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Chauncey’s at Twin Cedars

General Meeting of Home Owners

Next Meeting Date: 10/12/2010
Meeting Place: The Forks Cafeteria in Wake Forest
Time: 07:30 PM

Neighborhood Note:
Greetings to all the Chauncey home owners. I hope everyone enjoyed a great summer filled with lots of
fun and relaxing vacations. It’s time once again to hold a general homeowners meeting. This meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday October 10th at 7:30PM at the Forks Cafeteria. Please plan to attend.

This meeting we have an important announcement to make. Paul Smith, Fred Blinne, and Jim
McWilliams and are announcing that we are stepping down as President, Treasurer and Officer at Large
of the Chauncey’s at Twin Cedars HOA effective at the end of the HOA meeting on 10/12/2010. Fred,
Jim and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks in the community that have supported
us over the years and helped get the Chauncey HOA off the ground. We also want to thank those that
have provided constructive criticism or were not in favor of the HOA as it made us think through things
more carefully and ultimately make better decisions.

We believe the Chauncey’s at Twin Cedars HOA organization has made a positive contribution to our
community and hope that others feel the same way. All three of us have filled these positions for over 3
and half years. We all feel it is time to step aside and let new officers and leadership take on these rolls in
helping our community be the best it can be.

Another important topic will be the discussion of reducing the Annual dues from $120.00 to $100.00.
This is possible due to the increased participation we experienced this past year from home owners. For
2009-2010 year we had 47 owners contribute to the HOA fund for entrance maintenance and projects.


1. Review and approval of last meetings minutes.

2. Statement of HOA financials by treasurer
3. Architectural committee’s general status
4. Status from the Welcome package committee
5. Discuss the formation of a Garden Committee
6. Update on the community watch program
7. Discuss 2010 / 2011 Budget and annual dues
8. Discussion of projects for next year
9. Discuss nominations for election of ALL Officers of the Chauncey’s at Twin Cedars HOA
10. Open discussion for new and other business


Paul Smith
President of the Chauncey’s HOA

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