well as Dora are not leaving so plan accordingly.”
“So I have to start thinking about after and not just my goal right now,” Harry said
as he let his head bounce off the pillow. “I suppose my attempts to find temporary
or possibly permanent for the foreseeable future distractions for the girls for when
I have to deal with things was rather obvious.”
“It is for someone that knows you as well as I do,” she said with a warm look.
“Despite being an antisocial person do to your life, you care deeply about the
people that you do let in. So with that in mind, it is no wonder that you were
ensuring that your girls were able to pair off if you wanted to spend time with just
one of them or if you got too caught up in your projects. I will say that from what
we have garnered about your mother that she would be pleased with what you have done
even if the methods are questionable. Despite the desire of Dumbledore to keep you
ignorant, you have ascertained that your mother was a determined person. Despite her
former friendship with Snape, she would likely slit his throat herself for what he
has done. I do not think that she would have a problem with silencing Dumbledore
either since he was as responsible as the other three for their deaths.”

“True, it just bothers me now that I have a further grasp on what that spiteful man
has done,” Harry said with a deep look to his eyes. “I cannot believe it took this
long to sort through all of it.”
“Well you did have his whole life to sort through and it is understandable as you
didn’t notice what you had extracted,” she said before looking around the mindscape.
“There is also a chance that some residuals from that night are still inaccessible.
It is not as if you inherited that abomination’s memories. Do you think that
Dumbledore was counting on that remaining when he started on this madness?”
“It is possible,” Harry conceded as he thought on it. “We have an idea on what that
creature was doing. We know that he was obsessed with immortality and it was another
way to try to achieve that. I suppose he used the normal rituals as a base, but he
was quite arrogant from what we know. Still it is nice to discuss things and I don’t
think I can do that with Hermione yet.”
“I see and I can understand why you hesitate at this point,” she told him with a
smile as the moisture from his drink trailed down across her taunt stomach. “While
Hermione has been there during a kill, she has not killed a human yet and thus
certain notions are still there. I suppose you could trust Alice a bit more when she
is here next year, but you have grown closer to Hermione and I believe you are
choosing her for your chief assistant. They are both loyal, but Alice would need to
spend more time with Anne to keep her controlled. Surrey has enough scum that seem
drawn to the area compared to the small pond of victims at Hogwarts.”

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“That is a concern since I am fairly certain that Anne has been getting a bit too
free with her actions,” Harry said with his eyes closed so that he wasn’t leering at
her moisture-traced curves. “I suppose I don’t feel bad at the nuisances at the door
and other such at times. Now if Anne could target those scammers I would feel even
better about it.”
“You do recall that there is that growing infrastructure that might have potential
in the future,” she told him in a voice that seemed to tease the senses. “It may be
only used for government and scientists for the most part, but I see it spreading
and you saw the home computers are already becoming a growing trend. It seems that
in addition to business interest in communications such as portable phones that they
might wish for something better than they have already. Something else to branch
into the future as you already were contemplating as while the magical world does
have enough potential to support our ventures for the moment there is enough to keep
things going. You do have enough money coming in at this point, but there are more
mundanes than magicals in the world. Besides, I think you realize that the other
girls are a good sampling of a demographic for future consideration.”
“Some things to consider in the future,” Harry said as he let out a sigh and settled
down. “Now I think I need to get some sleep…”
“Sure go to sleep on me,” she said with a teasing laugh. “A beautiful woman loves it
when a man in her life just goes to sleep ignoring her…”
Sadly, her parting barb was met with a soft snore. She shook her head and placed a
blanket on him before she settled down to continue her guarding his mind. She was
sure that Lily would approve of her actions. Harry was growing up to be a wonderful
young man. He was also surrounded by beautiful caring women who would bathe the
world in blood to keep him happy, as he would do the same for them. Now the only
concern the mother would have is potential grandbabies in the future. It was a shame
that Lily had missed so much of his life. Snape would die painfully for that.
Dumbledore would die slowly and in agony with everything he ever dreamed of broken
and his future reduced to ash and his legacy not more than dust. Voldemort would
have nothing to his legacy as well.
It was the least the master could do to thank them for their efforts in regards to
his life. It was a shame that it would only be Dumbledore that Lily would get to see
dealt with. At least they would be able to use the connection to bring her back.
James they would at best be able to talk to from what her master had discovered. It
did not mean that they could not for sure just that it seemed difficult with all the
things stacked against them. There were possibilities that wherever Lily was
currently there was more to things than they knew. She was sure that it had not been
she-who-was that had been in the mindscape that night and that Alice Longbottom was
not dead either so where did he come from. There was also that her master was
unaware but it seemed that his passions were being funneled into a seeming black
hole of need in addition to the connections with the other ladies.
“Sleep tight, master,” she said fondly as she had the impression of a woman like her
floating on a sea of ecstasy as she felt the master and his lovers’ pleasure. “One
morning you will wake with us all in your bed and never again will you need to worry
about things. Your enemies will be broken, their dreams destroyed, and their
legacies nothing but sorrow. When that day comes, you can all move forward


Percival Weasley was not having a good time of things. He had a few nights
previously been experiencing the best night of his life. After his girlfriend had
never put out even though she had actually been trying to get him to satisfy her
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before he was done for the night, he had taken liberties with a couple of
underclassmen. He had done more with the boy and girl than his girlfriend of the
year had been doing.
‘It was going so well until that bitch had to but in,’ Percival thought with a
sudden rage present in his mind. ‘First she doesn’t even offer some things and when
I find people that I can use to meet my needs she acts like that!’
In his rage-clouded mind, he never realized how much damage an intelligent and
angered woman let alone a witch could cause. He was also ignorant of the growing
trend of idiots who crossed the Boy-Who-Lived or more accurately plotted, played and
punished. Of course, his plots were inevitably oriented in speaking with and more
likely attempting to resurrect his mother, his playing now involved possibly using
every bit of sexual possibilities as a check list where it involved him and any
number of willing females instead of the methodic mental anguish of his victims as
well as their physical destruction, and his punishments were now not just about
Unfortunately, for the now sexually frustrated Weasley, he was unknowingly digging
his own grave. Tonks could have arranged with Penny for his death with sufficient
alibi for Penny to do the act herself and still she could be perceived as innocent.
It was rather fortunate that she hadn’t gone down that train of thought. Oh when the
time was right she would get her revenge, but in the meantime she had to see about
curbing his ability to cause harm.
As it was Percy was feeling a bit wound up and with the chance of certain people
seeing beyond his appearance, he could not move on to new marks in his own house. He
didn’t even contemplate the Hufflepuffs, as Sprout would hang him by his balls if he
rocked their boat. He didn’t know what they were up to, but it was going to cause
him more headache than it was worse to get into a situation there. He also knew that
they were more than capable of solidarity. There were a few exceptions that were
lacking the ease of mobbing up for some collective retribution. One of the first
years was like that a Zacharias Smith if he recalled correctly. Oh, there were
beauties he would love to enjoy and possibly ruin, but most of them were friends and
at least acquaintances with Penelope and she would warn them off him even if she
were unable to do anything officially to him as he couldn’t do to her.

‘If I try anything with a Ravenclaw then she will be able to act against me just as
she was unable to do anything about those two earlier,’ Percival thought as he
wracked his rule filled mind for an out. ‘I think it would be best if I could get
someone that I would be able to satisfy these increased and in some ways new drives.
That Susan Bones looks like she is going to grow up just right but she would sic her
aunt on me and the head of the DMLE would not be someone to have targeting me. I
guess that leaves me with either Slytherins or any of the outcasts. Penelope had
enough of a group of friends in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff that she could do
something rumor wise since she hasn’t gone to the professor and McGonagall is so
easy to fool.’
He had lucked out in all his brown nosing over the years and attention to the rules
had left him an image of a toadying little rule follower and McGonagall would never
suspect someone like that to do anything like he had already done or planned to do.
He still had a few options left and one of them was being bribed to overlook things
and if it got him a chance to top some Slytherin tart then all the better. His other
options were limited, as he didn’t have the money to get what a Ravenclaw could be
bribed with although Penelope would be able to ambush him if he visited their common
room. Summer would have more opportunities and in the meantime, he could see about
some potions to coerce. A simple potion that made the person receptive and possibly
aroused would work well enough. His main problem was that his options were limited
with his lack of galleons and while there were plenty of girls here now there was
little chance that Penelope would not be reached for her opinion on his abilities.
“So I need to make a few deals and then work on getting out from the bottom,” Percy
said as he realized what he had to do. “What father fails to realize is that all of
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his ideals matter little when gold and power talks. Maybe the Slytherins do get it.
Ambition and cunning are not bad things to have and most of that house ends up far
higher than that naïve fool of a father did. Most of the department heads are
Slytherin although Hufflepuff has one with Amelia Bones. I cannot believe that I
never thought to make connections like that and it is not as if Susan does not look
like she is going to grow up far better looking than my mother looks. She was a
Prewitt and settling for a mediocre head of an unimportant department seems so
beneath her.”
He didn’t have the galleons for either a girl or a potion to ensnare one. With his
own house still partially in the dark, he thought better than to try the same stunt
again. Oh, he had loved every minute of it, but there was no chance of that now. It
would have been different if Penny hadn’t found out and he would have those two as
his playthings. He had cum so hard more from making them do what he wanted at first
versus any real skill the two had. It would have been better if had had caught two
girls, but making a guy sodomize his girl while he fucked her had been very arousing
for him.
As he walked down towards the area somewhere near the Slytherin dorms, he didn’t
realize how close he came to death from the sets of eyes in the dark. There were
plenty of people that had no compulsion to keep someone like him alive. Secrecy be
damned, but if Penny had told Harry the fool would have died already or at least
wished that he had.
Still, Percy made his way to the secured room near the Slytherin dorms. He didn’t
have money to get the better class of connections, but in Slytherin, there were
enough that chose to sell themselves or were desperate enough. That didn’t even
include those foolish enough to get into deals or became subjects of opportunity.
They were the ambitious ones and did use any means to get ahead including a number
of things the others would not understand.
“What do you want?” a decidedly female voice asked through the wall. “I thought you
lions were to bold to learn things…”

“Perhaps a lion realizes they made a mistake in trying to conform to what their
family wished,” Percy said honestly, which was a surprise to both of them. “Some
needs are not easily met in the lion’s den, but I hear they can be acquired here.”

“Ah so we know what you want,” she said with a decidedly intrigued sound on
corrupting a Gryffindor. “All that is left is what can you provide for us. Do not
think us fools, as we know you do not have the gold for such things. So what are you
“I do have some use for those like you and more in the future,” Percy said as he
contemplated what he had to offer. “Besides, it is not like I am asking for too
much. I would even settle as long as certain criteria are met. Perhaps discussing
this here is not the best although the ward is rather well done. Oh, don’t gasp like
that. My older brother works for Gringott's as a curse breaker do you think unlike
my foolish younger brothers I would be ignorant of what that requires.”
“And here I had thought most of your family were bossed around by that mother of
yours,” she said with a snicker. “I suppose your older brothers took jobs out of the
country to get away from her control.”
“I suppose they did in a way,” Percy conceded as he contemplated how to get this
deal to go through. “Still, they did rather well away from home, and I plan on doing
at least as well so I would be a worthwhile investment. I don’t plan on being stuck
in Misuse of Muggle Artifacts or worse Centaur Liaison like some people. It has come
to my attention that school is more than just impressing future employers and the
current administration but also networking and establishing working relationships
among one’s peers.”
“Now that is a rather enlightened view for someone in your house,” she said and he
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could practically hear her rise in approval concerning him. “I suppose I can allow
you to see about acquiring some services, but I do expect an oath before you see
anything as I doubt you would want your presence known anymore than I wish my
venture investigated…”
“I understand,” Percy said while trying not to show how desperate he was. “Now as to
the wording of the oath as I believe neither of us wants to ruin our own ventures by
a miss worded vow?”
He knew he was taking a risk here, but since that night, he had felt the need
burning inside. It had taken him a good deal to come to the conclusion that he
needed to seek services before he lost control. He had been under far more stress
than normal and he didn’t have Penny to relieve the tension anymore. He had found
his gaze on those in his house that he could easily confront and coerce to do
things, but he was uncertain if the blanket of trust he had developed in the
teachers would last for longer than it did among the prefects. He had been relieved
that Penny hadn’t tried anything at revenge nor to discredit him even if it left him
Percival was aware of his worries as he waited for the Slytherin Queen to make her
decision. He was a Gryffindor and thus mostly unaware of the internal structure of
Slytherin house, but as a prefect he had managed to overhear things. Their house was
more structured than his own house, which had power resting in the hands of the
prefects and Quidditch team as sources of glory to the house. He knew that there was
a structure or more a hierarchy in Slytherin and that while the woman in front of
him was at least a fifth year he doubted she was much older than that and yet she
wielded enough influence to circumvent the older prefects.

“Naturally,” she said with a hint of a smile at the Slytherin decisions that the
least unthinkingly charging Gryffindor in front of her was doing. “Still this is not
the first time that an outsider has sought such favors within the serpent’s lair and
there is a preexisting form that you can look over and then we can make whatever
changes we need to preserve our agendas.”

The next little while was an example of haggling as this person only whispered as
the current Queen managed to make the agreement far less of a compromise and more of
everything she wanted while allowing Percy to conduct business with her based on the
credit his skills were netting him. Percy was not necessarily in the best of
positions to negotiate as he had found his attempts to ease his own needs having
been less than satisfactory in comparison. This was also impeded by the Queen having
a set of tea brought into the room by some masked girls whom she had confided were
contractually unable to reveal any of the business conducted.
That had helped alleviate some of his concerns; however, they were scantily clad and
such that it was more provocative than if, they were simply naked cavorting about
the room. He unfortunately did not have a footstool like the girl the queen was
using although he did have two girls with extravagant jewelry massaging his
shoulders. He suspected that he would have lost everything if he had not managed to
avoid their hands going lower. His attempt in the shower to relieve some stress had
not calmed him enough.
As distracted as he was, Percy did suspect that the decorations were normally a more
hands on entertainment. He could see how she was the current queen with how her
maneuvering made him in a position of weakness in the negotiation. As tempting as he
had been to ask for a hand or more to clear his head, Percy could tell that the
barely restrained predatory look in her eyes meant that she would leap on the sign
of weakness. With the currently terrifying repercussions, he had little desire to
risk being handed to her tender mercies.
His own bit of cruelty would be quiet tame in comparison. He did not want to risk
what horror they could and would administer if he were weak. He knew that most of
the house had a low opinion do to his parents’ actions although Bill and Charlie had
managed to be respected enough. He did not want to be someone’s plaything or worse
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do to not being careful. He knew that Lucius Malfoy had all but a blood feud with
his father over their disagreements.

Finally, as he felt the two were getting his blood to the point where he was so
tempted to beg the queen for a favor, Percy tried not to collapse in relief over the
annotated and edited written oath. He had managed to get some of what he wanted even
if he had conceded far more than he would have liked. He stared at the quill in
apprehension as it rested in the delicate hand of a girl he almost blurted out to
ask to stroke him with that exquisite hand and almost turned to concede some more if
it meant one of these beauties would consent to drain his balls into their mouths.
‘It was a good thing I didn’t delay any longer or I would have almost conceded
everything just for a single encounter with one of these beauties,’ Percy thought as
he reached out for the quill that would change his future. ‘I might have done better
sooner, but at least this way there is no risk unlike my earlier reckless act. I
don’t regret it only that I got caught and didn’t manage to catch Penelope and break
them like I so wanted to do to those two brats!’
He looked at the quill as it was in his hand. He could smell a lingering scent that
almost broke him as he realized exactly where the girl had hidden the quill. He
almost asked if he could replace it when they were done, but he wanted to get this
settled as he had spent more time negotiating than he had planned. He barely would
have time for fun tonight with how late it was.
“There,” Percy said as he finished cosigning the written agreement with a barely
suppressed wince as the blood quill had for a moment tore his name across his hand.
“I believe that settles that and your signature is all that is needed to complete
things. I can hope our future agreements are more pleasantly reached.”

“Of course, dear Percy,” she purred, as she seemed to shudder in bliss as she signed
her name quickly enough that he did not see her name. “Considering that with
security in place our future discussions will be far more pleasant than simply
sharing tea. A shame to miss the pleasantries in life, but it would not do to have
someone blabbing especially about who was all here; it is for their own and your
protection of course. Still it is more delightful to enjoy active entertainment than
just the decorations.”

Her last words were emphasized by the masked women that milled about serving tea and
one had been her footstool while another was a table for them to set the tea in
between them. The decorations were masked so that the unsigned could not reveal who
were working as well as their contracts prevented them revealing whom they were
serving. It had been an ingenious addition to the contract that had come from a deal
with the Black family and their discreet services. Not even Verisiterum could force
them to reveal the secrets they learned. Her family had for many centuries a
friendly rivaling agreement with them, but she was unsure who had inherited the
leadership now.

Looking at the trained and educated girls around her, she didn’t doubt that they
would flourish in that place if they failed to secure suitable husbands. Slytherin
girls were an exercise in power. They could be your greatest allies or worst enemies
and they had more often than not managed to stir things up if they were scorned. The
girls gained an appreciation and experience in the carnal arts and learned to play
the politics of pureblood society in particular and the Wizarding World in general.
Percy would have likely missed more of the catches if he had been more distracted by
a pretty girl servicing him, but his unsoothed libido had made him still incautious
enough to get most of her concerns dealt with. He had missed a number of ways she
could recoup any loss if he failed to come through against his future worth. Still
he wasn’t the dumbest fool she had done business with before.
“Now I suppose you would like to see some of the available merchandise,” she said
with a slight smile as the two girls who had been gently rubbing his shoulders moved
back. “I would be tempted to offer some of these, but your tastes seem more inclined
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to not be compatible with the level of appearance they need to be in. Besides, most
of these are already scheduled by others tonight.”

That was not the complete truth, but she had no desire to have this still somewhat
brash Gryffindor mishandle her merchandise and she enjoyed her eye candy. Rising
from her chair with an affectionate pat to the head of the kneeling girl on her
right before handing off her tea with an affectionate caress to her bared breast,
she accepted the goblet of dark wine from the attractively decorated girl to her
left. Her left hand reached out to slip under the flared skirt to give her a quick
fondle of appreciation. That was the girl she normally had between her thighs while
she rocked against her foot as she conducted business. Therefore, she had decided to
reward her for having to stand there without revealing her current state of need.

She motioned for Percy to follow and let him look into the open rooms along the
corridor. The girls were not necessarily nude as some liked to see what they looked
like partially clothed instead of getting adjusted to being unfazed by their bodies
being complete bared to their gaze. Sometimes how little one showed was more
enticing than how much was revealed. Besides, most preferred the fun of disrobing
them than the immediate access. It was not as if they required long to undress, as
they were mostly skirts that barely covered their ass let alone their cunts when
they were in most positions. Their chests were enhanced by the curve fitting tops
they wore.
She watched his eyes, as he seemed to be searching for something in particular at
this point. She took him past the usual lineup to get a feel for the type of
companion her client sought. She went past the various hair colors and body shapes.
There was something he was in need of and it would allow her to better allocate who
was servicing whom if she could find that specific appetite. She could always dig up
what kinks he was into and pick that in addition to body type, hair color, and
“This is a rather interesting one,” She said as Percy looked at the girl with a
hunger in his eyes as he almost drooled at the scantily clad young girl who looked
so innocent and submissive. “A second year mudblood who thought she was smart enough
to negotiate her way through Slytherin without a mentor. Even the most connected
pureblood girls know to have a mentor. I got her after she had spent her entire
first year being broken and then passed around after she failed to understand how
pathetic her terms were.”

She watched how he reacted to her words as well as the presence of the girl and she
suppressed her smirk at having read him so accurately. He was a rather specific
connoisseur although she could tell he didn’t mind as long as he was supplied with
someone to drain his balls into and onto often enough. His present state was quite
revealing and it seemed he might profit her more than he had thought.
“So she has some experience in knowing her place and properly pleasing her betters,”
Percy said with a hungry look as all the delightful things he could do to her made
his pathetic bulge visibly pulse to even her casual gaze. “While my family may harp
on about muggles and tolerance and other such things, I at least get that power is
important. While I may not agree with muggle hunting and that baiting is a waste of
productive time for better and more leisure activities, I don’t think that there is
anything wrong with making sure that people like this don’t contaminate our world
with their radical and dangerous ideas. If she was foolish enough to think she could
understand the subtleties and nuisances of our world then I say she got what she
deserved. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough resources to purchase even a used whore
like this, but I suppose you would be willing to allow me some time with her?”
“I see that you are definitely cut from a different cloth than most of your family,”
She said with a smile as she could taste how delightfully vicious this boy was
turning out to be. “Whore this one will be using you however he likes tonight. His
only limits are that you are with treatment able to attend class tomorrow. You had
best satisfy him or I will see about letting the fifth years vent their stress from
their exams. If you were not such a submissive slut, I would think about having you
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fail out and selling you off thus washing my hands of you. As it is, submissive cum
hungry whores like you are in demand here and thus I keep you around to be used by
your betters.”
“Yes, madam,” she whispered with her eyes not meeting either boss of client. “Should
I ensure he is prepared to fully use me and that this whore is able to do so?”
“I believe so,” She said as she noticed the way his cock visibly twitched as the
mudblood debased herself verbally before she scooped him out, swallowed him, and
began to fuck her face on his cock even as he grabbed her hair and began to control
her pace. “Well Percival, it was good doing business with you but I would prefer to
deal with other matters while you play with this whore. I would suggest having her
swallow a load or two or you will need to clean her out or use your cum as
lubricant. Just remember she needs to be in shape for class tomorrow, if you want a
more brutal session do make arrangements for it to be over the weekend. If you break
any bones, it will take most of the night with skelegrow to replace them so I advise
such games for other times.”
“Yes, madam,” Percy moaned out as he felt the rush of making this mudblood slut gag.
“I won't do anything to jeopardize our deal.”
“Good for you,” she said with a smile as she looked him over with a vicious look.
“Just remember that it can be you in her place if you fall through. You may be a
pureblood, but you are no future head of house or of any importance at this time. As
such, you really wouldn’t be too missed. There are a number of purebloods that would
delight in being able to stick it to a blood traitor, as you know most of them
consider your family. Still I suppose you should just enjoy what you have at the
moment, as for me I am going to do other things…”

“As you said, good for you,” Percy said before he held her head as he felt her
gagging as he shot down her throat. “That does take the edge off… and did the little
slut just cum?”

“Why yes she did,” the Slytherin queen said with a smirk as she saw the splatter
between the girl’s legs. “This little slut wanted to make sure that she had some
pleasure from her encounters and it was not as if she didn’t cum like the slut she
was before that. So one of the terms of her contract was that she would have at
least a minor orgasm for every one she caused. It doesn’t matter how rough you are
with her, as she will cream herself when you spray her. She also has an increased
sensitivity during sexual activities and tends to be sought by those that enjoy
their more sadistic tendencies. Personally there is nothing like a good whipping to
help a girl vent and this cum hungry cunt practically begs when you really start to
work her over.”

