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Memoir Editing Checklist Editor’s Name: ________________________

Use this checklist to edit your own work. Then, have a second pair of eyes edit it and
provide feedback. Finally, type up a good copy with your changes and read it over.

___ ___ creative title?
___ ___ proper title page?
___ ___ good copy in 12 font Times New Roman?
___ ___ Is the memoir at least a page in length?

___ ___ does the memoir have a topic sentence that grabs the reader’s interest?
___ ___ does the memoir’s topic sentence state the topic of the story?
___ ___ the people in the story are described well.
___ ___ the setting in the story has been described well (dates, weather, location etc.)
___ ___ the writer has used imagery throughout the memoir to capture the moment well.
___ ___ the concluding sentence leaves the reader with a final thought, message or
___ ___ the story flows and makes sense.
___ ___ mood(s) established through character’s actions, dialogue and setting.

___ ___ there are no sentence fragments.
___ ___ there are no run-on sentences.
___ ___ commas have been used correctly.
___ ___ paragraphs have been used when there is a change in topic/scene.
___ ___ paragraphs are indented.
___ ___ the spelling is correct. I have used spell check on my computer.
___ ___ word usage is correct.
___ ___ any dialogue has been written correctly by indenting and using quotation marks
___ ___ all punctuation has been used correctly.
___ ___ proper capitalization has been used (I, beginnings of sentences, names, etc.)

Suggestions for improvement:

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