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—— origami PAPER AIRPLANES Didier Boursin Origami | pet Alnlanes | FIREFLY BOoKs A Fiaerty Boow ty Books Lie 2001 Copyright. © Dasssin & Tole HER 2000 se papier Larousse. ‘Al eight served No part ofthis publation may Be reproduces sn a reieval System er teareritad in any form by arg mes earenic mechanical photoranyg recording Gr othe, AoW 2 pror wirtien permenan of the Pubisher First Prnsimg 2000 US. Carsegingio-Publicasion Data {Libary of Congress Scandzrds) Boursn. Dedet raga arglanes / Dir Boursin. “I ae [64] ps elise. Summary. 28 orgarn cieugne of SAN: | 55208-6185 (paper) ISBN: |-55009-267 (bourd) 1. Origa 2. Pager anplanes. 3 Paper ork Tals. 748592. 21 2001 and fang ebjers Publchedtn the Unnied States im 2000 by FFrafly Books (US) In: 1 Box 1336, Elientt Station ‘ite, Mew York, 14305 Photography Caches Studio Fabree Beste hata Stying: Dicier Bours andi Saris Rey Beck ang etude ahota (p-). Guileursa and Ante phto by Didier Geaphe Design (cover intence desig. dasrams) Nicolas Prous fediiee Youre Dulnarral Ecitanal Director: Gaherre FrandeDandres Tectrizal cosceinepen: Niggas Perrier Protoengganng Nord Campo “prsizven ard Origami contaitator: Joon Red Petes! and curd in Canada by Fresers, Altona, Mantoba Acknowledgments I ante ts unk ip bp arrctig of erin corners of the wid Dacause paperfaling 4 2 eae Lnesk tea eresters ro have demons ther fancdp by using a wih ther model Fur France Miche! Rey andi Nicolas Besudiee Fer the Urited Sratex Stephen Was Far Japaneses nous “Tharls to Secsuka for adie “Thanks to Fabrice Basse, my eccomplice, fore phot. Bovrsin ‘ational Library of Canada Cataloguing Publicsion Os Beurse, Deter ‘Ongar arpienes SSRN: | 35208-6165 (espe) Igans |-$5008-626-7 (poundh Inerture, 7, Paner aislanes [se | Ongen-ts r45.5e2 TTETABAa? 20 (2001-9307 Fblahed 9 Canada's 2001 ty Frafly Baoks Lid. S680 Victoria Park Avs ‘Walowdle, Oriana Mak 3K! | asa vith to tharleall these whe fmm nar om far Fase ceremuragies ma my venture Paul aches, Nick icbinso, Steve od Megan) Bette (Great Stan}, Rober’ Nowe (Unie States Sarensa Hayaes, Kone Mura andi Hod! fur (japan), Caries Poraron Gan, Lend fbertina, Sava Ra (race) ‘You may send your commanis and persone) Experaricas 0 = Cir Bours Bouniqua Sctuko et Cider True Saie-Cronede a Bretonne ne, 75004 Panis

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