“Now that is good to know,” Percy said with a smile that was only enhanced by the
glee he felt at that revelation. “So just sucking me off got her wet enough that I
can really go wild and none of those ages of foreplay and then be gentle shit? Now
that is some welcome news! Now if you don’t mind you said that you have things to do
and I am not that much of an exhibitionist unless there was a chance for more... oh,
pity, it might have been fun.”
“I am a Slytherin, dear Percival,” she said with a laugh. “I prefer to be in
control. Even the slut here has that desire although she didn’t think things through
enough. Slytherin is the house of ambition and she thought she had a way to get hers
but she botched her negotiations as I said before. You could have done well in our
house with your ambitions. I am no longer in a position to accommodate anywhere near
as much as you prefer. Besides, we have the same taste in playthings preferring them
to know their place. Now have fun with her while I play elsewhere…”
Percy nodded to her before pulling the suddenly panting in need for air girl from
suffocating with him down her throat and then tossing her to her hands and knees
with the meager garment flipped up exposing her ass and the dripping lips of her sex
between her soaked thighs. As she sashayed out of the room, he couldn’t regret not
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being able to get a piece of that before he pushed the mudblood slut down and buried
himself into her causing her to gasp and try to thrust back against his pinning her
Ignoring the sounds of the girl getting a rough near raping, she made her way out to
grab a few personal sluts she could have pleasure her since the boys had spent the
time fucking instead of studying and had to catch up. With her eyes closed, she just
smirked as she felt the fingers and tongues pleasuring her all over. The boys had
always loved her tits and now she had two of their favorites squeezing their thighs
together for relief while kissing and suckling her.
The other two playthings were most often kneeling in the common room with their
mouth open for anyone to fuck. Having those two burying their tongues in her cunt
and slurping her ass was something that was getting her hot. They had thought they
were so smart in making their asses off limits as well as their cunts being fucked
only with personal and limited duration negotiations. As such, those two were able
to study more but had overlooked where and what could be made to slurp, lick, and
suck. The more vindictive ones had laughed at the shock on their faces when they had
a practically fresh from sodomizing dick shoved in their faces.

Her eyes fluttered as she watched the wall with the collage of the various clients
playing. Percival was not very interesting in his technique, but the sadism involved
did seem more suited for darker pursuits. While she had to contribute her tribute to
House Slytherin, only the Lord Slytherin had full access with limited to the head of
house, prefects, and the Slytherin council. She had been informed by some of the
inner circle through her father that she would get a finder’s fee for every
potential Death Eater she arranged to be recruited. Her family may have been
somewhat neutral, but they had no problem in profiting out of the factions and their
She thought the other purebloods and even the mudbloods would find it ironic that
Slytherin had helped preserve what rights witches had even until this time. She
would have loathed a world where she could not have some contractual protections.
The founders had provided protection to the students in their house, and thus they
were under the hospitality and houseroom of Hogwarts and whatever house they were
sorted into until they graduated or flunked out.

Slytherin had more apparent issues, as while the rules prevented outright rape in
the house there were ways around it. Personal negotiations between witch and wizards
in general and particular were prevalent. If the witch was betrothed, then their
betrothed could negotiate as well as offer services. They also could refuse to allow
access. Although pureblood wizards were not unwilling to whore their betrothed out
for advantage they did make sure they did not risk the negotiated progeny.

She did not doubt that if there were exceptions in needing such agreements that
eventually the pureblood witches would be little more than whores for the wizards.
No, it would have been worse than that with witches as little more than property and
baby factories. That was something she would not accept!
Stretching from her post orgasmic bliss would be something she could enjoy soon. Her
girls were quiet good at their job and renting them out had supplemented their
finances for many centuries. Her libido dampening thoughts were nowhere near strong
enough to keep these talented things from making her all hot and eager.
She let the disgusting thoughts of what she might have suffered be driven out as she
felt the rush in her body. Her breathing was erratic and she was panting as she felt
her body responding and rising higher. Her thighs were spread wide and from the
looks of it the stupid fourth year who had declined being mentored by her was the
one lapping at her clit while she had most of her fingers stroking in her drooling
cunt. She admitted that she did enjoy savoring the misfortune in those who had tried
to circumvent her plans or spurned her offers of alliances.
‘Having them make me cum is almost as satisfying as being the one who gets to profit
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from their school time sex lives,’ she thought before she felt the increase in speed
and her body start to rhythmically rise up to meet the thrusts. ‘Ok, making them
serve me is a thrill!’
She rode out the waves of pleasure as her whores drove her over again and again into
sopping wet spraying climax. Her face was twisted in pleasure as she felt the girl
shudder as she sprayed her face. It was good to be her she knew as she felt the
other slurp and get her head almost drenched as she gushed.
Her eyes rolled up as her head rolled around while her body arched off the couch as
she lost herself in the pleasure. She came awake drenched in sweat and sitting in a
pool of her juices as the four were licking her clean. She could feel them barely as
they licked from her thighs to her mound and down between her cheeks to her juice
splattered asshole and the trail flowing down her crack.
Looking at the display of Percival’s current room, she smiled and saw that he was
wrapping up and his head struggling to stay up. He might fall asleep before she got
there, but she did have to talk to some of the other clients. Besides, she did not
wish to reveal that she could monitor them and if he was awake he would be suitable
sloppy to get a few more compromises out of him.
“Well you four,” she said as she gazed down at the four sticky lipped sluts. “I have
some more business to attend to right now. As the boys seem to have forgotten to
study until tonight I am sure you can suitably keep yourselves busy…”
The four looked at each other and realized what she wanted them to do. Their madam
or mistress was more than willing to twist the terms of their contracts. Spending
the rest of the night before sleeping getting the others off was not that bad a
fate. They could have always spent the night under Polyjuice and likely meeting
whatever knew degradation their head of house thought up.
She pulled her outfit on and left them to stew. They likely would spend the night in
a chain slurping the others pussies as their contract did allow them to be taken
that way. Most made the mistake in focusing on what they didn’t want to do and not
what they would be required to do. Contract details could make most lawyers salivate
at all the practice and lessons one learned from them. She was grateful that she had
read some of the technical language her father used in his legal matters. She could
have had a truly unpleasant time before this otherwise.

It had been odd that when there had been an heir of Slytherin that he hadn’t
anywhere near the control of the other heirs. Gryffindor’s heirs had been able to
practically sleep with all the girls if they wanted to do so. They didn’t know that
their inherited contract allowed them almost as much control over the house as a
lord has over his serfs. Slytherin’s heirs had influence but Salazar had been
paranoid even about his descendents. He did have controls accessible only by
Parseltongue scattered not just in his house but the rest of the school as well.
Serpent statues and such could constrain disobedient students, but a Parselmouth
could release them.

Lord Slytherin however had his legendary authority. The contracts the witches signed
were irrelevant. The Lord could merely imply what he wanted and if he did so, there
was not much they could do about it. He also had access to the larger funds besides
the school coffers. Any decent business conducted in the house had to provide a
percentage for being permitted to operate. Hell, her ancestor had provided muggles,
muggleborns, and even pureblood witches for whatever it was that Lord Slytherin had
required. He had provided his own flesh and blood to apprentice under him. Oh, she
hadn’t learned some of his secrets, but the investment of being the founder’s
personal attendant had allowed her access to knowledge they jealously guarded even
to this day.
The cloaked and concealed woman looked into the room once more this time in person.
She could see Percival Weasley had made rather complete use of the girl. It had been
tempting to watch his descent. Her family had been running this game for a while.
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The number of young wizards to be educated in the glory of power over the years had
provided them with sufficient comfort. It was rather fortunate that so many foolish
lesser witches lost their protection. The foolish mudbloods that slacked off were
unaware of what would happen to their token protection. If they failed out, they
would lose their wands and be most often not allowed to slip back to the muggles.
They knew too much by that point and were too dangerous to allow to be endangering
things. Besides, they made good sales in selling the inferiors as the sluts and
whores, which was all that they were good for in proper magical society.
She knew that as a pureblood she had some choices. Oh, she likely would be married
off, but at least she was too successful to be only utilized to continue her
contracted husband’s line. There were some witches in power, but most in the
ministry understood that for a witch to get anywhere there they would need a patron,
a very powerful one, or to serve their superiors on their backs or knees. Most
often, it took a combination of both to get anywhere important. The two opposites of
that were Delores Umbridge, who while not the most attractive had been good enough
and willing enough to slurp and be taken on her way, and Amelia Bones, who was just
damn scary in her dueling and managerial skills.
She didn’t doubt that Amelia could have slept her way to her position, but she
hadn’t needed to do so. The tragedy with her family had caused her to spend too much
time with her job, but she was Hufflepuff enough that she had some friends to keep
an eye on her. Their network was one of the few that the Slytherin Madam was envious
of, but Hufflepuff had long been some of the most networked houses although the
Slytherin ones were a web of favors and connections.
Percival Weasley was not someone too important at this point in time, but she could
see the ambition any Slytherin would respect. Unlike his naïve father, this one
would be a useful connection in the future. Now if his manner with this stupid
mudblood whore were any indication, then this boy would be a good addition to the
network her father was connected to. While it was not very likely that the son of an
unshakeable and fanatic Dumbledore supported could be enticed and tempted to the
proper wizard side, it did seem that this one would be easier to tempt with power.
The look on those blood traitors faces if he was inducted would be worth the
investment. Besides, a few mudblood sluts needing healing before she whored them out
were of little concern to her.

If he failed to succeed, she would recoup her investment, but she didn’t think it
was likely from what she saw. The Malfoys were rather inclined to harm that family
anyway they could and if the boy became a squib from breaking his oath then she knew
that Lucius wouldn’t mind a toy to play with and taunt Arthur Weasley with. The only
thing he might enjoy more is having the boy cull the blood traitors in his own
family. Still with the absence of the dark lord, it was not too likely that his
initiation would be as memorable as some would wish. She did wonder why a schemer
like Molly Prewitt had settled like she had, but having her dear boy rape and
torture her would be payment enough. The bitch had managed to upset enough of her
family’s plans and it was likely that the slut had decided that Dumbledore was a
better means to get what she wanted.

It was likely that the woman was plotting on gaining the Potter and possibly Black
fortunes. Although Malfoy had implied that Draco would become both Lord Malfoy and
Lord Black before that, there was a chance that Potter would inherit that from his
godfather. The rumors she had acquired did not make a confrontation with the boy a
winning possibility.
‘If the rumors of the animosity with Percival were true then he would make a useful
cat’s paw,’ she thought as she smirked at the whore whimpering and all marked from
his play. ‘Still letting him vent of a few sluts and whores should be worth the
investment. There are ways I can get my price if he fails completely. I could always
sell him or worse.’
She was a Slytherin after all and she hedged her bets. She would come out a head
either way. Even if Percival destroyed himself crossing Potter and her connections
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in what she had no doubt would be his house had informed her that the boy already
made Severus Snape look uninformed as he had been as a first year. The legend of how
much destructive magic that man had knew without any official education was quiet
well known in Slytherin. She didn’t want to cross someone who as a first year
dominated those five years his senior in power, knowledge, and skill.
‘As long as he hasn’t done or does something to get that obvious Dark Ravenclaw to
kill him, I will be able to consider this venture a success,’ she thought as she
catalogued the after affects the boy had left on the girl even as he seemed to be
violating her in her sleep quiet cruelly. ‘He definitely is dark inclined, but how
much the Malfoys and their ilk will pay for corrupting a scion of the light is
something I will need to see. I doubt I could entice Potter anyways as even if he is
already dark what little is known is that he would likely disagree with my business.
I do wonder why he is not in Slytherin, as while even I cannot gather much real
information on him even I have felt his ministrations and their results. All I have
besides that one encounter is suspicion and phantoms. A first year should not be
able to hide their secrets from my network! If I did not suspect from what little
those fools had scene, I would have overlooked him, but I can already tell that he
is more than willing to drown the world in blood to accomplish his goals whatever
they are.’

Looking at Percival as the girl in his twisted and brutal embrace whimpered as she
saw him not letting up even in her sleep, she realized that even if she was dead to
the emotions such a sight should have brought up that there were even more dangerous
people out there than her. She had seen something in the Dark Ravenclaw’s eyes as he
was at lunch one day. The supposed savior of the Wizarding World was a killer she
could tell. He was just better at covering it and his reputation would likely aid
him in covering up even her own death. She couldn’t prove it, but given what
connections she had been able to observe there was little doubt that he was as
cunning as any Slytherin. The way he seemed to control the information around him
did give her an understanding of him and his reasons for not being in her house. She
did not doubt that if he had been in Slytherin that the less than subtle factions
would have been culled already.

Ignoring that she could have easily been in the girls place, she turned her back as
a painful sob was torn out of the girl’s throat as she heard Percival grunt in his
sleep and she could practically hear him flood her abused ass. She had seen he
hadn’t just been there as the girl had shown her cunt had been raped and her tits
were swollen and bruised. The potions to cover this up would she hoped be worth it.
She could always see about getting a few flunked out mudbloods or useless squibs to
have the boy sate his appetites with instead of wearing out her other girls as she
had plans for them.

You could not be weak and survive in Slytherin. The hat had been right when it had
sung this year that they used any means to get their goals. She would do what the
girls in her control did if it advanced her plans and she had been more than willing
to apprentice under the previous leadership. Her family connections only would go so
far and she had used that to her advantage. She could tell that despite how well he
blended into the shadows that Potter was an obvious power she would need to plan
around and for or she would not be able to take advantage of the opportunities.


Susan was unsure what she was going to do. She suspected that Harry was up to some
things and that they might be more than some potion brewing on the side for money.
She really wanted to be there for him and she did owe him her life. It would be
easier if he had simply chosen to have her for a night or something. She doubted
what they were feeling was love in the classic sense instead of lust and respect.
His almost letting her go and having her return seemed romantic to her. There was
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also the classic rescue a damsel in distress and how one would normally marry them,
or at least spend some time ravishing her.

If he had been a Gryffindor, then that would have been traditional, as Lord
Gryffindor had acquired a number of consorts that way. He was a Ravenclaw and he
seemed quite ready to acquire knowledge and well suited to hording that too. At the
moment, she only had suspicions, but it was good to know that there was more to him
than the image and books said. She suspected that with his current attitude that he
likely had ensured that lawyers would descend on those using his likeness even if he
didn’t necessarily need the money.
‘Something auntie made sure that I know,’ Susan thought as she snuggled against
Hannah. ‘It would not do to antagonize people that are dangerous. Still it would be
nice to curse the bullies, but they are mostly more privileged than even I am. As it
is, I know who to avoid, whom I should try to be civil with, and who to try to
befriend. One of those she recommended was Neville, but he is so painfully shy that
he would likely be difficult to approach. Still I probably would have to do that
sooner than later as his shyness will be worse once I cannot hide that I am an early
bloomer. That was something I hadn’t factored into things as auntie and the older
girls are right that the boys will start to talk to my breasts and not me. However,
those talking into them might not be that bad. It would feel good, but things are
already complicated for me and I know who has just made it more so.’
She knew and so did Hannah now that Harry Potter was a complicated person. Things
also seemed to get interesting when he was around. It was just going to make things
difficult, but she would not have been sorted into her house if she had shied away
from doing things that required effort. Her nightly exercises with Hannah were a
case in point. If her savior would be continuing to make her wait, then she would be
as prepared to make the inevitable victory as mutual satisfying as possible.
“Hannah,” Susan said as her friend nuzzled her already enviable mound and resumed
almost nursing her again. “I think there might be more going on with the boy who is
hung than we thought. I don’t plan on not succeeding in this, but I am unsure if it
won't lead to heartache later…”
“Suz, we’re young and you have to admit that he is a very good choice,” Hannah said
after letting her friend loose with a slight pout. “He isn’t the same as some of the
other boys here and he definitely considers more than his own jollies when doing
things. He may be secretive, but I doubt that he is anywhere near as bad as the
Death Eater’s spawn. You do know that he seems to avoid them even if he also avoids
those that they call blood traitors. I don’t believe he wants to get entangled in
things and that is a good plan at this point and time. Still you will admit that you
want more. The waiting is driving both of us mad and I worry that after he ravishes
us that we will be ruined for others not so much as us being no longer virgins in
any sense, but that other boys would fail to measure up.”
“I know,” Susan whispered with her eyes closed as her friend began to resume
suckling her even before her hands wandered low enough to cause her to groan in
pleasure. “We have already seen how Hermione has reacted to being ravished by him.
Just seeing them makes my knees weak and I want to be in her place so badly. I know
what I want and even though it looks like the boys in our house would not mind
working hard to satisfy, I know they will fail to measure up to the shear intensity
of that man. We may be the same age, but there is no doubt in my mind that he is
already a man in all the ways that matter. I may be risking heartache later, but he
will be my first. Given what we know about our house, he will not be our only but I
doubt that we will be as thoroughly sated without the boys lining up to make sure we
are driven over the edge time after time…”
Hannah was quiet as Susan became worked up enough not to talk. Her friend was
holding her head to her breast while Hannah’s hand was moving between her lover’s
thighs. Her response would wait, as it did seem like Susan had more to get off her
chest than just her lips. She was a friend first and a lover second. Hannah knew
that anything lasting required friendship and trust.
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Anyone could fall into bed for some fun, and oh but did they have some fun there!
Sure, they had spent a bit of time being voyeuristic with Harry and Hermione since
they had nowhere near the stamina of the two as well as some things seen in their
house. Still holding each other where they could see and touch was wonderful;
however, once those two had demonstrated one thing they had not thought of had led
the two to loosing hours with their heads buried between each other’s thighs. It had
been funny to see some of the girls in their house do that after wards as they had
absently had their lips shift to an O of understanding. It made more sense when they
had caught glimpses of some of the puff girls doing that while the guys recovered
before crawling over to make one of their other female friends feel good again.
Besides just doing things for fun, something that most seemed not to understand is
that any lasting relationship had to have some trust in it to survive. Pleasure
could only go so far even if it did help to mellow disagreements. It was hard to
stay mad at someone after a few mind and body shuddering hours of pleasure. Still,
Hannah knew that she liked this right now. She reveled in holding her friend close
as she made her friend happy. If Harry Potter would make her happier, then she would
do everything in her power to make it happen. Besides, Hannah had realized before
that she was attracted to both of them, well all three if you included her love for
Still Hannah was savoring the moment. Her lips were suckling at Susan’s early
blossoming bosom and her hand was caressing her sopping slit. The preparation fun
that they have had made sure that Susan wouldn’t be in too much pain when her friend
got her man to make her his. Hannah didn’t lie to herself, as she wanted to watch
that happen almost as much as her friend wanted it to happen. Hannah was already
planning on things, but they would have to get out of bed sooner or later as they
did have a discussion with Hermione to have.
“I suppose we should go,” Hannah said with a sigh, as she didn’t want to leave the
bed or Susan’s embrace. “I don’t know about how much of what they have said is a
joke, but I don’t think I want to discover the line between pleasure and pain before
getting a real cock in all of my holes and getting sprayed. I suspect you are the
same on that as there is also enough things to explore that are designed purely for

“True,” Susan said with a slight bit of disappointment in her voice. “Still even if
Harry is not there, I suspect that Hermione will make things memorable somehow…”

The two reluctantly maneuvered out of the bed and pulled some clothes on. It was not
as if they would be in them long, but they didn’t want to take chances outside of
their dorms. In any other house, there was a chance that a girl being naked would
likely be either coerced or persuaded to just let one or more people have their way
with them. Their house didn’t seem to have that issue although it would lead to some
of their housemates inquiring if they wished to grow their friendship. They may be
first years but they had gotten used to the older students willingness to have sex
at the drop of a shirt. Their house did seem to have a very baize view on sex.
Hufflepuffs shared after all and they had seen their housemates have an orgy or
hundred already. Sometimes Professor Sprout was there, but none of them would force
anyone to do anything. It just was un-Hufflepuff to do that. It was likely that in
the next few years that they would be with most of their housemates at least a time
or two as it was the norm for their house. If a girl liked something, her friends
went out of their way to arrange the situations they liked. They had seen more than
one girl or boy being ganged up with the opposite sex, and more often than not the
older witches would pile together to lick and fondle each other once the wizards
were spent.
With their easy to remove clothes in place, the two girls made their way to where
Hermione was waiting for them. They wondered what Harry was doing that was keeping
him away, but they knew that their crush and soon to be complete lover was involved
in business and other extracurricular activities. He would likely have control of
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the underground distribution in the school long before he graduated. The houses had
their own ways to get things, but they suspected that with his drive, he would out
Slytherin the Slytherins and he would have a successful coup and thus become the de
facto supplier of things contraband or questionable.
They entered the practically empty room that they were supposed to meet in. They saw
Hermione there in her outfit. While it didn’t flaunt too much skin, it most
assuredly highlighted and hinted at what was beneath. That despite Susan already
being at the head of the development curve in her curves, Hermione looked to be a
few years ahead of them.
“Hello you two,” Hermione said with a grin that seemed to lack something but they
knew not what. “We need to have a bit of a chat, but that does not mean we can't
play a bit as well. On second thought, it might be easier to talk while we play. I
hope you aren’t disappointed that Harry is not here, but things do come up. We have
been discussing things and I think you will like the results.”
“Oh?” Susan asked in interest. “I suppose we are somewhat let down that Harry
couldn’t be here but it is not as if you hadn’t told us and hinted that this was a
discussion more easily done with just us girls.”
“You could always see about letting us have some time after class even if it would
be somewhat rushed,” Hannah said with an attempt to gain more time with their mutual
friend. “Being in his house you are able to spend more time with him than we can and
I know that Susan would like to spend more time with him as well. That doesn’t seem
that unreasonable to me, so you could make it up to us by helping us get more Harry

Hermione just looked at the two of them and giggled. It was so obvious what they
were wanting, and she had no choice but to call them on it. Still, she couldn’t
fault them on it, as she wanted the same thing as often as possible.

“You just want some time with his dick down your throat since you haven’t gotten
stretched enough for more yet,” Hermione teased them as she flipped up her skirt
showing a rather recently fucked cunt. “Or maybe you want more than the necessary
licking to ease your monthlies?”

‘Now if I could just figure out how to learn while kneeling with his cock down my
throat then things would be satisfying,’ Hermione thought as she looked at the
blushes the two girls were displaying from her response. ‘It is not that I don’t
enjoy when he has his dick inside or against me, but there is something different
and inspiring when I nurse on him until he leaves me with a full belly. I know Su
does the same so I suppose it is my more submissive side coming out. Only thing
besides a long session that makes me feel that content is after he dominates me…’
Susan continued blushing as she recalled how content she had been when she had
finally managed to have gotten Harry to do more than play with her. She had been
rather wide eyed when Hermione had allowed her to reciprocate with her hands at
first. It had been a strange emotion she had felt when she realized that Hermione
had been able to do that and more almost whenever she wanted, well when not in
class, eating, sleeping, or studying that is.
“So what if we do?” Hannah asked as Susan was obviously day dreaming of being as
lucky as Hermione to have likely spent a whole day just nursing like a baby and
getting as much and as often a mouthful to swallow. “Don’t think we didn’t notice
that you both had ducked into a closet or nook only for you both to come out with
that look. You had nowhere near enough time for a proper fuck, but you were at least
doing more than kissing and petting. At the very least considering how you were
licking your lips, he was, or both, it seems obvious that you were going down on
each other or at least one of you at a time. With that said, it does not seem fair
to corner all of the time with Harry as well as you. We are friends right?”
“I suppose I can see your point and we are friends,” Hermione hedged feeling a bit
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understanding considering how she felt when it had been Alice and Anne that had been
hogging the Harry time. “Still, you can't blame me and we are in the same house so
it does make things easier. If we were in more classes together than there would be
even more time. Thankfully, we have more classes together while the professors seem
insistent on having the Slytherins and Gryffindors stuck together more often. If it
is an attempt to get them along I don’t think it will work for our year.”

