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Chapter # 14

International and Culturally Diverse

Aspects of Leadership
A Leadership Story:
• A group of workers and their leaders are set a task
of clearing a road through a dense jungle on a remote
island to get to the coast where an estuary provides
a perfect site for a port.
• The leaders organise the labour into efficient units and
monitor the distribution and use of capital assets –
progress is excellent. The leaders continue to monitor and
evaluate progress, making adjustments along the way to
ensure the progress is maintained and efficiency
increased wherever possible.
• Then, one day amidst all the hustle and bustle and activity,
one person climbs up a nearby tree. The person surveys
the scene from the top of the tree.
Great Leaders
 Live with integrity, lead by example
 develop a winning strategy or “big idea”
 build a great management team
 inspire employees to greatness
 create a flexible, responsive organization
 use reinforcing management systems
Great Leaders
 passionate about what they do
 love to talk about it
 high energy
 clarity of thinking
 communicate to diverse audience
 work through people (empowering)
Work Force Trends
• The average age of the work force is
• White males now constitute less than 50
percent of the work force
• An increasing number of new entrants into
the work force are women and people of
Work Force Trends
• The average age of the work force is
• White males now constitute less than 50
percent of the work force
• An increasing number of new entrants into
the work force are women and people of
Work Force Trends
• The average age of the work force is
• White males now constitute less than 50
percent of the work force
• An increasing number of new entrants into
the work force are women and people of
Work Force Trends
• The average age of the work force is
• White males now constitute less than 50
percent of the work force
• An increasing number of new entrants into
the work force are women and people of
Advantages of Managing for
• Reduction of turnover and absenteeism
• Offers a marketing advantage
• Advantage in recruiting and retaining
talented people
• Unlocks the potential for excellence
• A creativity advantage and improved
problem-solving and decision-making
Multicultural Leader
• A leader with skills and attitudes to relate
effectively to and motivate people across
race, gender, age, social attitudes, and
Dimensions of Individual Values
European Styles of Management
• A greater orientation toward people
• A higher level of internal negotiation
• Greater skill in managing international
• Ability to manage between extremes
Malaysian Managers
• Emphasize collective well-being
(collectivism) and display a strong humane
• The culture discourages aggressive,
confrontational behavior, preferring
harmonious relationships
Culturally Sensitive Leader
• Willing to acquire knowledge about local
• Willing to learn to speak the language
• Patient
• Adaptable
• Flexible
• Willing to listen and learn
Multicultural Worker
• Convinced that all cultures are equally
• Enjoys learning about other cultures
• Usually has been exposed to more than
one culture in childhood
Problems of Cultural
• Language differences
• Work habit differences
• Differences in women’s roles
• Differences in personal appearance and
Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

… an outsider’s ability to interpret

someone’s unfamiliar and ambiguous
gestures the way that person’s
compatriots would.
Facets of Cultural
Intelligence (CQ)
• Cognitive CQ (head)
• Physical CQ (body)
• Emotional/motivational CQ (heart)
Global Leadership Skills
• Behavioral complexity that allows the
leader to attain corporate profitability and
productivity, continuity and efficiency,
commitment and morale, and adaptability
and innovation
• Stewardship
• Ability to satisfy three metavalues
including: community, pleasure, and
Global Leadership Skills
• Cultural sensitivity
• Culturally adventurous
• Good command of a second language
Cultural Diversity Initiatives
• Hold managers accountable for achieving
• Establish minority recruitment, retention,
and mentoring programs
Cultural Diversity Initiatives
• Conduct diversity training
• Encourage the development of employee
• Avoid group characteristics when hiring for
person-organization fit
Inter-Cultural Training

A set of learning experiences

designed to help employees
understand the customs, traditions,
and beliefs of another language
The Multicultural Organization

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