Questions For SOFT RAINS

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Name Date Class

Holt Anthology of Science Fiction

There Will Come Soft Rains

Ray Bradbury
Think About It!
Answer the following questions after reading this story in the
Holt Anthology of Science Fiction.

1. What seems to have happened in Allandale, California,

before this story takes place? Support your explanation with
evidence from the story.

Holt Anthology of Science Fiction

Name Date Class

There Will Come Soft Rains, continued

2. What is appropriate about the poem read by the house?

Holt Anthology of Science Fiction

Name Date Class

There Will Come Soft Rains, continued

3. This story is set in the future. How can you tell it was written
in the past?

4. Do you think technology makes our lives easier or makes our

lives more difficult? Support your opinion with examples
from your own life.

Holt Anthology of Science Fiction

Name Date Class

There Will Come Soft Rains, continued

5. Design your own house of the future. What services will it

provide? What will you continue to do for yourself?

Holt Anthology of Science Fiction


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