“Malfoy and Weasley,” Susan said with a nod even as her eyes came into focus from
her little fantasy and a new one of those two getting beat down was present in her
eyes. “Those two are so alike it is scary. Well besides Malfoy having more money
than sense and Weasley having more jealous fits than he has a lack of manners.”
“Point,” Hannah conceded even as she shivered at what having both in a class would
be like. “Those two are poster children for the two sides aren’t they? One a diehard
supporter of the pureblood supremacists and the other the condescending we are
better than them with the lets look down on the poor cute muggles. It makes me want
to gag at how ingrained the inequality is… I actually used something like that…
Hermione this is all your fault!”
“How is it my fault?” Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow of disbelief at the
absurdity of Hannah’s statement. “It is not as if I was some poster child for those
two deluded fools… or is it something else you are implying?”

“I think Hannah was referring to the way we have been talking lately,” Susan said as
she looked around the mostly empty room. “We have been speaking differently and not
like most of our peers. I suppose considering that outside of playing the both of
you speak more like someone who is an adult or at least a post secondary education
would do.”

“Oh,” Hermione said as she thought it over and glared lightly at Hannah. “Well
besides the Hogwarts education and our own on the side, we are working on our
ordinary education still. It does seem strange that none of the muggle raised
thought to compare things. Still considering the woeful lack of instruction in some
classes that is understandable. If Harry wasn’t here I probably would have thought
of transferring considering how some of our schoolmates are.”
“I see,” Hannah said even as she had wilted a bit from Hermione’s ire. “I guess that
makes sense, but I didn’t think that we would grow up so quickly if you know what I
mean. I planned on having fun still and other things. I suppose being serious and
studious is worth the more grown up fun.”
“We can still have other fun,” Susan said looking at her friend with a friendly
smile on her face. “It is just that Exploding Snap, Gobstones and the like seem less
interesting now. We do like to talk still and other things, but the thrill seems
more to exploring each other now. Well and it seems even easier to talk about things
afterwards like we are far more relaxed…”
“Well that makes sense,” Hermione said with a bit of understanding that the two
could hear. “This part of your relationship is new and exciting. As for the
relaxation, a good orgasm leaves the mind refreshed and soothed without the pent up
frustration and negative emotions. There is also the intimate closeness afterwards
as well. I suppose we could play first and thus be more open to discussing things…”
Seeing their nod, Hermione flicked her wand around the room to set a mood.
Transfiguration and charms could be intermixed if you knew what you were doing.
Outside of potions, Harry had seemed to enjoy making sure they were far ahead of
their year mates in the useful magics. Hermione was keeping up with Harry in
transfiguration if just barely as like in charms and potions he had inherited his
parents’ talents in the fields. Dora may have told them of how some girls had
transfigured their panties into comfortable furniture to have sex and sexual games
on, but considering the lack of that garment in all of their wardrobes Hermione had
learned to substitute with other things.

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Harry however was able to practically conjure a whole playroom if he set his mind to
it. Sadly, conjured items did disperse eventually unless one put a decent amount of
power into their creation. If it was otherwise then wizards would never need to buy
things and the cost would be only for those skills one didn’t have. Hermione was
skilled enough in inanimate transfiguration to make the room nicer. It was easier
with the base materials present in the room.

“Well what do you two think?” Hermione asked as she looked over changed room seeing
their startled looks at the level of magic their year mate had just used. “What? It
is not as if Professor McGonagall hasn’t been harping on Harry being a genius at
transfiguration and not to brag, but there was no way I would settle to be a distant
second. I may be behind Harry in raw talent and power, but I have worked on refining
my skills!”

“We get that,” Susan said impressed with what she had seen. “I just think that your
demonstration was more impressive than when the professor turned her desk into a
“We did see some interesting things in the dorms and around,” Hannah replied with a
bit of awe. “I suppose the other houses don’t have the number of cushions and other
furniture our common room has. Considering how often the older years spontaneously
seek physical comfort with each other, it is not too unexpected. Still the only
thing I heard almost as impressive was if a puff dated outside the house and the
girl transfigures her panties to a very cushiony bed. The chair looks almost like a
couch and very comfortable yet not likely to reek afterwards. As for the rest, you
really know how to set a mood.”

“I suppose considering how uncomfortable the floors, walls and other surfaces
outside our rooms are, it is little wonder that I put so much effort to learning
this,” Hermione said with a thoughtful look. “Well I suppose cushioning charms were
also something to get very good at. The floor does get somewhat stiff if you spend
too long on your knees. The walls are less than pleasant afterwards. The desks are
not too bad I suppose, and they are fun to be draped over when Harry started shaking
them when he takes me from behind.”
Hermione could tell that the two were seriously thinking about mastering those
charms. The look said it all. She had neglected the rather obscure charm that had
been used for breathing underwater and how it allowed one to not need to breathe
through their mouths for a decent period of time. That it also prevented the more
irritating fumes from potions to make one gag was something she would tell them
about later.
Susan looked around the room and Hannah could tell that she was thinking about how
best to utilize that chair. They had seen some creative use of furniture to help
alleviate the strain of certain positions. Once they succeeded in getting the full
Harry experience, they would see about being laid on a supportive surface and just
revel in having him find his pleasure in driving into them.

It was not as if they hadn’t caught site of Pomona laid face down or up on her desk
while the prefect boys took turns at both ends. They were broken out of their
thoughts seeing Hermione drop her clothes to the ground and walk enticingly to the
chair with her ass swinging in the perpetual post-fucked state that their friend
seemed to be as often as possible. They may have seen girls with more developed
chests, but Hermione was sculpted just right with an ass that seemed wrong to be
obscured by robes. It was probably best that the older girls hadn’t seen how good
Hermione looked under her robes or some would have been jealous.
‘All that exercising really paid off already,’ Susan thought as she recalled that
Hermione was very firm all over. ‘Sadly we still have a bit of baby fat on our
curves. I may seem to be blossoming on top, but Hannah will have the more
eye-catching derriere of the two of us. At least we don’t have girls teasing us for
being late bloomers, instead we get the other houses girls occasionally needling us
about being disproportioned because we let a few people see us without the robes
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hiding things like a sack cloth.’
The two girls looked at each other and before their eyes had met, they had begun
pealing out of their clothes. Their skirts and outer blouse hit the ground mere
moments after the other. They both were nowhere near as curved or shapely as their
older competition, but Susan had already outpaced the rest of the houses in cup size
save Hermione. Susan was already more than a mouthful and had started to approach
handful size. Hannah had felt a bit of disappointment when she had realized that her
friend would outsize her, but she accepted that easier by being able to enjoy them
herself. She never realized that while she was slightly envious that Susan would
have a more eye drawing chest that her friend would likely need more support in that

Even if they had hurried, Susan has a support charm placed on her blouse until she
could get some proper bras over summer. Having those mailed to her at school just
meant it was possible to have someone intercept and wave them around which would
embarrass her. Susan also wasn’t sure about telling her aunt any of the things that
had happened let alone how much her three sizes had changed. She was grateful that
her magic reduced the strain or she would have back issues before she graduated.

The two blinked in the nude to see Hermione seated legs spread in the chair. They
could see their friend was already excited and they felt their own bodies warm at
the sight. They didn’t know how they crossed the distance to her so quickly, but
they were grateful that they had. Hannah had practically latched onto her mouth and
Susan was kissing both of their faces. The moment that Hannah had to let go to catch
her breath, Susan took her place and she could see their tongues dueling with each

“Gods that is so hot,” Hannah whispered as she watched Susan pressing their heads
together. “Well if her lips are busy there is elsewhere and why leave my hands just
sitting there either…”

While Susan and Hermione were kissing each other senseless with their hands seeking
to entice the others higher and further, Hannah flittered about them adding her lips
and fingers to entice both of her partners even if they were more consumed by each
other at the moment. With Susan straddling Hermione, Hannah moved to press against
her friend and caused her friends to grind into each other with their tits rubbing
in ways she liked as the pair beneath her vibrated in pleasure. A slight shift of
space and Hannah found her hands managed to reach Susan while Hermione had over
extended and reached her own even as Susan was able to reach without Hermione’s arms
in the way the orbs that had just been squishing her own so pleasantly.
The rocking of bodies continued for a time until Susan needed to breath. Hannah
looked at her friend and came to a decision. Hermione was panting heavily even if
her hands were only slowly squeezing Hannah. This felt nice, but she wanted more fun
for all of them.

“Susan,” Hannah said with a voice laced with desire. “I know you need to breathe
honey, but Hermione here needs some more attention. Just follow my lead and I think
we will like it. Besides, it is my turn after all…”

“Ok, Han,” Suz said as she felt her body pressed between both of her lovers’ warm
bodies. “I really liked this though with your hands feeling so good on me and
Hermione rubbing our slick pussies together.”
“Yeah well, I think we will like this more even if I think you being sandwiched
between us feels like fun,” Hannah said as she noticed the way that Hermione was
moaning from their attentions. “Wow Hermione must be worked up cause it looks like
she is about to cum all over your cunt, Suz. Still just follow my lead after she
comes down…”
Susan pushed back and then forth in agreement, as she felt the moisture and heat
pouring out of Hermione into their joined sex. Susan shuddered as she rocked between
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them before following Hannah’s lead to stop being trapped between both of their
thighs. She came to a halt next to Hermione with Hannah across from her. Her eyes
widened as she saw Hermione flail her arms around even as she saw the tremors from
her friend’s convulsing sex. Meeting Hannah’s eyes, Susan followed diving lips first
into Hermione’s panting bosom with Hannah brushing their cheeks together.
Hermione’s hands failed to meet them at first, but soon her hands brushed against a
thigh and snaked their way up out of habit. She could have grabbed their heads and
held them tight to her chest, but that was not something that she had as a habit as
the last time she had almost suffocated Harry there he had responded by chaining her
arms so he could enjoy his explorations uninterrupted.
Having explored and gotten the upper part of their lover raring to go on a southern
exploration. Susan let her left hand go from Hermione’s shoulder to squeeze her ass
as she felt Hannah doing the same. The girls moved their right and left hand
respectively run along Hermione’s thighs towards her spread and dripping sex. Their
fingers did not dart inside unlike Hermione who had spent a few moments stroking
their lips before worming a finger inside and then adding more as they accommodated.
Instead, the two stroked the outside where they caressed her lips and the rest of
the sensitive areas.
“Oh yeah, just like that,” Hermione panted as they worked her up to orgasm again.
“Right… there!”
Realization came to her a few moments later as things had been a bit of a blur after
she had heard their clothes land on the ground. Hermione was seated on a
transfigured chair. Oh, it was a real chair, but it was altered to be more
comfortable. On her knees rested her two friends whom she had left her master’s side
to talk with. He was a bit busy with Dora and Su anyways. Su had been in contact
with her family and had to relay some of the discussion with their master. He was
also likely screwing Dora out of their minds, but she felt no real jealousy of her
friend. Hermione knew she was feeling more of an understanding in how difficult they
did find sharing. There was the simple fact that he was their master and he chose
how to spend his time. Besides, it was not as if she had been left behind or
forgotten. As it was, her two friends had been rather excited from what she gathered
was their own discussion of things.

‘That would explain how I got into this position,’ Hermione thought as she felt her
hands sliding inside the two eager girls’ honey pots while their lips were suckling
her growing breasts. ‘Besides, Dora is not the only one to want to play and she is
busy likely bouncing on master’s cock as he makes Su whimper in need as she tells
her report. He could have her turn a written one in, but it is more interesting to
do oral summaries.’
Susan was enjoying their exploring of Hermione. She didn’t mind that Harry wasn’t
here, as he was known to be busy. Hannah knew that she was disappointed that Harry
wasn’t here, as she knew her friend knew that she hoped that if they were worked up
enough they would be able to be seductive enough to beg Harry and succeed in
wrapping themselves around him as he drowned them in his presence. They both were
looking forward to the time when they could wrap their arms and legs around him as
he joined with them.
All this build up was starting to make them more determined instead of faltering to
have the dominant man to be their first. If they were in another house, he would
likely be their only, but as it is, they doubted that the boys in their house would
be as able to cause such feelings. From what they had learned, they would likely be
participants and enjoyers in their house’s orgies and it would be physically
satisfying, but there would be a depth with Harry that they doubted they would find.
Even the house resident stud was likely to be found lacking in the intensity
department. Still Cedric Diggory was not that bad for being a second choice and he
was older and should have been more experienced. As it was, Harry was able to excite
them to levels that even the handsome seeker could not do. Oh, if she hadn’t had the
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chance to have been held in Harry’s arms then she would have likely gone slack jawed
if the older boy had talked to her at all. Besides, she had seen Harry naked and
managed a glimpse at some of her housemates and even at this point Harry was better
formed above and below the waistline already.
“That feels good,” Hermione purred out from the pleasure of their attention. “Now
there is something I want to try and it has taken a bit to work up to it.”
“What is it?” Susan asked after letting Hermione’s nipple snap back with a pop. “I
cannot think of much that you haven’t done with Harry yet…”
“Well there are a few things,” Hermione sighed, as the girls’ hands were not staying
idle. “You can start by working your lovely hand up my pussy. I may not be getting
some Harry time tonight, but that is no reason to go without some fun. Besides, I
think you two like the practice…”
“True, oh so true,” Hannah said as she looked and compared the three girls
development while she watched Susan slide more of her hand into their friends
sopping slit. “Suz may not be ready for being stretched that much, but it will be
fun we can have later. A few fingers have been stimulating enough especially if a
tongue is worked in for us so far. Still I don’t think that is something you want to
try since we have seen you curl around his hand before…”

“Yeah, he has and it has been wonderful,” Hermione said with a smile even as Susan’s
fingers were working her up. “I suppose that I can trust you on this.”

“Trust us on what, Hermione?” Susan asked as she felt Hermione’s responses to her
attention with how warm and wet her fingers now were. “Haven’t we proved ourselves
trustable? You don’t tend to gloat the fact that you get so much Harry Time, so what
are you hesitant in telling us?”
“You have proven yourself enough for this at least,” Hermione said with a moan as
Susan’s fingers started to trace her more sensitive spots. “It goes back to how I
met Harry as well as why I don’t have that much of a problem with you both being
interested in things with us. Ok, considering that you have gotten really good at
this I think I should just blurt it out now. Harry already has some lovers I am
willing to share with.”

“What?” Hannah asks in shock once more releasing the swollen nub of flesh she had
been suckling. “Then why have you been putting us off. We know you better than that
or at least we thought we did…”
Hermione had closed her eyes as she tried to concentrate even as Susan had not
slowed her playing. At least Susan hadn’t reacted badly to the news, and they were
giving her time to explain.
“I guess I should start at the beginning,” Hermione said while Susan had slowed her
fingers now to let her think clearer even if she didn’t halt them. “We met before
Hogwarts and Harry was a good friend of my cousin and her friend. They are both
witches so that won't be an issue and they will be here next year anyways. As it
was, my cousin and I are quiet competitive and it was something both of us realized
but were unsure in how to deal with was the fact that Harry was dealing with three
girls that had already decided that they were going to be with them. It didn’t help
that Alice and Anne were more than willing to share so to do otherwise seemed
foolish. We had done something before coming here and it only got more complicated
once we were both here and separated from the others.”
“Oh, well that explains some things, and also why you were hesitant to add more to
the mix since there is only so many hours in the day,” Susan said with an
understanding nod as her fingers were slick enough to work her way up some more in
doing what Hermione had asked. “Still, friendship shared is not diminished, but I
can see where you are coming from. I take it that something happened here?”

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“Yeah, you weren’t the only girl to get herself into a sticky situation,” Hermione
said with a full body groan of pleasure. “Harry has been putting us off since he
despises those that are less than amicably inclined towards kids. He was forced to
grow up early so he does have some issues dealing with those his own age. Anyways I
won't name names just yet, but a rather interesting young lady needed a rescue on
Halloween. So far she is about the only person I know who has tried this and she did
tell me that it was intense!”
“What is it?” Hannah asked as she let her hand take her tongues place still allowing
a shudder of bliss to pass through Hermione. “I don’t think that you are someone
that doesn’t explore and test everything she can, so it has to be something

“I agree with Han,” Susan said with a nod of her head before Hermione’s fingers
caused her to lose her breath as she shook as she let her juices wash Hermione’s
hand. “It has to be more than this and considering you were wanting us to start by
getting my hand to spread your dripping snatch, I think I want to know what it is as

“Well Su you can start by getting the rest of your hand to stretch my little pussy,”
Hermione said with a giddy giggle. “By that I mean get all your fingers and thumbs
worked in and up to the wrist. I have gotten a good deal more stretching than you
two have and I didn’t think I was ready before. If you don’t get a few sessions of
heavy petting and at least a few fingers in before, it hurts like a bitch even if
your hymen tore on something else first. That is in part why Harry hasn’t had you
both experience the pleasure off proper fucking just yet, he doesn’t want you hurt
and even with the potions you would have a bit of tenderness the next day without
these preparations.”

“Oh well, I suppose we can wait a bit longer,” Hannah said as she saw Susan nod in
agreement. “So what does Suz do next or do I get to do something as well?”

“I suppose you could though it would take a bit of teamwork,” Hermione said before
she let out a deep groan as Susan succeeded in starting to make a loud squishing
sound as her sex snapped around the wrist now moving inside her. “Oh my gods, this
is going to be tight if I am stretched this fully already. Right Hannah or Susan
either or, I want one of you to try and work another hand inside next to the other
one. I saw a girl do this and she came like crazy and I already feel like I am going
to have a few hard ones before you get that far.”

“Whoa,” Susan said as she thought about it. “I take it that we will need some
exercises before we try this since neither of us can take more than three fingers
for a while before becoming too stretched and needing to calm down from sensitivity.
This will be something memorable Han, and I think we will like both parts of this.
Maybe we will be able to last more than a few minutes with being stretched more. It
will be good practice since we know Harry is at least three fingers and closer to
four in thickness.”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us is anywhere near being able to handle what
Hermione is right now,” Hannah said with an impressed sound present in her voice as
Hermione started to reciprocate strongly causing both girls to start to pant in need
for breath. “This is already starting to get me worked up. Oh Suz, it’s nothing
personal but Hermione really knows how to drive a girl wild!”
For a while, the room was only filled with the sounds of sticky fluids being moved
with the sound of flesh smacking into each other. There were also the liberal
appellations as the three girls were driving each other crazy and Hermione was
feeling around as Susan fisted her through several long and violent orgasms. Her
fingers had stroked the two Hufflepuffs through a number of their own climaxes
leaving Hermione with her thighs wet not with just her own flowing juices but theirs
as well.
Hannah was aware that Hermione was spending a good deal of time on her even if her
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fingers were not buried inside the girl like her friend’s were. Still Hermione had
managed to sync Susan and her arousal raising it so they came at the same time. It
was sort of like she was making love to her friend with Hermione acting as a bridge
much like some of the toys they had borrowed from their housemates. She signed as
she felt her bubble over and Susan came a moment later with her fist a blur and
Hermione drenching and spraying as she came hard again.

She almost felt a bit of jealousy that Hermione had such a wonderful ease of staying
between plateau and climax. She could tell that Hermione was not dropping too far
from the peak of her orgasms. She had to have more experience to do so and amidst
the bliss of grasping her fingers inside, Hannah banished such thoughts as her
panting body noticed that Hermione was drawing deep breaths and working to say
something before her next orgasm would tear what she would say from her lips.

“Ok,” Hermione said with heavy breathing as her hand seemed to have bumped against
the barriers inside both of her current partners entrances. “That really feels good
Susan, but I want Hannah to try to work her hand in as well. Wow, I drenched your
arm Susan, and it feels really intense when you twist like that. You might want to
slow down your fisting though because I think I am about to cum again…”

Hermione arched her head back as Susan stroked her fist inside her stretched hole.
Her fingers pressed into the two girl’s passages while her thumb rubbed against
their throbbing clits. The two were as caught up as she was because Hermione had
three fingers probing them compared to the fist sloshing and twisting inside her.
Oddly, Hermione’s pinky had been rubbing against their sensitive nerves below their
drooling slits. When she had shuddered this time, Hermione felt the sudden grip
around her pinky and she could feel her fingers press against each other with a bit
of flesh between them.

“Get your fingers over here Han,” Susan said as she felt her breath catch from
Hermione’s attentions. “Hermione here may be able to take my fist but I think it
will take a bit of timing for you to get yours in as well. I wonder if having two
cocks in one hole would be stretched the same amount.”

“Maybe they would, but I think this would probably be like having a centaur mounting
you,” Hannah said as she stroked her hand next to her friend’s arm letting the
fingers get slick with Hermione’s flowing juices. “Still considering how quickly and
often your hand is causing her to cum, I don’t think it will be unpleasant. With the
amount of cream she is leaving, my fingers will be slippery enough to add in soon
Hannah was right about that as Hermione was not just dripping wet but flowing as if
she was a water feature in the yard. The seat beneath Hermione was mostly one big
pool of warm honey like liquid with a distinctive aroma with just a bit of peach and
cream to it. Hannah’s fingers were tracing beneath Hermione’s spread lips and
teasing the sensitive area of flesh between her two entrances.

“I think you can start working your fingers in now,” Susan said as her arm slowed
from the resent blur and spurt that had resulted from Hermione. “The contractions
have slowed for the moment and Hermione seems to relax enough after a good hard cum
to fit more in. Well she was able to have me pop my wrist in after a similar one.”
“Alright,” Hannah started to say as her fingers of her right hard traced her friends
arm and slid in next to it stretching Hermione even more so. “Whoa she is so warm
and wet. I can feel her pressing around my fingers…”
Hannah stopped talking as she found her hand pushed against Susan’s own. Hermione
had just snapped forward with a deep gasp while her warm flesh gripped their joined
hands buried inside her. They could feel the pressure and then relaxation as their
arms were suddenly drenched in moisture. The two Hufflepuffs worked in sync to slide
their arms inside the now alternating limp and orgasming friend. They were using
their other hands on the other’s blossoming breasts and often enough the two shared
kisses even as their arms and hands continued to move.
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Hermione was rocking back and forth with her head thrashing about sending her loose
hair flying about. For a time Hermione lost her ability to think or talk but her
body moved of its own accord. With the two girls seated on her legs, she was unable
to move out of her seat by much; however, that did not stop her from arching and
thrashing about. The two girls had mostly not had to deal with Hermione and her
fingers probing them rapidly for the past bit. The stimulation from Hermione’s
actions was more like a nice soothing massage. It was enough to allow them to be
near but nowhere near the level of flittering over the border of arousal, plateau,
and climax that Hermione was experiencing.
Still Hermione’s hands were moving a bit more now as she used her grip on them to
help arch her body up to drive more of their arms to deeper probe her body. She
could see the bulge that they formed inside her when her head was not thrown back
which tended to cause her to return to dangling her head back and buck upwards. Her
fingers were twitching inside of her two lovers whose asses were shifting on her
legs. The motion and size were really pushing Hermione over the edge and she shifted
just a bit.
“Oh… my… gods!” Susan shrieked as Hermione’s fingers suddenly clamped and twisted
pushing the aroused girl over the edge with her and Hannah’s arms bumping into
Hermione’s depths. “How can we fit in there? I can see our hands through her belly!
Fuck! I am cuming again as well!”
“Me… too!” Hannah cried out as she got the money rubbing gesture with her most
sensitive spots trapped between the two counter directional circling of fingers and
thumb. “We may be cuming hard, but she seems to be cuming even harder!’

The two orgasm dazed girls were able to notice that even as they felt their own
bodies drench the fingers hooked inside them. Hermione was thrashing about in the
bliss of unending and intermixing orgasms. They could feel it around their hands as
the rhythmic contractions and soaking continued. It would only be so long before
this would be too much even with all the training to handle the level of sensations
she was experiencing.
It probably didn’t help when the two tried to return circulation to their gripped
hands by pushing their fingers apart. As it was, the two now had a very good feel
for their friend's pussy and they had even poked where nothing besides Harry’s cock
had reached, and his other girls fingers had barely touched. The stretching was in
the complete reverse of the pain and contractions of childbirth. Unfortunately,
having fingers rubbing not just her channel but the wall of her womb was a bit much
even for Hermione.

