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Date of MeetingTime of Meeting Venue of Meeting

10/09/2010 9.30 am School, Media Room

Dominique, Michaela, Jessica and Emily
Minutes and Actions
Minutes- During this meeting we decided that we wanted to
make our music video to Katy Perry- Teenage Dream. We then created
some ideas as to what we could include in our video for example,
an older couple reversing time to when they were younger and making
our video seem like animation by recording a puzzle then pausing the
camera to move the pieces together, we would then need to edit the
footage to make it seem like it was flowing. Also, we planned our
location which is Brighton as Brighton is known for it's night life and
we could use the beach as a romantic setting.
Action- Before our next meeting we will decide who will act in our
music video and we will need to think of more ideas we could use in
our video.

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