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Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3

Bahasa Inggeris

1 hour



Name: ________________________________ Date: _____________

Class: ___________________


1. This paper consists of 6 printed pages.

2. This paper consists of four sections which are Section A, Section B, Section
C and Section D.
3. Pupils must answer all questions in each section.

Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3

Questions 1 – 6
Name the places that are found in your home.

___________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

Questions 7 – 10
Circle the correct answer.

7. I wash myself in the

A. kitchen 9. We watch television in our
B. bathroom A. storeroom
C. Living room B. study room
C. living room
8. Mrs Anand cooks curry in the
A. kitchen 10. Father keeps his hammer in the
B. bedroom A. study room
C. storeroom B. storeroom
C. bedroom
Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3

Questions 11 – 20
Change these singular nouns into plural nouns.

11. hen _______________ 16. ant _______________

12. bear _______________

17. spider _______________

13. house _______________

18. bedroom _______________

14. bee _______________

19. stable _______________

15. dress _______________

20. class _______________

Questions 21 – 32
Circle the correct answers.

It was ____21____ school holidays. We went to Indonesia for ___22___ holiday. We

flew on ___23___ aeroplane. First, we visited Jakarta. ___24___ city was big. Next, we went
to Bandung. We rode in ___25___ van from Jakarta to Bandung. ___26___ trip took more than
___27___ hour.
In Bandung, there were many shops. We visited ___28___ largest one called Bandung
Plaza. In this plaza, we bought ___29___ bag, ___30___ wallet and ___31___ ukulele. On
___32___ last day, we went to the airport for our flight back to Kuala Lumpur.

21. Aa B an C the 25. Aa B an C the

22. Aa B an C the 26. Aa B an C the
23. Aa B an C the 27. Aa B an C the
24. Aa B an C the 28. Aa B an C the
Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3

29. Aa B an C the 31. Aa B an C the

30. Aa B an C the 32. Aa B an C the

Questions 33 – 38
Rewrite the capital letters correctly.

33. i cannot go swimming because i have tuition classes.


34. najim and his brothers love eating durians from Pahang.


35. the typhoon struck Myanmar.


36. have you watched the movie ‘kung fu panda’?


37. the segar chess club meets every tuesday and friday.


38. amanda invited daniel and faisal to a party.


Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3

Questions 39 – 44
Write True or False.

39. A kitten is missing. ___________

40. Someone has lost a puppy. ___________

41. The animal is called Patches. ___________

42. It has a gold ring around its neck. ___________

43. The owner has two telephone numbers. ___________

Questions 44 – 50
Rearrange these words to form correct sentences.

44. and its kitten are The cat basket. sleeping in a


45. and a lives in a stable sheep lives in a pen. A horse


46. My his father tools in keeps all his storeroom.


47. are this house. three bedroom in There

Monthly Test (February 2010) SK BANDAR BINTANGOR Bahasa Inggeris Year 3


48. We living put in our room. our sofa


49. bath my in take I bathroom. This


50. sheep and A grass. eat a goat


-Question paper end–

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