Su had been willing, but so far, Hermione had only seen Dora get stretched this much
before and it was quite the show. Her moaning, groaning, whimpering, and shrieking
from the sudden relentless string of orgasms that didn’t end before the next started
were wearing her down. The area between her thighs was drenched and the seat beneath
her was just one large pool. At the current rate of strain, Hermione would probably
be unable to have more than a caress applied to her bound to be sore cunt.

“Huh fuck!” Hermione said while convulsing hard as she practically blasted and
gushed over the two hands distending her pussy with the bulges clearly pushing out
on her tummy. “I can't take any more of this! Hannah, Susan, need you to pull out…
one at a time… when I unclench… oh… Fuck! I am going to be cuming real hard!”
The girls just grunted in agreement. Hermione may have been stretched to bursting
and orgasming hard, fast, and often, but the two Hufflepuffs were almost as locked
up as she was. They had buried their heads into Hermione’s breasts because the
Ravenclaw had her twitching in orgasm hands rubbing them to madness. Her hands were
curled along inside with her thumbs pressing towards her fingers pushing both the
outside and inside nerves radiating from their nubs while her pinky was shacking
almost vibrating in place of the plugs they had been trying.

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Hermione slumped for a moment and Hannah slid her drenched hand out of her quickly
before Hermione clamped down on Susan’s wrist with only moments of release. It
allowed Susan to be able to slowly withdraw even as she rocked against Hermione from
her own recurring climax. The three were stimulating each other and driving their
own releases to re-crest again and again. The only one making an audible noise was
Hermione as her mouth was not being gagged with a swollen in arousal tit.

“So full, I was so full,” She moaned out even as she felt her cunt refuse to allow
Susan out having snapped around the narrower wrist keeping her hand inside. “Don’t
want to let you out, but I will if you keep that up too much longer. I know I got to
but it feels so good!”
“You got to let my hand out,” Susan said as she felt Hermione spasm around her hand
before clamping when her friend threw her head back and soaked her arm some more
even as that caused the girl to send Susan over as well. “Fuck but our pussies can't
take much more and my hand is going numb. Hannah, you got to do something to get
Hermione to go limp!”
Next to her, Hannah was just coming down from her own climax. Susan could see Hannah
gush onto Hermione’s hands. Based on how both of their bodies were gripped, she
could see that both of them were only going to have a short reprieve. Hermione’s
hands were rubbing along their entrances with their bodies squirming from the triple
pronged assault on their lower erogenous zones. Her hand had stilled to slow rubbing
in place of the frantic motions that had knocked the two Hufflepuffs to whimpering
in pleasure.
“Like what?” Hannah asked as her own sex was in a firm but soothing grip while her
hands soaked and not were trying to get Hermione’s attention as her head was
swinging back and forth. “Only thing I can think of is making her cum hard again. It
was how I got my hand out. So, I guess you should just fist her some more while we
try to see what we can do to get her to relax, but it is likely that it will cause
her to clamp down more first. Have you tried just pressing her spot?”

“That is a bit difficult since my hand is too far up to reach and my arm is not
angled to do so,” Susan said hoarsely as her own voice was getting ragged from the
panting and dehydration. “We saw Harry work her over once and she came like crazy,
so what stuck out from that?”

“Well you already have your hand up her cunt so that is a good start,” Hannah said
as she thought on it even as she saw Susan sliding her arm back and forth inside
Hermione but could not get the thicker part near her wrist out. “Now as I recall
since you were the one more blissed out than I was, Harry also seemed rather willing
to let me know that Hermione here likes things rough. I may have been almost passed
out but I did see him spank her ass rather hard and she came from just that. She
also seemed to like having her tits worked over roughly with a bit of twisting.
Personally, I don’t know why, but I suspect that it is something like how a good
hard smack will heighten an orgasm. I think we have been spending a bit too much
time with them since that sounds like something Hermione here would say if she
didn’t seem to be having a hard time telling when her orgasms end and begin.”

“Right,” Susan said after having motioned for Hannah to bring her still almost
soaked arm over to let some of the juices ease her parched throat. “That seems like
a plan, but the problem I have is that one of my hands is trapped up her cunt so how
am I supposed to do much with only one hand and a mouth?”
“Well, I can bite one while twisting the other or on second thought, you bite that
eager bud there and I will try to distract her with nibbling her neck while my hands
sees how rough I can handle her right tit and ass,” Hannah said as she rocked a bit
into Hermione’s enticing fingers. “I think this is one of those surreal moments or
we are delirious or something. Either way we need to get her to let your hand go
since I don’t think either of us could pry her fingers loose with her being this

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“Ok, that will work, but I really think that the pleasure gained is worth the
affects dealing with those two have on our behavior,” Susan said as she felt her
wrist bump against Hermione’s entrance but once more fail to pop out. “Once we all
get loose, I think we are both too spent to move for a bit. In addition, I think we
should cuddle a bit and talk afterwards. Although, I think with how drained we are
that I might spend more time nursing like a baby than to arouse her.”

“Ok,” Hannah said while shifting her head to catch Hermione’s lips before letting
out a deep gasp to regain her breath as she placed her sweat shining left hand on
Hermione’s bouncing breast and her pussy juice soaked hand onto the girls ass.
“Sweet Morgana’s gushing cunt, I think we will remember this and while we will be
sore tomorrow, it was worth it! Now let’s make Hermione cum so hard she goes limp.
As it is, we will enjoy doing that and gods does Hermione taste good!”

Susan moaned in agreement from around where she had dove face first into Hermione’s
supple chest. Her free hand was on Hermione’s other cheek. Her hand began to raise
and fall landing with a loud slap on her friend’s ass. She could feel Hannah doing
the same. She looked up and saw that Hannah was nibbling on Hermione’s neck. Her arm
was still pistoning inside Hermione, but she was not climaxing hard enough to get
her wrist past her lips.
Susan gasped as she felt Hannah still her smacks and felt the pressure of Hannah’s
lubricated fingers plunge into Hermione’s ass mirroring the pinky twisting in their
own. Her lips were parted and she found her mouth full of more than a nipple as a
good amount of tit was now filling her cheeks. She felt the flesh beneath her teeth
and her tongue was lavishing attention along the bottom of her tit. The nipple was
rubbing at the entrance to her throat and Susan was almost drunk with the flavor of
sexy witch filling her mouth.

“Fuck me!” Hermione roared out as she raised her thighs up and Susan began to
furiously move her arm while Hannah did the same on the other end. “Cuming… cuming…
I’m cuming… so… hard!”

Susan yanked her hand free with a wet spurt before moaning around the tit in her
mouth thanks to Hermione’s hand scraping her most sensitive spot while
simultaneously pressing her clit and teasing her ass. She could feel Hannah doing
the same around her but her shriek of release was being transmitted through
Hermione’s body. While her hand was now free, she could feel the juices flowing out
of Hermione and spattering her soaked arm. Susan noticed that Hannah’s fingers were
still inside but didn’t care, as that would be easier to have pop free than her hand
had been.
“You sure did,” Susan said looking drained but happy as she gave Hermione’s tit an
appreciative kiss once she had let it out of her mouth. “No we sure did. Now if you
would please ease up as I am feeling sore there even through the pleasure so Hannah
is likely there as well.”

“Yeah Hermione,” Hannah said as she withdrew her slick finger with an audible sound
as she moved her head from Hermione’s neck to use the girl’s moving breast as a
pillow. “I just want to crawl up and sleep. You don’t mind if we use you as a
pillow, do you?”
“Nah,” Hermione said sleepily, “especially not after that. Now I can see why she
liked it. It was intense and a bit overwhelming but I think a repeat would be nice
just not for a bit since I can still feel my muscles all stretched. Just nuzzle up
and we can talk a bit. I don’t feel like being as restrained right now, but I won't
name names either. Some people would have problems if things came out. Some of the
teachers would be prudes about things even though they did the same when they were
“I can see it,” Susan said with a yawn, “even if our house doesn’t have those
issues. They wouldn’t judge if we do get up to things, but there seems to be a
tendency to have a lot of romps with people not caring who participates. Thankfully,
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first years are not invited mostly. I guess for most of us are too young, but the
girls are already exploring things even if we have been rather un-Hufflepuff in our
near pairing off. Our housemates understand that we have been friends for a while
and all that.”
“I take it that at least one of Harry’s other friends is older then,” Hannah said
with a yawn of her own before settling against Hermione as the three had shifted and
the two sleepy Hufflepuffs didn’t notice the huge chair shift to a recliner sleeper
bed. “That could cause issues although if they are third years they could go get
things from Hogsmeade one wouldn’t want to owl order.”
“Yeah, one is a third year and she almost got pulped by that troll,” Hermione said
with a yawn and body stretch before they curled around her and she licked her dry
lips. “There is one in our year but that is also a family matter so I won't tell you
more on that at this time. If things work out, then you will meet both of them
before the end of the year. Harry was debating when to properly and memorably settle
things. I had almost convinced him to shanghai the two of you over the holiday, but
some business came up. I can hope that it gets done early and the four of us can
have a very memorable night. Hmm tasty…”

The last was said as Hermione let the fluids on her hands sooth her own throat. She
looked half lidded and noticed that Susan had at some point done the same and licked
her cum drenched hand clean as she didn’t sound as strained. Hannah had probably
done the same while she had been talking. She knew that her body would feel a good
bit of this in the morning and understood why Harry hadn’t done that to her yet.
Susan and Hannah had dainty hands while his were large enough that his fist had
almost been the same size as their combined one just a little yet significant
difference in size.

“Sounds good,” A tired Susan, sighed out before she told her as she felt her right
hand intertwine with Hannah’s as it rested on Hermione’s stomach. “Just let us rest
a bit and we can talk more in the morning. I am too tired to remember much right

“Stop talking,” Hannah mumbled. “Need sleep.”

“Well you heard her,” Hermione said settling into the warmth of the two girls curled
on top of her, “Sleep well you two. Tomorrow we can talk about things…”


“Sir, all things are prepared for your meetings with both the Flamel's and House Li,
my master,” Su said from where she was kneeling at Harry’s feet nude save her collar
as she saw Dora squirming in his lap with the signs of her arousal flowing in front
of her so tantalizingly close and begging her to lap at them. “I had thought that
you would have originally scheduled this for right after we arrived at King’s Cross,
but you are wise for choosing it when others are distracted. The only disadvantage
is that it delays your proper claiming of your Hufflepuff sluts. Still the
anticipation for finally ravishing them has already made them more suggestible. Your
decision has ensured that it would take something truly shocking to even temp Susan
to tell her aunt. I do wonder, master, if you have a plan for when she finds out?”
There was a moment of silence as Su waited for her master to respond to her question
or to signal her to continue on her train of thought. She could see he was playing
with Dora as she rocked in his lap. Even though he was sheathed in a Metamorph’s sex
with a hand caressing a tit with his right rubbing her suitably marked ass, she
could see her master was not overwhelmed by his pleasure and play, but that he was
aware of what she was saying and was in fact contemplating it even though Dora was
more than arousing enough to keep the vast majority of his attention.
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“You have contingency plans for the Tonks finding out about Dora as well as some
positive good will from the Grangers,” Su continued with her head low, but her eyes
were riveted to Dora as she ground against her master and she felt an urge to have
her face pressed so she could find a more pleasurable use in serving her master,
“but they are not truly able to cause problems to you in your position. With Sarah
as de facto guardian of both Alice and Anne as their families are even more occupied
than even the Grangers are, you will have no concerns in that matter to resolve. The
Clawson’s do care for her, but they put far too much of their time in ensuring her
material needs are met.”
She knew he was aware of this, but they were muggles and thus had little to no say
in what happened to their daughters once they were proven magical. Muggle parents
were not allowed to withdraw their children from a magical school and the ministry
would step in if they tried to do so. It was a legacy law related to muggleborns
being prevented from attending and thus risking the muggles as a whole to be once
more informed that magic truly existed. It had been a compromise as some had moved
that magical children be raised among magical regardless of their parentage. Even
though it would have served the secrecy statuettes better, far too many purebloods
proffered that the muggleborn were limited and thus they would be in their place,
which would not occur if they shared the same advantages as the magically raised.
Still there were others and one main concern to bring up with her master before she
could hope that she could get the business part over and properly serve her master.
“I must reiterate that a plan, concerning how the Director of Magical Law
Enforcement in Great Britain should be made favorable in regards to your relations
with her niece, be as immediate a concern as possible,” Su stated with a conviction
that some would think the submissive girl should lack; however, she was definitely
being forward even if it was in actuality more out of duty and loyalty to ensure her
master was properly informed so as to make the most analyzed and planned decision.
“Susan Bones has been rather patient in regards to your interests in her, but we
have seen that while you have a remarkable will that even you can be convinced that
delaying certain inevitable acts has become too disastrous. Susan will not leave
this year without truly becoming one of your women. If it were not for your being
away for most of the spring break, I believe she would try to accelerate things to
be completed before class resumes.”

It made sense to Harry that Susan would likely try to do that since she had first
confronted him about claiming her life debt by taking her and Hannah’s virginities
or at least being their first male lover. He was getting more information around the
school and it seemed that there were ways that he could get around the school that
he hadn’t thought of just yet. He should have expected that Salazar had been
paranoid enough to have ways to get into everywhere, but he had also begun to have
Night exercise the shadow abilities that the raven shaped bird had gained. With that
and the spy serpents that Salazar had scattered along with hidden passages, there
were lots of opportunities to discover the secrets in the various houses.

It may have been somewhat wrong to piggyback on Night’s eyes when he had sent the
bird to deliver a message to Susan privately, but the information gained had been
very useful. He had learned of Hufflepuffs usual ways to foster camaraderie in the
house, and he did approve of them in theory. The problem was that Susan was already
showing signs that would have resulted in her being a favorite of those outside her
house and their lack of care for those they had picked did bother him. He did
realize that he had in a way monopolized Dora’s time although her chosen lover did
so as well. Dora would likely ask to spend more time with her friends and her
Hufflepuff friend would likely be even more eager to explore than she had been
before. Siobhan had shown signs that she had been very tempted to take Dora under
her wings and help her out of her issues. It had been the timing that had allowed
Harry to be the one to do so and not her friend.
These things and more passed through his mind as Su looked on. He could feel his
submissive minion’s growing need and the way that his drawing out things was winding
the girl up. It was not as if Dora was not being rather energetic and enticing for
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both of them. Besides, it was fun to test their control and even more fun to punish
them when they lost it. He supposed he had made Su all wet and bothered waiting and
that he should answer her concerns.
“I see,” Harry said as he digested all of what Su had said even though Dora had been
doing her best to have him fill her up. “I had planned to have a rather long and
memorable time after the exams but before the train ride home. I suppose it might be
better to tell her exactly what I plan and that as Susan has built a romantic dream
about this I see no reason to disappoint her. Amelia Bones is a good sort and she
was a Hufflepuff; therefore, I do not believe that she would have too many problems
with things considering what went on in her day as well as today in her house. Still
she is rather protective of Susan, which is understandable do to the loss of her
parents in Voldemort’s insurrection. I suppose that we will have to deal with things
eventually but legally there is not much she can do. Susan can always suggest that I
claim her debt in a manner to prevent her aunt from influencing things, but given
how attached they are to each other I doubt that will be necessary.”
Perhaps if Hermione had been there instead of doing her task while further ensnaring
Susan and Hannah, Su would have had someone else to bring up concerns.
Unfortunately, Harry had not let his business ventures slack off while he was
technically trapped at Hogwarts. Night was ferrying enough potions to add to the
already swelling fortune that he would need to complete his goals. His other
servants were raking enough money in the potion supplies and the gardening racket to
supplement their own needs as well as enough for a considerable payment to their
benefactor. He knew that Sarah had taken over administrating the more sensual and
sexual businesses. Things had been set up enough that he was barely just on the side
of legal in such concerns.

They were while not necessarily running a prostitution racket also seeing that the
sexually promiscuous were not going to be spreading diseases and unwanted or
unplanned pregnancies. It was not as if the lot of them was being celibate for any
length of time. Those that enjoyed such things were funneled into the booming adult
movie market and making more money doing than they would in their original careers.
Those that didn’t want to do that but still enjoyed the attention of lusty men and
teasing them had been willing to work in the clubs.
Both of them made enough money to pay for the schooling that they wanted and there
was still the option of discreetly arranging marriages for suitable reasons to
secure their futures. All of those businesses were oriented on being discrete and
Harry had approved that while the tax men would get their money there was little
chance that the workers would be blacklisted if they decided to work in what some
considered more legitimate work.
Harry was rather pleased with how well things were going as he waited for Su’s
response. He had succeeded in defanging the Dursleys utterly and Dudley was getting
his ass kicked often enough. The girls that he had been protecting had formed up
with the more amicable gang and since the two groups were slightly more
experimental, they had been doing what horny teenagers did. His interference through
Sarah was more of a protection for them than extorting them. It legally allowed them
to do what they were doing and the connections had allowed Sarah to funnel them the
dregs to be culled. They had been working on a better cut off than the current legal
one, but it was the law at large even though he could technically employ those under
the official cut off. Still the sixteen year olds were willing and it was better
than what had been happening.
As he watched Su’s thoughts flickering through her mind before her well thought out
response was chosen, Harry was left with a few concerns in Sarah running things
without his easier oversight. He had at least gotten his slave to understand that
coerced things were unacceptable, but he suspected that the housewives were likely
enjoying the discrete services offered. There had been other such ones, but they
tended to be geared towards the rich and had suitable covers in place. In areas
where there were rich with pools, there was usually at least one that had the
employees offering private services. It was a bit more discrete than the massage and
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spa parlors, but it normally required being in the higher levels of the middle class
at the least if not the lower to mid levels of the affluent to be part of the
With his actions, Harry knew that he had shifted things, as the younger hormonal
teens were able to get their libidos sated while making some money even though they
technically put money towards the club. A legal fiction of it being in essence a
dating and companionship service where even the escorts and gigolos paid a fee
upright for arranging consensual meetings did help to legitimize things. He also had
the legal gardening service acquiring so-called weeds, which were rendered into
potion ingredients and herbal remedies. The subtle use of magic to ensure that none
of the workers was contaminated with diseases or parasites also helped. The most
useful herbal remedies were sexual in nature allowing for better recovery and
endurance and sold as well as anything else.
As for the housewives seeking help around the house both for hard labor in and out
of the house, Harry was at first somewhat upset that the ladies were seeking outside
satisfaction, but considering that they were left as trophy wives or other such
things did ease his concerns somewhat. As long as he didn’t come home to a report
from Sarah that Petunia had sought out such services, he thought he would be
indifferent to the whole matter. Still considering how frustrated and snappy she
was, he did not doubt that Vernon was as pathetic a man in bed as he was elsewhere.
If such a thing occurred, it would allow him to have something more over Petunia
even though he suspected Vernon was doing something that he would be able to kill
the pig for doing.

“Those seem like good options, sir,” Su said as she watched as Dora started to
bounce more in his lap not noticing how Dora shifted to prevent whatever unsexy
thought had almost made him wish to wilt when she wanted him to spray her insides
while she ground and pressed herself against him. “It is also likely that if that is
the case that Amelia will not have issues with her niece exploring things with
Hannah. As for the Abbot’s themselves, I do not think that they will be overly
digging in things. That is if Hannah does not bring issues to their attention at the
least; however, I am unsure how easy they will be to allow their daughter to visit.
You were also planning on spending the family vacation with Hermione this year as I

“More concerns for time management this summer than in any other previous ones,”
Harry said with a groan as he grabbed Dora and held her still as he felt her start
milking him while she was moaning and spasming around him. “Now I know that we will
be spending time with your house and the Flamel's while we also will have a little
vacation with the Grangers. Alice and Anne are easy enough to get to tag along as
Alice is family and her parents are likely somewhere else and it is not as if they
had not asked her to tag along before this. Hermione had almost gotten Vincent to
agree to take me with last year, but there was the fact that getting the Dursleys to
acquiesce for a passport and such was an issue. Dora will be easily explained as
Hermione has not really had female friends and was mostly rivals with Alice.”
That did deal with most of the issues and with the legal paperwork he had Gringott's
already prepare he would not be cock blocked by being in Surrey when he could be
vacationing with Hermione, Alice, Anne, and Dora. Still it would not be as if he
would not have opportunities if that had happened. She knew that her master had been
told by Sarah that the girls he had acquired as well as those that worked for him in
those matters would have no problem in satisfying his physical needs. Su knew that
the woman wouldn’t mind being his plaything especially as her actions had likely
been geared to better him as well as get a good punishment. No Li was ignorant of
such things and Su was well aware that her master’s slave had been without a good
domination for a while. The boys there while knowing how to use their dicks as well
as their hands and mouths were not skilled enough yet to make that woman scream in
orgasm from a good whipping.
Still, her master had planned things out for most of his retinue, but he had
obviously had those parts planned for a while. It was his newest acquisitions that
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he hadn’t put too much though in how to fit them into the schedule. It was her duty
to keep her master appraised of things and let him know her advice. He could then
choose to utilize it or not as he wished. None of his servants were just eye candy
or cum buckets as they were all informed and educated in different aspects of
things. Even Dora with her abilities was more than just a pretty fuck toy even if
they enjoyed his attentions.

“Sir, I suspect that you will wish me to perform some duties with my family during
this time or perhaps ensure that Susan and Hannah are well prepared for things,” Su
said as she contemplated which would be best to serve her master. “I am unsure which
would best serve you; however, I will defer to your commands in this as all

She could practically feel her master was dissecting which would be better even as
she could smell and practically taste how he was enjoying Dora as she tried to coax
him to leave her with a full belly. She knew that her master was winding her up so
that it would be more difficult to obey as he took his pleasure with her and she
enjoyed her reward for serving him. It may have become a habit but it was still fun
to have her mouth pressed to one of his girl’s cum stuffed snatch while he took her.
She supposed she was feeling anticipation for being able to play with the two
Hufflepuffs soon. It would be too late by that time when they realized how deep the
hole they had slid down was. Besides, once they were in they would never want to
leave or at least not until some distant future where they had time to pick one boy
to be just theirs. Still that would be a long way off considering how head over
heels and cock whipped by her master they were.

Who was she to talk about being cock whipped? Su knew that she didn’t plan to leave
his side unless there was no other choice. Her only worry would be death parting
them at this point and her master was not yet up to resurrecting her. He would be in
time she knew, as his ambition would allow no less. Compared to resurrecting someone
who was beyond cast by the killing curse and having cast such a ritual as she, there
was little risk that her own return would be as troublesome. It was not as if she
were the first Li to have been restored to life. Unfortunately, the long experiments
and enhancements did not exactly make them ageless. Hunting vampires and other such
things did lengthen their lives somewhat.
Su was looking forward to centuries in her master’s service. Speaking of service,
she was wondering how long until she could worship him in servicing his body with
hers. Kneeling here as he had Dora bouncing in his lap while he played with her
before holding her to him and obviously spraying into her pussy was getting her
really worked up. Su could wait some time, but after her master fucking her so often
she had little desire to reduce the amount of pleasure she received. She may be his
minion to do with as he willed, but she really needed her master to fuck her as she
was so horny having been made to watch this.
“A difficult decision in deed,” Harry said as Dora whimpered in his lap as he
savored her pussy slowly slurping him inside. “You would like to visit your family
and have access to the accumulated knowledge there, but you would also do well in
helping Susan and Hannah to be more prepared. As much as I would like you to watch
them, it would be more beneficial to have unfettered access to the House of Li’s
archives. I do not believe that either of their parents would allow them to leave
the country without a thorough vetting of whom they were going with and where they
are going. Otherwise it would have been ideal to have them go with you, but that
would require revealing more to them than they are ready for.”
Su thought on that for a moment well it was longer than that as even her resilience
to sex do to her training was having difficulty with her interspersed tangents of
ideas. That they blended together as she thought what training she could have put
the two through with the equipment at her family’s ancestral holding was something
that her master could likely see on her face. She knew that he was enjoying teasing
her like this even as he knew she loved the heights of pleasure this twisted
foreplay caused.

