A Cardio Workout That Burns Body Fat Like Mad

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A Cardio Workout that Burns Body Fat Like Mad!

If you have been researching the topic of burning body fat with cardio, you
have most likely noticed two types of cardio being pushed.

Target Heart Rate Cardio: This is also referred to as steady state cardio.
The idea is to do cardio for an extended period of time at a steady rate. The
intensity level is low, as this is shown to burn fat for fuel.
High Intensity Interval Training: Also known as HIIT, this is a way of
alternating intense efforts for a period of time with lower efforts for a period
of time. This is done in alternating fashion usually between 10-20 minutes.
The benefit is this burns a lot of calories in a short period of time and
increases HGH allowing your body to burn fat all day long.

There have been "heated" arguments for years over which

type of cardio works the best for Burning Stubborn Body Fat.
I say, combine them both for maximum effect!
I have been doing a fat burning routine for over 8 years that combines Steady
State Cardio with High Intensity Interval Training in a very specific manner.
I believe this will help you get as lean as you desire, because it targets body
fat in a very direct and immediate fashion.

Cutting Edge fitness author, Lyle McDonald, calls this routine the
"Stubborn Fat Protocol" due to its ability to burn body fat in "problem
areas". It works well to burn lower body fat on women and abdominal
fat on men.

I challenge you to find a more effective Cardio Workout!

The Stubborn Fat Protocol Explained

The workout is easy to remember and it is basic, but the explanation of why it
works so well is where it really shines!
1) Done under a "Fasted State" either in the morning or 5 hours after eating
2) Take 200mg caffeine 30 minutes before your workout
3) 5-10 minutes of a low intensity warmup
4) 10 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training
5) Rest for 5 minutes to allow fatty acids to be released into the bloodstream
6) 20-40 minutes of Steady State Cardio done at medium to low intensity.
This is what is going to use those released fatty acids for

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