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Coworking: Creating a sustainable city

Coworking is more than just a distributed-working model. It’s a philosophy and an exercise in
community-building. Coworking offers numerous opportunities to implement
sustainability/greening initiatives in the workplace. Coworking also helps address several of the
objectives proposed in the Greenest City action plans and programs. Here, we focus on the following
aspects – affordability, sustainability, diversity, focus on the creative city/creative economy, and
local economic development.

So how does coworking fit into the “Greenest City in the World by 2020″ proposed by Vancouver
Mayor Gregor Robertson?

By sharing offices and resources with each other, the cost of rent for each business is brought down
significantly.   The community built in at a coworking space provides more than workspace, it
provides smart solutions and networking opportunities with other businesses in the same space. As
cost of doing business and real estate increases, coworking helps lower the pressure of inflation by
spreading the cost of acquiring a professional space to work.

Sharing resources among businesses means we cut down a significant amount of wastes compared
to if each businesses set out to have their own office space.  From paper, utility, napkins and
supplies – a community sharing resources to cut down waste helps set the foundation for a
micro sustainable micro-city in each coworking space.  Bikes are encouraged mode of transportation
and most coworking spaces such as ours have installed showers for people who bike to work.

Freelancers, startups, small businesses and entrepreneurs from various backgrounds and phases are
found in coworking spaces, the diversity is vast but that’s not all that is exciting – it is the innovation
and mutual inspiration that comes with diversity that is particularly important for a sustainable and
creative city.  The brain power that arises from bringing like-minded folks from diverse professions
together in one place is powerful.
Productivity isn’t the only significant benefit developed as a result of coworking, there is also an
increase of creative input.  Diversity of skills in one room is a unique strength of coworking.
Freelancers, entrepreneurs, small business owners collaborate on joint projects, consult each other
and have even started companies together.

By creating an affordable, flexible and smart space for people to work from,  coworking nurtures
and breeds a collaborative culture within the space. The collaborative culture gives rise to a
community – strangers becomes coworkers who share ideas and interest with each other.
Professional and personal relationships are built from working with other businesses in the same
space. This gives each coworking member a powerful network of professional and personal
resources through the other members of the coworking space.  The flexibility in lease agreement
gives breathing room to new businesses uncertain of their financial situations and alleviates the
tremendous amount of stress that comes with a long term iron-clad contract.  Coworking breeds a
collaborative community that supports each other and more importantly, it nurtures businesses that
grows up and give back to the local economy through jobs and investments.

At The Network Hub we have provided a launch pad for more than forty companies during our 4.5
years of existence and our involvement in the local freelance/entrepreneur/tech communities is well-
known. We enjoy building community and look forward to continue our work in strengthening the
local entrepreneurial community.

Why is coworking good for a city? A Cowo® presentation.

Read more about coworking from Dr. Raul Pacheco-Vega:

 The Importance Of Mentoring In A Coworking Space

 Shared Caffeine? Coworking And Community Building Around Coffee Breaks
 Thinking About Guiding Principles For Coworking Spaces
 Coworking And Knowledge Spillovers: When Does Being In Close Proximity Help?

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