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Sometimes the anticipation was hellish but still worth it. Su was certain that Susan
would be so worked up that the Hufflepuff would likely be slightly woozy on her way
to the train and that would be with a few days to recover. Now if her master would
have just made his questions easier, she could have buried her tongue somewhere
enjoyable. It was not as if Dora would have minded if the petite Asian girl had
shoved her head between their legs to lap at them of even if their master had parted
her cheeks and had her tongue slither inside either hole.
“You are right, master,” Su said with a troubled look as her tongue licked her lips
and she knew her master could smell if not see the pool of arousal forming between
her spread thighs. “There is always next summer as they would benefit by training
there. The self-defense lessons I could give but it would require me to spend some
time with them and you didn’t want them to know about anyone specific outside or
Hermione and you, sir. Would it be possible for this one to train them either before
or after heading to the family archive?”
Harry thought on it for a moment or attempted to do so. Dora was being rather
distracting as while his grip kept her from riding his dick that did not prevent her
from using her muscles to get them both off again. Still he had a sudden thought and
lifted a suddenly pouting Dora up before spinning her around to sit again on his
lap. This time however, he let his sloppily wet dick slide up her ass while Dora’s
cum dripping snatch was inches from Su’s face and her licking lips. He could see the
way Su was watching them and trembling to do something besides answering and
discussing things with him. Her eye had been darting from Dora’s delightfully red
ass to her impaled cunt, and now she could see Dora’s spread lips and the visible
signs of her master having blasted a load so close to her hungry mouth.

At times, Harry realized that he could be especially cruel with these games, but he
knew that they loved it. Besides, it was not as if he had them bound and struggling
to reach what they wanted for hours on end while he was lashing them to drool out of
both their mouths. That particular game would have to wait for a long weekend or the
like. He would have to have someone to play with while they begged for more.

“Would you be better able to train them after you have refreshed and perused the
techniques there?” Harry asked as Dora began to bounce her ass regardless to his
hands holding her tits in place causing them to be stretched sending shivers of pain
and pleasure through her body. “It would be interesting to see what their potential
might be like with some new directions… Still I suppose it depends on when they are
more easily getable for you to train. Something I believe would require informing
them about you. Perhaps I should send you with Hermione to get them good and worked
up before asking them some things…”
Harry trailed off as he smiled from Dora’s actions. He would never regret Dora being
his. This was especially true after Hermione’s ritual was so successful. He hadn’t
realized that he had held back before with Dora lately as her metamorphmagus
abilities may have allowed some leeway, but her base body lacked the strength and
stamina for some of the games the enhanced ones had been doing. Even Su had been
able to take the rougher aspects when he had claimed her over and over to her
squealing delight.
While he was visibly enjoying Dora, Su was getting wound more and more up with her
need to do something besides dripping loudly her arousal onto the floor. Her master
knew what he was doing to her. It was likely that he was making sure that his three
Hogwarts slaves knew their place. If he wished, they would feel pleasure beyond
other’s comprehension just as they could feel pain beyond what wizards thought
possible. She knew that his next visit to Azkaban would involve claiming a new and
thoroughly broken slave.
Her frantic communication and the responding records had gone into explicit and gory
detail of what the necromantic flames could do. His students had the ability, but it
paled against what he would be able to do with it. Bellatrix Black was broken
completely and utterly. The Cruciatus Curse would have driven lesser minds mad with
far less exposure than what he had done to her. She had experienced at the very
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least months under that with the healing being inflicted utterly flaying her
personality as it had been. The sadist had experienced pain greater than her former
master had ever granted her. That she had also experienced a transcendent orgasm for
the duration would have left her as fanatic to her new master as any to have
experienced a religious experience.
His command over his slaves’ bodies was absolute. He teased them with how he could
render them little more than flesh puppets while letting them learn to crave being
controlled and instilling discipline and loyalty to the depths of their being. He
did not need the fact that his fire could either hurt or heal someone, grant
pleasure or pain, and far more things. He enjoyed the game and setting them up with
resolve draining situations. Just like this one.

“If that is your will master then it shall be so,” Su said trying not to let her
desperation show as her master had that wonderful and deliciously cum stained pussy
bouncing right in front of her face taunting her to just dart forward even if it
meant he would likely suspend her from the ceiling with her head inches from Dora’s
cunt as he topped it off over and over. “As for training, it is more about when they
are available to do so. If it is your will, this one may spend whichever time you
allow there and not just when you, sir, have time allocated to be there even if it
deprives you of what services your humble slave may accomplish. In addition, master,
it is possible that this slave could start their training before then. It is up to
you master in how this one can serve. So please lord and master, decide how best you
will use your eager slave.”
Harry noticed Su had switched more and more to the third person in talking. Now that
was something that she only did when she was in a state of extreme mental and
physical arousal from his show of control. He could feel her desire. How she had
barely managed to leave out declaring that he should decide how to best use his
eager, horny, thighs spread with her cunt drooling, and mouth mere inches from
Dora’s just fucked and dripping with his seed cunt slave whom he should remember is
available for him to use in any way he wishes and would he please permit her to at
least slurp his cum from her fellow slave’s cunt. There was also the rather strong
need in her eyes that made him almost move his foot to give her some friction to
ease her state of churning need. Well she wouldn’t mind that, but he could tell that
in her current state she would practically be a blur if he let her sheath her cunt
on his cock.

Yes, he had definitely would her up enough that the girl would have a good
appreciation of the state Susan and Hannah both were likely like. The only
difference was that their play had not dragged out so long without the two girls
having at least one orgasm, which normally led to them sobbing out their thanks.
Still Su was getting wound enough that he was feeling some willingness to grant her
unspoken request especially as she had managed to explain and think through things
when she was worked up to a point where most would have sobbed, begged, and promised
almost anything for some relief.

“You, my eager sexy slave, will be arranging things while we are in this country
after you are introduced to them,” Harry said as he saw Su bob her head in agreement
while her eyes stayed glued to Dora’s sobbing slit. “In the mean time as you have
pleased me with your work, I will allow you to satisfy the needs I see on your
He looked at his sex slave and minion with appreciation, she who was so fanatically
loyal. Harry had a real understanding of what their revered First Master had done.
He had created a symbiotic relationship with a group that aided him and in turn, he
had enhanced them to their current point. Oh, they had added some things with
selective breeding over the millennium, but they were fanatically loyal and they at
least had managed not to be used by others over the centuries since his death. It
was a shame that none had managed to prove worthy of the entire houses loyalty. With
their resources and abilities, most of the recent Dark Lords and Ladies would have
succeeded in what ventures they had embarked on. As it was, some had been lucky
enough to gain one to at most a handful of House Li to serve them.
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The loyalty went both ways when things were proper. There had to be loyalty from
subordinate to superior as well as loyalty from superior to subordinate. The
subordinates were willing to die, but they were not to be needlessly spent. The Dark
Lords and Ladies did tend to have a female mistress from the house if they were
worthy of such attention and loyalty. Still, they were loyal to their house and to
their first master. They had been quiet disappointed with the supposed heir almost
as much as they had been with Grindlewald. Harry supposed that he could have done
far worse. Therefore, he had a fanatic slavishly devoted minion who was also a very
sexy girl, all things considered, he had lucked out, and it was not as if ravishing
her or waking to her or one of his others suckling him for a morning snack was a bad

“Thank you, sir,” Su said with her eyes shimmering in tears of adoration as her
visibly aroused sex slobbered and drooled out its own thanks onto the growing puddle
beneath her. “Thank you, my lord, and master. How may your eager slut slave sate its
base needs?”
Su definitely had drifted into her most submissive and needy state, Harry had
realized when she had said that. It was not as if he hadn’t inhaled her scent having
become more potent even vying with Dora being so close to him, so it was not as if
he needed to shift to see the clear evidence before him.

“Well, my current plaything here looks like it could use a tongue to clean up some,”
Harry said with a smirk as Su planted her lips onto the spread lips before shoving
her tongue to seek her reward. “Good slave, Su, you are my good slave. Just slurp on
Dora while she slides ever so wonderfully around me. Yes, a good slave like you
deserves a reward…”

Harry trailed off as he had felt Su’s tongue lapping his length through the wall of
flesh separating them much to Dora’s delight. His hands had been playing with and
tormenting Dora’s chest as she moved. He contemplated wither permanently piercing
them or just staying with the clip-on disc jewelry clamps would look better. While
he pondered that by tugging on the Celtic inspired knot work cross framing her hard
swollen nubs of nipples, Harry brought his right foot between Su’s thighs and rubbed
his ankle into her sobbing, parted, and waiting slit.

Su’s muffled moan was felt through Dora by both of them. It was good to be him and
they found it good to be his right now. His last thought, as he rocked his ankle
into Su before shifting and sliding his foot into the spasming warm and tight
embrace, was that this should really set them both off. He felt them both climax
intently as he bucked up and off his chair, which drove his foot deeper into Su that
caused her scream into Dora’s sex. It was a scream that echoed Dora’s own shriek of
pleasure as his hands had pulled her toward him as he stretched his arms to his side
somewhat. His lips let a moan out as Dora drank him dry and his eyes rolled up in
his head from the combined pleasure radiating from inside Dora.

As his rational mind floated in the orgasm that didn’t seem to want to end, Harry
realized that when he crashed back what he would do. Well besides burying his cock
and draining his balls into Su that is. He would simply have to meet the entourages
at Gringott's over the short break and have Hermione feel out his two eager
Hufflesluts before having Hermione introduce Su to them. Those two would be able to
see that those two were on schedule. In addition to that, it would allow them to see
how likeminded they were with regards to cuddling and more other girls.
His observation of the Hufflepuff commons had showed him some things he had been
intrigued by happening in his sight. He would not mind allowing those two more
freedom in such regards, as it would seem to be unusual to make them be that chaste.
He would admit that he had some issues with his girls doing things with guys. He
knew he would likely never allow his personal property to do such things. Alice,
Anne, Su, Hermione, and Dora would need to have the most unimaginable situation for
him to permit any other male to even think about sex with them.

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Well, he might have a slight let up on Alice and Anne since they were stuck in
Surrey and from what they had confessed and Sarah had said it was only playing. It
was not as if he could have sent Night with jars full of his cum to ease their
addiction. If they had to do such things, Harry believed he preferred if they got it
second hand by slurping the girls who were fucking for fun and profit. Otherwise
they could always have Sarah go out and see how distended she could get being a
cum-bucket and toddle back for them to squeeze some out.
Dora’s lover, whom he did not name even in his own mind and would not until the girl
revealed her identity, was a different matter entirely. Her identity was quiet
transparent, as there were not that many Ravenclaw female prefects at any one time.
Still, he was sure the girl would be somewhat bothered by her masterful dominating
lover being a mere first year regardless of actual age and experience. He was rather
shocked to have acquired someone of Dora’s age let alone the present of Sarah from
his two mischievous girls. Harry was pointedly ignoring that he would have a new
submissive sex toy when next he entered Azkaban. He was already realizing that he
would have to limit his permanent girls or he would spend all his time fucking and
not working. While it would be enjoyable, he could spend time doing that after his
ambition was met.

So much things to do and yet so many seemed to require patience and waiting for the
right time to act. He would destroy the so-called Lord Voldemort. He would resurrect
his mother and then he hoped to watch as she crushed and annihilated Severus Snape.
He would crush Dumbledore for his meddling and leave his legacy ruined, his
reputation tarnished, and his followers disenchanted. Then he would have had the
time and recourses to make sure those slippery Death Eaters and their sympathizers
would be unable to interfere anymore in his life. Wither it was because they were
dead or worse would be up to them.

‘Life is good, the future is bright,’ Harry thought as he felt the momentary pause
in Dora’s shuddering as she went still locked around him, ‘and it is only getting
better. I guess I got to wear shades…’

His next thought was that it was good to be him right before he dropped Su’s butt
letting her thighs spread around his own. Hermione would find them like that when
she got back from discussing things with Susan and Hannah. Her cloths hit the floor
at the sight of her master sliding inside Su’s ass with the girls buried face first
in the other’s pussies. The morning would be a long time cuming, but none of them
minded because they were enjoying every moment of missed sleep. Things were going
great, and it was only going to get better.


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Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry and KiKi: Tales of the Boy Necromancer
Chapter 28: Decision and Romance As They Rush to Summer
by SamStone 5 Reviews
Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: - Characters: - Warnings: [?] [Y]
- Published: 2010/05/23 - Updated: 2010/05/23 - 19212 words
Chapter 28: Decision and Romance As They Rush to Summer
How often we seek things that we are not yet ready to grasp? Far too often, but it
is a part of our nature to go out and see the unseen. – HJP to Luna Lovegood on her
trying to get them to go creature exploring with her and her father.
Harry was resting as he felt the two ladies curling next to him and recovering. He
knew who she was under the mask, but for the sake of appearances, he didn’t show it.
Considering how sloppy she was in that there was only one Ravenclaw female prefect
taking her OWLS, Harry didn’t feel too bad loosing time shagging the stress out of
the lady. She had helped Dora out after all and was also going to mentor Dora and
Hermione so that they would be sure-ins for prefect and then head girl by the sounds
of it. Sure, it took some time away from his work, schooling, and research as well
as his other lovers, but this was in a way an investment in their futures.

Penelope Clearwater was also definitely someone he planned on employing in the

future. He wasn’t necessarily thinking about his more grey ventures either as his
investments was growing and he wanted to ensure that he had good publicity when he
revealed his ascension as head of two ancient and noble families. He also would need
someone versed in the same on the muggle side with his squeaky-clean business in
technology and other positive social ventures needing publicity. He didn’t plan on
his less than stellar businesses to come to light even if they were profitable. He
knew that most people he met were hypocrites at times and that his business enabled
the youth to scratch their itches without problems. He also had been informed that
the toys were booming and he wondered how miserable people were and how they spread
that misery to others.
Even enjoying the warmth of the two pressed to him with their bodies flush from
their exertion, Harry knew that he would not have to long to just savor the
relaxation. He had a rather full summer schedule and that was with taking the time
turners into account. His business at Gringott's had been profitable and he had part
of his summer scheduled with the Flamels and Su’s family. Hermione had been rather
insistent as well in the vacation to France that her parents had proposed. With
Alice and Anne invited as well as Dora, it would be entertaining. He did wonder how
well Vince would deal with the girls’ dress on the beaches. They did have a week or
a little more to see if Hermione could possibly convince them to allow Su to join in
going. Unfortunately, one friend from school was one thing, but two might be pushing
He also was aware that he would have to allocate time for Susan and Hannah to visit,
as he was sure that while they could sooth each other that they would likely not
pull back on their own demands. He had to work out when Hermione and he could spend
the time and share that memorable experience with them. It would not do to build up
all this suspense in drawing out their dance and then just take them against a wall
or worse on the train ride home. It would not do at all for Madam Bones to grow
suspicious of him. He didn’t doubt that if Susan stepped off the train with a just
pounded gait that she would notice.
‘I guess that I will have to make some time and do things properly,’ Harry thought
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as he let his hands trace some habitual patterns on the two lovelies slightly warm
from sex and having their cheeks spanked. ‘Considering that the prefects and staff
don’t supervise outside of class except making sure no one is out and not what house
they are in, I think either a romantic celebration to relax before finals or to
celebrate after them would work or if the ladies feel like it both. Penny will
likely want a thorough shagging a few days before and right after her last exam with
some relief in between, but Dora can help her for some of that and still do well on
her own tests.’
He didn’t dwell on the fact that it was entirely too apparent whom Dora was
arranging for him to fuck to exhaustion every so often. Penelope Clearwater had
started mentoring Dora and it seemed that she would be a shoe in for Prefect when
she was a fifth year. The advice part and the positive things that he had run across
them talking about had pointed that out. He likely suspected that she would discuss
the downsides of being a prefect such as patrolling, meetings, and disciplining
students. It would not surprise Harry if Cho Chang’s little clique required Dora to
put them in their place the next year if Penny didn’t do it herself. He was grateful
that Chang had not really tried anything this year, but the girl was a bit
overconfident and her likely being on the Quidditch team next year almost made him
regret agreeing to try out for it to Madam Hooch.
‘There is so much to arrange before the train arrives,’ Harry thought as he relished
the feel of two of his girls snuggling against him while the bed was permeated with
their scents. ‘At least some things are already in motion so that I don’t need to
worry about them. I do suspect that Hermione will try to have Su visit her house for
the week before the trip and to have us visit her house as a way to explain that
part of the plan.’

Harry absently let his hands wander over their dozing forms. He did want to talk to
them but the three of them were quite content at the moment. The three of them had a
long night of slow and sensual movements in addition to the fast and furious
smacking of their flesh together. He highly suspected that Penny would have unmasked
herself if he had drawn out the games a bit more. Dora had been recovering from
being sandwiched between them while he had teased Penny to the point that she almost
needed to be tied down so he could continue his playing without her trying to
frantically move so his hand cupping her overflowing with almost scalding hot juices
honey pot would either have his fingers inside or the palm of his hand give her clit
the stimulation she needed.

He had relented and had a very mutually enjoyable meeting of the bodies. He had
slightly gone overboard as he could still feel their sexes overheated even as they
were resting against his thighs. Dora had gotten it into her head to try some kinky
things to really work Penny up. He still had to remember to call her Ms. Blue, but
he didn’t doubt that she would confess things on the train if she didn’t tell him
before then.
“Morning, Dora, Ms. Blue,” Harry said as he felt them slowly on this side of
alertness. “I think you both went a little overboard last night and this morning
“Ooh,” Ms. Blue said as she felt her sore sex just being soothed by his warm body.
“I guess we did, but it was an experience, sir. I am definitely going to be a bit
sore this morning, sir.”
“Absolutely, I agree, but definitely sore in a good way,” Dora said as she ran her
right arm over Penny’s back. “To think I thought that muggle video we saw this
summer was accurate. Even if a girl can keep on cuming, it is possible to get too
sore even if one is properly as lubricated as possible. I know we can get too
sensitive and need to catch our breaths, but this time I think Ms. Blue here got her
kitty overly creamed.”
“I still feel a bit full of cream, but I think this kitty is too tender for you to
lap any up,” Penny said as she sighed and shifted to further use his warm leg for
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the soothing heat. “I think I should have tapped out and had you take the back routs
since the mountain to valley path is so overworked.”

“Well both my paths were given attention although the plains were drenched from the
fountain in the valley,” Dora said with a giggle. “I think I miss the innuendo
sometimes even if I do like the wild things we do. I think one of these times it
will be more stimulating if we use as symbolically yet explicit as possible
descriptions than just the vulgar and filthy words. We can even do some back and
forth roles where one makes the prim and proper young lady debase herself by talking
like some dockworker whore as well as the down on her luck commoner having to think
up ways to verbally describe her actions to her audience in proper bodice ripper

“I think that both of you like some spice in things,” Harry said as his hands cupped
their still red cheeks. “Ms. Blue here seems to be the one to get off on being
talked dirty to while it is a change of pace for you to be told proper things while
you are being downright nastily kinky. So not to be a wet blanket when I have two
hot women cuddled next to me, but what are your plans for the future so I can figure
out how it relates to my own, Ms. Blue?”

“I really don’t want to give this up, but I have the feeling that finding out who
you are will leave me contemplating things which would have a negative effect on all
of our tests,” Penny said as she tried not to simply blurt out that she was not
going to let him go for a good long time and that she was hoping to know who he was
so she could catch him out of bounds and have her wicked way with him. “Even if your
identity does confuse me, the summer should be long enough to get my head on
straight. I will admit that I want to know, but part of me is unsure of what you
will feel like when you know who I am as well. I have not had the best luck with
boys starting with my rather disappointing first time. If I hadn’t coerced him to
give me a nice feeling up before hand, I likely would have stormed out at the short

“Considering that sir is my first guy, I have to say that I lucked out,” Dora said
while lifting her body and kissing both of them. “If it had not been for Ms. Blues
advice, I would have taken even longer in my misery before deciding that you were
right, sir. I will admit that was in part why I was so certain that you two meet and
the way you two mix things up are quite breathtaking. I know that I am not in a
closed monogamous relationship, but I doubt that I would find one of those to be
anywhere near as fulfilling.”

“That is right, sir,” Penny said looking at Harry or as she knew him as Sir. “I take
it that you won't let me know whom I have to share you with until we know who each
other are. I would like to meet them since they have to be interesting to keep Dora
here so occupied. Though I suspect that from her hinting, there are others who are
practically begging for some time with you in more than a friends or acquaintances
way? Considering how thoroughly sated you leave us, I do feel a bit of melancholic
content that they lucked out with you. The only way it would be better for them was
if you were there first since I don’t doubt that you would make things phenomenal
unlike most of us girls get.”

“Considering that I was Dora’s first as well as mostly my others, I have to admit
that sometimes a guy can feel a bit unsure of his skills, but from what you have to
say that I should just keep improving,” Harry said as the closeness he was feeling
was making him a bit more open than normally. “I have learned that each woman is a
unique individual that needs certain things in the right amount. It does make sense
why the poets seem to liken female beauties to flowers as while they can grow well
in certain general conditions that they flourish in specific circumstances.”
“You are turning into quite the well rounded romantic, master,” Dora said while
shifting to snuggle her head against his chest. “Remind me to have Ms. Blue help me
show our thanks properly, sir. Well when we have recovered that is.”
“Well I don’t think my tender little pussy can take much more excitement, sir,”
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Penny said with a sigh as she felt Harry summon a soothing and soft moist towel to
ease her overworked muscles. “Still I don’t think that either of our mouths is too
sore for showing our thanks. Sir, I know that I tend to be very obsessed with my
cunt being stretched and cum splashed, but I don’t mind when you are the one
interested in my ass. You are just the kind of affectionate master that one would
enjoy having the attention of even if it is pounding my ass or even when you both
sandwich me between you. You are so much more endearing than the boys I previously
dated. I will admit, sir, that at times I am envious that Dora is as lucky as she is

“You do know that she wasn’t always lucky,” Harry said as he started to knead her
tender tush. “You helped her out and I do appreciate how good of a friend you have
been to my Dora. I had no problem when Dora wanted to help you out even when she
brought up the concept of making up for the lack of pleasure you were experiencing.
Now both of you just relax a little more and think about things. I doubt either of
you want to forget that all this has happened. So try to figure out how to make
things work next year and when you are both rested enough I wouldn’t mind that thank
you or if you are up to more.”
“Master is thinking about things so it is best to let him contemplate things, Ms.
Blue,” Dora confided to her lover. “He won't take anything above giving him head or
receiving in the state he is in. If you interrupt him, I don’t doubt that it will be
obvious that your ass is almost in need of some of Madam Pomphrey’s care by the time
he is done. Master is trying to plot things out with all of us and the dilemma of a
crush who’s life he has saved wanting him to be the one to make her a woman even if
not his woman forever.”

