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ChllJ - 5t Theresa's Convent 2010 Plroto Order Form fcr 6raduating Classes

COLLrCTION DATE, TltVlE AND VENUE: L" October 2010 from tOam to 2prn at the canteen
Flease fill in all fields marl<ed with * and submit the form and payrnent during the ordering process

Name of Pupll: * Rasiqfor l\lrrmhpr x Class: *

ease place your order by writing the quantity nee

Flease needed in the appropriate boxes below
It€m Descriptions Price Quantity >uD I oral

1 5R size Fcrmal class laminated photograph with single fold full colour fslder 5

5R size Informal class laminated photograph with single fold full colourfolder $

? 5R size Fun class larninated photograph with single fold full colour folder $3.s0
8R size Forrnal claEs laminated photograph with names of pupils & teacher $6.00
8R size Informal class larninated photograph with artwork $o.oo J

8R size Fun class laminated photograph with artwork S6.oo

7. Montage of laminated class formal photo with individual portrait at A4 size s10.00
Individual portrait photo 5R size $:.oo
9. Passport size photo 6pcs of individual portrait 53.00 $

6R size Buddy photo
Circle the requested photo{s}

'1',1'icl- (" nn

Credit card size Fridge Magnet I

p z.1u
,L,t. Buddy photograph J A b (5 Y' >

Circle the requested photo(s) ;

8R size Buddy flrontage photograph with lamination $7.00

Grad Special Package: {Valued at $25)

Comes with an Exclusive A4 size folder
r laminated A4 size Montage of class formal photo with individual portrait
l" x
522.00 $
c l- set of laminated 5R size class informal and fun photos in a folder
r l" x 5R size individual portrait photo
o 6pcs of passport size individual portrait photos

Grad Deluxe Paekage: {Valued at"537}

Comes with an [xciusive 44 size folder
r l- x larninated A4 size Montage of class formal photo with individual portrait
1A o L set of laminated 8R size class informal and fun photos 534"00
o 1 x 8R size Buddy fvlontage photograph with lamination
r individual portrait photo
l" x 5R size
. 6pcs of passport size individual portrait photos

Total: 5

2010 CCA Fhots Order Fr:rm for CHIJ - 5t Theresa's Convent

lrJame: " Class: * CCA Group: *

Item Descriptions P rice Qu a ntity 5ub Total

A 5R size Formal CCA photo with folder \< \tt

5R size Fun CCA photo with folder

C 8R size Formal CCA photo with laminatisn $e .oo

8R size Fun CCA photo with lamination >b.UU

I uadl-

Momento Pictures

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