“Oh,” Penny said as she looked over the standard by which she would view all future
male lovers with appraisal and approval. “I can see why that would give him some
concerns. Does he really think better when you felicitate him?”
“I have seen him get inspirations and then either write it down or set things in
motion right away,” Dora admitted as she thought about how both he and Hermione got
when they had a brilliant moment. “I will admit I prefer it when he writes it down
and decides to celebrate. Probably because when he has that brilliant solution he
will at least kiss you so well that your toes curl and you shudder from the
intensity, but when he decides to celebrate that he goes into almost inhuman stamina
and just pushes you until you pass out.”

“Hmm,” Penny said as she thought it over. “I think I need to think on this as well…”
The room was now filled with silence or at least hushed movements while the girls
recovered and Harry was unconcerned with the habits of his hands as it was helping
him think. To him after all the experimenting his girls experienced, he found out
that his hands tended to caressing them when he didn’t pay attention. It didn’t
matter if he was stroking their face, hair or other areas of their bodies. It was in
fact that he found it easier to just let his hands be at his waist level, which
meant that it was more often their youthful, and exercise tightened butts that his
hands caressed of between and along their thighs. If the girls were resting after
swallowing his most recent ejaculation, he ended up running his hands through their
hair and gently petting their face as well.
So intent was he on his plotting as well as developing contingency plan upon plan,
Harry didn’t notice when the two grateful lovers slowly and sorely made their way
down his body as his hands didn’t care that they were caressing their backs. He
didn’t rouse from his near meditative state until he felt their breath caress his
waiting arousal while his hands were petting both their heads and his fingers
twirled the longer hair they had donned before he started to lift his arm to begin
the stroke again.
‘I don’t think I am going to get much business done this morning,’ Harry thought as
he felt both his length and balls each suddenly engulfed by a warm and welcoming
mouth. ‘Still subconscious don’t fail me now and come up with a solution before
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these two get me so worked up that my conscious mind can't think of anything but

The two girls radiated satisfaction as they saw the shudder and fluttering of
emotions on their lovers face. Dora realized that she forgot to mention that Penny
best be prepared as the last time he was experiencing a moment of revelation like
this that he had stuffed her throat to the bursting. She shrugged it off as she
suspected that a few more intense experience like that and the way her master could
sodomize a girl into being a good submissive slave would help her friend be more
accepting of the decision she was not completely consciously accepting. They shared
the same bed often enough that she had heard the decision even if Penny wasn’t ready
to declare it just yet.

Besides, this would help take his mind off those two Hufflesluts he had following
him like lovesick puppies. She didn’t doubt that once her master and mistress
claimed them proper that the two would ever willingly go away. Well maybe someday a
few centuries from now after they had groomed the perfect man they only needed to
share with each other. Still that was a long way away, and Dora doubted the two
would be content with the mediocre level of skills, stamina, and size that their
housemates might have. They would have to look at fifth years at the least to get a
similar size and her master had already stamina to spare with the skills of all of
the women throwing themselves at him to show for it. The first week of summer would
likely mean that he would have an additional bed warmer and a different one at least
every night given how Alice had talked about his following. Those at least Dora knew
would only be flings even if they were likely to be repeated as often as their
circumstances allowed.

Harry was on some level concerned about things. It had taken a bit of planning, but
they had managed a compromise with the two ladies from Hufflepuff. He would take
their virginities willingly before their exams and then the two would spend the time
recovering being quizzed as there was no way that they wanted the two to do too bad.
As they had been diligent in their studies and answered the questions even to their
exceedingly high standards, Harry had to find a way to make the night memorable.
With the lack of Prefects actually doing head counts on the weekend, Harry would be
able to make things as momentous as possible. While he had come to terms with the
fact that girls in general wanted a perfect first time and the ones he found
interesting in particular deserved something that exceeded their fantasies and
romantic daydreams, it did mean that he would have to do some leg work more so than
the usual ignorant boy would do in preparing for such an important date.

‘It would not do to disappoint after going to all the trouble of properly enticing
and seductively romancing those two darlings to be as awkward and unpleasant as most
first times,’ Harry thought as he made a list as he played with the room of
requirements to get things just right. ‘It is sort of humorous that Hermione let
alone Dora would be pissed if I didn’t make this as perfect as possible. I still
think it is more that they want the girls that I have an interest in to have a
memorable time. I think it is there way of making it up to their own selves that
Penny didn’t have that great of a first time while I did my best to make theirs as
good as possible. Still considering the buildup this will be something that Susan
will remember for her whole life fondly, but I believe that Hannah will be a bit
different in her desire. They do make a cute couple…’
Harry went about making sure that everything would be as perfect as possible and had
gone so far as to have Hermione and Dora in the room to subtle alter it to be as
romantic as possible. He wasn’t the best at the feeling thing, but he would try. If
he had just gone with the romp without the buildup, he would not have needed to go
to this level of detail. He wouldn’t have simply been like most of the idiots here
and just forced his way between her thighs before tearing into her. He at least
didn’t have to worry about the pain from a torn hymen ruining their moods.
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Hermione had made the arrangements to pick the two up and take them blindfolded to
the room. He had picked out their outfits including the soft silk blindfolds. It was
either that or covering their eyes until they saw the room. He wanted it to be a
surprise and to show that he did in his own slightly twisted and odd way care about
them. It was not the same as his long-term lovers or even the recent connections
with Dora and Su. His emotions were a bit off do to the Dursleys, but the ladies in
his life were trying to help him be more human in his mannerisms. He realized that
without the positive emotional influences he likely would have made Voldemort look
like a pleasant peasant in regards to things.
“Hello Darlings,” Harry said as he met up with the three ladies. “I know the
anticipation seems rather trying, but we have put a lot of thought into this. I am
somewhat sorry that it is rushed like this, but taking a long drawn out week to do
this properly is not in the cards. We do have the weekend, as the prefects don’t
really monitor people who are not out of bounds or curfew on the weekends. Susan, I
will tell you now that this will be a most memorable night and that we both will
make sure that you both have a very positive experience.”
“Thank you Harry,” Susan said as she was trembling in anticipation. “I know we will
both like the surprise you have for us.”
“Neither of you have let us down yet,” Hannah said sounding chipper despite being
blindfolded and her wrists wrapped in linked bows as well as elsewhere. “I will
admit that the thrill of this whole thing is very… stimulating.”

“That is because of the inability to know what is going to happen next,” Hermione
said before demonstrating with cupping Hannah’s bow topped and accentuated breasts.
“See what I mean. You just can't tell where we are going or what we will be doing
“I take it that we both will like this surprise,” Hannah said as she tried to think
what all would be involved. “Still I think that we both have been looking forward to
this considering some of our housemates might think us strange for not seeming to
want to get plowed by the more than willing studs in our house. I do wonder how you
can make this anymore stimulating for us. I know that this is making me drip nicely
and Susan sounds like she is more than ready for some games.”

“Oh there will be some games, and I can guaranty that Susan here will love them,”
Harry said as they guided the two blindfolded and wrapped up in decorations ladies
into the room. “Considering how I have rather drawn out the chase, I think Susan
will appreciate the attention to detail and touches. Hannah you will likely find
Hermione here to be quite entertaining while I see about making this night
unforgettable for Susan.”
Once the two were inside the room and the door closed behind them, the two Claws
unveiled the room to the two horny Hufflepuffs. Their eyes widened at the scene out
of a myriad of romance novels. There were massage oils, foods and silk arranged
around a very large bed with an equally impressive sofa where the audience could see
them quite well. the details were exquisite as it made Susan feel giddy at the red
and black silk bed with the equally scented rose petals and the aroma of sweet
incense in the air.
“Oh… my…, Harry this is just… Wow!” Susan breathed out as she felt her heart
pounding, her body begin to become more than just excited, and her early developing
breasts stand at full attention under the bow topped ribbon while her ribbon covered
sex started to make the soft fabric damp to outline the very pores of her skin
between her thighs. “You saved my life, showed me so much pleasure already, and now
you are setting up a memorable night I will always treasure. I think the only thing
else is if you also help Hannah with her less romantic inclined fantasy for her
first time with a man.”
“I don’t think that will be too difficult,” Hermione said from where she was running
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her hands around the uncovered areas of Hannah’s body. “Hannah might get a bit over
wound while Harry helps make your fantasy reality, but I don’t think she will mind
too much. Now you don’t mind me playing with your sexy tight body, do you Hannah?”
“No,” Hannah panted out as Hermione stroked her already open and flowing pussy
through the stained ribbon. “I don’t mind you playing with me.”
“I didn’t think that you would,” Hermione said as she led Hannah over to the sofa.
“Now I think we will both find this a very stimulating scene to watch. Susan is
going to have a very enlightening bit of foreplay before she has one of the
tenderest and satisfying sexual experiences possible. Harry has really gone out of
his way to pull out all the stops.”

“It is alright Susan,” Harry said as he carried her to the bed, set her down and
kissed her gently. “This is all about you and I guaranty that tonight will be a
night you never forget.”
He slowly and sensually untied the ribbons that made out her outfit as he tenderly
kissed her lips, cheeks and nibbled along her neck. He realized that his other plan
required being able to feed her the romantic and sensual foods, which he had brought
along. A momentary thought and a serving arm formed out of the silver of the
platter. He didn’t dwell on if he was digging up innate skills in transfiguration
and charms or if the room was doing it, but he could tell that Susan appreciated the
shiny smooth and female appearing arms preparing to serve her the delights to
tantalize and satisfy her tastes.

Susan found herself slowly reclining on the bed with her body at an incline with
something supporting her back to lifting her ass gently off the bed. Susan was soon
aware that his hands were now covered in warm oils and they were massaging her neck
and arms even as he interrupted the food offered to her lips with passionate yet
gentle kisses. His hands traced along her skin teasingly before more pressure was
added and she felt her muscles where he was massaging relaxing from his deepening

His finger worked from her shoulders and the area of her chest just above her slowly
raising more with her breathing pair of succulently devour able mounds to slowly
move towards her dangling arms. His fingers ran down from her upper arms to her
fingers slowly tracing the skin before teasing her palms and caressing her
fluttering fingers. He dwelled on all the little spots that tension built up. His
fingers nimbly worked her fingers and slowly stretched the skin between her fingers
before returning to her palms where he traced circles into the tingling and
sensitized junction of nerves. His thumb traced its way up to her wrist where he
teased the edges of her arm while drawing circles eliciting gasps on the area of
unknowingly reflexive nerves. His lips pressed to hers as their tongues danced and
she moaned into his mouth as his fingers sent thrills through her body.

As she lay there panting from the sudden and unexpected manner she had been brought
such pleasure, Susan could only moan as he worked his way back up her left arm.
After kneading her shoulders and made her neck go limp from the calming caresses,
Susan was panting as he made his way down her right arm. She howled when he gave her
right arm the same treatment that her completely limp left arm had received. Her cry
of pleasure covered up Hannah panting trapped in Hermione’s grip. The two lovers
were so focused that they missed the way the two were both aroused by their
Crossing and tracing her upper edge of her breasts from his return up her right arm,
he resumed his path down her body. Her sides were soon as glistening in the scented
oil as her arms, shoulder, and neck were. He did skirt around her warm and
stimulated breasts to massage the firming stomach and tease her ticklish
bellybutton. He did make up for neglecting them with his hands by kissing along the
un-oiled skin before taking one nipple then the other into his mouth eliciting a cry
of pleasure from Susan’s kiss swollen lips. Those lips soon found the silvery hands
offering her a small amount of wine to both wash the taste of the grapes from her
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mouth as well as moisten them as her body started to grow so warm she started to
glisten even where he had not yet worked his oil slick hands.

She felt her mind a blur as his hands once more bypassed her heated, wet and waiting
in parted anticipation lips to proceed to work her thighs, legs and then feet over.
She hadn’t believed that the foot massage could cause her neglected nether lips to
pulse and her sex to shudder and add more fluid to her oil and sweat soaked form.
She felt her back arch as his breath sent shivers through her being so close to her
waiting slit. Her half-lidded eyes saw from her lolled head that he could
practically swallow the aroma from her flowing cunt. If he would just let his lips
touch her there as they had her anticipating breasts before.
Harry looked down at the panting and glistening form of Susan. He didn’t need to
look over to see that Hermione had reduced Hannah to be unable to draw enough breath
to whimper or beg which he reflected was close to how teased and worked up he had
gotten Susan. He had let his hands work her over and had really worked the oil into
her body and the way that he was really making this memorable was helping. He could
feel the heat from her eager and needy spread in waiting pussy as she arched her sex
towards his face.

She did seem worked up enough. Therefore, with his hands moving to hold her thighs,
he teased her with his tongue just tracing her entrance. She bucked more even though
her stomach muscles were against even thinking of moving thanks to the soothing
massage that he had given them. Her movement dipped his tongue into her soaked and
dripping hole. Considering her movement, he moved his hands to hold her ass up from
the inclined surface as he lapped at her already aroused lips as well as flicking
his tongue and searching about inside her expanding to facilitate larger intrusion

Susan just shook as he proceeded to give her a very long and varied tongue-lashing.
She lost count of the number of times her body seemed to orgasm as well as how often
her muscles forced her sweet lubricant to spray into his mouth and onto his face.
Somewhere around his third pass through the alphabet, he shifted to suckle her clit
and moved his tracing of letters there while his right arm moved to her eager for
stretching cunt. His left hand held her ass with his arm wrapped around her thigh.
One of his fingers rested in the crack between the two cheeks that were already
almost as attention getting as her confirmed to become voluptuous tits. He tried to
caress the area right below her lips; however, he felt her shaking almost release
the plug she had allowed Hannah to worm into her hole. Now as his right hand stroked
her while her clit was trapped between his lips being sucked and licked, Susan felt
his left hand as it softly teased the sensitive nerves between her two openings and
his middle knuckle occasionally tap the plug inside her.

With her neck and shoulders still supported by the elevated surface and her ass
bouncing upon Harry’s hand, Susan let out a guttural moan as his tender stroking of
her flowing twat increased in speed as well as stroking just the right spots inside
her. If her arms had not been still numb yet tingling from his previous attention,
Susan was sure that they would be trying to touch her throbbing in need nipples or
tracing the flushed and tingling flesh instead of her hands just clenching around
the sheets of the bed. She couldn’t take much more and not pass out, as he wasn’t
giving her time to draw her breath before she felt her vision fade as her eyes tried
to roll up into her head from the intensity of her feelings.
“Oh! Harry!” Susan groaned out a word at a time before gasping as she tried to catch
her breath and failing as she felt her body eagerly drench his face and arm once
more. “Please let me catch my breath. You can do everything and anything you want,
but just let me breathe.”
Susan felt another hard orgasm before he slowed down and lowered her to the bed. His
fingers moved to gently caress around her blood-filled lips while he released her
clit from his lips and trailed kisses around the area washed clear by her repeated
gushing. She felt her body supported by the inclined and soft surface as he moved
his hand from between her cheeks to gently caress her left while his right hand
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moved to the other.
“That was intense,” Susan said while panting between each word and seeming to try to
stretch her tingling body about while not really able to move far. “I guess you can
say that I am positively prepared with how slick I am now. I don’t think I can wait
anymore, Harry. Please, make me a woman. I want to feel you inside me and pressed
against me.”
“How can I say no to a request like that?” Harry asked her as he shifted up and
kissed each of her breasts in turn while stroking her thighs. “You understand why I
made you wait, right my dear friend? I may play roughly at times, but I do not cause
unwanted harm. Something for you both to think of later as this is a time for
enjoying yourselves…”
Harry groaned in appreciation as he nudged into her slick entrance and slowly sunk
into her welcoming embrace. His fingers had done a wonderful job in ensuring that
Susan was just stretched enough to ease his way inside as well as that her entire
entrance was lubricated as he had worked her so that she would not feel any
discomfort. As he felt himself bottoming out and pressing against the depths of her
still wonderfully tight yet slick length, he was aware of the sudden pressing of
their skin together as he ground against her and pressed their pubic bones together
much to her satisfaction.

“Oh, that feels wonderful,” Susan said with a sigh shifting to a moan as he took his
time in exploring her fully. “I love it. Thank you for making this so special,
Harry. It was worth the wait!”

“You are welcome, Suz,” Harry said as he savored being wrapped by her warmth. “You
are such a good friend already and I wanted you to understand that before all of
this. Now hush and just feel, darling. This is your special time.”
Susan did just that although she let out a number of exclamations for the
appreciation of the slow and tender experience. She almost felt that this might
spoil her for this type of thing. Susan was aware that there was more ways than just
this, but it was interesting and a contrast to the frantic and still fantastic
couplings they had seen before. As he moved inside her, Susan managed to raise her
arms and legs shakily to wrap around him as he slowly stroked her towards heaven
again and again. She could feel the heat between them and the way it warmed the oil
being pressed into her skin. She sniffled and was aware of happy tears flowing down
her eyes although they mostly just caused her eyes to glitter in the flickering
candle and fireplace light.
Susan let out a slow drawn out sound of bliss as she felt her body once more
crossover into that heady feeling. She could feel Harry slowly grinding against her
buried to her depths and her arms were holding him tight to her while his mouth was
latched onto her neck and his hands were sensually caressing the sides of her
breasts even as she felt her stiff nipples being rubbed against his firm chest.
Susan was aware of her nerves seeming to be bathed in pleasure as she crested and
her body clamped around him inside and out.

When he moved from nuzzling into her neck and the sensitive spots near her ear and
shoulder, she looked into his eyes and marveled at what she saw in there. He had
been right in telling her that this was all about her and she felt that look was one
she would always want to see in anyone who was with her eyes. She knew somewhat
about how his life had not been the best and that he didn’t give much to others
freely, but she could tell that he had truly let her in even if it was not as far as
he had Hermione. She could see if just for this moment his whole attention focused
on her.
Susan had half expected him to try to time their orgasmic releases together. She was
not disappointed in that even if she didn’t feel him flood her as she had seen
before when they had watched him pleasuring Hermione. She could feel the pulsing of
his buried arousal as it pressed into and against her own shuddering flesh. Letting
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her grip slacken and feeling her body draw several deep breaths, Susan let out a
gasp as he resumed his slow and sensual stroking inside which was rapidly rekindling
her own orgasmic fire.
It was not long before she moved beneath him as she was drawn into a series of body
wracking climaxes. As with his prior actions in her most arousing foreplay, Susan
soon found herself having her arms and legs becoming unable to move more than to
gently wrap around him as she shuddered and shook from the pleasure. A small part of
Susan’s mind hoped that he did not end up ruining her in what she would expect for a
romantic sensual encounter. Even if it was likely that others had slightly more
eternal bonds to him, she knew that she would judge any future lovemaking by this
almost impossibly high standard. There was little doubt that she would try to be
this wonderful with Hannah when she could, but Harry was setting the bar for any
male lovers she had in life.
Before the shudders of a becoming too much and too strong orgasm caused her arms and
legs to flop and just lay against him, Susan realized that she could not have asked
for a more satisfying first time. She also recalled that Hermione had not always
made love to her lover, but that the kinky Ravenclaw had also had wild animalistic
joining that were as frantic as they were extreme. Susan made a note to ask about
that once she had recovered, well if he let her recover before she passed out that
Harry was feeling a sense of deep satisfaction and not just from the way that his
coupling with Susan was granting him very strong and drawn out pleasure. He was
already suspecting that Susan would soon be too worn for more although she had some
preparations with learning to tolerate the quantity and quality of greater levels,
duration, and number of body shaking and often enough gushing climaxes. He would
work her to one last rush before he shifted things a bit.
Having just felt most of her strength fail her as he had just driven her to a very
long in duration and deep in intensity orgasm, Susan was panting as she felt Harry
pulled her to her side and he slowly moved inside her once more having barely given
her a moment to catch her breath. In this position, he ran his right arm from her
head to her ass. His fingers did tease the almost lubricated to slip out butt plug
Susan had so long ago accepted in waiting for this and the later sexual experience.
He had teased it a few times before this and had kept it from popping out when he
had stroked her to prove her body was prepared for his blood-gorged dick to stretch
and slide inside her. Now he teased it to allow her to associate the sensations he
was causing to be pleasurable, as he would not after having reveled in this slow
sensual screw of her sex to not see if he could have her howl his name when he
claimed her totally.

Considering that she was barely able to slightly rock back against him, Susan was
mostly a submissive accepter of the slow and drawn out pleasure his languid screw
was granting. His caresses as her right arm vainly tried to pull him to her even as
his leg pulled her to meet his deep and slight withdrawal presses as their bodies
were flush to each other was slowly ratcheting Susan toward a very lengthy and
intense orgasm that was helped by her legs being pressed so close together. Susan
felt as if he was stretching her more in this position and his slow sensual
movements were delightful if not as overwhelming as he could have been. While her
back was being caressed by his right hand, his leg was running and rubbing her from
her ass down to her feet.
Susan was met with a flurry of kisses that seemed to move from her lips down as far
as to almost swallowing and engulfing her already impressive tit into his mouth
before going back to her lips. His left hand was not absent and teased both of her
strained and bouncing breasts while her right arm tried to pull him closer. His
right arm had moved from caressing to work some of the oil from earlier as Susan
might not feel the strain from her using her back to press against him now, but he
wanted her to not be wincing tomorrow even if she would be walking gently anyways.
Susan let out a shuddering and deep moan as she felt Harry press their bodies
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together before it was cut off by his lips devouring and tongue claiming hers. She
felt him pressed against her deepest point and how she parted for him before a jolt
hit her as he let his body release inside her. She felt his forehead pressed to hers
and their eyes met. For a moment, Susan thought that she was done and that he was
ready to let her collapse. She saw some concern there, but there was something else
there as well. Susan let out a groan as she recalled what she had mentioned about
her fantasies and she realized that he was not yet done with her even if she felt a
nap would be good at this point.
“Just a little bit more, Susan,” Harry promised whispering to her. “You can rest in
a little while, but I thought you wanted to see how those two are and you did say
you liked how Hermione looked when we were in that position. Besides, we can both
watch those two playing as they have been watching us. You want to see Hannah’s face
as you feel me behind you even if it is nowhere near as frantic as Hermione or
Hannah seems to like.”
“Ok, Harry,” Susan shakily whispered back even as she knew he was right. “You
probably need to move me since I feel so out of it. I guess we have been ignoring
them since Hermione seems to be keeping Hannah from being loud.”

Harry slowly shifted away from Susan even as he rolled her from her side to her
back. She was very relaxed and he managed to spin her around so she was facing the
couch instead of her feet being pointed and had been often spread in that direction.
Her head had been dangling and her hair had brushed across the bed during that, but
as he set her down on her knees and arms, he lifted her face to see what her friend
had been going through. Hannah was whimpering right in her view as she watched
Hermione slowly tease her to the edge before backing off even as Susan felt Harry
run his still firm cock against her certain to be tender lips. She gasped as he
seemed to bottom out and she felt his firm muscles pressing against her tingling
For the next what seemed like hours to the overly stimulated Susan, she watched as
Harry slowly took her from behind. She knew he could have been a blur and she
wondered if she would beg for it as much as they had caught Hermione doing so. As it
was, Susan put that off for after her nap and instead focused on the feelings his
slowly pushing her towards the foot of the bed and thus closer to where Hannah
whimpered and silently begged before her. She could feel that his hands were running
from fondling her ass, up her sides to reach under and likewise fondle her tits
before repeating.

Still she felt a shudder as she struggled to maintain eye contact with Hannah’s
needy and lust glazed eyes, and she could only whimper as her own lover kept her on
that other side of the line always moments from cuming again while Hannah was
building and building towards a momentous orgasm that would likely consume her.
Susan didn’t doubt that Hannah would be in any control as her body would just
respond, which was quite similar to how she was feeling except that she managed to
slightly push back against to bump into his thrusts.
“Harry,” Susan managed to shudder out and proceeded to get out between pants,
“promise me that when I pass out that you will give Hannah some relief.”
“No Problem, Susan,” Harry groaned out as he pulled her to him and ground deep into
her. “Just don’t count yourself out yet. I think you can last until I really let go
this time.”
“Hmm,” Susan moaned out as she felt her orgasm building to an intense level. “That
sounds nice. Go on fill me up!”
“As you wish,” Harry purred into her ear as he ground and prodded her slipping past
her wall where he felt her snap around him causing his head to throb inside. “Here
you go! Some fresh hot cum to fill your womb!”
“Yes,” Susan hissed out as she felt her orgasm enhanced by his splashing inside her
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as she spurted onto his thighs. “You’re filling me up… coming so hard!”
“You feel wonderful, Suz,” Harry continued to purr as he ran his hands from her
shoulder to ass as he tried to sink even deeper into her. “You are making me really
pump you full. Can you feel it?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Susan cried, as her orgasm was drug out as his repeated pulses sent
her back over again and again. “So good… So good… So damn good!”
Harry held Susan while she seemed to drink his cum as if his dick was a straw and
her pussy a hungry mouth. He slowly set her down to her knees but stayed slowly
rocking into her sex as he felt a slow pull remaining. He was still snapped around
by her inner muscles, but he was able to tell that she would likely drift off once
he was no longer nudging her depths. He could feel some of his release mix when her
muscle twitched, and he was not really screwing her or even making love to her right
now, but was more or less stirring her juices to keep her awake. He heard something
and gave a look out of his eyes even as he watched the signs of afterglow and
pleasure on Susan’s face. He almost smirked at what he saw.
Hannah had been whimpering as she watched Harry seduce and romance her friend.
Hermione had been playing with her and had driven her to the point of madness. Her
legs were spread with Hermione’s legs pinning her thighs down giving the Ravenclaw
plenty of access to her pubic mound and lots of angles to entice her copiously
flowing sex. The two lovers on the bed could see the way that Hermione eagerly
plunged most of her hand into the receptive Hufflepuff’s spread lips and work some
of her inner passage loose. There was a particular madness in Hannah’s eyes that
Susan could see even as she felt like collapsing and just laying there with Harry
buried inside her. It was not one she knew well, but one her lover stretching her
had seen before.
As it was, Hannah was not looking to be romanced and she would be grateful if either
of them let her have a single orgasm at this point. She had lost the ability to form
coherent words although she had been begging almost silently whimpering for the time
since he had begun to lap at Susan after he had massaged her to a slow shuddering
and sensualist seductive serene release. She had watched what wonderful things he
had done to her friends willing body. Now as much as a girl likes romance, Hannah
was in no frame of mind for a slow tender lovemaking. She needed to cum so bad she
was begging with her eyes.

“Hey, Harry,” Hermione said as she caressed the trying to rock Hannah’s drooling
sex. “I don’t think that Hannah here needs anymore preparation. She is so aroused
that she wouldn’t even complain if you shoved a pair of fits into her spread cunt if
it allowed her to cum! So should I let her cum before you are the first real cock to
spread her open, fuck her and then spray her inside with your load?”
“Well, Susan does need to recover and Hannah is her friend,” Harry said as he gently
caressed Susan’s gleaming face as Susan absently looked at where Hermione’s hand was
moving. “Hey Susan, should Hermione let Hannah cum yet or should her first orgasm of
the night be when I bury myself balls deep into her?”
Susan looked out of it with her hair plastered to her head and her entire body was
shining in sweat as well as flush from the exertion. She barely managed to tilt her
head away from her voyeuristic staring and look down where he was still stretching
her and she could see and feel his balls resting on her tingling bits while their
thighs were pressed together before he moved slightly. She could feel him and their
juices inside moving as he looked at her. She took a deep breath as she could still
feel her aftershocks and from the smirk on his face, she knew he was feeling her
shuddering around him still. She felt too weak for her contractions to push him out
even if he seemed to be rubbing deeper than ever before. Whenever her head felt like
it was going to drift off, she felt a jolt as he tapped her deepest spot and his
slightly flowing cum cling to her.
“Hmmm,” Susan managed to moan out as she turned to look at her friend despite the
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urge to either sleep or get lost in the jolts of pleasure amidst the haze of bliss.
“Which would be more memorable?” Susan paused as she drew breath and tried not to
whimper from how sore she felt even with the exploring previously having helped
prepare her in being stretched. “You made this so wonderful so far, so Hannah
deserves the same.”
“How about you two compromise then?” Hermione asked as she eased back as Hannah
keened in need again. “While you recover, Harry gives Hannah a seeing too and as he
sinks into her I will move my soaked fingers to tease these developing mounds. I
mean they may not be as quick to develop as yours have been, but Hannah has liked
some attention there before.”
“Alright,” Harry said as he slowly knee walked backwards out of Susan. “Now just
rest up a bit and Hermione will spread some of that salve once Hannah gets into a
good rhythm.”
“Ok,” Susan managed to draw out before her head plopped to the side and she started
taking deep breaths even as her sex seemed to force out more of their mixed juices.
“Sleepy now, Hannah, have some fun.”

“Well Hannah is quite ready for you, Harry,” Hermione said as she sinks a few
fingers inside Hannah again and strokes them inside to get Hannah panting again.
“She has done quite the job in soaking my fingers as you can see. She is already
stretched just a bit to get inside easier as well as lubricating nicely.”
“I suppose so,” Harry said as he rose from the bed giving Susan a few gentle
caresses to her disheveled head before walking with his arousal standing proud
towards the sofa. “I hope Hannah doesn’t mind that I am not washed or even licked
clean from Susan and my own release. You don’t mind that I just plunge my dick
covered in your friend’s juice and my cum into your drooling little twat, now do you

“No!” Hannah shouted while violently shaking her head. “That’s…”

“I think Hannah is turned on by the idea, Harry,” Hermione smirked as she felt
Hannah had started panting more from what he said than her fingers twisting inside
her. “I think she hasn’t confessed to Susan that she really likes being handled
roughly or at least more than any of us has pushed her yet. I also believe she likes
a bit of dirty demeaning words being directed to her when she is getting used like
“Why I think you are right, Hermione,” Harry said as he ran his coated dick against
the girl’s flush skin. “So Hannah, Susan wants you to have some fun, and I bet you
would love nothing more than me shoving this already fucked and covered in cum and
juice dick into your gushing cunt before fucking you like the cock hungry witch you
are. You are practically cuming just at the thought and to think Hermione is going
to massage your cunt juice into those tits of yours, and if you are a good fuck we
might just lick and suck them clean.”
“Oh!” Hannah shrieked out as she almost came from just that verbal taunting. “Just
fuck me! Please… fuck me!”
“Well if you insist, my little soaked sex toy,” Harry said while Hermione moved her
fingers from inside to spread Hannah and he placed himself at her entrance. “You’re
going to be fucked hard and fast.”
Hannah let loose a scream as she felt her delayed orgasm start the moment he entered
her and continued even as she felt her lips try to hold his head inside before he
sent himself back to her depths. Hermione started to knead her juice slick hands
into her tits while she felt the girl’s ass being pushed and wiggled against her. It
was a shame that Susan was mostly passed out, but Hermione didn’t doubt that one of
these shrieks would rouse the girl to watch. Hermione was suddenly wondering if she
could get a nice toy that could help her out; however, Hermione tried not to show
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that Hannah just lucked out and the bit of rubber sticking out her ass was now
brushing her sex. It would have been better if it rubbed her clit or if she had a
reverse dildo spreading her, but it was a bit of added stimulation.
“I should have thought this through better,” Hermione murmured as she tried to push
Hannah towards Harry and her legs wider so he could really pound them into the sofa.
“I doubt master would let me wiggle out and see about licking Susan and if I am
lucky have her tongue or finger me at this point. Still this is a bit different…”
Hermione just accepted things and Hannah’s movements did giver her almost as much
relief as rubbing her pussy against something. She lucked out that the plug was not
gripped by her lips that were fluttering as if trying to grab a cock or fingers to
pull inside her. His pounding did seem to rub that bit of firmness in circles above
her lips. Still her slight stimulation was better than what Hannah had been through
at her hands as she at least was working closer to orgasm.
Her hands were not just playing with Hannah’s handful nips but pulling and causing
the girl to rub Hermione’s tits against her back for more stimulation. So while
Hermione received stimulation indirect to her sex and direct to her breasts, Hannah
was being wrapped in sensations all around her. Harry’s hands on her hips helped him
move into her easier while the copious amounts of her juices that were pooling at
the floor in front of the Sofa there was little doubt that Hannah was very happy.

Hannah collapsed against Hermione as Harry ground into her and she felt his
controlled release inside her panting body. Hermione did not resist his unwrapping
of her legs from around Hannah’s as her clit was being pressed by the grinding and
it was moist from her juices that had flowed from both of their sexes. They both
were in a daze as Harry slid out of Hannah before flipping her over and bumping the
two girl’s aroused pussies together before he dipped between them.
“Good pussy sandwich,” Harry chuckled out as he ran his hard soaked cock between
their lips. “Now Hannah catch your breath while I give Hermione a few cums since you
had so many. Once you are rested up I will see about pushing you over your limits.”

Hermione kissed Hannah before answering for the still shuddering and dripping girl,
“Yes, Harry. I think we both will like that, but remember to make Hannah here cum so
hard she passes out. I won't hog you today, but I think we can work things out.”

“Whatever,” Harry said because he didn’t want to know the details before he shifted
his hips and sunk into Hermione, “it’s not like I mind making any of you girls
scream and cream as you cum. Besides, you can rub against each other while I am
inside one or the other. This is mostly because I didn’t think to do something so
Hermione wouldn’t be wound up without release while I have been occupied.”

The two girls really didn’t pay attention to what he had said as Hermione was soon
pulling Hannah to her as Harry drove her to a few quick orgasms. He pulled and
switched when Hermione let her arms go slack. Hannah returned the passionate kiss
she had received during Hermione’s orgasms as she moaned into her mouth as Harry
drove her over until she released the kiss to catch her breath. Thus, set the
pattern of fucking that Harry employed to the two girls. He did occasionally tease
by sliding between their lips and clits while his hands and their roamed over
everyone. He lost track of which girls hands were where even as he seemed to roam
equally across their bodies regardless of whom he was sliding inside at that moment.
Harry set into Hannah after he had left the two gushing into each other. He had not
fully let them relax and this time he was aiming to push her over as her body
started to have a hard time moving and her hands had slowed to just groping
Hermione’s tits. Harry had moved to a furry and since Hermione was still roughly
manipulating Hannah’s dangling and swinging breasts, he was squeezing her ass with
the occasional taps to her plug and the sensitive stretch of skin between her
stimulated holes.
“Come on Harry,” Hermione purred as she thrust her tingling twat into Hannah’s
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currently being pounded cunt. “Fuck the cunt! Make the horny witch cum all over us!
I want to feel her spurt like you spray us when you make her cum like crazy!”

“Yeah, I think that is what you want,” Harry said while he seemed to push Hannah’s
cunt roughly across Hermione’s parted lips and dripped into her still spread open
hole. “Try to tell me that isn’t what you want, Hannah. Go on just tell me you don’t
want me to fuck you hard like any other eager bitch in need of a pounding!”
“I can't,” Hannah said as she felt Hermione’s lips pressed into hers. “Fuck me!
Pound my wet twat like the bitch in heat I am! Mount me and slam into my cunt until
you flood your bitch with your cum!”

“You heard the cock hungry cunt!” Hermione said as she felt Harry’s movements
fucking her with Hannah’s sex. “Fuck her like and animal! Give it to her hard and
fast leaving her soaked and stuffed!”
“That’s it you needy little thing,” Harry growled into her ears as he moved so fast
she started to really move which caused the back of the sofa to start to recline.
“You wanted me to fuck you like an animal in heat, so that is what I am going to do!
Let me know if it gets too much and I will pull out; although if you do that, I
might just move on to one of these other needy darlings!”

Susan had been watching this with awe. She had not thought to try such vulgar words
on Hannah since she was her friend, but given how she was responding there was
something to experiment with her friend and lover later. In the mean time, Susan
would watch this different way of sexual release. Even with Hannah, their touches
and kisses were mostly tender; although, she knew that Hannah preferred a slightly
firmer touch than she had.

“It looks like it is getting close,” Susan muttered as she clamped her thighs
together in anticipation. “I wonder how much of this I missed since Han seems to be
very close to one last hard cum before begging to rest. Still it could be longer
than I think since Han tends to outlast me in how long she can keep cuming. I will
admit that this is very arousing, but I don’t think I can move my hand at this
point. Harry really did a number on me, but I think I want to try what Han is doing.
She really is cuming hard, often, and long.”

So Susan watched as Harry finished his frantic fucking of Hannah’s shrieking in

rapid recurrent orgasming body. It was the complete opposite if the tender way he
had brought her to womanhood, but she could tell that her friend had loved every
minute of the wild and animalistic rutting. It really was animal like as he had
flipped Hannah over and mounted her as she had seen Crups and other animals do. Even
though she had been in a similar position, Harry had not been anywhere near as
brutal when he had taken her from behind. She knew Hannah was delighting in the
rough handling as well and her enjoyment was visible in the way she was slamming her
ass back to meet his dick.

She had not been aware when he had gone back and forth between the two pressed
together soaked cunts before he had resumed pounding into Hannah. If she had been,
she would likely have asked Harry to plop Hannah on top of her and when she was
rested switch before letting one recover before plowing them again. As it was,
Hannah had been at the receiving end of Harry long enough that she was getting sore
and in need of a breather. She had been getting fucked hard and fast instead of the
slow and soft screwing that Susan had experienced.
“Fuck me hard!” Hannah shrieked out as Harry proceeded to rock her body across the
sofa causing it to rock back to a short bed instead of falling over while dragging
her across Hermione’s body leaving a trail of splatters from her gushing when her
legs collapsed. “That’s it… right… there. Oh… Oh… O… Harry!”
The last shriek was met as Susan saw Harry grinding into Hannah and the way the
flickering lights in the room reflected off the sudden downpour from her friends
skewered and stuffed slit. She was watching the way her friend seemed to slump and
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go limp amidst the body shuddering signs of her intense orgasms. He held her from
dropping and planting her pussy into the sofa. Harry carefully lowered Hannah down
on her side before sliding out of her pussy.
He gave her a few appreciative strokes to her shuddering body before turning and
looking at Susan saying, “Hello Suz, all recovered I see.”
“Yes, Harry,” Susan cheerily replied while her eyes wandered over his body before
coming to rest on his bouncing and slick cock. “I am sorry for how out of it I was,
but you made me cum so often and well that I couldn’t think strait.”
“That is understandable,” Harry said as he walked over to her blocking her view of
the sofa. “I must admit that I was pushing you to see how tolerant your body was for
such games.”
Harry had moved so that he was almost standing against the edge of the bed where her
body had wiggled to better watch her friend getting fucked hard. He watched as Susan
looked at him and he looked at how she was recovering. He could have had Hermione
massage some potion-laced oils into her recently spread sex, but part of the mix in
the oils he had used were to prevent muscle tearing or bruising. It also had helped
to get the knots in her muscles worked out and had some aphrodisiac properties. He
didn’t dwell on that it was also supposed to increase the sensitivity of her body.

“Hmmm,” Susan moaned out, as his scent seemed to send a rekindled fire to her belly
before muttering, “warm, sweet, and musky.”

Harry looked at her in confusion as she had said that too quietly even for him to
clearly make out. She seemed to be distracted by something so he decided to get her
attention. He had been tempted to tilt her face up so she would meet his eyes, but
he barely had touched her cheek and her eyes stayed downcast.
“Yes, Suz?” Harry asked as Susan inhaled deeply the heady aroma radiating from his
body while not meeting his eyes. “Was there something you wanted?”

Susan was looking at Harry in lust. She had just watched her friend get fucked hard
until she came so hard her eyes rolled back and she passed out. His dick was soaked
with her, Hannah’s and his cum while it was practically being waved in her face. She
liked her lips before opening them in offering which he took to be the answer to his
question so he didn’t say a word and moved closer to bury his repeatedly drenched
cock down her throat. Susan moaned out, as she tasted the mix before he even entered
her mouth let alone slid down her throat. She didn’t release him until she was sure
the only thing covering his dick was her spit. She may have let him slide so only
his head was in her mouth and her tongue could swirl on it, but she didn’t let him
pop out not that he wanted to do so.
“Oh, Harry,” Susan groaned out. “That was hot and delicious. Now please, Harry, give
me a seeing to like you did Hannah this time. It looked really intense. You already
showed me the most romantic sexual encounter. So please, show me as fucking
merciless an encounter as I can take.”

“Sure Susan, I can do that and you will cum a lot and strongly as well,” Harry said
before he let her give him one last long suck before he moved behind her. “You both
know that I don’t like to disappoint or do less than as perfect a job as possible.
You wanted a memorable night so starting off with the most sensual and romantic sex
one can have that it should only be followed with as wild and intense fucking as one
can. I will admit that there are some things I won't be doing since I don’t know how
you would respond to them, but I do promise that you will be as fucked to exhaustion
as Hannah was.”
“Thank you,” Susan groaned out as he went from touching her still aroused lips to
grinding against her in moments. “Oh… fuck! That was different… Do it! Fuck me now!”
Harry didn’t answer her verbally; he just pulled back and started a very rapid
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thrusting. Even with his hands on her ass, Susan began to quickly rock back against
him as Hannah had done. The room was filled with their sound as grunts, shrieks, and
the smacking of flesh meeting was heard. Somewhere as Susan had her head down as she
watched their sexes slam together, Hannah had started to stir, as she was no longer
on her side since he hadn’t let her drop her cum filled cunt onto the sofa.
Susan hadn’t paid attention to her friend since before she had swallowed and sucked
his cock clean. She had no idea what was going on since she had spent the time
either looking at Harry as she cleaned him up, his sculpted form as it moved behind
her, or watching his cock sink and then fuck into her eager hole. Even when her head
was not glued to watching him pound her pussy, her eyes had been unable to focus in
front of her.

Her next head snapping upwards orgasm was met with the sight of Hannah getting
stuffed by Hermione. The girl must have slipped that on when Hannah had stopped
lapping her after Harry had unloaded into her. She wasn’t even sure if the kinky
bookworm had made up her inability to slurp his cum from her by doing so to Hannah.
So Susan seeing her friend getting pounded and seeing the toy sliding into her left
her with only one thing in mind.

“Oh! Fuck!” Susan said as she watched Hermione start to equally pound Hannah.
“That’s hot!”

“Same… here!” Hannah grunted out as she drunk in the sight of her friend getting
pounded from behind. “Fuck yeah! Do me, Hermione!”

“You both talk too much,” Hermione said before giving Hannah’s ass a quick smack
causing the girl beneath her to shriek and spray her. “Well looks like another thing
on the ‘What gets Hannah to cum hard like the slut she is’ list has been found. So
Harry next time you give this cunt a pounding don’t forget to give her ass some

“I won't,” Harry said with a smirk. “Susan here seems to enjoy being groped, but I
haven’t tried that yet. So Susan, want to try it?”
“Fuck yes!” Susan shouted in agreement while he seemed to almost maul her ass. “I
wanna try it… you could even do a spank off on us!”

“I’d say that is a most hearty agreement,” Hermione said even as she felt the toy
rubbing her clit and a bit inside her cunt as she moved swiftly inside Hannah’s
soaked sex. “So… on your mark?”
Harry chuckled at that before he said, “Yes.”
The pair let a yelp out as the two Ravenclaws started to spank them in unison while
plowing them swiftly. The two Hufflepuffs were getting a good first lesson in how
sudden shocks could increase their pleasure. The girls howled and came hard
drenching the two when they managed to land a swat right as they were cuming. The
two Hufflepuffs locked eyes as they were driven to orgasm over and over again. They
could feel their bodies were flushed and drenched with sweat and knew from their
glance at their friend that they were in the same state.
The shuddering was growing more frequent even as the girls beneath them started to
pant harder. Soon enough it was just their holding the girls that kept them from
landing flat on their bellies even as the two could have continued thrusting into
their almost sex drowned bodies. Hermione watched as Harry held Susan to him as he
almost roared and let loose into her before flopping with her to his side. She saw
that Susan’s eyes fluttered and she went limp in his arms even if she saw her
stomach muscles clench with him still inside her.
Hermione plopped onto her ass while holding Hannah to her by her tits. She knew the
puff was out of it when her head limply rolled onto her shoulder. She heard Hannah
moan in her sleep as she squeezed and tugged her tits. Looking the girl over she saw
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a few fun additions she would have to add if her master approved. It was almost a
shame that they wouldn’t be able to have his mark permanently adorning their flesh,
but that seemed even more important and close than she was willing to acknowledge
the two for just yet. She would bring up how nice the two sex toys would look
properly adorned. She knew her master was not all for permanent signs, but even if
he wouldn’t allow them to be pierced anywhere save their ears just yet didn’t mean
she couldn’t fantasize about them being led by chains around his home with the
chains attached to clamps where piercings could be done. He master may allow her to
play with his other toys, but he was the one they all belonged to thus why she knew
better than to do some additions without permission.
“Well I think we can be sure that these two will never find tonight to have been
anything but the best that it could have been,” Harry said from where he was resting
with Susan spooned against him. “Dora will at least not have an issue with me having
let a girl down on her first time which will please her delightful lover and mentor.
I just hope that I don’t end up having Susan and Hannah gossip about this. I don’t
think there would be any time to actually do anything if Professor Sprout and the
female Hufflepuff Prefects were insistent on me ensuring the same level of
satisfaction. I suppose it was for the best that we didn’t end up there…”

“You mean in spite of the loyalty we have to each other,” Hermione said as she ran
her hands down Hannah causing the girl to almost purr in her sleep. “It does make me
wonder how they get anything done, but I suppose if they work hard in everything
then that is why. I could also see them being advised to do their school work so
they could work hard on strengthening their friendships.”
“That sounds about right from what we directly and indirectly know of the house,”
Harry said while he found Susan’s breathing to be distracting as his fingers played
outside her and his still firm enough erection inside her. “I was almost wondering
when Dora’s friend there would try to help her out if we hadn’t gotten involved. I
suppose it doesn’t matter, but I doubt that Dora will not be pressured by Siobhan if
I recall right next year. I think they are giving her space to explore either her
first real boyfriend or girlfriend with some thinking possibly both.”

“Perhaps,” Hermione conceded as she shifted so Hannah was resting on both Hermione’s
hands and her impaled sex. “I do wonder why they haven’t pestered her yet as I know
most girls would do. I likely would have pestered Alice if I had not still needed
some attention to get out of my defensive shell. I know they were quite insistent on
knowing everything we had done while away.”

“Girls call it girl talk and it is proper that you discuss things in as detail as
possible, but if a guy talks to others than you label us braggarts or worse,” Harry
said with a chuckle even as he found his hand tease a sleepy snort form Susan.
“Still this plan made sure that none of you girls were annoyed that I just dipped my
dick and dropped a load of cum without a care if they enjoyed it. I may be the
master to you lot, but that does not mean you can't try to persuade me or at least
give me a lead in what you want since you know how I responded to one of you girls
trying to control me.”
Hermione was silent at that. She recalled what her cockiness had cost her. She had
spent a night on edge having been brought to the very brink of orgasm from both
pleasure and pain before being held there while he was out with Dora. She had
planned to have spent the night further coercing these two Hufflepuffs to further
her standing with her master as well as get some fun out of them. Hermione decided
to not bring up that event although she had felt a very deep sense of contentment
when he had proved her place beneath him.
“So I would say that this plan ruined any chance of them walking away, master,”
Hermione replied as she carried the impaled on her strap on Hannah next to where
Susan was passed out with Harry spooned behind her with his dick inside her. “I will
admit that they are fun and all that, but Susan’s aunt is the head of magical law
enforcement. It might have been better just to have them suck us both and you fucked
them without the beginnings of friendship forming. They are Hufflepuffs and from
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what Dora has said they are and tend to be fanatically loyal.”
“True enough, I suppose, Mine,” Harry said as he absently caressed Susan’s sleeping
form. “It is offset by other things. I do doubt that they will squeal or otherwise
cause us problems. We will tell a bit better as the rest of the year wraps up.”
“We will see, sir,” Hermione said as she placed Hannah next to Susan whom promptly
hugged each other in their sleep. “You will likely have to factor in repeat
performances even if it is just pounding them between classes quick, rough and
firmly. They probably will take turns using toys in the meantime. You are still
planning on claiming their asses before they return home for summer holidays, don’t
you sir?”

“I don’t doubt that they would be disappointed considering that they have had a
preparatory plug to prepare them for how many months now?” Harry asked back. “No I
don’t think it would be good to disappoint them. I think I have a plan to help them
out and allow them some explorations while they are away from us.”
“I see, sir,” Hermione said as she felt the two girls press together. “You will
likely start pushing the envelope to see what their limits are next year, and Dora
can keep her busy while those two are up to their own thing. I have a feeling these
two are going to be investing in a lot of toys. I suppose we can see about them
having their own toy box next year.”
“Yes, I think they will appreciate that,” Harry said while reaching over to Hermione
and caressing her face. “Now I expect you not to wake me up by jumping the gun and
sliding that toy of yours into Hannah’s ass. I think they would pout if we left
either out.”

“Sure, master,” Hermione said with a yawn. “I think I shouldn’t have had her ass
seated against me like that. I came close to losing her since that bit of rubber was
rubbing me just right. Still I think I would like another girl to be tied to when
you give my ass a go. It may not be the same as a cock, but it can be a close
second. Can we tie them together and take turns?”
“Of course, my girl,” Harry said as he felt her settle and then she started to doze
against Hannah. “I don’t doubt that these two will like it.”

Harry was aware that a lot of things could happen yet. He didn’t doubt that the two
girls sandwiched between them would mind having a double-ended toy linking them
while they had their second round of anal teasing considering how they responded to
the rubber plugs being played with. They could have told the two a number of things
already, but seeing how they responded on the train back next fall would make him
certain of things. He did have a slight worry about how Amelia Bones would react,
but she was a Hufflepuff so she shouldn’t feel that against the situation. He was
more concerned with how her lawful view would fit with things. Still, he was a fair
bit more lawful than the Death Eaters or the pureblood hierarchy was in practice. He
was mostly utilizing the legal loopholes that those in power would never consider
removing as it would hurt their interests.

He was looking forward to how things would turn out. The sleepy master of his
passionate and determined women was sure that things would eventually settle, but he
was looking forward to how brighter they had made his life. He was not obsessive to
the point of self-destruction anymore, but he was still the same driven man that
ensnared those around him with his presence. Those that refused to part for his path
would be crushed and he did not feel any sympathy for them. He even would tear the
world as it was down if it was required. Still despite his dark, sinister and to
some evil actions, Harry would accomplish his desire and he found some happiness in
facilitating the desire and success of his responsibilities.
Dumbledore, Voldemort, the various ministers, and past Dark or Light Lords seemed to
overlook their minions and he found their reckless waste to be foolish. Even his
muggle employees were benefiting from the new regime. Given the Dursleys as well as
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how he was treated by them, he knew that his plans for his employees were far more
beneficial than casually discarding them when their current uses ended. Even if some
would call the boys and girls in his employ as whores, Harry did not plan to let
them rot once they were no longer able to pull clients. They would be able to play
thus exercising their hormones productively while also getting paid for it.
Therefore, when they wished to move onto careers that are more respectable, they
would be supported and allowed to do so. The money would allow them to get though
University for those who desired or to set up other ventures. That he would gain a
stake in those ventures as well as first crack at their professional employment was
beside the point.
‘Only a fool does not cultivate the means to succeed,’ Harry thought as his eyes
fluttered while he rest his head against Susan’s and inhaled her scent. ‘My
opposition is as wasteful as they are conceited. All of my resources will be used to
the best of their ability an allowed to flourish. I do not plan on any of my girls
being only bed warmers. Hermione, Alice, Anne, Su, Dora, and now these two have more
in their future and helping them realize their potential will be beneficial to us
all. The same can be said of Penny and those puppies back home. Voldemort and
Dumbledore may entice with promises, but unlike them, my minions will be rewarded
and protected. Loyalty deserves far more compensation than from fear or other
methods. While the bonds of love are harder to form, they are harder to break. It is
better to be loved than respected, respected than feared, and while respect is easy
to gain and fear easier they are also easier to lose.’
Susan and Hannah were rushing to make sure that they had no studying they had
forgotten since they had whiled away so much time after Harry and Hermione had
picked them up. The two had waked that morning snuggled to each other with those two
slowly working them up since they had spent the night absently rocking in them as
well as occasionally using the oil to make sure their lovers woke without wincing.
As they were recovering as well as soaked in sweat and other things from the night
before and this morning, the two forward Ravenclaws had pulled them to the shower
and proceeded to wash them inside and out much to their satisfaction.
Neither of them regretted things and the shower had been an experience. Susan had
been bracketed by Hermione and Hannah as they scrubbed her while Harry made sure she
had a thorough ravishing much to her knees going weak. It had not helped that once
they had rinsed the soap of that they had latched onto her proud and perky tits
while he had made sure all the soap was clear and his tongue had verified it before
making sure her lovely lips were stretched and they would stay sexily swollen for a
while. Hannah had the next inundation with soaping hands feeling her up before Harry
took her against the wall. Her friend had almost made her gag with how much of her
slightly smaller tit had been pressed into her mouth.
The two Hufflepuffs had been prepared for a lot of things when it was Hermione’s
turn and they did eagerly assist with first hands than lips and tongue. They had not
been prepared for both the positions chosen and the way Hermione had responded to
his handling her. They had found themselves kneeling next to Hermione while she
touched her toes and he slid into her. It had been the only way to reach her tits.
They had not been prepared for Hermione using their already tingling from before and
what they had seen open and still accommodating holes as hand grips. Eventually they
had found their heads lapping at Hermione’s just stretched apart lips while their
hands wandered over the three pairs of breasts with abandon. They had been wide eyes
with shock as they had then watched Hermione drench their face when Harry slowly
sunk into and slid inside her ass.
When he had pulled out of Hermione, she had sunk to her ass after he had sprayed her
off. She had worked his legs while prodding the two more recovered girls to see to
above his waist. Once he had been rinsed off, Hermione had pulled the two down to
assist in making sure he didn’t jump them for at least a little while. Hermione did
confide in them that Harry woke up ready and it normally took more than a few times
draining his balls before he was not prone to being visibly ready lately. With the
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three having an early morning snack, Harry made sure they were all rinsed off from
the last exertions before making it out to the varied breakfast in front of them.

After all that, they had spent the weekend sequestered in the room for the most
part. House elves or something provided food while they talked, discussed their
futures, and often enough stopped to drive them to a bit of sexual exhaustion. The
four switched about during things, but the girls were happy and eventually let out
back to their dorms. The only problem had been that while they had learned things,
most of it was not yet part of their schoolwork. Susan had been relaxed enough that
several things she had learned from her aunt were brought up discussed and debated.
While she doubted that her friends would be future Aurors, Susan was sure that her
Aunt Amelia would try to at least get them somewhat involved. There was little doubt
that the two were geniuses and also hard workers. She had little doubt that her
aunty would not try to get them to train or teach the recruits.
Hannah on the other hand had enjoyed things, but she didn’t have the same level of
impressive from her family. Oh, they had inquired to find out more than what she had
told them already; however, Susan had been the real one pumped for information in
more ways than one. Hannah did however have several options placed before her and a
guarantee that these two would ensure she didn’t fail to reach her full potential.
So here, they were rushing about after having woken on Monday morning after having
spent most of the weekend having orgasms or other fun.
“Suz,” Hannah said as she scrambled to pull her book bag together with her finished
assignments, “we have to hurry or we are going to be late.”
“I know that Han,” Susan said as she likewise rushed to get her schoolwork packed.
“I guess it is a good thing that they were insistent on us being as far ahead on our
homework as possible. We will need to do some cramming this evening to keep ahead,
but it is worth it. I have to admit I didn’t think that you would like some of those

“Yeah, well those two are very good at knowing things,” Hannah said with a blush as
she fondly recalled things. “I mean I had some notions that some of those things
would make me feel so wow, but I didn’t know how to say it. Still there was a few
things I hadn’t considered. I don’t regret any of it, and I doubt you do. So what do
we do now?”

“Well for right now we get to class quickly,” Susan said with a rushed breath as she
swung her bag over her shoulder. “If we hurry we might be able to swallow some food
on the way. Breakfast is almost over and I never asked those two were they got the
“True, enough I suppose,” Hannah said as they started out the common room entrance
and began to hurry towards the great hall in hopes of breakfast. “Something else to
ask them when we talk to them later, I think we might make it. I think all that
exercise helped out since I think we would have been panting sooner.”

“I suppose,” Susan replied as she snaked her friends hand in hers and started
running as she felt her friends racing as fast as hers was. “They probably know
where the kitchens are. I can still believe they cowed the Weasley Twins so they
likely got it out of those two pranksters.”
The two fell into silence as they sprinted down the halls making sharp turns at the
corridors. The two were grateful their skirts were long even if the speed they were
moving in was causing them to flutter about and the sharp turns caused what most
here would consider shocking amounts of thigh to show. They were trying not to stop
even if it seemed their skirts were blown up to show off a good piece of their bare
asses if anyone had looked.
“Pardon us, we need to hurry,” Susan said as they just missed running into some
other students milling about and unknowingly flashed a few of the girls their cheeks
and showed their lips with how the skirts were being pressed against them. “Sorry
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for this.”
They got further towards the great hall, when Susan felt Hannah start to move
differently. Quickly looking back, Susan realized what it was and that they had
barely cast a few charms to clean their clothes and bodies instead of taking time
for a shower and other things since they were in such a hurry.

“I knew we forgot something this morning,” Susan said as she shifted her heading for
the nearest girl’s bathroom. “How bad is it Han?”

“I really need to pee,” Hannah said as her movement seemed to be quick but her legs
were closer together. “How far away are we?”

“Not too far,” Susan replied before plowing over a jackass that was blocking the way
in. “Merlin’s balls, what kind of idiot boy blocks the door to a girl’s loo?”
She barely looked at the idiot. He was a Gryffindor boy and she absently noticed the
prefect badge, but didn’t care since she was starting to feel her own bladder
reminding her forcefully that she should not have forgotten this morning. When her
eyes were on the badge, Percival managed a look before his head fell down with a
thump. His head had angled up just in time to get a long glimpse up Susan’s skirt
and her lack of underclothing before his head had bounced against the ground. Hannah
had accidentally skidded and her shoe had gone straight between his legs making it a
losing battle and leaving the waste of space Weasley unconscious.
“My ex,” Penny said from where she sighed in relief that Percy had been knocked
down. “Jackass thought he could convince me by blocking the door when I need to go.
Hmm… it looks like your friend does as well. How about helping with a bit of revenge
on the wanker?”
Susan shot her a look not noticing that the twits head was directly under her skirt
after Hannah had bumped into her. She hadn’t noticed his face had contorted in pain
before smacking into the ground. Her eyes had darted to Penny and had noticed her
wand was just a twitch from her hand. She tried to process that they had rendered a
prefect even if he sounded like a jerk unconscious and another prefect wished a bit
of retribution on the nitwit.

“Sure,” Hannah chirped hoping she would get some relief from her bladder soon. “Can
it wait for us to pee first?”

“Actually,” Penny said with a very devious grin, “it can't as it involves
embarrassing him and that gives me an idea. I had hoped to hex him a bit, but I
think something more humiliating is in order. Besides, he was making sure we didn’t
get in there to pee…”
“Please tell me it’s not what I am thinking,” Susan managed to groan out. “While I
think showing up in class smelling of pee and most likely his clothes stained, I
don’t think we have enough time before class if we want to get some food in. Now if
you don’t mind we are going in there before we piss all over the floor!”
“I’ll show you where the kitchens are,” Penny blurted out. “Besides, it would be an
appropriate payback and he is an idiot.”
“Fine,” Susan conceded while looking to Hannah. “I know it might be embarrassing,
but I don’t think we can get out of it. So Han, would you mind pissing on the twit
that was blocking us?”
“Not really,” Hannah conceded as she fidgeted, “but does it have to be in the middle
of the hall like this. I mean anyone could stumble upon us.”
“Point,” Penny said before levitating the soon to be mortified Percival into an
alcove. “Out of sight, but he might get found out if he misses class.”

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“Alright, I do really need to go,” Hannah reluctantly conceded before looking at
him. “So where should I…?”

“Considering he is knocked out,” Susan sighed as she came to a conclusion, “you

could always piss on his face while, Prefect Clearwater stains his pants.”
“Excellent,” Penny cackled before crouching as close as she was willing to go to the
pathetic prick, flipping her skirt up, and letting her bladder loose. “Ah… that
feels good! Let’s see you talk your way out of this!”

“Hmm,” Hannah sighed out as she felt relief and part of her tingle at the risk of
being caught. “I take it he was a real jerk?”

“Oh, yeah,” Penny moaned out as she tried to make sure Percy would have a difficult
time getting this just charmed off. “I am so glad I dumped him. Unfortunately, he
doesn’t seem to get the hint. I moved on anyways, but I cannot believe I wasted so
much time trying to make something out of him. So what were your names again?”
“Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott is the one currently making sure he has issues for a
while,” Susan said while pointing first to herself then her friend. “So Miss
Prefect, what about the kitchens?”

“I did agree to show you them,” Penny conceded before helping Hannah away and
noticing that the girl was similarly garbed as she was, “but could I talk you into
pissing into his mouth? I will tell you all about the jerk over breakfast if you do,
and I will owe you a favor.”

“Fine,” Susan gritted out while squatting over his face before wondering how to get
his mouth open without touching the piss drenched face, “Hey Han, mind giving him a
jab since I don’t want to touch him?”
“Sure,” Hannah said before contemplating where to jab him before trying to kick him
between the legs. “I think that worked.”

Susan nodded as she twisted her lips in disgust as she had felt his breath touch
her. Trying to forget that, Susan tried to pee, but she was a bit off put by things.
She thought about it, but she couldn’t clench her muscles just right nor could she
push herself.

“A little help here,” Susan said embarrassed. “This is a bit different than
Hannah moved behind her friend as Susan’s hands were steadying her. Hannah flipped
her skirt up and pressed the upturned fabric against her blouse before she pressed
against her stomach to add pressure to her friend’s bladder. Susan was trying not to
react to the slop breaths that the idiot she had run over was blowing on her bare
sex. The pressure at least was starting to overcome how mortifying this was.
“Just close your eyes and forget everything else,” Hannah told her friend before she
was soon met with the sounds of pouring liquid. “That’s it Suz, just think about it
like using one of those eastern toilets like Su mentioned.”
Susan thought about it and the topic of Su Li was not one she was too sure on at
this point in time. The girl suspected that she was at least one of Harry and
Hermione’s other lovers. The girl had been spending most of the time they were
spotted in the library with the girl. There was a certain closeness present there
when one looked, but she could not fault them for it. They had managed to join the
three for some homework time in the library instead of wherever those two were
secluded in the castle. It had been an odd conversation, but the differences in
facilities had been brought up. She could not fault other countries using toilets
that were much less wasteful of water than the type favored here.
“Like that is what you wanted to talk to Su about that day,” Susan muttered as she
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shifted so that her stream remained going straight into his open mouth. “This is so
embarrassing. I so should see how you like being displayed like this…”

Soon enough, Hannah helped the slightly shaking and rather embarrassed Susan to her
feet. Casting a look toward the bathroom and something to wipe them clean with, they
smiled as they followed Penny inside. They didn’t even complain when the prefect
dabbed them dry before she did herself. None of them said anything about having
compared each other when their skirts had been up.
“So… about that Kitchen, Prefect Clearwater?” Susan asked once they were outside the
bathroom. “You said you would show us?”

“Right follow me,” Penny said before taking them by their hands and leading them to
the kitchen. “You can call me Penny when I am not on rounds or in private. You did
me a favor after all. A really big one considering how he doesn’t seem to be getting
the hint.”
The two shrugged and kept up with the almost skipping prefect. They really were
starting to think they had lucked out if someone this attractive had an ex that was
that bad. Susan already was certain that they were very fortunate. Sure, she knew
her housemates wouldn’t allow a girl to have a painful tearing and quick short fuck
most likely leaving the girl aroused but not having orgasmed. Still, Susan was
certain that Hannah would not have had as good a time with anyone else since her
friend had not anticipated the things that she had discovered got her fires lit.
Susan and Hannah were trying their best to memorize the main features on their way.
Being shown the way once without knowing how to find their way back was not as
helpful as one might think. It would be about as useful as having Prefect
Clearwater, just Penny Susan corrected herself, just go, and bring back some food.
It would have been a onetime relief.
Hannah was wondering about the girl. She now had something she was unsure about
telling Susan just yet. Sure, she had loved being watched by Harry and Susan, but
there was something different about the risk of someone finding them. She suspected
that doing things in front of her housemates would be less thrilling than the
riskier almost public actions. Still, Susan had accepted she liked to be put down at
times, such as talked badly to, spanked and embarrassed so she really shouldn’t
worry about her friend’s reactions to this new information.

“Now as I said,” Penny said as she led them to the portrait of the pear and tickled
it. “This is the kitchens. I will admit that this is far less than I owe you for the
embarrassment you helped me visit upon that limped needle dick of a wanker ex.”

Before the three could continue their discussion, they were surrounded by house
elves looking at them before one of them asked what they wanted. They had barely
spoken when they found themselves seated at a table with a very large amount of food
before them. Susan barely mentioned juice when a number of options were presented to
them. Looking at the prefect to judge how much time they had, the three girls
proceeded to eat somewhat quickly yet with less speed and more manners than the pig
they had witnessed too many times.
“Right, the disappointment is names Percival Weasley,” Penny said with especial
loathing on his name. “We tried dating, or at least I tried as he continuously
failed to be anything more than a micro dick, quick shot, and uncaring jackass!
There were other things, but his failure to even plan a date let alone the
monumental let down in his private actions pretty much through the ice on anything!”
“We really lucked out Suz,” Hannah said with a fervent nod of her head. “I can only
hope that you have someone better now. If not, we can see about introducing you to a
few people we know…”
“Han!’ Susan said indignantly. “Don’t make promises you can't keep. Sorry about
that, but while we are sharing a boyfriend and he is very satisfying, I am unsure
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how accommodating his schedule is. You could always ask a few of our housemates. I
don’t believe that there has ever been a rumor started by a Hufflepuff so you don’t
have to worry about any bragging like your embarrassment of an ex likely would have
“You do have a point,” Penny told them. “I had considered finding a nice Hufflepuff
for some cuddling and more, but I had a friend help me out. I had given her some
advice and it got her a good guy even if she has to share. I don’t think she minds

“Because she found out she likes both?” Hannah asked with a giggle and a look at
Susan. “We don’t have a problem with that…”

Hannah proved her point by giving Susan a rather unchaste kiss. They were soon
giggling while hugging each other at the look on Penny’s face. It was kind of fun
shocking people, and they supposed they could see the reasoning behind the pranks
those twins played. It was not as if they were being malicious about it. A laugh was
one thing, but if those two had crossed over to harassing students then Hufflepuff
likely would not have been as accommodating as it had been.

“As you can see,” Susan managed to finish amidst giggles. “So you have to share, but
I don’t think from the way you have responded that you have a problem with that and
that your friend likely finds you pleasant as well. We were rather certain that we
were too close to fight over a boy ever and we had already spent some time in the
dorms exploring each other. We don’t mind and it seems that your friends make you
happy. What more would be important to a Hufflepuff than that friends are happy?”

“You have a point, and a very important one at that,” Penny said as she looked the
two first years over. “I almost wish I had my head on like you two seem to when I
was your age. Now I think you two had best get to class before you distract me. I
doubt the professors would approve of a slip saying to excuse you from class to help
me out. I suppose it is just the usual case of the Mondays. I did get to spend a
good chunk of the weekend with friends and then classes with that twit bothering me
just put me off my game.”
“We won't tell,” Hannah said as she looked at Susan and then Penny. “Still we
appreciate your help as you appreciate ours. If it wasn’t for classes or the rather
tiring feeling we still have, I doubt either of us wouldn’t want to help our new
friend out.”

“Ah, but Han, Penny here did have an enjoyable weekend before the jerk showed up,”
Susan said as she pulled her friend up and drew the prefect into a mutual hug. “We
might have to compare stories about our friends. Oh, I will admit we both wish to
crow from the top of the Astronomy Tower how wonderful our weekend was as well as
who showed us such delights. Unfortunately, if we did that then the young man would
be inundated by horny witches. No, it is best to be a little selfish this time and
also respect his privacy.”
“Suz is forgetting to tell how difficult it was to gain his trust,” Hannah said
while giving the startled prefect a quick peck to the cheek. “You have your friends
to help and we have ours. I don’t think any of us would risk the complicated yet
thoroughly satisfying web of friendship we have now. Remind me to try to sound our
age when we are with our family as I think those two have slowly affected our
“You must admit that it is far better than being influenced by either of the
Weasleys whom are twits,” Susan replied before giving Penny her own quick kiss.
“Besides, how would we have found out what lovely language drives you into such a
passionate frenzy?”
Penny just blinked as Hannah went into a full body blush at that. Looking down, she
noticed that the elves had the floor very shiny and that it was definitely a full
body blush. Her eyebrow twitched when her view shifted as Hannah moved and realized
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Harry and Kiki- Tales of the boy Necromancer
why the two had been slightly squirming in their seats. The two were definitely off
to a better start than she had been, but a professional prefect always tried to
ensure the best for those under their care. It was to be much like how the
professors were supposed to act to help nurture and allow the students to flourish.
“Suz!” Hannah shrieked indignantly and she tried not to let the teasing get her
excited. “We have to get to class. So you had best not start things we don’t have
time to finish!”
“You’re right, Han,” Susan said with a pout. “We will see you later; give those
lovers of yours some loving from us.”

Penny stood there in shock as the two firsties bounded away to classes. She took a
very slow sniff of her drink. Her eyes blinked when she didn’t detect anything in
the juice to account for things. Her morning had been strange, but at least Percival
would suffer and she hoped humiliated. She hadn’t realized that she had found what
would normally have set her to mortification had been quite satisfying. She could
almost picture the look on his face on waking up with piss on his face, in his
mouth, and staining his meticulously cared for slacks.

“Definitely been one strange morning,” Penny said while the elves ignored the human
girl’s odd behavior, “a good but definitely odd day so far. I best get to class
Penny left the kitchen to head to her class with a lot of thoughts in her head. She
had done something out of the norm for her, but it had almost been as satisfying as
time with Sir. If he had taken her before droving her to an orgasm before, during,
or after that, Penny would have likely needed to be carried to bed to sleep off the
heady and potent feelings. If she couldn’t get Percival to lose his badge or other
things, Penny could still see about making him miserable. She might have to pay the
twit’s younger brothers a visit and offer something for them to prank the stick up
his ass wanker to submission. She likely could have gotten it for free if she had
thought to otherwise soak the git. Maybe she could find a curse to make him get
attracted to pissing cats and shitting birds. It would definitely ruin his image.


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